Introduction to Programming in C Week 6

Session: JAN-APR 2024

Course Name: Introduction to Programming in C

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These are Introduction to Programming in C Assignment 6 Answers

ℓ-window smoothing. Given an n×n integer Matrix A and an positive number ℓ such that 2ℓ+1≤n, write a C program to print the ℓ window smoothing of A. Input The first line contains the dimension of the matrix n. Assume n < 100. The second line contains the smoothing parameter ℓ. The next n lines contains the contents of the matrix A, each row per line. Output The smoothed matrix of A

Simple Path Finding Given an n×n binary Matrix A , where each entry is 0 or 1. A has a unique path of 1’s from A[0][0] to A[n-1][n-1]. The path always goes Right (R) or Down (D). Write a C print the directions of this path. Note: You can assume that there is exactly one correct path. All 1’s in A are in this unique path, there are no dead ends. Input The first line contains the dimension of the matrix n. Assume n < 100. The second line contains the contents of the matrix A, each row per line. Output The path of 1’s in the Matrix.

Recursive Path Finding Given an n×n binary Matrix A , where each entry is 0 or 1. A has a unique path of 1’s from A[0][0] to A[n-1][n-1]. The path can go Right (R) Left (R) Down (D) or Up (U). Write a C print the directions of this path. Note: You can assume that there is exactly one correct path. All 1’s in A need not be in this unique path, there can be dead ends. Input The first line contains the dimension of the matrix n. Assume n < 100. The second line contains the contents of the matrix A, each row per line. Output The path of 1’s in the Matrix.

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Course Name: Introduction to programming in C

We say that a string ‘s’ is an anagram of another string ‘t’ if the letters in ‘s’ can be rearranged to form ‘t’. For example, “butterfly” is an anagram of “flutterby”, since a rearrangement of the first word results in the second. We say that a position ‘i’ in ‘s’ and ‘t’ match, if ‘s’ is an anagram of ‘t’, and s[i]==t[i]. In this question, you will be given two words, ‘s’ and ‘t’. You have to output the number of matching positions if s is an anagram of t, and -1 if s is not an anagram of t.

Input The input consists of two lines. The first line contains the first string, with length <= 100 characters. The second line contains the second string, with length <= 100 characters. Output If the first string is an anagram of the second string, then output the number of matching positions. Otherwise, print -1. Sample Input 1 ————– butterfly flutterby Sample Output 1 ————— 2 Sample Input 2 ————– home come Sample Output 2 ————— -1

In a string, a “run” is a substring with consisting of consecutive occurrences of the same character. For example, the string “mississippi” contains the following runs – “ss”, “ss” and “pp”. In this question, given a string, you have to output the length of the longest run in the string. Input A string, having length at most 100. The string is guaranteed to have at least one run. Output The length of the longest run in the string. Sample Input abbaaacccc Sample Output 4

Given an n×n integer Matrix A and an positive number ℓ such that 2ℓ+1≤n, print the ℓ window smoothing of A. To get the ℓ-window smoothing of A , we replace A[i][j] with the sum of the values of the 2ℓ+1×2ℓ+1 submatrix of A with centre at A[i][j]. More precisely, the smoothed matrix B[i,j]=∑u=ilih∑v=jljhA[u][v] where il=max(i−ℓ,0),ih=min(i+ℓ,n−1), jl=max(j−ℓ,0),jh=min(j+ℓ,n−1). Input The first line contains the dimension of the matrix n. Assume n < 100. The second line contains the smoothing parameter ℓ. The next n lines contains the contents of the matrix A, each row per line. Output The smoothed matrix of A

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These are Introduction to programming in C Assignment 6 Answers

Introduction To Programming In C NPTEL Assignment 6 Answers

Introduction To Programming In C NPTEL Assignment 6 Answers 2022:- All the Answers are provided here to help the students as a reference, You must submit your assignment at your own knowledge.

What is Introduction To Programming In C?

This is a course in programming in C. No prior programming experience is assumed; however, mathematical maturity at the level of a second-year science or engineering undergraduate is assumed. We emphasize solving problems using the language and introduce standard programming techniques like alternation, iteration, and recursion. We will briefly glimpse the basics of software engineering practices like modularization, commenting, and naming conventions which help in collaborating and programming in teams. 


Average assignment score = 25% of the average of best 6 assignments out of the total 8 assignments given in the course. Exam score = 75% of the proctored certification exam score out of 100

Final score = Average assignment score + Exam score

YOU WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR A CERTIFICATE ONLY IF THE AVERAGE ASSIGNMENT SCORE >=10/25 AND EXAM SCORE >= 30/75. If one of the 2 criteria is not met, you will not get the certificate even if the Final score >= 40/100.

Introduction To Programming In C NPTEL Assignment 6 Answers 2022:-

Q1. We say that a string ‘s’ is an anagram of another string ‘t’ if the letters in ‘s’ can be rearranged to form ‘t’.

Q2. In a string, a “run” is a substring with consisting of consecutive occurrences of the same character. For example, the string “mississippi” contains the following runs – “ss”, “ss” and “pp”.

Q3. In this question, you are given two positive integers M and N, where M < N. You may assume that N is less than or equal to 100.

Disclaimer :- We do not claim 100% surety of solutions, these solutions are based on our sole expertise, and by using posting these answers we are simply looking to help students as a reference, so we urge do your assignment on your own.

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Introduction To Programming In C NPTEL Assignment 6 Answers 2022:- All the Answers are provided here to help the students as a reference, You must submit your assignment to your own knowledge.

1 thought on “Introduction To Programming In C NPTEL Assignment 6 Answers”

sir last date kya assignment abhi tak nahi mila,aj hi last date hain assignment 8 introduction of c.

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Introduction To Programming in C | NPTEL | Week 1 Assignment Solutions

This post will help you with the solutions of Introduction To Programming in C NPTEL 2022 Week 1 Assignment .

This is a course in programming in C. No prior programming experience is assumed; however, mathematical maturity at the level of a second year science or engineering undergraduate is assumed.We emphasize solving problems using the language, and introduce standard programming techniques like alternation, iteration and recursion. We will briefly glimpse the basics of software engineering practices like modularization, commenting, and naming conventions which help in collaborating and programming in teams. Given a problem, we pay attention to the following questions:

  • What is an algorithmic solution to the problem?
  • How do we translate the algorithm into C code?
  • How efficient is the code?
  • How maintainable is the code?

Course layout

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Week 0: Assignment answers Week 1:  Assignment answers Week 2: Assignment answers Week 3: Assignment answers Week 4: Assignment answers Week 5: Assignment answers Week 6: Assignment answers Week 7: Assignment answers Week 8: Assignment answers

Introduction To Programming in C NPTEL 2022 Week 1 Assignment Solutions

Week 1: question 1.

You will be given 3 integers as input. The inputs may or may not be  different from each other. 

You have to output 1 if sum of first two inputs is greater than the third input,  and 0 otherwise

Input ————————————- Three integers separated by space.

Output ———————————- 1 if sum of first two inputs is greater than third input 0 otherwise

Week 1: Question 2

You are given two integers, say M and N. You have to output 1, if remainder is 1 when N divides M otherwise output 0 Input —————————- Two integers, say M and N. Output —————————————————You have to output 1 if remainder is 1 when M/N.You have to output 0 , otherwise.

Week 1: Question 3

Input : Triplet of three numbers (a,b,c) Output : 1 if they are either in strictly increasing (a>b>c) or decreasing (a<b<c) order               0, otherwise.

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Thank you sooo much Quizermania…!!!!

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NPTEL Journey As A “Introduction to Machine Learning” Course Certification

Embarking on the NPTEL course “Introduction to Machine Learning” was an incredible journey that significantly enhanced my understanding of the field. This 12-week course was not only thorough but also highly engaging, covering a broad spectrum of machine-learning concepts and techniques. I’m thrilled to share that I successfully cleared the final exam with an overall score of 65, earning an Elite Certificate from NPTEL.

Preparation Phase:

I enrolled in the course in the middle of June 2023, with classes beginning in July 2023. To get a head start, I previewed the course content available on YouTube, which included around 88 videos.

Starting from July 2023, NPTEL would unlock each week’s lectures gradually. I maintained a notebook from the start, diligently taking notes for future reference. Understanding the importance of the weekly assignments, I dedicated myself to completing them thoroughly, knowing that the top 8 would significantly impact my final score. Additionally, I used online resources like GeeksforGeeks to supplement my learning and clarify complex concepts. I attended the Online Live Doubt sessions from NPTEL every Saturday to get my doubts cleared.

Weekly Course Layout & Learning Journey:

The course was meticulously structured into weekly modules, each focusing on a different aspect of machine learning. Here’s a brief overview of what I learned each week:

Week 0: Probability Theory, Linear Algebra, Convex Optimization – (Recap)

I started with a recap of essential mathematical concepts, laying the foundation for more complex topics. This week was a refresher on probability theory, linear algebra, and convex optimization, crucial for understanding machine learning algorithms.

Week 1: Introduction: Statistical Decision Theory – Regression, Classification, Bias Variance

The first week introduced the basics of statistical decision theory, covering regression, classification, and the critical concept of bias-variance tradeoff. For me, this truly set the stage for the more detailed studies that followed.

Week 2: Linear Regression, Multivariate Regression, Subset Selection, Shrinkage Methods, Principal Component Regression, Partial Least squares

I delved into various regression techniques, from simple linear regression to more advanced methods like subset selection, shrinkage methods, and principal component regression. This week emphasized the importance of regression analysis in predictive modelling.

Week 3: Linear Classification, Logistic Regression, Linear Discriminant Analysis

I explored & learned linear classification techniques, including logistic regression and linear discriminant analysis this week. These methods are fundamental for binary and multiclass classification problems.

Week 4: Perceptron, Support Vector Machines

I explored the perceptron algorithm and support vector machines (SVMs), both pivotal for classification tasks. Understanding these algorithms provided a solid foundation for more advanced neural network models.

Week 5: Neural Networks – Introduction, Early Models, Perceptron Learning, Backpropagation, Initialization, Training & Validation, Parameter Estimation – MLE, MAP, Bayesian Estimation

I was introduced to the neural networks, including early models and the perceptron learning algorithm this week. I also covered backpropagation, initialization, training, and validation, as well as parameter estimation techniques like MLE, MAP, and Bayesian estimation.

Week 6: Decision Trees, Regression Trees, Stopping Criterion & Pruning loss functions, Categorical Attributes, Multiway Splits, Missing Values, Decision Trees – Instability Evaluation Measures

I learned about Decision trees and Regression trees, focusing on stopping criteria, pruning techniques, and handling categorical attributes, multiway splits, and missing values. I also covered instability evaluation measures for decision trees this week.

Week 7: Bootstrapping & Cross Validation, Class Evaluation Measures, ROC curve, MDL, Ensemble Methods – Bagging, Committee Machines and Stacking, Boosting

This week was all about model evaluation and ensemble methods. I explored bootstrapping, cross-validation, class evaluation measures, and ensemble techniques like bagging, boosting, and stacking. These came out very handy for me as I used them in my ML Project for enhancing the Model.

Week 8: Gradient Boosting, Random Forests, Multi-class Classification, Naive Bayes, Bayesian Networks

I focused on gradient boosting, random forests, multi-class classification techniques, naive Bayes, and Bayesian networks. These methods are essential for building robust and accurate predictive models. I tried to apply the Random Forrest Classifier in my Bank Customer Churn Prediction Model for my Virtual Internship.

Week 9: Undirected Graphical Models, HMM, Variable Elimination, Belief Propagation

I was introduced to undirected graphical models and hidden Markov models (HMMs) this week. I also learned about variable elimination and belief propagation, key techniques for working with graphical models.

Week 10: Partitional Clustering, Hierarchical Clustering, Birch Algorithm, CURE Algorithm, Density-based Clustering

Clustering techniques were the main focus for me in this week, including partitional and hierarchical clustering, as well as algorithms like Birch and CURE. I also covered density-based clustering methods.

Week 11: Gaussian Mixture Models, Expectation Maximization

I delved into Gaussian mixture models and the expectation-maximization algorithm, both crucial for probabilistic clustering and density estimation. I had my tons of doubts cleared in this one, Thanks to the NPTEL Live Doubts session!

Week 12: Learning Theory, Introduction to Reinforcement Learning, Optional videos (RL framework, TD learning, Solution Methods, Applications)

The final week introduced me to the learning theory and reinforcement learning. I explored the reinforcement learning framework, TD learning, solution methods, and practical applications.

The Exam Day & Exam Experience:

29th October 2023, was the D-Day marked on my calendar with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. The admit card was in hand, and the examination venue was selected with care. The three-hour exam consisted of 50 questions, blending assignment-based problems and conceptual queries. Each Question consisted of 2 Marks. The strict invigilation at the centre ensured a fair testing environment. Despite facing some challenging questions, I approached each with determination, drawing on the solid foundation built through weekly assignments and intensive preparation. The best part was there was no Negative Marking, so you can guess some questions. Completing the exam was a moment of triumph, knowing that regardless of the results, I had gained invaluable knowledge and skills.

My 12 Week Course Experience:

The course was both challenging and rewarding. Each week presented new concepts that required dedication and persistence to master. The weekly assignments were crucial in reinforcing my understanding, and the final certification exam tested my comprehensive knowledge of the entire course.

I appreciated the structured approach of the course, which gradually built up from fundamental concepts to more advanced topics. The diverse range of machine learning algorithms and techniques covered gave me a well-rounded understanding of the field.

I feel that this course has been a transformative experience, fueling my passion for Machine Learning and equipping me with the essential skills to explore this fascinating domain further.

Criteria to get an NPTEL Course Completion Certificate:

Average assignment score = 25% of the average of the best 8 assignments out of the total 12 assignments given in the course.

  • Exam score = 75% of the proctored certification exam score out of 100
  • Final score = Average assignment score + Exam score

YOU WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR A CERTIFICATE ONLY IF THE AVERAGE ASSIGNMENT SCORE >=10/25 AND EXAM SCORE >= 30/75. If one of the 2 criteria is not met, you will not get the certificate even if the Final score >= 40/100.


Reflecting on my journey through the NPTEL “Introduction to Machine Learning” course, I am incredibly grateful for the experience. It has not only deepened my knowledge of machine learning but also prepared me for future endeavours in this exciting field. The Elite Certificate I earned is a testament to the hard work and dedication I put into this course.

For anyone considering this course, I highly recommend it. The comprehensive curriculum and structured approach make it an invaluable learning experience. Enroll in this course if you can; I am sure you won’t regret it!

Happy Learning!

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Introduction To Programming In C

  • What is an algorithmic solution to the problem?
  • How do we translate the algorithm into C code?
  • How efficient is the code?
  • How maintainable is the code?
  • Attempting algorithmic solutions to problems
  • Designing and coding moderate sized programs running to the order of a few hundred lines of code, and
  • Reading, understanding and modifying code written by others.

Note: This exam date is subjected to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout, books and references, instructor bio.

nptel introduction to programming in c assignment 6 answers

Prof. Satyadev Nandakumar

Course certificate.

  • Assignment score = 25% of average of best 6 assignments out of the total 8 assignments given in the course. 
  • ( All assignments in a particular week will be counted towards final scoring - quizzes and programming assignments). 
  • Unproctored programming exam score = 25% of the average scores obtained as part of Unproctored programming exam - out of 100
  • Proctored Exam score =50% of the proctored certification exam score out of 100

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