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Practice Projects for Microsoft Word

microsoft word table assignments

Word 9 Table

In this practice project for Word, students create a document with a title and table. The table has two columns that have different font alignment and incluces various fonts. …

microsoft word table assignments

Word 8 Formatting Text

In this practice project for Word, students create a document using a different size and color font for the title than the rest of the paragraph. …

microsoft word table assignments

Word 7 Bullets

In this practice project for Word, students create a document with two different types of bullets showing points and subpoints. …

microsoft word table assignments

Word 6 Letter

In this practice project for Word, students create a letter. Included in the letter is a heading on the right, indented paragraphs, and the closing and signiture near the middle of the document. …

microsoft word table assignments

Word 5 Text And Outline

In this practice project for Word, students create a document that contains several paragraphs of text and also includes an outline with key points and subpoints. …

microsoft word table assignments

Word 4 Modified Text

In this practice project for Word, students create a document with the heading on the right, a boldfaced, centered title, and indented paragraphs. The document is double-spaced. …

Word 3 Basic Text

In this practice project for Word, students create a document with the heading on the right, a boldfaced title that is centered, and several paragraphs that are indented. …

microsoft word table assignments

Word 22 Preset Headings

In this practice project for Word, students create a document using the preset headings to create a title bar. The document has different alignment and font, blanks, and a short outline. …

microsoft word table assignments

Word 21 Formatting Options

In this practice project for Word, students create a document that shows some different effects that can be used with the same font. …

microsoft word table assignments

Word 20 Numbered List

In this practice project for Word, students create a document that includes a centered title followed by a numbered list. …

microsoft word table assignments

Word 2 Heading 2

In this practice project for Word, students create a document that has a centered title, a heading in the upper right corner, and indented paragraphs. …

microsoft word table assignments

Word 19 Advanced Table

In this practice project for Word, students create a document with a table showing a school schedule. The blocks in the table are different sizes and will take individual work within the blocks to …

microsoft word table assignments

Word 18 Columns

In this practice project for Word, students create a document with a header and two colomns. The columns include boldfaced and italic font and different alignment. …

microsoft word table assignments

Word 17 Columns

In this practice project for Word, students create a document with two identical columns in landscape orientation. Included in each are indented lines and different alignment and font. …

microsoft word table assignments

Word 16 Lesson Notes Handout

In this practice project for Word, students create a document like a student handout. This includes an outline with several levels, blanks for students to write on, and different font. …

microsoft word table assignments

Word 15 Lesson Notes

In this practice project for Word, students create a document with a header and two outlines. Students are asked to use the automatic numbering and outlining features in Word. They must use different …

microsoft word table assignments

Word 14 Table

In this practice project for Word, students create a scoresheet using a table. Students must use different sizes, colors and styles of font, including different alignment. …

microsoft word table assignments

Word 13 Outline

In this practice project for Word, students create an outline using the automatic outline in Word, including many levels of subpoints. …

microsoft word table assignments

Word 12 Formatting

In this practice project for Word, students create a document with a centered title in all capitals, the first letter of each word slightly larger than the rest. Throughout the document the font is …

microsoft word table assignments

Word 11 Formatting

In this practice project for Word, students create a document similar to a test or quiz. They must include points and subpoints, blanks, boldfaced text, tabs, and spacing. …

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How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word

Lots of ways to make it look pro

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Making a table in Microsoft Word can be tricky, but with just a few simple steps, creating and customizing one for your needs is easy. In this article, we’ll teach you how to make a table in Microsoft Word and customize it perfectly.

Tables are a handy tool for organizing data, making data calculations using formulas, displaying information in an eye-catching way, or even creating visually appealing charts and diagrams to help break up long paragraphs of content.

How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word image 1

How to Create a Table

There are seven ways to import a table into an MS Word document. You can create them from scratch by drawing, inserting a graphic grid, using the insert function, adding a new Microsoft Excel spreadsheet table, inserting an existing Excel Spreadsheet table, using Quick Tables, or converting the existing text into a table.

No matter which option you choose, you’ll have to first open your Word document, find a spot where you want to insert the table, and click your cursor on that spot. Let’s use the above-mentioned methods to create a table in Microsoft Word.

Create a Table with Graphic Grid

This is one of the simplest ways of creating a Microsoft Word table. Follow these simple steps:

  • Go to the Insert tab on the ribbon and click the Table button.

How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word image 2

  • When the Insert Table dialog box opens, it’ll show a basic grid pattern and menu options below it.

How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word image 3

  • With the cursor, select the first grid cell and slide it down to select the number of columns and rows you want. As an example, choose six columns and four rows.

How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word image 4

  • The table will be automatically created in the document.

Once there’s a table in your document, you’ll notice two new tabs on the ribbon: Table Design and Layout . You can use these tabs to modify and stylize your newly created table. More on that later.

Create a Table with the Insert Function

Using the insert function is as easy as selecting your table layout from the grid. Here’s how it works:

  • Go to Insert , then press on Table .
  • Instead of dragging your cursor to select the grid, select Insert Table from the menu just below the grid.

How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word image 5

  • A dialog box will appear where you can enter the number of rows and columns you want in your table under the Table Size panel. In the AutoFit Behavio r panel, select Auto . You can also experiment with other options to see how you like them. AutoFit to Contents will produce a narrow column that changes in size as you enter data. AutoFit to Window will expand your table to fit the size of your document.

How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word image 6

  • If you want your future tables to remain this size, check the Remember dimensions for new tables option. Click the OK button to finish and create a table.

How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word image 7

Draw a Table

You can manually draw a basic table in Word. Here’s how:

  • Go to Insert , select the Table button, and choose Draw Table from the menu below the Grid.

How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word image 8

  • Your cursor will turn into a pencil. Drag it down and across the document to draw a box. You don’t have to worry about the dimensions; you can modify them later.
  • Now you can start drawing cells and columns inside it. Simply drag the cursor to draw them one at a time.
  • If you need to add or remove columns or rows later, you can go to the Layout tab and select the Draw Table or Eraser button. This’ll allow you to continue drawing lines with a pencil cursor or to erase existing lines with an eraser cursor.

How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word image 9

Insert a New Excel Spreadsheet in Word

You can create an Excel spreadsheet directly in Word . Follow these simple steps:

  • Go to Insert , select Tables , and choose Excel Spreadsheet from the menu.

How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word image 10

  • The new spreadsheet will be created where your cursor is set.
  • Excel’s menu and commands will also be available to you, and you can use them to edit your table.

How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word image 11

Copy and Paste an Existing Excel Spreadsheet

If you have prepared data in an Excel spreadsheet but need to move it to your Word document, you can simply copy and paste it.

  • Open your Excel Worksheet, highlight the spreadsheet you need, and select the Copy button.
  • Open Word and position your cursor where you need to insert the spreadsheet.
  • Select the Paste drop-down menu on the Home tab in Word and choose Keep Source Formatting .

How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word image 12

  • You can also right-click your mouse and select Keep Source Formatting under Paste Options.

How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word image 13

Quick Tables

If you don’t want to customize your tables, choose one of Word’s templates from the Quick Tables menu. You can also create your own design and save it in the Quick Tables Gallery for later use.

  • Go to Insert , then select Tables , and Quick Tables .

How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word image 14

  • Select the template from the Quick Tables menu that fits your project.

How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word image 15

  • You can continue modifying it if you want to change the details.

Convert Text to Table

Converting text to a table used to be messy in Word. The data in a table would end up misplaced. That’s because previously, we had to use tabs to separate the data in individual cells.

Microsoft improved this feature, and now you can separate the table fields with commas, paragraphs, or any other separation characters. Let’s see how to convert a simple grocery shopping list into a table.

  • Enter your data in a Word document. Remember to separate each data entry you want into individual cells with a comma. The rows will be separated by hitting enter and starting a new paragraph. Your list should look something like this:

How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word image 16

  • Select the list, go to Insert , Tables , and choose the Convert Text to Table option.

How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word image 17

  • In the dialog box, make sure that Commas are selected under the Separate text at the panel. Then click OK .

How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word image 18

  • Word will do the conversion for you, and a table will appear. You can then use the Table Design and Layout tabs to modify it.

How to Customize a Table

Table Design and Layout tabs are filled with helpful table tools you can use to format tables. Use Table Design to stylize your table and change its looks. Here you’ll find tools for shading, painting borders, and setting their thickness, style, and color. You can also select one of the many offered table styles.

How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word image 19

In the Layout tab, you’ll find tools to add or remove cells, rows, and columns, merge cells, split them, or split the whole table into several ones. You’ll also use this tab to set other table properties, such as the table’s dimensions, or to align the text.

How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word image 20

However, there are quicker ways to achieve anything these tools allow you to do. Let’s see how to quickly resize, align, add, or remove columns, rows, cells, and much more in Word tables.

How to Resize a Microsoft Word Table

Resizing the table manually means you can adjust its size or modify rows and columns individually. It’s as easy as dragging and dropping.

Resize the Whole Table

You’ll have to grab and drag to make the entire table larger or smaller.

  • Select your table.
  • Grab the little square that appears at its bottom-right corner.

How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word image 21

  • Drag the table to the size you want.

Resize a Column or a Row

Adjusting only the column or a row is just as easy.

  • Place your cursor over a column or a row border until you see a double-sided arrow. The arrows will face left and right for columns and up and down for rows.

How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word image 22

  • Click and drag the arrow right or left to resize a column and up and down to resize a row.
  • When you are done, simply release the mouse button.

How to Align the Table in MS Word

You can align your table to the left, center, or right to best fit your Word document. This is especially useful if you resize the table to fit text around it. Here’s how:

  • Select the table and go to the Home tab.

How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word image 23

  • In the Paragraph section you’ll find Align Left, Center, and Right buttons. Use them to align your table.

How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word image 24

How to Insert or Remove Columns and Rows

If your table has too few or too many rows and columns, you can easily fix it.

Add Columns and Rows

Adding a single column or a row is simple:

  • Place your cursor on top of the columns or on the left side of the rows until a plus sign appears.

How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word image 25

  • Click this plus sign to add a new column or row.

If you want to insert multiple rows and columns:

  • Select the same number of already existing rows or columns (if you want to add two columns, select two existing ones).

How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word image 26

  • Right-click, then go to the Insert menu and select to insert columns to the left or right and rows above or below.

How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word image 27

Remove Columns or Rows

To delete rows or columns, select them, right-click, and select Delete Columns (or rows).

How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word image 28

How to Add Borders or Shading

Table borders and shading are crucial to making your table look professional. With these simple tools, you can make your table stand out and make it easier to read. You’ll find both tools in the Table Design tab.

Adding Borders

Go to the Table Design tab and:

  • Click Borders . A drop-down menu will let you choose the type of borders you want to add. Add them around each cell, or only highlight the outside of the table with borders. Place the cursor over the options, and you’ll get a preview of how each one changes your table.

How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word image 29

  • Once you decide on the border style, click it to apply it to your table.

How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word image 30

  • To place borders around a specific cell, row, or column, first select it and then choose the border style.

How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word image 31

Add Shading

Spice things up by adding a background color to your tables . Use the shading drop-down menu to choose a color with which you’ll shade your table. You’ll find it in the Table Design tab.

How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word image 32

If you want to shade a specific row, column, or cell, first select it and then choose the color. You can also shade only the selected cells.

How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word image 33

How to Apply a Style

Microsoft Word has many table styles to offer, and you can choose one to make your table look professional. You can also do this to skip adding border style and shading.

  • Select the table and go to the Table Design tab.
  • Locate the Table Style box at the top of the window, and use the up and down arrows, or the “More” arrow, to browse the gallery.

How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word image 34

  • If you place your cursor over a specific style, you’ll see its preview on your table.

How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word image 35

  • Click on the selected style to apply it to your table.

How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word image 36

To adjust the premade table style, go back to the Table Design tab and check or uncheck the boxes in the Table Style Options section. By doing this you can add or remove the Header Row, First Column, or Banded rows. There are more options so you can experiment with them and see how they influence your table design.

How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word image 37

Use Table Properties

If you need to set a specific row height and a column width, you should use Table Properties. Here’s how:

  • Select your table and right-click it. Then, choose Table Properties from the menu.

How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word image 38

  • When a dialog box opens, use the Table , Row , Column , Cell , and Alt Text to adjust their size, text wrapping, alignment, and more.

How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word image 39

  • When you’re done with adjustments, click the OK button to apply them to your table.

Word offers you a lot of tools, but creating and customizing tables is a quick and easy task. Not only can you use the pre-formatted table templates, but you can also easily customize your own table based on the needs of your project. Whether it’s adding new rows or columns for different parts of your data or varying the widths and heights of cells, you have all the tools you need to create a professional table. Let us know in the comments below if you have any questions!

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Nicolae is a Jack of all trades technology writer with a focus on hardware, programming languages, and AI image-processing software. Over the last five years, he has ghostwritten numerous tech how-to guides and books on a variety of topics ranging from Linux to C# programming and game development. Nicolae loves everything that has to do with technology and his goal is to share his knowledge and experience with others. Read Nicolae's Full Bio

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Erin Wright Writing

Writing-Related Software Tutorials

Three Ways to Insert Tables in Microsoft Word

By Erin Wright

This tutorial shows three ways to insert tables in Microsoft Word so you can choose the method that is most appropriate for your content:

  • Create a table from the Table menu (best for general use)
  • Create a table from the Table dialog box (offers the most sizing options)
  • Insert a Quick Table (fastest setup)

Note that you can also draw a custom table and import a table from Excel .

Don’t miss the five tips for working with tables at the bottom of this tutorial:

  • How to delete a table
  • How to resize an entire table
  • How to resize individual rows and columns
  • How to add rows and columns
  • How to add color to a table

This tutorial is also available as a YouTube video showing all the steps in real time.

Watch more than 250 other writing-related software tutorials on my YouTube channel .

The images below are from Word for Microsoft 365.The steps are the same in Word 2021, Word 2019, and Word 2016 and similar for Word 2013 and Word 2010. However, your interface may look slightly different in those older versions of the software.

Method 1: Create a Table from the Table Menu

This method is appropriate for most users who want to create a basic table for general use.

  • Place your cursor where you want to insert the table.
  • Select the Insert tab in the ribbon.

Insert tab in Word 365

  • Select the Table button in the Tables group.

Table option in the Tables group of Word 365

  • Move your pointer across and down the grid to select the number of cells (organized as rows and columns) needed in your table.

The selected cells will turn orange.

Table grid in Word 365

  • Click the selected (orange) part of the grid or press Enter on your keyboard to insert the table.

Method 2: Create a Table from the Table Dialog Box

This method provides advanced sizing options.

  • Select the Insert tab in the ribbon (see figure 1).
  • Select the Table button in the Tables group (see figure 2).
  • Select Insert Table from the drop-down menu.

Insert Table option in Word 365

  • Enter the number of rows and columns in the Insert Table dialog box.

Number of columns and rows in the Insert Table dialog box in Word 365

  • Select an AutoFit behavior:
  • Fixed column width can be set to Auto or a specific width between 1/100 inch and twenty-two inches using the increment arrows.
  • AutoFit to contents adjusts cell sizes to the content.
  • AutoFit to Window adjusts the width of the table to the viewer’s Word window or browser window.

AutoFit behaviors in the Insert Table dialog box in Word 365

  • (Optional Step) Check Remember dimensions for new tables if you want to create the same size table in the future.

"Remember dimensions for new tables" in the Insert Table dialog box in Word 365

  • Select the OK button to close the Insert Table dialog box and insert your new table.

OK button in the Insert Table dialog box in Word 365

Method 3: Insert a Quick Table

Quick Tables are prebuilt tables and calendars you can modify for your own use.

  • Select Quick Tables from the drop-down menu.

Quick Tables option in Word 365

  • Select a table from the gallery.

Quick Tables gallery in Word 365

  • Add your own content by typing over or deleting the table’s example text.

Now let’s look at some tips for working with tables.

Five Tips for Working with Tables in Word

The following tips cover the basics of working with tables. We will dive into this topic in much greater detail in a separate tutorial.

Tip 1: How to Delete a Table

  • Select the table selector, which looks like crossed arrows, to select the entire table. You may have to hover your pointer over the table to reveal the table selector.

Table selector in Word 365

  • Right-click the table.
  • Select Delete Table from the shortcut menu.

Delete Table option in Word 2019

Tip 2: How to Resize an Entire Table

  • Click and hold the resizing handle in the bottom right of the table. You may need to hover your pointer over the table to reveal the handle.

Table resizing handle in Word 365

  • Drag the table to the size you want and then release the handle.

Tip 3: How to Resize Individual Rows and Columns

  • Hover your pointer over a row or column border until your pointer becomes two lines with two arrows.

Note that the pointer in figure 14 is enlarged to make it easier to see. Your pointer will be smaller.

Table resizing pointer in Word 365

  • Click and hold as you drag the border to resize the row or column.

Tip 4: How to Add Rows and Columns

  • Right-click inside a cell.
  • Select Insert from the shortcut menu.

Table Insert shortcut option in Word 365

  • Select the location of your new row or column:
  • Insert Columns to the Left
  • Insert Columns to the Right
  • Insert Rows Above
  • Insert Rows Below
  • Insert Cells

Insert columns and rows menu in Word 365

If you select Insert Cells, a dialog box will appear asking where you want to insert your new cells. Note that regardless of your answer, you will be inserting an entire row or column, not an individual cell.

Insert Cells dialog box in Word 365

Tip 5: How to Add Color to a Table

  • Select the table selector, which looks like crossed arrows, to select the entire table (see figure 11). You may need to hover your pointer over the table to reveal the table selector.
  • Select the Table Design tab in the ribbon. (Note that this tab only appears in the ribbon when a table is selected.)

Table Design tab in Word 365

  • Select the down arrow in the Table Styles group.

Table Styles menu arrow in Word 365

  • Select one of the styles from the gallery.

Table Styles gallery in Word 365

Alternatively, you can use the shading menu to add custom colors to individual rows and columns.

Table Shading in Word 365

Pro Tip: For even more customization, add a background image to your table . Then, save your customized table as a template for reuse in future documents, as shown in “ How to Save Tables as Templates in Microsoft Word .”

Related Resources

How to Create and Customize Charts in Microsoft Word

How to Save Tables and Figures as Images in Microsoft Word (PC & Mac)

How to Insert Figure Captions and Table Titles in Microsoft Word

How to Change the Style of Table Titles and Figure Captions in Microsoft Word

How to Update Table and Figure Numbers in Microsoft Word

How to Create and Update a List of Tables or Figures in Microsoft Word

How to Export PDF Tables from Adobe Acrobat to Excel (PC & Mac)

How to Write Table Titles

How to Write Figure Captions for Graphs, Charts, Photos, Drawings, and Maps

How to Reference Tables and Figures in Text

Updated August 27, 2023

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Word  - Tables

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Word: Tables

Lesson 23: tables.



A table is a grid of cells arranged in rows and columns . Tables can be used to organize any type of content, whether you're working with text or numerical data. In Word, you can quickly insert a blank table or convert existing text to a table. You can also customize your table using different styles and layouts .

Optional: Download our practice document .

Watch the video below to learn more about creating tables.

To insert a blank table:

  • Place the insertion point where you want the table to appear.

clicking the table command

  • Click the grid to confirm your selection, and a table will appear.

new table

To navigate between cells, use the Tab key or arrow keys on your keyboard. If the insertion point is in the last cell, pressing the Tab key will automatically create a new row.

To convert existing text to a table:

In the example below, each line of text contains part of a checklist , including chores and days of the week. The items are separated by tabs . Word can convert this information into a table, using the tabs to separate the data into columns.

selecting text

  • Go to the Insert tab, then click the Table command.

choosing convert to table

Modifying tables

You can easily change the appearance of your table once you've added one to your document. There are several options for customization, including adding rows or columns and changing the table style .

To add a row or column:

hovering outside the table

You can also right-click the table, then hover over Insert to see various row and column options.

insert menu

To delete a row or column:

  • Place the insertion point in the row or column you want to delete.

delete menu

  • The row or column will be deleted.

To apply a table style:

Table styles let you change the look and feel of your table instantly. They control several design elements, including color, borders, and fonts.

navigating to the design tab

To modify table style options:

Once you've chosen a table style, you can turn various options on or off to change its appearance. There are six options: Header Row , Total Row , Banded Rows , First Column , Last Column , and Banded Columns .

  • Click anywhere in your table, then navigate to the Design tab.

table style options

Depending on the Table Style you've chosen, certain Table Style Options may have a different effect. You might need to experiment to get the look you want.

To apply borders to a table:

selecting cells

  • Click the drop-down arrow below the Borders command.

choosing a border type

Modifying a table using the Layout tab

In Word, the Layout tab appears whenever you select your table. You can use the options on this tab to make a variety of modifications.

Click the buttons in the interactive below to learn more about Word's table layout controls.

table layout controls

Rows and Columns

Use these commands to quickly insert or delete rows and columns. This can be especially useful if you need to add something to the middle of your table.

Merge and Split Cells

Some tables require a layout that doesn't conform to the standard grid. In these cases, you may want to merge multiple cells (i.e., combine them into one) or split a cell in two.

Change Cell Size

You can manually enter a desired row height or column width for your cells. You can also use the AutoFit command, which will automatically adjust the column widths based on the text inside.

Distribute Rows/Columns

To keep your table looking neat and organized, you may want to distribute your rows or columns equally . This will make them all the same size. You can apply this feature to the entire table or just a small portion of it.

Align Cell Text

By changing the alignment of your cells, you can control exactly where the text is located. In the example below, the text has been aligned to the center .

Change Text Direction

You can easily change the direction of your text from horizontal to vertical . Making your text vertical can add style to your table; it also allows you to fit more columns in your table.

  • Open our practice document .
  • Scroll to page 3 and select all of the text below the dates July 8 - July 12 .
  • Use the Convert Text to Table to insert the text into a 6-column table. Make sure to Separate text at Tabs .
  • Delete the Saturday column.
  • Insert a column to the left of the Friday column and type Thursday in the top cell.
  • Change the table style to any style that begins with Grid Table 5 . Hint : Style names appear when you hover over them.
  • In the Table Style Options menu, uncheck Banded Rows and check Banded Columns.
  • Select the entire table . In the Borders drop-down menu, choose All Borders .
  • With the table still selected, increase the table row height to 0.3" (0.8 cm).
  • Select the first row and change the cell alignment to Align Center .

Tables Challenge


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How to Create & Manipulate Tables in Word

Jason Morrell

by Jason Morrell   May 10, 2021

Tables in Word are useful in so many situations. In this post you'll discover how to create tables, then manipulate and design them in the quickest and easiest way to provide that visual punch.


Enhance your Word tables with these advanced features

1.  What are tables in Word good for?

Tables are useful for 2 distinct reasons.

  • To show an actual table of data, or
  • To organise and postion text, images and other elements on the page.

Many years ago, typewriters ruled the world. And a feature of a good typewriter was the tab stop , which was a device that essentially let you control indentation.

Over the years many people have continued to use tabs to indent text, because of its convenience, but they are hard work to set up properly.

Tables provide a much easier way to organise content on a page.

2. How to create TABLEs in Word

1.   Select the Insert tab.

2.   Click the Tables icon in the Tables group.

3.   Move your mouse pointer into the table grid until the required number of rows and columns are highlighted orange, then left-click.

Creating a table in Word

An empty table is inserted into the document.

Two new tabs, Design and Layout are also added to the ribbon area, under the banner of Table Tools .

Table Styles | Design ribbon


  • While the table is empty, you can use the cursor keys to move around the cells. However, when the cells contain information, using the cursor keys will move through the cell content first before moving to the next cell
  • You can left-click in any cell to position the cursor.
  • Press  Tab to move to the next cell. The cursor will move across and then down the table.
  • Press  Shift  +  Tab to move to the previous cell.

How to move around a table in Wordable

NB. Using Tab is better than using the cursors as it will move to the next/previous cell regardless of whether there is information in the cells.

NB2. If you press Tab while you are in the last cell, a new row will be added to the bottom of your table


To select a cell:

1.   Position the mouse pointer inside the cell on the bottom-left corner of the cell. The pointer will change shape to a solid black arrow that points up and right.

2.   Left-click.

How to select a cell in a table in Word

To select a row of a table:

1.   Position the mouse pointer in the left margin in line with the row you want to select. The mouse pointer will change to a white arrow that points up and right.

How to select a row in a table in Word

To select a column

1.   Position the mouse pointer so that it rests on the top border of the table, above the column you want to select. The mouse pointer will change to a solid black arrow pointing down.

How to select a column in a table in Word

To select the entire table:

1.   Position your mouse pointer over  the 4-headed arrow icon situated at the top-left of the table.

How to select an entire table in Word


To insert an extra row:

1.   Position the cursor in a cell.

2.   Select the Layout tab, under the Table Tools banner.

3.   Click Insert Above or Insert Below in the Rows and Columns group

How to insert an extra row into a table in Word

Here is a quick way to insert new rows:

1.   Position the cursor to the left of the table, but in close proximity.

2.   A plus symbol will appear above or below the mouse pointer indicating where the new row will be added.

Use the + symbol to insert an extra table row

3.   Nudge the mouse pointer up or down to move the plus sign above or below.

4.   Left-click to insert the new row,

To insert an extra column:

3.   Click Insert Left or Insert Right in the Rows and Columns group

Use the Insert Left and Insert Right buttons to insert an extra column into a table in Word

Here is a quick way to insert a new column:

1.   Position the cursor above a column, but in close proximity to the table.

2.   A plus symbol will appear to the left or right of the mouse pointer indicating where the new column will be added.

3.   Nudge the mouse pointer left or right to move the plus sign to the left or the right of the column.

4.   Left-click to insert the new column,

Use the + symbol to insert an extra table column in Word


To delete the current row or column:

1.   Position the cursor in any cell of the row you want to delete.

3.   Click the Delete icon in the Rows and Columns group.

To delete a row or column in a Word table, click the Delete icon in the Rows and Columns group of the Layout ribbon of the Table Tools

4.   Choose Delete Row or Delete Colum n from the drop-down menu.

7. Quickly fORMATTING tables in Word

Word provides you with a number of pre-set table designs. This means that it formats the headings and the data, applies a variety of borders and colours the cells in a way that makes it look like a professionally produced table. As a beginner this simple technique will give you a good-looking table.

1.   Position the cursor in any cell in the table.

2.   Select the Design tab under the Table Tools banner.

The Table Styles group lists a number of table designs. To get the full list, click the More button   beneath the table styles scroll bar

The default table style is Table Grid in the Plain Tables category which adds simple gridlines but no shading to your table.

Live Preview allows you to hover over a design and see it applied to your table. If you like what you see, click to select the table design.

Use the pre-built table styles to quickly format a table in Word

In the Table Style Options group of the Design tab, tick the components that you have in your table. For example, if your table has column headings, tick Header Row . In doing this, the various parts of your table are formatted accordingly

Use the Table Style Options to control which elements of a Word table are formatted

Header Row This will emphasise the header row by making the text bold or applying a different cell colour (depending on the table style selected.

Total Row This will emphasise the bottom table row by making the text bold or applying a different cell colour (depending on the table style selected.

First Column This will emphasise the first column (for labels etc.) by making the text bold or applying a different cell colour (depending on the table style selected.

Last Column This will emphasise the last column (for row totals etc.) by making the text bold or applying a different cell colour (depending on the table style selected.

Banded Rows This will make odd rows one colour and even rows a different colour. This helps readability.

Banded Columns This will make odd columns one colour and even columns a different colour. This helps readability.


The Table Styles Gallery allows you to completely format a table with one click. Whereas you used to need some nous, anybody can now create a professional looking design.

However, you will often still need to apply your own border and shading, and manually change a table design. With a little effort can add a lot of flavour to your page and dramatically enhance the overall appearance of the document.

To set the borders for tables in Word:

1.   Select the portion of the table that you wish to set the borders for. This may be the entire table, a row or rows, a column or columns or a selection of cells.

3.   Select the Borders icon. A drop-down list appears. This list shows every combination of border that can be turned on or off. The icons with a shaded background are currently switched on. The rest are switched off.

4.   Click any icon to switch the border on or off. The border style that is applied is the default style ( ½ pt solid black line ) or the last style that was used.

To set table borders one at a time, click the Borders button on the Table Tools Design ribbon and select from the dropdown list

5.   To apply customised borders, with different colours, styles and widths, click the Borders & Shading option at the bottom of the list to display the Borders and Shading dialog box.

To apply customised borders, with different colours, styles and widths, click the Borders & Shading option at the bottom of the list to display the Borders and Shading dialog box

Your selection will always have an outer border, and if you selected more than one cell, you will have some inside borders as well. The easiest way to use the dialog box is to start on the bottom-middle and work your way up and right.

1.   Select the colour and width (thickness)  that you would like for your border.

Set the colour for the border style

2.   Choose a style (e.g. dotted, dashed, double, solid etc.)

Set the width for the border style

3.   Paint your borders. There are two ways to do this.

  • The first way is to click directly on a border in the Preview itself.
  • The second way is to click the appropriate icon around the edge of the  Preview section that represents each border. Depending on which cells you selected in your table, some of these icons may not be available.

Click the icons to paint individual table borders

On the left-hand side of the dialog box, there are some pre-defined border combinations which you can use to save yourself some time. Depending on your selection of cells, the pre-defined options may differ. Here’s a run-down:

Click the icons to quickly paint the table borders

To shade the cells of tables in Word:

1.   Select the portion of the table that you wish to shade. This may be the entire table, a row or rows, a column or columns or a selection of cells.

3.   Click the Shading icon. The colours that you see displayed match the current them of the document. Themes were discussed earlier in the course.

4.   Click a colour in the palette.

While you can pick any colour, it is recommended to stick with the light colour shades, otherwise your tables will appear very loud and ugly, like they’re shouting in your face. Subtle is the order of the day. The exception to this is column headings or other cells that you wish to differentiate. Under these circumstances, you can use a dark colour, but use a light font with it.

Stick to the lighter shades when painting table cells in Word, unless you want to differentiate by using a darker background colour with lighter font colour

If you cannot find the exact colour you need,

  • Click the  More Colours  link underneath the palette. This displays a larger, more accurate colour palette.
  • And if that’s not enough, click the Custom tab and you’ll get a really fine selection of colours (you can even enter your own RGB settings if you know them)

The extended colour palette provides even more choice


When you have large tables that occupy two or more pages, many people insert manual page breaks, then copy and paste their table header rows at the top of each page.

When rows are added or removed from tables in Word, the table headers end up half way down the page.

There is a simple tool that will eliminate this problem

1.   Ensure that the table is a single table, with no manual page breaks in the middle, and one header at the top. The table header may occupy more than one row, it doesn’t affect the way this feature works.

2.   Position the cursor somewhere in the top row of the table.

3.   Select the Layout tab under the Table Tools banner.

4.   Click the Repeat Header Rows icon ion the Data group.

How to repeat header rows on a table in Word

Now, it doesn’t matter how many rows tables in Word contain, if the table ever spills across into another page, the header row (which normally displays the column headings) will always appear at the top of the table.

10. All the key points again

  • Tables in Word serve 2 distinct purpose: to display a table of data and to organise and position items on the page
  • To create table, select 2 tabs -  Design and  Layout under the  Table Tools  banner.
  • There are 2 tabs -  Design  and  Layout  under the  Table Tools  banner.
  • You can press the TAB key to move direct to the next cell and SHIFT and TAB together to move backwards through a table.
  • The four elements of a table are cells, rows, columns and the whole table. Each can be selected.
  • Rows can be inserted by selecting the Layout tab under Table Tools , then clicking the Insert Above or Insert Below icons. Alternatively, hover to the left of a row and click the plus symbol that appears above or below the mouse pointer.
  • Columns can be inserted by selecting the Layout tab under Table Tools , then clicking the Insert Left or Insert Right icons. Alternatively, hover above a table column and click the plus symbol that appears to the left or right of the mouse pointer.
  • Columns and rows and be removed from the table, by positioning the cursor in the row or column to be removed, then clicking the Delete icon on the Layout tab of Table Tools and choosing Delete Row or Delete Column .
  • Tables can be formatted using the Table Style gallery or by manually setting the shading and borders manually. Both sets of tools are found on the Design ribbon of the Table Tools .
  • When using the Microsoft Table Styles , you can control the behaviour of the formatting by setting the Table Style options – 6 tick boxes that define the structure of your table.
  • For long tables that spill across onto subsequent pages, the top row, which normally contains the column headings can be set to repeat automatically . So there is no excuse for cutting and pasting headings midway through your table or taping pages together to make sense of the table!

I hope you found plenty of value in this post.  I'd love to hear your biggest takeaway in the comments below together with any questions you may have. Have a fantastic day.

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About the author

Jason Morrell

Jason Morrell is a professional trainer, consultant and course creator who lives on the glorious Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia.

He helps people of all levels unleash and leverage the power contained within Microsoft Office by delivering training, troubleshooting services and taking on client projects. He loves to simplify tricky concepts and provide helpful, proven, actionable advice that can be implemented for quick results.

Purely for amusement he sometimes talks about himself in the third person.

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An Express Tour of the Word Screen. Getting Started with Microsoft Word: A Beginners Guide


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Creating Tables

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Quick reference

Tables provide a structure of columns and rows to help the user line up data, similar to a spreadsheet layout, but within a Word document.

When to Use

Often, tables are used to lay out contact lists inside a Word document, and a calendar would be a table layout as well.


Table options.

To view the Table Options, go to the Insert Ribbon, Table. 

The bottom option is the fastest: Quick Tables. The Designs are ready and you can easily edit the table with your own data.

Add Rows to a Table

Mouse to a row and click the + tool that appears between the rows. 

To move a Row, use the keyboard combination of  Alt+Shift+Up Arrow  and  Alt+Shift+Down Arrow

To Position the Table on the page

Use the Paragraph Alignment buttons.

Use the Ruler to adjust the column widths.

Convert Text to Table

Select the text to Convert, i.e.

                      Name              Phone                             Address                       City, St, Zip                   Notes

                      Jane Doe        123-4567                        123 Marigold St.         City, St, Zip                   Staffing Dept

Go to the Insert Ribbon, Table, and click Convert Text to Table: 

The resulting table will contain your data inside cells:

  • 00:04 As we make our way through the Insert ribbon, the next option is Table.
  • 00:09 Now, a table is simply a structure of data generally lined up in rows and
  • 00:14 columns format.
  • 00:15 In this particular case, we have some sample data on the screen.
  • 00:19 Now, I can click into the data and
  • 00:21 there is no new ribbon coming up on top that tells me I'm dealing with a table.
  • 00:25 So let's turn on our show/hide codes and see what's happening in the background.
  • 00:30 I'll go ahead and click the button for Show/Hide code, or
  • 00:33 you can press Ctrl+Shift+8 or the asterisk.
  • 00:36 And here, we can see that between each one of these sets of data is a tab,
  • 00:41 that's simply a Tab key.
  • 00:43 If you bring your eyes up to the ruler across,
  • 00:46 you'll see that we've got tab settings across this entire ruler.
  • 00:50 If I click into any one of these lines, these rows of data,
  • 00:54 and if I remove this particular tab setting with a click and a drag,
  • 00:58 pull it down, I've just broken the table format.
  • 01:02 And that is why we don't use tabs to layout table structures, we use a table.
  • 01:07 I'm going to Ctrl+Z to undo that.
  • 01:10 Okay, well, let's show you where the tables are.
  • 01:12 I'll click into a blank spot of this document and come up here, and
  • 01:16 on the Insert ribbon, we have Table.
  • 01:19 When we open this, we can literally click and
  • 01:22 drag to tell it how many rows we need and how many columns.
  • 01:25 So I want five columns by four rows.
  • 01:30 As you can see on the screen, it is building itself right down there, and
  • 01:35 then I would have to copy-paste the data into it.
  • 01:38 Well, let's go below these grids.
  • 01:40 Let's go below and check this out.
  • 01:41 We have Insert Table, I can draw a table.
  • 01:44 Literally, click and drag and use a little pencil and
  • 01:48 draw the lines through my existing data.
  • 01:51 I can convert text to table, which I will do in a moment.
  • 01:55 We can have an Excel Spreadsheet on the screen.
  • 01:58 We can also have Quick Tables.
  • 02:00 Quick tables are delightful, because they're already set up for us.
  • 02:04 Just little ideas of table, so if you need one of these,
  • 02:07 you don't have to reinvent the wheel.
  • 02:09 They're already created for you on this quick tables list.
  • 02:13 Okay, well, let's back up a bit.
  • 02:15 I'm going to go back into the document and I'm going to select the existing data.
  • 02:21 I'm going to go to my Insert ribbon, click on Table.
  • 02:25 Now, notice there's a big difference here.
  • 02:26 You have pre-selected data, so it knows I'm not going to put in a brand new table.
  • 02:32 And this time, my Convert Text to Table is bold, it's available for
  • 02:37 me to click, and I'll do just that.
  • 02:39 It's going to confirm, do you want five columns?
  • 02:42 Fixed column width would be automated.
  • 02:44 Notice, I do have options, AutoFit to contents, AutoFit to window.
  • 02:51 I'll just go ahead and leave the Fixed column width at auto.
  • 02:55 Separate text at Paragraphs.
  • 02:58 Tabs, it even recognizes there's tabs in there, or
  • 03:01 maybe there's other data, hit OK.
  • 03:04 And now, we have a table structure.
  • 03:06 Take your eyes up to the ribbons.
  • 03:07 Check this out.
  • 03:09 I have a Table Design ribbon and a table Layout.
  • 03:11 That's how come I always know if I'm in a table or not.
  • 03:14 I just look up to the ribbon.
  • 03:17 Now, in this particular case, for this one, I can design this table.
  • 03:21 We can choose anything we want.
  • 03:22 A color with headings, I'll go ahead with the yellow one.
  • 03:27 I can change the shading of any of these colors.
  • 03:30 I can change the borders, I can change the width of the borders.
  • 03:34 I can put no borders at all on this.
  • 03:37 Maybe I've decided that the Phone column is too wide.
  • 03:42 Well, I've clicked into the table, take a look at the ruler up there.
  • 03:47 I can actually click and drag the column widths by using the ruler tools.
  • 03:53 Well, what if I want to add some extra data?
  • 03:55 I can float my mouse on these columns and a tiny little blue plus sign shows up,
  • 04:01 that's the insert column button, click, just like that.
  • 04:05 Well, now, I decided I want to get rid of that column.
  • 04:07 Well I could Ctrl+Z to undo it.
  • 04:10 Or when I float my mouse above a column, notice the black drop-down arrow,
  • 04:14 simply right-click and look at your options here.
  • 04:17 I can insert new columns, delete columns, merge columns.
  • 04:22 I'll go ahead and delete columns.
  • 04:24 Well, let's say I want to insert a row, same story.
  • 04:26 Just float yourself into the table, come out to the outer edge of it,
  • 04:31 and you'll see a blue plus sign, click that.
  • 04:35 Now, we have a brand new row.
  • 04:36 To get rid of it, simply use the black arrow to the left of it,
  • 04:40 right-click, and delete rows.
  • 04:43 Now, this is just an introductory to the table structure.
  • 04:47 I just want you to know how simple it is to take existing data, and format and
  • 04:51 structure it as a table.

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How to add, modify, or delete a table in Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word table

You can insert a table in a Microsoft Word document to display data in a tabular format. A table is a great way to represent multiple fields of associated data. For example, a list of prices is easier to read when displayed in a table.

You can also create a table in Microsoft Excel and then copy and paste it in a Microsoft Word document, keeping all the same formatting. See: How to insert and customize a table in Microsoft Excel.

  • Adding a table.
  • Inserting or deleting a row or column.
  • Resizing the table.
  • Changing the look of the table.
  • Moving the table.
  • Deleting a table.

Adding a table

  • In Microsoft Word, place the mouse cursor where you want to add the new, blank table.
  • Click the Insert tab in the Ribbon .
  • Click the Table button and select how many cells , rows , and columns you want the table to display. You can also click Insert Table and enter the number of columns and rows for the inserted table.

Insert a table in Microsoft Word.

Inserting or deleting a row or column

In a Microsoft Word table, you can add or remove a row or column at any time. Select a link below for the version of Word you are using.

  • Insert a row or column in Word Online.
  • Insert a row or column in Word 365 and earlier.
  • Delete a row or column in Word Online.
  • Delete a row or column in Word 365 and earlier.

Insert a row or column in Word Online

In Microsoft Word Online (the web version), follow the steps below to insert a row or column.

Insert a row

  • Move the mouse cursor inside a cell in the row where you want to insert a new row.
  • Right-click with your mouse to open the pop-up menu , select Insert , then select Above or Below , depending on where you want to insert the row.

Insert row in a Microsoft Word Online table.

Insert a column

  • Right-click with your mouse to open the pop-up menu , select Insert , then select Left or Right , depending on where you want to insert the column.

Insert column in a Microsoft Word Online table.

Insert a row or column in Word 365 and earlier

In the Microsoft Word desktop application (Word 365 and earlier), follow the steps below to insert a row or column.

  • Move the mouse cursor inside the left edge of a cell in the row where you want to insert a new row. The cursor changes to a small black arrow pointing to the top-right.
  • Using your mouse, right-click to open the pop-up menu , select Insert , then select Insert Rows Above or Insert Rows Below , depending on where you want to insert the row.

Insert row in a Microsoft Word table

  • Move the mouse cursor inside the left edge of a cell in the column where you want to insert a new column. The cursor changes to a small black arrow pointing to the top-right.
  • Using your mouse, right-click to open the pop-up menu , select Insert , then select Insert Columns to the Left or Insert Columns to the Right , depending on where you want the row inserted.

Insert column in a Microsoft Word table

Delete a row or column in Word Online

In Microsoft Word Online (the web version), follow the steps below to delete a row or column.

Delete a row

  • Move the mouse cursor inside the left-most cell in the row you want to delete.
  • Click-and-drag to the right to select the entire row.
  • Right-click with your mouse to open the pop-up menu , select Delete , then select Row .

Delete row in a Microsoft Word Online table.

Delete a column

  • Move the mouse cursor to the left side of a cell in the column you want to delete.
  • Click-and-drag to the right of the cell to select the entire cell.
  • Right-click with your mouse to open the pop-up menu , select Delete , then select Column .

Delete column in a Microsoft Word Online table.

Delete a row or column in Word 365 and earlier

In the Microsoft Word desktop application (Word 365 and earlier), follow the steps below to delete a row or column.

  • Move the mouse cursor inside the left edge of a cell in the row you want to delete. The cursor changes to a small black arrow pointing to the top-right.
  • Using your mouse, double-click to select the entire row in the table.
  • Right-click with the mouse to open the pop-up menu , and select Delete Rows .

Delete row in a Microsoft Word table

  • Move the mouse cursor inside the top edge of the topmost cell in the column you want to delete. The cursor changes to a small black arrow pointing downward.
  • Using your mouse, click once to select the entire column in the table.
  • Right-click with the mouse to open the pop-up menu, and select Delete Columns .

Delete column in a Microsoft Word table

Moving the table

After the table is added to the document, it can be moved anywhere else in the document. To move the table, hover your mouse cursor over the table, then click-and-drag the arrows in the top-left corner of the table.

Resizing the table

To resize a table in Microsoft Word Online (the web version) or the Microsoft Word desktop application, select the version of Word you are using and follow the instructions.

  • Microsoft Word Online.
  • Microsoft Word desktop application.

Microsoft Word Online

In Word Online, you can only resize a row or column, not the entire table.

Resize a row

Resizing row mouse cursor in Microsoft Word Online.

  • Click-and-drag the mouse up or down to change the row height.

Resize a column

Resizing column mouse cursor in Microsoft Word Online.

  • Click-and-drag the mouse left or right to change the column width.

Microsoft Word desktop application

In Microsoft Word 365 and earlier versions, you can adjust the size of the entire table, resizing rows and columns.

  • Move the mouse cursor to the bottom-right corner of the table until the cursor changes to a double-headed arrow .

In Word 365, instead of a double-headed arrow, there is a small empty square at the bottom-right corner of the table.

  • Click-and-drag the table in the direction you want the table to expand or shrink.

Changing the look of the table

To change the look of a table in Microsoft Word Online (the web version) or the Microsoft Word desktop application (Word 365 and earlier), select the version of Word you're using.

  • After adding the table, move your cursor to a cell in the table, and click the Table Design tab in the Ribbon .
  • In the Table Design tab, you can adjust cell shading, border style and color, and table style.

Repeat header row of the table on each page

Unfortunately, Word Online doesn't support repeating a table header row on each page the table spans across. That feature is only available in the Word desktop application.

  • After adding the table, move your cursor to a cell in the table, and click the Design tab in the Ribbon .
  • In the Design tab, you can adjust the Header Row , Total Row , and how the rows appear. You can also adjust the table's overall look by clicking one of the table styles.

If the table spans more than one page, you may want to have the table header row displayed on each additional page the table spans across. You can make the header row visible on each page by following the steps below.

  • Right-click the header row of the table and select Properties in the pop-up menu .
  • In the Table Properties window, click the Row tab.
  • Check the box for the Repeat as header row at the top of each page option, and click OK .

Repeat header row of table in Microsoft Word

Deleting a table

To delete a table in Microsoft Word Online (the web version) or the Microsoft Word desktop application, select the version of Word you are using and follow the instructions.

  • Move your mouse cursor over the table you want to delete.

Move icon

  • Right-click anywhere in the table, and in the pop-up menu , select Delete , and select Table .
  • Right-click anywhere in the table and select Delete Table in the pop-up menu .

Related information

  • See our table definition for further information and related links.
  • Microsoft Word help and support.
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Working with Tables in MS Word

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Microsoft Word or MS-WORD is a graphical word processing program that users can type with. It allows the users to type and save documents very similar to other word processors. There are many versions of MS-word in market, which the user can install as per te. In this tutorial, we will learn about the tables in MS-Word. 

Tables in MS Word are made up of rows and columns with an organized arrangement of text. These tables can be used to align numbers in columns and then various operations can be performed on them. Tables can also be used to create page layouts. Rows in a table are series of data banks laid out horizontally in a table or spreadsheet. Columns are vertical series of cells in a chart, table, or spreadsheet.

How to Create a Table?

Tables in MS Word can be created in the following two ways:

1. Using the Grid

2. Using Table Dialogue Box

Using the Grid

Following are the steps of creating a table using the Grid provided in MS Word:

Step 1: Go to the Insert tab and click on the Table button.

microsoft word table assignments

Step 2: In the dropdown menu, select the number of rows and columns from the Grid.

microsoft word table assignments

Using Table Dialogue Box

Following are the steps of creating a table using Table Dialogue Box in MS Word:

Step 2: Under the grid, you will see an Insert Table button. Click on it.

microsoft word table assignments

Step 3: In the Insert Table Dialogue box, mention the number of rows and number of columns as per the requirement and click on OK button.

microsoft word table assignments

How to Modify a Table?

We can also edit/modify a table to make it more creative. Multiple operations can be performed on a table like changing the layout, splitting of cells, merging the cells, applying borders, etc. Here, we will see some of the operations performed on a table in MS Word.

Changing Layout of a Table

Changing the layout of a table can be done with the help of the following steps: 

Step 1: Select the table for which the layout is to be changed. Go to the design tab .

microsoft word table assignments

Step 2: Click on the dropdown menu to get various different types of layouts for your table.

microsoft word table assignments

Step 3: Select any layout as per the need.

microsoft word table assignments

Splitting the Cell

Splitting of a cell can be done with the help of the following steps:

Step 1: Select the cell that you want to split into multiple cells. Then go to the Layout tab and click on the Split Cells button.

microsoft word table assignments

Step 2: In the dialogue box , mention the new dimensions as per the requirement. 

microsoft word table assignments

Step 3: Click on the Ok button.

microsoft word table assignments

Merging the Cells

Merging of various cells can be done by the following steps:

Step 1: Select all the cells that are to be merged into a single cell. Then go over the layout tab, and you will see a Merge Cell button.

microsoft word table assignments

Step 2: Now click on the Merge Cell button and the selected cells will be merged.

microsoft word table assignments

Applying Borders and Styles on a Table

Borders and styles can also be applied to a table in a similar way as the layout of a table is changed. Go through the following steps to do the same:

Step 1: Select the entire table and go over the design tab.

microsoft word table assignments

Step 2: Select the style that you want to apply to your table.

microsoft word table assignments

Converting Text to a Table

MS Word allows the conversion of existing text into a table with the help of the following steps:

Step 1: Select the text that is to be converted into the table. Now go to the Insert Tab and you will see a Table button.

microsoft word table assignments

Step 2: Click on the Insert Table button and in the drop-down menu, click on the Convert Text to Table button.

microsoft word table assignments

Step 3: In the dialogue box, mention the dimensions of the required table and other data that is required. 

microsoft word table assignments

Step 4: Click on the OK button and the selected text will be converted to a Table.

microsoft word table assignments

Inserting Images in a Table

MS Word allows adding images inside the table cells. To insert an image in a table, go through the following steps:

Step 1: Select the cell in which you want to add the Image. Go to the Insert tab and select the Pictures button.

microsoft word table assignments

Step 2: You can either choose a picture from your device or select one online.

Step 3: Choose a picture from the browser window and click on the Insert button.

microsoft word table assignments

Step 4: Selected Image will be added in the cell selected.

microsoft word table assignments

Performing Calculations in a Table

Mathematical calculations can also be performed on the values present in the table. Microsoft provides various formulas to perform these operations. By default, the sum of the values lying in the rows to the left or column lying above are calculated by Word. Following are the steps to do the same:

Step 1: Select the cell in which the result of the mathematical operations is required. 

microsoft word table assignments

Step 2: Now go to the Layout tab and select the formula button. 

microsoft word table assignments

Step 3: In the dialogue box, define the formula for the mathematical operation, the default formula is the sum of the values to the left or above.

microsoft word table assignments

Step 4: After defining the formula, click on the OK button to apply the formula on the cells given in the formula.

microsoft word table assignments

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microsoft word table assignments

Insert a table

Your browser does not support video. Install Microsoft Silverlight, Adobe Flash Player, or Internet Explorer 9.

For a basic table, click Insert > Table and move the cursor over the grid until you highlight the number of columns and rows you want.

Insert a table by dragging to select the number of cells

For a larger table, or to customize a table, select Insert > Table > Insert Table .

Insert Table option on the Word ribbon

If you already have text separated by tabs, you can quickly convert it to a table. Select Insert > Table , and then select Convert Text to Table .

To draw your own table, select Insert > Table > Draw Table .

Inserting table

For a larger table or to customize a table, select Insert > Table > Choose row and column .

selecting rows and columns

Enter the number of columns and number of rows in the dialog box, and then click OK to insert the table.

Specifying rows and columns

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Novum Learning Professional Growth Platform

Novum Learning

Back to basics: setting up tables in ms word.

6 Modules | 30 minutes | Free

Lawyers - Secretaries - Document specialists

This is the first, foundational course from a three-session MS Word tables masterclass

Word tables made easy

Microsoft Word tables are a common element of professional documents to give a better structure to essential information or format text more efficiently. However, creating tables in Word that are robust is easier said than done. Knowing how to set up the basic foundations is where MS Word table skills start and can advance from rapidly. After doing our foundational online course you will have full confidence setting of tables quickly, moving whole tables and text around and more. MS Word tables need not be an obstacle in professionally formatted Word documents.

Create an MS Word Table correctly in a fraction of the time, utilizing the quick access toolbar

Adjust the rows and columns of your Word tables in just one click with easy to use functions

Make your tables spanning across multiple pages easy to navigate with robust headings that stay at the top of the page even if you add more rows

Move your MS Word tables between pages, sections or entire documents without losing its formatting or damaging your text

Insert text into your table and move it between cells with confidence and no fear of your Word table falling apart

Welcome and set up

Setting the scene

Foundations of a solid table

Setting up a correct and solid frame for you

Relocating tables

Moving tables and some troubleshooting tips

Correct headings on every page

Repeating heading rows on every page without copy pasting

Moving tables in your document

Moving tables within your document and some troubleshooting tips

Inserting text and moving it between cells

Inserting text and moving it within the table

Why settle for less?

Explore the full masterclass courses and work with Microsoft Word tables with confidence

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 While highly recommended as preparation for the Word and Excel Assignment, this practice exercise is optional and will not be graded.  Solutions to this assignment have been posted.  Please note that this exercise is not exhaustive and does not cover all tasks required on the Word and Excel Assignment. Purpose The purpose of this practice exercise is to help prepare you to complete the Word and Excel Assignment. This exercise requires you to use the following:  Microsoft Excel for creating tables, scatter plots, and completing data analysis.  Microsoft Word for creating a summary document containing the results and discussion from two Excel exercise. Specifically, Word will be used to import tables/plots; create text, equations, captions, and drawings; and to use built-in tools for heading styles, automatic referencing and citations, and tables of contents. Relevant Resources The Microsoft Excel tutorials and Microsoft Office Learning Resources are available at You should read this tutorial and refer to these resources while completing the exercise. If you have any additional questions about the exercise, you may contact [email protected] for assistance. Required Software This practice exercise can be completed on both PCs and Macs. You will need the following software and plug-ins: 1. Microsoft Excel-Ensure the "Analysis ToolPak" plug-in is installed in your version. 2. Microsoft Word-Ensure you have the option to use the IEEE reference style in the Word citation management tool. Detailed installation instructions are included in the Microsoft Excel and Word tutorials mentioned previously in 'Relevant Resources.'

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Module 5: Microsoft Word, part 3

Assignment: create document with tables and images.

For this assignment, you will format a document with a table and an image. Follow the directions, then submit your assignment. If you get stuck on a step, review this module or previous modules and ask your classmates for help in the discussion forum.

  • Download the report document and open it in Microsoft Word.
  • Save the document as  BA132_LastName_Report.docx , replacing “LastName” with your own last name. (Example: BA132_Hywater_Newsletter). It is a good idea to save your work periodically.

A Microsoft word document with a table on it.

  • Insert the graph image into your document after “creating greater contact efficiency for consumers.”

A Microsoft Word document is open with a graph showing the "U.S Online Sales as a Percent of Retail Sales" is shown. On the Y-axis are 9 different percentages going from 0 through 8. On the X-axis there are 25 months listed which is just December and June alternating starting in June of 2003 and ending in June of 2015. The graph is a typical line graph and it starts at just under 2 percent in June of 2003 and ends at just over 7 percent by June 2015. The line is blue and it grows about 1 percent every 3 years.

  • Save your document again and submit your work to Canvas.
  • shopping-business-retail [used in report document]. Authored by : Alexas_Fotos. Located at : . License : CC0: No Rights Reserved
  • Reading: Types of Retailers. Authored by : Lumen Learning. Located at : . License : CC BY: Attribution
  • Assignment: Report. Authored by : Lumen Learning. License : CC BY: Attribution
  • The Retail Industry [used in report document]. Authored by : Lumen Learning. Located at : . License : CC BY: Attribution
  • Outcome: Retailers As Channels of Distribution. Authored by : Lumen Learning. Located at : . License : CC BY: Attribution

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  2. Creating Tables in Microsoft Word Activities 1A and 1B

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  3. How to Format Microsoft Word Tables Using Table Styles (Ultimate Guide)

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  4. Better Living through Microsoft Word Tables, Part 1: The Basics

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  5. Format Tables in Word

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  6. Create Tables in Word

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  1. Microsoft Word

  2. Chapter 40 : How to Make a Table in Microsoft Office Word

  3. Microsoft Word/ Table Of Content Practical Exercise

  4. Word 2010: Table content management

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  2. Insert a table

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  3. How to Make and Customize a Table in Microsoft Word

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  4. Three Ways to Insert Tables in Microsoft Word

    Place your cursor where you want to insert the table. Select the Insert tab in the ribbon (see figure 1). Select the Table button in the Tables group (see figure 2). Select Insert Table from the drop-down menu. Figure 4. Insert Table option.

  5. Word: Tables

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    2. How to create TABLEs in Word. 1. Select the Insert tab. 2. Click the Tables icon in the Tables group. 3. Move your mouse pointer into the table grid until the required number of rows and columns are highlighted orange, then left-click. An empty table is inserted into the document.

  9. Creating Tables

    29.8 KB Creating Tables - Exercise Solution.docx. 31.4 KB. Inserting Pictures and Clip Art. Tables provide a structure of columns and rows to help the user line up data, similar to a spreadsheet layout, but within a Word document.

  10. Exercise 15

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  14. Insert a table

    Insert a table. For a basic table, click Insert > Table and move the cursor over the grid until you highlight the number of columns and rows you want. For a larger table or to customize a table, select Insert > Table > Choose row and column. Enter the number of columns and number of rows in the dialog box, and then click OK to insert the table ...

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    Purpose The purpose of this practice exercise is to help prepare you to complete the Word and Excel Assignment. This exercise requires you to use the following: Microsoft Excel for creating tables, scatter plots, and completing data analysis. Microsoft Word for creating a summary document containing the results and discussion from two Excel ...

  17. Assignment: Create Document with Tables and Images

    For this assignment, you will format a document with a table and an image. Follow the directions, then submit your assignment. If you get stuck on a step, review this module or previous modules and ask your classmates for help in the discussion forum. Download the report document and open it in Microsoft Word.

  18. Working with Tables in MS (Microsoft)Word

    A table is a grid with rows and columns of cells. Tables can be used for many different things, like showing text information and numbers. In Word, you can make a blank table, turn text into a ...

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  20. Ms Word Practical Assignment Pdf

    Microsoft W ord is a word processor developed by Microsoft. It was first. released in 1983 under the name Multi-T ool W ord for Xenix systems. MS. W ord is a popular word-processing program used primarily for creating. available in Microsoft W ord to make it easier for study and work. That 's why.

  21. Free Table of Contents Templates (for Microsoft Word)

    Step 4: Click the arrow that is next to the TOC icon and select Custom Table of Contents. Here, select the level of heading that you would like to include in your table and also make the necessary adjustments to each level by clicking the modify button. Click on Custom table of contents.