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Quantitative Dissertations

The Quantitative Dissertations part of Lærd Dissertation helps guide you through the process of doing a quantitative dissertation. When we use the word quantitative to describe quantitative dissertations , we do not simply mean that the dissertation will draw on quantitative research methods or statistical analysis techniques . Quantitative research takes a particular approach to theory, answering research questions and/or hypotheses , setting up a research strategy , making conclusions from results , and so forth. It is also a type of dissertation that is commonly used by undergraduates, master's and doctoral students across degrees, whether traditional science-based subjects, or in the social sciences, psychology, education and business studies, amongst others.

This introduction to the Quantitative Dissertations part of Lærd Dissertation has two goals: (a) to provide you with a sense of the broad characteristics of quantitative research, if you do not know about these characteristics already; and (b) to introduce you to the three main types (routes) of quantitative dissertation that we help you with in Lærd Dissertation: replication-based dissertations ; data-driven dissertations; and theory-driven dissertations . When you have chosen which route you want to follow, we send you off to the relevant parts of Lærd Dissertation where you can find out more.

Characteristics of quantitative dissertations

  • Types of quantitative dissertation: Replication, Data and Theory

If you have already read our article that briefly compares qualitative , quantitative and mixed methods dissertations [ here ], you may want to skip this section now . If not, we can say that quantitative dissertations have a number of core characteristics:

They typically attempt to build on and/or test theories , whether adopting an original approach or an approach based on some kind of replication or extension .

They answer quantitative research questions and/or research (or null ) hypotheses .

They are mainly underpinned by positivist or post-positivist research paradigms .

They draw on one of four broad quantitative research designs (i.e., descriptive , experimental , quasi-experimental or relationship-based research designs).

They try to use probability sampling techniques , with the goal of making generalisations from the sample being studied to a wider population , although often end up applying non-probability sampling techniques .

They use research methods that generate quantitative data (e.g., data sets , laboratory-based methods , questionnaires/surveys , structured interviews , structured observation , etc.).

They draw heavily on statistical analysis techniques to examine the data collected, whether descriptive or inferential in nature.

They assess the quality of their findings in terms of their reliability , internal and external validity , and construct validity .

They report their findings using statements , data , tables and graphs that address each research question and/or hypothesis.

They make conclusions in line with the findings , research questions and/or hypotheses , and theories discussed in order to test and/or expand on existing theories, or providing insight for future theories.

If you choose to take on a quantitative dissertation , you will learn more about these characteristics, not only in the Fundamentals section of Lærd Dissertation, but throughout the articles we have written to help guide you through the choices you need to make when doing a quantitative dissertation. For now, we recommend that you read the next section, Types of quantitative dissertation , which will help you choose the type of dissertation you may want to follow.

Types of quantitative dissertation

Replication, data or theory.

When taking on a quantitative dissertation, there are many different routes that you can follow. We focus on three major routes that cover a good proportion of the types of quantitative dissertation that are carried out. We call them Route #1: Replication-based dissertations , Route #2: Data-driven dissertations and Route #3: Theory-driven dissertations . Each of these three routes reflects a very different type of quantitative dissertation that you can take on. In the sections that follow, we describe the main characteristics of these three routes. Rather than being exhaustive, the main goal is to highlight what these types of quantitative research are and what they involve. Whilst you read through each section, try and think about your own dissertation, and whether you think that one of these types of dissertation might be right for you.

Route #1: Replication-based dissertations

Route #2: data-driven dissertations, route #3: theory-driven dissertations.

Most quantitative dissertations at the undergraduate, master's or doctoral level involve some form of replication , whether they are duplicating existing research, making generalisations from it, or extending the research in some way.

In most cases, replication is associated with duplication . In other words, you take a piece of published research and repeat it, typically in an identical way to see if the results that you obtain are the same as the original authors. In some cases, you don't even redo the previous study, but simply request the original data that was collected, and reanalyse it to check that the original authors were accurate in their analysis techniques. However, duplication is a very narrow view of replication, and is partly what has led some journal editors to shy away from accepting replication studies into their journals. The reality is that most research, whether completed by academics or dissertation students at the undergraduate, master's or doctoral level involves either generalisation or extension . This may simply be replicating a piece of research to determine whether the findings are generalizable within a different population or setting/context , or across treatment conditions ; terms we explain in more detail later in our main article on replication-based dissertations [ here ]. Alternately, replication can involve extending existing research to take into account new research designs , methods and measurement procedures , and analysis techniques . As a result, we call these different types of replication study: Route A: Duplication , Route B: Generalisation and Route C: Extension .

In reality, it doesn't matter what you call them. We simply give them these names because (a) they reflect three different routes that you can follow when doing a replication-based dissertation (i.e., Route A: Duplication , Route B: Generalisation and Route C: Extension ), and (b) the things you need to think about when doing your dissertation differ somewhat depending on which of these routes you choose to follow.

At this point, the Lærd Dissertation site focuses on helping guide you through Route #1: Replication-based dissertations . When taking on a Route #1: Replication-based dissertation , we guide you through these three possible routes: Route A: Duplication ; Route B: Generalisation ; and Route C: Extension . Each of these routes has different goals, requires different steps to be taken, and will be written up in its own way. To learn whether a Route #1: Replication-based dissertation is right for you, and if so, which of these routes you want to follow, start with our introductory guide: Route #1: Getting started .

Sometimes the goal of quantitative research is not to build on or test theory, but to uncover the antecedents (i.e., the drivers or causes ) of what are known as stylized facts (also known referred to as empirical regularities or empirical patterns ). Whilst you may not have heard the term before, a stylized fact is simply a fact that is surprising , undocumented , forms a pattern rather than being one-off, and has an important outcome variable , amongst other characteristics. A classic stylized fact was the discovery of the many maladies (i.e., diseases or aliments) that resulted from smoking (e.g., cancers, cardiovascular diseases, etc.). Such a discovery, made during the 1930s, was surprising when you consider that smoking was being promoted by some doctors as having positive health benefits, as well as the fact that smoking was viewed as being stylish at the time (Hambrick, 2007). The challenge of discovering a potential stylized fact, as well as collecting suitable data to test that such a stylized fact exists, makes data-driven dissertations a worthy type of quantitative dissertation to pursue.

Sometimes, the focus of data-driven dissertations is entirely on discovering whether the stylized fact exists (e.g., Do domestic firms receive smaller fines for wrongdoings compared with foreign firms?), and if so, uncovering the antecedents of the stylized fact (e.g., if it was found that domestic firms did receive smaller fines compared with foreign firms for wrongdoings, what was the relationship between the fines received and other factors you measured; e.g., factors such as industry type, firm size, financial performance, etc.?). These data-driven dissertations tend to be empirically-focused , and are often in fields where there is little theory to help ground or justify the research, but also where uncovering the stylized fact and its antecedents makes a significant contribution all by itself. On other occasions, the focus starts with discovering the stylized fact, as well as uncovering its antecedents (e.g., the reasons why the most popular brand of a soft drink is consistently ranked the worst in terms of flavour in a blind taste test). However, the goal is to go one step further and theoretically justify your findings. This can often be achieved when the field you are interested in is more theoretically developed (e.g., theories of decision-making, consumer behaviour, brand exposure, and so on, which may help to explain why the most popular brand of a soft drink is consistently ranked the worst in terms of flavour in a blind taste test). We call these different types of data-driven dissertation: Route A: Empirically-focused and Route B: Theoretically-justified .

In the part of Lærd Dissertation that deals exclusively with Route #2: Data-driven dissertations , which we will be launching shortly, we introduce you to these two routes (i.e., Route A: Empirically-focused and Route B: Theoretically-justified ), before helping you choose between them. Once you have selected the route you plan to follow, we use extensive, step-by-step guides to help you carry out, and subsequently write up your chosen route. If you would like to be notified when this part of Lærd Dissertation becomes available, please leave feedback .

We have all come across theories during our studies. Well-known theories include social capital theory (Social Sciences), motivation theory (Psychology), agency theory (Business Studies), evolutionary theory (Biology), quantum theory (Physics), adaptation theory (Sports Science), and so forth. Irrespective of what we call these theories, and from which subjects they come, all dissertations involves theory to some extent. However, what makes theory-driven dissertations different from other types of quantitative dissertation (i.e., Route #1: Replication-based dissertations and Route #2: Data-driven dissertations ) is that they place most importance on the theoretical contribution that you make.

By theoretical contribution , we mean that theory-driven dissertations aim to add to the literature through their originality and focus on testing , combining or building theory. We emphasize the words testing , combining and building because these reflect three routes that you can adopt when carrying out a theory-driven dissertation: Route A: Testing , Route B: Combining or Route C: Building . In reality, it doesn't matter what we call these three different routes. They are just there to help guide you through the dissertation process. The important point is that we can do different things with theory, which is reflected in the different routes that you can follow.

Sometimes we test theories (i.e., Route A: Testing ). For example, a researcher may have proposed a new theory in a journal article, but not yet tested it in the field by collecting and analysing data to see if the theory makes sense. Sometimes we want to combine two or more well-established theories (i.e., Route B: Combining ). This can provide a new insight into a problem or issue that we think it is important, but remains unexplained by existing theory. In such cases, the use of well-established theories helps when testing these theoretical combinations. On other occasions, we want to go a step further and build new theory from the ground up (i.e., Route C: Building ). Whilst there are many similarities between Route B: Combining and Route C: Building , the building of new theory goes further because even if the theories you are building on are well-established, you are likely to have to create new constructs and measurement procedures in order to test these theories.

In the part of Lærd Dissertation that deals exclusively with Route #3: Theory-driven dissertations , which we will be launching shortly, we introduce you to these three routes (i.e., Route A: Testing , Route B: Combining and Route C: Building ), before helping you choose between them. Once you have selected the route you plan to follow, we use extensive, step-by-step guides to help you carry out, and subsequently write up your chosen route. If you would like to be notified when this part of Lærd Dissertation becomes available, please leave feedback .

Choosing between routes

Which route should i choose.

A majority of students at the undergraduate, master's, and even doctoral level will take on a Route #1: Replication-based dissertation . At this point, it is also the only route that we cover in depth [ NOTE: We will be launching Route #2: Data-driven dissertations and Route #3: Theory-driven dissertations at a later date]. To learn whether a Route #1: Replication-based dissertation is right for you, and if so, how to proceed, start with our introductory guide: Route #1: Getting started . If there is anything you find unclear about what you have just read, please leave feedback .

Hambrick, D. C. (2007). The field of management's devotion to theory: Too much of a good thing? Academy of Management Journal , 50 (6), 1346-1352.

Writing a Quantitative Research Thesis

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Psychology Dissertations and Theses

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Crossover of Supervisors' Perceptions of Co-worker Support to Employees' Well-Being , Shalene Joyce Allen

Faculty Mentors' Influence on Latino/a/x STEM Undergraduates' STEM Identity Development , Sandy Cerda-Lezama

The Nuanced Relationship Between Mindfulness, Racial Prejudice, and Policy Support , Jared Michael Cutler

Individual and Structural Contributors to Implicit and Explicit Anti-Muslim Bias in the United States , Aeleah M. Granger

Exploring the Social Processes Influencing the Well-Being and Social Integration of Systemically Marginalized Students in Higher Education: A Mixed-Methods Approach , Zeinab Abbas Hachem

The Relationship Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Juvenile Offender Typology , Aliza Beth Lipman

A Cognitive Approach to Supervisor Training Intervention Evaluation: Analyzing Change with Response Shift Theory and Models of Measurement Invariance , Luke Daniel Mahoney

The Exploration of Latino BIP Participants' Experiences of Oppression and Expressions of Critical Consciousness , Adrian Luis Manriquez

Permission to Play: A District's Initiative to Innovate Kindergarten and Promote Developmentally Appropriate Practices , Cristin McDonough

The Wage of Wellness: The Relationship Between Socioeconomic Status, Race, and Work Recovery , Emily Julia Ready

Seguir Adelante: A Qualitative Exploration of Latino Farmworkers' Work and Non-Work Resources , Faviola Robles Saenz

It Takes a Village: An Examination of Social Relationships and Mental Health , Em Francis Trubits

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Examining Factors Impacting the Service Needs of Unhoused Women , Holly Brott

Main, Mediated, and Moderated Effects of Participating in an After-School Social and Emotional Learning Program on Young Children's Development of Social-Emotional Skills , Amy L. Cordier

Who Puts the "Support" in Supportive Housing? The Impact of Housing Staff on Resident's Well-Being, and the Potential Moderating Role of Self-Determination , Kenna Estell Dickard

Motivation to Collaborate: A Qualitative Exploration of the Perspectives of Service Providers on an Alternative First Response Program , Desiree' J. DuBoise

Tell Me, Do You Feel It Too? A Meta-analysis of Dyadic Emotional Contagion in the Workplace , Stefanie Fox

Left on "Read" and All Alone: Instigated Cyber Incivility, Shame, and Experienced Ostracism at Work , Alison Lucia Hunt

Exploring Associations between Military Identity and Well-being Outcomes among Post-9/11 Veterans after Separation , James David Lee

Experiences of People with Serious Mental Illness Seeking Services at Community Mental Health Centers During the COVID-19 Pandemic , Emily Leickly

Why So Serious? Using the Belongingness Need Tenet from the Self-Determination Theory to Examine Workplace Humor and Its Outcomes , Katharine Lucille McMahon

Emotion Knowledge, Its Applications, and Their Associations With African American Children's Social Relationships With Teachers and Peers in Kindergarten and First Grade , Brielle Emily Petit

Stress-Reduction from Positive Support: Impacts of Receiving Partner Capitalization Support on Veteran Stress/Work Stress , MaryAnn Dona Samson

Diversity in Recruitment: The Role of Realistic Website Job Previews for Racial and Ethnic Minority Applicants , Jennifer Saucedo

Antecedents of FSSB: Evaluating the Demographic Basis of Support , Erika Ann Schemmel

A Daily Investigation of the Recovery Paradox: Examining the Dynamic Interplay of Workload, Recovery Experiences, and Microbreaks , Morgan Rose Taylor

Not on the Menu: Customer Sexual Harassment in the Restaurant Industry , Fernanda Wolburg Martinez

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Model.Disclose(): Examination of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Disclosure at Work , Timothy Allen Carsey

Transforming Learning Communities, Transforming Ourselves: A Qualitative Investigation of Identity Processes in a Participatory Action Research-themed Undergraduate Course , Julia Sara Dancis

Clarifying and Measuring Inclusive Leadership , Kelly Mason Hamilton

Intersections of Masculinity, Culturally Relevant Factors, and Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration Among Asian American Men , Jason Z. Kyler-Yano

Sleeping to Support: An Examination of the Relationship Between Leader Sleep and Positive Support Behaviors , Jordyn Jan Leslie

Work-Related IPV Among Latinos: Exploring the Roles of Fatherhood Status, Gendered Expectations, and Support for Intimate Partner's Employment , Adrian Luis Manriquez

Masculinity Instability and Ideologies as Predictors of IPV Perpetration: The Mediating Role of Relationship Power , Emma Christine Marioles O'Connor

The Benefits of Social Support on Health and Well-Being in Military Populations: Examining Mechanisms, Source of Support, and the Reach of a Workplace Well-Being Intervention , AnnaMarie Sophia O'Neill

Do Motives Matter? The Role of Motivation in Shaping the Impact of Mindfulness Training on Teachers' Psychological Distress and Wellbeing , Cristi N. Pinela

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

The Longitudinal Effects of a Family and Sleep Supportive Intervention on Service Member Anger and Resilience , Shalene Joyce Allen

Drug Conviction and Employment Restriction: Experiences of Employees with Drug-Related Criminal Histories , Liana Bernard

Sustaining Boys' Motivation Over the Transition to Middle School: Can Interpersonal Resources Protect Boys from Engagement Declines Across Sixth Grade? , Brandy Anne Brennan

Returning to Rejection: Outcomes and Boundary Conditions of Mental Illness Stereotypes , Stefanie Fox

Guarding Against Strain: The Moderating Role of Nonwork Experiences in the Relationship Between Work-Related Hypervigilance and Strain in Correctional Officers , Samantha Getzen

Anti-Muslim Bias: Investigating Individual Differences, Threat Perceptions, and Emotions in Islamophobic Policy Support , Aeleah M. Granger

Black Children's Development of Self-Regulation within Stressful Contexts of Parenting: Investigating Potential Buffering Effects of a Kindergarten Social-Emotional Learning Program , Eli Labinger

"Like I Was an Actual Researcher": Participation and Identity Trajectories of Underrepresented Minority and First-Generation STEM Students in Research Training Communities of Practice , Jennifer Lynn Lindwall

Claiming Miscommunication to Justify Rape: The Role of Liking the Perpetrator , Alyssa Marie Glace Maryn

An "I" for an "I" : A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Instigated and Reciprocal Incivility , Lauren Sarah Park

Parenting and Children's Academic Coping as a Dynamic System: Feedforward, Feedback, and Mediators of Changes Across the School Year , Kristen Elizabeth Raine

Does Experiencing Spousal Support and Strain Impact the Quality of Family-Based Support that Supervisors Provide to Employees? , Joseph Alvin Sherwood

"B-ing Flexible" : Examining Creativity in Bisexual Employees , Megan Jane Snoeyink

Exploring the Relationships Between Community Experiences and Well-Being among Youth Experiencing Homelessness , Katricia Stewart

Mothers' Drinking Motives , Sheila Kathleen Umemoto

An Examination of Nurses' Schedule Characteristics, Recovery from Work, and Well-Being , Sarah Elizabeth Van Dyck

Preventing Sexual Violence Through Understanding Perceptions of Sexual Offenders , Judith G. Zatkin

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Examining Employee Needs at Work and Home: a Self-Determination Theory Perspective , Dana Anuhea Auten

Trajectories, Time Windows, and Alternative Pathways of Engagement: Motivational Resources Underlying Academic Development during Middle School , Heather Anne Brule

Examining Mindfulness Training for Teachers: Theoretical and Methodological Extensions of Intervention Effectiveness , Jaiya Rae Choles

Detecting Reinforcement Patterns in the Stream of Naturalistic Observations of Social Interactions , James Lamar DeLaney 3rd

An Investigation of the Temporal Relationship Between Agitation and Sleep Disturbances , Emily Catherine Denning

Peers' Academic Coping as a Resource for Academic Engagement and Motivational Resilience in the First Year of Middle School , Daniel Lee Grimes

Home Resources Supporting Workplace Resources: an Investigation of Moderated Intervention Effects From the Study for Employment Retention of Veterans (SERVe) , Sarah Nielsen Haverly

"It Puts a Face to All the Knowledge We've Gotten" : a Program of Research on Intimate Partner Violence Surrogate Impact Panels , Kate Louise Sackett Kerrigan

A Daily Examination of Anger and Alcohol Use Among Post-9/11 Veterans , James David Lee

An Examination of Daily Family-Supportive Supervisor Behaviors, Perceived Supervisor Responsiveness and Job Satisfaction , Luke Daniel Mahoney

Nurse Can't Even: the Immediate Impact of Incivility on Affect, Well-being, and Behavior , Katharine Lucille McMahon

Perceptions of Police Use of Force at the Intersection of Race and Pregnancy , Emma Elizabeth Lee Money

The Impact of Paternal Caregivers for Youth Who Commit Sexual Offenses , Miranda Hope Sitney

Human Energy in the Workplace: an Investigation of Daily Energy Management Strategies, Job Stressors and Employee Outcomes , Morgan Rose Taylor

Individual and Community Supports that Impact Community Inclusion and Recovery for Individuals with Serious Mental Illnesses , Rachel Elizabeth Terry

Investigating Sexual Fantasy and Sexual Behavior in Adolescent Offenders , Hayley Lauren Tews

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Integrating Work Ability into the Organizational Science Literature: Advancing Theory and Developing the Nomological Network , Grant Brady

Family Linked Workplace Resources and Contextual Factors as Important Predictors of Job and Individual Well-being for Employees and Families , Jacquelyn Marie Brady

The Role of Teacher Autonomy Support Across the Transition to Middle School: its Components, Reach, and Developmental Effects , Julia Sara Dancis

Does X Mark the Applicant? Assessing Reactions to Gender Non-Binary Job Seekers , Kelly Mason Hamilton

Urbanicity as a Moderator of the Relationship Between Stigma and Well-being Outcomes for Individuals with Serious Mental Illnesses , Emily Leickly

The Relationship Between Undergraduate Research Training Programs and Motivational Resources for Underrepresented Minority Students in STEM: Program Participation, Self-efficacy, a Sense of Belonging, and Academic Performance , Jennifer Lindwall

Perceived Partner Responsiveness, Sleep and Pain: a Dyadic Study of Military-Connected Couples , AnnaMarie Sophia O'Neill

Recruitment Marketing: How Do Wellness and Work-Life Benefits Influence Employer Image Perceptions, Organizational Attraction, and Job Pursuit Intentions? , Amy Christine Pytlovany

The Combined Effects of Parent and Teacher Involvement on the Development of Adolescents' Academic Engagement , Nicolette Paige Rickert

Examining the Development and Classroom Dynamics of Student Disaffection Over Multiple Time Periods: Short-term Episodes and Long-term Trajectories , Emily Anne Saxton

Drinking on a Work Night: a Comparison of Day and Person-Level Associations with Workplace Outcomes , Brittnie Renae Shepherd

Development and Validation of the Workplace Mental Illness Stigma Scale (W-MISS) , Nicholas Anthony Smith

Relational Thriving in Context: Examining the Roles of Gratitude, Affectionate Touch, and Positive Affective Variability in Health and Well-Being , Alicia Rochelle Starkey

Preventing Child Sexual Abuse and Juvenile Offending Through Parental Monitoring , Kelly E. Stewart

"To Call or Not to Call?" The Impact of Supervisor Training on Call Center Employee Attitudes and Well-Being , Whitney Elan Schneider Vogel

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

The Impact of Leader Race and Gender on Perceptions of Organizations in Response to Corporate Error , Nicolas Derek Brown

Impacts of Mindfulness Training on Mechanisms Underlying Stress Reduction in Teachers: Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial , Jaiya Rae Choles

Student Motivation Profiles as a Diagnostic Tool to Help Teachers Provide Targeted Support , Cailin Tricia Currie

Insufficient Effort Responding on Mturk Surveys: Evidence-Based Quality Control for Organizational Research , Lee Cyr

Affirmative Consent Endorsement and Peer Norms Supporting Sexual Violence Among Vulnerable Students on College Campuses , Alyssa Marie Glace

Gendered Partner-Ideals, Relationship Satisfaction, and Intimate Partner Violence , Sylvia Marie Ferguson Kidder

Organizational Calling and Safety: the Role of Workload and Supervisor Support , Layla Rhiannon Mansfield

Bystander Intervention to Prevent Campus Sexual Violence: the Role of Sense of Community, Peer Norms, and Administrative Responding , Erin Christine McConnell

Benevolent Sexism and Racial Stereotypes: Targets, Functions, and Consequences , Jean Marie McMahon

Perceived Overqualification and Withdrawal Among Seasonal Workers: Would Work Motivation Make a Difference? , Anthony Duy Nguyen

Differential Well-Being in Response to Incivility and Surface Acting among Nurses as a Function of Race , Lauren Sarah Park

Financial Strain and the Work-Home Interface: a Test of the Work-Home Resources Model from the Study for Employment Retention of Veterans (SERVe) , MacKenna Laine Perry

Neighbor Perceptions of Psychiatric Supportive Housing : the Role of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors , Amy Leigh Shearer

The Role of Caregiver Disruption in the Development of Juvenile Sexual Offenders , Miranda Sitney

Intrapersonal and Social-Contextual Factors Related to Psychological Well-being among Youth Experiencing Homelessness , Katricia Stewart

Age-based Differences in the Usefulness of Resources: a Multi-Study Investigation of Work and Well-being Outcomes , Lale Muazzez Yaldiz

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Dissertation examples

Listed below are some of the best examples of research projects and dissertations from undergraduate and taught postgraduate students at the University of Leeds We have not been able to gather examples from all schools. The module requirements for research projects may have changed since these examples were written. Refer to your module guidelines to make sure that you address all of the current assessment criteria. Some of the examples below are only available to access on campus.

  • Undergraduate examples
  • Taught Masters examples

These dissertations achieved a mark of 80 or higher:

The following two examples have been annotated with academic comments. This is to help you understand why they achieved a good 2:1 mark but also, more importantly, how the marks could have been improved.

Please read to help you make the most of the two examples.

(Mark 68)

(Mark 66)

These final year projects achieved a mark of a high first:

For students undertaking a New Venture Creation (NVC) approach, please see the following Masters level examples:

Projects which attained grades of over 70 or between 60 and 69 are indicated on the lists (accessible only by students and staff registered with School of Computer Science, when on campus).

These are good quality reports but they are not perfect. You may be able to identify areas for improvement (for example, structure, content, clarity, standard of written English, referencing or presentation quality).

The following examples have their marks and feedback included at the end of of each document.





The following examples have their feedback provided in a separate document.


School of Media and Communication .

The following outstanding dissertation example PDFs have their marks denoted in brackets.

(Mark 78)
(Mark 72)
(Mark 75)

(Mark 91)
(Mark 85)
(Mark 85)
(Mark 85)
(Mark 91)

(Mark 85)
(Mark 75)

This dissertation achieved a mark of 84:


LUBS5530 Enterprise

MSc Sustainability




The following outstanding dissertation example PDFs have their marks denoted in brackets.

(Mark 70)

(Mark 78)

  • Erasmus School of Economics
  • Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication
  • Erasmus School of Law
  • Erasmus School of Philosophy
  • Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences
  • Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management
  • International Institute of Social Studies
  • Rotterdam School of Management
  • Tinbergen Institute
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Stolk, luna

Levelling Up Sponsoring: A Quantitative Analysis of Integrated Advertisements in Esports Tournaments


Additional Metadata
Keywords Sponsorships, Esports, Integrated advertising, Attitude towards Sponsorships, Perceived Fit, Advertising Scepticism, Marketing
Thesis Advisor Al-dhabyani, Yaser, van Everdingen, Yvonne
Persistent URL
. . Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/2105/72136

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Thesis / Dissertation

Computational methods for musculoskeletal image analysis

Mahdi Imani, Gustavo Duque (ed.), David Ackland (ed.)

Published : 2024

Tissue deterioration in bone and muscle is common with ageing, often leading to conditions like osteoporosis and sarcopenia if not managed early. This can result in falls, fractures, and reduced quality of life. Medical imaging allows for the evaluation of musculoskeletal tissues using segmentation techniques for quantitative analysis, which is essential in both research and clinical settings. In this thesis, enhanced manual and semi-automatic segmentation methods are integrated into a desktop application tailored for clinical research. It offers segmentation and quantification tools for bone and muscle in areas such as the hip and abdomen, using edge detection, watershed techniques, and mo..

University of Melbourne Researchers


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    A Quantitative Study of the Impact of Social Media Reviews ...

  5. PDF Strengthening Teacher Efficacy for Teaching 21st Century Skills

    A dissertation submitted to Johns Hopkins University in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Education. Baltimore, Maryland ... methods questionnaire and a quantitative teacher efficacy survey, both administered before and after professional learning, and individual interviews measured changes in teachers' knowledge ...

  6. PDF Quantitative Research: A Successful Investigation in Natural and ...

    A Successful Investigation in Natural and Social Sciences

  7. PDF A Complete Dissertation

    A Complete Dissertation

  8. A Guide to Quantitative and Qualitative Dissertation Research (Second

    A Guide to Quantitative and Qualitative Dissertation Research (Second Edition) March 24, 2017. James P. Sampson, Jr., Ph.D. 1114 West Call Street, Suite 1100 College of Education Florida State University Tallahassee, FL 32306-4450. [email protected].

  9. PDF The Method Chapter

    The Method Chapter in a Quantitative Dissertation The Method chapter is the place in which the exact steps you will be following to test your questions are enumerated. The Method chapter typically contains the following three subsections: Subjects or Participants, Instrumentation or Measures, and Procedures. In addition, the Method

  10. PDF International Association for Statistical Education


  11. PDF Introduction to Quantitative Research

    Controlled collection and analysis of information in order to understand a phenomenon. Originates with a question, a problem, a puzzling fact. Requires both theory and data. Previous theory helps us form an understanding of the data we see (no blank slate). Data lets us tests our hypotheses.

  12. PDF Quantitative Research Dissertation Chapters 4 and 5 (Suggested Content)

    For statistical modeling purposes, responses were recoded into one of three categories: negative reputation (score of 1, 2, or 3; about 18.5% of respondents), positive reputation (score of 4 or 5; about 24.8% of respondents), and no reputation (score of 6; about 56.7% of respondents).". Example 2. This example shows how one explains reverse ...

  13. Quantitative Dissertations

    Route #1: Replication-based dissertations. Most quantitative dissertations at the undergraduate, master's or doctoral level involve some form of replication, whether they are duplicating existing research, making generalisations from it, or extending the research in some way.. In most cases, replication is associated with duplication.In other words, you take a piece of published research and ...

  14. PDF A Sample Quantitative Thesis Proposal

    Prepared by. NOTE: This proposal is included in the ancillary materials of Research Design with permission of the author. Hayes, M. M. (2007). Design and analysis of the student strengths index (SSI) for nontraditional graduate students. Unpublished master's thesis. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE.



  16. (PDF) Writing a Quantitative Research Thesis

    Download full-text PDF Read full-text. Download full-text PDF. Read full-text. ... Writing a Quantitative Research Thesis. H. Johnson Nenty. Educational Foundations, P. Bag UB 0702, University of ...

  17. A Quantitative Study Examining How Training Enhances Policy Compliance

    A Quantitative Study Examining How Training Enhances Policy Compliance . by . Therese C. Bensch . MS, Naval Postgraduate School, 1998 . BA, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1988 . Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment . of the Requirements for the Degree of . Doctor of Philosophy . Public Policy and Administration . Walden ...

  18. Current Operational Status

    Current Operational Status. The FSU Digital Repository is currently experiencing downtime due to unforeseen circumstances. We are working diligently to restore service as soon as possible and anticipate service restoration by Tuesday, September 10. We apologize for this inconvenience. Please submit any urgent requests to [email protected].

  19. Quantitative Dissertation Chapter Guides: Capella University ...

    This document provides guidance for the required chapters of a quantitative dissertation at Capella University. It includes an introduction and outlines for Chapter 1 (Introduction), Chapter 2 (Literature Review), Chapter 3 (Methodology), Chapter 4 (Results), and Chapter 5 (Discussion, Implications, Recommendations). Each chapter section is described in detail to ensure students include all ...

  20. PDF Dissertation Chapter 4 Sample

    older represented 10% of the sample, 35% were between 51 and 60, 20% were between the. ages of 41-50. The 31-40 age group was also 20% of the sample and 15% of the participants. declined to answer. Graphic displays of demographics on company size, work status, age, and industry sector are provided in Appendix F.

  21. Psychology Dissertations and Theses

    Psychology Dissertations and Theses - PDXScholar

  22. UMass Global ScholarWorks

    UMass Global ScholarWorks | UMass Global Research

  23. Dissertation examples

    Dissertation examples | Study and research support | Library

  24. Levelling Up Sponsoring: A Quantitative Analysis of Integrated

    Stolk, luna. (2024, July 11). Levelling Up Sponsoring: A Quantitative Analysis of Integrated Advertisements in Esports Tournaments.Marketing Management.

  25. Computational methods for musculoskeletal image analysis

    Medical imaging allows for the evaluation of musculoskeletal tissues using segmentation techniques for quantitative analysis, which is essential in both research and clinical settings. In this thesis, enhanced manual and semi-automatic segmentation methods are integrated into a desktop application tailored for clinical research.