attributeerror assignment not allowed to composite field

dynamic generation of proto objects and the error: Assignment not allowed to composite field

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Anton Danilov

问 AttributeError:不允许对协议消息对象中的复合字段"task“赋值 EN

我正在使用protocol-buffer python lib来发送数据,但是它有一些问题,所以

Stack Overflow用户

发布于 2014-04-01 04:33:05

试试 CopyFrom

发布于 2013-12-28 05:59:25

我也是协议缓冲区的新手,也面临着同样的问题。我发现 this method 很有帮助。



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Can I add a new node in the middle of a Tensorflow model graph using the graphsurgeon tool?

Hello, I’m using TensorRT version

I successfully replaced an unsupported Tensorflow operation with a TensorRT PlugIn layer using the graphsurgeon APIs.

Now, I want to add a totally new node in the middle of the model.

I saw that the graphsurgeon support these APIs: create_node, create_plugin_node, extend, append

But I couldn’t understand if I can use them for my purpose.

I know how to find the specific model location where I want to add my new node but I cannot find the right way to use the graphsurgeon APIs to do that.

Please advise,

You can convert graph_def to GraphSurgeons DynamicGraph, modify it and finally write it as uff:

Thanks juko.lam

My purpose is to add a debug node multiple times in the middle of the grpah in order to implement a simple functionallity: Save to disk the tensor input data.

By this way I will have the ability to investigate the graph nodes tensor outputs data correctness.

So, as I wrote previously, I have the following abilities:

  • uff file generation using uff.from_tensorflow_frozen_model API
  • Replace an existing nodes in the graph using graphsurgeon API
  • Remove an existing nodes in the graph using graphsurgeon API

What I don’t have and till now I couldn’t succeeded to do is to add totally new node somewhere in the graph

Can you provide me please an example of how to add new node in the middle of the graph using graphsurgeon APIs?

Based on my constraints (I have only the frozen graph pb file), Do you have any other idea (not related to the graphsurgeon) to to achieve my purpose?

You can load the frozen pb file which gives you the graph, then convert the graph to DynamicGraph and modify it. So something like this (probably not runnable directly):

I suggest that you inspect graphs created by the TRT examples just before they are written to UFF file.

I tried this to replace the ResizeBilinear with Conv2DTranspose but I got error :

“”, line 32, in add_plugin node.input = next_.input AttributeError: Assignment not allowed to repeated field “input” in protocol message object.

Code snippet : import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.core.framework import types_pb2 import graphsurgeon as gs

graph = gs.DynamicGraph(‘frozen_graph.pb’)

Add new node

node = tf.NodeDef() node.op = ‘Conv2DTranspose’ = ‘Conv2DTranspose’ graph.append(node)

want to replace ResizeBilinear with Conv2DTranspose layer

next = graph.find_nodes_by_op(“ResizeBilinear”)[0] # assume only one node is found node.input = next.input next.input = []

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Use Pygazebo with Link class to set Link position/linear velocity? edit

  • message.pose

asked 2018-05-31 10:00:46 -0500

pj gravatar image

I am trying to use pygazebo to control the position of links, which I thought was possible based on the attributes of the link class (as listed here ). However, I am getting the error:

AttributeError: 'Assignment not allowed to composite field "pose" in protocol message object.'

Initally I thought to use (as one uses with Joint_CMD) but this did not work. Any advice?

answered 2018-11-14 03:35:16 -0500

AlberSaber gravatar image

i think that you used joint_cmd_pb2 that control joints not links i foubd that he have another file for links : i think that you can use it and i saw that it use : linear_velocity , angular_velocity

at lines no. 82 , 83 :

_LINKDATA.fields_by_name['linear_velocity'].message_type = vector3d_pb2._VECTOR3D _LINKDATA.fields_by_name['angular_velocity'].message_type = vector3d_pb2._VECTOR3D

There is a nice example can hep you to understand the joints and move it by the keyboard ;) I am working on a task to move a link by the keyboard and i found that this example is helpfull .

if you like to tryit

1-it is the world file that have the map of the keys that you can test :

2-you will need this files too , KeyboardGUIPlugin.hh , , KeysToJointsPlugin.hh download it from :

The documentation of those files. http://osrf-distributions.s3.amazonaw... http://osrf-distributions.s3.amazonaw...

3- last 2 things , you need to write the CMakeLists.txt as :

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8 FATAL_ERROR)

find_package (Qt5Core REQUIRED) find_package (Qt5Widgets REQUIRED) set (CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON)

find_package(gazebo REQUIRED) include_directories(${GAZEBO_INCLUDE_DIRS}) link_directories(${GAZEBO_LIBRARY_DIRS}) list(APPEND CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${GAZEBO_CXX_FLAGS}")

add_library(KeyboardGUIPlugin MODULE target_link_libraries(KeyboardGUIPlugina ${GAZEBO_LIBRARIES} Qt5::Core)

add_library(KeysToJointsPlugin MODULE target_link_libraries(KeysToJointsPlugina ${GAZEBO_LIBRARIES} Qt5::Core)

4-Then : mkdir build cd build cmake ../ make export GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH= pwd :$GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH gazebo -u --verbose ../

press 6,h,y,u,j,i,k and see ;)

i found that KeysToJointsPlugin use JointController.hh so i try o make another one to the links but i am still looking for another classes that can do it from gazebo like Model Class or Link Calss part of <physics physics.hh="">

http://osrf-distributions.s3.amazonaw... http://osrf-distributions.s3.amazonaw...

that have usefull funcations as : void SetAngularAccel (const ignition::math::Vector3d &_vel) GAZEBO_DEPRECATED(9.0) Set the angular acceleration of the model, and all its links. More...

void SetAngularVel (const ignition::math::Vector3d &_vel) Set the angular velocity of the model, and all its links. More...

void SetAnimation (const common::PoseAnimationPtr &_anim, boost::function< void()> _onComplete) Set an animation for this entity. More...

void SetAnimation (common::PoseAnimationPtr _anim) Set an animation for this entity. More...

i hope that my answer was usefull .

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Asked: 2018-05-31 10:00:46 -0500

Seen: 293 times

Last updated: Nov 14 '18

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Send Downlink command as JSON via gRPC and Python with use of payload formatter

Hey, I’m trying to send a downlink command via gRPC and Python to an existing device. It works to a point, but I tried to send a JSON, which then should get processed via the payload formatter. The problem is that if I send the JSON as an utf-8 encoded string, it does not get passed through the payload format but gets enqueued directly to the device. I tried to assign the req.queue_item.object, but it gives me an error (“AttributeError: Assignment not allowed to message, map, or repeated field “object” in the protocol message object.”). Is there a way to send a downlink to chirpstack with a JSON so that the payload formatter can encode it for the device?

Are you testing this against ChirpStack v3 or v4?

Hey, We use ChirpStack v4 and the corresponding PyPI library.

@brocaar , is this a bug, or is this functionality not yet implemented?

Where in v3 you had to pass the JSON object as string, you must pass it as JSON object in v4 ( ).

@brocaar I know, but if I set it to either a python JSON object or a google.protobuf.Struct it returns:

And what do I do with the data field, I can’t let it be empty.

I’m not familiar with the Python API for Protobuf struct types, but maybe this could help you? dictionary - How do you create a Protobuf Struct from a Python Dict? - Stack Overflow

@brocaar I tried that before but same message:

I think there is something else wrong. Maybe the word object is conflicting with something in python? Or something went wrong with the code generation for python. But I honestly don’t know how to debug this.

Found the solution. If you use:

Instead of:

Then everything works.

google.protobuf.internal.containers ¶

Contains container classes to represent different protocol buffer types.

This file defines container classes which represent categories of protocol buffer field types which need extra maintenance. Currently these categories are:

Repeated scalar fields - These are all repeated fields which aren’t composite (e.g. they are of simple types like int32, string, etc).

Repeated composite fields - Repeated fields which are composite. This includes groups and nested messages.

Base container class.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.

Supporting start and stop arguments is optional, but recommended.

Simple, type-checked, dict-like container for with submessage values.

get_or_create() is an alias for getitem (ie. map[key]).

key – The key to get or create in the map.

This is useful in cases where you want to be explicit that the call is mutating the map. This can avoid lint errors for statements like this that otherwise would appear to be pointless statements:


If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised.

as a 2-tuple; but raise KeyError if D is empty.

If E present and has a .keys() method, does: for k in E: D[k] = E[k] If E present and lacks .keys() method, does: for (k, v) in E: D[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k, v in F.items(): D[k] = v

Simple, list-like container for holding repeated composite fields.

Appends the contents of another repeated field of the same type to this one, copying each individual message.

Adds a new element at the end of the list and returns it. Keyword arguments may be used to initialize the element.

Appends one element by copying the message.

Extends by appending the given sequence of elements of the same type

as this one, copying each individual message.

Inserts the item at the specified position by copying.

Removes and returns an item at a given index. Similar to list.pop().

Removes an item from the list. Similar to list.remove().

Simple, type-checked, list-like container for holding repeated scalars.

Appends the contents of another repeated field of the same type to this one. We do not check the types of the individual fields.

Appends an item to the list. Similar to list.append().

Extends by appending the given iterable. Similar to list.extend().

Inserts the item at the specified position. Similar to list.insert().

Simple, type-checked, dict-like container for holding repeated scalars.

UnknownField container

Table of Contents

  • google.protobuf
  • google.protobuf.any_pb2
  • google.protobuf.descriptor
  • google.protobuf.descriptor_database
  • google.protobuf.descriptor_pb2
  • google.protobuf.descriptor_pool
  • google.protobuf.duration_pb2
  • google.protobuf.empty_pb2
  • google.protobuf.field_mask_pb2
  • google.protobuf.internal.containers
  • google.protobuf.json_format
  • google.protobuf.message
  • google.protobuf.message_factory
  • google.protobuf.proto_builder
  • google.protobuf.reflection
  • google.protobuf.service
  • google.protobuf.service_reflection
  • google.protobuf.struct_pb2
  • google.protobuf.symbol_database
  • google.protobuf.text_encoding
  • google.protobuf.text_format
  • google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2
  • google.protobuf.type_pb2
  • google.protobuf.unknown_fields
  • google.protobuf.wrappers_pb2

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attributeerror assignment not allowed to composite field

AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'decode' in fitting Logistic Regression Model

The error message "AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'decode'" typically occurs when trying to use the decode method on a string object in Python 3.x. However, in Python 3.x, strings do not have a decode method because they are Unicode strings by default.

The most likely cause of this error in the context of fitting a Logistic Regression model is when you are trying to use a string object as an input feature or label for the model, but the model requires numerical data.

To fix this error, make sure that you are passing the correct data types to the Logistic Regression model. Input features should be numerical data in the form of NumPy arrays or Pandas DataFrames, and labels should be numerical (integers) or binary (0 and 1) for binary classification.

Here's a basic example of fitting a Logistic Regression model using scikit-learn with numerical data:

In this example, X represents the numerical features, and y represents the numerical labels. The fit method of the LogisticRegression model expects numerical data, not strings, for the input features and labels.

If you are using a different library or specific code, please check the data types of the input features and labels you are passing to the Logistic Regression model. Ensure that they are in the correct numerical format to avoid the "AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'decode'" error.

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Repeated maps not allowed? #3672


alexkreidler commented Sep 21, 2017

I have this line in my proto:

I get this error:

Is this by design? I am trying to provide interoperability with JSON, and I want my JSON to look like:

I understand this would not provide a deterministic number of keys for the protobuf system, but we could implement this behind-the-scenes with an array or of and .

I might this up at , and try to figure out a way to implement this in the parser.

Is there any way to allow this use-case? I really love protobufs and I don't want to do any custom preprocessing.

Never mind, just read the docs.

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reserved keyword is used in protobuf in Python

In general, I have a protobuf definition which used a Python keyword "from". It works in Java/C#/C++, but when comes to Python, I could not assign value to it.

Here is the detail of my problem.

I have a protobuf definition like below:

Since the field "from" is a keyword in Python, after I generated the python code, I could not compile the code as below:

Then, I tried to use setattr() to set the attribute:

That gives me a Protobuf exception:

I could not change the definition at this moment because it has been used widely in the system. Any help would be appreciated if I can workaround to use the "from" attribute in Python.

Below is the ProtoBuf generated code:

  • protocol-buffers

kerneljoy's user avatar

  • 1 I've never used protocol buffers before, but a common idiom in Python is to affix an underscore to a reserved word if you want to use it as an identifier. Perhaps the Python implementation does the same thing? foo = Foo(); foo.from_ = 1234 . –  chepner May 9, 2015 at 17:21
  • Interesting question. Could you please post the resulting Python code that is generated by protobuf? Or from some minimal working example, if you can't post the original. –  Unapiedra May 9, 2015 at 17:26
  • @chepner thanks! I tried this as well. but seems that doesn't work. It will report the error that from_ is not defined. –  kerneljoy May 9, 2015 at 17:30
  • @Unapiedra cool. I'll attach the code –  kerneljoy May 9, 2015 at 17:36
  • attached the ProtoBuf generated python code –  kerneljoy May 9, 2015 at 17:39

4 Answers 4

After couple attempts, I found the setattr() and getattr() can workaround this. Because in my production code, the 'from' refers to another protobuff definition. So the solution here is as below:

It is strange to realize the "HasField" but does not pair "GetField". Please, consider yet another implementation:

You can use it as utility method or make mixin if you know how to do that.

Vitold S.'s user avatar

If "from" was a primitive variable (not composite) . the set attribute will work (you can see in the error msg : "AttributeError: Assignment not allowed to composite field " )- but then if Foo is included in other object you will need to use "MergeFrom" to insert Foo to insert it into the including object.

the following code should work:

Eyal leshem's user avatar

For composite field like Bar. from

You can convert Bar to dict , set a from value and convert dict back to Bar :

Alina Lyalina's user avatar

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attributeerror assignment not allowed to composite field


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    You cannot assign a value to an embedded message field. Instead, assigning a value to any field within the child message implies setting the message field in the parent. So I'm assuming this should work: task = yacc.task() = 1000 task.msg = u"test" ptask = yacc.task_info() = ptask.task.msg = task.msg

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    Fields in Protobuf messages have types, just as variables in programming languages like C or Java. As your id field has the type Identifier, you can only assign Identifier messages to it, not a simple int like 12. See the Protobuf Language Guide for details. -

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    AttributeError: Assignment not allowed to message, map, or repeated field "object" in protocol message object. I think there is something else wrong. Maybe the word object is conflicting with something in python? Or something went wrong with the code generation for python. But I honestly don't know how to debug this.

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    AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute; AttributeError: Assignment not allowed to composite field "task" in protocol message object; AttributeError: Can only use .dt accessor with datetimelike values; AttributeError: Can only use .str accessor with string values, which use np.object_ dtype in pandas; More Tutorials

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    Milestone. No milestone. Development. No branches or pull requests. 1 participant. I have this line in my proto: repeated map<string, string> dependencies = 4; I get this error: Field labels (required/optional/repeated) are not allowed on map fields.

  21. reserved keyword is used in protobuf in Python

    AttributeError: Assignment not allowed to composite field "from" in protocol message object. I could not change the definition at this moment because it has been used widely in the system. Any help would be appreciated if I can workaround to use the "from" attribute in Python. Below is the ProtoBuf generated code: