Importance of Military Essays ⚔

Essays on the military are critical because they help us comprehend the military’s history, tactics, and effects on society. They give us a place to conduct in-depth study and analysis, enabling us to examine and assess many facets of the military career.

We may learn a great deal about the complexity of combat, the advancement of military strategies and equipment, and the military’s influence on international politics and security by reading and writing on military topics. These pieces encourage critical thinking, spark intellectual debate, and improve military knowledge and study in addition to instructing and informing readers.

When writing a military essay, you may explore compare and contrast essay topics such as the similarities and differences between military strategies or the contrasting perspectives on the impact of warfare in different historical periods. For example, you can compare the military tactics used in World War I and World War II or contrast the views on the effectiveness of air power in modern warfare.

Types of Military Essays 🎖

Military essays come in various formats with various functions and writing styles. Here are four specific categories:

☑ Expository essays

 These papers seek to offer a concise and impartial exposition of a military subject or idea. They investigate the issue logically and methodically while providing factual information. Expository essays can be written on various subjects, including the history of a particular fight, the composition and organization of a military unit, and the operation of military technology.

☑ Argumentative Essays

In a military setting, an argumentative essay will express a particular point of view or argument and back it up with facts. Critical thinking and persuasive writing skills are needed to make a strong argument in these essays. Argumentative military essays could examine the moral ramifications of military action, debate the merits of a specific defense plan, or assess the efficacy of a military strategy.

☑ Comparative essay

Comparative essays analyze and contrast various elements of military systems, tactics, or historical events. They draw attention to contrasts, similarities, and patterns to comprehend the topic better. A comparative essay, for instance, can examine the parallels and differences between ancient and current combat or contrast the military strategies of various countries.

☑ Analytical essays

They dive into the specifics of a military subject, dissecting it into its component elements and critically analyzing them. To comprehend the subject, these essays require thorough investigation, data interpretation, and theoretical frameworks. Analyzing the origins and effects of a particular fight, evaluating the influence of military technologies on conflict, or reviewing the efficacy of a military doctrine are a few examples of analytical military studies.

If you’re looking to incorporate a capstone project into your military essay, consider exploring various capstone project ideas related to the military. These can range from analyzing the effectiveness of military training programs to developing strategies for improving military logistics or examining the ethical implications of autonomous weapon systems.

What is a Military Essay? - A squadron of jet fighters soaring through the sky.

Format and Structure of a Military Essay 🪖

Here is a broad outline for a military essay, though precise requirements may change based on the assignment or institution:

☑️ Introduction

Start your paragraph with a compelling opening sentence or hook to capture the reader’s interest.

Describe the subject’s history and how it relates to the military.

Declare the essay’s thesis or significant point in clear terms.

Each paragraph should concentrate on a distinct subtopic or argument supporting the thesis.

Start each paragraph with a topic phrase that states the paragraph’s central theme.

Include examples, analysis, and supporting data to support the core point.

Use transitional words or phrases to transition between paragraphs and concepts seamlessly.

☑️ Discussion and Analysis

Discuss the implications of the evidence offered in the body paragraphs after it has been analyzed.

Think critically and offer perceptive criticism on the subject.

Consider opposing viewpoints or arguments, then reasonably and logically respond to them.

Summarise the key ideas covered in the essay, focusing on their importance.

Indicate how the essay’s main argument or thesis has been reinforced by restating it.

☑️ Citations & References

Include a separate section or bibliography for references, if necessary.

Use an appropriate citation format (such as APA, MLA, or Chicago) to give credit where credit is due.

Make that the reference list and in-text citations are formatted correctly and consistently.

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how to write a military essay

Writing Tips for Military Essays

Research: Investigate your issue in-depth using reliable sources, including academic journals, books, government publications, and reliable websites. Obtain a range of viewpoints to create a comprehensive grasp of the subject.

Creating a Strong Thesis: Create a thesis statement that summarizes your essay’s essential points and is clear and concise. Throughout the essay, specific, contested arguments should support your thesis statement.

Creating an outline or structure for your essay guarantees the concepts are presented logically. Your essay should be broken up into an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Each paragraph should contain a primary topic or point supporting your thesis.

Using Proper Language: Use a clear, concise, and formal tone when writing. Use proper and suitable military jargon and concepts. Aim to avoid jargon or excessively technical language that could mislead readers unfamiliar with military lingo.

Accurately citing your sources will ensure they receive due credit. Use the APA, MLA, or Chicago citation styles as specified by your instructor or institution. Use in-text citations for direct quotations, paraphrases, and other material that is not well known.

Military essay examples

“The Impact of Military Technology on Modern Warfare” examines how the character of warfare has changed due to developments in military technology, including drones, cyberwarfare, and artificial intelligence, and what this means for military strategy and ethics.

“Leadership Lessons from Historical Military Figures”: Examine the traits and tactics of historic military titans like Sun Tzu, Alexander the Great, and General George Patton, and discuss how they apply to modern military leadership.

Examine the historical development, present difficulties, and prospects for women serving in the armed forces in “The Role of Women in the Military.” Discuss how gender integration has affected military culture and effectiveness.

“The Use of Propaganda in Military Conflicts”: Examine how various countries and their armed forces have used propaganda to sway public opinion, inspire soldiers, and affect the results of military operations.

“Ethical Dilemmas in Modern Warfare”: Examine the moral dilemmas that military personnel face in today’s conflicts, such as the use of drones, the killing of civilians, and torture. Analyze various ethical systems and consider possible answers to these problems.

To incorporate the concept of a capstone project in your military essay, it’s crucial to understand the four essential elements that make up a successful capstone project. These elements include identifying a problem or challenge, conducting in-depth research, developing a comprehensive solution or approach, and presenting your findings through a well-structured and persuasive essay, for example, in “I want to be soldier” Essay .

For a concise and focused military essay, you may employ a 5-paragraph essay format . This format includes an introduction, three body paragraphs discussing key points or arguments, and a conclusion. It allows you to present your ideas clearly and organized, making it easier for readers to follow your thoughts.

Remember to pick a subject that interests you personally and fits the assignment’s or course’s requirements. To make your military essay exciting and instructive, do extensive research, create a fascinating topic, and employ concise, well-structured arguments backed by proof.

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As a result, military essays are critical in helping us learn more about the military, its history, tactics, and effects on society. They give people a place to conduct research, analyze information, and engage in critical thought, which promotes intellectual development and adds to the body of knowledge in military studies. Whether it’s an argumentative essay on the ethics of war or an expository essay on military technology, these pieces provide insightful analysis.

By diving into the complexities of military themes, we acquire a greater understanding of the sacrifices and difficulties military people face and the broader ramifications of their actions. Military essays provide a way to explore, analyze, and connect with the many facets of the military profession, making them an essential instrument in education, research, and intellectual conversation.

Writing a military essay can be a tricky task. Hence, you should seek professional help. There are various advantages to ordering your essay from WritingMetier . Our staff of expert writers, who specialize in military subjects, guarantees thoroughly researched and excellent articles.

You will receive personalized and unique content punctually provided and treated with strict confidentiality. We are the best option for your essay or military research paper demands because of our commitment to academic brilliance, user-friendly method, and focus on customer happiness.

Free topic suggestions

Laura Orta is an avid author on Writing Metier's blog. Before embarking on her writing career, she practiced media law in one of the local media. Aside from writing, she works as a private tutor to help students with their academic needs. Laura and her husband share their home near the ocean in northern Portugal with two extraordinary boys and a lifetime collection of books.

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How to Write a Military Essay: Basics

Military service is one of the pillars of every country’s well being because officers devote their lives to protecting citizens and making sure that nothing is threatening society. People, who want to enroll, must have outstanding knowledge of the country’s history and should also be well aware of the current events to be able to predict the future. When you know about the country’s past, you can avoid lots of mistakes. That is crucial for military services because lots of lives are at stake.

How to Write a Military Essay: Basics

Military service plays a huge role in protecting citizens of the country and sometimes in conquering territories of other countries or solving international conflicts. That is why people, who want to join the army, should have solid knowledge in a variety of fields: history, geography, economics, biology and much more. You never know when some of your skills will be necessary and will protect your life!

With years soldiers train harder and harder, following basic principles of the army. Those, who died in battles act as examples to help others understand what skills they need to develop in order to stay alive and to complete their missions.

Nowadays any person that is willing to join the army should start with entering a military academy. There every candidate will be asked to submit an essay. So if you are wondering how to write a military essay, you have come to the right place!

A thoughtful essay will surely add scores to your resume and will help you to stand out from other candidates.

Start with writing down your strong and weak sides, because they need to be included in your thesis statement. If you want to become a guru of writing military essays, you will need to practice with much devotion.

Unfortunately, most people that choose military careers don’t possess writing skills and find it really hard to tell about themselves, especially when it is necessary to put words on paper.

However, once you master the art of writing, you will gain another valuable skill that may greatly help in the future. Remember that writing helps to focus, improves critical thinking and allows paying attention even to the slightest details.

Tips on Writing a Military Essay

If you want to know how to write a military essay, you should always have a clear action plan. Luckily, for military specialists, it is rather simple to structure information and follow a particular format.

  • You should always start with choosing a topic. It must be appropriate to the field and should also be unique to differ you from other candidates.

Tutoriage understands that you can be tempted to download a sample online or at least to copy some of its parts because it greatly saves time. But it is always better to write an essay from scratch because you will deliver original thoughts and eventually this will contribute to developing new skills.

And you won’t risk being accused of plagiarism!

  • While some applicants prefer writing about different historical events that concern battles, others prefer focusing on the analysis of the future. If you choose the second path, it will be a winning solution. In such a way you will show the admission committee that you have tactical and analytical skills and can think about the things in the long run.
  • However, you need to make sure that everything you write is backed with arguments and reliable data because this will impact your essay. Once you choose a topic, you should proceed with structuring.
  • Remember that a military essay should follow a particular format based on the requirements of the chosen academy. That is why your paper should have an appropriate structure (this is when most applicants make mistakes).
  • If you have doubts on how to structure your essay or what formatting style to apply, it is better to contact the academy and ask for particular requirements.
  • The next step is writing itself. You should start with an introductory section that would catch the attention of the officers and make them want to go on reading. Try sticking to your natural style and never operate information that you don’t know.
  • Don’t be afraid to admit that you have weaknesses. This will show officers that you want to learn and work harder to achieve all of your goals. Remember that trying to make a positive impression may only do you harm.

Things to Keep in Mind

Military essays come in different forms: appearance theses, accountability essays, and argumentative works. When you choose a particular form you need to be ready for a particular content that would reflect the chosen form in the best light.

In addition, you will need to conduct thorough research on the topic. Make sure you don’t stick to a single source: go to a library, get access to online databases and get as much information as possible. Use books, journal and newspaper articles, speeches and presentations. Just make sure that all of the sources are credible and come from reputable authors.

Unfortunately, it is rather difficult to write a military essay and you will need to put more effort into writing a book review or a laboratory work for school.

After finishing your military essay you need to read it attentively several times. Be ready to discover multiple mistakes in words and phrases. There will also be sentences or even paragraphs that should be changed.

Don’t worry, there are multiple literary tools that allow adding new information, rewriting sections and even writing some parts anew. Even experienced writers rarely publish their first draft!

Once you finish the paper, check it on any spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes. If there are any parts that you doubt, it is better to start proofreading and editing right after you finish the first draft. If not, put it aside and take some time to rest. This will help you to give the essay a fresh look.

If you doubt whether your proofreading skills are good enough, you can ask others to read your military essay and to correct mistakes. It would be better if the person you choose is also interested in military service or has already written a similar essay.

If you don’t want to rewrite the biggest part of your work, you can get familiar with examples of military essays online in advance. With their help, you’ll get familiar with the common structure of the assignment and will see what elements your thesis or body paragraphs should include.

Then you should just come up with a personal format that would make your work unique and original.

Get Professional Help Right Now!

Most of the candidates, who want to start a military career, don’t have a clue how to write a military essay. Luckily, there are multiple online sources that contain examples, advice, and tricks for writing a great essay.

However, they don’t give any guarantee that your military essay will be noticed by the admission committee. That is why the best and the most secure way of getting past the admission is contacting our  writing company .

We will guide you on every stage of the process and will create a unique and flawless military essay that would impress officers not depending on how many other applicants there are!

All our writers are professional experts, who have experience writing military essays. While they will be working on your order, our custom support managers will be there to answer your questions and guide you through this challenging process!

It doesn’t matter whether you need help with writing a particular part of a military essay or you want us to write it from A to Z! You can be sure that we are there for you. We work 24/7, so you can contact us any time you want: without days off and holidays.

Do you know what distinguishes us from other authors? We put the quality of papers first, so your military essay will be of the highest possible quality and will surely exceed all of your expectations.

Instead of wasting days and nights thinking about what and how to write about, you can simply relax and entrust this problem to us! Just do the things you like, while we will assign the most suitable writer and will start working on the order.

We will not only write a good essay but will ask your questions to create an essay that would reflect your individuality and strengths. This means that as a result, the admission officers will get a unique essay that would match your ideas and would show a deep understanding of the topic.

All you need is to contact our managers and to tell them what you want. The rest is on us! We are the best at writing military essays and every day our customers return to us with more and more orders, proving that we are second to none when it comes to academic writing!

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United States Naval Academy (USNA) Essay Prompts and Tips    

September 27, 2023

With an acceptance rate of just 10%, getting into the United States Naval Academy and officially becoming a midshipman in Annapolis is no easy task. After all, how many colleges require a nomination from a member of Congress? Those brave young men and women who choose to navigate a supremely challenging admissions process do so in order to later dedicate a portion of their adult lives to serving their country. This blog will offer admissions-related advice on how to approach the lone, two-part USNA essay.

(Want to learn more about How to Get Into the United States Naval Academy? Visit our blog entitled:  How to Get Into the US Naval Academy: Admissions Data and Strategies  for all of the most recent admissions data as well as tips for gaining acceptance.)

When applying to an institution like the Naval Academy that rejects more than 9 of every 10 applicants, you need to put maximum effort into every area of the application, including the supplemental essays. Below are the USNA’s required supplemental prompts for the 2023-24 admissions cycle along with our advice for composing a winning essay.

US Naval Academy Essay Prompt – Part 1

The USNA only requires one essay, but you need to cover two very distinct topics in one place. We will explore these two distinct questions in two separate sections of this blog. However, we want to stress that both need to be covered in the same limited number of words, as the official directions indicate:

In a well-organized essay, please discuss both of the following:

(1) Describe what led to your initial interest in the naval service and how the Naval Academy will help you achieve your long-range goals, and (CONTINUED LATER IN THE BLOG)… …

It may be helpful to view this portion of the prompt as a higher-stakes version of the typical “Why Us?” college essay. In that category of essay, an applicant is tasked with telling their story of how they decided that ______ University was the perfect school for them. They may write about particular academic programs, courses, professors, research opportunities, internships/co-ops, study abroad programs, and student-run organizations that they will take advantage of once on campus.

Similarly, the USNA wants to see that you have done your homework and are 100% committed to life as a Naval officer. This should be a highly-personal story that demonstrates your maturity, commitment, and readiness to commit to a life in the Navy. Ultimately, joining the Navy is not a decision that anyone should make lightly and the folks in Annapolis will want to see evidence of specific experiences that led you to this conclusion.

For example, perhaps you have:

  • Had multiple conversations with a recruiting officer. Share what you learned.
  • Participated in NJROTC as an adolescent/young adult.
  • Had in-depth discussions with family members or non-family family members who served in the Navy or Armed Forces.

Items you could share related to the long-term goals can include:

  • Talk about your intended major at the USNA. Whether you are interested in political science, aerospace engineering, chemistry, or cyber/electronic operations and warfare, explain how your area of study fits into your long-range goals.
  • Discuss where you see your career in the Navy taking you. You may also want to touch upon post-Navy aims.

US Naval Academy Essay Prompt – Part 2

(2) Describe a personal experience you have had which you feel has contributed to your own character development and integrity.

To begin, it’s important to think about what type of specific words we can use to identify your particular character development. The following list may help your brainstorming efforts:

  • Perspective
  • Open-mindedness
  • Self-regulation
  • Emotional/social intelligence
  • Persistence
  • Enthusiasm and vigor
  • Adaptability

Next, you want to chronicle a singular personal experience that led you to grow in one or more of these character-related areas. Use your life experience to show rather than tell the Naval Academy how you have grown into a person of high integrity. Examples can come from a job, school projects, athletics, NJROTC, or a family experience. In short, the thing to keep in mind here is the Latin quote “Facta, non verba” which translates to “Deeds, not words.”

How important are the essays at the United States Naval Academy?

Overall, the USNA lists nine factors as being “very important” to the admissions committee: GPA, class rank, the interview, extracurricular activities, character/personal qualities, the rigor of your secondary school record, the level of demonstrated interest, recommendations, and—most relevant to this blog—the application essays.

Want personalized assistance?

Lastly, if you are interested in working with one of College Transitions’ experienced and knowledgeable essay coaches as you craft your Naval Academy essays, we encourage you to get a quote  today.

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Dave Bergman

Dave has over a decade of professional experience that includes work as a teacher, high school administrator, college professor, and independent educational consultant. He is a co-author of the books The Enlightened College Applicant (Rowman & Littlefield, 2016) and Colleges Worth Your Money (Rowman & Littlefield, 2020).

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How to use your Veteran experience in college application essays

Professional writing at desk.

Veterans have a unique set of circumstances to draw upon when putting together their application essays. A Veteran is likely to have been many places, in many situations, and seen many things that the average high school senior simply can't imagine and for which he or she has no frame of reference.

Here are a couple of tips for how best to use your military experience in your application essay—and (perhaps more importantly) some thoughts on what  not  to do.

DO mention your leadership ability

Leadership potential might be the number one character trait that schools are looking for in applicants. Proof that you've taken on serious responsibility and have a high level of maturity is a good indication for those in admissions that you will take your education seriously and will go on to do great work post-graduation (and then make millions and donate back to the school, of course). As a Veteran, it is likely you have led a command of some kind—make sure this is touched on in your essay piece.

DO NOT tell this boring story: I went to teach them… but it turned out to be  they  who taught  ME

There's a particular essay that all adjudicators and admissions committees dread. It goes like this… I was employed to teach people/children in a remote village/urban center/small rural area. I went into it thinking I would be educating them, but in the end it was  I  who learned from  them.

Admissions officers hate this essay. Why? Because it doesn't really say anything about you as a person, and the story is not as original as you might think. Careful of this theme… it's deadly.

DO talk about challenges you faced

It's very likely you have dealt with questions and situations that most people have not. Illustrate how you used quick thinking and skills to overcome problems, and how you became more mature because of these decisions.

DO NOT get too dark. Leave out deep personal tragedy

Of course it's good to talk meaningfully about your experience, but this can go too far. Abuse, depression and death are striking subjects and therefore you might think they are good fodder for an essay. After all, the idea is to provoke a response, to make sure you are memorable. Unfortunately, an essay that focuses on these topics does not serve you well. Similarly, psychological trauma that may have been suffered during military service is not great for your essay, not because it's not important to your character, but because it tends to take the reader out of the narrative and usually doesn't connect very effectively to why you'll be a good candidate for college. So often essays that focus on dark subjects go down a trajectory that leads away from your achievements, which is what these pieces  should  highlight. Never stray from a path that keeps you talking about why you are an IDEAL  candidate.

DO tell your specific story

It's important to tell your story—not just one of general military life. Your narrative may seem relatively commonplace to you because it was spent in the company of people who were participating in similar activities, but the details of your service are unique and interesting to admissions officers.

DO NOT feel like it is out of place

Some people with military background feel awkward about telling their story, feeling it is exploitative. Not only is it sensible to use your military life in your essay, it's likely if you went into the service right out of high school, you don't have much else to discuss.

DO highlight technical skills you learned

In your years in the military, you likely were given highly technical jobs and responsibilities that will look very impressive to laypeople. Make sure to talk about these positions and give some details as to how these might help you in a future career post-graduation.

DO NOT forget to seek help

If you need advice or just someone to go over your application with you, talk to an education services officer. And make sure you visit the military education center and explore the VA website. There you'll find insight on how best to utilize the  Post-9/11 G.I. Bill  (also known as Chapter 33 benefits), the  Yellow Ribbon G.I. Education Enhancement Program  and  other programs designed to help Veterans finance their education .

Full understanding of these programs might be a good element to include in your essay, but more importantly, be sure to take full advantage of these programs.

And finally, DO get college credit and discuss that on your essay!

Submit a DD-214 form to make sure that your full military experience is included with your applications. Some of your experience might help you gain college credit and that might be a selling point to universities to which you apply.

Follow these tips, and you're sure to have a stellar application. And you can feel confident in the fact that there are many institutions that are eagerly awaiting to accept young men and women who have served our country.

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How to Write a Military Essay

What are the elements that lead to a perfect military essay.

The military service plays an essential role in any country’s functioning, as officers dedicate their lives to make sure citizens are safe and nothing threatens their state’s integrity. Those who want to enroll in the military should know their country’s history very well and they should always be informed about the things that happen in the present, as well as the things that can take place in the future. Being informed about a country’s history helps people avoid the mistakes that have been done in the past which is crucial, taking into consideration that such mistakes can lead to the loss of human lives.

The main role of a military service is to protect the citizens of a certain country, as well as that state’s integrity but sometimes armies are used to conquer other territories. People who want to be part of the army should be informed about economics, history, geography and even biology and they should train to develop certain skills that will help them when fighting against other country’s army. Over the years, the way soldiers train has evolved but the main principles remained the same. Those who were killed in battles served as examples and helped their colleagues understand what kind of skills they have to develop to avoid losing their lives.

Nowadays, anyone who wants to become a soldier should first go to a military academy where they will be asked to write an original military essay. A well-structured thesis will make you stand out from the crowd and will give you a big advantage over the other applicants. Before you start writing the essay , you should write down your strengths and weaknesses which will then have to be included in the thesis. To master the ability of writing military essays, you have to practice for as long as you need, as in the case of other skills. This will also help you in other areas of the military service, as it helps you focus, it improves your critical thinking and it develops your attention to details.


Before you start writing the application paper , you need to choose a proper subject that will make your essay different from all the other works. Even though there are lots of examples on the internet, writing a military essay from scratch will give you an advantage, as it will only include original ideas and it will also help you develop the necessary skills. While a big number of those who apply write about battles and historical events from the past, others focus on analyzing what could happen in the future. If you choose to do the same, you will prove you’re good with tactics and that you think on the long term, so those who analyze your paper will appreciate. Be careful, though, as this will affect your entire essay, so what you write there should be very well documented.

The text you write should follow the military essay format the academy requires, so make sure your thesis has a good structure as this is where most applicants go wrong. After you understand how to structure your ideas, the next step is adding a catchy introduction that will draw the officer’s attention and will make him or her want to read more. Adopt a natural style and never try to include more information than you know. Admitting your weaknesses will prove officers that you’re willing to learn more and work hard for everything you’ll achieve, while writing an essay just to make a good impression will only create a negative image of yourself.

Military essays have different forms, such as appearance thesis, argumentative works or even essays related to accountability. Choosing a type will define the content of your work, so make your research and learn about the subject before you start writing the thesis.

Writing a military essay is not easy, so after you finish it, the best thing to do is to read it again. You will discover lots of errors and sentences you’d like to change, so this technique will allow you to add information, rewrite some parts and even delete what you don’t like. To avoid rewriting everything, take a look at other military essays and create a good structure from the start. Looking at different other works gives you the possibility to find out which structure you like and apply it in your thesis. Also, you can create your own format based on different examples, giving an original look to your work.

Before you finish your work, check the text for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. This should be done right after you finish writing, while you still remember the parts you doubt. If you don’t know where you went wrong, ask someone to proofread your essay and tell you what are the things that have to be corrected. It would be perfect if that person is also an aspirant for a military career or a person who already passed the admission test.

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how to write a military essay

339 Military Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best military topic ideas & essay examples, 👍 good essay topics on military, 📃 interesting topics to write about military, 🥇 most interesting military topics to write about, 💡 simple & easy military essay titles, 🎓 good research topics about military, ❓ military research questions.

  • Similarities Between Business and Military Strategies Like in the military strategy, marketing aims to spread the influence of the business and conquer new “territories” to sell its products.
  • Military Families and Their Sacrifices While the acts of heroism made by soldiers are not to be underrated, either, the great sacrifice of their families, who provide consistent support, are proud of their family members in the military, and put […]
  • The Importance of Respect in the Military This paper seeks to discuss the importance of respect in the military. Therefore, respect in the army ensures that the jobs of both the seniors and the subordinates are done.
  • Are 18-21 Years Old Psychologically Mature Enough to Go for War/Military? This was done to improve the overall welfare of the service and the inclusion of the eighteen years old meant that they were psychologically fit to offer service in the military and war.
  • Communication in the Military For the military personnel to engage in effective communication, they have to be open to the opinions and behaviors of each one of them.
  • Work-Life Balance in the Military The purpose of this research is to establish the main concerns work-life balance in most of the organizations and fields of employment such as the military, business enterprise, health care facilities just to mention but […]
  • Accountability of Equipment in Military And, the last task a commander has to do before the change of command ceremony is to account for all the property they had signed for and meet with the property book officer and the […]
  • Comparisons Between Business and Military Strategies The military strategy involves combatant skills that are used to fight enemies and safeguard the interest of international borders. In addition, they involve the acquisition of new skills and information that is useful in competing […]
  • Military Interventions: Advantages and Disadvantages This is one of the possible outcomes that can be identified. This is one of the main arguments that can be put forward.
  • The American Military and the Evolution of Computer Technology From the Early 1940s to Early 1960s During the 1940s-1960, the American military was the only wouldriver’ of computer development and innovations.”Though most of the research work took place at universities and in commercial firms, military research organizations such as the Office […]
  • Artificial Intelligence in the Military The current paper will provide research on the virtues, shortcomings, and perspectives of the use of AI in the military. The issue of the usage of AI in military actions is highly controversial and has […]
  • PTSD Dual Representation Theory Use in Military Personnel However, it is the position of this paper that this is mere gender stereotyping and the real cause of trauma among women veterans has to do with sexual harassment.
  • Safety in the Military Workplace This paper is an exploration of the safety measures that can be taken to reduce incidences and accidents in the military workplace.
  • Followership and Servant Leadership in the Military The soldiers in the military are dedicated to serving and executing the commands given by their supervisors. In the military, followership and servant leadership are crucial approaches for ensuring effective performance to achieve objectives.
  • British Military Catering System’s History and Future This revolutionary event marked the start of enhanced cookery in the army. In essence, the system of production of food for British army had not been perfected.
  • The Military Service: Reasons for Joining Army values determine the spiritual and moral orientations of the individual and underlie the actions, deeds, and motives of individual servicemen and military teams and are a kind of self-regulator of the behavior of servicemen.
  • Military Chaplaincy: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats The chaplaincy’s historical centuries-old experience in military events demonstrates that it has unique opportunities for the development of the spiritual and moral potential of soldiers, actualization and strengthening of spiritual support, and the need to […]
  • Optical Fiber Technologies Development and Military Use The benefits of optical fiber technology are the reasons that made the military sector to become an early adopter, and its usage is gradually becoming fundamental even in other fields.
  • Conflict and Its Resolution Within the U.S. Military and Department of Defense Hence, the aim of the paper is to regard the key types of conflicts that appear within the organization, define how does the government manages these conflicts, and what can be made for resolving these […]
  • Military Professional Ethics This is where ethical decision-making must be applied to be fair to the nation and my friend. In conclusion, one has to stress that the military is expected to act in a good and ethical […]
  • Use of Simulation in Military The first type of simulation used in the military is live simulation. The second application of simulation in the military is the use of virtual simulation.
  • Military Logistics and Commercial Logistics Logistics is the management of the distribution of resources and a thorough organization of the chain of supplies. Essentially, the supply chains should focus on the internal dynamics of logistics and have a chance to […]
  • Alexander the Great, Military Intellectual When Olympia was pregnant, the god’s are said to have communicated to her and the husband in a dream on the nature of the child to be born.
  • How Contemporary Leadership Styles Are Relevant in Today’s Military As a consequence, the need to develop the competencies and abilities of leaders in the field is not generally considered a military core activity.
  • Pastoral Counseling in the Military In turn, the standards of the Christian Church will help me to remain patient and understanding of the needs of soldiers so that they could progress in their spiritual development.
  • Gender Inequality in Relation to the Military Service In his article, Soutik Biswas refers to the intention of India’s Supreme Court to influence the government and give women commanding roles in the army.
  • Personal Philosophy of Military Leadership Hence, it devolves upon the leader to provide the necessary inspiration, enunciate clearly his vision and mission for his subordinates and above all be faultless in his personal code of conduct and maintain the core […]
  • Uniform Code of Military Justice The Uniform Code of Military Justice is the corner stone of military law in the armed forces of the United States.
  • “Iron Triangle” in Relation to “Military Industrial Complex” The true power of government and public policy lies not in the hands of the citizenry but in the hands of powerful special interest groups, media, and the corporate elite.
  • Wireless Sensor Networks in Military Applications A wireless sensor network can be characterized as a self-designed framework of remote systems to screen physical or ecological conditions such as temperature, sound, vibration, weight, movement, or contaminations and to pass information through the […]
  • Napoleon Bonaparte’s Military Dictatorship Second, the leaders of the new government generally come from the armed forces and have a substantial support both of the citizens and of the military.
  • Exoskeletons for Military and Healthcare: Marketing Plan Furthermore, the necessity to carry a heavy load, which tends to increase as new tools are introduced into the environment of the U.S.military, is likely to trigger severe back injuries in soldiers as well as […]
  • US Military Spending In this study, we shall evaluate the impact of spending on the military as measured against other sectors of the economy of the U.S.
  • Kosovo 1999: Hacking the Military The paper addresses the motivation behind the attacks, the methods of attack, and the responses of the defenders to these attacks.
  • Redeployment Effort in the Military Moreover, the present objective of the logistics system transformation is to match the scale of logistical capacity to the actual demands of the military in terms of technological modernization and professionalization.
  • Military Master Resilience Training Verses Positive Psychology Despite the fact that both positive psychology and MRT programs have a common goal, several differences including time spent in training, the performance assessment tools incorporated and the number of program elements each of them […]
  • United States Military JCETs: Lithuania The main goal of the Chief of Mission for Lithuania is to engage the country’s support and partnership to enhance stability and security in Europe.
  • The Congressional Medal of Honor in US Military While the Medal of Honor primarily seeks to reinforce desired conduct in soldiers, Sergeant Alwyn Cashe demonstrated selflessness and dedication that inspires fellow members of the armed services and the citizenry. Sergeant Alwyn Cashe depicted […]
  • Military Coup in Myanmar and Its Aftermath The goal of the military coup was to change the political order in Myanmar, which resulted in the change of all governing organizations.
  • LGBTQ+ (Queer) Military Discrimination in Healthcare Furthermore, the subject is relevant to the field of psychology as the current phenomenon examines discrimination in healthcare both from the psychological outcomes experienced by veterans as well as the perception of LGBTQ+ patients through […]
  • Eating Disorders in the Military Exposure to trauma is frequently linked to the emergence of eating disorders. As a result, soldiers develop an eating disorder due to external factors, which affect their mental and physical health, but it remains one […]
  • Civilian vs. Military Crew Resource Management Training In the practice of military crew resource management training, the development of the curriculum is preceded by the development and active use of a structural and logical scheme in the field of training.
  • The Lucifer Effect: Russian Military Invasion of Ukraine It is important to note that the statement that times of great tragedy such as war, genocide and disaster bring out both the best of us and the worst of us is true.
  • Salah al-Din, an Islamic Military Leader To study these events, it is crucial to consider the identity of Salah al-Din. In conclusion, it is important to stress that although the military victories of Salah al-Din caused much trouble for the crusaders, […]
  • Application of Irrefutable Laws of Leadership in the Military As a leader in the Army, I will let it be known to everyone that the decisions I take on behalf of the US Army will not be mine but for the rightful will of […]
  • Individual and Structural Discrimination Toward LGBT (Queer) Military Personnel Consequently, LGBT military personnel are potentially even more vulnerable to mental health issues due to the combined stress of being LGBT and being in the military.
  • Military Medical Staff in a Conflict Area: Challenges and Obstacles The first type of obstacle that the healthcare staff face is related to the organization of the health system in the areas of humanitarian crisis.
  • Extremism: The Contribution of the Military The United States Army is strict against extremism, terming it as a harmful behavior that neglects the responsibilities entrusted to the military and instead undermines the rule of law. The importance of this topic is […]
  • The Role of the Military in Domestic Terrorism Acts The video focuses on the issue of domestic terrorism in the light of the January 6th attack on the Capitol.
  • Sarah Rosetta Wakeman’s Participation in the Military Campaigns Although this source is not dedicated to the person under consideration, Rosetta Wakeman, it was chosen as it is instrumental in understanding the position of women in American society in the 19th century.
  • Dogs in the Military: Articles’ Rhetorical Analysis Despite the different pathetic natures of the two compared articles about dogs in the industry, their comparison proves that the utilitarian and ethical utility of a scientific article is detectable regardless of the level of […]
  • The Mutual Trust Element in Military Operations In the case of launching operation Urgent Fury, the cooperation and mutual trust between the US and the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States were chiefly responsible.
  • Scaling and Success of DevOps for Military HQDA Army G-4 is a special unit involved in the development and evaluation of logistics processes, programs, and policies for the national military sector.
  • Role of Commander’s Intent in Military Operations In other words, the commander’s intent specifies the end state of the battleground in terms of the commander’s own forces, the enemy forces, and the territory.
  • Closing the Military-Civilian Career Gap A combination of the above-mentioned factors makes it harder for the ex-military people to work and interact with other employees. The inability to secure employment and the stigma from employers fuel the stress among the […]
  • Reverse Logistics of Military Service Concerning the reverse logistics of the military, the Navy completed research in 1998, “three fundamentals of RL having surfaced: dependability, consistency, and accessibility,” according to the research, the fundamentals of army reverse logistic procedures are […]
  • Post-Traumatic Growth Among US Military Veterans The first goal of this research is to describe the Prevalence of PTG overall and in the five domains. The second goal is to describe the nature of the association between PTG and PTSD symptoms […]
  • Bridging the Military-Civilian Career Gap The US military has one of the largest armies in the world and is the largest professional standing force. Skills transferability and military identity go hand in hand the military frames individuals to act in […]
  • Mandatory Military Training in the US The major argument in this article is that there is no longer a need for mandatory military training in the US.
  • Closing the Gap Between Military Service and Civilian Career The most important information in the article shows that the way veterans leave the military may affect their transition. This means that not all veterans have the same level of difficulty while transiting to the […]
  • Harassment in Military: My Squad Is Free From Abuse If there is a threat of sexual harassment to a private, he will go to a person he can trust, and I will do my best to become that person as his squad leader.
  • Military Effectiveness of Nazi Germany in 1939-1941 World War II is one of the most well-documented conflicts in military history, and there is an extensive amount of academic literature depicting the military effectiveness of the German army.
  • Erwin Rommel: Military General in the Nazi Army Nevertheless, in early 1941, Hitler promoted Rommel to the commander of the German troops in North Africa, and shortly after, the whole world recognized the military genius of Rommel.
  • Women’s Military Service and Biblical Teaching It is necessary to distinguish between two ideas of equality, which are highly different in moral terms: the idea of equality for the elite, the formal but necessary basis of which are privileges, status, a […]
  • Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation in Military CC: The patient interviewed on the military base. The patient has troubles sleeping after experiencing a traumatic event in Iraq.
  • Combat Operations: Military Operations Analysis Thus, due to the supply of arms and provisions to the city, the Soviet Union army could defend the strategically important city and turn the events of the entire war around.
  • Hazing and Sexual Assault on the Military Profession In that case, the issues affecting the integrity of the soldiers in the platoon will be fixed once and for all.
  • Proposed Solution to Military Spending Problem The government could easily cut the expenses by at least $100 billion and invest the money in other spheres that could provide security for the citizens of the US.
  • A Year of Duty: Why Mandatory Military Service Is a Great Idea A number of very beneficial social functions that it serves makes a case for implementing mandatory military service: it is capable of unifying people, resulting in economic benefits, and giving meaning to a person’s life.
  • Veterans’ Transition From Military to Civilian Life The VA has established several programs that provide medical, financial, and other forms of support to veterans to help them adapt to civilian life.
  • The Crusades and Military Campaigns The Crusades were armed expeditions of the peoples of the Christian West organized by the Church and the Papacy of Western Europe to liberate Jerusalem and the Holy Land from Muslims and subjugate these lands.
  • Combat Bunker to the Corporate Boardroom – Leveraging the Military Mindset The linkage of the military mindset and their application in business settings support the research and analysis of the selected research topic.
  • Leveraging the Military Mindset Into Business With YSG’s culture of hiring veterans and relatives to the veterans, this is an indicator that the company is benefiting from the military mindset in its business. The company has a significant number of employees […]
  • Navigating Religious Pluralism in the Military They also have a significant impact on the development of the religious situation in the country, the dynamics of relations between confessions, and their relationship with the state in the context of the rapid spread […]
  • Military Mindset and Its Application in Business Similar to the military organization, the elements of said leadership and mindset can be learned if there are appropriate resources and culture in place as well as influences that promote critical self-reflection.
  • Difficulties in Adjusting to Civil Life After the Military Therefore, it is crucial for the nursing staff to address this issue and to explain to Mike the consequences of his health problems. It is vital to inform the patient of his condition and to […]
  • The US Sanctions Against Myanmar Military Officials The US, along with the EU, is among the countries that use economic sanctions to achieve their political and economic goals the most frequently.
  • American Military University: The Ultimate Advantage Is an Educated Mind AMU is affordable and has programs in fields such as business, information technology, education and management.
  • Military Security (Nuclear Deterrence) Nuclear deterrence is a military strategy suggesting that a state may use its influence to bar another country from utilizing nuclear weapons.
  • For Continued TRI-CARE Coverage for Military Retirees In light of the sacrifice members of the armed forces give to their country and the social, psychological and health challenges that retirees face during and after service, it is important to provide continued TRI-CARE […]
  • Military Medical Practitioners Malpractice The policy prevents them from filing lawsuits and claims against the national government on the grounds of medical malpractice. It allows for service members in active duty to file administrative claims against the government for […]
  • Failed Leadership and Triggering Military Coups in Mali The people of the Republic of Mali are used to having their heads of state deposed by the military. The Tuareg people are among the most aggrieved, and in 2012, they staged a mutiny aiming […]
  • Response to Terrorist Attacks: The Role of Military and Public Sector Entities Nevertheless, to understand the basis of such partnership, one has to understand the actions that the public sector takes and has taken to respond to terrorism in the United States and globally.
  • How the Military Made the Transition From Combat to Garrison The purpose of the briefing is to expound on how the military transition from combat to garrison has and is being conducted and the type of leadership style works best.
  • The US Military Veterans’ Mental Healthcare System The study’s main objective was to examine the Veterans’ gratification with VA mental health caring, its occurrence of delayed care, and the links of such results.
  • “Experiences of Military Spouses of Veterans With Combat-Related PTSD” by Yambo Spouses living with PTSD veterans are unprepared and struggling to deal with issues that their husbands experience.
  • Civil-Military Tension as Ethical Dilemma The first is to accept the situation as it is without questions, strictly following the orders and observing the limitations of their inferior position as consultants to the government.
  • Ex-Military Adaptation: Veteran Care Grant Proposal The adaptation process and strategies for its implementation are expressed in the project through a consistent approach to the employment of veterans.
  • The Military’s Role During the Fall of Suharto in Indonesia During the fall of Suharto in Indonesia, the military played a significant role as both the silent enforcer and active peacemaker.
  • The Military Partnerships: Humanitarian and Support Role The purpose of this paper is to discuss the humanitarian and support role of the military partnerships and the NATO command structure, involvement of the National Guard and military branches, and some vital functions of […]
  • Transitioning From Military to Civilian Life Since social adaptation after military service is a relevant social topic, this area is studied extensively in social disciplines.
  • Military Technologies Inc. vs. Guidance Systems LLC The stakeholders involved in the aftermath of the decision include the company, the government, the supplier, the alternative supplier, the community, and the competing company as a hostile stakeholder.
  • Military Transition To Civilian Life The presentation will review the usefulness of BMA, ET, and phenomenology for the transitioning processes that VMs experience as they go from military life to civilian life.
  • Burma Under the Military Rule in 1962-1988 It is necessary to add that the public had a specific idea on the military as people believed the military could rule the country as they had the authority and the necessary instruments.
  • N. Johnson’s Analysis of Military Operations in Uganda The defection campaign aimed at the TA commandment will eliminate the danger that TA poses to the local population and reduce the current number of 100 TA fighters to a minimum.
  • Media and U.S. Military Policy 2 This paper discusses how the ubiquity of media continues to affect U.S.military interests and how contemporary military policy responds to media ubiquity.
  • Alcohol Before and After Military Combat Deployment The conclusion of the article addressed the risk in the new-onset of heavy drinking, binge drinking and the alcohol-related crises among the soldiers who return from war.
  • Sex Trade in South Korea Around US Military Bases According to reports released in 2003 by the Korean Institute of Criminology and the Korean Feminist Association, hundreds of thousands of women in the country are involved in the sex trade.
  • Medication Errors at Riyadh Military Hospital: Medical Safety and Quality The safe keeping of medical records is the task of the medical records department. Medication errors are investigated at the hospital with regard to the degree to which the risk of improper management of patients’ […]
  • Multi-Touch Touch Screen Controls in Military Aircraft The attitude indicator is in the centre of the top row, the Airspeed indicator is to the left, the altimeter on the right, and the gyrocompass or heading indicator in the centre of the second […]
  • Contemporary United States Military Chaplaincy Tuttle elaborates that the government has the policy of encouraging the religious, moral, and recreation affairs as well as the development of members of the Armed Force.
  • Military Deployment From Social Service Perspective Among the main problems that led to the development of substance abuse, there is a radical change in the entire lifestyle, changing the previous residence, the decline of the financial situation, housing problems, and uncertainty […]
  • Hawks’ “Sergeant York” and Military Social Work The goals of York were to complete his military service as a brave and worthy man, who contributed to the protection and safety of the US.
  • The Potential Mental Disorders in the Active-Duty Military The article by Walker et al.titled “Active-Duty Military Service Members’ Visual Representations of PTSD and TBI in Masks” describes the study aimed to identify potential mental disorders in the active-duty military.
  • No Respect Given to Military Family The purpose of this essay is to study the impact of the problem of insufficient respect for military families on society and individuals and to find solutions to this issue.
  • Sexism Against Women in the Military The results showed that not all of the perpetrators and victims from the reports were connected to the military, and most of the victims were women.
  • Military Experience: Sergeant Major A rank of Sergeant Major is considered to be a high one and the person must have a reputation of a responsible and knowledgeable individual.
  • Female Military in the Continental Army John Rees claims that the percentage of women in the Continental Army was around 3%, but the actual number is hard to find out since some women were disguised as men, and a lot of […]
  • How to End Terrorism: Diplomacy or Military Action? The goal of the terrorist acts is the intimidate the population for the purpose of rocking the political situation in the countries, which policy is controversial to the ideas of terrorists.
  • Latino Experiences in US Military It is assumed that the Latinos have increased in the military to replace the number of African Americans that has been reducing with years.
  • The Issues of Race in the Military Consequently, to fully comprehend and assimilate the nature of racial and ethical discrimination meted out on the black military personnel’s or to better put it for military officers of different race or colour, one will […]
  • Should National Governments Hire Private Military Contractors? When the services of private militias are enlisted usually the mission is dirty and dangerous and it is supposed to be a secret.
  • Task Clusters in Military Learning Activity The first level in this framework is that of reaction whereby the attitude of the trainees is measured using a written questionnaire that measures their interests and motivation.a show of interest is a positive indication […]
  • Women Should Be Included in the Military Draft if the President Activates It This means that if there is to be a military draft, whether due to the need of health workers, or the already existing and growing numbers of women in the military, women should definitely be […]
  • Military Theorists: Carl von Clausewitz and Antoine-Henri Jomini Jomini just like Clausewitz saw the battle of the French Revolution and the various activities that shaped historical events at the time of the Napoleonic era.
  • Military Divorce, Its Causes and Effects As discussed earlier, due to their nature of training and the nature of the job, the military tends to be emotionally imbalanced with violent tendencies.
  • Roman Civilization and Its Military Power The Roman Empire used the first systems of the republic to conquer a lot but for the interest of a few who included those living within the cities as well as those who were close […]
  • Military Transformation in the US Marine Corps The consensus ‘Committee System’ of Command and Control as practiced by the British Doctrine was identified as the chief weakness in the success of amphibious operations.
  • “The Military Family” by James Martin The book chronicles the military’s efforts to deal with the social challenges and how the operational dynamics have forced the military to outsource and privatize many of the family support functions to civilian service providers […]
  • International Security Environment and Its Impact on the US Military The dangers of a nuclear armed Iran persist and the US will have to cater for the rise of China as a competing superpower.
  • Communication Amongst Military Families At the conclusion of this paper it is the hope of the writer that the reader have an increased understanding of the difficulties experienced by individuals under contract with the military as well as what […]
  • The U.S. Military Is Unprepared at Outbreak of Hostilities However, a close look at the development would definitely show that the allegation is the result of blowing the issue out of proportion and there should be no reason the US force, or the NCOs, […]
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Military Career The military career of Dwight David Eisenhower was closely connected with the development of the American state and international relations during the first half of the 20th century and till the end of the 1960s.
  • Historical Analysis of Military Situations in China The main target of the Soviet was to ensure that the two parties merged. What brought the Communists to power was the revival of the power of the peasantry through Mao Zedong.
  • The Sino-Russian Military Exercises and the US-Japanese War Game The purpose of this paper is to argue that the joint military exercises are informed by the diplomatic tensions between the participants, political events in the East Asian countries, and the scramble for the influence […]
  • Military: Carl Von Clausewitz Theories In modern times fog and friction of war are not obsolete, and their presence in warfare proves the theory of Clausewitz due to multiple examples of war tactics of today.
  • Reinstating the Military Draft If a draft seems quite inappropriate for other aspects of the military, then it is only logical for the same consideration to be made in terms of recruitment of soldiers.
  • Military Leadership in the 21st Century The first challenge of any leadership is to feel the inevitability of tomorrow, meaning that one should be aware that one cannot lead forever and therefore, the delegation of authority should be a part of […]
  • What It Takes to Be a Military Commander To grasp the sheer amount of odds that one has to overcome to rise in the military hierarchy, it’s important to start at the beginning- the initial decision to join the military.
  • Iraq War and the Effects on the Military Family However, the effects of the wars have been felt by the nationals of the warring regions as well as the families of the troops fighting in the war.
  • Military Dictatorships in Latin America Prior to analyzing military regimes in Latin America and the causes of their emergence, it is of crucial importance to understand the concept of dictatorship, because, it has many forms, and can be interpreted from […]
  • U.S. Military in Iraq: Should They Just Leave? After the US defeated Iraq and succeeded in removing Sadaam Hussein from power, they continued to stay in the country in order to ensure that peace prevails in the country and ensure that innocent people […]
  • Private Military Companies’ Strategic Management This difference in terms of professionalism and reliability is one of the factors leading to differences in performance levels between the companies. In the case of Blackwater, they are not open to public scrutiny.
  • British Military Medicine in the 18th Century To trace the footpath of military medicine from the fourteenth century to the eighteenth century is akin to detailing the medical advancements that has accompanied military conquests from the early civilizations to the present post […]
  • Gender Politics: Military Sexual Slavery In this essay, it will be shown that military power and sexual slavery are interconnected, how the human rights of women are violated by the military, and how gender is related to a war crime.
  • Military Dictatorship in Brazil (1964-1985) They studied records of interrogations of the government of Brazil so that they could be able to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the government in dealing with the issue of dictatorship.
  • NATO Organization Civilian & Military Structures Internal lettering is of the formal character, and is not always available for the reader, as it is of no interest for the inhabitant. It may be of scientific interest only for the researcher, and […]
  • Military “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Policy. Is It Legal? The aim of this policy is to allow homosexual men to serve the army in spite of their sexual orientation. Second, and related to the first advantage, the issue definition could allow Clinton to transcend […]
  • Military Substance Abuse Issue Analysis Military substance abuse, therefore, refers to the people working in the department of defense and in one way or the other are overindulging themselves in drug abuse or rather depending on a drug or chemical […]
  • Tupolev Military Aircraft: International Business Law It is proposed to take over the Tupolev Military Aircraft Production Unit from the Russian Government since it is not, presently, in a position, for financial reasons, to build military helicopters here.
  • Military in Space: What Will It Give the US? If these are the primary purposes of the current military strategy in space, there is more for the military in the future.
  • Gender Barriers to Military Leadership In the battle to be a commander in chief of the world’s only superpower, Ms Clinton has been put onto the spotlight as a woman and as a leader and so therefore all the careers […]
  • Military Leadership: Qualities to Acquire To provide a broader perspective to military leadership and the lead role, and to provide a link between the key leadership functions of transforming, integrating, and mobilizing and the nature of work itself, a hierarchy […]
  • Military Conflicts at the Civil War With regard to the case of humanitarian assistance to the people of Somalia, it is important to consider the factor of the effectiveness of the measures taken in terms of their impact on the domestic […]
  • Total Military Experience Effects on Arrests in Prison Inmates The objective of the study is to find the relationship between service in the army and the number of arrests in veterans.
  • Military and Political Leadership According to Yeginsu, the “coolness and rhetorical skill” of the Kurdish politician Demirtas helped him become the primary opposition against the current leader of the country President Erdogan.
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IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 339 Military Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"339 Military Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '339 Military Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "339 Military Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "339 Military Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024.


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How to Write a Good Military Essay

Military service cares about our lives and our safety. Every officer performs his or her important functions, serving the country and its citizens. However, to become an officer, you need to know the history of your country, as well as current and possible future threats. Every country has its history that teaches us about what has to be done in order to ensure safety. We can’t afford repeating mistakes because the stakes are too high.

The purpose of any army is to protect the country and to ensure the safety of its citizens. This is the main function of the army, however, sometimes it needs to perform other functions as well. The military job requires many different skills. Officers need to prepare for the unseen situations and to learn a lot of information. Training of soldiers has its history too, and this history is written with the blood.

To train military skills, one needs to choose a military academy or school. The educational process involves writing different writing assignments, including countless essays of any kind. If you want to stand out from the crowd of other applicants, your essays must be unique and well written. In order to write an effective essay, you need to clearly understand your strong and weak sides. As we all know, the best way to train your skills is to get enough practice. This applies to all academic fields, and military education is no exception. Along with physical training, cadets need to master many other skills, such as commitment, tactics, attention to important details, critical thinking, and the ability to strictly follow the necessary instructions. Therefore, essays are an integral part of the military education.

How to Write a Great Essay

If you want to write an outstanding essay, you need to define the topic and the field. There are many good essay topics available on the internet, so you can choose one of them or you can come up with your own topic. Most students prefer to focus on the history and everything that happened in the past, however, you can demonstrate your ability to think globally and consider the possible future. Such an approach will allow you to demonstrate your good tactical skills, but you must not forget that choosing such a method, it will affect the entire essay.

The main thing is to follow the required format and to create a proper structure. The structure is a very important issue, and even some of the best writers have problems with it. Once you familiarize yourself with the rules or formatting and the requirements of your assignment, you can focus on writing a qualitative content. The first thing your readers see is your introduction, so it must be interesting and catchy. Don’t try to exceed your own capabilities — it’s better to demonstrate that you’re able to work and learn. An ability to learn will be always appreciated by the committee officers.

There are many types of military essays, such as argumentative, appearance or accountability essays, and each of these types has its particular features. It’s important to know the difference between various types of assignments and do a proper research on your subject.

If you want to write a paper that has a great logical structure, you need to prepare for several revisions. You will need to read your drafts, rewrite them, add certain information and remove the unnecessary details. If you see that the structure of your paper is far from perfect, you can look for examples of good military essays on the internet. Seeing good examples, you will understand what structure fits your objectives best.

Finally, you need to remember that such things as grammar, spelling, and punctuation are especially important. If you have doubts about some sentences, we suggest fixing mistakes on the go, before you forget it. You also should know that there are many online writing services with professional writers who can write a perfect essay for you. Remember that writing a persuasive essay is your main goal. You need to show that you’re determined to serve your country and is ready for this hard job. Don’t forget to read your paper a couple times before you submit it so that you can check the structure and fix some mistakes.

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92a automated logistical specialist, 15r apache crew chief, 11b infantryman, 25h network communication systems specialist.

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92Y Unit Supply NCOIC

25 bravo help desk specialist.

Spc. Johnathan L. Morton 62nd Medical Brigade, Fort JBLM

12B Battalion Commander's Driver

Chief, cybersecurity engineering and analysis branch, 56m religious affairs specialist.

SPC Torres, Jacob born in Puerto Rico and raised in Florida. Graduated high school at Harmony High School on May 25, 2018. Sworn in July 30, 2018. SPC Torres attended Basic Combat Training and Advanced Individual Training in Fort Jackson, South Carolina and graduated November 30, 2018. SPC Torres went back home to Florida for hometown recruiting and got married December 7,2018. SPC Torres arrived at Fort Benning for his first duty station December 16, 2018.

92Y Supply Specialist

SGM Timmons

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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, college essays and military life: is it overdone.

As a military child, I've moved around a lot. It's really impacted my life and shaped me as a person, and I'm thinking of writing my college essay about it. But I'm worried it's a common essay topic. Thoughts?

Moving around as a military child is indeed an experience that many students write about, but that doesn't mean it can't make for a compelling essay. Ultimately, it's not about the commonality of the topic, but how you approach it. The best essays showcase unique aspects about your personality and experiences.

Now, an essay about moving around a lot could easily fall into cliches like learning adaptability or cultural understanding. To avoid that, consider focusing on specific anecdotes or insights that you've gained which might be distinct to your experiences.

For example, perhaps all the transitions fostered in you a keen interest in languages or local history, and you have combined these somehow in your high school years, such as starting a regional history club or creating a local language app. Or maybe being the "new kid" frequently led you to develop a passion for creating inclusive spaces, leading you to establish welcome groups for new students at your schools.

These are just illustrations, your story should be individually reflective of your journey. The more it is centered around your personal growth and lessons, the less likely it will feel "overdone." Remember, nobody can tell your story but you. Focus on what makes you unique and let that shine through in your essay.

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Is the U.S. military ready for the wars of the future?

how to write a military essay

AI and technology will be at the center of modern warfare. Anton Petrus/Getty hide caption

AI and technology will be at the center of modern warfare.

Earlier this month, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, and the former CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt, wrote a piece for Foreign Affairs arguing that the future of warfare is here. They say that the U.S. is not ready for it.

The story opens with Ukraine and describes warfare that features thousands of drones in the sky, as AI helps soldiers with targeting and robots with clearing mines.The authors argue technological developments have changed warfare more in the past several years than the decades spanning from the introduction of the airplane, radio and mechanization to the battlefield. And while this new tech has been used minimally in current conflicts, it is only the beginning. "Today, what we're experiencing is the introduction of drones on the ground and drones at sea, and also driven by artificial intelligence and the extraordinary capability that that's going to bring," General Milley told NPR. "Now, it's not here in full yet, but what we're seeing are snippets, some movie trailers, if you will, of future warfare. And you're seeing that play out in Gaza. You're seeing it play out in Ukraine. You're seeing it play out elsewhere around the world."

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Evolution on the battlefield.

Schmidt adds that this transition is going to happen much quicker than some may expect. "Autonomy and abundance are going to transform wars very, very quickly," he told NPR. "The only reason it hasn't happened is, thank goodness, the U.S. is not at war, [but] others are. If you study Ukraine, you see a glimpse of the future. Much of the Kursk invasion that recently happened was due to their ability to use short and mid-range drones to support combined operations on the ground." Now that the human element of physically being on a battlefield can be replaced by remote operations, Schmidt argues that this will set a new, more precise method of fighting that would also be dramatically less expensive than traditional methods. "I'm worried, of course, that this will ultimately set a new standard and actually lower the cost of war. But if you think about it, this technology is going to get invented one way or the other, and I'd like it to get invented under U.S. terms."

Feeling underprepared.

Both Milley and Schmidt say that even if major efforts are made to address this change, the red tape involved with approvals from the Pentagon make it difficult to take quick, effective action. "Not even the president of the United States can fix the procurement process of the Pentagon," Schmidt said. "The procurement process is designed for weapon systems that take 15 years. In the Ukraine situation, innovation is occurring on a three to six-week timeline, and we need to find a way to get the Pentagon on that tempo. The only way to do that is with other authorities and other approaches, and with an understanding that you don't design the product at the beginning and then develop it over five years. You do it incrementally, which is how tech works." Milley agrees that in order to keep up, entire systems of operating within the military will need to be revolutionized. "We are in the midst of really fundamental change here. And then from that, you have to have an operational concept. And then from that, you've got to identify the attributes of a future force. And then from that, change the procurement system in order to build the technological capabilities, modify the training, develop the leaders, et cetera. Our procurement systems need to be completely overhauled and updated."

This episode was produced by Erika Ryan and Kathryn Fink. It was edited by Katia Riddle and Courtney Dorning. Our executive producer is Sami Yenigun.

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How the media blew 2024′s election | Will Bunch Newsletter

Plus, does America really need the world’s ‘most lethal’ military?

I’m back — back from Chicago and also back, inshallah , with weekly newsletters from now until Election Day. Friends and neighbors who watched on TV keep asking me what covering the Democratic National Convention was really like. It was the difference between seeing Springsteen or the Stones in a documentary versus being at the show for a few pulsating hours.

If someone forwarded you this email, sign up for free here .

Critics begged the media to rise to the occasion of the 2024 election, but it’s hitting new lows

This column, about the decline and fall of America’s political news media in such a pivotal election year, has proved very hard to write — not for a lack of material, but because I can’t keep pace with every day’s new and stunning examples of bad journalism, each one spiraling a tad lower.

I’ll start with the weekend’s lowlight: a news story that worked up the media food chain from the muck of smaller right-wing outlets , then got boosted on X/Twitter by Alex Thompson , a widely read national political correspondent for Axios, before the New York Post hyped it in your local Wawa and eventually the New York Times felt compelled to address it. You see, an idea that has animated the right for the last couple of weeks is the fantasy that Democratic vice presidential nominee Gov. Tim Walz is a phony. Sunday’s purported news slammed Walz for a 2006 episode when his then-congressional campaign claimed he’d won a youth award from the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce when really it was — get this! — the Nebraska Junior Chamber of Commerce!

Never mind that the 2006 Walz campaign had corrected this tiny mistake (picture Barack Obama doing the hand thing , but even smaller), probably the work of a junior staffer, the second they learned about it. The nattering nabobs of negativism had accomplished their mission in a year when the elite mainstream media has lost its doggone mind — going after small daily clickbait like a puppy chasing its tail, demanding news conferences only to ask trivial questions , issuing ludicrous “fact checks ,” and desperately seeking gravitas in the candidate just found guilty on 34 felony counts and liable for rape and financial fraud, who was dinged by NPR for 162 lies or distortions in just one news conference.

Indeed, the outrageous overinflation of the Walz story was nearly forgotten by Monday morning when the Times, which has bent over backwards to belittle the joy of Kamala Harris’ wildly successful Democratic National Convention in Chicago last week, published an op-ed from the editor of the conservative National Review, Rich Lowry, headlined simply: “ Trump Can Win on Character .” Perhaps that’s true, as critics noted, if voters do what Lowry did in his piece and pretend that inconvenient facts like the Jan. 6, 2021 insurrection or the fraud verdict had never happened. But while the column was ridiculed on social media, few people said they were giving up on the Times — because in this annus horribilis for the American media, many had already tuned out the NYT weeks or months ago.

It wasn’t supposed to be like this. The NYU professor and media critic Jay Rosen urged journalists to cover “ the stakes, not the odds” of the 2024 election while Margaret Sullivan — who writes for the Guardian and her Substack after stints at the Times and the Washington Post — was more blunt in beseeching the press to ignore the pull of both-sides journalism and take seriously the threat to democracy posed by Trump, who tried to override his 2020 election loss and has made no comforting assurances that he won’t try to do the same after Nov. 5, 2024.

Few journalists — if any — have listened. Much of the righteous fury during the Chicago DNC was directed at fact - checkers from the Times, Post, and independent organizations like PolitiFact. These organizations or practices were mostly established after the endemic political lying of the 2000s — remember the Iraq War ? But while no one would argue with their stated approach of tough, unbiased scrutiny of all sides, the fact-checking industrial complex can’t handle the truth when one party’s platform is based on a firehouse of lies and the other party is trying to be serious, if not always literal, about reality.

So Democratic convention week brought absurdities like PolitiFact tackling a DNC video that showed an actual Trump 2016 quote that “there has to be some form of punishment” for women who have abortions and labeled it “mostly false” (!!) because his panicked aides later told him to walk back such a politically damaging statement. Also typical was USA Today calling it “false” when the DNC talks about “Trump’s Project 2025″ because the blueprint for his presidency was produced by the Heritage Foundation, even though most of its authors are former and would-be future Trump staffers and it offers the only program for filling jobs in a Trump administration.

C’mon, man.

It would require another column — maybe a book — to explain why this is happening. I see it as less the public’s main complaint (corporate control of the media) and more about our profession’s weird value structure, where it’s more important to be savvy, cynical, and not be portrayed as naive shills for liberalism than to care about saving democracy from authoritarian rule, on top of maybe a new and not always healthy brand of careerism from younger journalists.

The Chicago-based media critic Mark Jacob, a retired veteran editor of that city’s Tribune and Sun Times, nailed it Monday with a piece headlined “Mainstream media on a path to irrelevance.” Jacob has harsh words for how reporters have covered the race, writing that “too many political journalists are marinating in the Washington cocktail culture, writing for each other and for their sources — in service to the political industry, not the public.” But he also notes that traditional media can’t figure out how to compete for young eyeballs against sites like edgy and fast-paced TikTok . Jacob pointed out that public faith in mass media has plunged from 72% in 1976, after Watergate, to just 32% today.

You know who gets the new landscape better than anyone else? Kamala Harris.

The vice president and Democratic nominee is running to be America’s first post-media president. In Chicago, much was made of the fact that Team Harris and the Democrats invited 200 sometimes fawning internet “content creators” who got VIP treatment while mainstream journalists fought over nosebleed-level seats and refrained from eating or going to the bathroom for fear of losing them.

But more broadly, Harris and her campaign is 100% focused on message discipline to build her brand and sell it to the American people in a few short weeks. The surest way to get thrown off that message discipline would be a stray answer at an open news conference or in an interview with the likes of NBC’s Lester Holt — so for now, Harris is simply not doing that .

And she’s getting away with it. Mainstream journalists can carp and whine about this all they want, but when less than a third of Americans trust the mass media, few folks are listening to them. What’s been really striking this year is that while traditionally deep distrust of the mainstream press has been the domain of right-wing Republicans , now it’s liberals who once cheered for the media to do better who seem to be giving up on them .

This is not great. For one thing, the plunge in faith leads to cancelled subscriptions that leads to laid-off reporters or shuttered printing plants — not the vision of America’s founders who believed a free press is essential. In this campaign, I think the healthy journalistic mindset is that we want to save democracy in November, but we also want Harris to show she can answer at least a few tough questions and explain her policies beyond hopelessly vague generalities.

The reality, though, is that Harris might surge into the White House in January doing very little of this — maybe none at all, especially if Trump actually chickens out of their Sept. 10 debate in Philadelphia. Fifty years ago this summer, Richard Nixon resigned the presidency because people believed what they read about him in the Washington Post. Today, Harris feels she doesn’t need journalists at all, and a lot of the public is cheering her on. And a vainglorious elite news media with severe tunnel vision has no one to blame but themselves.

Yo, do this!

In the Better Late Than Never Department, the gap in newsletters deprived me of a chance to tell you that — in preparing for my Chicago trip — I finally watched 1969′s Medium Cool . The film by storied cinematographer Haskell Wexler uses America’s third-largest city, the social crises of the late 1960s, and a frame of journalistic ethics to create a remarkable if sometimes muddled time capsule. Wexler’s nervy decision to film fictional scenes amid the real-life chaos of the 1968 DNC is a compelling reason to track down a true relic.

Earlier this year, I told you about Benjamen Walker’s quirky podcast The Theory of Everything and its deep dive into the fascinating world of Cold War literary intrigue, “ Not All Propaganda is Art .” Walker is back with a great new episode on the 40th anniversary of 1984 (the year, not the book), which ties together Ronald Reagan, Michael Jackson, the new Apple computer, and the zeitgeist of that eventful year from the perspective of a sci-fi obsessed middle-schooler, as George Orwell lurks in the background. A must-listen.

Ask me anything

Question : If Kamala pulls it out but doesn’t have a blue Senate, what will that mean for her agenda? — Everything’s Fine ( @ResistInBux ) via X/Twitter

Answer : The odds of this happening are strong — the GOP is guaranteed a pickup in West Virginia, which means Dems would need to defend every vulnerable seat (including Sen. Jon Tester in blood-red Montana) and/or pull an unlikely upset or two to do better than the slimmest 50-50-plus-Tim-Walz majority. A Republican Senate would surely prevent a President Kamala Harris from any Supreme Court picks, and vote down any progressive Cabinet nominees. And any liberal economic or social safety net policies would be dead on arrival. Pray for miracles this November.

What you’re saying about...

I was blown away by your enthusiastic response to the last newsletter’s question about America’s best and worst vice presidential nominees. In a tight race for worst, Sarah Palin (6 votes), a dunce, edged out Spiro Agnew (5), a felon, with 3 votes for Dan Quayle and single tallies for Richard Nixon, Andrew Johnson, Joe Lieberman, JD Vance , and Dick Cheney (from my dad! proud). Showing the leftward bent of this crowd, the best veep race was a tie between the most-progressive-ever No, 2, FDR’s Henry Wallace , and anti-poverty warrior Lyndon Johnson. Al Gore and Joe Biden each got two votes, with one apiece for Nelson Rockefeller, Walter Mondale, Hubert Humphrey, and Mike Pence, because, as Armen Pandola put it, “when you refuse to destroy the Republic, it’s about the best that a VP can do.”

📮This week’s question: Let’s go with more of an essay question. I know most of you aren’t happy with media coverage of the election; what’s wrong with the Fourth Estate, and how can it be fixed? For a chance to be featured in my newsletter, email me your answer . Please put “Broken media” in the subject line.

Backstory on Harris and the world’s ‘most lethal’ military

The thousands of red, white and blue balloons have all popped, the echoes of DJ Cassidy segueing from Michigan’s Eminem to Minnesota’s Prince have finally died, and those American flags were all confiscated at O’Hare by the TSA (I’m guessing). But two words from Vice President Kamala Harris in her acceptance speech are still ringing for me, and for some other folks also pondering them. Harris made the somewhat boilerplate promise that her administration would offer the strongest military in the world, but added it will also be “ the most lethal .”

It was clear that one of the main purposes of Harris’ speech, in introducing herself as a presidential candidate for little more than a month since President Joe Biden’s abrupt withdrawal from the race, was to get voters picturing the would-be first American woman president behind the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office, dealing with adversaries like Iran or Russia. And it accomplished that mission. But the seeming bloodlust of the “most lethal” vow was a bit cringe for some listeners — even, according to Newsweek , for her stepdaughter Ella Emhoff and sister Maya Harris, who didn’t join others in applauding. Leftists on X/Twitter spent the weekend tweeting about all the things — like health insurance or free college — they’d prefer over the “most lethal” military. Even Sen. Bernie Sanders, a Harris supporter who agreed America needs a strong defense said our bloated Pentagon budget should be cut, and that “ enough is enough !”

Sanders has a point. America currently spends more on defense than the world’s next nine biggest militaries combined, and yet jacking up Pentagon spending every year is the only thing Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill can agree on. And just how lethal do we need to be? One study found that America, mostly through airstrikes from Syria to Afghanistan and elsewhere, killed at least 22,000 civilians since the 2001 terror attack, and maybe as many as 48,000. Some of those folks were anti-American terrorists, but a decent number were Afghanis attending weddings or just living their lives. The United States must be — and by all accounts is — able to defend itself, with deadly force when necessary, but our talent for killing human beings should be reined in, not celebrated by a would-be commander-in-chief. After a week with Stevie Wonder and The Chicks , it was the one false note from Chicago.

What I wrote on this date in 2019

Donald Trump was showing his age, and perhaps losing his mentally acuity or worse — on this date five years ago, when he was still our president. I wrote: “Suddenly, a topic that was only discussed by the unfiltered internet masses — is Trump mentally ill, or at age 73 suffering a steep decline in mental acuity — has gone mainstream, discussed openly by pundits like CNN’s Brian Stelter (“ It’s getting worse — we all can see it”) or with presidential candidates like New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker calling him “ a dangerous president .” In my Aug. 27, 2019 column I wrote that the constitutional remedies for this, such as impeachment or the 25th Amendment, had failed, and that stopping Trump was up to us. Just like today! Check out: “ The Constitution’s 3 ways to stop a demagogue like Trump haven’t worked. Now what ?”

Recommended Inquirer reading

Hopefully a lot of you already know I was in Chicago last week covering the DNC. I looked for the ghosts of 1968 ′s violent and tempestuous Democratic convention that haunted the Windy City (and were perhaps exorcised), drilled into the mindset of the pro-Palestinian protesters in the streets, wrote about the United Center vibes that felt more like a warehouse rave than a political confab, and finally how Kamala Harris and her celebration reclaimed the American flag for the Democrats. It was a week I’ll never forget.

One last thing about Chicago: It capped a truly epic summer not just for me but for my Inquirer colleagues who’ve been providing some of America’s best political coverage both from the road and from our little newsroom overlooking Independence Hall , where it all began. The great coverage from our team at the DNC last week was led by national political reporter Julia Terusso , the hardest working woman in show business; City Hall ace Sean Collins Walsh, who, like a journalistic Brian Dawkins, was all over Philly’s local pols ; photojournalist Jose F. Moreno, who produced some Pulitzer-worthy shots ; and my Opinion colleague Jenice Armstrong, who captured the emotions of watching the first woman of color accept a major-party nomination. You’re going to want to follow these guys and the rest of the Inquirer crew from now through Nov. 5, and to do that you’ll need to subscribe. Why not start today ?

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Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago

Samantha Putterman, PolitiFact Samantha Putterman, PolitiFact

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Fact-checking warnings from Democrats about Project 2025 and Donald Trump

This fact check originally appeared on PolitiFact .

Project 2025 has a starring role in this week’s Democratic National Convention.

And it was front and center on Night 1.

WATCH: Hauling large copy of Project 2025, Michigan state Sen. McMorrow speaks at 2024 DNC

“This is Project 2025,” Michigan state Sen. Mallory McMorrow, D-Royal Oak, said as she laid a hardbound copy of the 900-page document on the lectern. “Over the next four nights, you are going to hear a lot about what is in this 900-page document. Why? Because this is the Republican blueprint for a second Trump term.”

Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, has warned Americans about “Trump’s Project 2025” agenda — even though former President Donald Trump doesn’t claim the conservative presidential transition document.

“Donald Trump wants to take our country backward,” Harris said July 23 in Milwaukee. “He and his extreme Project 2025 agenda will weaken the middle class. Like, we know we got to take this seriously, and can you believe they put that thing in writing?”

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, Harris’ running mate, has joined in on the talking point.

“Don’t believe (Trump) when he’s playing dumb about this Project 2025. He knows exactly what it’ll do,” Walz said Aug. 9 in Glendale, Arizona.

Trump’s campaign has worked to build distance from the project, which the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, led with contributions from dozens of conservative groups.

Much of the plan calls for extensive executive-branch overhauls and draws on both long-standing conservative principles, such as tax cuts, and more recent culture war issues. It lays out recommendations for disbanding the Commerce and Education departments, eliminating certain climate protections and consolidating more power to the president.

Project 2025 offers a sweeping vision for a Republican-led executive branch, and some of its policies mirror Trump’s 2024 agenda, But Harris and her presidential campaign have at times gone too far in describing what the project calls for and how closely the plans overlap with Trump’s campaign.

PolitiFact researched Harris’ warnings about how the plan would affect reproductive rights, federal entitlement programs and education, just as we did for President Joe Biden’s Project 2025 rhetoric. Here’s what the project does and doesn’t call for, and how it squares with Trump’s positions.

Are Trump and Project 2025 connected?

To distance himself from Project 2025 amid the Democratic attacks, Trump wrote on Truth Social that he “knows nothing” about it and has “no idea” who is in charge of it. (CNN identified at least 140 former advisers from the Trump administration who have been involved.)

The Heritage Foundation sought contributions from more than 100 conservative organizations for its policy vision for the next Republican presidency, which was published in 2023.

Project 2025 is now winding down some of its policy operations, and director Paul Dans, a former Trump administration official, is stepping down, The Washington Post reported July 30. Trump campaign managers Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita denounced the document.

WATCH: A look at the Project 2025 plan to reshape government and Trump’s links to its authors

However, Project 2025 contributors include a number of high-ranking officials from Trump’s first administration, including former White House adviser Peter Navarro and former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson.

A recently released recording of Russell Vought, a Project 2025 author and the former director of Trump’s Office of Management and Budget, showed Vought saying Trump’s “very supportive of what we do.” He said Trump was only distancing himself because Democrats were making a bogeyman out of the document.

Project 2025 wouldn’t ban abortion outright, but would curtail access

The Harris campaign shared a graphic on X that claimed “Trump’s Project 2025 plan for workers” would “go after birth control and ban abortion nationwide.”

The plan doesn’t call to ban abortion nationwide, though its recommendations could curtail some contraceptives and limit abortion access.

What’s known about Trump’s abortion agenda neither lines up with Harris’ description nor Project 2025’s wish list.

Project 2025 says the Department of Health and Human Services Department should “return to being known as the Department of Life by explicitly rejecting the notion that abortion is health care.”

It recommends that the Food and Drug Administration reverse its 2000 approval of mifepristone, the first pill taken in a two-drug regimen for a medication abortion. Medication is the most common form of abortion in the U.S. — accounting for around 63 percent in 2023.

If mifepristone were to remain approved, Project 2025 recommends new rules, such as cutting its use from 10 weeks into pregnancy to seven. It would have to be provided to patients in person — part of the group’s efforts to limit access to the drug by mail. In June, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected a legal challenge to mifepristone’s FDA approval over procedural grounds.

WATCH: Trump’s plans for health care and reproductive rights if he returns to White House The manual also calls for the Justice Department to enforce the 1873 Comstock Act on mifepristone, which bans the mailing of “obscene” materials. Abortion access supporters fear that a strict interpretation of the law could go further to ban mailing the materials used in procedural abortions, such as surgical instruments and equipment.

The plan proposes withholding federal money from states that don’t report to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention how many abortions take place within their borders. The plan also would prohibit abortion providers, such as Planned Parenthood, from receiving Medicaid funds. It also calls for the Department of Health and Human Services to ensure that the training of medical professionals, including doctors and nurses, omits abortion training.

The document says some forms of emergency contraception — particularly Ella, a pill that can be taken within five days of unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy — should be excluded from no-cost coverage. The Affordable Care Act requires most private health insurers to cover recommended preventive services, which involves a range of birth control methods, including emergency contraception.

Trump has recently said states should decide abortion regulations and that he wouldn’t block access to contraceptives. Trump said during his June 27 debate with Biden that he wouldn’t ban mifepristone after the Supreme Court “approved” it. But the court rejected the lawsuit based on standing, not the case’s merits. He has not weighed in on the Comstock Act or said whether he supports it being used to block abortion medication, or other kinds of abortions.

Project 2025 doesn’t call for cutting Social Security, but proposes some changes to Medicare

“When you read (Project 2025),” Harris told a crowd July 23 in Wisconsin, “you will see, Donald Trump intends to cut Social Security and Medicare.”

The Project 2025 document does not call for Social Security cuts. None of its 10 references to Social Security addresses plans for cutting the program.

Harris also misleads about Trump’s Social Security views.

In his earlier campaigns and before he was a politician, Trump said about a half-dozen times that he’s open to major overhauls of Social Security, including cuts and privatization. More recently, in a March 2024 CNBC interview, Trump said of entitlement programs such as Social Security, “There’s a lot you can do in terms of entitlements, in terms of cutting.” However, he quickly walked that statement back, and his CNBC comment stands at odds with essentially everything else Trump has said during the 2024 presidential campaign.

Trump’s campaign website says that not “a single penny” should be cut from Social Security. We rated Harris’ claim that Trump intends to cut Social Security Mostly False.

Project 2025 does propose changes to Medicare, including making Medicare Advantage, the private insurance offering in Medicare, the “default” enrollment option. Unlike Original Medicare, Medicare Advantage plans have provider networks and can also require prior authorization, meaning that the plan can approve or deny certain services. Original Medicare plans don’t have prior authorization requirements.

The manual also calls for repealing health policies enacted under Biden, such as the Inflation Reduction Act. The law enabled Medicare to negotiate with drugmakers for the first time in history, and recently resulted in an agreement with drug companies to lower the prices of 10 expensive prescriptions for Medicare enrollees.

Trump, however, has said repeatedly during the 2024 presidential campaign that he will not cut Medicare.

Project 2025 would eliminate the Education Department, which Trump supports

The Harris campaign said Project 2025 would “eliminate the U.S. Department of Education” — and that’s accurate. Project 2025 says federal education policy “should be limited and, ultimately, the federal Department of Education should be eliminated.” The plan scales back the federal government’s role in education policy and devolves the functions that remain to other agencies.

Aside from eliminating the department, the project also proposes scrapping the Biden administration’s Title IX revision, which prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. It also would let states opt out of federal education programs and calls for passing a federal parents’ bill of rights similar to ones passed in some Republican-led state legislatures.

Republicans, including Trump, have pledged to close the department, which gained its status in 1979 within Democratic President Jimmy Carter’s presidential Cabinet.

In one of his Agenda 47 policy videos, Trump promised to close the department and “to send all education work and needs back to the states.” Eliminating the department would have to go through Congress.

What Project 2025, Trump would do on overtime pay

In the graphic, the Harris campaign says Project 2025 allows “employers to stop paying workers for overtime work.”

The plan doesn’t call for banning overtime wages. It recommends changes to some Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA, regulations and to overtime rules. Some changes, if enacted, could result in some people losing overtime protections, experts told us.

The document proposes that the Labor Department maintain an overtime threshold “that does not punish businesses in lower-cost regions (e.g., the southeast United States).” This threshold is the amount of money executive, administrative or professional employees need to make for an employer to exempt them from overtime pay under the Fair Labor Standards Act.

In 2019, the Trump’s administration finalized a rule that expanded overtime pay eligibility to most salaried workers earning less than about $35,568, which it said made about 1.3 million more workers eligible for overtime pay. The Trump-era threshold is high enough to cover most line workers in lower-cost regions, Project 2025 said.

The Biden administration raised that threshold to $43,888 beginning July 1, and that will rise to $58,656 on Jan. 1, 2025. That would grant overtime eligibility to about 4 million workers, the Labor Department said.

It’s unclear how many workers Project 2025’s proposal to return to the Trump-era overtime threshold in some parts of the country would affect, but experts said some would presumably lose the right to overtime wages.

Other overtime proposals in Project 2025’s plan include allowing some workers to choose to accumulate paid time off instead of overtime pay, or to work more hours in one week and fewer in the next, rather than receive overtime.

Trump’s past with overtime pay is complicated. In 2016, the Obama administration said it would raise the overtime to salaried workers earning less than $47,476 a year, about double the exemption level set in 2004 of $23,660 a year.

But when a judge blocked the Obama rule, the Trump administration didn’t challenge the court ruling. Instead it set its own overtime threshold, which raised the amount, but by less than Obama.

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