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Want To Learn Web Development? Build Web Development Projects!

In this article, we share the 11 best web development projects in 2024 with source code.

Whether you’re trying to become a web developer or improve your current portfolio, we’ve included web development projects for beginners and experienced devs.

In 2024, web development is a broad field, so we’ve included some of the best web development projects for various tech stacks, including HTML/CSS/JS, ASP.NET, Django, MEAN, MERN, and more.

Plus, when you consider that the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports a median annual salary of over $85,000 for web developers , building web development projects can be highly rewarding for your career.

If you’re looking to pick up valuable web development skills, one of the best approaches is project-based learning by building web development projects. So, if you’re ready, fire up your favorite web development IDE , and let’s check out the best web development projects .

  • Why Build Web Development Projects?

Web development is a constantly evolving field, and staying ahead of the curve can be challenging.

Project-based learning is one of the best ways to keep learning engaging. You can even overlap your web development project with a web development course . 

By looking for and building real-world web development project ideas, you can develop new skills, gain experience, and create a portfolio of work to showcase to potential employers.

Let’s take a look at the primary benefits of building web development projects.

  • Project-based learning: You're not just learning theory; you're applying knowledge in a practical context to develop a deeper understanding.
  • Build your portfolio: You can demonstrate your versatility and adaptability.
  • Career opportunities: Building your skills and creating a portfolio of work will put you in a better position to land your dream job.
  • Problem-solving: Web development projects are inherently challenging, and building them will enhance your problem-solving skills.
  • Creative expression: You can use your imagination and creativity to build projects that are unique and visually appealing.

If you’re a web dev beginner, a pro tip for you is that it’s really important to work on multiple web development projects. This is ideal for gaining experience with different technologies, languages, and web development frameworks .

This can also help you develop a broad set of skills to apply in various contexts, whether e-commerce, social media, education, healthcare, finance, and more.

  • Best Web Development Project Ideas for Beginners

1. Landing Page - HTML & CSS

Landing Page - HTML & CSS

Download source code

This is a tried and tested idea for beginner web development projects that you can use to develop your understanding of layout and design and how to use different HTML and CSS elements to build the page's structure.

This HTML project includes elements like headings, paragraphs, images, and forms.

You'll also get to use your knowledge of responsive design to ensure your landing page displays correctly across different devices and screen sizes.

Overall, if you want to become a web developer , this is a great project to get hands-on experience with HTML and CSS, allowing you to apply your knowledge in a practical setting and solidify your understanding of web development concepts. 

This project also gives you the opportunity to try different hosting resources. You could try Amazon for cloud hosting on a site built for high-volume traffic, for example, or stick with a free hosting platform for a smaller project.


  • Basic understanding of web development concepts
  • Familiarity with HTML tags and CSS selectors
  • Knowledge of responsive design techniques

Stack Required:

2. Personal Portfolio Website - HTML, CSS, & JavaScript

Personal Portfolio Website - HTML, CSS, & JavaScript

This beginner-level project will help you develop your skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as you'll design and code a personal portfolio website.

This JavaScript project will also require you to create a responsive design that not only works flawlessly across different devices but also optimizes it for fast loading and SEO.

By tackling this project, you'll gain hands-on experience using HTML to structure the content, CSS to style it, and JavaScript to add interactivity. Making this ideal for building real-world websites that can help jumpstart your web development career.

Our research also uncovered several types of web-building software with discounts at AppSumo. These resources often take the coding out of the process though, so use them only once you’re comfortable with your skills.

  • Knowledge of layout and typography design
  • Understanding of JavaScript functions and event handling

3. To-do List App - Ruby on Rails

To-do List App - Ruby on Rails

This project is an excellent way to enhance your web development skills with Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as you’ll be creating a functional web application that enables users to create, manage, and track their to-do lists. It’s also one of the best web development projects for students to stretch their current skill set.

Now, for newcomers to Rails, it might seem daunting to try out, but if you're coming over from another language, you could always use an AI coding assistant to help out during the building process. This is a great way to learn a new language on the fly.

Expect to be implementing CRUD functionalities, RESTful routing, and database queries in Ruby on Rails, as well as working with HTML forms, CSS styling, and JavaScript functions, and event handling.

Throughout this project, you’ll also utilize your technical skills in creating Ruby scripts and implementing an MVC architecture, alongside gaining experience in front-end development by creating responsive and visually appealing interfaces with HTML and CSS. 

By completing this project, you'll have the opportunity to hone your web development skills and gain practical experience in building a full-stack web application.

And remember, don't be put off by a tech stack that seems unfamiliar, as you can always use something like GitHub Copilot to help out!

  • Familiarity with HTML forms and CSS styling
  • Knowledge of JavaScript functions and event handling
  • Knowledge of Ruby on Rails
  • Understanding of database relationships and migrations
  • Ruby on Rails

4. Cinema Website - ASP.NET

Cinema Website - ASP.NET

This project is a great opportunity for beginners to strengthen their skills by working on a real-world web application with ASP.NET and Bootstrap, which are two powerhouses in the field of web development. 

This project is a great way to challenge yourself, as you’ll need a basic grasp of web development concepts, familiarity with HTML and CSS, and of course, knowledge of C#, object-oriented programming (OOP), and the .NET framework. It also helps to have an understanding of JavaScript functions and event handling.

By the end of this project, you will have built a fully-functional cinema web app that includes ticket booking functions, movie information display, and user authentication. All of which are great analogs to real-world applications and the skills you’ll need as a web developer.

  • Knowledge of C# programming and object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts
  • Knowledge of ASP.NET

5. URL Shortener - PHP

URL Shortener - PHP

This beginner-friendly web development project will help you develop your skills in PHP, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML as you build a web application that shortens URLs and tracks the number of clicks on each shortened link. You can even run this open-source project on your own server, providing full control over data and statistics.

By working on this PHP project , you'll gain practical experience in web development alongside database management as you’ll need to implement SQL data storage and retrieval. Overall, this project is an excellent opportunity to apply common technologies to build a real-world web application that would look great in your portfolio.

  • Knowledge of PHP programming and object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts
  • Understanding of database systems and SQL
  • Intermediate Web Development Projects

6. Job Board - Laravel

This intermediate-level web development project is great for improving your skills in CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and the Laravel PHP framework. By building a job board web application, you’ll allow employers to post job listings and job seekers to search and apply for jobs. 

If you're still new to PHP, you might want to check out a PHP course to bolster your skills for building this project.

On the other hand, if you have PHP knowledge, you’ll get to experiment with commonly used web application features like user authentication, data search and filtering, job application tracking, and email notifications.

This is also a great way to improve your understanding of database management and SQL. 

By the end of this project, you’ll have gained practical exposure to web development with Laravel and various front-end technologies.

  • Strong understanding of web development concepts
  • Proficiency in HTML and CSS, including responsive design and CSS grid/flexbox
  • Familiarity with JavaScript, including DOM manipulation and AJAX
  • Experience with PHP and the Laravel framework
  • Understanding of SQL and database systems
  • Laravel PHP framework

7. Quiz App - MEAN Stack

This MEAN stack app is an intermediate-level project that’s excellent for improving your full-stack development skills by integrating M ongoDB, E xpress, A ngular, and N odeJS.

Expect to challenge yourself with this project, as you’ll be creating a RESTful API for a quiz application with some of the most popular JavaScript libraries .

Yep, you will need to build the front end using Angular, combining TypeScript, HTML, and CSS to develop a dynamic web app for users to take quizzes and view their results. 

You’ll also need to work with NoSQL and integrate each of the MEAN stack components to create a seamless full-stack application. By the end of this project, you’ll have solid experience using these technologies to create a fully functional application.

  • Experience with the MEAN stack
  • NodeJS installed on your machine
  • MongoDB installed and running on the default port (27017)
  • Express, Mongoose, Body Parser, and CORS packages installed
  • Angular 4 and Angular CLI installed
  • [MEAN Stack]
  • MongoDB 
  • Express 
  • Angular 

8. Weather Forecasting App - JavaScript

Weather Forecasting App - JavaScript

This intermediate project is a great way to level up your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills to create a fully functional weather app that allows users to search for weather conditions and forecast information in any location around the world.

To do this, you’ll be integrating with a weather API like OpenWeatherMap and then polling this service to fetch and display data within your app. API integration is a foundational skill for web dev pros, making this project a great way for you to hone these skills. 

You can also get to grips with Bootstrap to style a responsive app front-end that looks great on any device. 

  • Good understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Familiarity with NPM and Webpack
  • Basic knowledge of API integration
  • Familiarity with Bootstrap is a plus, but not required.
  • A weather API such as OpenWeatherMap
  • Advanced Web Development Projects

9. Content Management System - Django

If you’ve ever thought about building your own version of WordPress, this advanced web development project creates a fully functional Content Management System (CMS) for managing website content via Django, Python, JavaScript, HTML, SCSS, and Shell scripting. 

This is a great way to gain experience building a web app that allows web admins to create, edit, and publish content in a structured manner. You’ll also include support for hierarchical pages, multi-language and multi-site capabilities, draft/publish workflows, version control, and a customizable navigation system.

If you're a little rusty with Django or still learning to use it, I'd definitely recommend having a Django book on hand to tackle any challenges you might encounter.

If you’re already familiar with Python, this is an excellent way to branch out into web development, as you’ll use Django to create the content management logic. You’ll also need to use JavaScript for the frontend interactivity, HTML/CSS for the overall structure and styling, and Shell scripting for any automation. 

Our experience shows that you’ll need a foundation in Python to succeed with this project. For novices, we recommend enrollment in Python with Dr. Johns for an introduction to the fundamentals of the language.

  • Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Proficiency in Python programming language
  • Familiarity with the Django web framework
  • Knowledge of Shell scripting
  • Understanding of version control systems such as Git
  • Familiarity with database concepts and design
  • Basic knowledge of web development principles and architecture.

10. Slack Clone - TypeScript & Next.js

Slack Clone - TypeScript & Next.js

This Slack clone project is an exciting way for more experienced web developers to get to grips with building a real-time messaging app with a modern web stack.

Expect to test your TypeScript skills, use Next.js for server-side rendering and SEO, implement Firebase for real-time database and authentication, create and style components with Material UI, manage app state with MobX, and use Git with Shell commands to manage version control and deployment.

As you’d expect with the real Slack app, you’ll need to implement user authentication and authorization to ensure secure communication between users. You’ll also add the ability to create and manage channels.

If you're making the leap from JS to TypeScript, you might want to consider taking a TypeScript course to fill any knowledge gaps.

When it comes to UX, you’ll include infinity scrolling to provide users with a seamless way to view messages, and you’ll also optimize the app for search engines using SEO best practices.

By the end of this project, you’ll have an excellent understanding of what goes into creating something like Slack, along with a portfolio-worthy project. Win-win!

  • Proficient in JavaScript
  • Familiarity with React.js and CSS
  • Understanding of TypeScript syntax
  • Knowledge of Git and Shell commands
  • Material UI

11. Facebook Clone - MERN Stack

Facebook Clone - MERN Stack

This Facebook clone project is a great way to learn the ins and outs of building a social media platform like truly global Facebook. What’s more, you’ll be doing this with the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node) stack, which is one of the most prevalent in modern web development.

As an advanced web development project, you’ll also be able to enhance your skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as gain hands-on experience with MongoDB for NoSQL and implementing authentication and authorization with Node.js and Express.js.

By the end of this React project , you'll have experience working with third-party UI libraries like Chakra UI, you’ll know how to develop real-time search functionality for user profiles using debounce, and you’ll know how to handle sign-up and login validations.

If you’re interested in full-stack web development, this is a great project to level up your skills while also adding something solid to your portfolio.

If you're unsure whether you're ready to tackle this project, consider taking a React course to level up your skills, then return and take it on!

  • A solid understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Experience with building web applications using the MERN stack.
  • Familiarity with Chakra UI or similar UI libraries.
  • Understanding of database design and usage with MongoDB.
  • Experience with authentication and authorization using Node.js and Express.js.
  • [MERN Stack]
  • What Is A Web Development Project?

At their core, web development projects encompass a diverse range of tasks aimed at creating and maintaining dynamic websites or web applications.

Ranging from simple web pages to sophisticated digital platforms, web development projects blend coding, design, and strategic planning.

They also provide a unique opportunity for developers to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios, honing their skills across various technologies and frameworks.

Web development projects also serve as a canvas for innovation, problem-solving, and showcasing your talent.

By diving into the projects we've included in this article – from HTML/CSS/JS basics to advanced MEAN and MERN stack applications – you can gain hands-on experience and build a portfolio that showcases your versatility and expertise.

Whether building a responsive portfolio website, developing a feature-rich e-commerce platform, or crafting a social media clone, have fun, and use these projects to master the intricacies of web design and programming.

  • What Projects Do Web Developers Work On?

Web developers can work on a wide array of projects, each demanding a unique set of skills and creativity.

Typically, web developers take on varied workloads, from constructing straightforward websites to developing complex, interactive web applications.

Web developers are also often tasked with creating responsive user interfaces, integrating backend databases, and implementing interactive features that enhance user experience.

And as you've seen in this article, web development projects can range from personal blogs and small business websites to large-scale e-commerce platforms and social networking sites.

Depending on your current skill level and preferred tech stack, some popular web development projects that you might get to work on include developing web applications with real-time data processing, creating APIs, and crafting solutions for specific industries like healthcare, education, or finance.

Remember this: whether the project is a simple content management system or an intricate enterprise application, it offers a platform for you to showcase your technical acumen, problem-solving skills, and adaptability in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

This diversity not only challenges you as a web developer to stay on top of the latest technologies, but it also provides the opportunity for creative expression and innovation in solving real-world problems through digital solutions.

  • Wrapping Up

There you go, the 11 best web development projects in 2024, including a range of web development projects for beginners and experienced devs alike. 

We’ve even included web development projects for a range of popular tech stacks, including HTML/CSS/JS, ASP.NET, Django, MEAN, MERN, and more. 

Whether you’re just beginning your career in web development or you want to level up your portfolio, each of the web development projects on our list is ideal for learning web development while also demonstrating your skills to future employers. 

Whichever web development project you choose to tackle, have fun, and best of luck with your career in web development!

Looking for a web development course to take while building web development projects? Check out:

Dr. Angela Yu's Web Development Bootcamp on Udemy

  • Frequently Asked Questions

1. What Are 3 Types of Web Development?

Web development can be categorized into three main types: front-end development, which involves creating the user interface of a website or web application; back-end development, which involves creating the server-side components of a website or web application; and full-stack development, which encompasses both front-end and back-end development. 

2. How Do I Find Web Developer Projects?

There are several ways for web developers to find projects, depending on your experience level and goals. One common approach is to create a portfolio website or online presence to showcase your skills and attract potential clients or employers. You can also search for web developer jobs or freelance projects on job boards, social media, or online marketplaces. 

3. How Much Does a Web Developer Charge Per Project?

The cost of a web development project can vary widely depending on factors such as the project's complexity, the scope of work involved, and the developer's experience level. However, with an average annual salary of more than $85K , you can use this as a starting point to reverse-engineer a project rate, depending on the time you think it will take you.

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Mukesh Kuiry

Posted on Dec 11, 2023 • Updated on Dec 15, 2023

25 Web Development Projects You Must Work On- 2024

Undoubtedly, one of the most effective ways to master web development is through hands-on practice. While studying theoretical concepts is essential, applying your knowledge to real-world projects is what truly solidifies your skills. Whether you're a beginner looking to build a strong foundation or an experienced developer seeking new challenges, here are 25 web development project ideas to sharpen your abilities.

Student Result Management System

The Student Result Management System aims to provide a quick and user-friendly way for students and universities to access and manage exam results. Students can log in to view their results, and new students have the option to register. The system is designed to present results in an easily understandable manner.

How to do it: After grasping the fundamentals of front-end, back-end, and database programming, start by creating a full-stack application. Utilize HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and MySQL to implement user authentication, result display, and registration functionalities.

Student Result Management System

Online Code Editor (React)

This project involves building an online code editor using React, allowing users to write and execute code in various programming languages. The goal is to create a platform where users can seamlessly edit and test their source code.

How to do it: Begin by working on the front end with HTML, CSS, and React. Implement features for code input, execution, and result display. Focus on creating a user-friendly interface for a smooth code editing experience.

Online Code Editor

Amazon Clone using React

The Amazon Clone project revolves around using React to create a working replica of Amazon's online store. This project will help you understand the components required for an effective e-commerce site and apply them to your application.

How to do it: Start with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Use React to build the different sections of an e-commerce site, such as product listings, shopping carts, and checkout processes. Integrate dynamic data and enhance the user interface.

web design and development assignments

Customer Relationship Manager

The Customer Relationship Manager project involves creating a backend web application that allows for the creation, reading, updating, and deletion (CRUD) of customer data. It's a fundamental project for understanding backend web development.

How to do it: Utilize technologies like Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB to build the backend infrastructure. Implement CRUD operations for managing customer data. Develop a user-friendly interface for interacting with the customer database.

Customer Relationship Manager

Sorting Visualizer

The Sorting Visualizer project aims to provide a visual representation of various sorting algorithms. Users can observe how different algorithms operate and gain a deeper understanding of fundamental JavaScript concepts.

How to do it: Create a web application using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and JavaScript. Implement visualizations for sorting algorithms such as bubble sort, merge sort, and quicksort. Allow users to interact with the visualizations to enhance their learning experience.

Sorting Visualizer

Multiplayer Game – Connect4

The Multiplayer Game – Connect4 project focuses on creating the well-known Connect4 game with multiplayer functionality. It provides an opportunity to learn some crucial networking and game design basics.

How to do it: This project is for you if you've ever wondered how multiplayer games are developed or if you've ever wanted to make a game for your weekend. Use PyGame, Sockets, and game programming to create a multiplayer Connect4 game for you and your friends.

Multiplayer Game – Connect4

YouTube Transcript Summarizer

It has become quite challenging to invest time in watching movies that might be longer than anticipated. Occasionally, our endeavors may be in vain if we cannot glean helpful information from them. We can easily spot critical themes in these videos by automatically summarising their transcripts, which saves us time and energy from having to watch the entire thing again.

How to do it: People view YouTube videos daily, which can be instructive, documentary, or any other genre with a longer duration; consider how much time can be saved by providing summary information. This project is going to be a chrome extension that will send a request to Rest API in the backend, and that API will send you the summary of the YouTube Transcript.

YouTube Transcript Summarizer

OurApp – a Social Media Web App in NodeJS

Users of the real-world application OurApp can communicate, follow one another, and post brief tweets. After mastering HTML, CSS, and JS, this project best suits people who want to delve deeper into a full stack using Nodejs and MongoDB.

How to do it: Do you want to be a full-stack developer who can go beyond HTML, CSS, and JS? Build this complete stack application to learn how to use NodeJS, MongoDB, and other technologies to create contemporary, fast, and scalable server-side web applications. This is the project for you if you want to develop something fascinating while honing your NodeJS skills. You can also enroll in full-stack web development courses for free that will help you become a prominent developer in your area.

OurApp – a Social Media Web App in NodeJS

Codechef Notifier

CodeChef frequently experiences server overload issues that make it difficult for judges to provide results on submissions quickly. The only option left to the coders is to continually check the site after a certain amount of time to see if the result is there or not. Through this project, we hope to eliminate the extra step of reviewing the submission page to determine our submission’s outcome. We will automate the procedure of retrieving the result and notifying the user as soon as it is ready.

How to do it: Codechef is a popular platform for coding practice, but server overloads can lead to delayed results. This add-on aims to save time by automating the process of fetching the result and notifying the user promptly. Use web scraping or APIs to gather result information and implement a notification system.

Codechef Notifier

Visualizing and Forecasting Stocks using Dash

This project involves visualizing and forecasting stock data using Dash, a Python framework for building analytical web applications. It provides an opportunity to apply data visualization and machine learning concepts to financial data.

How to do it: If you have an interest in the stock market, this project will simplify the visualization of stock data. Utilize Python, Dash, and relevant libraries for data visualization. Implement features to forecast stock trends based on historical data.

Visualizing and Forecasting Stocks using Dash

Online Code Editor (JQuery)

An online code editor is accessed through browsers and is located on a distant server. Although some online code editors are more like full IDEs, others are more like text editors with basic capabilities like syntax highlighting or code completion.

How to do it: Create an online code editor using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and JQuery. Focus on enhancing the user experience with features like syntax highlighting and code completion. Ensure smooth code input and execution.

Online Code Editor (JQuery)

FuzzyURLs involves creating your URL shortening service using Django, a high-level web framework for Python. It provides hands-on experience in building a web application with a specific focus on URL manipulation.

How to do it: Develop a Django-based URL shortener from scratch. Understand the workflow of URL shortening services and implement features for creating, managing, and redirecting short URLs.


Slack Clone using React

This project aims to create a Slack clone using React, providing a platform for real-time messaging and collaboration. It is an intermediate-advanced level project that emphasizes React-Redux and Firebase.

How to do it: Apply React-Redux principles to build a web messaging service similar to Slack. Utilize Firebase for real-time database functionalities. Focus on creating a responsive and feature-rich messaging application.

Slack Clone using React

Authentication in Node.js for a Web App

Learn to build an authentication system for a web app using Node.js. Explore various authentication techniques, assess their strengths and weaknesses, and implement improvements.

How to do it: This project is excellent for those who want to delve into Node.js and understand the intricacies of building a secure authentication system. Implement user authentication, session management, and explore methods to enhance security.

Authentication in Node.js for a Web App

TinyMCE Synonyms Plugin

Create a plugin for the TinyMCE rich text editor that searches for synonyms of words and allows users to insert them into the editor.

How to do it: Develop a custom plugin for TinyMCE, integrating a feature that enables users to search for synonyms and easily insert them into the rich text editor. Understand the TinyMCE API for seamless integration.

TinyMCE Synonyms Plugin

Rat in a Maze

Build a basic React web app that displays all possible paths a rat can take from the top left to the bottom right of a square maze with pre-set obstacles.

How to do it: Create a simple React web application to visually represent the classic Rat in the Maze puzzle. Implement features to showcase all potential paths the rat can take through the maze.

Rat in a Maze

Resume Builder Web Application

Use ReactJS and NodeJS to create a web application for building resumes. This project guides you through the steps of creating a resume-builder and provides a practical way to support individuals in crafting their resumes.

How to do it: Dive into ReactJS and NodeJS to develop a user-friendly resume builder. Implement features for adding personal details, educational background, work experience, and skills. Focus on creating a dynamic and customizable resume template.

Resume Builder Web Application

Markdown Editor

Build a Markdown Editor that allows users to write Markdown and preview the rendered HTML. Markdown is a web-based text formatting system widely used for blog posts, documentation, and more.

How to do it: Develop a Markdown Editor using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Enable users to write Markdown code and see the real-time preview of the rendered HTML. Enhance the editor with features like bold text, images, and lists.

Markdown Editor

450 DSA Tracker

The 450 DSA Tracker aims to help users track their progress in solving 450 Data Structures and Algorithms problems. It utilizes TypeScript, React.js's reducer and context API, and real-time browser IndexedDB for caching information.

How to do it: Implement a web application using TypeScript and React.js to track progress in solving Data Structures and Algorithms problems. Utilize the reducer and context API for state management and IndexedDB for real-time browser caching.

450 DSA Tracker

To-do Web App

Construct a to-do web application using Adonis.js, a Node.js framework. Learn about HTTP, REST API, and CRUD operations while creating backend APIs for managing to-do lists.

How to do it: Work on building CRUD APIs with Adonis.js for a to-do web app. Use Postman to test the APIs and create backend functionality for adding, updating, and deleting tasks. Gain experience in working with backend frameworks.

To-do Web App

Two Truths and a Lie Game Slack Bot

Develop a Slack bot for playing the "Two Truths and a Lie" game within a Slack workspace. This project utilizes JavaScript and Node.js to create a fun and interactive game for workspace members.

How to do it: Create a Slack bot that facilitates the "Two Truths and a Lie" game. Use JavaScript and Node.js to handle interactions within the Slack workspace. Implement features for users to share statements and guess which one is false.

Two Truths and a Lie Game Slack Bot

Real-Time Video Processing using Chromakey (Greenscreen) Effect

Explore chromakeying (greenscreen) effects used in video processing. Build a web application using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to replace a green screen with a background video or image.

How to do it: Develop a web application that processes real-time video, applying a chromakey effect. Use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to manipulate video frames and replace the green screen with a background video or image.

web design and development assignments

WhatsApp Web Clone

Develop a WhatsApp web clone with real-time messaging capabilities using React and Firebase.

How to do it: Use React to build the user interface and Firebase for real-time database functionality, creating a smooth messaging experience.

WhatsApp Web Clone

Email Alerts on WhatsApp

Set up WhatsApp alerts for new emails to simplify email management and notification.

How to do it: Use Twilio, an automation platform, to create a tool that fetches detailed information from the inbox and sends alerts on WhatsApp.

Email Alerts on WhatsApp

Weather Forecasting App

Build a responsive front-end for a weather forecasting app using the Streamlit library and OpenWeatherMap APIs.

How to do it: Utilize Python and Streamlit to visualize weather data and interact with OpenWeatherMap APIs for real-time weather information.

Weather Forecasting App

Wrapping Up

This compilation of web development projects provides a diverse range of challenges, allowing you to enhance your skills across different technologies and concepts. Whether you're interested in full-stack development, data visualization, game design, or automation, these projects offer valuable

Top comments (30)


Templates let you quickly answer FAQs or store snippets for re-use.

rivercory profile image

  • Email [email protected]
  • Location Incheon, South Korea
  • Education Incheon Cheongram Middle School
  • Joined Jun 21, 2023

If you look closely, you'll see Internet Explorer in the pictures.

ingosteinke profile image

  • Location Berlin / Düsseldorf / Cologne , Germany
  • Pronouns he/him
  • Work Creative Web Developer (Freelancer)
  • Joined Sep 21, 2019

"You Must Work On- 2024 [...] Online Code Editor (JQuery)" looks like there is a typo in that title. That should be 2014!

mukeshkuiry profile image

  • Email [email protected]
  • Location Kolkata, India
  • Education Haldia Institute of Technology
  • Work Lead Backend & Cloud Architect
  • Joined Oct 27, 2022

Ohh really!

Yupp! 😆 in Customer Relationship Manager

valvonvorn profile image

  • Joined Oct 24, 2023

I am sorry that you maust work on them all, but anyways, thanks for your spam post!

code_rabbi profile image

  • Email [email protected]
  • Location Lagos, Nigeria
  • Pronouns He/Him
  • Work Engineering
  • Joined Jun 25, 2020

Haha! The audacity in the title "Must!"

ivanzanev profile image

  • Location Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Education Technology School - "Electronic Systems"
  • Work Freelance PHP Web Developer
  • Joined Dec 2, 2023

I remember in 9th grade we had to choose something to do for programming and show at the end of the school year. I decided to do a visualization of the sorting algorithms. It was a Pascal program that allowed the user to select the sorting algorithm, input all the numbers in succession and then it was showing step-by-step animation with moving boxes. Was a fun thing to do.

That's great man! Inspiring..

sammiee profile image

  • Joined Oct 29, 2023

Very useful! I would like to share a local server environment called ServBay. It helps me shorten my development time, very convenient.

Thanks for sharing! I will surely check.

Sloan, the sloth mascot

  • Joined Dec 7, 2023

🚀 Exciting times for developers! Areon Network invites you to participate in their groundbreaking Hackathon. Head over to hackathon.areon.network to register and compete for a share of the impressive $500k prize pool. Unleash your coding prowess! 💻💡 #DevChallenge #AreonNetwork

samy profile image

  • Location Jos, Nigeria
  • Joined Jun 19, 2022

Nice list of projects to do....

wesborland profile image

  • Location Córdoba, Argentina.
  • Joined Jan 15, 2022

Nice to do projects... thanks !

Thanks, Marcos!

marxu profile image

Where can I get those projects ?

Just search with the Title in YouTube, Google, GitHub You will get tons of tutorials & Repos.

babaianusavelie profile image

  • Joined Sep 25, 2021

michaelcoder12 profile image

  • Joined Nov 29, 2023

Thanks for the tips

gikdev profile image

  • Location Qom, Iran
  • Work Student at highschool. Frontend dev at "ToloNajm" astrology-research company
  • Joined Mar 27, 2022

Come on! These are really advanced, large, and complicated projects!

Yes! There are mixed categories of projects.

If you want beginner-friendly projects, then here are some suggestions from my side:

  • Personal Portfolio
  • Blog Platform
  • Recipe Finder
  • Weather App
  • Interactive Quiz
  • Event Countdown Timer
  • Budget Tracker
  • Fitness Log
  • Social Media Dashboard

codingmadeeasy profile image

  • Location India
  • Work Senior Software developer
  • Joined Dec 12, 2023

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Why Django Web Development Outshines Traditional CMS Solutions

Teccmark - Aug 18

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Introduction to Apache Kafka: The Backbone of Event-Driven Architectures

Aarshdeep Singh Chadha - Aug 18

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4 cool custom repo components

shrey vijayvargiya - Aug 18

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Google Summer of Code '24 Final Submission

Chiemezuo - Aug 22

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15+ Web Development Projects With Source Code [2023]

Introduction, what is web development, use of web development, top web development projects, web development projects for beginners, web development projects for intermediate, web development projects for advanced, additional resources.

As per an estimate, more than 1.7 billion websites exist, the number fluctuates daily. The web is super massive and 4.5 billion people across the world contribute with online interactions. All credit to the rapid development towards taking our businesses on the web and the digital revolution. The development did not take place all of a sudden, it was a rather slow process.

The users entered the era of the World Wide Web only when the visual-oriented web browsers came in the 1990s, and since then there has been an exponential increase in web technology, the craze for web development is at its peak now. Sounds pretty exciting, right?

This blog will help you to make your career in the field of web development by guiding exactly what you need to study, and how to implement them by making projects and starting your career in this domain. The blog covers web development projects and web development project ideas for you, by making these you will be able to master all the skills required to master web development and next to a successful career in the field. So what are you waiting for?

Confused about your next job?

Before working on the projects it is essential to know what web development is. Web development is the work involved in developing a website or web application for the internet, it mainly covers the non-design markup aspects of building websites. The professionals divide it into three categories:

  • Front-end web development
  • Back-end web development
  • Full-stack web development

While front-end web development deals with the visual aspect of a website, what users see its look and feel, back-end web development is concerned with the connection to the server, databases, etc. And full stack web development is a combination of both the frontend and backend types of web development.

Well, we know what web development is, but what are its uses of it? Obviously, to make websites!

Making websites is the most important use of web development. However, there are many other reasons as well for which people learn web development :

  • Building real-world projects.
  • A great income source
  • Creative and fun.

Whether you’re an aspiring or junior front-end, back-end, or full-stack developer, building real-world projects is not only one of the best ways to learn and improve your coding skills but is also crucial for you to build an attractive portfolio to advance your career. But what projects can I work on? Will they be unique enough?

Don’t worry we have got you covered, we will provide you with the list of 20 web development projects and ideas that you can develop independently.

Let’s explore the top 20 web development projects and ideas.

One-Page Layout or design

How about building an attractive one-page responsive layout by using Simple HTML and CSS. Sounds great, right.

In Fact, this is the simplest web development project that you can start with. The conquer template can be used to build this project.

Source Code – One Page Layout Skills Required – HTML, CSS, Responsive Layout.

Product Landing Page

You now know how to make a simple one-page layout, how about building a product landing page then as a second step??

But how does it differ from the above project? The answer is in a product landing page you will use columns and align the components of the landing page within columns. Basic editing tasks like cropping images and making use of design templates are also covered in this.

Source Code – Landing Page Skills Required – CSS, Image editing.

Netflix Home Page Clone

Let’s master our CSS skills a little more by making a Netflix home page clone using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript This will not only help you to master your skills, in addition, you will also learn about Positioning, and CSS Grids as well.

You will also get a feel as to how developers work when they are given a design and are to make an exact copy of it.

Source Code – Netflix Clone Skills Required – CSS Grid, Styling Tables, Tabs with JavaScript, Positioning

Background Generator

As a Next step, it’s time to have an understanding of some basic JavaScript. How about making a basic background or gradient color generator, where you will choose a color from the palette and that color will become the background.

This project aims to find the best-looking background gradient for your project. You just have to select the colors you want from the color picker and then copy the code displayed and paste it into your code as a background color. It’s That Simple!

Source Code – Background Generator Skills Required – HTML, CSS and JavaScript

It’s time to master JavaScript with a minor project of making a quiz application.

Optionally you can add the ability to give a score to the user at the end of the game, if the score is above a threshold value you declare the player to be a winner, using some gifs corresponding to winning and losing the game. This can be a very interesting project to work on.

Source Code – Quiz App Skills Required – HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Temperature Converter Website

You can make a simple yet attractive temperature converter website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as a next step.

It will involve validation of the user input, using the dropdown menu to know if the input is celsius or Fahrenheit. You can add more functionality to it.

Source Code – Temperature Converter Skills Required – Input Validation, Form designing, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

Restaurant Website

Do you always wonder how I design a Restaurant Website had I been given a chance to do so?

We cannot give you a chance to do so now, however, you can make one for yourself and add it to your portfolio using your skills.

This project aims to create a fully responsive restaurant website, you can add many pages and links to your website. You can extend the functionality by connecting it with a real-time database and allowing users to order food online.

You must also deploy this using Netlify or Github Pages to showcase to the world that you are a great web developer.

Source Code – Restaurant Website Skills Required – Responsiveness, UX design, HTML, CSS

Basic Portfolio Website

After building a complete restaurant website by yourself, you should now be confident in your skills. However, Practice makes Perfect.

In the next step, you must try making your own portfolio website for yourself. Showcase your projects, your social media handles, your experience on the website. You can refer to some templates available for free on Google for that.

Source Code – Portfolio Website Skills Required – Responsiveness, UX design, HTML, CSS, Icons

Responsive Blog Website

Let’s make another responsive website and add it to our portfolio. A blog website is the one where users can add a new blog, edit it and view other blogs published on the platform.

At first glance, it may feel that we will have to use some kind of database for storing the blogs. However, it’s not the case. Using LocalStorage you can store the data with no expiration date, even when the browser is closed. Alternatively, you can use the database for storing the blogs.

That means it will be available even when you close the browser and come back to the page.

Source Code – Blog Page Skills Required – HTML & CSS, JavaScript.

Covid Awareness

It’s been so long since covid came, we witnessed the first wave, then the super dangerous delta variant and now there is the Omicron variant. All glories to the great scientists and doctors for making vaccines in such a short duration and to the government for making the vaccine available at such a large scale that we are in a safer state now than we could have been without the vaccines.

You might be wondering why I am discussing this now. Well, this is the idea for our tenth project, making a covid 19 awareness website. This will involve the general guidelines that people must follow, the need and importance of vaccination, and the need to stay in isolation in case one experiences symptoms. In short a general-purpose awareness website.

Source Code – Covid Awareness Skills Required – HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

To do List App

This is a common project that all web developers have done at least once in their lifetime. Not only will this help you to keep track of your daily tasks but is a good project too at least at the beginner level. You can connect it with a database to store the daily tasks, the benefit of storing daily tasks in a database will be, you can, later on, add delete functionality to it. If a user by mistake deletes a todo, you can give the privilege to restore it.

Source Code – To-Do List Skills Required – HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Dear Fellow developers, fasten your seat belt if you are doing projects in the sequence we advised you, till now you have done a total of 10 projects. This deserves appreciation!!

So far so good, however, all the projects we did till now are easy ones, it’s time to level up our web development skills and make some even better projects.

So you have been using one or the other browser extension for a long and did not know that they are made using JavaScript.

You can make extensions to make your day-to-day tasks well organized. As an example, you can make a notes extension that would let the user make a note directly in the browser without opening any other application. You can also build extensions like finding the meaning of any word that a user enters it would help users to read online.

Github Explorer

As a next step, you can make a GitHub explorer for yourself. This will fetch the details of the GitHub user just by entering his/her username. You can use the Github API to do so.

Using the API you can find details regarding the name of the user, the number of repositories, the number of followers, and so on.

In addition, upon clicking the username, you will be redirected to the GitHub profile.

Source Code – GitHub Explorer Skills Required – Promises in JavaScript, API

Weather Forecast Website

In this project, you will make a web application to check out the weather forecast for the current day and for the next few days. You will use an API to fetch real-time data and then add it to your application. The user will input his/her location and the weather forecast for the next 5 days will be displayed. In addition, a feature to automatically detect the location can add to the versatility of the project.

Source Code – Weather Forecast Skills Required – JavaScript, Node.js, ReactJS.

Link Shortener

In this project, you will be required to make an API to build short URLs. The functionality will be similar to bitly. Using Node, Express, and MongoDB you can make your own URL Shortener service. However, you can use any backend language also depending on your expertise. The project is not specific to any particular backend language.

Source Code – Link Shortener Skills Required – Node, MongoDB,JavaScript

Sorting Visualizer

The first step to learning Data Structures and Algorithms is to use Sorting Algorithms, they form the base for all the advanced topics ahead, However, it’s sometimes overwhelming to actually figure out how sorting algorithms work.

How about making a sorting visualizer?

A project that will help you to visualize how various sorting algorithms work. For example, in insertion sort, The array is virtually split into a sorted and an unsorted part. Values from the unsorted part are picked and placed at the correct position in the sorted part. This is something that college professors and all youtube instructors do in order to explain the concept. This is a great idea and making it live will help many students out there.

Source Code – Sorting Skills Required – HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Sorting Algorithms

Transcript Summarizer for Youtube

As a Computer Science student, you learn on a daily basis from videos, articles, documentation, and so on. A majority of learning happens through Youtube as well. PS Youtube also provides entertainment.

A lot of time can be saved if you can summarize the content of the youtube videos. In this project, you will be creating a Chrome Extension which will make a request to the backend REST API where it will perform NLP and respond with a summarized version of a YouTube transcript.

Source Code – Youtube Transcript Skills Required – Python API, Hugging Face Transformers, Flask.

DSA Tracker

Always want to practice a lot of DSA Questions, but failed to keep track of each and every question that you did?

In this project, you will make a DSA Tracker for you, wherein questions will be divided into different categories and upon selection of one, you will be able to solve that. The project features:

  • Topic-wise question search
  • Topic-wise progress
  • Complete local storage
  • Mobile-first design

Source Code – DSA Tracker Skills Required – React, React-Reveal, Bootstrap, Localbase

Online Code Editor

Do you wish to build something Online Compiler ?

Online code editors feature all the common functionalities of complete IDEs, they run on browsers. Building an online code editor for you after building so many projects is the right step and will ace your skills to the next level, If done well this can be ideal for your next start-up as a free online interviewing platform.

Building an online code editor and compiler seems too complicated, but we can break it down into two pieces.

API running on the backend server, which will take a piece of code and language as input and output the answer after running the code on the server Frontend code editor, we can choose the language and edit and modify the code here. Then we make a post request to the backend API and show output on the website.

Keeping it simple, in the front end part, you can add a simple dropdown menu for selecting the language of your choice. Whenever a language is selected, the corresponding event listener will be triggered.

Source Code – Code Editor Skills Required – HTML, CSS, ReactJS, Hosting Services

Slack Clone

Slack is one of the widely used communication channels used by corporates for work-related communication. Making a slack clone is a great project for your resume and will surely catch the eye of the recruiters.

For the frontend and core functionalities, you can use React. Use Redux for effective state management and Firebase for real-time databases.

Source Code – Slack Clone Skills Required – Advanced React, Redux, Firebase, Web Application Development, Website Hosting.

In this blog we have presented you with the 15 web development projects that you need to ace your development skills, they were presented in a structured format and with increasing levels of difficulty. The objective was to make you realize that nothing is difficult if you take the right approach and truly want to learn something.

Q1) What are 3 types of web developments? Ans 1) There are 3 types of web development:

  • Front end web development
  • Back end web development

Q2) Few unique web development projects for students? Ans 2) You can try making your portfolio website, In addition, projects that require API Calls are a great way of impressing the recruiters, so you can try out making clones of popular social media websites like Instagram, Linkedin.

Q3) Is Web development a dying career? Ans 3) Web development is still regarded as one of the most promising and rewarding careers in terms of professional growth as well as freelancing.

Q4) Is web development in demand in 2023? Ans 4) There is an increasing demand for skilled web developers in 2023

  • Best Web Development Courses
  • How to Become a Web Developer
  • Web Developer Interview Questions
  • Web Developer Skills
  • Best Web Development Books
  • Web Development
  • Web Development Projects

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Top 10 node js projects ideas (with source code), 15 exciting sql projects with source code.

Web Development

Master the languages of the web: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and SQL. This path is great for budding front-end or back-end engineers!

Includes JavaScript , Node.JS , SQL , Express.JS , React , TDD , and more.

  • AI assistance for guided coding help
  • Projects to apply new skills
  • Quizzes to test your knowledge
  • A certificate of completion

web design and development assignments

Skill level

Time to complete


About this skill path

Ready to start building polished websites and web applications? Get the skills you need to turn your ideas into reality! This path begins with the basics of HTML but progresses quickly through CSS, JavaScript, and React so that you can go from no-code to full-stack at your own pace at a fraction of the cost of a bootcamp.

Get started as a web developer by learning the basics of HTML, the essential language of the web.

Styling a Website

Learn and practice the fundamentals of CSS to add beautiful styling to your webpages.

Getting Started with JavaScript

Learn the fundamentals of JavaScript: syntax, variables, conditionals, and functions.

Getting More Advanced with Design

Learn CSS techniques for more interesting sites: display & positioning, colors, typography, responsive design, and flexbox.

JavaScript: Arrays, Loops, and Objects

Discover more JavaScript techniques and features including arrays, looping, and objects.

Building Interactive JavaScript Websites

Learn the Document Object Model, the interface between JavaScript and HTML elements, and combine HTML, CSS, and JavaScript into exciting interactive sites!

Intermediate JavaScript

Learn more techniques to extend your JavaScript knowledge including reusable classes, splitting code into modules, and making HTTP requests.

Certificate of completion available with Plus or Pro

The platform

Hands-on learning

An AI-generated hint within the instructions of a Codecademy project

Projects in this skill path

Fashion blog, wine festival schedule, form a story, earn a certificate of completion.

  • Show proof Receive a certificate that demonstrates you've completed a course or path.
  • Build a collection The more courses and paths you complete, the more certificates you collect.
  • Share with your network Easily add certificates of completion to your LinkedIn profile to share your accomplishments.

web design and development assignments

Reviews from learners

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Skill paths help you level-up

Get a specialized skill, get step-by-step guidance, get there quickly, ready to learn a new skill, looking for something else, related resources, set up with git and github, bias in data analysis, how to install jupyter notebook on mac and windows, related courses and paths, learn the basics of programming with codecademy, choosing a career in tech, code foundations, browse more topics.

  • Code Foundations 7,053,688 learners enrolled
  • Computer Science 5,500,773 learners enrolled
  • Web Development 4,712,399 learners enrolled
  • Data Science 4,232,082 learners enrolled
  • Python 3,420,873 learners enrolled
  • For Business 3,093,805 learners enrolled
  • JavaScript 2,752,702 learners enrolled
  • Data Analytics 2,234,521 learners enrolled
  • HTML & CSS 2,226,107 learners enrolled

Two people in conversation while learning to code with Codecademy on their laptops

What's included in skill paths

Practice projects, assessments, certificate of completion.

Beginner's roadmap to web development

Jessica Chan

This beginner's roadmap lays out all the basics for web development. We’re going to go through each step–from figuring out what code editor to use, to what JavaScript framework or back-end language you can pick up. And we’ll also include links to resources where you can learn these skills.

The fact is, if you’re just starting out, all you need to know right now are the basics. You really don’t need to know every single technology, tool, or language in existence right from the get-go. (You’ll cross that bridge when you come to it, believe me!)

By the end of this guide, you’ll have an understanding of the basics of web development, what skills you need to know, and where to find them!

1: What is web development : How websites work, front-end vs back-end, code editor‌‌

2: Basic front-end: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript‌‌

3: Tools : Package managers, build tools, version control‌‌

4a: Additional front-end: Sass, responsive design, JavaScript frameworks‌‌

4b: Basic back-end: Server and database management, programming language

In this roadmap, I recommend doing Steps 1, 2, and 3 in order. Then, depending on whether you want to focus on more front-end or back-end, you can do steps 4a or 4b in any order.

I personally think it’s good idea for front-end web developers to know at least a bit of back-end, and vice versa. At the very least, knowing the basics of both will help you figure out if you like front-end or back-end better ?

You can also check out the updated version of this article on my blog!

1: What is web development?

Before we get into actual coding, let’s first take a look at some general information on what web development is: how websites work, the difference between front and back-end, and using a code editor.

How do websites work?

All websites, at their most basic, are just a bunch of files that are stored on a computer called a server. This server is connected to the internet. You can then load that website through a browser (like Chrome, Firefox, or Safari) on your computer or your phone. Your browser is also called the client in this situation.

So, every time that you’re on the internet, you (the client) are getting and loading data (like cat pics) from the server, as well as submitting data back to the server ( load moar cat pics! ) This back and forth between the client and the server is the basis of the internet.

Anything that you can access in your browser is something that a web developer built. Some examples are small business websites and blogs on the simpler side, all the way up to very complex web apps like AirBnb, Facebook and Twitter.

What’s the difference between front-end and back-end?

The terms “front end,” “back end,” and “full stack” web developer describe what part of the client/server relationship you’re working with.

“Front end” means that you’re dealing mainly with the client side. It’s called the “front end” because it’s what you can see in the browser. Conversely, the “back end” is the part of the website that you can’t really see, but it handles a lot of the logic and functionality that is necessary for everything to work.

One way you can think about this is that front-end web development is like the “front of house” part of a restaurant. It’s the section where customers come to see and experience the restaurant– the interior decor, seating, and of course, eating the food.

On the other hand, back-end web development is like the “back of house” part of the restaurant. It’s where deliveries and inventory are managed, and the process to create the food all happens. There’s a lot of things behind the scenes that the customers won’t see, but they will experience (and hopefully enjoy) the end product– a delicious meal!

Fun illustrations aside, both front and back end web development serve different but very important functions.

Using a code editor

When you build a website, the most essential tool that you will use is your code editor or IDE (Integrated Development Environment). This tool allows you to write the markup and code that will make up the website.

There are quite a few good options out there, but currently the most popular code editor is VS Code. VS Code is a more lightweight version of Visual Studio, Microsoft’s main IDE. It’s fast, free, easy to use, and you can customize it with themes and extensions.

Other code editors are Sublime Text , Atom , and Vim .

If you’re just getting started, though, I’d recommend checking out VS Code, which you can download from their website .

Now that we’ve covered some of the broader concepts in what web development is, let’s get into more of the details– starting with the front end.

2: Basic front-end

The front-end of a website is made up of three types of files: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These files are what is loaded in the browser, on the client side.

Let’s take a closer look at each one of them.

HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is the foundation of all websites. It’s the main file type that is loaded in your browser when you look at a website. The HTML file contains all the content on the page, and it uses tags to denote different types of content.

For example, you can use tags to create headline titles, paragraphs, bulleted lists, images, and so on. HTML tags by themselves do have some styles attached, but they are pretty basic, like what you would see in a Word document.

CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, lets you style that HTML content so it looks nice and fancy. You can add colors, custom fonts, and layout the elements of your website however you want them to look. You can even create animations and shapes with CSS!

There is a lot of depth to CSS, and sometimes people tend to gloss over it so they can move on to things like JavaScript. However, I can’t overestimate the importance of understanding how to convert a design into a website layout using CSS. If you want to specialize in front-end, it’s essential to have really solid CSS skills.

JavaScript is a programming language that was designed to run in the browser. Using JavaScript, you can make your website dynamic, meaning it will respond to different inputs from the user, or other sources.

For example, you can build a “Back to Top” button that when the user clicks it, they’ll scroll back up to the top of the page. Or you can build a weather widget that will display today’s weather based on the user’s location in the world.

Especially if you want to develop your skills later on with a JavaScript framework like React, you’ll understand more if you take the time to learn regular vanilla JavaScript first. It’s a really fun language to learn, and there’s so much you can do with it!

Where to learn HTML, CSS and JavaScript

I often get asked what the best places to learn coding are, and I will usually tell them some of the following resources. Also, I have a more in-depth list of the best courses to learn web development on my blog– you might find it helpful!

Note : Some of the links below (the ones to paid courses and books) are affiliate links, which means I’ll get a commission if you buy through them at no additional cost to yourself. It’s one way you can support me in creating helpful resources like this one!


One of my favorite places to recommend is freeCodeCamp . It’s an online coding bootcamp that is non-profit and completely free! I love this option because if you’re a beginner and not completely sure if coding is for you, it’s a low pressure, risk-free way to see if you like it.

One downside to freeCodeCamp is that while they do have an incredible curriculum with a built-in coding environment, they don’t have structured videos as part of it.

So if you really like learning from videos, here are a few other options:

Team Treehouse

Team Treehouse is a premium online learning platform that is video based and has multiple tracks that you can follow. They even have an online Tech Degree program which is like an online bootcamp that you can complete in 4-5 months.

Unfortunately, Treehouse isn’t free, but they do have different monthly or yearly plans depending on your budget. They have a free 7-day trial so you can see if you like it, and I can also give you a deal where you can get $100 off of 1 year of their Basic Plan . If you’re fairly certain you want to get into web development, Team Treehouse is a great place to learn.

If you’re more of a fan of one-off video courses, there are some free and paid options:

Wes Bos has free courses on learning Flexbox , CSS Grid , and JavaScript that are excellent. I just went through his CSS Grid course, and it was really thorough and also fun. Wes is a great teacher!

Udemy is an online learning platform with a lot of great courses as well. One in particular that you might like is The Advanced CSS and Sass course by Jonas Schmedtmann– this paid course covers CSS grid, flexbox, responsive design, and other CSS topics!

There are also a ton of free video resources on YouTube:

Traversy Media, probably the biggest web development channel out there, has an HTML Crash Course and CSS Crash Course .

DesignCourse, a channel focused on web design and front-end, has an HTML & CSS tutorial for as well.

And freeCodeCamp has their own YouTube channel, with videos like a Learn JavaScript course and other in-depth courses.

Books and articles on web development

If you’re more of a reading person, I would highly recommend the following:

The incredibly popular Jon Duckett books , on HTML & CSS, and JavaScript & jQuery. These books are not your dense, run-of-the-mill textbooks at all. They are beautifully designed, really well-written, and have lots of photos and images to help teach the material.

Eloquent JavaScript is another book that I really like. You can read it for free on their website , or buy a paper copy from Amazon if you like physical books. I have this one myself, and I really like it!

If you'd like to see more book recommendations, check out my post on recommended books for learning web development .

And last but not least, some websites that have great articles and other resources are:

  • Mozilla Developer Network
  • Smashing Magazine

Let’s get into some other front-end technologies now. As we mentioned, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the basic building blocks of front-end web development. In addition to them, there are a few other tools that you’ll want to learn.

Package managers

Package managers are online collections of software, much of it open source. Each piece of software, called a package, is available for you to install and use in your own projects.

You can think about them like plugins– instead of writing everything from scratch, you can use helpful utilities that other people have written already.

The most popular package manager is called npm , or Node Package Manager, but you can also use another manager called Yarn . Both are good options to know and use, although it’s probably best to start out with npm.

If you’re curious to learn more, you can read this article on the basics of using npm .

Build tools

Module bundlers and build tools like Webpack, Gulp, or Parcel, are another essential part of the front-end workflow.

On a basic level, these tools run tasks and process files. You can use them to compile your Sass files to CSS, transpile your ES6 JavaScript files down to ES5 for better browser support, run a local web server, and many other helpful tasks.

Gulp , technically a task runner, has a suite of npm packages that you can use to compile and process your files.

Webpack is a super powerful bundler that can do everything Gulp can do plus more. It’s used a ton in JavaScript environments, particularly with JavaScript Frameworks (which we’ll get to in a bit). One down side of Webpack is that it requires a lot of configuration to get up and running, which can be frustrating.

Parcel is a newer bundler like Webpack, but it comes pre-configured out of the box, so you can literally get it going in just a few minutes. And you won’t have to worry as much about configuring everything.

Personally I like using Gulp for my own front-end workflows where I just want to compile my Sass and JavaScript files and not do too much else.

Helpful links

If you’re interested in Gulp or Parcel, I have tutorials for both of those:

  • Using Gulp 4 in your workflow
  • Quick start guide to Parcel

If you want to learn more about Webpack check out the following YouTube videos:

  • Crash course in Webpack by DesignCourse
  • 10-part series on Webpack by Colt Steele

Version control

Version control (also called source control) is a system that keeps track of every code change that you make in your project files. You can even revert to a previous change if you make a mistake. It’s almost like having infinite save points for your project, and let me tell you, it can be a huge lifesaver.

The most popular version control system is an open source system called Git . Using Git, you can store all your files and their change history in collections called repositories.

You may have also heard of GitHub , which is an online hosting company owned by Microsoft where you can store all your Git repositories.

To learn Git and GitHub, GitHub.com has some online guides that explain how to get up and running. Traversy Media also has a YouTube video explaining how Git works.

4a: Additional front-end

Once you have the basics of front-end down, there are some more intermediate skills that you will want to learn. I recommend that you look at the following: Sass, responsive design, and a JavaScript framework.

Sass is an extension of CSS that makes writing styles more intuitive and modular. It’s a really powerful tool. With Sass, you can split up your styles into multiple files for better organization, create variables to store colors and fonts, and use mixins and placeholders to easily reuse styles.

Even if you just utilize some of the basic features, like nesting, you will be able to write your styles more quickly and with less headache.

You can learn more about Sass in this Scotch.io tutorial , as well as a YouTube video by Dev Ed .

Responsive design

Responsive design ensures that your styles will look good on all devices–desktops, tablets, and mobile phones. The core practices of responsive design include using flexible sizing for elements, as well as utilizing media queries to target styles for specific devices and widths.

For example, instead of setting your content to be a static 400px wide, you can use a media query and set the content to be 50% width on desktop and 100% on mobile.

Building your websites with responsive CSS is a must these days, as mobile traffic is outpacing desktop traffic in many cases.

For more information on responsive design and making your websites responsive, check out this article . I also do live coding streams on my YouTube channel where I build a website from scratch and viewers can ask me questions in real time!

JavaScript frameworks

Once you have the basics of vanilla JavaScript down, you may want to learn one of the JavaScript frameworks (especially if you want to be a full-stack JavaScript developer).

These frameworks come with pre-built structures and components that allow you to build apps more quickly than if you started from scratch.

Currently, you have three main choices: React, Angular, and Vue.

React (technically a library), was created by Facebook and is the most popular framework right now. You can get started learning by going to the React.js website . If you’re interested in a premium React course, both Tyler McGinnins and Wes Bos have great courses.

Angular was the first big framework, and it was created by Google. It’s still very popular, even though it has been surpassed by React recently. You can start learning Angular on their website . Gary from DesignCourse also has an Angular crash course on YouTube .

Vue is a newer framework created by Evan You, a former Angular developer. While it is smaller in use than React and Angular, it is growing quickly and is also considered easy and fun to use. You can get up and running with it on the Vue website .

Which framework should you learn?

You might be wondering now, “Ok, well, which framework is the best?”

The truth is, they are all good. In web development, there’s almost never a single choice that is 100% the best choice for every person and every situation.

Your choice will most likely be determined by your job, or simply by which one you enjoy using the most. If your end goal is to land a job, try researching which framework seems to be the most common in potential job listings.

Don’t worry too much about which framework to choose. It’s more important that you learn and understand the concepts behind them. Also, once you learn one framework it will be easier to learn other ones (similar to programming languages).

Let’s move on now to our last section: back-end web development!

4b: Basic back-end

The back-end, or the server-side of web development, is made up of three main components: the server, a server-side programming language, and the database.

As we mentioned at the very beginning, the server is the computer where all the website files, the database, and other components are stored.

Traditional servers run on operating systems such as Linux or Windows. They’re considered “centralized” because everything–the website files, back-end code, and data are stored together on the server.

Nowadays there are also serverless architectures, which is a more decentralized type of setup. This type of application splits up those components and leverages third party vendors to handle each of them.

Despite the name, though, you still do need some kind of server, to at least store your website files. Some examples of serverless providers are AWS (Amazon Web Services) or Netlify .

Serverless setups are popular because they are fast, cheap, and you don’t need to worry about server maintenance. They’re great for simple static websites that don’t require a traditional server-side language. However, for very complex applications the traditional server setup might be a better option.

To learn more about serverless setups, Netlify has an informative blog post that takes you through all the steps to setup a static website with deployment.

Programming language

On the server, you need to use a programming language to write the functions and logic for your application. The server then compiles your code and conveys the result back to the client.

Popular programming languages for the web include PHP, Python, Ruby, C# and Java. There is also a form of server-side JavaScript– Node.js, which is a run-time environment that can run JavaScript code on the server.

There are also frameworks that you can use with each of these server-side languages. Just like the front-end JavaScript frameworks, these back-end frameworks are helpful tools that make building web apps much quicker.

Let’s check out a list of the most commonly used programming languages for web development:

C# was developed as Microsoft’s competitor to Java. It’s used to make web apps with the .NET framework , game development, and can even be used to create mobile apps.

Places to learn C#:‌‌ C# Programming Yellow Book by Rob Miles ‌‌ C# Basics on Udemy

Java is one of the most popular programming languages, and is used in web apps as well as to build Android apps.

Places to learn Java:‌‌ University of Helsinki’s MOOC ‌‌ The Complete Java Developer Course on Udemy

Node.js is a very popular technology (according to Stack Overflow’s 2019 developer survey ). One thing to note: it isn’t technically a server-side language– it’s a form of JavaScript that runs on the server using the Express.js framework.

Places to learn Node.js:‌‌ Node.js tutorial by Programming with Mosh ‌‌ Learn Node by Wes Bos

PHP is the language that powers WordPress , so this might be a good choice if you think you will be working with small business websites, as many of them use WordPress. You can also build web apps with the Laravel framework.

Places to learn PHP:‌‌ Introduction to PHP by mmtuts ‌‌ PHP by Edwin Diaz on Udemy

Python is growing in popularity, especially as it is used in data science and machine learning. It’s also considered to be good, as its syntax is simpler than some other languages. If you want to build web apps, you can use the Django or Flask frameworks.

Places to learn Python:‌‌ The Modern Python 3 Bootcamp by Colt Steele on Udemy ‌‌ LearnPython.org

Ruby is another language that has a syntax considered to be fu  to learn. You can build web apps with the framework Ruby on Rails .

Places to learn Ruby:‌‌ The Odin Project ‌‌ Ruby on Rails Tutorial by Michael Hartl

Just like with the JavaScript frameworks, there’s no #1 best programming language. Your choice should be based on either your personal interest and preference, as well as potential jobs– so do a little research on which might be a good choice for you .

Databases, as the name implies, are where you store information for your website. Most databases use a language called SQL (pronounced “sequel”) which stands for “Structured Query Language.”

In the database, data is stored in tables, with rows sort of like complex Excel documents. Then you can write queries in SQL in order to create, read, update, and delete data.

The database is run on the server, using servers like Microsoft SQL Server on Windows servers, and MySQL for Linux.

There are also NoSQL databases, which store the data in JSON files as opposed to the traditional tables. One type of NoSQL database is MongoDB , which is often used with React, Angular, and Vue applications.

Some examples of how data is utilized on websites are:

If you have a contact form on your website, you could build the form so that every time someone submits the form, their data is saved onto your database.

You can also user logins on the database, and write logic in the server-side language to handle checking and authenticating the logins.

Some resources to learn the basics of SQL are:

  • The Complete SQL Bootcamp by Jose Portilla on Udemy

Some tips to leave you with…

Thanks for reading! I sincerely hope that this guide helps you get started learning web development.

A few tips that I have if you are going the self-taught route:

  • Don’t try to learn everything at once. Pick one skill to learn at a time.
  • Don’t jump around from tutorial to tutorial. As you’re learning, it’s ok to check out different resources to see which one you like best. But again, pick one and try to go all the way through it.
  • Know that learning web development is a long-term journey. Despite the stories you may have read of people going from zero to landing a web dev job in 3 months, I would aim more at 1 to 2 years to become job ready, if you’re starting from the beginning.
  • Just watching a video course or reading a book won’t automatically make you an expert. Learning the material is just the first step. Building actual websites and projects (even just demo ones for yourself) will help you to really cement your learning.

Best of luck as you start learning web development! If you're interested in more, check out this article on my blog: Learn web development as an absolute beginner.

Want to follow me?

I post mini-tips in web development on Instagram and Twitter , and create coding tutorial videos on YouTube !

I write tips for beginner web developers at Coder-Coder.com. You can also find me on Twitter and Instagram @thecodercoder

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Top 20 Web Development Projects for Beginners & Advanced Developers

Web Development Project Ideas for beginners

With every company looking forward to establishing a digital presence and customers wanting to purchase everything online, the demand for web developers is increasing rapidly. As a result, web development is emerging as the most promising field right now, attracting aspirants from various educational backgrounds. In this blog, we will discuss web development projects for beginners, intermediates, and advanced candidates with source code.

Table of Contents

What is Web Development?

Web development is the process of creating, optimizing, and maintaining websites and web applications that are live on the internet. It also entails tasks like web programming, web design, and database management. 

There are three types of web development: front-end, back-end, and full-stack development. Front-end development deals with the client side of the website and designing the user interface. Back-end development deals with the server side of the website and focuses on its functionality. Full-stack development comprises both front-end and back-end development. 

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Importance of Working on Web Development Projects

Here are some of the benefits of working on web development projects as a student:

  •  Enhances Practical Skills: You can learn about basic concepts and processes of web development; however, building a website requires proficient technical skills. You can enhance these skills by working on different web development projects. It will provide you with hands-on experience in scripting in different coding languages, implementing frameworks, and integrating various libraries. 
  • Improves Chances of Employability: Working on web development projects will help you build a portfolio that can showcase your skills to prospective employers. 
  • Helps Learn Time Management: When you work on a web development project, you not only enhance your technical skills but also learn time management. It is an essential skill that helps you ace assessment tests during interviews. 
  • Develops Problem-Solving Skills: You can develop problem-solving skills when exposed to different web development scenarios and challenges. You also get real-world development experience and learn how to identify issues and solve them. 
  • Boosts Self-Confidence: While working on web development projects, you overcome the fear of failure and develop more confidence in your skills. This helps you in applying for more opportunities like hackathons or web development competitions. 

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Web Development Projects for Beginner s

Below listed are some of the best projects of web development for beginners:

1. Product Landing Page 

If you are aware of how to build a one-page layout or design, consider working on developing a product landing page. This is one of the best web development project ideas for beginners that can help you sharpen your editing and designing skills. Additionally, you will learn how to use columns and align the landing page’s components.

Source Code: Product Landing Page

Skills Required: HTML , CSS, JavaScript

2. Notes App

This is one of the best projects for beginners. You can develop a web app that customers can use to add and store their notes. Here are some important points to keep in mind while developing a Notes App:

  • Users should find it easy to create, add, edit, and delete notes. 
  • It will be helpful if users can see the date and time when the notes were created.
  • The notes should be stored in the app when the user closes the system, and the data should be retrieved when they return to the system.
  • You can also add some additional features to level up your app, like sorting and filtering notes based on date and time details or searching for a note by entering a keyword.

Source Code: Notes App

Skills Required: JavaScript, TypeScript

3. JavaScript Quiz Game

This project involves creating a JavaScript quiz game that will help users test their knowledge by taking up multiple answers and providing them with the correct result. While it’s relatively easy to gain JavaScript knowledge, application of the same in the real world can be challenging to learn. Therefore, working on this project will aid you in developing logical skills and learning about data management and DOM manipulation.

Source Code: JavaScript Quiz Game .

Skills Required: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

4. Barcode Reader

This project enables you to use your smartphone and scan a product to get the price and other information about the product. Through HTML and JavaScript, the project can be designed, along with JS Library to decode the QR code. 

Source Code: Barcode Reader

Skills Required: JavaScript, HTML

Website Development Project Ideas for Intermediate Developers

Below listed are some of the best web development mini-projects for an intermediate developer:

5. Building a Drawing Tool

Almost everyone has used MS-Paint for creating their artwork during their childhood. Now that you want to be a professional web developer, why not try building an online canvas for the same? 

You can use and get a hold of multiple programming languages, such as HTML, JS, CSS, and more. Consider adding some key features to your drawing tool, including changing the color or size of the drawing tool, erasing, resetting, or clearing the canvas, and more.

Source Code: Drawing Tool

Skills Required: JavaScript, DockerFile

6. Weather Forecast Website

One of the most useful web development projects for students, a weather forecast website will help users to know the weather forecast for the present day and a few more days to come. In addition, you will learn how to use an API (Application Programming Interface). This will help you procure real-time data that can be further added to the application. 

Users should be allowed to put their location and get the weather forecast for at least four to five days. Moreover, you can add a feature to automatically detect the user’s location to make your website more versatile.

Source Code: Weather Forecast

Skills Required: JavaScript, Node.js, ReactJS

7. Covid Tracker App

A Covid tracker app will alert people about Covid cases or the vaccination centers nearby and the availability of slots for the same. You can access multiple APIs to collect necessary data and present it in your app in an organized manner. 

For instance, you can use the available data to develop a Covid tracker app showing the Covid cases on the map, helping users to plan their travel accordingly.

Source Code: Covid Tracker

Skills Required: JavaScript

8. Bookstore Website

In this project, customers can browse books by genre, add them to their cart, and buy them through a website. The website will have a login system for users and administrators, as well as an inventory management system for bookstore employees. The website would be built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP, and would store user and book information in a MySQL database.

Source Code: Bookstore Website

Skills Required: HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript

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Advanced Web Development Projects for Final Year Students

Given below are some of the best web development project ideas for final-year students and advanced developers.

9. E-Commerce or Online Shopping Site

A huge proportion of web developers end up working with companies, selling products and services online through e-commerce sites. These days, people prefer buying everything online, from clothes, accessories, medications, and food, to booking flights or hotels. This leads to a huge surge in the demand for web developers to build e-commerce websites. 

You can begin by building an interface for an online shopping website. Think about all the pages you want to include in the e-commerce site and put them on the navbar. Then, study the algorithms used on such sites, access necessary databases, and improve on backend logic to develop a fantastic online shopping website.

Source Code: Online Shopping Site

Also Read: Web Developer Salary

10. YouTube Transcript Summarizer

From millennials to Gen Z, everyone watches YouTube videos, including documentaries, entertainment videos, instructive videos, educational videos, etc. However, investing time in long-duration videos can be challenging. Think about how much time and energy can be saved by having a summary of this kind of YouTube content. 

This is one of the best website development projects to make use of your web development skills. All you need to do is create a Chrome Extension for sending a request to the backend REST API , and that API will send you the summarized version of a YouTube transcript.

Source Code: Youtube Transcript Summarizer

Skills Required: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python

11. Cloning a Website

If you are finding it difficult to design a website, you can work on a cloning project. It involves looking for a website and replicating the same with all its functionality. This project will ensure that you are creating an industry-standard site with in-demand features and functionalities. 

Cloning or replicating a site will aid you in leveling up your web development skills. In addition, it is a great project for someone who wants to focus entirely on development instead of adding content and features to the website.

Source Code: Cloning Website

12. Code Editor

The purpose of this project is to enable users to highlight syntax, automatically format codes, find and replace text, rename objects in code, etc. The functionality of the project can be divided into two parts:

  • Backend: API on the backend server will perform the input and output function by taking the piece of code language and answering after running the code on the server. 
  • Frontend: The frontend server will perform the task of modifying the code through the backend server. 

Source Code: Code Editor

Skills Required: HTML, CSS, React

The background generator project aims to create a webpage that allows an easy and efficient way to create custom background designs. It generates random background colors and allows its users to customize and copy the generated color code. The tool aims to simplify the design process where the user can create a visually appealing background consistent to their brand without having in-depth designing skills. 

Source Code: Background Generator

Skills Required: CSS, JavaScript, HTML

14. Data Structure Algorithm (DSA) Tracker

This is a software tool that tracks the progress of users in learning and mastering the concepts of data structures and algorithms. It allows users to set goals, track progress, and receive feedback as they work through various data structures and algorithms. 

Source Code: DSA Tracker

Skills Required: JavaScript, CSS, HTML

15. Dash to Visualize and Forecast Stocks

This project is a web application that allows you to create interactive dashboards to visualize and forecast stock prices.  It is designed to help users make better financial decisions by providing insights into the current stock market. It utilizes data visualization libraries, such as Matplotlib and Seaborn, and machine learning algorithms, such as linear regression and support vector machines.

Source Code: Dash for Stock Forecasting

Skills Required: Python, Bootstrap

16. Link Shortener 

The link shortener is a useful tool that enables users to compress long web addresses into shorter ones. This application not only redirects users to the original URL but also tracks the number of clicks on a shortened link and provides a list of all the URLs that have been shortened. 

This project also utilizes MongoDB to store and manage vast volumes of data, allowing users to become more proficient in managing their data.

Source Code: Link Shortener

17. GitHub Explorer

In this project, you will create an easy-to-operate GitHub Explorer. This will allow users to search and explore repositories on GitHub. This GitHub Explorer will provide a user-friendly interface to allow users to not only search for repositories but also view their details and explore related repositories. It utilizes the GitHub API to access and display the data and React for building the user interface.

Source Code: GitHub Explorer

Skills Required: JavaScript, HTML, CSS

18. Slack Clone

This is a full-stack web development project that involves creating a clone of the popular online messaging platform Slack. The project involves creating a website that has the same user interface, features, and functionality as Slack. Additionally, it also requires creating the backend server architecture, databases, and APIs for managing user accounts, messages, and other such features.

Source Code: Slack Clone

Skills Required: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and a backend language, such as PHP or Node.js. 

19. Sorting Visualizer

A sorting visualizer is a web development project that provides a graphical representation of a sorting algorithm.  It allows users to interact with the algorithm and visualize how it works in real time. The project is designed to help users understand the complexities of sorting algorithms and how to optimize them for different data sets.

Source Code: Sorting Tool

20. Online Bidding System

This web development project will enable you to create, manage, and participate in online auctions. You can build an automated auction platform where users can bid on items and services from the comfort of their homes. The system will allow users to track the progress of auctions, manage their bids, and view auction results. 

The online bidding system allows for a transparent and secure bidding process, ensuring buyers and sellers have a fair and secure experience.

Source Code: Auction System

Skills Required: PHP, MySQL, Python, JavaScript, Node.js

Necessary Skills to Work on Web Development Projects

Certain skills you require to work on web development projects include:

  •  Back-End Programming Languages: You should know the basics of coding languages like syntax, commands, functions, etc. Some of the coding languages used for web development are C#, Ruby, Java , Python, PHP, etc. 
  •  Web Design Skills: Your website will need a responsive design to ensure user engagement. Therefore, you should have web designing skills to create a responsible and compatible design for your website.
  •  Knowledge of Front-End Languages: HTML and CSS are important for creating and styling web pages. Therefore, you should know these languages to work on a web development project. 
  •  Understanding of Frameworks and Libraries: Web development involves integrating different frameworks and libraries to enhance the working of the website or include additional features. Therefore, you should have a basic understanding of relevant frameworks and libraries. 
  •  Testing and Debugging Skills: Any project is incomplete without proper testing and debugging. You should know how to test your website, identify bugs, and fix them to improve the website’s functionality.
  •  Knowledge of Version Control: You should know how to use a version control system to track, control, and make changes to your project. Git and GitHub are some popular platforms used for version control. 

This article enlists the top web development projects you can choose to level up your web development skills. All these projects are presented with an increasing level of difficulty, from beginner, intermediate, to advanced level projects. All you need to do is focus on applying theoretical web development concepts in these projects and practice until you master this field. 

What is the most challenging part of working on a web development project? Let us know in the comments section below. Also, check out the differences between web design and web development to get a better understanding of both of these fields. 

There are several programming languages for web development, such as C++, Python, Javascript, PHP, etc. You can choose any of these according to your project. You can choose any of these according to your project needs.

The 3 types of web development are front-end development, back-end development, and full-stack development.

A web developer should have knowledge of programming languages and should also be familiar with databases, web frameworks, and server-side information.

No, it is not possible to learn web development in 1 month. To have a qualified job as a web developer, you would need to put in at least 3-4 months of learning. You can begin your learning journey by taking a web development course from the comfort of your home.

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A seasoned tech professional, Aseem Garg is Internshala’s Vice President of Engineering. A Full Stack Web Engineer and Android Engineer, he is responsible for leading and driving innovative technology at Internshala. With nine years of rich experience, he is an innovator - passionate about creating seamless web and mobile experiences while implementing efficient DevOps practices.

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Top 25 Front End Web Developer Projects in 2024 [Source Code]

Home Blog Web Development Top 25 Front End Web Developer Projects in 2024 [Source Code]

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If you're a developer or starting up with the process, you're probably already aware of how critical it is to develop live projects. My purpose of writing this article is to help you build your passion for coding as well as improve your programming skills. You can proceed by watching instructional videos to learn a skill or two, but you must finally begin by building the projects.  

In my journey as a front-end developer, projects have acted as a bridge between learning and real-life skills, improving problem-solving and creativity. I’ve learnt that a diverse front end project portfolio is vital for advancing in your career and showcasing your abilities to potential employers. It's like presenting your skills on a stage.

Hence, I’ve listed down a variety of front end project ideas in this article so you can get started and build a strong portfolio and become a front-end developer by taking up a Front End Development Bootcamp training .  

My list includes the best front end web developer projects of various skill levels, allowing you to select one based on your level of interest and expertise..

List of Top 25+ Front End Developer Projects in 2024

Working on front end web development projects might seem tough, but creating cool stuff makes it fun! this year is the best time to showcase your skills and enjoy projects. With lots of choices, where should you start? Here are 25+ fantastic project ideas, suitable for all skill levels and interests. 

A. Front end projects for beginners:

  • URL Shortening Landing Page
  • Single Price Grid Component
  • Intro-Component with Signup Form
  • Pricing Component with Toggle
  • Product Landing Page
  • Bookmark Landing Page
  • Base Apparel Coming Soon Page
  • Rock, Paper, Scissors Game
  • Temperature Converter

B. Front end web developer projects for Intermediates:

  • Quiz App  
  • Build a Calculator
  • Build a Content Management System
  • Music player using JavaScript
  • To Do List App
  • Responsive Blog Website
  • Job Listings with filtering
  • Build a Weather App  
  • Build your own portfolio site
  • My-team multi-page website
  • REST Countries API with Color theme Switcher

C. Front end development projects for experienced professionals:

  • Calendar Viewer Component
  • Multi-select Search Component
  • Video Player Web App
  • Social Media Aggregator
  • Sustainability Tracker
  • Interactive Map for Local Services

Front End Developer Project Ideas for Beginners [with Source Code]

Explore the vital Front-end web development projects for beginners with source code. They're essential for anyone starting out in web development!

1. URL Shortening Landing Page

This challenge will give you a taste of using an API to retrieve data. To create a fully functional URL shortener, you'll be integrating with the rel.ink API.

URL Shortening Landing Page

HTML, CSS, JS, APIBeginner
  • Learning Outcome:  Learn how to send HTTP requests and integrate with a third-party API. This project could also be a good way to get your feet wet with JS libraries/frameworks like React or Vue. Also, if the user refreshes their browser, try using localStorage to save the list of shortened links.
  • Source Code: GitHub - URL Shortening
  • See the site's optimal layout based on their device's screen size.
  • Reduce the length of any valid URL.
  • With a single click, they can copy the shortened link to their clipboard.
  • When you submit the form, you'll get an error message if: The input field is currently empty.

2. Single Price Grid Component

Single Price Grid Component

HTML, CSSBeginner
  • Learning Outcomes:  Despite its small size, this project poses some interesting layout challenges. It's an excellent chance to work with Flexbox or CSS Grid. You'll also learn how to create a responsive component from the ground up.   To learn further about web development, enroll in  Web Design Online course .      
  • Source Code:  GitHub - Single Price Grid Component
  • View the component's optimal layout based on their device's screen size.
  • On desktop, the Sign Up call-to-action has a hover state.

3. Intro-Component with Signup Form

Intro-Component with Signup Form

HTML, CSS, JavaScriptBeginner
  • Learning Outcomes:  The main takeaway here will be how to write reusable JavaScript code to verify the validity of various form fields.
  • Source Code: GitHub - Intro-Component with Signup Form
  • View the site's optimal layout based on their device's screen size.
  • All interactive elements on the page have hover states.
  • There are no input fields available.
  • The email address is incorrectly formatted.

4. Pricing Component with Toggle

Top 20 Front-End Web Development Projects For Beginners

HTML, CSS, JSBeginner
  • Learning Outcomes:  If you opt for the bonus, you'll need to carefully consider your HTML structure. To be able to use pseudo-classes and sibling selectors for the toggle, you'll need perfect markup.
  • Source Code: GitHub - Pricing Component with Toggle
  • View the component's optimal layout based on with their device's screen size.
  • They can use their mouse/trackpad and keyboard to control the toggle.
  • Complete the challenge using only HTML and CSS as a bonus.

5. Product Landing Page

Top 20 Front-End Web Development Projects For Beginners

HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, jQuery, JavaScriptBeginner
  • Learning Outcomes:  Before diving into the code, take some time to plan this out. Columns will be used on a product landing page, and the components of the landing page will be aligned within them. This also covers basic editing tasks such as cropping images and using design templates.
  • Source Code: GitHub - Product landing Page

6. Bookmark Landing Page

Top 20 Front-End Web Development Projects For Beginners

  • Learning Outcomes:  When creating a fairly complex layout, this project will help you strengthen your knowledge and modify your workflow. Another good opportunity to use a pre-processor in this situation. If you're comfortable with pure CSS/Sass at this point, you might want to try using a UI framework like Tailwind.
  • Source Code: GitHub - Bookmark Landing Page
  • The input field is currently empty.

7. Base Apparel Coming Soon Page

Top 20 Front-End Web Development Projects For Beginners

  • Learning Outcomes:  You'll learn how to validate a single field in a basic form. This project will also necessitate some layout planning, so set aside some time at the start to think it over.
  • Source Code: GitHub - Base Apparel Coming Soon Page

8. Rock, Paper, Scissors Game

Top 20 Front-End Web Development Projects For Beginners

HTML, CSS and JavaScriptBeginner
  • Learning Outcomes:  This challenge will allow you to put your logic-based problem-solving skills to the test. If you can, try to push yourself to complete the bonus game. This is another chance to practise using localStorage to keep the game's state when the user refreshes their browser.
  • Source Code:  GitHub - Rock, Paper, Scissors Game
  • View the game's optimal layout based on the size of their device's screen.
  • Against the computer, play Rock, Paper, Scissors.
  • After refreshing the browser, keep the score in the same state (optional).
  • Play Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock against the computer as an added bonus (optional).

9. Temperature Converter

Top 20 Front-End Web Development Projects For Beginners

  • Learning Outcome:  You will learn validation of user input. After this project, you will get a good hands on practice on working with forms and validation of input.
  • Source Code: GitHub - Temperature Converter
  • Input the value in either Celsius or Fahrenheit.
  • Get the converted value without clicking any button.

Front End Developer Project Ideas for Intermediate [with Source Code]

1. quiz app.

Top 20 Front-End Web Development Projects For Beginners

HTML, CSS, JavaScriptIntermediate
  • Learning Outcomes:  It can be difficult to figure out how to put what you've learned into practise and choose a project that fits your skill set when you first start learning JavaScript. Starting with a simple quiz game is a great way to get started. You'll be dealing with a lot of abstract logic, and it'll be up to you to control and/or expand the quiz difficulty range. Assign correct answers to each of them.  
  • Source Code:  GitHub - Quiz App
  • Select option from multiple choices.
  • Get the result of the question as correct or incorrect.

2. Build a Calculator

Top 20 Front-End Web Development Projects For Beginners

  • Learning Outcomes:  You'll will create a user interface with data entry buttons and a display screen to show the results. The CSS Grid can then be used to align buttons and a screen in a grid-like format. If-else statements, loops, operators, JavaScript functions, event listeners, and so on will increase your knowledge.
  • Source Code:  GitHub - Build a Calculator
  • Check Front-end Development course online  for complete front-end training and projects.
  • Perform different operations like addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division.
  • Enter data and get result on display screen.

3. Build a Content Management System

Top 20 Front-End Web Development Projects For Beginners

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactIntermediate
  • Learning Outcomes:  You would be familiar with contents of CMS and web development . This will enhance the learning of HTML, CSS as the designing part is also there. You will get to know about the scheduling of different components. The project will help you to go through the React Component Lifecycle and Framework.
  • Source Code:  GitHub - Build a Content Management System
  • Manage the content as per their requirement.
  • Even manage another users.

4. Music player using JavaScript

The architecture, which is divided into three buckets, will be used: CSS (Cascading Style Sheets (adding styling to each element defined in the HTML file) JavaScript is a programming language that allows you to (adding elements for audio, player buttons, and music information) (when HTML elements are clicked, functionality is added).

Top 20 Front-End Web Development Projects For Beginners

  • Learning Outcomes:  Before diving into the code, take some time to plan this out. You will get your hands on HTMLMediaElement Interface to play audio files and control its playback. In this project you will get to work on Sliders, Flex Layout and different functions of JavaScript.
  • Source Code:  GitHub - Music player using JavaScript
  • Add new tracks to the tracklist to play the music of their choice.
  • Use the Player on any browser.

5. To-Do List App

Top 20 Front-End Web Development Projects For Beginners

  • Learning outcomes:  You will learn how to perform CRUD operations on a to-do list app using JavaScript and DOM Manipulation. Work on different functionalities of JavaScript and also learn about Tailwind CSS.
  • Source Code:  GitHub - To-Do List App
  • Add new To Do to the list.
  • Remove a To Do or mark it as done.

6. Responsive Blog Website

Top 20 Front-End Web Development Projects For Beginners

  • Learning outcomes:  You will learn how to use LocalStorage to store data with no expiration, even when browser is closed. This Project will help you know about grid components and JavaScript Functionalities to add the blogs.
  • Source Code:  GitHub - Responsive Blog Website
  • Dynamic Blog pages.
  • Have a dedicated editor for blogs.
  • Users can add/make as many blogs you want.
  • Users can add Headings, paragraphs, and Images to the blog post.
  • Have read more blogs section also.

7. Job Listings with filtering

Top 20 Front-End Web Development Projects For Beginners

  • Learning Outcomes:  You'll leaHTML, CSS, JavaScriptrn how to filter items in the DOM using JavaScript. This is an important skill to have when developing client-side applications, so this challenge will be beneficial!
  • Source Code:  GitHub - Job Listings with Filtering
  • Filter job postings by the categories you've chosen.

8. Build a Weather App

Top 20 Front-End Web Development Projects For Beginners

  • Learning Outcomes:  You'll learn how to use APIs using JavaScript to fetch the details. This is an important skill for web developers. After this project, you will be familiar with AJAX Components.
  • Source Code:  GitHub - Build a Weather App
  • Enter the city name in field to get weather report.
  • Even get device location and check the weather report for that location.

9. Build your own portfolio site

Top 20 Front-End Web Development Projects For Beginners

  • Learning Outcomes:  You should be able to organize a webpage with HTML, style its elements with CSS, and make the website interactive with JS.
  • Source Code: GitHub - portfolio site
  • View the best layout for each page based on the size of their device's screen.
  • For all interactive elements on the site, see hover states.
  • On the homepage, click the "About Me" call-to-action and scroll down to the next section.
  • If the Name, Email Address, or Message fields are blank, the message "This field is required" should appear.
  • "Please use a valid email address" should appear if the email address is not formatted correctly.

If you want to improve your front end developer resume and portfolio then you can check  KnowledgeHut Front End Development course online .

10. My-team multi-page website

Top 20 Front-End Web Development Projects For Beginners

  • Learning Outcome:  If you've never built a multi-page website before, this project will teach you a lot. Because it is a larger site, it is necessary to plan ahead of time. To keep your code scalable, focus on structuring your CSS/Sass/Styles (or whatever). ITCSS, SMACSS, and 7:1 are some excellent patterns to investigate. They're all excellent approaches that will greatly aid in the development of larger websites.
  • Source Code: GitHub - My-team multi-page website
  • When you click the + icon on the About page, you'll see the correct content for each team member.

11. REST Countries API with Color theme Switcher

Top 20 Front-End Web Development Projects For Beginners

  • Learning Outcome:  You will learn various things during this project. Also get a chance to work on different styling concepts of CSS.
  • Source Code: GitHub - REST Countries API with Color theme Switcher
  • On the homepage, you can see all of the countries that the API supports.
  • Using an input field, look for a country.
  • Countries can be filtered by region.
  • On a separate page, click on a country to see more detailed information.
  • On the detail page, click through to the border countries.
  • Toggle between light and dark colour schemes (optional).

Advanced Front End Projects for Experienced Professionals [with Source Code]

Here is a list of front end web developer projects for experienced professionals:

Calendar Viewer Component
Multi-select Search Component

Video Player Web App

Social Media Aggregator

Sustainability Tracker

Interactive Map for Local Services

Best Platforms to Work on Front end Development Projects

Now that you've got a bunch of cool front-end project ideas, let's talk about where to actually build them. I've got some go-to platforms that are reliable and make the whole building process smoother. In my experience as a developer, these platforms have been rock-solid. In this section, we'll check out these user-friendly tools that make front-end development fun and effective.

  • GitHub: Essential for version control and collaboration, GitHub allows you to showcase your projects and collaborate with others, enhancing your coding skills.
  • CodePen: Ideal for quick prototyping and sharing, CodePen provides a sandbox environment to experiment with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, making it easy to showcase your front-end skills.
  • Netlify: A powerful platform for hosting and deploying web projects, Netlify offers continuous integration and supports modern web development workflows, streamlining the deployment process.
  • StackBlitz: A browser-based IDE for web applications, StackBlitz enables you to work on front-end projects directly from your browser, with features like live preview and collaboration.
  • Bitbucket: Similar to GitHub, Bitbucket provides version control and collaboration tools. It supports both Git and Mercurial, offering flexibility in choosing your version control system.
  • GitLab: A comprehensive platform offering not only version control but also built-in CI/CD pipelines, making it a one-stop solution for code management and project deployment.

Utilizing these platforms will enhance your workflow, facilitate collaboration, and allow for seamless project presentation, essential for establishing your presence as a skilled front-end developer.

Looking to level up your coding skills? Dive into the world of Python with our online course! Learn the language that powers tech giants and start building your own projects. Join now and unlock your coding potential. Python online course .

Build Experiences

Most design experience is gained through practise and putting your skills and knowledge into action. Like I said before, you can watch as many videos or tutorials as you want, read books, and take classes, but the only way to learn is to start working on real projects.  

In my experience, the most effective learning occurs when working on real-world projects. It is essential to delve into some code and create something with the knowledge you have gained along the way. It is now entirely up to you to decide which project you want to work on first. You can go with one of my suggestions or come up with something new on your own. Project creation is an excellent way to expand your knowledge. Before you start working on a project, make sure you have everything planned out. You will be able to avoid a lot of mistakes and finish the project quickly and efficiently this way.  You can start with creating a new React App .  

Check out Front-end Web Development full course by KnowledgeHut . This course comes with 65+ hours of Instructor-Led training covering various technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Git etc. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • A portfolio website
  • A clone website
  • A CRUD web application
  • An API-connected website

As a front-end developer, you should build different kind of simple front end projects which includes the use of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and any of JS frameworks.

  • Transcript Summarizer for Youtube
  • DSA Tracker
  • Sorting Visualizer
  • Link Shortner
  • Weather Application
  • Online Code Editor
  • Blog  management  System
  • Customer Onboarding Project

You can check open online platforms or enroll in courses with capstone projects for front-end practice projects.


Abhresh Sugandhi

Abhresh is specialized as a corporate trainer, He has a decade of experience in technical training blended with virtual webinars and instructor-led session created courses, tutorials, and articles for organizations. He is also the founder of Nikasio.com, which offers multiple services in technical training, project consulting, content development, etc.

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Learn programming with curated Web development projects

Bridge the gap between theory and real-world code by working on curated web development projects. Use DevProjects as practice or enhance your portfolio with these fun web development project ideas. From beginner web development projects to more advanced ones, find your next coding project now.

Web development project ideas

Alpaca image generator website.

At DevProjects, we love alpacas! It's our mascot, and we'd love for you to have your own alpaca profile photo. With that said, this project is not just about alpacas. Allowing users to generate and download avatars are common in many interactive websites. In this project, you'll learn how to create an image generator website that allows users to generate, combine, and download images. This project should take you approximately 8 hours to complete.

Build a screenshot pipeline

Set up a CI/CD workflow which will produce a screenshot of your homepage and keep it updated as you keep changing the code. This kind of always-up-to-date screenshot can be useful for your README or as the basis of marketing materials that include screenshots of your website. You can even use these images to perform [visual regression testing](https://medium.com/loftbr/visual-regression-testing-eb74050f3366)!

Random number generator web app

There are various use cases for a random number generator. You could do a random dice roll or get a random quote. Most of the time, the implementation is relatively straightforward and similar to this project’s approach. In this project, we will create a dice roll simulation.

Link shortener website

In this project, you'll learn how to build a website that shortens URLs. Optimizing the length of your website's URLs is useful on space-sensitive forums, helps websites rank better in search results, and are also easier for users to type out.

Build a custom google maps theme

In this project, you’ll be creating and styling a Google Map with a theme and custom marker images. You’ll use Google Cloud Platform to create the map, and also use the Google Maps JavaScript API to load the map on a website. I’ve created a Super Mario themed map here but you are welcome to use any style you’d like!

Mortgage calculator web app

Taking out loans and calculating monthly EMI can be confusing and stressful. However, with the help of a mortgage calculator, anyone can easily plan their mortgages out. You will build a mortgage calculator in this project!

Appointment management system

An appointment management system is a software used by companies and service providers to streamline their service appointments. By using the system, potential customers can know and choose their preferred appointment times according to the companies and service providers' available time slots. This project does not include a B2C marketplace-like interface for customers to browse different service providers.

Joke telling bot web app

Whether it's smartphones, cars, or speakers, voice assistants are becoming more and more integral to our everyday lives. Not only so, voice assistants are gaining traction in companies to help streamline operations like Customer Service. In this project, you'll build a full-fledged Joke telling robot web app using Web Speech APIs, which can be applied to both web apps and mobile apps.

Road trip planner

As travelling restrictions are beginning to be lifted globally, maybe it’s finally time for you to plan that roadtrip! In this project, you’ll give users the opportunity to list out the destinations they want to visit, let users order them, and display the best route between destinations. There are many ways you can enhance this project and share it with friends and family. Depending on how much extra challenge you take on, this project should take around 20 hours.

Random color palette generator web app

In today's world, design is everything. Choosing the right color palette for a product or website will help evoke different emotions you'd like your audience to experience. You'll build a full-fledged random color palette generator web app using Colormind API, which can be used for both web apps and mobile apps.

Create a fast and secure blog using JAMStack

With performance being at the forefront of developers minds, you’ll be creating a site using JAMStack, which means your website will be super fast and will have better security, among other benefits. You’ll be using a Static Site Generator (SSG) to create a personal blog, including featured articles on the homepage, an articles page with pagination to older content, and individual blog posts, all without a database.

Speed typing game

Speed typing test websites are useful for people who want to learn to type faster, type without looking at their keyboards, practice typing specific sets of entries (think numeric tests, address test, emoji test?), or get used to a new keyboard. This project will take 20 to 40 hours, depending on your coding experience and how much searching you need to do.

Daily sleep tracker web app

Irregular sleeping patterns are a common problem. This web app will fulfill the user's needs in tracking their sleeping patterns, including duration and timings. You will create a web app to track three parameters: sleep time, wake up time, and sleep duration. Users can add, edit, or remove any sleep entries.

Medicine dose tracker web app

You’ll build a web app with a simple UI where a user can sign up for an account. Once logged in, the user is presented with a simple form to add medicine name, dosages, and frequency. After adding those details, the user can view, edit, or delete this information. The rough estimate for this project is 20 hours.

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What is web development and why should I learn it?

Web development involves building a website on the Internet. While developing a website often involves creating designs, information architecture, and content, web development only focuses on the programming side. Many products are web-based and some mobile apps are built with web technologies as well. As such, learning web development is crucial. There are three types of web developers: front end, backend, and fullstack. A front end web developer is responsible for the behavior and visuals on the user-facing browser, while a backend web developer deals with the servers. Some of the commonly used languages for front end web development includes JavaScript, HTML, and CSS and backend includes JavaScript, Java, Python, PHP, and Ruby. A fullstack web developer covers both front end and backend. There’s a lot of debate on front end vs back end. The debate mostly centers on the earning potential of web programmers. On average, a backend web programmer earns more than a frontend web programmer. While salary is a realistic factor to consider, your background and interest should also be considered. They will play important roles in kick starting and sustaining your web development career. As to the question “how long does it take to learn web development?”, to get the basics down, it only takes a couple of months! But to master web development is a life-long journey.

Why should I practice web development by building projects?

Project-based learning is a method of learning where you learn a skill through working on a project. This type of learning allows you to learn not only the theory, but also how to apply those skills. By building a web development project, you'll practice the high-level logic of your code and project, and see how each individual line can impact your application. You will also gain problem-solving skills and how to fix it. With so many web development projects available, finding an idea that interests you will make the learning process more fun and sustainable. When you finish building a project, you will have learned and practiced web development techniques, gained problem solving skills, learned how to ask questions, and have a finished project to show off.

How do I know which web development projects are best for learning web development?

The best way to learn web development is to practice web development by building as many projects as possible. There are three factors you should consider when picking the right web development project: your skill level, goals, and interest. You want to have a good idea of your skill level and choose web development practice projects that are not too easy or too hard for you. If you work on web development projects that are too easy, you won’t progress in your coding abilities. However, if you choose projects that are too difficult, you may get stuck, never finish the project, and feel discouraged. Therefore, you want to choose web development projects that are just a little bit above your current skill level. Now, you also want to build web development projects that not only allows you to practice web development, but also lets you show off your skills on your portfolio. So think about the types of web development projects you want to put on your portfolio and jobs you’re interested in as a developer. Think about what your long-term goals are and pick web development projects that align with them. Lastly, you definitely want to choose web development projects that you’re actually interested in and feel connected to. Learning by building web development projects you’re interested in will help you stay motivated. You’ll also be more likely to want to go above and beyond to make your web development project stand out in the crowd.

Can web development beginners learn by building web development projects?

web development projects are a great way for beginners to learn. Two major obstacles beginners face when learning web development are not knowing why you’re learning web development and losing motivation. By learning web development through building projects, you will be able to overcome both hurdles. When you’re learning web development, you may not know how to apply web development theories in the real world. But when working on beginner web development projects, you immediately learn how each line of code impacts your project. By giving theory context, you’ll understand how to apply theories and find more resources to complete your web development project. These web development projects for beginners can also help you build up your portfolio early on. Each web development project you finish can be incorporated into your portfolio to demonstrate your new skills. Another issue that often comes up for beginners is losing motivation. However, when it comes to projects, you can pick a beginner web development project that you’re interested in. Not only will you be more motivated when you work on something interesting, you’ll also want to continue to improve the project. As your web development project comes together, the sense of accomplishment will give you the momentum to keep going, even when things get hard. Additionally, you’ll learn how to approach problems from multiple angles and teach yourself how to search for answers. The ability to problem-solve is arguably one of the most important skills a developer should have.

  • A 2 Z Design Terms
  • Web Design Tutorial
  • Graphic Design
  • User Interface
  • User Experience
  • Design Principles
  • Color Theory
  • Color Schemes
  • Color Meaning
  • Wireframing
  • Prototyping
  • Responsive Design
  • Design Thinking
  • Visual Design
  • Mobile First Design

Web Design Projects : From Beginner to Advanced Levels

Working on different web design projects helps you gain valuable experience and build a strong portfolio, especially if you’re exploring web design for beginners or are a college student looking for practical website design projects for students. Creating a website involves combining design elements like layout, colors, and typography with technical skills such as coding and user experience optimization.

Whether you’re creating an online store, a business website, or a social networking site, each project will enhance your UI/UX design skills. This guide lists various web design project ideas, from e-commerce to tech company websites, to help you practice and improve.

Web Design

Web Design Projects

A well-designed website not only attracts visitors but also enhances user engagement and promotes brand identity. It serves as a platform to attract clients and opportunities, offering user-friendly websites and scalable web applications. For developers, mastering web design projects means becoming a better programmer, capable of delivering solutions that improve the customer experience and meet modern digital demands.

This article provides you with a list of web design projects, from planning and prototyping to development and deployment, essential for creating impactful websites in today’s competitive online environment.

What is Web Design?

Web design is the process of creating the look and feel of a website . It involves planning and building elements like layouts , colors , fonts , images , and content to make the website attractive and easy to use . Good web design ensures that a site is visually appealing, user-friendly, and provides a great experience for visitors . Whether you’re designing a simple blog or a complex e-commerce site, web design is all about making the online experience enjoyable and effective for users .

Why Web Design Projects Are Important

Working on real-world web design projects allows you to:

  • Build Your Portfolio: Showcase your skills with a variety of projects that highlight different aspects of design, such as UI/UX, responsive design, and branding.
  • Enhance Your Skills: Each project helps you master both the creative and technical aspects of web design, from coding to user experience.
  • Increase Client Opportunities: A strong portfolio with diverse projects can attract more clients, helping you grow your freelance business or career.

Whether you’re a beginner starting out or a seasoned professional looking to hone your skills, these projects offer something for everyone.

Web Design Projects by Skill Level

When exploring web design for beginners, it’s essential to start with projects that match your skill level. For college students and those seeking website design projects for students, beginner projects help build a strong foundation. As you gain experience, more advanced web design project ideas will challenge your technical skills and creativity.

Web design projects involve understanding client needs, planning the website’s structure, and using coding languages like HTML , CSS , and JavaScript to bring designs to life. Testing ensures the site works smoothly across all devices before going live. Good web design projects focus on making websites attractive, easy to navigate, and reliable.

In this section, we’ve grouped web design project ideas by skill level, so whether you’re a beginner or looking for more complex challenges, you’ll find something that fits your needs.

Beginner Web Design Projects

If you’re new to web design, starting with simple web design projects for beginners is the best way to build your skills. These projects are perfect for those just getting started, including college students and anyone searching for website design projects for students. By working on these beginner-friendly web design project ideas, you can develop a solid foundation in both design and coding while gaining confidence to take on more complex challenges.

Project Name Description Link
Creating a welcoming web design for a hotel, including online booking and customer reviews.
Showcasing services, client testimonials, and easy contact options for a personal service site.
Designing an informative website for a college with sections for admissions and student resources.
Designing an inviting website for a restaurant with menus and online reservations.
Designing a user-friendly travel ticket booking site with search and booking options.
Creating an engaging design for an EdTech company with courses and student testimonials.

Intermediate Web Design Projects

If you’re ready to move beyond the basics, these web design projects for intermediate designers are perfect for you. Whether you’re a college student or someone with some experience, these website design project ideas will help you improve your skills with more complex layouts , responsive design , and advanced coding . These projects are a great next step if you’ve mastered web design for beginners and want to take on more challenging work.

Project Name Description Link
Designing a user-friendly e-commerce website with clear navigation and secure payment options.
Designing a professional website for a corporate company, highlighting services and team members.
Designing a user-friendly food delivery site with restaurant listings and order tracking.
Creating a dynamic design for a show booking site with event listings and seat selection.
Designing a stylish site for a fashion brand with product listings and shopping options.
Creating a sleek design for a car company with models, specifications, and dealer locations.
Designing a professional site for a telecom company with plans, services, and customer reviews.

Advance Web Design Projects

If you’re experienced in web design, working on more challenging web design projects is a great way to improve your skills. These advanced web design project ideas are ideal for skilled designers, college students, or anyone who wants to take their abilities to the next level. These projects involve building interactive websites and creating responsive, scalable designs that require a mix of creativity and technical knowledge.

Project Name Description Link
Designing a secure and efficient banking website with online banking and customer support.
Creating a modern design for a fintech site with financial products and investment options.
Creating a cutting-edge design showcasing products, services, and innovations for a tech company.
Designing an interactive social networking site with user profiles and messaging features.
Creating an engaging UI for a music streaming app with playlists and user profiles.
Creating a sleek UI for a video streaming site with search and recommendations features.
Designing a user-friendly healthcare site with services, appointments, and doctor profiles.
Creating an engaging design for a gaming company with game highlights and community features.
Creating a sleek design for a car company with models, specifications, and dealer locations.
Designing a professional site for a telecom company with plans, services, and customer reviews.
Creating an engaging UI for an OTT platform with search and video playback features.
Designing a beautiful site for a cosmetics brand with product listings and tutorials.

In conclusion, web design projects are essential for creating functional and attractive websites that meet modern digital demands. These projects blend design creativity with technical skills like coding to produce websites that are both visually appealing and user-friendly. Whether you’re exploring web design for beginners, are a college student, or searching for website design projects for students, working on diverse web design project ideas helps build a strong foundation and advance your skills. Effective web design not only enhances user engagement but also promotes brand identity and attracts clients and opportunities.

By focusing on improving the customer experience and ensuring web applications are scalable and responsive, designers can deliver impactful solutions. Whether you’re starting as a beginner or honing skills as a seasoned developer, understanding the fundamentals of web design projects is crucial for success in today’s online landscape.

Web Design Projects – FAQs

How to start a web design project.

Web Design Project Step-wise Process: 1. Planning 2. Create Design Brief 3. Define User Needs 4. Create Moodboard 5. Create Sitemap and User flow 6. Create the Project

What is a Web Design Example?

Home Page or any page of a website is the example of its Web Design like GeeksforGeeks website.

What is a Web Design Project?

A web design project involves creating and developing the look and layout of a website, including images, colors, fonts, and structure.

Is Web Design Profitable?

Yes, Web Design is profitable as freelancing and fulltime job.

Does Web Design Require Coding?

A good Idea of HTML and CSS is important for Web Design to understand website structuring and styling respectively.

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These days, most people have an intuitive grasp of what a well-designed website looks and feels like. The pages load quickly, it adapts to different screen sizes and devices, and there’s a consistent aesthetic.

However, actually putting a finger on the aspects that make one website more enjoyable to use than another can be difficult. The untrained eye may not notice the more subtle elements, like microinteractions, whitespace, and suggestions of relevant content.

The average time a visitor spends on a web page is just 47 seconds , and poor website design can cause that time to reduce even further. Many businesses, therefore, rely on an intuitive and aesthetically pleasing website, making the skills behind creating one in-demand. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , the market for web developers and digital designers will have increased by 16% from 2022 to 2032 — much faster than average.

The best website designers understand the fundamentals of design and UX and have the necessary technical skills to build a website that implements them, such as basic HTML and CSS.

It is important to distinguish web design from web development ; while web design covers the visual layout, user interface, and overall aesthetics, web development focuses on the technical coding and functionality that bring the design to life. If the latter is what you are looking for, TechRepublic has identified the five best web development courses for 2024 .

Given its impact on user experience and brand perception, learning the foundations of web design is a valuable skill for anyone looking to create effective digital products. TechRepublic takes a look at the top six web design courses available in 2024 for learners with different experiences and goals.

  • Best for total beginners: Web Design for Everybody: Basics of Web Development & Coding Specialization – Coursera
  • Best for building your first website: Build Your First Website – Pluralsight
  • Best for fundamentals of interface design: Shift Nudge
  • Best for Figma: Web Design – Udacity
  • Best for coding for web design: Build Responsive Real-World Websites with HTML and CSS – Udemy
  • Best for UX design: Google UX Design Professional Certificate – Coursera

SEE: The 7 Best Data Science Courses That Are Worth Taking in 2024

Best web design courses: Comparison table

CourseCostDurationSkill level
$39/£30 a month after a 7-day free trial80 hoursBeginner
$45/£36 per month after a 10-day trial2.5 hoursBeginner
$399/£308 a month for 6 months, or $1,997/£1,542 upfront30+ hoursIntermediate
$249/£194 per month1 weekBeginner
$174.99/£79.9937.5 hoursBeginner
$39/£30 a month after a 7-day free trial240 hours (approximately 6 months)Beginner

Web Design for Everybody: Basics of Web Development & Coding Specialization - Coursera

Coursera web design for everybody.

Beginners know they’re in safe hands with a Coursera specialization, and this course, taught by University of Michigan academics, is no different. It starts with the basics of how web pages are created using both HTML and CSS, before adding interactivity with JavaScript. There is also a module on responsive design, an approach that ensures websites adapt and display correctly on various devices and screen sizes.

By the end of the 80 hours, learners have a solid understanding of the fundamentals of web design and the skills to create a functional, basic website. They are set up to go and develop more advanced skills independently.

$39/£30 a month after a seven-day free trial.


Skills taught.

JavaScript, HTML5, Cascading Style Sheets, Responsive Web Design.

Pros and cons

Beginner-friendly, but also comprehensive.Limited interaction and feedback.
Taught and prepared by a renowned university.Lack of advanced content.

Build Your First Website - Pluralsight

Pluralsight build your first website.

Build Your First Website is ideal for learners who aren’t so interested in spending hours learning the theory of web design but just want to create a website from scratch. At only 2.5 hours, it does not require a large time commitment but still covers all one needs to know to build a functional site. It is taught by an expert Microsoft developer, Doug Turnure. Turnure walks learners through installing and running WebMatrix, creating menus, setting up and adding content to pages, and “livening up” the site with Script.

$45/£36 per month after a 10-day trial.

HTML, Cascading Style Sheets, JavaScript.

Low time commitment.Content hasn’t been updated since 2019.

Shift Nudge

Shift Nudge course.

Shift Nudge focuses on teaching advanced interface design skills that enable designers to create both visually appealing and accessible websites. The curriculum includes detailed lessons on typography, colour theory, layout design, and iconography. Matt D. Smith, the course creator, is a seasoned interface designer and delivers lessons through videos, practical assignments, and interactive components over the platform Notion. The course is not intended for complete beginners or advanced designers, but rather for those at the early stages of their design career looking to deepen their understanding of UI principles. While the course is self-paced, individuals can only enrol at certain times of the year. But they can sign up to be notified by email when the next enrollment period opens.

SEE: Become your own UI/UX designer with 75 hours of professional training

$399/£308 a month for six months, or $1,997/£1,542 upfront. This is for the Pro plan, which gives access to all Shift Nudge content, but the Core plan with limited access is cheaper.

The course is aimed at junior designers.

Colour theory, typography, Figma, iconography, layout design.

Content is up-to-date and of high quality.Very expensive.
Opportunities for tailored feedback through live calls with the instructor.Not suitable for advanced designers.

Web Design - Udacity

Udacity web design course.

If you are looking to get a basic handle on the interface design application Figma, then this week-long course from Udacity could be for you. Taught by Joshua Wilder Oakley, a professor at California State University San Francisco, it covers web design and UX/UI basics initially before introducing wireframes and images. Rather than just being a “how-to” course, the content is delivered through the lens of “design thinking” and uses creative tools like moodboards, making it unique. The only listed prerequisite is “ digital arts fluency ,” meaning a basic knowledge of design principles, but it is still largely suitable for beginners.

$249/£194 per month.

Digital arts fluency.

Figma, layout design, wireframes.

Specific to Figma.Expensive if you’re only using Udacity membership for this course.
Teaches “design thinking.”Not a lot of detail covered.

Build Responsive Real-World Websites with HTML and CSS - Udemy

Udemy online web design course.

Coding is not essential for web design. However, when customisation becomes necessary for your site to look and function as you desire, it comes in handy. This Udemy course starts by introducing beginners to HTML and CSS, the most commonly used languages in web design, in two-hour and five-hour modules, respectively. The two languages are then used together to master site layout, design, components, and web apps. The course ends with a step-by-step project creating a website for the fictional brand Omnifoods, but it is delivered in a way that the steps can be applied to the learner’s own site.

While touching on the principles of web design, Build Responsive Real-World Websites focuses largely on coding and goes into more depth than other courses featured on this list.

SEE: TIOBE Index for August 2024: Top 10 Most Popular Programming Languages


37.5 hours.

HTML5, CSS3, flexbox, CSS Grid.

Focuses on coding rather than design principles.Some reviewers say explanations of simple concepts can be too long.
Suitable for complete beginners and existing designers who want to master HTML and CSS.Does not cover JavaScript in much detail.

Google UX Design Professional Certificate - Coursera

Google UX Certificate Coursera.

The Google UX Design Professional Certificate is awarded to Coursera learners who complete seven different courses exploring designing for user experience. These courses do not focus so heavily on aesthetic design principles or coding as much as the other featured courses but look into the process of designing a website with UX in mind. The certificate programme covers how to conduct user research, create user personas, develop empathy maps, perform usability testing, and iterate on designs. In terms of practical skills, it touches on tools like Figma and Adobe XD, as well as creating wireframes, prototypes, and mockups.

In addition to videos, readings, and exercises, the certification involves completing three projects that might be useful when interviewing for UX design roles.

240 hours (approximately six months).

Figma, UX, wireframes, UI.

Lots of course content.Limited instructor interaction.
Covers interview preparation and building a portfolio.Some reviewers say the content can be simplistic and repetitive.

Do I need coding for web design?

While you don’t strictly need coding skills for web design thanks to user-friendly tools like WordPress and drag-and-drop builders, having a foundational understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can significantly enhance your design capabilities.

Coding allows for greater customisation and responsiveness in your designs, ensuring the website doesn’t just look good but also functions well across different devices and browsers. Additionally, knowing how to code gives you more control over the final details of the design, like typography adjustments and custom animations, that can make the site unique. Ultimately, while coding is not essential, especially for complete beginners, it can make advanced customisations significantly easier.

Is a web design certificate worth it?

Web design certifications and courses can certainly be worth it. They often provide a comprehensive curriculum that covers the main topics, like UI/UX design, HTML, CSS, and Figma, which can save you time compared to self-teaching. Of course, the value of these courses also depends on your learning style; some people thrive in a virtual classroom, while others may prefer the flexibility and relative cost-effectiveness of online resources. Either way, the motivation to complete your own hands-on projects is crucial, as real-world experience is what solidifies theoretical skills.

Certification from a reputable web design course, like the Google UX Design Professional Certificate, can also be a valuable asset, especially when entering the job market or looking to attract clients. While the certification itself won’t guarantee success — the portfolio is often prioritised — it does provide a formal acknowledgment of your skills, which can help build credibility and confidence.

SEE: The 6 Best Microsoft Excel Courses Worth Taking in 2024

Will AI replace web designers?

AI tools are increasingly capable of automating repetitive tasks, generating code, and even providing design suggestions based on patterns learned from vast datasets. According to HubSpot , 93% of web designers are using them, likely because it allows them to work more efficiently and focus on higher-level creative decisions.

However, AI still lacks the deep understanding, emotional intelligence, and creativity that human designers bring to the table. It can produce average designs but struggles to create truly innovative or emotionally resonant work. AI also cannot understand the subtleties of aesthetic judgement or user needs that are so fundamental for web design. Therefore, the technology will likely reshape the field by working alongside designers rather than replacing them entirely.


When assessing online courses, we examined the reliability and popularity of the provider, the depth and variety of topics offered, the practicality of the information, the cost, and the duration. The courses and certification programs vary considerably, so be sure to choose the option that is right for your goals and learning style.

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  • Web Development
  • Saint Petersburg

There are 12 Companies in Saint Petersburg that provide Web Development Services!

Discover Top IT Companies in Saint Petersburg specialized in Web Development including ecommerce development, web app development, testing, consulting and more.

Web development is about creating, building, and maintaining websites or web applications using programming languages and web development frameworks. The main reason why web development services are popular is the need for businesses to establish their presence on the web. 

Handpicked companies  •  No obligation to hire  •  100% risk-free

Featured Companies in Saint Petersburg

This month, the following Web Development companies managed to provide an outstanding service and support. It's worth taking a look.

Saint Petersburg ,  United States Head office in: United States

Oyova Software, LLC is a leading application development and marketing company, responsible for transforming clients’ business and operations. Our han...


Be the “top of mind choice” in your business sector. Reap the benefits of web design done right.  Benefit from our total dedication to your customer n...

Top Software at CLLAX | IT Management Software & Tools Verified Company

Saint Petersburg ,  United States

Cllax - Advice, resources and tools for starting a small business. Information on getting finance, business planning, hiring, IT and much more.

Explore Top Web Development Companies in Saint Petersburg

DianApps Verified Company

Transforming the Digital Landscape

HeyInnovations Verified Company

Helping companies become market leaders.

Reinhardt Designs Verified Company

Boutique WordPress Website Design & Development firm based in SF Bay & Tampa Bay. Websites, SEO, Social Media, Hosting, etc.

Bovsi Studios

Bovsi Studios is a Software Development, Marketing, and Advertising firm located in St. Petersburg, FL. At Bovsi Studios, we have facilitated many pro...

Cemdocs Infosoft Inc

Cemdocs was established with an aim to improve an organizational working process by recruiting highly efficient and capable staff. We believe that tal...

Horizon Marketing Group

Horizon Marketing Group is a full service marketing communications agency. We don't stop until you have exactly what you need. Our services and expert...

Thompson Marketing Partners

Thompson Marketing Partners keeps a small, manageable client list, which allows us to remain nimble and responsive to our clients’ needs.  When our cl...

Digitally Agency

We are a creative agency based in St. Petersburg, Florida.  Wondering about how to grow your business in the digital world? We can help you find your...

Design Divides Verified Company

Ignite your brand's creative journey with Design Divides. Explore limitless possibilities together.

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TechBehemoths is the world's most advanced and user-friendly platform to match IT Companies with real clients without hustle.

What is Web Development and what are its benefits for your projects?

Web development is about creating, building, and maintaining websites or web applications using programming languages and web development frameworks. The main reason why web development services are popular is the need for businesses to establish their presence on the web. 

Building a website or a web application involves creating the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX), including the layout, colors, fonts, and images. It also consists in optimizing these elements for mobile and desktop, making the interface accessible to users, and facilitate the interaction between the user and the application. On the back-end, it involves scripting, server configuration, and database management. At the same time, it includes testing, maintenance, and ensuring overall functionality.

According to recent studies, over 4.7 billion people worldwide have access to the Internet. So, it’s obvious that having a well-designed and developed website is essential for any business that wants to succeed online.

On top of that, the number of mobile internet users is constantly growing, with approximately 92% of internet users accessing the web through their smartphones which proves the importance of responsive and optimized websites on mobile devices.

In a nutshell, a web developer, which is providing development services is responsible for:

  • Establish a company's online presence via a web application
  • Improve and optimize the performance of the website or web app
  • Update and maintain the well-functioning of the website or web apps

In addition, depending on the terms of a contract between a company and a web developer, the second can assist with: 

  • Backup the data of the website
  • Operate changes to the UI
  • Migrate the website to another domain or platform

Usually, a web developer should have both soft and hard skills. The soft skills are related to communication and reporting, while the hard skills help in the development process.  

If you choose to work with a web development company, make sure to keep in mind the following criteria in the selection process:

  • The company should have experience in developing websites or web applications that are similar to yours.
  • A solid portfolio that proves examples of their work.
  • Communication abilities enough to pass through cultural, linguistic, and time-zone barriers.
  • Transparency and proven track record

Carefully evaluating these factors, you can choose a Web Development company that best aligns with your needs. There are more than 18699 companies on the TechBehemoths platform that offer a wide variety of web development services.

 Explore their detailed profiles, and client reviews, and feel free to get in touch with them. We’ve created also a powerful filter that you can use to narrow down the results based on your requirements and shortlist the companies. 

Alternatively, you can submit your project and our team will select and send you the best matching companies in about 1 hour. It’s free and there is no obligation to hire.

We also invite you to read an insightful survey conducted by TechBehemoths in order to identify How IT Companies Use Web Development Technologies - 2022 survey.


How to Build a Powerful Web Development Portfolio as a Student

How to Build a Powerful Web Development Portfolio as a Student

When studying for a web development degree, your priority will always be learning how to develop your skills and run web development projects. However, this is insufficient in today’s fast-paced, technologically advanced, competitive business environment. To differentiate yourself from other web developers, you should demonstrate to prospective employers and clients that you possess the requisite skill sets by building an impressive web development portfolio. Think of it this way: when you want to pay for essay services online, you would evaluate different writers’ profiles to select one that will meet your writing needs. Similarly, a client will review your portfolio with web development before working with you on a project.

Your portfolio is a powerful tool for convincing prospective employers and clients about the services you can offer, your capabilities, and the projects you can handle. Therefore, before starting your portfolio, you should consider the following: how you need to present yourself, what services you would like to provide, what projects adequately represent your capabilities, and what makes you a unique web developer. So, let’s look at some tips you can use to build a powerful web development portfolio as a student.

How to Build a Powerful Web Development Portfolio as a Student

Explore and Borrow Ideas From Portfolios of Other Developers

Perhaps you are still under the impression that your resume contains sufficient details to persuade prospective employers, so you are unfamiliar with creating a web development portfolio. It means you may not have better ideas for building a powerful portfolio. In this regard, you must gather inspiration and ideas from other developer portfolios.

Gathering ideas and information from other people’s portfolios is key to creating a unique portfolio that effectively showcases your capabilities and skills. Furthermore, it helps you build a portfolio that is different from others and can help you stand out. So, take your time to explore the portfolios of other developers to get an idea of the best layouts and expertise you should incorporate into your portfolio.

Showcase Your Projects for a Variety of Clients

When you want to buy essay online, you would prefer purchasing from a site that offers every essay writing solution under one roof; whether it is topic selection, researching and writing, editing, and formatting, you’ll be better off when you choose a writing site that does everything at one place. Similarly, web development clients prefer dealing with a one-stop shop for their needs. Thus, when developing your portfolio, don’t only focus on the niche you love or are more skilled in. Instead, showcase your projects or work for different clients or employers. It will help you reach out to clients from different industries. Use the opportunity to show your prospective clients you are skillful, resourceful, and talented.

Include a succinct description of your projects as well. It will help your portfolio stand out because it will be clear to readers what you have completed, your successes, and even the challenges you conquered. Tell the readers how you worked on the projects to achieve the final results. Adding such details helps employers or clients understand the details of your projects.

Have an “About Page” and Brief Details on Your Various Web Development Skills

Your web development portfolio should be an alternative to your resume. It should have details about you and your skillsets. After revealing the services you need to get hired for, let your readers know the specific skills you possess that are relevant to your work. Sharing your web development skills helps you reach out to clients and employers who might need your services to develop various websites. For you to stand out among other web developers, give examples of abilities that demonstrate your skills to show the readers how you are detailed and specific in describing your expertise.

Also, to make it easy for readers to identify you, create an “About Page” that reveals what you do and who you are. Let your prospective clients know you are an expert with the necessary skills in web development. “About Page” compliments your portfolio by giving your clients background information about why they need to hire you. You can go as far as showcasing a headshot of yourself to help people know the person they are engaging.

Have a Contact Information

After showing your readers and potential clients what you can do, make it easy for them to contact you by sharing your contact information. Most clients will likely contact you instantly if they can retrieve your contact from your website. The best way to share contact information is to have a link that directs prospective clients and employers to your phone number or email address. Alternatively, create a contact page with the information clients can use to reach you.

Make the Portfolio User-Friendly

How to Build a Powerful Web Development Portfolio as a Student

Creating a portfolio primarily showcases your abilities, knowledge, character, drive, and completed projects to prospective employers and clients. It means that the writing, wording, and designs you use on your portfolio website should be visible and appealing to draw readers’ attention. Also, readers are likely to visit your portfolio website if it is easy to use; make it easy for them to access and navigate it. Ensure that the info shared is easy to understand, the layout is easy to follow, and the writings are visible.

Closing Remarks

When it comes to web development, a portfolio is one of the most effective ways of telling clients or employers about the services they can expect from you, your skills, and the work you can deliver. However, for the portfolio to be of much help, you should ensure it is rich. Therefore, before creating a portfolio, you should consider how to present yourself, the type of services you would like to provide, which projects best portray your potential, and what distinguishes you from other developers.

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Web Design St Petersburg

We are a full-service design, development, and marketing company based out of St. Petersburg, Florida.

web design and development assignments

We build online experiences that get people talking

We build websites and organic marketing campaigns that scale your brand reach online helping you to dominate your industry in your area.

two web designs made by us

We focus on what drives business growth

Everything we do is with the question in mind: How does this drive results? We pride ourselves on producing work that actually moves the needle.

Ready to start a project?

Send your info and we’ll send you back a design sample, along with our estimate and timeline to complete the project.


Wordpress development.

We build custom WordPress websites with a custom design process.

We create high-converting eCommerce sites with a custom design.

Support + Hosting

We keep your website running and solve web related problems.

SEO + Link Building

We help your website rank on the first page of Google.

We design the look and feel of your brand and all of its assets.

Content Writing

We create highly engaging content for your brand.

Facebook Ads

We manage your social advertising like Facebook and Instagram ads.

Pay Per Click

We increase your lead intake with optimal PPC advertising.

Social Media Content

We automate your social content with engaging branded content.

Why Choose St Pete Web Design

Choosing a web design company is a big decision, and it’s important to choose a partner you can trust. At St Pete Web Design, we set ourselves apart through our commitment to excellence, our customer-focused approach, and our comprehensive range of services.

Our team of expert designers and developers are passionate about what they do, and it shows in the quality of our work. We stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in web design, ensuring that your website is modern, engaging, and effective.

But we don’t just build websites—we build relationships. We believe in open communication and collaboration, and we work closely with our clients every step of the way to ensure their vision is brought to life. Your success is our success, and we’re committed to helping you achieve your business goals.

Why is professional Web Design St Petersburg important for my business?

Professional web design is crucial for any business in St Petersburg because it helps establish your online presence, attract more customers, and ultimately drive business growth. A well-designed website enhances user experience, builds trust with your audience, and improves your visibility in search engine results. Its the only way to keep up with the growth in St Pete!

What sets us apart from other Web Design St Petersburg companies?

Our focus to results and customer satisfaction is unprecedented. We don’t just create visually appealing websites; we build platforms that drive business growth. Our team focuses on understanding your business goals and tailoring a web design strategy that aligns with these objectives.

How do you stay updated with the latest web design trends and tecnhologies?

We believe in continuous learning and improvement. Our team regularly attends industry conferences, participates in webinars, and engages in professional development to stay up to date with the latest trends and technologies in web design. We also closely monitor the digital landscape in St Petersburg to ensure our designs are not only modern and innovative but also relevant to the local markets’ artistic yet professional style.

What kind of ongoing support is offered after a web design?

We believe in building long-term relationships with our clients. Our web design services in St Petersburg include ongoing support and maintenance that help us become your full time web team. This means we’re always available to answer any questions, make updates, fix issues, and ensure your website remains up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies. We also offer services like SEO and content marketing to help your website continue to drive business growth.

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    List of Web Design Projects Web design projects involve creating websites that look good, work well, and are easy for people to use. These projects start by understanding what clients need or what the project aims to achieve. Then, designers plan out how the website will look and function, often using sketches or digital prototypes. They use coding languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to ...

  20. Web Development

    Our web development courses teach you how to plan, design and create innovative websites that meet user and client needs. Our Web Development Certificate gives you a foundation in web and social media technologies and applies to our Web Development associate degree. Our Web Development A.S. Degree trains you in systems analysis, SQL databases ...

  21. The 6 Best Web Design Courses in 2024

    Best for total beginners: Web Design for Everybody: Basics of Web Development & Coding Specialization - Coursera Best for building your first website: Build Your First Website - Pluralsight

  22. Top 20+ Web Development Companies in Saint Petersburg (2024

    Saint Petersburg , United States. Bovsi Studios is a Software Development, Marketing, and Advertising firm located in St. Petersburg, FL. At Bovsi Studios, we have facilitated many pro... Team size 10-49. Hourly Rate $$$$$. Services: Web Development Mobile App Development Web Design + See more.

  23. Best Web Design Courses Online with Certificates [2024]

    Learn from top instructors with graded assignments, videos, and discussion forums. Projects (74) Learn a new tool or skill in an interactive, hands-on environment. ... Human Computer Interaction, Planning, Product Design, Product Development, Visual Design, Web Design, Web Development Tools. Make progress toward a degree. 4.8. 4.8 stars (82K ...

  24. Unit 10 Web Design and Development Assignment

    Areport document including some sections - Section 1: A review of appreciate web design principles, standards and guidelines. - Section 2: Design document for online shopping website. - Section 3: Implementation of website design. - Section 4: Test plan and test evaluation. 2.

  25. Hire the best Web Designers in St. Petersburg, FL

    United States ». St. Petersburg, FL, FL. $95/hr. Emer K. Web Designer. 5.0/5. (25 jobs) I build simple, high-converting websites, write great content for web and social media, and create captivating graphics for entrepreneurs and businesses just like you. I have been working professionally in the design & marketing industry for over a decade ...

  26. How to Build a Powerful Web Development Portfolio as a Student

    Showcase Your Projects for a Variety of Clients. When you want to buy essay online, you would prefer purchasing from a site that offers every essay writing solution under one roof; whether it is topic selection, researching and writing, editing, and formatting, you'll be better off when you choose a writing site that does everything at one place. . Similarly, web development clients prefer ...

  27. Web Design St Petersburg

    We Build Websites & Organic Marketing that Drives New Customers. We are a full-service design, development, and marketing company based out of St. Petersburg, Florida. Get a Project Estimate. (727) 201-3086.