13 Tips on How To Nail a Presentation To the Board of Directors

Martina Bretous

Published: January 13, 2021

In college, I always made it a point to listen intently to presentations. I knew how stressful and nerve-racking it was to present in a room of peers and authority figures.

board of directors listens to man's presentation

I would nod feverishly to let presenters know I was invested in their presentation. And they knew it too. They often zeroed in on me as I became their focus point and silent motivator. The fixation felt awkward at times, but that felt like one of my small contributions to society. That, and an endless supply of cat videos.

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Back then, the stakes were relatively low. But when you’re tasked with putting together a presentation to a board of directors, the pressure’s on.

But with a few tricks in your arsenal, you won’t need a sympathetic audience member to gauge how well you’re doing.

Let’s walk through some tips to prepare for your presentation and review some things to avoid.

How To Make a Presentation To the Board

  • Know your audience.
  • Plan ahead.
  • Structure your presentation.
  • Keep it concise.
  • Set up early.
  • Incorporate visuals into your presentation.
  • Focus on results.
  • Send materials beforehand.
  • Build confidence with your power outfit.
  • Rehearse your script.
  • Don't fall into the PowerPoint Trap.
  • Read the room.
  • Include time for questions.

1. Know your audience.

Knowing your listeners is as important as the content of your presentation. When you understand their priorities, you can put together a presentation that speaks directly to them.

If you don't know the board well, do some research and get answers to these questions:

What does the board care about?

This will help you see from what lens they look at things. For instance, a board keen on community impact may not be drawn to a presentation focused on return on investment (ROI).

There are a few ways to find this out. You can start by looking into each board member’s professional background. If most members have a finance background, for instance, you’ll want to make sure you cover any financials as it relates to your presentation. This could be cost, expected ROI, or operating margins.

You can also get some insight into what the board cares about by looking back at your interactions with its members. Think about the conversations you’ve had: What comes up most often? Is it company culture, profit, philanthropy, innovation, or something else?

What are their main concerns?

A board of directors is responsible for making decisions that will ensure the growth and sustainability of a company. So naturally, they will be looking out for anything that may impede that process.

Common concerns a board may have are:

  • Costs: How much time and money will it require?
  • Timeline: How long will this project take and is that timeline feasible?
  • Risks: How risky is your proposal and what is the risk-to-return ratio?

You may find that each board member has a different focus, which means your presentation should be well-rounded to tackle these issues.

Once you know this answer, you can subtly handle each concern throughout your presentation. Getting those answers will help you create a presentation that not only interests your audience but also aligns with their goals. This, in turn, will bring you much closer to accomplishing the plans laid out in your presentation.

presentation at board meeting

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2. Plan ahead.

The next step in delivering a great presentation is making a plan. This means figuring out the focus of your presentation, what you’ll cover, and what you’ll leave out.

A presentation should follow the structure of any good movie, with a beginning, middle, and an end. Here’s an example outline for a presentation where the head of the marketing team is proposing course offerings as a new lead generation channel.

Presentation outline example

The middle is the meat and potatoes of your presentation. You'll likely spend time providing data, contextualizing it, and explaining your approach.

Your ending should bring together your key points and leave your audience with actionable steps. Because what good is providing the information if you have no plan for what to do moving forward?

3. Structure your presentation based on the board’s process.

Not every board of directors operates in the same way. Sure, there are standard guidelines for every meeting. However, the approach may vary for presentations.

Some may operate more like a town hall, pausing periodically to discuss the points as they come up. In this case, leave room after each section of your presentation to discuss what was covered.

Others may follow the more standard approach: presentation followed by a discussion. Studies show that humans remember best the beginning and end of what they read, hear, and see. What’s in the middle tends to get lost. With that in mind, consider sharing your most pertinent information toward the beginning and end of your presentation.

4. Keep it concise.

One thing board members aren’t known for is open availability. That said, you want to make the most of your time with them. How do you do that? Stick to the scope of the presentation.

While it’s great to incorporate storytelling, avoid getting sidetracked and wasting time. Be clear and keep it simple.

If you’re showing data, only share one highlight per data graph. There are several reasons for this:

  • Data itself doesn’t tell a story. You, as the presenter, do. As such, you have to explain what it means and why it matters. Let’s say lead generation at your company has plateaued in the past year across all channels. That’s all the data says. But during your research, you realize it’s due to a shift in how your audience is consuming information. Your role is to present the data and explain the "why" behind the plateau along with a solution.
  • You want to prevent information overload. Share the piece of data that best supports your points and has the most impact. For instance, if a new lead generation channel is the focus of your presentation, diving into the specifics of another channel may not be worth your time. Tools like Diligent Boards can help ensure directors receive a complete yet concise view of information directly pertinent to them, so you’re not overwhelming them with unnecessary details.

If you leave it to your audience to make sense of the data, they might reach a conclusion that doesn’t align with your message.

5. Set up early.

There’s nothing more awkward than silence during a technical difficulty.

Everyone’s looking at you while you’re figuring out why technology has forsaken you. The more time the issue takes to resolve, the more panicked you get. We’ve all been there.

To avoid this, set up early and do a run-through before your scheduled presentation time. It’ll give you time to get familiar with the space and any technology you’ll need to run during your presentation.

6. Incorporate visuals into your presentation.

When choosing between words and media, pick the latter.

Visuals help us make sense of information at a much quicker pace than words do. We’re also better at remembering what we see versus what we hear by 55% – it’s called pictorial superiority .

It’s also beneficial to keep your visuals simple. If you have too much going on, your audience will be confused. But if it’s too bare, it will take too many visuals to paint the picture. So, pull your most significant data and use data visualization tools to design intuitive graphics.

7. Focus on results.

A board of directors typically focuses on big-picture decisions that will have a long-term impact on the company.

In this vein, every piece of your presentation should get you closer to answering these questions:

  • " Why does this matter? "
  • " What is the long-term impact? "
  • " How does this bring the company closer to its goals? "
  • " Any potential roadblocks? How will you address them? "

Incorporating these answers into your presentation will set you up for a smoother Q&A session.

8. Send materials beforehand.

Depending on what you’ll be covering in your presentation, it may be helpful to send the board materials to review in advance. This should only be supplemental information that would be too time-consuming or distracting to cover in a presentation, like reports and demos. This way, the focus during the presentation will be on the "why" and not the "how."

The one material you don’t want to send is your presentation, as you want to be the one to contextualize it. Otherwise, the board might form an opinion based on limited information.

A week before the meeting is a good rule of thumb, leaving room for you to respond to initial comments or feedback.

Think of this process as an advantage. You get insight into what the board members may bring up during the meeting and more context to prep. Secondly, it ensures everyone is on the same page ahead of the meeting. That way, you can dive straight into key points during your presentation without covering minute details.

9. Build confidence with your power outfit.

Building confidence is one of the less concrete tips on the list to implement. But the good news is, there are research-backed techniques you can use to achieve it. One of them is right within your reach: clothing.

Many of us can relate to the feeling of trying on clothes in a fitting room and feeling like a million bucks. It tends to put us in a better mood and shift our perspective.

Well, turns out there’s a reason for this. In 2012, two researchers coined the term " enclothed cognition " to refer to the impact clothes can have on the psyche. They found that the clothes we wear can shift our perspective.

In that spirit, put on your best blazer or suit the day of your presentation. That outfit may be just the boost you need.

10. Rehearse your script.

During a presentation with a board of directors, you want to avoid the Michael Scott approach at all costs.

Instead, go the exact opposite route: practice. Practice is the cure to presentation jitters and the formula for seamless delivery. The more familiar you become with your content, the better the presentation will be.

If it’s been a while since your last presentation, start by practicing in the mirror. You’ll immediately notice any mannerisms that may be distracting to your audience. Recording yourself also works great.

Then, practice in front of an audience. And, unfortunately, your dog won’t cut it for this one. Practice with family or friends who can give you feedback on how to improve.

And remember: You’re the only one who knows your speech and presentation. So, if you mess up or forget to mention something, you’re likely the only one who noticed.

11. Don’t fall into the PowerPoint trap.

You’ll likely use a tool like PowerPoint to guide you during your presentation. Yet, it’s important that you don’t overly depend on it.

For instance, packing your slides with heavy text or bullet points is a surefire way to lose your audience. In fact, 40% of respondents in a 2018 study by Prezi said it caused disengagement and made it harder to retain information.

So, stick to one key point on each slide. It’s easier for your audience to remember and prevents information overload.

12. Read the room.

Even if you follow every tip listed above, you might hit a point in your presentation where there’s a disconnect between you and your audience. You might notice confused looks or a shift in body language. If that happens, that’s your cue to pivot.

If your audience seems confused, dive in a little bit deeper on your point. If you sense disagreement, tackle those concerns head-on.

Let’s say you’re proposing a new initiative for the company, and you sense some pushback on the timeline.

You can address it by saying something along the lines of, " You may have some concern regarding the timeline and whether it’s feasible given our current projects. While the timeline may seem tight, we have factored in X, Y, and Z, and, given our past initiatives, we believe this timeline will account for A, B, and C ."

A response like this can mitigate the situation while still keeping you on track.

13. Include time for questions.

As a foodie, dinner for me isn’t complete without a good piece of chocolate. Whether it’s a KitKat or a chocolate cake, having chocolate after dinner feels like the perfect ending. Q&A sessions are kind of like that. It’s the audience’s chance to ask questions and discuss the presentation.

Be ready for questions regarding the data and solutions you presented. The length of the Q&A session will vary depending on the length of your presentation, the size of the board, and other factors.

Additionally, it’s your opportunity to address any looming concerns and re-emphasize your key points. Not sure what to do if you don’t have an answer to something? Here are a few responses:

  • "That’s a great question. I don’t have an answer for you at the moment, but I will follow up over email by end of day."
  • "I don’t have much experience in that X [topic/department/]. However, I will reach out to X and get back to you within a week."
  • "We haven’t explored that yet, but what I can tell you is …"
  • "That’s a great point we hadn’t considered before. My team and I will reconvene and strategize on the best way to approach this."

When the stakes are so high, a presentation to the board can seem daunting. By incorporating these tips into your strategy, you can remove the stress and focus instead on your delivery.

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3 Ways to Nail Your Presentation to the Board

by Daniel Casse

presentation at board meeting

Summary .   

The boardroom is a distinct forum that requires a different type of presentation and preparation. In this article, the author outlines three practices every business leader should embrace to enhance their board presentations: 1) Start with a governing thesis: a big idea or perspective that captures the main point of the discussion. Presentations that start this way leave the audience with a compelling message. 2) Understand that the CEO is not the target audience. A board presentation has to provide some quick refreshers on the operating environment and — more importantly — identify the biggest problems that need fixing. 3) Steer the presentation toward getting valuable feedback. Instead of concluding remarks that restate key business results, share two or three important ideas that will drive future success and concerns that could benefit from director input. The goal: Get the board’s validation or critiques of a proposed course of action. The result, invariably, is a mix of candid feedback and intelligent, probing questions that create thoughtful board engagement.

For most executives, even those at the most senior level, a presentation to the board of directors is the most demanding test of leadership communications. Very few succeed.

Partner Center

Board of directors presentation: The all-in-one guide

Learn how to craft a persuasive pitch, deliver your presentation with confidence.

Raja Bothra

Building presentations

team preparing board of directors presentation

When it comes to presenting to your board of directors, it's not just another run-of-the-mill presentation. You're facing a unique audience with high expectations and critical decisions to make.

In this guide, we'll delve deep into the art of creating impactful board of directors presentations. Whether you're a seasoned presenter or just starting out, these insights will help you shine in front of your board members.

Art of presenting to your board of directors

Presenting to your board of directors is a skill that can significantly impact your organization's success. It's a chance to convey your ideas, strategies, and achievements in a way that aligns with the company's goals and values.

Board of directors: The pillars of governance

The board of directors, often referred to as the "board," plays a crucial role in steering the company. They are responsible for major decisions, overseeing company performance, and ensuring it stays on course. Understanding the dynamics of the board is key to a successful presentation.

Board members: Your audience

Your board members are a diverse group with varying backgrounds and expertise. They bring their unique perspectives to the table. Addressing their specific needs and concerns is essential to a successful presentation.

Slide design: Crafting visual impact

In board presentations, slides are your canvas. Use them to create a visual narrative that complements your verbal communication. Avoid overcrowding slides with text. Instead, focus on concise, visually appealing slides that enhance your message.

Board meeting dynamics

Board meetings are structured events where presentations are made, decisions are taken, and strategies are discussed. Understanding the flow and purpose of a board meeting is crucial to your presentation's success.

Purpose of a board of directors presentation: Why do we need one?

Why present to the board.

Every board of directors presentation serves a distinct purpose. Whether it's a quarterly performance update or a strategic proposal, your presentation should align with the board's needs and expectations.

The long-term value proposition

Remember, your presentation should not just be about the here and now. It should convey the long-term value your strategies and initiatives bring to the company.

How to structure an effective board of directors presentation

A well-structured presentation is like a well-organized roadmap. It guides your board members through your ideas, helping them understand and appreciate your perspective.

1. Title slide :

  • Start with a compelling title that summarizes the purpose of the presentation.
  • Include your company logo and the date of the presentation.

2. Agenda :

  • Create a slide that outlines the agenda for the presentation.
  • This helps set expectations for what will be covered.

3. Introduction :

  • Begin by introducing yourself and your role within the company.
  • Provide a brief overview of the presentation's purpose and goals.

4. Company overview :

  • Present a concise overview of your company, including its history, mission, and key achievements.

5. Financial highlights :

  • Share key financial metrics and performance indicators.
  • Use charts and graphs to visualize data for easy comprehension.

6. Operational updates :

  • Discuss recent operational developments, such as product launches, market expansion, or cost-saving initiatives.

7. Market analysis :

  • Provide insights into the industry landscape, market trends, and competitive positioning.

8. Strategic initiatives :

  • Detail any strategic initiatives, projects, or goals your company is pursuing.

9. Risk assessment :

  • Identify and assess potential risks and challenges your company may face.
  • Explain your mitigation strategies.

10. Financial projections :

  • Present future financial projections, including revenue forecasts and expense estimates.

11. Recommendations :

  • Offer recommendations or decisions that require the board's input or approval.
  • Clearly state the desired outcomes.

12. Q&A session :

  • Dedicate a slide to transition into a question-and-answer session.
  • Encourage board members to ask questions and seek clarifications.

13. Conclusion :

  • Summarize the key points of your presentation.
  • Express gratitude for their time and input.

14. Next steps :

  • Outline the next steps or actions expected from the board following the presentation.

15. Closing remarks :

  • End with closing remarks and thank the board for their attention.
  • Reiterate your commitment to the company's success.

16. Appendix (Optional):

  • Include any additional data, charts, or supporting documents in the appendix.

Do's and don'ts on a board of directors presentation

Presenting to a board of directors is both an art and a science. Knowing what to do and what to avoid can make or break your presentation.

  • Rehearse : Practice makes perfect. Rehearse your presentation to ensure a smooth delivery.
  • Keep it concise : Avoid lengthy, meandering explanations. Keep your presentation concise and to the point.
  • Engage your audience : An engaging presentation can help board members understand complex topics better.


  • Overload the slides : Avoid overcrowding slides with too much information.
  • Copy-paste content : Your presentation should never be a copy of existing documents.
  • Lack of preparation : Don't go into a presentation without thorough preparation.

Summarizing key takeaways

  • Unique audience expectations: Board presentations are distinct, requiring understanding of the board's unique audience with high expectations and decision-making authority.
  • Impactful communication: Craft presentations that effectively convey ideas, strategies, and achievements aligned with the company's values for maximum impact.
  • Board governance insights: Recognize the vital role of the board in steering the company, making significant decisions, and maintaining its course.
  • Diverse board members: Acknowledge the diverse backgrounds and expertise of board members; cater to their specific needs and perspectives for success.
  • Effective presentation structure: Structure presentations thoughtfully, including key elements like agenda, company overview, financial highlights, strategic insights, and a focus on engagement while avoiding common pitfalls.

1. How should I approach discussions and decision-making in the boardroom after my presentation?

After your presentation, discussions in the boardroom are crucial for reaching a consensus and fine-tuning the decision. It's not uncommon that the discussion starts immediately without formal presentations. Be ready to engage with board members, answer questions, and provide additional information if needed. Keep the long-term value and risks in mind during these discussions, as board members generally watch over the long-term value of the company. Your role in the boardroom is not only to present but also to actively participate in the decision-making process.

2. What are some tips for engaging board members during a presentation?

Engaging board members during a presentation is essential for a successful outcome. Here are some tips:

  • Craft visually appealing slides that support your content.
  • Use bullet points to present key arguments or take-aways.
  • Encourage questions and open discussions to foster engagement.
  • Keep the presentation concise and focused on what really matters.
  • Avoid going into the details of things beside the point.
  • Make sure your presentation is based on selected details and numbers that are relevant to your proposal.

3. How should I handle questions and answers (Q&A) during a board presentation?

Handling Q&A during a board presentation requires finesse. Be prepared to answer questions, even if you don't know the answer, but be honest if you don't have the information at hand. Don't take questions lightly, as they can influence the board's decision. Additionally, don't make up information. If necessary, offer to follow up with a detailed response after the presentation. Q&A is an opportunity to provide clarity and ensure the board members understand your proposal.

4. What should I include in the slides of my board of directors presentation?

The content of your presentation slides is crucial. Each slide should contribute to the narrative of your presentation. Use visuals, bullet points, and concise text to convey your message effectively. Your slide deck should be more than a mere copy of the presentation. It should be a visual aid that supports your spoken words. Ensure that your slides align with the purpose of your presentation and the key arguments you want to present. Don't overload the slides with unnecessary information; instead, focus on elements that you want the board to remember.

5. How can I make my board presentation more impactful and memorable?

To make your board presentation impactful and memorable, consider these strategies:

  • Craft an inductive story that captures the board's attention from the start.
  • Structure your presentation based on the three typical parts: introduction, key arguments, and conclusion.
  • Prioritize information quality and unanimity in your presentation.
  • Ensure your presentation revolves around what really matters to the board.
  • Use connectors for your computer to ensure everything goes as you expected during the presentation.
  • Finally, don't forget to express gratitude for their time and attention at the end.

Create your board of directors presentation with Prezent

In the world of board presentations, having the right tools can make all the difference. Prezent, an AI presentation software designed for enterprise teams, can help you create compelling board presentations that are on-brand, engaging, and effective.

With Prezent, you can:

  • Craft visually appealing slides that resonate with your board members.
  • Save time and effort in creating and sharing presentations.
  • Ensure 100% compliance with brand guidelines.
  • Collaborate with your team in real-time, even for overnight presentations.

Presenting to your board of directors is a skill that evolves with experience and preparation. Whether it's your first presentation or you're a seasoned presenter, following best practices and leveraging tools like Prezent can help you deliver presentations that leave a lasting impact on your board members. Remember, it's not just about the content; it's about the art of persuasion and engagement.

To further enhance your boardroom presentations, consider incorporating a well-structured Board of Directors meeting presentation template . This valuable tool can guide you in organizing your thoughts, ensuring clarity in your message, and maintaining a professional and polished appearance. So, next time you step into the boardroom, armed with your carefully crafted presentation and utilizing a Board of Directors meeting presentation template, keep in mind the insights and tips shared here. With the right approach and a touch of finesse, you can master the art of presenting to your board of directors.

Are you ready to make a real impact with your presentation to the board? Try our free trial or book a demo today with Prezent!

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Give a Winning Board Presentation

February 27, 2023

Presenting to the board can appear to be challenge.  But at the same time it’s a great opportunity to stand out and impress: you can showcase yourself with your board presentation. In this article you have ten specific tips to improve your board of directors presentations.

One of the biggest challenges when you present to the board is knowing at what level to present.  how much do you need to give background  how much detail is needed do you need to address every objection  for these reason, people often struggle to make their presentations to the board work..

The most important thing to understand is that board members want answers, not problems .  They are not there to mark your homework; their job is to make decisions based on your expert advice. 

Presenting to the Board is a core business skills.  And it’s a skill you can learn.  Over the last 15 years we’ve coached hundreds of people to be brilliant presenters at board meetings. 

Do please call us and we’ll tell you about our presentation coaching – it’s fast and good value.

To help you master the skills of a high-stakes presentation, our coaches have shared their top ten lessons for creating and delivering killer c-level presentations.  Their advice is based on over 15 years of successfully coaching senior managers globally.

Learn how we can help – schedule a free consultation now

 Top ten tips for how to present to the board

Let’s review each of these tips in more detail:

1. Your board wants answers, not problems

Imagine being a board director. You have big responsibilities. Your brief is wide and you regularly need to make decisions based on limited knowledge.  When someone presents at a board meeting you assume that you are listening to an expert.  You want them to give you advice.  What you don’t want is someone who sits on the fence and says ‘on the one hand – on the other hand…’ without reaching a conclusion.

As a presenter you need to do the hard work for the directors so that your presentation to the board of directors lays out clearly what the issues are, why they are important and what should be done. If you are very good you will also look at alternative approaches and argue why those will not work. You may also assess risks. 

By taking this approach you show that you understand the issues and that the board can rely on your good judgement. 

2. Keep your presentation to the board short

Most board directors are very busy and have a huge amount on their plate.  When giving a board presentation your job is to make it easy for the board to make decisions .  You’ll find that you will be most successful if you say less, and say it better.  What do I mean by that? Don’t waste time stating the obvious. You do not need to tell them that climate change is important or that the war in Ukraine has increased energy prices. 

You will look more impressive when you present if you build on the board’s existing knowledge rather them telling them stuff they already know. 

Read more about our award-winning executive presentation coaching and how it will help you impress in front of the board.

3. Your presentation should get to the point quickly

What do you say in the opening words of your high-stakes presentations? How do you grab attention and show that what you are saying will be valuable to the board?  If you want to impress you want to quickly lay out why you are there and what you are looking for from the board members.

The quicker you get to the meat of the topic the better.   Do not start with extensive background and never leave the punchline to your closing words. 

I f you lay out your ‘ask’ at the very start of your presentation then each board member will listen more attentively to what you are saying and better understand how everything you say points to your conclusion. 

Only bad board presentations leave the ‘ask’ to the end.

Another way to make your board feel comfortable is to start by talking about things in which they believe. For example, if you start your presentation by stating that the world is flat, you will alienate most people. Instead, you want to get your board members nodding along with you towards the start of your presentation – so long as you are not stating the obvious.

4. Tell the board their decision is important

As we said above, your board members are busy people . To get the result you want, you should put their decision in context.  For instance, what would be the result of delaying a decision? What is the impact on the bottom line of the right decision?  How big a risk is making the wrong decision? 

These are the sort of questions you want to address relatively early in your presentation. If you tell your board the danger of failure is important, high risk and expensive, you’ll grab their attention.

For example, one client recently was presenting to the board to get final budget approval for a major office move.  She was worried that the board would simply end up discussing who would get the corner offices and what colour the chairs would be.  So, to show them how important their decision was, she started: “This £50m decision is one of the biggest decisions this board has made.  And it impacts the lives of our 2,000 colleagues.”  After that, nobody would dare get lost in trivial detail.  Find out how intensive executive presentation coaching will help you become a powerful confident presenter.

5. Your presentation is often won before the board meeting

Surprises at board meetings are high risk. In reality, the biggest board decisions are generally agreed well before the board meeting. You should use your board presentation for final sign-off and approval only.

For example, how many board members or key people can you speak to before your board meeting?   The more people you consult and listen to before the meeting, the better you will succeed.  If everyone on the board feels they have been involved and agrees with what you are presenting, you will be more likely to carry the board with you. 

If people have raised objections in your discussions before the board meeting, then address those objections in your presentation.  People want to be heard and appreciated.

6. You are the expert when presenting to the board

While many of the board may be strong, daunting figures, they are unlikely to be experts in your specialist area.  You are presenting because you have expertise . If you don’t know more than them, then you are not the right person to be presenting, or you are looking at the wrong thing.  You should be educating the board members – they should learn from you. 

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7. Minimise use of visual aids in high level presentations

You can waste a huge amount of time preparing PowerPoint.  But PowerPoint slides usually reduce your impact in board presentations .  Instead, put your efforts into a high-quality board note and a short, punchy summary talk.

Some things you should work on for your next board meeting presentation:

– Use language that makes your board comfortable.  For example, what’s most important to them? Is it sales, profits, margins, safety, cash flow?  Talk about what matters to them. 

– What metaphors do they use in the board? Do they talk about driving the business? Do they talk about nurturing and growing the company? Or do they talk about battling the competition and fighting market conditions? When you use the board’s own favourite metaphors, you will be speaking their language.

8. Use stories and examples when presenting to the board

One of my favourite sayings for pitches and presentations is: “Facts get forgotten, but stories get repeated”. A good story is usually more compelling than the most convincing numbers. Yet too many board presentations fail to apply the power of a compelling story.

A good story in your presentation to the board can be a multi-tool. It can do many jobs at once. A powerful story can help bring to life a complex idea. A story can make it easy for a board member to understand what drives your recommendation and a strong story will give the board member something they will remember and repeat.

Find out how intensive executive presentation coaching will help you become a powerful confident presenter.

9. Make your boardroom presentation easy for the board, and fun

One common mistake when presenting to the board is to make your presentation too long and too complicated.  Just because you are smart and your board members are smart does not mean that your board presentation needs to show how much work you have done. Complexity is off-putting. The human brain loves simplicity . A boardroom presentation should be made simple for your audience.

Having worked on hundreds of successful board presentations, we are often surprised how simple the best presentations are. But turning complex presentations into simple presentations is hard. Anybody can fill a presentation with detail. It takes real skill to convince your board with just a handful of smart ideas and cast-iron logic.

10. Prepare your boardroom presentation rigorously

Test your presentation on other people.  Show it to your boss. Ask people to pick holes in your arguments.  Be tough on yourself.  Keep working at it and fixing it until you are completely happy.  And practise it out loud.  Not to memorise it, but to check if it is good enough.  You should be fixing and changing your presentation up until the last minute.     

For you to be successful in your high-stakes presentations, you want to be well prepared.   So many people bring in a coach to help them prepare. That way you can stress-test your ideas, rehearse and improve your presentation , then go into the board feeling confident that you are ready. 

How do you do this?  Call us.   We spend our lives polishing board presentations.

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There's an Art to Presenting to Your Board of Directors

A woman giving a presentation to a group of people in a conference room.

The corporate board is often described as a black box, a powerful members-only club. For some executives, however, the time will come when the club door will swing open, and they'll be ushered inside. When that day arrives for you, you want to be ready. 

An invitation to present to the board is a badge of honor, says Rich Fields, head of the board effectiveness practice at Russell Reynolds. "You don't get asked to do that if you're not kind of a big deal at the organization." 

Although the board's agenda determines who's asked to speak, the CEO, who makes the invitation, might have their own motive, too, says Jeff Wong, EY's chief innovation officer. CEOs often want to expose the board to someone worthy of a major leadership role in the future. That way, directors are familiar with the employee when the CEO floats their name at the next board meeting. And if those directors like what they see, they'll also have more confidence in the CEO's leadership. 

Moreover, engaging with the board and getting exposure may be your stepping stone to landing a future board seat. 

The stakes are admittedly high for an executive asked to present to the board, but—and this is paramount—put that aside as you prepare for your big day. The best way to hit the mark during your boardroom debut is to stay focused on your mission, and meet your audience's needs, says Lisa Edwards, executive chair of the Diligent Institute. Here's what that means and how to do it. 

Focus on the topic at hand, not every topic under your sun  

This was the No. 1 piece of advice from every board member, executive, and governance expert interviewed for this guide. When you're presenting to the board, your mission is to stay narrowly focused on the subjects that most closely align with its goals. 

Be selective even if asked to give a general update: What matters most to the board? What are the two or three takeaways you need to drive home? This isn't a data dump, nor is it about showcasing all of your deep knowledge. It's about delivering specific information. 

Turning the presentation into a show-and-tell moment is the most common error executives make when first appearing in the boardroom, says Edwards. "It's human nature that you want to show your expertise," she says. But you can do that by demonstrating you understand the board's role in the firm. "They don't want to run your business," she says. "They want to get assurances that you're on top of it." 

Hold a premeeting and ask questions

Most board presentations are meant to either: a) keep the board informed about a key area of business or b) supply data and context to help the board go deeper on a topic when a strategic decision is needed. Your job in the premeeting with whoever invited you to meet the board—usually the CEO—is to find out exactly what the board expects from you and what they already know. 

The questions to ask, according to Fields: 

  • What is the key message I need to get across? 
  • What actions do I need to get from the board? 
  • What questions should I anticipate? 
  • What has the board heard about or decided on the subject already? 

This pregame tête-à-tête also helps executives understand how much time they should spend preparing the presentation. According to Fields, practiced presenters spend 10 to 15 times the allotted presentation time on prep work. But Deborah Rubin, senior partner and head of RHR International's Board & CEO Services division, warns that senior team members often spend an outsized amount of time—days or weeks—on boardroom prep, creating unnecessary anxiety and taking the focus off of day-to-day business, when the potential return on investment may not match the effort.  

At smaller companies, executives may have preexisting relationships with board members and should feel comfortable inviting them to a coffee, says Yasmene Mumby, a leadership coach who has worked with organizations like the ACLU,  International Rescue Committee and Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.

"Instead of at the board meeting that's very public, and everyone is waiting for something juicy to happen, meet people where they are before the meeting, understand what they care about," she suggests. 

Make your presentation memorable 

Only once you understand the scope of your mission can you start preparing your meeting materials: a pre-read deck, slides (if you plan to use them), and the general outline for your short talk. Here's a lightning round of advice to make your material and delivery stand out: 

Keep your pre-read laser-focused

You'll be asked to submit reading for the meeting's "board book," a collection of documents that board members are expected to read and digest before arriving at a meeting. The length of your pre-read deck will vary depending on the topic and ask. However, some say limiting the pre-read to five pages is a good rule of thumb. Fields typically advises executives to create a first draft and then trim it by half. Peggy Foran, chief governance officer at Prudential and a longtime National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) faculty member, likewise argues that the pre-read has to relay tailored information in as few pages as possible. Use bullet points, she says. 

When you feel compelled to add details to flesh out your pre-read, remember that there's always an appendix. That's where full financial statements will land and you can slip in additional reading. "By the way, you'd be surprised, a lot of board members go deep into the appendix," says Jocelyn Mangan, a board member at Papa John's and CEO of Him For Her, which aims to improve gender diversity on boards. 

Don't ignore the raw data, especially when it's requested

Keeping your presentation materials short and well-structured is essential, but some board members—especially new ones or activist investors turned directors—will want to see raw data rather than a carefully curated report. If boards ask for raw data and only receive selected, packaged charts and narratives, says Rubin, they may worry that the company's leadership team lacks transparency. If you're unclear on how much detail to offer, ask the CEO or the company's corporate secretary for a sample presentation. 

Plan on sharing very few, if any, slides

While your pre-read must be carefully edited, your slide deck ought to be positively minimalist. Fields challenges executives to use one slide—to perhaps find one striking visual—to drive home a point. 

Mind your speaking-to-listening ratio  

The biggest mistake you can make in a 30-minute presentation is to prepare a 30-minute speech, warns Foran. If you want to get the most bang for your buck, speak for no more than 10 minutes and use the rest of the time to converse with the seasoned professionals in the room. Listen to the directors' insights, and take their questions.  

Avoid jargon  

If technical terms cannot be avoided, include a glossary. Your board presentation and pre-reading can include an educational component for meaty topics like data privacy or sustainability, but the "lesson" shouldn't take over. Stay out of the weeds as much as possible and offer to send follow-up material. 

Start with the conclusion.  

Time-pressed directors get impatient and frustrated with long introductions, says Fields. Instead, say, " Let me start at the end and then provide more detail." Or, "Here's the decision we need to make, and here's where we need your input." Opening with that one-line scene-setter is "profoundly obvious," Fields adds, "yet somehow not universally used." 

Do not read from a script.  

Nor should you read your slides. "What I want is the color behind it, the nuance," says Edwards. "Let's have a conversation about the possible risks or opportunities associated with what you're talking about."   

Provide context

Offering a backdrop helps board members come to their own conclusions about data, Edwards says. "So our risk score has improved. Is that good or bad? What do we look like versus the industry? What do we look like versus our named competitors in the proxy? How do we hold up overall?" 

Remember that boards aren't insiders  

"You see the business every day," says Michael Maggio, CEO of Reciprocity, a cybersecurity software company. But unlike you and the colleagues you normally present to, the board has spent maybe 30 minutes on this topic in the last 90 days. 

"If you're presenting to a board that you presented to before, give them an update," Rubin advises. "Link from where you were, what they asked for, what happened, and where you're moving forward." 

Connect to the company's mission  

"Executives should always remember that the board's fiduciary duty is long-term value creation for shareholders while taking other stakeholders into consideration," Sonita Lontoh, a director at the solar company Sunrun and the workforce management software firm TrueBlue, suggests in an email to Fortune . "As such, when executives present to the board, they should share insights as to how their topic is helping the company to better navigate material risks and opportunities for long-term value creation." 

Report the good, the bad, the unclear

Want to demonstrate your leadership skills? Be upfront about what is and isn't working in your area of business. It may take courage, but it's your job and an essential part of building trust, says EY's Wong, who regularly reports to the consulting firm's board. "The number one thing I want them to know is I'm going to tell them the truth." 

Ashley Kramer, CMSO at GitLab, says her company uses a green, yellow and red color coding system to give board members a visual guide to where initiatives stand. Most importantly, she says, tell the board how the company plans to keep the good things going and what it will do to monitor and mitigate risks and trouble spots. 

Make the experience tactile

When it makes sense, EY's Wong allows board members to play with new products or emerging technology as he delivers the presentation. "How do you make it so they can see, feel, and touch it inside their environment?" Wong says. "You don't just talk about what it is in theory. You show it to them in action." For product managers and developers, this is an opportunity to demonstrate the potential return on investing in an innovative idea or educate the board about a new development—like virtual learning or ChatGPT—that may impact the company. 

This article was written by Lila MacLellan from Fortune  and was legally licensed through the Industry Dive Content Marketplace . Please direct all licensing questions to legal@industrydive.com.

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So you’ve been asked to present to the board. Here’s how to wow them in a matter of minutes

A man in a business suit smiles as he talks to a woman in a boardroom

Good morning! Before jumping into the second half of our guide to board presentations, I want to bring your attention to some of Fortune’ s stellar reporting on the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank. Jump down to In Brief for more. So you’re going to present to the board. That means you’re “kind of a big deal,” as we reported in part one of this guide . Your CEO may want the board to become familiar with you as a high-potential employee, and engaging with the board may be your stepping stone to a board seat. 

Last week’s newsletter discussed the prep work before a board presentation. Now we’re looking at what happens once you’re in the room.

Keep it brief and make it a dialogue

First-time presenters are notorious for overwhelming the board with information, writing long slide decks, and reading from them. Remember, don’t get bogged down with details. “Think about the three most critical messages you want to deliver and manage time so that you are not rushed to the point where you’re speaking too quickly or sound incoherent,” says Sophia Ononye-Onyia, a director at Daré Biosciences.

Plan for the conversation you want, says Jocelyn Mangan, founder and CEO of Him for Her and a director at Papa John’s. “Good board meetings are heavy on discussion and less on show-and-tell.”

– Shimi Shah, a director for The Royal Mint in the U.K., suggests eliciting questions at the beginning: “I’m going to assume you’ve all read the board book. Is there anything you would like me to highlight or any questions I can address in my presentation?”

– Jeff Wong, global chief innovation officer at EY, will share credit with his fellow executives and invite them to jump in when appropriate. To a CFO, he might say, “We worked with your team to be really thoughtful about how we calculated the ROI on this. Do you want to offer some thoughts on the method we used?”

– Scott White, chair and CEO at Invesque, engages non-executive board members: “I know our net operating income is down in part because of wage growth. Have you seen that in your business? How are you dealing with it?”

Normalize your anxiety—or leverage it

You’ve practiced your presentation—for the corporate secretary, your dog, a mirror—and you know your material inside out, but you’re still nervous the day of. That’s normal. Do not pile on to your anxiety by judging it. Don’t ask why you’re nervous when you’ve given dozens of talks. “It’s a different group, and it’s obviously a group that watches the senior executive team to see what is our succession plan and who’s super talented?” says Lisa Edwards, executive chair of Diligent Institute. (Diligent sponsors this newsletter.)

Sian Beilock, a cognitive scientist and Barnard College president, has shared brilliant research-backed tips for managing your anxiety. For example, think about something else in the 15 minutes or so before your talk because reviewing your material until the last minute might lead to overthinking and paralysis. Also, reframe the signs of anxiety in your body—a racing heart, sweaty palms—as manifestations of your excitement .

Rich Fields, head of the board effectiveness practice at Russell Reynolds, sees your stage fright as a positive sign. “Those nerves can be beneficial because it causes you to do the necessary work and preparation to knock it out of the park.”

It might also be helpful to remind yourself that “if you’re there, you have reason to be there. You deserve to be there,” says Mangan.

What to say when things go wrong

Have a go-to line ready in case of a stumble. Perhaps it’s, “Just give me a minute while I gather my thoughts,” says Shah. “Breathe, concentrate on where you are, and then get back into it.”

Be authentic

What vibe should you bring into the room? Your own, says Ononye-Onyia. That’s how you build trust. “I’m a smiler, one of those naturally bouncy people,” she explains, “while the classic female scientist is more cerebral, more thoughtful, more introverted.” 

Some presenters are storytellers, and some stick to the data, says Shefaly Yogendra, a director on several boards, including the JPMorgan U.S. Smaller Companies Investment Trust. Some people joke around, and others are serious, she adds. “If you feel your style doesn’t quite gel with the style of the board, there’s nothing wrong with it. That is an illustration of diversity.”

Don’t add qualifiers

Avoid self-deprecating remarks and apologies—especially if you’re a woman. “Women tend to have less confidence, especially women of color because you’re often one of the few in the room,” says Ononye-Onyia. Also, avoid qualifying your sentences, says Mary Beth Vitale, a longtime director and faculty member for the National Association of Corporate Directors. Women often preface their opinion by saying, “I don’t know if everybody feels this way.” Instead, say, “My research shows this is the situation.”

When the board asks questions, don’t panic

When directors ask questions, it can feel like they’re out to get you, says Edwards. But people just want to be informed. Between Securities and Exchange Commission regulations, cyber risks, and more, directors have multiple issues to deal with at once. Many are taking courses in emerging topics, so they may “poke in places they didn’t before,” Edwards says. “It’s all with good intentions.”

Some questions will come from the wrong place

“Our job is not to insult or humiliate you,” says Yogendra. However, she admits you may run into somebody trying to trick you. “You don’t have to go to every fight you’re invited to. You can always put some space between the stimulus and the reaction by saying, ‘Can I come back to you on this?’”

But before you search for extra information, check in with the CEO, says Douglas Chia, president of Soundboard Governance. Board members may ask for things in a meeting and not remember making the request the next day. The CEO will be sensitive to which asks are worth your time.

Quick tips:

– Develop a pre-game ritual. To get into the presentation mindset, EY’s Wong eats “a bunch of chocolate.”

– Be prepared for questions related to news events. The board is well-read, says Edwards.

– Don’t contradict your colleagues. Your CEO should have called a pre-meeting to ensure team alignment. Once you’re in the room, it’s too late. “If I’m seeing the team having uncomfortable conversations and fighting in front of me, what are they doing when they’re not in front of me?” says Ashley Kramer, CMSO at GitLab.

– Expect a range of behaviors. Boards are known for being intense, but you can expect disruptions. One director might leave the room for a call and another might be clicking around on their laptop—although it’s rare these days, someone might fall asleep, says Chia.

– Get the inside scoop on directors’ pet issues. Is there someone obsessed with cash flow instead of growth? Who is most likely to have objections?

– Sit, stand? It’s your choice. But be aware of power dynamics, says Ononye-Onyia. While every board is different, the chair or CEO usually sits at the head of the table, with their right-hand man or woman literally to their right. New board members typically sit at the other end. 

– Be on time. Don’t force the board to look for you, says Chia. “You’re just going to make yourself look bad.” And clear your calendar for the day because board schedules change, Fields adds.

– Respect time limits and stay flexible. The board’s time is carefully allocated, and agendas are jam-packed. Presenters should respect that. You should also be flexible, says Edwards, and prepare a version of your presentation that’s half as long as the original, just in case.

– Read the room. Wrap up quickly and move to questions if people look disengaged and bored, says White.

– Leave quietly. If you’ve been invited to stay in the boardroom for other presentations, do it. That’s a learning opportunity, says Edwards. Otherwise, leave the room quietly when you’re done, says Vitale. “They’re going to go right on to the next topic.”

– Ask for feedback. Ask the person who invited you to the meeting how they think it went, says Mangan. “Nobody gets it right the first time they do something.”

That’s all! Or is it? Please let me know what we missed by writing to me at the email address below. Enjoy your weekend.

Lila MacLellan [email protected] @ lilamaclellan


Microsoft has a new board chair:  Sandi Peterson , an independent director on the board and an operating partner at the private equity firm Clayton, Dubilier & Rice, will replace  John Thompson , who has chaired the board since 2012. Two GE directors— Francisco D’Souza  and  Leslie Seidman —will step down following the company’s annual meeting this year.  Darren W. McDew , retired U.S. Air Force General, and  Jessica Uhl , former CFO of Shell, will join the GE board. Northrop Grumman elected two new board members: Kimberly Ross , CFO of WeWork in 2020, and Mary Winston , a finance and corporate governance consultant who was the interim CEO of Bed Bath & Beyond in 2019. Marriott International appointed Lauren Hobart , Dick’s Sporting Goods CEO, and  Grant Reid,  former Mars CEO, independent directors.  Jennifer Zhu , a principal at Golden Gate Capital, will join the Mosaic board.

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- Boards and board members could face liability claims if a company's funds are trapped in a bank seized by the FDIC. In this blog post, the law firm Foley & Lardner outline three steps boards can take to help mitigate risks.

- Latino executives aren’t landing board appointments , even as more companies progress toward diversifying their leadership.

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- Why do some companies outperform the competition during a crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic, while others seem to learn nothing? BCG researchers say the difference is “institutionalized resilience.”

This is the web version of  The Modern Board , a newsletter focusing on mastering the new rules of corporate leadership. Sign up to get it delivered free to your inbox .

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12 Tips to Help You Ace Your Next Board Meeting Presentation


For many bankers, no matter their role, making a big presentation at the Board of Directors meeting can be exciting at best and  stressful at worst. In this post, the second in our "Beyond Banking" series, we'll be talking about new ideas to help you grow in your role and expand your skill-set beyond banking into leadership, negotiations, personal success, and more! In particular, this post will focus on practical tips you can use to ace your next Board meeting.

Whether you're going into your first or your thirtieth Board of Directors meeting, the prospect can be intimidating. The Board of Directors for your financial institution is a group of successful, high-profile business and community leaders. They guide your company's goals and planning; in some cases, they may even be the faces of your bank to the community.

In this post, you'll learn 12 tips to lead a rock-star Board meeting, and leave a positive impression on the leaders of your bank, credit union, or mortgage company.

Your presentations to the Board may vary in purpose and frequency. For example, you need to conduct   training, provide updates on current projects; accurately convey goals and why they matter; share relevant individual, department, and company wins; ask for assistance or support if needed; and even get buy-in for future initiatives. In each of these situations, you need to make a good impression on behalf of yourself and everyone on your team.

Let's jump right in.

1. Understand Your Board's Goals


  • Each of the above factors will have a big impact on how you compose your presentations. For example, if you have a more business-focused Board and are looking to get their approval for a big project, you may decide to spend more time on ROI (return on investment) of your proposed initiatives. Alternately, if your Board is more philanthropically inclined, you may decide to focus on the internal and community impact of your proposed project. That's one basic example - your reality will likely be more complicated. However, by knowing your audience, you can build presentations that really speak to your Board's goals for your institution.
  • If your Board has outlined company-wide goals, it's a good idea to show how your team is contributing to them. Not only will this show that you are committed to the company as a whole, it will also help clarify you and your team's unique contributions. This is possible for any department in the organization. For example, if you're on the compliance team and the company-wide goal is improved profitability, you can show how new processes, software, or employees are saving time and/or money.

2. Don't Waste Any Time


A good editor will go a long way. If someone at your bank, credit union, or mortgage company is a good public speaker or a good editor, you may want to reach out to them to have them edit your work. The Marketing team can be a good resource for this kind of help.

Note: some people dread leading required presentations or training,  because they feel like a burden. However, if you're not excited about the presentation, it's unlikely that your Board will be engaged. Challenge yourself to be creative in your presentations; make it surprising, numbers-oriented, interactive, or otherwise engaging. Trust that your extra effort will be appreciated.  

3. Focus on Numbers and Statistics

Making a point clearly in a way that inspires inspires action or will be remembered is an art form. Successful speakers use a few different "hacks" to write presentations that achieve one or both of these goals. One of these hacks is to lean heavily on numbers and statistics to make your point. 

Why? Numbers and statistics are extremely memorable. They lend themselves to data visualizations that are also memorable. They also help crystallize the significance or impact of a given topic. In addition, numbers and statistics are credible. When you share them, it helps prove your point, and also makes you seem well-informed.

That's why we recommend using facts and figures in your presentation. You may consider a takeaway statistic at the beginning or end of your presentation. If you're in Compliance, consider using numbers to explain risk that needs to be addressed or that has been reduced.

Your Sales team is probably using numbers and KPIs (key performance indicators) already in their internal and Board-facing reporting. If you're new to this strategy, you may want to connect with internal sales leaders to get a bit more insight on what types of numbers are most effective for their executive and Board-level reporting.

4. Prioritize Effectively

In a Board meeting environment, your time is limited. It's very possible that you will only have 30 minutes to present on your subject. There is very little time to waste. 

Make sure that you have been clear with yourself about the goal of your presentation, and that your message aligns with that priority. Decide what is a "need to have" (i.e. approval for a time-sensitive project), and what is a "like to have." Consider alternate venues for raising those "like to have" topics, and focus your energy in the meeting on the essentials. Make  sure that you start with the most important topic so that if you run out of time, you still accomplished what you needed to. If you have extra time, use it to cover those other goals.

As a financial professional, it's likely that you're extremely busy, and you may be trying to thread more than one needle with your Board presentation. In that scenario, prioritization is even more important. If you're covering a few different topics, it's easy to lose an audience in confusion. That's why it's important to prioritize; ensure that everyone is on the same page and understands the relative importance of the topics at hand.

5. Highlight Action and Emphasize Outcomes


By focusing on actions and outcomes, you can speak to your Board in language they are likely to appreciate and understand.

This is especially true if you need their help making a big decision. They will need to understand the outcomes of either decision in order to make it, and you will need to explain them. 

If you don't need their help making a decision, but are rather just conveying something important, the action taken and/or outcomes of that action are likely to be more memorable and more tangible. For example, say you're providing an update on a successful public event. Instead of saying "the recent event went well," try using statistics and outcomes by saying something like "we exceeded our expected attendance by 15%, which directly improves our brand presence in the community and contributes to positive company culture" - or something like that. 

6. Clarify Challenges

In the same vein as the above tip, make sure that your presentation is improving clarity, not adding complexity. The Board doesn't want to hear a laundry list of issues. They want to know the most important challenges and how they're being solved - or how they can help solve them.

When presenting those issues, make sure to keep them clear and concise. One way to do that is to strive to be as specific as possible. By explaining the challenge in the clearest possible terms, you will help them get a grasp on it quickly. Then, they can focus their attention and energy on helping you solve it.

7. Pitch Solutions

Wherever possible, provide possible solutions to challenges. When you're in a difficult situation, it's easy and human to become a bit negative or concerned. However, with an action-focused Board, they are likely to become impatient if all you do is describe difficulties.

Imagine that you spend five minutes describing a problem. During that time, the Board is likely wondering why you're telling them, what you plan to do about it, and how they can help. It won't look very good if they ask any one of these questions and you're stumped. On the other hand, it's likely that they will respond much better if you can outline potential solutions and how they can help.

Your Board wants the financial institution and all the individuals therein to be successful. From that perspective, finding agreeable solutions to potential pitfalls is a top priority for them. If you're proactively moving the business towards good solutions, it shows that you're on the same team.


8. Be Confident

In front of a room full of leaders, many presenters would be nervous. Public speaking is a skill! It's also a top fear. That's understandable; to be honest, it's one of my biggest fears, too. 

That said, if you're not confident, delivering a good presentation is going to be difficult. Here are a few tips to help you be more confident, if you do have a fear of public speaking :

  • Reflect on exactly what you're afraid of, and think of solutions for mitigating it.
  • Prepare diligently, to reduce the risk that you freeze.
  • Be vulnerable. It's likely that others can relate to a fear of public speaking, so you can feel relatively safe admitting that to your group. You don't need to be self-deprecating; however,  if your voice quavers, you lose your train of thought, or you begin speaking too quickly, it may help to show a little bit of vulnerability. Just say, "I'm a little nervous about public speaking," smile, and keep going!
  • Remember why you're there. If you're giving a presentation, it's obviously an important topic. Simply reminding yourself of what you're hoping to achieve may be enough to keep you motivated and keep your fear in perspective.
  • See your audience as real people and valued colleagues. This can help reduce the pressure and also foster your ability to relate more closely with your audience. You're probably less nervous talking in front of people you know well. Assume that you already know the Board well, so that your presentation is professional, relaxed, and approachable.

There are a lot of resources out there if you are afraid of public speaking. You're not alone!

9. Build Rapport Outside the Meetings


Depending on your role in the institution, you may have more access to the Board. If you don't have much access, that's okay. A simple hello or a post-meeting chat can go a long way. These small gestures help show that you're an active, engaged, respectful member of the community that is your financial institution. 

10. Leverage the Board's Strengths

Depending on your Board members, you may have people with decades of experience in banking, marketing, philanthropy, or any number of other fields. These people have years of experience, tips for success, and valuable ideas that they bring to the table. Try to leverage all that expertise and insight as much as possible.

In addition, make sure to tailor your questions and comments to their strengths. Do you need to hash out big, complicated issues in a Board meeting? Maybe, but probably not. Try to tailor your questions to your audience. Ask what they can answer. Focus on questions that can really lead to productive conversations. There are a lot of questions your Board can't and shouldn't answer; be conscientious of the setting and the individuals as you decide what issues to raise and how you raise them.

Depending on your department and the type of presentation that you're doing, this may be more or less possible, but there are almost always opportunities to make the best use of their time - and yours!

11. Provide the Right Materials

This is so important. Consider sharing presentation materials before the meeting so that the Board has a chance to review. If it's possible to provide takeaway materials that will help them in the future, make sure to do so!

Your audio-visual tools are also part of the materials you need to consider. Will Board members be phoning or video conferencing into the meeting? Work with your team to ensure that the equipment is prepared to accommodate remote Board members if needed.

12. Listen Carefully at the Beginning and the End of the Meeting

Make sure to pay close attention to what the Board is chatting about at the beginning - and the end - of the Board meeting. By listening at the outset of the meeting, you'll get a sense for the overall mood, and probably gain insights about what the Board is expecting to discuss. If their priorities aren't on your agenda, make a note and think about how to address them, if possible.

By listening at the end, you'll gain valuable insights into what ideas and concepts are sticking. You can use these observations to craft your next presentation. You can also use them to have more valuable one-on-one or small group meetings with Board members and Senior leadership at a later date.

These are just a few tips designed to help you improve your next Board presentation. This blog, and others like it, are part of our mission to help you grow personally and professionally.

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Best Tips on How to Present to the Board of Directors in 2022

Top tips for nailing your presentation to The Board 👨‍💻️

13 min read

A presentation being done at a board meeting

Table of Contents

You would hope that most people who sit on Boards of Directors know their stuff. They are experienced, proven, successful business leaders (sure, that might not always be the case… but as a rule). So, you need to have your act together whenever you go in front of them. You probably don’t need us to tell you that. You might well be feeling some trepidation at the thought – that’s probably why you’re reading this article. Well, don’t worry, we can help you improve your board presentation skills.

Whether you present to the Board regularly or have one big opportunity to get in front of them and show your stuff, you’ll want to do the best job you possibly can and create an impactful presentation. So, read through our top tips for presenting to the Board and you’ll know exactly how best to approach your presentation. Knowing what you need to do will bring confidence… and that’s half the battle!

We’ll take you through what you need to do to in terms of preparation, what you should consider when it comes to the content of your presentation, and some top tips for delivery.

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Here’s our list of tips for nailing any presentation to the Board:

Be well prepared (make sure you have all the materials and information you will need)

Know your audience

Ask to see the full agenda

Don’t use jargon

Know the exact points you want them to remember, use data and benchmarks, make your slides look decent, get your materials right, do not read from notes.

Smile, don’t be afraid of humour

DO NOT go over time

Be ready to answer questions.

So, let’s take a look at each of these points in more detail….

Be prepared

Remember, if you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail. Don’t wing it. Presenting to the Board is important – even if you’re the CEO and do it regularly, you will almost always be presenting to the Board with a very specific and important goal in mind. Maybe you need to get approval, buy-in or sign-off for an initiative, or you’re hoping to secure investment for a project. Whatever the purpose of your presentation, if you’re in front of the Board, it’s important and worth doing properly.

So, make sure you prioritise this presentation and make the time to properly prepare for your next board meeting. Try not to leave this until the last minute. Ideally, you’ll do your preparation far enough in advance to allow time for you to put it down for a few days and then revisit it with fresh eyes. That’s a great way to double check your key messages are clearly coming through.

And here is exactly what you should do to prepare…

Do your homework on all the Board Members – know their experience and their expertise. And, if you’ve never met them before, make sure to find a photo of them so you can put faces to names and bios.

Knowing their backgrounds and experience will help you craft a presentation that doesn’t patronise or assume knowledge where it isn’t. You can also subtly direct particular parts of your presentation to the most relevant Board Members to help engage them and ensure you have their attention.

Ask to see the full agenda for the Board Meeting

It’s a good idea to know the context you are presenting in so you can get a sense for how the Board Members might be feeling. What are you following? Will they been exhausted from looking at spreadsheets or will they be relatively relaxed after a coffee break? Know your context and present accordingly.

Unless you are 100% confident that everyone in the room will understand it, avoid jargon. And remember, it’s important to explain any technical concepts in a relatable manner in order to keep them engaged. Board Members will be from a variety of backgrounds and experiences (that’s what makes a good Board) so you cannot assume everyone has the same level of knowledge of your area. Don’t take the risk of losing their attention or obscuring your meaning by using language they may not understand.

When planning your content, summarise your presentation and decide what the crucial points you want to get across are. If the Board Members only remember 2 or 3 points about your presentation, what would you want them to be?

When you’ve boiled down what you’re saying to those most important points, look back over your presentation and double check they are coming across loud and clear. Consider making a summary slide and ending the presentation on a reinforcement of those key points.

As it’s often said, it’s hard to argue with facts… so infuse your presentation with as many as possible, especially if you’re trying to win buy-in for something. Back up what you’re saying with data, stats or metrics and key performance indicators. If you make a point about performance improvement, show the data that demonstrates that. If you’re offering a growth projection, show the data that supports that hypothesis.

Then make sure you present that data in an interesting way. Data visualisation is an important skill to have and can help you transform presentations and bring numbers to life. Consider using graphs and diagrams instead of flat figures. This can really help the more visual people in your audience absorb the point you’re trying to make.

Remember, if you’re presenting data, don’t just show the stats without offering some analysis or a conclusion. What does this data tell us? What have you learnt from it? Does it drive any decisions or actions?

Also remember to give the board context for each data point. Is that a good or bad performance? It’s no good showing a conversion rate, for example, without giving any sort of indication as to how that compares to expectations or industry averages. Try to include benchmarks for reference.

You’d be surprised how many people don’t give this the focus it deserves. This is particularly important if you’re going to be one of a series of presentations during the Board session. If you’ve spent the time to make your slides look engaging, then it’ll help you stand out.

If you have slides with a list of bullets, think about how they can be presented in a more visually engaging way. A list of bullets could become a grouping of different icons or images, each illustrating your different points with some supporting words underneath.

It’s worth getting a proper design brain to help you with this. Even if you just ask them to input on a few slides in your deck, you can then take the design improvements they’ve made to those slides and extend the same principles across the whole deck.

Spending time to make your presentation deck look good will not only help engage your audience and get your point across; it also shows that you have put the work in and are taking this seriously. That level of effort won’t go unappreciated by The Board.

No doubt there will be a Board Pack or Board Report you need to contribute to. Get that ready as far as you can in advance. If you do send materials in advance, do assume they’ve been read by the time it comes to your presentation, and don’t just repeat what was in the papers – that’ll feel like you’re wasting the Board Members’ precious time and that will annoy them.

This might seem obvious, but it’s worth noting here so you remember to factor in enough time for this. Some people like to practice in front of a trusted colleague, family member or friend, others are more comfortable in front of the mirror. Either way is good.

How you practice and how much does really come down to personal preference, but just make sure you get to the point where you’re confident in your delivery and you don’t have to struggle to remember what comes next.

It’s also worth bearing in mind that there is such thing as over practising. You don’t want to don’t kill all energy from your presentation and get to the point that you’re just reciting it like a robot!

We’re all for writing down what you want to say – it’s always better to be prepared and have properly thought through what you need to get across and how – but that doesn’t mean you should read it. The secret is to write what you’re going to say and then to learn it.

You can either write a full script, or some detailed notes. If you’re writing a script, it’s extremely important to write as you speak. Don’t think of this as an article or report – it’s a script to be spoken – so worry less about punctation and more about the flow of your words. Try speaking your ideas first… and then write them down.

If you don’t think you can pull off a natural enough delivery of a script, then don’t write one, write notes instead. But then you must practice and practice delivering the presentation based on the notes you have read – this will eliminate ums and errs and hesitations and ensure you have a smooth delivery where you’re confident of everything you’re saying.

Smile, use some humour if the context is right

Make your presentation at least mildly entertaining. People always remember presenters that made them smile, or even laugh. But it’s a fine balance – don’t rock up with a full comedy set, or launch into some physical slapstick humour, whatever you do.

If you opt for some humour, make sure you read the room. If little jokes are not landing, then ditch the rest, they might not be in the mood. And if you know your Board of Directors have zero sense of humour, then just stick to smiling and being upbeat – don’t try for laughs that aren’t there!

And, of course, don’t roll out the gags if the subject is particularly grave or if you’re presenting a cost reduction strategy that involves redundancies.

Give some height to your presentation – establish yourself as someone worth looking up to! It’s all too easy to slouch in a chair – standing up will help you keep a straight posture and look confident.

Standing up will also help open out your diaphragm and enable you to project your voice more successfully. Sure, if you’re in a small room you don’t want to be bellowing at them, but you want to have a straight posture and speak clearly.

If you’ve been given a time to keep to, KEEP TO IT. Board meetings will be busy and have pretty packed agendas. Nothing will annoy Board Members more than you coming in and putting their agenda and timetable out of whack.

This, again, comes down to practice. You need to run through it a few times – remembering to keep a natural and considered pace – so you’re confident you can keep it to time.

And if they haven’t given you a set time, then just be aware that brevity is a good thing. Be mindful of people’s attention span and consider what has come before you on their agenda. If they’re likely to be a bit frazzled from an intense couple of hours, you’ll need to keep things as concise as you can or risk losing them.

Make sure you leave time for a Q&A! Read through your presentation imagining you are a Board Member, try to think of any questions you’d ask. Now either work the answer to those questions into the presentation or be prepared with a considered answer for a Q&A session at the end.

Don’t be afraid to say you don’t know the answer to something. It’s best to say quickly and firmly that you do not know the answer, but you will find out and get back to them. That’s much better than launching into a flustered bumble of BS. A savvy Board Member will spot that a mile off.

Also make sure you answer the actual question asked. So, listen carefully and if you’re unsure what they’re asking, repeat back your understanding of the question to check before answering. Don’t launch into an answer unless you’re very clear what they want to know.

So, those are our top 14 tips for nailing your presentation to The Board. In a nutshell it’s all about being prepared, practiced and confident (which comes from the first two).

One final important tip is to try and enjoy it! Board Members are people like you and I, don’t be unduly worried or intimidated. Enjoy the limelight and good luck!

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4 Tips to Plan Effective Nonprofit Board Presentations

4 Tips to Plan Effective Nonprofit Board Presentations

  • Robin Gareiss, Metrigy

Over my career, I have had the good fortune to present to all types of audiences -- from major keynotes where the lights are so bright, I couldn't see the 10,000 people in the audience, to classroom settings with 50 or 100 people, to meetings with a handful of people in the room.

My favorite type of presentation is in a boardroom, where a group of insightful, engaged and typically smart people gather to learn, to set strategies, dream of new opportunities and make tough decisions.

While boardroom presentations are my favorite, that's not to say they are easy or stress free. The stakes are always high during a presentation to the leaders of a company, regardless of the topic. Consequently, it's no surprise that telltale signs of anxiety (heart racing, sweaty palms, sleepless nights, etc.) are in full force when these meetings loom.

But nerves can work in your favor if you remember the first rule of giving a talk: The amount of time and effort you put into planning and practicing directly correlates with a successful outcome. Here are some best practices I've learned that will allow you to use that healthy level of nervousness to sharpen the content of your presentation and help ensure success.

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1. Know the audience and the logistics of the meeting

Before starting work, ask who will be in the meeting and get biographies and photos of each person. Understand their areas of interests, their education and their expertise. You're there for a reason, so you need to ask, "What can I offer that they don't know already?"

There are also important logistics to inquire about. Basic questions you or your assistant should ask include the following:

  • Is the meeting virtual or in person (or more likely these days, a combination of both)?
  • What are the coordinates (physical address, virtual bridge, start and end time)?
  • Is it OK to arrive early, and if so, can we get set up with our presentation ahead of time?
  • Will there be a breakfast or lunch meeting that I should plan to attend?
  • What is the dress code?
  • Are there any preferences or requirements for technology (i.e., slide size, adapters, etc.)? Will I drive the presentation from my laptop, or do we need to send it to someone (and who) prior to the meeting to load into a broader deck?
  • What format of a session does the audience expect (e.g., PowerPoint versus interactive virtual whiteboard)?
  • Will I have assistance in facilitating, note-taking and capturing of follow-up action items?

2. Determine what the board needs to hear

Before jumping into the content of your presentation, it's good to know what the audience (in this case, the board) defines as a successful outcome. If it's possible to ask right up front, that will help guide the entire presentation. You could perhaps even survey attendees ahead of time to capture their goals, needs, challenges and anticipated outcomes.

For example, if success is about board members and/or C-level executives learning about a new technology under consideration, the job is to educate them. If success for the board is making a decision based on return on investment, run the ROI and make a recommendation.

At this point, you should estimate how much time you'll need to make the presentation successful and block out the time on your calendar.

3. Create and confirm an agenda

Based on the information gathered, create an agenda that details what the presentation will cover. Place time estimates for what will happen, when, and add extra detail about each section in the agenda document. Ask a colleague for a peer review of your presentation agenda before sending it to the board of directors for approval or revisions, if that step is required. Then, revise if needed and get started on the content.

4. Know your data

No matter what you're presenting, data and metrics are key. You can be incredibly smart and experienced, but your recommendations and insights will hold more weight and be more authoritative if they are backed by data. The data may require primary research, it may rely upon existing dashboards or it may come from third parties. But it needs to be part of your presentation.

Tips for giving a presentation to a board of directors.

5. Create the visual

There are many types of presentations you can create, and the proper one depends on the context. You can do a traditional PowerPoint presentation or consider whiteboard apps such as Miro to deliver your visual display. If the presentation is virtual, consider using technologies that enable interactivity -- i.e., Slido for polling, Prezi for placing you as a speaker in front of your content, or even capabilities such as Zoom or Webex's raise a virtual hand feature for questions. Overall, make sure the presentation follows these guidelines:

  • Keep it straightforward. Use the presentation to make key points, but the true content should be in what you say.
  • Keep it visual. Showing rows of words typed on a screen isn't adding anything to the talk track, so use visuals to enhance your message.
  • Keep it simple. Don't cram too much on each slide or screen. In general, each slide should support one or two key points.

Once it's complete, make sure a colleague reviews it, which brings me to the next point.

6. Find your toughest critic

Run through the presentation with someone you consider to be a tough critic. Don't let your feelings get hurt if that person comes back with some harsh criticism -- that's good! Better now than in the boardroom.

Ask the critic to come up with tough questions, as well. That helps you prepare for what someone might ask you, and it gives you confidence that you've prepared for the tough interrogation.

7. Practice, practice, practice (in front of a mirror)

Regardless of how many times I present, I always practice for a big event. Literally, I practice out loud in front of a mirror, so I can see how I would look to the board. Am I projecting confidence or uncertainty? If the latter, it's time to reassess the content.

A good rule of thumb for presentation preparation is as follows:

  • Run through the presentation first with your internal tough critics.
  • Make revisions and then practice a day or two before the meeting.
  • The night before, practice a third time in front of a mirror again, and get a good night's sleep. Sleep is very important to success. In addition, avoid drinking alcohol the evening prior to a big presentation.

8. Send the presentation -- wait, scratch that

Many speakers recommend sending presentations ahead of time. I disagree. When sending ahead of time, the board members don't have the benefit of context. They don't know what that picture might mean, or what point that chart supports. Worse, they come to the wrong conclusion.

I prefer sending a detailed agenda ahead of time and potentially supporting documents (research studies, product information, background on a project, etc.). But my recommendation is to send the presentation after you've given it, so the audience has the right context. Also, there might be questions that you'd like to address or clarify in the presentation before sending it. You can then address any issues prior to sending to the board.

9. Dress for success

This is a tougher decision than it should be. At first glance, you would think a suit is the right apparel for a board meeting, and most of the time, it is. But I've also arrived in a suit to meetings where board directors are wearing jeans and sweaters -- and then I feel too overdressed. It's acceptable to ask in the logistics meeting what the dress code is so that you align yourself with the "feel" of the room. Without that information, I would always dress up as a sign of respect and seriousness of the task at hand.

10. Arrive to the meeting early

Given any number of issues that could cause delay (traffic, car trouble, security upon entering the building, etc.), arrive an hour ahead of the scheduled start time.

11. Visualize the outcome

Several times before any big presentation, close your eyes and visualize the outcome: You're done with the presentation and the board members are shaking your hand saying, "Great job! That was fantastic. I learned a lot. I trust you to lead this project."

12. Bring an assistant

If budget and permissions allow, having an assistant in the meeting is incredibly valuable to track follow-up items, take notes relevant to your role, handle any technical issues and to provide any other support needed during the meeting.

13. Control the flow

It's important to stay on schedule, but you also want to allow flexibility, including time for questions. This is a balancing act. I typically like to allow interruptions at any time because if someone is hung up on something I said, they may not listen to anything else until that question is addressed.

14. Display confidence -- and humility

The practice sessions should inject confidence in your ability to deliver a stellar presentation. Remember, if you're there, you're there for a reason. You should have confidence. But that confidence shouldn't spill over to arrogance. In fact, it's important to have humility, as well. If you don't have an answer to a question, it's perfectly acceptable to say: "That's actually a great question, and I'm not sure of the answer. But I assure you, I'll have it for you after this meeting." Or, "That's a great question, and I don't have a hard-data answer, but I can give you an opinion on it."

15. Follow up promptly and measure success

Once the session is over, the quicker the follow-up, the better. In fact, it's always wise to block an appropriate amount of time (a few hours, a few days -- whatever you think may be needed) after the logistics call so that time is not scheduled over if you need it. Then, ask how it went and whether you achieved the predefined success criteria.

About the author Robin Gareiss is CEO and principal analyst at Metrigy, where she oversees research product development, conducts primary research and advises leading enterprises, vendors and carriers. For more than 25 years, Robin has advised hundreds of senior IT executives, ranging in size from Fortune 100 to Fortune 1000, developing technology strategies and analyzing how they can transform their businesses. Read more about her experience here .

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How To Run A Volunteer Board Meeting

  • July 27, 2023

How to Run a Board Meeting for Your Mission-Driven Organization

  • --> Written by Toni Hoy
  • BLOG , Board Governance: How To's , Board Member

As the chair of a mission-driven organization board, by mastering the art of running board meetings, you empower your fellow board members to contribute meaningfully, amplify the organization’s impact, and stay true to your shared mission. It’s all about propelling the board toward greater success in making a positive difference in the world.

An effective chairperson should have enough familiarity with parliamentary procedure  (or  Robert’s Rules of Order ) to demonstrate how to run a board meeting to the other board members. Well-run board meetings also allow board members to gain the experience and expertise to run a board meeting or fill the role of the board chair in due time.

While the agendas for board meetings for mission-driven organizations vary a bit based on what the board wants to accomplish, board meetings typically follow the same general format. To that end, we’ll go over the importance of the board chair’s role and outline the steps for how to run a volunteer board meeting.

The Importance of the Board Chairperson’s Role

The role of the board chair is a specific role that carries additional leadership duties and responsibilities. One of the responsibilities of a chairperson is to facilitate discussion among the board members and allow each board member to speak.

An effective chair gives the opposing sides time to present their arguments and invites the participation of other members. The chair does not typically enter into discussion; rather, they facilitate discussion among the other members. The chair may assist members in wording motions upon the request of the moving member.

Typically, the chair of a volunteer board does not vote. However, there are two instances when the chair votes: when their vote would affect the outcome, or when the vote is by ballot. Beyond that, the primary role of the board chair is to conduct an orderly meeting according to parliamentary protocol.

Steps in Running a Board Meeting

Effective volunteer board meetings begin with a well-planned agenda, as the agenda informs all board members on what the group needs to accomplish in the allotted timeframe.

An agenda template in your board management system makes easy work of creating a fluid board meeting agenda that the chairperson, board secretary , and executive director can contribute to between meetings.

A board agenda has a structure with specific steps that allow the chairperson to open the meeting on time, ensure there is a quorum before voting takes place, and cover all necessary business before the meeting ends at the established time.

The following steps to running a board meeting are:

  • Recognizing a quorum
  • Calling the meeting to order
  • Approving the agenda and minutes
  • Allowing for communication and reports
  • Addressing old/new/other business
  • Closing the meeting

Volunteer board meetings should start on a positive note to set the tone for a productive meeting. Generally, the chairperson welcomes the attendees before getting to the first order of business, which is recognizing a quorum. Below we will cover how to recognize whether a quorum exists, and the other steps in how to run a board meeting for a mission-driven organization.

1. Recognizing a Quorum

In understanding how to run a board meeting, the first order of business is for the chair to determine if a  quorum  is present. The quorum is defined in the organization’s charter or by-laws. If the quorum is not specifically defined, a simple majority rules.

If a quorum doesn’t exist, the boar chairperson may continue the meeting, but voting may not take place.

2. Calling the Meeting to Order

The next order of business is for the chairperson to call the meeting to order by making a simple statement such as, “This meeting is called to order.” The chair then addresses any items of personal or perfunctory nature, such as welcoming new members and visitors or thanking retiring members.

3. Approving the Agenda and Minutes

Following personal items, the chair moves to the agenda items. The chair will ask the members to approve the agenda. When a member requests additions, amendments, or deletions of the agenda, the amended agenda may be approved without a vote.

We created this  Robert’s Rules of Order Agenda Template  to make your meeting preparations a breeze for volunteer boards.

Running a successful volunteer board meeting means taking care of past meeting items first. Before any official business can be conducted, the board must approve the minutes of the prior meeting. There are a couple of ways to do this — either by asking the secretary to read the minutes of the prior meeting, or by sending the minutes to members before the meeting.

The next step is for the chair to ask the members if there are any corrections to the minutes. If there are no corrections, the chair announces that the minutes are approved as written.

If a board member proposes an amendment to the minutes, the chair asks the other members to consider the amendment and ask if they agree with it. The chairperson can approve the amendment without taking a formal vote.

When a board member disputes an amendment, the chairperson may ask for a vote on whether the amendment should be adopted. Once the members have accepted the minutes, the chair states, “If there are no further corrections, the minutes stand approved, as corrected.” The secretary would then record any amendments to the current meeting minutes and the chair would sign the minutes to make them official.

For a refresher, check out our previous post on  how to take minutes at a board meeting .

4. Communication and Reports

The next step in the process of how to run a board meeting is to hear reports from the executive director and any standing or special committees. If a committee wants to make a recommendation, the reporting member moves to adopt it. Otherwise, the board secretary files the report with no action.

The board treasurer should read the financial reports to keep members current; however, the board doesn’t need to take action on them unless it is an audited report. The board chairperson should always take a vote on the annual audited financial report.

5. Old/New/Other Business

Once the reports have been addressed, the board chairperson addresses old, new, and other items of business in consecutive order. This is the meat and bones of a mission-driven organization’s work during a board meeting.

The following is a description of old business, new business, and other business.

Old Business

Old business consists of items the board has previously discussed that are ready for formal approval. If any of the items require additional discussion, the chair asks for approval to move those items to the discussion portion of the meeting. The chairperson decides which agenda items should be voted on and approved, postponed or tabled.

New Business

Having settled old business items, the chair announces new business items and allows time for discussion on each item. The chair may ask the members to re-order the items as prudent or necessary.

The chair should invite discussion and facilitate debate, drawing out a full range of opinions. If the discussion is lengthy, the chair may limit the discussion for a certain period. At the end of the discussion, the board may agree to vote, amend, table, postpone or move it to a committee for consideration.

Other Business

During this part of the meeting, the chair invites members to raise other matters that don’t require discussion, such as announcements. Other business may include items for future discussion so that members will have time to review them before the next meeting.

6. Closing the Meeting

To close the meeting according to  Robert’s Rules of Order for Adjournment , the chair thanks the group and declares the meeting adjourned. As a final , and important step, the chair should follow up with the executive director and review any aspects of the meeting that they need to discuss before the secretary writes the formal record of the meeting.

A Board Management Solution Sets the Stage for an Effective Mission-Driven Board Meeting

Poorly chaired board meetings may have negative consequences for a mission-driven organization, so it’s important to avoid pitfalls and keep the meeting running smoothly.

A  competent chairperson  understands how to run a board meeting properly and prepares ahead of time, so the meeting keeps moving. The chair of a volunteer board also keeps overzealous members in check and addresses distractions.

Productive meetings allow for open discussion while focusing on strategic progress for the benefit of the whole organization.

To learn more about how a BoardEffect board management system can help your mission-driven organization set the stage for an effective board meeting, read our one-pager on how to tame the meeting cycle, take back your time and transform your organization’s governance and leadership.

Want to simplify your board meeting process?

Learn why 100k+ users are using boardeffect for their board portal solution.

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Jeremy Barlow

Jeremy is the Director of Digital Marketing at BoardEffect.

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How to Run a Board Meeting that’s Engaging and Productive

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Associations   •   Board & Committee Meetings

Board chairs who are well-versed in parliamentary procedures ( Robert’s Rules of Order ) and actively spark collaborative discussion are often the most successful in the boardroom. By pursuing a sufficient understanding of board meeting management best practices, board leadership can guide their fellow members toward forward-thinking strategies that promote organizational progress. Knowing the nuances of how to run a board meeting is a key part of this.

Your board meetings are when your team comes together to collaborate on your organization’s goals and strategize how you can make progress toward those objectives. From mission-driven organizations to for-profit boards, regularly coming together to have these discussions is crucial for your organization’s continued growth and success.

Board members lead busy lives outside of the boardroom. To get the most out of their time together, it’s up to board leadership to fully understand how to conduct a board meeting that keeps everyone focused to arrive at the right decisions. To help, we’ll take a deep dive into these topics related to board meeting management:

How to Run Your Board Meeting: Fundamental Steps

Board meeting management best practices, how to spark collaborative board meeting discussions, how board meeting software can help.

At Boardable , we work with all types of boards, including those at mission-driven organizations, corporations, and everything in between. Boards face unique circumstances that can’t be navigated with generic approaches. Using our direct experience, we’re confident you’ll be able to run more efficient board meetings—all it takes is a bit of extra guidance. Let’s kick things off with the basics!

presentation at board meeting

To refine your approach to board meeting management, you’ll need to have any lingering questions answered first . A solid foundation of knowledge will empower you to confidently move forward when implementing new approaches and building an engaging atmosphere . Here are a few common questions that board leaders often have about how to run board meetings.

What Are the Steps to Conduct a Board Meeting?

The order of board meetings varies depending on what needs to be accomplished. However, most follow the same basic structure. When following Robert’s Rules of Order, here is the typical order of business that boards follow when conducting meetings:

  • Call the meeting to order. The presiding officer kicks off the meeting at the designated start time.
  • Call roll. The board secretary calls roll for all attendees, including presiding officers, staff members, and guests. If a quorum is not present, the meeting cannot occur.
  • Approve the agenda and previous meeting’s minutes. The board chair moves to approve the agenda and then the minutes. At this point, attendees can request additions, amendments, or deletions. If there are no objections to either motions, the agenda and minutes are approved.
  • Officer and committee reports. Reports are generally for information only. No motions are necessary unless the speaker presents specific recommendations for action.
  • Old Business. The board goes over unresolved items that have been previously discussed and are ready for formal approval.
  • New Business. Board members discuss any additional items pertaining to the organization’s needs. Action items are assigned.
  • Adjourn the meeting. When there is no further discussion or the designated end time approaches, the chair moves to adjourn the meeting. Adjourning, or closing the meeting, is the last step of the process.

Take a look at the following graphic from  our complete guide to board meeting minutes . It helps visualize this exact process in a formal and organized manner.

Given the varying priorities across different organizations, you’ll naturally need to customize your approach. A general outline of a typical meeting’s stages, like the above, will help you plan your meeting. When implemented, you’ll have plenty of time to ensure all important agenda items are covered.

What Do You Say to Open a Board Meeting?

The chair calls the meeting to order with a simple statement. They should say something along the lines of:

“Good [morning/evening], everyone! It’s [state the date and time], and I’d like to call the meeting of [organization name] to order.”

The officer then addresses any items of personal or perfunctory nature. This could include welcoming new members , thanking retiring members, and welcoming visitors.

Some officers like to change their approach to energize the boardroom. Try opening with a success story to reiterate the organization’s mission or emphasize current initiatives. Say when a staff or fellow board member goes above and beyond or when the organization achieves a major goal.

A chair should only open a board meeting when a quorum is present, unless it’s unclear if it’s met until after roll call. Your governing documents will indicate how many attendees must be present to legally conduct business.

What Should be Discussed At a Board Meeting?

The most productive discussions are focused on the right agenda items for your organization. When laying out your meeting, center your board of directors meeting discussions on these core topics:

  • Organizational Performance. Run through any major updates on the organization’s performance since the board’s last meeting. Talk about whether you’re moving in the right direction and where you stand in relation to goals. This is your chance to talk about milestones and major achievements, as well as areas where the organization has fallen short.
  • Future Strategies. After reflecting on performance, collaborate on how the organization should adjust its approach in order to promote progress. The bulk of any effective board meeting should consist of discussing strategies and determining an execution plan. Consider any roadblocks and develop ideas for overcoming them.
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) . Assign KPIs to assess strategies your board wants to put in place. KPIs should be quantifiable, aligned with your goal, and realistically achievable. KPIs vary between organizations and companies , but common examples include client or donor retention, staff turnover rate, and acquired revenue. Concrete metrics like these will help measure your strategies’ success.

Overall, your board should deliberate strategies and approve plans of action, providing ongoing support to the organization as it grows. Keeping your discussions focused on the right topics ensures every moment is maximized during your board meetings.

presentation at board meeting

Running your board meetings with a bit of intentionality can go a long way. There are some simple practices you can master to make meetings go more smoothly. Remember, the more your attendees feel their time and expertise are being respected, the more engaged and invested they will be in the board meetings’ outcomes.

Create Focused Agendas.

Your agenda is the driving force in your board meetings. As described in our complete guide to board meeting agendas :

“At the foundation of every good meeting is a solid meeting agenda. It sets the tone for your meeting and determines how engaged (or disengaged) your board members will be. With some simple planning, your [organization’s] board can drastically improve the effectiveness of its meetings. However, it takes more than just creating a simple governance checklist and calling it a day.”

Develop powerful agendas that set your board meetings up to be productive, collaborative, and engaging with a few key steps. Here are strategies for creating clear roadmaps that cut down on side conversations and get down to business:

  • Note if a topic is meant to inform, seek information, or arrive at a decision. Knowing the end goal of each item upfront makes it easier to achieve it. Otherwise, your board could arrive at the desired conclusion without realizing it and unnecessarily continue the discussion, consequently wasting time.
  • Begin with your most important items. Turning the agenda upside down like this enables leadership to receive feedback and spark discussion when everyone’s minds are fresh. Not only will this lead to energized meetings, but it may also encourage people to be more punctual since they won’t want to miss interesting conversations.

When you’ve taken the time to develop a dynamic and thorough agenda, stick to it . Start on time, hit all essential discussion items, and end on time. Be sure to send the agenda to attendees in advance, giving them plenty of time to prepare and bring insightful thoughts to the table.

Get to Know Your Board Members.

Get to know your board members’ interests, discussion styles, and preferences to improve overall board management.

A well-structured board consists of a variety of backgrounds and personalities. For instance, some will talk first and think later. Others will think first and talk later. You need to know who you need to encourage to speak and who you may need to encourage to stop talking!

Take time outside of the boardroom to get to know your board members. The chair, executive director or CEO, and any other board leadership should meet with each member periodically to allow the kinds of conversations that are difficult in a group setting.

Just like your leadership, inspire your board members to get to know one another by interacting outside of the boardroom. Annual board retreats and regular get-togethers can promote camaraderie, leading to natural conversation during your formal board meetings.

Follow Up With Minutes and Next Steps.

So, you just had a great meeting with lots of productive decisions and discussions. Now what? Start by promptly sending minutes out to attendees (including those who were unable to attend)—ideally within the week.

The most productive board meetings result in a number of follow-up tasks and action items. Meeting minutes don’t just keep a record for posterity—they capture the to-do’s and summarize what the board agreed to accomplish before the next meeting.

Review your minutes, and designate tasks to the correct board members. It’s up to the board chair or administrator to check in periodically on progress between meetings.

To help, Boardable’s Minutes Maker feature allows for easy dispersal of your minutes. Publish them and instantly distribute them to all attendees. Save a record in your Document Center, or email a PDF to meeting guests. With extensive security precautions, you can rest easy knowing that all confidential information is protected.

Then, use the board task manager to delegate tasks and assign due dates. Board members will be able to see all their assignments directly on their dashboards, and administrators can follow up when deadlines approach.

presentation at board meeting

RELATED: Record clear and concise minutes for each of your meetings by following the tips in our complete board meeting minutes guide .

Evaluate Your Meetings at Least Once a Year.

By understanding what’s working well and what’s falling short of expectations, you can then use your board members’ feedback to understand how to run more effective board meetings.

At a couple of meetings every year, give every board member two sticky notes. At the end of the meeting, ask board members to give you a “+” (what part of meetings is going well) and a “-“ (what needs improvement). On their way out, have them put their comments on poster paper next to the door.

Alternatively, turn to technology to get the job done! Send out a survey or use polling tools to gauge your board members’ opinions about your board meetings. Get the most helpful feedback by asking open-ended questions or having board members rate different qualities of the meetings on a numbered scale.

presentation at board meeting

It should go without saying that active participation from board members with a range of perspectives naturally results in innovative insights. Let’s think about some ways that we can encourage robust discussions, the kind that really get to the essence of the goals you want to achieve.

Finding new ways to energize board meetings isn’t easy, but with the following tips, you can keep everyone engaged and committed to furthering your work.

Ask Thought-Provoking Questions

Ask questions to draw people out and better understand the underlying assumptions of their arguments. Use non-threatening phrases like, “Can you tell me more about that?” or “Why do you say that?”

Sometimes views that oppose each other on the surface have more commonality when you delve into them to reveal their underlying assumptions. Asking questions can help the group come to a consensus so everyone fully accepts and understands decisions.

Here are some additional questions that can inspire discussion:

  • What needs our immediate attention going forward, and how can we support each other in taking the next steps?
  • Where do you see this organization in a couple of years? What can we do today that will make the most difference in the future?
  • What was your favorite event with the organization so far?
  • Has there been a mission moment or volunteer that has stuck in your mind?

These kinds of questions not only give you a sense of what motivates your board members, but they can also help identify areas that need attention. If your meeting attendees can’t or don’t want to answer some of these questions, it may be a sign that engagement is suffering.

Change Up the Atmosphere

The last thing you want is a bored board. Changing the atmosphere up every once in a while can energize your team, effectively boosting engagement and productivity. Beyond requiring active participation, here are a few tactics for getting your board members to willingly join in and provide their input:

  • Meet in a different place. You can meet at a program site or at a restaurant for breakfast or lunch. A change of scenery can stimulate new ideas and discussion, effortlessly energizing board meetings. Changing the time of day from an evening meeting to a breakfast gathering can inject energy into conversations, too.
  • Feed your board members. Most board meetings occur in the evening after many members have put in a full day’s work and would normally be eating dinner. Why not combine social time with food at your board meetings? Consider having one meeting per quarter catered if it’s in the budget. If not, have each member bring a dish to share. While they’re eating, board members have a chance to get to know other members that they might not otherwise talk to.
  • Make education fun. Board education and development can be difficult to implement on an ongoing basis. There are ways to make it fun though, including tapping into the expertise of board members. Ask for volunteers to put together a presentation of relevant topics of importance, or, if there’s room in the budget, consider bringing in outside speakers who have the skills to help your board.

Board meetings don’t have to stick to the same structure or location. In fact, changing things up every once in a while can re-energize your team and spark higher participation levels. It might take some experimenting, and success will depend on what strategies work with your unique board.

Add a Parking Lot to the Agenda

Getting sidetracked by new discussion topics that pop up during the board meeting will eat up time and distract board members from the most important agenda items. Mitigate this by including a parking lot at the end of your agenda, where you push random topics that are worthy of discussion but not a top priority.

This part of meeting conduct requires a lot of discipline and a commitment to the agenda items. Get agreement from the group to be able to put items that are not relevant to the discussion in the “parking lot” and discuss them later in the board meeting. Be sure to fulfill your promise by revisiting the parking lot and assessing what should be researched further, added to the next agenda, or delegated as a task.

Keep Routine Items Short

Long reports and other routine items can quickly drag a board meeting down. The more you drown members in details, the more likely it is that they’ll check out. As a general rule of thumb, spend about 25 percent of the meeting on reporting and the “have tos.” This leaves the majority of the meeting to discuss strategic direction and other critical issues.

For instance, cut down on reports by encouraging officers and committee chairs to share simple bullet points regarding what the whole board needs to know. At the meeting, board members can ask questions and make comments instead of listening to a minute-by-minute account of leaders’ work and committees’ proceedings.

A consent agenda helps immensely here. It organizes standard and non-controversial board action items away from the rest of the agenda so that they can be approved as a group.

These agenda items require board approval, but because they’re not controversial, they don’t require discussion. This may include the minutes of the last meeting, standard committee reports, the CEO’s report, or informational items. One motion, a second, and a vote approve these items quickly.

presentation at board meeting

With so many elements to balance, running board meetings can quickly become overwhelming, and time can slip away before you know it. That’s where board meeting software comes in.

Dedicated board meeting software like Boardable Spotlight makes it easy to facilitate and communicate between your regularly scheduled board meetings. Built to meet the needs of for-profit and mission-driven boards, our end-to-end solution offers everything you need to keep board members focused and engaged—whether they’re attending virtually or in-person.

At a glance, here’s how Boardable Spotlight can help empower your team:

  • Easily invite board members to join. Boardable Spotlight makes it simple to invite people to join board meetings. After inviting everyone, attendees will gain instant access to corresponding documents and all meeting details like the date and time.
  • Create a clear agenda and record concise minutes. Plan your board meetings and with our intuitive Agenda Builder . Then, safely share it with attendees, and pull it up within Spotlight during the meeting to take notes. Quickly capture ideas, tasks, and decisions while streamlining board voting procedures during the meeting without shuffling between multiple tools and browsers.
  • Enable video conferencing. Leverage our video conferencing tools, and stay connected with board members no matter where they are. Already using Zoom? No problem! Meeting organizers can integrate with Zoom and schedule meetings directly within Boardable Spotlight. That way, you can eliminate separate meeting links and access codes.

presentation at board meeting

Boardable Spotlight brings together all the functionality your organization needs to meet regularly, collaborate seamlessly, and document decisions, so you can spend less time on board meeting logistics and more on fulfilling your mission. You won’t need a second monitor, a separate video conferencing app, or multiple open tabs to conduct highly productive meetings.

Ready to develop an outstanding board of directors with powerful board management software ? See how Boardable can help you empower your board. Start free now .

From sufficient prep work to timely follow-up, there’s a lot that goes into running board meetings. If any part of meeting preparation is lacking, it can affect the quality of the entire meeting.

Remember, meetings are your primary opportunity to gauge board members’ thoughts and get the best strategic guidance possible. Making the most of every moment is crucial for setting your organization up for success and making strides toward your mission.

While a successful board meeting looks different for every organization, many corporations and mission-driven organizations find success in the common strategies we covered. Taking extra steps to improve your board meetings will ultimately spark collaboration and contribute to a healthy, productive environment. In no time, you’ll notice that board members are much more engaged in conversation and willing to put in the necessary time and effort to reach your goals.

Solutions for Board Members

We know that what happens after a meeting is also critical. Keep post-meeting momentum going with a centralized hub your team can access before, during, and after meetings to promote autonomy and collaboration.

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Board Meeting Presentation Template

Preparing for your next board meeting? Make an impression by putting together an impactful presentation with Beautiful.ai’s customizable board meeting presentation template. Our template will help you host a productive, efficient board meeting that reflects on company progress, refines goals, and celebrates company wins.

Use a board meeting presentation to:

  • Align on key company initiatives
  • Share updates with the board
  • Evaluate campaigns or goals

Board Meeting Presentation Sample

Customize your board meeting presentation. Make an impact with your presentation by using graphs, charts, timelines, diagrams, and sales funnels. Each of these graphics can easily be added to your board meeting presentation template with just one click. Some potential slides to include are:


Pro Tips for Your Board Meeting Slides

Consider these tips when building your board meeting slides.

You need an agenda to outline your presentation, but you also need objectives. Explain what you want to get out of the board meeting by stating your objectives up front.

Include brief summaries for each department or section in your presentation. Summaries ensure that your info sticks with the board.

Acknowledge your team members’ hard work. It reminds your board that the people in the company are the most valuable asset in the business.

Your board is busy, and no one likes to have their time wasted. Keep your presentation as concise as possible.

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presentation at board meeting

7 Things to Include in Every Board Deck

presentation at board meeting

Why do many executive teams loathe board meetings?

At Insight, we work closely with executive teams to drive growth, scale operations, and achieve better and faster results through Onsite, our team of 130+ dedicated operators in sales/customer success, marketing, talent, and product/tech. As a result, we have attended and prepared for many board meetings.

Board meetings are invaluable. They are the ultimate time and place to evaluate strategic progress, refine or revise goals and timelines, and receive insight from experienced people who are invested in the company’s success. These meetings can be a time to reflect on progress and celebrate wins and milestones.

But often, executive teams dread the quarterly board meeting. They are a lot of work, they necessitate business scrutiny, and they might even reveal issues.

Compounding this dread is that founders and company leaders are rarely told what to include in the board agenda and materials, and what makes a presentation valuable for both management and the board. Crisp, open, thoughtful, and productive board meetings build positive relationships between the board and executive teams. However, board meetings that waste valuable time can undercut the board’s confidence in management. We summarize our best practices for productive board meetings here.

Board meetings are a CEO’s strategic weapon

Effective board meetings clarify priorities; they allow leaders to spotlight results, highlight challenges, and discuss key strategic issues. The best management teams and board members hold each other accountable and truly want to review company progress and improve where possible.

CEOs and management teams get the most out of board meetings when they arm directors with the information required to ask smart, pertinent questions. And the exceptional teams focus on the places where those questions — and the answers — will have the highest impact.

Seven must-haves for your board presentation

While every company is different, the software companies that run the best board meetings have common approaches and provide similar information in their presentations. At a minimum, include these seven things in your board presentation decks.

1. Establish and stick to stated objectives

Too many of the worst board meetings begin with an agenda, but not with objectives. That is a big point of difference. An agenda is merely the data that gets presented. Objectives are what you want to get out of the time together.

Before every board meeting, the CEO should complete this sentence, “This meeting will be a success if we…”  “…get through the agenda on time,” is not an ideal response.  “Agree on a budget,” or “Set baseline goals and metrics” are much better.

2. Include a “State of the Union” from the CEO

Board meetings are most effective when organized around top priorities and issues. An update from the CEO on key accomplishments, challenges, and how the company plans to address those challenges helps orient the board. With a 360-degree view of the business, the board can provide sound advice and guidance.

Avoid the temptation to speak in phrases. “Good” is not a number. Include data. Real measurable outcomes aligned with key performance indicators will help the board – and the management team – make good decisions. It’s also important, as part of the CEO report, to include and review action items, including any from the previous board or leadership meetings.

This is also the time for the CEO to ask for guidance on key decisions. Asking for the board’s point of view on challenging decisions ensures that the board agrees with the decision and is invested in the outcome.

3. Don’t shy away from non-financial numbers

Board members can add the most value when they have access to the rich data that informs management decisions, not just the requisite financial statements. So, while you may summarize, also provide the metrics you use to monitor progress. That way, board members can help you be sure you’re measuring the correct things, in the best way.

Board members can share how your measures stack up against other businesses and help provide greater context to the data. When in doubt, hand it out. If you don’t have data on something, it may be worth discussing that as well.

Data such as financial statements, HR metrics, sales and marketing data (e.g., bookings growth and customer success metrics), and product management and development metrics (such as product roadmap milestones) are all useful for board members.

Board meetings are more effective when the materials – especially data information – are sent 48 hours in advance. To assist with productive board meetings, Insight Onsite has developed a template board package that includes the metrics that are important for effective board discussions. Your investor should be able to provide this sort of guidance.

4. Functional summaries matter

A one-page summary by function with key highlights from the quarter, near-term priorities, and current challenges lets the board quickly see what’s happening by department.

The executive team leaders in a software company (product, engineering, marketing, sales, customer success, HR, and finance) should present a dashboard of key metrics, current priorities, and progress against previously discussed priorities. Good CEOs have leadership team meetings where functional heads know the constraints and priorities of their colleagues. Where this doesn’t occur, the board meeting is a good forum to disseminate information so everyone may understand the situation. When the team has a complete view, priorities can change, cooperation can grow, and teams can be more effective. By getting visibility into these functional priorities, your board may be able to help the process along.

5. Review strategy

A board’s role is governance, results, and strategy. Too often strategy gets lost amidst the approval of board minutes and the dissection of business metrics.

CEOs should discuss market dynamics, competitive moves, environmental factors, new relevant regulation, talent retention, M&A, and company direction. The board meeting is an opportunity to get a broader perspective and review industry dynamics that may impact the business. Discussing the probabilities of different scenarios is a core responsibility of the board.

6. Spotlight your team

People are the most important asset of any business. As any good manager knows, recruiting, hiring, training, and developing the best talent is what separates great teams from the rest.

Leadership and execution are hard work for company leaders. By giving functional leaders a chance to display their potential and be acknowledged by the board for their accomplishments, the CEO ensures that leaders are motivated and aligned.

Understanding and displaying their senior leaders’ potential and performance in a board deck calls out key team members and helps keep the organization focused on talent development.

7. Seek out direct feedback

Good board meetings include time alone with the CEO for the board to provide the CEO with confidential feedback, and for the group to collectively review executive team composition, highlight capability gaps, and discuss succession plans. The board is able to provide observations and proffer help.

The CEO job is lonely. The board meeting time represents an opportunity to discuss concerns behind closed doors and obtain input. The CEO should view this time as one of the key benefits of board meetings. The collective capability of the board is focused on improving the company. Take the chance to tap into this experience and knowledge.

Board meetings done right

When prepared and delivered well, board materials help leadership teams focus on what matters and allow board members to prove their value. As you prepare your presentation and run your board meetings, follow the rules. Be honest, support your plans and presentations with data, and most importantly, seek and solicit feedback from board members. Rather than dreading the work board meeting preparation can take and seeking perfunctory sign-off, view this time as an opportunity to get the advice and investment every company needs to deliver outstanding performance. Our list of seven must-haves will get you most of the way there; the quality of the dialog will do the rest. 

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Town of Palm Beach accepting applications for opening on landmarks board

The town of Palm Beach is seeking to fill an opening on its powerful landmarks board beginning in November.

Those wishing to apply for a seat as an alternate member have until 5 p.m. Nov. 1 to submit their applications.

The Town Council will hear presentations from eligible applicants and make appointments at its Nov. 12 regular meeting.

Related: Editorial: Join a Palm Beach board and help shape the future

The appointee will fill the seat of Laura Rose, who was appointed by the council in June but recently resigned. Rose was unable to attend any meetings because of "extenuating circumstances," the town said, but she hopes to be able to apply again in the future.

Rose's term expires March 1, 2026.

The Landmarks Preservation Commission , chaired by Sue Patterson, reviews exterior changes to the more than 350 landmarked buildings in town, and recommends additional buildings for landmark protection to the council each year.

Board members are appointed for three-year terms and may serve no more than two consecutive terms. 

To apply, visit https://townofpalmbeach.granicus.com/boards/w/fb1ca0b3aa8aa1aa .

For information, contact the Town Clerk's Office by calling 561-838-5416.

Jodie Wagner is a journalist at the  Palm Beach Daily News , part of the USA TODAY Florida Network. You can reach her at  [email protected] .  Help support our journalism. Subscribe today .


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