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Remote Proofreading Jobs and 26 Places to Find Them

With working from home becoming more common than ever before, remote proofreading jobs are gaining a lot of traction. Amongst the online jobs you can do, checking grammatical and spelling mistakes sounds like one of the easiest ones to pick up. But what exactly  does this kind of work entail, how much would it earn, and most importantly, how do you search for legitimate as well as rewarding proofreader jobs? These are all valid questions, the answers to which you can find right here.

What is proofreading?

To proofread is to go over a document’s final draft with a fine-tooth comb, searching for grammatical, spelling, punctuation, and formatting errors. Unlike the job of a copy editor, you don't have to concern yourself with language style or voice. It may seem simple, but it requires a thorough understanding of not just the English language but also the appropriate manuscript formatting styles.

Web content, academic papers, and many other types of writing — To proofread and correct each of these kinds of content requires a thorough understanding of its preferred language and formats.

Because of their project-by-project nature, it is common for the gigs you get in this sector to be online, freelance proofreading jobs.

Becoming a proofreader and securing remote jobs

Luckily, you don’t have to go through intensive training or education to become a proofreader. Preferably, you'd have a bachelor's degree in English, Journalism, or a field relevant to the kind of content your hope of proofread. (To proofread for a medical company, you'd need background in medicine, for example.) Other than that, a certificate of completion for a proofreading course can make your profile much more appealing to potential clients. To get started on the right foot, consider:

🎓 Taking a training course via societies such as the  Editorial Freelancers Association ;

📝 Brushing up on style guides (APA, Chicago, and AP Styles);

💻 Creating a profile and following relevant groups/hashtags (this may include creating your own website, a LinkedIn, or a professional Twitter account);

✅ Being flexible about the kind of job you take on (work from different industries, projects involving copy editing ).

You can get more tips in our comprehensive guide on how to become a proofreader . If you’re all clear about the set up, let’s discover all the places that you can find remote jobs for proofreaders.

26 places to find remote proofreading jobs

Below are all the sites that offer legitimate freelance proofreading jobs. We’ve divided the list into two parts: one for those with experience and qualifications, and one for those without.

If you’re going into proofreading with certificates, graduate qualifications, or expert experience, here are the sites that you should check out. 

1. ProofreadingPal

Specializing in academic proofreading,  ProofreadingPal  prides itself on having a highly experienced staff. Because its scholarly projects, the editing skills required by this site are very advanced and specific. To secure a remote proofreading job on this site, you need to be a postgraduate student with a minimum GPA of 3.5 or have a graduate degree along with minimum five years of experience.

Remote job for proofreaders | Proofreading Pals

If you have a PhD in a writing-intensive discipline,  Edit911  is a good candidate for some remote work. Its proofreading services also tend toward high-level academic editing, so experience is crucial. And as it caters to a worldwide audience, having a strong grasp of a few manuscript styles will be plus.

WordsRU  is great for those who work from home, because it welcomes job applicants from all over the world, as long as they have at least a Master’s degree or higher. It offers a wider range of services for customers, including fiction manuscripts and web content, so its proofreaders receive a variety of projects.

4. American Journal Experts

Similar to WordsRU,  AJE  offers online proofreading jobs for those who have been or are currently enrolled in higher education at universities approved by  the Carnegie Classification . And as the name suggests, this online proofreading opportunity is more suitable for those based in America.

You may or may not have a PhD or a Master’s degree, but if you do have a strong track record in book editing and proofreading,  Reedsy  is the place to be. Our marketplace connects thousands of indie authors with publishing experts (like you!) who can help them produce high quality titles. On average, our professionals set a  proofreading rate  of around $600-$750 per manuscript, though each project varies. (Note that you can set your rates per hour, per word, or per project.)



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6. Polished Paper

Focusing on business and academic editing,  Polished Paper 's proofreader jobs are also suitable for experienced professionals. Instead of proving their qualifications, applicants are asked to complete a 35-question test to demonstrate their editing skills before getting accepted.

7. Managed Editing

Having worked mainly with non-profit organizations and prestigious institutes,  Managed Editing  chooses its freelance proofreaders carefully. A successful applicant will have at least five years of experience and a Bachelor’s degree, although most of its editors and proofreaders have higher qualifications.

8. Wordvice

Apply to  Wordvice  for a more international experience: the company offers editing and proofreading services on essays and business documents for second-language English users. You must have a minimum of two years of experience and a graduate degree to join this team of freelancers. (And needless to say, the remote jobs they have are available to proofreaders across the world!)

9. Start your own freelance business

This basically means creating your own website (don't forget to have a contact section with your email address in it!) along with a LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook account to spread the word about it. As you are your own boss, you can work from home, a coffee shop, or wherever else you want! Use your credentials and professional connections to attract customers. Combine that with impeccable proofreading services and you’ll grow your freelance business  in no time.

If you’re just starting out or don’t have higher education qualifications — don’t worry, there are plenty of beginner-friendly sites where you can find proofreading gigs and begin amassing professional experience. 

10. Scribendi

If you do have some experience in content production, i.e. you’ve been a copywriter or have edited your university newspaper, you can apply to  Scribendi . Its online proofreading jobs are focused on academic writing from high school to university level, so having a Bachelor’s degree is a must.

11. Scribbr

Scribbr ’s services are tailored to a younger academic audience, and while it doesn’t ask for specific qualifications, applicants do go through a thorough vetting process. To become a remote proofreader at Scribbr, you have to pass a language test and complete several assignments for evaluation (for which you will receive feedback). If you’ve taken an editing course, you should be able to do well.

Remote Proofreading Jobs | Scribbr

12. Proofreading Services

Every remote proofreading job available here focuses on academic and business writing. Prospective proofreaders can join the staff part-time or full-time by getting at least 95% on  the site’s 20-minute test , which mainly focuses on grammar and spelling.

As an education-oriented publication,  CACTUS Communications  is constantly on the lookout for academic editors who can help it produce clear, engaging content. It does require at least a Bachelor’s degree in a relevant discipline, but you don’t need any prior work experience in editing and proofreading to find exciting opportunities.

14. Writer’s Relief

A resourceful website for authors,  Writer’s Relief  also provides book editing and publishing services which you as a remote proofreader can get involved in. Since they have  copy editors  going over everything beforehand, you’ll just have to focus on catching the little mistakes that slipped through.

Prompt  provides coaching services for college applicants, helping them with personal statements and essays. You will need to have been a university student yourself, and as the coach you’re expected to give more feedback than just online proofreading. It’s a good opportunity if you want to start with academic editing.

16. OneSpace Freelancers

OneSpace is a site made for new freelancers. There aren’t as many job postings on this site as on other proofreading services, but you do get support and feedback from their staff. They provide advice on how you can work better as a freelancer and build your business. So while you would't necessarily find remote work on this space, it's a good way to learn the craft of maintaining your freelance proofreading business in the long run.

Looking to find proofreading services at OneSpace Resources

17. Gramlee

From their tagline ("You write, we edti edit.") and service email address, you can already get a sense of how laid-back the staff at  Gramlee  would be. They welcome proofreaders with no qualifications, as long as they work hard to learn and fulfill the team’s guarantee of 24-hour turnover.

Upwork  is one of the biggest marketplaces for freelancers, and the remote jobs for editors and proofreaders you can find on here are often for technical and copy writing. Projects are usually on the smaller side, which means there isn’t always demand for highly experienced workers. Still, it's a good place to get started on your online proofreading career.

19. Flexjobs

Short for  flexible jobs ,  this job board  only posts work that you can do from home, so you don’t have to narrow the search yourself. There are plenty of proofreading jobs across many industries and countries for you to choose from, some of which are even full-time collaborations.

Indeed ’s interface is probably a familiar sight if you’ve looked for work before — it’s a platform that has everything from full-time positions to freelance gigs in all kinds of industries. Though it might take some digging, there are good remote jobs proofreaders can discover.

21. MediaBistro

MediaBistro  is a job board made specific for media-related jobs. You can filter your search to show only remote entry-level editing jobs to see if there’s anything available. Signing up also gets you a job alert round-up when new relevant jobs are posted.

22. Get Editing Jobs

Here’s another  editing-focused job posting site . You can search for remote proofreading jobs and it will automatically show you recent postings that fit the bill. You’ll then have to apply to the jobs on your own.

23. Domainite

Domainite  provides digital marketing services, from web designing to content writing and editing to its clients. You can easily sign up by filling in its form and sending in a writing sample. The scope of the work might go a little beyond the proofreading job, though you will acquire more skills that way!

Are you interested in marketing books? Visit our post on where to find book marketing jobs . 

24. Freelancer

This site  allows you to bid on a proofreading opportunity you can do remotely, and try to win the client over. There are a lot of projects available, so if you lose out on a bid for one, you can always find another!

❗ Note: Some of the rates you see here are much lower than the average as freelancers try to undercut to appeal to clients. Keep that in mind in formulating your own freelance quote .

25. Lionbridge

Lionbridge  is an international platform that offers marketing and business content creation services for firms across the globe. Specifically, its freelancers “test out” firms’ content — giving them feedback, not just on a linguistic point of view but also user experience and SEO. It's a bit of technical proofreading, if you’re interested.

Remote Proofreading Jobs | Lionbridge

Though it does not provide the highest paying remote proofreading jobs,  Fiverr is still a good opportunity for new freelancers to start their careers. It’s relatively easy to sign up to and create a profile that will attract customers, most of whom will be searching for competent beginners rather than experienced experts.

Hopefully this list will help you find your next remote job and kickstart your career, whether you’re a full-timer looking for side jobs or an aspiring freelancer. Remember to do your research and know what your proofreading service is worth to avoid being undercharged. With that, and a wish of good luck, we’ll send you into the world of freelance proofreading!



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Freelance & Remote Proofreading Jobs: 10 Companies Hiring

Freelance & Remote Proofreading Jobs: 10 Companies Hiring

Are you looking to launch a new career in proofreading and curious about entry-level jobs ? Or, perhaps, you’re a seasoned freelancer ready for your next gig . Whatever stage of your proofreading career you’re in, it’s an excellent time to dive into the world of remote proofreading jobs .

The demand for precise and polished written content has significantly increased freelance and remote proofreading jobs. Expand your portfolio by working on diverse projects, such as medical journals, business communications, or academic papers. You’ll discover the freedom to engage in work that aligns with your schedule and preferences .

What Are Freelance and Remote Proofreading Jobs?

You’ll do more than scan for typos as a freelance or remote proofreader. You’ll be charged with a comprehensive review of texts to enhance accuracy, readability, and style compliance .

Work on everything from blog posts and novels to technical documents and advertising copy. As a remote proofreader, you aim to ensure each piece of content is polished, precise, and error-free.

If you’re passionate about language and get a thrill when every “i” is dotted and “t” is crossed, start exploring work-from-home proofreading jobs today.

10 Companies Offering Remote and Freelance Proofreading Jobs

Launch your research and job search with this curated list of companies that routinely post online proofreading jobs .

Cella helps people forge meaningful careers by bridging the gap between creatives and companies. This woman-owned company offers consulting, staffing, and managed solutions for marketing , digital creative, and proposal teams .

Explore more remote proofreading jobs hiring now !

2. InStyle.com

InStyle.com offers celebrity news, fashion trends , and shopping and beauty information across various platforms. The online platform has become a significant source of Hollywood news and lifestyle trends.

Hikers and bikers looking for routes and recommendations for on and off-road experiences turn to komoot. The technology-based application is available on both the iPhone and Android platforms.

4. Language Bear

Language Bear provides professional, SEO-optimized content , writing, editing , and translation services for clients worldwide in the casino, sports betting, and gambling industries.

5. MissionWired

MissionWired is an advertising services company that helps its clients “change the world” by developing and delivering innovative digital storytelling. The company is a full-service agency providing digital expertise and communications strategies.

6. Motion Recruitment

Motion Recruitment supports staffing and recruiting challenges by providing contract, contract-to-hire , and direct-hire IT staffing .

7. Sonata Learning

A professional training and coaching company, Sonata Learning helps organizations strengthen staff performance through learning, process optimization, the appropriate use of technology, and knowledge management.

8. Study.com

Study.com features over 200 instructors that deliver courses, all available for GED credit, certificates of completion, or easily transferable to thousands of universities nationwide.

Made by teachers , for teachers, Twinkl is an educational publishing company that provides award-winning teaching, planning, and assessment resources for birth through adulthood.

10. Welocalize

Welocalize helps brands capture business worldwide by reaching, engaging, and growing their international audiences through multilingual content and data transformation.

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Find Online Proofreading Jobs from Home

As you can see, there’s a demand for online proofreaders across many industries . You can build a career blending your interests with the flexibility you need. As you begin your research, consider roles with similar titles, such as copy editor , quality assurance , or content editor .

If you’re on the lookout for the best remote companies to work for and legitimate online jobs , our partner site FlexJobs is here to assist you. With new jobs posted daily in over 50 career categories, including full-time , part-time , temporary , and freelance jobs —there’s something for everyone in the FlexJobs database. Launch your search today!

Search Remote Jobs

By Kimberli Lowe-MacAuley | Categories: Work Remotely

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21 Websites Offering Legit Freelance Proofreading Jobs

This content may contain affiliate links. If you purchase through these links I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. However, I only recommend products or services that I genuinely like and trust.

Want to become a successful proofreader but struggling to find freelance proofreading jobs? 

Finding clients is one of the most stressful parts of being a freelancer, but it doesn’t have to be. There are lots of online proofreading jobs available; you just have to know where to look. 

I’ve compiled a list of proofreading websites that hire proofreaders and editors to work for them. They find the clients; all you have to worry about is doing the work! 

Of course, working for an agency has pros and cons. You don’t have to do as much marketing, but as a result, you may earn a little less once the company has taken its cut. 

Stick around for the FAQ section at the end of this post, where I share some information about starting your own business. 

Table of Contents

Websites That Provide Freelance Proofreading Jobs

1.  scribendi.

Scribendi  is a Canada-based company that hires editors and proofreaders to edit content for its ESL, academic, professional, and student clients. It has both in-house and freelance positions. 

Suitable for beginners?

No. Scribendi requires that you have at least three years of experience in editing, writing, document production, or language teaching.

Do you need a degree?

Yes, you need to have a university degree in a relevant field. 

Special requirements:

You need to have native level English ability. However, the website states that the company hires proofreaders and editors outside the US and Canada. 

Your computer must have Microsoft Word 2010 or higher. 

2.  Proofed Inc.

Proofed offers proofreading, editing, and formatting services to businesses, students, and academics, and promises to return documents within 24 hours. 

Yes. If you don’t have experience yet, you can take its Knowadays Becoming a Proofreader and Becoming an Editor Courses (formerly Proofreading Academy) first. If you graduate with a score of 80% or higher from both courses, you are guaranteed the chance to work with Proofed.

***Summer Sale Alert: Get 40% off all Knowadays proofreading and copyediting courses until May 31 ! ***

Sign up for a free trial of the Knowadays Becoming a Proofreader course here!

I wrote a review of the Knowdays (formerly Proofreading Academy) Becoming a Proofreader course here.

Yes. Proofed is looking for meticulous, passionate proofreaders with a PhD, master’s, or undergraduate degree from a top university. However, if you complete its course, it will waive this requirement. 

You must upload a copy of your résumé and cover letter to apply for a role with Proofed. 

3.  ProofreadNOW

ProofreadNOW’s proofreaders and editors have been proofreading business documents since 1999. Its clients include law firms, marketing agencies, universities, healthcare providers, and more. 

ProofreadNOW is not hiring at present, but you can  sign up for its email list to be notified  when it is hiring. 

No. ProofreadNOW requires that you have five years of experience as a proofreader. 

The website doesn’t specify.  

You must pass a series of tedious and difficult tests before being hired.  

4.  Polished Paper

Polished Paper is a proofreading and editing service for students, businesses, and ESL writers. 

Register here to be considered for a position with Polished Paper. 

Possibly. The website doesn’t specify how many years of experience you need. 

You must pass a 35-question editor test before being hired. 

5.  Reedsy

Reedsy connects authors with proofreaders, editors, designers, and marketers who can help them bring their book to life and publish it. 

With Reedsy, you can set your own rates, and it charges a 10% commission. To apply, you must  sign up for a free Reedsy profile , and once you are accepted, you will be added to the marketplace. 

From what I’ve heard it can be quite difficult to get into Reedsy. I believe you need to have some experience already, but the website doesn’t specify. 

The website doesn’t specify. I think experience is more important to them.  

Not aware of any. 

6.  Domainite

Domainite  offers a range of services like marketing, website design, and direct mailing to its business customers. 

Possibly. The website doesn’t specify how much experience you need to have.

You must complete an  editing sample  before being hired. You must also confirm that you are familiar with using track changes in Microsoft Word. 

7.  Gramlee

Gramlee offers copyediting, grammar check, and proofreading services for students and academics.

You need to  fill out Gramlee’s employment form  to be considered for a proofreading or editing position.  

Possibly. The website doesn’t specify how many years of experience the company requires, but the form does ask how much experience you have.

The website doesn’t specify, but the form does ask if you have a degree.   

8.  Wordvice

Wordvice has been editing academic material and admissions essays for ESL clients since 2013. It has service agreements with many universities, academic societies, medical centers, research institutions, and laboratories.

Apply here to become a freelance editor with Wordvice. 

No. You need to have two years’ professional editing experience. It prefers that you have an educational background or have experience in medicine, engineering, or other biomedical and natural science domain.

Yes. You need to have completed or be enrolled in a graduate degree program.  

You must have native fluency in English. You must also have experience with various formatting styles such as APA, AMA, MLA, and Chicago.


CACTUS  specializes in editing scientific and medical documents for academics. It is known for being a good place to work, consistently ranking among the top 20 on the global list of the Top 100 Companies for Telecommute Jobs (Forbes.com) since 2016.

The website states that “prior editing experience would be great.”

Yes. You need to have a PhD/master’s/bachelor’s degree or expertise in one or more specialized subject areas in physical sciences, engineering, materials sciences, healthcare, life sciences, medicine, and surgery. 

In addition to freelance positions where you can work from anywhere in the world, CACTUS also offers some full-time remote positions for people based in India. You may be asked to take an editing test to secure one of these positions. 

10.  Sibia Proofreading

Sibia Proofreading  was founded by Dona, a Harvard graduate. It offers proofreading and editing services for academics including journal articles, dissertations, theses, essays, etc.

The website doesn’t state how many years of experience you need to have; however, it does mention that its editors have experience editing PhDs. 

Yes. Sibia Proofreading carefully selects talented and experienced editing professionals who have graduated from top-tier universities such as Harvard University.

You need to be a native English speaker. 

11.  ProofreadingServices.com

ProofreadingServices.com  has helped thousands of academics, jobseekers, businesspeople, and authors refine their writing. It has part-time and full-time remote positions available.

It offers competitive pay ranging from US$19 to US$46 per hour depending on turnaround time, with the highest pay for the most urgent deadlines.

The website doesn’t specify. 

You need to complete an online application that includes multiple choice questions and a three to four-sentence writing sample.  

12.  ProofreadingPal

ProofreadingPal  uses a two-proofreader model whereby all documents must be proofed by two proofreaders to ensure it provides the highest-quality proofreading service. 

No. You need to have a minimum of five years of professional proofreading and editing experience or be working toward a degree.

Yes. If you do not already have a degree, you need to be currently employed by or enrolled as a graduate or postgraduate student in an accredited United States college or university and have a minimum GPA of 3.5.

You must have experience with several popular writing styles, such as APA, MLA, CMS, AP, and CSE.

13.  Edit24-7

Edit 24-7  specializes in proofreading and light editing for academics, businesses, and writers.

According to the website, Edit 24-7 has an extensive application process. To apply for a position, you need to send a writing sample and either your resume or a description of your relevant experience to [email protected].

14.  EditFast

The   EditFast  platform allows eligible editors and proofreaders to set up a web page where potential clients can reach out to them. Clients can choose which editor they want to work with or have EditFast choose someone.  

EditFast gets 40% of the final project price. 

The website states a requirement for past editing/proofreading experience, but it doesn’t say how many years.  

You need to have a degree from a recognized university. 

You must keep all communications with clients on the EditFast platform. 

15.  Edit911

Edit911  provides book, dissertation, article, and document editing by editors with PhDs.

The website doesn’t specify how many years of experience you need to have, but it does mention that you should have verifiable experience, so I don’t think it is suitable for beginners.  

Yes. You need to have a PhD in English or another writing-intensive discipline. You must also be a published scholar, with demonstrable talent and skills as a writer.

You need to send your résumé and a sample of your writing to Edit911 to be considered for a position.

16.  First Editing

First Editing provides fiction, nonfiction, and academic editing services. 

The website lists  First Editing’s requirements  here.   

It would be advantageous. First Editing is looking for people with a doctorate degree with experience in technical editing, theses, dissertations, research, article submissions, etc.

It also mentions master’s, bachelor’s, specific editing courses, proofreading certification, publishing seminars, etc.

You must be available to work at least 25 hours per week. Living in an international location may be advantageous, especially one that serves a time zone outside of the continental North American market, especially those editors located in the UK, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Alaska, or Hawaii.

17.  Cambridge Proofreading LLC

Cambridge Proofreading  was founded in Cambridge, England, and is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois. It matches the clients’ documents with editors who have subject-matter expertise. 

The average pay is US$20 to US$25 per hour, paid twice monthly.

The website states that the company’s preferred candidate will have experience in academic editing or publishing, or as university faculty.

Yes. Cambridge Proofreading boasts that all its editors hold a minimum of a bachelor’s degree, with the majority having master’s or doctoral degrees. 

Expertise in STEM, business, economics, education, and computer science would be advantageous. 

18.  WordsRU

WordsRU   was established in Australia in 2002. It provides a specialist proofreading and editing service to businesses, academics, and writers.

No. You must have at least two years of professional experience as an editor, copyeditor, or proofreader.

Yes. You must hold a master’s degree, PhD, or equivalent professional experience in any academic discipline.

WordsRU is currently in need of qualified editors who are available to work on weekends.

19.  Scribbr

With an office in the Netherlands and a team of over 500 freelancers worldwide,  Scribbr  helps over one million students per month to improve their writing. As a Scribbr proofreader and editor, you would be editing papers, detecting plagiarism, and generating citations. It offers services in ten languages!

On average, Scribbr’s editors edit 1,700 words per hour and earn from €20 to €25 per hour.

No. You must have experience editing academic texts. 

Yes. You must hold at least a bachelor’s degree. 

You must be a native English speaker and be available to work for at least ten hours per week. 

To  become a Scribbr editor , you must pass a rigorous application process including a language quiz and two to five simulation orders. 

20.  Stickler

Stickler  specializes in helping academics get published in a top-tier journal, complete their PhDs, or obtain funding by providing world-class proofreading and copyediting services. 

No. You must have significant experience editing academic texts. 

You must be able to turn work of 14,000 words or less around in two to four working days (more time will be allocated for longer jobs). You must also be familiar with Harvard and APA referencing styles (as a minimum).

21.  Editana

Editana  recruits editors and proofreaders from the world’s top universities to edit academic and nonacademic texts. 

No. You must have relevant proofreading experience to apply.  

The website doesn’t specify, but it does say that they actively recruit from universities, so it’s likely you’ll need to be working toward a degree.  

You will need to fill out an application form, provide a cover letter and résumé, and take an editorial test to be considered for a position. You must also be a native-English speaker. 

FAQs about Freelance Proofreading Jobs

Whew, that was a lot of information to get at one time! You probably have a lot of questions now like

  • How do I become a freelance proofreader without a degree or experience?
  • Can I start my own business instead of working for proofreading and editing companies?
  • How much can I earn per hour as a proofreader?

Keep reading for the answers to those questions. 

How do I become a freelance proofreader without a degree?

You probably noticed that many of the proofreading jobs above require their editors and proofreaders have a degree or even a master’s or PhD! So it is even possible to become a proofreader without a degree?

Yes, you don’t need to have a degree to start your own proofreading business. You can market your business to get your own clients without relying on proofreading companies. 

When you work with proofreading agencies, they keep a percentage of the profits—sometimes even as much as 50%! Getting your own clients means that you get to keep all the money for the project (minus transaction fees). 

Start Your Own Proofreading Business

The first step to starting your own proofreading business is making sure that you have the appropriate skills and resources. 

One course that I have personally taken and can recommend is Proofread Anywhere’s  General Proofreading: Theory and Practice course . It includes lots of worksheets and essays so you can practice your proofreading skills as well as an entire module dedicated to teaching you how to market your business to get clients.

***FLASH SALE ALERT: Proofread Anywhere is having a 50% off sale until May 31!***

Sign up for a  free Intro to Proofreading workshop  to learn how you can become a proofreader. 

Once you have the appropriate training, you need to gather your resources including a laptop/desktop computer, editing software, and  proofreading books and style guides . 

For more details on starting a proofreading business from home, check out my post about  how to become a proofreader without any experience . 

Can you make money proofreading?

One of the most common questions I get asked about working as a proofreader online is “Can you make money proofreading?” The answer is YES! You won’t become a millionaire by proofreading, but you can make a decent living. 

According to ZipRecruiter, a freelance proofreader in the United States can earn an  average of $51,391 per year  or $22/hour (as at August 11, 2020).

Caitlin Pyle of Proofread Anywhere  earned $43,000 a year as a part-time proofreader!

How much should I charge for proofreading per hour?

How much you can charge for proofreading depends on many factors. If you work for a proofreading agency, it will decide how much you will be paid. However, if you start your own proofreading business, you can set your own rates.

Proofreaders can charge per word, per page, per hour, or per project. It depends on the type of document you’re working on. 

Some editorial associations publish median rates that they have compiled by surveying their members. According to the  Editorial Freelancers Association  (EFA), proofreaders can charge between $0.02 and $0.03 per word or between $40 and $50 per hour for proofreading nonfiction (as of January 2024). 

The  Chartered Institute of Editors and Proofreaders  (CIEP) suggests a minimum hourly rate for proofreading of £29.85, and a minimum hourly rate of £34.70 for copyediting (as of March 2024).  

I cover how much proofreaders make in more detail in this post.

Final Thoughts about Online Proofreading Jobs

I hope this post gave you lots of ideas on how to find freelance proofreading jobs online. 

Don’t forget to check out this  free proofreading class  to find out how to become a proofreader with no experience!

Not sold on proofreading? There are tons of other options out there!  Check out this list of 33 home-based business ideas!

online proofreading jobs companies

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Proofreading Jobs: 38 Best Online Options from Home

Hannah Yang headshot

Hannah Yang

Proofreading jobs article

Proofreading is a necessary step for all written content, including blog posts, journalism articles, fiction, and more.

Becoming a proofreader is a great option if you’re looking for a flexible income stream. You can work from home, set your own schedule, and take on jobs based on your availability.

So, how do you find freelance proofreading jobs?

This article will explain the skills you need to become a proofreader, and show you where to find the best online proofreading jobs.

How to Become an Online Proofreader

Skills needed for proofreading jobs, best proofreading tool, 38 online proofreading jobs, conclusion: let pwa help you become the best online proofreader.

To start your freelance proofreading career, you need to proactively connect with clients and search for new projects.

There are dozens of websites and platforms you can use to start your job search, many of which post online proofreading jobs every day.

Some platforms let you post a profile without going through an application process; others ask for a resume and an application form.

The most competitive websites might ask you to pass a language editing assignment, or complete a proofreading sample, before they allow you to register.

Proofreading job applications

If you have an area of expertise, you might be able to specialize in freelance proofreading jobs within that niche. For example, if you used to work in biology, you can proofread academic biology articles for a higher fee than the average proofreader.

A few high-paying websites and companies require proofreaders to have a degree in a writing-related field. For most freelance proofreading jobs, however, you can use your experience to prove that you are skilled, without the need for formal training.

If you’re worried about your lack of credentials, you can start with an online proofreading course to learn the basics and strengthen your resume.

As a new proofreader, you can expect to make around $10–$20 an hour. As you gain more experience, you can add jobs to your resume, build your proofreading and editing credibility, and increase your salary to match. The average freelance proofreader earns over $50,000 a year.

To succeed as a freelance proofreader, you need five skills: attention to detail, excellent grammatical knowledge, understanding of editorial styles, time management, and proficiency with online tools.

Skill #1: Attention to Detail

To be a successful freelance proofreader, you need a great eye for detail.

Proofreaders are the last line of defense—they examine the manuscript after the writer, developmental editor, copy editor, and the rest of the team have completed their tasks. Their job is to spot the spelling errors, grammatical mistakes, and other issues that everyone else missed.

Proofreaders need to ensure that all headings are consistent, there are no double spaces, and all page numbers are formatted in the same way.

You will need to pay strong attention to detail to make sure nothing slips by you.

Skill #2: Excellent Knowledge of English Grammar

When should you use a hyphen , and when should you use an em dash ?

What’s a dangling modifier , and how do you correct it?

Does the period at the end of a parenthetical remark go before or after the closing parenthesis ?

If you don’t know the answers to these questions, you might need to brush up on your grammar before looking at job listings. All freelance proofreading jobs require excellent knowledge of English grammar.

Skill #3: Understanding of Editorial Styles

Style and grammar are different. Before applying for proofreading jobs, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the Chicago Manual of Style and the AP Stylebook . These are the two most common editorial styles.

You don’t need to memorize these manuals, because you can always reference them as you work—you just need to know how and where to find the answers to your style-related questions.

Different clients prefer different styles, depending on the audiences they’re writing for. Each client will have their own guidelines, and ask that you proofread based on that editorial style, so it can help to familiarize yourself with more than one manual.

Skill #4: Time Management

Most freelance proofreading jobs have tight deadlines.

Companies usually set their publishing schedules well in advance. This means that if you don’t finish your freelance proofreading job in time, you might slow down the publication pipeline and damage your reputation with the client.

Time management is important for all freelance work, because you need to set your own schedule. If you take on too many projects at a time, you will not be able to complete them. You have to understand your own capacity, and take on jobs to match.

Skill #5: Proficiency with Online Tools

Most freelance proofreading jobs will require you to use specific software and editing tools.

At the very least, you will need to know how to use editing softwares, such as Microsoft Word and Google Docs . You might also need proficiency in document-sharing softwares, such as DropBox.

Proofreading proficiencies

For your own records, it can help to be proficient using spreadsheets, such as Microsoft Excel. Spreadsheets are the easiest way to keep track of your projects and income in a consistent and organized way.

The exact IT skills you’ll need will vary depending on the client or project. Don’t worry if you haven’t used all of these tools before—you can often pick them up as you go.

Even proofreaders can miss mistakes, especially when working with long manuscripts. The best way to succeed as a proofreader is to utilize the most effective tools you can.

You can use a grammar checker like ProWritingAid to help you excel at your freelance proofreading jobs. ProWritingAid’s Consistency Report will highlight capitalization inconsistencies, differently formatted ellipses, and more.

ProWritingAid consistency checker

Sign up for a free ProWritingAid account.

Using ProWritingAid’s reports will help you improve your attention to detail, grammar skills, and editorial styles. You’ll be able to deliver clean, error-free writing to your clients every time.

There are dozens of platforms that can connect you to online proofreading jobs.

Some sites post a variety of different clients’ online proofreading jobs, and let you pick which ones interest you. Other sites require you to join their team, and then send pre-chosen work your way. You can decide which style you prefer.

If you’re a beginner, you should start with the least selective platforms and work your way up to more advanced jobs.

So where do you find your first legitimate, remote, high-paying freelance proofreading jobs?

Here’s a list of our 38 favorite options.

Upwork lets you create a personal profile and advertise yourself. You can use terms such as “freelance proofreader,” “online proofreading jobs,” and “remote proofreader” to tell clients what kinds of jobs you’re looking for.

How to find proofreading jobs

One great perk of using Upwork is that you can see the profiles of other proofreaders. This means that you can compare your rates to them and ensure you’re charging a competitive fee.

2. Freelancer

Freelancer is a platform where you can bid on freelance proofreading jobs. Clients post their projects and describe what type of writer or editor they’re looking for.

You will need a premium account to continue bidding after you reach a certain number of projects, but to start with you can try it out for free. It is a great way to start your job search and land your first online proofreading job.

Proofreading jobs at Freelancer

3. Hubstaff Talent

Hubstaff is a zero-fee platform for freelancers that allows you to bid on projects. The perk of using Hubstaff over Freelancer is that bidding is always free.

4. FlexJobs

FlexJobs is a site that manually vets freelance writing and editing jobs, so you know you’re always looking at legitimate, high-quality opportunities.

There is a small annual membership fee which will give you access to a trove of remote positions. You can search for the keywords “online proofreading jobs” or “online proofreader” to find high-quality, suitable, remote positions.

Proofreading jobs on Flexjobs

5. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a great place to search for jobs in any industry.

Many clients will start looking for freelance proofreading services on LinkedIn. You want your profile to show up when they search for proofreaders.

Create a clean, professional profile with a headshot and a summary of the types of jobs you’re looking for. Use the keywords “proofreader,” “editor,” and “freelancer.”

There are also plenty of proofreading job ads on LinkedIn, so you can search them instead of waiting for clients to come to you.

Social media can be a great way to connect with other people in your field and find new opportunities.

Twitter has a thriving community of writers and editors who often post about jobs. Try searching for the hashtags #proofread, #proofreader, or #proofreading to meet other proofreaders. Proofreaders can help each other succeed by pooling their knowledge about where to find relevant, well-paying jobs.

7. Wordvice

Wordvice offers online proofreading and editing services. They have clients worldwide, some of whom speak English as a second language and are looking for native English-speaking proofreaders. Wordvice also has many clients at prestigious universities, such as Stanford and Columbia.

To join Wordvice, you need to go through a detailed application process. You’ll need to send them an application form, your resume, an editing sample, and you normally need a graduate degree to be accepted. If you meet their qualifications, however, Wordvice can be a treasure trove of online proofreading jobs.

Proofreading jobs on Wordvice

8. CACTUS Communications

CACTUS Communications hires both freelance and full-time proofreaders. They specialize in proofreading for specific industries, such as medicine, biology, and chemistry. If you have a degree in a scientific field, you might excel in this company.

9. ProofreadingServices.com

Proofreading Services hires both full-time and part-time proofreaders. Their salary is competitive, ranging from $19 to $46 per hour, and you can work flexible hours from home. You can also connect and collaborate with other proofreaders, which is a great perk.

You don’t need a degree or a lot of experience to get started with this site–all you need is to take a 20-minute preliminary test. This site is another great way to start your job search.

Jobs on Proofreadingservices

10. SearchTempest

SearchTempest is a search engine that helps you find paid freelance jobs on Craigslist, eBay, Amazon, and Oodle.

You need to vet some of these jobs yourself, because anyone can post a listing, but you can find some great proofreading and editing opportunities if you have the time to sift through the list.

11. Polished Paper

At Polished Paper, you can find plenty of remote proofreading and editing jobs. The site tends to hire more experienced proofreaders, which means they pay more than sites that hire beginners.

To apply, you need to upload your resume and take a 35-question test, which you can use outside resources, such as formatting guides and stylebooks, to complete. If you succeed at these initial steps, they’ll ask you to complete an interview before you can start taking on proofreading jobs.

12. Guru.com

Guru.com is a tried-and-true platform that has been around for a long time. This platform will connect you to clients offering all kinds of jobs, from translating to proofreading and more.

Fill out your profile and start searching for proofreading gigs.

13. Gramlee

Gramlee offers editing services for all writers and they’re often looking to hire new proofreaders.

They charge a starting rate of 3 cents a word for a maximum of 3,000 words, so you’ll be making up to $90 per order. Once you become a senior editor, you can access even better-paid orders.

The application process is simple, you only need to submit a form. Once accepted, you’ll have access to a variety of different remote work projects.

Reedsy connects freelance editors and proofreaders with authors and writers. Clients will send you requests, and you can suggest a fee for their proofreading and editing projects.

Reedsy also has a great matching algorithm, so they’ll be able to pair you up with clients who fit your skills and expertise.

15. Scribbr

The application process for Scribbr is more involved than most of the sites on our list, however, you’ll get legitimate, high-paying jobs in exchange.

To apply, you need to take a language quiz, fill out a motivation statement about why you want to proofread with their team, and complete an editing assessment.

Once you’ve been accepted, you need to go through a short training program called Scribbr Academy where you edit several simulation orders. After completing the academy training, you’ll be ready to edit professionally as part of Scribbr’s team.

Scribbr Academy can also help you improve your own proofreading skills, which will be beneficial if you continue your job search with other sites and platforms.

16. Proofreading Pal

Proofreading Pal has a variety of projects, from academic papers to fiction manuscripts. The average pay for an editor at Proofreading Pal ranges from $500 to $3,000 per month.

To apply, you need a Bachelor’s degree and at least five years of experience. You can also work as a college or graduate student if you have a 3.5 GPA or higher, which is a great way to earn a high proofreading salary if you’re still in school.

17. EditFast

EditFast, which connects editors to various clients, is a quick and efficient way to find new projects.

However, it’s important to note that EditFast retains the rights to 40% of the total project price, and that you can’t communicate with clients outside of the EditFast system.

It’s a good site for building experience as a beginner proofreader, but over time, you may want to migrate to a site that takes a smaller cut.

Proofreading jobs on editfast

18. Scribe Media

Scribe Media offers a wide variety of book editing services and you can join as a full-time editor or a freelance editor.

They don’t always have openings available, so you can set up email alerts to be notified when they have open positions.

19. Wordfirm Inc.

Wordfirm Inc. hires skilled editors to work as independent contractors. You need to be a highly skilled professional to be chosen, so this isn’t an option for beginners. On their website, they say that editors should have a college degree and at least five years of editing experience.

You have to fill out a lengthy application, which if you pass, will give you access to a wealth of high-paying proofreading jobs.

20. Click Worker

Click Worker is a site that lets writers and publishers outsource small tasks, such as editing, translation, and proofreading. Clients can create completed projects by hiring different people to do each of these micro-tasks.

Different projects offer a different fee per word depending on the level of experience you have.

You have to take a short proofreading test before you can start applying for available jobs.

21. Lionbridge

Lionbridge offers various types of remote jobs. Like Click Worker, Lionbridge outsources different jobs within each client’s project to freelance contractors.

The application process is fairly straightforward; you need to sign up and take a short skills test before you start taking on proofreading jobs.

22. ProBlogger

ProBlogger Jobs is a job board that specifically caters to bloggers. If you’re interested in proofreading for blog posts, this site can be a great way to find freelance work.

23. Get Editing Jobs

If you google “Get Editing Jobs,” you’ll find an online job board with listings for projects that require editors, proofreaders, and more.

You can check this job board regularly for new listings.

24. Sibia Proofreading

Sibia is a site that offers proofreading and editing services for fiction manuscripts, job applications, business memos, doctoral dissertations, and more.

If you’re a native English speaker and a college graduate, you can apply to join Sibia’s team. This will give you access to a wide variety of projects based on your personal preferences and experience.

25. American Journal Experts

American Journal Experts is a site that specializes in remote academic proofreading.

The application is straightforward, so it’s a great place to look for jobs as a beginner.

26. Quality Proofreading UK

Quality Proofreading UK provides professional proofreading services in the fields of business and academia.

They’re always looking to hire freelance proofreaders and editors who have science or business backgrounds. If you have experience in these fields, joining their team can be a great way to land consistent freelance work.

27. Kirkus Media

Kirkus Media helps authors get their books edited and reviewed. You can sign up to be a book reviewer , an editor, or a proofreader. All of these online jobs are fully remote and let you work flexible hours.

28. SmartBrief

SmartBrief specializes in business news and industry information, so if you have a background in a specific industry, this site might be a great way to use that knowledge and experience.

At $15 an hour, their proofreading jobs pay slightly less than most other sites on this list.

29. MediaBistro

MediaBistro compiles various media-related jobs, such as marketing, sales, writing, editing, and more. The site takes some knowledge to navigate, since there are many different job postings, but once you’ve figured it out, it’s a very effective option.

You can start by searching for proofreading jobs to see what they have available. You can also set up notification alerts, so you’ll see new relevant opportunities as soon as they appear.

Proofreading jobs on MediaBistro

30. Writer’s Job Shop

Writer’s Job Shop is an online resource for freelance editors, copy editors, and proofreaders. They offer a steady stream of editing and writing jobs.

31. Contenta

Contenta is a job board that tracks companies that hire writers. Almost always, companies that need writers also need proofreaders, so you can reach out to the companies that post ads on Contenta and ask if they need a proofreader.

32. Writer’s Relief

Writer’s Relief is a service that proofreads submissions for creative writers to increase their chances of getting published.

They’re often looking for new proofreaders to join their team, but they’re extremely selective. They accept only a small fraction of their proofreading applicants, however, it’s always worth applying because your skills may match their requirements.

33. Scribendi

Scribendi is a platform specifically designed for proofreaders. All jobs are remote, flexible, and high paying.

To apply, you need to be a native English speaker and a college graduate. They also ask that you be able to proofread at a speed of 1,000 to 1,500 words an hour.

34. WritingJobz

WritingJobz specializes in proofreading for academic papers, online blogs, news sources, and books. You can earn up to $11 a page for proofreading.

WritingJobz proofreading jobs

35. Managed Editing

Managed Editing requires all proofreaders to have a degree and a few years of experience.

To apply, you’ll need to fill out a form describing the topics you’ve had experience in and they might follow up asking for samples of your proofreading work.

36. Edit911

Edit911 requires more in-depth qualifications than most of the other opportunities on our list. In order to apply, you need a Ph.D. in English or another writing-intensive discipline. You also need to be a master copy editor or book editor.

If you have these qualifications, it’s worth applying to Edit911. As part of this company, you’ll stand out from the crowd.

37. OneSpace Freelancers

OneSpace Freelancers is a job marketplace that posts all kinds of freelance jobs, including proofreading projects.

You can submit an application form and ask them to notify you if they get new proofreading postings. Alternatively, you can check the site periodically to look for jobs on your own.

38. Start Your Own Proofreading Business

Once you’ve gained some proofreading experience, it can be a great idea to start an independent proofreading business. You can create a website detailing the services you offer and the rates you charge. That way, clients can come to you directly, so you don’t have to pay fees to external websites and platforms.

If you’ve stayed in touch with your previous clients, you can let them know that you’re starting your own company and ask if they have any new proofreading needs.

You should consider the business start-up costs, since you may want to pay for a website design, advertisements, and other initial needs. In the long run, however, the extra money you make will cover these costs.

Now you have all the tips and tricks you need to start working as a proofreader.

With the help of ProWritingAid, you can start your proofreading job search! ProWritingAid can help speed up your proofreading process by picking up errors all in one go.

Do you think proofreading might be a good option for you? Let us know in the comments.

Take your writing to the next level:

20 Editing Tips From Professional Writers

20 Editing Tips from Professional Writers

Whether you are writing a novel, essay, article, or email, good writing is an essential part of communicating your ideas., this guide contains the 20 most important writing tips and techniques from a wide range of professional writers..

online proofreading jobs companies

Be confident about grammar

Check every email, essay, or story for grammar mistakes. Fix them before you press send.

Hannah Yang is a speculative fiction writer who writes about all things strange and surreal. Her work has appeared in Analog Science Fiction, Apex Magazine, The Dark, and elsewhere, and two of her stories have been finalists for the Locus Award. Her favorite hobbies include watercolor painting, playing guitar, and rock climbing. You can follow her work on hannahyang.com, or subscribe to her newsletter for publication updates.

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31 Online Proofreading Jobs for Beginners (Up to $35 Per Hour)

31 Online Proofreading Jobs for Beginners (Up to $35 Per Hour)

*This post may contain affiliate links. Please read the full disclosure here . 

Proofreading Jobs from Home No Experience

Table of Contents

Do you have the skill to correct punctuation and spelling errors?

If yes, then you have what it takes to become an online proofreader with an income potential between $36k-$60k a year.

Online proofreading jobs are in demand, because there is an increase in online content and marketing, which means more job opportunities for proofreaders.

A good number of bloggers and online businesses need help to proofread blogs, books and other digital content. They require a second pair of eyes to check and correct mistakes and edit errors before the article is published and goes live.

There are many online proofreading jobs for beginners who are interested in working either full-time or part-time.

If want to begin online proofreading jobs from home, you will find this to be a flexible work from home option that is not country-specific.

Online Proofreader Job Role

It’s a known fact that businesses and individuals need writing.

Writing covers tons of digital space, from emails to website “About Us” pages to product descriptions to eBooks and more. But what about the rest of the writing process?

Companies don’t just need someone to put pen to paper; they need someone to make sure the writing is clear, clean, and error-free. That’s where proofreaders come in.

Proofreaders make sure that writing is concise and accurate.

It’s great work for a detail-oriented individual who likes a challenge. Knowing what goes into solid proofreading is important, as it lets you earn more and helps you build a stable career.

What is Proofreading?

Proofreading is a vital part of editing.

It’s the process of reading through a piece of writing and marking any errors you find so that they can be fixed before publication.

Proofreading is normally one of the last steps before a piece is published, and it’s used to catch smaller errors that might not have been caught in the initial drafts or developmental edits.

Proofreading jobs require you to take a piece of content written by someone (like a blog post or an email) and make it perfect.

It’s the final stage of editing, which involves correcting grammatical errors like misplaced commas and spelling errors.

freelance proofreader

Proofreaders look for:

  • Simple grammar mistakes like improper spelling or punctuation errors.
  • Strange sentence structure or word choice which makes the writing hard to read.
  • Factual inconsistencies or small plot holes.

Catching and fixing these errors adds polish to pieces and gets them ready for professional publication.

It can make the work appear more authoritative and trustworthy, which is especially important to businesses and individuals looking to be seen as experts on a particular topic.

Here are a few types of online content that require proofreading:

  • Blogs/websites
  • eBooks, novels
  • Email Newsletters
  • Online Marketing Material – advertisements and brochures
  • Social Media Posts
  • Essay editing
  • Research papers
  • Resumes and cover letters

How Do You Make Money Proofreading?

While some publishing companies will hire in-house proofreaders, most people who make money from proofreading are freelancers.

Freelancers work on a project-by-project basis with a variety of clients; they aren’t full-time employees of a particular agency, and instead, work for themselves.

Getting started as a freelance proofreader is as simple as signing up for a job listing site (or multiple sites) and putting together a proofreading resume, which should focus on your experience and expertise with the English language.

In today’s post we will be taking a look at some proofreading companies that offer online proofreading jobs for beginners.

These sites let companies post listings for individual projects or longer-term contracts that you can apply to work on remotely.

Do You Need Qualifications to Become a Proofreader?

Since proofreading is often done on a freelance basis, there’s no one set of qualifications a proofreader needs to start working in the field.

Findings on Indeed suggest that proofreaders should be proficient in various academic writing styles, as well as familiar with editing software like Adobe Acrobat and Microsoft Word.

Many employers will administer their own proofreading competency tests to applicants, which on its own is enough to get many entry-level proofreading jobs.

How Do You Become a Proofreader?

If you are good with the red marker and can spot errors easily, you are halfway there.

The next half requires you to learn about the proofreading industry, how to run a proofreading business from home and to land clients.

For that I would recommend you take a look at this online training – Proofread Anywhere . It teaches you everything you need to become a proofreader.

Don’t forget to check out this free online proofreading workshop , so you can learn to use your word skills to make money from home.

How Much Do Online Proofreaders Make Per Hour as a Beginner?

According to Salary.com , the hourly rate for entry-level proofreaders are $20 an hour, the average pay rate is $26 an hour and the highest level of pay is $33 an hour.

So, a proofreader with no experience can still expect to make at least $20 an hour, making it more lucrative than many entry-level jobs.

Read our interview with a stay-at-home mom earning $1,000+/month with Proofread Anywhere’s online training .  

How to Land Entry Level Proofreading Jobs Online

proofread anywhere online training.

Caitlin Pyle, creator and owner of Proofread Anywhere , has created a comprehensive online training suitable for aspiring proofreaders with no proofreading background or experience.

She has taught over 15,000 students in the last 7 years to become online proofreaders.

If you would like a taster session, feel free to watch Caitlin’s introductory video on proofreading, to see if this is the career  you are interested to pursue.


Proofread Anywhere’s online training teaches:

  • How to proofread research papers, blogs and books
  • Everything you need to know about proofreading
  • How to find potential prospects
  • Avoid common mistakes made by beginner proofreaders
  • Practical step-by-step lessons
  • Everything from basics to marketing!

The training also gives you access to a support team and a student community to help provide guidance and answer question as a new proofreader. 

For proofreaders not knowing where to start, this would be the best way to land entry level proofreading jobs online, with support and assistance to help you along the way.

Check out Cailtin’s free online video workshop to understand how to start and run a proofreading business at home.

31 Legitimate Online Proofreading jobs from home

The first few on the list are entry-level online proofreading jobs, while the options further down are for more experienced proofreaders.

While these are just some places to find remote proofreading jobs, social media and networking can land you more gigs. Joining Facebook blogger groups can help you connect with online business owners – a great way to network and find clients.

Let’s now take a look at these proofreading jobs that you can do either part-time or as a full time career.

1. Click Worker

At Click Worker, you get to work on a freelance basis in content creation, proofreading, editing or app testing. With the freedom to work whenever you like, this can be a flexible work at home job for stay at home moms.

Payments to you are made by PayPal either weekly or monthly.

Upwork is one of the best online platforms to find any type of freelance work, including proofreading jobs. 

They offer both short term and long term projects that can last up to 6 months.

Glancing at Upwork, you will see the pay rate for proofreaders are $16-$30 an hour. Definitely a worth checking out Upwork.

Fiverr is the best place to search for online proofreading jobs for beginners.

While the pay can be on the low scale, this makes a good starting point for entry-level proofreading to find work and experience.

Another freelance job board when you can use their search box to narrow down results for online proofreading jobs.

At Guru, jobs are offered at a fixed price or an hourly rate.

5. We Work Remotely

Offering a number of writing and copyediting jobs, We Work Remotely is another site to keep track, when searching for remote jobs.

6. Lionbridge

Lionbridge offer proofreading jobs online. Most of their job openings have very basic requirements which include a high school diploma.

7. Clear Voice

Clear Voice offers freelance proofreading jobs that hire worldwide.

The type of jobs they have available range from writing to proofreading. You get the opportunity to work as a freelancer, following a flexible work schedule.

Payments are made to you weekly or monthly by PayPal.

8. Polished Paper

To apply for an opportunity with Polished Paper, you will need to submit an application form and upload your resume. And the final stage is a 35 questionnaire editor test.

9. Kirkus Media

They are looking for freelance book reviewers in English and Spanish.

Reviews need to be 350 words and due 2 weeks after the book is assigned. Submit some of your writing samples to increase your chance of being accepted.

10. Babbletype

The criteria for eligibility is that you are a native English speaker with a fluency in English and basic grammar knowledge.

They pay weekly via PayPal and is a great place to start for beginner proofreaders.

11. Proofreadingservices.com

Pay is between $19-$46 an hour and you can apply from any country.

You will need to complete a 20-minute preliminary test to begin the application process. They have both full-time and part-time work opportunities.

12. Get Editing

They offer freelance editing and proofreading jobs.

If you sign up to their email listing, you will receive weekly new job openings in your inbox.

13. Writing Jobz

Writing Jobz offer a wide range of work for writers such as copywriting, essay writing and proofreading.

With over 100 jobs posted daily on a variety of topics, Writing Jobz can be the best place for freelancers to find proofreading work.

14. Ubiqus On Demand

Primarily a job site for transcriptionists, Ubiqus also offer jobs for proofreaders and copywriters.

15. Cambridge Proofreading

They are actively recruiting remote academic editors.

A bachelor’s degree is a minimum requirement due to the academic nature of the work.

You can expect to be proofreading and editing a wide range of materials but predominantly dissertations and theses from ESL students and academics.

Typical rates of pay are $20-30 per hour, depending on your editing speed.

16. Domainite Editing Jobs

You can apply by filling out an online application form. They require you to edit a sample as part of the application process.

17. Gramlee Jobs

Their website accepts clients that need editing completed within 24 hours. 

This means there is constant work coming in through the door – more opportunity for you. You can submit your application form right here .

18. Edit Fast

Edit Fast offers part-time proofreading jobs from home.

They will send you notifications when there is potential work available from clients, so you need to sign up with them to be notified.

19. English Trackers

They have a job board directory that you can check regularly to see if there is a suitable job vacancy.

You can also sign up with them to get weekly job listings delivered to your inbox.

20. eCorrectors

Whether you are a professional proofreader or a translator, you can apply with eCorrector. Just email them your resume to be eligible.

They occasionally hire proofreaders and freelance editors. Good to check them out to see if they are hiring.

You can choose to work either full time or as a freelance proofreader. If you see a job that doesn’t suit you, subscribe to get email alerts to be notified of new job openings.

They have been on the top 20 list of the best telecommuting jobs by Forbes in 2016.

To apply you need to have a degree in the subjects listed here.  Prior editing experience is not necessary but can be an advantage.

24. ProofreadingPal

They require you to have a minimum of 5 years of work experience and you can earn up to $3,000 a month.

If you are eligible to apply, there is an online independent contractor form that needs to be completed and you should hear back from them within 5-10 business days.

25. Scribbr

Scribbr offers a wide range of essay editing jobs online.

They provide work from home proofreading jobs with a flexible schedule – accept/decline job offers according to your preference.

You will also need to be a native English speaker and be available for work at least 10 hours a week.

If you are interested in editing papers online – try Scribbr.

26. Wordvice

You need to be a qualified and experienced freelance editor to apply.

They don’t specify how many years of experience is needed, although typical work involves editing research articles, thesis, and essays.

27. Sibia Proofreading

Currently not accepting new applications. But be sure to check back to apply.

28. Proofread Now

They require you to have a minimum of 5 years of work experience to apply. You can sign up to their newsletter to be notified of new job openings.

29. Words RU

They are looking for highly qualified proofreaders from any country. They are currently hiring, so you can apply if you meet their requirements.

30. Scribendi

Experience is required for editors and proofreaders to apply.

31. Managed Editing

You will need to have a college degree and at least 5 years of editing experience in order to apply.

How to Find Online Proofreading Jobs?

If you are looking for freelance proofreading jobs on a large platform, here are a couple of places you can find work.

Freelancing is a great way for entry level proofreaders to build a portfolio.

While searching for a job, apart from using online proofreading companies, also browse the internet using keywords such as editing jobs, copy editing jobs, or remote proofreading jobs to broaden your search results.

Job boards:

Job board directories are also great to find new jobs on a regular basis. Because of their massive reach and database, you have more jobs to choose from, with new vacancies added frequently. Here are two of the biggest websites that hire remote workers.

  • People Per Hour
  • Pro Blogger
  • Virtual Vocations

Start your own website

If you want to ride solo and be your own boss, the best thing to do is to  start your own website .

It costs less than $100 a year to have your own site, which you can use to promote your proofreading services.

You can set your own rates, offer discounted pricing and also provide special offers on certain services.

Create a blog section on your website to showcase samples of your work. You can also post reviews of customer satisfaction on your site.

How do you promote your work?

It’s great when you own your business, but the big question is where can you find clients especially if you are just getting started?

  • Start a Facebook page and promote it to family and friends. Word of mouth is the best way to get started as a beginner.
  • You can share your services on relevant Facebook groups.
  • My best option is Pinterest. It can get the word out a lot faster. You can create pin images of your website and direct readers from Pinterest to site. Here is a more detailed post on how you can do this.

Enroll in Caitlin’s FREE proofreading workshop to see if this is the right career for you.

3 simple ways to tell if proofreading is for you..

  • Are you good at catching typos and misplaced punctuation ?
  • Do you often correct texts on social media?
  • Cringe when a restaurant menu has a misspelled word?

Want to explore further?

Use your proofreading skills to branch out into these 4 online editing jobs that are also high paying.

  • Transcription – As a transcriber, you will need to convert a set of live or pre-recorded audio files into text. You can put your proofreading skills to use in this career, as it requires you to type out an error-free document.  Transcribers earn up to $45,000 a year.
  • Freelance writing  – Every writer needs their content to be proofread, and as a proofreader, you are going to be able to spot errors instantly. You can offer your writing service on freelance websites or on blogs and websites. Highlighting your proofreading skills will land you high paying gigs, and give you higher chances of being accepted.
  • Blogging – Start your own website and put your writing skills to use. There are many bloggers making a 6 figure income working from home, blogging.
  • Sell a book  – As a proofreader, you will be able to create an error-free book. You can consider this option if you are looking to make a passive income from home. 

Get Paid to Proofread Online

Proofreading for money is a relatively simple field to break into.

As long as you’re able to prove your mastery of the language, give consistent work of high quality, and manage your own schedule, finding proofreading jobs from home is a great way to earn money on your own schedule.

If you are happy to edit papers for money, this is definitely the career to consider.

Online Proofreading Jobs



Great info! Thanks for sharing!

Saranya Ramanathan

Thanks Brittany!

Dr. Poonam

Thanks for such a gorgeous piece of information. I am new in this world and want to start an online job. But I don’t know how to do. Pls tell me how to join/ start. I did PhD in textiles and apparel designing. This site gives me a inspiration. Thank you once again for such sincere effort.

P gupta

Thank you for the great info it helps a lot specially on my part I’m a newbie in this and don’t have any idea what kind of work is proofreading. Thank you thank you


Thanks for such a gorgeous piece of information. I am new in this world and want to start an online job. But I don’t know what to do. This site gives me a inspiration. Thank you once again for such sincere effort.

Danie Scholtz

I want to become a reviewer of books


Wow that’s a really great list, so many companies, I didn’t know that there is so many who can hire you. Definitely saving this list : )


Great info, Awesome content , thanks for sharing.


Great content, I’ll be trying some of those things out, thanks a lot

Fakhry Botros

Thank you so much for your very helpful info , which is of great assistance for me , it is somewhat difficult for a person who spent much of his life as a regular full time employee . Thank you again .


Your blog is very informative for a person who has punctuation correction skills but they don’t have an idea about proofreading but they are seeking for a job. I found your blog very helpful. Thanks!


Very informative.Thank you for sharing.More power and God bless!!!

Gabriel ikwulono

Nice. How can I register. I need a link please


The link for 7. Clear Voice opens to Click Worker.

Thanks Brittany, I have updated the link.

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After ‘whites only’ job posting, tech staffing firm settles with DOJ, Labor

Bill Chappell

The U.S. Department of Labor and the Justice Department have reached an agreement with a Virginia-based IT staffing firm after finding a job posting discriminatory. Here, the Labor Department building is seen in Washington, D.C.

The U.S. Department of Labor and the Justice Department have reached an agreement with a Virginia-based IT staffing firm after finding a job posting discriminatory. Here, the Labor Department building is seen in Washington, D.C. Alex Edelman/AFP via Getty Images hide caption

A job posting that included race and citizenship requirements — and the stipulation, “Don’t share with candidates” — has resulted in settlement agreements between Virginia-based IT staffing firm Arthur Grand Technologies Inc. and the U.S. government.

Under the arrangement, Arthur Grand will pay a civil penalty of $7,500, along with a total of $31,000 to 31 people who complained about the posting. The company — which is minority-owned and a federal contractor designated a disadvantaged business — will also be monitored to ensure compliance with anti-discrimination laws. 

“It is shameful that in the 21st century, we continue to see employers using ‘whites only’ and ‘only US born’ job postings to lock out otherwise eligible job candidates of color,” said Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, which announced the agreements .

Arthur Grand “neither admits nor denies any violation,” the Department of Labor’s agreement states . But in a message to NPR, Arthur Grand CEO Sheik Rahmathullah said his company "vehemently denies any guilt or wrongdoing." The job posting was made by a rogue employee, he said.

What did the job posting say?

The job posting sparked outrage and accusations of discrimination when it circulated online last year , reading, “Only Born US Citizens [White] who are local within 60 miles from Dallas, TX [Don’t share with candidates].” The words in brackets are not paraphrases; they appeared in brackets in the posting, the Justice Department noted.

Arthur Grand Technologies was seeking someone to work in a “Salesforce Business Analyst and Insurance Claims position,” the Labor Department said. The job was to be based in Dallas.

The business analyst position "would serve two clients, HTC Global an information technology company based in Troy, Michigan, and Berkshire Hathaway, the multinational holding company based in Omaha, Nebraska," the DOJ stated, citing the job listing.

What did the federal agencies find?

The DOJ said Arthur Grand’s listing in March of 2023 violated the Immigration and Nationality Act. The Labor Department said the company also violated a long-standing executive order barring federal contractors from discriminating based on race, national origin and other protected characteristics.

In its separate agreement with Arthur Grand , the Labor Department says it also found other violations, saying the company didn’t have records tracking demographic characteristics of job applicants, such as their gender, race or ethnicity; and that the company didn’t post a notice of workers’ equal employment opportunity rights in conspicuous places.   “We are committed to holding federal contractors accountable for outrageous discriminatory practices like this advertisement,” said Acting Director Michele Hodge of the Department of Labor’s Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP). “Companies like Arthur Grand, that accept federal contracts, cannot have a ‘whites only’ hiring process.”

The Labor Department's agreement with the company includes a form letter to be sent to people who complained about Arthur Grand. They're told that if they want to take part in the agreement, they must sign a document reading in part, “I understand that AGT denies that it treated me unlawfully or unfairly in any way.”

By signing the document and receiving payment, the letter states, the complainants also agree not to file a lawsuit against the company.

What does Arthur Grand say?

Rahmathullah emphasized that Arthur Grand did not admit any guilt or wrongdoing, telling NPR that the staffing firm agreed to the DOJ and Labor deals "solely to avoid the significant financial toll and prolonged disruption that litigation would impose on our company."

"Arthur Grand Technologies vehemently denies any guilt or wrongdoing in relation to the discriminatory job posting," Rahmathullah said. The job notice was an "unauthorized posting," he added.

When the company became aware of what had happened, Rahmathullah said, "we took immediate and decisive action to ensure that this type of incident will never happen again, including the immediate termination of the responsible employee."

The CEO added, "we sincerely apologize for any harm caused by this incident and are committed to making meaningful changes to maintain the trust and confidence of our community and stakeholders."

The Justice Department acknowledged in its settlement agreement that the company had denied approving the job posting, with Arthur Grand asserting “that the posted advertisement was generated by a disgruntled recruiter in India and was intended to embarrass the company,” according to the DOJ.

What is Arthur Grand Technologies?

It’s an IT staffing firm, based in Ashburn, Va., a suburb of Washington, D.C. The company's listed address corresponds to a two-story office complex about 10 miles north of Dulles International Airport. Its neighbors include dental and orthodontics offices, and an insurance company.

"We take pride in the fact that all the senior leadership positions in our company are held by persons of color, and over 80% of our staff are also people of color," Rahmathullah told NPR.

According to U.S. government records , Arthur Grand is certified as a Small Disadvantaged Business in the roster of federal contractors.

To qualify for that status, a majority of the company must be owned by “one or more disadvantaged persons,” who must also be “socially disadvantaged and economically disadvantaged.”

“Each year, the Federal Government awards about 10% of all federal contract dollars, or roughly $50 billion in contracts, to Small Disadvantaged Businesses,” according to the Small Business Administration .

online proofreading jobs companies

2024 Top Jobs in Japan Week 19

I f you’re looking to work in Japan , check back here each week as we review our database of top jobs posted to GaijinPot and showcase some of the most interesting ones.

You can apply directly to these companies by creating a profile on GaijinPot Jobs!

Corporate Security Staff

・ Company: Vector Risk Management

・ Salary: ¥1,950 ~ ¥2,350 / hour

・ Location: Tokyo, Japan

・ Japanese: Fluent

・ Application: Must currently reside in Japan

The Vector Group consists of Vector Risk Management KK (Japan) and Vector Risk Management Co., Ltd (Korea), both full-service security and risk management firms based in central Tokyo and Seoul respectively.

They are currently looking for corporate security staff.

Your main responsibilities will be:

-Reception and access control at the entrances and exits of a major foreign IT company's offices.

-Data and reception management related to security

-Security, patrols, detection and response to suspicious persons and objects and disaster response

-Crisis management

Coordinator(Japanese-English & Chinese)and Secretary and General Affairs

・ Company: Oak Medical Group

・ Salary: ¥249,000 / month, negotiable

・ Location: Osaka, Japan

・ English: Business level

・ Japanese: Conversational (preferred)

Oak Medical Group is a Clinical Group focusing on women's issues such as infertility treatment, pregnancy check-ups and gynecology.

You will be responsible for:

\- Setting and managing appointments, answering patient questions and assisting in communication with Japanese staff

\- Translating, editing and proofreading materials such as documents, webpages, test results, forms and medical letters from Japanese to English and Chinese

\- Coordinating with English and Chinese-speaking businesses to assist Oak Clinic patients with international services and maintain company contacts

Editor and Proofreader

・ Company: Tokyo Institute of Technology

・ Salary: ¥420,000 ~ ¥420,000 / Month

・ English: Native level

・ Japanese: Conversational

・ Application: Overseas applications Ok

Tokyo Institute of Technology is the top national university for science and technology in Japan with a history spanning more than 140 years.

In order to ensure that all members have equal and timely access to information in this international environment, they are seeking individuals with strong editing and proofreading skills for English documents.

The main duties will involve:

\- Proofreading and editing of the Institute's English content (internal documents, web pages, notices, etc.)

\- Final check by a team of translators and administrative staff

\- Support for international students/researchers, support for on-campus events, etc.

Restaurant Service Staff at Spanish Italian Restaurant in KYOTO, Gion - BARTENDERS are WELCOME!

・ Company: Huge Co., Ltd

・ Salary: ¥1,200 ~ ¥1,500 / hour

・ Location: Kyoto, Japan

・ English: Conversational (preferred)

・ Japanese: Basic

Rigoletto Smoke Grill and Bar is located in Gion, Kyoto, where you can feel authentic Japanese culture.

Rigoletto attracts people by a dynamic open kitchen and an outstanding level of service not bound by manuals.

They are looking for someone who really want to challenge themselves in service and cooking.

They are currently looking for bartender and service staff.

Social Media Coordinator (Online Marketing for US Market)

・ Company: Clover Mfg Co., Ltd.

・ Salary: ¥3.0M ~ ¥6.5M / Year Negotiable

・ English: Fluent

・ Japanese: Business level

Since its establishment in 1925, the company has developed and sold products related to "handmade and handcrafted" products, starting with sewing needles and continuing with knitting needles, knitting supplies and handicraft supplies, under various Clover brands.

If chosen, the successful candidate will be responsible for providing comprehensive support across marketing activities for their American on-site sales subsidiary (California).

Videographer / Video Editor

・ Company: GPlusMedia Inc.

・ Salary: ¥1,700 ~ ¥2,000 / Hour Commute allowance

GPlusMedia provides marketing, real estate, recruiting and student placement services to companies that want to reach foreigners in Japan.

Most notable brands under GPlusMedia include JapanToday (News), GaijinPot (Study Abroad + Job Search), and Real Estate Japan. ) Currently we are looking for a videographer/video Editor to join its multicultural team in Tokyo.

You will work within the Marketing & Content Team and will create videos for GPlusMedia and its brands, including GaijinPot and JapanToday. Talking-head videos with on-screen graphics, on-location client interviews, travel documentaries, event highlight reels, video podcasts, promotional advertisements with 2D graphics, are all examples of the types of videos that may be worked on within the company.

Visit GaijinPot Jobs to browse hundreds of other jobs currently available in Japan, including those you can do from home .

2024 Top Jobs in Japan Week 19

North Carolina’s governor has been traveling around Europe. Here’s why.

online proofreading jobs companies

North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper recently led an economic development trip in Europe visiting France, Switzerland and Germany to talk business and international investment in the Tar Heel State.  

He was joined by first lady Kristin Cooper, Department of Commerce Chief of Staff Marqueta Welton and other state officials.  

In France, Cooper met with business leaders of Schneider Electric; in Germany, he spoke with Siemens AG about electric vehicle technology; and in Switzerland, he met with several companies including Syngenta, ABB and Novartis, according to a press release from the governor’s office.  

“Germany is the second-largest source of foreign direct investment in North Carolina,” behind Japan, according to the governor’s office. Switzerland is the fifth and France the 12th.  

There are over 300,000 jobs in North Carolina because of the state’s relationship with foreign companies, the governor’s office said, and Cooper hopes to bring even more by strengthening these ties.  

“We know our strategy of recruiting foreign direct investment from companies around the world creates great paying jobs and puts money in the pockets of North Carolina families,” Cooper said in a press release. “We’ve had monumental success attracting companies abroad, most notably from Japan, and I’m excited to be able to strengthen our economic ties and build relationships for our state with companies in Western Europe.” 

International business in NC: From a luncheon to a Toyota factory: What the Japanese prime minister did in North Carolina

About a month ago, Cooper met with the state’s top direct international investor, Japan, when their Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and his wife, Yuko Kishida, visited.  

Cooper will be further strengthening his international ties this October when he hosts the annual Southeast U.S. - Japan Conference in Charlotte.

Jefferson County lands more than $1 billion in new foreign-owned company investments

Jefferson county may only get a few hundred new jobs but a lot of advanced manufacturing in three company expansions.

online proofreading jobs companies

More than $1 billion in new factory investments are coming to Jefferson County, mirroring the growth in U.S. manufacturing by foreign-owned companies and increased emphasis on labor-saving technologies.

Japanese soy sauce maker Kikkoman Foods said in April it would spend $560 million to build a factory in the city of Jefferson, 33 miles southeast of Madison. The same week, Nestlé Purina PetCare, whose parent company is Swiss, said it would spend $195 million on an expansion of its Jefferson plant.

In March, ClonBio Group, from Ireland, announced it was spending around $500 million to expand its ethanol plant in Johnson Creek, approximately 10 miles from Jefferson.

If the dollar amounts are fully realized, the three foreign investments would total nearly $1.3 billion in Jefferson County's industrial base — a sizable amount for a county of 86,000 residents, where agriculture is an economic driver and plans call for growth in food-and-beverage manufacturing.

City of Jefferson plans an innovation campus

The county says it will use 175 acres it owns in the city of Jefferson to create a Food and Beverage Innovation campus. Officials said they had sought the best use for that property, on Industrial Avenue bordered by Highway 26 and the Union Pacific Railroad, for 30 years.

Kikkoman will be the anchor tenant. The first phase of its project calls for 200,000 square feet of office, production and warehouse space, creating 50 full-time jobs. A second phase would add 100,000 square feet and 40 more jobs.

The company says this will be a new type of plant, scheduled to open in the fall of 2026, that will combine traditional soy sauce production with other related food products for the U.S. market. The company's research and development facility, in the MGE Innovation Center in Madison, will work closely with the new factory.

Although Kikkoman won't be an especially large employer, its soy sauce factory in the village of Walworth, 40 miles south of Jefferson, has been an important part of that community for more than 50 years.

The proximity to the Walworth plant, and easy access to the interstate highway system, were among reasons why the company chose Jefferson for its second Wisconsin production facility.

Kikkoman was one of the first Japanese-owned manufacturing operations in the United States when it opened the Walworth plant in 1973. The company considered 64 locations, around half of them in Wisconsin, before deciding on Jefferson for its planned expansion.

Kikkoman's Mogi says soy sauce maker carefully studied options

“We studied locations close to the major market on the East Coast and locations close enough to achieve good alignment with our existing Wisconsin plant. We went through a very detailed study to find which assumption made more business sense,” said Osamu Mogi, Representative Director, Senior Executive Corporate Officer, with Kikkoman Corp.

Another plus for Jefferson was the planned Food and Beverage Innovation campus that’s being built on 175 acres never before used for manufacturing. “We are sure that we won’t have to worry about pollution or contamination from harmful chemicals,” Mogi said.

Kikkoman faces a tight labor market in Jefferson, where many people commute to Madison for work. Still, the city has a history of various industries including Nestlé Purina that's been in the community for nearly 115 years.

“There used to be a large food manufacturing operation in Jefferson which was shut down for plant consolidation, so we’re optimistic we could find some experienced workers in the area,” Mogi said.

Nestle Purina plans 100 new well-paying jobs at expanded plant

Nestlé Purina, which currently has around 250 employees in Jefferson, says it will create 100 additional jobs with its 35,000-square-foot plant expansion that’s not part of the food and beverage business park. The company's website shows the starting pay for general labor at its Jefferson plant is $25.81 per hour and $32.28 for maintenance technicians.

Technology-wise, factories have been evolving at a rapid clip, sometimes by necessity as it’s become difficult to find qualified workers. While automation could someday eliminate the need for large-scale manual labor, the remaining jobs will be higher skilled with better pay and more job security.

"There are many opportunities and career paths you can take once you get inside of Nestlé Purina," said Amy Kerr, vice president of manufacturing.

ClonBio Group has sought federal clean energy tax credits and a $400 million loan guarantee from the U.S. Department of Energy to fund its Jefferson County expansion which could include the manufacturing of plant-based food products, fertilizer, and a renewable-energy natural gas facility.

In March, ClonBio said it had 75 employees at the Johnson Creek plant. That number is expected to grow to about 200, and the expansion will support more than 1,000 positions at other businesses including local farms, according to the company.

Jefferson County and surrounding areas have ample agricultural products to fuel the growth of ClonBio, which requires corn to make ethanol; and Kikkoman, which requires soybeans and wheat for its soy sauce. Also, the county is well positioned to attract other food companies and biotech startups from the University of Wisconsin System.

"We are in the perfect position between Madison and Milwaukee," said Deborah Reinbold, president of Thrive Economic Development in Jefferson County.

Foreign-owned firms are thriving in the U.S.

The United States is home to the largest total of foreign direct investments in the world, according to Select USA, a program of the Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration.

Over about the last two years, the U.S. has attracted 24% of global foreign direct investment, according to UBS Investment Research. During the pandemic, shortages of everything from appliances to automobiles exposed the fragility of global supply chains and sparked interest in making things closer to the American consumer.

“The U.S. is now attracting capital at a rate not seen since the 1990s, prior to China joining the World Trade Organization,” UBS said last summer.

Much of the growth in American manufacturing has come from companies with overseas headquarters. Some of Wisconsin's largest and fastest-growing employers, such as Milwaukee Tool, based in Brookfield, are foreign owned.

"It's important to me that we view that as a positive," said Missy Hughes, Secretary and CEO of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp.

Foreign-owned firms have created about 650,000 U.S. jobs since 2010

Foreign-owned companies have become a pillar of the U.S. economy. Since 2010, for example, they have created around 650,000 jobs, according to the Reshoring Initiative, a nonprofit advocate for U.S. manufacturing.

However if a skilled labor shortage isn't resolved soon, by around 2030 there’s going to be a shortage of 2 million workers in U.S. manufacturing, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

Many say that aggressive action is needed now to recruit trainees into apprenticeship programs. Immigration could also be part of the solution. One of the fastest-growing demographics in Jefferson County is comprised of immigrants from South and Central America, according to county officials.

"I don't want this to become political, because to me, it's not. This is about us working with our employers and trying to make sure we can find a workforce to support their growth," Reinbold said.

Skills in AI, cybersecurity important to new manufacturing jobs

University of Wisconsin-Whitewater has partnered with Jefferson County manufacturers to also address workforce needs. Advanced manufacturing technologies and renewable energy require people with greater knowledge, said Bakhtear Talukdar, associate professor of finance in UW-Whitewater's College of Business and Economics.

Terms like artificial intelligence and cybersecurity are now part of the lexicon of manufacturing. "It's nothing like the traditional way of doing business 50 years ago," Talukdar said.

For overseas-based companies like Kikkoman, meeting the challenges is essential for their growth in the United States. Decades ago, Kikkoman shipped soy sauce to the U.S. from Japan where it's been made for 350 years. But the shipping was expensive, there was a 12% tariff, and the resulting profit margin was thin.

Kikkoman also wanted a better connection with American consumers and a variety of cuisines.

"If soy sauce is considered only a condiment for Japanese cuisine, the market size would be very limited," Mogi said.

That connection was strengthened with the opening of the Walworth plant a half century ago and could be improved even further with new products from the Jefferson facility.

"It's very important," Mogi said, to have this presence in the United States.

Jefferson, at the confluence of the Rock and Crawfish rivers, was once the farthest a steamboat could navigate up the Rock in the 1830s. Later, bridges constructed downstream, put an end to that travel. Its early settlers were from New England and upstate New York. They were "Yankees" and descendants of English Puritans who came to America in the 1600s.

Jefferson, at the confluence of the Rock and Crawfish rivers, was once the farthest a steamboat could navigate up the Rock in the 1830s. Later, bridges constructed downstream, put an end to that travel. Its early setters were from New England and upstate New York. They were "Yankees" and descendants of English Puritans who came to America in the 1600s.


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  4. 45 Best Online Proofreading Jobs

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  5. 10 Best Proofreading Jobs Online in 2023 (Earn $45/hour)

    online proofreading jobs companies

  6. Work From Home As A Proofreader With Proofreadingservices.com

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  1. Make $46/HR Online Proofreading

  2. Proofreading Tutorial For Beginners (2024)

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  4. Proofreading jobs online No experience

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  6. 5 Companies Hiring Proofreading/Editors Now


  1. Remote Proofreading Jobs and 26 Places to Find Them

    10. Scribendi. If you do have some experience in content production, i.e. you've been a copywriter or have edited your university newspaper, you can apply to Scribendi. Its online proofreading jobs are focused on academic writing from high school to university level, so having a Bachelor's degree is a must. 11.

  2. Freelance & Remote Proofreading Jobs: 10 Companies Hiring

    7. Sonata Learning. A professional training and coaching company, Sonata Learning helps organizations strengthen staff performance through learning, process optimization, the appropriate use of technology, and knowledge management. Explore more remote proofreading jobs hiring now! 8. Study.com.

  3. Proofreading jobs in Remote

    Grown Brilliance Inc. Remote. $25 - $30 an hour. Contract. 40 hours per week. Choose your own hours. Easily apply. Excellent writing, editing, and proofreading skills. The ideal candidate will have a minimum of 5 years of experience in content writing, with a proven track….

  4. Online Proofreading Jobs and Services

    Here are some of the benefits of working for ProofreadingServices.com: Competitive pay ranging from USD 19 to 46 per hour depending on turnaround time, with the highest pay for the most urgent deadlines. Flexible hours (work when you want, right from your living room, in any time zone) Great colleagues (connect with some of the world's top ...

  5. Proofreading Jobs

    Browse 1,553 open jobs and land a remote Proofreading job today. See detailed job requirements, compensation, duration, employer history, & apply today. ... and each reader and company should take the time needed to adequately analyse and determine the tools or services that would best fit their specific needs and situation.

  6. 21 Websites Offering Legit Freelance Proofreading Jobs

    Websites That Provide Freelance Proofreading Jobs. 1. Scribendi. Scribendi is a Canada-based company that hires editors and proofreaders to edit content for its ESL, academic, professional, and student clients. It has both in-house and freelance positions.

  7. Proofreading Jobs: 38 Best Online Options from Home

    9. ProofreadingServices.com. Proofreading Services hires both full-time and part-time proofreaders. Their salary is competitive, ranging from $19 to $46 per hour, and you can work flexible hours from home. You can also connect and collaborate with other proofreaders, which is a great perk.

  8. 10 Companies Hiring for Freelance/Remote Proofreading Jobs

    10 Companies That Hire for Freelance and Remote Proofreading Jobs. 1. Bob Vila Company. Bob Vila is one of America's best-known home improvement experts. With over 30 years of experience in the industry, Bob Vila has been the host of shows such as This Old House, Restore America, Bob Vila, and Bob Vila's Home Again.

  9. Proofreading Jobs

    Freelance proofreader will work remotely providing editing and proofreading services on assignments you choose. Candidate must have a college degree and 3+ years of experience writing, editing, or language teaching. Requires a PC and MS Word 2010. Remote.co Remote-First Company.

  10. 22 Best Online Proofreading Jobs for Beginners in 2024

    ZipRecruiter shows that the majority of online proofreader salaries range from $42,500 (25th percentile) to $70,000 (75th percentile). As a beginner proofreader, you can expect to make a salary toward the lower end of this range. Novice proofreaders make roughly $12-$18 per hour.

  11. 10 Best Proofreading Jobs Online (Earn $45/hour)

    Get paid to proofread with these 10 legitimate proofreading jobs online: 1. Upwork. Upwork is not only one of the best websites to find entry-level proofreading jobs, but it's one of the largest websites for freelancers in general and a good place to find the best online proofreading jobs. With an abundance of freelance job listings, editing ...

  12. Online Proofreader Jobs, Employment

    Centerlight Health Systems. Remote in Bronx, NY 10467. Allerton Ave. $55,000 - $62,000 a year. Full-time. Monday to Friday. Easily apply. The Recruiter is responsible for full life-cycle recruitment; recruiting, screening candidates for appropriateness, and recommending placement of CenterLight…. Today ·.

  13. 27 Best Online Proofreading Jobs in 2024 (Earn $25/Hour)

    12. Scribbr. You can join Scribbr and offer editing and proofreading services online. To join Scribbr's team, there's a bit of a lengthy process for applying but the company is a great one to join and worth the extra steps. You'll go through each of the following in order to be hired for a proofread job:

  14. 20 Online Proofreading Jobs for Beginners (2024 Guide)

    2. FlexJobs. FlexJobs is a job site that offers high-quality remote proofreading jobs (amongst others) for freelancers and employees. You can easily search jobs by keyword, category, or title. Rest assured, all job listings are legitimate since FlexJobs takes extra precautions to protect job seekers from scams.

  15. 39 Best Online Proofreading Jobs (Earn $50k No Degree)

    Proofreading Pal. Proofreading Pal offers online proofreading jobs for current college students or anyone with a graduate degree and at least 5 years of proofreading experience. Proofreaders using this platform earn between $500 and $3,000 per month. If you think you qualify, you need to answer a short questionnaire.

  16. 31 Online Proofreading Jobs for Beginners (Up to $35 Per Hour)

    2. Upwork. Upwork is one of the best online platforms to find any type of freelance work, including proofreading jobs. They offer both short term and long term projects that can last up to 6 months. Glancing at Upwork, you will see the pay rate for proofreaders are $16-$30 an hour. Definitely a worth checking out Upwork.

  17. Entry Level Online Proofreading Jobs, Employment

    Proofreader. State of Iowa. Des Moines, IA 50319. ( East Village area) $36,691.20 - $52,041.60 a year. Full-time. 8 hour shift + 1. This is an entry level Proofreader position. The position requires excellent digital publication, keyboarding, critical thinking, proofreading, spelling, and….

  18. The Top 10 Online Proofreading Services of 2023

    3. Scribendi. Established in 1997, Scribendi is one of the best proofreading and editing services online. They offer academic proofreading and enhance papers, assignments, journal articles, research projects, posters, and presentations. With this, they proofread business documents and books, removing spelling mistakes, grammar errors, and typos.

  19. Where to Find Entry-Level Proofreading Jobs Online

    There are several other platforms out there that are available for remote, entry-level proofreaders to hop onto and see if they can drum up some new clients. All have competitive pay and flexible ...

  20. 'Whites only' job posting complaint is settled with tech staffing firm

    After 'whites only' job posting, tech staffing firm settles with DOJ, Labor. May 27, 20244:19 PM ET. By. Bill Chappell. The U.S. Department of Labor and the Justice Department have reached an ...

  21. 2024 Top Jobs in Japan Week 19

    Corporate Security Staff. ・ Company: Vector Risk Management. ・ Salary: ¥1,950 ~ ¥2,350 / hour. ・ Location: Tokyo, Japan. ・ Japanese: Fluent. ・ Application: Must currently reside in ...

  22. NC Gov. Roy Cooper visits Europe to talk business and job investment

    There are over 300,000 jobs in North Carolina because of the state's relationship with foreign companies, the governor's office said, and Cooper hopes to bring even more by strengthening these ...

  23. Best Recruiting Software Of 2024

    Ceipal: Best for applicant tracking. JazzHR: Best for limitless hiring. Zoho Recruit: Best free recruiting software. Recruit CRM: Best for staffing agencies. iCIMS: Best for complex recruiting ...

  24. Proofreading Jobs, Employment

    Proofreader/Copy Editor. Sprouts Child Development Center. Remote. $21 - $25 an hour. Full-time + 1. Monday to Friday. Easily apply. Take ownership of the proofreading process and communicate any issues or concerns to the appropriate team members. Job Types: Full-time, Part-time.

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    Search 36 Elektrostal' siding contractors & companies to find the best exterior and siding contractor for your project. See the top reviewed local exterior and siding contractors in Elektrostal', Moscow Oblast, Russia on Houzz.

  26. Description of the Kontragent database

    The Kontragent database provides a twenty-four-hour online access to financial information of Russian companies. Our database contains annual financial statements and contact details of companies. By accessing data you also getting an actual data record from EGRUL. Currently our database has detailed information on 12.2 million Russian companies.

  27. Dollar Tree Earnings, Jobs Report and ECB: What to Watch Next Week

    Earnings are due next week from a few companies, including Dollar Tree, CrowdStrike and Lululemon Athletica. The big economic events will be the monthly jobs report, due Friday, and overseas, the ...

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    Search 84 Elektrostal' landscapers & landscaping companies to find the best landscaper for your project. See the top reviewed local landscapers in Elektrostal', Moscow Oblast, Russia on Houzz.

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    Search 10 Elektrostal' solar panel installation companies to find the best solar panel installation company for your project. See the top reviewed local solar panel installation companies in Elektrostal', Moscow Oblast, Russia on Houzz.

  30. Jefferson County lands major investments from foreign-owned firms

    0:00. 1:24. More than $1 billion in new factory investments are coming to Jefferson County, mirroring the growth in U.S. manufacturing by foreign-owned companies and increased emphasis on labor ...