The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Essay Exams

What this handout is about.

At some time in your undergraduate career, you’re going to have to write an essay exam. This thought can inspire a fair amount of fear: we struggle enough with essays when they aren’t timed events based on unknown questions. The goal of this handout is to give you some easy and effective strategies that will help you take control of the situation and do your best.

Why do instructors give essay exams?

Essay exams are a useful tool for finding out if you can sort through a large body of information, figure out what is important, and explain why it is important. Essay exams challenge you to come up with key course ideas and put them in your own words and to use the interpretive or analytical skills you’ve practiced in the course. Instructors want to see whether:

  • You understand concepts that provide the basis for the course
  • You can use those concepts to interpret specific materials
  • You can make connections, see relationships, draw comparisons and contrasts
  • You can synthesize diverse information in support of an original assertion
  • You can justify your own evaluations based on appropriate criteria
  • You can argue your own opinions with convincing evidence
  • You can think critically and analytically about a subject

What essay questions require

Exam questions can reach pretty far into the course materials, so you cannot hope to do well on them if you do not keep up with the readings and assignments from the beginning of the course. The most successful essay exam takers are prepared for anything reasonable, and they probably have some intelligent guesses about the content of the exam before they take it. How can you be a prepared exam taker? Try some of the following suggestions during the semester:

  • Do the reading as the syllabus dictates; keeping up with the reading while the related concepts are being discussed in class saves you double the effort later.
  • Go to lectures (and put away your phone, the newspaper, and that crossword puzzle!).
  • Take careful notes that you’ll understand months later. If this is not your strong suit or the conventions for a particular discipline are different from what you are used to, ask your TA or the Learning Center for advice.
  • Participate in your discussion sections; this will help you absorb the material better so you don’t have to study as hard.
  • Organize small study groups with classmates to explore and review course materials throughout the semester. Others will catch things you might miss even when paying attention. This is not cheating. As long as what you write on the essay is your own work, formulating ideas and sharing notes is okay. In fact, it is a big part of the learning process.
  • As an exam approaches, find out what you can about the form it will take. This will help you forecast the questions that will be on the exam, and prepare for them.

These suggestions will save you lots of time and misery later. Remember that you can’t cram weeks of information into a single day or night of study. So why put yourself in that position?

Now let’s focus on studying for the exam. You’ll notice the following suggestions are all based on organizing your study materials into manageable chunks of related material. If you have a plan of attack, you’ll feel more confident and your answers will be more clear. Here are some tips: 

  • Don’t just memorize aimlessly; clarify the important issues of the course and use these issues to focus your understanding of specific facts and particular readings.
  • Try to organize and prioritize the information into a thematic pattern. Look at what you’ve studied and find a way to put things into related groups. Find the fundamental ideas that have been emphasized throughout the course and organize your notes into broad categories. Think about how different categories relate to each other.
  • Find out what you don’t know, but need to know, by making up test questions and trying to answer them. Studying in groups helps as well.

Taking the exam

Read the exam carefully.

  • If you are given the entire exam at once and can determine your approach on your own, read the entire exam before you get started.
  • Look at how many points each part earns you, and find hints for how long your answers should be.
  • Figure out how much time you have and how best to use it. Write down the actual clock time that you expect to take in each section, and stick to it. This will help you avoid spending all your time on only one section. One strategy is to divide the available time according to percentage worth of the question. You don’t want to spend half of your time on something that is only worth one tenth of the total points.
  • As you read, make tentative choices of the questions you will answer (if you have a choice). Don’t just answer the first essay question you encounter. Instead, read through all of the options. Jot down really brief ideas for each question before deciding.
  • Remember that the easiest-looking question is not always as easy as it looks. Focus your attention on questions for which you can explain your answer most thoroughly, rather than settle on questions where you know the answer but can’t say why.

Analyze the questions

  • Decide what you are being asked to do. If you skim the question to find the main “topic” and then rush to grasp any related ideas you can recall, you may become flustered, lose concentration, and even go blank. Try looking closely at what the question is directing you to do, and try to understand the sort of writing that will be required.
  • Focus on what you do know about the question, not on what you don’t.
  • Look at the active verbs in the assignment—they tell you what you should be doing. We’ve included some of these below, with some suggestions on what they might mean. (For help with this sort of detective work, see the Writing Center handout titled Reading Assignments.)

Information words, such as who, what, when, where, how, and why ask you to demonstrate what you know about the subject. Information words may include:

  • define—give the subject’s meaning (according to someone or something). Sometimes you have to give more than one view on the subject’s meaning.
  • explain why/how—give reasons why or examples of how something happened.
  • illustrate—give descriptive examples of the subject and show how each is connected with the subject.
  • summarize—briefly cover the important ideas you learned about the subject.
  • trace—outline how something has changed or developed from an earlier time to its current form.
  • research—gather material from outside sources about the subject, often with the implication or requirement that you will analyze what you’ve found.

Relation words ask you to demonstrate how things are connected. Relation words may include:

  • compare—show how two or more things are similar (and, sometimes, different).
  • contrast—show how two or more things are dissimilar.
  • apply—use details that you’ve been given to demonstrate how an idea, theory, or concept works in a particular situation.
  • cause—show how one event or series of events made something else happen.
  • relate—show or describe the connections between things.

Interpretation words ask you to defend ideas of your own about the subject. Don’t see these words as requesting opinion alone (unless the assignment specifically says so), but as requiring opinion that is supported by concrete evidence. Remember examples, principles, definitions, or concepts from class or research and use them in your interpretation. Interpretation words may include:

  • prove, justify—give reasons or examples to demonstrate how or why something is the truth.
  • evaluate, respond, assess—state your opinion of the subject as good, bad, or some combination of the two, with examples and reasons (you may want to compare your subject to something else).
  • support—give reasons or evidence for something you believe (be sure to state clearly what it is that you believe).
  • synthesize—put two or more things together that haven’t been put together before; don’t just summarize one and then the other, and say that they are similar or different—you must provide a reason for putting them together (as opposed to compare and contrast—see above).
  • analyze—look closely at the components of something to figure out how it works, what it might mean, or why it is important.
  • argue—take a side and defend it (with proof) against the other side.

Plan your answers

Think about your time again. How much planning time you should take depends on how much time you have for each question and how many points each question is worth. Here are some general guidelines: 

  • For short-answer definitions and identifications, just take a few seconds. Skip over any you don’t recognize fairly quickly, and come back to them when another question jogs your memory.
  • For answers that require a paragraph or two, jot down several important ideas or specific examples that help to focus your thoughts.
  • For longer answers, you will need to develop a much more definite strategy of organization. You only have time for one draft, so allow a reasonable amount of time—as much as a quarter of the time you’ve allotted for the question—for making notes, determining a thesis, and developing an outline.
  • For questions with several parts (different requests or directions, a sequence of questions), make a list of the parts so that you do not miss or minimize one part. One way to be sure you answer them all is to number them in the question and in your outline.
  • You may have to try two or three outlines or clusters before you hit on a workable plan. But be realistic—you want a plan you can develop within the limited time allotted for your answer. Your outline will have to be selective—not everything you know, but what you know that you can state clearly and keep to the point in the time available.

Again, focus on what you do know about the question, not on what you don’t.

Writing your answers

As with planning, your strategy for writing depends on the length of your answer:

  • For short identifications and definitions, it is usually best to start with a general identifying statement and then move on to describe specific applications or explanations. Two sentences will almost always suffice, but make sure they are complete sentences. Find out whether the instructor wants definition alone, or definition and significance. Why is the identification term or object important?
  • For longer answers, begin by stating your forecasting statement or thesis clearly and explicitly. Strive for focus, simplicity, and clarity. In stating your point and developing your answers, you may want to use important course vocabulary words from the question. For example, if the question is, “How does wisteria function as a representation of memory in Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom?” you may want to use the words wisteria, representation, memory, and Faulkner) in your thesis statement and answer. Use these important words or concepts throughout the answer.
  • If you have devised a promising outline for your answer, then you will be able to forecast your overall plan and its subpoints in your opening sentence. Forecasting impresses readers and has the very practical advantage of making your answer easier to read. Also, if you don’t finish writing, it tells your reader what you would have said if you had finished (and may get you partial points).
  • You might want to use briefer paragraphs than you ordinarily do and signal clear relations between paragraphs with transition phrases or sentences.
  • As you move ahead with the writing, you may think of new subpoints or ideas to include in the essay. Stop briefly to make a note of these on your original outline. If they are most appropriately inserted in a section you’ve already written, write them neatly in the margin, at the top of the page, or on the last page, with arrows or marks to alert the reader to where they fit in your answer. Be as neat and clear as possible.
  • Don’t pad your answer with irrelevancies and repetitions just to fill up space. Within the time available, write a comprehensive, specific answer.
  • Watch the clock carefully to ensure that you do not spend too much time on one answer. You must be realistic about the time constraints of an essay exam. If you write one dazzling answer on an exam with three equally-weighted required questions, you earn only 33 points—not enough to pass at most colleges. This may seem unfair, but keep in mind that instructors plan exams to be reasonably comprehensive. They want you to write about the course materials in two or three or more ways, not just one way. Hint: if you finish a half-hour essay in 10 minutes, you may need to develop some of your ideas more fully.
  • If you run out of time when you are writing an answer, jot down the remaining main ideas from your outline, just to show that you know the material and with more time could have continued your exposition.
  • Double-space to leave room for additions, and strike through errors or changes with one straight line (avoid erasing or scribbling over). Keep things as clean as possible. You never know what will earn you partial credit.
  • Write legibly and proofread. Remember that your instructor will likely be reading a large pile of exams. The more difficult they are to read, the more exasperated the instructor might become. Your instructor also cannot give you credit for what they cannot understand. A few minutes of careful proofreading can improve your grade.

Perhaps the most important thing to keep in mind in writing essay exams is that you have a limited amount of time and space in which to get across the knowledge you have acquired and your ability to use it. Essay exams are not the place to be subtle or vague. It’s okay to have an obvious structure, even the five-paragraph essay format you may have been taught in high school. Introduce your main idea, have several paragraphs of support—each with a single point defended by specific examples, and conclude with a restatement of your main point and its significance.

Some physiological tips

Just think—we expect athletes to practice constantly and use everything in their abilities and situations in order to achieve success. Yet, somehow many students are convinced that one day’s worth of studying, no sleep, and some well-placed compliments (“Gee, Dr. So-and-so, I really enjoyed your last lecture”) are good preparation for a test. Essay exams are like any other testing situation in life: you’ll do best if you are prepared for what is expected of you, have practiced doing it before, and have arrived in the best shape to do it. You may not want to believe this, but it’s true: a good night’s sleep and a relaxed mind and body can do as much or more for you as any last-minute cram session. Colleges abound with tales of woe about students who slept through exams because they stayed up all night, wrote an essay on the wrong topic, forgot everything they studied, or freaked out in the exam and hyperventilated. If you are rested, breathing normally, and have brought along some healthy, energy-boosting snacks that you can eat or drink quietly, you are in a much better position to do a good job on the test. You aren’t going to write a good essay on something you figured out at 4 a.m. that morning. If you prepare yourself well throughout the semester, you don’t risk your whole grade on an overloaded, undernourished brain.

If for some reason you get yourself into this situation, take a minute every once in a while during the test to breathe deeply, stretch, and clear your brain. You need to be especially aware of the likelihood of errors, so check your essays thoroughly before you hand them in to make sure they answer the right questions and don’t have big oversights or mistakes (like saying “Hitler” when you really mean “Churchill”).

If you tend to go blank during exams, try studying in the same classroom in which the test will be given. Some research suggests that people attach ideas to their surroundings, so it might jog your memory to see the same things you were looking at while you studied.

Try good luck charms. Bring in something you associate with success or the support of your loved ones, and use it as a psychological boost.

Take all of the time you’ve been allotted. Reread, rework, and rethink your answers if you have extra time at the end, rather than giving up and handing the exam in the minute you’ve written your last sentence. Use every advantage you are given.

Remember that instructors do not want to see you trip up—they want to see you do well. With this in mind, try to relax and just do the best you can. The more you panic, the more mistakes you are liable to make. Put the test in perspective: will you die from a poor performance? Will you lose all of your friends? Will your entire future be destroyed? Remember: it’s just a test.

Works consulted

We consulted these works while writing this handout. This is not a comprehensive list of resources on the handout’s topic, and we encourage you to do your own research to find additional publications. Please do not use this list as a model for the format of your own reference list, as it may not match the citation style you are using. For guidance on formatting citations, please see the UNC Libraries citation tutorial . We revise these tips periodically and welcome feedback.

Axelrod, Rise B., and Charles R. Cooper. 2016. The St. Martin’s Guide to Writing , 11th ed. Boston: Bedford/St Martin’s.

Fowler, Ramsay H., and Jane E. Aaron. 2016. The Little, Brown Handbook , 13th ed. Boston: Pearson.

Gefvert, Constance J. 1988. The Confident Writer: A Norton Handbook , 2nd ed. New York: W.W. Norton and Company.

Kirszner, Laurie G. 1988. Writing: A College Rhetoric , 2nd ed. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston.

Lunsford, Andrea A. 2015. The St. Martin’s Handbook , 8th ed. Boston: Bedford/St Martin’s.

Woodman, Leonara, and Thomas P. Adler. 1988. The Writer’s Choices , 2nd ed. Northbrook, Illinois: Scott Foresman.

You may reproduce it for non-commercial use if you use the entire handout and attribute the source: The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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Writing Essays for Exams

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What is a well written answer to an essay question?

Well Focused

Be sure to answer the question completely, that is, answer all parts of the question. Avoid "padding." A lot of rambling and ranting is a sure sign that the writer doesn't really know what the right answer is and hopes that somehow, something in that overgrown jungle of words was the correct answer.

Well Organized

Don't write in a haphazard "think-as-you-go" manner. Do some planning and be sure that what you write has a clearly marked introduction which both states the point(s) you are going to make and also, if possible, how you are going to proceed. In addition, the essay should have a clearly indicated conclusion which summarizes the material covered and emphasizes your thesis or main point.

Well Supported

Do not just assert something is true, prove it. What facts, figures, examples, tests, etc. prove your point? In many cases, the difference between an A and a B as a grade is due to the effective use of supporting evidence.

Well Packaged

People who do not use conventions of language are thought of by their readers as less competent and less educated. If you need help with these or other writing skills, come to the Writing Lab

How do you write an effective essay exam?

  • Read through all the questions carefully.
  • Budget your time and decide which question(s) you will answer first.
  • Underline the key word(s) which tell you what to do for each question.
  • Choose an organizational pattern appropriate for each key word and plan your answers on scratch paper or in the margins.
  • Write your answers as quickly and as legibly as you can; do not take the time to recopy.
  • Begin each answer with one or two sentence thesis which summarizes your answer. If possible, phrase the statement so that it rephrases the question's essential terms into a statement (which therefore directly answers the essay question).
  • Support your thesis with specific references to the material you have studied.
  • Proofread your answer and correct errors in spelling and mechanics.

Specific organizational patterns and "key words"

Most essay questions will have one or more "key words" that indicate which organizational pattern you should use in your answer. The six most common organizational patterns for essay exams are definition, analysis, cause and effect, comparison/contrast, process analysis, and thesis-support.

Typical questions

  • "Define X."
  • "What is an X?"
  • "Choose N terms from the following list and define them."

Q: "What is a fanzine?"

A: A fanzine is a magazine written, mimeographed, and distributed by and for science fiction or comic strip enthusiasts.

Avoid constructions such as "An encounter group is where ..." and "General semantics is when ... ."

  • State the term to be defined.
  • State the class of objects or concepts to which the term belongs.
  • Differentiate the term from other members of the class by listing the term's distinguishing characteristics.

Tools you can use

  • Details which describe the term
  • Examples and incidents
  • Comparisons to familiar terms
  • Negation to state what the term is not
  • Classification (i.e., break it down into parts)
  • Examination of origins or causes
  • Examination of results, effects, or uses

Analysis involves breaking something down into its components and discovering the parts that make up the whole.

  • "Analyze X."
  • "What are the components of X?"
  • "What are the five different kinds of X?"
  • "Discuss the different types of X."

Q: "Discuss the different services a junior college offers a community."

A: Thesis: A junior college offers the community at least three main types of educational services: vocational education for young people, continuing education for older people, and personal development for all individuals.

Outline for supporting details and examples. For example, if you were answering the example question, an outline might include:

  • Vocational education
  • Continuing education
  • Personal development

Write the essay, describing each part or component and making transitions between each of your descriptions. Some useful transition words include:

  • first, second, third, etc.
  • in addition

Conclude the essay by emphasizing how each part you have described makes up the whole you have been asked to analyze.

Cause and Effect

Cause and effect involves tracing probable or known effects of a certain cause or examining one or more effects and discussing the reasonable or known cause(s).

Typical questions:

  • "What are the causes of X?"
  • "What led to X?"
  • "Why did X occur?"
  • "Why does X happen?"
  • "What would be the effects of X?"

Q: "Define recession and discuss the probable effects a recession would have on today's society."

A: Thesis: A recession, which is a nationwide lull in business activity, would be detrimental to society in the following ways: it would .......A......., it would .......B......., and it would .......C....... .

The rest of the answer would explain, in some detail, the three effects: A, B, and C.

Useful transition words:

  • consequently
  • for this reason
  • as a result


  • "How does X differ from Y?"
  • "Compare X and Y."
  • "What are the advantages and disadvantages of X and Y?"

Q: "Which would you rather own—a compact car or a full-sized car?"

A: Thesis: I would own a compact car rather than a full-sized car for the following reasons: .......A......., .......B......., .......C......., and .......D....... .

Two patterns of development:

  • Full-sized car


  • Compact car

Useful transition words

  • on the other hand
  • unlike A, B ...
  • in the same way
  • while both A and B are ..., only B ..
  • nevertheless
  • on the contrary
  • while A is ..., B is ...
  • "Describe how X is accomplished."
  • "List the steps involved in X."
  • "Explain what happened in X."
  • "What is the procedure involved in X?"

Process (sometimes called process analysis)

This involves giving directions or telling the reader how to do something. It may involve discussing some complex procedure as a series of discrete steps. The organization is almost always chronological.

Q: "According to Richard Bolles' What Color Is Your Parachute?, what is the best procedure for finding a job?"

A: In What Color Is Your Parachute?, Richard Bolles lists seven steps that all job-hunters should follow: .....A....., .....B....., .....C....., .....D....., .....E....., .....F....., and .....G..... .

The remainder of the answer should discuss each of these seven steps in some detail.

  • following this
  • after, afterwards, after this
  • subsequently
  • simultaneously, concurrently

Thesis and Support

  • "Discuss X."
  • "A noted authority has said X. Do you agree or disagree?"
  • "Defend or refute X."
  • "Do you think that X is valid? Defend your position."

Thesis and support involves stating a clearly worded opinion or interpretation and then defending it with all the data, examples, facts, and so on that you can draw from the material you have studied.

Q: "Despite criticism, television is useful because it aids in the socializing process of our children."

A: Television hinders rather than helps in the socializing process of our children because .......A......., .......B......., and .......C....... .

The rest of the answer is devoted to developing arguments A, B, and C.

  • it follows that

A. Which of the following two answers is the better one? Why?

Question: Discuss the contribution of William Morris to book design, using as an example his edition of the works of Chaucer.

a. William Morris's Chaucer was his masterpiece. It shows his interest in the Middle Ages. The type is based on medieval manuscript writing, and the decoration around the edges of the pages is like that used in medieval books. The large initial letters are typical of medieval design. Those letters were printed from woodcuts, which was the medieval way of printing. The illustrations were by Burn-Jones, one of the best artists in England at the time. Morris was able to get the most competent people to help him because he was so famous as a poet and a designer (the Morris chair) and wallpaper and other decorative items for the home. He designed the furnishings for his own home, which was widely admired among the sort of people he associated with. In this way he started the arts and crafts movement.

b. Morris's contribution to book design was to approach the problem as an artist or fine craftsman, rather than a mere printer who reproduced texts. He wanted to raise the standards of printing, which had fallen to a low point, by showing that truly beautiful books could be produced. His Chaucer was designed as a unified work of art or high craft. Since Chaucer lived in the Middle Ages, Morris decided to design a new type based on medieval script and to imitate the format of a medieval manuscript. This involved elaborate letters and large initials at the beginnings of verses, as well as wide borders of intertwined vines with leaves, fruit, and flowers in strong colors. The effect was so unusual that the book caused great excitement and inspired other printers to design beautiful rather than purely utilitarian books.

From James M. McCrimmon, Writing with a Purpose , 7th ed. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1980), pp. 261-263.

B. How would you plan the structure of the answers to these essay exam questions?

1. Was the X Act a continuation of earlier government policies or did it represent a departure from prior philosophies?

2. What seems to be the source of aggression in human beings? What can be done to lower the level of aggression in our society?

3. Choose one character from Novel X and, with specific references to the work, show how he or she functions as an "existential hero."

4. Define briefly the systems approach to business management. Illustrate how this differs from the traditional approach.

5. What is the cosmological argument? Does it prove that God exists?

6. Civil War historian Andy Bellum once wrote, "Blahblahblah blahed a blahblah, but of course if blahblah blahblahblahed the blah, then blahblahs are not blah but blahblah." To what extent and in what ways is the statement true? How is it false?

For more information on writing exam essays for the GED, please visit our Engagement area and go to the Community Writing and Education Station (CWEST) resources.

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Taking an essay exam.

You may often be asked in college to take essay exams. In certain ways, the same principles for writing good out-of-class essays apply to writing good in-class essays as well. For example, both kinds of essays are more successful when you take into consideration your purpose, audience and information; when you develop a thesis with support; when you prove your assertions with evidence; when you guide your readers with transitions, etc.

However, there are some differences to keep in mind as you prepare to write. The most important one is the purpose for writing. Usually you write a research paper, for example, to learn more about your selected topic; however, you write essay exams to demonstrate your knowledge. You are not only conveying information, but also proving to your audience--the examiner--that you have mastered the information and can work with it. In other words, your purpose is both informative and persuasive. Keeping this purpose in mind will help you both prepare for and write the essay.


Study connections between ideas. Your instructor is not looking for a collection of unrelated pieces of information. Rather, he or she wants to see that you understand the whole picture, i.e., how the generalizations or concepts create the framework for the specific facts, and how the examples or details fill in the gaps. So, when you're studying, try to think about how the information fits together.

Prepare practice questions. Try to prepare for questions that are likely to be asked. If your instructor has given you the questions themselves or a study sheet in advance, practice answering those questions. Otherwise, try to anticipate questions your instructor is likely to ask and practice those. At the very least, outline how you would answer the test questions; however, it's better to actually write out the answers. That way, you will know where you need to study more.


Again, while you're taking the exam, remember that it's not simply what you say or how much you say, but HOW you say it that's important. You want to show your instructor that you have mastered the material.

Plan your time. Although you will be working under pressure, take a few minutes to plan your time. Determine how many minutes you can devote to each answer. You will want to devote most of your time to the questions that are worth the most points, perhaps answering those questions first. On the other hand, you might want to answer first the questions that you are best prepared for.

Read the questions thoroughly. Take a few minutes before writing your essay to read the question carefully in order to determine exactly what you are being asked to do. Most essay exam questions, or "prompts," are carefully worded and contain specific instructions about WHAT you are to write about as well as HOW you should organize your answer. The prompt may use one or more of the following terms. If you see one of these terms, try to organize your essay to respond to the question or questions indicated.

classify: Into what general category/categories does this idea belong? compare: What are the similarities among these ideas? What are the differences? contrast: What are the differences between these ideas? critique: What are the strengths and weaknesses of this idea? define: What does this word or phrase mean? describe: What are the important characteristics or features of this idea? evaluate: What are the arguments for and against this idea? Which arguments are stronger? explain: Why is this the case? identify: What is this idea? What is its name? interpret: What does this idea mean? Why is it important? justify: Why is this correct? Why is this true? outline: What are the main points and essential details? summarize: Briefly, what are the important ideas? trace: What is the sequence of ideas or order of events?

Plan your answer. Jot down the main points you intend to make as you think through your answer. Then, you can use your list to help you stick to the topic. In an exam situation, it's easy to forget points if you don't write them down.

Write out your essay, using good writing techniques. As was said earlier, essay exams are like other essays, so use the same good writing strategies you use for other kinds of writing. Keep in mind that your purpose is to persuade your reader—the examiner—that you know the material.

First, create a thesis for your essay that you can defend. Often, you can turn the questions stated or implied on the exam into an answer and use it as your thesis. This sentence also functions as an introduction.

For example, suppose you are given the following prompt in your psychology class:

Define "procedural knowledge" and describe its relationship to the results of studies of amnesic patients.

The implied question is:

What is "procedural knowledge" and how is it related to the results of studies of amnesic patients?

Note how you can turn the answer to that implied question into the thesis of your exam essay. This paragraph might serve as your introduction.

"Procedural knowledge" is knowing how to perform a task, such as tying a shoe or driving a car, and studies of amnesia have shown that this type of knowledge or memory is often retained by amnesic patients. Even in amnesic patients who have lost most of their declarative memory capacity, the ability to form new procedural memories is often intact...

Then, proceed immediately to explain, develop, and support your thesis, drawing upon materials from text(s), lectures, and class discussions. Be sure to support any and all generalizations with concrete evidence, relevant facts, and specific details that will convince your reader that your thesis is valid. Make your main points stand out by writing distinct paragraphs, and indicate the relationship between them with transitions.

For example, in response to this prompt from a social work class,

Identify and give an example of four alternative solutions available in cases of family conflict.

a student wrote the following paragraph. Note the transition phrase and the generalization supported by specific evidence.

. . . The fourth alternative open in cases of family conflict is violence, and this is not an uncommon response. 25% of all homicides in the U.S. involve one family member killing another; half of these are spouse homicides. Violence usually takes one of two forms: explosive or coercive. Explosive violence is not premeditated. When the son takes and crashes the family car, for instance, the father may explode and beat him. Coercive violence, on the other hand, is pointed and intentional; it has the goal of producing compliance or obedience. Thus, a blow delivered with a threat not to repeat certain behaviors would be coercive. . . .

Finally, sum up your argument with a brief conclusion that lends your essay a clear sense of closure.

Finishing the Exam

Proofread your answer. Reserve a few minutes after completing your essay to proofread it carefully. First, make sure you stick to the question. Always answer exactly the question asked without digressing. If you find you have digressed, neatly cross out the words or paragraphs. It's better to cross out a paragraph that is irrelevant (and to replace it with a relevant one if you have time) than to allow it to stand. In this context at least, quality is always preferable to quantity. Also check sentence structure, spelling and punctuation.

Produced by Writing Tutorial Services, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN

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The best ways to prepare for an essay exam

College students are often intimidated by essay exams, a common final exam format for courses in the humanities and social sciences. Because the exam itself provides so little structure for your answers, it can feel impossible to get all of your thoughts on paper in an organized way without running out of time. As someone who has graded a lot of college students’ exams, I’ve realized that students most often lose points because they don’t realize that an exam essay is a specific genre of writing that you can practice in advance , even if you don’t know the exact questions you’ll be answering. By developing a strategy for success in writing exam essays, you’ll be able to make sure that the material you worked hard all semester to learn shows up in your answers on the day of the test.

Before the Exam

1. brainstorm possible exam questions..

A good way to do this is to make two lists: one of all the lessons or units you’ve covered (for example, all the authors you’ve read for an English class, or all the historical events you’ve covered in a history class), and another of all the major concepts and key terms that you’ve talked about in the class. Then you can mix and match items from these lists to form potential questions. For example, if you were taking a theatre class, you might come up with a question like, “How do Eugene O’Neill and Tennessee Williams use the techniques of psychological realism?”. O’Neill and Williams would come from your list of authors, and psychological realism would come from your list of key terms.

Other good examples of exam questions are discussion questions your instructor asked in class and any prompts you had for papers during the semester. While it’s unlikely your instructor will replicate any of these exact questions on the exam, reviewing what kinds of questions she asks will help you remember what key terms or concepts are particularly important to her. Write down several sample questions and outline the main ideas you would want to include in your answer.

2. Practice your essay-writing strategy using your sample questions.

I recommend practicing the three steps with a timer set for five minutes—these steps are for preparing and organizing an essay (not actually writing it), so you want to practice doing them relatively quickly. They’ll give you a clear structure to fill in.

The first thing to do when you start an essay is to quickly brainstorm a list of everything you can think of in relationship to that question: key terms, details, facts, dates, authors—whatever seems relevant. This should just be a quick task of getting everything in your head on paper.

Then figure out your claim . Answers to essay questions should have an argument that clearly answers the question and that makes a claim that is debatable (as opposed to factual or descriptive). If you’re having trouble, an easy format for writing an argument is “Although ____________, ______________.” For example, your claim could be, “Although both O’Neill and Williams use realism in their plays, Williams is more interested in how psychological realism can be achieved through design elements.” (This format works especially well for compare-contrast questions.)

Finally, outline the essay. The argument will come first, in the introduction, and then map out the main point you want to cover in each body paragraph.

During the Exam

1. keep track of time..

When the exam starts, write down the end time, and then write down when you should finish each section—for example, if it’s a three-hour exam, and you have five essays to write, you might choose to give yourself 30 minutes per essay, which leaves you 30 minutes at the end to reread your work. Make sure you stick to your schedule—you don’t want to spend a lot of time perfecting one essay and then run out of time for the rest. Many instructors will give partial credit even for an unfinished or messy essay, but they can’t give you any points for an essay you didn’t write at all. 

2. Follow the essay-writing strategy you practiced: list, claim, outline, write .

Don’t bother including big general statements like, “Playwrights are always interested in psychology,” in your essays—just get straight to the specific points you want to cover. Sticking to your outline will help keep your essay organized, which will make it easier for you to cover all your main points in the available time. Staying organized will also make it easier for your instructor to follow your train of thought when she’s grading.

Most of what you write in an essay is analysis of how the evidence you’ve chosen supports the argument you’re making. If you get stuck writing, ask yourself, “How does this evidence support my claim?” . 

3. Go in confident.

You know you’re well-prepared—don’t let nerves get in your way! Eat a good breakfast, listen to your favorite song on the way to the exam, bring a bottle of water and lots of extra pens and pencils, and show up early. (And if you have a mental health condition or learning disability that can lead to test-taking anxiety, talk to the office of disability services at your school well in advance of the exam. They may be able to provide you with test-taking accommodations like a quiet room or extra time.) An essay exam is a chance for you to show off what you’ve learned this semester—it’s not meant to trick you. (Multiple choice exams are actually the place to worry about trick questions.) Instructors generally want you to do well on the final exam, so try to think of the exam as a great capstone for your hard work in the class. Good luck! 

After growing up on a farm in Iowa, Danielle moved to Massachusetts, where she studied English with a citation (minor) in Spanish at Harvard University. At Harvard, Danielle was elected to Phi Beta Kappa as a junior and graduated summa cum laude a year later. She spent most of her free time in college in the theatre shop, building sets with power tools.  Danielle went on to earn her Master's degree in Renaissance Literature at the University of Cambridge, before accepting a Global Academic Fellowship in Writing at New York University Abu Dhabi for the following year. She is currently a PhD student in English and Theatre, and a member of the Institute for Comparative Literature and Society, at Columbia University.

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How To Prepare For An English Essay Exam? 10 Must-Know Tips

how to prepare for an english essay exam

As students, we often find ourselves at the crossroads of preparing for exams, each bringing its unique set of challenges and expectations. Among the diverse array of assessments, English essay exams stand out as a test of not just our knowledge but also our ability to convey it articulately and persuasively. Mastering the art of preparing for these exams is an invaluable skill, and in this blog, we’re going to delve into the comprehensive guide that can help you get an answer to – How To Prepare For An English Essay Exam?

Whether you’re in high school, or college, or pursuing an advanced degree, the tips and strategies you’ll discover here will empower you to approach English essay exams with confidence and competence. And, if you’re seeking additional support and guidance, remember that Ignite Training Institute offers the very best tutoring for English , helping you unlock your full potential.

Table of Contents

How To Prepare For An English Essay Exam? 10 Tips

5 accidental errors to avoid in your essay writing, what to include/exclude in essay writing, ignite training institute: best english tutors in dubai.

Preparing for an English essay exam demands a well-structured approach to effectively convey your thoughts and knowledge. Here are essential pointers to guide your preparation and ensure your success:

1. Understand Exam Structure

Begin by thoroughly understanding the exam format. This includes the number of questions you’ll be required to answer, the types of essays you’ll need to write, and any time constraints imposed. This foundational knowledge will help you plan your study and exam strategies more effectively.

2. Review Comprehensive Material

Revisit your class notes, textbooks, and any relevant reading materials. This comprehensive review ensures that you have a firm grasp of the topics and concepts that might be included in the exam. A deep understanding of the material will allow you to provide more insightful and well-supported responses.

3. Create A Study Schedule

Planning your study schedule is crucial. Allocate dedicated time for each topic or subject matter, ensuring you can cover all relevant material before the exam. Sticking to your schedule will help manage your time efficiently.

4. Practice Writing Essays

Practice makes perfect. Regularly write sample essays on a range of topics to enhance your writing skills. This practice not only helps you become more comfortable with the essay format but also sharpens your ability to express your ideas clearly and concisely.

5. Analyse Essay Prompts

Carefully dissect the essay prompts or questions you might encounter. Pay special attention to keywords like ‘analyze,’ ‘compare,’ or ‘discuss.’ Understanding these prompts thoroughly will help you tailor your responses to meet the specific requirements of each question.

6. Develop An Effective Outline

Before diving into your essays, create a structured outline. This should include sections for the introduction, main points or arguments, and a conclusion. A well-structured outline serves as a roadmap, helping you maintain a logical flow and coherence in your essays

7. Enhance Vocabulary

Broaden your lexicon by acquiring new words and idiomatic expressions. Incorporating these into your essays not only adds depth and richness to your writing but also showcases your command of the language, which can positively influence your exam results.

8. Proofread & Edit

After writing your essays, don’t overlook the importance of proofreading and editing. Conduct a comprehensive review of your work to pinpoint any grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. Effective editing ensures that your essays are clear, and error-free, and convey your ideas effectively.

9. Seek Feedback

Share your practice essays with teachers, peers, or online writing communities. Constructive feedback can provide valuable insights into areas where you can improve, helping you refine your writing skills.

10. Master Time Management

During the exam, time management is crucial. Allocate a specific amount of time to each essay, but always reserve some time for reviewing and making any necessary revisions. Effective time management ensures that you can complete all essay questions within the allotted time frame and maintain the quality of your responses.

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It’s essential to navigate the path of precision and clarity carefully. To ensure your writing shines, steer clear of these five accidental errors that can impact the quality and impact of your essays.

1. Grammatical & Spelling Mistakes

One of the most common errors in essay writing is grammatical and spelling mistakes. These errors can distract your readers and undermine the credibility of your writing. Always proofread your work carefully, and consider using grammar and spell-check tools to catch these errors.

2. Run-On Sentences & Sentence Fragments

Avoid overly long sentences that can make your writing confusing. At the same time, steer clear of sentence fragments that lack a subject or verb, as they disrupt the flow of your essay. Clear and effective communication relies on proper sentence structure.

3. Inconsistent Verb Tense

Maintain consistent verb tense throughout your essay. Shifting between past, present, and future tense can confuse your readers and disrupt the coherence of your writing. Choose a tense that suits your narrative and stick to it.

4. Misused Words & Homophones

Be vigilant about using the correct words and avoiding homophones (words that sound the same but have different meanings). Common examples include “there” and “their,” “your” and “you’re,” or “its” and “it’s.” Misusing these words can lead to misunderstandings.

5. Lack Of Clarity & Conciseness

Ensure your writing is clear and concise. Avoid unnecessary jargon, overly complex sentences, or vague language. Be direct and to the point, using words that convey your message effectively.

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The following steps outline what to include and exclude in essay writing, ensuring clarity, relevance, and conciseness in your work.

Include This In Essay:

1. Clear Thesis Statement: Your essay should begin with a clear and concise thesis statement that presents the main argument or purpose of your essay.

2. Relevant Evidence: Support your thesis with appropriate and credible evidence, such as facts, statistics, examples, or expert quotations.

3. Structured Organisation: Organise your essay into well-structured paragraphs, each addressing a single idea or point. Ensure a logical flow from one paragraph to the next.

4. Transitions: Use transitional phrases and words to guide your readers through your essay seamlessly, maintaining coherence and clarity.

5. Analysis: Go beyond presenting facts by analyzing and interpreting them. Explain the significance of your evidence and how it supports your thesis.

Exclude This In Essay:

1. Irrelevant Information: Stay on topic and avoid including information that doesn’t directly relate to your thesis or purpose.

2. Plagiarism: Never use someone else’s work without proper citation. Engaging in plagiarism is morally wrong and may lead to severe repercussions.

3. Personal Opinions Without Support: While personal opinions are acceptable, they should be supported by evidence and analysis. Avoid unsupported assertions.

4. Complex Language Unnecessarily: Avoid using complex words or jargon for the sake of it. Make sure your writing is easily understandable for your target readers.

5. Redundancy: Do not repeat the same information or ideas throughout your essay. Aim for brevity and lucidity in your writing.

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Ignite Training Institute is a leading destination for English tutoring in Dubai. With a team of highly qualified and experienced English tutors, they provide top-notch language instruction that caters to various proficiency levels and objectives.

Whether you’re looking to improve your conversational skills, prepare for exams, or enhance your professional communication, Ignite Training Institute offers tailored programs to meet your specific needs. Their commitment to delivering results is backed by a track record of student success, making them the go-to choice for anyone seeking the best English tutoring services in Dubai.

1. How Can I Write An English Essay Fast? 

To write an English essay quickly, plan your essay structure, focus on your main points, and avoid perfectionism during the initial draft, reserving time for revisions and editing afterward.

2. How Can I Get Good Marks In Exam Essays?

To earn good marks in an exam essay, understand the essay prompt thoroughly, create a clear and structured outline, provide strong evidence, and ensure your writing is well-organized and error-free.

3. How Can I Write A Good English Essay?

To write a good English essay, clearly express a strong thesis, support it with well-researched evidence, and ensure your writing is coherent, well-structured, and free from grammatical and spelling errors.

how to prepare for an english essay exam

In conclusion, preparing for an English essay exam is a journey that requires careful planning, practice, and a solid strategy. By understanding the exam format, reviewing the material diligently, practicing your writing skills, and managing your time effectively, you can boost your confidence and increase your chances of success. 

Remember, preparation is not just about acquiring knowledge; it’s about developing the ability to articulate your thoughts coherently and persuasively. So, embrace the process, stay focused, and with dedication, you can navigate your English essay exams with skill and assurance, achieving the results you aspire to. Good luck with your exams!

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Tips for Writing In-Class Essay Exams: Ace Timed Essay Tests

Tips for Writing In-Class Essay Exam

In-class essay exams are significant in the college grading methodology. These exams test your knowledge, understanding of study material, and ability to explain your knowledge in a specific duration. Doing well in these exams will improve your grades and overall academics. Students learn how to manage time and be precise in these time-bound tasks. These learnings will play a role in your future projects.

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In-class essay exams are time-bound tasks, and you must finish them quickly and with quality to score good grades.

This article will present practical tips for writing in-class essay exams quickly and accurately. You will find actionable tips on how to prepare before the exam, practice answering, and manage your time to express the main point with specific evidence. Keep reading.

Writing a college essay involves several key steps. Start by understanding the essay prompt and brainstorming ideas. Create an outline to organize your thoughts and structure the essay logically. Craft a compelling introduction that grabs the reader’s attention, followed by body paragraphs that support your main points with evidence and examples. Ensure each paragraph flows coherently and relates back to the thesis statement. Conclude by summarizing your main arguments and reinforcing the essay’s significance. Finally, revise and edit for clarity, coherence, and grammar before submitting.

Before the Exam

Exam preparation is essential for success. By taking the time to prepare before the exam, you can increase your chances of doing well.

Here are three key tips for preparation before an in-class essay test:

1. Thoroughly Review Course Materials

Before the exam, make sure to carefully go through your course materials. This step is essential to become well-acquainted with the critical concepts and ideas that the exam might cover. Take the time to revisit your class notes, textbooks, and any relevant readings. This foundational knowledge will serve as the backbone for your essay responses.

2. Practice Essay Writing on Various Topics

essay writing on exam

To enhance your essay-writing skills, engage in practicing essays on a range of topics. This practice not only hones your ability to express ideas clearly but also helps you understand how to structure an essay effectively. Consider addressing diverse essay prompts and experimenting with different writing styles. This practice will make you more versatile in approaching essay questions during the exam.

3. Time Management Practice

Efficient time management is of utmost importance during an in-class essay exam. To excel in this area, it’s crucial to time yourself while practicing essay writing.

Establish realistic time limits for each phase of the essay-writing process: brainstorming, outlining, drafting, and proofreading. By mastering the art of allocating your time effectively, you ensure that you can successfully complete your essays within the confines of the exam’s time constraints.

Maintain a timer during your practice sessions to instill a sense of time-bound tasks. This will familiarize you with the entire process, making in-class essay writing second nature. Additionally, through consistent practice, you’ll stay composed and collected during the actual exam.

By following these three essential preparation tips, you’ll be well-prepared to tackle in-class essay exams with confidence and skill.

During the Exam

Once you have arrived for the exam, it is important to stay calm and focused. Take a few deep breaths and remind yourself that you are prepared.

Here are some tips for what to do during the exam:

1. Understand the question and plan before writing

Read the question carefully and understand the main topic and what it is asking you. Identify key words like “discuss,” “explain,” “compare,” or “prove” to know the intent of the question. Plan your answer once you understand the question. Create an outline for the answer and choose the main points that you will present and discuss. Arrange the points to ensure the logical flow of the answer so that your teacher can easily follow it.

2. Brainstorm a list of ideas and develop an outline for your essay.

To excel in in-class essay exams, it’s vital to master the art of brainstorming and crafting a structured outline. Begin by reading the prompt carefully to understand what’s required. Then, brainstorm a list of ideas related to the prompt. Group them to find common themes, and select the most relevant ones that align with the prompt.

Your outline acts as a blueprint, showing how your ideas will be organized and support your thesis. Remember, keep the essay prompt’s key words in mind for relevance. Familiarize yourself with various essay types, and practice with different prompts to refine your skills.

To brainstorm a list of ideas and develop an outline for your in-class essay exams, follow these steps:

  • Analyze the prompt carefully, identifying key concepts and important ideas.
  • Pick a topic you understand and find interesting for a smooth answering process.
  • Brainstorm ideas related to the prompt without worrying about completeness.
  • Group ideas with common themes or connections.
  • Select the most relevant ideas, guided by the essay prompt.
  • Use prompt keywords for focus and relevance.
  • Be aware of different essay types for effective brainstorming and outlining.
  • Practice with various prompts to refine your skills and gain comfort with the process.

Once you have a list of ideas and have organized them into groups, you can begin to develop an outline for your essay. Your outline should show how your ideas will be organized and how they will support your thesis statement.

Here is a simple outline template that you can use:

essay writing on exam

This is just a basic outline template, of course. You may need to adjust it to fit the specific essay question that you are being asked. But by following these tips, you can brainstorm and outline a clear, concise, and well-organized in-class essay.

3. Organize your essay in a logical way

In crafting a well-structured essay, several strategies can be employed for a logical flow. Here are some valuable tips:

  • Choose an Organizational Pattern : Selecting an organizational pattern is crucial. Common options include:
  • Chronological Order: This arranges your essay in the order of events. Use words like “first,” “second,” “next,” “then,” and “finally” to maintain the chronological flow.
  • Spatial Order: Structure your essay based on location, utilizing terms like “above,” “below,” “beyond,” “behind,” “beside,” “between,” “in front of,” and “on top of.”
  • Cause and Effect Order: Organize your essay by explaining causes or effects. Employ phrases like “because,” “as a result,” “therefore,” “consequently,” and “thus.”
  • Problem-Solution Order: Identify a problem and propose a solution. Use words such as “first,” “second,” “next,” “then,” and “finally” for this structure.
  • Compare and Contrast Order: Analyze and contrast two or more things. Include terms like “similarly,” “differently,” “on the other hand,” “in contrast,” and “however.”

Once you’ve made your choice, stick with it throughout your essay. Consistency in organization ensures a smooth, reader-friendly flow.

  • Craft a Clear Thesis Statement : Your thesis statement is the central argument of your essay. It should be concise, clear, and open to debate. Place it in the introduction and support it with evidence in the body paragraph of your essay.
  • Utilize Topic Sentences : Every paragraph should begin with a topic sentence, which encapsulates the main idea. These sentences should be reinforced with evidence within the paragraphs.
  • Employ Concluding Sentences : A concluding sentence should sum up the primary idea of a paragraph and smoothly transition to the next one.

4. Stick to your central theme

Stick to your main points of the answer. Do not deviate from them and start giving different and irrelevant arguments. Support your ideas and argument with explanations, examples, and any case study. Your in-class essay must be focused on the central theme and present supporting ideas and concepts around that theme. Irrelevant ideas and concepts may dilute the context and logic of the answer and make it harder to follow.

5. Provide evidence

Provide evidence for your claims, thesis, and ideas. Supporting your ideas with evidence gains the trust of the teacher and increases the chances of better grades. Claims without concrete evidence look bluff and irrelevant to the question. Your arguments, thesis, and ideas will look hollow, vague, and unestablished without supporting evidence.

6. Write in a clear and concise style

To craft an essay with precision and brevity, consider these invaluable pointers:

  • Trim Excess Phrases : Begin by removing superfluous wording. Employ plain language to express your thoughts. Favor the active voice and reduce wordiness. Avoid commencing sentences with “there is,” “there are,” or “it is,” and cut down on redundant nouns and filler words like “that,” “of,” or “up.”
  • Keep It Simple : Opt for straightforward language and shun complexity. Leave out jargon and intricate sentences in favor of clarity and directness.
  • Detail Is Key : Provide specific and vivid descriptions. Avoid vague or general language and enhance your writing with rich details.
  • Conciseness Is King : Get to the point without delay and minimize excess words and phrases. Clarity often emerges from brevity.
  • Activate Your Voice : Employ the active voice, which is concise and direct compared to the passive voice.
  • Diversify Sentence Structure : Don’t rely on repetitive sentence structures. Vary your construction to keep your readers engaged.

Here are some specific examples to illustrate these principles:

  • Instead of, “The aforementioned individual was in possession of a canine specimen,” say, “The man had a dog.”
  • Rather than stating, “The car was fast,” express, “The car could reach speeds exceeding 100 miles per hour.”
  • For conciseness, transform, “The reason why I am writing this letter is to inform you that I am resigning from my position” into “I am resigning from my position.”

Additionally, here are some extra tips to elevate your writing:

  • Read your work aloud to spot awkward or unclear sentences.
  • Consider using a recognized style guide like the Chicago Manual of Style, Associated Press Stylebook, or MLA Style Manual for detailed writing guidelines.

7. Proofread and Review your essay carefully before submitting it

Review your answer for any grammatical errors, irrelevant arguments, ideas, or thesis, and evidence-less claims. Check if the logical flow of the answer is clear. Revise any point or idea that is ambiguous and unclear. Add further clarifications to the ideas and thesis if needed. Remove texts that are irrelevant and vague to provide more clarity.

Proofreading writing assignments involves carefully reviewing your work for errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and syntax. It also includes checking for clarity, coherence, and consistency in ideas and arguments. Take time away from the document before proofreading to approach it with fresh eyes. Read the text aloud or use proofreading tools to catch mistakes. Focus on one type of error at a time to ensure thoroughness. Lastly, consider seeking feedback from peers or professors for an additional perspective on your work.

Bonus tips for writing in class essay test questions

Bonus tips for writing in class essay test questions

  • Incorporate the essay prompt’s keywords into your essay to demonstrate your comprehension of the question and direct address.
  • Ensure you respond comprehensively to all facets of the exam questions. If it requires multiple actions like analysis, comparison, and contrast, tackle each in your essay.
  • Don’t hesitate to assert your perspective. In in-class essay exams, seize the opportunity to showcase your knowledge and critical thinking.
  • If you encounter a roadblock, take a deep breath and move forward to the next segment of your essay. You can always return to the challenging part later.
  • Be prudent with your time. Avoid excessive focus on any single section of the essay. If time is running short, prioritize completing your conclusion.

A college writing center is a valuable resource that provides students with guidance and support for their writing assignments. It typically offers services such as one-on-one consultations with writing tutors who help students at various stages of the writing process, from brainstorming ideas to polishing final drafts. Writing centers also assist with improving writing skills, refining grammar and style, structuring essays, and citing sources correctly. They are designed to support students in enhancing their writing abilities and producing high-quality academic work.

Final Thoughts

Mastering and practicing the tips for writing in-class essay exams is crucial for every student aiming for better grades and academics. By following tips like understanding the question, outlining the answer, and providing evidence to your claims, a student can improve the quality of the answer.

Practicing writing in-class essays regularly can improve writing speed. Lastly, by reviewing the answer, you can ensure the quality of the answer.

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Exam preparation: Strategies for essay exams

Essay exams test you on “the big picture”-- relationships between major concepts and themes in the course. Here are some suggestions on how to prepare for and write these exams.

Exam preparation

Learn the material with the exam format in mind.

  • Find out as much information as possible about the exam –- e.g., whether there will be choice –- and guide your studying accordingly.
  • Think, and make notes or concept maps, about relationships between themes, ideas and patterns that recur through the course. See the guide Listening & Note-taking and Learning & Studying for information on concept mapping.
  • Compare/contrast and think about what you agree and disagree with, and why.

Focus your studying by finding and anticipating questions

  • Find sample questions in the textbook or on previous exams, study guides, or online sources.
  • Looking  for patterns of questions in any tests you  have already written in the course;
  • Looking at the course outline for major themes;
  • Checking your notes for what the professor has emphasized in class;
  • Asking yourself what kind of questions you would ask if you were the professor;
  • Brainstorming questions with a study group.
  • Organize supporting evidence logically around a central argument.
  • Memorize your outlines or key points.
  • A couple of days before the exam, practice writing answers to questions under timed conditions.

If the professor distributes questions in advance

  • Make sure you have thought through each question and have at least an outline answer for each.
  • Unless the professor has instructed you to work alone, divide the questions among a few people, with each responsible for a full answer to one or more questions. Review, think about, and supplement answers composed by other people.

Right before the exam

  • Free write about the course for about 5 minutes as a warm-up.

Exam writing

Read carefully.

  • Look for instructions as to whether there is choice on the exam.
  • Circle key words in questions (e.g.: discuss, compare/contrast, analyze, evaluate, main evidence for, 2 examples) for information on the meaning of certain question words.
  • See information on learning and studying techniques on the SLC page for Exam Preparation .

Manage your time

  • At the beginning of the exam, divide the time you have by the number of marks on the test to figure out how much time you should spend for each mark and each question. Leave time for review.
  • If the exam is mixed format, do the multiple choice, true/ false or matching section first. These types of questions contain information that may help you answer the essay part.
  • If you can choose which questions to answer, choose quickly and don’t change your mind.
  • Start by answering the easiest question, progressing to the most difficult at the end.
  • Generally write in sentences and paragraphs but switch to point form if you are running out of time.

Things to include and/or exclude in your answers

  • Include general statements supported by specific details and examples.
  • Discuss relationships between facts and concepts, rather than just listing facts.
  • Include one item of information (concept, detail, or example) for every mark the essay is worth.
  • Limit personal feelings/ anecdotes/ speculation unless specifically asked for these.

Follow a writing process

  • Use the first 1/10 to 1/5 of time for a question to make an outline or concept map.
  • Organize the plan around a central thesis statement.
  • Order your subtopics as logically as possible, making for easier transitions in the essay.
  • To avoid going off topic, stick to the outline as you write.
  • Hand in the outline. Some professors or TAs may give marks for material written on it.
  • Write the essay quickly, using clear, concise sentences.
  • Include key words from the question in your thesis statement.
  • Body paragraph each containing one main idea, with a topic sentence linking back to the thesis statement, and transition words (e.g.:  although, however) between paragraphs.
  • A short summary as a conclusion, if you have time.
  • If it is easier, leave a space for the introduction and write the body first.
  • As you write, leave space for corrections/additional points by double-spacing.
  • Review the essay to make sure its content matches your thesis statement.  If not, change the thesis.

Further sources and attribution

For more information on exam preparation and writing strategies, see our Exams  pages.

Some suggestions in this handout were adapted from “ Fastfacts – Short-Answer and Essay Exams” on the University of Guelph Library web site; “Resources – Exam Strategies” on the St. Francis Xavier University Writing Centre web site; and “Writing Tips – In-Class Essay Exams” and “Writing Tips – Standardized Test Essay Exams” on the Center for Writing Studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign web site

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9 tips for writing essays in exams

essay writing on exam

Lauren Condon

Marketing Specialist at Atomi

essay writing on exam

Essay writing is enough of a struggle when there isn’t any time pressure. Add in a 40 minute limit and that’s pretty much breaking point for a lot of us 🙃 . Well don't stress too much because we're going to help out here with some tricks and tips for writing exam essays* that will actually show the HSC marker all of our killer ideas and skills. This might end up being a pretty hefty post so let’s get cracking straightaway.

* This basically works for things like speeches and long responses as well...

1. Pinpoint the instructions in the question

Before you even start writing, you need to be reading each word of that essay question super carefully. Make sure you’re following instructions and paying attention to the little things that are actually... big things. Do they want you to write a speech or an essay? Do they specify that you need ONE, at least ONE or TWO or more related texts? No excuses for skipping this step because you can just do it during reading time.

2. Draft a quick plan of the structure

Always, always, always plan your essays in an exam. Like… always. The kick of pure fear adrenaline when you start an exam can make it pretty tempting to get writing asap but save yourself a world of pain and take a few minutes to plan. You want to basically write down your thesis (probably one you’ve prepared earlier but tailor it to the specific question) and the structure of your body paragraphs. We go into a bit more detail on planning over here if you’re keen 👍 .

3. Manage your time in writing the essay and the whole exam

Two tips here (lucky you) but basically you need to manage your time in writing the essay and manage your whole exam time. So firstly, you have to leave yourself enough of the exam time to do your essay. If the exam is something like English Paper 1, you know that a third of the (two hour long) exam is an essay so you should be starting that essay with at least 40mins to go.

Hot tip: a lot of top students try to move through the first two sections of that exam fairly quickly so they have more time for a banging essay 💯.

When it comes to writing the essay, the structure you planned out will let you know if you’re on track or not. 40 minutes to write an essay and you have an intro, conclusion and four body paragraphs? Sweet. Well then it’s pretty clear that you should get your intro and the first two paragraphs done in 20 minutes. If you kind of messed up the timing of the whole exam and you don’t have your full 40 minutes then pick up the pace and if you can’t do that, time to make some quick decisions about what to cut.

4. Write out your evidence first so you don’t forget it

This isn’t a must but can be seriously helpful. Every essay needs evidence. It might be quotes, it might be dates, it might be stats. Even though you’ve definitely memorised these perfectly by the HSC (lol), it’s worth having a strategy for making sure you put all your evidence in. My personal tactic was, before starting to write the essay, to scribble that evidence (or just a keyword to jog my memory) down at the top of my planning paper or scribble it under the plan I wrote. That way, if I had a total mind blank when I got to writing a certain paragraph, I didn’t have to leave the evidence out or waste time trying to remember it.

5. Keep it structured

This one is pretty closely related to the point about planning but hey, can’t push it enough. The pressure of writing essays in exams makes it sooooo easy to start rambling and just chucking idea after idea after idea onto the page. Make a structure during your planning and be really strict about sticking to it to keep your essay as clear and strong as possible. Keep your paragraphs to a regular structure like PEEL/PEAL (point, example, explanation/analysis, link) so you have a clear idea of when you’ve written enough in each paragraph and when it’s time to just move on.

6. Have some potential theses and essay structures prepared

Memorising essays gets a little controversial but I think we all agree that you need to, at least, have a few ideas and potential essay structures going into that exam room. Some of us will try to remember whole essays word-for-word which isn’t officially recommended but as long as you are prepared to ( and know how to ) adapt it to the question then it shouldn’t be too bad. It’s really about finding out what approach works best for you but having some possible essays structures and flexible thesis ideas up your sleeve will make sure that you can write an impressive essay in just 40 minutes.

7. If you get stuck, your best bet is to pause for a second

Having a mind blank during an exam is not a good feeling because the clock is literally ticking and there isn’t a way you can magically force yourself to remember a quote or come up with an idea. It will feel pretty stressful but your best bet here is actually to pause and think instead of continuing to waffle on.

essay writing on exam

Waffling affects the clarity of your essay and the marking criteria about the ‘composing’ of your response. It also might affect how well the marker thinks you understand your argument so it’s always better to pause, give yourself a few seconds to try and reach a solution. If you can’t, either move on and try to come back later or just cut your losses, conclude that point and move on.

8. Don’t forget to anchor your essay with the keyword and source material

Not every essay will give you source material (a picture or quote that you have to refer to) but you will always have a verb or keyword in the question that tells you how to position your argument. When it comes to unexpected source material, here are some tricks and tips and when it comes to the keyword, let’s start by having a look at three questions pulled from the 2016 Advanced English Paper 2 .

essay writing on exam

  • Discuss means you need to pinpoint the issues raised by that statement and provide examples and analysis for and/or against each of those issue.

essay writing on exam

  • How means you need to be providing really solid examples of contrast in Yeats poetry and explaining what that contrast says about personal concerns, political concerns and the relationship between the two.

essay writing on exam

  • To what extent means you need to making a judgement call about how much the themes and ideas in your texts support (or do not support) that statement. This doesn't have to be black and white, you can always say that the texts support that statement in some ways and challenge it in other ways as long as you provide good evidence and analysis to back it up.

All those instructing verbs and keywords came from just one paper so brush on up exactly what they mean and how to use them to anchor your essay . Addressing the keyword and source material really well will show your marker than you are actually answering the exam question, not just chucking out a pre-prepared response.

9. Remind yourself of what the markers are looking for

The overall best tip for writing essays in exams is to remind yourself what your markers are looking for. And no, that doesn't mean you just try to tell your mysterious, probably middle-aged NESA marker what you think they want to hear.

Instead, think about your essay sensibly. Your marker wants to see how well you understand the texts and how the authors communicated those ideas. They want to see how well you understand the concept of Discovery and all its nuances (hint: they’re written out here ). And they want to see how well you can bring all these ideas together and communicate them in a logical, cohesive manner. Don’t get too caught up in fancy language or insanely obscure techniques - you’ve got this.

Writing essays in exams really comes down to being as prepared as possible and having a good strategy for the exam itself. Make sure you’re managing your time and keeping calm enough to write the killer essay you’d be able to come up with outside of the exam room. Happy essay writing… 😬

Published on

October 5, 2017

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  • Peterborough

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Studying for Essay Exams

  • Can you study for an essay exam? 
  • The challenge of essay exams
  • Study Strategy 1: Create a study guide
  • Study Strategy 2: Try to guess the questions
  • Study Strategy 3: Study from old exams
  • Study Strategy 4: Outline or write possible answers
  • Study Strategy 5: Study in a group

Can you study for an essay exam?

Yes, you can! Many students mistakenly think that, because essay exams focus on analysis rather than memorization, they cannot really “study” for an essay exam. However, essay exams generally require you to pull together information from different parts of the course to create a coherent answer and to support an interpretation with specific examples. That is pretty hard to do well if you haven’t studied the course material! Indeed, there are a number of study strategies that are well-suited to preparing for an essay exam.

The Challenge of Essay Exams

Essay exams require you to interpret a complex and often lengthy question, develop a coherent thesis statement that addresses this question, and write an essay that provides specific evidence to develop and support this thesis. And, it requires you to do all of this under time pressure.

Meeting these challenges will require that you study in ways that will allow you to recognize both the major themes and ideas of the course as well as the specific facts, events, authors, or examples that are associated with those themes.

Study Strategy 1: Create a Study Guide

Essay exams require you to show connections between details, to gather up the specifics and tie them together with the major themes of the course. One of the best ways to prepare for this is to create a study guide.

A study guide is a document that attempts to identify the major themes and synthesize information from different units or weeks of the course. In a study guide, you list information from different units together under thematic categories. Here are some tips on creating a good study guide.

Step 1 : Read through lecture notes and reading notes and list the main themes of the class. This is not a list of facts, dates, events or authors, but of themes and ideas.  For example, in your History 1500, this would NOT be a list of events or dates. It would be themes: terror and the state, religion and terror, technology and terror. In English 1000, your list would NOT be a list of authors or books that you have read. Instead, it would be a list of themes that are common to them: literary techniques, self and society, gender etc.

Step 2 : Now go back and read through your notes again. This time, you are looking for details such as authors, key terms, events, and examples. Use these details to flesh out your study guide and to show how the details build your understanding of the themes.

Sample Study Guide for History 1500

Theme: Religion and Terror

Module: Witch Craze

  • Catholicism and beliefs in white and dark magic
  • The Reformation/Wars of Religion brought social, cultural, and economic disruption, which bred anxiety.
  • Most intense hunting = 1550-1650 (religious wars = c.1540-1648)
  • Proximity to religious tension increases tendency to burn witches

Module: Crusades – List relevant examples

Study Strategy 2: Try to Guess the Questions

When professors write essay questions, they usually review the material they have covered and try to choose topics that will require students to bring together the major themes of the course. By guessing the questions that will be on the exam, you will engage in the same process. Look through your syllabus, lecture and reading notes, and study guide. What concepts or themes have been developed throughout the term? What questions would you ask if you were the professor?

Study Strategy 3: Study from Old Exams

While you are guessing the questions and preparing for an essay exam, it can be very helpful to consult previous exams in the course. While it is unlikely that a professor would use exactly the same questions again on your exam, it can be helpful to get a sense of the types of questions that have been asked in the past. Some professors share old exams with their classes. However, in classes where this is not the case, you can seek out sample questions from your textbook, syllabus, or assignment instructions. There are great online sources of sample questions from textbook publishers, but take caution when searching online. Some sites that crowdsource student work encourage acts of academic dishonesty; students should  never share old exam questions or answers. 

Study Strategy 4: Outline or Write Possible Answers

Trying to identify what questions might be on the exam is, of course, only one part of studying for the exam. You also need to try to create answers to these questions. You can do this by outlining answers. Begin with a clear thesis that addresses the question, and then create a section of the outline that develops each part of your thesis. Finally, add in specific examples that you would use to support your ideas in the appropriate section.

You can also write full answers to the essay questions you devise as you study. The act of writing will help you to remember the material, and although the identical question may not appear on the exam, you will usually be able to employ the connections and supporting details in a response that addresses similar issues.

Study Strategy 5: Study in a Group

One of the best ways to learn material is to talk about it with others. As you do, you deepen your understanding not only by having to explain concepts or themes to others but also by hearing their perspective on the central issues of the course.

While you will ultimately take an exam, and thus need to know course information, on your own, study groups can be a great supplement to independent study activities. Each group member could come prepared with one or two potential exam questions, and then other group members could try to answer them. Or, the entire group could review the course syllabus together and identify central themes or particularly challenging material. Through the process of discussing the information with others, you will increase your understanding and thus be studying for your essay exam.

Writers Workshop


In-Class Essay Exams

In-class essay exams give students the opportunity to showcase their writing skills and content knowledge within a set amount of time. Students are expected to use their critical thinking skills to analyze texts, develop arguments, and synthesize information. Instructors who use in-class essay exams are testing for students’ ability to apply knowledge.

Before the Exam

  • Attend lecture and take notes , especially if review sessions are offered. Instructors will often cover relevant material during these sessions, and the essay topics may even be posted at that optional lecture.
  • Gather information about the format. Information about the type or genre of the essay, such as persuasive or compare-and-contrast, is important to know. Most instructors allocate at least 30 minutes for in-class essays, but students should ask how much time they have for that part of the exam if it is not clear.
  • Identify course themes and brainstorm sample prompts. Taking a step back from the class material can help you identify common, encompassing themes. Brainstorming sample prompts based on those larger themes can help you come up with examples that could be useful for the actual in-class essay.
  • Return to prior feedback. On top of identifying all-encompassing ideas within the course, you should also consider any feedback you’ve received from the instructor about previous writing assignments. Sometimes you can determine what instructors are looking for within in-class essays by analyzing what has been commented on.
  • Get some sleep! Studying is important, but so is sleep. It becomes difficult to write well when you’re fatigued.

During the Exam

Student taking exam

  • How much do I know about each prompt?
  • Do I have enough examples/sources/points for my chosen prompt?
  • Can I think of any counterarguments against this possible thesis?

Plan your strategy . Ensure that you allocate time to brainstorm ideas, make an outline, write your essay, and proofread—and if you have multiple essays, be sure to use this process for each one. Wearing a watch will help you keep time in order to avoid rushing, especially if it is difficult to see the clock in the classroom. For example, consider a 50-minute class that asks a student to answer 1 question:

  • Reading and evaluating the prompt(s) – 3.5 minutes
  • Brainstorming ideas – 3.5 minutes
  • Making a rough outline – 8 minutes
  • Writing – 30 minutes
  • Proofreading – 5 minutes

In-class essays do not differ much from normal essays. The largest difference is the time constraint. The same rules apply to both of these essay types:

  • Include a clear thesis statement
  • Logically organize ideas (avoid a “think-as-you-go” structure)
  • Present evidence that supports the thesis statement
  • Use key words from the prompt and course texts / concepts
  • Include and argue against counterarguments if it is an argumentative essay
  • Be as clear and concise as possible

In-class essays do not have to be daunting. By preparing ahead of time and taking your organization skills into the exam, you can confidently approach these essays and showcase your writing skills.

Related Links:

  • Organizing Ideas
  • Editing and Proofreading

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essay writing on exam

Essay – examples & model answers | B2 First (FCE)


FCE Essay Examples:  Topic (Environment) 

Example exam task:.

In your English class you have been talking about the environment. Write an essay using all the notes and give reasons for your point of view.

Example Answer (Grade: 3)

Example answer:.

I think that my country has problems with pollution to the environment like all other countries. This problem is normal for Russia. We have big problems with transport because there are too much cars in our country. And because of that we have problems with atmospeer, air in my city and in all Russia is really dirty and sometimes I can’t make a sigh because it smells around me and of course around that cars on the road. I’ve heard about tradition of one country. They don’t go anywhere by car one day a month or a year, they just use bycicle or their feet. I think it could be very good if we had a tradition like that.

So, what about the rivers and the seas? Yeah, there are some really good and clean rivers and seas where you can go, but there are not many of them. Once I saw the river OB in my city, it was about two years ago but I stil remember that in some places it was not blue, it was green or purple I didn’t really understand because it had different colours.

I don’t know what should we do. Maybe we should just open our eyes and look what we did. But Russian people don’t care about the world around them many people care only about themselves an that’s all.

So, the best idea is look around and try to do something good for our planet and for us and our children.


Practice, write & improve, examiners comments & grade:.

3All content is relevant to the task but the target reader is on the whole informed rather than fully informed as, the central question as to whether or not the problems can be solved has not really been addressed.

The candidate discusses the environmental impact of transport and the cleanliness of rivers, and provides one suggested solution for the problem of transport (They don’t go anywhere by car one day a month). The writer’s opinion is clear in I think it could be very good if we had a tradition like that.

No solutions are discussed for rivers and seas, and no third aspect of environmental damage is provided.

3The conventions of essay writing are used; there is an opening statement and a development of the subject matter, with a conclusion at the end.

The register is suitably neutral for the most part, although the use of a colloquial yeah is not consistent with the rest of the essay. The essay is written for the most part in an objective way, but there is use of personal, subjective examples (Once I saw the river; I can’t make a sigh), which lessen the impact of the bigger problems.

The target reader’s attention is held and straightforward ideas are communicated

3The text is generally well organised and coherent. It is separated into paragraphs and the punctuation is generally used effectively, although there are some long sentences (And because of that we have problems with atmospeer, air in my city and in all Russia is really dirty and sometimes I can’t make a sigh because it smells around me and of course around that cars on the road).

There is a variety of linking words (because; and; So; because of that) and some cohesive devices such as referencing pronouns, relative clauses and rhetorical questions to connect the ideas within the text.

3There is a range of everyday vocabulary used appropriately, and although there are errors, they do not impede communication (atmospeer; bycicle; sigh).

There is a range of simple and some more complex grammatical forms: past and present verb forms are used with a good degree of control.

Example Answer (Grade: 3-4)

To begin with pollution and damage to the environment is the most serious and difficult problem for countries of all over the world. Scientists of different countries predict a global ecocatastrophe if people won’t change their attitude to our planet.

First of all a huge damage to the environment brings a transport. People can’t imagine their living without cars, buses, trains, ships and planes. But it’s an open secret that one of disadvantage of these accustomed things is harmful exhaust. Needless to say that use of environment friendly engines helps us to save atmosphere from pollution.

In addition to this our rivers and seas are in not less danger situation. It’s a fact of common knowledge that numerous factories and plants pour off their waste to ponds. Obviously that cleaning manufacturing water helps to avoid extinction of ocean residents.

Apart from this I’m inclined to believe that every person can and must contribute to solving this important problem. Doing a little steps for protection our environment every day we will be able to save our Earth. And it’s a task of each of us.

4All content is relevant to the task. However, the target reader is on the whole informed, rather than being fully informed. Both numbered points (transport; rivers and seas) are referred to with some discussion of the problems caused (harmful exhaust; factories which pour off their waste to ponds) and some limited mention of solutions.

No tangible 3rd aspect of environmental damage is discussed.

While the writer does conclude with a strong statement of opinion (every person can and must) the reader is not fully informed on the solutions proposed (Doing a little steps for protection our environment every day we will be able to save our Earth)

3The essay is written in a consistently neutral register and the format is appropriate for the communicative task, using more formal language to introduce the ideas within the text (To begin with; First of all; It’s a fact of common knowledge).

There is a clear essay structure with an opening statement, topic paragraphs and a conclusion which sums up the writer’s point of view.

Straightforward ideas are communicated to the target reader but when more complex ideas are attempted these are sometimes not as successful (Obviously that cleaning manufacturing water helps to avoid extinction of ocean residents).

3The text is generally well organised and coherent, using a variety of linking words and cohesive devices, particularly to introduce the ideas throughout the text (To begin with; In addition to this; Needless to say; Apart from this).

The essay is clearly organised into paragraphs, which each deal with one idea. Occasionally the followup examples are not as clearly connected as they could be. For example, they discuss how factories pollute pond water and then offer a solution which would help ocean residents

3There is a range of everyday vocabulary used appropriately with some attempt to use more sophisticated lexis (a global ecocatastrophe; atmosphere; common knowledge; factories and plants; inclined to believe; must contribute to solving).

There is a range of simple and some more complex grammatical forms used, and although there are errors, these do not impede communication (a huge damage; People can’t imagine their living without cars; one of disadvantage; in not less danger situation).

Model Answer (Grade: 5)


If we surf the web looking for pollution and environmental catastrophes, we will find out that every country in the world suffers them. This is a natural consequence of the struggle between development and environment.

If a country decided to live isolated from the rest of the world, living on what it can naturally grow and produce, it surely wouldn’t be highly polluted. But we all want exotic food and technological items from all over the world, so we have to pay the price.

Investing on electrical transport would benefit the environment a lot. Even more if this electricity came from a natural source of energy like wind, rivers and solar boards. It’s difficult to achieve this because petrol companies will fight against these actions.

We also have to take care of our rivers and seas. We all have heard about factories throwing highly toxic substances to rivers, without minimizing their poisoning effects. A really strict law should be applied to fine these factories and make them change their policy.

But what about ourselves? We also can do a lot! If, when possible, we bought larger packs of food, we would be producing less rubbish. And this is only an example!

5All content is relevant to the task and the target reader is fully informed.

Transport is discussed with suggestions of how using different forms of transport would help the environment (Investing on electrical transport would benefit the environment a lot). The candidate then evaluates the suggestion (It’s difficult to achieve this …).

Water pollution is described and a solution is offered (A really strict law should be applied to fine these factories). The writer’s opinion is clear in the choice of modal should.

A third aspect (waste reduction) is introduced in the final paragraph with a suggestion about how to achieve this (If, when possible, we bought larger packs of food …). The writer’s opinion is expressed clearly (We also can do a lot!).

5The conventions of the essay format are used effectively to hold the target reader’s attention.

There is an introductory paragraph which outlines the issues in general terms, and the concluding paragraph sums up in more concrete terms, what we, the readers can do to help.

The register is consistently appropriate and the subject matter is dealt with in an objective manner, for example Investing on electrical transport; If a country decided.

Straightforward and complex ideas are communicated (It’s difficult to achieve this because petrol companies will fight against these actions).

4The essay is well organised and coherent, using a variety of cohesive devices.

The paragraphs are introduced in a variety of ways, using grammatical structures rather than obvious linkers (If we surf the web; If a country decided; Investing on; We also have to; But what about). More could be done to link across the paragraphs, to make them less independent, but the overall effect is of a cohesive text.

5There is a wide range of vocabulary, including less common lexis used appropriately (environmental catastrophes; highly polluted; exotic food; highly toxic substances; minimizing their poisoning effects; change their policy).

There is a range of simple and complex grammatical forms used with a good degree of control and flexibility to convey certain ideas succinctly.

There are minimal errors which do not impede communication.

FCE Essay Examples: Topic (Fashion) 

In your English class you have been talking about the fashion industry. Write an essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view.

In today’s world, the fashion industry has a strong importance in people’s lives. The fashion industry say to the society what to wear and creates new types of clothes all the time.

Some people claim that the fashion industry has a bad effect on people’s lives, they say that the fashion industry creates clothes that the society has to wear. Furthermore, the clothes’ price is extremely high and people, who can’t afford it, should not be in the society.

In the other hand, the fashion industry guide the people to be in a good appearance, because, nowadays, the appearance of the person is more important than the person itself.

In my opinion, the fashion industry doesn’t has a bad influence on people’s lives. It’s something which was created to help people what to wear.

5All content is relevant and the target reader is fully informed.

The essay discusses the role of the fashion industry and expresses some negative aspects (nowadays, the appearance of the person is more important than the person itself) and also cost (the clothes’ price is extremely high).

The candidate also expresses their own idea, suggesting that the fashion industry has a lot of influence on people (say to the society what to wear).

The candidate concludes the essay with an opinion, which sums up the main points made.

2Some of the conventions of essay writing are used appropriately. The register and tone are consistently formal and there are some expressions which are appropriate for an essay (In today’s world; Some people claim; Furthermore; In my opinion). There is also an introduction and a conclusion.

Although straightforward ideas are communicated, the target reader’s attention is not always held. For example, the final paragraph attempts to sum up the main points, but the ideas are not clearly expressed.

2The text is generally well organised and coherent. There is a clear structure to the text with an introduction, main body and conclusion. Paragraphs are used for the development of ideas.

The text is connected using linking words and a limited number of cohesive devices, some of which are misused. More use of pronouns would limit the repetition of key phrases.

2There is a range of everyday, topic-specific vocabulary, which is used appropriately (creates new types of clothes; Some people claim; extremely high; is more important than).

Simple grammatical forms are used with a good degree of control, although the use of verbs in the third person is not consistent. There are attempts to express ideas using a range of grammatical forms, passives and modals for example, but these are less successful (people, who can’t afford it, should not be in the society; the fashion industry guide the people to be in a good appearance; It’s something which was created to help people what to wear).

Errors are noticeable but meaning can still be determined.

Example Answer (Grade: 4)

Fashion industry is very a discussed subject nowadays: they create and design new clothes everyday in order to satisfy some people needs.

There are many people who claim that the fashion industry is important and good for society. According to them, this industry design beautiful clothes and thanks to that every person can wear shirts, trousers or any acessory which is on today’s fashion.

On the other hand, the fashion industry in some people opinion, controls the market of clothes and because of that they can’t wear what they want to. In addition, the industry can increase the price of clothes, forcing people who don’t want to be “oldfashioned” to buy and pay a large amount of money to keep “beautiful”.

In my opinion, we can’t let the fashion industry decide what we must or musn’t wear. We shouldn’t judge people for its appearance,because that is not important. We must wear whatever we like, want and feel confortable with.

5All content is relevant to the task and the target reader is fully informed.

The candidate discusses the importance of appearance in terms of fashion (this industry design beautiful clothes and thanks to that …) and concludes that We shouldn’t judge people for its appearance.

The negative aspect of the price of clothes is mentioned and an opinion given on how this affects people’s choice (forcing people … to buy and pay a large amount of money to keep “beautiful”).

A third aspect states how choice for consumers is limited due to the fashion industry’s control over design and the market (the fashion industry in some people opinion, controls the market of clothes)

3The conventions of essay writing are used appropriately. There is an introduction, topic paragraph and a conclusion. The register is appropriate for the task, using generally neutral language to discuss both positive and negative aspects of the question.

Straightforward ideas are communicated, using some appropriate language (in order to; According to them; the industry can increase) to introduce the ideas, and to hold the target reader’s attention.

4The essay is well organised and coherent. There is a clear overall structure and the ideas are linked across sentences and paragraphs using referencing, substitution and paraphrasing to avoid repetition.

There are a variety of appropriate linking words and cohesive devices (many people who; According to them; this industry; thanks to that; On the other hand; In addition; In my opinion).

3A range of everyday, topic-specific vocabulary is used appropriately (to satisfy some people needs; good for society; controls the market; forcing people) but some errors do occur with less common lexis and expressions (on today’s fashion).

A range of simple and some complex grammatical forms is used with a good degree of control (can increase the price of clothes, forcing people who don’t want to be).

There are some repeated errors with prepositions and third person verbs, but these do not impede communication.

The society we live today is characterised by technology in constant development, fast speed processes, information travelling and getting to people at a blink of an eye and a complex web of social networking. In this context, the fashion industry is becoming increasingly important and having a more and more paramount role in our lives.

On one hand, the fashion industry is undeniably a source of profit and income. It hires millions of people all over the world and generates millions of dollars every year. Furthermore, such profitable business is also believed to be able to spread and make known the culture of a people, encouraging and enhancing a better understanding of each other.

Nevertheless, for those who are neither impressed nor motivated by numbers and figures, the fashion industry is seen as one which segregates people, isolating those who not fit their laws and commands. It is stated that people place too much importance on appearance and the material, world, sadly true, and the fashion industry just spurs on such situation. Moreover, not only are the costs of fashion item unrealistically high, it is thought to be a money better spent on more pressing issues, such as poverty and hunger.

I do believe that the fashion industry, as it is today, has a harmful effect, because it values a minority of people in detriment to the majority. However, it has such a wide reach that, it put into a good use, it can save lives.

5All content is relevant to the task and the target reader is fully informed.

The candidate presents a balanced argument, discussing their own idea first that the fashion industry is important as it provides jobs and income for a huge number of people.

The essay then discusses the negative aspect of the fashion industry in relation to appearance (the fashion industry is seen as one which segregates people; people place too much importance on appearance).

Finally, the high cost of fashion is mentioned in relation to the price of clothes and it is suggested that money could be better spent on social issues rather than on fashion.

5The conventions of essay writing are used effectively to hold the target reader’s attention. The register and tone are consistently appropriate and there is a range of suitable expressions which introduce both positive and negative aspects of the question, which are balanced throughout the essay.

Straightforward and more complex ideas are communicated, making links between the importance of fashion in consumers’ lives and how the fashion industry affects people, communities and wider society (the fashion industry is undeniably a source of profit and income. It hires millions of people all over the world; it values a minority of people in detriment to the majority).

5The essay is well organised and coherent. There is a clear overall structure and the ideas are linked effectively across paragraphs and sentences through the use of paraphrasing, substitution, ellipsis and referencing (In this context; It hires; such profitable business is also believed; Nevertheless, for those who; sadly true; such situation; not only are).

Organisational patterns are used to generally good effect, for example links are made between fashion and industry, fashion and finance and fashion and society throughout the text, making clear connections between the separate aspects.

5There is a range of vocabulary, including less common lexis which is used appropriately in most cases (is characterised by; at a blink of an eye; paramount role; undeniably; the culture of a people; enhancing; neither impressed nor motivated; segregates; isolating; in detriment to).

A range of simple and complex grammatical forms is used with control and flexibility to express more complex ideas.

Although there are some errors, these mainly occur when more ambitious language is attempted and do not impede communication.

FCE Essay Examples: Topic (Languages) 

In your English class, you have been talking about learning languages. Now your English teacher has asked you to write an essay for homework.

Write an essay using the notes and giving reasons for your point of view.

“There are more reasons to learn a foreign language than to pass a test”

Everything around us revolves around language(s), it is the most important thing in our lives. Society would just not function without it. They are It is our future and I would personaly love to learn as many as I possibly can.

Not everything in life is done because it is necessary. Learning a new language can be a lot of fun. Many people only do it as a hoby, or their knowledge is something that brings them pride and pleasure.

Secondly, we have people who do it simply to challenge themselves. Truly I believe that having a great outcome that stems from your hard work and dedication to learn something new is a wonderful way to challenge prove your ability to yourself and others. Then there is travelling. It is very important to be able to understand and have a conversation with someone abroad, unless you would like to get lost or worse.

To conclude, I think that learning a new language is an amazing thing no matter why you do it. It is always better to do things out of enjoyment, but even if you do it for a test, that knowledge will always be useful.

5All of the content is relevant to the task. The candidate has discussed pleasure, personal challenge and travel as different motivations for learning a language, so the target reader is fully informed.

5The conventions of the essay genre have been used effectively to hold the target reader’s attention. Straightforward and complex ideas have been communicated:
4The text is well organised and coherent, using a variety of linking words and cohesive devices:
4A range of vocabulary, including less common lexis, is used appropriately:

A range of simple and some complex grammatical forms has been used with control and some fexibility: 

The errors do not impede communication: …

Learning a a foreign languages is very important nowadays. English, in particular, is essential because it allows is spoken all over the world. That’s the reason why we start studying it from the age of six years old. Going abroad and being able to speak to native people is very satisfying and that’s why I want to improve my knowledge about foreign languages.

I decided to take this exam to know how high my level of English is, but also because I need this certification to go abroad next summer. I really want to come back to Cornwall, an amazing region in the South-West of England. I’ve been there twice with my family, but now I want to go alone. Only being there to England I can really improve my English comprehension and speaking skills.

Fortunately I can will have some English lessons which taught in English at university and I can’t wait for it because it will be an interesting challenge for me. Studying foreign languages is essential to live and to travel. It isn’t simple and I surely have to challenge myself everyday, but the result is so satisfying that we I can’t do without it.

3There is some minor irrelevance here, since the focus of the discussion seems to be the candidate’s personal experience and motivation, and the points about learning for pleasure and personal challenge are only incidentally addressed. The target reader is on the whole informed.

4The conventions of the essay genre have been used to hold the target reader’s attention. Straightforward and some complex ideas have been communicated:
3The text is generally well organised and coherent, using a variety of linking words and cohesive devices:
4A range of vocabulary, including less common lexis, has been used appropriately:

A range of simple and complex grammatical forms has been used with a good degree of control:

The errors do not impede communication:

FCE Essay Example: Topic (History) 

In your English class you have been talking about learning history at school. Now, your English teacher has asked you to write an essay.

Write an essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view.

A very common topic that is being discussed nowadays is wether schools should teach subjects that some may consider useless later in life. A clear example is history, since it is quite difficult to learn and does not help us in day-to-day activities.

However, many people do not realize the importance of it or that it affects our lives today. For example, our political system would not be this way if it weren’t for the Ancient Greeks, numerous politicians and wars who helped shape democracy and our constitution. Yet it is still thought that it’s useless.

In addition, it is very important that we never forget about our past since we must know where we were standing years ago. Moreover, there are some things, such as World War II, that we have to remember to prevent them from happening again. We should also know where we we were standing a century ago: our origins, our identity. The more you learn about your ethnicity, the better.

All in all, I think that it is extremely important to learn about one’s own country’s history. Anyone who gets the chance to do this should not waste it, since they are very fortunate to have this opportunity

5All content is relevant to the task and the target reader is fully informed.
The first two points have been discussed together in detail and a third
point, about origins and identity, has been included.

5The conventions of essay writing have been used effectively to discuss the issues in an informed manner. Straightforward and some more complex ideas, for example the point about the Ancient Greeks and the closing statement, are communicated using an engaging tone which is suitable for a wide audience and which holds the reader’s attention throughout.
5The text is well organised and coherent and makes effective use of a variety of cohesive devices to skilfully connect ideas both within and across sentences and paragraphs. Some organisational patterns are used to good effect, for example the parallel short statements ending the third and fourth paragraphs.
5There is a range of vocabulary, including less common lexis (numerous politicians; shape democracy and our constitution; our origins, our identity; your ethnicity) used appropriately. There is a range of simple and complex grammatical forms used with control and flexibility. Errors, mainly related to less common lexis, are minimal.

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Essays on Various Topics - List of Essay Writing Ideas

Essay writing is not everyone’s cup of tea. Most students find it difficult to begin writing. Essays can be made easier if students start thinking about the topic either through brainstorming or by putting them down on a sheet of paper. After getting the ideas, they need to know how to organise them to form an essay. For this, they need to practise essays on different topics. Here, we have compiled a list of Essays on various topics.

These are the general essay topics which are most likely to be asked in the exam. Some of these essay topics are also picked from past year papers. Students of Classes 6 to 10 can go through these essays and know the right way of expressing their thoughts to form a perfect essay. Apart from the CBSE , students of ICSE and other state boards can also use these topics to prepare for their English exams.

essay writing on exam

Essay Topics: List and Writing Ideas

Usually, one essay is asked in the English paper. The essay writing question mainly comes under the writing section and comprises 5 to 10 marks. By having a look at the essays on the below-mentioned topics, students can easily score these marks in the exam.

We will be soon updating more Essays.

Characteristics of a Good Essay

A composition on a particular topic consisting of more than one paragraph is an essay. The characteristics of a good essay are:

1) Unity: The essay should deal with the main subject and all parts of it should be clearly linked with that subject.

2) Coherence: There should be a logical sequence of thought. This requires a logical relationship between ideas, sentences and paragraphs.

3) Relevance: Unimportant information should not be included.

4) Proportion: Give more space to important ideas.

Students can also get the essays for class 2 and class 3 to improve their writing skills.

Types of Essays

Essays are mainly ways of expressing one’s ideas and thoughts. Essays vary in how one narrates a personal experience, describes an issue, or convinces the reader to accept a certain viewpoint. So, essays are mainly classified into four major types, as mentioned below:

1) Narrative Essays: Telling a Story

While writing a narrative essay, students must consider the topic as if telling a story. Through these essays, they can express themselves in a creative way. These essays are usually written in the first person, so as to engage the readers.

2) Descriptive Essays: Painting a Picture with Words

In a descriptive essay, students have to paint a picture with words. They have to describe something. It can be an object, person, place, experience, emotion, situation or anything else. These essays allow students a great deal of artistic freedom.

3) Expository Essays: Presentation of the Facts

An expository essay is an informative piece of writing that presents a balanced analysis of a topic. To write a good expository essay, students need to investigate the topic, evaluate evidence, express the idea, and set forth an argument clearly and concisely. It can be done by comparison and contrast, definition, example, the analysis of cause and effect, etc.

4) Persuasive Essays: Convince Me

A persuasive essay is one in which a writer tries to convince the reader to accept his/her viewpoint. It presents all sides of the argument but clearly communicates the writer’s personal opinion.

CBSE Unseen Passages

Students can increase their scores in the reading section of the English paper by practising the comprehension passages. To help them, below, we have listed the links to unseen passages.

Students must have found these Essay Topics helpful for their studies. For more study material and latest updates on the CBSE / ICSE / State Board / Competitive exams, keep visiting BYJU’S. Also, download the BYJU’S App for interactive study related videos.

Frequently Asked Questions on Essay writing Essay

How should students practise essay writing.

The following points should be remembered while practising essay writing: 1. Constant written practice is required for honing essay writing skills. Writing alone tests the competency of the students to ideate and execute a proper essay within a specified time. 2. In-depth knowledge on various topics is a prerequisite for students preparing to write essays in school exams and competitive examinations. Such knowledge can be acquired by regularly developing a habit of reading extensively — especially newspapers and magazines — and following other news sources on various media available to them. 3. Developing a good vocabulary is another important factor students should focus on. Essay writing demands a more formal and extensive vocabulary as the range of topics asked are so wide-ranging. Every topic will demand familiarity with words and phrases pertaining to it. Use of good idiomatic English rich with apt vocabulary will help students pen memorable essays.

How to write an essay on an unknown or unfamiliar topic?

If an essay topic is unfamiliar then students can try to write in general about topics which are related to the main topic. Reading magazines and books can help in acquisition of knowledge in various subject matters.

How to score high marks in essay writing?

Given below are some of the points to be considered to ensure that students can score high marks in essay writing. 1. Maintain flow of text in essay: Ensure that the essay follows a natural progression from introduction to conclusion. Make sure that each paragraph is thematically or logically connected to successive paragraphs. Only then will the essay be evocative and easy to read and comprehend. 2. Phrase the essay is a relatable way: Keep the target audience in mind while drafting the essay and use images and language that resonate with them. Otherwise it would fail to connect with the reader, even if you have come up with a decent essay. 3. Be creative: Show the audacity to think out of the box and to deviate from traditional ways of writing essays while coming up with ideas to present your viewpoints in the essay. Readers will be immediately drawn to a piece of writing that gives them a fresh perspective, even if you are writing on a very common topic. But too much creativity and idiosyncratic writing will only mar an otherwise well-researched essay. 4. Present the essay in a better manner: Always think of new ways and strategies to present your ideas which you may have drawn from multiple sources. Doing background research is definitely essential. But that does not mean that you have to present the content you found in the same way. A fresh approach can turn a boring essay into a very engaging one. 5. Do not be over confident: Essays usually require students to state personal opinions as well as facts. Be prudent in voicing your opinions as well as in stating facts – make sure you don’t hurt the sentiments of readers when writing on sensitive and controversial topics. Practice diligence, not overconfidence, while writing essays as a best practice.

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How to prepare for writing exams

(Last updated: 12 May 2021)

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Here’s what we cover in this blog post on essay exam preparation: A week before The night before Assembling all the right tools Getting enough sleep Eating well Exam day Getting started Reading (and understanding) the question Creating a mind map or outline Timing it right Writing each paragraph Reviewing, editing and proofreading Final tips

It is coming to that time of year when everyone is thinking about exams. This year, which might be different from what you have experienced in previous years, there is an increasing number of essay-based exams.

This post is going to take you through the process leading up to the essay exam. It will highlight the preparation as well as a useful strategy to follow as you begin to write. While there is undoubtedly a whole lot of stress associated with essay-based exams, by creating a plan and implementing it on exam day, you will be on the road to success.

A week before

Creating a study plan and sticking to it.

Studying for your exams is an essential part of the process, but essay exams are often difficult to prepare for because there is a lot of revision notes and information to review and only one (or two) essays to write.

There are a number of essay exam strategies that could be asked of you as final exams approach. Your instructor could give you a list of possible exam questions, and then choose one for the essay based exam. They could provide you with a list of themes, and then provide the essay question on the day, or they could provide you with no information (other than your course syllabus) and wish you good luck. You are going to approach your studying dependent on what information you have, but for all the cases, you are going to start studying at least a week before the exam date.

In your essay exam preparation, remember that sitting down for 8 hours a day to study is an unrealistic goal. Your brain is going to get distracted, and you won’t be making the best use of your time.

Instead, set reasonable time periods that you think you can study in. Make sure these times are not too early or too late, but fall within what you think is your most focused time of day, i.e. if you’re an early riser, set your study hours for first thing in the morning. Study in chunks of about 20-30 minutes, taking a break in-between each chunk. In this way, you will train your brain to remain focused, while avoiding certain distractions, like social media.

Once you have your essay exam plan in place, try to follow it each day for optimum success.

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The night before

Assembling all the right tools.

When preparing for your exam, your instructor will have told you the tools that are (and are not) permitted during a written exam. Rather than trying to find all the pieces on exam day, try and assemble them the day before so this is one less thing that you are worried about. At a minimum, having a pencil, pen, highlighter, and some scrap paper is essential. We would also encourage you to have something to drink available, and ensure that you stay hydrated.

In some exams, you will be permitted to use your notes, textbook, lecture notes, or other sources of information. If this is the case, make sure you have those handy as well and that they are organised in a way that makes sense to you. Hopefully you will have studied these course materials in preparation for the test. If you highlight or underline core pieces of information in advance, these indications will help you to find the details you need quickly and efficiently.

Getting enough sleep

The night before an exam can be a stressful one and you may find it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep. Some people worry that they will sleep through their test, while others find it difficult to detach from all the information that is undoubtedly swirling around in their brains.

Getting enough sleep and being well rested for exam day is important, so make sure that you do something to relax before you hit the sack. This might include a bath, an outdoor walk, or watching your favourite movie.

It is probably best to avoid chatting with friends on your course, as you do not want their anxiety rubbing off on you! Instead, take some time to yourself and go to sleep knowing that you have prepared well and are on track to success.

Eating well

Along with sleeping, it is important to make sure that you are eating well. There is nothing worse than feeling all bloated during an exam. Also, drinking copious amounts of coffee before the exam can make you jittery and can affect your concentration. Coffee and tea are also well-known diuretics… so yes, visit the toilet before the exam starts!

If your exam is early in the morning, try and have a light breakfast. If it is later in the afternoon, try to avoid having a huge meal that will make you feel sleepy. Choosing healthy options and staying away from excess sugar and caffeine will provide a positive outcome.

Getting started

OK, so you have had that good night’s sleep, eaten a healthy breakfast and now you are ready to go.

Sometimes you have to wait several hours before the beginning of the exam. Studying during these hours may stress you out, so if you have done ample studying before, you may just be able to relax.

If you are finding that you are really stressed, take yourself out of the situation. Go for a walk, do some yoga, catch up on an episode of your favourite sitcom.

When you finally log into your exam, take a deep breath, read the exam instructions carefully, noting how much time you have, what the formatting requirements are, how you are supposed to name/save your file, and how to submit.

essay writing on exam

Reading (and understanding) the question

Sometimes we can get so nervous in an exam that we start to write without reading the entire question. Don’t fall prey to this. It is important that you read the question from beginning to end and to look for clues as to what the course instructor actually wants. Your instructor will probably use some keywords in the essay question, and if you understand what they mean by these words, you are in a better position to fully address the question.

Here are some of the essay question words they might use (and what they mean):

  • Describe: probably the easiest one to write about, this is about creating a list of characteristics, qualities, or parts.
  • Compare: this requires you to take two things and look at the similarities and differences (and usually the similarities are the most important) between them.
  • Contrast: for a contrast, you take two things and look at them in opposition (so you are highlighting the differences).
  • Discuss: this one requires you to create a debate (essentially a compare AND contrast).
  • Evaluate: Here, the instructor is asking you to give your opinion, to use the opinions of others to justify your argument, and to include evidence to support your position.
  • Analyse: for an analysis, you require an argument/position. From there, break this argument down into smaller parts and discuss or interpret each one. Your instructor may also write ‘critically analyse’ which means that you need to provide evidence from scholarly sources.
  • Summarise: in this case you would need to take a bigger argument and narrow it down, excluding many of the details. You might also include important conclusions that have been documented.
  • Interpret: you need to explain the meaning. This is done by giving examples and describing relationships.

As you can see, the words that an instructor uses can signal to you, as the student, what you are supposed to do. If you miss these keywords or phrases because you did not read the full instructions, you are putting yourself at a disadvantage. So be diligent and remain focused while reading.

Creating a mind map or outline

Once you understand the question, jumping straight into writing might be appealing, but this isn’t necessarily best approach.

Try to spend at least a few minutes planning what you want to write. This will actually speed up your writing process once you start to write your exam essay. While you certainly don’t want to spend a whole bunch of time planning every last detail, writing a brief but focused essay plan will save you time thinking once you’ve started writing, and will also make sure, right from the beginning, that all your paragraphs are answering the exam question.

There are two main essay exam strategies for brainstorming. One involves a ‘mind map’, also called a spider web, and it looks something like this:

essay writing on exam

In the mind map process, you put your main idea (thesis statement, argument, position) in the centre of the diagram. The branches that extend from this main idea become your paragraph topics and then the furthest branches become some examples or evidence that you might like to include. This creates a very visual image of how your writing fits together.

Another option is to create a linear outline. In this strategy, you create a skeleton for what will become your essay. It looks something like this:

In the above example, the bolded text is the headings for your paragraphs, the pieces of information below are examples that you might like to use in each paragraph. This is a useful structure because it simply allows you to fill in the blanks as you go along.

Remember that when you begin to write, there is no rule that says you have to start at the beginning. One essay exam strategy is to start with the paragraphs that you think are the easiest (which might be somewhere in the middle). Just because the reader will read the introduction first, does not mean that you have to write it first. Sometimes writing the introduction and the conclusion last means that you can go back and make sure that they ‘match each other’ and that they fully address the question being asked.

Timing it right

There is nothing worse than realising halfway through the exam that you are running short on time, and so you may be asking yourself how to write essays faster in exams. The easiest answer is to have a plan for how to answer essay questions in an exam setting!

By this point, you will have created a brief mind map or outline as one of your essay exam strategies. Now, set yourself a realistic goal for each paragraph. If you know that you have allotted yourself 10 minutes per paragraph, try your best to stick to this model.

Remember, it is better to write organised paragraphs that are easy to read, rather than to input a whole bunch of information in an illogical way. There is likely a clock on your computer (or in your study area), so make sure that you can easily glance at the time and remain on track.

In addition, while time is important, it is also worth practicing your typing skills. If you can improve your accuracy and speed, you are going to have more time to get your ideas written out. This, however, should be seen as a long term goal, and something you can work on over the course of your degree.

Writing each paragraph

A paragraph is a series of moves. Following the same format for each paragraph not only makes it easy for you to create, but it simplifies the reading process for the marker. This is a win-win situation!

Now, you might be thinking, ‘there are many ways to write an essay’, and you would be correct. But, taking the time to be really creative in your essay writing is probably not the best strategy because it will take too much time.

A typical paragraph structure looks like this:

As you can see from the above list, your paragraph is going to need about 6-8 sentences to be complete. If you follow this model, it makes it easy to go back and check that all your ideas have all the right elements included within them.

Reviewing, editing and proofreading

It may be tempting to write the last word of the conclusion and hit the submit button. You have worked hard up to this point and you likely just want to be done with the test. Resisting that urge, however, is a wise decision. If you happen to have leftover time at the end of your essay exam, spend that time reviewing what you have written and making sure that you are not losing marks for silly mistakes.

First, go back to the instructions and identify areas of your essay that directly match up with the question prompts – this will ensure that you have met the assignment instructions.

The next step is proofreading for silly errors. One of the nice things about having an essay-based exam at home is that you can read out loud and no one around you will judge you (except maybe your cat, but that’s okay). Reading aloud will help you to identify run-on sentences and any places that need a comma or full-stop. If you are out of breath and you have not finished reading your sentence, it is probably too long.

Reading out loud will also help you to identify awkward phrases, and places where you have used the same word multiple times in a row. Taking the time to do this may grant you an extra one or two marks, which can be the difference between an upper second and a first.

essay writing on exam

We know that it can be difficult to figure out how best to prepare and revise for essay-based exams, but if you put in the work, you can be sure that come exam day you are ready and able to achieve success.

It may seem overwhelming on the day, but the reality is that the exam will be over in no time and you will be ready to move on to bigger and better things. Remember, ten years from now, you are unlikely to remember this event, so try not to stress about it in the present.

After the exam is finished, take some time to breathe. Step away from the computer and spend some time doing something that you enjoy. You worked hard in the essay exam preparation, and now you get to relax! Give yourself a pat on the back, and credit for all that you have achieved.

Maintaining a positive attitude is a key component of essay writing and for college/university in general. Be confident, you are ready!

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Punctuation checker

Nobody's perfect all the time—and now, you don’t have to be!

There are times when you just want to write without worrying about every grammar or spelling convention. The online proofreader immediately finds all of your errors. This allows you to concentrate on the bigger picture. You’ll be 100% confident that your writing won’t affect your grade.

grammar mistake

Correcting your grammar

The Scribbr essay checker fixes grammar mistakes like:

  • Sentence fragments & run-on sentences
  • Subject-verb agreement errors
  • Issues with parallelism

spelling mistake

Spelling & Typos

Basic spell-checks often miss academic terms in writing and mark them as errors. Scribbr has a large dictionary of recognized (academic) words, so you can feel confident every word is 100% correct.

Punctuation errors

The essay checker takes away all your punctuation worries. Avoid common mistakes with:

  • Dashes and hyphens
  • Apostrophes
  • Parentheses
  • Question marks
  • Colons and semicolons
  • Quotation marks

word use

Avoid word choice errors

Should you use   “affect” or “effect” ? Is it   “then” or “than” ? Did you mean   “there,” “their,” or “they’re” ?

Never worry about embarrassing word choice errors again. Our grammar checker will spot and correct any errors with   commonly confused words .

accept all

Improve your text with one click

The Scribbr Grammar Checker allows you to accept all suggestions in your document with a single click.

Give it a try!

essay writing on exam

Correct your entire document in 5 minutes

Would you like to upload your entire essay and check it for 100+ academic language issues? Then Scribbr’s AI-powered proofreading is perfect for you.

With the AI Proofreader, you can correct your text in no time:

  • Upload document
  • Wait briefly while all errors are corrected directly in your document
  • Correct errors with one click

Proofread my document

all english variants

A Grammar Checker for all English variants

There are important differences between the versions of English used in different parts of the world, including UK and US English . Our essay checker supports a variety of major English dialects:

  • Canadian English
  • Australian English

Why users love our Essay Checker

🌐 English US, UK, CA, & AU
🏆 Quality Outperforms competition
✍️ Improves Grammar, spelling, & punctuation
⭐️ Rating based on 13,623 reviews

Save time and upload your entire essay to fix it in minutes

Scribbr & academic integrity.

Scribbr is committed to protecting academic integrity. Our plagiarism checker , AI Detector , Citation Generator , proofreading services , paraphrasing tool , grammar checker , summarizer , and free Knowledge Base content are designed to help students produce quality academic papers.

We make every effort to prevent our software from being used for fraudulent or manipulative purposes.

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Frequently asked questions

Our Essay Checker can detect most grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. That said, we can’t guarantee 100% accuracy. 

Absolutely! The Essay Checker is particularly useful for non-native English speakers, as it can detect mistakes that may have gone unnoticed.

The exact time depends on the length of your document, but, in most cases it doesn’t take more than a minute.


  1. Top Useful Tips on How to Write an Excellent Essay Test

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  2. Essay Exam Test-Taking Tips

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  3. FCE Exam Writing Samples and Essay Examples

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  4. Write an essay on Exam Stress

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  5. Essay Examination

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  6. Essay on Examination with Outline Quotations and tips

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  2. Write an essay on "Examination" || Essay Writing || Essay writing "Examination" || Exams Essay

  3. Types of students after writing exam (Pt.2) 😂👍

  4. CDPO English Essay Writing Practice #cdpo #english #cdpoexam

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  1. Essay Exams

    You must be realistic about the time constraints of an essay exam. If you write one dazzling answer on an exam with three equally-weighted required questions, you earn only 33 points—not enough to pass at most colleges. This may seem unfair, but keep in mind that instructors plan exams to be reasonably comprehensive.

  2. Writing Essays for Exams

    Most essay questions will have one or more "key words" that indicate which organizational pattern you should use in your answer. The six most common organizational patterns for essay exams are definition, analysis, cause and effect, comparison/contrast, process analysis, and thesis-support. Definition. Typical questions.

  3. Taking an Essay Exam

    Write out your essay, using good writing techniques. As was said earlier, essay exams are like other essays, so use the same good writing strategies you use for other kinds of writing. Keep in mind that your purpose is to persuade your reader—the examiner—that you know the material. First, create a thesis for your essay that you can defend.

  4. CC

    During the Exam. 1. Keep track of time. When the exam starts, write down the end time, and then write down when you should finish each section—for example, if it's a three-hour exam, and you have five essays to write, you might choose to give yourself 30 minutes per essay, which leaves you 30 minutes at the end to reread your work.

  5. PDF Strategies for Essay Writing

    Harvard College Writing Center 5 Asking Analytical Questions When you write an essay for a course you are taking, you are being asked not only to create a product (the essay) but, more importantly, to go through a process of thinking more deeply about a question or problem related to the course. By writing about a

  6. How To Prepare For An English Essay Exam? 10 Must-Know Tips

    8. Proofread & Edit. After writing your essays, don't overlook the importance of proofreading and editing. Conduct a comprehensive review of your work to pinpoint any grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. Effective editing ensures that your essays are clear, and error-free, and convey your ideas effectively. 9.

  7. The Beginner's Guide to Writing an Essay

    Essay writing process. The writing process of preparation, writing, and revisions applies to every essay or paper, but the time and effort spent on each stage depends on the type of essay.. For example, if you've been assigned a five-paragraph expository essay for a high school class, you'll probably spend the most time on the writing stage; for a college-level argumentative essay, on the ...

  8. Essay Exams

    For example, for a 30-minute exam, spend 8 minutes to read the prompt, brainstorm, and plan; 15 to write; and 7 to edit/proofread. If you have word limits, don't waste time counting words. Know how many words you usually write per line or page of a blue book and estimate. Brainstorming and organizing

  9. Tips for Writing In-Class Essay Exams: Ace Timed Essay Tests

    2. Brainstorm a list of ideas and develop an outline for your essay. To excel in in-class essay exams, it's vital to master the art of brainstorming and crafting a structured outline. Begin by reading the prompt carefully to understand what's required. Then, brainstorm a list of ideas related to the prompt.

  10. The Writing Center

    1. Narrow the topic you are writing about to a single idea; 2. Convey your purpose—what you are going to do—and your opinion; 3. Provide a preview of how you'll arrange your ideas. After you write your thesis statement, think of at least three strong ways to prove your thesis. Then put these ideas in a logical order.

  11. Exam essay techniques: planning under time pressure

    Follow the simple exam essay technique steps below to plan and write a clear, structured essay, even under time pressure. Your exam essay plan. Your exam essay plan is a key first step is to give your essay a clear structure and arrange your main points into a logical order, but it is important not to spend more than 10 minutes on it as it ...

  12. Exam preparation: Strategies for essay exams

    Plan the essay first. Use the first 1/10 to 1/5 of time for a question to make an outline or concept map. Organize the plan around a central thesis statement. Order your subtopics as logically as possible, making for easier transitions in the essay. To avoid going off topic, stick to the outline as you write. Hand in the outline.

  13. Write & Improve

    Our free online tool helps you to practise your writing and get valuable feedback instantly. Write & Improve is simple to use: just choose a task, write or upload a written response and use the feedback to quickly improve. It shows you how to improve your spelling, grammar and vocabulary. Join over 2 million learners of English who have used ...

  14. 9 tips for writing essays in exams

    2. Draft a quick plan of the structure. Always, always, always plan your essays in an exam. Like… always. The kick of pure fear adrenaline when you start an exam can make it pretty tempting to get writing asap but save yourself a world of pain and take a few minutes to plan. You want to basically write down your thesis (probably one you've ...

  15. Studying for Essay Exams

    Can you study for an essay exam? The challenge of essay exams. Study Strategy 1: Create a study guide. Study Strategy 2: Try to guess the questions. Study Strategy 3: Study from old exams. Study Strategy 4: Outline or write possible answers. Study Strategy 5: Study in a group.

  16. 5 Rules for Answering ESSAY Questions on Exams

    Start building your analytical skills on Brilliant for free at - and be among the first 83 people to sign up to get 20% off...

  17. Quiz & Worksheet

    1. Fundamental essay building blocks include _____. several introductory paragraphs. a thesis statement. a minimum of two body paragraphs. no concluding paragraph. an outline to highlight the ...

  18. In-Class Essay Exams

    In-class essay exams give students the opportunity to showcase their writing skills and content knowledge within a set amount of time. Students are expected to use their critical thinking skills to analyze texts, develop arguments, and synthesize information. Instructors who use in-class essay exams are testing for students' ability to apply ...

  19. Essay

    FCE Essays - Sample/model answers and examiner comments. An essay is always written for the teacher. It should answer the question given by addressing both content points and providinga new content point of the writer's own. The essay should be well organised, with an introduction and an appropriate conclusion,and should be written in an appropriate register and tone

  20. How to prepare for the PTE essay writing task

    Following this, you must write an essay in 200-300 words answering the question. The essay should be formed of an introductory paragraph, two main paragraphs which develop an idea, and a conclusion. to plan, write and check your essay. Therefore, it's vital that you practice this task a number of times before the exam.

  21. Essay Topics, Essay Writing Ideas and Types for English Exam

    Constant written practice is required for honing essay writing skills. Writing alone tests the competency of the students to ideate and execute a proper essay within a specified time. 2. In-depth knowledge on various topics is a prerequisite for students preparing to write essays in school exams and competitive examinations.

  22. How to prepare for writing exams

    A typical paragraph structure looks like this: 1. Topic sentence - make sure that your first sentence introduces the topic for discussion and relates back to your argument in your introduction. 2. Explain your topic sentence - if there are any complicated terms in your topic, use this sentence to define them. 3.

  23. Free Essay and Paper Checker

    Rely on the most accurate free essay checker available. Improve your writing by correcting grammar, spelling, punctuation and word choice. FAQ ... In the test for the best grammar checker, Scribbr found 19 out of 20 errors. ... There are times when you just want to write without worrying about every grammar or spelling convention. The online ...

  24. Exploring the Effects of Written Corrective Feedback Types on

    The primary goal of the delayed post-test was to determine whether the participants' grammatical accuracy in L2 writing would maintain the results obtained in the immediate post-test. The procedure, content, and writing style of the students' writing in the delayed post-test were the same as those in the pretest and immediate post-test.

  25. Academic Writing and Critical Thinking: Preparation for the Candidacy

    Exam procedures; Generative AI; Career learning & development. Career learning & development; Career Innovation Project; Meet the team; Employer & community partners; Career planning resources; Work Integrated Learning; Immigration & residency. Immigration & residency; Co-op work permit application; IRCC and CBSA information; Information for minors