
The 15 Best Places for Study Area in Milwaukee

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1.  Alumni Memorial Union (AMU)


2.  Whole Foods Market

Nick G.

3.  Cafe at the Plaza

Nicole D.

4.  Brew Bayou Coffee Shop


5.  Milwaukee Public Market

Kati L.

6.  Colectivo Coffee

Lita M.

7.  Anodyne Coffee Company

Chris R.

8.  Haggerty Museum of Art


9.  Hudson Business Lounge

Duane D.

10.  Colectivo Coffee

Beth G.

11.  Al McGuire Center

Hannah M.

12.  Starbucks

Anthony V.

13.  Fuel Cafe

Graydient C.

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places to do homework milwaukee

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Milwaukee's 11 best places for studying, because studying for exams is already hard enough. you might as well have the best surroundings you can while you do so..

Milwaukee's 11 Best Places For Studying

It's that time of year again. The down vests are coming out of storage and Starbucks is once again rolling out its traditional PSLs. As short sleeves and flip flops fade into seasons past, midterms come ever closer to creeping upon us. Libraries may crowd and dorm room atmospheres may send you into sheer panic. Alas, do not fret young one, the city has so many incredible study locations to offer. Hop on the bus, get behind the wheel, or take a stroll to unwind, take on new adventures, and create new traditions. If you're going to cram your nose into a book, to relearn all the material you've forgotten in the past two months, do so in the most fun way possible. If you plan on getting lost in your books, you might as well do so in this incredible city too.

1. Stone Creek Coffee

This brand is extremely popular on the Marquette University campus. Their Grand Avenue location has a modern look with comfortable seating.

2. Anodyne Coffee Roasting Co.

I'm most excited to be frequenting this coffee shop this semester. It has an old warehouse feel with long wood tables and an incredible study atmosphere. It's my cup of tea.

3. Lake Park

Lake Park is a peaceful hidden gem in the city. It's popular for its weddings but has a garden feel that will let you get lost for hours.

4. Starbucks

The Starbucks on Marquette's campus has a variety of seating and a great atmosphere with a large portion of customers being students, free Wi-Fi included.

5. Alterra/Collectivo Coffee Shops

Alterra, also known as Collectivo locally offers free Wi-Fi for all locations except the Lakefront and background noise for those that need a little chaos to focus. Plus, who doesn't love to post an Insta with the ceramic cup of joe?

6. Milwaukee Public Library

The Milwaukee Public Library is quite clean and spacious, and includes free Wi-Fi and an attached coffee shop.

7. Milwaukee Public Market

The market has an extensive amount of seating and tons of different food options ranging from candy to a wine bar to more traditional meals. Free Wi-Fi is included for two hours per device.

8. Grant Park

Grant Park has a forest feel with beautiful bridges and surroundings. There's no better place to take in the beauty of fall in the city. If you want to add a slice of nature to your study routine, this is the place to be.

9. Riverwalk

There are multiple locations that run along the Riverwalk that are conducive to studying. Go explore and take your pick of what you like the most! I suggest grabbing a meal at the Ale House and hitting the books at your table.

10. Estabrook Park

Estabrook Park has a great beer garden that is an incredible place for college students to study. With table and benches and of course beer, what more could you ask for?

11. My Yo My Frozen Yogurt

Located in the Third Ward, My Yo My is a great spot to enjoy a little afternoon sweet with friends. Their outdoor seating makes for a great study environment.

Smart, bright young one, you are now equipped with the tools to make studying 1,000 times less painful. Now go ace that test!

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25 beatles lyrics: your go-to guide for every situation, the best lines from the fab four.

For as long as I can remember, I have been listening to The Beatles. Every year, my mom would appropriately blast “Birthday” on anyone’s birthday. I knew all of the words to “Back In The U.S.S.R” by the time I was 5 (Even though I had no idea what or where the U.S.S.R was). I grew up with John, Paul, George, and Ringo instead Justin, JC, Joey, Chris and Lance (I had to google N*SYNC to remember their names). The highlight of my short life was Paul McCartney in concert twice. I’m not someone to “fangirl” but those days I fangirled hard. The music of The Beatles has gotten me through everything. Their songs have brought me more joy, peace, and comfort. I can listen to them in any situation and find what I need. Here are the best lyrics from The Beatles for every and any occasion.

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make

The End- Abbey Road, 1969

The sun is up, the sky is blue, it's beautiful and so are you

Dear Prudence- The White Album, 1968

Love is old, love is new, love is all, love is you

Because- Abbey Road, 1969

There's nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be

All You Need Is Love, 1967

Life is very short, and there's no time for fussing and fighting, my friend

We Can Work It Out- Rubber Soul, 1965

He say, "I know you, you know me", One thing I can tell you is you got to be free

Come Together- Abbey Road, 1969

Oh please, say to me, You'll let me be your man. And please say to me, You'll let me hold your hand

I Wanna Hold Your Hand- Meet The Beatles!, 1964

It was twenty years ago today, Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play. They've been going in and out of style, but they're guaranteed to raise a smile

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band-1967

Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see

Strawberry Fields Forever- Magical Mystery Tour, 1967

Can you hear me? When it rains and shine, it's just a state of mind

Rain- Paperback Writer "B" side, 1966

Little darling, it's been long cold lonely winter. Little darling, it feels like years since it' s been here. Here comes the sun, Here comes the sun, and I say it's alright

Here Comes The Sun- Abbey Road, 1969

We danced through the night and we held each other tight, and before too long I fell in love with her. Now, I'll never dance with another when I saw her standing there

Saw Her Standing There- Please Please Me, 1963

I love you, I love you, I love you, that's all I want to say

Michelle- Rubber Soul, 1965

You say you want a revolution. Well you know, we all want to change the world

Revolution- The Beatles, 1968

All the lonely people, where do they all come from. All the lonely people, where do they all belong

Eleanor Rigby- Revolver, 1966

Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends

With A Little Help From My Friends- Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, 1967

Hey Jude, don't make it bad. Take a sad song and make it better

Hey Jude, 1968

Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away. Now it looks as though they're here to stay. Oh, I believe in yesterday

Yesterday- Help!, 1965

And when the brokenhearted people, living in the world agree, there will be an answer, let it be.

Let It Be- Let It Be, 1970

And anytime you feel the pain, Hey Jude, refrain. Don't carry the world upon your shoulders

I'll give you all i got to give if you say you'll love me too. i may not have a lot to give but what i got i'll give to you. i don't care too much for money. money can't buy me love.

Can't Buy Me Love- A Hard Day's Night, 1964

All you need is love, love is all you need

All You Need Is Love- Magical Mystery Tour, 1967

Whisper words of wisdom, let it be

Blackbird singing in the dead of night, take these broken wings and learn to fly. all your life, you were only waiting for this moment to arise.

Blackbird- The White Album, 1968

Though I know I'll never lose affection, for people and things that went before. I know I'll often stop and think about them. In my life, I love you more

In My Life- Rubber Soul, 1965

While these are my 25 favorites, there are quite literally 1000s that could have been included. The Beatles' body of work is massive and there is something for everyone. If you have been living under a rock and haven't discovered the Fab Four, you have to get musically educated. Stream them on Spotify, find them on iTunes or even buy a CD or record (Yes, those still exist!). I would suggest starting with 1, which is a collection of most of their #1 songs, or the 1968 White Album. Give them chance and you'll never look back.

14 Invisible Activities: Unleash Your Inner Ghost!

Obviously the best superpower..

The best superpower ever? Being invisible of course. Imagine just being able to go from seen to unseen on a dime. Who wouldn't want to have the opportunity to be invisible? Superman and Batman have nothing on being invisible with their superhero abilities. Here are some things that you could do while being invisible, because being invisible can benefit your social life too.

1. "Haunt" your friends.

Follow them into their house and cause a ruckus.

2. Sneak into movie theaters.

Going to the cinema alone is good for your mental health , says science

Considering that the monthly cost of subscribing to a media-streaming service like Netflix is oft...

Free movies...what else to I have to say?

3. Sneak into the pantry and grab a snack without judgment.

Late night snacks all you want? Duh.

4. Reenact "Hollow Man" and play Kevin Bacon.

America's favorite son? And feel what it's like to be in a MTV Movie Award nominated film? Sign me up.

5. Wear a mask and pretend to be a floating head.

Just another way to spook your friends in case you wanted to.

6. Hold objects so they'll "float."

"Oh no! A floating jar of peanut butter."

7. Win every game of hide-and-seek.

Just stand out in the open and you'll win.

8. Eat some food as people will watch it disappear.

Even everyday activities can be funny.

9. Go around pantsing your friends.

Even pranks can be done; not everything can be good.

10. Not have perfect attendance.

You'll say here, but they won't see you...

11. Avoid anyone you don't want to see.

Whether it's an ex or someone you hate, just use your invisibility to slip out of the situation.

12. Avoid responsibilities.

Chores? Invisible. People asking about social life? Invisible. Family being rude? Boom, invisible.

13. Be an expert on ding-dong-ditch.

Never get caught and have the adrenaline rush? I'm down.

14. Brag about being invisible.

Be the envy of the town.

But don't, I repeat, don't go in a locker room. Don't be a pervert with your power. No one likes a Peeping Tom.

Good luck, folks.

19 Lessons I'll Never Forget from Growing Up In a Small Town

There have been many lessons learned..

Small towns certainly have their pros and cons. Many people who grow up in small towns find themselves counting the days until they get to escape their roots and plant new ones in bigger, "better" places. And that's fine. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought those same thoughts before too. We all have, but they say it's important to remember where you came from. When I think about where I come from, I can't help having an overwhelming feeling of gratitude for my roots. Being from a small town has taught me so many important lessons that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.

1. The importance of traditions.

Sometimes traditions seem like a silly thing, but the fact of it is that it's part of who you are. You grew up this way and, more than likely, so did your parents. It is something that is part of your family history and that is more important than anything.

2. How to be thankful for family and friends.

No matter how many times they get on your nerves or make you mad, they are the ones who will always be there and you should never take that for granted.

3. How to give back.

When tragedy strikes in a small town, everyone feels obligated to help out because, whether directly or indirectly, it affects you too. It is easy in a bigger city to be able to disconnect from certain problems. But in a small town those problems affect everyone.

4. What the word "community" really means.

Along the same lines as #3, everyone is always ready and willing to lend a helping hand when you need one in a small town and to me that is the true meaning of community. It's working together to build a better atmosphere, being there to raise each other up, build each other up, and pick each other up when someone is in need. A small town community is full of endless support whether it be after a tragedy or at a hometown sports game. Everyone shows up to show their support.

5. That it isn't about the destination, but the journey.

People say this to others all the time, but it takes on a whole new meaning in a small town. It is true that life is about the journey, but when you're from a small town, you know it's about the journey because the journey probably takes longer than you spend at the destination. Everything is so far away that it is totally normal to spend a couple hours in the car on your way to some form of entertainment. And most of the time, you're gonna have as many, if not more, memories and laughs on the journey than at the destination.

6. The consequences of making bad choices.

Word travels fast in a small town, so don't think you're gonna get away with anything. In fact, your parents probably know what you did before you even have a chance to get home and tell them. And forget about being scared of what your teacher, principle, or other authority figure is going to do, you're more afraid of what your parents are gonna do when you get home.

7. To trust people, until you have a reason not to.

Everyone deserves a chance. Most people don't have ill-intentions and you can't live your life guarding against every one else just because a few people in your life have betrayed your trust.

8. To be welcoming and accepting of everyone.

While small towns are not always extremely diverse, they do contain people with a lot of different stories, struggle, and backgrounds. In a small town, it is pretty hard to exclude anyone because of who they are or what they come from because there aren't many people to choose from. A small town teaches you that just because someone isn't the same as you, doesn't mean you can't be great friends.

9. How to be my own, individual person.

In a small town, you learn that it's okay to be who you are and do your own thing. You learn that confidence isn't how beautiful you are or how much money you have, it's who you are on the inside.

10. How to work for what I want.

Nothing comes easy in life. They always say "gardens don't grow overnight" and if you're from a small town you know this both figuratively and literally. You certainly know gardens don't grow overnight because you've worked in a garden or two. But you also know that to get to the place you want to be in life it takes work and effort. It doesn't just happen because you want it to.

11. How to be great at giving directions.

If you're from a small town, you know that you will probably only meet a handful of people in your life who ACTUALLY know where your town is. And forget about the people who accidentally enter into your town because of google maps. You've gotten really good at giving them directions right back to the interstate.

12. How to be humble .

My small town has definitely taught me how to be humble. It isn't always about you, and anyone who grows up in a small town knows that. Everyone gets their moment in the spotlight, and since there's so few of us, we're probably best friends with everyone so we are as excited when they get their moment of fame as we are when we get ours.

13. To be well-rounded.

Going to a small town high school definitely made me well-rounded. There isn't enough kids in the school to fill up all the clubs and sports teams individually so be ready to be a part of them all.

14. How to be great at conflict resolution.

In a small town, good luck holding a grudge. In a bigger city you can just avoid a person you don't like or who you've had problems with. But not in a small town. You better resolve the issue fast because you're bound to see them at least 5 times a week.

15. The beauty of getting outside and exploring.

One of my favorite things about growing up in a rural area was being able to go outside and go exploring and not have to worry about being in danger. There is nothing more exciting then finding a new place somewhere in town or in the woods and just spending time there enjoying the natural beauty around you.

16. To be prepared for anything.

You never know what may happen. If you get a flat tire, you better know how to change it yourself because you never know if you will be able to get ahold of someone else to come fix it. Mechanics might be too busy , or more than likely you won't even have enough cell service to call one.

17. That you don't always have to do it alone.

It's okay to ask for help. One thing I realized when I moved away from my town for college, was how much my town has taught me that I could ask for help is I needed it. I got into a couple situations outside of my town where I couldn't find anyone to help me and found myself thinking, if I was in my town there would be tons of people ready to help me. And even though I couldn't find anyone to help, you better believe I wasn't afraid to ask.

18. How to be creative.

When you're at least an hour away from normal forms of entertainment such as movie theaters and malls, you learn to get real creative in entertaining yourself. Whether it be a night looking at the stars in the bed of a pickup truck or having a movie marathon in a blanket fort at home, you know how to make your own good time.

19. To brush off gossip.

It's all about knowing the person you are and not letting others influence your opinion of yourself. In small towns, there is plenty of gossip. But as long as you know who you really are, it will always blow over.

Grateful Beyond Words: A Letter to My Inspiration

I have never been so thankful to know you..

I can't say "thank you" enough to express how grateful I am for you coming into my life. You have made such a huge impact on my life. I would not be the person I am today without you and I know that you will keep inspiring me to become an even better version of myself.

You have taught me that you don't always have to strong. You are allowed to break down as long as you pick yourself back up and keep moving forward. When life had you at your worst moments, you allowed your friends to be there for you and to help you. You let them in and they helped pick you up. Even in your darkest hour you showed so much strength. I know that you don't believe in yourself as much as you should but you are unbelievably strong and capable of anything you set your mind to.

Your passion to make a difference in the world is unbelievable. You put your heart and soul into your endeavors and surpass any personal goal you could have set. Watching you do what you love and watching you make a difference in the lives of others is an incredible experience. The way your face lights up when you finally realize what you have accomplished is breathtaking and I hope that one day I can have just as much passion you have.

SEE MORE: A Letter To My Best Friend On Her Birthday

The love you have for your family is outstanding. Watching you interact with loved ones just makes me smile . You are so comfortable and you are yourself. I see the way you smile when you are around family and I wish I could see you smile like this everyday. You love with all your heart and this quality is something I wished I possessed.

You inspire me to be the best version of myself. I look up to you. I feel that more people should strive to have the strength and passion that you exemplify in everyday life.You may be stubborn at points but when you really need help you let others in, which shows strength in itself. I have never been more proud to know someone and to call someone my role model. You have taught me so many things and I want to thank you. Thank you for inspiring me in life. Thank you for making me want to be a better person.

Waitlisted for a College Class? Here's What to Do!

Dealing with the inevitable realities of college life..

Course registration at college can be a big hassle and is almost never talked about. Classes you want to take fill up before you get a chance to register. You might change your mind about a class you want to take and must struggle to find another class to fit in the same time period. You also have to make sure no classes clash by time. Like I said, it's a big hassle.

This semester, I was waitlisted for two classes. Most people in this situation, especially first years, freak out because they don't know what to do. Here is what you should do when this happens.

Don't freak out

This is a rule you should continue to follow no matter what you do in life, but is especially helpful in this situation.

Email the professor

Around this time, professors are getting flooded with requests from students wanting to get into full classes. This doesn't mean you shouldn't burden them with your email; it means they are expecting interested students to email them. Send a short, concise message telling them that you are interested in the class and ask if there would be any chance for you to get in.

Attend the first class

Often, the advice professors will give you when they reply to your email is to attend the first class. The first class isn't the most important class in terms of what will be taught. However, attending the first class means you are serious about taking the course and aren't going to give up on it.

Keep attending class

Every student is in the same position as you are. They registered for more classes than they want to take and are "shopping." For the first couple of weeks, you can drop or add classes as you please, which means that classes that were once full will have spaces. If you keep attending class and keep up with assignments, odds are that you will have priority. Professors give preference to people who need the class for a major and then from higher to lower class year (senior to freshman).

Have a backup plan

For two weeks, or until I find out whether I get into my waitlisted class, I will be attending more than the usual number of classes. This is so that if I don't get into my waitlisted class, I won't have a credit shortage and I won't have to fall back in my backup class. Chances are that enough people will drop the class, especially if it is very difficult like computer science, and you will have a chance. In popular classes like art and psychology, odds are you probably won't get in, so prepare for that.

Remember that everything works out at the end

Life is full of surprises. So what if you didn't get into the class you wanted? Your life obviously has something else in store for you. It's your job to make sure you make the best out of what you have.

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places to do homework milwaukee

TMJ4 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Free homework help available at nine Milwaukee Public Library locations

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Homework can be stressful, especially when your kids wait until the last minute to get a project done or prepare for a test, but the Milwaukee Public Library has tutors on hand to help your students. The best part is, it's free.

The program is called “Teacher in the Library.” Nine branches in the Milwaukee Public Library system offer it. It’s for children in grades first through eighth.

Certified teacher Matt Fisher comes weekly to help the children with homework. The kids call him “Mr. Matt.”

“Actually, it’s the best part of my day,” said Fisher.

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“To have someone here that the children know that they can count on,” said Fisher.

On a Tuesday afternoon, when TMJ4 News went to Milwaukee Public Library’s Martin Luther King branch on Locust Street, Fisher was working with fifth-grader Mya Brooks-Steavens.

“He's helped me with my math a lot,” Brooks-Steavens said.

“It's good to feel wanted. She comes almost every single day. I've gotten to know her and her family and she's such a sweet girl,” said Fisher.

“I think most of our traffic are students who are in the libraries after school as their after-school destination, so they are here anyway and so we want to offer that academic support,” said Victoria Sanchez, school-age education specialist with the Milwaukee Public Library.

“There's such a feeling of family and the library staff does such a great job in getting to know their students,” Sanchez continued.

Visit Milwaukee Public Library's website to see if your local branch takes part in the program.

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Milwaukee   Travel Guide

Courtesy of Courtesy Visit Milwaukee |

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20 Best Things To Do in Milwaukee

Updated Sep. 12, 2022

In Milwaukee, you'll find your usual assortment of art museums ( Milwaukee Art Museum ), historic homes ( Pabst Mansion ) and sports venues ( American Family Field ). You'll also find interesting areas to meander through like the

  • All Things To Do

places to do homework milwaukee

Harley-Davidson Museum Harley-Davidson Museum

Whether you're a die-hard biker or someone who just happens to be in the area, this is the destination for a visual history of the iconic American brand. Spread across 20 acres of prime Milwaukee riverfront, the Harley-Davidson Museum continuously wows travelers with its permanent exhibits and rotating special exhibits that tell the story of the company's people, products, culture and history. Among the artifacts on display are a recovered motorcycle from the 2011 Japanese tsunami and a gallery that features famous custom bikes created for the likes of Elvis Presley and stunt rider Alfonso Sotomayor Canales. There are also display walls dedicated to the brand's engines and tanks.

For those interested in the nitty-gritty of Harley bikes and history, consider a guided tour. Options range from the hourlong "Spotlight Tour" (which costs an additional $15 per person) to the 90-minute "Beyond the Gate Tour," which costs an extra $40 per person and includes a visit to the Motorcycle Vault. For the ultimate experience, the $125 "VIP Tour" is a two-hour guided tour through the museum and the vault, and includes a chat with a curator or archivist. An audio guide is also available for an additional $5.

places to do homework milwaukee

Milwaukee Public Market Milwaukee Public Market free

Milwaukee's indoor market is home to nearly 20 independent vendors serving a variety of cuisines like sushi, pizza, baked goods and more. If you'd like to see how the sausage literally gets made, sign up for one of the market's cooking classes. Hands-on and demonstration-only options are available, as well as classes geared toward kids. In addition to food and beverage offerings, Milwaukee Public Market's list of vendors also includes Brew City Brand Apparel, where you can find designs that celebrate Milwaukee's beer empire. Remember to check the market's calendar for live music, too.

Past market visitors enjoyed the array of options available for hungry customers. (Quite a few reviewers specifically recommend the food at St. Paul Fish Company.) However, they also note that the market can get very crowded, so keep that in mind before you go. A few reviewers recommended stopping by the retail shops if you're looking for a unique souvenir.

places to do homework milwaukee

Milwaukee Art Museum Milwaukee Art Museum

This art museum (known as MAM), is a showstopper thanks to its dramatic design. With its gleaming white exterior, Windover Hall opens to a 90-foot vaulted glass ceiling under the cantilevered wings of the Burke Brise Soleil – a moveable, wing-like sunscreen. The complex also includes the War Memorial Center by Eero Saarinen, designer of the Gateway Arch . Within the 341,000-square-foot complex, the museum spans four floors with a collection that includes 30,000 works of art. The MAM boasts one of the largest Georgia O'Keeffe collections in the world (she was a Wisconsin native). Additionally, find works from 15th- to 20th-century European artists, as well as 17th- to 20th-century American artists.

According to past visitors, seeing the Quadracci Pavilion's wings (the Burke Brise Soleil) open is a highlight. In fact, some reported visiting several times. Most recent visitors gushed over the complex's architecture, from its wings to the all-white Windover Hall to the view of the lake. In addition to the building, visitors enjoyed the art collection. Note: The wings won't open if it is raining or windy.

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Popular Tours

Milwaukee Tour

Milwaukee Tour

(607 reviews)

from $ 40.00

Milwaukee Walking Food Tour With Secret Food Tours

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(106 reviews)

from $ 99.00

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Discover Iconic Milwaukee Tour

(237 reviews)

from $ 67.00

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Milwaukee County Zoo Milwaukee County Zoo

Spotted hyenas, camels, and three species of penguin are just some of the animals you'll see if you visit the Milwaukee County Zoo. Opened in 1892, the zoo started as a miniature mammal and bird display and has since expanded to nearly 200 acres containing more than 2,200 animals from 330 species. Along with its animal residents, the zoo also offers a number of rides and attractions like a carousel and a safari train. Additionally, it hosts special events throughout the year, such as Boo at the Zoo, a Halloween-themed event, and Wild Lights, a holiday lights display.

Past visitors said the zoo is laid out well, with informative signage. The elephants and baby giraffes (born August 2022) were highlights for past visitors. Others recommended the on-site playground when you need a break from the animals. A few reviewers were annoyed with the additional parking charge ($15 per vehicle). 

places to do homework milwaukee

American Family Field American Family Field

Milwaukeeans love their sports, and the city offers a robust tailgate culture on game day featuring plenty of beer and brats. American Family Field (previously Miller Park), is home to Major League Baseball's Milwaukee Brewers. Whether you're a long-time fan or a first-time spectator, you'll enjoy taking in a game beneath the stadium's retractable roof. Thanks to this unique roof, you'll never have to worry about inclement weather, which is a huge perk for many visitors. If you're not in town to catch a game, you can sign up for a stadium tour, which visits locations with the park not normally accessible to fans, such as the broadcast booth, the press box, the dugout, the bullpen and the luxury suite level. Tickets for tours start at $15 for adults and $10 for kids ages 3 to 12.

Recent game attendees appreciated the affordable food options at the park, including the tasty cheese curds. Some grumbled about the cost of parking, but many complimented the friendly staff.

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Lakefront Brewery Lakefront Brewery

Considered by several former visitors to be one of the best brewery tours in Milwaukee thanks to its tasty brews and entertaining guides, Lakefront Brewery's tours are also one of the best deals around. For between $12 and $13 (depending on the day), tourgoers can see much of the brewery, enjoy two 16-ounce pours of beer and take home a souvenir pint glass.While the brewery's offerings change throughout the year, the year-round brews include a variety of India pale ales, lagers and gluten-free and seasonal beers.

For a true taste of Wisconsin, previous travelers recommend eating at the on-site beer hall after your tour to savor some regional delicacies like cheese curds, Bavarian-style pretzels and brats while overlooking the river. The Friday fish fry is especially popular with locals and tourists, thanks to its pairing of delicious brews and fresh fish with a live polka band. Families discouraged the tours if little ones are in tow, as the jokes and humor are not kid-friendly.

places to do homework milwaukee

Pabst Mansion Pabst Mansion

Pabst Mansion – the former home of captain Frederick and Maria Pabst (a beer baron of Milwaukee) – was just one of a few dozen lavish estates that lined what was then Grand Avenue (so named for its wealthy residents and their impressive homes). Built in 1892, the home became the center of cultured society in Milwaukee. Costing a little more than $254,000 (in 1892 dollars) to construct, the elaborate mansion boasts 37 rooms, 14 fireplaces and more than a dozen bathrooms. Saved from the bulldozer in 1978, the Pabst Mansion has undergone an extensive restoration aided by historic photos and original furniture. The standard 60-minute tour is guided and includes details about the Pabst family history, as well as the home's architecture and furnishings. In addition, visitors can choose a self-guided tour, a 30-minute kid-friendly tour or a variety of specialty tours, including an adults-only happy hour tour that includes a free Pabst Blue Ribbon beer.

Previous visitors appreciated the original furniture on the first floor. Travelers who opted for the guided tour spoke highly of their docents, who were knowledgeable of the home and its family. Old house enthusiasts compared the Pabst Mansion to Rhode Island's Newport mansions and the Biltmore in Asheville, North Carolina . Many recommend visiting during the winter months when the mansion is beautifully decorated for the holidays.

places to do homework milwaukee

Basilica of St. Josaphat Basilica of St. Josaphat free

The grandiose Basilica of St. Josaphat attracts more than faithful Catholics – it's admired by architecture lovers and history buffs alike. Modeled after  Rome 's famous  St. Peter's Basilica , this Milwaukee religious site was designed by German architect Erhard Brielmaier after the original church burned down in 1889. And like its Roman counterpart, the Basilica of St. Josaphat features a cross-shaped floor plan, as well as a massive copper dome. Along with its impressive exterior, the interior is decorated with stained-glass windows, painted columns and oil murals completed by Roman artists. The building was designated a basilica by the pope in 1929, a rite for the most decorative and historically significant of Catholic churches. 

The basilica earns praise from recent visitors, who describe being "simply stunned" by its ornate interiors. Although several former visitors highly recommend attending Sunday Mass here, you can also take a self-guided tour. Stop by the visitor center to pick up a walking tour brochure. The center is located in the Pope John Paul II Pavilion on the west side of the basilica and open Monday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Note that the last tour of the day must begin at 2:15 p.m. The center also houses photo exhibits detailing the basilica's construction.

places to do homework milwaukee

Original Milwaukee Guided Brewery Tour with Lunch or Dinner

(8 reviews)

from $ 139.00

Milwaukee Private or Public Pedal Tavern Tour

Milwaukee Private or Public Pedal Tavern Tour

(11 reviews)

from $ 34.99

Shakers Ghost Tour 2.0

Shakers Ghost Tour 2. 0

(21 reviews)

from $ 46.60

places to do homework milwaukee

Milwaukee RiverWalk Milwaukee RiverWalk free

Connecting three riverfront neighborhoods – the Historic Third Ward, downtown and Beerline "B" – the Milwaukee RiverWalk is enjoyed by locals and travelers alike. The walkway, which extends for 20 blocks, features dining, shopping and public art installations. It's also where you'll find the iconic Bronze Fonz statue, which depicts Arthur Fonzarelli ("Fonzie"), Henry Winkler's character in the Milwaukee-set sitcom, "Happy Days."

In the Historic Third Ward, visitors can access more than 20 galleries and art studios, the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design and the Broadway Theatre Center. In the downtown section, travelers will pass through the city's largest theater district, as well as a three-block historic landmark zone known for its German heritage. The northern section of the RiverWalk encompasses the Beerline "B" neighborhood, which is mostly residential and home to the Lakefront Brewery .

places to do homework milwaukee

Discovery World Discovery World

For a kid-friendly spot, spend some time at Milwaukee's technology and science center. Discovery World offers multiple hands-on exhibits and experiences to keep the little ones engaged. At the museum's Reiman Aquarium, see marine animals of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, the Amazon River and the Great Lakes. Interactive displays at the museum include Les Paul's "House of Sound," which displays some of the jazz musician's famous Gibson Les Paul guitars. The model railroad exhibit enchants young and old and features Milwaukee landmarks in miniature. The facility is also home to one of the world's largest interactive models of the Great Lakes.

The aquarium is a favorite among previous visitors and the view of Lake Michigan is well appreciated. A couple of reviewers said some exhibits need repair and felt worn, but overall, most visitors with children enjoyed their time and recommended it to others.

places to do homework milwaukee

Milwaukee Public Museum Milwaukee Public Museum

If you're looking for ancient creatures, human history, and live butterflies all in the same place, the Milwaukee Public Museum has you covered. With a collection of 4 million specimens, permanent exhibits range from a 14,000-year-old Hebior mammoth skeleton to a life-size "Streets of Old Milwaukee" diorama that offers a glimpse at what the city may have looked like in the early 1900s. Enjoy a walk through a re-created century-old village, inspired by 33 different European cultures, then stop by the Puelicher Butterfly Wing, where you can watch butterflies flit around a two-story garden. And in the Native Games exhibit, visitors can learn about the history and significance of games played by tribes throughout the U.S. and Canada. The Daniel M. Soref Plantarium and Dome Theater offer stargazing programs (included in admission) as well as educational films (for a fee).

Previous visitors sang the praises of the butterfly exhibit, along with the dinosaur displays. The "Streets of Old Milwaukee" exhibit seemed to be a favorite, though a few travelers were disappointed that it didn't represent people of color. Several reviewers commented on the "tired" feel of some of the displays. The museum will be opening up a new facility in 2026 in the Haymarket neighborhood, which will include new exhibits.

places to do homework milwaukee

Great Lakes Distillery Great Lakes Distillery free

Rum, whiskey, vodka and gin aren't just the staples of a good bartender – they're also what you'll find at Great Lakes Distillery. As the first distillery in Wisconsin to open since Prohibition, it prides itself on using local ingredients, such as Door County cherries and Wisconsin-grown grain. Visitors can join an hourlong tour of the distillery, or take a seat in the tasting room to enjoy an extensive cocktail menu along with local favorites like walleye and cheese curds.

Recent visitors spoke highly of the tour, applauding the informative guides and the chance to see the distillation process up close. Other reviewers enjoyed the atmosphere of the tasting room and recommended it to locals and visitors alike. The food and drink offerings received high praise as well.

places to do homework milwaukee

Mitchell Park Horticultural Conservatory Mitchell Park Horticultural Conservatory

If you want to sound like a local, refer to the Mitchell Park Horticultural Conservatory as "The Domes." Occupying land in Mitchell Park, one of the first five parks created as part of the Milwaukee Parks Commission in 1890, the conservatory's star attractions are its three beehive-shaped glass domes. Each dome offers a different experience and environment for visitors.

The Desert Dome houses more than 600 plants originating from regions around the world, including North and South America, Southern Africa and the Canary Islands, and Madagascar. As you admire the cacti, dragon blood trees, Gerbera daisies and the crown of thorns, keep your eyes peeled for Steve, the dome's resident bearded dragon. The Tropical Dome is a popular place to visit in the fall and winter, when the dome's 80-degree temps provide a welcome respite from the snow falling outside. You'll feel like you've stepped into a rainforest thanks to the orchids, hibiscus, palm trees and birds-of-paradise that surround you. Meanwhile, the Floral Dome hosts five floral shows throughout the year based on the season. Time your visit between November and January if you'd like to see the popular Holiday Show, when poinsettias, chrysanthemums and amaryllis fill the space, or during the spring, when tulips, hyacinths, daffodils, pansies and lilies are in full bloom.

places to do homework milwaukee

Skip The Line: Harley-Davidson Museum Admission Ticket with Audio Guided Option

(61 reviews)

from $ 22.00

Sip of Milwaukee Guided Brewery Tour with Snack

Sip of Milwaukee Guided Brewery Tour with Snack

(9 reviews)

Family Fun Food Tour

Family Fun Food Tour

(10 reviews)

from $ 79.99

places to do homework milwaukee

North Point Lighthouse North Point Lighthouse

One of a string of lighthouses perched along the shores of Lake Michigan, the North Point Lighthouse was originally constructed in 1855 to help mariners navigate the Great Lakes. In the years that followed, the lighthouse structure was modified several times; the lighthouse you see today is not the original. Now fully restored and operating as a historic site, the attraction welcomes visitors to tour its exhibits and former keeper's quarters. To reach the lantern room and enjoy expansive views, visitors (5 and older) must climb 84 stairs and a ladder to reach the top of the 74-foot-tall lighthouse. Aside from the lighthouse and its exhibits, visitors may also be interested in the park where it is located (Lake Park), which was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted, who is best known for designing the grounds of New York City 's Central Park .

Recent travelers enjoyed their visit, even if the lighthouse wasn't open for tours. Many commented on the lighthouse's impressive restoration and maintenance. For those visitors who enjoyed a tour, each said the docents were well-informed. Several reviewers complimented the gardens surrounding the area, saying it added to their photos.

places to do homework milwaukee

Veterans Park Veterans Park free

Jutting into Lake Michigan, Veterans Park wraps around McKinley Marina and is a popular place for locals and visitors alike to hang out and relax. Along with plenty of wide, open spaces, the park is home to a 14-acre lagoon and canoe, kayak and swan pedal boat rentals during the warmer months. For those who prefer to stay on land, the paved Oak Leaf Trail circumvents the 92-acre park and is popular with cyclists and joggers alike.

Recent visitors appreciated the park's close proximity to downtown Milwaukee. Others came to pay respects for those who have served in the armed forces. Several visitors suggested stopping by the Gift of Wings Kite Store to pick up a kite to fly at the park (the Lake Michigan breeze creates ideal kite-flying conditions). Several previous visitors enjoyed the various festivals hosted at the park throughout the year.

places to do homework milwaukee

Bradford Beach Bradford Beach free

This urban beach located just north of downtown Milwaukee features plenty of room to spread out and enjoy the Lake Michigan views. Along with beach volleyball, Bradford Beach is also a prime birding hot spot – more than 200 species have been spotted here. There's also a free beach wheelchair checkout, as well as a permanent concrete ramp and Mobi-mats for accessing the sand. For beachside snacking, find a seasonal custard shop and a cafe that serves beer, wine and cocktails, along with a full dining menu.  

Bradford Beach earns positive reviews from summertime visitors, especially locals. Most described the beach as clean and relaxing. Others appreciated the free and convenient nearby parking, as well as the food and drink vendors.

places to do homework milwaukee

Schlitz Audubon Nature Center Schlitz Audubon Nature Center

Once home to the Schlitz Brewery's draft horses, this 185-acre property attracts visitors and locals alike with its 6 miles of hiking trails bisecting forest, restored prairies, ravines, wetlands and the Lake Michigan lakeshore. In the late 1800s, the Uihlein Schlitz family acquired the land from individual owners and used it to rest the draft horses they used for pulling beer carts. After Prohibition, vehicles replaced horses and the land was used for recreation and eventually donated to the National Audubon Society. In addition to hiking trails, visitors can learn about birds of prey in the raptor center or use the accessible Mystery Lake boardwalk. Travelers can climb above the tree canopy via the 60-foot observation tower to see the nature center and Lake Michigan. For those who don't want to climb the tower, a Lake Michigan viewing platform is also available. Inside the visitor center, find exhibits detailing the work at the center, an art display and special programming just for kids

Most recent visitors commented on the well-maintained property and the views of Lake Michigan. For those who visited during the fall, they gushed over the foliage colors and abundance of wildlife. Many also appreciated the clean restroom facilities and the informative visitor center.

places to do homework milwaukee

Betty Brinn Children's Museum Betty Brinn Children's Museum

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Magical Milwaukee Scavenger Hunt

from $ 27.00

Sheboygan Arts & Water Segway Tour w/ Private Tour Option

Sheboygan Arts & Water Segway Tour w/ Private Tour Option

(5 reviews)

Lake Geneva Ghost Walk

Lake Geneva Ghost Walk

(20 reviews)

from $ 29.00

places to do homework milwaukee

America's Black Holocaust Museum America's Black Holocaust Museum

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Grohmann Museum Grohmann Museum

places to do homework milwaukee

Explore More of Milwaukee

The Pfister Hotel

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Homework Diners

At United Way, we know it takes a village to raise healthy, successful children. That’s why we are a proud member of The Milwaukee Community Schools Partnership, a collective strategy to transform schools into places where students, families, staff, and the surrounding community work together to ensure success for every student.

Glenn Carson is the community school coordinator at Hopkins Lloyd, an elementary school on Milwaukee’s Northwest side. Last year, Glenn brought together teachers, parents, and students to begin a series of “Homework Diners."

places to do homework milwaukee

Cream City, Brew City, Milwacky, the Mil—whatever you call it, the bottom line is that Milwaukee is a great all-American town with plenty to do, see, eat, drink and discover. The Potawatomi Tribe originally populated this eastern Wisconsin region on the hospitable banks of Lake Michigan, calling the territory “Mahn-ah-wauk” (translating to “council grounds”). Later in the 1800s, an influx of German and Polish immigrants quickly established the booming community as a manufacturing powerhouse, with lasting echoes of their homeland cultures still alive and present today.

Now, Milwaukee shines as a welcoming modern metropolis, home to a winning combination of museums, architecture, theater, sports, dining, green spaces, shopping, festivals, and outdoor recreation. If you're thinking of spending a few days exploring this vibrant city by the lake, here are 12 of the best things to consider doing during your visit.

Explore the City's Art Scene

On the Lake Michigan waterfront, the majestic Milwaukee Art Museum makes a striking first impression with its stark white façade capped off with the iconic Burke Brise Soleil “wings” that flap open and closed at several intervals throughout the day. Inside, guests can wind their way through more than 40 galleries spread across four floors inside the 341,000 square-foot facility, housing an encyclopedic collection of more than 30,000 pieces. German Expressionist works, folk and Haitian art, decorative pieces and post-1960s American art are just a few of the highlights you’ll find here. The museum also claims one of the world’s largest collections of works by acclaimed floral artist Georgia O’Keefe, a Wisconsin native.

Raise a Glass

Home to the Miller, Pabst and Schlitz companies, as well as a thriving craft brewing scene, it goes without saying that Milwaukee is a beer-drinking town. It’s not difficult to sample some of the wares; you’ll find beer on the menu pretty much wherever you go. For a deeper dive into Milwaukee’s brewing heritage, Best Place at the Historic Pabst Brewery offers a beer history tour that details the origins of what was at one time the largest brewery in America. Meanwhile, the historic Miller Caves reveal a fascinating look at how and where beer was stored underground back in the 1800s. And teetotalers don’t need to miss out on the fun—in addition to a range of year-round and seasonal beers, Sprecher Brewery also produces a tasty line of non-alcoholic craft sodas and flavored sparkling waters to sip at its on-site taproom before or after a family-friendly tour of the facility.

Order an Updated OG Cocktail

Visit Milwaukee

If mixed drinks are more your jam, get into the spirit(s) at Bryant’s Cocktail Lounge , the oldest establishment of its kind in Milwaukee. Since 1938, this old-school hang has been pouring, stirring and shaking up delicious adult beverages for a discerning clientele. The bar was rebuilt after a devastating fire on St. Patrick’s Day in 1971, reemerging stronger than ever. If these walls could talk! Interestingly, there’s no formal drink menu here. There are a few recipes you can feel free to order by name, but it’s much more fun to simply tell the expert mixologists about your personal likes and preferences, and then let them customize a cocktail just for you. Cheers!

Sample Delicious Dairy Treats

You’re going to need to eat something to soak up all the beer, booze and soda. The big three must-eat items in Milwaukee? Cheese curds, butter burgers and frozen custard (this is the dairy state, after all). Bite-sized pieces of soft cheese served plain, breaded and fried, or atop French fries à la poutine, cheese curds pop up at restaurants all over town, but the offerings at Lakefront Brewery , Camino and Buckatabon Tavern are all reliably delicious. Insider tip: the tell-tale hallmark of a good fresh cheese curd—it “squeaks” against your teeth when you bite into it.

Founded in 1936, Solly’s Grille is where you’ll find the original old-fashioned butter burger, sandwiches slathered with a heart-stopping schmear of real butter to melt into the meat. For dessert, frozen custard kicks regular ice cream up a notch with an egg/dairy base and a thick, velvety smooth texture. You can’t go wrong with a sundae, milkshake or a straight-up cone at any Kopp’s location.

Eat, Eat, and Eat Some More

Milwaukee’s bursting at the seams with all kinds of great restaurants. If you can’t make up your mind, or if you want to taste a bunch of different local specialties, the Milwaukee Public Market is a one-stop shop for breakfast, lunch or dinner. With dozens of vendors under one roof, customers can nibble and nosh their way from one end of the market to the other, enjoying café fare, beer, wine, Southern favorites, seafood, pizza, salads, soups, baked goods, tacos, vegan cuisine, cheese and more.

The Sherman Phoenix food hall/incubator has given the Sherman Park neighborhood a safe and welcoming location to gather as a community after a fatal police shooting in 2016. Inside this modern commercial space, visitors can get to know more than two dozen Black-owned small businesses, including Purple Door Ice Cream , Sauce and Spice Pizza , Buffalo Boss , and Funky Fresh Spring Rolls . Later this year, be on the lookout for 3 rd Street Market Hall to up the ante with even more food producers, games, activities and event spaces when it opens in mid-2021.

See the City From a New Angle

Milwaukee’s lakefront and riverfront are the lifeblood of the city, providing commerce, recreation and spectacular scenery. The three-mile RiverWalk skirts the Milwaukee River as it flows through the Historic Third Ward, Downtown and Beerline B, but visitors can also venture off dry land and see the city from a new angle via boat, kayak, pedal boat or stand-up paddleboard. Sightseeing cruises ply the waterways and when the waves are up, Lake Michigan even lends itself to fresh-water surfing. If the weather’s nice, Bradford Beach attracts summertime crowds for volleyball, sunbathing and tiki drinks.

Get Your Motor Running

Milwaukee’s motorcycle culture starts with Harley-Davidson, and The Harley-Davidson Museum , which honors the iconic brand, is a great place to get your bearings. Whether you’re a hardcore motorcyclist, an easy rider or just daydreaming about the idea of a bike, there’s something here to hold your interest. Among the permanent and temporary exhibits, you’ll find Serial Number 1, the very first H-D motorcycle to roll off the production line in 1903, along with a colorful wall of gas tanks, racing memorabilia, all sorts of custom beauties, and a gallery full of vehicles you can pose on for photos. On Thursdays through the summer, bikers cruise in to enjoy food, drink and free live music for a weekly concert series (check the website to confirm dates before you go). Time your visit accordingly, and you might even get to take a demo ride.

Scare Yourself Silly

With so much history, it should come as no surprise that Milwaukee is supposedly haunted by a number of lingering spirits. Hosted by costumed narrators, Gothic Milwaukee leads 90-minute Haunted Historical Walking Tours to share the spooky tales of departed residents and guests who’ve never really left the city. The downtown excursions trail past notorious spots like City Hall , the RiverWalk and The Pfister Hotel , believed to be the most haunted location in the city—with ghost sightings and stories to prove it.

Celebrate the Evolution of Work

Aptly sited on the Milwaukee School of Engineering campus, the Grohmann Museum houses an enlightening collection of art that celebrates the scope and evolution of human work. Galleries spread throughout three floors showcase works and artifacts depicting and honoring all manner of industry and trade. Make sure to look down and appreciate the gorgeous mosaic-tiled floor in the entryway, and don’t miss the stained-glass murals in the domed atrium or the bronze sculpture garden on the rooftop.

Root For the Home Team

In downtown Milwaukee, the landmark Fiserv Forum opened in 2018, hosting Milwaukee Bucks and Marquette Golden Eagles home games during basketball season, along with major concerts, hockey bouts, boxing matches and other events throughout the year. Anchored by the architecturally stunning arena, the 30-acre neighborhood that surrounds the facility is poised to grow into a full-fledged mixed-use district in the coming years, complete with restaurants and entertainment venues, green spaces, commercial businesses and residential housing.

Snap a Selfie with The Fonz

Ayyyyyyyy. Television viewers of a certain age will fondly recall the wholesome antics of Richie Cunningham, Potsie, Ralph and the “Happy Days” gang from the sitcom set in 1950s Milwaukee (leading in turn to the “Laverne and Shirley” spin-off). On the downtown riverfront, the “ Bronze Fonz ” statue by artist Gerald P. Sawyer gives a perpetual thumbs-up for one of the best selfie ops in town. Balance it out with a sweeping panoramic view of the Milwaukee skyline from Lakeshore State Park , a hidden gem and local favorite vantage point.

Hit a Festival

Milwaukee definitely knows how to throw a party. Chances are, no matter what time of year you visit, there’s a festival happening somewhere in town. Brimming with nationally recognized artists and billed as the world’s largest music festival, the annual Summerfest is the biggie, attracting upwards of 750,000 fans over a multi-day schedule. All told, the rollicking event boasts more than 1,000 performances across nearly a dozen different stages, along with food, drinks, activities and general merriment. To capitalize on Milwaukee’s vibrant and diverse culture, other festivals on the yearly docket include Pridefest , Bronzeville Week , Mexican Fiesta , Irish Fest , Polish Fest , Bastille Days , the Milwaukee Highland Games , German Fest and the Milwaukee Dragon Boat Festival .

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The 15 Best Things to Do in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

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The Best Things to do in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Brew City, Miltown, Cream City, the City of Festivals… no matter what you call it, Milwaukee is a treasure just waiting to be discovered. This Midwestern gem is often overshadowed by Chicago, but Milwaukee has a charm and character all its own.

Did you know that Milwaukee was once known as the “machine shop of the world?” You can see this clearly at the Harley-Davidson Museum, which is one of the city’s most popular attractions. Or, take a walk through the Historic Third Ward, which has been revitalized with art galleries, trendy restaurants, and boutique shops.

Milwaukee is also home to some of the best beer in the world, so if you love craft beer, you’re going to feel at home here! We tasted everything from elegant barrel-aged stouts to hazy, juicy IPAs during our time in Milwaukee, and we haven’t even scratched the surface.

And of course, there’s the food. From Wisconsin cheese curds to Milwaukee-style brats, frozen custard, and flaky cream puffs, get ready to stuff yourself silly. Don’t worry because you’ll find tons of ways to burn off those calories! Milwaukee is one of the most walkable and bike-friendly cities in the United States, and the Mississippi River provides ample opportunities for swimming, kayaking, and fishing.

With so many things to see and do, the toughest part is deciding where to start. That’s why we’ve put together this list of the best things to do in Milwaukee. Whether you’re in town for a weekend or a week, stick to our fun and unique Milwaukee bucket list recommendations, and you’re guaranteed to have a great time!

Don’t forget to check out our web story: The 15 Best Things to Do in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

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15 Fun and Unique Things to Do in Milwaukee

1. explore the milwaukee public market.

Cool Things to do in Milwaukee: Public Market

Located in the Historic Third Ward, it’s hard to define the two-story Milwaukee Public Market . Is it a farmers’ market? A food court? A collection of unique shops? We’ll leave it up to you to decide, but one thing’s for sure, it’s one of the best things to do in Milwaukee!

Go hungry because the market has over a dozen vendors selling everything from Wisconsin cheese to vegan sandwiches, Thai sushi rolls, fresh seafood, and much more. You can also sign up for cooking classes – such as sausage-making and wood-fired pizza-making – right at the market.

Milwaukee Things to do: Public Market

If you need a break from all the food, browse the local shops, which sell everything from jewelry to kitchen gadgets. Stop by the Brew City Brand apparel shop and snag a shirt or hat with beer empire designs.

The Milwaukee Public Market is open every day, so drop by whenever you have a chance! You can ride The Hop (Milwaukee’s streetcar) to the market or drive there and get a free hour of parking if you purchase something inside.

Book a Ghostly Private Walking Tour

2. See the Penguins at the Milwaukee County Zoo

Fun Things to do in Milwaukee: County Zoo

With over 200 acres, the Milwaukee County Zoo is one of the largest zoos in Wisconsin and the US. You could easily spend an entire day here marveling at the 2,000 animals they have on display.

From camels and spotted hyenas to zebras and kangaroos, the Milwaukee County Zoo is home to a wide variety of animals. One of the best parts is that most of the exhibits are designed to recreate the animal’s natural habitat as much as possible.

There are also three species of penguin at the zoo, so if you’ve never seen a penguin in real life, this is your chance!

Unique Things to do in Milwaukee: County Zoo

What’s so great about the Milwaukee County Zoo is that it’s more than just a place to see animals. They also have other attractions like a carousel, a safari train, a sky safari, a zoo playground, a goat yard, and an aviary.

There’s even a zip line and ropes course if you want to add a little thrill to your day! For something a little more relaxing, we recommend watching Kohl’s Wild Theater, a live animal show for kids and kids at heart!

Pro tip: Purchase your tickets online in advance to avoid long lines at the gate!

3. Go Day Drinking at Milwaukee’s Beer Gardens

Cool Things to do in Milwaukee: Beer Gardens

Milwaukee loves its beer, and day drinking is practically a sport here. No one’s going to bat an eye if you want to sip on a cold one before lunch! In fact, you’re likely to make new friends if you do.

Unique Things to do in Milwaukee: Beer Gardens

There are over a dozen beer gardens in Milwaukee, but our favorite is Estabrook Park Beer Garden , the original Milwaukee beer garden with a German theme. Another local hangout is Hubbard Park , which has a more secluded atmosphere and an extensive food menu. The War Memorial Beer Garden is yet another great option, especially if you’re looking for breathtaking views of Lake Michigan.

No matter which one you choose, you’re guaranteed to have a good time. Just don’t forget to drink responsibly!

4. Take the Kids to Discovery World

Milwaukee Bucket List: Discovery World

Located right on the banks of Lake Michigan is the Discovery World Science &Technology Museum , one of the top Milwaukee attractions for visitors of all ages. This museum is huge, and there’s so much to see and do! We swear we felt ready to win a trivia contest after a few hours here.

Discovery World has interactive exhibits on everything from water technology to medical science and automation. We particularly loved the Les Paul’s House of Sound exhibit, which has various guitars and audio equipment that you can play with. There’s also a design lab open on the weekends, where you can use 3D printers, laser cutters, and other cool machines.

Must do things in Milwaukee: Discovery World

The museum also has a section on the future of the Great Lakes, interactive machines and shipyards, virtual reality, and so much more! They also have events from time to time, so check their website before you visit.

5. Fill Up on Milwaukee’s Favorite Foods

What to do in Milwaukee: Favorite Foods

You can’t come to Milwaukee and not eat! This is a comfort food town. We’re talking fried cheese curds, bratwurst, fish fry, and all the frozen custard you can eat.

First, the cheese curds. You can find these fried bites of goodness at just about any restaurant, but some of our favorites are at Wisconsin Cheese Mart and Clock Shadow Creamery .

For the best bratwurst, you have to go to Usinger’s , a Milwaukee institution that’s been around since 1880. The sausages here are made with only the finest ingredients, and they’re absolutely delicious.

Don’t sleep on the Milwaukee-style pizza as well! Starring a cracker-thin crust and topped with a variety of meats and cheeses, it’s sliced tavern-style or in squares. You can find some of the best pies at Zaffiro’s, which was founded in 1954 and still uses the same secret family recipe.

Ever heard of a butter burger? It’s a burger with, you guessed it, a healthy dollop of butter on top. It might sound strange, but it’s actually really delicious! You can find some of the best butter burgers at Sobelman’s, a local chain with several locations around town.

Still hungry? The Friday fish fry is a year-round Milwaukee institution, but they’re especially popular during Lent. Order it Milwaukee-style with potato pancakes, tartar sauce, and sliced caraway rye bread plus coleslaw for a hearty meal.

Finally, we didn’t forget about dessert! Get your sugar high at one of Milwaukee’s many custard shops. We love Leon’s , Kopp’s , and Gilles , which have been around for decades. Plus, the gigantic cream puffs at the Wisconsin State Fair are also a must-try!

6. Stroll Through the Historic Third Ward

Cool Things to do in Milwaukee: Third Ward

This revitalized warehouse district is one of the most essential Milwaukee attractions and is filled with unique boutiques, eclectic eateries, and remarkable displays of art and culture.

The Historic Third Ward (HTW) is actually the oldest center of warehousing and commerce in the city. It was also where Milwaukee’s most devastating fire happened, which led the way to its redevelopment.

Nowadays, the HTW is home to some of the top Milwaukee attractions. There’s the Marshall Building , American Family Insurance Amphitheater , and the Henry Maier Festival Park (where Summerfest happens!), just to name a few.

You’ll actually find the Milwaukee Public Market on the north side of the Third Ward, while the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design (MIAD) is located on the south side.

The Third Ward is also where you’ll find a variety of art galleries, such as the Haggerty Museum of Art and the Milwaukee Art Museum . In short, it’s hard to run out of things to do in Milwaukee at the Historic Third Ward alone!

Book a Third Ward Tour

7. Go Tailgating at American Family Field

Milwaukee Bucket List: American Family Field

Tailgating is a time-honored tradition in cities around the United States, and Milwaukee is no exception. If you’re looking for fun things to do in Milwaukee, head to American Family Field to go tailgating before watching the Milwaukee Brewers play.

Must do things in Milwaukee: American Family Field

Tailgating starts early here, so make sure to get there well before the game to snag a spot. Then, set up your grill and cook up some brats (a Milwaukee specialty!). Don’t forget to bring a cooler stocked with beer because what’s tailgating without some cold ones?

8. Check Out Milwaukee’s Many Museums

Milwaukee Bucket List: Many Museums

You’ll want to set aside a full day for this one because Milwaukee has a lot of incredible museums!

Start your day at the Milwaukee Art Museum , which is world-renowned for its unique architecture. Then, drive down the road to the Haggerty Museum of Art to see a variety of American artwork.

If you’re interested in Milwaukee’s history, make your way to the Milwaukee County Historical Society . This museum is housed in an old Bank of Montreal building and has a variety of exhibits on Milwaukee’s past.

Unique Things to do in Milwaukee: Many Museums

The Harley-Davidson Museum also deserves a spot on your Milwaukee bucket list. This museum chronicles the history of the iconic motorcycle brand and has a variety of interactive exhibits, such as a motorcycle simulator and actual relics from Harley-Davidson’s past.

For the little ones, there’s the Betty Brinn Children’s Museum . This hands-on museum is designed for kids 10 and under and has a variety of exhibits, such as a grocery store, a doctor’s office, and a construction site. 

Last but not least, don’t forget about the Milwaukee Public Museum . You’re going to love this natural history museum, which has a planetarium, a butterfly garden, and an IMAX theater.

9. Adventure Through the Great Milwaukee Outdoors

Best Things to do in Milwaukee: Great Milwaukee Outdoors

Where else can you kayak and canoe between skyscrapers, bike to the Great Lakes, and stroll through nature trails all in the same day but beautiful Milwaukee?

If you’re looking for a way to burn off all those cheese curds, beers, and brats, you have lots of options. Want to go on a water adventure? Go kayaking, canoeing, or paddleboarding along the Milwaukee River. You can also bike the 6-mile loop of the Lake Front trail, which takes you past the Discovery World Museum, the Domes, and Bradford Beach.

Milwaukee Things to do: Great Milwaukee Outdoors

For a more leisurely pace, stroll through the Boerner Botanical Gardens or the Whitnall Park Beer Garden . If you’re feeling really adventurous, hike up to the top of the Milwaukee County Zoological Gardens for an incredible view of the city.

Finally, don’t go home without getting a tan at Bradford Beach! This Milwaukee staple is the perfect place to relax, people-watch, and take a dip in Lake Michigan.

Book a Milwaukee Scavenger Hunt Adventure

10. Enjoy a Peaceful Stroll at the Milwaukee RiverWalk

What to do in Milwaukee: RiverWalk

The Milwaukee RiverWalk is a beautiful pedestrian path that runs along the Milwaukee River. It cuts through the heart of the city and links the three waterfront neighborhoods of the Beerline B, Downtown, and Historic Third Ward.

The RiverWalk is not as crowded as other areas of the city, so it’s the perfect place to take a peaceful stroll. Along the way, you’ll see a mix of permanent and temporary art exhibitions, as well as a variety of restaurants and cafes.

Milwaukee Things to do: RiverWalk

Make sure to snap photos along the “RiverSculpture!” part of the Milwaukee RiverWalk with its classic and wacky sculptures, such as a duck named Gertie.

11. Sip on Wisconsin Beer and Spirits

Cool Things to do in Milwaukee: Wisconsin Beer and Spirits

It’s a crime to visit Milwaukee and not drink at least one of its amazing, locally-brewed beers! The city has a long and rich brewing history, dating back to the 1800s.

Visit the Brewers Hill neighborhood to tour the Miller Brewery , one of the largest breweries in the world. We strongly suggest booking a tour with Lakefront Brewery , one of the wackiest and most beloved breweries in the city! Their tours are insanely funny and informative at the same time, and you get to taste great craft beers along the way.

Best Things to do in Milwaukee: Wisconsin Beer and Spirits

If cocktails are more your style, make sure to stop by Great Lakes Distillery for a tour. Milwaukee’s whiskeys, vodkas, and gins are as legendary as its beers!

Lastly, Milwaukee also has a wealth of bars and taverns to wet your whistle. The Landmark 1850 Inn used to be a stagecoach stop in the 1850s and is now one of the best places in the city to drink, eat, and be merry. 

Puddler’s Hall is another great option, especially if you’re looking for a dive bar atmosphere. Plus, Kneisler’s The White House is another historic tavern that has been serving Milwaukee since 1891. 

12. Visit Milwaukee’s Famous Landmarks

Milwaukee Bucket List: Famous Landmarks

When in Milwaukee, you have to visit at least a few of its iconic landmarks. The Pabst Mansion (yes, of Pabst beer fame!) is a beautiful example of Victorian architecture and a living history museum. Make sure to take a tour of this Milwaukee landmark to learn about the city’s brewing history and see the opulent rooms of the mansion.

The city’s other famous landmark is the Bronze Fonz . No trip to Milwaukee is complete without getting your photo taken with this larger-than-life statue of one of the city’s most beloved characters, Arthur Fonzarelli, from the TV show Happy Days !

Unique Things to do in Milwaukee: Famous Landmarks

Milwaukee’s City Hall is also worth a visit, especially if you’re interested in architecture. Other must-see sights are the Milwaukee Pierhead Lighthouse, the Basilica of St. Josaphat, the Allen-Bradley Company Clock, and the tranquil Forest Home Cemetery.

Book a Milwaukee Sightseeing Bus Tour

13. Drop by the Domes

Milwaukee Things to do: Domes

The Mitchell Park Horticultural Conservatory , better known as the Domes, is easily one of the best things to do in Milwaukee.

These massive domes are living museums and are home to three different gardens, each with its own unique climate. The Tropical Dome is a lush, humid rainforest filled with more than 1,200 species of tropical plants, waterfalls, frogs, insects, and different kinds of birds gliding through the air.

What to do in Milwaukee: Domes

The Desert Dome represents the deserts of Africa, South America, Madagascar, and the American Southwest. Walk through a cactus garden, see how plants adapt to different climates and learn about the cultures of the people who live in these regions. After that, cool down beside the oasis.

Finally, the Show Dome is always different each time you visit, as it gets transformed at least five times each year! From fantasy themes to historical, cultural, and holiday-themed displays, the Show Dome is always a fun and fascinating experience.

14. Go Bar Hopping on Brady Street

Cool Things to do in Milwaukee: Glorioso’s Italian Market

Exploring Brady Street’s nightlife is hands down one of the coolest things to do in Milwaukee! Brady Street is always lively, and there’s a bar for everyone, whether you’re looking for a rowdy night out or a more low-key evening.

If you happen to stop by during the day, you’ll find spas and brunch spots, boutiques and antique stores, and coffee shops aplenty. We enjoyed looking through the Art Smart’s Dart Mart & Juggling Emporium and browsing the racks at Glorioso’s Italian Market .

Best Things to do in Milwaukee: Glorioso’s Italian Market

As for bars, take your pick! The Balzac Wine Bar is fantastic for date night, while Casablanca ‘s belly dancers take the stage on Friday nights. The Hi-Hat Lounge and The Garage on Brady are both excellent dive bars, and Club Brady is the perfect place to dance the night away!

P.S., Regano’s Roman Coin is pet-friendly, so feel free to bring your furry friend along for the Brady Street bar crawl!

15. Spend the Day at the Wisconsin State Fair

What to do in Milwaukee: Wisconsin State Fair

The Wisconsin State Fair Park is home to the annual Wisconsin State Fair , which is one of the biggest and most popular events in the state and the country. If you’re lucky enough to be in town during the fair, then you definitely have to add this to your Milwaukee bucket list!

The rides at the Wisconsin State Fair are some of the best in the country. Fair-goers can enjoy everything from classic carnival rides to thrill rides like the Giant Slide, SpinCity, SkyGlider, and the Salto Fower Jump. There are also a ton of great food options at the fair, from traditional fair food like funnel cakes and fried cheese curds to more gourmet fare like wood-fired pizza and grilled salmon. 

Milwaukee Things to do: Wisconsin State Fair

Be sure to sample at least a few of the more famous and offbeat fair foods, including the Jumbo Stuffed Lobster Tater Kegs, the pancake-wrapped Breakfast-On-A-Stick, the Deep-Fried Milk with Cookie Dip, and the Dill Pickle Pizza. And don’t forget to wash it all down with a Unicorn Beer Float! 

There you have it! The 15 best things to do in Milwaukee. What’s your favorite thing to do in Milwaukee?

Planning a trip to Wisconsin? Check out our favorite books and travel guides!

Frequently Asked Questions

With over 200 acres, the Milwaukee County Zoo is one of the largest zoos in Wisconsin and the US. You could easily spend an entire day here marveling at the 2,000 animals they have on display. There are also three species of penguin at the zoo, so if you’ve never seen a penguin in real life, this is your chance!

Located right on the banks of Lake Michigan is the Discovery World Science &Technology Museum, one of the top Milwaukee attractions for visitors of all ages. This museum is huge, and there’s so much to see and do! They also have events from time to time, so check their website before you visit.

It’s a crime to visit Milwaukee and not drink at least one of its amazing, locally-brewed beers! The city has a long and rich brewing history, dating back to the 1800s. Visit the Brewers Hill neighborhood to tour the Miller Brewery, one of the largest breweries in the world. We strongly suggest booking a tour with Lakefront Brewery, one of the wackiest and most beloved breweries in the city!

When in Milwaukee, you have to visit at least a few of its iconic landmarks. The Pabst Mansion (yes, of Pabst beer fame!) is a beautiful example of Victorian architecture and a living history museum. The city’s other famous landmark is the Bronze Fonz. No trip to Milwaukee is complete without getting your photo taken with this larger-than-life statue of one of the city’s most beloved characters, Arthur Fonzarelli, from the TV show Happy Days!

The Wisconsin State Fair Park is home to the annual Wisconsin State Fair, which is one of the biggest and most popular events in the state and the country. If you’re lucky enough to be in town during the fair, then you definitely have to add this to your Milwaukee bucket list! The rides at the Wisconsin State Fair are some of the best in the country.

You can’t come to Milwaukee and not eat! This is a comfort food town. We’re talking fried cheese curds, bratwurst, fish fry, and all the frozen custard you can eat. Ever heard of a butter burger? It’s a burger with, you guessed it, a healthy dollop of butter on top. It might sound strange, but it’s actually really delicious! You can find some of the best butter burgers at Sobelman’s, a local chain with several locations around town.


The Best Things to do in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Jamie Delos Reyes is a book addict turned career writer and SEO content marketing geek. She's a freelance content writer, editor, and content manager who thinks no topic is boring - it's always fun to learn new stuff! She loves traveling, meeting new humans and hearing their stories, and tasting her way through the planet's kaleidoscope of flavors. The only thing better than traveling? Writing all about it! Her ultimate dream is to go on a cross-country road trip with her three spoiled dogs.

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 5 things to know and do the weekend of June 7

June 6, 2024 by Chesnie Wardell Leave a Comment

places to do homework milwaukee

It’s Friday in Milwaukee, and here are some things we think you should know about. If you would like your event to be considered for this column, please submit your news by clicking here at least two weeks in advance.

1. Viva MKE Marketplace: Saturday, June 8

Viva Milwaukee, or Viva MKE, was created by the Mexican Fiesta to bring community members together. Viva MKE will hold a marketplace from noon to 7 p.m. on Saturday, June 8 in the Flores Hall parking lot, 2997 S. 20th St. There will be vendors, live music and other activities. More information here. 

2. Pig Roast & Pincho Fest: Saturday, June 8

El Conquistador Latino Newspaper is honoring National Puerto Rican Day by hosting the annual pig roast and pincho fest. It will take place from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, June 8 at Walker Square Park, 1031 S. Ninth St. There will be music, food and drinks for attendees to enjoy. More information here. 

3. Safe Summer Kickoff: Saturday, June 8 

Safe & Sound and Marquette University’s College of Nursing are partnering to host their annual safe summer kick off from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, June 8 at 4422 W. Leon Terrace. Over 20 community partners are expected to be present with resources. The event will feature the Youth Voice Stage, where children can showcase their talents. Enjoy free food, games and music. More information here. 

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4. National Get Outdoors Day: Saturday, June 8

If you are interested in wall climbing, biking or balance beams, then spend the day celebrating National Get Outdoors Day with Milwaukee Turners. All ages are welcome to participate from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, June 8 at 1040 Vel. R. Phillips Ave. More information here. 

5. Active Street Block Party: Saturday, June 8 

Amani United invites you to its Active Street Block Party from noon to 2 p.m. on Saturday, June 8 on North 26th Street between Locust and Burleigh streets. The purpose is to promote fellowship among community members. There will be mobile bike repairs, bike riding and other activities. More information here. 

Bonus: Locust Street Festival: Sunday, June 9

The Locust Street Festival of Music and Arts returns to Riverwest this year on Sunday, June 9. The 45th annual festival will take place from 11:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Locust Street between North Holton Street and North Humboldt Boulevard. It will be a day filled with local music, art, vendors, food and more. More information here.

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The Betty Brinn Children's Museum is an interactive educational museum featuring hands-on exhibits designed for kids 10 and under. The museum reopens for members-only on May 6, 2021,and the general public on May 20, 2021. 

Betty Brinn Childrens Museum

The Central Library is the headquarters for the Milwaukee Public Library System as well as for the Milwaukee County Federated Library System.

Milwaukee Central Library Milwaukee Downtown

Discovery World is a science and technology center located in Downtown Milwaukee.

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Grohamann Museum Milwaukee Downtown

The Harley-Davidson Museum is a North American museum near downtown, Milwaukee, Wisconsin celebrating the more than 100-year history of Harley-Davidson motorcycles.

Harley Davidson Museum Milwaukee Downtown

Jewish Museum Milwaukee explores the history of the Jewish community in Southeastern Wisconsin.  Through engaging displays and interactive components, JMM celebrates Milwaukee’s Jewish community and explores the broad American and Jewish experience. Plan your visit today!

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Spacious brewpub offering bar bites and an array of beers, including organic and gluten-free brews.

Lakefront Brewery Milwaukee Downtown

The Marcus Center for the Performing Arts is located in the center of the downtown theater district and offers the bext of cultural and community programming in the state.

Marcus Center for the Performing Arts Milwaukee Downtown

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UWM Panther Arena Milwaukee Downtown

The Milwaukee Art Museum is an art museum that's collection contains nearly 25,000 works of art. It's one of the largest museums in the United States.

Milwaukee Art Museum Milwaukee Downtown

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Milwaukee Downtown Ballet

The Milwaukee Bucks are an American professional basketball team based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The Bucks compete in the National Basketball Association as a member club of the league's Eastern Conference Central Division.

Fiserv Forum Milwaukee Downtown

The War Memorial Center is Wisconsin’s most visible memorial to all those who have served in the U.S. Armed Services, and is committed to furthering a single, solemn mission: “Honor the Dead. Serve the Living.”

Milwaukee County War Memorial Center Milwaukee Downtown

The Milwaukee County Historical Society was founded in 1935 to collect, preserve and make available materials relating to the history of the Milwaukee community. The Society's headquarters and research library are located at the downtown Historical Center. 

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Founded in 2013, after many years of adventures and exploration on our rivers, Milwaukee Kayak Company's mission is to provide a healthy, unique, safe and fun outdoor paddling experience for everyone.

Milwaukee Kayak Company Milwaukee Downtown

Located in the heart of the Wisconsin Center District in Westown, the Miller High Life Theatre boasts Broadway performances and star-studded concerts. 

Miller High Life Theatre Milwaukee Downtown

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Milwaukee Public Market Milwaukee Downtown

The Milwaukee Public Museum is a natural and human history museum located in downtown Milwaukee.

Milwaukee Public Museum Milwaukee Downtown

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Milwaukee Repertory Theater Milwaukee Downtown

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Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra

The Milwaukee Wave is an American professional indoor soccer team based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Founded in 1984, they have been the oldest continuously operating professional soccer team in the US.

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The Pabst Theater is an indoor concert venue and landmark of Milwaukee. Colloquially known as "the Pabst", the theater hosts about 100 events per year.

Pabst Theater Milwaukee Downtown

Riverside Theater is a concert hall that seats 2,460 people and hosts many different musical artists and shows.

Riverside Theater- Milwaukee Downtown

Riverwalk Boat Tours  offers public sunset cruises, riverside pub tours, private charters, and self-captained pontoon boat rentals in  Milwaukee , Wisconsin.

Riverwalk Boat Tours Milwaukee Downtown

The namesake of East Town's Cathedral Square Park, St. John the Evangelist has served as the seat of the Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee for 150 years. The Cathedral offers self-guided tours, Monday through Friday. 

St. John the Evangelist Milwaukee Downtown

Summerfest is an annual music festival held at the 75-acre Henry Maier Festival Park along the lakefront in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Summerfest Milwaukee Downtown

Constructed in 1882, Turner Hall began as a showplace for the panoramic painters and other German immigrant artists who dominated the Milwaukee art scene.

Turner Hall Ballroom Milwaukee Downtown

The Wisconsin Center is one of the world’s most architecturally exhilarating and technologically robust convention facilities, located in the heart of downtown Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Wisconsin Center District Milwaukee Downtown

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25 Best Things To Do In Milwaukee | 2024 Local’s Guide

By: Author Adam

Posted on Last updated: 10 May, 2024

25 Best Things To Do In Milwaukee | 2024 Local’s Guide

Milwaukee is a city full of life and with its fair share of weird and quirky corners that hold all sorts of secrets and adventures. If you’re looking for things to do in Milwaukee, this list is a great place to start.

We hand-picked our favorite top Milwaukee attractions and local gems.

Milwaukee is the place we call home, but we aren’t just some overzealous locals who think everything in their city is amazing – we’ve also traveled the world and know the good attractions from the mediocre.

These are the best things to do in Milwaukee that we send all of our out-of-town friends to do !

Let us be your local guides to our hometown!

This article is updated weekly, and a lot of love is put in by us Milwaukee locals who want you to enjoy our city thoroughly. All right, let us help you plan your trip to Milwaukee!

Best Milwaukee Tours

If you are short on time and can’t read the whole article. Here are three of our favorite tours in Milwaukee:

  • Guided Brewery Tour with Transportation & Lunch/Dinner – Visits 4 breweries and 16 beer tastings, as well as lunch or dinner.
  • The Milwaukee Tour – This tour of Milwaukee covers so much ground in two hours. Includes transportation and guide. Not having to find parking at all these places is worth it!
  • Milwaukee Walking Food Tour – Come hungry! This 3-hour food tour tastes some Milwaukee classics and other hidden gems. Along the walk the guide will also point over several attractions you pass by.

Top 25 Must Do Milwaukee Attractions

Harley Davidson Museum HD - Drone Photo - Top attractions in Milwaukee Wisconsin

1. Harley Davidson Museum

One of Milwaukee’s biggest claims to fame is Harley Davidson. If you’re an avid road warrior or even an occasional rider, you’ll find the Harley Davidson Museum an absolute blast.

As one of the premier things to do in Milwaukee, make sure to check it out. Everything Harley-Davidson is here!

  • Address: 400 W. Canal St, Milwaukee

View of the exterior of the Milwaukee Public Market at night with traffic passing by - Top Milwaukee Attractions

2. Milwaukee Public Market

The Public Market is a two-story icon full of truly unique and independent vendors of all things delicious. If you are staying in downtown Milwaukee, you can’t miss it. It is in the heart of downtown Milwaukee.

In the middle of sightseeing and adventuring through Milwaukee, make sure to drop by for a cup of spectacular coffee or wander the aisles looking for lunch. There are more than a dozen local vendors preparing snacks to full dinners. With a wide range of food types, you are sure to satisfy everyone in your group.

  • Address: 400 N Water St, Milwaukee

Related Article: Top 20 Restaurants In Milwaukee

3. Tailgate at American Family field

There’s nothing too much more Wisconsin than a tailgate before a game, and in Milwaukee, we do it before every home Milwaukee Brewers game.

Every game day, the smell of charcoal grills and bratwurst sizzling can be smelled from about a mile in any direction of the stadium. Gather your group, a cooler with local beers, and a portable grill, and participate in this uniquely Milwaukee tradition.

The parking lots open 3 hours before the game and fill up quickly with people grilling, playing games, and catching up with friends and tailgating neighbors before the game.

American Family Field is the new name of the Milwaukee Brewers Stadium with a retractable roof. It’s a baseball icon that is a must for any fans passing through the city.

Off-Season Visitors: If you visit Milwaukee outside of baseball season, you can still visit the field and eat inside the park at the restaurant at the Barrell Yard. Here, you can catch a meal on non-game days for lunch or dinner overlooking the third baseline and outfield.

  • Address: 1 Brewers Way, Milwaukee

Best Places to Stay in Milwaukee

Iron Horse Hotel Milwaukee (New & Trendy) : One hundred years ago, the building was a warehouse. Now, it’s an upscale hotel created for both bikers and business travelers alike.

It has a warm, inviting atmosphere with a spectacular restaurant and modern feel that showcases art events and is dog-friendly. Even if you’re not planning on staying, the Iron Horse is a truly Milwaukee experience that never fails to entertain. Address: 500 W. Florida St, Milwaukee – Check Rates  

Aloft Hotel Milwaukee (Great Location): It’s located near the Milwaukee Riverwalk, the Fiserv Forum & Deer District, and Old World Third Street. Aloft offers something for everyone, especially the food lover. Restaurants, brewpubs, boutiques, and so much more are steps from the door. Address: 1230 Old World Third Street, Milwaukee – Check Rates 

Pfister Hotel Milwaukee (Classic Milwaukee Hotel): Built in 1893, the Pfister has been a staple of Milwaukee Elegance for over 100 years. Everything in this hotel exudes a sense of class and style. Enjoy the night in beautiful rooms with impeccable service. The Pfister is a truly wonderful experience that harkens back to the glory of yesteryear. Address: 424 E. Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee – Check Rates  

Things to do in Milwaukee Summerfest 1

4. Summerfest

Milwaukee’s annual music festival, Summerfest, is one of the premier things to do in Milwaukee. Summerfest is the world’s largest music festival. It spans 11 days, with 800 acts playing on 11 stages.

In true Wisconsin fashion, there will be plenty of beer & cheese curds available. Lots of the best Milwaukee restaurants also serve up some of their popular dishes. It’s a great place to sample different restaurants. If you love music, you have to check out Summerfest!

  • Address: 639 E. Summerfest Place, Milwaukee

Milwaukee riverfront boardwalk downtown Milwaukee

5. Milwaukee River Walk

A two-mile wander through downtown Milwaukee with direct access to some of the city’s best shops, bars, and restaurants. It’s a great way to get a feel for the city, as well as get some exploring in!

6. Eat Some Cheese Curds

Deep-Fried fresh cheese curds, yes – they are as good as they sound. Here in Milwaukee, we fully embrace our dairy heritage and celebrate it in every gooey bite of cheese curds. You will find them in the appetizer section of many restaurants in Milwaukee, but some are better than others. Make sure to read our Milwaukee cheese curd guide here .

Our Picks for Best Cheese Curds in Milwaukee: 

Lakefront Brewery (See Map) – Come for the cheese curds. They are some of the best in the city – Stay for the Brewery tour here (yeah, sure, you’ve done brewery tours before), but this one is actually fun.

Crafty Cow (See Map) -They also have good burgers and beer selections in the fun and quirky Bay View neighborhood.

*** Public Service Announcement – For first-time visitors, if you don’t have cheese curds and frozen custard, you did not actually visit Milwaukee ***

Related: Our full Foodie Guide to Milwaukee Restaurants

Wisconsin Cheese Mart - Milwaukee Activites and Shops

7. Eat Even More Cheese

We encourage you to delve deeper into Milwaukee’s dairy culture with a few more cheesy stops.

Wisconsin Cheese Mart – For all the cheese lovers out there. It’s been around since 1938, and they have over 150 types of cheese and ship to all 50 states! Any cheese you could think of is here, and there will be a whole bunch more you’ve never heard of! Check it out and enjoy the little restaurant/bar next door. You’ll get to sample some of the excellent Wisconsin cheeses and learn a little bit as well.

West Allis Cheese Mart – This is a great little cheese shop with a few locations around Milwaukee. We love to go to the location inside the Milwaukee Public Market. They have an extensive selection of cheese, mostly from Wisconsin, but a few offerings from abroad as well. If you are in the Public Market, you need to make a stop here.

Milwaukee Riverfront Third Ward

8. Explore the Historic Third Ward

The Historic Third Ward is Milwaukee’s Art and Fashion district. It’s home to some truly fantastic theaters, breweries, and more than its share of interesting places to eat and neat shops to explore.

The Third Ward is one of the best places to wander, looking for inspiration on things to do in Milwaukee! Take some time and explore. We guarantee you’ll find something great!

If you’re going to one of the many festivals at Henry Maier Festival Park (Summerfest, German Fest, Irish Fest, etc.) You’ll most likely park in this area and can easily take a stroll through some shops.

Related: Best Breakfast in Milwaukee (Many in the Third Ward)

Exterior of Lakefront Brewery - Top brewery tours in Milwaukee

9. Take A Brewery Tour

Yeah, Yeah, I am sure you’ve taken lots of brewery tours before – but our’s are better. Milwaukee is literally called Brew City – We have new breweries, old breweries, and some of the best brewery tours I’ve been on (and I’ve been on too many). Plus, you really have to stay hydrated after all of that cheese.

We’ve narrowed down the list of essential brewery tours in Milwaukee to only the best of the best. There is lots of great beer in the city, but a fun tour is what we are after here. If you want to visit several breweries, we suggest this guided brewery tour that includes transportation to four different breweries and 16 beer tastings and lunch or dinner.

Lakefront Brewery – Lakefront Brewery is one of the best brewery tours in Milwaukee. They revolutionized the brewery tour in Milwaukee by hiring comics to do their tours as you walk the facilities sipping their beers. Tours sell out on weekends so book in advance .

MillerCoors Brewery – It’s Miller Time! Get a personal tour guide through the history of Milwaukee beer and wander through 150+ years of brewing history. Explore this fascinating large-scale brewery and iconic label in beer history. They may be the big guys, but this tour has a lot of interesting things to see, like the historic beer caves and Milwaukeebeer memorabilia.

Pabst Brewery – The home of PBR! One of the definitive Milwaukee attractions – Take a tour through the historic Pabst Brewery and Mansion to check out this iconic chapter in brewing history.

Our personal favorite Milwaukee Breweries with great taprooms:

  • Mobcraft – They have really good sour beers and unique flavor combos.
  • Eagle Park Brewery – Also has great sour beers and always something new and fun.
  • Third Space – We love to stop here before going to a Brewers Game.
  • Citylights Brewing –

White winged Milwaukee Art Museum MAM - Calatrava - bridge with sunset behind museum - Places to visit in Milwaukee

10. Milwaukee Art Museum

The Milwaukee Art Museum opened its first gallery in 1888. Since then, it has been collecting and preserving art and has grown into a truly fantastic experience. From the iconic “wings” on the Calatrava to the rotating galleries and collections. This signature Milwaukee experience has something for everyone.

  • Address: 700 N Art Museum Dr, Milwaukee

Related Article: The Perfect Weekend in Milwaukee Guide

11. Mitchell Park Horticultural Conservatory (The Domes)

Three geodesic domes, each with its own biosphere. Explore the Desert Dome and wander through one of the best collections of succulents, shrubs, and cacti. Then explore the Tropical Dome and see the incredible diversity of the rainforests of five continents.

Finally, make sure to check out the Floral Show Dome. Depending on the time of year, there are five seasonal displays, and each one is fantastic.

  • Address: 524 S Layton Blvd, Milwaukee

Related Article: 3 Days in Milwaukee Guide

Woman and boy standing in the walkthrough aquarium tunnel at the Discovery World Museum in Milwaukee wisconsin

12. Discovery World

Don’t think this is just for kids! This is a fascinating museum with learning labs, the Reinman Aquarium, and interactive exhibits galore! Take the time to really explore this amazing place and have a ton of fun!

  • Address: 500 N Harbor Dr, Milwaukee

Girl with the Fonze statue in Downtown Milwaukee

13. Bronze Fonz

Say “Aayyyy!” with the bronze statue of “The Fonz”. In case you aren’t up on your 1970s sitcom trivia, Arthur “The Fonz” Fonzarelli is a beloved character from the series Happy Days.

The show is set in Milwaukee during the 1950-the 60s. To pay homage to the show and its ties to the city, we got a bronze statue to commemorate it.

You can check out the Bronze Fonz on the Milwaukee Riverwalk just south of Wells Street in Downtown Milwaukee. Map to Find “The Bronze Fonz”

Interior view of the Betty Brinn Children's Museum in Milwaukee

14. Betty Brinn Children’s Museum

If you have kids, you need to come here. The Betty Brinn Children’s Museum is designed with the goal of educating children in ways that help build critical skills during their younger years.

It’s chock full of awesome, interactive exhibits and programs that help out the kids, as well as a whole slew of options that educate the caregivers. Don’t forget, and it’s also a ton of fun!

  • Address: 929 E. Wisconsin Ave. Milwaukee

15. Have a Milwaukee Style Bloody Mary at Sobleman’s

Sobelman's Bloody Mary with beef stick, shrimp, cheese - Best places to eat in Milwaukee

A relaxed pub and grill with some out-of-this world-burgers! A great atmosphere and truly Midwestern Bloody Marys make this a must-go place anytime you stop in Milwaukee. Don’t forget to get some gooey fried cheese curds too!

  • Address: 1900 W. St. Paul Ave, Milwaukee

Related: Best Burgers in Milwaukee

16. try frozen custard.

First thing – don’t call it ice cream. It’s Frozen Custard! Frozen Custard is the only dessert that matters in Milwaukee.

Our picks for Best Frozen Custard in Milwaukee

If you ask three locals their favorite place to get frozen custard, you’ll probably get three different answers. However, most locals would agree on a few places.

Kopp’s Frozen Custard

There are lots of places that make frozen custard, but Kopp’s is hands down our favorite. They have two flavors of the day, as well as vanilla and chocolate custard. Get a scoop of the flavor of the day and a second scoop of the vanilla in a dish (or a cone if that’s your thing). The burgers are also some of the best burgers in Milwaukee . It’s a quirky place, not fancy – but this is Milwaukee comfort food at its finest.

  • Address: (see map for 3 locations)  

Leon’s Frozen Custard

A Milwaukee landmark since 1942. Leon’s is one of the great places to get frozen custard in Milwaukee. They have daily flavors and serve a pretty great sandwich. Open year-round. Make sure to check it out if you get a sudden sweet tooth.

  • Address: 3131 S. 27 th St, Milwaukee (see map)

Related Post: Milwaukee’s Top 20 Restaurants

17. old world third street.

Old World Third Street is home to some of the oldest buildings in Milwaukee. This is a blast from the past and a wonderful way to take a step into the German influences of Milwaukee.

Though the buildings are old, there are some spectacular contemporary restaurants and bars that fill the street. Make sure to check out some of what Old World 3 rd Street has to offer!

Things to do in Milwaukee Usingers on Old World 3rd Street 1


Usinger’s sausage has been a staple of Milwaukee Cuisine for over 100 years. Started in 1880 by Frederick Usinger, it’s currently in its 3 rd generation of family ownership and still producing and distributing some of the most delicious sausages you’ll ever have.

  • Address: 1030 N. Old World 3 rd Street, Milwaukee

18. Holler House – Bowl the Oldest Lanes in the U.S.

Home of the oldest certified bowling alley in the U.S. This is a treasure. The pins are not set by one of those fancy machine-thingys, at the Holler House, they set every pin by hand. If you want to play, call ahead, as they have to round up some local kids to set pins for you.

But this is a taste of old-world glory with the tin roof and fun feel. Bowling entusistists and those in search of the wonderfully quirky – this is your place. Don’t miss this wonderfully old-timey thing to do in Milwaukee.

  • Address: 2042 W. Lincoln Ave, Milwaukee

Hubbard Park Milwaukee Beer Garden

19. Visit A Milwaukee Beer Garden

Get a feel for Milwaukee’s German Heritage with a trip to one of the many Beer Gardens found all around the city in the County Parks.

If you’re here in the warmer months, make sure to come and have a mug in the peaceful parks. It’s a great place to grab some German food and brews and relax in a communal setting. It’s a favorite thing to do in Milwaukee for both locals and visitors!

Here are a couple of the most popular beer gardens in Milwaukee:

  • Estabrook Beer Garden – 4600 Estabrook Pkwy, Milwaukee
  • Beer Garden at Hubbard Park – 3565 N Morris Blvd, Shorewood
  • South Shore Terrace – 2900 S Shore Dr, Milwaukee

Related: Your Guide to the Best Beer Gardens in Milwaukee

Milwaukee Pabst Mansion

20. Pabst Mansion

The home of Captain Frederick Pabst of Pabst Breweries. It housed parties, weddings, funerals, and even the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee for more than sixty years.

Since then, it has housed artwork and functions of all kinds. It’s one of the iconic Milwaukee sights. Make sure to stop here to see a piece of Milwaukee history.

  • Address: 2000 W. Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee

21. Jazz in the Park

If you visit in the summer, make sure to check out Milwaukee’s free summer concert series that takes place every Thursday from June through the first weekend of September!

  • Address: 825 N. Jefferson St, Milwaukee
  • More info and Schedules for Jazz in the Park

Safe House Bar

22. Safehouse

The Safehouse is everything vintage spy, shaken and not stirred. The martinis are even served via an air tube delivery system to run around the restaurant area.

If you don’t know the password, you have to undergo a series of challenges at the door. All of which are televised to the other patrons in the bar. If you do know the password, don’t tell – It’s a city secret.

If you’re seeking something to do in Milwaukee that is a little different, this is your answer. There are hidden doors, spy games, and a noir-tinged martini menu that make this a great place to visit! It’s also one of the best kid friendly restaurants in Milwaukee , and a great place for birthday parties too.

  • Address: 779 N Front St, Milwaukee

Milwaukee Beach lifeguard stand with girl

23. Bradford Beach & Veteran’s Park

Did you know there are some amazing beaches in Milwaukee ?!? Our favorite Milwaukee beach is Bradford Beach. On a hot summer day in Milwaukee, there is no better place to be than on Bradford Beach. There are volleyball nets, a tiki bar with cold drinks, sandy beaches, and more!

Veteran’s Park is a bustling site for races, festivals, and music Veteran’s Park always has something going on. And in the rare case, it’s a quiet night. It’s right along the lake and makes for a beautiful walk.

  • Address: 1010 N. Lincoln Memorial Drive, Milwaukee

Drone View of North Point lighthouse - historical attractions in Milwaukee

24. North Point Lighthouse

Get a glimpse back in time to the maritime roots of Milwaukee at one of the city’s most iconic lighthouses. North Point Lighthouse has been guiding ships along Lake Michigan since 1888. Make sure to check out these other lighthouses in Wisconsin .

  • Address: 2650 N Wahl Ave, Milwaukee

25. Great Lake Distillery Tour

While in Milwaukee, we are more known for our beer than booze, a few excellent craft distilleries call the cream city home too.

A small-batch distillery that creates fine liquors using old-world methods. They use local ingredients as much as possible, which makes each product unique and a true piece of Wisconsin!

Tours are available, and they last about an hour with a tasting of a flight of 6 products. The tour is $12, or $6 for non-drinkers. Book a tour online or learn more about Greatlakesdistillery .

  • Address: 616 W. Virginia St, Milwaukee

Before you head back to the airport, make sure to read our Milwaukee Airport guide ! If you didn’t get a chance to try cheese curds or frozen custard, you can still find some at the airport!

If you are heading to the airport and parking your car. Get one-day free parking at Fast Park by clicking here . This is where we always park. It is the best and fastest shuttle.

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  • How to Plan the Perfect Weekend Getaway in Milwaukee
  • Top 15 Best Lunch Spots in Milwaukee
  • 22 Best Restaurants in Milwaukee – Local Foodie Guide
  • Best Steakhouses in Milwaukee – Foodie Guide
  • Best Breakfast in Milwaukee | Brunch Guide

Our city might not boast the biggest skyline or blow you away with raw natural beauty, but don’t underestimate Milwaukee – it’s actually a pretty cool city with a lot to offer.

This is only a list of the smallest sliver of what’s available any day in Milwaukee. It’s some of our favorite things and the places we enjoy most. If you have some ideas or thoughts, make sure to tell us. We hope you enjoy your adventures in Milwaukee!

pinterest pin for things to do in Milwaukee - MAM Milwaukee art museum at sunset

PrideFest Milwaukee 2024: What to expect at this year's event

What to know about pridefest milwaukee.

Brian Kramp speaks with the president of the festival and discusses details on this year’s event.

MILWAUKEE - PrideFest Milwaukee has been Wisconsin's largest LGBTQ+ festival since 1987. Brian Kramp has details about this weekend's plans for music and more.

This year's festival runs from Thursday, June 6 through Saturday, June 8 at Henry Maier Festival Park.

Sil's Mini Donuts at PrideFest

Brian Kramp is at the grounds previewing the three-day event that’s filled with eclectic music, entertainment and, of course, food.

How to get into PrideFest free on Thursday

The three-day lakefront extravaganza includes an expanded health and wellness area. Brian Kramp talks with a Kroger team member about how you can get in free Thursday, June 6 from 4-6 p.m.

PrideFest Milwaukee and LGBTQ history

Pridefest is back on Milwaukee’s lakefront. Brian Kramp learns about this year's history exhibit at the festival.

David Archuleta and more at PrideFest 2024

PrideFest Milwaukee planned an array of music and special attractions. Brian Kramp is at the festival grounds where this year’s entertainment is all about dance, drag and David Archuleta.

Lots to do at PrideFest Milwaukee

Festival season continues Thursday night at Henry Maier Festival Park with the 36th addition of PrideFest Milwaukee. Brian Kramp is on the grounds previewing the three-day event that’s filled with music, comedy and games.

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What to do in mke: milwaukee with kids weekend picks june 6-9.

This weekend is Sunday Family Fun Day at a popular Milwaukee park, plus a beautiful Water Lantern Festival, along with Pride and Juneteenth events for kids.

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WISN 12 News talked to the team at " Milwaukee with Kids " about their top recommended events for June 6-9.

  • Free Sunday Family Fun Day at Northwestern Mutual Community Park "It's right on the Summerfest grounds if people haven't seen it, it's a multicolored, beautiful playground, and they do these Family Fun Days that are totally free," said Calie Herbst. "There will be 4 this summer. The first one is this Sunday, and there's going to be face painters, jugglers, and balloon artists. Community partners will be doing all kinds of interactive activities. Again, there's no admission. It's totally free. You can park just around the Summerfest gates, and then you enter at Mid-Gate. So it should be a nice family day."
  • Water Lantern Festival at Veterans Park "This festival has been coming here for the last few years," Herbst said. "It's absolutely stunning. So you pay an admission fee, and they give you this floating lantern kit. You decorate your lantern with messages of peace, hope, and happiness, and then they float around the lagoon. There's also food trucks and music and things like that. And for those who are worried, they do clean everything up after and they try to leave it even better than they found it. So it's really just meant to be an inspiring evening."

places to do homework milwaukee

places to do homework milwaukee

Things to do in Milwaukee this weekend, including PrideFest and Water Lantern Festival

Pridefest at maier festival park.

M ilwaukee's PrideFest returns to Maier Festival Park this weekend, with more than 25 headliners, a volleyball tournament, a health and wellness area, and other activities. Hours are 4 p.m. to midnight June 6, 3 p.m. to midnight June 7 and noon to midnight June 8. Tickets are $18 for June 6, $25 for June 7 and 8. Kids 12 and younger get in free. Info:

RELATED: PrideFest returns to Milwaukee in June. Here's what you need to know.

Get daily updates on the Packers during the season.

Milwaukee Pride Parade in Walker's Point

The Milwaukee Pride Parade, which coincides with but is separate from PrideFest, steps off at South Second and West Scott streets in Walker's Point at 2 p.m. June 9. The parade travels south on Second to Seeboth Street. Info:

Locust Street Festival of Music and Art

The 45th Locust Street Festival of Music and Art takes over the Riverwest corridor between Humboldt and Holton avenues from noon to 8 p.m. June 9. There'll be entertainment on seven stages, food and drink, and, of course, the Locust Street Beer Run starting at 11:30 a.m. Admission is free. Info: .

Water Lantern Festival in Veterans Park

The Water Lantern Festival is coming back to Veterans Park, 1010 N. Lincoln Memorial Drive. Gates open at 5:30 p.m. June 8, lantern designing starts at 8 and the lantern launch is at 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $45.99 in advance, $55.99 the day of the event (tickets include the lantern and a marker to decorate it with). Info: .

Viva MKE Marketplace

The Wisconsin Hispanic Scholarship Foundation/Mexican Fiesta hosts Viva MKE Marketplace from noon to 7 p.m. June 8 in the parking lot of Flores Hall, 2997 S. 20th St. The marketplace features artwork, jewelry and other stuff from Latino creators, as well as food and music. Admission is free. Info: .

Wauwatosa's Art 64

Art 64, a live, bracket-style painting tournament, returns to Wauwatosa's Village June 7 and 8. Sixty-four artists have been selected for the juried competition; visitors vote for (and in some cases buy) their favorites. There's food and live music as well. Art 64 runs from 5 to 8 p.m. June 7 and 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. June 8. Admission is free. Info:

This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Things to do in Milwaukee this weekend, including PrideFest and Water Lantern Festival

Andy Olson of Plainfield, Illinois plays his guitar before running in the Locust Street Beer Run as part of the Locust Street Festival of Music and Art in Milwaukee in 2023. The 2024 street festival is June 9.

  • United States

65 Fun & Unusual Things to Do in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

things to do in Milwaukee

  • 27 Pinterest

You know that Milwaukee is famous for its brews and Brewers but Wisconsin’s largest city has plenty more to offer than that. The city is jam-packed with innovative museums, theaters and arts venues, including the newly developed Bradley Symphony Center.

As you explore the local institutions, you’ll find plenty to marvel at; from motorcycles to metalwork, dinosaurs to art that celebrates the labor movement, there are endless opportunities to learn and explore, no matter your age or interest.

And with its endless calendar of live performances, and the sort of hopping bar scene that would make any Wisconsinite proud, it’s also a great place for a hip night out.

The lakefront hosts two of the cities largest annual events, Summerfest which is one of theF world’s largest music festivals, and the Wisconsin State Fair which has been running for over 170 years.

Within the city, you can find a number of excellent public parks to explore as well as  Bradford Beach, which is a popular summer spot. Sports fans will enjoy checking out the Fiserv Forum for Milwaukee Bucks games and American Family Field, the home of the Milwaukee Brewers.

Here are some fun and unusual things to do in Milwaukee .

1 – Meet the penguins at Milwaukee County Zoo

Milwaukee County Zoo, Milwaukee

For a fun day out for all the family, Milwaukee County Zoo cannot be beaten.

Discover over 2000 different creatures from lizards, snakes and turtles to monkeys, big cats and penguins there’s so much to see here.

See a huge variety of fish in both fresh and saltwater habitats. You can meet raucous penguins and rare whooping cranes all under the same roof.

Milwaukee County Zoo will be a hit with visitors both young and old.

2 – Admire tropical plants at Mitchell Park Horticultural Conservatory

Mitchell Park Horticultural Conservatory, Milwaukee

Also known as “ The Domes ” due to its three large glass greenhouses, Mitchell Park has an amazing array of plant life to discover.

Two of the glass domes recreate tropical and desert climates and have thousands of species of exotic plants.

The tropical dome has twittering exotic birds flying around which really creates that rainforest feel.

The third dome has a changing display throughout the year and recreates different environments.

You could be in a Japanese garden one day and a Spanish Hacienda the next all without leaving Milwaukee.

3 – Taste some local food at Milwaukee Public Market

Milwaukee Public Market

Looking for unique flavors to try in an unpretentious setting? Milwaukee Public Market is the place to go.

With a bunch of small food vendors all under one roof, you can pick up a diverse range of dishes.

Try Middle Eastern, Meditteranean and Mexican foods or even good old homegrown favorites.

You can also pick up cheeses, spices and baked goods or sample local beers on the outdoor patio.

This diverse local market is one of the cities best-kept secrets.

  • food tours in Milwaukee

4 – Explore the Basilica of Saint Josaphat

Basilica of Saint Josaphat, Milwaukee

The Basilica of Saint Josaphat is a testament to the ingenuity and devotion of the local immigrant communities.

Constructed in the late 1800s by Milwaukee’s Polish Catholics, the basilica used 500 railroad cars of repurposed materials from the Chicago Post Office and Customs House in its construction.

The basilica is one of the finest churches in the country and is the spiritual center for the local catholic community.

Check out this amazing Milwaukee landmark during your time in the city.

5 – Explore the America’s Black Holocaust Museum

America's Black Holocaust Museum, Milwaukee

Among the many fine institutions in town, this is perhaps one of the most profound, and a must when visiting the city.

Filled with informative galleries and personal narratives, it covers a crucial topic in American history: the Black Holocaust, which refers to the long history of subjugation and torment of African-Americans over several centuries.

Covering slavery, the Jim Crow era, and the brutal battle for civil rights – plus the ongoing effects of systemic racism -, it’s an unflinchingly honest look at a 400-year long travesty, with plenty of lessons for the present day.

6 – See the unique St. Joan of Arc Chapel

St. Joan of Arc Chapel, Milwaukee

The “oldest building in Milwaukee”, St. Joan of Arc Chapel has a fascinating history.

Located at the heart of Marquette University Campus, the chapel building dates back to 1420 and was originally built in France’s Rhone Valley.

The building was dismantled and shipped to the United States in the 1920s and eventually found a home in Milwaukee.

The chapel is an important center for the local Catholic community and also regularly houses art exhibitions and lectures.

7 – Shop at the Historic Third Ward

Historic Third Ward, Milwaukee

To begin your time in Milwaukee, the Third Ward will give you a great starting point to explore the city.

Some of the best local attractions can be found here including the Milwaukee Public Market, the Riverwalk and numerous galleries and theaters.

The area is also great for shopping and visitors can pick up everything from home furnishings and clothing to plants and art supplies.

The Third Ward’s thriving restaurant and bar scene offers lots of choices for those who want to make a night of it.

8 – Spend the afternoon kayaking

kayaking in Milwaukee

For a unique and eco-friendly way to get out in that fresh Milwaukee air why not spend the afternoon kayaking?

Rent a kayak from a riverside shop and hit the water with minimal fuss. Rent a single or tandem kayak and explore the Milwaukee River’s waterways at your own steady pace.

Check out the sights of the Downtown area and stop for a bite to eat at the riverside cafes. See beautiful murals and street art in the trendy riverside districts.

Give kayaking a try if you’re looking for fun and chilled things to do in Milwaukee.

  • kayaking in Milwaukee

9 – Enjoy decorative art at Milwaukee Art Museum

Milwaukee Art Museum

One of the best things about visiting a new city is exploring new places and feeling inspired.

Why not renew your creativity with a trip to the Milwaukee Art Museum ? Here, great art is always easy to find.

Check out the museum’s permanent collection which comprises over 30,000 works including prints, paintings, photographs, sculptures and textiles.

Both antique and modern works are included and the museum’s collection of American decorative art is considered one of the best in the country.

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Experience a live concert by candlelight in Milwaukee

places to do homework milwaukee

Catch live performances of classics like Vivaldi’s Four Seasons and tributes to your favorite bands and musicians, such as Queen, all set to the ambiance of lit candles. Candlelight concerts take place in scenic venues across the city that don’t typically host concerts and events for an unforgettable backdrop to live renditions of your favorite tunes.

  • See price & reviews

10 – Take a stroll at Brady Street

Brady Street, Milwaukee

The diverse Brady Street has continually reinvented itself over the years.

From an immigrant neighborhood of mostly Polish and Italian families to a hippie center and eclectic shopping destination, it’s one of the cities most authentic and interesting streets.

Take a stroll down Brady Street today and you’ll find all kinds of independent bars, restaurants and clubs.

It’s also a great place to shop and hang out with a number of beauty parlors, the long-running Glorioso’s Italian Market and clothing boutiques all waiting to be explored.

11 – Explore the Pabst Mansion

Pabst Mansion, Milwaukee

One of Milwaukee’s most beloved landmarks, Pabst Mansion was constructed by local brewery owner Captain Frederick Pabst as a family home in 1890.

The Captain and his wife filled the house with art and treasures collected throughout their lives.

It later became the Archbishop of Milwaukee residence and narrowly avoided demolition in the 1970s.

The mansion was saved and opened to the public as a house museum displaying thousands of fine art and decorative pieces.

Visitors shouldn’t miss out on the chance to explore this historic time capsule of a museum.

12 – See “arts of work” at Grohmann Museum

Grohmann Museum, Milwaukee

Some museums are so unique you just have to visit them. Nestled on the grounds of the Milwaukee School of Engineering, The Grohmann Museum is dedicated to labor and how it has evolved over time.

The collection includes over 1,400 paintings and sculptures dedicated to farming and organized work.

The building itself is quite spectacular and was previously the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. The rooftop sculpture garden is worth a peek.

  • Grohmann Museum tickets

13 – Explore the Milwaukee Riverwalk District

Milwaukee Riverwalk District

There are plenty of pleasant surprises to be found in Milwaukee’s Riverwalk District . The many architectural wonders from the 19th-Century sit by side with renovated industrial buildings and sculptures.

This historical riverside walk has a bunch of nice cafes and restaurants to grab a drink and some nice little boutique shops.

Keep your eyes peeled for the statue of Happy Days’ all-round cool guy Fonzie, which is located down near the East Wells Street Bridge.

14 – Fall in love with art at Lynden Sculpture Garden

Lynden Sculpture Garden, Milwaukee

The Sculpture Gardens at Lynden House offer a gentle respite from the busy city. The gently rolling grounds contain over 50 large sculptures and monuments throughout the 40-acre terrain.

The collection was started by the house’s former owner, Peg Bradley who was an avid art collector and enthusiast.

The collection includes works by Alexander Archipenko, Henry Moore and Barbara Hepworth among many.

Visitors can take a guided tour of the grounds on the first Sunday of every month.

15 – See the elegant North Point Water Tower

North Point Water Tower, Milwaukee

On your journeys around the city, you might pass the North Point Water Tower. This surprising structure looks more like a gothic church tower than part of the city’s waterworks.

It was built near the end of the 19th Century and is constructed of limestone from nearby Wauwatosa.

The tower was part of the first public waterworks system in the city and is on the National Register of Historic Places.

Check out this beautiful local landmark if you’re in the area.

Directions in Google Maps

16 – Grab a Selfie with the Bronze Fonz by Gerald P. Sawyer

Bronze Fonz by Gerald P. Sawyer, Milwaukee

Down on the Riverwalk, you might just encounter Milwaukee’s coolest resident, the Bronze Fonz. Erected in 2008, the bronze statue of Fonzie from the 70s TV sitcom Happy Days is waiting to give you a double thumbs-up, in true Fonzie fashion.

The statue caused some outrage amongst local art dealers and critics at the time it was created, with one even closing his gallery in disgust.

Needless to say, the Bronze Fonz is a popular attraction amongst locals and visitors to the city.

17 – Catch a Brewers game at American Family Field

American Family Field in Milwaukee

Am-Fam Field is a must-see on a trip to the city.

The retro-styled brick construction harks back to the early days of baseball but the retractable fan-shaped roof is nothing short of a marvel of modern engineering.

The stadium is home to Major League Baseball team The Milwaukee Brewers .

Aside from Brewer’s games, American Family Field also hosts some of the biggest live concerts to hit the city. Grab a snack and take your seat, you won’t want to miss this one.

  • Milwaukee Brewers tickets

18 – See the European influenced Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum

Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum, Milwaukee

Villa Terrace , a Mediterranean-style country house turned art museum, was the family home of A. O Smith manufacturing heir, Lloyd Raymond Smith and his wife Agnes.

The house is like a little piece of Italy, decorated in a renaissance style that really recreates that old-world charm.

The Villa’s renaissance gardens are particularly nice to explore and have views over Lake Michigan.

The museum includes a collection of metalworks by renowned Milwaukee ironsmith Cyril Colnik as well as sketches and blueprints for some of his works.

19 – Play a round of golf

Erin Hills Golf, Wisconsin

Milwaukee is considered one of the best golfing destinations in the country and recently hosted the Ryder Cup.

The state of Wisconsin contains more top public courses than any other so you will be entirely spoiled for choice.

Some of the best courses in Wisconsin are Whistling Straits and Blackwolf Run , both of which were designed by the legendary Pete Dye .

Erin Hills , Kettle Moraine and Broadlands are all excellent courses within a short drive of Milwaukee.

20 – Visit the National Bobblehead Hall of Fame & Museum

National Bobblehead Hall of Fame and Museum, Milwaukee

You may know them as the fun little knickknacks that live on office desks or car dashboards, but bobbleheads have a shockingly rich backstory… and you can learn all about it at this weirdly compelling museum !

Not only does it house the world’s largest collection of these wonderfully wobbly creations, but it also offers a glimpse into how they’re made and distributed, as well as their illustrious past.

With origins in 18th century China, these dynamic figurines are showcases of art, history, and pop culture, all in one bouncy little package.

And of course, you can score some pretty sweet souvenirs!

21 – Visit the museum at North Point Lighthouse

North Point Lighthouse, Milwaukee

The historic North Point Lighthouse now operates a museum to the history of the Great Lakes and the lighthouse keepers that served them.

Visitors can tour the keeper’s quarters, which have been restored to an early 1900s appearance and see what life was like for the men and women that “kept the light”.

See artifacts and models of the lake’s greatest ships and the machinery that powered the lighthouse.

Learn about daring rescue missions and the work of the coast guard throughout Milwaukee Bay.

22 – Grab brunch at Blue’s Egg

Blue’s Egg in Milwaukee

For one of the best breakfasts, brunches or lunches in the city, you have to check out Blue’s Egg .

Serving a variety of great quality breakfast foods including homegrown and international favorites, this place does not disappoint.

This art-deco-themed restaurant serves up breakfast classics we all know and love like hashbrowns and breakfast burritos.

There’s also plenty of veggie options on the menu for our plant-based friends.

If you’re looking for a place to brunch in Milwaukee, you know where to go.

23 – Ride The Meteor at Little Amerricka Amusement Park

Little Amerricka, Milwaukee

Travel back to simpler times and enjoy the gentle thrills of antique rides at Little Amerricka .

This Milwaukee Amusement Park has restored rides from a bygone era. Check out old-school favorites like The Toboggan and the Mad Mouse.

Ride the park’s wooden rollercoaster, The Meteor, before you brave your fears in the Haunted House.

There are plenty of thrills and chills to be enjoyed here, Little Amerricka is perfect for families with younger children. Check it out on your trip to Milwaukee.

24 – Explore Sculpture Milwaukee

Sculpture Milwaukee

Looking for free cultural things to do in Downtown Milwaukee? Check out the annual art exhibition that takes place on the city’s streets.

Offering a changing landscape of sculptures by a variety of artists, Sculpture Milwaukee makes art accessible to everyone, you can even bring your dog!

Visit the website for directions and information about current sculptures located around the city. Make sure to check out the audio tour that is free to stream.

25 – Rent a boat and cruise the Milwaukee River

boat tours in Milwaukee

There are plenty of interesting ways to explore the city but, without doubt, one of the most fun things to do in Milwaukee is rent a boat and cruise the Milwaukee River.

See the riverside sights at your own pace and explore freely on these self-driven tours.

Bring your own food and drinks and picnic on the river on one of these restored retro boats from the 1950s.

Get together with friends or family and spend the afternoon cruising the river. This is a must-do while in Milwaukee.

26 – Scour the city on a scavenger game

scavenger game in Milwaukee

Want to discover the city in an active and challenging way? You have to try a scavenger game.

Use an app to receive directions then follow clues to figure out your next location. Work together as a team to answer trivia questions and visit places most people would miss.

See some of the city’s major sites as well as lesser-known gems while you explore the city and create amazing memories.

Definitely check this out if you’re looking for fun things to do as a group in Milwaukee.

  • scavenger games in Milwaukee

27 – Ride the ferris wheel at Wisconsin State Fair Park

Wisconsin State Fair Park, Milwaukee

Constructed as a permanent site for the long-running Wisconsin State Fair , the park is open all year round. It hosts many of the city’s shows and events including agricultural shows, sports and entertainment.

The Wisconsin State Fair takes place in August and has been running for over 170 years. The show has so much going on with over 30 stages for music and performances, food and drinks vendors as well as shopping marketplaces and rides and attractions.

You have to try the fair’s decadent official snack, the Original Cream Puff, which has been enjoyed here for nearly a hundred years.

28 – See street art at Milwaukee’s Black Cat Alley

Black Cat Alley, Milwaukee

If you’re looking for fun things to do in Milwaukee, Black Cat alley should definitely be on your list.

This urban art gallery features murals by both national and international artists and has become a hub for creative activities in the city.

This rejuvenated back street of the city has a bunch of activities going on including yoga and urban gardening.

The alley puts out yearly calls for new work so if you’re an artist why not contribute?

29 – Fly a kite at Veterans Park

Veterans Park, Milwaukee

Looking for somewhere to relax in the city, Veterans Park on the banks of Lake Michigan is a nice, uncrowded spot in the city.

Visitors can rent bikes as well as kayaks and paddle boats from the nearby kiosk.

The park has an excellent kite shop and the breezy lakefront location has the ideal conditions for kite flying.

It also has a number of memorials for the veterans of foreign wars. The park hosts festivals throughout the year and, in the warmer months, weekly free concerts.

30 – Battle virtual reality robots at America’s Action Territory

America’s Action Territory in Milwaukee

America’s Action Territory is a bumper-size family fun park that everyone will enjoy.

With a variety of fun attractions to enjoy such as go-karts, mini-golf and laser tag you won’t know what to tackle first.

Douse each other with water cannons as you ride the bumper boats or take to the batting cages to level up your swing.

Visit the arcade to play some classic videogames or enter a virtual reality world to fight off robots and dragons. Talk about exhausting!

31 – Grab a beer at Boerner Botanical Gardens & Whitnall Park

Boerner Botanical Gardens, Milwaukee

Considered a living museum, Boerner Botanical Gardens is located in Whitnall Park.

The gardens encompass over 1,000 acres of landscaped trees, shrubs and flower gardens.

Look out for seasonal events at BBG which include everything from dining and evening walks to holiday fairs and children’s storytime.

Afterward, take a stroll over to Whitnall Beer Garden and enjoy a tasty craft brew in one of the most picturesque garden settings in the whole city. Now that’s an afternoon well spent.

32 – See legendary bikes at the Harley-Davidson Museum

Harley-Davidson Museum, Milwaukee

There are few brands in the world that can boost the rebel pedigree of Harley-Davidson .

Probably the world’s most iconic motorcycle brand, The Harley-Davidson company was born in Milwaukee in 1903.

This museum to the legendary bikes but also the motorcycle culture that surrounds them is a treasure trove for petrolheads.

Visit the engine room to see the progression of the companies motors including an exploded display of a 1940s knucklehead.

See famous bikes and custom machines then check out the experience room where you can touch and try out the bikes for size.

A trip to the Harley-Davidson Museum shouldn’t be missed if you’re looking for fun things to do in Milwaukee.

  • Harley-Davidson Museum tickets

33 – Go-karting at Veloce Indoor Speedway Milwaukee

Veloce Indoor Speedway Milwaukee, Milwaukee

Drivers, start your engines! Veloce Indoor Speedway has high-speed thrills in abundance. Take to the track with friends and family and see who will take the checkered flag.

These cars are not your standard go-karts, they can reach speeds of up to 50 mph and give a real race experience.

Stay all day and join in 2, 3 or 4 races for a Super Grand Prix session. Suitable for juniors as well as adults though races will be held separately.

34 – Try Indoor surfing at the city’s waterparks

The Springs Water Park, Wisconsin

During the colder winter months, you can always visit one of Milwaukee’s indoor waterparks and rekindle the feeling of summer again. You will be spoiled for choice with a number of great parks within a short distance of the city.

Some of the best are Blue Harbor Resort , which has its own surf simulator, The Springs , which has high-speed slides and rafts and Great Wolf Lodge with its fun activity pool and daredevil slides.

Even if it’s freezing outside it shouldn’t stop the fun.

35 – Spot wildlife at Schlitz Audubon Nature Center

Schlitz Audubon Nature Center, Wiscosin

For 50 years the Schlitz Audobon Nature Center has been educating people about the need for the conservation of our natural spaces.

The 185-acre site includes six miles of hiking trails through woodland, wetlands and prairie.

The center offers a variety of classes for all nature lovers, from pre-schoolers to adults. It is also home to a number of birds of prey including hawks, owls, eagles and falcons.

Strap on your walking shoes and enjoy the abundance of wildlife that can be spotted at the Schlitz Audobon Nature Center.

36 – Toast the summer at rooftop bars

The Outsider, Milwaukee

Though the Milwaukee summers are not that long when they hit you shouldn’t miss a chance to drink al fresco in some of the city’s best rooftop bars.

Café Benelux in the Third Ward has an excellent rooftop terrace and even heated domes for winter get-togethers.

The Outsider is an elegant rooftop bar and cocktail lounge located on the 9th floor of the Kimpton Journeyman Hotel.

Other excellent options include Good City Brewing which has a rooftop terrace and friendly relaxed vibe, Braise , a restaurant and a cookery school, which serves quality local produce and craft cocktails and beers.

37 – Watch a Milwaukee Bucks game at Fiserv Forum

Fiserv Forum, Wisconsin

Serving up some of the best entertainment in the city, Fiserv Forum is the place to be on any night of the week.

Visitors can attend live basketball games with the Milwaukee Bucks as well as the Marquette University Men’s team, the Golden Eagles.

The Forum also hosts some of the biggest live music concerts, professional wrestling, comedy shows and motorsport events that pass through the city.

Check out the website to see what’s on during your trip to Milwaukee.

  • Fiserv Forum tickets

38 – See a show at one of Milwaukee’s great theaters

Pabst theater, Milwaukee

If you are a lover of the performing arts, you will be spoiled for choice in Milwaukee.

From the biggest Broadway hits to low-key independent pieces you’ll find it all at one of the city’s world-class theaters.

The Pabst Theater is the crown jewel among the city’s performing arts venues and is also one of the oldest in the country.

The Riverside is another popular venue that hosts some of the biggest names coming through the city.

Other notable venues include Miller High Life Theater and The Oriental Theater as well as many others.

There’s bound to be something that suits your taste in the city’s thriving theater district.

39 – Be amazed at Milwaukee Public Museum

Milwaukee Public Museum

Step back in time to the streets of Old Milwaukee or check out the world’s largest dinosaur skull. Milwaukee Public Museum is jam-packed with fascinating artifacts.

See free-flying butterflies and rare birds of Wisconsin as well as giant mammoth bones found just outside the city.

The museum also has a program of exciting temporary exhibitions that cover topics as diverse as venomous creatures, ancient civilizations and androids.

There is always something fun on display at Milwaukee Public Museum. Definitely try to fit it into your schedule.

40 – Go for a run at Lakeshore State Park

Lakeshore State Park, Milwaukee

The 22-acre Lakeshore Park has a circular route for running and walking with picturesque views of the city and Lake Michigan.

This small islet park is an idyllic escape within the city and has some small beaches, grassland meadows with wildflowers and a fishing pier.

Boat slips are available to rent out on the East side of the park and can be reserved up to a year in advance.

If you’re looking for attractive natural spots for a run, definitely check out this beautiful waterfront park while you’re in the city.

41 – Stop at Great Lakes Distillery & Tasting Room

Great Lakes Distillery & Tasting Room in Milwaukee

The perfect medicine for those cold winter nights – or a refresher for warm summer evenings -, the offerings at Great Lakes Distillery are always top-notch, and come with a compelling history to match!

Since it opened in 2004 as the first new Wisconsin distillery since Prohibition, the space has been renowned for its remarkable beverages, made entirely from ingredients found all over the state.

While the facilities themselves are great to tour, there’s also a wonderful tasting room where you can sample some of these fine spirits for yourselves – and maybe even take a bottle home!

42 – Get experimental at Discovery World

Discovery World, Milwaukee

Fire up your curiosity with a trip to Discovery World Science and Technology Center . This is a huge facility full of immersive exhibits and hands-on experiments to take part in.

Kids can learn by doing as they explore real-world technology for shipbuilding, automation and construction.

A trip through the Reiman aquarium gives visitors the chance to encounter strange and beautiful aquatic creatures from all around the world. This place is great for kids of all ages as well as adults.

43 – Frank Lloyd Wright’s System-Built Homes in Milwaukee

Frank Lloyd Wright’s System-Built Homes, Milwaukee

In the early 1900s, one of America’s most prolific and influential architects, Frank Lloyd Wright, concentrated his efforts on creating beautiful homes for low-income families.

Six demo models were constructed between 1915 and 1916 on Burnham Street, Milwaukee.

Frank Lloyd Wright fans shouldn’t miss the opportunity to tour two of these wonderful buildings.

Learn the history and theory behind these modest but eye-catching structures from one of the country’s most famous architects.

  • Frank Lloyd Wright tours

44 – Try daredevil stunts at Milwaukee’s trampoline parks

Urban Air trampoline park

Trampoline parks are no longer just for kids! Milwaukee’s Sky Zone is packed wall-to-wall with trampoline activities allowing visitors to shoot hoops, play dodgeball, practice daredevil feats into a foam pit and take on ninja-style courses. Get together with friends and bounce the day away.

Urban Air is more suitable for kids with a large play area, high-ropes courses and climbing walls. It also has a bunch of other activities too like indoor go-karting and bumper cars that flip riders upside down.

You should definitely check out Milwaukee’s trampoline parks if you’re in search of fun things to do in the city.

45 – Take a yoga class at Bradford Beach

Bradford Beach in Milwaukee

On those scorching summer days, there’s nowhere better to be in the city than Bradford Beach.

Located on the banks of Lake Michigan in the city’s East Side, Bradford Beach is a lively place to be with spaces for sports, sunbathing and refreshments all at hand.

Try taking a beach-based yoga class or play a game of beach volleyball.

Take a dip in the water, try paddleboarding or just lounge on the beach at this favorite city center spot.

Don’t miss a trip to Bradford Beach during your time in Milwaukee.

46 – Visit Wisconsin Black Historical Society/Museum

Wisconsin Black Historical Society, Milwaukee

Wisconsin Black Historical Society was founded in 1987 to preserve the stories of Wisconsin’s African American people, which at the time were not well documented.

The museum has historical exhibits that focus on the labor experience of African Americans while recognizing the contributions they have made to the area.

The museum’s panoramic mural “Ancient Egypt to Modern Milwaukee” by artist George Gist brings to life generations of African American heritage and hard work. Definitely check this out.

47 – Pay your respects at Milwaukee County War Memorial Center

Milwaukee County War Memorial Center

The huge Milwaukee County War Memorial Center is dedicated to the veterans of a number of foreign wars including World War II and the Korean War.

Its striking memorials include a  protected torch known as the eternal flame, a granite “ring of honor” in the Veteran’s Courtyard and a Purple Heart Memorial among many others.

One of the most impressive pieces is a mosaic containing almost four and a half million glass tiles created by American artist Edmund D. Lewandowski.

Check out this somber yet uplifting memorial center during your time in the city.

48 – Catch a hockey game at UW-Milwaukee Panther Arena

UW-Milwaukee Panther Arena, Milwaukee

Dubbed Milwaukee’s original sports and entertainment venue, UW Milwaukee Panther Arena is the home to the Milwaukee Panthers NCAA basketball team as well as the Milwaukee Admirals AHL hockey team.

Visitors can often find a whole host of other events occurring in the arena such as sports, live music and professional wrestling.

Check out a Panthers or Admirals game while you’re in the city and visit this iconic Milwaukee arena.

  • UW-Milwaukee Panther Arena tickets

49 – See a musical at Marcus Performing Arts Center

Marcus Center for the Performing Arts, Milwaukee

Looking for some of the best Broadway plays and musicals in the city? The Marcus Performing Arts Center hosts some of the biggest productions passing through Milwaukee.

Past performances have included Cats, Jesus Christ Superstar and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

The Marcus Center is also home to the Milwaukee Ballet, the Florentine Opera Company and the Black Arts MKE.

With a lineup like this, you’re sure to find something you’ll love.

50 – Play and learn at Betty Brinn Children’s Museum

Betty Brinn Children’s Museum in Milwaukee

The fun, playful exhibitions at Betty Brinn Children’s Museum will introduce your little ones to the creative world of science, technology and exploration.

Pique their curiosity with hands-on experiments and learning opportunities.

Visit the Maker Space and join in collaborative and creative projects. Take part in online workshops led by crafters from all over the world with Play in the Cloud or discover science and a love for exploration on the museum’s space station mission.

51 – Crack an escape room

Escape the Room Milwaukee

Does the idea of being locked in a room and puzzling your way out fill you with joy? Of course it does!

Escape rooms are popping up all across the country, which is proof that these immersive games are great fun.

Go on a reverse treasure hunt or track down a kidnapper at Breakout Games ; sneak through spy headquarters or go on an archeological dig at Escape the Room Milwaukee ; or navigate your way through surreal science labs and upscale art galleries at Save Milwaukee Escape Rooms .

These themed games really are an exciting way to spend some quality time together.

52 – Visit the historic Milwaukee Mile Speedway

Milwaukee Mile Speedway

While you’re at State Fair Park, take a trip to the Milwaukee Mile Speedway . This iconic track opened in 1903 and is the oldest still operating speedway course in the world.

The infield area was formerly home to a football field and was the site of a Green Bay Packers championship defeat of the New York Giants in 1939.

The track is rarely used for racing these days but occasional stock and IndyCar events are hosted there each year.

53 – Take a fishing trip

Milwaukee Offshore Fishing Charters

If you’re a keen angler, Milwaukee is a great city to visit. Lake Michigan has some truly record-breaking fish, some of the most popular being brown trout, steelhead and Coho and Chinook salmon.

Milwaukee boasts some excellent fishing spots including the Milwaukee Bay and the many rivers, streams and lagoons that surround the city.

Why not charter a boat and head out to Lake Michigan for an unforgettable day fishing. Your captain will take you to all the best spots and make sure you don’t come home empty-handed.

54 – Visit the Bradley Symphony Center to see Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra

Bradley Symphony Center Milwaukee

See a show by The Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra at its new home in the Warner Grand Theater.

The Bradley Symphony Center is specially designed and acoustically treated to give the best possible musical experience for patrons of the Orchestra.

The Orchestra performs more than 100 concerts per season playing classical favorites, renditions of popular music and film scores.

  • Bradley Symphony Center tickets

55 – Discover immigrant history at Jewish Museum Milwaukee

Jewish Museum Milwaukee

Uncover the history of Milwaukee’s Jewish community and explore the wider experience of Jewish people in America.

The permanent exhibition follows a very personal story of a Jewish family trapped in Nazi-occupied Prague through letters and correspondence with family in Milwaukee.

The museum also hosts temporary and traveling exhibits on a wide range of topics. These have included the ingenuity of immigrants who turned recycling into profit and covered works by Jewish-American artists.

56 – Go ice skating at Pettit National Ice Center

Pettit National Ice Center in Milwaukee

The Pettit National Ice Center is one of the leading facilities in the country and is the official training ground for the US Speed Skating team.

The center has two international size ice rinks which host a variety of hockey, figure skating and speed skating events.

The center runs a skating school for youths and adults and is also open for public skating.

Whether you check out a sporting event or just want to cruise the ice, a trip to the Pettit Center is a fun thing to do in Milwaukee.

57 – Play all day at Bounce Milwaukee

Bounce Milwaukee

Sometimes kids need a space to be kids, Bounce Milwaukee is just that. A padded, bouncy temple of fun right in the heart of the city.

Shoot some laser tag or shoot some hoops in the inflatable sports arena. Scale the rock climbing wall or race with friends through the Adrenaline Zone obstacle course.

There are plenty of attractions for smaller children too and they’ll just love exploring the inflatable Moebius and getting creative with the giant building blocks.

Definitely check out Bounce Milwaukee if you’re looking for fun things to do with kids in the city.

58 – Take a brewery tour and beer tasting

Lakefront Brewery, Milwaukee

Milwaukee is probably most famous for its breweries.

Some of the countries best-selling beer brands, both past and present, were born right here in the city including Miller, Pabst Schlitz and Blatz.

Don’t miss out on the chance to taste some of the city’s best beers while you’re in Milwaukee.

Miller Brewery , Lakefront Brewery and Milwaukee Brewing Co. all offer tours and tasting sessions.

59 – Catch a show at Turner Hall Ballroom

Turner Hall Ballroom in Milwaukee

The Turner Hall Ballroom hosts an incredibly eclectic mix of events. Think concerts by alternative and indie groups, Lucha libre wrestling, drag events and ugly sweater parties, it could be literally anything!

The vibe is friendly and inclusive in this old-school ballroom and concert hall.

There is something going on here a few nights a week so chances are you’ll find entertainment to suit you.

Turner Hall Ballroom is one of the most fun venues in Milwaukee.

  • Turner Hall Ballroom tickets

60 – Hit up Jazz in the Park

Jazz in the Park in Milwaukee

The tradition of Jazz in the Park has been running in Cathedral Square Park for nearly 30 years.

This city staple takes place during the warm summer evenings but don’t expect some low-key get-together.

Jazz in the Park is one of the city’s most popular events and regularly attracts crowds of a few thousand.

Find a grassy spot to sit and bring along a picnic for one of Milwaukee’s best-loved Summer festivities. Admission is free.

61 – Step back in time at Geneva Lake Museum

Geneva Lake Museum, Milwaukee

Located in the ex-Wisconsin Power & Light building, Geneva Lake Museum houses a huge collection of artifacts related to the local community.

Visit the museum’s re-construction high street and see how the shops and homes of yesteryear might have looked.

Follow the history of the town and discover its original inhabitants, the Potawatomi Indians.

Take a guided tour with a knowledgeable local to really dig deep into the history of Geneva Lake.

62 – Have fun at The Rock Snowpark

The Rock Snowpark, Milwaukee

Winter is an inescapable part of life around here… but that doesn’t mean an end to the fun!

Head over to this fabulous play area for some fun in the snow, from sledding and tubing to skiing and snowboarding.

As one of the few slopes in the region, it’s the perfect place to work on your winter sports skills, or have a fun day out with the kids.

And if you have a large event during your visit, you can even book the on-site lodge to enjoy your special moment!

63 – See iconic music acts at American Family Insurance Amphitheater

American Family Insurance Amphitheater in Milwaukee

For the biggest names in music and the largest concerts passing through the city, American Family Amphitheater is the place to be in Milwaukee.

The amphitheater has hosted everyone from Billie Eilish and Snoop Dogg to Metallica and New Order.

It also hosts the yearly Summerfest which takes place over three weekends in July and features over 800 acts across 12 stages.

Check out the website and see who is appearing during your trip to Milwaukee.

  • American Family Insurance Amphitheater tickets

64 – Eat at the best restaurants

Harbor House, Milwaukee

For the best New England-style seafood and lake views in Milwaukee, Harbor House is the place to be. Specializing in oysters, the variety changes daily so you can be sure the freshest available seafood is always on the menu.

A cross between a Bavarian castle and a bierkeller, Mader’s Restaurant was founded way back in 1902 serving beer to the German immigrant population. Today, the castle-like architecture and old-world costumes really make this one of the most fun places to eat in the city.

Lake Park Bistro offers French-style food and ambience with incredible views of the lake, making it ideal for romantic and/or special occasions.

And at Ardent , the cuisine is exquisite, eclectic, and highly sought after – reservations are a must for this tiny treasure!

65 – Try your luck at Potawatomi Casino

Potawatomi Casino in Milwaukee

Dream of winning big? Hit the tables at Potawatomi Casino and try your hand. With 20 poker tables, off-track betting, table games and slots there’s a game here to suit everyone.

If games aren’t your thing the casino also hosts live entertainment from comedians and musical acts. Choose from a number of on-site restaurants and bars including The Fire Pit Sports Bar and Grill and Ruyi Authentic Asian Sushi Bar.

How to get to Milwaukee?

Milwaukee Airport is the major hub for both domestic and international flights, and with an airport transfer , you can make sure that getting to and from the city is a breeze!

Arrange for your private vehicle to pick you up and/or drop you off, then relax and stop worrying about your transit… and focus on the vacation!

Where to stay in Milwaukee?

The Pfister Hotel is the perfect place for luxury in the heart of town, from the martini bar and indoor pool to the elegant spa and the gorgeous art decorating the space.

And Cambria Hotel Milwaukee Downtown offers convenient access to theaters and museums, as well as plenty of charms of its own, from the gym to the delicious restaurant.

At aloft Hotel Milwaukee Downtown, you’ll always feel like the guest of honor, whether playing a round of billiards in the lounge or kicking back at the cocktail bar.

If you’re looking for no-frills charm with all the fixings, check out the Best Western Plus Milwaukee Airport Hotel & Conference Center , including a pool, games, and free shuttle service to the airport.

And at Hyatt Regency Milwaukee , you can enjoy fresh meals at the on-site bistro, then take a spin through the rooftop ballroom – a truly glamorous evening!

  • best hotels in Milwaukee

Where to go next?

Depending on which direction you head, you’ll have a couple of different metropolises to choose from; but each one guarantees a dynamic mixture of culture, arts, hedonistic adventures, and that good old-fashioned Midwestern charm!

To the south, you have Chicago , one of the most popular cities in the country for tourists and locals alike.

With its gorgeous architecture, amazing museums, classic entertainment options, great sports teams, and phenomenal food (Chicago dogs and deep-dish pizza… the meals of champions!), the Windy City has certainly earned its reputation as a great American burg.

And to the north, you have the cosmopolitan charms of Minneapolis , where creative and intellectual cultures meld with beautiful outdoor areas, fascinating history, multicultural neighborhoods, and some seriously quirky date night spots (artsy mini-golf? Drinks at the arcade? Sounds like a good time to us!).

If you have the time and budget, it’s well worth visiting both, so that you can compare and contrast some of the coolest urban centers in the country!

Final thoughts

With its unique history and contemporary charms seamlessly blended, this Midwestern gem has something for everyone!

You may think that you know all of the cool things to do in Milwaukee, but trust us: there’s no shortage of exciting surprises and secrets to uncover here.

So venture out of your comfort zone, and let the town give you a warm Wisconsin welcome!

National Get Outdoors Day is Saturday. Here's how you can spend your day outdoors.

National Get Outdoors Day is Saturday, June 8. Its purpose is to encourage people to enjoy a healthy outdoor activity like fishing, biking or going for a walk.

There are a lot of opportunities in the Milwaukee area to get outside for a fun activity, whether or not it's National Get Outdoors Day. But here are a few events that are tied to the national day:

Get active with the Milwaukee Turners

The Milwaukee Turners , 1040 N. Vel R. Phillips Ave., are hosting free outdoor activities like a climbing wall, tumble track, mini high bar, balance beams and yoga from 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday.

Connect with nature by striking yoga poses outdoors

Milwaukee Recreation will be offering a free yoga class for individuals 6 and older. It'll be from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Saturday at the south entrance of Lakeshore State Park, 500 N. Harbor Dr. Participants should bring their own exercise mat and water. Click here to register .

Join in on the action with Indian Motorcycle of Metro Milwaukee

Indian Motorcycle of Metro Milwaukee, W191 S7757 Racine Ave. in Muskego, is offering group rides and test rides Saturday.

Sales associate Sebastian De La Vega-King said he'll be leading the rides through the spring scenery.

"I'll probably take them around a couple of lakes, too," he said.

Bikers must have a valid ID with a motorcycle endorsement. Free helmets will be provided, but it's recommended that you bring your own boots and gloves.

Feel free to walk-in during store hours or call 262-706-4050 to schedule ahead of time.

Learn archery skills with the Get Outdoors Archery Program

Individuals ages 9 and older can participate in the Get Outdoors Archery Program, which teaches the fundamentals of archery like safety, equipment and mental concentration.

The class is from 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday at the Oak Ridge Farm, S40 W35961 County C in Dousman. There's a $6 fee for residents and $9 fee for non-residents. Click here to register .

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Visitors Guide

Read great stories and find insider tips about Milwaukee

Major Events Calendar

The City of Festivals is making a return in 2024! Come enjoy a concert at Summerfest, a cream puff at the State Fair, or simply stroll through an amazing art gallery. You can create memorable experiences right here in Milwaukee!

City of Festivals

Events calendar, major events happening in 2024.

Each year Milwaukee holds events that bring in people from all over the country. From our annual festivals, to our lakefront sporting events, there is no shortage of things to do here. Below you can find Milwaukee area events that bring in thousands, if not, tens of thousands of visitors each year. 

Milwaukee Pride, Inc. - parent organization of PrideFest, Wisconsin’s largest LGBTQ+ event announced PrideFest will return to Henry Maier Festival Park to kick off Milwaukee’s festival…

Experience art outdoors this June at Discover Wauwatosa's ART 64, a free two-day bracket-style live performance painting tournament in the Village of Wauwatosa, WI. Stroll through the…

Polish Fest

Celebrating it's 42nd year, Polish Fest will return to the Henry Maier Festival Park grounds, June 14 - 16, 2024. Rooted in Milwaukee's long held Polish heritage, this festival brings the…

Lakefront Festival of Art

Milwaukee’s Lakefront Festival of Art is back! Enjoy a fun-filled weekend of art, food, music, and activities for all ages at the Milwaukee Art Museum. Support the arts by shopping…

West Allis Cheese Wheel Classic

The City of West Allis is excited to welcome back the Tour of America’s Dairyland (ToAD) “Cheese Wheel Classic” to the Becher Street neighborhood for the third year! This annual bike race…

Summer Soulstice Music Festival

Milwaukee's official celebration of the Summer Soulstice is returning Saturday, June 15! You are not going to want to miss this FREE showcase of great music along with a variety of food…

Giro d' Grafton

Giro d' Grafton is one of the stops on the popular Tour of America's Dairyland race series. The exciting six turn Giro d' Grafton course has plenty to offer all racers and spectators. The…

Juneteenth Parade and Celebration

Celebration Hours: 8:00AM - 8:00PM Parade Hours: 9:00AM - 11:00AM Juneteenth is a holiday celebrated in cities across the United States to commemorate the emancipation. The Milwaukee…

Summerfest Weekend One 2024

Join us for the 56th year of Summerfest spanning over three weekends this summer, June 20-22, June 27-29, and July 4-6!

Centraal Bay View Classic

Bay View and the Neighborhood Association welcome the Tour of America's Dairyland, presented by Kwik Trip pro/am competitive bicycle racing series on Thursday, June 2oth at the…

20th Annual Shorewood Criterium Classic

Shorewood will return to playing host for a day to the largest cycling event in the country, the 20th Annual Shorewood Criterium Classic on Friday, June 21st, 2024! The Tour of America’s…

Cedarburg's Strawberry Festival

Strawberry Festival will take place on June 22 & 23, 2024. Located in Historic Cedarburg, you will enjoy everything strawberry, from strawberry shortcake to strawberry wine. Stroll…

Tacos and Tequila Festival 2024

Tacos and Tequila Festival is coming to MILWAUKEE on September 16th at Franklin Field. We are bringing the FULL festival experience with our most stacked lineup yet! DON’T MISS hip hop…

45th Annual Cafe Hollander Otto Wenz Downer Classic

Historic Downer Avenue is home to one of the most famous urban criterium courses in the country. Global in reach and extremely local in flavor, The Cafe Hollander Otto Wenz Downer Classic…

Tour of America's Dairyland Tosa Village Classic Bike Race

The Tour of America's Dairyland bike race returns to the Village! This event is the final race of the series and spectators can expect a full day of thrilling races and fun for the whole…

Milwaukee Night Market

The Milwaukee Night Market, presented by Clover® from Fiserv, returns to the heart of downtown Milwaukee for four nights this summer on June 26, July 24, August 14 and September 11 from 5…

Summerfest Weekend Two 2024

Summerfest weekend three 2024, bastille days.

This summer, the city’s beloved French festival will be celebrating its 41st year! Patrons can expect great food, entertainment, the infamous Storm the Bastille Run/Walk, along with some…

Summer Gallery Night MKE

Gallery Night MKE – Milwaukee’s original gallery hop event – unites the city through art. Experience the vast creative culture in MKE while you discover local galleries, art…

Harley-Davidson Homecoming™ Festival

An annual celebration of music, moto-culture, and Milwaukee, the Harley-Davidson Homecoming Festival is four days and nights packed full of entertainment, events, and live performances by…

German Fest

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How To Build An NBA Title Contender In 16 Months

  • June 7, 2024

Frederick Okocha

Jun 6, 2024; Boston, Massachusetts, USA; Dallas Mavericks guard Kyrie Irving (11) shoots against Boston Celtics center Kristaps Porzingis (8) in the first quarter during game one of the 2024 NBA Finals at TD Garden. Mandatory Credit: David Butler II-USA TODAY Sports

“Learn from the past, prepare for the future, and live in the present.” When Mark Cuban decided to pair Kyrie Irving with his rising superstar Luka Dončić , reaching the NBA Finals just 16 months later would have been the dream scenario. If you ask for his opinion on the move, he will likely say he planned for it to play out exactly as it did. While this may be an ego trip, there’s some truth to it. All NBA teams make roster and coaching moves with the hope of eventually competing for a championship (unless you’re the Hornets). So let’s look back at the roster moves the Mavericks made and learn how to build an NBA title contender in 16 months.

Step 1: Trade for an All-NBA caliber talent

The road to contention started on February 5, 2023, when the Mavericks acquired Kyrie Irving via a trade with the Brooklyn Nets. The Mavs received Irving and Markieff Morris in exchange for Spencer Dinwiddie , Dorian Finney-Smith , a 2029 first-round pick, and multiple second-round picks. That deal now looks like a bargain.

At the time, Kyrie Irving was a uniquely distressed asset. Despite his obvious generational talent, he had a reputation for being a player with a lot of baggage . He had played on three teams over the last six years, with exits from each team being acrimonious.

In addition to those contentious exits, he was involved in some incidents over the years, including being banned from the Barclays Center due to COVID-19 vaccine-related restrictions and reposting an anti-Semitic video on social media, which he later had to backtrack on.

Needless to say, it was a huge risk when the Mavs made the move to pair Luka with Kyrie. Mark Cuban and the Mavs GM, Nick Harrison, did their homework. They asked around and were told that Kyrie was the consummate teammate. This gave them the information they needed to pull the trigger and make the deal.

On the Mavericks, Kyrie has done a complete 180 on his off-court image. He is now more cerebral and mature. There has been no incident since he joined the Mavs. He has been the consummate teammate (as the Mavs front office expected). His teammates love him and rally around him. Luka especially loves him. That’s what ultimately counts. They tried to pair Luka with Kristaps Porziņģis , but it didn’t work out because the two didn’t get along.

Step 2: Fix the most glaring roster issue through the draft

“Live to fight another day.” There’s wisdom in knowing when to cut one’s losses. Sometimes, efforts used in a futile venture can yield results if redirected elsewhere. After the 2023 All-Star break, the Mavs went 6-15, dropping from the fifth seed to an early vacation in April. The 2022 Western Conference finalists were in a dire state. The beginning of the Kyrie-Luka era got off to a rocky start. What they gained offensively in Kyrie was offset by what they lost defensively in making that trade. The Mavericks needed rebounding and rim protection. They took the traditional route to solve this glaring issue: the draft.

The Mavericks front office made the smart decision to tank the rest of the season a few games into the post-All-Star-break run to get the highest lottery pick possible. The Mavericks ended up with the 10th pick in the 2023 draft . On draft night, they traded that pick and Davis Bertans to the Oklahoma City Thunder for the 12th pick. The trade benefitted the Thunder by allowing them to move up two spots in the draft to get their man, Cason Wallace . The Mavericks shed the albatross contract of Bertans off their books while still being able to get their man. That man was Dereck Lively II. He checked all their boxes as their rim protector for the foreseeable future.

A lesser-known transaction happened on draft night. The Mavericks acquired Richaun Holmes and the rights to draft Olivier-Maxence Prosper from the Sacramento Kings for cash and a traded player exception (TPE). This little-known transaction would bear dividends just months later. It also gave the Mavericks a top 3-and-D prospect to develop for the future. The jury is still out on what Prosper can offer the Mavs organization.

Step 3: Fill out the roster through free agency

Entering the 2023 free agency, the Mavs had their superstar, second star, and starting center all figured out. What was left on their quest to build an NBA title contender? To fill out the roster with quality role players. They did just that.

They re-signed their free agents, like Kyrie Irving and Dwight Powell , to multi-year contracts. Then they made a swing in free agency, acquiring Grant Williams from the Boston Celtics (inadvertently, the Celtics created their NBA final opponents) via sign-and-trade. They also added quality fringe players like Dante Exum and Seth Curry . The Mavericks signed Derrick Jones Jr. to a one-year veteran minimum contract. They agreed to a rookie scale extension with Josh Green a day before the season started. The Mavericks were one step closer to building an NBA title contender.

Step 4: Dot your I’s and cross your T’s via trades

The Mavericks went into the trade deadline just six games above .500, precariously occupying eighth place in the standings. Last year at the deadline, they made the move to add Kyrie Irving. For the first time in his NBA career, Luka Dončić was playing with a secondary creator of Kyrie’s caliber. This was a fundamental shakeup to Dallas’ offense. Not having enough defense around them got the partnership off to a rough start. They concluded the regular season with an abysmal 5-11 record.

The Mavericks front office was determined to make the right moves at the trade deadline this time around. They acquired PJ Washington from the Charlotte Hornets for Grant Williams , Seth Curry , and the 2027 first-round pick. That same day, they got Daniel Gafford from the Washington Wizards for the 2024 first-round pick and Richaun Holmes . In just a few months, the Mavs had flipped cash and a TPE for Daniel Gafford, an elite rim deterrent and premier lob threat.

This time the Mavs blossomed following their deadline day transactions. Not only did they have the defensive personnel to protect the paint, but they also became more versatile offensively. It gave Doncic and Irving another lob threat in Gafford. It also gave them a mobile wing in PJ Washington they could trust on the perimeter. The shooting was always going to be streaky, but he was a gamble the Mavs were willing to take.

After spending years in Hornets purgatory away from the media spotlight, Washington had become a forgotten asset. He transitioned seamlessly from a role of being “the guy” at Charlotte to a very defined role. To build an NBA title contender, you need guys willing to buy into their roles wholeheartedly. His impact was felt on offense when Luka was double-teamed and they were left in 4-on-3 situations. He truly shined on the defensive end, bringing legitimacy to a promising Dallas defense with his size—6’7” with a 7’2” wingspan.

Following the trade, Dallas achieved a 20-6 record with Irving, Doncic, and Washington playing together. During their time on the court, they recorded an offensive rating of 117.5 and a defensive rating of 105.4. For context, the league-average defense allowed roughly 114.5 points per 100 possessions during the regular season. As they make their third finals appearance and look to win their second championship, it is worth revisiting the steps that helped them build an NBA title contender in just 16 months and learn from it.

Frederick Okocha

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Mets’ Mark Vientos is playing ‘with no pressure’ and applying a lesson from Bryce Harper

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - MAY 24: Mark Vientos #27 of the New York Mets celebrates in the dugout after hitting a solo home run during the fifth inning against the San Francisco Giants at Citi Field on May 24, 2024 in the Queens borough of New York City. (Photo by Sarah Stier/Getty Images)

WASHINGTON — When New York Mets third baseman Mark Vientos reached first base last year against the Philadelphia Phillies , one of the game’s best hitters offered some advice that has stuck with the 24-year-old.

Phillies first baseman Bryce Harper told him: “Hey, you got a lot of power. You don’t need to swing as hard as you do.”


That’s one of a few simple lessons Vientos has learned to apply this season during his first sustained opportunity in the majors. Things have gone well so far. The Mets recalled Vientos on May 15 and gave him the runway at third base two weeks later. Through 70 plate appearances, Vientos has slashed .339/.400/.645 with five home runs.

For the last year and a half, Mets officials and rival evaluators figured that if Vientos received 500 to 600 at-bats, he’d hit 30 home runs, but they harbored concerns about other numbers. Would he get on base enough? Would he hit sliders the other way? Answering those questions will continue to be part of Vientos’ journey. Vientos’ results during this initial hot stretch, however, point to growth.

“He looks comfortable and confident,” Mets co-hitting coach Eric Chávez said.

Vientos’ conversation with Harper wasn’t the first time Vientos heard a message about overswinging. Throughout last season, Mets officials talked to him about his strength and told him he didn’t have to apply maximum effort; he just had to get the barrel to the baseball.

Vientos said it doesn’t get much better than receiving advice from someone like Harper. After all, from Vientos’ perspective, it’s insight from a future Hall of Famer. But the key, Vientos said, is tailoring those words to fit his game. It’s one thing to listen. It’s another thing to apply. Saturday, for example, Vientos’ 440-foot home run was the longest by a Mets player at Citi Field this season. It was the product of a level swing on a hanging slider.

Forget that! Fourth home run of the year for Mark Vientos 🍓 — SNY (@SNYtv) June 1, 2024

“It’s a fine balance between him really wanting to hit the ball too hard but then being under control to make good decisions and to not just swing too hard and foul a ball off,” Chávez said.

Among the improvements Vientos has made, his pitch recognition stands out the most to evaluators. Vientos has struck out considerably less (he entered Tuesday’s game with a 19.7 percent strikeout rate, after striking out in 30.5 percent of his 233 plate appearances last year) and fared much better on non-fastballs. Monday, Vientos walked twice in a game for the first time — it was his 99th career game in the majors.

In a game against the Miami Marlins a couple of weeks ago, Vientos sat on an off-speed pitch from Braxton Garrett on a 2-0 count; it was the product of completing some homework before the at-bat. He drilled the pitch to center field for a run-scoring single. Vientos said that wouldn’t have happened last year.

“I’d be almost, like, second-guessing it,” Vientos said. “It would have been, ‘Should I do it? Should I do it? Should I do it?’ Then I’d be in the box, get the pitch I was looking for and be like, ‘Man, I should have done it.’ The only way that happens is by failing and figuring it out. It’s OK to fail, it’s OK to lose an at-bat as long as you did it your way and not second-guessing.”

Later that same week in Cleveland, when Vientos, a right-handed batter, drew starts against right-handers over Brett Baty , a left-handed batter, coaches emphasized the idea that he’d continue to see non-fastballs. At one point, Vientos asked Chávez, “Is this a guy you think I can sit slider on?” Chávez was pleased just to hear the question.

“Just the fact that his mind is already starting to turn like that, he’s absorbing things,” Chávez said. “He just looks really, really comfortable.”

A splendid play at third by Mark Vientos 🔥 — SNY (@SNYtv) June 5, 2024

For Vientos, a lot of the success in this small sample stems from a simple belief in trusting his abilities. That goes for his defense, too. Vientos — with a strong arm some scouts have appreciated dating to his days as a second-round draft pick out of American Heritage High in South Florida — has made all the plays, looking more comfortable at third base than he has in the past.

“If I make a mistake, I want to make a mistake being aggressive. I don’t want to make a mistake being passive,” Vientos said. “Just saying that to myself and being locked in during the game, anticipating every play, has helped.”

The Mets entered the season needing to glean more information about young players like Vientos. So far, they’ve learned he’s confident and resilient. After all, the club added J.D. Martinez late in spring training, left Vientos off the Opening Day roster and initially gave the third-base job to Baty, who has since been sent to Triple A. All of that after Vientos saw limited opportunities last year in the majors. To his credit, Vientos just keeps producing.

In time, the Mets will learn how sustainable some of the results are, what’s real and what’s just a good stretch. And they’ll have time, too — this time, it doesn’t seem like he’s going anywhere anytime soon.

“When I was 10 years old, there were already coaches putting the pressure on me, saying, ‘You could become this, you could become that,’” Vientos said. “I’ve had pressure on myself for a long time. And I feel like now, it’s just, this is fun. I am here. I am living my dream. Everything else was pressure. Getting drafted was pressure. Playing in the minor leagues, performing every year, was pressure. I feel like I am at this age, and I asked myself, I’ve been doing this for so long, why am I going to keep putting pressure on myself? This is fun. Let me have fun, and let’s see what happens. What’s the worst that can happen? That’s the way I view it.

“I am not saying this is a joke to me. Obviously, I take this very seriously. But this is just, like, I am trying my hardest to see what I can do for the team with no pressure.”

(Photo: Sarah Stier / Getty Images)

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Will Sammon

Will Sammon is a staff writer for The Athletic, covering the New York Mets. A native of Queens, New York, Will previously covered the Milwaukee Brewers and Florida Gators football for The Athletic, starting in 2018. Before that, he covered Mississippi State for The Clarion-Ledger, Mississippi’s largest newspaper. Follow Will on Twitter @ WillSammon


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