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15 creative video project ideas for students (and their teachers)

Group of professionals engaged in a collaborative work session at the office, using Biteable video maker.

Fall is here. The leaves are starting to change color and teachers everywhere are asking the same question: How do I come up with video project ideas for my students?

Video has been a staple learning tool for decades. But having students create, design, and edit video projects themselves is becoming a much more common classroom activity. Video projects are a great way to help students of all ages  actively engage with subject matter  and learn from one another.

Online apps like  Biteable  make it easy for students to turn video ideas for school into a reality. Templates and easy-to-use editing tools keep the process simple and offer plenty of inspiration for student video projects.

To help teachers and students alike leverage video as an  educational tool , we’ve gathered our favorite creative video project ideas for students. Each idea comes with a ready-to-edit video template so you and your students can get started right away.

Create videos that drive action

Activate your audience with impactful, on-brand videos. Create them simply and collaboratively with Biteable.

Elementary student video project ideas

It can be tricky to keep young students interested and engaged all day long. Creating videos gives elementary students a fun, creative way to learn about anything. And student-created videos are an amazing classroom learning supplement. If a video is produced by their peers, interest will skyrocket.

1. Create a book trailer

Instead of a traditional book report, have students design a movie-style trailer that drums up excitement about a novel or a non-fiction book. Creating a book trailer gives students the opportunity to think creatively, share a story with their classmates, and reinforce their learning in a new way.

2. Give a video tour

To supplement social studies curriculum, students can create a video showing off a significant location or their favorite part of the school. If you have a field trip planned, ask students to share their experience by recording videos throughout the day and adding voice over narration.

A video tour of the school is also a great way to share the campus with new students and visitors. As a way to pass the torch before they leave for middle school, how about asking your fifth graders to collaborate on an orientation video for incoming kindergarteners?

3. Celebrate the holidays

There’s always something to celebrate, no matter what time of year it is. Have students film letters to Santa, make video Valentines for parents or grandparents, or make short educational videos about lesser known holidays. Students can even create simple, digital thank-you notes for classroom visitors or parent volunteers.

4. Recreate a moment in history

Learning about historical people and events? Have your students research and recreate major moments in history, like the story of Rosa Parks or the Oregon Trail.

Videos help students visualize and remember these important moments. It also gives students the opportunity to experiment with digital storytelling. And students will be challenged to bring each scene to life accurately.

5. Try stop-motion video

Video learning isn’t limited to literary or historical topics. Encourage students to use stop-motion or create their own slides to explain science experiments or other STEM projects. With the right footage, like Biteable’s extensive collection of clay animation footage, students won’t even need to build stop motion models. They can just focus on the presentation and storytelling in their video.

Video project ideas for middle and high school students

Video projects for high schoolers can be a little more advanced, as students should be practicing editing and narrative skills in addition to learning about new topics.

6. Create a news channel

To supplement learning in a current events class, have your students film a news broadcast covering both local and international events.

Ask students to take on certain roles in the newsroom: anchor, sports reporter, weather reporter, or entertainment correspondent. Doing a news segment helps everyone get involved and promotes teamwork.

7. Start a portfolio

Many high school students are thinking about college applications. Give them the chance to  jumpstart their applications with a portfolio video project  and showcase what makes them unique.

Art students can show off their best work and design skills. Students applying to traditional schools can answer an application question or create a video showcasing their community service and extracurriculars.

8. Promote a good cause

Rather than writing a traditional essay or report, have students create a video advocating for a cause that’s important to them. This helps students build their identity and develop persuasive skills. And students can share their  promotional video  with everyone, not just their teacher and classmates.

9. Questions for your future self

Think ahead with a video full of inspiring questions. This project is great for incoming freshmen. At the beginning of the year, have students create videos with questions for their future self or with goals for their life and career. At graduation, send the videos back to them. It’s a fun, positive way to celebrate their success throughout high school.

Higher ed video project ideas

Higher education might not seem like the place for student-made videos. But in the real world, businesses use video for all sorts of things. Video projects build plenty of resume-worthy skills that college students can take with them to the workforce.

10. Create a university promotion video

It’s easy to forget that colleges and universities are businesses, too. And they need help with promotion. A solid college or university promotion video could open opportunities for internships or college employment. Promoting something that they’re already familiar with is a great way for students to build video persuasion skills.

11. Record and edit interviews

Being able to conduct a good interview and edit it in a way that’s appropriate for the purpose of the interview is a valuable skill in multiple industries. And interviewing experts in the field is appropriate for just about any class.

12. Make a video self-assessment

Grades are important. But being able to self-assess is also an incredibly valuable way for students to incrementally improve at any skill.

Making video self-assessments gives students a more active role in the grading process and offers them a creative way to highlight the work they’ve put into a course. It also gives them a chance to make an argument for the grade they feel they deserve — a skill that easily correlates to performance reviews in their future workplace.

13. Film a job interview guide

For most people, the interview is the most nerve-wracking part of getting a job. Practicing interview questions is a great way to prepare. But most students don’t know how to prepare for a job interview.

Creating a job interview  how-to guide  is a perfect way for students to learn how to prepare for a job interview and help other students prepare at the same time.

14. Create a video presentation based on a written assignment

Written assignments are the backbone of a university education (in most disciplines, at least). However, the audience for most written assignments is limited to the professor and assistants. Creating presentation videos for their assignments gives students the opportunity to share their hard work with their fellow students, while also learning valuable video editing skills.

15. Build a video resume

For most students, the job search starts even before graduation. A video resume helps students highlight the skills they acquired and the experience they gained during college. And, given the global workforce, a  video resume is a great supplement to a paper resume, especially when applying for remote or distant positions where an in-person interview may not be an option.

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51 Creative Video Project Ideas for Students (With Templates)

  • video project ideas

video editing assignments for high school students

It’s always a challenge to keep students engaged during classes, especially virtual classes. One of the ways to do this are video projects. Video projects not only make for fun viewing, they also supplement learning. While creating videos with fellow students is a fun activity, it’s not always easy to come up with video project ideas.

So here we bring you some of our favorite creative video project ideas for students. We also share ready-to-use free video templates that you can plug into and start using. Stay tuned till the end and find a bonus section for students on how to make a good video project! Let’s dive in!

A. Video project ideas for elementary students B. Video project ideas for high school students C. Video project ideas for higher education students D. How to make a good video project

Bring your video project ideas to life in minutes

With 3000+ ready-to-use project video templates

Bring your video project ideas to life in minutes

A. Video project ideas for elementary students

Video projects for elementary students are mostly a way for the teachers to ensure comprehension and interest in the classroom. These can also be a good tool to make students think about different topics. Let’s check out some video project ideas for this age group:

1. Summarise a lesson

Get your students to summarise history or literature lessons on video. Have students research major figures and events in history and make videos around these concepts. This gives students the chance to learn digital storytelling as well as thoroughly research important historical figures! For example, check out this video sharing the history of television!

Use This Template

2. Share a talent video

Have students share a video performing a talent! They can share singing, dancing, painting, art, baking, playing an instrument or various such videos. This can be a fun activity where students learn more about their peers. For example, check out this music artist launch promotion video that can be used by students to promote their own music videos .

3. Create a book report video

Instead of traditional book reports, get students to create book reports or trailers for various literature projects. These can be a good way to get students curious about concepts you will be teaching them too! Check out this video book report.

4. Celebrate a holiday

Get students to create videos on their traditional or religious holidays. This is a great way to cultivate curiosity, awareness and tolerance for different ethnicities and cultures. Check out this Christmas facts video as an example.

Use This template

5. Create science experiment videos

Encourage students to create their own slides to explain science experiments and their findings. This way, students start thinking of STEM disciplines in a more analytical, hands on manner. Check out the lesson plan presentation below that can be used to document the objectives and findings of such an experiment.

B. Video project ideas for high school students

Video projects for high school students can be a little more advanced as they are in the process of growing their skills and learning more about different subjects.

1. Create a video portfolio

High school is when students start thinking about college applications. This is a great time to start making a portfolio. Teachers can give students the chance to create a portfolio video and share their unique skills and interests. For example, students interested in engineering and STEM can share their coding or science related know-how. Check out this copywriter portfolio as an example.

2. Create a news show

Students need to know current events, both for their school community and for the world around them. Having a school news show is a way to communicate with the school community of students, teachers, staff, and parents. This can be a group effort that helps students learn the value of teamwork and allocation. Check out this newsreel video you can customise to create your own weekly news show.

Use This Template 

3. Make a video tour of an important location

If students visit a place -- on a field trip, on vacation or any time -- they can share their learning experience with others by recording video of it and narrating as they go. (If they're at a museum or other such places, asking permission first is probably a good idea!) If they can't visit it, creating a video slideshow with InVideo is also an option. Get your students to share video projects on important locations as an assignment. These projects can be themed around festivals , cultural concepts and activities too. For example, check out their Halloween cross country tour slideshow.

4. Share practice records

Learning a language, cooking , music or sports require constant practise. To gauge the progress of each student, you can ask them to record themselves learning to play an instrument or speaking a new language. Students can make video projects of themselves learning or mastering a particular song, key phrases and more. For example, check out this violinist’s progress video.

5. Create an ad or a promotional video for school events 

Get students to make an advertisement or a pitch for a school event. This could include a political ad for class president election, a video resume , or an ad for the latest games or tournaments in the school. Students will need to think about the audience they are trying to reach and the length of the advertisement. For example, check out this match poster video.

6. Promote a good cause

Get students to create a video project promoting a cause they believe in. This helps them build their opinions and develop persuasive skills. Students can share this video with everyone, not just the classroom! For example, here’s a video you can customise to debunk myths around a way of life (going vegan in this case).

C. Video project ideas for higher education students

Post high school, it may seem that video projects aren’t that important. But this is the time when students are most focused on improving skills related to their career. Video projects can thus help students showcase their understanding and interest areas, especially to future employers. So let’s check out some video project ideas for these students.

1. Interview interesting people

The people around us and around the world are living history. Their experiences, information, and advice is a treasure trove waiting to be mined. Get your students to interview individuals from their interest areas or in interesting professions. They could be in-person interviews where both parties sit next to each other or they could be virtual interviews, where someone far away records responses to questions. These interviews can act as learning aids, as well as help students connect with people in their future careers. Check out this video interview on how to approach people for their life stories.

Make your own video highlighting interesting interviews by sharing quotes , testimonials, and more. Check out this testimonial video as an example you can use and customise.

2. Teach a concept via videos

Truly understanding something is the ability to teach it to others. Students can make a video where they are recording themselves completing a task on their computer screen or they can make a demonstration video like a coding class. Teachers and professors could then use these videos to help reinforce skills in your class or even flip some of your lessons. For example, check out this video tutorial on note taking apps.

3. Create a self-assessment video

Being able to assess oneself is an extremely important skill that students need to improve themselves. Self assessment empowers students to become better learners. It also allows them to take an active role in their assessment and push for a grade they feel is unfair - a direct correlation to performance reviews at the workplace! Personalise this testimonial video to create your own self assessment video.

4. Create a video presentation for a written assignment

Written assignments are a staple when it comes to college. But only professors and classmates can view these. Instead, creating a short, promotional video on a written assignment is a great way for students to share their work with more people and learn editing skills at the same time. Check out this digital marketing trends video you can use to create your own video presentations .

5. Create a video resume

For most students, the job hunt begins in college itself. A video resume helps highlight key skills as well as share the student’s personality and attitude with employers. Especially when applying to remote or distant positions, a video resume along with a normal resume provides brownie points. Check out this video resume you can use as a blueprint to create your own.

Leverage the power of video to land your dream job!

Create a PRO video resume in minutes with InVideo

Leverage the power of video to land your dream job!

6. Create a University promotion video

Universities and colleges need as much promotion as they can get. And who better than students to share their experiences and highlights. Get students to create unique videos with their best anecdotes or areas in the university. This is also a good way to get them to research interesting aspects of college life. Check out the University promotional video and make it your own.

D. BONUS: How To Make A Good Video Project

Your school video project can earn you good grades. It is also an opportunity to showcase your creativity. But how to create the perfect video without any error? Video creation may not be your forte, but you still wish to excel in school video projects, right? No worries!

If you have a school video assignment in hand but don’t know where to begin, read below to learn how to create a video project super easy and quick, without any error and fuss. Now, let’s divide your video project into 5 easy steps.

Step 1: Video topic or idea

If you are working on a school assignment, you probably have a video topic given by your teacher or professor. If you are looking for video topic ideas though, find them here .

Step 2: Plan your video assignment

Planning is super important for your videos. This is when you decide how you want to create your video. Consider whether you want to live record your video or create it online using an app or a tool. An online tool like InVideo offers you pre-created templates that might meet your requirements. This is also a super quick and easy way to make your video from scratch. The first thing you need to do is go to InVideo and login or sign up if you wish to use this tool. Next click on the “Pre Made Templates” Option and select the video dimension you want. Finally, type phrases related to your video in the search bar.

InVideo Video Editing Software

You will now see templates related to your search as you scroll below. Simply select the template you want to use and click on the “Use This Template” button to start editing!

Vidoe Editing Templates

If your video idea is to record an event , but you don’t have a DSLR, camcorder or GoPro, use your own smartphone camera for the school project.

Step 3: Prepare a video script

Now that you know how you will record your video, the next step is creating a script for your video. Here’s a step-by-step guide on script writing you can refer to. 

3 questions to ask yourself before you create your script:

- What is the objective of your video? - How long does your video need to be? - Who is the audience that will watch your video?

Step 4: Shoot your video + audio

Once your script is finalized, it’s time to shoot your video. You also need to make sure that you are recording audio to go with your video. Check out this list of equipment and how you can use it to record video and audio. 

Step 5: Edit your video

As mentioned earlier, one of the most effortless ways you can edit your video is using the free, online InVideo editor . This is simple, easy to use, and does not need you to make any downloads. Here’s how you can edit your video on InVideo.

Step 1: Log in to InVideo . Now click on the “Blank Canvas” option and select the dimension of your video. Next, click the “Make A Video” button.

how to edit a video in invideo - step 1

Step 2: Now click on the “Upload Media” button at the left-hand corner of your screen and upload the video you shot.

how to edit a video in invideo - step 2

Step 3: Double click your uploaded video to add it to the timeline. You will now see a pop-up that asks if you wish to trim your video. You can Trim your video or use the full version. Simply click on the “Done” button once you are finished with your trim.

how to edit a video in invideo - step 3

Step 4: You can now use the controls on the right side of the screen to edit your video further.

how to edit a video in invideo - step 4

Step 5: You can apply filters, create transitions between shots for a seamless flow, add subtitles, or insert a logo to give a personal touch to your school video. Just head to the left side of your screen and select the controls you wish to use.

how to edit a video in invideo - step 5

Step 6: Once you are done with your edits, it’s time to download your video. For this click on the “Download & Share” button on the top right. Now click the “Export” video button.

how to edit a video in invideo - step 6

Step 7: Your video will now start to render. You can download it once it’s complete. You can also directly share the video link or share it on social media using the button provided.

how to edit a video in invideo - step 7

Wrapping up

So these were some video project ideas for students and how you can create your own videos on InVideo. If you’ve found value in this article, and are looking for more video ideas, you also want to check out this guide where we’ve put together 200+ video ideas for businesses and brands that you can take further inspiration from. 

For more quick tips and hacks on editing and creating videos, subscribe to our YouTube Channel . 

This post was written by Upasna and edited by Abhilash from Team InVideo

Let’s create superb videos

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51 Creative Student Video Project Ideas With Templates

Creative Student Video Project Ideas

It is always difficult to keep students engaged during classes, especially virtual classes. One way to do this is through video projects. Video projects not only make watching fun, but they also complement learning. While making videos with other students is a fun activity, coming up with ideas for video projects isn't always easy.

So here me bring you some of our favorite creative video project ideas for students. I also share free ready-made video templates that you can plug in and start using. Stay tuned until the end and find an additional section for students on how to make a good video project! Let's dive in!

Disclaimer: This article contains affiliate links where I may receive a small commission at no cost to you if you decide to purchase a paid plan. All of these tools are ones I fully recommend.

A. Video project ideas for elementary school students

Video projects for elementary students are primarily a way for teachers to ensure understanding and interest in the classroom. This can also be a good tool for students to think about different topics. Let's look at some ideas for video projects for this age group:

1. Lesson summary

Have your students summarize history or literature lessons on video. Have students research the main characters and events in the story and create videos around these concepts. This gives students the opportunity to learn how to tell digital stories, as well as thoroughly investigate important historical figures! For example, watch this video that shares the history of television!

2. Share a talented video

Have the students share a video with a talent performance! They can share singing, dancing, drawing, art, baking, playing an instrument, or many similar videos. This can be a fun activity as students learn more about their peers. For example, check out this promotional video for the launch of a music artist that students can use to promote their music videos .

3. Create a video book report.

Instead of traditional book reports, have students create book or progress reports for different literature projects. This can be a great way to spark students' curiosity about concepts that you will also teach them about! Take a look at this video book report.

4. Celebrate a holiday

Have the students create videos about their traditional or religious holidays. This is a great way to develop curiosity, awareness and tolerance towards different races and cultures. Watch the Christmas Facts video as an example.

5. Create videos for science experiments

Encourage students to create their own slides to explain science experiments and their results. In this way, students begin to think about STEM disciplines in a more analytical and practical way. Please refer to the lesson plan presentation below which can be used to document the objectives and results of such an experiment.

B. Video project ideas for high school students

Video projects for high school students can be a little more advanced as they are in the process of developing their skills and learning more about different topics.

1. Create a video file

High school is when students start thinking about college applications. This is the time to start b uilding a portfolio . Teachers can provide students with the opportunity to create a portfolio video and share their unique skills and interests. For example, students interested in engineering, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics can share knowledge related to science or coding. Take a look at this group of text authors as an example.

2. Create a news program

Students need to know about current events, both for their school community and for the world around them. Having a school news program is a way to connect with the school's community of students, teachers, staff and parents. This can be a team effort that helps students learn the value of teamwork and assignment. Watch this newscast video that you can customize to create your own weekly news program.

3. Take a video tour of an important site

Whether students are visiting a site, on a field trip, on vacation, or anytime, they can share their learning experience with others by recording a video and telling stories as they go. (If they're in a museum or other similar venues, it's probably a good idea to ask permission first!) If they can't visit, creating a video slideshow with InVideo is also an option. Ask your students to share video projects in important locations as homework. These projects can also be associated with festivals, concepts and cultural activities. For example, take a look at the slideshow of our Halloween tour around the country.

4. Share practice records

Learning a language, cooking, music or sport requires constant practice. To measure each student's progress, you can ask them to record themselves as they learn to play an instrument or speak a new language. Students can create video projects for themselves learning or mastering a specific song, key phrases, and more. For example, watch this violinist's progress video.

5. Create an advertisement or promotional video for school events.

Have students produce an advertisement or presentation for a school event. This might include a political announcement about the election of a class president, a video resume, or an announcement about the school's latest games or tournaments. Students should think about the audience they are trying to reach and the length of the advertisement. For example, check out this video of the match poster.

6. Promote a good cause

Have the students create a video project that promotes a cause they believe in. This helps them build their opinions and develop persuasion skills. Students can share this video with everyone, not just the class! For example, here's a video you can dedicate to debunking myths about lifestyle (becoming a vegetarian in this case).

C. Video project ideas for higher education students

After high school, it may seem that video projects are not that important. But this is the time when students focus more on improving job-related skills. Video projects can help students demonstrate their areas of understanding and interests, especially to future employers. So let's look at some video project ideas for these students.

1. Meet interesting people

The people around us and around the world are living history. Their expertise, information and advice is a treasure waiting to be digged. Ask your students to interview people in their areas of interest or interesting jobs. It can be in-person interviews where both parties sit next to each other or it can be virtual interviews, where a remote person records the answers to the questions. These interviews can serve as teaching aids that help students connect with people in their future jobs. Watch this video interview on how to connect with people to tell their life stories.

Create your own video highlighting interesting interviews by sharing quotes, testimonials, and more. Watch this video testimonial as an example that you can use and customize.

2. Teach a concept through videos

True understanding of something is the ability to teach it to others. Students can make a video of themselves completing a task on their computer screen, or they can make a demonstration video as a coding class. Teachers and professors can use these videos to help reinforce skills in their classes or even change some of their lessons. For example, check out this video tutorial on note-taking apps.

3. Create a self-assessment video

Being able to evaluate yourself is a critical skill that students need to improve. Self-assessment enables students to become better learners. It also allows them to take an active part in your evaluation and pay for a rating they consider unfair - a direct link to workplace performance evaluations! Customize this video testimonial to create your own self-assessment video.

4. Create a video presentation of a written assignment.

Written assignments are an essential component when it comes to college. But only teachers and classmates can see them. Alternatively, creating a short promotional video about a written assignment is a great way for students to share their work with more people and learn editing skills at the same time. Watch this digital marketing trends video that you can use to create your own video presentations.

5. Create a video CV

For most students, the job search begins at the university itself. A video CV helps highlight key skills and shares the student's personality and attitude with employers. Especially when applied to remote or remote placements, a video summary along with a regular resume provides highlights. Showcase your resume with a video that you can use as a template to create your own.

6. Create a promotional video for the college

Universities and colleges need as much promotion as possible. It is the best of students to share their experiences and highlights. Encourage students to create unique videos featuring the best college stories or areas. This is also a good way to get them to research interesting aspects of college life. Watch the promotional video for the university and make it your own.


A school video project can give you good grades. It is also an opportunity to show your creativity. But how to make the perfect video without any mistakes? Video creation might not be your forte, but you still want to excel in school video projects, right? without worry!

If you have a school video assignment at hand, but don't know where to start, read below to learn how to create a video project very easily and quickly, without errors or complications. Now, let's break down your video project into 5 easy steps.

video editing assignments for high school students

1. Theme or idea of ​​the video

If you are working on a school assignment, you will likely have a video topic submitted by your teacher or professor. However, if you are looking for ideas on video themes, find them here.

2. Plan your video task

Planning is very important for your videos. That's when you decide how you want to create your video. Consider whether you want to record or create your own live video online with an app or tool.

An online tool like InVideo provides you with pre-made templates that can meet your requirements. This is also a super fast and easy way to create your own video from scratch. The first thing you have to do is go to InVideo and sign in or register if you want to use this tool. Then click on the "Pre-made Templates" option and select the desired video dimension. Finally, type the phrases related to your video in the search bar.

Plan your video task

You will now see templates related to your search as you scroll below. Simply select the form you want to use and click the "Use this form" button to start editing.

Plan your video task

If your idea of ​​video is to record an event, but you don't have a DSLR, camcorder, or GoPro, use your smartphone's camera for a school project.

3. Prepare a video script

Now that you know how you are going to record your video, the next step is to create your video script. Here is a step-by-step guide on screenwriting that you can refer to.

3 questions you must ask yourself before creating a script:

  • What is the point of your video?
  • How long should your video be?
  • Who is the audience that will see your video?

4. Record your own video + audio

Once you've finished the text, it's time to shoot your video. You also need to make sure that you are recording audio to accompany your video. Check out this list of equipment and how you can use it to record video and audio.

5. Edit your video

As mentioned earlier, one of the easiest ways to edit your video is to use our free online live video editor. This is simple and easy to use and you don't need to download any of them. Here's how to edit a video in InVideo.

Step 1: Sign in to InVideo. Now click on the "Blank Canvas" option and select the dimension of your video. Then click the Create Video button.

how to edit a video in invideo

Step 2: Now click on the Upload Media button on the left corner of your screen and upload the video you recorded.

how to edit a video in invideo

Step 3: Double-click the uploaded video to add it to the timeline. You will now see a popup asking if you want to trim your video. You can cut your video or use the full version. Simply click the Done button once you are done cutting.

how to edit a video in invideo

Step 4: You can now use the controls on the right side of the screen to edit your video.

how to edit a video in invideo

Step 5: Apply filters, create transitions between shots for the perfect flow, add captions, or insert a logo to give your school video a personal touch. Simply go to the left side of your screen and select the controls you want to use.

how to edit a video in invideo

Step 6: Once you're done with your edits, it's time to download your video. To do this, click on the Download and Share button at the top right. Now click on the "Export" video button.

how to edit a video in invideo

Step 7: Your video will now start playing. You can download it once it is complete. You can also directly share the video link or share it on social media using the button provided.

how to edit a video in invideo

These were some ideas for video projects for students and how they can create their own videos in InVideo. If you found value in this article and are looking for more video ideas, you'll also want to check out this guide as we've collected over 200 video ideas for companies and brands that you can take inspiration from.

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15 video project ideas for students (that teachers will love too)

15 video ideas for school that kids will love, 1. record an interview with a famous historical figure, 2. make a stop-motion animated scene, 3. cover the latest news and current events, 4. make a video portfolio, 5. make a how-to video, 6. film a behind-the-scenes video, 7. create a day-in-the-life of your class video, 8. make a cool montage video, 9. recreate a moment in history, 10. film a science experiment, 11. create a video book report, 12. film a video tour, 13. create a video time capsule, 14. make an instructional video of your favorite hobbies, 15. edit each other's videos, summary: school's out – let's make some videos.

  • Grades 6-12
  • School Leaders

Free printable Mother's Day questionnaire 💐!

25 Creative Video Project Ideas Your Students Will Love

Tell a story, make a newscast, create a vlog, and more!

video project ideas for kids

It’s never been easier for students to create fun and engaging videos to show off their knowledge! We’ve rounded up 25 video project ideas for your students to try. You’re going to love the results!

General Video Projects

Language arts video projects, stem and social studies video projects, school community video projects.

Use these video project ideas for any subject or grade. They’re easy to personalize and a lot more fun than writing a paper every time.

Student Portfolio

Student portfolios offer a chance to document learning and growth throughout the school year. Use the easy template to help kids create and customize their own video portfolios in a snap.

Student Vlog

Keeping a journal offers students a way to record and reflect on their thoughts and experiences. An online version is called a blog, while a video version is known as a vlog. Encourage students to record new videos on a regular basis as they document their experiences throughout the school year.

Here’s another fun video option that works for so many subjects. Students can create a broadcast for a historical event, to document the events in a book, or to report on a scientific discovery. Or have kids make up their own news stories for a creative twist.

Learning Reflections

True understanding means taking time to reflect on what they’re learning. Instead of just reciting dates, ask kids to reflect on how historical events make them feel, or relate history to current events going on around them now. Don’t just read a book—go deeper to make emotional connections. Videos allow students to talk through their reflections, something that’s easier for many kids than writing.

Scavenger Hunt

This is such a fun way to learn to use video-editing programs! Students complete the actions on a checklist, like showcasing their bedroom, introducing their pet, or fixing their favorite snack. Then, they use video editing to add a little flash before sharing it with the class. Find the checklist here.

Research Project

Instead of writing a paper, ask students to make a video of their research project. This way, they can share not only what they learned but how they learned it. Easily incorporate media, interviews, music, and more, and then share their projects in an online portfolio for everyone to see.

Give new life to book reports, write and film stories, create a commercial, and more with these language arts video project ideas!

Book Report

Forget ordinary reports— this template will help kids make engaging videos that show off their knowledge instead!

Creative Commercial

Crafting their own commercial is a really terrific way for students to practice persuasive writing. They can choose an existing product or start by inventing a brand-new “must-have” item for their project.

Book Review

This is another clever spin on ordinary book reports, presented in the form of a book review. Have each student choose a book to read and review. Remember, it’s OK if they don’t wind up liking the book! The important thing is to read, summarize, and then share their thoughts in a video.

Vocab Station

Make short videos to help others learn new vocab terms, in English or in foreign languages. It’s much easier to remember that  la naranja means “orange” when you see someone peeling a piece of fruit as they speak it for you. And it can be a lot of fun coming up with creative ways to demonstrate tricky words like “ephemeral” or “procrastinate.”

Read-alouds are fun for little kids to watch, but they’re even more fun for older students to create! Have students choose a beloved picture book, then use this template to create a read-aloud video. ( Check out some of our favorites for inspiration. )

How-To Video

Giving clear and concise instructions is a key life skill, but it takes some practice. Ask students to make instructional videos on any topic they like, being sure to include enough detail that someone watching would be able to copy their method and receive similar results. It’s harder than they think!

Green Screen Story

Green screen effects allow students to put themselves into any background they like. Once they’ve mastered the green screen, challenge them to use it to film a story or play they’ve written. It’s creative writing brought to life!

Evoking Emotion

Sounds, photos, and music are all capable of evoking emotion, though not everyone reacts the same in all cases. Assign students an emotion, then ask them to use various forms of media to try to evoke that emotion in the viewer. Encourage them to focus on image and sound rather than words.

Show off their love of science, technology, engineering, and math with these clever video ideas for all ages!

Scientific Method

Understanding and putting the scientific method into practice is a key part of hands-on science activities. Have kids record a video to sum up their project, demonstrating each step of the method along the way.

Real-Life Math

Kids love to ask, “But when are we gonna use this in real life?” In this video exploration, they’ll find out. Students come up with a real-world math situation, then show it in practice. You can use this concept with all sorts of math topics. Think money and decimals, figuring area, calculating taxes, and so much more.

Stop-Motion Science

Use stop-motion videos to explain scientific processes, with simple animations recorded one frame at a time. This technique can add a cool touch to science project videos.

Show Your Work

Encourage your students to make their thinking visible by screencasting as they work their way through a math or science problem. Watching other kids work through a process can help all students better understand the topic.

Virtual Field Trip

Travel the world without leaving home by creating a virtual field trip video using Google Earth. Insert photos, street views, music, and more to make a geography lesson into a real adventure.

A Day in the Life

Turn a history report into a personalized experience by asking kids to film “A Day in the Life” of their subject. It could be an Egyptian pharaoh, Napoleon Bonaparte, or Aztecs living in Mexico before the Europeans arrived. This is one of those video project ideas that works for any place and time.

Use these ideas to get the word out about exciting happenings, on campus and off!

Morning Announcements

Morning announcements have come a long way since the days of scratchy PA snippets full of feedback. It’s easy to put together beautiful and engaging video announcements using this template instead.

Getting To Know You

Introduce a new teacher, celebrate a student of the month, or learn more about school support staff by making a Q&A video. This template provides examples of questions to ask, making the interview process easy and fun.

Event Promo

Build excitement for the upcoming talent show, fundraiser, or pep rally with an event promo. These are perfect for sharing on social media for the whole community to see! Get the template here.

Public Service Announcement

Tackle important topics like recycling, safety, health, and more by making PSAs. Students are more likely to listen to their peers than to yet another adult “telling them what to do.” Create a list of possible topics, or ask them to brainstorm issues that are important school-wide.

Morning Meeting

Lots of schools have replaced homeroom with morning meetings. Asking kids to lead these meetings can provide valuable learning opportunities, but it’s really hard for some students to speak up in front of others. Let them lead a morning meeting via video instead, using this simple template .

25 Creative Video Project Ideas Your Students Will Love

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Top 15 Creative Video Project Ideas for Students of All Ages

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Marion Dubois

Oct 26, 2023• Proven solutions

The importance of video for learning purposes cannot be very emphasized. They are easy to use and enjoy versatility, making them valuable to instructors, students, and academic institutions alike. Students tend to relate better to videos as they appeal more to their senses while making learning fun, enjoyable, and easy to follow and retain.

There's no limit to learning. All you need is a device that can play the video. Engaging with course materials in video formats comes a little easier for students than with materials in print. You can learn a concept over and over with a video, encouraging even slow learners to get the best out of a teaching session.

Videos can teach sciences, math, engineering, practical, experiments, etc. Using the videos to learn by students and instructors of all levels encourages acquiring 21st-century skills, including digital literacy and communication.

Video projects ideas for students should be creative and compelling enough to attract the viewer's attention while conveying information in the best possible way. Here are different creative video project ideas for students across different levels of learning.

Part 1: Creative Video Project Ideas for Elementary Students

Part 2: creative video project ideas for high school students, part 3: creative video project ideas for higher education students, part 4: tools you can use to make an excellent video project.

Teachers in elementary schools use video projects to build interest and facilitate comprehension among the students. Here are some video project ideas for students in elementary schools:

1. Celebrate holidays

Students can make videos of their religious or traditional holidays. As a result, they become more creative and aware of the differences in culture and ethnicities of people around them. This other breeds tolerance for people of different races.

2. Make a video for book reports

Instructors can ask students to make traditional book reports in video formats. It can increase their curiosity and awareness about the concepts you're putting forward in class.

3. Summarize modules

Students can summarize weekly or monthly modules on a particular subject using videos. You can also give them specific topics or people to talk about in their videos. That invariably improves their research and digital storytelling skills.

4. Develop videos on science experiments

Encourage your students to explain and submit the results of their science projects using videos. That way, they can always refer to it even if they no longer have the print version of the report.

5. Make a fun video

Ask them to make videos of themselves displaying their talents, participating in their favorite activities, or enjoying their hobbies such as dancing playing tennis, cycling, singing, etc. In addition, he's going to help them learn more about their classmates and peers.

Video project ideas for students in high schools should be more advanced while still being creative and educating. It should help groom their skills and expose them to a wide range of subject matters. Below are some examples of video project ideas for students in high schools:

1. Create videos of essential locations and gatherings

Students can exchange knowledge with their peers and other learners worldwide by making and sharing videos of important places they visit, could be zoos, exhibitions, national libraries, museums, etc. They can make the video while still at the location, attend important events like festivals, cultural activities, traditional gatherings, etc. and make videos about their experiences.

2. Promote a worthy cause

Students have different passions, and you can get your students to enliven and talk about theirs by creating videos that show and promote them. Sharing these videos can help them become more persuasive and opinionated while also being open to guidance and direction.

3. Share practice records

Improving upon a new skill requires time, patience, and consistent practice. You can get your students to settle for a skill they want to acquire and measure their commitment by asking them to make videos of themselves while practicing. Knowing that their peers would see the videos makes them even more action-oriented and keeps them on course.

4. Design a news show

They are always new trends and happenings around us, which you can convey using news channels. Students can make news shows of current happenings around their school and community, specifically advantageous to the students (as it helps them better cooperate if they work in groups), their parents, teachers, and community.

5. Create a personal video portfolio

A high school is where students begin to think about what they want to be in the future. You can get your students to share their passions and interests in specific subject areas using videos. These videos can highlight critical interests, skills, and the knowledge they already possess about their chosen future professions.

Students in higher institutions of learning can also make use of video projects. With video projects, students can showcase an understanding of critical concepts and interest areas to their fellow students, teachers, employers, business partners, etc. Here are some exciting video project ideas for students in higher schools:

1. Do a self-assessment video

With self-assessments, students know their strong and weak points and can work to improve themselves better. In addition, self-assessment allows students to take responsibility for their grades and work to get better. For example, if they feel they've got a grade unjustly, students can use these kinds of videos to push for a better assessment respectfully.

2. Make a college promotion video

Students of universities and colleges are usually in the best position to make promotional videos for the institutions. Instructors can get students to make such videos, highlighting vital research and subject areas in the institution, to encourage future students to come study. By so doing, they can do research and share exciting aspects of their school life.

3. Carry out interview sessions with interesting people

Different people have different experiences, and speaking with them is just one of the many ways of tapping and learning from their experiences. Teachers of higher schools can get their students to carry out interview sessions with exciting personalities in their fields of interest or across different areas. These interviews could be one-on-one or virtual. Such videos could serve as learning aids to other students, staff, and people who might never get to meet the resource persons throughout their lifetime.

4. Use videos to teach a topic

One of the great methods to test a student's understanding of a particular concept is to get the students to teach another student! For example, tutors can ask students to make videos of themselves introducing a specific concept. By so doing, the teacher reinforces the knowledge and skills of the "student-teacher" while being assured that the student grasped the concept correctly.

5. Convert a written assignment into videos

Written assignments can be done through the use of videos. Teachers can ask their students to make short videos of their projects and help them share their learning experiences with other learners, unlike written assignments that can only be with limited persons. Besides, they will also learn to use different video editing features while at it.

To make an excellent video project, you need the help of video editing tools. Here are some powerful video editors that you can use.

1. Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora is the best simple and elegant video editing software designed for amateur users who have no idea of video editing. This software is intuitive, and one can quickly get familiar with it within 15 minutes of usage. 

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Filmora gives you many useful features at your disposal, such as adding overlays, animation and GIF images, music, and text to the video. We highly recommend Wondershare Filmora as it is a straightforward video editor full of advanced functions like motion tracking, keyframing, green screen, audio editing, PIP, and color correction.

You can make a fantastic video with over 300 effects, including educational effect packs that suit different video project ideas for students.

2. Adobe Premiere Pro

Adobe Premiere Pro is another video editing software that can stand in place of Wondershare Filmora.

make video

With its familiar non-linear editing interface, unparalleled tool ecosystem, and powerful functions, you're good to go with editing your video. Recently, more features have been added like automatic reconstruction tools; enhanced HDR support; new text, graphics, and audio tools; performance improvements; and others. All these make Premiere pro very worthy of the Editor's Choice Award for professional-grade video editing software.

iMovie can readily satisfy just about any need for demonstrating learning. Both teachers and students can use iMovie for developing a digital portfolio, including everything from book trailers to interviews to collaborative conversations to presentations, name it. Teachers can also record demonstrations and lessons for a flipped classroom or students who need additional assistance comprehending what's taught.


It takes a short time, effort, and resources to learn how to use technology. Despite the little research, a reliable platform can help the teachers amalgamate creative technological methods to engage students for progressive academic growth. So, the above-mentioned video project ideas for students are great to get started right away.

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Ten Engaging Video Assignments to Get Your Students Talking

Ten Engaging Video Assignments to Get Your Students Talking

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In the classroom, video means instant engagement, and making video is an increasingly important skill for youngsters to develop. We’ve put together ten exciting assignment ideas that will help elementary and middle school teachers get their students making great video! Parents, feel free to steal these ideas for rainy weekends, too.

Make Video Really Easy For All Students

Not all students will be able to access their own camera equipment. This could be due to their families’ budgets, their age, parental permissions, or some may be a little too shy to be on camera.

Remove obstacles by creating groups to work on each project, and consider setting up a couple different “studios” in the classroom. Then, come up with fun and quiet assignments that groups not actively filming can tackle, like script writing or prop-making, while others get their turn in front of the camera.

An in-class studio could be as simple as a backdrop with a tripod, or more complex depending on your school’s resources and the space you have to work with. If you are able to setup a couple different studios, more than one group could be creating videos at the same time, and, no one will be left out if they can’t get the right equipment.

Basic video equipment is really inexpensive in this day and age, especially for this type of kid-friendly production. A low-cost video camcorder from Amazon would likely suffice, and simple tripods are usually under $50. If you aren’t in a position to purchase equipment, you can always use a smartphone or tablet with a mini-tripod or similar stand, or a laptop with a built-in camera.

Editing the final video together might not be required for all of these project ideas, but it makes sense to check on the availability of video editing programs on school computers to see if it might be possible. iMovie or Windows Movie Maker are both free and easy to use. That way, any particularly inspired students can take their project to the next level if they’d like.

Video Assignments for Elementary School Students

1. task: make a short video reviewing your favorite book..

Objective: Students should record themselves giving a synopsis of the book and sharing what they enjoy about it. Using age-appropriate props, younger children can shoot a scene from the book; older children can direct a scene featuring their friends.

In addition to putting thoughts together coherently, and learning how to write for film (for older students), this task will enable children to be comfortable in front of and behind the camera, and encourage collaborative group work.

2. Task: Make a commercial.

Objective: Take an everyday object – an apple, pen, table, lunchbox – and ask students to make a commercial trying to sell it. They should put together a script, create a jingle, and design a brand logo as well as filming the advert.

Depending on the age of your students, they could work together. Ask each member of the group to take responsibility for a different element of the video. This is an effective task at showing students the power of persuasive writing, and how to work effectively in a team, as well as the objective behind advertising.

3. Task: Create a video tour of the school for new students.

Objective: Pupils can share their school experience with new students by recording and narrating it. They should interview teachers and other students, as well as showing their classmates using the school’s facilities (outdoor play area, pool, computer room). In addition to learning filming and editing skills, this task enables students to hone interviewing and communication skills.

4. Task: Exchange video messages with other schools.

Objective: Students from a partnering elementary school exchange short videos with your class that explain what life is like at their school, or another agreed-upon topic. The idea would be to generate interest in another culture, or to introduce students from a far-flung part of the USA. Not only would this type of exchange expand their horizons, but it would help develop their story-telling abilities, too.

5. Task: Explain how to make your favorite food.

Objective: Have students make a short video about their favorite food, or a special family recipe. Use creativity for those who aren’t able to do any filming at home. For instance, have them bring in some of their favorite food to share, or use animated pictures instead of actual footage.

As an alternative, assign students to different meal groups, like breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Then, have them work on the assignment in teams. This assignment will help students get to know and appreciate other food cultures, while also having a really fun time.

Video Assignments for Middle School Students

6. task: create vocabulary vines..

Objective: Show a word on paper (perhaps a student could be filmed writing it), then record a visual representation of the term. Each short video should be shared with the whole class so students can easily access them. This is also a great exercise for foreign language classes.

Although Vine may no longer exist as a platform, short videos are still a great way to promote learning.

7. Task: Make a two-minute video assignment about your hobby.

Objective: The student will learn to operate a video camera (or the video function on their smartphone or tablet), grab copyright free clips from the web, and edit footage.

Part of the challenge will be to adhere to the two-minute time limit. Older students can be taught how to use industry-standard editing software. Whatever level they are at, students will respond positively to being given free rein to get creative and produce original content about a topic that interests them.

8. Task: Create a video dialogue with a famous historical character.

Objective: Using the split screen effect, the student should record themselves in conversation with someone the class has been studying in history. They will enjoy dressing up and getting into character for this task!

This video assignment challenges the student to demonstrate a deep understanding of the psyche and motivations of an historical personage. Note: this assignment also works well as a conversation between the student and a character from the book the class are studying.

9. Task: Film your science lab project.

Objective: Film a project from start to end, hypothesis to conclusion. Students should show footage of the experiment being set up, carried out, and concluded. They should add a voiceover explaining what’s happening and why in each shot.

This assignment is two-fold. In addition to demonstrating their understanding of the relevant scientific principles, students will hone their filming and editing skills.

10. Task: Give your own TED Talk.

Objective: Show students an age-appropriate TED Talk that’s relevant to a topic they’re studying in your class. They should use it as a basis to put together their own presentation on that subject area. Encourage them to use visual aids and to adapt an engaging mode of presenting, just like the TED speakers. A cameo from friends, family members, or even pets makes for a great video!

For demonstrating to students that a ‘talk’ is more than just talking, we recommend showing them the following TED videos: The Shared Experience of Absurdity, The New Bionics that Let Us Run, Climb and Dance, and Einstein the Parrot.

Secure Sharing

For sharing the video, it’s important to be sensitive to the privacy of the children participating. Consider sharing the video with a password or with login protection to make sure only the participants, or their parents, can view it.

Make sure you can track viewers at a very granular level. For instance, video engagement metrics enable you to check that only approved viewers are accessing your content.

If you need a website for sharing your students’ videos, we even have that covered. Each SproutVideo account comes with a customizable video website that you can configure to your specifications.

With SproutVideo, you’ll get the best live and on-demand video hosting platform for business. Start your free 30-day trial today and get unlimited access to all our features.

Start Your Free Trial

video editing assignments for high school students

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15 Best Creative Video Project Ideas for Students of All Grades

Videos have been utilized effectively in classrooms to produce and distribute knowledge and information. They are simple to use and versatile, making learning engaging and interesting. Letting students create their own video projects is becoming a far more prevalent teaching strategy among teachers. Coming up with video project ideas isn’t always easy for students, though. This article published by MiniTool MovieMaker will share 15 creative video project ideas for students of all grade levels, covering elementary school students, high school students, and college students. Let's find out!

Part 1: Video Project Ideas for Elementary School Students

For primary pupils, teachers often use video projects to hold students’ attention and promote understanding. Consider the following funny video project ideas for kids this age:

#1. Make a Video Tour

Allow students to film a video tour of an important place or their preferred part of the school. It’s a great idea to supplement students’ social studies programs as well as an excellent method of sharing the campus with new students and visitors.

#2. Celebrate the Holidays

Whatever the season, there is always something to celebrate. Elementary students can create videos depicting their traditional holidays, such as Valentine’s Day, Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc. This helps to increase their creativity and cultural awareness.

Creating Your Thanksgiving Video: Express Your Thanks by Video

To create your Thanksgiving video with your own pictures and video to express your love, you can try using MiniTool Movie Maker.

#3. Create a Video for Book Reports

Unlike the traditional book report, making a book report video provides students with a more innovative choice to share their reading experience. This goes a long way toward deepening students’ understanding and curiosity about the concepts they’ve learned in class.

#4. Create a Fun Video

Enable students to create videos to showcase their talents, take part in their favorite activities, or enjoy their hobbies such as, singing, dancing, playing tennis, swimming, cycling, etc. Moreover, this method will assist students in learning more about their classmates and peers.

#5. Make a Video About the Science Experiment

Students are encouraged to use video to discuss and submit the outcomes of their science projects. This way, even if they no longer have a printed copy of the lab report, they can refer to it at any time.

You might be interested in: Great Science Videos for Kids – Top 10 YouTube Channels

Part 2: Video Project Ideas for High School Students

High school video project ideas should be a bit more enhanced while remaining creative and educational. These ideas can help develop students’ skills and expose them to a variety of subjects. Here are some examples of unique video project ideas for high school students:

#6. Exchange Practice Records

It takes time, patience, and continuous practice to improve a new skill. Allow your students to choose a skill they would like to master and assess their devotion by having them create their videos while practicing. Knowing that their peers will watch these videos motivates them to be more action-oriented and to keep up the good work.

#7. Make a Video Portfolio

In high school, students begin to think about their future careers. It’s a good opportunity for them to make a portfolio video project for sharing their passions and interests in a particular subject area. Such videos can emphasize important interests, skills, and the knowledge students already have regarding their desired future occupations.

How to Make a Video for School Projects? [Step-by-Step Guide]

Any tips for making an engaging video for a school project? What video editors can you use for a school project video? How to make a video for school projects?

#8. Design a News Show

No matter where we look, there are new trends and events. It is a fantastic idea for students to make a news show to report current events in their community or school. Designing a news show gets everyone interested and promotes teamwork.

#9. Produce Videos of Important Places and Gatherings

Students can connect with their fellow students and other learners across the world by creating and sharing videos of museums, galleries, zoos, libraries, and other important places they have visited. They can create the video while still at the venue, participate in large events, such as festivals, traditional gatherings, cultural activities, and so on, as well as produce videos about their experiences.

#10. Promote a Worthwhile Cause

Students have various interests, and you can encourage them to discuss their hobbies by making videos that showcase and promote them. Sharing this kind of video can help them become more convincing and assertive, as well as open to instruction and guidance.

9 Best Educational Video Makers and Editors You May Just Need

Just looking for an educational video maker to create engaging educational videos? This post will share the top 9 educational video makers with you.

Part 3: Video Project Ideas for College Students

College students can also take advantage of video projects. Through video projects, they can demonstrate their understanding of key concepts and interest fields to classmates, instructors, employers, business partners, and others. Below are some creative video project ideas for students in higher institutions:

#11. Develop a Self-assessment Video

Through self-assessment, students can learn about their strengths and weaknesses so that they can improve themselves better. At the same time, self-assessment enables students to take responsibility for their performance and strive for improvement. For instance, if students feel they’ve got a grade unfairly, they can utilize these types of videos to respectfully advocate for a better assessment.

#12. Generate a College Promotion Video

Students in college are often the best candidates to create promotional videos for their schools. Teachers can have students create these videos, emphasizing the school’s important research and subject areas, to entice prospective students to come study. In this way, they can conduct research and share wonderful aspects of their school life.

Ultimate Guide on How to Make a Perfect Promotional Video

Want to make promotional videos but have no clue where to start? This post will present you with an ultimate guide on how to make a winning promotional video.

#13. Make Use of Videos to Teach a Subject

A good way to test a student’s understanding of a specific concept is to have the student teach another student. For instance, instructors can ask students to create their own videos introducing a particular concept. In this way, the instructor reinforces the “student-teacher” knowledge and skills while ensuring that the student understood the concept correctly.

#14. Create a Video Resume

For the majority of college students, it’s time to look for a job before graduation. A video resume can assist them in highlighting the critical skills and experiences gained during their college years. In particular, the video resume is the optimal complement to a paper resume when applying for remote or distant positions.

#15. Conduct Interview Sessions with Fascinating People

Different people have different stories, and communicating with them is simply one of the many ways to learn and dig into their experiences. Higher education teachers can encourage students to conduct interview sessions with prominent individuals in their areas of interest or different fields. Such interviews can be virtual or one-on-one. These videos can act as learning aids for students and others who may never see these experts in their lives.

How to Make an Interview Video That People Really Need

What is an interview video? What are the benefits of interview videos? What are the types of interview videos? How to make an interview video?

Basic Tip: Video Editors You Can Try to Create an Awesome Video Project

With the above great ideas for video projects in mind, let’s take a look at which video editors can help you create compelling video projects quickly and easily.

#1. MiniTool MovieMaker

MiniTool MovieMaker is a simple, professional video editing application suited for educators and students with no prior video editing experience. This application is so intuitive that users can quickly become familiar with it in just a few minutes.

Additionally, it provides you with a plethora of handy functions, including applying cool movie templates; adding drag-and-drop transitions, filters, motions, texts , and stickers; quickly splitting/trimming/cropping video footage; flipping videos horizontally or vertically; rotating videos from 0° to 360°; adjusting the video speed; and others.

The best thing is that this video editor supports popular aspect ratios and allows you to share your video projects on different social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. Meanwhile, MiniTool MovieMaker excels in batch processing of photos and videos.

While exporting your video projects, it enables you to choose the video format, resolution, bitrate, and frame rate. People can also export videos up to 1080P without watermarks using it.

Here’s how to use MiniTool MovieMaker to create an awesome video project:

Step 1. Create a New Project

By clicking the download button below, you can instantly download MiniTool MovieMaker and install it on your PC.

MiniTool MovieMaker Click to Download 100% Clean & Safe

Once the installation process is complete, open it, and close the Register window. From the top-left corner of the Project library window, expand the Aspect Ratio drop-down list, select an aspect ratio, and click New Project .

Step 2. Import Your Media Files

Click Import Media Files to access the local folder and import the video, image, or audio files you’re going to edit. Drag and drop the imported media files into the below timeline.

click Import Media Files

Step 3. Design Your Video Project

Now you can edit your video project based on the footage you have and how you want it to look. MiniTool MovieMaker enables you to do basic and advanced editing, take the following ones for example:

  • Add an effect – Click the top Effect option, confirm the effect you want to use, click the Download icon on the desired effect to get it, and drag and drop the downloaded effect to the target media clip on the timeline. Plus, you can add your favorite transition, motion, text, and animated element in a similar way.
  • Split video clip – Select the video clip on the timeline you want to split, click the Scissors icon on the toolbar above the timeline, and select the Full Split option. Then, a small window will appear where you can perform splitting as needed in the SPLIT tab.
  • Do color correction – Click the video or image clip on the timeline to highlight it. Go to the top-right corner of the interface, you will see Video Property or Image Property section. In the default Basic tab, you can adjust the contrast, saturation, and brightness of the video or image clip as well as apply a 3D LUT.

design your video project

Step 4: Preview Your Video Project

In the Player section of this video editing application, you can click the Play icon to watch the edited video for fine-tuning, while moving the Volume icon to turn up or down the sound of the video for your enjoyment.

Step 5. Export Your Video Project

After all the editing is done, click the Export option above the Player section to make some output settings and save the video project to your PC.

save your video project

Ready to start creating an eye-catching video project? My video projects stand out thanks to MiniTool MovieMaker’s drag-and-drop editing and easy-to-use functions. Click to Tweet

iMovie can effortlessly meet almost any demonstration learning need. Teachers and students alike can use this video editor to develop digital portfolios that contain everything from collaborative conversations to presentations, book trailers to interviews, and more. As well, tutors can record demos and lessons for flipped classes or for students who need extra help understanding the content.

#3. Filmage Editor

Filmage Editor

Filmage Editor is a robust video editing software that helps to create stunning video projects. It allows you to easily cut and merge video clips, add voiceover or background music, remove background noise and comes with many other basic and advanced features.

Furthermore, Filmage Editor provides a wealth of built-in resources, like filters, stickers, transitions, special effects, etc., to help elevate your video to a new level. Using it, teachers and students can produce an outstanding video project in a short period of time.

#4. Adobe Premiere Pro

Adobe Premiere Pro is also a powerful video editing program that teachers and students can use to create great video projects. This program features a non-linear editing interface, an unrivaled tool ecosystem, and strong functionalities.

Some of its features are really worth using, for example, automatic reconstruction tools, performance improvements, and enhanced HDR support. Adobe Premiere Pro’s built-in tutorials are easy to navigate and allow users to rapidly complete various types of video projects.

Over to You

All in all, the video project ideas for students of all grade levels in this article are creative enough to successfully capture the attention of the audience while effectively conveying the message. By the way, you can try the above-mentioned professional video editors to design your personal video projects, among which MiniTool MovieMaker is the one you can’t miss.

If you have any questions or problems when using MiniTool MovieMaker, please feel free to contact us by sending an email to [email protected] .

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Position: Columnist

video editing assignments for high school students

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Top 10 Creative Video Project Ideas for Students of Different Education Levels

Videos have been used as an efficient way to create and deliver knowledge and information for schools. They are easy to use and enjoy versatility, making learning fun and enjoyable. 

Letting students make video projects themselves is becoming a much more common teaching method for teachers. However, it’s not always easy for students to come up with video project ideas. In this article, we’ll share 10 creative video project ideas for students of different education levels, including elementary students, high school students and higher education students. So let's get started!

Video Project Ideas for Elementary Students

Video project ideas for high school students, video project ideas for higher education students, bonus: tools you can use to make a great video project.

For elementary students, video projects are mostly a way for the teachers to build interest and facilitate comprehension among the students. Let’s check out some video project ideas for this age group: 

1. Create a book report video

Instead of a traditional book report, create a book report video giving students a more creative option to share their experience of reading a book. It helps a lot to get students a deeper understanding and curiosity about the concepts you will be teaching them too!

2. Film a video tour

Letting students create a video tour of a significant location or their favorite part of the school. Which is a great idea to supplement the social studies curriculum for students, also, it is a great way to share the campus with new students and visitors.  

3. Celebrate the holidays

Students can create videos to celebrate their religious or traditional holidays, it helps them be more creative, tolerant and aware of the differences in culture and ethnicities of people around them. 

For high school students, the video project ideas can be a little more advanced, as students in this age are in the process of growing their skills and learning more about different subjects.

4. Create a video portfolio

High school students start thinking about college applications. It is a great chance for them to create a portfolio video project to share their interests and passions in specific subject areas. 

5. Share practice records

Students can make video projects of themselves to share practice records about learning or mastering a new skill, such as learning a new language or a musical instrument. It may help the peers get inspired and start moving.   

6. Create a news show

There are always new trends and happenings around us. It is a great idea for students to create a news show to share current happenings in their school or community. Doing a news show helps everyone get involved and promotes teamwork.  

In college, video projects are more beneficial for building a valuable skill that college students can take with them to their future jobs, and also helping the students showcase their understanding and interest areas.   

7. Make a college promotion video

College students can try to make a promotional video for the institutions, helping introduce vital research and subject areas in the institution and encourage future students to come study. This is also a good way to get the students to explore interesting aspects of college life.   

8. Record an interview of interesting people

Different people around us have different stories, their experiences, information and advice is a treasure and valuable for us to explore. Students can record an interview of interesting people around them, they can be our fellow students, professors or any other people. These interviews can act as learning aids for the students and help them connect with people in different fields.      

9. Make a self-assessment video

Being able to self-assess is a valuable skill that students need to improve themselves. Making a self-assessment video gives students a more active role in knowing their strong and weak points better, which promotes them to do better. 

10. Make a video resume

For most college students, it is the time to search for jobs before graduation. A video resume helps them highlight the key skills they acquired and the experience they gained during college. Especially when applying to remote or distant positions, video resumes are a great supplement to a paper resume.   

To make a great video project, except the creative ideas, you will also need a powerful video editing tool. Filmage Editor is such a wonderful tool for you. 

It enables you to cut and merge video footage easily, remove background noise and add your own voiceover or background music, as well as many other basic and advanced features. Meanwhile, Filmage Editor also offers rich built-in resources to take your video to the next level, such as stickers, filters, special effects, transitions, etc. With the help of it, you can create an excellent video project with ease.   

Download Filmage Editor and start creating your video projects right away!   


10 Creative Video Project Ideas for the Classroom

14/02/23         Author: Florencia Corazza         8 min reading Video Production

blog image 34

Table of Contents

Keeping students engaged and interested during class has become progressively harder in recent times. So, in order to help you get their attention and make learning a fun affair, we’ve come up with these video project ideas you can take advantage of.

Are you still not convinced about the usefulness of incorporating videos in the classroom? Well, educational video production has huge potential, as the resulting pieces are creative and compelling enough to keep viewers engaged while supplementing what students are learning. 

I know it’s not always easy to come up with filming ideas for school, though, so here are some of my favorite suggestions for your classroom!

Make an Instructional Video

Making an instructional video isn’t rocket science, but you need to properly understand a topic in order to explain it to others.  Your students will need to find new ways to present the topic, search for the right words to tackle it, and think of any questions the audience may have. That’s why instructional videos are a great way to put to the test how much a student actually understands about a subject.

You can have students record the steps they take in performing a science experiment, completing a task, or even ask them to make an explainer video about a certain topic . This opens up the possibility for them to also share their experiences and reflections about it.

Besides reinforcing the student’s knowledge acquired during class, this project idea allows you to assess their level of understanding of the subject. 

kids explain black history month

Film a Behind-The-Scenes Video

Group projects are a great way to teach kids something while fostering teamwork and collaboration. As a teacher, you grade the finished work, but how about being able to also see what happens behind the scenes?

Behind-the-scenes is one of teenagers’ most watched types of videos because they’re entertaining and engaging. That’s why this project video can be a great way to make students interested in group projects.

Meanwhile, you get to see who does what, how they decided to divide the workflow, and how they reacted when things worked out—or didn’t. Not only do you get to grade their project, but kids can also reflect on teamwork and how communal efforts look from a distance at the same time.

I bet you didn’t know video project ideas could do so much!

end of school project behind the

Recreate a Moment in History or Impersonate a Historical Figure

If you’ve been looking for video project ideas to use in your History classes, this one is perfect for you.

For students, learning about history can be difficult because some of the events that shaped our societies seem too far in the past to relate to them. Recreating key moments in history and transforming them into video storytelling can be a particularly fun way for students to connect more with historical figures and events. 

By experiencing the past, topics are a lot easier to learn! 

ss black history month nickelodeon

Record Interviews – Video Project Ideas

One of the difficulties kids face nowadays is bonding with others in meaningful ways. 

While it’s true that social media allows us to connect with people from all around the globe, it can also make it harder to see the bonds that tie us to those around us. In order to fix that, having students conduct interviews could be great to strengthen their relationships with their communities.

Among all the video project ideas here, interviews are one of the easiest to produce. You can instruct them to have interviews in person, with both parties sitting next to each other in front of a camera. They can also conduct a virtual one, using a video call program to record a long-distance meeting.

The benefit of this project video is that it teaches students to reach out to people around them and to listen to what they have to say— instead of just reading it online!

ss kids meet an 101 year old

Create a Whiteboard Animation

Whiteboard animations, also known as doodle videos , are a creative and engaging way to tackle a highly complex topic while making it entertaining and easy to understand.

Making this type of drawn animation is quite straightforward. Students just have to set up their camera on a tripod or something that’ll keep it stable. Then, they have to aim the focus at a whiteboard, hit “record,” and start drawing. Once they’ve finished, they’ll need to use video editing tools to speed it up and add a voice-over. It’s not an issue if they don’t know how to make an animation because the style is pretty simple and doesn’t need to be perfect.

What makes this a great project video is that it teaches students about patience and attention to detail, as you only see the result of your hard work at the end of it when you review your video. Whiteboard animation is also a great way to bring out the kids’ creative skills!

ss customer green

Record a Meaningful Location or a Special Moment

When students visit a particular location, whether on a field trip or on vacation, you can ask them to share their experiences with others by filming and narrating them as they go. Their project videos can also be themed around festivals, cultural concepts, and special activities too. It’d be as if they were making a promo video about them to invite people to join!

You can have the kids give a tour of their schools, for example. They can highlight their favorite classes, film where they eat lunch, and explain the best part of their days. With a video editor app , it’s easy to put all of these scenes together to make a compelling and entertaining video.

What makes this one of the best video project ideas is that it encourages students to share their favorite places and moments in video. They’re probably already making Instagram videos about them, so why not do it for school too?  Some years ahead, they can review all this footage and remember the good times they had!

ss virtual tour teen center

Share Practice Records

Learning a language, cooking, playing an instrument, or doing sports requires constant practice. If you’re looking for a way to encourage kids to learn new skills, this project video could be ideal.

You can ask them to record themselves learning to play an instrument or speaking a new language. It’s important for kids nowadays to have hobbies and activities that help them grow and connect with other people. And a great way to encourage them to continue developing their skills is for them to actually see their progress and learn from their own training videos .

yura music students rodeo

Create a News Show – Video Project Ideas

Having kids create a news show can be a way to motivate them to stay up-to-date with what’s happening in the world or their communities while also teaching them about the importance of checking your sources of information before sharing a message.

You don’t need to be a video marketing agency  to create a news show with your students. If you do want to up your game, you can use a green screen— but even without it, you’ll probably get great results from your students.

You can give them a list of sites to check the data before recording their project videos, or you can tell them to look for that information in at least five different places. Whatever you choose, you’ll definitely have fun seeing the results of their investigation!

ss kids news

Create a Video Portfolio

Students can begin to plan for their future by creating a portfolio that showcases their unique skills and interests. In the project video, they can highlight their key skills while sharing their personalities.

Nowadays, many job-hunting sites encourage people to film themselves. The ability to stay in front of a camera and be confident in your skills is a really valuable asset for the future.

Video project ideas like these, where you encourage students to talk about themselves in front of a camera, allow you to teach kids the importance of knowing their strengths and being confident enough in themselves to share them.

accepted co26 cmu design portfol

Promote Your Future University or a Dream Job

Choosing a university and a future job are critical life-changing decisions that teenagers make at a young age. To best guide their decisions, proper research is essential.

So, have your students make a promotion video for their future university or dream job. Encourage them to properly investigate the topic and write a storyboard . On it, they’ll have to describe the benefits, strong aspects, and how it aligns with their life goals. 

This project video can be a creative way to make planning your future more fun and interesting. Moreover, your students will be able to make a solid decision after properly assessing all their options.

young voices what is your dream

Wrapping up

As generations change, the way they access education and the methods they use to learn change with them. New forms of studying are constantly appearing, like e-learning videos .

Videos have proven to be an effective means for students because they are more attractive to them, which makes them effective in keeping their attention. In these video project ideas, you can find new strategies to entertain your students and connect with them while also teaching them valuable life lessons.

Plus, grading will definitely be more fun!

Ready to Start your Video? Get a custom Quote

Florencia Corazza – Content Writer and Co-Editor

A skilled writer, translator, and co-editor for our web and blog content. As a self-defined "wordsmith," she’s talented in adapting the latest marketing news into all kinds of digital formats. If she’s not watching the latest Sci-Fi show on Netflix, then can find her tending to her perfectly reasonable number of plants.

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Video class assignment tips for instructors and students

  • January 31, 2021
  • Alex Martinez
  • Digital Media / Kaltura (Video Management) / WeVideo

This article covers:

  • For instructors
  • For students
  • Getting Started

Team Roles and Responsibility

Stock photos and graphics, video software, video tutorials, affordable and royalty-free audio clips.

Video assignments can be a research-intensive, collaborative, and highly engaging student activity. The video can demonstrate skills, knowledge, and communication strategies. View some student video projects to give you ideas for your next class assignment.

For Instructors

  • Final videos should be between 2-5 minutes. A high quality 5-minute video can take about 5-10 hours to produce.
  • Ensure that the project grade has the appropriate weight.
  • Ensure that students keep you updated with their progress, require them to send you frequent project updates to avoid the project being done at the last minute.
  • Create a “Group Planning” document for your student groups to help them plan, communicate, and organize. Spanish Skits ( ) Chemistry ( ) B2B Marketing ( )  Why Make B2B Videos?
  • For help with video assignments, contact [email protected] to get answers to your questions and support. We can give your students a workshop and a tour of the Digital Media Center.
  • Give your students a few weeks to complete this project. Each week students should submit a progress report to ensure they are on track.
  • Inform students that they can upload their videos into your Canvas course using My Media
  • Create a video assignment in your Canvas course to make.
  • Instruct students to submit their video assignments to make grading fast and easy using the Canvas speed grader tool.
  • Science Communication Rubric
  • Pecha Kucha Rubric (PDF)
  • Infographic Instructor Grading Rubric
  • Multimedia Science Activity Rubric
  • Digital Storytelling Rubric
  • Digital Video Project Rubric
  • B2B Marketing Video Rubric

For Students

  • Tips for students completing video class assignments (PDF)
  • Spanish Skits
  • Chemistry Educational
  • B2B Marketing
  • Take advantage of the DU Digital Media Center ; they have friendly staff and cool video software.
  • Computer Screen Capture:  Jing (Free) and Skitch (Free)
  • Prioritize recording high-quality audio. The further the microphone is from your presenter, the worse your audio quality will be. Recording indoor in quiet spaces or adding a voice-over track are the best options for capturing high-quality audio.
  • Define a clear purpose and outcomes for the video .
  • Establish teams and assign project roles and responsibilities.
  • Research videos online that match your goals and expectations.
  • Produce a video that is visually engaging to your audience. Scenes should be changing every 5-10 seconds.
  • Create a storyboard shoot list and script .
  • Create a project timeline and video team document to keep you organized.
  • Tips for producing class assignment videos, “Before, During and After” .
  • Have weekly team meetings.
  • How to produce a video documentary by Adobe
  • How to share final video securely to only class participants via Canvas Media Gallery
  • Producer: Initiates and coordinates meetings and time management; has a high-level view of the project and timelines
  • Script Writers: Responsible for creating the storyboard and script
  • Researchers: Responsible for researching the topic, fact collecting and citations
  • Videographer/Photographers/Audio Technicians: Responsible for video recording and still photos; ensures good lighting and audio quality
  • Narrators: Provides audio or video commentary
  • Illustrators / graphic artist : Responsible for drawing custom art work
  • Video & Audio Editors: Responsible for video and audio editing software; will edit and share revisions with team members
  • OpenVerse – 6 millions reusable objects
  • Flickr Creative Commons
  • DU Flickr Collection
  • Science Images
  • – video b-roll clips
  • ZOOM: Free video conference for all DU staff and students. Allows you to record your computer screen, webcam, interviews, and microphone. No editing features.
  • Kaltura (Canvas My Media and DU MediaSpace): Free video conference for all DU staff and students. Allows you to record your computer screen, webcam, and microphone. Limited editing features. Kaltura is available within Canvas under My Media and DU MediaSpace .
  • Kaltura Capture allows you to record your computer screen, webcam, and microphone.
  • WeVideo – A web-based video editor designed for non-video professionals that’s easy to use. DU has a few student licenses.
  • Adobe Creative Cloud software : DU Students, staff and faculty members now have access to this suite of Adobe software.
  • iMovie – Mac 
  • Camtasia Studio – Free video editor – 30 day trial for PC and Mac
  • Blender : Free and open source 3D creation suite.
  • PowToon – An online animated video software for both Mac and PC. Not free.
  • Making a digital story video using iMovie
  • Making a digital story video using WeVideo
  • Vimeo Video School
  • Video Story Guide
  • Tips for marketing videos
  • Videvo video clips
  • YouTube Audio Library
  • PartnersInRhyme
  • Incompetech
  • Global Sound Promotion
  • Free Music Archive

The DU Digital Media Center has professional video and audio software for students. They are located in the Anderson Academic Commons and are normally open when the library is open.

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Canvas kaltura important updates (4/2/2024), how to access zoom recordings in mediaspace, how to obtain a transcript file when conducting interviews using zoom, kaltura or a phone, kaltura – adding a single video to your canvas course, adding kaltura video on a du drupal page, wevideo tutorials & resources.

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video editing assignments for high school students

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  • TV Matters Podcast

The Ultimate High School Video Curriculum: A Comprehensive Guide

high school video curriculum

In today’s digital age, traditional teaching methods are constantly evolving to meet the needs of modern learners. One educational innovation that has gained significant traction in recent years is video curriculum. From engaging visual content to interactive learning experiences, video curriculum offers a unique and effective approach to high school education. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the importance of video curriculum in high schools, the components of an effective video curriculum, how to implement it successfully, ways to evaluate its success, and future trends in this exciting field. Whether you’re new to video curriculum or looking to enhance your existing approach, this guide is tailored for media class teachers like you, offering valuable insights and practical tips to create an engaging and impactful high school video curriculum.

Understanding the Importance of Video Curriculum in High School

Visual learning has always played a crucial role in education, with researchers and educators recognizing the power of sight in enhancing comprehension and retention. Video curriculum harnesses this power by combining visuals, audio, and interactive elements to create a dynamic learning experience that captivates students. By providing alternative perspectives, stimulating discussions, and fostering critical thinking skills, video curriculum helps students grasp complex concepts in a way that traditional methods may fall short.

The Role of Visual Learning in Education

Visual learning engages the senses and stimulates the mind. It leverages the brain’s natural inclination to process and remember visual information, leading to improved comprehension and retention. Through videos, students can visualize abstract concepts, witness real-world applications, and gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter. This immersive experience not only enhances their academic performance but also cultivates a lifelong love for learning.

Benefits of Incorporating Video Curriculum in High School

Integrating video curriculum into high school education offers numerous advantages. First and foremost, it caters to different learning styles, accommodating visual learners who may struggle with traditional text-based instruction. Furthermore, videos allow for self-paced learning, enabling students to rewind, pause, and revisit content as needed. Video curriculum also promotes active engagement and collaboration, as students can work together on projects and explore various perspectives.

Components of an Effective High School Video Curriculum

An effective video curriculum goes beyond simply showing videos in the classroom. It requires careful planning, thoughtful selection of content, and strategic integration into the curriculum. By understanding the essential elements and choosing the right content, you can create a robust and engaging video curriculum that maximizes student learning.

Essential Elements of a Video Curriculum

A successful video curriculum encompasses more than just videos. It includes clear learning objectives, aligned assessments, supplementary materials, and interactive activities. By designing a curriculum that incorporates these elements, you can ensure that videos are utilized effectively to enhance student understanding and achievement.

Choosing the Right Content for Your Video Curriculum

When selecting video content for your high school curriculum, it’s important to consider relevance, quality, and diversity. Look for videos that align with your learning outcomes, provide accurate information, and offer multiple perspectives. A diverse range of content, including documentaries, TED Talks , and educational channels, will keep students engaged and provide a well-rounded learning experience.

Implementing a High School Video Curriculum

Introducing a video curriculum requires careful planning and preparation. By following a step-by-step approach and addressing potential challenges, you can successfully integrate video curriculum into your high school classroom.

Steps to Introduce a Video Curriculum

Start by familiarizing yourself with the technology and resources available. Then, determine your learning objectives and identify the topics that could benefit from video-based instruction. Next, create an implementation plan, including a schedule, assignments, and assessment methods. Communicate the purpose and benefits of the video curriculum to your students and colleagues, and monitor progress throughout the implementation process.

Overcoming Challenges in Video Curriculum Implementation

Implementing video curriculum may come with challenges such as limited access to technology, ensuring student engagement, and navigating copyright concerns. By addressing these challenges proactively, such as securing funding for technology upgrades, incorporating interactive discussion and activities, and adhering to fair use guidelines, you can overcome barriers and create a successful video curriculum.

Evaluating the Success of a High School Video Curriculum

Assessing the impact of your video curriculum is essential for continuous improvement and justifying its effectiveness. By identifying key indicators of success and regularly evaluating your curriculum, you can make data-driven decisions to enhance student learning outcomes.

Key Indicators of a Successful Video Curriculum

Measure the success of your video curriculum by monitoring student engagement, academic performance, and feedback. Analyze if students are actively participating in video-based activities, whether they are achieving desired learning outcomes, and gather their opinions and suggestions for improvement. These indicators will help you gauge the effectiveness of your video curriculum and make necessary adjustments.

Continuous Improvement of Your Video Curriculum

No curriculum is perfect, and continuous improvement is key to maintaining its effectiveness. Regularly review student performance data, solicit feedback from students and colleagues, and stay updated on emerging trends and technological advancements. By incorporating these insights into your video curriculum, you can ensure that it remains dynamic, relevant, and impactful.

Future Trends in High School Video Curriculum

As technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, the future of video curriculum in high schools holds immense potential. Staying abreast of emerging trends will enable media class teachers like you to leverage new advancements and prepare students for the ever-changing digital landscape.

Technological Advancements and Their Impact

Technologies like virtual reality, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence are transforming the educational landscape, offering immersive and personalized learning experiences. Embracing these advancements in your video curriculum can enhance student engagement and empower them to navigate the digital world confidently.

Preparing for the Future of Video Curriculum in High School

To prepare for the future of video curriculum, media class teachers must continuously explore new tools, platforms, and pedagogies. EditMentor is one of the most revolutionary tools for video classrooms. Foster a culture of innovation in your classroom by encouraging students to explore video creation, animation, and digital storytelling. By equipping students with relevant skills and fostering their creativity, you are preparing them for the exciting opportunities that lie ahead.

As media class teachers, you have the power to shape the future of high school education through video curriculum. By understanding its importance, implementing effective strategies, evaluating its success, and embracing future trends, you can create a dynamic and impactful learning experience for your students. As you embark on this journey, remember that you are not alone. Connect with fellow educators, attend conferences, and explore online communities to share experiences, gather insights, and continuously evolve your video curriculum. Together, we can revolutionize high school education and empower the innovators of tomorrow.

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Best Video Editing Summer Programs for High School Students

Feb 2, 2024 by Kristen Post

Video Editors wear many hats. They are technically proficient, they must be storytellers, and they need a knack for creative thinking to be successful. If you’re a high school student who possesses all of these qualities, a career in video editing may be a great fit for you. Did you know you can start learning these crucial skills over the summer? Keep reading to learn more about summer video editing courses, including information about how to select the best program for you and the types of careers that await you.

Types of Video Editing Summer Programs for High School Students

There are several options available for high schoolers who are eager to learn about video editing over the summer. Most programs offer a remote learning option, but there are in-person classes for students who prefer this method of learning. Students can also choose from full-time and part-time programs for additional flexibility. Some may prefer a full-time program so they can spend the rest of the summer doing other activities, while others may choose a part-time program if they have additional commitments over the summer.

These programs also vary in the skills and software programs they teach. Some shorter courses only focus on one video editing tool, while longer courses typically teach students to use a variety of programs to enhance their work. Students can look up the different software offered in these classes to determine which program best aligns with their personal and professional goals. 

#1: NextGen Bootcamp– Video Editing with Premiere Pro

What is taught in this program.

NextGen Bootcamp provides a Video Editing with Premiere Pro course over the summer. In this program, students learn a wide range of video editing techniques, including green screen removal, transitions, and color correction strategies. The curriculum also covers how to resize and export videos, allowing students to share their work on social media or in a digital portfolio. 

What Level of Difficulty is This Program?

This program is designed for beginners and does not require previous video editing experience. 

Where Does This Program Take Place?

Students can attend either in-person or live online. NextGen’s campus is located in New York City. Virtual students will participate via Zoom.

How Long Does This Program Last?

This program takes one week to complete. Students attend live sessions Monday through Friday from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm EST. 

What is the Recommended Age Range?

NextGen courses are designed for students in high school or college.

How Much Does This Program Cost?

This program is priced at $1,299 per person. Virtual participants will need to download the software for the class, but NextGen provides support with setting up a free trial of the relevant programs. Financial aid is not currently available for this course. However, students can receive a discounted rate by attending NextGen Bootcamp’s Video & Animation Certificate , which combines the material from this program with an animation course. 

#2: NextGen Bootcamp– Video & Animation Certificate

NextGen Bootcamp’s summer Video & Animation Certificate is an excellent option for students who want a more comprehensive video editing education. The first half of the course covers video editing with Adobe Premiere Pro, while the second half focuses on fundamental animation techniques with Adobe After Effects. Students complete a variety of hands-on projects throughout the course, and many graduates choose to add these to a digital portfolio to help with college applications later on.

Students must have basic computer skills to attend this program; no previous video editing experience is required.

This program is available both online or in-person. The school is located in the heart of New York City. Virtual attendees will use Zoom to connect with their peers and receive real-time guidance from their instructor. 

Participants in this course receive 41 hours of live instruction.

This program was specifically designed for high school and college students.

The tuition for this program is $1,999. This price includes a free retake option and an official certificate of completion to display on your LinkedIn profile or college applications. This particular class does not offer financial aid since the price is already marked down. Taking the animation and video editing courses separately would be $2,798, meaning this certificate is discounted by over 25%.

#3: Noble Desktop– Video Editing Certificate

There is a Video Editing Certificate available at Noble Desktop. Students in this class learn to use Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, and Audition to create professional-quality video content. Throughout the course, students complete projects that they can add to a demo reel or digital portfolio, which can help them stand out when applying for college or a full-time job.

Beginners are welcome in this class as long as they possess basic computer skills. Noble Desktop staff can assist with setting up your computer with the appropriate software before class begins.

Students can participate in this class either remotely via Zoom or in-person at Noble’s Manhattan campus.

Students will spend two months in this class if they attend full-time; the part-time version takes four months to complete. 

High school juniors and seniors can take this class as long as they are 18 or turning 18 soon. 

This program costs $2,995 per person. This certificate comes with a free retake within a year, as well as career mentoring sessions and an official certificate of completion. Noble Desktop does have payment plans and financing options available for those who cannot pay the full amount up front.

#4: Noble Desktop— Video Editing & Motion Graphics Certificate

Noble Desktop also offers a Video Editing & Motion Graphics Certificate over the summer. This program covers several Adobe programs that are commonly used in video editing. Students will work with Adobe Premiere Pro for video editing, Adobe After Effects for animation, and Adobe Audition to edit the sound in their videos. As students complete projects during the course, they will add them to a demo reel to help them publicly display their skills.

This is a beginner-friendly program. Previous design experience is helpful, but not required. 

Students have the option to attend this program either virtually or in-person at Noble’s campus in New York City. 

Students can participate either full-time or part-time depending on their preferences. The full-time program lasts two months and the part-time program lasts four months.

High schoolers who are 18 or turning 18 soon can attend this course. 

The tuition for this program is $4,995. This price covers the opportunity to retake the course for free within one year, which many students take advantage of since it helps them gain more practice and better retain information. This program also offers individual career mentorship sessions to help students update their resumes and learn essential tips for standing out in a competitive job market. Students can elect to pay their tuition through either student loans or a monthly installment plan.

#5: Certstaffix Training– Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2022 Course

There is an Adobe Premiere Pro CC Course available with Certstaffix Training. The course is taught in a sequential order designed to mimic the creation of a video project in Premiere Pro. You’ll start by learning to navigate the interface, then move onto setting up and importing your project. By the end of the course, you’ll also know how to add effects and complete basic sound edits.

This beginner-friendly video editing course has no prerequisites. Participants are also provided with a free trial of Adobe Premiere Pro.

All of Certstaffix’s classes are taught live online, so students will need to use their own computers. You can also use a computer at one of Certstaffix’s many computer lab locations across the country. 

This course takes three weekdays to complete. Sessions are held from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm EST. Students need to register two weeks before their preferred course date, otherwise they may need to wait for the next available session.

Students should be 18 or older to attend, but they can contact the school directly if they will be turning 18 soon. 

This course is priced at $1,330 per person. While financial aid or other discounts are not available, students can retake the course for free within six months if they feel they need additional guidance. 

#6: Lumenbrite– Premiere Pro Training: Essential Skills 1

Lumenbrite offers a Premiere Pro Training: Essential Skills 1 course. Students in this course will learn many fundamental video editing tools, like adding transitions, creating title and credit sequences, and creating various visual and audio effects. As an added bonus, classes are recorded so students can download the lessons after completing the program to refresh core concepts if they need.

This course doesn’t require any prior video editing experience. 

This course is offered online. Lumenbrite also has in-person training centers in Texas, Arizona, Georgia, California, and Washington, DC. 

This course lasts for three days. Sessions are held from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm CST with an hour break for lunch.

Lumenbrite typically accepts students 18 or older, but younger students are encouraged to call for more information. 

This program costs $1,295 per person. Financial aid is not available for this program. The tuition does include relevant workbooks that students can keep after class has ended. Participants also receive an Adobe certificate of completion, which is nationally recognized. 

Why Learn Video Editing During the Summer?

Video editing is becoming an increasingly prevalent means of communication across industries, but it’s not something most high school students are exposed to during their traditional schooling. However, learning about video editing at a young age is advantageous, even if you aren’t sure of your ultimate career goals. Learning to transform raw footage into a cohesive narrative is a highly creative process and is an entertaining way to enhance your digital literacy skills. 

Learning video editing skills at a young age can also prepare students for an array of exciting careers. Video Editors are usually part of a larger team of creatives, and they all work together to ensure the final product matches the team’s initial vision. Motion Graphics Designers use a lot of the same tools required in video editing, but they are usually responsible for designing animations and graphics that will be added to a finished video project. Because video communication is becoming more prevalent across industries, these skills could also come in handy even if you enter a seemingly unrelated field, like marketing or education. 

Which Video Editing Summer Program is Right for Me?

After reviewing just a small number of video editing summer programs available, you might be feeling a tad overwhelmed about how to make a decision. For most students, finances top their list of concerns or barriers towards pursuing additional education. It can be tempting to base this decision solely on the total price of a class, but digging a little deeper can reveal surprising information about how far your money will go.

Suppose you want to take an online video editing class, and you’ve narrowed your choices to Certstaffix’s Premiere Pro class and NextGen Bootcamps Video and Animation Certificate. With the Certstaffix course costing over $600 less, you might think this is your clear winner. However, the NextGen certificate teaches students to use multiple software programs and provides over twice the hours of hands-on instruction. Though the overall price of the NextGen course is higher, it actually provides a better value for your money; this class costs $49 per hour while the Certstaffix program works out to roughly $74 per hour. 

You may also want to consider your professional goals before making a decision. If you’re feeling certain about pursuing a video editing career, it might be sensible to invest in a more comprehensive course so you can build more skills in a short time. On the other hand, those who are unsure whether video editing is a good fit may start with a shorter course to get a brief overview before spending more money on additional training. 

Reflecting on your summer schedule is also crucial to a productive learning experience. Many high schoolers fill their summers with vacations, part-time jobs, and other extracurricular activities. It’s admirable to spend your summer learning an in-demand tech skill like video editing, but you don’t want to spread yourself too thin. Many courses are available part-time to make learning more accessible for busy students; if you’re too stressed, you won’t enjoy your courses and you likely won't retain the information very well, either. 

The available video editing programs can certainly meet a range of financial and educational needs. While it can take some time to decide on the best program for you, this process will ensure you get the most out of your education. After all, you don’t want the investment of your valuable time and money to be a waste. Regardless of what you choose, you’re sure to build valuable skills for a successful future.


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    Video Project Ideas for High School Students. For high school students, the video project ideas can be a little more advanced, as students in this age are in the process of growing their skills and learning more about different subjects. 4. Create a video portfolio High school students start thinking about college applications.

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    Share Practice Records. Learning a language, cooking, playing an instrument, or doing sports requires constant practice. If you're looking for a way to encourage kids to learn new skills, this project video could be ideal. You can ask them to record themselves learning to play an instrument or speaking a new language.

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    Setting Expectations and Goals. Before the first class, clearly communicate your expectations and goals to your students. Set realistic milestones and encourage them to set personal goals. This will create a sense of purpose and motivation, driving their progress throughout the course. By following this ultimate guide to video production ...

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    Access ready-made video projects from the Assignment Ideas Library, ... Create, monitor, and measure engagement with interactive video. Challenge students to create their own content and satisfy the highest level of Bloom's taxonomy. Provide real-time feedback along the way. ... Fairfield Ludlowe High School "WeVideo ties into our 21st ...

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    For Instructors. Final videos should be between 2-5 minutes. A high quality 5-minute video can take about 5-10 hours to produce. Ensure that the project grade has the appropriate weight. Ensure that students keep you updated with their progress, require them to send you frequent project updates to avoid the project being done at the last minute.

  18. Video Editing Course for High School Students

    Video Editing Courses for High Schoolers classes can be delivered at your location, online, or in our classrooms. For more information, call 781-376-6044 to speak with a training consultant or contact us. Schedule for school-year term: Every Tuesday and Thursday from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm for six weeks.

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    Explore engaging online video production classes for high school students. Learn filmmaking, editing, and special effects from expert instructors. Search. Browse . ... 2 Day Video Editing Summer Camp Class - How to Produce Edit and Create Amazing Youtube / Family Videos ... One-Time Activities ...

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    From engaging visual content to interactive learning experiences, video curriculum offers a unique and effective approach to high school education. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the importance of video curriculum in high schools, the components of an effective video curriculum, how to implement it successfully, ways to evaluate ...

  21. Video assignments

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  22. Video Editing Collaboration Tool for the Classroom

    Ignite student creativity with the leading collaborative video editing tool for students and teachers. Try for free in your classroom today! ... Stonehill International School "The Assignment Library is exactly what we need, we are so excited about this. I absolutely love that it connects each assignment to the ISTE Standards." ...

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    Key Takeaways. Video editing summer programs for high school students offer a variety of learning methods. They include remote learning, in-person classes, and both full-time and part-time options for flexibility. NextGen Bootcamp offers a Video Editing with Premiere Pro course that is perfect for beginners, priced at $1,299 per person and ...