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Easy German Essays for Beginners: 8 Examples to Practice Your Language Skills

Easy German Essays for Beginners - 8 Examples to Practice Your Language Skills

Are you a beginner in learning German and looking for ways to practice your language skills? One great way to do so is by writing essays in German. Writing essays not only improves your grammar and vocabulary but also helps you express your thoughts and ideas in the target language. In this article, we will provide you with eight easy German essays for Beginners with English translation and vocabulary to help you get started.

  • Meine Familie (My family) – Write about your family, including their names, occupations, and hobbies.
  • Mein Haus (My house) – Describe your house or apartment, including the number of rooms, furniture, and decorations.
  • Meine Hobbys (My hobbies) – Talk about your favorite hobbies, such as playing sports, reading books, or listening to music.
  • Meine Schule (My school) – Write about your school, including its location, teachers, and subjects you study.
  • Meine Freunde (My friends) – Discuss your friends, including how you met them, their personalities, and what you like to do together.
  • Meine Stadt (My city) – Describe your city or town, including its population, tourist attractions, and cultural events.
  • Meine Reise (My trip) – Write about a recent trip you took, including the destination, transportation, and activities you did there.
  • Meine Lieblingsessen (My favorite food) – Talk about your favorite foods, including traditional German dishes and other international cuisines.

Remember to use simple vocabulary and sentence structures while writing the essays. Good luck with your German learning journey!

Table of Contents

Meine familie (my family).

Ich heiße Maria und ich möchte euch gerne meine Familie vorstellen. Wir sind insgesamt vier Personen in meiner Familie. Mein Vater heißt Klaus und er arbeitet als Ingenieur. Meine Mutter heißt Petra und sie ist Hausfrau. Mein Bruder heißt Jan und er geht noch zur Schule.

(My name is Maria, and I would like to introduce you to my family. We are a family of four. My father’s name is Klaus, and he works as an engineer. My mother’s name is Petra, and she is a homemaker. My brother’s name is Jan, and he still goes to school.)


  • Ich heiße Maria (My name is Maria)
  • insgesamt (altogether)
  • vier Personen (four persons)
  • der Vater (father)
  • arbeiten (to work)
  • der Ingenieur (engineer)
  • die Mutter (mother)
  • Hausfrau (homemaker)
  • der Bruder (brother)
  • noch zur Schule gehen (still go to school)

Mein Vater arbeitet in einem großen Unternehmen als Ingenieur. Er ist sehr fleißig und verbringt viel Zeit im Büro. In seiner Freizeit geht er gerne joggen oder spielt Golf. Meine Mutter kümmert sich um den Haushalt und verbringt viel Zeit damit, leckere Mahlzeiten zu kochen. Sie liest auch gerne Bücher und geht regelmäßig zum Yoga.

(My father works in a large company as an engineer. He is very hardworking and spends a lot of time in the office. In his free time, he likes to go jogging or play golf. My mother takes care of the household and spends a lot of time cooking delicious meals. She also likes to read books and regularly attends yoga classes.)

  • in einem großen Unternehmen (in a large company)
  • sehr fleißig (very hardworking)
  • viel Zeit (a lot of time)
  • im Büro (in the office)
  • in seiner Freizeit (in his free time)
  • joggen (to go jogging)
  • Golf spielen (to play golf)
  • sich kümmern um (to take care of)
  • der Haushalt (household)
  • leckere Mahlzeiten kochen (cook delicious meals)
  • gerne lesen (like to read)
  • regelmäßig (regularly)
  • zum Yoga gehen (go to yoga)

Mein Bruder Jan geht noch zur Schule und ist sehr sportlich. Er spielt Fußball im Verein und geht regelmäßig ins Fitnessstudio. In seiner Freizeit hört er gerne Musik und schaut Filme.

(My brother Jan still goes to school and is very sporty. He plays soccer in a club and regularly goes to the gym. In his free time, he likes to listen to music and watch movies.)

  • sehr sportlich (very sporty)
  • Fußball spielen (to play soccer)
  • im Verein (in a club)
  • ins Fitnessstudio gehen (to go to the gym)
  • Musik hören (listen to music)
  • Filme schauen (watch movies)

Ich studiere im Moment an der Universität und meine Hobbys sind Lesen, Reisen und Yoga. In meiner Freizeit gehe ich gerne in die Natur und genieße die frische Luft.

(I am currently studying at the university, and my hobbies are reading, traveling, and yoga. In my free time, I like to go into nature and enjoy the fresh air.)

  • studieren (to study)
  • an der Universität (at the university)
  • die Hobbys (hobbies)
  • Lesen (reading)
  • Reisen (traveling)
  • Yoga (yoga)
  • die Freizeit (free time)
  • in die Natur gehen (go into nature)
  • genießen (enjoy)
  • frische Luft (fresh air)

Das ist meine Familie. Wir haben viele verschiedene Hobbys und Interessen, aber wir verbringen auch gerne gemeinsam Zeit miteinander.

(This is my family. We have many different hobbies and interests, but we also enjoy spending time together.)

  • das ist (this is)
  • verschiedene Hobbys und Interessen (different hobbies and interests)
  • gerne Zeit miteinander verbringen (enjoy spending time together)

Top reasons why Berlin is the best city for Expats!

Mein Haus (My House)

Ich lebe in einem Haus mit drei Schlafzimmern und zwei Bädern. Das Haus ist zweistöckig und hat auch einen Keller. Im Erdgeschoss befinden sich das Wohnzimmer, die Küche und ein Esszimmer. Im Wohnzimmer haben wir ein bequemes Sofa und einen großen Fernseher. In der Küche gibt es eine Spülmaschine, einen Herd, einen Backofen und einen Kühlschrank. Das Esszimmer hat einen Esstisch mit sechs Stühlen.

(I live in a house with three bedrooms and two bathrooms. The house is two stories and also has a basement. On the ground floor, there is the living room, kitchen, and a dining room. In the living room, we have a comfortable sofa and a large television. In the kitchen, there is a dishwasher, stove, oven, and refrigerator. The dining room has a dining table with six chairs.)

  • das Haus (house)
  • die Schlafzimmer (bedrooms)
  • die Bäder (bathrooms)
  • zweistöckig (two-storied)
  • der Keller (basement)
  • das Erdgeschoss (ground floor)
  • das Wohnzimmer (living room)
  • die Küche (kitchen)
  • das Esszimmer (dining room)
  • ein bequemes Sofa (a comfortable sofa)
  • ein großer Fernseher (a large television)
  • eine Spülmaschine (a dishwasher)
  • ein Herd (a stove)
  • ein Backofen (an oven)
  • ein Kühlschrank (a refrigerator)
  • ein Esstisch (a dining table)
  • sechs Stühle (six chairs)

Im Obergeschoss befinden sich die Schlafzimmer und die Bäder. Mein Schlafzimmer hat ein großes Bett, einen Schreibtisch und einen Kleiderschrank. Das Badezimmer hat eine Badewanne und eine Dusche. In den anderen Schlafzimmern gibt es auch Betten und Schränke für Kleidung.

(Upstairs, there are the bedrooms and bathrooms. My bedroom has a large bed, a desk, and a closet. The bathroom has a bathtub and a shower. In the other bedrooms, there are also beds and closets for clothes.)

  • das Obergeschoss (upper floor)
  • das Schlafzimmer (bedroom)
  • der Schreibtisch (desk)
  • der Kleiderschrank (closet)
  • das Badezimmer (bathroom)
  • die Badewanne (bathtub)
  • die Dusche (shower)
  • die anderen Schlafzimmer (the other bedrooms)

Im Keller haben wir eine Waschmaschine und einen Trockner. Wir nutzen den Keller auch als Lager für Dinge, die wir nicht oft brauchen.

(In the basement, we have a washing machine and dryer. We also use the basement as a storage area for things we don’t need often.)

  • die Waschmaschine (washing machine)
  • der Trockner (dryer)
  • als Lager nutzen (use as storage area)
  • Dinge (things)

Wir haben auch einige Dekorationen im Haus. Im Wohnzimmer haben wir ein großes Gemälde an der Wand und im Esszimmer steht eine Vase mit Blumen auf dem Tisch.

(We also have some decorations in the house. In the living room, we have a large painting on the wall, and in the dining room, there is a vase of flowers on the table.)

  • die Dekorationen (decorations)
  • das Gemälde (painting)
  • die Wand (wall)
  • die Vase (vase)
  • die Blumen (flowers)
  • der Tisch (table)

Wir haben auch ein paar Teppiche im Haus, um den Boden zu bedecken. Das Wohnzimmer hat einen braunen Teppich, während die Schlafzimmer jeweils einen unterschiedlichen Farbton haben. Mein Schlafzimmer hat einen blauen Teppich, während das andere Schlafzimmer einen roten Teppich hat.

(We also have some carpets in the house to cover the floor. The living room has a brown carpet, while the bedrooms have a different color tone each. My bedroom has a blue carpet, while the other bedroom has a red carpet.)

  • der Teppich (carpet)
  • den Boden bedecken (to cover the floor)
  • unterschiedliche Farbton (different color tone)

Insgesamt bin ich sehr glücklich mit meinem Haus. Es ist gemütlich und hat genug Platz für meine Familie und mich.

(Overall, I am very happy with my house. It is cozy and has enough space for my family and me.)

  • insgesamt (overall)
  • glücklich (happy)
  • gemütlich (cozy)
  • genug Platz (enough space)

Difference between ein, eine, einen, and einem in the German Language

Meine hobbys (my hobbies).

Ich habe einige Hobbys, die ich sehr gerne mache. Eines meiner Lieblingshobbys ist es, Sport zu treiben. Insbesondere mag ich es, Basketball zu spielen und Laufen zu gehen. Ich liebe es, im Freien zu sein und Sport zu treiben, weil es mir hilft, mich fit und gesund zu halten.

(I have some hobbies that I really enjoy doing. One of my favorite hobbies is doing sports. In particular, I like to play basketball and go running. I love being outdoors and doing sports because it helps me stay fit and healthy.)

  • das Hobby (hobby)
  • Sport treiben (to do sports)
  • Basketball spielen (to play basketball)
  • Laufen gehen (to go running)
  • im Freien sein (to be outdoors)
  • fit und gesund (fit and healthy)

Ein weiteres Hobby von mir ist das Lesen von Büchern. Ich lese gerne Romane und Sachbücher, besonders über Geschichte und Wissenschaft. Lesen ist für mich eine Möglichkeit, zu lernen und meine Vorstellungskraft zu erweitern.

(Another hobby of mine is reading books. I enjoy reading novels and non-fiction books, especially about history and science. Reading is a way for me to learn and expand my imagination.)

  • das Lesen (reading)
  • das Buch (book)
  • der Roman (novel)
  • das Sachbuch (non-fiction book)
  • die Geschichte (history)
  • die Wissenschaft (science)
  • die Vorstellungskraft (imagination)

Außerdem höre ich gerne Musik. Ich mag viele verschiedene Genres wie Pop, Rock und Klassik. Musik kann meine Stimmung beeinflussen und mich entspannen.

(Additionally, I like to listen to music. I enjoy many different genres like pop, rock, and classical. Music can influence my mood and help me relax.)

  • die Musik (music)
  • das Genre (genre)
  • Pop, Rock, Klassik (pop, rock, classical)
  • die Stimmung (mood)
  • sich entspannen (to relax)

Insgesamt bin ich sehr dankbar für meine Hobbys. Sie helfen mir, meinen Geist und Körper gesund zu halten und mich zu entspannen.

(Overall, I am very grateful for my hobbies. They help me keep my mind and body healthy and help me relax.)

  • dankbar (grateful)
  • der Geist (mind)
  • der Körper (body)

German Essays on My Family: Meine Familie

Meine schule (my school).

Ich besuche eine Schule in der Nähe meines Hauses. Die Schule ist relativ groß und hat viele Schülerinnen und Schüler. Wir haben viele Lehrerinnen und Lehrer, die alle sehr nett und hilfsbereit sind.

(I attend a school near my house. The school is relatively large and has many students. We have many teachers who are all very kind and helpful.)

  • besuchen (to attend)
  • die Nähe (proximity)
  • relativ (relatively)
  • die Schülerin (female student)
  • der Schüler (male student)
  • viele (many)
  • die Lehrerin (female teacher)
  • der Lehrer (male teacher)
  • nett (kind)
  • hilfsbereit (helpful)

Die Schule bietet viele verschiedene Fächer an, einschließlich Mathematik, Geschichte, Englisch, Naturwissenschaften und Fremdsprachen. Mein Lieblingsfach ist Englisch, weil ich gerne Geschichten lese und schreibe. Ich denke, dass es wichtig ist, eine gute Ausbildung zu haben, um im Leben erfolgreich zu sein.

(The school offers many different subjects, including mathematics, history, English, science, and foreign languages. My favorite subject is English because I enjoy reading and writing stories. I believe that having a good education is important to be successful in life.)

  • das Fach (subject)
  • einschließlich (including)
  • Mathematik (mathematics)
  • Geschichte (history)
  • Englisch (English)
  • Naturwissenschaften (science)
  • Fremdsprachen (foreign languages)
  • das Lieblingsfach (favorite subject)
  • die Geschichte (story)
  • die Ausbildung (education)
  • erfolgreich (successful)

Unsere Schule hat auch viele außerschulische Aktivitäten, wie zum Beispiel Sportmannschaften und Musikgruppen. Ich bin Mitglied des Schulfußballteams und wir haben viele Spiele gegen andere Schulen in der Gegend. Es macht mir viel Spaß und ich habe viele Freunde durch das Team kennengelernt.

(Our school also has many extracurricular activities, such as sports teams and music groups. I am a member of the school soccer team and we have many games against other schools in the area. It’s a lot of fun and I have made many friends through the team.)

  • außerschulisch (extracurricular)
  • die Aktivitäten (activities)
  • die Sportmannschaften (sports teams)
  • die Musikgruppen (music groups)
  • das Mitglied (member)
  • das Schulfußballteam (school soccer team)
  • das Spiel (game)
  • die Gegend (area)
  • der Spaß (fun)
  • der Freund (friend)

Insgesamt bin ich sehr glücklich auf meiner Schule und ich denke, dass ich hier eine gute Ausbildung bekomme. Ich hoffe, dass ich in Zukunft noch mehr von den vielen Möglichkeiten, die die Schule bietet, profitieren kann.

(Overall, I am very happy at my school and I think that I am getting a good education here. I hope that in the future, I can take advantage of even more of the many opportunities that the school offers.)

  • die Möglichkeit (opportunity)
  • profitieren (to take advantage of)

List of German adjectives with English meaning

Meine Freunde (My friends)

Ich habe viele Freunde, aber ich möchte über meine drei engsten Freunde sprechen. Wir haben uns alle in der Grundschule kennengelernt und sind seitdem unzertrennlich.

(I have many friends, but I want to talk about my three closest friends. We all met in elementary school and have been inseparable ever since.)

  • die Freunde (friends)
  • unzertrennlich (inseparable)

Mein erster Freund heißt Max. Er ist sehr sportlich und spielt gerne Fußball und Basketball. Max ist auch sehr lustig und hat immer eine positive Einstellung. Wir lieben es, zusammen Sport zu treiben oder Videospiele zu spielen.

(My first friend is Max. He is very athletic and likes to play soccer and basketball. Max is also very funny and always has a positive attitude. We love to exercise or play video games together.)

  • sportlich (athletic)
  • Fußball (soccer)
  • Basketball (basketball)
  • die Einstellung (attitude)
  • lustig (funny)
  • zusammen (together)
  • Videospiele (video games)

Meine Freundin Anna ist sehr künstlerisch und liebt es zu malen und zu zeichnen. Sie hat auch ein großes Herz und ist immer bereit, anderen zu helfen. Anna und ich machen oft zusammen Kunstprojekte oder gehen ins Kino.

(My friend Anna is very artistic and loves to paint and draw. She also has a big heart and is always willing to help others. Anna and I often do art projects together or go to the movies.)

  • künstlerisch (artistic)
  • malen (to paint)
  • zeichnen (to draw)
  • das Herz (heart)
  • bereit (willing)
  • helfen (to help)
  • das Kunstprojekt (art project)
  • ins Kino gehen (to go to the movies)

Mein Freund Tom ist sehr intelligent und liebt es, neue Dinge zu lernen. Er ist auch sehr abenteuerlustig und geht gerne auf Reisen. Tom und ich haben viele spannende Abenteuer erlebt, wie zum Beispiel Campingausflüge oder Klettertouren.

(My friend Tom is very smart and loves to learn new things. He is also very adventurous and likes to travel. Tom and I have had many exciting adventures, such as camping trips or climbing expeditions.)

  • intelligent (smart)
  • abenteuerlustig (adventurous)
  • die Reise (travel)
  • die Abenteuer (adventures)
  • der Campingausflug (camping trip)
  • die Klettertour (climbing expedition)

Insgesamt bin ich sehr dankbar für meine Freunde und bin froh, dass ich sie habe. Wir haben so viele schöne Erinnerungen zusammen gemacht und ich freue mich auf viele weitere Abenteuer mit ihnen.

(Overall, I am very grateful for my friends and am glad to have them. We have made so many beautiful memories together and I look forward to many more adventures with them.)

  • froh (glad)
  • die Erinnerungen (memories)

Meine Stadt (My city)

Ich lebe in einer Stadt namens Hamburg in Deutschland. Hamburg ist die zweitgrößte Stadt Deutschlands und hat eine Bevölkerung von etwa 1,8 Millionen Menschen. Es ist eine Hafenstadt und liegt an der Elbe.

(I live in a city called Hamburg in Germany. Hamburg is the second largest city in Germany and has a population of about 1.8 million people. It is a port city and located on the river Elbe.)

  • die Bevölkerung (population)
  • der Hafen (port)
  • die Elbe (river Elbe)

Hamburg ist bekannt für seine vielen Touristenattraktionen. Eines der bekanntesten ist der Hamburger Hafen, der einer der größten Häfen Europas ist. Es gibt auch den Fischmarkt, auf dem man frischen Fisch kaufen und lokale Spezialitäten probieren kann.

(Hamburg is known for its many tourist attractions. One of the most famous is the Port of Hamburg, which is one of the largest ports in Europe. There is also the Fish Market, where you can buy fresh fish and try local specialties.)

  • die Touristenattraktionen (tourist attractions)
  • bekannt (known)
  • der Fischmarkt (fish market)
  • frisch (fresh)
  • lokale Spezialitäten (local specialties)

Außerdem gibt es viele kulturelle Veranstaltungen in Hamburg. Jedes Jahr findet das Hamburger Domfest statt, das größte Volksfest im Norden Deutschlands. Es gibt auch das Internationale Filmfest Hamburg, bei dem Filme aus der ganzen Welt gezeigt werden.

(Additionally, there are many cultural events in Hamburg. Every year, the Hamburg Dom Festival takes place, which is the largest folk festival in northern Germany. There is also the Hamburg International Film Festival, where films from all over the world are shown.)

  • kulturelle Veranstaltungen (cultural events)
  • das Domfest (folk festival)
  • das Internationale Filmfest (international film festival)
  • aus der ganzen Welt (from all over the world)

Insgesamt ist Hamburg eine lebendige und vielfältige Stadt, die für jeden etwas zu bieten hat.

(Overall, Hamburg is a vibrant and diverse city that has something to offer for everyone.)

  • lebendig (vibrant)
  • vielfältig (diverse)
  • etwas zu bieten haben (to have something to offer)

My trip (Meine Reise)

Ich bin vor Kurzem mit meiner Familie nach Paris gereist. Wir sind direkt von unserer Stadt aus geflogen und kamen früh am Morgen in Paris an.

(I recently went on a trip to Paris with my family. We took a direct flight from our city and arrived in Paris early in the morning.)

  • Vor Kurzem (recently)
  • Die Reise (trip)
  • Meine Familie (my family)
  • Fliegen (to fly)
  • Direkt (direct)
  • Unsere Stadt (our city)
  • Ankommen (to arrive)
  • Früh (early)
  • Am Morgen (in the morning)

Wir haben in einem Hotel im Herzen der Stadt gewohnt, in der Nähe vieler beliebter Sehenswürdigkeiten. Unser Hotelzimmer hatte eine tolle Aussicht auf den Eiffelturm, der nur einen kurzen Spaziergang entfernt war.

(We stayed in a hotel in the heart of the city, close to many popular tourist attractions. Our hotel room had a great view of the Eiffel Tower, which was just a short walk away.)

  • das Hotel (hotel)
  • die Stadt (city)
  • die Nähe (proximity, closeness)
  • die Sehenswürdigkeiten (tourist attractions)
  • das Hotelzimmer (hotel room)
  • die Aussicht (view)
  • der Eiffelturm (Eiffel Tower)
  • der Spaziergang (walk)

Während unseres Aufenthalts haben wir viele berühmte Wahrzeichen der Stadt besucht, darunter das Louvre-Museum und die Kathedrale Notre-Dame. Wir haben auch eine Bootsfahrt auf der Seine gemacht, was eine großartige Möglichkeit war, die Stadt aus einer anderen Perspektive zu sehen.

(During our stay, we visited many of the city’s famous landmarks, including the Louvre Museum and Notre-Dame Cathedral. We also went on a boat tour of the Seine River, which was a great way to see the city from a different perspective.)

  • der Aufenthalt (stay)
  • berühmte Wahrzeichen (famous landmarks)
  • das Louvre-Museum (the Louvre Museum)
  • die Kathedrale Notre-Dame (Notre-Dame Cathedral)
  • die Bootsfahrt (boat tour)
  • die Seine (the Seine River)
  • aus einer anderen Perspektive (from a different perspective)

Eines der Highlights unserer Reise war das Probieren der köstlichen französischen Küche. Wir haben in vielen verschiedenen Restaurants und Cafés gegessen und alles von Croissants bis Escargots ausprobiert.

(One of the highlights of our trip was trying the delicious French cuisine. We ate at many different restaurants and cafes, and tried everything from croissants to escargots.)

  • das Highlight (the highlight)
  • die Reise (the trip)
  • das Probieren (the trying/tasting)
  • die köstliche französische Küche (the delicious French cuisine)
  • das Restaurant (the restaurant)
  • das Café (the café)
  • alles (everything)
  • der Croissant (the croissant)
  • die Escargots (the escargots (snails))

Insgesamt war unser Trip nach Paris eine wunderbare Erfahrung. Wir haben die schönen Sehenswürdigkeiten, das leckere Essen und die reiche Kultur der Stadt genossen. Es war eine großartige Gelegenheit, Zeit mit meiner Familie zu verbringen und bleibende Erinnerungen zu schaffen.

(Overall, our trip to Paris was a wonderful experience. We enjoyed the beautiful sights, delicious food, and rich culture of the city. It was a great opportunity to spend time with my family and create lasting memories.)

  • Insgesamt (Overall)
  • Trip (trip)
  • Paris (Paris)
  • Eine wunderbare Erfahrung (A wonderful experience)
  • Wir haben genossen (We enjoyed)
  • Die schönen Sehenswürdigkeiten (The beautiful sights)
  • Das leckere Essen (The delicious food)
  • Die reiche Kultur der Stadt (The rich culture of the city)
  • Eine großartige Gelegenheit (A great opportunity)
  • Zeit mit meiner Familie zu verbringen (To spend time with my family)
  • Bleibende Erinnerungen zu schaffen (To create lasting memories)

Meine Lieblingsessen (My favorite food)

Ich esse gerne viele verschiedene Arten von Essen und habe viele Lieblingsspeisen. Einige meiner Favoriten sind traditionelle deutsche Gerichte wie Schnitzel und Spätzle, Sauerkraut und Bratwurst.

(I like to eat many different types of food and have many favorite dishes. Some of my favorites are traditional German dishes like Schnitzel and Spätzle, Sauerkraut, and Bratwurst.)

  • Lieblingsspeisen (favorite dishes)
  • traditionelle deutsche Gerichte (traditional German dishes)
  • Schnitzel (breaded and fried meat cutlets)
  • Spätzle (soft egg noodles)
  • Sauerkraut (fermented cabbage)
  • Bratwurst (grilled or fried sausage)

Ich mag auch viele internationale Küchen, wie zum Beispiel italienische Pizza und Pasta, thailändisches Curry, indische Masala und japanisches Sushi.

(I also enjoy many international cuisines, such as Italian pizza and pasta, Thai curry, Indian masala, and Japanese sushi.)

  • internationale Küchen (international cuisines)

Ein weiteres meiner Lieblingsessen ist mexikanisches Essen wie Tacos, Quesadillas und Guacamole. Die Kombination aus scharfen Gewürzen und frischen Zutaten macht das Essen zu einer Geschmacksexplosion.

(Another one of my favorite foods is Mexican cuisine like tacos, quesadillas, and guacamole. The combination of spicy seasonings and fresh ingredients makes the food a flavor explosion.)

  • scharfe Gewürze (spicy seasonings)
  • frische Zutaten (fresh ingredients)
  • Geschmacksexplosion (flavor explosion)
  • mexikanisches Essen (Mexican cuisine)
  • Tacos (filled tortillas)
  • Quesadillas (stuffed and grilled tortillas)
  • Guacamole (dip made from mashed avocado)

Insgesamt genieße ich es, neue Gerichte und Küchen auszuprobieren und verschiedene Aromen und Texturen zu entdecken. Essen ist eine große Leidenschaft von mir und ich liebe es, zu kochen und neue Rezepte zu kreieren.

(Overall, I enjoy trying new dishes and cuisines and discovering different flavors and textures. Food is a big passion of mine, and I love to cook and create new recipes.)

  • Aromen und Texturen (flavors and textures)
  • Leidenschaft (passion)
  • Rezepte (recipes)
  • kochen (to cook)
  • kreieren (to create)

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In conclusion, writing essays in German can be a fun and effective way to improve your language skills. The eight essay examples provided in this article (Easy German Essays for Beginners) offer a range of topics that will help you practice your writing skills, expand your vocabulary, and gain confidence in your ability to express yourself in German. So why not try writing one of these essays today and see how much progress you can make in your German language journey?

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Wishing Someone a Happy Birthday in German

ThoughtCo / Lara Antal

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  • M.A., German Studies, McGill University
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If you're going to speak the language, it's important to learn how to wish someone a happy birthday in German . Before giving birthday greetings, though, you need to know about an important cultural difference, especially among older Germans: Wishing a German a happy birthday before their special day is considered bad luck, so don't do it. If you're sending gifts or cards, make sure to mark on the package that the recipient should open it only on their birthday or afterward—but never before.

There are a number of ways to say happy birthday in German, but birthday wishes can vary widely whether they are spoken or written, or even depending on where the recipient resides in Germany.

Spoken Birthday Expressions

The following phrases first show how to say happy birthday in German , followed by the translation in English. Note that the translations are the English equivalents and not literal, word-for-word translations.

  • Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag! >  Happy birthday!
  • Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! >  Have a good birthday!
  • All das Beste zum Geburtstag! >  All the best on your birthday!
  • Viel Glück zum Geburtstag! >  Best of luck on your birthday!
  • Ich gratuliere Ihnen zu Ihrem 40/50/60 etc. >  Congratulations on your 40/50/60th etc. birthday.
  • Herzlichen Glückwunsch nachträglich. >  Happy belated birthday.

Written Birthday Expressions

You can write all of the above-mentioned expressions in a card, but if you want something a little more ausführlicher (detailed), you may want to try some of these expressions.

  • Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag und viel Glück/Erfolg im neuen Lebensjahr! >  Happy birthday and much happiness/success in the new year.
  • Ich wünsche dir zu deinem Geburtstag alles Liebe und Gute—verbringe einen wunderschönen Tag im Kreise deiner Lieben. >  I wish you all the best on your birthday. May you spend a wonderful day surrounded by those you love.
  • Ich wünsche dir einen herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag und alles Liebe und Gute und ganz viel Gesundheit und Spaß. Lass dich schön feiern. >  I wish you a happy birthday and all the best and much health and fun. Have a good time celebrating.
  • Herzlichen Glückwunsch und alles Gute zum Geburtstag wünscht dir (your name).  > I wish you happy birthday and all the best on this day.
  • Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum (birthday number)sten und alles Gute. > Happy Xth birthday and all the best.

Happy Birthday From All Over Germany

Not every city or town in Germany says happy birthday the same way. You may run into variations in dialect, depending on where you are in the country and where the birthday  Junge oder Mädchen, Mann oder Frau  (boy or girl, man or woman) lives. The city or region is listed on the left, followed by the German happy birthday greeting and then the English translation.

  • Bayern (Bavaria): Ois Guade zu Deim Geburdstog! >  Happy birthday!
  • Berlin: Alles Jute ooch zum Jeburtstach! >  All the best on your birthday!
  • Friesland: Lokkiche jierdei! >  Happy birthday!
  • Hessen (Hesse): Isch gratelier Dir aach zum Geburtstach! >  I congratulate you on your birthday.
  • Köln (Cologne): Alles Juute zum Jeburtstaach! >  All the best on your birthday!
  • Norddeutschland (Plattdeutsch -> Low German): Ick wünsch Di alls Gode ton Geburtsdach! >  I wish you all the best on your birthday.
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Say it Right: A Guide to Wishing Happy Birthday in German

In German culture, birthdays are a significant and cherished occasion. It is a time for celebration, gathering with loved ones, and expressing well wishes to the birthday person. Just like in any other culture, birthday wishes play a crucial role in conveying love, appreciation, and good fortune to the person celebrating their special day. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of saying happy birthday in German, provide essential vocabulary and phrases related to birthdays, discuss formal and informal birthday wishes, list common German birthday greetings and sayings, explain how to sing happy birthday in German, delve into German birthday traditions and celebrations, offer tips for writing a birthday card in German, present the top 10 German birthday wishes for friends and family, highlight common mistakes to avoid when wishing happy birthday in German, and conclude with encouragement to master German birthday wishes.

Importance of Saying Happy Birthday in German

Knowing how to say happy birthday in German is not only a way to show respect for the language and culture but also a means of connecting with German-speaking friends, family members, colleagues, or acquaintances. By expressing birthday wishes in their native language, you are demonstrating your effort to understand and appreciate their culture. It can also be a way to strengthen relationships and create a sense of belonging. Additionally, being able to say happy birthday in German can be useful in various situations. For example, if you are attending a German friend’s birthday party or sending them a birthday message, using their language will make the gesture more personal and meaningful. Similarly, if you are living or working in Germany or any other German-speaking country, knowing how to wish someone a happy birthday in their language can help you integrate into the local community and build connections.

Basic German Birthday Vocabulary

To effectively wish someone a happy birthday in German, it is essential to have some basic vocabulary related to birthdays. Here are some words and phrases that will come in handy:

1. Geburtstag – birthday 2. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! – Happy birthday! 3. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag! – Congratulations on your birthday! 4. Feier – celebration 5. Kuchen – cake 6. Geschenk – gift 7. Party – party 8. Einladung – invitation 9. Gäste – guests 10. Kerzen – candles

Pronunciation guide: – Geburtstag: geh-BOORTS-tahg – Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!: AHL-ess GOO-teh tsoom geh-BOORTS-tahg! – Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag!: HEHRTS-likhen GLOOKH-vunsh tsoom geh-BOORTS-tahg! – Feier: FYE-er – Kuchen: KOO-khen – Geschenk: GEH-shenk – Party: PAHR-tee – Einladung: EYN-lah-doong – Gäste: GES-teh – Kerzen: KEHR-tsen

Formal vs. Informal Birthday Wishes in German

In German, there is a distinction between formal and informal language, and this applies to birthday wishes as well. The choice between formal and informal language depends on the relationship you have with the person you are wishing a happy birthday to.

Formal language is used when addressing someone you are not familiar with or someone you have a professional relationship with, such as a colleague, boss, or acquaintance. When using formal language, it is important to use the appropriate titles and pronouns, such as “Sie” (you) instead of “du” (informal you). For example, you would say “Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag!” (Congratulations on your birthday!) in a formal setting.

On the other hand, informal language is used when addressing friends, family members, or people you have a close relationship with. In this case, you can use the informal pronoun “du” and a more casual tone. For example, you would say “Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!” (Happy birthday!) to a friend or family member.

It is important to note that when in doubt, it is better to err on the side of formality, especially when addressing someone you are not familiar with. It is always better to show respect and use formal language until you are given permission to use informal language.

Common German Birthday Greetings and Sayings

Now that we have covered the basics of formal and informal language, let’s explore some common German birthday greetings and sayings:

1. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag! – Congratulations on your birthday! This is a formal and widely used birthday greeting in German. It expresses well wishes and congratulations on the person’s special day.

2. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! – Happy birthday! This is a more casual and commonly used birthday greeting in German. It is suitable for friends, family members, and people you have a close relationship with.

3. Viel Glück und Gesundheit zum Geburtstag! – Lots of luck and good health on your birthday! This greeting emphasizes the importance of luck and good health in the person’s life as they celebrate their birthday.

4. Mögen alle deine Wünsche in Erfüllung gehen! – May all your wishes come true! This saying expresses the hope that all the person’s wishes will be fulfilled on their birthday.

5. Ich wünsche dir einen wundervollen Tag voller Freude und Glück! – I wish you a wonderful day full of joy and happiness! This greeting conveys the desire for the person to have a fantastic day filled with happiness and joy.

6. Bleib so, wie du bist! – Stay as you are! This saying expresses the sentiment that the person should remain true to themselves and not change.

7. Alles Liebe zum Geburtstag! – All the best on your birthday! This is a warm and affectionate birthday greeting that conveys love and good wishes.

8. Herzliche Glückwünsche zu deinem Ehrentag! – Heartfelt congratulations on your special day! This greeting emphasizes the significance of the person’s birthday and expresses sincere congratulations.

9. Lass dich feiern! – Let yourself be celebrated! This saying encourages the person to enjoy their special day and allow others to celebrate them.

10. Ich hoffe, du hast einen unvergesslichen Tag! – I hope you have an unforgettable day! This greeting expresses the desire for the person to have a memorable and enjoyable birthday.

How to Sing Happy Birthday in German

Singing happy birthday is a common tradition in many cultures, and Germany is no exception. The German version of the song is called “Zum Geburtstag viel Glück” (Lots of luck on your birthday). Here is a step-by-step guide on how to sing happy birthday in German:

1. Begin by gathering everyone around the birthday person, preferably with a cake in front of them with candles.

2. Start singing “Zum Geburtstag viel Glück, zum Geburtstag viel Glück, zum Geburtstag liebe/r [name], zum Geburtstag viel Glück!” (Lots of luck on your birthday, lots of luck on your birthday, happy birthday dear [name], lots of luck on your birthday!)

3. As you sing, encourage everyone to clap their hands or tap the table to create a joyful rhythm.

4. After singing the song once, you can repeat it if desired or proceed to the next step.

5. At the end of the song, everyone should cheer and applaud while the birthday person blows out the candles.

It is important to note that the melody of the German version of happy birthday is slightly different from the English version. It may be helpful to listen to an audio or video example of the song being sung in German to familiarize yourself with the melody and pronunciation.

German Birthday Traditions and Celebrations

German birthday traditions and celebrations vary depending on the region and personal preferences, but there are some common practices that are widely observed. Here are a few examples:

1. Birthday Cake: Just like in many other cultures, a birthday cake is an essential part of German birthday celebrations. The cake is often decorated with candles, which represent the person’s age. It is customary for the birthday person to blow out the candles while making a wish.

2. Birthday Parties: Birthday parties in Germany can range from small gatherings with close friends and family to larger celebrations with extended relatives, neighbors, and colleagues. The party usually includes food, drinks, music, games, and sometimes even a themed dress code.

3. Birthday Surprises: Surprise parties are quite popular in Germany. Friends and family members often go to great lengths to plan a surprise party for the birthday person, keeping it a secret until the last moment.

4. Birthday Traditions for Children: In Germany, children often receive a “Schultüte” on their first day of school, which is similar to a large cone filled with small gifts and treats. However, some families have adopted the tradition of giving a smaller version of the Schultüte on their child’s birthday as well.

5. Birthday Breakfast: It is common for families to start the birthday celebrations with a special birthday breakfast. This can include favorite foods, such as pastries, eggs, fruits, and juices.

6. Birthday Cards and Gifts: Giving birthday cards and gifts is a common practice in Germany. It is customary to write a heartfelt message in the birthday card expressing good wishes and congratulations.

These are just a few examples of German birthday traditions and celebrations. It is important to keep in mind that customs may vary from region to region and from family to family.

Tips for Writing a Birthday Card in German

Writing a birthday card in German can be a thoughtful and personal way to express your birthday wishes. Here are some tips to keep in mind when writing a birthday card in German:

1. Start with a Greeting: Begin the card with a warm greeting, such as “Liebe/r [name],” (Dear [name],) or “Hallo [name],” (Hello [name],).

2. Express Your Wishes: Write a heartfelt message expressing your birthday wishes for the person. You can use phrases like “Ich wünsche dir alles Gute zum Geburtstag!” (I wish you all the best on your birthday!) or “Mögen alle deine Träume in Erfüllung gehen!” (May all your dreams come true!).

3. Share Memories or Compliments: Take the opportunity to share fond memories or compliments about the person. This can make the message more personal and meaningful.

4. Use Positive Language: Choose positive and uplifting language throughout the card. Avoid negative or sad sentiments, as birthdays are meant to be joyful occasions.

5. Sign Off with Warm Regards: End the card with warm regards, such as “Herzliche Grüße” (Warm regards) or “Alles Liebe” (All the best).

6. Consider Adding a Personal Touch: If you have a close relationship with the person, consider adding a personal touch to the card, such as a drawing, a photo, or a small gift.

Remember, the most important thing is to write from the heart and convey your genuine feelings and well wishes for the person’s birthday.

Top 10 German Birthday Wishes for Friends and Family

When it comes to wishing friends and family members a happy birthday in German, there are countless ways to express your love and good wishes. Here are the top 10 German birthday wishes for friends and family:

1. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! Ich wünsche dir einen Tag voller Freude und Glück! (Happy birthday! I wish you a day full of joy and happiness!)

2. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag! Mögen alle deine Träume in Erfüllung gehen! (Congratulations on your birthday! May all your dreams come true!)

3. Alles Liebe zum Geburtstag! Ich hoffe, du hast einen wundervollen Tag mit den Menschen, die du liebst! (All the best on your birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day with the people you love!)

4. Zum Geburtstag wünsche ich dir Gesundheit, Glück und viele unvergessliche Momente! (On your birthday, I wish you health, happiness, and many unforgettable moments!)

5. Herzliche Glückwünsche zu deinem Ehrentag! Lass dich feiern und genieße jeden Moment! (Heartfelt congratulations on your special day! Let yourself be celebrated and enjoy every moment!)

6. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, mein/e liebe/r [name]! Du bist ein wundervoller Mensch und ich bin dankbar, dich in meinem Leben zu haben! (Happy birthday, my dear [name]! You are a wonderful person, and I am grateful to have you in my life!)

7. Ich wünsche dir einen Tag voller Lachen, Liebe und Glück! Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! (I wish you a day full of laughter, love, and happiness! Happy birthday!)

8. Zum Geburtstag sende ich dir die herzlichsten Grüße und die besten Wünsche! Feiere diesen besonderen Tag in vollen Zügen! (On your birthday, I send you the warmest greetings and the best wishes! Celebrate this special day to the fullest!)

9. Alles Liebe und Gute zum Geburtstag! Mögest du immer von Glück und Erfolg begleitet werden! (All the love and best wishes on your birthday! May you always be accompanied by happiness and success!)

10. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag, mein/e liebe/r [name]! Du bist einzigartig und besonders, und ich bin dankbar, dich in meinem Leben zu haben! (Congratulations on your birthday, my dear [name]! You are unique and special, and I am grateful to have you in my life!)

These birthday wishes can be customized to fit your relationship with the person and the level of formality or informality you wish to convey.

Common Mistakes to Avoid when Wishing Happy Birthday in German

When wishing happy birthday in German, it is important to be mindful of common mistakes that people often make. Here are some mistakes to avoid:

1. Incorrect Pronunciation: Incorrect Pronunciation refers to the way in which a word or phrase is spoken or articulated incorrectly, deviating from the accepted or standard pronunciation. This can occur due to various factors such as regional accents, lack of familiarity with the language, or simply not being aware of the correct pronunciation. Incorrect pronunciation can lead to misunderstandings, miscommunication, and difficulties in effectively conveying one’s message. It is important to strive for accurate pronunciation in order to ensure clear and effective communication.

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Celebrating Birthdays in Germany Posted by Larissa on Sep 18, 2018 in Traditions

Hello, my birthday was a couple of weeks ago which inspired me to write this post. I love birthdays – there is nothing better than a day of giving or recieving presents, eating cake and just generally being happy!

german essay on my birthday

My birthday in 2016! Holding a big cake and I couldn’t be happier. Own photo.

Germany celebrates birthdays pretty much the same way as in the UK or USA, there is cake, singing and a party. Here is a vocabulary list for you and two songs that you can sing. One is the usual “happy birthday to you” song and the second one is different which I find  has a nicer ring to it.


der Geburtstag                                          the birthday (Geburt = birth, Tag = day) das Geburtstagskind                                the birthday child Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!                     happy birthday! Geburtstagswünsch                                  birthday wish die Familie                                                  the family die Freunde                                                the friends die Überraschung                                     the surprise die Einladungen                                       the invitations die Ballons                                                 the balloons das Kuchen                                                the cake die Kerzen                                                 the candles die Geburtstagsfeier                                the birthday party die Geschenke                                          the presents das Geschenkpapier                                the wrapping paper

Here is the first German birthday song:

Zum Geburtstag viel Glück! Zum Geburtstag viel Glück! Zum Geburtstag liebe ……. Zum Geburtstag viel Glück!

English translation:

Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear …… Happy birthday to you!

The next song we always used to sing when someone had their birthday when I was studying in Munich. You can also sing it in canon, which means one group starts singing and once they reach the second line the second group starts singing the first line.

Viel Glück und viel Segen auf all deinen Wegen, Gesundheit und Frohsinn sei auch mit dabei.

Good luck and many blessings on all of your ways Health and happiness will also be with you

The song is called “Viel Glück und viel Segen” incase you want to youtube it to hear what it sounds like.

Do you enjoy celebrating birthdays?

Thanks for reading,

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About the Author: Larissa

Hello I'm Larissa. I live in Germany and I am half German and half English. I love sharing my passion for Germany with you through my posts! Apart from writing posts I teach fitness classes in Munich.

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Feliz Cumpleaños Larissa!

Thank U for sharing!

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Jeanette Ertel:

For many years I have made some attempt at learning German. I am a senior, long retired as an editor. I would like to be able to read German more easily. I consider myself still at the beginner level.

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How To Say (And Sing) Happy Birthday In German

Stephanie Ford

  • Read time 6 mins

How To Say (And Sing) Happy Birthday In German

Knowing how to say happy birthday is an important part of learning German.

After all, birthdays are always going to happen, right?

As you progress through learning German, you’ll no doubt meet more and more native speakers. And these speakers will all have birthdays.

You may even be present at a birthday party for them, so you’re going to have to learn the birthday song.

To avoid that embarrassing feeling of not knowing the words while everyone around you is merrily singing away, I’ve written this article to guide you through German birthdays.

I’ll cover how to both say and sing happy birthday in German, as well as explore a few German birthday traditions and vocabulary.

Happy birthday in German 🎂 🇩🇪

Saying happy birthday in German is a little more complicated than you might think. While there is a general/common phrase, there are also a number of alternatives that may crop up, depending on who you’re talking to.

The main way to say happy birthday in German is Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! . Often, people shorten this to just Alles Gute!

You’ll find this plastered all over Facebook timelines and Instagram stories, so it’s certainly the most common form.

However, there are other ways of expressing happy birthday that you should be aware of.

The extended German phrase Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag is another way of saying happy birthday. In fact, its closest equivalent in English would be “many happy returns”.

It’s a little formal, but still fairly common among Germans.

If you’re a little late to the party, you might need to wish someone a happy belated birthday.

To do this, Germans simply add nachträglich .

For instance, both Herzlichen Glückwunsch nachträglich and Alles Gute (zum Geburtstag) nachträglich mean happy belated birthday.

Personal birthday greetings in German

Is the person with an upcoming birthday close to you?

Do you want to wish a happy birthday to a dear friend, relative, or partner?

For a more personal, familiar touch, there are a number of extended phrases that you can use.

Check out a few of them below.

Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag und viel Erfolg im neuen Lebensjahr!

Alles Liebe zum Geburtstag!

Verbringe einen wunderschönen Tag im Kreise deiner Lieben!

Ich gratuliere Ihnen zu Ihrem X. Geburtstag!

With all these messages, it’s important to remember to keep them among close friends and family.

They might sound a little out of place if said to a random coworker!

Birthday expressions from around Germany

Given the various regional dialects and accents around Germany, you might encounter a birthday wish which sounds slightly odd to you.

Don’t panic, it may just simply be a heartfelt message in a local dialect.

To make sure you’ve got all possible bases covered, here’s a short list of birthday phrases in a variety of regional German dialects.

All of them simply translate as “happy birthday”.

  • Berlin: Alles Jute ooch zum Jeburtstach!
  • Bayern (Bavaria): Ois Guade zu Deim Geburdstog!
  • Köln (Cologne): Alles Juute zum Jeburtstaach!
  • Friesland: Lokkiche jierdei!
  • Hessen (Hesse): Isch gratelier Dir aach zum Geburtstach!

How do I sing the happy birthday song in German?

Many Germans have a good grasp of English, and as such the English birthday song has made its way unchanged into the German language.

But while it’s common for Germans to sing the English song, there is a version written in German that follows the same tune.

Zum Geburtstag viel Glück, Zum Geburtstag viel Glück, Zum Geburtstag alles Gute, Zum Geburtstag viel Glück.

To really impress your German friends, take the time to learn the German version and whip it out at a party or showcase your language skills by joining in when others start singing it.

Luckily, it’s not too hard to learn (three lines are exactly the same!) so you shouldn’t have too much trouble with it.

You don’t even need to know the name of the person to sing it, perfect for if you’re a plus one to a German party full of strangers.

German birthday traditions

One thing you need to know about birthdays in Germany is that you never wish a German happy birthday before their special day.

Sounds obvious, but even stuff like “oh, happy birthday for Thursday” is bad luck for Germans, particularly those of an older generation.

Oddly, though, Germans still like to begin the birthday celebrations the evening before.

You might find yourself invited to a party for someone who’s birthday is the day after. When you arrive, don’t say happy birthday. Instead, wait until midnight.

Only then can guests wish the Geburtstagskind (“birthday boy/girl”) a happy birthday.

This type of celebration is known as reinfeiren , which means something like “partying into the early hours of someone’s birthday”.

As you can see, there’s no word for this in English.

Something that English speakers might find odd is that when it’s your birthday in Germany, you’re expected to bring the cake in for your coworkers.

While Brits, Americans, and other English-speaking natives are used to being treated by colleagues, it’s the opposite in Germany.

This goes for birthday meals too.

While it’s less common for the Geburtstagskind to pay for everyone, they must at least cover their share of the bill.

This behavior is typical in Germany, so if you have a birthday there, your friends aren’t being rude. They’re just being German.

Key German birthday vocab

To help you with your German learning , we’ve collected a few key words and phrases related to birthdays that will improve your subject knowledge.

Displayed in the table below is a list of birthday-related vocab in English, as well as the German translations of each word or phrase.

When’s your birthday?Wann hast du Geburtstag? (Informal)
Wann haben Sie Geburtstag? (Formal)
My birthday is…Ich habe am… Geburtstag.
It’s a shame I can’t celebrate with you!Schade, dass ich nicht mitfeiern kann!
birthday cakeder Geburtstagskuchen
partydie Party
balloonder Ballon
candledie Kerze
presentdas Geschenk
ice creamdas Eis
invitationdie Einladung
carddie Karte

Wish someone a happy birthday next time you’re in Germany

So, now you’re all set to enjoy your birthday or wish others a happy birthday in Germany, or a German-speaking country .

Germany is a great country to visit, and it’s especially worth going if you want to improve your German language skills.

However you use your knowledge of birthdays in German, you’ll now be able to enjoy the day without worrying about miscommunicating heartfelt phrases.

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How to Wish Someone "Happy Birthday" in German with Audio

Get to know German birthday traditions and learn how to say "Happy Birthday" in German.

How To Wish Someone a "Happy Birthday" in German?

Other ways to wish happy birthday, how to make wishes in german, famous birthday songs in german, birthday customs in germany, a sum up on german birthday vocabulary, final thoughts.

german essay on my birthday

For lots of people, their birthday is a special day and they celebrate it according to their local traditions, which are different all over the world. Besides different birthday traditions, there are also different ways to say "Happy Birthday." So if you want to make sure your German friend understands your birthday wishes, you need to learn proper vocabulary and traditions.

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While in the United States, you might purchase a sheet cake from a grocery store, in Germany they prefer to eat and enjoy their homemade cakes (and there are usually lots of those). This is just one thing among the many differences in culture .

In this article, we want to show you how to say "happy birthday" in German. Let’s go over different ways to say "happy birthday" in German in different situations and explore some related vocabulary - so that you can feel prepared to spend a birthday in Germany.

There are two traditional ways to say "happy birthday" in German, and both are in frequent use. Just a little tip: Choose the one that feels easier for you to learn and focus on that one before you try to learn the next one. Too much information can make it hard in the beginning.

One Option is "Herzlichen Glückwunsch"

Even though it is a short phrase, it is known as one of the examples people use to show how complicated the German language sounds. Both of the two words have lots of consonants which makes their pronunciation hard for beginners sometimes.

Nevertheless, you do not have to worry as pronunciation is something that you learn quickly by studying the alphabet, listening to the sound of the letters, and repeating the words as often as you can.

What Does "Herzlichen Glückwunsch" Mean?

The literal translation of Herzlichen Glückwunsch is slightly different from the English "happy birthday." The word" herzlich translates as "heartful" or "from the heart" in the English language, and " Glückwunsch " means "congratulations."

A direct translation could then be "heartful congratulations." If you want to add the birthday context to the phrase, you have to say Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag , which translates literally as "heartful congratulations on your birthday."

Herzlichen Glückwunsch

Happy Birthday / Heartful congratulations

Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag.

Heartful congratulations on your birthday.

Another Option: "Alles Gute zum Geburtstag"

A second way to say "happy birthday" in German is to wish somebody something. By saying Alles Gute zum Geburtstag , you will say "All the best for your birthday." Another version that you might find in Germany will be Alles Liebe zum Geburstag , which means "Everything nice for your birthday."

You can also find shorter versions of both phrases primarily written on social media. For example, when Germans congratulate other people on Facebook, they often write Alles Gute or Alles Liebe. As you see, they dismiss saying "for your birthday" as the context is obvious.

Sometimes they even combine both wishes and write Alles Liebe und Gute zum Geburtstag or as short version, Alles Liebe und Gute .

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag.

All the best for your birthday.

Alles Liebe zum Geburstag.

Everything nice for your birthday.

Alles Gute.

All the best.

Alles Liebe.

german essay on my birthday

There are many other variations and ways to say "happy birthday" to someone in German. Let's have a look at them in detail:

Of course, you don't have to stick to the traditional birthday wishes and can also say something from the heart - like when you are talking to your friends and family. That is even better as it can make the birthday person very happy.

To express a wish in German, you have to use the verb " wünschen .” As you always wish something to someone, you are using two objects in phrases with this verb. One direct object (something) and one indirect object (to someone).

To say "I wish you ..." in German, you would say Ich wünsche dir ... and then add your wish. If you want to wish good luck, you would say "Ich wünsche dir viel Glück." Below, we will give you a few examples of birthday wishes , so you can choose the one you like most.

Ich wünsche dir einen wunderschönen Geburtstag.

I wish you a wonderful birthday.

Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag mit Freunden und Familie.

I wish you a special day with friends and family.

Ich wünsche dir Freude und Gesundheit für dein Leben.

I wish you happiness and health for your life.

Ich wünsche dir ein glückliches und langes Leben.

I wish you a happy and long life.

If you want to make a wish for someone's birthday in a formal way, you just have to change the pronoun " dir " to an " Ihnen ." So you would say, for example, " Ich wünsche Ihnen alles Gute zum Geburtstag " (I wish you all the best for your birthday).

german essay on my birthday

Belated Birthday Wishes in German

You might get into a situation where you forgot to congratulate a person on their actual birthday but still want to do this a few days later. You’ll want to say "happy belated birthday."

Even though the Germans are known to be organized, they still sometimes forget about birthdays. So, of course, there is a way to wish someone a happy birthday in German even after the actual celebration. It is pretty straightforward as you just have to add the word "nachträglich," which means "belated."


If you use the phrase " Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag ," extend it to " Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag nachträglich ." It works the same way with all the options, so you could also say, for example, " Alles Gute zum Geburtstag nachträglich ."

It’s always more enjoyable to learn new languages with music. Listening to music in a foreign language can improve your skills as you hear the native pronunciation, as well as hear repeated words and phrases often. Above all, you get in touch with new vocabulary.

As a result, looking at the German birthday songs might be a great idea - not only are you learning something new this way, but you also gain the possibility to sing at someone’s birthday one day.

What About Singing "Happy Birthday To You?"

This song is internationally known and translated to several languages, and so it exists in German, too . As the English influence is significant in Germany, some people hold on to the English chorus singing "happy birthday to you" and just change the word "dear" to German to refer directly to the person.

Nevertheless, there’s also a German translation of the song that says " Zum Geburtstag viel Glück " instead of "happy birthday to you." The phrase means "Best of luck on your birthday." Here are the lyrics:

Zum Geburstag viel Glück,

zum Geburtstag viel Glück,

zum Geburtstag liebe / lieber ...

zum Geburtstag viel Glück.

Best of luck on your birthday,

For your birthday dear (name),

Best of luck on your birthday.

german essay on my birthday

Another German Birthday Song to Practice Vocabulary

If you want to listen to a traditional German birthday song, you should look for " Wie schön, dass du geboren bist . " The title translates to "How nice that you were born" in English and the song has several verses that introduce you to lots of German vocabulary.

It is a song for kids, which is why it is sung pretty slowly and offers an excellent opportunity for you to practice. So, enjoy the music and start singing!

When talking about celebrating a birthday, we should also look at the unique German birthday customs and traditions. Usually, a birthday is an important day for the Germans, and they like to celebrate it, even though they typically celebrate on a small scale.

As with everywhere, there are people in Germany who don't like to pay attention to their birthday or pretend they don't like it because they don't want to bother or don't have the time to organize something. In that case, friends or family members might help or throw a surprise party.

Celebrating Birthday With the Family

Usually, young people celebrate their birthday two times in Germany. First, they meet on a small scale with the close family, grandparents, cousins, etc., to eat cake and drink coffee. It is also common to meet up to have a big breakfast.

There is at least one birthday cake, and usually made at home and has the familiar birthday candles on it. In many cases, you will find several cakes on the table because Germans love to bake and eat cakes. Traditionally, the birthday boy or girl has to blow out the candles on the cake while making a birthday wish.

german essay on my birthday

Throwing a Birthday Party for Friends

After celebrating with the family, Germans meet up with their friends. Sometimes they do that even on the same day or wait until the weekend. Some might just meet up for dinner or breakfast, but many people throw their own birthday parties or go out partying in bars and clubs.

If you get invited to a birthday party in Germany, congratulate the birthday person by saying "happy birthday" in German and bring a little gift as that is generally expected from the guests.

It does not have to be something big; you can, for example, make a nice little baked good or write a letter. Most people will bring prosecco, beer, or desserts to wish someone a happy birthday.

As you probably noticed, the German word that you have seen most often in this post is " Geburtstag ." It is the translation for "birthday," and you will find lots of vocabulary related to it. For example, the special person of the day is called the " Geburtstagskind " (the birthday boy or girl).

As we explained, during a birthday party in Germany, you will get to the point where the " Geburtstagskind " will cut their " Geburtstagskuchen " (birthday cake) after the " Kerzen " (candles) have been blown out.

Remember, it is expected to bring a little " Geschenk " (gift) when you go to a birthday party, which at least should be a card with a " Geburtstagsgruß " (birthday greeting).


The birthday boy or girl


Birthday cake


Birthday greeting

We hope you will have the chance to experience a birthday party in Germany or that you can spend one of your birthdays there. It is an excellent opportunity to learn more about German culture and get in touch with locals very quickly.

If you see a birthday party on the street in Germany, don't hesitate to wish someone a happy birthday. It might be your invitation to a friendly and fun day where you can practice your German a lot. Just practice some of the "happy birthday" greetings we showed you above, and you will be ready to celebrate.

We hope we could help you with this article and that it will motivate you to keep on learning German. If you are interested in mastering more basic German language skills, don't hesitate to check other posts on our blog or download our app . Check it out right now:

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Happy Birthday in German

written by:  Krystof-Sandor Harfst

Table of Content

If you're planning to travel to Germany, learning a few basic German phrases can be very helpful, especially when it comes to greeting people. Saying hello or hi is a simple way to show politeness and respect to the locals. In this article, we'll explore some common German phrases for saying hi or hello, as well as some indirect ways to greet people in German.

Spoken Birthday Expressions in German

In Germany, when it comes to wishing someone a happy birthday in person, there are several common spoken expressions that are used. Some examples include:

  • "Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!" (All the best for your birthday!)
  • "Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag!" (Heartfelt congratulations on your birthday!)
  • "Gratuliere zum Geburtstag!" (Congratulations on your birthday!)
  • "Ich wünsche dir einen wundervollen Geburtstag!" (I wish you a wonderful birthday!)

Written Birthday Expressions in German

When sending birthday wishes in writing, such as in a card or a message, there are also various phrases that are commonly used in Germany. Here are a few examples:

  • "Alles Liebe und Gute zum Geburtstag!" (All the love and best wishes for your birthday!)
  • "Herzliche Geburtstagsgrüße!" (Warm birthday greetings!)
  • "Ich hoffe, du hast einen tollen Geburtstag!" (I hope you have a fantastic birthday!)
  • "Mögen all deine Wünsche in Erfüllung gehen!" (May all your wishes come true on your birthday!)

Happy Birthday From All Over Germany

In different regions of Germany, there are unique ways to say happy birthday. For example:

  • In Bavaria: "Ois Guade zum Geburtstag!" (All the best for your birthday!)
  • In Berlin: "Ick wünsch dir'n juten Jeburtstag!" (I wish you a good birthday!)
  • In Hamburg: "Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag!" (Congratulations on your birthday!)
  • In Cologne: "Alles Jode zum Jeburtstag!" (All the best for your birthday!)

Cheery Ways to Say Happy Birthday

If you want to add some cheer to your birthday wishes in German, you can use creative and playful expressions, such as:

  • "Party on und lass es krachen!" (Party on and let it rock!)
  • "Feiere wie ein Rockstar!" (Celebrate like a rockstar!)
  • "Lass die Korken knallen!" (Let the corks pop!)
  • "Genieße deinen Ehrentag in vollen Zügen!" (Enjoy your special day to the fullest!)

Birthday expressions: English - German - Pronunciation

Here's a table with some common birthday expressions in English, their German translations, and the pronunciation in German:

English German Pronunciation
Happy Birthday! Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! Al-les Goo-te tsoom Ge-boorts-tahg!
Best wishes on your birthday! Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag! Her-tz-lich-en Glook-wunsh tsoom Ge-boorts-tahg!
Congratulations! Gratuliere! Grah-too-lee-re!
Have a great birthday! Hab einen tollen Geburtstag! Hahb eye-nen toh-len Ge-boorts-tahg!

Indirect ways to say Hi / Hello in German

Sometimes, saying hello directly can be too formal or too casual depending on the situation. In these cases, there are some indirect ways to greet people in German that might be more appropriate.

  • Wie geht's? - This phrase means "how are you?" and is a common way to start a conversation in Germany. It shows that you're interested in the other person and their well-being.
  • Schön dich zu sehen - This phrase translates to "nice to see you" and is a friendly way of greeting someone you haven't seen in a while.
  • Wie war dein Tag? - This phrase means "how was your day?" and is a good way to show interest in the other person's life.

Happy Birthday Songs in German

In Germany, there are also traditional songs that are sung to celebrate birthdays. Some popular titles and refrain texts of these songs include:

Title of Song Refrain Text English Translation
"Zum Geburtstag viel Glück" "Zum Geburtstag viel Glück, zum Geburtstag viel Glück, zum Geburtstag liebe/r [Name], zum Geburtstag viel Glück!" "Lots of luck for your birthday
"Viel Glück und viel Segen" "Viel Glück und viel Segen auf all deinen Wegen, Gesundheit und Frohsinn sei auch mit dabei" "Lots of luck and blessings on all your paths, health and happiness be with you too"
"Hoch soll er/sie leben" "Hoch soll er/sie leben, hoch soll er/sie leben, dreimal hoch!" "Long live he/she, long live he/she, three cheers!"
"Wie schön, dass du geboren bist" "Wie schön, dass du geboren bist, wir hätten dich sonst sehr vermisst, wie schön, dass wir beisammen sind, wir gratulieren dir, Geburtstagskind!" "How wonderful that you were born, we would have missed you very much otherwise, how nice that we are together, we congratulate you, birthday child!"

Note: The refrain lyrics provided are just a few lines from the complete songs, and there may be regional variations or additional verses in different parts of Germany.

How to Write a Happy Birthday Card in German

When writing a happy birthday card in German, you can use some of the phrases mentioned earlier or get creative with your own personalized message. Here's an example of how you can write a birthday card in German:

"Liebe/r [Name],

Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag! Ich wünsche dir einen Tag voller Freude, Lachen und unvergesslicher Momente. Mögen alle deine Träume und Wünsche in Erfüllung gehen. Genieße deinen Ehrentag in vollen Zügen!

Alles Liebe,

[Your Name]"


"Dear [Name],

Heartfelt congratulations on your birthday! I wish you a day full of joy, laughter, and unforgettable moments. May all your dreams and wishes come true. Enjoy your special day to the fullest!

All the love,

Great Tool to Help You Write Birthday Wishes

If you're looking for a quick and easy way to create personalized birthday wishes in German, you can check out Jubify.me. It's a fantastic tool that allows you to generate individual and heartfelt birthday wishes with just a few clicks. Simply visit https://jubify.me and let the tool assist you in creating unique and memorable birthday messages for your loved ones.

In conclusion, expressing birthday wishes in German can be done through spoken expressions, written messages, traditional songs, and personalized cards. Whether you use common phrases or get creative with your own words, the most important thing is to convey your heartfelt congratulations and wishes to make the birthday person feel special on their special day. And if you need some assistance, Jubify.me is a great tool to help you craft personalized birthday wishes in a breeze.

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How to Say ‘Happy Birthday’ in German

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Do you know someone whose birthday is coming up? Maybe you live in Germany and are wondering how to celebrate a friend’s birthday. Or perhaps you don’t live in a German speaking country, but would like to wish  a happy birthday to your Sprachpartner  (language partner).

In this post we will look at how to say ‘happy birthday’ in German, as well as some of the birthday traditions that are common in Germany.

Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag

Meaning: Heartfelt congratulations on your birthday

The first of the two most common ways to say happy birthday in German. This looks like the most German phrase ever, and seems much more complicated than a simple ‘happy birthday’. But don’t be intimidated by the length of it. Let’s break it down a bit:

  • Herzlichen = Heartfelt
  • Glückwunsch = Congratulations / wishes
  • zum Geburtstag = on / to the birthday

So literally translated it means ‘heartfelt congratulations on your birthday’. 

A wonderful, warm birthday wish that you can give to anyone. If you’re finding it a bit of a mouthful, you can always shorten it to Herzlichen Glückwunsch (heartfelt congratulations).

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag

Meaning: All the best on your birthday

If you’re finding the first phrase a bit of a tongue twister ( Zungenbrecher = tongue breaker!) there is another really common phrase that’s a bit easier to pronounce.

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag literally means ‘all the best on your birthday’.

This is my go-to birthday wish as I find it much easier to remember and to say!

You can even make things even easier by simply saying alles Gute , which is just like saying ‘all the best’.

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Alles Liebe zum Geburtstag

Meaning: Much love on your birthday

The previous phrases are great for general use, but what if you want a more personal birthday wish?  Alles Liebe zum Geburtstag roughly translates as ‘much love on your birthday’. Keep this one for family and close friends.

Herzlichen Glückwunsch Nachträglich

Meaning: Belated happy birthday

What if you’ve just realised it was a friend’s birthday a few days ago? If you want to wish someone a belated happy birthday, you need to learn the word nachträglich . This means ‘afterwards’ or ‘belatedly’.

You can put this word at the front or at the end of any of the above phrases, to make it a belated birthday wish.

  • Alles Gute (zum Geburtstag) nachträglich
  • Nachträglich alles Gute zum Geburtstag
  • (Herzlichen) Glückwunsch nachträglich
  • Nachträglich herzlichen Glückwunsch

And don’t forget, learn a few ways to say ‘thank you’ in German , in case someone wishes you ‘happy birthday’.

How to Say ‘When is Your Birthday?’ in German

Talking about when your, or someone else’s birthday is in German is a little different to English. In English we say ‘today is my birthday’ but in German we use the verb haben (to have).

ich GeburtstagToday I have birthday (today is my birthday)
du Geburtstag?When do you have birthday? (when is your birthday?)

Of course, this sounds a little unusual to English speakers but German often uses haben (to have) instead of of sein (to be) for example: ich habe Hunger (I have hunger = I am hungry).

Celebrating Birthdays in Germany

If you have forgotten someone’s birthday and would like to say ‘happy belated birthday’, that is completely fine in Germany. Wishing someone ‘happy birthday’ in advance of the big day is not so good.

Here are some of the German birthday traditions that you need to know to avoid any embarrassing faux pas.

people drinking beer

No Birthday Wishes in Advance

When you think about how stereotypically level-headed Germans tend to be, you’d think that they wouldn’t be that big on superstitions. However wishing the Geburtstagskind (birthday ‘child’) a happy birthday in advance is a big no-no.

In English speaking countries we wouldn’t think twice about wishing someone a happy birthday in advance if we’re not going to see that person on their birthday, but don’t do this in Germany. Even if you say it just a few hours before midnight, i t’s believed to bring bad luck.

Although it’s not a good idea to wish the  Geburtstagskind a happy birthday in advance, you can absolutely get the party started beforehand. Reinfeier literally means ‘to celebrate into’, and is a tradition where friends and family of the  Geburtstagskind start the birthday celebrations the evening before the birthday.

The guests are encouraged to stay until the clock strikes midnight, a bit like new year’s eve. Only then can everyone wish the Geburtstagskind a happy birthday.

Treats for Everyone

When you have a birthday in Germany, rather than your work colleagues organising a cake for you, it is expected that you bring in the cakes! The  Geburtstagskind always brings a birthday cake or other treats in to share with their workmates.

While it may sound a little odd, it’s actually a really nice way of sharing your day with others. Plus it’ll definitely make you popular with your workmates.

This is also the norm for children, so they will bring cakes and sweet treats into school for their friends.

german birthday treats cupcakes

Paying the Bill

Just like bringing cakes in to work, when your friends organise a birthday meal for you, be sure to bring your wallet. In many English speaking countries, the  Geburtstagskind can usually expect to be treated by their friends and family and have their meal paid for them.

Not so in Germany. You will be expected to pay for your own bill, and sometimes for the whole party. Birthdays are your chance to celebrate with and treat your friends and family.

The ‘Happy Birthday Song’ in German

Fortunately for us English speakers, Germans commonly sing the English version of the ‘happy birthday song’. In fact, most German speakers will sing the English ‘happy birthday song’ as standard.

However there is also a German version set to the same tune:

Zum Geburtstag viel Glück, Zum Geburtstag viel Glück, Zum Geburtstag alles Gute, Zum Geburtstag viel Glück.

Birthday Wreath

While Germans have the same traditional birthday cake and candles that us English speakers are familiar with, they also have another, lesser known tradition. This one is reserved for children and is a birthday wreath.

Commonly made of wood, this decorated ring has 12 holes or candle holders to represent each year of the child’s life. There is also a larger candle in the middle for good luck. On each birthday another candle is added to the wreath and lit until all the candles plus the centre candle are lit, reaching a milestone in the child’s life.

childrens birthday wreath

So now you know how to say ‘happy birthday’ in German and have learned about some of the German birthday customs.

Read More: ‘How to Say…’

  • ‘Nice to Meet You’ in German
  • ‘Friend’ in German
  • ‘Excuse Me’ in German
  • ‘Congratulations’ in German
  • ‘Good Luck’ in German

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Oh thank you for your kind words 🙂 I really enjoy writing all these post, so I’m glad you’re finding them helpful.

Alles gute ! Viel Spaß !

It is also bad luck to wish Happy New Year in advance, as I discovered when a German-fluent friend wished me Guten Rutsch! The Goethe-Institut Zoom classes have a lovely chapter in the B1 series on superstitions in Germany – lots of fun. But they didn’t mention this one. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!

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24 German Essay Phrases

We need to talk about your German essays.

Essay writing is a skill that you can learn in any language.

All you need is to brush up your vocabulary and follow a few simple strategies, and you’ll be well on your way to writing your first masterpiece.

This post will provide you with a list of useful German words and phrases to include in your next essay, plus the different types of German essays, a few writing strategies and even a sample essay at the end. 

German Essay Phrases

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Let’s start with the words and phrases themselves. As you’ll see, they’re grouped according to how and when you’ll use them. Let’s start off with some that will help you explain your arguments.

1. Weil (Because)

Daniel muss lernen, weil er morgen einen Test hat.

(Daniel has to study because he has a test tomorrow.)

2. Da (Because)

Daniel muss lernen, da er morgen einen Test hat.

3. Denn (Because)

Daniel muss lernen, denn er hat morgen einen Test.

(Daniel has to study because tomorrow he has a test.)

A quick note: Weil, da and denn are generally interchangeable. Keep in mind though that denn requires a different word order.

4. Damit (In order to; So that)

Lisa lernt viel, damit sie den Test besteht.

(Lisa is studying a lot in order to pass the test.)

5. Um (To; In order to)

Lisa lernt viel, um den Test zu bestehen.

(Lisa is studying a lot to pass the test.)

6. Im Grunde (Basically; Fundamentally)

Im Grunde ist Deutsch keine schwierige Sprache.

(Fundamentally, German is not a difficult language.)

7. Eigentlich (Actually)

Eigentlich ist Deutsch nicht so schwierig, wie es scheint.

(Actually, German is not as difficult as it seems.)

8. Ein Beispiel anführen  (To give an example)

Ich möchte ein Beispiel anführen .

(I would like to give an example.)

9. Dieses Beispiel zeigt, dass… (This example shows that…)

Dieses Beispiel zeigt, dass das Lernen einer Fremdsprache beim Reisen viele Vorteile hat.

(This example shows that studying a foreign language has many advantages when traveling.)

10. Erstens… zweitens… (Firstly… secondly…)

Erstens kann man sich auf Reisen besser verständigen und zweitens lernt man viele neue Leute kennen.

(Firstly, you can communicate better while traveling, and secondly, you meet many new people.)

11. Das Wichtigste ist…  (T he most important thing is…)

Das Wichtigste ist , die Angst vor der Sprache zu verlieren.

(The most important thing is to lose your fear of the language.)

12. Außer dem (Furthermore)

Außerdem kann man beim Reisen seine Sprachkenntnisse verbessern.

(Furthermore, you can improve your language knowledge while traveling.)

13. Nicht nur… sondern auch…  (Not only… but also…)

Nicht nur im Unterricht, sondern auch im Alltag kann man viel Deutsch lernen.

(Not only in class, but also in everyday life you can learn a lot of German.)

14. Obwohl (Even though)

Obwohl Anna viel lernt, hat sie Probleme mit der deutschen Grammatik.

(Even though Anna studies a lot, she has problems with German grammar.)

15. Allerdings (However)

Anna lernt gerne Deutsch, allerdings hat sie Probleme mit der Grammatik.

(Anna enjoys studying German; however, she has problems with the grammar.)

16. Trotz   (Despite)

Trotz ihrer Probleme mit der Grammatik lernt Anna gerne Deutsch.

(Despite her problems with German grammar, Anna enjoys studying German.)

17. Im Vergleich zu (In comparison to)

Im Vergleich zu Russisch ist Deutsch eine einfache Sprache.

In comparison to Russian, German is an easy language.

18. Im Gegensatz zu (In contrast to; Unlike)

Im Gegensatz zu Anna lernt Paul gerne neue Vokabeln.

Unlike Anna, Paul enjoys learning new vocabulary.

19. Meiner Meinung nach (In my opinion)

Meiner Meinung nach sollte jeder eine Fremdsprache lernen.

(In my opinion, everybody should study a foreign language.)

20. Ich bin der Ansicht, dass…  (I believe that…)

Ich bin der Ansicht, dass jeder eine Fremdsprache lernen sollte.

(I believe that everybody should study a foreign language.)

21. Ich finde es schade, dass…  (I think it’s a pity that…)

Ich finde es schade, dass die Schulen keine anderen Fremdsprachen unterrichten.

(I think it’s a pity that schools don’t teach other foreign languages.)

22. Alles in Allem (Overall)

Alles in allem ist Deutsch nicht so schwierig, wie es scheint.

(Overall, German isn’t as difficult as it seems.)

23. Im Großen und Ganzen (Overall)

Im Großen und Ganzen ist Deutsch keine schwierige Sprache.

(Overall, German isn’t a difficult language.)

24. Zusammenfassend kann man sagen, dass…  (In summary, it can be said that…)

Zusammenfassend kann man sagen, dass Sprachen beim Reisen sehr hilfreich sein können.

(In summary, it can be said that languages can be very helpful when traveling.)

Ok, let’s get a little deeper into the actual essays themselves. How do they compare to the essays that you’re probably used to writing?

  • They have a similar structure to English essays. Remember how English essays have a beginning, middle and end? Good news: German essays contain those same parts. When you’re writing a German essay, you’ll want to include an opening paragraph with your argument, three supporting paragraphs that further your argument and a conclusion. German and English are often surprisingly similar, and essay structure is no exception.
  • German essays are more to the point. Although German essays and English essays are structured similarly, German essays—just like German speakers—tend to be more blunt and to the point. You won’t need to dance around your conclusions or obfuscate in German: just say what you mean.
  • German punctuation is different. Germans have different rules for punctuation than English speakers. For example, Germans introduce a direct quote with a colon instead of a comma. They use quotes instead of italics for the names of books, movies and newspapers. And they set off relative clauses beginning with dass (that) with a comma, unlike in American English. Understanding these differences between English and German punctuation will ensure you don’t give yourself away as a non-native speaker through punctuation marks alone!

Before you get started on your essay, make sure you know what type of essay you’re going to write. If it’s a school essay, be sure to read and understand the instructions.

Here are a few notes about the most common kinds of essays in German.

  • An Erzählung  is a narrative essay that tells a story. Your teacher might give you some keywords or pictures and ask you to create a story around it. An Erlebniserzählung (“experience story”) is about a personal experience and can be written in the first person.
  • An Erörterung is an argumentative essay, a writing piece meant to persuade someone to think the way you do. This writing genre requires you to investigate your topic well and provide evidence to prove your point.
  • In a Nacherzählung you summarize and recount a book, a film or an article you have read, from an objective perspective. Depending on the essay instructions, you might be asked for your personal opinion in the conclusion.

Are you ready to start writing? Use these four strategies to wow your teachers and write the perfect German essay.

You should look at any new activity as an opportunity to learn and master new vocabulary . Instead of using the same words that you use in your everyday German speech, use this essay as an opportunity to introduce new words into your German lexicon.

Besides, incorporating academic words that help you craft and shape your argument can make your essay sound more professional and polished. So before you start writing, write down a list of the German words you’d like to incorporate in your essay.

As with everything else, you should look at the research portion of the essay-writing process as an opportunity to learn more about Germany—this time, about German culture, history , politics or travel .

Chances are if you’re writing your essay for a language-learning class, you’ll be assigned a topic pertaining to one of these aspects of German life, so use this as a chance to learn more about Deutschland.

For example, Deutsche Welle offers information and resources about German history. Other newspapers such as Berliner Zeitung and Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung offer another perspective on politics and daily life in Germany.

There’s nothing clunkier than an essay that doesn’t flow naturally from one point to the next. Besides, thinking about how your arguments and points interact with each other will help you organize your essay and make sure you get your point across. (Do they support each other? Counter each other? How exactly do they function to further your argument?)

Examples of transition words:

  • Vorher (prior)
  • zur gleichen Zeit (at the same time)
  • dann (then)
  • trotzdem (nevertheless)
  • noch (still)

Writing an essay in English and then translating it into German often results in stilted, poorly formed sentences and unnatural constructions.

For example, remember that German word order is different from English. If you write “He didn’t read the book,” a one-to-one literal translation would be Er hat gelesen nicht das Buch . But the correct translation is actually  Er hat nicht das Buch gelesen. In this example, translating word for word leads to errors.

There’s another, less tangible reason why it’s not a good idea to write in English and translate to German. Sure, you could just remember that you need to change the word order when translating into German. But isn’t it better to adapt your brain so that German word order seems fluid and natural?

Learning to think and write off-the-cuff in German is an essential step towards fluency, and devising sentences in German, instead of sentences in translation, will help you learn to do that.

One good way to learn to think in a language is to hear it spoken in natural contexts. You can hear German spoken naturally in German language TV shows , movies and YouTube videos .

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Listening to German spoken at a natural speed and native accent will help get you thinking in the language in real time. This will help get you to the point where you can come up with your own sentences in German, rather than thinking in English sentences first and then translating them in your head before you speak or write. That will greatly improve your speed and fluency when writing in German.

So, simply start writing the essay in German. Look up any words you’re not sure of and double-check any grammatical constructions that you’re not familiar with. After you finish writing, ask a German-speaking friend to look over the essay to make sure it sounds natural.

Now that we’ve explored strategies and phrases for writing top-notch German essays, let’s take a look at an example.

World War I doesn’t get as much coverage in the States as World War II (where it was more directly involved). But for Europe, World War I was a devastating example of the dangers of modern technological warfare and the horrors of violence.

Let’s take a look at an example opening paragraph and outline of an essay about the effect of World War I on German government and life.

Opening paragraph:

Der Erste Weltkrieg war ein totaler Krieg, der Deutschland völlig veränderte. Dieser Krieg hat 1914 angefangen, und 1918, als der Krieg zu Ende kam, waren die deutsche Gesellschaft, Regierung und Kultur nicht mehr erkennbar. Am Anfang hat der Erste Weltkrieg altväterliche Ideen und Systeme verstärkt. Am Ende hat dieser Krieg dagegen diese altväterlichen Dinge zerstört.

(The First World War was a total war that completely changed Germany. This war began in 1914 and in 1918, when the war came to an end, German society, government and culture were no longer recognizable. At the beginning, the First World War strengthened old-fashioned ideas and systems. However, by the end, this war destroyed these old-fashioned things.)

Notice that this opening paragraph is not very different at all from the first paragraph of an English essay. You can use the same structure you’ve always used to write your German essay, leaving you free to focus on grammar and vocabulary.

Notice also the use of phrases such as Am Anfang (at the beginning) and Dagegen (however). Words like these can help you make a point and counterpoint in your opening paragraph (or anywhere in your essay, for that matter).

I. Am Anfang (at the beginning):

– Dieser Krieg hat Deutschland vereint . (This war united Germany.) – Menschen hatten ein patriotisches Gefühl. (People had a patriotic feeling.) – Menschen dachten, dass der Krieg bald zu Ende kommen würde. (People thought that the war would soon come to an end.)

Notice that these points employ words like dachten (thought). Written German often relies on Präteritum , a form of the past tense that’s rarely used in spoken Deutsch. It’s often called “literary past tense” for this reason. Check out this guide to the Präteritum to include this tense in your essay.

II. Andrerseits (on the other hand):

– Bald gab es kein Essen mehr . (Soon there was no more food.) – Menschen wurden krank und desillusioniert . (People became sick and disillusioned.) – Es gab Proteste und Unruhen. (There was protest and unrest.)

Like in an English essay, your second and third paragraphs can include supporting points or counterpoints that contribute to the overall theme of your piece. The word Andrerseits (on the other hand) is an ideal transition word to show that you’re moving into another section of your essay.

Also notice that this essay will rely on vocabulary words that the average language learner might not have come across in his or her learning. After all, who learns the words for “disillusioned” and “unrest” in their intermediate German class? But don’t be daunted by the fact that your essay might include eclectic vocabulary. Instead, use this as an opportunity for more learning.

III. zum Schluss (in conclusion):

– Der Kaiser hat abgedankt . (The Emperor abdicated.) – Eine Republik wurde geboren. (A Republic was born.) – Die alten Werte waren weg. (The old values were gone.)

Once again, abgedankt (abdicated) is an example of the literary past tense (and an example of a word that you probably haven’t come across in your previous German studies!)

IV. Schließlich (finally)

– Der Erste Weltkrieg hat Deutschland verändert . (The First World War completely changed Germany.)

Again, like in an English essay, you should use this paragraph to summarize your main point.

Feeling a bit more confident about your next German essay now?

Just make a great essay plan, write down some new words and phrases that you want to include and off you go!

By sprinkling these bits of flair into your German essays, you’re sure to make your writing better and more effective.

Enjoy writing!

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How to Say Happy Birthday in German

Last Updated: September 3, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Language Academia and by wikiHow staff writer, Jennifer Mueller, JD . Language Academia is a private, online language school founded by Kordilia Foxstone. Kordilia and her team specialize in teaching foreign languages and accent reduction. Language Academia offers courses in several languages, including English, Spanish, and Mandarin. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,575,938 times.

The most common ways of wishing “happy birthday” in German are "Alles Gute zum Geburtstag" and “ Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag.” However, there are also other ways to offer birthday wishes in German. Here are several examples you may find useful.

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german essay on my birthday

Basic German

Step 1 Exclaim

  • Alles is a pronoun meaning "everything" or "all."
  • Gute is derived from the German adjective "gut," meaning "good," "fine," or "nice."
  • The term zum comes from the German preposition "zu," meaning "to" or "for."
  • Geburtstag means "birthday" in German.
  • Pronounce the entire birthday greeting as ah-less goo-teh tsuhm geh-buhrtz-tahg .

Step 2 Offer

  • It can be translated as "heartfelt congratulations for your birthday" or "many happy returns."
  • Herzlichen is derived from the German adjective "herzlich," meaning "heartfelt," "sincere," or "cordial."
  • Glückwunsch means "congratulation."
  • The term zum means "on" or "for," and Geburtstag means "birthday."
  • Pronounce the statement as hairtz-lich("ch" as in "aCH" NOT as in "CHair")-enn glook-vuhnsh tsoom geh-buhrtz-tahg .

Step 3 Say

  • Nachträglich means "later" or "belated."
  • Herzlichen Glückwunsch nachträglich means "heartfelt congratulations belated." Pronounce it as hairtz-lich("ch" as in "ach" NOT as in "CHair")-enn glook-vuhnsh nach("ch" as in "aCH" NOT as in "CHair")-traygh-lich("ch" as in "aCH" NOT as in "CHair") .
  • "Nachträglich alles Gute zum Geburtstag" means "belated all the best for your birthday." Pronounce it as nach(again as in "aCH")-traygh-lich(again as in "aCH") ah-less goo-teh tsoom geh-buhrtz-tahg .

Step 4 State

  • Alles means "all" or "everything," zum means "for," and Geburtstag means "birthday."
  • Das Beste means "the best."
  • Pronounce this sentiment as ah-less dahss behsteh tsoom geh-buhrtz-tahg .

Longer Birthday Wishes

Step 1 Say

  • Wir means "we" in English.
  • Wünschen is a German verb meaning "wish," "want," or "desire."
  • Ihnen is a polite way of saying "you." To make this statement informal or casual, replace Ihnen with Dir, the informal version of "you." Pronounce Dir as deahr .
  • Einen means "one" or "a."
  • Wunderschönen means "lovely," "wonderful," or "beautiful."
  • Tag means "day."
  • You should pronounce this sentence as veer vuhnshen ee-nen aye-nen vuhn-deher-shuhn-nen tahg .

Step 2 Hopefully state

  • Auf means "on" or "upon."
  • Dass is a German conjunction meaning "that" in English.
  • Ihr is a polite way of saying "your." For a more informal way of saying "your," use Dein, pronounced as dine .
  • Mit means "with."
  • Liebe means love. The term und means "and," and Freude means "joy" or "happiness."
  • The phrase erfüllt ist translates roughly into "filled with."
  • Pronounce the whole thing as owf dahss eer tahg mitt lee-beh oond froy-deh ehr-foolt ist .

Step 3 Tell someone

  • Schade means "shame" or "pity."
  • The word dass means "that" and wir means "we."
  • The term nicht means "not," and können means "can."
  • Mitfeiern means "celebrate together."
  • Pronounce the sentiment as shah-deh dahss veer neecht("ch" as in "aCH" NOT as in "CHair" mitt-fy-ehrn keu-nenn .

Step 4 Ask

  • Wie geht’s is a German interjection that means "how are you doing?" in English.
  • The term dem means "the."
  • Geburtstagkind can mean either "birthday boy" or "birthday girl."
  • The expression as a whole should be pronounced as vee gates dehm geh-buhrtz-tahg-kint .

Step 5 Also ask

  • Wie means "how" and alt means "old." Bist means "are."
  • The term du means "you." For a more polite form of the word "you," use Sie", prefixed by "sind" instead of "bist", i.e. "Wie alt sind Sie?"
  • Pronounce the entire question as vee ahlt bist due (or "vee ahlt zindt zee")

Step 6 Offer

  • Alles means "all" or "everything." The phrase "zum Geburtstag" means "for your birthday."
  • Liebe means "love."
  • This sentiment should be pronounced as ah-less lee-beh tsoom geh-buhrtz-tahg .

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  • ↑ https://langster.org/en/blog/how-to-wish-someone-happy-birthday-in-german-helpful-birthday-related-vocabulary-/
  • ↑ https://www.berlitz.com/blog/happy-birthday-german-song
  • ↑ https://www.anquotes.com/happy-birthday-german/
  • ↑ https://happybirthday4.com/happy-birthday-wishes-german/#Birthday_Wishes_in_German

About This Article

Language Academia

The most common way to say "happy birthday" in German is "Alles Gute zum Geburtstag." Another very common way to wish someone happy birthday is by saying "Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag." If you missed someone's birthday and you want to wish them a belated happy birthday, you can say "Herzlichen Glückwunsch nachträglich" or "Nachträglich alles Gute zum Geburtstag." To learn about more advanced ways to say "happy birthday" in German, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Wishing Happy Birthday in German – Best 7 Different Ways

In today’s interconnected world, expressing birthday wishes in different languages is a heartfelt gesture that transcends cultural boundaries. Whether you’re a language learner , a global traveler , or someone who wants to built multicultural connections , knowing how to wish “Happy Birthday” in German elevates your greeting.

The most common ways of wishing “happy birthday” in German are “Alles Gute zum Geburtstag” and “ Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag.” However, there are also other ways to offer birthday wishes in German.

This article is your comprehensive guide, not just to mastering this essential phrase but also to understanding the rich German birthday customs and etiquette that accompany it.

Happy Birthday in German

Wishing “Happy Birthday” in German: The most common ways of wishing “happy birthday” in German is –

“Alles Gute zum Geburtstag.”

This directly translates to “All the best on your birthday,” and it’s the most common way to extend birthday wishes in German-speaking countries.

To say “Happy Birthday to you” in German, you would say –

“Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag an dich” or more commonly, just “Alles Gute zum Geburtstag.”

The latter is a general way to say “Happy Birthday” and is widely used and understood.

If you’re singing the birthday song, you might use “Zum Geburtstag viel Glück,” which translates to “Much happiness on your birthday,” a line from the German birthday song similar to “Happy Birthday to you” in Englis

Pronunciation of “Alles Gute zum Geburtstag”

Pronouncing this phrase might seem a bit challenging if you’re not used to German sounds, but it’s quite manageable with a little practice. Here’s a simple breakdown:

  • Alles sounds like “AHL-les.”
  • Gute sounds like “GOO-teh.”
  • Zum sounds like “tsoom.”
  • Geburtstag sounds like “guh-BUHRT-stahg.”

Usage of “Alles Gute zum Geburtstag”

You can use “Alles Gute zum Geburtstag” in both formal and informal settings. It’s suitable for writing in birthday cards, saying in person, or sending in a message. If you’re looking to add a bit more warmth or familiarity, you can also say “Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag,” which translates to “Heartfelt congratulations on your birthday.”

Different Ways to Wish Happy Birthday in German [Formal and Informal]

Learn each way to wish someone happy birthday-

1. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag!

This phrase carries a tone of sincerity and warmth. “Herzlichen Glückwunsch” emphasizes heartfelt or sincere congratulations, making it more meaningful than a simple “Happy Birthday.”

  • Translation: “Heartfelt congratulations on your birthday!”
  • Context: This is a very common and somewhat formal way to wish someone a happy birthday in German. It’s suitable for both verbal and written congratulations.
  • Example: “Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag, Maria! Ich wünsche dir alles Gute.”
  • Translation: “Heartfelt congratulations on your birthday, Maria! I wish you all the best.”

2. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!

This wish is very positive and focuses on the “good” — “Alles Gute” literally means “everything good.” It’s a versatile greeting that’s both friendly and affectionate.

  • Translation: “All the best for your birthday!”
  • Context: This is a warm, yet casual way to wish someone a happy birthday. It’s widely used among friends, family, and colleagues.
  • Example: “Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Klaus! Lass dich feiern.”
  • Translation: “All the best for your birthday, Klaus! Enjoy your celebration.”

3. Viel Glück und viel Segen auf all deinen Wegen!

This phrase is more poetic and traditional, often part of a birthday song. It not only wishes the person luck and blessings for their birthday but for their entire life path ahead.

  • Translation: “Much luck and blessings on all your paths!”
  • Context: This phrase is part of a traditional birthday song in Germany. It’s a warm wish for someone’s future, implying good luck and blessings in life.
  • Example: “Zum Geburtstag viel Glück, viel Glück und viel Segen auf all deinen Wegen!”
  • Translation: “For your birthday, much luck, much luck and blessings on all your paths!”

4. Glückwünsche zum Geburtstag!

A straightforward expression, focusing on “wishes” (Glückwünsche), making it a bit more general than other greetings. It’s a simple yet effective way to convey good wishes.

  • Translation: “Birthday wishes!”
  • Context: This is a straightforward and somewhat less formal way to say “Happy Birthday.” It can be used in both verbal and written form, suitable for acquaintances and colleagues.
  • Example: “Glückwünsche zum Geburtstag, Herr Müller. Auf ein weiteres erfolgreiches Jahr!”
  • Translation: “Birthday wishes, Mr. Müller. To another successful year!”

5. Ich wünsche dir einen wunderschönen Geburtstag!

This expression is personalized with “Ich wünsche dir” (I wish you), making it feel more direct and personal. The use of “wunderschönen” (wonderful) emphasizes the wish for a truly special and joyous day.

  • Translation: “I wish you a wonderful birthday!”
  • Context: This expression is more personal and heartfelt, ideal for close friends and family members. It emphasizes the wish for a truly special day.
  • Example: “Ich wünsche dir einen wunderschönen Geburtstag voller Freude und Lachen, Laura.”
  • Translation: “I wish you a wonderful birthday full of joy and laughter, Laura.”

6. Zum Geburtstag viel Glück!

Another phrase from the traditional birthday song, it’s cheerful and straightforward, wishing “good luck” on the person’s birthday. It’s optimistic and lively, perfect for setting a festive mood.

  • Translation: “Good luck on your birthday!”
  • Context: This is another phrase that stems from the traditional birthday song. It’s a simple, cheerful way to wish someone luck on their birthday.
  • Example: “Zum Geburtstag viel Glück, zum Geburtstag, liebe Anna, zum Geburtstag viel Glück!”
  • Translation: “Good luck on your birthday, to you, dear Anna, good luck on your birthday!”

7. Hab einen tollen Geburtstag!

This wish is very casual and directly translates to having a “great” birthday. It’s a relaxed way of expressing your hopes for the person’s day to be filled with happiness.

  • Translation: “Have a great birthday!”
  • Context: This is a casual and friendly way to wish someone a happy birthday, suitable for friends and peers.
  • Example: “Hab einen tollen Geburtstag, Max! Feier schön.”
  • Translation: “Have a great birthday, Max! Celebrate well.”

Each of these expressions offers a unique way to convey birthday wishes, varying from formal to casual and from simple to more expressive. The choice of which to use depends on your relationship with the person celebrating their birthday and the tone you wish to convey.

In conclusion, wishing someone a happy birthday in German can be done in various ways, each carrying its own nuance and suitable for different contexts. From the heartfelt “Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag” to the more casual “Hab einen tollen Geburtstag,” the German language offers a rich palette of expressions to convey birthday wishes. Whether you’re looking for a formal greeting for a colleague or a warm wish for a close friend, understanding the subtle differences between these phrases allows you to choose the most appropriate and meaningful way to express your congratulations.

By selecting the right expression, you not only show your appreciation and care but also enhance the birthday celebration with your thoughtful words.

Wishing Happy Birthday in German 7 Different Ways – FAQs

How do germans wish a happy birthday.

One of the most joyous phrases you can learn in any language is the delightful “Happy birthday.” Every German speaker is familiar with this standard phrase: “Alles Gute zum Geburtstag.” It directly translates to “Everything good for your birthday.”

How do Germans write their birthday?

The main difference when writing the date in German is that you  use dots between day, month, and year instead of a slash . Also note that in German, we use the format day/month/year, which may confuse native U.S. English speakers. And you may have noticed already, but in German, we write the month in capital letters.

How do you say best Wishes in German?

I am very happy for you.  Die besten Wünsche!  Best wishes!

Do they sing happy birthday in Germany?

“Wie schön, dass du geboren bist” Lyrics . Although the English version of “Happy Birthday to You” remains the most common song heard at German birthday parties, this song is just as popular. It is one of the few German birthday songs to gain widespread popularity in German-speaking countries.
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Wann hast du Geburtstag? When is your birthday? Mein Geburtstag ist am 19. Oktober. My birthday is on the 19th of October. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! Happy Birthday! Hab einen tollen Tag! Have a great one! Ich hoffe, du hast einen wunderschönen Geburtstag! I hope you have a wonderful birthday! Was machst du an deinem Geburtstag? What are you doing on your birthday? Wie alt bist du jetzt? How old are you now? Ich bin 32 Jahre alt. I'm 32 years old. Sie ist heute 16 geworden. She just turned 16 today. Heute ist sein 21. Geburtstag. It's his 21st birthday today. Ich werde mit einigen Freunden und der Familie feiern. I'm going to celebrate with some friends and family. Ich veranstalte dieses Wochenende eine Party, um meinen Geburtstag zu feiern. I'm throwing a party this weekend to celebrate my birthday. Willst du zu meiner Geburtstagsfeier kommen? Do you want to come to my birthday party? Was für einen Kuchen hast du dieses Jahr bekommen? What kind of cake did you get this year? Meine Mutter hat einen riesigen Schokoladenkuchen für mich gebacken. My mom made a huge chocolate cake for me. Hast du dir etwas gewünscht, als du die Kerzen ausgeblasen hast? Did you make a wish when you blew out the candles? Welche Geschenke hast du dieses Jahr bekommen? What gifts did you get this year?
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german essay on my birthday

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Wann hast du Geburtstag? When is your birthday?
  • Mein Geburtstag ist am 19. Oktober. My birthday is on the 19th of October.
  • Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! Happy Birthday!
  • Was machst du an deinem Geburtstag? What are you doing on your birthday?
  • Wie alt bist du jetzt? How old are you now?
  • Ich bin 32 Jahre alt. I'm 32 years old.
  • Willst du zu meiner Geburtstagsfeier kommen? Do you want to come to my birthday party?
  • Hast du dir etwas gewünscht, als du die Kerzen ausgeblasen hast? Did you make a wish when you blew out the candles?

german essay on my birthday

Cake, presents and parties — who doesn’t enjoy their birthday?

Learn to talk about birthdays in German with our handy vocab list. Memorise the words using the colourful image then test yourself in the free interactive exercises.

german essay on my birthday

Der Geburtstag

  • das Alter age (no plural)
  • das Geschenk present (die Geschenke)
  • die Glückwunschkarte birthday card (die Glückwunschkarten)
  • der Blumenstrauß bouquet/bunch of flowers (die Blumensträuße)
  • die Kerze candle (die Kerzen)
  • das Geschenkband ribbon (die Geschenkbänder)
  • das Geschenkpapier wrapping paper (no plural)
  • der Gast guest (die Gäste)
  • der Luftballon balloon (die Luftballons)
  • die Schleife bow (die Schleifen)

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  • Der Geburtstag meiner Cousine (Topic: Birthday)

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  7. How to Wish Someone "Happy Birthday" in German with Audio

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  8. Happy Birthday in German

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  9. How to Say 'Happy Birthday' in German

    Learn the most common ways to wish someone a happy birthday in German, such as herzlichen glückwunsch zum geburtstag, alles gute zum geburtstag and alles liebe zum geburtstag. Also discover some of the birthday traditions and customs in Germany, such as reinfeier, bringing cakes and paying the bill.

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  12. 3 Easy Ways to Say Happy Birthday in German

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