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Describe the best customer service you have ever received. What made it special? Sample answers and more

Customer service is one of the biggest fields of employment all over the world. And while it isn’t necessarily hard to get a job in retail or in customer service (considering that many companies are always hiring, and people are always leaving, and basically the employee fluctuation is higher than in any other field of business ), you still want to make a good impression on the hiring managers. Perhaps to get the one job you really want, or to avoid embarrassing silence when they ask you some question you aren’t prepared for. And this one catches many people off-guard, simply because they expect to talk in an interview about a great customer service they delivered, and not the one they received!

Keep in mind a few things though. Most customer service jobs are entry level . Many applicants have no previous working experience. Hence they can hardly speak about the best service they delivered to someone. At the same time, the interviewers wonder whether the job candidates understand what it means to deliver an excellent service to a customer, and whether they have the right attitude –meaning that they want to, and enjoy delivering such a service . In order to find the answers, they will ask you about your own best customer service experience.

Any situation you pick, try to speak with enthusiasm . They should get an impression that you have a passion for great customer service, and understand the important role it plays in a success story of every single business. Mark my words–you do not necessarily have to narrate some ground-breaking story , for example a story of some shop assistant saving your life, and going for a date with you just to make you happy :). Any experience when someone went out of their way for you , or simply treated you extremely nicely, is a good example to talk about here.

Let’s have a look at 7 sample answers to this question. I tried to come up with some variety , narrating situations from different scenarios, and adding a few unconventional answers to the list. I hope at least one of the answers will resonate with you and with the message you try to convey in your interviews. Just remember that to showing a passion for a good customer service is the key, and it never hurts to say that you found the experience inspiring for your own conduct , in your future customer service job. Let’s proceed to the answers.

7 sample answers to “What was the best customer service you have ever received?”

  • There is one situation that have stayed in my memory for a long time. I remember when I went to buy running shoes in a sports equipment store, just a few weeks before Christmas. The place was extremely busy, and I could see that all people worked very hard. Even though they were so busy, the girl who attended me patiently answered all my stupid questions with smile on her face, and even gave me recommendations based on her own experience with different brands of running shoes. Needless to say it impressed me a lot, and I aspire to also become such a great customer assistant one day.
  • It was probably on the call with a technician regarding the problem with my internet connection . Not only were they very patient and didn’t get upset when I repeatedly couldn’t follow their instructions. They also treated me very friendly, and had immense knowledge of their field as I later understood. No doubt such a technician has to answer many similar phone calls each day, and one would understand if they got upset with a customer like me. But it wasn’t the case, and all in all it was a memorable customer service experience.
  • I am not sure it was a best one, but it is quite recent so I remember it well . We went to a restaurant with my friends two weeks ago. Since I am on a vegan diet, we always try to choose the restaurant that has something on offer for me. This time, however, they were out of stock for the foods I wanted to order. However, instead of just dismissing me, they sent someone to the grocery store nearby for a quick shopping, so they could fry some nice tofu with veggies for me. It impressed me a lot, because other times when something similar happened ta other places, the people there simply suggested I’d order a vegetable salad. But this place was different, they earned a five star review, and definitely it was a good learning experience for me, since I also hope to deliver a great customer service in a restaurant where I plan to work.
  • To be quite honest with you , I haven’t received an amazing customer service for a long time . Maybe that’s because my standards are very high . When I do any job in which I deal with customers, I am always 100% focused on the person I am talking to, and do my best to go above and beyond anytime the situation allows it. But I also understand it isn’t so common, because now from the top of my head I cannot remember the last time I actually received such a service . Anyway, I want to continue delivering it, so at least some people have this experience.
  • The best one I got was in a pharmacy. You know how this business works–they have contracts with different providers, and push their products. But in this pharmacy it was different. They have a policy in place to always show the most affordable product to the customer first –probably the one they had the lowest profit margin on. This impressed me tremendously, since I saved a lot of dollars. Needless to say, the place is thriving and many people go there , even if they have to cover some distance, because the customer service is second to none. In my opinion, it is inspiring for both workers and business owners.
  • It is hard to pick just one. I honestly feel that many customer service workers try their best . Of course, everyone has their low day, and sometimes when the place is too buys you just cannot give each individual customer as much attention as you’d like to , because it would mean letting the other customers waiting for a long time. I keep this on my mind, and I am grateful for any positive customer service experience. In my opinion, people should try their best in jobs, but customers should not expect miracles. Or at least that’s how I see it.
  • The best one was when I accidentally cut my finger open when looking at a penknife in a store with outdoors equipment. Instead of scolding me, the man in charge of the store offered me a first aid kit and helped me to put a gaze on. What’s more, since the wound was quite big, he actually closed the store for half an hour and went to the emergency room with me. It was such an amazing experience that it almost moved me to tears . And it is definitely motivating to me, because I understand that even as cashiers or sales associates we can make the world a better place, with our everyday conduct in work.

So that’s it! I hope you enjoyed the answers and know now what to say in your own interview! If you’re not sure you, I suggest you to check also 7 sample answers to similar interview questions:

  • Describe your most recent customer service experience.
  • Give an example of a time when you provided great customer service.
  • In what areas of customer service have you had experience?
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Customer Service Experience: Definition, Tips, & Examples

Sarah Chambers

Your company's customer service experience can make or break your relationship with your customers. Most businesses start to panic as soon as anything goes awry with a product, assuming that they'll begin to immediately lose customers with every outage or issue.

However, the fact that bad stuff happens isn't the problem: It's how you deal with it. That's where providing an excellent customer service experience comes in. You can turn a bad day into a good one by dealing with customer questions and issues effectively.

Here's how to create an excellent customer service experience that can win over any customer.

What is customer service experience?

Customer service experience is how customers feel when they get help from your company. Are they satisfied with the response they received? Did they get a timely answer? Was it frustrating to contact you? All of these aspects and more combine to become the customer service experience.

Providing an excellent customer service experience is essential for the success of your business. HubSpot found that "93% of customers are likely to make repeat purchases with companies who offer excellent customer service." Glance reports that 78% of customers have backed out of a purchase they had previously committed to due to a poor customer service experience.

Fortunately, customers are pretty transparent about what they want when they need help. Following the steps below, you can develop a customer service experience that wins over customers.

Inspiring customer service experience examples

Before we get into the details of how your company can build an excellent customer service experience, let's look at a couple examples of what happens when you get it right.

BarkBox goes head and tails above and beyond

When Melissa's dog Cricket managed to chew his way through a BarkBox toy meant for heavy chewers, she was upset. Cricket got sick from ingesting pieces of the toy, resulting in a hefty veterinarian bill — not to mention a sad pup!

But when Melissa contacted BarkBox, they completely turned the situation around. They immediately refunded her money, sent a new super-chewer toy, and apologized. But they took it even one step further.

Showing concern for the health of Cricket, they asked to see the veterinarian bill and reimbursed Melissa directly. Now she's a delighted customer.

"I have been very impressed with the way they have handled the whole situation. They have been very compassionate and fair and wanted to make sure they did everything possible to ensure Cricket was OK. Thank you BarkBox for stepping up and taking care of this."

The post on Facebook has been shared over 78,000 times and has over 100,000 likes! Not only is Melissa a happy customer, but other pet owners also know that BarkBox is a great company to purchase from.

barkbox customer experience

Source Audio beats expectations

When Reddit user hekabip had a hardware and a software issue with their new guitar pedal, they contacted Source Audio through a form on the company's website. Then they sat back to wait, expecting a response in two or three business days.

Instead, Source Audio responded within 20 minutes, accurately troubleshooting the software issue and shipping out a replacement part for the hardware issue.

"The point is they just really did a great job addressing my issue fairly and timely," said user hekabip.

They posted their experience on Reddit, and other users added their own great Source Audio stories. This kind of advocacy is invaluable, especially on a subreddit targeted at guitar players.

source audio customer experience

How to create an excellent customer service experience

There's a common misconception that you can break down customer experience into three key components: discovery, engagement, and delivery. While that may be true at the most basic level, those things need more individualized attention if you hope to create memorable, meaningful experiences like the ones above.

1. Ask for customer feedback

When providing a great customer experience, only one opinion matters: the customer’s. Even if you think you're doing everything right, if the customer isn't satisfied with the service, they won't continue to do business with you. Gathering business feedback from your customers is the best way to help shape and improve your customer experience — not only does this make current customers feel heard, but it also enhances the product to attract future customers better.

The best way to determine if you're meeting your customers' expectations is to ask them!

Customer satisfaction (CSAT) surveys are a straightforward way of asking your customers for their opinions. After each customer service interaction, a survey is sent to the customer requesting feedback on the support they received. Most CSAT surveys also include a follow-up question asking for more detail.

example customer service satisfaction survey example

Beyond CSAT — a great way to understand customer needs at the transactional service level — NPS (net promoter score) is a solid indicator of how engaged a customer is with your brand.

Responses to these surveys show you where you're missing the mark when trying to meet your customers' needs. If you're responding too slowly, your tone doesn't sit right with the customer, or you haven't fully resolved their issue, they will let you know.

2. Offer different methods of communication

If you ask ten different customers how they want to contact you, you might get ten different answers. From email to phone to messaging platforms, customers correspond with businesses in an unprecedented number of ways.

Customers believe having options is an integral part of a good customer service experience.

NICE inContact found that "90% of consumers are more likely to consider doing business with a company that offers multiple ways to communicate." Furthermore, when CMO Council asked customers which channels they expected businesses to offer, a large number of customers expected to see at least the following five channels :

Email (86% of respondents)

Telephone (65%)

Website (53%)

In-person (48%)

One glaring omission from this list is social media: a channel that is growing in importance as crucial customer demographics shift. Social media support differs from website or app support in that it is very immediate and public — mistakes your team makes are immediately evident and hard to recover from.

Though the channel can be tricky, ensuring that your team knows when it’s time to bring a support conversation to a more private venue, such as direct messaging , can help provide a better customer service experience on social.

You may also want to consider implementing a multichannel support strategy. Multichannel allows your customer to switch quickly from one channel to the other with minimal effort — from social media support to email or phone support, for instance. This can be made easier by using support software that integrates with the social media platforms your customers prefer.

When you're able to offer more options, your customers have a better experience.

The Complete Guide to Getting Started with Social Media Support

Discover the benefits of supporting customers on social and get the tools you need to set a social media support strategy in motion.

The Complete Guide to Getting Started with Social Media Support

3. Make it easy to get help

Sometimes the best customer service experience is the one that you don't even notice. We call these " boring customer service stories ." They don't sound like much, and often we don't even remember that they happened.

But customers don't want to have to jump through hoops to get help. In fact, 96% of customers who've had a high-effort experience report being disloyal in the future (compared to just 4% of customers who found it easy to get help).

It's easy to put up barriers between you and your customers through complex contact forms, policies, and escalations. Removing any obstacles can help provide a better experience.

Here are a few ideas on how to get started:

Create a helpful knowledge base that customers can search to help themselves.

Make it easy for customers to contact you through in-app support like live chat , and include your contact information in easy-to-find locations .

Find ways to eliminate restrictive policies that make customers work harder to change their accounts.

Self-service is a great way to empower your customers to get their answers without even needing to talk to a human, but it can be alienating for some. Make it easy for your users to find any self-service functionality you have and get additional assistance if self-service doesn't work for them. Nothing creates a worse experience than trying to provide something smooth and easy and having it be more challenging work — like needing to reach out to support after spending time searching through a help center article.

4. Respond quickly

No matter what study you look at, a quick response tops the list of what customers require for a good service experience. SAP Hybris found that 52% of customers chose quick replies as the most critical attribute of good customer service. In a Forrester study, 77% of customers responded that valuing their time is the most important thing a company needs to do.

There are several ways that you can help to decrease response time:

Hire additional staff

Work with a BPO (business process outsourcer)

Implement chatbots

Create self-service options

Utilize an AI to suggest documentation

These options, especially bots, can be incredibly impactful, but they can ruin a customer’s experience if something goes awry. Always implement functionality with your customer experience in mind. Don’t build something out just to make it easier for your team members to respond quickly — they also need to respond correctly and considerately.

Your customers don't want to wait around for help. Focus on reducing first reply time and making sure your customers feel like a priority. It's one of the most important things you can do to provide excellent customer service .

5. Build a culture of caring

Ultimately, providing a great customer experience comes down to the people. If the employees in your company aren't engaged and motivated to care about customers, any other initiatives will fall flat.

In PwC's Future of Customer Experience survey , 80% of Americans identified friendly service as one of the most essential elements of a positive customer service experience.

But even beyond being friendly, building a customer-centric culture has a ripple effect across all decisions. To create a culture of caring:

Build customer-centric culture questions into your hiring process. How have candidates improved the lives of their customers in the past? How do they respond to an angry customer in sample interactions?

Consider launching whole company support to shrink the distance between customers and internal employees. When everyone has a chance to hear how their actions impact customers, they become more customer focused in their day-to-day work.

6. Create multiple touchpoints

The point when your customers reach out to your customer service team isn't the only time they will consider when thinking about the experience you've provided. Attention to detail should be woven throughout multiple touchpoints within the customer journey.

Here are some touchpoints you might consider:

When a user first visits your site.

When they first create an account.

When they add a new user.

When they pay for a subscription.

Purchase anniversaries

The customer journey is super important to the customer experience. Ensure that you are hyper-focused on customer experience as you craft each step of their journey. If you provide an excellent customer service experience but they have a terrible time trying to purchase, all your hard work will be for nothing!

Develop a customer service experience worth shouting about

Your customer service experience can save the day when customers run into trouble. By providing quick, helpful service that gets your customers back on their feet, you can create brand advocates for life.

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Sarah chambers.

Sarah is a customer service consultant and the founder of Supported Content . When she’s not arguing about customer service, she’s usually outdoors rock climbing or snowboarding. Follow her on Twitter to keep up with her adventures.

my customer service experience essay

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An essay on customer service can emphasize the importance of quality service in business and customer satisfaction. It can discuss strategies for delivering exceptional customer experiences, the role of customer feedback, and the impact of excellent customer service on brand reputation and long-term success in a competitive market. A vast selection of complimentary essay illustrations pertaining to Customer Service you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

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5 Ways to Create an Exceptional Customer Service Experience (& 4 Mistakes to Avoid)

Rafi Cohen

Updated: April 25, 2022

Published: November 01, 2021

Your company's customer service team is no longer an added benefit that customers think about after they make a purchase. In fact, research shows that more than two thirds of businesses now prioritize customer experience as a distinguishing factor when competing in their industry.  

rep providing an excellent customer service experience over the phone

All too often, it’s the case that customers are left waiting on hold or are unable to find information for themselves  — even if they spend hours seeking an answer in a company’s knowledge base .

Most of us can agree on some generalities when it comes to what a bad customer experience is. But what can we say about a good customer service experience? Or even an exceptional one?

In this post, we'll describe what exceptional customer service looks like and how you can provide it at your business. hith a little effort and guidance, you’ll be able to stand out, differentiate, and maybe even pull some of your competitors’ disgruntled customers over to your side of the fence.

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What is exceptional customer service?

Fundamentally speaking, the ideal customer service experience is one in which the customer reaches their ideal outcome with as little friction as possible. This is somewhat vague, but that’s by nature, as the ideal outcome can vary by industry, company, or product.

What you must consider is how you can go beyond good enough and really wow your customers. 

What Does an Exceptional Customer Service Experience Look Like?

Customer experience — or CX — refers to the sum of every interaction a customer has with a business, both pre- and post-sale. An ideal customer experience can take many forms, depending on the type of interaction and the method of communication.

However, here are some aspects of an exceptional customer service experience:

1. It makes your customers feel special.

Every interaction needs to revolve around the concept of individual value, mutual respect, and a shared vision for your future together as their brand of choice. Consider how you can let your customers know that:

  • They are more than a transaction to your organization.
  • Their time and money allow you to continue to pursue your mission.
  • Their journey as a person is a part of your journey as a business.

2. It goes beyond their expectations. 

Setting expectations is an integral part of customer service. On the flip side of the coin is delivering on those expectations you set.

If you fail to deliver, you create a bad experience. If you deliver, you fulfill the agreement, which is what the customer expects (no more and no less). They may be satisfied but not  delighted . After all, why would your customers praise you for doing the job they paid you for?

However, if you go above and beyond what the customer expects, you pave the way for an exceptional experience from their perspective. This kind of customer delight has myriad benefits for your business.

3. It goes beyond what competitors deliver.

In some cases, you may think you're going above and beyond when you might simply be meeting the status quo set by your industry. Exceptional customer service doesn't exist in a vacuum. If your customers know what kind of experience your competitors offer, and it's equal or better than yours, you may not be delighting them the way you'd expect. 

For example, that free 30-day guarantee may not be as big a selling point as you'd think if everyone in your space offers one. This is doubly true if it is more difficult for the customer to actually take advantage of the guarantee than it is for them to do so with your competitors.

Always keep a pulse on how your competition is innovating their customer experience. 

4. It does all of this without friction or inconvenience.

Your customers want the process of doing business with you to be simple and easy. When they do come up with issues, they want the process of rectifying them to be simple, timely, and on a channel that feels comfortable to them.

Communicating with your customers to understand their needs and wants is a sure-fire way to find the friction points in your customer experience and eliminate them. Solving for the customer should be an ongoing process in your organization. 

Ways to Create an Exceptional Customer Service Experience

To help you establish some best practices that revolve around these basic principles, here are some helpful strategies for creating a great customer service experience.

1. Begin and end customer interactions with “thank you.”

The simplest solutions are often the most effective, and beginning and ending every customer interaction with a thank you is one of the best ways to improve customer service experience.

Starting every interaction with a thank you shows the customer that you appreciate that, out of all the places they could have chosen, they have chosen your business first.

Saying thank you after concluding your business — even if it doesn’t result in a transaction — is simply good manners, and it leaves the potential customer with a positive view of both your people and your business. Simple courtesy goes a long way toward inspiring a follow-up visit to make a purchase in the future, too.

2. Use digital resources to put people first.

Thanks to the advent of the smartphone, people are more connected digitally than at any prior period of history. This presents a unique opportunity for service providers, retailers, and restaurants to leverage this connectivity to provide superior CX via smartphones and other mobile devices.

Allowing customers to manage account services and features is also absolutely critical to creating a desirable CX, as sometimes customers have a basic question or problem they need to resolve that can easily be handled on a mobile app or direct chat .

The ability to place orders for products or services online independently is also an absolute godsend to customers who have very limited time to commit to your business. Avoid over-directing customers to your app for assistance too, as this is a surefire way to irritate and turn them off to your brand.

3. Employ effective social media strategies.

Social media provides more opportunities for creating personal connections than any other publicly available resource. Individuals can comment, share, and demonstrate interest in your business, brand, products, and services anywhere in the world at any time of day.

If you aren’t leveraging the personal touch social media adds to CX, you need to start right away. Using social media to make customers feel like insiders and close confidants with your brand is a high-level CX strategy.

4. Talk to your customers where they are.

Proactive post-transaction and post-visit follow up using customer contact information is vital to the success of your customer experience strategy. These calls and messages are opportunities to review the benefits of their potential or newly purchased product or services in case they have run into trouble or thought of new questions to ask since their visit.

More important to your CX strategy, it also demonstrates a tangible interest in their journey with your brand even after they have left your location or spent their money with you. Don’t let those opportunities pass you by.

5. Get feedback from customers and implement it. 

You don't have to guess when it comes to improving your customer service experience. Your customers will tell you if you actively obtain their feedback . Whether you conduct a survey via email or use an NPS scoring system , you can get a pulse on the satisfaction of your customer base and the areas where you're not keeping up with expectations.

Common Mistakes Brands Make Creating a Customer Service Experience

Here are some common mistakes to avoid as you improve the customer experience in your organization:

1. Going crazy with customer rewards programs.

Many customer reward programs have a tendency to over-reward potential clients and new business more than their existing customer base.

This isn’t a prudent use of resources. You must keep your reward system for new and existing customers proportionate. As much as you want to focus on attracting new customers, existing customers who have shared your journey so far need to be rewarded for their loyalty and support, too. More often than not, even minimal customer rewards programs and incentives far exceed the expectations that most customers possess when you first bring them on board.

Overall, it’s wisest not to overinvest your marketing and retention dollars into your rewards program. Instead, invest those resources in a customer loyalty or referral program to keep existing customers happy.

2. Making your customer’s path to adopting your brand a difficult one.

Determining your customer’s path to adopting your brand needs to be a point-by-point plan, not an open-ended discussion about the direction of hypothetical transactions.

You need to have a modular, adaptable plan for each customer that will guide them and their customer service representative every step of the way. Failure to have a solid plan, or a plan that is merely all talk or looks, is a recipe for CX disaster.

3. Forgetting that prime customer experience begins with employees.

Take care of your people, and they will take care of you.

Unhappy employees cannot and will not provide the individual buy-in necessary to make your customer experience strategies effective. You are looking to make true believers in your vision and your brand.

That means treating them in a way that exceeds their expectations for employer provisioning in terms of personal benefits, company perks, and individual incentives. The way you take care of your people matters to your customers.

A happy, satisfied employee is going to do more for you and the customer when their needs are met in abundance.

4. Making things complicated. 

The more convoluted it becomes for a customer to get service from you, the less satisfied they will be (and the harder it becomes to scale your operations).

Your customer service experience doesn’t have to be frustrating and awful. In fact, it can be delightful and can possibly shift detractors into being promoters if you’re tactful.

It just takes a little bit of thought and care. Answer customer inquiries and frustrations where they appear (and quickly). Give customers resources to figure things out on their own. Make sure your customer service staff is polite and happy (their happiness is a powerful change agent for angry customers).

In general, start investing your customer service experience and it won’t just be an expense, but it will be an investment in a real business differentiator.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in January 2018 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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Customer Service Experience, Essay Example

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About two years ago, I and some of my friends made a trip to New York City (NYC). One of my friends Ada was a Nigerian girl with an upper class background whose father was a senior executive in a major Nigerian oil company. NYC is one of the fashion capitals of the world and it is not unusual for female tourists to shop at retail outlets operated by one of the leading fashion brands. My friend had been wanting a Louis Vuitton bag designed by Japanese artist Takashi Murakami for a long time, thus, we paid visit to the Louis Vuitton store in Manhattan.

All of us friends were dressed casually including my friend Ada and as we entered the shop, the store associates noticed our presence but didn’t pay attention to us. After a while, a European couple entered the shop and drew immediate attention from the store associates. The European couple was dressed up in designer clothing and looked rich. The store associates gave undivided attention to the couple for about half an hour which resulted in a sale of about $1,200. Ada felt she was being judged on the basis of both her skin color as well as her appearance even though the item she planned to purchase cost about $3,500. Even after the European couple left and despite the fact that we had come before the couple, store associates still didn’t come to us to inquire as to what we were looking for. It’s as if they had assumed given our appearance that we didn’t have the purchasing power to afford Louis Vuitton goods. Ada was so disappointed by the treatment she left the store without making any purchase and instead bought a bag from Gucci for about $3,000.

There were many factors that led to bad customer service from the Louis Vuitton store associates. The first factor was probably personal stereotypes of the store associates who may have assumed Ada comes from middle or low-income background, given her race and appearance. The second factor was age since we were all around 20 years of age and the store associates might have assumed we are merely passing time looking around.

The company could have ensured better customer service for everyone by providing diversity training to store associates. NYC is a major tourist spot and people come here from all over the world, thus, appearances can be deceptive. In addition, the store associates could also be provided rules common in other industries such as attending to every customer within a particular period of time and treating everyone with respect.

Service marketing is important because competition has grown intense and service marketing could be used to gain competitive advantage over the competition through differentiation. In addition, income levels have been rising and so have been customer expectations. Customers now do not only care about product but overall product experience.

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Customer Experience Reflection Report

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Negative experience, positive experience, compare and contrast.

This week, I experienced a few events with software packages I have been using for quite some time. It has caused me to reflect on how critical it is for a Customer Experience to be practical, not only to reinforce the Product’s effectiveness but also to make clients reconsider their choices and decisions when one, or even more dramatically both, falter (Nobar & Rostamzadeh, 2018). In essence, this essay reflects the negative and positive Customer Experience experiences and how they can significantly impact customer retention and fidelity.

For the past two years, I have been utilizing Adobe products. I have seen how their product experiences have evolved and developed over time and how their product portfolio has morphed and refined itself. I have also taught Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere, Dreamweaver, and the now-defunct Director classes on using and building digital solutions. As a daily user of the Creative Cloud, I have developed a long-standing relationship with the product offering, even though every product solution is flawed and has its fair share of flaws and faults. However, something happened to me last week that has happened several times (Zhang & Chang, 2021).

While working on a digital illustration, Photoshop and Illustrator may suddenly and unexpectedly display the message “You have been signed out of Your Account” and quit, sometimes even refusing to save the file I am working on.

As I previously stated, this has happened several times, with productivity crashing due to all the products closing and me having to log in to my Creative Cloud account again to get them to resume. To better understand this problem, I have triaged it, making sure there is nothing wrong with my billing statement, my hardware, or my internet connection and go over all the possible causes for such severe behavior. There are none, except that it tends to correspond with times when Adobe releases a batch of upgrades to their tools. This time, though, I decided to seek assistance with the issues at hand. This was a horrible event in and of itself. Their Help experience is littered with Dark UX themes (including Sneaking, Obstruction, Forced Action, Social Proof, Scarcity, Urgency, and the one applicable to this case, Misdirection).

Wanting to get some advice on this, I went to their FAQ section, where I could not discover anything relevant to my problem. After a good 5 minutes of browsing around, I eventually started a “dialogue” with a chatbot, who couldn’t understand the issue I was presenting and sent me to a human HelpDesk assistant after a series of queries yielded no solution. This individual took a long time to react to my questions, and after waiting 10 minutes for a response to my last query, she stated that my problem was more technical than account-related and that I would need to be referred to a technical help desk. I was put on hold once again, and no one responded to my inquiries on that chat service for the next 15 minutes, so I gave up.

The Mac OS Big Sur is the second product experience worth mentioning. Apple is, of course, known for its flawless hardware, but its software is a mixed bag in terms of quality. This is especially true in Big Sur’s case, especially in the system conversation Windows (Wächter, 2016). Every time one of those windows shows, whether on the Finder or as part of another application, due to the need for awareness, I inevitably have to expand it to understand the labels linked with whatever is on the window.

By default, the size of that window crops most of the strings and labels that identify either the items on the computer or, more often, the hard disks attached to the device. This begs the question: for whom is this being constructed? We are living in a time of great challenge and difficulty. Still, now, more than ever, it is critical that we adopt attitudes of inclusivity, accessibility, and consideration of users who are not limited to specific demographics. Research is more crucial than ever before because it forces Product Design teams to consider how diverse audiences react to what they are creating. However, based on my experience with the Big Sur public beta, I ran on my M1-based MacBook Air, and now that I have updated to a 2020 27-inch iMac, Big Sur appears to be steady and predictable.

When organizations make an effort to keep their employees happy and feel like they are a part of the team, they are also more likely to provide exceptional customer service. Customer service is also essential in the aviation business. The Mac OS Big Sur fosters a positive work environment that allows its staff to be happy and comfortable. They established a positive working atmosphere based on teamwork, work ideals, and motivation.

When organizations make an effort to keep their employees happy and feel like they are a part of the team, they are also more likely to provide exceptional customer service. Good client experiences are also crucial in the corporate world (Lemon & Verhoef, 2016). The Mac OS Big Sur for fostering a positive work environment that allows its staff to be happy and comfortable. They established a positive working atmosphere based on teamwork, work ideals, and motivation. However, despite Adobe’s attempts to create a healthy environment, it still stores personal customer data, which is always a target for malicious attackers.

Additionally, malicious hackers are regularly creating new malicious software for use on devices. These are potential security breaches that Adobe must solve to safeguard its brand reputation (Imbug, Ambad, & Bujang, 2018). As a result, Adobe should never overlook employee training sessions as an essential aspect of the business culture. Their products will be more effective in the market due to this, and customers will have a positive experience.

Customer loyalty is best built through excellent customer service. Interpersonal skills training, such as active listening and using nice words, should be part of your customer experience framework (Imbug et al., 2018). Listening to customers like The Mac OS Big Sur can help you grasp their needs and worries. It makes it easier to match your offerings to their needs. The same is true for food and beverage brands. To stand out, they must first identify their target audience. Adobe’s products and services are up against stiff competition worldwide, and they should put more effort into having feedbacks on their products from customers, which is rare for them.

The product experience is also part of the customer experience and some goods have onboarding experiences for new users. When major modifications to a digital product are made, they usually include a mechanism that alerts users of what to expect as a novelty. However, when providing new paradigms or when the solution itself needs to evolve and bring creative positions, Product experiences can become a difficulty, especially for users who have been using goods for a long time. This is an apparent difficulty, but usability testing and research in general play critical roles in informing some of the decisions being made.

Imbug, N., Ambad, S. N. A., & Bujang, I. (2018). The influence of customer experience on customer loyalty in the telecommunication industry. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences , 8 (3), 103-116.

Lemon, K. N., & Verhoef, P. C. (2016). Understanding customer experience throughout the customer journey. Journal of Marketing , 80 (6), 69-96.

Nobar, H. B. K., & Rostamzadeh, R. (2018). The impact of customer satisfaction, customer experience and customer loyalty on brand power: empirical evidence from hotel industry. Journal of Business Economics and Management , 19 (2), 417-430.

Sundt, A., & Davis, E. (2017). User personas as a shared lens for library UX. Weave: Journal of Library User Experience , 1 (6).

Wächter, M. (2016). Mobile Strategy . Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.

Zhang, J. Z., & Chang, C. W. (2021). Consumer dynamics: Theories, methods, and emerging directions. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science , 49 (1), 166-196.

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IvyPanda. (2022, August 17). Customer Experience Reflection. https://ivypanda.com/essays/customer-experience-reflection/

"Customer Experience Reflection." IvyPanda , 17 Aug. 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/customer-experience-reflection/.

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Customer Experience Reflection'. 17 August.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Customer Experience Reflection." August 17, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/customer-experience-reflection/.

1. IvyPanda . "Customer Experience Reflection." August 17, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/customer-experience-reflection/.


IvyPanda . "Customer Experience Reflection." August 17, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/customer-experience-reflection/.

my customer service experience essay

How to answer "What is your experience with customer service?" (with sample answers)

Person working on a laptop

Why Employers Ask This

Employers ask about your experience with customer service because it is an essential skill in many job roles. Whether you are working in retail, food service, hospitality, or any other customer-facing industry, you need to be able to communicate effectively with customers. Companies want to hire individuals who can provide excellent customer service, resolve issues efficiently, and create a positive experience for customers.

In addition, employers want to gauge your experience with difficult customers. Customer service can be challenging, and customers can be demanding, angry, and even abusive sometimes. Therefore, employers want to assess your ability to handle pressure and manage customer's needs and expectations.

How to Answer the Question

When answering the question, "What is your experience with customer service?" in a job interview, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Highlight your relevant experience: Discuss any previous job roles where you have interacted with customers and provided excellent service. Provide examples of a time when you handled customer complaints and resolved issues to the customer's satisfaction.
  • Show your communication skills: Customer service requires excellent communication skills, both verbal and written. Talk about how you addressed customers' concerns and effectively communicated with them, even in challenging situations.
  • Discuss your ability to handle pressure: The interviewer may want to assess your ability to handle stress, particularly when dealing with difficult customers. Mention how you remained calm, empathetic, and professional in resolving the customer's concerns.
  • Emphasize your ability to work in a team: Customer service is often a team effort. Bring up any instances where you collaborated with colleagues or worked in a team to provide seamless customer service experience.

Remember to be honest and concise in your response. Provide specific examples to back up your claims, and avoid generalities. Your answer should demonstrate that you have the skills and experience needed to excel in a customer-focused role.

Sample answers:

"I've never worked in customer service before, but I'm really good with people. I think I could figure it out pretty quickly."

This answer is bad because it doesn't address the question directly. The interviewer wants to know if you have experience in customer service and how it relates to the job you're applying for. Saying that you've never worked in customer service isn't a good start, and then trying to pivot to a vague positive is unlikely to impress the interviewer.

"I've had some limited experience with customer service in my previous role, where I occasionally had to help field customer complaints. I found that I really enjoyed the opportunity to help solve problems and make customers happy."

This answer is okay, but it could be stronger. It does address the question by acknowledging some customer service experience, but it doesn't provide much detail about what the experience was or how it relates to the job being applied for.

"I've worked in customer service for the past two years in a call center, where I handled an average of 50 calls a day. I'm experienced in de-escalating tense situations, solving customer problems, and ensuring customer satisfaction. I understand that each customer is unique, with their own problems and concerns, and I always strive to listen and address their needs."

This answer is great because it directly and specifically addresses the question while also highlighting the applicant's experience and skills. By providing concrete details about the type of customer service work they've done, the applicant demonstrates their competency and experience in the field. This answer also shows the interviewer that the applicant has a customer-focused approach and has experience dealing with difficult situations.

"I have over five years of experience in customer service across various industries, including retail, hospitality, and healthcare. In my role as a customer service manager at XYZ company, I oversaw a team of 12 customer service representatives and implemented a new training program that resulted in a 25% increase in customer satisfaction ratings. I'm passionate about delivering exceptional customer service and I believe that my experience and skills would enable me to thrive in this role."

This answer is great because it not only directly answers the question, but it also goes above and beyond by offering specific examples of the applicant's experience managing customer service teams and implementing successful initiatives. By highlighting their passion for customer service, the applicant shows that they are not only skilled but also enthusiastic about the work. This answer would likely leave a positive impression on the interviewer.

my customer service experience essay

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Customer Service Mock Interview

To help you prepare for your next job interview, here are 25 interview questions focused on your customer service skills.

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Question 5 of 25

Tell me about your customer service experience.

How to answer, answer example, admin example, manager example, marketing example, retail example, sales example.

Community Answers

The interviewer would like a brief overview of your customer service experience. Avoid beginning at the VERY the start of your entire career. Your resume should touch on just the last ten years of your career, at most. Begin your reply with the oldest listed customer service job on your resume. Move up in time from there.

"I started my career in customer service as a cashier at the local grocery store. Eventually, I gained the promotion to assistant manager. After four years, that particular store closed down, and I found a new role with Company ABC. I have been there, as the deli manager, ever since. My role includes face to face customer service, customer complaint follow-ups, as well as attendance at some events such as food drives and other charitable efforts."

"I have been an administrative assistant for the past six years, ever since completing my business administration certificate. My first role was with Company ABC. They hired me as their receptionist after completing my 120 practicum hours with them. I was happy they were so impressed with my customer service skills right off the bat. When I relocated, I spent some time as a temp receptionist, working in a variety of corporate offices in downtown Denver. For the past three years, I have been with my current company, as an executive assistant. My day-to-day including working with vendors and customers, ensuring smooth events execution, travel plans, and overall scheduling for the executive whom I support."

"Customer service has been the core of my career all along. Starting with my earlier positions, you will see on my resume that I worked as a commissioned sales associate for Company ABC for two years. The customers were very loyal, and I loved helping them troubleshoot their tech-based needs. Once that company merged with a competitor, I stayed on and gained promotion to assistant manager. I stayed there for another five years. Currently, I manage a team of ten sales associates and train them in delivering excellent customer service. As the manager, I take care of any customer service disputes and escalated needs."

"In marketing, customer service is the most important part of successful campaign delivery. If I have a connection with my customers, I will better understand their needs and the voice of their business, therefore, offering a greater product. Customer service has been at the heart of every marketing role I have held in the past eight years. Not listed on my resume is the serving job I had at University. Also, a very highly customer-service driven role."

"I have worked in fashion retail for the past four years. First, at department store ABC where I worked at the customer service desk. I helped people with their inquiries, and returns. After staying in that role for one year, I moved to my current role as a customer service manager for Company ABC. I follow up on customer complaints and spend some time on the floor in direct sales as well."

"Sales and customer service go hand-in-hand. I have been in a sales-based role for the past eight years. As an Inside Sales Rep for Company ABC, I called on existing accounts which had not ordered for over 90 days. This lack of order was because they were unhappy about their last experience. It was entirely my job to turn them around by displaying impeccable customer care. I take that training and experience with me to work every day at Company XYZ by showing added care in all of my customer interactions."

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How to Answer: Tell me about your customer service experience.

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My three outfits looked nothing like the photos. The first one was a completely different green colour and fabric was cheap see through artificial fibre. The second dress was supposed to be denim, but it turned out to be a thin polyester fabric. Unwearable because it is so scratchy and truly ugly. The third was supposed to be an embroidered blouse, but it was nothing but a flimsy printed artificial fibre, again, transparent. Shocking.

Date of experience : April 18, 2024

I love temu,so far I have received all…

I love temu,so far I have received all items,and only one blouse that I wasn’t happy with,if fitted fine,but u do have to go up a couple of sizes,the fabric was cheap though,can really recommend lingerie,nighties,silk robes,lovely quality.bought throws for lounges,lovely,and can rall recommend the night creams and other moisturises,so cheap, but on par with many more expensive brands,delivery has been good so far,and you get an email close to the due date so you know when to expect it,approximately.Wish they didn’t have the $50 spend limit,,think $20 would be better.

Date of experience : May 08, 2024

Reply from Temu

Hello, thank you for shopping with us and sharing your 4-star experience! We are so glad you've been enjoying your experience so far. Customer satisfaction is of the utmost importance and we are constantly working to improve our service quality. If you need any assistance, please message us through Temu.com or Temu app live chat. Best wishes, Temu team

Totally stupid.

Totally stupid. Two orders, placed separately, with two different names in the address sent together. What a total mess ans waste of time so sort out their mess. Happened several times now, and every time they reply how important customer satisfaction is, but never do anything about it.

Date of experience : June 08, 2024

Temu's clothing is far too small.

Temu's clothing is not anywhere close to American sizing options. Clothes run three or four sizes too small, and there are no options whatever for people who are larger with any measurement greater than 40". If the company would align its sizing with American or even European sizing charts it would be possible to order clothes from them, but at present buyer beware.

Date of experience : June 06, 2024

Hello, thank you for shopping on Temu! Your feedback is extremely valuable to us and we are sorry that you are not satisfied with some of your items. We implement strict policies and control measures to ensure product quality and accurate product descriptions. If you are not satisfied with any items you receive, you may apply for a refund within 90 days of purchase. Temu's Purchase Protection program offers full refunds if your items do not arrive, arrive damaged, or do not match the description or photos (https://www.temu.com/temu-purchase-protection.html). To apply for a refund, login to the Temu app or Temu.com with the account used for your order, open the "Your orders" page, and click "Return/Refund." For detailed return instructions, please visit https://www.temu.com/return-and-refund-policy.html. The first return for each order is free and you can choose to receive your refund back to your original payment method or as Temu credits. Temu credits will appear in your Temu credit balance within 3 minutes and can be used immediately. If you choose to receive your refund back to your original payment method, please allow 5-14 business days for it to appear since timing depends on your financial institution. If you need further assistance, please message us through Temu.com or Temu app live chat. Best wishes, Temu team

Sizing needs a review

I have made a few orders and on the whole they have been really good. The returns are super easy and for the price the quality and value is more than acceptable. The reason I have dropped a point is why don’t you have a separate size 12 and a separate size 14 they are two separate sizes. Why is all of your women’s clothing 12/14?

Hello Victoria, thank you for shopping with us and sharing your 4-star experience! We are glad you found some items you love. We will follow up on this matter. If you need further assistance, please message us through Temu.com or Temu app live chat. We appreciate you giving us another chance to serve you. Best wishes, Temu team

Delivery System Delays and Insecure

Well really not appreciate your actions as you stick to your policy after a customer suffered from this kind of thing. I received damaged package and inside a damage boxes. I'm not going anywhere as it's not my effort to make it's your as it's your part of responsibility to do all things. I really not appreciate it's worst line of customers satisfaction it quite affect your future sales. Please keep those word in mind.📈😞👎Well basically I'm not targeting company but what I feel I just wrote it. As I feel very disappointed by they services as they have quite good reputation nowadays.

Hello, thank you for reaching out to us. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused. Customer satisfaction is of the utmost importance and we are constantly working to improve our service quality. We will follow up on this matter. If you need further assistance, please message us through Temu.com or Temu app live chat. We appreciate you giving us another chance to serve you. Best wishes, Temu team

Great value and customer service…

Temu offer excellent value on all items from clothing to household items. Sometimes the size isnt quite right or the quality may be not what you expect. However 9 times out of 10 everything is good and on the occasion something isnt right they offer an excellent and efficient refund service. I love Temu and shop with confidence as they always put things right immediately!

Date of experience : June 07, 2024

Hello, thank you for your recognition. We are honored to serve you and we are thrilled that you like the products we offer. We hope to be able to continuously offer the best shopping experience to our customers on Temu. If you need any assistance, please don't hesitate to message us through Temu.com or Temu app live chat. Best wishes, Temu team

I love temu but

I love temu but , I have recieved many free items . However the Ca 0$ items and the win 4 freebees is rediculous, you can only win if you can find new temu members also takes forever playing fishland and farmland after many hours of playing its difficult to get more members to join and after having been with temu for quite awhile I'm unable to find new users ? Therefore it's a waste of time and effort .It is basically impossible and believe me ive tried a few times , I've spoke to many who are in agreement , Otherwise I'm very happy with Temu and with the free gifts I have received and my purchases . Thank you !

Date of experience : June 03, 2024

Hello, thank you for shopping on Temu! We are sorry that you are having trouble participating in one of our activities. If you are not getting credit for an invite, please make sure that the invitee is a New User who is defined as a real person who (1) never had a Temu account before, and (2) within 24 hours after downloading Temu App the first time, registered a Temu account and joined the Referral Program by clicking on the unique link you shared. If you need help verifying your invites, please do not hesitate to message us on Temu.com or Temu app live chat. We would be happy to further assist. Best wishes, Temu team

First class company.

Temu is a great company fantastic bargains, unfortunately the company they use for delivery is not. We have had parcels supposedly being delivered by them, never to be seen again. It’s not just Temu we have stopped using but anyone who uses that delivery company.

Bad customer service!

Everything looks like flowers and roses until a real problem occurs. They they do not cooperate at all. They use all kinds of cheep methods for delivery regarding it as "more sutainable". People in Bulgaria receive their packages miles away from the address given by the clients just because they prefer using unresponsive couriers based on prise. No good customers service ethics are being show.

Temu is TRASH

Temu is TRASH. It really does suck. My very first order I placed, product arrived that is COMPLETELY different than what I ordered. Very hard to make a return, and it looks like even with the return I won't get all of my money back. Add to this being constantly hounded by notifications and email spam trying to offer "deals" that, in reality, are maybe 10% less than Amazon... but with shipping that takes way longer, and lots of difficulties returning items. What a joke. Never using again!


Ordered a bunch of items from them, most of the items were trivial prices plus one electric fan which is the only valuable item in the whole order, and guess what, that happened to the item that was missing from the parcel. And other items in the bags, many were unsealed, and one item, once expanded, got CURLY HAIR all over it, I hope someone can come collect and test dna to find out who left it and how this happened🤢. Asked them for a refund and the request got instantly denied and reason being “warehouse confirmed the package was sent to delivery” what does this even mean? Asked them and they said it’s final and nothing they can do with the confirmation.

Hello josh hear i been using temu recently and I find great deals and good items on the app lods off Categories to choose from, like clothing to Kitchen appliances and many more Plus the prices are well cheep so u will u get deal on there Foreshaw all ways And if you are really Interested in disney then there's tendens loads of options for you to look from scored it 5 out 5 from me Also recommended using it in 2024

Hello, thank you for shopping with us and sharing your 5-star experience! We are so glad you've been enjoying your experience so far. Customer satisfaction is of the utmost importance and we are constantly working to improve our service quality. If you need any assistance, please message us through Temu.com or Temu app live chat. Best wishes, Temu team


Love love love TEMU. Affordable prices and quick, free delivery! They literally have EVERYTHING! Why shop elsewhere ? And their customer service is always there to solve any problem. Thank you TEMU for serving is with trust and integrity❤️❤️

Date of experience : May 27, 2024

Stop sending so many messages

Have ordered various things in temu and the quality is not the best but neither is the price. Sizing is a thing to beware of in clothing but ordering a size larger than you think you need seems to solve the problem. Tools etc seem to be great for the hobbyist if not professionals and I will buy more. There is a one great drawback however you will be constantly swamped with messages and offers that will drive you to distraction , so much so that I have blocked them

Date of experience : June 01, 2024

Hello, thank you for your feedback. Customer satisfaction is of the utmost importance and we are constantly working to improve our service quality. To manage your notification settings, please go to "Settings" in your Temu app or on Temu.com, select "Notifications" and then "Edit" to adjust preferences for alerts. If you are using Gmail, you may also click on the "More" button in the upper right corner of the email and choose "Stop seeing this Ad". If you need further assistance, please message us through Temu.com or Temu app live chat. Best wishes, Temu team

Brilliant customer care

Once again I'm writing a honest review on TEMU, I'M WELL PLEASED WITH THE WHOLE PROCESS from ordering and to being IN a very well organised prompt service! Emailing updates along the way, and if you have any problems? They are just a message away on the temu app!🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Date of experience : June 04, 2024

Hello, thank you for shopping with us and sharing your 5-star experience! We are happy that you are pleased with your items. Your feedback is extremely valuable to us as we constantly strive to improve our service quality. If you need any assistance, please don't hesitate to message us through Temu.com or Temu app live chat. Best wishes, Temu team

I Purchaed sone sandles and although…

I Purchaed sone sandles and although really cheap, which obvioulsy raises suspitions and on arrival I though no chance of these lasting five minutes . I decided to use as slippers and guess what , the stitching still all came apart.

Date of experience : June 07, 2023

Hello, thank you for shopping on Temu! Your feedback is extremely valuable to us and we are sorry that you are not satisfied with some of your items. We implement strict policies and control measures to ensure product quality and accurate product descriptions. If you are not satisfied with any items you receive, you may apply for a refund within 90 days of purchase. Temu's Purchase Protection program offers full refunds if your items do not arrive, arrive damaged, or do not match the description or photos (https://www.temu.com/temu-purchase-protection.html). To apply for a refund, login to the Temu app or Temu.com with the account used for your order, open the "Your orders" page, and click "Return/Refund." For detailed return instructions, please visit https://www.temu.com/return-and-refund-policy.html. The first return for each order is free and you can choose to receive your refund back to your original payment method or as Temu credits. Temu credits will appear in your Temu credit balance within 3 minutes and can be used immediately. If you choose to receive your refund back to your original payment method, please allow 5-14 business days for it to appear since timing depends on your financial institution and can take up to 30 days. If you need further assistance, please message us through Temu.com or Temu app live chat. Best wishes, Temu Team

Returned an order for refund but no…

Returned an order for refund but no update since 04 June. I have tried to establish what is happening the automated robot does not answer with the information required and endlessly goes around in circles. Not am easy return that I was hoping for. Update 08 June - temu have responded saying wait for refund to be processed, however they have NOT yet started my refund despite the courier handing the parcel over to them on 04 June. No update since on items being processed and refund agreed. Still no update showing.

Hello, thank you for your feedback. Please allow 5-14 business days for your refund to appear back on your payment method depending on the processing time of your financial institution. Customer satisfaction is of the utmost importance and we are constantly working to improve our service quality. If you need any additional assistance, please feel free to reach out through Temu.com or Temu app live chat. Have a great day! Best wishes, Temu team

Temu credit back fairy tale…

Probably because of the marketing emails I have bought a lot from Temu. Some reasonable quality some not at low prices. Some of the many marketing emails offer credit back which seems impossible to apply . Querying this with Temu seems impossible. I must break the Temu habit. Temu s response is to contact them on live chat which not on the homepage of their application. I eventually find by searching chat. It is not a good process. I await their further response.

Date of experience : June 02, 2024

Hello stephen, thank you for reaching out to us. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused. Customer satisfaction is of the utmost importance and we are constantly working to improve our service quality. We will follow up on this matter. If you need further assistance, please message us through Temu.com or Temu app live chat. We appreciate you giving us another chance to serve you. Best wishes, Temu team

Temu is ok but farmland sux

I don't mind temu. The things I've ordered,quite a few orders now have always arrived on time and good condition and have been good quality items. I received 1 faulty thing, contacted the shop I got from, the asked for a few pics. I happily sent them, my replacement was posted same day, can't complain about that. But that farmland game is ridiculous and painful. Totally made in Chinese over lord fashion. Unless you commit your whole life to it and pester everyone you know with invites it's nearly impossible. Just as the dangling carrot gets close it restarts. If that's what ya have to do for free stuff im happy to just buy it

Home — Essay Samples — Life — Personal Experience — My Unforgettable Encounter with Bad Customer Service


My Unforgettable Encounter with Bad Customer Service

  • Categories: Customer Service Personal Experience

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Words: 755 |

Published: Sep 16, 2023

Words: 755 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

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The initial signs, the frustrating wait, the disheartening experience, the consequences.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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my customer service experience essay


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