5 Huge Benefits of Taking Your Gen Eds Online

Posted on April 06, 2023

If you’re working full time, have a family, or juggling other responsibilities that may get in the way of pursuing your degree, you don’t have to put your education on hold.

All institutions have general classes for college –  gen ed courses – that you will need for your degree, no matter the program. If you complete your general education courses online, you can work toward your degree without committing to a college program.

Find out the benefits of getting your gen eds online to stay on track toward completing your degree.

What Are Gen Ed Classes?

General education classes for college include courses in a broad range of disciplines, such as arts and humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, mathematics, foreign language, and more.

Following in the concept of learning as a formative and transformative experience, general education curriculum is designed to provide a foundation for future learning. Though the topics may not seem relevant to a degree program, students learn vital skills in research, communication, critical thinking, academic style and formatting, collaboration, and working independently.

Different universities have different policies to complete general education requirements for college credit, but they’re usually between 42 credits and 60 credits of the typical 120 credits needed to earn a bachelor’s degree.

While students may take gen ed courses later in their college career, most are taken during the first and second years. Earning general education credits online to fulfill your gen ed requirements is a great way to get those courses out of the way and decide if pursuing a degree is the right choice for you.

Can I Take General Education Courses Online?

Yes! Several institutions offer general education courses online. You can take the courses, often without committing to a full program, and transfer the credits to your chosen institution.

You’ll still complete your program and earn a degree that reflects your institution and program, regardless of whether your core gen ed courses were taken there or elsewhere. The courses that are required for your degree program will still be provided by your institution.

Of course, it’s best to check with your advisor or preferred institution on the credit transfer policy. Though gen ed courses are generally transferable, some institutions may not accept elective credits toward a specific degree program. Invest in the courses you’re certain will transfer. If you haven’t selected a college or university yet, look for one that allows flexible credit transfer policies.

Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of taking general education courses online:

1. Convenience and Flexibility

In online courses, you’re in the driver’s seat. You’ll have your assigned deadlines, then you complete your reading and assignments at your own pace. This gives you an opportunity to balance your coursework with other responsibilities, such as work or family obligations.

While different courses offer different degrees of flexibility, they’re generally more flexible than on-campus learning.

2. Experience a Trial Before Committing

Whether you’re a high school student considering college or an adult looking to finish your degree, one major benefit of completing your gen ed courses online is that you can see if college is the right choice for you.

When you apply for a degree program at a university or college, you’re making a commitment to finish it. If you’re apprehensive about whether college is your path, taking gen ed courses online can help you get a feel for what it would be like to be a full-time student, online or on campus.

Also, you can see if your self-discipline and study habits are at the level necessary for college. For some students, the adjustment from high school to college is jarring, especially if they’re returning to school after a break. “Dipping your toes in” with some gen ed courses will show you if you’re motivated and ready to put the work in.

3. Financial Savings

In some cases, taking your gen ed courses and fulfilling the general education requirements for college saves you money on your tuition without compromising your degree. Though these programs can range in price, they’re usually more cost-effective than their traditional, on-campus counterparts.

Along with saving directly on tuition, you’ll also save on a lot of the costs associated with college. On-campus students have to pay for student housing and meals. Even students who commute have to pay for parking, gas, tolls, and other transportation expenses. When you take classes from home, you’re only paying for the expenses you’d have regardless.

4. Time to Choose a Major

Making a decision about what you want to do for the rest of your life can be daunting. If you’re undecided on your major, gen ed courses give you time to explore your interests and make a decision without a gap year or losing progress toward your degree.

Gen ed courses are broad but still on a college level. As you take these courses and develop critical soft skills, you may find a passion for writing or communication, psychology, mathematics, or other fields that can guide you in your decision-making process.

5. More Transferability

Gen ed courses are similar across institutions, so these transfer credits can be simpler to transfer than specialized, upper-level courses. For basic courses like these, direct course equivalency is more common.

For example, English 101 is basically English 101, whether it’s taken online, at a community college, or at a major university. As a result, colleges and universities are often more willing to accept that course in lieu of its own.

Conversely, if you were trying to transfer an advanced math course in place of Harvard’s  notorious Math 55 , that’s not likely to be accepted as it has no equivalent.

In some cases, you may be able to transfer upper-level courses as electives, but it depends on the institution. Always check with admissions or your advisor about the policy for transfer credits.

Fast-Track Your Degree Program

Whether you’re unsure about college, returning to school to finish your degree, or a new student looking for ways to save money and time on your education, completing gen ed credits online offers many advantages. Learn more about gen ed courses that are designed to transfer at Sophia Learning or  start your free trial to get started!

Category: Higher Education

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Can You Take General Education Courses Online?

Can you take general education courses online

Absolutely! The world of education is evolving, and with it, the way we approach learning is transforming too. Gone are the days when the only path to education was through the gates of a brick-and-mortar institution. Today, the digital era has ushered in a new and exciting way of learning – online education. And yes, this includes taking general education courses online.

The New Era of Learning: Online General Education Courses

An online courseteacher holding up a sign saying "Lesson 1".

Picture this: you’re sitting in your favorite armchair, laptop open, diving into a world of knowledge from the comfort of your own home. This is what online learning offers – the chance to pursue education on your terms. Online general education courses provide an unmatched level of flexibility and convenience, allowing you to balance your studies with work, life, and family commitments.

Flexibility and Convenience at Your Fingertips

One of the key benefits of online courses is their asynchronous nature. This means you can access course material at any time that suits you. Whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, your classroom is just a click away.

A Comprehensive Selection of Online Courses

A book case with a computer CPU filed in between the books.

Online general education (GE) courses offer an extensive array of subjects and disciplines, encompassing everything from humanities and social sciences to technical writing and foreign language studies.

These foundational courses are crucial components that degree programs require, as students need a basic understanding of a wide range of basic concepts and knowledge areas. Engaging in these gen ed courses allows learners to delve into multiple fields, thereby promoting a comprehensive and well-rounded educational experience that significantly contributes to cultural awareness and understanding in a global society.

The necessity for undertaking general education courses stems from their role in laying the groundwork for academic and career success. These courses equip students with soft skills such as critical reading, effective communication, and analytical thinking, which are indispensable in virtually every professional domain.

Furthermore, general education serves as a stepping stone for students, offering them the opportunity to explore various disciplines before committing to a specific major, making it especially beneficial for those who are undecided about their career paths.

Typically, the median age group of individuals seeking to complete general education courses online is diverse, reflecting a wide range of learners from recent high school graduates to working adults looking to advance or change their careers. This diversity is due to the flexibility and accessibility that online learning provides, catering to individuals with varying schedules and commitments.

For those interested in pursuing general education courses online, several platforms stand out for their comprehensive offerings and quality of instruction. Community colleges often provide a range of online gen ed courses that are affordable and designed to meet the requirements of various degree programs.

Additionally, platforms specializing in online education, such as Coursera, EdX, and Khan Academy, offer courses in partnership with universities and colleges, covering liberal arts, sciences, humanities courses and more. These platforms are ideal for learners seeking flexibility without compromising on the quality of education, enabling them to acquire foundational knowledge and skills essential for both academic and career advancement.

High-Caliber Education Through Expert Instruction

A teacher teaching a traditional classroom.

A common misconception about online education is that it falls short of the quality found in conventional classroom settings. This belief is unfounded, as online general education courses are frequently conducted by the same seasoned faculty members who lead on-campus classes.

This ensures that the education students receive online is of the highest caliber, mirroring the rigor and depth of traditional college education. These courses are designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of multiple disciplines, fostering skills like quantitative reasoning, scientific method application, and conflict resolution, which are invaluable in professional environments.

Earning Recognition for Your Knowledge and Experience

One of the standout benefits of pursuing general education credits through online platforms is the ability to have your prior learning and experiences recognized. For individuals who have already accumulated college credits or have relevant professional experience, many online programs offer the possibility to convert this into general education credits.

This process not only acknowledges the value of your previous learning but also accelerates your progress towards earning a college degree. Furthermore, the flexibility of online learning extends to the transfer credits system, allowing students to seamlessly integrate their learning from different institutions into their current educational trajectory.

This aspect is particularly advantageous for students who wish to pursue a broad range of subjects, from the sciences to humanities, ensuring a rich and varied college experience that equips them for social interactions and challenges in diverse professional settings.

Support When You Need It

Worried about navigating online courses alone? Fear not! Most online programs provide access to a personal tutor. This means you can get help and guidance whenever you need it, making the learning process smoother and more effective.

Selecting the Appropriate Online General Education Courses for Your Degree Program

Embarking on the journey of taking general education classes online is a pivotal step for undergraduate students working towards completing their degree program. The foundation of a well-rounded education, these general education courses required by many institutions, play a significant role in developing a comprehensive skill set and knowledge base.

However, the first step in this process involves choosing the right online courses, which necessitates careful consideration to ensure they align with both academic and professional goals.

Importance of Accreditation in Online Education

One of the foremost considerations in selecting online general education courses is the accreditation status of the offering institution. Accreditation is a hallmark of quality and integrity in education, serving as a critical indicator that the institution adheres to high standards of academic excellence.

For students, this is particularly important as it directly impacts the transferability of credits between institutions and the recognition of their qualifications in the professional world. An accredited course stands as a testament to the legitimacy and value of the education received, assuring that the time and resources invested contribute meaningfully towards the completion of a degree program.

Leading Institutions with Online General Education Offerings

A number of prestigious institutions have embraced the digital era, offering comprehensive online general education courses that cater to the diverse needs of undergraduate students. Universities such as Purdue University Global, Penn State University, and Genesee Community College are at the forefront of this innovative approach to education.

These institutions offer a wide array of online courses that can be seamlessly integrated into a degree program, providing a flexible and accessible pathway for students to fulfill their general education requirements.

Furthermore, some of these courses are available as part of standalone certificate programs, offering additional options for students seeking to enhance specific skills or knowledge areas without committing to a full degree program.

The Crucial Role of Accreditation Verification

Before committing to any online course or program, it is imperative for students to conduct thorough research into the accreditation status of both the institution and the specific courses they are interested in.

This step is crucial in ensuring that the education they receive is not only of high quality but also recognized and respected by other educational institutions and potential employers. Verifying accreditation can safeguard students against the pitfalls of investing in courses that do not contribute to their academic progression or career advancement, ensuring that their efforts are both productive and valued.

Taking general education classes online offers undergraduate students a flexible and diverse educational experience that can significantly contribute to their personal and professional development. By prioritizing accredited courses offered by renowned institutions, students can confidently navigate their educational journey, secure in the knowledge that their achievements are recognized and valued within the academic community and beyond.

Unlocking the Potential of Online General Education Courses: A Pathway to Enhanced Critical Thinking and Global Understanding

A laptop with graduation cap, notebook and certification on top of it.

Cultivating Critical Thinking Abilities

At the heart of general education courses lies the objective to refine and elevate your critical thinking skills. Such courses are meticulously designed to push students to engage in deep thought, encouraging a thorough analysis of information and the adept resolution of problems.

This focus on critical thinking is not incidental; it is central to the educational ethos of these courses, reflecting the recognition by degree programs of the indispensable value these skills bring to both academic and professional realms.

Broadening Your Global Perspective

In an increasingly interconnected world, the ability to understand and appreciate diverse cultures, global societies, and the multifaceted nature of the human experience is more crucial than ever. Online general education courses serve as windows to the world, offering insights that stretch far beyond one’s immediate surroundings.

By delving into these subjects, students gain a richer, more nuanced understanding of the world, an understanding that enriches their personal lives and enhances their professional capabilities.

Equipping Students with Essential Soft Skills

Beyond the acquisition of knowledge, online general education classes are instrumental in arming students with a suite of soft skills that are paramount in today’s ever-evolving job market. These skills, which include effective communication, problem-solving, and the ability to navigate conflict, are cultivated through the unique challenges and interactions inherent in these courses.

The emphasis on developing such skills reflects a broader educational aim to prepare students not just for specific careers, but for a range of life’s complexities.

Personalized Learning Experiences

One of the distinguishing features of online education is the unparalleled flexibility it offers. Learners have the liberty to design their study schedules in a way that best suits their individual lifestyles, whether they are juggling full-time studies, professional commitments, or both.

This aspect of online learning not only makes education more accessible but also more inclusive, accommodating diverse learning needs and preferences. It underscores the commitment of online general education courses to provide a learning environment where students can thrive at their own pace.

Online general education courses stand as pivotal components of degree programs, not only for the comprehensive knowledge they impart but also for their role in developing critical thinking skills and a global perspective.

These courses prepare students for the complexities of the modern world, equipping them with the skills required to navigate both their personal and professional lives successfully. Through these courses, learners are offered a unique opportunity to enhance their understanding of the world, acquire vital soft skills, and enjoy the flexibility to learn in a manner that best fits their individual circumstances.

Financial Aid Opportunities

Worried about the cost? Many online education providers offer financial aid options. You can often find scholarships, grants, or loan opportunities to help cover the cost of your education. Explore more about this in articles like “Can You Get Financial Aid for Online Courses” .

Enhancing Your Online Learning Journey: Strategies for Success

Various interlinked cogs depicting how competence, growth and learning work together.

Optimizing Your Study Environment and Maintaining Motivation

The foundation of a successful online learning experience is a well-organized study environment and a robust self-motivation system. It’s crucial to cultivate a structured study space free from distractions, where focus and productivity can flourish.

Equally important is the development of a detailed study schedule that not only outlines what needs to be accomplished but also allocates specific times for learning activities. In the realm of online education, where the responsibility of pacing your study rests with you, maintaining a high level of self-motivation is essential. Setting clear, achievable goals and rewarding yourself for meeting them can help sustain motivation over time.

Fostering Active Engagement

Active participation is a key driver of success in online learning. This involves more than just completing assignments; it means diving into forums, contributing to discussions, and taking part in group activities.

Engaging with peers and instructors not only deepens your understanding of the subject matter but also fosters a sense of community and collaboration, making the learning experience more enriching and enjoyable. By sharing perspectives and debating ideas, you can gain insights that reading alone might not provide, adding depth to your learning process.

Leveraging Educational Resources

Online courses typically offer an array of educational resources designed to enhance your learning. These can range from video lectures that break down complex topics, interactive quizzes that provide immediate feedback, to supplementary reading materials that expand on lecture content.

Taking full advantage of these resources can significantly enrich your learning experience, allowing you to explore topics in greater depth and at your own pace. Furthermore, many courses also provide access to online libraries, databases, and other digital tools that can further support your studies.

Accessing Support When Necessary

One of the most important aspects of navigating online courses is knowing when and how to seek assistance. Whether you encounter challenges with specific concepts or need guidance on assignments, reaching out to instructors or tutors is a crucial step towards overcoming obstacles.

Online educators are committed to supporting your academic journey and are equipped to provide the clarification and encouragement needed to help you succeed. Additionally, many online learning platforms offer tutoring services, study groups, and other forms of academic support to ensure that students have the resources they need to succeed.

By implementing these strategies, you can maximize your online learning experience, making it not only more effective but also more engaging and rewarding. Organizing your study space and schedule, actively participating in course activities, utilizing the plethora of available resources, and seeking help when needed are all integral components of a successful online education journey. With these approaches, you can navigate the challenges of online learning and achieve your academic goals.

The Impact of General Education on Career Prospects

A man in a suit outside a business premises.

In today’s competitive job market, the value of a well-rounded education cannot be overstated. General education, with its broad curriculum encompassing humanities, social sciences, mathematics, and natural sciences, aims to equip students with a diverse set of skills and knowledge. But does completing general education truly offer better prospects in the workplace? Let’s delve into the nuances of this question.

A Foundation for Lifelong Learning

General education provides a foundational layer of learning that fosters critical thinking, effective communication, and problem-solving skills. These are universally acknowledged as essential competencies in virtually any professional environment.

By exposing students to a variety of disciplines, general education courses cultivate a versatile skill set that can be adapted to a wide range of job roles and industries. This versatility is increasingly prized by employers who are looking for adaptable employees capable of navigating the complexities of the modern workplace.

Enhanced Employability and Career Flexibility

Individuals who have completed their general education have a distinct advantage in terms of employability. The broad knowledge base and skill set acquired through general education courses are applicable in multiple professional settings, from corporate sectors to creative industries.

Employers value candidates who can think critically about problems, communicate effectively with diverse teams, and adapt to new challenges—qualities that general education aims to instill in students.

Moreover, the comprehensive nature of general education prepares individuals for a lifetime of learning and adaptation. As industries evolve and new technologies emerge, the ability to learn and adapt becomes crucial. General education graduates possess the cognitive tools necessary for continuous personal and professional development, making them well-suited to thrive in dynamic career landscapes.

Facilitating Career Advancement

Completing general education can also facilitate career advancement. Many positions, especially in management and specialized technical fields, require a broad understanding of various subjects in addition to specific job-related knowledge. General education credits can sometimes be the differentiator in promotions or in the pursuit of advanced degrees, which further enhance an individual’s career prospects.

Bridging the Skills Gap

There’s a notable skills gap in the workforce, where employers struggle to find candidates with the right mix of technical skills and soft skills. General education addresses this gap by equipping students with soft skills such as empathy, cultural awareness, and ethical reasoning, which are increasingly important in globalized business environments. These competencies enable individuals to work effectively in teams, navigate workplace conflicts, and contribute to a positive organizational culture.

A teacher smiling while writing on the chalkboard.

Taking general education courses online is not just a viable option; it’s a gateway to a flexible, diverse, and comprehensive educational experience. Whether you’re aiming for a college degree or looking to broaden your horizons, online general education courses offer a path that meets the demands of our fast-paced, ever-changing world.

Remember, education is not just about the accumulation of knowledge; it’s about the development of skills, understanding, and perspective that shape your life. So, why not start your journey today and enroll in an online general education course? Who knows what doors it might open for you!

Discover more about the potential of online courses in articles like: “Can You Do an Accounting Course Online and Jumpstart Your Career?” “Can You Monetize TikTok Videos on YouTube?” . Your future is just a click away!

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General education courses

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Gain in-demand soft skills with general education courses

 If you’re missing a class or need to knock out gen-ed requirements, choose from our large collection of general education courses. We’ve got you covered with courses in science, mathematics, arts, humanities, communication, social and behavioral sciences and more .

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Why take general education courses with us?

With a wide variety of general education courses starting frequently, you can choose the date you want to begin and complete your online general elective courses in 5-7 weeks.

Meet your general education requirements online

Use the course finder tool to search for the general education course you need and enroll today.

Designed with you in mind

Take general education courses in a condensed 5-7 week format to help you get you to the finish line faster.

Get affordable pricing on education requirements

Our courses are priced to be affordable. And, if any general education courses can help you in the workplace, check to see if your employer will help cover the cost. 

Interested in earning a degree or certificate?

General education courses do more than help you learn new skills for your job. See if you can apply them toward a degree program.

Frequently asked questions

What are general education courses like at university of phoenix.

You can select from a wide variety of general education courses designed to help you develop skills in key areas like math, science, humanities, arts, social and behavioral sciences, history, sociology and more.

General education courses support you in areas such as:

  • Development of critical and analytical thinking skills
  • Understanding cultural diversity in society
  • Communicating clearly using effective logical arguments
  • Intellectual problem-solving that is effective in a society undergoing constant change
  • Understanding emerging technologies and how to incorporate traditional information into new perspectives
  • Appreciation for the arts, humanities, and social sciences
  • Evaluating biological/physical data, as well as environmental issues, to expand knowledge of the natural sciences

Why are general education courses required?

Higher education institutions like University of Phoenix require general education courses to help students gain a comprehensive education which they hope will serve you throughout your life after graduation.

What is the purpose of general education courses?

General education courses are a great opportunity for you to explore different topics to see if you like them. Some students don’t decide on their major until after they have taken a general education requirement that ended up gaining their interest. Some students may prepare to study one major, but then take some general education courses that may change their entire course of study.

Here are three 3 ways general education can help you academically and professionally:

  • Learn soft skills desired by employers General education courses can improve listening, researching and communication skills. These soft skills are important for many different types of careers and are core skills employers look for in job applicants.
  • Learn new ways of seeing the world General education courses give you the opportunity to explore different outlooks on life. You can develop a different perspective, which prepares you for a diversified workplace.
  • Broaden your knowledge General education courses can give you the skills to tackle a problem from different angles. With subjects ranging from analytical areas such as math and science to creative perspectives such as arts and literature, you’re prepared to become a more well-rounded individual in your life and in your career.

What general education courses should I take?

If you’re still thinking about which field of study to pursue, you can explore the University of Phoenix general education course offering to find subjects that interest you. They may spark your inspiration for a college degree. 

Are these general education courses transferrable?

Transferability of credit is at the discretion of the receiving institution. It is the student’s responsibility to confirm whether or not credits earned at University of Phoenix will be accepted by another institution of the student’s choice.

To show you have met the required education requirement for some courses, you simply have to upload a digital copy of your transcript (official or unofficial) during the checkout process. Then you’re good to go. If you have a question, contact us at 866-354-1800 .

Is University of Phoenix accredited?

We’ve been accredited by the Higher Learning Commission ( hlcommission.org ) for more than 40 years.

G. Galindo - Enrollment Representative

G. Galindo, Enrollment Rep

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Transfer credits to get closer to graduation

Get your course transcript

After you’ve completed your courses, you can request your official transcripts be sent directly to you or your school of choice.

Transferability of credit is at the discretion of the receiving institution. It is the student’s responsibility to confirm whether or not credits earned at University of Phoenix will be accepted by another institution of the student’s choice. If you have a question contact us at (866) 354-1800 .

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Golden Four student taking GE online course outside on a laptop

General Education Online Courses

Prepare to complete your bachelor’s degree.

Now you can take your General Education (GE) requirements, including the Golden Four courses, 100% online at San Francisco State University. This program is designed for students who need to complete GE courses for their degree.

The online format allows for a flexible and engaging learning experience that can help propel your academic and professional outlooks. Prospective applicants must have a high school diploma or GED to enroll in the program.

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Who Should Enroll?

  • Anyone who needs GE courses to complete a bachelor's degree.
  • Criminal Justice
  • Cybersecurity
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  • Fire Service
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Telephone: (415) 405-7700

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can you take general education courses online

General Education

Helping you complete your general education requirements.

Here’s the good news: You can join our Adult Degree Program with just a few transferable credits and earn the remaining credits you need with us.

By completing your general education classes at George Fox, you will:

  • Learn alongside committed students in a time-efficient, cost-effective, adult-learning format
  • Cybersecurity Management
  • Data Analytics
  • Healthcare Administration
  • Management & Organizational Leadership
  • Project Management
  • Psychology & Mental Health Studies

Student on a laptop

Each semester (fall, spring and summer) is 16 weeks long. We break the semester into two eight-week sessions. This enables you to take classes in both sessions while making it possible to take just one class at a time. Nearly all classes are three semester credits.

Take a class in Session 1 (weeks 1-8), then take a new class in Session 2 (weeks 9-16). Students are encouraged to take more than one class during each session if their schedule allows.

Your transferable coursework will apply to the categories below or will help satisfy elective credit. You must have completed some college-level credits to be eligible to take general education classes at George Fox University.

General Education Requirements - Adult Degree Program Requirements

Choose two of the following:, choose one of the following:, choose three of the following:.

Students must take a total of 9 credits from the following areas: fine arts (including music and theater), history, literature, cultural studies, foreign language, philosophy, religion, and Bible.

Only three credits of applied fine arts, and six credits total of all fine arts, may be used.

  The LACC 285 topics that may meet the Humanities requirement are:

  • The American West in Film and Fiction
  • Portraits of Jesus of Nazareth
  • Social Change in the Global Landscape

The LACC 295 topic that could meet the Humanities requirement is:

  • The Global Leadership Summit

  The LACC 285 topic that may meet the Intercultural Experience requirement is:

  The LACC 285 topic that may meet the Social Science requirement is:

The LACC 295 topic that may meet the Social Science requirement is:

Jenn McUne, Project Management Major

I have thoroughly enjoyed my electives and general education courses at George Fox. Each professor has been thoughtful and acknowledging of the challenges adult working students face. While I love my major, I often find myself looking forward to my general education courses too!

Meet Your Professors

Watch video: Nathaniel Ankeny

Your Next Steps

Find out exactly how many transferable college credits you have by requesting a transcript review from your enrollment counselor. They can help you make a plan for how to get from here to graduation.

Or if you’re ready to apply, follow the steps on our application process page to submit your application to take general education classes in the Adult Degree Program.

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Online Bachelor's Degree: General Studies

General studies, degree at a glance.

  • 120 credits
  • Transfer up to 90 credits
  • All courses available online


  • $324 per credit (in-state)
  • $499 per credit (out-of-state)
  • $250 per credit (military)
  • Other fees may apply

Next Session Starts

Personalize your learning experience with an online bachelor’s degree in general studies from University of Maryland Global Campus. Study a broad range of topics and increase your general knowledge base as you take charge of your education. Our generous transfer credit policy allows you to save time and money and get credit for the skills you already have. Plus, you’ll be able to earn your degree at your own pace, thanks to our convenient online courses. Why wait? Take the first step and apply today!

Personalize Your Curriculum & Take Charge of Your Education

UMGC’s online general studies program is designed for students looking to personalize their educational experience. A general studies degree may help you develop a broad knowledge base while also allowing you the freedom to study the subject areas that most interest you, whether that be science, business, the arts, or anything in between. Follow your own academic passions and curiosities—wherever they may lead! Through a combination of general education courses and multi-disciplinary major requirements, you’ll have the flexibility needed to take charge of your education and earn a well-rounded credential as unique as you are.

Here are some of the benefits of this online degree program:

  • We offer courses annually in the spring, summer, and fall terms.
  • This degree plan places an emphasis on prior learning , allowing you to earn a general studies degree online faster by receiving credit for the skills you’ve already mastered.
  • Take courses in a variety of disciplines, including business administration, criminal justice, social science, and more.
  • We offer competitive tuition rates for Maryland residents, as well as discounts for military servicemembers and their spouses and dependents. 

See Courses & Program Info

View a complete list of program courses, credit options, and more.

View General Studies Program Courses

The general studies degree requires a total of 120 credits .

  • 30 Required Major Credits : Review the required major courses outlined below.
  • 41 General Education Credits : Review the options available to fulfill the 41 credits of general education coursework requirements for bachelor's degrees.
  • 49 Minor & Elective Credits : Review a list of available academic minors or see the course catalog or Schedule of Classes to help you select elective courses.

Required Major Courses

  • 6 credits from one discipline area (e.g. HRMN)
  • 6 credits from a second discipline area (e.g. PSYC)
  • 15 credits chosen from other disciplines
  • General Studies Capstone (3 Credits, CAPL 495)

No more than 21 credits of coursework in a single discipline area may be applied to the major.

Get a Head Start on a Master’s Degree

Accelerated pathway.

Through an  accelerated pathway , students who complete this program may be eligible to reduce their total coursework for a Master of Arts in Teaching  by  up to 12 credits .

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These requirements are for students who enroll in the 2024–2025 academic year . For prior year requirements, visit our catalog archive.

Bachelor’s Degree Requirements

In addition to the specific course requirements outlined on each bachelor’s degree webpage, UMGC maintains certain requirements for all bachelor’s degrees.

Develop Key Career Skills

Today's employers are looking for professionals who have a broad knowledge base and the adaptability needed to fill many roles in an organization. This online program is designed to give you the broad skillsets you need to thrive in a modern work environment. Graduates of this online general studies program may be able to develop crucial and career-relevant skills in complex problem-solving, adaptability, critical thinking, and innovation. Our program directors refresh and update the curriculum regularly, with a focus on helping students achieve the following:

Unlock Your Career Potential

This program may help prepare you to pursue entry-level or mid-level careers that require a bachelor’s degree. Positions may be available in a variety of different industries, including those in the public sector, the private sector, and the non-profit sector. Graduates of the general studies program often find careers in management, office and administrative support, business and financial operations, and education. 

A person looking at a tablet screen and taking notes.

Practice Real-World Skills in Your Courses 

Throughout your curriculum, your instructors will assign coursework that will help you prioritize real-world skills and in-demand experience. In past courses, students have been able to complete the following course projects: 

  • Analyze insights about personal and professional goals.   
  • Synthesize concepts and theories in your field or industry of focus.  
  • Design and conduct research in your field or industry of focus. 
  • Develop and present a professional portfolio that showcases your mastery of your learning goals. 

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Get answers to questions that current and prospective students are asking about program admission, credibility, and more.

What is an online bachelor’s degree in general studies?

Students can take the general studies degree program online to help prepare for a wide area of interests and further education. The 120-credit program has a flexible curriculum that students can adapt to meet their career goals and maximize previously earned credits. The general studies degree can help students prepare to work in various corporate and private sector jobs and to prepare for graduate-level work.

How long does it take to get an online bachelor's degree in general studies?

UMGC's general studies degree is a 120-credit program. The time it will take you to complete your degree will depend on several factors, including your goals, how many transfer credits you have, your course load each semester, and whether you are able to benefit from one or more of our fast paths to credit , including credit for prior learning and credit for military education and training .

How much does an online bachelor's degree in general studies cost?

Tuition rates for this undergraduate program are very competitive and appear at the top of this page. We offer a low in-state rate for Maryland residents and a reduced tuition rate for military service members and their spouses and dependent children. We also offer scholarships for those who qualify , an interest-free monthly payment plan , and no-cost digital materials in place of most textbooks to help make online bachelor's degrees even more affordable.

What background do I need to get an online bachelor’s degree in general studies?

You do not need any background or experience to enroll in our online bachelor’s degree in general studies. As long as you meet our undergraduate admission requirements , you can enroll in this program.

Are any certifications needed with the online bachelor’s degree in general studies?

You do not need any prior certifications to enroll in or complete this program.

Our helpful admissions advisors can help you choose an academic program to fit your career goals, estimate your transfer credits, and develop a plan for your education costs that fits your budget. If you’re a current UMGC student, please visit the Help Center .

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A man in his graduation cap and gown.

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Apply by May 31, and we'll waive your application fee.

Southern New Hampshire University

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SNHU Student on laptop smiling with text Juan Munoz '22

General Studies Degree Online Bachelor of Arts

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Earn a General Studies Degree Online

  • $330/credit (120 credits)
  • Transfer up to 90 credits
  • 100% online instruction
  • Finish your degree faster
  • Dozens of concentrations available
  • No application fee or SAT/ACT scores required

General Studies Degree Online Program Overview

Tailor your degree and earn it faster with a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in General Studies degree online. This meaningful milestone can help you maximize already-earned credits and get a degree in the shortest amount of time – especially if you're already working in a field you love.

At Southern New Hampshire University, your general studies degree can give you a strong foundation of general education courses, including writing, humanities, history and science. You’ll also develop in-demand career skills like critical thinking and communication to gain an edge in the competitive job market.

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What You'll Learn

  • Modes of knowledge, inquiry and creative expression to aid communication
  • Research applications that use critical evaluation and analytical reasoning
  • Decision-making skills to create empathetic solutions to complex problems
  • Knowledge to inform intercultural collaboration
  • Principles of social justice and civic responsibility

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How You'll Learn

At SNHU, you'll get support from day 1 to graduation and beyond. And with no set class times, 24/7 access to the online classroom, and helpful learning resources along the way, you'll have everything you need to reach your goals.

General Studies Degree Concentrations

With the help of your academic advisor, you’ll focus your online general studies degree on a concentration that aligns with your interests and career goals.

Unsure of which concentration to choose? The following are some of SNHU's most popular picks. Don't see what you are looking for? See a full list of concentrations in our catalog.

Business Administration Develop the fundamental skills needed to succeed in a wide variety of fast-paced business environments with an online bachelor's in general studies with a concentration in business administration . Courses may include: Financial Accounting Principles of Management Applied Marketing Strategies Request Info Apply Now Coding Basics Learn the fundamentals of object-oriented programming that can help you enter one of the nation's fastest growing fields with an online bachelor's in general studies with a concentration in coding basics . Courses may include: Introduction to Scripting Foundation in Application Development Request Info Apply Now Communication Attain the knowledge, competencies and confidence required to kickstart your career in the rapidly changing industry of communication with an online bachelor's in general studies with a concentration in communication . Courses may include: Visual Communication and Design Social Media Strategy Organizational Branding Request Info Apply Now Criminal Justice Develop strong interpersonal skills and a deep understanding of our legal system with an online bachelor's in general studies with a concentration in criminal justice . Courses may include: The United States Judicial System Technology in Criminal Justice Introduction to Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Request Info Apply Now Entrepreneurship Gain the skills you need to start and manage your own business with an online bachelor’s in general studies with a concentration in entrepreneurship . Courses may include: Small Business Management Entrepreneurship Business Plan Preparation Request Info Apply Now Psychology Immerse yourself in cutting-edge theories to develop a skill set that translates to any field where understanding human behavior is important with an online bachelor's in general studies with a concentration in psychology . Courses may include: Lifespan Development Abnormal Psychology Foundations of Addictions Request Info Apply Now if (typeof accordionGroup === "undefined") { window.accordionGroup = new accordion(); } accordionGroup.init(document.getElementById('0234957941a84c3fabbc134858b9536a')); Say Yes to Your General Studies Degree

Listen to Juan tell his story of getting his general studies degree, making his parents proud and changing his life forever.

Career Outlook

The critical thinking and communication skills you gain with a bachelor's in general studies can benefit many career paths.

Priscilla Hobbs with the text Priscilla Hobbs

"More and more employers require a bachelor’s degree for eligibility for career advancement opportunities, and professionals with bachelor’s degrees are more likely to earn higher incomes,” said Priscilla Hobbs , SNHU’s associate dean of general education and interdisciplinary studies. “Because this degree lets you choose the concentration pathway that suits you, you have the opportunity to explore a variety of career options."

Earning an undergraduate degree can significantly boost your lifetime earnings and reduce your chances of unemployment. A general studies degree program can help you complete your degree – and reap these benefits – faster.

No matter what career goals you have, completing your bachelor's degree can help you get ahead.

Jon Galvin with the text Jon Galvin

Jon Galvin '16 said earning a bachelor's degree was key to his long-term career potential. Working without a degree had kept him from management positions and a higher salary during a 10-year career as a civilian in the computer industry. After returning to active duty in the military, Galvin said he knew that SNHU's general studies bachelor's degree program would allow him to complete his degree – and help him prepare for the next chapter.

"Now that I have that degree, the doors that are open are limitless," Galvin said.

A bachelor of general studies from SNHU can give you the skills you need to get started in entry-level and management positions across a broad range of industries.

"Before even completing my degree, I accepted a position as the head of park maintenance for my city," said Cody McKee '20 . "My work experience played a large role in that, but I believe the fact that I was nearing completion of a bachelor's degree really set me apart. Subsequently, since completing my degree, I have seen a large uptick in recruiters reaching out to me from all over the country, and I have been offered positions at other municipalities and lawn and landscape firms."

With dozens of degree concentrations available, you can get the specialized training you need to explore careers in fast-growing fields like human services, human resources, marketing and more.

An online general studies degree can also prepare you to advance your education with one of SNHU’s many online master’s degree programs . By completing your undergraduate degree as quickly as possible, you can get started on a valuable master’s degree sooner.

Job Growth and Salary

Earning a bachelor's degree can help you move forward in the workforce. While there are still a number of jobs and careers that don't require this level of education, there are plenty out there in which a 4-year degree is necessary. A general studies degree can offer you the well-rounded education you need.

Growth Icon

Jobs for bachelor’s degree holders are growing. In fact, jobs that require a 4-year degree are projected to grow 10% through 2026 – faster than the national average. 1

Bachelor’s degree holders also experienced lower rates of unemployment than workers with less education, at 2.2% in 2022. 1 Workers with some college experience but no degree saw 3.5% unemployment in 2022, while the unemployment rate for workers with only a high school diploma was 4.0%. 1

Salary Icon

A bachelor’s degree could increase your median weekly earnings by about 68%, compared to working with only a high school diploma. 1 In 2022, bachelor's degree holders also earned 53% more each week than workers who have completed some college courses but do not have a degree. 1

Earning your master's degree can boost your career growth and salary potential even further: Master's degree holders earned a median weekly salary of $1,661 in 2022 – nearly 16% more than bachelor’s degree holders. 1

Understanding the Numbers When reviewing job growth and salary information, it’s important to remember that actual numbers can vary due to many different factors — like years of experience in the role, industry of employment, geographic location, worker skill and economic conditions. Cited projections do not guarantee actual salary or job growth.

Start Your Journey Toward an Online General Studies Degree

Why snhu for your general studies degree flexible with no set class meeting times, you can learn on your schedule and access online course materials 24/7. affordable as part of our mission to make higher education more accessible, we’re committed to keeping our tuition rates low. in fact, we offer some of the lowest online tuition rates in the nation. prior coursework could also help you save time and money. snhu’s transfer policy  allows you to transfer up to 90 credits toward your bachelor's degree and 45 credits for an associate degree from your previous institutions—that means you could save up to 75% off the cost of tuition. you could also save time and money by getting college credit for previous work experience , or by taking advantage of military discounts and employer tuition assistance if available to you. respected founded in 1932 , southern new hampshire university is a private, nonprofit institution with over 160,000 graduates across the country. snhu is accredited by the new england commission of higher education (neche), a regional accreditor, which advocates for institutional improvement and public assurance of quality.  recently, snhu has been nationally recognized for leading the way toward more innovative, affordable and achievable education: u.s. news & world report named snhu the 2021 most innovative university in the north and one of the nation's "best regional universities" awarded the 21st century distance learning award for excellence in online technology by the united states distance learning association (usdla) a $1 million grant from google.org to explore soft skills assessments for high-need youth network at southern new hampshire university, you'll have access to a powerful network of more than 300,000 students, alumni and staff that can help support you long after graduation. our instructors offer relevant, real-world expertise to help you understand and navigate the field. plus, with our growing, nationwide alumni network, you'll have the potential to tap into a number of internship and career opportunities. 93.6% of online students would recommend snhu (according to a 2022 survey with 17,000+ respondents). discover why snhu may be right for you . admission requirements expanding access to quality higher education means removing the barriers that may stand between you and your degree. that’s why you can apply at any time and get a decision within days of submitting all required materials: completed free undergraduate application prior transcripts, which we can retrieve at no cost to you test scores are not required as part of your application acceptance decisions are made on a rolling basis throughout the year for our 6 (8-week) undergraduate terms . how to apply if you’re ready to apply, follow these simple steps to get the process going: complete a free undergraduate application submit any additional documents required work with an admission counselor  to explore financial options  and walk through the application process if you have questions or need help filling out your application, call 1.888.387.0861 or email [email protected] . if (typeof accordiongroup === "undefined") { window.accordiongroup = new accordion(); } accordiongroup.init(document.getelementbyid('7a2325e74a4444f6ba495bdd7eee4f74')); what snhu students are saying.

Cody McKee

"I was able to transfer in 90 credit hours from other universities and complete my degree in a year. I had been enrolled in 3 other universities prior to my time at SNHU. I feel like I actually learned more in SNHU classes than any of the other institutions I attended."

Courses & Curriculum

SNHU's general studies degree online provides a solid foundation in ethics, decision-making and the social sciences.

The curriculum offers a broad base of liberal arts coursework that can be customized to your previous college experience and interests. In the general studies program, you'll be on the fast track to a valuable 4-year degree.

"The (general studies) program is designed to help busy students finish their degrees,” said Priscilla Hobbs , SNHU’s associate dean of general education and interdisciplinary studies. “If you have earned credits from other institutions and experiences, but have yet to earn your degree, this program lets you leverage those credits toward a degree that will open opportunities toward achieving your professional goals."

A general studies degree at SNHU includes 120 course credits. Requirements include 42 general education credits, 12 credits in a concentration of your choice, a 3-credit degree planning course and 63 elective course credits.

SNHU’s generous transfer policy accepts up to 90 transfer credits toward an online bachelor’s degree  program. This means you could take as few as 5 terms – or 10 courses – to complete your degree.

The general studies bachelor's degree program kicks off with a degree planning course. This course helps you establish goals and outline your coursework so you have a clear path to graduation.

General education courses are designed to give you in-demand skills that employers want and lay the groundwork for lifelong learning. In these courses, you'll explore a broad range of educational topics, including:

  • English composition
  • Mathematics
  • Social sciences
  • Natural sciences

The courses you take for your general studies degree concentration depend on your career goals and interests.

"There are several concentration options that you may choose, each focused on the essential skills desired by employers across the spectrum," Hobbs said. "These skills may be oriented toward a discipline, such as accounting or psychology, or toward a valuable skill, such as leadership or creative problem-solving. With the variety of options, you can choose the path that works best for you and your goals."

The concentration options can be explored in more detail during the degree planning course at the start of your program. Your academic advisor is also available to support you through the process of choosing a concentration.

Kaylee Castillo with the text Kaylee Castillo

Kaylee Castillo '21 chose to pursue the human resources concentration.

"I wanted to study this program to gain knowledge pertaining to the human resources field," she said. "I was attracted to the organizational leadership courses like Human Resource Management, Employee and Labor Relations, and Total Rewards." 

Cody McKee '20 studied a concentration that could open up doors for him.

"I chose a concentration in environmental science," he said. "I have worked in lawn and landscape my entire life, and I was looking to find a path that would help me branch off of that into a role in conservation and land management."

You can customize your general studies degree even further with your elective courses. Electives give you the flexibility to dive deeper into your chosen concentration. You can also use your electives to explore another area of interest. If you’ve completed college coursework in the past, electives make it easy to transfer past credits to your SNHU degree.

Throughout your degree program, SNHU's student support team can help you stay on track with your studies and get you to graduation – and a career – faster.

Our admission team tries to make sure you don’t miss out on any transfer credit opportunities so you can complete your degree program as quickly as possible. Your academic advisor can offer guidance and support throughout your degree program. And SNHU’s career advising team can help you land an internship to strengthen your degree learning.

An internship is not required to earn a general studies degree. But it can give you a leg up when applying for jobs, particularly if you find an internship position that aligns with your degree concentration and career goals.

An internship can also further develop the career skills gained through your online general studies degree courses and help you apply them to real-world situations.

These skills include:

  • Communication: Effectively share ideas and adapt a message to reach a variety of audiences.
  • Collaboration: Build partnerships and work effectively with others to reach a common goal.
  • Critical thinking: Analyze information and assess its value to make data-driven, ethical decisions.
  • Problem-solving: Connect online learning to practical solutions for real-world problems.

Curriculum Requirements & Resources

General education.

All undergraduate students are required to take general education courses , which are part of SNHU's newly redesigned program, The Commons. The goal of The Commons' curriculum is to empower you with some of the most in-demand skills, so you can succeed not only in your academic career, but in your personal and professional life too.

Technology Resources

We provide cloud-based virtual environments in some courses to give you access to the technology you need for your degree – and your career. Learn more about our virtual environments .

Earn Math Credits

Save time and tuition with our Pathways to Math Success assessments. Depending on your scores, you could earn up to 12 math credits – the equivalent of 4 courses – toward your degree for less than $50 per assessment. For additional information, or to register for a Pathways to Math Success assessment, contact your admission counselor or academic advisor today.

Minimum Hardware Requirements Component Type   PC (Windows OS)   Apple (Mac OS)   Operating System  Currently supported operating system from Microsoft.   Currently supported operating system from Apple.  Memory (RAM)  8GB or higher  8GB or higher  Hard Drive  100GB or higher  100GB or higher  Antivirus Software  Required for campus students. Strongly recommended for online students.  Required for campus students. Strongly recommended for online students.  SNHU Purchase Programs  Visit Dell   Visit Apple   Internet/ Bandwidth  5 Mbps Download, 1 Mbps Upload and less than 100 ms Latency  5 Mbps Download, 1 Mbps Upload and less than 100 ms Latency  Notes:   Laptop or desktop?   Whichever you choose depends on your personal preference and work style, though laptops tend to offer more flexibility.  Note:   Chromebooks (Chrome OS) and iPads (iOS) do not meet the minimum requirements for coursework at SNHU. These offer limited functionality and do not work with some course technologies. They are not acceptable as the only device you use for coursework. While these devices are convenient and may be used for some course functions, they cannot be your primary device. SNHU does, however, have an affordable laptop option that it recommends: Dell Latitude 3301 with Windows 10.  Office 365 Pro Plus  is available free of charge to all SNHU students and faculty. The Office suite will remain free while you are a student at SNHU. Upon graduation you may convert to a paid subscription if you wish. Terms subject to change at Microsoft's discretion. Review system requirements for  Microsoft 365 plans  for business, education and government.  Antivirus software:  Check with your ISP as they may offer antivirus software free of charge to subscribers.  if (typeof accordionGroup === "undefined") { window.accordionGroup = new accordion(); } accordionGroup.init(document.getElementById('f756dce5bd874c61855f6f6e92d88470')); University Accreditation

New England Commission of Higher Education

Tuition & Fees

As a private, nonprofit university, we’re committed to making college more accessible by making it more affordable. That’s why we offer some of the lowest online tuition rates in the nation.

We also offer financial aid packages to those who qualify, plus a 30% tuition discount for U.S. service members, both full and part time, and the spouses of those on active duty.

Tuition Rates are subject to change and are reviewed annually. *Note: students receiving this rate are not eligible for additional discounts.

Additional Costs No Application Fee, Course Materials ($ varies by course)

Frequently Asked Questions

A woman reading poetry to celebrate national poetry month and demonstrate why poetry is important

Why is Poetry Important? Celebrating National Poetry Month

SNHU graduate Stephanie Gould holding her diploma with SNHU's executive vice president and university provost, Lisa Marsh Ryerson

Actor Stephanie Gould Surprised Onstage With Diploma Delivery

SNHU associate dean of liberal arts Dr. Robert Denning wearing a dark suit and blue tie.

Associate Dean of Liberal Arts Dr. Robert Denning: A Faculty Q&A

can you take general education courses online

Course Catalog | Liberty University

Approved general education courses for online programs, general education.

This elective may be fulfilled by approved courses within the Humanities and Fine Arts, Natural Science, Math, Technology, History, Social Science disciplines or STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math). Restrictions may apply to some majors. General education electives must meet the University's general education guidelines.

The list of approved general education courses for online programs is published online: https://www.liberty.edu/casas/general-education/gen-ed-electives/

General Education Requirements for Out of State Students

In addition to Liberty University’s general education requirements, distance education students may also be required to fulfill additional requirements set by their home states. Details by state will be added to the Degree Completion Plan . Specific Degree Completion Plans for each state whose requirements differ are available from Liberty University Online Advising.

HFA – Humanities/Fine Arts

For Transfer Credit Only: Any 100-400 level courses from the following disciplines that meet General Education Guidelines: COMS, JOUR, SCOM, and STCO

SBS – Social/Behavioral Sciences

For Transfer Credit Only: Any 100-400 level courses from the following disciplines that meet General Education Guidelines: GEOG, HIEU, HIUS, HIST, and HIWD

ARTS 209 Art as Communication (3 c.h.) is required for BFA degree

NSM – Natural Science/Mathematics

MATH  transfer credit (1XX-4XX) may only be considered through the course substitution process

For Transfer Credit Only: Any 100-400 level PHIL courses that meet General Education Guidelines

ARTS 105 Art Appreciation (3 c.h.) is required for BFA degree

ARTS 105 Art Appreciation (3 c.h.) may be used to fulfill the Critical Thinking or Cultural Studies elective, not both

Required for DIVINITY Majors

For Transfer Credit Only: Any 100-400 level courses from the following disciplines that meet General Education Guidelines: ANTH, CARA, CESL, CGRM, CFRE, CHIN, CHND, CSMA, CSPA, CSTU, FREN, GLST, GOVT, GREK, GRMN, HBRW, MLAN, RUSS, and SPAN

For Transfer Credit Only: Any 100-400 level courses from the following disciplines that meet General Education Guidelines: ECON, PSYC, and SOCI

For Transfer Credit Only: Any 100-400 level courses from the following disciplines that meet General Education Guidelines: BIOL, CHEM, ENVR, NASC, PHSC, and PHYS

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University of California Counselors

General education & IGETC

General education (G.E.) requirements are designed to give UC undergraduates a broad background in all major academic disciplines — natural sciences, physical sciences, social sciences, humanities and fine arts.

G.E. requirements vary by campus

The G.E. requirement — sometimes called the breadth requirement — lists the specific courses students must take or number of credit hours they must earn in each discipline.

Each school and college at every UC campus has its own general education requirement. With careful planning, students can meet many of the lower-division requirements before they transfer. Students at a California community college also have the option of completing the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) to satisfy the lower-division general education requirements at any UC campus.

What is IGETC?

IGETC is a series of courses that prospective transfer students attending California community colleges may complete to satisfy the lower-division breadth/general education requirements at both the University of California and the California State University.

Students may be IGETC certified if they complete coursework at one or more California community colleges without regard to current enrollment status or number of units accrued at a California community college. Students who enrolled at a UC campus, then enrolled at a California community college and transfer to a different UC campus may use IGETC (students returning to the same UC campus cannot complete IGETC).

Completion options

Students have the option of completing IGETC at their California community college or the specific lower-division breadth/general education requirements of the UC school or college at the campus they plan to attend. 

The UC agreement

UC has an agreement with each California community college that specifies which of its courses may be applied to each category of IGETC. Courses taken at more than one California community college may be used to fulfill IGETC and all courses must be completed with a grade of C or better (or the equivalent).

Which type of student should follow IGETC

IGETC is most helpful to students who want to keep their options open — specifically, those who know they want to transfer but haven't yet decided upon a particular institution, campus or major.

Which type of student should not follow IGETC

Certain students, however, will not be well served by following IGETC. Students who intend to transfer into majors that require extensive lower-division preparation, such as engineering or the physical and natural sciences, should concentrate on completing the prerequisites for the major required by the individual UC campus. However, they can choose to follow the IGETC for STEM pattern of course work in addition to major preparation. IGETC for STEM is a pattern of courses currently only available to students earning an associate degree for transfer (ADT) at a California community college in a major that explicitly offers IGETC for STEM as an option, and only if the UC program allows partial IGETC certification (see below for more information about partial certification).

Not a requirement, but a consideration

IGETC is not an admission requirement. Completing it does not guarantee admission to the campus or program of choice. However, completing the lower-division breadth/general education requirements — whether through IGETC or the campus-specific requirements — may be considered by the campus in selecting among qualified applicants.

Partial certification

Students who do not complete IGETC before transferring will be required to satisfy the lower-division general education/breadth requirements of the UC college or school they attend. However, California community colleges may grant partial certification of IGETC to students who are missing no more than two requirements. Students should verify that their UC school/college/major program will accept partial certification. After transfer, students submitting partial IGETC certification should complete the missing requirements at either UC or a California community college as designated by their department. Students who have been granted partial IGETC certification should not return to the community college for a full certification.

GPA requirement

IGETC courses must be completed with a grade of C or better. A grade of credit or pass may be used if the community college's policy states that it is equivalent to a grade of C or better.

Use of AP and IB exams

IGETC course credit may be earned for scores of 3, 4 or 5 on Advanced Placement (AP) exams or scores of 5, 6 or 7 on International Baccalaureate Higher Level (IB HL) exams that the community college faculty recognizes as equivalent to its IGETC-approved courses. An acceptable score on an English AP or IB exam may be used to meet the English Composition requirement, but not the Critical Thinking/English Composition requirement. A single exam cannot satisfy multiple requirements, with the exception of language exams which may satisfy a Humanities requirement and the Language other than English proficiency requirement. For more information, refer to the IGETC Standards, Policies, and Procedures Manual .

IGETC course agreements

A community college course can satisfy only one IGETC subject area even if it is listed on the IGETC Course Agreement in more than one area. However, a single course may be counted toward IGETC and a major requirement.

Coursework completed outside the California community colleges may be acceptable to clear some IGETC requirements (with the exception of IGETC area 1B: Critical Thinking) as long as the community college faculty recognizes the course in question as equivalent to one or more of its IGETC-approved courses.


Certification of IGETC completion is the responsibility of the last community college a student attends prior to transfer, regardless of how many courses or units the student has completed at that community college.

Additional IGETC considerations

Students with a substantial amount of coursework from institutions outside the United States should consult with a community college counselor to determine whether they should complete IGETC or the lower-division breadth/general education requirements at the campus they plan to attend. International coursework cannot be used to satisfy any area of IGETC except the Language other than English proficiency requirement (Area 6/6A).

In addition, some colleges or majors prefer that transfer students follow a more prescribed lower-division curriculum. Refer to the Quick Reference Guide to UC Admissions [PDF] for campus/program-specific recommendations.

Proficiency in a language other than English (IGETC Area 6/6A)

Students may demonstrate proficiency for the purpose of fulfilling the Language Other Than English IGETC requirement in one of the following ways:

  • Complete two years of high school coursework in one language other than English with a grade of C or better.
  • Complete a course or courses at a college or university with a grade of C or better in each course. Any course (excluding conversation courses) considered by the college or university to be equivalent to two years of high school language may be used. Many college catalogs list the prerequisite for the second course in a language as: Language 1 at this college, or two years of high school language. In this case Language 1 clears both years of the requirement.
  • Chinese With Listening: not offered before 1995/520
  • French/French With Listening: 500/540
  • German/German With Listening: 500/510
  • Hebrew (Modern): 500/470
  • Italian: 500/520
  • Japanese With Listening: 500/510
  • Korean/Korean With Listening: not offered before 1995/500
  • Latin: 500/530
  • Spanish/Spanish With Listening: 500/520
  • Achieve a score of 3, 4 or 5 on a College Board Advanced Placement (AP) examination in a language other than English.
  • Achieve a score of 5 or higher on an International Baccalaureate (IB) Higher Level Examination in a language other than English.
  • Satisfactorily complete a proficiency test administered by a community college, university or other college in a language other than English. The test must assess the student proficiency at a level equivalent to at least two years of high school language.
  • Complete, with grades of C or better, two years of formal schooling at the sixth-grade level or higher in an institution where the language of instruction is not English. If secondary school was completed in a non-English-speaking country and the language of instruction of the secondary school was not English, language other than English proficiency can be certified for IGETC without further evaluation. The student must present appropriate documentation of attendance at the secondary school.
  • Earn a passing grade on the international A level or O level exam in a language other than English.

If an appropriate achievement test is not available to assert a student's proficiency in a language other than English, a faculty member associated with a California community college can verify competency. The college must provide a document on letterhead asserting that the student's proficiency in the language is equivalent to at least two years of high school study.

The Classroom | Empowering Students in Their College Journey

How to Take Your General College Courses Online

How to Transfer College Credits to Another State

How to Transfer College Credits to Another State

A four-year university degree generally includes two years of core courses that most students must complete, plus two or more years of classes more specific to one or more courses of study. Your general education requirements (GERs) usually encompass basic English and math, lab sciences such as astronomy and geology, and humanities, such as psychology or art history. Taking these courses online, especially through a community college, is often less expensive than completing all four years on campus at a traditional college.

Determine the general education requirements your college or university. Some schools require specific beginner-level courses (often labeled 100 or 1000-level classes, or 200 or 2000-level), such as Intro to Philosophy or Beginning Calculus. Others require a certain number of credits in each given subject area.

Investigate schools that offer online college courses. Confirm that course credit you earn at an online institution transfers to your chosen university. Some state universities have cooperative programs with area community colleges that simplify the transfer process. For example, at Bellevue Community College in Bellevue, Washington, you can earn an Associate's Transfer Degree online. The degree requirements cover the core curriculum at the University of Washington, which allows for a smooth transition into junior standing at the University of Washington.

Speak to academic advisers at each school. Explain to each one that you're trying to fulfill the GERs of one school while enrolled at another, and ask for their advice in how to ensure that all of your credits apply and transfer properly. This process can take several months as each school sends paperwork back and forth to the other, so start early.

Apply for admission to the school whose online courses you intend to complete. Most applications require high school transcripts, scores from a college entrance exam and personal information.

File a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and any separate financial aid forms required. The cost of online classes is often significantly less than traditional college courses. You can use Pell grants and student loans to pay for online education.

Register for classes after you've accepted admission. Often, students can enroll online. Register for a course workload that is challenging, but realistic based on the time you have available outside of work or other responsibilities. Many universities also require a certain number of lower division elective courses. Use this requirement as an opportunity to explore new subjects.

  • Online courses often require more diligence and discipline than traditional classes because you must manage your time and monitor progress. Take care to learn good time management skills and to set priorities that help you succeed.

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  • BellevueCollege.edu: Distance Education
  • University of Washington: UW Bachelor's Completion Program: Flexible Schedule Options
  • USU.edu: General Education Requirements

Evangeline Marzec is a management consultant to small high-tech companies, and has been in the video games industry since 2004. As a published writer since 1998, she has contributed articles and short stories to web and print media, including eHow and Timewinder. She holds a Master of Business Adminstration from Thunderbird School of Global Management.

University of Florida

General education (gen ed) | uf quest.

The General Education Program (Gen Ed) supports the mission of the University of Florida by providing undergraduate students with common collective knowledge about the world in which they live. The curriculum enables students to think creatively, reason critically, communicate effectively, and make informed decisions that affect all aspects of their lives. More Info

Through General Education courses, students gain fresh perspectives and discover new approaches to intellectual inquiry that promote understanding of both the traditional and the newly discovered. To achieve these outcomes, the General Education curriculum encompasses a breadth of knowledge in composition, diversity studies, humanities, international studies, mathematics, biological, physical, and social and behavioral sciences.

Ultimately, competence in these areas enables students to better understand themselves, their neighbors, other cultures and times, and the principles governing the natural world and the universe; and to participate fully and responsibly as informed citizens in local, national, and global matters.

General Education Categories

The General Education curriculum is organized around eight major subject areas. More Info

Biological Sciences

Composition, international, mathematics, physical sciences, social and behavioral sciences, general education program requirements.

All undergraduate students, except those transferring to UF with an AA degree from a Florida public college or an AA certificate from a Florida public state university, are required to complete UF's General Education requirement to graduate. More Info

To complete General Education, student must select a General Education course in the Humanities that features the UF Quest 1 subject area for 3 credits, a General Education course in the Social and Behavioral Science or Natural Science that features the UF Quest 2 subject area for 3 credits, a General Education course that features the International subject area for 3 credits, and a General Education course that features the Diversity subject area for 3 credits.

Majors that feature extensive use of these subject areas may require a student to complete all 6 Additional Required Gen Ed Coursework credits in a particular subject area. See the major's Recommended Model Semester Plan for details.

Important Considerations

  • A minimum grade of C is required for General Education credit. Courses intended to satisfy the general education requirement cannot be taken S/U.
  • Some majors require or recommend specific General Education courses.
  • Certain courses are approved to count for multiple General Education program areas. Students can count a General Education course toward one area only except for Diversity and International credits, which must be earned concurrently with another area. For example, a course designated as Humanities/Diversity can count toward both the Humanities and Diversity requirements, but a course designated Composition/Humanities can count only as Composition or Humanities.
  • Study abroad courses can fulfill International credit, in addition to fulfilling credit in other subject areas. Study abroad must be approved in advance by an academic advisor and the UF International Center.

Successful completion of these requirements will result in the student learning outcomes.

Selecting General Education Courses

Students can take Gen Ed courses at the 1000-4000 levels. First-year students generally take introductory (1000/2000-level) courses. If a student has the academic background and the interest they may take more advanced courses, but they should first check the course prerequisites or consult an academic advisor.

Applying Incoming Credits to General Education

AP, IB, AICE, and CLEP credit count toward completion of the General Education program requirements. In general, course equivalencies are derived from the course equivalency charts from the student's year of matriculation at UF. More Info

Acceptable dual enrollment and other transfer credit will fulfill the General Education requirements that the same UF course fulfills if the course is equivalent. Courses from Florida public colleges and State University System schools generally adhere to the Statewide Course Numbering System. If the prefix (first three letters) and the last three digits of the course number are the same, then the course is considered equivalent.

If the course does not have a common-numbered equivalent at UF, either because UF does not offer the course or because the transferred course was not taken in the state system, then the student's college needs to evaluate the course to determine whether it fulfills a General Education requirement. More Info

Subject Area Objectives

Biological Science courses provide instruction in the basic concepts, theories and terms of the scientific method in the context of the life sciences. Courses focus on major scientific developments and their impacts on society, science and the environment, and the relevant processes that govern biological systems. Students will formulate empirically-testable hypotheses derived from the study of living things, apply logical reasoning skills through scientific criticism and argument, and apply techniques of discovery and critical thinking to evaluate outcomes of experiments.

Communication  courses must afford students the ability to communicate effectively, including the ability to write clearly and engage in public speaking. 

Composition (C)  is a sub-designation of Communication at the University of Florida.

Composition courses provide instruction in the methods and conventions of standard written English (i.e. grammar, punctuation, usage) and the techniques that produce effective texts.  Composition courses are writing intensive, require multiple drafts submitted to the instructor for feedback prior to final submission, and fulfill 6,000 of the university’s 24,000-word writing requirement.  Course content must include multiple forms of effective writing, different writing styles, approaches and formats, and methods to adapt writing to different audiences, purposes and contexts.  Students are expected learn to organize complex arguments in writing using thesis statements, claims and evidence, and to analyze writing for errors in logic.

In Diversity courses, students examine the historical processes and contemporary experiences characterizing social and cultural differences within the United States. Students engage with diversity as a dynamic concept related to human differences and their intersections, such as (but not limited to) race, gender identity, class, ethnicity, religion, age, sexual orientation, and (dis)abilities. Students critically analyze and evaluate how social inequities are constructed and affect the opportunities and constraints across the US population. Students analyze and reflect on the ways in which cultures and beliefs mediate their own and other people’s understandings of themselves and an increasingly diverse US society.

The Diversity designation is always in conjunction with another program area.

Humanities courses must afford students the ability to think critically through the mastering of subjects concerned with human culture, especially literature, history, art, music, and philosophy, and must include selections from the Western canon

Humanities courses provide instruction in the history, key themes, principles, terminology, and theory or methodologies used within a humanities discipline or the humanities in general. Students will learn to identify and to analyze the key elements, biases and influences that shape thought. These courses emphasize clear and effective analysis and approach issues and problems from multiple perspectives.

International courses promote the development of students’ global and intercultural awareness. Students examine the cultural, economic, geographic, historical, political, and social experiences and processes that characterize the contemporary world, and thereby comprehend the trends, challenges, and opportunities that affect communities around the world. Students analyze and reflect on the ways in which cultural, economic, political, and social systems and beliefs mediate their own and other people’s understanding of an increasingly connected world.

The International designation is always in conjunction with another program area.

Courses in Mathematics provide instruction in computational strategies in fundamental mathematics including at least one of the following: solving equations and inequalities, logic, statistics, algebra, trigonometry, and inductive and deductive reasoning. These courses include reasoning in abstract mathematical systems, formulating mathematical models and arguments, using mathematical models to solve problems and applying mathematical concepts effectively to real-world situations.

Physical Science courses provide instruction in the basic concepts, theories, and terms of the scientific method in the context of the Physical Sciences. Courses focus on major scientific developments and their impacts on society, science, and the environment, and the relevant processes that govern physical systems. Students will formulate empirically-testable hypotheses derived from the study of physical processes, apply logical reasoning skills through scientific criticism and argument, and apply techniques of discovery and critical thinking to evaluate outcomes of experiments.

Social and Behavioral Science courses provide instruction in the history, key themes, principles, terminology, and underlying theory or methodologies used in the social and behavioral sciences. Students will learn to identify, describe and explain social institutions, structures or processes. These courses emphasize the effective application of accepted problem-solving techniques. Students will apply formal and informal qualitative or quantitative analysis to examine the processes and means by which individuals make personal and group decisions, as well as the evaluation of opinions, outcomes or human behavior. Students are expected to assess and analyze ethical perspectives in individual and societal decisions.

Student Learning Outcomes | SLOs

Content and skills.

Students demonstrate competence in the terminology, concepts, theories, and methodologies used within the discipline.


Students communicate knowledge, ideas, and reasoning clearly and effectively in written and oral forms appropriate to the discipline.

Critical Thinking

Students analyze information carefully and logically from multiple perspectives, using discipline-specific methods, and develop reasoned solutions to problems.

State Core Gen Ed Categories

More Info  

State Core Gen Ed Biological and Physical Sciences Courses

BSC X085 not offered at UF, but may be transferred in from a Florida public institution.

State Core Gen Ed Composition Courses

State core gen ed mathematics courses.

All are pure math except for STA 2023 .

State Core Gen Ed Humanities Courses

HUM X020 not offered at UF, but may be transferred in from a Florida public institution.

State Core Gen Ed Social and Behavioral Courses

Uf quest 1 requirement.

UF Quest 1 courses fulfill the UF Quest 1 requirement and three credits of the General Education requirement in the Humanities. Some may also fulfill three credits of the Diversity or International requirement and/or count toward the Writing Requirement.

UF Quest 1 courses extend beyond any one discipline. They are not a survey of or an introduction to a field. Instead, they are topical and thematic courses that explore essential questions about the human condition that are not easy to answer and hard to ignore. What makes life worth living? What makes a society a fair one? How do we manage conflicts? Who are we in relation to other people or to the natural world? Through UF Quest, students examine why the world is the way it is, what they can do about it, and how they can help solve the problems that are now confronting us. More Info

Selecting UF Quest 1 Courses

  • A list of UF Quest 1 courses is provided on the UF Quest website .
  • In the catalog course search , select Quest 1 in the search results filter.

On ONE.UF , select Quest 1 in the Course Properties filter and then click Search.

UF Quest 1 Objectives

Quest 1 courses address the history, key themes, principles, terminologies, theories, or methodologies of various arts and humanities disciplines that ask essential questions about the human condition. Students learn to identify and analyze the distinctive elements of different arts and humanities disciplines, along with their biases and influences on essential questions about the human condition. These courses emphasize clear and effective analysis and evaluation of essential questions about the human condition from multiple perspectives. Students reflect on the ways in which the arts and the humanities affect individuals, societies, and their own intellectual, personal, and professional development.

UF Quest 1 Student Learning Outcomes

Identify, describe, and explain the history, theories, and methodologies used to examine essential questions about the human condition within and across the arts and humanities disciplines incorporated into the course.

Analyze and evaluate essential questions about the human condition using established practices appropriate for the arts and humanities disciplines incorporated into the course.

Develop and present clear and effective responses to essential questions in oral and written forms as appropriate to the relevant humanities disciplines incorporated into the course.

Connect course content with critical reflection on their intellectual, personal, and professional development at UF and beyond.

UF Quest 2 Requirement

UF Quest 2 courses fulfill the UF Quest 2 requirement and three credits of the General Education requirement in the Social and Behavioral Sciences, the Biological Sciences, or the Physical Sciences. Some may also fulfill three credits of the Diversity or International requirement and/or count toward the Writing Requirement.

Where Quest 1 asks why the world is the way it is, Quest 2 asks what we can do about the problems confronting us. Rather than serve as surveys of or introductions to specific fields, Quest 2 courses reflect the instructor’s expertise and challenge students as co-creators of knowledge in multi-disciplinary inquiry that uses scientific data to address pressing questions (e.g., What are the unintended consequences of technological progress? How do we address climate change?). More Info

Selecting UF Quest 2 Courses

  • A list of UF Quest 2 courses is provided on the UF Quest website .
  • In the catalog course search , select Quest 2 in the search results filter.

On ONE.UF , select Quest 2 in the Course Properties filter and then click Search.

UF Quest 2 Objectives

Quest 2 courses provide instruction in the history, key themes, principles, terminologies, theories, or methodologies of various social or biophysical science disciplines that enable us to address pressing questions and challenges about human society and/or the state of our planet. Students learn to identify and analyze different social or biophysical science methods and theories and consider how their biases and influences shape pressing questions about human society and the state of our planet. These courses emphasize clear and effective analysis and evaluation of qualitative or quantitative data relevant to pressing questions concerning human society and the state of our planet. Students reflect on the ways in which the social or the biophysical sciences affect individuals, societies, and their own intellectual, personal, and professional development. 

UF Quest 2 Student Learning Outcomes

Identify, describe, and explain the cross-disciplinary dimensions of a pressing societal issue or challenge as represented by the social sciences and/or biophysical sciences incorporated into the course.

Critically analyze quantitative or qualitative data appropriate for informing an approach, policy, or praxis that addresses some dimension of an important societal issue or challenge.

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Grad. Certificate in Special Ed. General Curriculum Elevate Your Teaching Game

can you take general education courses online

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100% online,* 8-week courses

Transfer in up to 50% of the degree total

Gain a New Licensure Endorsement in Special Education with a Graduate Certificate

Do you want to gain new training so you can help students with special needs? Liberty University offers a Graduate Certificate in Special Education General Curriculum so you can learn the skills you need while gaining a special education add-on endorsement. With graduate-level courses that cover advanced special education tools and teaching methods, you can start a new career or enhance your current teaching practice.

With a short 15-credit-hour course sequence, you can add to your teaching skill set and gain an add-on endorsement for special education. You can also transfer these courses into a master’s degree, such as the MEd in Curriculum and Instruction – General Education, at a later time, so you can use these new skills for your career and leave the door open to a future degree. Liberty’s Graduate Certificate in Special Education General Curriculum is a practical and fast way to get the special education studies you need to help students with special needs.

*Some exclusions apply. Please refer to our exclusions page for more information.

Upon successful completion of Liberty University’s Virginia state-approved Graduate Certificate in Special Education — General Curriculum program, you may apply for the add-on endorsement in another state through reciprocity, which may or may not result in additional requirements based on your state’s Department of Education regulations .

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  • What Sets Us Apart?
  • Private Nonprofit University
  • 600+ Online Degrees
  • No Standardized Testing for Admission
  • Transfer in up to 75% of an Undergrad Degree
  • Transfer in up to 50% of a Grad/Doctoral Degree

Why Choose Liberty’s Special Education Endorsement Certificate?

Liberty’s Graduate Certificate in Special Education General Curriculum can help you prepare for a rewarding career in a field that needs qualified, effective teachers. Through this program, you will earn a teaching licensure add-on endorsement in special education curriculum while studying under professors who understand your passion and can mentor you throughout your degree.

Building on your teaching experience and previous training, you will apply your new special education knowledge to a real classroom near you with a 45-hour practicum. This hands-on experience paired with advanced special education course content will help you apply for special education add-on licensure in a faster timeframe than you could with a full degree.

With excellent and affordable online education, Liberty’s online Graduate Certificate in Special Education General Curriculum will help you meet licensure requirements and set you up for success in your teaching career.

What Will You Study in Our Graduate Certificate in Special Education General Curriculum?

This certificate is designed to give you a specialized and in-depth study of special education teaching practice while fulfilling add-on licensure requirements. Through this program, you can learn how to provide individualized education support and care for students with significant disabilities. You can learn to create lesson plans and provide intellectual stimulation for students with special needs while encouraging growth.

Topics covered within this program include educational behavior and development, theories and methodologies of education, current trends in the education field, and methods of teaching with classroom management. You will also learn how to make decisions about student progress, instruction, program, placement, and transitional services.

Our courses are taught from a Christian perspective by educators equipped with years of experience teaching in the field of special education. You can learn how to apply a biblical worldview to your classroom in Christian, private, public, or homeschool settings.

This certificate includes a 45-hour practicum, which will provide hands-on experience that will help you meet licensure requirements for the special education add-on endorsement.

Here are some of the specific subjects you will study throughout your program:

  • Educational behavior and development
  • Theories and methodologies of education
  • Current trends in the education field
  • Methods of teaching and classroom management

Potential Career Opportunities

Our special education general curriculum certificate can help you prepare for several career paths. Depending on your current knowledge, education level, and experience, there are many different positions that could benefit from our accredited certificate:

  • Instructional coordinator
  • K-12 curriculum developer and manager
  • Special education teacher
  • Teaching product developer

The skills that you gain from our certificate in special education general curriculum can be an asset in many other aspects of the education world as you pursue positions of added responsibility. Additionally, the credits from this certificate may transfer directly into the MEd in Curriculum and Instruction – General Education . Take the next step towards your personal and professional goals with a special education certificate from Liberty University.

Additional education or training may be required for some jobs or occupations. Conferral of a certificate does not guarantee job placement.

Featured Courses

  • EDLC 530 – Teaching Mathematics
  • EDLC 554 – Reading and Language Acquisition
  • EDSP 521 – Foundations of Exceptionality
  • EDSP 524 – Collaborating for Successful Inclusive Classrooms
  • EDSP 525 – Transition & Assessment for Exceptional Learners
  • EDSP 545 – Practicum – Elementary
  • EDSP 546 – Practicum – Middle Grades
  • EDSP 547 – Practicum – Secondary

Certificate Information

  • This program falls under the School of Education .
  • Students in this program will complete a 45-hour practicum.
  • This graduate certificate program will help you gain add-on licensure for special education.
  • Review state-specific state requirements .
  • Review the State-Specific Approval Disclosures .
  • Additional program details are available in the Online Graduate Advising Guide .
  • View the Graduate Education Course Guides (login required) .

Certificate Completion Plan (PDF)

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Your success is our success, which is why we are committed to providing quality academics at an affordable tuition rate. While other colleges are increasing their tuition, we have frozen tuition rates for the majority of our undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs for the past 9 years – and counting.

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Admission Information for Our Online Graduate Certificate in Special Education General Curriculum

Admission requirements.

  • A non-refundable, non-transferable $50 application fee will be posted on the current application upon enrollment (waived for qualifying service members, veterans, and military spouses – documentation verifying military status is required) .
  • Send official college transcripts (mailed as sealed, unopened copies or sent via a direct electronic transcript system). A regionally or nationally accredited bachelor’s degree with at least a 2.0 GPA is required for admission in good standing. Applicants who have earned a master’s degree or at least 12 graduate credits from an accredited institution will be assessed on the basis of the master’s-level degree work.
  • Proof of initial licensure issued by the Virginia Department of Education is required in one of the following areas: elementary education, middle grades education (endorsement(s) in English, history and social sciences, mathematics, or science), or secondary education (endorsement(s) in English, history and social sciences, mathematics, biology, chemistry, Earth science, or physics). If you hold licensure in another state, you may apply for reciprocity in the State of Virginia.
  • Applicants whose native language is other than English must submit official scores for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or an approved alternative assessment. For information on alternative assessments or TOEFL waivers, please call Admissions or view the official International Admissions policy .

Transcript Policies

Official college transcript policy.

An acceptable official college transcript is one that has been issued directly from the institution and is in a sealed envelope. If you have one in your possession, it must meet the same requirements. If your previous institution offers electronic official transcript processing, they can send the document directly to [email protected] .

Admissions Office Contact Information

(800) 424-9596

(888) 301-3577

Email for Questions

[email protected]

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[email protected]

Liberty University Online Admissions Verification

1971 University Blvd.

Lynchburg, VA 24515

Ready to Apply?

Submit your application online or over the phone.

Apply by phone: (800) 424-9595

Liberty University is dedicated to providing world-class educational experiences to military students across the globe.

Who May Qualify?

  • Active Duty
  • Reserve/National Guard
  • Veterans/Retirees
  • Spouses of Service Members and Veterans/Retirees
  • Current Department of Defense Employees

Available Benefits:

  • Tuition discounts – $275 per credit hour for graduate courses
  • Additional discount for veterans who service in a civilian capacity as a First Responder (less than $625 per course) *
  • 8-week courses, 8 different start dates each year, and no set login times (may exclude certain courses such as practicums, internships, or field experiences)

*Not applicable to certificates.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does this certificate program meet special education licensure requirements.

This graduate certificate is designed to fulfill add-on licensure requirements for special education.

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Columbia Courses that Anyone Can Take Online

Columbia+, the University’s online learning platform, offers dozens of unusual non-credit classes …and some of them are free!

A woman taking an online course

With apologies to whoever wrote that old bus-trip song about beer bottles:  Ninety-nine courses to take online now, ninety-nine courses to take. Enroll in one soon, when most opportune, ninety-eight courses to take online now …  Yes, lifelong learners can take one of the ninety-nine (and counting) non-degree, non-credit courses on Columbia+ , the University’s online education hub, where experts from across the University take you to dozens of intellectual destinations. 

“Students and alumni at leading higher-education institutions expect lifelong engagement with their universities for continued learning,” says Soulaymane Kachani, Columbia’s senior vice provost, whose office oversees the program. “Also, learning is increasingly taking place digitally.”

Classes start at $50 and are as specialized as they are varied. Whether it’s  Advanced Topics in Derivative Pricing ($99), Animation and CGI Motion ($199), or Epidemic Modeling ($50), there is something for everyone. “There’s also a discount of $50 using code ALUM2024 for any course offered on the platform, which makes a number of courses free to alumni,” Kachani says. The most popular courses at the moment are  Artificial Intelligence in Real Estate , The Civil War and Reconstruction , and An Introduction to Central Banking and Foreign Exchange .

There are no grades or deadlines on this learning trip. Most of the courses are rolling: you can hop on anytime and travel at your own pace. And when you complete a course, you receive a digital certificate as proof of your journey. To paraphrase another bus-trip ditty:  The wheels in your mind go round and round …

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Adult learning: The Canadian Adult Education Credential ( CAEC )

For adults who require a credential as proof of high school level knowledge.

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Important update about the ged.

As of May 3, 2024, the General Education Development ( GED ) high school equivalency program is no longer available in Canada and is now replaced with the new Canadian Adult Education Credential ( CAEC ) .

This new credential will be available in English and French, to provide a high quality, made-in-Canada education qualification as a replacement for the GED .

The CAEC is for adults who do not have a high school diploma but need an education credential to open new doors to educational, training or employment opportunities. As with the GED , Ontario candidates who successfully complete the CAEC will get an Ontario High School Equivalency Certificate.

You will be able to register for the CAEC through the TVO Independent Learning Centre ( ILC ) starting in Summer 2024. More information will be posted on the TVO CAEC website .

Learn more about other pathways to learn or get qualifications as an adult .

GED credentials and credits

The GED continues to be a recognized credential. If you have previously passed the 5  GED test subjects, your credential remains valid. If you completed some of the 5  GED test subjects, the CAEC will accept successfully completed GED test subjects in place of the associated CAEC test subjects until May 2027.

If you need information about your previous GED assessment, please contact ged @tvo.org .

About the program

The CAEC shows that you have high school-level knowledge and skills, without having completed a formal secondary school program.

The CAEC assessment is composed of five tests:

  • mathematics
  • social studies

You will need a score of 55% on each of the five tests to receive the CAEC , also referred to as an Ontario High School Equivalency Certificate.

The TVO Independent Learning Centre ( ILC ) is the only provider of the CAEC testing program in Ontario. Learn more about CAEC testing in Ontario .


You must be a resident of Ontario and at least 18 years old.

If you are 18, you must provide a ‘date of leaving letter’ from the last high school you attended. If you were home schooled, you must provide proof that you were home schooled.

This program might be good for you if you:

  • are currently working and need to show your employer a proof of high school equivalency but do not want to go back to high school.
  • need a proof of high school equivalency to find a job or pursue studies in college or apprenticeship.

Program cost

It costs $100 to register for the test.

Additional support

Financial assistance may be available for individuals who receive Ontario Works. Please enquire with your Ontario Works caseworker.

How to register

Visit the TVO CAEC website to register for the test.

More options for learning as an adult

Adult learners continue to have access to existing adult learning pathways in Ontario.

The Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition ( PLAR ) for Mature Students is a process that can help you complete your Ontario Secondary School Diploma ( OSSD ) more quickly. It evaluates your prior learning to grant you credits. The assessment is free and you can access it through the adult and continuing education department at your school board. Contact your local school board to learn more .

The Academic Career Entrance ( ACE ) program helps you upgrade your skills and knowledge to meet admission requirements for:

  • Ontario college programs
  • registering as an apprentice

Ontario colleges offer the ACE program. Learn about Academic Career Entrance .

Most postsecondary institutions offer mature student admission pathways. Visit college and university websites to learn about admission options for mature students .


  1. How To Earn Your General Education Requirements Online

    Be sure to explore their transferability before you enroll. Online Course Format. Many general education courses offered online are asynchronous, which means you can access the course material at any time that is convenient to you. Synchronous classes require you to be available at a certain time online to participate in a live class.

  2. General Education Courses Online

    The Commons is a comprehensive general education curriculum structured around three key categories: 1. Cornerstone Courses. Start your journey by immersing yourself in general education courses that introduce you to fundamental knowledge. These courses will help you understand the basic ideas and concepts that are the building blocks of your ...

  3. "General Education Courses, Online In-Class

    The general education requirements for the degree program you are enrolled in. How many classes you take per 8-week session. If you are enrolled year-round or take breaks between classes. On average, you can expect to complete most or all of your gen ed courses within your first 1-2 years of college.

  4. 5 Huge Benefits of Taking Your Gen Eds Online

    Invest in the courses you're certain will transfer. If you haven't selected a college or university yet, look for one that allows flexible credit transfer policies. Let's take a look at some of the benefits of taking general education courses online: 1. Convenience and Flexibility. In online courses, you're in the driver's seat.

  5. Can You Take General Education Courses Online?

    Taking general education courses online is not just a viable option; it's a gateway to a flexible, diverse, and comprehensive educational experience. Whether you're aiming for a college degree or looking to broaden your horizons, online general education courses offer a path that meets the demands of our fast-paced, ever-changing world.

  6. Online Gen Ed Courses

    You can select from a wide variety of general education courses designed to help you develop skills in key areas like math, science, humanities, arts, social and behavioral sciences, history, sociology and more. General education courses support you in areas such as: Development of critical and analytical thinking skills.

  7. General Studies Online- Program Overview

    Take the first steps toward furthering your education with our Undergraduate Certificate in General Studies. Simply choose from one of our low-cost customized payment plans below and get started today! Option 1: Pay in full. Save up to $500 Ends 5/14/2024. Cost of Program. $1,199. $1,699 Save $500. Best price.

  8. What is General Education?

    Here are four ways general education courses can help you succeed. 1. Reshape Your Outlook on Learning. General education courses provide a wide breadth of learning opportunities and skills that can be applied to everyday life. Siciliano said the general education curriculum is meant to provide a foundation that promotes successful behaviors ...

  9. General Education Certificate of Completion

    Enhance your knowledge and professional skills by earning a General Education certificate online, at your own pace. This program equips you with a well-rounded education, exposing you to diverse subjects and ensuring you build a strong foundation in critical thinking and communication skills. Not only will you become a more successful learner ...

  10. General Education Online Courses

    General Education Online Courses. Prepare to complete your bachelor's degree. Now you can take your General Education (GE) requirements, including the Golden Four courses, 100% online at San Francisco State University. This program is designed for students who need to complete GE courses for their degree.

  11. 8 Tips to Get Through General Education Courses

    Here are eight strategies that can help you get through gen ed courses. 1. Complete Gen Ed Classes Early. Prioritize general education requirements during your first two years of college. That will give you more time to take upper-division classes in your major and interesting electives during your final two years.

  12. Accelerated General Education Courses Online

    This enables you to take classes in both sessions while making it possible to take just one class at a time. Nearly all classes are three semester credits. Take a class in Session 1 (weeks 1-8), then take a new class in Session 2 (weeks 9-16). Students are encouraged to take more than one class during each session if their schedule allows.

  13. What Is General Education (Gen Ed)?

    Before colleges and universities offered majors and minors, all students took the same courses — a type of curriculum called a "liberal education."Today, all undergraduates must spend time studying literature, history, philosophy, and other liberal arts subjects through general education requirements.. At many universities, gen ed classes take up most of an undergraduate's first two years.

  14. Best Online Associate In General Studies Of 2024

    The typical associate degree in general studies requires 60 credits, meaning total tuition for associate programs at our top-ranked colleges ranges from $3,540 to $36,000. For comparison, the ...

  15. Online General Studies Bachelor's Degree

    Through a combination of general education courses and multi-disciplinary major requirements, you'll have the flexibility needed to take charge of your education and earn a well-rounded credential as unique as you are. ... Students can take the general studies degree program online to help prepare for a wide area of interests and further ...

  16. General Studies Degree Online

    A general studies degree at SNHU includes 120 course credits. Requirements include 42 general education credits, 12 credits in a concentration of your choice, a 3-credit degree planning course and 63 elective course credits. SNHU's generous transfer policy accepts up to 90 transfer credits toward an online bachelor's degree program.

  17. Approved General Education Courses for Online Programs

    HFA - Humanities/Fine Arts. 2. For Transfer Credit Only: Any 100-400 level PHIL courses that meet General Education Guidelines. 3. ARTS 105 Art Appreciation (3 c.h.) is required for BFA degree. 4. ARTS 105 Art Appreciation (3 c.h.) may be used to fulfill the Critical Thinking or Cultural Studies elective, not both. 5.

  18. General education and IGETC

    Use of AP and IB exams. IGETC course credit may be earned for scores of 3, 4 or 5 on Advanced Placement (AP) exams or scores of 5, 6 or 7 on International Baccalaureate Higher Level (IB HL) exams that the community college faculty recognizes as equivalent to its IGETC-approved courses. An acceptable score on an English AP or IB exam may be used ...

  19. How to Take Your General College Courses Online

    Step 1. Determine the general education requirements your college or university. Some schools require specific beginner-level courses (often labeled 100 or 1000-level classes, or 200 or 2000-level), such as Intro to Philosophy or Beginning Calculus. Others require a certain number of credits in each given subject area.

  20. General Education (Gen Ed)

    Selecting General Education Courses. Students can take Gen Ed courses at the 1000-4000 levels. First-year students generally take introductory (1000/2000-level) courses. If a student has the academic background and the interest they may take more advanced courses, but they should first check the course prerequisites or consult an academic advisor.

  21. What are General Education Courses Why They Matter ...

    Online General Education Courses If you are still confused about what you want to study in college and want to spend some time deciding, then you can take advantage of general education courses online. This way, even while you are making the decision on your major, you can be earning general education credits that are easily transferable. ...

  22. What Exactly Are General Education Credits?

    What are General Education Credits? General Education is the first part of a degree, before you get into the Area of Study courses (the main classes that define your degree) or top off the degree with Free Electives. Basically, General Education (or Gen Ed for short) is required curriculum that makes up the foundation of an undergraduate degree ...

  23. Online Grad. Cert. in Special Ed. General Curriculum

    With a short 15-credit-hour course sequence, you can add to your teaching skill set and gain an add-on endorsement for special education. You can also transfer these courses into a master's ...

  24. Is it wise to take the easy general education courses online so you can

    I'd say yes. I'm currently taking an online art appreciation class for the summer and a science class in the classroom. The science class is 6 hours a day due to there being a lab in addition to the lecture. The art class online makes it much easier and to be honest, you won't have to put as much time into it.

  25. Columbia Courses that Anyone Can Take Online

    Enroll in one soon, when most opportune, ninety-eight courses to take online now … Yes, lifelong learners can take one of the ninety-nine (and counting) non-degree, non-credit courses on Columbia+, the University's online education hub, where experts from across the University take you to dozens of intellectual destinations.

  26. 2024 AP Exam Dates

    AP coordinators should order alternate (late-testing) exams for students who would like to take exams that are scheduled for the same time. Schools must begin the morning exam administration between 8 and 9 a.m. local time and the afternoon exam administration between 12 and 1 p.m. local time.

  27. Online Learning and Tests

    This pass-only, no-fail, interactive online course has seven short sections with quizzes after each section. You can take it using a computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone and takes about 20 to 30 minutes to complete. ... you will receive a Virtual Test Center Access email with a link to the eLearning course. You can access this link at any ...

  28. Online learning flourishes as residential colleges face rising costs

    Data from the Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics shows that 53.4% of all college students took at least one online course in the 2022-2023 academic year.

  29. SC using online program for help due to teacher shortage

    End-of-course exams are statewide assessments that South Carolina high school students are required to take in certain core courses, such as Algebra 1 and Biology 1, that count for 20% of a ...

  30. Adult learning: The Canadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC)

    Important update about the GED. As of May 3, 2024, the General Education Development (GED) high school equivalency program is no longer available in Canada and is now replaced with the new Canadian Adult Education Credential (CAEC).This new credential will be available in English and French, to provide a high quality, made-in-Canada education qualification as a replacement for the GED.