
Essay on Water a Boon or Curse 1000 Words | PDF

Essay on water a boon or curse.

Essay on Water a Boon or Curse (Download PDF) – Through this essay, we will know how to write a good essay on whether water is a boon or a curse, so let’s start.

Water is a boon that is needed by all. Be it humans or animals, trees, plants, and birds all need water to satisfy their thirst. Nothing is possible without water. Without water, life on earth cannot be imagined. Earth is the only planet on which water is found, hence it is called a unique and life-giving planet of the universe.

Water is one of the most important of all, which is essential for all life on earth. Without water, all the creatures on Earth can die. Water is essential not only for drinking but also for the purposes of our daily life such as cooking, washing clothes, bathing, etc.

This is a matter of concern, today there is a shortage of drinkable water. Humans have endangered the potable water found on the earth through their commercial activities.

If water is a boon for us, it can also become a curse by our evil actions.

Water a boon

  • Wat er is life

Proverb, “Water is life” We must have heard this saying. If we talk about personal life, then water is the basis of our existence. The human being needs water to survive. It is believed that humans can live for 7 whole days without any food, but without water, humans cannot survive even for 3 days. In addition, our body itself has a 70% water component.

When our body is deficient in 1% water, we feel thirsty. Just imagine if we get 100% thirsty then how long can we survive without water.

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  • Drinkable water

Water is a very important substance on earth, which is rare to find in some places. Despite having 71% water on the earth, only 3% of water in it is drinkable. We see a lot of water in the oceans or the sea,

But the truth is that we cannot consume oceans or seawater due to being saline. Only 3% water is in the form that we can consume as a drink. Which is underground water, dams, rivers, lakes, etc.

Why is water a boon?

All creatures on earth need water to live. Whether it is animals or humans. Everybody’s existence on Earth is due to the presence of water. When a child is born, it is 100% water and when it grows up, it needs water till its death. Just like – plants are small, they also need water to grow and stay fresh.

Apart from this, there are other uses of water such as generating electricity, irrigating fields, water for living, for rain, all these needs make us feel that water is a boon and we cannot live without it.

Water a curse

  • Melting glacier

Water surrounds the earth on all sides, with 1/3 of water and land. What if the whole earth is covered in water? According to scientists, glaciers made of ice are melting very fast. If this happens, one day the Earth will be submerged and life will end on the earth.

Scientists say that the melting of glaciers is a concern, the Earth’s atmosphere is constantly heating up. Due to the continuous industrialization of humans, many harmful gases are being produced which are continuously heating the atmosphere and increasing the water level.

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  • Flood hazard

The flood comes due to excessive rainfall. Is in the form of a curse. Every year many humans and animals die due to the flood and the economy of the people is also badly affected. People have to leave their homes and land and migrate to other places.

Whenever a flood comes, it also brings many troubles with itself. Flooding causes a lot of diseases and pandemics which is in the form of a curse.

Why is water a curse?

If the water is to a certain extent, it is beneficial for us, but if the water crosses the boundary, it takes the form of a catastrophe. In other words, the level of water is continuously deteriorating due to industrialization and urbanization. We have forgotten in our progress that the waste of factories is dumped in the river, which is causing the problem of water pollution.

This polluted water is consumed by humans and animals, due to which many diseases start occurring and our health deteriorates.

Conclusions: –

We have already learned that drinkable water is very limited. So it is a boon for us. We must use water properly, do not use it in vain, it is true that there is no shortage of water on the earth, but there is very little water for drinkable. Therefore, use it very wisely, otherwise, we know very well what the result of this can be.

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FAQs. on Water a Boon or Curse

Why is water important for us.

Ans. Water is used to live on earth. It is also used for other daily necessary works like – washing cloth, taking bath, produce electricity. Irrigation and many more.

Why need water to be preserved?

Ans. On earth, water is in a limited source. Only around 3 % water is drinkable. So we should not waste it. Try to preserve as much as possible.

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Short essay – “is science boon or bane”.

essay on water boon or bane


Read this short essay on “Is Science Boon or Bane”

We live in the era of modernism and technology. We can’t live our lives without the support of modern science.

Science Boon

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Today, science has so much involved in our life that it is really hard to imagine living without the science. Every part of life whether it is food or recreation is related to science and its various ways. To decide that whether science is a boon or a bane for mankind is not a simple decision.

We should first look for the exact meaning of science. A systematic classification of experiences is called as scientific. We surprise many times at various events happening around us due to technology and science. We get doubts; what are they? These concerns are the primary seed products for technology. First start from thinking, reasoning, research, features, evaluation and distinction and lastly the fact comes out.

According to Scientists, there is a scientific method for everything and there are unavoidable actions to be followed:

(1) Statement

(2) Speculation

(3) Experiment

(4) Concept and

(5) Evidence.

All researchers have in a way followed this scientific method.

The basic aim of Science is to look for reality and to find those factors, formally uncommon. A scientist cannot accept the principles, usually because; they were accepted by others formerly. Great discoveries are always coming from reasoning. A lot of determination and observation are required. Civilization, as it is today, also came from numerous discoveries that were made in the field of Science.

Electricity is a main source of energy has revolutionized the Earth. Science has made medical field enough advanced that today the average life of a human being has raised to 90 years. Science also worked for plant life as well and now we have enough food for all.

We have enough clothing and better security too. This all became possible due to science and technology. Computers, Cell phones, TV and Radios are all products of Science. So, it is very easy to conclude that Science is beneficial for mankind.

There is also another side of the coin. Destructive weapons like guns, rifles, atom bombs etc. are also came from Science. It is science that gave us different types of power like electric power and nuclear power. If all these powers and weapons are not used in a negative way, there is nothing to fear. But, unfortunately these all powers are destructing our Earth. Can anyone think that there are no chances of such horrible destruction of an Iraq again? If it happens, how can be science beneficial for mankind?

Man is a logical being. It is possible for everyone to save himself from the odds. Only through this way, he can win and control everyone on the globe. Only wisdom can help a man to conquer the World. Science without conscience is death of the soul.

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  • Plastics Boon or a Curse


Introduction to Plastics

Plastics are a huge variety of artificial or semi-artificial substances that use polymers as a major ingredient. Their plasticity makes it viable for plastics to be moulded, extruded or pressed into strong items of numerous shapes. This adaptability, plus a huge variety of properties, which include being lightweight, durable, flexible, and less expensive to produce, has brought about its vast use.

Plastics usually are made via human industrial systems. In present-day plastics are derived from fossil fuel-primarily based chemicals like natural gas or petroleum; however, the latest industrial techniques use variations crafted from renewable substances, which include corn or cotton derivatives.

Plastic as a Boon

Plastics have been a substitute for metals and glass. Plastic pipes aren't corroded through the water. They are used in manufacturing loads of household gadgets with boxes, bottles, toys, baggage, pens, combs, buckets, toothbrushes, chairs, tables, TV/ radio cabinets, handles of stress cookers, and frying pans. Plastics create a part of nearly all electric appliances. It is present in vehicles and aeroplane parts. We have turned out to be tremendously dependent on plastics. It can be hard to assume our existence with plastics.

Plastic as a Curse

Plastic, though, appears to be a completely beneficial material; it may be very dangerous because it produces harmful gases while burning. Plastics are non-biodegradable, and microbes cannot spoil them. They are also harmful to the soil and take loads of years to decompose. Plastic baggage thrown away carelessly on roads and different areas discover its way into drains and sewage pipes.

Classification of Plastics

Thermoplastics: This type of plastic may be bent effortlessly and can get deformed on heating. These may be softened on heating and repeatedly moulded to get the preferred shape. These are polythene, PVC, polypropylene , polyester , teflon , polystyrene , perspex, etc. These are specially used for making toys, combs, convey bags, bottles, and different forms of containers.

Thermosetting plastics: These plastics may be heated and moulded as soon as they into form and can't be softened and moulded once again on reheating. The chains of those plastics get richly cross-linked because of heating. Examples of those plastics are bakelite, melamine , etc. Bakelite is used for making electric switches, handles of numerous utensils, etc., as it's far a bad conductor of heat and electricity. Melamine may be used to make ground tiles, kitchenware, fabrics, etc., as it may resist fire and tolerate heat.

What Can We Do to Minimize the Overuse of Plastics?

Don't accept plastic bags.

Always carry a cloth or a piece of paper or can carry a jute bag when going shopping.

Do not throw any waste food or any other thing in plastic bags.

Never store eatables in plastic bags.

Always use washable and reusable plastic containers instead of disposable plastic containers to store food.

Try to buy edibles sold in glass jars.

Don't use plastic chairs and tables.

Never dispose of plastics that can be recycled.

Don’t buy eatables wrapped in plastic; buy bulk cereals.

Say no to plastic; ask for paper bags at the grocery store.

We can save crude oil also by minimising the use of plastics as plastic is made from crude oil.

Use match sticks instead of plastic-covered lighters.

Why Polythene Bags Should not be Thrown Along With Garbage?

Polythene bags should not be thrown along with garbage because they are non-biodegradable substances that cannot decompose and can blend with the soil and create pollution, harming living things. These plastics, when eaten by animals like cows, can choke them and result in death. Also, as they do not decompose, they can blend with the soil, which leads to a decrease in the growth of plants and can destroy the soil too.

Recycling of Plastic

To keep the surroundings from hazardous uses of plastic, we must follow 3Rs- Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Reduce plastic usage and reuse harmless plastic to assist in lowering its overproduction. Recycling and reusing plastic substances is the best perspective to reduce the environmental impacts of open landfills and open-air burning, which are regularly practised to control household waste.

Many recycling containers may be placed in towns and seashores in coastal regions to increase the prevention and lower pollution. The plastic recycling techniques contain collecting, sorting, shredding, washing, melting, reorganisation and forming the latest products.

Interesting Facts

Plastics are crafted from chemical substances discovered in fossil fuels which include natural gases and petrol.

Plastic bottles take 450 years to decompose in landfills, so think before you use single-use plastic.

More than forty per cent of plastic is used simply once before being thrown in the garbage.

More than five trillion plastic pieces are floating in our oceans.

Maybe there will be more plastic in our oceans than fish by 2050.

There is a plastic island within the ocean 3 times larger than France.

Key Features

Plastic became a concept to be a boon however it became a curse.

Plastic may be very dangerous because it produces poisonous gases while burning.

As it is non-biodegradable, it's far more dangerous to the soil and takes many years to degrade or decompose.


FAQs on Plastics Boon or a Curse

1. What are the problems associated with plastic disposal?

The plastic bags are carelessly thrown here and there and are liable for clogging the drains, too. Also, that garbage sells off wherein animals, mainly cows, are consuming garbage and swallowing substances like poly bags and plastic wrappers of food. The plastic things choke the respiration system of those animals or form a lining inside their stomachs, which may lead to death.

2. Which process is used to manufacture plastic pipes?

Extrusion moulding is used to manufacture plastic pipes.

3. Give an example of thermoplastic material.

Electric insulation is a common example of a thermoplastic material.

essay on water boon or bane

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Fill in the form below and receive news in your email box, boon or a bane: definition, meaning and origin.

The phrase "boon or a bane" represents a balance or trade-off, typically when discussing the pros and cons of a situation, decision, or technology. You may use it in discussions where the benefits (boon) and disadvantages (bane) are weighed against each other.

"Boon or a bane" means to weigh the positive and negative aspects of something to understand whether it's beneficial or detrimental overall.

What Does "Boon or a Bane" Mean?

The key meaning of the phrase is that something has the potential to be either beneficial or detrimental. Whether it acts as a boon or bane depends on how it is used or applied in a given set of circumstances. This suggests that the object or idea in question has two sides, making it unclear if it's good or bad.

Let's delve into its core meanings and usage:

  • It emphasizes the struggle to determine if something is a positive or negative influence.
  • It is common in debates and discussions, particularly those about social issues, technology, and development.
  • It expresses the pros and cons associated with a situation or decision.

Where Does "Boon or a Bane" Come From?

The phrase "boon or a bane" combines two old English words:

  • "boon," meaning a favor or benefit
  • "bane," meaning a cause of death, ruin, or harm

The phrase encapsulates the concept of weighing advantages against disadvantages by juxtaposing these contrasting words.

Historical Example

"Are men in such that may be asked, and only to give because of the asking, without regarding whether it be a boon or a bane?" - Historical Sketches of Statesmen who Flourished in the Time of George III, 1839

10 Examples of "Boon or a Bane" in Sentences

Here are some examples of using the phrase in sentences:

  • Smartphones have changed the way we live, but are they a boon or a bane ?
  • They did it on my behalf , but I'm not sure if it's a boon or a bane .
  • Is the Internet of Things a boon or a bane for privacy?
  • What's the catch with this offer? Is it a boon or a bane ?
  • The thematic approach might be a boon or a bane , depending on the audience.
  • For some, technology in the classroom is a boon; for others, a bane .
  • On a side note , I can't decide if this change is a boon or a bane .
  • Home offices: boon or a bane for work-life balance?
  • When the new policy goes into effect , it might be a boon or a bane for us.
  • Virtual reality: boon or bane for real human interactions?

Examples of "Boon or a Bane" in Pop Culture

The phrase "boon or a bane" often appears in debates and discussions, particularly on topics related to technology, progress, and societal change.

Let's look at some examples:

  • The article "Colorizing film classics; a boon or a bane?"  published in The New York Times on August 5, 1986, discusses the debate surrounding the practice of colorizing classic films.
  • A quote from the 2009 book Whole Green Catalog by Michael W. Robbins: "Your kitchen scraps can be a boon or a bane to the environment, depending on how you dispose of them."
  • A quote from the book Technology in a Changing World: "With the use of email becoming an indispensable part of lives in the 21st century, the question of whether it is a boon or a bane remains to be answered."

Other/Different Ways to Say "Boon or a Bane"

There are several alternative expressions that convey a similar meaning to "boon or a bane."

Some of these include:

  • Pros and cons
  • Blessing or curse
  • Positive or negative
  • Good or bad
  • Help or hindrance
  • Advantage or disadvantage
  • Asset or liability
  • Good thing or bad thing

You can use these alternatives interchangeably depending on the context and the nature of the debate.

10 Frequently Asked Questions About "Boon or a Bane":

  • What does "boon or a bane" mean?
"Boon or a bane" refers to the dilemma of determining whether something is good or bad, beneficial or harmful. It's often used when debating the merits and drawbacks of a particular issue or concept.
  • How can I use "boon or a bane" in a sentence?
You can use "boon or a bane" when discussing or writing about a topic that has both positive and negative aspects. For instance, "The rise of artificial intelligence: boon or a bane?"
  • Where does the idiom "boon or a bane" come from?
The phrase "boon or a bane" combines two old English words, "boon" meaning a favor or benefit, and "bane" meaning a cause of death or ruin.
  • Does the phrase have a negative connotation?
No, the phrase itself is neutral. It suggests a balance between positive and negative factors.
  • Is the phrase common in formal discussions?
Yes, "boon or a bane" is frequently used in formal discussions, debates, and academic writings, especially when discussing the impacts of technology, progress, or societal changes.
  • Is it applicable in everyday conversation?
Yes, it can be used in everyday conversation when discussing advantages and disadvantages of any situation, choice, or decision.
  • Can one use it in a literary context?
Yes, it can be used in a literary context to create a sense of conflict or dilemma.
  • What's the difference between "boon or a bane" and "pros and cons"?
"Boon or a bane" and "pros and cons" both refer to the positive and negative aspects of a situation. However, "boon or a bane" has a more dramatic tone and is often used when the stakes are higher.
  • Is it necessary for the boon and bane to be equally weighted?
No, the weight of the boon and the bane may vary depending on the specific context.
  • Can one use the phrase in a professional context?
Yes, "boon or a bane" is often used in professional contexts to discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks of a decision, strategy, or technological advancement.

Final Thoughts About "Boon or a Bane"

The idiom "boon or a bane" represents the duality of impacts, outcomes, or effects. It is used to discuss the positives and negatives of a specific concept, situation, or event, often stirring intriguing debates and discussions.

Here's a quick recap:

  • It weighs the positive and negative aspects of a concept, situation, or event.
  • Its origin is traced back to Old English, making it a long-standing part of the English language.
  • It is appropriate in various contexts and situations, reflecting its versatility and applicability.

Whether it's about technological advancements or lifestyle changes, if it's a "boon or a bane," you know it's a topic worth pondering. The phrase invites us to delve deeper, analyze thoroughly, and weigh the positives against the negatives.

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Plastic – A Boon Or A Bane? Essay | Essay on Plastic – A Boon Or A Bane? for Students and Children in English

essay on water boon or bane

Plastic – A Boon Or A Bane? Essay – Given below is a Long and Short Essay on Plastic – A Boon Or A Bane? of competitive exams, kids and students belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. The Plastic – A Boon Or A Bane? essay 100, 150, 200, 250 words in English helps the students with their class assignments, comprehension tasks, and even for competitive examinations.

You can also find more Essay Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long Essay on Plastic – A Boon Or A Bane? 500 Words for Kids and Students in English

If we decide to give a name to the present age—in particular the last 30 years—we would surely call it the Plastic Age. The invention of plastic was hailed as man’s brilliance – a boon. It was light in weight and easy to mould. Within a very short time it replaced metal for items of daily use like buckets, pipes, ropes, some items of furniture and numerous other items; pens that we use, the bottles, our spectacle frames and even dress material! The markets were flooded with colourful plastic goods that were cheap and easy to maintain. Being cheap, people began to look at it as a dispensable commodity and a new term ‘use and throw’ became a way of life. Plastic bags and bottles have become the most common items.

Plastic A Boon Or A Bane Essay

Unfortunately, plastic is non-biodegradable—in other words it cannot be destroyed by the action of bacteria or other living organisms. Once made, its form cannot be changed without causing pollution. If we look around us we can see the amount of plastic that is senselessly used by most of us. Instead of carrying a bottle of water from home, we buy bottled water and throw away the empty one. We buy a single chocolate and carry it home in a plastic bag when we can easily put it in our hand bag, or even carry it in our hand.

essay on water boon or bane

Fountain pens are dying a silent death. Ball point pens are convenient to carry around so most people use them. A single pen would last a student for approximately 15 days. By a simple calculation we see that a student uses 2 pens a month; so a class of 40 students would use 80 pens per month. If we sum up the pens used annually in one school, the amount of waste plastic generated would be mind boggling.

Plastic when destroyed gives off obroxious fumes and toxins that are highly carcinogenic. However, it has become so much a part of our lives that we cannot do away with it completely. We can, as individuals, do our part by reducing its usage. Reuse the bottles, carry your own jute or cotton bags that are eco-friendly, instead of throwing away the pen, put its refill, and most importantly do not throw plastics any and everywhere. Our rivers are polluted with floating plastics, cows die after swallowing plastic bags containing vegetable leftovers, city drains get clogged and soil lose its fertility.

We, can easily turn to natural products like jute, cotton and other environmental friendly materials. Some state governments in India have already urged to minimise the use of plastic and awareness is being spread against use of plastic. It is only with a consorted effort from each of us that we can prevent plastic from choking our Mother Earth, in turn our own lives.

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essay on water boon or bane

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Technology: A Boon or a Bane? [Essay Question]


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Essay on Internet A Boon Or Bane

To begin with, the internet is a system of global connection that networks many computers at a time using its special protocol suite (TCP/IP). It is a system developed for communicating between the devices with the network connection. It is a storehouse of online services with wide coverage in the modern era. Millions of web browsers and sites are available just because of the internet. There are various types of internet connection in the form of cable, fiber, DSL, and satellite internet connections. The modern internet had a foundation since January /, 1983 when Arpanet adopted TCP/IP as an Internet protocol suite. The researchers worked to assemble a ‘network of networks’ that gave us the world wide web in around 1990.

Since 1990, the online world has been possible. We have reached an era where nothing is possible without the internet. This has left a very deep stamp on us with the internet acting as a necessity in every field. It has been serving us as a boon because broadcasting media has been able to flourish only with the internet. From taking the life of a student or a businessman, the internet has been a platform to grow and enhance one’s reach. The clarification of doubts and curiosity got a solution from the internet where a lot of people from different communities can interact together. The economic progress has also been highly contributed by the internet as it allows the user to learn as well as expose.  Thus, it has been a blessing for today’s generation where access to the world has been very convenient.  

Moreover, the internet has been acting as an addiction to the young generation. From being a storehouse of millions of web pages, there is a flourishment for the negative content. As a consequence crime has taken into a different direction which raised the victimization beyond the politics of one state which is cybercrime. Social media has been a platform more than society and there is the negligence of actual social life. Pictures are a target for the family to get together to post followed captions to set with social media and walls as a showcase. Thus, life has been deteriorating and more of a showcase placed on one’s wall of a media. The children get the gadgets and the internet to learn more than mentors and guardians. This has resulted in making a social animal more of a device with more actions but less interaction.

As a whole, everything has two sides as pros and cons. But talking about the internet, in reality, it has been spreading as an addiction more of a devastating manner instead of improvements. If the use of the internet is not given a proper direction or guidance then the flow of crimes will be more than the flow of information. Hence, there have to be proper mentors mentoring the upcoming generation with proper use of the internet and people use it as a platform to showcase one’s talent instead of unwanted techniques and strategies of degrading activities.

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essay on water boon or bane

Essay on Artificial Intelligence – a boon or bane

We are in an era of rapid technological advancement, where artificial intelligence (AI) is changing how we live and work. You may have heard of popular AI models like ChatGPT, MidJourney, and others that have made headlines in year 2023 for their impressive capabilities, such as text-to-speech, text-to-image, and text-to-video.

Indeed, thousands of people have lost their jobs due to the proliferation of chatbots and other AI-powered systems. This has led to a debate over whether AI is a boon or a bane for society. In this essay, we will explore both sides of this issue and examine the potential benefits and drawbacks of AI.

Students must stay exam-ready by reading these types of essays based on current affairs .

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly growing field that is revolutionizing the way we live, work, and communicate. AI is a type of technology designed to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as understanding natural language, recognizing images, and making decisions. Some people believe AI is a boon, while others consider it a bane. In this essay, we will explore both sides of the argument.

On one hand, AI can be seen as a boon. AI has the potential to revolutionize industries such as healthcare, education, and transportation. In healthcare, AI can help doctors diagnose diseases more accurately and quickly. In the educational field, AI can personalize learning experiences for each student based on their strengths and weaknesses. In the transportation sector, AI can help reduce traffic accidents and congestion by enabling self-driving cars.

AI can also make our lives more convenient. Virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa can help us manage our schedules, answer questions, and control our home devices with just our voice. AI-powered chatbots can help businesses provide better customer service by answering frequently asked questions and resolving issues more quickly.

On the other hand, AI can also be seen as a bane. One of the main concerns about AI is that it could potentially take over jobs that humans currently do. For example, self-driving cars could eliminate the need for taxi and truck drivers. AI-powered robots could replace workers in factories and warehouses. This could lead to job losses and economic instability.

Another concern is that AI could be used for malicious purposes. AI could be used to create fake news and spread disinformation. It could also be used to build autonomous weapons that could make decisions without human intervention.

In conclusion, AI is a complex and multifaceted technology that can be both a boon and a bane. While AI can revolutionize industries, improve our lives, and make our world a better place, we must also be mindful of potential risks and challenges associated with this technology. As we continue to develop and integrate AI into our lives, it is important that we carefully consider the ethical implications and strive to create a future where AI serves the common good.

If you were an ex-employee of Google, Meta, Alphabet or Microsoft, you would have surely termed Artificial intelligence a bane. On the other hand, for a graphic designer who has started earning a handsome amount of money with the help of Mid journey, artificial intelligence is no less than a boon or blessing for him.

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Essay on Indian Population Boon Or Bane

Students are often asked to write an essay on Indian Population Boon Or Bane in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

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100 Words Essay on Indian Population Boon Or Bane


India is known for its large number of people. With over a billion lives, it stands as the second-most populated country in the world. This essay looks at whether India’s huge population is good or bad.

More People, More Power

A big population can mean more workers and bigger markets. This can lead to more factories and businesses which can make the country richer. Young people can also bring fresh ideas and energy.

Challenges of Many

Yet, having so many people can be tough. It’s hard to make sure everyone has enough food, a good house, and can go to school. Jobs can be hard to find, and too many people can harm the land.

India’s population can be a source of strength or a challenge. It’s all about how the country uses its large number of people. With smart planning, India can turn its big population into a big success.

250 Words Essay on Indian Population Boon Or Bane

Introduction to indian population.

India is like a world within a country, full of different people, languages, and cultures. It is known for having a lot of people. In fact, it’s the second country with the most people in the world. This makes us wonder: Is having so many people good or bad for India?

Population as a Boon

Think of India’s population like a huge team. If the team works well together, they can do amazing things. Lots of people mean lots of minds to think of new ideas and lots of hands to work on big projects. Young people are like the country’s strong muscles, ready to work hard and make India better.

Population as a Bane

But sometimes, having too many people can be tough. Imagine a bus that’s too full; it’s hard for everyone to fit and be comfortable. In the same way, when there are too many people, there might not be enough food, houses, or schools for everyone. This can make life hard for many people in India.

So, is India’s population a good thing or a bad thing? It’s a bit of both. If India can help all its people to learn and find good jobs, the big population can help the country a lot. But if there are too many people and not enough things they need, it can be a big problem. It’s like a game of balance, and India needs to find the right way to make sure everyone can have a good life.

500 Words Essay on Indian Population Boon Or Bane

India is a country with a very large number of people. In fact, it is the second most populated country in the world. Many people wonder if having so many people in India is a good thing or a bad thing. This essay will look at the different sides of this question.

Why a Large Population Can Be Good

First, let’s talk about why having a lot of people might be helpful for India. With so many young people, India has a lot of workers. This can be great for companies that need people to make things or provide services. Also, more people can mean more ideas, which can lead to new inventions and businesses. This is why some people think a big population is like a gift.

Challenges of a Big Population

On the other side, having so many people can cause problems. For example, it can be hard to make sure everyone has enough food, a place to live, and a good school to go to. When there are too many people, it can also hurt the land, air, and water because it leads to more trash and pollution.

Jobs and Opportunities

One big question is about jobs. If there are enough jobs for everyone, then a big population can be a very good thing. But if there are not enough jobs, it can lead to many people not having enough money. In India, finding jobs for everyone is a big task, and the government is working hard to create more opportunities.

Education and Health

Education and health are also very important. With so many children, India needs a lot of schools and teachers. If all children can go to school, they can learn skills that will help them in the future. Health is another big area. With a big population, keeping everyone healthy is a challenge, but it is also very important.

Using Resources Wisely

India has to be careful about how it uses its resources. Resources are things like water, coal, and trees. If India uses them in a smart way, they will last longer and help more people. But if they are used too quickly, they might run out, and that would be bad for everyone.

Conclusion: Balance is Key

In the end, whether India’s large population is a good thing or a bad thing depends on how well the country can balance everything. If India can provide jobs, education, and healthcare, and take care of the environment, then its large population can be a very good thing. But if it struggles with these things, then the large number of people can be a problem. It’s like having a big team. If everyone works together, they can do great things. But if they don’t, it can be hard to get anything done. India’s challenge is to make sure its big population works together for a better future.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

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Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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