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alittlehumbugcalledShe Active Member

Is there a way of describing a door opening that isn't mind-numbingly boring.

Discussion in ' Word Mechanics ' started by alittlehumbugcalledShe , Feb 3, 2021 .

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_b974ab5e7af491fc95c1caf7dd92e9f2'); }); As above. It's important in the scene that the door does open, but all I can think of is stuff that makes my eyes roll out of my head. You know what I mean: "The door to the library swung/fell open...", etc. It's not exactly groundbreaking stuff, I admit. It's also not the worst out there, either, but the thing is that I've read this kind of sentence so many times that my eyes just skip over it if I come across it. I'm just trying to find if there's a new way of doing such things. Has anyone found an example by an author where they've used a more interesting, NOT mind-numbingly boring way of describing such mundane things (even like 'she boiled the kettle', she closed the door', etc.)? I've been trying to find examples in the books I've got, but they all seem to do it the same way. Perhaps the mundanity of it IS the right choice to make, after all, but I'd love a second or third opinion from you guys!  

Homer Potvin

Homer Potvin A tombstone hand and a graveyard mind Staff Supporter Contributor

how to describe a door creative writing

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_b974ab5e7af491fc95c1caf7dd92e9f2'); }); What's wrong with just saying the door opened? It's not a spectacular event that demands creative description.  

Bruce Johnson

Bruce Johnson Contributor Contributor Contest Winner 2023

how to describe a door creative writing

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_b974ab5e7af491fc95c1caf7dd92e9f2'); }); New here, so take it with a grain of salt. I'd say the act of opening or closing a door is fairly mundane and just describing it (the sound, vibrations, etc.) should be enough IF it is just part of natural action. But, if opening it immediately (or even early in the ensuing scene) reveals something shocking or leads to something significant, perhaps describing it metaphorically to fit the scene MAY be something to consider.  


peachalulu Member Reviewer Contributor

how to describe a door creative writing

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_b974ab5e7af491fc95c1caf7dd92e9f2'); }); Unless it's opening to another dimension or revealing a shadowy maniac or a long lost love I wouldn't put too much oomph into it. Some sentences are meant to be bricks and mortar.  
googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_b974ab5e7af491fc95c1caf7dd92e9f2'); }); Thanks everyone! Yeah, I think you might be right - sometimes it is better to just keep it simple, after all. If I'm still not happy with it, I can maybe mark it in red and come back to it. Thanks again!  


Xoic Prognosticator of Arcana Ridiculosum Contributor Blogerator

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_b974ab5e7af491fc95c1caf7dd92e9f2'); }); Yep, this goes back to the conversation we had a while ago about Hemingway and his (apparent) disdain for fancy ways of describing things (though he was guilty of that sin himself in some early works). We sort of landed on the idea that, if it's important enough, go all out (within limits) otherwise just write it. No guarantees, but I'll see if I can dig it up.  

Friedrich Kugelschreiber

Friedrich Kugelschreiber marshmallow Contributor

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_b974ab5e7af491fc95c1caf7dd92e9f2'); }); I tend to prefer that descriptions of doors opening be mind-numbingly boring.  
googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_b974ab5e7af491fc95c1caf7dd92e9f2'); }); Xoic said: ↑ the conversation we had a while ago about Hemingway Click to expand...
  • Smoothest Flow Possible
  • How do I make my writing less wordy?
  • What are some examples of the "simple but vivid" description that Chekhov talks about below?
googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_b974ab5e7af491fc95c1caf7dd92e9f2'); }); To use an example from that last thread (my 1st post on it): "The wind blew." Personally that feels really flat and lifeless to me. I prefer something like "The wind swept across the field of head-high grass, stirring it gently." But it all depends on why your door opens, and what it means, especially to the POV character (the one the story is being told through). What kind of mood are they in? What does the opening of the door mean to them in this moment? Are they expecting a jealous boyfriend to step in with a butcher knife? Or maybe Ed McMahon with a giant check? Or maybe he thought he was the last person left alive on Earth? The situation you've set up creates the meaning of the opening of the door. Should it creak ominously (hopefully in less stereotypical terms)? Should it open silently and smoothly? Is there light behind it, and darkness in the room? Or the other way around? Is it symbolic of something emotional, something powerful? If it's just another inhabitant of the house or apartment stepping in for no special reason, you probably don't even need to say the door opened. There's a thing in movies called coverage, where the director (usually an underpaid and overworked second unit director) shoots a lot of people walking down corridors, doors opening and closing, people getting in and out of cars, etc, just in case it's needed for the edit, though much of it lies unused. In a good movie anyway. In a bad movie it might all get used.  
googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_b974ab5e7af491fc95c1caf7dd92e9f2'); }); Xoic said: ↑ Haven't found it yet, but here are 2 threads that came up in the search exploring very similar ideas: Smoothest Flow Possible How do I make my writing less wordy? Bingo! Here's the one I was thinking of: What are some examples of the "simple but vivid" description that Chekhov talks about below? Click to expand...

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19,898 quotes, descriptions and writing prompts, 4,964 themes

door - quotes and descriptions to inspire creative writing

  • banging doors
  • doorbell sound
  • festive doorway
  • welcoming mat
The door stood as weathered shield, ever protecting from the seasonal storm-arrows.
For entrance to the house of peace, all require a familiar door; therein is the skill of the architect. Each sees only one entrance, the one love made especially for them.
The doorway was part of the smart house, it took your temperature as you passed through and gave a recommendation as to if you should stay home or were okay to socialise.
The door was there as if a dream had become solid, as if it had grown upon the hinges and blossomed into a comforting hue.
The door was a portal to something new, a good thing to enjoy or a challenge to make better. The only way to find out what kind of gift this would become was to reach out, open it and step in.
The doorway was the kind of blue summer flowers can become when they are wet with the lightest of rain.
The doorway stood there is if it were an invitation to a new adventure, a new challenge and new chance to earn the building of the hero self.

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Writing Beginner

57 Best Ways to Describe Buildings in Writing (+ Examples)

One of the key components of any setting is the buildings within it.

Knowing how to describe buildings can transport your reader right into the world you’ve built.

Here’s how to describe buildings in writing:

Describe buildings in writing by utilizing architectural style, historical periods, materials used, and their cultural significance. Incorporate sensory details like soundscapes and emotional resonance. Highlight unique features, transformations, legends, and personal memories for depth.

In this article, you’ll learn all the ways to describe buildings in your writing.

1. By Historical Period

Cartoon image of colorful buildings - How to Describe Buildings in Writing

Table of Contents

Different historical periods offer a plethora of architectural designs.

When you mention a building from the Renaissance era, the image of grandeur, classic designs, and meticulous details springs to mind.

Similarly, medieval structures might invoke images of castles and fortresses.

Some historical periods to consider are:

  • Ancient : Pyramids, temples, and coliseums.
  • Medieval : Castles, fortresses, and walled towns.
  • Renaissance : Grand manors, theaters, and palaces.
  • Victorian : Ornate houses, large estates, and townhouses.
  • Modern : Skyscrapers, glass-fronted buildings, and minimalist designs.

2. By Material

The building material not only imparts a physical texture to a structure but also offers a tactile feeling to your narrative.

When we describe a structure made of sandstone, readers may visualize its ruggedness and the warmth of its golden-brown hue.

On the other hand, glass skyscrapers evoke modernity and offer a reflection (both literal and metaphorical) of the urban world.

Examples of materials :

  • Brick : Often seen in traditional townhouses. Think of the classic brownstones of New York.
  • Marble : Conjures images of opulent palaces or Greek temples.
  • Wood : Wooden lodges or cabins evoke feelings of nature, simplicity, and coziness.
  • Glass : Mostly seen in modern office buildings or high-rises, suggesting transparency and sleek design.

3. By Height

Height in buildings can be an implicit indication of many things, including the period in which it was built, its function, or the aspirations of its builders.

A towering skyscraper in a business district implies a beacon of commerce and ambition.

In contrast, a quaint, single-story cottage nestled in a village street whispers tales of simplicity and tradition.

The narrative contrast is stark between the dominance of a city’s tallest structure and the humble abode that clings to the ground, embodying a quiet, unassuming charm.

Both have stories to tell, and the tales are as different as the shadows they cast.

Every building, whether ancient or modern, stands as a silent witness to the passage of time.

When describing an old, moss-covered stone building, readers might imagine the countless seasons it has withstood, the generations it has seen, and the myriad stories embedded in its walls.

A newly constructed high-rise, with its shiny facade and contemporary design, hints at a world that’s rapidly evolving, racing towards the future.

It speaks of innovation, of fresh beginnings, and sometimes, of the relentless march of progress that leaves no room for the old.

5. By Function

A building’s function is its heartbeat. It dictates the rhythm of activities inside, the kind of people who frequent it, and the emotions it evokes.

A school, for instance, might resonate with the sounds of children’s laughter, the rustling of books, and the knowledge pursuits.

Examples of functions :

  • Library : A sanctuary of silence, corridors filled with the musky scent of old books, and seekers of knowledge lost in its aisles.
  • Factory : Buzzing with activity, and machinery noise, indicative of industry and production.
  • Barn : Evoking rustic charm, the scent of hay, and the sounds of farm animals.
  • Theater : A world of art, echoing with applause, dramatic performances, and cultural expressions.

6. By Atmosphere

More than its physical attributes, the atmosphere of a building defines its soul.

It’s the difference between a church’s hallowed silence, which commands reverence, and the bustling, lively cacophony of a market square teeming with life.

While the exterior might give a hint, it’s the interior atmosphere of a building that truly draws a reader in.

The interior offers them a seat in its world, whether that’s the tranquility of a remote mountain monastery or the energetic vibe of a downtown jazz club.

7. By Surroundings

Buildings don’t exist in isolation.

They’re part of a larger tableau. Describing the surroundings sets the stage.

A lone manor at the edge of a dark forest might evoke mystery and intrigue, while the same manor overlooking a serene lake offers tranquility.

Context, in essence, is a silent storyteller.

It provides clues about the building’s purpose, its history, and its relationship with its environment.

The quaint bookshop squeezed between two modern cafes speaks of resilience amidst change.

Just as a historic monument amidst skyscrapers stands as a reminder of the city’s rich past.

8. By Color

Colors are a palette of emotions.

Describing a building’s color is akin to painting its mood.

The pastel hues of a coastal villa might convey a laid-back, beachy vibe.

Meanwhile, the monochrome shades of an urban structure suggest sobriety and functionality.

Whether it’s the radiant gold of a palace under the sun, the deep blue of a nighttime diner, or the rusty red of an old barn, colors breathe life into descriptions, making them vivid and evocative.

Size can be both a physical measure and a psychological one.

A sprawling mansion, with its many rooms and vast lawns, can indicate grandeur and opulence.

On the other hand, a small, compact house might not be grand, but it could brim with warmth and coziness.

It’s about the space, its utilization, and the feeling it imparts.

Does the vastness of a castle make one feel lost, or does it evoke a sense of awe? Does the confined space of an attic room feel claustrophobic, or does it exude intimacy?

10. By Architectural Style

Every architectural style brings with it a set of aesthetics, principles, and histories.

A Gothic cathedral, with its pointed arches and intricate detailing, is more than just a place of worship

It’s a testament to a particular period of architectural achievement.

Examples of architectural styles :

  • Art Deco : Think of the glamorous 1920s, with ornate details, bold geometric forms, and lavish materials.
  • Brutalist : Characterized by raw, unadorned concrete structures, it often evokes strength and functionality.
  • Colonial : Reminiscent of colonization eras, with large porches, brick facades, and symmetrical designs.
  • Modernist : Simplified forms, open floor plans, and a strong emphasis on horizontal and vertical lines.

11. By Cultural Influences

Every culture has its distinct architectural imprints.

Buildings influenced by a specific culture bring with them a rich tapestry of history, traditions, and artistic nuances.

For instance, a pagoda-style temple immediately brings forth Asian influences, whereas a hacienda-style house could transport readers to the heart of Mexico.

A mosque, with its minarets piercing the sky, intricately designed domes, and calligraphy-laden interiors, speaks of Islamic artistry.

A Mediterranean villa with stucco walls and red-tiled roofs tells tales of sun-kissed coasts and leisurely lifestyles.

12. By State of Repair

The condition of a building can be a rich source of narrative information.

A dilapidated mansion covered in ivy, with broken windows and creaky doors, might hint at long-forgotten stories, neglect, or even hauntings.

In contrast, a well-maintained Victorian house, freshly painted with a manicured lawn, suggests pride, history cherished and sustained.

Structures in ruins, especially historic ones, often feel melancholic, reminding readers of the inexorable march of time.

Meanwhile, buildings under construction are beacons of progress, symbolizing hope, aspirations, and the future.

13. By Decorative Elements

Details matter.

An ornate balcony with wrought-iron railings, statues adorning entrances, or stained glass windows can offer readers visual treats and clues about a building’s history and the aesthetic preferences of its inhabitants or architects.

Examples of decorative elements :

  • Gargoyles : Often found in Gothic structures, these stone creatures serve both decorative and architectural purposes.
  • Frescoes : Painted walls or ceilings, common in Renaissance buildings, depict scenes or stories.
  • Mosaics : Pieces of colored glass or stones arranged to form patterns or images, frequently found in Byzantine architecture.
  • Columns : Pillars that might be Doric, Ionic, or Corinthian, each bringing a different historical and aesthetic layer.

14. By Lighting

Light, both natural and artificial, plays a significant role in setting the mood.

A cathedral bathed in the soft hues of sunlight filtering through stained glass windows offers a kaleidoscope of colors and emotions.

Conversely, an alleyway dimly lit by a lone lamp post might evoke feelings of solitude or mystery.

The glow of lanterns in an old inn or the harsh neon lights of a modern nightclub can drastically alter the way a building is perceived, grounding readers in a specific time or mood.

15. By Acoustics

Beyond the visual, what does a building sound like?

The echo of footsteps in a grand marble hall, the muffled sounds in a carpeted library, or the lively acoustics of a music hall can immerse readers deeper into the setting.

Acoustics can also serve as indicators.

Sound bouncing off the walls of an empty mansion might evoke feelings of loneliness or abandonment.

Buildings like opera houses or concert halls, specially designed for optimal acoustics, not only emphasize the significance of sound but also bear testimony to the architectural marvels dedicated to the art of sound.

16. By User Experience

How does one navigate or experience the building?

A labyrinthine palace with endless corridors and secret chambers can give a sense of mystery.

In contrast, an open-plan modern office emphasizes transparency and collaboration.

The ease or difficulty of navigating a space, the viewpoints offered by balconies or windows, and even the experience of ascending a grand staircase versus taking a modern elevator can offer readers insights into the building’s purpose and the era’s design principles.

17. By Integration with Nature

Some buildings seamlessly integrate with their natural surroundings, while others stand out.

A cottage with walls covered in ivy, almost hidden by the woods around it, offers a different narrative than a steel-and-glass structure stark against a forest backdrop.

Consider a treehouse that becomes one with the canopy or a desert abode designed for optimal cooling.

Either way, the relationship between a building and its environment can be a rich descriptor, highlighting harmony or discord.

18. By Innovations or Anachronisms

Certain structures stand out due to their innovative designs or features that are anachronistic for their time.

An ancient building with ahead-of-its-time water systems, or a futuristic house with solar integrations and smart tech in a traditional neighborhood, can be points of interest.

Such descriptions can surprise the reader, make them curious, or emphasize the uniqueness and significance of a structure.

19. By Symbolic Significance

Beyond their tangible attributes, some buildings hold symbolic meanings.

They might represent power (like a king’s palace), spirituality (like a temple or church), knowledge (like a grand library), or even decay and decline (like ruins).

The symbolic weight of a building can add depth to its description and make it more resonant in the narrative.

20. By Popularity or Notoriety

Lastly, how is the building perceived by the masses?

Is it a famous landmark, a tourist magnet with crowds always milling about?

Or perhaps it’s a notorious structure, shunned by locals due to dark tales or unfortunate histories.

The public’s perception of a building, whether a beloved local bakery or a haunted mansion, can influence its role in the story and shape the readers’ attitudes towards it.

21. By Ornamentation and Artistry

Buildings can be embellished with diverse forms of ornamentation, from intricate carvings to frescoes.

This decor often reflects the cultural and historical contexts, as well as the individual tastes of its creators.

A building adorned with gargoyles and flying buttresses, for example, might point towards Gothic influences.

  • Baroque Churches : Filled with lavish ornamentation, gilded statues, and dramatic frescoes.
  • Indian Temples : Carved with intricate sculptures depicting gods, goddesses, and tales from epics.
  • Art Nouveau Buildings : Characterized by sinuous lines, floral motifs, and harmonious curves.

22. By Patronage or Ownership

The patron or owner of a building can provide essential insights into its style, purpose, and decor.

Palaces built by powerful rulers often reflect their ambitions, tastes, or the political needs of their time.

On the other hand, structures erected by philanthropists might emphasize utility and public welfare.

  • The Medici family in Renaissance Florence sponsored numerous buildings that became masterpieces of their era.
  • The Rockefeller Center in New York, financed by the Rockefeller family, is a beacon of art deco design and urban planning.

23. By Architectural Movement

Every era spawns architectural movements with distinct principles and aesthetics.

Describing a building by its movement aligns it with specific philosophies, materials, and designs.

The minimalist, functional approach of the Bauhaus contrasts with the ornate designs of the Rococo.

  • Bauhaus : Emphasizes functionality and eschews unnecessary ornamentation.
  • Rococo : Known for its playful, whimsical, and intricate designs, often in pastel colors.

24. By Social and Economic Status

Buildings can often depict the socio-economic status of their inhabitants or the region they’re located in.

Mansions, penthouses, and gated communities often exude opulence.

In comparison, slums, tenements, and worker cottages might highlight poverty or the working-class struggles.

Examples: The elegant townhouses of London’s Belgravia versus the narrow, crowded lanes of Dharavi in Mumbai.

25. By Sensory Appeal

Beyond sight, buildings can be described by how they appeal to other senses.

The scent of aged wood in a historic home, the touch of cool marble underfoot in a palace, or the distant sounds echoing through a vast cathedral can make descriptions more immersive.

  • The warm, inviting scent of freshly baked bread from a French bakery.
  • The gentle, rhythmic tapping of rain on a tin-roofed cottage.

26. By Folklore or Legend

Some buildings are shrouded in myths, legends, or local tales.

A castle might be infamous for its ghostly residents, or a historic home might be revered as a hero’s birthplace.

Such tales add depth, intrigue, and cultural context.

  • The legend of the Tower of London’s ravens, suggesting the kingdom’s fall if they ever leave.
  • The lore surrounding Transylvania’s Bran Castle, often linked with the Dracula legend.

27. By Climate Adaptation

Buildings can be designed or modified to adapt to their climatic conditions.

A desert home might have thick walls to keep the interiors cool, while houses in tropical regions might feature wide verandas and high ceilings for ventilation.

  • The igloos of the Arctic, built from blocks of snow.
  • Traditional Arabian homes with wind towers for natural cooling.

28. By Relation to Other Structures

The juxtaposition of a building with its neighboring structures can offer rich contrasts or harmonies.

A medieval church beside a modern mall might highlight the city’s layered history or the interplay of the sacred and the commercial.

  • The Flatiron Building in New York, with its unique triangular shape, set against the backdrop of modern skyscrapers.
  • Rome’s Pantheon, an ancient temple, surrounded by renaissance buildings and modern cafes.

29. By Adaptive Reuse

Old structures might be repurposed for new functions, preserving their history while adapting to contemporary needs.

Warehouses transformed into lofts, churches turned into bookshops, or palaces renovated into hotels.

Transformations show the evolving narratives of buildings.

  • The Tate Modern in London, once a power station.
  • Book and Bed Hostels in Tokyo, combining bookshops with sleeping quarters.

30. By Emotional Resonance

How does a building make one feel?

Describing the emotional response it evokes can be more powerful than detailing its physical attributes.

A derelict asylum might exude eeriness, while a childhood home could evoke nostalgia.

  • The somber, reflective atmosphere of the 9/11 Memorial.
  • The joy and wonder of entering the whimsical world of Gaudí’s Casa Batlló in Barcelona.

31. By Historical Events

Many buildings carry the weight of significant historical events.

These events can cast a long shadow over the building’s atmosphere and its place in society.

For instance, a palace that was the site of a famous treaty signing or an assassination takes on the weight and significance of those events, shaping how one views and describes it.

The mere mention of such a building might evoke a vivid picture in the reader’s mind, filled with the drama and emotion of the past.

  • The Palace of Versailles in France, which witnessed numerous royal dramas and the signing of the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Ford’s Theatre in Washington D.C., forever remembered as the assassination site of President Abraham Lincoln.

32. By Foundation

The foundation of a building is its bedrock, dictating its stability, longevity, and sometimes even its aesthetic appeal.

It speaks volumes about the building’s resilience, design intentions, and the environment it’s in.

Different terrains require different types of foundations.

A building’s foundation can indicate whether it’s designed to withstand earthquakes, floods, or other environmental factors.

  • Stilt homes in flood-prone areas, raised above ground level, showcase the adaptation to the local environment.
  • Buildings in earthquake-prone regions like Japan might have deep foundations and reinforced pillars to absorb shocks.

33. By Roof

Roofs provide shelter but also contribute to a building’s identity.

They often serve as an architectural highlight or adaptation to the climate of a region.

A roof can be symbolic of a region’s architectural history or a practical response to weather conditions. It can be decorative or functional, or both.

  • The distinct pagoda-style roofs in ancient Chinese architecture, with their upturned eaves.
  • Thatched roofs of English cottages, providing insulation and showcasing a rustic charm.

34. By Landscape Integration

How a building integrates or stands out from its surrounding landscape can be a focal point of description.

A mansion atop a hill overlooking a town tells a story of dominance or isolation, while a camouflaged cabin in the woods speaks of retreat and harmony with nature.

  • Machu Picchu in Peru, a stone city seamlessly integrated into the mountainous terrain.
  • Cliffside dwellings like the Hanging Temple in China, defying gravity and blending with the vertical landscape.

35. By Socio-political Context

Architecture often mirrors the socio-political climate of its time.

Structures built during totalitarian regimes might exude power and intimidation, while those from a renaissance period might reflect hope, curiosity, and the human spirit.

Describing buildings within this context can enhance the depth of a story, setting the stage for the characters’ challenges and triumphs.

  • The grandeur of Stalinist architecture, like the Seven Sisters in Moscow, representing power and state dominance.
  • The democratic openness of city halls and public squares in many European cities, symbolizing public participation and freedom.

36. By Architectural Philosophy

Some buildings are constructed based on specific architectural philosophies or principles.

Perhaps the Japanese philosophy of “Wabi-sabi” celebrating imperfection or the Modernist mantra “form follows function.”

These guiding principles can be a unique way to delve into the building’s essence.

  • Fallingwater by Frank Lloyd Wright, embodying the philosophy of organic architecture.
  • The grid-like simplicity of De Stijl architecture , as seen in Rietveld Schröder House.

37. By Spiritual or Religious Significance

Many structures are steeped in spiritual or religious significance, making them more than just brick and mortar.

Temples, churches, mosques, and other religious edifices often come loaded with symbolic elements, rituals, and an aura of reverence.

  • The Notre-Dame Cathedral i n Paris, with its Gothic spires, rose windows, and religious relics.
  • The intricately carved Jain temples of India, representing non-violence and respect for all living beings.

38. By Reflection of the Times

Architecture can be a mirror to the prevalent trends, technology, and societal values of its era.

A post-war building might carry elements of resilience and simplicity.

Structures from a prosperous era might, instead, exude opulence and flamboyance.

  • Art Deco buildings of the Roaring Twenties, like the Chrysler Building in New York, symbolizing prosperity and technological progress.
  • The austere, functional buildings of post-World War II Europe, reflecting the continent’s recovery phase.

39. By Personal Stories and Anecdotes

Every building might have personal stories or anecdotes linked to it.

These tales, whether of love, tragedy, triumph, or everyday life, can turn a mundane structure into something special.

A house might be remembered for the family feuds it witnessed, or a bridge might be iconic for a legendary love story.

  • The Romeo and Juliet balcony in Verona, believed to be the site of the famous Shakespearean love story.
  • The childhood homes of famous personalities, like Mozart’s Geburtshaus in Salzburg, which tells tales of prodigious talent and early beginnings.

40. By Flooring

Flooring can reflect the luxury, practicality, or cultural elements of a building.

It plays a significant role in interior aesthetics and user comfort.

The choice of flooring material, its texture, and design can say a lot about the purpose of a room and the building’s overall theme.

  • Design: The intricately designed marble floors of palaces, indicating opulence and grandeur.
  • Material: Bamboo or tatami mat flooring in traditional Japanese homes, bringing forth an essence of simplicity and nature.

41. By Urban vs. Rural Setting

The setting of a building, whether in a bustling urban environment or a serene rural backdrop, affects its architecture, materials used, and its overall ambiance.

Urban structures might prioritize vertical expansion and efficient space use.

Rural ones might spread outwards, integrating with nature.

  • The compact, upward-stretching skyscrapers of Manhattan versus the sprawling ranches of Montana.
  • Ancient European farmhouses nestled in valleys versus modern urban apartments with their balconies facing busy streets.

42. By Ecological Impact

With the rising emphasis on sustainability, many buildings are now designed with their ecological footprint in mind.

Consider green roofs and walls to structures entirely powered by renewable energy.

There’s a growing trend towards eco-friendly architecture.

  • The Bullitt Center in Seattle is called the world’s most eco-friendly office building.
  • Ancient cliff dwellings, which utilized natural rock formations to maintain interior temperatures and minimize impact on the environment.

43. By Underground Space

A building’s underground space can reveal hidden functions, histories, or layers of utility that aren’t immediately visible on the surface.

Basements, cellars, underground bunkers, or parking spaces can add layers of mystery, function, or historical depth.

  • Ancient catacombs or crypts beneath churches, like the Catacombs of Paris, harboring history and tales of the departed.
  • Modern skyscrapers with multiple levels of underground parking and utility spaces, showcasing urban space optimization.

44. By Human Interaction

How people interact with a building can be a powerful descriptor.

Are its halls always crowded?

Do children play in its courtyards? Is it a place of solitude or social interaction?

Such descriptions bring the building to life, emphasizing its role in the community.

  • The lively bustle of Grand Central Terminal in New York, with commuters rushing, tourists marveling, and couples reuniting.
  • The tranquil corridors of monasteries, where the only sounds might be the soft footsteps of monks.

45. By Technological Advancements

In the modern age, buildings can be described by the technology they incorporate.

Smart homes, buildings with integrated AI systems, or structures with advanced security systems reflect the advancements of the age.

  • The Edge in Amsterdam, touted as the world’s smartest building, where even the coffee machines are connected to the internet.
  • Historical aqueducts and water systems, showcasing the engineering prowess of ancient civilizations.

46. By Adaptability and Flexibility

Some buildings are designed to be adaptable to different needs over time.

These structures might have movable walls, transformable spaces, or modular designs that can evolve with changing requirements.

  • The Habitat 67 complex in Montreal, where prefabricated modules can be reconfigured.
  • Japanese homes designed with large open spaces that can serve multiple purposes, from living rooms in the day to sleeping areas at night.

47. By Fragrance and Aroma

Though subtle, the distinctive smells associated with certain buildings can paint a vivid picture.

A library’s musty scent, the fresh aroma from a bakery, or the mix of incense in a temple can transport the reader to the location instantly.

  • The cedarwood fragrance permeating ancient temples in Kyoto.
  • The unmistakable scent of chlorine in indoor swimming complexes.

48. By Security Features

Security features can provide insights into the importance, vulnerability, or the treasures a building holds.

It can also reflect the socio-political environment of the locale.

A building heavily fortified indicates its importance or the potential threats it might face, whereas minimal security might indicate peace, openness, or a lack of valuable contents.

  • The Buckingham Palace with its guards, high walls, and surveillance systems, highlighting the importance and the need to protect the monarchy.
  • A quiet, open-plan library in a small town, with just CCTV cameras, showcases the trust in the community and the open access to knowledge.

49. By Mystique and Legends

Every region has its tales, its myths, and sometimes these stories are intrinsically tied to certain structures.

A haunted house, a castle rumored to have hidden treasures, or an inn with tales of historical figures stopping by can add a layer of mystique and depth to the description.

  • The Tower of London, with its many ghostly tales including that of Anne Boleyn.
  • Château de Brissac in France, also known as the “Giant of the Loire Valley,” renowned for its ghost, “la Dame Verte” or the Green Lady.

50. By Seasons and Weather

The way a building interacts with different seasons can be enchanting.

How it stands resilient during winter storms, becomes enlivened by spring blossoms, offers shade in summer, or is framed by autumn leaves can bring a dynamic quality to descriptions.

  • Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany, often pictured blanketed in winter snow, looking like a fairy-tale come alive.
  • Traditional Japanese homes with engawas (verandas) designed to appreciate seasonal changes, especially the sakura bloom in spring.

51. By Movement and Dynamics

While buildings are inherently static, the environment around them isn’t.

Describe how shadows move across a structure during the day, how it appears through the mist, or how its reflection dances on water.

These details can capture a building’s dynamic interplay with the environment.

  • The play of sunset hues on Petra’s Al-Khazneh in Jordan, making the ancient rose-red city look aflame.
  • The Marina Bay Sands hotel in Singapore, with its surrealistic appearance as it reflects on the bay waters.

52. By Proportions and Geometry

A building’s proportions, symmetry, or lack thereof, and its geometrical design elements can serve as potent descriptors.

They can convey balance, chaos, grandeur, or coziness, depending on the design.

  • The perfectly symmetrical facade of the Taj Mahal in India, representing balance and beauty.
  • The twisted and unconventional design of the Dancing House in Prague, which challenges traditional architectural norms.

53. By Hidden or Secret Elements

Every building might have its hidden nooks, secret passages, or lesser-known elements.

Describing these can add an element of intrigue and adventure to the narrative.

  • The hidden chambers and passageways of Hampton Court Palace in England.
  • The concealed courtyards of Marrakech’s riads, which offer an oasis of calm in the midst of the city’s hustle.

54. By Time of Day

The time of day can drastically change how a building is perceived.

Dawn might cast a soft golden glow, midday could highlight the structure’s magnificence under bright light.

Dusk might lend a serene hue, while nighttime could unveil a structure illuminated in artificial lights.

  • Eiffel Tower in Paris, which transforms from an iron lattice structure in the day to a sparkling jewel at night.
  • Ancient ruins like Stonehenge, which take on a mystical aura during the solstice sunrise.

55. By Parking

Parking can offer a unique perspective on the accessibility, modernity, and practical aspects of a building.

A skyscraper might have a multi-level underground parking facility, while a countryside inn might just have a gravel lot.

The type and style of parking can shed light on the type of people frequenting the building and its location.

Parking is a functional aspect that often gets overlooked.

Yet, it can provide insights into the modern infrastructure and the building’s capacity to accommodate visitors.

  • The Burj Khalifa in Dubai, known for its expansive parking decks, indicative of the structure’s modernity and the bustling crowd it attracts.
  • A centuries-old church in a European town, with only a cobblestone path leading up to it and no dedicated parking, emphasizing its age and the pedestrian nature of the locale.

56. By What Is Missing

Sometimes, what a building lacks can be as telling as what it includes.

The absence of certain features can highlight its history, purpose, or the socio-economic conditions of its residents.

Absence can be telling. A building missing windows might suggest a need for defense or privacy in historical times.

Lack of modern amenities might indicate either a commitment to maintaining historical authenticity or a lack of resources.

  • Castles like the Alhambra in Spain, where certain decorative elements are conspicuously absent due to religious beliefs of the Moors.
  • An old house in a rural village, devoid of any electronic fixtures or modern plumbing, hinting at a simpler time or economic constraints.

57. By Literary Genre

Buildings can be described in a style reminiscent of different literary genres.

A haunted house might be described in a gothic or horror style, a futuristic building in a sci-fi manner, or an old mansion in a romantic or historic style.

Literary genres come with their own set of conventions, moods, and themes.

Utilizing these can offer a distinctive lens through which to view and describe a building, thereby setting a tone that aligns with the narrative’s intent.

  • An abandoned asylum, its corridors echoing with eerie silences and shadows, drawing from horror literature.
  • A building with sleek curves, neon-lit facades, and hovering platforms, reminiscent of science fiction settings like Blade Runner.

50 Words to Describe Buildings

Here is a list of words to describe buildings in your stories, reports, product profiles, and more:

  • Dilapidated
  • Minimalistic
  • Symmetrical
  • Breathtaking
  • Picturesque
  • Verdant (if covered with plants)
  • Cobblestoned
  • Flourishing

25 Phrases to Describe Buildings

Next, let’s look at some of the best “starter” phrases to use when you need to describe buildings in writing.

  • Standing tall against the horizon
  • Whispers of bygone eras
  • A beacon of modernity
  • The touch of nature’s embrace
  • Frozen in time
  • A dance of shadows and light
  • Bearing the weight of history
  • A testament to innovation
  • Merging tradition and modernity
  • Clinging to its past
  • Resilient against the elements
  • Melting pot of architectural styles
  • Crafted with meticulous precision
  • Heralding a new age
  • Cradled in the lap of nature
  • Drawing eyes skyward
  • Seamlessly blending with its surroundings
  • Shrouded in tales and mysteries
  • Rising like a phoenix
  • A canvas of artistic expression
  • Carved with legends
  • Keeping pace with the future
  • Holding the stories of centuries
  • Echoing the footsteps of the past
  • A juxtaposition of epochs

Check out this video about how to describe buildings in writing:

Three Full Building Descriptions

I don’t know about you but I love to see full examples – especially when it comes to writing tips and techniques.

Therefore, here are three examples for how to describe buildings in writing.

The Old Manor House

Nestled on the outskirts of the town, the Old Manor House stands as a silent sentinel of the past.

Its weathered stone walls and time-worn wooden beams whisper tales of bygone eras. The structure, with its vast corridors and winding staircases, holds an enigmatic charm. Ivy covers much of its facade, lending it a verdant embrace.

The large, towering oak trees around it act as guardians, their branches swaying gently with the wind.

Here, every creak of the floorboard and rustle of the leaves seems to echo with stories waiting to be discovered.

Pinnacle Tower

Rising above the bustling city is the Pinnacle Tower, a beacon of modernity.

Its sleek, reflective glass surface mirrors the ever-changing skyline. As the sun sets, the tower transforms into a luminous gem, its lights dancing amidst the city’s constellation. Designed with innovative architecture, it stands not just as a workplace but a testament to human achievement and the possibilities of the future.

Its top floor offers a panoramic view, making the chaotic streets below seem like a rhythmic, orchestrated play.

Lilac Cottage

Tucked away in a quiet lane, the Lilac Cottage is the epitome of quaint charm.

With its cobblestoned pathway leading to a blue wooden door, and windows framed by blooming flower boxes, the cottage seems straight out of a storybook. The white picket fence and the small garden, bursting with colors, add to its picturesque beauty.

Inside, the intimate space, with its wooden furniture and lace curtains, radiates warmth and comfort.

The scent of freshly baked bread wafts from the kitchen, promising a sanctuary of homely delights.

Final Thoughts: How to Describe Buildings in Writing

Each building has stories etched into its walls, stories of the hands that built it, the eras it survived, and the people who occupied it.

By employing diverse descriptive techniques, writers can unearth and convey these tales, making structures more than just static edifices.

We have lots of other articles about how to describe people, places, and things in writing.

Check out a few of the others before you go :).

Related Posts:

  • How to Describe a City in Writing (100+ Best Examples)
  • How To Describe a House in Writing (21 Tips for Beginners)
  • How to Describe Mountains in Writing (21 Tips & Examples)
  • 400+ Words to Describe a Flower Garden: Best Writers Guide

Brittancia (Architechure)

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How To Write Descriptions And Create A Sense Of Place

Novel writing ,

How to write descriptions and create a sense of place.

Harry Bingham

By Harry Bingham

Your first job as a storyteller is a simple one, and a crucial one. You have to get your passengers into your train – your readers into your story. Only then can you hope to transport them.

And that crucial first step doesn’t have much to do with characters or story or anything else.

What matters first is this: your fictional world has to seem real. It has to grip the reader as intensely as real life – more intensely, even.

Writing descriptions that  seem  vivid, with the use of evocative language, is therefore essential. The buildings, cities, places, rooms, trees, weather of your fictional world have to be convincing  there . They have to have an emphatic, solid, believable presence.

A big ask, right? But it gets harder than that.

Because at the same time, people don’t want huge wodges of descriptive writing. They want to engage with characters and story, because that’s the reason they picked up your book in the first place.

So your challenge becomes convincing readers that your world is real . . . but using only the lightest of touches to achieve that goal.

Not so easy, huh?

Start Early

Set the scene early on – then nudge.

It may sound obvious but plenty of writers launch out into a scene without giving us any descriptive material to place and anchor the action. Sure, a page or so into the scene, they may start to add details to it – but by that point it’s too late. They’ve already lost the reader. If the scene feels placeless at the start – like actors speaking in some blank, white room – you won’t be able to wrestle that sense of place back later.

So  start early .

That means telling the reader where they are in a paragraph (or so), close to the start of any new scene. That early paragraph needs to have enough detail that if you are creating a coffee shop, for example, it doesn’t just feel like A Generic Coffee Shop. It should feel like its own thing. One you could actually walk into. Something with its own mood and colour. One vivid descriptive detail will do more work for you than three worthy but colourless sentences.

And once, early in your scene, you’ve created your location, don’t forget about it. Just nudge a little as you proceed. So you could have your characters talking – then they’re interrupted by a waitress. Then they talk (or argue, or fight, or kiss) some more, and then you drop in some other detail which reminds the reader, “Yep, here we still are, in this coffee shop.”

That’s a simple technique, bit it works every time.

One paragraph early on, then nudge, nudge, nudge.

As the roughest of rough guides, those nudges need to happen at least once a page – so about every 300 words. If it’s natural to do so more often, that’s totally fine.

Be Specific

Details matter! They build a sense of place like nothing else.

Gabriel García Márquez, opening  One Hundred Years of Solitude , introduces his village like this:

Macondo was a village of twenty adobe houses, built on the bank of a river of clear water that ran along a bed of polished stones, which were white and enormous, like prehistoric eggs.

Boom! We’re there.

In his world. In his village. Already excited to see what lies ahead.

And yes, he’s started early (Chapter 1, Page 1, Line 1). But it’s more than that, isn’t it? He could have written something like this:

Macondo was a village of about twenty houses, built on a riverbank.

I hope it’s obvious that that sentence hardly transports us anywhere. It’s too bland. Too unfocused. Too generic. There are literally thousands of villages in the world which would fit that description.

In short, what makes Marquez’s description so vivid is its use of telling detail. They’re not just houses, they’re  adobe  houses. The river doesn’t just flow over stones, its flows over  polished stones  that are  white and enormous, like  (wow!)  prehistoric eggs .

The sentence works so well because Marquez has:

  • Created something totally non-generic
  • Via the use of highly specific detail, and
  • Uses surprising / exotic language to make those details blaze in our imagination.

That basic template is one you can use again and again. It never stales. It lies at the heart of all good descriptive writing.

So here, for example, is a more ‘boring’ space . . . but still one redolent with vividness and atmosphere thanks to the powerful use of atmospheric specificity. In Margaret Atwood’s  The Handmaid’s Tale , Offred introduces her room with details that not only grab us but hint at something dark:

A chair, a table, a lamp. Above, on the white ceiling, a relief ornament in the shape of a wreath and in the centre of it a blank space, plastered over, like the place in a face where the eye has been taken out. There must have been a chandelier once. They’ve removed anything you could tie a rope to.

Those clipped words transport us straight to Offred’s enclosed, and terrifying, space. We’re also told just enough to give us an image of that place, enough to heighten tension, enough to tease curiosity. This is just a description of a room – but we already feel powerfully impelled to read on.

how to describe a door creative writing

Be Selective With Your Descriptive Details

Be selective – don’t overwhelm.

It might be tempting to share every detail with us on surroundings.

Even with a setting like Hogwarts – a place readers really do want to know all the hidden details of – J.K. Rowling doesn’t share how many revolving staircases it has, how many treasures in the Room of Requirement, how many trees in the Forbidden Forest. That’s not the point. (And it would write off a little of Hogwarts’ magic and mystery.)

If you’re describing a bar, don’t write:

The bar was approximately twenty-eight feet long, by perhaps half of that wide. A long mahogany bar took up about one quarter of the floor space, while eight tables each with 4 wooden chairs occupied the remaining area. There were a number of tall bar stools arranged to accommodate any drinker who didn’t want to be seated at one of the tables. The ceiling height was pleasantly commodious.

That’s accurate, yes. It’s informative, yes. But it’s bland as heck.

The reader doesn’t want information. They want atmosphere. They want vivid language. They want mood.

Here’s an alternative way to describe a bar – the Korova Milk Bar in  A Clockwork Orange.  This description delivers a sense of intimacy and darkness in a few words:

The mesto [place] was near empty … it looked strange, too, having been painted with all red mooing cows … I took the large moloko plus to one of the little cubies that were all round … there being like curtains to shut them off from the main mesto, and there I sat down in the plushy chair and sipped and sipped

We’re told what we need to know, thrown into that murky Korova atmosphere and Burgess moves the action on. All we really have in terms of detail are those mooing red cows, some cubies (curtain booths?), and a plushy chair. There’s lots more author Anthony Burgess could tell us about that place. But he doesn’t. He gives us the  right  details, not all the details.

And if that’s not enough for you, then try reading  this .

how to describe a door creative writing

Write For  All  The Senses

You have a nose? So use it.

Visuals are important, but don’t neglect the other senses. Offering a full range of sensory information will enhance your descriptive writing.

Herman Melville, say, describes to us the chowder for the ship’s crew in  Moby Dick : ‘small juicy clams, scarcely bigger than hazel nuts, mixed with pounded ship biscuits and salted pork cut up into little flakes.’ Such descriptions are deft, specific, and brilliantly atmospheric. Where else but on board a nineteenth century American whaler would you get such a meal? By picking out those details, Melville makes his setting feel vibrantly alive.

Here’s another example.

Joanne Harris’ opening of  Chocolat  plays to readers’ senses, as we’re immersed straightaway in the world of her book through scent, sound and sight:

We came on the wind of the carnival. A warm wind for February, laden with the hot greasy scents of frying pancakes and sausage and powdery-sweet waffles cooked on the hotplate right there by the roadside, with the confetti sleeting down collars and cuffs and rolling in the gutters .

These non-visual references matter so much because sight alone can feel a little distant, a little empty.

By forcing the reader’s taste buds to image Melville’s clams or Harris’s pancakes – or making the reader feel that warm February wind, the confetti ‘sleeting’ down collars – it’s almost as though the writers are hauling the readers’ entire body into their scenes.

That’s good stuff: do likewise.

(And one easy test: take one of your scenes and highlight anything that references a non-visual sense. If you find some good references, then great: you’re doing fine. If not, your highlighter pen remains unused, you probably want to edit that scene!)

Get Place And Action Working Together

That’s where the magic happens!

Use the atmospheric properties of a place to add to other properties of the scene. That doesn’t mean you should always play things the obvious way: no need for cliché;.

You can have declarations of love happen in idyllic meadows, as in  Twilight  by Stephenie Meyer, but why not at a bus stop in the rain? Shouted over the barriers at a train station?

Your character also brings one kind of mood to the scene, and the action that unfolds will bring other sensations.

Lynda La Plante’s crime novel  Above Suspicion  makes a home setting frightening after it becomes obvious a stranger has been in protagonist DS Anna Travis’ flat, and she’s just been assigned to help solve her first murder case.

So the place is influenced by action, once Anna notices:

Reaching for the bedside lamp, she stopped and withdrew her hand. The photograph of her father had been turned out to face the room. She touched it every night before she went to sleep. It was always facing towards her, towards the bed, not away from it. … In the darkness, what had felt safe before now felt frightening: the way the dressing-table mirror reflected the street-light through the curtains and the sight of the wardrobe door left slightly ajar.

Here a comfy, nondescript flat becomes a frightening place, just because of what else is going on. Go for unfamiliar angles that add drama and excitement to your work.

Descriptions As Active Characters

You know the way that a place can turn on you? So (for example) a place that seems safe can suddenly reveal some other side, seem menacing, then almost try to harm the character.

That’s an incredibly powerful way to build descriptive writing into your text – because it feels mobile, alive and with a flicker of risk. You can use  plotting techniques  to help structure the way a reader interacts with a place: starting with a sense of the status quo, then some inciting incident that shifts that early stability, and so on. The inciting incident can be tiny – discovering that a photo frame has been moved, for example.

Having your characters voice their perceptions of a place in  dialogue  also adds to its dramatic impact, because now the reader sees place both through the eyes of a narrator and through the eyes of the characters themselves. Good, huh?

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Use Unfamiliar Locations

And smart research ALWAYS helps.

Using unfamiliar settings adds real mood and atmosphere.

Stephenie Meyer, when writing  Twilight , decided she needed a rainy place near a forest to fit key plot elements.

Like protagonist Bella, she was raised in Arizona, but explained the process of setting  Twilight  in an unfamiliar setting on her  blog :

For my setting, I knew I needed someplace ridiculously rainy. I turned to Google, as I do for all my research needs, and looked for the place with the most rainfall in the U.S. This turned out to be the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State. I pulled up maps of the area and studied them, looking for something small, out of the way, surrounded by forest. … In researching Forks, I discovered the La Push Reservation, home to the Quileute Tribe. The Quileute story is fascinating, and a few fictional members of the tribe quickly became intrinsic to my story.

As her success has shown, it’s possible to write successfully about a place you don’t know, but you must make it your business to know as much as you can about it. (Or if you’re writing a fantasy or sci-fi novel, plan your world down to its most intricate details.)

And to be clear: you’re doing the research, not because you want that research to  limit  you. (Oh, I can’t write that, because Wikipedia tells me that the river isn’t as long / the forest isn’t as thick / or whatever else.)

On the contrary:

You are doing the research, because that research may inspire and stimulate a set of ideas you might not have ecountered otherwise .

The key thing is to do your research to nail specifics, especially if they are unfamiliar, foreign, exotic.

Just read how Tokyo is described in Ryu Murakami’s thriller  In the Miso Soup :

It was still early in the evening when we emerged onto a street in Tsukiji, near the fish market. … Wooden bait-and-tackle shops with disintegrating roofs and broken signs stood next to shiny new convenience stores, and futuristic highrise apartment complexes rose skyward on either side of narrow, retro streets lined with wholesalers of dried fish.

There’s authenticity, grit to this description of Tokyo, as opposed to using ‘stock’ descriptions that could apply to many modern cities.

Note this same thing with foods: in Japan, your protagonist could well be eating miso soup, as per Ryu Murakami.

Or say if your story was set in Hong Kong, you might write in a dai pai dong (a sort of Chinese street kitchen), something very specific to that city if you’re describing a street there.

Alternatively, if you are setting something in the past, get your sense of place right by doing your research right, too.

In historical novel  Girl with a Pearl Earring  by Tracy Chevalier, set in Holland in 1664, maid Griet narrates how artist Johannes Vermeer prepares her for her secret portrait, musing, to her horror, that ‘virtuous women did not open their mouths in paintings’.

That last is just a tiny detail, but Griet’s tears show us how mortified she is. Modern readers won’t (necessarily) think about seventeenth-century connotations like this, so if you’re writing a scene set in a very different era or culture to what you know, research so you’re creating a true sense of place.

Use Place To Create Foreshadowing

A brilliant technique – we love it!

Descriptions of place are never neutral.

Good writers will, in overt or gently subtle ways, introduce a place-as-character. If that character is dangerous, for example, then simply describing a place adds a layer of foreboding, foreshadowing, to the entire book.

Just read how J.R.R. Tolkien describes the Morannon in  The Two Towers : ‘high mounds of crushed and powdered rock, great cones of earth fire-blasted and poison-stained … like an obscene graveyard.’ It’s obvious from this description trouble lies ahead for Frodo Baggins and Sam Gamgee.

But even if you’re not writing this sort of fantasy, character psychology and plot (as we saw above) can also render seemingly harmless places suspect, too. A boring apartment in  Above Suspicion  becomes scary when it seems someone’s been inside.

In the same sense, we thrill to the sense of a place with excitement and promise, too, like when Harry makes his first trip to Diagon Alley (in  Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone ) to shop for Hogwarts equipment with Hagrid.

There were shops selling robes, shops selling telescopes and strange silver instruments Harry had never seen before, windows stacked with barrels of bat spleens and eels’ eyes, tottering piles of spell books, quills, and rolls of parchment, potion bottles, globes of the moon. … They bought Harry’s school books in a shop called Flourish and Blotts where the shelves were stacked to the ceiling with books as large as paving stones bound in leather; books the size of postage stamps in covers of silk.

Just weave place and action together like this to create atmosphere, excitement, tension, foreboding.

Think About Your Words – Nouns And Adjectives

Specific is good. Unexpected is great!

One final thought. When you’ve written a piece, go back and check nouns.

A bad description will typically use boring nouns (or things) in settings, i.e. a table, chair, window, floor, bar, stool, etc.

If you try to fluff up that by throwing in adjectives (i.e. a grimy table, gleaming window, wooden floor), the chances are you’ll either have (i) made the description even more boring, or (ii) made it odd.

Of course, this works for that first passage we looked over from Margaret Atwood.

We sense Offred counting the few things she has in the little room she calls hers, the window and chair, etc., in terse phrasing. We sense her tension, her dissociation, and we feel trapped with her.

All the same, play with nouns, with taking your readers to new surroundings. Give them a Moloko. Play with surroundings, how you can make them different, how you can render the ordinary extraordinary. With the right nouns in place, you’ll need fewer adjectives to jazz things up – and when you do use them, they’ll feel right, not over the top.

Happy writing!

About the author

Harry has written a variety of books over the years, notching up multiple six-figure deals and relationships with each of the world’s three largest trade publishers. His work has been critically acclaimed across the globe, has been adapted for TV, and is currently the subject of a major new screen deal. He’s also written non-fiction, short stories, and has worked as ghost/editor on a number of exciting projects. Harry also self-publishes some of his work, and loves doing so. His Fiona Griffiths series in particular has done really well in the US, where it’s been self-published since 2015. View his website , his Amazon profile , his Twitter . He's been reviewed in Kirkus, the Boston Globe , USA Today , The Seattle Times , The Washington Post , Library Journal , Publishers Weekly , CulturMag (Germany), Frankfurter Allgemeine , The Daily Mail , The Sunday Times , The Daily Telegraph , The Guardian , and many other places besides. His work has appeared on TV, via Bonafide . And go take a look at what he thinks about Blick Rothenberg . You might also want to watch our " Blick Rothenberg - The Truth " video, if you want to know how badly an accountancy firm can behave.

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How do I write a gory scene?

I'm trying to write some gory scenes. I'm having a few problems, though.

I asked around online and determined that I need to really highlight the senses when I'm writing something like this. Mostly people said to describe everything in exact detail. Also, people told me to diversify my language and to stay away from overused cliches and vocabulary. Finally, I was told to get creative about the way I describe gory scenes.

I think the last one is true enough, but some gory scenes that I remember are really...plain. It's just that the build-up made the reveal seem so gruesome that I remember the scene, but not the description. The other two I'm sort of on the fence about. I'd agree that describing a dead body is better than just saying plainly that there is a dead body, but can there be too much description? Will it start becoming a parody of gory scenes if I describe too much? And I feel as though it would become less engaging if I use words that aren't common, but repetitive if I use common words often. There's a good balance between the two, but how important is a diverse vocabulary when it comes to gory scenes?

I'd like some more tips on writing gory scenes in general or maybe even some clarification on how to utilize what tips I have now. I would ask "what makes a gory scene memorable," but that might be too opinion based. If anyone can think of any particularly good gory scenes or literature that would help guide me, that would be much appreciated too.

Edit : To clarify, the scenes I am trying to write are generally revolting. There are a couple of scenes that aren't really as revolting as much as they're just bloody messes, so I'd call them messy more than gory. There are a few scenes that I'd rather come across as scary, though.

The purpose of the scenes are... Varying. A few are endings and they happen to the main character, the player character. A few are deaths that occur right in front of the main character, and there is sufficient buildup to let the player know that the death will happen, but they will be doing actions throughout the process to try and stop the death from occurring. And finally there are scenes that the characters will just come across. Some are older than others. The player character might be scared in game but I do sort of want to get an emotional response from the people reading along too.

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Liquid's user avatar

  • Well, what is gory? You didn't say revolting, so you seem not to be aiming at making your readers throw up. Gory just means that there is a lot of blood (gore = synonym for blood). So just put heaps of blood, brains and intestines in there. Boring, isn't it? But maybe you were aiming at revolting. You could clarify. –  user5645 Commented May 24, 2014 at 8:26
  • yeah, I agree that a plain description may be all you need; the reader's emotional involvement is a big deal in this... lots of gore about something we don't care about will likely fall flat, a simple delivery of a gruesome fact about somebody we care for will likely be powerful –  sesquipedalias Commented Apr 17, 2019 at 14:26
  • Relevant: writing.stackexchange.com/questions/30943/… writing.stackexchange.com/questions/19554/… –  Chris Sunami Commented May 21, 2019 at 17:57

4 Answers 4

As you mentioned, what a reader feels when they read about a gory sight - more generally, what a reader feels when they read anything evocative - is strongly influenced by what comes before. If you think in terms of horror films, the effect of the reveal is heightened by the tension leading up to it; it's why we have things like slow, lingering shots of the hero(ine) reaching towards the door handle, rather than just cutting from them deciding to search the house directly to whatever they find.

In other words, it's less about what exactly you write and more about putting your reader in a state of mind that whatever you do write (within reason, of course) will seem scary rather than silly.

In general terms, this means foreshadowing the gore, whether directly:

"As he walked towards the door, he saw a few dark red spots of blood dotting the carpet in front of it."

...or through the viewpoint character's thoughts and actions:

"He took a deep breath and reached for the door's handle, trying to push away thoughts of what might be on the other side."

...and keeping the pace fast enough to be moving towards the reveal, but slow enough to be suspenseful.

In a more granular sense, short sentences and "sharp" words can create a feeling of tension, if you go in for that sort of analytical writing.

If there's no opportunity to foreshadow the gore in terms of in-work timeline - for example, if it is a total surprise to the viewpoint character and you can't convey any apprehension beforehand - you can still create a lead-up to the reveal for the reader. A good way to do this is to describe a character's reaction before describing what they're reacting to:

"His breath caught in his throat as he tried not to retch at the sight. He wanted to look away, needed to tear his eyes away, but he could not. Add more here. "Lying in a pool of blood in the centre of the room was..."

As I said, get your readers in the right state of mind before the gore, and they'll likely take the gore the way you intend.

In terms of not making it seem parodical or silly, I'd say the key is just to be reasonable. Use a wide vocabulary, but keep it simple. The two possible mistakes that come to mind right now are being overly technical, and being melodramatic. Don't write a coroner's report; the point is to have your reader empathise with the fear or horror felt by that character, so use the words that your character is probably using in their mental narrative as they see the gore. On the other hand, avoid overly dramatic diction; again, it's just a matter of considering what sort of words your character is probably "thinking with."

Again, empathy is key, so visceral, emotive words that show the character's response to the scene can be very effective. Overall, it terms of diction, just use your common sense; you will probably be able to see if something is becoming silly rather than serious.

If the description of the scene doesn't have a character - if a disembodied narrator is describing a scene for the reader's benefit alone - it will be much harder to get the reaction you want in the reader. That said, if you must do this, I would generally recommend using the diction that your lead protagonist would use in his/her mental narrative of the scene if he were there to see it.

Watercleave's user avatar

Doesn't all of this depend on what you are trying to achieve with your guts and gore? You might be trying to:

  • For example, if you are writing a story about a psychopath, your description of the corpse may be more technical, to suggest the dehumanization of the psychopaths's approach. You will probably also come up with repellent things that the psychopath has done to the body (however, if you get too disgusting and disturbing, you run the risk that the reader will withdraw emotionally from the scene).
  • If you are trying to build horrified sympathy for the victim, the key may not be word-choice so much as detail choice. Focus on some small, human, relatable detail. Talk about how the young victim's hand, sticking out of the shallow grave, displayed freshly painted nails because she had been having a manicure with her mother. Have your character notice and react to these things. The reader can already identify with the details, and therefore can doubly identify with the character's reaction to them.
  • You may want to emphasize that this death came without warning in circumstances that would normally feel safe (the whole, "I should feel safe there," is surely part of the effectiveness of the famed Psycho shower scene). Kill someone the reader would never have expected to die (for instance, the person who appeared to be shaping up as the love interest)
  • This probably goes with more "pulpy" writing, and it sounds like you are trying to avoid cliches.
  • Communicate something about your protagonist's personality -Is there something that your character particularly fears? Perhaps someone else was killed that way.

Again, I think that you need to think about the purpose of your gory scene, and go from there. Hope this helps!

Anna M's user avatar

What you need to do is put the emotional condition of the viewpoint character front and center, not the gore of the scene. Hannibal Lecter would have a very different emotional response to a gory sequence than, say, Buddy the Elf. Write from the viewpoint character's reaction.

Also, consider that what the reader will feel is not gore, but fascination, or revulsion, or something else.

You need to capture the interiority of the viewpoint character, who we are living through, and know that our experience is not theirs, but parallel to theirs. Here, I'll assume you've written a nice hero in the viewpoint protagonist's role. In such a case, any gore will be overwhelming, horrible, nauseating. But using those particular words won't convey any sense of gore, because they are external descriptions. Black words on a white page. If I say to you, He heaved, bile in his throat, bile a thousand times more bitter than the worst bile he'd ever tasted, you'll be all like, "OK."

Instead, use this trick:

  • (Set the scene.)
  • Identify the big emotion the character is feeling.
  • Find small details, hints, etc in the scene that the character focuses on.
  • Explain (show) why the characters drawn to that detail.
  • What will the character feel that is secondary to the primary emotion?
  • How will they be changed by this experience?
  • What will they say or think that is particularly appropriate?

That's a guide to think about how to approach this, and here's a quick mock up (bad, overwritten, but for an example):

Bodies, limbs rent apart, the forest soil soaking blood before it could spread. Anthony heaved at the sight, turned, and leaned against a massive oak, his eyes wet. He'd caught a glimpse of Gabrielle's sweet face amongst the carnage.

Dear Gabrielle! The years they'd spent fostered as siblings rushed back in aching clarity. She lay there, behind him in the carnage, wearing her betrothal gown--the white lace he'd so gaily suggested not three weeks prior and now stained brown and red. Shredded. He sobbed, sobbed more, tears streamed freely. The bark under his palm, rough and unforgiving, that bark had no tears, but his own refused to stop. Gabrielle!

It didn't need to be so; these massacres so senseless, so unneeded, and a single black heart at their root. One man, no more. Find that heart, that devil, and end this.

In that moment, Anthony knew. This would be his quest.

SFWriter's user avatar

The trick is thinking of the worst thing you can think of like slow, painful death or freezing to death or burning to death at basically multipling it by 100 and describing it. Like I chose killing your own family painfully. I'm not brilliant at ridiculously gory scenes but how's this:

The stench of blood and vomit envaded my senses. Smell and sight. This would not be easily forgotten. Not like the others. Still spitting like fire from the gaping, infected wound coating your clothes. A river of red liquid raced along the concrete floor. Paralysed in agony and fear he/she lay. Still gasping for air. She/he were your brethren. And you had to let them die.

I write on Wattpad but only sometimes I use gory scenes so it's probably bad. I hope this helps.

linksassin's user avatar

  • 2 Welcome to writing.se! Take the tour and visit the help center for additional guidance. This isn't bad for a first answer. You could improve it by discussing how they can then use this inspiration to write a better gore scene that fits their story. Thanks for participating and happy writing. –  linksassin ♦ Commented Apr 18, 2019 at 6:47

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Helping writers become bestselling authors

Setting Description Entry: Bedrooms

October 4, 2008 by BECCA PUGLISI

how to describe a door creative writing

bed, night stand, dresser, armoire, make-up table, desk and chair, picture frame, window, closet, mirror, bookshelf, clothes hamper, wastebasket, wall shelves, phone, lamp, computer, notepads, books, rug, curtains, shade/blinds…

female: frilly, flowery, lacy, soft, pink/purple/yellow, hearts, stuffed animals, make-up/hair products, perfume, decorative pillows, canopy bed, diary, fuzzy-topped pencils, nail polish, bracelets, bangles, earrings…

male: sports memorabilia, geometric, spartan, darker colors, rumpled bedsheets, clothes on the floor, messy, dusty, CD collection, posters of girls (beach babes, film stars, Army, Action movies), toy guns, airsoft guns, action figures…

Music blaring, murmur of TV or talking on the phone, laughter, tick of a clock, radio alarm, click of computer keys while IMing, cat or dog scratching to get in, trill of a cell phone, squeaky bed spring, whispering, outdoor sounds leaking in through…

Perfume, hairspray, nail polish, model glue, body spray, deodorant, clean linen, sweat, rotting food, bubblegum, fabric softener, dust, wet towels, a whiff of dinner cooking in the kitchen, a spicy cheese smell from an open bag…

Bubblegum, the bitter taste of hairspray, breath mints, peanut butter and jam sandwich on a plate, a banana, granola bar, sugary pop, water…

silky, clean sheets, the unwelcoming hardness of pressing the alarm button, cool, smooth desktop, fuzzy sweaters, itchy sweaters, slippery t shirts, rough Cotton jeans, cool walls, soft, sinkable bead, balling up paper, tossing it into a garbage bin…

Helpful hints:

–The words you choose can convey atmosphere and mood.

Example 1:  When I could put it off no more, I tiptoed into Great Aunt BeeBee’s room. The floor was cold and gritty, dust and crumbs and who knows what else clinging to my bare feet. My only light came from a slit between the sagging curtains at the window, the feeble brightness barely enough for me to make out anything. I crept closer, trying to not gag on the smell of sweat and sickness. On the floor beside the bed I could just make out a twisted lump of blankets, but I couldn’t get up the courage to touch it. Please don’t be dead, I thought. I strained my ears for the sound of her rusty breath, and again remembered the sickening thump that had woken me…

–Similes and metaphors create strong imagery when used sparingly.

Example 1: (Simile)  I followed on Anna’s heels, catching the bedroom door seconds before it could slam in my face. Enraged, I sucked in a deep breath and pushed the door wide. My words curdled into nothing at the mess greeting me–clothes, text books and muddy shoes lay across the floor in knotted clumps, pages from a teen magazine peppered the walls and CDs marched across the unmade bed like a ticker tape parade…

Think beyond what a character sees, and provide a sensory feast for readers


Setting is much more than just a backdrop, which is why choosing the right one and describing it well is so important. To help with this, we have expanded and integrated this thesaurus into our online library at One Stop For Writers . Each entry has been enhanced to include possible sources of conflict , people commonly found in these locales , and setting-specific notes and tips , and the collection itself has been augmented to include a whopping 230 entries—all of which have been cross-referenced with our other thesauruses for easy searchability. So if you’re interested in seeing a free sample of this powerful Setting Thesaurus, head on over and register at One Stop.

The Setting Thesaurus Duo

On the other hand, if you prefer your references in book form, we’ve got you covered, too. The Urban Setting Thesaurus and The Rural Setting Thesaurus are available for purchase in digital and print copies. In addition to the entries, each book contains instructional front matter to help you maximize your settings. With advice on topics like making your setting do double duty and using figurative language to bring them to life, these books offer ample information to help you maximize your settings and write them effectively.


Becca Puglisi is an international speaker, writing coach, and bestselling author of The Emotion Thesaurus and its sequels. Her books are available in five languages, are sourced by US universities, and are used by novelists, screenwriters, editors, and psychologists around the world. She is passionate about learning and sharing her knowledge with others through her Writers Helping Writers blog and via One Stop For Writers —a powerhouse online library created to help writers elevate their storytelling.

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Reader Interactions

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April 16, 2015 at 8:35 pm

I’m not sure if I missed it or if its somewhere else on the website, but I’m looking for descriptive ideas for explaining the noises of a house at night. Specifically those, sort of, tinkling sounds of the materials expanding and contracting with the temperature. Any thoughts or directions on this would be hugely appreciated!!! 🙂

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April 17, 2015 at 11:11 am

Hi, Elizabeth. We don’t have a thesaurus for noises, but you should be able to find many house sounds by looking at the different house-related entries in The Setting Thesaurus: attic, basement, bathroom, bedroom, etc. Each entry has a SOUNDS field; by looking through those entries, you might find the sounds that you’re looking for. Best of luck!

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December 3, 2018 at 7:04 pm

i know its a little late but descriptives for what your looking for would be EX: hrough a window I could hear the risings and fallings of a conversation being held on a porch near the corner, chatting and yapping and playing and shrieking; a car passed on the street the creaking, the sea noises, and the night birds outside. or I was surrounded by the musty, oily, salty smell of the ship and the ocean, and realized how sharp one’s senses become in the dark. Every place has its own scent, a peculiar mixture of organic growth and human industry, of must, paint, wood and vermin.

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July 19, 2014 at 10:50 pm

I hadn’t seen these entries yet! Now I REALLY want a setting set of books…. 😀

July 21, 2014 at 1:32 pm

You’re in luck, Kimbra! We’re working on the first draft of the Settings Thesaurus right now. No firm publication date yet, but we’ll place periodic updates here at the blog. You could also sign up for our free newsletter (link below), which will bring notifications about our upcoming books and other info right to your inbox :).


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June 22, 2011 at 5:17 pm

It is possible we would, but if so it would be when (and if) we put the Setting Thesaurus into a book version. 🙂 So glad this is helpful to you! 🙂

June 22, 2011 at 11:33 am

I love your blog, thank you for pointing out the little things that go unobserved but are a great importance to each and everyone of our stories! By any chance would you be writing any of these for different time periods? Either way, thank you for the inspiration!

October 6, 2008 at 9:06 pm

Brilliant! This could actually double, somewhat, for a hotel room (with a few minor tweeks and add ons….smell…blech). Anyways, great stuff! Thanks for the inspiration!!

October 6, 2008 at 8:40 am

Boy do I know about bedrooms! My room was ALWAYS such a total and complete mess that my dad put a sign on my door that read, “Danger Disaster Area Three Feet Deep.” It remained on my door for many years.

October 5, 2008 at 11:10 am

*Gives some warm milk to PJ*

Thanks for coming over Rachel–we’re glad you found us!

October 5, 2008 at 12:02 am

Hey, wandered over from AW and poked around! These thesaurus posts are incredible. What a fantastic resource.

October 4, 2008 at 10:28 pm

I’m sleepy just reading it! Love this! Thanks!

October 4, 2008 at 11:46 am

I like the interior design mags too. I think it’s because I have a hard time imagining the potential of a room without some visual aids. I’m currently looking into remodling my kitchen, and my head reels at all the options and choices there are! Becca must be much better at this than I (and I wish she lived closer!) because she recently did a big reno in her new home.

Gutsywriter, one of the best things about this blog (and all online writing groups) is the ability to learn together. Becca and I have had such a great experience by pairing up and working through our writing woes, it was something we wanted to share on a bigger basis.

Each time we do an entry, we learn as we go, flexing the imaginative muscle to come up with descriptions and emotional actions that feel real.

October 4, 2008 at 10:49 am

Thanks for helping us again and again in our writing. It must take you a long time to put together your postings. A lesson plan in itself. I still have your emotional thesaurus on my laptop every time I rewrite a chapter and need more show and less tell.

October 4, 2008 at 9:35 am

This detail leaped out at me :

“the unwelcoming hardness of pressing the alarm button”

Sounds like a bedroom of the rich and famous. 🙂 I love looking at pictures of bedrooms in books on decorating and interior design and imagining how I’ll decorate my bedroom some day. Maybe I’ll have one of those low tables with padded tops as well.

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Descriptive Writing: Definition, Tips, Examples, and Exercises

Descriptive writing is about using the power of words to arouse the imagination, capture the attention, and create a lasting impact in the mind of the reader. In this article, you'll learn how to employ descriptive elements in your writing, tips to enhance your descriptive writing skills, and some exercises to better yourself at it.

Descriptive Writing

Descriptive writing is about using the power of words to arouse the imagination, capture the attention, and create a lasting impact in the mind of the reader. In this article, you’ll learn how to employ descriptive elements in your writing, tips to enhance your descriptive writing skills, and some exercises to better yourself at it.

Read the two sentences given below:

  • I felt tired at work today.
  • As the day wore on at work, I felt a cramp beginning to form at the nape of my neck, my eyes began to feel droopy, and the computer screen in front of me began blurring.

Which one of the two do you find more interesting to read? Most definitely the second one. This is because, while the first sentence merely tells you directly that ‘you felt tired at work today’, the second one explains the same experience in a much more vivid and relatable manner.

From this you can see that even something as simple as the above sentence can be transformed using literary devices that aid visualization, into something that someone can relate to. This is what descriptive writing is all about: heightening the sense of perception and alluring your reader to read ahead, because you have so much more to say.

Good Examples of Descriptive Writing

Given below are a couple of good pieces of descriptive writing from authors who know their business.

‘But the door slid slowly open before Lupin could reach it. Standing in the doorway, illuminated by the shivering flames in Lupin’s hand, was a cloaked figure that towered to the ceiling. Its face was completely hidden beneath its hood. Harry’s eyes darted downwards, and what he saw made his stomach contract. There was a hand protruding from the cloak and it was glistening, greyish, slimy-looking and scabbed, like something dead that had decayed in water…’ – Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling

‘I don’t know what I’d expected but it was something different than I saw. She looked unexpectedly young. Or, I suppose said better, she looked unexpectedly “not old”. Her hair, which was completely white, had a yellowish cast that could almost have been mistaken for a pale blond, and it was loose around her shoulders. And long. Longer than mine. No doubt she normally wore it pulled up in a bun, and such a style would have given her a more predictable little-old-lady look, but the way it was here now, parted on the side – long, loose, and straight – she seemed ageless as an ancient sculpture. This sense was enhanced by her skin. Though it had the fragile crepeyness of age, she had few wrinkles, especially across her forehead, which was smooth to a point of being almost waxy looking. She was of obvious northern Germanic heritage, with pale eyes and prominent features. Although she was not overweight, her bones were big and blunt, giving the impression of a tall, sturdy woman.’ – Twilight Children by Torey Hayden

Why be Descriptive While Writing?

  • The purpose of descriptive writing is to inspire imagination. When you put your mind into making a piece of writing more descriptive, you automatically begin to pay attention to detail and refine your perception about things. You begin to imagine them as much more than, say a  party hat or a hard-bound book . You begin to look at them as a tall, pink, pointed paper hat with tassels , and a book that had a gleaming golden spine, and weighed a few good pounds .
  • The next, and probably the most important benefit of descriptive writing is that in the process of trying to make the reader visualize what you want to say, you tend to use more interesting words. You want to convey a mental picture to your reader. So you’re bound to use words that might be unconventional or less-used. You will want to find words that exactly describe what you want to say, and will look for different words that mean the same. This will help you suitably build your vocabulary.
  • The success of descriptive writing lies in the details. The more detailed your depiction of a plot or a character or a place is, the more you engross your reader. You become a keen observer and minder of details. You pay attention to the tiniest bits of information and appearance, which in turn helps you transfer the details into your writing.
  • Since you have picked something to describe and have observed all its details, you are sure to understand the subject better. You may even come across bits and pieces that you may have missed the first time you looked at the object/subject in question. Thoroughly understanding what you’re going to write about is exceedingly important to the process of writing about it.

Tips you Can Use Identify what you’re about to describe

As you start with descriptive writing, identify exactly what you are setting out to describe. Usually, a descriptive piece will include the depiction of a person, a place, an experience, a situation, and the like. Anything that you experience or perceive about your subject can be the focal point of your descriptive writing. You build a backdrop by identifying an aspect of a subject that you want to describe.

Decide why you’re describing that particular aspect

While it can be a wonderful creative exercise to simply describe anything you observe, in descriptive writing, there is often a specific reason to describe whatever you have set out to describe. Tapping this reason can help you keep the description focused and infuse your language with the particular emotion or perspective that you want to convey to your readers.

Maintain a proper chronology/sequence Sometimes, you may get so caught up in making your work colorful and creative that you may end up having a mash-up of descriptions that follow no particular order. This will render the effort of writing useless as the various descriptions will simply confuse the reader. For instance, if you want to describe characters in a particular situation, begin by describing the setting, then proceed to the most important character of that particular situation, and then to the least important one (if necessary).

Use Imagery Imagery is the best tool you can employ in descriptive writing. Since you cannot show your reader what you are imagining, you need to paint a picture with words. You need to make the depiction of your imagination so potent that your reader will instantly be able to visualize what you are describing. However, don’t go overboard. Make sure that the focus does not dwindle stray. Keep your descriptions specific to the subject in question. The writing must be able to draw in the reader; hence, the writer should say things that the reader can relate to or empathize with. An introductory backdrop can often provide an effective setting for the remaining part of the piece. Great descriptive writing has the ability to lure the reader, enticing him or her to continue reading right to the end. While giving the details is important, it is how they are presented that makes the difference.

Hone the senses One of the most effective ways to make the experience you are describing vivid for your reader is to use the five senses: smell, sight, sound, taste, and touch. When the descriptions are focused on the senses, you provide specific and vivid details in such a way that it shows your reader what you are describing. So, when you describe a subject, depict it in such a manner that it involves the reader’s possible sensory interpretations. It must make the reader imagine what he would see, hear, smell, taste, or feel when he reads what you have written.

She gently squeezed the juice out of the plump, red tomato. She blended this juice into the simmering mix of golden-brown onions and garlic in the pan, and watched as they melded into each other. She then added the spice mixture that she had prepared, and the air was permeated with a mouth-watering aroma.

Use strong nouns and verbs effectively, adjectives intelligently It is true that the purpose of adjectives is to describe a subject, but overuse of adjectives in descriptive writing can render the piece shallow and hollow. Hence, make it a point to use other parts of speech to express the same sentiment. You’ll be surprised how effectively nouns, verbs and adverbs can be used to describe something, sometimes even better than adjectives alone. For instance, look at the two sentences below.

  • The flowers were as fresh as the morning dew.
  • The flowers had a freshness that could only equal that of the glistening morning dew.

The first sentence has used an adjective (fresh)  to describe the flowers. It is a good description too, because the comparison to morning dew is something that will immediately put the reader in the sense of mind that you want. The second sentence too has compared the freshness to morning dew, but has used a noun (freshness) and a verb (equal)  to do so, and in the process has probably enticed the reader to continue reading, more than the first sentence.

Pick related words Before you actually begin writing, it is always a good idea to build a word bank of related words and ideas. For instance, if you are going to be describing a flower arrangement, you could jot down a few ideas before you start describing it, like: vase, color, types of flowers, leaves, stem, style, shape, fresh, etc. Once you have these basic words, you could start descriptive sentences for each one. Then, carry on from there.

Display passion Impact is what you’re looking to create in the minds of your readers. You want your readers to relate and empathize with what you’re writing. This will be close to impossible if your work does not reflect the passion that you feel for it. Make them feel what you feel with the words you write. Language that relates to powerful emotions such as love, hatred, admiration, disgust, etc., can convey the range and intensity of the sentiment that you are trying to express. Use them to your favor and get the desired effect.

Exercises to Enhance Descriptive Writing

Given below are some simple, yet effective exercises that you can use to better yourself at descriptive writing.

Exercise 1 Decide on an everyday action, say ‘making a pot of coffee’ and write about it in a descriptive manner. Give yourself 3 words that you’re not allowed to use while writing about it. You’ll see yourself reaching for the thesaurus, which will help improve your vocabulary.

Exercise 2 Pick random objects like a hat, a burger, a chair, etc., and place them before you. Enlist the different names that these objects can be called. Describe each of the objects in sentences that have more than 15 words each. Be as imaginative as you can.

Get your ‘assignments’ read by an objective person to see if they can relate to and understand properly what you have tried to convey.

Make descriptive writing a rewarding experience, both for your reader and yourself. If you like what you write, chances are that your reader will too. As is evident, having a comprehensive vocabulary is the key to good descriptive writing. But mere vocabulary will fall short if your piece lacks passion, logic and interest. The trouble is that it can easily become an incoherent rambling of senses and emotions. To avoid that, present what you are writing about in a logical and organized sequence of thoughts, so that the reader comes away from it with a cogent sense of what you have attempted to describe.

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How To Describe Buildings In Writing

How To Describe Buildings In Writing (20 Best Tips & Adjectives)

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How To Describe Buildings In Writing

How To Describe Buildings In Writing: In the world of literature, where every word is a brushstroke on the canvas of imagination, the art of describing buildings is a skill that can transform the mundane into the extraordinary.

Buildings, whether they rise defiantly into the sky or nestle quietly in the embrace of a rural landscape, hold the power to become not just settings but integral characters in the stories we tell.

Their architectural features, history, and the emotions they evoke can shape the mood, tone, and atmosphere of our narratives.

In this exploration, we embark on a journey to unravel the secrets of descriptive writing , discovering the nuances of observation, the magic of detail, and the alchemy of words that can bring buildings to life on the page.

So, let us delve into the art of describing buildings in writing, learning how to wield language as a tool to craft vivid, evocative, and unforgettable architectural portraits.

Describing buildings in writing can be a detailed and creative process. Here’s a step-by-step guide on How To Describe Buildings In Writing:

Observe Closely

Begin by closely observing the building you want to describe. Take note of its architectural style, materials, colors, and any unique features that stand out.

Gather Information

Research the building’s history, purpose, and any interesting anecdotes or facts about it. This will help you add depth to your description.

Start with an Introduction

Begin your description with a captivating introductory sentence or paragraph that sets the tone and establishes the building’s significance.

Focus on Exterior

Describe the building’s exterior in detail. Mention its size, shape, and overall design. Discuss the architectural elements such as columns, windows, doors, and any decorative elements.

Detail Materials

Note the materials used in construction, whether it’s brick, stone, glass, or something else. Describe the texture and color of these materials.

Discuss Surroundings

Mention the building’s surroundings, including its location in the city or landscape. Describe how it fits into its environment.

Emphasize Unique Features

Highlight any unique or distinctive features that make the building special. These could include ornate carvings, a modern facade, or historical significance.

Interior Description

If applicable and possible, describe the interior of the building. Discuss the layout, decor, and any remarkable details like chandeliers, artwork, or furniture.

Capture Atmosphere

Try to capture the atmosphere or mood the building conveys. Is it imposing, welcoming, historic, or futuristic?

Use Sensory Language

Engage the reader’s senses by using descriptive language that appeals to sight, sound, touch, smell, and even taste if relevant. For example, describe the sound of footsteps echoing in a grand marble foyer.

Tell a Story

Weave a narrative into your description. Share stories or anecdotes related to the building, its construction, or its historical significance.

Create a Vivid Picture

Use vivid and imaginative language to help the reader visualize the building. Paint a picture with your words.

Maintain a Clear Structure

Organize your description logically , perhaps by starting from the exterior and moving to the interior, or by arranging details from top to bottom or front to back.

Revise and Edit

After writing your description, revise and edit it for clarity, conciseness, and coherence. Remove any unnecessary details and refine your language.

Read your description aloud to ensure it flows well and sounds appealing.

Seek Feedback

If possible, have someone else read your description and provide feedback. They may offer valuable insights or catch errors you missed.

Polish and Finalize

Make any final revisions based on feedback and your own assessments. Ensure that your description is engaging and free from errors.

Include a Conclusion

Wrap up your description with a concluding paragraph that summarizes the building’s significance or impact.

Cite Sources

If you used any sources for information or historical context, make sure to properly cite them.

Before publishing or sharing your description, carefully proofread it one last time to catch any remaining errors.

Remember that effective building descriptions not only convey physical details but also evoke emotions and convey a sense of the building’s place in history and culture.

How To Describe Buildings In Writing

Creative Adjectives To Describe Building

Sleek Skyscraper Adjectives: Futuristic, glass-clad, towering, modern, shimmering

Historic Castle Adjectives: Majestic, medieval, formidable, timeless, grand

Quaint Cottage Adjectives: Charming, cozy, picturesque, rustic, idyllic

Innovative Office Complex Adjectives: Cutting-edge, sustainable, dynamic, collaborative, hi-tech

Minimalist Residence Adjectives: Contemporary, streamlined, efficient, sophisticated, uncluttered

Gothic Cathedral Adjectives: Ornate, sublime, awe-inspiring, gothic, intricate

Art Deco Apartment Building Adjectives: Glamorous, vintage, luxurious, geometric, iconic

Floating Pavilion Adjectives: Ethereal, innovative, floating, transparent, serene

Organic Architecture Adjectives: Harmonious, nature-inspired, organic, sustainable, flowing

Futuristic Eco-Tower Adjectives: Sustainable, energy-efficient, avant-garde, green, cutting-edge

How To Describe Buildings In Writing

The Basics of Describing Buildings

Describing buildings is more than just painting a picture with words; it’s an art of unveiling the hidden stories etched into bricks and mortar. It’s about summoning the essence of a structure, conjuring whispers of its past and the promises of its future.

The basics of this craft involve peeling back the layers of stone, concrete, or wood to reveal the soul of a building. It’s not merely about what meets the eye but how it meets the soul.

The play of light on arches, the whispered secrets of creaking floorboards, and the silent history echoing from faded facades—all these facets weave together to create a symphony of words that immerses readers in the very heart of the architectural wonder you wish to describe.

So, grab your literary chisel and let’s embark on an expedition through the maze of bricks and beams, unearthing the beauty and intrigue that lie within.

Building a Descriptive Vocabulary

Building a descriptive vocabulary is like collecting a treasure trove of words, each one a shimmering gem waiting to adorn your writing.

It’s the art of transforming ordinary adjectives into enchanting emblems, adverbs into magic wands, and metaphors into bridges between the known and the unknown.

As a writer, your palette is language, and with each word you add, your literary canvas becomes more vibrant and alive. These words are your architectural tools, allowing you to construct worlds within worlds, crafting prose that lingers in the minds of your readers like an unforgettable melody.

So, embark on this lexical adventure, for in the realm of descriptive vocabulary, you are the alchemist, turning words into pure literary gold.

The art of showing, not telling

The art of showing, not telling, in writing is akin to inviting the reader to be an active participant in the story . Instead of simply spoon-feeding information, it’s about creating a rich tapestry of details, actions, and emotions that allow readers to draw their own conclusions and immerse themselves deeply in the narrative.

It’s the difference between saying, “She was nervous,” and vividly depicting her tapping foot, trembling hands, and the stammer in her voice as she tried to explain herself.

When writers master this technique, they open a door to a more engaging and evocative storytelling experience, where readers can feel, see, and hear the story as if they were right there, peering into the characters’ souls.

In essence, it’s the magic of letting the reader discover the story, one carefully woven thread at a time.

Techniques for Describing Different Types of Buildings

Unlocking the techniques for describing different types of buildings is akin to wielding a set of keys to a captivating world of architectural diversity.

Each building, whether it’s a humble cottage or a towering skyscraper, has its own unique personality waiting to be unveiled through your words.

It’s about the careful selection of your descriptive tools, crafting descriptions that transform simple bricks and mortar into living, breathing characters within your narrative.

Just as you would use a different brushstroke for a tranquil rural landscape compared to a vibrant urban scene, your words must adapt to the architecture at hand.

From the quaint charm of residential structures to the imposing grandeur of historic landmarks, these techniques empower you to capture the essence of buildings, turning them into protagonists in their own right, ready to leave a lasting impression on your readers’ minds.

So, embark on this architectural adventure and let your words become the architectural blueprints of your storytelling dreams.

How To Describe Buildings In Writing

Residential structures

Residential structures are the silent witnesses to the intimate stories of our lives. Each one has its own character and charm, whether it’s the cozy embrace of a cottage nestled among ancient trees, the modern elegance of a city apartment with a skyline view, or the timeless charm of a suburban home with a white picket fence.

Describing residential structures allows writers to capture the heart of daily life, where the walls hold the echoes of laughter, tears, and countless memories.

From the warm glow of a hearth in a rustic cabin to the sleek lines of a contemporary penthouse, residential buildings offer a canvas upon which authors can paint the dreams and aspirations of their characters, making them feel like homes to both the reader and the inhabitants within the pages of a story.

Commercial and industrial buildings

Commercial and industrial buildings stand as the beating heart of bustling economies and innovation hubs. These architectural giants are not just structures; they are the pulse of productivity and commerce.

From the towering skyscrapers that house corporate empires to the sprawling warehouses that harbor the engines of industry, they symbolize the relentless march of progress.

Describing commercial and industrial buildings grants writers the opportunity to evoke the dynamic energy of the business world, where glass and steel frames house the dreams and endeavors of countless individuals.

It’s in these structures that the spirit of ambition, innovation, and hard work is encapsulated, where the hum of activity reverberates through the walls and the promise of success lingers in the air.

Whether in the gleaming storefronts of high-end boutiques or the labyrinthine depths of manufacturing plants, these buildings become canvases on which writers can paint the intricate tapestry of modern life, where commerce and creativity intersect.

Historic or landmark buildings

Historic and landmark buildings are the time capsules of our shared human history, standing proudly as enduring testaments to the past.

These architectural marvels are like guardians of memory, their weathered facades whispering tales of bygone eras. Whether it’s a medieval castle with its imposing battlements or an ornate cathedral with its soaring spires, each of these structures carries within it a unique narrative of culture, heritage, and evolution.

Describing historic and landmark buildings is akin to unlocking the doors of time, allowing writers to transport readers to different epochs, where the echoes of history resonate through the stones and arches.

The intricate carvings, stained glass windows, and intricate masonry work become not just decorative details but windows into the souls of generations past, reminding us of the enduring power of human craftsmanship and imagination.

Describing Buildings in Different Settings

Describing buildings in different settings is like navigating a vast and ever-changing landscape of architectural dreams. It’s an art of adaptation, where the buildings become chameleons, seamlessly blending into their surroundings and reflecting the essence of the environment they inhabit.

Whether it’s the steel and glass monoliths that rise from the concrete canyons of urban jungles, the rustic cottages nestled in the tranquil embrace of countryside meadows, or the fantastical spires that punctuate the skyline of otherworldly realms, each setting demands a unique lexicon of words and emotions to convey its character.

As a writer, you become an architect of words, crafting descriptions that breathe life into structures, making them not just a part of the backdrop, but integral players in the grand symphony of your storytelling.

It’s a journey that leads you through a myriad of landscapes, from the familiar to the fantastical, and in each one, the buildings become not just structures but portals into the very soul of the setting itself.

How To Describe Buildings In Writing

Painting a picture of idyllic countryside scenes

Painting a picture of idyllic countryside scenes is like dipping one’s brush into the palette of tranquility and serenity.

It’s the art of summoning the essence of pastoral beauty, where rolling hills meet endless horizons, and quaint cottages nestle amidst fields of wildflowers.

Describing the countryside is an invitation to embrace the symphony of nature’s colors and sounds, from the golden hues of sun-kissed wheat fields to the gentle murmur of babbling brooks.

The landscape comes alive with the vibrant characters of grazing cattle, fluttering butterflies, and the whispered secrets of ancient oaks. Each stroke of description is a stroke of connection to a simpler, more harmonious existence, where the rhythms of life are dictated by the rising sun and the setting moon.

In these scenes, writers have the power to transport readers to a realm where time slows, and the heart finds solace in the tranquil embrace of nature’s perfection.

Enhancing world-building in speculative fiction

Enhancing world-building in speculative fiction is akin to wielding a literary wand, conjuring realms that exist beyond the boundaries of the ordinary.

It’s the craft of architecting entire universes from the foundations of imagination, layering intricate details upon the blank canvas of the mind.

In these fantastical worlds, the buildings are not mere structures but living organisms, reflecting the very essence of the setting.

Whether it’s floating cities among the clouds, ancient temples infused with magic, or futuristic metropolises teeming with advanced technology, each architectural element becomes a brushstroke on the canvas of the reader’s mind.

As writers, we have the privilege of sculpting landscapes that defy reality, offering readers the opportunity to explore the infinite possibilities of the human imagination.

In this realm, buildings are not just bricks and mortar; they are keystones to unlocking the secrets of the fantastical realms we create, enriching our stories with depth and wonder.

Incorporating Building Descriptions into Your Writing

Incorporating building descriptions into your writing is akin to weaving an intricate tapestry of time, place, and emotion. It’s the art of making architecture a character in your narrative, breathing life into bricks and mortar.

These descriptions are not mere backdrops; they are the stage upon which your story unfolds. Like a skilled director, you choose the lighting, the angles, and the props to evoke the desired emotions and reactions from your readers.

Whether it’s the haunting elegance of a decrepit mansion, the gleaming promise of a futuristic cityscape, or the rustic charm of a countryside cottage, each building holds the potential to engage your readers on a visceral level.

It’s in these meticulously crafted descriptions that your story’s setting becomes a character in its own right, shaping the plot, influencing the mood, and leaving an indelible imprint on the reader’s imagination.

So, as a writer, remember that in the world you create, buildings are not just structures; they are the silent narrators of your tale, and through your words, they whisper secrets and dreams that captivate your audience.

Case Studies and Examples

Case studies and examples are the breadcrumbs on the path to mastery, the flashlight in the dark cave of understanding.

They’re the vivid stories that breathe life into theory, turning abstract concepts into tangible realities. Like windows into different worlds, they invite us to peer through the glass and see how ideas take shape in the messy, unpredictable terrain of real life.

They’re not just data points or anecdotes; they’re the sparks of insight that ignite our curiosity and illuminate the path forward.

Whether it’s exploring the triumphs and tribulations of historical figures, dissecting the strategies of successful businesses, or delving into the intricate dance of cause and effect in science, case studies and examples are the narrative threads that weave the fabric of knowledge.

So, let them be your compass, your inspiration, and your guide as you embark on your journey of discovery and enlightenment.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about How To Describe Buildings In Writing

What is the importance of describing buildings in writing.

Describing buildings in writing can provide readers with a vivid sense of place, history, and atmosphere. It enhances storytelling, creates visual imagery, and sets the scene in various forms of literature and communication.

Can you describe a building’s interior as effectively as its exterior?

Yes, describing a building’s interior can be just as effective. You can discuss its layout, decor, furnishings, and ambiance to create a more immersive and comprehensive description.

Should I focus on historical or architectural details when describing a building?

The choice depends on your purpose. If you want to emphasize the building’s historical significance, focus on its backstory. For architectural appreciation, delve into its design, materials, and unique features.

How do I make my building description more engaging to readers?

Engage readers by using sensory language, evoking emotions, and telling stories related to the building. Engaging descriptions appeal to sight, sound, touch, smell, and even taste.

What’s the best way to organize a building description?

Organize your description logically, often starting with the exterior and moving to the interior. Alternatively, you can structure it by detailing elements from top to bottom, front to back, or in a sequence that makes sense for your narrative.

Can I use metaphors and similes to describe buildings?

Yes, metaphors and similes can be powerful tools to make your descriptions more vivid. For example, you can compare a modern skyscraper to a towering glass monolith.

How do I balance detail with conciseness in building descriptions?

Balance is key. Include enough detail to paint a picture, but avoid overwhelming the reader with excessive information. Focus on the most significant and impactful elements.

Should I include historical anecdotes when describing a building?

Including historical anecdotes can add depth and interest to your description. They can highlight the building’s place in history and make it more engaging for readers.

Can I use a building’s description as a setting in my fiction writing?

Absolutely! Building descriptions can serve as essential settings in fiction, enhancing the story’s atmosphere and providing a backdrop for events and character interactions.

Are there any common mistakes to avoid when describing buildings in writing?

Avoid using overly technical jargon that might confuse readers. Also, be cautious of being too repetitive or providing too much information. Strive for clarity and balance in your descriptions.

Can I describe fictional or imaginary buildings using the same principles?

Yes, you can apply the same principles to describe fictional or imaginary buildings. The key is to create a detailed and immersive description that helps readers visualize and connect with your imaginary world.

How do I ensure my building description stands out and is unique?

To make your description unique, focus on the building’s distinctive features, its emotional impact, and the stories it tells. Avoid clichés and strive for originality in your language and perspective.

What’s the role of research in building description?

Research can provide historical context, interesting facts, and architectural details that can enrich your description. It adds authenticity and depth to your writing.

Can I use building descriptions in non-fiction, such as travel writing or journalism?

Yes, building descriptions are valuable in various forms of non-fiction writing, especially travel articles, architectural reviews, and historical pieces. They help readers connect with the subject matter and provide valuable information.

Remember that effective building descriptions should not just inform but also engage and inspire readers, allowing them to form a deeper connection with the subject.

In the conclusion of How To Describe Buildings In Writing, where words are our palette and imagination knows no bounds, the art of describing buildings in writing stands as a testament to the richness of human expression.

Through this journey, we have explored the power of keen observation, the intricacies of detail, and the magic of language in bringing buildings to life within our narratives.

As writers, we now possess the tools to craft architectural masterpieces with words, forging connections between readers and the settings we create.

Whether we evoke the hustle and bustle of urban landscapes, the tranquility of pastoral scenes, or the grandeur of historic landmarks, our descriptions have the potential to captivate, resonate, and transport.

So, let us continue to embrace this craft, painting with our literary brushes, weaving buildings into the very fabric of our stories, and leaving indelible imprints of the worlds we create in the hearts and minds of our readers.

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How to describe to immerse readers (complete guide)

Descriptive writing brings stories and characters to life. Read tips on how to describe places and characters, descriptive writing examples from a selection of genres, and more.

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Knowing how to describe well is sure to immerse readers in your world. Read a complete guide on describing places and characters, different types of description, descriptive writing examples from popular genres, and more. Use the links above to jump to what you want to learn more about now.

What is description? Definitions and terms

Description is writing that tells your reader what a person, object or place is (or isn’t) like. As Oxford Learner Dictionaries define it: ‘a piece of writing or speech that says what somebody/something is like; the act of writing or saying in words what somebody/something is like’.


  • Creates tone and mood (for example, whether a scene is bright, dark, cheerful, ominous)
  • Shows, infers or implies personality and emotion (for example, a character speaking very fast may imply fear or excitement)
  • Colors in the story so that scenes that could feel grey or beige become imbued with specificity and the potential for drama, events
  • Draws your reader’s attention to significant or important objects and events: For example, a treasure being lost overboard in a sailing expedition may set up a storyline in another timeline where explorers dive for sunken treasure

These are just some of the important uses for description in storytelling.

Descriptive writing: useful terms

Useful terms in descriptive writing include:

  • Mood: Describes that which is evocative of a specific state of mind or feeling
  • Tone: The general attitude or character of a piece of writing (e.g. ‘The tone of the opening description is cheerful, matching the sense of excitement of guests about to arrive at a party’)
  • Tableau (plural tableaux): A picture, as of a scene. For example: ‘In the first scene, we see the tableau of a family dinner at Thanksgiving, where the main characters are all seated together’
  • Mise en scène: A French term meaning ‘the action of putting onto the stage’. It’s the arrangement of actors and scenery in a scene. Cambridge gives the example , ‘The general mise en scène – solitary figure, moving down gloomy Victorian streets at twilight – brings to mind Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde .’
  • Figurative language: Figurative language such as metaphor and simile (more on this under descriptive writing devices ) is often used to compare, contrast, and breathe fresh life into familiar ideas and images (e.g. ‘He blushed as red as a bottlebrush tree in spring’)

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One of the things that I tell beginning writers is this: If you describe a landscape, or a cityscape, or a seascape, always be sure to put a human figure somewhere in the scene. Why? Because readers are human beings, mostly interested in human beings. Kurt Vonnegut

Why is description in writing important?

In all kinds of writing, but in fiction especially, description draws readers in and creates immersive character, specificity. The opposite of bland, beige writing.

Description is important in writing because it:

  • Establishes setting to create context. If you describe an old cobbled street, your reader knows they’re not in Dubai’s modern CBD.
  • Helps to create tone and mood. The emotional state of a narrator or the emotion of a scene is deepened by evocative description.
  • Draws attention to important symbols or themes. For example, in the opening description in Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf, the main character dwells on heavy-drinking workers which calls to mind the post-war setting and echoes the story’s core themes of society, class and trauma.
  • Makes writing more engaging. Instead of reading being like watching paint dry, description pigments your world.
  • Implies and infers. A shrug, a sigh – small gestures and signs may create exact or ambiguous implications, so that description adds narrative suspense to a scenario and creates intrigue.
  • Supports plot and story development. For example, a gun concealed in a glove compartment at the start of a story warns us it may fire.
  • Distinguishes and differentiates . One character may wear their hair down mostly, another up. The small details that differentiate people and things create realism.
  • Evokes emotions or elicits empathy. For example, a kid sitting alone at the back of a school bus may suggest loneliness or exclusion. A tableau has great power to elicit empathy or other emotions, as visual artists understand.

Why is description in writing important infographic


Read a guide to writing scenes with purpose that move your story forward.

Types of description: Ways to bring worlds to life

There are many types of description you could use to make your story a tapestry of vivid detail:

Physical description

Clear, precise physical description gives your reader a more detailed sense of your world. Succinct description doesn’t necessarily sacrifice pace, either. It may include elements of physicality such as:

For describing characters, you might describe a person’s:

  • Facial features
  • Body language

See description examples for descriptions that represent several of the above qualities.

Emotional description

Emotional description suggests a character’s emotional state or mood. Voice and action contribute emotion too (and types of physical description such as posture or body language).

Ways you could show a character’s emotions include:

  • Adverbs: These should be used sparingly, though. For example, ‘”Of course,” he said happily.’
  • Actions: A useful substitute for adverbs. Compare the above to: ‘”Of course.” His smile reached all the way to his eyes.’
  • Deep POV: The way a character describes their surrounds may be indicative of how they’re feeling. For example, ‘I sat down on my stupid bed and opened my homework book.’ This character is clearly not enthused by homework.

Filtering passing description through your character’s viewpoint and state of mind is a great way to indirectly describe their emotion.

As an exercise, take the same scenario and setting, write down four or five different emotions, and have your character describe the same scene so that it is colored by each of those emotions in turn.

Historical description

Historical description is narrative that shows what time and place are like. For example, the way Dickens’ description of Coketown in Hard Times (1854) conveys what a rapidly industrializing town is like, with its miasma of smog:

Seen from a distance in such weather, Coketown lay shrouded in a haze of its own, which appeared impervious to the sun’s rays. You only knew the town was there, because you knew there could have been no such sulky blotch upon the prospect without a town. A blur of soot and smoke, now confusedly tending this way, now that way, now aspiring to the vault of Heaven, now murkily creeping along the earth, as the wind rose and fell, or changed its quarter: a dense formless jumble, with sheets of cross light in it, that showed nothing but masses of darkness. Charles Dickens, Hard Times (1854), full text public domain on Project Gutenberg .

This type of description is especially common in historical fiction which seeks to create an authentic sense of a period or era and its notable features, changes and developments.

Impressionistic description

This type of description is not as concerned with accurate (or rather literal) representation as it is with capturing the essence of the described thing.

Think of this as the way Cubism may represent a person in a portrait as having both eyes on one side of their face.

If you wrote, for example, ‘she was all hard edges and acute angles’ to describe a severe, unforgiving character, you might not literally mean that they’re like a line-drawing. Yet the metaphor in this geometrical description creates the impression of sharpness, hardness, stern qualities of character.

Another example: In this quote from The Great Gatsby (1925) where the character Nick Carraway gives a romanticized view of New York City, he says that to see the city from a specific vantage point is always to see it for the first time:

The city seen from the Queensboro Bridge is always the city seen for the first time, in its first wild promise of all the mystery and beauty in the world. F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby, 1925. p. 67.

The narrator does not mean this literally, of course. It is an impressionistic description of what this specific vista feels like, emotionally.

Impressionistic description relies on devices such as metaphor, metonymy, simile, personification and hyperbole (more on these under descriptive writing devices ).

Recommended reading

Read more about types of description:

  • Descriptive verbs: 7 tips for avoiding weak adverbs
  • Direct vs indirect characterization: How to show and tell
  • How to describe clothing in a story (with examples)
For myself, the only way I know how to make a book is to construct it like a collage: a bit of dialogue here, a scrap of narrative, an isolated description of a common object, an elaborate running metaphor which threads between the sequences and holds different narrative lines together. Hilary Mantel

Describing characters: Not shoe size (but where he’s off to)

In her poem ‘Writing a Résumé’, the Nobel Laureate Wisława Szymborska pokes fun at the characterless language one has to use sometimes in, for example, writing a CV or bio or other document for bureaucratic purposes. She gives dry instructions about what to do (implying the wealth of humanity that we have to skip over in doing this exercise).

It’s a great example of what not to do in writing more rounded, complex – i.e. fully human – characters:

Write as if you’d never talked to yourself and always kept yourself at arm’s length. Pass over in silence your dogs, cats, birds, dusty keepsakes, friends, and dreams. Price, not worth, and title, not what’s inside. His shoe size, not where he’s off to, that one you pass yourself off as. Wisława Szymborska, ‘Writing a Résumé’, Poems, New and Collected (1957-1997)

Describing characters well brings them to life. It’s the opposite of a dry, everywoman CV.

What are some ways you can describe characters better?

  • Make first introductions count. A vivid first line, gesture, outfit, attitude – what will cement your character in your reader’s mind?
  • Favor concrete over haziness or abstraction. Not, ‘She was kinda tall’ or ‘sometimes, she was mean’. How tall? Under what circumstances was the character typically mean?
  • Show more than just appearances. For example, ‘his eyes were blue’. Many people have blue eyes (though the gene is recessive). How blue? and what do the man’s blue eyes suggest about his character (are they kind, alert, critical?).
  • Use viewpoint and voice to imply mood and emotion. Part of why Salinger’s teen narrator’s voice is so memorable in Catcher in the Rye is his narration is filtered through how jaded and deeply frustrated he feels.
  • Build character description over your story’s course. Does a character’s limp get worse or better, a country woman who moves to the big city lose (or keep) the rural sound of her accent? How might description change subtly (or dramatically) to echo the life your character’s lived?

See the recommended reading below (and the description examples further on) for more on how to describe characters with vivid acuity.

  • Character writing: Complete guide to creating your cast
  • How to describe a person vividly: 8 ways
  • How to describe hands: 6 ways to make characters real
  • Describing characters’ first appearances: 6 tips
For me, writing for kids is harder because they’re a more discriminating audience. While adults might stay with you, if you lose your pacing or if you have pages of extraneous description, a kid’s not going to do that. They will drop the book. Rick Riordan

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Describing settings: Making place a character

Illustrating your story’s settings is vital to make your world feel real and lived in (rather than like so much empty green screen). Setting description is a crucial part of worldbuilding.

Types of description that tell places’ stories

There are so many details, like with characters, that define what a place is like. You can describe a place via its:

  • Physical qualities. See for example that description dense with smog by Dickens in the example above.
  • Environment and Geography. Terrain, biomes – in historical, fantasy and science fiction in particular, geography is often important because it may determine how long travel takes, where character’s can or cannot go, the rules of engagement in war or trade, or other plot factors.
  • Architecture. Architectural description may create a sense of scale, wealth, age of a city or society, what raw materials are available, and more. See Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities for inventive descriptions of imaginary cities, as recounted by a fictionalized Marco Polo.
  • Historical events. If you narrate a paragraph describing the history of a city, for example, that place immediately gains further historical character.
  • Social makeup. What proportion of inhabitants are wealth, and what proportion are underprivileged? Class, culture, religion and other elements of society help us understand a place’s diversity (and often also the lines of difference that explain historical or present tensions).
  • Political elements. The political system in a place may have far-reaching effects from public life (e.g. whether there is a curfew or not) and infrastructure to the happiness of its people. Under a corrupt dictator, roads and public services may deteriorate faster, for example, as autocrats redirect public funds to a private purse.

How can you describe place in your story so that it has vivid character?

Ways to describe place in fiction

To create a more immersive sense of place:

  • Brainstorm key place details. What you describe will be determined to an extent by the plot and character arcs of your story. For example, if your story is about a sheltered country dweller who travels to the big city, you might brainstorm what would be awe-inspiring (or terrifying) about a big city upon arrival.
  • Create vision boards of similar settings. Use Pinterest ( follow Now Novel while you’re there) or another image sharing platform to curate a library of images connected to your story locations. This is a great way to gather visual inspiration for scenes and ideas for objects or moods and atmospheres.
  • Use precise adjectives. This applies to character description, too. Find the concrete word that compresses the most meaning (instead of ‘very small’, you might say ‘tiny’ or ‘minute’, for example).
  • Think about who, what, why, where and when. Who (or what) would you be likely to find in this place? What is great or awful about it? What is its atmosphere, tone and mood? Why does this place exist? What does it tell us about your world, its where and when (period, era)?

Read more about how to create vivid story locations, places, worlds:

  • Story setting and worldbuilding: Complete guide
  • How to describe setting: 6 ways to bring setting to life
  • Novel settings: 7 tips to get setting description right
  • Setting the scene: 6 ways to introduce place in stories
  • Vivid story setting description: Examples and insights
The fantasy that appeals most to people is the kind that’s rooted thoroughly in somebody looking around a corner and thinking, ‘What if I wandered into this writer’s people here?’ If you’ve done your job and made your people and your settings well enough, that adds an extra dimension that you can’t buy. Tamora Pierce

Descriptive writing devices

Descriptive writing devices such as figurative language bring in the freshness of unexpected comparisons and get playful with language. Learn more about descriptive writing devices that add depth, humor, surprise and other good things to descriptions:

Metaphor and simile: Comparing unlike things to describe

Metaphor and simile compare unlike things to create striking imagery.

The key difference between the two is that metaphor removes the comparison words, simile keeps them in.

Metaphor examples:

  • ‘His stork legs poked out of baggy yellow swim shorts.’
  • ‘The moon was a silver platter, more beautiful for its antique, tarnished patches.’

Compare to simile which makes the act of comparison more obvious:

Simile examples:

  • ‘The spacecraft was as dark as a moonless desert, save for the blinking lights of the control console.’
  • ‘She got up from the table without a word, as difficult to read as a seasoned croupier.’

Metonymy: Making part stand for the whole

Metonymy is a figurative device where the part of something stands for the whole (the way we say ‘The Crown’ to refer to a queen, for example).

Examples of metonymy:

  • “Mouth over here won’t shut up,” my sister said, casting a dark look my way.’
  • “I will call this House to order, and you will be orderly,” the Speaker said, glaring at the back benches.’

Hyperbole: Exaggerating for effect

Another figurative language device, hyperbole is often used for either dramatic or comical (for example, mock-heroic or arch) effect.

Hyperbole example:

  • “This sandwich is a masterpiece and belongs in the Louvre,” my brother said, mock-retching at the days-old sub I found under the car seat.’

Personification: Bringing the non-human to life

Personification is another common descriptive device in figurative language. Here, human-like characteristics are attributed to objects or non-humans.

Personification example:

  • ‘The old oak stood sentinel over the entrance to the town, cautioning horseback arrivals in its gnarled, ancient presence that this was an old place where people took their time and took even longer to warm to strangers.’

There are many other rhetorical and figurative devices you can use to play with description.

For example, ‘zeugma’, which combines unrelated images in one sentence (e.g. ‘That day changed it all, the day she opened her door and her heart to an imploring kid who rocked up shoeless and afraid and wouldn’t say a word.’) The verb ‘opened’ applies to two different nouns, one use of the verb literal, one figurative.

Read more about writing descriptive sentences and using figurative language devices:

  • Writing descriptive sentences: 6 simple rules
  • Adjectives for description: 60 precise words
  • Artificial intelligence for writing: 10 helpful AI uses
I’m a failed poet. Reading poetry helps me to see the world differently, and I try to infuse my prose with figurative language, which goes against the trend in fiction. Jesmyn Ward

Description pitfalls: What to avoid in descriptive writing

Description has its pitfalls. As Rick Riordan says in the quote above, lots of spurious description may lose a reader. Read ideas of what to avoid in description:

Overused, on the nose or dead language

‘Tall, dark and handsome’ – that’s an example of the kind of phrase you might find in a Barbara Cartland or old Mills & Boon title that might make modern readers groan. Sites such as TV Tropes can help you keep track of what is overdone and troped to death.

Tautology (redundant words or phrases)

Tautology is saying the same thing twice in different words. A ‘pleonasm’ is using more words than necessary to convey one meaning. For example, ‘The shower’s wet water was a relief after the day’s grueling work.’ The reader knows water is wet, so the adjective isn’t needed in that sentence.

Lack of sensory details

Effective descriptive writing involves the senses: Sight, touch, sound, smell, even taste. This isn’t to say that every sentence has to draw on all of the senses, but if the reader never hears or feels the touch of anything, the story’s world could read more drab and nondescript.

Telling far more than showing

Although ‘Show, don’t tell’ is a common adage, stories need both.

‘Telling’ is useful for what Ursula K. Le Guin calls ‘leaping’ in narrative. For example, skipping over an uneventful sequence of time. ‘They rode hard for three days and eventually reached the city.’

It’s showing though, ‘crowding’ a scene with the detail of the senses, of what viewpoint characters experience, that really puts your reader in the film-like quality of a scene in 4K definition.

Stereotyping or generalizing

Saying ‘all the women in the bar had dolled up for the night’ might draw readers’ ire, an example of a generalization that is also stereotyping. The idea that all women, men, non-binary people, or other categories behave a similar way (or hold similar interests or behaviors). Think about how descriptions can speak to the variety that is inherent to a space.

There are cases, of course, where certain places are very homogenous in culture, inhabitant or type. A fancy club on a beachfront might attract a very specific type of patron. Yet if context does not help to explain a generalization, it’s best to avoid it.

Watch a concise video with further tips to write stronger description:

How to describe: Writing clear places and characters

What are some of your descriptive writing pet peeves? Let us know in the comments.

Read more about descriptive issues and how to avoid them:

  • What is cliché? Cliché examples (and how to avoid)
  • Choosing description words: 10 questions to ask
  • ‘Show, don’t tell’: Examples from books balancing both

Description examples: Descriptive writing across genres

Here we gather effective description examples across a range of genres: Fantasy, romance, historical, science fiction, mystery, thriller and more. Share one of your favorite descriptions and the author and book title it’s from in the comments and help us grow this resource for description examples.

Introductory descriptions for scene-setting

Description at the beginning of a story can set the scene in a wide variety of ways. See below how it can establish tone and mood (the levity of Pratchett’s style, for example), or the inside/outside of a detective’s world where peace or violence are always just over the hedge.

See in the example from Julia Quinn how description of an activity typical of an era (Regency women doing needlework) can create a sense of time and place. Or reference to interplanetary spectacle or a woman tailing a man create intrigue in a sci-fi and thriller novel respectively.

Fantasy/humor description example

Local people called it the Bear Mountain. This was because it was a bare mountain, not because it had a lot of bears on it. This caused a certain amount of profitable confusion, though; people often strode into the nearest village with heavy duty crossbows, traps and nets and called haughtily for native guides to lead them to the bears. Since everyone locally was making quite a good living out of this, what with the sale of guide books, maps of bear caves, ornamental cuckoo-clocks with bears on them, bear walking-sticks and cakes baked in the shape of a bear, somehow no one had time to go and correct the spelling. Terry Pratchett, Witches Abroad (1991), pp. 16-17.

Mystery description example

“Hell is empty, Armand,” said Stephen Horowitz. “You’ve mentioned that. And all the devils are here?” asked Armand Gamache. “Well, maybe not here, here” – Stephen spread his expressive hands-“exactly.” “Here, here” was the garden of the Musée Rodin, in Paris, where Armand and his godfather were enjoying a quiet few minutes. Outside the walls they could hear the traffic, the hustle and the tussle of the great city. But here, here there was peace. The deep peace that comes not just with quiet, but with familiarity. Louise Penny, All the Devils are Here , 2021 (p. 3)

(Regency) romance description example

“Look at this!” Portia Featherington squealed. “Colin Bridgerton is back!” Penelope looked up from her needlework. Her mother was clutching the latest edition of Lady Whistledown’s Society Papers the way Penelope might clutch, say, a rope while hanging off a building. “I know,” she murmured. Julia Quinn, Romancing Mr Bridgerton (2002), p. 3.

Science fiction description example

At 09:46 GMT on the morning of 11 September, in the exceptionally beautiful summer of the year 2077, most of the inhabitants of Europe saw a dazzling fireball appear in the eastern sky. Within seconds it was brighter than the sun, and as it moved across the heavens – at first in utter silence – it left behind a churning column of dust and smoke. Arthur C. Clarke, Rendezvous with Rama (1973), p. 4.

Spy thriller description example

The quality of the light was the first thing that struck her when she went to Madrid in the spring of 1960. The afternoon shadows were the deepest and darkest she had ever seen. Like all old men, the doctor was a creature of habit. He always shopped for groceries on Saturday afternoons. She tailed him to a place near Atocha station that sold international food. He bought black bread, beer and slices of cured sausage that resembled Westphalian salami. Patrick Worrall, The Partisan (2022), p. 7.

Character description examples

Read examples of character description across a range of genres. See how voice can describe a character’s age and outlook in Rick Riordan’s example, or how an ensemble description can evoke the character of an era in Doctorow’s Ragtime .

Read how Colleen Hoover creates the portrait of a person through their name and the hyper-specific conditions of their being fired from a restaurant. Or Alice Munro’s portrait of a music teacher who throws recitals she doesn’t call recitals (and an invitee’s attempts to get out of attending them).

YA/fantasy character description example

My name is Percy Jackson. I’m twelve years old. Until a few months ago, I was a boarding student at Yancy Academy, a private school for troubled kids in upstate New York. Am I a troubled kid? Yeah. You could say that. I could start at any point in my short miserable life to prove it, but things really started going bad last may, when our sixth-grade class took a field trip to Manhattan – twenty-eight mental-case kids and two teachers on a yellow school bus, heading to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to look at ancient Greek and Roman stuff. Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief (2005), p. 8.

Literary/historical fiction character description example

There seemed to be no entertainment that did not involve great swarms of people. Trains and steamers and trolleys moved them from one place to another. That was the style, that was the way people lived. Women were stouter then. They visited the fleet carrying white parasols. Everyone wore white in summer. Tennis racquets were hefty and the racquet faces elliptical. There was a lot of sexual fainting. E.L. Doctorow, Ragtime (1974), p. 3.

New adult character description example

“There was that guy who did the dishes before you hired Brad. What was his name? He was named after some kind of mineral or something – it was super weird.” “Quartz,” I say. “It was a nickname.” I haven’t thought about that guy in so long. I doubt he’s holding a grudge against me after all this time. I fired him right after we opened because I found out he wasn’t washing the dishes unless he could actually see food on them. Glasses, plates, silverware – anything that came back to the kitchen from a table looking fairly clean, he’d just put it straight on the drying rack. Colleen Hoover, It Starts with Us (2022), p. 3.

Literary character description example

Miss Marsalles is having another party. (Out of musical integrity, or her heart’s bold yearning for festivity, she never calls it a recital.) My mother is not an inventive or convincing liar, and the excuses which occur to her are obviously second-rate. The painters are coming. Friends from Ottawa. Poor Carrie is having her tonsils out. In the end all she can say is: Oh, but won’t all that be too much trouble, now ? Alice Munro, ‘Dance of the Happy Shades’ in Selected Stories (1996), p. 16

Science fiction character description example

Lenar Hoyt was a young man by the Consul’s reckoning – no more than his early thirties – but it appeared that something had ages the man terribly in the not too distant past. The Consul looked at the thin face, cheekbones pressing against sallow flesh, eyes large but hooded in deep hollows, thin lips set in a permanent twice of muscle too downturned to be called even a cynical smile, the hairline not so much receding as ravaged by radiation, and he felt he was looking at a man who had been ill for years. Still, the Consul was surprised that behind that mask of concealed pain there remained the physical echo of the boy in the man […] Dan Simmons, Hyperion (1989), p. 11.

Read more character description examples:

  • Character description examples: Creating people not caricatures

Get feedback on your descriptive writing in Now Novel groups from a constructive community. Start now to brainstorm characters and settings in the Now Novel dashboard, a step-by-step tool to outline your story.

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  • Tags describing characters , how to describe , setting

how to describe a door creative writing

Jordan is a writer, editor, community manager and product developer. He received his BA Honours in English Literature and his undergraduate in English Literature and Music from the University of Cape Town.

23 replies on “How to describe to immerse readers (complete guide)”

Great article! I particularly liked point #5 and your examples were very helpful!

Thanks, Savannah. I’m glad you found it helpful.

I love this. Thank you so much.

Thank you! I’m glad you found use in it.

My advice is, don’t over do the fancy big words. People don’t want to read a book where they have to refer to a dictionary every time.

Great examples! This really made me think about how I can improve my descriptions.

Thank you, Shay! I’m glad to hear that.

That was so helpful,thank you.

It’s a pleasure, Dalida. Thank you for reading.

Super nice! Love it very much

Thanks helped me a lot. I see now why my writing seems so bland. I use too many weak adjectives bad nice good.

I have a question about how long a description should be. I’m writing a scene of about 1000 to 1500 words, which largely consists of describing the location. Would that be considered too long, even though the character is almost constantly interacting with the location? For context: My characters are inside a secret hallway where they need to solve a puzzle in order to unlock the mechanism on the door leading to another room. My main character then needs to inspect this second location to make sure everything is ready for the upcoming Council Meeting.

Hi Jae Vie,

Thank you for the interesting question. It really depends since some authors spin out description for pages, others keep it clipped to a line or two. It would depend on the style of the surrounding scene (wordy and lyrical; descriptive in a detailed, evocative way, or taut and spare).

If the scene is around 1000 words long, I would suggest keeping it shorter.

Feel free to share an extract in our critique groups for feedback! It’s difficult to advise in the abstract without having fuller context.

[…] Source: https://www.nownovel.com/blog/how-to-describe-place-character/ […]

It is very helpful for me thanks

It’s a pleasure, Iqra. Thank you for reading.

“Lieutenant Koudelka returned to curtailed light duties the following month, apparently quite cheerful and unaffected by his ordeal. But in his own way he was as uninformative as Bothari. Questioning Bothari had been like questioning a wall. Questioning Koudelka was like talking to a stream; one got back babble, or little eddies of jokes, or anecdotes that pulled the current of the discussion inexorably away from the original subject.”

— Barrayar (Vorkosigan Saga) by Lois McMaster Bujold

A few extra descriptive tidbits here making me think. Always good to have a reminder of the senses. Thanks!

Love the extension of the usual ‘like talking to a wall’ simile in this Bujold quote, Margriet, thank you for sharing it. It’s a pleasure, thanks for reading and for sharing your reading 🙂

thanks for posting. I will bookmark this site!

Hi Paul, it’s a pleasure, thanks for reading.

I’m ready to get started please help me I feel my story will inspire individual their lives

Hi Karen, that is great that you want to inspire others. Have you created an outline or do you prefer to draft freely and do organizing/structuring as you go? Either way, feel free to create a member account so that you can access our critique community and get feedback in chat and our critique forum. If you are writing memoir, you may find this article on life-writing helpful. Good luck!

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  • How to write a descriptive essay | Example & tips

How to Write a Descriptive Essay | Example & Tips

Published on July 30, 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on August 14, 2023.

A descriptive essay gives a vivid, detailed description of something—generally a place or object, but possibly something more abstract like an emotion. This type of essay , like the narrative essay , is more creative than most academic writing .

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Table of contents

Descriptive essay topics, tips for writing descriptively, descriptive essay example, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about descriptive essays.

When you are assigned a descriptive essay, you’ll normally be given a specific prompt or choice of prompts. They will often ask you to describe something from your own experience.

  • Describe a place you love to spend time in.
  • Describe an object that has sentimental value for you.

You might also be asked to describe something outside your own experience, in which case you’ll have to use your imagination.

  • Describe the experience of a soldier in the trenches of World War I.
  • Describe what it might be like to live on another planet.

Sometimes you’ll be asked to describe something more abstract, like an emotion.

If you’re not given a specific prompt, try to think of something you feel confident describing in detail. Think of objects and places you know well, that provoke specific feelings or sensations, and that you can describe in an interesting way.

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See an example

how to describe a door creative writing

The key to writing an effective descriptive essay is to find ways of bringing your subject to life for the reader. You’re not limited to providing a literal description as you would be in more formal essay types.

Make use of figurative language, sensory details, and strong word choices to create a memorable description.

Use figurative language

Figurative language consists of devices like metaphor and simile that use words in non-literal ways to create a memorable effect. This is essential in a descriptive essay; it’s what gives your writing its creative edge and makes your description unique.

Take the following description of a park.

This tells us something about the place, but it’s a bit too literal and not likely to be memorable.

If we want to make the description more likely to stick in the reader’s mind, we can use some figurative language.

Here we have used a simile to compare the park to a face and the trees to facial hair. This is memorable because it’s not what the reader expects; it makes them look at the park from a different angle.

You don’t have to fill every sentence with figurative language, but using these devices in an original way at various points throughout your essay will keep the reader engaged and convey your unique perspective on your subject.

Use your senses

Another key aspect of descriptive writing is the use of sensory details. This means referring not only to what something looks like, but also to smell, sound, touch, and taste.

Obviously not all senses will apply to every subject, but it’s always a good idea to explore what’s interesting about your subject beyond just what it looks like.

Even when your subject is more abstract, you might find a way to incorporate the senses more metaphorically, as in this descriptive essay about fear.

Choose the right words

Writing descriptively involves choosing your words carefully. The use of effective adjectives is important, but so is your choice of adverbs , verbs , and even nouns.

It’s easy to end up using clichéd phrases—“cold as ice,” “free as a bird”—but try to reflect further and make more precise, original word choices. Clichés provide conventional ways of describing things, but they don’t tell the reader anything about your unique perspective on what you’re describing.

Try looking over your sentences to find places where a different word would convey your impression more precisely or vividly. Using a thesaurus can help you find alternative word choices.

  • My cat runs across the garden quickly and jumps onto the fence to watch it from above.
  • My cat crosses the garden nimbly and leaps onto the fence to survey it from above.

However, exercise care in your choices; don’t just look for the most impressive-looking synonym you can find for every word. Overuse of a thesaurus can result in ridiculous sentences like this one:

  • My feline perambulates the allotment proficiently and capers atop the palisade to regard it from aloft.

An example of a short descriptive essay, written in response to the prompt “Describe a place you love to spend time in,” is shown below.

Hover over different parts of the text to see how a descriptive essay works.

On Sunday afternoons I like to spend my time in the garden behind my house. The garden is narrow but long, a corridor of green extending from the back of the house, and I sit on a lawn chair at the far end to read and relax. I am in my small peaceful paradise: the shade of the tree, the feel of the grass on my feet, the gentle activity of the fish in the pond beside me.

My cat crosses the garden nimbly and leaps onto the fence to survey it from above. From his perch he can watch over his little kingdom and keep an eye on the neighbours. He does this until the barking of next door’s dog scares him from his post and he bolts for the cat flap to govern from the safety of the kitchen.

With that, I am left alone with the fish, whose whole world is the pond by my feet. The fish explore the pond every day as if for the first time, prodding and inspecting every stone. I sometimes feel the same about sitting here in the garden; I know the place better than anyone, but whenever I return I still feel compelled to pay attention to all its details and novelties—a new bird perched in the tree, the growth of the grass, and the movement of the insects it shelters…

Sitting out in the garden, I feel serene. I feel at home. And yet I always feel there is more to discover. The bounds of my garden may be small, but there is a whole world contained within it, and it is one I will never get tired of inhabiting.

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The key difference is that a narrative essay is designed to tell a complete story, while a descriptive essay is meant to convey an intense description of a particular place, object, or concept.

Narrative and descriptive essays both allow you to write more personally and creatively than other kinds of essays , and similar writing skills can apply to both.

If you’re not given a specific prompt for your descriptive essay , think about places and objects you know well, that you can think of interesting ways to describe, or that have strong personal significance for you.

The best kind of object for a descriptive essay is one specific enough that you can describe its particular features in detail—don’t choose something too vague or general.

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Caulfield, J. (2023, August 14). How to Write a Descriptive Essay | Example & Tips. Scribbr. Retrieved August 5, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/academic-essay/descriptive-essay/

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7 Words For The Sound Of A Door Opening And Closing

It’s useful to have a few words at the ready to help you describe certain sounds. In this article, we’ll explore the sound of a door opening and closing, and we’ll help you understand the best words to describe it.

Which Words Can Describe The Sound Of A Door Opening And Closing?

There are some great ways we can describe this sound. The following are some of the best to choose from:

  • Swing and slam
  • Pull and thud
  • Open and close
  • Locking and unlocking

door opening closing sound words

The preferred version is “swing and slam.” It works well to show that a door has swung open (the sound relates to the rushing of air when you hear the door open). The “slam” relates to the close, and it usually implies that someone has shut the door with emphasis.

Swing And Slam

“Swing and slam” allows us to create sounds for both the opening and closing of a door. The “swing” works for the opening portion, while the “slam” works for the closing portion. It’s an easily identifiable sound to many people.

“Slam” is typically a more aggressive sound compared to other ways of closing a door. It’s much easier for someone to slam a door when they’re angry about something, as they will put less energy into shutting it in a quiet way.

If you’ve heard the distinctive slamming of a door, you’ll know how angry someone has to be to create the noise.

  • The sound of the swing and slam was enough for me to get the picture. I just wish I could apologize.
  • I heard the door swing open and slam shut. It wasn’t pleasant, but it was all because of me.
  • The swing and slam were enough to grind anyone’s gears. We need to get that door oiled!

Pull And Thud

“Pull and thud” is another specific motion that some people might carry out. The “pull” relates to someone pulling a door open. It creates a brisk shuffling of air around the open door. The “thud” is the close after someone has walked through a door.

Like “slam,” “thud” is considered to be a more aggressive way to shut a door. It works best when you know that someone is angry at another person or for a particular reason.

  • The pull and thud of the doors were getting louder. He was approaching, and I didn’t know where to hide.
  • With one quick pull and thud, Daniel was on his way. It was loud enough to wake the whole street.
  • The door pulled and thudded shut. I knew he was angry with me, but I didn’t think to ask him why.

Open And Close

“Open and close” isn’t strictly onomatopoeia, but it still works to describe the sound. “Open” and “close” are distinctive noises for a door to make, so we can use these two descriptive words to show that we heard the door being moved.

Onomatopoeia usually describes sounds, but in this case, we use them to describe the action. “Open” doesn’t relate to the specific sound made, but people know what a door opening sounds like. The same is true for a door closing.

  • I heard the door open and close, but nobody wanted to come in.
  • The door kept opening and closing. The sounds were unmistakable, but apparently, nobody else heard them.
  • I thought I heard it open and close. Maybe I’m wrong, but I’m sure it was obvious!

“Click” is a good way to refer to a door being unlocked. The click sound comes from the handle being turned to open it, and the click comes from the door being separated (or reattached) to the door frame.

It’s a good way of showing how the sound is heard. It’s instantly recognizable, and many people already know what to expect when they hear a door click.

  • I kept hearing the door click, but he wasn’t coming into the room to talk to me.
  • I knew it was her clicking at the door. She was being too indecisive, and she didn’t know whether she was coming in or not.
  • The door kept clicking, so I had to get out of the house.

“Bang” is a more abrupt sound that you might hear from a door. We use this mostly to show that someone is angry. The bang comes from the door being closed forcefully.

Usually, there will be a reason why someone “bangs” a door. That reason will be made much clearer within a given context, so it would make sense to include that context in your writing.

  • The door banged shut as he left. I’ve never seen a man so angry before.
  • It was closed with a forceful bang, and the sound managed to shake the whole building.
  • The bang from the door closing was enough to unsettle anyone who heard it!

“Creak” is a great way to describe a door that both opens and closes. It’s common for older doors to creak. A creak is generally what happens to the hinges on a door when they haven’t been oiled for a while.

Some people believe creaks to be quite an eerie sound. They’re associated with scary movies where ghosts will typically creak open doors.

  • The door creaked open; then it closed again. I don’t know what caused it, but I didn’t like it.
  • The creaking sounds from the door need to be fixed because I hate listening to them.
  • There’s a lot of creaking coming from behind me. I wonder if someone is coming in through the door.

Locking And Unlocking

“Locking and unlocking” refers to the clicking noise that comes from doors when they are opened and closed. The clicks typically come from the locks, which is why we use the words “locking” and “unlocking” to show the sounds we’re talking about.

  • I heard the locking and unlocking of the door, which told me that he’d already left.
  • It locked and unlocked quickly, meaning that I was finally alone.
  • The door kept locking and unlocking on its own. It was almost as if it were haunted!

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Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here .

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how to describe a door creative writing

How To Write A Character Description (101 Examples)

February 15, 2024

Learn what character description is and how to describe a character. Jump into OC description writing with one of the iconic character description examples from our list.

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Developing a description of a character can be a challenge for OC creators. How much do you give away as someone who knows the character innately versus trying to generate interest and get an audience to invest in the character’s journey? We’re going to dive into writing character descriptions that stand out.

how to describe a door creative writing

Why Character Descriptions Matter

Character descriptions, at heart, serve as a marker for the reader to determine if they wish to know more about the character. They are creators' attempts to signal that an individual they are writing about is worth becoming invested in. This is why a boring character description can be fatal to first impressions - why bother exploring a project if the character's description generates no spark?

Character descriptions are also influenced by purpose. A character description in a screenplay occupies a different purpose than a character description on a profile page. A description in a screenplay is lean, whereas a profile has more room to explore. These descriptions we’re talking about are too large for a character reference sheet .

While focusing on writing character descriptions for profiles, we will look at examples from literature, screenplays, and existing character profiles on CharacterHub. 

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The Five Key Questions

When it comes to description in a general sense, there are five questions to consider: Who, What, Where, Why, and When? These questions are also beneficial in writing original character descriptions because you can use as many as you wish or even omit some to generate interest.

It is rather complicated to omit the who in a description, as a description is usually tied to an identifiable figure. Even if you may not want to give away a character’s identity, there is usually some marker that identifies them. For example, in the script for the horror classic Halloween (1978) by John Carpenter and Deborah Hill, the lurking presence of Michael Myers is simply referred to as “The Shape.” It is a name as evocative as it is practical. In most cases, a creator will probably just include the OC’s name.

The what in a character description can be interpreted as a marker for their identity. This could be their ethnicity, role, or species, for example. It is, again, reasonably complex to avoid this when developing a description, as a character without a perceived role may not feel like a character. A great example of “the what” in a character description comes from the character Tiberius Skärvas IV from the webcomic The Fourth . 

From the character's description on the cast page: “Ever since the First and his rather unethical business practices, the Tiberius Skärvas have been accursed by the gods. While technically still human, they possess the appearance and certain traits of sharks.” A cursed human with shark-like traits is undoubtedly a bold answer for “the what.”

how to describe a door creative writing

When it comes to where , you are likely answering who the character is to their setting. It is less about a physical location and how that character connects to or runs counter to a location or society. Essentially, you are positioning them against civilization in whatever form that takes. A great example of this can be found in the codex entry of Agrippa Varus from the webcomic Terra Incognita . 

Case in point: “Agrippa Varus was raised in a well respected family in the Asurian capital of Sokai. His father Argo Varus, served as a consul and the main liaison between Asura and other sentient worlds. Due to his exposure to other species from a young age, Agrippa has an open mind and is much less prejudiced than the average Asurian citizen.” 

As we can see in this description, Agrippa is given a physical “where” regarding a space civilization while also being described of their societal “where” - as a figure that runs outside their culture.

how to describe a door creative writing

The when of a character in their description is all about position. Whether the setting is based on natural history or set in an entirely fictional timeline, a character occupies temporal space, which can factor into how they are seen. Are they of their time, or do they feel apart from it? Descriptions that hint at such things are great at generating interest.

A great example of this can be found in the script of Warm Bodies (2013), in a description of the character R. “Blank face, sunken eyes. Blueish lips. If we didn’t know any better we’d think he was a junkie, a runaway from the set of My Own Private Idaho . Then we might notice a few thin gashes cutting across his cheeks. And then we might hear a soft groan humming from his frozen lips. And then we might start to wonder…

In this example, we see the deliberate usage of a contemporary reference to another film, positioning R and their relationship to a contemporary setting. The reference also does double duty, saying a lot about how R can be perceived by those familiar with the reference.

The why of a character description is most easily omitted to generate interest and intrigue. However, it can also be incredibly influential in generating interest in an original character. Knowing what drives a character can be a descriptive hook.

A great example of the “why” in a character description comes from Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra’s Don Quixote in this rather brilliant moment: “In short, his wits being quite gone, he hit upon the strangest notion that ever madman in this world hit upon, and that was that he fancied it was right and requisite, as well for the support of his own honour as for the service of his country, that he should make a knight-errant of himself, roaming the world over in full armour and on horseback in quest of adventures, and putting in practice himself all that he had read of as being the usual practices of knights-errant[...]”

Don Quixote’s mad notion of being a knight proves a compelling hook to the character, especially in how that motivation is presented. A reader can’t help but be intrigued by the description of the thin, elderly man who wants to be a knight.

how to describe a door creative writing

Other Descriptive Traits and Tips

Much descriptive writing can come from things you probably already learned in school but are worth repeating. For example, utilizing sensory details in a character description can be particularly useful. Writing about how a character may smell like motor oil or freshly baked bread can suggest different things.

Contrast is another powerful tool in the character description, as when we are introduced to someone, we cannot help but size them up compared to people we know. This is especially true of original characters. How does one protagonist compare to another? How might you set a character apart from others? Using contrast is especially helpful here. For example, describing how a lead character differs from others in a similar position of their setting.

Of course, there are also things to avoid when developing character descriptions. Writing a description that is a laundry list of traits is something you may want to avoid. It can lack personality and feel a little boring. A solid character organizer can help you visually track if you rely on listing too often.

In any case, referring to some classic descriptive writing techniques can be helpful, especially when punching up a first draft of a character description.

how to describe a door creative writing

Ways of Establishing Character Through Description

Well-written, informative descriptions greatly help establish interest in an original character. Consider them a teaser to what you hope to be a more significant journey you want to take readers on. Your goal is to connect an audience and a character through intrigue an interest - your aim can be to use description as a hook. Here are some different ways to use description to create that hook.

Using Description to Create a Presence

One of the most essential uses of description is to establish the presence of a character in their respective story. How about who is heroic or villainous? Who merits us following their story and becoming invested in them? This is particularly useful in writing an OC profile because you want to establish how we should feel about them without the burden of a ton of backstory to provide context.

Consider this like trying to convey everything about a person possible at a glance. How can you give us what we need about an OC in a descriptive passage? Well, let’s look at some examples.

In this sample from Margaret Atwood’s The Blind Assassin , we see presence established by tying description to color and costuming details. Note that the presence established here is not a flattering one.

I could picture the smooth oval of Laura’s face, her neatly pinned chignon, the dress she would have been wearing: a shirtwaist with a small rounded collar, in a sober colour – navy blue or steel grey or hospital-corridor green. Penitential colours – less like something she’d chosen to put on than like something she’d been locked up in.

  • Margaret Atwood, The Blind Assassin (2000)

Another great way to establish a character’s presence through description is to tie it to a metaphor. Let’s look at an example of Arudhati Roy’s The God of Small Things, where we have a character consumed by quietude.

Once the quietness arrived, it stayed and spread in Estha. It reached out of his head and enfolded him in its swampy arms…sent its stealthy, suckered tentacles inching along the insides of his skull, hoovering the knolls and dells of his memory, dislodging old sentences, whisking them off the tip of his tongue.

  • Arudhati Roy, The God of Small Things (1997)

In these examples, we see how descriptive language can imply something about the character's presence, such as their authority or lack of authority. In the Atwood example, the character is effectively rendered blank or meek. Meanwhile, in the Roy example, the description paints a picture of a character consumed by their awkwardness and silence. Noting and working with such traits is key to building a good character profile.

Let’s look at how the presence of Gandalf is established through description in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Fellowship of the Ring .

“Gandalf was shorter in stature than the other two; but his long white hair, his sweeping beard, and his broad shoulders, made him look like some wise king of ancient legend. In his aged face under great snowy brows his eyes were set like coals that could suddenly burst into fire.”

  • J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring (1954)

Gandalf’s physical presence is a fun juxtaposition with him appearing larger than life. He may be shorter, but he has an aura about him - something noticeably distinguished. I recommend reading Tolkien for character description, not just because I am a fan. 

how to describe a door creative writing

Using a History to Create Significance

Character description that depicts an established history can go a long way to informing a reader about what makes the character tick. A character can sometimes be seen as a record of their experiences, and knowing those experiences can tell us a lot about a character, how they view the world, and how the author wishes for us to view them. There is no shortage of character ideas , but a character is more than an idea: they are a story.

In Charles Dickens’ Hard Times , the character of Bounderby is pernicious and self-centered, motivated by the pursuit of their wants and desires having come up from poverty. We can see Dickens establish much of that in his description of Bounderby by including history in the character’s description.

“A big, loud man, with a stare, and a metallic laugh. A man made out of coarse material, which seemed to have been stretched to make so much of him […] always proclaiming, through that brassy speaking-trumpet of a voice of his, his old ignorance and his old poverty.”

  • Charles Dickens, Hard Times (1854)

Let’s look at a character with an established history and how that history plays into their description in the present. If you are a fan of Star Trek , then the film Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan should be pretty familiar. The film was a culmination of a storyline that began in the 1960s featuring characters who have aged decades for the 1980s film. In particular, let’s look at a description of Captain Kirk from the script.

“Kirk reads the novel, trying to focus. His flat befits an Admiral and a loner with few possessions, except a collection of antiques.”

  • Harve Bennett, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)

In this example, we have a little bit of environmental storytelling that plays against what audiences would know of Captain James T. Kirk. Kirk, from the original series, was quite the heroic figure, not mainly seen as an elder statesman. However, the depiction of his apartment, filled with antiques belonging to a man who is alone, shows that much time has passed for the figure. He is different in many ways - almost startlingly so.

So, what can we draw from these examples when developing descriptions of our original characters? A character with a lot of history is undoubtedly colored by it, so if your description can evoke a journey, you’ve gone a long way to informing us about what makes them tick. This is seen in the example from Hard Times, where the character’s journey through the classes of 19th-century London colors how we see their outward-facing personality.

Further, if you are playing with time, descriptions of a character at different stages in their life or respective journey can highlight their growth, such as in the example from Star Trek . Contrast through history is a particularly effective strategy when writing a character description.

how to describe a door creative writing

Using Perspective to Create Interpretation

In some cases, describing a character from another person's perspective can yield beautiful results. First impressions can say a lot, and stepping away from an omniscient narrator’s view of a character, filled with insight about them and their past, can be a valuable technique. It also can create a narrative journey for an OC later on, as our initial impressions, through a more limited outsider perspective, do not usually represent the whole character.

Here is an example of Virginia Woolf establishing a character’s description from another character's perspective.

“He was such a miserable specimen, the children said, all humps and hollows. He couldn’t play cricket; he poked; he shuffled. He was a sarcastic brute, Andrew said. They knew what he liked best – to be for ever walking up and down, up and down, with Mr. Ramsay, saying who had won this, who had won that …”

  • Virginia Woolf, To The Lighthouse (1927)

Here is an example of a character description written from another character's perspective. In this case, we have Ripley from Aliens , who first encounters Burke as she recovers in a hospital room. Notice the usage of traits in the following passage. This is taken from the film's shooting script.

“The visitor sits beside the bed and Ripley finally notices him.  He is thirtyish and handsome, in a suit that looks executive or legal, the tie loosened with studied casualness.  A smile referred to as ‘winning.’”

  • James Cameron, Aliens (1985)

Specifically, this is a friendly, somewhat charming face for a recovering from intensive trauma. However, we also get a sense of Burke's nature through the description, such as emphasizing the fakery of a “winning” smile.

If we want another great example of perspective coloring the description of a character, we can look toward another sci-fi franchise with Star Wars . In particular, the 4th draft script from A New Hope introduces Darth Vader in a fantastic way that tells us everything we need to know about the character from the perspective of the terrified Rebels.

“The awesome, seven-foot-tall Dark Lord of the Sith makes his way into the blinding light of the main passageway. This is Darth Vader, right hand of the Emperor. His face is obscured by his flowing black robes and grotesque breath mask, which stands out next to the fascist white armored suits of the Imperial stormtroopers. Everyone instinctively backs away from the imposing warrior and a deathly quiet sweeps through the Rebel troops. Several of the Rebel troops break and run in a frenzied panic.”

  • George Lucas, Star Wars: A New Hope (1976)

That Darth Vader cuts an imposing presence in this description is an understatement. The key here is that we are seeing him through the eyes of those terrified Rebel troops.

how to describe a door creative writing

Character Descriptions from Some Friends of Mine

There are many great examples of strong character descriptions out there. I turned to a few writer friends who are particularly good at creating characters, and I want to look at examples from two of them.

Robert Livingston: Tom n’ Artie and Kaiju Dayz

First up, we have my friend Robert Livingston, who was gracious enough to provide some examples from his in-depth pitch documents for two of his projects. First, look at some examples featuring the two leads of his comic Tom n’ Artie .

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Tommy ‘Tom’ Sunshine Bliss

“Our stoic, disciplined Unicorn with the sparkly hair! Tom is the straight man of the duo usually doing the talking when they're with clients or when a deal needs to be made. Straight-laced with a dry sense of humor, he approaches situations with a strategic mindset preferring to have all the information before diving in. Due to his friendship with Artie, he commonly has to just 'wing it' with his little wildcard friend as he changes strategies on the fly.”

As we can see, Tom is the comedic straight man of the pair, but given the nature of the project, he still has his quirks. In particular, I want to note the contrast between his character and the description of his appearance. It does a lot to sell the inherent comedy of the character.

Artie Artillery

“The cartoon wildcard! Artie is zany and a rabbit/cat of action preferring to let his fists, teeth, legs, bats, guns, bombs and whatever he's got do the talking for him. He's spontaneous with a short fuse willing to crack jokes then skulls seconds apart from each other. Tom usually is the one who has to hold him back but during the events of the arc, he's more willing to let his little toon buddy cut loose more.”

Because the project revolves around a comedic pairing, we can see how essential contrasting the two leads can be in establishing their characters. There is some great description here, especially the emphasis on Artie’s improvised armory. Artie has enough of a hook from his description, but the depth is substantial when paired with his co-lead, Tom.

Next, we have an example from Robert’s other series, Kaiju Dayz . This project is like a sitcom set on an island of giant monsters. Let’s look at the series lead, Big Mama.

“A well-known Kaiju on Monster Island for her several successful attacks on human cities and other locations for many years. She’s gained a large reputation that gives her a lot of respect from others. It’s also forced her to put up a constant face of intimidation to keep that respect, she feels force is the only way to keep others in line. The only ones she’s softer on are her own children, Junior and Pestania, but now seeing that she’s growing estranged from them she’s trying to change that. She isn’t of this world (or possibly reality) and has no love for it but wants to keep anything she does love (her children and late husband) as close to her as possible.”

This character description does a great job of pitching the whole character. While I only used some segments for Tom and Artie earlier, I wanted to share the entire character description for Big Mama because it is so thorough without being overly long. This is an excellent example of a character description meant to sell the original character to an audience. This is what you’d want to see on a character profile .

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Ben Paddon: Jump Leads

Ben Paddon sent me pitch documents for their audio drama, Jump Leads . You should give it a listen. Let’s look at the character descriptions for Meaney and Llewellyn, the dual protagonists of the story.

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Thomas Meaney

The following is transcribed from the Jump Leads character breakdown about the character of Thomas Meaney.

  • Meaney is excitable, enthusiastic, and young. She has wanted to be a Lead her entire life, and now she’s finally in training. This is her dream come true. Such a pity it’s about to be absolutely derailed by Misadventure.
  • Meaney is a hopeful idealist. She always wants to see the best in people, and always tries to do good, even when the odds - and, indeed, her own skill set - are not in her favor. She’s also driven by a desire to get back home to complete her Lead training, though her adventurous, helpful nature, coupled with a desire to explore, often get the better of her.
  • Meaney is excitable, in every sense of the word - her enthusiasm runs just as deeply as her fear, though she tries not to let being scared of a situation prevent the right decision from being made.
  • Meaney is a brilliant problem-solver. She doesn't quite know this yet. She’ll discover that soon enough.

This is a wonderfully written character description that gives us everything we wish to know about a character while giving us the suggestion of a larger arc. When you think about this profile in terms of the questions who, what, where, why, and when, you’ll see they are all there.

Richard Llewellyn

  • Llewellyn is in his mid-to-late 20s - still young enough to be bitter and cynical without having any of the real-world experience to justify it. He’s indifferent, snide, at times cruel, and he keeps people at an arm's length. Unfortunately, he’s been utterly unsuccessful in doing this with Meaney, in part because the alphabetical arrangement of the training classes has stuck them together.
  • Llewellyn is smart, but lazy; brilliant, but apathetic. He joined the Lead Service because the alternative involved being in the real world, and that isn't something he's willing to do just yet. Of course, he'd never admit this.
  • Underneath it all, there's something else. Maybe he's ready to let someone in. Or maybe he's hiding something else entirely…

Again, we have a dual protagonist situation; contrast is essential to define each. Each character can stand independently, but their descriptions are tailored to work best when read together. Yes, we get a fully rounded character in Llewellyn thanks to the description, but we also get a further hook because of the emphasis on personality clash. How might their journey go down, given their radically different perspectives?

Character Description from CharacterHub

While writing this article, I wanted to look at examples of character descriptions written by CharacterHub users. I’ve found some great examples to share, so why don’t we dive in and see what OC creators have been sharing with the community?

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I’ve taken snippets from each profile of something I found to be particularly evocative or inspirational. Be sure to visit the complete profiles for even more great examples.

  • Euronym by genderkiller - “driven to be the least evil thing around her, euronym chooses to use her manipulation and intelligence for what she believes is the betterment of others. but does it really know what's best for others, so blinded by its own trauma?”
  • Valentine Adelaide by DEADRKGK - “Personality wise, Valentine is a man with many facets to him, and all are generally expressed and felt in extremes. To call him unpredictable would be both correct and incorrect. For those around him often, he can be much more easily predictable of a person. He’s open with his thoughts and feelings and expresses them freely with a poor social filter– good or bad, he’ll speak his mind regardless of if people want to hear it or not.”
  • Tessa Verisey by LuminaLyric - “Standing at 5'8" with chestnut brown hair cascading in loose waves to her shoulders, her hazel eyes conceal a depth of intelligence and charisma.”
  • Seth Salem by Paracosmic - “If looks could kill, Seth's would be the firing squad.”
  • Aries by AFishWithAGun - “Aries is not a good person. At least, not anymore. Greif is a funny thing, pushed by a whirlwind of emotions. Anger, regret, betrayal. It spins its way into a palpable rage. His jagged psyche knows how best it can ruin a man.”
  • Sidney Ignacio by soupysoupster - “Throughout his days, Sidney can’t seem to get past his own thoughts and anxieties. As a result, he comes off as withdrawn and uninterested to most. Despite what people may think though, Sidney is nothing short of a caring and compassionate person and will do anything he can do to help others. He’s a great listener, and will often catch onto things others don’t. ‘The devil is in the details’ as their father would say.”
  • Adem Petrovic by lysesander - “Athletic enough to make a quick escape over a side wall if the situation calls for it. Face is unmemorable, and hard to spot in the crowd.”
  • The Depths by celestrian - “A mysterious and enigmatic traveling merchant of the depths, a man whose past is shrouded in secrecy and his appearance completely hidden beneath a strange fox mask as well as a hooded cloak, wrapped in layers of cloth that cover his entire body. He claims to have knowledge of the entire kingdom and forbidden secrets, despite seeming quite young.”
  • Clawfoot by Sunckeys - “Naivete is not a word known to poor Clawfoot, yet it may just be the best word to describe him. Unknown to him are the ways of man, of conversing with another and sharing pleasantries. No, for Clawfoot's expertise lies in savagry, ravaging, of ripping and tearing. Yet he hungers not for prey- though he much enjoys a meal or four- but for connection.”
  • Soffice Pluvia by bunnymacaron - “Recently, he's found himself in an...unusual situation. Almost as soon as he entered the country he went through the Magical Girl transformation process. Immediately after, he got roped into the schemes of a sadistic Magical Girl and is stuck unraveling the tangled web of Kannazen City's Magical Girls to hopefully finally have some peace and quiet...or die trying.”
  • Joshua Vox by ThaLizardWizard - “In terms of appearance, he is very skinny, pale, and sickly looking, with wild black hair that stands on end, and freckles all over his body and face. He has intense eye bags under enormous pale gray eyes, and to be completely honest, has frequently been mistaken for a ghost.”

Further fantastic examples of evocative character descriptions can be found all over CharacterHub . Browsing the thousands of existing character descriptions will inspire anyone to create character descriptions for their OCs. In particular, searching tags to find the kind of characters that inspire you most is super easy.

Further Examples of Character Descriptions

We’ll leave you here now with the following massive list. This list features different examples of character descriptions from various stories. Try to match the selections to some of our established principles. The descriptions here are very inspiring for any OC creator.

  • Denis Lehane’s A Drink Before the War : “He had a shock of stiff white hair you could land a DC-10 on and a handshake that stopped just short of inducing paralysis.”
  • Amber Dawn’s Sub Rosa : “When he did appear his eyes were as brown as I remembered, pupils flecked with gold like beach pebbles.”
  • Sherman Alexie’s The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven : “I thought she was so beautiful. I figured she was the kind of woman who could make buffalo walk on up to her and give up their lives.”
  • Louisa M. Alcott’s Little Women : “Amy, though the youngest, was a most important person,—in her own opinion at least. A regular snow-maiden, with blue eyes, and yellow hair, curling on her shoulders, pale and slender, and always carrying herself like a young lady mindful of her manners.”
  • Frank Herbert’s Dune : "Through the door came two Sardukar herding a girl-child who appeared to be about four years old. She wore a black aba, the hood thrown back to reveal the attachments of a stillsuit hanging free at her throat. Her eyes were Fremen blue, staring out of a soft, round face. She appeared completely unafraid and there was a look to her stare that made the Baron feel uneasy for no reason he could explain."
  • Kury Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five : "He was a funny-looking child who became a funny-looking youth — tall and weak, and shaped like a bottle of Coca-Cola."
  • Philip K. Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? : "Black-haired and slender, wearing the huge new dust-filtering glasses, she approached his car, her hands deep in the pockets of her brightly striped long coat. She had, on her sharply defined small face, an expression of sullen distaste."
  • John Kennedy Toole’s A Confederacy of Dunces : “Full, pursed lips protruded beneath the bushy black moustache and, at their corners, sank into little folds filled with disapproval and potato chip crumbs.”
  • Ralph Ellson’s Invisible Man : “I am a man of substance, of flesh and bone, fiber and liquids — and I might even be said to possess a mind. I am invisible, simply because people refuse to see me.”
  • George Eliot’s Middlemarch : “The rural opinion about the new young ladies, even among the cottagers, was generally in favour of Celia, as being so amiable and innocent-looking, while Miss Brooke’s large eyes seemed, like her religion, too unusual and striking. Poor Dorothea! Compared with her, the innocent-looking Celia was knowing and worldly-wise.”
  • Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness : “He was commonplace in complexion, in feature, in manners, and in voice. He was of middle size and of ordinary build. His eyes, of the usual blue, were perhaps remarkably cold, and he certainly could make his glance fall on one as trenchant and heavy as an axe…”
  • Rudyard Kipling’s The Jungle Books : “But he had a voice as soft as wild honey dripping from a tree, and a skin softer than down.”
  • Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice : “…your manners, impressing me with the fullest belief of your arrogance, your conceit, and your selfish disdain of the feelings of others, were such as to form the groundwork of disapprobation on which succeeding events have built so immovable a dislike; and I had not known you a month before I felt that you were the last man in the world whom I could ever be prevailed on to marry.”
  • Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn : “He was most fifty, and he looked it. His hair was long and tangled and greasy, and hung down, and you could see his eyes shining through like he was behind vines.”
  • Lindsay Faye’s Dust and Shadow: An Account of the Ripper Killings by Dr. John H. Watson : “The door flew open, revealing a wrinkled, forward-thrusting face wreathed with a nimbus of wispy white hair, a face resembling nothing so much as a mole emerging from its burrow. Her spectacles were so dirty that I could hardly see the use of them.”
  • Adlous Huxley’s Brave New World : "Tall and rather thin but upright, the Director advanced into the room. He had a long chin and big rather prominent teeth, just covered, when he was not talking, by his full, floridly curved lips. Old, young? Thirty? Fifty? Fifty-five? It was hard to say."
  • F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby : “He smiled understandingly — much more than understandingly. It was one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, that you may come across four or five times in life.”
  • J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Fellowship of the Ring : "The face of Elrond was ageless, neither old nor young, though in it was written the memory of many things both glad and sorrowful. His hair was dark as the shadows of twilight, and upon it was set a circlet of silver; his eyes were grey as a clear evening, and in them was a light like the light of stars."
  • Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight : “I vividly remembered the flat black color of his eyes the last time he glared at me – the color was striking against the background of his pale skin and his auburn hair. Today, his eyes were a completely different color: a strange ocher, darker than butterscotch, but with the same golden tone.”
  • Joan Johnston’s No Longer A Stranger : “Her straight, boyishly cut hair fell onto her brow haphazardly and hid beautiful arched brows that framed her large, expressive eyes.”
  • Anne Rice’s The Vampire Armand : “I saw my Master had adorned himself in a thick tunic and beautiful dark blue doublet which I’d hardly noticed before. He wore soft sleek dark blue gloves over his hands, gloves which perfectly cleaved to his fingers, and legs were covered by thick soft cashmere stockings all the way to his beautiful pointed shoes.”
  • Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations : “Though every vestige of her dress was burnt, as they told me, she still had something of her old ghastly bridal appearance; for, they had covered her to the throat with white cotton-wool, and as she lay with a white sheet loosely overlying that, the phantom air of something that had been and was changed, was still upon her.”
  • Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn : “He was sunshine most always-I mean he made it seem like good weather.”
  • N. K. Jemisin’s The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms : “His long, long hair wafted around him like black smoke, its tendrils curling and moving of their own volition. His cloak — or perhaps that was his hair too — shifted as if in an unfelt wind.”
  • Maya Angelou’s I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings : “Her skin was a rich black that would have peeled like a plum if snagged, but then no one would have thought of getting close enough to Mrs. Flowers to ruffle her dress, let alone snag her skin. She didn’t encourage familiarity.”
  • China Miéville’s The Census-Taker : “His hand was over his eyes. He looked like a failed soldier. Dirt seemed so worked into him that the lines of his face were like writing.”
  • Louisa M. Alcott’s Little Women : “Fifteen-year-old Jo was very tall, thin, and brown, and reminded one of a colt; for she never seemed to know what to do with her long limbs, which were very much in her way. She had a decided mouth, a comical nose, and sharp, gray eyes, which appeared to see everything, and were by turns fierce, funny, or thoughtful.”
  • Henry James’ The Aspern Papers : “Her face was not young, but it was simple; it was not fresh, but it was mild. She had large eyes which were not bright, and a great deal of hair which was not ‘dressed,’ and long fine hands which were–possibly–not clean.”
  • Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Masque of the Red Death”: “The tastes of the duke were peculiar. He had a fine eye for colors and effects. He disregarded the decora of mere fashion. His plans were bold and fiery, and his conceptions glowed with barbaric lustre. There are some who would have thought him mad. His followers felt that he was not.”
  • Becca Fitzpatrick’s Hush, Hush : “He was abominable…and the most alluring, tortured soul I’d ever met.”
  • William Golding’s Lord of the Flies : “Inside the floating cloak he was tall, thin, and bony; and his hair was red beneath the black cap. His face was crumpled and freckled, and ugly without silliness.”
  • Maggie Stiefvater’s The Raven Boys : “As always, there was an all-American war hero look to him, coded in his tousled brown hair, his summer-narrowed hazel eyes, the straight nose that ancient Anglo-Saxons had graciously passed on to him. Everything about him suggested valor and power and a firm handshake.”
  • John Safran Foer’s Everything Is Illuminated : “He did not look like anything special at all.”
  •  J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Fellowship of the Ring : “He wore a tall pointed blue hat, a long grey cloak, and a silver scarf.  He had a long white beard and bushy  eyebrows that stuck out beyond the brim of his hat.”
  • Andrew Lang’s The Crimson Fairy Book : “When the old king saw this he foamed with rage, stared wildly about, flung himself on the ground and died.”
  • Rudyard Kipling’s Many Inventions : “He wrapped himself in quotations – as a beggar would enfold himself in the purple of Emperors.”
  • Bram Stoker’s Dracula : “The Count smiled, and as his lips ran back over his gums, the long, sharp, canine teeth showed out strangely.”
  • Hugh Lofting’s The Story of Doctor Dolittle : “For a long time he said nothing. He kept as still as a stone. He hardly seemed to be breathing at all. When at last he began to speak, it sounded almost as though he were singing, sadly, in a dream.”
  • M.L Legette’s The Orphan and the Thief : “Its gray, slippery skin was stretched taut upon its face. Its mouth was wide and full of needle teeth.”
  • Julia Stuart’s The Tower, The Zoo, and The Tortoise : “Blooms of acne highlighted his vampire-white skin.
  • James Lee Burke’s The Neon Rain : “His khaki sleeves were rolled over his sunburned arms, and he had the flat green eyes and heavy facial features of north Louisiana hill people. He smelled faintly of dried sweat, Red Man, and talcum powder.”
  • Becca Fitzpatrick’s Black Ice : “His brown hair was cropped, and it showed off the striking symmetry of his face. With the sun at his back, shadows marked the depressions beneath his cheekbones.”
  • Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley’s Frankenstein : “His limbs were in proportion, and I had selected his features as beautiful. Beautiful! Great God! His yellow skin scarcely covered the work of muscles and arteries beneath; his hair was of a lustrous black, and flowing; his teeth of a pearly whiteness; but these luxuriances only formed a more horrid contrast with his watery eyes, that seemed almost of the same colour as the dun-white sockets in which they were set, his shrivelled complexion and straight black lips.”
  • Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Cask of Amontillado”: “He accosted me with excessive warmth, for he had been drinking much. The man wore motley. He had on a tight-fitting parti-striped dress, and his head was surmounted by the conical cap and bells.”
  • E.C. Sheedy’s Killing Bliss : “He stood, which put him eye to eye with the dark-haired woman whose brilliant, burning gaze poured into his worthless soul like boiling tar, whose mouth frothed with fury–and whose hand now curled, knuckles white, around a steak knife.”
  • Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games : “She has bright, dark eyes and satiny brown skin and stands tilted up on her toes with arms slightly extended to her sides, as if ready to take wing at the slightest sound.”
  • J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone : “A giant of a man was standing in the doorway. His face was almost completely hidden by a long, shaggy mane of hair and a wild, tangled beard, but you could make out his eyes, glinting like black beetles under all the hair.”
  • Louisa M. Alcott’s Little Women : “Elizabeth—or Beth, as every one called her—was a rosy, smooth-haired, bright-eyed girl of thirteen, with a shy manner, a timid voice, and a peaceful expression, which was seldom disturbed.”
  • Anne Rice’s Violin : “What a well-formed mouth he had, and how the narrow eyes, the detailed deepened lids gave him such a range of expression, to open his gaze wide, or sink in cunning street.”
  • Kevin Brooks’ Lucas : “An easygoing lope. Nice and steady. Not too fast and not too slow, Fast enough to get somewhere, but not too fast to miss anything.”
  • Iris Johansen’s The Face of Deception : “Kinky tousled curls, only a minimum of makeup, large brown eyes behind round wire-rimmed glasses. There was a world of character in that face, more than enough to make her fascinating-looking instead of just attractive.”
  • Herman Meilville’s Moby Dick : “There seemed no sign of common bodily illness about him, nor of the recovery from any. He looked like a man cut away from the stake, when the fire has overrunningly wasted all the limbs without consuming them, or taking away one particle from their compacted aged robustness. His whole high, broad form, seemed made of solid bronze, and shaped in an unalterable mould, like Cellini’s cast Perseus.”
  • Gena Showalter’s The Darkest Night : “Pale hair fell in waves to his shoulders, framing a face mortal females considered a sensual feast. They didn’t know the man was actually a devil in angel’s skin.”
  • Orson Scott Card’s Ender’s Game : “Ender did not see Peter as the beautiful ten-year-old boy that grown-ups saw, with dark, tousled hair and a face that could have belonged to Alexander the Great. Ender looked at Peter only to detect anger or boredom, the dangerous moods that almost always led to pain.”
  • Caitlin Moran’s How To Build A Girl : “He had his head in his hands, and his tie looked like it had been put on by an enemy, and was strangling him.”
  • Philip Pullman’s The Golden Compass : “Lord Asriel was a tall man with powerful shoulders, a fierce dark face, and eyes that seemed to flash and glitter with savage laughter. It was a face to be dominated by, or to fight: never a face to patronize or pity.”
  • J.D. Salinger’s Franny and Zooey : “She found herself looking at Lane as if he were a stranger, or a poster advertising a brand of linoleum, across the aisle of a subway car.”
  • L. Frank Baum’s The Wonderful Wizard of Oz : “They wore round hats that rose to a small point a foot above their heads, with little bells around the brims that tinkled sweetly as they moved. The hats of the men were blue; the little woman’s hat was white, and she wore a white gown that hung in pleats from her shoulders. Over it were sprinkled little stars that glistened in the sun like diamonds.”
  • Bram Stoker’s Dracula : “Within, stood a tall old man, clean shaven save for a long white moustache, and clad in black from head to foot, without a single speck of colour about him anywhere.”
  • Algernon Blackwood’s Ten Minute Stories : “Then, by a green field that shone like a thought of daylight amid the darkness of the moor, he saw a figure lying in the grass. It was a blot upon the landscape, a mere huddled patch of dirty rags, yet with a certain horrid picturesqueness too; and his mind—though his German was of the schoolroom order—at once picked out the German equivalents as against the English. Lump and Lumpen flashed across his brain most oddly.”
  • John Rhode’s The Murders in Praed Street : “He was tall and thin, with a pronounced stoop and a deep but not unpleasant voice. But it was his head that you looked at instinctively. Above the massive forehead and powerfully-chiselled features was a wealth of long, snow-white hair, balanced by a flowing beard of the same colour.”
  • Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Telltale Heart”: “He had the eye of a vulture—a pale blue eye, with a film over it. Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold.”
  • Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley’s Frankenstein : “His limbs were nearly frozen, and his body dreadfully emaciated by fatigue and suffering. I never saw a man in so wretched a condition.”
  • Washington Irving’s The Legend of Sleepy Hollow : “He was tall, but exceedingly lank, with narrow shoulders, long arms and legs, hands that dangled a mile out of his sleeves, feet that might have served for shovels, and his whole frame most loosely hung together.”
  • Louisa M. Alcott’s Little Women : “Margaret, the eldest of the four, was sixteen, and very pretty, being plump and fair, with large eyes, plenty of soft, brown hair, a sweet mouth, and white hands, of which she was rather vain.”
  • Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland : “It was the White Rabbit returning, splendidly dressed, with a pair of white kid gloves in one hand and a large fan in the other: he came trotting along in a great hurry, muttering to himself as he came…”
  • J.M. Barrie’s Peter Pan : “He was a lovely boy, clad in skeleton leaves and the juices that ooze out of trees but the most entrancing thing about him was that he had all his first teeth.”
  • Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis : “He lay on his armour-like back, and if he lifted his head a little he could see his brown belly, slightly domed and divided by arches into stiff sections. The bedding was hardly able to cover it and seemed ready to slide off any moment. His many legs, pitifully thin compared with the size of the rest of him, waved about helplessly as he looked.”
  • Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s The Yellow Wallpaper : “John is practical in the extreme. He has no patience with faith, an intense horror of superstition, and he scoffs openly at any talk of things not to be felt and seen and put down in figures.”
  • L. Frank Baum’s The Wonderful Wizard of Oz : “When Aunt Em came there to live she was a young, pretty wife. The sun and wind had changed her, too. They had taken the sparkle from her eyes and left them a sober gray; they had taken the red from her cheeks and lips, and they were gray also. She was thin and gaunt, and never smiled now.”
  • Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment : “This was not because he was cowardly and abject, quite the contrary; but for some time past he had been in an overstrained irritable condition, verging on hypochondria. He had become so completely absorbed in himself, and isolated from his fellows that he dreaded meeting, not only his landlady, but anyone at all. He was crushed by poverty, but the anxieties of his position had of late ceased to weigh upon him. He had given up attending to matters of practical importance; he had lost all desire to do so.”
  • Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter : “The young woman was tall, with a figure of perfect elegance on a large scale. She had dark and abundant hair, so glossy that it threw off the sunshine with a gleam, and a face which, besides being beautiful from regularity of feature and richness of complexion, had the impressiveness belonging to a marked brow and deep black eyes.”
  • Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde : “This was a hearty, healthy, dapper, red-faced gentleman, with a shock of hair prematurely white, and a boisterous and decided manner.”
  • Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde : “Mr. Hyde was pale and dwarfish, he gave an impression of deformity without any nameable malformation, he had a displeasing smile, he had borne himself to the lawyer with a sort of murderous mixture of timidity and boldness, and he spoke with a husky, whispering and somewhat broken voice; all these were points against him, but not all of these together could explain the hitherto unknown disgust, loathing and fear with which Mr. Utterson regarded him.”
  • Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol : “Oh! But he was a tight-fisted hand at the grindstone, Scrooge! a squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous, old sinner! Hard and sharp as flint, from which no steel had ever struck out generous fire; secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.”
  • Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace : “Anna Pávlovna Schérer on the contrary, despite her forty years, overflowed with animation and impulsiveness. To be an enthusiast had become her social vocation and, sometimes even when she did not feel like it, she became enthusiastic in order not to disappoint the expectations of those who knew her. The subdued smile which, though it did not suit her faded features, always played round her lips expressed, as in a spoiled child, a continual consciousness of her charming defect, which she neither wished, nor could, nor considered it necessary, to correct.”
  • Arthur Conan Doyle’s “A Scandal in Bohemia”: “His rooms were brilliantly lit, and, even as I looked up, I saw his tall, spare figure pass twice in a dark silhouette against the blind. He was pacing the room swiftly, eagerly, with his head sunk upon his chest and his hands clasped behind him. To me, who knew his every mood and habit, his attitude and manner told their own story. He was at work again.”
  • J.M. Barrie’s Peter Pan : “In person he was cadaverous and blackavized, and his hair was dressed in long curls, which at a little distance looked like black candles, and gave a singularly threatening expression to his handsome countenance. His eyes were of the blue of the forget-me-not, and of a profound melancholy, save when he was plunging his hook into you, at which time two red spots appeared in them and lit them up horribly.”

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how to describe a door creative writing

David Davis

David Davis is a cartoonist with around twenty years of experience in comics, including independent work and established IPs such as SpongeBob Squarepants. He also works as a college composition instructor and records weekly podcasts. Find out more about him at his website!

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  • Writing Tips

How to Write a Descriptive Paragraph About a Person (With Examples)

How to Write a Descriptive Paragraph About a Person (With Examples)

4-minute read

  • 7th January 2023

Describing a person or character is difficult for even the most successful authors. It requires a balance of words to make sure they shine through without the language being too heavy. In this article, we’ll look at how to write a descriptive paragraph about a person, share some examples, and talk about different strategies.

1.   Brainstorm Your Ideas

Brainstorming is crucial to any writing process. It’s the process in which you think of ideas for what you’d like to write about. In this case, you’re writing a descriptive paragraph about a person. It’s important to use adjectives to describe the features or characteristics you want to focus on.

One way to come up with ideas for a descriptive paragraph about a person is to go through the five senses. Use the questions below to get some ideas for what you want to highlight about your person.

Appeal to your reader’s senses – smell, taste, sound, sight, and touch

Smell: How does the person smell? Do they wear perfume? Are they doing an activity that would make them have a certain smell?

Taste: Do you associate a certain food with this person? Does it make you think of a specific taste? Can you taste something due to a certain smell they have?

Sound: Do they have a unique voice or laugh? Are they doing an activity that has distinctive sounds?

Sight: What prominent features do they have? For example, think about their dressing style, their smile, or their surroundings. What do you see them doing in your mind when you see a photo of them? What memories do you have of this person? Does this person remind you of something or someone?

Touch: What textures do you see? For example, imagine their skin or clothing. How does it feel if you hug them?

2.   Begin With a Short and Snappy Sentence

Like with any type of writing, you want to hook your reader so that they want to continue reading. In this case, you can use a topic sentence, if appropriate, to introduce your reader to the person. For example:

Or, if you want to be more creative, you can reel them in with a short and snappy sentence about this person. This is called a writing hook . This sentence should focus on a stand-out detail or characteristic about the person you’re describing. For example:

3.   Describe the Person

Now, this is the hard part. But, if you’ve brainstormed plenty of ideas and know which ones you want to focus on, it will be easier. Let’s look at some examples to get a better idea of how to write a descriptive paragraph about a person using the prompt “describe a person you admire.”

Comments: This paragraph is pretty typical of most students. It gives lots of visual details of the person and uses a simile or two (“ Her eyes are like the color of honey” and “Her smile shines like the sun” ). While this strategy gets the job done, it’s not very exciting to read. In fact, it can be quite boring!

Let’s look at how we can rewrite this to make it more exciting.

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Comments: In this example, we focused on one defining characteristic of the person we are describing — her laugh. This strategy places more focus on the person you’re describing, rather than the adjectives you use to describe them.

4.   Edit and Revise

After you write your descriptive paragraph, be sure to read it over. Read it out loud. Read it in a funny voice. Doing this will help you to hear the words and identify which parts do not work or sound awkward.

5.   General Tips for Descriptive Writing

●  Avoid using too many descriptive words.

●  Remember to show the reader, not tell.

●  Appeal to the reader’s five senses – smell, touch, taste, sight, and sound.

●  Focus on a striking or defining characteristic.

●  Use contrasting details from other people or surroundings for emphasis.

●  Use literary devices (metaphors, similes etc.) sparingly and with intention.

●  Use a hook to reel your reader in.

●  Use a variety of short and long sentences.

●  Practice creative writing exercises to improve your descriptive writing skills.

●  Always edit and revise your writing.

If you need more help with writing a descriptive paragraph or essay , send your work to us! Our experts will proofread your first 500 words for free !

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Tim Kane Books

Strange is the new normal, how to write creepy scenes to make your readers squirm.

Most writers who delve into horror hit the prose with a bag of clichés and heavy handed stage props—swirling fog, glowing eyes, wicked laughs. Don’t get me wrong, camp can be great (if it’s intentional). However, a more subtle approach can work wonders.

Add Details One by One

Use disturbing details or reversals when describing your scenes. Each one, taken by itself, does little, but in combination, they imbue the reader with unease. Consider Cold Skin by Albert Sánchez Piñol. Here an unnamed narrator just inhabited a weather station on a deserted island.

Just then, I heard a pleasing sound far off. It was more or less like a heard of goats trotting in the distance. At first, I confused it with the pattering of rain; the sound of heavy and distinct drops. I got up and looked out of the closest window. It wasn’t raining. The full moon stained the ocean’s surface in a violet hue. The light bathed the driftwood lying on the beach. It was easy to imagine them as body parts, dismembered and immobile. The whole thing brought to mind a petrified forest. But it wasn’t raining.

Reversal : The narrator thinks it’s raining, but then there’s no rain. We wonder what’s creating that pattering sound, and the not knowing makes us uneasy.

Disturbing details : The water is stained violet, a bloodlike color. This idea is cemented in the reader’s skull with the driftwood, described as dismembered limbs.

Let the Character Freak Out

Nothing creeps out a reader faster than letting the protagonist freak out. Ever wonder why there are so many screams in horror movies? It’s the same thing. As an author, you must find the written equivalent to the scream.

In Bag of Bones by Stephen King, the protagonist, Mike Noonan, begins to believe that his house is haunted. He’s in the basement and hears the sound of someone striking the insulation, but no one else is home.

…every gut and muscle of my body seemed to come unwound. My hair stood up. My eyesockets seemed to be expanding and my eyeballs contracting, as if  my head were trying to turn into a skull. Every inch of my skin broke out in gooseflesh. Something was in here with me. Very likely something dead.

King lays it on thick here. Instead of one physical reaction, he dumps the whole bucket on us. He doesn’t dazzle us with a etherial decaying corpse. We won’t even see the ghost till the final chapters. No. He tells us how Noonan feels just in the presence of the thing and that’s what creeps us out.

Another example of the character freaking out can be seen in Shirley Jackson’s  The Haunting of Hill House .

Now we are going to have a new noise, Eleanor thought, listening to the inside of her head; it is changing.  The pounding had stopped, as though it had proved ineffectual, and there was now a swift movement up and down the hall, as of an animal pacing back and forth with unbelievable impatience, watching first one door and then another, alert for a movement inside, and there was again the little babbling murmur which Eleanor remembered; Am I doing it? she wondered quickly, is that me? And heard the tiny laughter beyond the door, mocking her.

Here the character doubts herself and what she sees. This is essential to any horror story. When weird things happen, the character mysteries react accordingly. The stranger the situation, the stronger the reaction. And most of us would doubt our sanity in creepy situations.

Let The Reader Do the Imagining

Why should you, the author, do all the heavy lifting. Your reader’s imagination will often fill in the blanks for you. Take this example from Stephen King’s The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon .

As she reached the driver’s door of the cab, which hung open with vines twisting in and out of its socket of a window, lightning flashed again, painting the whole world purple. In its glare Trisha saw something with slumped shoulders standing on the far side of the road, something with black eyes and great cocked ears like horns. Perhaps they were horns. It wasn’t human; nor did she think it was animal. It was a god. It was her god, the wasp-god, standing there in the rain.

Notice that the monster is only vaguely described. It’s called “something” twice. This lets the reader fill in the blanks. There is enough description that we at least know it’s a big hulking creature. This is the literary equivalent of when Ridley Scott only showed glimpses of the alien in Alien .

Use Strong Verbs

Finally, strong verbs will help any writer to shine, but they can also allow one character to shine over another. Take this excerpt from William Blatty’s The Exorcist .

Regan’s eyes gleamed fiercely, unblinking, as a yellowish saliva dribbled down from a corner of her mouth to her chin, to her lips stretch taut into a feral grin of bow-mouthed mockery.

“Well, well, well,” she gloated sardonically and hairs prickled up on the back of Karras’s neck at a voice that was deep and thick with menace and power. “So, it’s you … they sent  you !” she continued as if pleased. “Well, we’ve nothing to fear from you at all.”

“Yes, that’s right,” Karras answered; “I’m your friend and I’d like to help you.”

“You might loosen these straps, then,” Regan croaked. She had tugged up her wrists so that now Karras noticed they were bound with a double set of leather restraining straps.

“Are the straps uncomfortable for you?”

“Extremely. They’re a nuisance. An  infernal  nuisance.”

The eyes glinted slyly with secret amusement.

Karras saw the scratch marks on Regan’s face; the cuts on her lips where apparently she’d bitten them. “I’m afraid you might hurt yourself, Regan,” he told her.

“I’m not Regan,” she rumbled, still with that taut and hideous grin that Karras now guessed was her permanent expression. How incongruous the braces on her teeth looked, he thought. “Oh, I see,” he said, nodding. “Well, then, maybe we should introduce ourselves. I’m Damien Karras. Who are you?”

“I’m the devil!”

Notice the verbs that Blatty uses with Reagan — gleamed, dribbled, gloated, croaked, rumbled. In contrast, the more calm individual in the scene, Karras, responds with simple verbs like “answered” and “saw”. The contrast allows the reader to see Reagan as disturbing.

If you want to make your readers squirm, reading only in daylight hours, shy away from the obvious gore and claptrap. Rather, take the quieter road of tiny disturbing details built up over pages and chapters. Show how your character reacts to what’s happening, and the reader will feel it too.

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Thank you so much, this was so useful

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You are so welcome.

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Creative Writing - The door creaked open as the young boy stepped out but was quickly slammed shut by the viscous wind the noise echoed through the hills disturbing some pigeons roosting in the near by trees.

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 Robin Lawson        Page         

Creative Writing

The door creaked open as the young boy stepped out but was quickly slammed shut by the viscous wind the noise echoed through the hills disturbing some pigeons roosting in the near by trees. The moon was out illuminating the night sky with a milky glow which illuminated all land creating large disturbing shadows. The trees bent in submission to the howling wind which forced their branches to brush along the ground sweeping the dust away from the track. The solitary building which could barely be described as a house stood alone and solitary on the hillside. The walls were crumbling from the water logged plaster and only one window still contained a pain of glass. The door had almost come off its hinges and with one more slam it would break. Off in the distant hill tops stood a wolf howling at the moon its silhouette easily visible from miles around.

         The child standing at the door way looked older than he was with jet black hair and dark bushy eyebrows that almost seemed to crawl across his face like giant caterpillars. His eyes were large and round with black pupils white when he looked into the pale glow of the moon. His lips were thin and pale with deep cracks. They looked like they belonged to a fifty year old. His face was white and worn with long wrinkle stretching across his cheeks. He was wearing a long grey trench coat which danced in the wind behind him. He grabbed it and wrapped it tightly round himself like a cocoon. Then he started off along the dirt road keeping his head low in a desperate battle against the wind. Slowly, with each foot crunching it to the leaves which were strewn along the path he fought a constant battle against the wind.

The moon was rising higher in the sky throwing streaks of light like icicles across the darkened land. Then from nowhere a rogue cloud streaked across the sky to shield the moon from view. Suddenly the land turned black like some giant hand had just turned off the huge light floating in the sky. The moon fought hard to pierce the shield formed by the cloud but to no avail. The cloud appeared to slow down as it passed by the moon but gradually it began to pass and then suddenly two large streaks of light shot out from the side of the moon the whole land gradually began to reappear under the moonlight. Within a matter of minutes the moon had reappeared from its shade and was shining with extra brightness to make up for the time which it was blocked. Once again the shadows of the trees began to dance in the moonlight. Swaying like mystical dancers in the wind.

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This is a preview of the whole essay

The child continued on his journey along the moonlit path leading up over a hill and off in to the distance. The road began to climb the boy slowed his pace wrapping his long trench coat even tighter round his small frail body. Suddenly the wind grabbed hold of his jacket pulling him back he fell and stumbled for a few seconds he sat there with his hands and knees resting on the ground. He composed himself stood up and once again cocooned himself within his jacket. The gradient of the road climbed even higher slowly he began to crawl higher up the hill. Eventually he reached the top of the hill and stood there looking over the landscape. Over to his left and his right outstretched two long lines of trees which appeared to be moving from one side to the other with the wind. However by now the wind was beginning to die down, the clumps of trees were not swaying so ferociously in the wind. The trees encircled one huge clearing of small hills with odd areas of flat land which had small hermit pine trees strewn over the ground. Every now and then a pair of sparkling diamond eyes would dart across the area quickly disappearing into the tress. Streaks of moonlight stretched out over the hills and off into the distance.

He stood there for about ten minutes with his trench coat blowing in the wind. Gradually the wind began to die until the trees were still and lifeless. The boy continued on his journey at a much quicker pace down the hill no longer fighting the wind. Gradually the gradient of the land began to lessen and eventually the land became flat once again. Finally the boy sighted his goal on old barn off in the distance. The barn was situated at the bottom of the tallest hill in the area it was nearly a mountain, it stretched up towards the heavens and could not be seen in the gloom of the night. The roof was thatched but the thatch desperately needed replacing. There were many holes on the roof and most of it had turned green with mould. There were two small windows located on the top half of the house on either side they glared out like a pair of dead black eyes. The door was ajar it stood there like a huge gaping mouth waiting to engulf the next visitor to enter the darkness. The barn with its green hair dark lifeless eyes and gaping mouth was terrifying. But still the boy carried on walking along the path towards the monstrous house.

Off in the distance the headlights of cars sped past and the pounding sound of great tankers and lorries could be heard carrying their many unknown substances across the countryside. As he drew nearer the number of headlights and noises seem to grow louder spoiling the peace and tranquillity of the whole area. Suddenly a flock of birds driven from their roost by the noise shot off into the night sky, he jumped back startled and tripped over a discarded plastic bottle. He fell to the ground landing on his back quickly he scurried to get up again. Now startled by the fall he began to run along the path then darting off to take a short cut through the trees their long fingers hindering his passage and scratching his face. Tired and with his face scratched he emerged from the blanket of trees. He stopped and rested with his hands on his knees panting hard, steam bellowed from his mouth with every breath. Eventually he stood up straight and looked up at the decrepit old barn; he stared up at the barn with its dark eyes constantly looking ahead. Slowly, cautiously he entered into the gaping mouth and the darkness of the building.

Once inside he pulled a torch from his pocket and began to examine the area, once his eyes became accustomed to the gloom he replaced the torch in his pocket and looked around. Stacked in the corner of the barn was a huge pile of straw and despite the fact that it had been left there for the last few years it was surprisingly dry. The rest of the floor was empty. But the upper rafters were teeming with life, many owls sat on the beams every few minutes another one would enter and a different one would leave. Rats and mice ran back and froth across the beams of wood and many other birds sat perched somewhere on the roof.

Gradually the boy reached into his left pocket and pulled out a bottle of mentholated spirit casually he began spreading it over the pile of straw humming to himself as he worked. He then turned his attention to the rest of the barn splashing the last few drops over the walls. He then reached in to his other pocket and pulled out a tiny box of matches he held the box up to his ear and shook a small rattling sound came from the box. He opened the box to reveal five small matches, he took out one of the matches and laid it on the palm of his hand just staring at it. He clenched his fist around the match and then walked out of the barn. Returning a few minutes later with some small twigs and dry bracken he stacked them up into a pile on top of the straw and then took a second bottle of mentholated spirit and soaked the small fire in the liquid. He pulled the single match and the match box from his pocket. He stuck the match quickly on the box there was a fizzle and the match erupted in flame. He leaned over the soaked fire he had constructed and dropped the match on to the fire. The entire fire erupted in flame the small flames began to chase each other all over the huge pile of straw and along the walls. The flames began to grow larger and hotter and the familiar crackling that is associated with fires began to sound. The boy stepped back to admire his masterpiece this burning leaving breathing thing which he had created it moved around the building with the speed of a cat. The flames began lapping at the ground on the edge of the straw stack searching for substances to fuel their destructive path. The walls glowed red with the heat from the flames and loud cracking noises could be heard. The burning heat began to engulf the structure, mice and other animals began to scurry high up into the rafters where they believed they would be safe. The boy stood their mesmerised by the dancing waves of flame as his very own creation began to grow to an uncontrollable height and size. In distance the whirring sirens of the petrol fuelled fire trucks came echoing.

The Sun rose in the sky illuminating the charred remains of the barn surrounded by fire trucks and police cars. The few remaining pockets of fire were being extinguished by men dressed in large jackets. The report filed later stated that the fire had been started by flammable chemical possible petrol being lit within the barn. There were no suspects as to who started the fire all that was found was the remains of an old trench coat.

Creative Writing - The door creaked open as the young boy stepped out but was quickly slammed shut by the viscous wind the noise echoed through the hills disturbing some pigeons roosting in the near by trees.

Document Details

  • Word Count 1709
  • Page Count 3
  • Subject English

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Master List of Ways to Describe Fear

Master List of Ways to Describe Fear #master lists for writers free ebook #master lists for writers free kindle #master lists for writers free pdf #describing fear in a story #description of fear #great fear #how to describe fear #words describing fear

People have been asking me for this list for such a long time! If you write horror, suspense, mystery, or any kind of fiction with a scary scenes, you need to know how to describe fear.

This list can get you started. It’s a lot of phrases describing fear, including physical reactions, physical sensations, facial expressions, and other words you can use in your novel or in other creative writing.

I’ve included some that can work for uneasiness or anxiety, but most of these are for real terror. You can alter them to fit your sentence or your story, and they’ll likely inspire you to come up with your own descriptions.

Bookmark or pin this page for your reference—it might save you a lot of time in the future. I’ll probably add to it now and again!

Master List of Ways to Describe Fear #master lists for writers free ebook #master lists for writers free pdf #master lists for writers free kindle #describing fear in a story #description of fear #great fear #how to describe fear #words describing fear

fear paralyzed him

his terror mounted with every step

she fought a rising panic

fear tormented her

her heart was uneasy

her heart leaped into her throat

his heart hammered in his chest

his heart pounded

terror stabbed his heart

his heart jumped

her heart lurched

a fear that almost unmanned him

his body shook with fear

she trembled inside

he suppressed a shiver

panic surged through him

her fear spiked

he was in a complete state of panic

she could feel nothing but blind terror

his legs were wobbly with fear

she sweated with fear

his hands were cold and clammy

she was weighed down by dread

dread twisted in her gut

his stomach clenched

fear fluttered in her stomach

her belly cramped

he felt like he might throw up

she was sick with fear

she was frightened down to the soles of her shoes

he was icy with panic

her body went cold with dread

raw panic was in her voice

her voice was thick with fear

his voice was edged with fear

terror thundered down on him

fear caught her in its jaws

fear clawed up her throat

terror sealed her throat

fear gripped her throat

his throat tightened

then she knew real terror was

he was frantic with fear

she was half mad with terror

the color drained from her face

his face was ashen

she blanched

dread gnawed at his insides

dread had been growing in him all day

fresh terror reared up within her

fear choked him

terror stole her words

he was mute with horror

her voice was numb with shock

his voice was shrill with terror

her defiant words masked her fear

her body felt numb

his blood froze in his veins

terror coursed through her veins

fear throbbed inside her

his panic fueled him

adrenaline pumped through his body

adrenaline crashed through her

fear pulsed through him

her scalp prickled

the hairs on the back of her neck stood up

his mouth went dry

his bones turned to jelly

her bones turned to water

she froze with horror

he didn’t dare to move

terror struck her

he was too frightened to lift her head

she was too frightened to scream

his mouth was open in a silent scream

he cringed with fear

she cowered

he shrank back in fear

she flinched

a bolt of panic hit her

terror streaked through him

her terror swelled

his panic increased

anxiety eclipsed his thoughts

panic flared in her eyes

his eyes were wild with terror

her eyes darted from left to right

she feared to close her eyes

he lay awake in a haze of fear

she walked on in a fog of fear

his eyes widened with alarm

she tried to hide her fear

he struggled to conceal his shock

fear crept up her spine

fear trickled down her spine

panic seized his brain

she felt a flash of terror

fear took hold of him

fear flooded through her being

she ordered a drink to drown the panic

he arranged and re-arranged the items on his desk

a nameless dread engulfed him

Master List of Ways to Describe Fear #describing fear in a story #description of fear #great fear #how to describe fear #words describing fear

I bet you came up with other ideas as you were reading!

For more writing lists, check out my book Master Lists for Writers , if you don’t have it yet! A lot of writers use it to make writing go faster, especially when it comes to descriptions.

how to describe a door creative writing

And if you’re not following the blog already, sign up below—I share lots of writing resources. Thanks so much for reading, and happy writing!

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30 thoughts on “ master list of ways to describe fear ”.

' src=

Thank you, Bryn. I can certainly use this list as I go through and clean up my novel. There are some places that need a stronger element of fear.

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Hi Bonnie! So glad this was coming at the right time! 🙂

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Love the book and the above list! Thank you for taking the time to compile all of it. So appreciated!

Oh thank you! I’m so glad you like it!

' src=

I just love your lists. I often refer to them when I’m stuck. That book is right next to the dictionary and thesaurus when I write.

I’m so glad you like them, Erin! I’m honored. 🙂

' src=

I was searching for the perfect list to describe fear. I stumbled across your blog and I am glad that I did, you literally saved my butt out there!!? I got an A* because of you ! Thankyou!!❤❤

Aww, I’m so glad to hear this! 🙂

' src=

Thanks for compiling this list. Much needed.

Aw thanks, Ezekiel! So glad you like it!

' src=

What a terrifying, fantastical list. Thank you, Bryn

Haha, thanks, Bryan! When I read back over it, I did feel a little creeped out. 🙂

' src=

I have a scene coming up that this will be perfect for. Thank you for sharing. Bookmarking now!

Hi Sarah! So glad it’ll be useful! Sounds like you have an exciting scene coming up 🙂

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' src=

This is a great list! Thank you, Bryn.

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Wow! When I read it, I was SO / COMPLETELY creeped out!???

Ha! You know what, when I make these lists, I always start feeling the emotions, too!

' src=

I’m thankful for your help. It is great to see these lists. Many blessings ❤️

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I have been a bibliophile since long, but never before did I read so many blogs in a sequence. I am really amazed to have found them.Thanks a ton . Superb work .

' src=

You saved my life ! Thank you a lot ???

So glad to hear that! Happy writing 🙂

' src=

Thanks… It’s good to know tath someone is making life easier for those interested in writing.

' src=

ohhh ,how grateful i am for this list it will come in handy so thankyou

  • Pingback: Master List of Actions That Show Fear

' src=

Thank you so much for this list! It is exactly what I was looking for. I ordered the book 🙂

Thanks for ordering the book, Laila. I hope you like it! And glad this list worked for you!

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This is an amazing list. I saw in your other comment that you have a book…?

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I wanted to tell you that I often return to this page when I am stumped coming up with a way to write some specific reaction. Sometimes I just use one of the ideas you offer directly, and other times something here gives me an idea I riff off of to create something new. Thank you so much for compiling this list!

I riffed this time (last line): “Still feeling the sadness of Manzoa’s fate and wondering what this place was and why he was here, Goff cautiously walked over to the desk. A quill still wet with thick black ink rested next to a sheet of parchment filled with writing in a language he couldn’t read. Crude drawings made with heavy strokes were set within the words. Some of them were disturbing — a bleeding hand cut open with a knife and a person floating lifeless below a ghoul with black eyes poised to attack. He stared at the words, hoping that just like when he traveled back in time to Monstraxen, he would be able to understand them. As he stared, the ink on the page disappeared like water soaking into a sponge. A spider of panic crawled up his spine.”

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A Guide to Descriptive Writing

by Melissa Donovan | Jan 7, 2021 | Creative Writing | 9 comments

descriptive writing

What is descriptive writing?

Writing description is a necessary skill for most writers. Whether we’re writing an essay, a story, or a poem, we usually reach a point where we need to describe something. In fiction, we describe settings and characters. In poetry, we describe scenes, experiences, and emotions. In creative nonfiction, we describe reality. Descriptive writing is especially important for speculative fiction writers and poets. If you’ve created a fantasy world, then you’ll need to deftly describe it to readers; Lewis Carroll not only described Wonderland  (aff link); he also described the fantastical creatures that inhabited it.

But many writers are challenged by description writing, and many readers find it boring to read — when it’s not crafted skillfully.

However, I think it’s safe to say that technology has spoiled us. Thanks to photos and videos, we’ve become increasingly visual, which means it’s getting harder to use words to describe something, especially if it only exists in our imaginations.

What is Descriptive Writing?

One might say that descriptive writing is the art of painting a picture with words. But descriptive writing goes beyond visuals. Descriptive writing hits all the senses; we describe how things look, sound, smell, taste, and feel (their tactile quality).

The term descriptive writing can mean a few different things:

  • The act of writing description ( I’m doing some descriptive writing ).
  • A descriptive essay is short-form prose that is meant to describe something in detail; it can describe a person, place, event, object, or anything else.
  • Description as part of a larger work: This is the most common kind of descriptive writing. It is usually a sentence or paragraph (sometimes multiple paragraphs) that provide description, usually to help the reader visualize what’s happening, where it’s happening, or how it’s happening. It’s most commonly used to describe a setting or a character. An example would be a section of text within a novel that establishes the setting by describing a room or a passage that introduces a character with a physical description.
  • Writing that is descriptive (or vivid) — an author’s style: Some authors weave description throughout their prose and verse, interspersing it through the dialogue and action. It’s a style of writing that imparts description without using large blocks of text that are explicitly focused on description.
  • Description is integral in poetry writing. Poetry emphasizes imagery, and imagery is rendered in writing via description, so descriptive writing is a crucial skill for most poets.

Depending on what you write, you’ve probably experimented with one of more of these types of descriptive writing, maybe all of them.

Can you think of any other types of descriptive writing that aren’t listed here?

How Much Description is Too Much?

Classic literature was dense with description whereas modern literature usually keeps description to a minimum.

Compare the elaborate descriptions in J.R.R. Tolkien’s  Lord of the Rings  trilogy  with the descriptions in J.K. Rowling’s  Harry Potter series  (aff links). Both series relied on description to help readers visualize an imagined, fantastical world, but Rowling did not use her precious writing space to describe standard settings whereas Tolkien frequently paused all action and spent pages describing a single landscape.

This isn’t unique to Tolkien and Rowling; if you compare most literature from the beginning of of the 20th century and earlier to today’s written works, you’ll see that we just don’t dedicate much time and space to description anymore.

I think this radical change in how we approach description is directly tied to the wide availability of film, television, and photography. Let’s say you were living in the 19th century, writing a story about a tropical island for an audience of northern, urban readers. You would be fairly certain that most of your readers had never seen such an island and had no idea what it looked like. To give your audience a full sense of your story’s setting, you’d need pages of detail describing the lush jungle, sandy beaches, and warm waters.

Nowadays, we all know what a tropical island looks like, thanks to the wide availability of media. Even if you’ve never been to such an island, surely you’ve seen one on TV. This might explain why few books on the craft of writing address descriptive writing. The focus is usually on other elements, like language, character, plot, theme, and structure.

For contemporary writers, the trick is to make the description as precise and detailed as possible while keeping it to a minimum. Most readers want characters and action with just enough description so that they can imagine the story as it’s unfolding.

If you’ve ever encountered a story that paused to provide head-to-toe descriptions along with detailed backstories of every character upon their introduction into the narrative, you know just how grating description can be when executed poorly.

However, it’s worth noting that a skilled writer can roll out descriptions that are riveting to read. Sometimes they’re riveting because they’re integrated seamlessly with the action and dialogue; other times, the description is deftly crafted and engaging on its own. In fact, an expert descriptive writer can keep readers glued through multiple pages of description.

Descriptive Writing Tips

I’ve encountered descriptive writing so smooth and seamless that I easily visualized what was happening without even noticing that I was reading description. Some authors craft descriptions that are so lovely, I do notice — but in a good way. Some of them are so compelling that I pause to read them again.

On the other hand, poorly crafted descriptions can really impede a reader’s experience. Description doesn’t work if it’s unclear, verbose, or bland. Most readers prefer action and dialogue to lengthy descriptions, so while a paragraph here and there can certainly help readers better visualize what’s happening, pages and pages of description can increase the risk that they’ll set your work aside and never pick it up again. There are exceptions to every rule, so the real trick is to know when lengthy descriptions are warranted and when they’re just boring.

Here are some general tips for descriptive writing:

  • Use distinct descriptions that stand out and are memorable. For example, don’t write that a character is five foot two with brown hair and blue eyes. Give the reader something to remember. Say the character is short with mousy hair and sky-blue eyes.
  • Make description active: Consider the following description of a room: There was a bookshelf in the corner. A desk sat under the window. The walls were beige, and the floor was tiled. That’s boring. Try something like this: A massive oak desk sat below a large picture window and beside a shelf overflowing with books. Hardcovers, paperbacks, and binders were piled on the dingy tiled floor in messy stacks.  In the second example, words like  overflowing  and  piled are active.
  • Weave description through the narrative: Sometimes a character enters a room and looks around, so the narrative needs to pause to describe what the character sees. Other times, description can be threaded through the narrative. For example, instead of pausing to describe a character, engage that character in dialogue with another character. Use the characters’ thoughts and the dialogue tags to reveal description: He stared at her flowing, auburn curls, which reminded him of his mother’s hair. “Where were you?” he asked, shifting his green eyes across the restaurant to where a customer was hassling one of the servers.

Simple descriptions are surprisingly easy to execute. All you have to do is look at something (or imagine it) and write what you see. But well-crafted descriptions require writers to pay diligence to word choice, to describe only those elements that are most important, and to use engaging language to paint a picture in the reader’s mind. Instead of spending several sentences describing a character’s height, weight, age, hair color, eye color, and clothing, a few, choice details will often render a more vivid image for the reader: Red hair framed her round, freckled face like a spray of flames. This only reveals three descriptive details: red hair, a round face, and freckles. Yet it paints more vivid picture than a statistical head-to-toe rundown:  She was five foot three and no more than a hundred and ten pounds with red hair, blue eyes, and a round, freckled face.

descriptive writing practice

10 descriptive writing practices.

How to Practice Writing Description

Here are some descriptive writing activities that will inspire you while providing opportunities to practice writing description. If you don’t have much experience with descriptive writing, you may find that your first few attempts are flat and boring. If you can’t keep readers engaged, they’ll wander off. Work at crafting descriptions that are compelling and mesmerizing.

  • Go to one of your favorite spots and write a description of the setting: it could be your bedroom, a favorite coffee shop, or a local park. Leave people, dialogue, and action out of it. Just focus on explaining what the space looks like.
  • Who is your favorite character from the movies? Describe the character from head to toe. Show the reader not only what the character looks like, but also how the character acts. Do this without including action or dialogue. Remember: description only!
  • Forty years ago we didn’t have cell phones or the internet. Now we have cell phones that can access the internet. Think of a device or gadget that we’ll have forty years from now and describe it.
  • Since modern fiction is light on description, many young and new writers often fail to include details, even when the reader needs them. Go through one of your writing projects and make sure elements that readers may not be familiar with are adequately described.
  • Sometimes in a narrative, a little description provides respite from all the action and dialogue. Make a list of things from a story you’re working on (gadgets, characters, settings, etc.), and for each one, write a short description of no more than a hundred words.
  • As mentioned, Tolkien often spent pages describing a single landscape. Choose one of your favorite pieces of classic literature, find a long passage of description, and rewrite it. Try to cut the descriptive word count in half.
  • When you read a book, use a highlighter to mark sentences and paragraphs that contain description. Don’t highlight every adjective and adverb. Look for longer passages that are dedicated to description.
  • Write a description for a child. Choose something reasonably difficult, like the solar system. How do you describe it in such a way that a child understands how he or she fits into it?
  • Most writers dream of someday writing a book. Describe your book cover.
  • Write a one-page description of yourself.

If you have any descriptive writing practices to add to this list, feel free to share them in the comments.

Descriptive Writing

Does descriptive writing come easily to you, or do you struggle with it? Do you put much thought into how you write description? What types of descriptive writing have you tackled — descriptive essays, blocks of description within larger texts, or descriptions woven throughout a narrative? Share your tips for descriptive writing by leaving a comment, and keep writing!

Further Reading: Abolish the Adverbs , Making the Right Word Choices for Better Writing , and Writing Description in Fiction .

Ready Set Write a Guide to Creative Writing

I find descriptions easier when first beginning a scene. Other ones I struggle with. Yes, intertwining them with dialogue does help a lot.

Melissa Donovan

I have the opposite experience. I tend to dive right into action and dialogue when I first start a scene.

R.G. Ramsey

I came across this article at just the right time. I am just starting to write a short story. This will change the way I describe characters in my story.

Thank you for this. R.G. Ramsey

You’re welcome!


Great tips and how to practise and improve our descriptive writing skills. Thank you for sharing.

You’re welcome, Bella.

Stanley Johnson

Hello Melissa

I have read many of your articles about different aspects of writing and have enjoyed all of them. What you said here, I agree with, with the exception of #7. That is one point that I dispute and don’t understand the reason why anyone would do this, though I’ve seen books that had things like that done to them.

To me, a book is something to be treasured, loved and taken care of. It deserves my respect because I’m sure the author poured their heart and soul into its creation. Marking it up that way is nothing short of defacing it. A book or story is a form of art, so should a person mark over a picture by Rembrandt or any other famous painter? You’re a very talented author, so why would you want someone to mark through the words you had spent considerable time and effort agonizing over, while searching for the best words to convey your thoughts?

If I want to remember some section or point the author is making, then I’ll take a pen and paper and record the page number and perhaps the first few words of that particular section. I’ve found that writing a note this way helps me remember it better. This is then placed inside the cover for future reference. If someone did what you’ve suggested to a book of mine, I’d be madder than a ‘wet hen’, and that person would certainly be told what I thought of them.

In any of the previous articles you’ve written, you’ve brought up some excellent points which I’ve tried to incorporate in my writing. Keep up the good work as I know your efforts have helped me, and I’m sure other authors as well.

Hi Stanley. Thanks so much for sharing your point of view. I appreciate and value it.

Marking up a book is a common practice, especially in academia. Putting notes in margins, underlining, highlighting, and tagging pages with bookmarks is standard. Personally, I mark up nonfiction paperbacks, but I never mark up fiction paperbacks or any hardcovers (not since college).

I completely respect your right to keep your books in pristine condition. And years ago, when I started college, I felt exactly the same way. I was horrified that people (instructors and professors!) would fill their books with ugly yellow highlighting and other markips. But I quickly realized that this was shortsighted.

Consider an old paperback that is worn and dog-eared. With one look, you know this book has been read many times and it’s probably loved. It’s like the Velveteen Rabbit of books. I see markups as the same — that someone was engaging with the book and trying to understand it on a deeper level, which is not disrespectful. It’s something to be celebrated.

Sometimes we place too much value on the book as a physical object rather than what’s inside. I appreciate a beautiful book as much as anyone but what really matters to me is the information or experience that it contains. I often read on a Kindle. Sometimes I listen to audio books. There is no physical book. The experience is not lessened.

I understand where you’re coming from. I used to feel the same way, but my mind was changed. I’m not trying to change yours, but I hope you’ll understand.

Holly Kelly

You’ve provided some great information and advice. One thing I might add–it is helpful to consider the POV character. For example, what will they notice in a restaurant? A police officer may notice the placement of the exits, the tattooed man carrying a side-arm, the security cameras on the ceiling, etc. The descriptive items he would notice would be very different from those of an elderly grandmother or a fifteen-year-old teenaged girl.


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March 23, 2013

Writing: how to describe a room.

  • Keep it simple.
  • Talk about colors, patterns, decor, and unique architectural details, if they're relevant.
  • Talk about furnishings and props, especially if characters use them.
  • Talk about anything in the room if it reveals something about the characters within. 
  • Talk about space.
  • Talk about unique details that readers may not usually associate with a given place (especially for sci-fi and fantasy works, where the settings are purposefully different anyway).
  • Describe it naturally with your own personal writing style and sensibilities.
  • Get technical or overly-explicit.
  • Divulge in unnecessary details.
  • Tell about room's atmosphere or impression; show it instead.
  • Overthink or overdo things.
  • Dump details in one long paragraph.
  • Describe things in a dull, dry, choppy, or uninteresting manner; use your natural narrative voice.
  • Describe things that the reader will already assume for a given place, especially if such things don't contribute to the story.


how to describe a door creative writing

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i like ur writing style....

You are a great writer. I'll uses some of your examples in the future.

Brilliant, brilliant writer you are!

how to describe a door creative writing

Thanks for this write up. Very well done.

Thank you. I came from Doug Walker's review of the second episode of Avatar: the Last Airbender where he talked about how the show makes you feel like you're in a room, and so I was wondering how one might do that in writing.

Thanks the writer

really helpfull thank you

Thanks, this has really been helpful.

This was really helpful thank you very much.

English - Help me describe a door!

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how to describe a door creative writing

106 Ways To Describe Sounds – A Resource For Writers

Writers know that using the senses is a great way to make stories come alive. Use this comprehensive list of words that describe sounds when you write.

According to Oxford Dictionary, to hear is to ‘perceive with the ear the sound made by (someone or something)’.  Sounds  are ‘vibrations that travel through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a person’s ear’.

You have to use the five senses when you write. Readers want to experience what your characters see, smell, hear, taste, and touch. Using the senses is one of the best ways for writers to learn how to show and not tell.

Writers Write is a resource for writers and we have written about words that describe taste , smell , and  touch  in previous posts. (We even have one for words that describe colours .) In this post I have included words that describe sounds.

106 Ways To Describe Sounds

General words describing sounds.

  • audible – a sound that is loud enough to hear
  • broken – a sound that has spaces in it
  • emit – to make a sound
  • grinding – a sound of one hard thing moving against another
  • hushed – a sound that is quiet
  • inaudible – a sound that is difficult to hear
  • monotonous – a sound that is always the same and never gets louder or quieter, or higher or lower
  • muffled – a sound that is not easy to hear because it is blocked by something
  • plaintive – a sound that has a sad quality
  • rhythmic – a sound that has a clear, regular pattern
  • staccato – a sound where each word or sound is clearly separate

Describing Pleasing Sounds

  • dulcet – soft and pleasant
  • lilting – a sound that has a rising and falling pattern
  • listenable – easy to listen to
  • mellow – a soft, smooth, pleasant sound
  • melodic – beautiful sound
  • musical – sounds like music
  • pure – a clear, beautiful sound
  • rich – a sound that is strong in a pleasant way
  • soft – quiet and peaceful
  • sonorous – a sound that is deep and strong in a pleasant way
  • sweet – a pleasant sound

Describing Noisy Sounds

  • at full blast – as loudly as possible
  • almighty – used for emphasising how loud something is
  • brassy – a sound that is loud and unpleasant
  • deafening – a sound so loud you cannot hear anything else
  • ear-splitting – extremely loud
  • explosive – a sound that is loud and unexpected
  • howling – a continuous, low, loud noise
  • insistent – a continuous, loud, strong noise
  • loud – a sound that is strong and very easy to hear
  • noisy – a sound that is full of  noise
  • percussive – a sound that is short, like someone hitting a drum
  • piercing – a sound that is very  loud, high, and unpleasant
  • pulsating – strong, regular pattern
  • raucous – rude, violent, noisy
  • resounding – a sound that is loud and that continues for a while
  • riotous – lively and noisy
  • roaring – a deep, loud noise
  • rowdy – noisy and causing trouble
  • sharp – a sound that is sudden and loud
  • shrill – a sound that is loud, high, and unpleasant
  • thundering – extremely loud
  • thunderous – loud
  • tumultuous –  a sound that includes noise, excitement, activity, or violence
  • uproarious – extremely noisy

Words That Help You Show And Not Tell

Many of these words that help you show and not tell are examples of onomatopoeia . These words imitate natural sounds. ‘It creates a sound effect that mimics the thing described, making the description more expressive and interesting.’

Here are some examples:

  • The bees buzzed outside my window.
  • The wind sighed .
  • The leaves crackled and crunched under his feet.

Use this list to make your writing come alive.

  • babble – a gentle, pleasant sound of water as it moves along in a river
  • bang – to move, making loud noises
  • beep – a short high sound or several short high sounds
  • blare – to make a loud and unpleasant noise
  • blast – to make a loud sound with a car horn
  • bleep – a short high sound or several short high sounds
  • boom – to make a deep loud sound that continues for some time
  • caterwaul – an unpleasant loud high noise
  • chime – a high ringing sound like a bell or set of bells
  • chink – a high ringing sound when knocked together, or to make something do this
  • clack -to make a short loud sound like one hard object hitting against another
  • clang – a loud, metallic sound
  • clank – a short, loud sound
  • clash – a loud, metallic sound
  • clatter – a series of short, sharp noises
  • click – a short sound like the sound when you press a switch
  • clink – to make the short high sound of glass or metal objects hitting each other, or to cause objects to make this sound
  • cluck – to make a short, low sound with your tongue
  • crash – a sudden loud noise, as if something is being hit
  • creak – if something creaks, especially something wooden, it makes a high noise when it moves or when you put weight on it
  • drone – to make a low continuous noise
  • fizz – a soft sound that small gas bubbles make when they burst
  • groan – a long, low, sound
  • growl – a low, unpleasant noise
  • grunt – to make a short low sound in your throat and nose at the same time
  • gurgle – the low sound water makes when it is poured quickly from a bottle
  • honk – to make a loud noise using a horn, especially the horn of a car
  • hoot – to make a short loud sound as a warning
  • mewl – crying with a soft, high sound
  • moan – a long, low sound
  • neigh – to make a high loud sound like a horse’s neigh
  • peal – if a bell peals, or if someone peals it, it makes a loud sound
  • peep – if a car’s horn peeps, it makes a sound
  • ping – to make a short high sound like the sound of a small bell
  • pipe – to make a very high sound, or to speak in a very high voice
  • pop – a sudden noise like a small explosion
  • putter – a short, quiet, low sound at a slow speed
  • ring – to make a bell produce a sound
  • roar – to make a continuous, very loud noise
  • rumble – a continuous deep sound
  • scream – to make a very loud high noise
  • screech – to make a loud, high, and unpleasant noise
  • scrunch – to make a loud noise like something being crushed
  • sigh – a long, soft, low sound
  • squeak – to make a short, high noise
  • squeal – to make a long high sound
  • squee – to make a loud high noise because you are excited or happy
  • thrum- to make a low regular noise like one object gently hitting another many times
  • thud – a dull sound when falling or hitting something
  • thump – to hit against something with a low loud sound
  • tinkle – to make a high, ringing sound
  • wail – to make a long, high sound
  • wheeze – a high sound, as though a lot of air is being pushed through it
  • whine – a high, loud sound
  • whirr – a fast, repeated, quiet sound
  • whisper – to make a quiet, gentle sound
  • whistle – to make a high sound by forcing air through your mouth in order to get someone’s attention
  • yelp – a short, loud, high sound, usually caused by excitement, anger, or pain
  • yowl – a long, loud, unhappy sound or complaint

Use these words to describe sounds and make your writing come alive.

Top Tip : Find out more about our workbooks and online courses in our shop .

how to describe a door creative writing

© Amanda Patterson

If you enjoyed this post, read:

  • 75 Words That Describe Smells
  • 20 Words Used To Describe Specific Tastes And Flavours
  • 209 Words To Describe Touch
  • Three Simple Ways To Show And Not Tell
  • 12 Crucial Things To Remember About Setting
  • Cheat Sheets for Writing Body Language
  • 20 Fun Ways To Find An Idea For A Plot

Sources: https://www.macmillandictionary.com/thesaurus-category/british/miscellaneous-words-used-to-describe-sounds https://www.macmillandictionary.com/thesaurus-category/british/describing-sounds-that-are-unpleasant-to-listen-to https://www.macmillandictionary.com/thesaurus-category/british/describing-sounds-that-are-low-and-or-deep https://www.macmillandictionary.com/thesaurus-category/british/describing-sounds-that-are-quiet-and-or-soft https://www.macmillandictionary.com/thesaurus-category/british/describing-sounds-that-are-high-and-short https://www.macmillandictionary.com/thesaurus-category/british/to-make-a-loud-sound https://www.macmillandictionary.com/thesaurus-category/british/to-make-a-high-sound https://www.macmillandictionary.com/thesaurus-category/british/to-make-a-quiet-or-low-sound

how to describe a door creative writing

  • Description , Show Don't Tell , Writing Resource , Writing Tips from Amanda Patterson

6 thoughts on “106 Ways To Describe Sounds – A Resource For Writers”

' src=

Nice one, Amanda. I’m finding your website extraordinarily useful. I’m very new to the novel-writing scene, and for all my working life, the stuff I wrote was mainly serious business items – frightfully formal. Minutes of meetings, reports, training manuals – these were my bread-and-butter. Creative writing is proving to be much more fun, and I’m enjoying spreading my verbal wings. Many thanks for your help and guidance.

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Thank you so much, Anne. Creative writing is much more fun. We’re so glad you’re finding the site to be useful.

' src=

I found this really useful. Thank you. The first thing I’m going to do is show it to my daughter, too! We’ve been talking about her using her senses more in her writing and your list is so practical. I’m sure it will really help her writing. I’m looking forward to exploring your links to the other sensory words, as well.

BTW – is there a typo in the heading ‘show and note tell’?

Thank you, Rowena. We really appreciate the feedback. And we fixed the typo.

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This list will be quite useful for my poetry and Gothic Horror novel. If you don’t have one already, I’d love to see a list of touch, taste, and smell words.

Thanks, Sarah. We have these for taste: https://writerswrite.co.za/20-words-used-to-describe-specific-tastes-and-flavours/ and these for touch: https://writerswrite.co.za/209-words-to-describe-touch/ and these for smell: https://writerswrite.co.za/75-words-that-describe-smells/

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© Writers Write 2022


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