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How to Write a Personal Statement of Faith: Examples and Writing Tips

  • oleh Solahart Handal
  • 18 Februari 2023

personal statement of faith example

How to Write a Personal Statement of Faith: Examples and Writing Tips – As a believer, writing a personal statement of faith is a way to articulate your beliefs and values. It serves as a testimony of your spiritual journey and reflects the core of your identity.

The personal statement of faith is a document that can be used for various purposes, such as job applications, college applications, or simply as a way to express your faith to others.

In this article, we will discuss the elements of a personal statement of faith, provide writing tips, and share an example to guide you in creating your statement.

Elements of a Personal Statement of Faith

A personal statement of faith should include the following elements:

Beliefs about God

The foundation of any personal statement of faith is a belief in God. It is important to articulate your beliefs about the nature of God and his role in your life.

For example, you may believe in the Christian God, who is all-knowing, all-powerful, and ever-present. You may also believe that God is loving, merciful, and just. Be specific about your beliefs and avoid generalizations.

Beliefs about Jesus Christ

Another essential element of a personal statement of faith is a belief in Jesus Christ. As a Christian, you may believe that Jesus is the Son of God, who came to earth to save humanity from sin.

You may also believe that he died on the cross and rose again on the third day. Explain how your belief in Jesus has impacted your life and what it means to you.

Beliefs about the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is often referred to as the third person of the Trinity. As a Christian, you may believe that the Holy Spirit is the presence of God in your life, who guides and comforts you.

You may also believe that the Holy Spirit empowers you to live a life of faith and obedience. Share your thoughts on the role of the Holy Spirit in your spiritual journey.

Beliefs about the Bible

The Bible is the primary source of Christian belief and practice. It is important to articulate your beliefs about the nature and authority of the Bible.

You may believe that the Bible is the inspired and infallible word of God. You may also believe that it is the final authority on matters of faith and practice. Explain how you approach reading and studying the Bible.

Beliefs about Salvation

Salvation is a central theme of Christian belief. You may believe that salvation is a gift of grace, which is received through faith in Jesus Christ.

You may also believe that salvation is a process of sanctification, where you are transformed by the Holy Spirit. Share your testimony of how you came to faith in Jesus Christ and what it means to you.

Beliefs about the Church

The Church is a community of believers who gather together to worship, learn, and serve. You may believe that the Church is the body of Christ, which is called to love and serve others.

You may also believe that the Church is essential to your spiritual growth and development. Explain how you are involved in your local church community and what it means to you.

Beliefs about the Future

As a Christian, you may have beliefs about the future, such as the second coming of Christ, the resurrection of the dead, and the final judgment.

You may also have beliefs about heaven and hell. Share your thoughts on these topics and how they shape your perspective on life.

Writing Tips for a Personal Statement of Faith

Writing a personal statement of faith can be a challenging task. Here are some tips to help you write a clear and compelling document:

Be honest and authentic

Your statement of faith should reflect your true beliefs and experiences. Avoid using language that is not genuine or that sounds like you are trying to please others.

Be honest about your doubts and struggles as well as your triumphs and joys.

Use clear and concise language

The purpose of a personal statement of faith is to communicate your beliefs clearly and effectively. Use language that is straightforward to understand.

Avoid using technical or academic language that might be difficult for others to comprehend.

Use personal examples and stories

Personal examples and stories can make your statement of faith more engaging and relatable. Share specific moments or experiences that have shaped your faith journey.

Explain how those experiences have impacted your beliefs and values.

Avoid controversial or divisive topics

While it is important, to be honest, and authentic, it is also important to avoid controversial or divisive topics that might alienate others.

Stick to the core beliefs of your faith and avoid topics that are highly debated or divisive.

Edit and proofread carefully

A personal statement of faith is a reflection of who you are as a person and a believer. Take the time to edit and proofread your document carefully to ensure that it accurately reflects your beliefs and values.

Read your document aloud to check for clarity and flow, and ask a friend or family member to review it as well.

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Example Personal Statement of Faith

Here is an example of a personal statement of faith:

Introduction: My name is John and I am a Christian. My faith in Jesus Christ is the foundation of my life and informs every decision I make.

Beliefs about God: I believe in one God, who is all-knowing, all-powerful, and ever-present. He is loving, merciful, and just. I believe that God created the universe and everything in it.

Beliefs about Jesus Christ: I believe that Jesus is the Son of God, who came to earth to save humanity from sin. I believe that he died on the cross and rose again on the third day. Through faith in Jesus Christ, I have been forgiven of my sins and have eternal life.

Beliefs about the Holy Spirit: I believe that the Holy Spirit is the presence of God in my life, who guides and comforts me. I believe that the Holy Spirit empowers me to live a life of faith and obedience.

Beliefs about the Bible: I believe that the Bible is the inspired and infallible word of God. It is the final authority on matters of faith and practice. I approach reading and studying the Bible with a spirit of humility and obedience.

Beliefs about Salvation: I believe that salvation is a gift of grace, which is received through faith in Jesus Christ. I also believe that salvation is a process of sanctification, where I am transformed by the Holy Spirit.

Beliefs about the Church: I believe that the Church is the body of Christ, which is called to love and serve others. I am involved in my local church community through worship, fellowship, and service.

Beliefs about the Future: I believe in the second coming of Christ, the resurrection of the dead, and the final judgment. I also believe in the reality of heaven and hell. My beliefs about the future give me hope and perspective in the present.

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Writing a personal statement of faith is a powerful way to express your beliefs and values. By following the elements and writing tips discussed in this article, you can create a document that accurately reflects who you are as a person and a believer.

Remember that your statement of faith is a testimony of your spiritual journey, and it has the potential to inspire others and strengthen your faith.

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Here are some FAQs related to personal statements of faith:

Anyone who wants to communicate their beliefs and values to others can write a personal statement of faith. It is a useful tool for Christians who want to share their testimony or explain their faith to others.

The purpose of a personal statement of faith is to communicate your beliefs and values to others. It can serve as a testimony of your faith journey, and it can help others understand what you believe and why.

A personal statement of faith can be as long or as short as you want it to be. It should include all the necessary elements to communicate your beliefs and values effectively.

Yes, a personal statement of faith can be a powerful tool for evangelism. It can help others understand what you believe and why, and it can inspire them to consider their own beliefs and values.

Yes, a personal statement of faith can be revised and updated over time as your beliefs and values evolve. It is important to be honest and authentic about your beliefs, even if they change over time.

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Personal Statement of Faith

My personal faith.

The most important part of my faith is the knowledge that there is nothing that I can do to earn the love of God as it is a gift, paid through the death and bodily resurrection of his His Son, Jesus Christ, who was God’s walking example of his Agape love on earth. I believe that this gift has been made available to every man, woman, and child;  however I believe that each must personally ask for this gift, therefore surrendering their life to God the Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit. I believe that this surrender must be unconditional, and is done by inviting Jesus Christ to be Lord in all areas of one’s life – body, soul (mind, emotions and will) and spirit.

While I believe that the local church is not the only place you practice your faith,  I also believe it is almost impossible to experience the full accountability, encouragement, and support you receive from face-to-face fellowship with other believers.  I strong believe that participating in a local fellowship is crucial to the spiritual health and balance of every believer. Through the support, accountability and encouragement I receive in my local body, I am able to extend a practical expression of my faith worldwide through this web ministry and other means.

I have been a member of Harvest Vineyard Christian Fellowship, part of Vineyard Churches Canada since 1992 but over the years I have attended several denominations from Catholic to Presbyterian, from Baptist to Pentecostal.  I am unabashedly and unapologetically Spirit-filled, and I believe that physical and spiritual healing is for today, along with all the other Gifts of the Spirit that were evident in the gospels and Acts. I believe that is only right that we fully utilize all that was paid for through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Through the covering and blessings I continue to receive through my local church, I extend a practical expression of my faith worldwide through this web ministry and other means. I have been a member of Harvest Vineyard Christian Fellowship, part of Vineyard Churches Canada since 1992 but over the years, I have attended several denominations from Catholic to Presbyterian, from Baptist to Pentecostal.  I am unabashedly and unapologetically Spirit-filled, and I believe that physical and spiritual healing is for today, along with all the other Gifts of the Spirit that were evident in the gospels and the Book of Acts. I believe that is only right that we fully utilize all that was paid for through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Formal Statement of Faith


WE BELIEVE that God is the Eternal King. He is an infinite, unchangeable Spirit, perfect in holiness, wisdom, goodness, justice, power and love. From all eternity He exists as the One Living and True God in three persons of one substance, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, equal in power and glory.

WE BELIEVE that God’s kingdom is everlasting. From His throne, through His Son, His eternal Word, God created, upholds and governs all that exists: the heavenly places, the angelic hosts, the universe, the earth, every living thing and mankind. God created all things very good.\

WE BELIEVE that Satan, originally a great, good angel, rebelled against God, taking a host of angels with him. He was cast out of God’s presence and, as a usurper of God’s rule, established a counter-kingdom of darkness and evil on the earth.

WE BELIEVE that God created mankind in His own image, male and female, for relationship with Himself and to govern the earth. Under the temptation of Satan, our original parents fell from grace, bringing sin, sickness and God’s judgment of death to the earth. Through the fall, Satan and his demonic hosts gained access to God’s good creation. Creation now experiences the consequences and effects of Adam’s original sin. Human beings are born in sin, subject to God’s judgment of death and captive to Satan’s kingdom of darkness.

WE BELIEVE that God did not abandon His rule over the earth which He continues to uphold by His providence. In order to bring redemption, God established covenants which revealed His grace to sinful people. In the covenant with Abraham, God bound Himself to His people Israel, promising to deliver them from bondage to sin and Satan and to bless all the nations through them.

WE BELIEVE that as King, God later redeemed His people by His mighty acts from bondage in Egypt and established His covenant through Moses, revealing His perfect will and our obligation to fulfill it. The law’s purpose is to order our fallen race and to make us conscious of our moral responsibility. By the work of God’s Spirit, it convicts us of our sin and God’s righteous judgment against us and brings us to Christ alone for salvation.

WE BELIEVE that when Israel rejected God’s rule over her as King, God established the monarchy in Israel and made an unconditional covenant with David, promising that his heir would restore God’s kingdom reign over His people as Messiah forever.

WE BELIEVE that in the fullness of time, God honored His covenants with Israel and His prophetic promises of salvation by sending His Son, Jesus, into the world. Conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, as fully God and fully man in one person, He is humanity as God intended us to be. Jesus was anointed as God’s Messiah and empowered by the Holy Spirit, inaugurating God’s kingdom reign on earth, overpowering the reign of Satan by resisting temptation, preaching the good news of salvation, healing the sick, casting out demons and raising the dead. Gathering His disciples, He reconstituted God’s people as His Church to be the instrument of His kingdom. After dying for the sins of the world, Jesus was raised from the dead on the third day, fulfilling the covenant of blessing given to Abraham. In His sinless, perfect life Jesus met the demands of the law and in His atoning death on the cross He took God’s judgment for sin which we deserve as law-breakers. By His death on the cross He also disarmed the demonic powers. The covenant with David was fulfilled in Jesus’ birth from David’s house, His Messianic ministry, His glorious resurrection from the dead, His ascent into heaven and His present rule at the right hand of the Father. As God’s Son and David’s heir, He is the eternal Messiah-King, advancing God’s reign throughout every generation and throughout the whole earth today.

WE BELIEVE that the Holy Spirit was poured out on the Church at Pentecost in power, baptizing believers into the Body of Christ and releasing the gifts of the Spirit to them. The Spirit brings the permanent indwelling presence of God to us for spiritual worship, personal sanctification, building up the Church, gifting us for ministry, and driving back the kingdom of Satan by the evangelization of the world through proclaiming the word of Jesus and doing the works of Jesus.

WE BELIEVE that the Holy Spirit indwells every believer in Jesus Christ and that He is our abiding Helper, Teacher, and Guide. We believe in the filling or the empowering of the Holy Spirit, often a conscious experience, for ministry today. We believe in the present ministry of the Spirit and in the exercise of all of the biblical gifts of the Spirit. We practice the laying on of hands for the empowering of the Spirit, for healing, and for recognition and empowering of those whom God has ordained to lead and serve the Church.

WE BELIEVE that the Holy Spirit inspired the human authors of Holy Scripture so that the Bible is without error in the original manuscripts. We receive the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments as our final, absolute authority, the only infallible rule of faith and practice.

WE BELIEVE that the whole world is under the domination of Satan and that all people are sinners by nature and choice. All people therefore are under God’s just judgment. Through the preaching of the Good News of Jesus and the Kingdom of God and the work of the Holy Spirit, God regenerates, justifies, adopts and sanctifies through Jesus by the Spirit all who repent of their sins and trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. By this they are released from Satan’s domain and enter into God’s kingdom reign.

WE BELIEVE in the one, holy, universal Church. All who repent of their sins and confess Jesus as Lord and Savior are regenerated by the Holy Spirit and form the living Body of Christ, of which He is the head and of which we are all members.

WE BELIEVE that Jesus Christ committed two ordinances to the Church: water baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Both are available to all believers.

WE BELIEVE that God’s kingdom has come in the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ, that it continues to come in the ministry of the Spirit through the Church, and that it will be consummated in the glorious, visible and triumphant appearing of Christ – His return to the earth as King. After Christ returns to reign, He will bring about the final defeat of Satan and all of his minions and works, the resurrection of the dead, the final judgment and the eternal blessing of the righteous and eternal conscious punishment of the wicked. Finally, God will be all in all and His kingdom, His rule and reign, will be fulfilled in the new heavens and the new earth, recreated by His mighty power, in which righteousness dwells and in which He will forever be worshipped.

Download scriptural basis for this statement of faith here

The Apostles Creed

I believe in God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth.

And in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into hell. The third day he rose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty. From thence he will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Christian Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen

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