If I Could Change the World Essay: Examples & Writing Guide

To write an engaging “If I Could Change the World” essay, you have to get a few crucial elements:

  • What? How? Whom? When? Where?
  • The essay structure that determines where each answer should be;
  • Some tips that can make your writing unique and original.

Let us help you a bit and give recommendations for “If I Could Change the World” essays with examples. And bookmark our writing company website for excellent academic assistance and study advice.

  • 🗯 What Would You Change?
  • 💁‍♂️ How Would You Do It?

👉 Whom Would Your Changes Affect?

⏱️ when would you change the world, 🌎 where would you make changes, 📦 out-of-the-box thinking, 🤔 deep understanding, 🧠 an intelligible structure, 🗣️ excellent language.

  • 📝 Essay Example

✏️ Change the World Essay FAQ

🔗 references, 💡 if i could change the world essay: essential questions.

What do you think about the world we are all living in? The vast majority of people love their lives, being human, and living on the Earth. They may have no time to think about the world around them or notice that this world requires changes.

And do you have time to notice this? Do you believe that our world is no longer the best and safest place to live in? If you do and have some suggestions on how our world can be changed, you can write a good “If I Could Change the World” essay.

Start crafting your paper by considering these questions:

If I could change the world essay questions.

Answering them will boost your imagination and help with outlining your essay. Besides, you may find something new about yourself and your mind.

🗯 If You Could Change the World, What Would You Change?

What do I want to change in the world? Start this essay with those particular things that you believe require fixing. We are sure you will not have difficulties with this point because the problems we face these days seem endless.

We’ve gotten used to having such problems, and many people are sure that nothing can ever change. But what if millions of people became more conscious and decided to make even a minor effort to solve just one problem? In that case, we would already live in a better place.

For example:

Why not mention global warming or air pollution? There are plenty of problems common to humanity that require our intervention, so essay writing about global issues is also a great opportunity to narrow down your topic.

Use your imagination and describe your great ideas in your essay about changing the world for better. You could build up a fantastic paper—or maybe even change the world.

💁‍♂️ How Would You Change the World?

What ways do you think would be the most effective to make necessary changes? Whose help might you need? You have to speculate, “How can I change the world?” for the essay.

You’ll have to use your imagination here again:

  • Delve deeper into the topic. List the ways, methods, or strategies you’d utilize to help the world we live in.
  • Make a list of these people or organizations.
  • Explain how they could contribute to achieving your aim.

For instance, you could consider involving global charities or celebrities to assist you on your path to a better world.

Would your changes influence society in the world? Or some particular groups of people would need them more than all the others?

This is another exciting idea that you could develop in your essay. Give insight into whose lives your actions would change. For example, you could think of improving the lives of poor, hungry children in Africa or helping animals suffering from global warming.

Do you think that the problems you are talking about require immediate solutions? There are issues worldwide that can’t wait any longer and need to be changed urgently.

Why not discuss them?

Here’s an idea: Bring up a topic related to a pressing global health issue. For example, focus your main point on incurable diseases or infectious diseases that annually kill more than 17 million people .

In what part of the world would you change something?

It’s essential to touch on the location of your global changes. Are you audacious enough to implement your great ideas worldwide? Or would you be better off starting in a small area and eventually growing it into something on a larger scale?

Consider these ideas as well, and don’t forget to mention the location in your paper.

You can also read our article on world peace to learn more about current problems and issues that require changes.

✒️ If I Could Change the World Essay: Writing Guide

What are the criteria that guide your professor when evaluating your “If I Could Change the World” essay? Are there any one-size-fits-all characteristics you can safely incorporate to end up with a breathtaking paper?

There are! And knowing them will help you write more convincing essays that earn better grades.

If I could change the world essay tips.

Representing your original thinking as an author doesn’t mean that you have to invent something new or discover some unknown theory. Not to discourage you, but chances of doing that are pretty small.

Try writing a “changing the world” essay different from other students’ papers because of its original approach . You could look at things from an unusual angle or come up with a new hypothesis. Even the purpose of your writing can differ if you add creativity.

Your “If I Could Change the World” essay topic is a platform for unlimited imagination and original thinking. Go ahead and make the most of it!

A perfect essay about the world’s problems—just like any other essay—shows in-depth knowledge. Demonstrate the comprehension of all the facts, concepts, and issues you’re talking about. You also need to clearly understand why these ideas matter, both to you and your reader.

To end up with a fantastic “changing the world” essay, you should do the following:

  • Craft and polish a persuasive thesis, stating your position clearly.
  • Find credible sources to add quotes and value to your writing.
  • Use engaging, relevant facts for your arguments and central hypothesis.
  • Consider and analyze different viewpoints.
  • Summarize and synthesize data from various sources.
  • Double-check information that you’re uncertain about.
  • Write a reference list at the bottom of your essay.

Don’t forget to analyze and consider all points of view and include quotations from reputable sources.

The first and foremost thing to bear in mind when outlining your essay is that it should answer the following three questions:

Also, a high-quality essay contains all of the necessary parts of an academic paper:

  • Introduction : Starts with a hook that grabs the reader’s attention. Directs the reader, identifies the focus, and provides the context of the issue. Most importantly, it includes a thesis statement. If you struggle with this part, try to make use of a thesis statement generator .
  • Main body : Provides the argumentation for your thesis and supporting details. Includes quotes and other data that you’ve gathered. Every paragraph starts with a topic sentence and ends with a concluding one, tying the text together.
  • Conclusion : Restates and develops the thesis and summarizes the arguments. Gives the last impression on the reader, leaving the final thoughts in the concluding sentences. May include a call for action.

Your “If I Could Change the World” essay should have a consistent discussion and a balanced argument. Relevant facts and data should support all the points. The conclusion weighs your evidence and provides your final opinion about the paper’s central idea.

Your discussion should be smooth and effortless so that your readers feel like they are in safe hands. The sentences should be flowing naturally and logically from one to the other. The reader should understand everything from the first read. Do not deviate from your topic, or else the focus of your essay will be lost.

You should strive for flawless grammar, spelling, and punctuation, without mistakes or typos. To ensure its flawlessness, proofread your paper or ask someone to do it for you.

If I Could Change the World: Essay Topics

  • Can one person change the world?
  • What can we do to eliminate the global violence?
  • How I would change animal rights and welfare laws .
  • Helping homeless people is a critical task for humanity.
  • Becoming a social service assistant is the best way to change the world.
  • Creativity can change the world and make it a better place to live in.  
  • If I could change the world, I would destroy nuclear weapons.
  • Can courage change the world when the cost is so great?
  • We need to stop climate change to save the world.
  • What I can do to save the world from global warming.
  • The things I would do to eliminate gaming addiction from the world.
  • I would save the Earth from destruction by making hanges in an energy crisis.
  • Why we should pay more attention to the overpopulation problem .
  • Fighting inflation and unemployment is a way to change the world.
  • What I can do today to help integration of children with special needs.
  • Elimination of smoking will change the population’s health for the better.
  • If we want to save the Earth, we should reduce air polution.
  • The best career choice to change the world.
  • If I could change the world, I would improve the humanity and nature relationship.
  • The most important thing I would change about this world is the disease prevention level.
  • Combat the growing trend of obesity to improve health in the community.
  • Should we ban consumable plastics to save oceans wildlife?
  • Using electric vehicles instead of gas cars will improve people’s life quality.
  • Removing domestic violence and abuse is the thing I would do to change the world.
  • What I would change to create an ideal society.  
  • Becoming a teacher is my way of improving schooling for young learners.  
  • How I would change the economic situation in modern Latin America.
  • My plans on banning experiments on animals.  
  • Preparing effective tools to change the children’s world.
  • We need to change the system to remove health disparities.  
  • What I would do to change the situation with alcohol abuse in the world.
  • Racism is the global issue that requires an immediate change.
  • The things that can be done to change the level of substance abuse among adolescents.
  • If I could change the world, I would remove gender inequality from it.
  • The solution to social problems within educational institutions is the change we should make in this world.
  • What changes can we make to overcome the world poverty?
  • Why it’s important to resolve the global water crisis.  
  • The solution of immigrant problems is a step towards a better society.
  • How eliminating corruption will make this world better.
  • What can I do to help resolve the problems of older adults ?
  • Lowering crime rates will change the world.
  • How I would change the situation with indigenous Australians.
  • Preventing and curing breast cancer is one of the greatest concerns in modern society.
  • What can we do to prevent disease outbreaks?
  • Why the problem of school violence requires our immediate attention.
  • How I would change the food distribution to combat the issue of world hunger.  
  • Why we should promote renewable energy sources.
  • Terrorism is the most urgent problem in modern society.
  • What would I do to change the situation with school bullying?  
  • What should we change in the world to resolve the problems of LGBT people?

📝 If I Could Change the World: Essay Example

In this section, you’ll find an essay example on the topic. The downloadable PDF version is under the preview. Hope it will inspire you to write your own If I Could Change the World essay!

If I Could Change the World: Pros and Cons (Essay Example)

The idea of having a tremendous influence on the course of the world history is rather tempting since it implies huge power and the availability of any resource possible. Thus, the possibility of changing the world might be perceived solely as a positive concept at first. However, without the ability to encompass and understand the global implications of the changes that I would make, I would take the actions that would most likely result in the suffering of multiple people, which is why the described scenario is highly undesirable.

Now that you know a little more, it’s easy to come up with even more “If I Could Change the World” essay topics. Just think about them carefully or surf the web for some inspiration.

Thank you for reading till the end! Leave your comment in the section below. Share the article with friends who also have to write an “If I Could Change the World” essay.

Further reading:

  • World Peace Essay in Simple English: How-to + Topic Ideas

It is a paper that deals with a controversial question “Can we change the world” (or similar). There are many ways to develop this topic: from telling about a person, invention, or idea of speaking about skills for changing the world.

To be concise within such a broad topic might be a challenge. One strategy might be to think about who or what in human history has changed something in society a lot. It might be an invention, a politician, a scientist, etc. Then, focus just on that subject.

There many ways to change something, both negatively and positively. If we do not care about ecology, we ruin the world’s biosphere. If we do our best to stay eco-friendly, we make it a better place. We can also change the world with the help of education, science, medicine, etc.

If you do not like the topic you are given, there are always ways to divert from it. Meanwhile, you will formally keep it the same. You can, for example, start by introducing a correlated idea. Then, write about that idea and its connection to the topic.

  • One Person Can Change The World
  • Essay about Three Things I Would Change in the World
  • The Power of Music to Help Change the World (and Me!)
  • If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
  • To Change the World, Change Yourself
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Essay “if you could change the world”: what would you do and why?

Very nice essay about the world B-)

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If You Could Change The World, What Would You Do

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How to Write the UT Austin Essays 2023-2024

how will you change the world college essay

The University of Texas, Austin is a large public research university with an enrollment of over 51,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students. UT Austin is the flagship institution of the University of Texas system, and is the home to some of the best engineering, architecture, and business programs in the nation.

Since UT Austin is a selective school, writing strong essays is essential for making your application stand out. UT Austin’s application involves one long essay and four short essay questions (one of which is optional), with additional writing requirements for students applying to these programs: Art/Art History, Architecture, Nursing, and Social Work.

Read these UT Austin essay examples from real students to inspire your own writing.

UT Austin Essay Prompts

Tell us your story. what unique opportunities or challenges have you experienced throughout your high school career that have shaped who you are today (500-700 words), short answer.

Prompt 1 : Why are you interested in the major you indicated as your first-choice major? (250-300 words)

Prompt 2 : Describe how your experiences, perspectives, talents, and/or your involvement in leadership activities (at your school, job, community, or within your family) will help you to make an impact both in and out of the classroom while enrolled at UT. (250-300 words)

Prompt 3 : The core purpose of The University of Texas at Austin is, “To Transform Lives for the Benefit of Society.” Please share how you believe your experience at UT-Austin will prepare you to “Change the World” after you graduate. (250-300 words)

Prompt 4 (Optional): Please share background on events or special circumstances that you feel may have impacted your high school academic performance. If your response to this question is similar to one of the Common App Personal Essays, feel free to simply copy and paste the important parts of your essay here. (250-300 words)

Art/Art History Applicants

Prompt 1 : In 500 words or less, please tell us about a time when an artwork, artist or art teacher impacted your life. How did this inspire you to pursue an education in the arts?

Architecture Applicants

Prompt 1 : Inherent in the design disciplines the capacity to impact the world around us. What does the opportunity to develop such capacity mean to you and you approach to your college education? Please limit your response to 250-300 words.

Prompt 2 : Please provide and upload three images total that demonstrate your creativity. The three images may all be of one option type, or varied amongst the two following options:

Option 1 – Either an original photograph or photographs from a camera, smart phone/mobile device, OR

Option 2 – images of an original art or design project that you have produced and authored yourself., for all, describe how the three images are representative of how you see creativity as a way to describe, reflect on, or change the world. please limit your response to 50-75 words..

Discuss the factors that have influenced your motivation and deep desire to pursue a career in Nursing. Please include any activities and/or life experiences that are related. (250-300 words).

Social Work

Discuss the reasons you chose Social Work as your first—choice major and how a Social Work degree from UT will prepare you for the future. (450-500 words)

Long Essay—All Applicants

This is Topic A of the ApplyTexas Essays . The long essay is the space to tell your story and let the admissions office know something about you that does not appear on your high school resume or transcript. The long word limit gives you time to develop and reflect on an important experience. It’s not enough to just tell a story of an opportunity or challenge; you need to dive into what aspects of your experience influenced you to be the person you are currently.

This prompt is very open-ended, so it is important to take time before you start writing to think about what subject matter you want to talk about. Make sure all elements in your essay tie together and don’t overwhelm the reader with too much information. Focus on only a few, or even just one, experiences within your essay, and dive into good detail on how your experience has shaped you as a person.

The prompt asks you to describe “unique opportunities or challenges” that you have experienced. While brainstorming ideas for your essay, don’t get too caught up in thinking that you must find something that is an obvious opportunity or challenge; think about hobbies, extracurriculars, or personal experiences that have influenced you to this day.

Here are some examples:

  • A chance job opportunity that allowed you to push yourself — Maybe you grew up in a rural area and you spent part of your time in high school tending to cows and goats. You’d wake up early before school to tend to the animals, and through that you learned to be reliable and developed a passion for caring for animals. Or maybe an acquaintance runs a small business and you were given the opportunity to run their social media to promote the business. This opportunity taught you the difficulties of running a small business, and also helped you find a creative outlet through advertising design. Either of those examples, or more unique job opportunities that you may have stumbled upon in high school, requires time and dedication, and teaches responsibility.
  • Creative hobbies — You like to design and sew clothing for yourself. While designing your prom dress, you came across an intricate bodice design that you wanted to emulate. Figuring out how the pattern came together was like solving a complex puzzle, and because of all of the challenges you have come across while attempting to translate a 2D idea into real life, you have become better at visualizing how different things around you come together, and it’s a skill you’ve carried through all parts of your life. It’s helped you visualize difficult math concepts, or organize your desk and closet space to optimize your productivity.

Short Answers—All Applicants

For your UT Austin application, you are required to respond to the first three prompts. There is also an additional prompt to let the committee know about any extenuating circumstances that may have affected your high school performance.

Short Answer 1—All Applicants

Why are you interested in the major you indicated as your first-choice major (250-300 words).

Ah, the common “Why This Major” college application essay. This essay is important to demonstrate to the admissions committee that you are passionate about the area of study you are interested in. Whatever major is your first choice, you need to take time to reflect and think about what drew you to pursue this field of study.

As detailed in CollegeVine’s article about writing the “Why This Major” essay, a couple key topics to cover are how you developed this interest, and your goals in studying this major. 

Show how you’ve looked into research or career opportunities that appeal to you, and the steps you have taken to pursue your interest, whether it be through hobbies, jobs, research opportunities, readings, etc. Do you have personal reasons for choosing this major? Detail those reasons, and explain how either a personal experience, inspirational character, or more have impacted your life and decision to study your major.

  • Biology — You have been a passionate bird-watcher for most of your life. Your father would take you around to various parks and teach you how to identify various bird calls, differentiate between males and females within a species, and more. This has developed into an interest in the evolutionary and migratory behavior of birds, and you wish to pursue biology as the stepping stone to further graduate studies specializing in birds.
  • Radio-Television-Film — Growing up, you’ve always had a fascination with movies and have become a huge movie buff. You’ve been especially interested in how the creative team creates and rig up the physical special effects and props. In your spare time, you and your friends make your own home films, and you are often the one who researches and creates any special effects and props with your available budget and resources. Though your home productions are not the most well-refined, you have had fun, and you want to pursue Film to get a better understanding of how to professionally create crazy shots and break into the film industry.
  • Linguistics — Your family moved around a lot throughout your childhood, and in every new town or city you lived in, you were fascinated by the different slang and accents of the people around you. You’ve lived everywhere — Louisiana, Vancouver, Long Island, South Dakota, Southern California, and more, and you want to further understand how these regional quirks developed and how they affect the culture of an area today.

how will you change the world college essay

Short Answer 2—All Applicants

Describe how your experiences, perspectives, talents, and/or your involvement in leadership activities (at your school, job, community, or within your family) will help you to make an impact both in and out of the classroom while enrolled at ut. (250-300 words).

This is the classic Diversity Essay , which allows colleges to get to know you better and how you’ll impact their campus community.

Reflect on the things that make you truly unique. If you choose to go down the talent route, keep in mind that “talent” is a broad term that can apply to anything. It’s not just about whether or not you can juggle; perhaps your talent is your ability to lead vocal warmups before the school musical – you can write about how you’ve learned to build a sense of community using your talent.

And speaking on leadership, leadership isn’t just becoming an officer in a school organization or a captain of an athletic team. Leadership can also be demonstrated by taking charge and caring for your siblings while your parents are busy, organizing your friend group’s yearly Secret Santa, or coaching your neighborhood swim team. Even if something you did isn’t explicitly a “leadership role,” you can demonstrate guidance and management skills in other ways. 

Avoid just listing off all leadership positions you have held. This information is most likely already elsewhere in your application, and doesn’t give the admissions committee a more in-depth view of why you are passionate about the areas you have shown leadership in and what you did to better the group/environment/area around you. Pick 1-3 related experiences, and tie together how you took initiative to shape things around you. The admissions committee wants to make sure they are accepting students with initiative and determination to impact their environment. 

  • Family Responsibility — Your parents had to work late hours a lot to earn enough for your family when you were younger. Though you and your siblings have always been responsible, you’ve noticed that it’s been difficult for your younger brother with special needs when your parents were away in the evenings, so you took the time to create different activities for him. You had your brother explore various hobbies that were accessible to you, such as drawing or tree climbing around your neighborhood, to keep him busy, mentally stimulated, and help your parents. This has taught you a lot of responsibility and you would love to continue to work with children who have special needs through some of UT Austin’s organizations like the Student Council for Exceptional Children.
  • Friend Group Activities — You have a small group of friends who enjoy spending time with each other, but are terrible at planning larger, more ambitious activities. You decided that you were sick of just doing the same old thing, hanging out in the park or a parent’s basement. You started organizing day trips to the city nearby, Secret Santa gift exchanges, a day kayaking trip, and more to help you and your friends explore different activities. You coordinated everyone’s schedule and made sure to accommodate all your friends’ likes and dislikes, and have become the unofficial “leader” of your friend group. You now hope to take these experiences and work as an orientation advisor to help incoming freshmen find their group as well.
  • School/Extracurricular Events – You stepped up to the plate this year to plan the school’s Homecoming dance, and you wanted to make sure your senior dance could be as fun, inclusive, and well-planned as possible. As such, you organized a committee, delegated responsibilities, and implemented strategies to increase attendance, emphasize safety, and organize different activities that appealed to the wider school community. You gained event planning experience and hope to bring that same passion to UT Austin and assist UT Austin’s Events + Entertainment organization with bringing student-focused events to campus.

The common thread between these three examples is that they all write about a personal experience that eventually ties to how you’ll bring your gained knowledge to UT Austin. You won’t just want to name drop organizations that you hope to join at UT Austin, rather you’ll want to explain why—particularly with a personal connection. 

Short Answer 3—All Applicants

The core purpose of the university of texas at austin is, “to transform lives for the benefit of society.” please share how you believe your experience at ut-austin will prepare you to “change the world” after you graduate. (250-300 words).

UT Austin wants its students to work for the betterment of the world. This prompt requires students to reflect on their personal goals and think about their impact on society. Your response should explain how UT Austin will help you reach those goals using the “Why This College?” essay format. 

First, consider the field of study you want to pursue and what sort of impact you want to make. Maybe you want to go into public health to improve the health outcomes of underrepresented communities. Or perhaps you want to study English and Environmental Science to become an environmental lawyer. 

Keep in mind that its impact doesn’t have to be directly related to community service or altruism. For example, computer science majors can change the world by making processes more efficient. Economics majors can become financial advisors and improve the lives of others. 

If you’re not sure how your work can impact others, see if you can find alumni stories on the website of your department. Here’s the Public Health one , for example. These real-life stories can give you some inspiration on your wide range of options after graduation.

Your goals can be both big and small, but they need to be personal. The “what” doesn’t matter if you don’t write about the “why.” 

Finally, be sure to mention specific UT Austin resources that will help you change the world. Using the public health example, that student may mention how UT Austin offers a student internship program that allows students to conduct their own semester-long research projects and how that will prepare them to conduct independent public health research on minority health outcomes in the future.

It’s also important to mention relevant extracurriculars. Continuing that example, the public health student may want to join Texas Public Health, an on-campus organization, to volunteer in the Austin community and get hands-on experience in public health initiatives. 

Short Answer 4—All Applicants (optional)

Please share background on events or special circumstances that you feel may have impacted your high school academic performance. if your response to this question is similar to one of the common app personal essays, feel free to simply copy and paste the important parts of your essay here. (250-300 words).

This essay is optional and provides you the opportunity to explain extenuating circumstances that have affected your education during high school. This is not necessarily a space where you would include a creative essay about your passion for math or make a political statement. Rather this is room for you to let the UT Austin admissions committee know about any extenuating circumstances that may have affected your academic performance. 

Although in the near-past, the COVID-19 pandemic has and is still affecting many students across the world in various ways. This could be a situation that you may want to explain to the admissions committees.

Other non-COVID-related experiences may have also impacted you. If there is a circumstance, such as a loss of job, sickness of a close relative, mental health, or more that has affected your school performance, let UT Austin know here so the admissions committee may take it into consideration while reading your application. 

If any of these extenuating circumstances are written in your Common App personal statement, more likely from prompt 1 or prompt 2 , then you can include an excerpt here.

However, do not use this space as a way to excuse poor performances. Be direct, and let the circumstances speak for themselves. Also keep in mind that many students were disrupted by COVID-19 in similar ways, so you should only write about circumstances that went beyond those common experiences. 

There’s no need to take up the full allotted space or even really write a whole essay; just use as much space as needed to explain your situation.

Major-Specific Short Answer Questions

Certain majors at UT Austin require submitting 1-2 additional short responses. These prompts are brief and dive deeper into showing your passion for your intended area of study.

Art/Art History

In 500 words or less, please tell us about a meaningful way in which an artwork, or artist, has changed your life. how has this prompted your ambitions for a life in the arts.

For the art/art history major at UT Austin, the admissions committee wants to see a commitment to the arts in your everyday life. Dive deep and think about what artists inspired you, or what specific art pieces you find yourself going back to. 

Think across various mediums of art. Painters, sculptors, cinematographers, poets, or more can serve as inspiration to you. Maybe a piece of art inspired you to create your own art and got you interested in different painting techniques across different cultures, inspired you to change habits within your life, or start a band. Whatever inspired you, make sure to relate how your inspiration directly impacted you. Don’t get caught up in just describing your favorite artist or work; tie it into your own life experiences and goals.


Inherent in the design disciplines the capacity to impact the world around us. what does the opportunity to develop such capacity mean to you and your approach to your college education please limit your response to 250-300 words..

The admissions committee is hoping to get a sense of your goals and reasons for applying to the Architecture program at UT Austin.

While impacting the world sounds like a weighty topic, UT Austin isn’t looking for you to embellish. The admissions committee wants to hear how you would apply an education in architecture to help the world in any capacity, and that goes for anything from your local community to the globe. 

First define your reasons for pursuing architecture. This is important since the prompt asks what the capacity to impact the world means to you , so you need to reflect on how you’ll impact the world and why you want to do it in that way.

Do you want to design houses in low-income neighborhoods since you grew up in low-income housing that wasn’t efficient or livable? Or do you want to design apartments with sustainability in mind since you’re from Hawaii and have seen how construction can disrupt the environment? 

When possible, mention specific UT Austin resources that will help you achieve your goals, as the prompt asks how your goals shape your approach to your college education. For the student who wants to create sustainable architecture, they may mention courses like Modern History of Sustainable Architecture or wanting to be in one of the fastest-growing cities in the US (Austin), offering many opportunities for hands-on experience in sustainable development.

Please provide and upload three images total that demonstrate your creativity. The three images may all be of one option type, or varied amongst the two following options:

This is a short prompt! The admissions committee wants to see through your eyes and get an idea of your vision of the world. Be concise in your statement, and make sure your photos have a common thread, even if it’s not initially obvious. For example, you could submit photos of the skyline at important locations or times to you, or you could submit photos of various objects that inspire you. This is a very open-ended prompt, and you can spin it to really show the admissions committee your unique outlook on life and the environment around you.

This is also a chance to showcase your creativity and artistic skill. While the program doesn’t require you to submit a portfolio, submitting some of your artwork would give you more of an opportunity to stand out, particularly because UT Austin allows you to mix and match the format of your submissions.

Another way to make your response more cohesive and concise is to submit work with an overarching theme, whether that’s various pictures of your neighborhood at sunset, or artwork you made in response to a specific topic. Tying the three submissions together with a bow will give the admissions committee a stronger sense of how you think about the big picture.

While neither of these prompts have a defined word limit, make sure to answer the question thoroughly while also keeping it brief — remember, the admissions committee is reading many applications and you want to keep them engaged! We recommend no more than 500 words.

Discuss the factors that have influenced your desire to pursue a career in Nursing. Please include any activities and/or life experiences that are related (250-300 words)

This question allows you to discuss why you chose Nursing as your first choice program. Although you have already answered why you want to pursue your first choice major in the short answers section of the application, this extra space really allows you to dive deeper into why you decided to pursue nursing as a career and allows you to show off your work towards your goal. You can add additional anecdotes about why you chose nursing that you might not have had space to include in your short answer prompt.

Before beginning this essay, write down the qualities you feel a good nurse would have. Are they compassionate, culturally aware, patient, knowledgeable, etc.?

Then, write down the activities you did that correspond with those qualities. Did you volunteer for your local Red Cross, or organize a fundraiser for your local care facilities? Did you work in a nursing home, or at a daycare to gain experience working with people with varying needs? What academic classes did you take in high school to prepare yourself for a college nursing program? 

Maybe instead, your motivations to pursue a career in nursing are more related to your own life experiences. Is someone close to you in that occupation? Have you previously worked in a healthcare-related role? Or have you had your own medical issue where a nurse meaningfully changed your perspective on medicine?

Be specific, and dive into details on how your activities or life experiences relate to developing an interest in nursing and a nursing career. Chances are, you have already listed your activities out in another section of your application. Using anecdotes about specific instances or events is crucial in offering new information that will keep admissions officers engaged, and teach them about your passion for nursing.

Discuss the reasons you chose Social Work as your first-choice major and how a Social Work degree from UT will prepare you for the future.

Similar to the nursing prompt, the UT Austin admissions committee is looking for additional information that may not have fit into previous essay answers. How do you want to give back to your community by doing social work? What specific area of social work do you want to work in? Do you want to work with mental health, child protection, human rights, or other aspects of social work? For example, if you grew up in the foster care system and you want to help children who grew up in a similar situation to you, elaborate on that.

The second part of this question asks you how specifically an UT Austin degree can help you with your future goals and career. Make sure to show that you have researched the program itself. Name specific research institutes you may want to work in, such as the Addiction Research Institute, and elaborate what issues you want to study. Relate these to the work you want to do in your future.

If you’re unsure of the specific specialization of social work you want to do, narrow it down to 2-3 interests, and talk about how you can explore various subjects through courses or clubs at UT Austin. Show the admissions committee that you have done your research on the school and truly believe that it is the best place for you to achieve your goals. For instance, someone interested in working with seniors might want to join the research team for the project Telehealth treatments for depression with low-income homebound seniors .

Where to Get Your University of Texas at Austin Essays Edited

Do you want feedback on your UT Austin essays? After rereading your essays countless times, it can be difficult to evaluate your writing objectively. That’s why we created our free Peer Essay Review tool , where you can get a free review of your essay from another student. You can also improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays. 

If you want a college admissions expert to review your essay, advisors on CollegeVine have helped students refine their writing and submit successful applications to top schools. Find the right advisor for you to improve your chances of getting into your dream school.

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how will you change the world college essay

Essays & Short Answers

Summer/Fall 2025 Essay

Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you’ve already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design.

Please keep your essay between 500–650 words (typically two to three paragraphs).

The Common App personal essay will complete the UT Austin essay requirement.

Spring 2025 Essays

All freshman Spring 2025 applicants must submit Topic A in ApplyTexas.

Please keep your essay between 500–700 words (typically two to three paragraphs).

Spring 2025 Essay Topic

Tell us your story. What unique opportunities or challenges have you experienced throughout your high school career that have shaped who you are today?

Submitting Your Essay

You can submit your essays:

  • In conjunction with your application.
  • Using the Document Upload System in MyStatus.

*Students do not need to submit other Common App essays. We’ll only review what is required.

Short Answers

Submit the required short answers to prompts in your admission application. Answers are limited to no more than 40 lines, or about 250–300 words per prompt, typically the length of one paragraph.

Summer/Fall 2025 Prompts

  • Why are you interested in the major you indicated as your first-choice major?
  • Think of all the activities — both in and outside of school — that you have been involved with during high school. Which one are you most proud of and why? ( Guidance for student s: This can include an extracurricular activity, a club/organization, volunteer activity, work or a family responsibility.)

Optional Short Answer

Please share background on events or special circumstances that you feel may have impacted your high school academic performance.

Spring 2025 Prompts

  • Describe how your experiences, perspectives, talents, and/or your involvement in leadership activities (at your school, job, community or within your family) will help you to make an impact both in and out of the classroom while enrolled at UT.
  • The core purpose of The University of Texas at Austin is, “To Transform Lives for the Benefit of Society.” Please share how you believe your experience at UT Austin will prepare you to “Change the World” after you graduate.

Submitting Your Short Answers

You can submit your short answers with either your Common App or Apply Texas application. Short answer responses must be completed in order to submit your application.

Transfer applicants must submit one essay responding to Topic A. Applicants to the School of Architecture are required to upload Topic D in addition to Topic A. 

Essay Topics

Topic a (required).

The statement of purpose will provide an opportunity to explain any extenuating circumstances that you feel could add value to your application. You may also want to explain unique aspects of your academic background or valued experiences you may have had that relate to your academic discipline. The statement of purpose is not meant to be a listing of accomplishments in high school/college or a record of your participation in school-related activities. Rather, this is your opportunity to address the admission committee directly and to let us know more about you as an individual, in a manner that your transcripts and the other application information cannot convey.

Topic D (School of Architecture majors only)

Personal interaction with objects, images and spaces can be so powerful as to change the way one thinks about particular issues or topics. For your intended area of study, describe an experience where instruction in that area or your personal interaction with an object, image or space effected this type of change in your thinking. What did you do to act upon your new thinking and what have you done to prepare yourself for further study in this area?

Submitting Your Essay(s)

If I Could Change The World Essay Examples

If I could change the world, I would start by making sure that everyone had access to basic life necessities. This includes food, shelter, and clean water. I would also work to end abuse in all forms. No one deserves to be treated poorly, and no one should have to live in fear.

Lastly, I would want to give everyone the opportunity to reach their full potential. Everyone deserves a chance to succeed in life. These are just a few of the things I would change if I had the power to do so. We can all make a difference in the world, no matter how big or small our actions may be. Let’s strive to make it a better place for everyone.

There would be super heroes if this were a film. But this is reality, and it’s up to me to make a change. There are a lot of things going on throughout the world. But do you pay attention to what’s happening TO OUR WORLD? Our world is quickly falling apart as we destroy each other with violence and spread hatred toward others. THE EARTH IS HERE TO STAY, AND IT IS UNMOVING. The only thing that influences the world is us, the individuals. We are responsible for violence by murdering one another and generating hatred among ourselves.

If we could only figure out a way to love one another, life would be so much easier. We have to change the way we think in order to change the world. If I could change the world, I would start with me. I would try to be more understanding and less judgmental.

I would also spread love and peace everywhere I go. So it starts with me and then maybe, just maybe, it will spread like wildfire and change the world for good. Abuse is something that needs to stop as well. Too many people are getting hurt because of it. We need to stand up and say enough is enough! Let’s make a change and show everyone that we can do this!

Every day, our loved ones perish without reason. I can provide you with a list of circumstances. Children are presently dying of hunger all around the world. People throughout the globe are waking up to a day of misery. Innocent youngsters are being raped and murdered on a daily basis. Wives are unable to focus on their responsibilities since to the agony they feel from their husbands’ abuse. Last night at least one household was subjected to violence by an inebriated individual.

All of these atrocities can be stopped. If I could change the world, I would start with life. I would make it so that everyone had enough to eat. I would see to it that children were never again used as sex slaves or soldiers. I would put an end to abusive relationships by teaching people about respect and communication. And finally, I would get rid of all the guns and drugs that lead to death and destruction.

But alas, I cannot change the world. Only you can do that. So please, take my words to heart and make the changes that are so desperately needed in our world today. Together, we can make a difference.

Intoxicated individuals may cause car accidents, hurt people, and rip their bodies apart. Not only humans are affected by these circumstances, but also animals. Dogs are being murdered in gambled fights for money and pleasure all across the world. Animals are consuming one another all over the world. Male dogs are being murdered and robbed for their earnings because they work hard. Hardworking men and women are being killed and plundered for the money they generate.

It would be life-changing if we could put a stop to these activities. We could create more jobs and opportunities for people, so they wouldn’t have to resort to criminal activity to make a living. We could also invest in rehabilitation programs for those who are struggling with addiction, so they can get the help they need and turn their lives around. Finally, we could educate people on the importance of animal welfare, so that more people would be aware of the suffering that animals endure every day.

Teenagers are attempting suicide in record numbers due to the hatred and bullying they suffer. Lovers are splitting up, inflicting physical harm on themselves so that they may forget about their heartbreak. Children are sneaking out and fleeing as their parents laugh about the abuse they inflict on their children. People in other countries are involved in conflict, seeing loved ones perish from all the missiles and explosions.

If only I could change the world, life would be so perfect. No one would have to worry about being hurt or abused. Everyone would get along and life would be one big adventure. Just think, if I could change the world there would be no more suicide, split lovers, bullies, children running away & wars. So much hate in the world could be turned into so much love. life would be one big party that no one would ever want to leave.

So many people are hurting and they don’t deserve it. It’s not right that they have to go through all that pain. If I could change the world, I would make sure that everyone was happy and they never had to worry about being hurt again. Life is too short to spend it being unhappy. Everyone deserves to be loved and life should be a fun adventure. So let’s all make a change and start making the world a better place!

Everywhere there is someone who is experiencing some sort of suffering at the hands of another person. What are these people and creatures doing to deserve this? Is there anything, right? Nobody pays attention to all of the terrible things that are going on in our world. That no one should have to live life like this is unacceptable. People are supposed to learn to get along with each other and assist one another.

No one should have to go through life and feel like they’re not worth anything.If I could change the world, I would start by making sure that everyone is treated equally, no matter what their race, religion, or sexuality is. I would also work on stopping all the abuse that goes on in the world. Animals are being abused every day, and it’s something that needs to stop.

People are also being abused, whether it’s emotionally, mentally, or physically. Nobody deserves to be a victim of abuse. Lastly, I would work on getting rid of all the negativity in the world. There’s too much anger and hatred, and it needs to be replaced with love and positivity. If we all work together, I believe that we can make the world a better place for everyone.

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How to Write a College Application Essay

Your essay reveals something important about you that your grades and test scores can't─your personality. It can give admissions officers a sense of who you are and showcase your writing ability. Here are some things that admissions officers look for in a personal essay for college.

1. Open Strong.

Knowing how to start a college essay can create a strong opening paragraph that immediately captures the reader’s interest. You want to make the admissions officer reading your essay curious about what you say next.

2. Show You Can Write.

Colleges want to see that you have a command of the basics of good writing, which is a key component of success in college.

3. Answer the Prompt.

Admissions officers also want to see that the student can give a direct answer while sticking to a comprehensive narrative. When writing college essays, consider the point you want to make and develop a fleshed-out response that fits the prompt. Avoid force-fitting prewritten pieces. Approach every personal essay prompt as if it's your first.

4. Stick to Your Style.

Writing college essays isn't about using flowery or verbose prose. Avoid leaning too heavily on the thesaurus to sound impressive. Choose a natural writing style that’s appropriate for the subject matter.

Also, avoid stressing about trying to write what you think colleges want to see. Learning how to draft a good essay for college is about showcasing who you are. Stay true to your voice. Keep in mind that authenticity is more important than anything else.

5. Proofread.

Correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling are essential. Proofread several times after you've finished. Then ask a teacher, parent, or college English major to give it a quick read as well.

6. Keep Track of Length.

Finally, admissions officers value succinctness. Remember to pay attention to the recommended essay length or word count.

Bonus Tips and College Essay Writing Help

For more on how to write a college essay, check out these Tips for Writing Your College Admissions Essay .

What is the college application essay?

A personal essay for college applications is an opportunity for admission admissions panels to get more insight into who you are and what you have to offer. It's often the most personal component of the application, going beyond grades and standardized test scores. Essays usually have open-ended prompts, allowing you to flex your writing skills and make a personal statement.

Does my college application essay really matter?

Learning how to write a successful essay for college is crucial. This essay's exact weight on your chances of acceptance varies from one school to the next. But it's an element of your application that all admissions teams consider. Your essay could be the thing that gets you off a waiting list or gives you a competitive edge over other applicants.

What are colleges looking for in my application essay?

Knowing what to include in a college essay is half the battle. Admissions teams look for many things, but the most influential are authenticity, writing ability, character details, and positive traits. The purpose of the essay is to shed light on your background and gain perspective on your real-world experiences.

When should I start writing my college essay?

Because you'll want to tailor each application to each school, expect to write multiple personal essays. Advisers typically recommend starting these pieces during the summer before your senior year of high school. This will give you ample time to concentrate on writing a college essay before you're hit with schoolwork.

What can I do to write an effective college essay if I'm not a strong writer?

Good writing skills matter, but the best college essay is about the quality of your response. Authentic stories in a natural voice have impact. The story you want to tell about yourself will work better for you if it’s told in language that’s not overly sophisticated. Work with a writing coach for help with the academic aspects. Make responding with substance a priority.

How can I write my college essay if I have no monumental experiences?

You don't need life-changing moments to impress an admissions panel. Think about your personal experiences. Describe moments that left a lasting impact. The important thing is to have a fleshed-out narrative that provides insight into your life and way of thinking. Some of the best essays revolve around meaningful moments rather than flashy ones.

How should I start brainstorming topics for my college essay?

Most colleges provide open-ended prompts. Using the topic as inspiration, think about critical milestones or essential lessons you learned during your academic career. Tell stories about real-life experiences that have shaped the person you are. Write them down to brainstorm ideas. Choose stories that highlight your best traits.

What is a good list of essay topics to start with? What essay topics should I avoid?

Good topics when writing college essays include personal achievements, meaningful lessons, life-changing challenges, and situations that fostered personal growth. It's best to avoid anything too intimate or controversial. You want to open up, but it's not a good idea to go overboard or alienate members of the admissions panel.

What format should I use for my college essay?

Read the prompt and essay instructions thoroughly to learn how to start off a college essay. Some colleges provide guidance about formatting. If not, the best course of action is to stick with a college standard like the MLA format.

How long should my essay be?

The average length of a personal essay for college is 400─600 words. Always read the prompt. Follow the instructions provided in the application.

Who should I ask to review my college essay?

Turn to your school counselor for review. They understand what college admissions panels are looking for, and they can provide valuable insight into your piece's quality. You can also reach out to English teachers and other educators for proofreading.

Find the right college for you.

Related articles.


Essay on Change The World

Students are often asked to write an essay on Change The World in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Change The World

What it means to change the world.

To change the world means to make it better for everyone. It can be big, like stopping climate change, or small, like helping a friend. It’s about making a positive difference.

Starting Small

Big changes start with small steps. Picking up litter, being kind, and learning new things can all add to a better world. Everyone can do something good every day.

Working Together

No one can change the world alone. When people join hands for a good cause, they can do great things. Teamwork makes the dream work.

Using Creativity

Thinking of new ways to solve problems is important. Being creative can lead to amazing changes and a brighter future for all.

250 Words Essay on Change The World

What does it mean to change the world, starting with yourself.

The first step is to start with yourself. Be kind, learn new things, and help others. When you become the best version of yourself, you inspire others to do the same. It’s like a chain reaction. Your good actions can encourage your friends and family to spread kindness too.

Helping Others

Helping others is a powerful way to change the world. This can be as simple as sharing your lunch with a friend who forgot theirs or helping an elderly neighbor with their groceries. When you help someone, you make their day better, and they might help someone else in return.

Protecting Our Planet

Our planet needs us to take care of it. You can help by recycling, turning off lights when you leave a room, and using less water. If everyone does their part, we can keep our Earth clean and healthy.

Changing the world might seem like a huge task, but it starts with each one of us. By being kind, helping others, and taking care of our planet, we can make a big impact. Remember, even the smallest act of kindness can change someone’s world. So, let’s all try to do our part and make the world a better place for everyone.

500 Words Essay on Change The World

When we talk about changing the world, it means making it a better place for everyone. It’s like when you clean your room so it looks nicer and feels better to be in. Changing the world can be big things, like making sure everyone has food and a home, or small things, like being kind to a friend.

Starting with Small Steps

Learning and sharing knowledge.

Going to school and learning new things is a big part of making the world better. When you learn, you can share what you know with others. If you learn about plants, you can teach your family how to grow a garden. This helps the air stay clean because plants make oxygen.

Being Kind to Others

Kindness is a superpower. When you are nice to other people, it makes them happy. They might then be kind to someone else. It’s like a chain of happiness that keeps growing. So, always try to share, help others, and use kind words.

Using Technology Wisely

Our planet is our home, and we need to take care of it. You can save water by turning off the tap while brushing your teeth. You can also remind adults to use less plastic. Every little bit helps our Earth.

Change is easier when we all work together. If you and your friends pick up trash at the park, you can make it clean for everyone. If everyone does a little bit, it adds up to a lot.

Believing in Yourself

Changing the world might sound like a huge job, but it’s made of many small acts. Remember, whether it’s being kind, learning, or taking care of our planet, every little thing you do can help. So start with one small step, and you might be surprised at how far it goes.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

Happy studying!

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Good How Would I Change The World Essay Example

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Environmental Issues , Media , Development , Environment , Life , Belief , Emotions , World

Published: 03/08/2020


Every day we hear the stories like how this world is ruining due to poverty, violence, hunger, pollution, global warming, etc. We see people’s sufferings, and it seems like there is no strategy to fix these problems. This world is ours, and the problems here are also our problems so I think everyone should contribute to making this world a better place. But the question here is what will be mine contribution to this change or how would I change the world. So, I have some simple ways and by following them, I can make a positive change. The first step that I would take is to change my perception about the world. We all are surrounded by negative thoughts and feelings. Moreover, media have portrayed an ugly image of the world where there is evil and no good. Therefore, I will change this perception and stop indulging myself in the ugliness that media tries to throw at me. Rather, I will try to inspire myself from the beauty, compassion and goodness of the world. I will also adopt a positive approach and inspire others by my positivity. It is rightly said that to change the world you have to change yourself. When I change my way of thinking then it will change my feelings and my actions too. I start seeing the world with different thoughts and feelings then ultimately I will be able to take those actions that could not be taken before. As a result, the world around me will change. Another way by which I would change the world is helping the people in need. I would do some volunteer works like cleaning parks, feeding hungry, helping orphans and organizing local charity events. There are plenty of charity works that anyone can do by donating less time. I know little efforts can change people’s life dramatically so I will help people as much as I can. Moreover, I would inspire others and encourage them to help the needy. The world can also be changed by speaking up against injustices, inequalities and illegal practices. If I find any issue that concern me, I will sign petitions or write letters to the members of the parliament to show my concern. On the other hand, if there is anyone who treats someone badly then I will not stay quiet. Because staying quiet means, you are encouraging people who are bad. No matter injustice is done by a person, a company or a government. I will speak against injustice to bring change. In addition, the world is facing serious problems like pollution and global warming. These problems are detrimental for the world and mankind. I will stop polluting the environment and try to be as ecofriendly as possible. I will keep my environment clean and plant a garden in my house. I will save the environment by saving energy, saving water and recycle. These small steps can contribute a lot to save the environment and change the world. Persistency and belief are crucial in bringing any change. I would change the world with my persistence and the belief that I can make a difference. Gandhi said that be persistent in your life. Because when you are going to change something, people will first ignore you, and then laugh at you, will fight with you and finally you will win (Edberg, 2014). So, constant efforts and belief is necessary to change the world.

Works cited

Edberg, Henrik, 2014. Gandhi’s Top Ten Fundamentals to Change the World. The Positivity Blog. 2010. Web. 4 October. 2014. http://www.positivityblog.com/index.php/2008/05/09/gandhis-top-10-fundamentals-for-changing-the-world/


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College Essay: Adapting to Change

I am wrapped warmly in my thin, soft, rainbow blanket looking up at my mother and father in a blurry haze. For the next 15 years, that rainbow blanket would be an object of comfort, home and family. When I was young, I never wanted to grow up and become an adult because reality was endless and full of possibilities. I was too afraid to leave the warmth of my home and step into the real world with aspirations of my own. But, the year 2019-20 has shifted my entire view, and I had to adapt to the changes that occurred when growing up.  

The elders always ask me, “Thaum koj loj los koj yuav dhau los ua kws kho mob, puas yog?” This translates to, “When you are older you’re going to become a doctor, right?” 

“Yes,” I quickly reply without thinking, because it is such a common question. For 15 years, I’ve set strict rules to achieve my goals. I had my whole life planned out–until I went to high school.  

Transitioning to high school was a steep, icy hill. There were many obstacles I had to face that reflected my determination. For nine years, I had spent my entire life with the same adults, peers and school, but it was time to step out of my comfort zone.   

“YOU GOT INTO THE MATH AND SCIENCE ACADEMY!!” my mom screamed joyfully, as if she was the one  who had been accepted. However, I was nervous about attending the No. 1 public charter school in Minnesota.  

Regardless, I wanted to play for the volleyball team. I had practiced for weeks to improve my serve. It was toward the end of August and humid outside. My knees were shaking, and my stomach was quivering with fear. My head was dizzy and my throat was dry. As I walked into the building, I felt a rush of cool air overwhelm me. It smelled like new wood; everything was polished. I peeked into the gym and saw girls that were more than 5 feet tall. After half of the tryout, I made new friends. I was excited to play volleyball with them, and I soon got over the feeling of being an outsider. Since the student body population was small, I connected with teachers and students. I even joined clubs. I finally belonged.  

Then March 13, 2020, hit and altered my sense of belonging at school. I was finally happy and comfortable with the high standards of Math and Science Academy, but COVID-19 drastically impacted everyone; it was time to adapt.

I learn online curriculum, practice social distancing and participate in extracurricular activities online. As the oldest of six, I am responsible for myself and the care of the family.  I tend to my 1-year-old sister, Scarlett, and help watch my siblings. I give my rainbow blanket to Scarlett when she’s fussy. Now, my rainbow blanket is part of my family’s memories. I learn to appreciate and grow as a learner and daughter. I understand my parents, grandparents and siblings better than ever before. I know that my passion for helping people and seeing families united and joyful is my vocation. I want to become  a cardiothoracic surgeon to help families through hard times and give them the hope to continue on. We can only adapt to change.  

“Even if the desert becomes cracked, no matter who shakes this world, don’t let go of the hand you’re holding.” This quote is from someone who reminds me to continue making new memories while holding the past, much like my rainbow blanket. This blanket reminds me that when I pursue higher education and start a family, I will always have the strength of my memories that tie me back to who I am.

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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, what are the most famous college application essays.

Hey guys, I'm trying to get started on my college application essays and I'm feeling a little stuck. Saw some references online about some quite famous ones. Can anyone provide examples or resources on the most famous college application essays that have made an impact on admissions or garnered significant attention? Thanks!

Sure, while it's always important to craft a college application essay that is uniquely your own, it can certainly be helpful to look at successful ones to get a sense of what works. Here are a few pieces that have received attention over the years:

1. "Costco Essay": This essay gained recognition for its engaging and clever storytelling. The applicant frames her intellectual curiosity and wide-ranging interests by chronicling her journey through a Costco store. It made its rounds on the internet due to its originality and humor.

2. "The Calculus of Love": Another well-known essay is the one detailing a student's love for mathematics through specific moments he shared with his girlfriend. The essay brilliantly interweaves his deep passion for math with a captivating love story.

3. "The Saudi Aramco World": An applicant to Yale wrote about growing up reading the 'Saudi Aramco World' magazine, with this unique lens informing his worldview and intention to study history and politics in college. This essay stood out for its authenticity and maturity.

Ensure to use these examples as inspiration, not as templates. Colleges are looking for genuine, fascinating stories that represent your personality, interests, and aspirations. Remember, the 'best' essays are the ones that can only be written by you!

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Education and Play: How do they affect our listening?

Emerging Voices Blog Series Author: Eva McDonald, IEI Community Initiatives Intern

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As society continues to advance, experts are noticing a decline in active and effective listening. According to Psychology Today , research shows that 96 percent of people think they are good listeners, yet people only retain about half of what others say. 

In my time here at IEI, I have attended three large statewide convenings and several other smaller regional gatherings where people came together to talk about critical issues our state is facing. Connecting with one another is the best way to tackle these issues as people can share their stories and provide resources to the rest of the community. In addition to in-person experiences, we are able to connect with others throughout the globe through social media, broadcasting, audio streaming and more.

Since people are now more connected than ever, why can’t we listen? What has stopped us from hearing each other and actively participating in deep conversation? I think the answer begins with education and play.

Education shapes the formative years and helps develop people into who they are today. Students learn to read and write, solve math problems and use science formulas, but how often do they practice listening? And not just listening to the teacher, but actively listening and taking tests or completing activities based on listening? Active listening assessments were uncommon in my education, and I’m going to guess that they weren’t common in yours, either. 

Students spend more time in listening environments compared to adults. According to a report published by Michael Gilbert with Central Michigan University, students are in listening situations approximately 65 to 90 percent of the time, compared to 50 percent for adults; yet, most people have never been taught the skill of listening. 

We can’t expect someone to know how to write in cursive if they were never taught, so how can we expect them to know how to listen? This is where play comes in.

During play, children learn listening comprehension skills that aren’t typically found in an educational setting. They make up stories that they act out with their toys, build rocket ships or pirate ships out of cardboard boxes, and even create make believe scenarios outside with their friends or siblings. They get to practice formulating imaginative stories and then listening to how others add on to them. 

Unfortunately, lots of toys, books and shows are filled with bright colors and loud noises, and they leave little to the imagination, which is key in developing listening skills. For example, most Barbie dolls come with a preset career/title. There’s Doctor Barbie and Marine Biologist Barbie and even Chicken Farmer Barbie. While these dolls can be dressed up differently, they originally come with a set job and imaginative parameters. With so much color and description with each toy, kids may find it hard to imaginatively play freely. I remember one Barbie I owned as a kid had a color changing swimsuit painted onto her body. No matter what outfit I changed her into, I always knew what role she was intended to play. You may have experienced similar things growing up, or you may know a small child who is growing up with play being imagined for them. While the way you were taught can’t be changed, you can actively play a role in the lives of the children around you by advocating for these things. 

Our adult lives do not revolve around play and education, for the most part. As adults, we are surrounded by a deafening commotion as the world continually seeks our attention and time. Is it surprising that we find it hard to listen when so many things demand our attention? So, what can the average person do to improve listening? Parents can help introduce and improve their child’s learning capabilities through play and education. For those who are not connected to children, consider reaching out to a teacher friend or youth center and discuss strategies that they can use to improve active listening in students. 

To improve your own skills in listening, consider looking up some active listening techniques like those recommended by the Harvard Business Review or the Center for Creative Leadership and practice them in your home, work and extracurriculars. Practice the art of listening for a few weeks and see what you learn and how you grow. 

As for listening in a world that demands your attention, practice imagining and dreaming like you did when you were a kid. I know, it may sound silly, but hear me out. Imagine what the world would look like if dinosaurs could talk. Imagine worlds filled with things that are beyond the realm and rules of science. Dream about goblins and trolls having tea on a sunny day. Dream about kingdoms and palaces filled with fairies and dragons living in harmony. Let the kid in you play a little bit and allow yourself to explore the possibilities of letting your imagination come to life. According to Walden University , daydreaming can help reduce anxiety and stress and boost problem solving and creativity. It can be a helpful resource in focusing and learning to quiet your mind enough to listen. This skill can be translated into your everyday life. Learning to quiet yourself can help you understand what your boss is saying more easily or help you focus better on the task at hand.

As you practice and grow your listening skills, you may notice only small changes at first, but, hopefully, you will begin to listen better to the conversations around you and be better able to converse and discuss with others. I hope that the deafening world around you becomes a little bit quieter this week and that your conversations begin to get a little bit louder.

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