Best man double act making wedding speech with props

Joint Best Man Speech

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(*Of course, if you’re looking for more than ‘advice’, check out all the different ways the Speechy team can help you write & deliver a great speech. Or check out our new AI-powered team member, SpeechyAI .)

best man speeches writing


A great joint speech needs planning. The good news is the planning is best done over a few beers.

Yes, this is the part where you two best men get together and reminisce, or as we like to think of it, gather the evidence.

HUNT THE STORIES – Get together all your favourite groom stories, mainly the embarrassing ones but also ones that prove a point (e.g. he’s intimidated by anything adventurous or terrified of spending money).

See if you can spot a theme amongst the stories – for example, is it that he easily gets into trouble or could it be that he keeps missing amazing opportunities? A theme will help bring your speech together when you write it.

GET INSIGHTFUL – As Homer Simpson wisely said ‘ It’s funny ’cause it’s true ‘.

Yes, it’s time for you to hunt down the truth – which basically means spotting the groom’s fundamental flaws and identifying his weird quirks. Dissect both the groom’s physical appearance and his personality. While you’re there, compose a critique of his style, habits, abilities, and intellect.

Try to be as specific as you can. Saying he looks ‘a bit weird’ will not get as big a laugh as you pinpointing his odd ‘T-Rex sized arms’. Or saying he’s ‘overly polite’ will not be as funny as saying he ‘eats a burger with a knife and fork’ .

Find the things that people will recognise as ‘him’ but never thought to articulate. And if that sounds like hard work, well, at least there are two of you to share the burden of responsibility.

FIND SOME GOOD STUFF TOO – Surprisingly easy to forget but lurking in your speech somewhere, there has to be a genuine, warm-hearted tribute to your mate.

Don’t rely on adjectives. Prove , don’t tell – so find the anecdotes that show the groom’s attributes in action.

BRING IT TOGETHER – Here, you need to filter out the stories and find the comedy gold. Remember one excellent anecdote or line is much better than three average ones. Be ruthless. If a story takes too long to explain or feels like a deviation from the main thrust of the speech, it’s probably not worth it.

Of course, a great speech isn’t just a collection of funny anecdotes, a great speech has a narrative arc, so make sure you consider this as you select your content.

Between you, decide how you’ll theme and structure your material. Will it be ‘The Bride’s Guide To How The Groom Works’ or could it be ‘A Groom’s Guide To Being Husband Material’ ? Once you decide how to theme your speech, the writing of it gets so much easier…

Read our Best Man Advice to get a better idea of how to find your theme. A great joint speech needs planning. This is not something you can just wing on the day.

The good news is the planning is best done over a few beers. Yes, this is the part where you two best men get together and reminisce, or as we like to think of it, gather the evidence.

wedding speeches best man speech writer


A joint speech is always going to have its own unique flourishes, but you still need to know the best man basics.

DURATION – A standard best man speech should be 1.300 and delivered in about 8-10 minutes. As a double act you have a bit more leniency but still no more than 1.500 words, please. No one ever listened to a speech and thought ‘if only it were longer’ .

ETIQUETTE – Unlike other wedding speeches, you don’t need to thank people for being there or welcome everyone to the wedding. Others have done ‘the boring bits’.

The bulk of the speech will just be stories about the groom and why he and his bride/groom make such a perfect couple.

And, yes, one thing you have to include in your speech is saying how gorgeous the bride looks.

Best Man Speech


THE WRITING PROCESS – You could sit together and try to write it, throwing jokes back and forth like a Simpsons writer’s room, but co-writing is hard !!!

At Speechy, we always get at least two writers to look at our client’s speeches but we have a lead writer and then another editing and trying to improve on their first draft.

This allows one of you to get the structure and basic content together without you both having to argue over wording as you go (which, trust us, is painful and could put an end to any happy banter!).

Once best man#1 has got the first draft together, get best man #2 to add their thoughts, before you get back together again and try to ‘punch it up’.

JOINT SPEECH STRUCTURE – Writing a joint speech is akin to writing a script. You need to allocate specific lines to each of you, alternating delivery between you both (e.g. a paragraph or two each at a time).

Start thinking about how you can banter off each other and really turn your speech into a double act. All of the little ‘ad hoc ad libs’ you see in traditional comedy double acts seem as though they’re not scripted – but guess what – they are!

So script your funny throws to each other, your incredulous responses, and your ‘spontaneous’ one-liners. This is what brings your speech to life and makes the most of you being a double act.

PROPS – A joint speech is one of the few speech occasions where we drop our ‘no props’ rule. This is because a joint best man speech is already pitched as being somewhat shambolic in its delivery (there’s a charm to this if you get it right!)

Don’t feel compelled to needlessly hunt down a prop (or present a Powerpoint presentation of the groom’s hairstyles through the different eras!) but if you want to utilise that perfect accessory, make sure one of you is put in charge of organising them. Decide who will be ‘the glamourous assistant’ on the day.

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Allocate a couple of sessions so you can rehearse together. As there may be less for you to remember than a typical speech (presumably you’ll have half each), you may decide to go ‘off book’. This is totally up to you, but if you do, make sure you have prompt cards with you on the big day – just in case.

Ironically, it’s essential you rehearse the ‘ad libs’. Sure, there will be more on the day, but a shake of the head, or a well-timed eye-roll can add just as much laughter as a comedy line. Remember, you’re both on show throughout the speech. Even if you’re not speaking, you should be performing.

best man double act


Two rules…

AVOID ALCOHOL BEFORE YOU DELIVER – You might think you get funnier but you don’t. That’s a FACT.

Between us, we’ve seen several best men escorted away from the mic and it’s cringy not comedy – so definitely no more than two units before delivery.

LAUGH – People respond best to people having fun.

Smiling and laughter are scientifically proven to be infectious – so go for it. Laugh at your partner’s jokes. Laugh if you fluff a line. Laugh at the groom’s face.

Basically, laugh and have fun up there and you should be fine!

The Speechwriting Experts

The Speechy team  are TV-trained scriptwriters/comedians by trade & we’ve helped 1,000s of speakers around the world deliver their dream speech.

Our advice has been quoted everywhere from  The New York Times  to  Grazia  and from Forbes to The Observer . Our founder has also featured on the  BBC Sounds’ Best Men podcast with Jason Manford and written ‘ The Modern Couple’s Guide to Wedding Speeches’ , published by Little, Brown.

Heidi and the Speechy Team

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Home > Wedding Tips and Advice > Wedding Speeches > Writing a Joint Best Man Speech

Writing a Joint Best Man Speech

Wedding Speeches

Having two best men doesn’t necessarily make the best man speech any easier. There are two opinions, two personalities (or egos!), and far more expectation from the groom and guests for a witty and memorable speech.

Here are some tips for making your joint best man speech one to remember for all the right reasons.

Joint best man speech at wedding

Don’t Write It As a Comic Script Delivered by a Double Act

Unless you are a professional script writer or stand-up comic this will be extremely difficult to write and even harder to deliver. Written and delivered badly it could easily appear awkward and contrived.

Keep It Concise

Just because there’s two of you speaking, it doesn’t mean the guests want to hear you speak for double the amount of time. I suggest a five minute cap for each of you.

Write Your Speech for All the Guests, Not Just the Boys on the Stag Do

This is a common trap and easier to fall fowl of when there’s two best men writing the speech. Whilst you may be in stitches recounting the story of you shaving the groom’s pubic hair off after he passed out in a Greek hotel room, the rest of the guests are unlikely to find it funny and you won’t get the laughs you’re hoping for.

Don’t Include Too Much Content

With a joint best man speech there’s a temptation to include all the best stories from both parties. However, a speech heavy in content can end up light in synergy and seem disjointed and irrelevant.

Try to Incorporate a Theme to Hold Your Speech Together

With two of you speaking, and therefore the use of different tones and styles, there is more need than ever to link stories and anecdotes together naturally. In fact, a theme can sometimes work better with two speakers. For example, if the groom has a split ‘Superman versus Clark Kent’ personality, one of you can talk about him being Superman and the other Clark Kent.

Split Up the Formalities Between the Two of You

For example, one of you can do the early ‘thank yous’ and the other can deliver the toasts at the end. For details on what these formalities are, read my advice on wedding speech etiquette .

Communicate and Collaborate with Each Other Regularly

This will ensure there is no embarrassing overlap. Your biggest risk is covering ground that the other best man will repeat later on in his section.

Try to Avoid Too Much Chronology

It is easy for two best men to split up the life story of the groom into sections that each can relate to. For example, the brother of the groom talks about the early years and the best mate talks about university and professional life. However, this can lead to a formulaic and unoriginal speech. It’s better to weave stories around a joint theme if you can.

Guest post by Lawrence Bernstein of Great Speech Writing

Image from Lee Maxwell Photography

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Joint Best Man Speech

Joint Best Man Speech

Joint best man speeches are an opportunity to express the unique bond between two individuals, highlighting their close relationship, shared memories, and well wishes for the future. This article provides a concise guide on crafting a memorable joint best man speech that engages the audience and showcases the camaraderie between the two best men.

Whether it’s through funny anecdotes or heartfelt sentiments, a joint best man speech should be a reflection of the friendship and support between the two speakers, while also acknowledging the significance of the special day. By following a few key tips, the joint best men can deliver a speech that leaves a lasting impression on the newlyweds and guests alike.

Joint Best Man Speech


Table of Contents

2. Preparing For The Joint Best Man Speech

Preparing for a joint best man speech can be a fun and memorable experience. It’s an opportunity to collaborate with your fellow best man, share ideas, and create a speech that will entertain and touch the hearts of the wedding guests. In this section, we’ll explore the key steps of preparing for a joint best man speech, including selecting a theme, collaborating with the other best man, and writing and rehearsing the speech.

2.1 Selecting A Theme

Choosing a theme for your joint best man speech can help provide structure and coherence to your speech. It can be based on the couple’s interests, hobbies, or shared experiences. A theme adds a personal touch, making the speech more engaging and relatable. You can brainstorm theme ideas together with the other best man, considering what aspects of the couple’s relationship you want to highlight.

Once you have a theme in mind, it’s important to discuss it with the other best man to ensure it aligns with both of your visions for the speech. Take the time to understand each other’s perspectives and find common ground. Collaborating on the theme will help create a seamless and cohesive speech.

2.2 Collaborating With The Other Best Man

Collaboration is key when preparing a joint best man speech. It’s essential to work closely with the other best man to divide responsibilities, coordinate content, and maintain a consistent tone throughout the speech. Open and frequent communication is crucial to ensure everyone is on the same page.

You can create a shared document or use a collaborative tool to jot down ideas, exchange feedback, and make revisions together. Splitting the workload will help alleviate the pressure and ensure that both best men have an equal opportunity to contribute their anecdotes, jokes, and well-wishes.

2.3 Writing And Rehearsing The Speech

When it comes to writing the joint best man speech, it’s important to start early to allow for revisions and practice. Begin by crafting an introduction that grabs the audience’s attention and sets the tone for the rest of the speech. Incorporate personal stories, funny anecdotes, and heartfelt sentiments to create a well-rounded speech that captures the essence of the couple’s relationship.

Once the speech is written, rehearsing is crucial to ensure a smooth delivery. Practice in front of a mirror or with the other best man to fine-tune the timing, add inflection, and address any nervousness. Pay attention to body language, eye contact, and speaking pace to enhance the overall impact of the speech.

Remember, the joint best man speech is an opportunity to celebrate the couple and entertain the guests. By selecting a theme together, collaborating closely, and investing time in writing and rehearsing, you’ll be able to create a memorable moment that the newlyweds and guests will cherish for years to come.

3. Captivating The Audience

When it comes to delivering a joint best man speech, captivating the audience is paramount. By setting the right tone and engaging the listeners from the very beginning, you can ensure that your speech will be truly memorable. In this section, we will explore three effective ways to captivate your audience: through an engaging opening, memorable anecdotes, and the addition of humorous elements.

3.1 Engaging Opening

Your joint best man speech should kick off with an opening that grabs the attention of your audience. Consider starting with a question, a surprising fact, or a captivating quote that relates to the wedding couple. This will help create an immediate connection with the attendees and make them more receptive to your speech.

“Have you ever wondered how two people can meet, fall in love, and build a life together? Today, we gather here to celebrate the extraordinary love story of [Groom’s Name] and [Bride’s Name].”

3.2 Memorable Anecdotes

Memorable anecdotes are a surefire way to captivate the audience during a joint best man speech. Share unique and personal stories that highlight the qualities, experiences, and adventures of the wedding couple. The more heartfelt and relatable your anecdotes are, the better connection you will establish with the listeners.

“Back in college, [Groom’s Name] once decided to learn how to cook. Little did he know that his first attempt at making a lasagna would result in a smoky disaster. But amidst the chaos, [Bride’s Name] stood by his side, laughing and supporting him throughout the process. This incident perfectly sums up their relationship: always finding joy in even the messiest of situations.”

3.3 Humorous Elements

A well-placed dose of humor can work wonders in keeping the audience engaged during your joint best man speech. Incorporate funny anecdotes, witty remarks, or playful banter into your speech to elicit laughter from the crowd. However, ensure that your humor remains respectful, light-hearted, and appropriate for the occasion.

“If you ever need proof that opposites attract, just look at [Groom’s Name] and [Bride’s Name]. While [Groom’s Name] is an early bird who likes to plan every detail, [Bride’s Name] is definitely more of a night owl and believes that spontaneity is the key to living life to the fullest. Together, they have found a beautiful balance and created their own version of ‘happily ever after’.”

4. Toasting The Couple

After expressing some heartfelt words about your friendship with the groom and sharing funny stories, it’s time to raise a toast to the couple’s happiness and future together. This is your chance to wish them well and let them know how much they mean to you. Here are a few ideas to guide you:

4.1 Expressing Gratitude

Take a moment to express your gratitude for being chosen as the joint best man and how honored you feel to stand by the groom’s side on this special day. You can mention how important it is to have someone like the bride in the groom’s life and how grateful you are to her for making him so incredibly happy.

4.2 Celebrating Their Love

Celebrate the love shared between the bride and groom by highlighting some of the qualities that make their relationship special. Describe how they complement each other, their shared interests, and how they bring out the best in one another. This is a beautiful opportunity to acknowledge the strength of their bond and the foundation of their love.

4.3 Wishing Them A Happy Future

As you conclude your joint best man speech, end on a positive note by expressing your wishes for their future together. Let the couple know that you hope their life will be filled with joy, love, and success. Encourage them to face any obstacles that may come their way as a united front, and remind them that you will always be there to support and guide them.

Now that you have some ideas for toasting the couple, take a moment to gather your thoughts and write your joint best man speech. Remember to be authentic, speak from the heart, and keep it lighthearted and fun so that everyone can raise their glasses and toast to the happy couple!

Joint Best Man Speech


5. Delivering The Joint Best Man Speech

Coordination and timing, confidence and eye contact, and impressive body language play crucial roles in delivering a joint best man speech that will leave a lasting impression on the audience. In this section, we will explore these essential aspects of delivering a joint best man speech and provide you with practical tips to ensure a seamless and engaging performance.

5.1 Coordination And Timing

Coordination is key when delivering a joint best man speech. It is crucial for both best men to work together in harmony to create a speech that flows seamlessly. To achieve coordination:

  • Plan and rehearse the speech together to ensure a consistent tone and delivery style.
  • Divide the content evenly and assign specific sections to each speaker, taking into consideration their strengths and speaking abilities.
  • Practice transitions between speakers to maintain a smooth flow and avoid awkward pauses.
  • Keep the speech within a reasonable time limit, typically 3 to 5 minutes per person, to maintain the audience’s interest and prevent it from becoming too long.

5.2 Confidence And Eye Contact

Confidence and eye contact are fundamental aspects of delivering a memorable joint best man speech. Here are some tips to boost your confidence and establish strong eye contact:

  • Practice your speech multiple times to ensure you are familiar with the content and delivery.
  • Stand tall, maintain good posture, and project your voice clearly and confidently.
  • Make eye contact with different individuals in the audience to create a connection and engage them.
  • Use natural gestures and facial expressions to enhance your message and convey your emotions.

5.3 Impressive Body Language

Impressive body language can greatly enhance the impact of your joint best man speech. Consider the following tips to make the most of your body language:

  • Use open and relaxed body posture to appear approachable and confident.
  • Control any nervous habits, such as fidgeting or pacing, to avoid distractions.
  • Utilize appropriate hand gestures to emphasize key points and add emphasis to your words.
  • Smile genuinely and maintain a positive and enthusiastic demeanor throughout your speech.

Joint Best Man Speech


Frequently Asked Questions On Joint Best Man Speech

How to do a joint speech at a wedding.

To do a joint speech at a wedding, follow these steps: 1. Coordinate with the other speaker to ensure a cohesive message. 2. Plan the speech structure together, dividing the content and deciding who speaks when. 3. Incorporate personal anecdotes, heartfelt messages, and well-wishes for the couple.

4. Practice the speech together for seamless transitions and timing. 5. Deliver the speech with enthusiasm and confidence to make it a memorable moment for the newlyweds and guests.

What Do You Say In A Short Speech For Bestman?

In a short speech for the Bestman, keep it brief and engaging. Start by introducing yourself, then talk about your relationship with the groom and share a memorable story or two. Express your happiness for the couple and wish them a lifetime of love and happiness.

Thank everyone for attending and raise a toast to the newlyweds.

What Is The Best Man Supposed To Say?

The best man should prepare a heartfelt speech, expressing gratitude for being chosen, sharing funny anecdotes about the groom, and offering well wishes for the newlyweds. Keep it genuine, personalized, and concise. Remember to practice beforehand and speak from the heart to make a lasting impression on everyone present.

To conclude, crafting a joint best man speech requires thoughtful planning, a personal touch, and genuine sincerity. By following these tips and guidelines, you can create a memorable and engaging speech that celebrates the love and friendship of the couple.

Remember to practice, stay organized, and speak from the heart. With these key elements in mind, your joint best man speech is sure to be a hit on the wedding day. So, embrace this opportunity to showcase your bond and toast to a lifetime of happiness for the newlyweds.

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Crafting the perfect speech can be overwhelming, but with Wedding Cheers, it doesn't have to be. We're dedicated to streamlining the speech writing process, ensuring most of our customers receive a first draft in under ten minutes. How do we achieve this? By segmenting speeches into manageable chunks, allowing you to infuse your personal touch and ideas. Once you've provided your insights, our advanced AI takes over, seamlessly weaving together a captivating speech. Whether you aim to evoke laughter, sentiment, or inspiration, Wedding Cheers ensures your audience remains engaged from start to finish.

Writing a best man speech can be a daunting task, but fear not! We've outlined some essential byte-sized "Bits" to help you compose a memorable toast. Follow these steps, and you'll have the audience laughing, crying, and cheering by the end.


Begin your speech by introducing yourself and your relationship with the groom.

1 . Introduce yourself

Clearly indicate who you are for those not familiar with you.

Hello, I'm John, the best man and lifelong friend of our charming groom, Richard.

2 . Express appreciation

Appreciate the attendees and the atmosphere.

First off, I would like to thank each and every one of you for being here to celebrate this joyous occasion.

3 . Set the tone

Signify the nature of the speech, typically light-hearted for best man's speeches.

I have a lot of stories about Richard, but considering the present company, I've chosen only those that are 'family-friendly'.

The Story of Your Friendship

Narrate the tale of your bond with the groom, making it both personal and engaging.

1 . How you met

Tell the story of how you met the groom.

Our friendship goes all the way back to 7th grade, when Richard transferred to my school.

2 . Highlight shared experiences

Share some memorable moments that encapsulate your bond.

From camping trips to college exams, we've really been through a lot together.

3 . Show emotional impact

Indicate why the groom's friendship means so much to you.

Through thick and thin, Richard has been the kind of friend who’s always stood by my side.

Characterization of the Groom

Describe some of the groom's personal traits or stories that highlight his personality.

1 . Positive traits

Discuss some positive qualities of the groom.

Richard is one of the most patient and understanding people I know.

2 . Fun anecdotes

Share a funny or sweet story that showcases the groom's character.

I remember when we were in high school, Richard spent days fixing an old lady's fence without expecting anything in return.

3 . Personal growth

Show how the groom has grown over the years you've known him.

Over the years, I've watched Richard evolve from a casual dreamer into an ambitious doer.

Praise for the Bride

State some worthy qualities of the bride and how she's positively influenced the groom.

1 . First impression

Share your first impressions of the bride.

The first time I met Emily, I could see why Richard was smitten. She’s as kind as she’s beautiful.

2 . Positive influence

Relate how the bride has positively affected the groom.

Emily has brought so much joy into Richard's life and has made him even more focused and compassionate.

3 . Compliments

Compliment the bride on her personality or her role in the wedding day.

Emily, you look absolutely stunning today, and your organization skills have made this day simply perfect.

The Love Story

Detail the couple's love story, adding some personal observations and humor.

1 . How they met

Share the story of how the couple first met.

Richard and Emily first crossed paths at a charity marathon, and the rest is history.

2 . Development of relationship

Describe how their relationship grew over time.

No one was surprised when they started dating. They were always each other’s biggest cheerleader.

3 . Special moments

Share a special moment or event from their relationship.

When Richard told me he was planning to propose in Paris, I knew Emily was the one for him.

Offering Advice

Impart some sincere or humorous advice for their future together.

1 . Marriage advice

Share some light, humorous, or traditional tips for a successful marriage.

Remember, Richard, 'Happy wife, happy life'.

2 . Personal wisdom

Bring in your own personal wisdom or experience with relationships.

In my experience, the key to a great relationship is always keeping the laughter alive.

3 . General wisdom

Incorporate generally accepted wisdom about love and marriage.

Always communicate openly, be patient, and never forget the power of 'I love you'.

Propose a toast that brings everyone together in celebrating the couple's future.

1 . Best wishes

Wish the couple love, happiness, and prosperity.

So here's to love, laughter, and happily ever after.

2 . Engaging invite

Invite everyone to raise their glasses for the toast.

If you could please all raise your glasses.

3 . Cheers to the couple

End the toast by directing cheers to the couple.

To Richard and Emily, may your love story be an endless one.

Closing Remarks

End you speech by wishing the couple well and thanking the audience for their attention.

1 . Well wishes

Reiterate your good wishes to the newlyweds in your closing remarks.

Once again, to Emily and Richard, here's wishing you a journey of love and happiness together.

2 . Thank attendees

Thank all the guests for their attention and for being a part of the celebration.

Thank you all for being such a wonderful audience and for being a part of this special day.

3 . End on a high note

Give a cheerful final line to round off your speech.

Now, let the party begin!

Crafting the perfect best man speech might seem daunting at first, but by breaking it down into manageable "Bits" and following this guide, you're well on your way to delivering a memorable oration. Remember, it's the genuine emotion and sincerity behind your words that will resonate the most. So, embrace the moment, speak from the heart, and celebrate the joyous union of two special people in your life. Here's to making memories and raising a toast they'll cherish forever!

How to Write a Perfect Joint Wedding Speech: Tips for Bridesmaids and Groomsmen

writing a joint best man speech

  • Intro • First subsection

Congratulations! If you're reading this, it means that a couple getting married wants you to speak at their wedding (or they trust you'll do great at an open mic ). It's no secret that writing (and giving) a toast on this important day can be stressful - even when you're doing it with another person. Whether you're two maids of honor, two best men, a mix of bridesmaids and groomsmen, or just some friends giving a speech at the wedding, we've prepared a guide to help you craft the perfect joint wedding toast.

Should I Give a Joint Speech at a Wedding or Do it Solo?

Deciding whether to give a joint speech or go solo at a wedding is a common dilemma. Here are some considerations to help you make the right choice:

Respect the Couple's Wishes:

  • It's important to prioritize what the couple wants. Some may envision individual toasts, while others may appreciate the camaraderie (and the time benefits) of a joint speech. That said, if you have a strong preference, you can voice that to the couple - especially if you're uncomfortable in a certain scenario.

Consider Your Comfort Level: ‍

  • Reflect on your comfort level with public speaking. If the idea of sharing the stage with others eases your nerves, a joint speech might be the ideal choice.

Reflect on Your Relationship: ‍

  • Consider your relationship with the couple. If your relationship to them overlaps with others who want to give a speech and you think you may repeat the same stories, it can be worth talking to those other people and the couple to see if it's best to give the speech together.

Time Constraints:

  • Assess the overall schedule and time constraints of the wedding. If there's limited time for speeches, a joint toast can be a time-efficient and engaging option.

Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all answer. Ultimately, the decision should align with the couple's vision and your own preferences.

How to Write a Joint Wedding Speech

Crafting a joint wedding speech requires a unique approach. Here are some tips to help you and your co-speaker(s) deliver a seamless and memorable speech:

1. Find out how long your wedding toast should be

  • Just because there are more of you doesn't mean you get a longer time slot! Make sure to ask the couple how long your toast should be, then keep the toast within those guidelines.

2. Align on the tone

  • Make sure you all are aligned on what tone you're going for. If one of you wanted it to be a healthy balance of sincere and humor, and someone else was hoping for a full-blown roast, it's something you'll want to figure out earlier rather than later.

4. Find out if there are any topics that are off-limits

  • While you may know the couple well, dynamics can change when families and friend groups combine. Make sure to check with the couple to see if there's anything they'd prefer you didn't mention. Ask them these 3 questions before writing the speech , and if you're not sure about a specific topic, ask.

3. Take time to separately think about what you want to include

  • Before you come together to discuss what to say in the wedding speech, it's worth thinking about what you'd say as if you were giving your own toast and jotting those down in a no-structured, stream of consciousness. Doing this exercise will help remind you of a bunch of stories and memories, and that way you'll have a lot of great material to choose from. That said, manage your own expectations that not every story will make the final cut, and that's okay. A good speech has restraint, more isn't always better.

Provenance Pro Tip: Make sure to include stories about both partners, not just your close friend. You'll want to talk about their relationship as a whole and how they make each other better.

4. Join forces and begin putting together your ideas

  • After taking time to think of stories on your own (we recommend doing the solo-thinking for at least a week), set a time to begin collaborating with your co-speaker(s). If you live nearby, you can do this in-person, or if you're far away, this can be done over a phone call. For inspiration on what stories you want to include, the Provenance Toast Builder has a bunch of prompts and a toast generator to help you make sure you don't forget a thing.

5. Take a step back and organize the ideas into a coherent speech

  • Once all of the memories, insights, and ideas you want to include are down on paper, discuss what would be the best way to structure the toast. Would the stories flow best if they were told chronologically? Are there 3 takeaways that pop out that best describe your friend or the couple's relationship? If you're struggling to figure out how to best connect your stories into a cohesive speech, AI speechwriting tools can be especially helpful here. Additionally, when a winning theme comes to mind early in the writing process, some people will start with the theme, and then think about the stories that make sense.

6. Decide who will say what in the wedding toast

  • Sometimes the order of who says what will be obvious (e.g. "you'll tell the stories from college because you were roommates then, then I'll do the ones from post-college because that's when we lived together"). Other times, it works to just randomly divide the speech up and alternate it between speakers.

7. Practice Together (in front of someone you trust) ‍

  • Rehearse your joint speech together to iron out any awkward transitions or timing issues. Practice will help you sync your delivery and enhance overall coherence. Since you have been working on the speech for some time, it's advised to practice in front of someone else who knows the couple.

Provenance Pro Tip: Since pacing is important in a good speech, be ready to update who says what depending on what feels most natural and doesn't make the passing of the mic or a page turn get in the way of a good joke.

Tips for Co-Best Men, Co-Maids of Honor, Bridesmaids, Groomsmen, and Other Joint Toasts

When you're tasked with giving a joint toast as co-best men, maids of honor, bridesmaids/groomsmen, or simply as friends, there are a few additional Do's and Don'ts to keep in mind:

  • Do give context to how you know the couple - make it personal "e.g. I've known Sam since before she knew spray tans"
  • Don't say "for those of you who don't know me" - instead, just flat out express your connection to the couple
  • Don't include cliches - the less cliches, the more personal, so do a final pass over your script to make sure it's not just fluff
  • Do start working on the script at least a month in advance - with more people comes more complexity and scheduling - be mindful of this and give yourselves at least a month to start putting ideas together. You don't want the couple to not be able to count on their friends the week of the wedding because their friends are in the corner working on their wedding speech
  • Don't wing it - please, for everyone at the wedding and especially the couple, prepare ahead of time and practice out loud.

Crafting a joint wedding speech for two maids of honor, two best men, or a combination of bridesmaids and groomsmen is a unique opportunity to celebrate the couple's love. With Provenance's Toast Builder, the process becomes a breeze, ensuring your joint speech is everything you (and the couple) hoped for.

Q: How far in advance should we start working on our wedding toasts?

It's advisable to start working on your toasts at least a month before the wedding. This allows ample time for collaboration, revisions, and practice, and takes into account multiple busy schedules.

Q: How long should a joint wedding toast be?

It's important to ask the couple how long they would like your speech to be. A general rule of thumb is to keep it between 3-5 minutes, and it's understandable that you'll be closer to that 5 minute mark with more people giving the speech.

Q: How do I give a Maid of Honor toast?

If you're writing a solo Maid of Honor toast (or want to just use it as inspiration), check out the guide on how to write a stellar Maid of Honor toast.

Q: How do I give a Best Man toast?

If you're writing a solo Best Man toast (or want to just use it as inspiration), check out the guide on how to write an epic Best Man speech.

Q: Is the Toast Builder free to use?

Yes, Provenance offers a free version of the Toast Builder if you log in as a guest.

Crafting a joint wedding speech for two maids of honor, two best men, or a combination of bridesmaids and groomsmen is a unique opportunity to celebrate the couple's love. With Provenance's Toast Builder, the process becomes a breeze, ensuring your joint speech is as special as the love it commemorates.

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Joint Speeches

Picture of Oliver Lucas

Oliver Lucas

Published 07 Sep 2023

Groom and groomsmen with sunglasses on

Tabel of contents

Maximising your double act, getting started, do's & don'ts, when two are better than one.

Everything in life evolves and changes over time and wedding speeches are no different. As part of the trend for them becoming ever more complicated it is increasingly common for the delivery to be a joint effort. Whether it be two (or even three) best men, the bride and groom together or a father and mother of the bride mash up double acts are only going to get more common.

Depending on your personality, sharing the speech can either be a relief at having some support or a disappointment at giving away some of the limelight. However, if it is done right there will be more than enough plaudits to go round.

One thing is certain though, doing it right needs thought, teamwork and planning. This extra layer of complication can add to the stress so let help ease the load and write a speech fit for a king – and queen. Or a king and king. Or a….well you get the idea.

We will speak to all parties, get their different perspectives and then turn the multi-handed approach into a strength rather than a potential weakness. In short we’ll make sure you are a double delight not double Dutch.

Wdding ceremony raising a toast


It’s not exactly fully scientific but there’s something we call the Ant and Dec principle. Every year at TV awards Graham Norton and Dermot O’Leary are left disappointed as the Geordie pals clean up in the best presenter category. In fact, the other nominees are probably a little miffed at this annual cakewalk as it’s pretty unfair. There’s two of them so it’s not a level playing field, they damn well should be twice as good as all the rest.

And that’s the attitude to bring into a joint speech. But short of shrinking to 5’ 6’ and developing Geordie accents how do the pair of you channel your inner Ant and Dec? Well the key is a rapport and – as mentioned before – teamwork to help bring that out. How much work this actually requires depends on the nature of your relationship with your co-speaker.

Take joint best men as an example. If you’re part of the same group of friends then it’s probable you will have similar stories and take on the groom’s character. That means your speech’s strength will be a consistency of theme, so work with that. The stories can flow and allow the pair of you to bounce off each other.

However, maybe the groom has chosen best men from separate parts of his life. Perhaps his best mate and a brother. The two of you may not have the same instant rapport but with work this can be turned to your advantage. Both of you will have different perspectives and anecdotes, if a common theme links these together you can still have that rapport and provide a more rounded picture of the groom.

Ultimately, whatever the type of speech, collaboration in key. It’s about finding common ground between your perspectives and enjoying sharing them with each other – and the audience. To re-reference our TV Geordie duo that’s all they do, essentially talk to each other as friends and because they enjoy it so do the viewers.


So, unless you and your speech partner live together this first part can be hard to arrange. But it is vital and often plenty of fun. Before you officially put pen to paper (or start typing, more likely), sit down together – perhaps in the pub – with a notepad and have a good chin wag about your subject matter.

Again, specifics will depend on which of the speeches you are giving but all will need good quality material! What stories do you want to include – funny ones about your mate the groom, cute ones about you daughter the bride, tales of the ups and downs of romance for couples.  Or a mix and match of the above for any type of speech. This is where the bouncing off each other can start with ‘do you remember when……..happened’ and ‘oh yeah and then she did this…..’ and ‘but he was always a bit like that, remember when he…….’. Make notes and soon you’ll have lots of potential content.

Next thing to think about is themes. Firstly, what common elements tie your stories together? Are you a couple that are always late and disorganised for everything. Is the groom notoriously tight with his hard earned cash? Does the bride always dither when a decision needs to be made? If there is a theme this can run through the speech and help make it flow. Also, can there be a more over-arching theme? What part of your lives links the two of you and both of you to the bride or groom (your subject). Maybe you love baking – so could liken a relationship to getting the perfect cake to come together. Perhaps you share a profession – for example solicitors could lace their speech with a legal theme. Hopefully, there are plenty of potential shared interests and once again it’s about using your imagination and finding some common ground with your co-speaker.

Lastly, unless this is a joint couple’s speech, you need to consider what you like about the person who is your subject. What are their characteristics, qualities, achievements and quirks. In short what makes them unique. Remember, it’s one thing to pay a compliment but better still to illustrate it with a real life example. Once you’ve done all this you have the makings of a great speech – you just need to structure and write it!

This can be the tricky part. Overall structure has similar rules to the equivalent solo speech. For instance, a father and mother of the bride speech would still typically start with a brief introduction and a welcome/thank you for coming. Then perhaps a few specific thank yous, tributes to their daughter and nice words about the groom. Finally, things get wrapped up with a toast and maybe some advice. *See our separate guides for all specific types of wedding speeches for more on content, structure, tone and other matters

But who says what and when? The best way is to keep it sharp and only speak for a fairly short period before switching to the other. One can set up the punchline, the other can deliver it – with each of you doing a bit of both. This keeps things moving at a decent pace and, with rehearsal, gets that aforementioned rapport going between you and then transferred to the audience.

The other advantage of this is while the other is speaking you can be sneaking a peek at your next line so it’s fresh in your head and you can ‘speak’ it naturally without ‘reading’ it. Again this helps with the delivery and ‘bouncing off each other’ element.

Now things get serious, time to get all those great ideas and fun trips down memory lane into a coherent, flowing speech. We’ve covered structure above, briefly, and in more detail in other guides. Having this already planned will help with writing, giving you the dots that now need to be connected. The first step is to take the content and ideas you’ve come up with and divide it into three categories. Must include, stand-by should more be needed and discarded – be ruthless

If one of you is the clearly better writer and the other happy to let them take control then fine, this keeps it simple. However, usually both speakers will also want writing input. In this case, yet more collaboration is needed and there are a number of approaches.

One is to both have a go at writing the speech to the agreed plan and structure, then blend the two together. This will probably involve a degree of negotiation so be prepared for some give and take. A potential way round this it to literally write the speech together. Both get in front of the computer and each take it in turn to write a part you will deliver before switching at the same point you intend to when giving the speech. The final option is for one to write a draft and the other to then edit it to put their stamp on it. In our experience though this is the way most likely to cause arguments, someone seeing their lovingly-crafted work completely changed can be vexing.

Whatever way you chose the key is to link one part to the next so you are building on, and reinforcing, what the other has said. Here’s an example of what we mean from a joint best man’s speech.

James : Nathan loves his cars and often looks to upgrade to his next luxury vehicle. Which is why he went to a VIP test driving event last summer where he could try out the latest Audi model. This is as much fun as it sounds and Nathan had a great time, until he crashed trying to avoid a cat and wrote off a car worth around £50,000. What’s worse is this particular Audi was the centrepiece of the garage’s upmarket show event the following day.

Carl : When it comes to the finer things in life it isn’t just cars that Nathan likes. He once bought himself a beautiful Rolex watch, which he treasured so much he slept with under his pillow to keep safe. This backfired one day when the previous night’s bed linen was taken out of the washing machine and the Rolex was found inside a soaking wet pillow case. As sturdy as Rolexes are, they aren’t built to withstand a 40 degree spin cycle.


A quick check list for reference purposes:

Spend plenty of time talking with your co-speaker to find the common ground to make your speech sparkle.

Find a theme to link all the assorted stories, jokes and kind words into a flowing speech.

Take it in turns to speak in short, sharp bursts – it makes for a quick pace to build up the momentum of your ‘double act’.

Make time for lots of practice, it makes perfect.

Look at and talk to each other as well as the audience throughout the speech, it will help the feeling of interaction between the two of you and them.

Think twice the speakers means twice the length – there’s more latitude than for soloists but not that much.

Tell stories or jokes that really you needed to be there to appreciate, instead make your content easily relatable.

Have too much to drink before the speech, you need to be focussed and on your game.

Forget to align your pace of speaking, it’ll sound odd if one is slow and the other is 100mph.

Get competitive about who is the funnier or more entertaining, you’re a team!

Joint speeches get a little more latitude than solo efforts when it comes to length. Firstly, because guests will realise two different people means two different sets of ideas. Secondly, two voices and personalities gives greater variety and can remain engaging for longer. BUT, don’t make the mistake of thinking double the speakers translates to double the length – then it will be difficult to keep the audience’s attention. As ever, it’s about balance and assessing how much you have to say that is worth listening to.

Most advice for soloists tends to be the adamant ‘no shorter than five or six minutes, no longer than 10’. Our attitude is a little more flexible. If – but only if – you have the material go a little longer then why not do so. This certainly applies to joint speeches, 12 to 14 minutes is fine and even a little longer still for best men. Conversely, with two heads to come up with a speech five or six is a little on the short side. Unless you are really struggling or both have a strong dislike for public speaking we say seven to eight minutes is the starting point. Wedding speeches are supposed to an event in any circumstances, when two speakers are involved even more so.

As mentioned previously it is better to keep things short and snappy between you rather than taking it in turns to speak at length. It builds momentum and keeps people engaged. Ideally you want to ‘speak’ rather than ‘read’ and bite size turns help you do this. Who says what can be dependent on your individual personalities. Is one of you funnier than the other? Who does sarcasm better? Or does one of you sound sarcastic when they are being sincere!? Take these factors into account when assigning your lines.

Nerves can often play a part in public speaking and the best cure is pre-emptive. Get practicing, ideally together and in front of someone who can give you honest feedback. Remember they are a mini-version of the audience so it’s worth paying attention to what they say. The more practice the more familiar you get with the material and the more natural it will feel delivering.

Also, it helps ease the nerves to remember you have a very willing, possibly drunk audience who are ready to laugh a lot. Speaking of which, resist the urge to deal with the butterflies by seeking help from alcohol. One or two as a settler is fine – but no more!

Other practical tips are to keep a glass of water handy in case of a dry throat and work out where best to hold any mic so you don’t sound too loud. Conversely, if no mic is available project through your diaphragm. There’s nothing wrong with having some form of prompt. We recommend as a minimum distilling the speech down to cue cards, but there’s also nothing wrong with having the whole script to refer to if it makes you feel better.


As a general rule it’s best to avoid the whole ‘two separate best men so we’ll give two separate speeches’ thing. Aside from losing the potential double act benefits there can be repetition and the combined length can leave the audience yawning. It also – even if it’s unspoken and sub-conscious – adds an element of competition as to whose was best. Sometimes circumstances dictate that a joint double-act is not possible, but even then as a bare minimum a bit of collaboration of who covers what and who thanks who is essential.

So to return to the earlier analogy – think Ant and Dec, rehearse the double act, develop the rapport. Do so and you will leave the reception with the wedding equivalent of the best presenter award.

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How To Write A Killer Best Man Speech (With Templates)

A funny, heartfelt speech from the best man is one of the most memorable parts of a wedding. Here’s how to give a great toast (without embarrassing yourself).

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A best man speech is the perfect way to send your brother or friend the best wishes in their marriage, but standing up in front of the crowd can be super nerve-wracking. If you’ve been invited to be the best man at a wedding but have no idea what to say in your speech, you’re not alone! 

Over 75% of the population cites public speaking as one of their biggest fears. Thankfully, it’s a people skill that anyone can develop. A great event toast can be a game-changer and make you feel like a celebrity amongst the wedding guests. 

Watch our video to learn the best (and worst) speech openers:

Here’s how to overcome your public speaking anxiety and give a knockout best man speech that will incite laughter, smiles, or even sentimental tears. 

Quick Answer: How to Write a Best Man Speech Fast (with Template!)

A killer best man toast has a formula:

  • Start with a funny or complimentary introduction
  • Lead into a short story
  • Add a dash of vulnerability
  • End with genuine congratulations to the bride and groom. 

You won’t want to wing the speech after you’ve had a few drinks when you feel strapped for time before the wedding. Instead, take just 30 minutes of planning and note-making to save you (and the bride & groom) the embarrassment of an excessively long or inappropriate ramble. 

If you want to write a best man speech fast, follow this brief template for a great toast. Your toast should be roughly 3 to 5 minutes long. You can use numbered index cards to jot down the highlights of each section. Then, rehearse a few times in the mirror in the days leading up to the event. 

The most straightforward speech outline includes seven main components: 

  • A great one-liner : This could be a funny joke, a compliment, or an inspirational quote about brotherhood or marriage. The first 15 seconds of the toast should capture the audience’s attention and leave them excited for more. Modify this:

“I’d like to begin by congratulating the groom for his superb taste in choosing the best man [chuckle].” 

  • Compliment the wedding : Build your respect with the guests by highlighting things you like about the wedding. For example, you can compliment the beauty of the venue, the delicious food, or the great choice of music. Modify this:

“All jokes aside, this is a beautiful wedding. The bride and groom look like a movie star couple together. And if you didn’t taste the cake, you are missing out!” 

  • Express gratitude : Say “thank you” to those who made the wedding possible and show appreciation to the groom for choosing you as his best man. Modify this:

“I am so grateful to Mr. and Mrs. Zimerman for hosting us here today, and thank you to the bride and groom for inviting me to be part of their special day.” 

  • Tell a story : Did you and the groom meet as kids on the baseball field? Were you there when he first met his bride? Did you share a funny experience in college that is appropriate to share? The “meat” of the speech will be a short story about your relationship with the groom. A great story sounds like this:

 “When I first met Jeff, he was in a period of transition in life, like we all go through. He had just started a new job at my office in San Francisco, and we met because of our mutual addiction to double shot espressos (iced with a little cream) at 6 AM every morning from the corner coffee shop Bob’s Cup O’ Joe. When we both arrived at the office at the same time, 3 days in a row with eyes like this [widen eyes big], I knew we would be friends for life. A million espressos, meetings, and after-work beers later, I am so proud to call Jeff my best friend. When he told me about meeting a beautiful blonde named Anne at Bob’s Cup O’ Joe a few years later, I knew something would become of it. She even drank the same double shot espressos, iced with a little cream!”  

  • Admire the couple : Strengthen your bond with the newlyweds by expressing your support for their marriage. If you know a bit about the bride and groom’s relationship, list a few things you admire about their bond. You may emphasize how the bride has positively impacted the groom’s life or how they make a great team. 

“Jeff and Anne are a perfect pair, and it seriously warms my heart to see a couple so amazingly in love. They compliment each other in every way and radiate joy when they are together.” 

  • Summarize your thoughts : Before you wrap up your speech, go back and highlight your key ideas. You can pre-write 2-3 crisp sentences summarizing your support of the couple’s marriage. Modify this:

“I wish I could say I predicted this day would come, but Jeff’s incredible character and charm won Anne over. I am so grateful to be friends with both of them and to join you all in this celebration.” 

  • Toast to the future : At the end of your speech, raise your glass for a toast to the couple’s love. Modify this: 

“Please join me in raising our glasses to a lifetime of happiness and espressos for Jeff and Anne Allison!” 

Here is an awesome example of a short and sweet 4-minute toast that left the crowd cracking up:

It’s best to memorize your speech, but there is no shame in bringing a few index cards in your pocket to reference if you get nervous. Don’t forget to prepare and rehearse in advance. 

For a more in-depth speech, see our step-by-step guide below. 

What to Say in a Best Man Speech (Do’s and Don’ts)

A best man’s speech traditionally takes place at the wedding reception after the maid of honor gives her speech. The best man’s speech should be positive, respectful, and congratulatory. It can last 3 to 5 minutes and should focus on a central theme or story about the groom. 

Remember, a best man speech is not the time to “wing it.” If you do that, there may come the point when everything suddenly goes silent, and a crowd of 50-100+ people is staring at you, waiting for what you’re going to say about the groom. You probably don’t want to end up with a cringing audience while telling a story about the groom’s previous relationships:

Instead, remember these key best man speech tips for a successful toast: 

Pre-plan your speech with a layout and index cardsDon’t wing it or try to go on the fly
Keep your speech 3-5 minutes longDon’t give an excessively short or long speech
Open with a catchy one-liner or jokeDon’t start with a dull or droning tone 
Tell a short story about the groomDon’t make it about you 
Use fun, family-friendly humorAvoid risky or inappropriate topics and jokes
Use deep breathing to calm your nerves before the speech Don’t drink too much 
Congratulate the groom Don’t ignore the bride
Compliment the brideInsult or tease the bride (I know it may be tempting, but it NEVER goes over well)
Read the room and get to know the guestsDon’t use profanity (unless it’s acceptable in the family)  

Here are a few examples of what you should say in a best man speech:

  • How did you meet the groom?
  • What is one of your favorite memories with him?
  • How did the groom meet the bride? Were you there?
  • What is special about the groom?
  • What do you like most about him? 
  • What are his positive traits? 
  • Playful banter : You don’t want to be too corny and cheesy with your bro. Depending on your relationship with the groom and the culture of the wedding, you may want to throw in a little banter with your dude. For example, you might make a funny joke about how much the groom loves going out to eat:

You should also avoid some key topics in a best man speech. 

Do not mention:

  • The groom’s past relationships
  • Sexual jokes
  • Drugs, alcohol, or past mistakes
  • Insecurities of the groom
  • Financial or personal information 
  • Insults to the bride or the wedding guests 
  • Overly embarrassing stories
  • Teasing the bride
  • Anything that could potentially harm your friendship

Keep things positive and lighthearted. While a little witty banter or playful teasing can be fun (depending on your relationship with the groom), you should avoid insulting him or highlighting any major insecurities. The “playful” part of the speech is an excellent fun icebreaker, but it shouldn’t hurt anyone’s feelings or make them feel publicly embarrassed in front of their wedding guests.

How to Write a Best Man Speech for Best Friend or Brother: Easy Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re ready to prepare something more in-depth than the quick ideas above, this step-by-step guide can help you write a thoughtful speech that the groom may remember forever. After all, being named the best man at your friend or brother’s wedding is a tremendous honor. But like any honor, it comes with some responsibilities. After you finish all your bachelor party and wedding duties, an epic best man speech can be like the fireworks at the show’s end. 

Here are 5 simple steps to make it count:

#1 Start with a theme

Before you start writing and rehearsing your speech, it helps to decide on a theme for your talk. This will give a nice flow to the speech. A theme ensures that you stay on track to communicate your congratulations and appreciation to the groom. 

What is the main message you want to get across? A few theme ideas include:

  • Anecdotes : Best man toasts center around storytelling. This theme is the easiest way to stay on track because you are telling a simple story from beginning to end. 
  • Humor : Whether you’re naturally funny or working on your jokes ,  your speech is the perfect opportunity to get the audience laughing. Best man speeches are known for getting a little saucy, but you must be careful about offending the crowd or making crude jokes that might insult the bride and groom. If you want to tease the groom with some witty banter, it helps to make fun of yourself or reference an appropriate inside joke.
  • Inspirational : Have you and the groom achieved an important business goal or accomplishment together? Do you have a shared role model or favorite motivational book you both read in college? This speech theme can leave the audience feeling inspired.
  • Morality : Use your speech to highlight the great person the groom is. Perhaps you give examples of his integrity, trustworthiness, or generosity. You can emphasize how lucky you are to know the groom and how glad you are that he found a woman to spend his life with. 
  • Sentimentality : When humor and storytelling aren’t your fortes, it doesn’t hurt to get a little corny. Sentimental speeches require a level of emotional vulnerability, but they can leave a huge impact on the newlyweds and their attendees.

#2 Create an outline

You wouldn’t go on a road trip without a navigation system, so don’t go into your speech without a plan. The best toasts and speeches follow the same structure. Pull out a piece of paper and brainstorm some ideas using this format, then use the following steps to fill in the details:

  • Hook/Opening statement : The opening statement should be a 1 to 3-line description about the groom. The first 7 seconds of the speech should hook the audience immediately. It warms them up to you and makes them want to pay attention to the amusing stories. You’ll find an abundance of opening-line ideas in the next section. 
  • Background context : Now comes the why of your speech. This is where the context of your relationship with the groom comes in. You can throw in some funny jokes and a few details about your experience with him. Use this intro to build up the anticipation for the story to come. Write down a few ideas of stories you can tell. 
  • Tell the story : Choose 1-3 short stories about the groom that is funny, slightly embarrassing, or interesting. Jot down a few of the sensory elements you want to reference, like the smelly locker room or the squeaking of tire wheels. Most stories follow a bell-curve pattern—they start with an intro, lead to rising action, peak with a capstone moment, then tie back to the beginning. Keep this in mind as you brainstorm and follow the story-planning steps below. 
  • Take-home message : After you get a good laugh or “awww” out of the audience, you’ll want to bring the story back to the beginning. What do you want them to remember about your speech and friendship with the groom? 
  • Thank the wedding party : Use a quick sentence to thank the wedding party and hosts. Express your genuine gratitude for being invited. 
  • Closing toast and congratulations : After wrapping up the story and thanking the wedding party, you should invite the audience to toast the bride and groom with you. For an extra cheery finale, act as if you are speaking on their behalf and include lots of well-wishes for the newlyweds. 

Pro Tip : Before filling in your outline details, watch this video for an overview of how to give a memorable toast. Human behavior expert Vanessa Van Edwards explains the most common mistakes (don’t start with “I,” “me,” or “my”) and a few secrets to getting the audience to perk up in their seats. 

#3 Nail the opening line 

Once you have your outline, it’s time to dig into the details. People decide their first impression of you within 7 seconds, so it’s extra important to nail the opening line of your speech. Best men use this opportunity to crack a joke, compliment the wedding, or set a sentimental tone for the speech. 

Avoid making the first lines about you. No “me”, “I”, or “my”. Instead, start with a juicy or mysterious line about the groom, for example:

I was the groom’s roommate in college.Ben was the self-proclaimed organization king in college. As his roommate, I feared leaving a pen on the desk.
I am the groom’s younger brother.As a kid, the groom was so excited to have a younger brother that he quickly crowned me as his servant for the next 10 years. 
My favorite thing about the groom is his…Tonight you’ll learn why the groom was always… 
My favorite story about the groom was…The best story I have about the groom starts with a greasy cheeseburger and a speeding ticket.

If you need a little inspiration, here are some hilarious and quirky best man speech opening lines: 

  • “Caring, loyal, honest, good-looking, and an all-around-great guy… OK, enough about me, onto the groom…!” 
  • “This is the perfect chance to tell you about [Groom] and how talented, special, smart, good-looking, and… sorry, man, I can’t read your handwriting here.” 
  • “I’d like to give a toast to the bride and groom.” [pull a piece of toasted bread from your pocket and give it to them]
  • “[Groom’s name] is the kind of person you call when you lock yourself out of the dorm bathroom without any clothes on.” 
  • “The bride and groom asked me not to share embarrassing stories or crude jokes during my speech… so that’s it from me! Thanks for listening, everyone.”
  • “I’d like to start by congratulating the groom for his excellent taste in choosing the best man.” 
  • “[Groom] had a tough time choosing his best man. First, he called his most handsome friend, but he said no. Then, he called his smartest friend, and he said no. Then, he called his most successful friend, who also said no. Then he called me, and I said, ‘Bro, I can’t say no to you four times.'”
  • “What can I say about [Groom]? I guess I’ll start at the very beginning. He was born on [groom’s birthday]. Our parents were hoping for a girl, but I’ve always said… close enough.”

Here is a genuinely funny opening line from a best brother wedding speech:

Pro Tip : Don’t forget to pause for laughter. If it doesn’t come, you can chuckle at yourself and cue the audience that they are supposed to laugh by saying, “This is where you are supposed to laugh,” or joking, “Sound guy, can you please cue the laugh track?” Then, keep going with your speech.

Don’t worry. You need not be a jokester to give a great opening line. If you want to go the nostalgic or tearjerker route, be sure it is highly personalized and thoughtful. Here are some sentimental opening line ideas:

  • “There are friends, and there is family, but friends also become family. This is so true for [Groom] and me. We’ve been best friends since we were X years old, and I’ve always considered him my brother.” 
  • “There’s an old Irish proverb that says a good friend is like a four-leaf clover—hard to find and lucky to have. I think that’s true. Good friends are hard to find, and I’m lucky to have called [Groom] my best friend for the last X years.” 
  • “I’ve heard that the best relationships come from the foundation of a deep friendship. Experts say that laughter, mutual respect, and enjoying each other’s company are the ingredients for a long-lasting, joyful marriage. After knowing [Groom] and [Bride] for X years, there is no doubt in my mind that they will make a great pair.” 
  • “In Good Will Hunting , Robin Williams said, ‘It doesn’t matter if the guy is perfect or the girl is perfect as long as they are perfect for each other.” Anyone who has seen [Groom] and [Bride] together can agree that this is true for them. I haven’t seen a perfect pair, and I’m happy to be part of this celebration of their love.” 

To learn more about the best speech openers, use this guide on How to Start a Speech: The Best (and Worst) Speech Openers . Some top tips include:

  • Avoid starting with a lackluster nicety like “thanks for having me.” 
  • Don’t mention your nervousness.
  • Avoid mentioning technical difficulties like the microphone or saying, “Can you hear me?” 

How To Write A Killer Best Man Speech (With Templates)

Bonus Tip: Learn the Art of Stage Presence

Did you know that public speaking is actually a skill? Many people struggle with stage anxiety because they feel they ‘missed the memo’ on public speaking or they are lacking because they do not have a natural stage presence. Not true!

Stage presence and public speaking are skills you need to be taught—very few people have them naturally. 

Watch our video to learn 7 steps to overcome stage fright and beat performance anxiety:

Here are all the aspects of public speaking you can master.

  • How to make a first impression with an audience
  • How to have stage presence
  • Powerful body language
  • How to speak with a commanding voice
  • What to do with your hands while speaking

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#4 Background context

Now that you’ve grabbed the audience’s attention, it’s time to give them a little background on why you are giving a speech in the first place. This is another sneak peek at some details you’ll cover in the speech. 

The whole point of this part is to tell them how you know the groom—but it isn’t about you. You’ll often hear wedding speeches that start with a drab, “I met the groom in college” or, “My name is ___, and I’m the best man.” You can do better than that! Try saying:

  • “The groom was the first friend I made on the high school football team. I had no idea we would become roommates in a bachelor pad throughout college.” 
  • “As little kids, the groom and I were known to be a dangerous duo in the neighborhood. He always carried the eggs and toilet paper, then instructed me where to throw them. But you can guess who always took the blame for his antics….” 
  • “The groom and I have been friends and business partners for X years, and as you’ll hear shortly, he is the main reason I broke my arm during the last office basketball game. But first, I want to tell you a less embarrassing story….” 

Pro Tip : Focus on the groom, and don’t make it about you. One of the biggest mistakes people make during wedding speeches is talking too much about themselves. Your speech shouldn’t discuss where you’re from, what you think, or how you ended up at the party. The best man’s speech is a time to focus on the groom and his bride. 

#5 Tell the story  

After your punchy opening line and background info, it’s time to tell the perfect story about the groom. Depending on the length of your speech and the details of your story, some best man speeches cover 1 to 3 short stories. 

Reference back to the memories you wrote when brainstorming. Pick a story that includes the most of these captivating elements:

  • A little bit of embarrassment : Whether it’s you, the groom, or a mutual friend, it helps to poke some fun at someone in the story. If you fear being offensive, the best person to joke about is yourself.  
  • Audience member references : You can get major bonus points if you bring wedding guests into the storytelling moment. You might say, “Mom, you might want to close your ears on this one!” or, “Brian, we’re talking about you!” 
  • Sensory details : What did the scenery look like? What were the prominent smells, sounds, and tastes at the moment? A great story should make the audience feel like they were with you. Don’t forget to mention the frigid cold lake you jumped into or the outrageously spicy food that left you both panting and crying for water. 
  • A final punch line : Ideally, the best story ends with a shocking moment or funny line. It should leave the audience laughing, crying, surprised, or even gasping. For example, in an epic adventure story about you and the groom on a hunting trip, you may end with, “Just as the shark was about to bite the line, Joe reeled in the massive bluefin and yelled, ‘I think we’re gonna need a bigger boat!’”

Pro Tip : If you have to ask, “Is this appropriate?” it probably isn’t. Some stories are better for late-night beers than they are for weddings. Avoid telling stories related to sexual topics, drugs, alcohol, illegal activities, or anything you wouldn’t want grandma to hear. 

#6 Take-home message

When the story finishes, you’ve hopefully elicited some laughter or maybe some tears. All jokes aside, there is a reason you were the best man, and you are probably a significant person to the groom. This is a great time to emphasize the best qualities of the groom and why you’re so happy for his new love. 

Here is an excellent example of tying together the opening and closing lines with a heartfelt message about finding the perfect soul mate:

#7 End your speech with a heartfelt toast

We’ve all heard “let’s raise a glass to [Bride] and [Groom]” before. You can do better than that! The final toast is like the fireworks at the end of your best man speech. Instead of something mediocre, invite the audience to join you in a genuine, thoughtful congratulations. Examples include:

  • “Please join me in raising our glasses to the beautiful bride and handsome groom. May your lives together be long, healthy, and happy. We love you so much and are excited for you. Cheers!” 
  • “Lift your glasses to thank Mr. and Mrs. [Bride’s Parents] for hosting this beautiful wedding. Let us all toast to the perfect union of the bride and groom. We wish you a bright and beautiful future. Cheers!”
  • “Here’s to the past, for all you’ve learned. Here’s to the present for this beautiful moment we all share. Here’s to the future for all you’ve got to look forward to. Cheers to the happy couple!” 

Pro Tip : Make your toast inclusive and communal, so the audience feels like they’re cheering for the couple with you. Use words like “we”, “lets”, and “us”. This congratulation invites them to join as if you are speaking on their behalf. 

#8 Use a best man speech template

A template makes things simple if you’re still feeling uneasy about writing your best man speech. You can take the structure of an example speech and incorporate your ideas and stories to make it your own. 

Best man speech example for a best friend :  

“Tonight, you’ll learn why the groom was destined to marry [Bride]. The year was 2002, and we were all in a bar with friends on New Year’s Eve in New York City. Snow was falling outside, and we were sipping champagne, waiting for the big ball to drop. Seemingly out of nowhere, a woman with a red dress entered the room, and everything seemed to stop. All the bachelors in our group were captivated, but only [Groom] had the guts to walk up to her. Rumor has it that his first opening line was ‘

Everyone talks about a woman’s glow when she’s falling in love, but I swear that [Groom] was smiling from ear to ear from the second they met. We could hardly get him to stop talking about her by the following week. We’d be watching football and drinking beers only to have [Bride’s] name brought up every 5 minutes. 

Fast forward 3 years, and we’ve all seen how much [Bride] has positively impacted his life. When he came to me to tell me he was proposing, my only response was, ‘ Finally, dude !’

There’s something extra special about these two. They go together like peanut butter and jelly. They love and respect each other so much. [Bride] was the one for [Groom] from the second they locked eyes in that hazy NYC bar. We are all so happy to be here for your big day. Let’s raise our glasses to the beautiful bride and groom! Cheers!” 

Another Best man speech example for a best friend :  

“The groom was the first friend I made on the high school basketball team. He wasn’t very good [pause for laughter]. I was the tallest player and obviously had the best free throw, but I was majorly lacking in the ladies department. Thankfully, [Groom] took me under his wing and showed me how to be a true gentleman. That includes opening doors for women and carrying their bags instead of just running in with my own. What would I have done without you, man?

Even though he was no good at basketball, [Groom] always had his head on his shoulders. He’s a respectful, intelligent, and relatively clean-cut guy. All joking aside, it’s no surprise that he ended up with a woman as intelligent and beautiful as [Bride]. You both deserve a lifetime of love, happiness, and success together. Please raise your glasses and join me in congratulating the bride and groom! We love you!” 

#9 Practice your body language

Public speaking isn’t only about what you say but how you carry yourself. Your body language can drastically affect your confidence, your delivery, and how the audience perceives you. Use these body language hacks to take your speech to the next level: 

  • Signal “friend” : Smile and show your open palms to send the message that you are the audience’s friend. This makes people feel more comfortable with your presence and more likely to listen.
  • Stand up straight : When you look confident, you also feel more confident. Check your posture if your voice is a little shaky before the speech. Roll back your shoulders and tuck your shoulder blades down towards your back. Slightly lift your chest and chin as you speak. 
  • Make eye contact: Throughout the speech, you should change your eye contact with different audience members. As you mention specific compliments or thanks, make eye contact with the bride, groom, groomsmen, bridesmaids, and the bride’s father.
  • Genuinely smile : Smiling may seem obvious, but it’s easy to forget when you feel so focused on a perfect delivery. At the same time, you don’t want to look like you’re fake smiling throughout the speech. Use these 9 Simple Tips to Smile Better (in any situation!)
  • Use your hands : It’s easy to let your nerves get the best of you and feel like a “deer in the headlights.” Instead of tucking your hands in your pockets, widen your stance and take up space. Use your hands and gestures while you talk to show that you are comfortable and happy during the speech. 

Want more tips? Here are 17 Body Language Presentation Cues to Use in Your Next Speech . 

#10 Rehearse before the big day

Experts say you should rehearse a speech 10 times before performing it. Research also shows that people who mentally prepare themselves before a speech by imagining it going well are more likely to perform fluently and easily. So before you get in front of an audience, be sure you’ve gone over your speech at least 10 times, either in your head or out loud. Better yet, practice in the mirror, on camera, or in front of a trusted friend. 

It also helps to review the gist of the speech with the groom (without giving away any secret details) to make sure it’s alright with him. A few weeks before the wedding, you may pull him aside and ask, “Hey man, is it OK if I tell the story about ____ in my best man speech? I think it’ll get some good laughs.” 

Although this example is long, this best man very clearly rehearsed his speech for a near-perfect performance without any notes:

Key Takeaways: Express Gratitude and Sentimentality in 3-5 Minutes

Ultimately, a best man speech is an opportunity to make your best bro look good in front of all his friends and family. Your speech should demonstrate how much you value your brotherhood or friendship. At the same time, you can enjoy 5 minutes of wedding fame without making things all about you. A great toast can make you a memorable celebrity at the wedding and have people laughing at your

Before jumping up at the reception and speaking off the cuff, remember to:

  • Outline and plan your speech ahead of time. Use notecards if needed.
  • Focus on the groom and his bride. Don’t go on and on about yourself. 
  • Nail the opening line with a funny joke, quote, or teaser that leads into a great story. 
  • Avoid inappropriate or cringey topics that could embarrass the groom.
  • Express gratitude to the groom and wedding hosts. 

Giving a toast or speech is an essential social skill that can make you one of the most likable people in a room. If you want to learn more about the art of giving showstopping toasts, read this guide on How to Give an Awesome Toast: Advanced Strategies for Speeches . 

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How To Write & Deliver A Great Best Man Speech

How To Write & Deliver A Great Best Man Speech

Choose your style.

“One style of speech doesn’t suit everyone. It all depends on your personality, your relationship to the bride and groom, and the audience. Best man speeches usually fit into three categories: funny, sentimental and reflective. The best type of speech will combine all three, but it’s okay to focus on one. If you class yourself as a bit of a joker, feel free to weave in jokes and keep stories light if you have good rapport with the other guests at the ceremony. If you don’t, however, don’t go overboard otherwise you’ll come across as too familiar. Sentimental speeches tend to focus solely on the bride and groom, their relationship, and the journey in the run up to the big day. This is a good choice if you want to tackle it sensitively and showcase what a great couple they are. Lastly, reflective is a good choice if there are people missing from the wedding like late relatives. Here, the tone should be more serious to pay tribute to those individuals.” – Hal Davies, speech writer at Hitched

Nail The Opening Line

“A great best man speech usually starts with a bang and ends with a big payoff. The opening line is all about setting the tone. Fail to nail this and you've lost your audience before you've even started. Generally, a top joke puts everyone in the right mood. There are a few ways to approach this: traditionally you'll be speaking after the groom, so a light joke or insult about his speech or at his expense is always a winner. However, if you're speaking after the bride's father, steer clear of that and go down the self-deprecating route – a line about how nervous you are is a great way to get in an early laugh and get the audience on your side. You want a great ice breaker, but don’t lead with your best joke, as people might still be talking and not everyone will be concentrating. You want to gather their attention and get them ready for what’s to come.” – Tom Bourlet from The Stag Company

Introduce Yourself

“It might seem a little obvious, but always introduce yourself. Obviously, the bride and groom know who you are but at a big wedding, there's a decent chance many of the relatives and more distant friends might not. So, breaking down how you all know one another is a great way to add some substance and context. This is also a fantastic opportunity to pay some compliments to the bride and the bridesmaids. Something about how beautiful they look is a great way to set the bride and her family at ease.” – Tom

…But Remember It’s Not About You

“You're at the wedding on behalf of the groom. You'll be talking about your relationship with him, but keep in mind that this is about him not you. Your relationship with him  is a great chance to regale the audience with funny anecdotes, maybe about how you met. But never share stories that are crass or too embarrassing – and the jokes shouldn’t be at the groom’s expense. You're here to make him look good, not roast him, so throw in a few lines about what a great guy he is.” – Tom

Make It A Story So Everything Flows

“Think of the speech like a story. There should be an engaging beginning, middle and end. You need to make the guests feel at ease, entertain everyone in the room and provide context for people who don’t know the couple as well as you. Once you’ve set the scene, share a few stories – but be careful not to embellish too much – and round off with notes of gratitude, words of appreciation, and a final toast. Read it aloud to make sure everything flows together. You might need to add or take away a few lines during the editing process to keep it short and concise, so don’t skip this part as words on a page are very different when translated into spoken word.” – Hal

Avoid Clichés

“Try to be original. Never open with something like ‘The last time I stood up in front of a room of people I was found guilty’ or ‘My name is Tom and I'm an alcoholic… wait, wrong speech’. The same goes for tasteless jokes about the wedding night.” – Tom

Don’t Forget Thank Yous

“Highlight the effort that's gone into the day and make sure you pay particular attention to the contribution from the bride and groom’s parents – after all there's a decent chance they paid for it. If you're talking about the particulars of the day, an off-the-cuff observation about the ceremony or the menu, for example, makes your speech seem less scripted and more improvisational. At this point, you should add some stories about the couple and their relationship – something along the lines of how amazing she is and how she's made the groom happier than ever. If you have stories that are likely to turn on the waterworks, this is the time. Things not to mention include past girlfriends (or partners), arguments, or the stag do.” – Tom

“Don’t feel like you have to include it all. A sentence or two of gratitude is more than enough. Thank yous can be quite boring for most guests, so don’t spend ages dragging it out, which can come across as insincere. Instead, highlight only the important guests.” – Hal 

End It On A High

“The end of your speech should summarise everything you've covered. This makes it a great chance to call-back to some earlier jokes for a few more laughs. Leave your best jokes until now to ensure everything ends on a happy note. Offer some advice to the couple, wish them all the best and ask the audience to raise a glass to them. The best toasts are short and sweet.” – Tom

Don’t Memorise The Speech

“Learn from my mistake of trying to memorise it all. While it’s good to know what you’re talking about, it’s more important to sound clear and confident, rather than reciting words you’ve learned. As a general rule, start your speech six months before the wedding, so you can write down any funny anecdotes or jokes. The speech might look very different a few months before as it gets fine-tuned and jokes are replaced or improved. When you’re happy with it, practise it in front of someone else a few times. It might read well when written down, but you have to work on how you deliver it, so the jokes land perfectly.” – Tom

Take It Slow

“When people are nervous, they tend to talk quickly, which can make it harder to hear the punch line. If people don’t hear the punchline, they won’t laugh, which will make you even more nervous. Take a few deep breaths and slow down. You can always take a sip of your drink between sections. Also, remember to pause for laughter – don’t go straight into your next line, as people may not hear it. The laughter will boost your confidence and allow you to carry on with more gusto. Just make sure you haven’t had too much to drink throughout the day, but a quick one a few minutes beforehand can help tackle nerves.” – Tom

Don’t Put Too Much Pressure On Yourself

“There’s a lot of pressure on the best man during any wedding – as well as the speech you’ll have various duties throughout the day, so you don’t want to over complicate things. The day is for you to enjoy too, so don't set expectations for yourself too high. People are expecting a few laughs, not a stand-up show. So, if a joke or two falls flat, forget about it and move on. Half the people here are your nearest and dearest, so they won't care, and the other half won’t be judging harshly either.” – Tom

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writing a joint best man speech

A best man’s speech is an integral part of any wedding and holds much importance as it celebrates the union of two individuals. As the best man, your role is primarily to entertain and honor the newlyweds in a heartfelt and memorable speech. To ensure that your speech ticks all the right boxes, follow this step-by-step guide.

1. Start by Introducing Yourself:

Introduce yourself to the audience and explain your relationship to the groom (or both parties in a same-sex marriage). Doing so will help those who may not be familiar with you feel more connected and engaged.

2. Express Your Gratitude:

Thank the couple for choosing you as the best man and acknowledge the parents for organizing such a splendid event.

3. Share Fond Memories:

Think about your experiences or memories shared with the groom that will entertain, engage, and amuse the audience. Keep in mind that you want to keep it light-heartede without crossing any boundaries. Strike a balance between humor and sentimentality.

4. Compliment The Bride:

As it’s customary to say positive things about the bride, take a moment to offer complimentary words about her. This also showcases your support for their relationship, nurturing a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

5. Include Well-Wishes and Advice:

Offer meaningful advice for a happy married life or share well-wishes for their future together. Drawing from personal experience, famous quotes, or borrowed wisdom from people they admire can enhance this portion of your speech.

6. Address The Couple Directly:

Take time during your speech to look at the couple directly while reminiscing about cherished moments or extending your blessings.

7. Keep It Concise:

Remember that brevity is key when delivering an impactful best man’s speech. Aim for somewhere between five to ten minutes long, ensuring you neither underwhelm nor lose your audience’s attention.

8. Practice and Prepare:

To ease any speech anxiety, rehearsals are a must. Practice in front of a mirror, friends, or family to work on eye contact, tone, and pace. Consider preparing note cards with key points to keep your thoughts organized during the event.

9. Show Your Emotions:

It’s okay to show emotions during the speech; after all, it’s a special occasion that celebrates love and companionship. Don’t be afraid to let your feelings shine through your words.

10. End With A Toast:

Conclude your speech by raising a toast to the happy couple, expressing heartfelt wishes for their future together.

By incorporating these steps into your best man’s speech, you’re sure to create an unforgettable moment for the newlyweds and the entire wedding party. Remember that sincerity, humor, and a touch of sentimentality go a long way when delivering an exceptional best man’s speech.

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How to Write a Best Man Speech – 5 Easy Steps

Picture of Johan Froentjes

  • Last updated - January 31, 2023
  • Final edit by Johan Froentjes

Your closest friends might ask you to become their best man or maid of honor! If the ‘best man’ responsibility falls on your hands, you should consider your best man speech. You may be looking for speech tips, openers, or funny jokes to incorporate into your wedding speech, or you may need guidance on how to use a speech to make the wedding ceremony a little more special. This article will give you five actionable tips for writing the perfect best man speech for your friend’s wedding day.

5 Tips for Nailing your Best Man Speech

1. thank the wedding guests that deserve a ‘thank you.’.

If the groom is your best friend, you likely have a good relationship with his parents too. First and foremost, it is an excellent idea for you to thank his parents for raising such a great person. At the beginning of your speech outline, you will want to appreciate the wedding guests and avoid using embarrassing stories.

After you thank his parents: for example, for their job in raising a fantastic person, you can incorporate something appreciative towards the groom like: “[Grooms name], thank you for putting up with me for so many years, you are my best friend, and I’m extremely happy for you.

“A special thanks go out to the bartenders for alleviating my nervousness before this speech.

man handing a person a glass of beer

Especially if you have issues with public speaking, these small jokes and appreciative comments at the start of your speech can help you gain confidence. Incorporate an appreciative beginning to your speech outline

2. Time for a funny anecdote or speech jokes

It’s time to make your speech funny and incorporate your sense of humor. Newlywed couples will often encounter things that they’ve never seen before. For example, maybe your best friend can’t dance, but you can joke that you can’t wait to see the lovely couple on the dance floor. Or you could share one of the funny stories about you two or something you saw them do as a happy couple that stood out to you.

Even if you are writing a funny speech for a special couple that doesn’t catch onto the audience, your best man will likely sincerely appreciate your words. Sometimes amusing stories only make sense to just the two of you.

If you’re having difficulties finding good jokes or writing a good speech for the wedding couple, consider hiring a professional speechwriter. Speech writing services help alleviate the stress of writing a speech. Alternatively, you can opt for a joint speech or use a speech template or structure from the internet.

3. Don’t insult anyone – Keep your speech light.

You must be careful about offending the crowd or making crude jokes that might insult the bride and groom. Crude jokes are generally ill-liked in family settings and should be avoided. In addition, make sure you don’t offend his annoying brother and write your speech with some common sense. Awkward jokes are usually okay, but dirty jokes that happen to be awkward jokes are entirely out of line. Even if you’re great at public speaking, these jokes will give you a pale face from the crowd’s reaction. Finally, avoid spilling the beans about bad habits or mentioning his excellent taste in women, and keep it classy.

4. Use the right words.

When writing your speech, incorporate adjectives to highlight what you think of the couple. For example, instead of a ‘thank you,’ you could say that a ‘special honor’ goes out to the spectacular people that raised my friend. In addition, you can be appreciative by saying you feel very privileged and honored to be standing here tonight celebrating this lovely union.

“This special couple consists not of one amazing person but two. So a toast goes out to these caring people and this amazing couple on this wedding day.”

5. The Ending

It’s time to get heartfelt. You will be appreciative at the end of your speech, similar to speech openers, but with more emotion. Highlight what a fantastic couple they are and how this amazing couple is like a tailor-made lego set where everything seems to work. Explain what a wonderful person your friend is and how you wish this wedding couple the happiness they’ll deserve in this life. Guaranteed that if you follow these steps during the speech of the wedding ceremony, you’ll even have his annoying brother crying about your touching story.

photo of a bride looking sideways

In a nutshell

When writing the best man speech, it’s essential to focus on highlighting the beautiful qualities of the groom or bride, sharing amusing stories about the couple, expressing your happiness for their lovely union, and noting the fantastic taste and spectacular nature of the people in attendance. A touching story or personal anecdote can also add a heartfelt touch to the speech.

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Joint best man speech

Hello. I am 1 of 3 best men at a wedding later this year, and need to prepare a best man speech. We plan to all share the speech as nobody wants to do it on their own.

I am looking for some ideas on how this should be structured and prepared. I am thinking it should ideally be one joint speech, rather than 3 separate but I am having a hard time coming up with anything. Any tips / strucutres / ideas?

How to Write a Best Man Speech – Full Template With Examples

groomsman hyping up the groom before giving a formal best man speech

It’s the moment you’ve always been waiting for: your best friend or brother has asked you to be his best man! But as the saying goes, with great power comes great responsibility. And in your case, that responsibility is writing a truly epic best man speech. To help you with this daunting task, we’re breaking down everything you need to know to give an unforgettable best man speech — plus some examples and templates to get you started!

We get it, public speaking can feel downright terrifying. But when done right, a best man speech will instantly light up a room and earn you allllll the best friend points. No pressure or anything! In this guide, we’re here to help you nail your moment in the spotlight with all the best man speech FAQs, advice, and examples you could ever need. Let’s get into it!

Table of Contents

Best man speech faqs, our best advice for writing the ultimate best man speech, the foolproof best man speech template and examples.

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groomsman giving a best man speech at vintage-inspired summer camp wedding

If you want to write a best man speech that leaves the room in tears (of laughter or joy, take your pick!), the first step is preparation. This isn’t the type of best man duty that you can leave to the morning of the wedding — procrastinators, we’re looking at you!

So, to help you knock it out of the park, we’re breaking down everything you need to know to write an unforgettable best man speech. From the best topics to cover to the best topics to avoid , here are all of our best man speech FAQs!

P.S. This is just an overview to get you started. Keep scrolling for our complete template and examples that you can use to write your own epic best man speech!

Is the best man required to give a speech on the wedding day?

guy wearing black pants and a white button down giving a best man speech at modern industrial wedding at a brewery

As best man, you’re in charge of more than just standing next to the groom (and looking fly) on the big day — you’ve got responsibilities, my friend! And in addition to rocking a great ‘fit , keeping the other groomsmen in check, and getting everyone in the party mood, one of those responsibilities is giving a killer best man speech.

While the best man isn’t required to give a speech on the wedding day, it is a fun tradition that goes back decades. This is your chance to share your love for the newlyweds — and tell a few funny stories about your best friend while you’re at it!

Because of this, the happy couple (and the guests) will likely expect you to stand up and say a few words, but if you’re extra nervous about public speaking, feel free to talk to the love birds about skipping it. They may have another tradition or ritual that you can do instead of a best man speech.

groom surrounded by his groomsman at a desert wedding

Still searching for the perfect ‘fit for the big day? We’ve got you covered with this list of the most stylish suits for groomsmen !

At what point in the wedding day does the best man speech happen?

best man speech at tropical outdoor wedding

Traditionally, the best man speech takes place during the reception after the groom (or couple) has given their toast. This is when everyone is gathered together, the good vibes are rolling, and the drinks are flowing. It’s the perfect time to congratulate the couple and get the party started!

While this is the traditional timing for best man speeches, the couple may have different preferences based on their wedding timeline. It’s always a good idea to check with them ahead of time to ensure you’re fully prepared for your moment in the spotlight.

What kind of topics should you cover in a best man speech?

guy giving a funny best man speech at formal evening wedding

When it comes to best man speeches, there’s no one-size-fits-all formula. Every speech is different, just like every couple is different! But no matter which direction you choose, you want to focus on congratulating the newlyweds and expressing your love for the happy couple.

While you probably have endless crowd-pleasing stories about the groom, it’s also important to spotlight the couple as a whole, instead of writing your entire best man speech about your friend.

Do you have a funny story about the groom asking his S.O. out on their first date? Or a sweet anecdote from when he told you he found “the one?” This approach will help them both feel special on the big day — and earn you brownie points with both sides of the guest list!

P.S. We’ve included more specific examples to write about in your best man speech down below, plus a template to get you started!

What topics are off-limits during a best man speech?

champagne toast after the groomsman gives his best man speech at a backyard wedding

Remember: this a wedding, not a bachelor party! When writing your best man speech, the goal is to keep it classy and appropriate for all ages, while still injecting a bit of your personality into the toast. It’s a delicate balance, so here are a few topics to avoid on the mic!

  • Super personal or embarrassing stories: Sure, you might have some hilarious anecdotes about the groom, but if they might embarrass the couple or their families, then they’re better left unsaid. After all, this is a celebration of love, not a roast!
  • Controversial topics: Whenever you’re giving a speech (and especially at a wedding filled with your best friend’s loved ones), you should avoid anything that could be considered controversial or offensive. This includes jokes or comments about religion, politics, race, gender, or sexuality. Even if you think you’re being funny, you don’t want to risk offending anyone in the audience.
  • Past relationships: If there was ever a time to not talk about an ex, it’s at that person’s wedding. No matter how good the story is, bringing up the couple’s former flames during the best man speech will only ever be awkward when they’re sitting next to you in their wedding best.
  • Inside jokes: The most successful best man speeches are the ones that make the entire audience smile, laugh, or tear up. To keep your speech inclusive and engaging for everyone in the room (not just your friend group), avoid those inside jokes that you “just had to be there” to get.

How long should a best man speech be?

guy holding a margarita while giving a best man speech at romantic formal wedding

For best man speeches that make an impact, shorter is usually better. As a general rule, aim for around 3 to 5 minutes (about 750 words). This is long enough to cover the essentials and tell a few great stories, without losing the audience’s attention. Anything longer, and you might risk people getting distracted or bored — especially if the speeches are taking place later in the evening.

When writing your best man speech, always focus on the quality over the length. With such a short window, you want to make every word count. So practice your delivery, time yourself, and aim for a speech that’s heartfelt, fun, and concise.

When in doubt, aim for a best man speech that’s short and sweet, rather than super long. Attention spans at this point in the wedding day are limited!

Does your best man speech have to be funny?

couple laughing together at a funny best man speech

No, your speech doesn’t have to be funny, and jokes are by no means a requirement. It’s easy to feel pressured to turn your best man speech into a stand-up routine, but this definitely isn’t necessary. If it doesn’t feel natural, then it’s always better to stick with a heartfelt and authentic approach that reflects your unique relationship with the newlyweds.

On the other hand, if you are the class clown of the friend group, then humor is always appreciated! A crowd-pleasing joke or two during your best man speech will keep the good vibes going — just be sure to balance them with sincere and heartfelt sentiments. At the end of the day, you want to be yourself, speak from the heart, and let your personality shine.

Who does the best man thank in his speech?

teenager giving a best man speech at fun colorful wedding

Aside from the anecdotes and words of love, best man speeches should also include a few heartfelt thank you’s. It’s best practice to express your gratitude to the newlyweds, as well as the loved ones who made this day possible. This could be the couple’s parents, their (other) best friends, and anyone else who played a big part in their relationship.

And finally, get the crowd on your side by thanking all the guests for being a part of this special celebration. Without their love and support, the day wouldn’t be complete!

man raising his wine glass for a toast after his fun best man speech

So, where do you start? You don’t have to be a skilled speech writer to write a best man speech that wins over the room. That’s where we come in! We’ve seen our fair share of killer best man speeches, and we’ve made a note of all the do’s and don’ts to follow during your time at the mic.

By the end of the best man speech, the crowd should feel like they know a little bit more about the couple’s love story — and be excited to spend the rest of the night celebrating them (you’re basically their hype man!).

Keep scrolling for our top tips for writing a best man speech that checks off ALL these boxes and more. We see a standing ovation in your future!

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Need a little more confidence for your moment in the spotlight? Finish your look with one of these best cologne options for men , as rated by our GWS readers. Smell good, look good, feel good!

1. Craft an Outline for Your Best Man Speech

guy holding a microphone and looking at the couple while giving his best man speech at a modern barn wedding

One thing you shouldn’t do when giving your best man speech? Wing it. Before you step into the spotlight, spend some time crafting an outline for what you’re going to say.

I know, I know, this tip might be bringing you back to your days in English Lit class. But it’s a surefire way to ensure you cover all the essentials, without rambling on and on. Plus, it could be as simple as writing down each section of your best man speech, plus the main points you want cover in those sections — from the funny intro to your favorite anecdotes to the people you want to thank. Done!

P.S. We’ve included a template down below to make writing an outline for your best man speech a little easier!

2. Consider the Formality of the Wedding When Crafting Your Best Man Speech

best man speech example at mountain elopement ceremony

Not sure which tone to take for your best man speech? Let the formality of the wedding be your guide. For example, a laid-back beach wedding is the perfect opportunity for a funny best man speech filled with witty jokes and wild stories, while a black tie optional affair may call for something a little classier.

The formality of the wedding may also depend on who’s in attendance. A small crowd filled with the couple’s best friends and closest family members will allow for a different type of best man speech than a large guest list that includes their co-workers, neighbors, and distant relatives.

Read the room, and don’t be afraid to ask the love birds beforehand about how formal to make your best man speech.

3. Brainstorm a List of Your Favorite Moments With The Groom and the Couple

best man speech at formal outdoor wedding

How did you first meet the groom? Was there a moment or experience that bonded you together? Were you there when he first laid eyes on his other half? What are your favorite memories with the three of you together?

Do a brain dump of all these moments before writing your best man speech, then sift through them to pick out the best jokes, anecdotes, and sentimental moments to share with the crowd.

4. When Crafting Jokes, Choose Ones That Will Have Wide Appeal

couple laughing at a funny outdoor best man speech

As we mentioned before, the best examples of best man speeches bring the entire crowd in on the joke. You and the couple may have an incredible inside joke that will have you all on the floor, but if it leaves the rest of the room in crickets then this may not be the best time for it.

Instead, choose jokes that everyone will enjoy. If it will make the groom’s grandmother and the flower girl laugh, then you have yourself a winner. And if you do want to include a few inside jokes, balance them with some crowd-pleasing cracks — or give the crowd a little backstory about what makes this joke so funny to the couple.

5. Run Your Best Man Speech By Someone Else in the Wedding Party

guy giving a funny best man speech at formal reception while the couple laughs

So, how do you know if your jokes (or the rest of your best man speech, for that matter) will have widespread appeal? Recruit some test subjects first!

Ask someone that’s close to the couple to listen to your speech before you present it to a room filled with people. This could be a bridesmaid, a fellow groomsmen, or a close family member. These are the people that know the couple just as well as you do (and have some knowledge about the wedding), so they’ll have better insight about what works, and what doesn’t.

Not only will this help ensure that your jokes land, your speech flows, and your anecdotes hit home, but it will also give you a chance to practice speaking in front of other people. Which brings us to our next tip…

6. Practice Your Best Man Speech (And Aim to Put it To Memory!)

guy giving a best man speech at formal outdoor wedding

Before giving your best man speech, be sure to follow the three P’s: practice, practice, practice. Say the speech in front of the mirror, in front of a few friends, or in front of a video camera to gain confidence and get your inflections + hand gestures just right.

You can even do a mini dress rehearsal in your suit to get a feeling for the big moment. Practice your best man speech with a microphone (or a hairbrush!) and imagine you’re in the venue. When you visualize your speech going well, you’ll feel more prepared for the big moment!

We also recommend trying to memorize your best man speech. There’s nothing worse than someone reading from their phone or a stack of notecards — this can make the speech feel stiff and awkward (and doesn’t look great in photos). By memorizing it, you’ll be more present in the moment and the delivery will feel more natural.

GWS Pro Tip: If you struggle to memorize things or want to have a few notes to help with your nerves, then swap your notes app for a classy leather journal instead. This mini one is the perfect pocket size, and it’ll look great in photos!

7. Remember to Breathe and Take it Slow

child holding a microphone and giving a cute best man speech at formal wedding

When you’re nervous, you may want to rush the delivery to get the speech over with as fast as possible. But this will only make you feel more anxious, and it’ll make it harder for the audience to get the full impact of your best man speech.

Before you start talking, take a few deep breaths to calm your nerves. It also helps to focus on taking pauses throughout your best man speech — especially after a good joke. This signals to the audience that it’s time to laugh, and it gives them a moment to let your comic genius sink in.

funny formal best man speech example

Grab your pen and paper — it’s time to start writing your iconic best man speech! To help you create your plan of attack, we’ve designed a template that covers each section of your best man speech, plus specific examples to get you started.

Whether you want your best man speech to be funny, sentimental, or a mix of the two, this template will guide you in the writing and delivery process. From an opener that will get people laughing to a final toast that will inspire tears of joy, we’re covering all the bases.

So without further ado, here’s our template to help you write the best best man speech of all time!

1. Craft an Opener for Your Best Man Speech That Really Hooks Them

best man speech toast at a whimsical outdoor wedding

It’s always best to start your best man speech by introducing yourself — but that doesn’t mean your opener has to be boring! Spice it up with a funny one-liner, a heartfelt quote (this could be from a movie you and the groom love!), or a fun fact about you and the couple.

Don’t forget to keep the focus on the groom (or the couple as a whole), even as you’re introducing yourself. The crowd is here for them , so give the people what they want!

GWS Pro Tip: During this introduction, avoid talking about how nervous you are (even if you’re currently shaking in your dress shoes). Act confident, and you’ll look confident!

Best man speech example that will get everyone laughing: “There comes a time in everyone’s life when they meet their soulmate. The person who will love them and put up with them for the rest of their life. That moment came for [groom] 15 years ago when he met me.”

Best man speech template for a clever one-liner: “Good evening, everyone! I’m [name], [groom]’s best man, and I’m pretty sure I’m only up here because I know where all the embarrassing photos of him are hidden.”

Best man speech example that instantly hooks you: “As [groom’s] brother, I’m here tonight to tell you three things you never knew about [groom]. Sorry in advance mom and dad.”

2. Keep the Mood Light-Hearted With a Crowd-Pleasing Joke

groomsman giving a funny best man speech at a boho wedding

If you didn’t include a joke in your opener, now’s your chance to get the crowd on your side. Remember: your best man speech doesn’t have to be a stand-up act. If you’re not a natural comedian, don’t force it — but a little laughter will go a long way to break the ice and keep spirits high.

When in doubt, balance your joke with some heartfelt sentiments. This will come across as more authentic, especially if you’re not the jokester of the group. Here are some examples you can steal for your best man speech!

Best man speech example for super tall grooms: “I’ve always looked up to [groom]. He follows his heart, he does the right thing, and he works hard at everything he does. But mostly, he’s 6 feet tall, so I have no choice.”

Best man speech example for couples who met online: “Before I continue, I wanted to give a quick shout-out to tonight’s sponsor: Tinder. Without you, we wouldn’t all be here this evening. So cheers to Tinder, and [groom’s partner] swiping right on [groom’s] fishing picture!”

Best man speech example for grooms with a beard: “[Partner’s name], you look beautiful today. [Groom’s name], you didn’t even shave!”

3. Tell One or Two Personal Anecdotes in Your Best Man Speech

groomsman standing at the head. table giving a best man speech at a boho outdoors wedding

Next up: storytime. This is where you should give a little more backstory about how you know the groom, and share some anecdotes that will make the crowd fall even more in love with the couple.

We get it, you probably have hundreds of stories that you could tell about the groom. How will you ever narrow it down?! When choosing which stories to write about in your best man speech, it helps to stick to a theme. This will ensure you stay on track and give your speech a well-rounded feel.

Some fool-proof themes are:

  • What first bonded you together (college antics, brotherhood, coffee, you name it)
  • All the ways the two of you are opposites (this is a fun way to compliment and poke fun at the groom)
  • Funny facts the guests don’t know about the groom or the couple
  • Why the love birds are perfect for each other
  • Inspiring metaphors for marriage (ie: adventure, dreaming big, finding your other half)

Ultimately, you should tell 1 to 3 stories during your best man speech that sum up the kind of person the groom is, and why his partner is his perfect match. Here are a few examples to help you start brainstorming.

Funny best man speech example : “The groom and I have been friends for a long time, and we’ve had some pretty wild adventures together. And while I can’t share all of them here today (for legal reasons), I thought I’d tell you about one that really sticks out in my memory….”

Best man speech example about the couple’s meet-cute: “When [the couple] first met, I knew they were made for each other. It was obvious that first night when we were at a karaoke bar and they both sang Disney songs. Actually, I think the only person who didn’t know was [groom]. We suffered through months of googly eyes and hearing [partner’s name] in every sentence, just waiting for him to catch on. So when he told me that he was going to ask her out — and then, a year later, that he was going to propose — all I could say was: Finally.”

Best man speech template for brothers or childhood friends: “We’ve been through a lot together, but some of my favorite memories are of us camping every summer in Canada. Even though [groom] was always scared of a moose crashing through our tent while we slept, we still had some amazing adventures. From fishing in the lake to roasting marshmallows by the campfire, those summers were unforgettable. And now, as [groom] starts a new adventure with [his partner], I know he’s ready for anything — even a moose!”

4. Balance Your Best Man Speech With Heartfelt Sentiments

guy talking into a microphone in front of a crowd at a rustic cabin venue

Once you’ve told one or two anecdotes, it’s time to dig deep, get heartfelt, and talk about how special the groom is to your life — and how great it is to watch him find his life partner. Don’t be afraid to get a little corny!

While all templates will be different, here are a few key points to cover during this part of the best man speech:

  • Highlight what you love about the groom and admire about his love story
  • Compliment the groom’s other half
  • Express your gratitude to the couple for including you in their celebration
  • Thank anyone else who made this day so special, including the couple’s parents (especially if they’re hosting the wedding) and the other members of the wedding party. You can also shout out the guests in attendance!

Sentimental best man speech example : “[Groom] has always been my partner in crime, my camping buddy, and my best friend. He’s always been the fearless one, and now he’s found a partner who’s just as courageous. I have no doubt that they’ll continue to blaze new trails together and create unforgettable memories along the way.”

Best man speech template for thanking the couple and the guests: “I’d like to thank everyone who came today to celebrate the happy couple. It’s a true testament to [the couple] that you’ve all taken the time to come and witness their marriage. I’d also like the thank the two of you for allowing me to be part of such a special day. That’s a lot of blind faith in my public speaking skills. Especially when there’s an open bar involved.”

Best man speech template for complimenting the love birds: “[The couple] takes hashtag couple goals to a whole new level. They wake up early to go to the gym together, come home and cook healthy meals, and make financially sound decisions for every part of their life. Now that you’re married, you guys can probably stop showing off. But in all seriousness, it’s something special to find your perfect other half. And that’s worth celebrating.”

5. Congratulate the Newlyweds and Wish Them Luck for Their Future

groomsman giving a best man speech at s small outdoor wedding in the mountains while the couple and their child look on

As you wind down your best man speech, be sure to congratulate the couple on their marriage and wish them luck for all their adventures ahead. Instead of giving a quick “congrats,” we love the idea of calling back to a story or joke from earlier in the best man speech. This will tie everything together in a perfect bow!

Heartfelt best man speech congratulations example : “Congrats to the newlyweds. You’ve found someone who loves you for who you are, and that’s a beautiful thing. I know that your marriage will be filled with love, laughter, and plenty of bad dad jokes.”

Best man speech congratulations example for adventurous couples: “Congratulations on finding the person who is game for every adventure that comes your way. I wish you both a lifetime of unconditional love and unforgettable experiences.”

Best man speech congratulations example for an unforgettable quote : “In the words of Forrest Gump, ‘I may not be a smart man, but I know what love is.’ And I’m looking at it today. Congratulations to the happy couple.”

6. Close Your Best Man Speech With a Toast

best man speech toast at a formal outdoor tent wedding

This is your grand finale, so end your best man speech with some fireworks! As you write your final toast, think about what you want your main takeaway to be. Are you hoping for light-hearted laughs, tears of joy, or a resounding “Awwww “? Take some time to write a closing statement that’s short, sweet, and full of love.

GWS Pro Tip: The best toasts invite the crowd to congratulate the couple with you. Use words like “we” and “us” instead of “I” to bring everyone together for this final moment.

Best man speech example for a sweet send-off : “So let’s all raise a glass to the newlyweds. May your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day, and may you never run out of things to laugh about. Cheers!”

Best man speech example for a final laugh: “So let’s all raise a glass to the most important people here. The bar staff. [Pause for laughter] For [the couple], cheers to a lifetime of love and laughter!

Best man speech example for all the happy tears: “So let’s raise a glass to [the couple’s] love. John Lennon said, ‘A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.’ Cheers to all your dreams coming true.”

Attending a Few Weddings This Season? Check Out Our Best Guides.

man holding a microphone and giving a sentimental best man speech at a wedding reception

Wedding season is upon us, and we’re here to help you get ready for all those celebrations of love in your future!

To start, show the couple some love with our list of the best wedding gifts that will wow any newlyweds — plus this round-up of epic engagement gifts for love birds who just popped the question.

And if you’re in the process of picking out the perfect ‘fit, make sure you’re sticking to the dress code with our ultimate guide to semi formal attire . We’ve also created black tie optional wedding guide for those fancier affairs!

Did this guide inspire you to create the greatest best man speech of all time? Make sure to get it on video and tag us on Instagram @greenweddingshoes with the final product!

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The ultimate best man speech guide

10 minutes you’ll remember forever.

The Best Man Speech is one of the highlights of any wedding, but getting it right is essential, because whilst it’s just 10 minutes or so on the day, the memories of this speech will  last a lifetime . Most Best Men are weighed down by the expectation to be funny, and have no idea where to start, what it should really contain, how to end it, or how to talk about the bride and groom in a meaningful and non-clichéd way. This page is the definitive guide on how to write your best man speech, from the structure, to the jokes, how to handle two men, props, format and quotes…it’s here. All you need is some time, a creative burst and the rest will take care of itself.

Quick Links

Opening lines.

  • Being Best Man
  • Relationship to Groom

Triumphs and Disasters

Closing lines.

  • Joint Best Man

Best Man for Brother

  • Girlfriends

How to write a great best man speech

Here is a short video with my thoughts and ideas on writing a great best man speech. I’ve expanded on those ideas below to give as much advice, hints and tips on writing a really great speech. Enjoy!

Many best men race to get that first funny line in there, and usually at the expense of quality. Keep it warm, funny and never edgy.

1. Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, for those who of you I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting yet, my name is Chris and I am officially Paul’s second best man…second best ladies and gentlemen…nobody likes to be second best do they? Well, Paul, looking at his career, he should know better than most…anyway where were we?

2. Good evening ladies and gentlemen before I begin I’d just like to introduce myself: my name is Chris and it is my very great honour and privilege to be the first of Mark’s two Best Man…we had to split it…46 years is quite a long time to cover all in one go! Over the course of the next few minutes I’ll be taking you through Mark’s sporting heroics, dealing with incredible loss and being caned by people dressed as nuns…which in fact had nothing to do with the stag do

3. Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, over the next few minutes we’ll be talking about the man for whom Scottish Independence now means asking his English wife if he can go to the pub at the weekend. I can’t help but thinking that an English woman telling a Scottish man he can’t go to the pub, would be a new low in this country’s rich cultural history.

4. Over the next few minutes I’ll be taking you on the rollercoaster ride that has been Sean’s life to date, and there are some amazing stories; like the time he was playing A ball with David Cameron in Mexico and his dog ate the Prime Minister’s guinea pig and he had to sell my passport to repair his own nose…actually I’ve known Sean 30 years…I might have muddled a few things up there…


Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, before I begin I would just like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to those of you I haven’t yet met. My name is Dave, and this Bob, and together it is our very great pleasure and privilege to be Colin’s best men for today’s celebrations.

At this point I thought I would be nervous at doing Leigh’s speech but I am now looking forward to ripping him a new arse hole in front of all his family and friends and better yet he has to sit there quietly.

This is the most puzzling part because unless you’re a seasoned speech writer, why should you have idea about structure? There are a few ways to tackle this, but the best idea is to keep things simple and form a logical progression from one piece to the next, don’t let the timeline jump around, don’t confuse the audience, and don’t cover topics or people multiple times.

Talk about being the best man

Now you’ve got to get from the introduction into the main part of the speech and this is the bridge, and in many ways the trickiest part of the whole speech, particularly if you’re trying to link everything together. Again, simple is good – don’t make the guests think too hard!

1.Over the next few minutes I will be guiding you though what amounts to one great big cry for help: Paul’s life. The inglorious acting career, the ridiculous hair, owning a ridiculous car, the persistent alcoholic over indulgence and drunken profane outbursts – he was quite simply South West London’s answer to David Hasselhof…just not as successful.

Neil is a special friend and special friends deserve one thing: three stag dos. The weekends of Istanbul, London and Leeds will live long in the memory of not just those who went, but also those who read about us in the national papers. The mass chants of ‘feed the snake! Feed the snake!’ and the enduring company of our new best friend Bianca the stripper are, I have to say, completely unrelated. I would also like to say that for the record Brian accepts and welcomes people from every country around the globe. Almost. AN EXAMPLE OF WHAT NOT TO DO….

Now a wise man once told me the best man speech should last as long as it takes for the groom to make love…So thank you everyone for coming

Firstly, I would just like to say how beautiful the bridesmaids look who have only been out shone by the bride herself, who looks amazing today.

If everyone could be upstanding, and raise a glass, know as some of you may know Kerry wanted to have the wedding a lot earlier than this, so that a certain something could be involved in the wedding, and unfortunately after a long and hard fight that couldn’t happen. I am of course talking about mikes rapidly thinning hairline, you will be sadly missed.

How you know the groom

This comes directly after the bridge and establishes a connection with the audience – they can immediately understand why you’re there, what you mean to the groom and it’s always an opportunity to have some fun with it, especially if you’re a brother!

  • My first mistake was going to stay in the shared house in London where he lived. My second was to comment on the hair. As a glass bowl of pot pourri went sailing past my head and smashed behind me giving off a wonderful burst of sandalwood fragrance, I was given enough time to realize that this was a troubled, sensitive character who didn’t take criticism that well. Perfect friend material.
  • I first properly met Nick way back in 1994 when we started secondary school together. Little did we know it at the time but it was the start of a beautiful relationship, which, for me, EVENTUALLY proved worth pursuing years later when I was able to borrow all his notes and pass my A Levels. Of course, Nick didn’t need them because he might look quite cool now but he was in fact a complete square at school.  The day when he could read without putting his finger on the word and then count without using his hands, were both real breakthrough moments in his life, only to be capped a few weeks later when he passed his driving test.
  • I first met Brent when we attended the University of Texas and pledged a fraternity together. It was here amongst the upside down beer bongs, ritual humiliation and complete lack of sleep that I knew I had met a friend for life. This may sound overly emotional and slightly premature but when you discover your new buddy is packing his dad’s credit card with no limits, who wouldn’t want him as a friend for life? Just for the record Mr. Schakett, I know at times you may have been concerned about the amount of money Brent spent on alcohol and food on that card. You shouldn’t have: the Shot Man Schakett never wasted any of your money on food.

The trick to writing a really entertaining speech is to make the whole thing a story, rather than dragging the audience through endless stories. Recounting anecdotes is really hard to do because they require a lot of detail and all the time you’re getting to the punchline without making them laugh can prove really counterproductive. Of course, this can all pay off if you have a killer punchline, but all too frequently they aren’t that ‘killer’ and require you to have been there.

Instead take out the good bits from the stories and condense them, even embellish slightly into one neat burst of comedy…

1. Now as he embarked on adult life Nick was to learn the hard way just what it is to be a man, and the number one rule is: if you are going to offer to buy the drinks in happy hour, it’s best not to drop the entire lot down yourself as you get back to the table thus meaning you have to go and buy it all again just after happy hour’s finished. Also you should only ever do a runner from a restaurant via the roof if you HAVEN’T actually paid the bill. Leaving Prezzo’s this way one evening after settling up and leaving a good tip, still doesn’t make any sense to anyone.

2. Anyway when Mark wasn’t failing to hit the top spot in the classroom he was also finding it difficult to do that on the sports field as well. However, with a modest talent and even less interest, he did the only sensible thing to do: saved up all his skill and enthusiasm for one split second of genius. Quite how he managed to catch the impossible cricket ball as it left our sports master’s bat, is still completely unknown. But with, uncharacteristic razor sharp reactions and gazelle like agility, he did just that, and won his side the match. Literally seconds after this Mark retired from all forms of competitive sport – at the very top of his game.

3. There weren’t many highlights to being on minimum wage in the frozen section of nobody’s favourite supermarket, in fact if I remember rightly, there was only one. Nick had been asked to use his initiative to dispose of a 2 litre tub of chocolate ice cream – no big deal you might think. Well, Nick decides to take it into the staff toilets and empty it into the loo. Ladies and gentlemen, a big tub of melting chocolate ice cream can make a big impression when poured into a toilet and can only ever give the next person in there the wrong idea. And it did. From then on half the people thought he had dodgy guts the rest thought he ate on the toilet. Both of which, are in fact, true.

These are ripe areas for comedy material, and whilst you can hint at his accomplishments that should really come later in the speech, when it all gets a bit more meaningful. Of course, the disasters aren’t real disasters just areas of his life and social situations he’s got catastrophically wrong…for comedy effect.

It wasn’t all academic and sporting mediocrity though, there have been lots of other things he wasn’t good at too. Forget school discos and trying to speak to girls, Mark had computers eating out of his hand. And it’s easy to see why: with computers you can eventually work out what’s bothering them, they usually only ever break down for legitimate reasons and if you get fed up with them, you can just switch them off. You see, nothing made his heart beat harder or his mind race faster than a computer with a problem. It is a love affair that has endured to this day.

The impact the bride has had on the groom

This should be a fun look at the way the groom as upped his game, changed his wardrobe and started showing an interest in things outside of pubs, football and waking up late.

1. But when he’s not trying to track the dark forces behind his least favourite football club in the world, he also likes to go on holiday. Now going on holiday for Frank is nothing new but the way he goes about it now is very different from the Frank of old. Thanks to his beautiful new wife Emily, Frank now does something called globe trotting which actually involves going to lots of different far flung countries and immersing yourself in their culture, rather than a two hour flight and immersing yourself at the bar.

2. It’s always tricky that first stage of the relationship as you go about discovering whether it’s going to work or not. However, for Sean and Lucinda it was a lot trickier, as soon after he met her and became smitten, he had the romantic task of making her redundant. Sean was taking the old addage “if you love them set them free” to ridiculous conclusions, which resulted in Lucinda losing her job.

3. Cassie, can I just say that you look absolutely beautiful today, I think we can all agree Brent is one lucky guy. I always had a sneaking feeling that Brent was batting way above his average, now I know he is! I have seen over the years just how happy you both are together and I am so thrilled for Brent that he’s met such an amazing woman to share his life with. Also if you could find it in your big, warm heart to allow The Shot Man and that credit card to come out to play, then you would make some grown up, financially independent men, very happy too.

The wedding day really is only about one person, and even though the Best Man Speech should mainly be about the groom, the bride does of course have her part in it as well.

The thing to remember here is, that unless you live in Australia, the best man always goes last, and so the groom will already have extensively talked about how they met. You’re really looking to avoid repetition, so allude generally to how they met, and I’d avoid details…and if they met online and aren’t advertising the fact, then you shouldn’t either.

1. Seriously when Mark met you Emily, everyone could see just how happy that made him. He’s always been a great bloke waiting for the right girl and everyone who knows you both will tell you just what a great couple you are together. Mark I couldn’t be happier for you today, we’ve known each other such a long time and I hope that friendship lasts for many more years to come.

2. Ali, I know you make Neil incredibly happy – you must do, he’s stopped dressing like a middle aged freak. But seriously, you both make a great couple and I know that he’ll already have the next few years planned out on spreadsheets but if you can fit me in I’ll look forward to spending a lot happier times together.

3. The fact that Dave also looked like Kevin Keegan’s love child, also didn’t help his dating days. That was until that fateful night, on the last train from London when he met the lovely Katie and smooth talked her after another mate of ours offered her a complimentary chicken nugget, and the rest is history. In a world, which looks down upon fast food, I think we all need to think again.

4. I can see how incredibly happy you have made my old friend over these last eight years and just how much you have helped to change his life for the better. He’s always been a great guy buy now he has wider horizons and a greater sense of adventure. And I know just how much of a support you’ve been to him through the tough times. I think you are a great couple and I look forward to many more happy times together in the future.

There should really be only one toast in a best man speech and that’s at the very end. Tradition states that best men should reply on behalf of the bridesmaids at the beginning of the speech in response to the bridesmaids toast by the groom – but it’s just confusing and not necessary. A simple but effective toast at the end and you’re done.

All that remains for me is to wish you all a long and happy life together, with all the luck in the world.

Ladies and gentlemen, the bride and groom.

This is where you tie all the strands together, and say what a great friend/brother the groom is, how much he’s been there for you through difficult times, laughed with you through the good times, and always had your back….and if he hasn’t…just lie!

1. John, you have been a good friend to me ever since we first met, and not just in the form of free shots and hosting parties. We’ve had great times going to the games, hanging out and making that journey from college to adult life. I know there will be less time for me in your life as I’ve now been replaced by a small dog called Ben, but you’re catholic, and now you’re married – I can’t see that dog getting a look in for months anyway. However, I will always look forward to the time we spend together especially when for old time’s sake the Shot Man is once again unleashed. Thanks for being trustworthy, loyal and understanding friends and I hope to spend many more times together for many more years to come…maybe also with that doctor wife you promised me Julie.

2. With your laidback, calm and sensitive approach to life Frank, you’re somebody that many people count themselves lucky to have in their lives. Not just because of your willingness and ability to help them out as a friend but because you’re fun and light hearted ways mean you’re always a great guy to be around.

3. I am so happy that you’ve found each other to share your lives with and all that remains for me to say is that I hope you have a great day today and enjoy a long and happy life together.

4. Sam, we’ve known each other for such a long time and been through such a lot together that it’s hard to know where to begin. All I can say is that I couldn’t have wished for a better bloke to share those years with and I hope that there’s going to be plenty more of them to come. Thanks for being a great friend, and thanks for letting me copy your homework.

Other things to consider

From a vast amount of experience you should avoid using props at all costs. It might seem like a great idea to have films, photos, a man in a gimp suit taking the heat off you in a pressurised situation, but it only ever serves to make the day a lot trickier and the speech less effective. As soon as you start holding up pictures or invite people to look at pictures you’ve left on the table they will immediately stop looking at you and start zoning out or talking amongst themselves.

If you give anyone the opportunity to divert their gaze you then have to work really hard to get it back again, and props will only ever make your speech longer and more tedious to endure. They also usually rely heavily on cables, Bluetooth connections, wifi etc etc…or at the very least everyone being able to see what you’re holding up…and they never can. Suddenly you’re getting heckles about not being able to see/hear/understand and it makes the speech the longest 10 minutes of your life.

A great idea if you’ve got funny photographs is to pin them up by the seating plan so that everyone will get to see them and then you can reference those in your speech.

Forget the awful quotes that you normally hear such as ‘it’s not somebody you can live with, it’s somebody you can’t live without, there are some great quotes out there if you look hard enough. Just one for each speech as you don’t want it to become some sort of English Literature GCSE essay.

The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it. - Hubert Humphrey

There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship. - Thomas Aquinas.

Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one. - AA Milne.

Think where man’s glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends. - WB Yeats.

Quotes can be a really powerful way to end a speech, and it’s worth going that extra mile to find something that very few have used before, so check out sites such as BrainyQuote and GoodReads for an endless supply of great quotes.

You are always going to get a heckler or two so it’s worth thinking in advance how to deal with them so they don’t upset your flow, and even better, give you an opportunity to get some extra laughs. The most simple method is just to pause, wait until they’re done and carry on, but if you can get a bit of mileage out of it, so much the better.

A good way of having some fun is simply to ask if they’re looking for assistance in going to the bathroom, this works particularly well if they happen to be on the slightly older side. If it’s a younger person you can assume some vocal surprise that their carers have let them out for the day, or suggest that whatever medication the system has got them on, they need to cut the dose. Anything along this sort of gentle fun vein, always works a treat…as long as they don’t really have a carer and aren’t on medication.

In my experience best man jokes are probably the least effective addition to any best man speech that wants to be classed as superior. By best man jokes, I am alluding to about 100 or so gags that were written over the years specifically to get a laugh from wedding guests. You can do so much better than these, because they’re old, tired an dpeople have heard them all before and the last thing you want to do is land one of these at the start of your speech to a luke warm ripple of polite laughter.

To identify exactly what I’m talking about I’ve listed some of the most prolific offenders.

It’s an emotional wedding, even the cake is in tiers.

It’s not the first time today I’ve got up form a warm seat with a piece of paper in my hand.

If there’s anybody here this afternoon who’s feeling nervous, apprehensive and queasy at the thought of what lies ahead, it’s probably because you have just got married to the groom.

Complete rubbish. You need to work out what it is that’s funny about the groom in an original and engaging way, people will love your creativity and laugh much more!

Burning deep within his sole was a dream, what he wanted more than anything, more than being a cowboy, professional tennis player or A ball star…was to be an office manager in the NHS. What can I say? He’s not dreaming any more ladies and gentlemen.

This is one of the most important factors and it actually depends on quite a few things, so we’ll start off with the very general scenario of 3 speakers at a wedding – Father of the bride, Groom and Best Man. If this is the case and it’s in the UK, then the best man speech should be a stand up to sit down time of no longer than 10 minutes. If this is in America, that will be about 5 minutes maximum. Americans like their speeches shorter and more efficient, and that’s no bad thing.

However, these timings will then change the more speakers that are added to the line up, because what the groom should be doing is making sure the section of speeches doesn’t run into hours of your life you’ll never get back. If there are 4 speakers, aim to be in and out in around 8 minutes, 5 speakers you’re looking at about 6 minutes, and so it goes on.

You have to bear in mind also that as you’ll be the last speaker, apart from Australia where you’re up second, and so the guests are at the limit of their concentration endurance, so if they’ve been sitting through 90 minutes of speeches, and it happens, make it REALLY funny, and REALLY short.

If you are two best men making a joint speech then you should be stood for about 12-13 minutes, and that remains the case the more best men are added to the line up. If you’re a co-best man and you’re making separate speeches, then your speech should be about 7 minutes. The timings in Australia are identical to the UK except that the best man goes after the father of the bride.

Joint best man

Being a joint best man is pretty common these days, and you really need to tackle what you’re going to go about things as early as possible, because trying to coordinate two guys to write and deliver a speech whilst they juggle their own lives can prove next to impossible.

The first thing you have to decide is if you’re going to make a joint speech or separate ones. The best method is to make a joint speech as it means you won’t double up on gags or content, and nobody has that last dreaded speech spot. A great joint best man speech should consist of about 4 chunks of content each and you bounce from one best man to other all the way through the speech.

However, for many reasons making a joint speech might prove impossible. Maybe there’s no time to coordinate it, maybe you don’t like the guy, or maybe there’s a fundamental clash of ideas. In that case make sure your speech is efficient, tight and punchy and comes in at around 7 minutes, and whatever you do, make sure you get on first.

Quite a lot of grooms make their brother the best man, and that does throw up a few problems – the main one being that although you’ve grown up in the same family/house etc. you don’t really know that much about him! When I’m writing speeches, this doesn’t really affect the creative process because I’m looking for a very funny comedic overview of who the groom is, not a granular introspection. If you’re facing this very common problem, then just take everything you know about his character, passion, dislikes, job and even hair colour and get the funnies out of that. It can be done but it really needs thinking about.

Of course, there is some fun to be had with the introduction and you need to allude to that fact how upset you were when your number priority spot was completely usurped by a noisy, ugly ginger baby called Dave. If you’re younger than talk about the time you realised the bigger toddler in the house who kept bashing you over the head every time your mum left the room, was in fact your older brother Steve.

Former Girlfriends

As tempting as it may seem to have a quick chronological run through of the groom’s former loves, this will only ever end in disaster. This comes back to my point that the wedding day is really only about the bride – if you do anything to upset her, then it’s pretty terminal. Mentioning former conquests in any way shape or form is something I completely avoid, you might think it’s all light hearted fun but no bride likes to think of their brand new husband being the love interest of someone else!

Delivering the speech

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Best free text-to-speech software of 2024

Find the best free text-to-speech software for free text to voice conversion

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  • Best custom voice
  • Best for beginners
  • Best Microsoft extension
  • Best website reader
  • How we test

The best free text-to-speech software makes it simple and easy to improve accessibility and productivity in your workflows.

Someone using dictation s on a laptop.

1. Best overall 2. Best custom voice 3. Best for beginners 4. Best Microsoft extension 5. Best website reader 6. FAQs 7. How we test

In the digital era, the need for effective communication tools has led to a surge in the popularity of text-to-speech (TTS) software, and finding the best free text-to-speech software is essential for a variety of users, regardless of budget constraints. 

Text-to-speech software skillfully converts written text into spoken words using advanced technology, though often without grasping the context of the content. The best text-to-speech software not only accomplishes this task but also offers a selection of natural-sounding voices, catering to different preferences and project needs.

This technology is invaluable for creating accessible content, enhancing workplace productivity, adding voice-overs to videos, or simply assisting in proofreading by vocalizing written work. While many of today’s best free word processors , such as Google Docs, include basic TTS features that are accurate and continually improving, they may not meet all needs.

Stand-alone, app-based TTS tools, which should not be confused with the best speech-to-text apps , often have limitations compared to more comprehensive, free text-to-speech software. For instance, some might not allow the downloading of audio files, a feature crucial for creating content for platforms like YouTube and social media.

In our quest to identify the best free text-to-speech software, we have meticulously tested various options, assessing them based on user experience, performance, and output quality. Our guide aims to help you find the right text-to-speech tool, whatever your specific needs might be.

The best free text-to-speech software of 2024 in full:

Why you can trust TechRadar We spend hours testing every product or service we review, so you can be sure you’re buying the best. Find out more about how we test.

The best free text-to-speech software overall

Website screenshot for Natural Reader.

1. Natural Reader

Our expert review:

Reasons to buy

Reasons to avoid.

Natural Reader offers one of the best free text-to-speech software experiences, thanks to an easy-going interface and stellar results. It even features online and desktop versions. 

You'll find plenty of user options and customizations. The first is to load documents into its library and have them read aloud from there. This is a neat way to manage multiple files, and the number of supported file types is impressive, including eBook formats. There's also OCR, which enables you to load up a photo or scan of text, and have it spoken to you.

The second option takes the form of a floating toolbar. In this mode, you can highlight text in any application and use the toolbar controls to start and customize text-to-speech. This means you can very easily use the feature in your web browser, word processor and a range of other programs. There's also a browser extension to convert web content to speech more easily.

The TTS tool is available free, with three additional upgrades with more advanced features for power-users and professionals.

Read our full Natural Reader review .

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The best free custom-voice text-to-speech software

Website screenshot for Balabolka.

2. Balabolka

There are a couple of ways to use Balabolka's top free text-to-speech software. You can either copy and paste text into the program, or you can open a number of supported file formats (including DOC, PDF, and HTML) in the program directly. 

In terms of output, you can use SAPI 4 complete with eight different voices to choose from, SAPI 5 with two, or the Microsoft Speech Platform. Whichever route you choose, you can adjust the speech, pitch and volume of playback to create a custom voice.

In addition to reading words aloud, this free text-to-speech software can also save narrations as audio files in a range of formats including MP3 and WAV. For lengthy documents, you can create bookmarks to make it easy to jump back to a specific location and there are excellent tools on hand to help you to customize the pronunciation of words to your liking.

With all these features to make life easier when reading text on a screen isn't an option, Balabolka is the best free text-to-speech software around.

For more help using Balabolka, see out guide on how to convert text to speech using this free software.

The best free text-to-speech software for beginners

Website screenshot for Panopreter.

3. Panopreter Basic

Panopreter Basic is the best free text-to-speech software if you’re looking for something simple, streamlined, no-frills, and hassle-free. 

It accepts plain and rich text files, web pages and Microsoft Word documents as input, and exports the resulting sound in both WAV and MP3 format (the two files are saved in the same location, with the same name).

The default settings work well for quick tasks, but spend a little time exploring Panopreter Basic's Settings menu and you'll find options to change the language, destination of saved audio files, and set custom interface colors. The software can even play a piece of music once it's finished reading – a nice touch you won't find in other free text-to-speech software.

If you need something more advanced, a premium version of Panopreter is available. This edition offers several additional features including toolbars for Microsoft Word and Internet Explorer , the ability to highlight the section of text currently being read, and extra voices.

The best free text-to-speech extension of Microsoft Word

Website screenshot for WordTalk.

4. WordTalk

Developed by the University of Edinburgh, WordTalk is a toolbar add-on for Word that brings customizable text-to-speech to Microsoft Word. It works with all editions of Word and is accessible via the toolbar or ribbon, depending on which version you're using.

The toolbar itself is certainly not the most attractive you'll ever see, appearing to have been designed by a child. Nor are all of the buttons' functions very clear, but thankfully there's a help file on hand to help.

There's no getting away from the fact that WordTalk is fairly basic, but it does support SAPI 4 and SAPI 5 voices, and these can be tweaked to your liking. The ability to just read aloud individual words, sentences or paragraphs is a particularly nice touch. You also have the option of saving narrations, and there are a number of keyboard shortcuts that allow for quick and easy access to frequently used options.

The best free text-to-speech software for websites

Website screenshot for Zabaware.

5. Zabaware Text-to-Speech Reader

Despite its basic looks, Zabaware Text-to-Speech Reader has more to offer than you might first think. You can open numerous file formats directly in the program, or just copy and paste text.

Alternatively, as long as you have the program running and the relevant option enables, Zabaware Text-to-Speech Reader can read aloud any text you copy to the clipboard – great if you want to convert words from websites to speech – as well as dialog boxes that pop up. One of the best free text-to-speech software right now, this can also convert text files to WAV format.

Unfortunately the selection of voices is limited, and the only settings you can customize are volume and speed unless you burrow deep into settings to fiddle with pronunciations. Additional voices are available for an additional fee which seems rather steep, holding it back from a higher place in our list.

The best free text-to-speech software: FAQs

What are the limitations of free tts software.

As you might expect, some free versions of TTS software do come with certain limitations. These include the amount of choices you get for the different amount of voices in some case. For instance, Zabaware gives you two for free, but you have to pay if you want more. 

However, the best free software on this list come with all the bells and whistles that will be more than enough for the average user.

What is SAPI?

SAPI stands for Speech Application Programming Interface. It was developed by Microsoft to generate synthetic speech to allow computer programs to read aloud text. First used in its own applications such as Office, it is also employed by third party TTS software such as those featured in this list. 

In the context of TTS software, there are more SAPI 4 voices to choose from, whereas SAPI 5 voices are generally of a higher quality. 

Should I output files to MP3 or WAV?

Many free TTS programs give you the option to download an audio file of the speech to save and transfer to different devices.

MP3 is the most common audio format, and compatible with pretty much any modern device capable of playing back audio. The WAV format is also highly compatible too.

The main difference between the two is quality. WAV files are uncompressed, meaning fidelity is preserved as best as possible, at the cost of being considerably larger in size than MP3 files, which do compress.

Ultimately, however, MP3 files with a bit rate of 256 kbps and above should more than suffice, and you'll struggle to tell the difference when it comes to speech audio between them and WAV files.

How to choose the best free text-to-speech software

When selecting the best free text-to-speech software is best for you depends on a range of factors (not to mention personal preference).

Despite how simple the concept of text-to-speech is, there are many different features and aspects to such apps to take into consideration. These include how many voice options and customizations are present, how and where they operate in your setup, what formats they are able to read aloud from and what formats the audio can be saved as.

With free versions, naturally you'll want to take into account how many advanced features you get without paying, and whether any sacrifices are made to performance or usability. 

Always try to keep in mind what is fair and reasonable for free services - and as we've shown with our number one choice, you can get plenty of features for free, so if other options seem bare in comparison, then you'll know you can do better.

How we test the best free text-to-speech software

Our testing process for the best free text-to-speech software is thorough, examining all of their respective features and trying to throw every conceivable syllable at them to see how they perform.

We also want to test the accessibility features of these tools to see how they work for every kind of user out there. We have highlighted, for instance, whether certain software offer dyslexic-friendly fonts, such as the number two on our list, Natural Reader.

We also bear in mind that these are free versions, so where possible we compare and contrast their feature sets with paid-for rivals.

Finally, we look at how well TTS tools meet the needs of their intended users - whether it's designed for personal use or professional deployment. 

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Daryl had been freelancing for 3 years before joining TechRadar, now reporting on everything software-related. In his spare time, he's written a book, ' The Making of Tomb Raider '. His second book, ' 50 Years of Boss Fights ', came out in June 2024, and has a newsletter, ' Springboard '. He's usually found playing games old and new on his Steam Deck and MacBook Pro. If you have a story about an updated app, one that's about to launch, or just anything Software-related, drop him a line.

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writing a joint best man speech


  1. 30 Best Man Speech Examples, Tips & Structure 2024

    writing a joint best man speech

  2. 11+ Best Man Speech Examples

    writing a joint best man speech

  3. How To Ace Your Best Man Speech: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet

    writing a joint best man speech

  4. 30 Best Man Speech Examples, Tips & Structure 2024

    writing a joint best man speech

  5. Best Man Toast Recipe

    writing a joint best man speech

  6. Writing Your Groom Speech: Tips, Examples, & Advice (With images

    writing a joint best man speech


  1. Joint Best Man Speech


  3. Joint best man's speech for the O'Grady wedding

  4. Hilarious Joint Best Man Speech

  5. Wedding Speech Writer Explains How To Write A Perfect Best Man Speech

  6. Worlds Greatest Best Man's Speech 2023


  1. Joint Best Man Speech

    Once best man#1 has got the first draft together, get best man #2 to add their thoughts, before you get back together again and try to 'punch it up'. JOINT SPEECH STRUCTURE - Writing a joint speech is akin to writing a script. You need to allocate specific lines to each of you, alternating delivery between you both (e.g. a paragraph or ...

  2. Writing a Joint Best Man Speech

    It is easy for two best men to split up the life story of the groom into sections that each can relate to. For example, the brother of the groom talks about the early years and the best mate talks about university and professional life. However, this can lead to a formulaic and unoriginal speech. It's better to weave stories around a joint ...

  3. How to Give an Awesome Joint Wedding Speech

    Great joint speech combos include siblings, the mother and father of a bride or groom, the maid of honor and the best man, two wedding party members, or other combos. If you're stepping up to the mic with a partner for an upcoming wedding, check out our top tips for writing an awesome joint wedding speech. Explain why you're doing a joint ...

  4. Joint Best Man Speech

    In this section, we'll explore the key steps of preparing for a joint best man speech, including selecting a theme, collaborating with the other best man, and writing and rehearsing the speech. 2.1 Selecting A Theme. Choosing a theme for your joint best man speech can help provide structure and coherence to your speech.

  5. How To Write a Best Man Speech: Ultimate Guide With Tips

    First, it is important to keep the speech short and sweet. The best man speech should be no more than 3-5 minutes long. Second, focus on telling a few personal stories about the groom that will make the guests laugh. Third, conclude the speech with a sincere toast to the happy couple.

  6. Definitive Guide on How to Write a Memorable Best Man's Speech

    Writing a best man speech can be a daunting task, but fear not! We've outlined some essential byte-sized "Bits" to help you compose a memorable toast. ... Signify the nature of the speech, typically light-hearted for best man's speeches. I have a lot of stories about Richard, but considering the present company, I've chosen only those that are ...

  7. How to Write a Perfect Joint Wedding Speech

    Crafting a joint wedding speech for two maids of honor, two best men, or a combination of bridesmaids and groomsmen is a unique opportunity to celebrate the couple's love. With Provenance's Toast Builder, the process becomes a breeze, ensuring your joint speech is as special as the love it commemorates.

  8. The Ultimate Guide to Crafting the Perfect Best Man Speech

    Writing the perfect best man speech can seem daunting, but with the right approach, structure, and heartfelt sentiments, you'll create a memorable moment for the couple and their guests. Keep it clean, concise, and genuine, and you'll have everyone laughing, shedding a tear, or both. Now, raise your glass and toast to the newlyweds as you wish ...

  9. Joint Speeches

    Take joint best men as an example. If you're part of the same group of friends then it's probable you will have similar stories and take on the groom's character. That means your speech's strength will be a consistency of theme, so work with that. The stories can flow and allow the pair of you to bounce off each other.

  10. How to write a JOINT Best Man speech

    Avoid too much chronology. It is easy for joint Best Men to split up the life story of the Groom into sections that each can relate to. For example, the brother of the Groom talks about the early years and the best mate talks about university and professional life. But this can lead to a formulaic and unoriginal speech.

  11. Speech by Chris and Rich

    16 May, 2007. Speech Type: Best man. Speech Creator: Chris and Rich. Speech Date: May2007. Rich: Ladies and gentlemen, Bride & Groom. We would like to thank everyone for being here on this special day for Hannah and Chris. Chris: For those who don't know us….My name is Chris. Rich: And I'm Rich. Chris: Before we continue, we would like to ...

  12. How To Write A Killer Best Man Speech (With Templates)

    A best man's speech traditionally takes place at the wedding reception after the maid of honor gives her speech. The best man's speech should be positive, respectful, and congratulatory. It can last 3 to 5 minutes and should focus on a central theme or story about the groom. Remember, a best man speech is not the time to "wing it."

  13. How to write a best man speech in 6 easy steps

    Send me the tips. The best man's speech is a traditional part of the wedding day and the cause of more than a few sleepless nights on the part of the best man - and often the groom! Here is my 6 step guide how to write the best best man's speech.

  14. How To Write & Deliver A Great Best Man Speech

    Take It Slow. "When people are nervous, they tend to talk quickly, which can make it harder to hear the punch line. If people don't hear the punchline, they won't laugh, which will make you even more nervous. Take a few deep breaths and slow down. You can always take a sip of your drink between sections.

  15. How to Write a Best Man's Speech

    Spread the loveA best man's speech is an integral part of any wedding and holds much importance as it celebrates the union of two individuals. As the best man, your role is primarily to entertain and honor the newlyweds in a heartfelt and memorable speech. To ensure that your speech ticks all the right boxes, follow this step-by-step guide. 1. Start by Introducing Yourself: Introduce ...

  16. How to Write a Best Man Speech

    Best Man Speech Tips: Start with a thank you to wedding guests and the groom's parents. Incorporate humor with anecdotes and jokes. Avoid insults and keep the speech light. Use descriptive words to highlight the couple. End with a heartfelt tribute to the couple and their union.

  17. Joint best man/maid of honour speech : r/weddingplanning

    Since the bride and groom threw you and the best man together to create the speech, and the wedding guests are presumably a variety of people brought together by the bride and groom. Hi! We're a best man and a maid of honor (who don't know each other) and we're trying to write a joint speech since that's what the bride and groom….

  18. Best Man Speech: How to Write, Free Template, Examples & Tips

    6. Propose a toast. Finally, close out your best man speech with a heartfelt toast. Ask everyone to raise a glass and provide well wishes to the newly married couple. Steal this wedding toast: "Everyone, please join me in raising a glass to such a wonderful couple. I wish you a lifetime of peace, love and happiness.

  19. h2g2

    Writing a best man's speech is all about striking a balance - we all want to be funny and innovative, but if we try too hard we can end up with a speech that is offensive and clichéd. We asked the h2g2 Community for help and below is a wonderful entry that has been culled from their collective wisdom.

  20. Joint best man speech : r/CasualUK

    Joint best man speech. Hello. I am 1 of 3 best men at a wedding later this year, and need to prepare a best man speech. We plan to all share the speech as nobody wants to do it on their own. I am looking for some ideas on how this should be structured and prepared. I am thinking it should ideally be one joint speech, rather than 3 separate but ...

  21. How to Write a Best Man Speech

    The bar staff. [Pause for laughter] For [the couple], cheers to a lifetime of love and laughter! Best man speech example for all the happy tears: "So let's raise a glass to [the couple's] love. John Lennon said, 'A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.'.

  22. joint best man speech

    Great Speech Writing. 3rd Floor, Hathaway House, Popes Drive, Finchley, London, N3 1QF. E: [email protected]. T: +44 (0)207 118 1600 (8am-10pm) Pages. Home; Range of Speeches; ... joint best man speech. By Lawrence January 18, 2016 0 Comments. joint best man speech. About Author

  23. The ultimate best man speech guide

    A great joint best man speech should consist of about 4 chunks of content each and you bounce from one best man to other all the way through the speech. However, for many reasons making a joint speech might prove impossible. Maybe there's no time to coordinate it, maybe you don't like the guy, or maybe there's a fundamental clash of ideas.

  24. Best free text-to-speech software of 2024

    The best free text-to-speech software makes it simple and easy to improve accessibility and productivity in your workflows. Best free text-to-speech software of 2024: Quick Menu. (Image credit: 3M ...