Real World OBIEE: Demystification of Variables Pt. 2

Matthew Walding

Matthew Walding

In part one of this blog series, I went over using bins and presentation variables to dynamically create groups and switch between them in a report and on a dashboard. In part two, I am going to talk about making reports dynamic for periods of time using repository, system and presentation variables. Before I dive into an example, there are a couple of things I would like to cover first.

The sysdate function returns the current datetime set by the system where the database resides. Sysdate is a really useful function for creating repository variables for use with date dimensions. If I go into SQL Developer, I can write a query to return the current sysdate :

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The current_date functions returns the current datetime set by the system where the bi server resides. This datetime may differ from sysdate depending on the geographical location of the database vs. the system that OBIEE resides on. I can write a query using sql developer to return the datetime using the current_date function:

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Since my database and OBIEE instance are on the same system, sysdate and current_date are the same.

When using sysdate or current_date to create repository variables for dates (which I am going to show in an upcoming example), you have to keep something in mind. While the date may match, the time may not. To show an example of this, I am going to join one of my date columns with sysdate.

If I run this query, I don't get an error but I get no results.

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Why? To answer this, I need to write a query to inspect my date column.

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As you can see by the results of my query, the DIM_DATE_KEY column does have the same format as sysdate but all the times are set to 00:00:00 (or midnight). To further demonstrate the difference between my date column and sysdate , I am going to write a new query and use the TRUNC (or TRUNCATE ) function.

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As you can see, the query runs successfully but notice how sysdate and DIM_DATE_KEY still have different times. How is the join possible? Because I used the truncate function in the where clause in my query for sysdate . Without going into too much detail, using truncate on a date function without any formatting (which I will cover later) will set (or truncate) the datetime to the start (or midnight) of the current day. For example, if I run another query that just selects the truncated sysdate from dual, I get this result.

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Now, lets dive into an example.

Note: For all of the examples in this blog series I am using OBIEE

The Scenario

In this example, I have been asked to create a report that is going to reside on a products dashboard. It needs to have the same product grouping as the report I used part one of this series, needs to contain Gross Rev $, Net Rev $ and # of Orders and have a prompt that can select between the first and current day of the month and every day in-between. The person who requested the report wants the prompt to change dynamically with each month and does not want users to be able to select future dates.

There are two foreseeable challenges with this report. The first, and probably the most obvious, is how to make the date prompt for the current month and have it change dynamically with each month. The second is how to pass the dates into the report.

There is one more challenge that I will have to tackle. There is a gap in the data loads for # of Orders. Data does not update until the 2nd or 3rd of each new month. This wouldn't be a big deal except the person who requested the report wants a summary of the previous months # of Orders to be shown until the data is updated for the current month.

Fortunately, by using Repository, System and Presentation Variables, I can accomplish all of the requirements of this report.

The Example

For this example, I am going to start by creating Repository Variables to use with my date column in order to make the dates dynamic. There are other ways to make dates dynamic using functions within Answers but they are a little bit trickier to use and are less common. I am going to go over some of those functions in part three of this blog series.

Repository Variables are created using the Admin Tool. By launching the Admin Tool and opening my RPD in online mode (can also be created offline), I can go to Manage > Variables to start creating my first Repository Variable.

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From the Variable Manager window, I can create a Repository Variable by selecting Action > New > Repository > Variable.

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I am going to start by creating the Repository Variable for the current date. Since this variable will be dynamic, I need to make sure I select the option 'Dynamic' and I am going to give it the name USCurDate .

Now I need to create a new init block. I can do this by clicking New...

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Once in the Repository Variable Initialization Block screen, I need to give the init block a name, set the schedule for when variable or variables will be refreshed then click Edit Data Source to define the connection pool the init block will use as well as the initialization string (query) the init block will use to populate the Repository Variable.

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In the data source window, I am going to set my connection pool to one I have created just for my init blocks and then type in the following into the initialization string window:

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If I click Test , the query will execute and will return a result.

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Notice how the result is the same as the query I ran using SQL Developer earlier.

Now I need to create a Repository Variable for the first day of every month. I am going to use the same method as before and name it USMoBeginDate. The query I am going to use is slightly different from the previous query. I still need to use the TRUNC function but I also need to apply formatting so that it truncates to the start of the month. I am going to enter the following into the initialization string window:

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Some other useful queries I can use are:

First Day of the Current Year

Last Day of the Previous Year

Previous Year Date

Now I need to create a Repository Variable for the previous month to use with my # of Orders measure column. Upon inspection, I discover that the column I need to use is called Calendar Year Month and is a VARCHAR or character type. If I go into Answers and pull in the Calendar Year Month column, I can see the format is ' YYYYMM '

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To create the Repository Variable, I am going to use the same method as with the current date and first day of the current month Repository Variables and issue a new query. Because the Calendar Year Month column is a VARCHAR, I need to use the to_char function to change sysdate from a date type to a character type, use some formatting syntax and use some basic arithmetic. The query is as follows:

To break down each part of this query, lets start with the year. In order to use the 'YYYY' format I must first cast sysdate to a character ( to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY' )). Then I need to cast that result back to and int so that I can multiply by 100. This will give me the result 201500.00. The reason for this is when I add the month number to my yearx100 , there will always be a leading 0 for month numbers 1-9. To get the previous month number, I have to first cast sysdate to a character and use the formatting 'MM'. I then have to cast it back to an int and subtract 1 to get the previous month number ( to_number(to_char(sysdate, 'MM') -1 ) then cast the entire statment back to a character type so that it matches the type for the Calendar Year Month column. When I run the query, I get this result.

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Now that I have my three repository variables (USCurDate, USMoBeginDate and Prev_Month) I can start to create the report.

Im going to fast forward a little bit to the part of the report creation process where I will use my Repository Variables I created using the Admin Tool. Since I am using virtually the same report as part one of this blog series, please refer back for how to create custom groups using bins and presentation variables and custom value prompts.

Because of the delay in the data load for the # of Orders at the beginning of the month, I can not use a global report filter. Instead, I am going to have to use something called a Filter Expression within each measure column formula.

About Filter Expressions

Unlike global report filters, column formula level filter expressions are used when you need to specify a particular constraint within the column formula itself. Because the filter is at the column formula level, it is independent of any subsequent column filters.

Note: When using a column formula filter for a measure, you can not add a global filter of the same data subject on top of it. For example, if using a column level filter for a particular Year and Month, I can not add a global filter for a particular year. The two filters contradict each other and the result will be null .

To add a filter in the column formula, go to Edit formula, make sure the column syntax is highlighted and click Filter.

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From here the Insert Filter window will pop up and I can select the attribute column to filter the measure by. Here, I want to use the column Day Date to filter Gross Rev $ by the day.

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I can add a column by double clicking it in the the Subject Areas pane. When a column is added, I will be prompted with a New Filter window and from here, everything is exactly the same process as adding a global report filter.

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Here I need to define the operator as is between since we are dealing with date ranges. I could call my Repository Variables for current_date and first day of the month here but, because the request is for a prompt to select between date ranges, I am going to have to call Presentation Variables and use the prompt to populate the actual values.

Note: If you are unsure about the functionality of Presentation Variables, see part one of this blog series

To add Presentation Variables to the filter expression, click Add More Options and select Presentation Variable from the dropdown.

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When a Presentation Variable is added to the filter, two new text boxes appear. The Variable Expr box is where you define the variable to be used and the (default) box is used to add a default value. The default value is optional but, when defining a Presentation Variable within a filter, you have to specify a default value in order to get any results. The reason for this is because, when the report is run, the query issued will use the Presentation Variable placeholder that is defined unless a default value is specified. In other words, the default value will always be used unless the Presentation Variable is populated with a value or a list of values.

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Because I want the users to be able to specify a date range, I need to define two Presentation Variables: one for the start date and one for the end date. I can add another place for a Presentation Variable by simply clicking Add More Options again and selecting Presentation Variable.

Now I need to add both my start and end date Presentation Variables in the Variable Expr boxes. I’m going to call my start date presentation variable pv_start_dt and my end date presentation variable pv_end_dt . I am also going to specify a default date range from the beginning of the current month (10/01/2015) to yesterday's date (10/15/2015).

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If I click OK, I will be taken back to the Insert Filter screen where I can see the filter expression previously defined.

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Clicking OK again will return me to Edit Column Formula which shows the column formula with the filter expression defined in the previous steps.

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Now I have to do the exact same thing for the Net Rev $ column. Since the filter expression is identical, I can simply copy and paste the column formula for Gross Rev $ and replace the column name in the expression.

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Now I need to take care of the # of Orders column. This column is tricky because of the gap between the 1st and the 2nd or 3rd of every month. I could use a filter expression that defaults to the previous month by using the previous month repository variable I created in a previous step, but this alone wouldn’t switch over when the data became available.

So how can we fulfill the requirement of the report if we don’t know the exact date in which the data will be available? This can be accomplished by using a CASE statement as shown previously in part one of this series. We can break the Case statement down into two parts or two conditions:

1. When the day for the current month is less than or equal to 2 OR if # of Orders is null, then filter # of Orders by Calendar Year Month using the value of the Prev_Month Repository Variable.

2. When condition one is not true, then filter # of Orders by Day Date between the values of the pv_start_date and the pv_end_date Presentation Variables

Putting both conditions together and using the correct syntax for Column Formula results in the following formula:

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Note that I am using CURRENT_DATE in my column formula. In this case, I am extracting the day number from the current date by using the extract day function ( DAY(CURRENT_DATE) ). I am going to talk about this in further detail when I talk about using built in functions in Answers to make reports dynamic in part 3 of this series.

There is one problem with this, however. Because of the arithmetic I am using to put current year and current month together, there will be a problem when the month number is 01 for January. The function will subtract 1 from 01 and put the month number at 00 and not 12 of the previous year. I can solve this problem using a CASE statement to switch to another Repository Variable that returns the last month of the previous year when the month is equal to January.

Going back to the Admin Tool, i'm going to create another Repository Variable and call it PREV_YR_LAST_MO

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In the initialization string window, I am going to use this select statement:

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Going back to my column formula, I need to insert a case statment to switch to my PREV_YR_LAST_MO Repository Variable when MONTH(CURRENT_DATE) = 1 .

Now I need to create my dashboard prompt. I am going to start by clicking on New > Dashboard Prompt.

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I need to create two prompts: One for the start date and one for the end date. Because I am using presentation variables as placeholders for the date between values, I have to use a Variable Prompt instead of a Column Prompt. Variable Prompts allow us to define a presentation variable and then define a list of values for the users to select from.

To create a Variable Prompt for Start Date, I can click on the new prompt icon and select Variable Prompt.

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There a few things I need to do in order to make this prompt function for the report. First, I have to define the same presentation variable name ( pv_start_dt ) that I used in the filter expressions for the Gross Rev $, Net Rev $ and # of Orders columns.

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Because this is not a column prompt, I have to manually specify the values I want the user to be able to select from. Rather than typing in each value, I can use the SQL Results option from the Choice List Values dropdown and use a SQL statement to select the exact values that I want.

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This may seem daunting at first but there is a very straightforward way to accomplish this. Rather than manually writing out a SQL query, we can make use of the Advanced Tab within a new report.

I’m going to start by clicking New > Analysis and selecting the column that I want values for: Day Date.

I need to add a filter to Day Date so that it returns only the values I want to user to select from.

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Now I need to select the operator to be is between and add two Repository Variables that I have set up: one for the first date of the current month and one for the current date of the current month.

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If I go to results, I can see the data returned with the filter I have specified.

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As you can see, the Day Date column only contains the values from the first of the month to the current date (October, 16th 2015 in this example)

Now for the good stuff. I can navigate to the Advanced Tab and copy the SQL statement used to generate these values and paste them into the SQL Results text box in my prompt.

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You will notice that within the SQL Statement generated by OBI, there are numbers and s_# between the SELECT and Day Date column, after the Day Date column and there is also an order by clause that uses a number “2”. Without going into too much detail, this what OBI uses to make the query more efficient when retrieving results from the database. In order to allow the values to populate the prompt, these have to be removed in OBIEE 12c and the “ORDER BY” clause has to be rewritten in order to make it work.

Changed to this

This can be a bit confusing if you are not very familiar with SQL but just remember:

When populating a prompt using an SQL statement in OBIEE 12c, take out any number and anything that begins with “s_” between the SELECT and first column and anything that begins with “s_” after any subsequent columns and make sure the “ORDER BY” clause contains the actual column name of the column you want to order by.

Note: If you do not require any values to be in order, you can omit the “ORDER BY” clause all together .

If I expand Options in the Edit Prompt window, I can add a default selection or a default value that the prompt will start with. I can use the USMoBeginDate here as well so that the prompt always starts with the first date of every month as the start date.

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Note: You will notice that under Options in the Edit Prompt window there is a Variable Data Type option with a dropdown selector. This can be used if the data type needs to be specified to something other than the default which is ‘text’ or character type. If you are getting an error when running the report that says “Selected value does not match datatype. Expected [this value] but got [this value]” you need to change the Variable Data Type to the datatype of the column you are prompting on. In this example, we are prompting a date datatype so therefore it needs to be set to date .

If I click OK, I can check the values in the display window by clicking the dropdown for the Start Date prompt I just created.

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The blue checkmark indicates the value that is selected which, because the first date of every month was set by using the USMoBeginDate Repository Variable as the default value, defaults to the first date of the current month (October, 1st 2015) in this example.

Now I need to create another Variable Prompt for the End Date. The SQL statement used for Start Date can be reused for the values as we want the exact same values to be available for selection. I am going to specify the presentation variable to be named pv_end_dt, and the default value to be the USCurDate Repository Variable so that the End Date prompt always defaults to the current date.

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Now all that’s left to do is put the prompt and report on the Dashboard. Here is the result.

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So that concludes part 2 of Demystification of Variables. Please feel free to ask questions or leave me a comment! In part 3, I am going to talk about using built in front end functions and presentation variables to make reports dynamic for any series of time. Until next time.

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OBIEE 11G Using a Presentation Variable

1 . Create a new variable dashboard prompt that creates a Sales Representative presentation variable.
Click New > Dashboard Prompt and select Sample Sales as the subject area.
2 . Click New > Variable Prompt.
3 . Accept Presentation Variable as the default prompt type.
In the text box to the right of the drop-down list for the prompt type, enter the same variable that you entered in the Static Text editor, VarSalesRep.
. Enter Sales Representative Name: in the Label text box.
Select Choice List for User Input.
Select All Column Values for Choice List Values.
4 . Click and, in the Select Column dialog box, select .
Click . The dialog box should look like this:
5 . Select Specific Value from the "Default selection" drop-down list.
6 . In the Select Values dialog box, select Angela Richards and then, click
7 . The New Prompt dialog box should look like this:
. The newly created variable prompt is displayed in the prompts definition list.
8 . Save the prompt as in your folder.
9 . Click the Preview icon (

Using a Presentation Variable in a Static Text View

1. Create an analysis by selecting the following columns:
2 . Add ascending column sorts in this sequence: C50 Region, C52 Country Name, and E1 Sales Rep Nameas shown below:
3 . Select the Results tabbed page.
4 . Select New View > Other Views > Static Text.
5 . Move the Static Text view above the Table view.
icon on the Static Text view. The Static Text editor appears.
6 . In the Static Text editor, reference the VarSalesRep variable. Enter the following syntax in the Static Text pane: This analysis is for the Sales Rep @{VarSalesRep}.
The syntax for referencing a Presentation variable is as follows:
is the name of the presentation or request variable

format (optional) is a format mask dependent upon the data type of the variable, for example #, ##0, MM/DD/YY hh:mm:ss. (Note that the format is not applied to the default value.)

default value (optional) is a constant or variable reference, indicating a value to be used if the variable referenced by variablename is not populated
scope identifies the qualifiers for the variable. You need to specify the scope when a variable is used at multiple levels (analyses, dashboard pages, and dashboards) and you want to access a specific value. (If you do not specify the scope, then the order of precedence is analyses, dashboard pages, and dashboards.
@{variables.MyFavoriteRegion}{EASTERN REGION}

@{dashboard.variables['MyFavoriteRegion']} .
7 . Save your analysis as Sales Reps by Region and Country.
8 . Select the tabbed page.
In the Filters pane, click the icon and select .
9 . In the New Filter dialog box, click and select .
In the Variable Expr field, enter the variable name, . Notice that you can also specify a default for the variable, but in this case the default is driven by the variable prompt, which is set to default to "Angela Richards".
Click . The filter should look like this:
10 . Select the Results tabbed page. Because the variable dashboard prompt has not been run, the VarSalesRep presentation variable has not been populated with a value. Because of this, no results from the analysis meet the filter requirement.
11 .
Add the analysis and the newly created variable prompt to the dashboard.
12 . Open the dashboard from the folder, then click .
13 . Add a new column next to Column 1, and then navigate to the Sales Reps by Region and Country analysis and drag it to the new column.
14 . Navigate to SalesRep Variable Prompt in the catalog pane, and drag the prompt above the Sales Reps by Region and Country analysis. Save the dashboard and run it.
The Dashboard view looks like this:
15 . Click the icon for the first column to minimize it.
, which in turn appears in the Static Text view as expected and is used to filter the embedded analysis results. The value of a presentation variable is populated by the variable prompt. That is, each time you select a value in the variable prompt, the value of the presentation variable is set to that value.
  Click the drop-down list for the dashboard prompt, and select Chris Jones.
. The dashboard displays the presentation variable as Chris Jones.

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Advanced Techniques: Reference Stored Values in Variables

You might want to create an analysis whose title displays the current user's name. You can do this by referencing a variable.

You can reference several different types of variable in your analyses, dashboards, and actions: session , presentation , request , and global . Content authors can define presentation, request, and global variables themselves.

Type of Variable Defined in Defined by More Information


Prompts for analyses and dashboards

Content authors


Prompts for analyses and dashboards

Content authors





About Session Variables

Session variables are initialized when a user signs in.

These variables exist for each user for the duration of their browsing session and expire when the user closes the browser or signs out. There are two types of session variable: system and non-system.

System Session Variables

There are several system session variables that you can use in your reports and dashboards.

The system session variables have reserved names so you can’t use them for any other kind of variable.

System Session Variable Description Example SQL Query Value (Variable dialog)


Identifies the default dashboard a user sees when they sign in (they can override this preference after signing in).

To display ‘mydashboard’ when a user signs in:


Specifies the default time zone for a user when they sign in.

A user’s time zone is typically populated from the user’s profile. Users can change their default time zone through preferences (My Account).

To set the time zone when a user signs in:


Specifies an offset from the original time zone for data.

This variable enables you to convert a time zone so that users see the appropriate zone.

To convert time data to Eastern Standard Time (EST):

This example means Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) - 5 hours


Specifies the time zone for displaying data.

To display Eastern Standard Time (EST):

This example means Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) - 5 hours

Non-System Session Variables

The non-system session variables are named and created in your semantic model.

For example, your data modeler might create a SalesRegion variable that initializes to the name of a user's sales region when they sign in.

About Repository Variables

A repository variable is a variable that has a single value at any point in time.

Repository variables can be static or dynamic. A static repository variable has a value that persists and doesn’t change until the administrator changes it. A dynamic repository variable has a value that is refreshed by data returned from queries.

About Presentation Variables

A presentation variable is a variable that you can create as part of the process of creating a column prompt or a variable prompt.

Type Description

Column prompt

A presentation variable created as part of a column prompt is associated with a column, and the values that it can take come from the column values.

To create a presentation variable as part of a column prompt, in the New Prompt dialog, you must select Presentation Variable in the Set a variable field. Enter a name for the variable in the Variable Name field.

Variable prompt

A presentation variable created as part of a variable prompt isn’t associated with any column, and you define the values that it can take.

To create a presentation variable as part of a variable prompt, in the New Prompt dialog, you must select Presentation Variable in the Prompt for field. Enter a name for the variable in the Variable Name field.

The value of a presentation variable is populated by the column or variable prompt with which it was created. That is, each time a user selects one or more values in the column or variable prompt, the value of the presentation variable is set to the value or values that the user selects.

About Request Variables

A request variable enables you to override the value of a session variable but only for the duration of a database request initiated from a column prompt. You can create a request variable as part of the process of creating a column prompt.

You can create a request variable as part of the process of creating one of the following types of dashboard prompts:

A request variable that is created as part of a column prompt is associated with a column, and the values that it can take come from the column values.

To create a request variable as part of a column prompt, in the New Prompt dialog, you must select Request Variable in the Set a variable field. Enter the name of the session variable to override in the Variable Name field.

A request variable that is created as part of a variable prompt isn’t associated with any column, and you define the values that it can take.

To create a request variable as part of a variable prompt, in the New Prompt dialog (or Edit Prompt dialog), you must select Request Variable in the Prompt for field. Then enter a name of the session variable that you want to override in the Variable Name field.

The value of a request variable is populated by the column prompt with which it was created. That is, each time a user selects a value in the column prompt, the value of the request variable is set to the value that the user selects. The value, however, is in effect only from the time the user presses the Go button for the prompt until the analysis results are returned to the dashboard.

Certain system session variables (such as, USERGUID or ROLES) can’t be overridden by request variables. Other system session variables, such as DATA_TZ and DATA_DISPLAY_TZ (Timezone), can be overridden if configured in the Oracle BI Administration Tool.

Only string and numeric request variables support multiple values. All other data types pass only the first value.

About Global Variables

A global variable is a column created by combining a specific data type with a value. The value can be a Date, Date and Time, Number, Text, and Time.

The global variable is evaluated at the time the analysis is executed, and the value of the global variable is substituted appropriately.

Only users with the BI Service Administrator role can manage (add, edit, and delete) global variables.

You create a global value during the process of creating an analysis by using the Edit Column Formula dialog. The global variable is then saved in the catalog and made available to all other analyses within a specific tenant system.

Create Global Variables

You can save a calculation as a global variable then reuse it in different analyses. By just creating a global variable, you don’t have to create a new column in the Data Modeler .

  • Open the analysis for editing.
  • Select Edit Formula to display the Column Formula tab.
  • Click Variable and select Global .

"Base Facts"."1- Revenue"*@{global.variables.gv_qualified}

  • If you’re selecting "Date and Time" as the data type, then enter the value as in the following example: 03/25/2004 12:00:00 AM
  • If you’re entering an expression or a calculation as a value, then you must use the Text data type, as in the following example: "Base Facts"."1- Revenue"*3.1415
  • Click OK . The new global variable is added to the Insert Global Variable dialog.
  • Select the new global variable that you just created, and click OK . The Edit Column Formula dialog is displayed with the global variable inserted in the Column Formula pane. The Custom Headings check box is automatically selected.
  • Enter a new name for the column to which you have assigned a global variable to reflect the variable more accurately.

Syntax for Referencing Variables

You can reference variables in analyses and dashboards.

How you reference a variable depends on the task that you’re performing. For tasks where you’re presented with fields in a dialog, you must specify only the type and name of the variable (not the full syntax), for example, referencing a variable in a filter definition.

For other tasks, such as referencing a variable in a title view, you specify the variable syntax. The syntax that you use depends on the type of variable as described in the following table.

Type Syntax Example



where variablename is the name of the session variable, for example DISPLAYNAME.






where variablename is the name of the repository variable, for example, prime_begin




Presentation or request





variablename is the name of the presentation or request variable, for example, MyFavoriteRegion.

(optional) format is a format mask dependent on the data type of the variable, for example #,##0, MM/DD/YY hh:mm:ss. (Note that the format isn’t applied to the default value.)

(optional) defaultvalue is a constant or variable reference indicating a value to be used if the variable referenced by variablename isn’t populated.

scope identifies the qualifiers for the variable. You must specify the scope when a variable is used at multiple levels (analyses, dashboard pages, and dashboards) and you want to access a specific value. (If you don’t specify the scope, then the order of precedence is analyses, dashboard pages, and dashboards.)

When using a dashboard prompt with a presentation variable that can have multiple values, the syntax differs depending on the column type. Multiple values are formatted into comma-separated values and therefore, any format clause is applied to each value before being joined by commas.

@{variables.MyFavoriteRegion}{EASTERN REGION}








(@{variables.MyOwnTimestamp}[YY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss]{)


(@{myTextVar}{A, B, C})



where variablename is the name of the global variable, for example, gv_region. When referencing a global variable, you must use the fully qualified name as indicated in the example.

The naming convention for global variables must conform to EMCA Scripting language specifications for JavaScript. The name must not exceed 200 characters, nor contain embedded spaces, reserved words, and special characters. If you’re unfamiliar with JavaScripting language requirements, consult a third party reference


You can also reference variables in expressions. The guidelines for referencing variables in expressions are described in the following topics:

Session Variables

Presentation variables, repository variables.

You can use the following guidelines for referencing session variables in expressions.

  • Include the session variable as an argument of the VALUEOF function.
  • Enclose the variable name in double quotes.
  • Precede the session variable by NQ_SESSION and a period.
  • Enclose both the NQ_SESSION portion and the session variable name in parentheses.

For example:


You can use the following guidelines for referencing presentation variable in expressions.

When referencing a presentation variable, use this syntax:

@{ variablename }{ defaultvalue }

where variablename is the name of the presentation variable and defaultvalue (optional) is a constant or variable reference indicating a value to be used if the variable referenced by variablename isn’t populated.

To type-cast (that is, convert) the variable to a string or include multiple variables, enclose the entire variable in single quotes, for example:


If the @ sign isn’t followed by a {, then it’s treated as an @ sign. When using a presentation variable that can have multiple values, the syntax differs depending on the column type.

Use the following syntax in SQL for the specified column type in order to generate valid SQL statements:

Text — (@{ variablename }['@']{' defaultvalue '})

Numeric — (@{ variablename }{ defaultvalue })

Date-time — (@{ variablename }{timestamp ' defaultvalue '})

Date (only the date) — (@{ variablename }{date ' defaultvalue '})

Time (only the time) — (@{ variablename }{time ' defaultvalue '})

You can use the following guidelines for referencing repository variables in expressions.

  • Include the repository variable as an argument of the VALUEOF function.
  • Refer to a static repository variable by name.
  • Refer to a dynamic repository variable by its fully qualified name.

CASE WHEN "Hour" >= VALUEOF("prime_begin") AND "Hour" < VALUEOF("prime_end") THEN 'Prime Time' WHEN ... ELSE...END

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Monday, May 12, 2014

Obiee 12c or obiee 11g : using multiple value for a presentation variable in criteria.

presentation variable definition in obiee


presentation variable definition in obiee

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Using variables in obiee.

is the name of the session variable, for example DISPLAYNAME.
is the name of the repository variable, for example, prime_begin.
}[ ]{ }
.variables[' ']}
is the name of the presentation or request variable, for example, MyFavoriteRegion.
is a format mask dependent on the data type of the variable, for example #,##0, MM/DD/YY hh:mm:ss. (Note that the format is not applied to the default value.)
is a constant or variable reference indicating a value to be used if the variable referenced by  is not populated.
identifies the qualifiers for the variable. You must specify the scope when a variable is used at multiple levels (analyses, dashboard pages, and dashboards) and you want to access a specific value. (If you do not specify the scope, then the order of precedence is analyses, dashboard pages, and dashboards.)
When using a dashboard prompt with a presentation variable that can have multiple values, the syntax differs depending on the column type. Multiple values are formatted into comma-separated values and therefore, any format clause is applied to each value before being joined by commas.
Include the session variable as an argument of the VALUEOF function.
Enclose the variable name in double quotes.
Precede the session variable by NQ_SESSION and a period.
Enclose both the NQ_SESSION portion and the session variable name in parentheses.
Include the repository variable as an argument of the VALUEOF function.
Enclose the variable name in double quotes.
Refer to a static repository variable by name.
Refer to a dynamic repository variable by its fully qualified name.
Use this syntax:
where variablename is the name of the presentation variable and defaultvalue (optional) is a constant or variable reference indicating a value to be used if the variable referenced by variablename is not populated.
To type-cast (that is, convert) the variable to a string, enclose the entire syntax in single quotes, for example:
Note: If the @ sign is not followed by a {, then it is treated as an @ sign.
When using a presentation variable that can have multiple values, the syntax differs depending on the column type.
Use the following syntax in SQL for the specified column type in order to generate valid SQL statements:
Text (@{variablename}['@']{'defaultvalue'})
Numeric (@{variablename}{defaultvalue})
Date-time (@{variablename}{timestamp 'defaultvalue'})
Date (only the date) (@{variablename}{date 'defaultvalue'})
Time (only the time) (@{variablename}{time 'defaultvalue'})
  • Conversion Functions OBIEE Conversion Functions The conversion functions convert a value from one form to another. You can also use the VALUEOF functio...
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OBIEE - Date Format in presentation variable, dashboard prompt and logical SQL

Obi Edition

This article talk about the manipulation of a presentation variable with a date datatype .

Starting with OBIEE and higher versions, Dashboard Prompt input formats and presentation variable values for DATE & DATETIME columns are standardized to YYYY-MM-DD & YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS

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The big mistake

One big mistake that is made with the date, is that people may confuse between :

  • the format of a date
  • and the data type of a date.

Why ? Because a lot of database include an implicit datatype transformation from a string into a date. See this example below on Oracle :

Oracle take the string '01-JAN-95' transform it as a date and perform the query.

But what happen if you change the format of the date with the NLS_DATE_FORMAT parameter because you are in a multi-language environment :

You fired an error because Oracle expected an other date format to be able to transform it as a date data type.

To be able to support the localization , you must send to the database not a string but a real value with a date data type. You can do that with the TO_DATE function in Oracle.

Then especially when you work in a multi-language environment, you always must set in a filter not a formatted string but a real value with a date data type. The DATE function of the OBIEE logical Sql have this purpose.

To understand more the difference between the data type and the date format, check out this article : Toad - The date format with null and decode

The date function and its date format

In OBIEE, an equivalent of the function TO_DATE is the DATE function which has this syntax

The date format is unique where :

  • YYYY is the Year with 4 numbers
  • MM is the Month of year 01, 02…12
  • DD is the Day of the month in numbers (i.e. 28)

And you use it with a presentation variable (for instance in a filter ) as

See the paragraph examples below to have more insights

In fact, with Oracle, you will receive :

Understanding the datatype of a presentation variable

Before going further, you have to be sure that you pass the date data type to your presentation variable. See this paragraph which show you how to verify it : understanding the datatype of a presentation variable

The localization and the filter

When you set up a filter on a date, you see a string but in background, Oracle BI Presentation Service see it as a real date data type.

Obiee Filter On Date

To demonstrate it, below is a little report in a dashboard, the first one with the LOCALE value as English and the second one as French.

Obiee Preference Myaccount Locale Weblanguage

In English In French

In Edit-Box Dashboard prompt

In all language configuration (french, english, …) , if you use a edit-box dashboard prompt, you must use this format :

Obiee Dashboard Prompt Edit Box Date

In a formula

In a filter.

To transform the default value as a date data type, you have to use this statement :

or this one :

Obiee Filter Default Value Date Presentation Variable

of in the advanced Sql (Advanced / Convert this filter in Sql):

Documentation / Reference

  • For the date example, Forum Thread with Goran
  • epmos/faces/ui/km/DocumentDisplay.jspx

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Can we change the values of presentation variable in OBIEE

I want to pass the value from one analysis to another analysis. Can I use presentation variable for this purpose? If not what else can I use

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  • With this minimal information we cannot hep you. Pleaes read: –  Aldert Commented Jul 30, 2019 at 7:53

A presentation variable can be set by prompts, not an analysis. To pass a value it depends on the kind of action you have in place to go from analysis A to B. If it's a custom built link you can add the value as filter in the URL, if it's a navigation you can use the columns of the analysis A which are sent automatically by the link etc.

Keeping it short: no, your analysis A can't set a presentation variable for analysis B, you must use a prompt to set it or use an alternative way of sending values via the navigation.

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presentation variable definition in obiee

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OBIEE Presentation variable

presentation variable definition in obiee

I am facing issue with calculations using presentation variable used in column formula on the reports.

The report gets generated properly for the first time using the presentation variable.

But when I change the value of the field in the prompt, the presentation variable is not getting applied to the report and I have to explicitly click on refresh button to generate the report with right results.

Any ideas of fixing this please?

Thanks in Advance ...


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  1. OBIEE

    The syntax for referencing presentation variables is as follows: @{variables.<variableName>}{<default>}[format] variables - (optional) variableName - a reference to an object available in the current evaluation context that is not a reserved variable name. default - (optional) - a constant or variable reference in Obiee logical sql indicating a ...

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    About. The presentation service has some presentation variables that are reserved to give specific information. You can use them in your answer such as @ {system.currentTime} to filter depending of the current time . Be careful, the difference between upper and lowercase letter is important.

  8. OBIEE 12C: use of presentation variables

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  9. Real World OBIEE: Demystification of Variables Pt. 2

    Note: If you are unsure about the functionality of Presentation Variables, see part one of this blog series. To add Presentation Variables to the filter expression, click Add More Options and select Presentation Variable from the dropdown. When a Presentation Variable is added to the filter, two new text boxes appear.

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    Click New > Variable Prompt. The New Prompt dialog box appears. 3 . a. Accept Presentation Variable as the default prompt type. b. In the text box to the right of the drop-down list for the prompt type, enter the same variable that you entered in the Static Text editor, VarSalesRep. c. Enter Sales Representative Name: in the Label text box.

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  12. OBIEE 11g

    Report is very simle. It has 2 columns in the Prompt section & 10 columns in the analysis section. Based on the prompts selected, corresponding values get retrieved in the tabular format. very simple. One thing to note here is - those 2 prompts are not "is prompted", instead, presentation variables are ucresed to capture the values of prompts.

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    a OBIEE - Request variable. The request variable is a variable that you can add to the obiee logical sql (the request) to set a repository session variable. Select in the Set Variable Column, the value "Presentation variable". Enter a name for your presentation variable. 10G.

  15. OBIEE: Using Variables in OBIEE

    Using Variables in OBIEE. You can reference variables in several areas of Oracle BI Enterprise Edition, including in analyses, dashboards, KPIs, actions, agents, and conditions. For example, suppose that you wanted to create an analysis whose title displays the current user's name. You can do this by referencing a variable.

  16. OBIEE

    OBIEE Creating report. I have added formula in the column: @{variable_name}{"Folder"."Dimension"} Now I would like to display it in Static text. Setting@{variable_name} do not work. Is it possible to display presentation variable from report column in Static text view? Or it will work only for variables from prompt?

  17. OBIEE

    OBIEE - Column vs. Variable Prompts. December 17, 2013. When using dashboard prompts in OBIEE Analytics, you are given access to a few different types of prompts to choose from. Two of these variations will be the focus of this discussion, column and variable. If you have never used both types, it's difficult to understand the key ...

  18. presentation variable in obiee

    presentation variable in obiee. ... Is there any ways to use presentation variables in calculated items in pivot table. for example there is a prompt for report to select values .. for example if user selects two values the calculated column has to show 2nd value - 1st value.

  19. OBIEE

    This article talk the manipulation of a presentation variable with a date datatype. Starting with OBIEE and higher versions, Dashboard Prompt input formats and presentation variable values for DATE & DATETIME columns are standardized to YYYY-MM-DD & YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS One big mistake that is made with the date, is that people may confuse between NLS_DATE_FORMAlocalizatioOBIEE ...

  20. Can we change the values of presentation variable in OBIEE

    1. A presentation variable can be set by prompts, not an analysis. To pass a value it depends on the kind of action you have in place to go from analysis A to B. If it's a custom built link you can add the value as filter in the URL, if it's a navigation you can use the columns of the analysis A which are sent automatically by the link etc.

  21. OBIEE Presentation variable

    The report gets generated properly for the first time using the presentation variable. But when I change the value of the field in the prompt, the presentation variable is not getting applied to the report and I have to explicitly click on refresh button to generate the report with right results.