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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Scdl organisational behavior-ob-reference.

  • Commonalities and differences suggest in certain respects, every person is like=All other people , Some other people , No other person
  • Major determinants of personality =Biological , Cultural , Situation
  • Identify the process influence personality development.=Socialization process , Identification process
  • According to Freud the human mind is composed of=Preconscious mind , Conscious mind , Unconscious mind
  • Personality is a stable set of characteristics and tendencies=That determine those commanlities and differences in the psychological behaviour of people
  • ,Monetary rewards, authoritarian leadership style and motivational strategies for performance are ineffective.=When applied to intelligent, independent, confident worker.,It is interesting to know that the word “personality” by derivation should mean=What an individual only appears to be not what he really is.,Personality is the organization of an individuals=Personal pattern of tendencies.,Event in the surrounding environment strongly influence.=The way people behave at any particular time.
  • A personality becomes disorderly=When either the id or super ego is active.
  • A can have strong super ego is=Likely to be in constant and pronounced battle with the id.
  • When too much energy is consumed by ego in mediating between the id and super ego=An individual personal development is adversely level.
  • Id is pressing for satisfaction=The ego is trying to delay it.
  • Cattell has extensively worked on traits=In various work settings employing a number of psychological measures
  • Advise the management of Beta and Gamma Ltd. About the various groups that can be created in an organisation.=Effective group , Formal group , Informal group
  • The features of team empowerment are as follows:=Potency , Autonomy , Impact
  • The team whose members collaborate through use of various information technologies is known as ________ team.= Virtual
  • Select the relevant parts of the communication process.=Encoding , Receiver , Decoding
  • Mr. Jay sets up a task force to improve communication effectiveness within his organization. What factors should be considered by the task force to achieve effective communication?=Assume existence of interpersonal differences , Emphasize description rather than interpretation or evaluation , Ensure that everyone practices empathy
  • The formation of specific goals, feedback on progress towards the goals and reinforcement of desired behavior all stimulate ________.=Motivation
  • Face-to-face conversation is often regarded as the richest communication media, because:=Handles multiple cues simultaneously
  • When an organism is confronted with a threat, according to the general adaptation theory states, the physiological response will occur in which of the three stages?==Alarm reaction , Resistance reaction , State of exhaustion
  • Identify the categories of life stressors:=Life changes , Daily stressors , Life trauma
  • Which are the main personal stressors stated by Yoga?=State of helplessness , Jealously , Temptations
  • The people who cre________te unnecessary stress for themselves pertain to type A category.=A
  • If the stress persists, or the defensive reaction proves ineffective, the organism develops itself for the fight mechanism.=False
  • There exist some organizational stressors which relate to its structure and climate.=True
  • ________ in one form of dominance, in which the followers more or less willingly accept direction and control by another person.=Leadership
  • The two dimensions of leadership which emerged from the Leader Behavior Description naire were 'consideration' and '________'.=Initiating structure
  • The ability to think in terms of models, frameworks, and broad relationships is known as ________ skill.=Conceptual
  • The ________ leadership style is an expression of the leader's trust in the abilities of his subordinates.=Participative
  • At the supervisory level the requirement of conceptual skill is the highest.=
  • Industrial psychology focuses its attention on the development of tests for the________of employees.=recruitment
  • The factors which contributed to the rise of human relations movements are=
  • The great depression , The rise of trade unionism , Hawthorne experiments
  • Frederick W. Taylor developed=Wage payment plans , Internal parity of wages , External parity of wages , Non-financial incentives
  • Human behaviour is simple to understand=False
  • In Organizational Behaviour, 'caused behaviour' means=By his own behaviour, a manager can affect how an employee behaves.
  • Autocratic organization model depends on:=Power
  • The models of Organizational Behaviour are:=Autocratic , Custodial , Supportive
  • All parts of the organizational system are independent.=False
  • Select the needs which are discussed by the need hierarch theory.=Physiological needs , Security needs , Self realization needs
  • Features of Theory Y are:=Work is as natural as play , Humanistic and supportive approach , People have the required potential
  • Which of the given factors are also known as dissatisfiers?=Hygiene factors
  • According to the equity theory, how do you define the point when equity occurs?=Person's outcomes = Other's outcomes
  • From the given information identify the morale indicator.=Exit interviews
  • Morale indicates a group phenomenon.=True
  • The higher the number of the petty grievances, the higher is the morale.=
  • The process by which a new employee is inducted into its culture is known as=
  • Organizational socialization
  • Handling of crises by managers and employees reveals an organizational culture.=True
  • One of the factors causing decrement in work is ________.==fatigue
  • A person of lower than normal intelligence is less bored by ________ work.=
  • Music has a direct effect on productivity.=False
  • Different kinds of work like heavy and muscular work, or light work, or clerical work yield curves that are-=different from each other
  • Internal integration involves addressing the issue of:=Determining rules related to power and status
  • Features of Maslow's need hierarchy theory are:=Theory of human motives , Classifies basic human needs in a hierarchy , Theory of human motivation
  • Cultural diversity brings with it concerns like=Intra organizational conflicts , Communication difficulties , Intra organizational Turnovers
  • In managing cultural diversity, organization must have a relatively non-bureaucratic structure.=True
  • Who has given the following definition of Organizational Behaviour, "understanding, predicting and controlling human behaviour at work"?=Fred Luthans
  • T.P.M stands for total________management.=productivity
  • Repetitive tasks give rise to the same degree of boredom in all persons.=
  • Human Dignity=Is about people being treated with respect and dignity
  • The esteem needs manifest itself in which of the following forms.=Need for status , Need for power , Need for recognition
  • Major determinants of personality=Biological , Situation
  • The chief objective of the Bank wiring room study was:=To conduct an observational analysis of the work groups.
  • In Custodial organization model, managerial orientation is:=Money
  • The leader who fails to guide, motivate and develop his subordinates is said to be practicing ________ leadership style.=Free Rein
  • Cultural elements and their relationships create a pattern that is identical in all organizations.=False
  • Attitude=Respond,Value=Judgment,Opinion=Expression,Personality=Behaviour
  • The storming stage relating to development of a team is characterised by which of the following aspects?=Emergence of conflicts , Seeking task related guidance from the leader , Deciding the responsibilities of each team member
  • As a theory of motivation, what is the comment of Maslow on needs?=Needs can be structured in a hierarchy
  • The different types of fatigue are=mental , physical , psychological
  • Scientific Management movement=Wage payment plans,Hawthorne Experiments=Human relations,Hugo Munsteberg=Psychology and industrial efficiency,Wagner Act=Labour movement
  • Ego controls=The gateway of actions , Select the feature of environment , Decides what instincts will be satisfied.
  • The cost of tensions and worries created by wrong kind of personalities are enormous in terms of.=Employee-employer relation. , Supervisor-subordinate relation. , Peers relations.
  • Organization with a strong culture has=Practices that include employee participation
  • Communication provides a means to release ________ and for fulfillment of social needs.=Emotional expression
  • According to Herzberg, there are two sets of factors at the work life, viz. the motivators and the ________factors.=Hygiene
  • he Hawthorne studies are of utmost significance as they form an honest and concerted attempt to understand:=The human factor , Employee attitudes , The workers social situations
  • Those factors which are capable to inhibit performance by their absence but any addition in them does not increase efficiency, are known as ________ factors.=Hygiene
  • ________ are the rules of pattern and behaviour that are expected from all team members.=Norms
  • When an organism is confronted with a threat, according to the general adaptation theory states, the physiological response will occur in which of the three stages?=Alarm reaction , Resistance reaction , State of exhaustion
  • A communication media is said to rich when which of the given parameters are satisfied?=It facilitates rapid feedback
  • The actual beginning of the Hawthorne studies happened with:=Relay room experiments
  • As compared to the content models, the expectancy models are very simple and easy to translate into actual practice.=False
  • Illumination Experiment is a part of Hawthorne experiments.=True
  • To change organizational culture successfully we need to:=Find the most effective sub-culture and use it as an example , Practice what we preach , Include employees in the change process
  • Whatever an individual does, there is always some sort and some amount of stress on him.=True
  • Organizational socialization includes=Developing competencies , Developing organizational values , Developing social and working relationship
  • The more successful the organization is, the less effective is its internal communication.=False
  • Organization culture and performance is directly related.=True
  • Research activity emphasizes least collaboration and team work among workers.=False
  • Managers began to develop a new awakened view of the human aspects of their jobs after:=The great depression
  • In order to understand the Rogers' theory one needs to understand which of the following?The self concept , The organism , The development of self
  • Cinderella, a mechanical engineer, had joined as a management trainee in XYZ Ltd. She's the niece of the managing director of XYZ Ltd. Her manager was aware of this fact and hence he always gave simple and easy tasks to her. Cinderella was enthusiastic, and equally efficient, to work on some challenging tasks but she was always kept away from them. All this beyond creating stress, deprived her from fulfillment of self-esteem needs. What kind of stress is being experienced by Cinderella?=Hypo stress
  • A change in the organization requires a corresponding change in the employee's individual personality.=True
  • The special meaning assigned to words is called ________.=Semantics
  • Identify the steps involved in morale surveys :-=Drafting of naires , Interviewing people , Analyzing collected data
  • Behavioural scientists are focusing their attention on :-=Organizational adaptability , Relationship of organizational structure to human behaviour , Decision making
  • Select the morale indicators :-=Rate of finished goods rejections , Rate of raw material wastage , Resignation by skilled employees
  • The leadership process is a function which relates only to the leader and other situational variables.=False
  • The group ________ are more important to the group members than any financial incentive.=Norms
  • Congruent change in attitude means movement in:-=The same direction
  • What are the elements of the process of bringing about change in people as suggested by Lewin?=Unfreezing , Refreezing , Moving
  • State the specific characteristics of high achiever :-=Need for immediate feedback , Satisfied with his accomplishment , Moderate risk taker
  • Frederick Taylor=Scientific management, Hugo Munsteberg=Industrial accidents,Waller Dill Scot=Industrial psychology,Fred Luthans=Human relations
  • On the managerial grid, a manager falling in the ________ category will have maximum concern for both people and production.=9.9
  • Which step concerned with the management of change involves the identification of the root cause?=Diagnose the problem
  • ________ communication is useful for flatter organizational structure.=
  • The factor of ________ implies that an individual may attend to moving objects in their field of vision that to static objects.=Motion
  • The communication process can be improved by ________.=Reducing status barriers
  • Organizational Behaviour studies the importance of :-=Human elements in the organization
  • Conceptual skill is the distinguishing feature of job performance at the operating level.=False
  • In the process of perception, feedback is important for interpreting the perceptual event.=True
  • The term LOC in the study of personality stands for:-=Locus of control
  • The most superficial level of organizational culture consists of ________.=
  • Social self is the way an individual appears to self.=False
  • Bharat had joined Applications Network Pvt. Ltd. as a trainee software engineer. After two years he was promoted as the manager-applications. As the manager, his job included providing guidance to his team with respect to writing the software program so as to get the desired report. His top class performance provided him with an opportunity to become the director of his company. Bharat wants to know what type of skills will be more in demand for a director, along with the human skills?=Conceptual
  • In the "non-directive" interviewing method the interviewer is supposed to :-=Take a role with confidence
  • Present Indian government protects the Indian industry from foreign competition.=False
  • Mr. Kamat is an executive who directs, guides and influences the work of his subordinates. His objective is to ensure that his subordinates work for attaining the specified goals. Also, he mediates between the individual assistant and the organization in such a manner that both will obtain the maximum satisfaction. Whose role is being played by Mr. Kamat?=Leader
  • External adaptation and survival has to do with the establishment and maintenance of effective working relationships among the members of the organization.=False
  • During the moving phase of the change process, the ________ occurs when individuals are forced to encounter a situation that calls for a new behaviour.=Internalization
  • What can you gather from the Illumination experiments?=They provided a momentum to the relay room phase of the studies.
  • The parties involved in negotiation are strongly motivated to solve problems, exhibit flexibility and trust. The aforementioned aspects of the negotiating party indicate which type of negotiation?=Integrative
  • Judge the following statement according to given criteria. "Stress is a physiological abnormality at the structural or bio-chemical level caused by overloading experiences."=Both the statement and the reasoning are correct
  • The perceptual process shall always result in correct judgment or understanding of facts.=False
  • The ability and willingness of group members to set goals and work towards their accomplishment is known as ________.=Group maturity
  • According to Likert, few variables characterize the leadership style. Select these variables :-=Casual , Intervening , End-result
  • Organizational objectives can be achieved by :-=Group work , Division of labour , Hierarchy of authority
  • Alderfer's theory=Recognizes three groups of core needs,Vroom's theory of motivation=Expectancy model,Porter Lawler model=Relationship between performance and satisfaction,Abraham Maslow=Theory of need hierarchy
  • Valence refers to the degree of favourableness or unfavourableness towards object.=True
  • In heavy muscular work, ________ fatigue is unably a major factor contributing to work decrement.=Physiological
  • Perceptual similarity is a major cause of industrial conflicts.=False
  • High competitiveness and profit orientation is a characteristic of which type of organizational culture?=Market
  • The senior executive of XYZ Ltd., Mr. Joyonto Roy, had given complete freedom to his subordinates. He essentially provided no leadership. What category suitably defines the leadership style being practiced by Mr. Roy?
  • Laissez Faire
  • In an example of the erection of a stone wall, the work curve shows the following :-=An initial warming up before reaching peak productivity , The leveling off of productivity , Eventual decrement in productivity, probably ending in a spurt again
  • From the following which is classified as a hygiene factor according to Herzberg's theory of motivation?=Salary
  • Each major change in a work situation carries with it an element of uncertainty.=True
  • Keshav is a student of psychology. His project is based on stress management. While observing a group of 20 executives, he observed that in some situations, the executives were stressed even when the events were very favorable for them. In fact these executives were overjoyed with the events occurring in that manner, yet they experienced stress. Very fortunately this stress lasted for a short while of time. Advise Keshav about the category of stress being experienced by the executives.=Eustress
  • Situation where individual differences are unimportant=Earthquake , Drought , Flood
  • A group of 6 employees has been formed within MRF Co.Ltd. The initial discussions in the group were based on the environmental factors of the concerned issue. As the group started to work on the measures to rectify the core factors responsible for the concerned issue, the discussions always ended up in conflicts within the group members. This conflict was hampering the group's effectiveness. What is the level of conflict that is being highlighted in this case?=Intragroup
  • A mediator should act as a neutral party.=True
  • Free rein leaders = Avoid power and responsibility,Negative leaders= Act domineering and superior with their subordinates ,Autocratic leaders= Provide security and satisfaction to his subordinates ,Participative leaders= Exercise control mostly by using forces within the
  • Any organizational change faces employee resistance because it is perceived as loss of something of value as a result of the change.=True
  • Perception plays a vital role in which of the following areas.=Selection of a candidate , Deciding on loyalty of an employee , Giving incentive to an employee
  • A non-specific response of the body to a situation is known as ________.=Stress
  • The supervisor gets upset when his manager scolds him and gets into a hot argument with his manager. His team members are also arguing with him constantly. Here supervisors' behavior is a reflection of ________=Caused behavior
  • People tend to process pleasant stimuli more efficiently and accurately than they do unpleasant stimuli.=True
  • Effective communication can be seen as the foundation of modern organizations.=True
  • The process theories in general lack explanatory power over the complexities of work motivation.=False
  • When an organisation is confronted with a threat, according to the general adaptation theory the physiological response will occur in which of the three stages?=Alarm reaction , Resistance reaction , State of exhaustion
  • At ________ stage of team building, cooperation and a sense of shared responsibility is developed amongst the team members.=Norming
  • What are the sources of attitudes for an individual?=Personal experiences , Institutional factors , Peer groups and society
  • Which of the management styles are available to a manager for overcoming employees' resistance to change?=Convincing the employees about the necessity of change , Employee participation in setting up the change , Forcing the employees to accept the change
  • Alderfer's ERG needs model is very rigid in nature.=False
  • Rest provides the opportunity to recover from fatigue.=True
  • Different kinds of work like heavy and muscular work, or light work, or clerical work yield curves that are :-=Different from each other
  • Traditional win-lose situations can be solved using ________ negotiations.=Distributive
  • John had thought of a very innovative idea to launch the new product of his company. However, John was an introvert. In the meeting, he just could not gather confidence to talk about his idea. What aspect of communication was missed by John?=Transference
  • Mismatch between personality and organization may lead to=Confusion and chaos , Loss of interest by members in organization , Low morale and job satisfaction
  • Organizational culture exists on different levels which differ in terms of visibility and resistance to change.=True
  • There is one leadership style which gives good results when the leader is required to deal with the unskilled workers doing repetitive tasks; find this leadership style.=Autocratic
  • In Supportive organization model, employee orientation is :-=Job performance
  • The concept of organizational stress was first evolved in the classic work of ________.=Kahn et al
  • Identify the internal forces for organizational change :-=Employees' desire to share in decision making , Changes in the location of the organization , Change in the top management personnel
  • Roger's defines the ________ as an organized, consistent, conceptual gestalt composed of perceptions of the characteristics of the 'I' or 'me'.=The self concept
  • The relationship in which one person influences others to work together willingly on related tasks is known as ________.Leadership
  • In the case of intra-organizational negotiations, groups often negotiate as representatives.=True
  • Social displacement and ________ are the important social reasons to be considered by a manager while dealing with resistance to change.=Peer pressure
  • The discipline of Organizational ________ tries to synchronize internal organizational environment with external social environment.=Behaviour
  • The different types of defense mechanisms are :-=Rationalization , Aggression , Fantasy
  • Half page advertisement is given in the newspaper by XYZ Ltd. This is done to attract attention of customers. Which external attention seeking factor is being emphasized in this case?=Size
  • In the counter shock phase, the defensive mechanism becomes passive.=
  • Which type of motivators are involved in granting additional authority to an employee in his activity?=Responsibility and recognition
  • Ideal self=Roger, Per sonare=to sound through,Ego=Frend,Traits=All port,Physical structuring=Sheldon
  • Select the organizational stressors which are intrinsic to the job :-=Boredom , Time pressures and deadlines , Exorbitant work demands
  • Whenever the manager of the assembly shop left for a meeting, his subordinates reacted in one of the two ways; either aggressively or apathetically. This group exhibited outbursts of aggression whenever their manager left the shop. Which style of leadership is being followed by the concerned assembly shop manager?=Authoritarian
  • The ________ job loading is also known as job enlargement.=Horizontal
  • Which of the following is the best way to deal with frustration?=Defense mechanism
  • In a strong organizational culture :-=Goals are aligned , Employees are highly motivated , Performance is outstanding
  • The primary concern of ego is to determine whether the action proposed by superego is right or wrong.=False
  • Good match between individual personality and organization is essential because of=Some people have passion for bureaucracy , Some people prefer autonomy flexibility in operation
  • Perception of others will be more accurate if the perceiver can avoid:=Generalizing from a single trait to many traits , Placing too much reliance on physical appearance , Assuming that a single behavior will show itself in all situations
  • Cohesiveness is influenced by the degree of compatibility between team goals and individual member's goals.=True
  • What are the important ideas mentioned in the Salvatore Maddi's definition of personality?=Each employee in an organization is unique and may respond differently to a situation , Personality influences are not limited to behaviors, situations or people , Personality is stable and has continuity in time
  • The stress which refers to a state of happiness is known as ________.=
  • The social needs are so strong that even the cruelest criminals dread the punishment of solitary confinement.=True
  • Noise is regarded as a distracter, because it interferes with/affects :-=Work efficiency
  • What is the other name for vertical job loading?=Job enrichment
  • The discipline of Organizational Behaviour is based on ________ studies of human behaviour at the work settings.=Empirical
  • Affiliation motive=Desire to be accepted by others,Achievement motive=Desire to be successful,Primary motive=Avoidance of pain,Power motive=Desire to control others
  • Rest periods are important because :-=They help the worker to recover from fatigue , They provide an opportunity to talk about non-job activities , They are a break from a seemingly interminable activity
  • The scuffle in the organization for achieving the organizational status ant the power, is the essence of the ________ needs.=Esteem
  • According to Freud's theory, what is considered to be the executive part of the personality only because it controls the gateway of action, selects the features of the environment to which it will respond and decides what instincts will be satisfied?=Ego
  • In Bank wiring room studies were carried out by :-=An observer and an interviewer
  • Cultural diversity brings with it concerns like :-=Intra organizational conflicts , Communication difficulties , Intra organizational Turnovers
  • The ________ skills relate to a person's knowledge and ability in any organizational functional area.=Technical
  • It is important to create a work environment that is :-=Favourable
  • Motivation represents a relationship between need, drive and goal.=True
  • All the unique traits and patterns of adjustment of the individual is known as
  • Term LOC in the study of personality stand for=Locus of control
  • Attitude always remains inside a person.=True
  • Every manager is intimately concerned with the issue if the attitude can be changed.=True
  • An individual’s own social and personality features does not cause a divergence=False
  • Human behaviour is based on instincts=William James
  • Vroom theory has taken into consideration the individual differences based on individual perceptions.=False
  • A self actualization person is task oriented and is not taken in by the personal criticism or prise.=True
  • Conflict the result of=In compatible goals
  • Organization help people achieve their own personal objectives=At the same time people help organizations achieve its objectives,Performance results are minimum=In autocratic model of organization,Managers do not bother to motivate, guide, develop employees organization=In custodial model of organization,HR manager comes late frequently=He is reluctant to talk on time management,Employees who are regular and punctual=To be rewarded by organization in order to encourage desired behavior
  • Rewards for behaviour in support of change help in overcoming resistance for change.=True
  • There are three broad categories of stresses=Organization stressor
  • Role ambiguity ,role conflict , role overload etc. are some organizational stressors relating to the role in the organization=True
  • Hawthorne studies points out the need for=Recognition
  • The ________ of stimuli implies that the more intense the ________ audio visual, the more is the likelihood it will be perceived=intensity,stimulus
  • Although understanding differences in ________ is important, behaviour always involves, an ________ of the person and the situation=personality,interaction
  • ________ attitude is also a ________ of the trust in the communicator by the employees=Changing,function
  • Human ________ is ________=behaviour,rational
  • The study of OB investigate the ________ that individuals, ________ and structure have on behaviour.=impact,groups
  • Morale essentially is ________ to ________ satisfaction=related, job
  • Organizational culture is a pattern of ________ and ________ shared by the members of organization=beliefs,expectations
  • Procedural conflict occurs when individuals follow sance process to achieve an objective.=False
  • An organization that values formality, ________, standard operating procedures and ________ co ordination has a buearacratic culture=
  • rules, hierarchical
  • ________ is a natural ________ among people=Conflict,disagreement
  • Avoiding refers to ________ and uncooperative behaviours. It is a ________ approach=unassertive,lose – lose
  • Friendship groups are=Evolved informally
  • Team is a small number of=Employer with complementary competencies
  • Self – managed teams=Perform a variety of managerial tasks
  • Norming stage of team building is=Setting rules by which the team will operate
  • Norming stage=Norms are established
  • Effective communication is the foundation=of modern organization
  • In the ________ stage harmony develops and norms are ________ .=
  • Norming,established
  • face to face interact condition=highest media richness,vertical communication=between hierarchical positions,fear of reprisal=people are afraid to speak their mind,filters=employees ideas get transmitted upward,
  • lateral communication=among people
  • An idea, no matter how great, is useless until it is transmitted and understood by others=True
  • Effective communication cannot be seen as the foundation o modern organisation’s.=False
  • Perception is used in=Selection of candidate for employment , Performance Appraisal
  • Attitudes are influence by=Religion , Family , Educational background
  • Physiological needs are=Basic Needs , Physical needs , Bodily needs
  • Atmospheric conditions that affect working environment are=Temperature , Humidity , Air circulation
  • Group is=Two or more people , Intgeracting with each other , Having common objective
  • Task oriented roles of team include=Seeking information or opinions , Giving information or opinions , Clarifying and elaborating
  • Democratic leader=Trusts subordinates , Open to all , Formal / informal communication
  • The two dimensional approach of Ohio state studies lessened the gab between=The strict task orientation , The scientific management movement , The human relations emphases
  • Constantly changing external environment forces an organization to address=
  • Mission , Long term goals , strategy
  • To form healthy working relationship culture organization needs to look into=
  • Organization structure , Performance , reward system,Upward communication is used=to provide feedback to higher-ups , inform them of progress , relay current problem
  • Valence refers to the degree of favourableness or unfavourableness towards object.= True
  • Attitude= Respond ,Value= Judgment ,Opinion =Expression ,Personality =Behaviour
  • Hearing and seeing do not influence perception= False
  • Theory of unconscious behaviour= Sigmund Freud
  • Insecurity makes a man= Under-productive
  • Job enlargement means adding other task to the job.= True, Our perceptions are= different
  • Pressure for change are created only outside and not inside the organization.= False
  • Participative management style facilitate implementing change in organization.= True
  • Leadership is one form of clominaxe in which the followers more or less willingly accept direction and control by anther person= True
  • The Laiseez Faire leadership climate produces the greatest number of aggressive acts from the group= True
  • Conceptual skill is the ability to work effectively with people and to build teamwork= False
  • Participative leaders decentralize authority= True
  • Giving a person an opportunity to talk an air his grievances had a positive impact on his= Morale
  • Organizational behavior helps to understand the importance of =Human elements in the ,Organizational objectives cannot be = By an individual or a small group of individual,Organizations show = Hierarchy of authority,In a organization there is constant interaction = Between people structure an technology,Every organization contains a = Print of human behaviour at work
  • ________ affects ________ in organization and other social settings in several important ways= Self-esteem, behaviour
  • ________ changes may be roughly classified into ________ and incongruent changes= Attitude, congruent
  • Intra personal ________ is the result of ________ needs= conflict, unsatisfied
  • Human ________ is ________= behaviour, rational
  • Organizational behavior is the ________ and ________ of knowledge= study, application
  • High levels of ________ taking, ________ and credibility characterize an entrepreneurial culture.= risk, dynamism
  • Organizational ________ is the ________ process by which an organization brings a new employee into its culture= socialization, systematic
  • When our ________ is ________ we are very likely to resist vigorously, any attempt to change our attitude.= self-esteem, threatened
  • A worker with a ________ attitude towards his ________ is much less likely to slacken pace on the job= favourable, supervisor
  • Potency= Capable of being effective
  • Self – managed teams= Perform a variety of managerial tasks, Task oriented roles include= Seeking information or opinions
  • The informal communication network is called= Grapevine
  • Formal communication is= from top to bottom
  • ________ can be classified as formal group and ________ group .= group, informal
  • The most tried and effective downward communication is to communicate orally and= then follow up in writing
  • Rewards= Motivate employees , Encourages , Feel honoured, Productivity declines because of= Fatigue , Boredom , Monotony
  • People with strong feeling of boredom= Dislike routine activity , Prefer leisure activities , Show lack of satisfaction
  • Organizations are said to be a= Group of people , Having some common goal or objective , Utilize resources for attaining goal
  • Benevolent - Authoritative leader= Trust’s his subordinates , Has confidence in subordinates , Uses formal communication
  • Steps to be taken for introducing change in the organization.= Recognise the forces demanding change , Recognise the need for the change , Finding loopholes.
  • Changing task includes= Job enrichment , Job specification , Job redefinition
  • Individual personality traits that serve as hurdle in communication= low adjustments , low sociability , low agreeableness
  • Love your body means= Have a regular medical checkup , Do exercise regularly , Don’t touch tobacco
  • General adaptation syndrome= Alarm reaction , Resistance reaction , State of exhaustion, Stage of resistance= Maximum adaptation , Alarm reaction disappears , Resistance increase
  • youth with white hair catches attention faster in India. This reaction is based on which attention seeking principle / factor?=Novelty
  • Boredom can be avoided by employing people who are slightly less :-= Intelligent
  • According to Ram it is financially advantageous to work for five days in a week. However, Laxman is of the opinion that such a move will hamper productivity. Under which category will you classify this conflict of ideas between Ram and Laxman?=Cognitive conflict
  • Shyam is working as manager-finance in a multi-national company. His behavior towards his friends has undergone some change in the last couple of weeks. Which of the behavioral symptoms should be observed by his friends so as to find out whether or not he is under stress?=Tendency to remain isolated , Poor eye contact while talking , Sudden change in clothing habits
  • Norms are often more liberally defined.=False
  • n employee whose skill set combines good training and high performance goals, implies that he has ________ .=High productivity
  • The technology necessitates an organization to change its process of manufacturing, make structural changes, etc.=True
  • Hawthorne studies provided the foundation for the expansion of Industrial Psychology to the :-=Study of motivation and morale
  • The first stage of alarm reaction includes an initial ________ phase, in which the resistance is lowered.=Shock\
  • It is observed that ________has an adverse impact on executive efficiency in the organizations.=Distress
  • Select the factors which are treated as motivators by Herzberg in his theory of motivation :-=Achievement , Possibility of growth , Responsibility
  • Stress affects different people but in the same manner.=False
  • Sona and Sunil work on the cost reduction project. Their target is to reduce costs by 15%. Sona is of the view that the total salary of all managers should be reduced by 15%. However, Sunil finds this move to be too taxing on the managers. He opines that only leave travel concession of the managers should be cut down by 15%. Narang is appointed as a mediator. What qualities should Narang possess in order to be successful mediator for resolving the given conflict between Sona and Sunil?=Narang should be able to diagnose the conflict properly , Narang should show mutual acceptance , Narang should have the ability to provide emotional support
  • A manager informally conveys to his senior that the recommendations of the committee are not implementable because he was not selected as a member of that committee. What type of defense mechanism is the manager using?=
  • During which phase it is seen that the adaptation energy is exhausted and the resistance level begins to decline in an irreversible manner?=State of exhaustion
  • All the unique traits and patterns of adjustment of the individual are known as :-=Personality
  • Which personality theories give recognition to continuity of personalities?=
  • A motivated employee is highly productive but least interested in quality.=
  • When the senior official gets angry with his subordinate and throws the files at him, which form of defense mechanism is he indicating through his behavior?=Regression
  • In heavy muscular work, ________ fatigue is un ably a major factor contributing to work decrement.=Physiological
  • Usually, the first impression stops affecting any of your later perception of the individual.=False
  • If coincidentally, five out of fifteen employees working in the sales division quit their jobs at about the same time, it is more likely to be perceived as a problem with the manager of the sales division.=True
  • Perception is a ________ process.=Psychological
  • The ________ needs have a tendency of recurrence.=Physiological
  • dentify the primary levels of conflicts :-=Intrapersonal , Interpersonal , Intergroup
  • Which of the given theories represent the traditional approaches to understanding the complex personality?=Intrapsychic , Physiognomy , Trait
  • State the structures within the human mind concerned with the development of personality, as advocated by Freud. :-=The id , Ego , Superego
  • Ishwar was known as task getter. He always threatened his assistants that they might loose their jobs if the work is not done properly. He displayed his authority in the false belief that it frightens the subordinates into productivity. What kind of leadership style is being followed by Ishwar?=Negative
  • Freud calls ego as "Libido".=False
  • John, a finance manager, had to present the cash budget before the board of directors. Seconds after he finished, the managing director pointed out that the capital expenditure was not considered and thus making his entire cash budget incorrect. In such a situation, which of the following bodily responses are expected of John?=Raised pulse , Release of adrenaline , Rapid breathing
  • State the limitations of trait theories :-=Traits may be too abstract. , The theory focuses on isolated traits. , The theory is essentially descriptive in nature.
  • ________ is a tendency to be directed inward and have a greater affinity for abstract ideas and sensitivity to personal feelings.=Introversion
  • Lakhan is the production incharge XYZ Industries Ltd. He observes that more than two tea-breaks during a day of 8 working hours hampers the productivity. However, the union is demanding four tea-breaks. It is impossible to increase the number of tea-breaks nor is it possible to increase the productivity of workers without tea breaks. Advise on the ideal conflict management style which will benefit Lakhan in this situation.=Compromising style
  • Noise=Is a distracter,Repetitive task=Is a cause of boredom,Peak output=Is a result of efficiency,Soft music=Increases productivity
  • Organizational commitment by employees does not lead to loyalty.=False
  • External attention Factors are=The factors that are within the situation
  • Regression=Superior throwing file in anger
  • Job enlargement means adding other task to the job.=True
  • Conflict management helps to understand=Nature and origin of conflict
  • Conflict is a=Natural disagreement ,Inter group=Between groups,Goal conflict=Incompatible expected,Procedural conflict=Union – management,Situation=Favorable or unfavourable,Attitude=Positive or negative
  • There is no scope for dilemmas in intra personal conflicts.==False
  • Supportive Organization=Believes that employees have the skill and the will to contribute to the organizational efforts
  • Organization is a social system=where the value system ,customs etc. conform to those of the society at large
  • These days stress is=Ubiquitous
  • Stress is an=Adaptive response
  • A strange culture is better able to learn from it’s past.=True
  • The use of tobacco with alcohol is good for health=False
  • Participative leaders decentralize authority=True
  • Free Rein leaders avoid power and responsibility=True
  • An option is an expression of an ________ judgment regarding a _______ topic= evaluative,specific
  • High ________ among group members result in high group ________=affiliation,cohesiveness
  • Hygiene factors are ________ for ________=necessary,Performance
  • To over come the problem of resistance manager need to=Motivate concerned employees
  • An organization that ________ formality, rules, and ________ coordination has a bureaucrat culture.=values,hierarchical
  • ________ attitude is also a ________ of the trust in the communicator by the employees.=Changing,function
  • Work curve can be ________ by using measures of ________ and time=
  • Plotted,Production
  • Fatigue can be defined as the ________ of the ________ as a result of continuous physical activity=tiredness,body
  • A worker with a ________ attitude towards his ________ is much less likely to slacken pace on the job=favourable,supervisor
  • Physical surrounding like ________, colour, ________ affects production=
  • noise,temperature
  • Accommodation may represents an ________ act, a long term strategy to encourage ________ by others or a submission to the wishes of others=
  • unselfish,co-operation
  • People fear ________ unemployment, reduced work hour, demotion, reduced change and reduced incentives and ________ change.=technological,resist
  • success of the organization depends=on the pattern of communication, Informal communication=controls behaviour ,For many organizations their work group is a primary source for=social interaction ,simplify messages if possible =keep it short and simple, multiple channel is used=if one failed other can be used, choose channels=with less noise and distortion, practice empathy =put yourself in the recipient’s shoes ,assume differences=until similarity is proven
  • Adjourning is the termination of work behaviour= True
  • For many employees, their work group is a primary source for social interaction= True
  • Try to see other person as he or she really is= True
  • Sources of personality difference related to important factors like=Heredity , Culture , Family
  • Human beings consciously tries to avoid=Pain , Discomfort , Sorrow
  • Primary motives are=Basic , Physically based , unlearned
  • According to modern psychologists human behaviour is=unconscious , sparked by a motion , to satisfy needs
  • Hedonism means=Humans are rational , Human behavior is deliberate , Human consciously avoid pain
  • Process oriented remedies for group think are=Use subgroups to develop alternative and compare solutions , Compare to other organization’s solutions , Hold “Second chance” meetings
  • Disadvantage of autocratic leadership=Frustration develops , Dissatisfaction develops , Conflict develops
  • Internal forces that cause change in the organizations are related to=
  • Methods and procedures. , Work standards. , None of above.
  • Market changes with respect to change include=Rapidly changing needs and desires of consumer. , Competition for new products. , New desires of consumer.
  • Changing task includes=Job enrichment , Job specification , Job redefinition
  • . receivers assess can be understood by=practicing empathy with receiver , encourage s , feedback , watch for signs of information overload
  • Alarm reaction=Initial , Shock phase , Resistance is lowere
  • It is important to study personality because it helps=To understand, predict and control behaviour in the organization.
  • Super ego is the moralistic segment of the human personality.=True
  • There is no relationship between five personality factors and job performance.=False
  • Perception is a Process=By which individuals organize and interpret meaning of environment
  • Positive situation combined with negative one=Approach – Avoidance
  • There is no connection between morale, attitude & productivity.=False
  • Boredom can be reduced but at a great loss in efficiency.=True
  • Intra personal conflict=Approach – Approach conflict
  • Human beings are=Susceptible to stress
  • Problems shoud be diagnosed accurately for the change process.=True
  • Benevolent leader=Heavily oriented towards production,Consultative leader=Some involvement of subordinates in decision making,Democratic leader=Complete trust and confidence,Leadership actions are related to =degree of authority used by managers andAmount of freedom available to subordinates,Leadership makes difference between=Success and failure
  • Edward K Strong Jr. branched industrial psychology into guidance on=
  • Vocational interest
  • Negative leaders display authority in the false belief that it frightens everyone into productivity=True
  • ________ factor that influences ________ is the role of the brain of an individual=Biological, personality
  • ________ affects ________ in organization and other social settings in several important ways=Self-esteem,behaviour
  • ________ is of much importance for all the ________ to get their work done=Motivation,manager
  • There can not be a standard ________ for understanding and solving ________ problems.=solution,behavioral
  • To live longer organization need=To adapt change
  • Strong culture organization follow the=Rewarding its employees for better performance
  • Attempting to ________ the ________ is t create a more effective organization.=change,culture
  • Incentives=Motivators,Growth=Intrinsic desire ,Alderfer=ERG theory ,Douglas Mc Gregor=Theory X & Y,Vroom’s Theory=M = (V * E )
  • Collaborating style is the ________ approach to interpersonal conflict handling. Person using this style desires to ________ joint results=win – win, minimize
  • People fear ________ unemployment, reduced work hour, demotion, reduced change and reduced incentives and ________ change.=
  • technological,resist
  • Group members should have a=Common objective
  • Groups are ________ part of any organization and have an ________ on organization behaviour.=integral, impact
  • The most tried and effective downward communication is to communicate orally and=then follow up in writing
  • In the norming stage team members set the rules by which the team will operate.=True
  • The message is encoded and is passed by way of some medium (channel) to the receiver, who retranslates (decodes ) the message initiated by the sender=
  • Hawthorne western electric company=Bared at Chicago , Manufactured equipment for the bell telephone system , 30000 workers
  • Basic OB concepts take into consideration=Nature of people , Nature of organization
  • Ego reduces tension by performing task of=Perceiving outside world. , Remembering experience with outside world , Acting to satisfy the instinctual wishes
  • Needs are=Ubiquitous , Dominate behaviour , Recurrent
  • Secondary motives=Power , Affiliation , Achievement
  • Groups=Intergral part of any organization , Influence individuals , Have a impact on organization behaviour
  • Styles of leadership=Autocratic , Democratic , Free rein
  • Any organizational culture takes place when members shares knowledge and develop ways of coping with issues of=Internal integration , Setting specific targets to achieve , External adaptation
  • Upward communication is used=to provide feedback to higher-ups , inform them of progress , relay current problem\\
  • Theory X=Autocratic organization, Paternalistic attitude=Custodial organization,Participation=Supportive organization ,Scientific and professional employees =Collegial organization
  • In older days employees were referred to as ________=Hands
  • Any change occurring in our life is a reason to get stressed.=True
  • Individual initiative, flexibility and freedom are encouraged in________culture==entrepreneurial
  • As per the fundamental concepts of Organizationl Behaviour ________ states that every person in an organization should be respected. =Human dignity
  • Job ________ is an individual phenomenon.=Satisfaction
  • Morale represents the integration of an individual with the team and ignores the organization itself.=False
  • Sources of organizational commitments are=Opportunities for advancement , Working condition , Relationships at work place
  • Factors important for creating a favourable work environment are=playing of soft music , adequate illumination , a soothing colour scheme
  • By derivation personality mean=An individual only appears to be
  • The style of the manager with a 1,1 combination on the managerial grid is sometimes called ________ style.=Impoverished
  • Parity of wages' was advocated by:=Frederick W Taylor
  • It is said that a manager should be so skillful that he should be able to develop and motivate even an inefficient employee. This expectation is said to come from which concept?=Pygmalion
  • Identify the situations which reflect upward communication.=Performance reports of workers, to be reviewed by the supervisor , Suggestion boxes kept in the worker's canteen , Employee attitude surveys
  • An aroused attitude consist of=Affective reaction , Cognition , Action tendency
  • Modern psychology personality mean=The dynamic organization with in the individual of those psycho-physical systems that determine his unique adjustment to his environment.
  • Differences in cultural contexts may pose a hurdle to ________ communication in organizations.=Interpersonal
  • Work attitudes can be reflected in an organization through=Challenge of job , Job satisfaction , Organizational commitment
  • The levels at which studies of Organizational Behaviour have been carried out rotate to=Individual , Small group , Inter-group
  • Characteristics of entrepreneurial culture are=Taking risks , Dynamism , Creativity
  • Personality is the organization of=An individual’s “personal pattern of tendencies”.
  • Attitude is=Tendency to react positively , Tendency to react negatively , Tendency to react in a certain way
  • The challenge relating to management of change can be met only with effective leadership.=True
  • A manager can take corrective action in time if he is able to understand which of the given indicators?=Morale
  • The blue print of human behaviour at work is represented by=Rules , Regulations , Procedures
  • Identify which of the given theories pertain to the category of content theories.=Maslow's hierarchy theory , Alderfer's ERG needs theory , Fredrick Herzberg's two factor theory
  • The men on the shop floor are less vulnerable to stress as compared the members of the board of directors.=False
  • A person who is in the habit of whispering something or the other to his neighbour while in a meeting is said to be an ________.=Interrupter
  • Once the team reaches the performing stage, the team members become familiar with each other.=False
  • External adaptation and survival involves addressing the issue of:= Mission and strategy
  • The passage of which act made the organized labour movement have an impact on management in America?=Wagner Act in 1935
  • The attributes such as pulling together related ideas and offering a decision for the group to accept or reject, are related to which of the given task oriented roles?=Summarizing
  • Attitudes influence by=Religion , Family , Educational background
  • Work capacity of an organism is reduced due to the fact that work causes waste products to-=accumulate,The super ego acts as a censor on the individual.=Tru
  • Perceptual selection is based on=Attention and Set
  • Assessment of an employee’s performance depends on the perception of the person who evaluates=True
  • Size of the stimulus attracts attention=True
  • Affiliation motives=Acceptance by others
  • Rationalization=Pseudo justification
  • Aggression has nothing to do with emotional transference.=False
  • Safety needs are taken (looked) as=Future needs
  • Solitary confinement is known to rupture the human=Psyche
  • Theory Y people are very lazy.=False
  • Accomplishment of goal is influenced by an individual’s ability and role perception.=True
  • The definition of work is very=General
  • Collegial Organization=Provides manager’s role like partner and not leader
  • In alarm stage the resistance is=Lowered
  • An atmosphere of objectivity and mutual trust can help reduce=Distress
  • Discouraging undesirable behaviour will enhance value to organizational culture.=True
  • The leadership process is a function of the leader , the follower and other situational variables=True
  • Democratic leaders take full authority and assume full responsibility=
  • Illumination experiments study the effect of changed=Illumination at work
  • Perception involves five sub-processes, they are ________ registration, ________ , feedback and consequences=stimulas, interpretation
  • Organizational=Behaviour, How Thorne=Experiments, Goal= Achievement
  • Achievement ,Division of – Labour, Meaningful=Relationship
  • The multinationals which come on the Indian scene enjoyed superior ________ in terms of money ________ as well as market network.=
  • resources , technology
  • Frederick W. ________ came up with “Scientific Management”, created the interest in the ________ and the supervisor. = Taylor ,worker
  • Reward & Punishment theory is same as ________ and ________ theory =
  • carrot, stick
  • Vroom ________ model fall under ________ theory=expantancy ,Process
  • Relationship between ________ and ________ need not always be direct=
  • morale= ,productivity
  • High levels of ________ taking, ________ and credibility characterize an entrepreneurial culture.=risk , dynamism
  • Finding the most ________ sub ________ in the organization and using it as an example from which employee can learn.= effective ,culture
  • Competing style refers to ________ and uncooperative behaviours and represents a ________ approach to inter personal conflict=assertive,win – lose
  • Many ________ changes bombard the modern organization and make change ________.==external,inevitable
  • Planning is perhaps the most ________ phase in ________ of change.=
  • crucial ,management
  • Minimum number of essentials to form group is=two
  • Several types of communication media are available for=transmitting and receiving messages
  • Upward communication is more prevalent than downward communication=False
  • Problem solving teams=Cost problems ,Self managed teams=Task rotation ,Virtual team=Information technology,Forming stage=Initial stage, Norming stage=Norms established
  • Frederick W – Taylor developed=Wage payment plans , Internal parity of wages , External parity of wages
  • Scientific management movement=Frederick W. Taylor , Supervisory training , Financial incentives
  • Internal Set factors are=Motivation and interest , Learning
  • Defence Mechanism=Fantasy , Rationalization , Aggression
  • Music=Effects on attitude , Improves morale , Increases production
  • To identify problems for management change manager needs to ask=What is problem , How to solve the problem , When to solve the problem
  • Communication can be=vertical , horizontal , diagonal
  • Fight or flight mechanism=Raised pulse , Rapid breathing , Dilated pupils
  • General adaptation syndrome=Alarm reaction , Resistance reaction , State of exhaustion
  • Stress results in=Physical deviations , Psychological deviations , Behavioural deviations
  • What are the categories of stress as stated by Dr.Pestonji?Distress , Eustress , Hypo stress
  • The multinationals which come on the Indian scene enjoy superior resources in terms of________technology as well as market network.=money
  • Usually, the subordinates prefer the democratic leader.=True
  • Which theory assumes that the manager's role is to coerce and control employees?=Theory X
  • Employees and organization can prosper if they help each other.=True
  • The purpose should be expressed only after the communication process is completed.=False
  • Basic Organizational Behaviour concepts take into consideration=Nature of people , Nature of technology , Nature of organization
  • The relationship in which one person influences others to work together willingly on related tasks is known as ________.=Leadership
  • "The difference between organizational behaviour and human relations is that of between a pathologist and a physician." Who said this?=Keith Davis
  • In Bank wiring room studies were carried out by:=an observer and an interviewer
  • It can be inferred from Hawthorne studies that in determining productivity a vital role was played by:=Quality of supervision
  • The stage which relates to development of decision making abilities, interpersonal and technical competencies is known as :=Storming
  • Productivity can be high inspite of morale being low because of the rigid management control system.=True
  • According to Peter F.Drucker, the basic and scarcest resource of any business enterprise is ________.=Business leaders
  • Manager's role changed from that of a leader to that of partner in a ________ type of organization.=Collegial
  • The medium through which the message travels is known as ________.=
  • The major contributors to the development of Organizational Behaviour are:=
  • Industrial psychology , Scientific management movement , Human relations movement
  • Select the organizational stressors which are intrinsic to the job.=Boredom , Time pressures and deadlines , Exorbitant work demands
  • The hypo stress is often experienced by ________ people.=Retired
  • The discipline of Organizational________tries to synchronize internal organizational environment with external social environment.=Behaviour
  • Kurt Lewin= Father of group dynamics, Katz and Kahn =Advocated varied meanings of leadership ,Keith Davis=Defined leadership as human factor that binds people together, Ronald Lippitt and Ralph K.=Series of pioneering leadership studies
  • The Porter-Lawler model states that effort necessarily leads to performance and satisfaction.=False
  • When an autocratic leader chooses to give rewards to his employees, then his style becomes ________-autocratic style.=Benevolent
  • The four different models of organizational behaviour denote:=The responses of the employees to the various orientations of the managers , The general behavioural climate prevailing in the manager-employee relationship , The evolution of the thinking and behaviour of the management and the managers alike
  • Promotion is recognition of one's capabilities to shoulder higher responsibilities.=True
  • Wagner Act=Labour movement, Scientific Management movement=Wage payment plans, Hawthorne Experiments= Human relations , Hugo Munsteberg= Psychology and industrial efficiency
  • Organisations are defined as group of people, who come together to achieve uncommon objectives.=False
  • Hawthorne studies point out that:=The need for recognition and security exert greater impact on productivity than the physical working conditions.
  • The research has shown that even the minor or trivial occurrences in life can create stress.=True
  • The features of the relationship oriented role called gate keeping are :=Helping to keep communication channels open , Facilitatign the participation of others , Suggesting procedures that permit sharing remarks
  • Authoritarian=Laissez Faire
  • Work is=Use of person’s physiological processes. , Use of person’s mental processes. , .Attainment of some goal.
  • According to Larking, the upward communication will be effective only if the top managers communicated directly with the staff members.=False
  • In a market culture, the relationship between an individual and the organization is________.=contractual
  • An employee whose skill set combines good training and high performance goals, implies that he has ________ .=High productivity
  • Laissez faire leader is very directive in his approach.=False
  • The major contributors to the development of Organizational Behaviour are:
  • In the discipline Organizational Behaviour the fundamental concept is:=
  • Based on the nature of people and organization
  • The communication between managers and workers located in different functional divisions is known as ________ communication.=Diagonal
  • Process-oriented remedy to overcome groupthink=Use subgroups to develop alternatives and compare solutions , Organisational remedy to overcome groupthink= Multiple groups examine same issue , Learner-oriented remedy to overcome groupthink =Encourage all members to evaluate ideas critically
  • Member-oriented remedy to overcome groupthink= Make a decision only after all ideas have been evaluated
  • Resistance to Cultural Change is directly depends on:=Magnitude of change , Strength of the prevailing culture\
  • The broad categories of stressors are :=Organizational stressors , Personal stressors , Life stressors
  • Scientific management movement sought to improve productivity by:=Rationalizing the work , Introduction of various wage plans , Introduction of incentive plans
  • The most superficial level of organizational culture consists of________.=
  • The pension plans, gratuity contribution and mandatory provident fund rules are framed basically to take care of ________ needs.=Security
  • In Supportive organization model at which level the employee needs are met?=Higher-order
  • Research states that active smoking is more harmful than passive smoking.=
  • Select the factors which are treated as motivators by Herzberg in his theory of motivation.=Achievement , Possibility of growth , Responsibility
  • Identify the task oriented roles.=Initiating , Summarizing , Seeking information
  • Human skill is the ability to work effectively with people and to build teamwork.=True
  • The concepts dealing with the nature of individual are:=Whole person , Motivation , Human dignity
  • The informal system of communication network system in an organization is known as ________.=Grapevine
  • A highly successful scientist may fall in the category of the demotivated people.=False
  • Intelligence and boredom have a positive and direct-=co-relationship
  • Elimination of boredom is necessary=to retain interest in work , to increase efficiency , to stabilize productivity
  • The ________ teams are concerned with rotating tasks and assignments amongst its members.=Self-managed
  • Sources of personality difference related to two important factors. These are=
  • Heredity , Family
  • ________ is caused because of the modern life and anxiety to cope with them.=Distress
  • Indicate the developmental stages that the teams are required to go through.=
  • Forming , Storming , Norming
  • In organizational context, employees have attitudes related to=Prestige of department , Job security
  • What are the principles of job enlargement?=Challenging the employees by increasing the expected production , Adding other tasks to the job , Rotating the assignments
  • State the various functions of communication.=Control , Motivation , Information
  • Cross-functional teams are often less effective in situations that require adaptabilityand speed.=False
  • The work motivation approaches can be broadly classified as content and ________ theories.=Process
  • Productivity is increased ________ with the help of music.=indirectly
  • Organizations show hierarchy of________. ==authority
  • Morale is a static phenomenon.=False
  • So as to cope with stress effectively, it is necessary to have a health body.=
  • The ________ stressors relate to the personal health and family life of an individual.=Personal
  • State the needs as stated by Abraham Maslow in his theory.=Domination , Gratification , Activation
  • A ________ person has a cause and an ideology to fight for achieving the set goal.=Self-actualized
  • Anand is the new CEO of ABC Ltd. Whatever suggestions or recommendations are given by his subordinate managers, all are rejected by Anand. What sort of role is being portrayed by Anand?=Negativist
  • Jyoti is working for the last 5 years with SOS Bros. She is the area sales manager. In spite of a hectic lifestyle Jyoti bears a pleasant temperament. She is not a stress prone individual.=Type B
  • With regard to the 'Nature of Organizations' the key assumption is:=The social systems are formed on the basis of mutual interests.
  • Herzberg's two factory model is useful as an explanation for job ________.=
  • Satisfaction
  • Feeling of insecurity usually makes a man under-productive.=True
  • Fundamental concepts of Organizational Behaviour revolve around:=The nature of human beings
  • The great depression took place around the year:=1929
  • According to Vroom's expectancy theory of motivation, when an individual desires a particular outcome the value of valence is negative.=False
  • Harold Kelley=Attribution theory, Herzberg=Two factor theory of motivation
  • ,Douglas McGregor=Theory X and theory Y,J.Stacy Adams=Equity theory
  • To be efficient every manager must try to=Understand human behaviour , Predict human behaviour , Control human behaviour
  • Organizational culture includes:=Organizational rituals and ceremonies , Norms shared by the teams , Commonly used language
  • An atmospheric condition that is critical in a good working environment is-=
  • air circulation
  • Fred Fiedler=Contingency Theory of Leadership,Blake and Mouton=
  • Managerial grid,Rensis Likert=Four Systems Management,Tannenbaum and Schmidt=Leadership Behaviour Continuum,
  • Theor________ Y assumes that, the employees have the skill and the will to contribute to the organizational efforts.Y
  • ________ communication occurs between a supervisor and his subordinate.=Vertical
  • Diverse cultures provide an opportunity to the organization=To recognize learning opportunities and challenge
  • The factors which make the job itself a tool of motivation are known as:=Satisfiers
  • It is said that the technical skill plays a major part in the leadership behaviour.=False
  • Name the groups of core needs identified by Alderfer=Existence , Relatedness , Growth
  • According to Likert, few variables characterize the leadership style. Select these variables.=Casual , Intervening , End-result
  • We can maintain organizational culture by=Recruiting and removal , Role modeling and coaching , Allocating rewards
  • In the countershock phase, the defensive mechanism becomes passive.= False
  • According to Vroom's theory, ________ is the result of multiplication of valence and expectancy.=Motivation
  • Research has found that all communication channels are equal in their capacity to convey information.=False
  • At the organizational level, employees' stress may have negative effect on morale and job satisfaction.=True
  • Contribution of Walter Dill Scot towards industrial psychology is:=He showed how psychology can be applied to advertising and selling.
  • The results of bank wiring room study done under the Hawthorne experiments were:=Small group of people emerge as a team , The group is indifferent towards financial incentives , The group norms are more important for the members
  • The objective of Mass Interviewing Program was:=To explore information that could be used to improve supervisory training.
  • Organizational Behaviour studies human behavior as well as group________.=dynamics
  • What sort of communication is considered to be more effective in modern organization?=On-going , Informal , Dynamic
  • According to the Vroom's theory, what will be the value of expectancy when an event is bound to occur?=One
  • Which of the following situation is expected to last in the long run?=Low productivity, high morale
  • Friends and colleagues are unable to correctly detect whether an individual is under stress.= =False
  • As per Alderfer's theory, the ________ needs are concerned with an individual's intrinsic desire for personal development.=Growth
  • Interpersonal communication hurdle=Low intellectual capacity of an employee,Donald Pelz=Impact of supervisor's power on his satisfaction,McCelland=Employee-based reasons for failure of upward communication,Direct hurdle in the communication process=Disturbance in telephone line
  • Cultural________are words, gestures and pictures or other physical objects that carry a particular meaning with the culture.=symbols
  • A need once satisfied is a spent force and hence acts as a motivator.=False
  • Career development of employees facilitates development of whole person concept.=True


scdl organisational behaviour assignment

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The results of bank wiring room study done under the Hawthorne experiments were.

scdl organisational behaviour assignment

Few answers are given wrong in the list. For eg: •Sources of personality difference related to two important factors. These are heredity and family CORRECT ANSWER = HEREDITY and ENVIRONMENT •Once the team reaches the performing stage, the team members become familiar with each other.=False. CORRECT ANSWER= TRUE Pls don't completely reply on the answers given here. Self-study is the best study ;-)

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SCDL Solved Assignments and Sample Papers

Welcome to the Symbiosis Center for Distance Learning(SCDL) blog. This blog is for the students of SCDL who are doing post graduate diplomas in management from Symbiosis Center for Distance Learning SCDL Pune. Here they can get solved assignments and exam related information. It contains assignments for PGDBA PGDBFS PGDHRM PGDP&HRM PGDIB PGDEXIM, PGDBCL PGDCRMPGDSCM PGDRM, PGDDS PGDIT PGDPM PGDEM PGDTWBM PGDIBM PGDEA PGDID PGDSC PGDPTT PGPAM PGDJMC PGDPC PGCBA PGPF PGCHM PGCDT PGCFMA etc

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Organizational behaviour - 1, 2 comments:.

scdl organisational behaviour assignment

Dear Sir, At the outset please accept my thanks and I really appreciate the valuable time you've put to make people like me be benefitted. tremendous Job Sir, May the Almighty bless you always. May I put a personaal request of asking you to Please put the post in Tabular form as Its not possible for larger sector of students to spend much time in Internet Cafe and so they can copy it and take reference at their home. Please let me know your email ID, mineis [email protected]. I shall always be grateful if you could tell me your ID. Best Regards Wasiur Rahman

scdl organisational behaviour assignment

Hi, your collection for a couple of subjects has helped alot and i was able to clear exams. a couple of subjects are still pending because enough of material was not avaialble on your site and in those subject whatever material was available was not correct as in few answers to questions were wrong. can you please help and provide with more assignments of subjects like Accounts, Economics, International Finance etc. Thanks. Also tell me your mail id so that i can send you a few of the assignements which i have appreared and have scored well so that you can place the same on this site. mine is [email protected]

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    Welcome to the Symbiosis Center for Distance Learning(SCDL) blog. This blog is help for students of SCDL who are doing post graduate diplomas in management from Symbiosis Center for Distance Learning SCDL Pune. Here they can get solved Assignments, Exam questions, Book Reference and Exam related information.

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    This blog is help for students of SCDL who are doing post graduate diplomas in management from Symbiosis Center for Distance Learning SCDL Pune. Here they can get solved Assignments, Exam questions, Book Reference and Exam related information. ... Organizational Behaviour - A01 LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

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  17. SCDL Solved Assignments and Sample Papers

    Welcome to the Symbiosis Center for Distance Learning(SCDL) blog. This blog is for the students of SCDL who are doing post graduate diplomas in management from Symbiosis Center for Distance Learning SCDL Pune. Here they can get solved assignments and exam related information. It contains assignments for PGDBA PGDBFS PGDHRM PGDP&HRM PGDIB PGDEXIM, PGDBCL PGDCRMPGDSCM PGDRM, PGDDS PGDIT ...

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  20. SCDL Solved Assignments and Sample Papers: Organizational Behaviour

    Organizational Behaviour - 7. Question The cost of tensions and worries created by wrong kind of personalities are enormous in terms of. Correct Answer Employee-employer relation. , Supervisor-subordinate relation. , Peers relations. Your Answer Employee-employer relation. , Peers relations. Question Valence refers to the degree of ...

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    SCDL Notes - Organisation Behavior - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document discusses the historical evolution of organization behavior from scientific management to modern concepts. It covers early theories like scientific management by Frederick Taylor, the rise of trade unions, and the development of multinational companies.

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  23. SCDL Solved Assignments and Sample Papers: Organizational Behaviour

    Organizational Behaviour - 1. LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. Question. The relationship in which one person influences others to work together willingly on related tasks is known as ________. Correct Answer. Leadership. Question. Congruent change in attitude means movement in:-. Correct Answer.