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Essays About Responsibility: Top 12 Examples and Prompts

We can’t take on the challenge of life without responsibility; If you are writing essays about responsibility, discover our guide below.

The word responsibility describes the state of being accountable for our actions and is one of the main elements that make us human. We are not born with it; instead, it is something to be exercised and improved on over time.

It has often been said that with power or freedom comes responsibility, which could not be more truthful. Each of us is gifted with the ability to make choices, and we are considered superior to all other living things on this planet. However, we have to make informed choices and be responsible for our actions, whether to ourselves, the people around us, and our environment.

5 Top Essay Examples

1. the value of responsibility by simon baker, 2. freedom is not the lack of constraint, but the exercise of responsibility by beulah west, 3. why responsibility is so important by steve rose.

  • 4.  The Beneifts of Being Responsible by Frank Terzo
  • 5. ​​What It’s like to Feel Responsible for Everything by Duncan Riach

1. The Importance of Responsibility

2. dealing with false responsibility, 3. freedom and responsibility, 4. what is social responsibility, 5. what are your responsibilities, 6. responsibility as a component of success, 7. a time you acted responsibly.

“It’s easy for us to become blinkered or out-of-touch when we’re constantly working with our heads down. Although meeting our commitments is hugely important we bear another responsibility, that is to invest in ourselves and in each other. When we can free our imagination and refresh our minds, we restore perspective and reduce stress. We find time and space to explore new ways to collaborate, be creative and enjoy ourselves to the benefit of our mission.”

Baker writes about why he thinks responsibility is important and discusses factors related to responsibility, namely trust, personal choice, and freedom. A feeling of trust allows you to be more comfortable accepting responsibility, while responsibility allows us to maximize personal choice and freedom. Most importantly, bearing responsibility means freeing our minds, enjoying life, and coming up with great ideas. 

“A lack of constraint means that you can not do everything that you want. In a perfect world this would be fine, but we don’t live in a perfect world. However everyone’s view of a perfect world is different, if this coincides with the law and you are happy, then you can be free still living under laws and legislations. If you believe that freedom is making your own choices then the only way that we can be “free” is if society does not exist.”

West discusses how just as personal freedom is vital to a healthy society, so is accountability for our actions. Freedom also has a negative side; it can be described as a lack of constraint in our choices. Without constraint, our actions may hurt others or even ourselves. Therefore, it must come with the responsibility to make these choices from a more thoughtful, educated perspective. 

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“Taking responsibility creates long term resilience and a sense of purpose. This sense of purpose can be fostered by taking responsibility for one’s self by engaging in self-care. Responsibility can also be developed on a familial and societal level, offering a sense of purpose proportional to your ability to contribute your unique abilities.”

Rose explores the importance of being responsible for one’s health. It gives us a sense of purpose and helps us build resilience; however, we must first be responsible for ourselves by practicing self-care. This includes resting, exercising, taking breaks, and going to the doctor if something is bothering us. This makes us more responsible for the people around us, allowing us to perform different societal roles. You might be inspired by these essays about success and essays about overcoming challenges .

4.   The Beneifts of Being Responsible by Frank Terzo

“If we take care of our commitments, even if it something we might like to ignore, we feel better about ourselves. Each step we take towards being responsible and productive helps to raise our self-esteem and our relationships with friends, family and co-workers improve ten-fold. Being responsible pays big dividends – we have much less stress and chaos in our lives and we gain the respect of others.”

In this short essay, Terzo provides insight into the many benefits responsibility can provide you with. We must always be responsible, even if we might not feel like it, because it can improve our productivity, self-esteem, relationships with others, and overall peace. Though it might not always be easy, responsibility is key to achieving a happy life. 

5. ​​ What It’s like to Feel Responsible for Everything by Duncan Riach

“I hold responsibility when others are not taking responsibility. I was holding all of the responsibility, guilt, and shame that Billy McFarland was disowning. It’s a survival mechanism that I developed when I was a child. I had a step-father who was some form of psychopath or malignant narcissist, a person who was completely out of control and completely irresponsible. The only way that I could feel safe in that environment was to try to hold the responsibility myself.”

Riach reflects on a habit by which he constantly felt responsible for things out of his control, things as minor as events he saw on television. He developed this habit due to his upbringing- his childhood and family life were less than ideal. He is fully aware of his problem but still struggles with it. His case is an excellent example of false responsibility. 

6 Writing Prompts on Essays About Responsibility

Responsibility is, without a doubt, essential, but how important is it really? Reflect on the meaning of responsibility and explain its importance. Discuss this from a practical and personal standpoint; combine personal experience and research as the basis for your points. 

False responsibility is an attitude by which one feels responsible for things they are not. This is a widespread issue that encompasses everyone, from humble workers to some of the most influential people in the world. For your essay, research this phenomenon, then define it and explain why it occurs. Give suggestions on how one can identify false responsibility and work to stop feeling that way. 

The topics of freedom and personal responsibility are deeply intertwined; for freedom to work correctly, there must be a certain level of responsibility instilled in people so society can function correctly. In your essay, discuss these two concepts and their connection. Do proper research on this topic, then conclude this issue: are we responsible enough to be given total freedom? You may also link this to topics such as the law and regulations. You might be inspired by these essays about goals .

What is social responsibility?

Social Responsibility seems straightforward and self-defining, but it is broad, especially with society putting a higher value on awareness, community, and social justice. Research this term and its history and discuss it in your essay; define and explain it, then describe what it means. 

Whether in your studies or at work, as a family member, friend, or even a member of society, we have a unique set of responsibilities that vary depending on the person. Reflect on the different roles you play in life and decide what your responsibilities are. Briefly describe each one and explain how you fulfill these responsibilities. You can also check out these essays about conflict .

Responsibility as a component of success

This value is important because it is present in all successful individuals. Based on your opinions and research, discuss the relationship between responsibility, success, and some other factors or traits that influence success. Give examples of successful people who have shown responsibility, such as government officials, celebrities, and business leaders. 

When we are responsible, we are pretty proud of ourselves most of the time. Think of an experience you are most proud of in which you acted responsibly. Retell the story, reflect on how you felt, and explain why it is important- be as detailed as possible. Or, you may opt to do the opposite, telling the story of a time you did not show responsibility and thinking of what you would do if given a chance to repeat it. 

Grammarly is one of our top grammar checkers. Find out why in this Grammarly review . Tip: If writing an essay sounds like a lot of work, simplify it. Write a simple 5 paragraph essay instead.

responsibility writing essay

Martin is an avid writer specializing in editing and proofreading. He also enjoys literary analysis and writing about food and travel.

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How to write a compelling responsibility essay the right way.

February 6, 2020

I’m sure this is a word you’ve heard since your childhood, responsibility. Your parents, teachers, neighbors, and even the famous high school and college motivational speakers have talked to you about this.

What does responsibility mean to you? I remember my mother telling me, “Son if you are not responsible now, you might never get a wife. And remember, I want grandchildren!” So I have been trying to maintain a sense of responsibility so that I don’t miss out on a wife and deny my mum the golden opportunity of having grandchildren.

responsibility essay

That aside, let’s get down to why we are here, writing a responsibility essay.

What is a Responsibility Essay?

The word responsibility in itself is a one-sentence definition. It implies a state of having an obligation to deal with something.

A responsibility essay is, therefore, one that shows a person’s grasp of the outcome, which can be caused by his/her actions. In a broad sense, it means that there is a situation at hand, and how it is going to be handled by the person is critical to the final results.

No one is born with this sense of responsibility. It is a value that is cultivated over time by learning either directly or indirectly from others. A mother has a duty of taking care of the baby until a certain age, so does a president has responsibility for a nation.

Responsibility essay assignments for students hardly miss because this is a practical aspect of life.

Writing Ideas on a Responsibility Essay

Are you there stranded on where to begin your 1000 word essay on responsibility? Well, here are some great ideas that you can borrow from for starters:

  • Primary responsibilities: You can write about what you are tasked with daily, and you are getting along with those responsibilities.
  • Social responsibility: Talk about society’s rights and how they relate to their duty. Is there a conflict between the two?
  • Power and responsibility: Is it true that those in power are the ones mandated with greater responsibilities than the others in society?
  • Why is it hard to take it? Here you can delve into the issue of why people do not want to take responsibility for their actions. For instance, a man who impregnates a lady and refuses to own up, thus running away and leaving the lady to fend for herself and the child.

I would not be doing justice if I left this section without quoting the famous Peter Parker’s Principle, “with great power, comes great responsibility.” For those who may not be familiar with that, watch Spider-Man, the movie.

A personal responsibility essay is the cheapest to write. I mean, isn’t there a time you were tasked with watching over your siblings, being the captain of a class, or even tending your flock back in the ranch? All that was responsible, and, in your essay, show whether you were good or bad at it, or sooner if you enjoyed working at it.

You can also show in your essay on why responsibility is essential. If you were looking after your little sister and out of your irresponsibility, she slipped into the kitchen and caused a fire, doesn’t that tell you why you need to be responsible?

If your niche is on leadership, then you can write an essay on responsibility and accountability. Show why the leaders need to be transparent in their undertakings and why it is essential to the citizens at large.

For every successful writer, you need to have an outline . A responsibility paper outline will help you achieve the following:

  • Know if your thoughts are well interconnected
  • Point out potholes in your essay
  • Come up with a clear and precise sequence of ideas
  • To determine if the sufficiency of the evidence at hand.

Such will save you the agony of taking a lot of time to write your responsibility. The subsequent speech on responsibility will, therefore, be precise and complete, and perhaps compete for audience with Obama’s speeches.

And if that’s not enough, let us look at some topics you can use for your next essay about responsibility.

Top 10 Winning Topic Ideas for a Responsibility Essay

These topics will act as an icebreaker to stir you up for more great ideas that you can write about from today.

Are you ready for this? Here we go!

  • With high power, comes great responsibility (I wouldn’t miss starting with this)
  • What is the importance of being responsible?
  • At what age can someone be considered responsible enough?
  • Leadership and responsibility
  • Personal responsibility in college
  • Is responsibility an obligation to oneself?
  • Personal responsibility and academic success
  • Responsibility gun control
  • Legal and ethical implications of irresponsibility
  • Social responsibility and reduction of crime rate
  • Responsible parenting
  • Am I good at fulfilling my obligations?
  • Rights versus responsibilities
  • To be or not to be responsible
  • Accountability starts with me!

Crafting Great Responsibility Essay

Well, I guess that is enough to get you started and improve your grades, especially in essay writing. Why don’t you choose one of the topics and craft an essay now?

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Essays on Responsibility

Responsibility means performing tasks you need to perform, like writing a responsibility essay and managing the consequences. Authors of responsibility essays develop different definitions of responsibility. Responsibility can be defined as the ability of a person to complete or fulfill what was entrusted to them, or what they have taken upon themselves. Essays on responsibility explore external ways to ensure a person’s responsibility, like accountability at work, or punishment for failure. Other essays emphasize that internal ways – self-regulation, sense of responsibility, and sense of duty – samples below will further elaborate on this topic. We need to remember that while we all have our daily responsibilities, we also share global responsibility for the surrounding people and the world. Our responsibility essay samples can serve as a template for your essay, so take a quick peek!

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Responsibility Essay: Topic Ideas & Responsibility Writing Prompts

“You are not only responsible for what you say, but also for what you do not say” Martin Luther

There are a lot of other good quotations that can serve as a good beginning for your essay on responsibility and provide good ideas for writing.

However, responsibility can be viewed from different perspectives, which is why making the final decision for your essay on responsibility can be rather challenging.

If this is your main problem with the responsibility essay, we are glad to help you and offer some brilliant ideas, just check our website .

  • 👔 Your Major Responsibilities
  • 🔋 Power and Responsibility
  • 💻 Social Responsibility Essays
  • ❓ Why Is It so Hard to Take It?

✍️ Other Responsibility Essay Topics

1. 👔 your major responsibilities.

If you have absolutely nothing to talk about in the responsibility essay, writing about yourself and your duties can be a good option. So, what are you responsible for? Have your responsibilities changed with time? Do you think you are good at fulfilling them?

2. 🔋 Power and Responsibility

“With great power comes great responsibility” – this can be the main idea of your essay. Do you agree that people who possess power are responsible for many things ? What happens if powerful people act irresponsibly?

3. 💻 Social Responsibility Essays

Do you agree that today people have a lot of rights but do not think much about their responsibilities? Which one of them does a citizen have or a simple person who lives in society along with other people? Answer these questions in your essay on responsibility .

4. ❓ Why Is It so Hard to Take It?

Why are some people afraid to take responsibility for their actions? In your essay on responsibility , introduce several situations like that and tell about the consequences of not taking responsibility.

  • Is responsibility a fundamental quality any person must possess?
  • Analyze the role of ethics and responsibility at work. 
  • How do you understand corporate social responsibility?  
  • Explain the role and responsibility of business.  
  • The importance of corporate social responsibility in the modern world.  
  • Discuss the issues of corporate social responsibility and the ways to overcome them. 
  • Describe moral responsibility of each individual for the contribution in global warming.
  • Explain why freedom of speech entails a great responsibility to each individual.
  • Examine why the sense of responsibility is often considered a driving force of human development.
  • Analyze the role of managers in development of corporate social responsibility.
  • Explore the complex issue of social responsibility for advertising to children .
  • Diverce interpretations interpretations of the term “responcibility” and your personal vision of responsibility .
  • Why it is vital to be a responsible person .
  • Modern technology, anonymity, and responsibility from a cultural relativism perspective .
  • Does Apple show concern for ethical and social responsibility ?
  • Discuss the specifics of professional responsibility of lawyers .
  • What are you responsible for in your personal life and immediate environment ?
  • Describe the peculiarities of ethical responsibility of police administrators.
  • Do you feel any responsibility for the things outside of your immediate environment?
  • Explain why leadership is a great responsibility.
  • Positive and negative impact of globalization on corporate social responsibility in international companies. 
  • Analyze the responsibility of citizens for the actions their government take.
  • Examine the importance of socially responsible leadership in education .
  • What is the student’s responsibility at college?  
  • Discuss the connection between social and personal responsibility .
  • How to become responsible ?
  • Explore the connection between personal responsibility and success.
  • The role of parents in formation the sense of responsibility in children.
  • The basic aspects of corporate responsibility philosophy. 
  • What does personal responsibility towards the society include?
  • Discuss the human responsibility for issues outside the immediate environment.
  • Are the leaders responsible for social media posts of their team?
  • Explore who is responsible for the epidemic of childhood obesity
  • Describe the areas of responsibility people have in their personal lives.
  • Why do people often shrink from personal responsibility ?
  • Benefits of corporate social responsibility. 
  • Who is responsible for poverty and violence in developing nations ?
  • Explain why you consider yourself a responsible human being .
  • Discuss the strong and weak points of the personal responsibility concept.
  • People’s responsibility for inhumane acts.
  • Describe different points of view on the concept of responsibility.
  • Analyze the concept of responsibility from ethical point of view.
  • Are parents responsible for children’s crimes?
  • What does responsibility mean to you?
  • Should celebrities be responsible for being role models?
  • Explain why free will is a huge responsibility.
  • What are the major traits of a responsible person ?
  • Discuss the ethical responsibility in nursing profession.
  • Where are the limits of personal responsibility ?
  • Describe the connection between responsibility and morality.

Well, this is it for now. If you are asked to cover other complicated topics, remember that we can also help you with essays on leadership and many-many others.

Learn more on this topic:

  • Efficient Essays on Environment vs Development: Useful Tips
  • Disaster Management Essay: Great Ideas for Effective Plan
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This was extremely helpful. Thanks! I have to complete a responsibility essay in a couple of days, and this post was golden to me. Again, thanks!

Awesome info! This actually what I need for writing my essay on responsibility. I must thank you for this amazing help!

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Best topics on Responsibility

1. Community Responsibility: Culture of Care and Accountability

2. Why is Responsibility Important in Everyday Life

3. Why Is Responsibility Important For Health

4. Various Kinds of Responsibility Cost Accounting Centres

5. The Rights And Responsibilities Of A Citizen In America

6. My Personal Responsibility: Taking Responsibility For Your Actions

7. Corporate Social Responsibility: Taking Responsibility For Actions In Businesses

8. Exploring Citizen’s Engagement And Responsibilities Of A Citizen

9. Moral Vegetarianism: Responsibility Or Necessity

10. Age Of Consent And Age Of Responsibility

11. Themes of Responsibility and Respect in The Cask Of Amontillado by Edgar Allen Poe and Trifles by Susan Gaspells

12. The Appropriate Age for Driving Among Teenagers

13. The Social Responsibility of the Educators and Education Department

14. Reasons behind Kanhaiya Gulati Kanwhizz Sucess

15. Overview of Seth Lazar Views on Self-Defence and Responsibility

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How to write a great responsibility essay: topic ideas and writing tips

If you are assigned to write an essay on responsibility, it’s not always clear how to get started. After all, we all know what responsibility is (or, at least, we imagine so). We know that some people are responsible and others are not. But all of this does not seem enough for a good essay. More than that, it does not sound exciting enough for any academic work.

Creative ideas on a responsibility essay

The definition of responsibility, how important is responsibility, should one strive to be responsible, social responsibility, how to outline a responsibility essay, extra tips on writing and formatting a responsibility essay.

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The Nature of Responsibility

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Words: 1134 |

Published: Sep 4, 2018

Words: 1134 | Pages: 2 | 6 min read

Works Cited:

  • Bartholomew, R. E. (2018). Understanding conversion disorder: A guide for the medical profession. ABC-CLIO.
  • (2017, January 24). The Little Ice Age: A World-Lost. JSTOR Daily.
  • Foskett, D. J. (2020). The Salem Witch Trials: A Day-by-Day Chronicle of a Community Under Siege. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Hansen, C. B. (2017). Witches, Magic, and Transgression in the European Middle Ages. Oxford University Press.
  • Kirsch, G. E. (2019). The Salem witch trials: A reference guide. ABC-CLIO.
  • Norton, M. B. (2016). In the Devil's Snare: The Salem Witchcraft Crisis of 1692. Vintage.
  • Rosenthal, B. (2013). Salem story: reading the witch trials of 1692. Cambridge University Press.
  • Starkey, M. (2015). The Devil in Massachusetts: A Modern Enquiry into the Salem Witch Trials. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group.
  • Wright, L. (2017). Salem witch trials. Routledge.
  • Woolf, A. (2019). The Salem Witch Trials. Pearson Education Limited.

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responsibility writing essay

Social Responsibility to Others Essay

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Social responsibilities are vital and play an enormous role in every aspect of human life. Consequently, individuals must live in a wealthy and expanding society, and they must be mindful of both domestic and international responsibilities (“Roles and Actions”). “Millions” by Sonja Larsen, “Cranes Fly South” by Edward McCourt and “How to live in history” by Yvonne Blomer describes the various ways in which individuals should be responsible to others. Social responsibility allows a person to understand the interconnectedness of causes and effects that form the fabric of life.

The Power and Responsibility of the Adults’ Influence on Children

The interest of adults in children’s lives is significant in developing a child’s social skills. For instance, in “Millions” by Sonja Larsen, the child is obsessed by thoughts of buying guns (Larsen). However, upon being engaged by the school counselor, the child turns his attention to catapults and medieval weapons because they less harmful as the guns.

Parents face challenges in understanding children’s problems. For instance, despite being asked about the million-dollar question, the child’s interests comprised the anti-social activities (Larsen). As a result, the adult school counselor is forced to institute an assessment program to help the child change his thought processes.

Teaching children morality and sensitivity is one of the key responsibilities of parents. For example, through the school counselor’s continuous interest of the child, the narrator states, “sometime I’m a hero, and sometimes I’m the first victim” (Larsen). In this case, the narrator is capable of understanding the consequences of the adults influence on children by instilling social skills.

From the above analysis, responsibility and understanding of the consequences of the adults influence on children. Therefore, through adult’s social responsibility, children are able to understand the interconnectedness of causes and effects of certain life mistakes. The result is a change of behavior to the better.

Intergenerational Communication for Enriching Human Life Experiences

Through social responsibility, the conditionality of children’s love for the older generation improves. For instance, in “Cranes Fly South” by Edward McCourt, Lee’s love for his grandfather makes him take him to witness the flight of the crane because he knows it would be exciting to his grandfather. Lee does this despite the day being cold and bleak.

The probable extinction of the whooping crane, which is stated at the beginning of the narrative, links to the notion of mutual respect as the most important prerequisite for intergenerational communication. Grandfather is aware that his time on earth is limited and that he must see the majestic grandeur of the crane one more time before dying. This is realized through the help of his grandchild, Lee.

The story uses the symbolism of the whooping crane to mean a change of life. For example, his grandfather’s health begins to improve, which makes Lee pleased, as seen by his last words, “He’s gone south.” Grandfather will finally have a chance to see the sea (McCourt 143). It points towards the distinctive abilities and skills of children in adult’s life.

It is important to equal value the contributions of both parties through intergenerational communication. For instance, when the grandfather finally dies, Lee’s parents blame it on him. This makes Lee so depressed and anguished over his grandfather’s death. Therefore, grandfather’s delirious raving and the parent’s reactions demonstrate that children have insight into life and death, hence, the need for equal value contributions.

Listening As the Main Way of Knowing the World by a Child

Communication is one method of passing on a parent’s worldview to a child. According to Lee and Sandra, children develop self-concepts and beliefs depending on how their parents interact with them (48). Lack of communication between the child and the mother is clear when the narrator say, “he begrudgingly helps out his mom” (Larsen). Therefore, communication should be used to transfer the worldview of parents to a child.

Listening is also a way for a child to learn about the world by hearing both expressed and unspoken feelings and thoughts. For instance, according to Blomer, language is “the way your mother may have told you—her forehead pressed to yours, saying: Listen, dear, listen .” (Blomer. para. 3) As such, despite not loudly speaking, the child understands the mother’s communication through pressing of the foreheads alone.

Communication forms a new fabric of reality due to the perception of a child. In “How to live in history” Blomer relates language as both being a family and having the feeling of a child (Blomer). Furthermore, Blomer states that, “They forget that part of language is listening “(Blomer, para. 4). Therefore, language, which is communication, can be understood by children by visualizing the world through listening.

Listening is one of the primary ways a child learns about the world because it connects generations as well as the past and the future. For instance, in “Cranes Fly South,” Lee listens to his grandfather’s story about never having seen a whopping crane before (McCourt 143). The narrative points towards the child’s capacity to link the two generations using the symbolism of the whooping crane.

The Importance of the History of Intergenerational Relations

The importance of responsibility to others as a foundation of nation history is significant for intergenerational relations. Lee, a child, is closely related with his grandfather because of the social responsibility he feels for the old man (McCourt 143). This indicates the importance of history in relating the two diverse generations.

As a society and as a community, individuals should embrace the historical perspective of social aspects of life in order to establish social responsibilities within a society. Lee embraces the generational past aspects of the grandfather (McCourt 143). The effect is the unlocking of his grandfather’s happiness because throughout his life, he has been envying seeing whooping cranes go south.

Importance of the history of intergenerational relations is established by the interconnectedness of causes and effects in life. For instance, in Larsen’s narrative, the effect of obsession of guns by the child has a familial cause, and the effect could be life damaging to the child. Therefore, the narrative uses the interconnectedness of causes and effects in life in helping the child understand other important life perspectives.

Social responsibility is a key to comprehending the fabric of life. In Larsen’s story, without the school counselor and Lee, intergenerational relations are challenging. Therefore, social responsibility makes both the child and the narrator to establish the prerequisite of all the fabrics of life: the child’s viewpoint of life and the narrator’s perspective.

In conclusion, as indicated in “Millions” by Sonja Larsen, “Cranes Fly South” by Edward McCourt and “How to live in history” by Yvonne Blomer, Social responsibility enables an individual to comprehend the interdependence of causes and consequences that comprise the fabric of life. As such, listening facilitates connection with others and a sense of responsibility.

Works Cited

Blomer, Yvonne. “How to Live in History.” Create Victoria-Cultural Plan , Web.

“ Importance of Parents in Life: Roles and Actions .” Cuemath , Web.

Larsen, Sonja. “ Millions .” Little Fiction Big Truths , Web.

Lee, Glona, and Sandra D. Simpkins. “ Ability self-concepts and parental support may protect adolescents when they experience low support from their math teachers .” Journal of Adolescence , vol. 88, no. 1, 2021, pp. 48-57. Web.

McCourt, Edward. “ Cranes Fly South .” Web.

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IvyPanda . 2024. "Social Responsibility to Others." January 28, 2024.

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24 Writing Prompts About Responsibility

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Responsibility – it’s a big deal. No matter who you are or what you’re doing, taking responsibility is key. It helps us grow as people, work together better, and become all-around awesome human beings.

But responsibility isn’t always sunshine and rainbows.

It can push us outside our comfort zone and make us think hard. That’s why we cooked up some writing prompts to get you thinking and feeling about this whole responsibility thing.

These prompts are for everyone – you can be a writing whiz, a school student, or just someone looking to level up as a person. They’re guaranteed to get your brain buzzing and help you explore this important topic.

So, let’s dive into the world of responsibility, one prompt at a time.

Writing Prompts About Responsibility

  • Discovering Responsibility Through Childhood Recollections: Think back to your childhood days and pinpoint a moment where you first felt a sense of responsibility. This could be a small task like feeding your pet , or helping your younger sibling with their homework. Your task is to write an essay describing that instance, explaining how it shaped your understanding of responsibility, and how it still impacts your actions today. Reflect on how early experiences of responsibility have influenced your current attitude and behavior.
  • The Turning Point: Imagine there was a significant event in your life that drastically shifted your understanding and perception of responsibility. This could be a job promotion, becoming a parent, or any other life-altering circumstance. Write a narrative that thoroughly examines this turning point, focusing on the before and after of your sense of responsibility. Explore the transformative nature of the event based on your sense of responsibility.
  • Responsible Leadership : Assume the role of a leader in an organization or community . Explore the various responsibilities that come with this role, and how you navigate the fine balance between fulfilling your duties and managing the expectations of your team or community members. Delve into the intricate nuances of responsibility in a leadership position.
  • Responsibility Towards the Environment: We all have a shared responsibility to protect and preserve our environment. Write a persuasive piece encouraging individuals to take personal responsibility for their environmental impact. Use examples from your own life about how you’ve adjusted your behaviors and habits to lessen your environmental footprint. Emphasize the importance of individual responsibility in environmental conservation.
  • Responsibility and Ethical Dilemmas: Imagine you are faced with a difficult ethical dilemma, where your decision may have significant consequences for others. Write a detailed account of your thought process, illustrating how your sense of responsibility guides your decision-making process. Explain the intersection of responsibility and ethics in complex decision-making situations.
  • Responsibility in Relationships : Responsibility plays a significant role in our relationships, be it friendships, family , or romantic partnerships. Explore an instance in your personal relationship where your sense of responsibility was put to the test. This could be a conflict resolution, trust rebuilding, or a time where you had to put someone else’s needs before your own. Analyze the role of responsibility in maintaining and nurturing relationships.
  • Responsibility Towards Personal Growth: Self-improvement and personal growth is an area where we owe a significant responsibility to ourselves. Write an introspective piece about your journey towards personal growth. This should include the steps you’ve taken, the mistakes you’ve made, and how your understanding of your own responsibilities has evolved over time. Narrate your personal journey to depict the responsibility you hold for your own development.
  • Responsibility in the Digital World: In the age of technology , our online actions have far-reaching consequences. Consider a scenario where you are responsible for managing a large online community. Discuss the challenges you face and how you exercise responsibility in managing content, promoting inclusivity, and ensuring the well-being of your members. Investigate the responsibilities that come with managing digital spaces and online communities.
  • Responsibility as a Citizen: Write about a time when you felt a strong sense of civic duty, be it voting in an election , participating in a peaceful protest, or volunteering in your community. Explore the feelings of responsibility associated with being an active participant in society. Dive into the pivotal role of civic responsibility in a functional society.
  • Responsibility and Apology: Think about a situation where you made a mistake or hurt someone unintentionally. Detail the process of acknowledging your mistake, apologizing sincerely, and doing what it took to make amends. Explore how taking responsibility for one’s actions is the first step towards rectification and forgiveness.
  • Responsibility in the Face of Injustice : Imagine you witnessed an act of unfairness or discrimination. Write a narrative where you show how you took responsibility to stand up against this injustice, the actions you took, and the results of your stand. Discuss the importance of individual responsibility in challenging and correcting injustices.
  • Responsibility Towards Health and Wellness: Reflect on your personal journey towards maintaining or improving your physical or mental health . How have you held yourself accountable for your health choices? Discuss the challenges you’ve faced, the victories you’ve celebrated, and the lessons you’ve learned along the way. Highlight the importance of taking responsibility for one’s own health and well-being.
  • Financial Responsibility: Write about your personal experience in managing finances. How have you learned to budget, save, or invest responsibly? What were the mistakes you made, and what did they teach you? How has your approach to financial responsibility evolved over time? Narrate your journey of understanding and implementing financial responsibility.
  • A responsible educator: Imagine you’re an educator, tasked with shaping young minds. Discuss the responsibility of delivering education that is engaging, inclusive, and inspiring. What are the challenges you might face, and how would you overcome them? Explore the weight of responsibility that lies with educators in shaping the future .
  • Responsibility in Crisis: Assume you’re placed in a crisis situation, such as a natural disaster or a public health emergency. You are a crucial part of the crisis management team. Write about the decisions you make, the responsibilities you shoulder, and the lessons learned from this experience. Discuss the crucial role of responsibility in crisis management and resolution.
  • Responsibility Towards Self-Expression: Reflect on your journey of self-expression, be it through art , writing, or any other creative outlet. Explore the responsibility you have towards yourself in staying true to your creative vision and authenticity. How have you balanced this with societal expectations or pressures? Delve into the responsibility an individual carries in their process of self-expression and authenticity.
  • Responsibility Towards Cultural Heritage: Write about your experiences with preserving and respecting your cultural heritage. Discuss the responsibility you feel to keep your traditions alive, educate others about your culture, and its significance in your personal identity . Investigate the role of individual responsibility in the preservation and appreciation of cultural heritage.
  • Accepting Responsibility Without Control: Reflect on a situation where you had to take responsibility for something that was largely beyond your control. This could be a work project gone awry, a family situation, or an unexpected life event. Describe how you navigated this challenge and what it taught you about responsibility and control. Explore the process of shouldering responsibility in situations where control is limited or non-existent.
  • Responsibility Towards Professional Development: Write about the responsibility you have towards your own professional growth. This could include pursuing further education, seeking mentorship, learning new skills, or maintaining work-life balance. Discuss the challenges you’ve faced and how you overcame them. Discuss the importance of individual responsibility in career growth and professional development.
  • Responsibility and Social Media Influence: Suppose you are an influencer with a substantial social media following. Discuss the responsibilities you bear in disseminating information, setting trends, and maintaining a healthy digital environment. How do you handle the pressure, and how do you ensure you act responsibly? Explore the duties and responsibilities associated with being a social media influencer.
  • Being Responsible for Future Generations: Think about your responsibility towards future generations. This could be related to environmental conservation, building a fair society, or passing on knowledge. Write about the actions you are taking now to ensure a better world for those who will come after you. Contemplate the responsibilities we owe to generations yet to come.
  • Embracing Responsibility After Failure : Reflect on a time when you experienced failure. Describe how you took responsibility for the situation, learned from it, and moved forward. Discuss the emotions you experienced during the process and how it shaped your perspective towards responsibility and failure. Analyze the role of responsibility in learning from failures and using them as stepping stones for growth.
  • Responsible Journalism : Imagine you are a journalist responsible for reporting news to the public. Discuss the challenges you face in ensuring the accuracy and fairness of the information, upholding ethical guidelines, and balancing the public’s right to know with potential risks . Investigate the responsibilities inherent in journalism and the dissemination of information.
  • Responsibility Towards Personal Passions: Reflect on a passion or hobby that you deeply care about. How have you taken responsibility to nurture and grow this passion? Discuss any sacrifices you’ve made, the time you’ve committed, and how this responsibility has enriched your life. Narrate your journey of taking responsibility for nurturing your personal passions.

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How to Write Catchy Responsibility Essays in 2023

responsibility essays

Writing great responsibility essays and getting them to read and rank is not easy. Here are top-notch tricks to help you achieve these two.

What is a Responsibility Essay?

Responsibility entails our ability to make decisions that serve our interests as well as those of others.

Therefore, an essay on responsibility has the following crucial aspects:

An in-depth understanding of trust in life The critical consequences related to it Factors that lead to its recognition in the society

Most students find essays on responsibility a hard nut to crack, which should not be the case. Read on to find out how you can craft a masterpiece responsibility essay for your assignment.

How to Write Essays About Responsibility: Structure

Now, to beat the rest of your classmates and stand a chance of attaining an A+, you have to master the secret ingredients behind all this. Keep your eyes peeled.

Before you embark on writing, a persuasive outline would correctly set the pace for you. What should your framework entail?

  • Identify a Thematic Area of Interest on Responsibility

It contains the title and, subsequently, the basis of your thesis statement. Such should be a topic that interests you (and your readers) so that you can write it with a smile.

The topic should be:

  • Relevant to your readers
  • One that you can research on
  • Precise and appealing to anyone who comes around it

For instance, if your focus is on personal responsibility essays, you can choose from the following topics:

  • Maturity and personal responsibility
  • How to deal with obligations systematically
  • Personal responsibility and blame on oneself
  • Personal responsibility plays a significant role in college

From these topics, you can then derive an A-grade thesis statement that will be the rest of your essay’s driving force. Here is an example:

  • Personal responsibility is the hallmark of maturity. Here is why it is so.

There are many other ideas that you can use to start your responsibility essay to win the hearts of your readers.

  • Determine the Different Sub-categories to Support Your Major Idea

After having your topic and thesis statement, here comes the heart of the matter, the body. You will need to support your claims with relevant examples, facts, and statistics.

Let us see great prompts that you can use for the following types of essays:

Age of Responsibility Essays

In such kinds of essays, your body should answer the following questions:

  • What is the age of responsibility, and who determines it?
  • Why that age bracket is considered responsible
  • Are there any psychological factors related to that age?

Social Responsibility Essays

One can tackle this type of essay with the following questions in mind:

  • What if all the members of the society were responsible?
  • What are some of the problems, challenges, and conflicts in society?
  • Are people relying much on rights and neglecting responsibilities?
  • What are the impacts of such a trait?
  • How can we all work towards social responsibility?

Essays on Responsibility and Accountability

Use the following thoughts to write your essay body:

  • Who should hold people responsible?
  • How does someone learn to be accountable?
  • Do you think you people are responsible without someone else over them?
  • What is the relationship between responsibility and accountability?
  • Can an irresponsible person be liable?

Essays on Power and Responsibility

Liven up your body with some of the ideas listed below:

  • Does vast power come with great responsibility?
  • What should happen to irresponsible leaders?
  • Are the citizens to blame for irresponsible leaders?
  • How to attain responsible leadership in society

Remember that the body should present your arguments in a clear, persuasive, and amusing manner. The reader should get all his questions answered in the body.

  • Summarize With a Logical Conclusion

If asked, a majority of students would tell you that the conclusion is not that important. However, contrary to that popular belief, the end is as important as the title, intro, and body.

The responsibility essays for students should:

  • Be brief and to the point
  • Not be a repetition of the points discussed in the body
  • Have a call to action (asking the readers to be responsible either at an individual or corporate level)

Essays on personal responsibility are the cheapest to write since you can easily relate them with your own life. Therefore, take caution so as not to be emotional or add your feelings to the paper.

Personal Responsibility Essay Sample The KQ I find the most intuitive in ethical decision making is the “outcomes”. I consider this the key question to be my most important guide to the ethical decision making because actions have consequences and those consequences are not only limited to the person initiating the action but also other people. When we consider the potential outcomes of an action for different stakeholder groups including us, we can make the decisions that will advance the overall interests of all the stakeholders involved. This approach also ensures we do not only consider personal interests but can act in a selfless manner. I believe this approach also serves as a useful guide when making the laws and rules that govern the conduct of communities as well the greater society. I have been influenced to take this approach because I care about the social issues that affect the modern society and such issues include climate change, equal rights for women, and equal rights for minority groups. There are some of these issues that do not personal affect me yet I care about them because they affect many of the people I know and care about and they will also affect many of the people who have yet to be born. I believe I am part of the society and have benefitted from the investments the society has made in me. Thus, it is only fair for me to evaluate the merits of issues on the basis of their outcomes for the different stakeholder groups. I believe this approach also explains some of the laws that make our society better. For example, the current laws do not allow citizens to drive while under the influence of alcohol. This is because the potential outcomes of such an action also involve people other than the driver. In addition, the potential costs of such a conduct far outweigh any potential benefits. When we consider the outcomes of an action for all the potential stakeholders, we make decisions whose benefits are more likely to outweigh the potential costs. This approach also increases the probability of people acting in a selfless manner.

From the discussion above, any student can now be able to develop a thrilling and top-grade responsibility essay.

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Essay on Responsibility Of Youth

Students are often asked to write an essay on Responsibility Of Youth in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Responsibility Of Youth

Importance of youth responsibility.

Youth are the future. They have the power to shape the world. It’s important for them to understand their responsibilities. This includes caring for themselves, their families, and their communities. They should also respect the law and the rights of others.

Personal Responsibility

Youth have a duty to take care of their health. This means eating well, exercising, and avoiding harmful habits. They also need to focus on their education. Learning new skills can help them succeed in life.

Family Responsibility

Young people should help their families. They can do chores, take care of siblings, and support their parents. Family is a team, and everyone needs to do their part.

Community Responsibility

Youth should also help their communities. They can volunteer, clean up parks, or help neighbors. By doing these things, they can make their communities better places to live.

Respect for Law and Rights

Finally, youth must respect the law and the rights of others. They should follow rules and treat everyone with kindness. This helps create a peaceful society.

250 Words Essay on Responsibility Of Youth


Youth is a time of energy and potential. It is a time when we can shape our life. As young people, we have many responsibilities. These are not just to ourselves, but also to our families, our communities, and our world.

Responsibility to Self

The first duty of youth is to themselves. They must take care of their health and education. They should eat healthy food, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep. They should also study hard to gain knowledge and skills. This will help them to be successful in the future.

Responsibility to Family

Young people also have a duty to their families. They should respect their parents and elders. They should help with household chores. They should also care for their younger siblings. This helps to strengthen family bonds.

Responsibility to Society

Youth also have a role to play in society. They should be good citizens. They should obey laws and respect authority. They should also help those in need. This can be done by volunteering or donating to charity.

Responsibility to the World

Finally, youth have a responsibility to the world. They should care for the environment. They should also promote peace and understanding among different cultures and religions. This helps to make the world a better place.

In conclusion, youth have many responsibilities. By fulfilling these duties, they can make a positive impact. They can help to shape a better future for themselves and for everyone.

500 Words Essay on Responsibility Of Youth

Youth is a time of energy, growth, and potential. It is a period when we can shape our futures and influence our societies. As young people, we carry a great responsibility. This essay will explore the various responsibilities of youth.

Role in Society

Young people play a critical role in society. They are the leaders of tomorrow, and their actions today will shape the future. They have the responsibility to be informed about world events, local issues, and the needs of their communities. They must participate in social activities, volunteer work, and community service. By doing this, they can contribute to society and make the world a better place.

Education and Learning

Education is another key responsibility of youth. Young people must strive to learn and grow, not only in school but also in life. They should seek knowledge, develop skills, and cultivate curiosity. This will prepare them for future challenges and opportunities. They must also respect their teachers and peers, fostering a positive learning environment for all.

Health and Well-Being

Young people also have a responsibility towards their health and well-being. They should eat healthily, exercise regularly, and avoid harmful habits like smoking or excessive screen time. They should also take care of their mental health, seeking help when needed. By doing this, they can ensure a healthy and productive future.

Respect and Kindness

Respect and kindness are essential responsibilities of youth. Young people should treat others with dignity and respect, regardless of their background or beliefs. They should also show kindness and empathy towards others. This promotes harmony and understanding in society.

Environment Protection

Youth have a vital role in protecting the environment. They should be aware of environmental issues and take steps to reduce their carbon footprint. They can do this by recycling, conserving water, and using renewable energy. They should also advocate for environmental policies and participate in environmental campaigns.

In conclusion, the responsibilities of youth are vast and varied. From contributing to society and pursuing education, to maintaining health, showing respect, and protecting the environment, young people carry a heavy load. Yet, it is through these responsibilities that they can truly make a difference. As they step into adulthood, they carry with them the power to shape the future. It is up to them to use this power wisely, fulfilling their responsibilities and creating a better world for all.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Responsibility For Students
  • Essay on Responsibility For Health
  • Essay on Philosophy On Education

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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From drab to fab: elevate your essay writing with powerful techniques, sponsored post.

  • May 28, 2024

Essays. The mere word can make some students groan and break out in a cold sweat. Some of them don’t know where to start, and others wonder, “How do I make my essay better to get a good grade?” But essays don’t have to be your nemesis. With the right tools and tricks, you can transform your essays from drab to absolutely fabulous!

Whether you panic at the sight of a blank page or feel like your texts always end up being a confusing jumble, you’re in the right place. And yes, sometimes it helps to get extra guidance from websites like WritePapers when it comes to academic writing. Yet, with the strategies we’ll talk about here, you can start crafting those A+ essays your teachers will rave about. 

Let’s ditch the dull texts and get creative!

responsibility writing essay

Spice Up Your Sentences

Basic sentences get the job done, but they won’t make your essay pop. To really elevate your writing, you should experiment with different sentence structures and words. 

Think about how you can add flair to your writing strategies. A mix of sentence lengths is a great starting point. Short, punchy sentences can create emphasis. Longer, detailed sentences are perfect for describing complex ideas. 

And don’t forget the power of those vivid verbs! They bring your writing to life. Instead of describing something as “interesting,” try words like “fascinating,” “captivating,” or “riveting.”

Master Transitions

Smooth transitions are essential for creating a strong, cohesive essay. Imagine trying to cross a river without any bridges…it’d be tough! Effective transitions show the relationships between your ideas, taking your reader on a clear and logical journey. 

Using signal words and phrases is a cornerstone of successful transitions. For example, if you’re adding onto a previous point, words like “furthermore” or “additionally” work wonders. Want to show contrast? Try “however” or “on the other hand.” To demonstrate cause and effect, use words like “consequently” or “therefore” are your friends. 

But transitions can be more subtle than just these signal words. A well-placed example or brief anecdote can seamlessly move from one concept to the next.

Apply the Right Evidence

Using relevant evidence is one of the best essay writing strategies. But simply dropping a quote won’t cut it. The real magic comes from analyzing and integrating evidence into your own words. Explain why that particular quote or piece of data backs up your argument. 

Moreover, you should provide context for your evidence. Don’t let it stand alone in a disconnected way – weave it seamlessly into your writing. 

And lastly, remember that variety is key when it comes to essay writing tips. Mix up the types of evidence you use – a poignant quote, a relevant statistic, or a vivid example – to keep your reader engaged and make your points even more convincing.

responsibility writing essay

Don’t Skip the Revision Step

Never underestimate the power of thorough revision. It’s where you can refine your ideas, polish your writing, and truly make your essay better. 

One crucial step in the revision process is to take a break after writing your first draft. Returning to your work with fresh eyes lets you catch those sneaky errors or confusing passages you might have glossed over initially.

Reading your work aloud is another invaluable strategy! Hearing your words spoken out loud helps you notice awkward phrasing or areas where the flow feels off. This is a simple yet highly effective way to identify where you might need to focus on how to improve writing skills.

Finally, remember that revision isn’t just about fixing typos (although those are important, too!). Take a step back and ask yourself the big questions: 

  • Is your thesis statement crystal clear? 
  • Is your essay well-organized? 
  • Does each paragraph seamlessly support your main argument? 

If you find yourself needing guidance or an extra set of eyes, don’t hesitate to seek out help with writing. There are numerous resources available, including online platforms and essay writing services, that can provide valuable feedback and help you take your writing to the next level.

Embrace Your Voice

One of the easiest ways to fall into the “drab essay” trap is by trying to sound overly formal or academic. While correct grammar and good structure are non-negotiable, letting your own voice shine through is what makes your writing memorable. Think about these tips:

  • Write like you talk (but a bit more polished). Imagine you’re explaining your essay topic to a friend. What kind of language would you use? Keep the tone engaging and natural.
  • Don’t be afraid of strong opinions. Essays are opportunities to argue your point of view. Using words like “clearly,” “undoubtedly,” or “importantly” adds conviction to your statements.
  • Own your perspective. Share insights or experiences that relate to your topic. This sets your essay apart from the crowd.

Your writing doesn’t have to be filled with complex jargon to be impressive. Clarity, confidence, and a dash of personality can create an engaging essay that your teachers won’t soon forget!

Final Thoughts

Essays aren’t always the most thrilling thing in the world. But with the strategies we talked about, you can learn to craft sentences that make your reader lean in, not zone out. You’ll master the art of making your ideas flow effortlessly, and you’ll use evidence like a pro to back up your arguments.

The revision process allows you to look at the piece of writing from another perspective. Don’t be afraid to read your essay out loud, get feedback from others, and ask those big-picture questions about your organization and thesis statement. 

And hey, we all need a little extra support sometimes! There are tons of amazing resources out there to help if you need guidance on how to write better essays.

Most importantly, don’t try to sound like someone you’re not. Let your personality be reflected in your writing. Share your unique perspectives, use vivid language, and express your opinions with confidence. Your teachers will notice the difference!

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Essay On What Makes Me Happy for Students in English

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  • Updated on  
  • May 30, 2024

essay on what makes me happy

What makes you happy? A normal person is happy when he/ she is surrounded by his/ her loved ones. Family, friends, success in life, and personal interests are the main factors determining our happiness. However, feeling happy is a subjective view that differs from person to person. Here are some samples of how to write an essay on what makes me happy for school students.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Short Essay On What Makes Me Happy
  • 2 Essay On What Makes Me Happy For Class 6 
  • 3 10 Things That Makes Me Happy

Short Essay On What Makes Me Happy

Also Read: National Science Day

Essay On What Makes Me Happy For Class 6 

Also Read: Digital India for Students

10 Things That Makes Me Happy

  • Spending time with my family and friends- Spending time with my loved ones makes me very happy. Whether it’s doing an activity together or simply enjoying each other’s company in silence, these simple moments are worth sharing with your friends and family.
  • Connecting with nature – Nature provides a sense of relaxation and calm. The sound of birds and a calm breeze might bring you joy along with peace.
  • Engaging in hobbies – Doing something you enjoy can connect you to your creative side, which can provide a sense of relaxation and happiness.
  • Helping others – Helping others, even in simple ways like being nice or offering a listening ear, can give you a sense of purpose and fulfilment. 
  • Learning new things – Learning something new can provide a sense of satisfaction, which promotes growth. This might be a great opportunity to grow in a variety of ways.
  • Achieving goals – Achieving your goal after a lot of effort can provide a sense of accomplishment and fulfilment, bringing peace to one’s mind.
  • Enjoying a good meal – A good meal can improve your mood. So, whether you’re making or eating meal, it will give you a lot of joy.
  • Expressing Gratitude- Acknowledging and appreciating the things around us reflects blessings in our life, which promotes a sense of contentment.
  • Relax – Relaxing does not just mean sleeping or taking a nap; it also includes ways that recover your body from tiredness. It could be a relaxing bath, meditation, or anything else that reduces stress.
  • Laughter – Laughing for a few seconds can instantly improve your mood. Have a good laugh whenever you get the chance. It can be an inside joke or watching a comedy scene; just a few seconds can re-energize you.

A.1 True and lasting happiness comes from deeper sources like meaningful relationships, personal fulfilment, and a sense of life satisfaction.

A.2 Being in nature brings peace, which reduces anger, anxiety, and stress. Spending a few minutes in nature can improve your emotional well-being.

A.3 Happiness differs from person to person because everyone has a different sense of what makes them happy. Their pleasure is determined by their life expectations, cultural and societal impact, and purpose in life.

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Guest Essay

Jamie Raskin: How to Force Justices Alito and Thomas to Recuse Themselves in the Jan. 6 Cases

A white chain in the foreground, with the pillars of the Supreme Court Building in the background.

By Jamie Raskin

Mr. Raskin represents Maryland’s Eighth Congressional District in the House of Representatives. He taught constitutional law for more than 25 years and was the lead prosecutor in the second impeachment trial of Donald Trump.

Many people have gloomily accepted the conventional wisdom that because there is no binding Supreme Court ethics code, there is no way to force Associate Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas to recuse themselves from the Jan. 6 cases that are before the court.

Justices Alito and Thomas are probably making the same assumption.

But all of them are wrong.

It seems unfathomable that the two justices could get away with deciding for themselves whether they can be impartial in ruling on cases affecting Donald Trump’s liability for crimes he is accused of committing on Jan. 6. Justice Thomas’s wife, Ginni Thomas, was deeply involved in the Jan. 6 “stop the steal” movement. Above the Virginia home of Justice Alito and his wife, Martha-Ann Alito, flew an upside-down American flag — a strong political statement among the people who stormed the Capitol. Above the Alitos’ beach home in New Jersey flew another flag that has been adopted by groups opposed to President Biden.

Justices Alito and Thomas face a groundswell of appeals beseeching them not to participate in Trump v. United States , the case that will decide whether Mr. Trump enjoys absolute immunity from criminal prosecution, and Fischer v. United States , which will decide whether Jan. 6 insurrectionists — and Mr. Trump — can be charged under a statute that criminalizes “corruptly” obstructing an official proceeding. (Justice Alito said on Wednesday that he would not recuse himself from Jan. 6-related cases.)

Everyone assumes that nothing can be done about the recusal situation because the highest court in the land has the lowest ethical standards — no binding ethics code or process outside of personal reflection. Each justice decides for him- or herself whether he or she can be impartial.

Of course, Justices Alito and Thomas could choose to recuse themselves — wouldn’t that be nice? But begging them to do the right thing misses a far more effective course of action.

The U.S. Department of Justice — including the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, an appointed U.S. special counsel and the solicitor general, all of whom were involved in different ways in the criminal prosecutions underlying these cases and are opposing Mr. Trump’s constitutional and statutory claims — can petition the other seven justices to require Justices Alito and Thomas to recuse themselves not as a matter of grace but as a matter of law.

The Justice Department and Attorney General Merrick Garland can invoke two powerful textual authorities for this motion: the Constitution of the United States, specifically the due process clause, and the federal statute mandating judicial disqualification for questionable impartiality, 28 U.S.C. Section 455. The Constitution has come into play in several recent Supreme Court decisions striking down rulings by stubborn judges in lower courts whose political impartiality has been reasonably questioned but who threw caution to the wind to hear a case anyway. This statute requires potentially biased judges throughout the federal system to recuse themselves at the start of the process to avoid judicial unfairness and embarrassing controversies and reversals.

The constitutional and statutory standards apply to Supreme Court justices. The Constitution, and the federal laws under it, is the “ supreme law of the land ,” and the recusal statute explicitly treats Supreme Court justices like other judges: “Any justice, judge or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.” The only justices in the federal judiciary are the ones on the Supreme Court.

This recusal statute, if triggered, is not a friendly suggestion. It is Congress’s command, binding on the justices, just as the due process clause is. The Supreme Court cannot disregard this law just because it directly affects one or two of its justices. Ignoring it would trespass on the constitutional separation of powers because the justices would essentially be saying that they have the power to override a congressional command.

When the arguments are properly before the court, Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justices Amy Coney Barrett, Neil Gorsuch, Ketanji Brown Jackson, Elena Kagan, Brett Kavanaugh and Sonia Sotomayor will have both a constitutional obligation and a statutory obligation to enforce recusal standards.

Indeed, there is even a compelling argument based on case law that Chief Justice Roberts and the other, unaffected justices should raise the matter of recusal on their own (or sua sponte). Numerous circuit courts have agreed with the Eighth Circuit that this is the right course of action when members of an appellate court are aware of “ overt acts ” of a judge reflecting personal bias. Cases like this stand for the idea that appellate jurists who see something should say something instead of placing all the burden on parties in a case who would have to risk angering a judge by bringing up the awkward matter of potential bias and favoritism on the bench.

But even if no member of the court raises the issue of recusal, the urgent need to deal with it persists. Once it is raised, the court would almost surely have to find that the due process clause and Section 455 compel Justices Alito and Thomas to recuse themselves. To arrive at that substantive conclusion, the justices need only read their court’s own recusal decisions.

In one key 5-to-3 Supreme Court case from 2016, Williams v. Pennsylvania, Justice Anthony Kennedy explained why judicial bias is a defect of constitutional magnitude and offered specific objective standards for identifying it. Significantly, Justices Alito and Thomas dissented from the majority’s ruling.

The case concerned the bias of the chief justice of Pennsylvania, who had been involved as a prosecutor on the state’s side in an appellate death penalty case that was before him. Justice Kennedy found that the judge’s refusal to recuse himself when asked to do so violated due process. Justice Kennedy’s authoritative opinion on recusal illuminates three critical aspects of the current controversy.

First, Justice Kennedy found that the standard for recusal must be objective because it is impossible to rely on the affected judge’s introspection and subjective interpretations. The court’s objective standard requires recusal when the likelihood of bias on the part of the judge “is too high to be constitutionally tolerable,” citing an earlier case. “This objective risk of bias,” according to Justice Kennedy, “is reflected in the due process maxim that ‘no man can be a judge in his own case.’” A judge or justice can be convinced of his or her own impartiality but also completely missing what other people are seeing.

Second, the Williams majority endorsed the American Bar Association’s Model Code of Judicial Conduct as an appropriate articulation of the Madisonian standard that “no man can be a judge in his own cause.” Model Code Rule 2.11 on judicial disqualification says that a judge “shall disqualify himself or herself in any proceeding in which the judge’s impartiality might reasonably be questioned.” This includes, illustratively, cases in which the judge “has a personal bias or prejudice concerning a party,” a married judge knows that “the judge’s spouse” is “a person who has more than a de minimis interest that could be substantially affected by the proceeding” or the judge “has made a public statement, other than in a court proceeding, judicial decision or opinion, that commits or appears to commit the judge to reach a particular result.” These model code illustrations ring a lot of bells at this moment.

Third and most important, Justice Kennedy found for the court that the failure of an objectively biased judge to recuse him- or herself is not “harmless error” just because the biased judge’s vote is not apparently determinative in the vote of a panel of judges. A biased judge contaminates the proceeding not just by the casting and tabulation of his or her own vote but by participating in the body’s collective deliberations and affecting, even subtly, other judges’ perceptions of the case.

Justice Kennedy was emphatic on this point : “It does not matter whether the disqualified judge’s vote was necessary to the disposition of the case. The fact that the interested judge’s vote was not dispositive may mean only that the judge was successful in persuading most members of the court to accept his or her position — an outcome that does not lessen the unfairness to the affected party.”

Courts generally have found that any reasonable doubts about a judge’s partiality must be resolved in favor of recusal. A judge “shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.” While recognizing that the “challenged judge enjoys a margin of discretion,” the courts have repeatedly held that “doubts ordinarily ought to be resolved in favor of recusal.” After all, the reputation of the whole tribunal and public confidence in the judiciary are both on the line.

Judge David Tatel of the D.C. Circuit emphasized this fundamental principle in 2019 when his court issued a writ of mandamus to force recusal of a military judge who blithely ignored at least the appearance of a glaring conflict of interest. He stated : “Impartial adjudicators are the cornerstone of any system of justice worthy of the label. And because ‘deference to the judgments and rulings of courts depends upon public confidence in the integrity and independence of judges,’ jurists must avoid even the appearance of partiality.” He reminded us that to perform its high function in the best way, as Justice Felix Frankfurter stated, “justice must satisfy the appearance of justice.”

The Supreme Court has been especially disposed to favor recusal when partisan politics appear to be a prejudicial factor even when the judge’s impartiality has not been questioned. In Caperton v. A.T. Massey Coal Co. , from 2009, the court held that a state supreme court justice was constitutionally disqualified from a case in which the president of a corporation appearing before him had helped to get him elected by spending $3 million promoting his campaign. The court, through Justice Kennedy, asked whether, quoting a 1975 decision, “under a realistic appraisal of psychological tendencies and human weakness,” the judge’s obvious political alignment with a party in a case “poses such a risk of actual bias or prejudgment that the practice must be forbidden if the guarantee of due process is to be adequately implemented.”

The federal statute on disqualification, Section 455(b) , also makes recusal analysis directly applicable to bias imputed to a spouse’s interest in the case. Ms. Thomas and Mrs. Alito (who, according to Justice Alito, is the one who put up the inverted flag outside their home) meet this standard. A judge must recuse him- or herself when a spouse “is known by the judge to have an interest in a case that could be substantially affected by the outcome of the proceeding.”

At his Senate confirmation hearing, Chief Justice Roberts assured America that “Judges are like umpires.”

But professional baseball would never allow an umpire to continue to officiate the World Series after learning that the pennant of one of the two teams competing was flying in the front yard of the umpire’s home. Nor would an umpire be allowed to call balls and strikes in a World Series game after the umpire’s wife tried to get the official score of a prior game in the series overthrown and canceled out to benefit the losing team. If judges are like umpires, then they should be treated like umpires, not team owners, team fans or players.

Justice Barrett has said she wants to convince people “that this court is not comprised of a bunch of partisan hacks.” Justice Alito himself declared the importance of judicial objectivity in his opinion for the majority in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision overruling Roe v. Wade — a bit of self-praise that now rings especially hollow.

But the Constitution and Congress’s recusal statute provide the objective framework of analysis and remedy for cases of judicial bias that are apparent to the world, even if they may be invisible to the judges involved. This is not really optional for the justices.

I look forward to seeing seven members of the court act to defend the reputation and integrity of the institution.

Jamie Raskin, a Democrat, represents Maryland’s Eighth Congressional District in the House of Representatives. He taught constitutional law for more than 25 years and was the lead prosecutor in the second impeachment trial of Donald Trump.

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Navigating the college admissions process can be overwhelming for both students and parents—particularly for those who aspire to attend Ivy League and other top schools. While well-meaning parents try their best to guide their students through the process, many are shocked to discover how much the admissions landscape has changed since they themselves applied. For instance, Harvard’s already minute acceptance rate dropped by more than half in just over two decades—while the Class of 2000 had an admissions rate of 10.9% , a meager 3.59% of students were admitted to the Class of 2028. Even schools outside of the Ivy League have seen similar plunges—NYU’s acceptance rate for the Class of 2002 was 34% , compared to 8% for the Class of 2028; Northwestern’s acceptance rate for the 2001 admissions cycle was 34.2% and plummeted to 7.5% in the 2023-24 cycle; and in 1999, Vanderbilt saw an admissions rate of over 61% , compared to today’s 5.1% . These declines are due in large part to dramatically swelling applicant pools. Regardless of the cause, these seismic shifts have left parents feeling incapable of helping their students navigate today’s cutthroat and complex college admissions landscape.

This is where private college admissions consultants come in. College consultants offer specialized knowledge and experience in the admissions process, particularly when it comes to applying to prestigious institutions. They can provide personalized guidance tailored to each student’s strengths, interests, and goals—and they are becoming increasingly popular. In 2022, a top private school in New York City, Horace Mann’s student newspaper reported that 33% of upper division students who answered their survey self-reported using a private consultant (a number that is likely higher than reported due to the stigma around college consultants.) Additionally, one in five surveyed incoming freshmen in Harvard’s Class of 2022 reported working with a private admissions consultant.

Despite their rising popularity, it is important for parents to recognize that not all college admissions consultants are created equal. A college admissions consultant is a significant investment in your child’s future, and as such, it is critical to find a consultant whose methods are ethical, results-proven, and aligned with your child’s needs and goals.

As you search for the right consultant to fit your needs, here are three core factors to take into consideration:

1. Credentials

College admissions consultants have an array of backgrounds and expertise, and it is important to think critically about how consultants’ experiences shape their ability to coach your student. While it may be tempting to assume that a consultancy that hires former admissions officers is implicitly capable of preparing your student for the rigors of the admissions process, this is not necessarily the case. The admissions landscape has changed dramatically over the last five years, meaning that a consultant who served on an admissions committee a decade ago will likely not possess special insights about what Ivy League and other top schools are looking for now .

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Additionally, the Supreme Court case concerning affirmative action rendered more information about the admissions process publicly available than ever before. We now know how Harvard ranks applicants, what factors are most important in their admissions considerations, and how these factors have changed over time. While more information is now known about what Harvard looks for in its admissions process, a strong admissions consultant’s unique expertise lies in helping an applicant develop such qualities. If a consultancy promises insider information on the admissions process but fails to articulate specific strategies for helping your student boost their admissions profile, they are likely all bark and no bite.

2. Payment Structure

While hiring a college consultant is undoubtedly a financial investment, it should not be a financial surprise . Parents should seek a consultancy that is transparent about cost and that doesn’t nickel-and-dime clients for additional services. Consultants bill in a variety of ways—some are hourly, others charge by the number of schools to which a student wishes to apply, and others offer unlimited, flat-fee packages. Parents should go into consultations with a sense of their student’s needs and goals and pose detailed questions about the costs of additional or non-included services that may be required. Parents should be particularly wary of hourly packages, as the process of applying to college will likely take more time than parents initially assume, leading to unexpected additional fees and ballooning overall costs.

3. Methodology

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, college admissions consultants offer vastly different structures of support for students, and it is critical to understand their strengths and weaknesses before committing to a particular consultancy. A cookie-cutter approach doesn’t work in the competitive landscape of college admissions. Each student has unique strengths, interests, and aspirations, and a top-notch consultant will take the time to understand these individual qualities and craft a tailored strategy that highlights the student’s best attributes. This includes selecting a mix of courses, extracurricular activities, leadership roles, and summer programs that align with the student's goals. They also help students identify and develop their passions, which serves to differentiate students in the eyes of admissions committees.

While some consultancies pair students with one mentor, others take a more team-based approach, assigning multiple team members to work with each student on different aspects of their applications. The latter model can easily become confusing, and communication between students, parents, and members of the consultancy can quickly devolve. Those considering a consultancy that assigns more than one team member to a student should ask detailed questions about the lines of communication and how students will receive a cohesive and centralized plan for boosting their applicant profile. Finally, parents should seek out a consultancy that employs full-time consultants. Many firms hire part-time consultants with other impressive credentials or professional networks—however, these consultants are often stretched thin and struggle to provide the comprehensive support that students need to excel in the process. As a rule of thumb, parents should assume that the process will take more time, energy, and attention than they anticipate, and seek out a consultant who can accommodate their student’s busy schedule as much as possible

Choosing the right college consultant is a significant decision that can impact your student’s future. Take your time to research, ask questions, and evaluate your options carefully. The right consultant will not only help your student craft a strong application but also empower them to present their authentic self in the best possible light and provide them with the tools they will need to excel in college and beyond.

Christopher Rim

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