Education Aacharya - एजुकेशन आचार्य

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Education Aacharya - एजुकेशन आचार्य

Synopsis / शोध प्रारूपिका (लघु शोध व शोध के विद्यार्थियों हेतु)

किसी भी क्षेत्र में शोध करने से पूर्व मनोमष्तिष्क में एक तूफ़ान एक हलचल महसूस होती है, शोध परिक्षेत्र की तलाश प्रारम्भ होती है, विषय की तलाश से लेकर परिणति तक का आयाम मुखर होने लगता है और इसी मनोवेग वैचारिक तूफ़ान को शोध एक सृजनात्मक आयाम देता है एवं अस्तित्व में आता है शोध प्रोपोज़ल या शोध प्रारूपिका। हमारे शोधार्थियों में इसके लिए शब्द प्रचलन में है: —- Synopsis.

शोध को क्रमबद्ध वैज्ञानिक स्वरुप देने हेतु लघुशोध व शोध के विद्यार्थी सरलता से कार्य कर सहजता से इस परिणति तक ले जा सकते हैं, Synopsis के चरणों(Steps) को इस प्रकार क्रम दिया जा सकता है –

1. प्रस्तावना 2. आवश्यकता क्यों? 3. समस्या 4.उद्देश्य 5.परिकल्पना 6. प्रतिदर्श 7. शोध विधि 8. शोध उपकरण 9. प्रयुक्त सांख्यिकीय विधि 10. परिणाम, निष्कर्ष एवं सुझाव 11. प्रस्तावित रूपरेखा (शोध स्वरूपानुसार)

1. प्रस्तावना(Introduction)-

जिस तरह रत्नगर्भा पृथ्वी के गर्भ से प्राप्त अयस्क परिशोधन से शुद्ध धात्वीय स्वरुप प्राप्त करते हैं उसी प्रकार हमारे मस्तिष्क में उमड़ते-घुमड़ते तथ्य प्रगटन के लिए अपने परिशुद्ध स्वरुप को प्राप्त करने का प्रयास करते हैं और हम अपनी क्षमता के अनुसार उसे बोधगम्य बनाकर उसका प्रारम्भिक स्वरुप प्रस्तुत करते हैं जो मूलतः हमारे विषय से सम्बन्ध रखता है, शीर्षक से जुड़ाव का यह मुखड़ा, भूमिका या प्रस्तावना का स्वरुप लेता है इसके शब्द हमारी क्षमता अधिगम स्तर और प्रस्तुति कौशल के अनुसार अलग-अलग परिलक्षित होता है इसमें वह आलोक होता है जो हमारे शोध का उद्गार बनने की क्षमता रखता है।

2. आवश्यकता क्यों?(Importance)-

यह बिंदु विषय-वस्तु के महत्त्व को प्रतिपादित करता है और उस पर कार्य करने के औचित्य को सिद्ध करता है कि आखिर अमुक चर को या अमुक पात्र या विषय वस्तु को ही हमने अपने अध्ययन का आधार क्यों बनाया? हमें देश, काल, परिस्थितियों के आलोक में अपने विषय और उसी परिक्षेत्र पर कार्य करने की तीव्रता का परिचय कराना होता है इसे ऐसे शब्दों में लिखा जाना चाहिए कि पढ़ने वाला उसकी तीव्रता को महसूस कर सके और उसका मानस सहज रूप से आपके तर्कों का कायल हो जाए।

3. समस्या(Problem)-

यहाँ समस्या या समस्या कथन से आशय शोध के ‘शीर्षक’ से है। शीर्षक संक्षिप्त, सरल, सहज बोधगम्य व सार्थक भाव युक्त होना चाहिए अनावश्यक विस्तार या अत्यधिक कठिन शब्दों के प्रयोग से बचकर उसे अधिक पाठकों की बोधगम्यता परिधि में लाया जा सकता है यह शुद्ध व भाव स्पष्ट करने में समर्थ होना चाहिए। शोध स्वरूपानुसार इसका उपयुक्त चयन व शुद्ध निरूपण होना चाहिए।

4. उद्देश्य(Objectives)-

उद्देश्य बहुत सधे शब्दों में बिन्दुवार दिए जाने चाहिए। तुलनात्मक अध्ययन में निर्धारित चर के आधार पर न्यादर्श के प्रत्येक वर्ग का दुसरे से तुलनात्मक अध्ययन करना, उद्देश्य का अभीप्सित होगा यह शोधानुसार क्रमिक रूप से व्यवस्थित किए जा सकते हैं।

5. परिकल्पनाएं(Hypothesis)-

परिकल्पनाओं का स्वरुप शोध के स्वरुप पर अवलम्बित होता है। सकारात्मक, नकारात्मक और शून्य परिकल्पना अस्तित्व में है लेकिन शोध हेतु शून्य परिकल्पना सर्वाधिक उत्तम रहती है, इसको भी क्रमवार तुलना के स्वरुप के आधार पर व्यवस्थित करते हैं। यदि ग्रुप ‘A’ और ग्रुप ‘B’ के लड़कों की ‘कम्प्यूटर के प्रति भय’ के आधार पर तुलना करनी हो तो इसे इस प्रकार लिखेंगे :

ग्रुप ‘A’ और ग्रुप ‘B’ के लड़कों में कम्प्यूटर के प्रति भय के आधार पर कोई सार्थक अन्तर नहीं है।

6. प्रतिदर्श(Sample)-

प्रतिदर्श या न्यादर्श शोध की प्रतिनिधिकारी जनसंख्या होती है यह समस्या के स्वरुप, शोधार्थी की क्षमता, समय व साधनों द्वारा निर्धारित होती है। शोध हेतु चयनित जनसंख्या का शोध स्वरूपानुसार विभिन्न वर्गों में वितरण कर लेते हैं जिससे परस्पर तुलना सुगम हो जाती है यह भी परिकल्पना निर्धारण में सहायक होती है।

7. शोध विधि(Research Method)-

इसका निर्धारण शोध शीर्षक के स्वरुप पर अवलम्बित होता है हिस्टॉरिकल रिसर्च या सर्वेक्षण आधारित शोध Synopsis के पूरे स्वरुप को प्रभावित करते हैं। शोध विधि, शोध की दिशा तय करने में सक्षम है।

8. शोध उपकरण(Research Tools)-

शोध स्वरूपानुसार ही इसकी आवश्यकता होती है कुछ प्रामाणिक शोध उपकरण मौजूद हैं एवं कभी आवश्यकता अनुसार खुद भी स्व आवाश्यक्तानुसार शोध उपकरण विकसित करना होता है। वर्णनात्मक शोध प्रबन्ध में इसकी आवश्यकता नहीं होती।

9. प्रयुक्त सांख्यिकीय विधि(Used Statistical Method)-

जिन शोध के प्राप्य समंक होते हैं उनसे किसी निष्कर्ष तक पहुँचने में शोध की प्रवृत्ति के अनुसार सांख्यिकी का प्रयोग करना होता है यहां केवल प्रयुक्त सूत्र एवं उसमे प्रयुक्त अक्षर का आशय लिखना समीचीन होगा।

10. परिणाम, निष्कर्ष एवं सुझाव(Result, Outcome & Suggestion)-

इस भाग में केवल इतना लिखना पर्याप्त होगा कि ‘प्रदत्तों का सांख्यकीय विश्लेषण से प्राप्त परिणामों के आधार पर निष्कर्ष निकाला जायेगा एवं भविष्य हेतु सुझाव सुनिश्चित किए जाएंगे।

11. प्रस्तावित रूपरेखा (शोध स्वरूपानुसार)(Proposed Framework)-

  • सम्बन्धित साहित्य का अध्ययन
  • अध्ययन की योजना का प्रारूप
  • आकङों का विश्लेषण एवं विवेचन
  • शोध निष्कर्ष एवं सुझाव
जहां सांख्यिकीय विश्लेषण आवश्यक नहीं है उन वर्णनात्मक, ऐतिहासिक या विवेकनात्मक शोध में चतुर्थ अध्याय आवश्यकतानुसार परिवर्तनीय होगा।

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Knowledgeable Post…Thank You, Sir,

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How to Format a PhD Synopsis (India)

Picture of Qamar Mayyasah

  • By Qamar Mayyasah
  • August 26, 2020



This article will answer common questions about the PhD synopsis, give guidance on how to write one, and provide my thoughts on samples.

A PhD synopsis is a detailed summary of your proposed research project which justifies the need for your work. It is used to convince academic committees that your project should be approved.

If you are wondering how to write a synopsis for a PhD, then there are several things you must make sure your synopsis includes. Firstly, the reader must be able to read your synopsis and understand what contribution it would make to the research area. You should also explain the research objectives, methodology, data analysation and presentation format. Finally, you should conclude with limitations of your study and how you envisage others building on the findings you make.

PhD Synopsis format for a project

Although the format of a PhD synopsis report may differ between universities, there are many universal recommendations I can give. First, the research project synopsis format must include several fundamental sections which allow you to clearly detail your proposed project.

These sections are outlined below:

Research project title

Clearly define the title of your research project.

Include an introduction which summarises the current knowledge in your research area. This section should explain where gaps in knowledge are, and briefly what your project aims to do to address these gaps.

Literature review

A literature review will be a summary of published literature including journals, papers and other academic documentation which relate to your project. You need to critically appraise these documents: What have others done? What did they find? Where could their work be expanded on?

Aims & Objectives

Clearly define what the purpose of the PhD project is. What questions are you trying to answer? How will you measure success?

Research Methodology

Explain how you will achieve your objectives. Be specific and outline your process; the equipment you will use, data collection strategies, questionnaires you will distribute and data analysation techniques you will employ. This is a critical part of the research synopsis as it demonstrates whether your project is achievable or too ambitious.

You must provide references and citations to any sources you use. Reference materials are needed to acknowledge the original source, allow further reading for those who are interested and avoid claims of plagiarism. A number of different referencing systems exist, so it is important that you use the referencing system outlined in your university guidelines.

Provide a conclusion which should briefly summarise what your PhD research project is and why it is needed. You should also comment on the limitations of your work so that the scope of your study is clear.

In addition to the synopsis format for a PhD, we have outlined the styling rules you should follow:

  • Approximately 1” margins on top, bottom, and right of page.
  • Approximately 1.25” margin on left of page to allow space for binding.
  • Sans serif font (for example Times New Roman).
  • Black colour font.
  • Size 11pt or 12pt font.

It is important to remember this is general advice to assist with PhD synopsis writing. You must check your university guidelines first as they may have particular rules which you should follow.

PhD Synopsis Samples

I would not recommend using a PhD synopsis sample. This is because every research project is different, and the purpose of a synopsis report is to demonstrate the uniqueness of your project. Instead you should use the above format, and ensure you address each of the sections.

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आज प्रत्येक विद्यार्थ्याला इतर विद्यार्थ्यांपेक्षा पुढे जाण्याची इच्छा आहे. म्हणूनच आजच्या पोस्टमध्ये आपण पीएचडी म्हणजे काय आणि ते कसे करावे हे जाणून घेऊ, या व्यतिरिक्त, आपल्याला हे देखील कळेल की हा कोर्स किती वर्षांचा आहे ?

पीएचडी काय आहे? | What Is PHD In Marathi

PHD ( डॉक्टर ऑफ फिलॉसॉफी ) हा एक अतिशय लोकप्रिय अभ्यासक्रम आहे, जेव्हा कोणताही विद्यार्थी हा अभ्यासक्रम पूर्ण करतो, तेव्हा त्याच्या नावासमोर डॉक्टर हा शब्द जोडला जातो. पीएचडी ही एक उच्च स्तरीय पदवी आहे, हे करणे इतके सोपे नाही, यासाठी एखाद्याला शाळा, महाविद्यालय शिक्षण उत्तीर्ण करावे लागते आणि नंतर त्यासाठी प्रवेश घ्यावा लागतो.

हा कोर्स केल्यानंतर तुम्ही डॉक्टर बनण्याबरोबरच लेक्चरर, प्रोफेसर बनू शकता. माहितीसाठी, आम्ही तुम्हाला सांगू की जर तुम्हाला पीएचडी कोर्स करायचा असेल तर तुम्हाला कोणत्याही एका विषयाबद्दल जास्तीत जास्त ज्ञान असले पाहिजे.

अशा परिस्थितीत, तुम्हाला हे लक्षात ठेवावे लागेल की 12 वी, पदवी मध्ये, एखादा विषय निवडा ज्यामध्ये तुम्हाला चांगले ज्ञान असेल आणि तुम्हाला त्यात आवड असेल कारण 12 वी उत्तीर्ण झाल्यानंतर तुम्हाला पदवी, पोस्ट ग्रॅज्युएशन नंतर तुम्हाला पीएचडी करायची आहे,अशा स्थितीत, जर तुम्हाला तुमच्या एखाद्या विषयाचे चांगले ज्ञान असेल, तर तुम्ही सहजपणे कोणतीही परीक्षा, परीक्षा सहज पार करू शकता आणि पीएचडीमध्ये प्रवेश घेऊ शकता.

वाचा – MBA बद्दल माहिती । MBA information in Marathi

पीएचडी साठी पात्रता | Eligibility For PHD In Marathi

पीएचडी कोर्स करण्यासाठी आणि त्यात प्रवेश घेण्यासाठी, खूप मेहनत घ्यावी लागते, आम्ही तुम्हाला वर देखील सांगितले आहे की हा कोर्स करणे इतके सोपे नाही, सोबतच या कोर्समध्ये प्रवेश घेण्यासाठी अनेक प्रकारच्या परीक्षा देणे , इतर अनेक पावले उचलावी लागतील जर तुम्हाला क्लिअर करायचे असेल तर तुम्हाला पीएचडी मध्ये प्रवेश मिळू शकतो.

बारावी पास मग ग्रॅज्युएशन करा

पीएचडी सारख्या उच्च स्तरीय पदवीमध्ये प्रवेश घेण्यासाठी, विद्यार्थ्याने पदवी, पदव्युत्तर पदवी 60% गुणांसह उत्तीर्ण केलेली असावी, आपण त्या विषयातील विशेष काळजी घ्यावी जसे की 10 वी, 12 वी पदवी, पोस्ट ग्रॅज्युएशन तुम्ही कोणत्या विषयात निवडता, कारण एकदा तुम्ही विषय निवडला की मग ते बदलणे कठीण होते, जो तुमचा विषय 12 वी मध्ये आहे, तोच विषय ग्रॅज्युएशनमध्ये निवडा. पीएचडी मध्ये प्रवेश घेण्यासाठी, पदवीनंतर, तुम्हाला 55% गुणांसह पोस्ट ग्रॅज्युएशन (मास्टर डिग्री) पूर्ण करावे लागेल.

अभ्यास पदव्युत्तर पदवी

जेव्हा तुम्ही ग्रॅज्युएशन कराल, त्यानंतर तुम्हाला पोस्ट ग्रॅज्युएशन मिळेल ज्याला आपण मास्टर डिग्री म्हणतो. तुम्हाला यात अर्ज करावा लागेल आणि तुम्हाला तुमचे पोस्ट ग्रॅज्युएशन 60% ने पूर्ण करावे लागेल.

पीएचडी करण्यासाठी, यूजीएस नेट परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण होणे आवश्यक आहे, त्यानंतरच तुम्हाला पीएचडीमध्ये प्रवेश मिळेल पीएचडी प्रवेश परीक्षा

पीएचडी पदवीसाठी प्रवेश घेण्यासाठी यूजीएस नेट परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण केल्यानंतर, आता शेवटी पीएचडी करण्यासाठी, ज्या विद्यापीठातून तुम्हाला पीएचडी पदवी करायची आहे त्या विद्यापीठातील प्रवेश परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण करावी लागते. त्यांनंतर तुम्हाला प्रवेश दिला जाईल आणि मग तुम्ही त्याचा अभ्यास सुरू करू शकता.

वाचा – MSW Course Information in Marathi | MSW बद्दल माहिती

पीएचडी अभ्यासक्रम किती काळ आहे?

पीएचडी पूर्ण करण्यासाठी 3 वर्षे लागतात.

पीएचडी साठी फी किती आहे? | Fees For PHD In Marathi

पीएचडीची फी 25000 ते 30000 पर्यंत निश्चित केली गेली आहे, बाकी तुम्ही कोणत्या विद्यापीठातून पीएचडी अभ्यासक्रम करत आहात यावर देखील ते अवलंबून आहे, ते विद्यापीठ तुमच्याकडून किती शुल्क घेत आहे कारण प्रत्येक विद्यापीठाचे शुल्क वेगळे आहे.

म्हणूनच, जर तुम्ही पीएचडीसाठी अर्ज करत असाल आणि ज्या कॉलेजसाठी तुम्ही हे करत असाल, तर पीएचडी अभ्यासक्रमाशी संबंधित शुल्काबद्दल निश्चितपणे माहिती मिळवा.

वाचा – BBA म्हणजे काय ? BBA साठी प्रवेश कसा घ्यायचा

पीएचडी विषय | Subjects Of PHD In Marathi

पीएचडीच्या या 3 वर्षांच्या अभ्यासक्रमात तुम्ही ज्या विषयांचा समावेश कराल ते खालीलप्रमाणे आहेत:

  • कॉम्पुटर सायन्स पीएचडी
  • गणित विषयात पीएचडी
  • भौतिकशास्त्रात पीएचडी
  • अर्थशास्त्रात पीएचडी
  • मानसशास्त्रात पीएचडी
  • वित्त विषयात पीएचडी
  • व्यवस्थापनात पीएचडी

वाचा – फॅशन डिझायनर कोर्सची माहिती

पीएचडी केल्यानंतर करिअरचे पर्याय? | Career Options After PHD In Marathi

पीएचडी बद्दल वर दिलेल्या माहितीतून पुढे गेल्यानंतर, तुम्हाला समजले असेल की ती खूप मोठी पदवी झाली असती जी पूर्ण करण्यासाठी खूप मेहनत करावी लागते. तरच यश मिळते.

पीएचडी केल्यानंतर करिअरबद्दल बोलताना, सध्या पीएचडी केलेल्या लोकांसाठी अनेक सरकारी, खाजगी क्षेत्रात त्याच्या नोकऱ्या उपलब्ध आहेत. पीएचडी करणारे लोक तज्ञ म्हणून ओळखले जातात, त्यामुळे त्यांना नोकऱ्या सहज मिळतात. त्यांचा पगारही जास्त आहे.

माहितीसाठी, आम्ही तुम्हाला सांगू की मोठ्या प्रयोगशाळा, संशोधन आणि विकास, मोठी महाविद्यालये इत्यादींमध्ये पीएचडी करणाऱ्या लोकांची भरती केली जाते, त्यासाठी ते चांगले पगारही देतात. त्यामुळे हा कोर्स केल्यानंतर या क्षेत्रांमध्ये नोकरी मिळवण्याचा तुमच्याकडे खूप चांगला पर्याय आहे.

12 वी उत्तीर्ण झाल्यानंतर आज प्रत्येक विद्यार्थ्याला अशी पदवी किंवा अभ्यासक्रम करायचा आहे, जो तो पूर्ण करू शकेल आणि चांगली नोकरी मिळवू शकेल आणि आपले आयुष्य चांगल्या प्रकारे घालवू शकेल. पण सर्व विद्यार्थ्यांसाठी त्यांना 12 वी नंतर कोर्स करायचा आहे हे खूप महत्वाचे ठरले असते.

त्याविषयी योग्य माहिती असावी जेणेकरून त्या कोर्समध्ये प्रवेश घेऊन तो पूर्ण करण्यात विद्यार्थ्याला कोणतीही अडचण येऊ नये. यासह, जर तुम्ही ज्या कोर्ससाठी अर्ज करत आहात त्याबद्दल तुम्हाला माहिती असेल, तर तुमच्याशी संबंधित परीक्षेची तयारी करणे तुम्हाला खूप सोपे होईल.

म्हणूनच आज आम्ही वरील पीएचडी कोर्स बद्दल सांगितले जेणेकरून जे विद्यार्थी पीएचडी करू इच्छितात त्यांना पीएचडी कोर्स बद्दल चांगली माहिती मिळू शकेल. आणि तो आपले जीवन चांगले बनवू शकतो.

तर मित्रांनो, जर तुम्हाला पीएचडी कोर्स करायचा असेल तर तुम्ही आमच्या वरील दिलेल्या माहितीचे पालन केले पाहिजे. हे तुमच्यासाठी खूप महत्वाचे सिद्ध होऊ शकते.

डॉक्टर कसे बनायचे | How to become a doctor in Marathi

FAQ – PhD information in Marathi

पीएचडी पूर्ण करण्यासाठी 3 वर्षे लागतात, .

पीएचडी साठी फी किती आहे ?

निष्कर्ष : phd information in marathi | पी.एच डी काय आहे व कशी करावी.

आज या पोस्ट मध्ये आम्ही पी.एच डी बद्दल माहिती दिली जसे पी.एच डी काय आहे ? प्रवेश फी किती असते ? विषय कोणते असतात अशी अनेक प्रश्नांबद्दल माहिती या पोस्ट मध्ये पाहिली

आशा करतो कि तुम्हाला हि पोस्ट आवडली असेल, अधिक माहितीसाठी खाली दिलेला विडिओ नक्की पहा

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Career in PHD Marathi : पीएचडी मराठी मध्ये करिअर बनवा, पात्रता, अभ्यासक्रम, व्याप्ती ,पगार जाणून घ्या

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14  सप्टेंबरपासून बुध नक्षत्र परिवर्तन, 3 राशींसाठी हा आठवडा चांगला राहणार

18 सप्टेंबरला शुक्र गोचरमुळे मालव्य योग, 3 राशींना मिळेल छप्‍पर फाड धन

18 सप्टेंबरला शुक्र गोचरमुळे मालव्य योग, 3 राशींना मिळेल छप्‍पर फाड धन

जिवंत व्यक्ती स्वतःच श्राद्ध करू शकते का? माणसाने जिवंत असताना त्याचे श्राद्ध कधी करावे?

जिवंत व्यक्ती स्वतःच श्राद्ध करू शकते का? माणसाने जिवंत असताना त्याचे श्राद्ध कधी करावे?

अनंत चतुर्दशी 2024: गणेश विसर्जनाची वेळ आणि योग्य पद्धत

अनंत चतुर्दशी 2024: गणेश विसर्जनाची वेळ आणि योग्य पद्धत

अधिक व्हिडिओ पहा

synopsis format for phd in marathi

या 8 समस्यांसाठी फिजिओथेरपी खूप फायदेशीर! फायदे जाणून घ्या

या 8 समस्यांसाठी फिजिओथेरपी खूप फायदेशीर! फायदे जाणून घ्या

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हृदयविकाराच्या झटक्याची 5 विचित्र चिन्हे, वेळीच सावध व्हा

घरी अचानक पाहुणे आले तर लगेचच बनवा झटपट बटाटा वेफर्स

घरी अचानक पाहुणे आले तर लगेचच बनवा झटपट बटाटा वेफर्स

चटणी बनवतांना या टिप्स अवलंबवा, अगदी आवडीने खातील सर्वजण

चटणी बनवतांना या टिप्स अवलंबवा, अगदी आवडीने खातील सर्वजण

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Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Marathi, Admission, Fees, Syllabus, Eligibility, Colleges, Jobs 2024

synopsis format for phd in marathi

Waqar Niyazi

Content Curator

PhD in Marathi is a doctorate-level academic course, enabling interested minds to explore the richness of age-old language, in detail.

PhD in Marathi is a 3-5 years course, including subjects dealing with literature and its relation to history, politics, society, and culture of certain times.

A score of minimum 55% marks in your master's degree, makes you eligible for PhD in Marathi programme. Also, you have to appear for entrance exams conducted by respective College/University.

Table of Content

PhD in Marathi: The course Highlights

  • PhD in Marathi: What is it about?

2.1  Why Study?

  • PhD in Marathi: Admission Process

3.1   Eligibility Criteria  

3.2  Entrance Exams

  • PhD in Marathi: How to get admission to a good College?  

PhD in Marathi: Top Colleges

5.1  College Comparison

  • PhD in Marathi: Syllabus

6.1  Important Books

PhD in Marathi: Course Comparison 

Phd in marathi: job profiles.

8.1  Future Scope

PhD in Marathi: FAQs

Course Level Doctorate
Full-form Doctor in Philosophy in Marathi
Duration 3-5 years
Exam type Research/viva-voce/presentation
Eligibility PG/MPhil
Admission process Entrance exam(NET/PET/JRF/MPhil)/Interview process
Course fee INR 5,000-2,00,000
Top recruiters Govt/private colleges/Tourism department/Multimedia platform/Publishers etc
Job Possibilities Author/Translators/Professor/Content developer etc.
Average Salary package INR 4,08,000

PhD in Marathi: What is it about? 

  • Marathi is one of the indo-Aryan and 22 scheduled languages of India. It's also the official and co-official language of Maharashtra and Goa respectively.
  • Ranking 10th in the world, the Marathi language has 83 million speakers worldwide.
  • A PhD course in Marathi provides deep insight into the language. The course builds experts by running research and practical works on the language.
  • With its vast curriculum schedules, presentations, practical works, students get ready for the job market by sharpening their skills and expertise.
  • The course deals with the study of History, literature, grammer, cultural/economical influence, and notable authors of the language etc.

Why study PhD in Marathi?

  • Good career opportunities
  • Comparatively less competitive field, hence chance of getting a job soon.
  • If you are someone who has a vast interest in languages.
  • If you have a background in the Marathi language.
  • If you want to work in literary research.
  • If you want to be an author/critic/translator etc.
  • A course with a scope to live in and uphold old-but-gold culture.

PhD in Marathi: Admission Process 

  • The admission process is based on the merit list of entrance exam and marks obtained in post-graduation level.
  • Before applying, register yourself on the College's official website.
  • Fill in the registration form according to the given instructions alongside with your subjects and departments. After submission of the form, it will redirect you to the websites login portal.
  • Use your given ID and password to log in. Fill in the forms as instructed and upload needed documents. Do not forget to add reservation certificates to avail the benefits for the same.
  • Complete the payment process and fill in the details of the same.
  • Be Careful throughout the process as once done can not be changed. Finally, preview your application form and correct if any mistakes.
  • All done. Submit the form and good luck.

PhD in Marathi: Eligibility Criteria 

  • To be eligible for PhD in Marathi one must have completed a Masters Degree in the Marathi language with 55% marks(50% for reserved category students).
  • An MPhil degree holder in the Marathi language is also eligible for PhD in Marathi.
  • A Candidate must have appeared the PhD Entrance Exam(PET) conducted by a responsive College/University with minimum qualifying marks.
  • Some colleges/universities also take students through Common Entrance Tests(CET), like UGC-NET.
  • There are also facilities available for reserved category students.

Besides above-mentioned eligibility criteria, many Colleges/universities have their requirements and conditions. Do thorough research before applying.

PhD in Marathi: Entrance Exams

There are different entrance exams for a PhD programme.

  • From 2018 NTA is conducting UGC-NET(University Grants Commission-National Eligibility Test) exams. It is a selection process to pick students for Junior Research Fellowship(JRF) and Lectureship in Indian College/University.
  • 81 subjects available under UGC-NET and you are advised to take the same subject as of your Master's Degree.
  • PhD Entrance Test- The entrance test is conducted by responsive colleges/universities rather than following a national eligibility test(UGC-NET) exams.
  • Some colleges exempt students from the PET who cleared UGC-NET. However, candidates need to pay more course fees than those who appeared PET.
  • Mumbai University-Pre-Entrance Test: The entrance test is conducted by Mumbai University for the selection of eligible students for PhD programmes.
  • The candidates who are UGC-NET/MPhil qualified, are exempted from MU-PET.
  • Goa-University PhD Entrance Test is handled by Goa University for the selection of successful candidates for PhD programmes.
  • UGC-NET/MPhil/JRF holder candidates will be exempted from the GU-PET.

PhD in Marathi: How to prepare for the exams? 

  • The exam has two sections: Objective type(Multiple questions) and Subjective type(subjective questions from the related subject).
  • Exam time is 2-3 hours and 100 marks.
  • Questions will be asked according to the syllabus of the exam, concerning your subjects of Master's and bachelor's degree.

Things to Remember While Preparing for the exam:

  • To be confident and weed out your strong and weak points, follow previous year's questions papers and check the patterns of the exam paper.
  • Seek guidance from the students pursuing a PhD in the same field. It will clarify your vision about the coming battlefield.
  • Get updated with current affairs/daily newspapers. Gain enough knowledge about current changes/developments, pouring to your concerned subject.

PhD in Marathi: How to get admission to a good College? 

There are some major useful points to apply before going to register for a PhD course.

  • Dig thoroughly: Do thorough research on various PhD programmes of your interest. Eligibility criteria/fee structures/entrance exams/deadlines related to the course, cover everything, don't let a minor mistake waste a valuable year of yours.
  • Decide: Decide your specialization course based on your Master's degree/bachelor's degree course. It gives a stronghold of your related field and helps in funding also. Also, check your passion/love for the same course. Don't do a course half-heartedly which can lead you to failure.
  • Select a topic for PhD Dissertation: Start simple. Research old projects to get some ideas to write on. Ask yourself if you want to write on old ideas or new problems.
  • Get a Supervisor/Guide: Now it's time to get you a guide. Search the person's history/academic record/how many students he guided, etc, whom you want to be your supervisor.
  • Filling the application form: Please fill your application form carefully as your chance of getting shortlisted depends on your achievements, academic records etc, described on your application form. Next, Good luck with the interview.
  • Think about your future: After completing PhD only 50% of the candidates go to academia and the rest pursue their career in other govt. and private fields, start-ups, authorship, etc. Hence decide what you want to do.

The list of Colleges offering PhD in Marathi 

Name of the College Average Annual Fee
INR 8,368
INR 3,000
INR 4,920
INR 31,315
INR 30,000
INR 32,730
INR 1,00,000
INR 6,700

PhD in Marathi: College Comparison 

Parameters Goa University Mumbai University
Overview Established in 1985. Offers UG/PG/PhD/Diploma courses on various subjects. It has 48 professional/non-professional colleges/10 research centres, etc. Formerly known as Bombay University. Offers UG/PG/PHD/Certificate course/diploma etc. The university conducts entrance exams to select students.
Ranking 101 by NIRF 95 by NIRF
Location Goa Mumbai
Average fee INR 32,730 INR 31,000
Top Recruiters govt/private sectors/Tourism fields etc govt/private sector/tourism/publishers/ etc.

PhD in Marathi: Syllabus 

  • Paper 1: Research Methodology (Research Techniques/Methods).
  • Paper 2: Broad field of Specialization.
Philosphy Literature Study
Essays and Texts writings Poetics Study
Preparing the Thesis Report Grammar Study

PhD in Marathi: Important Books

The table contains the list of helpful books for PhD in Marathi.

Books/Journals Author
The social character of the saint Ba. Sardar N
Marathi SavhAat Society and Culture Saint Abaji Dahake.
Modern Marathi History Deshpande A.N
The Concept of Historical History Pandey D.Vad.
Changes in social life in Maharashtra Mr Panvadat
History of Marathi Language Jog Ra.Shri
Five devotional sects R. Goswami
Cultural Conservation of Soviet Pralhad Lalekar

PhD in Marathi Vs PhD in English  

Parameters PhD in Marathi PhD in English
Duration 3-5 years 3-6 years
Focus Area Research Research
Admission process Entrance exam/interviews Entrance exam/interview
Eligibility criteria PG/MPhil/NET/PET PG/NET/MPhil
Average course fee INR 1,00,000 INR 50,000 - 5,00,000
Job Options Research scholar /translator /writer/Professor Research and Development Manager, Professor, Literature Researcher, etc.
Areas of employment Teaching/writing/tourism/research Teaching/writing/tourism/reasearch field
Average placement package INR 2,50,000-3,00,000 INR 3,00,000-4,00,000
  • PhD in Marathi language degree holders have a lot of career opportunities to choose from. One can easily get a job in govt./private sectors or can start a start-up.
  • The various fields of employment are teaching/research/writing/language expert/critics, etc.

Career in a PhD in Marathi in a nutshell:

Name of the Job profile Description of the Job Average salary package
Professor A Professor has to teach govt/private college/university students INR 2,50,000
Linguistic Expert A linguistic expert has multiple job roles. Such as- A translator/content developer/proofreader, etc. INR 3,00,000
Research scholar A research scholar is associated with the research and development of related language INR 2,75,000
Author An author writes his/her original content through Stories/novels/dramas/poems, etc. INR 2,35,000
Translator A translator is someone who translates one language from another language INR 3,00,324
Content developer The job includes creating original contents for multimedia platforms. INR 2,20,000

PhD in Marathi: Future Scope 

As the PhD is considered the highest level of the academic course, there is less number of future scopes for further study afterwards.

However, there are some postdoctoral fellowship programmes to assist you in your further education journey.

Ques. Is a PhD in Marathi worth doing?

Ques. What's the syllabus for PhD in Marathi?

Domains of the Language:

  • Elective subjects
  • History of the language
  • Essay and texts writing
  • Preparing the Thesis Report
  • Literature Study
  • Preparing Presentation
  • Viva-voce process
  • Poetics study
  • Grammar study

Ques. What's the eligibility for PhD in Marathi?

Ques. What's the admission process for PhD in Marathi?

Ques. How should I decide the subjects for my project?

Ques. How to find a suitable supervisor?

Ques. How much do I have to study for a PhD programme?

Ques. What's the average course fee for a PhD in Marathi?.

Ques. What jobs will I get after PhD in Marathi?

Ques. What's the average salary package for a PhD in Marathi degree holder?

Ph.D. (English)

Ph.d. (economics), ph.d. (history), m.phil. (english), ph.d. (hindi), ph.d. (marathi) colleges in india.

Banaras Hindu University - [BHU]

Banaras Hindu University - [BHU]

Fergusson College

Fergusson College

Aligarh Muslim University - [AMU]

Aligarh Muslim University - [AMU]

Savitribai Phule Pune University - [SPPU]

Savitribai Phule Pune University - [SPPU]

Modern College of Arts Science and Commerce - [MCASC] Shivajinagar

Modern College of Arts Science and Commerce - [MCASC] Shivajinagar

Mumbai University - [MU]

Mumbai University - [MU]

Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University - [RTMNU]

Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University - [RTMNU]

Osmania University - [OU]

Osmania University - [OU]

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6 Aug, 2022

synopsis format for phd in marathi

Manav Rachna University Synopsis, Thesis Format & Guidelines

The final hard bound copies to be submitted after the viva-voce examination will be accepted during the submission of thesis with the following colour specification: 

ProgramColourNo. of Copies to be Submitted
Doctoral ProgramBottle Green05

On front cover all lettering shall be embossed in gold.

  • The preferred font type is Times New Roman and font size of the text in the report is 12 point. The minimum font size of materials within a table or a figure can be 8 point, however, Text should be ‘justified’.

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The Printed Sheets shall have the following written area and margins:

  • Top Margin 15mm
  • Bottom Margin 22mm
  • Left Margin 30mm
  • Right Margin 20 mm

The line spacing in the main text must be between one-and-a-half. Single line spacing should be given for quotations, abstract, declaration, report approval, figure captions, table titles, figure legends, footnotes, and references. 

  • Equations, tables, figures, and quotations should be set off from the main text with adequate space (not less than the normal line spacing adopted for the main text). 
  • The Reference style should be uniform across the thesis.
  • Complete Thesis shall be uploaded on Shodhganga for widespread circulation. 

Appropriate use of headings and subheadings in  Manav Rachna University  PhD Thesis

Headings should be distinguished from the surrounding text by larger font size, a different font, bolding, italics, or a combination of these. All headings of the same level should use the same style, and headings at lower levels should be less prominent than those at higher levels. Examples:

  • CHAPTER TITLE: (Times New Roman 16 Point -Bold Uppercase)
  • Heading for the section: (Times New Roman 14 point - Bold Italic)
  • Heading for sub-section: (Times New Roman 12 point – Bold)

All headings should be left-aligned, except chapter headings, which may be centered. The headings and subheadings should preferably be numbered, as required.

Overall General Format of the  Manav Rachna University  Thesis

The manuscript consists of three main parts: Preliminaries, Text, and the Annexure. It is to be arranged in the following sequence:

  • Declaration~ by the student
  • Certificate by the Research Guide
  • Approval of the Thesis
  • Acknowledgements
  • Table of Contents
  • List of figures, Tables, or Illustrations
  • List of Abbreviations (optional)
  • Introduction
  • Literature Review
  • Materials and Methods
  • Summary and Conclusion
  • Bibliography/References
  • List of publications from Thesis

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  1. Synopsis (शोध प्रारूपिका) लघु शोध व शोध के विद्यार्थियों हेतु

    Education Aacharya Synopsis 2014 synopsis.rtf एम.एड. (माÖटर ऑफ एºयूकेशन) लघु शोध कायª हेतु िदशा विभिन्न विषयों पर पुराने अधिक पसंद किए गए पोस्ट

  2. PDF Synopsis Proposed Research Project

    1. Patient information & General Information Sheet in English, Marathi & Hindi should be submitted along with the synopsis 2. Informed Consent form in English, Marathi & Hindi should be submitted along with the synopsis 3. The synopsis should be submitted in 01 hard copy and send a soft copy

  3. Research Methodology Marathi Version

    Research-Methodology-Marathi-Version - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

  4. PDF University of Mumbai, Mumbai

    Ph. D. / M. E. / B. E. (Acknowledgement: Formatting guidelines of Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai are referred) / Project ReportsPreamble:The content of the Thesis/Dissertation/Project report (hereinafter called as report) must be paid utmost attention, which is being submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Doctoral ...

  5. c u shah university phd marathi topic selection

    Process for Submission of Synopsis for Doctoral Research Work: C. U. Shah University. Prior to submission of synopsis of thesis, a comprehensive assessment of the Research work should be made by a panel consisting of Research Progress Review (RPR) panel and one or two external experts of concerned area of research work appointed by Provost in consultation with the supervisor(s) through ...

  6. Ph.D Program

    Marathi (IN) English (UK) Search ... Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University. Nanded-431606, Maharashtra State, India. Established on 17th September 1994, Recognized By the UGC U/s 2(f) and 12(B) NAAC Re-accredited 'B ++ ' grade with CGPA 2.96. Toggle navigation. About SRTMUN . About University ...


    1.2 Layout and format This section has been added here to provide guidelines on layout and format to the students for thesis writing. One of the essential requisites in preparation of the thesis is the consistency of the design and adherence to the specific instructions given in the following subsections. 1.2.1 Font

  8. Shodhganga : a reservoir of Indian theses @ INFLIBNET

    We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us.

  9. Shodhganga@INFLIBNET: Department of Marathi

    Swantrottar Marathi Kathecha Loktatviy Abhyas Nivdak Lekhakanchya Anushangane: Patil R B: Parlekar Sampatrao: 18-May-2023: Marathi Bakhar Gadyacha Bhashik Abhyas Shivkalkhandanvaril Bakhar Gadyachya Sandarbhat: Kalunge T V: More Nandkumar: 18-May-2023: 1960 Nantarchya Marathi Charitratmak kadambaryancha Abhyas: Sadalgekar N P: Gavas Rajan: 18 ...

  10. How to Format a PhD Synopsis (India)

    In addition to the synopsis format for a PhD, we have outlined the styling rules you should follow: Approximately 1" margins on top, bottom, and right of page. Approximately 1.25" margin on left of page to allow space for binding. Sans serif font (for example Times New Roman). Black colour font. Size 11pt or 12pt font.

  11. Muhs Synopsis Guidelines

    muhs synopsis guidelines - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free.

  12. पीएचडीची माहिती मराठीत

    How much is the PhD fee in Marathi. पीएचडीची माहिती जाणून घेतल्यावर तुमच्या मनात हा प्रश्न नक्कीच आला असेल की पीएचडीची फी किती आहे (पीएचडी की फीस कितनी ...

  13. bangalore university phd marathi topic selection

    The synopsis is expected to provide a broad and comprehensive exposure of the candidates' field of research. The length of the synopsis should ideally be between 12-14 pages (excluding bibliography) in A4 size paper, with Times New Roman, Font 12 and 1.5 line spacing. Get in Touch with Us for Top Quality Writing Assistance Services

  14. PDF Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth

    c) The candidate shall submit the thesis in 4 copies & 2 CDs in PDF format along with the abstract and synopsis with 25 copies each. d) The thesis shall be written in English language. However, the candidate can submit his / her thesis in the languages like Marathi / Hindi / Sanskrit but in such case he / she has to submit a gist /

  15. Shodhganga PHD Thesis in Marathi

    Shodhganga Phd Thesis in Marathi - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document discusses challenges faced in writing a PhD thesis in Marathi, including language barriers, complex research, and time constraints. It introduces as a service that provides specialized assistance for those working on a Shodhganga PhD thesis in Marathi.

  16. PDF PhD Synopsis and Thesis

    contents). Page number shall appear 20 mm from below. 2.5 Paragraph formatThe line spacing of the body text should be 1. ng.The first line of each paragraph should normally be. ndented by 15 mm.A paragraph should normally comprise more than one line. A single line of a paragraph shall not be left at.

  17. Shodhganga@INFLIBNET: Savitribai Phule Pune University

    419 Marathi; 411 Physical Sciences; 356 Economics. next > Year Completed. 1571 2020 - 2024; 2760 2010 - 2019; 2221 2000 - 2009; 1420 1990 - 1999; 1532 1980 - 1989; 926 1970 - 1979; ... Deccan College Post Graduate and Research Institute Pune [319] Deccan Muslim Education and Research Institute [10] Defence ...


    WRITING A GOOD Ph.D RESEARCH SYNOPSIS. Hira Qureshi. Synopsis is a short summary of your Ph.D thesis work. This paper suggests some ideas to motivate the young researchers for effectively writing the Ph.D synopsis with essential tips and tricks.This can act as a reference and help young researcher to going to write Ph.D synopsis.

  19. PhD information in Marathi

    पीएचडी काय आहे? | What Is PHD In Marathi. PHD (डॉक्टर ऑफ फिलॉसॉफी) हा एक अतिशय लोकप्रिय अभ्यासक्रम आहे, जेव्हा कोणताही विद्यार्थी हा अभ्यासक्रम पूर्ण ...

  20. Career in PHD Marathi : पीएचडी मराठी ...

    ही महाराष्ट्र आणि गोव्याची अनुक्रमे अधिकृत आणि सह-अधिकृत भाषा देखील आहे - Career in PHD Marathi Make a career in PHD Marathi know eligibility syllabus scope salary

  21. PhD Marathi: Admission, Fees, Syllabus, Eligibility ...

    PhD in Marathi is a 3-5 years course, including subjects dealing with literature and its relation to history, politics, society, and culture of certain times. A score of minimum 55% marks in your master's degree, makes you eligible for PhD in Marathi programme. Also, you have to appear for entrance exams conducted by respective College/University.

  22. manav rachna university phd marathi topic selection

    Learn How to Write an Effective and Very Well Formatted Manav Rachna University Synopsis, Thesis for Your Subject. Follow these Manav Rachna University PhD Thesis Typing Instructions and Submit the Thesis in Manav Rachna University Format.

  23. Format for Submission of Ph.D. Synopsis/Work Plan

    Circular reg. online Eligibility form submission of PG syllabus for Academic Year 2024-2025. Revaluation (GRM) result of M.Sc (CHEMISTRY) CAMPUS Examinations Summer (Lot-1) Revaluation (GRM) result of MCOM (External) Examinations Summer (Lot-1) Revaluation result of MA (External)Examinations Summer (Lot-1)