Best Edmodo Tips and Tricks for Teachers

Get the best out of Edmodo in and out of the classroom using these top teacher tips


Edmodo is a social learning network used by more than 100 million people across the planet. It offers a way of interacting and learning for teachers, students, and families inside and outside of the classroom, while maintaining the privacy and security of a closed group.

While Edmodo is a tool, which can work well to enhance learning, it is best used with the right knowledge of what it is capable of offering. From creating quizzes to offering homework prep, there are many ways to get creative with Edmodo.

These are some of the best Edmodo tips and tricks for teachers to make sure the platform is working to its limit to offer everything it can.

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Use Edmodo for creative writing

Edmodo is a great place to work on creative writing with the class. 

For example, get the class in pairs and have them look at a picture you've posted, with some prompts underneath. This can be anything, as long as it will spark interest and writing. Perhaps give a focus, such making sure not to use the passive tense, or to include as many adverbs as possible. 

Have the students write for a period with a set end time. Then get everyone to post their stories in the Edmodo group – having shared the group code with them. Now have the class take five minutes to comment on one another's stories.

Finally, get the student pairs to revisit their stories to reply to comments and make any edits to their stories based on what they've read. 

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Edmodo quiz

Use the Edmodo quiz feature

Edmodo has a superb quiz feature that allows teachers to create and post quizzes, or use ones already created. These are often built so that answers are automatically graded, meaning a teacher doesn't have to mark any.

Quiz scores are stored in the Progress Book so teachers can keep track of student progress over time. That said, it is possible to exclude quizzes from being recorded in that Progress Book – a good option for practice quizzes that set apart the real quiz grades.

When a quiz is finished, it pays to visit the Quiz Overview page, which shows the results in a pie graph that clearly reveals any questions missed by multiple students – allowing you to focus on reviewing that area as needed.

Use small study groups

Edmodo uses a group feature to create a classroom, via a code that the teacher shares with students. It is also possible to create sub groups, which is a great way to sectionalize study buddies. It allows two or more students to have a private group in which they can share information and help one another. This continues to be available to even outside of class time, making it ideal for study.

Essentially this allows students in the groups to ask and answer questions under the teacher's moderation. More on that below.

Edmodo moderation

Use moderation in posting

Teacher moderation in Edmodo is a valuable feature worth knowing how to use. It can be turned on for the entire class, sub-groups, or for individuals. Essentially, it restricts users from posting publicly unless the teacher has allowed it.

To turn on moderation, go to Class/Group on the left panel and select Settings to the right of the tabs. Then go to Advanced Settings, check the box next to Moderate All Posts and Replies, and click Save Settings. 

Now when a student makes a post they will get a Pending Post notification, as will the teacher at the top of the Class/Group Post Stream, ready to be approved or declined.

Host a homework open half hour

Allow a live half hour of time during which students can comment on a post you have placed online. Perhaps a homework quiz or assignment that was set, along with supporting materials. In that time the students can think about what they are going to do based on the materials provided. 

Then, in that live half hour, students can either ask you in the real-world or post online, any questions. This allows the class to think about and start planning for the task, getting any questions or issues out of the way right there and then. 

This leaves them clear and confident about the work, and can mean fewer comments will appear later, outside of class time, when they start the homework assignment or quiz. 

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Luke Edwards is a freelance writer and editor with more than two decades of experience covering tech, science, and health. He writes for many publications covering health tech, software and apps, digital teaching tools, VPNs, TV, audio, smart home, antivirus, broadband, smartphones, cars and much more.

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edmodo assignments

User-Generated Content in Education/Edmodo

What is Edmodo?

Edmodo is a free social learning platform for teachers, parents, and students where there

are already over 29 million users. Edmodo can be used in a classroom through a variety of applications that allows students to connect to each other and their teachers as well as measures student performance. Teachers can set up classes for each in school class or set up a large class and have all of their students in one group. Edmodo makes it simple to track student progress. Grades can be stored and easily accessible through Edmodo. It also allows teachers to gather feedback from students on class discussions, assessments, and offer suggestions to students who are confused. It is your all in one line of communication, grade book, and assessment tracker. Edmodo is an educational website that takes the ideas of a social network and refines them and makes it appropriate for a classroom. Using Edmodo, students and teachers can reach out to one another and connect by sharing ideas, problems, and helpful tips. A teacher can assign and grade work on Edmodo; students can get help from the entire class on Edmodo. It is a safe environment. There is no bullying or inappropriate content, because the teacher can see everything that is posted on Edmodo. Also parents can join the class to bring a level of transparency that is difficult to achieve without technology. All in all Edmodo is a great companion to just about any class.


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Benefits of using Edmodo in the Classroom

The use of Edmodo in the classroom offers many possible advantages to both students and teachers. Edmodo’s platform is based around groups with a common interest or purpose, such as a classroom learning community. Edmodo provides a secure and private environment. The administrator, or teacher, invites the members of the group. This controls who can interact with the members of the group.

Edmodo can be incorporated into classrooms for a variety of uses. Current uses include posting assignments, taking quizzes, creating polls for student responses, and providing links for useful information. Edmodo allows students to upload assignments for their teachers to view and grade. Students also have the ability to post questions or comments to the entire group, or to post directly and privately to the instruction or page administrator.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Benefits of using Edmodo include:

• Safe, closed network • Student profiles do not need to contain personal information • Free for all users • Students can participate in online discussions • Teachers can expand their PLN (Personal Learning Network) • Environmentally friendly, no paper needed • The calendar keeps all homework organized for teachers and students • Allows students to collaborate with peers in other classes, schools, or countries • Teachers can differentiate instruction by creating subgroups of students • After posting their work, students can receive feedback and suggestions • There are text alerts to remind students of big assignments • Teachers can give students positive reinforcement privately • Ability to share digital media such as blogs, links, videos, documents, notes, presentations etc. • Parents can stay connected by viewing their child's work and grades • Parents and teachers can message one another • Students can upload homework assignments • Teachers can give feedback and post grades Easy Technology for Education: Edmodo 2.0


Edmodo in the Classroom

  • Take assessments (teacher created)
  • Teacher uploaded documents
  • Class discussions
  • Instant evaluation
  • Storage of class materials via The Backpack
  • Groups – small groups and large, class sized groups
  • Peer collaboration
  • Upload media files
  • Students must sign up
  • Parent log-ins available to monitor student work
  • Reward system (Badges) for doing good work

Edmodo in the Classroom: Materials Teacher’s can use Edmodo to facilitate class discussions of materials (reading, problem solving, etc.), which also helps to build peer-peer relationships. All course materials can be stored in a students “Backpack”, so they can access materials throughout the semester (especially beneficial for classes that have a cumulative final examination).

Edmodo in the Classroom: Collaboration Within Edmodo, groups can be created – a large, full-class group to facilitate discussions involving all class members, and smaller groups to complete collaborative assignments and projects. Discussions deepen student learning and builder stronger relationships between peers and peer-teacher. The collaboration afforded by Edmodo can take these relationships beyond the classroom, and have students working together in different

Edmodo in the Classroom: Assessments Teachers are able to easily create assessments within the Edmodo platform, and assign these assessments to their students. Immediate evaluation feedback is given, and students are able to see their grade, as well as the correct responses that they may have given incorrectly. This tool can be used as both a formative and summative assessment strategy

Edmodo in the Classroom: Linking the stakeholders – Parents and Edmodo Edmodo allows for parents to create their on log-in so they are able to view and monitor their students work on Edmodo. They are not able to edit or contribute within assignments, but they are actively engaged in their students education. This helps create consistent parent involvement within the classroom.

Edmodo in the Classroom: Uses Recommended by Edmodo Visit 20 Ways to use Edmodo to find a list of Edmodo’s suggested uses for their platform in the classroom.

Resources: Naugle, P. (2011, July 21). Our social learning platform: Edutopia [Blog post]. Retrieved from Edutopia: Trending website:

Alternatives to using Edmodo in the Classroom'

Edmodo certainly offers so much for students and teachers to utilize as a foundation for a class. However, there other useful tools that can be explored and implemented as well for success in the classroom.

My Big Campus:

  • Safe and closed network
  • Calendar for assignments and events
  • Documents can be stored on site/app
  • Use of social media and discussions on a safe site/app
  • Work can be uploaded
  • Resources connected
  • On line storage space for students
  • Communicate with peers and teacher
  • Free to use

Google Drive/Groups:

  • Upload/Download work
  • Safe and closed sharing
  • Collaborative tool
  • Teacher reflection/grading easy to add
  • Store documents
  • Search engine built in
  • Drag and Drop files
  • Free management system
  • Upload resources and assignments
  • Create Quizzes
  • Upload links
  • Add Additional resources
  • On line course created
  • Create an on line course
  • Discussions with class
  • Upload assignments
  • Grading confidential
  • Share resources with peers
  • Class calendar
  • Links and videos can be shared

Resources: Educational Technology. Retrieved from

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edmodo assignments

Edmodo: Introducing the virtual classroom

Oxford University Press ELT

Sean Dowling , an Educational Technology Coordinator, looks at using Edmodo as an alternative to blogs for running web-based English language courses.

In my previous post, I discussed how blogs could be used to design, deliver and manage a complete English course . However, using blogs for this purpose has a number of potential weaknesses.

First, blogging platforms don’t have in built assessment tools. Second, while the comment/reply feature of blogs does allow for some interaction between course participants, it can get a little unstructured if there are a lot of learning activities. Finally, student privacy is a concern. Fortunately, there are some free, web-based learning management systems (LMS) that help with these problems. One such LMS is Claco ; however, my favourite, which I have been using for about four years, is Edmodo .

Edmodo allows teachers to set up private, online learning environments for their students. On my blog, I posted the following learning module:

Figure 1: Learning Module

If the lesson was being done in face-to-face mode, the topic could be introduced with a general discussion about recycling before starting the reading activity. This could have been done on the blog using the comment/reply feature of the blog; however, as there are a lot of learning activities, these replies may become quite disorganized. I use the different Edmodo tools to break up the learning activities and allow for more interaction between participants.

Notes and Polls

I use these to get students thinking about the theme and start a conversation. I like the fact that the students aren’t just selecting an answer for the poll but also making comments. Notes and polls (and quizzes and assignments) can either be sent to the whole class, groups or to individual students.

Figure 2: Note and replies

Notes can also be used to give students more information, for example to introduce a grammar point.

Figure 4: Note with information about grammar

Students can also post if they have a question or need to discuss something.

Figure 5: Student note with helpful information

After reading and listening activities, students may need to do a comprehension quiz. The Edmodo quiz tool allows quizzes to be easily set up and offers features such as different question types, time limit, randomisation, and can be linked to the grade book.

Figure 6: Quiz tool


After writing activities or projects, students may need to submit work for grading. The Edmodo assignment tool allows assignments to be easily set up and linked to the grade book.

Figure 7: Assignment tool

All assignments and quizzes can be linked to the grade book. Other nice features include the ability to award badges to students and exporting the grade book to a spreadsheet tool such as Excel. Students can also see their grades.

Figure 8: Grade Book

The above tools will help you make your online lesson more interactive. But Edmodo also has some other helpful tools. The Group tool allows you to group students into smaller working groups. Subscription and notification tools allow class participants to keep up to date with all new learning activities. The Planner tool allows you to highlight important dates and deadlines for your students. And the Library tool allows you to store and share all course related documents.

While the above examples demonstrate how Edmodo can be used in a fully online English class, I have also used it extensively with my face-to-face students. My daughter’s teacher (year 6) also uses Edmodo with her classes, but as a supplement to regular classroom learning. My daughter will go to her Edmodo class when she is at home to check for homework, deadlines and other learning materials. It allows me, as a parent, to see how she is progressing.

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Informative and concise. Thanks, Sean.

I teach English in a high school in Italy. I have been using Edmodo for about two years and it works perfectly. I am always in touch with my students; we can share files, links, videos without any problem. I correct homework, tests, watch polls and use apps linked to the platform . My students are happy to use it as it is easy and it looks like facebook. Besides I am learning a lot as I have joined many groups of teachers from all over the world. We exchange information and everybody is always willing to help the others. Edmodo is safe and useful so I suggest trying using it.

[…] Sean Dowling, an Educational Technology Coordinator, looks at using Edmodo as an alternative to blogs for running web-based English language courses. In my previous post, I discussed how blogs coul…  […]

[…] See on […]

[…] See on – English Language Teaching & LearningSean Dowling, an Educational Technology Coordinator, looks at using Edmodo as an alternative to blogs for running web-based English language courses. In my previous post, I discussed how blogs coul…See on […]

Very useful practical tips, thanks! I’m starting an English course at university next week, and I’ve set up an Edmodo virtual classroom as complementary to face-to-face lessons. I’m confident it will benefit my students’ learning.

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[…] Sean Dowling, an Educational Technology Coordinator, looks at using Edmodo as an alternative to blogs for running web-based English language courses.  […]

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I am student.Iam from mongolia.I want to study english very very good.But i don’ know.Help me! How to study english.Do you know some good app for Learn english help me plsss

[…] Moodle takes a little more learning investment, the start up costs are lower with Edmodo. The OUP blog provides a great introduction to using Edmodo too if you want to check it out. While I know this […]

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How to Sign Up for Edmodo

Last Updated: November 12, 2022

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 16,027 times.

Edmodo is a free online educational classroom platform. It enables teachers to easily distribute assignments, notes, quizzes, tests, and messages to students and parents. [1] X Research source The first step to getting started on Edmodo is creating an account. There are three types of accounts. Click on the type of account that you want to create (above this introduction) to jump to the correct method.

Student Account

This is the one account that can be used for all of your classes. You can store your schoolwork for free (in your Edmodo backpack) as well.

Step 1 Visit

  • You can change all of this information except your username so pick a username that you like and can remember easily.

Step 5 Start using Edmodo.

Teacher Account

An Edmodo teacher account lets you create classes and manage your students.

Step 1 Visit

Parent Account

Parents can view the messages sent by their children, assignments submitted, marks, and certain teacher announcements with a Parent account.

Step 1 Obtain the parent code from your child or child's teacher.

  • Web: The parent code is located in a blue box on the lower-right corner of your screen.
  • iOS App: Press the menu button ☰ at the upper-right of the app and tap on the student's name. Tap Invite Parent and get the code.
  • Android App: Tap the navigation drawer on the left side (looks like ☰ except cut off a bit) and then Profile .
  • Ask the teacher to provide you with the parent code for the specific group.

Step 2 Select I'm a Parent under the Create your free account heading.

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Things you'll need.

  • Computer with internet access
  • Edmodo Group Code (Students)

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