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How to Make Your Resume Stand Out

Job Seeker with Resume

  • 08 Aug 2019

At 3.7 percent, the US unemployment rate is lower than it’s been in 50 years, giving those looking for work an advantage. But competition is always fierce for the most coveted roles at the hottest organizations. Before you submit your application, here are eight tips to help ensure your resume will get noticed.

1. Your Online Profile May Matter Most

If you play your cards right, recruiters will come to you. To make that happen, almost more important than a resume is a solid LinkedIn or online profile. Be sure your profile (and resume) tell a story about what you’ve done in your career, why you’ve done it, and the results you achieved. Use clear and simple language, and carefully sprinkle in keywords that are important for the role you desire and field you’re pursuing.

2. Use Keywords and Optimize Your Profile for Search

We live in a Google-centric world, and machines do a lot of the heavy lifting when it comes to screening applicants. According to CNBC , 75 percent of resumes are never reviewed by a human. To guarantee that yours is part of the other 25 percent, you should ensure that:

  • Recruiters who are sourcing candidates on job boards find you
  • Your resume makes it through the machine filtering software the majority of companies use to track applicants

Optimize your LinkedIn and online profiles for job sites like Indeed and Glassdoor, and bolster your resume using keywords commonly used in your field. Buzzwords, specific applications you use, and certifications you’ve earned can all help you rise to the top.

3. Show Your Creativity

You absolutely need to have a text-only version of your resume for uploading to company sites, but since most jobs come through networking , your actual resume and profile should show off your personality. Be sure that the PDF version you send to a personal contact within a company or bring to an interview is visually appealing.

Make yours stand out by using a modern (but not too funky) font, layout, color palette, and punchy copy. A unique twist or fresh look and feel on your resume could be what catches the hiring manager’s eye.

4. Action Speaks Louder than Words

Strong job candidates show, rather than just tell. Delivering a clear story about what you did in your previous roles is a start, but it’s more important to share the results of your actions and prove the impact you had on a project or at a company. Whenever possible, demonstrate your success with numbers that show efficiency, money saved or secured for a business, or goals exceeded.

For some jobs—like software developer, content developer, or social media expert—showing your proficiency may be critical to capturing a recruiter’s attention. You can tease your results on your resume, but actually directing readers to your personal website, social media channels, or developer proficiency site, like GitHub, can really bring your capabilities to life.

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5. Tailor for the Job

It’s great to have a summary at the top of your resume that captures what you’re seeking in your next role, along with your core competencies and achievements. Equally important is tailoring your profile for each job. If you’re in the communications field, for example, you might play up your PR experience when it’s specifically called out in the position’s requirements. But if the title is Social Media Manager, Content Creator, or Internal Communications Specialist, the emphasis needs to be on the skills for those particular roles.

Related: How to Land Your Dream Job in 9 Steps

6. Less is More

In today’s tight talent market, HR professionals are short on time. A survey by Ladders says that most recruiters spend less than six seconds reviewing a resume. For that reason, keep your resume short. Limit it to one page if you have less than 10 years of professional work experience, and use succinct bullet points to make it easy to skim.

7. No Typos Allowed

Typos or grammatical errors on your resume can land it in the trash. A sloppy resume can potentially signal that you’re not serious about the role, or simply not buttoned-up and professional. When you’ve stared at your document a million times, however, it can be hard to spot errors. That’s why you should always have someone else proofread your work. Fresh eyes can zero in on mistakes more easily, so ask your most detail-oriented friend to be your editor.

8. Focus on Qualities and Skills

For many jobs, distinguishing qualities like teamwork, attention to detail, and ability to juggle multiple priorities are often considered more important than where you went to school or your GPA. Highlighting those competencies and how you learned and demonstrated them through summer jobs, community service, extracurricular activities , or even group projects at school matters. It doesn’t necessarily require years of professional experience to develop the skills required for certain roles.

Related: Tips for Transitioning from College to Your Career

Achieving Job Search Success

When you’re looking for work, keep in mind that there are many qualified candidates vying for the same job. Like a competitive sport, you need to bring you’re “A game” to your resume and make sure you’re primed for success.

Are you interested in advancing your career? Explore our catalog of online courses , and learn how you can gain the confidence and skills to succeed in business. And be sure to check out our other career development content , such as “ 6 Tips to Prepare for Your Next Salary Negotiation ” and “ How to Properly Follow Up After a Job Interview .”

how to make indeed resume stand out

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The Job-Seeker’s Guide to Making Your Resume Stand Out From the Crowd

person working on a computer

You’ve spent hours writing and rewriting your resume. You diligently update it . Maybe you even have a few different versions depending on the types of jobs you’re going after. But with the average job listing attracting 250 applications, how do you make sure your resume stands out from the competition and catches the eye of a recruiter or hiring manager?

That’s assuming that it makes it that far. Today, many companies use an applicant tracking system (ATS) to organize all of their job applications. This software can be used to scan resumes for keywords and phrases, sending only the most qualified ones through for human review—which means you have to optimize your resume for an ATS as well as for the hiring manager.

The good news is that you don’t need a fancy design to make your resume stand out. Try these nine strategies to ensure that your resume puts you in the best light—and lands you the job.

1. Keep It Short

Unless you’re vying for an executive role, one page is usually enough to show that you have the background, skills, and experience for the job. If you’re having trouble streamlining your resume, try trimming bullets and combining sections, and delete any jobs more than 10 years in the past.

2. Tailor It to the Role

Your resume should demonstrate that you have the specific skills, experience, and accomplishments that this company is looking for. Don’t try to detail every career accomplishment—use your resume to demonstrate why you’re the best candidate for this particular position.

3. Design With Readability in Mind

Avoid using graphics, tables, pie charts, and illustrations, which resume-scanning software can’t read. Make sure you use a simple font like Helvetica, Arial, or Times New Roman—less common fonts may be rejected by an ATS, and are harder to read for humans, too. Then, use clear section headings and make them stand out with bold type, capital letters, or a different color.

4. Include the Magic Words

Make sure to incorporate keywords from the job description into your bullet points. It’ll be easier for recruiters and hiring managers to see that you’re a good fit—and if a company uses resume-scanning software, this will help you get through the filters, too.

To figure out what those keywords might be, scan the job description for specific skills that come up more than once and are mentioned near the top of the requirements and job duties. Online tools like Jobscan , Resume Worded’s Targeted Resume , or SkillSyncer can also pinpoint some crucial keywords to include.

5. Use a Summary Statement Instead of an Objective

A old-school resume objective (“Seeking a senior software engineer role in the fintech space”) tells the recruiter what you’re looking for, but a summary statement explains what value the company will get if you join the team.

6. Punch Up Your Text

Most resume bullet points use the same words, over and over again. Instead of listing things you were “responsible for,” swap in action verbs that convey what you achieved:

7. Quantify Everything

Go through your bullet points and add as many numbers and percentages as you can to illustrate your impact . This helps recruiters really picture what you’ve done in your position. Bonus: Include what the benefit was to your boss or your company.

Before: Created monthly status reports for clients. After: Created monthly status reports for 25-30 different clients to ensure timely and complete communication about key initiatives.

8. Avoid Clichés or Jargon

Put everything in terms a layperson can understand. And reconsider stock phrases like “big picture thinker,” “out-of-the-box,” “thought leader,” or “innovative,” which are so overused that they don’t mean anything anymore. Just like in the rest of your resume, you’re better off quantifying your results and backing up your skills with numbers.

9. Consider Mentioning Non-Traditional Work

If they’re relevant to the job you’re applying for, include any volunteer, part-time, or freelance experience. Then make sure to pair it with a strong cover letter telling the narrative of why you’re ideal for the job.

infographic explaining how to make your resume stand out, full text above

How to Make Your Resume Stand Out to Recruiters

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Hiring managers take as little as 6 seconds to read your resume —less time than it takes to tie your shoelaces. In the competitive job market, it’s critical to make your resume stand out from other applicants and impress the recruiter.

How do you make your resume stand out? Format, style, and content all play a role in helping you impress the hiring manager and secure an interview. 

Keep reading to learn tips to make your resume stand out from the competition.

What is a resume?

Your resume is a make-or-break document. It not only lists all your accreditations, skills, and experience but highlights your professional accomplishments, too. It can help you illustrate how you can be an asset to the organization.

You know your resume is important to your job search, so it’s normal to stress about its design , structure, and every action verb . The last thing you want is a forgettable resume that falls through the cracks of the hiring managers’ awareness.

a list of what to include in a resume job description

With every new job description, you should change your resume to optimize for skills and keywords listed by the hiring manager. You should take the time to highlight the most prominent keywords in each job description, then adjust your resume to match. 

To speed up the process, use Jobscan’s resume scanner for a detailed match report. It shows you which keywords are missing, the level of keyword importance, and an overall score to optimize your resume for ATS.

What does a resume include?

Resumes fall into 3 formats :

  • Chronological : Chronological resumes list your work experience in reverse chronological order, with your most recent work history at the top.
  • Hybrid : Hybrid resumes feature your skills and accomplishments at the top, followed by your reverse chronological work history.
  • Functional : Functional resumes focuses on skills and accomplishments and glosses over work experience. Hiring managers hate functional resumes , so we recommend choosing a chronological or hybrid format.

Whichever resume format you choose, it will include key resume sections to answer all the hiring manager’s questions, from your resume headline to skills and work experience.

Resume headline and summary

Your resume headline and summary are a quick introduction telling the hiring manager who you are and why you’re an ideal candidate. Your headline should include your professional title or the title of the job you’re applying for.

Your resume summary should include 2 or 3 brief sentences stating your key experiences, measurable achievements , and top skills or expertise.

An example of where to add your resume summary on your resume.

Including the job title you’re applying for in your resume can increase your chance of getting in front of the hiring manager. Using the ATS, they search for the exact title to find resumes that match.

If you’ve never held the role you’re applying to, showcase your relevant skills in your resume that support the job title. Making the connections between other roles, transferable skills, certifications, and education can help the hiring manager picture how your achievements will apply to the role.

  • Work experience

Your work experience section is the core of your resume. To make your resume stand out, be specific and intentional about how you tell the story of your career so far.

Here’s an example of a clear work experience that shows the previous role, the company, and employment dates to create a roadmap of a marketer’s career.

Work experience section of a resume.

Your education can qualify you for a position over other candidates. Whether you have an associate’s, bachelor’s, or master’s degree, it shows the hiring manager that you have specialized knowledge. Listing the right education for the job description can make your resume stand out.

This is an education section that lists the master’s degree first. The specific areas of study—middle level math and science—make the candidate stand out.

example of a teacher resume showing the education section

  • Certifications

Certifications from online courses or supplemental training also have a place on your resume. Certifications complement the experience, education, and skills sections. They can show the hiring manager increased specialization and skill development.

This example of a certification section illustrates specialized skills that can make the applicant more attractive to a hiring manager for a project management or related role.

Two examples of how to list your certifications on your resume.

Hiring managers want to know if you have the in-demand skills to do the job. Skills and proficiencies shine a spotlight on what you will bring to the new role that directly ties into the responsibilities laid out in the job description.

Hard skills are technical skills specific to the job or industry. Examples of hard skills include:

  • Project management
  • Graphic design
  • Computer software knowledge
  • Search engine optimization (SEO)

Soft skills are no less critical. They’re people skills, character traits, or behaviors that indicate how well you work with others and handle stressful situations.

They’re sometimes called transferable skills , meaning they can transfer from any job and any industry. Some common soft skills that are in demand include:

  • Collaboration
  • Attention to detail
  • Time management
  • Growth mindset
  • Adaptability

example of a marketing resume showing the skills section

Read through and identify the hard and soft skills for each job description to ensure you’re adding them to your resume.

A time-saving tool is Jobscan’s resume scanner . Upload your resume and the job description, and the scanner will create a match report to tell you whether you have the right skills to get an interview.

Match Report skills

For example, this report illustrates that Google Suite and MS Office skills are missing from the resume. But if you want a chance to secure the interview, you need to add those skills that the hiring manager is searching for.

Tips to make your resume stand out

You need to make your resume stand out from the rest by following a few simple guidelines.

Include only relevant information

Clutter of unrelated skills, education, or experience can take up valuable space on your resume. Instead, focus on information relevant to the job description.

A good way to tell if something is relevant is to study the job description to understand the scope of the role.

job description with relevant keywords

Use the same language in your resume as in the job description and you’ll be a strong candidate for the job.

Highlight accomplishments, not just responsibilities

Your day-to-day responsibilities don’t tell the hiring manager much about who you are as an industry professional. Instead, emphasize accomplishments. Measurable performance can help the hiring manager imagine how your achievements can help their organization.

Vague language won’t help you land the job. Use numbers, percentages, or data to back up what you’re saying on your resume, like in the example below.

Your responsibilities show what you did, but measurable achievements show how well you did it. This shows the impact you had in your last role.

a resume work experience section with measurable results

Tailor your resume to the job you’re applying for

A one-size-fits-all resume doesn’t exist. You need to tailor your resume to the job description, the industry, and the company.

Why does tailoring your resume matter? Most companies are using ATS to help streamline the hiring process. ATS, or applicant tracking systems , is a software that adds your resume to a database. The hiring manager will search the database for suitable candidates by entering keywords from the job description.

Hiring managers input specific keywords, and the ATS will parse your resume to detect them. If you’re missing relevant keywords or skills that the hiring manager searches the ATS to find, they won’t see your resume at all.

To optimize your resume faster and more effectively, use Jobscan’s resume scanner to generate a detailed match report. It pulls critical information from the job description, like keywords and skills the hiring manager is looking for.

Then, it compares the job description to your resume to illustrate what details you’re missing. With this information, you can design tailored resumes that stand out for each job application.

With Power Edit , a Jobscan Premium feature, your match report will offer phrasing suggestions to best integrate important keywords into your resume.

how to make indeed resume stand out

How to make your resume stand out visually

Your resume should be visually appealing , but don’t overdo it. Fancy graphics can confuse the ATS and cause your resume to get lost in the database.

Before you design a stylistic resume, know that a clean resume makes a significant impact on the ATS and hiring manager.

Use standard resume headings

Section headings break up the information to make it easy to skim. But if you don’t use them correctly, the ATS won’t read them. Poor heading choices include:

  • Autobiography
  • My Career Journey
  • What I Know

Stick to standard resume headings like:

  • Summary or objective

This example uses bolding to help make the document more scannable for the hiring manager. The headings aren’t a place to show off your creativity. Basic headings are mandatory for the ATS.

how to make indeed resume stand out

Use standard resume margins

Avoid trying to pack in more content by widening the margins. It won’t be an ATS-friendly resume, and the hiring manager will never see it.

Instead, stick to the standard guidelines for resume margins. One-inch margins make the ATS happy and are readable for the hiring manager.

  • In Microsoft Word, one-inch margins are the default, and you can ensure you’re choosing the right measurement by selecting Layout/Margins/Normal.
  • In Google Docs, you can confirm your margin measurements by selecting File/Page Setup.

Best fonts to help your resume stand out

What are the best fonts for your resume? The ATS and hiring managers prefer clean, crisp, and legible fonts.

The most common and preferred fonts for your resume include:

Top Resume Fonts CalibriCambriaGeorgiaHelveticaArialTimes New RomanGaramondTahoma

Using color to help your resume stand out

Is it okay to use color on a resume? Yes, using color sparingly can add visual appeal to your resume.

Color can help your resume:

  • Draw attention to the headings
  • Show off your creativity
  • Fit with the company’s culture

If you’re applying for a creative role or your research suggests the company would appreciate engaging visuals, adding a hint of color can benefit you.

Some industries are more conservative, so dark shades like navy blue, forest green, or maroon are more appropriate for jobs in:

  • Engineering

Here’s an example of using color to make your resume stand out without overwhelming the hiring manager.

Skills section of a resume.

Read more : Should You Use Color on Your Resume?

Use templates to make your resume stand out

Resume templates can still be personalized and attention-grabbing. You can make your resume stand out by customizing a template to include all the relevant information in a structured, ATS-friendly resume format. Templates save you time and helps ensure your resume is clean and readable.

Use Jobscan’s free ATS-friendly resume templates and start building your resume that gets noticed by recruiters!

how to make indeed resume stand out

Common resume formatting mistakes

The format of your resume is critical for the ATS. Your resume needs consistency and simplicity for the ATS to decipher the content. Some common mistakes people make on their resumes for ATS include:

  • Not using the right date formatting: acceptable formats are MM/YYYY, like (04/2023) or fully spelled month and year, like April 2023.
  • Using acronyms or abbreviations: don’t use them alone—the hiring manager will often search the entire term, as in “client relationship management” over “CRM.”
  • Adding graphics: the ATS can’t extract information from design elements and, once uploaded to the ATS, they can scramble your resume formatting.

How to make a resume stand out to hiring managers

When your resume reaches a person, you have to pique their interest in under 6 seconds. So, how can you make your resume stand out to the hiring manager? 

Know what the hiring manager is looking for

Every hiring manager has different goals. Even if you’re applying to several identical roles, each organization will emphasize a need for unique qualifications.

Reading the job description isn’t enough to understand the hiring manager’s needs. Go to the company website and read the mission statement, the company’s core values, and the team members’ biographies to help your resume fit the culture.

Most job descriptions are comprehensive—providing information about:

  • The company mission
  • The must-have qualifications
  • The nice-to-have proficiencies

Going the extra mile can take more time, but catching the most minor details is worth it.

Keep it concise

An overcrowded resume is challenging to read. White space makes your resume easy to skim and lets the hiring manager find information quickly.

Read the job description carefully, and if there are details in your resume that don’t support what the hiring manager is looking for, remove them.

A time-saving way to compare is Jobscan’s resume scanner . After scanning your resume and the job description, it will generate a match report to illustrate where you’ve integrated keywords and where they’re missing.

This example keeps every point short, but impactful. You want every point to have a purpose, so be ruthless with your editing.

Concise resume work history

Review and proofread

You’ve hit all the keywords, your resume is formatted, and everything is relevant and clean—don’t let a spelling or grammatical error make your resume stand out in a negative way.

Whether you run it through a grammar checker, read it out loud to yourself, or let your friend check it for an objective read-through, review it until you’re confident there are no mistakes.

Ask yourself a few questions in your review:

  • Are you using strong action verbs?
  • Are your accomplishments measurable?
  • Is everything relevant?
  • Is it designed with the ATS in mind?
  • Will it be appealing to the hiring manager?
  • Is it concise and clean?

When you answer “yes” to these questions, you’re ready to submit your resume.

How do I make an impressive resume with no experience?

It’s common to ask how to make your resume stand out with no experience. You can make your resume impress the hiring manager, even without experience, by highlighting a few key points:

  • Relevant education
  • Relevant experience
  • List your relevant skills
  • Include a strong resume summary

Use a resume template to help guide your formatting and create an stand-out resume.

What is a good objective for a resume with no experience?

If you’re a new grad or starting in the workforce looking for an entry-level job , you can still create a solid resume objective that stands out to hiring managers:

  • Read the job description to identify important keywords to use in your objective.
  • Use impactful action verbs and measurable accomplishments related to your relevant part-time job, volunteer experience, or course projects.
  • Promote yourself, show off your character, and highlight your skillset, even if you have no practical industry experience.

How do I make a resume?

Building a resume from scratch is time-consuming, and you can’t be sure your resume is ATS-friendly.

You can use an ATS resume template that suits your industry and personal preferences and easily add your personal information, work experience, education, certifications, and skills.

You can also use Jobscan’s free resume builder . There are no hidden costs and it allows you to build an ATS-compatible AI resume in no time!

Find our resume examples to help you make your stand-out resume with ease.

More expert insights on this topic:


How to Write a Summary for a Resume with No Experience


86+ Resume Summary Examples To Inspire You


54 Examples of Effective Resume Objectives

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Kelsey is a Content Writer with a background in content creation, bouncing between industries to educate readers everywhere.

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how to make indeed resume stand out

How do I update my resume to help land that job? Ask HR

Johnny C. Taylor Jr. tackles your human resources questions as part of a series for USA TODAY. Taylor is president and CEO of the Society for Human Resource Management, the world's largest HR professional society and author of "Reset: A Leader’s Guide to Work in an Age of Upheaval.”

Have a question? Submit it here .

Question: Since leaving a job I have had for almost a decade, I have primarily conducted my job search online. I have used the same resume design since I started working 12 years ago. Should I update my resume design to be more effective? What do you recommend for building a modern resume? – Sandra

Answer: Updating your resume design can indeed be a wise move, especially if you've been using the same format for a long time. A fresh, modern design can help your resume stand out and leave a positive impression on recruiters and hiring managers. Here’s what I recommend for building a modern resume:

◾ Clean, professional layout: Opt for a layout that’s visually appealing and easy to read. Avoid cluttered designs and overly decorative elements that may distract from your content.

◾ Font selection: Stick to standard, easy-to-read fonts such as Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman. These fonts are widely accepted and compatible with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), ensuring your résumé is easily scannable by both humans and software.

◾ Incorporate keywords: Tailor your resume to each job application by incorporating industry-specific keywords and phrases relevant to the position. Many companies use ATS to screen résumés, so this will increase the likelihood of your resume being noticed.

◾ Organized sections: Structure your resume into clear sections, including Contact Information, Summary or Objective, Work Experience, Skills, Education and any additional relevant sections such as Certifications or Volunteer Work. This organization makes it easy for recruiters to quickly find the information they need.

◾ Summary/objective statement: Start your résumé with a summary that highlights your key qualifications and career goals. Keep it concise, focusing on what sets you apart and what you aim to achieve in your career.

◾ Accomplishment-oriented experience: When listing your work experience, focus on highlighting your accomplishments, rather than just listing job duties. Use quantifiable achievements whenever possible, to demonstrate your impact, such as increasing sales by a certain percentage or leading successful projects.

◾ Skills section: Dedicate a section to showcasing your key skills and competencies, including both technical skills and soft skills relevant to the job. This section provides recruiters with a quick overview of your capabilities.

◾ Proofreading: Before submitting your resume, thoroughly proofread it to ensure there are no grammatical errors, typos, or formatting issues. Consider having someone else review your resume for feedback and additional insights.

By updating your resuméewith a modern design and incorporating these key elements, you can increase your chances of making a strong impression in today’s competitive job market. Good luck with your job search!

Ghosting a job Is it bad to ghost low priority potential employers? Ask HR

I've been denied PTO requests on multiple occasions, which is becoming increasingly frustrating. Most of them are denied on the grounds of staffing needs. Do I have any recourse in fighting these denials? What can I do to ensure PTO approvals? – Chanette

You may indeed have some recourse in addressing these denied paid time off requests. Start by reviewing your company's PTO policy and procedures. Many employers have specific guidelines regarding PTO requests, including deadlines for submission and limits on the number of employees who can be on leave simultaneously, to ensure adequate staffing levels.

First, check if your PTO requests were made in accordance with company policy. If they were not, ensure that you adhere to the established procedures for future requests, to increase the likelihood of approval.

However, if you followed company policy and your requests were still denied, consider discussing the matter with your manager or the human resources team. Seek clarification on the reasons for the denials and inquire about potential strategies to improve the approval rate for your requests.

It's also essential to consider whether your state mandates sick leave, and if your company uses PTO to fulfill those requirements. If so, your employer may be obligated to approve leave requests that align with qualifying reasons for sick leave under the law. If you’re uncertain about your state’s sick leave requirements, consult your HR team for clarification.

Ultimately, unless there is a contractual agreement or policy stating otherwise, employers typically have discretion in managing PTO usage. However, by following company procedures and addressing your concerns with management or HR, you may increase the likelihood of having your PTO requests approved more frequently.

Salaried, nonexempt What does that mean? Ask HR

How to Make a Resume That Stands Out in 2024: A Guide That Stands Out

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In This Guide:

What makes a resume stand out in 2023, key takeaways.

Resume image 1

So you want to know how to make your resume stand out to recruiters?

You’re here because the generic “best practices from recruiters” advice you got until now was not very helpful. You already knew it all. You know what the baseline is .

But do you know how to write a visually appealing resume that makes you stand out from the crowd?

What makes a resume pop?

We, at Enhancv , asked ourselves the same questions. To find the standout factors, we did some research and testing.

We started by analyzing our clients’ resumes that helped them secure jobs at the likes of Amazon, Spotify, PwC, Verizon, and other top companies. We identified all the resume components that catch the eye of employers and recruiters. Then, we performed solid A/B testing, and finally, put together all our findings into one test resume . This test resume gathered over 1 million views, got covered by CNBC and Business Insider, and was praised by Mark Cuban .

Enhancv How to Make a Resume That Stands Out in 2021: A Guide That Stands Out


To put it simply – it stood out and attracted attention.

The following advice helped thousands of candidates get interviews and land jobs at leading companies. We’ll share their resumes as case studies and explore different ways to make your resume stand out from the rest.

Here’s what you’ll learn from this guide:

  • How to make a resume that both stands out and gets you interviews in 2023
  • Case studies, tips, and professional examples from candidates that successfully landed jobs at top companies
  • What resume layouts are getting more interviews and which are getting less
  • How to pass automatic HR filters when creating a stand out resume

At the end of the day, you want your resume to stand out and land you a job, not raise HR’s eyebrows or get shared on Reddit for the sake of it.

So we won’t be using fancy fonts or inserting funny pictures. Every example we provide and each template we use has been thoroughly tested with HR systems to pass automatic filters.

This guide will take your resume from good to great, and here’s how.

  • First, for every section we’ll cover a baseline, a bare minimum you need to do in order to have a competitive resume. Unfortunately, the majority of career guides stop at that.
  • From there, we take it one step further with specific advice on how to make every section of your resume even more engaging and remarkable with out-of-box techniques.
  • Finally, we’ll talk about the power of formatting and layout in creating an outstanding resume.

Along the way, we’ll provide case studies and real-life examples that helped candidates land real jobs at the companies they wanted.

Enhancv How to Make a Resume That Stands Out in 2021: A Guide That Stands Out

Create attention-grabbing header section

The Header is the top section of your resume. It includes your name, location, job title, and contact details.

  • Baseline: provide clear, typo-free contact and location details so that recruiters could contact you with zero effort.
  • Stand out: include a link to your developed LinkedIn profile, add a custom headline, consider adding a photo.

Looking for ways to make your header stand out? See how you can perfect your resume header and get noticed .

Link to LinkedIn and/or personal portfolio website

Here’s a thing: 70% of recruiters will be checking your social media profiles. But the real bummer is that 79% of employers can reject candidates based on their social media.

Let’s turn this into our advantage and put a link to your LinkedIn profile in your Header section.

This will earn you extra points with recruiters and guide their attention to where you want them to be.

If you have a personal portfolio website that you want recruiters to see, link to it as well.

Enhancv How to Make a Resume That Stands Out in 2021: A Guide That Stands Out

Gal included a link to his personal website to guide the recruiter’s attention, but also to keep his resume one-page without having to describe all the projects he’s worked on over the decade.

Pro tip: when applying for code-heavy jobs, consider linking to your Github.

Custom headline

Recruiters will spend most of their time analyzing the top third of your resume, and a custom headline is one of the most influential and often overlooked ways to grab their attention.

Headline goes immediately after your name on the resume and can include anything from your job title to a personal slogan.

However, you can do much better than simply putting your job title there., e.g. “System Administrator”.

Below are two amazing standout resume examples of a customized headline in action:

Enhancv How to Make a Resume That Stands Out in 2021: A Guide That Stands Out

In the past, Daniel had two different jobs: Customer Support Engineer and Systems Administrator.

So he combined both qualifications in his headline, emphasizing experience with both people and systems.

This way he framed his diverse experience as an advantage before the recruiter even got to see the rest of the resume.

Result? Intercom hired Daniel. Check out the resume template that got Daniel the job.

For other jobs, you might want to get even more creative with your headline. For example, how are you going to stand out from hundreds of other marketers?

Wrong example : PPC specialist with 5 years of experience.

Right example : Fighting shady, aggressive marketing.

Enhancv How to Make a Resume That Stands Out in 2021: A Guide That Stands Out

In his headline, Louis took a strong stance against something that was at the time a massive problem for established brands: shady viral marketing tactics of competition. Later he was hired by Hotjar. Check out the template that Louis used to get his dream job.

Custom headline allows you to frame the rest of your resume however you need, providing a halo effect. Daniel framed his work experience as an advantage for his next job, while Louis stood out from hundreds of marketers with the same skillset.

And the best part? Headlines can be easily tailored to every job you’re applying for, so you can easily switch between experience-based headlines, slogans, or anything related to your next job. Learn more about how to craft your headline here .

Should you include a photo in your resume or not?"?

Short answer: it depends. The best practice is to check company and government policy (including photos is illegal in some countries). For the long answer, head over to our helpful post on the topic .

Enhancv How to Make a Resume That Stands Out in 2021: A Guide That Stands Out

Sam wanted to switch careers, but her extensive investment banking background made her resume look a bit boring for a startup-tech world.

So she used one of our resume templates, including her photo and adding some personality to her resume , to successfully score a job at Spotify.

To sum it up – you’ll need an attractive header section to make your resume stand out from the crowd. What you’ll also need is a special Summary section…

Use summary that captivates recruiters

Enhancv How to Make a Resume That Stands Out in 2021: A Guide That Stands Out

The summary section is a short paragraph or bulleted list that briefly describes your professional experience before the rest of your resume.

Sometimes Summary is called an “Objective”, especially if you are using it to explain why you’re applying for the job.

  • Baseline : short, easy-to-read, and impactful description of your professional experience
  • Stand out : make your Summary memorable, use a proper layout .

Think of your Summary section as a cold email you’re sending someone you don’t know. If it’s a long, boring, and self-centered cold email, no one wants to read that.

But if you research your recipient, create an engaging and short cold email, you have a much higher chance of someone responding to it.

The Summary section, when done right, is one of the most powerful ways of “aligning” you to the position.

Sometimes you’ll hear the opinion that the Summary section takes too much space on your resume.

First, there’s an easy fix to it.

Let’s look at Daniel’s resume once again.

Enhancv How to Make a Resume That Stands Out in 2021: A Guide That Stands Out

He puts the Summary section to the right of his Experience section. Why?

When recruiters scan your resume, they are checking your experience section first, but that doesn’t mean they don’t want to learn more about you after.

With his Summary, Daniel once again frames the recruiter’s perception, highlighting that he did the majority of his work experience remotely. It helps a lot given that the company he applied for, Intercom, is a fully remote organization.

At the same time, he also provides some insight into his personality, as he knows how important culture fit is in remote companies.

Learn as much as you can about the company you’re applying for to know what’s important to them, and use this information to make your Summary more memorable.

Another great way to use the Summary section is when you’re switching careers, have no work experience, or have gaps in your work history.

Seeing your experience section, recruiters will immediately ask themselves questions: why are they making the career switch? Do they have enough experience?

Be proactive and address the elephant in the room yourself.

Akshay S. Rao put a brief summary section before his experience section to explain why he wants the internship with Tesla in the first place.

Enhancv How to Make a Resume That Stands Out in 2021: A Guide That Stands Out

Check out the job-winning resume layout that Akshay used to land a promising internship.

Okay, so you’ve mastered the Summary, and you are one step closer to making a creative resume that stands out from the rest. Now, it’s time to understand how to tie results with responsibilities and present your work achievements on your resume.

Always provide quantifiable achievements

One of the most common pieces of advice we hear from recruiters is “provide results, not responsibilities”.

Well, yeah, it’s great advice. But we can do even better than that.

  • Baseline: when describing your experience, demonstrate the impact of your work and contribution to the bottom-line of a company
  • Stand out: Add quantifiable achievements to other sections of your resume, creating a cohesive “rainmaker” narrative.

Compare these two Experience sections from our job-winning Tech resume guide.

Enhancv How to Make a Resume That Stands Out in 2021: A Guide That Stands Out

The first example may seem clean and concise, but in reality, it’s generic and doesn’t bring impact.

When you provide quantifiable achievements in your resume, it’s not about bragging with numbers.

It gives recruiters the impression that the person knows the impact of their work and their value to the company. And knowing your impact makes you more effective and loyal, a recruiter’s dream.

Here’s a formula we are using to describe our experience in an engaging and impactful manner:

Accomplished [A] as measured in [B] by doing [C]

Just remember that quantifiable achievements don’t necessarily mean “numeric achievements”. Simply adding numbers to something doesn’t make it impactful.

As long as what you did makes an impact and benefits the company, it will resonate with recruiters.

The best part is that you can demonstrate impact throughout other sections of your resume, instantly making them more engaging and effective: Summary, Projects, even your headline.

Maximilian Malterer, who now works at Amazon, used our “Most Proud of” section and moved it right next to his experience section.

No matter how recruiters will be scanning this resume, they will notice the impact you made.

Enhancv How to Make a Resume That Stands Out in 2021: A Guide That Stands Out

Access the job-winning resume of Maximilian layout at our library of top-performing templates .

Now, let’s discover what the Achievement section is and how to use it wisely.

Highlight awards and recognitions

Enhancv How to Make a Resume That Stands Out in 2021: A Guide That Stands Out

  • Baseline : candidates rarely have this section in their resumes
  • Stand out : adding an Achievements section to your resume sets you apart from the majority of candidates in the hiring pool.

If we were to summarize what sets apart the majority of our customers whose successful resumes we’ve used throughout this guide, we’d say custom sections.

“Achievements”, “Awards”, and “Most Proud” sections are all great examples.

Adding them within our resume builder is a one-step drag-and-drop process, but the most important part is that you can quickly change the whole layout based on your particular needs.

As mentioned before, Maximilian put his most impactful Achievements right next to his Experience section, amplifying the overall impact, which is critical when you work with Amazon partners.

Enhancv How to Make a Resume That Stands Out in 2021: A Guide That Stands Out

But Julian Prim, who now works with PwC, took a different approach. His high-stakes analyst job required extra attention to detail and next to perfect time-management skills.

After all, that’s what PwC had in mind for their operations specialist.

Enhancv How to Make a Resume That Stands Out in 2021: A Guide That Stands Out

So Julian put his skills first to let recruiters know he checks all these boxes and added his “Most Proud” section below.

While Maximillians’s resume narrative is an ambitious and impactful account manager, Julian Prim is an efficient and timid analyst. The layouts of their resumes work great for both of them.

Pro tip : with simple drag and drop you can quickly change layouts and thus how your resume narrative.

Julian can easily become an ambitious superstar data wizard and apply for some hot BigData startup by simply dragging his “Most Proud” section to the top. Experiment with resume layouts by using the top-performing templates directly in our resume builder .

Surely, sharing awards and recognition is a way to make your resume stand out from other applicants and land you the job. But if you want to get things to the next level, you’d spend some time tailoring your resume and make it more specific to the position you are applying for.

Tailor your resume

Tailoring your resume to the job description is an extremely effective strategy for landing more job interviews.

Just don’t overdo it, otherwise, your efforts might seem too obvious.

  • Baseline : include in your resume skills and keywords from your target job description
  • Stand out : group skills and provide context for your core skills to maximize the impact and prove that you actually have these skills.

There are several ways to feature both technical and soft skills on your resume.

The majority of candidates will simply list them, but for recruiters, it’s as engaging as reading someone’s shopping list.

Instead, we have a few more easy-to-read and effective options you can use.

Daniel is a technical person. It was important for him to showcase his technical skills when applying for a job at Intercom, but he didn’t want to scare off recruiters with a poorly formatted list of 100+ technologies he learned during his career in IT.

He mentioned many skills and technologies he worked with when describing his Experience section, but for the skills section he followed the old wisdom of “less is more”.

So he identified four of the most important groups of skills he has and presented them as engaging infographics.

Enhancv How to Make a Resume That Stands Out in 2021: A Guide That Stands Out

Adapt this layout and try out various visual styles using our freely accessible resume templates .

Julian went for the jugular with his PwC analyst resume. He was perfectly aware that the majority of analysts lack soft skills, and that was a great opportunity to stand out from his competition.

But instead of simply listing soft skills he presented them in a real-world context. Finally, he renamed the whole section “Strengths” to grab the recruiter’s attention.

Enhancv How to Make a Resume That Stands Out in 2021: A Guide That Stands Out

Pro tip: Don’t be afraid to experiment with the names for your custom resume sections.

Recruiters are tired of seeing thousands of “My skills” sections to the point they automatically skim them.

But try naming them “Core strengths” or “Tech achievements” and you’ll hold their attention.

If you are interested in learning more about making your resume laser-targeted, read our post on the topic .

Did you know that nothing sets your resume apart from the rest more than sharing your personal story in it…

Show your career and personal story

So far, we’ve managed to make every section of your resume stand out and engage recruiters, showcasing your experience and achievement in the most convincing way.

Let’s apply some final effort with custom sections that will push your resume into a league of its own.

Here are the four custom sections our customers most often add to their job-winning resumes:

  • Life philosophy

Marcellus Nixon, now Senior Director of Network Operations, had an excellent work history in the network communications sector.

Enhancv How to Make a Resume That Stands Out in 2021: A Guide That Stands Out

You can access Marcellus’s full resume template here .

But so did every candidate who was aiming for an executive role at Verizon.

At this level, candidates rarely can outperform each other on a skill basis.

At the end of the day, organizations hire humans, and if recruiters feel that there’s a person behind all the achievements on your paper, they will remember you.

That’s why Marcellus decided to add “A Day In My Life” and “Life Philosophy” sections.

With these two custom sections, his resume narrative switched from “experienced network executive” to “experienced network executive with a strong work ethic and a solid plan.”

Exactly what Verizon, a global network mogul, needs.

Still with us? Good.

It’s all fun and games until we mention proper formatting. Are there any tricks to it? What colors and fonts are appropriate? Let’s see how you can make your resume stand out visually.

Apply formatting tricks to create stand out resume

Watch out for white space.

According to an eye-tracking study from Ladders Inc, resumes that lack white space turn recruiters off.

The easier your resume reads, the more chances there will be that the recruiter reads every section of it.

If you have a lot to put on your resume, use smart layout and custom sections.

The two resume examples feature the same amount of information, yet the second one is much more engaging and comfortable to digest.

Pro tip: after you filled all the sections of your resume, look at it with your eyes squinted. If your resume feels like a big cluttered black spot, start decluttering it.

Enhancv How to Make a Resume That Stands Out in 2021: A Guide That Stands Out

Declutter your resume with minimalism approach

Make a point of using as few words to describe your experience as possible. The worst thing you can do is trying to sound smart.

Bad example: developed an elaborate testing environment throughout a wide array of 22 company and partner software assets

Good example: Launched a test-to-production environment for 22 software products

Use well-tested fonts and combinations

Don’t be afraid to use several fonts on your resume, especially if you want to bold certain parts of your resume like headers or titles.

Just remember to limit yourself to only three fonts per resume , and try using font pairs that were already tested together by designers and user experience experts.

Make colors work for you

Here’s a really elaborate, but effective trick you can use to earn some extra points: try using the company’s brand colors on your resume.

Surely don’t put a company logo or use the exact color palette, go for a subtle effect .

It’s a bit of reverse psychology: in-house recruiters that know brand colors too well may subconsciously gravitate towards resumes with familiar colors.

Proofread your resume at least 3 times

Even the most elaborate and engaging resume can quickly become a recruiter’s kryptonite when a single typo creeps into your sentences.Make sure to proofread your resumes at least three times before you send them out. If you’re using our resume builder, it will automatically check every resume you create or upload for typos.

Study specific cases of resumes that stood out from competition

Writing a resume that stands out with no work experience.

  • Put Education and Projects section on the top left and top right
  • Hide GPA if it’s below 3
  • Add a link to personal industry-related projects or Github if you’re in development
  • Include a short objective to frame the recruiter’s expectations
  • Use custom sections (e.g. Projects and Certification) to stand out from hundreds of applicants
  • DON’T mention passion in your objective.

Successful example: [internship at Tesla]

Enhancv How to Make a Resume That Stands Out in 2021: A Guide That Stands Out

Tips for making your resume stand out for senior employees

  • Use custom section to stand out from your competition and add personality to your top-management experience (e.g. “A Day In My Life” and “Life Philosophy”  sections)
  • Frame your experience with a well-researched custom headline on top
  • Add links to a business-related profile (LinkedIn)
  • Frame Skills sections in a unique way (e.g. name them “Workflows”, “Strengths”)

Successful example: senior manager resume at Verizon

Enhancv How to Make a Resume That Stands Out in 2021: A Guide That Stands Out

How to create a standout resume with bad work history

  • Go for a functional layout resume where skills and workflows are prioritized over the experience section
  • Create a proxy item in your experience section, e.g. “Freelancer”, or “Agency” and list your temporary experiences within it
  • Write an engaging Summary section to address the recruiter’s questions about your inconsistent work history and turn it to your advantage (e.g. several areas of competence)
  • DON’T mention passion in your objective. Just don’t.

Standout resume for different positions

Over years we’ve shared and updated a library of 530+ professional resume example guides with best practices and tips for specific job titles.

Simply type in the job title you’re applying for, and you’ll get a resume guide similar to this one with actionable tips specific to your dream job.

Enhancv How to Make a Resume That Stands Out in 2021: A Guide That Stands Out


  • Small details matter: make every section stand out for the compound effect
  • Extensively research the company you’re applying for and use your findings in different sections
  • Add custom sections to stand out and boost engagement with recruiters
  • Visuals and readability matter more than you think. Watch your white space, fonts, and formatting

Did you like the guide? Anything else that we’re forgetting and you might want to add? What are your tips for creating a stand-out resume? Jump in the discussion below.

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UMGC Career Connection

5 ways to stand out on your internship application.

UMGC Career Services

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Top Career Blogs of 2021 Image December 2021

Internships are a great way to get hands-on experience in your chosen field. Over the course of an internship, you can expect to develop new skills and expand your professional network, among many other benefits. In certain cases, an internship can lead directly into a full-time job. When applying for an internship, it’s important to distinguish yourself as a great candidate. Here’s how to make your internship application stand out.

A Solid Cover Letter

When applying for internships you might notice that certain employers ask for a cover letter, while others do not; however, if you want to stand out, it’s best to include a cover letter either way. The great thing about a cover letter is it can provide potential employers with additional information about your experience and skills, along with more detail about who you are as a person.

A good tactic for writing an effective cover letter is to study the internship job description very carefully. Then, make direct connections between the job description’s requirements, and your skills and experience. For example, if the description states that the employer is looking for a team player, you could include any examples of when you worked with others to complete a major project in your cover letter. For a more in-depth look at internship cover letters, check out our previous blog .

Clean Up Your Social Media

These days, most employers will take a look at an applicant’s social media profiles to get a better feel for how they’ll fit into the company’s workplace environment, and internships are no different. Before you start applying to any internships, examine your social media profiles, your posts, comments, your interactions with others, and even the pages and profiles you follow.

A good rule of thumb is to avoid hot-button topics such as politics and religion. Similarly, any posts or comments that can be deemed controversial could hurt your candidacy. It would be to your advantage to start following groups and pages that are relevant to your professional interests, as it will show potential employers that you’re motivated to learn and succeed. You can be yourself, but play it safe—if you get the feeling something might be questionable, it probably is.

Tweak Your Resume

You might have very little or no work experience, but that doesn’t mean you can’t craft yourself a nice resume. Similar to how you would put together a cover letter, study each internship job description and make any necessary adjustments to your resume to make sure it closely aligns with the description’s requirements. You might have to get creative in order to do this, but you should be able to leverage your coursework and experiences working on projects effectively.

The best method for applying to multiple internships is to have several different versions of your resume readily available. Keep in mind that these versions may vary from one another only slightly, but borrowing key words from an internship job description and incorporating them into your resume will help get you noticed. If you have part-time job experience that can be related to the internship job description, include that on your resume as well.

After you’ve applied to a bunch of internship programs, you might be thinking that it’s time to put your feet up and chill out, but there’s still more to do! Take note of all the internship programs you applied for, along with the dates of your applications. Next, set reminders for yourself to follow up with the hiring manager at each company.

It’s best to wait about a week from the date of your application before sending a follow up email, with two weeks being the maximum amount of time you should wait. When writing your follow up email, do your best to be professional and take the time to review your email before sending it, ensuring that there are no spelling or grammar mistakes. Here is an example of a follow up email:

Good morning [contact name],

I recently applied for [company name]’s [name of internship program] and I’m just checking in to confirm that my application was received. I am very excited about your internship program and I feel that my knowledge and experience make me a great candidate. If you have any questions about my resume I’d be happy to answer them.

Thank you, and have a great day.

By following up on your application, you’ll show the hiring manager that you’re motivated and eager to start. In certain cases, this could win you a spot in the program, but at the very least it will help speed up the process. Maintaining professionalism throughout the application process is crucial, regardless of the response you get. Remember, you never want to burn bridges, as you never know where you’ll end up down the road.

In most cases, an internship program will require you to have a few references. It’s important to start collecting your references early in the process. A good way to do this is to communicate with your professors about your interest in participating in an internship. Provide details such as the company name, and the name of the program. In certain cases, your professor might already be aware of the program, or they might be able to recommend additional programs.

The best references are people who can speak to your personality, skills, and knowledge. Professors who teach classes in which you’re excelling are great choices. Typically, you want to secure two or three references before you start to apply for any internship programs. If you have a part-time job, you could also ask your boss to be a reference, as they would be able to speak to your work ethic.

Lastly, take the time to review each internship description and apply only to the ones you would most like to participate in, this way you’ll be happy with the outcome no matter which program you get accepted into. With a positive attitude and some extra effort, you’ll be well on your way to a meaningful internship experience.

This article has been republished with permission from Vault .

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    2. Be persuasive. It's also important that you're a persuasive writer, selecting all words carefully to maximise their impact. By ensuring your language is persuasive and refined, you can bolster your claims of competence with first-hand evidence through the quality of your CV.

  17. How To Write an Effective Resume Summary (With Examples)

    Your resume summary must showcase you, your talents and your experience in a succinct, well-crafted sentence. This will make your resume standout from others and is worth the investment in time to do it well. —Carolynn Bruce, SHRM-SCP 2. You want to highlight your key skills and experience earlier Your resume should be clear and easy to read.

  18. How to make a resume and make it stand out? Try these tips for your CV

    Answer: Updating your resume design can indeed be a wise move, especially if you've been using the same format for a long time. A fresh, modern design can help your resume stand out and leave a ...

  19. How to Make a Resume That Stands Out in 2024: A Guide That ...

    Writing a resume that stands out with no work experience. Put Education and Projects section on the top left and top right. Hide GPA if it's below 3. Add a link to personal industry-related projects or Github if you're in development. Include a short objective to frame the recruiter's expectations.

  20. How To Improve Your Resume in 10 Steps (Plus Tips)

    6. Optimize your resume for digital devices. Some employers review your resume on a mobile device or tablet. While you may have a hard copy of your resume, it's important to optimize it for different devices, too. Make sure the resume you submit is responsive and readable across all digital formats.

  21. How to Make Your Resume Stand Out

    Colour scheme: When developing your resume, choose a visually appealing colour scheme. White is an excellent background colour, black is optimal for writing and a third colour may be used to draw attention to specific information. 6. List hard and soft skills.

  22. 5 Ways to Stand Out on Your Internship Application

    Tweak Your Resume. You might have very little or no work experience, but that doesn't mean you can't craft yourself a nice resume. Similar to how you would put together a cover letter, study each internship job description and make any necessary adjustments to your resume to make sure it closely aligns with the description's requirements.

  23. Creative Ideas To Help Your Resume Stand Out From the Crowd

    Using a colored border around the outside of your resume page is a simple way to make your student resume stand out while still using a professional layout and design. You can also use light-colored borders to block out section headers throughout your resume. Highlight achievements, awards and honors.

  24. The Best Job Skills To Make Your Resume Stand Out

    For example, leadership, time management and creativity are soft skills. There are a few skills that many employers expect candidates to have, so you can choose to exclude them from your resume. A few examples of expected skills include proficiency with word processors and spreadsheets, reading and basic math.