Getting Started with Canvas Assignments

  • Last modification date Updated On July 26, 2024
  • Categories: Assignments , Canvas , Uncategorized
  • Categories: assessment , Getting Started , Grading

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Canvas  Assignments  are a way for instructors to provide students opportunities to practice using the knowledge and skills they have gained or to assess student performance related to such knowledge and skills. (Creating an Assignment is the  only  way to create a new column in the Gradebook.)

In Canvas there are four basic  Submission Types  for assignments. The submission types include:

  • No Submission : For assignments for which you are not collecting any content from the students.
  • Text Entry : For students to enter text directly into a text box on Canvas.
  • Website URL : For students to enter a URL (usually to a blog, video, podcast, etc.).
  • Media Recordings : For students to upload or record media for submission.
  • File Uploads : For students to upload files for submission ( Restrict Upload File Types  will allow you to limit which types of files may be submitted).
  • On Paper : For assignments students will submit in person.
  • External Tool : For assignments which students will submit through a third-party tool (such as Turnitin, Panopto Video Quiz, and PlayPosit).

Assignments tool in Canvas

Managing an Assignment

Managing assignment groups.

When getting started with Assignments, learn to

  • Create an assignment shell with the Canvas guide  How do I create an assignment? 

If you select  Peer Reviews Appear Anonymously , annotation tools in  SpeedGrader  will become unavailable.

If you change the  Assign To  area from  Everyone  to select students after submissions have already begun, and do not have a second set of Assign To dates, submissions from unassigned students will disappear.

  • Published assignments are visible as existing outside of availability dates, but students cannot see the details.
  • If looking to update the due and/or availability dates on multiple assignments, see   How do I bulk update due dates and availability dates as an instructor?
  • If choosing the option to make an assignment a  Group Assignment : If only assigning to specific groups, make sure to click the  X  on the  Everyone Else  choice under  Assign to .

tip indicator

Media Recording  Assignments are not recommended due to technical reasons. Instead, have students submit media by embedding it in a  Text Entry  assignment through Panopto .

Clearly express expectations and criteria for grading by using a  Rubric .

Be cautious limiting submission attempts, as students often make mistakes loading documents and need multiple attempts to ensure you have the correct submission.

  • Delete an assignment with the Canvas guide  How do I delete an assignment?
  • This duplication process will not work for Quizzes.
  • Attach a rubric to an assignment for grading or to communicate expectations to students with the Canvas guide  How do I add a rubric to an assignment?

Accessibility Tips

  • Use descriptive text for links, instead of long URLs or ‘click here’. 
  • Make instructions brief and to-the-point. Avoid long paragraphs and sentences.
  • Consider allowing multiple submission types to accommodate technical limitations students may face.

Assignment Groups  are a way to categorize different graded items in Canvas. For example, you may have journals, blogs, and essays which your students create in your course. Assignment Groups allow you to label and group different types of assignments separately in order to better organize and for ease when applying weighting (see  How do I weight the final course grade based on assignment groups? ). When getting started with Assignment Groups, learn to

  • Add and delete assignment groups with the Canvas guide  How do I add an assignment group in a course?
  • Move or reorder an assignment group with the Canvas guide  How do I move or reorder an assignment group?
  • Make rules governing grading expectations within assignment groups with the Canvas guide  How do I create rules for an assignment group?

Additional Resources

  • CTI Resource: What is the Assignments Index Page?
  • How do I bulk update due dates and availability dates as an instructor?
  • How do I weight the final course grade based on assignment groups?
  • Canvas Student Guide

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Submitting Assignments

The following information applies to students whose instructors are using Canvas for course assignments.

Assignment Submission

  • How do I view Assignments as a student?
  • How do I filter assignments by type as a student?
  • How do I view the rubric for my assignment?
  • How do I submit an online assignment?
  • How do I view the rubric for my external tool assignment?
  • How do I submit a text entry assignment?
  • How do I enter a URL as an assignment submission?
  • How do I submit a media file as an assignment submission?
  • How do I upload a file as an assignment submission in Canvas?
  • How do I know when my assignment has been submitted?
  • How do I know when my instructor has graded my assignment?
  • How do I view and reply to assignment comments from my instructor?
  • How do I use DocViewer in Canvas assignments as a student?
  • How do I view annotation feedback comments from my instructor directly in my assignment submission?
  • How do I view rubric results for my assignment?
  • How do I view my Roll Call Attendance report as a student?
  • How do I download assignment submissions from all my courses?

Group Assignments for Students

  • How do I submit an assignment on behalf of a group?

Peer Reviews for Students

  • How do I know if I have a peer review assignment to complete?
  • How do I submit a peer review to an assignment?
  • Where can I find my peers’ feedback for peer reviewed assignments?

Turnitin for Students

  • Turnitin Student Guide

Last Updated: 19 Sep 2022

Canvas @ Yale

  • Submitting a File to a Canvas Assignment on a Student's Behalf

Updated on Jun 12, 2023

Instructors can submit a file to a Canvas Assignment set to accept file uploads on behalf of a student in their course's Gradebook. Their submission to the assignment will include the timestamp as well as who submitted the file to the assignment. The instructor can also submit multiple files at a time for a single student, and submit beyond the availability date of a Canvas Assignment.

Currently on users with the role of Instructor or Guest Instructor in a course have the ability to upload a file on a student's behalf for a Canvas Assignment. All other course and system admin roles cannot submit a file on behalf of students.

Note: Submitting a file on behalf of a student to a Canvas Assignment that is also using Turnitin circumnavigates a student's requirement of accepting that they are submitting their work to Turnitin.

  • In your Canvas course, navigate to your course Gradebook section.
  • You may only upload a file to a Canvas Assignment that has been configured to accept " File Uploads " in the settings.
  • Select the Gradebook cell for the student and click the Grade Detail Tray icon .

how do students submit assignments on canvas

  • From the Grade Detail Tray that opens on the right-hand side for that student, click the " Submit for Student " button.

how do students submit assignments on canvas

  • In the " Upload File " picker box that opens, drag and drop or search your computer for the student's file that you want to submit on their behalf.
  • Click the Trash Can icon to the right of the file name to remove it from being submitted.
  • When all files have been selected in the picker box, click the " Submit " button to add the files to the Canvas Assignment on behalf of your student.

how do students submit assignments on canvas

  • When viewing the documents submitted in the SpeedGrader, the timestamp will specify who submitted the files .

how do students submit assignments on canvas

For more information please email [email protected] .

Assessments, Feedback and Grades

  • Building Assessments in Canvas
  • Creating an Assignment
  • Creating a Media Recording Assignment
  • Creating an Ungraded, No-Submission Assignment (Reading Assignment)
  • Implementing Peer Review Assessments
  • Duplicating an Assignment
  • Setting Lock / Availability Dates
  • Due Dates versus Display Dates
  • Checking a Canvas Activity in Student View without Releasing It to Students
  • Assignments (Vendor Guides)
  • Turnitin: Creating a Turnitin Assignment
  • Turnitin: Assignment Settings Options
  • Turnitin: Viewing the Similarity Report / Originality Score (Instructor Guide)
  • Creating a Discussion Board
  • Implementing Online Discussions
  • Discussions (Vendor Guides)
  • Strategies for Delivering Exams / Quizzes in Canvas
  • Introducing New Quizzes
  • New Quizzes (Vendor Guides)
  • Quizzes (Vendor Guides)
  • Supporting and Using Feedback in Your Class
  • Submitting Audio / Video Feedback to a Student
  • Grading Assignments Using the SpeedGrader
  • Utilizing Anonymous Grading
  • Accessing the SpeedGrader from the Gradebook
  • Gradebook Overview and Features
  • Understanding Gradebook Views and Filters
  • Using the Grade Posting Policy
  • Changing Grading Schemes / Grade Letter Ranges
  • Creating Weighted Assignments Groups
  • Importing Grades into Gradebook
  • SpeedGrader (Vendor Guides)
  • Rubrics (Vendor Guides)
  • Gradebook (Vendor Guides)
  • Feedback & Accessibility Barriers Tool: Overview
  • Enabling / Viewing the Feedback & Accessibility Barriers Tool
  • Mid-Semester Feedback: Overview
  • Disabling / Enabling the Mid-Semester Feedback Tool in Your Canvas Course
  • Timing of Mid-Semester Feedback
  • Managing Mid-Semester Feedback Survey Questions
  • Viewing / Downloading Student Mid-Semester Feedback Submissions
  • New Analytics (Vendor Guides)
  • Analytics (Vendor Guides)
  • Outcomes (Vendor Guides)

Other Resources

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  • Canvas @ Yale Settings
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Assignment submission types in canvas.

Canvas lets you decide the way you want students to submit their assignments. You specify the submission type in the Submission Type box when you create the assignment. Assignment settings always remember and display the settings created or edited in the previous assignment in the course.

On This Page

No Submission

External tool.

Choose No Submission when you do not want students to submit an assignment in Canvas. You can use this assignment type to create extra columns in the Gradebook, or when you want to create an assignment that involves multiple scores.

Canvas no submission option.

Choose Online when you want students to submit their assignments in Canvas. When you use the online submission type, you can specify online entry options.

Canvas online submission types

Text Entry : Students can submit their assignment directly in the Rich Content Editor .

Website URLs : Students can submit a URL that fulfills the assignment.

Media Recordings : Students can submit an audio or video recording that fulfills the assignment. They can either record new media or upload existing media.

File Uploads : Students can upload a file to fulfill the assignment. Note that if your institution has enbled Google Docs as a submission type, students can connect to Google Docs as a web service to submit an assignment as a Google Doc, Google Sheet, or Google Slide. However, these files will convert to their Microsoft counterpart file type—Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, respectively.

If you want to only allow certain types of files for assignment submissions, click the Restrict Upload File Types check box and manually enter a list of accepted extensions in the Allowed File Extensions box. In the case of an odd or unusual file type, try adding it to your course to confirm the file is accepted before requesting students to submit the file type.

Select On Paper when you want students to submit an assignment to you but not through Canvas. When you choose this assignment type, Canvas creates a column in the Gradebook for grading purposes. However, you must enter the grades manually.

Canvas on paper option.

Choose External Tool when you want students to submit their assignments using an external app (LTI) enabled for your course. You must enter a URL for the external tool.

Canvas external tool option.

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Canvas resource center.

Welcome to the Canvas Resource Center where you may find self-help guides on a wide range of topics regarding teaching and learning using Canvas. Begin by typing in a keyword and clicking on Search.

How do I submit a student's assignment on their behalf?

You will learn how you can submit/upload a file attachment for an Assignment in your course in Canvas on behalf of a student.

The Assignment submission type must be for a file upload.

For example, if a student missed a deadline or submitted the wrong paper or you are allowing the student to re-edit the paper, you can submit the assignment on their behalf without having to go through the steps of changing any deadllines or allowed attempts.

1. Navigate to the Gradebook for your course.

Grades navigation item

2. Locate the student with the missing submission.

Tip: You can also re-submit an Assignment for a student. For example, if a student submitted an incomplete assignment or submitted the wrong file, you can upload the correct file for that student even if it is past the due date and the until date for a particular Assignment.

You can use the Search tool or simply scroll down the list of students.

student located

3. Click on the desired cell.

Cell selected

4. Click on the Arrow.

Arrow selected

5. Click on Submit for Student.

Submit for Student selected

6. Drag and drop the file.

Upload File area selected

7. Click on Submit.

Submit button

8. Click on SpeedGrader.

Note that the cell now shows that the Assignment needs grading.

SpeedGrader link selected

9. In the SpeedGrader, you can see when the submission was made and by whom.

You can see the date and time and by whom the Assignment was submitted (1). You can apply all of your regular grading, rubric, comments, etc. that you would do a for a student-submitted Assignment.


Article Summary

You have now learned how to submit an Assignment on behalf of a student.

  • Prev: How do I give extra credit in a course?
  • Next: How do I hide student grades while I am grading that Assignment?

Last Updated

Nov 01, 2023

Self-Help Guides

  • Making the Most of Canvas
  • Canvas Studio
  • FAQs for Using Canvas


  • Anthology Ally in Canvas
  • Dropbox in Canvas
  • Flip in Canvas
  • Google Docs in Canvas
  • GoReact in Canvas
  • H5P in Canvas
  • iClicker in Canvas
  • LibreTexts & ADAPT in Canvas
  • LinkedIn Learning in Canvas
  • Lucid in Canvas
  • Mentimeter in Canvas
  • Padlet in Canvas
  • Proctorio in Canvas
  • Publisher Content in Canvas
  • Respondus 4.0 in Canvas
  • Respondus LockDown Browser in Canvas
  • Scantron and ParScore
  • ShareStream Video in Canvas
  • SoftChalk in Canvas
  • SOQ in Canvas
  • Teams in Canvas
  • Turnitin in Canvas
  • VoiceThread for Canvas
  • YouTube in Canvas
  • Zoom in Canvas


  • Student Self-Help Guides

Frequently Asked Questions about Canvas

Main navigation, orienting to canvas.

Watch a video overview of Canvas here .

Organizing your Canvas Course Site

Where do students submit graded work .

Students submit their graded work to the "Assignments" tool. There are several settings you'll need to adjust within the "Assignments" tool; for example, you'll need to designate whether the assignment will be graded on a points-based system, a holistic letter grade system, or as "complete/incomplete." You'll also set the due date for the assignment submission in this tool and decide how long you'd like to allow students to submit the assignment. To learn more about how the Assignments tool works, check out  Canvas' support materials on using Assignments. 

Where do students submit ungraded work (for a DropBox-like functionality)? 

Use the "Assignments" tool in Canvas. Once you create your assignment, click "Edit," and then scroll down to the "Display Grade As" menu. You can select from a number of options, like "Not Graded," "Points," "Letter Grade," or "GPA."

How should students access course readings?

The best tool to use to organize course readings, websites, and other activities is Modules. While the "Files" tool is effective for storing documents, images, and videos from your hard drive, the Modules tool offers a more user-friendly interface for students because readings, web URLs, and other materials can be organized based on the unit you're teaching or the week you're teaching new material.

To learn more about how to use the Modules tool, check out  Canvas' support on using Modules. 

How do I embed a URL into the Files?

Unfortunately, you cannot use put URLs into the Files tool. You can use the Modules tool to share URLs with your students.

How do I ensure that all of my course materials are visible to students? 

You will see a grey cloud icon with an "x" through the middle if your course material is unpublished. When you want to publish any of your course material, click the "grey" cloud; you will see that it becomes green and has a checkmark in the middle. Once the cloud is green, your work has been published and is visible to your students!

Here's a video about organizing Canvas sites.

Communicating with Students via Canvas

How do i contact the students in my course .

Use the "Announcements" tool to contact your students about last-minute changes, reminders for class, and resources for them to explore. When you write an announcement and click the "save" button, the announcement will be immediately sent to all of your students. There is no "draft" feature in Announcements, so if you'd like to save a draft of an announcement, you can select the option to delay your post and send the announcement at a later date.

The only reasons an announcement might not reach a student in your class if your course is published or if an individual course members has opted to turn off notifications for announcements.

Can I send an e-mail to my class outside of Canvas?

Unfortunately, you cannot. You can use the "Inbox" tool instead of the "Announcements" tool if you'd like to send a message to your class, but you don't want the message to be archived in your class page. Otherwise, the "Announcements" tool is your best option.

Grading in Canvas

How do i use the gradebook in canvas .

In Canvas, the "Grades" tool is auto-populated by scores you enter into the "Assignments" tool. In order to use the Canvas gradebook, you must already be using the "Assignments" tool. You can only modify scores in the "Grades" tool by changing the grades located in the "Assignments" tool.

How do I grade individual assignments in Canvas? 

When you set up an assignment in the "Assignments" tool, students will have a space to submit their work. Once students have submitted their work to an assignment, you will then be able to grade their work either by using the "Speedgrader" tool or by downloading their submissions. The Speedgrader tool will allow you to grade student work in your web browser without having to download documents. The Speedgrader tool also features essay mark-up options; you can add comments and highlight student writing directly in the browser. To learn more about the Speedgrader, check out  the Canvas support website on Speedgrader. 

Here's a video about setting up assignments in Canvas.

Note that if you use the Speedgrader tool, students will see your grades as you're assigning them. If you do not want your student's grade to show up immediately after using Speedgrader, go into "Grades," hover over the graded item, and click the downward-facing arrow to reveal a drop-down menu. Click the arrow and select “Mute Assignment” from the menu. When you are ready to release the grades, go back into Grades, repeat this process, but choose to select “Unmute Assignment.”

Using the Attendance Tool

How do i use the attendance tool .

You can keep track of which students are in class and which are absent by clicking the "Attendance" tool in the left-hand toolbar. From there, you'll see that your students' names are automatically visible. Click the symbol that looks like a "no" sign; if you keep clicking that button, you'll see options for "in attendance" (a green button with a checkmark), "absent" (a red button with an "x"), and "tardy" (a yellow button with a clock icon). 

Can I indicate how many minutes late a student is if I select the "tardy" option? 

You cannot personalize the default buttons on the attendance tool. However, you can create "badges," which are like notes that you can repeatedly add to individual student entries. You can create "badges" by clicking the "More" button next to a student's name. Then, click "Add badge." to create a new badge for your class. For example, you could create a "badge" for "5 minutes late," "10 minutes late," and "20 minutes late" to indicate the extent to which a student was late to class. Similarly, you create a "badge" for positive accolades, like "Was an especially great leader in class discussion" or "I would love to hear more from you in the larger group conversation." You can create up to 5 badges for your course.

How do I get rid of or modify the "Roll Call Attendance" assignment? 

The Attendance tool automatically creates an Assignment called "Roll Call Attendance" that's worth 100 points.  If you do not want attendance to be a graded part of your course, take the following steps:

  • Go into "Assignments."
  • Click "Roll Call Attendance."
  • Click "Edit Assignment Settings."
  • Scroll down to the drop-down menu for "Display Grade As"
  • Select "Not Graded."
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "Save."

If you'd like attendance to be a graded part of your course, but you want to change the "percentage" or "point" value, take the following steps: 

  • Go into "Assignments." 
  • Click "Roll Call Attendance." 
  • Click "Edit Assignment Settings." 
  • Select how you want the attendance grade to be displayed.
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "Save." 

Need More Resources?

Consult our comprehensive  Canvas Set-up Checklist  (download available at link to Stanford members only) to go step-by-step through how you may want to set up your Canvas course site!

Simon Fraser University Engaging the World

Canvas support.

  • A-Z directory
  • How do I submit an online assignment?

Assignments in Canvas can be submitted using several submission types. Instructors can choose what kind of online submissions they want you to use. You have the option to resubmit assignments if your instructor allows. If you cannot see the "Submit Assignment" link, you instructor may want you to submit your assignment in a different way.  

1. Click  the Assignments link in the course navigation sidebar on the left hand-side. 

how do students submit assignments on canvas

2. Click the Assignments link to view all the assignments you have for that course.

how do students submit assignments on canvas

Note: You can also access your Assignments through the Syllabus, Gradebook, Calendar, or Modules. 

3. When you click an Assignment title, you will see a screen with assignment instructions. You may also see a rubric if your instructor has provided one. 

how do students submit assignments on canvas

4. Click the Start Assignment link to submit your work. If you cannot see the Start Assignment link, your instructor may not want you to submit your assignment online.

Your instructor will decide what kinds of submissions are appropriate for each assignment. In the case below, the instructor is allowing the student to upload a file. Not all file types may be available for your Assignment, depending on the assignment submission type set by your instructor. 

5. To submit a file upload, click   Upload File  or if you have already uploaded your assignment to Canvas and want to select it for our assignment submission, click the Click here to find a file you've already uploaded link. If you want to submit a photo you can use the Use Webcam option. See instructions here .

how do students submit assignments on canvas

6. To submit a text entry, type or copy and paste text into the Rich Content Editor. Click Submit Assignment . You can submit up to 16384 characters in the Text Entry field. 

how do students submit assignments on canvas

7. After you have submitted your work, you will see information in the Sidebar about your submission. If you choose and your instructor has allowed for this capability, you may resubmit another version of your assignment using the Re-submit Assignment  link. You will only be able to view the details of your most recent submission in the sidebar, but your instructor will be able to see all of your submissions.  

Once your instructor has graded your submission, you will be notified via the channels that you specified in your Notification Preferences. You can also see details about your assignment and links to additional feedback in the Gradebook. 

how do students submit assignments on canvas

  • How do I submit an assignment using Google Docs?
  • How do I complete a peer review?
  • How do I use my webcam to take a photo or an assignment?
  • How do I view instructor feedback?
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Collaborative assessment: Group submissions in Canvas

Canvas features a range of useful tools that facilitate group and collaborative work between students. These tools include collaborative Pages, Collaborations – online shared Google Docs or Office 365 documents, and Canvas Groups. In this post we are going to focus on Group assignments in Canvas.

how do students submit assignments on canvas

In order to create group assignments in your Canvas module you will first need to set up student Groups. Groups are effectively a ‘mini module’ within your Canvas module site which provide students with their own tools for collaborative work. To find out more about Groups see our previous post Canvas Highlights – 2. Groups and to learn how to set up groups see How do I automatically create groups in a group set? or How do I manually create groups in a group set?

Once your student groups are created you can then move on to setting up your group assignment. To do this first go to Assignments in the module menu where you can create a new assignment. For Canvas assignment students can submit a range of content including any type of file, video or audio recordings, or a website URL. You then simply tick the box to indicate ‘This is a group assignment’ and select the Group Set that you have previously created.

screenshot of assignment settings

Students would then choose one group member to submit on behalf of their group, with Canvas applying this submission to each member of the group. You can then provide feedback and a mark on this one submission rather than marking the same piece of work four or five times, saving you time when marking. Once marks are released, this mark and feedback is then provided to all members of the group. If needed, for example if there is a peer marking element in the assessment, you can choose to assign marks individually to each student. 

There are a number of different ways that this type of assessment can be used, this could be:

  • Formative group work – students can submit draft work or formative tasks throughout a module, for example this could be weekly tasks associated with that week’s readings.
  • Summative group work – this could include group projects, reports or recorded presentations. Please remember that these marks must also be formally entered into Sussex Direct. 
  • Submission of additional/supporting documents – for example slides to accompany a face-to-face presentation.

If you would like additional information about Groups and group submissions in Canvas  these guides will be useful:

  • Canvas Instructor Guides – Groups
  • Canvas Student Guides – Groups

You can also contact [email protected] if you would like further help or would like to discuss a specific idea that you have.

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  • How do students submit an audio or video assignment?

If your instructor has created a Canvas Media Recording assignment, you will have to create and submit a media file to fulfill the assignment. You can choose to:

  • Record audio and video from your computer's microphone and webcam,
  • Record audio from your computer's microphone for an audio-only file, or
  • Submit a previously recorded file.

Click on the name of the Assignment

student view of assignments page

The Assignment may be displayed in the Assignments tool, linked from a Page, or linked from a Module. Clicking on the Assignment title displays instructions and other details.

Click Submit Assignment

Student view of assignment details page with Submit Assignment button highlighted

This displays the assignment submission panel.

Click Record/Upload Media

Student view of assignment submission page with Record/Upload Media button highlighted

If asked, allow your browser to access your camera and microphone

Browser permissions message

If your browser can access your camera and microphone, you will see a preview of what your webcam will capture.

Click the Start Recording button

Webcam preview with Start Recording button highlighted

When finished recording, enter a title for the video and click Save Media

Video title text field filled in and Save Media button highlighted

This saves the recording and embeds it in the submit assignment box as a video thumbnail.

Add Comment (Optional) then click Submit Assignment

Message reading "Ready to Submit! Click 'Submit Assignment' button to finish." and Submit Assignment button highlighted

This submits the webcam video to the assignment.

Click the Webcam button and select "No Video"

Media recorder with Webcam button highlighted and No Video selected

This will deactivate your webcam and only capture audio from your computer's microphone.

Media recorder with Start Recording button highlighted

This submits the audio file to the assignment.

Click the Upload Media tab

Media recorder with Upload Media tab highlighted

Select either Select Audio File or Select Video File

Upload Media tab with Select Audio and Select Video buttons displayed

This displays your computer's file locator.

Select the file, then click Open (or Select)

File selection window on a Mac

This uploads the audio or video file and embeds it in the submit assignment box as a thumbnail.

Message reading "Ready to Submit! Click 'Submit Assignment' button to finish." and Submit Assignment button highlighted

This submits the audio or video recording to the assignment.

  • Prev: How do I create an audio or video assignment?
  • Next: How do I send messages to students in my class?
  • Spring 2024 Updates to My Media and Media Gallery
  • Media storage and Student View button changes
  • Course Navigation and Gradebook icon changes
  • New Rich Content Editor
  • Discussions and Announcements Redesign
  • How do I install an external app in my course site?
  • How do I add a Non-Tufts account to a Canvas course site?
  • How do I associate courses with my Blueprint course?
  • How do I create a Student Annotation assignment?
  • How do I create an audio or video assignment?
  • How do I send messages to students in my class?
  • How do Announcements and Conversations work?
  • How do I download a list of my student's email addresses?
  • What are the recommended notification preferences for students?
  • What are the recommended notification preferences for instructors?
  • How do I copy content from one Canvas course site to another Canvas course site?
  • How do I organize my Canvas Dashboard?
  • How do I nickname my Canvas Dashboard cards?
  • How do I record a video and embed it in a Discussion post?
  • How do I post (and hide) student grades?
  • How do I hide the "Total Grade" from students?
  • How do I display a Letter Grade in the Total Grade Column?
  • How do I display Total Points in the Total Grade Column?
  • How do I hide student names when grading (Anonymous Grading)?
  • How do I create gradebook columns from a spreadsheet import?
  • How do I include student SIS IDs when I export grades?
  • Student - How do I view instructor feedback on an assignment?
  • Understanding Canvas Gradebook Totals and Exported Totals
  • Canvas Grading Tips and Common Mistakes
  • What are Canvas Group Sets and Course Groups?
  • How do I create Group Sets and Course Groups?
  • How do I assign a graded Assignment to a Group?
  • How do I assign a graded Discussion to a Group?
  • How do I create a Front Page and use it as the Home page for my Canvas site?
  • What is Kaltura Capture?
  • How do I install Kaltura Capture on a Mac?
  • How do I install Kaltura Capture on a PC?
  • How do I record with Kaltura Capture?
  • How do I edit my video start and end points?
  • How do I add (link) Files, Assignments, Discussions or Quizzes to a Canvas Module?
  • How do I add a Canvas Page as a module item?
  • How do I embed a video from My Media in a Canvas "Page" and then create a link to the Page in a Module?
  • How do I add my course site "Zoom" tool as a module item?
  • What are My Media and Media Gallery?
  • How do I upload a video to My Media in Canvas?
  • How do I record a video directly into My Media with Kaltura Capture?
  • How do I edit a video uploaded or recorded with My Media?
  • How do I publish a video from My Media to a course site's Media Gallery?
  • How do I embed video from My Media in a Canvas text-editing window? (New)
  • How do I add a My Media or Media Gallery video to a Canvas Module?
  • How do I create a Playlist of Videos in the Media Gallery tool?
  • How do I embed a Media Gallery Playlist in a Canvas text-editing window?
  • How do users add Comments to a Media Gallery video?
  • How do I remove commenting permissions from a Media Gallery video?
  • How do I upload iPhone or Android phone videos (and images) to Media Gallery?
  • How do I download a My Media video?
  • How do I allow downloading of video from the Media Gallery?
  • How do I change the ownership of a My Media video?
  • How do I allow other users to edit and publish a video in My Media?
  • Instructors: How do I create an Assignment allowing students to submit a video from their My Media storage? (New)
  • Students: How do I submit a video to an Assignment or a Discussion? (New)
  • How do I copy Media Gallery Videos from one Canvas Course site to another Canvas Course site?
  • Enabling third-party cookies
  • How can I get captions on My Media videos?
  • How can I see general and individual viewer statistics for videos in Media Gallery?
  • How can I see aggregate video viewing statistics for the Media Gallery in my course?
  • How do I remove a video from the Media Gallery?
  • How do I edit a pre-existing playlist?
  • How do I upload a Youtube video to My Media?
  • How can I edit captions on my media videos? (New)
  • How to Record Webcam Video with Express Capture
  • Updated Kaltura My Media and Media Gallery Player
  • How do I Add a Kaltura Video Quiz to Canvas Assignments?
  • How to Create a Kaltura Video Quiz
  • How do I add a custom link to my course navigation?
  • How do I show hidden items in my course site navigation menu?
  • Differences between Canvas Classic Quizzes and New Quizzes
  • New Quizzes Introductory Videos
  • How do I create a quiz using New Quizzes?
  • How do I add a question to a quiz in New Quizzes?
  • How do I add specific question types to a quiz in New Quizzes?
  • How do I manage quiz settings in Canvas New Quizzes?
  • How do I view and grade student submissions in New Quizzes?
  • How do I Moderate a Quiz in New Quizzes?
  • How do I create Item Banks in New Quizzes?
  • How do I add questions to an existing Item Bank?
  • How do I add a question from an Item Bank to a New Quizzes quiz?
  • How do I add multiple questions from an Item Bank to New Quizzes quiz?
  • How do I migrate a Classic Canvas quiz to New Quizzes?
  • How do I set my Canvas Notification Preferences?
  • How do I create a Peer Reviewed Assignment?
  • How do I manage a Manual Assigned Peer Review assignment?
  • How do I manage an Automatically Assigned Peer Review assignment?
  • How do I manage a Group peer review assignment?
  • How do I create a Peer Reviewed Graded Discussion?
  • How do I manage a Manually Assigned Peer Review Discussion?
  • How do I manage an Automatically Assigned Peer Review discussions?
  • How do I manage a Group peer review discussions?
  • Student: - How do I complete a peer review Assignment?
  • Student: - How do I complete a peer review Discussion?
  • How do I add pronouns to my Canvas profile?
  • How do I publish (or unpublish) my Canvas course site?
  • Student - How do I see if one of my Canvas course sites is Published?
  • How do I create an Appointment Group (sign-up)?
  • Student: - How do I sign-up for an appointment group?
  • Instructor: - How do I check student sign-ups?
  • How do I embed a course image in a Canvas text box?
  • How do I link to a file in a Canvas text box?
  • How do auto-open a preview of a linked file on a Canvas text box?
  • How do I embed a webcam video in a Canvas text box?
  • What are Canvas Rubrics?
  • How do I create a Ratings Block Canvas Rubric?
  • How Do I create a Free-form Comment Rubric?
  • As a Student, How do I create a Study Group?
  • Student: How do I use Google Docs to create a collaborative document in a Student Study Group?
  • How do I create Canvas course site sections?
  • How do I populate Canvas sections with student (and TA) accounts?
  • How do I create an announcement for a section?
  • How do I email a section?
  • How do I post an Assignment for a section?
  • How do I post a Discussion for a section?
  • How do I post a Quiz or Survey for a section?
  • How do I view the SpeedGrader and Gradebook by section?
  • How do I limit participation in section to a start and end date?
  • How do I make my course site Syllabus open to the public?
  • How do I post a course syllabus?
  • Instructor - How do I set a Canvas course site time zone?
  • Student - How do I set my local time zone in my user account?
  • How do I Restore items I have deleted from my Canvas site?
  • How do I add MindTap to my course site?
  • How do I get support for MindTap?
  • How do I Combine (Cross-list) Canvas course sites?
  • What is the Competency Checklist?
  • Students - How do I navigate the Competency Checklist?
  • Students - How do I complete a self-assessment?
  • Students - How do I request an assessment from faculty?
  • Instructors - How do I assess a student?
  • What is Tufts University policy on copyright and fair use of posted materials on Canvas?
  • What is Tufts University policy on the use of social media?
  • Department Administrator - Delegated Access
  • How do I access Canvas course sites within my delegated access sub-account?
  • How do I add users to a Canvas site within my delegated access subaccount?
  • How do I post a sub-account announcement?
  • How do I access Canvas course sites using my accreditor access?
  • How do I use account calendars?
  • What is Echo360?
  • How do I add Echo360 to my course site?
  • How do I embed an Echo360 video using the Canvas text editor?
  • End of the Semester options for Instructors
  • Setting course site access for individual students
  • How do I create a self-selected timed final exam (Essay Questions)?
  • How do I create a self-selected timed final exam (File Upload Questions)?
  • How do I review and grade a self-selected timed final exam (Essay Questions)?
  • How do I review and grade a self-selected timed final exam (File Upload Questions)?
  • Student: How do I take a self-selected timed (Essay Question or File Upload) final exam?
  • How do I link (or embed) a Google Document in a Canvas text box?
  • Instructor: How do I use Google Docs to create a collaborative document?
  • Student: How do I submit a Google Document to an assignment?
  • How do I add the Google Maps App to my Canvas course site?
  • How do I embed a Google Map in a Canvas text box?
  • How do I create an Office 365 Collaboration document (Word / Excel / Powerpoint)?
  • How do I link to an Office 365 document in a Canvas Module?
  • How do I link to an Office 365 document in a Canvas Rich Text Editor (Announcements / Assignments / Syllabus / Discussions / Quizzes / Pages)?
  • Student: How do I submit an Office 365 document to an assignment?
  • How do I add the Office 365 tool to my Canvas course site tool list?
  • Instructor - How do I create an Office 365 Cloud assignment?
  • Student - How do I edit and submit an Office 365 Could Assignment?
  • What is the Piazza tool?
  • How do I set up a Piazza discussion board for my site?
  • How do I set up a Piazza discussion board for my site? (LTI 1.3)
  • How to Link to an Existing Piazza Course with the new LTI 1.3
  • How do I manage Piazza discussion board enrollments?
  • As an instructor, how do I post a question in Piazza?
  • How do students respond to a question posted by the instructor?
  • As a student how do I post a question in Piazza?
  • How do Instructors respond to student questions in Piazza?
  • How do instructors and students post a poll?
  • How do I edit the student anonymity settings for my Piazza site?
  • How do I edit my Piazza email notifications?
  • How do I embed an image in a Piazza post?
  • How do I deactivate a Piazza site?
  • How do I un-enroll (drop) from a Piazza discussion site?
  • What is the Progress Report tool?
  • How do I access the progress report tool to submit a report?
  • How do I submit a progress report for a student?
  • What are Canvas Reading Lists?
  • How do I create a Reading List?
  • How do I structure the list by weeks or topics?
  • How do I add items to the reading list?
  • How do I add links to electronic articles?
  • How do I share the list with students?
  • How do I re-use a previous semester's list?
  • How can I save favorite resources to use on my lists?
  • Can my teaching assistant work on my list?
  • Where can I get help and training for using the Reading List tool?
  • Students - Reading Lists Help
  • What happens to my Canvas content when I leave Tufts?
  • How do I record my screen with Kaltura Capture?
  • How do I make a screen recording using QuickTime on a Mac?
  • How do I edit or trim a QuickTime video on a Mac?
  • What is TidyUP?
  • How do I activate TidyUP?
  • How do I mange my Canvas site content using TidyUP?
  • Overview of Tufts Box Integration with Canvas
  • Instructor: How do I link to a Tufts.Box.Com document in a Canvas text box?
  • Instructor: How do I link to a Tufts.Box.Com document in a Canvas Module?
  • Instructor: How do I add a link to Tufts.Box.Com to the course site navigation panel?
  • Student: How do I submit a document from my Tufts.Box.Com to a Canvas Assignment?
  • Student: How do I link to a document from my Tufts.Box.Com in a Canvas text box?
  • Turnitin Plagiarism Detection Service
  • How do I use the Turnitin plagiarism service to check the originality of student submitted papers?
  • Student: How do I submit a paper to a Canvas Assignment that uses Turnitin?
  • How do I view a TurnItIn Originality Report?
  • How to add VoiceThread to your Canvas course
  • Using VoiceThread in Your Course on Canvas
  • Instructor - How do I create a webcam video in a Canvas text box?
  • How do I add a webcam comment to a student's grade in the Canvas SpeedGrader?
  • Student - How do I create a webcam video in a Canvas Discussion text box?
  • How do I embed a YouTube video in a Canvas Page and link it in a Module?
  • Help Center
  • Assignments
  • Privacy Policy
  • Terms of Service
  • Submit feedback

Use Assignments LTI™ with Canvas

Google Assignments and Canvas expanded Google Docs Editors and Google Drive to be compatible with Canvas for file submissions. With Assignments, you can distribute and grade student work, analyze student submissions for plagiarism detection, and use Google Docs and Drive with Canvas. 

Features and benefits of Assignments

When admins enable Google Assignments in Canvas settings, you can use its features and benefits.

  • Grade in Google’s grading interface or in SpeedGrader™.
  • File attachments to an assignment so each student gets their own copy to edit and submit.
  • Detect missed citation checks and possible plagiarism with the originality reports feature.
  • Students can submit Drive files to Canvas assignments, which instructors can grade in SpeedGrader™.
  • Embed Drive files with the Canvas rich text editor.
  • Add Drive files to Canvas Modules.

Assignments also provides improvements from Google Apps LTI:

  • Officially supported by Google and covered by the Google Workspace for Education Terms of Service.
  • Provides an option for admins to require students to use their school-issued Google accounts.
  • Uses Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) 1.3 for stronger security.
  • Create a new Canvas assignment.

how do students submit assignments on canvas

Students can submit Drive files that you can grade with SpeedGrader™.

For teachers

Allow students to submit drive files with canvas assignments.

  • After you create a new Canvas assignment, next to "Submission Type", select Online .
  • Under "Online Entry Options", select File Uploads.

Important: You must select File Uploads or the submission will fail.

For students

Turn in assignments.

  • Ensure you're signed into your school account. 
  • Next to "File Upload", click  Google Drive.
  • To open a Google Drive window, click Select file.
  • Select the Drive file.

and then

  • Sign in to Canvas.
  • Open the course.

how do students submit assignments on canvas

  • Sign in to your Google Account.
  • Click Allow .
  • Select the Google Drive file.
  • Click Submit.

Open all   |   Close all

From October 2023, Instructure will no longer support the Google Apps LTI. This means:

  • No new installs will be allowed.
  • No further development will be made on it.
  • No customer support will be available.

Google and Instructure makes sure that Google Assignments LTI 1.3 has the Google Apps LTI functions, and includes:

  • Improved security
  • Flexibility
  • Integrations 

Current Google Apps LTI users won’t lose access but should transition over to Google Assignments LTI 1.3.

To use the latest Assignments features, you can install and migrate to Google Assignments LTI 1.3.

No. Currently, you can’t embed a form or select one as a file type for quizzes. To use Forms for quizzes, create a form and share the link with your students. Learn how to create a Google Form.

  • Any submitted work for the Google Apps LTI Cloud assignment that you want to migrate will reset. 
  • If you want to keep your previous submissions, make a copy of the Canvas assignment .
  • Find the Canvas assignment you want to migrate to Google Assignments LTI 1.3.

how do students submit assignments on canvas

  • Click Find .
  • If you can’t find this option, request your Canvas administrator to turn on Google Assignments LTI 1.3 .
  • Link your Google Workspace for Education account.
  • Click Continue .
  • Attach the Drive worksheet files.
  • Choose your grading tool, then make sure the due date and points are updated.
  • Click Create .

Related topics

  • Set up Assignments in Canvas
  • Set up Assignments in Schoology or another LMS
  • Set up Assignments in Blackboard
  • Set up Assignments in D2L/Brightspace
  • Set up Assignments in Moodle
  • Set up Assignments in Sakai

Google, Google Workspace, and related marks and logos are trademarks of Google LLC. All other company and product names are trademarks of the companies with which they are associated.

Need more help?

Try these next steps:.

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Roanoke County Public Schools has recently announced that Canvas, a modern and innovative learning management system (LMS), will replace Blackboard beginning with the 2024-25 school year. The attached document “Canvas Parent Observer Account Setup” will walk you through the steps of activating your new Canvas parent account.

If you used Canvas last school year as a part of one of our pilots, your account is still active and you do NOT need to go through the setup process again.

This short video is a great overview of how to use Canvas as a parent/observer.

  • Canvas Overview for Observers

How do I access my Canvas Parent Observer Account? Please see the “Canvas Parent Observer Account Setup” document attached to this email. You can also contact your school’s ITRT with questions.          

What is the Observer/Parent Role in Canvas? Observers have limited permissions that allow them to see what is going on in a course and a  calendar of assignments.  Like students, Observers cannot view a course until it is published and  the course has started.  For assistance with Assignments, Test Dates, Quizzes, or other Canvas course content, please contact your student’s teacher. Directions for setting up your Parent/Observer account can be found on this page.

What can Parent Observers view in Canvas? Below are the features available to Parents. Please note that not all courses use all features. 

  • Set your Notifications
  • View the Dashboard
  • View the course Syllabus
  • View prompts but not participate in Discussions
  • View but not submit assignments
  • Preview and download some Files
  • View the Modules Page
  • View Canvas Grades*
  • View the Calendar
  • Communicate with the teacher. 

*Synergy (ParenteVUE) remains the official gradebook for RCPS. Items graded in Canvas will be displayed in the Canvas gradebook but may not accurately reflect your students official grade.

How to set up your parent observer access in Canvas

Click on the image to read the full document.

Observer/Parent Resources:

Observer/Parent step-by-step guides:

  • How to use the Global Navigation Menu as an Observer/Parent
  • How to navigate a Canvas course as an Observer/Parent
  • How to use the Calendar as an Observer/Parent
  • Full List of Observer/Parent Guides

Observer/Parent Videos:

  • Canvas Overview for Parents (recommended)
  • Canvas Parent App
  • Parent Notification Settings (recommended)
  • Full List of Observer/Parent Videos

Useful Links

Stay connected.

We have made every reasonable attempt to ensure that our web pages are educationally sound, are up to date, and do not contain links to any questionable material or anything that can be deemed in violation of the RCPS Acceptable Use Policy. If you believe this material is not in compliance, please contact us.  This website does not collect any personal information nor does this site use cookies.


Articles in this section

  • Adding Zoom Recordings to Your Class
  • Allow Early Access to your Course
  • Announcements in Canvas
  • Announcements vs. Inbox
  • Badges - Becoming an Issuer
  • Canvas Quick Start Guide (Instructors)
  • Canvas Studio - Lecture Capture and Video in Canvas
  • Canvas Teacher App
  • Changing the Grading Scale
  • Classic vs. New Quizzes: What's the Difference?

How to Submit Core Curriculum Assessment Through Canvas


  • August 15, 2024 16:43

For each Core Curriculum course taught at SNC, information is collected on how and where our students are exposed to our College Wide Learning Outcomes (CWLO), as well as whether they meet, partially meet, or do not meet them. Canvas makes it easier to complete these assessments directly within the course that they are taught. Additional instructions for Core Curriculum Assessment can be found here , however please use the directions below for setting up your Canvas course and assessing your students.

[optional] Hide the Learning Mastery Gradebook:

To hide the Learning Mastery Gradebook, so students will not be able to see results of outcomes-based assessments, in the left navigation bar click on: Settings → Feature Option → Student Learning Mastery Gradebook → disable . 


Create an assignment:

  • Click on the Assignments link in the left navigation
  • Click on the +Assignment button in the upper right corner (if you do not see the text editor you may need to click on the More button)
  • Name the Assignment (Recommended Name: “CWLO: Name of Outcome”, ex: “CWLO: 1 - Think Critically”)
  • Description: This is optional, but you may want to include a description that would be helpful to your students. Here are a few examples:

No submission required. Does not count towards final grade.

Every course in the core curriculum is required to report on two College Wide Learning Outcomes (CWLO). This assessment does not count towards your final grade. This assignment records the assessment for CWLO “ Name the CWLO being assessed ”.

  • Type in “ College Wide Learning Outcomes - No submission required ” and click Add Group
  • Check the box, “Do not count this assignment towards the final grade”
  • Submission Type: No Submission
  • Group Assignment: leave unchecked
  • Peer Reviews: leave unchecked
  • Assign: Leave the default setting to “Assign to Everyone”.
  • Due Date: Leave blank.
  • Click Save & Publish button.  ** Note, the assignment needs to be PUBLISHED in order to assess it later on.

Add a rubric to the assignment:

  • When viewing the assignment, click on the +Rubric button at the bottom of the assignment.
  • Click the 🔍Find a Rubric button.
  • Click St. Norbert College → Select the CWLO being assessed , scroll all the way down and click the Use This Rubric button.

Repeat steps 1-9 for the second CWLO that you will be assessing ( Note, in step 5.b., you will now select the “College Wide Learning Outcomes Group that you created. )

[optional] Hide Outcomes Assignment Grades

By following these steps, your assessment of the outcomes will be hidden from students and they will not receive notifications of your assessment.

  • Click on Grades in the left navigation.
  • Scroll to find the Outcomes assignment and click on the 3 dots next to the assignment name.
  • Click on Grade Posting Policy
  • Select Manually

Evaluate your students progress on the College Wide Learning Outcomes:

  • When you are ready to assess the College Wide Learning Outcomes, open the assignment which is tied to your first outcome and click on SpeedGrader in the upper right corner.
  • Click on the View Rubric button.
  • Adjust your left pane of the window, dragging the divider to the left, to allow for more of your rubric to be visible.
  • Select a rating for each of the CWLO indicators by clicking on the rating box within the rubric and click Save . (Note that feedback can be provided for each individual indicator, as well as overall feedback. This is all optional, however if you make overall comments you need to click the Submit button for those comments to stick.)

how do students submit assignments on canvas

  • Select Complete from the pull-down menu towards the top-left part of the window.
  • Navigate to the next student in the upper right hand corner to continue grading and follow steps 2-5 for each student.
  • Repeat these steps for the second CWLO you will be evaluating.

For additional details on Grading with a rubric using Speedgrader view this article .

You are finished evaluating College Wide Learning Outcomes for your course. You can view the overall results of your students by clicking on Grades in the side navigation and then clicking on the Gradebook drop-down menu and selecting Learning Mastery Gradebook . 

Article is closed for comments.

How to Submit an Excel File on Canvas

  • / How to Submit an Excel File on Canvas

Submitting an Excel file on Canvas can be a crucial task for students and professionals alike. Whether it’s for turning in assignments, sharing data, or collaborating on projects, knowing the ins and outs of this process ensures your hard work reaches its intended destination without any issues.

Imagine you’ve spent hours crunching numbers and perfecting your Excel spreadsheet for an important assignment. The deadline is looming, and all that’s left is to submit your work on Canvas. But wait, how exactly do you do that? Navigating through the submission process can feel daunting, especially under time pressure. Fear not! This guide will walk you through each step, ensuring a smooth and stress-free submission experience on Canvas.

Step-by-Step Guide to Submit an Excel File on Canvas

Step 1: prepare your excel file, save your file :.

  • Ensure your Excel file is saved in a recognizable location on your computer.
  • Use a clear and descriptive file name, such as “Assignment1_YourName.xlsx”.

Check File Format :

  • Confirm that your file is in the correct format (.xlsx or .xls). Canvas supports these formats for Excel files.

Step 2: Access Canvas

Log in to canvas :.

  • Open your web browser and navigate to your institution’s Canvas login page.
  • Enter your login credentials (username and password) to access your Canvas dashboard.

Navigate to Your Course :

  • From the dashboard , select the course to which you need to submit the Excel file.

Step 3: Locate the Assignment

Find the assignment :.

  • Go to the “Assignments” section of your course. This can usually be found in the course navigation menu on the left side.
  • Click on the specific assignment you need to submit.

Read Instructions :

  • Carefully read any instructions provided by your instructor regarding the assignment submission.

Step 4: Upload Your Excel File

Click on “submit assignment” :.

  • On the assignment page, you will see a “Submit Assignment” button. Click on it to start the submission process.

Choose File Upload Option :

  • You will see several submission options. Select the “File Upload” tab.

Select Your File :

  • Click on “Choose File” or “Browse” to open a file dialog box.
  • Navigate to the location where you saved your Excel file, select it, and click “Open”.

Add Comments (Optional) :

  • If needed, you can add comments for your instructor in the text box provided.
  • After selecting your file, click the “ Submit Assignment ” button. Wait for the upload to complete.

Step 5: Confirm Submission

Check submission status :.

  • After submitting, Canvas will display a confirmation message. You may also receive an email notification.
  • Verify that your file has been successfully uploaded by checking the “Submission Details” on the assignment page.

Importance of Submitting Excel Files on Canvas

Timely submission :.

  • Meeting Deadlines : Knowing how to submit files on Canvas ensures you can meet assignment deadlines, which is crucial for academic success.
  • Avoiding Penalties : Timely submissions help avoid late penalties and ensure your work is graded fairly.

Effective Communication :

  • Instructor Feedback : Submitting through Canvas allows for efficient feedback from instructors, which is essential for improving your work.
  • Organized Records : Canvas keeps all your submissions organized, making it easy to review past work and feedback .

Ease of Use :

  • User-Friendly Interface : Canvas provides a user-friendly interface that simplifies the submission process, making it accessible even for those who are not tech-savvy.
  • Centralized Platform : Using a centralized platform like Canvas streamlines the workflow for both students and instructors.

Pros and Cons

  • Convenience : Submitting assignments online through Canvas is convenient and can be done from anywhere with an internet connection.
  • Tracking : Canvas provides a timestamp and confirmation for submissions, ensuring you know when and what you submitted.
  • Feedback : Instructors can provide direct feedback on your submissions, which you can easily access through the platform.
  • Technical Issues : Internet connectivity problems or file upload errors can hinder the submission process.
  • File Size Limitations : Canvas may have file size limitations, which could be an issue for large Excel files with extensive data or embedded objects.
  • Compatibility : Ensure that the file format is compatible with Canvas to avoid submission errors.


  • Submitting an Excel file on Canvas is a straightforward yet vital process for students and professionals alike. By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure that your work is submitted correctly and on time.
  • Understanding the significance of timely submissions, the convenience of using Canvas, and the potential challenges you might face will help you navigate the platform with confidence. Mastering this skill not only aids in your academic or professional tasks but also enhances your overall digital literacy, making you better prepared for a range of online interactions and submissions.

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How do I upload a file as an assignment submission for a course using Assignment Enhancements?

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  1. Assignment Submissions (Students)

    Assignment Submissions (Students) Video Script In this video, you will learn about the different ways you can submit assignments in Canvas. If your assignment displays differently than what is displayed in this video, your course may be using the Assignment Enhancements feature option. Please view the Canvas Guides for more information.

  2. How do I submit an online assignment?

    How do I submit an online assignment? You can submit online assignments in Canvas using several submission types. Instructors can choose what kind of online submissions they want you to use. You may also have the option to resubmit assignments if your instructor allows.

  3. How do I create an online assignment?

    How do I create an online assignment? You can create online assignments for students to submit their assignments through Canvas. Students can submit formatted text using the Rich Content Editor, website URLs, annotated files, or uploaded files. They can also submit audio or video recordings by recording new media or uploading existing media.

  4. How to Submit an Assignment on Canvas

    If you are a student and need to submit (turn in) an assignment on Canvas, watch this video for help. You will learn how you can upload a file or type in your answers in the text entry box.

  5. Getting Started with Canvas Assignments

    Getting Started with Canvas Assignments. Canvas Assignments are a way for instructors to provide students opportunities to practice using the knowledge and skills they have gained or to assess student performance related to such knowledge and skills. (Creating an Assignment is the only way to create a new column in the Gradebook.)

  6. How to Create Assignments for Your Canvas Course

    How to Create Assignments Using assignments in Canvas provides a streamlined process for assigning homework and creating quizzes for students. Canvas considers an 'assignment' to be anything that is graded, whether that be a quiz or homework assignment, and whether it's delivered entirely online, paper-and-pencil, or is a participatory assignment with no actual deliverable.

  7. How to Post an Assignment in Canvas

    Do you know how to post an assignment in Canvas? Tammy Neil shares the basics.Join some of our expert customers and Canvas Advocates as they help the #Canvas...

  8. Canvas Assignment Tool: Overview

    The Canvas Assignments tool is one of several native Canvas tools that allows instructors to collect student work for grading. Through the Canvas Assignment tool, students can submit their completed work and instructors can easily collect and score the work either offline (by downloading all submissions with a single button click) or online ...

  9. Submitting Assignments

    Turnitin for Students. Overview The following information applies to students whose instructors are using Canvas for course assignments. Assignment Submission How do I view Assignments as a student? How do I filter assignments by type as a student? How do I view the rubric for my assignment?

  10. Submitting a File to a Canvas Assignment on a Student's Behalf

    Instructors can submit a file to a Canvas Assignment set to accept file uploads on behalf of a student in their course's Gradebook. Their submission to the assignment will include the timestamp as well as who submitted the file to the assignment. The instructor can also submit multiple files at a time for a single student, and submit beyond the availability date of a Canvas Assignment.

  11. Assignment Submission Types in Canvas

    Canvas lets you decide the way you want students to submit their assignments. You specify the submission type in the Submission Type box when you create the assignment.

  12. How do I submit a student's assignment on their behalf?

    For example, if a student missed a deadline or submitted the wrong paper or you are allowing the student to re-edit the paper, you can submit the assignment on their behalf without having to go through the steps of changing any deadllines or allowed attempts.

  13. Frequently Asked Questions about Canvas

    You'll also set the due date for the assignment submission in this tool and decide how long you'd like to allow students to submit the assignment. To learn more about how the Assignments tool works, check out Canvas' support materials on using Assignments.

  14. How do I submit an online assignment?

    Assignments in Canvas can be submitted using several submission types. Instructors can choose what kind of online submissions they want you to use. You have the option to resubmit assignments if your instructor allows. If you cannot see the "Submit Assignment" link, you instructor may want you to submit your assignment in a different way. 1.

  15. Submitting an Assignment Using Canvas

    This video reviews how to submit an assignment using the Canvas course management system at Imperial Valley College.

  16. Collaborative assessment: Group submissions in Canvas

    To do this first go to Assignments in the module menu where you can create a new assignment. For Canvas assignment students can submit a range of content including any type of file, video or audio recordings, or a website URL. You then simply tick the box to indicate 'This is a group assignment' and select the Group Set that you have ...

  17. How do students submit an audio or video assignment?

    If your instructor has created a Canvas Media Recording assignment, you will have to create and submit a media file to fulfill the assignment. You can choose to: Record audio and video from your computer's microphone and webcam, Record audio from your computer's microphone for an audio-only file, or Submit a previously recorded file.

  18. Use Assignments LTI™ with Canvas

    Use Assignments LTI™ with Canvas Google Assignments and Canvas expanded Google Docs Editors and Google Drive to be compatible with Canvas for file submissions. With Assignments, you can distribute and grade student work, analyze student submissions for plagiarism detection, and use Google Docs and Drive with Canvas.

  19. Canvas Guide for Parents

    Observers have limited permissions that allow them to see what is going on in a course and a calendar of assignments. Like students, Observers cannot view a course until it is published and the course has started. For assistance with Assignments, Test Dates, Quizzes, or other Canvas course content, please contact your student's teacher.

  20. How to Submit Core Curriculum Assessment Through Canvas

    How to Submit Core Curriculum Assessment Through Canvas ... however please use the directions below for setting up your Canvas course and assessing your students. [optional] Hide the Learning Mastery Gradebook: ... "Do not count this assignment towards the final grade" ...

  21. PDF Building an Online Journal Assignment in Canvas

    Building an Online Journal Assignment in Canvas. Journal assignments are helpful pedagogical tools to include in your online course. By journal, ... Creating a Journal Assignment via Student Groups paired with ... the Reinert Center by email or submit a consultation request form.

  22. How do I upload a file as an assignment submission in Canvas?

    If your instructor allows file uploads as a submission type, you can upload a file from your computer as an assignment submission. Canvas converts specific file types as previews and supports certain media file uploads. Files uploaded using the Rich Content Editor count toward your user storage quot...

  23. PDF End of Semester Canvas Checklist

    Courses menu in Canvas. SET UP ANY STUDENTS WITH INCOMPLETE If you have a student taking an incomplete, you will need to request that a new section be created in the course so the student continues to have access to the course and assignments after the semester ends. Please submit a ticket at VTS Service Desk with the following

  24. What's New? Library Resources and Free E-textbooks available in Canvas

    Many library services and resources are now accessible directly from Canvas, the learning management portal through which students can access course materials and submit assignments.

  25. How to Submit an Excel File on Canvas

    Submitting an Excel file on Canvas can be a crucial task for students and professionals alike. Whether it's for turning in assignments, sharing data, or collaborating on projects, knowing the ins and outs of this process ensures your hard work reaches its intended destination without any issues.

  26. Articles Realize: Admin Assignment Feature FAQ's, requirements

    Editing Assignments Q: Can teachers remove students from the admin assigned assignment? A: Yes, teachers can remove students from assignments within their Realize Teacher user interface assignment views. Q: Can Admins prevent teachers from editing an assignment? A: Admins cannot currently prevent teachers from editing assignments. This is ...

  27. How do I submit an assignment on behalf of a student as an instructor?

    If enabled by your institution, you can submit an assignment on behalf of a student in the Gradebook. Notes: A File Upload submission type must be allowed to submit an assignment on behalf of a student. If you are unable to submit on behalf of a student, your institution has not enabled this permis...

  28. PDF 2024 Real Estate Development UF College of Law Syllabus 08-01-24-2024

    grade so long as you still complete the readings and submit any required assignments prior to the subsequent class after the absence. For ease of administration and to respect your privacy, I do not make any differentiation between "excused" ... about various resources on the UF Law Student Resources Canvas page.

  29. How do I submit an assignment on behalf of a group?

    A group assignment is a way for instructors to allow students to work together on an assignment and submit it as a group. Only one group member needs to submit the assignment on behalf of the group. Any attachments added as part of a graded assignment submission are also copied to your group files b...

  30. How do I upload a file as an assignment submission...

    How do I upload a file as an assignment submission for a course using Assignment Enhancements? If your instructor allows file uploads as a submission type, you can upload a file from your computer or Canvas User files as an assignment submission. This lesson shows how to turn in a standard online assignment in a course using Assignment Enhancements.