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  • June 28, 2024

13 Best Business Documentaries to Watch on Netflix & Learn

There is so much content to consume but so little time, especially for entrepreneurs. Netflix has an abundance of business documentaries that are educational and lets you learn many things. Entrepreneurs are always on the watch out for learning new things. A good documentary is a great way to learn and entertain yourself at the same time. 

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13 Best Entrepreneurs Documentaries for Entrepreneurs – 

If you have time on hand, invest in a good business documentary rather than wasting that time. Here is a list of the 13 best business documentaries to watch on Netflix and learn that also motivates you and enhances your business acumen. 

1. Becoming Warren Buffett (2017)

This documentary is about the legendary investor, Warren Buffet . It chronicles the life of Buffet, his transformation from a boy who came from Nebraska with ambitions and an obsession with numbers to one of the most famous and richest men in the world . 

There are many helpful lessons entrepreneurs can learn from this documentary. His modesty, his ambition, and dedication are incredible, he still lives a modest life and drives himself to work every day. 

2. Generation Startup (2016) 

This start-up documentary is insightful and inspiring. Learn about the struggles and turmoils of launching a start-up. It revolves around six college graduates who are ambitious entrepreneurs for 17 months. They risk everything to start companies in Detroit. 

Generation Startup shows the highs and lows of millennial entrepreneurs. It documents their struggles, their fears or uncertainty, and their doubts. The documentary celebrates the go-getter spirit of millennials. It will inspire you to get out of your comfort zone much like these young talents from the documentary. Watch this documentary to draw inspiration and motivation. 

3. Inside Bill’s Brain: Decoding Bill Gates (2019)

This is one of the best business documentaries to watch to know what goes on in the mind of brilliant Bill Gates . The documentary follows this extraordinary man’s journey through little snippets from his childhood, education, experiences at Microsoft , and his family. 

As an audience, you get to see the real Bill Gates sans his larger-than-life persona. A simple man who tirelessly works on finding solutions to world problems and strives to bring about change in the world. 

4. Print the legend (2014)

This one is for people, especially from the printing background. It focuses on the 3D printing revolution in America . It explores how companies are swiftly pushing 3D printing into our lives and our desktops. This technology is here to stay and transform our lives, some may argue that it will have negative effects on us. 

More than anything else, it portrays the American ideal that encourages building your dream from zero and promoting newer ways of doing things. It does not just show what goes on behind the scenes of the 3D printing industry but also the larger-than-life personalities running the industry. These people and corporations aim to change the world with 3D printing but that comes with a lot of personal struggle. This documentary will motivate you to take that bold step towards building your dream. 

5. Burt’s Buzz (2013)

Burt’s Buzz pays tribute to the man behind Burt’s Bees, Burt Shavitz. It documents the journey of Burt Shavitz’s double life; a passionate beekeeper and reluctant co-owner of the world’s most famous brand Burt’s Bees. It tells you his life story, he enjoyed solitude and gave up almost all of the technology. He hated the comforts that he got from being middle class. 

The documentary also explores his strained relationship with the other co-owner Roxanne Quimby who eventually sold the brand to Clorox . 

6. Betting on Zero (2017)

Betting on Zero revolves around hedge fund titan Bill Ackman who is on a mission to expose Herbalife, a nutritional giant. He believes it is the largest pyramid scheme ever made. In response, Herbalife claims Ackman only wants to make them bankrupt and manipulate the market. 

This business documentary on Netflix will open your eyes to the complex world of pyramid schemes and how big companies deceive people with multi-level marketing schemes . They take advantage of poor and desperate people is what this documentary focuses on. 

7. The Creative Brain (2019)

Creativity is the key to any successful business. This documentary explores creativity through different people who have put their creative minds to use across different professions. David Eagleman , an author, neuroscientist, and successful entrepreneur decodes the creative process by meeting dynamic and creative professionals. It will motivate viewers to push their creative limits. This 52 minutes long documentary shows how the human brain works towards and against creativity. 

8. Jiro Dreams of Sushi (2011)

This documentary chronicles the life of revered sushi chef , Jiro Ono who runs a Michelin star restaurant in Tokyo . It shows his stubbornness and dedication to his craft. It takes the audience through his sheer perseverance to make the perfect sushi. 

This documentary also shows his relationship with his son who finds it difficult to live up to his father’s legacy. The brilliant documentation of Jiro Ono’s life struggles to become the best sushi chef in the world is cathartic to watch. The sacrifices he makes in the pursuit of perfection will motivate you to strive for perfection in whatever you do. The documentary is thought-provoking and fascinating. 

9. Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (2005)

This cracking documentary tells the tale of Enron and other executives who ran the giant Enron Corporation. Documenting the fall of this company and shows the world the corporate corruption in America. These arrogant traders resort to unethical practices to make money and maintain their jobs.

The men behind the fraudulent company think they are the smartest guys in the room but after many magic tricks, the world learns the truth behind the crookedness of this business. This documentary is based on a best-selling book by the same name. The documentary unabashedly documents the rise and fall of Enron Corporation which was one of the seventh-largest American companies . Viewers can learn about the malpractices and underhand practices that such giants follow. The sheer greed and lavish lifestyles of the top executives land the company in trouble.

Many lessons to learn from this documentary, especially about greed, selfishness, and corruption in the corporate world . 

11. Food, Inc. (2008)

Food, Inc . will make you realize how much of our daily food is manipulated by big corporates. Filmmaker Robert Kenner studies the unflattering American companies that control the food industry. It gives you an insight into the food industry, how everything that comes to our plate from the farm to the processing units is all highly controlled for the benefit of these corporates. 

There are interviews with regular Americans regarding their diets and comments from experts. The unsettling imagery seen in this documentary about meat processing plants will leave you questioning your food choices. It will open your eyes to the somber world of monopolizing the food industry. There are many avenues regarding the food industry that this documentary tries to explore. Be ready to ask yourself ethical questions pertaining to food. Our fast-paced lives have made the narcissistic corporations enter the food industry and supply us with large quantities of produce. 

All entrepreneurs can learn and motivate themselves to work towards making society better rather than filling their own pockets. 

12. Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru (2016)

Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru gives viewers an insider look at everything that goes behind the scenes from Tony Robbins seminar ‘Date with Destiny’. It was attended by more than 4,500 people in Boca Raton Florida. This business documentary on Netflix perfectly captures Tony Robbins efforts to make the show and how he has a magical effect on his audience. 

If you are an entrepreneur and trying to improve your current situation and need some motivation, Tony Robbins is here to help. He has helped millions of people with his powerful approach to achieve success. He helps people take charge of their lives by evoking feelings of motivation. 

The documentary showcases his preparation and efforts behind making every show successful. His magnetic personality and intuitive genius will win you over. 

13. Freakonomics (2010)

Freakonomics is an adaptation of Stephen Levitt and Stephen Dubner’s best-selling book with the same title. The documentary aims at studying human behavior through interesting case studies. The documentary has segments exploring parenting, bribery, crime, race, and decent life. 

Four documentary filmmakers have worked on this documentary, putting together pieces of puzzles about human behavior. It explores the connection between science and economics that prompts our behavior. The combination of thoughtful analysis with humor works well throughout the movie.

The four segments of this documentary explore various aspects of behavior, Morgan Spurlock uses his style of comical satire to explore the unpleasant consequences of baby names and the disparity between whites and blacks. The corruption in the world of sumo wrestling is studied by Alex Gibney . Eugene Jarecki offers a shocking and controversial take on why the crime rate had dropped in the 1990s. Rachel Grady and Heidi Ewing experiment offering money to school students to motivate them to improve their grades. It is fun to watch for understanding human psychology. 


These 13 best business documentaries that you can watch on Netflix are inspirational and provocative. These tantalizing documentaries are great for entrepreneurs who need motivation and wish to learn something new. There are many life lessons and business lessons that will make you think and push your boundaries. 

Netflix is a great place to watch such documentaries and invest your time and energy in promising documentaries. Take your mind off the daily struggles and invoke the passion for business through these fantastic documentaries.

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20 Best Business Movies on Netflix Every Entrepreneur Should Watch

Avantika Bhardwaj

Avantika Bhardwaj , Akshat Hawelia

Entrepreneurs, just like anyone else, also appreciate a relaxing evening. And what better way to unwind than by indulging in a night of binge-watching Netflix? But here's the exciting part: even during your downtime, you can find inspiration and ignite your entrepreneurial spirit by watching the right movies and clips. So, grab your popcorn and get ready for a lightning bolt of inspiration as we explore the world of captivating films that can leave a lasting impact on your entrepreneurial journey.

Let’s bring on the new culture of NETFLIX & LEARN.

By watching movies that inspire us, we can absorb the qualities of our favorite characters and gather new ideas right from the comfort of our couches. If you are a business enthusiast looking for some captivating movies to inspire and entertain you, Look no further! In this blog, we have curated a list of the best business movies available on Netflix that will take you on a thrilling journey into the world of entrepreneurship, corporate intrigue, and financial success. From true stories of visionary entrepreneurs to gripping tales of corporate scandals, these movies offer valuable insights and entertainment for both aspiring and seasoned business professionals. Get ready to be inspired, motivated, and entertained as we explore the top business movies streaming on Netflix.

Netflix Total Global Subscriber Base (FY2017-23)

The graph shows the number of Netflix global subscribers from 2017 to 2023. The number of subscribers has increased yearly, from 99.04 million in 2017 to 238.4 million in 2023. This represents a growth rate of over 240% in six years.

Best Business Movies on Netflix

Here are some of the best movies for entrepreneurs on Netflix to get inspired by. These Netflix movies about business are a great source of business motivation for entrepreneurs.

  • The Pursuit of Happyness
  • The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind
  • The Theory Of Everything
  • Manjhi – The Mountain Man

The Social Dilemma

Fyre: the greatest party that never happened, the big short, the defiant ones.

  • The Social Network
  • The Founder
  • The Great Hack
  • Bob Ross: Happy Accidents, Betrayal & Greed

Downfall: The Case Against Boeing

Inside bill's brain: decoding bill gates.

IMDB Rating Director Initial Release
8/10 Gabriele Muccino January 2019

The Pursuit of Happyness - Best Movies for Entrepreneurs on Netflix

This movie is based on Chris Gardner's heart-wrenching “upward mobility” memoir, The Pursuit of Happyness is all about winning the fight against all odds that life throws on you while staying true to your inner compass. The story details Chris's nearly year struggle with homelessness while raising his young son and pursuing an unpaid internship as a stockbroker. At times, he had to resort to sleeping in a subway bathroom, while struggling to sell medical bone-density scanners for income. It has been decades since this film was released, and yet the subject is still relevant today.

The Pursuit of Happyness Trailer | Netflix Business Movies

What should we learn from "The Pursuit of Happyness" movie?

"The Pursuit of Happyness" teaches us the valuable lessons of resilience, determination, and the power of belief in oneself. As an entrepreneur, it reminds us to never give up, even in the face of adversity, and to keep striving for our dreams. It also emphasizes the importance of taking risks, seizing opportunities, and maintaining a positive attitude throughout the entrepreneurial journey.

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IMDB Rating Director Initial Release
7.6/10 Chiwetel Ejiofor 2019

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind - Best Movies for Entrepreneurs on Netflix

This Netflix original is based on the true story of a boy named William Kamkwamba, who saved his town from famine by constructing a windmill to provide water and electricity. He was an adolescent when he was forced to drop out of school in Malawi because his family couldn’t afford the school fees. As famine hit his village, he began to search for a solution. He borrowed books from his former school’s library, and in them, he learned about wind turbines. At its heart, this is a story of incredible innovation.

What should we learn from "The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind" movie?

"The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind" teaches us several lessons as an entrepreneur. It highlights the power of innovation , problem-solving, and resourcefulness. The movie demonstrates that even in challenging circumstances, one can find creative solutions to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. It inspires entrepreneurs to think outside the box, leverage their skills and knowledge, and make a positive impact on their community. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of perseverance, determination, and the belief that one person can make a difference through their entrepreneurial endeavors.

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IMDB Rating Director Initial Release
7.7/10 James Marsh 2014

The Theory of Everything - Best Movies for Entrepreneurs on Netflix

The movie is based on the Late Stephen Hawking, who has been one of the most brilliant and influential scientists of our time. But as well as, harboring an exemplary scientific mind, he was an extraordinary man. Hawking was a fighter who overcame what was supposed to be a fatal case of ALS also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, and so he went on to live a full and accomplished life. He was advised by the doctor that he won’t survive not more than two or three years when he was diagnosed in 1964, but the disease progressed slower than expected. Although Hawking was confined to a wheelchair for much of his life, and as his condition worsened, he had to resort to speaking through a voice synthesizer and communicating by moving his eyebrows.

What should we learn from the movie "The Theory Of Everything"?

"The Theory of Everything" offers valuable lessons for entrepreneurs. The movie teaches us the importance of embracing challenges, adapting to adversity, and never giving up. It emphasizes the power of passion and curiosity in driving innovation and pushing boundaries.

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IMDB Rating Director Initial Release
7.6/10 Bennett Miller 2011

Moneyball - Movies on Netflix for Entreprenerurs

Moneyball is a captivating sports drama that portrays the true story of Billy Beane, the general manager of the Oakland Athletics, and his innovative approach to building a competitive baseball team on a limited budget. Facing financial constraints and struggling to keep up with wealthier teams, Beane partners with Peter Brand, an economics graduate, to revolutionize player evaluation using sabermetric principles. The film showcases how they challenged conventional wisdom and traditional scouting methods, ultimately leading to a historic 20-game winning streak during the 2002 season.

What should we learn from the movie "Moneyball"?

Moneyball inspires entrepreneurs to leverage their knowledge and embrace change to achieve remarkable outcomes and make a meaningful impact in their endeavors. It demonstrates that with the right mindset and approach, transformative achievements are possible, even in industries with established norms and limitations.

IMDB Rating Director Initial Release
8/10 Ketan Mehta 2015

Manjhi - Best Movies for Entrepreneurs on Netflix

"Manjhi - The Mountain Man" is a biographical drama film based on the true story of Dashrath Manjhi, a poor laborer from Bihar, India. The movie portrays the incredible journey of Manjhi, who single-handedly carved a path through a mountain using only a hammer and chisel.

Motivated by his wife's death due to lack of medical access, Manjhi spent 22 years breaking down the barrier to improve his community's lives. The film showcases his determination, resilience, and belief in the power of an individual to make a difference. It is an inspiring tale of triumph over adversity.

What should we learn from the movie "Manjhi- The Mountain Man"?

The movie emphasizes that with determination, resourcefulness, and a strong drive toward your dreams, you can overcome obstacles and achieve success. It inspires us to challenge excuses, push through limitations, and carve our own path to success, just as Manjhi did.

IMDB Rating Director Initial Release
8.8/10 Christopher Nolan 2010

Inception - Best Movies for Entrepreneurs on Netflix

This is a sci-fi drama that is basically peaking onto the influence of the subconscious over our waking lives and what reality really means. The protagonist uses "inception" to implant another person's idea into his target's subconscious. However, the subconscious mind will repel the attempts of inception, especially if that planted idea isn’t authentic. The plot explores the idea of “dream-sharing,” connecting with others on a much deeper level and being able to tap into someone’s core beliefs.

What should we learn from the movie "Inception"?

It teaches us the art of persuasive storytelling and marketing. Just like the characters in the movie plant ideas in people's minds, entrepreneurs can use strategic messaging and storytelling techniques to influence their target audience. By crafting compelling narratives that resonate with customers, entrepreneurs can create a sense of ownership and inspire them to take action, making their products or services feel like a natural and irresistible choice.

IMDB Rating Director Initial Release
7.2/10 Danny Boyle 2015

Steve Jobs - Best Movies for Entrepreneurs on Netflix

This is a biographical movie based on Steve Jobs , who was not about to follow the given paths to success. The film is divided into three parts, each focused on the time period prior to the launch of their key products. The scenes have offered crucial insights not only into professionality but also into strained personal life. Steve offered opportunities who shared his obsessions and were determined to do it. It also showed that Steve was not good at playing well with others.

Steve Jobs Official Trailer | Best Business Movies for Entrepreneurs on Netflix

What should we learn from the "Steve Jobs" movie?

Steve Jobs' story reminds us that great ideas can disrupt industries, and success comes from challenging the status quo and pushing boundaries. It also emphasizes the significance of strong leadership, effective communication , and the ability to inspire and motivate teams. As an entrepreneur, "Steve Jobs" teaches us to believe in our vision, persevere through setbacks, and never settle for mediocrity in our pursuit of greatness.

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IMDB Rating Director Initial Release
6.8/10 Peyton Reed 2008

Yes Man - Startup Movies on Netflix

“Saying Yes to everything life” leads to funny chaos of scenes in the protagonist’s life. That’s because life, with all of its chaos, danger, and fun, is meant to be fully embraced. In the movie, Carl Allen is a man who basically lives to say no to everything. Completely stuck in a negative mindset , Carl attends a conference based on the concept of saying yes to any question thrown his way. What happens next is the result of Carl saying yes to every opportunity — which of course is insane and a lot of fun. In the end, Carl realizes he’s taken the “yes” exercise a little too far, but he’s changed for the better.

What should we learn from the "Yes Man" movie?

The movie teaches us the power of saying "yes" to new opportunities and experiences. As an entrepreneur , it is important to be open-minded, embrace change, and be willing to take risks. "Yes Man" reminds us that stepping out of our comfort zone and embracing a positive attitude can lead to personal and professional growth. By adopting a "yes" mentality, entrepreneurs can discover new paths, expand their network, and unlock hidden potential.

IMDB Rating Director Initial Release
7.6/10 Jeff Orlowski 2020

The Social Dilemma - Netflix Movies for Entrepreneurs

"The Social Dilemma" is a thought-provoking documentary that delves into the hidden consequences of social media and the impact of technology on society. It features interviews with former employees from major tech companies who provide insights into the design and algorithms used to keep users engaged and addicted to social media platforms. The film raises awareness about the negative effects of excessive screen time, the erosion of privacy, and the proliferation of misinformation.

What should we learn from "The Social Dilemma" movie?

"The Social Dilemma" provides valuable lessons for businesses, stressing the significance of ethical technology design and prioritizing user well-being over profit. It encourages questioning the information consumed online and developing critical thinking skills for responsible navigation in the digital landscape. By applying these lessons, we can foster a conscious and responsible digital future, where technology serves as a tool for positive societal impact, rather than manipulation.

IMDB Rating Director Initial Release
7.2/10 Chris Smith January 2019

Fyre - Business Realted Movies on Netflix

Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened is a captivating Netflix documentary released in 2019. It delves into the story of Billy McFarland and the Fyre music festival, a booking app that promised a luxurious musical experience on a Bahamian island. Targeting affluent young individuals with alluring promotions featuring stunning models and the promise of an extraordinary night of music and revelry, the documentary unveils the harsh reality of a failed event that never came to fruition.

What should we learn from the movie Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened?

The movie "Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened" teaches us the importance of honesty, transparency, and delivering on promises as entrepreneurs. It serves as a reminder that building a successful venture requires more than just hype and marketing tactics ; it necessitates genuine planning, organization, and delivering value to customers.

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IMDB Rating Director Initial Release
7.8/10 Adam Mckay January 2016

The Big Short - business related movies on netflix

The biographical comedy-drama was picturized based on the book The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine. The story was about a housing bubble where most people took housing loans as their choice and couldn’t able to repay on time. This happened because Michael Burray the MD of Hedge Funds predicted housing loans would be the future and had bet 1 billion dollars and this steep made others take huge loans and invest in his way without a second thought of the future. This led to the biggest financial crisis in 2007-2008. Then few financial experts worked on the issue and saved the crisis.

What should we learn from the movie The Big Short?

"The Big Short" highlights the importance of critically analyzing the prevailing financial system and being aware of potential risks. It emphasizes the significance of questioning assumptions, conducting thorough research, and taking proactive measures to protect oneself from financial crises . Trusting in one's own efforts and staying determined are key to navigating uncertain times successfully.

IMDB Rating Director Initial Release
8.5/10 Allen Hughes 2017

The Defiant Ones - startup movies on netflix

The Ambitious HBO's TV series The Defiant Ones was a four-part documentary about Jimmy Lovine and Dr. Dre's impeccable music partnership and was released in 2017. Together, they formed Beats Electronics, which was later sold to Apple Inc. The four-part documentary shows the struggles faced by Jimmy Lovine and Dr. Dre individually and how they came together to form Beats Electronics.

Part 1 shows how both started their careers individually with many failures setbacks and frustrating moments and insults.

Part 2 shows the aspiration of both when by the little success of Fuck tha Police to Dre and a few hits to Jimmy.

Part 3 shows Jimmy founded Interscope Records and had a contract with Nine Inch Nails rock band to hail the music.

Part 4 shows the forming of Beats Electronics with the ambitious partnership and becoming a colossal success and then was sold to Apple for 3 billion dollars in 2014.

The Defiant Ones Official Trailer | Best Business Related Movies

What should we learn from the movie The Defiant Ones?

"The Defiant Ones" teaches us the importance of perseverance and resilience in the face of adversity. It inspires us to never give up on our dreams and to maintain a "never quit" attitude, no matter how challenging the journey may be. The movie reminds us that with determination and unwavering belief in ourselves, we can overcome obstacles and achieve our goals.

IMDB Rating Director Initial Release
7.8/10 David Fincher November 2010

The Social Network startup movies on netflix

The story is about the youngest and richest billionaire and founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg. Mark Zuckerberg, angry with his girlfriend, created a website called Facemash and listed the total number of girls in the university (Harward) and started to give a rating to them. Soon, it went on to reach even students of Harward. Knowing such an act by the administration, Mark got rusticated for six months. Attracted by such an attempt, Mark started improvising the idea in a bigger manner and launched Facebook along with his friend Eduardo Saverin. Then Mark started expanding the Facebook network from one university to another and from one place to another, making it a huge success.

What should we learn from the movie The Social Network?

"The Social Network" teaches us that turning an idea into reality requires relentless effort and perseverance. Despite facing numerous challenges and obstacles, the protagonist's determination to bring his vision to life sets him apart. The movie showcases how Facebook, with over 480 billion accounts, has become a global phenomenon. It reminds us that those who take action and bring their ideas into the world have the potential to create history and leave a lasting impact.

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IMDB Rating Director Initial Release
7.2/10 John Lee Hancock November 2010December 2016

The Founder - Best Movies for Entrepreneurs on Netflix

In this American biographical drama, the story revolves around Ray Kroc, the man responsible for turning McDonald's into a global fast-food empire. The film explores the origins of McDonald's and the visionary ideas of the McDonald brothers. It then delves into Kroc's journey as he recognizes the potential of their fast-food system and persuades them to franchise their restaurants. However, Kroc's rise to success comes at the expense of his relationship with the McDonald brothers and his own moral compass.

What should we learn from the movie The Founder?

The movie "The Founder" teaches us the importance of perseverance, seizing opportunities, and the impact of decision-making on personal relationships and integrity in the pursuit of entrepreneurial success.

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IMDB Rating Director Initial Release
7/10 Karim Amer, Jehane Noujaim January 2019

The Great Hack | Best Business Movies on Netflix

"The Great Hack" delves into the depths of the Cambridge Analytica controversy, exposing the subtle exploitation of social media data for political benefit. The story of David Carroll, a determined professor seeking access to his data, Brittany Kaiser, a former Cambridge Analytica employee turned whistleblower, and Carole Cadwalladr, a relentless investigative journalist, is intertwined as they uncover the scope of the data harvesting operation and its impact on the 2016 US presidential election and the Brexit vote. The movie highlights frightening issues about data privacy, the ability of social media to influence minds, and the potential erosion of democratic norms in the digital age as the layers of deception unravel.

What should we learn from the movie The Great Hack?

The movie teaches us that businesses should prioritize data transparency and accountability, exercise responsible data collection practices, implement robust data security measures, refrain from misusing data for manipulative tactics, uphold ethical data practices in advertising, collaborate with data brokers responsibly, and stay informed about data regulations and industry standards.

Bob Ross: Happy Accidents, Betrayal & Greed

IMDB Rating Director Initial Release
6.9/10 Joshua Rofé August 2021

Bob Ross: Happy Accidents, Betrayal & Greed | Best Business Movies on Netflix

The documentary explores the life and career of painter and television broadcaster Bob Ross and the battle for his commercial empire. It humanizes Ross, challenging the idea of him as a novelty and highlighting the ownership dispute around his franchise. The documentary tries to present a more complex perspective of Bob Ross and his legacy, highlighting the need not to oversimplify his image. It was launched on August 25, 2021, and has been described as educational and thought-provoking.

What should we learn from the movie Bob Ross?

As it digs into the battle over Bob Ross's economic empire following his death, it highlights the necessity of protecting one's legacy and business interests. The documentary emphasizes the need to know the business side of creative efforts and the possible difficulties that might develop when commercial interests collide with artistic integrity. It also underlines the need for individuals to be cautious in protecting their intellectual property and economic operations to guarantee that their objectives preserve their legacy.

IMDB Rating Director Initial Release
8.2/10 Charles Ferguson October 2010

Inside Job | Best Business Movies on Netflix

The film explores the reasons for the 2008 global financial crisis. The film thoroughly accounts for the events leading up to the crisis, including financial industry deregulation, the increase of subprime mortgages, and the development of complicated financial products such as Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs). The movie is one of the top business movies on Netflix. It also investigates the crisis's impact on key financial institutions, rating agencies, and government authorities. The film emphasizes the financial industry's lack of accountability and ethical standards and the need for increased transparency and regulation.

What should we learn from the movie Inside Job?

The film teaches various important business principles, particularly company ethics and financial regulation. The film emphasizes the importance of better accountability and ethical standards in the financial industry, shedding attention on the repercussions of uncontrolled greed and a lack of regulatory monitoring. It highlights the significance of ethical business practices, transparency, and stronger regulation to avoid future financial disasters. Furthermore, the film serves as a reminder of the financial sector's connectivity with politics and academia, emphasizing the potential influence of these relationships on the global economy.

IMDB Rating Director Initial Release
7.4/10 Rory Kennedy February 2022

Downfall: The Case Against Boeing | Best Business Movies on Netflix

Downfall: The Case Against Boeing looks into the events that led to Lion Air Flight 610 and Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 crashes, including the Boeing 737 MAX. The documentary investigates Boeing's culture of concealment and the company's negligence in addressing component failures in the 737 MAX. It links these concerns to Boeing's capitalization and the shareholder-first attitude that evolved following its 1997 acquisition of McDonnell Douglas. The documentary presents a devastating depiction of the catastrophes caused by Boeing's wrongdoing and greed, contextualizing Boeing's guilt within bigger trends in American corporate governance. It also highlights the need to transition toward safety-conscious engineering and responsible business decision-making in the aerospace sector.

What should we learn from the movie Downfall: The Case Against Boeing?

Maintaining a culture of safety and quality is of utmost importance, as responsible corporate decision-making is crucial. This documentary highlights the dangers of prioritizing financial gain over ethical business practices and neglecting regulatory oversight, emphasizing the need for transparency and accountability in industries where safety is paramount. Additionally, it serves as a reminder of the significance of crisis management and the importance of companies having effective risk management strategies in place.

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IMDB Rating Director Initial Release
7.8/10 Davis Guggenheim September 2019

Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates | Best Business Movies on Netflix

"Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates" is a 2019 Netflix documentary series that provides insights into the life and work of Bill Gates , focusing on his philanthropic efforts, childhood, and his pursuit of solutions to global challenges such as sanitation and climate change . The series offers a glimpse into Gates' personal and professional life, showcasing his determination, problem-solving approach, and commitment to positively impacting the world. It sheds light on the complexity of Gates' character and his efforts to address significant global issues.

What should we learn from Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates?

The documentary "Inside Bill's Brain: Decoding Bill Gates" is a source of valuable business lessons. It emphasizes the importance of continuous learning, thinking globally, and collaborating with passionate problem solvers. The film also highlights the significance of forming partnerships, practicing compassion, and developing clean and efficient solutions. It underscores the need to comprehend complex systems, detach oneself from emotions, and work diligently to tackle significant global challenges.

IMDB Rating Director Initial Release
6.5/10 Gauravv K. Chawla October 2018

Baazaar | Best Business Movies on Netflix

The film Baazaar depicts the financial market's underbelly. The plot revolves around an ambitious young man who moves to Mumbai and works as a stock trader for an infamous businessman. Saif Ali Khan , Rohan Vinod Mehra, Radhika Apte, and Chitrangada Singh play pivotal parts. The video provides viewers interested in the stock market with insights into the market and enjoyment.

What should we learn from the movie Bazaar?

The film "Baazaar" teaches various business lessons, including the need for long-term and ethical business methods, avoiding shortcuts for rapid success, and completing rigorous study and analysis before making investment decisions. It also underlines the risks of blindly following market leaders and the significance of developing one's tactics. The film explores the complexities of the financial market and promotes slow and lasting returns over fast gains, emphasizing the importance of diligence and caution in business dealings.

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Exploring the world of business through movies can be both entertaining and educational. The best business movies on Netflix provide valuable insights, inspiring stories, and lessons that entrepreneurs can apply to their own journeys. These films offer a glimpse into the triumphs, challenges, and strategies employed by successful entrepreneurs, showcasing the highs and lows of the business world. By watching these movies, we can gain inspiration, learn from the experiences of others, and gain a fresh perspective on various aspects of entrepreneurship. These are some of the best business movies on Netflix 2023 to watch. So grab your popcorn, settle in, and let these movies spark your entrepreneurial spirit and motivate you on your path to success.

What are the movies to watch for entrepreneurs?

The best business movies on Netflix to watch for entrepreneurs are:

Are these business movies based on true stories?

Yes, business movies like The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, Moneyball, The Pursuit of Happyness, and more are some of the most popular movies based on true stories.

Is The Pursuit of Happyness a true story?

The Pursuit of Happyness is a true story based on the Real-Life Rags of Successful Businessman Chris Gardner. Entrepreneurs can learn a lot from this business movie on Netflix.

Is The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind a true story?

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind is a true story based on Malawian inventor & engineer- William Kamkwamba. The movie is a story about the incredible journey of innovation. It is a must-watch entrepreneur movie on Netflix.

Is Manjhi the Mountain Man a true story?

Yes, Manjhi- the Mountain Man is a true story of Dashrath Manjhi who is also known as Mountain Man. He was a laborer in Gehlaur village in Bihar, India who carved a path for crossing a mountain. It is one of the best entrepreneur movies on Netflix.

Can Netflix be used in two different locations with one account?

A Netflix account is meant for one household's use, allowing all members to access it from different locations and benefit from new features like Transfer Profile and Manage Access and Devices.

Can business movies provide practical business advice?

Yes, business-related movies often depict real-world business scenarios and can offer valuable insights and lessons for entrepreneurs.

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Step inside the minds of the most innovative designers in a variety of disciplines and learn how design impacts every aspect of life.

American Factory

Hopes soar when a Chinese company reopens a shuttered factory in Ohio. But a culture clash threatens to shatter an American dream.

Inside Bill’s Brain

Take a trip inside the mind of Bill Gates as the billionaire opens up about those who influenced him and the audacious goals he’s still pursuing.

Catching the Sun

This documentary explores the worldwide economics of the burgeoning solar energy industry and its impact on hopeful job seekers in the United States.

The Defiant Ones

Director Allen Hughes traces the rise of music legends Dr. Dre and Jimmy Iovine and chronicles their groundbreaking partnership.

The Fyre Festival was billed as a luxury music experience on a posh private island, but it failed spectacularly in the hands of a cocky entrepreneur.

The Great Hack

Explore how a data company named Cambridge Analytica came to symbolise the dark side of social media in the wake of the 2016 US presidential election.

Maddman – The Steve Madden Story

This documentary chronicles the rise of the footwear designer behind a billion-dollar empire and his subsequent comeback after a financial scandal.

The Milk System

Farmers, scientists and industry insiders delve into the hidden costs and consequences of global dairy production and offer up possible solutions.

Minimalism – A Documentary About The Important Things

People dedicated to rejecting the American ideal that things bring happiness are interviewed in this documentary showing the virtues of less is more.

A New Capitalism

Entrepreneurs worldwide explore alternatives to current capitalist structures, advocating for profitable businesses that also tackle social inequality.

Print the Legend

This award-winning, original documentary chronicles the race for market leadership in 3D printing, the next wave of technological evolution.

This docuseries travels deep into the heart of the food supply chain to reveal unsavoury truths and expose hidden forces that shape what we eat.

Secrets of Selfridges

American Harry Gordon Selfridge introduced Londoners to a new retail model that made shopping less of a practical pursuit and more of an adventure.

She Did That

Go inside the lives of extraordinary, black female entrepreneurs as they discuss building legacies and pioneering a new future for the next generation.

Silicon Cowboys

This documentary tells the story of Compaq Computer and its three founders who, in 1982, took on Goliath IBM at the height of its PC dominance.

Steve Jobs – The Billion Dollar Hippy

Insiders including Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak tell extraordinary stories of the rise, fall and rise again of Apple with Steve Jobs at its helm.

Take Your Pills

In a hypercompetitive world, drugs like Adderall offer students, athletes, coders and others a way to do more – faster and better. But at what cost?

The Pursuit

IN a time of turbulence for the free market system, one economist explores how it has lifted billions out of poverty, and might just save us all.

Tony Robbins – I Am Not Your Guru

Tony Robbins’ clients swear by his unorthodox life coaching methods. A revealing film goes behind the curtain at his annual mega-event.

Trump – An American Dream


Friends, associates and critics reveal the truly American story of Donald Trump, the brash businessman who defied the odds to become US President.

What the Health

This film examines the link between diet and disease, and the billions of dollars at stake in the healthcare, pharmaceutical and food industries.

Written by John Kennedy ([email protected])

Published: 24 March, 2020

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15 of the best business & startup movies to watch on Netflix

Thomas Ohr

Currently there are over 4,000 movies available on Netflix. Nevertheless, it can be hard to find some good business- and entrepreneurship-focused films within this massive catalogue.

Are you looking for some exciting business movies to inspire and entertain you? In this article we’re introducing you to 15 of the best business and startup movies that are currently available on Netflix. From biopics to fictionalized accounts of real events, these films offer a wide range of perspectives on what it takes to succeed in the world of business.

The Founder

An American biographical drama about Ray Kroc, the man who transformed McDonald’s from a small family-run hamburger chain into a global fast food empire. The film traces the early history of McDonald’s, starting with the story of the original founders, brothers Richard and Maurice McDonald, who developed a revolutionary fast food system in the 1950s. It then follows the involvement of Kroc, a traveling salesman who saw the potential in the McDonald’s system and convinced the brothers to allow him to franchise their restaurants. Kroc eventually took over the company and expanded it into a multi-billion dollar business, but at the cost of his relationship with the McDonald brothers and his own personal integrity.

The Social Network

This movie tells the story of the creation of Facebook and the legal battles that ensued after its co-founder Mark Zuckerberg was accused of stealing the idea from his former classmates. The film follows Zuckerberg (played by Jesse Eisenberg) as he creates Facebook in 2004 while studying at Harvard University. The movie also explores the legal disputes that arose between Zuckerberg and his former business partners and friends, Eduardo Saverin (played by Andrew Garfield) and the Winklevoss twins (played by Armie Hammer and Josh Pence). “The Social Network” received widespread critical acclaim and was a big commercial success. It was nominated for several awards, including eight Academy Awards, and won three, including Best Adapted Screenplay.

Fyre – The greates Party that never happened

A documentary film about the Fyre Festival, a failed music festival that was supposed to take place on the Bahamian island of Great Exuma in April and May 2017. The event was marketed as a luxury music festival with top-tier musical acts and luxurious accommodations, but it quickly turned into a disaster as attendees arrived to find a chaotic and poorly organized event with inadequate food, shelter, and other basic necessities. The film, released in 2019, explores the background and events leading up to the festival, as well as the aftermath and the legal consequences for the organizers. It features interviews with former employees, contractors, and attendees, as well as footage of the event itself and behind-the-scenes glimpses of the planning process.

An American biographical comedy-drama about Joy Mangano, a self-made millionaire who invented the Miracle Mop. The film follows Joy’s life from childhood to adulthood, as she struggles to overcome various challenges and setbacks to achieve success and build a business empire. The movie also stars Robert De Niro as Joy’s father, Edgar, and Bradley Cooper as Neil Walker, a struggling executive who helps Joy launch her business. “Joy” was inspired by the true story of Joy Mangano, who became a successful entrepreneur despite facing numerous obstacles and challenges. It was a commercial and critical success upon its release, and Jennifer Lawrence received a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Actress for her performance as Joy.

The Great Hack

A documentary film about the Cambridge Analytica scandal, in which the political consulting firm harvested the personal data of millions of Facebook users without their knowledge or consent, and used it to influence political campaigns around the world. The documentary explores the impact of the scandal on politics, privacy, and the role of technology in society, and features interviews with key figures involved in the story, including former Cambridge Analytica employees, whistleblowers, and journalists. The film was directed by Karim Amer and Jehane Noujaim, and was released on Netflix in July 2019. It received generally positive reviews from critics and was nominated for several awards, including a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Documentary or Nonfiction Special.

The Pursuit of Happyness

An American biographical drama film starring Will Smith as Chris Gardner, a struggling salesman who becomes homeless with his young son (played by Smith’s real-life son Jaden Smith) while trying to build a better life for himself. Based on a true story, the film follows Gardner’s journey as he tries to overcome numerous challenges and setbacks, including financial struggles, homelessness, and discrimination, while also trying to provide for his son and pursue his dream of becoming a stockbroker. Despite facing numerous obstacles, Gardner eventually achieves his goal and becomes a successful financial executive. “The Pursuit of Happyness” was a critical and commercial success upon its release and received numerous accolades, including an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor for Will Smith’s performance.

A biographical drama movie which is featuring Ashton Kutcher as Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple Inc., and chronicles the early years of his career, from his days as a college dropout to the launch of the Macintosh computer in 1984. The film follows Jobs as he co-founders Apple with Steve Wozniak (played by Josh Gad) and becomes involved in the personal computer revolution of the 1970s and 1980s. It also explores his relationships with key figures in his life, including his business partner, his family, and his colleagues at Apple. “Jobs” received mixed reviews upon its release and was a commercial disappointment. However, Ashton Kutcher’s performance as Steve Jobs received some praise from critics.

The Big Short

A biographical comedy-drama movie based on the 2010 book “The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine” by Michael Lewis and tells the story of a group of investors who profited from the housing market crash of the late 2000s by betting against the mortgage market. The film stars Christian Bale, Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling, and Brad Pitt as the main characters. “The Big Short” was a critical and commercial success upon its release and received numerous accolades, including five Academy Awards, including Best Supporting Actor for Christian Bale’s performance. It was praised for its portrayal of the events leading up to the housing market crash and its explanation of complex financial concepts in a way that was accessible to a wide audience.

A comedy-drama movie starring Robert De Niro as Ben Whittaker, a 70-year-old widower who becomes an intern at a successful e-commerce company run by Jules Ostin (Anne Hathaway). The film follows Ben as he adjusts to his new role as an intern and becomes friends with his younger colleagues, including Jules. Along the way, he offers guidance and support to Jules, who is struggling to balance the demands of her career and her personal life, and helps her realize the importance of work-life balance. “The Intern” was well-received by critics and was a commercial success upon its release. It was praised for its charming performances and its heartwarming portrayal of the relationship between Ben and Jules.

The Wolf of Wall Street

A biographical crime/comedy film based on the memoir of Jordan Belfort. The film stars Leonardo DiCaprio as Belfort, a New York stockbroker who becomes involved in corrupt and fraudulent activities in the 1990s. The film follows Belfort’s rise to success as a stock broker and his subsequent fall from grace, as he becomes involved in securities fraud and money laundering. It also explores his relationships with his colleagues, his family, and the authorities, and depicts the excesses and excesses of the Wall Street culture of the time. “The Wolf of Wall Street” was a critical and commercial success upon its release and received numerous accolades, including five Academy Award nominations. It was praised for its performances, especially DiCaprio’s portrayal of Belfort, and its depiction of the corrupt and decadent world of Wall Street.

Boiler Room

A business/drama movie about a young man named Seth Davis who becomes involved in a questionable, high-pressure stock brokerage firm called J.T. Marlin, which recruits college students to sell overpriced stocks to unsuspecting investors. As Seth becomes more involved in the firm and its sketchy business practices, he begins to question the ethics of his actions and the consequences of his involvement. The film also explores Seth’s relationships with his colleagues, his family, and his girlfriend, and the impact that the firm has on their lives. “Boiler Room” received generally positive reviews upon its release and was a commercial success. It was praised for its performances and its depiction of the cutthroat world of high-pressure sales.

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

An adventure comedy-drama directed by Ben Stiller and starring Stiller as the titular character, Walter Mitty. The movie is based on the 1939 short story of the same name by James Thurber and tells the story of Mitty, a daydreaming magazine employee who embarks on a journey of self-discovery and adventure after his job and his personal life are threatened. The film follows Mitty as he travels to various locations around the world, including Greenland, Iceland, and Afghanistan, in search of a missing negative for a photograph that he believes will be the cover of the final print issue of Life magazine. Along the way, he encounters a variety of characters and challenges, and learns to embrace his true potential and live in the present.


A documentary film about the rise and fall of the internet startup company govWorks.com. The film follows the experiences of co-founders Kaleil Isaza Tuzman and Tom Herman as they try to build and scale their company, which aimed to provide an online platform for government services, during the dot-com boom of the late 1990s. “Startup.com” chronicles the challenges and setbacks faced by the founders, including financial and management issues, as well as the impact of the dot-com bubble burst on their company. It also explores the personal and professional relationships between Tuzman and Herman and the effect that the demands of running a startup had on their friendship. The film is considered a classic of the dot-com era and a cautionary tale about the risks and challenges of starting a business.

A techno-thriller based on Eggers’ 2013 novel of the same name. The film stars Emma Watson as Mae Holland, a young woman who lands a job at a powerful and influential technology company called The Circle. The film follows Mae as she becomes more and more involved in the company and its products, including a new social media platform that allows users to share all aspects of their lives online. As Mae’s involvement with The Circle deepens, she begins to question the ethics and consequences of the company’s actions and the impact that its products have on society. “The Circle” received mixed reviews upon its release and was a commercial disappointment. However, it was praised for its performances, especially Watson’s portrayal of Mae, and its exploration of themes related to privacy, surveillance, and the role of technology in society.

A crime comedy film directed by Chris Addison and starring Anne Hathaway and Rebel Wilson as two con artists who team up to take down a tech mogul. The movie follows the two characters as they try to pull off a series of elaborate scams and schemes in order to get revenge on the wealthy businessman who wronged them. The film also features a supporting cast that includes Alex Sharp, Ingrid Oliver, and Dean Norris. “The Hustle” was released in theaters in February 2020 and received generally positive reviews from critics, with praise for the performances of Hathaway and Wilson and the film’s entertaining and amusing plot.

  • Boiler room
  • business movies
  • entrepreneurship movies
  • Netflix movies
  • startup movies
  • Wolf of Wallstreet

Thomas Ohr

10 new business & startup movies to watch on Apple TV+

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24 Best Biographical Documentaries Movies to Watch On Netflix

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Shot from the movie

1. Senna , 2010

If you're not a fan of F1 racing, you might not know who Ayrton Senna is. If you are, there is no way you don't know. However, this 2010 British-French documentary packs so much thrill and emotion, you don't have to be a racing enthusiast to be engrossed by it.

So, who is Ayrton Senna? At a time when F1 cars were +1000HP fire-breathing monsters and the grid was stacked with world champions, the Brazilian racing driver rose above the rest to take 3 world championships and win the fabled Monaco Grand Prix a record 6 times. At the age of 34, a devastating car crash took his life.

Director Asif Kapadia develops a compelling, emotional, and exhilarating portrait of F1 racing and the man that was Ayrton Senna. He is still considered by many to be one the best and most exciting racing drivers to have ever stepped into an F1 car. The documentary too, is a thrilling pursuit: moving, psychological intriguing and absolutely nerve-wracking!

Genre : Documentary, History

Actor : Adriane Galisteu, Alain Prost, Arnaldo Jabor, Ayrton Senna, Bernie Ecclestone, Frank Williams, Gerhard Berger, Jackie Stewart, Milton da Silva, Neide Senna, Nelson Piquet, Nigel Mansell, Ron Dennis, Sid Watkins, Viviane Senna, Xuxa, Xuxa Meneghel

Director : Asif Kapadia

Rating : PG-13

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Shot from the movie

2. Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond , 2017

Genre : Comedy, Documentary

Actor : Andy Dick, Andy Kaufman, Bob Zmuda, Carol Kane, Chris Smith, Courtney Love, Danny DeVito, David Letterman, Elton John, George Shapiro, Hugh Hefner, Jerry Lawler, Jim Carrey, Jon Lovitz, Judd Hirsch, Michael Stipe, Milos Forman, Paul Giamatti, Peter Bonerz, Randall Carver

Director : Chris Smith

Rating : TV-MA

Shot from the movie

3. American Symphony , 2023

Art is a hobby for most people, but for musician Jon Batiste and writer Suleika Jaouad, art is part and parcel of this thing called life. Of course, it’s part of their work, and it’s how they make a livelihood, but it’s more than that– it’s almost a spiritual ritual they cling to, especially when Jaouad finds out that her leukemia has returned. American Symphony mainly depicts the creation of said orchestral work, but director Matthew Heineman translates the symphony into cinematic form, culminating in a performance played over the intimate moments between Batiste and Jaouad. It’s not just a documentary of a performance, but a documentary about art, about creation despite life’s pains, perhaps to survive life’s pains. It’s a powerful work that makes it easy to believe in art as imperative for life, and vice versa.

Genre : Documentary, Music

Actor : Anna Wintour, Billie Eilish, James Taylor, Jon Batiste, Jonathan Dinklage, Justin Bieber, Lenny Kravitz, Louis Cato, Questlove, Simon Helberg, Stephen Colbert, Stevie Wonder, Suleika Jaouad, Trevor Noah

Director : Matthew Heineman

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Shot from the movie

4. Undefeated , 2011

Genre : Documentary

Actor : Bill Courtney, Chavis Daniels, Montrail 'Money' Brown, Montrail 'Money' Brown, O.C. Brown

Director : Daniel Lindsay, T. J. Martin

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Shot from the movie

5. Uppity: The Willy T. Ribbs Story , 2020

“They called me uppity. Uppity n*****. And I loved it”. That’s how this excellent documentary, about the first professional black racing driver Willy T. Ribbs, starts. It summarizes the strong personality of a champion who excelled in tracks that were filled with confederate flags.

The documentary explains the details of the difficulties that Ribbs went through in the 70s and 80s, but also the people who supported him and recognized his talent. It’s by no way a sad movie, on the contrary, even when Ribbs is talking about people spitting wherever he walks or about the death threats escalating, his unharmed determination is at the center of the story.

This is an inspiring documentary about a character who never got his worth in the history books. I was full of shivers by the first half-hour mark.

Actor : Adam Carolla, Al Unser Jr., Bernie Ecclestone, Bobby Unser, Chase Austin, David Hobbs, Doug Boles, Geraldine Ribbs, Ian Brown, Nate Adams, Paul Newman, Phillip Ribbs, Willy T. Ribbs

Director : Adam Carolla, Nate Adams

Rating : Not Rated

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Shot from the movie

6. How to Change the World , 2015

How to Change the World is an insightful and candid documentary about the formation of Greenpeace in 1971 by a small group of environmentalists and activists in Vancouver, British Columbia. Beginning with their attempt to disrupt U.S. nuclear testing in Amchitka, Alaska, the film follows their subsequent efforts to thwart commercial whaling in the Pacific, their anti-sealing campaign in Newfoundland, and their ongoing efforts to defend the natural world against what they perceive as excessive human intervention and abuse. How to Change the World is as much a poignant tale of inspired activism as it is an interesting study of the organization’s early tribulations: idealism vs. anarchy, social movement vs. organizational structure (or lack thereof) and leadership vs. disunity. The voice of co-founder Robert Hunter (de facto leader of Greenpeace from inception) is heard posthumously throughout via narrator Barry Pepper, and it adds an impassioned air of gravitas to the film, detailing the many complexities Greenpeace experienced over the course of its early years of growth and development. A compelling and educational viewing experience.

Actor : Bill Darnell, Bobbi Hunter, David Garrick, Emily Hunter, Jerry Rothwell, Paul Watson, Rex Weyler

Director : Jerry Rothwell

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Shot from the movie

7. What Happened, Miss Simone? , 2015

Actor : Dick Gregory, Elisabeth Henry-Macari, James Baldwin, Lisa Simone, Liz Garbus, Nina Simone, Stanley Crouch, Stokely Carmichael, Walter Cronkite

Director : Liz Garbus

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Shot from the movie

8. Pamela, A Love Story , 2023

I love when a misunderstood woman reclaims her narrative with her own words, and that’s exactly what Pamela: A Love Story is too, a tell-all documentary told by Pamela Anderson herself.

The documentary bares it all—the scandalous sex tape, Anderson’s troubled past, the disgusting misogyny that continues to tarnish her career. She even touches on the Hulu miniseries made about her demise (which Netflix must feel so smug about). But this isn’t a pity party. Just the opposite, the documentary is a testament to resilience. “My life is not a woe-is-me story,” Anderson says at one point, and truly, this is an inspiring and humanizing story about a woman taking charge of her own life. An absolute must-see.

Actor : Barry Anderson, Brandon Thomas Lee, David Hasselhoff, David Hogan, David Letterman, Douglas Schwartz, Jimmy Kimmel, Julian Assange, Kelly Slater, Michael Berk, Pamela Anderson, Ruby Wax, Tommy Lee, Tony Curtis, Vivienne Westwood

Director : Ryan White

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Shot from the movie

9. Dick Johnson Is Dead , 2020

Dick Johnson Is Dead is a heartfelt and unconventional portrait of how one can live life to the fullest even in their darkest days. Kristen Johnson’s follow-up to the highly acclaimed documentary Cameraperson , Johnson shows that her skills are no fluke as she crafts a witty film where she masterfully balances surreal tonal shifts to create a compelling experience. While it does have a repetitive nature, the final thirty minutes are heartbreakingly comedic, and make this one worth a watch!

Actor : Brett Eidman, Fredi Bernstein, Ira Sachs, Kevin Loreque, Kirsten Johnson, Mary Page Nance, Michael Hilow, Vasthy Mompoint

Director : Kirsten Johnson

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Shot from the movie

10. They'll Love Me When I'm Dead , 2018

It’s bold to make a film about a legendary icon of cinema, but it’s even bolder to make one about Orson Welles. Best known for making Citizen Kane (universally agreed upon as one of the best movies ever made), Orson Welles is the renegade filmmaker whose works and techniques form the foundation of modern narrative filmmaking today. In his eyes, he asserts that the best films are made by accident. However, armed with archival footage and interviews with those closest to Welles, director Morgan Neville dares to question one of cinema’s biggest geniuses by examining the production of his last unfinished film, the Hollywood satire The Other Side of the Wind. While Welles was undeniably genius - able to inscrutably visualize a film without scripts - it’s easy to see how his tendency to stoke conflict for art could be so self-destructive. This film presents Welles as he is - both a cinema maverick and also an overly demanding artistic tyrant.

Genre : Documentary, Drama

Actor : Alan Cumming, Andrés Vicente Gómez, Cameron Mitchell, Cybill Shepherd, Danny Huston, Dennis Hopper, Frank Marshall, Gary Graver, George Stevens Jr., Henry Jaglom, Jeanne Moreau, John Huston, Joseph Cotten, Joseph McBride, Keith Baxter, Michael Fitzgerald, Neil Canton, Norman Foster, Oja Kodar, Orson Welles, Peter Bogdanovich, Peter Jason, Rich Little, Robert Random, Simon Callow

Director : Morgan Neville

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Shot from the movie

11. Stutz , 2022

Stutz is Jonah Hill’s loving tribute to his therapist Phil Stutz, a smart and empathetic man who’s dedicated his entire life to helping people. The conversations between them, deeply personal and vulnerable, are meaningful in themselves, but Stutz also works as a helpful instruction on how to be your best self and as a metanarrative on telling honest stories on a medium as seemingly artificial as film (it is similar to Bo Burnham’s Inside in that way).

Stutz is at once experimental and comforting, a real gem especially for people with an interest in psychoanalysis and alternative psychiatry. It’s at its best when the two men deal with uncomfortable truths in the kindest of ways, and it's sure to be something people will return to often for advice and solace. Fun fact: the documentary was co-produced by Joaquin Phoenix and Rooney Mara.

Actor : Jonah Hill

Director : Jonah Hill

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Shot from the movie

12. Shirkers , 2018

In the early 1990s, Singaporean teens Sandi, Jasmine, and Sophie set out to make the country’s first indie movie. Incredibly, in between college, day jobs, and very limited funding, they manage to do just that with the help of their wise but mysterious mentor, Georges. Shirkers, as the project came to be called, seemed primed to revolutionize the burgeoning Singaporean film industry. It was ambitious and bonkers, unlike anything the country has seen before, and it lovingly contained tributes to the makers' cinematic heroes (among them Wim Wenders and David Lynch). But before it could see the light of the day, before it could even be viewed and edited by the girls who conceptualized it, Shirkers’ raw footage was whisked away by Georges, who fled the country without a trace. 

The potentially pioneering film was never to be seen again—that is, until 20 years later when it resurfaces in near-mint condition (sadly, the audio could not be recovered). Fascinated by the journey of the lost film and mystified by Georges’ motives, Sandi decides to remake Shirkers as a documentary. The result is an artistic and personal interrogation into what made their small beloved film possible, how its loss affected the people behind it, and how this all led to Shirkers, the documentary, which is a testament to how art always prevails in the end. 

Actor : Georges Cardona, Jasmine Ng, Jasmine Ng Kin Kia, Sandi Tan, Sophia Siddique Harvey

Director : Sandi Tan

Rating : TV-14

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Shot from the movie

13. ONEFOUR: Against All Odds , 2023

Documentaries about musicians — or anyone famous, for that matter — are often mythologizing puff pieces, essentially feature-length airings of PR material. But Against All Odds has more to it than flattery. It chronicles the rise of Australia’s first drill rappers, five young men of Samoan origin who soared to fame from their disadvantaged Sydney neighborhood after going viral and catching the eye of artists like the UK’s Skepta and Australia’s own The Kid Laroi. 

ONEFOUR’s rise from “the trenches” is compelling in itself — far more so than some of the dull origin stories that often pad out this kind of movie — but the documentary is given even more weight by its examination of the forces that sought to put out their fire: New South Wales police. ONEFOUR’s lyrics, which often reference violence, put them in the crossfires of a police tactical unit determined to, in one officer’s words, “make [ONEFOUR’s] life miserable until [they] stop what [they’re] doing.” Amazingly, the on-camera police interviews feature even more brazen admissions of the ways they “lawfully harass” ONEFOUR, a fact that makes this documentary an eye-opening portrait of both aggressive (and allegedly racist) policing and the resilience of the group in the face of it.

Actor : Celly, J Emz, Lekks, Spenny, The Kid LAROI, YP

Director : Gabriel Gasparinatos

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Shot from the movie

14. Sly , 2023

The mythology surrounding Sylvester Stallone: the action hero is so big and successful that many people, including myself, often forget about Sylvester Stallone: the prolific writer. He failed to bag roles as a young actor in the 1970s, so he whipped out a script (in a span of three days!) that became the iconic film Rocky. Later on, after witnessing the power of elderly entertainers, Stallone rewrote a screenplay that would become the ongoing franchise The Expendables. He’s a hunk in many people’s eyes, nothing more and nothing less, but Sly successfully steers you away from that one-dimensional reputation and reintroduces you to the dramatist and artist Stallone has been all along. The film begins as an immigrant story (Stallone hails from Italy), then turns into a rags-to-riches story (he grew up in a tough New York neighborhood without formal education) before finally transforming into an honest and earnest meditation on superstardom and artistry. Going in, I was wary that this would be just another puff piece on a Hollywood has-been. And while it does have its fair share of schmaltz, I now believe it's a well-deserved and long overdue ode to Stallone’s unwavering commitment to the power of movies. 

Actor : Al Pacino, Anthony Hopkins, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Brian Dennehy, Bruce Willis, Burgess Meredith, Burt Young, Carl Weathers, Chazz Palminteri, David Caruso, Dinah Shore, Dolph Lundgren, Estelle Getty, Frank Stallone, Frank Stallone Jr., Henry Winkler, Jack Lemmon, James Cagney, Jason Statham, Jennifer Flavin Stallone, Jet Li, John Herzfeld, John Wayne, Marlon Brando, Mickey Rourke, Milo Ventimiglia, Mr. T, Perry King, Peter O'Toole, Peter Riegert, Quentin Tarantino, Richard Crenna, Robert De Niro, Sage Stallone, Sandra Bullock, Scarlet Rose Stallone, Sharon Stone, Sistine Rose Stallone, Sophia Rose Stallone, Steve Austin, Steve Reeves, Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire, Teri Hatcher, Terry Crews, Woody Allen

Director : Thom Zimny

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Shot from the movie

15. Team Foxcatcher , 2016

This documentary prides itself on its rawness from its home video style. It uses a lot of uninterrupted clips that don’t really need to be there, as well as odd choices for symbolic b-roll and mood-setting music in the early going. But at the center of the documentary is John du Pont, an unstable old money mark who wishes to be one of the boys, treating the wrestlers like his family in the absence of his own. The interviews paint a clear picture of him as a delusional, lonely, and dangerous man, and the foreshadowing is insane albeit too slow. While it may be visually all over the place, perhaps the biggest nitpick about it is that, out of respect, it could have allotted more time to Dave Schultz or the aftermath.

Genre : Crime, Documentary

Actor : Dan Chaid, Dave Schultz, John E. du Pont, Mark Schultz, Nancy Schultz

Director : Jon Greenhalgh

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The Cinemaholic

15 Best Biopics on Netflix Right Now

 of 15 Best Biopics on Netflix Right Now

Biopics have now become a hot genre because there’s something about real-life stories of certain individuals that lure filmmakers. It may be an entire lifetime of a person or just a few crucial years that act as an amazing storyline for a film. It’s no surprise why biopics are able to do so well. Extraordinary stories of successful people or people who had a deeper cause to serve society, all of these inspire us to live a better life. But these stories become more impactful when they are based on the lives of real individuals. Some make us believe in ourselves and our goals while some restore our faith in humanity. The good news is that a great number of these movies are already available on Netflix. So all you have to do is scroll down and choose one of the few biopic movies that we have listed. Here’s the list of really good biopic movies on Netflix that are available to stream right now.

15. Roxanne Roxanne (2017)

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Directed and written by Michael Larnell, ‘Roxanne Roxanne’ is an autobiographical musical drama film that stars Chanté Adams, Mahershala Ali, Nia Long, and Elvis Nolasco. Roxanne Shante, a young rapper from New York, has already made her reputation as one of the most feared battle emcees in the 80s. Whoever had seen her perform knew that she was all set to become a hip-hop legend. ‘Roxanne Roxanne’ recounts Shante’s inspiring story as she worked tirelessly to provide for her family and achieved musical success in the process.

14. Come Sunday (2018)

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This film is based on an episode of the public radio series called ‘This American Life’. The biopic is about an internationally renowned pastor who went by the name Carton Pearson. When Carton defied the morals of the church and started preaching that there is no hell, he found himself being ostracized by his own church and the Christian community who labeled him as an unorthodox non-conformist. The film has a lot of mixed opinions when it comes to the reviews because it goes against the religious values of a lot of people. But don’t let the reviews fool you, this film is great and has some amazing cinematography with acting.

13. Milk (2008)

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Starring Sean Penn and James Franco, ‘Milk’ tells the life story of Harvey Milk starting from his 40th birthday all the way up to his death. The film traces his journey as he struggles to fight for gay rights in the country as an activist and later becomes California’s first gay elected official. The biopic also highlights his relationships with two men along the way and how the death of one really moves him. ‘Milk’ is an extremely moving film and will make you truly feel the struggles of Harvey Milk and all the gay activists of that era.

12. First They Killed My Father (2017)

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Directed by Angeline Jolie , this one is the true story of a 5-year-old girl named Loung Ung and her struggles with her family when the Khmer Rouge had taken over Cambodia in the year 1975. Their terrorizing rule led to the death of over 2 million Cambodians. The film shows how Ung and her siblings were sent to Labor Camps and were trained to become soldiers at such a young and delicate age. This film holds a great amount of historical accuracy and clearly, a lot of effort has been into portraying Loung Ung’s story. It does not focus too much on showing the violence and gore prevailing at that time and instead shows the underlying terror and chaos during the time which makes this one a great watch.

11. Christine (2016)

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Christine Chubbuck was a TV reporter back in the 70s. This film tells her story by narrating her struggles as a working woman, pressures from her home and also her own depression . This film has been quite under the radar but deserves more appreciation. It tends to get inside your head with its depressing characters and storyline with uncomfortable slow burn throughout. Note that this movie can be triggering for those who are already going through something but overall, it’s a very good movie with some brilliant acting.

10. Bob Ross: Happy Accidents, Betrayal & Greed (2021)

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Featuring Bob Ross, Steve Ross, Vicky Ross, and John Thamm, ‘Bob Ross: Happy Accidents, Betrayal & Greed’ is a biographical documentary film directed by Joshua Rofé. As the name suggests, the movie revolves around the rise of the titular protagonist, a brilliant painter and television host, who spread love, joy, and happiness to the millions of viewers glued to his programs on their television screens from around the world. With great success came significant financial burdens. While offering a touching overview of Bob’s inspiring life, the film immediately turns its attention towards the battle for his business empire that saddened and infuriated a lot of his fans.

9. Baggio: The Divine Ponytail (2021)

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Written by Ludovica Rampoldi and Stefano Sardo, ‘Baggio: The Divine Ponytail’ is a biographical sports film that stars Andrea Arcangeli, Valentina Bellè, and Thomas Trabacch. The Letizia Lamartire directorial recounts the inspiring life story of Roberto Baggio, a former footballer who dedicated 22 years of his life to the sport. From successes to his failures and regretful mistakes, the movie captures everything. It also introduces viewers to the man behind closed doors and his relationship with his loved ones. Roberto’s affinity to Nichiren Buddhism and his adherence to its philosophy is also deeply discussed.

8. Sergio (2020)

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Greg Barker’s ‘Sergio’ is a biographical drama movie produced by Wagner Moura, Brent Travers, and Daniel Dreifuss. The film focuses on Sérgio Vieira de Mello, a United Nations diplomat who, after working tirelessly on several international political programs for more than three decades, decides to do something about the American invasion of Iraq in 2003. Despite warnings not to visit Baghdad in the middle of conflict, Sérgio tries to negotiate the withdrawal of American troops so that the country can achieve freedom. However, his attempts do not go as planned as he gets trapped in the basement of a hotel after a terrorist attack.

7. Mank (2020)

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Directed by David Fincher, ‘Mank’ is a black-and-white biographical drama film that revolves around the development of the popular 40s film ‘Citizen Kane’ and its screenwriter Herman J. Mankiewicz. It is set in the 1930s and offers an exciting insight into the Hollywood of the time. However, the films’ focus remains on the development of the iconic movie and challenges faced by Herman along the way.

6. The Dirt (2019)

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Written by Rich Wilkes and Amanda Adelson, ‘The Dirt’ is a biographical comedy-drama film that is based on Neil Strauss’s book ‘The Dirt: Confessions of the World’s Most Notorious Rock Band.’ After spending several crucial years of his early life with his abusive mother, Frank Carlton Feranna Jr. ventures into the outside world in search of his father and eventually stumbles upon the purpose of his life. When he met Tommy Lee in 1980, the musician shared his plan to form a new band, and the two joined hands to include other members in the team. After the inclusion of Mick Mars and Vince Neil, the Mötley Crüe was formed and, in just a few years’ time, became one of the most popular rock bands on the planet.

5. Dolemite Is My Name (2019)

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Featuring stand-out performances by Eddie Murphy, Da’Vine Joy Randolph, Keegan-Michael Key, Mike Epps, and Craig Robinson, ‘Dolemite Is My Name’ is a biographical comedy film written by Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski. It revolves around a struggling artist named Rudy Ray Moore, who is desperately trying to get his music on the air in the 1970s. Unfortunately, he has had little success, and his future is still clouded in uncertainty. However, on one ordinary night, an unexpected encounter with a homeless man changes Rudy’s life as he discovers his true calling and ends up entertaining the world, albeit in his own humble and small way.

4. A Futile and Stupid Gesture (2018)

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Inspired by Josh Karp’s 2006 non-fiction book of the same name, ‘A Futile and Stupid Gesture’ is a biographical comedy-drama film written by John Aboud and Michael Colton. The David Wain directorial follows Douglas Kenney, who, along with his classmate Henry Beard lays the foundations of a monthly magazine named the National Lampoon. The duo leaves the life-transforming opportunity of attending law school for their ambitious goal and, with Douglas’ big vision, manages to change the American comedy scene in innovative ways.

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3. Schumacher (2021)

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Directed by Hanns-Bruno Kammertöns, Vanessa Nöcker, and Michael Wech, ‘Schumacher’ is a German sports documentary film that focuses on the inspiring career of the titular protagonist and features Corinna Schumacher, Sebastian Vettel, Mika Häkkinen, Jean Todt among many others. The movie offers an intimate understanding of German Formula One racing driver Michael’s personal and professional life using unseen videos, archive footage, and interviews. From his early go-kart career to the struggle with the death of Ayrton Senna, ‘Schumacher’ paints a moving portrait of the legendary racer with an accurate depiction of his failures, successes, and fears.

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2. Barry (2016)


Directed by Vikram Gandhi, ‘Barry’ is a drama movie that centers upon Barack Obama’s college days and gives viewers a unique perspective on his life. In the early 1980s, the 44th President of the United States reached New York as a 21-year-old exchange student to Columbia University, where he made friends with his roommate, Will. Barack participated in debates about philosophy and American society and took an active interest in political affairs. ‘Barry’ gives viewers an intimate understanding of what Obama was like during his early 20s and offers a closer look at the interests that eventually made him the leader he is today.

Read More: Best Black Movies on Netflix

1. The Most Hated Woman in America (2017)

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Tommy O’Haver’s ‘The Most Hated Woman in America’ is a biographical drama film that stars Melissa Leo, Peter Fonda, Sally Kirkland, and Rory Cochrane. The film centers upon Madalyn Murray O’Hair, an activist, atheist, and proponent for the separation of church from the state who fiercely advocated for his beliefs despite the challenges in her path. Unfortunately, she gets kidnapped in the mid-90s along with her son Garth and granddaughter Robin by people who detest her ideas which eventually ends tragically.

Read More: Best Suicide Movies on Netflix


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10 Business Lessons to Learn From Netflix Co-Founder Marc Randolph Learn valuable business lessons from the entrepreneur with the billion-dollar idea.

By Christian Nwachukwu Edited by Chelsea Brown Apr 6, 2022

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

If you are old enough to remember the days of going to Blockbuster to find a new movie or watch an old favorite for the 100th time, you might have thought "Those were the good old days." In reality, they were, but things dramatically changed when Netflix came onto the scene.

On August 29, 1997, Netflix was started by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph as an online DVD rental service, but it has now become the world's largest online streaming platform.

What can we learn from Netflix founder Mark Randolph ? Thanks to savvy business decisions by Randolph and his co-founder, Netflix is now worth billions of dollars. So, let's explore Randolph and the 10 best business lessons we can learn from his journey to success.

1. Staying ahead of new competitors

While Netflix was the first of its kind, competitors have flooded the market over the years. Amazon, Disney, TV networks and many more companies offer successful streaming networks. In addition, Netflix's business model continues to change with the times. It started as a DVD rental company, then offered viewers subscription services, and by 2007, it was rebranded into an online streaming service.

Related: The Crazy Numbers Behind Netflix's 20 Years of Success

2. Setting trends

Trends change all the time, and to stay relevant, companies need to stay on top of their game. Randolph and Netflix started the concept of " binge-watching ," so their audience didn't have to wait each week to see their favorite show.

3. Become a disruptor

You need to become a disruptor and make the competition uncomfortable if you want to succeed. For example, Randolph knew that they could disrupt Blockbuster's business by ditching videos and going straight to DVD rentals.

"But the biggest reason we had confidence in our future is that we planned to disrupt their business by doing something they couldn't do - or at least would be unwilling to do." - Marc Randolph

Related: Netflix Co-Founder: Here's How to Become a Disruptor

4. Seizing opportunities

Randolph saw an opportunity to expand their business from not only providing subscription streaming services but also by offering exclusivity of in-house productions. As a result, the company created hit shows such as Orange Is the New Black , The Umbrella Academy and You , which can only be found on Netflix.

5. Consumer experience

The streaming portal was designed to personalize the user's experience. It tracks the consumer's behavior, recommends movies and shows according to their search and watch history and saves the user's progress to improve their experience the next time they use the platform.

Randolph and Hastings offered consumers a monthly flat-rate fee to watch unlimited DVDs to compete further with Blockbuster. Their stance on the flat-rate model has remained the same since it was introduced in 1997, except it is now a subscription-based service. While prices have increased over the years, consumers are still well aware of and committed to Netflix's quality shows and binge-watching opportunities.

7. Expansion

Another incredible way Randolph and his team took Netflix to new heights was by going global. They didn't just offer Netflix to the global market. Instead, they researched each country's regulations, technical requirements, politics, culture and consumer preferences to ensure the launch's success. As a result, Netflix can now be streamed in 190 countries worldwide.

Related: 3 Tricks the Cofounder of Netflix Uses to Make Hard Decisions Easier

8. Data-driven platform

In 2013 , Netflix released its first critically acclaimed original show, House of Cards . But why did it choose this show to spend millions on creating? Netflix already knew what the consumer wanted through data collected from the market. Initially, it used a simple rating system followed by studying consumer preferences to ensure they got it right.

9. Changing to the times

Randolph and Hastings saw a huge opportunity in the increasing popularity of smart TVs, so they integrated themselves on LCD TVs to expand the audience's accessibility to the platform. As a result, families across the United States used Netflix as their primary source of television entertainment. Netflix knew how to time its streaming site according to the current economic climate. When it shifted to streaming in 2007 and 2008, the country was experiencing a recession, and Netflix provided affordable home entertainment.

10. Always be evolving

Netflix started in a market that didn't even know it needed a change. Randolph and Hastings developed Netflix to make DVD rentals convenient for consumers with no extra fees. Consumers didn't have to go to video rental shops, home entertainment was simplified and they completely changed the game. Netflix has continuously adjusted its business model to stay ahead of the game and set trends.

Related: How Success Happened for Netflix Co-Founder Marc Randolph

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10 Biographical Documentaries to Watch on Netflix Now That You’ve Finished ‘Harry & Meghan'


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The 13 Best R-Rated Movies on Netflix Right Now

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Everyone has their own story: in the fast-paced and glamorized world of film and TV, authenticity is needed. Where dramatizations make good entertainment, sometimes a story is best told by the person who lived through it. Biographical documentaries encourage this. They have allowed people who have lived in extraordinary circumstances to claim agency over their narratives.

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These kinds of documentaries give us an intimate look into the truth of human lives, regardless of how exposed they may be. Where Harry & Meghan is a recent example of this, public figures are not the only ones whose stories deserve to be told. The beauty of Netflix is that there's a wide spectrum of biographical documentaries at the audience's fingertips that are guaranteed to captivate, entertain and move all.

'Sr' (2022)

Robert Downey Jr. looking at his father, Robert Downey Sr.

Where the world may know Robert Downey Jr. , this story is about his late father, Robert Downey Sr. , the visionary filmmaker who made waves in Hollywood in the 1960s with his absurdist and non-conventional art. Filmed during his final years, Sr. pays tribute to all aspects of this artist's life and expansive career.

A picture set in black and white, this movie is an intimate and deeply personal story of a father and son. Where it features Downey Sr.'s journey through Parkinson's disease, this isn't a gloom-ridden watch but one filled with heart . With quippy banter between the duo and comedic attempts of Downey Sr. taking control over the camera work, audiences are given an inside look at their poignant discussions of addiction, fatherhood, and grief.

'Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey' (2022)

The women of FLDS gazing at a picture of Warren Jeffs, their leader

This story uncovers the truth behind the rise and fall of Fundamentalist cult leader Warren Jeffs , a radical of the denomination of Mormonism who encouraged the acts of polygamy, underaged marriage, and abuse.

Documenting the atrocities within the patriarchal religious cult , this four-part series studies Jeff's crooked mind as the self-proclaimed prophet. Through confronting archival footage and interviews from the women who bravely left and defied the cult's clutches, Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey will leave audiences shocked for days to come. Do be aware that this documentary contains triggering sequences.

'Becoming' (2020)

Michelle Obama in 'Becoming'

Following Michelle Obama on her book tour for her first memoir, this documentary is an intimate look into her life as she recounts her upbringing, her time as First Lady, and what her life has been like since leaving the White House.

Bringing viewers behind the curtains of the 34-city travel stops, Becoming is just as much about Obama's life as it is about the connections she makes with the women she meets, particularly high school students around the country. Similar to the key message in her book, she hopes to encourage the future generation to find their voice and use it.

'Ladies First' (2018)

Deepika Kumari in Netflix promotional pic for 'Ladies First'

Deepika Kumari was a girl born in poverty who found a love for archery in her youth. Ladies First chronicles her inspirational journey to success as she joined the Tata Archery Academy and ultimately became one of the world's greatest archers.

Where this documentary comments on rural India's economic hardships, it's mainly the story of a woman who broke the social barriers of her deeply patriarchal culture. Showing the highs and lows of her career, this documentary celebrates how Kumari's path actively challenged the ingrained cultural perception of a woman's inferiority to men. Ladies First honors her ground-breaking achievements and highlights how she has inspired many more.

'Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond' (2017)

With hours of behind-the-scenes footage from the set of the 1999 biopic Man On The Moon , this documentary centers around Jim Carey reflecting on his dedication to absorbing the persona of legendary comedian Andy Kauffman .

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Where viewers will learn more about the interesting creative life of Kauffman, Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond is really about Carey and who he is as an artist and performer. By consistently shifting to the on-set footage of the biopic, Carey's method acting is put at the forefront . From crashing cars into studio walls to irritating the entire production team, viewers are called to ponder how far is too far for the purpose of an actor's craft.

'A Secret Love' (2020)

Pat Henschal and Terry Donohue in 'A Secret Love'

This is the story of Pat Henschel and Terry Donohue , two former baseball players who have kept their relationship a secret for 70 years. Now in their 90s and having only recently revealed the truth to their families, they now look to see what their future entails.

An incredibly moving and heartfelt love story, this documentary tackles the historical struggles of the LGBTQ+ community and its long-lasting effects of the years of ingrained shame. Told through the lens of a couple entering what's naturally presumed the final chapter of their lives, A Secret Love will easily move viewers to tears as Henschel and Donohue look through archival materials and reflect on their sacrifices to protect their union of love.

'Homecoming: A Film By Beyoncé' (2019)

Beyonce standing on stage at Coachella in 2018

Documenting the process behind Beyoncé 's renowned Coachella performance in 2018, Homecoming: A Film By Beyoncé is a celebration and homage to Black culture , particularly Black feminism.

Canonized as "Beychella" by her fan base, this performance was praised for its quality and power and its historical nature as Beyoncé was the first Black woman to headline the iconic music festival. As a result, this documentary features an amalgamation of behind-the-scenes footage, with an assortment of music styles and voice-over monologues that quotes legends from the likes of Nina Simone and Maya Angelou . As an ode to Black artists, Beyoncé's film will enthrall viewers because of her dedication as a performer and her growing role as a political figure.

'Dick Johnson is Dead' (2020)

Richard Johnson in 'Dick Johnson is Dead'

After Richard Johnson is diagnosed with dementia, his filmmaker daughter Kirsten Johnson takes on a project to help them face the inevitable. Her solution—stage his death in creative and comical ways.

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This documentary, a very smart comedy with a touch of morbidity , is one of the most creative projects within the last few years. From death by air conditioner unit to flamboyant depictions of the afterlife, Dick Johnson is Dead utilizes absurdism to tackle the confronting truths of human mortality masterfully. It's a deeply poignant story that may make viewers weep yet still leave them smiling.

'The Defiant Ones' (2017')

Jimmy Ioving and Dr Dre in 'The Defiant Ones'

This docuseries is a deep dive into the legendary partnership between Jimmy Iovine and Dr. Dre , two of the most influential people in the music industry and contemporary culture itself.

Alternating through their childhoods, fans learn of their rocky rise to stardom. Featuring interviews from today's most famous and beloved musicians, such as Eminem and Stevie Nicks, The Defiant Ones pays tribute to the duo's artistry and the paths they collectively paved within the world of music and business.

'Conversations with a Killer: Jeffrey Dahmer' (2022)

Jefferey Dahmer mugshot in 'Conversations with a Killer'

Going into the mind of the notorious serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer , this three-part series features archival interview footage between him and his legal team. Through this documentary, audiences are confronted with his never-before-heard confessions that detail his horrific crimes.

Gracing the Netflix listings shortly after the release of Ryan Murphy 's dramatization of Dahmer's life, Confessions with a Killer captivates audiences with the facts and truth. Its disturbing nature is amplified by making the killer his storyteller. By giving viewers first-hand knowledge of his motives and mental processing, this series becomes an uncomfortably intimate viewing experience. Dahmer's directness and openness to revealing his atrocities will even leave the biggest true-crime fans spooked and unsettled .

KEEP READING: 10 Best Crime Documentaries Not Produced By Netflix

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Every Business Can Learn From This 1 Phrase in Netflix's New Culture Memo

Once a company scales beyond a few core team members, you'll have dissension. netflix gives you the language you need to move forward..

Netflix's Hollywood campus in California.

"Disagree then commit."

Netflix just released its  new "Culture Memo ," and while there is a lot to learn from this document, this is my favorite phrase. It's also a principle all business leaders should implement immediately.

Not everyone will agree with everything you do. A company like Netflix , which produces a wide variety of content, will have dissension on every project . Netflix isn't alone in following this principle. Jeff Bezos has a similar mantra . I also use this principle to train HR professionals and leaders, but I do it through the lens of  improv comedy with " Yes, and. " This phrase is a foundational principle of life as well as an important part of business -- accepting reality, and then moving forward. 

And when you do move forward, everyone needs to be all in. In fact, the Netflix document states:

After a decision is made, we expect everyone, including the people who argued for a different approach, to disagree then commit. This helps ensure the outcome is as successful as possible. Afterwards, when the impact is clear, the informed captain should reflect on their choices -- what worked and what didn't -- so everyone can learn how to do better next time.

If you follow this principle--all of it--you'll build a better culture and a better business. 

Of course, if you are a CEO following this principle, it doesn't mean you can ignore your team's dissent in favor of what you want. Why hire them if you won't listen? Once you do decide, though, expect people to support the decision. But--and this is a very important "but"--be sure to monitor the results and be willing to admit when something has gone wrong and you need to make a change. 

Netflix's Core Principles

This isn't the only great principle in this document. Netflix also introduces four core principles:

The Dream Team : We aim only to have high performers at Netflix -- people who are great at what they do, and even better at working together. People Over Process : You get better outcomes when employees have the information and freedom to make decisions for themselves. We hire unusually responsible people who thrive on this openness and freedom. Uncomfortably Exciting : To entertain the world, we need to be bold and ambitious. That means embracing the thrill of what's next -- even when it's uncomfortable. Great and Always Better : We often say Netflix sucks today compared to where we can be tomorrow. We need the self-awareness to understand what should be better, and the discipline and resilience to get there.

These principles are great for Netflix. But they may not be great for your business--an accounting firm shouldn't aim for what makes employees uncomfortable, for example, while an entertainment company that wants to appeal to as many people as possible clearly does. 

What's more important than delving into the value of these core principles is the journey Netflix went on to create them.

Four Steps to Developing Impactful Core Values

Sergio Ezama, chief talent officer at Netflix, released his own statement about how Netflix developed the core principles. Ezama is quite new to Netflix--he joined in 2021 after 20-plus years at Pepsico. And sure, food and entertainment are very different fields. But people are the same everywhere, and Ezama's memo proves that.

Here are four key lessons you can take from Ezama's explanation of Netflix's core principles:

1. Brief is better . In 2009, Netflix released a 125-slide PowerPoint about Netflix's culture. That was pretty revolutionary at the time, but Ezama cut this new version down to about 2,200 words. That's still a lot, but it's a lot less than before. No one is going to read through 125 slides.

2. Ask the employees . These revisions weren't just done by the executive team. They received 1,500 comments from employees through something they call "farming for dissent." If you aren't asking your employees about the culture, then your culture document probably doesn't reflect your actual culture--rather, it reflects what the C-suite thinks it is. 

3. Focus on what's important . Because the new document is shorter, the Netflix team had to focus on only the most critical points. But Ezama points out that they actually added to some of the ideas in the original document: "Second, we reintroduced some concepts from the original deck that had been watered down (e.g., the emphasis on responsibility, and the focus on good and bad process versus no process at all)." When you're cutting fat, make sure you add back in whatever else you need.

4. Keep your core principles short . The 2,200 words of the new Culture Memo is still a lot. Most people aren't going to read the full thing. They will read the core principles--the four principles that are bolded and bullet-pointed and leap off the page. When they're easy to see and focus on, managers and employees alike can easily remember them and refer back to them.

If Netflix can live up to this document, the business will continue to prosper. And keep an eye on Ezama. He seems to know a great deal about how to lead people and cultures.

A refreshed look at leadership from the desk of CEO and chief content officer Stephanie Mehta

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‘Owning Manhattan’ is Ryan Serhant’s latest mash-up of reality drama and luxury real estate

A man with salt and pepper hair is wearing a pin-striped suit in front of the Brooklyn Bridge.

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Ryan Serhant doesn’t know selling real estate without a television show.

After a short-lived career as an actor, and just months into his foray in real estate, he was cast in Bravo’s reality series “Million Dollar Listing New York,” a spinoff of its L.A.-based predecessor. The series gave viewers tours inside multimillion-dollar luxury properties while showing the drama among arrogant and wily agents who often competed for listings or sales. It premiered in 2012 and ran for nine seasons — and it helped establish a winning format of high-end real estate voyeurism mashed up with reality TV drama.

From the start, Serhant sought to stand out with an over-the-top, hot-shot salesman style — dressing like Aslan, the lion from “The Chronicles of Narnia,” and jumping into a swimming pool during an open house were among his exploits. Ever the dealmaker, he brokered a number of specials and spinoffs for Bravo, most recently “Ryan’s Renovation” (2021), which chronicled the remodel of the Brooklyn townhouse he shares with his wife and daughter.

A collage of photos, including a plastic surgeon marking on a woman's face and a woman placing a tiara on the head of a woman

‘This is you now. It’s OK’: ‘The Swan’ contestants reflect on makeover competition 20 years later

‘The Swan’ was a spectacle called cruel and sadistic, but former contestants don’t really see it that way. The reality makeover competition foretold the era we live in.

June 25, 2024

In 2020, he started his own real estate brokerage — Serhant. — and once again invited cameras along, but this time for Netflix, which has doubled down on real-estate reality programming with such shows as “Selling Sunset” and “Buying Beverly Hills.” With “Owning Manhattan,” now streaming, cameras follow Serhant and his team of agents as they compete — sometimes with each other — for some of New York’s most sought-after listings.

In a recent video call from New York — as a back-seat passenger readying for his next appointment — Serhant talked about making the jump to Netflix from Bravo, navigating reality TV drama as a boss and why money-strapped viewers can’t get enough luxury real estate porn. This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.

Three men and a woman stand and laugh inside a high-end New York City condo

You have a long history with Bravo. You approached them with the idea of a show when you started your company. What was the feedback and what prompted the jump to Netflix?

When I knew that I was starting my own company, I had a conversation with Bravo and my agents, and they were basically like, “You know how ‘Million Dollar Listing’ is a format? It follows a couple real estate agents as they sell real estate. Imagine ‘Law & Order’ — that’s a format. Imagine, if you turned on an episode of ‘Law & Order’ and then all of a sudden one of the detectives was like, ‘J.K., now I have my own detective agency and that’s what the show is.’” It would be weird for the format. And so we brought the show to an end after they tracked my starting of Serhant., and I immediately put together a presentation of what my next chapter would look like ... and presented that to all of the networks. Got offers for most of them. But I know Jenn [Levy] really well at Netflix. [Levy, who had been director of unscripted originals at Bravo, left her post at Netflix earlier this year.]

We went forward with Netflix, and it’s honestly been such a cool experience. It scratches the itch of, “OK, you want to see $250-million New York City penthouses? Here you go, Episode 1. You want to see what it’s like inside the workplace drama of a young startup real estate firm, à la ‘Vanderpump Rules’? OK, here you go. You want to have your own orchestra composing your music that gives you slightly a ‘Succession’ vibe. Yeah, we could do that too. Plus we’re gonna drop drones through the canyons of this city and showcase Manhattan in a way it’s never been shown before. Yeah, we can do that because we’re Netflix. What else do you want to do?” I was like, “I’ve never seen a reality TV show that has a first-person narrator with a voice-over, can I do that?” And they were like, “Yeah.”

You have a background in acting, and you’ve been in the reality space for a while, so you know drama makes good TV. But you take your role as a professional starting a company seriously. H ow is it to navigate the drama now as a boss?

So stressful. It was a tough one. “Million Dollar Listing” was stressful at the time, but it was really all me. It was on my shoulders, my clients, my business. This time around, I bet my life on starting this business in 2020, and so the exposure is a double-edged sword. With Netflix, part of the deal was, “Here’s the amount of time you’re gonna film for, and we’re gonna film everything, for better and for worse, and we’ll see what happens.” That removes some deal pressure. On “Million Dollar Listing,” it was formatted. So you’re gonna list it, and you would have those 12 listings up on a board for a year, and if they sell, they sell; they don’t sell, you get fired on TV. Because of the shooting window, you couldn’t leave things open-ended. This is different. This season ends on the cliffhanger. Every episode is a cliffhanger. We had an agent, halfway through the season, just up and quit on camera. I had to fire people who are pushing other people to quit. That’s what you get to watch on top of the deals now. The show starts with me and 12 agents, and it ends with 10. I start with salt-and-pepper hair, I end with white hair.

To expand on that , Jonathan Normolle quickly emerged as the so-called villain of the season. From a show perspective, the drama and tension that someone like him brings is appealing. But you, as a boss, decided to fire him. Tell me about the push and pull of keeping the show entertaining and thinking about your company.

There’s reality, and it’s what we do all day — the work, the people, the management, the payroll, the business, the opening of new markets every day— and then there’s perception, which sits on top of reality. What I did with “Million Dollar Listing” was I said, “OK, I have reality of my business. ‘Million Dollar Listing’ is going to be the perception, and it’s going to sit, not on top of reality, but above it. And that’s going to push me to consistently bring reality up to the perception.” Because we would take a year to film “Million Dollar Listing” and it would come out the next year. Whoever I act as, however I talk, the properties I show, that’s who the world is gonna see next year. That’s where a lot of the stress intention lay. Obviously, I want to do the TV show because I’ve only ever done TV shows. I don’t know selling real estate without a television show. I said [to my executive team], “If we’re gonna do this as a company, we have to go all in.” I don’t want anyone watching the show and saying to themselves, “What didn’t they show?” That was the push and pull: Do you really want to show the warts of your business to 270 million people? Or do I look at it not as warts but as I’m young, building my own business and be vulnerable with the world, and you’re going to come on this journey with me.

Two women and a man with tattoos on his head sit at a table inside an office

Have you had any run - ins with Jonathan since?

I give Jonathan a lot of credit. I saw something in him that I also saw in me. I’m not tattooed on my my head, but a little bit of a fish out of water. I had a dream in my head: “Dude, here’s what you should do — people are gonna look at you and they’re gonna judge a book by its cover. You have seconds to change people’s minds. You sell something big, you show them you’re a great, great person who’s also fun and awesome and cool and the face of the next generation, you are gonna have the biggest career ever. Or you could blow it all up.” And so it was probably my biggest disappointment. But I give him credit for being his authentic self.

There are some headline-making deals on “Owning Manhattan.” Tell me about these listings and the struggle of getting high-profile clients to be on camera or not. Bad Bunny winds up renting the Jardim property featured on the show for a record $150,000 per month. The season ends with you nabbing a listing for a condo that was used in “Succession” as Roman Roy’s home .

How random was that ending? Props to our production team for taking the weirdest idea I think I’ve had. I’m like, “You know what we’re going to do? We’re going to end the show in a way where people are gonna be like, ‘What the f— just happened?’” All I think about is: How do I get someone to look up from their damn phone? Anyway, I guess I’ve been used to it now for a long time. But that’s why you see buyers’ representatives, family members or lawyers kind of stepping in for clients here and there. In our show, we see a lot of the real people, a lot of the real developers. The penthouse at Central Park Tower — that’s a long-lead listing. There’s only so many people in the world who can afford it and, so [we say], “We’re gonna put it on a Netflix show. First person who buys it, gets it. Just trust me.”

Harlan [Berger], the seller of the Jardim, where we rented it to Bad Bunny — we sold it, by the way. It just traded after we were done filming for, I think, $15 million. That’s a classic example. The seller agreed [to be on camera], but the tenant [Bad Bunny] did not agree to go on camera. We didn’t mention anyone’s names. It got put into the press, so now it’s part of the public domain; but the press, because that’s a huge rental amount, then helped bring in the buyer. You don’t buy an Hermès bag because it can be your purse. The brand sends a message. Real estate is the same way.

The interior of a Manhattan home that showcases floor-to-ceiling windows.

It’s a complicated time to display some of New York’s most exclusive real estate on a global stage. The cost of living, especially in big cities, is insane. What have you gleaned about why viewers enjoy getting this inside look into the upper echelons?

Because we’re all voyeurs. Everyone wants what they can’t have. Everyone fantasizes. It’s what keeps us going. It’s like brain liquidity, it’s dream liquidity. I watch “Drive to Survive.” I’ll never be behind a wheel in one of those cars, but it’s fun to watch their lives unfold on the racetrack and be like, “Man, they’re taking this seriously.”

How are you feeling about the housing market right now? How much of the sales you are doing these days are with buyers overseas?

The most interesting stat for me is that pre-COVID, I was doing 35% of all our transactions in cash. Today, it’s like 75%. The market right now is educated — it’s not exuberant, and it’s not devastated, it’s educated. International purchasers, we’re doing a lot with. I just sold a house — we sold it to a Croatian over FaceTime. Before that, I sold a house for $57 million over FaceTime to someone in South Africa.

[International sales are] a big part of our business and a big part of me also signing up with Netflix. I called five of my clients who are overseas, and I was like, “OK: Netflix, Amazon, Peacock, Hulu. Which one do you have?” And the common denominator across all of them was Netflix. I was like, “OK, for business, this is a mutually beneficial relationship, so we’ll pick the biggest network.”

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Responsibility Over Freedom: How Netflix’s Culture Has Changed

The company’s latest internal memo about its corporate culture is more about how it expects employees to behave than what it wants to become.

An exterior of the Netflix building at dusk. In the foreground, a highway crosses near the building.

By Nicole Sperling

Reporting from Los Angeles

Netflix has long been a company known for its secrets: no Nielsen ratings, little feedback on why shows are canceled, no box office numbers for the rare movies that are actually released in theaters.

Yet for a place defined by its opaque approach to the outside world, the streaming giant has long been aggressively transparent internally. The company’s philosophy was immortalized in 2009 when Reed Hastings, the company’s co-founder and chief executive, first laid out the corporate ethos in a 125-slide presentation that introduced new buzzy phrases like “stunning colleagues,” “the keeper test” and “honesty always.”

The presentation, with its insistence on constant and unfiltered candor, felt both brutal and refreshingly antithetical to Hollywood’s normal way of doing business. To the frustration of former employees and current competitors, it may just be the blueprint that has enabled Netflix to have so much success while its rivals have stumbled.

Three more culture memos have followed over the years. Before being released, they are pored over and analyzed for months by top executives. At the same time, any employee can pop into the Google Doc where the memo is being assembled to leave a thought or a comment.

The latest iteration of the document, which was released internally on May 8 and will soon be made public, underwent eight months of vetting and received 1,500 comments from employees, according to Sergio Ezama, Netflix’s chief talent officer. It is five pages long (half the length of Mr. Hastings’s final memo in 2022), and some core tenets have changed, however slightly.

When Mr. Hastings titled his 2009 presentation “Netflix Culture,” he gave it the subhead “Freedom and Responsibility.” The idea was that Netflix trusted its employees to act in the best interest of the company. If you want a vacation, take a vacation. If you have a baby and need to go on leave, go on leave. Documents were shared widely throughout the company without any fear of leaks.

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Meet Reed Hastings, the man who built Netflix

Netflix is one of the greatest underdog success stories at the crossroads of technology and television.

What started as a DVD-by-mail rental service has now spawned a slew of award-winning original television series , made available over 100 million hours of content, and virtually redefined what it means to watch, and create, TV in 2015. 

While CEO and founder Reed Hastings is a prominent member of the Silicon Valley tech community, he's largely elusive to the general public.

Scroll through to learn about the man who built the  $47 billion  online streaming service.

Reed Hastings was born in Boston, Massachusetts on October 8, 1960, to Joan and Wilmot Hastings. His father was a lawyer who later worked for the Nixon Administration.

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Source: Vanity Fair

Hastings attended Bowdoin College where he earned a bachelor's degree in mathematics and ran the Outing Club where he organized climbing and canoeing trips.

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Source: Vanity Fair , Fortune

After college, he joined the Peace Corps to teach high school math for two years in Swaziland, an experience he's called "a combination of service and adventure."

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Source: Inc. Magazine ,  Vanity Fair

After returning to the States, Hastings earned his master's in artificial intelligence at Stanford. He credits the school with turning him on to the entrepreneurial model. Interestingly enough, Stanford's graduate school of business named Netflix the 2014 Entrepreneurial Company of the Year.

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Source: Stanford Business

In 1991, Hastings founded Pure Software, which developed a debugging tool for engineers. The company reportedly doubled its revenue every year and Hastings soon moved from his position as an engineer to CEO (although he now admits there were major hiccups in his managerial style).

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Source: Inc. Magazine

Pure Software went public in 1995 and was eventually acquired by Rational Software. Hastings earned $750 million from the acquisition and was able to cofound Netflix with Marc Randolph in 1997. The idea for Netflix came after Hastings was charged a $40 late fee for an overdue rental from Blockbuster.

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Source: Fortune , CNN Money

Ironically, Hastings offered to sell forty-nine percent of Netflix to Blockbuster in 2000 to act as an online arm for the video-rental giant. Blockbuster turned them down and Hastings returned home to promote Netflix as the rental underdog.

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Source: The New Yorker

Five years later the tables turned. By 2005, Netflix had 4.5 million subscribers and counting, beating out any online efforts made by Blockbuster. During this time, Hastings, his wife Patty, and their two children were renting a house outside of Rome and he was commuting to Silicon Valley two weeks out of every month.

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Netflix continued to grow into the online marketplace by offering on-demand streaming services – by 2010 it had 16 million subscribers. After a brief separation of the DVD rental and on-demand streaming portions of Netflix in 2011, Hastings rejoined the two after he regretfully admitted the division was a mistake.

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Source: The New Yorker , The New York Times

In 2013, Hastings moved Netflix into uncharted territory when it premiered its first original television series, "House of Cards." The show was nominated for a staggering nine Primetime Emmy awards and went on to win three – rivaling a number of traditional shows. By the end of that year, Netflix’s stock had tripled in value.

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Source: IMDb , The New Yorker

Netflix stocks have ridden a rocky road since the company went public in 2002. But as of August 2015, Netflix surged to an all-time high with shares up 9925% above the IPO price. “We will come to see that linear TV declines every year for the next 20 years...and that internet TV rises every year for the next 20 years,” Hastings said at a media conference in Berlin this year.

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Source: Business Insider , re:publica

In August 2015, Netflix announced unlimited maternity and paternity leave for its employees, paving the way for forward-thinking companies to follow suit. The forward-thinking company already offered unlimited vacation for its employees.

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Source: Business Insider

Hastings reportedly doesn't have an office at Netflix headquarters in Los Gatos, California. Instead, he floats around between desks, and when he needs a break, heads to the "towering inferno" – a secluded square room built on the roof of Netflix’s main building.

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Netflix's leading man is not only paving the way for the future of television, he's also a staunch advocate for education reform in California. Hastings served as President of the California State Board of Education from 2001 to 2004 where he lobbied for charter schools. Last year, he was the Keynote Speaker at the 2014 Annual CA Charter Schools Conference.

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Source: Wall Street Journal , Washington Post

In December 2013, Hastings and John Doerr, of venture capitalist firm Kleiner Perkins, invested a combined $14.5 million in DreamBox Learning, an online math program for elementary and middle school students.

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Hastings and his wife signed the Bill and Melinda Gates Giving Pledge in 2012, vowing to give away a hefty portion of their wealth. At the time, Hastings was not yet a billionaire.

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Source: CNN Money

Today, Hastings's net worth is $1.54 billion according to Forbes, most of which is tied to Netflix stock.

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Source: Forbes

Outside of Netflix, he's a board member on a handful of organizations, including Facebook since 2011, and is still active in education philanthropy. According to his Facebook page, he also enjoys trips to Monterey with friends and family and is close with the Zuckerbergs.

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Source: LinkedIn

Disclosure: Mathias Döpfner, CEO of Business Insider's parent company, Axel Springer, is a Netflix board member.

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The Vandals from The Bikeriders Are Based on a Real Motorcycle Club

The movie, starring Tom Hardy and Austin Butler, takes inspiration from a 1968 photobook documenting the Chicago Outlaws Motorcycle Club.

members of the outlaws motorcycle club sitting in chairs and standing inside a police waiting room

Now in theaters, The Bikeriders— starring Tom Hardy , Austin Butler , Jodie Comer, and Mike Faist—tells the story of the Chicago Vandals, a fictionalized version of the Outlaws and some of their actual members. Inspired by Lyon’s acclaimed 1968 photobook of the same name, the movie examines the Vandals and their transition from a haven for outcasted bikers to something more sinister.

Similar to their onscreen counterparts, the influence and reputation of the Outlaws have changed dramatically since their inception.

The Outlaws originated almost 90 years ago

While The Bikeriders documents the founding and rise of the fictional Vandals starting in the 1960s, the Outlaws’ true story began three decades earlier. According to its official website , the club started as the McCook Outlaws Motorcycle Club in 1935. Riders formed the group outside of Matilda’s Bar in McCook, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. After years of limited inactivity during World War II, the organization held its first major rally at Chicago’s Soldier Field in 1946.

According to Time , the war was a major catalyst for the rise of motorcycle culture in the United States. The resulting military surplus made bikes affordable, and returning veterans sought an adventurous escape from the boredom of civilian life. This led to the formation of other clubs, including the Hells Angels—the Outlaws’ chief rival—in Fontana, California, in 1948.

Meanwhile, the Outlaws continued attracting riders from throughout the Windy City and moved their headquarters from McCook in 1950 to become the Chicago Outlaws. Around this time, the club adopted its signature skull logo on shirts and jackets; the crossed pistons were added four years later.

By 1964, the Outlaws had incorporated chapters from Milwaukee and Louisville, Kentucky—and caught the interest of a young rider named Danny Lyon.

Lyon became an Outlaws member to create his book

Lyon was a first-year history student at the University of Chicago in 1959 when a classmate introduced him to motorcycle culture. The owner of a Triumph TR6 bike, he would soon combine this new passion with his budding journalistic skills.

But first, Lyon left Chicago in 1962 to document the Civil Rights Movement . He served as an official photographer for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and befriended key figures like John Lewis and Julian Bond.

One year later, he embarked on his motorcycle project that would become The Bikeriders. Although Lyon said he received a very clean-cut transformation in the new film—Faist, who portrays his fictional stand-in “Danny,” doesn’t ride a motorcycle onscreen—the photographer became a full-fledged Outlaws member by 1965. A self-described “pothead” in the primarily beer-drinking club, he documented his fellow riders through photography and analog tape recordings.

Published in 1968, The Bikeriders book received acclaim and reportedly inspired the 1969 movie Easy Rider starring Dennis Hopper, Peter Fonda, and Jack Nicholson . However, Lyon left the group and the biker lifestyle following its release. “I loved my work and loved what I was doing, but it was a subject to me,” Lyon told A Rabbit’s Foot , “so when I thought I had what I needed, I knew it was time to move on, and I did.”

Real recordings from Lyon are used in the movie

The Bikeriders movie draws heavily from Lyon’s source material, including using “verbatim imitations” of his audio recordings, according to Bleak Beauty . Lyon spoke with Outlaws members Cal, Zipco, and Cockroach, who all appear in the new movie. The re-creation treatment is especially true of Comer’s character, Kathy—modeled after the real-life Kathy Bauer—whose interviews form the narrative structure of the plot surrounding the fictional Vandals.

In 1966, the 25-year-old Bauer offered a glimpse into the Outlaws’ tight-knit nature by describing her first meeting with a rider named Benny (played by Butler). She explained in detail how the group, including leader Johnny Davis (Hardy), tricked Bauer into taking a ride on Benny’s motorcycle. “He takes off, he goes through the stoplights and everything so that I wouldn’t jump off,” Bauer told Lyon . “And I wouldn’t have jumped off anyway because I was scared s—less; I’d never been on a motorcycle in all my life.

“Johnny was real nice to me. He says, ‘Don’t worry, I’m the president of this club, and I wouldn’t let nothing happen to you. They’re only having fun, and this one guy wanted to go out with you,’” Bauer said. The unusual courtship worked as Bauer and Benny later married. Their relationship is featured prominently in the movie.

But while this cordiality is illustrated through the Outlaws’ onscreen stand-ins, the club has been linked to much more antagonistic activity in the decades since.

The Outlaws of today are pretty different from the movie

a motorcycle rider wearing a leather jacket with a skull and pistons logo

The Outlaws have spread far beyond their Chicago hub in the decades since, with the organization now boasting chapters across at least 26 states and reaching countries like France, Ireland, Japan, and Russia. According to the Chicago Reader , the Outlaws were estimated to have more than 1,500 members by 2014.

However, the club has developed a treacherous reputation. As of November 2023, the U.S. Justice Department classifies the Outlaws as one of 300 “outlaw motorcycle gangs,” or OMGs. These are described as “highly structured criminal organizations whose members engage in criminal activities such as violent crime, weapons trafficking, and drug trafficking.”

Much of this stems from the group’s ongoing feud with the Hells Angels. The Chicago Sun-Times has reported the two factions waged a violent turf war in the city during the 1990s—including a series of bombings, shootings, and stabbings—before reaching an uneasy truce. According to TwinCities.com , the Outlaws reportedly use the coded acronym ADIOS, which stands for “Angels die in Outlaw states.”

In a November 2016 interview with the Sun-Times , a former Outlaws member named Peter James said the Hells Angels’ presence in the Chicago area has grown more influential and could ignite more conflict. However, he suggested modern Outlaws have shifted away from crime and violence. “The times have changed. Somehow, there’s no testosterone out there,” James said. “It used to be the boss’ word was law. He says, ‘Ride off the cliff,’ and guys would ride off a cliff. The quality of the members has gone down.”

In any case, most riders have maintained that the club merely embraces an alternative lifestyle and isn’t an organized crime syndicate.

See The Bikeriders in Theaters Now

Director Jeff Nichols has said The Bikeriders isn’t meant to be a documentary of the Chicago Outlaws, nor to show disrespect toward the club in any way. He simply hopes to give viewers a sense of the time and societal conditions that allowed the group to thrive.

“When you’re looking at these guys, if you want to, you can simply dismiss them, but if you watch the film, you start to see how their brains work, and hopefully you start to identify with them a little bit,” he told A Rabbit’s Foot . “Not feeling like you belong, that’s something that everybody feels. It should be a unifying trait.”

The movie cruised into theaters on Friday and stars Tom Hardy as Johnny, Austin Butler as Benny, Jodie Comer as Kathy, and Mike Faist as Danny.

Get Tickets

Headshot of Tyler Piccotti

Tyler Piccotti first joined the Biography.com staff as an Associate News Editor in February 2023, and before that worked almost eight years as a newspaper reporter and copy editor. He is a graduate of Syracuse University. When he's not writing and researching his next story, you can find him at the nearest amusement park, catching the latest movie, or cheering on his favorite sports teams.

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Netflix Updates Its Famous Culture Memo: ‘Netflix Sucks Today Compared to Where We Can Be Tomorrow’

By Todd Spangler

Todd Spangler

NY Digital Editor

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Netflix LA Building

Netflix on Monday released the latest update to its culture memo , its guiding set of principles for how the company operates.

The new iteration of the influential document does not really reflect any fundamental changes to the company’s core principles. The new title is “Netflix Culture — The Best Work of Our Lives,” whereas most recently it was titled “Netflix Culture — Seeking Excellence.”

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“You might think that this kind of freedom leads to chaos,” Ezama noted. “While we’ve had our fair share of failures — and a few people have taken advantage of our culture — our emphasis on individual autonomy has created a very successful business.”

Netflix’s new culture memo includes these two items as among its four core principles (alongside “The Dream Team” and “People Over Process” entries):

  • Uncomfortably Exciting: To entertain the world, we need to be bold and ambitious. That means embracing the thrill of what’s next — even when it’s uncomfortable.
  • Great and Always Better: We often say Netflix sucks today compared to where we can be tomorrow. We need the self-awareness to understand what should be better, and the discipline and resilience to get there.

Meanwhile, it still includes Netflix’s notorious “Keeper Test,” which encourages managers to dismiss staffers if the answer to the question is, “If X wanted to leave, would I fight to keep them?” is “No.” But the new version softens the language a bit: “In the abstract, the keeper test can sound scary. In reality, we encourage everyone to speak to their managers about what’s going well and what’s not on a regular basis. This helps avoid surprises,” the updated version says.

Co-cofounder Reed Hastings introduced the original 125-page Netflix culture slide deck in August 2009. Since then, Netflix has revised the document four times. The latest version has been “12 months in the making, with every employee given the chance to weigh in,” according to Ezama. In total, Netflix staffers submitted more than 1,500 comments.

“We believe that our culture is key to our success and so we want to ensure that anyone applying for a job here knows what motivates Netflix — and all employees are working from a shared understanding of what we value most,” Ezama wrote.

Read the new Netflix culture memo at this link .

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Our sustainability progress: three years in.

Sustainability Blog Hero v1

Emma Stewart, Ph.D.

Netflix Sustainability Officer

Since 2021, we’ve committed to two near-term climate targets aimed at halving our carbon emissions by 2030 and starting in 2022, matching remaining emissions by investing in natural climate solutions. Three years in, we’re on track to meet both.

To keep meeting our targets, we look at where our biggest source of emissions come from — mainly our operations and value chain — and tackle them at the source through a framework we like to call “OED”: first, we optimize our energy use, then we electrify it and finally decarbonize what’s left. 

Last year, we made meaningful progress, reducing our Scope 1 and 2 emissions by half compared to 2022. Due to reduced production work in 2023, most of our emissions came from our corporate operations 1 , followed by the productions of our films and series, and a small remainder from streaming . Here’s a look at our work so far: 

Reducing emissions across our offices and studios

We regularly work with our utilities and landlords to identify energy efficiency improvements across our offices and studios, and as in previous years, continue to match our global operations with 100% renewable electricity and adopt renewable fuels.

In 2023, we broke ground on a major expansion project for our studio campus in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where we’ve made a number of sustainable investments to lower operating costs, improve the production experience, and reduce our carbon footprint. This includes installing geothermal heating and cooling, building on-site solar and battery storage systems, and investing in EV charging infrastructure with fast chargers that quickly power the electric vehicles we seek out for productions. 

Decarbonizing our productions

Fuel consumption remains the biggest source of emissions in our productions, and something we’re actively working to reduce by replacing diesel generators with clean mobile power and fossil fuel vehicles with electric or other low emissions vehicles.

In 2023, all of the productions we directly manage incorporated some form of clean mobile power solutions and electric, plug-in hybrid and hybrid vehicles. From hydrogen power units on Bridgerton and Back in Action , to batteries on The Decameron and Mother of the Bride , and hybrid generators on The Electric State and Supacell , we’re continuing to implement a range of cleantech solutions that reduce fuel use while also limiting air and noise pollution on set. 

Bridgerton embraced EVs and clean mobile power solutions during its most recent Season 3 production. 

We’re making progress, but as an industry our biggest challenge to scaling these solutions is availability of supply within our shared ecosystem of production crew and suppliers. To help accelerate this transition, last year we co-founded the Clean Mobile Power Initiative aimed at scaling the supply of clean alternatives that will help the industry move away from its reliance on diesel to power productions. 

Sharing sustainability on screen 

We want to entertain the world and last year, many of our titles included sustainability themes and storylines - from comedies like Unstable , documentaries like You Are What You Eat and Life on Our Planet , and dramas like Leave the World Behind . We showcase these and over 200 others in our Sustainability Stories collection.

In just three years, we’ve made headway towards our commitments. We’ll continue sharing our progress and you can read more about our work in our latest ESG report .

1 We expect production emissions to increase in 2024 as production operations have resumed, which will likely bring them back to be our highest percentage of emissions.


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