English Summary

2 Minute Speech On The Importance Of Social Media In English

Good morning everyone present here, today I am going to give a speech on the importance of social media. One of the social media’s most important consequences in the current world is its capacity to spread knowledge globally. Since the majority of people these days use other social media sites, no important story can be allowed to die out without a meaningful conversation. This is how social media platforms act as a cohesive community of various types of people.

By adjusting social media to your needs, you can make sure that you get traffic and visitors from a variety of sources. The proper use of keywords and other SEO standards and guidelines would likewise guarantee more substantial and superior traffic. Using social media is the greatest strategy if you want to ensure that your material leaves a lasting impression on the viewer’s mind.

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Speech On Social Media- Advantages, Disadvantages and Importance

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Table of Contents

Speech On Social Media: In a world where clicks, likes, and shares have become the currency of our social interactions, there’s no denying the pervasive influence of social media. It’s a digital realm that has seamlessly woven itself into the fabric of our lives, altering how we connect, communicate, and consume information. From connecting with long-lost friends to voicing our opinions on global issues, social media has transformed the way we navigate our interconnected world. But what lies beneath the surface of those enticing timelines and trending hashtags?

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social media

Students often encounter the task of giving speeches on various topics, and social media is a fascinating subject for exploration. In this article, we will embark on a journey to explore the captivating and complex realm of social media. We have provided a few sample speech topics on social media, highlighting its advantages, disadvantages, and the profound impact it has on our lives.

Long and Short Speeches on Social Media in English

Speech on advantages and disadvantages of social media for students – sample 1.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, I stand before you to discuss a topic that has become an integral part of our lives – social media. It’s hard to imagine a world without platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. Social media has transformed the way we connect, communicate, and share information. But, like every coin has two sides, social media has its advantages and disadvantages.

Let’s start with the positive aspects. Here are the pros of social media. Social media bridges geographical gaps, allowing us to connect with friends and family worldwide. It’s a powerful tool for sharing our thoughts, experiences, and achievements. Students benefit from it as a valuable resource for learning and research. Moreover, it’s a platform for raising social awareness, promoting businesses, and even finding job opportunities.

However, we must also acknowledge the downsides. Excessive use of social media can lead to addiction and affect mental health. It’s a breeding ground for cyberbullying, misinformation, and privacy invasion. Moreover, the constant exposure to idealized images and lives can negatively impact self-esteem.

In conclusion, social media is a double-edged sword. It has revolutionized the way we communicate and share, offering numerous advantages. Yet, we must navigate it cautiously, being mindful of its pitfalls. Let’s use it responsibly and harness its potential for good.

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Speech on Impact of Social Media – Sample 2

Good day, everyone,

The topic I’d like to address today is the impact of social media on our lives. There’s no denying that social media has become an inseparable part of our daily routine. From connecting with friends to keeping up with the latest trends, it’s all at our fingertips.

Let’s dive into the advantages of social media. Social media allows us to stay connected with friends and family, regardless of distance. It’s a treasure trove of information, news, and educational content. For students, it offers a platform to collaborate on projects and access a wealth of knowledge. Businesses utilize it for marketing and customer engagement.

However, there’s another side to the story. Social media can be addictive, leading to time wastage and reduced productivity. Privacy concerns are a pressing issue, with personal information often at risk. Cyberbullying and the spread of fake news are unfortunate consequences of its widespread use.

So, where do we stand? Social media is a tool, and its impact depends on how we use it. It can bring us closer or push us apart. It can educate or misinform. The choice is ours.

In conclusion, social media has its merits and demerits. It’s up to us to harness its advantages while being vigilant about its pitfalls. Let’s use it wisely, striking a balance between the virtual and real worlds.

Thank you for your attention.

Speech on Social Media Topic in English – Sample 3

I’m delighted to address you on a topic that has reshaped our world – social media. In today’s digital age, it’s nearly impossible to escape its influence. So, let’s explore the impact and significance of social media.

To begin with, social media has revolutionized communication. It connects people worldwide, making the world a smaller place. It’s a powerful tool for staying informed about current events and trends. For students, it’s a treasure trove of educational resources. Entrepreneurs and businesses leverage it for promotion and brand building.

Yet, there’s a flip side. The addictive nature of social media can lead to time wastage. Privacy concerns loom large, as our personal information is often shared and exploited. The spread of misinformation and cyberbullying are unfortunate consequences.

So, where do we go from here? It’s crucial to strike a balance. Use social media as a tool for enrichment, connection, and empowerment. But also, be mindful of its addictive nature and potential pitfalls. Let’s make informed choices in our digital journeys.

In conclusion, social media is a force that’s here to stay. It’s up to us to harness its advantages while being vigilant about its drawbacks. Let’s make our online presence a positive and enriching one.

Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, revolutionizing the way we connect, communicate, and share information. From its myriad benefits to the nuanced drawbacks, understanding the multifaceted role of social platforms is crucial in today’s digital landscape.

Lets see the Advantages, Disadvantages and Importance of Online Networking

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1. Global Connectivity and Networking Social media bridges geographical barriers, enabling individuals to connect globally. It facilitates networking opportunities, fostering professional relationships and personal connections.

2. Information Dissemination and Awareness Instantaneous sharing allows for rapid dissemination of information. Be it news, trends, or educational content, social media serves as a powerful tool for spreading awareness and initiating discussions on various topics.

3. Business Growth and Marketing Businesses leverage social platforms to expand their reach, engage with audiences, and market their products/services. Targeted ads and analytics help businesses create effective strategies.

4. Community Building and Support Social media brings people together around common interests, creating spaces for support, self-expression, advice, and finding similar-minded individuals.


1. Privacy and Security Concerns Privacy breaches and data misuse remain significant concerns. Users often share sensitive information unknowingly, leading to potential security risks and exploitation by third parties.

2. Addiction and Mental Health Impact Excessive usage can lead to addiction and have adverse effects on mental health. Constant exposure to curated, often idealized content can fuel feelings of inadequacy and anxiety.

3. Spread of Misinformation False information can spread rapidly, impacting opinions and beliefs. Misleading content, rumors, and fake news pose a challenge in maintaining an informed society.

4. Online Harassment and Cyberbullying Social media platforms can be breeding grounds for cyberbullying and harassment. Anonymity and easy accessibility empower individuals to engage in harmful behaviors.

1. Communication Evolution Social media has transformed communication by providing instant connectivity across the globe. It has redefined how people interact, share ideas, and collaborate.

2. Information Accessibility It democratizes information, making knowledge accessible to diverse populations regardless of geographic or socioeconomic barriers.

3. Catalyst for Change It serves as a catalyst for societal change by amplifying voices, raising awareness about social issues, and mobilizing movements for positive causes.

4. Business Adaptation For businesses, social media is an indispensable tool, enabling them to adapt to changing consumer behaviors, innovate marketing strategies, and engage with their target audience effectively.

Also Read: Disadvantages of Using Social Media During Online classes

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Why is social media important speech.

A speech on the importance of social media can highlight its role in connecting people, facilitating communication, sharing information, and its impact on various aspects of our lives.

What is social media in easy words?

Social media is websites and applications that enable users to create and share content, connect with others, and participate in online communities by sharing thoughts, pictures, videos, and messages.

What is the importance of social media in students?

Social media offers students platforms for collaboration, learning, networking, and accessing information. It can aid in educational research, career opportunities, and building connections.

Why is social media important?

Social media is important as it helps in staying connected with friends and family, accessing news and information, promoting businesses, fostering communities, and providing a platform for self-expression.

Write a 1-minute speech on social media?

Social media has revolutionized the way we connect and communicate. It bridges distances, opens doors to new opportunities, and allows us to share our stories with the world. From keeping in touch with loved ones to exploring new interests, social media has become an integral part of our lives, shaping how we learn, work, and interact in today's digital age.

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Speech on social media [1, 2, 3, 5 minutes].

Speech on social Media

1 Minute Speech on social media

Hello to Everyone.

Social media has firmly established itself in our daily lives. We can stay in touch with friends and family, keep up with current affairs, and even learn new things thanks to technology. However, it’s crucial to keep in mind that anything we publish on social media is a reflection of who we are and could damage our reputation over time. Prior to posting, we should consider our words and the information we share. Let’s appropriately use social media and turn it into a beneficial influence on our lives. I’m grateful.

2 Minute Speech on social media

Social media has firmly established itself in our daily lives. We can stay in touch with friends and family, keep up with current affairs, and even learn new things thanks to technology. However, it’s crucial to keep in mind that anything we publish on social media is a reflection of who we are and could damage our reputation over time. Prior to posting, we should consider our words and the information we share.

It’s critical to be conscious of how much time we spend on social media in addition to how and what we share. The endless scroll makes it simple to lose track of time, and before we realise it, hours have passed. Finding a balance is crucial in order to prevent us from neglecting our offline obligations or connections in favour of social media.

Let’s appropriately use social media and turn it into a beneficial influence on our lives. I’m grateful.

Quotes of some internationally famous personalities for Speech on social media

  • “Change is never easy, but always possible.”
  • “We are the change we seek.”
  • “One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world.”
  • “Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world.”
  • “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
  • “It always seems impossible until it’s done.”
  • “Follow your passion. Stay true to yourself. Never follow someone else’s path unless you’re in the woods and you’re lost, and you see a path. By all means, you should follow that.”
  • “The biggest risk is not taking any risk.”
  • “The question isn’t, ‘What do we want to know about people?’, It’s, ‘What do people want to know about themselves?'”
  • “If not me, who? If not now, when?”
  • “Don’t let anyone tell you what you can and can’t do or achieve. Do what you want to do and be who you want to be.”
  • “The internet, in particular, offers immense possibilities for encounter and solidarity. May it be a space for building a more inclusive and fraternal world.”
  • “Let us not forget that authentic power is service.”
  • “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.”
  • “We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten. Don’t let yourself be lulled into inaction.”
  • “The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.”
  • “Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher.”
  • “If something is important enough, even if the odds are stacked against you, you should still do it.”
  • “When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.”

3 Minute Speech on social media

Ladies and gentlemen!

I want to talk to you about social media  sites today and how it affects our daily life

On the one hand, social media  sites has greatly increased connectedness and made it simpler for us to communicate with friends and family, particularly during the epidemic when many of us were geographically separated.

Additionally, it has provided a forum for people and organisations to communicate information and ideas to a large audience.

But there are also drawbacks to take into account.

Social media  sites can be enticing and take up a lot of our time, which reduces productivity and in-person interaction.

As we compare ourselves to others and feel pressure to project a specific image online, it may also be a cause of anxiety and tension.

Concerns regarding privacy and the usage of personal information by social media  sites corporations are another issue.

When registering for these sites, it’s crucial that we read the terms of service and take precautions to protect our privacy.

Overall, even if social media sites offers numerous advantages, it’s crucial to utilise it carefully and sparingly.

I’m grateful.

5 Minute Speech on social media

Ladies and gentlemen! I want to talk to you about social media  sites today. Social media  sites has completely changed the way we engage and communicate with one another in our daily lives.

Social media sites offers a lot of advantages in our daily life including:

  • Connectivity: Social media enables us to maintain contact with loved ones who may be geographically separated.
  • Information access: We can keep up with current events and issues that interest us thanks to social media platforms, which are a great source of news and information.
  • Possibilities for self-expression: Social media provides us with a stage on which to communicate our ideas, emotions, and experiences to a large audience.
  • Marketing and advertising: Organizations can utilise social media to advertise and market their goods and services to a wide audience.
  • Networking: Professional networking and job prospects can be found using social media.
  • Community building: Social media enables users to interact and create online groups with shared interests.
  • Activism and social change: Social media has been utilised as a tool for activism and drawing attention to significant social and political concerns.
  • Amusement: The capacity to share and find fascinating stuff on social media makes it a potential source of entertainment.

But it’s crucial to keep in mind that social media  sites may also be harmful.

Additionally, there are a number of drawbacks to using social media, including;

Addiction: It is simple to develop a social media addiction and spend excessive amounts of time there, which reduces productivity and in-person interactions.

Cyberbullying: With the ability to reach a large audience, social media can serve as a breeding ground for this type of bullying.

Mental health: Regular social media use has been associated with detrimental effects on mental health, including elevated levels of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.

Lack of privacy: There are worries regarding privacy on social media due to the possibility of third parties receiving access to personal information and data.

Misinformation propagation: False or incorrect information can be transmitted fast and widely on social media, which can be a source of misinformation.

Time-consuming: Social media may be a time waster and a source of distraction from other, more crucial pursuits.

Comparison and FOMO: Viewing highlight reels of others on social media can cause feelings of comparison and FOMO, which can be detrimental to one’s self-esteem.

Distraction: It’s simple to get sucked into social media and lose focus on other pressing obligations and chores. At the last, I want to say that despite the fact that social media  sites has a lot of advantages, it is crucial to use it properly and to be aware of any potential drawbacks. I’m grateful.

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Frantically Speaking

Powerful 2 Minute Speech Topics: A-Z Guide (With 200+ Examples)

Hrideep barot.

  • Public Speaking , Speech Topics , Speech Writing

Woman giving a speech

It is often believed that giving a 2-Minute Speech is the most challenging form of public speaking because of the time constraint. But here I am to tell you that there is something even more challenging than giving a 2-minute speech. And that is finding a powerful 2-minute speech topic !

2-minute speeches are short, crisp ways to present your opinion, understanding, or study to others. It is short. It is simple. And it is convenient, especially from the listener’s point of view.

To know more about 2-minute speeches, check out this short video below:

Here is what you can expect from this blog:

What is a 2-minute speech.

  • How do you find a 2-minute speech topic?
  • 2-minute speech topics

How to make a 2-minute speech script?

2-minute speeches to memorize, delivering 2-minute speeches.

2-minute speeches are short and crisp speeches of about 260-350 words.

Because 2-minute speeches are short, you can be assured of having constant attention from your audience. This means that you might have to come up with a 2-minute speech topic that is not only informative and interesting but one that stands out and makes the audience want to listen to it immediately.

So how do you find a 2-minute speech topic?

A girl trying to find something

There are 2 ways you can find a 2-minute speech topic that would suit perfectly for your next speech.

First is when you go about doing your research and then ideating or selecting a topic that is more in line with your purpose of giving the speech.

The second and the most popular way to find a 2-minute speech topic is to go on to google and type 2-minute speech topics. You shouldn’t be shocked at the number of topics the internet has to offer to you. You might not even have to go anywhere else, jump on to the speech topics section if you want to get straight into selecting a 2-minute speech topic for yourself.

Researching for your 2-minute speech topic

So, you chose not to select one of the many topics available on the internet? That’s great! Want to know why?

1. It would help you come up with a topic that is more personalized and less common.

When you come up with the topic yourself, you move from the very broad topics available online and can find a topic that caters more to your area of interest or understanding.

2. You would be able to narrow down on a topic of your choice or area of interest.

3. it would help you gain an understanding of the topic from various points of view.

In the initial ideation stage, as you try to research the topic and find a topic for your 2-minute speech, you would be exposed to various political, environmental, or social perspectives of the same topic which would further help you to not only narrow down your topic but also understand your topic from various points of view, thus helping you ace a question-and-answer round.

Process of Finding a topic

Before beginning straight up by researching your topic, there are a couple of things that you might have to take a look into which will help you navigate through the next step (that is researching for your topic). These include:

1. Understanding the event for which you’d be giving the speech

Understanding the event or occasion where you will be giving the speech is important as it would give you a brief idea of what is expected in terms of the content and tone of your speech .

So, for instance, if you are giving a speech at a conference, it would have a more formal tonality to it as compared to a speech that you might present at your best friend’s wedding which would usually be filled with a lot of slang, humor, and casual tone.

2. Understanding your audience

The next thing you should try to find a little more clarity on is your possible audience. Understanding who the majority of your audience will comprise will help you in finding a topic that would be more in line with their broad interest, thus attracting them to listen to your speech right from the very beginning .

3. Your interests and knowledge

Yet another thing that you must take into consideration besides what the event and audience expect from you is your interest in the topic. Having a tad bit of understanding of the speech topic you would want to dive into can also help you in navigating through your research better.

4. Your purpose for giving the speech

Establish your purpose for giving the speech even before you start researching. The reason is very simple, you’d be able to understand which kind of a topic you should focus on depending on the purpose of your speech.

Do you plan on providing the audience with detailed information on the topic? Or are you trying to sell your view or product to the audience within these 2 minutes?

In both cases, your topic, as well as the structure of speech, would be very different.

Once you have an idea of your audience, your interests, and your knowledge areas, you can then move on to researching your topic.

A simple google search can be a good starting point.

Take the help of news articles, journals, blogs, and much more to narrow down and come up with a 2-minute speech topic that you feel most excited about!

Selecting a 2-minute speech topic from the internet

A-z list of 2-minute speech topics, find some of the best 2-minute speech topics here:.

  • Abortion: Should the government have a say in it?
  • Art:  A mode of storytelling
  • A day in the life of a (add your profession, organization, or ethnicity)
  • Artificial intelligence: a boon or a curse?
  • Art and Craft: a lost activity
  • Benefits of Yoga
  • Benefits of meditation
  • Ban on Animal testing
  • Bullying and how to discourage it
  • Buildings and Aesthetics: An architectural standpoint
  • Chronic Depression and its cure
  • Cults: The secrets you know nothing about
  • Cultural difference: The harsh reality of moving abroad
  • Corruption: the hidden dirt
  • Cricket: sport turned into a religion
  • Climate Change
  • Disaster Management
  • Domino effect in real life
  • Demonetization in India
  • Dance therapy and its uses
  • Dealing with daily hassles of life
  • Environmental pollution and its adverse effects
  • Education system of India
  • Election ethics and rules
  • Elocutions: Everything you need to know
  • Everything we know about aliens
  • FOMO (Fear of missing out) and how to deal with it
  • Falling in your dreams: the meaning behind it
  • Fat loss fads you must avoid
  • Fitness and influencing
  • Forced labor: An unfortunate reality
  • Girl Education: The inspiring story of Malala
  • Generation gap and how it affects communication
  • Gender sensitization and ways of being more aware of it
  • Growing a terrace garden
  • Gaining muscles: everything you need to know
  • Health and Hygiene: Two underrated
  • Hacks to do well in your academics
  • Habits that are ruining your health
  • Hollywood: An insight into the world of glamour
  • Hitchhiking your way to find peace
  • Importance of reading
  • Importance of following a routine
  • Importance of kindness
  • Importance of education
  • Importance of sports
  • The language barrier and how to overcome it
  • Loyalty: An endangered quality?
  • Land Pollution and ways to deal with it
  • Less is more: All about Minimalism
  • Legalization of marijuana: An opinion
  • Moral Policing: is it ethical?
  • Memorizing speeches and their disadvantages
  • Making friends as adults
  • Manifestation: A belief or a joke?
  • Millennials: generation of environmental advocates
  • Mental health
  • Music and its power to heal
  • Media and its effects on forming opinions
  • My role models
  • Noise pollution
  • National integration
  • Natural resources: A tragedy of depleting future
  • Negating minorities and their impact on the overall development of the country
  • Natural disasters: Can we tackle them?
  • Online dating and its effects on self-esteem
  • Online education and its authenticity
  • Overcoming fear through exposure therapy
  • Olympics 2021
  • Organ donation: Progress made so far
  • Our Environment, our responsibility
  • Pros and cons of being a vegetarian
  • Political ideologies that shook the world
  • Poor scores and their effect on the success
  • Parenting styles over the years
  • Paternal leaves in Indian organizations
  • Poverty in India
  • Positive thinking and gratitude
  • Punctuality: Through the eyes of different cultures
  • Quarantine and increase in social anxiety among people
  • Qualifying for Olympics: Struggle unspoken of
  • Quran and its teachings
  • Questionnaire: The best way of collecting data?
  • Questioning and its importance in the workspace
  • Racism:  An unfortunate view in the society
  • Right to education
  • Religion vs Spirituality
  • Reasons why failure is important
  • The reality of fast-food brands
  • Should body-shaming be a punishable offense?
  • Sneaker trends that would blow your mind
  • Sustainable fashion brands to follow
  • Shaping perspectives through conformity
  • Time management: A necessary corporate skill
  • Travel and tourism: A Course
  • Technology and its growing importance in everyday life
  • Tourism in India
  • The best day of my life
  • Unity: A quality that formed countries
  • Unity in Diversity in India
  • Unemployment and its impact on the mental health of the youth
  • Understanding climate change
  • Understanding the importance of compounding
  • Value of Education
  • Value of Hard work
  • Value of Discipline
  • Videogames and their influence on violent behavior
  • Viral: A trend or a tragic accident?
  • Which is better: Studying in the country or moving abroad?
  • What does sustainability mean?
  • What is the Bermuda triangle?
  • Water pollution and its solutions
  • Waste management around the world
  • World peace: An idea that is achievable or too far-fetched?
  • Xenotransplantation: Future of organ transplantation
  • Xerox: A brand or name for photocopy
  • Xbox and its evolution over the years
  • X-rays and how it harms the human body

2-minute speech topics for students

What are the best topics for students.

If you have asked yourself this question but haven’t received an answer yet, check out the list below to find one now!

  • Opinion on the New education policy
  • Need for sex education in schools
  • Overcoming the problem of Brain Drain
  • Addressing the issue of child labor
  • Pros and cons of online degrees
  • Boarding school vs full-time schools
  • Co-ed school vs gender-specific schools
  • Liberty to choose your subjects in schools
  • Ban on uniforms
  • Curbing school shootings
  • Grading system: Changes required.
  • Peer pressure and the need to fit in
  • Coping with academic stress
  • Are scores a good measure of student’s intelligence?
  • Importance of focusing on extracurricular activities

2-minute speech topics for MBA students

  • Advantages of cloud kitchens
  • Importance of understanding the market
  • Best marketing strategy
  • Hard work vs smart work
  • The rise of entrepreneurship in India
  • Importance of internships in skills building
  • Reservation system: My honest pinion
  • Pros and cons of working from home
  • Everything about GST you don’t know of
  • Stocks or Cryptocurrencies?
  • Using reels to market products
  • Understanding the importance of influencer marketing
  • Assessing job satisfaction among employees
  • Biggest banking frauds in the world
  •  How movies influence fashion trends
  • The insane E-commerce discounts
  • Women in Business
  • Why age is just a number when it comes to entrepreneurship
  • Management lessons from mythology
  • Make in India or Make for India?

Speech topics for adults

  • Are first impressions really the most lasting impressions?
  • Importance of observing in everyday life
  • Conforming vs standing out: What should you prefer?
  • Impact of positive thinking in healing chronic diseases
  • Importance of body language in public speaking
  • Is buying luxury goods on a loan worth it?
  • Why renting a house is better than buying it
  • Why timetables never work
  • How do colors affect the way we feel?
  • How your brains are wired to think negatively
  • Impact of childhood trauma on antisocial behaviors
  • Love: Difference between what is real and reel
  • Why being young is overrated
  • Are you a victim of the fashion industry?
  • How to easily start a conversation
  • Savings in college could help you in your 40s
  • Being happy all the time is an unachievable reality
  • The advantages of taking calculated risks
  • Dealing with stress on a daily basis
  • How do you overcome obstacles?

2-minute speech topics for the Interview

  • Understanding the future of the metaverse
  • Hard work leads to smart work
  • Effect of job satisfaction on life satisfaction
  • How to motivate the employees in no time
  • Gender Equality in the Workplace
  • How to get over stage fright?
  • How to give a speech in an interview?
  • How organizational culture affects motivation?
  • Management strategies that can help in improving productivity
  • Ways to essentially decrease production costs

Funny 2-minute speech topics

  • Why I would rather go to jail than clean utensils
  • If I could live my cat’s life for a day
  • The most profitable mistake I ever made
  • Tutorial on how to deny reality
  • Tips on walking your dog
  • Why you must never eat fish food
  • Things you can do to irritate someone
  • Evolution of my new year’s resolutions
  • Adulting and falling in love with the idea of arranged marriages
  • Dating in 2022

2-minute speech topics on any proverb

  • Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder
  • Actions speak louder than words
  • Health is wealth
  • Joy of giving
  • Don’t judge a book by its cover
  • Knowledge is power
  • Laughter is the best medicine
  • Action speaks louder than words.
  • A jack of all trades is a master of none.
  • A good listener is a silent flatterer.
  • All that glitters is not gold.
  • Among the blind, the one-eyed man is the king.
  • An idle brain is the devil’s workshop.
  • As you sow, so you shall reap.
  • What goes around comes back around.
  • Curiosity killed the cat.
  • Time is money.

Unique speech topics

  • The tragedy of not being on social media
  • Importance of taking a drop year
  • Are scholarships always fair?
  • Reasons teenagers start substance abuse
  • Places on earth no man has ever been
  • The most surveillance city in the world
  • Why euthanasia is justified
  • Formal schooling is important despite not being practical
  • If the earth stopped rotating for a split second
  • Benefits of boiling water

2-minute speech topics on famous personalities

  • Mahatma Gandhi
  • William Shakespeare
  • Rabindranath Tagore
  • Nelson Mandela
  • Barack Obama
  • A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
  • Virat Kohli
  • Jawaharlal Nehru
  • Winston Churchill
  • Abraham Lincoln

Once you have decided on your topic for the speech, the next step is to come up with the speech itself or the script.

For this, you’ll have to understand the approx number of words you will be comfortable adding to your speech so as to not exceed the time limit of 2-minutes.

Next, you can go about the usual “ introduction, main body, and conclusion ” structure for structuring your script.

It isn’t necessary for you to frame the entire speech word for word, you can also frame it in a pointer format if that is more convenient for you.

Person giving speech

How do you start a 2-minute speech?

As there isn’t much time in your hand, presenting detailed opening lines for a 2-minute speech would mean that you would have to cut down on your main content.

Instead, you can start by giving a very quick introduction like “Hi I am Nisha and I will be talking about the adverse effects of sleep deprivation today with you.”

You can also use other more fun and engaging ways to begin your speech and there are tons of ways you can do it. Check out the list below to find examples of a few:

1. Rhetorical questions

Rhetorical questions are questions wherein you want to provoke the audience to think and not to come up with any specific answer . An example of the same is given below.

So from a glance, do I look like marriage material? Nina Donovan

Jokes and humor are almost always appreciated by the audience provided it isn’t even slightly derogatory or demeaning to anyone. Opening your 2-minute speech with a joke can in fact be a good attention grabber that would also not take up a lot of your speech time .

Example of a joke used as an opening line:

Do you know when brown kids get slapped? Every brown birthday party. Hasan Minhaj

3. Statistics or figures

What is the best way to make someone understand the reality of any situation you ask? Figures, numbers, or stats!

Because when the audience sees the number in front of them, they can no longer be in denial or in their own world of assumptions. Hence, using statistics in your opening lines would definitely help you reach your goal of spreading awareness (if that is what your purpose is).

Suicide happens to be one of the leading causes of death in United states with approximately one indivdiual dying to suicide every 11 minutes. The question is why are we still overlooking this grave issue?

To know more about effective opening lines, check out our post on 50 speech opening lines .

Following your brief introduction, as you dive into your topic, there are a couple of things that you must keep in your mind, they are:

  • Stick to only one takeaway . Having many takeaways might not help you effectively reach the audience.
  • Try to add short stories only if you plan on adding a story to your speech. Make sure that it isn’t taking up a huge chunk of your speech time.

How do you end your 2-minute speech?

In short speeches, your ending or conclusion is very important. It needs to be impactful. You can either summarize your speech in a couple of seconds or you can re-establish your takeaway at this point in your speech. You can try to end with a powerful quote or try to motivate your audience to take some action .

An example of asking the audience to take an action is,

“So as we reach the end of the speech on effects of sleep deprivation, I’d want you to go back home and think to yourself, is browsing for  a couple of more minutes really necessary over your precious sleep?”

To take a deeper look into the closing lines for your speech, check out our video below!

2-minute speech on Brain Drain

Sundar Pichai, Satya Nadela, Leena Nair, and Paraag Agarwal what do they all have in common?

You probably guessed it right! They are the CEOs of some of the biggest companies in the world but there is yet another commonality that they have. They are all Indian Origin CEOs who gained their initial education from some of the top colleges in India to hold such exceptional positions in world-renowned companies now. 

If this isn’t a good example of brain drain, I’m not sure what is. Brain drains, a concept that is very common to Indians when we lose some of the smartest people of our country to better opportunities abroad. These companies not only offer the individuals with better work ethos and environment but also provide them with a handsome paycheck and add to that the amount of appreciation they receive for the work they chip in. Something that is either too rare or alien to the Indian work environment. 

But the scenario in India is changing. With the coming of start-up culture in India where the employees are given just as much priority as the company’s clients If the companies encourage such open and collaborative culture where there is a fair opportunity for growth provided to all the employees, we might be able to see some considerable fall in the problem of brain drain in India.

Importance of education 2-minute speech

Do you remember how in school they asked us to prove whether the two figures were triangles when you could easily have concluded that they indeed were triangles just by looking at them?

So then why do we say that education is important?

For starters, to be able to live a decent life, the basic requirement for any job is for you to possess at least a diploma or degree. Apart from the theoretical learning that we get through education, there are plenty of other skills and experiences we are exposed to like broadening our perspective by interacting with peers, enhancing public speaking skills, understanding the basics of how the world functions are it the laws and rights that the individual possesses or the understanding of geographical division and economic conditions in the society. Education helps in enhancing the capacities, attitudes, interests, urges, and needs of the individual. And hence when the student or individual is deprived of education, it isn’t just the theoretical knowledge that they miss out on but they also miss out on having a holistic development of themselves. This is what makes education very important in everyone’s life.

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Final Words

2-minute speeches are short and crisp which can serve as a blessing as you are not required to go too much into detail. You can come up with a 2- minute speech topic either by researching one that fits perfectly with your interests or you can find one online.

The idea is to enjoy giving the speech. And for you to enjoy delivering your speech, it is important for you to first come up with something that excites you and interests you!

Keep following Frantically Speaking for more such short guides to help you with your public speaking and communication skills.

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a 2 minute speech on social media

a 2 minute speech on social media

How to Write a Two Minute Speech: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Have you ever been asked to give a two-minute speech and found yourself struggling to come up with the perfect words? Writing a speech, even a short one, can be a daunting task. It requires careful planning, research, and structure to convey your message effectively. But don't worry, we've got you covered. In this step-by-step guide, we'll take you through the process of crafting a concise and impactful two-minute speech.

Understanding the Purpose of a Two Minute Speech

Before we dive into the writing process, it's essential to understand the purpose of a two-minute speech. As the name suggests, a two-minute speech is a brief talk that typically conveys a specific message or idea. It may be delivered on various occasions, such as a business pitch, a wedding toast, or a school presentation.

Two-minute speeches have become increasingly popular in recent years, and it's not hard to see why. In today's fast-paced world, people have shorter attention spans, and it can be challenging to keep an audience engaged for an extended period. A two-minute speech allows you to deliver your message quickly and efficiently, without losing your audience's attention.

The Importance of Brevity

One of the critical features of a two-minute speech is brevity. Given the limited time frame, you need to convey your message succinctly and powerfully. Clarity, conciseness, and impactfulness are more important than impressing your audience with fancy words or complex arguments.

It's crucial to remember that brevity doesn't mean sacrificing substance. You still need to have a clear message and supporting points to make your speech effective. However, you must prioritize your ideas and present them in a way that is easy for your audience to understand and remember.

Common Occasions for Two-Minute Speeches

There are numerous occasions when a two-minute speech may be required. These include:

  • Job interviews: A two-minute speech can be an effective way to introduce yourself and highlight your qualifications for a job.
  • Entrepreneurship pitches: If you're looking to secure funding for a new business venture, a two-minute pitch can be an excellent way to make a quick impression on potential investors.
  • Wedding toasts: A heartfelt two-minute speech can be a beautiful way to honor the newlyweds and celebrate their love.
  • Funeral eulogies: A two-minute speech can be a powerful way to pay tribute to a loved one who has passed away.
  • Conference presentations: Two-minute speeches are becoming increasingly popular at conferences as a way for presenters to deliver quick, impactful messages.
  • School or college assignments: Two-minute speeches can be an effective way for students to practice public speaking and showcase their knowledge on a particular topic.
  • Political campaigns: Two-minute speeches are often used by politicians during debates and other public appearances to convey their message quickly and effectively.

Whether you're delivering a two-minute speech at a job interview, a wedding, or a conference, remember that brevity and impactfulness are key. With careful planning and practice, you can deliver a powerful message that will leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Planning Your Two Minute Speech

Now that you understand the critical features of a two-minute speech let's move on to the first step in the writing process, planning.

Identifying Your Main Message

The first step in planning your speech is identifying your primary message. What is it that you want to convey to your audience? Is it a call to action, an informative idea or a persuasive pitch? Once you determine your primary message, you will be able to craft the rest of your speech around it.

Researching Your Topic

After identifying your primary message, you will need to conduct research on your topic to support your arguments and convey credibility. You can use various sources, including books, articles, websites and interviews to gather information. Ensure that you only use reliable and verified sources to avoid any inaccuracies in your speech.

Knowing Your Audience

The last step in planning your speech is knowing your audience. Who will be listening to your speech, and what are their needs and expectations? Tailoring your speech to your audience will help you connect better with them and convey your message more effectively.

Structuring Your Two Minute Speech

With the planning phase complete, it's time to move on to the structure of your speech. A well-structured speech will ensure that your message is conveyed effectively, and your audience stays engaged throughout the two minutes.

Crafting a Strong Introduction

Your introduction is the most critical part of your speech. It should be attention-grabbing, informative, and set the tone for the rest of your talk. Start with a quote, anecdote, or a shocking statistic to capture your audience's attention, and then proceed to introduce your primary message.

Organizing Your Key Points

To keep your speech organized, begin by outlining your primary message and then break it down into three key points. Ensure each point supports your primary message and flows coherently into the next point. Use examples, stories, or data to illustrate your points and keep your audience engaged throughout.

Developing a Memorable Conclusion

Just as your introduction is essential, so is your conclusion. It should leave a lasting impression on your audience, summarize your main points and restate your primary message. You can end with a call to action or a powerful quote that resonates with your message and inspires your audience to act.

Writing Tips for a Two Minute Speech

Writing a great two-minute speech requires more than just outlining and structuring your talk. Here are some additional writing tips to help make your speech memorable and impactful.

Using Clear and Concise Language

When writing a two-minute speech, it's essential to use straightforward language that your audience can understand. Avoid complex vocabulary and jargon that may confuse or alienate your listeners.

Incorporating Storytelling Techniques

Using personal anecdotes, real-life examples, or case studies can help illustrate your key points and make your speech more relatable to your audience. It can also add a humanistic touch to your speech and make it more memorable in the long run.

Balancing Facts and Emotions

Lastly, it's essential to balance your use of facts and emotions. While facts help support your arguments and add credibility, emotions help connect with your audience and make your speech more impactful. A balanced approach to facts and emotions is crucial for a great two-minute speech.

ChatGPT Prompt for Writing a Two Minute Speech

Use the following prompt in an AI chatbot . Below each prompt, be sure to provide additional details about your situation. These could be scratch notes, what you'd like to say or anything else that guides the AI model to write a certain way.

Compose a speech that is two minutes in length, ensuring that it is well-crafted, comprehensive, and of the highest quality possible.


In conclusion, writing a two-minute speech requires careful planning, research, and structure. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you'll be able to craft a concise, impactful talk that resonates with your audience and conveys your message effectively. Remember to keep it simple, use storytelling techniques and maintain a balance between facts and emotions. With practice, you'll be able to deliver great two-minute speeches that leave a lasting impression on your audience.

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Speech on Social Media

Still thinking about what to include in your speech on social media? How to make your speech stand apart from others? This article will help you to give a good speech on social media. Social media is considered to be both a blessing and a curse. Let’s see how social media plays a role in inspiring and motivating people as well as demotivating and distracting people.

Table of Contents

What do you mean by social media, advantages of social media, disadvantages of social media.

  • FAQs on Speech on Social Media

We all have heard about the term ‘social media’ and are quite familiar with it, but what does the term mean? Social media is one of the mediums for communication and content development. Social media allows one to share information, opinions, ideas and many other things and also to create one. Now, there are two different views about social media. One group of people think that social media has a bad influence on people, whereas the other thinks that social media has a lot of positive outcomes. A good speech on social media will cover both aspects.

There are those who vouch for social media, these are the reasons why they do so:

  • It is through social media that one develops a large audience. If someone is all set to promote their art, business or work, social media turns out to be a tool to reach a large number of people easily.
  • Social media has a major role in connecting people. People who live far away from their families and friends who have grown apart with time can get connected to one another. With social media, the distance decreases between people.
  • It is through social media that people learn about events/happenings from around the world. Any news travels faster and reaches peoples’ ears within no time.

Apart from acting as a boon, social media has some disadvantages too. Some of them are mentioned below.

  • Frequent use of social media has increased the screen time, which in turn, has caused a rise in physical ailments.
  • Continuous use of social media can also make people lazy and lethargic.

Frequently Asked Questions on Speech on Social Media

Does social media have both pros and cons.

Yes, just like two faces of a coin, social media too, has both pros and cons.

What are the advantages of social media?

  • It is through social media that people learn about events/happenings from around the world. Any news travels faster and reaches peoples’ ears within no time.
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1 Minute Speech on Social Media

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Good morning everyone,

Social media has revolutionized the way we connect, communicate, and share information. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok have brought the world closer, allowing us to stay in touch with friends and family, discover new interests, and engage in global conversations.

However, while social media offers numerous benefits, it also comes with challenges. Cyberbullying, misinformation, and the pressure to conform to unrealistic standards are significant concerns. It’s essential to use these platforms responsibly, prioritizing positive interactions and critical thinking.

In just a decade, social media has transformed our society, creating opportunities for personal growth and community building. By using it wisely, we can harness its power for good, fostering connections and spreading awareness on issues that matter.


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a 2 minute speech on social media

Speech on Importance of Social Media


  • Updated on  
  • Mar 23, 2021

Speech on Importance of Social Media

Students are often asked to prepare speeches as part of ASL or Assessment of Speaking and Learning under the evaluation of CBSE. The speech they are asked to prepare can be short or long. Here in this blog, we give you a preview of a speech on importance of social media, so that you can prepare better for your evaluation! 

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This Blog Includes:

Social media, publications, digital communities, applications, public speaking, art. music, performances, helps us stay in the presence, constructing a modern reality, source to critical thinking, treasure of knowledge, the right to know the truth, media determines our place in the world, promotes massive changes, sample speech (10 minutes).

Good morning respected teachers and my dear friends. Today I am going to present before you a speech on importance of social media. Let us begin with understanding the very basics. We all know that the plural of medium is media, which refers to the contact networks we disseminate. The media is a term that refers to the networks of connections through which we transmit material such as news, music, films, education, advertising communications, and other types of information. These are often included in physical and online journals and magazines, tv, radio, publicity, cellphone, the internet, fax, and billboards. The media explain the various ways we communicate in culture. As all means of communication are used, the media can cover anything from a telephone call to network coverage.

Moving ahead on my speech on importance of social media let us look at the different kinds of social media . 

Traditional radio may no longer be important, but we have discovered a modern counterpart in the form of podcasts, which are on-demand audio content series that you can listen to anytime, whenever, and wherever you choose.

Any multimedia medium that helps users easily build and post content with the public is social media. The word “social media” refers to a multitude of websites and applications. Twitter, for example, focuses on exchanging connections and brief written posts. Others, such as Instagram and TikTok, are designed to make picture and video sharing simpler.

Television, movies, advertising films, advertisements, and video-sharing services are examples of video and film-based content. Visual content is the most relevant medium of the twenty-first century because it is entertaining, emotional, informative, and empathic.

Books, journals, websites, websites, and academic papers are examples of publications. While the importance of printed media has waned over time, they continue to be valuable for transmitting critical government messages.

Email and text applications are examples of conventional mail and modern messaging tools. For casual conversations, messaging apps like Whatsapp, Telegram, or Signal are common, although emails remain the traditional means of communication for formal discussions.

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A digital community, also known as an online community or web community, is a group of people who connect mainly over the Internet. Members in a culture typically have a lot of things in common. Many people consider online groups to be their second home, with a “family of unseen relatives.”

The most diverse types of media-based entertainment are digital gaming and immersive worlds. Gaming is at an all-time peak in 2021, and it will continue to climb as technology progresses and increasingly complex and immersive environments become possible. This momentum, according to experts, will propel gaming into becoming a primary marketing outlet for brands and agencies in the next five years and beyond.

The term “applications” refers to all software that people use, like smartphone apps. Apps  are not only a type of media in the same sense as consumer apps and games have always been, but they are rapidly displacing other types of media such as television, books, and music for consumers’ time and energy.

Signs, banners, multimedia ads, t-shirts, and food packaging are examples of graphics that can be called media. Take for example, you’re driving down the highway and come across a billboard promoting a specific brand’s goods. This will finally be used to connect with consumers and share the offer.

For speaking to large crowds of individuals, visual aids such as charts, slides, and video are often used. Public speaking is no longer just about a microphone and a speaker; it now incorporates a vital part known as presentation, which has proven to be a gamechanger.

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Art on show in public places and theatrical shows can also be called media because they express a message. It is now fashionable to use this medium to draw people’s attention to social problems.

The Importance of Social Media in our Life

No speech on importance of social media is complete without giving the reasons for the importance of the same. Let us now look at the several reasons due to which social media is an essential part of our lives. 

Various media keep us informed of what is going on in the country and across the world. This knowledge allows us to stay in contact with reality and consider what is going on around us, as well as what is going on with others. We shape our own opinions about various topics and ideas by evaluating the knowledge we get. Since we stick to those opinions and step on from others, this behavioural practise reinforces our personalities. What counts is that our views and beliefs mature in a peaceful way, with reverence for those who hold differing viewpoints.

The media produces material depending on what they want to say to the viewer or what the audience needs to see. The success of such cultural material, such as a tv programme, is dependent on how long it lasts. That ensures that if a dance talent show is a success and makes a lot of money, it will be followed by a slew of other series. As a result, more people will choose to be a part of these projects, and they will serve as an inspiration to those who want to be famous. In this way, a new fact has emerged: participating in a televised talent contest is the fastest way to instant celebrity.

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It would be unfair if I did not include that the media is a critical thinking source in my speech on importance of social media. The media plays a vital role in education because it helps adolescents and youth improve critical thinking skills. Tv and the internet provide us with a multitude of choices from which to choose. It’s worth noting that communication methods tend to set borrowed habits. They persuade each person to choose one choice over another. That is why teachers and parents need to help children and teens develop a positive personality. This allows them to make decisions based on their own beliefs.

The media, with its immense influence, takes knowledge to a wide range of topics. This helps to introduce children and teens to a variety of learning sources and to pique their interest in what they want to read. Teachers should advise students on how to correctly interpret the sources from which they receive results. This would allow them to distinguish between the types of data they collect, which may be fine, normal, or bad. Bear in mind that whatever piques a child’s attention today might become a source of career motivation in the future. Analyze the origins from which they collect results.

Democracy is, by far, the most equitable form of government currently in use. It enables voters to elect their rulers and then exert power over their acts as elected officials. In this phase, the media plays a vital role. Journalists must try to convey the facts of leaders’ lives and present them as they are. Any person should judge lawmakers in this way. Each person will vote for the person that he or she believes is the most trustworthy and competent, based on their standards. Unfortunately, different interests will emerge during this period, preventing us from seeing the politician for who he or she is. According to their convenience, the media can exploit a politician’s portrait.Therefore, each citizen must strengthen his or her own criteria so that he or she can make better choices.

The media has a huge impact on culture. They keep the public informed on what is going on. It pervades people’s lives by instilling in them their own set of criteria and viewpoints. The media drives the masses in this direction, resulting in numerous social revolutions. Each part of society, in essence, forecasts the possible changes that will occur. The media plays a critical role in highlighting various social issues, allowing for the development of various remedies, as well as reacting to those who fail to perform their duties. Authorities in various areas of government are therefore judged based on their results.

Without question, the media is there with the public during all of the shifts that exist. People’s ways of getting information have evolved, with some favouring some newspapers and some ignoring them. The popularisation of the use of social media is one of the most significant developments that has occurred in the media. People, among other things, engage with other people, form views, and generate patterns.

The media is an integral part of our lives and has a major impact on our culture. Because of the high level of accessibility that occurs around the world, the relevance of media is increasing by the day. As a result, it is critical that each of us become mindful of the media’s influence. With this, I come to the end of my speech on importance of social media. Thank you! 

Explore: How to Write a Speech on Discipline?

This was our blog on speech on importance of social media. We hope it helps you prepare for any future speeches you have to present. For more such interesting blogs, keep following us at Leverage Edu . You can also follow us on Facebook , Instagram and LinkedIn . 

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200+ 2-Minute Speech Topics For Students: Engage Your Audience

2-minute speech topics for students

Public speaking is a crucial skill for personal and professional development, and one effective way to hone this skill is through the practice of 2-minute speech topics for students. These short presentations not only sharpen communication abilities but also cultivate confidence and poise in students. 

In this blog, we’ll explore the significance of 2-minute speeches, discuss the benefits they offer, provide a range of engaging speech topics, and offer tips for successful delivery.

Benefits of Studying 2-Minute SpeechTopics

Table of Contents

The advantages of incorporating 2-minute speech topics for students into a student’s learning journey are manifold. Firstly, these brief presentations offer an excellent opportunity to improve communication skills. 

The concise nature of the speeches demands clarity and precision in conveying ideas, helping students develop a knack for articulating thoughts effectively.

Secondly, engaging in 2-minute speeches enhances public speaking abilities. Students learn to captivate an audience within a short timeframe, a valuable skill in various academic and professional settings. 

This practice also contributes to overcoming stage fright and nervousness, fostering a sense of confidence that extends beyond the realm of public speaking.

Lastly, regular participation in 2-minute speeches contributes to boosted confidence and self-esteem. Success in delivering concise and impactful presentations fosters a positive self-perception, encouraging students to tackle more significant challenges with a newfound assurance.

Criteria for Choosing Speech Topics

Selecting the right topics for 2-minute speech topics for students is crucial for a successful and engaging presentation. To achieve this, consider the following criteria:

  • Relevance to Students’ Interests: Topics that resonate with the students’ passions or concerns are more likely to capture their attention and enthusiasm.
  • Appropriateness for the Audience and Setting: Ensure that the chosen topic is suitable for the audience’s age group and the setting of the presentation. Avoid controversial subjects that may not be suitable for all audiences.
  • Potential for Engagement and Interaction: Opt for topics that encourage audience engagement, whether through thought-provoking questions, interactive elements, or relatable anecdotes.

2-Minute Speech Topics For Students

  • The impact of social media on interpersonal relationships.
  • How to cultivate a growth mindset for academic success.
  • The significance of mental health awareness in schools.
  • Exploring the benefits of extracurricular activities on student development.
  • The role of empathy in building a positive school culture.
  • Overcoming obstacles: A personal journey of resilience and triumph.
  • The influence of role models on shaping career aspirations.
  • The power of small acts of kindness in creating a positive school environment.
  • The future of technology in education: Opportunities and challenges.
  • The importance of financial literacy for high school students.
  • Unraveling the mysteries of the universe: A brief look at astrophysics.
  • Navigating the digital age: Tips for responsible online behavior.
  • The impact of climate change on global ecosystems.
  • The art of effective time management for student success.
  • Embracing diversity: Creating an inclusive school community.
  • The psychology behind effective study habits.
  • Exploring the history and significance of cultural celebrations.
  • The benefits of learning a second language in a globalized world.
  • The role of sports in promoting teamwork and leadership skills.
  • The journey to self-discovery: Embracing individuality in adolescence.
  • Breaking down stereotypes: Challenging societal expectations.
  • The influence of literature on shaping perspectives and empathy.
  • The power of mindfulness in reducing stress and improving focus.
  • A glimpse into the world of artificial intelligence and its applications.
  • The impact of music on mood and cognitive performance.
  • Fostering environmental consciousness: Small steps for a greener planet.
  • The psychology of motivation: How to stay inspired in your studies.
  • The history and significance of human rights movements.
  • The benefits of learning coding and programming languages.
  • Exploring the wonders of the human brain and neuroscience.
  • Understanding the importance of sleep for academic success.
  • The role of curiosity in sparking creativity and innovation.
  • The impact of fast fashion on the environment and ethical alternatives.
  • The history and cultural significance of traditional dances.
  • The journey to self-acceptance: Embracing flaws and imperfections.
  • The benefits of volunteering for personal and community growth.
  • The science behind renewable energy sources.
  • The power of storytelling in preserving cultural heritage.
  • The impact of social movements on shaping societal norms.
  • Exploring the mysteries of the deep sea and marine life.
  • Overcoming procrastination: Strategies for effective time management.
  • The significance of critical thinking in the information age.
  • The role of nutrition in supporting cognitive function.
  • The art of effective public speaking and presentation skills.
  • The impact of video games on cognitive skills and decision-making.
  • The benefits of physical activity on mental health.
  • The importance of cyberbullying awareness and prevention.
  • The influence of family dynamics on personal development.
  • The power of goal-setting for academic and personal success.
  • The history and cultural significance of traditional cuisines.
  • The impact of social isolation on mental health in adolescents.
  • The role of art and creativity in expressing emotions.
  • The benefits of learning a musical instrument for cognitive development.
  • The evolution of communication: From cave drawings to social media.
  • Exploring the wonders of space exploration and its advancements.
  • The impact of peer pressure on decision-making in adolescence.
  • The significance of emotional intelligence in building strong relationships.
  • The benefits of participating in debate clubs and public speaking forums.
  • The role of humor in reducing stress and improving mood.
  • The impact of positive role models on character development.
  • The history and cultural significance of ancient civilizations.
  • The importance of civic engagement and community involvement.
  • The benefits of practicing mindfulness meditation for stress relief.
  • The influence of classical literature on modern storytelling.
  • The power of gratitude in fostering a positive mindset.
  • The impact of social media activism on raising awareness.
  • The role of curiosity in scientific discovery and innovation.
  • Exploring the history and cultural impact of hip-hop music.
  • The benefits of learning about different world religions.
  • The significance of effective communication in building relationships.
  • The journey to self-improvement: Setting and achieving personal goals.
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on the future job market.
  • The benefits of learning basic financial skills for future success.
  • The influence of popular culture on societal values.
  • The importance of empathy in conflict resolution and peacemaking.
  • The history and impact of famous inventions on society.
  • The role of emotional resilience in overcoming challenges.
  • The benefits of learning about different forms of government.
  • The power of positive affirmations in shaping self-perception.
  • The impact of social media on body image and self-esteem.
  • The role of laughter in promoting physical and mental well-being.
  • The benefits of learning about world geography and cultures.
  • The significance of community service in building character.
  • The influence of famous speeches on shaping historical events.
  • The impact of globalization on cultural diversity.
  • The benefits of learning about different philosophical perspectives.
  • The role of effective communication in conflict resolution.
  • The journey to discovering personal passions and interests.
  • The significance of renewable energy in combating climate change.
  • The power of positive thinking in overcoming adversity.
  • The impact of technology on the future of healthcare.
  • The benefits of learning basic first aid and emergency response.
  • The influence of literature on fostering empathy and compassion.
  • The role of social skills in building strong interpersonal relationships.
  • The importance of setting boundaries for mental health.
  • The impact of gaming on hand-eye coordination and problem-solving.
  • The benefits of learning about the history of human rights movements.
  • The role of resilience in overcoming academic challenges.
  • The significance of cultural exchange programs in promoting understanding.
  • The power of effective storytelling in capturing an audience’s attention.
  • The impact of social media on political awareness and engagement.
  • The benefits of learning about different forms of art and expression.
  • The influence of peer support in navigating adolescence.
  • The importance of digital literacy in the information age.
  • The role of hobbies in promoting work-life balance.
  • The benefits of learning about sustainable living practices.
  • The impact of positive affirmations on mental health and well-being.
  • The significance of learning about historical revolutions and movements.
  • The power of effective communication in leadership roles.
  • The journey to developing emotional intelligence in relationships.

Tips for Delivering a Successful 2-Minute Speech Topics For Students

Once the topic is chosen, the delivery of the speech is crucial for its success. Here are some tips to ensure a successful presentation:

  • Practice and Timing: Rehearse the speech multiple times to ensure it fits within the 2-minute timeframe. Practice also helps improve fluency and reduces nervousness.
  • Engaging the Audience: Use techniques like eye contact, gestures, and vocal variation to keep the audience engaged. A lively and interactive presentation is more likely to leave a lasting impression.
  • Using Visuals or Props Effectively: Depending on the topic, consider incorporating visuals or props to enhance the audience’s understanding and engagement. Visual aids can be particularly effective in conveying complex ideas.

Resources for Further Assistance

For students looking to enhance their public speaking skills further, various resources are available:

  • Online Platforms for Speech Topic Ideas: Websites like TED, Khan Academy, and various public speaking forums offer a wealth of speech topic ideas and inspiration.
  • Public Speaking Courses or Workshops: Local community centers, schools, or online platforms often offer public speaking courses or workshops that provide valuable insights and practical tips.
  • Speechwriting and Delivery Tips from Experts: Books, podcasts, and online articles by experienced public speakers can offer valuable advice on speechwriting and effective delivery.

In conclusion, mastering the art of 2-minute speech topics for students is a valuable skill for students, offering benefits that extend beyond the realm of public speaking. By choosing engaging topics, practicing effective delivery, and avoiding common mistakes, students can develop into confident and articulate communicators. 

The diverse range of speech topics provided, coupled with additional resources for further assistance, ensures that students have the tools they need to succeed in their public speaking endeavors. 

So, embrace the opportunity to speak for two minutes, and watch your communication skills soar to new heights.

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Speech on Social Media

  • Social Media Speech

A website or program that facilitates social interaction is known as social media. Information, ideas, opinions, images, and videos can all be shared. It is a "virtual space" where people may conduct business, follow their icons, and share information. Individuals like YouTubers, Instagram influencers, and others have made it their job to influence users on social media. A fresh avenue for self-expression is now available because of social media.

10 Lines Speech on Social Media

Short speech on social media, long speech on social media.

Speech on Social Media

Social Media refers to group interactions in which users build, share, or trade knowledge and concepts in online communities.

The ability to interact with others has evolved into a fundamental human need.

The remarkable advancements in communications and inventive, astounding entertainment have made knowledge more accessible and provided voices to those who otherwise would not have been heard.

The current generation has had the good fortune to experience some of the most astonishing technological advancements in human history.

Additionally, it is becoming increasingly obvious how significant social media has become in everyday life as the number of individuals using them keeps rising.

People can now purchase and talk to their friends about what they are buying easily due to B2B social, reviews, and travel sites on social media. To provide customers with an enjoyable shopping experience, certain websites provide group buying deals.

Because of the vast network of social media, distance is no longer a barrier. Through social media websites, you are consistently kept updated on the most recent events and news in the world.

The ability to teach from a distance is a benefit for academics and teachers.

It gives hackers the opportunity to conduct viral assaults and commit fraud.

Due to excessive usage and addiction to various social media platforms, people's productivity is being hindered.

Social media sites like WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, and Twitter are becoming more and more essential as a result of their ability to link individuals all over the world.

Benefits of Social Media

Social media has several benefits, one of which is that it is a wealth of knowledge and contributes to education. For instance, kids use social media to find out what they want to know. It is an excellent tool for schooling. Online teaching is now available because of it. By simply sitting in front of a device in our country, we can attend a session taking place somewhere else in the world.

Social media is an excellent tool for keeping up with local news and events. Information can be found without us having to wait for the newspaper. There are numerous applications relating to news that can immediately inform us of any significant events taking place elsewhere in the world.

Drawbacks of Social Media

However, despite its several advantages, it has drawn criticism. Additionally, there are drawbacks. It is also regarded as one of society's darker sides. It is risky to share too much information online. Our privacy may be attacked. Additionally, excessive use results in hours spent on social media, which can divert kids from their education.

We can exchange our ideas and facts on social media, which is an interactive platform. In our everyday lives, we all use it. Our lives now revolve around it constantly. Both locally and internationally, they are used by every one of us for socializing and communication. Social networking offers both benefits and drawbacks.

Advantages of Social Media

We have countless options because of the social media platform's digital world, which is an entirely different world. The freedom of expression and action provided by social media is undoubtedly beneficial. The Internet has made everything possible, from communicating with our loved ones to posting happy moments and memories, learning from others and imparting information to our peers. We may collect money for charitable causes and public awareness of social issues via social media platforms.

Social media allows us to communicate with people all around the world, which is its main advantage. Today, anyone can voice their views on a national or international subject. People can promote their talents on social media, which is an additional advantage. Showing off their skills on social media has helped many people become famous. People can also make money from social media. The public can be made aware of issues by using social media. On this forum, those knowledgeable about issues like diet and health raise public awareness.

Disadvantages of Social Media

However, there are also restrictions and guidelines that each person must go by in order to use their rights on these platforms. Criminals conduct a vast list of crimes and wrongdoings that we innocent people become victims of, and such cases are growing daily. The issue is not the social media platform but rather our need for familiarity with how to interact with strangers.

The main disadvantage of social media is addiction. Checking one's social media profiles has become a frequent habit. Some information may be accurate, while other information may be false. Fake news may circulate over this medium like wildfire. On the Internet, many people have easy access to our personal information. Therefore, we must be careful against hackers. Another major downside of social media is cyberbullying. Some users annoy other accounts by leaving harmful and abusive comments.

The benefits of social interaction have made life easier and more convenient. A few drawbacks also exist. To maximize the potential of these new platforms, we must use them strategically and efficiently.

Real-Life Example

After the pandemic, I have lost my concentration and focus on my studies due to social media. I procrastinate, and because of this, I cannot manage my time correctly. Social media has impacted my academic life, and I had lost academic validation, which I used to have when I did not have an account on any social media applications, basically when I did not own a smartphone. Social media has created a trap that makes me spend hours just scrolling the whole day on Youtube or Instagram. I feel I have lost all my productivity; even when I want to learn or open some notes from my smartphone or laptop, I end up scrolling and watching unnecessary stuff which is of no benefit to me.

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How to Deliver a Killer 2 Minute Speech on Social Media

a 2 minute speech on social media

Are you nervous about giving a speech on social media? Don’t worry, you are not alone. Whether it’s a presentation at a conference or a quick pitch to your colleagues, giving a speech can be daunting. However, if you follow some simple guidelines, you can deliver a killer 2-minute speech on social media that will capture your audience’s attention.

Step 1: Know Your Audience

Before you start preparing your speech, it’s essential to understand your target audience. Who are they, what do they want to know, and what are their interests? Once you have a good understanding of your audience, you can tailor your speech to their needs and wants.

For example, if you are giving a speech to a group of social media marketers, you may want to focus on the latest trends and best practices. If you are presenting to a group of business owners, you may want to highlight the benefits of social media for growing their businesses. Knowing your audience is critical to engaging them and keeping their attention.

Step 2: Plan Your Speech

Begin your speech by creating an outline. Determine the main points you want to cover and arrange them in a logical order. This will help you stay on track and ensure you cover the most important information.

In your speech, include examples or case studies to support your points. These will help your audience understand your key message and make it easier for them to remember it after your speech.

Step 3: Get to the Point Quickly

In a 2-minute speech, time is of the essence. You must get to the point quickly. Your opening lines should grab the attention of your audience, make your topic clear, and set the tone for the rest of your speech.

For example, you could start by asking a provocative question, sharing a compelling statistic, or telling a relevant story. Whatever approach you choose, make sure it is engaging and relevant to your speech’s main points.

Step 4: Use Visual Aids

Visual aids can help make your speech more engaging and memorable. Consider using slides, videos, or infographics to complement your speech. These can help your audience visualize your key points and maintain their attention.

However, be careful not to overload your audience with too many visual aids. Only use them to support your points, not to distract from them.

Step 5: Closing Strong

Conclude your speech with a strong ending. Sum up your main points once again and leave your audience with a memorable thought or call to action. If you can, make them laugh, or leave them inspired.

Remember, your closing lines are the ones your audience will remember most. So, make them count!

In conclusion, delivering a killer 2-minute speech on social media requires careful preparation, knowing your audience, and engaging them with relevant examples and visual aids. With these five simple steps, you can give a speech that will capture your audience’s attention and leave a lasting impression.

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2-Minute Speech Topics for Students PLUS Guide

2-Minute Speech Topics for Students PLUS Guide

Choosing engaging 2-minute speech topics for students is crucial for developing their public speaking skills. This short format is perfect for honing impromptu speaking abilities, teaching learners to articulate their ideas quickly and effectively.

A 2-minute speech refers to a brief, concise speech designed to be delivered within a span of approximately two minutes. This format demands that the speaker be particularly mindful of time , focusing on presenting their main points clearly and succinctly to effectively convey their message. Ideal for educational settings, impromptu speaking opportunities, and situations requiring quick presentations of ideas, 2-minute speeches challenge students and speakers to hone their public speaking skills, including clarity, persuasion, and the ability to engage an audience within a limited timeframe. Despite their brevity, these speeches can cover a wide range of topics, from societal issues to personal reflections, making them a versatile tool for developing communication skills.

2-Minute Speech Topics for Students PLUS Guide for Each

Below, we discuss a variety of topics suitable for this purpose, accompanied by a guide on how to deliver them effectively.

#1 Climate Change: The Immediate Challenge

Climate Change stands as a critical issue, offering a rich vein for 2-minute speech topics . It allows students to delve into urgent environmental concerns, making it a compelling subject for public speaking . This topic also lends itself well to impromptu speaking, as it is relevant and familiar to many.

  • Start with a Hook : Initiate with a striking fact about climate change to captivate your audience.
  • State the Problem and Impact : Succinctly explain what climate change is and its dire consequences on both the environment and human life.
  • Call to Action : End your speech with a persuasive appeal for personal or communal action to combat climate change.

#2 The Power of Reading

Reading is a timeless topic that emphasizes the importance of literature and learning, making it an excellent choice for 2-minute speech topics . It encourages students to explore the benefits of reading, from knowledge acquisition to imagination enhancement, perfect for public speaking sessions. This theme is especially suited for impromptu speeches, as it relates to personal experiences and the universal value of reading.

  • Highlight Benefits : Briefly discuss the numerous benefits of reading, such as improved vocabulary, knowledge, and empathy.
  • Personal Story : Share a short personal anecdote about how reading has impacted your life or the lives of others.
  • Encourage Participation : Conclude by motivating your peers to read more, suggesting starting with a book that interests them.

#3 Overcoming Fear of Public Speaking

Addressing the fear of public speaking is not just meta but also immensely beneficial for students learning to navigate public speaking themselves. It’s a prime example of a 2-minute topic where speakers can share tips and personal experiences, making it ideal for impromptu sessions where empathy and personal growth are highlighted.

  • Acknowledge the Fear : Begin by acknowledging that fear of public speaking is common and understandable.
  • Share Strategies : Offer brief, effective strategies for overcoming this fear, such as practice, visualization, and focusing on the message rather than the audience.
  • Inspire Confidence : Conclude with a positive note, encouraging your classmates to see each public speaking opportunity as a chance to grow and improve.

#4 Social Media: Connecting or Isolating?

Social Media offers a nuanced topic that explores the dual role of digital platforms in fostering connections and potentially leading to isolation. It’s a relevant issue for students and an engaging subject for 2-minute speeches , especially in public speaking and impromptu contexts where opinions and personal experiences can spark thoughtful discussion.

  • Present the Paradox : Start by outlining how social media can both connect people worldwide and create feelings of isolation among users.
  • Evidence and Examples : Briefly cite studies or anecdotes that highlight the positive and negative aspects of social media use.
  • Personal Stance : End by offering a balanced view or personal opinion on how to use social media healthily, encouraging a thoughtful approach among peers.

#5 Climate Change: The Immediate Challenge

  • Topic Focus : This 2-minute speech encourages students to delve into the urgent issue of climate change, emphasizing its significance and the immediate actions required to address it.
  • Begin with Impact : Initiate with a striking fact about climate change to capture attention.
  • Clarify the Issue : Quickly outline what climate change is and its potential impacts on our world and daily lives.
  • Encourage Action : Conclude with a persuasive call to action, urging listeners to adopt more sustainable practices in their lives.

#6 The Power of Reading

  • Topic Focus : In this speech, students explore the transformative impact reading can have on individuals’ lives, stressing the benefits beyond mere entertainment.
  • Engage with a Question : Start by asking the audience about their last impactful reading experience to engage them.
  • Highlight Benefits : Briefly discuss the benefits of reading, such as improved empathy, cognitive skills, and knowledge acquisition.
  • Inspire Participation : Encourage listeners to dedicate time to reading daily, suggesting it can be a powerful tool for personal growth and understanding of the world.

#7 The Importance of Teamwork

  • Topic Focus : This topic invites students to consider the value of teamwork in achieving goals, whether in sports, academics, or extracurricular activities.
  • Start with an Anecdote : Kick off with a short story of a successful team, highlighting the collective effort.
  • Discuss Key Principles : Outline the principles that make a team successful, such as communication, trust, and shared goals.
  • Motivate Collaboration : End with a call to inspire students to embrace teamwork in various aspects of their lives, illustrating how it can lead to greater accomplishments.

#8 Embracing Diversity

  • Topic Focus : A 2-minute speech on embracing diversity encourages students to appreciate and learn from differences in culture, opinion, and lifestyle.
  • Open with Facts : Present intriguing statistics or facts about the world’s diversity to pique interest.
  • Share Personal Insights : If appropriate, share a brief personal experience of learning from diversity.
  • Call for Openness : Conclude by encouraging students to be open to new experiences and viewpoints, highlighting how this openness enriches personal and communal life.

#9 The Influence of Social Media

  • Topic Focus : In this speech, students are urged to explore the dual-edged impact of social media on society, focusing on both its benefits and potential downsides.
  • Engage with Contrast : Begin by presenting the contrasting impacts of social media, from connectivity and learning opportunities to issues like cyberbullying and misinformation.
  • Personal Reflection : Encourage a moment of reflection on personal use of social media and its effects on one’s life and mental health.
  • Encourage Balance : End with advice on maintaining a healthy balance with social media use, emphasizing the importance of real-world connections and experiences.

#10 The Future of Technology

  • Topic Focus : Students discuss the rapid advancement of technology and its potential future impacts on society, considering both the opportunities and challenges it presents.
  • Spark Curiosity : Kick off with intriguing examples of emerging technologies, like artificial intelligence and renewable energy sources.
  • Discuss Implications : Briefly explore the potential benefits these technologies could bring, as well as ethical considerations and challenges.
  • Inspire Engagement : Conclude with a call to action for students to engage with technology responsibly and creatively, emphasizing the role of the next generation in shaping the future.

#11 Environmental Conservation

  • Topic Focus : This topic challenges students to consider the critical importance of environmental conservation and how individual actions contribute to a larger impact.
  • Start with the Big Picture : Introduce the concept of environmental conservation and its significance in protecting our planet for future generations.
  • Highlight Actionable Steps : Provide examples of simple, actionable steps everyone can take to reduce their environmental footprint, like reducing waste and conserving water.
  • Call for Collective Action : Encourage a collective effort towards environmental conservation, stressing that every small action contributes to a larger change.

#12 The Value of Lifelong Learning

  • Topic Focus : Here, students are encouraged to consider the benefits of adopting a mindset geared towards lifelong learning, both personally and professionally.
  • Inspire with Benefits : Begin by outlining the benefits of lifelong learning, such as staying adaptable, improving skill sets, and enhancing personal fulfillment.
  • Personal Growth : Highlight how lifelong learning contributes to personal growth and the ability to navigate life’s challenges more effectively.
  • Encourage Curiosity : Conclude with a call to remain curious and open to new learning opportunities, emphasizing that learning does not end with formal education.

These topics not only aid in developing public speaking skills among students but also encourage critical thinking and engagement with current issues. Through 2-minute speeches , learners can practice articulating their thoughts under time constraints, a valuable skill in both academic and personal contexts.

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A concise 2-minute speech should begin with a compelling introduction that states your topic’s relevance and importance while briefly introducing yourself. Allocate about a minute for two clear and well-structured main points supported by relevant examples or evidence. Utilize transitions to smoothly guide your audience through these points, ensuring a logical flow. Conclude by summarizing your main ideas, underlining their significance, and leaving the audience with a memorable closing thought or call to action. Practising with a timer and refining your delivery will help you maintain confidence and coherence within the time limit.

a 2 minute speech on social media

Easy English 2-minute Speech Topics for Students (30 Topic Ideas)

Here are some 2-minute speech topics suitable for students; they are easy to prepare, and we have included sample speeches for the most.

  • The Power of Kindness: Discuss how small acts of kindness can significantly impact individuals and the community. Here is an example: The Power of Kindness
  • The Power of Self-Compassion : The power of self-compassion lies in its ability to transform setbacks into opportunities for growth, fostering resilience, kindness, and a deeper connection with oneself and others. The Power of Self-Compassion
  • The Benefits of Reading: Highlight the advantages of reading regularly, from expanding vocabulary to fostering creativity. Here is an example: The Benefits of Reading
  • Embracing Failure as a Stepping Stone: Talk about how failures can be valuable learning experiences and growth opportunities. Embracing Failure as a Stepping Stone
  • Cyberbullying Awareness : Raise awareness about the adverse effects of cyberbullying and encourage online kindness.
  • The Importance of Recycling: Explain why recycling is crucial for the environment and how students can contribute. Importance of Recycling
  • Overcoming Stage Fright: Share strategies for managing stage fright and public speaking anxiety. Remove Stage Fear
  • The Impact of Social Media on Relationships: Discuss how social media affects friendships, family relationships, and personal interactions.
  • Balancing Academics and Extracurricular Activities: Offer tips for maintaining a healthy balance between schoolwork and extracurricular pursuits.
  • Discovering Your Passion: Encourage students to explore their interests and find their passions outside of academics.
  • The Role of Students in Environmental Conservation: Inspire students to protect the environment through active actions actively.
  • Building Healthy Study Habits: Provide practical advice on effective study habits and time management for academic success. Healthy Study Habits
  • Promoting Mental Health Awareness: Discuss the importance of addressing mental health issues and reducing stigma.
  • The Significance of Volunteering: Talk about the benefits of volunteering for personal growth and community betterment. The Significance of Volunteering
  • Media Literacy in the Digital Age: Educate students about critical thinking when consuming online information and media.
  • Exploring Cultural Diversity: Celebrate the richness of cultural diversity and the importance of embracing different perspectives.
  • Healthy Eating for Students: Share tips for making nutritious food choices and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  • Setting SMART Goals: Teach students how to set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals.
  • The Impact of Music on Mood: Discuss how music can influence emotions and provide stress relief for students.
  • The Importance of Time Management: Explain why managing time efficiently is essential for academic success and well-being.
  • The Influence of Role Models: Highlight the positive impact of role models on shaping students’ aspirations and behaviour.
  • Ethical Considerations in AI: Discuss the moral challenges and considerations surrounding the development and use of artificial intelligence, including issues related to bias, privacy, and accountability.
  • Impact of AI on Employment: Explore the potential impact of AI on the job market, discussing both the potential for job displacement and the creation of new opportunities.
  • Applications of AI in Healthcare: Highlight the various ways artificial intelligence is used in the healthcare industry, from diagnostics to personalized medicine.
  • AI and Climate Change: Discuss how AI technologies can address environmental challenges, such as climate change, through improved resource management, energy efficiency, and monitoring.
  • The Role of AI in Education: Explore how AI transforms education through personalized learning, adaptive assessments, and intelligent tutoring systems.
  • AI and Creativity: Challenge the notion that AI is purely analytical and explore how it can enhance and contribute to creative art, music, and literature processes.
  • The Future of AI: Discuss emerging trends and technologies in AI, such as quantum computing, explainable AI, and the potential for superintelligent systems.
  • AI and Cybersecurity : Explore the role of AI in enhancing cybersecurity measures, from threat detection to proactive defence strategies.
  • AI in Autonomous Vehicles: Highlight the advancements in AI that contribute to the development of autonomous vehicles and discuss the potential benefits and challenges.
  • Bias in AI: This section delves into the issue of bias in AI algorithms, discussing how biases can emerge and the efforts to address and mitigate them.
  • What makes learning fun: Learning becomes enjoyable when infused with curiosity, allowing individuals to freely explore new ideas and concepts. Engaging activities and interactive experiences stimulate the mind, fostering a sense of discovery and accomplishment. When learners feel empowered to connect with the material personally, whether through hands-on experimentation or meaningful discussions, acquiring knowledge transforms into a delightful journey of growth and understanding. 2-minute speech on What Makes Learning Fun?

More Easy English Speech Topics For Students from various categories

These topics are suitable for 1-minute / 2-minute, or even 5-minute speeches.

  • 21 English Speech Ideas on Personal Development
  • 21 English speech ideas based on Climate Change and Environmental Conservation
  • 21 English Speech Ideas on Equality and Social Justice
  • 21 English Speech Ideas Based on Global Health
  • 21 English Speech Ideas on Mental Health Awareness
  • 21 English Speech Ideas on Social Media and Society
  • 21 English Speech Ideas from Technology and its Impact

Remember to check our Checklist for your speech preparation and Overcome stage fright (12 practical ideas)

To discover current and relevant topic ideas, it’s beneficial to stay updated with news sources and media outlets, engage with discussions on social media platforms and online communities, explore academic journals and publications in your field, listen to podcasts and watch YouTube channels focused on emerging trends, attend conferences and events for cutting-edge insights, utilize tools like Google Trends to identify popular subjects, consider local and global issues, and seek input from peers and professors for research gaps and debates. Ensuring the credibility of your sources and considering a range of perspectives will help you select a timely and engaging topic that aligns with your interests and audience expectations.

Which topic is best for a 2-minute speech?

When preparing a 2-minute speech, selecting a topic that interests you and appeals to your listeners is most important. Consider the occasion and your audience to ensure your speech is appropriate for the event. To deliver your message effectively within the time limit, keep your speech concise, focused, and engaging. Remember that the purpose of a 2-minute speech is to convey your message clearly and effectively.

Is a 2 minute speech good?

A 2-minute speech is effective for various occasions, such as introductions, presentations or short talks.

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My Speech Class

Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

Good 2-Minute Speech Topics for Students

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

The fear of public speaking is something that a lot of people share. It’s usually named as one of the most common fears that people have. Believe it or not, the best way to conquer a fear of public speaking is to just do it—a lot. Because the more you do it, the easier it gets. Eventually, you’ll start to get a little more comfortable and it’s not a problem anymore. Believe it or not, you might actually start to enjoy it. This is one reason why it’s important for children and adolescents to give speeches in school.

In this article:

The 2-Minute Speech

School-aged children, 2 minute speech topics: 4 illustrations.

2 minute speech topics

One thing that can help get young children and teens over their initial nervousness is to give them an interesting topic to talk about. Sometimes, it can be something that they genuinely have an interest in and might be excited to give a speech on. Or it can be something funny to help them break through their nervousness.

Topics for young children should be fun, simple, and something they can easily come up with on their own. You don’t want to give them a topic that is too difficult or requires too much preparation. Let’s face it, they’re going to be really nervous. The focus should be learning how to cope with speaking in front of a group comfortably and effectively, not necessarily on the content, subject, or topic.

Topics for teenagers and high school ESL students can be a little more personal or in depth but still needs to be a demonstrative speech, motivational speech, persuasive speech topic, an informative speech topic, or a funny impromptu speech in order to captivate the audience. Depending on the subject of the class where the student is giving the speech, the topic can loosely relate to whatever is being taught. That said, it’s important to remember that teenagers are also going to be nervous—in some cases, very nervous. Perhaps even more so than younger children because teenagers tend to worry more about what other people will think and are very concerned with fitting in.

Choosing the topic is important, especially for a 2-minute speech and will help with student progress. However, there is no point in giving a talk on Donald Trump for a few minutes if you don’t know anything about him. But don’t worry, we have some great ideas.

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List of 2-Minute Speech Topics

  • My Favorite Animal
  • My Favorite Stuffed Animal
  • The Best Toy Ever
  • My Favorite Food for Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner
  • Something I Love To Do for Fun
  • How to Build with Lego
  • The Best Day of My Life
  • The Smartest Cartoon Character
  • The Worst Chore
  • The Best Cookie
  • The Best Place to Go in Summer
  • How to Eat an Apple
  • Why Is the Sky Blue?
  • If I Had a Superpower
  • A New Rule I Would Make
  • My Favorite Cereal
  • What Is the Best Letter of the Alphabet?
  • Is Summer Better than Winter?
  • When I Grow Up
  • Best Thing to Do at Recess
  • How to Eat Pancakes
  • Pizza Crust: Yes or No?
  • A Time I was Brave
  • The Greatest Animal on the Farm
  • My Favorite T-Shirt
  • The Funniest Thing to Do with My Mom/Dad
  • What Is the Best Pet?
  • Who is My Hero?
  • If I Had $100
  • The Best Thing about A Farm
  • Where Do Rainbows Come From?
  • Why I Like Being the Oldest/Youngest Sibling
  • How to Have Fun in the Rain
  • The Best Thing about October
  • The Grossest Pizza Topping
  • The Hardest Thing I Ever Did
  • Sandwiches: With or Without Crusts
  • The Tastiest Fruit
  • The Best Thing That Is the Color Red/Blue/Orange
  • When I Learned to Tie My Shoes
  • Creamy or Chunky Peanut Butter
  • Why Does It Rain?
  • What Is Thunder?
  • Crayons or Markers: Which Are Better?
  • How to Make Peanut Butter and Jelly
  • The Best Thing about Having a Dog/Cat
  • My Halloween Costume
  • When I Learned to Ride a Bike
  • My Best Friend
  • How to Pick a Book to Read
  • The Best Thing about My Mom/Dad/Sister/Brother
  • My Favorite Ice Cream Flavor
  • My Favorite Animal at the Zoo
  • What Is the Best Color Apple?
  • Ketchup On Your French Fries: Yes or No
  • Teaching Grandma to Use a Smartphone
  • How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse
  • Would You Rather Use Textbooks or Tablets in Class?
  • How to Effectively Fake Being Sick
  • The Most Annoying Thing my Mom/Dad Ever Did
  • Prom: Yay or Nay?
  • The Biggest Lesson I Have Learned
  • If Time Travel Were Real
  • The Stupidest Rule My Parents Have
  • A Much Needed Invention
  • Why I Love/Hate Vampires
  • The Best Book I’ve Ever Read
  • How to Tell a Fact from an Opinion
  • Explaining Snapchat to Your Parents
  • The Best App on My Phone
  • Three Things I Can’t Live without
  • The Best Lifehack I Ever Heard
  • How Do I Feel when My Cell Battery is at 10%?
  • The Best Advice I Ever Got
  • My Favorite Sandwich
  • My Dream Car
  • What I’m Dreading about College
  • Facebook vs. Twitter
  • How Social Media Makes my Life Better/Worse
  • How to Compose the Perfect Tweet
  • My Favorite Snapchat Filter
  • Best Member of my Favorite Band
  • Greatest Song Lyrics of All Time
  • Is there Value in Homework?
  • Should School Start Later?
  • Naps: Yay or Nay?
  • iPhone vs. Android
  • My Biggest Fear
  • My After School Job
  • Things I Could Have Done Instead of Preparing this Speech
  • Pineapple on Pizza
  • Best Toppings for a Burger
  • If I Could Only Listen to One Song for the Rest of My Life
  • How I Got my Driver’s License
  • Why Video Games Are Good
  • One Movie I Still Love from When I Was Little
  • The First Thing I Ever Bought for Myself
  • The Worst Superpower
  • The Most Disgusting Household Chore
  • If I Could Eat Only One Food for the Rest of My Life
  • Spotify vs. Pandora
  • Best Song to Listen to When Feeling Happy/Sad
  • Bad Date Ideas
  • The Greatest Purchase I Ever Made
  • My Favorite Instagram Filter
  • Texting or Calling?
  • If I Had $1,000
  • Something That Scares Me about Graduating
  • How to Ask Someone On a Date

Speech: Cons of the War in Iraq

Main Point I Too many American troops and Iraqi civilians are killed. Time to build up the country with the help of the locals.
II The final cost of the combats are sky high and we are not able to collect those billions of dollars back. Even when we could rely on oil revenues and pay back sessions of the International Monetary Fund.
III The integrity and the world opinion of the USA is at risk if we stay. Our efforts ought to aspire sustaining democray in that nation and assist in democratic values and constituencies.

Speech: Teleworking Is a Win-Win Solution

Main Point I Reduces traffic jams in the early days of the week, and at the end of working hours at our main roads.
II Reduces transportation pollution; as there are less passenger vehicles and heavy lorries on the road that leaven CO2 emissions.
III No late or non-arrival of employees any more. It saves society billions of dollars in terms of productivity and road maintenance.
IV Reduces child day care costs when both parents are hurrying and rushing.
V More time when urgently needed for family matters, like loving, caring, gaming, experiencing what is the cloud and so on.

Speech: Political Term Limits – An Evil Necessity

I Avoid too much power in the same office of a small group of people in the long term.
II Nerds and totally incapable whimps will leave the stage after the limit.
III Career bureaucrats, media elites and professional lobby interest groups will replaced.

Speech: Online Casino Offers Are Dangerous

I Getting your winner money after you cash out is a very slow traject.
II No form of appeal against in case of a dispute about the game or rules.
III It’s very addicting and only a few people can resist the desire to try over and over again to win lost money back.
IV Your credit card balance will drop down in a snap.
V There is much more to tell about bad experiences with online casino offers, dive back into your own past perhaps …

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20 thoughts on “Good 2-Minute Speech Topics for Students”

Why are teachers so worried about hoods being up

Love the ideas they are so funny 🙂

I had to give speech in English in my MORNING assembly Suggest me a topic

Democracy =equality before law Democracy= disparity before law ✓/×

Why do teachers not like it when kids say Gucci?

I have to give a speech on Tuesday can you please assist me I was given the topic the class is the rest not the best

I need help for my 2 minute speech. I need to give it one Wednesday.

what my dog is thinking

I need to a speech done in 20 minutes for 3 minutes someone help me with ideas please xxx

plz need a topic right now for school it has to be something you can reserch plz help mehhhh

Please, I need a good 3-4 minute speech topic please send one through!!!!

I need one because I love speech writing. I am in grade 4

Ehm would pls give an example of a heading of a speech presented in a PTA meeting

Hey can you please help me out I’m in grade 7 I need help to right a 2 minute essay on school Thank you.

Why kids pick mums over dads

There should be reserved ladies seats in public transport.yes or no?? marks are more important than practical learning.yes or no? what should we do when a man or boy boards the ladies compartment in train or metro?

im stuck with coments and im freeking out its ment to be handed in today

ummmm why can’t our school just let us do our old speech instead of spending two hole hours on thinking of a new on

what to add to our school

Importance of reading

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The 50 Best 2-Minute Speech Topics

a 2 minute speech on social media

It might seem daunting to come up with a speech topic, let alone a two-minute speech topic that can both engage and inform your audience. With the right topic, however, you can make a powerful impact in the short amount of time that you have. Here is a list of the 50 best two minute speech topics to get you started.

  • The Importance of Setting Boundaries
  • Discrimination in the Workplace
  • Self-Care and Stress Management for Mental Well-Being 
  • If I Could Live the Life of My Dog for a Day
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TikTok has established itself as one of the top online platforms for U.S. teens, while the share of teens who use Facebook has fallen sharply

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a 2 minute speech on social media

Pew Research Center conducted this study to better understand teens’ use of digital devices, social media and other online platforms. For this analysis, we surveyed 1,316 U.S. teens. The survey was conducted online by Ipsos from April 14 to May 4, 2022.

This research was reviewed and approved by an external institutional review board (IRB), Advarra, which is an independent committee of experts that specializes in helping to protect the rights of research participants.

Ipsos recruited the teens via their parents who were a part of its KnowledgePanel , a probability-based web panel recruited primarily through national, random sampling of residential addresses. The survey is weighted to be representative of U.S. teens ages 13 to 17 who live with parents by age, gender, race, ethnicity, household income and other categories.

The trend data in this report comes from a Center survey on the same topic conducted from Sept. 25, 2014, to Oct. 9, 2014, and from Feb. 10, 2015, to March 16, 2015. The survey was fielded by the GfK Group on its KnowledgePanel, which was later acquired by Ipsos .

Here are the  questions used for this report , along with responses, and its  methodology .

Since 2014-15, TikTok has arisen; Facebook usage has dropped; Instagram, Snapchat have grown

For the latest survey data on social media and tech use among teens, see “ Teens, Social Media, and Technology 2023 .” 

The landscape of social media is ever-changing, especially among teens who often are on the leading edge of this space. A new Pew Research Center survey of American teenagers ages 13 to 17 finds TikTok has rocketed in popularity since its North American debut several years ago and now is a top social media platform for teens among the platforms covered in this survey. Some 67% of teens say they ever use TikTok, with 16% of all teens saying they use it almost constantly. Meanwhile, the share of teens who say they use Facebook, a dominant social media platform among teens in the Center’s 2014-15 survey , has plummeted from 71% then to 32% today.

YouTube tops the 2022 teen online landscape among the platforms covered in the Center’s new survey, as it is used by 95% of teens. TikTok is next on the list of platforms that were asked about in this survey (67%), followed by Instagram and Snapchat, which are both used by about six-in-ten teens. After those platforms come Facebook with 32% and smaller shares who use Twitter, Twitch, WhatsApp, Reddit and Tumblr. 1

Changes in the social media landscape since 2014-15 extend beyond TikTok’s rise and Facebook’s fall. Growing shares of teens say they are using Instagram and Snapchat since then. Conversely, Twitter and Tumblr saw declining shares of teens who report using their platforms. And two of the platforms the Center tracked in the earlier survey – Vine and Google+ – no longer exist.

There are some notable demographic differences in teens’ social media choices. For example, teen boys are more likely than teen girls to say they use YouTube, Twitch and Reddit, whereas teen girls are more likely than teen boys to use TikTok, Instagram and Snapchat. In addition, higher shares of Black and Hispanic teens report using TikTok, Instagram, Twitter and WhatsApp compared with White teens. 2

This study also explores the frequency with which teens are on each of the top five online platforms: YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook. Fully 35% of teens say they are using at least one of them “almost constantly.” Teen TikTok and Snapchat users are particularly engaged with these platforms, followed by teen YouTube users in close pursuit. A quarter of teens who use Snapchat or TikTok say they use these apps almost constantly, and a fifth of teen YouTube users say the same. When looking at teens overall, 19% say they use YouTube almost constantly, 16% say this about TikTok, and 15% about Snapchat.

About one-in-five teens visit or use YouTube ‘almost constantly’

When reflecting on the amount of time they spend on social media generally, a majority of U.S. teens (55%) say they spend about the right amount of time on these apps and sites, while about a third of teens (36%) say they spend too much time on social media. Just 8% of teens think they spend too little time on these platforms.

Asked about the idea of giving up social media, 54% of teens say it would be at least somewhat hard to give it up, while 46% say it would be at least somewhat easy. Teen girls are more likely than teen boys to express it would be difficult to give up social media (58% vs. 49%). Conversely, a quarter of teen boys say giving up social media would be very easy, while 15% of teen girls say the same. Older teens also say they would have difficulty giving up social media. About six-in-ten teens ages 15 to 17 (58%) say giving up social media would be at least somewhat difficult to do. A smaller share of 13- to 14-year-olds (48%) think this would be difficult.

Beyond just online platforms, the new survey finds that the vast majority of teens have access to digital devices, such as smartphones (95%), desktop or laptop computers (90%) and gaming consoles (80%). And the study shows there has been an uptick in daily teen internet users, from 92% in 2014-15 to 97% today. In addition, the share of teens who say they are online almost constantly has roughly doubled since 2014-15 (46% now and 24% then).

These are some of the findings from an online survey of 1,316 teens conducted by the Pew Research Center from April 14 to May 4, 2022. More details about the findings on adoption and use of digital technologies by teens are covered below.

Smartphones, desktop and laptop computers, and gaming consoles remain widely accessible to teens

Nearly all teens in 2022 have access to a smartphone, up from 73% in 2014-15

Since 2014-15, there has been a 22 percentage point rise in the share of teens who report having access to a smartphone (95% now and 73% then). While teens’ access to smartphones has increased over roughly the past eight years, their access to other digital technologies, such as desktop or laptop computers or gaming consoles, has remained statistically unchanged.

The survey shows there are differences in access to these digital devices for certain groups. For instance, teens ages 15 to 17 (98%) are more likely to have access to a smartphone than their 13- to 14-year-old counterparts (91%). In addition, teen boys are 21 points more likely to say they have access to gaming consoles than teen girls – a pattern that has been reported in prior Center research . 3

Teens living in lower-income households are less likely to report having a computer, gaming console

Access to computers and gaming consoles also differs by teens’ household income. U.S. teens living in households that make $75,000 or more annually are 12 points more likely to have access to gaming consoles and 15 points more likely to have access to a desktop or laptop computer than teens from households with incomes under $30,000. These gaps in teen computer and gaming console access are consistent with digital divides by household income the Center has observed in previous teen surveys.

While 72% of U.S. teens say they have access to a smartphone, a computer and a gaming console at home, more affluent teens are particularly likely to have access to all three devices. Fully 76% of teens that live in households that make at least $75,000 a year say they have or have access to a smartphone, a gaming console and a desktop or laptop computer, compared with smaller shares of teens from households that make less than $30,000 or teens from households making $30,000 to $74,999 a year who say they have access to all three (60% and 69% of teens, respectively).

Almost all U.S. teens report using the internet daily

Nearly half of teens now say they use the internet ‘almost constantly’

The share of teens who say they use the internet about once a day or more has grown slightly since 2014-15. Today, 97% of teens say they use the internet daily, compared with 92% of teens in 2014-15 who said the same.

In addition, the share of teens who say they use the internet almost constantly has gone up: 46% of teens say they use the internet almost constantly, up from only about a quarter (24%) of teenagers who said the same in 2014-15.

Black, Hispanic teens more likely than White teens to say they are online almost constantly

Black and Hispanic teens stand out for being on the internet more frequently than White teens. Some 56% of Black teens and 55% of Hispanic teens say they are online almost constantly, compared with 37% of White teens. The difference between Hispanic and White teens on this measure is consistent with previous findings when it comes to frequent internet use .

In addition, older teens are more likely to be online almost constantly. Some 52% of 15- to 17-year-olds say they use the internet almost constantly, while 36% of 13- to 14-year-olds say the same. Another demographic pattern in “almost constant” internet use: 53% of urban teens report being online almost constantly, while somewhat smaller shares of suburban and rural teens say the same (44% and 43%, respectively).

Slight differences are seen among those who say they engage in “almost constant” internet use based on household income. A slightly larger share of teens from households making $30,000 to $74,999 annually report using the internet almost constantly, compared with teens from homes making at least $75,000 (51% and 43%, respectively). Teens who live in households making under $30,000 do not significantly differ from either group.

The social media landscape has shifted

This survey asked whether U.S. teens use 10 specific online platforms: YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, Twitch, WhatsApp, Reddit and Tumblr.

YouTube stands out as the most common online platform teens use out of the platforms measured, with 95% saying they ever use this site or app. Majorities also say they use TikTok (67%), Instagram (62%) and Snapchat (59%). Instagram and Snapchat use has grown since asked about in 2014-15, when roughly half of teens said they used Instagram (52%) and about four-in-ten said they used Snapchat (41%).

Majority of teens use YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat; share of teens who use Facebook dropped sharply from 2014-15 to now

The share of teens using Facebook has declined sharply in the past decade. Today, 32% of teens report ever using Facebook, down 39 points since 2014-15, when 71% said they ever used the platform. Although today’s teens do not use Facebook as extensively as teens in previous years, the platform still enjoys widespread usage among adults, as seen in other recent Center studies .

Other social media platforms have also seen decreases in usage among teens since 2014-15. Some 23% of teens now say they ever use Twitter, compared with 33% in 2014-15. Tumblr has seen a similar decline. While 14% of teens in 2014-15 reported using Tumblr, just 5% of teens today say they use this platform.

The online platforms teens flock to differ slightly based on gender. Teen girls are more likely than teen boys to say they ever use TikTok, Instagram and Snapchat, while boys are more likely to use Twitch and Reddit. Boys also report using YouTube at higher rates than girls, although the vast majority of teens use this platform regardless of gender.

Teen girls are more likely than boys to use TikTok, Instagram and Snapchat; teen boys more likely to use Twitch, Reddit and YouTube; and Black teens are especially drawn to TikTok compared with other groups

Teens’ use of certain online platforms also differs by race and ethnicity. Black and Hispanic teens are more likely than White teens to say they ever use TikTok, Instagram, Twitter or WhatsApp. Black teens also stand out for being more likely to use TikTok compared with Hispanic teens, while Hispanic teens are more likely than their peers to use WhatsApp.

Older teens are more likely than younger teens to say they use each of the online platforms asked about except for YouTube and WhatsApp. Instagram is an especially notable example, with a majority of teens ages 15 to 17 (73%) saying they ever use Instagram, compared with 45% of teens ages 13 to 14 who say the same (a 28-point gap).

Despite Facebook losing its dominance in the social media world with this new cohort of teens, higher shares of those living in lower- and middle-income households gravitate toward Facebook than their peers who live in more affluent households: 44% of teens living in households earning less than $30,000 a year and 39% of teens from households earning $30,000 to less than $75,000 a year say they ever use Facebook, while 27% of those from households earning $75,000 or more a year say the same. Differences in Facebook use by household income were found in previous Center surveys as well (however the differences by household income were more pronounced in the past).

Roughly one-in-five teens are almost constantly on YouTube; only 2% say the same for Facebook

When it comes to the frequency that teens use the top five platforms the survey looked at, YouTube and TikTok stand out as the platforms teens use most frequently. About three-quarters of teens visit YouTube at least daily, including 19% who report using the site or app almost constantly. A majority of teens (58%) visit TikTok daily, while about half say the same for Snapchat (51%) and Instagram (50%).

Looking within teens who use a given platform, TikTok and Snapchat stand out for having larger shares of teenage users who visit these platforms regularly. Fully 86% of teen TikTok or Snapchat users say they are on that platform daily and a quarter of teen users for both of these platforms say they are on the site or app almost constantly. Somewhat smaller shares of teen YouTube users (20%) and teen Instagram users (16%) say they are on those respective platforms almost constantly (about eight-in-ten teen users are on these platforms daily).

Not only is there a smaller share of teenage Facebook users than there was in 2014-15, teens who do use Facebook are also relatively less frequent users of the platform compared with the other platforms covered in this survey. Just 7% of teen Facebook users say they are on the site or app almost constantly (representing 2% of all teens). Still, about six-in-ten teen Facebook users (57%) visit the platform daily.

Across these five platforms, 35% of all U.S. teens say they are on at least one of them almost constantly. While this is not a comprehensive rundown of all teens who use any kind of online platform almost constantly, this 35% of teens represent a group of relatively heavy platform users and they clearly have different views about their use of social media compared with those who say they use at least one of these platforms, though less often than “almost constantly.” Those findings are covered in a later section.

Black, Hispanic teens more likely than White teens to say they are almost constantly on TikTok, YouTube and Instagram

Larger shares of Black and Hispanic teens say they are on TikTok, YouTube and Instagram almost constantly than White teens. For example, Black and Hispanic teens are roughly five times more likely than White teens to say they are on Instagram almost constantly.

Hispanic teens are more likely to be frequent users of Snapchat than White or Black teens: 23% of Hispanic teens say they use this social media platform almost constantly, while 12% of White teens and 11% of Black teens say the same. There are no racial and ethnic differences in teens’ frequency of Facebook usage.

Overall, Hispanic (47%) and Black teens (45%) are more likely than White teens (26%) to say they use at least one of these five online platforms almost constantly.

Slight majorities of teens see the amount of time they spend on social media as about right and say it would be hard to give up

a 2 minute speech on social media

As social media use has become a common part of many teens’ daily routine, the Center asked U.S. teens how they feel about the amount of time they are spending on social media. A slight majority (55%) say the amount of time they spend of social media is about right, and smaller shares say they spend too much time or too little time on these platforms.

While a majority of teen boys and half of teen girls say they spend about the right amount of time on social media, this sentiment is more common among boys. Teen girls are more likely than their male counterparts to say they spend too much time on social media. In addition, White teens are more likely to see their time using social media as about right compared with Hispanic teens. Black teens do not differ from either group.

This analysis also explored how teens who frequently use these platforms may feel about their time on them and how those feelings may differ from teens who use these sites and apps less frequently. To do this, two groups were constructed. The first group is the 35% of teens who say they use at least one of the five platforms this survey covered – YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat or Facebook – almost constantly. The other group consists of teens who say they use these platforms but not as frequently – that is, they use at least one of these five platforms but use them less often than “almost constantly.”

When asked how they feel about the time they spend on social media, 53% of teens who almost constantly use at least one of the platforms say they are on social media too much, while about three-in-ten teens (28%) who use at least one of these platforms but less often say the same.

Teens who are almost constantly online – not just on social media – also stand out for saying they spend too much time on social media: 51% say they are on social media too much. By comparison, 26% of teens who are online several times a day say they are on social media too much.

Older teens are more likely than younger teens to say it would be hard to give up social media

When reflecting on what it would be like to try to quit social media, teens are somewhat divided whether this would be easy or difficult. Some 54% of U.S. teens say it would be very (18%) or somewhat hard (35%) for them to give up social media. Conversely, 46% of teens say it would be at least somewhat easy for them to give up social media, with a fifth saying it would be very easy.

Teenage girls are slightly more likely to say it would be hard to give up social media than teen boys (58% vs. 49%). A similar gap is seen between older and younger teens, with teens 15 to 17 years old being more likely than 13- and 14-year-olds to say it would be at least somewhat hard to give up social media.

A majority of teens who use at least one of the platforms asked about in the survey “almost constantly” say it would be hard to give up social media, with 32% saying it would be very hard. Smaller shares of teens who use at least one of these online platforms but use them less often say the same.

The teens who think they spend too much time on social media also report they would struggle to step back completely from it. Teens who say they spend too much time on social media are 36 percentage points more likely than teens who see their usage as about right to say giving up social media would be hard (78% vs. 42%). In fact, about three-in-ten teens who say they use social media too much (29%) say it would be very hard for them to give up social media. Conversely, a majority of teens who see their social media usage as about right (58%) say that it would be at least somewhat easy for them to give it up.

  • A 2018 Center survey also asked U.S. teens about their technology adoption and usage. Direct comparisons cannot be made across the two surveys due to differences in the ways the surveys were conducted. ↩
  • There were not enough Asian American respondents in the sample to be broken out into a separate analysis. As always, their responses are incorporated into the general population figures throughout the report. ↩
  • A 2018 Center survey also asked U.S teens about their video gaming habits. Direct comparisons cannot be made across the two surveys due to differences in the ways the surveys were conducted. Still, there are common patterns between the two separate surveys; for example, teen boys were more likely to report access to a gaming console or that they play video games than teen girls. ↩

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Former President Donald Trump reacts May 28, 2024, as he reenters Manhattan criminal court in New York. (AP)

Former President Donald Trump reacts May 28, 2024, as he reenters Manhattan criminal court in New York. (AP)

Louis Jacobson

Fact-checking the False claim that the Trump’s NY jury verdict doesn’t have to be unanimous

If your time is short.

On May 29, Juan Merchan, the judge in former President Donald Trump’s Manhattan trial, gave the jury instructions for their deliberation, which are posted online.

He told jurors that to find Trump guilty, they must agree unanimously on two things: that Trump falsified business records and that he did so intending to commit a separate crime.

Merchan said jurors did not have to agree unanimously on what the separate crime was that Trump intended to commit.

As the jury in the Manhattan trial of former President Donald Trump headed toward deliberation May 29, Judge Juan Merchan gave jurors their instructions.

Once the instructions filtered onto social media, however, they were distorted. 

"Judge Merchan has instructed the jury they do not need to have a UNANIMOUS verdict in order to convict former President Donald J. Trump," former Fox News writer and producer Kyle Becker wrote May 29 on X .

"This is insane," the conservative End Wokeness X account posted a few minutes later to its 2.5 million followers. "New York Judge Merchan just told jurors that they DO NOT have to unanimously agree on what crime Trump is guilty of."

Other social media posts, including from Trump-aligned political strategist Steve Bannon , also claimed the jury verdict did not have to be unanimous. The posts echoed a statement Trump made May 26 on Truth Social that said Merchan imparted "FAKE options for the jury to choose from, without requiring them to be unanimous, which is completely UNAMERICAN AND UNCONSTITUTIONAL."

Trump’s campaign did not respond to a request for comment.

The posts are inaccurate. If the jury decides to convict, Merchan told them, jurors must agree unanimously on two things: that Trump falsified business records and that he did so intending to commit a separate crime.

Juror unanimity is not necessary on what separate crime Trump intended to commit. Merchan cited three possible crimes: violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act; the falsification of other business records; and a violation of tax laws.

Jurors "all need to agree on the verdict, but they can get to that result through different paths and reasoning," said Cheryl G. Bader, a Fordham University associate clinical law professor.

Duncan P. Levin, a Brooklyn, New York-based lawyer with Levin & Associates PLLC, called the social media spin on Marchan’s instructions "absurd."

"It has to be unanimous on the elements of the crime," namely that Trump "caused business records to be filed (and) intended to conceal election by unlawful means," Levin said. But it doesn’t have to be unanimous on the means, he said. 

"That is not unusual at all. (It’s) very standard," Levin said. "Someone can be convicted of murder even if the jurors disagree about the type of murder weapon."

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In his instructions , Merchan told jurors that any verdict must be unanimous.

"Your verdict, on each count you consider, whether guilty or not guilty, must be unanimous; that is, each and every juror must agree to it," Merchan said. "To reach a unanimous verdict, you must deliberate with the other jurors."

That’s standard in criminal law: The New York jury handbook says that in a criminal case, "a finding that the defendant is guilty or not guilty must be by unanimous vote of the jury."

But Merchan offered caveats about what aspects of a jury’s decision could diverge.

Merchan said, "In order to find the defendant guilty, however, you need not be unanimous on whether the defendant committed the crime personally, or by acting in concert with another, or both."

He also said, "Although you must conclude unanimously that the defendant conspired to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means, you need not be unanimous as to what those unlawful means were."

Neama Rahmani, a former prosecutor who co-founded the firm West Coast Trial Lawyers, said, "The verdict has to be unanimous, but the jurors don’t have to agree on the other crime that the false business records furthered or covered up." 

Bill Otis, former head of the Appellate Division of the U.S. attorney’s office for Virginia’s Eastern District and special counsel to former President George H.W. Bush, said that although this split structure for jury decisions is common, he understands why Trump allies express concern about it. Otis said the parts of this case that do not require the jury’s unanimity are unusually central to the question of Trump’s guilt.

For this reason, Otis said, it could become a ripe issue for an appeals court to consider, if Trump is convicted.

Social media posts said Merchan told jurors the verdict in Trump’s trial does not need to be unanimous.

That’s not what Merchan said. To convict, the jurors must agree unanimously on two things: that Trump falsified business records, and that he did so intending to commit a separate crime. "Your verdict, on each count you consider, whether guilty or not guilty, must be unanimous," Merchan said. 

The social media posts conflated this requirement with other aspects of the deliberations that don’t require unanimity — notably, which specific crime the jurors believe Trump tried to commit by falsifying business records. The judge said jurors would need to believe only that at least one of three cited crimes could be the one furthered by the records falsification. 

We rate this statement False.

RELATED : Read all of PolitiFact’s coverage on Donald Trump indictments

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Our Sources

Judge Juan Merchan, Jury instructions , delivered to jury May 29, 2024

New York State Unified Court System, Petit juror’s handbook , Revised July 2023

Donald Trump, Truth Social post , May 26, 2024

Bannon’s War Room, Instagram post , May 29, 2024

Juan4Freedom, Instagram post , May 29, 2024

Proud Elephant, Instagram post , May 29, 2024

Dennis Michael Lynch, Meta post , May 29, 2024

Kyle Becker, post on X , May 29, 2024

Washington Post, Jurors must be unanimous to convict Trump, can disagree on underlying crimes , May 29, 2024

New York Times, Live Updates: Jury Begins Deciding Trump’s Fate in Hush-Money Case , May 29, 2024

AP, Jury in Donald Trump’s hush money case asks to rehear testimony as deliberations get underway , May 29, 2024

Politico, Judge: To convict Trump of felonies, jury does not need to unanimously agree on what 'predicate' crime he committed , May 21, 2024

Email interview with Matthew J. Galluzzo, former Manhattan prosecutor now in private practice, May 29, 2024

Email interview Duncan P. Levin, Brooklyn-based lawyer with the firm Levin & Associates PLLC, May 29, 2024

Email interview with Jerry Goldfeder, New York election law attorney, May 29, 2024

Email interview with Cheryl G. Bader, associate clinical law professor at Fordham University, May 29, 2024

Email interview with Neama Rahmani, former prosecutor who co-founded the firm West Coast Trial Lawyers, May 29, 2024

Email interview with Bill Otis, former head of the Appellate Division of the United States Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Virginia and Special Counsel to George H. W. Bush, May 29, 2024

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If you earned Social Security benefits, you can visit or live in most foreign countries and still receive payments. Look up the country on the SSA Payments Abroad Screening Tool to be sure you can receive your payments.

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SSA pays Social Security benefits electronically through direct deposit. You can set up direct deposit through a financial institution in the U.S. or any country which has an international direct deposit agreement with the U.S. Get a list of countries and territories that allow direct deposit payments.

Once you begin receiving Social Security benefits abroad, SSA will send you a questionnaire every 1 to 2 years. This questionnaire will determine if you are still eligible for benefits. If you do not respond, SSA may stop your benefit payments. Learn more about these questionnaires on page 21 of SSA’s publication Your Payments While You Are Outside the United States.

Get help with your Social Security benefits while you are outside the U.S.

For help with your application or benefits you are currently receiving, contact the Social Security Administration’s Office of Earnings International Operations (OEIO).

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Corporate broadcast networks spent only 2 minutes covering Senate GOP blocking nationwide access to contraception

NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt was the only morning or evening news show to cover the vote

Special Programs Abortion Rights & Reproductive Health

Written by Chloe Simon

Research contributions from Rob Savillo

Published 06/07/24 2:50 PM EDT

On June 5, Senate Republicans blocked a bill that would have protected nationwide access to contraception. From June 5 through June 7, corporate broadcast nightly news and morning shows almost completely ignored the vote, with NBC Nightly News being the sole program to cover it. 

Senate GOP blocked a bill ensuring protected contraception access amid right-wing attacks on reproductive rights

  • Senate Republicans voted against the Right to Contraception Act on June 5, with some arguing that birth control is safeguarded by a 1965 Supreme Court precedent. Democrats have pushed back against this reasoning, pointing out that the Supreme Court already overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022, eliminating the precedent that had protected abortion rights nationwide for nearly 50 years. The Senate GOP also blocked the bill from moving forward in June 2023. [NBC News, 6/5/24 ; National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association, 6/21/23 ]
  • Reproductive health and rights are already under threat nationwide, with many Republican-led states trying to institute bans on birth control and abortion medication. Over the past few months, Louisiana’s GOP lawmakers passed a bill classifying abortion medications as “controlled and dangerous substances,” and Missouri’s Republican-led House held up a health care bill over objections to birth control access. But polling shows that 74% of Americans think birth control should be “easier to access” and 78% believe birth control pills should be available without prescription. [The Washington Post, 6/5/24 ; Missouri Independent, 5/8/24 ; PBS NewsHour, 5/23/24 ; Navigator Research, 3/6/24 ]

Broadcast news mostly kept their viewers in the dark about the GOP blocking the Right to Contraception Act

  • From June 5, when the bill was blocked, to June 7 at 11 a.m. ET, NBC   Nightly News was the sole corporate broadcast evening or morning news program to devote any coverage to the vote. The show aired a 2-minute segment with senior legal correspondent Laura Jarrett contextualizing the bill being blocked among other recent “battles over state laws” restricting contraception access. Jarrett also noted, “As part of the high court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade , Justice [Clarence] Thomas called on his colleagues to reconsider their past ruling guaranteeing contraception access, underscoring the fragility of all reproductive rights.” Jarrett’s report also highlighted West Alabama Women’s Center’s Robin Marty, who spoke of the importance of protecting birth control while Alabama has an abortion ban. [NBC News, NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt , 6/5/24 ]
  • ABC’s Good Morning America and World News Tonight, CBS’ Mornings and Evening News , and NBC’s Today did not air a single segment covering the vote during the studied period. By comparison, cable news outlets CNN and MSNBC covered the contraception bill for 17 minutes and 58 minutes, respectively, on the day it was blocked by Senate Republicans. Meanwhile, Fox News aired just 3 minutes about the legislation on June 5, fitting with a larger pattern of the conservative cable network offering less coverage of recent threats to reproductive rights. [Media Matters, 6/6/24 ]


Media Matters searched in the SnapStream video database for all original episodes of ABC’s Good Morning America and World News Tonight ; CBS’ Mornings and Evening News ; and NBC’s Today and NBC Nightly News for either of the terms “Senate” or “Republican” or any variations of either of the terms “vote” or “Democrat” within close proximity of any of the terms “reproductive,” “abortion,” or “birth control” or any variations of the term “contraceptive” and also within close proximity of any of the terms “bill,” “legislation,” “law,” “measure,” “act,” “right,” “access,” or “effort” from June 5, 2024, when the U.S. Senate voted on the Right to Contraception Act, to 11 a.m. ET June 7, 2024, when NBC’s Today 3rd Hour ends.

We timed segments, which we defined as instances when the June 5, 2024, U.S. Senate vote on the Right to Contraception Act was the stated topic of discussion or when we found significant discussion of the vote. 

We defined significant discussion as instances when two or more speakers in a multitopic segment discussed the vote with one another. 

 We also timed mentions, which we defined as instances when a single speaker in a segment on another topic mentioned the Right to Contraception vote without another speaker engaging with the comment, and teasers, which we defined as instances when the anchor or host promoted a segment about the vote scheduled to air later in the broadcast. 

We rounded all times to the nearest minute.

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