Human-Made and Natural Disasters Comparison Essay

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Man-made disasters are occurrences that come about due to man’s activities on the earth’s surface. They can be intentional or accidental, but in either case, they can cause great harm to human beings, animals, property and the environment at large. Some examples of man-made disasters include global warming which has been caused by excessive burning of fossils and deforestation or land cultivation this exposing the settlements to landslides, soil erosion, and desertification. Some disasters caused by man intentionally include terrorism and war (Schein 2006).

On the other hand, natural disasters occur naturally and can cause severe losses to humans, directly or indirectly, and also environmental destruction. Some of these include earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, eruptions, and hurricanes. For example, the Spanish flu of 1918-1919, that killed millions of people even more than the First World War which was before it (James, 1996). Effects of such disasters can be very devastating since they occur naturally without man’s prior knowledge hence the need to be prepared through prior planning.

Other disasters can be classified as both man-made and natural since they occur due to a combination of the two factors. For example, mine collapse can be said to occur naturally due to earth’s shifts and at the same can be man-made due to poor construction of mines by man.

Whether natural or man-made, the effects of such disasters can be very devastating to mankind, either physically or psychologically. The reactions of people at the individual and community level may also differ in either case. A natural disaster model proposed by Chapman 1962 (as cited in James, 1996, p. 102) reveals that there are stages that follow before a disaster occurs. Before a natural disaster strikes, there is the ‘warning stage’ where warnings may be sent to people, though some may ignore or probably may not get the information. By the time it gets to ‘threat stage’, signs of an impending danger begin to be felt, although in this case, some disasters have little or no prior warning. When a disaster finally strikes – ‘impact stage’, there is a lot of anxiety amongst people close to it or those who had a prior experience of a similar occurrence. At ‘inventory’ and ‘rescue’ stages, rescue efforts by those near begin while others access the losses. In many cases, government and other agencies intervene to offer some help to the survivors thus giving them some hope of survival, ‘remedy’ stage. In a case where the intensity of the disaster is very high, the survivors may start feeling discouraged and abandoned especially when some of the help groups start pulling out of the rescue exercise. At the recovery stage which may be several months or years, people tart rebuilding their property and psychological lives, though it is usually a slow and bumpy process. Similarly, this also happens in the case of a manmade disaster (James, 1996).

In both cases, the psychological impacts may have long-term effects on the victims such as, believe that similar phenomena might occur again and affect an individual. People also tend to think and discuss so much on the happenings and this results in increased fears. Resulting deaths and property loss tend to trouble people as they feel prone to a similar disaster in the future and their inability to protect themselves. A disaster where with no prior warning and one that seems to be out of control with so much trauma has a more harsh impact on the victims and more long-term psychological effects. All these are characteristic of both natural and technological disasters.

The psychological and emotional effects are more severe and tend to last longer when several people are victims of a disaster. Those involved at a personal level may suffer most but survivors as well may have long and short-term effects. When a disaster involves victimizations of the victims, the reactions tend to be tenser for the people involved and even the response groups find it quite challenging to offer relief. This mostly happens if the crime was man-made and moreover intentional (Danieli & Brom 2005). The government’s response in such a case is more intricate, stressful and the area is branded a crime scene where movements may be limited. This is unlike in the case of a natural disaster where relief efforts are done with several agencies offering to help

According to Ursano and Norwood (2003), stress experienced when a natural disaster occurs is mostly related to lack of prior warning, loss of property and lives and separation from loved ones. This may be experienced for some time but heal in 18months time unless the intense and number of sufferers was quite extreme. In the case of a man-made disaster, the post-traumatic stress disorder associated with the threat to life may be long-lasting and take a lot of time to heal.

Ted and Theodore (2006) say that in an occurrence of a natural disaster, spiritual beliefs may be distorted where some people may start to lose faith in God for allowing such a thing to happen. Others feel a bit insecure as they realize that no one is indestructible by such an act of nature. On the other hand, a technological disaster may bring about distrust among people on realizing that the world is no longer secure and that one cannot keep away from danger. Survivors of such an act may tend to be withdrawn as they feel that no one around can be trusted.

Most natural disasters tend to affect poor people or low-income earners since they live in places that are prone to such disasters as landslides and floods. Victims from certain groups like the disabled, orphans or some ethnic groups tend to take more time to heal thus making them feel more stigmatized and increasing psychological stress. Victims of a technological disaster on the other hand may start feeling guilty and humiliated especially if they are not in a position to offer help. Family, friends and the community may stay away on realizing that a mishap can happen to anybody. Continued encouragement of those affected to carry on with their live may make them feel as if they are wrong for their suffering (Ted and Theodore 2006).

Victims of a technological disaster tend to feel helpless in pursuit of justice or compensation from the concerned authorities since the process is sometimes long, bureaucratic and frustrating. At times, they feel that the penalty enforced on the culprits is not worth enough compared to the suffering they undergo. Sufferers of a natural disaster on the other hand may feel disheartened as all their needs may not be met by the assisting agencies due to the long procedures involved in channeling of resources or even the inadequacy of the resources themselves (Ursano, McCaughey and Rhaphael 1995).

In conclusion, the effects of a disaster, whether natural or technological have severe impact on the victims, some of which might be short-lived while others may be experienced as long as one lives. Proper plans should therefore be made in advance on issues relating to preparedness, response and recovery so as to counter the effects of a future calamity. Such plans do not necessarily prevent a disaster from occurring but they help in managing the damages caused with much ease.

Danieli Y., Brom D. & Sills J. (2005). The trauma of terrorism: sharing knowledge and shared care, an international handbook. Routledge

James K. Mitchell (Ed.) (1996). The long road to recovery: Community responses to industrial disaster . United Nations University Press

Schein A. L., (2006) Psychological effects of catastrophic disasters: group approaches to treatment . Routledge

Ted S. & Theodore S. (2006). Acts of God: the unnatural history of natural disaster in America (2 nd ed.) Oxford University Press

Ursano J. R., McCaughey G. B. & Rhaphael B. (1995) Individual and Community Responses to Trauma and Disaster: The Structure of Human Chaos . Cambridge University Press

Ursano J. R., & Norwood A. E. (2003 ). Trauma and disaster responses and management . Cambridge University Press.

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IvyPanda. (2021, December 16). Human-Made and Natural Disasters Comparison.

"Human-Made and Natural Disasters Comparison." IvyPanda , 16 Dec. 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Human-Made and Natural Disasters Comparison'. 16 December.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Human-Made and Natural Disasters Comparison." December 16, 2021.

1. IvyPanda . "Human-Made and Natural Disasters Comparison." December 16, 2021.


IvyPanda . "Human-Made and Natural Disasters Comparison." December 16, 2021.

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Essays About Natural Disasters: 5 Examples and Prompts

Essays about natural disasters teach us many things; read on to see examples and prompts you can use for your piece.

Natural disasters are the sudden occurrence of natural and severe hazards threatening human welfare and survival. These events can cause injuries, destroy assets such as homes and businesses, and even death. Some examples of natural disasters are tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, wildfires, and storms.

Although emergency protocols are in place to alleviate and prevent natural disasters’ impact on both humanity and the economy, there is still no guarantee that these will be able to protect and save everyone from these misfortunes. Therefore, writing essays about natural disasters helps spread awareness on how to act when one faces these mishaps properly.

Below are five examples you should read to create essays about natural disasters effectively:


1. Planning For a Safer Tomorrow by Jyotsana B

2. natural disasters are often not natural by sandra valdez, 3. natural disasters essay by pradeep, 4. equity during natural disasters by writer kip, 5. natural disasters: nature’s revenge by anonymous on, 1. my experience with natural disasters, 2. natural disasters: a history, 3. natural disasters and the economy, 4. types of natural disasters, 5. my take on natural disaster management, 6. causes of natural disasters, 7. after effects of natural disasters, 8. recovery from a natural disaster.

“Natural disasters have a severe impact on the society, therefore it is important to plan and develop a safety programme and devise means to efficiently deal with natural disaster. Development programme that go into promoting development at the local level have been left to the general exercise of planning.”

The author shares tips on how to prevent calamities and be prepared in case these natural disasters occur. These steps include proper analysis and risk assessment, adequate information database, modern infrastructure, and networks of knowledge-based institutions. The essay further expounds on each point and gives specific directions on successfully implementing these precautions.

“The word ‘natural’ indicates that humans have not triggered the catastrophe. However, human activity can definitely interfere with nature, which in turn may either cause a natural disaster or make its impacts much worse.”

Although Valdez agrees that “natural disasters” means humans do not directly create them, she also considers human’s significant contributions to these tragedies. She offers an example of earthquakes and the fluid injection incident in the Rocky Mountain Arsenal in Denver, Colorado. She further lists more human activities that trigger earthquakes, blaming human engineering that stresses the Earth’s faults. Finally, she acknowledges human speeds up disasters and human elements are innate in these equations.

“There is no doubt that extending help to someone during tough times is paramount. Rich countries should support poverty-stricken nations with altruistic aid while calamities take place… Being rich, similar nations are in a position to support countries that suffer economically and emotionally during nature havoc. The result of this is, not only induces good relations between countries but also paves the way to commercial transactions with minimized taxes in the future.”

Pradeep supports that countries with more resources should aid those with lesser assets. It’s not only because of altruistic reasons but because it can also be the foundation for good relationships between governments. These relationships can result in successful transactions and give comfort and security to grief-stricken countries.

“Should we allow prices to increase during natural disasters or should we protect against price gouging?… No policy is best for everyone… In the grand scheme of things, the market will return to normal the quickest whenever the market prices are allowed to fluctuate.”

Kip criticizes the way businesses increase the goods’ prices when there is a natural disaster. He questions if it’s the right thing to do to consumers who are only trying to purchase what they need to be ready for catastrophes. 

He also includes business reviews that rationalize high prices by arguing increasing prices prevents product hoarding. He challenges this statement by asking the readers to consider those who don’t have the money to buy these overpriced essentials. The writer also mentions other terms to explain the economy during a natural disaster and even involves the government’s processes to mitigate its harmful effects.

“Our environment is our responsibility… Exactly who polluted our planet so much? There is only one answer: man. It is man’s actions that have caused the problem… Humanity must realize that if the current trends are allowed to continue unchecked, the future of life on Earth is at risk. it must be conserved.”

Is nature retaliating because of humans’ disregard for it? The author offers reports to present the unpredictability of these disasters brought by climate change. To further prove their points, the author lays down facts like the quick rising of the sea and changing rain patterns. 

At the end of the essay, the writer urges man to be an environmentalist because he depends on his surroundings for food and shelter. Therefore, to survive, humans must treat nature well.

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8 Prompts on Essays About Natural Disasters

There are many aspects of natural disasters you can zero in on. Here are easy but compelling prompts to tackle:

Essays About Natural Disasters: My experience with natural disasters

Share your experience with a calamity, and narrate what happened before, during, and after. Are there certain things you wish you did or didn’t do? Include how it affected your life and how you understand things work, such as the importance of first responders and following authorities in times of panic and chaos.

Then, focus on your personal experience. For example, your family might have to move places because you lost your home. Or that today, you always have an emergency bag packed and ready. You might also be interested in these essays about nature .

List down notable natural disasters that changed the course of the world. This could include volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and hurricanes. Then, explain why they happened, how the government or country dealt with it, and discuss the precautions executed in case the disaster occurs again. Finally, include the lessons you learned from these tragedies.

Explain how natural disasters affect the economy. Then, to make it more relatable, you can relay the impact of these tragedies on your life. For example, did any of your relatives lose their job because of a natural disaster? Was your family forced to close down your business? Include personal anecdotes to create an engaging essay.

List the many natural disasters and discuss them in detail. In this essay, you can delve into the causes of each type of natural disaster and how it impacts nearby civilizations. What do you fear the most in these disasters? To make it easier, you can pick two natural disasters to compare and contrast.

Choose an incident where natural disaster management was applied and give your thoughts about it. Research a recent natural disaster and study how the local and national government managed it. If any failed initiatives or points could be improved upon, make sure to write your thoughts about this in your essay. Then, you can discuss what you believe will aid natural disaster management in the future.

For this prompt, you can split your essay into two sections. One section can discuss environmental causes, while the other delves into human activities that cause natural disasters. Topics can include pollution, climate change, and overpopulation of small areas. To create an emotive essay, write about your thoughts on what we can do as a society to mitigate these harmful activities.

Consider the short and long-term effects of these natural disasters. You can concentrate on a specific tragedy that the general public knows so your reader can easily imagine what you describe in your essay. To make your piece more interesting, you can list natural disasters’ negative and positive effects.

If you want your essay to focus on something positive, choose to discuss new beginnings. For example, you can center on a community and how its people helped each other recover. You can also include the assistance they received from different places and how it aided them in restarting their lives after the disaster.

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Home — Essay Samples — Environment — Natural Disasters — Natural Disasters: Causes and Impacts


Natural Disasters: Causes and Impacts

  • Categories: Natural Disasters

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Words: 682 |

Published: Jan 31, 2024

Words: 682 | Page: 1 | 4 min read

Table of contents

Introduction, definition of natural disasters, causes of natural disasters, environmental effects of natural disasters, economic effects of natural disasters, social effects of natural disasters, mitigation and preparedness measures.

  • Callaghan, K., & Alexander, M. (2018). Hurricane Harvey on the Gulf Coast: A Comprehensive Analysis of Impacts. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Kennedy School.
  • IPCC. (2014). Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Cambridge University Press.
  • McMahon, J., & Keefer, J. (2016). Social Vulnerability and Tropical Cyclones in Sint Maarten. Journal of Water and Climate Change , 7(2), 396-408.
  • UNDRR. (2017). Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction. United Nations.
  • Vos, F., Dykes, J., & Pierce, L. (2017). Flood Preparedness and Early-warning System Effectiveness in the Philippines. Disasters, 41(S1), S16-S37.

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compare and contrast two natural disasters essay

Natural Disasters Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on natural disasters.

A Natural disaster is an unforeseen occurrence of an event that causes harm to society. There are many Natural disasters that damage the environment and the people living in it. Some of them are earthquakes , cyclones, floods, Tsunami , landslides, volcanic eruption, and avalanches. Spatial extent measures the degree or severity of the disaster.

Essay on natural disaster

Levels of Disaster

The severity or degree of damage can be further divided into three categories:

Small Scale Disasters: Small scale disasters are those that extend from 50 Kms. to 100 Kms. So this kind of disasters does not cause much damage.

Medium-scale disasters: Medium Scale disasters extend from 100 Kms to 500 Kms. These cause more damage than a small scale disaster. Moreover, they can cause greater damage if they occur in colonial states.

Large Scale Disasters: These disasters cover an area of more than 1000 Kms. These cause the most severe damage to the environment. Furthermore, these disasters can even take over a country if the degree is high. For instance, the wiping out of the dinosaurs was because of a large scale natural disaster.

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Types of Disasters

compare and contrast two natural disasters essay

Causes: These can cause of releasing of the energy. This release is from the core of the earth. Furthermore, the release of energy causes seismic waves. Rupturing of geological faults causes earthquakes. But other events like volcanic eruptions, landslides mine blasts can also cause it.

Landslides: Landslides is the moving of big boulders of rocks or debris down a slope. As a result, landslides occur on mountains and hilly areas. Moreover, landslides can cause destruction to man-made things in many ways.

Causes: Gravitational pull, volcanic eruptions , earthquakes can cause landslides. Moreover, soil erosion due to deforestation is also a cause of landslides.

Avalanches: Avalanches are like landslides. But instead of rocks thousand tons of snow falls down the slope. Moreover, this causes extreme damage to anything that comes in its way. People who live in snowy mountains always have fear of it.

Causes: Avalanches takes places when there is a large accumulation of snow on the mountains. Moreover, they can also occur from earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Furthermore, the chances of surviving an avalanche are very less. This is because people die of hypothermia in it.

Tsunami: Tsunami is the production of very high waves in oceans and seas. Moreover, the displacement of the ground causes these high waves. A tsunami can cause floods if it occurs near shores. A Tsunami can consist of multiple waves. Moreover, these waves have a high current. Therefore it can reach coastlines within minutes. The main threat of a tsunami is if a person sees a Tsunami he cannot outrun it.

Causes: Tsunami is unlike normal eaves that occur due to the wind. But Tsunami is waves that occur by ground displacement. Thus earthquakes are the main causes of Tsunamis.

FAQs on Essay on natural disaster

Q1.What are natural disasters?

A1. Natural Disasters are unforeseen events that cause damage to the environment and the people.

Q2.Name some Natural disasters.

A2. Some Natural Disasters are earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, Landslides, floods, Tsunami, avalanches. Natural disasters can cause great damage to human society. But preventive measures can be taken to reduce the damage from these disasters.

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Natural Disasters Essay

Madhuri Thakur

Natural Disasters Essay – Introduction

Natural disasters are powerful and dangerous events that are caused by nature. Disasters happen suddenly with little or no warning and cause severe damage to people, property, and the entire environment. It can be earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions. This essay will further elaborate in detail on natural disasters.

Today, natural disasters are becoming increasingly common. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the number of disasters in the United States has tripled since the 1960s. It can be because of climate change, population growth, and urbanization. And as the Earth’s climate becomes warmer, such natural disasters will become more common.

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There are three levels of natural disasters: small, medium, and large-scale. The events that do not cause too much harm in the world are small-scale, like lightning, storms, etc. Medium Scale disasters are riskier and more harmful than small-scale disasters, like blizzards or landslides. Meanwhile, professionals who  write papers for money often analyze the impact of large-scale disasters, which cause significant environmental damage, including tsunamis, wildfires, etc.  The disasters that cause too much environmental damage, such as tsunamis, wildfires, etc., are large-scale disasters.

This natural disasters essay will talk about the types of natural disasters as well their causes and impacts.

List of Natural Disasters

Some common natural disasters, along with their nature of impact and consequences, are provided in the table below:

Shakes the ground and can collapse buildings Injuries, loss of life
Big storms with strong winds and heavy rain Flooding, destruction of homes
Too much water causes damage to homes and roads Property damage, displacement
Spreads quickly and destroys everything in its path Destruction of vegetation, property
Giant waves that flood coastal areas Flooding, destruction of infrastructure
Releases lava, ash, and gasses damaging surrounding areas Property damage, respiratory problems

Types of Natural Disasters

There are different ways that natural disasters can happen. Some of the types are as follows,

Internal: It includes all the disasters that happen when there are some changes under the earth’s surface. These include earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, etc. We cannot easily predict these events.

External: It is when there is a disturbance above the earth’s surface. It is generally because of us humans who change the environment. These are usually landslides, floods, etc.

Temperature: When the temperature of the air or ocean changes, it can cause disasters like tornadoes and hurricanes. Even drought and glacier melt occurs because of the change in temperature of the environment.

Biological: These disasters occur because of viruses and bacteria that cause harmful diseases that can kill people. For instance, COVID-19, Ebola virus, etc., are some examples.

Causes of Natural Disasters

There are different causes for each natural disaster.

  • Too much rain can overfill the dams and flood a large area near the dam. It can cause damage to nearby buildings and homes.
  • When a storm forms over the ocean due to warm water, it is known as a Hurricane. There are also strong winds that can push the ocean water to the seashore and cause floods.
  • Tornadoes form when two different air temperatures clash, i.e., damp air from the ground collides with dry air from above. It creates a spiral of air that can be very powerful.
  • When two pieces of the Earth’s crust move against each other, it creates vibrations that we can feel on the ground. As these vibrations are too strong, they can cause buildings to fall and cause damage.
  • Volcanoes are mountains that release hot gasses, ash, and lava from below the earth’s surface to the above ground.

Natural Disasters Effects

Natural disasters can have long-term impacts, including economic and social disruption, displacement, and health problems. The severity of the disaster depends on factors such as the event’s intensity, location, and effectiveness of the disaster management system.

Material and financial loss, social unrest, and political instability are common impacts of natural disasters. Homelessness and a lack of access to basic necessities can occur after a natural disaster, leading to social disruption and decreased economic activity.

Emotional and psychological damage, as well as long-term health problems, can result from natural disasters. Air pollution can cause respiratory problems, and trauma and stress can lead to mental health issues.

Natural disasters can also impact the environment, causing soil erosion, water pollution, and a decrease in biodiversity. These impacts can have long-term consequences and require efforts for recovery and rebuilding.

Natural Disaster Management

It’s really important to be ready for natural disasters and keep ourselves safe. Countries that are ready to face natural disasters have to suffer less damage. So, governments should have disaster management policies for prevention, response, and recovery. Here are a few precautions we can take for some common natural disasters:

Earthquake Preparedness

  • Building strong structures so they don’t break during earthquakes.
  • Creating early warning systems that can alert people before an earthquake happens.
  • Educating people about the dangers of earthquakes and what to do when they happen.

Hurricane Preparedness

  • Developing evacuation plans and identifying safe locations to stay during a hurricane.
  • Establishing systems to provide early warnings and updates on approaching hurricanes.
  • Ensuring proper drainage systems to mitigate flooding caused by heavy rain during hurricanes.

Flood Preparedness

  • Implementing measures to manage water flow and prevent flooding.
  • Educating individuals on flood risks and providing guidance on evacuation procedures.
  • Creating emergency response plans to provide immediate assistance during and after a flood.

Wildfire Preparedness

  • Promoting fire safety practices and educating individuals on the prevention of wildfires.
  • Clearing dry leaves and vegetation around homes to reduce fire risks.
  • Cooperating with firefighting agencies and having evacuation plans in place during wildfire emergencies.

Tsunami Preparedness

  • Raising awareness about tsunamis and educating coastal communities on evacuation routes.
  • Establishing warning systems near coastal areas to provide early alerts for tsunamis.
  • Conducting drills and exercises to ensure that individuals know how to respond to a tsunami.

Volcano Preparedness

  • Monitoring volcanic activities and studying eruption patterns to predict volcanic eruptions.
  • Establishing communication systems to disseminate timely warnings about volcanic eruptions.
  • Collaborating with scientists and experts to develop evacuation plans and safe zones during volcanic emergencies.

Overall Disaster Management

Individuals should develop personal emergency plans and be aware of the risks of different types of disasters. Governments and individuals can be better prepared to respond to natural disasters by having emergency plans. Thus, taking these precautions can lower the risk of disasters and protect ourselves and our communities.

Conclusion – Natural Disasters Essay

Natural disasters can cause immense destruction, pain, and loss of life. So, to lessen the impacts of these disasters, taking disaster management measures is necessary.

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Typhoon Yolanda: the Role of Government and Society

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Agriculture Impacts of Natural Disasters: an Overview

To start with, in effects of natural disasters essay will be discussed the effects of natural disasters on agriculture. The United States is the host to several different types of extremely costly and dangerous natural disasters each year. Natural disasters vary greatly in their size,...

When Disaster Strikes: the Vital Role of Preparedness

The Filipino’s should be aware that Disaster and hazard is a serious disruption of a community. It can lead people suffer from disaster because many of them will be affected like losses of properties, resources, loss of life such as families and love ones. In...

The Role of Social Media in Typhoon Preparedness and Response

The Philippines has been name as the world’s most exposed country to tropical storms. An average of 20 storms per year hit the country, five of which are destructive. In 2013, Super Typhoon Yolanda hits the central Philippine island, as it is the most destructive...

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About Natural Disasters

A natural disaster is a natural event such as a flood, earthquake, or hurricane that causes great damage or loss of life.

Geological, Hydrological, Meteorological, Wildfires,Space disasters.

Not only are natural disasters becoming more common, they are also becoming more widespread. Floods are the most widespread natural disaster aside from wildfires. In the U.S., 2021 was one of the worst years for natural disasters, both in terms of the number of events and the total cost of damages. uses cookies to offer you the best service possible.By continuing we’ll assume you board with our cookie policy .--> -->