Science Fair Guide
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6th Grade Science Fair Projects
HTML clipboard Each experimental science project guides in this list contain all the steps you need to start and complete your science project. Information include Introduction, Question/Purpose, Variables, Sample Hypothesis, Sample Experiment designs, guides in creating data table, Graph, drawing Conclusion, writing an Abstract, writing Report. Engineering and display projects may have a different structure.
General Science Projects EX001 A Bell System EX002 History of Shells EX003 A Chemical Change EX005 A Crystal Radio Set EX006 Heat can Produce Electricity EX008 Fire Must Have Air to Burn EX009 A Door Chime EX010 How Electricity is Made EX012 Climate EX013 Electric Eye EX015 Electromagnetism EX016 A Projector (Make a slide projector) EX017 Fluorescent Lights EX018 Measuring the Ocean Depths EX020 Measuring Outer Space EX022 Model Airplanes EX023 How to Develop a Picture EX024 Molding EX025 How Traffic Signals Work EX026 Most Liquid contain either Acid or Alkali EX027 Inside a Cave, Make stalactite EX029 Operation of a Doorbell buzzer EX030 Mercury EX031 Parts of an Electric Motor EX032 Minerals: Origin, Distribution EX034 A Water Pump in action EX035 Make an Equatorial Sundial EX036 A Weather Station EX037 Our Solar System EX038 A Cotton Gin EX039 Phases of the Moon EX040 A Wheat Elevator EX042 Cross Section of a volcano EX043 Salt and its Uses EX046 Cross Section of the Earth EX047 Simple Machines EX048 Distillation of Water EX053 Fingerprinting EX054 Expansion and Contracting Of Liquids EX055 The Telegraph Key EX057 Which Metals Conduct Heat best? EX062 Light EX064 Snowflakes EX065 Water Supports Heavy Weights EX067 An Electromagnetic Crane EX068 Space Problems in Gravity EX070 Steam Propulsion EX073 Parts of a Windmill EX078 Water is Compound of Hydrogen & Oxygen EX081 Working Principles of a Gasoline Engine EX083 Working of a Telegraph EX089 Machines Made Work Easier EX093 Causes of the Seasons EX094 Bulbs in Series and Parallel EX097 Chlorophyll EX104 Water Cycle EX106 How Hard are Various Types of Rocks and Minerals? EX109 Erosion – What causes erosion? – How can soil erosion be prevented? EX110 Air Pollution – causes and cleanup EX113 Precipitation EX114 Water Filtration EX119 Tides EX120 EarthQuakes and Associated measuring devices EX121 Collect and Identify minerals and rocks exposed in local area. EX122 Foods EX123 Volcano EX124 Can Electricity Create Heat? PX001 Make a Volcano Model PX002 Make a Magnet PX003 Design and Make A Model Arm PX004 Make A Bird House PX008 Make a Sundial PX009 Human Eye / Vision Research PX010 Food Values PX011 Inside Fruit PX012 Make A Compass PX015 Make Salt Crystals PX016 How a Tooth Decays PX017 Make Sugar Crystals PX018 How Plants Reproduce PX019 Nutrition PX022 The Solar System PX024 Parts of the eye (Make a Model of the Human Eye) PX025 Parts of a Hen’s Egg PX027 Parts of a Horse (Display) PX028 Parts of Birds (Display) PX029 Do Plants Grow Toward Light? PX030 What material and objects will be attracted by magnet? PX035 A Secret Letter with Invisible Ink PX036 Germination PX043 What is needed for fire to start? PX048 The Sun, Moon and Earth (Make Model) PX049 The Human Heart, Make Display and Working Model PX053 Carbon Dioxide and Man PX055 How to Test Food for Starch? PX061 How Do You Test If The Egg Is Cooked? PX062 Best Packaging for an Egg PX063 Make A Simple Electric Circuit PX064 What Battery Last Longest? PX065 Do Detergent Work Best In Cold or Hot Water? PX066 What causes the milk to spoil? PX067 Make Yogurt PX075 What makes plants grow upward? Light or Gravity? PX076 What is the effect of light on a plants growth? PX078 What is the effect of salt water on a plants growth? PX079 What is the effect of sugar water on a plants growth? PX081 What is the effect of vinegar on plants? PX083 What is the effect of oil on plants? PX084 What color light is best for a plants growth? PX085 What factors affect the evaporation of water? PX086 What is the effect of sugar or salt in the evaporation of water? PX089 Identify counterfeit bills PX090 Test Apple Maturity PX091 Test fruits or fruit juices for starch PX092 What is cotton candy?
Physics Science Projects EP001 How metals compare in conducting heat. EP002 How metals compare in density EP003 Egg Floatation (buoyancy) EP005 How does the amount of oxygen affect the rate of burning? EP008 How do Aeorplanes fly? What is the best wing shape? EP009 How do waves carry energy EP010 How do magnets work? How are they made? EP012 How Light is Affected passing through water e.g. viewing objects under water, formation of rainbows. EP013 What limits the speed of a car, boat, or a truck? EP014 Submarine: How to sink? How to float? IP001 Fire and Burning- what factors affect burning? IP002 Fuels and their efficiency in producing energy. IP003 Musical instruments- the scientific principles behind them IP004 Music Versus Noise- difference IP005 Pendulums- how can a period of a pendulum be increased? IP006 Air Pressure- Water Pressure IP007 How do you establish elevation from sea level IP008 Gears- compare efficiencies, effect of different lubricants IP009 Solar Furnace IP010 Lenses- effects of curvature, materials on light beams IP011 Can eggs withstand a greater force from one direction than from others? IP012 How strong are nylon fishing lines? IP013 How strong are plastic wraps? IP014 Which homemade airplane design flies best? IP015 What factors affect the bounce of a dropped ball? IP016 How do compression and tension make things strong? IP017 How strong is a toothpick? IP018 Which type of lawn sprinkler works best? IP019 Which type\size of light bulb produces the most light? IP020 How can the strength of light be measured?- the effect on degradable materials IP021 Which materials can be charged with static electricity? IP022 Which battery lasts the longest?- How can power be increased? IP023 What affects light reflection?- refraction and diffraction of light? IP024 Spectrum and color production- prisms 27. IP025 How is sound produced? What affects the pitch of sound?- What affects the volume of sound? – How would you measure the velocity of sound? IP026 Electric Motors- principles and factors effecting their efficiency IP027 Electric Circuits- factors affecting voltage,amperage, resistance IP028 Magnets and electromagnets- What affects the strength of an electromagnet? IP029 Buzzers and bells and alarms. IP030 Magnet Levitation- Experiment gravity defying effects of magnetism and build a Magnetic Levitating Train IP031 Radios IP032 Internal Combustion engines IP034 Insulation-best materials, thickness IP035 How is paint affected by temperature changes?- Elasticity of rubber; effect of glue. IP036 Use of solar energy- design and construct solar cookers, solar panels, etc. IP037 Designing a strong bridge IP039 Determine the accuracy of various thermometers IP040 How much heat is required to raise the temperature of various substances by an equal amount? IP042 Comparing active & passive solar energy systems in cost and efficiency. IP043 Designing an energy efficient home IP044 Can water be magnetized? IP046 What is light? IP050 Air Pressure; Can air pressure be used to push, break or bend objects? IP051 Water Pressure IP100 Compare copper wires to optical fibers for transmitting sound, image or data.
Chemistry Science Projects EC001 Chemical Change and the factors that affect the rate such as heat. light and catalysts EC002 Acid and basic solutions, EC004 The effects of salts on the freezing point of water. EC005 Fire must have air to burn. EC006 Effect of Acids on teeth, bones and eggs EC010 The effect of salt on the boiling point of water. IC003 Chemical reactions that produce energy or that require energy IC004 Testing of consumer products- glues, stain removers, antiseptics, mouthwash, detergents, paper towels IC005 Effects of sunlight on rubber, ink, paper IC007 Compare the PH levels in mouths of various animals and humans at different times in the day IC008 Compare the surface tension of various liquids IC009 Dealing with chemical spills from industry IC012 Effects of salt and other contaminants on rate of rusting IC013 Growing crystals- factors that affect the rate and the size IC014 Can you obtain water from ink, vinegar, milk? IC016 Analyze soil samples for their components, ability to hold moisture, fertility and PH IC017 Does the amount of particle pollution vary with distance from a road, with location, with height. Determine types of particles found in pollution fallout IC018 Catalysts- how they work and why; commercial applicants and problems IC019 Fire extinguishers-principles of operation and factors affecting their efficient use IC020 How do acids react with different metals under varying conditions IC021 Identify different metals by the color of flame when they burn IC022 Compare metals based on their reactivity IC023 Electroplating- the principles, how different metals can be used and the practical applications IC024 How to make PH indicator using cabbage? IC025 How Yogurt is made? Is it a chemical or biochemical reaction? IC026 Effects of temperature on viscosity of oil IC029 Making salt water potable, removal of pollutants IC030 Fruit Battery. Can you Make Electricity from Fruits and Chemicals
Biology Science Projects EB001 Personal observations on life cycle EB011 plants and fertilizer EB012 Minerals in foods (Compare foods or fruits for dissolved minerals) EB021 How pet mice respond to different types of food (pellets, crushed, solid) EB031 Why do plants grow towards light? EB032 The effects of gravity on seed germination EB033 How water moves through the plant EB034 How plants reproduce and factors that affect the process EB035 Why do plants move? EB036 How do plants get nitrogen EB037 Does gravity affect plant growth? EB041 The importance of earthworms to soil and plants EB042 The effect of soil components and organic matter on growth of plants. EB056 Plants and animal life in a balanced aquarium IB002 Photosynthesis – factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis temperature, light intensity, water, carbon dioxide – part of light spectrum used in photosynthesis IB004 Family studies on inheritance IB005 Genetic Studies – Connection between hair and eye color IB011 Determine the effects of various nutrients on plant growth IB012 Plant growth – How does the amounts of water affect plant growth? IB013 Plant growth – How does the hours of sunlight affect plant growth? IB014 Plant growth – How does the strength of weed killer affect the plant growth? IB015 Plant growth – How does the temperature affect the plant growth? IB016 Plant growth – How do pollutants affect the plant growth? IB017 Plant growth – How does the PH level affect the plant growth? IB018 Can plants live without carbon dioxide? IB019 Can plants live without oxygen? IB023 Roots – how do different types of soils affect the ability of roots to anchor plants – IB025 What is the effect of acid rain on plant growth? IB030 What conditions are favorable for: -fungus growth- E.G. yeast, mold, mildew diseases IB031 What conditions are favorable for mushroom production? IB033 What conditions are favorable for algae growth? IB034 What conditions are favorable for bacteria growth or control? IB046 Field Studies – types of bacteria found around the home IB047 Field Studies – types of bacteria found on the body IB100 Circulatory System – Factors Affecting Blood Pressure IB101 Circulatory System – Factors Affecting Heart Rate IB102 Circulatory System – Factors Affecting the rate of breathing IB103 Circulatory System – Is there any relation between the blood pressure and the rate of heartbeat. IB201 Make a Model of Plant or Animal cell.
Other Science Projects EE001 Understanding Electrical Conductors and Insulators EE002 Demonstration of principals; how is current affected by type of conductor, temperature, filament, etc. EE003 Compare material and objects for conductivity. EE005 Principles of fluorescent lights; how do they compare with filament bulbs, in effectiveness and cost. EM001 Day Length EM002 Air Movement – Is air in your house the same temperature at floor level and near the ceiling? How could you spread heat more evenly through the house? EM003 Dew – Does it form on clear or cloudy nights? What other frost factors increase the amount of dew? Can you measure how much dew is formed in a square meter. EM004 Temperature. – How does the temperature change during the day? What time is usually the warmest? Can you construct your own thermometer to keep your own records. EM005 Rain – How does a rain gauge work? Measure the rainfall over a period of time and compare it with the daily weather reports. – Principles of cloud seeding and other weather modification. IM001 Snow- what happens when it melts; what does it contain; structure of snow flakes; life in a snowbank IM002 Sky Color- account for differences in color at different times IM003 Wind and Clouds- what are the common wind patterns in your area and why? Is cloud formation related to height, weather systems and temperature? Study and record how clouds relate to weather patterns. IM006 Wind-does wind travel at same speeds and in same directions at different heights? IM008 Evaporation- Effect of temperature, wind, or humidity on the rate of evaporation? IM009 Rain- can you measure the speed and force of raindrops?-What is the effect on soil, with and without ground cover? Could you simulate the effect of rain? IM010 Heat Retention- does fresh water hold heat longer than salt water? How does water compare to land and what effect does this have on the weather? What factors affect the cooling of land? IM011 Sunlight- how do different surfaces affect the amount of sunlight reflected and absorbed? Design a method of measuring how much sunshine is available each day. IM014 Weather records- Design and build an automatic recording weather device. Test it over a period of time. IM015 Effects of Humidity- what happens to hair during periods of changing humidity? How does human hair compare to that of other animals? How do other materials compare in expansion and contraction.
Note: Most projects are for more than one grade and selection depends on your previous knowledge about the subject. Do not select projects that you are not familiar with.
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Winning Science Fair Projects [Get Inspired By Past Winners!]
Have you won a science fair project? Interested in sharing your idea?
What we’ve seen in 100s of winning science fair projects.
First, some projects are more advanced. Some projects were winners in national science fairs. However, that doesn’t mean a scaled-down version can’t be tried. Or, maybe an alternative approach.
Second, many of these science fair projects were completed through a mentorship program. What’s that?? Many universities offer mentor programs geared towards younger students. These programs pair students with a research lab and faculty member. Students do experiments with faculty members. Check out our STEMium camp listings to see more examples. Typically, programs recruit high school students. However, if your student is in earlier grades, keep this in mind and explore opportunities in your area.
Third, a ton of solutions center on climate/environment science. Very cool!!
Finally, ALL of the projects solve a problem or answer a question. Read through the list and think about your “every day” problems. Could you solve one with your own science fair project?
We don’t provide full experimental details – that’s up to you! Leave a comment below if you’re stuck on how to get started. Still not sure where to start?? Feel free to check out our germiest spot in school experiment, alka-seltzer bottle rockets , or our slime science fair project , which can be done in 1-3 days. Let’s science!
List of winning science fair projects
- Can air quality be measured with an Arduino device?
- Can plants survive without sunlight?
- Effects of ammonium nitrate concentrations on cold pack temperatures
- Effect of wi-fi signals on the growth of peapods
- How does vitamin C concentration change in cut fruits over time?
- Can ocean acidification be lowered with aquatic plants?
- Examining effects of food on glycemic index after eating
- How does air pollution and weather effect solar cell output?
- What is the effect of more turns in the coil on the amount of electricity created?
- How long can a mechanical pencil lead be before it breaks?
- Can forest fires be predicted using artificial intelligence?
- How strong are bioplastic bags?
- How do different fabrics reduce concentration of polluted air?
- Can water be extracted from humid air?
- Which mouthwash is most effective at killing bacteria?
- Which grows faster: sideways plants vs. upright plants?
- How can microplastics be removed from ocean water?
- What blood pressure monitor gives the most consistent readings?
- What works better for memory retention: handwriting notes or typing?
- Does text font/color affect user readability?
- How does weather change mood?
- The effects of listening to music while studying
- How do soil types change plant growth rates?
- Can eggshells make plants grow faster?
- Which liquids evaporate faster?
- How does paper airplane design affect speed and distance?
- Which sunglasses offer the best UV protection?
- How does sleep duration affect the body?
- Apple Watch vs. Fitbit vs. Garmin – which wearable offers the best heart rate accuracy?
- How does dog saliva affect bacterial growth?
- How effective are UV lights at killing bacteria?
- Which stain remover removes stains the best?
- Do all crayons have the same melting temperature?
- Measuring sugar content with a laser pointer
- Do more expensive batteries last longer (and are they worth it)?
- Which sunscreen/SPF level provides the best protection?
- Effects of pH on plant growth rates
- Does exercise change body temperature?
- How does iPad use before bed affect sleep?
- Do video games raise your heart rate?
- How does temperature affect magnetic strength?
- Which nail polish lasts the longest?
- How does acid rain effect plants?
- What types of orange juice have the highest vitamin C concentration?
- Can sugar make you focus more?
- Which diaper is best for your baby?
- Do different types of toilet paper have different absorption properties?
- Effect of baking powder on muffins
- Finding which biofuel has the most energy – vegetable oil vs. algae
- How does the catcher influence the pitcher’s accuracy in baseball?
- Effects of hydrogen peroxide on plant germination and growth
- How C. elegans are effected by anti-oxidants and UV light
- Evaluating the 5-second rule
- Does chewing gum improve your concentration?
- How can you win at rock, paper, scissors?
- Effect of baseball bat material on the distance of a hit ball
- Effect of clothing on perceived intelligence
- Can a low-carb diet change cardiovascular markers?
- Which fruit generates the most electricity?
- Are fingerprints hereditary?
- How much fat is in your food?
- Detecting and removing of pesticides from produce
- Which accent is most appealing?
- Which travel mug keeps liquids hot the longest?
- Which brand of bath bomb dissolves the fastest?
- Dog or human: who has the cleaner mouth?
- How salty does water need to be to make an egg float?
- Effect of fabric softener on the flammability of fabric
- Which propeller is best at harnessing the wind?
- How does music type effect customer purchases in a store?
- Can bacterial strains be used to degrade plastics?
- Effects of heat on enzyme activity
- An affordable Braille embosser
- Using a Raspberry Pi-based solar tracker to improve solar panel output
- Pill case reminder system
- Computerized signal for students with ADHD
- Engineering algal bioscrubbers to prevent global warming
- Removing impurities from ground water
- Bacterial strains to create fuel cells
- Facial recognition alert system for Alzheimer’s patients
- Do air temperatures affect candle burning rates?
- Effects of lead in water on yeast
- Testing antimicrobial effects of spices
- Are all forms of phone distraction equal while driving?
- How do shellfish adapt to new environments?
- Are kids that eat school lunches more likely to be obese than students that eat food from home?
- How much bacteria is on your orthodontic retainer?
- Who’s more addicted to a smartphone: parents or kids?
- Do introverts have better memories than extroverts?
- How does color affect eyesight?
- How does noise pollution effect plant growth?
- How effective are homeopathic mosquito repellents?
- Does breakfast improve student performance in the first hour of school?
- What type of dog is most likely to be adopted?
- Effects of sugar/sugar substitutes on yeast energy output
- Hydro-focused battery charging station
- Do deflated footballs go further than fully inflated balls?
- AI-powered tornado detection system
- Effects of sugar on children with ADHD
- EEG-powered remote control car
- How does color affect memory recall?
- Improving conduction in a solar-powered oven
- Smartphone-powered disease diagnostic device (many of these!)
- Adapting window blinds for solar panels
Still not sure what to do?? Look at The Simpson’s science fair projects!
After literally decades on the air, The Simpson’s even covered the science fair! Plenty of projects to inspire you such as…
Duffless (Season 4, Episode 16)
In our first example, Lisa grows a gigantic tomato with anabolic steroids. Unfortunately, Bart intervenes, tomato gets destroyed and Lisa must come up with another project. Her solution: is my brother dumber than a hamster?
The Genesis Tub (Season 8, Episode 1)
Another Bart/Lisa science fair rivalry, but this time with a Halloween twist. Her initial project idea is pretty good! Can soda dissolve a tooth? However, things go off the rails from there.
E-I-E-I-Annoying Grunt (Season 11, Episode 5)
Final example: Less of a “traditional” project, but as the Simpsons are hiding out on a farm, Homer decides to try planting crops. When Marge suggests fertilizer, Homer borrows plutonium from the power plant. The result – a new hybrid tomato is born!
CONCLUSION: It’s not whether you win or lose… it’s how you do your science!
I’ll never forget my younger daughter’s second science fair experience. She and her partner did a great job brainstorming ideas. Then, the enthusiasm waned a bit. Then, it came back! After ~3 weekends the final project came together. Overall, the parents really stood back and let them run with things.
While I helped construct a demo volcano, the board was entirely done by them (3rd grader style complete with Christmas lights!). You might imagine that it might not have been as sharp in quality as others that had more parental assistance. 🙂
You know what? It didn’t matter…
At the presentation, they knew their stuff!
They clearly communicated their hypothesis, their experimental design, results and conclusions.
When they came back to find a 1st place ribbon, the smiles were ear to ear! Tons of shrieks and giggles! Winning science fair projects don’t always start that way. In the end, what’s most important — have a positive experience.
If you’ve won a science fair competition, share your project in the comments and what your winning strategy involved! Or, if you’re struggling to narrow it down, share some ideas.
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Year after year, students find that the report called the research paper is the part of the science fair project where they learn the most. So, take it from those who preceded you, the research paper you are prepar…
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How to prepare the final report for your science fair project. Includes required elements and sample report.
Connection to Research #1. Main Idea: Turn your background question #1 into a statement. Evidence: Support your claim using facts, data, quotes, or anything else from your research. …
Information include Introduction, Question/Purpose, Variables, Sample Hypothesis, Sample Experiment designs, guides in creating data table, Graph, drawing Conclusion, writing an …
How to Write a 6th-Grade Science Fair Project-Purpose Statement. Erin Schreiner - Updated May 10, 2019. As sixth-grade scientists hone their budding …
As science fair “writer’s block” creeps in, finding a project and getting started can seem more challenging that it really is… To help kids get inspired, we’ve summarized 1 00+ winning science fair projects below for 6th …