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Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe was born on January 19, 1809, in Boston. Poe’s father and mother, both professional actors, died before the poet was three years old, and John and Frances Allan raised him as a foster child in Richmond, Virginia. John Allan, a prosperous tobacco exporter, sent Poe to the best boarding schools and, later, to the University of Virginia, where Poe excelled academically. After less than one year of school, however, he was forced to leave the university when Allan refused to pay Poe’s gambling debts.

Poe returned briefly to Richmond, but his relationship with Allan deteriorated. In 1827, Poe moved to Boston and enlisted in the United States Army. His first collection of poems, Tamerlane, and Other Poems  (George Redway), was published that year. In 1829, he published a second collection entitled Al Aaraaf, Tamerlane, and Minor Poems  (Hatch & Dunning). Neither volume received significant critical or public attention. Following his Army service, Poe was admitted to the United States Military Academy, but he was again forced to leave for lack of financial support. He then moved into the home of his aunt Maria Clemm and her daughter, Virginia, in Baltimore.

Poe began to sell short stories to magazines at around this time, and, in 1835, he became the editor of the Southern Literary Messenger in Richmond, where he moved with his aunt and cousin Virginia. In 1836, he married Virginia, who was thirteen years old at the time. Over the next ten years, Poe would edit a number of literary journals including the Burton’s Gentleman’s Magazine and Graham’s Magazine in Philadelphia and the Broadway Journal in New York City. It was during these years that he established himself as a poet, a short story writer, and an editor. He published some of his best-known stories and poems, including “The Fall of the House of Usher,” “The Tell-Tale Heart,” “The Murders in the Rue Morgue,” and “The Raven.” After Virginia’s death from tuberculosis in 1847, Poe’s lifelong struggle with depression and alcoholism worsened. He returned briefly to Richmond in 1849 and then set out for an editing job in Philadelphia. For unknown reasons, he stopped in Baltimore. On October 3, 1849, he was found in a state of semi-consciousness. Poe died four days later of “acute congestion of the brain.” Evidence by medical practitioners who reopened the case has shown that Poe may have been suffering from rabies.

Poe’s work as an editor, poet, and critic had a profound impact on American and international literature. His stories mark him as one of the originators of both horror and detective fiction. Many anthologies credit him as the “architect” of the modern short story. He was also one of the first critics to focus primarily on the effect of style and structure in a literary work; as such, he has been seen as a forerunner to the “art for art’s sake” movement. French Symbolists such as Stéphane Mallarmé and Arthur Rimbaud claimed him as a literary precursor. Charles  Baudelaire spent nearly fourteen years translating Poe into French. Today, Poe is remembered as one of the first American writers to become a major figure in world literature.

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Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe was a writer and critic famous for his dark, mysterious poems and stories, including “The Raven,” “Annabel Lee,” and “The Tell-Tale Heart.”

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Who Was Edgar Allan Poe?

Quick facts, army and west point, writing career as a critic and poet, poems: “the raven” and “annabel lee”, short stories, legacy and museum.

FULL NAME: Edgar Allan Poe BORN: January 19, 1809 DIED: October 7, 1849 BIRTHPLACE: Boston, Massachusetts SPOUSE: Virginia Clemm Poe (1836-1847) ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Capricorn

Edgar Allan Poe was born Edgar Poe on January 19, 1809, in Boston. Edgar never really knew his biological parents: Elizabeth Arnold Poe, a British actor, and David Poe Jr., an actor who was born in Baltimore. His father left the family early in Edgar’s life, and his mother died from tuberculosis when he was only 2.

Separated from his brother, William, and sister, Rosalie, Poe went to live with his foster parents, John and Frances Allan, in Richmond, Virginia. John was a successful tobacco merchant there. Edgar and Frances seemed to form a bond, but he had a more difficult relationship with John.

By age 13, Poe was a prolific poet, but his literary talents were discouraged by his headmaster and by John, who preferred that young Edgar follow him in the family business. Preferring poetry over profits, Poe reportedly wrote poems on the back of some of Allan’s business papers.

miles george, thomas goode tucker, and edgar allan poe

Money was also an issue between Poe and John. Poe went to the University of Virginia in 1826, where he excelled in his classes. However, he didn’t receive enough money from John to cover all of his costs. Poe turned to gambling to cover the difference but ended up in debt.

He returned home only to face another personal setback—his neighbor and fiancée Sarah Elmira Royster had become engaged to someone else. Heartbroken and frustrated, Poe moved to Boston.

In 1827, around the time he published his first book, Poe joined the U.S. Army. Two years later, he learned that his mother, Frances, was dying of tuberculosis, but by the time he returned to Richmond, she had already died.

While in Virginia, Poe and his father briefly made peace with each other, and John helped Poe get an appointment to the United States Military Academy at West Point. Poe excelled at his studies at West Point, but he was kicked out after a year for his poor handling of his duties.

During his time at West Point, Poe had fought with John, who had remarried without telling him. Some have speculated that Poe intentionally sought to be expelled to spite his father, who eventually cut ties with Poe.

After leaving West Point, Poe published his third book and focused on writing full-time. He traveled around in search of opportunity, living in New York City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Richmond. In 1834, John Allan died, leaving Poe out of his will, but providing for an illegitimate child Allan had never met.

Poe, who continued to struggle living in poverty, got a break when one of his short stories won a contest in the Baltimore Saturday Visiter . He began to publish more short stories and, in 1835, landed an editorial position with the Southern Literary Messenger in Richmond. Poe developed a reputation as a cut-throat critic, writing vicious reviews of his contemporaries. His scathing critiques earned him the nickname the “Tomahawk Man.”

His tenure at the magazine proved short, however. Poe’s aggressive reviewing style and sometimes combative personality strained his relationship with the publication, and he left the magazine in 1837. His problems with alcohol also played a role in his departure, according to some reports.

Poe went on to brief stints at Burton’s Gentleman’s Magazine , Graham’s Magazine , as well as The Broadway Journal , and he also sold his work to Alexander’s Weekly Messenger , among other journals.

In 1844, Poe moved to New York City. There, he published a news story in The New York Sun about a balloon trip across the Atlantic Ocean that he later revealed to be a hoax. His stunt grabbed attention, but it was his publication of “The Raven,” in 1845, that made Poe a literary sensation.

That same year, Poe found himself under attack for his stinging criticisms of fellow poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow . Poe claimed that Longfellow, a widely popular literary figure, was a plagiarist, which resulted in a backlash against Poe.

Despite his success and popularity as a writer, Poe continued to struggle financially, and he advocated for higher wages for writers and an international copyright law.

Poe self-published his first book, Tamerlane and Other Poems , in 1827. His second poetry collection, Al Aaraaf, Tamerlane, and Minor Poems , was published in 1829.

As a critic at the Southern Literary Messenger in Richmond from 1835 to 1837, Poe published some of his own works in the magazine, including two parts of his only novel, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym . Later on came poems such as “Ulalume” and “The Bells.”

“The Raven”

Poe’s poem “The Raven,” published in 1845 in the New York Evening Mirror , is considered among the best-known poems in American literature and one of the best of Poe’s career. An unknown narrator laments the demise of his great love Lenore and is visited by a raven, who insistently repeats one word: “Nevermore.” In the work, which consists of 18 six-line stanzas, Poe explored some of his common themes: death and loss.

“Annabel Lee”

This lyric poem again explores Poe’s themes of death and loss and might have been written in memory of his beloved wife, Virginia, who died two years prior its publication. The poem was published on October 9, 1849, two days after Poe’s death, in the New York Tribune .

In late 1830s, Poe published Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque , a collection of short stories. It contained several of his most spine-tingling tales, including “The Fall of the House of Usher,” “Ligeia,” and “William Wilson.”

In 1841, Poe launched the new genre of detective fiction with “The Murders in the Rue Morgue.” His literary innovations earned him the nickname “Father of the Detective Story.” A writer on the rise, he won a literary prize in 1843 for “The Gold Bug,” a suspenseful tale of secret codes and hunting treasure.

“The Black Cat”

Poe’s short story “The Black Cat” was published in 1843 in The Saturday Evening Post . In it, the narrator, a one-time animal lover, becomes an alcoholic who begins abusing his wife and black cat. By the macabre story’s end, the narrator observes his own descent into madness as he kills his wife, a crime his black cat reports to the police. The story was later included in the 1845 short story collection, Tales by Edgar Allan Poe .

Later in his career, Poe continued to work in different forms, examining his own methodology and writing in general in several essays, including “The Philosophy of Composition,” “The Poetic Principle,” and “The Rationale of Verse.” He also produced the thrilling tale, “The Cask of Amontillado.”

virginia clemm poe

From 1831 to 1835, Poe lived in Baltimore, where his father was born, with his aunt Maria Clemm and her daughter Virginia. He began to devote his attention to Virginia; his cousin became his literary inspiration as well as his love interest. The couple married in 1836 when she was only 13 years old and he was 27.

In 1847, at the age of 24—the same age when Poe’s mother and brother also died—Virginia passed away from tuberculosis. Poe was overcome by grief following her death, and although he continued to work, he suffered from poor health and struggled financially until his death in 1849.

Poe died on October 7, 1849, in Baltimore at age 40.

His final days remain somewhat of a mystery. Poe left Richmond on ten days earlier, on September 27, and was supposedly on his way to Philadelphia. On October 3, he was found in Baltimore in great distress. Poe was taken to Washington College Hospital, where he died four days later. His last words were “Lord, help my poor soul.”

At the time, it was said that Poe died of “congestion of the brain.” But his actual cause of death has been the subject of endless speculation. Some experts believe that alcoholism led to his demise while others offer up alternative theories. Rabies, epilepsy, and carbon monoxide poisoning are just some of the conditions thought to have led to the great writer’s death.

Shortly after his passing, Poe’s reputation was badly damaged by his literary adversary Rufus Griswold. Griswold, who had been sharply criticized by Poe, took his revenge in his obituary of Poe, portraying the gifted yet troubled writer as a mentally deranged drunkard and womanizer. He also penned the first biography of Poe, which helped cement some of these misconceptions in the public’s minds.

Although Poe never had financial success in his lifetime, he has become one of America’s most enduring writers. His works are as compelling today as they were more than a century ago. An innovative and imaginative thinker, Poe crafted stories and poems that still shock, surprise, and move modern readers. His dark work influenced writers including Charles Baudelaire , Fyodor Dostoyevsky, and Stephane Mallarme.

The Baltimore home where Poe stayed from 1831 to 1835 with his aunt Maria Clemm and her daughter, Poe’s cousin and future wife Virginia, is now a museum. The Edgar Allan Poe House offers a self-guided tour featuring exhibits on Poe’s foster parents, his life and death in Baltimore, and the poems and short stories he wrote while living there, as well as memorabilia including his chair and desk.

  • The death of a beautiful woman is unquestionably the most poetical topic in the world.
  • Lord, help my poor soul.
  • Sound loves to revel near a summer night.
  • But as, in ethics, evil is a consequence of good, so, in fact, out of joy is sorrow born. Either the memory of past bliss is the anguish of to-day, or the agonies which are have their origin in the ecstasies which might have been.
  • They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.
  • The boundaries which divide life from death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends, and where the other begins?
  • With me poetry has been not a purpose, but a passion; and the passions should be held in reverence; they must not—they cannot at will be excited, with an eye to the paltry compensations, or the more paltry commendations, of mankind.
  • And now—have I not told you that what you mistake for madness is but over-acuteness of the senses?—now, I say, there came to my ears a low, dull, quick sound, such as a watch makes when enveloped in cotton. I knew that sound well, too. It was the beating of the old man’s heart.
  • All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.
  • I have no faith in human perfectibility. I think that human exertion will have no appreciable effect upon humanity. Man is now only more active—not more happy—nor more wise, than he was 6000 years ago.
  • [I]f you wish to forget anything upon the spot, make a note that this thing is to be remembered.
  • Beauty of whatever kind, in its supreme development, invariably excites the sensitive soul to tears.

Edgar Allan Poe

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Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven”

Published by Elinor Alexis Brooks Modified over 8 years ago

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The Mysterious Death of Edgar Allan Poe

This essay is about the mysterious death of Edgar Allan Poe on October 7, 1849. It explores the circumstances leading up to his death, including his discovery in a delirious state on the streets of Baltimore, and his subsequent hospitalization. Various theories about the cause of his death are discussed, including cooping (a form of electoral fraud), rabies, alcoholism, and other possible factors like heart disease or murder. The essay highlights the lack of definitive evidence, noting that Poe’s medical records and death certificate were lost. Ultimately, Poe’s mysterious death adds to his legacy as a master of macabre literature.

How it works

Edgar Allan Poe, a figure shrouded in enigma within American literary circles, departed from this mortal coil under veils of uncertainty that persist to this very epoch. Born unto this world in the annum of 1809, Poe carved a niche for himself through the crafting of tales steeped in macabre and Gothic allure, such as “The Tell-Tale Heart” and “The Fall of the House of Usher.” However, the lamentable cessation of his existence in 1849 remains ensconced within a labyrinth of theories and conjectures, rendering it one of the most beguiling unsolved enigmas in the annals of literary chronicles.

Upon the third day of October in the annum of 1849, Poe was discovered in a state of delirium upon the thoroughfares of Baltimore, Maryland. His discovery occurred proximate to a tavern and polling precinct recognized as Ryan’s Fourth Ward Polls, attired in garments ill-suited to his person. This peculiar circumstance has served as fertile ground for myriad speculations regarding the vicissitudes that befell him. Conveyed to the confines of Washington College Hospital, Poe languished in a state of bewilderment and anguish until his eventual demise on the seventh day of October in the same annum. Throughout his sojourn within the confines of the hospital, Poe failed to attain a semblance of coherence adequate for elucidating the circumstances leading to his dire condition, and the corpus of his medical records, inclusive of his death certificate, has regrettably been lost to the mists of time.

A plethora of theories has arisen over the passage of years concerning the precipitate of Poe’s demise. One prevailing conjecture posits that he fell prey to the machinations of “cooping,” a stratagem rife within the electoral milieu of the 19th century. In this practice, individuals were ensnared, rendered inebriate or stupefied, and compelled to engage in multiple instances of suffrage in favor of a specific candidate. This postulation finds support in the circumstance of Poe’s discovery on the day of Election, proximate to a locus of electoral activity, clad in garments foreign to his own visage. Adherents to this theory proffer that Poe’s state of delirium and ensuing demise may have resulted from the repeated administration of inebriating substances.

An alternate hypothesis posits that Poe succumbed to the scourge of rabies. In the year of 1996, Dr. R. Michael Benitez, a practitioner of cardiology, published an exposition within the annals of the Maryland Medical Journal detailing his appraisal of Poe’s symptoms. Benitez proffered the assertion that Poe’s manifestations were commensurate with those characteristic of rabies, noting the occurrence of interludes of serenity punctuated by paroxysms of agitation, a pattern frequently encountered among rabies-inflicted patients. Regrettably, no autopsy was performed, and Poe’s medical records remain replete with lacunae, rendering conclusive substantiation of this diagnosis an impossibility.

Alcoholism has also been mooted as a potential impetus for Poe’s demise. Poe grappled with alcoholism throughout the chronicle of his mortal existence, and certain biographers postulate that his demise was precipitated by a terminal bout of inebriation. This supposition garners support from the testimonies of contemporaries acquainted with Poe, inclusive of his confidant, Dr. John Moran, who attended to him during his final hours. Moran attested to Poe’s conveyance to the hospital in a state of semi-consciousness, and to his evincing manifestations consonant with withdrawal. Nevertheless, other contemporaneous observers, inclusive of Poe’s own physician, Dr. John Carter, demurred from attributing to Poe the status of habitual imbiber.

In addition to the aforementioned theories, others aver that Poe’s demise may have arisen from a confluence of factors, encompassing cardiac maladies, epilepsy, and even homicide. Certain theorists advance the conjecture that Poe may have incurred the enmity of adversaries or rivals who harbored designs for his detriment. The paucity of unequivocal evidence, coupled with the absence of extant medical records pertaining to Poe, consigns the veritable precipitate of his demise to the realm of conjecture.

The denouement of Poe’s mortal saga and the veil of mystery enshrouding his demise have only served to burnish the legend encompassing this maestro of the macabre. His oeuvre endures as a magnet for readers enthralled by its themes of lunacy, mortality, and the occult, while the saga of his mortal sojourn, punctuated by an end enigmatic, mirrors the somber and enigmatic tenor of his literary legacy. Consequently, Edgar Allan Poe remains a figure of inexhaustible fascination, not solely on account of his literary bequests, but also owing to the unresolved conundrums that haunt the precincts of his demise.

In summation, the cessation of Edgar Allan Poe’s mortal existence on the seventh day of October in the annum of 1849 persists as one of the most confounding enigmas in the annals of literary antiquity. Whether he succumbed to the throes of cooping, rabies, alcoholism, or another catalyst, the dearth of conclusive evidence portends that the veritable precipitate of his demise shall forever elude definitive explication. What endures as irrefutable, however, is that Poe’s premature and enigmatic cessation has secured his station as an iconic luminary in the firmament of American letters, his life and oeuvre continuing to beguile and galvanize.


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edgar allan poe

Edgar Allan Poe

Jul 20, 2014

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Edgar Allan Poe. Hunter Smith 6 10-25-11. Edgar Allan Poe. http://www.eapoe.org/. Born on :January 19, 1809 Died on: December 7, 1849 . 5 Short Stories and 5 Poems. 5 POEMS Annabel Lee Alone A Dream W ithin a Dream The Valley of Unrest The Raven. 5 STORIES

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Presentation Transcript

Edgar Allan Poe Hunter Smith 6 10-25-11

Edgar Allan Poe http://www.eapoe.org/ Born on :January 19, 1809 Died on: December 7, 1849

5 Short Stories and 5 Poems 5 POEMS • Annabel Lee • Alone • A Dream Within a Dream • The Valley of Unrest • The Raven 5 STORIES • The Angel of the Odd • The Black Cat • The Masque of the Red Death • The Murders in the Rue Morgue • The Gold Bug

Biography of poe From the beginning of Poe’s life, he has always been a mysterious mad man. January 19, 1809 he was born in Boston, Massachusetts. There were four children. After the death of his parents, Poe was taken in by John and Frances Allan in Virginia. Edgar went to England with the Allan's in 1815. his first book was Tamerlane and other poems, published in 1827. He moved to Baltimore and published a second book in 1831. He married his cousin when she was but 13. After getting married the two ran to new york 1836, he published another book called the narrative of Gordon Pym.

Part 2 Their last place of residence, Fordham, Virginia had past away in 1847. Alcohol, he more frequently ingested made him have more erratic behavior. After a year, he went to get his “teenage-sweetheart” Elmira Royster.

Your theory on Poe’s Death The alcohol theory to me seems most accurate. In 1847, when Virginia died, he turned to alcohol. I feel Poe had to get some type of kidney failure or poisoning. For me the alcohol theory is best.

Annabel lee • Annabel Lee, a love affair. Poe wrote the poem to show his love for the “fair maiden” to show what love they had shared and what feeling he had when she had past. • A lively affair this poem is, a woman with Poe “in this kingdom by the sea”. They loved with a passion to be separated not. Poe's rage when she died, and subtly when she was living. Using the moon as a metaphor of her beauty. He uses insanity as well as talented poetic skills to bring out what him and his love had shared.

Conclusion (5+ sentences) Poe is known to be the father of horror stories from his demented and crudeness. I make connections with his stories because of his depressive nature and sorrowful writing. He is and artist with words and he speaks not only to my ears, but to my soul. Many not understanding Poe’s meaning, but also he had issues with his life. Not many understand what he is meaning.

Finish paragraphs on your favorite story • In lively detail he shares how she died, quoting “That the wind came out of a cloud, chilling and killing my Annabel Lee.” He explains what he saw, what he felt. He tells how the kinsmen took her away and put her corpse in a tomb. Poe left with sorrowful thought of his passing maiden. • Over all I believe the poem was for his love, for what his beloved and himself had for each other.

Works Cited • Robert Giordano “Poe Stories” 10/31/11 <http://www.poestories.com/offline.php>. • C.D. Merriman for JalicInc “Edgar Allen Poe” 10/31/11<http://www.online-literature.com/poe/>. • The Edgar Allen Poe society of Baltimore “Mystery death of Edgar Allen Poe” 10/31/11 <http://www.eapoe.org/geninfo/poedeath.htm>. • SparkNotes Editors. “SparkNote on Poe’s Short Stories.” (2002.) (31 Oct. 2011.) • <http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/poestories/section10.rhtml>. • Shmoop Editorial Team. "The Masque of the Red Death Symbolism, Imagery & Allegory." (11 Nov. 2008.) ( 2 Nov. 2011.) • <http://www.shmoop.com/masque-of-red-death/symbolism-imagery.html>.

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  1. Edgar Allan Poe


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  2. Edgar Allan Poe

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  3. Edgar Allan Poe Powerpoint

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    Edgar Allan Poe • American poet, short story writer, literary critic, and editor • Known for his tales of mystery and stories about the strange • Considered to be the inventor of the detective-fiction genre. Edgar Poe's Childhood • Born in Boston, Massachusetts • Father left, Mother died of Tuberculosis when Poe was 2.

  5. About Edgar Allan Poe

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    An Image/Link below is provided (as is) to download presentation Download Policy: ... Edgar Allan Poe was born January 19, 1809 in Boston Massachusetts Son of actors Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins and David Poe His father deserted the family soon after he was born and his mother died a year later. 1.09k views • 25 slides. Edgar Allan Poe.

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  25. PPT

    January 19, 1809 he was born in Boston, Massachusetts. There were four children. After the death of his parents, Poe was taken in by John and Frances Allan in Virginia. Edgar went to England with the Allan's in 1815. his first book was Tamerlane and other poems, published in 1827. He moved to Baltimore and published a second book in 1831.