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Descriptive writing- in a graveyard

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At first they had been glad to find shelter in an old church, but now, as they walked slowly down the aisle they began to feel afraid. As it was spooky, dark and gloomy, old-fashioned and plain, unlike other churches they knew of it did not have colorful stained glass windows, a happy, bright atmosphere just an empty, sad sort of place with an overall feeling of being deserted with not a single person in sight for miles. which gave one the feeling that something was not quite right.

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They began to play silly, childish pranks on each other, making up ghost stories, jumping out on each other from behind, playing in each others shadows, talking about getting hold of a luigi board to talk to their ancestral spirits and generally joking and frightening each other. Not really realizing how serious the consequences of their actions would be, or of course not having any clue about what sort of things they were about to witness.  

This is a preview of the whole essay

 Then came a sound, which really made their blood freeze. It came from somewhere high in the roof – a spine chilling, unearthly wail. The next minute an indistinct shape seemed to drift down from the ceiling towards the alter. At the same time a candle seemed to flair up and suddenly then flicker and die out as a faint aroma of incense drifted through the building.

Scarcely daring to breathe, they edged their way back towards the main door in which they had entered through, passing the tombs on which lay the eerie figures of knights carved in stone.

The gigantic, door gave a mournful groan as it slung open on its rusty hinges.

 Outside the mist still blanketed everything. An owl hooted in the distant wood.

As they turned to break into a run, a bell tolled high in the church tower, yet it was a well known fact by everyone who lived in the village that no bell had hung there for over forty years. Suddenly they were startled as the bell began to chime…ding-dong, ding-dong, ding-dong.

Without a seconds pause they fled through the graveyard, stumbling as they went with there jaws dropped and their mouths wide open, with sheer shock and disbelieve at what they had just witnessed. Their faces were as white as death.

Their parents would never believe how they had got lost and found themselves in a churchyard. And how the three friends mysteriously ended up there when initially they were out on a late night trek on horseback [without their parents knowing] and how the clouds had given way to torential storms and how day light had soon gone and it had got dark very quickly, and they had taken cover in a spooky, deserted church. And they felt sure no one would believe what they had experienced and they truly believed know one ever would.  

Descriptive writing- in a graveyard

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  • Word Count 486
  • Page Count 1
  • Subject Religious Studies (Philosophy & Ethics)

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10 Words to Describe a Spooky Graveyard

By Isobel Coughlan

words to describe a spooky graveyard

If you’re writing a horror story in which there is a graveyard setting, this post is for you. In it, we’ve included 10 words to describe spooky graveyard. Read on to learn more.

Someone or somewhere that’s frightening and  strange .

“She slowly crept into the  eerie  graveyard, and prayed that she was alone and not being watched.”

“He felt unsettled every time he walked past the  eerie  graveyard, even if he was on the opposite side of the street.”

How it Adds Description

The word “eerie” describes a place that’s equal parts frightening and odd, which is ideal for describing a graveyard that’s spooky. This word can help to build suspense and scare your reader via imagery. However, it can also show your character is feeling spooked, as “eerie” places often cause characters to become nervous.

2. Sinister

Somewhere that is scary, evil, or  potentially  harmful.

“The  sinister  graveyard loomed across the road. She felt its presence beckoning her, but she tried to ignore the impulse to visit.”

“Visiting the  sinister  graveyard wasn’t on his to-do list, especially after the rumors surrounding the strange rituals that had been spotted there.”

Graveyards are a classic horror trope and they’re easily linked with scary plotlines. The word “sinister” can be used to link your graveyard with evil groups or stories, and this will make it clear to your reader that the spot is somewhere to be scared of. This word can also foreshadow future events, as “sinister” implies a place is very bad or scary.

Something or somewhere  extremely  strange or weird.

“The graveyard was just  bizarre , why would anyone want to hang out there?”

“As she looked around, she realized that this wasn’t your average graveyard — it was  bizarre  and nothing like the ones she grew up with.”

If your  spooky  graveyard is more unsettling than frightening, the word “bizarre” can help you get your point across. “Bizarre” portrays a place that’s very odd, but not terrifying. Therefore, you can show your reader the graveyard isn’t a comfortable place, but it’s not somewhere to avoid. This is a powerful word to use when you first start building suspense.

4. Chilling

Something or somewhere  scary .

“The  chilling  graveyard isn’t a joke, you  really  shouldn’t go there.”

“She opened her eyes and the blood drained from her cheeks, she was in the  chilling  graveyard again.”

If you want to convey how scary your graveyard is, “chilling” is a great adjective to use. “Chilling” is a synonym for scary, meaning it can portray your character’s fear and you can use it to make your reader creeped out. This is a particularly effective word in horror or thriller novels, as it can help to set the tone of the location.

5. Unnerving

A place that leaves you feeling  uncomfortable  or worried.

“As they paced through the  unnerving  graveyard, their hairs started to stand on end. They needed to leave now.”

“It was an  unnerving  graveyard, and she wishes she’d never stepped inside its rusted old gates.”

The word “unnerving” shows that a location isn’t comfortable and leaves characters worried or anxious. This can be described as a spooky graveyard as “unnerving” portrays that there’s something wrong with the spot, allowing you to build fear and foreshadow future plot points that relate to the location.

6. Disturbing

Somewhere or something that leaves you  feeling  upset or worried.

“The bus passed the  disturbing  graveyard, and all of the passengers turned their heads. They didn’t want to risk seeing what lurked amongst the headstones.”

“He remembered the  disturbing  graveyard, but rarely admitted it. It was a memory he wished he could forget.”

The word “disturbing” pairs well with spooky or scary places, as this adjective implies that the location leaves characters feeling scared, upset, or worried. This further implies that the graveyard isn’t a pleasant place, thus leaving your readers curious to find out more. If you want to build intrigue, “disturbing” can help.

Somewhere very  sad , undesirable, or bad.

“The  woeful  graveyard appeared in her dream once again, and she awoke with a feeling of deep discomfort.”

“They visited the  woeful  graveyard once, but none of them remained the same. Each left a piece of their happiness within the gates.”

“Woeful” describes that your graveyard is either extremely sad or a negative place, and you can use this to build up a description of the location. If you want your graveyard to be spooky and retain an emotional edge, “woeful” can get this across. For example, one character might find the graveyard more “woeful” than others as they may have passed family members resting there.

Something or someone that’s  strange , mysterious, or difficult to explain.

“He spent the night in the  uncanny  graveyard, but he never felt alone. Something was off with the place…”

“The  uncanny  graveyard looked normal enough, but something was not quite right about the vast rows of headstones.”

The word “uncanny” signified that something is off about a person or place. This word usually offers negative connotations, and you can use it to portray your graveyard as a mysterious or unsettling place. This is a helpful adjective to use if you want to set your graveyard apart from typical portrayals.

9. Dreadful

Somewhere that’s very horrible/terrible or  poor  quality.

“The  dreadful  graveyard hasn’t been cleared in years, and you could barely see the tombstones under the thick moss.”

“It was a  dreadful  graveyard, yet she still felt a certain appeal to its unkempt grounds.”

If you’re describing the appearance of your graveyard, the word “dreadful” gives an image of a run-down or neglected site. However, “dreadful” can also imply that the graveyard is scary, as it might fill your characters with “dread”.

10. Frightful

Somewhere very  unpleasant  or a place that fills you with fear.

“I shall not enter that  frightful  graveyard ever again!”

“She wouldn’t pass the  frightful  graveyard once the sun was down.”

“Frightful” can imply that a place is in bad condition, so this adjective can convey the physical state of your spooky graveyard to readers. This is a good way to build up a visual image of your setting. The word can also imply how the graveyard scares characters, and this can explain their avoidance or fascination with the place.

Writer and the Wolf Editorial

  • Writing horror

How to write a creepy graveyard in middle grade or YA

Siobhan o'brien holmes.

Hi there, horror fans! Not much beats the eerie atmosphere of an empty cemetery in the middle of the night, am I right? They’re dark and shadowy, spookily silent and totally empty – you hope!

Everybody knows cemeteries are a breeding ground for ghosts seeking closure (you did know that, right?) but they can still make a fantastic setting for your middle grade or YA story even if you’re not writing supernatural horror. There’s a literary and cinematic heritage attached to graves that acts as shorthand for terror in adult horror culture – think Pet Sematary ,  Night of the Living Dead, Carrie, The Woman in Black – so they tend to get people shuddering from the offset, even without a paranormal encounter. But that doesn’t mean you should be lazy about it (not that you would – I know you’re not like that).

A flimsy graveyard backdrop isn’t enough to build atmosphere and tension on its own. First you need to be sure it makes sense as a setting in your story (why are your characters there? What does it add to the plot?) and then you’ve got to paint that setting for your readers. Most children and teenagers will have been to a graveyard at some time and they’ll have a picture of it in their mind straight away, so you don’t need to describe every detail. Just give them enough so they can feel the hairs stand up on the backs of their necks and imagine walking through that dark landscape with your characters.

How do you do that? Here are a few tips and resources for fleshing out your middle grade or YA cemetery setting.

Visit a cemetery

The number one port of call when you’re trying to describe a setting is to go there and see it for yourself. No amount of second-hand advice can beat first-hand experience of a location. Walk around and make notes, not just about what you can see but how it makes you feel. You’ll spot things you’d never discover just from looking at photos.

When I was researching for a middle grade novel I was writing, I walked around my local graveyard and noticed how a lot of the graves were grouped together by date or country; there’s one row of headstones, for example, that were all erected in the 1890s – the Victorian patch – and another row where mostly Irish people have been buried. I saw some graves with dead flowers that obviously hadn’t been visited in years, next to gleaming headstones adorned with freshly placed roses. And I always read the names on headstones and make a note of the ones that grab me (not literally – arghhh!). I love the old-fashioned names in particular.

You don’t need to feel guilty about visiting a graveyard for research if it’s open to the public – I often walk around my local cemetery with my toddler because it’s such a peaceful spot – but you do need to be respectful. There may be mourners visiting relatives’ graves or even burial ceremonies taking place, so follow some basic etiquette:

  • Only attend during visiting hours (these will be posted online or on the cemetery gate)
  • If you’re going by car, drive carefully. Usually pedestrians and drivers share the same path so go slowly and watch out for people
  • Don’t stare at mourners or funeral processions and definitely don’t take their photo. It’s never okay to take pictures of anyone without permission.
  • Give people their space, particularly if there’s a funeral taking place
  • Keep your voice down so you don’t disturb people visiting friends’ and relatives’ graves
  • Don’t touch or lean on headstones or pick up items left on a grave. Once, I was halfway out of the cemetery when I noticed my son was carrying a teddy bear. It said ‘DAD’ on its tummy. I was utterly mortified and had to spent the next ten minutes working out which grave he’d taken it from.

Beyond your local graveyard, you can look up lists of the best graveyards to visit in your town or country. For example, here’s a list of the spookiest cemeteries in the UK , and here are five graveyards around the world that offer guided tours . You’ll find thousands more with a quick Google search.

descriptive essay about a graveyard

Read The Rural Setting Thesaurus

I adore both  The Rural Setting Thesaurus and  The Urban Setting Thesaurus and I think every writer should own a copy of each. It lists the sights, sounds, smells, tastes and textures you can expect to find in almost any setting, and even offers ideas for character interactions and conflict that might occur there. I’ll include a few excerpts here but you’ll need to buy the book to read the section in full!

Sights: Wrought iron fences and gates, a paved driveway winding between the graves, a chapel, sun-blanched stone angels, carved headstones (marble, concrete, or granite in hues of white, black and grey), a mausoleum, cordoned-off family burial plots […]

Sounds: Mourners crying or sniffing, people speaking in low voices, whispered prayers, the rustle of dead flowers being removed, the snip of shears, a broom rustling as a maintenance worker sweeps an area clean, lawn mowers, cars and hearses rolling to a stop […]

Smells: Fresh-cut grass, hot stone, newly turned earth, floral scents from flowers left on graves, perfume or aftershave, smells associated with the seasons (crisp air in the winter, rain and rot in early spring or late fall, the smell of new plant growth in the spring and summer)

Sensations: A cold headstone, the thud of one’s shoes against the walkway, heels sinking into the grass, the numbness of grief, a rusty wrought-iron fencepost, chalky dust from a stone marker, dead flowers crinkling in the hand […]

People commonly found here: A graveyard custodian, clergy members, close family or friends, mourners, vandals, visitors […]

Watch YouTube

You’ll find tons of YouTube videos that will take you on a tour of a cemetery. Take a look at these for starters:

  • ‘Highgate Cemetery: Exploring which famous people are buried’
  • ‘300 Year Old Cemetery Abandoned in the Woods’
  • Two excellent Are You Afraid of the Dark episodes set in cemeteries: The Tale of the Prom Queen  and The Tale of Old Man Corcoran

Listen to music and sound effects

When I’m trying to write an atmospheric scene, I love listening to ambient music or sound effects to help get me in the right frame of mind. If you’re working on a spooky graveyard scene, think about the sounds your characters might hear and pop them on YouTube or Spotify while you write. Here are a few examples to get you started:

  • Graveyard ambience : howling, owls, rain (YouTube)
  • Scary graveyard at night (YouTube)
  • Horror graveyard ambience (Spotify)
  • The Cemetery – Halloween Party Sounds (Spotify)

Read how other MG and YA authors did it

They’d reached the tip of Cemetery Point. It was a high, rocky spot of land, pounded by the ocean on one side, gnawed by the currents on the other side where the water of the sound met the ocean. A crumbling stone wall enclosed the cemetery. Inside the wall, a crazy dance of weathered gravestones and monuments waited. And just outside it stood Cyndi. She turned and gestured grandly. Beyond her, where the graveyard began, was a huge pile of driftwood

‘Welcome to Cemetery Point’, intoned Cyndi.

The moon went behind the clouds, and the rest of her sentence came hollowly out of the dark. ‘Happy Halloween.’

They stood silently for a moment. Then, ‘Decent’, Dade said, and went forward.

The Cemetery by D.E. Athkins (p30)

What I particularly love in this passage is how blasé the characters are about this spooky cemetery. They’re drunk kids acting grown up, ready to party in a secluded spot: nobody’s prepared to admit they’re scared of a little graveyard. I think this is a great example of the importance of considering how your characters will interact with the setting.

Personally, I’d have been terrified to sit in a dark graveyard at night when I was 16, but I would have found it exhilarating, too – I’m a big horror fan and I still believed in ghosts back then. Unfortunately I wasn’t cool enough to get invited to illegal parties; I had to settle for under-18s discos which were scary in a different way.

There are also some nice phrases in this passage that build atmosphere, like ‘a crazy dance of weathered gravestones and monuments waited.’ I love this idea of the gravestones waiting for the teenagers because it’s gives life to the cemetery and implies something sinister is lurking, ready to pounce. Point Horror gets a lot of flack for its flimsy characterisation and minimalist writing style but they were bestsellers for a reason (I devoured them when I was at school) and if you hunt through the books you’ll find great inspiration for scary scenarios and valuable insight into how children and teenagers might react.

‘Have you ever heard this one? When you drive past a cemetery, you have to hold your breath. If you don’t, the spirits of the newly dead can get in your body through your mouth and then possess you.’

Zach shivered, the hairs along his neck rising. Without meaning to, he imagined the taste of a ghost, like an acrid mouthful of smoke. He spat in the dirt, trying to untested the idea.

‘Ugh,’ Alice said into the silence that followed the end of Poppy’s story. ‘You made me hold my breath! I was totally just trying not to inhale. Anyway, we already passed the graveyard – shouldn’t you have told us the story before we passed it? Unless you wanted us to get possessed.’

Zach thought again about the night before and the feeling of something right behind him, breathing on his neck, something that was about to reach out and grasp for him with its cold fingers. The story was like that, grabbing hold of him and promising that he’d think about it every time he was near a graveyard.

Poppy kept smiling. She made her eyes really wide and spoke in a flat, affectless tone. “Maybe I’m not Poppy anymore. Maybe I didn’t know not to hold my breath and I learned the hard way. Maybe a spirit possessed me and now it’s warning you, because it’s too late. The spirits are already inside yooOOooouUUuu—”

‘Come on, stop,’ Alice said, shoving Poppy’s shoulder. They both began to laugh. Leo laughed nervously along with them.

‘That’s why it’s a scary story. Because you can’t do the one thing that would protect you—you’ll never know if you held your breath long enough or let it out too soon. And you can’t hold your breath forever.’

Doll Bones by Holly Black (p39)

I adore that passage because I grew up on urban legends like this, telling scary stories at sleepovers and trying to scare my friends and younger cousins before bedtime. This is a great example of the associations children might have with a cemetery – evil ghosts waiting to possess you if you come too close. When writing about a group of children in a graveyard, think about how they might try to scare each other and joke around to cover up their own fear. In Holly Black’s scene, the children act as though Poppy’s story is childish and silly, but look at how Zach is affected by it.

Consider how young characters would interact with the setting

Dark, empty cemeteries are unsettling for most people, but children and teenagers will have their own unique reactions to the setting. Think how a twelve year old might feel walking through an empty graveyard, listening to the rustling of the trees and the creaking of signs in the wind. How might a sixteen year old’s reaction differ? Their background will affect their responses: is your main character religious? Has a loved one recently passed away? Do their parents believe in ghosts and often warn them against disturbing the dead? And consider how they got there in the first place. Graveyards are usually locked at night. Did they hide inside while the caretaker closed up, or did they break in? It’s not an uncommon spot for groups of teens to meet up in secret, far from prying parental eyes. Think about how a child or teenager would cope with accidentally being locked inside a cemetery. Would they think it was cool or would they be petrified?

descriptive essay about a graveyard

Thanks so much for reading, lovely writer! Want empowering, feel-good writing chat and fairy dust in your inbox? Plus receive a PDF of my recommended writing craft books for children’s and YA writers (including go-to genre guides and Children’s Lit MA reading list) AND £20 Wolf Credit to spend with me! Sign up today!

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Siobhan O'Brien Holmes is a developmental editor working with middle grade and YA authors. She specialises in speculative and genre fiction, particularly horror, fantasy, mystery, sci-fi and anything with a dash of magic or macabre. She is a member of the SfEP, EFA, ACES, British Fantasy Society, Horror Writers Association and SCBWI. She has an MA in Novel Writing and an MA in Children's Literature.

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    Graveyard. I don't know how I got there, but there I was walking around alone in a graveyard feeling eerily uncomfortable. It was dusk and the moon was out, radiating a soothing white light wherever possible. I heard the ominous sound of an owl hooting away in the distance. It was both annoying and irritating.

  2. Graveyard Descriptive Writing

    496 Words. 2 Pages. Open Document. The graveyard was where I went whenever I needed to organize my thoughts. For some reason, being around the deceased eased my mind and removed my doubts. Every insecurity disappeared when I walked among the dead, breathing in the aged air. Whenever I roamed these parts, I knew I was alone.

  3. Descriptive writing- in a graveyard Free Essay Example

    Descriptive writing- in a graveyard. Categories: Descriptive Writing. Download. Essay, Pages 2 (490 words) Views. 6308. At first they had been glad to find shelter in an old church, but now, as they walked slowly down the aisle they began to feel afraid. As it was spooky, dark and gloomy, old-fashioned and plain, unlike other churches they knew ...

  4. Paper 1 Question 5: Descriptive Writing Model Answer

    The style of your descriptive writing is closely related to the language you use. For example, in a descriptive writing response, the best answers show evidence of careful word choice and the deliberate but judicious use of linguistic techniques. Descriptive writing helps the reader to visualise the person, place, or situation being described.

  5. Descriptive writing- in a graveyard

    Descriptive writing- in a graveyard . At first they had been glad to find shelter in an old church, but now, as they walked slowly down the aisle they began to feel afraid. As it was spooky, dark and gloomy, old-fashioned and plain, unlike other churches they knew of it did not have colorful stained glass windows, a happy, bright atmosphere ...

  6. A Short Descriptive Story About an Encounter in a Graveyard

    This is a short story about an encounter in a graveyard. The student has focused on descriptive language to set the scene and advance the plot. This essay received a C by one of Kibin's paper graders. Click here to see what was done well and what needs improvement. Exactly what I needed.

  7. Cemetery Descriptive Writing

    Cemetery Descriptive Writing. A cold wind blew bitterly, chilling me to my bones. Overhead, dark clouds blotted out the moon from time to time, casting the centuries old cemetery into an inky blackness, yet further a field, I could see the storm gathering. Lightning flashed in the distance and I hurried along with the chore that brought me out ...

  8. Descriptive Essay About The Cemetery

    Descriptive Essay About The Cemetery. The cemetery I chose to visit and explore was the Woodlawn Cemetery in the Bronx. On the way to the cemetery I couldn't help but feel anxious. When I began to drive past the cemetery to its entrance, all I could see were miles and miles of headstones. It was eerie to say the least.

  9. How to Write a Descriptive Essay

    Personal descriptive essay prompts. Describe a place you love to spend time in. Describe an object that has sentimental value for you. You might also be asked to describe something outside your own experience, in which case you'll have to use your imagination. Imaginative descriptive essay prompts.

  10. 10 Words to Describe a Spooky Graveyard

    If you want your graveyard to be spooky and retain an emotional edge, "woeful" can get this across. For example, one character might find the graveyard more "woeful" than others as they may have passed family members resting there. 8. Uncanny Definition. Something or someone that's strange, mysterious, or difficult to explain. Examples

  11. How to write a creepy graveyard in middle grade or YA

    Siobhan O'Brien Holmes. Siobhan O'Brien Holmes is a developmental editor working with middle grade and YA authors. She specialises in speculative and genre fiction, particularly horror, fantasy, mystery, sci-fi and anything with a dash of magic or macabre. She is a member of the SfEP, EFA, ACES, British Fantasy Society, Horror Writers ...

  12. Descriptive essay on a graveyard Free Essays

    The Graveyard Book. The Graveyard Book is a novel by Neil Gaiman. It is about a boy called Nobody Owens who lives in a graveyard. He wandered in as a toddler after his entire family is murdered by a mysterious man named Jack. He is raised by a man called Silas who is vampire and the ghosts of the graveyard.

  13. Graveyard Descriptive Essay

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  14. Descriptive Essay About A Graveyard

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  16. Descriptive Essay On The Cemetery

    Descriptive Essay On The Cemetery. You won't believe this story but it's true, One year me and my sister Z yang were trick-or-treating when we saw this graveyard that connected to a neighborhood we wanted to go through."hey Z let's go through that graveyard, there is no way that it is haunted!". I said "J.M.

  17. Descriptive Essay Graveyard

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  20. Graveyard Descriptive Writing

    The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman is about a boy who escaped his parent's killer. He ran into a graveyard and his dead mom asked the ghosts would protect him. Mr. And Mrs. Owen took him in and named him Bod short for "nobody". Bod had many qualities that made him who he was, he was curious, strong minded, and friendly.

  21. Descriptive Essay On A Scary Graveyard

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