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Best Practices for Using Speaker Notes in a Presentation

Taylor Risner

"The way something is presented will define the way you react to it." - Deville Brody

Delivering presentations in front of an audience is one of the most common fears shared across the world. Whether you’re presenting a proposal to a single client, a project to your peers, or you are a keynote speaker for a massive conference, the reality is that public speaking can be nerve-wracking. The good news is that there are several strategies to mitigate this fear, boost your confidence, and increase your chances of delivering an engaging presentation, guaranteed to captivate your audience.

One strategy to deliver effective presentations is utilizing the power of speaker notes. We’ve built hundreds of decks and understand just how much work goes into the preparation process. After putting in the hours to craft the narrative, build the deck, and rehearse the presentation, the audience must reap the benefit of all those efforts. Using speaker notes in your presentation is an excellent way to come prepared, engage with your audience, deliver a compelling message, and ensure that your hard work translates to value.

In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of speaker notes and outline some best practices for you to apply when building your decks.

What are Speaker Notes? ‍

Speaker notes are quite simply what their name suggests. They’re notes to help presenters recall important speaking points when giving a presentation. Think index cards but in digital form.

Speaking notes are only visible to speakers and not the audience and are typically located beneath or to the side of the core presentation content. The notes are tied to specific slides, so as you flip through your presentation, the notes will change accordingly. Some examples of content typically included in speaker notes include key statistics, prompts for stories, clues for transitions or co-presenters, and additional context to help convey important points.

Good speaker notes provide guidance, support, and structure to ensure that the speaker can stay on track and cover all relevant information. Good speaker notes should contain a clear structure, use succinct language, and be detailed enough for the speaker to recall them easily without being overwhelmingly long.

Long notes (where you're writing out every spoken word) have the opposite effect. They detract from the speaker’s focus. They can ruin the cadence of the speaker and their connection to the audience. They should be bullet points for familiarity and really nothing more.

Some examples of speaker notes that have been effectively utilized in presentations include:

- Providing a list of key statistics or key points that need to be covered during the presentation

- Including prompts for stories , anecdotes, and other examples to illustrate your main points

- Offering cues or reminders for transitions between different parts of the presentation

- Providing additional context or background information for important points

If you are looking to deliver effective presentations, speaker notes can be an invaluable tool. By taking the time to carefully craft your speaker notes and using them as a guide during your presentation, you will be able to engage with your audience,

What are the Benefits of Using Speaker Notes? ‍

"You are not being judged, the value of what you are bringing to the audience is being judged." - Seth Godin

Your audience will either listen to you or read your slides. The goal is to get them to listen to you. This is accomplished by limiting the content on slides to only essential information.

Using speaker notes to capture the additional information helps your audience to focus on listening to you and for you to avoid coming off as inauthentic, like reading a script. ‍

Better Engage Your Audience

One of the best ways to engage your audience is through maximizing eye contact. Eye contact helps lock in listeners’ attention and helps the speaker read visual cues. By using speaking notes to capture the main ideas to touch on, speakers can avoid reading slides word for word. This frees up their attention to connect with the audience, read visual cues, and most importantly, allows the audience to focus on listening to what they have to say. ‍

Deliver a More Compelling Message

Speaking notes serve as a powerful tool to add additional value to your narrative. Graphics, metrics, videos, and other content cannot and should not convey all of the information that is important to understanding the story. By placing extra contextual information in speaking notes, you can shed more light on the real story behind the content and again, force the audience to listen to you vs. reading slides.

Stories are also a proven way to grab your audience’s attention and help them relate to your message. Speaking notes are a perfect tool to place notes for yourself on when to insert a reminder for a powerful story.

Perhaps the most obvious way to use speaking notes to deliver a great presentation is to use them to keep your place and train of thought. Too often, presenters get nervous, lose their train of thought, and go blank during the presentation. This damage to confidence and credibility can be easily avoided by having speaker notes available to fall back on.

Be Prepared

Presentations often lead to the need for questions or leave behind materials. Speaking notes can serve as an excellent reference to help answer questions that inevitably get asked about information that wasn’t visible on the slide. Coming prepared with notes to help answer these questions can help to maintain your credibility even after the presentation.

The notes can also be incredibly helpful in producing a leave-behind version of your deck. The extra information and context will go a long way in helping readers remember the narrative that was discussed that can’t be inferred from the slide content.

In more complex presentations, such as when you’re co-presenting with others, speaker notes can be an effective tool to include slide directions. You can prepare by leaving clues for yourself and others on how to transition between slides, what is coming up next, and who is speaking on what points. ‍

Best Practices for Using Speaker Notes

‍ "Grasp the subject, the words will follow." - Cato the Elder

We’ve discussed the benefits of speaker notes, but the real power is understanding how to apply them. Here are a few of our helpful tips that you can reference when creating speaker notes for your presentations. ‍

The space to view your notes will be limited so you need to use the space wisely. It’s best practice to capture no more than 1 to 2 main ideas per slide and then you can add a few supporting notes per idea. Focus on writing down keywords and phrases and avoid including full sentences. Bullet points tend to be far more effective than writing details out word for word.

Being brief forces speakers to craft the narrative in their minds and use the notes for supporting details and context. Don’t forget to practice your speech and focus your attention on the audience, not your notes.

example of speaker notes for a revenue slide

Add Clues and Key Stats

In addition to helping outline your speaking points, speaking notes can serve as a helpful reference for key stats, transitions, instructions, and other reminders. You can best equip yourself by adding in clues such as who’s speaking next, who’s touching on which points, what’s coming on the next slide, what key stats may help in answering questions, and so on. Do your best to anticipate what questions may get asked and what challenges can be offset with information placed in the notes. ‍

Be Brief, Be Prepared, Be Remembered

The idea of speaker notes may seem overwhelmingly simple, but they’re often overlooked and misused. If used improperly, they can negatively impact your presentation. But if used correctly, you will be prepared to deliver a confident, engaging presentation to remember.

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Everything you need to know about using speaker notes in PowerPoint®

Everything you need to know about using speaker notes in PowerPoint® header

Chariti Canny

Through preparing for our Slide Design training , we realized there’s a feature that many presenters don’t realize plays a key role in slide design and speaker support: speaker notes in PowerPoint®.

To use your  speaker notes in PowerPoint most effectively during your next talk, follow the tips below.

What are speaker notes in PowerPoint?

Speaker notes in PowerPoint help presenters recall important points, such as key messages or stats, as they give a presentation. Some presenters even upload their whole script in there!

Even if you aren’t writing a complete script, using speaker notes for the high-level points of your script will help you match your talk track to what’s happening on the current slide you’re on.

It can also be handy for other purposes, such as:

  • Adding nuanced information about a slide’s graphics
  • Giving instructions for how to click through an animation
  • Adding links to important files
  • Providing stage directions
  • Giving reminders of when to pause or give an anecdote
  • Setting up triggers for gestures to a co-host or the audience
  • General note-taking – just like if someone would use a scratch piece of paper

Slide design black button

What are the benefits of speaker notes in PowerPoint?

You are the storyteller, and your slides are your support, forming the atmosphere and emphasizing your key points. Because there’s a limit to how much information people can process at one time — they will either listen to you or read your slides — it’s important to show only information essential for your story.

Speaker notes in PowerPoint allow you to move nonessential text and stats off your slides so that your audience can fully absorb your message. Having the info in the speaker notes allows you to be ready should your audience ask questions about your data , or other points in your presentation that may require additional information.

Though speaker notes should be a somewhat simplified version of what you are saying, using them for the high-level points of your script will help you match your talk track to what’s happening as you move through your presentation.

Spending a little time structuring speaker notes in PowerPoint can also be an easy way to turn your presentation into a dual-purpose file. Not only can you use your file to present, you can also use it as a standalone document that can be effectively shared without you presenting. This more advanced feature is described below.

New call-to-action

How do I add speaker notes in PowerPoint?

There are two ways to add speaker notes in PowerPoint.

Method no. 1

Directly edit in slide editing mode (aka Normal View). Click the “Notes” section of the window and begin typing. If the “Notes” section is hidden, click the “Notes” button found in “Options” on the bottom right of the PowerPoint screen.

PowerPoint navigation bar

Method no. 2

Edit your notes in “Notes View.” Click on the “View” tab in the ribbon and click “Notes Page.” Here you have more room on the screen to write your notes and adjust the font size and layout.

how to write speaker notes for presentation

How should you write speaker notes in PowerPoint?

Although some people feel more comfortable putting their complete script into the speaker notes section, one could also be brief in the notes, allowing them to sound more authentic when presenting. I have worked on a lot of high-stakes presentations and have seen this done both ways with success. So, it depends on your comfort level and ability with public speaking .

The first bullet point of your speaker notes can convey the overarching idea for the slide, and your other points can support it. I call these speaking touchpoints, and often they are short words or phrases that will remind me of what I want to say.

If one of your supporting concepts involves telling an anecdote or story (which we teach and recommend in all of our workshops, by the way!) you can trigger your memory by leaving a note to yourself in brackets. For example, you could type:

  • As a company, we’ve been through difficult times before
  • [Story: 2008 financial crisis]

It’s also important to keep these simple because the space to view them is limited. Though, there are times when a more elaborate note needs to be included. I’ve found that including a very important phrase in full is one of my favorite things about speaker notes. We often spend a lot of time crafting that pivotal moment, the pace of it, and the wording. Leave room to easily see it in presenter view.


Once, I sat through a presentation where the presenter stayed on one slide for quite some time. He was telling a long story that was coming back to resolve and tie together various points of information on the slide. To help himself stay on track, he wrote about six key speaking touchpoints in a list in the speaker notes, duplicated the slide (so it looked the same to the audience), then completed his next few speaking touchpoints for the slide. When he reached the bottom of the first six touchpoints he clicked the slide without missing a beat and continued the talk track. The audience had no idea that he just moved slides and he was able to use his notes, even though they were long.

The speaker notes are also an opportunity to include “stage directions.” These can be anything from reminding yourself to click and advance an animation, gesture to a co-speaker or member of the audience, or even take a breath and pause.

How do you project speaker notes in PowerPoint during a presentation?

PowerPoint is set up to show notes only to the speaker when a presentation is connected to another output, such as a monitor, a projector, a video conferencing app, etc. Just select the “Slide Show” tab and click “Presenter View” to enable a display that only you can see on your computer.

PowerPoint slide show bar

You’ll see your slides, speaker notes, and even a timer, but your audience will only see slides projected on a monitor or screen.

How else can I use my speaker notes in PowerPoint?

I mentioned that you can structure the Notes pages to act as a standalone document that can be shared without you presenting. This is a more advanced way to use notes, but extremely valuable.

Let’s say your presentation wowed your audience so much that they requested copies of your slides so they can reference them later, or share with others. Because you created a presentation meant to be shown, not read, chances are that your file won’t make sense to someone who wasn’t in the room.

Slide Docs black button

Unless, of course, they can read and make sense of your speaker notes. Speaker notes can be used to create beautiful presentation artifacts for your audiences. By giving people a physical reminder of your presentation content, they’ll keep thinking about your talk long after you give it, and they’ll more easily share your message with others.

We recommend you do this with Slidedocs ®, a skimmable visual document that is a version of your slides meant to standalone. It’s great for pre-reads before meetings, leave-behinds at a presentation, or of course, a summary of your great presentation without your messy speaker notes and stage directions in there!

David Allen, the author of the bestselling series  Getting Things Done , leaves information behind after his talks to ensure that his audience remembers his key principles and methodologies.

After we created a cinematic presentation for David, we translated the rich, evocative images and layouts of his presentation into handouts using our Slidedocs® methodology so that anyone could read and understand his message even if they didn’t attend his presentation.

How can I use speaker notes in PowerPoint to create handouts?

Step 1: First, make the overall changes to the Notes master, such as how you want the slide image to appear and how much space you want your notes to have.

Slide docs colored button

Step 3: Next, make changes to the layout in the Notes Master, keeping in mind that changes here will be reflected on all the notes pages.

In the image below, an example of a default Notes Master is shown at left, with a redesigned Notes Master on the right. In the modified version on the right, the slide image was resized and moved to the top left, and the notes box was reformatted and moved.

Presentation handouts outline

Not only can the Notes Master be adjusted, but each Notes Page itself can have text, charts, quotes, and images added as separate and additional content to augment what’s on the surface slide.

You can scale your slide thumbnail to any size and place it anywhere on the master. Headers, footers, and the note placeholder can be moved into any position you’d like. You can add objects to the Notes Master, but remember that objects added in Notes Master will appear on every slide’s notes page.

Thus, you must be strategic about what you add. To that point, adding a logo or some other universal image would make sense in the Notes Master.

Step 4: Once the Notes Master has been restructured, return to Notes Page View: View tab > Notes Page. You’ll see that the notes format matches the changes you made in the Notes Master.*

Step 5: For each page, add any custom graphics, data, text, or other items that relate to that slide. Remember, these will not appear on the slides. They will only appear in these notes.

In the layouts we created for David Allen below, we placed a small image of the slide on the top left of the page and a graphic and quote at the top right.

Presentation handouts examples

How do I print speaker notes in PowerPoint?

Perhaps you’d rather print out your notes instead of viewing them digitally on a monitor. Or maybe you’ve gone the extra step and customized your notes and now you’re ready to distribute them to your audience.

Step 1: Click the File tab and select Print to open the print dialog.

Step 2: Pull down the second menu within the Settings options. PowerPoint defaults to the Full Page Slides option, and you’ll need to switch it to Notes Pages option.

PowerPoint print options

Now you can print the file in Notes Page View to give a hard copy to your audience.

Note: Image resolutions may be slightly less in printed or PDF Notes View. Text and shapes will remain the same.

By putting thought into how you prepare, use, and re-use your speaker notes, you ensure that your message resonates long after you and your audience leave the room.

How to get expert PowerPoint help the easy way

If you have a big, high-stakes presentation coming up, and would like additional help on crafting your speech, delivering your keynote, designing your slides, or engaging an audience to take an action, our Consulting services are here to help!

Talk to a Solution Architect about your needs, we’ve done the presentations, keynotes, and speeches for the big stages like HubSpot’s INBOUND , Salesforce’s Dreamforce , and many other events in between.

If you’d like to train up your team on better presentation design skills, we recommend talking to a Training Concierge about building a custom learning journey for your needs.

And if you’d like help today for your presentation fast approaching, take our 90-minute on-demand course on Slidedocs ® along with Slide:ology ®. Then you’ll be properly equipped to download our free Slidedocs® PowerPoint templates so you can get started on the path to nailing your next presentation immediately!

*A technical footnote: If your Notes Page view doesn’t change when you make changes to your Notes Master, you may need to reset your Notes Page view. Unfortunately, the following instruction only works on Windows. For resetting notes when on MacOS you will need to use the Developer Tab, which is not covered in this article. Open Notes Page view. On an empty spot of the notes page, right click and select Notes Layout. Select the box “Reapply Master”. This will remove any previous formatting that was on the notes and reset it to the current Notes Master. This will need to be done on each slide that may cling to the old Notes Page master format.

Slide:ology black button

This article was originally published on March 23, 2020. It has been updated in August 2024 for relevancy.

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How-To Geek

How to use speaker notes in google slides.


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The proton vpn extension is now free, chrome is top dog, but firefox is still my favorite browser, quick links, view and add speaker notes in google slides, edit or remove speaker notes, display speaker notes during a presentation.

Speaker notes are helpful for talking points as you present a slideshow. In Google Slides , you can add notes to each slide, edit or remove them as needed, and of course, display them during the presentation.

You have a few convenient ways to open the Speaker Notes section below your slide as you create your presentation.

  • Double-click the three dots at the bottom of the Google Slides window.
  • Drag up using the three dots at the bottom to resize the Speaker Notes section as you please.
  • Click View > Show Speaker Notes in the menu to select it.

Click View, Show Speaker Notes in the menu

Once you have the Speaker Notes area displayed below your slide, you can simply click inside the section to add your notes.

Add Speaker Notes in Google Slides

You can also use the Google Slides toolbar to format your notes. Change the font style or size, apply color, bold, or italics, or use a numbered or bulleted list.

Format Speaker Notes

To hide the Speaker Notes again, reverse the action you did for opening them.

  • Double-click the three dots at the top of the Speaker Notes section.
  • Drag down using the three dots until the section vanishes.
  • Click View > Show Speaker Notes in the menu to deselect it.

Hide Speaker Notes in Google Slides

To edit your speaker notes, open them and just make your changes. Your edits are saved automatically just like any other changes you make as you create your presentation.

To remove speaker notes, select all of the text and press Delete on your keyboard.

You can begin a Google Slides presentation by hitting "Present" at the top of the screen or by clicking the arrow and selecting " Presenter View " or "Present From Beginning."

Present slideshow in Google Slides

To start the show with your notes in hand, choose "Presenter View." This displays your slideshow in your main browser window and places your presenter notes in a smaller external window that you can move or resize.

Notes during a presentation

If you use the "Present" or "Present From Beginning" options, you can still access your notes using the Presenter Toolbar . Be sure to take your presentation out of full-screen view first. Otherwise, your notes will display in full-screen mode.

Move your cursor to the bottom left of the slideshow and you'll see this toolbar display. Open the Options Menu using the three dots on the right and select "Exit Full Screen."

Click Options, Exit Full Screen

Then to view your notes, open the Options Menu and select "Open Speaker Notes."

Click Options, Open Speaker Notes

Like Presenter View, this opens your notes in a smaller window that you can place where you like.

Since the above options all place your Speaker Notes in their own window, you can click the X to close that window at any time if you no longer need your notes.

Speaker notes are not only useful when practicing your presentation, but also when showtime comes. If you're still getting used to all that Google Slides has to offer, check out our helpful beginner's guide to Google Slides for additional tips.

  • Google Slides

How to Add Speaker Notes in Google Slides (Tutorial)


An excellent presentation demands an effective delivery that captivates your audience. This is where speaker notes come in, serving as an invaluable tool for staying organized, confident and ensuring a seamless delivery .

If you want to unlock your presentations' full potential, this tutorial is for you. With the help of our in-house designers , we have compiled a collection of expert tips that will transform your presentations into impactful experiences!

how to write speaker notes for presentation

In this tutorial, we'll go over the following topics:

  • How to add speaker notes in Google Slides - and REALLY make the most of them
  • Unleash the full impact of your presentations: Learn how to view speaker notes in Google Slides while presenting
  • Looking to have a quick reference during your talk? Let's see how to print Google Slides with notes

So... let's begin - or you can skip to your preferred section.

How do you add Speaker Notes to Slides?

Adding speaker notes to your Google Slides presentation is incredibly simple. You can enhance your presentation with helpful reminders and prompts in just a few easy steps. Follow these instructions to learn how to write speaker notes in google slides:

  • Select a slide you'd like to add notes.
  • Locate the Notes pane positioned beneath each slide.
  • You'll find a blank space with the prompt "Click to add speaker notes." Enter your notes there, and you're all set.

how to write speaker notes for presentation

Remember, you can always edit speaker notes on Google Slides. You only need to click inside the Notes pane to edit the content and click outside to save your changes.

Expert Advice: How to use Speaker Notes in Google Slides (Correctly)

Speaker notes can be a great tool if you know how to use them correctly . They help you sound natural while having a safety net in case you get lost. However, it's possible to fall into the trap of overcrowding your speaker notes with excessive text or not organizing them effectively, which can end up confusing rather than aiding you.

Our in-house designers have shared their expert tips to help you make the most of these valuable tools. Feronika Wulandari , design manager from 24 Slides, emphasizes the following points:

  • Keep them short: Speaker notes should be brief and to the point. Avoid writing long paragraphs or entire sentences. Use bullet points or short phrases to capture the main ideas and critical issues. As Feronika advises, “Speaker notes are meant to be reminders for us, so keep them as short bullet points to trigger your memory of a specific topic."
  • Use keywords: Instead of writing out every word you plan to say, use keywords and prompts as quick reminders. This can ensure a more natural and spontaneous delivery.
  • Organize the content: Structure your speaker notes in a logical order that follows the flow of your presentation, and highlight important information you may need during your talk.
  • Avoid reading verbatim: Speaker notes should serve as a guide rather than a script. Avoid the temptation to read directly from your notes. Feronika reminds us, "As presenters, we should have mastered the material and practiced beforehand. Do not rely on speaker notes as your primary guidance, but instead, use them as a tool to help you maintain the flow of the presentation."
  • Customize for your needs: Adapt your speaker notes to your speaking style and preferences. Consider incorporating cues for intonation, strategic pauses, and audience interaction within your speaker notes to improve your delivery and foster a dynamic connection with your listeners.

Now you know how to write speaker notes in Google Slides and, most importantly, how to maximize their potential.

How to view speaker notes in Google Slides while presenting

Let's get ready for your next presentation! Check out how to have your notes easily accessible:

  • Click on the dropdown arrow next to the Slideshow button in the toolbar.
  • From the dropdown menu, select Presenter View .

how to write speaker notes for presentation

3. Your presentation will start in the full browser window, and a new window will open alongside it.

4. In the new window, you will be able to see your speaker notes corresponding to each slide.

how to write speaker notes for presentation

5. Use the main browser window to control and navigate through your slides while referring to the speaker notes in the separate window.

The Google Slides presenter view offers several advantages. Not only can you view the current slide and the next one, but you can also check the timer and easily adjust the text size of the notes within the Presenter View window.

When using the presenter view in Google Slides, remember that your audience might be able to see it too. So, be careful and make sure you only share the tab with your presentation, not your whole screen. If you want to learn more about this, check out the section on how to hide speaker notes in Google Slides while presenting.

How to print Google Slides with notes

You may want to have your notes on hand because you will deliver a live presentation. Follow these instructions to learn how to print speaker notes in Google Slides: First, open the File menu and select Print Preview .

how to write speaker notes for presentation

Now, in the toolbar at the top, click 1 Slide Without Notes and choose 1 Slide With Notes .You will be able to see a preview that includes your notes. Finally, you can click Print .

how to write speaker notes for presentation

Customer Frequently Asked Questions

What are speaker notes on google slides.

Speaker notes in Google Slides presentations are a valuable tool that allows presenters to include additional information beyond the slides . These notes serve as a personal guide, keeping essential points at hand and enhancing the delivery of the presentation.

With speaker notes, presenters can dive deeper into complex concepts, provide important context, and share supporting data. Speaker notes also help maintain a natural flow of speech, act as a safety net in case of distractions, and enable presenters to engage the audience effectively.

Still trying to figure out how to use speaker notes? Check these speaker notes Google Slides template :

how to write speaker notes for presentation

Can the audience see speaker notes in Google Slides?

When presenting your slideshow, the default setting ensures the audience cannot see the speaker notes . However, if you're using the presenter view and that other window pops up, they will be able to see them. But don't worry! If you want to keep your speaker notes hidden from the audience's view, here's what you can do:

  • Open the presentation in a new tab or window specifically for sharing with the audience.
  • Share only the Google Slides presentation tab or window , not the entire screen or the separate window displaying the speaker notes.
  • Close or avoid sharing other tabs or windows containing speaker notes or personal information.

This is what it would look like on Google Meet:

how to write speaker notes for presentation

This is what it would look like on Zoom:

how to write speaker notes for presentation

If you follow these tips and share only the tab or window with your slides, you'll be able to control what the audience sees while keeping your speaker notes private.

Can editors see speaker notes on Google Slides?

Editors or collaborators working on a Google Slides presentation can indeed see the speaker notes . Speaker notes are visible to everyone who has access to the presentation. This allows for collaborative editing, where multiple individuals can contribute to the content of the slides as well as review and provide feedback on the speaker notes.

It is essential to remember this when sharing and collaborating on Google Slides presentations to ensure that sensitive or confidential information is not included in the speaker notes if it is intended for only some collaborators to see.

How do you turn on speaker notes in Google Slides app?

You also have this feature on the app! Check out how to see speaker notes on Google Slides app:

  • Open your presentation on the app.
  • Double-tap the slide where you want to see the speaker notes.
  • Click on the three dots in the top right corner.Activate the speaker notes .

how to write speaker notes for presentation

Why are my Google Slides speaker notes not showing?

Are you experiencing trouble with your Google Slides speaker notes not showing up? It's a problem that many users encounter, but the good news is that it's easy to solve. You just need to follow these steps:

  • Click View .
  • Select Show speaker notes . Make sure the checkbox next to it is checked.The Notes pane should appear beneath the slide.

how to write speaker notes for presentation

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how to write speaker notes for presentation

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How to add speaker notes in PowerPoint

  • By Belinda Anderson
  • 9 November 2016
  • Updated: 6 December 2023
  • No Comments

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When creating a presentation it can be daunting trying to remember what needs to be said and when. You may also encounter the odd occasion when a presentation will be shared between multiple presenters. There can be confusion in knowing what to say and when. These cases are perfect examples of when you can add speaker notes to your PowerPoint presentation allowing all involved to see what needs to be discussed during each slide.

If you are new to presenting or plan to share your presentation with others you will find the use of speaker notes very effective. PowerPoint even provides a special Presenter View which lets you see your slides and your speaker notes whilst those viewing your presentation will only see the slide information – no notes.

Today I will show you how to add speaker notes to each slide within your presentation. You can then utilise the Presenter View features within Microsoft PowerPoint to deliver your presentation.

Add speaker notes to your presentation

The first step in this process is to add speaker notes to each individual slide within your presentation. To add speaker notes to individual slides, follow these steps:

  • Open Microsoft PowerPoint .
  • From the Start screen , select Open Other Presentation , or select a presentation from the Recent list .
  • Ensure that Slide 1 is currently displayed. This is generally your opening title slide.
  • If you cannot see the Notes area displayed underneath the slide area, click the Notes button located in the Status bar:

Speaker Notes available on the status bar

  • Place your cursor in the notes area at the bottom of the screen where it says Click to add notes :

The Speaker Notes section will be displayed

  • Directly type any notes for Slide 1 into the notes area. For this exercise write a few lines on how you might introduce the presentation to the audience or possibly give them a brief introduction about yourself.
  • Speaker notes should be brief bullet points or key information you want to discuss. I generally don’t recommend writing word-for-word exactly what you want to say as your presentation should feel natural and not scripted.
  • You can use all font formatting options to make your notes easier to read, including the use of bullet or numbered lists.
  • Select Slide 2 from the navigation pane.
  • You will notice the notes area is empty.
  • Repeat the process and enter some notes for Slide 2.
  • Repeat this process until all slides contain speaker notes.
  • You have now entered speaker notes.

View Speaker Notes

To view the speaker notes page, follow these steps:

  • Click View > Notes Page .
  • The presentation will now be displayed in notes view. This gives you a snapshot of the slide and displays the notes at the bottom of the page:

View your speaker notes

  • Use the up and down scroll bar to move between each slide.
  • Select View > Normal to return to the normal view.

View speaker notes during a presentation

Microsoft PowerPoint allows you to run a presentation and view your speaker notes at the same time. This provides guidance whilst the audience can only see the slides being projected. This features is referred to as Presenter view.

Presenter view works on any operating system that supports multiple displays, such as Microsoft Windows 7 or higher. It allows you to run your presentation from one monitor and let the audience view it on another monitor or a data projector.

NOTE : The computer must have multiple monitor capability— check with the manufacturer if you are unsure. Usually, desktop computers require two video cards in order to have multiple monitor capability; laptops often have the capability built in.

For the most part, you just need to connect the monitor and/or data projector and PowerPoint automatically sets it up. If you are creating your presentation on a computer with a single monitor and you want to use Presenter view, you can still do this. I always recommend testing Presenter View on the computer you will be presented with prior to your live presentation. This will ensure you can iron out any technical issues you may encounter prior and also makes for a less stressful start to your presentation.

To enable Presenter View, follow these steps:

  • Select Slide Show > Set Up Slide Show .
  • Under the Multiple monitors heading select the checkbox for Use Presenter View .

Open the Set Up Show dialog box

  • Press F5 to view the slide show in Presenter View.
  • Microsoft PowerPoint will now display your slide show in Presenter View:

View your speaker notes in Presenter View

  • Meanwhile, if a data project is plugged into your computer, you will automatically see Presenter View displayed on your computer screen.
  • If you are using PowerPoint on a computer with a single monitor, launch your presentation and then click the More button and choose Show Presenter View :

Display Presenter View during the slide show

Congratulations, you have now added speaker notes to your presentation and displayed it using Presenter View. I highly recommend checking out my post on how to use the Rehearse Timings in PowerPoint along with my 10 tips for highly effective presentations .

  • PowerPoint , Slide show , Slides , Speaker Notes
  • Microsoft PowerPoint

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Home Blog PowerPoint Tutorials How to Add Speaker Notes in PowerPoint? A Quick Guide with Video Tutorials

How to Add Speaker Notes in PowerPoint? A Quick Guide with Video Tutorials

Guide to Presenting and Using Speaker Notes in PowerPoint

It can be hard to remember all the information you intend to discuss during a presentation. To avoid text-heavy slides and missing out on important information, some presenters use notes or flashcards. A more elegant method of presenting your slides is to use speaker notes in PowerPoint .

What are Speaker Notes in PowerPoint?

Speaker notes in PowerPoint are hidden notes in your PowerPoint slides that can be added to help you remember bits of information. Speaker notes are only visible to the presenter and can also be printed with slides for reference. You can use the printed version of speaker notes for yourself or the audience for later reading.

Speaker notes are visible to the presenter during Presenter View, which enables viewing the slide and notes side by side. This enables the presenter to show the audience only the slides, as he/she presents with the aid of notes visible on their screen.

How to add Speaker Notes in PowerPoint

What are the Benefits of using Speaker Notes?

Speaker notes can have a number of benefits and can enable you to not only appear more confident as you present but to also better organize your slides.

1. Speaker Notes Help Avoid Text-Heavy Slides

One of the benefits of using speaker notes is that you can avoid adding too much text to your slides and insert related points as Speaker Notes. This can provide your audience with a clutter-free view of your slides, as you use the notes to ensure you remember all the important bits of information during the presentation.

2. Speaker Notes can Help Replace Paper Notes

Flashcards or paper notes can look inelegant and can cause confusion if they get mixed up. Many presenters end up stuttering or scrambling their notes during a presentation due to this very problem. Presenters can avoid this hassle by simply using speaker notes in PowerPoint.

3. Speaker Notes can be Helpful in Recalling Information

Speaker notes can be helpful in remembering important information when you find it difficult to recall the information. In such a case the notes can be added as a precaution so that you can quickly recall that important piece of information when you have a hard time recalling something.

4. Speaker Notes can Enable You to Stay on Point

With a presentation with a bit of text and an elaborate theme, a presenter can easily lose focus. To stay on point, you can add speaker notes to set the right sequence for you to follow as you present your slides.

5. Speaker Notes can Help you Appear More Confident

The audience appreciates a presenter when he/she has the confidence to look them in the eye and speak their heart out. Presenters who scramble for notes or keep looking at their flashcards can appear less confident.

How to Add Notes to PowerPoint?

Adding speaker notes in PowerPoint is very simple. In this short tutorial we explain how to add notes to PowerPoint depending on your preferred platform.

How to Add Speaker Notes to PowerPoint for Windows?

Step 1. Select the Slide you want to add speaker notes to.

Step 2. Select Notes in the bottom right section of your screen.

Step 3. Add the notes you want below the PowerPoint slide.

How to Add Speaker Notes to PowerPoint for macOS?

How to Add Speaker Notes to PowerPoint for web?

PowerPoint in the web version lets you create Speaker Notes but does not let you view them when you are presenting.

Which option is used to create speaker notes in the PowerPoint Slide?

On the View tab of the ribbon, in the Show group, select Notes.

The pane appears across the bottom portion of the PowerPoint window, with the cursor blinking, ready for you to begin typing.

Also, you can add speaker notes in PowerPoint by clicking the Notes option at the bottom of the slide to open the notes pane. The option can be used to open or hide the pane anytime.

Expand Notes Pane: To expand the notes pane, hover your mouse to reveal the vertical scroll bar and drag to adjust the size of the pane according to need.

Adding Speaker notes to PowerPoint presentations

How to View Speaker Notes in PowerPoint while Presenting?

How to present with speaker notes? Now that you know how to add notes to PowerPoint, you can use this feature to deliver your presentation while visualizing the speaker notes as a presenter. Here we will see how to view speaker notes in PowerPoint in Presenter View.

Enable Presenter View: You can view Speaker Notes in PowerPoint in Presenter View . To make sure this option is enabled in PowerPoint, go to the Slide Show tab, and check Use Presenter View .

Speaker Notes enabled in PowerPoint Presenter View Mode

Select Monitor Settings: From the Slide Show tab, you can also select which monitor you want your presentation to appear on. This can help you ensure that the monitor selected for the speaker notes does not swap with the monitor screen intended for the audience. Usually, setting the monitor settings to Automatic should automatically show speaker notes on your laptop and the view with only your slides to the audience. However, checking these settings beforehand can help you avoid swapping the screens.

Speaker Notes text adjustment interface in PowerPoint

Adjust Text Size for Notes: When in Presenter View, you can also expand or reduce the size of the text using the buttons on the bottom right corner of the screen.

Adjusting Speaker Notes in PowerPoint

Navigate Slides: The arrow keys enable you to move between slides in Presenter View.

Annotate Slides: You can enable the Pen tool or highlighter to annotate slides during your presentation or use the Laser Pointer to focus on parts of your slide using an onscreen laser tool. These options are available via the Pen and Laser Pointer Tools option at the bottom of the Presenter View menu.

Zoom Slides: You can zoom in to a specific slide by selecting the Zoom option and then clicking on a specific section of the slide that you intend to zoom in.

Speaker Notes Zoom option

Switch to a Specific Slide: You can also jump to a specific slide via the See all slides option. This can help you instantly change your slide in a single click, without moving back and forth to find it.

Black or Unblack Slideshow: You can hide or unhide a slide by using the Black/Unblack Slideshow option.

Toggle Subtitles: In a previous post, we showed you how to enable subtitles and captions in PowerPoint . The subtitle button in Presenter View enables you to toggle the subtitles on or off.

Hide Presenter View: To turn off Presenter View anytime, you can select Hide Presenter View from the More slideshow options button.

How to print PowerPoint with Speaker Notes?

Print Speaker Notes in PowerPoint using different layouts

Print PowerPoint with Speaker Notes is very simple:

Printing Speaker Notes with Slide Thumbnails: You can print speaker notes directly in PowerPoint by going to File -> Print -> Settings -> Notes Pages.

Printing Speaker notes without Slide Thumbnails: If you would like to print the notes without thumbnails, go to View – > Notes Pages, delete the thumbnails for each slide, and then print your notes via File -> Print -> Settings -> Notes Pages.

Printing Speaker Notes in PowerPoint without Thumbnail

Creating and Printing Handouts using Speaker Notes in PowerPoint

You can create handouts from your speaker notes by exporting them to a Microsoft Word file or printing them directly from PowerPoint.

Select Notes to Export in PowerPoint

Export Handouts to Word

To export your handouts to Word, go to File -> Export -> Create Handouts .

This will provide you with the option to select whether you would like to export notes next to slides or export blank lines next to slides, notes below slides, blank lines below slides, or the outline only.

Speaker Notes Printing in Microsoft Word

Below is an example of handouts exported to Microsoft Word from PowerPoint. You can print these handouts from Word anytime via File -> Print.

Final Words

Speaker notes in PowerPoint can help presenters create uncluttered slides and present information without worrying about messy paper notes or missing out information because of an oversight. Speaker notes provide much needed support to cater to the needs of the modern presenter, with the added advantage of printing or providing handouts to the audience after the presentation, such as citations and links for further reading.

If it’s your first time presenting with speaker notes in PowerPoint, you should try to acquaint yourself with the necessary settings and features of speaker notes to avoid getting confused when using them for the first time. Sometimes, monitor settings can flip, especially amidst an online presentation via Zoom or other video calling apps. To prevent that from happening, you can have a mock call with a colleague to make sure speaker notes aren’t visible. To do that, you can rehearse your presentation by adjusting your screen share view while hiding speaker notes.

Discover our step-by-step guide on how to make a presentation .

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How to Use Speaker Notes in PowerPoint

Speaker notes keep a presenter on track during a presentation

  • Brock University

What to Know

  • To add a note, go to Slide pane > select slide's thumbnail > enter notes into Notes pane.
  • To see notes during presentation, go to Slide Show > Use Presenter View .

Here's how to use and print PowerPoint notes, accompanied thumbnail versions of the appropriate slides, as a handy reference when making an oral presentation. Instructions in this article apply to PowerPoint 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010; PowerPoint for Microsoft 365, PowerPoint for Mac, and PowerPoint Online.

How to Add Notes in PowerPoint

Keep on track during your slideshow by adding speaker notes to each slide of your presentation. You don't need to write down everything you want to say, just add enough information to keep your speech flowing.

Go to View and select Normal . In PowerPoint Online, toggle the notes pane on and off by selecting View > Notes .

In the Slide pane, select the thumbnail of the slide you want to add a note.

Place the cursor in the Notes pane. The text in the Notes pane reads, Click to add notes .

If you don't see the Notes pane, go to View and select Notes . On a Mac, drag the bar below the slide upward to reveal the notes section.

Type or paste your notes into the Notes pane.

Save the changes to your presentation.

How to See Your Notes During a Presentation

If your computer is connected to another monitor or projector, you can enable Presenter View in PowerPoint 2016, 2013, and 2010.

Go to Slide Show and select Use Presenter View .

Select the monitor that you want to use to view your speaker notes in the Display Settings dialog box. Place a check next to This is my main monitor .

If available, select From Current Slide , Custom Slide Show , Present Online , or Broadcast Slide Show . Each of these views displays your slideshow notes during the presentation.

PowerPoint for Mac works a little differently than the Windows version. To see your notes during a presentation, go to Slide Show and select Presenter View .

PowerPoint Online is unable to open a presentation in Presenter View because it can't connect to an additional monitor.

Tips and More Information on PowerPoint Notes

Speaker notes are notes added to PowerPoint presentation slides as a reference for the presenter . Notes in a PowerPoint slide are hidden during the presentation and only visible to the one presenting the slides.

Presenter View works only if your computer is connected to another display. The purpose of Presenter View is to show something different on your screen than on the one your viewers are watching.

While in Presenter View, you'll see the current slide, the upcoming slide, and your notes. Presenter View includes a timer and a clock that shows if your presentation is running too short or too long.

To exit Presenter View, and end the presentation, select End Slide Show at the top of the screen. If you don't see that option, right-click the slideshow and select End Show .

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How to Add Speaker Notes in PowerPoint

How to Add Speaker Notes in PowerPoint

4-minute read

  • 31st January 2024

Adding speaker notes to your PowerPoint allows you to present with confidence while avoiding information overload in your slides. This means an engaged audience! But how do you add speaker notes? Read on for our simple step-by-step guide.

What Are Speaker Notes in PowerPoint?

There’s nothing worse than sitting through a PowerPoint presentation with slides so full of information that you miss what the speaker is saying while you try to read them. And as a presenter, you can come across as dull if you simply read the slides.

These problems can be avoided by having a separate set of prompts to keep you on track – speaker notes in PowerPoint are the on-screen version of those.

Just like hand-held notes, speaker notes in PowerPoint are visible to the speaker (hence the name), but not displayed in the slideshow.

You can also use speaker notes to jot down any issues that come up during a presentation. And if you need to ask someone else to help operate the PowerPoint, you can use speaker notes to add instructions so it all runs smoothly.

How to Add Speaker Notes to Your PowerPoint

To add speaker notes to your PowerPoint presentation, follow these steps.

1. Select the Relevant Slide

Click on the slide where you want to add the notes. 

2. Click to Add Notes

To add your speaker notes to the slide, you have two options:

  • You may see a prompt at the bottom of the screen that says, “Click to add notes.” Click in that section and type away!
  • If you can’t see it, click Notes in the bottom ribbon to reveal it.

how to write speaker notes for presentation

View Your Speaker Notes

If your notes are long, a scroll bar will appear at the side so you can navigate through them.

You can also increase the size of the notes section. Hover your cursor along the top of the section until it looks like a horizontal line with up and down arrows. Click and drag to change the size of the notes section.

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how to write speaker notes for presentation

Edit Speaker Notes While Presenting Your PowerPoint

It always happens, however well you’ve prepared: someone will ask a question you weren’t expecting, or you’ll notice something you missed. Never fear! You can still edit your speaker notes while presenting your PowerPoint. It’s simple, and your audience don’t need to know. Here’s how.

1. Select Presenter View

This should start automatically when you connect to a projector and start your slideshow. If it doesn’t, then you can select it by clicking on Presenter View in the Slideshow tab on the ribbon.

how to write speaker notes for presentation

2. Add Your Notes

The notes section is on the right of the current slide. This contains any speaker notes you’ve already added. You can add and delete notes in that section while presenting.

All your audience will see is the slideshow.

how to write speaker notes for presentation

Finishing Up

Congratulations! Your speaker notes are now ready for you to present your PowerPoint. You can even print them for your audience to take away, leaving them free to enjoy your presentation. Simply click on Print in the File menu and then select Notes from the dropdown list in the print dialog box.

how to write speaker notes for presentation

Adding speaker notes to your PowerPoint is a simple way to keep on track during your presentation and allow your audience to take in your slides.

Of course, you’ll also need to make sure that the other elements of your presentation are on point – you don’t want your hard work derailed by spelling and grammar issues. We can help with that! Our team of expert editors and proofreaders are available 24/7 to polish your PowerPoint presentation . And you can try it for free .

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How to Add and Work with Speaker Notes in Google Slides | Quick Tips & Tutorial for your presentations

Speaker notes are very useful when giving presentations. These help you highlight the key concepts that you want to talk about in each slide, and they’re not visible for your audience. In this new Slidesgo School tutorial, you’ll learn how to create speaker notes and where to place them. You’ll also find out how to present using speaker notes . 

Adding Speaker Notes

Using the presenter view.

  • Open your presentation in Google Slides.
  • At the bottom of the screen there’s a text field with the message “Click to add speaker notes”. The text that you enter here will be visible for you during your presentation, but not for your audience.
  • If you can’t see this text field, click View → Show speaker notes.
  • To display the speaker notes during your presentation, you need at least two screens: one for the presentation and another for the notes.
  • Click the drop-down arrow next to the Present button.
  • Select Presenter view. Your presentation will be displayed fullscreen and a new window will appear, where you can see some information and options:

- Timer : You can check how much time has passed since the beginning of your presentation. You can also pause or reset the timer by clicking the corresponding buttons. 

- Previous and Next: Click the corresponding thumbnail to go back to the previous slide or move on to the next slide. 

- Zoom: Next to the slide number you’ll find a “+” button and a “-” button. These allow you to increase or decrease the size of the speaker notes. 

- Audience Tools: This tab contains a button to allow questions from your audience, which will appear here. You must share the URL that appears above (it will also be displayed at the top of the main screen). If you don’t want to receive further questions, disable this option by clicking Off. 

Once you receive the first questions, you can click Present to display them on the main screen. To hide them again, just click Hide.

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Public speaking can be a daunting task, especially when addressing a large audience. Whether you're giving a presentation in the boardroom or delivering a keynote speech at a conference, holding your audience's attention and maintaining command of the room is paramount. The ability to captivate your audience and leave a lasting impression not only enhances your message's impact but also builds your reputation as a confident and effective speaker.

Here, Forbes Coaches Council members share invaluable tips and strategies to help you conquer your fear of public speaking and ensure that your next presentation or speech is a resounding success.

1. Be Confident

Be grounded and confident to be yourself and then tell great stories. Use your voice and the stage to bring the stories alive. Your audience will connect to the emotion of the story but make sure that it is relevant for your audience and related to the topic. - Cath Daley , Cath Daley Ltd

2. Find A Way To Actively Engage The Audience

Be prepared with ways to get your audience engaged and keep their focus. Whether that's relating to your audience, telling a joke or asking questions, actively driving engagement will make for a more effective presentation or speech. - Luke Feldmeier , Online Leadership Training - Career and Leadership Accelerator for Engineers

3. Create An Emotional Connection

Creating an emotional connection with the audience and involving them in your session fosters active participation, and ensures your audience stays engaged throughout. This also serves to enhance your presence and to create memories that stay with them long after your presentation ends. - Kristin Andree , Andree Group

4. Put Your Unique Take Front And Center

Do you have something unexpected to say about your topic? Something that goes against the mainstream opinion in your industry or is maybe even slightly provocative? If so, putting your unique take front and center in the title and the beginning of your talk and explaining or resolving it later keeps your audience engaged and interested. - Micha Goebig , Go Big Coaching & Communications, LLC

5. Remember That The Audience Doesn't Know Your Planned Speech

No one wants to see you fail as a speaker. Remember that the focus shouldn't be on whether or not you can recall verbatim every word of your planned speech. The focus should be on how to connect to your audience with a few key points using a combination of storytelling and facts. - Sheri Nasim , Center for Executive Excellence

6. Adapt Your Language To The Audience

Talk about something they are interested in or include elements that will keep them interested. Start by asking why your topic matters to each and every one of them. Use language adapted to the audience. Keep the key messages to two or three maximum. Show them what you think and why you care about the topic. - Isabelle Claus Teixeira , Business and Human Development Consulting Pte Ltd

7. Try To Incorporate An Element Of Surprise

Engagement is the key to keeping the audience's attention. Invite participation, tell stories, walk around, have visuals, include humor, raise your voice and ask questions. Think of a comedian who points at someone in the audience: "Hey, you with the red shirt?" Everyone pays attention. What element of surprise can you present? - Susan Jordan, MBA, MSODL, PCC , Sphereshift Coaching and Consulting

8. Know Your Audience

Doing research ahead of time to ensure you're providing the subject matter in a personalized manner will keep their attention. The topic will dictate the necessary vibe. Based on that, providing opportunities for the group to engage, such as shouting out a word, raising a hand, etc., will also help maintain their interest. - Lindsay Miller , Reverie Organizational Development Specialists

9. Use The Problem-Agitation-Solution Approach

Don't just give a presentation — share a story. It must be a story-audience fit though. Use the P.A.S. — problem-agitation-solution — approach. Start with introducing a problem, follow by agitating the problem via telling a relevant anecdote and conclude by offering a solution by giving an audience a clear, direct way to avoid the pain and learn the lesson. - Alla Adam , Alla Adam Coaching

10. Tell The Audience What They Need To Hear

Instead of trying to figure out what to say, figure out what the audience wants and needs to hear. This shift in perspective allows you to tailor your speech in a way that keeps audiences actively engaged because it's good content that they want to hear. - Robin Pou , The Confident Leader

11. Go All In

To command your audience's attention you have to get into the spirit of what you're teaching and go all in without second-guessing yourself. People want to be led, but they'll be unwilling to follow someone who isn't confident in what they are communicating. - Arash Vossoughi , Voss Coaching Co.

12. Use A Compelling Opening

Start your speech/presentation with a compelling opening that grabs the audience's attention. This could be a surprising fact, a relevant story or a thought-provoking question. This initial engagement can help you establish a strong connection with the audience and set the stage for a captivating presentation. - Moza-Bella Tram , Moza-Bella LLC

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13. Be Authentic

Connect deeply with your essence and purpose. Radiate authenticity. When you're centered in genuine passion and truth others feel it, creating an unspoken bond. It's not about performing; it's about being present and real and offering value from the heart. That's magnetic. - Anna Yusim, MD , Yusim Psychiatry, Consulting & Executive Coaching

14. Let Your Audience Talk

There is nothing worse than stealing everyone's craving for autonomy and speaking the whole time. The person who does the talking does the learning. So, give some autonomy to the audience. Let them talk. Even if it's thinking time and talking to themselves, or to their neighbor or table group. This gains trust and they will lean into what you have to say even more. - Alex Draper , DX Learning Solutions

15. Leverage Non-Verbal Cues

My top tip is to engage your audience through storytelling. A compelling narrative captures attention, evokes emotion and makes complex ideas more relatable. Additionally, use body language and eye contact effectively. These non-verbal cues can significantly enhance your connection with the audience. - Peter Boolkah , The Transition Guy

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  • Create speaker notes Video
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how to write speaker notes for presentation

Create speaker notes

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Speaker notes help you remember what to say when you present. Print them, or use Presenter view to see your notes, while the audience sees only your slides.

Add speaker notes

Slides work best when you don’t cram too much information (especially too much text) onto them.

Keep the text to a minimum and put the extra stuff in the speaker notes section, out of your audience’s sight. Then, refer to your notes while you give the presentation.

Open the notes pane by clicking NOTES at the bottom of the window.

Click in the notes pane below the slide, and enter your notes.

Create and print speaker notes

Use Presenter view

View your speaker notes as you deliver your slide show

Print slides, notes, or handouts

Use speaker notes to capture your talking points and the details you want to present with each slide.

For example, on the slide itself, include only essential points to keep the information simple and easy to scan.

Reserve the finer details for your speaker notes.

You’ll engage with your audience as you present this information, and they won’t have to read a crowded slide.

One way to use your notes is to print them out in a Notes Pages format and refer to them as you present.

Another way is to use PowerPoint’s Presenter view when you present.

Presenter view lets you see the slide and your notes on your laptop, while on the projector, your audience sees only the slide.

An added benefit of speaker notes is that you can print them as a handout for your audience, so people take away all the details.

To create speaker notes, click NOTES at the bottom of the editing window.

That opens the notes pane, where you type your notes for the slide.

To adjust the space in the pane, point to the top border and drag the double-headed arrow cursor up or down.

Type what you plan to say and the key points you’ll cover.

Apply formatting just the way you do for slide text.

For example, to make a bold-face heading, select the text, and on the HOME tab, click Bold , or to create a bulleted list, select the text, and on the HOME tab, click Bullets .

For each slide, add the notes you want.

As you work, and especially if you plan to print your notes, make use of Notes page view.

To open the view, click VIEW and Notes Page .

This shows the page as it will look when you print it, with the slide image and the notes.

You can add and format text here, too.

Let’s click Zoom In to see the text better.

Click the text to display its placeholder, this dotted border.

Any text outside this border won’t fit on the page when you print.

PowerPoint will print the extra text on a separate page.

But to keep it to this page, you have a few options.

Tighten up the notes text by deleting extra paragraph lines or revising text, if you can.

This info repeats the web address, so I’ll select it, and press Delete.

I’ll click Zoom Out to see more of the page.

If you want more space and don’t mind making the slide image smaller on this page, you can click the image to select it, point to the bottom-right corner, and drag the two-headed arrow upward to reduce the image size.

Then, display the text placeholder again, point to the top sizing handle, and drag the two-headed arrow cursor upward.

That adds space at the bottom of the placeholder.

I’ll click where I had the blank paragraph lines and press Enter to add them back.

Now, it looks better.

To move to another notes page, click Next Slide , the double arrows at the bottom of the scrollbar.

To return to the normal view, click Normal .

And if you are ready to close the notes pane, click NOTES .

Up next: Print notes or use Presenter view .


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