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Search form, air quality co-benefits of renewable energy policy in the u.s., [ download ], abstract/summary:.

Despite lawmaker interest in transitioning electricity systems toward renewable energy sources and in mitigating harmful air pollution, the extent to which sub-national renewable energy policies in the U.S. can improve air quality and human health remains unclear. This thesis develops a systemic modeling framework to assess the impacts of future renewable energy policy on air quality, as well as on the economy and on climate change, employing the framework of cost-benefit analysis. To model the chain of policy effects from impacts on the economy to power plant emissions, human health, and climate change, I integrate an economy-wide computable general equilibrium model, an atmospheric chemistry model, and methodologies for the economic valuation of health impacts. I apply this modeling framework to study the potential future impacts of the existing Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPSs) in the U.S. Rust Belt region. This thesis also tests the impacts of alternative RPS stringency levels and assesses RPS impacts compared to carbon pricing, a climate policy favored by many economists.

I estimate that existing RPSs in this region generate health co-benefits that, in economic terms, exceed the climate change mitigation benefits of these policies. Estimated health co-benefits also outweigh the economic costs of the modeled policies, indicating that air quality co-benefits alone may justify RPS implementation. This work further finds that raising RPS stringency in the Rust Belt increases net policy benefits (air quality and climate benefits minus costs). However, I show that air quality co-benefits are highly sensitive to several assumptions such as the economic value assigned to premature mortalities and the magnitude of the health response expected from a given level of pollution. This thesis also estimates that carbon pricing generates greater air quality co-benefits for every ton of CO 2 abated compared to an RPS, suggesting that carbon pricing may be more economically efficient (greater net benefits) relative to an RPS than previously thought. Finally, I show that RPSs have far-reaching economic impacts that have implications for their overall costs and benefits. This finding demonstrates the value of employing economy-wide models to understand the overall economic and environmental impacts of such sector-specific policies, and makes the case for a comprehensive, economy-wide approach for addressing air pollution and climate change.

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Dimanchev, E.


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TPP student research spans many domains, but shares methodologies and goals. Examples of award-winning theses and noteworthy research projects are shared here. We also maintain a public database of all TPP thesis titles, with links to web publications where available.

Award-Winning Theses and Student Research Stories

2024 thesis prize winners.

  • Michael Giovanniello; “Modeling and Implementation of the U.S. Hydrogen Production Credit” (2024). Advisor(s): Dharik Mallapragada; Ruaridh Macdonald.
  • Kailin Graham; “Doing the Dirty Work: Employment vulnerability to the energy transition implications for climate policy and politics” (2024). Advisor(s): Christopher R. Knittel.

2023 Thesis Prize Winner

  • Maja Svanberg; “ The Economic Advantage of Computer Vision Over Human Labor, and Its Market Implications ” (2023). Advisor(s): Neil Thompson.

2022 Thesis Prize Winners

  • Farri T. Gaba; “ Solutions to the Generalized UAV Delivery Routing Problem for Last-Mile Delivery with Societal Constraints ” (2022). Advisor(s): Matthias Winkenbach
  • Jonathan Garrett Novak; “ Policy and Design Courses of Action to Improve Resilience of Proliferated Low Earth Orbit Constellations Against Adverse Solar Weather ” (2022). Advisor(s): Daniel E Hastings.
  • Aaron Matthew Schwartz; “ The Role of Natural Gas in Future Low-Carbon Energy Systems ” (2022). Advisor(s): Dharik S Mallapragada.

2021 Thesis Prize Winner

Karan Bhuwalka, recent TPP alum who won best thesis in 2021, reflects on TPP’s interdisciplinary approach and bringing data science, manufacturing, and social issues together in his research on the materials that make up electric vehicles.

  • Assessing the Socio-Economic Risks in Electric Vehicle Supply Chains (Thesis)
  • Characterizing the Changes in Material Use due to Vehicle Electrification (Environmental Science & Technology, Jul 2021)

Do native ads shape our perception of the news?: Manon Revel

Often masquerading as legitimate news, so-called “native” ads, pushed by content recommendation networks, have brought badly needed revenue to the struggling U.S. news industry. But at what cost? TPP alum Manon Revel is now a PhD student in the IDSS Social and Engineering Systems PhD program . Her TPP thesis advisor was Prof. Ali Jadbabaie.

  • Combining AI with passions (MIT News, March 2019)

Health Savings of Renewable Energy: Emil Dimanchev

Research from TPP alum Emil Dimanchev, who won TPP’s best thesis award in 2019, found that health savings from cleaner air would more than pay for the cost of implementing renewable energy policies. His thesis was advised by TPP director Noelle Selin.

  • Shift to renewable electricity a win-win at statewide level (MIT News, Aug 2019)

Thesis Database

Thesis Titles, 1977 to 2015

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Renewable Energy Delivery :: Projects

The Renewable Energy Delivery (RED) project has conducted projects spanning several technologies to address critical challenges in scaling up renewable sources. RED researchers apply traditional supply chain approaches – such as network design, forecasting, demand shaping, supply planning, storage, and distribution management – to energy supply networks as they increasingly incorporate renewable sources like wind that are more intermittent. The combination of spatial and temporal demand for multiple energy forms, intermittent supply, and multiple paths for transmission makes energy a rich supply chain for investigation. We aim to develop spatial-temporal models to design energy storage and transmission strategies for renewable energy delivery.   Vehicle-to-Grid Revenue Potential for Electric and Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Fleets

Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) describes a system where electric vehicles (EV) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) can connect to the electric grid to provide ancillary services, such as frequency regulation, to grid operators. This thesis evaluates the opportunities for V2G-enabled EVs and PHEVs to participate in the regulation services market and lower their net costs, making them more cost competitive with conventional vehicles. We build a ten-year net cash flow model for a fleet of delivery trucks to assess the costs and benefits of adopting this technology. To project potential V2G revenue, we utilize a simulation model developed by a grid system operator. Based on exploration of numerous scenarios we determine which combination of factors produce the greatest overall benefit. Our results indicate that EV and PHEV fleets offer lower operating expenses for urban pickup and delivery services. In addition, fleet managers can expect to offset 5-11% of the total cost of ownership with V2G revenue.

The results of this project were published as a master’s thesis by Kristen Nordstrom and Andres De Los Rios Vergara. Clay Siegert of XL Hybrids played an important role as a company advisor for the project. The Executive Summary is available on the Publications page.

Large-Scale Battery Storage for Wind Wind energy is the fastest-growing energy source in the world. However, due to the inherent issues of intermittency and remoteness, the need to complement wind energy with storage is well recognized. Pumped Hydro Electric Storage units are the established and most widely studied energy storage application. Other technologies like compressed air, flywheels, and batteries are emerging, but are not yet considered economically viable.

This project aimed to design a profitable battery storage system. Configuration options included network design decisions (e.g., facility location, capacity, market participation, and grid energy supplement) and daily operating policies (i.e., policies for charging and discharging the battery). A detailed Monte Carlo simulation model was developed with realistic conditions for wind plant output, market prices, storage costs, and technical characteristics to calculate profits. The simulation results identify decisions and conditions under which a large-scale battery storage installation can be profitable. Counter to prevailing wisdom, the project demonstrated that a large-scale battery in the grid could be profitable without special subsidies. Moreover, the differential between simple and sophisticated daily operating policies indicates great promise for further work.

The results of this project were published as a master’s thesis by Prashant Saran and Clay Siegert and in the Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting.

Green Hydrogen from Wind in Spain

This RED project, focused on optimizing the potential supply chain of hydrogen, was funded by the Government of Spain (Ministry of Industry) and included researchers at MIT and the Zaragoza Logistics Center through the MIT SCALE Network. The research was developed in direct collaboration with Acciona Energy, the world’s largest developer of wind parks and third-largest operator of wind energy.

We developed a comprehensive decision support model – utilizing principles from the commercial supply chain, systems engineering, and operations research – to optimize delivery of hydrogen produced by wind power through electrolysis. We applied the model to various future scenarios to inform strategic evaluation of various technologies for the production, storage, and distribution of hydrogen and assess infrastructure development as a phased rollout.

Biofuel Supply Chain Design Challenges

The biofuel supply chain comprises several stages and includes processes such as harvesting, collecting, processing, transporting, handling, warehousing, distributing, and retailing. To begin, biomass feedstock from agricultural residues, forest resources (e.g., hardwood and softwood residues, and thinnings), and dedicated cropping systems (e.g., poplar and switchgrass) must be transported to the refinery. However, unlike petroleum, biomass production is diverse, distributed, and seasonal, with significant fractions that cannot be used for fuel. Pretreatment facilities could allow biomass to be stored and transported economically to the biorefinery. The scale – location and size – of these pretreatment facilities is an important design decision; and these strategies may vary by geographic region according to supply-demand conditions. These strategies must also incorporate the inbound transportation of feedstock in its various forms to the biorefinery.

Biorefinery management offers further opportunities to optimize the combination of efficiency, capacity, and cost for each facility. Just as with pretreatment facilities, the size and location of biorefineries are critical design decisions. Further production planning regarding the product mix (i.e., quality or grade), batch size, and blending must be aligned with the available supply and the distribution plans.

Various distribution strategies can be deployed to move biofuel from biorefineries to marketing terminals before being trucked to service stations, truck stops, and other large-scale operations. Currently, most fuel is distributed through common carrier transportation providers using various modes (e.g., pipeline, barge, ship, rail, and truck). Assuming biofuels are fungible and can use existing distribution systems, there are still many opportunities to optimize the flow by using the appropriate mode and the option of intermediate breakout storage to achieve the lowest landed cost.

Specific analysis is needed to assess the role of numerous technologies and processes to transform biomass supply into fuel, various channels and methods for transporting feedstock and fuel, as well as diverse market conditions that impact demand and overall SC performance. Furthermore, robust assessment approaches are needed to estimate key measures, such as cost, revenue, environmental impact (e.g., GHG), oil displacement, and system safety and security. These measures are critical in determining the economic and environmental viability of the entire system.

A 2010 master’s thesis by Sooduck Chung and Michael Farrey offers a comprehensive description of the entire biofuel supply chain network. It also offers focused analysis on switchgrass, which holds the most promise in the U.S. because of its ability to be scaled and its potential for high yields. However, landed cost analysis across the five stages in the biofuel supply chain - feedstock production, feedstock logistics, ethanol production, distribution, and end use - shows that ethanol from switchgrass is not competitive in price compared with gasoline at 2010 prices. The thesis also focuses analysis on feedstock production and logistics to evaluate various harvesting, storage and transportation options in moving switchgrass to the refinery. Transporting feedstock in its most energy dense form provides the lowest transportation costs; but this usually means additional costs and steps to preprocess the feedstock. In this case, the options to bale, grind, or pelletize the switchgrass are considered for varying sizes of refineries. Analysis showed that grinding switchgrass is cost effective up to a distance of 22 miles from the refinery, where pelletizing switchgrass becomes cheaper.

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Renewable energy

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Evaluating the impacts of the global energy system

Taiwan’s Innovative Green Economy Roadmap (TIGER)

The future of energy storage, chemical reactions for the energy transition.

New insights reveal pathways to improvement

New England renewables + Canadian hydropower

A pathway to clean electricity in 2050

Using nature’s structures in wooden buildings

Tools for designing with forked tree branches

Tracking emissions in China

Good news, some concerns

Making a remarkable material even better

Transparent aerogels for solar devices, windows

Manufacturing consumer products

A greener way to make raw materials

Renewable energy and carbon pricing policies

State-level adoption saves money and lives

Finding novel materials for practical devices

New machine learning technique can help

Removing CO2 from power plant exhaust

Combining capture and disposal

Protecting our energy infrastructure

New analysis targets cybersafety

Understanding how plants use sunlight

Possible pathway to more biomass and crops

Saving heat until you need it

A new concept for thermal energy storage

Accelerating 3D printing

Faster fabrication, renewable materials

The Future of Nuclear Energy in a Carbon-Constrained World

Getting the world off dirty diesels.

Gasoline-alcohol engines for heavy-duty trucks

Fabrication of new materials

Designing “recipes” using artificial intelligence

Cooling buildings worldwide

Analysis points the way to energy-efficient systems

Quantum dot materials

Optimizing nanostructures for energy devices

State-level renewable energy policies

Strengthening critical public support

Making appliances—and energy grids—more efficient

Conserving energy with the ideal ceiling fan

Carbon-nanotube electrodes

Tailoring designs for energy storage, desalination

Reducing risk in power generation planning

Why including non-carbon options is key

Liquid tin-sulfur compound shows thermoelectric potential

Producing electricity from industrial waste heat

Better catalysts for energy storage devices

Providing a new understanding of catalysts

Limiting global warming

More aggressive measures are needed

Carbon Capture and Sequestration Technologies Program

Formation of isoporous free volume elements using uv acidolysis reactions, electrochemical manufacturing of methanol from carbon dioxide feedstocks, cost-competitive electric vehicles that go the distance.

Detailed look at 125 U.S. auto models

Converting greenhouse gas into fuel

New catalyst provides design principles for producing fuels from carbon dioxide emissions

Mobility of the Future

Deep borehole disposal of spent nuclear fuel, low-cost energy storage and energy sink technologies, fluoride salt-cooled high temperature reactors, advanced modeling and simulation of neutronic and thermal-hydraulic behavior, on the road toward 2050.

Three paths forward for light-duty vehicles

A tool to map cost-competitiveness of coal & renewables

The Future of Solar Energy

Investigating carbon emissions in china.

Can new policies curtail their growth?

Utility of the Future

Discarded car batteries.

Recovering material for novel solar cells

A new look for nuclear power

Assessing climate impacts of energy technologies.

A new accounting of methane’s role

Novel metallic gels that fluoresce

Color-coded sensors with a range of energy applications

Novel bromine battery

Developing a battery to harness intermittent renewables

Rural electrification

New models help electrify rural India

Underground storage of carbon dioxide

Towards a safer, more effective sequestration process

Nanowires and graphene

Keys to low-cost, flexible solar cells

Solar photovoltaic technologies

MIT researchers explore silicon and beyond

Regulating particulate pollution

Novel analysis yields new insights

Urban sustainability

Designing resource-efficient, appealing cities

A small-scale, flexible, reliable source of energy

The Future of the Electric Grid

The future of natural gas, the future of the nuclear fuel cycle, subsidies for clean energy.

Designing incentives for green technology adoption

Energy-efficient air conditioning

Broad applications for new, low-cost porous materials

High-performance flywheels for energy storage

Compact, durable motors that don't overheat

Interconnections among energy, water, and food

The effects of water pumping in Pakistan's Indus Basin

Ultra-low-drag hydrodynamics

Decreasing drag at droplet level

Energy-efficient computing

Enabling smaller, lighter, faster computers

Theory of ultrafast li-ion battery materials

Explaining the high performance of a promising material

Building façades that move, textiles that illuminate

A pathway to flexible, resilient architecture

Lithium air batteries

New catalysts lead to unprecedented efficiency


Enabling efficient energy generation

Batteryless energy harvester

Running electronics on body heat

Batteries from molten metals

Low-cost, long-lasting storage for the grid

Nano-structured alloys against corrosion in advanced nuclear plants

Understanding corrosion in power plants & other systems

The Future of Coal

The future of geothermal energy, public awareness of carbon capture and storage: a survey of attitudes toward climate change mitigation, sociopolitical challenges to the siting of facilities with perceived environmental risks, the future of nuclear power, the hawaii carbon dioxide ocean sequestration field experiment: a case study in public perceptions and institutional effectiveness, publications.

Modeling Impacts of Tracking on Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Photovoltaic Power

Resilience of people and ecosystems under climate stress

Clean electricity procurement for electrolytic hydrogen: A framework for determining time-matching requirements

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Tracking emissions to help companies reduce their environmental footprint

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Amidst a global wave of corporate pledges to decarbonize or reach net-zero emissions, a system for verifying actual greenhouse gas reductions has never been more important. Context Labs, founded by former MIT Sloan Fellow and serial entrepreneur Dan Harple SM ’13, is rising to meet that challenge with an analytics platform that brings more transparency to emissions data.

The company’s platform adds context to data from sources like equipment sensors and satellites, provides third-party verification, and records all that information on a blockchain. Context Labs also provides an interactive view of emissions across every aspect of a company’s operations, allowing leaders to pinpoint the dirtiest parts of their business.

“There’s an old adage: Unless you measure something, you can’t change it,” says Harple, who is the firm’s CEO. “I think of what we’re doing as an AI-driven digital lens into what’s happening across organizations. Our goal is to help the planet get better, faster.”

Context Labs is already working with some of the largest energy companies in the world — including EQT, Williams Companies, and Coterra Energy — to verify emissions reductions. A partnership with Microsoft, announced at last year’s COP28 United Nations climate summit, allows any organization on Microsoft’s Azure cloud to integrate their sensor data into Context Lab’s platform to get a granular view of their environmental impact.

Harple says the progress enables more informed sustainability initiatives at scale. He also sees the work as a way to combat overly vague statements about sustainable practices that don’t lead to actual emissions reductions, or what’s known as “greenwashing.”

“Just producing data isn’t good enough, and our customers realize that, because they know even if they have good intentions to reduce emissions, no one is going to believe them,” Harple says. “One way to think about our platform is as antigreenwashing insurance, because if you get attacked for your emissions, we unbundle the data like it’s in shrink-wrap and roll it back through time on the blockchain. You can click on it and see exactly where and how it was measured, monitored, timestamped, its serial number, everything. It’s really the gold standard of proof.”

An unconventional master’s

Harple came to MIT as a serial founder whose companies had pioneered several foundational internet technologies, including real-time video streaming technology still used in applications like Zoom and Netflix, as well as some of the core technology for the popular Chinese microblogging website Weibo.

Harple’s introduction to MIT started with a paper he wrote for his venture capital contacts in the U.S. to make the case for investment in the Netherlands, where he was living with his family. The paper caught the attention of MIT Professor Stuart Madnick, the John Norris Maguire Professor of Information Technology at the MIT Sloan School of Management, who suggested Harple come to MIT as a Sloan Fellow to further develop his ideas about what makes a strong innovation ecosystem.

Having successfully founded and exited multiple companies, Harple was not a typical MIT student when he began the Sloan Fellows program in 2011. At one point, he held a summit at MIT for a group of leading Dutch entrepreneurs and government officials that included tours of major labs and a meeting with former MIT President L. Rafael Reif.

“Everyone was super enamored with MIT, and that kicked off what became a course that I started at MIT called REAL, Regional Entrepreneurial Acceleration Lab,” Harple says. REAL was eventually absorbed by what is now REAP — the Regional Entrepreneurship Acceleration Program, which has worked with communities around the world.

Harple describes REAL as a framework vehicle to put his theories on supporting innovation into action. Over his time at MIT, which also included collaborating with the Media Lab, he systematized those theories into what he calls pentalytics, which is a way to measure and predict the resilience of innovation ecosystems.

“My sense was MIT should be analytical and data-driven,” Harple says. “The thesis I wrote was a framework for AI-driven network graph analytics. So, you can model things using analytics, and you can use AI to do predictive analytics to see where the innovation ecosystem is going to thrive.”

Once Harple’s pentalytics theory was established, he wanted to put it to the test with a company. His initial idea for Context Labs was to build a verification platform to combat fake news, deepfakes, and other misinformation on the internet. Around 2018, Harple met climate investor Jeremy Grantham, who he says helped him realize the most important data are about the planet. Harple began to believe that U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) emissions estimates for things like driving a car or operating an oil rig were just that — estimates — and left room for improvement.

“Our approach was very MIT-ish,” Harple says. “We said, ‘Let’s, measure it and let’s monitor it, and then let’s contextualize that data so you can never go back and say they faked it. I think there’s a lot of fakery that’s happened, and that’s why the voluntary carbon markets cratered in the last year. Our view is they cratered because the data wasn’t empirical enough."

Context Labs’ solution starts with a technology platform it calls Immutably that continuously combines disparate data streams, encrypts that information, and records it on a blockchain. Immutably also verifies the information with one or more third parties. (Context Labs has partnered with the global accounting firm KPMG.)

On top of Immutably, Context Labs has built applications, including a product called Decarbonization-as-a-Service (DaaS), which uses Immutably’s data to give companies a digital twin of their entire operations. Customers can use DaaS to explore the emissions of their assets and create a verification or certificate of the quantified carbon intensity of their products.

Putting emissions data into context

Context Labs is working with oil and gas companies, utilities, data centers, and large industrial operators, some using the platform to analyze more than 3 billion data points each day. For instance, EQT, the largest natural gas producer in the U.S., uses Context Labs to verify the carbon intensity of its operational assets and refine its overall GHG emissions mitigation strategy. Other customers include the nonprofits Rocky Mountain Institute and the Environmental Defense Fund.

“I often get asked how big the total addressable market is,” Harple says. “My view is it’s the largest market in history. Why? Because every country needs a decarbonization plan, along with instrumentation and a digital platform to execute, as does every company.”

With its headquarters in Kendall Square in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Context Labs is also serving as a test for Harple’s pentalytics theory for innovation ecosystems. It also has operations in Houston and Amsterdam.

“This company is a living lab for pentalytics,” Harple says. “I believe Kendall Square 1.0 was factory buildings, Kendall Square 2.0 is biotech, and Kendall Square 3.0 will be climate tech.”

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  • MIT Sloan School of Management

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    MS Thesis, MIT Institute for Data, Systems, and Society . Abstract/Summary: Despite lawmaker interest in transitioning electricity systems toward renewable energy sources and in mitigating harmful air pollution, the extent to which sub-national renewable energy policies in the U.S. can improve air quality and human health remains unclear. ...

  11. Essays on the economics of renewable energy

    Abstract. This dissertation addresses three questions related to the economics of renewable energy. Chapter 1 studies learning-by-doing during the generation process at wind and solar farms in the United States. While this phenomenon is often cited as a rationale for subsidizing renewable electricity, there is relatively little project-level ...

  12. Renewable Energy Supply Chains: Delivering on the Promise of Green

    Given constraints such as these, the challenge is how to design new supply chain systems for cost-effective renewable energy delivery to end consumers. There is an urgent need for solutions as governments and power companies invest more in green energy. Without a robust supply chain to deliver supplies, renewables will not be commercially viable.

  13. Theses

    Her TPP thesis advisor was Prof. Ali Jadbabaie. Combining AI with passions (MIT News, March 2019) Health Savings of Renewable Energy: Emil Dimanchev. Research from TPP alum Emil Dimanchev, who won TPP's best thesis award in 2019, found that health savings from cleaner air would more than pay for the cost of implementing renewable energy policies.

  14. PDF Methods for Bibliometric Analysis of Research: Renewable Energy ...

    Renewable Energy Case Study Blaine Ziegler Working Paper CISL# 2009-10 September 2009 Composite Information Systems Laboratory (CISL) Sloan School of Management, Room E53-320 Massachusetts Institute of Technology ... renewable energy. Thesis Supervisor: Stuart Madnick

  15. The race to develop renewable energy technologies

    In addition to working on lithium-ion batteries, like Gallant, Yang Shao-Horn, W.M. Keck Professor of Energy, and postdoc Reshma Rao are developing technologies that can directly convert renewable energy to fuels. "If we want to store energy at scale going beyond lithium ion batteries, we need to use resources that are abundant," Rao explains.

  16. The Future of Energy Storage

    "The report focuses on a persistent problem facing renewable energy: how to store it. Storing fossil fuels like coal or oil until it's time to use them isn't a problem, but storage systems for solar and wind energy are still being developed that would let them be used long after the sun stops shining or the wind stops blowing," says Asher Klein for NBC10 Boston on MITEI's "Future of Energy ...

  17. Methods for bibliometric analysis of research : renewable energy case study

    These methods are applicable to the analysis of any research field, but this paper presents results from a case study on the field of renewable energy. Description Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2009.

  18. MIT Energy Initiative

    The MIT Energy Initiative, MIT's hub for energy research, education, and outreach, is advancing zero- and low-carbon solutions to combat climate change and expand energy access. Read our full mission statement →. At their Spring Workshop, the Center kicked off a new set of energy projects, with topics ranging from optimizing energy storage ...

  19. Research

    Collaborative research with industry in key technology areas to address the energy transition. Studies and reports Analyses that shape and influence policy, technology development, and future research.

  20. Renewable Energy Delivery :: Publications

    Master of Engineering Thesis, MIT, May 2010. Goentzel, J. "Delivering on the Promise of Green Energy." Supply Chain Management Review, 14 (1): 10-17, 2010. Jorge Barnett Lawton, Mozart Menezes and Jarrod Goentzel. "Location of Grid-Connected Hydrogen Production Facilities on a Network with Stochastic Wind Energy Supply and Nodal Prices."

  21. Renewable Energy Delivery

    The Renewable Energy Delivery (RED) project has conducted projects spanning several technologies to address critical challenges in scaling up renewable sources. RED researchers apply traditional supply chain approaches - such as network design, forecasting, demand shaping, supply planning, storage, and distribution management - to energy supply networks as they increasingly incorporate ...

  22. Renewable energy

    MIT students get first-hand view of climate-proofing the Netherlands. Active Surfaces raises $5.6 million to develop 'solar 2.0'. pv magazine June 28, 2024. MIT spinout Active Surfaces uses industrial roll-to-roll semiconductor printing technology to produce lightweight, flexible solar panels that can be integrated into virtually any surface.

  23. Energy

    Tapping the Sun's Energy Through Heat. A pair of MIT professors are collaborating to explore a novel material made in part from carbon nanotubes. Sunlight heats the material, causing it to emit infrared radiation that is then collected by a conventional photovoltaic cell. Adding the extra step not only improves performance by taking advantage ...

  24. Is cement the solution to storing renewable energy? Engineers at MIT

    In 2022, MIT released a report saying that storing renewable energy at the scale needed to wean the world from fossil fuels was financially and technologically possible. But the cost and ...

  25. Tracking emissions to help companies reduce their ...

    "The thesis I wrote was a framework for AI-driven network graph analytics. So, you can model things using analytics, and you can use AI to do predictive analytics to see where the innovation ecosystem is going to thrive." ... MIT researchers map the energy transition's effects on jobs. How forests can cut carbon, restore ecosystems, and ...