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10 Essential Things to Know About Real Estate Assignment Sales (for Sellers)

— We take our content seriously. This article was written by a real person at BREL.

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What’s an assignment?

An assignment is when a Seller sells their interest in a property before they take possession – in other words, they sell the contract they have with the Builder to a new purchaser. When a Seller assigns a property, they aren’t actually selling the property (because they don’t own it yet) – they are selling their promise to purchase it, along with the rights and obligations of their Agreement of Purchase and Sale contract.  The Buyer of an assignment is essentially stepping into the shoes of the original purchaser.

The original purchaser is considered to be the Assignor; the new Buyer is the Assignee. The Assignee is the one who will complete the final sale with the Builder.

Do assignments only happen with pre-construction condos?

It’s possible to assign any type of property, pre-construction or resale, provided there aren’t restrictions against assignment in the original contract. An assignment allows a Buyer of a any kind of home to sell their interest in that property before they take possession of it.

Why would someone want to assign a condo?

Often with pre-construction sales, there’s a long time lag between when the original contract is entered into, when the Buyer can move in (the interim occupancy period) and the final closing. It’s not uncommon for a Buyer’s circumstances to change during that time…new job out of the city, new husband or wife, new set of twins, etc. What worked for a Buyer’s lifestyle 4 years ago doesn’t always work come closing time.

Another common reason why people want to assign a contract is financial. Sometimes, the original purchaser doesn’t have the funds or can’t get the financing to complete the sale, and it’s cheaper to assign the contract to a new purchaser, than it is to renege on the sale.

Lastly, assignment sales are also common with speculative investors who buy pre-construction properties with no intention of closing on them. In these cases, the investors are banking on quick price appreciation and are eager to lock in a profit now, vs. waiting for the original closing date.

What can be negotiated in an assignment sale?

Because the Assignee is taking over the original purchaser’s contract, they can’t renegotiate the price or terms of the contract with the Builder – they are simply taking over the contract as it already exists, and as you negotiated it.

In most cases, the Assignee will mirror the deposit that you made to the Builder…so if you made a 20% deposit, you can expect the new purchaser to do the same.

Most Sellers of assignments are looking to make a profit, and part of an assignment sale negotiation is agreeing on price. Your real estate agent can guide you on price, which will determine your profit (or loss).

Builder Approval and Fees

Remember that huge legal document you signed when you made an offer to buy a pre-construction condo? It’s time to take it out and actually read it.

Your Agreement of Purchase & Sale stipulated your rights to assign the contract. While most builders allow assignments, there is usually an assignment fee that must be paid to the Builder (we’ve seen everything from $750 to $7,000).

There may be additional requirements as well, the most common being that the Builder has to approve the assignment.

Marketing Restrictions

Most pre-construction Agreements of Purchase & Sale from Toronto Builders do not allow the marketing of an assignment…so while the Builder may give you the right to assign your contract, they restrict you from posting it to the MLS or advertising it online. This makes selling an assignment extremely difficult…if people don’t know it’s available for sale, how they can possibly buy it?

While it may be very tempting to flout the no-marketing rule, BE VERY CAREFUL. Buyers guilty of marketing an assignment against the rules can be considered to have breached the Agreement, and the Builder can cancel your contract and keep your deposit.

We don’t recommend advertising an assignment for sale if it’s against the rules in your contract.

So how the heck can I find a Buyer?

There are REALTORS who specialize in assignment sales and have a database of potential Buyers and investors looking for assignments. If you want to be connected with an agent who knows the ins and outs of assignment sales, get in touch…we know some of the best assignment agents in Toronto.

What are the tax implications of real estate assignment?

Always get tax advice from a certified accountant, not from the internet (lol).

But in general, any profit made from an assignment is taxable (and any loss can be written off). The new Buyer or Assignee will be responsible for paying land transfer taxes and any HST that might be due.

How much does it cost to assign a pre-construction condo?

In addition to the Builder assignment fees, you will likely have to pay a real estate commission (unless you find the Buyer yourself) and legal fees. Because assignments are more complicated, you can expect to pay higher legal fees than you would for a resale property.

How does the closing of an assignment work?

With assignment sales, there are essentially 2 closings: the closing between the Assignor and the Assignee, and the closing between the Assignee and the Builder. With the first closing (the assignment closing) the original purchaser receives their deposit + any profit (or their deposit less any loss) from the Assignee. On the second closing (between the Builder and the Assignee), the Assignee pays the remaining amount to the Builder (usually with the help of a mortgage), and pays land transfer taxes. Title of the property transfers from the Builder to the Assignee at this point.

I suppose it could be said that there is a third closing too, when the Buyer takes possession of the property but doesn’t yet own it…this is known as the interim occupancy period. The interim occupancy occurs when the unit is ready to be occupied, but not ready to be registered with the city. Interim occupancy periods in Toronto range from a few months to a few years. During the interim occupancy period, the Buyer occupies the unit and pays the Builder an amount roughly equal to what their mortgage payment + condo fees + taxes would be. The timing of the assignment will dictate who completes the interim occupancy.

Assignments vs. Resale: Which is Better?

We often get calls from people who are debating whether they should assign a condo they bought, or wait for the building to register and then sell it as a typical resale condo.

Pros of Assigning vs. Waiting

  • Get your deposit back and lock in your profit sooner
  • Avoid paying land transfer taxes
  • Avoid paying HST
  • Maximize your return if prices are declining and you expect them to continue to decline
  • Lifestyle – sometimes it just makes sense to move on

Cons of Assigning vs Waiting

  • The pool of Buyers for assignment sales is much smaller than the pool of Buyers for resale properties, which could result in the sale taking a long time, getting a lower price than you would if you waited, or both.
  • Marketing restrictions are annoying and reduce the chances of finding a Buyer
  • Price – What is market value? If the condo building hasn’t registered and there haven’t been any resales yet, it can be difficult to determine how much the property is now worth. Assignment sales tend to sell for less than resale.
  • Assignment sales can be complicated, so you want to make sure that you’re working with an agent who is experienced with assignment sales, and a good lawyer.

Still thinking of assignment your condo or house ? Get in touch and we’ll connect you with someone who specializes in assignment sales and can take you through the process.

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assignment sale rules

Raj Singh says:

What can be things to look for, especially determining market value for an assigned condo? I’m the assignee.

assignment sale rules

Sydonia Moton says:

Y would u need a lawyer when u buy a assignment property

assignment sale rules

Gideon Gyohannes says:

Good clear information!

Who pays the assignment fee to the developer? Assignor or Assignee?

Thanks Gideon 416 4591919

assignment sale rules

Melanie Piche says:

It’s almost always the Seller (though I suppose could be a point of negotiation).

assignment sale rules

Fiona Rourke says:

If there are 2 names on the agreement and 1 wants to leave and the other wants to remain… does the removing of 1 purchaser constitute an assignment

assignment sale rules

Brendan Powell says:

An assignment is one way to add or remove people from a contract, but not the only way…and not the simplest. Speak to your lawyer for advice on what makes the most sense for your specific situation. For a straightforward resale purchase you could probably just do an amendment signed by all parties. If it’s a preconstruction purchase with various deposits paid, etc it could be more complicated.

assignment sale rules

Katerina says:

Depends on the Developer. Some of them remove names via assignments only.

assignment sale rules

Haroon says:

Is there any difference in transaction process If assigner or seller of a pre constructio condo is a non resident ? Is seller required to get a clearance certificate from cRA to complete the transaction ?

assignment sale rules

Nathalie says:

Hello , i would like to know the exact steps for reassignment property please.

assignment sale rules

Amazing info. Thanks team. I may just touch base with you when my property in Stoney Creek is completed in. 2020. I may need to reassign it to someone Thanks

assignment sale rules

Victoria Bachlowa says:

If an assignor renegs on the deal and refuses to close because they figured out they could get more money and the assignment was already approved by the builder and all conditions fulfilled what can the Assignee do. I have $33,000 dollars in trust in the real estate’s trust fund. They sent me a mutual release which I have not signed. The interim occupancy is Feb. 1 and the closing is schedule for Mar. 1, 2019. I have financing in place, was ready to move in Feb. 1 and I have no where to live.

Definitely talk to your lawyer right away. They’ll want to look at your agreement of purchase and sale and will be able to advise you.

assignment sale rules

With assignment sales, there are essentially 2 closings: the closing between the Assignor and the Assignee, and the closing between the Assignee and the Builder. With the first closing (the assignment closing) the original purchaser receives their deposit + any profit (or their deposit less any loss) from the Assignee. Can I assume that these closing happen at the same time? I’m not sure how and when I would be paid as the Assignor.

assignment sale rules

What happens to the deposits or any profits already paid if the developer cancels the project after an assignment?

assignment sale rules

Hi, Did you get answer to this? I did an assignment sale last year and now the builder is not completing apparently and they are asking for their money back. Can they do that? After legal transactions, the lawyer simply said “the deal didn’t go through”. Apparently builder and the person who assumed the assignment agreed on taking out the deal. What do I have to pay back after it was done a year ago

This is definitely a question for your lawyer – as realtors we are not involved in that part of the transaction. I would expect that just as the builder would have to refund your deposits, you would likely need to do the same…but talk to your lawyer. As to whether the builder can cancel a project, yes they always reserve that right (but the details of how and under what circumstances would be in your original purchase agreement). It’s one of the annoying risks in buying preconstruction!

assignment sale rules

I completed the sale of my assignment in Dec 2015 however the CRA says I should be reporting the capital income in 2016 when the assignee closed his deal with the developer in July 2016. That makes no sense to me since I got all my money in Dec 2015. Can you supply any clarification on that CRA policy please?

You’d have to talk to the CRA or an accountant – we’re real estate agents,so we can’t give tax advice.

assignment sale rules

Hassan says:

Hello, You said that there are two closings. The first one between the assignor and the assignee and the second one between the builder and the new buyer (assignee). My question is that in the first closing does the assignee have to pay the assignor the deposit they have paid and any profit in cash or will the bank add this to the assignee’s mortgage?

The person doing the assigning usually gets their money at the first closing.

assignment sale rules

Kathy says:

What is the typical real estate free to assign your contract with the builder ?

Hi Kathy While we do few assignments (as they are rarely successful, and builders do not make it easy), in past we have charged more or less the same as we do for a typical resale listing. While there are elements to assignments that should be easier than a resale (eg staging), many other aspects of assignments are much MORE time-consuming, and the risk much higher since attempts to find a buyer for assignments are often unsuccessful. It’s also important to note that due to the extra complication, lawyer’s fees to assign are typically higher than resale as well–although more $ for the purchase side vs the sale side.

assignment sale rules

Mitul Patel says:

If assignee has paid small amount of deposit plus the original 25% deposit that the assignor has paid to the builder and gets the Keys to the unit since interim possession has been completed, when the condo registration is done and assignee is getting mortgage from the Bank or Pays the remaining balance to the Builder using his savings and decides not to pay the Balance of the Profit amount to Assignor, what are the possibilities in this kind of scenario?

You’d need to talk to a lawyer to find out the options.

assignment sale rules

David says:

How much exactly do brokers get paid at sale of Assignment? i.e. Would the broker’s fee be a % of your assignment selling price or your home’s selling price? I’m really looking for a clear answer.

I am using this website’s calculator associated with selling your home in Ontario. But there is no information on selling assignments.

Realtors set their own commission, so there is no set fee- that website is likely the commission that that agent offers. We often see commissions of 4-5% for assignments. The fee is a % of the price of the assignment – for example, you originally bought for $500K; you’re now assigning for $600K – commission would be payable on the $600K.

assignment sale rules

Candace says:

Question: if i bought a pre construction condo, can i sell it as soon as it closes or do i have to live in it for 1 year after closing in order to avoid capital gains taxes?

Or does the 1 year start as soon as you move in?

I would suggest you talk to your accountant re: HST credit implications and capital gains, but if you sell it for more than you paid for it, capital gains usually apply.

assignment sale rules

You mention avoid paying HST when you assign your property. What is the HST based on? It’s not a commercial property that you would pay HST. Explain. Thanks.

HST and assignments are complex and this question is best answered specific to your situation by your accountant and real estate lawyer. In some cases HST is applicable on assignment profits – more details can be found on the CRA website here:

If you are a podcast listener, the true condos podcast is also a great resource.

assignment sale rules

heres one for your comment, purchase pre construction from builder beginning of 2021, to be finished end of 2021, (semi detached) here we are end of 2022, both units are now ready. Had one assigned but because builder didnt accept within certain time frame(they also had a 90 day clause wherein we couldnt assign prior to 90 less firm closing date (WHICH MOVED 4 TIMES). Anyrate now we have a new assinor but the builder says we are in default from the first one and wants 50k to do the assignment (the agreement lists the possibility of assigning for 12k) Also this deal would include us loosing our whole deposit and paying the 12k(plus fees) would be in addition too the 130k we are already loosing. The second property we are trying to close but interest rates are riducous, together with closing costs(currently mortgage company is asking that my wife be added to that one, afraid to even ask this builder. Any advice on how to deal with this asshole greedy builder? We are simply asking for assignment as per contract and a small extension for the new buyer(week or two) Appreciate any advice. Thank you

Dealing with builders/developers can be extremely painful, much worse than resale transactions in our experience. Their contracts are written to protect THEM. Unfortunately all I can say is follow the advice of your lawyer.

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Real Estate Assignment Sales – New Tax Rules

The Federal Budget for 2022 has made amendments to Part IX of the Excise Tax Act (“ETA”). Effective May 7, 2022, all assignment sales in respect of newly constructed or substantially renovated single unit residential complexes or residential condominium units are taxable. 

For clarity, with respect to residential housing transactions, the purchaser (assignor) enters into an agreement of Purchase and Sale with the builder and then sells (assigns) their “rights and obligations” in the agreement of Purchase and Sale to another person (assignee).

Typically, the closing date for a pre-constructions residential property can take several months or even years. During this time, purchasers may decide to assign their rights outlined in the Purchase and Sale agreement to an assignee. The Federal Budget for 2022 now imposes GST/HST tax obligations on assignors and assignees. Essentially, an individual assignor of residential real estate now must collect GST/HST remit it to the CRA. This rule is applicable even to those who do not have a GST/HST number and believe that they are not purchasing and assigning in the course of commercial activity. In cases where the assignor is a non-resident, the assignee is obligated to self-assess the GST/HST. Prior to this amendment, the GST/HST liability depended on whether an individual purchased and assigned their rights in the course of commercial activity and if the purchaser’s true intentions were to live in and use the property, then there would be no GST/HST liability.

Deposit Portion of Assignments

Where an assignment agreement is entered into on or after May 7, 2022, the Budget confirms that GST/HST would not be applicable to the deposit portion of the assignment price. However, it must be indicated in writing that a part of the consideration is attributable to the reimbursement of a deposit paid by the assignor to the builder under the Purchase and Sale agreement. This means that an assignor would only be liable for GST/HST on the amount above the deposit. This also eliminates double taxation and is consistent with the holding from current caselaw, Casa Blanca Homes Ltd. v. The Queen , 2013 TCC 338 .

Where an assignment agreement is entered into before May 7, 2022, and the assignment sale is taxable, the total amount payable for the sale is subject to the GST/HST, this includes any amount paid by the assignor as a deposit to the builder, whether or not this amount is separately identified.

“Anti-flipping” Rule

Budget 2022 further proposes that sales of residential properties owned for less than 12 months are deemed to generate business income under the Income Tax Act (“ITA”). These are subject to limited exceptions such as divorce, or relocation for employment purposes. In terms of assignment sales, it has not yet been determined whether the proposed “anti-flipping” rules would apply since taxpayers do not technically “own” the properties. Tax practitioners are carefully monitoring this. For more information see our previous blog discussing this .

If you have questions about the new rules contact us today !


This article provides information of a general nature only. It does not provide legal advice nor can it or should it be relied upon. All tax situations are specific to their facts and will differ from the situations in this article. If you have specific legal questions, you should consult a lawyer.

Related posts:

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  • Assigning Property and the GST/HST Implications
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AssignToday Blog

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10 Essential Things To Know About Real Estate Assignment Sale (For Sellers)

What is an assignment.

As the name implies, an assignment is when the original buyer of a property gives up their rights to that contract and assigns it to another buyer (Assignee). 

An assignment is different from a sale of property because in a sale both parties (the seller and buyer) are involved; and in an assignment, the seller transfers their rights, interest and benefits under their contract to another buyer. The seller can assign their contract before or after closing day.

When does someone need to assign a real estate purchase contract?

When should you assign your contract?

If you are unable to complete the purchase of a property for whatever reason, but would like to move forward with another buyer and give them an opportunity to buy the property at an agreed upon price, then an assignment may be right for you. Some common reasons why someone might need to assign a real estate purchase contract include:

  • Financial hardship due to job loss or sudden illness
  • Move to different city/ country
  • Personal reasons like marriage, children or birth of newborn
  • Death or incapacitation of the original buyer
  • Loss of financing
  • Original buyer looking to sell off to earn profit (speculative buying)

Is it legal to assign a contract?

The short answer is yes, it’s legal to assign contracts. However, there are certain things you need to know about how this process works before you decide whether or not you want to go through with it.

The first thing you should know is that assigning a contract isn’t a casual decision—it’s a legal document. When you sign an assignment agreement, you’re entering into an agreement with another party (the buyer) where they agree to take over your responsibilities under the original contract.

The second thing worth mentioning here is that while assignments aren’t necessarily uncommon occurrences––especially when dealing with multiple parties––they can be tricky because they often involve changing hands during different stages of closing proceedings which can make things unnecessarily complicated sometimes if not done correctly or thoroughly enough beforehand

How do assignments work?

An assignment is a transfer of a seller’s interest in the contract. In other words, it’s when a buyer assigns their rights under a contract to someone else. This can happen before closing or after closing and both scenarios have different implications for the original buyer (the assignor), as well as the new buyer who has taken over their position (the assignee).

Here’s how it works: The assignor transfers his or her interest in the contract to another person—this is known as an “assignment.” In order for this transfer to take place legally, four conditions must be met:

  • Both parties must agree on how much money will be exchanged between them;
  • Any existing obligations between either party must be transferred over without interruption;
  • All future obligations that arise from signing onto this agreement must also be transferred over without disruption;
  • And finally, if there are any fees associated with making this switch then those need to be paid

Are there any restrictions on assignments of purchase contracts?

The answer, in a nutshell: No.

The law does not restrict assignments of purchase contracts. In other words, if you want to assign your contract to another buyer or seller, you can do so freely and without penalty—as long as both parties have signed the contract and the sale has closed (or gone into escrow).

Can I assign my purchase contract to anyone?

The answer to this question is a resounding Yes.

You can assign your contract to anyone you like, as long as they meet the seller’s requirements for buyers.

For example, if your purchase contract requires that buyers have good credit and that they put down 20% in earnest money, then only someone who meets these criteria will be able to take over your contract.

So, who might assign their purchase contract? Here are some examples:

  • Family members
  • Friends (or friends-of-friends)
  • Real estate agents (particularly agents who specialize in assignments)

Can the buyer and seller agree to set a price for the contract assignment before it happens?

The answer is Yes, but it’s not necessary or recommended.

The reason is that once an assignment has been documented, there are no further negotiations between the buyer and seller on that contract. So there’s no need for any further discussion about price in advance of closing (unless you want to include some kind of non-binding agreement).

If you want to see what your property might sell for when it comes time to assign your contract, talk with an agent who specializes in negotiating contracts after they have already been signed by both parties.

What happens to deposits paid by the original buyer (the assignor)?

  • The deposit is usually returned to the assignor.
  • The deposit is sometimes not returned to the assignor (typically if the buyer was a good one)
  • The deposit is always returned to the original buyer if that person is still in contract with you and wants to take over as their own private party sale (PPS).

How do I find an end buyer for my property assignment?

There are several ways you can find an end buyer for your property assignment:

  • Ask your real estate agent. Your agent should know of buyers interested in purchasing assignments, or at least be able to refer you to someone who can help.
  • Ask your real estate lawyer (or real estate broker). Your attorney may also be able to refer you to a buyer’s attorney he or she knows and trusts personally, many lawyers have clients looking for properties like yours all the time
  • Submit Your Assignment on Assign Today. Post your property on AssignToday.Com , lot of buyers are looking to take advantage of assignment sale via our website.

If you’re thinking of buying and selling a pre-construction home, you should understand how real estate assignment sales work.

In short: An assignment sale allows buyers who have already put down their deposits on a property to transfer their contract over to another buyer.

This means that while they are still legally obligated to complete the deal, they can make a profit by selling their right to buy the home at its current market value.

The seller will then go ahead with the original sale and collect an additional commission for facilitating this transaction.

While this might sound like an easy way for sellers to make money off of homes that haven’t sold yet (and potentially even get paid twice), there are some things you should keep in mind before taking advantage of real estate assignment sales yourself: you should connect with the Real Estate Professional who specializes in buying and selling preconstruction homes.

Meghna Negi

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Assignment sales 101 Staff

In a market where resale properties get snapped up in a matter of hours and pre-construction projects sell out in a few days, buying can be a challenge. There’s a lot of competition out there, and some buyers have been looking at assignment sales as an additional source of available properties.

What is an assignment sale, exactly?

An assignment is when the original buyer of a pre-construction property (who signed a contract with the builder) sells their contract to someone else before the purchase closes. Essentially, the buyer takes over for the seller in the contract and pays the deposit plus appreciated value/profit. 

Assignments happen for a number of reasons. Life changes are a big motivator – a lot can happen in the three to four years it takes to get from initial deposit to ownership. People decide to leave Toronto. They have babies, they get married, they get divorced. Some face financial difficulties that make them unable to close. 

Or, in the most common scenario, they’re investors who never intended to close on the property in the first place. A popular investment strategy is to buy in an early release, let the property appreciate, then sell it before  having to shell out transfer taxes and HST and getting locked into a mortgage. 

Read more: Is pre-construction still a good investment?

The pros and cons of assignment sales

This type of transaction comes with a very specific set of pros and cons for both the buyer and the seller. Here’s a quick rundown:

You can own a brand new unit without waiting years for it to be finished – buying directly from a builder involves a much longer wait.

There can be less competition. Typically, they aren’t marketed the same way as resales and fewer buyers know about them. The complexity of the transactions shrinks the potential buyer pool even further.

You don't have to worry about a project being cancelled and leaving you in the lurch: most builders don’t allow assignments until the project is almost done.

You need to have a a good chunk of cash, including all deposits that have been paid to the builder, agent commission, municipal charges, Tarion warranty, closing costs and the assignment fee, which can vary from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand (though some builders waive it as a purchase incentive). And you’ll be paying the appreciated price – not the amount the original buyer paid. 

An assignment sale is a lot more complicated than a resale purchase. You need a real estate lawyer experienced in assignments to ensure everything is done right, and a realtor who really understands the assignment market.

Seller pros

If you’re an investor, you can cash in on the profits before the project is completed. Getting cash out earlier means you can reinvest faster.

You avoid paying land transfer taxes, HST and a whole lot of other closing costs.

You don’t have to deal with closing, occupancy, or tenants.

If your life situation changes, it allows you to walk away without penalties (and some profit).

Seller cons

It’s harder to sell an assignment than a resale: the rules around marketing are different than for resales, so the pool of buyers is smaller.

There are limits around when you can sell: a certain percentage of the development has to be sold before a developer will allow it.

Not all builders allow assignments, and even if they do, they can refuse the sale.

The builder could cancel incentives like capping of development charges and design/upgrade credits, which increases the price and cuts into profit.

Greater complexity means higher legal fees.

An experienced agent is a must-have

REALTORS® who understand assignments can help you navigate the complexity of this type of transaction. And they can help you market it, despite any limitations that might be imposed by the builder: they can leverage their networks to spread the word about available units, find interested buyers and connect the two. 

“Agents can source assignments through a mixture of Kijiji ads, personal networks and semi-private networks like Facebook groups who screen their members,” says Konrad Gloge, Sales Representative. “Builders have the power here: if you list an assignment on MLS and they haven't agreed to it, you’ll be in breach of contract and you could lose your deposit, which is a pretty compelling incentive not to list. That’s why working with a well-connected agent is a must.” 

Assignments can be daunting, but with a good lawyer and a knowledgeable realtor, they can be a great financial move, helping you profit on your purchase before it closes or get into a great new place faster.

Could an assignment sale be your best way into home ownership?

Ask a agent – they’ll be happy to help you figure out your best strategy..

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Assignment Sales

An Assignment Sale in the Pre-Construction Market

Simply put, an assignment sale is the sale - or an "assignment" of a contract to purchase a pre-construction condominium suite. An assignment sale is usually applied to the pre-construction condominium that has not been registered yet, so no one can take ownership of the unit itself. Only the contract can be sold.

When you purchase a pre-construction condominium unit, you may be given an assignment clause in your original Agreement of Purchase and Sale (APS). This is key. This clause gives you the ability to sell the rights to your unit before the condominium is even registered.

  • Assignee/Buyer is not buying a property from Assignor – Assignee is buying the “right” to acquire property from a 3rd party (usually a builder)
  • Assignor assigns its interest and rights in the Original Agreement with the Builder (or original seller)
  • Assignor assigns to the Assignee its interest in the original “deposit”
  • Assignee “assumes” and agrees to perform all of the Assignor’s obligations under the Original Agreement

Once the building has been constructed and registered by the city, the ownership will be transferred to the buyer. Until then, it’s just the sale of a contract, but as you will see, there are many advantages to these kinds of sales for both the buyer and seller.

In this article, you will learn more about assignment sales, why they are used, and how you can benefit from this unique transaction as an investor. This way, you will be able to determine if an assignment sale is right for you.

We at GTA-Homes strive to provide our clients with the knowledge of the pre-construction market so that they can make a more informed choice when it comes to investing in their future.

An assignment sale can be mutually beneficial for both the buyer and the seller.

See all assignment listings, what you'll learn..., what is an assignment sale, an example of an assignment sale, is it worth it to buy an assignment.

  • Is it a Good Idea to Sell An Assignment

Assignments FAQ

Learning about the Condo Market

The Details of an Assignment Sale

Assignment sales is not a new strategy in Canada, particularly assignment sales in Toronto. However, compared with other countries where condos have been around much longer, the process of assigning a condo in Ontario is not always well understood by sellers, buyers, agents, lawyers, and even lenders. Sellers who have been taking the time to learn about assignments have been reaping the rewards by maximizing their profits.

Why do pre-construction assignment sales happen?

There are many reasons why someone might want to sell the rights to their unit before it’s been built. For example, someone may have bought a suite that’s three years away from being completed, but recently had to relocate for a job. This buyer may need to sell their agreement to afford a property in their new city.

Another common reason is that a buyer began the purchase process when they were single but during the pre-construction process they married or are now expecting a child. Suddenly they’ve discovered that the pre-construction one-bedroom suite they bought is not big enough for a growing family.

The “ assignment clause ” in the purchase agreement comes in handy when these things happen. It allows the original buyer to pass the contract onto somebody else without accruing financial penalties.

What is an Assignment Sale?

These types of transactions are common and fully legal, but whether you are the buyer or the seller, it’s important to work with both an experienced realtor and lawyer who know how to protect your interests.

These deals are more complex than a conventional resale and involve three parties: the developer, the assignor and the assignee. It’s a two-stage process that involves both interim occupancy and the final closing.

This is just the basics of an assignment deal. There are more details regarding mortgage rules, and other contract details. Keep reading to learn more! Or you can always reach out to talk with one of our agents. We love to talk condos! This is just a general overview, but each arrangement is unique with its own rules, terms, and conditions.

We advise everybody who is thinking of buying or selling a pre-construction assignment to seek advice from a real estate agent, lawyer and tax accountant. Contacting an agent is important because assignors may have to pay a fair amount of tax on any profits they received from the completed sale.

Most builders allow assignment sales and you will often see these listings on However, there are some rules in the original purchase agreement that must be followed. They are also more complicated than a regular sale because a mortgage cannot be obtained on the closing of the transaction, only once the building has been registered. Other issues such as occupancy, reimbursement of the seller’s deposits and more must be taken into account.

Is it Worth Buying An Assignment?

Pre-Construction Purchase

In 2017, John Smith bought a pre-construction condominium unit from ABC Developments for $400,000 with a total down payment of 20%, equalling $80,000. He signed the original Agreement of Purchase and Sale (APS), and the project is set to be completed in 2024.

Why do these assigment sales happen?

Original Buyer Needs to Relocate

In 2023, John discovers he will be relocated to a new city for his job. He can't afford to buy a new home while holding onto his pre-construction condo unit.

Selling an Assignment

Original Buyer Becomes an Assignor

Fortunately for John, the assignment clause allows him to sell the contract for his unit before the building is completed and registered! John becomes an assignor.

Assignment Agreement

Assignee Buys the Rights to the Unit

John contacts an experienced pre-construction sales agent who networks on his behalf to find an interested buyer (an assignee). His agent finds Jane Doe, who wants a great deal on a new condo and decides to buy the rights to John's unit. As the assignee, Jane decides to make the purchase and agrees to perform all of the assignor's obligations outlined in the original APS. John has decided to sell the contract to his unit to Jane Doe. Due to the changes in the market, he was able to sell the contract for $500,000.

  • Assignment Purchase:
  • Assignment Agreement: $500,000
  • Original Purchaser (Assignor) = John Smith
  • New Purchaser (Assignee) = Jane Doe
  • Vendor (Builder) = ABC Developments

Assignment Purchase Price by John Smith to Jane Doe = $180,000, due immediately. This includes a deposit of $80,000 + profit $100,000. The amount and timeframe for this payment can also be negotiated.

Assignee moves in

Assignee Moves In

In 2024 when the building is complete and ready for interim occupancy, Jane Doe will move into the unit during the occupancy period. At this point she will begin paying occupancy fees to the developer. These fees take the place of mortgage payments and condo fees until the building can be registered.

Interim occupancy happens when the city has designated the property as safe to live in. The building will be officially registered once the municipality does a final inspection. Jane Doe can occupy her suite in the meantime until the building is officially registered.

The advantages for buying Assignment Sale

Assignment Details

When the building is officially registered by the city, the official title transfer takes place between the developer and the new purchaser. Jane Doe can finally register a mortgage and start paying her mortgage payments and condominium fees. Funds required to complete the sale by Jane Doe to the builder = $320,000

Jane Doe now has all the rights to the property, just like any homeowner. Any future re-sale of the property will consist of a regular real estate transaction.

Questions About Projects in This Area?

Assignment purchases can actually give you some of the best deals in the GTA condo market because fewer people typically seek out these types of sales. In addition to fewer buyers, many real estate agents aren’t familiar with the structure of an assignment sale and often won’t bother to advertise these listings. Even lawyers may not know the ins and outs of an assignment sale.

The high demand in the resale market can potentially force buyers into bidding wars, which can cause people to overpay for their suite. Buying a contract through assignment gives you the opportunity to avoid excessive competition and often means you pay much less than you would for a resale unit.

The assignment condo market can be mutually beneficial for both the buyer and the seller. The seller can list their unit without having to wait until the building is completed, and the buyer can save time and potentially thousands of dollars.

Another advantage to buying an assignment agreement is that you will get a brand-new unit that automatically comes with the seven-year Tarion Warranty Program. Let’s not forget that you’ll likely move into the unit sooner instead of waiting the usual 3 to 4 years for the building to be completed!

Let’s Recap Some of the Advantages for Buyers:

  • Options: More choices when there’s a shortage of listings in the market.
  • Less Competition: Fewer people look at these types of listings.
  • Peace of Mind: Fewer people looking at these sales means there’s less of a chance for a bidding war. You can avoid bidding wars and paying more than you can afford just to outbid another buyer.
  • You Become A VIP: You will likely inherit VIP incentives like the seven-year Tarion Warranty Program and other incentives from the builder such as credits, upgrades, capped developing charges and much more.
  • More Choices: Depending on how far along construction is, you may still be able to select your own finishes, colors and upgrades.
  • Negotiate: Sellers usually need to sell because they need to drop their equity. This can give you leverage for prices, deposits, and closing dates.
  • Brand New Suite: You will get your unit much faster instead of waiting 2-3 years like in a typical pre-construction contract. Oftentimes the occupancy date is just a couple of months away.
  • Taxes: You may also benefit from saving on taxes like GST and HST.

We love to chat about the assignment sale market, so don’t wait, give us a call and let’s find you a great deal.

Is It a Good Idea to Sell An Assignment?

Traditionally, owners who wanted to sell their pre-construction units had to wait months or years for the final closing date to officially put their suite up for sale. By this time, they could have already put significant funds into occupancy fees and closing costs. If you find you want to sell your unit before its closing date, assigning it can be a great choice. This can help you save money and avoid paying occupancy fees and closing costs.

Assignments sales is not a new strategy in Canada, but compared to other countries where condos have been around much longer, the process is not always well understood by sellers, buyers, agents, lawyers, and even lenders. Sellers who have been taking the time to learn about assignments have been reaping the rewards by saving time and maximizing their profits.

These transactions are becoming increasingly popular. Think of it as a sort of condo flipping. Sellers can transfer their property rights during or before interim occupancy and avoid paying hefty carrying and closing costs, which helps them get their deposits back.

Most builders allow assignment sales, although they often have certain rules that must be followed. Even with strict rules in place, however, there are options available for you.

Is an assignment legal?

Let’s Take a Look at the Advantages for Sellers:

  • Insurance Policy: In the event that your situation changes and you no longer need your unit, you are able to sell your assignment and pull out your equity.
  • Gain a Profit: In a seller's market, you may be able to sell the rights to your unit at a higher price than you bought it, gaining a profit. This is like 'condo flipping'. In the right real estate environment, assigning your unit can be a lucrative financial move.
  • No Carrying Costs: By passing the right to your unit to someone else, you can avoid paying monthly occupancy fees to the developer that can sometimes last up to two years.
  • No Closing Costs: You don’t need to take out a mortgage or incur any other closing costs.

Register With GTA-Homes to Learn More

Our team of Platinum Agents is very well-versed in assignment sales and can help you make the most of your investment. Whether you are interested in buying or selling an assignment, we can help you follow the right track for the best possible outcome. There are excellent opportunities to be had now in the GTA. With a Platinum Agent, you can find 'hidden deals' that may not be advertised elsewhere. You can also gain access to eager buyers as a seller and get ahead. Register below and let us connect you with the best advice.

What is an Assignment Sale?

It is the sale of a contract to purchase a pre-construction unit. This means, instead of selling an already built unit, what’s being sold is the contract or right to acquire the property upon completion. The original purchaser (the "assignor") of a property sells their obligations under the original contract to a new purchaser (the "assignee").

The assignee will generally assume all of the assignor's duties and obligations, such as interest payments, taxes, and maintenance fees during interim occupancy. Upon completion, the assignee is granted the title to the real property and will incur all final closing costs.

Can any kind of purchase agreement involving a real estate transaction be assigned?

Under normal circumstances, any purchase agreement can be assigned, providing the agreement doesn’t prohibit it.

Is an Assignment legal?

It is legally permitted unless prohibited in writing in the original agreement of purchase and sale. In some cases, the developer may charge the assignor a fee for this kind of sale.

Is it necessary to get permission from the developer to assign the contract?

That depends. You need to consult your purchase agreement to get the specifics. Generally developers will not permit an assignment sale without their consent, which means you’ll need to consult with them and a legal representative. There have been incidents where an unauthorized assignment sale has resulted in the original agreement being terminated, and the deposit withheld!

Is there a standard legal form for these types of sales?

Yes, there are two: OREA Form 150 Assignment of Agreement of Purchase and Sale Condominium and OREA Form 145 Assignment of Agreement of Purchase and Sale (including applicable schedules.) In most cases, the developer will have their own form as well.

Will either the assignor or assignee’s lawyer services be adequate?

It is essential that the assignor and assignee each retain a lawyer with expertise in this area of real estate.

Can the assignor’s realtor market the assignment listing on MLS or

Sometimes. Double check with your builder, as it depends on whether they permit advertising.

What happens if the construction, occupancy, closing, or unit transfer date is delayed?

In the event of a delay, the agreement is still valid. This means the assignee has agreed to take on the agreement and all responsibilities associated with it, including delayed construction or occupancy.

What if the assignee doesn't close?

This is no different than any other property sale, meaning the assignor, in most cases, is not released from the obligations under their original purchase agreement. In this situation, both the assignor and assignee will be liable.

What is the cost of assigning an Agreement of Purchase and Sale?

If the developer consents to the arrangement, there will generally be an administration fee and legal fees. These fees will vary. Consult the original purchase agreement and the developer for specific information.

When does the assignor get their money?

This generally depends on the closing date and the terms of the agreement that the assignor and assignee agreed on. Usually the assignor is paid when:

  • the assignee takes possession or,
  • when the developer approves the process, if applicable or,
  • when the assignee obtains legal title

Who gets the interest, if any, payable by the builder on the original deposits?

Unless otherwise specified, the interest is likely to be paid to the assignor.

Who pays the interim occupancy costs?

Once the assignment is finalized, the assignee will typically pay occupancy costs.

What closing fees are payable?

After the condominium is registered, the builder transfers the ownership title to the assignee. The assignee pays the balance to the builder and any amount still owed to the assignor. Some of the costs the assignor may pay include:

  • Estimated property taxes for up to 2 years
  • Hydro/water/gas meter installation and connection charges (approx. $500–$700 per meter)
  • Development charges/levies (potentially thousands of dollars)
  • Tarion New Home Warranty (ranging from $600–$1,900. See Tarion website for fee structure)
  • Discharge of builder’s mortgages (approx. $200–$300 per mortgage)
  • Builder’s lawyer’s Law Society charge (approx. $70)
  • Two months of occupancy fees for reserve fund
  • Other amounts set out in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale

These costs are typically not financed with a mortgage. The assignee is responsible for the following additional fees:

  • Legal fees and disbursements
  • Land transfer tax (provincial and municipal)
  • GST/HST rebate
  • Municipal levies

If you are interested in either buying or selling a pre-construction condo assignment, working with a realtor who is experienced in finding, negotiating and drawing up an offer for these types of sales can be invaluable. You’ve come to the right place! At GTA-Homes, we have a wealth of expertise, knowledge and resources when it comes to assignment sales. We would be more than happy to assist you in finding an excellent opportunity in the GTA for a prosperous future. Register now to connect with our award-winning team.

Need More Information? That’s What We’re Here For.

Check Out These Helpful Buying / Investing Articles…

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  • Renting vs Buying
  • Condo Investments
  • Pre-Construction Condo Closing Costs
  • Pre-Delivery Inspection
  • Statement of Critical Dates
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  • First Time Home Buyer Incentive
  • Community Benefits Charges
  • Glossary of Real Estate Terms and Definitions
  • How Condo Developers Determine Price Per Square Foot
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  • 10 Day Cooling Off Period
  • Development Charges and Levies
  • Important Documents to Review When Purchasing a Pre-Construction Condo
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  • Condominium Registration
  • Condominium Corporations
  • Condo Reserve Fund
  • Inclusionary Zoning
  • Common Elements
  • Raising Issues With The Condo Board
  • Condominium Management
  • Requesting Condominium Records
  • Meetings and Voting In A Condo Corporation
  • Condominium Insurance
  • Renting Your Condo Unit
  • GST/HST New Housing Rebate
  • What Are Interest Rates?
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Real Estate Definition: Assignment Sale

When a buyer enters into a purchase agreement for a pre-constructed or newly built property, they may find themselves in a situation where they no longer wish to proceed with the purchase. In such cases, the buyer can assign their rights and obligations under the agreement to a new buyer – and this is where an assignment sale comes in.

What is an Assignment Sale?

An assignment sale refers to a sales transaction in which the original buyer of a property (“assignor”) transfers their rights and obligations of the Agreement of Purchase and Sale to another buyer (“assignee”) before the original buyer takes possession of the property. The assignee then becomes responsible for completing the deal with the seller. Essentially, an assignment clause allows the buyer to sell the property before they move in. While assignment sales can occur with both homes and condos , they are more common among buyers of pre-construction condos.

Factors to Consider Before Entering an Assignment Sale

While assignment sales can be advantageous, it is crucial for both the original buyer and the new buyer to consider certain factors before entering into such transactions.

Developer’s Consent

Before proceeding with an assignment sale, you must obtain the developer’s consent. Some developers may have strict rules or restrictions, and failure to comply can lead to legal complications.

Assignment Fees

The assignor may charge an assignment fee to the new buyer for transferring their rights and obligations. This fee can vary depending on the market conditions and the specific terms of the Assignor-Assignee Agreement.

Legal Advice

Both parties should seek legal advice before entering into an assignment sale. This ensures that all parties understand their rights, obligations, and potential risks associated with the transaction.

How Does an Assignment Sale Work?

Before proceeding with an assignment sale, the original buyer must obtain the consent of the developer or builder. This step is crucial as some developers may have specific rules or restrictions regarding assignment sales. When the developer consents, the original buyer can look for a new buyer to take over the purchase agreement.

Once there’s a new buyer, both the original buyer and the new buyer (assignee) enter into an agreement known as the Assignor-Assignee Agreement. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the assignment sale, including the assignment fee, if any. Then, the developer will review the Assignor-Assignee agreement and may require additional documentation or fees.

Once the developer approves the assignment sale, the closing process begins. At this stage, the new buyer is responsible for completing the purchase, including paying any remaining balance to the developer.

Why Do Assignment Sales Happen?

One primary reason why assignment sales happen is a change of plans. People may decide to leave the area due to personal circumstances such as starting a family, getting married, or looking for job opportunities elsewhere. Additionally, some individuals may face financial challenges that prevent them from completing the purchase.

Alternatively, a common scenario involves investors who never intended to close on the property acquisition. A popular investment strategy is to purchase a property during its early release to take advantage of the emerging market and low pricing and sell it before incurring land transfer taxes, HST, or becoming tied to a mortgage.

Benefits of Assignment Sales

Assignment sales can offer several benefits to both the assignor and the assignee. Some of these benefits include:

Profit Potential

For the original buyer, an assignment sale provides an opportunity to make a profit without completing the purchase. If the market value has increased since the initial purchase agreement, the assignor can sell their rights at a higher price.

Opportunity for Early Ownership

The assignee can benefit from an assignment sale to gain early ownership of a pre-construction property. This can be particularly appealing for individuals looking to invest in real estate or those with specific requirements for a new home.


Assignment sales offer flexibility to both parties involved. The original buyer can exit the purchase agreement without incurring significant penalties, while the new buyer can secure a property without going through the entire pre-construction process.

How a Real Estate Agent Can Help You Navigate this Process

Assignment sales are a complicated process; working with an experienced real estate agent who can help you navigate and understand the ins and outs of this transaction is crucial. These professionals can not only assist you in marketing your assignment, but they can also overcome any limitations imposed by the builder. Moreover, agents have a vast network and can easily connect you with an interested buyer. Although assignment sales may seem daunting, having a skilled lawyer and an experienced realtor is a smart financial move!

The post Real Estate Definition: Assignment Sale appeared first on RE/MAX Canada .

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How Do Assignment Sales Work

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Although assignment sales are not the most common type of real estate transaction, they do happen relatively often. They are especially common in cities with a lot of new developments, like Etobicoke . Assignment sales have many benefits for both buyers and sellers.

Although they can sometimes be complex, working with an experienced agent is the best way to ensure an assignment sales goes smoothly.

Since these transactions are more complex than a traditional real estate sale, we run into many client questions about assignment sales and how they work.

Here’s a guide to everything you need to know about assignment sales.

What is an assignment sale.

An assignment sale is when the original buyer of a home sells their property before closing on it.

When would this ever happen? In the world of pre-construction real estate, many new development homes are bought up before they even physically exist. For example, in many new condo building developments, the construction doesn’t even break ground until about 70% of the units are already sold.

There are many different roles in this type of assignment sale including the developer, assignor, and assignee. Let’s break down each role:

Who Is The Developer?

When it comes to pre-construction real estate projects, developers pretty much run the show. From identifying the site of new developments and brokering financing deals, to hiring the architects and builders to oversee the entire process, developers are the masterminds behind every new construction project. They often play an important role in an assignment sale.

Who Is The Assignor?

The assignor is the original buyer of the pre-construction property . The ‘assignor’ could be an individual or a business entity. For example, a real estate investment company, a private investor, or a regular home buyer. Pre-construction real estate developments usually attract a lot of interest from a diverse cast of buyers—even if the properties aren’t move-in ready.

It might be hard to consider buying a home that doesn’t actually exist yet. You’re basically buying an idea. However, there are advantages of ‘getting in early.” Some of the biggest benefits of buying pre-construction include:

  • Price : Pre-construction units usually cost less. There are greater risks involved and the units haven’t changed hands through re-sale yet.
  • Appreciation : The unit may increase in value between the time it’s purchased to when it’s move-in ready through normal market growth.

Who Is The Assignee?

If an assignor wants to sell their interest (read: ownership) of their property unit before construction is complete, this would result in an assignment sale. The assignee is the new buyer of the assignor’s property. This is the person who will ultimately take the sale the whole way through to closing.

Do Assignment Sales Benefit Buyers or Sellers?

Assignment sales can be beneficial for both parties in a real estate transaction. Although the assignor takes on some risk in buying before the project breaks ground, they reap other benefits. For example, if the value of the property goes up in the interim, they can usually sell it for more than they paid.

For an assignee, they might spend a little more than the original price, but they are taking on less risk while still moving into a brand-new home.

Why Do Assignment Sales Happen?

An assignor might sell their property to an assignee for many reasons.

Their plans might have changed for one reason or another, making them unable to move into their pre-construction property. Or, they may feel it’s the right time to cash in on their investment should the value of their property have increased.

Whether you’re interested in learning more about assignment sales or just need some general advice about buying real estate, our team is here to help you. Book your personal home buying consultation here , or simply contact us here to get started.

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What You Need to Know About Condo Assignment Selling and Buying

What You Need to Know About Condo Assignment Selling and Buying

By Condo Culture

9 Primary Steps Involved in Selling a Condo Assignment

  • Review the Terms of Your Agreement of Purchase and Sale
  • Get Approval From the Builder to Ensure Your Unit Can Be Assigned
  • List Your Assignment For Sale (Advertising on MLS is typically prohibited by the Developer)
  • Have Your REALTOR® Field Buyer Offers and Negotiate the Best Deal Possible
  • A First Deposit Is Collected and Held In Trust By Your Real Estate Brokerage or Lawyer
  • Work Through the Conditions Of An Offer With Your Selling Team
  • Builder Approval Needed From the Purchaser On Proof Of Financing
  • A Second Deposit Is Collected - Typically the original 15% to 20% Deposit
  • Remaining Money Is Received Once the Unit Closes - the Difference Between Your Original Purchase Price and the Assignment Sale Price

There are all sorts of intricacies with condo assignment sales and purchases, so it’s important to first connect to a brokerage and REALTOR® with lots of assignment transaction experience under their belt.

We have helped hundreds of clients with their assignment buying and selling needs, and our client’s excitement and enthusiasm when a transaction is completed is incredibly rewarding! We are the area’s premier condo selling and buying team and walk hand-in-hand throughout the entire assignment process with our clients. We have a few exciting condo assignment listings available right now at Station Park and Garment Street Condo, each one includes a detailed floor plan so you can understand what the final product will look like. If one or more of those assignments interest you, be sure to click on the “TALK TO A CONDO CULTURE EXPERT” button and provide your information so one of our specialists can reach out to you.

Before getting into the nitty-gritty details of condo assignments, let’s first touch on the basics of them, so you have a sound understanding of the terms and how they work.

Outlining What a Condo Assignment Sale Is

In its purest form, a condo assignment is a unit that was originally purchased by a buyer during the pre-construction phase and that buyer wants to sell it prior to the building’s construction being completed, before an occupancy date reached and the building has been officially registered. The original buyer may want to sell the condo due to changing financial circumstances, he or she originally intended to move into the unit but plans have changed, it’s an investor who has too many units and wants to sell one off, or for a variety of other reasons.

Each condo developer handles assignment options differently, and some don’t allow them at all, so it’s important that if you’re buying a pre-construction unit, you understand the circumstances around them in case you need or want to sell prior to the completion date.

When a pre-construction is first purchased by a buyer, an Agreement of Purchase and Sale (APS) is drafted which outlines the purchaser’s legal rights and obligations. The person who is selling a condo assignment is named the assignor and the buyer is designated to be the assignee. An assignment clause is typically included in the APS and the fee is usually in the $5K to $15K range, but every developer has its own fee and terms.

Exclusive Assignment at Unit 309 Station Park in Kitchener

How An Assignment Deal Gets Finalized

A conditional offer and agreement between the assignor and assignee becomes legally binding once the first deposit is made by the assignee, and that amount is negotiable. The assignee has 10 days after making the first deposit to have his or her lawyer review all original documentation to ensure everything looks solid. One common clause to be aware of is unit upgrades and unpaid unit upgrades, so there are no financial surprises as the condo moves through its construction process. The assignee is typically responsible for any outstanding costs including unpaid upgrade expenses, but like most aspects of assignment deals, everything is negotiable. Once the lawyer review is completed and deal conditions have been met, the next deposit by the assignee is required - typically 15% to 20% of the sale price or whatever the assignor originally paid as a deposit. Once the developer approves the transaction or when the assignee receives a mortgage once the building has been registered and occupancy begins, then the difference in price between the pre-construction price and assignment sale price will be paid to the assignor. The assignee is also responsible for the typical real estate closing costs at this point including Tarion warranty enrolment fees .

Benefits for Assignors

Most notably, the seller of an assignment is often making some sort of a profit - how much that ends up being varies depending on current market conditions, how far along the development is, what the assignment fee was, HST and tax implications, and other factors.

The next benefit is that there are no closing costs because the sale is happening before the building has wrapped up construction, so no mortgage is involved and closing costs are non-existent.

Once the assignment is sold and the APS belongs to the new owner, the assignor receives money as outlined above and can use it as he or she pleases for real estate or otherwise. Want to sell your condo assignment? Be sure to connect with us to leverage our deep experience with selling assignments as we have thousands of active buyers engaged on the region's top condo specific search site:, do email marketing to thousands of subscribers through our One List and weekly newsletter , promote listings on our social media accounts, feature listings in our Uptown Waterloo store windows, plus so much more to ensure the success of our condo assignment sellers.

Benefits for Assignees

A big benefit to buying a condo assignment is that you can get access to a development that’s likely already sold out. Station Park is one example - the first two towers sold out extremely quickly in 2019, but we have sold dozens of assignments in Tower 1 and Tower 2 to buyers who couldn’t get their hands on a unit initially, but got their opportunity through an assignment.

With the condo resale market white-hot and multiple offers on almost every listing, assignments provide a fantastic buying opportunity as there’s often less competition for this type of real estate purchase. Assignments typically can’t be listed on traditional marketing channels such as MLS so you tend to see that fewer potential buyers are aware of them. This means that Assignment Units can often be purchased for their list price or at least in that general range. At any given time, Condo Culture has a number of off-market, exclusive listings that cannot be found on MLS,, or coming soon listings. Bottom line - working with our team of REALTORS® gives you an unfair advantage for tapping into these exclusive listings as they first become available.

There can also be some outstanding value buying opportunities if assignors need some capital relatively quickly and are extra motivated to sell fast. There might be some room to negotiate on the list price and a unit can even potentially be purchased below the current estimated market value. This sort of scenario is especially attractive if the occupancy date is just a few months away and the asset can be used to live in or lease out in the not too distant future. Be sure to leverage our condo assignment buying experience - we have literally sold dozens of them over the past few months, and hundreds throughout our company’s history.

Assignments and HST

The assignor will need to pay HST on the profit that he or she makes on a condo in addition to the deposit money that gets returned - on average, roughly 78% of those amounts are taxable, but each and every assignment deal is unique and should be supported by experienced professionals including lawyers and accountants.

Real estate is often a numbers game, and what we are increasingly seeing is the list price being adjusted to essentially bake in the HST expense that will need to be paid. So if an assignor wants to clear $x from the sale, our experts are calculating the estimated HST that will need to be paid and adding it in. Every assignment sale and situation is unique, and that’s where our team’s specialized expertise comes in handy, so an assignor won’t be surprised when it comes time to pay the government their fair share. However, we strongly recommend working with professional accountants who have significant assignment deal experience - we can provide you with a shortlist of our favourites should you decide to list yours for sale through Condo Culture. We can almost always provide a breakdown of financial insights to our clients, but again, we strongly encourage working with a professional accountant who is well versed in assignment transactions to receive the most accurate numbers.

End-users who are looking to buy assignments can potentially get a break when it comes to paying the HST, but as we outline below, every deal is different, assignment laws are evolving, and it’s so important to have an experienced accountant and lawyer on your team to know what potential options are at your disposal.

Top Legal Considerations and Clauses For Assignment Deals

Every assignment deal is different and unique in its own right, so it’s vitally important to hire a lawyer who has extensive experience with these types of transactions. Laws regarding assignments may change over time, so again, a lawyer who has this specific expertise will be key to your assignment selling and buying success. Our team has worked with several lawyers to help bring assignment deals to the finish line, and we are more than happy to make recommendations when the time comes for legal representation.

A big part of each assignment deal is that the deal isn’t officially completed until the project’s developer has given formal approval in writing, and during this time, the seller has the ability to cancel the sale if he or she decides to (this is a very rare occurrence). One of the most common reasons for this happening is the condo’s value is increasing rapidly and the seller may feel that he or she can get a better deal elsewhere to realize a larger profit. No profit is made on an assignment sale until the building is registered, and the deal officially closes. The assignor will get the first deposit and his or her 15% to 20% deposit back, but won’t get the additional money until the building’s registration event takes place. Legal terms such as these mentioned here are typical assignment deal standards, but each agreement certainly has its own, and your lawyer will need to go through every clause and sentence with a fine-tooth comb.

In most cases, MLS / can’t be legally utilized for assignment listings (unlike resale properties), so the buyer has to come from elsewhere. Again, that’s why Condo Culture is incredibly valuable when it comes to assignments since we have a large buyer database to pull from and the region's most active condo search site, along with many different marketing channels to ensure our sellers can connect with quality buyers to maximize the final sale price.

You need a complete team between a real estate professional, lawyer, and accountant to support you whether you’re selling or buying an assignment. This type of real estate product is much different from a resale property as you’re essentially buying and owning an agreement until the condo is registered and reaches its occupancy date.

We have created resources on this important topic in the past, we outlined the benefits of condo assignments and provided information on what they are and how to manage the assets, and also how to assign a pre-construction condo .

Condo Culture Located in Uptown Waterloo

We are the area’s condo assignment expert, so if you’re looking to sell or buy one of these units, be sure to reach out to us so we can explore potential options with your exciting goals at the forefront of it all. Also, feel free to stop by our Waterloo office (pictured above) right below Bauer Lofts at 191 King Street South in Waterloo for a conversation, our team would love to speak to you about any of your condo goals.

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Assignment of a Purchase and Sale Agreement for a New House or Condominium Unit

From: Canada Revenue Agency

Effective May 7, 2022, all assignment sales in respect of newly constructed or substantially renovated residential housing are taxable for GST/HST purposes. This publication will be updated to reflect this legislative change. For more information about the legislative amendment, refer to  GST/HST Notice 323, Proposed GST/HST Treatment of Assignment Sales .

GST/HST Info Sheet GI-120 July 2011

This info sheet explains how the GST/HST applies to the assignment of a purchase and sale agreement for the construction and sale of a new house.

The term "new house" used in this info sheet refers to a newly constructed or substantially renovated house or condominium unit. A house that has been substantially renovated is generally given the same treatment under the GST/HST as a newly constructed house. Extensive modifications must be made to a previously occupied house in order to meet the definition of a "substantial renovation" for GST/HST purposes. For a full explanation of the factors to consider in deciding if a substantial renovation has taken place, refer to GST/HST Technical Information Bulletin B-092, Substantial Renovations and the GST/HST New Housing Rebate .

In this publication, a house includes a single unit house, a semi detached house, a duplex, a rowhouse unit and a residential condominium unit (condo unit), but does not include a mobile home or floating home.

Where a person enters into a purchase and sale agreement with a builder for the construction and sale of a new house, the person may be entitled to assign their rights and obligations under the agreement to another person (an assignee). Generally, the result of the assignment is that the purchase and sale agreement is then between the builder and the assignee.

This publication addresses the situation where

  • a purchaser (referred to as the first purchaser) enters into a purchase and sale agreement with a builder (Builder A) for the construction and sale of a new house, and
  • the first purchaser subsequently assigns the agreement to an assignee (referred to as the assignee purchaser) before Builder A transfers possession or ownership of the house to the first purchaser and before any individual has occupied the house as a place of residence or lodging.

Generally, upon entering into an agreement for the construction and sale of a new house, the first purchaser is considered to have acquired an interest in the house. For GST/HST purposes, the assignment of the agreement to the assignee purchaser is normally considered to be a sale of the first purchaser's interest in the new house. The sale of an interest in a new house is generally taxable where the person selling the interest is a builder of the house.

For GST/HST purposes, the term "builder" is specifically defined and is not limited to a person who physically constructs a house. There are several instances in which an individual or other person is a builder for GST/HST purposes. For more information on persons who are included in the definition of "builder", refer to GST/HST Memorandum 19.2, Residential Real Property .

This info sheet addresses only whether a person is a builder as described in the following paragraph.

Primary purpose: selling the house or an interest in the house or leasing the house in certain circumstances

A builder includes a person who acquires an interest in a new house before it has been occupied by an individual as a place of residence or lodging for the primary purpose of selling the house or an interest in the house or leasing the house, other than to an individual who is acquiring the house otherwise than in the course of a business or adventure or concern in the nature of trade. When that person is an individual, the individual must acquire the interest in the course of a business or an adventure or concern in the nature of trade in order to be a builder described by this paragraph.

Even if a person is not a builder as described in the preceding paragraph, the person may be a builder based on one of the other definitions of the term as described in GST/HST Memorandum 19.2.

Assignment of a purchase and sale agreement by a person other than an individual

Where a person other than an individual (e.g., a corporation) is a builder as described in the section "Primary purpose: selling the house or an interest in the house or leasing the house in certain circumstances" and the person assigns a purchase and sale agreement for a new house, the person's sale of the interest in the house is subject to the GST/HST whether the sale takes place in the course of a business, an adventure or concern in the nature of trade, or otherwise.

Assignment of a purchase and sale agreement by an individual

If an individual enters into a purchase and sale agreement for one of the primary purposes described in the section "Primary purpose: selling the house or an interest in the house or leasing the house in certain circumstances", the sale of the interest in the house (or the house itself) is normally considered to be made in the course of an adventure or concern in the nature of trade or, depending on all of the surrounding circumstances, in the course of a business. If it is established that an individual is selling an interest in a new house in the course of a business or adventure or concern in the nature of trade, the individual is considered to have entered into the purchase and sale agreement for the primary purpose of selling the house or an interest in the house.

Whether the activity of acquiring an interest in a house, as a result of entering into a purchase and sale agreement, is done in the course of a business or an adventure or concern in the nature of trade is a question of fact. For more information on how to determine whether an activity is done in the course of a business or an adventure or concern in the nature of trade, refer to Appendix C of GST/HST Memorandum 19.5, Land and Associated Real Property .

Factors in determining the primary purpose

All of the relevant factors surrounding entering into a purchase and sale agreement should be considered in determining the primary purpose for a person's acquisition of an interest in a new house.

The following factors may indicate that, for GST/HST purposes, a person entered into a purchase and sale agreement for the primary purpose of selling an interest in the new house or the house itself. The factors are not listed in any particular order and there is no intent to weigh one more heavily than another.

  • The person offers to sell their interest in the house or takes other actions to attract buyers before, or while, the house is under construction.
  • The person finances the purchase of the house by a short-term mortgage, or an open mortgage that can be paid off without penalty, rather than by a long-term or closed mortgage.
  • Financing of the house is beyond the person's means and that person is relying on the increased value and saleability of the house, or an interest in the house, in a rising housing market.
  • The person is an individual and their stated intention to occupy the house as a place of residence is not supported by the circumstances of the case. For example, an individual has a family of four and enters into a purchase and sale agreement for a one-bedroom condo unit where they are not contemplating any changes in family circumstances.
  • The person's pattern of activity is such that their occupancy of the house does not have the qualities or characteristics of being permanent. For example, the person purchases more than one house at or around the same time. This factor may be given extra weight where the person has previously entered into a purchase and sale agreement for purposes of selling the house or an interest in the house. There are no outward indicators to support a contrary primary intention (i.e., an intention contrary to an intention of resale). For example, an individual is selling a condo unit, one or more of the above factors are present, there are no physical actions or evidence that the individual's primary intention was to live in the condo unit, use it as a vacation home, or rent it to another individual for use as their place of residence, and no evidence that the sale of the condo unit was triggered by some unforeseen event.

In order for the acquisition of an interest in a new house to be for one of the primary purposes described in the section "Primary purpose: selling the house or an interest in the house or leasing the house in certain circumstances", the intention to sell the house or an interest in it, or to lease the house in the manner described in that section, must have existed at the time of acquiring the interest. Nonetheless, the intention at the time of acquisition may be demonstrated over a period of time.

If an individual acquired an interest in the house for the primary purpose of using it as a place of residence, the person is not considered to be a builder of the type described in this info sheet even if, at a later point in time, the person sells the house or an interest in the house. However, the person may still be a builder if the person meets one of the other definitions of that term as described in GST/HST Memorandum 19.2.

The following examples illustrate when a person may or may not be a builder of a new house.

Sarah, Francine, and Angela are roommates renting a three-bedroom house. They entered into a purchase and sale agreement with a builder in January 2010 for a one-bedroom condo unit in a new condominium complex that was to be built. The purchase price under the agreement was $300,000 and the closing date was July 31, 2013.

In March 2011, the fair market value of the new condo unit had increased by 50%. They entertained several offers for the sale of their interest in the condo unit before assigning it to James. No individual had occupied the condo unit as a place of residence or lodging when they sold their interest in the unit. They split the proceeds, which they each used as a down payment to buy their own homes.

As it would not be practical for the three individuals to live in the condo unit together, they considered several offers for their interest in the unit, and there are no indicators to support a contrary intention, Sarah, Francine and Angela are considered to have acquired their interest in the condo unit for the primary purpose of selling the unit or an interest in it. The sale is considered to be made in the course of a business or adventure or concern in the nature of trade. Accordingly, Sarah, Francine, and Angela are all builders of the condo unit for GST/HST purposes. As they are builders of the unit and the sale of their interest in the unit is not exempt, GST/HST applies to the sale of each of their interests.

Pascal and Chantal own a four-bedroom house where they live with their three children. This is the only home they have ever owned and lived in. They have never purchased any other real property.

In June 2009, they entered into a purchase and sale agreement with a builder for a 1-bedroom condo unit in a new high-rise condominium complex that was to be built. The purchase price under the agreement was $275,000 and the closing date was June 30, 2010. In May 2010, they sold their interest in the new condo unit for $400,000 before it had been occupied by any individual as a place of residence or lodging. They used the sale proceeds to build an addition to their current home.

Although Pascal and Chantal have no history of buying and selling real property, it would not be practical for their family of five to occupy the condo unit as their place of residence. Lacking evidence to support a contrary intention, their primary purpose in acquiring the interest in the condo unit is considered to be for the purpose of selling the condo unit or an interest in it in the course of a business or an adventure or concern in the nature of trade. Accordingly, they are builders of the new condo unit for GST/HST purposes. As the sale of their interest in the unit is not exempt, GST/HST applies to the sale of their interest.

Eric and Gina owned a 3-bedroom house where they lived with their 3 children. They entered into a purchase and sale agreement with a builder in October 2010 to purchase a new 4-bedroom house that was to be built. They intended to use the new house as their primary place of residence as it was located much closer to the children's school and to Eric and Gina's workplaces and had more space. The closing date is July 31, 2011.

Eric and Gina sold their current home in January 2011 and moved into a rented home they planned to live in until their new house was ready. However, in June 2011, Gina's mother became ill and moved in with them as she was no longer able to live on her own.

Eric and Gina decided that the new house would no longer be large enough and that they would now need a house with a granny suite. They sold their interest in the new 4-bedroom house so that they could buy a bigger home that would suit their changed needs.

Eric and Gina's sale of their original home and temporary move to a rented house during the construction of the new home and their choice to purchase a home located closer to school and work support that their intention in acquiring the interest in the new house was to use the house as their primary place of residence. Given this, and the fact that their only reason for selling the interest was due to a change in personal circumstance (i.e., the new house would no longer accommodate their family's needs), they are not considered to have acquired the interest in the house for the primary purpose of selling it. Accordingly, they are not builders of the new house for GST/HST purposes and the sale of their interest in the house is exempt.

Cindy entered into a purchase and sale agreement with a builder in November 2010 for a new house that was to be built. She intended to use the house as her primary place of residence. Her new home would be located within walking distance from her workplace and would be closer to her family than the apartment she is currently renting. The closing date for the purchase is September 30, 2011.

In July 2011, Cindy's employer announced that it was relocating to another city located three hours away. To keep her current job, Cindy had to move to that city. She sold her interest in the house to John.

Since Cindy had intended to use the house as her primary place of residence and her only reason for selling her interest in the house was due to work relocation, she did not acquire the interest in the house for the primary purpose of selling it. Therefore she is not a builder of the house for GST/HST purposes and the sale of her interest in the house is exempt.

Assignment fees

The consideration charged for the sale of an interest in a house generally includes amounts that a person paid to a builder (e.g., a deposit) and that the person wants to recover when assigning their interest in the house. The sale price for the interest may also include a profit, i.e., an amount over and above amounts the person had paid to the builder. If a person's sale of their interest to an assignee purchaser is taxable, the total amount payable for the sale of the interest is subject to GST/HST, including any amount the person paid as a deposit to the builder, whether or not such an amount is separately identified.

A first purchaser enters into a purchase and sale agreement for a new house with a builder (Builder A) and pays a deposit of $10,000 at that time. The first purchaser does not make any further payments to Builder A. The first purchaser subsequently assigns the agreement to an assignee purchaser for $15,000. If the sale of the interest in the house from the first purchaser to the assignee purchaser is subject to GST/HST, tax applies to the full $15,000. This is the case even if the assignment agreement identifies that the $10,000 is a recovery of the deposit that the first purchaser paid to Builder A.

The assignment of a purchase and sale agreement for a new house may be subject to the approval of the builder with whom the first purchaser originally entered into the agreement to construct and sell the new house. The agreement may list conditions related to the first purchaser's right to assign the agreement to an assignee purchaser and, in many cases, the builder charges a fee to the first purchaser for the assignment of the agreement to another person.

The fee charged by the builder in such circumstances is generally subject to the GST/HST.

Eligibility for a GST/HST new housing rebate and provincial new housing rebate (where applicable) where a purchase and sale agreement is assigned

The GST/HST new housing rebate, and where applicable, a provincial new housing rebate, may be available for a new house purchased from a builder and for owner-built new housing. Guide RC4028, GST/HST New Housing Rebate , sets out the eligibility criteria for both types of GST/HST new housing rebates and provincial new housing rebates.

If the first purchaser (the assignor) makes a taxable sale of an interest in a house, i.e., the first purchaser is a builder and assigns the purchase and sale agreement to an assignee purchaser, the first purchaser would not be eligible for either a GST/HST new housing rebate or provincial new housing rebate as they did not acquire the house for use as their primary place of residence. Even if the sale of the interest in the house by the first purchaser is not subject to GST/HST (i.e., in situations where the first purchaser is not a builder of the house), the first purchaser would generally not be eligible for either a GST/HST new housing rebate or a provincial new housing rebate as the conditions for claiming the rebates are not met (e.g., ownership of the house would not transfer to the first purchaser, but to the assignee purchaser).

The assignee purchaser, if an individual, may be eligible for a GST/HST new housing rebate, and where applicable a provincial new housing rebate, where the assignee purchaser receives an assignment of a purchase and sale agreement for a new house. The assignee purchaser would have to meet the eligibility conditions for the rebates as set out in Guide RC4028.

Where a purchase and sale agreement for a new house is assigned, there may be two builders of the house – the original builder (Builder A) and the first purchaser (the assignor). If that is the case, an assignee purchaser would generally have to pay the GST/HST to Builder A for the purchase of the new house and to the first purchaser for the purchase of the interest in the new house.

Claiming a GST/HST new housing rebate when there is more than one builder

In some cases, the builder of a new house pays or credits the amount of the GST/HST new housing rebate, and where applicable, a provincial new housing rebate, to the purchaser of the house. In this case, the builder credits the amount of the new housing rebates to the purchaser by reducing the total amount payable for the purchase of the house by the amount of the expected rebates.

Where this happens, the purchaser and the builder have to sign Form GST190, GST/HST New Housing Rebate Application for Houses Purchased from a Builder , and the builder has to send the form to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). As the purchaser receives the amount of the rebate from the builder, the builder may claim the amount as a credit against its net tax when it files its GST/HST return.

Only one new housing rebate application can be made for each new house. Therefore, an assignee purchaser cannot submit a rebate application through a builder (Builder A) for the tax paid to Builder A on the purchase of the house and submit a second rebate application through the first purchaser (the assignor), or directly to the CRA, for the tax paid to the first purchaser on the purchase of the interest in the house.

In such cases, the assignee purchaser may want to file their new housing rebate application directly with the CRA rather than through Builder A. In this way, the assignee purchaser can include in the new housing rebate application the tax paid to Builder A and the tax paid to the assignor in determining the amount of their GST/HST new housing rebate and, where applicable, a provincial new housing rebate.

This info sheet does not replace the law found in the Excise Tax Act (the Act) and its regulations. It is provided for your reference. As it may not completely address your particular operation, you may wish to refer to the Act or appropriate regulation, or contact any CRA GST/HST rulings office for additional information. A ruling should be requested for certainty in respect of any particular GST/HST matter. Pamphlet RC4405, GST/HST Rulings – Experts in GST/HST Legislation explains how to obtain a ruling and lists the GST/HST rulings offices. If you wish to make a technical enquiry on the GST/HST by telephone, please call 1-800-959-8287.

Reference in this publication is made to supplies that are subject to the GST or the HST. The HST applies in the participating provinces at the following rates: 13% in Ontario, New Brunswick and Newfoundland and Labrador, 15% in Nova Scotia, and 12% in British Columbia. The GST applies in the rest of Canada at the rate of 5%. If you are uncertain as to whether a supply is made in a participating province, you may refer to GST/HST Technical Information Bulletin B-103, Harmonized Sales Tax – Place of Supply Rules for Determining Whether a Supply is Made in a Province .

If you are located in Quebec and wish to make a technical enquiry or request a ruling related to the GST/HST, please contact Revenu Québec at 1-800-567-4692. You may also visit the Revenu Québec Web site to obtain general information.

All technical publications related to GST/HST are available on the CRA Web site at .

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  • Developments

What Is Assignment Sale And How Does It Work?

By condos hq - may 30,2022.

Condos HQ | What Is Assignment Sale And How Does It Work?

An Assignment sale is basically the sale of a contract for purchasing pre-construction condo suites as well as freehold properties. An assignment sale is usually applicable to non-registered pre-construction condos and freehold properties.

Before we dive deeper into the topic, it’s important to understand some of the terms that are used in Assignment Agreements.

Vendor: A Vendor is basically the same thing as a Builder, Developer or Seller.

Assignor: An Assignor is the original or initial purchaser of the Purchase Agreement.

Assignee: An Assignee is the one who purchases the Assignment Agreement.

Business Day: Every working day is considered as a Business Day. This excludes Saturday, Sundays and Statutory Holidays.

Important facts to remember with regards to Assignments:

An Assignee or Buyer is not actually buying a property from the Assignee. Rather they are buying the “right” to acquire a property from a 3rd part, which in most cases is the Builder.

The Assignor is the one who assigns their Interest and Rights in the Original Agreement with the Builder or the Original Seller.

The Assignee is bound to “resume” and agree to all of the obligations of the Assignor as per the Original Agreement.

What are the benefits of Assignment Sale for Assignee or Buyer? Options: Assignment Sales provide more options for buyers when there is a shortage of listings available in the market. So even if you don’t find what you’re looking for in the market, you can still get a lot of options through Assignment Sales.

Less Competition: The people who look at these types of listings are fewer in number and as a result you won’t find the need to compete in order to get your preferred property.

Peace of Mind: The fact that fewer people look into these listings negates the chance of a Bidding War. This also means that you can get your desired property without much hassle.

VIP Incentives: There are also high chances of inheriting VIP Incentives such as the seven-year Tarion Warranty Program along with other incentives from builders like credits, upgrades, capped development charges and much more.

More Choices: Depending on how far along the construction progress is, you may still have a chance of selecting your own colors, finishes and upgrades for your suite.

Brand New Suite: Unlike a typical pre-construction contract, you will be able to get your suite faster instead of waiting for 2-3 years. Quite often the occupancy date is just a few months away.

Taxes: Assignment Sales also allow you to save up on taxes including GST and HST.

What are the benefits of Assignment Sale for Assignor or Seller? Re-investment: Assignment provides the Seller or Assignor with the option of pulling their equity out and investing in other projects.

No Carrying Costs: With Assignments, you can avoid paying monthly fees such as occupancy fees that can often last upto 2 years.

No Closing Costs: With Assignment Sale, Sellers don’t need to take out a mortgage or incur any other costs.

Play The Market: With Assignments, you can take advantage of the condo market. You have the option to sell your suite before completion and re-invest in other projects. This is one of the major economic drivers of Toronto and has no signs of slowing down.

What are the costs involved for an Assignee?

Assignment Price = Deposit + Profit (New Price – Original Price)

Occupancy Fee

Final Closing Cost:

Balance of Original Price

Estimated property taxes for upto 2 years

Hydro/water/gas meter installation and connection charges, which is approximately $500 – $700 per meter

Development charges/levies, which is potentially thousands of dollars

Tarion New Home Warranty which ranges from $600 – $1,900

Discharge of builder’s mortgages which is approximately $200 – $300 per mortgage

Law Society Charge for Builder’s lawyer, which is approximately $70

Two months of occupancy fees for reserve fund

Legal fees and disbursements

Land transfer tax, both provincial and municipal

GST/HST rebate

What are the costs involved for an Assignor? 1. HST on assignment price = (Deposit + Profit) x 13%

2. Income Tax on Profit

3. Assignment fee to the builder

4. Lawyer fee

5. Agent Commission

What are the steps involved in an Assignment Process? 1. Offer Negotiation 2. 1st Deposit To The Listing Broker

3. Fulfill Conditions

4. Assignee Lawyer Review/Assignor Lawyer Review

5. Waive Assignee Finance Condition

6. Builder Consent (True Condition)

Apply for builder consent

2nd deposit to the lawyer

Executive builder consent

Release deposit, Assignment close

What is The Timeline For Builder Consent? 1. Deposit Clear

2. 90% Sold

3. Upon Builder Consent:

Before Occupancy

After Occupancy


What Happens if The Assignee Doesn’t Close? This is the same case as any sale. The Assignor in majority of the cases will not be able to get away from the obligations listed under the Agreement of Purchase and Sale. Both the Assignor and Assignee will be liable accordingly.

When Does The Assignor Get Money?

Depending on the closing date as well as the terms of assignment agreement that the Assignee and Assignor agreed on, the assignor usually gets their money when:

The Assignee gets occupancy or possession or

When the assignment is approved by the original seller, if applicable, or

Legal title is obtained by the Assignee

Who Gets The Interest, If Any Payable By The Builder On The Original Deposit?

Unless it is specified, the interest is paid to the Assignor in most cases.

Who Bears The Interim Occupancy Costs?

Once an assignment has been finalized, the Assignee typically pays occupancy costs through the final closing and will pay the final closing costs unless negotiated specifically.

What Are The Forms Used for Assignment Offers?

OREA Form 150 Assignment of Agreement and Sale Condominium

OREA Form 145 Assignment of Agreement of Purchase and Sale (Including Applicable Schedules)

In most cases, the developers have their own forms as well

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Home » Real Estate News » Real Estate Guide » Assignment Sales

Fundamental Difference Between a Resale vs Assignment Sales

June 21st, 2023 8 min read -->

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A resale is a transaction where the buyer purchases a property from the original owner. The property is already completed and ready to move into. On the other hand, an assignment sale is a transaction where the buyer purchases the rights to a property from the original owner. The property is under construction and is still being prepared to move into. Here is a table that summarises the key differences between Resale vs Assignment Sales

Property Status Completed Under construction
Availability Listed on MLS Not listed on MLS
Mortgage requirements Yes No
Closing date 60-90 days Varies
Risks Title risk, builder risk, construction risk Title risk, builder risk, construction risk, assignment risk

Table of Contents

What are the Pros and Cons of an Assignment Sale?

What are the Pros and Cons of an Assignment Sale  

Assignment sales, also known as contract assignments or flipping contracts, are common in the real estate market. In an assignment sale, a buyer who has entered into a purchase agreement with a seller transfers their rights and obligations under the contract to a third party before the completion of the sale. While assignment sales can offer certain advantages, they also have potential drawbacks. Let’s explore the pros and cons of Assignment Sales: 

Pros of Assignment Sales 

  • One of the primary advantages of assignment sales is the potential for a significant profit. Assignors can secure a property at a lower price and then sell their contract to a new buyer at a higher price, capitalising on market appreciation or favourable negotiation.
  • Assignment sales allow buyers to secure a property without obtaining a mortgage or making a down payment upfront. This flexibility can benefit investors or buyers who may need more immediate access to funds but want to secure a property at a particular price.
  • Assignors can avoid the financial risks of property ownership, such as mortgage payments, property taxes, and maintenance costs. If the market conditions change or the buyer’s circumstances alter, they can sell the contract to another party without taking on these financial burdens.
  • Assignment sales provide a quick exit strategy for buyers who may change their minds or encounter unforeseen circumstances that prevent them from completing the purchase. By assigning the contract to another buyer, they can exit the transaction without the complications of selling the property on the open market.

Cons of Assignment Sales

  • Assignment sales involve intricate legal processes and require the involvement of multiple parties, including the original buyer, the assignee, the seller, and sometimes even lenders. The complexity can lead to challenges, delays, and increased legal expenses.
  • The success of an assignment sale depends on the consent of the original seller. Some sellers may not permit or may have restrictions on assignment sales, limiting the pool of potential properties available for assignment.
  • As an assignor, you relinquish control over the property and the final sale process once you transfer the contract to the assignee. This lack of control can be frustrating if the assignee’s actions or decisions affect the property negatively or lead to complications.
  • In a declining market, an assignor may need help finding a buyer willing to pay the assigned price. This can result in financial loss if the assignor cannot sell the contract or need to sell it at a lower price than they initially anticipated.
  • Some critics argue that assignment sales contribute to housing speculation and affordability issues, as they can drive up prices and limit housing supply. This perception can lead to negative public sentiment and potential regulatory scrutiny in some markets.

Assignment Sales for Sellers: What are its Advantages? 

  • Higher Selling Price : In an assignment sale, sellers can sell their property more elevated than the original purchase price. Assignors, who act as intermediaries, often negotiate a higher price with the new buyer due to market appreciation, renovations, or other factors. This allows sellers to maximise their profit and earn more than anticipated.
  • Faster Sale Process : Assignment sales can expedite the sale process for sellers. Rather than waiting to complete the original contract, sellers can transfer their rights and obligations to the assignee. This enables them to sell the property without going through the typical marketing and negotiation process, which can save time and effort.
  • Avoidance of Holding Costs : Sellers can avoid holding costs associated with property ownership by selling through an assignment. These costs may include mortgage payments, property taxes, insurance, maintenance, and other ongoing expenses. Selling through an assignment allows sellers to transfer these responsibilities to the assignee, potentially saving them money in the long run.
  • Increased Flexibility : Assignment sales provide sellers more flexibility regarding their plans. By completing the sale through an assignment, sellers can move forward with their plans without waiting for the original contract to close. This can be particularly advantageous if sellers need to relocate, downsize, or make other arrangements quickly.
  • Lower Marketing Costs : When selling a property traditionally, sellers often need to invest in marketing efforts to attract potential buyers. This can include listing fees, advertising expenses, staging costs, and other related expenditures. In an assignment sale, the assignee typically assumes the responsibility of finding a new buyer, reducing or eliminating the need for sellers to incur marketing expenses.
  • Minimised Default Risk : In certain situations, sellers may encounter circumstances that prevent them from completing the original purchase contract. This could be due to financial constraints, changes in personal circumstances, or other unforeseen events. By assigning the contract to a new buyer, sellers can avoid defaulting on the contract and potential legal consequences.

What are the Advantages of Assignment Sales for Buyers? 

Assignment sales offer several advantages for buyers in the real estate market. Here are the key benefits of assignment sales for buyers:

  • Potential for Lower Purchase Price : Buyers engaging in assignment sales can secure a property at a lower purchase price than buying on the open market. Assignors often negotiate a favourable purchase price when they contract with the original seller. This can be advantageous for buyers looking for a good deal or who want to invest in properties with potential appreciation.
  • Flexibility in Financing : Buyers participating in assignment sales can enjoy greater flexibility in financing options. Since they are buying the contract from the assignor, they may not need to secure a mortgage or make a substantial down payment immediately. This flexibility can be particularly beneficial for buyers needing more immediate access to large sums of money or facing challenges in obtaining traditional financing.
  • Ability to Customize the Property : In some cases, buyers engaging in assignment sales can customise or make changes to the property before the completion of the sale. This flexibility allows buyers to tailor the property to their preferences by selecting finishes, fixtures, or design elements and creating a personalised living space or investment property.
  • Potential for Profit : Assignment sales can provide buyers with profit potential. Suppose market conditions favourably change between the time the assignor entered into the contract and the completion of the sale. In that case, buyers can sell the property at a higher price, capturing the appreciation and generating a profit without ever taking ownership. This profit potential can attract investors or buyers looking for short-term gains.
  • Expedited Purchase Process : Assignment sales can facilitate a faster buyer purchase process. Rather than going through the lengthy process of searching for a property, negotiating with sellers, and dealing with potential competing offers, buyers can step into an existing contract and finalise the sale with the assignor. This can save time and streamline the purchase process, allowing buyers to secure a property quickly.
  • Lower Transaction Costs : Assignment sales may involve lower buyer transaction costs than traditional property purchases. Since buyers purchase the contract from the assignor, they may not need to pay certain closing costs associated with the initial purchase, such as land transfer taxes or legal fees. This can result in savings and make the overall transaction more affordable for buyers.

What Disadvantages Does a Buyer Face on Assignment Sales? 

Here are the key drawbacks of assignment sales for buyers:

  • Limited Property Selection : Assignment sales often involve a limited pool of properties. Assignors may sell their contracts for various reasons, such as properties with a potential appreciation or in-demand locations. As a result, buyers participating in assignment sales may have fewer options than in the broader real estate market.
  • Potential Seller Consent Issues : The success of an assignment sale depends on the consent of the original seller. Some sellers may have restrictions on assignment sales or may simply refuse to allow the transfer of the contract to a new buyer. This can create challenges for buyers who have invested time and effort into an assignment transaction only to have it rejected by the original seller.
  • Lack of Control and Information : Buyers engaged in assignment sales have limited control over the original contract and the terms negotiated by the assignor. They may have yet to be involved in the initial negotiation process, which can lead to uncertainty about the terms and conditions of the purchase. Additionally, buyers may need more access to information about the property, its history, or potential issues, as they rely on the assignor for this information.
  • Increased Complexity and Potential Delays : Assignment sales can be more complex than traditional property purchases. Multiple parties include the original seller, the assignor, and potential lenders. This complexity can lead to delays, as other legal and administrative processes may be required. Buyers may need to navigate various agreements and documents, potentially leading to more extended closing periods or increased legal expenses.
  • Higher Risk of Non-Completion : Assignment sales carry a higher risk of non-completion than standard property purchases. Since buyers are assuming a contract from the assignor, they may face uncertainties and risks associated with the assignor’s ability to fulfil their obligations. If the assignor fails to complete the contract, it can lead to complications, potential legal disputes, and the loss of any invested time or resources.
  • Market Fluctuations and Financial Loss : While assignment sales can offer profit potential, they also expose buyers to the risk of financial loss. Suppose market conditions decline or change unfavourably between the time of the assignment and the completion of the sale. In that case, buyers may need help to sell the property for a profit. Sometimes, they may need to sell lower than the initial purchase price, resulting in a financial loss.

What are the Disadvantages of Assignment Sales for a Buyer?

What are the Disadvantages of Assignment Sales for a Buyer

Here are the key drawbacks of assignment sales for buyers: 

  • Limited Property Selection: Assignment sales often involve a limited pool of properties. Assignors may sell their contracts for various reasons, such as properties with a potential appreciation or in-demand locations. As a result, buyers participating in assignment sales may have fewer options than in the broader real estate market.
  • Potential Seller Consent Issues: The success of an assignment sale depends on the consent of the original seller. Some sellers may have restrictions on assignment sales or may simply refuse to allow the transfer of the contract to a new buyer. This can create challenges for buyers who have invested time and effort into an assignment transaction only to have it rejected by the original seller.
  • Lack of Control and Information: Buyers engaged in assignment sales have limited control over the original contract and the terms negotiated by the assignor. They may have yet to be involved in the initial negotiation process, which can lead to uncertainty about the terms and conditions of the purchase.
  • Additionally, buyers may need more access to information about the property, its history, or potential issues, as they rely on the assignor for this information.
  • Increased Complexity and Potential Delays: Assignment sales can be more complex than traditional property purchases. Multiple parties include the original seller, the assignor, and potential lenders. This complexity can lead to delays, as other legal and administrative processes may be required. Buyers may need to navigate various agreements and documents, potentially leading to more extended closing periods or increased legal expenses.
  • Higher Risk of Non-Completion: Assignment sales carry a higher risk of non-completion than standard property purchases. Since buyers are assuming a contract from the assignor, they may face uncertainties and risks associated with the assignor’s ability to fulfil their obligations. If the assignor fails to complete the contract, it can lead to complications, potential legal disputes, and the loss of any invested time or resources.
  • Market Fluctuations and Financial Loss: While assignment sales can offer profit potential, they also expose buyers to the risk of financial loss. Suppose market conditions decline or change unfavourably between the time of the assignment and the completion of the sale. In that case, buyers may need help to sell the property for a profit. Sometimes, they may need to sell lower than the initial purchase price, resulting in a financial loss.

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Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

What is the purpose of resale.

Resale is to transfer ownership of a previously owned item or property from the seller to a new buyer.

What is selling and reselling?

Selling refers to exchanging goods or services for monetary compensation, while reselling involves selling something previously purchased, typically to make a profit.

How much money can you make from resale?

The amount of money on resale depends on the type of property you have and the real estate environment of the area.

What is a good resale percentage?

The resale percentage depends on the real estate environment.

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Mar 20, 2024

Everything You Need to Know About an Assignment Sale self.__wrap_b=(t,n,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${t}"]`);let s=e.parentElement,r=B=>"px";"";let o=s.clientWidth,u=s.clientHeight,a=o/2-.25,c=o+.5,p;if(o){for(r(a),a=Math.max(e.scrollWidth,a);a+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e)})).observe(s):process.env.NODE_ENV==="development"&&console.warn("The browser you are using does not support the ResizeObserver API. Please consider add polyfill for this API to avoid potential layout shifts or upgrade your browser. Read more:"))};self.__wrap_b(":R1aijl6:",0.75)

6 minute read

assignment sale rules

In real estate, there are a number of different types of transactions that come with their own unique benefits and challenges. People are most familiar with a standard purchase or sale of a home that already exists (ie. a resale property). However, the exchange is quite different when someone decides to buy a pre-construction home (typically from a builder) that hasn’t been lived in. A further nuance is an assignment sale, which can occur in both the resale and pre-construction space.

With all that said, assignment sales aren’t widely understood and can often be confusing for those venturing into them. That’s why we put together this comprehensive guide on assignment sales in Ontario! If you find yourself reading this, it's likely you're seeking a deeper understanding of what assignment sales are, their significance, and how they can impact both buyers and sellers. In this blog, we aim to answer all your questions about assignment sales and their nuances. 

Understanding Assignment Sales

First things first, what exactly is an assignment sale? It's like passing the baton in a relay race before the finish line. In real estate, this means the original buyer (assignor) transfers their rights to buy a property to someone else (assignee) before they officially own it. The transfer allows the assignee to take over the assignors rights and obligations outlined in the Agreement of Purchase & Sale (APS). Assignments usually happen in pre-construction projects but can occur in other types of property transactions too. Put simply, an assignment enables the buyer of a home to sell the home before they take ownership of it. 

Why Assignment Sales Happen

Assignment sales can take place for a whole suite of reasons, but typically they occur when the buyer's personal circumstances have changed. This could be related to their financial circumstances, lifestyle changes, work relocation, etc. Especially when it comes to pre-construction, a commitment to purchase typically happens well in advance of the move in date. This leaves a lot of time for things to change for the buyer, potentially requiring them to exit the deal before the closing date. An assignment presents them with a great way to transfer responsibility of the APS to another individual, without having to incur the penalties that might come with trying to back out of the purchase altogether. 

For an assignee, an assignment can be an attractive way to purchase a property. They may be able to take advantage of a drop in value of the property since the assignors purchase or they may have just missed the opportunity to buy the property in the first place. Either way, an assignment provides them the right to purchase a property in a way that is beneficial to them.  

The Process of an Assignment Sale

Imagine you've agreed to buy a brand-new condo that's still under construction. Unfortunately, sometimes life just happens, and you decide not to go through with the purchase. Enter the assignment sale. Here's how it unfolds:

Original agreement: You've signed on the dotted line to purchase the condo.

Change of heart: For whatever reason, you opt not to finalize the purchase.

Finding a new buyer: You find someone who wants to take over your agreement.

Sealing the deal: You both sign an assignment agreement, transferring your purchasing rights to them.

Closing time: The new buyer finalizes everything with the developer.

This process might sound straightforward, but it's laden with legal, financial, and contractual nuances that need careful navigation. This is why it’s essential you engage a real estate lawyer as soon as possible in the process. They’ll be able to advise you on your legal rights and obligations that come with an assignment. 

Advantages of Assignment Sales

So, why consider an assignment sale? For sellers, it's a graceful exit from a property purchase, possibly with a profit if the property's value has increased. Buyers, on the other hand, can snag properties in developments that are no longer on the market or have appreciated in value since their initial sale.

Challenges and Considerations

But it's not all rainbows and butterflies. Assignment sales come with their own set of challenges. There are legal hoops to jump through, financial implications such as taxes and fees, and the ever-present risk of deals not going as planned. This is a legally binding contract so both parties need to do their due diligence and, most importantly, seek professional advice. This includes advice from a real estate agent, real estate lawyer, and a tax professional. While that all might sound expensive, not getting the right advice before committing to an assignment could turn out to be much more costly. 

There have also unfortunately been some bad actors in the assignment space in the past. The good news is that regulators have stepped in to provide better oversight in the space in order to protect consumer, but no regulator is perfect. This just emphasizes the importance of engaging multiple professionals in your assignment, to ensure that you’re getting unbiased and valuable advice.

Navigating the Market

The assignment sales market is a vibrant and ever-changing landscape, heavily influenced by geographic nuances and existing market conditions. This variability means that opportunities for assignment sales can differ significantly from one region to another, often reflecting the local demand for real estate, economic stability, and the pace of new development projects. For individuals keen on exploring assignment sales, whether as potential buyers or sellers, understanding these regional market dynamics is essential.

One effective strategy for identifying great assignment sale opportunities involves monitoring developments that have reached their sales capacity. Sold-out projects often indicate a high demand for properties within a particular area or development, making assignments from these projects particularly appealing to those looking to enter or invest in these sought-after locales.

Not to keep harping on the need for guidance and expertise when navigating the world of assignments, but I’m going to! The specialized nature of assignment sales requires real estate professionals who possess a deep understanding and experience in this specific segment of the market. Real estate agents who specialize in assignment sales can offer invaluable insights, facilitate connections between buyers and sellers, and navigate the complex regulatory and contractual landscape associated with these transactions.

Assessing the value and potential of an assignment sale requires a comprehensive approach. Potential buyers should conduct thorough due diligence, including reviewing the original purchase terms, understanding any restrictions or conditions imposed by developers, and analyzing current market trends to gauge the property's potential for appreciation. For sellers, determining the right price point and understanding the best timing to enter the market are crucial steps in maximizing returns on their investment.

Wrapping Up

And there you have it—a comprehensive guide to navigating the waters of assignment sales. Whether you're looking to buy or sell, understanding the ins and outs of these transactions can make all the difference. So, consult with professionals, do your due diligence, and who knows? Your next real estate adventure might just be an assignment sale.

At Doormat , we have experienced real estate lawyers that can help you navigate the tricky world of assignments. We can also support you with your standard property purchases, sales, refinances, ownership changes, and status certificate reviews. If you have any questions, reach out !

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What Is an Assignment Sale? Understanding the Ins and Outs of This Real Estate Process

An assignment sale occurs when the original buyer of a property (the assignor) transfers their rights and obligations of the property contract to another buyer (the assignee) before the official closing of the sale.

This process allows the assignee to step into the original purchaser's shoes, taking on the commitments of the property purchase, which could be a pre-construction condo, house, or any other form of real estate.

assignment sale rules

Now, let's delve deeper into understanding how assignment sales work, their intricacies, and what they mean for buyers and sellers in the real estate market.

Demystifying the Elements of an Assignment Sale

Embarking on a real estate journey often introduces many terms and processes that may seem complex at first glance, with 'assignment sales' leading the pack in complexity and confusion.

Whether you're the original buyer looking to navigate away from closing costs or a savvy purchaser hunting for a valuable investment, understanding the nuts and bolts of assignment sales is an invaluable asset in the dynamic landscape of real estate.

How Assignment Sales Work

Assignment sales introduce a unique dynamic in real estate transactions, particularly in bustling markets like Vancouver Island and the Sunshine Coast .

When you buy a pre-construction unit, the property is yours, albeit not immediately ready for occupation. Life changes or financial circumstances sometimes evolve between the original purchase agreement and the final closing, necessitating a shift in plan.

Here's where assignment sales come into play. The original buyer can sell their interest in the property before the final sale, sidestepping typical hurdles like mortgage payments or land transfer taxes that come with a regular sale. This method provides a strategic avenue for purchasers to hand over their contractual obligations to another party without waiting for the property's completion.

The Assignment Clause: A Vital Cog in the Wheel

The assignment clause in the original contract is central to these types of transactions. This clause allows the transfer of the buyer's rights and responsibilities to another person.

It's crucial to understand that not all pre-construction sales agreements have an assignment clause, and most builders or developers might impose restrictions or require consent before any assignment deal can proceed.

Understanding the Financials: Costs and Fees

Engaging in assignment sales tends to involve several costs that both the buyer and seller must anticipate.

These include the assignment fee charged by the developer, legal fees for contract transfer, and possibly higher legal fees due to the complexity compared to a resale property. There could also be tax implications depending on the nature of the transaction and the parties involved.

Navigating Through the Interim Occupancy Period

A common scenario in assignment sales, especially in pre-construction condos, is dealing with the interim occupancy period.

This period arises when the assignee can take possession (though not ownership) of the unit while the property is not officially registered. During this phase, the assignee pays occupancy fees, akin to rent, which don't go towards mortgage payments.

Understanding this period helps both parties make an informed decision and prepare for the financial responsibilities it entails.

The Pros and Cons of Assignment Sales

Navigating assignment sales requires a balanced understanding of its advantages and drawbacks. While these transactions open avenues for lucrative deals and flexible arrangements, they also carry inherent risks and complexities that can impact buyers and sellers.

assignment sale rules

This exploration will provide clear insights, aiding your decision-making in the vibrant real estate market.

The Bright Side: Benefits of Assignment Sales

  • Less Competition, More Opportunities: One advantage that makes assignment sales attractive, particularly in areas prone to bidding wars like Vancouver Island , is less competition. Fewer buyers are willing or informed about engaging in this kind of sales transaction, reducing the frenzy often seen in hot real estate markets. This situation can present a more favourable buying environment for those ready and willing to proceed with an assignment purchase.
  • Potential for a Better Deal: For buyers, assignment sales sometimes offer the opportunity to get into a brand-new unit at a potentially lower cost. Since the assignee is stepping into an existing agreement, they might benefit from the original purchase price, which could be lower than current market rates, especially in fast-growing communities.
  • Flexibility for the Original Buyer: For the original buyer, an assignment sale offers a way out, potentially recouping the deposit paid and avoiding financial penalties that might come with breaking a purchase agreement. This strategy can be particularly advantageous if the purchaser's circumstances change and needs to free up cash or avoid taking on a mortgage.

The Flip Side: Challenges and Risks of Assignment Sales

  • Complexity and Higher Legal Fees: Assignment sales are not your straightforward real estate transaction. They require additional steps, such as securing the developer's consent, and the legal process is more complex than purchasing resale properties. As a result, both parties might incur higher legal fees to facilitate the transaction.
  • Financial Overheads and Closing Costs: For the assignee, the initial cost outlay can be substantial for the assignee. They must reimburse the original buyer's deposit, pay the assignment fee, cover land transfer taxes, and prepare for other closing costs. These expenses require careful consideration and financial planning.
  • Uncertainties and Marketing Restrictions: In some cases, developers impose marketing restrictions, making it challenging to advertise the assignment sale. Additionally, the assignee, now the new buyer, takes on certain risks like development charges or changes in market conditions, which could affect the property's value upon final closing.

Making the Move: Deciding If an Assignment Sale Is Right for You

Deciding to engage in an assignment sale is a pivotal moment, requiring a blend of financial foresight and market understanding.

As we delve into this decision-making process, we'll consider critical personal and economic factors that ensure you're making a choice that aligns with your real estate ambitions and lifestyle aspirations.

Conduct Due Diligence: Know What You're Getting Into

Involving real estate agents experienced in assignment sales is a prudent step for guidance through the intricacies of these transactions.

assignment sale rules

Also, consulting with a real estate lawyer ensures you understand the legalities, your rights, and any potential liabilities you might be assuming.

Consider Your Financial Standing and Long-Term Goals

Reflect on your current financial health and future plans.

For original buyers, if life changes dictate a change in your real estate investments, an assignment sale could be a viable exit. For potential assignees, consider whether this buying pathway aligns with your investment strategy and if you're comfortable with the associated risks.

Stay Informed About Market Conditions

Market dynamics greatly influence real estate valuations. A clear picture of current trends, especially in your buying area (like Fort St John or cities in the Okanagan ), helps make an informed decision.

Understanding these trends could offer insights into whether you're setting yourself up for a profitable investment or a potential financial misstep.

Bringing It All Home with

Navigating the world of assignment sales can be a complex journey, laden with opportunities and pitfalls. Whether you're considering selling your contractual rights or stepping into an existing purchase agreement, the route is layered with legal, financial, and market considerations.

At Loyal Homes, we understand that your real estate journey is more than just a transaction; it's a pivotal chapter in your life story. We're here to guide you through each step, ensuring you're equipped with the local, accurate, and relevant information to make decisions confidently. Our team is committed to providing a service that stands a notch above the rest, focusing on relationships and community at its core.

Ready to take the next step in your real estate adventure in British Columbia? Whether it's finding the perfect neighbourhood, exploring investment opportunities, or seeking your dream home, we're here to assist.

For a personalized experience tailored to your unique needs, consider our Personalized Home Search . If you're on the selling side and need to understand your property's current market standing, request a Free Home Valuation . Or, for any other inquiries or guidance, feel free to contact us . Your journey to a successful real estate experience in British Columbia starts with, where your peace of mind is our highest priority.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it good to buy an assignment sale.

Buying an assignment sale can be advantageous, offering lower purchase prices compared to current market rates for similar properties, especially in hot real estate markets. However, this venture also requires thorough due diligence to ensure that the agreement terms, property details, and financial implications align with your investment goals.

Can You Make Money on an Assignment Sale?

Yes, there is a potential to make money on an assignment sale, particularly if the property's value has increased since the original purchase date. This profit occurs due to appreciation over the period, especially in high-demand areas, but it's crucial to factor in any assignment fees, legal costs, and tax implications to understand the net gainfully.

What Are the Risks of Buying an Assignment Sale?

The risks include a lack of guarantees on the final product as specifications might change, potential delays in construction, and complexities in financing, often requiring a more substantial initial deposit. These elements underscore the importance of legal counsel to navigate contract specifics and to prepare for any contingencies or additional costs.

How Do I Sell My Pre-Construction Assignment?

Selling a pre-construction assignment involves marketing to potential buyers, typically requiring the developer's consent and possibly entailing a fee. Engaging with a real estate professional who understands the local market nuances and legalities of assignment sales is essential to ensure a smooth, compliant transaction.

Do I Pay Tax on Assignment Sale?

Tax implications on assignment sales can be multifaceted, potentially involving income tax on profits and GST/HST on the purchase, depending on factors like the property type and the seller's tax status. It's advisable to consult with a tax professional to accurately determine specific obligations and strategize for tax efficiency based on your circumstances.

What Is the Difference Between a Transfer and an Assignment?

A transfer and an assignment differ significantly; a transfer involves changing property ownership after a project's completion, whereas an assignment sells one's interest in a property before it's finished. Understanding this distinction is crucial as it affects the contractual obligations, rights transferred to the new buyer, and the legal and financial processes involved in the transaction.

  • Photo: @ irina88w via
  • Photo: @ AndreyPopov via
  • Photo: @ putilich via

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Everything you need to know about selling an assignment condo

selling an assignment condo

Selling an assignment condo is not the same as dealing with a resale condo sale. You have to navigate many potential challenges and regardless of present market conditions, it can take time and skill to complete a deal. Depending on the contract you signed with the builder you may not even be allowed to sell the condo on assignment. If they do allow it, see below for a guide on everything you need to know about selling an assignment condo in the GTA.

What is an assignment sale?

An assignment sale is a transaction in which a buyer (the “Assignor”) has purchased a property and then sells their interest in that property to another buyer (the “Assignee”) prior to the property closing. Essentially, as the Assignor you are not actually selling the property; you are selling their contract along with the rights and obligations of the original agreement with the Builder or original seller. While it is possible to have an assignment sale of a pre-construction house or a resale property, assignment sales in Toronto are most common in pre-construction condos.

If you are looking to sell your condo prior to the building’s closing date you are the Assignor. In other words the original buyer of the condo unit in the pre-construction phase. In an assignment sale, the assignor is the seller.

The assignee is the buyer of the assigned condo and takes over all rights and responsibilities of the original contract.

Make sure that the agent you are working with is familiar with the process of selling an assignment condo. Most agents have no experience in assignment sales, so be careful who you choose to represent your best interests.

Cons of selling your condo on assignment

  • The builder may have restrictions on how you can market your assignment condo. Your first step should be checking with the builder or reviewing your APS (agreement of purchase and sale) on what is allowed.
  • The pool of buyers is limited due to the substantial amount of cash required.
  • Due to the complex nature of an assignment condo sale, the legal fees will be higher than resale condos.
  • (as of May 7th, 2022) New tax rules will severely cut into your profits, if any.

Pros of selling your condo on assignment

  • Pre-con condos take years to complete and if your lifestyle changes it allows you to walk away, oftentimes with a profit.
  • You avoid costs such as land transfer tax, occupancy fees, etc.
  • You can get your deposit out earlier and you may even be able to negotiate the profits sooner than the building closing.

Looking to sell your investment property via assignment?

Get in touch for a free NO OBLIGATION consultation and see why others have put their trust in me . Don’t like forms? Call or text me at 647-830-5210 or email me at [email protected].

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Marketing an assignment condo

Some builders in Toronto and the GTA have restrictions on listing your assignment deal on TRREB’s MLS or online in general. Essentially they are making it hard to impossible to market the property. Ensure that the Realtor you are working with has access to a network of Realtors that work in pre-construction and assignments. I have done several transactions this way and while it is more difficult to market properties this way, as opposed to marketing it online to the masses, it is possible.

Holding onto the property until completion and selling it on the resale market.

This is becoming a more common solution for many since the NEW TAX RULES for assignments came into effect in May 2022 (see details below). Neither option is the clear winner as you will either have to share a large portion of the profit with the government or incur expenses to close the deal. If you decide to complete the deal with the builder, and then sell it on the resale market you will incur the following expenses.

  • Monthly occupancy fees (these are charged from the beginning of occupancy to the builder completion date, usually between 3-12 months depending on varying circumstances).
  • Development charges and levies. Fees vary, for GTA condos it’s typically capped at around $10,000 – $20,000.
  • Legal fees – approximately $2,000
  • Status certificate – $100
  • Tarion fee – $700
  • Reserve fund – $700
  • Various admin fees – $2,000


How does hst work on the builder purchase price.

If you are selling your property on assignment, the assignee (the buyer of the assignment condo) will assume all HST responsibilities for the original purchase price as they will be the ones doing the final closing on the unit. In most cases, HST is included in the builder’s price assuming that the buyer will use the property as a primary residence. Ensure that your Assignment purchase agreement has clear wording on who is responsible for which taxes.

When is the closing date?

In an assignment sale, there are two closing dates. The first closing date is when the sale has been approved by both lawyers and the builder. The second closing date is when the building is registered.

Who pays for the builder assignment fees?

Generally, the assignment fees, if any, are due to the builder upon the builder’s approval of the assignment sale.

When will I receive my profit?

There are typically two options. You’ll either get the profits once the building closes (2nd closing) or when the builder approves the assignment sale. Depending on the market and your Realtor’s negotiating skill you should aim to get the profit as early as possible since the building closing could be a long time out.

New HST assignment rules

As of May 7, 2022, assignment sales in Ontario are subject to HST. When assigning a property to a buyer, the Assignor (seller) will have to pay HST on the profit portion of the proceeds regardless of what their initial intentions were when purchasing in the pre-construction phase. HST does not apply on deposits already made by the Assignor to the Builder, but you have to ensure that your Assignment Agreement of Purchase and Sale must include that the assignment price already includes the deposit.

New Income Tax on assignment sales

Assignment sales are now also subject to income tax. Pre-May 2022 you would only have to pay capital gains tax on the profit, which means you would only pay tax on 50% of the profit. Now 100% of the profit gets taxed and depending on your income that year you will likely fall into a higher tax bracket.

All assignment sales should be conditional upon your lawyer reviewing the entire assignment agreement. Part of that will be all of the contents and disclosures of the original Agreement of Purchase and Sale between the Assignor and the Builder.

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Everything you need to know about Preconstruction Assignment Sales

Everything you need to know about Preconstruction Assignment Sales

Have you sold pre-construction homes before closing on assignments?

Have you wondered about what are the tax implications on selling pre-construction homes before closing?

We often advise our clients to not to sell their pre-construction homes before closing if possible.  It can trigger a series of tax implications – HST and income tax implications. 

Before the announcement of Budget 2022, CRA had adopted the policies that HST would be applicable on not just the assignment fees, but also the deposit. 

This could be a huge tax cost that most investors weren’t aware of.

Now, let’s use an example to explain .

Say you agree to purchase a pre-construction home for $700,000.  You sign the agreement of purchase and sale and pay a deposit of $100,000 to the builder. 

The new home is expected to be completed a few years later.

You decided to sell the property on assignment before it’s ready for closing for an additional $50,000.

Scenario 1:  When you signed the agreement of purchase and sale, you intended to move into the property and use it as your primary residence.  

Life circumstances change.  You now decided to sell the property before closing.  You sold it on assignment before May 6, 2022 .

HST: As your intention was to move into the property as your primary residence, you had no HST liability obligation.

Again, intention is subjective.  If you’re questioned in court, you would have to provide evidence to prove your own intention. 

Most clients thought that the CRA would have to prove that they were wrong.  The truth however is that the taxpayers are the one who have the responsibility to prove to CRA their own filing position. 

Make sure your have documentation proving your initial intention.   

Income Tax: Assuming you have strong documentation proving that you did intend to purchase this pre-construction home as your primary residence, the $50,000 assignment fees could be reported as capital gain.

Scenario 2:  When you signed the agreement of purchase and sale, you intended to move into the property and use it as your primary residence.  

Life circumstances change.  You now decided to sell the property before closing.  You sold it on assignment after May 6, 2022 .

Budget 2022 changed the rule.  For all assignment sales happened after May 6, 2022, regardless of your intention, you’re required to pay HST on the assignment sales.

HST implication:

This means that the $50,000 collected is no longer all yours.  This $50,000 collected, if you don’t charge HST on top, is inclusive of HST.  

You must remit the HST to CRA on sale on assignment.  In this case, it would have been $5.8K. 

Presumably, you would also be able to claim Input Tax Credit, which is the HST you paid on services that you used to allow you to sell the property.  This includes the HST you paid on your legal cost and HST you paid on brokerage fees. 

The net amount can be remitted to CRA.

Income Tax Implication:

Budget 2022 also made some rule changes when it comes down to sale of property.  The sale of a property within one year of ownership is considered on income account, meaning 100% of the profit you make is taxable, with some exceptions allowed, effective Jan 1, 2023.

When you apply this new rule to this scenario, it is unknown as to whether an assignment sale is considered a flipped property.  It’s difficult to say whether this rule is applicable to assignment sale at this point.

Regardless, you still would need to keep proper and relevant documentation supporting your intention that you were trying to move into the property as your primary residence.  With proper documentation, you could still report the net income from assignment sale on capital account, meaning only 50% of the profit you make is taxable.

In our example, assuming client didn’t incur other cost of selling, the client would be reporting $44K of capital gain, 50% of which would be taxable.

Scenario 3:  When you signed the agreement of purchase and sale, you intended to rent out your property.  

Interest rate changed.  You now decided to sell the property before closing.  You sold it on assignment before May 6, 2022 .

Your intent was never to move into the property as your primary residence or have any of your family members moving in, as a result HST is applicable on assignment sale.

Assignment fees are subject to HST. $50,000 assignment fees you collected are subjected to HST.

CRA also adopted the position that the deposits $100K are also subject to HST as well.  Ouch!

You thought you made $50,000 – but after considering the HST on assignment fees $5.8K and HST on deposits $11.5K, you really only net $33K.

This calculation hasn’t considered the brokerage fees as well as the lawyer fees yet.  Yikes!

Income Tax implication:

The net amount profit of $33K (assuming there’s no brokerage fees or lawyer fees, if you have, the net profit is lower) would likely have to be reported as income, 100% of it is taxable. 

If you own the property in your personal name, the entire amount is added to your job income or whatever income you have in your personal name.  You’re taxed at the respective marginal tax rates, which can be as high as 53.5% in Ontario.

Triple Yikes!

If you own the property in the corporation, the profit is taxed as regular business income, most likely at 12.2% for qualified small businesses. 

Scenario 4:  When you signed the agreement of purchase and sale, you intended to rent out your property.  

Interest rate changed.  You now decided to sell the property before closing.  You sold it on assignment AFTER May 12, 2022 .

The Government also recognized that charging HST on deposits were not right.  Budget 2022 specified that HST would no longer be charged on deposits .

Assignment fees are subject to HST but deposits are not subject to HST anymore to avoid double taxation.

Assignment fees are reported as income 100% taxable.

So continuing with the same example, HST is applicable on the $50,000 assignment fees, meaning that you would incur HST liability of $5.8K as calculated above. 

Again, you could offset the HST liability with the HST you pay on realtor commission as well as lawyer fees on closing. 

The net amount would have to be paid to CRA.

The net profit of $44K (assuming there’s no brokerage fees or lawyer fees, if you have, the net profit is lower) would likely have to be reported as income, 100% of it is taxable. 

Similar to Scenario 3, if you own the property in your personal name, the entire amount is added to your job income or whatever income you have in your personal name.  You’re taxed at the respective marginal tax rates, which can be as high as 53.5% in Ontario.

Now that we’ve gone through the assignment sales tax implication in details – Are you still planning to sell your properties on assignment?

Let us know below.

Lastly, our team has been working tirelessly to prepare for the upcoming Wealth Hacker Conference on preparing everyone for the upcoming recession.  We have experts such as Dalia sharing her insights on how to protect your portfolio and grow from this recession.  If you are lost, join us at the upcoming Wealth Hacker Conference.  

Visit now to get your tickets. 

Until next time, happy Canadian Real Estate Investing.

Cherry Chan, CPA, CA

Your Real Estate Accountant

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March 22, 2024

Real Estate Definition: Assignment Sale

When a buyer enters into a purchase agreement for a pre-constructed or newly built property, they may find themselves in a situation where they no longer wish to proceed with the purchase. In such cases, the buyer can assign their rights and obligations under the agreement to a new buyer – and this is where an assignment sale comes in.

What is an Assignment Sale?

An assignment sale refers to a sales transaction in which the original buyer of a property (“assignor”) transfers their rights and obligations of the Agreement of Purchase and Sale to another buyer (“assignee”) before the original buyer takes possession of the property. The assignee then becomes responsible for completing the deal with the seller. Essentially, an assignment clause allows the buyer to sell the property before they move in. While assignment sales can occur with both homes and condos , they are more common among buyers of pre-construction condos.

Factors to Consider Before Entering an Assignment Sale

While assignment sales can be advantageous, it is crucial for both the original buyer and the new buyer to consider certain factors before entering into such transactions.

Developer’s Consent

Before proceeding with an assignment sale, you must obtain the developer’s consent. Some developers may have strict rules or restrictions, and failure to comply can lead to legal complications.

Assignment Fees

The assignor may charge an assignment fee to the new buyer for transferring their rights and obligations. This fee can vary depending on the market conditions and the specific terms of the Assignor-Assignee Agreement.

Legal Advice

Both parties should seek legal advice before entering into an assignment sale. This ensures that all parties understand their rights, obligations, and potential risks associated with the transaction.

How Does an Assignment Sale Work?

Before proceeding with an assignment sale, the original buyer must obtain the consent of the developer or builder. This step is crucial as some developers may have specific rules or restrictions regarding assignment sales. When the developer consents, the original buyer can look for a new buyer to take over the purchase agreement.

Once there’s a new buyer, both the original buyer and the new buyer (assignee) enter into an agreement known as the Assignor-Assignee Agreement. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the assignment sale, including the assignment fee, if any. Then, the developer will review the Assignor-Assignee agreement and may require additional documentation or fees.

Once the developer approves the assignment sale, the closing process begins. At this stage, the new buyer is responsible for completing the purchase, including paying any remaining balance to the developer.

Why Do Assignment Sales Happen?

One primary reason why assignment sales happen is a change of plans. People may decide to leave the area due to personal circumstances such as starting a family, getting married, or looking for job opportunities elsewhere. Additionally, some individuals may face financial challenges that prevent them from completing the purchase.

Alternatively, a common scenario involves investors who never intended to close on the property acquisition. A popular investment strategy is to purchase a property during its early release to take advantage of the emerging market and low pricing and sell it before incurring land transfer taxes, HST, or becoming tied to a mortgage.

Benefits of Assignment Sales

Assignment sales can offer several benefits to both the assignor and the assignee. Some of these benefits include:

Profit Potential

For the original buyer, an assignment sale provides an opportunity to make a profit without completing the purchase. If the market value has increased since the initial purchase agreement, the assignor can sell their rights at a higher price.

Opportunity for Early Ownership

The assignee can benefit from an assignment sale to gain early ownership of a pre-construction property. This can be particularly appealing for individuals looking to invest in real estate or those with specific requirements for a new home.


Assignment sales offer flexibility to both parties involved. The original buyer can exit the purchase agreement without incurring significant penalties, while the new buyer can secure a property without going through the entire pre-construction process.

How a Real Estate Agent Can Help You Navigate this Process

Assignment sales are a complicated process; working with an experienced real estate agent who can help you navigate and understand the ins and outs of this transaction is crucial. These professionals can not only assist you in marketing your assignment, but they can also overcome any limitations imposed by the builder. Moreover, agents have a vast network and can easily connect you with an interested buyer. Although assignment sales may seem daunting, having a skilled lawyer and an experienced realtor is a smart financial move!

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Everything You Need To Know About Assignment Sales

June 28th, 2022 / Investing

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Housing is in critical demand in Toronto and the GTA, and builders are hard at work trying to keep up. With so much pre-construction happening, assignment sales are becoming more popular.

Assignment sales are an excellent vehicle for anyone who wants to break into the real estate market and is not in a rush to move. They can also be complicated to the point of intimidating. 

This article will tell you everything you need to know about whether an assignment sale is right for you.

The first fact that might surprise you is that purchasing an assignment isn’t buying a property at all. You’re simply buying the contract, which gives you the right to purchase the unit once construction is complete.

Why Buy Pre-Construction In The First Place?

Who doesn’t love the idea of a brand new house where you’re the first person living there. Everything is spotless and pristine, and you have the latest technology in everything. It will be a long time before you have to worry about worn-out counters, floors or chipped paint.

In fact, it will be a long time before you even get to walk in the door, because the unit hasn’t even been built yet. Many pre-construction homes are sold before construction even starts!

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Why Sell Your Assignment?

It can take years before you can finally move into a pre-construction home. During that time, a lot can change. You may find a new job in a different city. You could get married or divorced or start a family. Or perhaps you simply decide that you don’t want the unit anymore.

Some purchasers are investors who never intended to complete the transaction in the first place. The only intention was to sell the contract for a profit before the final construction is completed. 

Whatever the reason, the condo no longer suits your lifestyle. Selling the assignment can give you the funds you need for your next step.

What Makes Assignment Sales So Complicated?

Traditional real estate deals involve only one transaction, which can get complicated enough. Negotiations take place between two parties, the buyer and the seller. Both sides want a fair deal, but rarely agree on what “fair” means. 

With an assignment sale, there are two transactions to complete, the initial purchase of the contract and the final closing when the new owner can move in. Assignments also bring the builder into the mix, involving three parties in the transaction. 

Every builder has different policies regarding assignment transactions. Some builders don’t allow them at all. Those that do allow assignments will have a list of guidelines you must abide by when selling the rights to the unit.

The Pros and Cons of Buying An Assignment

Buying an assignment has many advantages, including:

  • Eliminating the risk of cancellation. When you buy pre-construction, it can take years before the project even starts, and delays can happen. In the worst-case scenario, the project can get cancelled, leaving you to start over from square one. When you buy an assignment, you can get in closer to the completion date and you don’t have to wait nearly as long to move in.
  • Buying an assignment can save money . Since the market almost always rises in value, you’ll usually pay less when you buy your unit before construction completes.
  • You can sell your assignment at a profit . If property values rise significantly, you can consider reselling the assignment and taking the profit. 
  • You get a beautiful, brand-new living space with a full Tarion warranty.

Of course, buying an assignment also comes with its share of challenges and risks.

  • You will need a significant amount of cash upfront. When you buy an assignment, the seller will want to recoup their full deposit, plus a profit as property values rise. You need to pay these funds upfront, and you can’t roll them into your mortgage. There will also be closing costs of 3-5% of the total sale price, which you will have to pay upon moving in.
  • Delays can still happen. You won’t have to wait as long as when you buy an initial contract. However, building delays can happen at any point during the construction. In the meantime, you’ll have to arrange for temporary accommodations while you wait.
  • You could lose money. If you’re buying an assignment as an investment, there is always a slight chance that the market could take a tumble. If you cannot carry the cost of holding the contract, you may have to sell it at a loss.
  • Developmental fees are in excess of closing costs . Plus, there may be a final portion of the deposit due on moving in.
  • For condo assignments, there are occupancy fees . This is similar to paying rent to the builder once the construction is complete and before the building is registered. 
  • If you do not plan to live in the home, you will need to pay the HST. The builder will not be eligible to get the HST rebate if you decide to rent the unit as well during interim occupancy. 
  • Your bank may not finance the entire purchase . Some banks appraise the home at the price the original owner paid. This could leave you with a larger portion to pay at closing that may not be covered by your mortgage.

The Pros and Cons of Selling An Assignment

What if you’re the original buyer and want to cash out of your investment? Selling an assignment also has its share of advantages and disadvantages. 

The downsides of selling are a smaller pool of buyers due to the complexity and the amount of cash needed upfront. The rules around assignments can scare some potential buyers away.

Even if your original agreement allows for assignment sales, most builders still have to approve your transaction before you can continue. Once your assignment sale is approved, there are several advantages: 

  • You will save on closing costs. Since you’re not moving into the unit, you won’t have to pay land transfer taxes and other closing fees.
  • You can earn a profit. If the market goes up after your initial purchase (as it almost always does), you stand to make a profit. As an investor, selling assignments allows you to earn money without the hassle of dealing with tenants.
  • Quick turnaround times and the opportunity to reinvest. Since you don’t have to wait until the building is complete, you can sell your assignment at any time and take the profit.

Assignment sales can be complicated but are a great way to get started in the market as a homeowner or an investor. Your best bet is to consult with a real estate agent with experience who can guide you through each step in the process.

Are you thinking about taking the next step as a real estate investor? Asking questions is always free. Reach out right here, and I will happily point you in the right direction.

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08 Sep 2011

What is an Assignment Sale and how do Assignments work?

Here’s how the assignment sale works in toronto real estate.

You may have heard the term “Assignment Sale” lately as it has become really popular with speculative condo investors.

Assignment Sales are defined as follows: The Assigning or Selling of your rights to purchase a property.

To clarify, you’re not actually selling the property. Since the Assignor (Seller) hasn’t taken possession yet (usually because it’s not built or has not registered yet), they are simply assigning the rights to the Assignee (Buyer).

Here’s an example: If I walked in to a condo sales centre,  signed and bought a pre-construction unit from the floor plans I would have the right to purchase said unit when it was constructed and registered. An Assignment Sale is when I take that paper that I signed, my right to purchase, and sell it to someone else; The Assignee, for a certain amount. To break it down, if I agreed to buy the condo for $300,000, then found a Buyer aka Assignee, the Assignee has the right to purchase said unit for $300,000 but he/she has paid me a premium on top of the $300,000 for that right.

A client just went through one of these for a condo that he had bought pre construction. He, as usual, got in over his head with purchases and decided to assign a unit in order to free up some cash to make the deposits on another place that he had purchased pre construction. After spending some time spreading the word and marketing the property I received a call from a colleague saying he had a buyer for me and we eventually made the deal happen. Here is how I structured the deal to make it work for my client:

He had paid $356,400 for this unit (I should say, he had agreed to pay that amount when it was ready a year or so from now).  He had made initial deposits of $53,750 , or 15% of the purchase price. My goal was to recover as much of that now for my client. Next, the buyer aka Assignee agreed to purchase said unit from my client for $380,000 . What this means is that he will eventually purchase the unit from the developer for $356,400 but give my client $23,600 for the right to do so (Total to the Buyer is $380,000).

So now the Assignee owes the initial deposit $53,750 plus the built in profit of $23,600 all totaling $77,350. Most people don’t have that kind of money lying around but since the money was needed right away we worked out a plan where he would pay the initial deposit of $53,750 now (borrowed from his parents) and the remainder of the cash from his mortgage when the condo was built and ready to register. We were lucky because the Assignee had the ability to come up with the cash.

Sometimes when the Assignee doesn’t have the option of paying out the Assignor it can be agreed that all the money will be transferred when the condo is ready and registered. An Assignor would likely agree to the latter only if the profit margins are much higher and the money is not needed right away. In this case since my client needed to be paid out now he accepted the small profit and was able to cash out and pay for his most recent purchase.

Assignment Sales, unlike resale transactions can get quite complicated. It is very important that you have an experienced Spring Realty Broker to work out the contract and an experienced real estate Lawyer to help mitigate risk for the client. I have been involved in hundreds of Assignment Sale transactions and with the help of Feld/Kalia Team of lawyers we get the job done right. Contact Us to get started.

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Tax Guidance for Assignors in Real Estate Assignment Transactions

Published: November 13, 2020

Last Updated: April 26, 2021

Tax Guidance for Assignors in a Real Estate Assignment Transaction – a Toronto Tax Lawyer Analysis

Introduction – what is real estate assignment.

Buying and Selling real estate assignments is a common form of transaction in the real estate market. An assignment is a transaction of the rights to a property before the legal ownership of the actual property is transferred. In the real estate context, the buyer of an assignment (the “assignee”) would purchase the rights to a real estate property, typically but not always a condo, that is being built under a Purchase and Sale Agreement, between the assignment seller and the builder, from the seller of the assignment (the “assignor”). This transaction would take place before the closing date of the property, and the ownership of the property legally remained with a third party, the builder, throughout the assignment transaction. Hence only contractual rights to a piece of property were assigned from one party to another in an assignment transaction and not the property itself.

Tax Guidance to Reporting Profits from an Assignment Sale – Capital Gains and GST/HST

The two main tax issues associated with the assignor in an assignment transaction are whether the profits from the sales are to be characterized as business income or taxable capital gain and whether the sales of assignments give rise to the obligation for the assignor to collect and remit GST/HST.

While many assignors would report their profits as taxable capital gains as well as taking the position that assignors are exempt from collecting and remitting GST/HST for sales of the assignments, over the past few years, the CRA has been aggressively going after assignment transactions, often auditing Canadian taxpayers for both unreported taxable business income and unremitted excise tax.

Whether a particular assignment sale will give rise to taxable business income will depend on the facts involved in the case. Similarly, whether the assignor has an obligation to collect and remit GST/HST will also depend on the facts. In short, there is no single answer and simple tax guidance as to how to report your taxes on every assignment transaction. We will breakdown the relevant tax factors below

Taxable Capital Gain vs. Taxable Income

The determination of income versus capital gain is a complex tax topic in which the Income Tax Act itself provides no tax guidance. This means the Tax Court will look to case law for a holistic set of relevant tax factors to determine taxable income vs. taxable capital gains. Please see our article on this general topic for a detailed breakdown (

In the leading case on this issue, Happy Valley Farms Ltd v MNR, the Federal Court chose a set of holistic factors based on the principle of circumstantially determining the taxpayer’s intention at the time of the acquisition of the property. When a taxpayer acquired a property with the intention to resell at a higher value, such intention would strongly suggest the taxpayer has been carrying out business. Therefore, the taxpayer’s income should be characterized as taxable business income.

However, the mere fact an assignor ended up selling his or her legal interest in a piece of real estate property does not evidence that he or she had an intention to resell when he or she initially acquired the property. Usually, CRA has to prove an intention to resell through circumstantial evidence to make an inference that the taxpayer had an intention to resell upon acquisition. In the Happy Valley Farm case itself, the Federal Court determined the intention of the taxpayer by looking at his conduct while holding the property as well as his relevant past conducts.

Factors such as frequency or number of other similar transactions by the taxpayer and circumstances that were responsible for the sale of the property are ultimately tools to help the court to determine the taxpayer’s intention at the time of acquisition. No single Happy Valley Farms factor outside the motive factor is determinative, and the determination of taxable business income versus taxable capital gains in assignment transactions will depend on a holistic assessment of the facts.

GST/HST on Assignment Sales

Unlike the income tax implications of assignment sales, the GST/HST implication of assignment transactions is more clear. The seller in an assignment transaction can often be deemed as a “builder” under the Excise Tax Act, which gives rise to the obligation to collect and remit GST/HST upon the sales of the transaction.

However, even if the seller is not deemed to be a builder, an assignment sale is at the very least a transaction involving a “chose in action” which is considered an enforceable legal right in the property itself. A chose in action is specifically mentioned in the definition of “property” under section 123(1) of the Excise Tax Act

property means any property, whether real or personal, movable or immovable, tangible or intangible, corporeal or incorporeal, and includes a right or interest of any kind, a share and a chose in action, but does not include money; On the other hand, the seller of an assignment transaction can also claim Input Tax Credits for his or her initial purchase of the assignment rights from the builder. Since many buyers and sellers of real estate assignments are likely unaware of the GST/HST implications of assignment transactions, a crucial issue to keep in mind is the deadline and extension mechanism for claiming Input Tax Credit under subsection 225(5) of the Excise Tax Act.

Pro Tax Tips – Prepare for Different Tax Implication for Each Assignment Transaction

The tax implication of an assignment transaction for the assignor will depend on whether the assignor was legally engaging in business activities in the course of buying and selling his or her real estate property interest. Such determination will involve holistically looking at all the relevant facts surrounding the transaction. The nature of an assignment sale itself does not determine whether the profit from such sales should be reported as taxable income or taxable capital gains.

As CRA has been going after assignment transactions aggressively and will likely to continue doing so in the foreseeable future, it is important for Canadian taxpayers to be aware of his or her rights to objection under the Income Tax Act in order to make sure his or her right to file a notice of objection is preserved upon being audited by the CRA .

If you have been contacted by the CRA regarding your past assignment transactions or you have questions regarding a specific assignment transaction that you are contemplating and whether (or not) it constitutes a business transaction, please contact our office to speaking with one of our experienced Canadian tax lawyers.

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"This article provides information of a general nature only. It is only current at the posting date. It is not updated and it may no longer be current. It does not provide legal advice nor can it or should it be relied upon. All tax situations are specific to their facts and will differ from the situations in the articles. If you have specific legal questions you should consult a lawyer."

About the Author

David j. rotfleisch.

David J. Rotfleisch, a leading Canadian tax lawyer, is not only a certified specialist in taxation but also a chartered professional accountant. Most recently, David is a pioneer in Canadian crypto taxation.

As of April 2020, he was one of 12 Ontario Certified Specialists In Taxation™.

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    Simply put, an assignment sale is the sale - or an "assignment" of a contract to purchase a pre-construction condominium suite. ... Most builders allow assignment sales, although they often have certain rules that must be followed. Even with strict rules in place, however, there are options available for you. Let's Take a Look at the ...

  6. Real Estate Assignments Explained: A Guide for Buyers and Sellers

    The assignment process offers flexibility and opportunities for buyers in the real estate market. They are generally priced lower than market value which is a great benefit to buyers. However, assignment restrictions, such as the requirement for a certain percentage of units sold and the need for developer consent can pose challenges when ...

  7. Real Estate Definition: Assignment Sale

    Factors to Consider Before Entering an Assignment Sale. ... Some developers may have strict rules or restrictions, and failure to comply can lead to legal complications. Assignment Fees. The assignor may charge an assignment fee to the new buyer for transferring their rights and obligations. This fee can vary depending on the market conditions ...

  8. What Is An Assignment Sale

    It is the sale of a contract to buy a unit that is still under construction. In other words, the contract or right to purchase the property after it is finished is being sold, not a unit that has already been completed. The initial buyer of a property (the "assignor") transfers their contractual duties to a subsequent buyer (the "assignee

  9. How Do Assignment Sales Work

    Assignment sales have many benefits for both buyers and sellers. Although they can sometimes be complex, working with an experienced agent is the best way to ensure an assignment sales goes smoothly. Since these transactions are more complex than a traditional real estate sale, we run into many client questions about assignment sales and how ...

  10. What Is An Assignment Sale?

    Assignment sales are different than traditional pre-construction transactions and sometimes complicated. Here's a guide that talks more about them.

  11. What You Need to Know About Condo Assignment Selling and Buying

    The person who is selling a condo assignment is named the assignor and the buyer is designated to be the assignee. An assignment clause is typically included in the APS and the fee is usually in the $5K to $15K range, but every developer has its own fee and terms. How An Assignment Deal Gets Finalized.

  12. Assignment of a Purchase and Sale Agreement for a New House or

    A first purchaser enters into a purchase and sale agreement for a new house with a builder (Builder A) and pays a deposit of $10,000 at that time. The first purchaser does not make any further payments to Builder A. The first purchaser subsequently assigns the agreement to an assignee purchaser for $15,000.

  13. What Is Assignment Sale And How Does It Work?

    By Condos HQ - May 30,2022. An Assignment sale is basically the sale of a contract for purchasing pre-construction condo suites as well as freehold properties. An assignment sale is usually applicable to non-registered pre-construction condos and freehold properties. Before we dive deeper into the topic, it's important to understand some of ...

  14. Guide To Pros and Cons of Assignment Sale

    Cons of Assignment Sales. Assignment sales involve intricate legal processes and require the involvement of multiple parties, including the original buyer, the assignee, the seller, and sometimes even lenders. The complexity can lead to challenges, delays, and increased legal expenses. The success of an assignment sale depends on the consent of ...

  15. Everything You Need to Know About an Assignment Sale

    The assignment sales market is a vibrant and ever-changing landscape, heavily influenced by geographic nuances and existing market conditions. This variability means that opportunities for assignment sales can differ significantly from one region to another, often reflecting the local demand for real estate, economic stability, and the pace of ...

  16. What Is an Assignment Sale? Understanding the Ins and Outs of This Real

    Understanding the Ins and Outs of This Real Estate Process. An assignment sale occurs when the original buyer of a property (the assignor) transfers their rights and obligations of the property contract to another buyer (the assignee) before the official closing of the sale. This process allows the assignee to step into the original purchaser's ...

  17. Everything you need to know about selling an assignment condo

    An assignment sale is a transaction in which a buyer (the "Assignor") has purchased a property and then sells their interest in that property to another buyer (the "Assignee") prior to the property closing. ... New HST assignment rules. As of May 7, 2022, assignment sales in Ontario are subject to HST. When assigning a property to a ...

  18. Everything you need to know about Preconstruction Assignment Sales

    The sale of a property within one year of ownership is considered on income account, meaning 100% of the profit you make is taxable, with some exceptions allowed, effective Jan 1, 2023. When you apply this new rule to this scenario, it is unknown as to whether an assignment sale is considered a flipped property.

  19. Real Estate Definition: Assignment Sale

    An assignment sale refers to a sales transaction in which the original buyer of a property ("assignor") transfers their rights and obligations of the Agreement of Purchase and Sale to another buyer ("assignee") before the original buyer takes possession of the property. The assignee then becomes responsible for completing the deal with ...

  20. What You Need to Know About Assignment Sales

    We completed an assignment sale for a client at 87 Peter Street which was a new building that has occupied, but not registered yet. Our client purchased a 1-bedroom, 1-bathroom condo pre-construction for $320,000.00. He was looking to sell the unit on assignment and listed it at $525,000.00. We received an offer of $500,000 which the seller was ...

  21. Everything You Need To Know About Assignment Sales

    The rules around assignments can scare some potential buyers away. Even if your original agreement allows for assignment sales, most builders still have to approve your transaction before you can continue. Once your assignment sale is approved, there are several advantages: You will save on closing costs.

  22. What is an Assignment Sale in Real Estate?

    An Assignment Sale is when I take that paper that I signed, my right to purchase, and sell it to someone else; The Assignee, for a certain amount. To break it down, if I agreed to buy the condo for $300,000, then found a Buyer aka Assignee, the Assignee has the right to purchase said unit for $300,000 but he/she has paid me a premium on top of ...

  23. Tax Guidance for Assignors in Real Estate Assignments.

    The two main tax issues associated with the assignor in an assignment transaction are whether the profits from the sales are to be characterized as business income or taxable capital gain and whether the sales of assignments give rise to the obligation for the assignor to collect and remit GST/HST. While many assignors would report their ...


    SEC Proposes Short Sale Disclosure Rule, Order Marking Requirement, and CAT Amendments Agency Also Reopens Comment Period for Proposed Rule 10c-1. For Immediate Release. 2022-32. Washington D.C., Feb. 25, 2022 — ... Rule 10c-1 was proposed by the Commission on November 18, 2021, to increase the transparency and efficiency of the securities ...