Classroom Q&A

With larry ferlazzo.

In this EdWeek blog, an experiment in knowledge-gathering, Ferlazzo will address readers’ questions on classroom management, ELL instruction, lesson planning, and other issues facing teachers. Send your questions to [email protected]. Read more from this blog.

Integrating Critical Thinking Into the Classroom

developing students' critical thinking in teaching english

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(This is the second post in a three-part series. You can see Part One here .)

The new question-of-the-week is:

What is critical thinking and how can we integrate it into the classroom?

Part One ‘s guests were Dara Laws Savage, Patrick Brown, Meg Riordan, Ph.D., and Dr. PJ Caposey. Dara, Patrick, and Meg were also guests on my 10-minute BAM! Radio Show . You can also find a list of, and links to, previous shows here.

Today, Dr. Kulvarn Atwal, Elena Quagliarello, Dr. Donna Wilson, and Diane Dahl share their recommendations.

‘Learning Conversations’

Dr. Kulvarn Atwal is currently the executive head teacher of two large primary schools in the London borough of Redbridge. Dr. Atwal is the author of The Thinking School: Developing a Dynamic Learning Community , published by John Catt Educational. Follow him on Twitter @Thinkingschool2 :

In many classrooms I visit, students’ primary focus is on what they are expected to do and how it will be measured. It seems that we are becoming successful at producing students who are able to jump through hoops and pass tests. But are we producing children that are positive about teaching and learning and can think critically and creatively? Consider your classroom environment and the extent to which you employ strategies that develop students’ critical-thinking skills and their self-esteem as learners.

Development of self-esteem

One of the most significant factors that impacts students’ engagement and achievement in learning in your classroom is their self-esteem. In this context, self-esteem can be viewed to be the difference between how they perceive themselves as a learner (perceived self) and what they consider to be the ideal learner (ideal self). This ideal self may reflect the child that is associated or seen to be the smartest in the class. Your aim must be to raise students’ self-esteem. To do this, you have to demonstrate that effort, not ability, leads to success. Your language and interactions in the classroom, therefore, have to be aspirational—that if children persist with something, they will achieve.

Use of evaluative praise

Ensure that when you are praising students, you are making explicit links to a child’s critical thinking and/or development. This will enable them to build their understanding of what factors are supporting them in their learning. For example, often when we give feedback to students, we may simply say, “Well done” or “Good answer.” However, are the students actually aware of what they did well or what was good about their answer? Make sure you make explicit what the student has done well and where that links to prior learning. How do you value students’ critical thinking—do you praise their thinking and demonstrate how it helps them improve their learning?

Learning conversations to encourage deeper thinking

We often feel as teachers that we have to provide feedback to every students’ response, but this can limit children’s thinking. Encourage students in your class to engage in learning conversations with each other. Give as many opportunities as possible to students to build on the responses of others. Facilitate chains of dialogue by inviting students to give feedback to each other. The teacher’s role is, therefore, to facilitate this dialogue and select each individual student to give feedback to others. It may also mean that you do not always need to respond at all to a student’s answer.

Teacher modelling own thinking

We cannot expect students to develop critical-thinking skills if we aren’t modeling those thinking skills for them. Share your creativity, imagination, and thinking skills with the students and you will nurture creative, imaginative critical thinkers. Model the language you want students to learn and think about. Share what you feel about the learning activities your students are participating in as well as the thinking you are engaging in. Your own thinking and learning will add to the discussions in the classroom and encourage students to share their own thinking.

Metacognitive questioning

Consider the extent to which your questioning encourages students to think about their thinking, and therefore, learn about learning! Through asking metacognitive questions, you will enable your students to have a better understanding of the learning process, as well as their own self-reflections as learners. Example questions may include:

  • Why did you choose to do it that way?
  • When you find something tricky, what helps you?
  • How do you know when you have really learned something?


‘Adventures of Discovery’

Elena Quagliarello is the senior editor of education for Scholastic News , a current events magazine for students in grades 3–6. She graduated from Rutgers University, where she studied English and earned her master’s degree in elementary education. She is a certified K–12 teacher and previously taught middle school English/language arts for five years:

Critical thinking blasts through the surface level of a topic. It reaches beyond the who and the what and launches students on a learning journey that ultimately unlocks a deeper level of understanding. Teaching students how to think critically helps them turn information into knowledge and knowledge into wisdom. In the classroom, critical thinking teaches students how to ask and answer the questions needed to read the world. Whether it’s a story, news article, photo, video, advertisement, or another form of media, students can use the following critical-thinking strategies to dig beyond the surface and uncover a wealth of knowledge.

A Layered Learning Approach

Begin by having students read a story, article, or analyze a piece of media. Then have them excavate and explore its various layers of meaning. First, ask students to think about the literal meaning of what they just read. For example, if students read an article about the desegregation of public schools during the 1950s, they should be able to answer questions such as: Who was involved? What happened? Where did it happen? Which details are important? This is the first layer of critical thinking: reading comprehension. Do students understand the passage at its most basic level?

Ask the Tough Questions

The next layer delves deeper and starts to uncover the author’s purpose and craft. Teach students to ask the tough questions: What information is included? What or who is left out? How does word choice influence the reader? What perspective is represented? What values or people are marginalized? These questions force students to critically analyze the choices behind the final product. In today’s age of fast-paced, easily accessible information, it is essential to teach students how to critically examine the information they consume. The goal is to equip students with the mindset to ask these questions on their own.

Strike Gold

The deepest layer of critical thinking comes from having students take a step back to think about the big picture. This level of thinking is no longer focused on the text itself but rather its real-world implications. Students explore questions such as: Why does this matter? What lesson have I learned? How can this lesson be applied to other situations? Students truly engage in critical thinking when they are able to reflect on their thinking and apply their knowledge to a new situation. This step has the power to transform knowledge into wisdom.

Adventures of Discovery

There are vast ways to spark critical thinking in the classroom. Here are a few other ideas:

  • Critical Expressionism: In this expanded response to reading from a critical stance, students are encouraged to respond through forms of artistic interpretations, dramatizations, singing, sketching, designing projects, or other multimodal responses. For example, students might read an article and then create a podcast about it or read a story and then act it out.
  • Transmediations: This activity requires students to take an article or story and transform it into something new. For example, they might turn a news article into a cartoon or turn a story into a poem. Alternatively, students may rewrite a story by changing some of its elements, such as the setting or time period.
  • Words Into Action: In this type of activity, students are encouraged to take action and bring about change. Students might read an article about endangered orangutans and the effects of habitat loss caused by deforestation and be inspired to check the labels on products for palm oil. They might then write a letter asking companies how they make sure the palm oil they use doesn’t hurt rain forests.
  • Socratic Seminars: In this student-led discussion strategy, students pose thought-provoking questions to each other about a topic. They listen closely to each other’s comments and think critically about different perspectives.
  • Classroom Debates: Aside from sparking a lively conversation, classroom debates naturally embed critical-thinking skills by asking students to formulate and support their own opinions and consider and respond to opposing viewpoints.

Critical thinking has the power to launch students on unforgettable learning experiences while helping them develop new habits of thought, reflection, and inquiry. Developing these skills prepares students to examine issues of power and promote transformative change in the world around them.


‘Quote Analysis’

Dr. Donna Wilson is a psychologist and the author of 20 books, including Developing Growth Mindsets , Teaching Students to Drive Their Brains , and Five Big Ideas for Effective Teaching (2 nd Edition). She is an international speaker who has worked in Asia, the Middle East, Australia, Europe, Jamaica, and throughout the U.S. and Canada. Dr. Wilson can be reached at [email protected] ; visit her website at .

Diane Dahl has been a teacher for 13 years, having taught grades 2-4 throughout her career. Mrs. Dahl currently teaches 3rd and 4th grade GT-ELAR/SS in Lovejoy ISD in Fairview, Texas. Follow her on Twitter at @DahlD, and visit her website at :

A growing body of research over the past several decades indicates that teaching students how to be better thinkers is a great way to support them to be more successful at school and beyond. In the book, Teaching Students to Drive Their Brains , Dr. Wilson shares research and many motivational strategies, activities, and lesson ideas that assist students to think at higher levels. Five key strategies from the book are as follows:

  • Facilitate conversation about why it is important to think critically at school and in other contexts of life. Ideally, every student will have a contribution to make to the discussion over time.
  • Begin teaching thinking skills early in the school year and as a daily part of class.
  • As this instruction begins, introduce students to the concept of brain plasticity and how their brilliant brains change during thinking and learning. This can be highly motivational for students who do not yet believe they are good thinkers!
  • Explicitly teach students how to use the thinking skills.
  • Facilitate student understanding of how the thinking skills they are learning relate to their lives at school and in other contexts.

Below are two lessons that support critical thinking, which can be defined as the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgment.

Mrs. Dahl prepares her 3rd and 4th grade classes for a year of critical thinking using quote analysis .

During Native American studies, her 4 th grade analyzes a Tuscarora quote: “Man has responsibility, not power.” Since students already know how the Native Americans’ land had been stolen, it doesn’t take much for them to make the logical leaps. Critical-thought prompts take their thinking even deeper, especially at the beginning of the year when many need scaffolding. Some prompts include:

  • … from the point of view of the Native Americans?
  • … from the point of view of the settlers?
  • How do you think your life might change over time as a result?
  • Can you relate this quote to anything else in history?

Analyzing a topic from occupational points of view is an incredibly powerful critical-thinking tool. After learning about the Mexican-American War, Mrs. Dahl’s students worked in groups to choose an occupation with which to analyze the war. The chosen occupations were: anthropologist, mathematician, historian, archaeologist, cartographer, and economist. Then each individual within each group chose a different critical-thinking skill to focus on. Finally, they worked together to decide how their occupation would view the war using each skill.

For example, here is what each student in the economist group wrote:

  • When U.S.A. invaded Mexico for land and won, Mexico ended up losing income from the settlements of Jose de Escandon. The U.S.A. thought that they were gaining possible tradable land, while Mexico thought that they were losing precious land and resources.
  • Whenever Texas joined the states, their GDP skyrocketed. Then they went to war and spent money on supplies. When the war was resolving, Texas sold some of their land to New Mexico for $10 million. This allowed Texas to pay off their debt to the U.S., improving their relationship.
  • A detail that converged into the Mexican-American War was that Mexico and the U.S. disagreed on the Texas border. With the resulting treaty, Texas ended up gaining more land and economic resources.
  • Texas gained land from Mexico since both countries disagreed on borders. Texas sold land to New Mexico, which made Texas more economically structured and allowed them to pay off their debt.

This was the first time that students had ever used the occupations technique. Mrs. Dahl was astonished at how many times the kids used these critical skills in other areas moving forward.


Thanks to Dr. Auwal, Elena, Dr. Wilson, and Diane for their contributions!

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You can also contact me on Twitter at @Larryferlazzo .

Education Week has published a collection of posts from this blog, along with new material, in an e-book form. It’s titled Classroom Management Q&As: Expert Strategies for Teaching .

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English language teachers are trained to teach language skills, but they do not always learn how to teach the critical thinking skills that help guide learning. Critical thinking skills are part of many curriculum guidelines, but some teachers may be unsure how to teach these skills. For example, an academic reading curriculum might have the following objective: “Learners will analyze a variety of academic writing samples in an effort to determine the components, organization, and structure of academic writing texts.” Although English language teachers can think of any number of ways to teach and support reading as a skill, they may find it more difficult to achieve the first part of this objective—how to teach learners to analyze.

Critical thinking involves reflection and the analysis of ideas.  Good critical thinkers are able to break a broad idea into many parts. They can examine each part, question biases, and come to a reasonable conclusion. This task is difficult for anyone and requires practice. Thinking critically is even more challenging when done in a second language.    

This month’s Teacher’s Corner looks at the critical thinking skills that shape learning goals and outcomes. Each week presents a new activity that targets critical thinking skills while also encouraging language use and development. Some of the activities and tasks may seem familiar as they are based on long-established language teaching techniques.  The activities are designed to support authentic language use while also encouraging critical thinking.

Brown, H. D. and Lee, H. (2015). Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language   Pedagogy. White Plains, NY: Pearson Longman.

Additional Resources

For additional information about critical thinking , check out the resource below and many others available on the American English website:

·      A Questionnaire Project: Integrating the Four Macro Skills with Critical Thinking

developing students' critical thinking in teaching english

Table of Contents

It takes time to design activities and tasks that both target language skills and encourage critical thinking. Project-based learning (also known as experiential learning) is one approach you can use to integrate language-learning goals with critical thinking skills. Project-based learning tasks and activities combine language and action so that learners learn by doing (Brown and Lee, 2015). Learners must understand, examine, analyze, evaluate, and create while using English to complete a task or activity. The result is a language skills task or activity that promotes critical thinking skills.

One of the most popular types of project-based learning in the language classroom is the Language Experience Approach (LEA). LEA gives language learners a chance to recount a personal experience in their own words (Brown and Lee, 2015). This week’s Teacher’s Corner offers an LEA activity that can be conducted in the classroom using minimal resources.

High Beginning

Language Focus

During this activity, students will be able to the following:

  • U se English to talk about a special meal they shared with their family.
  • Organize th eir experience into a written story.

Paper, pencils


  • Write the following prompt on the board:

      o   Describe a special meal you ate with your family.

  • When was it?
  • What did you eat?
  • Where were you?
  • Who was with you?
  • Have your own story of a special meal ready to share with students.

1.     Begin class by telling students: “Today you are going to talk about a special meal you ate with your family.” Direct their attention to the prompt and questions on the board.

2.     Ask students to think about a meal. You might say, “Do you remember a special meal with your family? Do you remember two?”

3.     Encourage students to begin sharing what they remember. For example, one student might share that they remember a time when they had a family dinner for a birthday or holiday. Use the questions on the board to guide the discussion.

  • Keep the conversation moving with different students responding and sharing their memories. The more students talk, the more it will encourage and support other students to remember and share additional details.
  • Some student might not be able to think of all of the language required immediately. This is fine. Encourage those students to think about other parts of the meal, and tell them you will come back in a moment.
  • Give plenty of time for the discussion so that all students have a clear idea of an occasion that they can write about.

4.     Tell students that now they are going to work on writing their story of a special meal.

  • Depending on the group, feel free to give them guidelines for writing, but try not to put limitations on what they write. For example, you could say that everyone needs to write at least 5 sentences, but they could write more if they choose.
  • Part of LEA is to encourage a learner’s autonomy over their own experience. Allow learners to share their ideas in English without worrying about grammar or spelling. In this way, you can give learners   freedom to play with the language, navigate their own story, and negotiate meaning through their language choices.

5.     As students write, walk around and support them by helping them write down exactly what they say.

If you have a student who wants to know how to spell something correctly, you can tell them the correct spelling. On the other hand, if a student spells some words incorrectly, do not correct them. Encourage learners to use the English they know and are comfortable using in their stories.

6.     After students have written their stories, give everyone a chance to share what they have written.

One way to share the stories is to divide the students into two groups. Have one group hang their stories on the wall and stand next to them. Tell the second group that they are visiting the story gallery, and they can go around the room reading the different stories and asking the authors questions. After students have circulated, the groups can switch tasks. The second group now hosts a story gallery, and the first group gets to read stories and ask questions.

7.     Keep all of the stories up on the walls so students can see their work, or encourage students to take their stories home to share with their families.

One variation of this activity is to have learners write their stories in small groups of three or four students. Have one student tell their story out loud while the other students in the group write down the story as they hear it.

An additional variation could involve a whole-class shared experience. Rather than have learners share their individual experiences, you could ask the class to recount an experience you shared as a group. For example, if the class went on a field trip recently, ask the class to recount the field trip together. The teacher becomes the scribe and writes the story on the board, and the students can see their experiences taking shape in writing.

This activity can be extended to include a visual component. Once students have written their stories, ask them to draw a picture depicting the events in the story. This could be done simply with pencil and paper or, if magazines and pictures are available, students could make picture collages to go with their stories.

Reading aloud is a popular reading task in English language classrooms. The task typically targets skills associated with reading, such as fluency, word recognition, and pronunciation. In this week’s Teacher’s Corner, a read-aloud task is used as the framework for a more demanding task that targets critical thinking skills as well. The task asks learners to process and then summarize the content of a story while reading aloud in a group.

Intermediate and above

During this activity, students will be able to complete the following tasks:

  • Read a story aloud.
  • Consider, evaluate, and plan a summary of a story while reading.
  • Present a verbal summary of a story.

Reading: “The Black Cat” by Edgar Allen Poe

  • Print enough copies of the story “The Black Cat” by Edgar Allen Poe for each student.
  • Place students into groups of 3-4 students before class by creating a list of students in each group.

1.     Begin by putting students in the groups planned before class.

2.     Tell the class that today they are going to read a story by Edgar Allen Poe called “The Black Cat.”

3.     Have each group discuss what they expect the story might be about based on the title and on what they know about Edgar Allen Poe.

4.     Ask the class to share what they’ve discussed in groups, and write the ideas on the board. For example, one group might say they know Edgar Allen Poe wrote scary stories so they expect this story to be scary. Another group might say that black cats are believed to be bad luck in some cultures.

5.     Give each group a single copy of the story. Tell the class that one student will read three paragraphs aloud to the group. As the person reads, they will stop at the end of each paragraph to summarize the paragraph for the group. After the first student has read and summarized three paragraphs, the next student in the group will read and summarize the next three paragraphs. The group will continue reading the story by taking turns reading aloud and summarizing.

a.            If possible, model the activity for students using Appendix A as a sample of reading and summarizing. For example, read the first paragraph in Appendix A aloud to the students. At the end, summarize the paragraph using the suggested summary in Appendix A.

6.     Once all of the groups have completed the story, hand out more copies of the story so each student has a copy.

7.     Direct students to read the story silently.

8.     While students read, write the following questions on the board:

a.            What was difficult about reading aloud while summarizing?

b.            What part of the activity was easiest?

c.            Were your group’s summaries accurate?

9.     When everyone has finished reading, ask students to discuss the questions written on the board in their groups.

10.  Finally, bring the class back together and ask for some responses to the questions.

Any reading can be used for this activity. The reading should be easy enough for the students to successfully complete the activity, but also difficult enough for them to find the activity challenging.

Another variation might include giving each student a different short text. For example, each student gets a different poem. Students would read aloud and summarize their text, and then the group would evaluate the reader’s performance.

Sample Annotated Read-Aloud

The Tell-Tale Heart

Edgar Allen Poe

It’s true! Yes, I have been ill, very ill. But why do you say that I have lost control of my mind, why do you say that I am mad? Can you not see that I have full control of my mind? Is it not clear that I am not mad? Indeed, the illness only made my mind, my feelings, my senses stronger, more powerful. My sense of hearing especially became more powerful. I could hear sounds I had never heard before. I heard sounds from heaven; and I heard sounds from hell!

Suggested summary:

The person has been sick, but is not crazy. The sickness made the person smarter and improved his hearing. He heard wonderful sounds and horrible sounds.

Making predictions in reading and listening activities is a great way to develop learners’ critical thinking skills. In order to make predictions, learners need to evaluate the components of the information they have while also making reasonable judgments about possible outcomes.  Evaluating, reflecting, and making judgments are all part of the critical thinking skills needed for learners to fully engage in learning and to use what they learn beyond the classroom.

In this Teacher’s Corner activity, students use the first part of a comic strip as a starting point for creating their own endings. This activity is simple and fun, and can be used with any age group at any level. As you work through the activity, think about possible variations in addition to those offered below.

Beginning and above

During this activity, students will be able to do the following tasks:

  • Read a comic strip and make a reasonable prediction about an ending.
  • Plan, write, and draw their own version of the comic strip’s ending.
  • Comic strip from American English: Why English? Comics for the Classroom (see Appendix A)
  • Comic strip template (see Appendix B)
  • Paper, pencils, or any drawing materials available
  • Print enough copies of the comic for each student in the class.

1.     Begin class by asking students to describe a comic strip.

  • Let students offer suggestions, but also ensure that they know comic strips are short stories presented through pictures and words.

2.     Write the title of the comic strip on the board, “Lost in the Desert.” Ask learners what they think the comic might be about, based on the title.

3.     Tell students that they will read the first part of the comic strip in class and then write new endings.

4.     Hand out a copy of the comic strip to each student in the class.

5.     Tell learners to look at the pictures and read the language silently.

6.     After giving learners time to work individually, read the comic as a group by calling on different students to read aloud.

7.     Check learners’ reading comprehension by asking the following questions of the whole class:

  • Where is the person in the comic?
  • What problem does the person have?
  • What does the person try to do to solve the problem?

8.     Once the story has been discussed, begin a group brainstorm.

  • Ask learners to think about what happens next in the comic strip.
  • Encourage students to share some of their ideas with the class.
  • Write students’ ideas on the board for everyone to see. Spend at least 5-7 minutes listening and writing their ideas on the board so that students have a chance to hear from their classmates and refine their own ideas.

9.     Tell students that it’s now their turn to write and draw the rest of the comic.

  • Give them a blank comic strip template (Appendix B) and any additional drawing materials you have available.
  • Tell students to use all six squares to complete the story. All six squares must have a drawing. At least three squares must include language.

10.  After students have finished their comics, put students into pairs by having students work with the person sitting to their left.

11.  In the pairs, students will read the comic with their new endings to their partners.

Instead of having students finish a comic strip, students can make their own comic strips. Then they give the first half of their comic strip to a partner. The partner will then write their own endings to their classmate’s comic strip.

Another alternative is to give students short stories or poems to finish. American English has both poems and short stories available for free to teachers and learners. 

Academic writing teachers try to help learners understand and imitate the various rhetorical styles used in academic texts. Understanding academic writing involves careful and repeated reading, analysis, and evaluation of many texts.  It then requires further analysis, synthesis, and creation to imitate the writing style. All of this work involves using critical thinking and language skills. One way to engage learners in this process and support the acquisition of advanced writing skills is to use students’ existing critical thinking skills in an activity that analyzes the components of academic writing.

This Teacher’s Corner offers a strategy to introduce learners to academic writing through the familiar task of outlining. Writers use outlining as a way to plan and organize their ideas at the beginning of the writing process. In this activity, learners use the outline in reverse as a way to break down and analyze the structure of an academic text. This process is called a reverse outline and is explained in detail here. Keep in mind that a reverse outline can be adapted to fit the needs of intermediate writers as well, as long as the reading is selected to meet learners’ language level.

Advanced (university level)

  • Read an academic text to identify the organization and structure of ideas.
  • Organize the information presented in an academic text into an outline template in order to recognize the structure and organization of an academic text.
  • Reading:   “Helping Students Develop Coherence in Writing” by Icy Lee
  • Outline Template in Appendix A
  • Paper and pencils or pens
  • Print enough copies of the reading for each student.
  •  Print enough copies of the outline template for each student.

1.     Start class with a warm-up discussion to elicit ideas about the structure of academic writing. Use these questions as a guide:

  • What are the important parts of an academic essay?
  • What do we call the first paragraph(s)? The main paragraphs? The final paragraph(s)?
  • What have you been told to include in the first paragraph(s) of an essay?
  • What is included in the main paragraphs?
  • What is included in the final paragraph(s)?

2.     Hand out the outline template (Appendix A) to students. (The outline template can be adapted and adjusted to meet the needs of essay writing in your specific class. Feel free to add components to this outline or delete components that are unnecessary.)  Ask learners to review the template for similarities between what they said in the discussion and what the template lists as components of academic writing.

  • Is there anything on the outline template that was not mentioned in the discussion? If so, what are the differences? Is there anything that students think the outline template needs to include that is not listed?

3.     Explain that this outline is a model of the structure, but that every article differs slightly as to how each of the core parts is structured. For example, one essay might have 10 body paragraphs but another essay might only have 4.

4.     Tell students they are now going to use the outline to read an academic article. They will complete an outline, using the template as a model, based on the information from the article they read.

5.     Give everyone a copy of the article. Explain that before trying to complete the outline, they should read the article once and make notes. Reading once will help them process the article, ask questions, and get an overview of the structure of the article.

6.     Have learners read, make notes, and complete their outlines. While they are working, circulate to answer any questions they have.

7.     After learners have completed the outlines, bring the class back together as a group.

8.     Place students in pairs by dividing the class in half and counting off each group (for example: 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.). The two students who are assigned 1 will work together, the students assigned 2 will work together, etc.

9.     Once learners are in their pairs, ask them to read over their partners’ outlines, paying attention to similarities and differences.

10.  While they are reading, write these directions on the board.

  • Compare the two outlines and identify any areas where the information is different or where information is on one outline but not the other.
  • Work together to complete a new outline that combines the information from both outlines.
  • Work together to decide how to include information that is different on personal outlines.

11.  Then give each pair a new outline template. Explain that students will work together to create a new outline, using the directions on the board.

12.  When pairs have finished, bring the class back together to discuss what they learned from the outline activity.

  • What information on the outline did they expect to see? What information was unexpected in the article’s structure? What else did they learn about how academic writing is structured?

One simple variation is to have students read the text at home and take notes before working on the outline in class. This variation allows students to read at their own pace so that when students come to class, they are all familiar with the text.

Another alternative to this assignment is to have students work in pairs from the beginning of the process. After everyone in the class reads the article, put students in pairs and have them work together to complete the outlines. This variation ensures that learners will vocalize, discuss, and negotiate what is included on the outline and what is not.

A possible extension to this activity is to revisit the reverse outline when students are writing their own essays. During the revision process students could complete a reverse outline of their own work or complete reverse outlines of their classmates’ work. For example, if students have written a first draft of an essay, before they revise it or write a second draft, they could do a reverse outline of their first draft. By doing so, they could recognize areas in their writing to improve. Then, students could use their reverse outline for help in preparing and writing a second draft.

Outline Template

      I.         Introduction

  • Attention grabbing device
  • Background/Contextual information
  • Thesis statement

     II.         Main Paragraphs (repeat for each paragraph)

  • Topic statements/ideas
  • Supporting evidence (data, anecdotes, stories, definitions, etc.): paraphrase, summary, quotes
  • Connections to thesis

   III.         Conclusion

  • Final thoughts
  • Implications and areas for future analysis
  • Suggestions for next steps
  • Privacy Notice
  • Copyright Info
  • Accessibility Statement
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Helping Students Hone Their Critical Thinking Skills

Used consistently, these strategies can help middle and high school teachers guide students to improve much-needed skills.

Middle school students involved in a classroom discussion

Critical thinking skills are important in every discipline, at and beyond school. From managing money to choosing which candidates to vote for in elections to making difficult career choices, students need to be prepared to take in, synthesize, and act on new information in a world that is constantly changing.

While critical thinking might seem like an abstract idea that is tough to directly instruct, there are many engaging ways to help students strengthen these skills through active learning.

Make Time for Metacognitive Reflection

Create space for students to both reflect on their ideas and discuss the power of doing so. Show students how they can push back on their own thinking to analyze and question their assumptions. Students might ask themselves, “Why is this the best answer? What information supports my answer? What might someone with a counterargument say?”

Through this reflection, students and teachers (who can model reflecting on their own thinking) gain deeper understandings of their ideas and do a better job articulating their beliefs. In a world that is go-go-go, it is important to help students understand that it is OK to take a breath and think about their ideas before putting them out into the world. And taking time for reflection helps us more thoughtfully consider others’ ideas, too.

Teach Reasoning Skills 

Reasoning skills are another key component of critical thinking, involving the abilities to think logically, evaluate evidence, identify assumptions, and analyze arguments. Students who learn how to use reasoning skills will be better equipped to make informed decisions, form and defend opinions, and solve problems. 

One way to teach reasoning is to use problem-solving activities that require students to apply their skills to practical contexts. For example, give students a real problem to solve, and ask them to use reasoning skills to develop a solution. They can then present their solution and defend their reasoning to the class and engage in discussion about whether and how their thinking changed when listening to peers’ perspectives. 

A great example I have seen involved students identifying an underutilized part of their school and creating a presentation about one way to redesign it. This project allowed students to feel a sense of connection to the problem and come up with creative solutions that could help others at school. For more examples, you might visit PBS’s Design Squad , a resource that brings to life real-world problem-solving.

Ask Open-Ended Questions 

Moving beyond the repetition of facts, critical thinking requires students to take positions and explain their beliefs through research, evidence, and explanations of credibility. 

When we pose open-ended questions, we create space for classroom discourse inclusive of diverse, perhaps opposing, ideas—grounds for rich exchanges that support deep thinking and analysis. 

For example, “How would you approach the problem?” and “Where might you look to find resources to address this issue?” are two open-ended questions that position students to think less about the “right” answer and more about the variety of solutions that might already exist. 

Journaling, whether digitally or physically in a notebook, is another great way to have students answer these open-ended prompts—giving them time to think and organize their thoughts before contributing to a conversation, which can ensure that more voices are heard. 

Once students process in their journal, small group or whole class conversations help bring their ideas to life. Discovering similarities between answers helps reveal to students that they are not alone, which can encourage future participation in constructive civil discourse.

Teach Information Literacy 

Education has moved far past the idea of “Be careful of what is on Wikipedia, because it might not be true.” With AI innovations making their way into classrooms, teachers know that informed readers must question everything. 

Understanding what is and is not a reliable source and knowing how to vet information are important skills for students to build and utilize when making informed decisions. You might start by introducing the idea of bias: Articles, ads, memes, videos, and every other form of media can push an agenda that students may not see on the surface. Discuss credibility, subjectivity, and objectivity, and look at examples and nonexamples of trusted information to prepare students to be well-informed members of a democracy.

One of my favorite lessons is about the Pacific Northwest tree octopus . This project asks students to explore what appears to be a very real website that provides information on this supposedly endangered animal. It is a wonderful, albeit over-the-top, example of how something might look official even when untrue, revealing that we need critical thinking to break down “facts” and determine the validity of the information we consume. 

A fun extension is to have students come up with their own website or newsletter about something going on in school that is untrue. Perhaps a change in dress code that requires everyone to wear their clothes inside out or a change to the lunch menu that will require students to eat brussels sprouts every day. 

Giving students the ability to create their own falsified information can help them better identify it in other contexts. Understanding that information can be “too good to be true” can help them identify future falsehoods. 

Provide Diverse Perspectives 

Consider how to keep the classroom from becoming an echo chamber. If students come from the same community, they may have similar perspectives. And those who have differing perspectives may not feel comfortable sharing them in the face of an opposing majority. 

To support varying viewpoints, bring diverse voices into the classroom as much as possible, especially when discussing current events. Use primary sources: videos from YouTube, essays and articles written by people who experienced current events firsthand, documentaries that dive deeply into topics that require some nuance, and any other resources that provide a varied look at topics. 

I like to use the Smithsonian “OurStory” page , which shares a wide variety of stories from people in the United States. The page on Japanese American internment camps is very powerful because of its first-person perspectives. 

Practice Makes Perfect 

To make the above strategies and thinking routines a consistent part of your classroom, spread them out—and build upon them—over the course of the school year. You might challenge students with information and/or examples that require them to use their critical thinking skills; work these skills explicitly into lessons, projects, rubrics, and self-assessments; or have students practice identifying misinformation or unsupported arguments.

Critical thinking is not learned in isolation. It needs to be explored in English language arts, social studies, science, physical education, math. Every discipline requires students to take a careful look at something and find the best solution. Often, these skills are taken for granted, viewed as a by-product of a good education, but true critical thinking doesn’t just happen. It requires consistency and commitment.

In a moment when information and misinformation abound, and students must parse reams of information, it is imperative that we support and model critical thinking in the classroom to support the development of well-informed citizens.

developing students' critical thinking in teaching english

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developing students' critical thinking in teaching english

Teaching Critical Thinking Skills in the ESL Classroom

  • Linda D'Argenio
  • December 22, 2022

teaching critical thinking skills in fluency vs accuracy

Critical thinking has become a central concept in today’s educational landscape, regardless of the subject taught. Critical thinking is not a new idea. It has been present since the time of Greek philosophers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Socrates’ famous quote, “Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel,” underscores the nature of learning (students are not blank slates to be filled with content by their teachers) and the significance of inquisitiveness in a true learning process, both in the ESL classroom and in the wider world of education. Teaching critical thinking skills in the ESL classroom will benefit your students throughout their language-learning journey.

In more recent times, philosopher John Dewey made critical thinking one of the cornerstones of his educational philosophy. Nowadays, educators often quote critical thinking as the most important tool to sort out the barrage of information students are exposed to in our media-dominated world , to analyze situations and elaborate solutions. Teaching critical thinking skills is an integral part of teaching 21st-century skills .

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Table of Contents

What is critical thinking?

There are many definitions of critical thinking. They are not mutually exclusive but rather complementary. Some of the main ones are outlined below.

Dewey’s definition

In John Dewey’s educational theory, critical thinking examines the beliefs and preexisting knowledge that individuals use to assess situations and make decisions. If such beliefs and knowledge are faulty or unsupported, they will lead to faulty assessments and decision-making. In essence, Dewey advocated for a scientific mindset in approaching problem-solving .

Goal-directed thinking

Critical thinking is goal-directed. We question the underlying premises of our reflection process to ensure we arrive at the proper conclusions and decisions.

Critical thinking as a metacognitive process

According to Matthew Lipman, in Thinking in Education, “Reflective thinking is thinking that is aware of its own assumptions and implications as well as being conscious of the reasons and evidence that support this or that conclusion. (…) Reflective thinking is prepared to recognize the factors that make for bias, prejudice, and self-deception . It involves thinking about its procedures at the same time as it involves thinking about its subject matter” (Lipman, 2003).

Awareness of context

This is an important aspect of critical thinking. As stated by Diane Halpern in Thought and Knowledge: An Introduction to Critical Thinking , “[The critical] thinker is using skills that are thoughtful and effective for the particular context and type of thinking task” (Halpern, 1996)

What are the elements of critical thinking?

Several elements go into the process of critical thinking.

  • Identifying the problem. If critical thinking is viewed mainly as a goal-oriented activity, the first element is to identify the issue or problem one wants to solve. However, the critical thinking process can be triggered simply by observation of a phenomenon that attracts our attention and warrants an explanation.
  • Researching and gathering of information that is relevant to the object of inquiry. One should gather diverse information and examine contrasting points of view to achieve comprehensive knowledge on the given topic.
  • Evaluation of biases. What biases can we identify in the information that has been gathered in the research phase? But also, what biases do we, as learners, bring to the information-gathering process?
  • Inference. What conclusions can be derived by an examination of the information? Can we use our preexisting knowledge to help us draw conclusions?
  • Assessment of contrasting arguments on an issue. One looks at a wide range of opinions and evaluates their merits.
  • Decision-making. Decisions should be based on the above.

adult ESL students in person classroom

Why is critical thinking important in ESL teaching?

The teaching of critical thinking skills plays a pivotal role in language instruction. Consider the following:

Language is the primary vehicle for the expression of thought, and how we organize our thoughts is closely connected with the structure of our native language. Thus, critical thinking begins with reflecting on language. To help students understand how to effectively structure and express their thinking processes in English, ESL teachers need to incorporate critical thinking in English Language Teaching (ELT) in an inclusive and interesting way .

For ESL students to reach their personal, academic, or career goals, they need to become proficient in English and be able to think critically about issues that are important to them. Acquiring literacy in English goes hand in hand with developing the thinking skills necessary for students to progress in their personal and professional lives. Thus, teachers need to prioritize the teaching of critical thinking skills.

How do ESL students develop critical thinking skills?

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Establishing an effective environment

The first step in assisting the development of critical thinking in language learning is to provide an environment in which students feel supported and willing to take risks. To express one’s thoughts in another language can be a considerable source of anxiety. Students often feel exposed and judged if they are not yet able to communicate effectively in English. Thus, the teacher should strive to minimize the “affective filter.” This concept, first introduced by Stephen Krashen, posits that students’ learning outcomes are strongly influenced by their state of mind. Students who feel nervous or anxious will be less open to learning. They will also be less willing to take the risks involved in actively participating in class activities for fear that this may expose their weaknesses.

One way to create such an environment and facilitate students’ expression is to scaffold language so students can concentrate more on the message/content and less on grammar/accuracy.

Applying context

As mentioned above, an important aspect of critical thinking is context. The information doesn’t exist in a vacuum but is always received and interpreted in a specific situational and cultural environment. Because English learners (ELs) come from diverse cultural and language backgrounds and don’t necessarily share the same background as their classmates and teacher, it is crucial for the teacher to provide a context for the information transmitted. Contextualization helps students to understand the message properly.

Asking questions

One of the best ways to stimulate critical thinking is to ask questions. According to Benjamin Bloom’s taxonomy ( Taxonomy of Educational Objectives , 1956), thinking skills are divided into lower-order and higher-order skills. Lower-order skills include knowledge, comprehension, and application; higher-order skills include analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. To stimulate critical thinking in ELT, teachers need to ask questions that address both levels of thinking processes. For additional information, read this article by the TESL Association of Ontario on developing critical thinking skills in the ESL classroom .

Watch the following clip from a BridgeUniverse Expert Series webinar to learn how to set measurable objectives based on Bloom’s Taxonomy ( watch the full webinar – and others! – here ):

How can we implement critical thinking skills in the ESL classroom?

Several activities can be used in the ESL classroom to foster critical thinking skills. Teaching critical thinking examples include:

Activities that scaffold language and facilitate students’ expression

These can be as basic as posting lists of important English function words like conjunctions, personal and demonstrative pronouns, question words, etc., in the classroom. Students can refer to these tables when they need help to express their thoughts in a less simplistic way or make explicit the logical relation between sentences (because… therefore; if… then; although… however, etc.). There are a variety of methods to introduce new vocabulary based on student age, proficiency level, and classroom experience.

Activities that encourage students to make connections between their preexisting knowledge of an issue and the new information presented

One such exercise consists of asking students to make predictions about what will happen in a story, a video, or any other context. Predictions activate the students’ preexisting knowledge and encourage them to link it with the new data, make inferences, and build hypotheses.

Critical thinking is only one of the 21st-century skills English students need to succeed. Explore all of Bridge’s 21st-Century Teaching Skills Micro-credential courses to modernize your classroom!

Change of perspective and contextualization activities.

Asking students to put themselves in someone else’s shoes is a challenging but fruitful practice that encourages them to understand and empathize with other perspectives. It creates a different cultural and emotional context or vantage point from which to consider an issue. It helps assess the merit of contrasting arguments and reach a more balanced conclusion.

One way of accomplishing this is to use a written text and ask students to rewrite it from another person’s perspective. This automatically leads students to adopt a different point of view and reflect on the context of the communication. Another is to use roleplay . This is possibly an even more effective activity. In role-play, actors tend to identify more intimately with their characters than in a written piece. There are other elements that go into acting, like body language, voice inflection, etc., and they all need to reflect the perspective of the other.

Collaborative activities

Activities that require students to collaborate also allow them to share and contrast their opinions with their peers and cooperate in problem-solving (which, after all, is one of the goals of critical thinking). Think/write-pair-share is one such activity. Students are asked to work out a problem by themselves and then share their conclusions with their peers. A collaborative approach to learning engages a variety of language skill sets, including conversational skills, problem-solving, and conflict resolution, as well as critical thinking.

In today’s educational and societal context, critical thinking has become an important tool for sorting out information, making decisions, and solving problems. Critical thinking in language learning and the ESL classroom helps students to structure and express their thoughts effectively. It is an essential skill to ensure students’ personal and professional success.

Take an in-depth look at incorporating critical thinking skills into the ESL classroom with the Bridge Micro-credential course in Promoting Critical Thinking Skills.

developing students' critical thinking in teaching english

Linda D'Argenio

Linda D'Argenio is a native of Naples, Italy. She is a world language teacher (English, Italian, and Mandarin Chinese,) translator, and writer. She has studied and worked in Italy, Germany, China, and the U.S. In 2003, Linda earned her doctoral degree in Classical Chinese Literature from Columbia University. She has taught students at both the school and college levels. Linda lives in Brooklyn, NY.


Why are primary sources important in teaching?

Seth Cayley explains why primary sources are a powerful learning tool to help students gain a better understanding of current events and hone critical-thinking skills

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Seth Cayley

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Why primary sources are so important as a learning tool

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We are at an inflection point in our collective understanding of the intersections of race, gender, class and colonialism, and how they have shaped our world today.

Primary sources unlock access to diverse and historically marginalised perspectives; academics need this content to understand and teach the complexities of those intersections. Here are five reasons why primary sources are more important than ever and how they can be used in effective teaching and learning:

Reason #1: to understand the present, we must understand the past

Primary sources are documented evidence of history; they help researchers and scholars identify patterns that might otherwise be difficult to discern based on present events alone. It’s true that history tends to repeat itself , and these documents provide a critical perspective that can support students in interpreting how past events have contributed to our current world.

Educators can use primary sources to provide additional context during lessons, and to encourage students to think critically about significant events – both past and present. Primary source materials, such as newspapers, brochures, forensic reports and court transcripts, can help bring topics to life, enabling students to deepen their understanding and uncover new perspectives.

Reason #2: primary sources unlock diverse and historically marginalised perspectives

Primary sources are useful for examining history and society on a deeper level, shifting beyond the mainstream to help scholars study the diversity of the human experience.

By examining primary documents, students can unearth historically marginalised voices that are not usually taught in mainstream curricula, such as those of LGBTIQ+ and minority ethnic groups. Archives that provide access to a wide variety of voices and cultures are critical to preventing history being told through a narrow lens and helping diverse student groups see themselves represented in the past.

Reason #3: they help students develop critical-thinking skills

Who created this source? Why? When? These are just a few questions students might grapple with when viewing a primary source. Enquiry and reflection are necessary when evaluating primary sources and are incredibly important exercises for helping students strengthen their critical-thinking skills.

Presenting student researchers with materials that demonstrate issues and ideas outside the norm, like radical or extremist movements, encourages independent and critical thinking while also fostering an open dialogue in a safe environment.

As shared by the US Library of Congress , enquiry into primary sources encourages students to wrestle with contradictions and compare multiple sources that represent differing points of view, confronting the complexity of the past.

To navigate today’s information-heavy landscape, students need to consume media through a similar critical lens, and the skills that are needed to properly interrogate primary source documents are transferrable to the consumption and analysis of contemporary media.

Reason #4: studying primary sources helps students become better citizens

Studying the past supports good citizenship, which is requisite for a fair and effective democracy. Primary sources enable students to explore the documentary evidence of a nation’s history – the roots of its government , value systems and role on the world stage.

To be active agents of positive change, students must become informed citizens. Digital archives that focus on government, politics and law, such as Old Bailey Online , which shows the proceedings of London’s main criminal court from 1674 to 1913, are valuable for understanding how concepts of citizenship, justice and the treatment of different groups have developed over time. Such sources bring new perspectives and can be used to paint a more accurate – and informed – portrait of past and present events.

Reason #5: digital platforms widen access to primary sources

Thanks to technology, primary sources are becoming easier to access and examine. Digitising them is essential to their preservation and enables better access , ensuring students aren’t limited by factors such as geographic location when conducting research.

However, digital archives and databases are only useful if students know how to navigate them. Higher education institutions should put training and support in place to ensure students understand how to source the materials they want from whichever digital archives their institution provides access to.

Many digital archives offer learning centres to help orient new users with the content available, provide inspiration for research and teaching topics, and recommend best practices for searching, browsing, citing and reusing primary sources.

Bringing facts into focus and information to life

Through primary sources, students can experience the thoughts, words and actions of years past in an entirely new way. These materials provide important historical context and help students relate to past events in a more personal way.

With societal and cultural divisions widening and tensions rising in many parts of the world, it’s increasingly vital that academics and students use resources like primary sources to gain a better understanding of current events, and think critically when evaluating information. Introducing these invaluable materials to students has never been more important.

Seth Cayley is vice-president of Gale Primary Sources , which works with academics and archives around the world to digitise physical source material.

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How To Use ChatGPT-4o In Your Classroom | AI and Education

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As an AI language model, ChatGPT-4o offers exciting possibilities for educators. Here are some practical ways teachers can leverage ChatGPT-4o to enhance teaching and learning experiences:

Enhanced Language Comprehension and Context Understanding

Feature : Improved language comprehension and context understanding.

How to Use It : When students ask questions or seek clarification, teachers can rely on GPT-4o to provide more accurate and context-aware responses. For instance, if a student asks about a historical event, GPT-4o can generate detailed explanations or summaries, enhancing the learning experience.

Response Generation and Engaging Learning Experiences

Feature : Content creation beyond ChatGPT’s capabilities.

How to Use It : GPT-4o enables teachers to write blog posts, develop interactive lesson plans, or summarize complex topics. For example, a science teacher can ask GPT-4o to generate engaging explanations of scientific concepts, making learning more enjoyable for students.

ChatGPT-4o is a valuable resource for generating creative prompts. Teachers can use these prompts for storytelling, poetry, or essay assignments, encouraging students to explore their imagination. During class discussions, inputting keywords or themes into ChatGPT-4o can kickstart brainstorming sessions.

Instant Feedback and Writing Assistance

Feature : Instant feedback on grammar, coherence, and syntax.

How to Use It : Teachers can input student essays, research papers, and assignments into GPT-4o. It will provide feedback to improve writing skills and ensure high-quality submissions.

Educators can utilize ChatGPT-4o for personalized feedback and support. By inputting student assignments, ChatGPT-4o can automatically analyze essays, code, or other written work, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement. Additionally, teachers can input student queries to generate tailored responses, clarifying concepts or explaining complex topics.

Multimodal Capabilities

Feature : Handling text, audio, visual, and video inputs.

How to Use It : GPT-4o allows teachers to create multimedia presentations, interactive quizzes, or generate visual aids for lessons. For instance, a history teacher can describe an ancient artifact, and GPT-4o can generate an image or 3D model for classroom use.

Best Practices and More Ways For Teachers to Use ChatGPT-4o

Ethical considerations and ai awareness.

Teachers should verify accuracy, avoid bias, and ensure students understand the source of AI-generated information. Ethical awareness is crucial when integrating AI tools in education.

Educators can initiate conversations about AI bias, privacy, and ethical implications using ChatGPT-4o’s responses as discussion starters.

Reminding students that AI is a tool—not infallible wisdom—encourages responsible use. Students should verify information and think critically even when relying on AI-generated content.

Encouraging Critical Thinking

Instead of providing straightforward answers, teachers can ask ChatGPT-4o open-ended questions . Engaging students in discussions around the model’s responses encourages them to analyze and critique information.

Furthermore, ChatGPT-4o can generate arguments for and against specific topics, fostering persuasive writing and critical analysis skills.

Explore Complex Concepts

When introducing challenging subjects, educators can ask ChatGPT-4o to simplify complex concepts . By breaking down intricate material into simpler language, teachers help students grasp difficult topics more easily.

Additionally, ChatGPT-4o can provide visual metaphors or analogies to describe abstract ideas—such as explaining quantum physics using everyday examples.

Collaborative Learning

For collaborative learning experiences, teachers can have students work together on AI-related projects . By exploring ChatGPT-4o’s capabilities collectively, students gain insights and discuss its limitations.

Additionally, peer review of AI-generated work promotes constructive feedback and peer learning.

Check out our full comprehensive list of the top 10 time-saving ChatGPT AI tools for teachers.

Preventing Student Dependence on AI By Fostering Critical Thinking and Independence

If students become overly reliant on AI tools, they may neglect critical thinking or independent problem-solving skills. Here’s how teachers can use AI in your classroom to ensure that AI tools are benefitting your students and not setting them back.

According to UNESCO , artificial intelligence tools (AI) are being deployed rapidly in education systems across the globe.

Despite their immense potential for enriching and expanding learning, their rapid roll out also presents a risk: These technologies are being used without the regulatory frameworks required to protect learners and teachers, as well as ensure a human-centered approach.

With all of the exciting AI tools rolling out, this is a good time to stop and check in to make sure that they’re working for us and not hindering our ability to think critically.

Implications for Student Dependence on AI

  • Over-reliance on AI tools can diminish students’ ability to think critically and solve problems independently. Relying too heavily on AI may hinder creativity, as students become accustomed to using tools rather than exploring novel approaches. 
  • Balancing automation is essential to avoid ‘replacing’ essential human skills.
  • Decisions about AI use in education should involve stakeholders, considering biases, fairness, and ethical implications .

Why Preventing Over-Dependence Matters

Holistic learning involves more than just knowledge acquisition; it’s about socialization, collaboration, and creativity.

As AI advances, preparing students for a future where AI impacts job markets is crucial. Ensuring AI is used ethically and transparently requires thoughtful decision-making and human agency. 

As educators, we can help guide students in using AI effectively while preserving their cognitive abilities. 

Here are some strategies to prevent student dependence on AI:

1. Emphasize AI as a Tool, Not a Crutch

Set Expectations: From the outset, communicate that AI is a valuable resource, but it’s not a replacement for human intelligence. Encourage students to use AI as a tool to complement their thinking, not as a shortcut.

Model Healthy AI Use: Demonstrate how you, as a teacher, use AI tools thoughtfully. Show students how to verify AI-generated information and critically evaluate its relevance.

2. Encourage Curiosity and Exploration

Curate Thought-Provoking Questions: Encourage students to ask open-ended questions that go beyond factual answers. AI can provide information, but it’s up to students to explore deeper concepts and connections.

Assign Creative Tasks: Instead of relying solely on AI for research, assign projects that require creativity, synthesis, and original thought. For example, ask students to write essays, create art, or propose solutions to real-world problems.

3. Scaffold AI Use Gradually

Start with Human-Driven Research: Initially, guide students toward traditional research methods. Teach them how to find reliable sources, analyze data, and draw conclusions independently.

Introduce AI Gradually: As students gain confidence, introduce AI tools. For instance, show them how to use AI for fact-checking or generating ideas. Gradually transition from teacher-led research to student-led AI exploration.

4. Teach Critical Evaluation Skills

Evaluate AI Responses: When students use AI, encourage them to critically assess the quality of the answers. Is the information accurate? Is it biased? Discuss these aspects in class.

Compare AI with Human Expertise: Have students compare AI-generated responses with those from human experts. Highlight the strengths and limitations of both approaches.

5. Foster Collaborative Learning

Group Discussions: Organize discussions where students share their AI findings. Encourage them to challenge each other’s assumptions and explore alternative viewpoints.

Peer Feedback: Have students review each other’s work, including AI-generated content. This promotes critical thinking and helps them learn from one another.

6. Use AI for Skill Enhancement

Automated Feedback: Leverage AI tools for providing feedback on assignments. However, encourage students to understand the feedback rather than blindly accepting it.

Coding and Problem-Solving: Introduce students to AI-related coding tasks. For instance, they can create simple chatbots or analyze data using Python libraries.

7. Reflect on Ethical Implications

Discuss Bias and Fairness: Engage students in conversations about AI bias, privacy, and ethical considerations. Make them aware of the impact of biased training data on AI outcomes.

Explore AI in Context: When using AI, discuss its broader implications. How does it affect society, employment, and decision-making?

AI Tools Can Enhance Cognitive Development

As educators, we have a unique opportunity to shape how students interact with AI. By emphasizing critical thinking, independence, and responsible AI use, we can ensure that AI tools enhance—not hinder—their cognitive development.

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    Critical thinking is a key skill needed for everyday life. It should be applied to all aspects of a learner's studies, no matter their age or ability. It's a way of adding perspective, questioning intent and understanding ways of improving. Take a minute to watch this short video. It will help you to understand what we mean by Critical ...

  2. Teaching Critical Thinking In The Language Classroom

    Draw conclusions, make decisions, prioritize them; Take action and create steps to make your decisions applicable to the initial question. It might not always be possible to follow all steps in the language classroom, depending on the activity. That should not mean we should not teach critical thinking, even (and especially) to young students.

  3. Eight Instructional Strategies for Promoting Critical Thinking

    Students grappled with ideas and their beliefs and employed deep critical-thinking skills to develop arguments for their claims. Embedding critical-thinking skills in curriculum that students care ...

  4. Integrating Critical Thinking Into the Classroom (Opinion)

    Critical thinking has the power to launch students on unforgettable learning experiences while helping them develop new habits of thought, reflection, and inquiry. Developing these skills prepares ...

  5. Teacher's Corner: Teaching Critical Thinking Skills

    This month's Teacher's Corner looks at the critical thinking skills that shape learning goals and outcomes. Each week presents a new activity that targets critical thinking skills while also encouraging language use and development. Some of the activities and tasks may seem familiar as they are based on long-established language teaching ...

  6. Teaching Critical Thinking Skills in Middle and High School

    Teach Reasoning Skills. Reasoning skills are another key component of critical thinking, involving the abilities to think logically, evaluate evidence, identify assumptions, and analyze arguments. Students who learn how to use reasoning skills will be better equipped to make informed decisions, form and defend opinions, and solve problems.

  7. Fostering critical thinking in English-as-a-second-language classrooms

    Explore the viability of exploratory talk and WebQuests for critical-thinking development. • Students displayed critical thinking through the use of explicit reasoning and exploratory talk. ... the researchers designed a critical-thinking programme tailored for primary English teaching in Hong Kong. Comprising a series of eight one-hour ...

  8. PDF Instructional Strategies for Developing Critical Thinking in EFL ...

    Keywords: critical thinking, teaching strategies, English language teaching, direct instruction, interaction 1. Introduction Recent trends in English as a foreign language (EFL) have highlighted the significance and necessity of developing critical thinking (CT) as an integral part of English language curriculum (Davidson & Dunham, 1997;

  9. A systematic review of critical thinking instructional pedagogies in

    This article critically reviews 23 empirical studies on how to teach critical thinking (CT) in English as a foreign language (EFL) writing class from 2013 to 2022. ... Developing students' critical thinking in Hong Kong secondary school classrooms. The Asian EFL Journal Quarterly, 12 (2) (2010), pp. 262-287.

  10. PDF Development of Students' Critical Thinking Skills via Teaching English

    We define CT as a special type of a person's reflexive mental activity aimed at a conscious engagement into the process of thinking while evaluating and verifying facts, hypotheses, and opinions ...

  11. Teaching Critical Thinking Skills in the ESL Classroom

    Pedagogy (TESOL/TEFL Strategies & Methodology) Teaching Critical Thinking Skills in the ESL Classroom. Linda D'Argenio. December 22, 2022. Critical thinking has become a central concept in today's educational landscape, regardless of the subject taught. Critical thinking is not a new idea. It has been present since the time of Greek ...

  12. Integrating critical thinking into the classroom: A teacher's

    The general approach suggests that critical thinking is a cross-curricular skill that requires specific knowledge of how it works. The teaching of critical thinking must therefore focus on explicitly teaching its guiding principles, as well as putting the skill into practice through exercises that promote its use.

  13. Developing Critical Thinking in English Teaching and Learning

    of thinking in school. According to Phuong A nh (2016), there are four basic steps to. develop critical thinking as (1) m aking a question; (2) searching for information; (3) objectively analyzing ...

  14. Development of Students' Critical Thinking Skills via Teaching English

    VII International Forum on Teacher Education. Development of Students' Critical Thinking Skills via. Teaching English. Veronika P. Starichkova * (a), Natalia L. Moskovskaya (b), Elena A ...

  15. Teacher Perceptions on Developing Students' Critical Thinking ...

    The current study explores the perceptions of a group of Academic English (AE) lecturers on their views on critical thinking in teaching English for academic purposes and the ways they believe this can be developed, if at all. The findings suggest that the majority of teachers believe in the importance of touching upon critical thinking in their classes.

  16. PDF Developing Students' Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) in ...

    & Kumlu (2015) conducted another study on critical thinking skills development in English Language Teaching classes through novels. It was intended to pave the way for students by learning novels to achieve critical thinking skills. The results indicated that the development and the use of reading literature as an incentive to think critically are

  17. [Pdf] Developing Students' Critical Thinking Through an Integrated

    This study was conducted to help English teacher candidates maximize their efforts to develop critical thinking skills through an Extensive Reading (ER) program. There were forty research participants, from 18 to 21 years age range, in their fourth semester of undergraduate study in English Education Department. The main instrument to collect the data was a test in Critical Thinking, which was ...

  18. Development of Students' Critical Thinking Skills via Teaching English

    The research about critical thinking suggests that this type of thinking is a category of interdisciplinary knowledge and represents a set of certain skills: reflection, goal setting, decision making, problem-solving, and other skills. Experimental teaching and practical evaluation of the methods designed to develop students' critical ...

  19. Developing College EFL Writers' Critical Thinking Skills Through Online

    Even in international communities that try to develop English writers' critical thinking skills, actual writing teach- ... teaching critical thinking skills is, in addition, chal- ... nario where teachers dominate the classroom and provide limited space for students' development of critical thinking (DeWaelsche, 2015; Zhang, 2017). In other ...

  20. Teacher Perceptions on Developing Students' Critical Thinking Skills in

    The current study explores the perceptions of a group of Academic English (AE) lecturers on their views on critical thinking in teaching English for academic purposes and the ways they believe this can be developed, if at all. The findings suggest that the majority of teachers believe in the importance of touching upon critical thinking in their classes. They consider evaluating information ...

  21. The Application of Critical Thinking in Teaching English Reading

    The Application of Critical Thinking in Teaching English Reading. Jun Xu. Published 2011. Education, Linguistics. Examining different critical thinking definitions, one thing is agreed upon by most researchers: that is critical thinking includes not only critical thinking skills (containing both a process of thinking and thinking ability ...

  22. Revamping Education for Critical Thinking Skills

    Educational reform is a powerful tool for developing critical thinking skills among students. Critical thinking, the ability to analyze information objectively and make reasoned judgments, is a ...

  23. Thinking through talk: Using dialogue to develop students' critical

    This study adopts a dialogic instructional approach to explore the relationship between teacher talk and students' critical thinking. Through a fine-grained analysis of a teacher's dialogic moves against evidence of students' critical thinking in a 15-week dialogic instructional programme in a Chinese university, we found that three directionally oriented discursive moves, 'opening up ...

  24. Why are primary sources important in teaching?

    Reason #4: studying primary sources helps students become better citizens. Studying the past supports good citizenship, which is requisite for a fair and effective democracy. Primary sources enable students to explore the documentary evidence of a nation's history - the roots of its government, value systems and role on the world stage.

  25. Development of Students' Critical Thinking Skills via Teaching English

    Enhancing EFL students' critical thinking skills using a technology-mediated self-study approach: EFL graduates and labor market in perspective. This research project bridges the gap between Saudi Vision 2030 and labor market needs by strengthening English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students' critical thinking skills. The increasing….

  26. AAMCNews

    Guaranteed income programs have been successful in low-income countries. Now, researchers hope to test their effectiveness in the U.S. May 30, 2024. AAMCNews. Women are changing the face of medicine in America. Data from the past 18 years show how women have driven growth in the supply of physicians and expanded their presence in some of the ...

  27. How To Use ChatGPT-4o In Your Classroom

    Students should verify information and think critically even when relying on AI-generated content. Encouraging Critical Thinking. Instead of providing straightforward answers, teachers can ask ChatGPT-4o open-ended questions. Engaging students in discussions around the model's responses encourages them to analyze and critique information.