110 Racism Essay Topics

Racism is an emotionally charged subject for many people, yet its historical and cultural impact cannot be understated. This makes racism topics one of the more challenging essays to compose. As the author, you run the risk of inflaming the reader when the goal is to connect with them in a way that generates awareness or potentially invites them to reexamine their opinion.

One of the best ways to compose an essay about a racist topic is to look for an idea that you can defend with valid arguments, research, and sound justifications. This is especially important if you are trying to persuade the reader to adopt your point of view.

Tips For Writing a Racism Topic Essay

The following tips and structural recommendations can help guide you through the process of writing a successful essay about racism. The process starts with thoroughly researching the topic at hand, which can be challenging if you already have a strong opinion about the topic. Though thoroughly research will better arm you to make a strong and well-supported argument.

Pay Attention

When writing an essay about a racist topic it is often best to use a third-person point of view. This makes it easier for you to present the argument objectively, while also reducing the risk of the reader becoming emotionally charged about the topic. If you need to offer up supporting facts in your argument, make sure to quote them directly. Be sure to include all key information including the name of the person or institution that provided the information. This makes it clear that you are not stating your own personal opinion or influence.

The structure of an essay on racism should follow the typical five-paragraph structure used by many successful essays. This includes an introduction with a strong thesis statement, as well as three supporting paragraphs in the body of the essay, and a strong conclusion. It’s important that each of the body paragraphs, each one should have its own distinct point and they should flow in a way that offers up evidence to support your opinion.


The introduction of your essay on racism should directly state the topic while also offering up a potential answer. Ideally, you want to address the reader directly to engage them in expanding their awareness of the topic or potentially reexamining their own point of view. It helps to use authoritative language without sounding inflammatory or derogatory. You want the reader to feel that you are talking to them not down at them.

The last sentence of two of your introduction needs to include a strong “Thesis Statement.” This should be a sentence or two that support the topic. It should also flow into the first point you will cover in the first body paragraph.

Body Paragraphs

The first paragraph of your racism essay needs to connect to the thesis statement while also offering supporting evidence. Ideally, you want to use a connecting phrase such as “One of the root causes of this,” or “New research indicates.” You then need to follow up this statement with an outside quote or a relevant, credible source. The end of your first body paragraph should also have a statement that leads to the second paragraph.

The second paragraph of your essay on racism should offer up a second supporting piece of evidence to clearly identify it as a separate entity. It’s best to use transition words at the start of the second paragraph such as “Next” “In addition,” or “Another cause is.” Then finish the second paragraph with a statement that helps it transition to your third point.

Your third body paragraph should also start with a transition phrase. This paragraph should also note the consequences that could arise if the racism topic is not addressed conscientiously. This paragraph should also end with a sentence or two that links to the conclusion.

The conclusion of your essay on racism needs to have an assertive tone without being aggressive. The goal is to win the reader over to your original thesis and include a “Call to action” or a “Call to Reexamine.” You want to invite the reader to consider the topic in an objective way that wins them over to your original point of view.

Choosing the right topic for your racism essay can be challenging. Such an emotionally charged genre can stir up feelings of controversy that have the potential to overwhelm the sound reasons behind it. If you are struggling to choose an essay topic, you might want to peruse the following list to see if there are one or two that you can connect with.

Historical Topics

  • Did President Obama’s legacy open the door for more African American Presidents in the future?
  • Is Michelle Obama one of the most beloved first ladies of all time?
  • The legacy of George Washington Carver.
  • Why do so many African American’s still bear their slave-owners’ last names?
  • The legacy of Malcolm X.
  • The legacy of Muhamad Ali.
  • Why is it easier for Bruce Jenner to change his name, but so hard for Cassius Clay?
  • The legacy of Native American boarding schools
  • General Custer’s folly.
  • The legacy left behind by Japanese internment camps.
  • Are white males being discriminated against due to the sins of their ancestors?
  • The legacy left by the murder of Emmitt Till?
  • Should Mamie Till be honored more during Black History Month?
  • Should the living descendants of freed slaves be paid reparations today?
  • Did unfettered alcoholism in the Mid-Atlantic South play a role in the brutality of slavery?
  • Should Sally Hemmings have been named a part of Thomas Jefferson’s estate?
  • Should the German people of today pay reparation to Israel for the Holocaust?
  • The lasting legacy of Harriet Tubman.
  • Does the infidelity of Martin Luther King Jr. diminish his historical legacy on the fight for racial justice?
  • Has the Diaspora strengthened or weakened the Armenia heritage & culture?
  • Did the sexual revolution of the 1960s help to bridge the gap between Caucasian and African American women?
  • Have the Tuskegee Airmen and other African American units in World War Two received the recognition they deserve?
  • Who were the most influential leaders of the Black Power movement?
  • Was European Colonialism and the Triangle Trade the driving force of racism in the New World?
  • Should Memorials & Statues of Confederate Leaders be torn down or preserved to immortalize the follies of the past?
  • How did Apartheid influence the economy of South Africa?
  • Do the works of Charles Darwin promote racism or dispel it?
  • If they had been alive during that time, do you think Southern Presidents of the United States like Thomas Jefferson would have supported the Confederacy during the Civil War?
  • Was Andrew Johnson’s failure to rebuild the South after the Civil War a root cause that kept racism alive.
  • Why was there such a delay in making Juneteenth a Federally recognized holiday?

Current Cultural Racism Topics

  • Does change the names of sports franchises like Washington DC’s football team, and Cleveland baseball team dimmish the historical legacy of their franchises?
  • Does African American’s using the “N-Word” keep the slur alive in our modern vernacular.
  • Is Dave Chapelle a racist, activist, or just an entertainer?
  • Should Richard Pryor be remembered during black history month?
  • Should violence against Jewish people be considered a hate crime?
  • Is the Confederate Flag a symbol of racism or a historical relic?
  • Was the Dukes of Hazard a racist TV series?
  • Has the legacy of George Floyd helped reduce incidents of police brutality?
  • Do protests on racial injustice go too far when community looting and arson occur?
  • Should the descendants of Native Hawaiians be given the same rights & land as Native Americans on the Mainland?
  • Was OJ Simpson’s acquittal in the murder of Nicole Brown influenced by his race?
  • Did the murder of George Floyd replace the legacy of the Rodney King riots of 1992?
  • Should slander remarks made about Jewish people be classified as “Hate Speech.”
  • Is toxic black masculinity real?
  • Are ethnic foodways discriminated against to the same degree as differences in ethnicity?

Sports & Athletics

  • The impact of Jackie Robinson’s legacy on professional sports.
  • Should college coaches who have a history of mistreating players based on their race be banned from employment in professional sports?
  • The majority of football, baseball, and basketball players are of African American descent, yet there is only a small percentage of minority coaches in the major sports, why?
  • Is enough being done to create pipelines for people of color to hold executive positions in professional sports?
  • Should the song Lift Every Voice & Sing be sung at all major sporting events along with the US National anthem?
  • Is enough being done to create a pipeline for Asian athletes to play on sports teams that are predominantly white or African American?
  • Should more Caucasian professional athletes use their platform to fight racism?
  • Is there wage discrimination based on race in professional sports?
  • Does racism exist in European sports the way it is in American Sports?
  • Is Joe Louis as recognized for breaking boxing’s color barrier as Jackie Robinson is for breaking baseball’s color barrier?
  • Should Critical Race Theory be taught in schools?
  • Does the current education system contribute to the school-to-prison pipeline?
  • Is enough being done to prohibit hate speech in public schools?
  • Should private schools be allowed to set their own rules regarding discrimination, hate speech, and racism within their walls?
  • Did the Supreme Court rule correctly in Brown vs the Board of Education?
  • Do schools in predominantly white communities have better access to technology and education resources compared to schools in communities that are predominantly populated by people of color?
  • Should school plays that portray Civil War Confederate Heroes like Robert E. Lee be banned?
  • Does decreased access to technology affect the academic performance of children of color?
  • What is the “Banality of Racism” in education?
  • Was segregating the schools by race a good idea with the bad implementation or a bad idea on the whole?

Entertainment Topics

  • Is the movie White Men Can’t Jump racist?
  • What is the underlying message of American History X?
  • Will the TV series Roots have the same cultural impact on the next generation as it has on the current generation?
  • What was the cultural influence of William Shatner kissing Nichelle Nichols?
  • Does the use of the “N-Word” in movies promote its use in real-life?
  • Are there racial barriers in Hollywood, Oscars & Academy Awards?
  • Do Caucasian actors need to demonstrate more allyship in the entertainment industry?
  • Should actors with antisemitic behavior, like Mel Gibson, be banned by the screen actors guild?
  • Do actors and celebrities have a duty to allyship against racism as part of their platform?
  • Is there an active bias against casting minorities in movies and TV shows?

Ethical Topics on Racism

  • Why is racism considered immoral today, but wasn’t before the mid-1800s?
  • Are the protests of Black Lives Matter helping to end racism or entrenching racists from seeing the error of their ways?
  • Should racism be considered a form of mental illness?
  • Is Islamophobia a form of racism or a legitimate phobia?
  • Is the term “Third World” a racist term, or simply outdated jargon?
  • Is Allyship a critical component for ending racism in the long term?
  • If you see a hate crime being committed are you morally obligated to try to stop it?
  • Is the term “Irishness” another form of racism?
  • Is the differentiation of cultural differences and folkways a form of racism?
  • How has aboriginal racism affected the history of Australia?
  • Is social kin bias the underlying cause of racism?
  • Is the Ancient Greek philosophy of barbarism an influential force on racism today?
  • Do Christians have an ethical duty to speak out against antisemitism?
  • In a community where lynching has occurred, are the people who fail to act to prevent it morally culpable as accessories to the crime?
  • Is it the responsibility of the community to oust hate groups like the Klu Klux Klan?

Racism in the Legal System

  • African American males are 10 times more likely to resist arrest than Caucasian males, is this due to them essentially resisting police brutality, or are other factors at play?
  • What is the driving force of racial police brutality?
  • Is defunding the police an effective way to end racial police brutality?
  • Does police brutality exist for other ethnicities other than African Americans?
  • Do prisons treat Caucasians differently than other ethnic groups?
  • Should prisons be segregated by race?
  • What can be done to create pathways for more minority judges to take the bench?
  • Does Islamophobia separate minority populations in prison?
  • Is enough being done in the legal system to deter and punish hate crimes?
  • Should there be a zero-tolerance policy for racially biased police brutality?

Social Media Topics

  • Does social media have a positive or negative effect on racism?
  • Does TikTok allow racist behavior on their platform challenges?
  • Does social kin bias affect racist behavior on social media
  • Should social media ban using their platforms to organize racist gatherings
  • Twitter has become a platform for racist messaging without consequences to the user or Twitter as a company.
  • Should there be a filter for memes that contain racist messaging?
  • Would banning racist messaging on social media be a violation of the right to free speech?
  • Has the rise of social media allowed racism to spread beyond traditional regional borders?
  • Should there be stronger laws against hate speech geared to limit the influence of social media?
  • Would the murder of George Floyd have gained national and even international attention without the influence of social media?

These are 110 rasism essay topic ideas that we have prepared for you. We hope that you find our list useful for your work.

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229 Racism Essay Topics

Racism is a vast theme to explore and comprises many thought-provoking issues. Here, we collected the most interesting racism essay topics, with which you can investigate the issue of racism. We recommend you explore the historical roots of racism and the systemic structures that sustain it. Use our research topics about racism to write a paper on racial identity, cultural diversity, or the role of education in combatting racism.

✊ TOP 7 Essay Topics about Racism

🏆 best racism essay topics, 👍 racism topics for essay & research, 📌 easy research topics about racism, 🎓 interesting racism essay titles, ✍️ racism essay topics for college, ❓ more essay topics about racism.

  • Racism in Ken Liu’s “The Paper Menagerie”
  • Racism in Foster’s “Elegy of Color”, Hurston’s “Sweat,” and Wilson’s “Fences”
  • Racism: “Born a Crime” by Trevor Noah
  • Portrayal of Racism in Forster’s ‘a Passage to India’
  • Examples of Racism in The Great Gatsby
  • Racism in “Being Brought From Africa to America” and “A Letter From Phyllis Wheatley”
  • Racism in Nivea’s “White Is Purity” Ad Campaign
  • Racism: A Party Down at the Square Ellison’s narrative, A party down at the square, depicts public lynching at Southern point. It gives the reasons we must all stand for equality and eradicate racism.
  • Racism and Injustice in “Monster” Novel by Myers “Monster” takes several steps further to examine the courtroom events to explore the social underpinnings of how African American people are tried and treated.
  • Racism: “The White Man’s Burden” by Rudyard Kipling The main consequence of Kipling’s “The White Man’s Burden” is that it promotes and spreads the paradigm of White racism and prejudices through a literary approach.
  • Institutional Racism Against Native Americans: The Killers of the Flower Moon David Grann published The Killers of the Flower Moon about the murders in Oklahoma in the 1920s and contributed to the creation of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
  • Colorblind Racism in “The Help” Film The Help, a film based on a novel of the same name, can be employed to exemplify multiple patterns, including colorblindness, although not all of them are criticized in the work.
  • Racial Injustice, Racial Discrimination, and Racism Racial injustice is a serious issue in today’s society. It has negative effects on a multitude of people’s personal and social development.
  • Racism in “Native Son” by Richard Wright Racism does not vanish when Whites are able to convince themselves that they are no longer villains, consciously promoting negative attitude about minorities.
  • Racism and Its Effects on Our Society Racism can be defined as a belief that an individual’s traits and abilities are somehow dependent on their racial group and biological characteristics.
  • Racism and Pessimism in Wilson’s Play “Fences” August Wilson’s play “Fences” exemplifies the detrimental impacts of racial discrimination on the well-being of ethnic and racial minorities.
  • Overcoming Racism in “The Blood of Jesus” Film Belittling the status of a person based on his gender or race is impossible and terrible in modern society, but it is the tendency of the present time.
  • Sociological Perspectives on Racism The sociological perspective allows people to trace the association between the patterns and the events of their own and those of the community in general.
  • The Impact of Racism on Globalization Racism is a great impediment to globalization, the bad blood between the said people of color and those of no color has dealt a big blow to development.
  • Racism and Masculinity in the Film “A Soldier’s Story” In this paper, we will discuss “A Soldier’s Story,” and see how racial prejudice and the ideas of dominating masculinity lead to a disaster to a number of its characters.
  • The Portrayal of Racism in Literary Works Each work reveals different aspects of racism in America, from social discrimination and segregation to economic exploitation.
  • The Trauma of Enduring Racism and Ethnic Hatred: They Called Us Enemy This essay aims to discuss the effects of racism and ethnic hatred, as illustrated in the story They Called Us Enemy by George Takei.
  • Color-Blind Society and Racism Individuals would be seen as individuals without regard to race. This concept has been gaining traction recently.
  • Impact of Kendrick Lamar Music on Racism The essay hypothesizes that Lamar’s music has conducted to a progress in abolishing racism by cultivating tolerant attitude in the society towards Afro-American population.
  • Racism and Oppression in “Native Son” by Wright The book Native Son is an engaging book by Wright that gives astonishing accounts relating to racism, segregation, and oppression.
  • Racism in the “Devil in a Blue Dress” Film The film Devil in a Blue Dress introduces many topics for discussion, including the racial problem in the United States.
  • Malcolm X and Anne Moody on Racism in the US In The Autobiography of Malcolm X by Malcolm X and Coming of Age in Mississippi by Anne Moody, the authors describe life challenges faced in the US in the 20th century.
  • Racism & Sexism: Black Women’s Experiences in Tennis Research suggests that exclusion and discrimination strategies are still being used to limit the chances and advancement accessible to colored minority groups.
  • On White Privilege, Colorblindness, and Racism Critical Race Theory (CRT) is one of the approaches that attempt to address the issue of racism by identifying and investigating perpetual racial injustices.
  • Asian and Latin Americans’ Experience of Racism The article discusses the similarities and differences in the experience of racism faced by Asian and Latin Americans and highlights issues such as discrimination.
  • “Interrogating Racism: Toward an Antiracist Anthropology” and “Economics” The article “Interrogating racism: Toward antiracist anthropology” (2005) discusses the issue of racism in anthropological studies.
  • The Theoretical Origin of the Concept of Racism The paper raises the topic of the theoretical origin of the concept of racism. The initial understanding of racism has undergone significant changes.
  • The Persistence of White Racism in the United States In the present day, white Americans consider White racism a thing of the past. On the contrary, the population of color in America reports more incidents of racism.
  • Racism and White Privilege and Benefits The paper discusses and critiques how racism and white privilege can be observed as separate constructs and how they can interact.
  • Comparative Analysis of Three Books about Racism The books presented in the paper reflect on race and racism from different perspectives, but they may share some sentiments.
  • Racism in the United States of America Racism is a serious problem that has affected American society for many centuries. It can be perpetrated in an overt (direct) or covert (indirect) manner.
  • Racism and Social Reform Movements in the United States The end of the civil war proclaimed freedom for the black people. However, the path to the total desegregation and equal rights for the black population was a thorny path with its end still long ahead.
  • Racism and Discrimination towards African-Americans Racism and discrimination of the African-Americans in the United States of America have been a major issue that began way back during the colonial and slavery era.
  • Impact of Anti-Racism Campaigns in English League Football Racism trickles into every facet of people’s lives, causing members of ethnically and racially diverse communities to experience challenges and injustice.
  • Colorblind Racism in Modern Society Colorblind racism is a real and widespread phenomenon of being passive, dismissive, and non-acknowledging of existing race-related issues among marginalized and oppressed groups.
  • Racism Issue in the Play “A Raisin in the Sun” by Bill Duke The renowned play A Raisin in the Sun, directed by Bill Duke, depicts the challenges and biases endured by black families in America.
  • Modern Discrimination: Racism in the USA In the USA, there still exists widespread racism despite campaigns against the vice. People are subjected to discrimination because of differences in factors such as gender.
  • Racism Against African Americans and Its Effects Racism has significantly affected African-Americans’ social status due to negative perceptions and biases held concerning them.
  • Racism in Modern Canada: Taking Action as a Helping Professional Cases of racial and ethnic discrimination, xenophobia, and related intolerance, which occur daily, impede the improvement of the lives of millions of people around the world.
  • Health Care Policy: Eliminating Systemic Racism The paper states that the policy can be considered a stepping stone for meaningful change in eliminating systemic racism from the healthcare industry.
  • Racism Against the Blacks in the UK The UK is one of the most ethnically diversified countries, with residents from different parts of the world and various cultural backgrounds.
  • Experiences of Institutional Racism at an Early Age The paper examines how experiences of institutional racism at an early age translate to orientations towards activism in the black community.
  • Racism, Social-Economic Status, and the Dominant Story Disparities in the distribution of social benefits such as education, healthcare, and employment are among the dominant stories in the United States (US).
  • Racism in Toni Morrison’s “Recitatif” Like Morrison’s other work, Recitatif focuses on the issue of prejudice and racial identity. However, in the short story, the races of the main characters are concealed.
  • Racism, Ethnoviolence, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder The paper states that experiencing racism can induce post-traumatic stress disorder. Most people do not draw a link between racism and PTSD.
  • The Ideas and Perspectives of Literary Works About Slavery and Racism The essay aims to provide insights into opinions about the ideas and perspectives of literary works about slavery, racism, and the oppression of African-Americans.
  • Racism as a Crime Racism is one of the oldest and most reprehensible forms of crime, which manifests itself in discrimination against people based on their racial or national origin. It is expressed through statements, actions, or policies that divide people. Racism creates prejudices and demonizes others, leading to a lack of access to…
  • Researching of Structural Racism Structural racism presents an issue that includes several institutions. Moreover, the interconnectedness between these institutions represents a major problem for people of color.
  • Racism as a Modern-Day Societal Challenge This essay analyzes racism as a modern-day societal challenge and proposes policies and measures that may help curb the issue.
  • So Cal’s Water Agency: Racism, Sexual Harassment, and Retaliation So Cal’s Water Agency has reported racial discrimination, sexual harassment, and retaliation cases. Practices of unequal hiring have been experienced by employees in this agency.
  • Doping: Racism and Discrimination of Athletes The issue of discrimination is linked to the point of doping by athletes, which significantly amplifies the implications for the fundamental values of sport.
  • Systemic Racism in the US: Systemic Racism and America Today Discrimination in the US is an issue that has been dealt with for decades; however, there are no signs of it ending.
  • Racism: How Bigotry and Hate Runs Through History Courtesy of racial distinctions, the Europeans considered themselves more concrete in terms of reasoning and used racism as a convenient exploitation justification.
  • Racism in Modern American Society Racism is one of the common social problems within the American community, thus incorporating competent solutions through policies.
  • The Discrimination, Prejudice, and Racism Concepts This paper discusses the concepts of discrimination, prejudice, and racism, their relationship with each other, and how they affect society.
  • Rebranding to Address Racism: Aunt Jemima’s Case Cultural psychology theory and research emphasize the need of looking at racism not just in the mind but also in the environment.
  • Racism and Biases Based on Social Issues and Attitudes Racism is a complicated occurrence, and this essay focuses on analyzing bias based on language use, power control, social issues, and social attitudes.
  • Critical Thinking and Racism in Modern Times The new definition of racism is a belief that human capacities are determined by race and that differences in race lead to one race being viewed as superior to another race.
  • American Church’s Complicity in Racism This article demonstrates the theological challenge that slavery posed to the American church during the Civil War.
  • Decolonization as a Response to Racism and Discrimination Decolonization as a term is often connected to the second half of the 20th century when countries of the Global South gained their formal independence from the colonial powers.
  • Overcoming Racism in the United States in the 1960s This paper will discuss how rampant racism prevented U.S. society in the 1960s from progressing forward as a nation.
  • Imperialism and Racism During the Colonial Period This analysis of primary sources aims to demonstrate how various historical actors interpreted imperialism during different periods.
  • New World Slavery and Racism in Society The effects of slavery and racial ideology can be observed even after the official abolition of this policy. There is racial discrimination in labor and health care.
  • Defining Race in Brazil and Racism Reducing The intent of the Brazilian government to reduce racism are noble, but the stratified classification is creating more identity challenges and making it hard to implement programs.
  • Native Americans in Schools: Effects of Racism Despite the improvement in educational policies, racism against Native Americans is still a problem in the education sector.
  • Psychological Perspectives on Racism This paper provides an insight into the nature of racism and largely contributes to people’s victory over racial and ideological prejudices.
  • Reconstruction in the United States: The Structural Racism The failure of the Reconstruction was unavoidable, and structural racism continued to plague the territory of the South with a higher intensity.
  • “The Costs of Racism to White People” by P. Kivel The article “The Costs of Racism to White People” by Paul Kivel examines the price of racial discrimination for representatives of the white population.
  • The Color of Compromise: The Truth About the American Church’s Complicity in Racism Personality development is essential for personal growth and involves different assessments, including awareness, relationships, and commitment.
  • Criminal Justice System and the Problem of Racism The issue of institutional racism continues to be prominent within the criminal justice system in England and Wales.
  • Diversity, Racism, and Identity in the United States American society experiences a new wave of disagreements and debates on the most fundamental topics of American democracy functioning.
  • Environmental Racism as Rights Infringement This paper focuses on the problem of environmental racism from the point of view of discrimination and infringement of the rights of the “oppressed” category of society.
  • Researching the History of Racism The history of racism shows that it has evolved over time. Namely, the starting point was the radicalized violent behavior of the privileged people towards discriminated ones
  • Slavery and Racism: History and Linkage Slavery has changed over time; this institution in the ancient world was different from its modern forms; in particular, the Atlantic slave trade added a racial aspect to it.
  • The Issues of Racism, Sexism, and Homophobia Racism, sexism, and homophobia are more evident in white communities and other religious groups that have difficulty drawing the same levels of public disgrace.
  • The Asian Racism: Joel Best’s Constructivism In this essay, the social problem of modern Asian racism will be analyzed according to the framework of Joel Best’s theoretical model.
  • Individual and Systemic Racism No law applies only to one race and does not apply to another. If there is a violation of the law, there is a judicial system to deal with the problem.
  • Civil Rights Movement and Construction of US Racism Racism is associated with slurs, Islamophobia, police brutality, and Donald Trump. This list signals that racism today is a more insidious, politicized form of discrimination.
  • How Racism Makes Us Sick The expectations of discrimination lead to poorer health outcomes, both in the case of mental and physical health.
  • Racism in Employment from Conley’s Viewpoint Racial issues can still prevent a person from getting a job or earning a decent wage, as black people are still left out because of the occupation of business by white people.
  • Researching the Racism and Race Due to centuries of colonialism and the subjugation of other cultures by the European one, racism can deservedly be called the worst blight on the history of humankind.
  • James Baldwin’s Essays on Racism and Slavery By studying Baldwin’s reflection on the nature of racism, its link to slavery, and its traces in the American community, one can understand the nature of modern racism.
  • Racism and Prejudice: People’s Experiences The existence of prejudice and racism in present-day society shapes people’s experiences in a negative way and reduces their life chances of well-being.
  • Racism, Its Origins, and Evolution Racism is a broad subject; therefore, it is crucial to explore the historical origin of the idea of race and how race and racism have evolved with time.
  • Colorblind Racism and Race-Based Medicine Many people tend to claim that the modern United States is equal and democratic, and it is an example of colorblind life when individuals ignore racist issues.
  • Analysis of Structural Racism in Healthcare The paper argues structural racism in health care is a problem with historical roots and extends far beyond the health sector.
  • Socety’s Problem: Family and Racism The paper provides annotated bibliography about sociology imperfections, racism and family problems in modern world.
  • Racism and White Supremacy in the USA Approximately 38% of Latinos/Hispanics in the US have noted experiencing some level of harassment, discrimination, or public criticism for their ethnicity.
  • Dealing With the Issue of Medical Racism Racial issues in healthcare persist and continue to harm African-American people, it is possible to change the status quo by raising racial awareness and cultural sensitivity.
  • Racism: Scene for Screenplay Illustrating Racism A scene for screenplay – a father-son after school conversation about racism. The boy wanted to join the group, but two boys were against it because the boy is black.
  • Reflection on Racism as a Social Injustice “13th” is a documentary directed by Ava DuVernay, which was produced in 2016 and explored the major elements are justice, race, and mass killings in the US.
  • Taking Joined Action to Confront Anti-Black Racism in Toronto The neighborhoods with the highest percentage of minorities have the lowest income per household rate, while the areas populated mostly by white Canadians thrive.
  • The Climate of Social Justice, Racism, COVID-19, and Other Issues The paper argues ideas of music, culture and society are contended to be inseparably connected, which can be clarified through the space of ethnomusicology.
  • Analysis of Environmental Racism in America Despite the decades-long struggle against racism, its effects are still tragically visible in present-day American society.
  • Environmental Racism: Analyzing the Phenomenon The evolution of the industry, the rise of the consumer society, and the unwise use of resources placed people in a disaster because of the deterioration of the environment.
  • From Slavery to Racism: Historical Background Racism did not spur slavery or encourage it; instead, it was used to justify a phenomenon that would exist nonetheless due to the economic situation in the world at the time.
  • Racial Disparities in Healthcare Through the Lens of Systemic Racism Racism and inequality in healthcare are serious and complex issues of today’s society that must be widely addressed for them to be acknowledged and finally changed.
  • Examining Racism in American 21st Century Society Although racism is no longer outrightly practiced as it used to be two hundred years ago, it has evolved and manifested in different forms.
  • Settler Society and Structural Racism The paper discusses white privilege. It is described by Johnson in detail as the process by which he used to acquire wealth.
  • Social Psychology: Race, Racism, and Discrimination Understanding race, racism, and discrimination are equally important since the whole matter of race and racism revolves around the human ethnic background.
  • Fighting Racism Behavior Towards the Latino Community The public health system is one of the most prominent representatives of racial inequality, which affects the state of body and mind of Americans of color.
  • Ethical Considerations on Affirmative Action: Racism The high level of relevance of race issues in the United States has continuously imposed equality considerations on multiple levels of human interactions.
  • Personal Connections to Racism: A Very Short Introduction The reading made me more aware of two examples of such representation: the Futurama animation series and the Native American mascot controversy.
  • Racism, Racial Profiling and Bias in the War on Drugs Racial profiling occurs when law enforcement bases their criminal investigations on race, ethnicity, or religion, which in the process undermines human rights and freedom.
  • Eric Williams: Slavery Was Not Born Out of Racism In “Capitalism and Slavery,” Williams writes: “Slavery was not born out of racism: rather, racism was the consequence of slavery”.
  • Racism and Social Injustice in Warriors Don’t Cry The book under consideration illustrates some of the strategies African Americans used to address racism in the United States in the first part of the twentieth century
  • Racism: Ku Klux Klan Case Study The Ku Klux Klan is considered as one of most racist and anti-Semantic group in the US, it employs all forms of techniques to achieve its interests.
  • Systemic Racism and Its Impact on Development In more or less veiled forms, racism, including everyday racism, has spread quite widely in some regions and social strata and manifests itself in a variety of forms.
  • Racism in the 21st Century Problem Analysis The existence of racism in modern education and healthcare systems undermines efforts to eliminate it in other areas.
  • The Phenomenon of Racism The purpose of this paper is to discuss the texts of Anzaldúa, Fayad, Smith and Roppolo, who have addressed the topic of racism.
  • Policing Racism as a Solvable Problem: A TED Talk Goff’s TED talk video “How We Can Make Racism a Solvable Problem and Improve Policing” triggers feelings of sympathy, surprise, and disgust.
  • Is Racism a Natural Condition of Human Society? The discussion around the new wave of the “Black Lives Matter” movement in the United States, for instance, proves that it stays the burning issue of most communities even today.
  • Systemic Racism and the American Justice System Taking into account reliable data and recent events in the United States of America, it is evident that racial discrimination is deeply ingrained in the justice system.
  • The Problems of Racism in Modern Society Racism is one of the oldest problems known to society. This paper focuses on the analysis of ideas about segregation based on data from two sources.
  • Carl Hart’s Talk on Racism, Poverty, and Drugs In his TED Talk, Carl Hart, a professor of neuroscience at Columbia University who studies drug addiction, exposes a relationship between racism, poverty, and drugs.
  • Internal Racism in the Movie Amreeka Refusal to an individual to work, based solely on nationality, is an example of how xenophobia meets its modern manifestation.
  • Racism and Impact of Racial Discrimination Racial discrimination occurs in different forms such as interpersonal level as well as in institutions and organizations through procedures, policies, and practices.
  • Racism, Crime and Justice and Growing-Up Bad Disproportionate discrimination of the black and Asian youths by justice and law enforcement agencies in Britain is a product of a multiplicity of factors.
  • Racism Against Health Care Workers In today’s world, the damaging problem of the racial disparities keeps affecting the workers of the health care systems, as well as its patients.
  • Environmental Racism and Environmental Justice One should not tolerate that a certain percentage of city residents live in much worse environmental conditions than all others – it is necessary to modernize the industry.
  • Institutional Racism Mitigation in Criminal Justice, Education, and Health Systems From the 1990s, the concept of institutional racism gained a new meaning, new to the challenges and gaps that many people from minority groups were recording.
  • Causes of Racism and Racial Discrimination Racism refers to the institution of prejudice against other people based on a particular racial or ethnic group membership. Racial bias causes low self-esteem.
  • Institutional Racism Existing in the United States People of all skin colors are infuriated by the murders of African Americans by the racist police officers, their violence, and abuse of innocent people who did nothing wrong.
  • Discrimination and Racism in Cobb County I want to tackle the problem of institutional racism in my community of Cobb County, Georgia. I decided to focus on the subject of racial relations.
  • The Color Line: Racism in Dubois’ and Zinn’s Works Many blacks still live in adverse conditions and have no development opportunities. Neither a good education, nor a well-paid job, nor adequate housing are available to them.
  • The Problem of Racism and Its Possible Origins The article written by Tim Parrish discusses the problem of racism, its possible origins, and steps that could be taken to lessen the issue.
  • Overcoming Racism in Environmental Decision Making Building a city for humans to live requires the construction of many industrial sites, living next to which is unsafe, thus ethnic minorities would be the ones predominately living there.
  • Racism and Kingdom Ethics. Main Aspects Addressing racism in the church requires critical attention. There is a need for the church to be a role model to the entire society on the ways of combating racism.
  • Racism Is the Problem of Society This paper provides evidence that racism is the problem of society, and it affects every person in the world. Racism is an issue that correlates with inequality in society.
  • Racism: Black Lives Matter Central Idea Black Lives Matter’s central idea is to point out the unfair treatment of this ethnicity in the United States. The BLM movement highlights the implicit biases.
  • Ethnocentrism and Racism in Child Development The case of a 14-year-old biracial girl will be analyzed to investigate the effects of ethnocentrism and racism in child development, especially during the adolescent period.
  • Does System Racism Exist in the USA? Centuries of racism and discrimination have made this chasm even wider for black families, cut off from the opportunities and resources available to whites.
  • Racism Within the Public Health Framework In terms of the following paper, racism will be analyzed in the public health framework to outline major recommendations towards the issue resolution.
  • American Psychological Association and Racism The chipping in of the APA on matters concerning racism, xenophobia and racial bigotry led to the abolition of unfair treatments to the blacks in early 2001.
  • Racism and Ethnicity in the US Race and ethnicity in the United States are not based on any spelled out criteria and consequently, various people may label a certain group of people variously.
  • South Africa’s Handling of Racism and Ethnic Relations: How They Compare With Those of the USA The discriminative moves sparked racial tensions in both countries, both governments were obliged to formulate the strategies that advocated for rights to all citizens.
  • Rasism in the USA: Personal Experience The fight against ethnicity and racism still has a long way to go and not unless everyone develops a new mentality, the world will remain a venue filled with racism.
  • Negro Kids: Racism in American Schools Communication is important in solving this social problem in American society because it will cause people to reexamine race relations.
  • Modern Racism Concepts and Types While people may not be actually racially abusing others, race is influencing how they treat and perceive members of society.
  • Racism in Campus of the Montclair State University Effect Depending on the student’s high school and neighborhood segregation, the level of diverse thinking and acknowledgment is seriously determined by these factors.
  • Homophobia and Racism and Other Issues This article is well written and makes a number of excellent points with regards to homosexuality, however the article actually requests that people make a distinction between homophobia and racism.
  • Fredrickson’s Racism: A Short History This book covers the many aspects of racism, the history behind the phenomenon, and how the world now views racism, whether it takes it seriously.
  • Racism in Breast Cancer Treatment Cancer treatment is the least studied field that arises numerous ambiguities and requires a more sophisticated approach in studying.
  • Specific Racism Against Chinese Americans In this paper discuss various elements of racism in the US. It shows how racism affects the life of Chinese Americans, and the origin of racism in the US.
  • The Notion of Colorblind Racism it should be stated that the matters of racism, or as it is also called “color blind racism”, are often regarded as the strong tendency in treating the immigrants from Latin America countries.
  • Racism in Minnesota in Relation to the Klu Klux Klan This paper will present an overview of racism in the State of Minnesota with a particular interest in the Klu Klux Klan.
  • Racism in Minnesota: Archival Research Paper Racism in Minnesota was historically very widespread, slavery and racial discrimination were present in 19 century and persisted for a large part of the 20th century.
  • Institutionalised Racism – Myth or Reality? Crime, power, and discrimination have been interlinked and will continue to remain so, though the intensity of such interdependence is bound to change with the times.
  • Racism Against Afro-Americans in Wilson’s “Fences” Play Fences is a play by August Wilson, an American playwright, a Pulitzer’s laureate, who wrote about the life of African Americans in different periods of the 20th century.
  • Color-Blind Racism as a New Face of Racism in Contemporary Society This paper aims to describe color-blind racism, its’ four mainframes, each proposing different ideological arguments and reports the ideology of racism
  • Racism Effects in “Warriors Don’t Cry” by Melba Beals In Warriors Don’t Cry, Melba Beals outlines how in the new era black people are still deprived of their basic rights and are considered inferior to whites.
  • A Plan to Reduce Racism in Medicine The theme of racism, which is increasingly emerging in the healthcare sector, is disastrous in terms of medical and nursing ethics and is fraught with severe patient outcomes.
  • Ethnical Ambiguousness as a Band-Aid for Racism The concept of ethnical ambiguousness came about the moment the US became a multinational country. As it stands, there are many Americans with black, Asian, Hispanic, and other origins.
  • America’s Band-Aid for Racism Is the Ethnically Ambiguous Ethnic ambiguity and the inherent racism of preferring lighter-skinned faces over ethnically indigenous often goes unnoticed by many people who believe themselves to be non-racist.
  • Ethnically Ambiguous – America’s Band-Aid for Racism I still remember the first time I went to an American diner. My older cousin Briana, my younger cousin Gabriel, and I did not see each other often back then.
  • Racism in “Get Out” Movie: Rhetorical Discussion The “Get Out” film’s primary medium is the modern illustration of a slave plantation, where the owners are represented as Caucasian people.
  • Racism in American Schools: NCLB Problems The NCLB act has attempted to create an enabling environment for all the students but has not successfully responded to the issue of racism in American schools.
  • Racism and Its Definition Challenge As much as there are efforts by everybody and the whole society at large to fight racism, people have forgotten some underlying aspects and traits.
  • Racism in the Contemporary America Racism is a preferential behavior and attitude towards a specific race that makes it out to be superior to other races.
  • Symbolism and Racism in Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird” In the book “To Kill a Mockingbird,” symbolism has been used as the vessel by which racism is expressed indirectly, so readers explore the meaning behind such symbols.
  • Workplace Racism in Public Service Organization
  • American Racism in Coates’ The Case for Reparations
  • Racism and Inequality in the United States
  • Racism Against African Americans as a Social Construct
  • Dismantling Institutional Racism: Effects and Possible Solutions
  • Problem of Racism in the Modern World
  • Dove’s Racism in Promoting New Shower Foam
  • Construction of Otherness in Modern Society: A Deep Dive
  • Divisiveness and Mismatching in Anti-Racism
  • Problems and Cultivation of Racism
  • Racism Problem at Institutional and Interactional Levels
  • Incarceration’s Impact on African American Women: Insights from Retributive Theory
  • American Racism in “Men We Reaped” by Jesmyn Ward
  • Racism in the Music Video: Locked Up and Styles P
  • Racism in America: Discrimination and Legal Bias
  • Racism Causes and Impacts in America
  • Racism in American Schools: NCLB Challenges and Solutions
  • Exploring Racism in America: 1783-1836
  • Racism in American Education
  • Reparations Debate: Coates’ Case for Justice in America
  • What Extent Can Racism Be Prevented in Society?
  • How Educational Institutions Perpetuate Racism?
  • How Does Racism and Prejudice Affect America?
  • Does Affirmative Action Solve Racism?
  • Does Racism Exist Still?
  • Has Racism Gotten Better in the Modern World?
  • How Different Young Australians Experience Racism?
  • Have You Experienced Racism in Korea?
  • What Contribution Has Science Made to the Development of Racism?
  • How Does Racism Influence Genocide?
  • Did You Know That Racism No Longer Exists?
  • How Does Racism Really Play?
  • Does Huck Finn Represent Racism?
  • How Does Racism Affect the Way of a Caste Like System?
  • Does Brexit Trigger Racism?
  • Do Racism and Discrimination Still Exist Today?
  • What Causes Racism Persists?
  • How Does John Steinbeck Portray Racism in “Of Mice and Men”?
  • Did Hurricane Katrina Expose Racism in America?
  • Did Secession and Racism Be So Intimately Connect?
  • What Contribution Has Psychoanalytic Theory Made to Our Political Understanding of Racism?
  • How Cultural Elements and History Have Created and Are Changing Racism in Brazil?
  • How Does Racism Affect Society?
  • Has Racism Today Changed Since the 1950s?
  • How Fake News Use Satire as a Medium to Address Issues on Racism?
  • Did Slavery Cause Racism?
  • Are Indian Mascots Racism?
  • Did Racism Precede Slavery?
  • How Might Christians Put Their Beliefs About Racism Into Action?
  • How Are American-Bron Chinese Faced With Racism in America?

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This essay topic collection was updated on June 24, 2024 .


List of Great Argumentative Essay Topics on Racism [Updated]

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The social issues that we face today are more complex and multifaceted than ever before. And, as a result, there are a lot of great argumentative essay topics on racism. Here are just a few examples:

What You'll Learn

Argumentative Essay Topics on Racism

  • How has institutional Racism affected the history of minority groups in the US? –
  • Should we consider Islamophobia racism?
  • Racism: Can we refer to it as a mental disorder?
  • Race: Does it serve any purpose in modern society?
  • How Racism impact the way Chinese American has been viewed.
  • Irishness: Should it be considered a show of racism?
  • Comic books: Can we consider it racist against black people?
  • How does Racism impact the way we view immigration? Description: In recent years, views of immigration in the United States have shifted with many Americans perceiving immigrants as a source of national prosperity, rather than an eminent burden
  • Racism Against Hispanics in America Description: One of the main challenges facing American society is racism. While the country is a multicultural society comprising of individuals from different cultures around the world, minority groups often face discrimination in the form hate crimes and racist comments. Although the issue of racism affects all minorities.
  • African American males are 10 times more likely to resist arrest than Caucasian males, is this due to them essentially resisting police brutality, or are other factors at play?
  • What is the driving force of racial police brutality?
  • Is defunding the police an effective way to end racial police brutality?
  • Racism. Discrimination and racial inequality. Essay Description: Today, everyone wants to reap the benefits of a diverse workforce. However, racism continues to be a major challenge to achieving this goal.
  • Prejudice towards ladies in hijab: Is it baseless?
  • Racism: Is it rooted in fear?
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Argumentative Essay Ideas on Racism

  • Does police brutality exist for other ethnicities other than African Americans?
  • Do prisons treat Caucasians differently than other ethnic groups?
  • Should prisons be segregated by race?
  • Educational Institutions take to Address Systemic Racism Description: Racism is a social issue that has existed for a long time, causing chaos among people from various races. It refers to discriminating against a person based on skin colour and ethnicity. Systematic racism, sometimes called institutional racism, refers to racism embedded in the regulations.
  • What countries are the most racist in the EU?
  • Do you agree with the statement, “there will always be color racism?”
  • Prejudice and racism: Are they the same thing?
  • What can be done to create pathways for more minority judges to take the bench?
  • Does Islamophobia separate minority populations in prison?
  • Is enough being done in the legal system to deter and punish hate crimes?
  • Should there be a zero-tolerance policy for racially biased police brutality?
  • Racial Discrimination: How We Can Face Racism Description: One of the most effective approaches to face racism and defeat it is through teaching the people its detrimental effects and how each one of us can be an agent of change. (Argumentative Essay Topics on Racism)

Theories of race and racism in an Administration of Justice, Criminal Justice race, gender and Class

These are just a few examples – there are literally endless possibilities when it comes to racism that you can write about in an argumentative essay . So, if you’re looking for some inspiration, don’t hesitate to check out these Research Paper Ideas on Racism with prompts!

Research Paper Ideas on Racism with prompts

  • Xenophobia, Racism and Alien Representation in District 9 Prompt: The term alien has many connotations for different people, from the scientific theory and sci-fi representations of extra-terrestrial life to the resurgence in modern society of legal uses regarding immigration. In popular culture these uses can often coincide whether metaphorical, allegorical, or explicit.
  • White and Black Team in Remember the Titans Prompt: Reducing prejudice essentially entails changing the values and beliefs by which people live. For many reasons, this is difficult. The first is that the ideals and expectations of individuals are also a long-standing pillar of their psychological stability.
  • Transformation of the American Government and “Tradition of Exclusion” Prompt: The United States of America is a country known for its pride in its democratic government, where the American Dream encourages everyone to strive for the very best. That rhetoric is deeply rooted in every aspect of life in this country from its conception until…
  • This is America: Oppression in America in Glover’s Music Video Prompt: A common topic we see in our society is the debate of gun control in America. It has been an ongoing argument due to the mass of shootings in schools, churches, nightclubs, etc. The number of shootings has only been increasing over the years.
  • Theory of Slavery as a Kind of Social Death Prompt: The Orlando theory of slavery as a social death is among the first and major type of full-scale comparative study that is attached to different slavery aspects.
  • The Review of the Glory Road Prompt: Glory Road is an American sports drama film directed by James Gartner, in view of a genuine story encompassing the occasions of the 1966 NCAA University Division Basketball Championship. It was released on 13th January 2006.
  • The Relationship Between Racism and the Ideology of Progress Prompt: Through the years, as a result of the two world wars and the Great Depression, the term progress and the meaning attached to it greatly suffered.
  • The Racial Discrimination in Bob Dylan’s Song Prompt: President John F. Kennedy delivered a powerful message to the American People on June 11th of 1963, calling Congress to view civil rights as a moral obligation instead of a legal issue.
  • The People Segregation by Society in Divergent Prompt: It is clear that the society in Divergent places unrealistic limits on its members identities from the beginning of the book. Segregating different personality types into different factions not only has consequences on society but on the individual.
  • The Influence of Racial Or Ethnic Discrimination a Person’s Self-concept Prompt: Discrimination and prejudiced attitudes are assumed to be damaging aspects of society. The research presents the cognitive, emotional, and social damages related to experiencing discrimination. This research proposal focuses on determining the impacts of prejudice and how it negatively affects an individual. (Argumentative Essay Topics on Racism)
  • Find out more on  Argumentative Essay Topics About Social Media [Updated]

Racism research paper  outline

Research questions on racism.

  • Have you seen the video of George Floyd’s death? What was your reaction to it? How did it make you feel?
  • How would you define racism?
  • How have you experienced racism towards yourself or others? How did it make you feel?
  • Has anyone ever assumed something about you because of the color or your skin? If so, explain.
  • Have you ever assumed something about someone else because of the color of their skin? If so, explain.
  • Has anyone ever called you the “N” word or referred to others in that way while you were present? If so, please share what happened.
  • Why do you think racism exists in today’s society? How do you think it will affect your future?
  • How has the police brutality and the protests/demonstrations impacted you on a personal level?
  • Do you feel your relationship with God makes you better equipped to handle all that is going within society concerning race? Why or why not?
  • Do you think it is important to celebrate the differences in people? Why or why not?
  • Is it important to have oneness in Christ or sameness in Christ? Explain. Do you think there is a difference between the two? Explain.
  • How do you think we can move forward and carry out racial reconciliation as a society?

Great Racism Research Paper Topics

  • What are the effects of racism on society?
  • How can we stop racism from spreading in contemporary society?
  • The mental underpinnings of racism
  • How does racism impact a person’s brain?
  • Amounts of racism in various social groups
  • The importance of socialization in racial and ethnic groups
  • How does racial tension affect social interactions?
  • The following are some ideas for essays on racism and ethnicity in America.
  • Interethnic conflict in the United States and other countries
  • Systematic racism exists in America.
  • Racism is prevalent in American cities.
  • The rise of nationalism and xenophobia in America.
  • Postcolonial psychology essay topics for Native Americans
  • Latin American musical ethnography issues.
  • Legacy of Mesoamerican Civilizations
  • Endangered Native American languages
  • What steps are American businesses taking to combat racism?
  • The role of traditionalism in contemporary Latin American society
  • Ethnopolitical conflicts and their resolutions are good topics for African American research papers.
  • The prevalence of racism in hate crimes in the US.
  • Latin America Today: Religion, Celebration, and Identity
  • National politics of African Americans in contemporary America.

Good racism essay topics:

  • Why Should We Consider Race to Understand Fascism?
  • The Racial Problem in America
  • Postwar Race and Gender Histories: The Color of Sex
  • The Relevance of Race in Fascism Understanding
  • Cases of Racial Discrimination in the Workplace in the United States
  • Problems with Gender, Race, and Sexuality in Modern Society
  • “Frankie and Alice”: Race and Mental Health
  • The history of immigration, race, and labor in America
  • Power and racial symbolism in Coetzee’s “Disgrace.”
  • In America, race and educational attainment are related.
  • Race to the Top: The Early Learning Challenge
  • Social learning, critical racial theory, and feminist theories
  • Minority Crime and Race in the United States
  • Racial, ethnic, and gender diversity in society
  • Documentary series “Race: The Power of an Illusion.”

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195 Top Racism Essay Topics for Excellent Essays

racism is a pandemic sign

Racism is an insidious and pervasive issue that has plagued societies for centuries, causing deep-rooted division, discrimination, and injustice.

Whether it takes the form of overt acts of violence and hatred or subtle, systemic biases and prejudices, the effects of racism can be felt in every aspect of our lives. From education and employment to healthcare and housing, race plays a significant role in determining our opportunities and experiences.

Now since racism issues are quite complex, you may need help selecting a good title for racism essay. Join us as we explore some current race topics to write about, affecting individuals and communities at large.

Top Essay Topics on Racism in US

In the United States, racism has been a pervasive and enduring problem, affecting marginalized communities and perpetuating inequality. These essay on racial inequality explores the history, impact, and intersectionality of racism with other forms of oppression.

  • The History and Evolution of Racism in the United States.
  • The intersectionality of racism with other forms of oppression, such as sexism and homophobia
  • The role of systemic racism in perpetuating inequality in education, healthcare, and other institutions
  • The Impact of racial profiling and police brutality on Black and Brown communities
  • The Portrayal of Race in the Media and its impact on public perception
  • The impact of COVID-19 on racism and discrimination towards Asian Americans
  • The Experiences of biracial individuals navigating racism and Identity in the US
  • The Impact of Gentrification and urban renewal on Communities of Color
  • The role of cultural appropriation in perpetuating racial stereotypes and erasing cultural identities
  • The impact of racist policies, such as the War on Drugs, on communities of color
  • The Relationship between Race and socioeconomic status in the US
  • The impact of racial disparities in the criminal justice system on communities of color
  • The Role of Allyship and Activism in combating racism in the US.
  • The effectiveness of Affirmative action policies in combating Racism
  • The impact of racism on marginalized communities in the US

Top Social Media and Racism Research Paper Topics

Social media has become a powerful tool for communication and social interaction, but it has also been used to perpetuate racist ideologies and hate speech. These essay on racism today examines the impact of social media on racism.

  • The role of social media in perpetuating racist ideologies and hate speech.
  • The impact of social media algorithms on the spread of racist content.
  • An analysis of how social media companies have responded to racism on their platforms.
  • The impact of social media on the formation of racial identity and self-concept.
  • An examination of the experiences of Black social media users and how they navigate racism online.
  • The role of social media in facilitating and disrupting allyship and antiracism work.
  • A study of how social media can promote racial justice and equity.
  • An analysis of how social media platforms amplify the voices of marginalised communities.
  • The intersection of social media, racism, and political polarisation.
  • The impact of social media on the racial attitudes and beliefs of young people.
  • A study of how social media companies can be held accountable for the spread of racist content.
  • An examination of how social media can be used to challenge and disrupt systemic racism.
  • A comparative analysis of racist discourse on Twitter and Facebook.
  • A study of the relationship between online hate speech and offline hate crimes.
  • The relationship between social media use and perceived discrimination.

Good Racism Topics for Essay Thesis

Racism remains a pervasive issue in modern society, affecting institutions and individuals across various spheres. These thesis on racism explores the history and impact of institutional racism.

  • The history and impact of institutional racism in the United States.
  • The Role of Race in the criminal justice system.
  • The effects of microaggressions on marginalized groups.
  • The intersection of race and education.
  • The relationship between race and healthcare disparities.
  • The impact of race on housing and neighbourhood segregation.
  • The role of race in employment discrimination.
  • The Intersection of Race and Gender in systemic oppression.
  • The impact of white privilege and allyship in anti-racism work.
  • The historical and ongoing effects of colonization on Indigenous peoples.
  • The effects of racism on mental health and well-being.
  • The role of social media in perpetuating or combating racism.
  • The psychological effects of racism on individuals and communities.
  • The impact of racist rhetoric in politics.
  • The portrayal of race in the media and its impact on society.

Top 15 Argumentative Essay Topics About Race

These argumentative essay topics on racism delve into the effects of systemic racism on communities of color and the need for reform in the criminal justice system:

  • The impact of systemic racism on the Black community in America.
  • Racial profiling and discrimination in law enforcement.
  • The significance of affirmative action policies in promoting diversity and equal opportunity.
  • The controversy surrounding race-based admissions in higher education.
  • The Role of Media in shaping public perception of Race and Ethnicity.
  • The implications of race-based hate crimes and their impact on society.
  • The role of race in the criminal justice system and the need for reform.
  • The effects of racial segregation on communities and individuals.
  • The impact of race and ethnicity on healthcare disparities.
  • The role of education in addressing racial inequalities and promoting diversity.
  • The impact of racism on mental health and well-being.
  • The importance of acknowledging and addressing historical injustices related to race.
  • The effects of cultural appropriation on marginalized communities.
  • The intersectionality of race and gender and how it affects social and political issues.
  • The impact of immigration policies on racial and ethnic minorities.

Excellent Injustice Essay Topics

These racism topics for essay delve into the various forms of social and economic oppression that persist in today’s world. From systemic racism to income inequality and the criminalization of poverty, these topics shed light on the ongoing struggle for social justice and equality.

  • The impact of systemic racism on marginalized communities.
  • The effects of income inequality on social mobility.
  • The mistreatment of migrant workers and immigrants.
  • The persistence of gender inequality in the workplace.
  • The exploitation of low-wage workers in the gig economy.
  • The systemic oppression of indigenous communities.
  • The criminalization of poverty and homelessness.
  • The discrimination faced by LGBTQ+ individuals.
  • The exploitation of natural resources in developing countries.
  • The unequal distribution of healthcare resources.
  • The violation of privacy and civil liberties by governments and corporations.
  • The marginalization of religious and ethnic minorities.
  • The denial of basic human rights to people with disabilities.
  • The disproportionate impact of climate change on vulnerable communities.
  • The unjust treatment of minority groups in the criminal justice system.

Good Racism Persuasive Essay Topics

These top racism thesis topics explore the impact of systemic racism on marginalized communities:

  • The Impact of systemic racism on marginalized communities
  • The importance of education in combating racism
  • The role of media in perpetuating racist stereotypes
  • The need for diversity and inclusion in the workplace
  • The consequences of police brutality on communities of color
  • The Role of the criminal justice system in perpetuating racism
  • The need for reparations to address the harm caused by racism
  • The Impact of racial discrimination on mental health
  • The need for anti-racism policies and practices in schools
  • The effects of white privilege and how it perpetuates racism
  • The importance of allyship in combating racism
  • The intersectionality of racism with other forms of oppression, such as sexism and homophobia.
  • The importance of acknowledging and learning from past racist actions
  • The impact of cultural appropriation on marginalized groups

Top Racism Informative Essay Topics

These essay on racial inequality covers a broad range of issues, from the history and causes of racism to the effects of microaggressions and colorism:

  • The Role of Education in fighting racism
  • The Impact of Racism on mental health
  • Racial profiling and its negative effects on communities of color
  • The effects of microaggressions on people of color
  • Systemic racism in the criminal justice system
  • The impact of the media on the perpetuation of racism
  • The impact of racism on economic inequality
  • The effects of colorism on people of color
  • The Impact of Racism on healthcare access and Outcomes
  • The Impact of Racism on political participation and Representation
  • The Impact of Racism on environmental justice
  • The effectiveness of anti-racist policies and initiatives.
  • The History of Racism in America: Causes and Effects
  • The Intersectionality of race and gender discrimination
  • The Impact of Colonialism on Racism in former colonies

15 Short Essay Topics Racism

Exploring the complex and pervasive issue of racism, these short racism essay topics cover history, psychology, media, education, allyship, and more. Each topic sheds light on the different facets of this pressing social issue.

  • The history of systemic racism in America and its current impact on communities of color.
  • The psychological effects of experiencing racism on individuals and communities.
  • How media and entertainment perpetuate racist stereotypes and biases.
  • The role of education in combating racism and promoting diversity and inclusion.
  • The intersectionality of racism with other forms of discrimination, such as sexism or homophobia.
  • The impact of police brutality and systemic racism on Black and Brown communities in America.
  • The history and current state of white privilege and its effects on society.
  • The impact of racist policies, such as redlining or voter suppression, on communities of color.
  • The role of allyship in combating racism and promoting racial justice.
  • The impact of racism on mental health and access to healthcare for marginalized communities.
  • How technology and social media perpetuate and combat racism in society.
  • The potential solutions to combating racism and promoting a more equitable and just society.
  • The impact of racist language and microaggressions on individuals and communities.
  • The history and legacy of colonialism and its impact on global systems of power and privilege.
  • How international communities address racism in different parts of the world.

Good Cause and Effect Essay Racism Topics

Racism has far-reaching consequences on society, impacting income, education, and health outcomes. These causes and effects thesis about racism helps better understand how it perpetuates inequality and works towards creating a more just and equitable society.

  • The Impact of systemic racism on income inequality in the United States
  • The Effects of racial profiling on the Relationship between Police and minority communities
  • The Causes and Effects of the school-to-prison Pipeline on Black and brown students
  • The Impact of racial stereotypes on job opportunities and career advancement
  • The Effects of Redlining on the racial wealth gap in America
  • The Causes and Effects of cultural appropriation and its impact on marginalized communities
  • The impact of racist language in media and its effects on social attitudes and behaviors
  • The Causes and Effects of environmental racism on minority communities
  • The Impact of implicit bias on workplace diversity and Inclusion
  • The effects of racial disparities in healthcare on health outcomes for people of color
  • The impact of racial disparities in access to education on academic achievement
  • The effects of the “tough on crime” mentality on the disproportionate incarceration of people of color
  • The causes and effects of the racial wealth gap on social mobility and economic stability
  • The causes and effects of the model minority myth on Asian Americans and other marginalized groups
  • The effects of the war on drugs on communities of color and the criminal justice system

Excellent Racism in Sports Essay Topics

Sports are a unifying force that brings people from diverse backgrounds together. However, racism in sports has been a persistent issue for many years. These research paper on racism cover a wide range of issues, from racist mascots to biased officiating and from cultural appropriation to the impact on mental health:

  • The History and Impact of racist sports mascots in the United States
  • The Impact of racial bias on sports officiating and player recruitment
  • The role of athletes in challenging racism and promoting social justice in sports
  • The influence of media and commentary on the perpetuation of racial stereotypes in sports
  • The history of segregation and discrimination in sports and its lasting effects on athletes and communities
  • The role of sports in fostering racial and cultural unity and understanding
  • The impact of social media and technology on the exposure and response to racist incidents in sports
  • The effects of cultural appropriation and fetishization in sports on marginalized groups
  • The racial disparities in sports fandom and fan culture
  • The impact of racism on the mental health and well-being of athletes of color
  • The role of international sports organizations in addressing and combating racism in sports
  • The impact of racist policies and practices on the accessibility and affordability of sports for marginalized communities
  • The intersections of race, gender, and sexuality in sports and their impact on athletes’ experiences
  • The potential solutions and strategies for addressing and combating racism in sports at all levels.
  • The racial disparities in sports ownership and leadership positions

Racism in Brazil Essay Topics

Racism in Brazil is a complex and deeply rooted issue that affects many aspects of society. These racism essays explore the historical, social, and cultural dimensions of racism in Brazil, examining its impact on individuals, communities, and the broader society.

  • The historical roots of racism in Brazil: A critical analysis Intersectionality and racism in Brazil
  • An Examination of the Experiences of Afro-Brazilian Women
  • The Impact of Media on shaping perceptions of Race in Brazil
  • The Role of Education in combating racism in Brazil
  • The relationship between poverty and racism in Brazil: An exploration of the linkages
  • The Effects of affirmative action policies on reducing racial inequality in Brazil
  • The underrepresentation of Afro-Brazilians in positions of power: A case study of the political system
  • The Impact of police violence on Afro-Brazilian Communities
  • The challenges and successes of Afro-Brazilian activism and social movements in combating racism
  • The cultural appropriation of Afro-Brazilian Traditions and Its Impact on racial stereotypes
  • The intersection of race and gender in Brazilian society: An analysis of the experiences of trans-Afro-Brazilians
  • The impact of globalization on racism in Brazil: An analysis of the influence of international actors and institutions.
  • The relationship between racism and the environment in Brazil: An analysis of environmental racism
  • The portrayal of race in Brazilian literature: An analysis of the works of Afro-Brazilian authors
  • The Influence of Colonialism on race relations in Brazil

15 Essay Topics about the Power and Space of Racism

These essays about racism explore the power and space of racism in various contexts, from the impact of historical legacies on present-day inequalities to the intersectionality of racism and gender:

  • The Historical Roots of Racism and the Use of Power in the Colonization of Indigenous People’s Land
  • The Role of Spatial Segregation in Reinforcing Racial Inequality in Urban Spaces
  • The Intersection of Racism, Power, and Immigration Policy in the United States
  • The Power Dynamics of Racism and the Criminal Justice System: Examining Police Brutality and Mass Incarceration
  • The Role of Racism and Power in Education: Addressing the Achievement Gap
  • The Impact of Redlining and Racially Biased Housing Policies on Communities of Color
  • The Power of Racism and Stereotyping in Media Representation: Examining the Portrayal of Black Women in Popular Culture
  • The Relationship Between Racism, Power, and Healthcare Disparities: Addressing Racial Health Inequities
  • The Role of Racism and Power in Environmental Justice: Examining the Effects of Toxic Waste and Pollution on Communities of Color
  • The Role of White Privilege in Perpetuating Systemic Racism and Power Dynamics
  • The Intersection of Racism, Power, and Gender: Examining the Experiences of Black Women in the Workplace
  • The Role of Racism and Power in Sport: Addressing Discrimination and Inequality in Athletic Spaces
  • The Power Dynamics of Racism and International Relations: Addressing Neocolonialism and Global Inequality
  • The Historical Legacy of Racism and Power in the United States: Examining the Effects of Slavery and Jim Crow
  • The Power Dynamics of Racism and Political Representation: Examining Voting Rights and Political Participation


Essays about racial discrimination can be a sensitive and complex topic that requires a lot of research and analysis.

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So, if you need assistance writing an essay on racism, do not hesitate to seek help . With their service, you can rest assured that your racism essays will be well-crafted, articulate and impactful.

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40+ Argumentative Essay Topics on Racism Worth Exploring

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by  Antony W

April 21, 2023

Argumentative Essay Topics on Racism

The first step to write an essay on racism is to select the right topic to explore.

You then have to take a stance based on your research and use evidence to defend your position.

Even in a sensitive issue of racial discrimination, you have to consider the counterarguments highly likely to arise and address them accordingly. 

The goal of this list post is to give you some topic ideas that you can consider and explore.   We’ve put together 30+ topic ideas, so it should be easy to find an interesting issue to explore.

What is Racism?  

Racism is the conviction that we can credit capacities and qualities to individuals based on their race, color, ethnicity, or national origin. It can take the form of prejudice, hatred, and discrimination, and it can happen in any place and at any time.

Racism goes beyond the act of harassment and abuse. It stretches further to violence, intimidation, and exclusion from important group activities.

This act of judgment, prejudice, and discrimination easily reveal itself in the way we interact with people and our attitude towards them.

Some forms of racism , like looking at a person’s place of origin through a list of job applications, may not be obvious, but they play a part in preventing people or particular group from enjoying the dignity and equality of the benefits of life simply because they are different.

Argumentative Essay Topics on Racism  

  • Is racism a type of mental illness in the modern society?
  • Barrack Obama’s legacy hasn’t helped to improve the situation of racism in the United States of America
  • The women’s movement of the 1960s did NOT unite black and white women
  • Will racism eventually disappear on its own?
  • Is there a cure for racism?
  • There’s no sufficient evidence to prove that Mexicans are racists
  • Is the difference in skin color the cause of racism in the western world?
  • Racism isn’t in everyone’s heart
  • Racism is a toxic global disease
  • Will the human race ever overcome racial prejudice and discrimination?
  • Can a racist be equally cruel?
  • Should racism be a criminal offense punishable by death without the possibility of parole?
  • Are racists more principled than those who are not?
  • Can poor upbringing cause a person to become a racist?
  • Is it a crime if you’re a racist?
  • Can racism lead to another World War?
  • The government can’t stop people from being racists
  • Cultural diversity can cure racism
  • All racists in the world have psychological problems and therefore need medical attention
  • Can the government put effective measures in place to stop its citizens from promoting racism?
  • Can a racist president rule a country better than a president who is not a racist?
  • Should white and black people have equal rights?
  • Can cultural diversity breed racism?
  • Is racism a bigger threat to the human race?
  • Racism is common among adults than it is among children
  • Should white people enjoy more human rights than black people should?
  • Is the disparity in the healthcare system a form of racial discrimination?
  • Racial discrimination is a common thing in the United States of America
  • Film industries should be regulated to help mitigate racism
  • Disney movies should be banned for promoting racism
  • Should schools teach students to stand against racism?
  • Should parents punish their children for manifesting racist traits?
  • Is racism the root of all evil?
  • Can dialogue resolve the issue of racism?
  • Is the seed of racism sown in our children during childhood?
  • Do anti-racist movements help to unite people of different colors and race to fight racism?
  • Do religious doctrines promote racism?
  • There are no psychological health risks associated with racism
  • Can movements such as Black Lives Matter stop racism in America?
  • Do anti-racist movements help people to improve their self-esteem?
  • Racism is against religious beliefs
  • Can teaching children to treat each other equally help to promote an anti-racist world?

We understand that racism is such a controversial topic. However, it’s equally an interesting area to explore. If you wish to write an essay on racism but you have no idea where to start, you can pay for argumentative essay from Help for Assessment to do some custom writing for you.

If you hire Help for Assessment, our team will choose the most suitable topic based on your preference. In addition to conducting extensive research, we’ll choose a stance we can defend, and use strong evidence to demonstrate why your view on the subject is right. Get up to 15% discount here .

Is it Easy to Write an Argumentative Essay on Racism?

Racism is traumatic and a bad idea, and there must never be an excuse for it.

As controversial as the issue is, you can write an essay that explores this aspect and bring out a clear picture on why racism is such a bad idea altogether.

With that said, here’s a list of some argumentative essay topics on racism that you might want to consider for your next essay assignment.

How to Make Your Argumentative Essay on Racism Great 

The following are some useful writing tips that you can use to make your argumentative essay on racism stand out:

Examine the Historical Causes of Racism 

Try to dig deeper into the topic of racism by looking at historical causes of racial discrimination and prejudices.

Look at a number of credible sources to explore the connection between racism and salve trade, social developments, and politics.

Include these highlights in your essay to demonstrate that you researched widely on the topic before making your conclusion.

Demonstrate Critical Thinking 

Go the extra mile and talk about the things you believe people often leave out when writing argumentative essays on racism.

Consider why racial discrimination and prejudices are common in the society, their negative effects, and who benefits the most from racial policies.

Adding such information not only shows your instructor that you did your research but also understand the topic better.

Show the Relationship between Racism and Social Issues 

There’s no denying that racism has a strong connection with many types of social issues, including homophobia, slavery, and sexism.

Including these links, where necessary, and explaining them in details can make your essay more comprehensive and therefore worth reading.

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About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

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200+ Racism Essay Topics and Ideas to Spark Thought-Provoking Discussions [2025]

Sep 5, 2024 | 0 comments

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Sep 5, 2024 | Topics | 0 comments

Racism remains a pervasive and complex issue in our society, affecting countless lives and shaping social, economic, and political structures. Writing an essay on racism is not only an academic exercise but also an opportunity to explore, understand, and fight racism in its many forms. This comprehensive article aims to provide students, researchers, and writers with a wealth of racism essay topics for research papers and essays, covering various aspects of this multifaceted issue.

From historical perspectives to contemporary manifestations, our curated list of racism essay topics delves into the nature of racism, its evolution, and its persistent impact on individuals and communities. Whether you’re looking to compose an essay for a college essay assignment or conducting in-depth research, this guide offers a robust foundation for writing about racism with insight and clarity.

As we explore these racism essay topics, it’s crucial to approach them with sensitivity and a commitment to promoting equality and justice. By engaging with these issues through academic discourse, we contribute to the ongoing effort to end racism and build a more inclusive society.

Table of Contents

How to Choose the Perfect Racism Essay Topic:

Selecting the right topic is crucial when writing an essay on racism. Here are some key considerations to help you choose a topic that is both engaging and academically rigorous:

  • Understand the nature of racism: Before diving into specific topics, ensure you have a solid grasp of the definition of racism and its various manifestations. This foundational knowledge will help you approach your chosen topic with depth and nuance.
  • Narrow your focus: Racism is a broad subject, so it’s essential to narrow your focus. Consider specific aspects of racism or types of racism that interest you or align with your course requirements.
  • Consider your thesis statement: Your topic should allow you to formulate a clear and arguable thesis statement. This will be the backbone of your essay on racism.
  • Explore current events: Look for recent cases of racism or ongoing debates about race and racism in the news. This can help make your essay more relevant and timely.
  • Utilize academic resources: Make use of your library and open-access journals to find scholarly articles on your chosen topic. This will provide you with credible citations and help you understand the academic discourse surrounding your subject.
  • Examine different perspectives: Consider topics that allow you to explore various viewpoints on racism issues. This can lead to a more balanced and insightful essay.
  • Analyze statistics: Look for topics where you can incorporate relevant statistics to strengthen your argument and provide concrete evidence for your points.
  • Consider interdisciplinary approaches: Racism involves many aspects of society. Consider topics that intersect with other fields such as psychology, sociology, or economics to provide a unique perspective.
  • Reflect on personal experiences: If appropriate for your assignment, consider topics that allow you to incorporate personal experiences or observations related to racism and discrimination.
  • Review essay examples: Look at essay samples on racism to get ideas for topics and to understand how others have approached similar subjects.

Remember, the goal is to choose a topic that not only interests you but also allows for meaningful research and analysis. Whether you’re examining the history of racism, exploring institutionalized forms of racism, or analyzing the impact of racism on specific communities, your topic should contribute to the broader understanding of racism and its effects on society.

As you begin your essay, keep in mind that writing about racism requires sensitivity and a commitment to accuracy. Your essay should not only present facts and arguments but also contribute to the ongoing dialogue on how to address and ultimately end racism in all its forms.

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🏆 Best Racism Essay Topics

1. Intersectionality and racial discrimination in healthcare 2. Algorithmic bias in artificial intelligence systems 3. Institutional racism’s impact on education outcomes 4. Racial stereotypes in media representation 5. Bioethics and race-based medical research 6. Whiteness studies: Examining privilege and power dynamics 7. Racial microaggressions in academic settings 8. Environmental racism and community health disparities 9. Linguistic discrimination and its effects on racial minorities 10. Racial profiling in law enforcement practices

Racism Essay Topic Ideas

1. Exploring cultural appropriation in popular culture 2. Racial bias in hiring practices and employment discrimination 3. Islamophobia and its societal consequences 4. Racial inequality in access to mental health resources 5. Historical roots of scientific racism 6. Colorism within minority communities 7. Racism in sports: From segregation to modern-day challenges 8. Racial disparities in criminal justice sentencing 9. Xenophobia and its impact on immigrant communities 10. Intersections of racism and sexism in workplace environments

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Argumentative Racism Essay Topics

1. Affirmative action policies: Necessity or reverse discrimination? 2. Reparations for historical injustices: Feasibility and implementation 3. Standardized testing: Tool for meritocracy or perpetrator of racial gaps? 4. Cultural diversity programs: Effective or tokenistic? 5. Confederate monuments: Preservation of history or symbols of oppression? 6. Racial quotas in higher education admissions 7. Gentrification: Urban renewal or modern colonialism? 8. Racial bias in artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms 9. Colorblind ideology: Beneficial or harmful to racial progress? 10. Interracial adoption: Ethical considerations and cultural preservation

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Historical Racism Essay Topics

1. Slavery’s lasting impact on modern socioeconomic disparities 2. Jim Crow laws and their influence on systemic racism 3. Native American genocide and cultural erasure 4. Chinese Exclusion Act and anti-Asian sentiment in America 5. Racial motivations behind the War on Drugs 6. Eugenics movement and its connection to racist ideologies 7. Segregation in the U.S. military: A historical analysis 8. Tuskegee Syphilis Study: Medical racism and ethical violations 9. Redlining practices and their long-term effects on communities of color 10. Civil Rights Movement: Strategies, leaders, and lasting impact

Easy Racism Essay Topics

1. Racial stereotypes in children’s literature and media 2. Personal experiences with racial discrimination 3. Famous speeches addressing racism throughout history 4. Racial diversity in popular television shows and movies 5. Racism in social media and online communities 6. Cultural celebrations and their role in combating racism 7. Representation of different races in children’s toys 8. Racial bias in beauty standards and the cosmetics industry 9. Racism in sports fandom and spectator behavior 10. Interracial friendships and their impact on reducing prejudice

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Good Racism Essay Topics

1. Psychological effects of long-term exposure to racial discrimination 2. Racial disparities in COVID-19 outcomes and vaccine distribution 3. Intersection of class and race in educational opportunities 4. Racism in the fashion industry: From runways to marketing 5. Environmental justice and the disproportionate impact of pollution on communities of color 6. Racial bias in artificial intelligence and facial recognition technology 7. Microaggressions and their cumulative impact on mental health 8. Representation of racial minorities in political leadership 9. Racism in healthcare: Disparities in treatment and medical research 10. The role of allies in anti-racism movements

Social Racism Essay Topics

1. Social media’s role in amplifying or combating racist ideologies 2. Implicit bias training: Effectiveness and limitations 3. Racial segregation in modern urban planning and housing 4. Impact of racism on interracial relationships and families 5. Cultural competence in social work and community services 6. Racism in the gig economy and sharing platforms 7. Social exclusion of racial minorities in educational settings 8. Racial dynamics in multiracial societies and communities 9. Social movements addressing police brutality against people of color 10. Intergenerational transmission of racial attitudes and prejudices

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Persuasive Racism Essay Topics

1. Mandatory anti-racism education in K-12 curricula 2. Racial bias training for law enforcement officers 3. Eliminating race-based hair discrimination in workplaces and schools 4. Increasing racial diversity in corporate leadership positions 5. Reforming standardized testing to address racial bias 6. Implementing reparations for descendants of enslaved people 7. Addressing racial disparities in maternal healthcare outcomes 8. Promoting inclusive language policies in educational institutions 9. Racial equity in access to technology and digital resources 10. Dismantling the school-to-prison pipeline affecting minority youth

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Complex Racism Essay Topics

1. Intersectionality of racism, classism, and gender discrimination 2. Epigenetic effects of historical trauma on marginalized racial groups 3. Racial capitalism and its role in perpetuating systemic inequalities 4. Neocolonialism and modern forms of economic racism 5. Cognitive dissonance in individuals holding racist beliefs 6. Racial bias in artificial intelligence and predictive policing algorithms 7. Historical revisionism and its impact on racial narratives 8. Racial identity development theories and their applications 9. Intersections of racism and ableism in healthcare and education 10. Critical race theory: Applications and controversies in academia and policy

✍️ Racism Essay Topics for College

1. Racial microaggressions in higher education settings 2. Campus diversity initiatives: Successes and shortcomings 3. Decolonizing the curriculum: Addressing Eurocentric bias in academia 4. Affirmative action policies in college admissions 5. Racial disparities in STEM fields and strategies for inclusion 6. Student activism and anti-racism movements on college campuses 7. Intersectionality of race and gender in academic achievement 8. Racial bias in college disciplinary procedures and outcomes 9. Impact of legacy admissions on racial Diversity in elite institutions 10. Cultural competence training for faculty and staff in higher education

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Racism topic ideas: literature, art, and movies

1. Racial stereotypes in classic literature: A critical analysis 2. Representation of racial minorities in contemporary art movements 3. Hollywood’s history of racial stereotyping and whitewashing 4. Portrayal of interracial relationships in film and television 5. Black artists’ contributions to the Harlem Renaissance 6. Racial themes in dystopian and science fiction literature 7. Indigenous storytelling traditions and their preservation in modern media 8. Racial coding in animated films and children’s movies 9. Appropriation of minority cultures in the music industry 10. Depiction of racial conflict in war literature and films

Racism in America: topic ideas

1. Voter suppression tactics targeting minority communities 2. Racial wealth gap: Causes and potential solutions 3. School segregation in the post-Brown v. Board of Education era 4. Impact of the War on Drugs on communities of color 5. Racial disparities in access to healthcare and medical treatment 6. Representation of racial minorities in American politics 7. Intersection of immigration policies and racial discrimination 8. Racial bias in the U.S. criminal justice system 9. Historical and contemporary forms of housing discrimination 10. Racial stereotypes in American media and popular culture

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👍 Racism Topics for Essay & Research

1. Psychological impacts of long-term exposure to racial discrimination 2. Effectiveness of diversity and inclusion initiatives in corporate settings 3. Racial disparities in environmental pollution exposure 4. Intergenerational effects of systemic racism on family structures 5. Role of education in combating racial prejudice and stereotypes 6. Racial bias in healthcare diagnosis and treatment outcomes 7. Impact of colorism within and between racial communities 8. Intersection of racism and mental health stigma 9. Racial profiling in retail environments: “Shopping While Black” phenomenon 10. Effects of racist rhetoric in political campaigns on minority voter turnout

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Racism paper topic ideas: psychology and social studies

1. Development of racial identity in children and adolescents 2. Social psychology of implicit bias and its manifestations 3. Impact of racial stereotypes on academic performance expectations 4. Cross-cultural studies on perceptions of race and ethnicity 5. Psychological effects of racial microaggressions in daily life 6. Social identity theory and its applications to racial group dynamics 7. Racial trauma and its long-term psychological consequences 8. Effectiveness of intergroup contact in reducing racial prejudice 9. Role of family socialization in the formation of racial attitudes 10. Psychological strategies for coping with experiences of racial discrimination

📌 Easy Research Topics about Racism

1. Racial stereotypes in children’s cartoons and animated movies 2. Effects of diverse friend groups on reducing racial prejudice 3. Racism in sports: Fan behavior and athlete experiences 4. Racial bias in beauty pageants and fashion magazines 5. Representation of different races in popular video games 6. Racial stereotypes in advertising and marketing campaigns 7. Impact of racially diverse teaching staff on student outcomes 8. Experiences of interracial couples in modern society 9. Racial discrimination in customer service interactions 10. Portrayal of racial minorities in superhero comics and movies

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🎓 Interesting Racism Essay Titles

1. Beyond Black and White: Exploring Multiracial Identity in America 2. Silent Bias: Unmasking Racial Microaggressions in Everyday Life 3. Coded Language: Deciphering Modern Forms of Racial Discrimination 4. Shades of Injustice: Examining Colorism Within and Between Communities 5. Digital Divide: Race and Access in the Information Age 6. Genetic Myths: Debunking Pseudoscientific Racism 7. Faces of Resilience: Stories of Triumph Over Racial Adversity 8. Decolonizing Beauty: Challenging Eurocentric Aesthetic Standards 9. Echoes of the Past: Tracing Historical Racism in Contemporary Society 10. Breaking the Cycle: Strategies for Dismantling Systemic Racism

Essay Topics on Racism in the Workplace

1. Institutional racism in hiring practices and promotion decisions 2. Health equity issues for workers of color in high-risk occupations 3. Racial discrimination in workplace healthcare benefits 4. Statistical analysis of wage gaps based on race 5. Social constructionism of race in corporate diversity initiatives 6. Manifestations of structural racism in office culture and norms 7. Effects of experiencing racial microaggressions on employee productivity 8. Interpersonal racism between coworkers: Causes and solutions 9. Societal racism reflected in customer-facing roles and interactions 10. Examining color-blind racism in “race-neutral” workplace policies

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Racism essay topics in history

1. Historiography of slavery and its impact on modern racial issues 2. Evolution of institutional racism in the United States legal system 3. Social inequality perpetuated by Jim Crow laws and their legacy 4. Racism associated with immigration policies throughout U.S. history 5. Origins of scientific racism and its influence on societal attitudes 6. Centuries of racism: Tracing the ideology of white supremacy 7. Forms of racism persisting from colonial era to modern times 8. Historical dimensions of race and health disparities 9. Exploring racism within the context of labor movements 10. Violence against people of color: Historical patterns and modern manifestations

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Essay Topics on Racism in Education

1. Institutional racism in school funding and resource allocation 2. Impact of professor bias on academic outcomes for students of color 3. Racial issues in curriculum development and textbook representation 4. Examining color blind racism in educational policy making 5. Effects of experiencing racism on student mental health and performance 6. Statistical analysis of racial achievement gaps in standardized testing 7. Racism still present in college admissions processes 8. Cultural racism in teaching methodologies and classroom management 9. Structural racism in special education referrals and placements 10. Race and health: Addressing racial disparities in school health services

Color Blind Racism Essay Topics

1. Color blind racism as a form of modern racism in institutions 2. Social constructionism of race in “post-racial” ideologies 3. Impact of color-blind policies on health equity efforts 4. Racial injustice perpetuated by color-blind approaches to law 5. Analyzing color-blind racism in media representation 6. Color blind racism’s role in perpetuating societal racism 7. Institutional racism masked by color-blind organizational policies 8. Examining the thesis that color blindness reduces discrimination 9. Color-blind racism in political discourse and policy-making 10. Psychological effects of color-blind attitudes on marginalized groups

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Racism - List of Essay Samples And Topic Ideas

It is difficult to imagine a more painful topic than racism. Violation of civil rights based on race, racial injustice, and discrimination against African American people are just a small part of issues related to racial inequality in the United States. Such a topical issue was also displayed in the context of school and college education, as students are often asked to write informative and research essays about racial discrimination.

The work on this paper is highly challenging as a student is supposed to study various cruel examples of bad attitudes and consider social questions. One should develop a topic sentence alongside the titles, outline, conclusion for essay on racism. The easiest way is to consult racism essay topics and ideas on our web. Also, we provide an example of a free college essay on racism in America for you to get acquainted with the problem.

Moreover, a hint to writing an excellent essay is good hooks considering the problem. You can find ideas for the thesis statement about racism that may help broaden your comprehension of the theme. It’s crucial to study persuasive and argumentative essay examples about racism in society, as it may help you to compose your paper.

Racism is closer than we think. Unfortunately, this awful social disease is also common for all levels and systems in the US. A student can develop a research paper about systemic racism with the help of the prompts we provide in this section.

Racism in Pop Culture

Emma Watson, Tom Hanks, both names are familiar and quite popular in Hollywood and on television. An emerging actor John Boyega whose name may not be widely known nevertheless impressed the audience with his character Finn from Star Wars. But as popular as these movie actors are, the movie that they all starred in The Circle did not sit well with the audience. In addition to the movie's low rating on film review sites and its abrupt ending that left […]

Appeal to Ethos, Logos and Pathos Racism

Abraham Lincoln once said, Achievement has no color."", but is that really true? In many cases of racism, people have been suppressed and kept from being able to contribute to the society. Racism is a blight and a hindrance to our development. Imagine the many things we could do if people could set aside differences and cooperate meaningfully. Sadly that is not the case. In reality, people are put down because of their heritage and genetics. By no means is […]

Professions for Women by Virginia Woolf

Have you ever asked yourself why people assume something of others by looks? In the chapter, Professions for Women written in 1931 by Virginia Woolf, who talks about her life and the difference she tried to make for all women in that period. She wanted her audience who were professional women to be able to figure out on their own what her story was about. Woolf talks about how she was unmasked and confused as she makes her readers understand […]

We will write an essay sample crafted to your needs.

Racism in Movie “42”

The movie I chose for this assignment is 42 starring Chadwick Boseman and Harrison Ford. The movie is about Jackie Robinson, a baseball player who broke the color barrier when he joined the Brooklyn Dodgers. One of the topics we covered in this course was racism. For my generation it is hard to understand how pervasive racism used to be in society. I have three cousins that have a black father. Many of my friends are from different races and […]

Racism and the U.S. Criminal Justice System

Introduction The primary purpose of this report is to explore racism issues in the United States justice system and addressing the solutions to the problem affecting the judicial society. Racism entails social practices that give merits explicitly solely to members of certain racial groups. Racism is attributed to three main aspects such as; personal predisposition, ideologies, and cultural racism, which promotes policies and practices that deepen racial discrimination. Institutional racism is also rife in the US justice system. This entails […]

About Black Lives Matter Movement

The fundamental rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution are inherent for all. There is no question that all people (blacks, Latinos, Indians, or white) were created free and equal with certain inalienable rights. This is a universally accepted principle. Segregation and racism against minorities in this country have been widely discussed, and prominent figures have taken a stand asking people to join in the fight for equality. This stand addresses the significance of black lives. However, contrasting opinions on […]

Structural Racism in U.S. Medical Care System Doctor-Patient Relationship

US history is littered with instances of racism and it has creeped into not only social, political, and economic structures of society, but also the US healthcare system. Racism is the belief that one race is superior over others, which leads to discrimination and prejudice against people based on their race or ethnicity (Romano). Centuries of racism in the United States' social structures has led to institutionalized or systemic racism”policies and behaviors adapted into our social, economic, and political systems […]

Slavery and Racism in “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is absolutely relating a message to readers about the ills of slavery but this is a complex matter. On the one hand, the only truly good and reliable character is Jim who, a slave, is subhuman. Also, twain wrote this book after slavery had been abolished, therefore, the fact that is significant. There are still several traces of some degree of racism in the novel, including the use of the n word and his tendency […]

The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman by Ernest James Gaines

The author of The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, Ernest J. Gaines, is a male African American author who has taken full advantage of his culture by writing about rural Louisiana. His stories mainly tell the struggles of blacks trying to make a living in racist and discriminating lands. Many of his stories are based on his own family experiences. In Ernest J. Gaines’ novel, The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, four themes that are displayed are the nature of […]

History of Racism

Racism started in the 1700s and has still been occuring till this day. From the looks of it, it seems to be that racism would never end. Because of cultural reasons, stereotypes, and economic reasons, it will always be an issue. People teach their kids to be racist, and make racists comments like it's normal. We can't stop people from having their personal opinions on racism, but we can stay aware of how racists others could be, our history of […]

A Simple Introduction to Three Main Types of Racism

Race plays an important role in both personal and social life, and racial issues are some of the most heated debates in the world due to their complexity, involving the diverse historical and cultural backgrounds of different ethnic groups. Consciously or unconsciously, when one race holds prejudice, discrimination, and a sense of superiority to oppress another race, the issue of racism arises. Based on aspects of individual biases, social institutions, and cultural backgrounds, the three most common types of racism […]

Civil Rights Martyrs

Are you willing to give your life for your people? These martyrs of the civil rights movement gave everything for their people. Although some may say their deaths did not have an impact on the civil rights movements. They risked their lives just so African Americans could have the rights they have today. The definition of martyr is a person who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs. They believe that everyone should be equal and have the […]

Making Racism Obsolete

Does racism still exist? Some would say no?, but some would agree that racism is a cut that won't heal. Molefi Kete Asante is a professor at Temple University and has written many books during his career. In this analysis I will dissect Asante's work covering racism from the past, present and the future moving forward. Asante argues that America is divided between two divisions, the Promise and the Wilderness. Historically, African Americans has been at a disadvantage politically, socially, […]

American Rule in the Philippines and Racism

During our almost 50 years of control in the Philippines, many of our law makers and leaders were fueled by debates at home, and also our presence overseas. These two perspectives gave a lot of controversy as to how Americans were taking control, and confusion of what they were actually doing in the Philippines. Many leaders drew from Anglo- Saxon beliefs, which lead to racist ideas and laws. These combined proved unfair treatment of the Filipinos and large amounts of […]

Social Media’s Role in Perceptions of Racism in the USA

Research studies show that racism has been in existence for centuries. Whether this is still an issue, is the question we must ask ourselves. The internet or, social media has become a major part of society over the years and conveys information, news, opinionated posts, and propaganda, as well. There are several factors involved within this topic and a plethora of resources available in search of the answers. We will look at different opinions, research studies, and ideas in relation […]

The Institutional Racism

In today society there is several police brutality against black people, and it is governed by the behavioral norms which defined the social and political institution that support institutional systems. Black people still experience racism from people who think they are superior, it is a major problem in our society which emerged from history till date and it has influences other people mindset towards each other to live their dreams. In the educational system, staffs face several challenges among black […]

Movie Review of Argo with Regards to Geography

The movie "Crash" is set in a geographical setting which clearly helps in building the major themes of racial discrimination and drug trafficking. This is because the movie is set in Los Angeles which is an area of racial discrimination epitome and partially in Mexico, a geographical area well known for drug trafficking (Schneider, 2014). The physical geographical setting where the movie is shot is very crucial as it helps in developing the main themes of the movie. The movie […]

The Development of Cultural Racism Associated with American Politics

Abstract Politics in the United States have always been a heated issue, and never more so than now. The surprising election of Donald Trump has created a clear cultural divide on many levels that continues to cultivate hate, and gifts not just Americans but the entire world with cultural racism that we have not seen for a long time. The political divide in America affects every American, every day, so much so that you would be hard-pressed to find someone […]

Racism and Civil War

One person is all it takes to change the world, for the good or for the bad. In this democratic society, every person is granted the same three unalienable rights: Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If the Declaration of Independence stands true, then what’s the difference between a white individual and a black individual? The word “racism” is associated with the idea of one race being superior to the other, most commonly, blacks are “inferior” to whites. No […]

What is Racism?

Racism is prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior and the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races. the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or […]

There Will Always be Color Racism is not Dead

Racism is not dead. Equality does not exist. The color of a person's skin still matters. Even in the 21st century, there are flaws within our legal system that has allowed Jim Crow to still exist under a new skin. The United States has used mass incarceration to continually disenfranchise millions of the African American Community. In The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, Michelle Alexander reasons that the criminal justice system is faulty and with […]

Discrimination of Races

Discrimination of races is something that is occuring in our society everyday. It still exists today because it started so long ago and once certain races had the hierarchy, some refuse to let go of the idea that they have more power just because they look a certain way and they choose to discriminate the minorities. Discrimination against a person's race occurs when an individual or group of individuals are treated unequally because of their true or perceived race. I […]

Racism and Discrimination: the Influence of Past Sins

Discrimination against black people by white people in the United States had been regarded as a matter of course and justifiable for more than 300 years. Therefore, the problem is far more than whether the laws are prohibited or not, but whether people's mind and concepts are changed or not. The latter is something that everyone understands but is the most difficult to do. While looking at American history, the history of African Americans can be said to be soaked […]

Racism: Unmasking Microaggressions and Discrimination

Reading through the article provided a vivid reflection on how racism becomes a serious issue in the today society. There are various types of racism the article brings out manifested in micro aggression form. The varied opinions in my mind provide a clear picture of the information relayed in the article through the following analysis. Discrimination concerning race will major in my analysis. First, let me talk about the black guy abused in the Saudi Arabia that has sparked public […]

Color Blind Racism

I enjoyed watching this documentary “White Like Me”, by Tim Wise. What I found most surprising was the fact that Tim Wise was a white male and was the individual in the film talking about the discrimination people of color receive. There were a few other things that surprised me, like the fact that there are more African Americans in jail and on probation than the number of those enslaved in 1850. The movie version of Black Like Me was […]

The Acts of Imperialism and Racism in “The Heart of Darkness”

In the novel The Heart of Darkness, the reader is introduced to the acts of imperialism and racism. The story tells of Europeans who have established a colony in Africa that is being used for trade purposes. However, the background of the story is that the Europeans are trying to colonize the Africans and introduce them to the European way of living. The white traders are not only trying to change the Africans way of life, the whites also view […]

Stereotyping and Discrimination

Introduction The movie starts with all the animals living together and happily in the big city. Their peaceful lives are then disturbed by ferocious predators. The case goes to the swindler fox and a bunny cop, those who unintentionally solve many problems related to hidden cases of interspecies.Rhetorical Strategies Few of the negative observers interpret that movie does not openly or directly express the racism. Additionally, the writer named as Nico Lang also asserts that movie does not score much […]

Police Brutality and Racism

The Declaration of Independence was created to protect the inalienable rights that all Americans receive at birth, yet police brutality continues to threaten the rights of African Americans everywhere. Police everywhere need to be given mandatory psychological tests in order to gain awareness of racial bias in law enforcement and allow citizens to slowly gain trust for the officers in law enforcement. No one wants a child to grow up in a world filled with hate. As Martin Luther King […]

Effects of Racism in Desiree’s Baby

As hard as it may be to talk about it, race has found a humble abode in literature. Desiree’s baby revolves around race and how it affects its main characters. A woman by the name of Desiree gives birth to a baby boy who is fathered by cruel slave master Armand Aubigny. Desiree makes a startling discovery when she finds out that her baby is of African heritage and this infuriates her husband who kicks them out causing Desiree to […]

Racism and Slavery

During the colonial period, Americans came up with the idea to bring African men and women overseas and use them as slaves. The effects of slavery on African Americans were enormous, and the white men got higher ranked in the hierarchy than the back men because of the colour of their skin. In order to discuss the impact that slavery has had on today’s society, you need to first address why it actually occurred. During the 17th and 18th century, […]

Related topic

Additional example essays.

  • Racism in A Raisin in the Sun
  • Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race
  • War On Drugs and Mass Incarceration
  • Racism in Sports Essay
  • Social Problems Reflected in Zootopia
  • To Kill a Mockingbird Racism
  • Socioautobiography Choices and Experiences Growing up
  • A Class Divided
  • Gender Inequality in Education
  • Martin Luther King vs Malcolm X
  • Personal Philosophy of Leadership
  • Personal Narrative: My Family Genogram

How To Write An Essay On Racism

Introduction to the complexities of racism.

Writing an essay on racism involves delving into a complex and sensitive subject that has deep historical roots and contemporary implications. Begin your essay by defining racism as a system of discrimination based on race, affecting individuals and groups socially, economically, and politically. Highlight the importance of understanding racism not only as overt acts of discrimination but also as institutional and systemic practices. This introduction should lay the groundwork for your exploration, whether it's focused on historical aspects of racism, its manifestations in modern society, or strategies for combating racial prejudice and inequality.

Historical Context and Evolution of Racism

The body of your essay should include a detailed examination of the historical context and evolution of racism. Discuss how racism has been perpetuated and institutionalized over time, highlighting key historical events and policies that have contributed to racial discrimination and segregation. Depending on your essay’s focus, you might explore the transatlantic slave trade, colonialism, Jim Crow laws, or apartheid, among other topics. This historical perspective is crucial for understanding how past injustices continue to shape present racial dynamics and attitudes.

Analyzing Modern Manifestations of Racism

Transition to discussing the modern manifestations of racism. Examine how racism operates in current societal structures, such as in the criminal justice system, education, employment, and healthcare. Discuss the concept of systemic racism and how it perpetuates inequality, as well as the impact of racial bias and stereotypes in media representation and everyday interactions. This section should also address the intersectionality of racism, acknowledging how race intersects with other identities like gender, class, and sexuality, contributing to unique experiences of discrimination.

Strategies for Addressing and Combating Racism

Conclude your essay by exploring strategies for addressing and combating racism. Discuss the importance of education, awareness-raising, and open dialogue in challenging racist beliefs and stereotypes. Reflect on the role of policy changes, affirmative action, and reparations in addressing systemic racism. Emphasize the importance of individual and collective action in fostering a more inclusive and equitable society. Your conclusion should not only summarize the key points of your essay but also inspire a sense of hope and commitment to anti-racist efforts, underscoring the ongoing work needed to dismantle racism in all its forms.

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248 Racism Essay Topics To Inspire Your Writing

248 Racism Essay Topics

If you are reading this article, it probably means you are looking for the best racism essay topics. After all, you want to get a top grade on your next academic paper. The good news is that we have compiled a list of brand new topics for high school, college and university students right here on this page. And yes, all these topics are 100% free. You can use them in any way you see fit (you can even reword them). There is no need to give us any credit.

In addition to the list of unique racism essay topics, we also have some great tips on how to write the perfect essay in the shortest time possible. Remember, our experts are here to assist you with any kind of assignment right now, even if it’s the middle of the night. If you don’t require professional writing help right now, just pick one of our topics and start writing your essay!

Quick Way to Write an Essay About Racism

Before we get to the topics we have prepared for you, it’s time to talk about how you can write an essay about racism quickly and get a top grade on it. We won’t get into many details because we assume you already know what is racism essay. So, here is what you need to do if you want to write your paper fast:

Choose one of our topics. Make sure that topic you choose is original and interesting. You want your paper to stand out from the rest. Think about a strong racism thesis statement. It should be just one or two sentences long. The thesis statement is basically the goal of your research. Create a racism essay outline. Remember, even our most experienced academic writers start their projects with an outline. It will keep you focused on the most important talking points. Write the introduction and don’t forget to start it with your thesis statement. Provide a bit of background information about the topic and transition to the first body paragraph. Write three body paragraphs. Each one of them should discuss a single idea that supports your thesis. It’s a good idea to start the paragraph with a statement and use the rest of the paragraph to support it. Write the conclusion. In this section, you have to summarize everything and show your readers that your findings answer the research questions. Edit and proofread your work at least twice. Keep in mind that you can quickly lose points for minor mistakes such as typos or improperly formatted citations/references.

Best Race Topics to Write About

Now that you have a quick guide to follow, it’s time to show you some of the best race topics to write about. Keep in mind that this list of topics is updated periodically and that we go to great lengths to make sure every student has access to the latest original topics. Furthermore, you can contact us with a “ write my dissertation for me UK ” message and we will happily help you save your time and nerves. So, what are you waiting for? Pick one of these topics and start writing your paper:

Racism Argumentative Essay Topics

We will start our list with some very interesting racism argumentative essay topics because we know these are some of the most popular assignments nowadays. Here are some of our latest ideas:

  • The best way to put an end to racism
  • Things the need to change to end racial discrimination
  • Gender bias versus racism
  • Top 5 celebrities fired for racism
  • Racial bias in Canada
  • Discuss the role of racism in our society
  • Systemic versus indirect racism
  • The consequences of racism
  • Talk about the evolution of civil rights in America
  • Discuss race-motivated crime in the UK
  • The state of racism in 2023
  • Why do most Black people earn less than white people?

Race and Ethnicity Essay Topics

Are you interested in writing your academic paper on something related to race and ethnicity? Our experts have compiled a list of unique race and ethnicity essay topics just for you:

  • The differences between race and ethnicity
  • Research the ethnicities of South Africa
  • Talk about the Mexican ethnicity in the United States
  • An in-depth analysis of your ethnicity
  • Talk about the concept of ethnic relations
  • Link between race, ethnicity and culture
  • Analyze ethnicities in the United States
  • Race, ethnicity and religion in the United Kingdom
  • Analyze the concept of ethnicity on social media
  • Analyze the Hispanic ethnicity in the US
  • Discuss ethnic cleansing incidents in history

Easy Essay Topics on Racism

Pick one of these easy essay topics on racism is you want to spend just a couple of hours writing your paper. Keep in mind that some of these topics may be a bit too simple for some professors:

  • Define racism and give some examples
  • Talk about racism in ancient history
  • What is an act of racism
  • Talk about anti-racism legislation
  • Discuss ways to prevent racist behavior
  • Modern examples of racist behavior
  • COVID-19 and racism in the United States
  • Negative effects of racism on culture
  • How does racism affect Black people in the US?
  • Negative effects of racism on science
  • Racism in our law enforcement agencies

Our Latest Racism Essay Ideas

In this section, we are constantly adding our latest racism essay ideas. You can rest assured that these topics are all original, so go ahead and choose one right now:

  • Talk about the stigma associated with racism
  • Are all Muslims terrorists?
  • Talk about the Quaker initiatives
  • Social reactions to racist remarks
  • Famous anti-racist movements
  • Confronting systemic racism in the UK
  • Talk about the “merciless Indian savage” passage of the Declaration of Independence
  • Discuss Islamophobia in the world today
  • An in-depth look at the Abolitionist movement

Race and Ethnic Relations Essay Topics

Of course, we also have plenty of race and ethnic relations essay topics for high school, college and university students. Choose one of these ideas and start writing your paper today:

  • Ethnic relations in the 21st century
  • Talk about the life of James Loewen
  • Talk about the concept of scientific anti-racism
  • Talk about the first racial equality proposal
  • Discuss ethnic relations in South Korea
  • Talk about John Brown’s blessing (painting)
  • The life of Friedrich Tiedemann
  • Discuss the rise of BLM (Black Lives Matter)
  • The role of the UN Human Rights Council Special Rapporteur

Topics for Race Discrimination Essays

Writing about race discrimination can be a very effective way to get a top grade, as we’re sure you already know. To help you out, we have compiled a list of the best topics for race discrimination essays right here:

  • What is the Anti-Nazi League?
  • Analyze racial discrimination in healthcare
  • The importance of the World Conference against Racism
  • The life and works of Richard Wright
  • The role of Layla Saad in fighting racism
  • A closer look at the Centre for Equal Opportunities and Opposition to Racism
  • Give an example of racial discrimination
  • Talk about race discrimination at the workplace
  • Authors that have been deemed racist

Persuasive Topics About Racism

Are you looking to persuade your audience to adopt your point of view on a sensible subject related to racism? No problem, we’ve got your back! Here are our latest persuasive topics about racism:

  • Racism is even bigger than we know
  • The link between nationalism and racism
  • The link between gender and racial discrimination
  • Most famous anti-racism author
  • Mandatory prison sentences for proven racists
  • Problems with racism in Germany
  • The rise of white supremacy movements
  • Malcolm X: The racism warrior
  • Black writers that never received acknowledgement

Racism Research Topics

If you are interested in writing your paper on a very interesting topic, we have some great racism research topics right here. Check them out below:

  • The most controversial racism writer
  • Research the mental health effects of racism
  • Research the rise and fall of Klu Klux Klan
  • Analyze the negative effects of racial bias
  • Discuss wages in relation to race
  • Research the history of racism
  • Racism on social media
  • Discuss racism in our schools
  • Talk about racism in our judicial system

Racism Essay Thesis Topics

We know that you may be looking for some topics for a thesis on racism. This is why we have put together a list of original racism essay thesis topics for students:

  • The new racism in the US
  • The impact of racism on my professional life
  • The role of anti-racist education
  • Talk about race relations and criminal gangs in the United States
  • The link between prejudice and racism
  • Racism against Black Americans
  • Research the Critical Race Theory
  • The life of Martin Luther King Jr.
  • The fights against racism in Europe

Injustice Essay Topics

Injustice (including racial injustice) is a very sensible subject nowadays. However, don’t be afraid to pick a topic related to injustice. Here are some of the best injustice essay topics you can find today:

  • Talk about the book The One-Way Street of Integration (written by Edward G. Goetz)
  • The sad truth behind Indian reservations
  • Racial injustice in Austria
  • Poverty in Indian reservations in the US
  • Research racial injustice in sub-Saharan countries
  • Racial injustice and racial bias
  • Discrimination against women of color
  • Talk about injustice done to native Indians
  • Social injustice in developed countries

Best Racism Research Questions

We have discovered that the best way to find a great topic for your next paper is to take a look at some intriguing research questions. Below, you will find our best racism research questions:

  • What is racism?
  • Is there a link between Covid-19 and anti-Asian racism?
  • What causes racism?
  • Can racism cause psychological problems?
  • How do you feel when somebody calls you racist?
  • Was Hitler a racist?
  • What is the difference between racism and xenophobia?
  • How do we stop white supremacy?
  • What is racial bias?
  • Does the police use racist tactics today?
  • What is the extent of racial discrimination in the US?
  • What is the anti-Semitic movement?
  • Does racism affect scientific decisions?
  • What caused the most popular racial myths?
  • Is human thinking the only cause of racism?
  • Can racism appear in the peer-review process?
  • What is the anti-Indigenous movement in the US?

Topics for an Essay About Racial Inequality

As you probably already know, racial inequality is a hot potato nowadays. This does not mean you should not write a paper about it though. Take a look at these great topics for an essay about racial inequality:

  • Analyze the book Driving While Black written by Gretchen Sorin
  • Racial inequality in Zimbabwe
  • Negative effects of racial inequality
  • Racial inequality in Zanzibar
  • 3 manifestations of racial inequality
  • Racial inequality in India
  • Why is racial inequality still a problem?
  • Racial inequality in Afghanistan
  • Racial inequality in Israel (against Palestinians)

Solution to Racism Essay Topics

Our experts are here to help you if you need to write an essay about the solution to racism. We have some of the most interesting solution to racism essay topics for you right here:

  • The ultimate solution to racism
  • What can we do to stop racism?
  • People who have fought racism and won
  • Celebrating other cultures
  • Banning hate speech from the media
  • Teaching anti-racism classes in school
  • Establishing new human rights organizations
  • Think about the best solution against racism
  • Imagine a world without racism

Informative Topics Related to Racism

Are you looking for some informative topics related to racism? Don’t worry, we’ve got plenty of them. Take a look at the list below and choose the topic you like the most right now:

  • Racism in Ancient Egypt
  • Peculiarities of racism in the UK
  • Discuss racism and xenophobia in Thailand
  • Analyze racism from a racist’s POV
  • What it means to be a racist in America
  • The 4 important parts of racism
  • Talk about anti-Asian hate
  • Hate crimes in the modern world
  • Terrorism and hate crimes

Illuminating Racism Topics

Finding interesting and original topics about racism can be difficult, we know. This is why we have created a list of the most illuminating racism topics. You can find it right here:

  • 5 famous racists
  • Compare and contrast racism and xenophobia
  • Discuss racial bias and gender bias
  • Racism in science
  • Are humans racist by nature?
  • Famous racist remarks
  • Is racism 100% hate?
  • The coronavirus and the hate against Asian people
  • Hate crimes against women in the US

Revealing Topics About Racism

Some topics in racism have the potential to earn you some very useful bonus points from your professor. Check out our list of revealing topics about racism right here:

  • Discuss the book “A More Beautiful and Terrible History” (written by Jeanne Theoharis)
  • Signs of racism in the United Knigdom
  • Talk about the targets of racial discrimination
  • Discuss the effects of racism on mental health
  • A closer look at police brutality in the US
  • Analyze the term “casual racism”
  • How can we recognize racism?
  • A closer look at hate speech in Western Europe
  • Is racism and bias the same thing?
  • Understanding systemic racism in the United States
  • Talk about slavery and racism
  • Discuss racism in Nazi Germany

Essential Racism Research Questions

Our experts know that students can quickly find a great topic for their next essay simply by looking at some essential racism research questions. Here are some of our latest ideas:

  • When did the term “racism” first appear?
  • Is racism such a wide-spread phenomenon?
  • What caused the apartheid in South Africa?
  • Can you find any signs of racism in Ancient Rome?
  • Do all racists deserve prison sentences?
  • What makes a person become racist?
  • How can we effectively combat racism?
  • Can racist remarks ever be considered harmless?
  • Who was Martin Luther King?
  • Why is racism such a big deal in the United States today?
  • Do we need more severe anti-racism laws?
  • What does white supremacy mean to you?
  • What does white privilege mean to you?
  • Can you find signs of racism in religious texts?
  • What is afrophobia?
  • What is indirect racism?
  • What is white supremacy?

Controversial Racism Topics

As you can imagine, racism can cause a lot of controversies. However, we encourage you to write your paper on one of these controversial racism topics to get some bonus points from your professor:

  • Racial discrimination in politics
  • Racial bias in healthcare
  • Failed anti-racism movements
  • Inequalities between Black and white Americans
  • International human rights and racism
  • Racism and oppression in Palestine
  • Racism in schools
  • Talk about racial equity
  • Is bullying racism?

Great Racism Essay Ideas

In the list below, we have selected only what we consider to be great racism essay ideas. Yes, there are many other interesting ideas in our list, but these topics will work great in 2023:

  • Fight racism in your neighborhood
  • Examples of racist politicians
  • A closer look at the book “The Origin of Others”
  • Talk about racism laws
  • Racism’s effects on language acquisition
  • Discuss systemic racism in Europe
  • What is the American Apartheid?
  • Discuss the book “The Souls of Black Folk”
  • What makes a speech racist?

Important Issues Related to Racism

You don’t have to write your paper on a topic closely linked to racism to make a point. There are many other important issues related to racism that you can talk about, such as:

  • Racism in the 21st century
  • Racial inequality in Australia
  • New anti-racism movements
  • 3 new forms of racism
  • Racism in 2023
  • The evolution of hate speech
  • Racial bias in developing countries
  • Talk about the book “Racism: A Short History”
  • Who is Rachel Cargle?

Complex Topics Related to Racism

College and university students should choose topics that are a bit more complex. Your professor expects you to do extensive research and write an excellent paper. This is why we have a list of complex topics related to racism right here:

  • Can we ever get rid of racism?
  • Hate speech in North Korea
  • Racist remarks by Donald Trump
  • A world built on racism
  • Discuss racism in international corporations
  • Racism at Apple: a case study
  • Racism against Black activists
  • Racial bias in the US justice system
  • Capitalist forces and racism

Fight Against Racism Topics

Would you like to write about the fight against racism? If you don’t know where to start or what to write about, all you have to do is take a look at some of these interesting ideas:

  • The life and works of Charlene A. Carruthers
  • Talk about defunding the police
  • Talk about the concept of racial justice
  • The evolution of the Black Lives Matter movement
  • The life and works of D’atra Jackson
  • Controversies related to the BLM movement
  • Lee Merritt: fighting racism with words
  • Demilitarizing the police in the US
  • Discuss the role of racism in the history of the US

Racism Topics for College Students

Our writers and editors selected some of the best racism topics for college students, so that you don’t have to waste your time scouring the Internet for them. Check them out below:

  • Talk about racism in Israel
  • Define and discuss structural racism
  • An in-depth look at race-motivated crime in Europe
  • An in-depth look at the 3 most prominent cases of racism of 2023
  • Talk about hate crimes in North America
  • The psychology behind racism
  • What is race-based hate crime?
  • Ways to fight against racism in 2023
  • The impact of racism on our society
  • Analyze the book Mainstream Black Power (Tom Adam Davies)
  • Talk about a racism incident in your area
  • Notable civil rights movements in your area

Race Relations Essay Topics

Finally, we have an entire list of race relations essay topics for students of all ages – everywhere in the world. Choose one of these topics and write an A+ essay right now:

  • Race relations in Ukraine (Russian and Ukrainian citizens)
  • A closer look at civil rights in Palestine
  • Race relations in modern America
  • Discuss race relations in Israel
  • Analyze race relations in China
  • Talk about race relations in India
  • Discuss racial injustice in African countries
  • Research the apartheid in South Africa
  • Compare 3 views on race relations
  • Civil rights movements in Eastern Europe
  • Racial injustice in the Middle East
  • An in-depth look at the ethnic background in North Korea

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Popular Culture Essay Topics

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103 Race Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Race is a complex and sensitive topic that has been at the forefront of discussions for centuries. From systemic racism to cultural appropriation, race plays a significant role in shaping our society and the way we interact with one another. If you are looking for essay topic ideas on race, here are 103 examples to help you get started:

  • The history of racism in America
  • The impact of colonialism on race relations
  • White privilege and its effects on society
  • The role of race in the criminal justice system
  • Racism in the workplace
  • The intersectionality of race and gender
  • The portrayal of race in the media
  • The effects of racial profiling
  • Colorism within communities of color
  • The role of race in education
  • Interracial relationships and their challenges
  • The cultural appropriation of minority groups
  • The impact of race on mental health
  • The history of affirmative action
  • Racial disparities in healthcare
  • The stereotypes associated with different racial groups
  • The role of race in politics
  • The representation of race in literature
  • The effects of gentrification on minority communities
  • The role of race in sports
  • The experience of being a person of color in a predominantly white community
  • The impact of race on social mobility
  • The role of race in shaping identity
  • The effects of racism on mental health
  • The history of racial segregation
  • The portrayal of race in popular culture
  • The impact of race on access to resources
  • The representation of race in art
  • The effects of racial microaggressions
  • The role of race in shaping beauty standards
  • The impact of race on voting rights
  • The portrayal of race in advertising
  • The effects of race-based trauma
  • The role of race in shaping political ideologies
  • The representation of race in video games
  • The impact of race on environmental justice
  • The effects of race on access to affordable housing
  • The history of race-based discrimination in the legal system
  • The portrayal of race in historical monuments
  • The role of race in shaping immigration policies
  • The impact of race on access to quality education
  • The representation of race in fashion
  • The effects of racial disparities in the criminal justice system
  • The role of race in shaping reproductive rights
  • The portrayal of race in social media
  • The impact of race on access to healthcare
  • The effects of race on access to clean water
  • The history of race-based violence
  • The role of race in shaping economic opportunities
  • The representation of race in music
  • The impact of race on access to technology
  • The effects of racial disparities in the foster care system
  • The role of race in shaping environmental policies
  • The portrayal of race in reality TV shows
  • The impact of race on access to transportation
  • The effects of race on access to healthy food options
  • The history of race-based hate crimes
  • The role of race in shaping international relations
  • The representation of race in comic books
  • The impact of race on access to mental health services
  • The effects of racial disparities in the juvenile justice system
  • The role of race in shaping social movements
  • The portrayal of race in online communities
  • The impact of race on access to reproductive healthcare
  • The effects of race on access to childcare services
  • The history of race-based housing discrimination
  • The role of race in shaping cultural norms
  • The representation of race in theater
  • The impact of race on access to legal services
  • The effects of racial disparities in the education system
  • The role of race in shaping family dynamics
  • The portrayal of race in animated films
  • The impact of race on access to public transportation
  • The effects of race on access to affordable childcare
  • The history of race-based employment discrimination
  • The role of race in shaping religious beliefs
  • The representation of race in documentaries
  • The impact of race on access to affordable housing
  • The effects of racial disparities in the healthcare system
  • The role of race in shaping cultural traditions
  • The portrayal of race in video games
  • The impact of race on access to affordable childcare
  • The effects of race on access to public transportation

When choosing a topic on race, it is important to consider your own perspective and experiences. By exploring these essay topic ideas, you can gain a deeper understanding of how race shapes our society and the ways in which we can work towards a more equitable and inclusive future.

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Racism and History of Discrimination Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

Racism and other kinds of discrimination have existed for centuries and still prevail in modern-day society. While many people view racism as a social construct that only exists among ordinary people, it is much more frequent among government authorities and law enforcement agencies, with police brutality being one of the most acute issues. Such an issue is not merely a local or state problem but a federal one, permeating the entire country. As a result, while different policies aim to eradicate racism-caused police brutality, it still exists and causes many deaths.

There are many instances of the given issue that led not just to disabilities but also to deaths. For example, despite a 1993 prohibition on chokeholds by the New York Police Department, policeman Daniel Pantaleo nonetheless fatally choked Eric Garner in 2014 (The Economist, 2020). In one of the latest occurrences, Derek Chauvin, a Minneapolis law enforcement officer, knelt on George Floyd’s neck for 8 minutes on May 25, 2020, causing George Floyd to pass away (Valbuena et al., 2020). As a result, the policy sector this sort of social injustice falls under is criminal justice. According to the United Nations, among the core problems that impact this sector are “racial profiling, harassment, verbal abuse and abuse of power by law enforcement officials” (United Nations, 2022). As a result, advocacy should be aimed at creating new models in criminal justice that will ensure the protection of all minority groups and due process. As has been mentioned by the UN, “racial discrimination in law enforcement and the criminal justice system cannot be separated from systemic racism” (United Nations, 2022). Therefore, such a macro policy intervention should aim at holding those law enforcement officers responsible for the brutality.

Hence, despite efforts to end racism-related police violence, it still occurs and claims many lives. Criminal justice is the area of policy that deals with this kind of social injustice. Racial discrimination, harassment, emotional insults, and the misuse of authority by law enforcement authorities are among the significant issues that have an influence on this industry, according to the United Nations. Therefore, advocacy efforts should focus on developing new criminal justice models that would guarantee the protection of all minority groups and due process. The goal of such a macro-political intervention should be to hold violent law enforcement personnel accountable.

The Economist. (2020). In America protests have already brought policy changes . The Economist. Web.

United Nations. (2022). Addressing and responding to racial discrimination in the criminal justice system . UN. Web.

Valbuena, V., Howard, R., Bonner, S., & Dimick, J. (2020). Let us not be silent . Annals of Surgery , 272 (6), 915-916. Web.

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  • Chapter 3 of “The Family” Book by Philip N. Cohen
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  • Why Empathy in Racism Should Be Avoided
  • How the Race Concept Has Changed Over Time
  • Discrimination Against African-American Patients
  • Racial Discrimination in High Education
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, January 19). Racism and History of Discrimination. https://ivypanda.com/essays/racism-and-history-of-discrimination/

"Racism and History of Discrimination." IvyPanda , 19 Jan. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/racism-and-history-of-discrimination/.

IvyPanda . (2024) 'Racism and History of Discrimination'. 19 January.

IvyPanda . 2024. "Racism and History of Discrimination." January 19, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/racism-and-history-of-discrimination/.

1. IvyPanda . "Racism and History of Discrimination." January 19, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/racism-and-history-of-discrimination/.


IvyPanda . "Racism and History of Discrimination." January 19, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/racism-and-history-of-discrimination/.

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How to Tackle an Argumentative Essay on Racism

racism essay

If you have to write an argumentative essay on racism you should consider writing about more recent developments in this field. For example, reverse discrimination based on race, when the members of a majority group are discriminated when they apply for a job or admission to a higher educational institution because the company or college in question have certain quotas for the members of previously discriminated groups. As a result, the representatives of these minority groups can get a job or an admission even if they are less suitable for it or have lower test scores. Thus, minority groups get special treatment – exactly what the struggle against racism was supposed to eliminate.

Don’t forget than an argumentative essay is supposed to be based not only on your opinion and logical conclusions, but facts as well. It is the main difference of this kind of work from, for example, expository essays – argumentative essays involve far greater amount of research work and come as a result of it.

This means that before starting to write you have to organize your thoughts, prepare additional information, study a number of sources, and find enough proof for your point of view. Don’t start writing immediately hoping to cover doubtful aspects of your discourse later – you may discover that the necessary sources of information happen to be unavailable or some facts may actually turn out to be opposing your argumentation, not supporting it. In this case, you may be forced to start anew or rewrite large fragments of your work, which is never a pleasant thing and even less so if your deadline is near.

In the end, your essay should have three things: logical argumentation, factual foundation and (it is very advisable) examples. Preferably personal ones – if you have ever encountered instances of racism of any kind, it may be very useful in your essay – for example, such things make for excellent introduction paragraphs.

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Hear Something, Say Something: Navigating The World Of Racial Awkwardness

Listen to this week's episode.

We've all been there — confronted with something shy of overt racism, but charged enough to make us uncomfortable. So what do you do?

We've all been there — having fun relaxing with friends and family, when someone says something a little racially off. Sometimes it's subtle, like the friend who calls Thai food "exotic." Other times it's more overt, like that in-law who's always going on about "the illegals."

In any case, it can be hard to know how to respond. Even the most level-headed among us have faltered trying to navigate the fraught world of racial awkwardness.

So what exactly do you do? We delve into the issue on this week's episode of the Code Switch podcast, featuring writer Nicole Chung and Code Switch's Shereen Marisol Meraji, Gene Demby and Karen Grigsby Bates.

We also asked some folks to write about what runs through their minds during these tense moments, and how they've responded (or not). Their reactions ran the gamut from righteous indignation to total passivity, but in the wake of these uncomfortable comments, everyone seemed to walk away wishing they'd done something else.

Aaron E. Sanchez

It was the first time my dad visited me at college, and he had just dropped me off at my dorm. My suitemate walked in and sneered.

"Was that your dad?" he asked. "He looks sooo Mexican."

racism informative essay topics

Aaron E. Sanchez is a Texas-based writer who focuses on issues of race, politics and popular culture from a Latino perspective. Courtesy of Aaron Sanchez hide caption

He kept laughing about it as he left my room.

I was caught off-guard. Instantly, I grew self-conscious, not because I was ashamed of my father, but because my respectability politics ran deep. My appearance was supposed to be impeccable and my manners unimpeachable to protect against stereotypes and slights. I felt exposed.

To be sure, when my dad walked into restaurants and stores, people almost always spoke to him in Spanish. He didn't mind. The fluidity of his bilingualism rarely failed him. He was unassuming. He wore his working-class past on his frame and in his actions. He enjoyed hard work and appreciated it in others. Yet others mistook him for something altogether different.

People regularly confused his humility for servility. He was mistaken for a landscape worker, a janitor, and once he sat next to a gentleman on a plane who kept referring to him as a "wetback." He was a poor Mexican-American kid who grew up in the Segundo Barrio of El Paso, Texas, for certain. But he was also an Air Force veteran who had served for 20 years. He was an electrical engineer, a proud father, an admirable storyteller, and a pretty decent fisherman.

I didn't respond to my suitemate. To him, my father was a funny caricature, a curio he could pick up, purchase and discard. And as much as it was hidden beneath my elite, liberal arts education, I was a novelty to him too, an even rarer one at that. Instead of a serape, I came wrapped in the trappings of middle-classness, a costume I was trying desperately to wear convincingly.

That night, I realized that no clothing or ill-fitting costume could cover us. Our bodies were incongruous to our surroundings. No matter how comfortable we were in our skins, our presence would make others uncomfortable.

Karen Good Marable

When the Q train pulled into the Cortelyou Road station, it was dark and I was tired. Another nine hours in New York City, working in the madness that is Midtown as a fact-checker at a fashion magazine. All day long, I researched and confirmed information relating to beauty, fashion and celebrity, and, at least once a day, suffered an editor who was openly annoyed that I'd discovered an error. Then, the crush of the rush-hour subway, and a dinner obligation I had to fulfill before heading home to my cat.

racism informative essay topics

Karen Good Marable is a writer living in New York City. Her work has been featured in publications like The Undefeated and The New Yorker. Courtesy of Karen Good Marable hide caption

The train doors opened and I turned the corner to walk up the stairs. Coming down were two girls — free, white and in their 20s . They were dancing as they descended, complete with necks rolling, mouths pursed — a poor affectation of black girls — and rapping as they passed me:

Now I ain't sayin she a golddigger/But she ain't messin' with no broke niggas!

That last part — broke niggas — was actually less rap, more squeals that dissolved into giggles. These white girls were thrilled to say the word publicly — joyously, even — with the permission of Kanye West.

I stopped, turned around and stared at them. I envisioned kicking them both squarely in their backs. God didn't give me telekinetic powers for just this reason. I willed them to turn around and face me, but they did not dare. They bopped on down the stairs and onto the platform, not evening knowing the rest of the rhyme.

Listen: I'm a black woman from the South. I was born in the '70s and raised by parents — both educators — who marched for their civil rights. I never could get used to nigga being bandied about — not by the black kids and certainly not by white folks. I blamed the girls' parents for not taking over where common sense had clearly failed. Hell, even radio didn't play the nigga part.

I especially blamed Kanye West for not only making the damn song, but for having the nerve to make nigga a part of the damn hook.

Life in NYC is full of moments like this, where something happens and you wonder if you should speak up or stay silent (which can also feel like complicity). I am the type who will speak up . Boys (or men) cussing incessantly in my presence? Girls on the train cussing around my 70-year-old mama? C'mon, y'all. Do you see me? Do you hear yourselves? Please. Stop.

But on this day, I just didn't feel like running down the stairs to tap those girls on the shoulder and school them on what they damn well already knew. On this day, I just sighed a great sigh, walked up the stairs, past the turnstiles and into the night.

Robyn Henderson-Espinoza

When I was 5 or 6, my mother asked me a question: "Does anyone ever make fun of you for the color of your skin?"

This surprised me. I was born to a Mexican woman who had married an Anglo man, and I was fairly light-skinned compared to the earth-brown hue of my mother. When she asked me that question, I began to understand that I was different.

racism informative essay topics

Robyn Henderson-Espinoza is a visiting assistant professor of ethics at the Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, Calif. Courtesy of Robyn Henderson-Espinoza hide caption

Following my parents' divorce in the early 1980s, I spent a considerable amount of time with my father and my paternal grandparents. One day in May of 1989, I was sitting at my grandparents' dinner table in West Texas. I was 12. The adults were talking about the need for more laborers on my grandfather's farm, and my dad said this:

"Mexicans are lazy."

He called the undocumented workers he employed on his 40 acres "wetbacks." Again and again, I heard from him that Mexicans always had to be told what to do. He and friends would say this when I was within earshot. I felt uncomfortable. Why would my father say these things about people like me?

But I remained silent.

It haunts me that I didn't speak up. Not then. Not ever. I still hear his words, 10 years since he passed away, and wonder whether he thought I was a lazy Mexican, too. I wish I could have found the courage to tell him that Mexicans are some of the hardest-working people I know; that those brown bodies who worked on his property made his lifestyle possible.

As I grew in experience and understanding, I was able to find language that described what he was doing: stereotyping, undermining, demonizing. I found my voice in the academy and in the movement for black and brown lives.

Still, the silence haunts me.

Channing Kennedy

My 20s were defined in no small part by a friendship with a guy I never met. For years, over email and chat, we shared everything with each other, and we made great jokes. Those jokes — made for each other only — were a foundational part of our relationship and our identities. No matter what happened, we could make each other laugh.

racism informative essay topics

Channing Kennedy is an Oakland-based writer, performer, media producer and racial equity trainer. Courtesy of Channing Kennedy hide caption

It helped, also, that we were slackers with spare time, but eventually we both found callings. I started working in the social justice sector, and he gained recognition in the field of indie comics. I was proud of my new job and approached it seriously, if not gracefully. Before I took the job, I was the type of white dude who'd make casually racist comments in front of people I considered friends. Now, I had laid a new foundation for myself and was ready to undo the harm I'd done pre-wokeness.

And I was proud of him, too, if cautious. The indie comics scene is full of bravely offensive work: the power fantasies of straight white men with grievances against their nonexistent censors, put on defiant display. But he was my friend, and he wouldn't fall for that.

One day he emailed me a rough script to get my feedback. At my desk, on a break from deleting racist, threatening Facebook comments directed at my co-workers, I opened it up for a change of pace.

I got none. His script was a top-tier, irredeemable power fantasy — sex trafficking, disability jokes, gendered violence, every scene's background packed with commentary-devoid, racist caricatures. It also had a pop culture gag on top, to guarantee clicks.

I asked him why he'd written it. He said it felt "important." I suggested he shelve it. He suggested that that would be a form of censorship. And I realized this: My dear friend had created a racist power fantasy about dismembering women, and he considered it bravely offensive.

I could have said that there was nothing brave about catering to the established tastes of other straight white comics dudes. I could have dropped any number of half-understood factoids about structural racism, the finishing move of the recently woke. I could have just said the jokes were weak.

Instead, I became cruel to him, with a dedication I'd previously reserved for myself.

Over months, I redirected every bit of our old creativity. I goaded him into arguments I knew would leave him shaken and unable to work. I positioned myself as a surrogate parent (so I could tell myself I was still a concerned ally) then laughed at him. I got him to escalate. And, privately, I told myself it was me who was under attack, the one with the grievance, and I cried about how my friend was betraying me.

I wanted to erase him (I realized years later) not because his script offended me, but because it made me laugh. It was full of the sense of humor we'd spent years on — not the jokes verbatim, but the pacing, structure, reveals, go-to gags. It had my DNA and it was funny. I thought I had become a monster-slayer, but this comic was a monster with my hands and mouth.

After years as the best of friends and as the bitterest of exes, we finally had a chance to meet in person. We were little more than acquaintances with sunk costs at that point, but we met anyway. Maybe we both wanted forgiveness, or an apology, or to see if we still had some jokes. Instead, I lectured him about electoral politics and race in a bar and never smiled.

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Talks to help you understand racism in America

From passionate pleas for reform to poetic turns of phrase, these talks take an honest look at everyday realities of Black Americans and illuminate the way forward.

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How to raise a Black son in America

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Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

The danger of a single story

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Rich Benjamin

My road trip through the whitest towns in America

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Home / Essay Samples / Social Issues / Racism

Racism Essay Examples

The impact of systemic racism: social injustice today.

Racism has been a persistent issue throughout history, deeply rooted in societal structures and institutions. Systemic racism, in particular, refers to the way racism is embedded within these systems, perpetuating inequality and social injustice. This essay aims to shed light on the impact of systemic...

White Privilege: a Historical and Contemporary Analysis

White privilege is a concept that has gained significant attention in recent years as societies grapple with issues of systemic racism and inequality. This essay delves into the multifaceted nature of white privilege, tracing its historical roots and examining its persistence in contemporary society. It...

Martin Luther King Jr.: a Legacy of Civil Rights and Social Justice

Martin Luther King Jr. is an iconic figure in American history, celebrated for his tireless efforts in advancing civil rights and social justice. His life and work continue to inspire and resonate with people around the world. This essay delves into the remarkable journey of...

If I Won a Million Dollars: Dreams and Impact

Winning a million dollars is a dream that many harbor—a sudden windfall that can transform lives. But what would you do if you won a million dollars? This essay explores the myriad possibilities of what I would do if I were fortunate enough to win...

Combating Racism in American Schools

Racism in American schools remains a deeply rooted problem that continues to hinder the progress towards equality and inclusivity. It is crucial to address this issue head-on, as it affects the well-being and academic success of students of color. This essay presents an argumentative analysis...

Ending Racism in Schools: a Path to Equality and Inclusivity

Racism in schools remains a significant issue that hinders the pursuit of equality and inclusivity in education. It is essential to recognize that every student deserves a safe and supportive learning environment free from discrimination. This essay aims to present an argumentative analysis of effective...

Black History Month: Legacy and Inspiring Change

Black History Month is an annual observance that celebrates the achievements and contributions of African Americans to American history and culture. It is observed in the United States and Canada during the month of February. The origins of Black History Month can be traced back...

American History Criminalization: Racism and Mass Incarceration

This American history research paper reveals such pungent topics for college students as racism and mass incarceration. In America, the land of the free, more people are behind bars than there are living in the city of Philadelphia and Dallas combined. Our criminal justice system...

Falling America: Analysis of "Where Do We Go from Here?"

In 1967, Martin Luther King Jr. published a book titled "Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community?" In this book, he discussed the challenges facing America at that time, including racism, poverty, and economic inequality. He also offered a vision for how America...

Absence and Violation of Human Rights: Cultural Discrimination

Cultural discrimination refers to the unjust or unfair treatment of individuals or groups based on their cultural background. Cultural discrimination take forms which analysed in the essay. Such forms include stereotyping, prejudice, and exclusion, and can have significant negative effects on individuals and society as...

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  • Black Lives Matter
  • Martin Luther King
  • White Privilege
  • Letter From Birmingham Jail
  • I Have a Dream
  • Rwandan Genocide
  • Racial Segregation
  • Emmett Till
  • Ku Klux Klan
  • Rodney King
  • Islamophobia
  • Political Blackness
  • Segregation
  • Social Isolation
  • Racial Discrimination
  • Racism In Schools
  • Overpopulation
  • Social Movements
  • Poverty Problem
  • Immigration

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