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How To Keep Track of College Homework (10 Methods)


Talk to several students about college, and one issue will always rise to the top, which is that keeping up with the assignments is a pain. Unfortunately, assignments make up most of your grades, so you have no choice but to do them if you want to pass. But how do you manage all that college homework and still have time to study and have a life?

Here’s how to keep track of college homework:

  • Write everything down.
  • Have a calendar.
  • Use a planner.
  • Prioritize, prioritize, prioritize.
  • Set reminders.
  • Digitize your notes.
  • Divide complex assignments into small tasks.
  • Eliminate distractions.
  • Stick to the schedule.
  • Have a homework accountability team.

Read on as I will explain how these tips will help you in keeping track of your college homework.

Keep up with college homework.

1. Write Everything Down

In the words of David Allen, “Your brain is for having ideas, not storing them” ( source ). 

If you’ve ever wondered why you forget so many things, it’s because your mind wasn’t meant for storing loads of information, and you shouldn’t try to force it. Instead, write down everything the lecturer says you should do later, so your brain has room to process what you learned that day and be creative.

So, what should you write down? Every little thing, including time and dates, and the following:

  • Daily homework
  • Long-term assignments
  • Upcoming quizzes
  • Books to be read
  • Appointments
  • Weekend and after school activities
  • Random things you want to remember later, like asking your teacher something or borrowing a certain book.

The only efficient way to do this is to write down everything immediately when it’s assigned or when it comes to mind. Don’t tell yourself that you will write later, because you may not. 

If you don’t have a physical planner on hand, set a reminder on your phone to write it down later ( source ).

2. Have a Calendar

The next step to tracking your homework is to have a working calendar system, which can be paper, digital, or a combination of both. I recommend using both but go with what works better for you.

The sole purpose is to give you structure so you know what time to do what, instead of guessing. It also frees up space in your head so you can think about other things. Instead of having to remember classes, due dates, and assignments, you have a visual cue of what to do next so you can stay organized and on track.

If you have a digital calendar such as Google Calendar , you can get automatic reminders of important events and things you need to do before time. The type of calendar you use doesn’t matter as long as you can easily dump all the important events and tasks there. 

Some of the things to include in your calendar are:

  • Assignments due dates
  • Exam dates and term papers.
  • Clubs or extracurricular meeting times
  • Your work schedule if you have a part-time job.
  • Important appointments with doctors, dentists, or professors.
  • Group meetings

Ideally, you should be able to see the entire semester’s calendar at a glance. This will let you see what you have for this week and next week and possibly any long-term assignments whose deadlines are drawing near. 

You will also be able to slot in long-term homework on days when you are not so busy.

3. Use a Planner

The difference between a planner and an organization calendar is that you can have daily to-do lists with a planner, not monthly or weekly. This will help you stay organized, prioritize what is most important and stay away from distractions. To make a planner work for you, look at your list of things to do as well as your calendar, then plan your day accordingly.

Do you have an assignment due on Thursday? Schedule it on Monday and Tuesday so you can edit and hand it in before the due date. Schedule daily homework in the morning to be done before attending that class. 

It’s important to slot out at least an hour daily for homework, even if nothing is urgent.

You will also include your classes, study time, cleaning, extracurricular activities, and any appointments you have that day. You should do this daily and tick off an activity once you are done with it. 

Again, you can use a digital or paper planner or both as long as you do it daily and follow it.

Schedule your assignments during slots where you don’t have a class, the 2 hour period before classes start, and the evening if you don’t have other mandatory activities. You can also utilize your lunch break for eating and finishing one homework.

Some of the best digital planners for college students include:

  • Class Timetable
  • My Study Life

4. Prioritize, Prioritize, Prioritize

You have your calendar and your planner on hand. How do you ensure they work for you? It’s all about knowing how to prioritize. If you count classes, games, time with friends, and study time, you have very limited time to do your homework during the day.

This means you have to make the best of the little time you have by picking one or two assignments you can do. 

Look at your calendar and your to-do list and see what is more urgent. Do you have homework that is due today or tomorrow? That should be number one on your list. Number two should be the next most urgent thing.

That said, it’s important to avoid holding off things until the last minute unless the time frame to do your homework is only one day. This is why making time for homework every day is crucial.

5. Set Reminders

Even with a planner, it’s possible to have things fall off the cracks with all you have to do in college. 

You can ensure you don’t miss homework deadlines by setting a reminder on your phone, which should ring during a period when you are usually free and not when you are busy in class or a club.

But there is one more thing you need to consider when setting reminders. Don’t set it to ring on the due date. Set a reminder for two to three days before the due date so you have time to complete the homework. If it’s a short deadline homework, set the reminder for that evening before the due date or the morning of, so you don’t forget.

In addition to using a digital reminder, be sure to include several reminders on your physical planner. The simple act of seeing something you need to do that day when you look at your planner in the morning will keep you on your toes all day.

6. Digitize Your Notes

Have you ever started to do your assignment and realized you left the notes you need for it in school? Or perhaps you have the books with you, but it’s taking forever to find exactly where those specific notes are. 

Taking notes digitally and saving them on your computer eliminates these problems.

You have easy access to your notes, especially if you save them on Google Docs, and it’s easier to organize them for easy access. If you cannot take notes digitally in class using a computer keyboard or smart pen, you can transfer them in your own time from paper to computer. 

Alternatively, use an app to photograph your hand-written notes and transcribe them into digital copies.

When you have all your notes with you all the time, it’s easy to do your homework wherever you are. It will also take less time to find the resources you need to do your assignments.

7. Divide Complex Assignments Into Small Tasks

Some college assignments are long, hard, and complicated. You have to do research, write the projects and add other stuff to make your homework the best. Doing this every day can be overwhelming, especially since you have other things to attend to.

The best way to handle such complex work is to divide it into small manageable tasks you can do every day. For example, if you have a writing project, take 1-3 days just for research and jotting down what stands out from your research. 

You can block one hour or even 45 minutes every day for that.

After that, go through your rough notes and develop an outline and a good heading, which should take one day slot. Take another day to do the actual writing and another day to edit.

The important thing is to dig into this homework every day and give yourself a deadline for completing it. In the end, it won’t feel so overwhelming anymore, and you will not struggle to finish in time ( source ).

8. Eliminate Distractions

A big reason college students fail to complete assignments on time is distractions. Social media, television, hanging out with friends and spending too much time on extracurricular activities. 

While all those things are important for a young person, they have to be given their own time.

Slot these activities for evenings when you are free and after you have completed your daily to-do list. Alternatively, you can set a timer for things like social media and stop immediately the timer goes off. If your distraction is notifications on your phone, switch off the phone or put it on airplane mode while doing your homework or studying.

For most college students, avoiding distraction means going to a secluded place where their friends won’t find them. You can try the library basement or a hidden corner in the basement, where no one will find you. 

Another great tip is to wake up earlier than everyone else and take an hour to do some homework before the day starts.

9. Stick to the Schedule

A planner and a calendar will not help you if you can’t stick to a schedule. 

You will still slack behind on your homework if you choose to hang out with your friends or sleep during sessions where you don’t have classes instead of doing homework.

It will also not work if your schedule is not realistic. 

For example, if you’ve scheduled homework time from 5 am to 6 am, but you are not a morning person, that will likely not work. The same applies if you are too tired in the evening and can’t focus on homework.

The best way to stick to a homework schedule is to slot it when you are most productive. If that is before the first class starts, go ahead and put it there. The second period is also a great slot because you are not tired yet, and the first class of the day has already stimulated your brain.

All said and done, though, sticking to a schedule is all about discipline. Train yourself to do things when you say you will do them, even if you don’t feel like it. 

The planner will only work if you follow it.

10. Have a Homework Accountability Team

I don’t know about you, but having a support team comes in handy for me. Find a mastermind group to do everything study-related, including homework. This will make things easier and fun, especially if you throw in some competition.

The secret to making this successful is finding people on the same wavelength as you. 

If your accountability partners couldn’t be bothered to finish their homework on time, they will only pull you behind. Find people who are accountable, responsible, and who can help you with homework as much as you can help them.

The top students in the class are a good place to find these people because they don’t become top by luck. Once you have that, pull your weight and try to teach as much as you learn from them.

Final Thoughts

The last thing in keeping track of your college homework is reviewing your daily planner and calendar. At the end of each day, have a quick look at your planner and see if you ticked off everything you need to do.

If you completed the homework, make sure you put it in your bag or set a reminder to send the digital format first thing in the morning. If there is homework you didn’t manage to do, slot it as number one on your next day list. This will ensure everything is done and on time.

Recommended Reading:

  • How To Keep Up With College Assignments (Ultimate Guide)
  • Late Assignments – A Complete College Student’s Guide


Emily is an engineer at a Fortune 100 company. Her degree is in Chemical Engineering with minors in Mathematics and Chemistry. She completed 4 internships in college and graduated Summa Cum Laude in 2020. She is from Texas and currently lives in Seattle, WA. Emily loves hiking, traveling, and playing guitar. She is a very proud dog mom to her fur baby, Oliver.

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how to keep track of homework assignments

How to keep track of homework assignments

Katie Azevedo December 29, 2016 good habits , homework , productivity , study skills , time management

The first step to getting a good grade on an assignment is to … wait for it … do the assignment!

Simple, right?

Maybe, but only if you remember to do the assignment. For some students, knowing how to keep track of assignments and their due dates is a huge challenge. Here, I’m going to explain how to keep track of assignments and projects, and give you some tips for staying organized. A cool angle to this is that what I’m going to be talking about is completely applicable outside of school. So if you’re not a student, but you still have due dates and project deadlines – pretty much like any human – then this system is for you, too.

1.  Find a planner system and use it multiple times every day.

The KEY step for keeping track of homework, which I’ll get to next , is to write everything down. But before that happens, you need a place to write it all. You have three options here. 1) paper 2) digital 3) a combination of both. Personally, I use a combination of both. While I am a pen and paper person at heart, I do use Google calendar in addition to my paper calendar. I have a family and a business to run, so I need the digital aspect to be able to share calendars with other people. For my paper calendar I use the Staples Arc system . It’s cheap, simple, and super customizable.

I advise you to pick a system based on what’s convenient and easy, and not on what is cool. There are a gazillion list apps out there with fancy features — some of you may have heard of Evernote , the king of task management apps — but the goal is to keep it simple and use a system that you don’t have to stress about. If it’s too complicated, you won’t want to be bothered to even take it out when you need it. Whatever you pick, be sure it includes a monthly calendar and a daily calendar/agenda. Here’s why:

A monthly calendar allows you to see, at a glance, what assignments and appointments are coming up over the next few days or weeks or months. It’s key for long-term planning.

A daily calendar/agenda allows you to see and plan for what’s coming up tomorrow and in the very near future.

Whether you go for a dated calendar or an undated one (one you have to date yourself) is up to you. What size is up to you. (I use a half-sized one and a full-sized one!) Here’s a picture:

how to keep track of homework assignments

The cover and paper inside your planner is up to you. Whether you color-code your entries is up to you. (I do!) Make it something you’re excited to use, while keeping it simple.

It’s important to use your system multiple times a day because the more you use it, the more you trust it. And the more you trust it, the more it will work.

I’ve heard so many students say “I’ve tried using an assignment notebook and calendar, but it doesn’t work.” But when I ask them if they write everything down, they say no. And that’s why. So you’ve got to commit to your system. Use it multiple times every day. Get in the habit of checking it every morning or every night before bed so you know what’s on your agenda.

2.  Write everything down. And the operative word here is EVERYTHING.

I have a theory that I’ve lived by for the longest time: Our brains weren’t made for storing information, but are instead made for creating and processing information. (Lol … it turns out that I’m not a genius and that I didn’t invent this theory.) Several scientific studies actually support the idea that to a degree we have a maximum brain capacity. And if we use up all that capacity for storing information and trying to remember everything … then there will be no brain energy left to create, think and process. So by writing things down, we get them out of our heads, which frees up space for us to be smarter and more creative.

Plus, there is just no way on earth that we can remember every little detail of what’s due when, as well as the time and date of your next doctor’s appointment. If something comes up and you’re not sure whether to write it down, write it down!

Here’s what you should be keeping track of:

  • Daily homework assignments (short-term)
  • Project due dates (long-term)
  • Upcoming tests/quizzes
  • Books that have to be read by a certain point
  • Appointments (doctor, dentist, guidance counselor, coach, etc.)
  • Things you’re supposed to remember to do (ie: talk to math teacher)
  • After-school activities, sports (even if you have practice every day from 2:30-5, block out that time on your calendar)
  • Weekend activities

Here’s another important tip: write assignments down the moment their assigned, and write appointments down the moment their scheduled. Do NOT tell yourself that you’ll remember to write it down later. Doesn’t work! Plus – that defeats the purpose: you don’t want to use your brain to remember . If you don’t have your paper agenda with you when something comes up, then set a reminder in your phone to write it down later, or write the assignment down on a sticky note and put it somewhere you won’t forget. Then, transfer the information into your planner the moment you get home.

3.  Set up reminders.

Let’s say you have a project due in one week, so you write down “biology project due” on your calendar on the date it’s due. Sound good? No! No, because you don’t want to end up checking your calendar on the project’s due date and realizing “Oh crap! It’s due today!” So the hack for remembering to do the assignments you write down is this: remind yourself along the way.

You can do this several ways, depending on your system. If you’re using digital, like a phone, use the default reminder app to remind yourself of the project at least a few days before it’s due. You can even set up several reminders throughout the week. If you’re using a good old paper calendar, then in addition to writing down “project due” on the actual due date, write in several reminders to work on the project on the days leading up to the due date.

A reminder system also helps you manage your time for long-term assignments because it encourages you to work a little bit each day towards the larger goal.

4.  Keep your planner/calendar accurate and up-to-date.

Your homework management system is only going to work if it’s accurate. So you’ve got to be sure that you update your calendar and your agenda as things change. So if your teacher gives an extension or changes the due date of a project, or if your band concert or meeting is rescheduled, make those edits in your calendar. (Try to keep it neat if you’re using a paper system, so that might mean using whiteout. Messy on paper equals messy in the head.) And remember the rule: make these changes immediately if possible.

If you end up using a combination of a digital system and a paper system, make sure you sync the two systems daily. I have run into the problem where I’ve added an appointment in my phone, but then forgot to add it to my paper calendar, and then I totally forgot about it. Oops! So I make it a habit to review both calendars/agendas every night to make sure they both contain the same information.

How to keep track of homework assignments: Extra tip

There are going to be times when you fall off the bandwagon and let your system slip. You might go a few days or even a week without writing things down – either because you forget or you keep telling yourself that you’ll do it later. But don’t give up on your system. Just pick up where you left off and get back to writing down every little detail. Whenever you wander away from your system, bring yourself back to it, and don’t judge yourself.

Also, these moments can be learning opportunities! Whenever you stop using your agenda or calendar, ask yourself why? Why did you stop? What part of the system wasn’t working? If the system was easy enough to use, you wouldn’t have stopped. Is your notebook so big that it’s annoying to bring with you? Then get a smaller one. Are you not writing assignments down because you don’t have enough space in the “Daily Agenda” part of your notebook? Then get a notebook that gives you more room to write down your daily tasks. Did you think you were a techie, but find the app stuff too complicated? Or vice versa? Then switch systems. Modify as you go. You won’t come up with the perfect system right away, but you will instead figure out what works for you as you go. Be open to change.

So those are my 4 strategies for how to keep track of homework assignments. If you have some strategies of your own, then please share them in the comments below!

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5 ways to organize your college assignments.


Weekly assignments, midterms, final papers… all piling up each day, making every year of your college life seem more difficult than the previous one. But it doesn’t have to be this hard.

There are several different ways to help you sort out your assignments and actually get started with completing them. Whether you prefer putting all your notes and ideas on paper or would rather reduce your carbon footprint and go all in for tech, here are 5 ways to organize your student assignments:

  • Assignment binders and planners

Perhaps the most accessible method for organizing your student assignments is creating a binder to hold all your papers, reminders, and auxiliary materials. You can either create one for each class or a separate binder for your assignments only. Alternatively, you can put together an up-to-date semester agenda with assignments and their due dates so you can check it out each week to see what’s next for you to prepare and if you’re on track with college work.

These two options are strong organization tools you can reach out to at any time. Try color-coding or sorting them in a specific order of your choice to find the files you need more easily. For instance, you can divide your assignments binder into 3 parts: a red folder for assignments you have to complete, a yellow one for the ones you’re working on, and a green folder for any papers you’ve already delivered. Be careful here not to put an assignment you’re done with into the green folder until you’ve delivered it to your teacher.

  • Digital Kanban boards

If you’d rather have a tool remind you when your assignments are due, try digital Kanban boards. A Kanban visual board is a practical method that lets you track all assignments and college work through 3 simple stages: To Do, In Progress, and Finished/Delivered.

You’ll receive email notifications or alerts whenever an assignment’s deadline is approaching. The best part is that these tools can also be used together with your classmates in case you’ve got group projects to work on.

Free project management software options like Paymo often offer a Kanban feature in addition to simple to-do lists that will also allow you to keep track of any other duties you have be they personal or college related.

  • Consider a cloud-based file storage solution

If you’re always on the run going from one class to another, you probably won’t want to keep all your files, binders, and notes with you. Online file storage options like Dropbox or Google Drive help you store all of these in a single place.

This way, you’ll be able to access your assignments and class notes from anywhere whether you’re on your laptop, smartphone, or classroom computer. You can also become a power user of these digital solutions by learning how to organize your files into folders so you’ve got every structured according to your year of study, semester, and class.

  • The classical desktop folders

For those of you who like taking their laptop to class and writing down all notes digitally, you might want to stick to organizing all files in your computer. This is an accessible and free method that will also allow you to get started with an assignment without having to download any external files.

An example for this filing system could be: Assignments -> Molecular Foundations -> Midterm Assignments -> To Do -> DNA recombination paper (file).

To make sure you don’t miss a deadline, just pair this method with a project management tool or your calendar app to send you regular reminders in time.

  • The Big6 Organizer 

Now that you’ve got your files sorted, you need a strategy to get started with working on your assignments. The Big6 method is a 6-step process that helps you conduct your research through a series of clear stages. This way you’ll never be stuck again wondering what you’re supposed to do next.

The 6 stages are:

  • Task definition – Define your information-related problem and find the facts and figures you need. 2. Information seeking strategies – Identify all potential information sources and establish the best ones. 3. Location and access – Locate these sources and find the info you need within them. 4. Use of information – Engage with the information you found by reading any written content, watching a video, or experimenting and extract only the information that is relevant to your research. 5. Synthesis – Organize the info you found in your multiple sources and present it in a structured manner. 6. Evaluation – Judge the effectiveness of your results and analyze if the research process was efficient and you’ve covered all of the assignment’s aspects.

Test a few of these methods for organizing your student assignments before you decide to rigorously follow one. Pay particular attention to how stress-free you feel when using one or another of these techniques. For example, if you’re feeling anxious at all times thinking you’ll forget to hand in an assignment, then perhaps it’s better for you to go for one of the digital methods that will notify you whenever a due date is approaching.

Jane Hurst has been working in education for over 5 years as a teacher. She loves sharing her knowledge with students, is fascinated about edtech and loves reading, a lot. Follow Jane on Twitter.

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How To Organize Assignments So You Never Miss A Due Date Again

If you aren’t a pro at organizing your assignments for school, I guarantee you will be after this! One of the first things a student should do before school starts is to make sure that they have a reliable way to organize their assignments. This is why I’m going to teach you how to organize assignments so you never miss a due date again!

Putting all of your assignments for the semester in at least ONE place will actively remind you of your due dates so you don’t ever forget them. I will go through some of the most popular methods to organize your assignments as well as let you know which method I prefer the best.

How To Organize Your Assignments As A Student

The three major ways you can organize your assignments include using a school planner app, using a physical planner, and using Google Calendar. All of these methods have their benefits and drawbacks, but they all have been proven to work and I know you will find the perfect method for you.

myHomework App

One of my favorite apps for college students is myHomework ! It is the ultimate app for organizing your assignments. You all do not understand how life-changing this one app was when I discovered it during my freshman year! Because of myHomework, I never missed an assignment due date. The best part is that it’s extremely easy to use! Check out the tutorial video below.

how to organize with myhomework:

  • Download the app from your app store
  • Create a free account
  • Color code each class
  • Put in what times you will take that class
  • What type of assignment it is
  • Priority level (how important/urgent it is to get it done)
  • Reminders (so you don’t forget to actually do it)
  • Attach any additional files (instructions, deadline timeline, etc.)
  • And completing an assignment is as easy as swiping to the left and poof💨 it’s gone!

This is by far my favorite method because after you set everything, you’re done! Unlike a physical planner where you have to constantly refer to what you wrote, with this app, you can get automated notifications and reminders for each assignment. Spend a day before the semester begins to take a couple of hours to import all of your assignments. Seriously focus on customizing exactly how you want (reminders, priority level, etc). Once you’re done, you will have a complete look at every single assignment you will need to complete and any additional information right at your fingertips. It’s simple, straightforward, and reliable.

Why it works:

  • Built-in structure for organizing classes and assignments
  • See monthly, weekly, and daily views of assignments that you need to complete
  • Your data can sync across multiple platforms
  • Supports time-block and period-based schedules
  • It’s 100% free

Related Article ⇾ The Best Essential iPhone Apps For Students

Planner Method

Another way to make sure you keep track of your assignments is to have a physical planner. This is the old-school way that still gets the job done. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but there are new planners with different and cool features popping up constantly. There’s a reason why… Planners work when you make them work! The steps for this method are very similar to the steps you would use with the myHomework app.

  • Go through each syllabus and write the classes you will be taking (in the notes section of your planner)
  • I would also highlight them in a particular color and write the days and times that you will take these classes
  • Write down every single assignment that you will have to turn in throughout the semester on its due date
  • Add in every quiz and test day as well as the day you will have to take them

how to organize assignments

Now the next thing you need to do is create reminders. As far as reminding you when things are due, there are many options:

  • You can write reminders in your planner. If you have all of your due dates in your monthly view (as I instructed and recommended above), you can then use the daily or weekly view to insert reminders weekly of assignments/quizzes/projects/tests coming up.
  • If you have all of your due dates in your planner, you can couple this method with using your phone for reminders. Using apps such as Google Calendar or the regular Calendar app can help you get instant reminders to work on assignments and study for tests.

I will have a post all about the best college planners soon! I have tried countless planners. So, I can’t wait to share what has worked a lot for me and how it can help you as well. So stay tuned by signing up for my email list to know when that post will be live!

  • You’re more likely to remember things when you write them down
  • Complete freedom in organizing and being creative with your planning
  • You don’t have to worry about not having wifi

Google Calendar

Google Calendar is a God-send. I prefer this method right now in my daily life because it helps me stay organized and informed of my schedule at ALL times!! I have a complete tutorial on how I set up and organize my Google Calendar so I will have that linked below. But I want to give some great tips in this article as well for organizing your classes and assignments!

Related Article ⇾ How To Time-Block Your Life For Success

Google Calendar has an incredible feature that allows you to create different calendars. For example, I have a calendar that’s strictly for work-related things, I have one for getting random things done, which is appropriately named “Getting Sh*t Done”, and even a calendar strictly for family things. I can also subscribe family members to the “family” one so we all know what is going on.

Color coding helps keep everything more organized as well. Different colors mean different calendars. Choosing brighter colors can be for the more important calendars such as work and appointments and dimmer colors can be for more routine things.

How to apply this method to your classes:

  • This allows you to color-code your classes to differentiate every class and their assignments
  • This blends every class together, but you will be able to determine what’s school-related and what is not related to school in your schedule
  • This helps you see a clear difference between when you have classes when things are due, and when you will work on the things that are due (study time)
  • Complete organization of classes and assignments

Final Things To Consider

Choose what works for you. I like to give different options because I know everyone is different. What works for me might not work for you. So try one way of organizing your assignments. If it doesn’t work out, no biggie, just move on to a new method. The goal is to keep trying until you find that magic formula that helps you stay on top of your school life.

Don’t wait to import your assignments. This is a major pro tip. There was a time one of my professors added a random assignment that we had to complete that semester and I forgot to put it in the myHomework app, so I missed it 🥴 lol… This is why I encourage you to always put things in your planner when your teacher announces any extra assignments or extra credit opportunities that may not have been on the syllabus – right when it’s announced . Otherwise, you will most likely forget. Also, check out my post about how you can get every assignment, even new/random ones automatically imported into your Google Calendar if your school uses Canvas.

Related Article ⇾ How To Sync Your Canvas Calendar To Your Google Calendar

Lastly, make sure you insert reminders for every assignment. In the case that you do forget about a due date, you have enough time to complete it because you placed a reminder for that assignment. Whether you’re super busy or not, we constantly forget things throughout the day and it’s important to have that sort of virtual “personal assistant” to remind us of things. So use your phone to your advantage and make sure you keep track of your due dates.

Many classes, especially in college, won’t allow you to turn in anything late. Which makes organizing your assignments and due dates that much more important!

If you have any other ways that you organize your assignments and due dates, please leave them in the comments below. I’d love to hear how you organize your class dates. I hope you’ve found some awesome ways how to organize assignments in a way that works for you!

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how should you keep track of assignments

How to Stay on Top of Assignments: Tips and Strategies

Jack Wright

Staying on top of your assignments can be a challenge. It requires organization, discipline, and time management skills. Fortunately, there are a number of strategies you can use to stay organized and on top of your tasks. Read on to learn more about how to stay on top of assignments.

Breaking Down Assignments into Manageable Tasks

The first step in staying on top of assignments is breaking them down into smaller, more manageable tasks. This will help you break large tasks down into smaller chunks that are easier to tackle. It will also help you keep track of what needs to be done and when. You can use a task list to keep track of the different components of each assignment and make sure you stay on track.

When breaking down assignments into smaller tasks, it is important to prioritize the tasks. Start with the most important tasks first and work your way down the list. This will help you stay focused and ensure that you are completing the most important tasks first. Additionally, it is important to set realistic deadlines for each task. This will help you stay on track and ensure that you are completing the assignment on time.

Prioritizing Your Assignments

Once you’ve broken down your assignments into more manageable tasks, it’s important to prioritize them. This will help you determine which tasks are most important and need to be done first. You can prioritize tasks based on importance, urgency, due date, or any other criteria you deem necessary. Make sure to take into account any deadlines or other time constraints when ordering tasks. This will help you stay on top of when assignments are due and which tasks should be completed first.

When prioritizing your tasks, it’s important to be realistic about how much time you have to complete them. If you have a lot of tasks that need to be done in a short amount of time, it’s important to prioritize the most important tasks first. This will help you ensure that you are able to complete the most important tasks before the deadline. Additionally, it’s important to take breaks in between tasks to help you stay focused and motivated. Taking breaks will help you stay productive and on track with your assignments.

Setting Deadlines and Sticking to Them

An effective way to stay on top of assignments is to set deadlines for yourself and stick to them. This will help ensure that you are meeting your deadlines and completing tasks on time. Setting realistic deadlines is key – if you set unrealistic goals for yourself it can be difficult to stay motivated and make progress. When setting deadlines for yourself, make sure to allow enough time for any unexpected delays or other factors that could affect your progress.

It is also important to break down large tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks. This will help you to stay focused and motivated, as well as make it easier to track your progress. Additionally, it is important to reward yourself for meeting your deadlines. This could be something as simple as taking a break or treating yourself to something special. This will help to reinforce the positive behavior of meeting your deadlines and staying on top of your tasks.

Working Ahead of Schedule

Whenever possible, try to work ahead of schedule. This is a great way to stay ahead of deadlines and make sure you don’t get caught up in last-minute scrambling. Working ahead can also help alleviate the stress that comes with having a lot of assignments due at once. It can also help you manage your time more efficiently, as you can spread out your work over a longer period of time.

Additionally, working ahead of schedule can help you to identify any potential problems or issues with your work before it is due. This can help you to make any necessary changes or adjustments before the deadline, ensuring that you submit the best possible work. Working ahead of schedule can also help you to stay organized and on top of your tasks, allowing you to focus on the quality of your work.

Taking Breaks to Recharge and Refresh

It’s important to take breaks while working on assignments to recharge and refresh. Working too long without taking a break can lead to burnout and fatigue, making it harder to stay focused on your tasks. Taking regular breaks can help boost productivity and focus, as well as helping maintain your motivation levels. Breaks don’t have to be long – even a 10-minute break can be beneficial.

Utilizing Technology to Stay Organized and On Track

There are a number of tools and technologies available that can help you stay organized and on top of your assignments. These include apps like Google Calendar, which allow you to organize your tasks and set reminders for yourself. There are also project management tools such as Trello and Asana, which help you plan out projects and keep track of progress. Utilizing these tools can make it easier to manage your tasks and assignments.

Delegating Tasks When Necessary

When faced with a large number of assignments or tasks, it can be helpful to delegate some of the work. Delegating tasks can help make sure that everything gets done in a timely manner and that no tasks are forgotten or overlooked. It can also help take some of the pressure off of you as you don’t have to do everything yourself. When delegating tasks make sure the person is capable of completing the task in the allotted timeframe.

Getting Help When Needed

If you’re struggling with an assignment or task, don’t be afraid to ask for help. It’s always better to get help sooner rather than later, as this will help ensure that the task gets done correctly and on time. You can seek help from friends, family, teachers, or even online sources like forums and chatrooms. If you’re having trouble with an assignment, don’t hesitate to ask for assistance.

Developing Good Habits for Long-Term Success

Finally, developing good habits is key for long-term success when it comes to staying on top of assignments. This includes things like creating a daily schedule and sticking to it, taking regular breaks, setting realistic deadlines, and asking for help when needed. Developing these habits can make it easier to stay organized and on top of your assignments in the long run.

By following these tips, you can stay organized and on top of your assignments. It takes practice and dedication, but with the right strategies in place, it is possible to stay organized and make progress on your tasks. Staying on top of assignments is a crucial part of academic success – use the strategies outlined here to ensure that you stay on track!

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how should you keep track of assignments

Academic Planner 101: How to Use a Planner for School

Academic Planner 101

What Is a Planner for School?

A school planner, or academic planner, is an organizer book designed to help students stay organized, track projects and exams, follow class schedules, meet deadlines, take notes, and more.

Why Use a Planner for School?

There are many reasons why you should use a planner for school:

A school planner makes organization easier all academic year long. In school, it's easy to get behind or forget about important items on your to-do list because there's so much going on every day. You need something that will remind you of all the things that need doing — and make sure they get done!

With an organizer for school, you'll see everything in one place: class assignments, homework due dates, and meeting times with teachers. You can also schedule study sessions into your planner so that nothing slips through the cracks!

An academic planner helps you manage your time effectively. Students often feel like they don't have enough time in the day — especially when they're juggling academics with other obligations (work, family commitments). By writing down all their assignments in one place, students can plan how much time they need for each task, and put a stop to the feeling of being overwhelmed.

A school agenda can help you stay on track and reduce stress. If you have a busy schedule, it's easy to get frazzled, forget things, or lose track of assignments that are due soon, which can cause student stress and anxiety to spike. When everything is written down in your planner, you'll know exactly what needs doing and when — so you can avoid any unnecessary stress!

How to Organize Your Planner for School

How to Organize Your Planner for School

Organizing a school planner is the best way to stay on top of your busy schedule and one of the 11 habits of organized students . This handy tool can help you organize all of your assignments, tests, and exams, as well as all of your personal commitments and appointments.

School planner organization doesn't have to be difficult, but setting up your organizer does require a bit of preparation. First, you want to determine what information you to include in it.

Include Your Class Schedules and Breaks

The first thing that you should do when organizing your planner includes all of the important dates for school events, such as when classes start and end, when vacations are scheduled, and any breaks between semesters or quarters. This will help you plan out when it is convenient for you to take exams, attend study sessions or meet with teachers about upcoming assignments.

Assignments and Due Dates

Another important aspect of organizing your planner for school is including any upcoming assignments or projects that will be due in the near future. You may want to include both short-term assignments such as essays or reports as well as longer-term projects such as term papers or lab reports. Also, consider whether there are any special instructions related to these tasks that need highlighting in order for you to complete them properly.

Upcoming Exams and Study Sessions

There will likely be some tests scheduled throughout the year that you will need to study for, as well as exams to take at the end of each semester. Use your planner's projects and exams trackers to organize it all. Organizing your planner in this way can help you better prepare for these tests and ensure that they aren’t unexpected surprises.

Teacher Contact Information

If you need to contact your teachers, put their contact information into your planner so it's easy to find when they're needed. This could include phone numbers, email addresses, office hours, and more.

Personal Commitments and Appointments

Put all of your personal commitments into the planner so you can keep track of them throughout the semester or school year. These could include meetings with professors, meetings with clients at work, or family obligations like birthdays and anniversaries. These are things that shouldn't be forgotten about because they're important to both yourself and others around you.

Free Time and Hobbies

Next up is free time — this is where you can plan out what activities will be done during your free time. This could include watching movies, hanging out with friends, or anything else that's planned for the day. If you plan to do something outside of a school setting, be sure to note it down in your planner so you don't forget about it!

How to Use a School Planner

Use your academic planner to stay organized. Your planner should be a place where you can jot down everything that has to do with school. This can include deadlines, exams, projects, and even things like tests and quizzes. Here are some tips to help you make the most of yours:

Use the monthly calendars for big-picture academic planning.

How to Use a School Planner Monthly Calendars

Start off strong by filling the academic year calendars with important school dates like school breaks, exams and standardized testing, extracurricular events, and more. Then, go ahead and add in any other dates that have personal significance, such as birthdays and other special occasions, important appointments, and so on. If there are any holidays during the month that are not already on your calendar, add them there as well.

Use the planning pages for weekly tasks.

Use the planning pages for weekly tasks

Use the weekly calendars for to-dos like homework and other class assignments. Add as much weekly information as you have to the planning pages. It could be anything from classwork to due dates to reminders and to-do lists. You can even use the weekly pages to break up study sessions and big projects into smaller, more manageable tasks. You can also use this section to write down any appointments that need to be made with professors outside of class time.

If you don't have a lot of your weekly tasks available more than a week in advance, don't worry! The weekly calendars are designed to help you plan at least one week in advance; so you can still set up each weekly spread the weekend before and be prepared for an organized, productive week come Monday morning.

Review your school agenda regularly.

You should also set aside some time each day (or week) to review what needs doing and when — this will help prevent any missed assignments or deadlines from sneaking up on you!

Write down the most important tasks first.

When it comes to actually getting things done, try writing down on your planner to-do list the tasks that are most important first — then work down the list until everything is complete. This will help you stay productive and manage your time efficiently.

Keep important class notes in your organizer.

The best planners for school also function as a notebook in addition to a homework planner , exam tracker, and school year calendar. Utilize the note pages in your agenda book for class notes. You'll learn more and recall the information better when you write your notes by hand versus typing or recording them on a laptop or digital planner .

Use additional school trackers, if needed.

Use additional school trackers, if needed

A good academic planner will have a built-in tracker for projects and exams. But if you need additional school trackers, add on a reusable, wet-erase snap-in dashboard to track more assignments, due dates for papers, presentations, and more. This way, you can track everything in one place instead of having to search through multiple files on your computer, phone, or in other notebooks .

For more planning tips, for school, work, and life, check out How to Start Planning .

How to Use a Planner for College

If you're in college, or collegebound, it's a good idea to use your college planner to organize your full college life. A top-notch college planner will accommodate your academic tasks and goals, your personal information, and even your work schedule (if this applies to you). This way, you can keep track of homework assignments and other school-related tasks while also keeping up with your social life, extracurriculars, and career path.

Some college students, trade school students, and post-grads prefer to use multiple planners to organize each area of their life separately. From daily planners to weekly LifePlanners to monthly planners , there are so many ways you can create your own organization system that fits your schedule, style, and planning needs. Visit Best Planners to explore the top agendas this year for organizing everything from A to Z.

Take college organization to the next level with 8 Proven College Organization Tips to Maximize Productivity and How To Organize & Decorate Your Dorm Room .

Choosing the Best Academic Planner

Students and educators alike prefer the Erin Condren Academic Planner because it has proven layouts that help students with scheduling, time management, weekly and monthly planning, project management, productivity, stress reduction, and makes organization easier.

Testimonial Jennifer Crowder

What should be in an academic planner?

What should be in an academic planner

An academic planner should have monthly and weekly planning pages, trackers for projects and exams, productivity pages, class schedule section, note pages, and more. An excellent student planner will also include extras that keep students motivated and make planning fun like customization and personalization options, beautiful design elements, included stickers, and even inspirational quotes!

As a leader in the student planner space, the Erin Condren Academic Planner includes key fun and functional features honed over years of customer research, input from educators, and feedback from students, including:

  • Dated 12-month school year calendar
  • Monthly motivational quotes
  • Monthly notes and productivity pages
  • Class schedule pages
  • Detailed pages for projects and exams
  • Dated monthly and weekly spreads
  • Option to add on additional 40 lined note pages
  • Durable and personalizable covers
  • Coiled-in sticker sheets
  • Enhanced holiday & heritage celebrations sticker sheet
  • 2 binding options: coiled or softbound
  • 3 layout options: colorful (coiled or softbound), minimal (softbound), or Star Wars (special edition)

Testimonial Zabrina Abolarin

How Does the Academic Planner Help Students?

The Erin Condren Academic Planner was featured on as one of the "best planners to keep you organized in 2024." And here's what students shared in our 2023 Academic Planner Survey:

  • 98% said it helps them stay organized.
  • 96% said it helps them manage their workload.
  • 96% said it helps them meet deadlines and due dates.
  • 93% said it helps them manage their time.
  • 93% said it helps them reduce stress.
  • 92% said it helps them develop good habits.

Testimonial Jordyn Summers

Shop the full Academic Planner collection to customize and personalize the perfect student planner for you!

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How to Use Google Calendar as Your Homework Planner – Part 1

In this post, you will learn how to set up and share a Google calendar for the purpose of keeping track of homework or assignments. See Part 2 of this post to see how to set up the homework entries and reminders.

Kids lose their agenda books. They leave them in their lockers, on buses, in desks. Sometimes they just vanish without a trace. And they take with them any clue the kid had about what to do for homework.

And then there are the kids that a paper planner just doesn’t work for. Their handwriting doesn’t fit in the boxes, or they keep putting things on the wrong page, and then they are gone forever! Or they write a project or due date down, and don’t check the agenda book when it’s time to do the work. Students with dyslexia or dysgraphia might also find a paper planner challenging to use.

Turning Google Calendar into an assistive technology to help these kids is simple and helps them to build technology skills that will support them for life. I think this starts to be effective around sixth grade, if there are devices available regularly through the day, or if the child carries a smartphone.

First the child needs a Google account. Log in and choose Google Calendar from the menu of Google tools:

You will see a blank Google calendar, if you’ve never used it before.

I recommend creating a dedicated Google calendar, called “Beth’s Homework” or something similar to keep all the homework in one place. This is a good practice because hopefully the student will use the calendar to keep track of appointments, sports practices, and important dates down the road, and this keeps all that information from becoming smushed together and overwhelming.

  • Name the calendar. Mine is “Beth’s Homework.”
  • Share it with others. Type an email address, and choose from the dropdown whether others can view only or edit (including adding and deleting) events.
  • Click “Create Calendar” at the bottom of the screen.

Tune in tomorrow to learn how to set up repeating events and color coding to make it look like a student agenda book . I’ll also show you how to edit the events to record the day’s assignments.

What’s next?

If your child needs individualized help with writing , check out our writing tutoring services .

We also offer small-group classes for middle and high school students.

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Top 7 Homework Planner Apps for Students

Whether you are attending classes, completing your assignments, studying for a quiz, project work, extra-curricular activities, or squeezing some time for friends and family. You’d agree that organizing and planning goes a long way. That’s why a homework organizer or a homework planner app can be a lifesaver to keep track of all your assignments, tests, submission deadlines, and exams. I did the research and shortlisted the perfect homework planner apps for Android and iOS. Let’s check those out.

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Homework Planner Apps for Students

1. student planner- homework agenda & notes.

The first app on the list is a simple homework and notes management app. It keeps track of homework, assignments, projects, and to-do lists. The layout is minimal, all the tasks are neatly organized with a colored bookmark for easy identification. You can mark a task complete and remove it from the pending list.

Courses can be added easily and color-coded as well. The calendar shows any upcoming deadlines so you can prioritize accordingly. The tasks have a progress bar that you can adjust as you make progress which enables you to get a quick summary without actually opening every task.

You can also break your assignments in small chunks as subtasks that would make finishing a task much easier and the progress bar will fill automatically. It also allows you to attach media files to your assignments or projects for easy access to the important information in one place.

homework planner apps- agenda

  • Progress bar
  • Deadline Reminders
  • Calendar View
  • No option to sync data to the cloud

Student Planner is a great app for all the students, it has all the necessary features like Deadline reminders, subtasks, progress bar, color-coded tasks, and courses. It can significantly increase your productivity when used regularly. You can get this app for free in the Play Store.

Install Student Planner- Homework Agenda ( Android )

2. Student Planner

Student Planner is another fast and simple homework management app which is wrapped by a beautiful and intuitive material designed UI. What Student Planner adds to the table is the inclusion of a schedule or time table which you can use to either store your class schedule or it might even be a study schedule for your exams.

You first start by adding your subject and the schedule then you can add an assignment or set a reminder. The due assignments are arranged as separate cards and can be swiped away once done with.

homework planner apps- Student Planner Android

  •  Simple and easy to get started with
  •  Fast and small in size
  •  Beautiful Minimal UI
  •  Option for Schedule
  • No sync/backup
  • Timetable implementation not perfect

I would recommend this app to anyone who is looking for a simple homework management app with timetable support and a minimal UI.

Install Student Planner ( Android )

Egenda is simple. Open the app, add all the classes or subjects to the app, and once that is set up, you have the option of adding a new Homework, Quiz, Project, or Test and choose the respective subject deadlines. The app also arranges the due work in cards that can be swiped away when done. But what I love the most about this app is that the fact it allows you to go subject-wise and view all your upcoming tests, projects, or pending assignments which is a huge convenience for planning your schedule ahead of time instead of the previous day.

Unfortunately, the app doesn’t have a timetable option, but in its latest update, it added a  Calendar View  where you can see your whole month at a glance with your assignments, tests, and projects.

homework planner apps- Egenda Android

  •  Subject-wise sorting
  •  Calendar View
  • No timetable support

Egenda provides some great tools for Homework and Test planning and I am sure anyone would find them extremely convenient and useful. But keeping its single con in mind, go for this app if you are not too keen on having a schedule or timetable.

Install  Egenda  ( Android  |  iOS )

4. ChalkBoard

The next app on our list is ChalkBoard, which I found out to be a pretty smart homework planner app. Chalkboard strikes a perfect balance between simplicity and features.

Although the setup process is a little longer than the previous three apps, as you have to feed meticulous details about the classes, teacher, and schedule. It is worth the effort.

On the home screen, you are shown upcoming classes, events tab, and upcoming tests. ChalkBoard fetches the dates for every subject from the Timetable for your future classes. Little features like these make the app stand out from the rest and give an overall great experience. You can also view classes and assignments subject wise.

homework planner apps- ChalkBoard Android

  • Proper Timetable
  • Ability to add teachers for subjects
  • View tomorrow’s classes as well as assignments/tests/quizzes
  • Smart features
  • Little longer to set up
  • No calendar view

If you are looking for a homework planner as well as a school planner, Chalkboard is the app as it strikes a great ground with almost all the features one might need while not being too bulky.

Install ChalkBoard ( Android )

5. School Planner

School Planner is a full-fledged planning application designed for students to manage their career as a student. Along with your homework and timetables, School Planner offers you to keep track of your grades and attendance, add contacts for teachers, add recorded lectures, and even multiple planners.

The app supports backing up of all your data via Google Drive, Calendar View along with a weekly report, attaching snapshots to your assignment reminders, student accounts from ClassViva, and a lot more. In spite of so many features, the app doesn’t feel slow at all and delivers a powerful performance with its beautiful design.

homework planner apps- School Planner Android

  • Full-fledged student companion
  • Feature-packed and free
  • Supports sync and backup
  • Widget Support
  • Tedious setup procedure
  • Big in size
  • Complex, not so smooth learning curve

While it is not for someone who is looking for a fast and easy way into homework management, School Planner is a great student companion app and serious students will surely get the most out of hit.

Install School Planner ( Android )

6. My Study Life

My Study Life comes with its own web app and syncs with the Android app, essentially making your data accessible from any device as long as it has a browser.

It implements a goal-centric circular tracker that shows your progress. The Calendar view combines your timetable, deadlines, and shows all your classes and assignments, projects in a single place.

homework planner apps- My Study Life Android

  • Refreshingly new UI
  • Access from anywhere through its web app
  • Sync and Backup
  • Lengthy setup process

If you study from your computer or laptop, My Study Life makes it easy to access your homework planner on your phone from your computer, while not compromising on features and being completely free. What more can you ask for?

Install My Study Life ( Android  |  iOS )

7. iStudiez Pro

Like School Planner, iStudiez Pro includes grading and subject wise organization of tasks. iStudiez Pro takes it further with the integration of Google Calendar that allows you to directly get all your holidays, exam schedule, routine from Google Calendar itself.

It also offers separate apps on all platforms including iOS, Mac, and Windows. All the apps sync seamlessly between themselves, so studying on your computer consulting your planner won’t be an issue.

homework planner apps- iStudiez Pro Android

  • Google Calendar Integration
  • Cross-Platform
  • Cumulative Price

If Google Calendar integration and cross-platform support is a must for you, iStudiez Pro is definitely the app you want.

Install iStudiez Pro ( Android   |  iOS )

So this was our roundup of the best homework planner apps for Android. We genuinely think that there is an app for every need and we hope that you found a Homework Planner that suits your need whether you are a high school student or a college senior. So which one was your favorite or did we forget to add yours? Let us know in the comments below.

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5 apps to keep track of homework assignments

The new school year is almost upon us, and there's no time like today to get ready.

Whether you are the student or it's someone else in your family, it's important to keep things organized and on track from day one.

While these apps can be useful for a wide age group, be sure and check with your local school district to ensure you're not breaking any rules by sending your child or teen to school with a smartphone.

1. Evernote Price: Free Download: Evernote for iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad , Android , Window Phone 7 , BlackBerry , Palm Pre / Palm Pixi , Mac , Windows , web .

While it's not an actual planner or calendar app, if you take notes to stay organized, then Evernote is for you. Take photos, copy web pages, save PDF files or just take notes and organize them all into folders. Search for your notes via tags or keywords in the notes themselves. Evernote can even search for words located in pictures you've taken — a pretty cool feature.

You'll never lose another sticky note or forget a reading assignment when you jot it down in Evernote. Just pull up your notes on whatever device you have, wherever you are. Free accounts are allowed up to 60MB of upload (or synchronized) data per month, which can be upgraded for $5 per month or $45 per year.

2. FC Tasks Price : $5.99 Download : FC Tasks for iPhone .

FranklinCovey is one of the best-known names when it comes to pencil and paper (even digital stand-alone) day planners. You would expect this company to have a mobile app to help make our lives more organized, and you would be right.

The FC Tasks app is a great stand-alone mobile product for anyone who's used to using the FranklinCovey system of productivity and time management. You'll see the familiar ABC-123 ranking method for all the task lists, but that's only the beginning. With this app, you can create recurring tasks, create multimedia tasks, delegate tasks via email and more. This is a top-of-the-line app from a top-of-the-line company.

3. Remember the Milk Price: Free to download; requires Remember the Milk Pro for Android and BlackBerry users. Download: Remember the Milk for iPhone / iPad , Android , BlackBerry .

Remember the Milk is a great to-do list service. The basic service is available online and can be integrated with web apps such as Gmail, desktop apps such as Outlook and the mobile app platforms listed above. Set your tasks, prioritize and get email alerts when they are due. It's everything you want in a to-do list.

While the web app is great, taking Remember the Milk on the road is the key to making this app work for you. Browser add-ons and widgets for other apps such as Gmail make this service seamless with other apps that you're already using. Read more in our Remember the Milk review .

4. ToDoMatrix Price : Free Download : ToDoMatrix for iPhone , BlackBerry .

The free version of the ToDoMatrix app is limited to six folders and 30 tasks, which is probably enough for you if you're a casual user. If you're looking for something more than just a homework tracking app, you'll want to look at in-app upgrades to remove these limits.

What started as a productivity app designed for business-minded BlackBerry users has made the transition to mainstream with the debut of its iOS app. Organize tasks, set flexible reminders, delegate and view just what you want with multiple display options. Your data is encrypted and backed up wirelessly to the cloud. If you're a BlackBerry user, you probably already know about this one; if not, it's definitely worth checking out the free version to see if it meets your needs.

5. Google Calendar Price : Free Download : Google Calendar for web , iPhone Sync , Windows Mobile Sync , BlackBerry Sync .

We've saved the best for last, despite the non-app status of this service. We think you'll agree once you see how seamlessly this free service from Google integrates with literally all of your devices. Start out on the web app and set up your calendars. From there, you can sync your calendar to all of the major mobile operating systems out there.

Google Calendar doesn't miss a beat with Google's own Android OS , as would be expected. Once you set up your Android device, it's an automatic sync with the Google apps on your mobile device. If you're on another operating system, syncing the built-in calendars on these mobile devices to your Google Calendar account is simple. There are few limitations, flexible reminders, multiple calendars, share features and more.

Getting your time back It takes a little practice to see which planner or homework tracking app is going to work best for you. Don't wait until the last minute. Start now, before school kicks off, and try them all (or at least the free ones). Once you've settled on which app design works for you, don't look back. There's no point in second guessing your choice, and once school starts, you will want to feel confident in your ability to use your app to organize your time so you don't miss any important deadlines.

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Teaching Students to Manage Their Digital Assignments

Predictable routines can teach students how to use organizational tools and help them develop their executive function skills.

Photo of high school students with teacher and laptop

You just wrapped up an invigorating conversation with your 10th-grade students. They contributed brilliant ideas, and you’re looking forward to reading the written reflections you assigned for homework. But when you log into Google Classroom the next day to grade their work, you find that nearly half of your students didn’t submit the assignment. Only two-thirds of them even opened the document.

Sound familiar? 

So many students who are engaged in real-world learning activities struggle to complete assignments in the digital world. Digital work is often out of sight and out of mind the moment they leave our classrooms. It can cause teachers and parents to wonder if being organized is even possible in our tech-focused society. 

1-to-1 Devices are Permanent Fixtures in Today’s Classroom 

Even before the Covid-19 pandemic pushed most schools into a virtual teaching model, students spent much of their instructional time on a device. A 2019 study out of Arlington Public Schools found that middle school students spent 47 percent of their time and high school students spent 68 percent of their time on a device. Findings from the study suggest that devices are frequently used for “reference and research, presentations and projects, and feedback and assessment.” 

By the return to in-person learning, 90 percent of students had access to a one-to-one device for school, and it’s evident that technology in the classroom (and workplace) is here to stay.  

Teaching Digital Organization Skills is Key

Although they have access to a myriad of digital organization tools ( myHomework , Evernote , Google Keep , and Coggle , to name a few), students may still struggle to organize their assignments and complete them from start to submission. We often assume that students can transfer organizational skills from the real world to the digital world, and we often ask them to quickly and seamlessly transition from hard-copy work (reading a chapter in a novel, completing a science experiment) to digital work, such as writing a reflection in Google Docs and submitting it to a learning management system (LMS). 

Digital files are perceivable to the human brain, but they aren’t tangible in the same way that binders, notebooks, and folders are. And while an LMS may aid students’ access to information, it doesn’t do the heavy lifting of organizing information and prioritizing tasks. These actions are highly demanding cognitive skills that students can be taught and practice in the digital world—even if students have already perfected them in the analog world. 

Teachers can prioritize strategic, direct instruction of organizational and other executive functioning skills for a tech-focused world. 

Streamline Your Classroom Resources 

The first step in helping students organize digital work is to organize your classroom resources on the back end. In coordination with your department, grade level, or district, choose one LMS and three to four instructional resources, and stick with them for the entire year. For example, you could select Google Classroom as your LMS and use PearDeck, Google Calendar, and EdPuzzle as instructional resources. 

Though it’s tempting to adopt new and exciting technology as it evolves, a revolving door of programs is difficult for students to juggle and can lead to app fatigue. 

Teachers can further streamline their classroom resources by color-coding folders and files in their chosen LMS, posting log-in directions in easily accessible locations, and offering a landing page in their LMS that holds all of the links to digital resources. 

Create Predictable Routines Around Digital Work 

Next, it’s important for teachers to create clear and predictable routines around organizing digital assignments.   

One routine that I’ve developed in my classroom is a living table of contents document. I create and print out a blank table of contents for each unit, and students house them in their binders. I then project the table of contents at the start of each class with the day’s newest assignments, and students fill in these new items on their hard copies when they settle in. Each assignment is numbered, and assignments located online that won’t appear in their binders are labeled with an “S” (for us, that stands for Schoology) to note that the assignment is in our LMS.

Another predictable routine is entering homework assignments into Google Calendar or agenda books together at the end of every class. Prompting students to write down their homework may seem elementary, but even older students appreciate the predictability and consistency of this routine because it reduces anxiety (rushing to write it down before the teacher moves on) and frees up brain space for critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving.

If you’re not sure that your current routine is clear and predictable, consider whether or not students could replicate your system in your absence. If students can’t get through the routine on their own, your routine may need to be articulated more clearly (such as being posted somewhere in the classroom), or it may need to be implemented more consistently.

Model a Variety of Organizational Strategies 

Similar to the process of how academic skills are acquired, teachers can model organizational skills for students. Consider creating opportunities to demonstrate strategies such as how and where to save documents, how to sync information across devices, how to share calendar events with peers and parents, and how to plan for long-term projects. 

You can also help students get more comfortable with organizational strategies by sharing “think-alouds” for task initiation, task prioritization, and time management. Consider using common language for reminding and prompting. For example, at the start of every new assignment, you could say something like, “Now that I’m ready to start, I’m going to open up Schoology, Google, and a Word document and close out of other tabs.”

Because executive functioning skills are not innate, providing language for them allows students to identify them, replicate them, and use tools to do them more quickly. Prioritizing these skills can improve student outcomes and prepare students for an increasingly tech-focused world.

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Top College Assignment Planner Apps For Students

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Surabhi Guleria

  • May 29, 2023
  • 11 Min Read

Top College Assignment Planner Apps For Students

A college assignment planner app is a tool that helps scholars to plan their assignments by breaking and organizing them into manageable tract and furnishing resources and support towards their completion.

When you are trying to choose a good student assignment planner, you must always choose the one that offers maximum features and helps you schedule your work and time.

Some of the top features that these apps must have are:

  • Visually clean or information-thick
  • Integrated either with other apps or self-contained, with all the features you will need in one place
  • Highly customizable
  • Specialized for students or transmittable to post-school life

Below are some of the best student planner apps available. All of them are highly rated and the most recommended by students.

Microsoft To Do

MS To-Do For College

Microsoft To-Do is an app especially for the promising freshman in the field of planner apps. One of the best features of the app is that if you have forgotten to check off a task from yesterday, it will stay in the “Yesterday” box.

That way you can specifically choose which details to transfer to ‘My day,’ and plan a better time for those that will not fit in the present-day schedule. It allows users to sort their tasks into introductory lists, such as ‘Work,’ ‘Home,’ or ‘Lab’ and add subtasks on each list. 

Compatible with: Android, iOS, and desktop: Free with Microsoft account

Special features:

  • The Dark mode is useful if you’re checking your day before sleep or when you wake up the next day
  • You can change the background for each list, with lots of ultramodern and inspiring designs.

ToDoist For Students

Todoist is both an assignment planner and a to-do list. Often used by companies like Amazon and Disney, and made for everyone from students to directors. Todoist is an app you can use at school, university, academy, and further.

They have both free as well as paid versions for their users. The free version offers a lot more than likely to be needed by the students. Todoist also allows you to label tasks.

You can mark by priority, by context (laptop work, library, etc.), or really by any other system you want to create. You can also indicate recreating tasks, like daily or weekly quizzes, so you never miss an assignment. 

Compatible with: Android, iOS, and desktop: Free with paid upgrades available

  • Note down important details or tasks
  • Organize each class and other recreation activities
  • Add ‘next action’ items
  • Check details on your list without losing them
  • Due dates for individual tasks
  • Pop-up reminders or mail
  • Every quality is customizable too, so you will not be getting lots of announcements  or notifications without asking for them

Calendly For Students

Calendly simplifies scheduling with individual persons and groups.

Calendly helps you set up the group as well as one on one meetings with your batch mates or colleagues. Since meetings have become a big part of today’s world, Calendly makes this task easier for you and lets you connect with whoever you want in no time. Students can save time by scheduling and managing those meetings with Calendly.

This working process of Calendly is

  • Connect the Calendly app with your digital calendar, like Google Calendar, iCal, Office 365 and others.
  • Then create a meeting request.
  • Set the parameters. For illustration, you can let recipients view your available period, so that they can choose a day and time, or you can select a day and time and they can further accept it or request a different time.
  • Choose recipients and send.

Calendly collects responses from whoever you want to schedule a meeting with and all without the texting thread. It helps in setting up meetings and organizing your time so that you can use your time in a better way.

Compatible with: iOS and desktop: Free with paid upgrades to Premium and Pro

  • Round-robin or collective scheduling in the paid interpretations.
  • Calendly will showtimes that are favourable to work for everyone, so you can pick if others show up their availability.
  • You can set reminders both for yourself and for those who agreed to meet with you.

Power Planner

Power Planner For Students

Power Planner is a very well-known and well-established student planner app with numerous similar features with myHomework and iStudiez, like entering your schedule, keeping track of your GPA, and viewing assignments and examinations.

There are several useful features and elements that are offered to the students that set this app apart from its competitors. The is regularly streamlined to offer the best experience and features to its users.

Compatible with: Android, iOS, and desktop: Free with paid upgrade available

  • The GPA calculator is more accurate in this app compared to others.
  • It also includes announcements for due dates coming up. 
  • The paid version undoubtedly allows you to enter more grades and stores your GPA info from one semester to the next one.

myHomework For Students

myHomework is a clean and straightforward interpretation of a student planner app. Numerous teachers have formally adopted it for e-learning or online instruction, but it’s great for individual use as well.

It is formatted for several types of class scheduling similar to block, time-based schedules, or periods.

myHomework allows you to input assignments and add tasks needed to complete them as well as allows for prioritizing and grading tasks, so you can concentrate on what is most demanded at any given time. You can get reminders for forthcoming due dates too, so you don’t miss deadlines by accident.

Plan your work or assignment smoothly.

Download the app and plan your every day work in the most hassle-free manner.


Compatible with: Android, iOS, and desktop: Free or $4.99 per year for Premium

  • While you need an internet connection to sync with other devices, it works fully even if you’re disconnected from a wireless network.
  • The free version has plenty of great features, but the paid version lets you get relief from ads as well as share assignments, attach files to assignments and switch out your theme.
Also Read: Top Study Planner Apps for Students

iStudiez Can Help Students

iStudiez is one of the most high-rated planner apps designed just for students. Fill up your class schedule including the professor’s name, contact info, and office hours. Then, you can color decode your classes and use icons to make them visually intriguing and easy to scan.

‘Week view’ allows you to plan out your time and get ready for the forthcoming week. ‘Day view’ shows you tasks and scheduled details for the present. You can add assignments for each class, their due dates, and specific tasks associated with them.

Compatible with: Android, iOS, and desktop: Free with paid Premium upgrade available

  • Once you upgrade to iStudiez Pro, you can indeed get a regular update on your GPA. 
  • After receiving graded assignments back, enter the grade and point value and iStudiez will do the calculating for you with the GPA tracker.
  • It records the information from semester to semester, so you can keep the big picture in mind.

What are the benefits of a student assignment planner?

A student assignment planner is a routine or a guide that students create in order to better organize and communicate.

Students use these planners more likely to keep track of their assignments, set personal goals for students, and enhance communication between students, teachers, and parents. The four effective ways student planners can enhance learning are as follows:

Improves Organization  

 The organization doesn’t come fluently to utmost scholars. It requires constant effort and a great deal of planning; qualities that some pupils need.

Students frequently get frazzled and confused with having to keep up and plan for their numerous classes, assignments, test dates, and so forth. Due to lack of association, scholars’ work or grades frequently suffer. 

Assignment planners give an easy and creative system of taking note of their commitments and deadlines. It gives them a systematized approach to recording the necessary information on a day-to-day basis.

These are also related over the course of time, enabling students to prepare and be ready with their class necessities and activities. 

Tracks Achievements  

Student planners allow them to keep track of their objectives. They can make use of the planner to write down their to-do lists and targets.

As they achieve goals throughout the week, they’re suitable to construct momentum and get inspired to work harder. Ambition setting is a great skill to learn for school as well as in life after it.

Also Read: Track Students Attendance With Excel

Enhances Students’ Responsibilities

Having a planner gives the students the freedom to plan, organize and keep track of their work to the best of their capacities and necessities.

This has a binary benefit in that it increases the student’s responsibility to the commitments as well as provides them with a strategy that contributes to their success. Using these planners, students are suitable to take full responsibility and accountability to complete their work. 

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Promotes communication  .

There’s always a chance for miscommunication to take place when conveying information to parents through students.

The Use of planners helps to overcome this challenge as it serves as an excellent line of communication between scholars, parents, and educators. 

Planners can have a separate section allowing school teacher-parent communication. educators can write regarding pupil performance, dates for school activities, or about academy programs, while parents can use the space to interrogate the pupil or inform the schoolteacher about any problem faced by the student. 

Using student assignment planners can help scholars stay on track and succeed to the best of their capability. 


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A student planner app is very helpful in overcoming deadlines. It also keeps you away from missing deadlines, and you become more productive. Technology is a two-sided coin, but when used properly, it can make lives more convenient and easier. I hope you find this list useful and it helps you choose the right app for you.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the best student planner app .

All the apps mentioned above are good, but personally speaking, the best so far is Todoist. This is because the app is very simple to use and it gives you an overview of everything you need to do. To be more precise, the app is limitless.

Why should you use a student assignment planner app?

You should use a student assignment planner app to help you organize all your assignments and school work. Student planner apps can be a great help for students not to miss out on deadlines. 

What should be included in a student assignment planner?

The following things should be included in your student planning: – Regular Time Interval for work homework – Assignment Due Dates – Exam Dates – Seminars or Projects Deadline

What are the other benefits offered by the student planner app apart from notifying deadlines of projects and assignments?

The following are the benefits provided by most of the student planner app: – Seminars Reminder – School or College Event Dates – Time for Physical Activity – Holidays

Can the student planner apps be operated offline?

Yes, most of the student planner apps are designed to be used both offline and online for the convenience of the students.

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I’m a tutor myself. My schedule has just gotten too busy. I would appreciate some advice on how to prepare my lesson plan before class.

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Hello Supriya,

The learning objectives for the lesson must be determined before you can begin to plan it. In contrast to what the learner will be exposed to during instruction, a learning aim explains what the learner will know or be able to do following the learning experience.

Estimate how much time you will spend on each learning activity as you plan them.

Finding out if your students are learning is made possible through assessment planning. Students have the chance to demonstrate and practice the knowledge and abilities outlined in the learning objectives through assessments (such as examinations, papers, problem sets, and performances), and instructors have the chance to give specific comments that can direct further learning.

After a lesson, there is an opportunity to reinforce what the students have learned. Instructors and students can both benefit from lesson closure. Hope you find this useful.

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Could you please assist me in providing some tips on how to meet multiple deadlines? Thanks in advance.

Hello Manohar,

Here are some helpful hints for juggling many deadlines without becoming exhausted: Make sure you can actually see your workload, whether you write it down on a whiteboard or enter it into an app. You can use this to plan your timetable and break up the work at hand into more manageable chunks.

Organize your time by deciding what is urgent versus what is important, and then decide which projects will demand the most of your time, effort, and resources.

Try dividing up large projects into little chores if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the number of deadlines on your calendar. In this manner, you’ll remain on track to achieve your deadline and feel more driven to complete the task. I hope these suggestions prove useful.

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This article is really top-notch. You have literally told us everything. Never stop writing, please. Thank you a lot.

Hello Anushka,

Thank you so much for your warm words. I’m happy this article piqued your interest and provided some useful information. Happy reading!

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I work as a teacher. How can assignments be given to students in the best way possible without putting them under pressure?

Hello Rajmohini,

When giving out assignments, teachers need to be especially careful. Students may tune out and refuse to complete their assignments if it is too difficult, or takes too long. Students’ homework assignments ought to build on what they have learned in class. Consider these suggestions on how to assign homework to make sure it is clear and appropriate:

1. Establish a regular homework schedule at the start of the school year, 2. Give the students tasks they can complete, 3. Give homework in small clusters, 4. The assignment should be written on the chalkboard and left there until it is due, 5. Periodically remind pupils of due dates, 6. Work together with other educators to avoid a glut of assignments.

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The Lio app is amazing. Because of the lio app registrations, I’ve been able to do all of my tasks in a timely and organized manner. This app even has an expense tracker and other additional registers. Simply love this!

Hello Jared,

Your kind words are greatly appreciated. Please don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it as you continue to explore the Lio app.

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How to prioritize tasks in 4 steps (and get work done)

Molly Talbert contributor headshot

Tired of your never-ending task list and watching your priorities get pushed to the side? Learn how to create a task list, choose a prioritization strategy, schedule your tasks, and communicate with your team to increase productivity and get things done.

If you’re like most people, you usually start your workday with the intention of being as productive as possible. Yet, as the day rolls on, you find yourself fielding multiple urgent requests and watching your task list grow. What you initially set out to accomplish seems to get pushed to the side.

Create a task list  

Choose a prioritization method to organize your tasks 

Schedule your tasks in a calendar 

Communicate your progress to your teammates

Take a look at our tips below and use these steps to help you prioritize your daily tasks at work.

1. Create a task list

You can’t decide how to prioritize tasks if you don’t have a single view of everything you need to get done in the first place. This may seem rudimentary, but it’s something that’s often skipped in the rush to dive into projects. Instead, take the time to list out what you need to work on across all of your projects. Be sure to break down bigger tasks into subtasks to feel less overwhelmed.

Once your tasks are aggregated and listed, add additional information, such as:

The amount of time each will take to complete 

Level of importance or urgency

With all of your tasks in one place, you’ll be able to see an overall view of what needs to be done, get a sense of how much work you’re dealing with for time management purposes, and what most likely needs your attention now.

Don’t worry about organizing your tasks quite yet; just get them all in the same spot to start. Creating a master list of tasks is a crucial first step, because if you can organize yourself at the beginning of a project or quarter, it is much easier to stay organized for a longer period of time.

Asana tip: My Tasks is a feature of Asana that automatically aggregates all the tasks assigned to you in a single view. It serves as the master checklist that keeps you focused on the right pieces of work and allows you to organize and prioritize tasks based on due date.

2. Adopt a task prioritization method

How you ultimately prioritize your tasks will depend on the nature of your job and your personal work style, but there are common task prioritization methods that might work for you. Let’s take a look at a few effective methods for prioritizing tasks.

[inline illustration] Task prioritization methods (infographic)

Eat the frog

The eat the frog method is not a literal suggestion, but rather a system based on a quote from the ever-wise Mark Twain. He said, “If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning.” In the world of project management , that translates to tackling big or complex tasks first before moving on to less important or time-sensitive tasks.

Important tasks that serve the highest purpose and are tied to top-level objectives or OKRs should be first on the priority list when you start your day. Once you’ve eaten your frog for the day, you can slot in other tasks based on factors such as deadlines and feel less stress, since your most important work is already done.

Eat the frog example: Finish up that big presentation you’ll be making to the management team at the end of the week before you reply to emails, work on your review form, call clients, or iron out contract revisions. By diving into a big project before doing anything else, you won’t lose focus or get distracted by random tasks or questions, and you’ll be able to knock a big piece of work out more easily.

Eisenhower Matrix

Another prioritization technique, the Eisenhower Decision Matrix or Urgent-Important Matrix, starts by organizing tasks into four quadrants, based on whether they are:

Important and urgent

As a five-star general during World War II and then President of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower was adept at making important decisions quickly, and came up with this method to help him.

This approach helps you decide:

What to do now (important and urgent)

What you need to plan for (important but not urgent)

What you may be able to delegate (not important but urgent)

What you can possibly delete (not important and not urgent) 

It is a great tool for prioritizing tasks, making decisions quickly, and staying organized.

Eisenhower Matrix example: A colleague has just sent you an email asking for help with a sales presentation. This request is urgent because it has to be done today, but is it important enough (to you) to postpone other work? 

Measure each of the tasks on your own daily list for importance and urgency to decide whether you can shift tasks to help your colleague, or if it needs to be deferred to later. Knowing your commitments also helps you say “no” when you need to.

ABCDE method

The ABCDE method is comparable to giving grades to your tasks, from A (very important) down to E (eliminate whenever possible). 

To use the ABCDE method: 

Take that task list you’ve created

Assign each task a letter value according to its level of importance, with A tasks being top priority and E tasks being low priority  

Tackle tasks accordingly 

This method offers a way to quickly weigh task importance to help you identify your highest-priority tasks. Make sure you’re always working on your A and B tasks first, because those are the ones that will make or break your success at work.

The ABCDE method also works well when combined with eat the frog. If you start your day off with your A and B tasks, then you can spend the rest of your day on tasks of lower importance, like C, D, and E.

ABCDE example: You have eight working hours available today, but fifteen hours’ worth of tasks on your list. When you give each task a letter, only two qualify as A tasks, and most are D tasks that you can delegate or reschedule. Now you know to focus only on those A tasks, and leave the D tasks until later or pass off to another team member. You’ve just gone from being overwhelmed to having a prioritized task list that focuses on the must-do items of the day.

Most Important Task Method

The Most Important Task (MIT) method is an effective and simple strategy for prioritizing daily tasks that have a significant impact on the whole business. Each day, MIT selects between one and three key tasks that need to be completed by the end of the day. These tasks are not just any to-do list items but are specifically chosen for their significance in advancing towards your long-term goals.

Incorporating at least one MIT that is relevant to your mission ensures that you take practical steps toward reaching it on a daily basis. Although you're likely to complete more than these selected tasks, focusing on your MITs from the start of the day and setting a deadline for them ensures that you set aside time each day to tackle tight deadlines and urgent tasks.

Most Important Task example: Consider an architectural firm where the day's MIT is to finalize blueprint modifications for a client’s project. Amid numerous important tasks, this particular MIT is chosen because it directly influences the project's timeline and client satisfaction. By setting this as the priority, the team ensures that, despite the whirlwind of daily activities and potential for procrastination, the most important task of refining the blueprints is completed by the end of the day.

For the chunking method , a chunk is defined as a focused work activity. It can be self-contained ( emptying your inbox ), a slice of a larger project (completing the first draft of a document), or a collection of small, unrelated tasks. Your key here is to make these chunks focused, uninterrupted blocks of time .

Turn off outside distractions and signal to others that you are unavailable by:

Taking advantage of features on collaboration tools like Do Not Disturb  

Using time blocking to reserve spots on your calendar for deep focus

Implementing a No-Meeting Wednesday policy for yourself and your team if you’re able to

Don’t forget to take breaks in between chunks to relax and refresh.

Chunking in action: You might start your day with one hour of design work followed by a coffee break. Then, two hours of scheduled meetings, lunch, and 30 minutes of email response time. Next, you move on to one hour of research for a new project.  

You note all of your activities in your calendar to hold yourself accountable and ensure no one schedules over your plan. You end your day by taking a short social media break, heading to the team update meeting, and then finishing with a final hour of design work.

Asana tip: If you’re using Asana to manage your tasks, you can create custom fields to add additional information, such as a letter grade (if you’re using the ABCDE method), urgency and importance (if you’re using the Eisenhower Decision Matrix), priority level (if you’re going to eat the frog), or estimates on how long it will take to complete.

Agile prioritization

Agile prioritization , also known as Scrum prioritization, is a flexible task management method that allows teams to respond swiftly to changing demands by categorizing tasks according to their value, urgency, and project goals. It's particularly effective in managing dependencies—tasks that are interconnected and may need to be completed in sequence.

Agile prioritization evaluates each item on your to-do list based on three criteria:

How critical is this task?

What is its relative importance to the other tasks on this list?

Is any other task dependent on this one?

Then, using the answers to those questions, you assign each task a number from one to n (where n represents the total number of tasks on your list).

Agile prioritization example: A software team designing an app decides that the user authentication system is critical because it impacts various other systems, such as profile customization and encrypted transactions. Prioritizing this system enables them to develop these interdependent features simultaneously. This strategic focus not only accelerates development but also ensures seamless integration of product-critical features.

3. Use project management software to schedule your tasks

When you're overburdened with tasks, project management software can streamline your day and categorize your to-do list. It allows you to keep track of your most urgent tasks and arrange your workflow so you can get things done without feeling swamped. This type of software allows you to categorize what needs to be done, mark key objectives or milestones, and delegate tasks to others as needed. It's all about making your workload easier to handle.

[inline illustration] Benefits of using a calendar to schedule tasks (infographic)

Project management software with calendar tool integration is particularly helpful. It provides a quick overview of all your projects and tasks, which is good for figuring out when you have a lot to do and when you might have some free time to tackle weekly tasks or anything else that pops up. Tools like Asana can show you this in a clear way, which helps with multitasking and making sure high-value tasks don't get missed.

Using a project management tool enables you to:

Balance high-value and high-priority tasks

Make sure you meet deadlines

Prevent scheduling conflicts

Manage your workload

Preserve work-life balance

If you’re adopting one of the prioritization methods above—or a combination of your favorites—use that framework to help fill your schedule and manage time.

Asana tip: Using the Calendar View in Asana, you’ll be able to spot days when you might be overloaded and also see open blocks of time. Take advantage of this view to shift tasks and spread your work out more evenly. When you proactively manage your calendar, you make certain important tasks receive immediate attention.

4. Communicate task progress with your teammates

Finally, don’t forget to loop in teammates who may be waiting on you to complete a task or vying for some of your time. 

Cut down on the amount of requests you receive by proactively giving teammates status updates on:  

Task progress

When you plan to complete a project 

Any delays or blockers that come up

Instead of constantly responding to requests, you can keep doing your work productively and efficiently.

Asana tip: Asana’s task comments feature lets you share updates and ask follow-up questions directly on a task to keep communication connected with the actual work you’re doing. Or, you can use status updates within a project to notify every stakeholder of your progress on a specific project, not just a task.

Prioritized work is productive work

When you clearly prioritize your work, you can increase productivity, better manage your time, and feel confident that you’ll hit your deadlines—every time.

FAQ: How to prioritize tasks

How do you prioritize work efficiently?

Prioritizing work efficiently involves evaluating tasks based on their urgency and importance. Begin by listing all your tasks, then assess each one for deadlines and their impact on your goals. Use tools like the Eisenhower Matrix to categorize tasks into four quadrants: urgent and important, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, and neither urgent nor important. First, focus on getting things done that are both important and urgent. Then, move on to things that are important but not urgent. Regularly review and adjust your priorities to reflect changes in deadlines or project directions.

How do I create a priority list?

To create a priority list, start by writing down all the tasks you need to complete. Next, assess each task for its urgency (how soon it needs to be done) and its importance (the impact of its completion on your goals or projects). Rank tasks based on these criteria, with tasks that are both urgent and important at the top of your list. Consider using prioritization techniques like the Eisenhower Matrix or ABCDE method to help structure your list. Finally, use time blocking to reserve space on your calendar to complete tasks in order of their priority.

How do I prioritize tasks?

To prioritize tasks effectively, begin by listing all your tasks, then rate each one based on its significance and deadline. You can also try the ABCDE method, where you categorize each task with a letter indicating its priority:

"A" for tasks that are critical and must be done.

"B" for tasks that are important but not as critical.

"C" for tasks that are nice to do but not necessary.

"D" for tasks that can be delegated.

"E" for tasks that can be eliminated.

Always tackle "A" tasks first, as they need immediate action and have the greatest impact on your long-term goals and deadlines. Use tools like to-do lists or digital planners to keep track of your priorities and adjust as needed.

Which task should be first priority?

The task that should be your first priority is one that is both urgent and important. Urgent tasks have impending deadlines that require immediate attention, while important tasks have a significant impact on your goals and projects.

Focusing on tasks that meet both criteria ensures you address critical work that contributes to your objectives, preventing last-minute rushes and the stress of missed deadlines. After completing urgent and important tasks, shift your focus to important but not urgent tasks to maintain progress towards your goals.

How Asana uses work management for project intake

Learn how Asana's PMO leaders streamline intake and prioritize the right work for the business.

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Productivity tips

Your To Do List and Beyond: 8 Powerful Ways to Manage Your Tasks

task-management-strategies primary img

There are so many things you need to do, and so many ways you could keep track of them. Search the App Store for "to do list," and you'll find thousands of tools that all promise to help you increase your productivity and get more done.

An app is only the start. There are also the various methods of keeping track of your to dos, each with their strong points and some so complicated there are entire books about them. It can be so tough to find the right method and app for you, it's often easier to just give up and try to juggle all of your tasks in your head.

It doesn't have to be that way. In this article, we'll take you through the most popular task management methods so you can pick out the perfect way to manage the things you need to do. Then, in a related article, we'll show you the best apps for each of those methods. That'll give you the tools you need to stay productive this year and beyond.

Choosing the Right Task Management Method

When it comes to task management, there's no one-size-fits-all option. Just as some people learn better visually while others learn far better audibly, there are task management methods that'll fit you perfectly—and others that'll never work for you no matter how hard you try.

In this article, you'll receive an overview along with the pros and cons of each of the following task management methods:

The "Grocery List" Method

The "Grocery List" method, or just organizing tasks in simple lists, is by far the most popular task management method. It's the way you'll likely organize tasks without even thinking about it. It puts all tasks and their respective due dates front-and-center with no fluff. There are dozens of apps that use this method of organizing your tasks, and their straightforward lists make the apps look and feel very similar to a grocery list you'd make when heading to the store.

These simple apps are great for people like myself that get a rush from finally checking tasks off of a list and moving onto the next task. When using a grocery list style app, there are no small details to check off, so you're left with the big picture for all of your tasks.

Grocery List apps often have some essential organization features to go along with the bare tasks. For instance, most have the ability to set a due date and some can set reminders for tasks using a device's location.

That being said, Grocery List-style apps may not be practical for everyone. If you need to manage small tasks within larger tasks or like being able to track the progress of a task or project, Grocery List methods aren't for you. Don't fret though, because there are plenty of other task management strategies for you.

The Grocery List Method Pros and Cons

Pros: Grocery List- esque applications are generally simple enough that they require little setup and are easy to use.

Cons: Not as great at tracking small details or handling large projects.

Getting Things Done®


Getting Things Done ® and GTD ® are registered trademarks of the David Allen Company.

For example, when working on an article, I can use a powerful list-based task management app to make a new project for the article and then add tasks for sections of an article, reminders to proofread, and make a list of all additional resources required to complete the article. At the same time, I can have projects for my home tasks, other ongoing projects at work, and more.

Most standard GTD apps have note taking and file-drop capabilities. This is very useful when starting a project, as you can attach all of your ideas and related files to the task, ensuring you won't forget any small details and giving you a one-stop-shop for your task's resources.

Some GTD applications also have built-in calendars that show your tasks and projects with their respective due dates. This can be an absolute godsend when juggling multiple projects for different clients with separate due dates. You'll also usually be able to keep up with notes and files related to your tasks in the apps.

The basic idea with GTD is that you can get everything out of your head and into your to do list app, organized in lists of related tasks with each task tagged (or categorized) according to the place or context in which you’ll do the task, and with any data related to that task attached as a note. It’s a lot of stuff in each tasks to make sure you won’t have to juggle anything in your head and can focus on what you’re doing.

Getting Things Done Pros and Cons

Pros: GTD applications can track every step of a task and often have other interesting features.

Cons: These applications can be confusing to set up and too cluttered for some.

The Text Editor Method


Using text editors for task management has been around for quite some time. In fact, the 'emacs' app in Terminal has its own text-based task management command. Text editors give you the freedom to manage tasks how you'd like and be free of the visual distractions of a Grocery List app.

If you already have a preferred text editor, there's no need to download another task management app: Just use what you already know. On top of this, the text file you use to manage your tasks is universal, so you can switch devices and platforms without disrupting your workflow.

Today.txt is even simpler than Todo.txt: it's a three line paragraph stressing one task. The text file starts with "If nothing else, today I am going to __ ." and ends with "If I do this and only this, it will be a good day." This makes the method more motivation than anything else, but it a good way to keep yourself focused when feeling distracted.

Either method—or your own personal method of organizing stuff you need to do in a text editor—could work equally well. And, if you already have a to do list app you like but want a way to keep yourself focused on what needs done today , Today.txt could be a good addition to your workflow.

The Text Editor Method Pros and Cons

Pros: Using a text editor is a simple and free way to manage your tasks. You can set up your workflow however you'd like, using programs you're familiar with.

Cons: Plain text lists can often be too barebones for some and require some setup and management to keep organized.

The Kanban Method


Take pen-and-paper to do management a step further with Kanban productivity. This method, in its purest form, takes Post-It notes, a cork board, and labels, and organizes tasks by progression. To start with Kanban, split your cork board into three sections: to do, doing, and done. Write tasks on color-coded Post-It notes and stick them in their respective step of progression. As your tasks progress, move them to their new spots on the cork board to track them. You can color-code tasks by client, project, or any other differentiator, and can add as much or little detail to each task as you want.

The Kanban Method Pros and Cons

Pros: The big picture is always in front of you and your team.

Cons: Small details can be left out, which may cause information overload for some.

The Rows, Columns n' Sheets Method


Spreadsheets are often overlooked when it comes to task management, especially in the mobile space. But they can be as powerful of a tool for task management as you let them be. Due to spreadsheets' flexibility, they're an especially great way to manage a ton of projects and tasks.

When using a spreadsheet, you can make different sheets for different types of tasks. For example, one sheet can be for work tasks and another for home errands, each with columns to keep track of data that makes sense for each. Tasks can be placed in individual rows, and cells can be color-coded to represent their importance or other key parts of a task.

If you're working in a team, you can use Google Sheet to make a no-frills group task management system. Just make a new shared Sheet, add your team members, and create color-coded cells to assign tasks. And since Google Sheets has a built-in chat client, it's easy to collaborate with team members.

The Rows, Columns n' Sheets Method Pros and Cons

Pros: You can use familiar tools to create a versatile environment for your tasks.

Cons: Like text-based applications, using spreadsheets for task management can be too basic for some. On top of this, using spreadsheets aren't the prettiest way to manage tasks.

Team-Based Productivity


To do apps aren't just for managing your own tasks. When you're working with your team, you need a way to keep up with what everyone's working on and what's left to finish your team projects.

Enter team-based productivity apps.

Team-based productivity apps are often list-based applications that let everyone have their own accounts. They're also usually web apps that'll run in any browser, with mobile apps to work on the go. Team members can add and edit tasks as well as discuss tasks within a comment thread or IM-like service, making collaborating and group task management far simpler.

Many team-based applications have features similar to that of the aforementioned GTD method. Beyond setting due dates, tasks can often have sub-tasks and the larger projects can be organized in their own boards or lists to keep everything organized for each of your different projects or clients. Most will even let you add files to tasks, so you can keep everything needed to complete the task in one spot.

Team-Based Productivity Pros and Cons

Pros: Team-based apps are generally cross-platform and are great for keeping teams on track and encourage collaboration. Additionally, they can be used for personal work if needed.

Cons: These applications can be time consuming to set up and expensive for a full team.

Good Ol' Pen and Paper


I'm sure you didn't expect to see this mentioned alongside methods of managing tasks with apps, but sometimes it's best to use pen and paper for task management—especially if you have a problem with checking Twitter instead of staying on task. When using a notebook to manage tasks, you're completely disconnected from the internet and its distractions, keeping you on track.

Pen and Paper Pros and Cons

Pros: Paper notes are distraction-free and require no connectivity.

Cons: Not as versatile as other methods in this list, and can be tough to back up.

The String-Around-The-Finger Method


Even though a notification on your phone can be a great reminder to complete a task, nothing jogs your memory like a change in something you use everyday. A classic example of this is tying a string around your finger. Or if you prefer a modern take on the method, wrap a rubberband around your phone.

The basic idea is: Put something in your way when you're thinking of something you need to do. Then, the next time you notice that thing—string, rubberband or whatever—your mind will be jogged to remember the task.

Getting a bit more technical with this idea, rearranging app icons or changing your phone's wallpaper are other good ways to jog your memory. If you're using this method on the desktop, you can set special photos or text as your screensaver or my personal favorite: putting a Post-It note in the center of my laptop's screen. Either way, doing something that's out of the ordinary can be a great way to make sure you remember what you need to do.

The String-Around-The-Finger Method and Cons

Pros: The simplest possible way to remind yourself to do something.

Cons: You might end up forgetting why you tied the string in the first place, and it works only well for single, one-off tasks.

Picking the Best Method for You

Like various learning methods, different task management strategies place focus in different areas. For example, the "Grocery List" method of task management places all crucial information upfront, while leaving many small details out of the picture. That's a great option if you just want a simple way to keep track of what needs done now .

But, if you're a more detail-oriented person, using a powerful task management will be more your speed. You'll be able to keep track of every tiny detail, manage multiple projects, and much more, all from one app. You can plan your whole life here, not just the stuff you're doing today.

Both the simple Grocery List apps and more advanced Getting Things Done apps, though, often have fancier interfaces, and they force you to work the way they're designed. If you're the kind that likes your tools to be deeply customizable or if the fancy interfaces of both of these methods throw you off, managing tasks in a text editor or spreadsheet may be best.

Working together? Give the team task management apps—or even a shared spreadsheet—a shot. Or if you'd rather a low-tech solution, mix everything up and write team tasks on a whiteboard.

There's no perfect way to manage your tasks, and you might even need more than one method to keep up with everything you're doing. Just experiment with your own variant of any of these methods, and start getting your tasks organized.

Go Get Things Done

If you're planning on using an app to manage your tasks, there are dozens of to do list apps that could work for you. But which one is the best for your needs? Here are our recommendations:

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Andrew Kunesh

Andrew is a freelance writer and user experience nerd from Chicago, IL. In his free time, you’ll find Andrew trotting the globe in search of the perfect cup of coffee. Follow @andrewkunesh on Twitter.

  • Personal productivity
  • Project management
  • Task management & to-do lists
  • Product management

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6 Homework Apps to Help Keep You Organized

homework apps

Managing everything you have to do as a student can seem like a full-time job. With so many classes, activities, club meetings, and homework assignments thrown at you every day, it can be very overwhelming to keep track of it all.

Luckily, there are some great homework apps you can install on your phone or tablet that can help you know what classes you have coming up each day and stay on top of all of your assignments.

Here are six of our favorites. We hope these help you stay organized all year long!

Although the myHomework app supports traditional school schedules as well as block schedules, it does not support alternating block schedules, so if you have an A/B schedule, this is probably not the app for you.

  • My Study Life This app is a full-fledged homework management app with its own web application, which is awesome because you can check your assignments from your computer or your phone. Plus, the calendar view shows all of your classes and assignments at the same time, and it shows you incomplete tasks that are due soon so you know what to work on first. The design is unique, too, with circles showing what percentage of a task is completed and how much more you have to go. Available for: iPhone, Android, Windows 8, Windows Phone and the web. Requires iOS 8.0 or later. Cost: Free

Another cool feature is that you can organize all of your assignments by date, course or priority, and you can sort them by pending and completed as well. Other bonus features include the ability to add contact info for all of your teachers and the ability to enter your grades so you can track how your GPA is doing.

Unfortunately, none of the apps listed above will actually do your homework for you — that part’s still up to you — but at least they’ll make it more likely that you’ll get it finished on-time and stress-free.

The organization was established over 50 years ago and works “to change the trajectory of high-potential Black youth by providing unique programming in the classroom and beyond.” Their scholars complete a four-year fellowship that includes academic enrichment, leadership development, career exposure, mentoring and college access.

Students must maintain a grade point average near 3.0 to remain in good standing with the organization — a bar the organization sets knowing full well that access to scholarships and grants for college will be the only way that most of its students can afford to go. Not all students meet this threshold despite mentoring from caring adults and strong support from administrative staff. Thus additional academic supports are needed.

Over many years, EE provided programs to help get students back on track if they started to flounder and to establish academic habits that put them on a trajectory for success. We started by offering weekly group tutoring events at the organization’s facility that not only helped students with homework completion and exam prep but also provided lessons on learning strategies, goal setting, and self-advocacy. However, traveling to the facility after school was a burden for some scholars, so EE tutors also met students at libraries and other public locations to provide support in specific subject areas where students requested help. Year after year we met with administrators and added additional resources: a summer school study skills workshop for freshmen and final exam prep workshops for all grade levels. Our unique array of programs allowed the organization to support their scholars at every stage of their academic journey.

The mission of the organization is to fight for economic mobility among highly motivated, first-generation college students by providing mentoring and intensive career development. The agency was founded on the belief that socioeconomic status should not be a barrier to college persistence and career success. 

Their staff found that many of their participants were struggling with writing assignments of all sorts in college. From essays in English class to writing cover letters for potential summer internships, many students were not effective writers. The organization provided various career development workshops throughout the academic year, but they lacked a writer’s workshop to specifically address this area of weakness. 

We met with program managers and the executive director to discuss their students’ needs and what type of program would be beneficial. The Writer’s Practice Workshop was an ideal fit for them. The course allowed students to understand that everyone is a writer even if they don’t think of themselves as such. Over the course of four sessions students assessed their own writing process; discussed the tools of a good writer’s practice; considered the audience, purpose, and the needs of any piece; and produced writing on topics that were important to them. Students left the workshop with a greater understanding of how to start assignments and follow steps to revise, edit, and polish for best results, giving them confidence in their writing. 

The organization’s mission is to provide opportunities for underserved youth to achieve academic and personal success via financial, educational and personal support during their high school years. They provide tuition assistance to attend a high-quality school along with the guidance and commitment of caring, adult mentors. They aim to serve an often overlooked segment: academically “average” students from the city’s most challenging and underserved neighborhoods.

Program staff wanted to help their students prepare for final exams and train mentors to more effectively support students in their exam prep efforts. Volunteer mentors were available to give support, but the organization lacked a consistent approach on how best to help students and make them better learners.

EE met with program administrators and board members to plan and implement a Final Exams Workshop in the lead-up to final exams. The 3-hour workshop was attended by students and their mentors on a Saturday morning. The curriculum helped students create DIY study guides for any class, plan a study schedule, prioritize final exams by difficulty and need, assess and discuss their strengths and weaknesses in regards to learning strategies, and share with peers their successes or concerns. We also facilitated a conversation between mentors and mentees as to how they could best support their students in the coming weeks. Students and mentors left the workshop with a blueprint for attacking finals week in the most efficient way — a plan they could use for high school and college.

The organization supported immigrants and their families by connecting women from over 60 countries who share a dedication to the pursuit of global understanding and universal human rights. As part of their philanthropic arm, the organization supported a local elementary school they had identified as highly diverse with a large number of immigrant students. Before engaging EE, the organization relied mostly on volunteers to provide reading support to students during school hours. 

After discussions with the organization and the school principal, teachers, families, and other stakeholders, we developed a school year calendar of after school programs that would help students develop the skills needed to succeed in elementary school and beyond. We provided courses for grades 5-8 in the spring and fall, greatly expanding the enrichment opportunities the NFP was able to provide. In doing so, we developed a close relationship with the school administration and their teaching staff, who saw the positive impact the program was having on their students. Additionally, the NFP was able to expand their mission to areas where they saw a great need: improving study skills, raising test scores, and increasing access to high school opportunities for immigrant youth. 

A scholarship foundation funded by a suburban country club was disappointed with the caliber of student who typically applied for their college scholarship offerings. Knowing that the skills needed for success in college must be cultivated from an early age, they wanted to establish a summer enrichment program for students entering 9th and 10th grade that would serve as an early intervention and better position the pool of applicants when the time came a few years later to apply for the college scholarships.

We collaborated with the foundation to identify areas of strength and weakness in their applicant pool and listened to their personal beliefs about what it takes to succeed in college. With that understanding, we customized a version of the Summer Learners’ Workshop that lays the foundation for college-level skills and caters to the learning styles and academic backgrounds of the particular students at this organization.

The resulting program has gained a reputation as one of the top summer enrichment experiences in that community with parents routinely reporting that the results exceeded their expectations. The program is now attended by an even wider array of students than those who were first targeted by the foundation.

A charter school network was seeking to implement a test prep program across eight campuses to prepare their 8th grade students for the Chicago Public Schools selective enrollment entrance exam. The high school admissions process is highly competitive, and it was the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic when students were learning from home. The schools did not have expert knowledge about the contents of the test, and finding staff at their schools to cover a program outside of school hours would be challenging. Administrators knew how competitive the admissions process was and that even their strongest students were not guaranteed a spot. For equity, they wanted to offer the course to all of their students – even those who were very unlikely to be admitted to a selective enrollment school. 

Given the wide array of students, the EE team worked with individual school counselors to create ability groupings, determine a process for reporting attendance, progress, and behavior issues, and create a curriculum that would be effective in a remote learning model. We knew that remote engagement for an after school program would be a challenge, so we incorporated competitive team games, a leaderboard of accomplishments, and other incentives to encourage maximum participation. EE provided all management and instructional staffing to deliver the test prep course successfully while freeing up teachers and counselors at the charter school to focus on their daily workload. Students received a robust course focused on strategies, practice tests, and concept review that put them in the best position to maximize their potential on test day. 

A leading scholarship fund that provides financial assistance for highly qualified, low-income students knew that financial aid alone would be insufficient to ensure their students’ success at rigorous private and parochial high schools. Therefore, they sought an intensive summer program to prepare scholars for what lay ahead. 

EE worked with the organization to determine the biggest challenges scholars would face. We landed on a wide array of non-cognitive skills that are not necessarily taught in middle school: time management, organization, self-advocacy, focus, growth mindset, etc. Inspired by this challenge, we developed our Ideal Student Workshop, which would later become the basis for our Learners’ Workshop.

Over a decade later we are still delivering the program to students at this scholarship fund and others. The program works to develop the three dimensions of successful students: character, learning strategies and habits. We update the program yearly to keep up with changes in student needs and the educational landscape. Our fun and research-based curriculum continues to be a popular summer bridge for various organizations. 

A prominent sports-based youth development organization wanted to improve one of the core elements of their program: providing educational enrichment programs to their participants.

Their goal was to offer a continuum of services for 9th-12th graders that would support students in their schoolwork, provide a pathway to college, and create a culture of learning amongst players. EE was uniquely positioned to offer a variety of services to meet this need: private tutoring, study skills classes, writing courses, high school admissions test prep, SAT/ACT prep, and college readiness seminars. We listened to the players, parents, and other stakeholders to determine which programs were most effective, established expectations for participants, and decided on the best timing and format to deliver the courses.

Since 2017 we have successfully delivered these services allowing their administrative team to focus on their primary coaching responsibilities. Ultimately, the best praise we have received is that we have provided a wide circle of caring adults to support students academically and emotionally and that we have listened to their needs and adapted our offerings to suit their participants.

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Schoolwork User Guide

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  • About classes, assignments, assessments, and students
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  • About assignments
  • Create assignments
  • Schedule assignments
  • Edit assignments
  • Copy, share, and lock assignments
  • Complete and delete assignments
  • Export assignments
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  • Filter progress data
  • View students with progress reporting turned off
  • About insights
  • View class, assignment, and student insights
  • Send exit tickets
  • About assessments
  • Send assessments
  • Schedule assessments
  • Edit assessments
  • Copy and share assessments
  • Delete assessments
  • Export assessments and results
  • About exit ticket results
  • View exit ticket results
  • View exit ticket student data
  • Create assignments from exit ticket results
  • Copy student names from exit ticket results
  • About assessment results
  • View assessment results
  • Filter and group assessment results
  • About assessment scores
  • Review and score assessments
  • Edit values and symbols
  • View question-level results
  • Edit question and answer areas
  • Move marks and question areas
  • Create assignments from assessment results
  • Create assessments from assessment results
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  • Save favorite assignments and assessments
  • Manage assignment activities
  • Return files
  • Collaborate with students
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  • Symbols used in Schoolwork
  • Get support
  • Troubleshooting

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Student Assignment Tracker

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Track and manage student assignments effectively

What is student assignment tracker template.

Completing a student assignment is a crucial task that requires attention to detail and thoroughness. To ensure that you complete your assignment effectively and efficiently, use the following comprehensive prompts to guide you through the process:

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Try this template now

Who is this Student Assignment Tracker Template for?

Whether you are a student, educator, or academic institution, the student assignment tracker template is designed to help you track and manage assignments with ease. It is perfect for individuals or teams looking to streamline the assignment process and ensure timely submissions.

Why use this Student Assignment Tracker Template?

1. Stay organized. Keep track of all student assignments in one centralized location, ensuring that no task is overlooked or forgotten.

2. Improve efficiency. Easily monitor assignment progress, deadlines, and submissions to enhance productivity and time management.

3. Enhance collaboration. Facilitate communication between students and educators by providing a transparent overview of assignment status and requirements.

Get Started with Student Assignment Tracker Template.

Follow these few steps to get started with Lark templates:

1. Click 'Use this template' on the top right corner to sign up for Lark

2. After signing up for Lark, you will be directed to the Student Assignment Tracker on Lark Docs. Click 'Use This Template' on the top right corner of Lark Docs to copy a version of the Student Assignment Tracker to your workspace.

3. Change fields of the template to fit your needs

4. Take advantage of the full potential of this Student Assignment Tracker.

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Library Book Checkout Form

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Weekly Lesson Plan

Create a structured and engaging weekly lesson plan for educators.

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Classroom Supplies Checklist

Manage and replenish your classroom supplies effectively with this comprehensive template.

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Science Experiment Report

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how should you keep track of assignments

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Peer Tutoring Program

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Technology Use Agreement

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Tutoring Session Log

Efficiently track and manage tutoring sessions for students of all ages and subjects.

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Virtual Learning Feedback

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Daily Lesson Schedule

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Student Project Timeline

Plan and execute your student project effectively with this comprehensive timeline template, classroom behavior chart, track and manage classroom behavior effectively with a behavior chart.

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Weekly Reflection Log

Reflect on your past week and gain insights for personal growth, student goal setting template, empower students to set and achieve academic and personal goals, school lockdown drill plan, ensure the safety and well-being of students and staff during school lockdown drills, teacher supply request form, streamline the process of requesting teacher supplies with this comprehensive template, student seating assignment, organize and implement an effective seating plan for students in the classroom.

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Teacher Lesson Reflection

Reflect on your teaching lessons for continuous improvement.

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Professional Development Workshop Plan

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Student Reading Goals Tracker

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Group Activity Plan

Plan and execute successful group activities with ease, student presentation evaluation form, evaluate student presentations with a comprehensive feedback form, classroom conflict resolution form, address classroom conflicts effectively with this comprehensive conflict resolution form, weekly parent update, keep parents informed and involved in their child's education and well-being with a weekly update, classroom noise level chart, create a visual classroom noise level chart to manage noise effectively.

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Classroom Cleaning Schedule

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Student Weekly Planner

Stay organized and on top of your tasks with the student weekly planner.

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Create a successful Classroom Support System

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Teacher Lesson Planning Template

Organize your teacher lesson plans effectively with this comprehensive template.

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Property Listing Template

Create a captivating property listing that attracts potential buyers or renters.

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Buyer Questionnaire

Ask the right questions before making a purchase with this comprehensive buyer questionnaire.

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Lease Agreement

Create a comprehensive residential lease agreement with ease, property inspection checklist, ensure a thorough and systematic assessment of any property with this comprehensive checklist.

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Rental Application Form

Complete your rental application effectively with this comprehensive template, property maintenance request, submit property maintenance requests with ease.

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Real Estate Agent Commission Tracker

Track and manage real estate agent commissions effectively.

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Mortgage Calculator

Calculate your mortgage cost with ease.

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Property Sales Agreement

Streamline your property sales process with this comprehensive agreement template.

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Homebuyer Checklist

Ensure a successful home purchase with this comprehensive checklist for homebuyers.

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Rental Property Inventory Checklist

Create a detailed rental property inventory checklist for landlords and property managers, property viewing schedule, efficiently plan and organize property viewings with ease, real estate lead tracker, track and manage real estate leads effectively to grow your client base, rental agreement renewal form, navigate through the process of renewing a rental agreement with confidence.

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Eviction Notice Template

Navigate the eviction process with confidence and protect your rights as a tenant, real estate prospecting plan, boost your real estate prospecting efforts with a structured approach.

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Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) Report

Create detailed and compelling comparative market analysis reports for real estate professionals.

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Closing Checklist for Real Estate

Ensure a smooth and successful project conclusion with a comprehensive closing checklist.

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Open House Feedback Form

Organize and execute a memorable open house feed event with this comprehensive template, real estate referral agreement, formalize partnerships and ensure clarity on real estate referral terms, agent performance evaluation, evaluate and improve agent performance with a systematic approach.

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Property Management Plan

Efficiently manage your real estate properties with this comprehensive template.

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Real Estate Investment Plan

Analyze and plan your real estate investments with ease, foreclosure property purchase guide, navigate the process of purchasing a foreclosure property with confidence and preparedness, real estate client information form, gather essential information from real estate clients to provide tailored assistance.

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Home Staging Checklist

Transform any space into a welcoming and attractive environment with our home staging checklist, commercial lease agreement, draft a comprehensive commercial lease agreement to protect the interests of both landlords and tenants.

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Real Estate Marketing Flyer

Create a professional real estate marketing flyer with ease.

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Property Tax Record Tracker

Track and manage your property tax payments and assessments with ease.

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Homeowner Association (HOA) Rules Tracker

Stay informed and compliant with your homeowner association (hoa) rules, property management checklist, streamline the process of managing your properties effectively with this comprehensive property management template, property maintenance log, keep track of property maintenance and repairs with ease.

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Real Estate Social Media Plan

Boost your real estate business with a comprehensive social media marketing template.

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Tenant Complaint Form

Streamline the process of addressing tenant complaints with this structured form template.

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Utilities Setup Checklist

Set up utilities in your new location with ease, property walkthrough checklist, conduct a thorough property walkthrough with ease, real estate agency brochure, create an engaging and informative brochure for your real estate agency, property showing schedule, efficiently schedule and manage property showings for potential buyers or renters.

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Tenant Screening Checklist

Screen potential tenants effectively with this comprehensive checklist template.

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Real Estate Financial Planner

Organize your financial resources and make informed decisions for real estate investments.

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Residential Property Offer Form

Streamline the process of making an offer on a residential property.

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Land Purchase Guide

Guide to land purchase, property renovation checklist, streamline your property renovation process with this comprehensive checklist, real estate office policies, establish clear and comprehensive policies for running a successful real estate office, property tour checklist, prepare for and make the most out of your property tour with this comprehensive checklist.

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New Agent Training Plan

Equip new agents with the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to excel in their role, lease termination form, navigate the process of lease termination with ease.

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Renter's Insurance Information

Protect your belongings and liability with renter's insurance information.

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Property Investment Tracker

Track and manage your property investments with ease, real estate expense tracker, track and manage your real estate expenses effectively, home warranty tracker, efficiently track your home warranty coverage, services, and renewals, closing disclosure checklist, ensure accuracy and compliance with the closing disclosure checklist.

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Real Estate Marketing Strategy

Create a comprehensive real estate marketing strategy to boost visibility and attract potential clients, residential lease extension form, secure a smooth and successful residential lease extension process.

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Real Estate Appointment Scheduler

Efficiently manage real estate appointments with ease.

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Lead Conversion Plan

Nurture and convert leads into loyal customers with ease, property open house checklist, organize and execute a successful property open house event with this comprehensive checklist template, agent contact information, acquire and utilize an agent's contact details efficiently.

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Commercial Property Listing

Create a compelling and detailed listing for your commercial property for sale or lease.

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Real Estate Portfolio Management

Optimize your real estate assets with strategic planning and performance monitoring, property condition disclosure, provide a comprehensive property condition disclosure statement to buyers, vacant property maintenance checklist, effectively maintain your vacant property with this comprehensive checklist.

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Real Estate Investment Strategy

Plan your real estate investment strategy with confidence, real estate development budget, create a comprehensive budget for your real estate development project, real estate transaction coordinator checklist, streamline your real estate transactions with ease.

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Landlord Reference Letter

Create a detailed and professional landlord reference letter for outgoing tenants.

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Real Estate Photography Checklist

Elevate your real estate photography skills with this comprehensive checklist.

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Tenant Rent Payment Tracker

Track and manage tenant rent payments effectively, property showing plan, organize and plan for successful property showings with ease, real estate sales funnel, optimize your real estate sales process with a comprehensive sales funnel template.

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New Construction Property Checklist

Ensure a successful and satisfying experience when buying a new construction property with this checklist, property appraisal request form, request a detailed property appraisal with this comprehensive template, real estate legal compliance checklist, ensure legal compliance in real estate operations with this comprehensive checklist, landlord insurance form, protect your property investment with the right insurance coverage, property damage report, create a comprehensive property damage report with ease.

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Real Estate Client Welcome Letter

Welcome new real estate clients with a comprehensive welcome letter template, commercial lease application, create a comprehensive commercial lease agreement tailored to your specific needs, real estate tax deduction tracker, track and maximize real estate tax deductions with ease, property lease analysis, evaluate the financial implications of a property lease agreement.

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Real Estate Market Trends Tracker

Stay informed on the latest real estate market trends, home inspection contingency plan, manage your home inspection contingencies with ease, rent increase notice, inform tenants of a rent increase in a professional manner, real estate office supplies list, stock up on essential office supplies for your real estate office, tenant reference request form, streamline your tenant reference process with this comprehensive request form, real estate broker agreement, create a comprehensive real estate broker agreement for your business, real estate website content planner, create engaging and informative content for your real estate website, property showing feedback form, streamline the process of showcasing properties to potential buyers with a well-organized property showing feed.

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Tenant Security Deposit Receipt

Generate a comprehensive receipt for tenant security deposits.

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Daily Bank Transactions

Track your daily bank transactions with ease, e-wallet transactions, track your e-wallet transactions with ease.

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Branch-Level Cash Transactions

Track branch-level cash transactions with ease, foreign exchange transactions, track your foreign exchange transactions with ease, electronic fund transfers, track and manage electronic fund transfers with ease, high-value transactions, track high-value transactions with ease, multi-currency transactions, track and manage multi-currency transactions with ease.

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POS System Transactions

Track your pos system transactions with ease, suspicious transactions investigation, investigate suspicious transactions with ease, foreign transactions, track and analyze foreign transactions with ease, non-cash payment transactions, track your non-cash payment transactions with ease, failed transactions, track and manage failed transactions with ease.

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Cross-Channel Transactions

Track and analyze cross-channel transactions effortlessly, transaction volume, visualize transaction volume by hour for better insights, returned item transactions, track and manage returned items efficiently.

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Mobile App Transactions

Track user transactions in your mobile app with ease, refinance transactions, track and manage your refinance transactions with ease, insurance claim transactions, track and manage insurance claim transactions efficiently.

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Investment Transactions

Track your investment transactions and portfolio performance with ease, bulk payment transactions, track and manage bulk payment transactions with ease, cross-border fees, track cross-border transaction fees and payment status.

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Cryptocurrency Transactions

Track your cryptocurrency transactions with ease.

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Transaction Exceptions

Manage transaction exceptions with ease.

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Electronic Check Processing

Efficiently manage electronic check processing and transactions, transaction status, track and manage transaction status updates with ease, transaction profitability, analyze transaction profitability with ease.

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Client Fund Movements

Track client fund movements with ease, automated clearing house (ach) transactions, automate your ach transactions with ease.

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Pre-Authorized Debit Transactions

Automate your pre-authorized debit transactions with ease, transaction segmentation, analyze customer transactions to segment and target different customer groups, peer-to-peer payment transactions, track peer-to-peer payment transactions with ease.

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New Account Registrations

Track and manage new account registrations with ease.

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Account Closure Tracking

Track and manage account closures efficiently.

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Account Activity Monitoring

Monitor account activity and flag unusual transactions, high-risk accounts, analyze high-risk accounts for potential fraudulent activities.

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Dormant Accounts

Review and reactivate dormant accounts efficiently.

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Account Reconciliation

Automate your account reconciliation process with ease.

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Savings Account Growth

Track your savings account growth over time, account transaction limits, track and manage account transaction limits with ease, account fee waivers, track and manage fee waivers for customer accounts.

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Multi-Currency Accounts

Track and manage multi-currency accounts with ease.

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Account Balance Alerts

Receive alerts for account balance thresholds.

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Account Access

Track user access and actions on different accounts, account holders contact information, organize and manage account holders' contact information efficiently.

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Mobile Banking Accounts

Track your financial transactions with ease.

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Customer Account Protection

Customize customer account preferences with ease.

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Trust Account Management

Manage trust accounts efficiently with customizable templates, customer loyalty accounts, track customer loyalty account details and tier status, zero balance accounts, track and manage zero balance accounts efficiently.

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Secure Document Upload

Securely upload and manage documents with ease.

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Account Notification Preferences

Customize user notification preferences for optimal engagement.

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Account Annual Reviews

Streamline your account annual review schedules with ease, interest earning accounts, track your interest-earning accounts and optimize your savings.

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Account Data Corrections

Correct account data errors efficiently, deceased account management, efficiently manage deceased accounts and assets, account tax management, effortlessly manage tax reporting for multiple accounts, personal loan applications, track personal loan applications with ease, business loan applications, track and manage business loan applications and approvals, mortgage loan status, track mortgage loan applications and statuses, student loan disbursement, track student loan disbursements and status easily, loan payments, track your loan payment history and outstanding balance with ease, loan renegotiation, track loan renegotiation requests and outcomes, construction loan progress, track the progress of your construction project with ease, loan rejection reasons, analyze loan rejection reasons for better decision-making.

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Loan Amortization Schedule

Track your loan payments and balances with ease.

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Bridging Loans

Track and manage your bridging loans effortlessly.

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Agricultural Loans

Track agricultural loans with ease, consumer loans, analyze consumer loan data and track payment status, syndicated loan management, efficiently manage syndicated loans with ease.

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Loan Modification Requests

Manage loan modification requests and outcomes efficiently.

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Loan Fee Income

Track loan fees and outstanding principal for various loan types.

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Loan Applications

Streamline your loan application workflow with ease.

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Debt Consolidation Loans

Consolidate your debts with ease and track your loan status effortlessly, loan covenant compliance, track loan covenant compliance for various companies.

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Loan Refinance Options

Explore different loan options and rates for refinancing, peer-to-peer lending, manage your peer-to-peer lending records with ease.

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Track and manage SME loans with ease

Loan portfolio risk assessment, assess the risk of your loan portfolio with ease, consumer credit, analyze consumer credit data for financial insights.

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Loan Origination System Effectiveness

Optimize your loan origination process with this template.

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Credit Risk Management

Analyze credit risk and make informed lending decisions, insurance risk management, manage and mitigate various risks in the insurance industry, fraud risk management, identify and manage fraud risks in your organization, geopolitical risk, analyze geopolitical risks and their impact on business operations.

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Environmental Risk

Manage environmental risks with ease.

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Technology Adoption

Manage technology adoption risks effectively.

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Regulatory Change Impact

Analyze the impact of regulatory changes on your organization, enterprise risk management, manage and mitigate enterprise risks effectively with real-time insights, interest rate risk, analyze interest rate risk forecast data and make informed decisions, stress testing scenarios, analyze potential financial stress scenarios with ease, risk mitigation, manage and mitigate risks effectively with a comprehensive risk mitigation plan, outsourcing risk management, manage and mitigate project risks with ease, insurance claim risk, analyze insurance claim risk with ease, counterparty risk management, manage counterparty risk effectively with this template, data privacy risk, identify and mitigate data privacy risks within your organization, business continuity risk assessment, identify and mitigate business continuity risks with ease.

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Credit Scoring Models

Analyze credit scoring model risk with ease, risk-based pricing, optimize your loan approval process with a risk-based pricing model, risk data aggregation, aggregate and manage risk data quality for better decision-making.

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Trading Risk Management

Optimize your trading risk management with real-time data analysis, financial sector risk, analyze and manage financial sector risk trends with ease.

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Crisis Management and Response

Create a comprehensive crisis management and response plan for your organization, risk assessment for new initiatives, assess risks for new product launches with ease.

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Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Activities

Track and manage suspicious financial activities for compliance purposes.

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Regulatory Submissions

Track and manage regulatory submissions efficiently, conflict of interest declarations, track and manage conflict of interest declarations with ease, customer due diligence, organize and manage customer due diligence files efficiently.

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Trade Surveillance

Track and monitor trades for compliance and risk management, know your customer (kyc), create and manage kyc profiles for customers.

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Data Privacy Assurance

Track and monitor user actions in your system for data privacy compliance, sanctions screening, efficiently manage sanctions screening results for entities and individuals, compliance incident management, efficiently manage compliance incidents with detailed tracking and resolution capabilities, regulatory changes, stay compliant with regulatory changes with ease.

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Complaint Handling and Resolution

Track and resolve customer complaints efficiently.

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Insider Trading Monitoring

Monitor insider trading activities with ease.

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Credit Compliance

Streamline your credit compliance audits with ease.

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Accessibility Standards Compliance

Ensure your website meets accessibility standards with ease.

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Third-Party Vendor Compliance Assessment

Track compliance assessments for third-party vendors.

how should you keep track of assignments

Anti-Tax Evasion

Manage your anti-tax evasion controls with ease.

how should you keep track of assignments

Ethics Compliance Status

Track and manage ethics compliance activities across departments, financial promotion compliance, ensure compliance with financial promotion regulations, cross-border regulatory compliance, ensure compliance with cross-border regulations effortlessly.

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FATCA and CRS Compliance

Effortlessly manage fatca and crs reporting for account holders.

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Compliance Training Curriculum Management

Manage your compliance training curriculum with ease.

how should you keep track of assignments

Investment Portfolio Performance Analysis

Analyze your investment portfolio performance with ease, portfolio valuation, track and analyze your investment portfolio performance, dividend income management, track your dividend income and reinvestment records, tax liability optimization strategies, optimize tax liability with strategic financial planning.

how should you keep track of assignments

Fixed Income Securities Management

Manage your fixed income securities with ease.

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Commodity Investments

Track your commodity investments with ease.

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Cryptocurrency Investments

Track your cryptocurrency investments with ease.

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Green and Sustainable Investments

Analyze and track your green and sustainable investments with ease.

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Strategic Asset Allocation

Optimize your investment portfolio with strategic asset allocation.

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Insurance Portfolio Management

Manage your insurance policies with ease, venture capital investments, track your venture capital investments with ease, portfolio credit risk assessment, assess and manage credit risk in your loan portfolio, high-yield investment management, monitor and track high-yield investments with ease.

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Infrastructure Investments

Track infrastructure investments with ease, quantitative investment strategies, optimize your investment strategies with data-driven decisions.

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Fund Manager Performance

Analyze fund manager performance metrics with ease, illiquid assets management, manage illiquid assets with ease, portfolio benchmarking, compare your portfolio performance against benchmark indices, impact investments, track impact investments and financial returns with ease, retirement portfolio management, manage your retirement portfolio with ease, tactical asset allocation adjustments, optimize your asset allocation strategy with tactical adjustments, investment committee decisions, track investment committee decisions and action items, historical portfolio performance analysis, analyze historical portfolio performance with ease, client portfolio reviews, track client portfolio review meetings and follow-up actions.

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Monthly Expenses

Track your monthly expenses and manage your budget effectively.

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Capital Budgeting

Track your capital budgeting projects with ease.

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Revenue Forecasting

Forecast your revenue growth with different models, cash flow forecasting, track your cash flow projections and actuals with ease.

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Financial Health Analysis

Analyze your financial health with ease.

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Profit and Loss Statements

Track your financial performance with ease, break-even analysis, visualize your break-even analysis with interactive charts, project budgeting, track your project budget with ease.

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Zero-Based Budgeting

Track your income, expenses, and savings with ease, portfolio insurance strategies, protect your portfolio with various insurance strategies, annual budgeting, track your annual budget plans with ease, quarterly financial reports, track your quarterly financial performance and set goals for the next quarter, variance analysis, analyze budgeted vs. actual amounts and variances for different periods.

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Financial Ratios

Analyze financial ratios to assess liquidity, profitability, solvency, efficiency, and market performance, expense approval, track and manage employee expense approvals efficiently, fixed vs. variable costs, analyze fixed vs. variable costs for your project.

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Long-Term Financial Planning

Visualize your long-term financial plan with ease.

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Short-Term Resource Allocation

Optimize your short-term resource allocation with ease, financial contingency planning, manage financial risks with a comprehensive contingency plan, budget utilization, track your department/project budget utilization rates with ease.

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Cost Reduction Targets

Track cost reduction initiatives and savings targets, capital expenditure, track and manage capital expenditures with ease.

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Revenue Generation Strategies

Optimize your revenue generation strategies with ease, financial decision making, make informed financial decisions with ease, research and development funding, track your research and development funding plans with ease.

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Operational Efficiency

Optimize your operational efficiency with data-driven insights, tax planning strategies, maximize your tax savings with strategic investments and deductions.

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Grant Management

Track and manage grant projects efficiently, financial compliance management, monitor financial compliance with ease.

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Savings Plan Effectiveness

Track your monthly savings progress and goals, financial kpis, track your financial kpis with ease.

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Organizational Wealth Management

Track your organizational wealth with ease.

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Financial Training Programs

Plan your financial training programs with ease, customer database management, efficiently manage customer data and interactions.

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Client Interactions

Track and manage client interactions efficiently, customer segmentation, analyze customer segmentation data for targeted marketing strategies.

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Customer Satisfaction

Analyze customer feedback data for product improvement, client account status, track and manage client account status effectively.

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Customer Retention Strategies

Implement customer retention strategies to boost loyalty and engagement, new client onboarding, streamline your new client onboarding processes with ease.

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Loyalty Program Management

Manage your loyalty program members with ease, customer behavior analysis, track customer behavior and interactions for better insights, lead generation effectiveness, track your lead generation effectiveness with ease, client service issue resolution, efficiently manage client service issue resolution, marketing campaign impact on sales, analyze the impact of marketing campaigns on customers, high-value customer management, create and manage high-value customer programs with ease.

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Client Risk Assessment

Assess client risk levels and red flags for better decision-making.

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Customer Event Planning and Management

Effortlessly plan and manage customer events with ease.

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Customer Journey Mapping

Map out your customer journey with ease, customer touchpoints, analyze customer touchpoints to improve customer experience.

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CRM Integration Effectiveness

Optimize your crm integration effectiveness with data-driven insights, customer acquisition, optimize your marketing campaigns with customer acquisition cost analysis, customer churn rate, analyze customer churn rates and reasons for churn.

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Customer Engagement

Analyze customer engagement levels and feedback scores.

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VIP Customer Care

Enhance customer care programs for vip clients, customer referral programs, track your customer referrals with ease, customer reward systems, analyze customer reward system data for better marketing strategies, cross-selling and upselling, maximize revenue with cross-selling and upselling strategies.

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Customer Support Ticket Management

Efficiently manage customer support tickets with ease.

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Client Meeting Scheduling

Efficiently schedule and manage client meetings with ease, customer data privacy management, manage customer data privacy compliance and consent status.

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Digital Customer Engagement

Optimize your digital customer engagement with ease.

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Customer Payment Preferences

Manage customer payment preferences with ease.

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Client Exit Interviews

Gather feedback from exiting clients to improve customer satisfaction.

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Phishing Attack Prevention

Track and manage phishing attack incidents, fraud prevention training, track employee fraud prevention training progress, fraud risk assessment, assess and mitigate fraud risks effectively with this comprehensive matrix.

how should you keep track of assignments

Biometric Fraud Prevention

Track and manage biometric fraud cases efficiently, atm fraud transactions, track atm transactions for fraud detection and investigation, e-commerce fraud, analyze e-commerce fraud indicators and take appropriate actions, anti-fraud workflow management, streamline your anti-fraud workflow with ease, fraud notification systems, streamline your audit process with ease.

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Counterfeit Product Detection

Track counterfeit product reports and actions taken, fraud detection technology, streamline your fraud detection technology updates with ease.

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Fraud Awareness Campaigns

Track and analyze your fraud awareness campaign metrics, fraud mitigation training effectiveness, enhance fraud mitigation training effectiveness with data-driven insights, forensic audits, track user actions and outcomes in real-time, fraud impact on financials, analyze financial impact of fraud incidents, security breach follow-up, track and manage security breach incidents and follow-up actions.

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Fraud Risk Profiling

Manage and mitigate fraud risks effectively, loss prevention strategies, implement effective loss prevention strategies for your business.

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Point of Sale Fraud Management

Detect and prevent fraudulent transactions in real-time, fraud detection compliance, streamline your fraud detection compliance reports with ease, sales targets, track and analyze sales team performance against targets.

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Supply Chain Reliability

Analyze supplier performance and risk levels for better decision-making.

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Quality Control Strategies

Track product quality control statistics with ease.

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HR Compliance

Streamline your hr compliance reporting with ease, client satisfaction, track client satisfaction indices and feedback for follow-up actions.

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Corporate Social Responsibility

Track and showcase your corporate social responsibility initiatives outcomes.

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Energy Consumption

Track and analyze energy consumption data for efficient resource management, customer retention, analyze customer retention rates and reasons for leaving, investment portfolio management, track your investment portfolio returns and performance.

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Employee Turnover and Retention

Analyze employee turnover and retention rates with ease, procurement performance, track and optimize your procurement performance metrics, business continuity readiness, ensure your critical functions are ready for any disruption, product development, track your product development milestones and tasks with ease.

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Competitive Benchmarking

Analyze your company's performance against competitors in key metrics, change management effectiveness, enhance your change management effectiveness with this template.

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Liabilities Template

Track your liabilities and payments with ease, capital and operating leases, track your capital and operating leases with ease, deferred tax liabilities assessment, manage your deferred tax liabilities with ease, equity asset management, efficiently manage your equity assets with real-time tracking and analysis.

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Liability Consolidation

Consolidate all your liabilities in one place for better financial management.

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Impairment Testing

Track and analyze impairment test results for patients, collateral assets, track and manage your collateral assets with ease.

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Asset Finance Assessment

Manage your asset finance agreements with ease, liability management strategies, optimize your liability management strategies with ease, asset retirement obligations, track and manage asset retirement obligations with ease.

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Warranty Reserves

Track warranty claims and reserves for products.

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Angel Investments

Track your angel investments and portfolio performance, green energy investments, track your green energy investments with ease.

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Start-Up Investments

Track your startup investments and outcomes, exchange-traded funds (etfs), analyze and compare exchange-traded funds (etfs) for investment decisions, foreign investments, track and report foreign investments with ease.

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Sustainable and Responsible Investments

Track your sustainable and responsible investments with ease.

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Liquidity Events

Plan your liquidity events with ease.

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Capital Gains

Track your capital gains and losses for various assets.

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High-Net-Worth Individual (HNWI) Investments

Track your high-net-worth individual investments with ease.

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Economic Impact of Investments

Analyze the economic impact of investments across sectors, mergers and acquisitions investments, integrate your mergers and acquisitions seamlessly.

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Currency Exposure Management

Manage currency exposure with ease, track investment decisions and action items from committee meetings.

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Compliance Monitoring

Track and manage compliance requirements across different areas, anti-money laundering (aml) compliance, streamline your aml compliance process with ease, know your customer (kyc) compliance, streamline your kyc compliance process with ease, insider trading surveillance, track insider trading activities with ease, esg (environmental, social, and governance) compliance, track and report on your esg performance metrics, consumer financial protection bureau (cfpb) compliance, track and manage consumer complaints and compliance actions, liquidity coverage ratio (lcr) compliance, optimize your liquidity coverage ratio reporting with ease, operational risk management, manage and mitigate operational risks effectively, compliance audit documentation, streamline your compliance audit documentation process, transaction documentation, data privacy audit, track and manage data privacy audit findings and actions.

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Market Conduct Compliance

Ensure compliance with data protection, anti-money laundering, employee conduct, health and safety, product safety, insider trading, fair competition, and licensing requirements.

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Financial Assessments

Analyze your financial performance with ease.

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Track and manage conflict of interest declarations within your organization

Trading compliance, track trading compliance logs and ensure regulatory adherence.

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Regulatory Interview Documentation

Streamline your interview documentation process, risk management compliance, manage and mitigate risks with ease.

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Legal Case Management for Compliance

Efficiently manage legal cases related to compliance issues.

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Export Control Compliance

Ensure export control compliance with ease.

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Whistleblower Case Management

Efficiently manage whistleblower cases with ease, cash management strategies, optimize your cash management strategies with these templates.

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Liquidity Forecasting

Forecast your cash flow with ease, financial hedging techniques, explore different financial hedging techniques to manage risk effectively, interest rate management, manage interest rates for various financial products and institutions, foreign exchange management, manage foreign exchange transactions with ease, bank relationship management, manage your bank relationships with ease, electronic funds transfer management, effortlessly track and manage electronic fund transfers.

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Treasury Operations

Streamline your treasury operations audit process, liquidity reserves management, optimize your liquidity reserves management with real-time data analysis.

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Corporate Financing Strategies

Explore various corporate financing strategies for your business growth.

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Asset and Liability Management

Optimize your asset and liability matching strategy for financial stability, treasury technology management, optimize your treasury operations with ease, bank fee management, analyze and track bank fees for different account types and fee types, treasury security, enhance your security measures with detailed protocols and reviews, treasury training programs, optimize your treasury training programs with ease.

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Guarantees and Letters of Credit Management

Manage guarantees and letters of credit efficiently, debt issuance, track and manage debt issuances with ease, treasury cost savings initiatives, optimize your cost savings initiatives with ease, cash handling procedures, establish and manage cash handling policies for your organization, treasury data management, track your financial transactions and investments with ease, investment policy compliance, ensure compliance with investment policies and regulations.

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Suspicious Activity Reports

Report and track suspicious activities in your workplace, anti-money laundering (aml) case management, track and manage anti-money laundering (aml) cases efficiently.

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Compliance Checks for High-Risk Clients

Track compliance status and risk levels for high-risk customers, cross-border funds management, monitor cross-border funds transactions with ease, financial intelligence unit management, streamline your financial intelligence unit reporting process.

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Board Meeting Minutes

Keep track of meeting details, attendees, discussions, and action items, corporate social responsibility (csr) initiatives, track and manage your corporate social responsibility initiatives with ease, governance risk management, manage governance risk with ease, shareholder engagement, efficiently manage shareholder engagement reports and action items, corporate transparency, evaluate corporate transparency across industries and countries, legal compliance, streamline your legal compliance reporting with ease, customer complaint handling, efficiently manage customer complaints and resolutions, client interaction management, keep track of client interactions and follow-up actions.

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Customer Onboarding Experience

Evaluate and improve customer onboarding experience.

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Service Improvement Projects

Track project tasks, deadlines, and progress with ease.

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Multi-Channel Customer Support

Track and manage customer support inquiries across multiple channels, client lifecycle value, analyze client lifecycle value and churn status, financial forecasting, visualize and track your financial forecast with ease, cost-benefit analysis, analyze the costs and benefits of software upgrades and investments, financial scenario planning, plan your financial scenarios with ease, financial leverage ratios compliance, calculate financial leverage ratios for better decision-making, plan your long-term financial goals and track your progress over the years, customer portal update log for web development, keep track of your portal updates with ease, legacy system upgrade log for it staff, track system upgrades and maintenance activities with ease.

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Technical Debt Tracker for Engineering

Track and manage technical debt in your engineering projects.

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Application Scaling Strategy for Cloud Operations

Optimize your application scaling strategy for cloud engineers.

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Software Training Program Outline for New Employees

Create a comprehensive software training program outline for trainers.

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Third-Party Integration Log for System Integration

Track and manage third-party integrations for seamless operations, feature roadmap and timeline for product strategy, plan your feature roadmap and timeline with ease, software budget forecast for financial planning, optimize your software budget forecast for financial planners, change management record for project management, track and manage change requests for project leads, build failure log for build engineers, track and resolve build failures efficiently.

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Developer Onboarding Checklist for HR

Streamline the onboarding process for new developers, patch management schedule for it operations, manage your software patch updates with ease, developer onboarding checklist for hr coordination.

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Employee Exit Interview Form for Technical Staff

Collect feedback from exiting employees in tech companies, tech job description template for hiring managers, craft detailed job descriptions for tech roles with ease, candidate interview scorecard for technical positions, evaluate candidates for technical roles with a comprehensive scorecard.

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Remote Work Policy Compliance Tracker

Track and manage employee compliance with remote work policies, salary benchmarking report for talent management, compare base salary, bonus, and total compensation for various tech roles in different locations, employee equipment allocation log for it, track employee equipment allocation and condition changes, layoff and severance tracker for hr management, track employee terminations, severance packages, and outplacement services offered, tech workforce planning tool for strategy, optimize your tech workforce planning with strategic hr tools.

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Recruitment Pipeline Dashboard for Talent Acquisition

Streamline your recruitment process with a comprehensive pipeline dashboard.

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Tech Team Building Event Planner

Plan your tech team building event with ease, staff training needs assessment for training coordination, identify and address employee training needs efficiently, tech staff promotion tracker for hr department, track employee promotions and eligibility for future promotions.

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IT Certification Tracking for Employee Development

Track employee it certifications for professional development, technical interview question bank for recruiters, create a technical interview question bank for recruiters, workforce capacity utilization report, track employee work hours, projects, and performance metrics, tech mentorship program details for participants, tech mentorship program details for participants, remote access equipment log for it management, track remote access equipment assignments and status, tech employee onboarding experience survey, enhance your employee onboarding experience with data-driven insights.

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Probation Period Review Form for HR

Streamline your probation period reviews for new hires, tech staff skill inventory database for resource management, efficiently manage your tech staff skill inventory for resource planning, employee non-compete agreement tracker, track employee non-compete agreements for legal compliance.

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Job Candidate Evaluation Form for Technical Interviews

Evaluate job candidates for technical interviews, performance bonus allocation spreadsheet for hr, allocate performance bonuses for finance team members based on their performance and eligibility.

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Employee Retirement Planning Guide for HR

Create personalized retirement plans for employees based on their financial goals and current savings, tech project budget overview, track your project budget and expenses with ease, cost-benefit analysis for software implementation, analyze the cost and benefits of software implementations.

how should you keep track of assignments

IT Project Funding Request Form

Streamline your it project funding requests with ease, technology r&d expense report, track your technology r&d expenses with ease, quarterly it expenditure report, track your it expenses and budget allocation quarterly, cloud computing cost analysis, analyze cloud computing costs with ease, financial forecast for tech products, forecast financials for tech product launches, saas pricing model calculation, optimize your saas pricing strategy with ease, venture capital pitch budget, plan your venture capital pitch budget with ease, cost allocation model for it services, allocate costs for it services efficiently, financial risk assessment for tech projects, assess and manage financial risks for tech projects, financial planning for ai development, track your ai development project finances with ease, software license cost analysis, track software license costs and details efficiently, it security budget planning, track your it security expenses and budget allocations.

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Tech Workshop Financial Overview

Effortlessly manage your workshop finances and track income sources, revenue stream analysis for tech businesses, analyze revenue streams for tech companies with ease, expense reimbursement form for employees, streamline your expense reimbursement process for it staff, operational expenditure (opex) report, track and manage operational expenses for it projects, technology consulting fee structure, track technology consulting fees and project details, financial compliance checklist for tech, stay compliant with financial regulations and avoid penalties, tech support incident log, track and manage tech support incidents with ease, it service level agreement (sla) template, track and manage it service level agreements with ease, tech product warranty policy, keep track of your tech product warranties with ease, mobile app support ticket log, efficiently manage support tickets for your mobile app, it support call tracking sheet, efficiently manage it support tickets and resolutions, tech support cost analysis, analyze tech support costs with ease, third-party service provider evaluation, evaluate third-party service providers with ease.

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IT Incident Record Book

Create an it incident recovery plan with ease, end-user it support survey, resolve common it issues with ease, system backup procedure manual, efficiently track system backups with detailed logs, it support outsourcing agreement, track it support outsourcing agreements with ease, client it infrastructure setup plan, streamline your it infrastructure setup process with ease, tech support workflow diagram, streamline your tech support workflow with ease, it help desk ticket prioritization guidelines, prioritize it help desk tickets efficiently, technology help desk faqs document, get quick answers to common technology questions with our faq template, service ticket lifecycle management, track and manage service tickets efficiently, client technology setup approval form, streamline client technology setup approvals with ease.

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IT Support Team Shift Schedule

Efficiently manage it support team shift schedules.

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Technology End-Of-Life Support Plan

Create an end-of-life support plan for technology products.

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Remote IT Assistance Guidelines

Track and manage it support tickets efficiently, technology transition support plan, streamline your technology transition process with ease, it support team budget analysis, track your it support team budget allocation and expenses, phishing attack report log for cybersecurity operations, track and manage phishing incident reports for cybersecurity operations, security patch implementation tracker for it departments, track and manage security patch implementation across various systems, data breach response plan for security teams, efficiently manage data breach incidents with a structured response plan, intrusion detection system log for it security, analyze and track security alerts from your intrusion detection system, information security policy compliance checklist, track compliance with information security policies.

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Cybersecurity Insurance Coverage Plan

Manage cybersecurity insurance claims with ease, user privilege audit report for it management, manage user privileges and access levels efficiently.

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Security Device Maintenance Log

Keep track of security device maintenance and resolutions, it security vendor assessment, assess and manage it security vendors with ease, third-party security review checklist, ensure compliance and security with third-party vendors, cybersecurity budget planner, track cybersecurity expenses and budget variances with ease, security incident severity analysis, analyze security incident severity levels and impacts, cloud security configuration checklist, ensure compliance with cloud security best practices, security awareness campaign planner, track and manage your security awareness campaigns with ease, ransomware response checklist for it, respond effectively to a ransomware attack with this comprehensive checklist.

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Digital Forensics Investigation Protocol

Streamline your digital forensics investigations with ease, network access logs for security monitoring, track user access and actions for security audits, security certification tracker for compliance, track employee security certifications for compliance, penetration testing schedule for it security, schedule your penetration testing sessions with ease, secure code review checklist for developers, ensure secure coding practices with this checklist for developers, vpn usage report for network security, track user login and logout activities for network security, security compliance certification log, track and manage security compliance certifications efficiently, remote work security policy, enhance your remote work security procedures with ease, cybersecurity kpi dashboard for it management, track your cybersecurity kpis and take action to improve security measures, cybersecurity policy update log, track and manage cybersecurity policy updates with ease, identity and access management review, manage user access and compliance with ease, insider threat detection strategy, create an insider threat detection report with ease.

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Security Architecture Review for IT Systems

Review and assess security architecture for it projects, data quality audit checklist for tech departments, ensure data accuracy, completeness, consistency, timeliness, validity, integrity, uniqueness, and accessibility with this data quality audit checklist, big data project tracker for data science teams, track and manage big data projects for data scientists, data integration workflow for it, streamline your data integration workflow for it teams.

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Customer Data Analysis Report for Marketing

Analyze customer data to optimize marketing strategies, data governance policy compliance, track and manage data governance policy compliance.

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Machine Learning Model Performance Review

Track and analyze machine learning model performance.

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Database Migration Schedule for IT Operations

Streamline your database migration process with ease, real-time analytics dashboard for executives, track your e-commerce performance in real-time with this analytics dashboard.

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Business Intelligence Report for Strategic Decisions

Create insightful business intelligence reports for strategic decision-making, predictive analytics implementation plan, optimize your predictive analytics models with ease, cloud data management checklist, ensure data security and compliance with this cloud data management checklist, unstructured data handling protocol, streamline your unstructured data handling procedures, master data management strategy, manage customer, product, and supplier data with ease, data quality metrics dashboard for analysts, monitor and improve data quality metrics for better decision-making, customer segmentation analysis, segment your customers based on demographics and behavior, third-party data sharing agreement, manage third-party data sharing agreements with ease, business data insights report for executives, analyze key business metrics and insights for executive decision-making, data security protocol for tech, ensure data security with comprehensive protocols for tech teams, web analytics integration strategy, streamline your web analytics integration process with ease, big data procurement plan for it, streamline your it procurement process for big data projects, database performance report for database administrators, monitor and analyze database performance metrics for efficient operations, data science project budget template, manage your data science project budget with ease.

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Real-Time Data Streaming Management

Monitor real-time data streams with ease, online data collection methods, streamline your online data collection strategy with ease, tech product launch plan for marketing team, plan your product launches with ease.

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Digital Marketing Campaign Tracker for Tech Products

Track and analyze digital marketing campaigns for tech brands.

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Social Media Analytics for Tech Brands

Analyze social media performance for tech products with ease, email marketing performance dashboard for digital marketing, analyze your email marketing performance with ease, influencer partnership tracker for tech products, track influencer partnerships for tech promotions, tech product review collection strategy, collect and analyze tech product reviews for insights, roi analysis for tech advertising, analyze the roi of your tech ad campaigns with ease, content calendar for tech marketing, plan your content calendar for tech blogs with ease, seo keyword tracker for tech websites, track your seo keywords for tech websites with ease, ppc campaign optimization sheet for online advertising, optimize your ppc campaigns for maximum roi, customer journey map for tech product users, map out the customer journey for tech shoppers, tech webinar planning guide, plan and organize tech webinars with ease, online event audience feedback collection, collect feedback from event attendees and analyze satisfaction levels.

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Tech Product Video Marketing Strategy

Create a comprehensive video marketing schedule for a tech product launch.

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Social Media Content Plan for Tech Companies

Plan your social media content for tech product launches with ease.

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Tech Product Positioning Strategy

Compare tech products based on performance, value, and market segment, customer persona template for tech marketing, create detailed customer personas for tech markets, tech branding guidelines document, ensure consistent branding across all materials with our tech branding guidelines checklist, marketing lead scoring system, automate your lead scoring process with ease.

how should you keep track of assignments

Digital Asset Management for Marketing

Organize and manage your digital assets for marketing campaigns, multi-channel marketing report for tech products, track your multi-channel marketing performance for tech products, marketing automation workflow setup, automate your marketing workflow for tech companies, public relations impact report for tech companies, analyze the impact of pr activities on web traffic and sales for tech companies, tech product catalogue update procedure, track and manage updates to your tech product catalogue, user feedback survey for tech products, collect and analyze user feedback for tech products, brand awareness survey for tech enterprises, analyze brand awareness survey data for tech enterprises, sponsorship effectiveness analysis for tech events, analyze the effectiveness of sponsorships for tech events, paid media budget tracking for digital campaigns, track your paid media budget for tech ads efficiently, customer advocacy program sheet for tech companies, manage your customer advocacy program for tech services with ease.

how should you keep track of assignments

YouTube Analytics for Tech Channel

Analyze your youtube channel performance with detailed insights, organic traffic report for tech websites, optimize your organic traffic with data-driven insights, compliance tracking spreadsheet for tech regulations, track compliance with tech regulations across regions, patent filing tracker for tech innovations, track patent filings for tech innovations with ease, legal document repository for tech companies, organize and manage legal documents for your tech startup, gdpr compliance checklist for data protection, ensure gdpr compliance with this comprehensive checklist for data officers, technology licensing agreement template, create a comprehensive technology licensing agreement with ease, it security policy compliance document, ensure it security policy compliance with ease, vendor compliance evaluation for tech projects, track vendor compliance evaluations and upcoming reviews, software compliance audit checklist, track software compliance audit results and actions needed, export control compliance for tech products, manage export control compliance for tech products, legal hold procedure guide for tech litigation, streamline your legal hold process for tech litigations, regulatory change management for tech, manage regulatory changes for tech firms with ease, intellectual property portfolio management, review and manage your intellectual property portfolio efficiently, tech product liability analysis, assess and mitigate potential risks in tech product development, legal review for tech marketing campaigns, streamline your marketing material approval process, environmental compliance report for tech manufacturing, track environmental compliance checks and corrective actions for manufacturing facilities, anti-bribery compliance checklist for tech sector, ensure compliance with anti-bribery regulations in tech deals.

how should you keep track of assignments

Daily Sales Tracker Template For F&B Store Managers

Track daily sales, transactions, top-selling items, and more for your f&b store.

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Weekly Sales Summary Dashboard For Restaurant Owners

Track your restaurant's weekly sales performance and key metrics.

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Comprehensive Shift Scheduling Tool For Shift Supervisors

Efficiently schedule employee shifts with customizable preferences and notes, shift swap request form template for restaurants, efficiently manage shift swaps for restaurant staff.

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Morning Opening Routine Checklist For Store Operations

Streamline your morning opening routine checklist for store operations managers.

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Weekly Supplier Order Form For Procurement Officers

Efficiently manage weekly supplier orders with ease, maintenance service request form for facility managers, track maintenance service requests for different facilities.

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Quick Incident Reporting Form For Safety Managers

Efficiently report workplace incidents with a quick form, streamlined customer complaint log for customer service managers, streamline customer complaint management for better customer service.

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Reservation Management System Template For Hosts And Guests

Efficiently manage reservations for your restaurant or event space, special event booking form for event coordinators, streamline your event planning process with a comprehensive booking form.

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Customizable Catering Request Form For Catering Businesses

Customize your catering request form for seamless event planning, efficient delivery log sheet for delivery coordinators, efficiently track and manage delivery details for your logistics operations.

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Takeout Order Tracking System

Track and manage takeout orders efficiently.

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Dynamic Waitlist Management Template For Receptionists

Efficiently manage customer waitlists and reservations for reception managers.

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Smart Table Management System For Restaurants

Efficiently manage restaurant reservations and seating arrangements.

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Tip Distribution Calculation Sheet For Payroll Staff

Efficiently calculate and distribute tips for payroll specialists.

how should you keep track of assignments

Gift Certificate Management System For Sales Managers

Manage gift certificates for sales managers with ease, promotion approval request form for marketing managers, streamline your promotion approval process for marketing managers, marketing promotion tracking template for marketing departments, track and analyze marketing promotions for targeted audiences across various channels, detailed loss prevention checklist for security managers, ensure compliance and security with a detailed loss prevention checklist, breakage and spillage log template for quality assurance teams, track and manage breakage and spillage incidents in your workplace, emergency contact directory for hr departments, organize employee emergency contact information for hr managers, interactive customer feedback form for service quality managers, interactive customer feedback form for service quality managers, parking coordination planner for valet services, efficiently manage valet parking services with a comprehensive planner, public transport access guide for location staff, optimize public transport accessibility for strategic locations.

how should you keep track of assignments

Local Business Partnership Log For Business Development Managers

Track and manage your local business partnerships with ease, in-depth market analysis template for market analysts, conduct a comprehensive market analysis for various industries.

how should you keep track of assignments

Supplier Contact List Template For Procurement Departments

Efficiently manage supplier contact information for procurement managers.

how should you keep track of assignments

Monthly Price Comparison Chart For Cost Analysts

Analyze monthly price changes for various products and services.

how should you keep track of assignments

Bulk Order Discount Inquiry Form For Purchasing Departments

Streamline your bulk order discount inquiries with ease, return policy tracker for customer service departments, track and manage customer return requests efficiently, inventory accuracy check sheet for audit teams, track and manage inventory accuracy for audit officers.

how should you keep track of assignments

Import Duty Calculator For Import Managers

Calculate import duties and taxes for your international shipments, ethical sourcing guidelines for ethical procurement departments, evaluate suppliers based on labor practices, environmental practices, safety standards, and fair trade certifications, vegan product checklist for menu developers, create a checklist for vegan menu development, halal certification tracker for compliance officers, track and manage halal certification status for food products, fair trade product list for social responsibility departments, create a fair trade product list for social responsibility managers, seasonal recipe adjustments planner for chefs, customize seasonal recipes with alternative ingredients and adjustments, special event supply list for event planners, track your event supplies and orders with ease, out-of-stock alternatives guide for sales teams, guide for sales managers on out-of-stock alternatives, new product request form for product development teams, streamline your new product request process for development managers, payment terms agreement template for accounts receivable departments, streamline your payment terms agreements with ease, customer satisfaction survey for marketing departments, gather customer feedback and improve satisfaction levels, birthday club signup form for marketing specialists, create a birthday club signup form for marketing specialists, anniversary promotions planner for event coordinators, plan your promotional activities with ease for upcoming events.

how should you keep track of assignments

Seasonal Promotions Calendar For Marketing Departments

Plan your seasonal promotions with ease.

how should you keep track of assignments

Influencer Partnership Tracker For PR Teams

Track influencer partnerships and performance metrics, customer loyalty points tracker for loyalty program managers, track customer loyalty points and manage loyalty program data efficiently, event feedback form for event coordinators, collect and analyze event feedback for continuous improvement, marketing budget planner for financial managers, track and optimize your marketing budget for financial planning services, public relations activity log for pr coordinators, track and manage your public relations activities with ease, customer segmentation grid for marketing departments, segment your customers based on demographics and purchase behavior, promotional campaign planner for campaign managers, plan and manage your promotional campaigns with ease, loyalty program effectiveness tracker for marketing staff, track the effectiveness of your loyalty programs for marketing strategists, marketing campaign roi calculator for marketing departments, analyze your marketing campaign roi with ease, online ordering feedback form for e-commerce teams, collect and analyze customer feedback for online orders, marketing channel efficiency analyzer for channel managers, analyze marketing channel efficiency for channel managers, lead generation form for sales leads managers, streamline your lead generation process with our form template.

how should you keep track of assignments

Media Coverage Tracker For Media Relations Departments

Track media coverage and analyze impact for your company, trade show planning checklist for event organizers, streamline your trade show planning process with this comprehensive checklist, competitor promotional analysis for strategic managers, analyze competitor promotions for strategic planning, local marketing initiative proposal for local store managers, create and manage local marketing initiatives for your store, influencer content brief for marketing coordinators, streamline your influencer marketing campaigns with ease, vip customer event invitation for vip relations managers, manage vip customer event invitations and follow-ups with ease.

how should you keep track of assignments

Seasonal Email Campaign Template For Email Campaign Managers

Create engaging seasonal email campaigns for different target audiences.

how should you keep track of assignments

Customer Retention Analysis Tool For Business Analysts

Understand customer retention and loss reasons with data analysis, marketing material inventory list for marketing material coordinators, manage your marketing material inventory with ease.

how should you keep track of assignments

Brand Positioning Worksheet For Brand Strategists

Create a brand positioning worksheet for brand strategists, crisis communication plan for crisis managers, create a crisis communication plan for various crisis scenarios, event sponsorship evaluation form for sponsorship coordinators, evaluate event sponsorships for optimal roi, marketing compliance checklist for compliance departments, ensure marketing compliance with ease, digital presence audit for digital strategists, audit your digital presence across various channels and optimize for better engagement, content marketing strategy planner for content managers, plan your content marketing strategy with ease, interview evaluation form for hiring teams, evaluate candidates for various positions with ease, time off request form for department managers, streamline time-off requests for department heads with ease, work injury report form for safety departments, streamline work injury reporting and management for safety managers, employee exit interview form for hr specialists, streamline your employee exit interview process with this form for hr specialists, labor cost analysis report for financial analysts, analyze labor costs for different departments and positions, payroll calculator for payroll departments, automate your payroll calculations with ease, incident report form for security departments, streamline incident reporting for security officers, staff contact directory for office managers, organize your staff contact information with ease, team building activity planner for team coordinators, plan engaging team bonding events with ease, mentorship program outline for mentoring coordinators, plan and execute a comprehensive mentorship program for mentoring coordinators.

how should you keep track of assignments

Employee Wellness Program Template For Wellness Managers

Track employee participation and progress in wellness programs, hr policy update notice for all departments, inform employees about recent updates to hr policies, retirement planning worksheet for financial planners, plan your retirement with ease, diversity and inclusion training schedule for diversity managers, plan your diversity and inclusion training schedule with ease, employee feedback collection form for feedback teams, collect and analyze employee feedback for actionable insights, non-disclosure agreement for hr departments, create a comprehensive non-disclosure agreement for hr managers, employee referral form for recruitment teams, streamline your employee referral process for recruitment managers, job offer letter template for hiring managers, streamline your hiring process with customizable job offer letters, employee of the month voting form for team members, recognize outstanding team members with an employee of the month voting form, hr incident log for incident coordinators, track and manage workplace incidents with ease.

how should you keep track of assignments

Daily Kitchen Sanitation Checklist For Sanitation Supervisors

Ensure cleanliness and safety in your kitchen with this daily sanitation checklist, monthly pest control log for facility managers, track and manage pest control activities in your facility with ease.

how should you keep track of assignments

Food Storage Guidelines Poster For Kitchen Managers

Keep your kitchen organized and safe with proper food storage guidelines, cross-contamination prevention checklist for food safety teams, ensure food safety and compliance with a cross-contamination prevention checklist for chefs.

how should you keep track of assignments

Cook-Off Evaluation Form For Executive Chefs

Evaluate executive chefs in a cook-off competition.

how should you keep track of assignments

Customer Allergy Alert Form For Waitstaff

Create a customer allergy alert form for wait staff.

how should you keep track of assignments

Corrective Action Report For Quality Incidents For Quality Assurance Departments

Track and manage quality incidents with ease, product quality review for product managers, track and manage product quality metrics and customer satisfaction ratings.

how should you keep track of assignments

Ingredient Specification Sheet For Purchasing Departments

Streamline your ingredient procurement process with detailed specifications, final product release checklist for production managers, ensure a smooth final product release process with this comprehensive checklist for production managers.

how should you keep track of assignments

Temperature Logs For Refrigeration Units For Maintenance Teams

Track and manage temperature logs for refrigeration units maintenance, loan repayment tracker for credit managers, track loan repayments and client details efficiently.

how should you keep track of assignments

Credit Card Reconciliation Sheet For Accounts Departments

Efficiently reconcile credit card transactions for accurate financial tracking, budget planning template for budget planners, efficiently track and manage departmental budgets with real-time insights, pricing strategy planner for pricing managers, optimize your pricing strategy with ease, risk assessment matrix for risk managers, efficiently manage and mitigate risks with a comprehensive risk assessment matrix, cash handling policy for store managers, establish and enforce cash handling procedures for store managers, revenue forecast model for revenue analysts, forecast your revenue with precision and accuracy, cost reduction plan for cost managers, optimize your department's expenses with a cost reduction plan.

how should you keep track of assignments

Profit Margin Tracker For Sales Managers

Track your product sales, expenses, and profit margins with ease, fixed asset register for asset managers, track and manage your fixed assets efficiently, financial impact assessment for strategy teams, assess the financial impact of strategic initiatives, debt management plan for debt managers, manage your debts effectively with this debt management plan template, equity management spreadsheet for equity managers, manage your equity investments with ease, currency exchange rate tracker for international business managers, track currency exchange rates for international business managers, fiscal year budget template for financial planners, track and manage departmental budgets with ease, financial transaction log for financial departments, inventory valuation report for inventory accountants, track your inventory valuation and sales performance, financial meeting agenda for financial planners, streamline your financial meetings with a structured agenda, return on investment calculator for investment analysts, calculate your return on investment for various investment types, online order tracking form for e-commerce departments, track and manage online orders with ease, technology vendor contact list for procurement departments, organize your technology vendor contacts for easy procurement management, social media performance report for social media managers, analyze and optimize your social media performance with ease, customer database update form for database managers, update and manage your customer database with ease, technology incident report for it support teams, track and manage technology incidents reported by users.

how should you keep track of assignments

IT Equipment Checklist For IT Procurement Departments

Track your it equipment procurement process efficiently, system backup schedule for system administrators, efficiently manage system backups with detailed scheduling and monitoring.

how should you keep track of assignments

Software Licensing Management Tool For Software Managers

Manage software licenses efficiently with our tool, technology implementation roadmap for project managers, streamline your project management process with a comprehensive technology implementation roadmap, data migration plan for data managers, streamline your data migration process with ease, cloud service evaluation for cloud specialists, evaluate cloud service providers for your specific needs, app feature wishlist for product managers, optimize your app feature wishlist for product managers, it asset depreciation schedule for financial managers, track and manage it asset depreciation for financial planning purposes, tech support ticket form for it support departments, streamline your tech support ticketing process with ease, website seo checklist for seo specialists, optimize your website for search engines with this comprehensive seo checklist.

how should you keep track of assignments

CRM System Evaluation For CRM Departments

Evaluate crm systems for crm managers, mobile device management policy for it departments, manage your mobile device security policies with ease, remote work software toolkit for hr departments, optimize your hr processes with the best remote work software tools, cloud storage options comparison for cloud analysts, compare cloud storage options for cloud architects.

how should you keep track of assignments

Tech Innovation Log For Innovation Managers

Track and manage tech innovation projects with ease.

how should you keep track of assignments

IT Emergency Response Plan For IT Departments

Create an it emergency response plan for it directors, digital asset management strategy for digital asset managers, efficiently manage and organize your digital assets with ease, monthly utility usage report for facilities managers, track and analyze monthly utility usage for multiple facilities, biodegradable products tracker for environmental managers, track and manage biodegradable products disposal for environmental officers.

how should you keep track of assignments

Local Supplier Assessment For Procurement Specialists

Evaluate local suppliers for procurement specialists.

how should you keep track of assignments

Sustainability Goals Tracker For Sustainability Coordinators

Track and manage sustainability goals for your organization.

how should you keep track of assignments

Energy Efficient Equipment List For Energy Managers

Optimize your energy consumption with the right equipment, vegan and vegetarian options planner for dietary specialists, plan your vegan and vegetarian menu with ease, sustainability project budget template for financial managers, track and manage sustainability projects with ease, corporate social responsibility report for csr departments, create a comprehensive corporate social responsibility report for csr managers, green event checklist for event coordinators, plan your eco-friendly event with ease, sustainability award application form for pr departments, submit your sustainability projects for recognition, green product development brief for product developers, develop sustainable green products with ease.

how should you keep track of assignments

Eco-Friendly Employee Incentives For HR Departments

Implement eco-friendly employee incentives to promote sustainable practices in the workplace, community green initiative planner for community relations managers, plan and manage community green initiatives for enhancing local biodiversity, environmental sustainability training for new employees, track employee training progress and completion status.

how should you keep track of assignments

Zero Waste Challenge Tracker For Project Managers

Track and monitor your team's progress in implementing sustainability initiatives, eco-tourism project proposal for marketing departments, create eco-tourism project proposals for marketing managers, sustainable agriculture practices for agricultural managers, implement sustainable agriculture practices for agricultural managers, green roof installation guide for building managers, guide for building managers to install a green roof on their building.

how should you keep track of assignments

Water Reclamation System Setup For Environmental Managers

Efficiently manage water reclamation system setup projects, sustainable fishing practices for restaurant managers, track your sustainable seafood purchases and costs.

how should you keep track of assignments

Green IT Practices For IT Departments

Implement sustainable it practices for a greener workplace, seasonal specials planner for restaurants, plan your seasonal specials with ease, recipe standardization form for kitchen managers, standardize your recipes for efficient kitchen management, dish removal assessment for executive chefs, evaluate dishes for retention or removal based on sales volume, cost, preparation time, customer feedback, and chef's notes, competitor menu comparison for strategy managers, compare competitor menus for strategic decision-making.

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Dish Development Timeline For Product Development Teams

Track the development timeline of new dishes from idea submission to launch.

how should you keep track of assignments

Cost Reduction Strategies For Menu Items For Cost Control Departments

Implement cost reduction strategies for menu items to save on expenses, themed menu planner for event coordinators, create themed menus for your events with ease, special event menu template for catering departments, create customized menus for special events with ease, new recipe costing template for cost analysts, calculate the cost of ingredients and recipe yield for new recipes, ingredient substitution guide for nutritionists, easily substitute ingredients in your recipes with this comprehensive guide.

how should you keep track of assignments

Seasonal Ingredient Tracker For Inventory Managers

Track seasonal ingredient availability, stock levels, and suppliers.

how should you keep track of assignments

Menu Translation Sheet For Multilingual Restaurants

Translate your menu items into multiple languages for a diverse customer base.

how should you keep track of assignments

Kids Menu Planner For Family-Friendly Restaurants

Plan your kids menu with ease for family-friendly restaurants.

how should you keep track of assignments

Vegan Menu Development Template For Menu Developers

Create a diverse and delicious vegan menu with ease, gluten-free menu planner for dietary specialists, plan your gluten-free meals with ease, special diets menu planner for nutritionists, plan your special diets menu with ease, limited time offer menu template for marketing departments, create a limited-time offer menu for marketing managers.

how should you keep track of assignments

Cultural Cuisine Introduction Plan For Culinary Teams

Introduce students to diverse cultural cuisines through hands-on cooking lessons, cross-utilization of ingredients plan for cost reduction teams, optimize ingredient usage and reduce costs with cross-utilization plan, seasonal menu change checklist for operations managers, streamline your seasonal menu change process with this checklist, recipe modification log for chefs, track recipe modifications and improvements for r&d teams.

how should you keep track of assignments

Recipe Book Template For Cookbook Publishers

Create a stunning recipe book template for cookbook authors, restaurant theme concept proposal for business developers, create a unique restaurant concept proposal for business developers.

how should you keep track of assignments

Catering Menu Proposal Template For Catering Sales Managers

Create a professional catering menu proposal for catering sales managers.

how should you keep track of assignments

Holiday Menu Specials Planner For Event Coordinators

Plan your holiday menu specials with ease, takeout and delivery menu optimizer for operations managers, optimize your takeout and delivery menu for maximum profitability, menu cost review for financial controllers, optimize your menu pricing strategy with detailed cost analysis, chef's special planner for head chefs, plan your chef's special dishes with ease, upselling strategy for menu items for sales teams, boost your restaurant's revenue with strategic upselling techniques, interactive digital menu setup for it departments, create an interactive digital menu for restaurants and bars, menu layout design for graphic designers, create a visually appealing menu layout design for graphic designers, food trend analysis for market researchers, analyze food trends for market researchers, gourmet food pairing guide for gourmet restaurants, pair gourmet dishes with the perfect beverages for a delightful dining experience.

how should you keep track of assignments

Farm-To-Table Menu Strategy For Sustainability Managers

Create a sustainable farm-to-table menu strategy for your restaurant, event inquiry form for event coordinators, streamline event planning with an easy-to-use form, event timeline planner for project managers, plan your event timeline with ease, event staffing requirements for hr departments, efficiently manage event staffing requirements for hr managers.

how should you keep track of assignments

Catering Delivery Checklist For Delivery Teams

Efficiently manage catering delivery schedules and logistics, post-event evaluation form for quality assurance departments, evaluate event success and identify areas for improvement, catering equipment checklist for catering equipment managers, keep track of your catering equipment inventory and maintenance schedule, food safety plan for events for safety managers, ensure food safety at your events with this comprehensive plan.

how should you keep track of assignments

Wedding Catering Planner For Wedding Planners

Effortlessly plan and manage wedding catering details for your clients.

how should you keep track of assignments

Corporate Event Menu Planner For Corporate Event Managers

Plan your corporate event menus with ease, vip event management template for vip relations managers, efficiently manage vip events with ease, award ceremony catering schedule for event coordinators, plan your catering schedule for an award ceremony with ease.

how should you keep track of assignments

Art Exhibition Reception Planner For Art Coordinators

Effortlessly plan and execute art exhibition receptions with this comprehensive planner, fundraiser event checklist for nonprofit event planners, stay organized and on track with your nonprofit fundraiser event planning.

how should you keep track of assignments

New Year'S Eve Party Planner For Event Managers

Plan your new year's eve party with ease.

how should you keep track of assignments

Theme Party Catering Guide For Party Planners

Plan your theme party catering with ease.

how should you keep track of assignments

Culinary Workshop Schedule For Culinary Instructors

Plan your culinary workshop schedule with ease, food festival planner for festival coordinators, plan your food festival events with ease, banquet setup guide for banquet managers, create detailed event setup guides for banquet managers.

how should you keep track of assignments

Live Cooking Demonstration Organizer For Event Managers

Organize live cooking demonstrations for chefs, charity event catering planner for charity coordinators, effortlessly plan catering for charity events with detailed event information and supplier details, public event safety protocol for safety managers, ensure the safety and security of public events with comprehensive protocols, food and beverage service training for training departments, plan your training sessions with ease, corporate retreat food planner for retreat organizers, effortlessly plan meals for corporate retreats with ease, bridal shower catering guide for event planners, streamline your catering planning for events with ease.

how should you keep track of assignments

Movie Premiere Catering Layout For Event Coordinators

Plan your event catering with ease, product launch party menu for marketing departments, plan your product launch party menu with ease, book signing reception planner for public relations managers, plan your book signing reception with ease, art gallery opening catering guide for gallery managers, streamline your catering orders for art gallery openings, interactive menu development tracker for f&b product developers, track and manage the development stages of f&b products with ease.

how should you keep track of assignments

Dynamic Beverage Stock System For Bar Managers

Efficiently manage your beverage stock with real-time updates and analytics, customer allergy and preferences log for restaurant staff, customize meals based on customer allergies and preferences, detailed event catering project planner for event managers, efficiently plan and manage event catering details for seamless execution, optimized food truck route planner for mobile food operators, optimize your food truck route with ease.

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F&B Industry Compliance Audit Toolkit For Compliance Managers

Streamline your compliance audit process for food and beverage establishments.

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Action Plan For Remediation

Create an action plan for remediation to address and resolve issues effectively.

how should you keep track of assignments

Create personalized email templates for various occasions

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Visualize and organize your ideas with a mind map

College resume, create a professional college resume to showcase your achievements and skills.

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Letter Of Interest

Create professional and compelling letters of interest with ease.

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Sign In Sheet

Efficiently track visitor sign-ins and sign-outs.

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Play Bingo with your team and have fun while working

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Job Description

Create comprehensive job descriptions for various positions.

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Job Application

Track and manage job applications with ease.

how should you keep track of assignments

Frayer Model

Organize and analyze information with the frayer model.

how should you keep track of assignments

Create a professional one-pager for your project

how should you keep track of assignments

Executive Summary

Summarize key findings and strategic direction in an executive summary, fishbone diagram, identify and analyze potential causes of a problem with a fishbone diagram.

how should you keep track of assignments

Create a professional About Me page with ease

how should you keep track of assignments

Budget Temp

Track your expenses and manage your budget with ease.

how should you keep track of assignments

Vehicle Bill Of Sale

Create a professional vehicle bill of sale with ease.

how should you keep track of assignments

Plot Diagram

Visualize the plot of your story with a plot diagram.

how should you keep track of assignments

Lined Paper

Create lined paper templates for various purposes.

how should you keep track of assignments

Book Report

Create professional book reports with ease, create an eye-catching pamphlet for your business or event, all about me, create a personalized 'all about me' template.

how should you keep track of assignments

Create professional name tags for your events

how should you keep track of assignments

Chore Chart

Keep track of household chores with this chore chart template.

how should you keep track of assignments

Table Of Contents

Create a professional table of contents for your document.

how should you keep track of assignments

Rent Receipt

Create professional rent receipts with ease.

how should you keep track of assignments

Budget Sheet

how should you keep track of assignments

Daily Planner

Stay organized and maximize productivity with our daily planner template, budget planner, track your income and expenses with ease.

how should you keep track of assignments

Capture and showcase your favorite memories with a Polaroid-style photo template

Streamline communication and reporting with the sbar template, sign up sheet, efficiently manage event sign-ups and preferences.

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Concept Map

Visualize and organize complex concepts with a concept map.

how should you keep track of assignments

Christmas List

Keep track of your christmas gift list with ease.

how should you keep track of assignments

Create a comprehensive shot list for your film or video project

how should you keep track of assignments

Essay Outline

Create a comprehensive essay outline for environmental conservation.

how should you keep track of assignments

Grocery List

Keep track of your grocery list and expenses with ease.

how should you keep track of assignments

Create and customize your own Bingo cards

how should you keep track of assignments

Learn about different butterfly species and their characteristics

how should you keep track of assignments

Efficiently manage work orders and track progress

how should you keep track of assignments

Raffle Ticket

Create professional raffle tickets for your event.

how should you keep track of assignments

Track and manage your investment portfolio with ease

how should you keep track of assignments

Visualize and analyze circle data with ease

Personal financial statement, track your assets, liabilities, and net worth with ease.

how should you keep track of assignments

Missing Poster

Create missing person posters with ease, evaluate and grade student work with ease using this rubric template, create mla format citations with ease, study guide, stay organized and track your study progress with this comprehensive study guide template, manage your book collection with ease.

how should you keep track of assignments

Create professional quotes for your business

how should you keep track of assignments

Create a comprehensive fish database with Lark

Employment verification letter, generate employment verification letters with ease.

how should you keep track of assignments

2 Week Notice Letter

Create professional 2-week notice letters with ease.

how should you keep track of assignments

Spelling Test

Track and analyze spelling test results, visualize your family tree with a genogram.

how should you keep track of assignments

Book Review

Capture and organize book reviews with ease, eisenhower matrix, organize your tasks based on urgency and importance with the eisenhower matrix, employee evaluation, streamline employee evaluations and performance tracking, review of systems, review your symptoms and medical history with this comprehensive template.

how should you keep track of assignments

Certificate Of Completion

Create professional certificates of completion for courses and workshops.

how should you keep track of assignments

Organize and share your favorite recipes with ease

Construction contract, create and manage construction contracts with ease.

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Employee Of The Month

Recognize and reward outstanding employees with the employee of the month template.

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Weekly Budget

how should you keep track of assignments

Character Reference Letter

Create a character reference letter with ease.

how should you keep track of assignments

Create an organized outline for your projects

how should you keep track of assignments

Decision Tree

Make informed decisions with a decision tree template.

how should you keep track of assignments

Create a fact sheet to showcase your company's key information

how should you keep track of assignments

Cleaning Schedule

Keep your workspace clean and organized with this cleaning schedule template, doctors note for work, generate doctors' notes for work with ease, streamline your essay writing process with this comprehensive essay template.

how should you keep track of assignments

Organize travel itinerary with ease

Create a comprehensive syllabus for your course.

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User Persona

Create user personas to understand your target audience, trading card, organize and track your trading card collection, credit dispute letter, resolve credit report inaccuracies with a professional dispute letter.

how should you keep track of assignments

Discover different types of flowers and their characteristics

Create professional lab reports with ease, keep track of your professional references, logic model, create a logic model to plan and evaluate your projects.

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Create your own cookbook with ease

Stay organized and on top of your tasks with this checklist template.

how should you keep track of assignments

Simple Budget

Recipe card, create beautiful recipe cards with ease.

how should you keep track of assignments

Create professional cover pages for your documents

Professional references, organize and manage your professional references with ease, create mla citations with ease.

how should you keep track of assignments

Create engaging blog posts with ease

Recipe book, create your own recipe book with ease.

how should you keep track of assignments

Binder Cover

Create personalized binder covers for your projects, letter of authorization, authorize parties and grant specific authorities with this letter of authorization template.

how should you keep track of assignments

Acting Resume

Create a professional acting resume with ease, graph paper, create custom graphs and charts with ease, cease and desist letter, send professional cease and desist letters to protect your intellectual property rights, terms and conditions, create a comprehensive terms and conditions template for your website, free monthly budget, organize and track your board game collection, permission slip, create permission slips for student activities, attendance sheet, track employee attendance and manage work hours.

how should you keep track of assignments

Business Contract

Create professional business contracts with ease, reading log, keep track of your reading progress and insights, create and manage scripts for your film or theater production.

how should you keep track of assignments

Thesis Statement

Create effective thesis statements for various topics, create professional case study reports with ease.

how should you keep track of assignments

Manage your bill of lading (BOL) with ease

Generate professional check stubs for your employees, employment letter, create personalized employment letters for your employees, debt verification letter, verify and dispute alleged debts with ease, shopping list, stay organized and never forget your shopping list again.

how should you keep track of assignments

Door Hanger

Efficiently distribute messages and promotions with door hangers.

how should you keep track of assignments

Baseball Lineup

Create and manage your baseball lineup with ease, plan and track your work projects with ease, demand letter, demand payment for outstanding invoices and unpaid fees, puzzle piece, organize and track your puzzle pieces with ease.

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Notebook Paper

Organize your biology class with this notebook paper template.

how should you keep track of assignments

Keep track of tree information and conservation status

Create a professional price list for your products or services.

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Check Register

how should you keep track of assignments

Place Setting

Create personalized place settings for your event.

how should you keep track of assignments

Gantt Chart Templ

Track project progress and manage tasks with this gantt chart template.

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Needs Assessment

Assess your organization's needs and prioritize projects.

how should you keep track of assignments

Mental Status Exam

Conduct comprehensive mental status exams with ease, checkbook register, keep track of your expenses and manage your finances with ease, customer journey map, visualize and understand your customer journey with ease, free org chart, visualize your organization's structure with ease.

how should you keep track of assignments

Simple Monthly Budget

Letter of employment, generate professional letter of employment templates, problem statement, streamline problem identification and resolution.

how should you keep track of assignments

Collect signatures for your petition with ease

Create personalized personas for your target audience.

how should you keep track of assignments

Bill Of Sale

Create professional bill of sale documents with ease, research proposal, streamline your research proposal process with this template, create and analyze surveys with ease, buyer persona, create personalized buyer personas for your marketing strategy, certificate of appreciation, recognize and appreciate outstanding achievements with personalized certificates, social security card, create professional and secure social security card templates, one on one meeting, streamline your one-on-one meetings with this template, story board, visualize your story with a storyboard template.

how should you keep track of assignments

Literature Review

Organize and analyze research literature for your literature review.

how should you keep track of assignments

Bill Tracker

Track and manage your bills with ease, consulting contract, create a comprehensive consulting contract with ease, create your own screenplay with ease.

how should you keep track of assignments

Exit Ticket

Gather feedback and assess student understanding with this exit ticket template, interview thank you email, express gratitude and follow up after an interview.

how should you keep track of assignments

Bill Of Sale Word

Create a captivating story with our story map template.

how should you keep track of assignments

Cleaning List

Keep your space clean and organized with this cleaning list template, police report, efficiently manage and track police reports with this template, succession planning, plan for the future of your organization with a comprehensive succession planning template, blank check, create professional and customizable blank checks.

how should you keep track of assignments

Streamline user registration and account management

how should you keep track of assignments

Reference List

Create a professional reference list for your research papers and publications, simple will, create a simple will to distribute your assets.

how should you keep track of assignments

Grant Proposal

Streamline your grant proposal process and increase your chances of securing funding, essay format, format your essays with ease using this template.

how should you keep track of assignments

Budget Tracker

Track your expenses and income with ease, letter of support, show your support with a letter of endorsement, college essay, streamline your college essay writing process with this comprehensive template, thank you letter, express gratitude and follow-up with personalized thank you letters, create your own game board with ease.

how should you keep track of assignments

Collection Letter

Streamline your collection letter process with this customizable template, bullet journal, stay organized and productive with a bullet journal template, news article, create professional news articles with ease, birthday calendar, never miss a birthday with this customizable birthday calendar template.

how should you keep track of assignments

Monthly Bills

Stay on top of your monthly bills with ease.

how should you keep track of assignments

Visualize your data on a bubble map

how should you keep track of assignments

Create an elegant gala event booklet

how should you keep track of assignments

Stock Certificate

Create professional stock certificates for your shareholders.

how should you keep track of assignments

Exit Interview

Streamline your exit interview process and gather valuable feedback from departing employees, financial plan, manage your personal finances with ease.

how should you keep track of assignments

Value Proposition

Create compelling value propositions for your target customers, event proposal, create professional event proposals with ease, verification of employment letter, verify employment details with ease.

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Doctor Excuse

Generate doctor excuse notes for patients, policies and procedures, manage and track your organization's policies and procedures, job posting, create professional job postings with ease, movie script, create a movie script with ease, food journal, track your daily meals and nutritional intake with ease.

how should you keep track of assignments

Memo Format

Create professional and organized memos with ease, corrective action plan, track and manage corrective actions for identified issues, mission statement, craft a compelling mission statement for your organization.

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To Whom It May Concern Letter

Create professional recommendation letters with ease.

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Keep track of your calls and follow-ups with ease

Waiver of liability, create a waiver of liability for your activities, track your business financial performance and growth.

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Monthly Work Schedule

Manage your team's work schedule with ease.

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Block Schedule

Organize your school's block schedule with ease, birthday list, keep track of birthdays and gift ideas for your friends and family.

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Journey Map

Visualize and analyze customer journey with ease, create a comprehensive site map for your website, notary acknowledgement, create professional notary acknowledgement templates with ease, job proposal, create professional job proposals with ease.

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Rent Ledger

Track rent payments and balances with ease, cleaning checklist, efficiently manage cleaning tasks with this comprehensive checklist template.

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Potluck Sign Up Sheet

Organize your potluck event with ease.

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Birth Certificate

Create personalized birth certificates for newborns, questionnaire, create engaging and interactive quizzes with our questionnaire template, certificate of origin, create professional certificate of origin documents with ease, envelope address, create professional envelope addresses with ease, notarized letter, create professional notarized letters with ease.

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Stakeholder Analysis

Analyze and manage project stakeholders effectively.

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Instagram Carousel

Create engaging instagram carousels with ease.

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Decision Matrix

Make informed decisions with the decision matrix template.

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Create stunning mood boards with a variety of visual elements

List of references, create a comprehensive list of references for your research projects, bill of lading, create professional bill of lading documents with ease, track and manage your monthly expenses with ease, reference sheet, organize and manage your references with ease, efficiently manage household chores with this chore list template, happy birthday, plan and organize birthday celebrations with ease.

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Blank Bingo

Create your own customized bingo game, bank statement, track your financial transactions and balance with ease.

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Create a personalized birth plan for a smooth delivery

Free itinerary, create a personalized travel itinerary with ease.

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Custody Agreement

Create a comprehensive custody agreement for co-parenting, visualize your data with a colorful bar graph.

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Policy And Procedure

Standardize your company policies and procedures with this template.

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Track and manage handovers between team members

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Create professional and customizable quotes for your clients

Contractor estimate, estimate the cost and materials needed for your construction project, itinerary temp, plan your travel itinerary with ease, create a personalized will with ease, free work schedule, efficiently manage employee schedules with this free work schedule template, manage your cloud resources with ease.

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Rent To Own Contract

Create a rent-to-own contract for tenants and landlords, sales funnel, track your sales pipeline and manage deals effectively, budget proposal, create a budget proposal for your projects.

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Create professional doctor's note templates for patients

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Script Format

Create professional scripts with ease, gift letter, create personalized gift letters for donors and recipients.

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Letterhead Word

Create professional letterheads with ease, missing person, track missing persons and their case details.

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Contractor Agreement

Create a comprehensive contractor agreement with ease, recommendation letter, create personalized recommendation letters with ease, wanted poster, create a professional wanted poster for fugitives, monthly budget, track your monthly budget and manage your expenses with ease, letter of recommendation, create professional and compelling letters of recommendation, doctors note, keep track of patient visits and medical recommendations with this doctor's note template, create a professional newspaper with ease, vision board, visualize your goals and dreams with a vision board, create professional and personalized envelopes for your business, business plan, create a comprehensive business plan with ease, project plan, plan your projects with ease.

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Create professional newsletters with ease

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Account Based Marketing

Manage your account-based marketing strategies effectively.

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Price Matrix

Track and compare product prices, bulk prices, and vendor details.

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Content Calendar

Organize and plan your content strategy with ease.

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Product Roadmap

Track and manage your product features with ease.

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Gantt Chart

Track your project progress with a comprehensive gantt chart.

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Manage your resources and schedule with ease, inventory sheet, manage your inventory with ease and precision, income statements, streamline your request for quotation process with this rfq template, manage your projects efficiently with a clear overview of all activities, project status report, track your project's progress, budget, and health with ease.

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Requirements Gathering

Streamline your project requirements with a comprehensive overview.

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Staff Availability

Manage your staff's availability with ease and efficiency.

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Weekly Stand Up Meeting

Streamline your weekly stand-up meetings and keep track of team progress.

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Release Management

Manage your software releases efficiently and effectively, networking spreadsheet, manage your professional contacts and networking activities effectively, process documentation, streamline your business processes with a comprehensive documentation, account planning, streamline your account management and planning process.

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Action Item

Track and manage your team's tasks efficiently.

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Business Requirements Document

Streamline your project requirements with a comprehensive and organized approach, communications plan, streamline your communication strategy with a comprehensive plan.

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Post Mortem

Analyze your projects, identify successes and failures, and improve future endeavors.

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Party Planning

Organize your party planning with ease and efficiency.

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Vacation Itinerary

Plan your dream vacation with ease, business model canvas, visualize, design, and reshape your business model with ease, track your company's financial health with a comprehensive p&l statement, manage your marketing campaigns effectively and efficiently.

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Production Schedule

Streamline your production process with a comprehensive schedule, sprint planning, streamline your sprint planning with a comprehensive overview of tasks, assignments, and deadlines, construction daily report, track your construction project progress daily.

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Product Backlog

Manage your product backlog with ease and efficiency, release plan.

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10 Year Plan

Plan your personal and professional life for the next 10 years.

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Event Run Of Show

Efficiently plan and manage your event schedule, 3 year plan, plan your business objectives and strategies for the next three years, order tracker, track your orders and deliveries in real-time, manage your grants effectively and efficiently, trade show planning, streamline your trade show planning process.

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Manage your customer relationships with ease

Training plan, streamline your training sessions with a comprehensive plan.

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Project Outline

Streamline your project management with a comprehensive outline, organize your meetings effectively with a comprehensive overview, interview guide, streamline your interview process with a comprehensive guide, manage and organize your team's profiles in one place, vendor management, manage your vendors, contracts, and services in one place, real estate schedule, manage your real estate showings, agent details, and property status in one place.

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Jira Checklist

Streamline your project management with a comprehensive checklist, class schedule, organize your class schedule with ease, marketing campaign, plan, track, and analyze your marketing campaigns in one place, design brief, streamline your design projects with a comprehensive brief, manage and analyze your product reviews in one place.

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Compare and contrast different products with ease

Project milestone, track your project milestones with ease and precision, track your events, responsibilities, and status with ease, manage your projects efficiently with a clear overview of tasks, deadlines, and priorities.

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Holiday Schedule

Manage your team's holiday schedule with ease.

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Interior Design Schedule

Manage your interior design project with ease, legal case management, manage your legal cases efficiently and effectively, grant calendar, track and manage your grant applications with ease, sales training plan, streamline your sales training with a comprehensive plan.

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Key Policy For Employees

Manage and track your employees' key issuance and return with ease, track your project milestones, dependencies, and status with ease, book of business, manage your client's financial portfolio with ease, long term planning, strategize your long-term goals and track progress with ease, action plan for students, track your goals, actions, and progress with ease.

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Story Mapping

Map your user stories and prioritize tasks with ease, social media content calendar, plan, schedule, and manage your social media posts effectively, hourly calendar, organize your day with precision using the hourly calendar template, marketing strategy, strategize your marketing efforts with clear objectives, target audience, key messages, and more, personal budget, performance evaluation, streamline your employee performance evaluations with ease, contact list, organize your contacts in one place, invoice tracker, track your invoices and payments with ease, schedule of real estate, manage your real estate activities with ease, media brief, organize your media briefs with ease and efficiency, manage your it assets efficiently and effectively, vacation coverage plan, ensure smooth operations during employee vacations with a comprehensive coverage plan.

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Msp Client Onboarding Checklist

Streamline your client onboarding process with a comprehensive checklist.

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Product Testing

Track and manage your product testing with ease, talent planning, track and plan your employees' career development, volunteer spreadsheet, manage your volunteers and their contributions effectively, intern onboarding, streamline your intern onboarding process with ease, product training, streamline your product training process with a comprehensive schedule, retrospective, track and improve your team's performance with a retrospective template.

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Risk Matrix

Manage and mitigate risks effectively with our risk matrix template, project overview, manage your projects effectively with a comprehensive overview, google calendar, manage your events, meetings, and appointments with ease, organize your tasks, groceries, work, and home maintenance with ease.

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Sprint Retrospective

Track and improve your team's sprint performance, event program, streamline your event planning with a comprehensive schedule, staff schedule, efficiently manage your staff's schedule and roles, track and improve your employees' performance with ease, product comparison.

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Track your project tasks and employee hours with precision

Activity calendar, organize your team's activities with a comprehensive calendar.

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Product Design

Streamline your product design process with a comprehensive overview, project portfolio management, manage your projects, track progress, and align with strategy.

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Free Pay Stub

Manage your employee payroll with ease and accuracy, manage your project tasks, deadlines, and deliverables effectively, operations plan, streamline your operations with a comprehensive plan.

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Goal Tracking

Track your personal and professional goals with ease, training schedule, organize and manage your training sessions effectively.

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Lifecycle Powerpoint

Manage your project lifecycle with ease and precision.

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Grant Tracking

Track your grants, deadlines, status, and more with ease.

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Conference Itinerary

Organize your conference itinerary with ease.

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Manage your subscriptions with ease and never miss a renewal date, sprint demo, track and manage your sprint demos with ease.

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Consultant Timesheet

Track your consultants' work hours and billable status with ease, project scope, define your project's boundaries with clarity and precision, track and achieve your personal and professional goals with ease, project management plan, manage your project tasks, resources, and timelines effectively, manage your project estimates with ease and precision, manage your sales and purchases with a comprehensive proforma invoice, hourly weekly schedule, organize your week with precision and ease.

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Request For Quote

Streamline your procurement process with a comprehensive rfq template, strategic roadmap, strategically plan your company's future with a comprehensive roadmap.

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5 Whys Root Cause Analysis

Identify, analyze, and solve problems effectively, manage your volunteers and their tasks efficiently, purchase order, streamline your purchase order process with ease.

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Donation Tracker

Track your donations and donors with ease, requirements document, manage your project requirements with ease and efficiency, marketing brief, plan and execute your marketing strategies effectively, monthly goals, track and manage your monthly goals effectively, track, manage, and resolve issues efficiently, travel planner.

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Board Meeting Agenda

Streamline your board meetings with a comprehensive agenda.

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Track your donors, donations, and follow-ups with ease, project retrospective, analyze your project's success and areas for improvement, conference planning, effortlessly plan and manage your conferences.

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Product Launch Plan

Efficiently plan and track your product launches, manage your project backlog with ease and efficiency, sprint planning meeting, streamline your sprint planning meetings and keep track of your team's progress.

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Reporting Specifications

Streamline your reporting process with a comprehensive overview, 24 hour planner, plan your day hour by hour with this 24 hour planner template, workback plan, streamline your project management with a comprehensive workback plan, template management, manage your templates effectively and efficiently, event schedule, organize and manage your events with ease, resource planning, efficiently manage your resources and tasks with a comprehensive view, construction proposal, manage your construction proposals efficiently, project kickoff, kickstart your projects with a comprehensive plan.

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Organize and analyze your data with ease

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Best Practices Documentation

Document and implement best practices across various business functions.

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Supply Request Form

Streamline your supply requests with a simple and efficient form, legal case management spreadsheet.

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Legal Case Tracking

Track and manage your legal cases efficiently, track and manage your project tasks efficiently, account plan, manage your client relationships effectively with a comprehensive account plan, employee task list, manage your team's tasks efficiently and effectively, weekly goals, track and manage your team's weekly goals with ease, daily task employee task list, streamline your daily tasks and improve productivity, deliverables, track and manage your project deliverables with ease, project pipeline, manage your projects efficiently with a clear overview, streamline your order management process with ease, track and evaluate participant performance with ease, manage your request for information (rfi) process with ease, track your professional growth and plan for future skills with ease, competitive analysis, analyze your competition with a comprehensive overview, google sheets calendar temp, manage your personal and professional life with a comprehensive calendar.

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24 Hourly Schedule

Organize your day with a 24-hour schedule, create a new database from the time card, track your employees' work hours and tasks efficiently, case management, manage your cases efficiently and effectively, risk benefit analysis, analyze the potential benefits and risks of your business decisions, business case, streamline your business case creation process, manage your projects efficiently with a comprehensive overview, gap analysis, identify and address gaps in your business operations, workforce planning, streamline your workforce planning with a comprehensive overview of your employees, streamline your project management with clear roles and responsibilities, streamline your testing process with a comprehensive test case template.

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30 60 90 Day Plan

Streamline your first 90 days in a new role with a clear plan, performance review, streamline your performance review process with a comprehensive template, strategic planning, strategically plan and track your company's goals with ease.

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Software Comparison

Compare and choose the best software for your needs, interview notes, streamline your interview process with a comprehensive overview of each candidate, success plan, track your goals and measure your success with ease, risk register, manage and mitigate potential risks with a comprehensive overview, creative brief, streamline your project management with a comprehensive creative brief.

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Student Progress Tracker

Track and analyze student progress with ease, construction budget template goog, track your construction budget with ease and accuracy, employee availability, manage your team's availability and shift preferences with ease, sprint backlog, manage your project tasks efficiently with a sprint backlog.

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Google Docs Timeline

Track your project's progress with a comprehensive timeline, elevator pitch, craft compelling elevator pitches with ease, strategize your business goals and objectives with ease, event budget, track and manage your event expenses effectively, team charter, streamline your team's mission, roles, and norms with a comprehensive team charter, social media calendar template goog, streamline your social media posts and track engagement metrics.

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Travel Itinerary Template Go

Plan your travel itinerary with ease and precision, project deliverables, work breakdown structure, streamline your project management with a detailed work breakdown structure, implementation plan, streamline your project implementation with a clear and concise plan, organize your meetings effectively with a detailed agenda.

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Manage your projects, tasks, and deadlines with ease

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Expense Report

Track and manage your team's expenses with ease, weekly schedule, organize your week efficiently with a clear schedule, time blocking, organize your day efficiently with time blocking.

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Standard Operating Procedure

Streamline your operations with our standard operating procedure template, google docs itinerary, plan your business trips with ease and precision, root cause analysis, analyze, track, and prevent incidents with a comprehensive root cause analysis, performance improvement plan, track and manage employee performance improvement plans, market analysis, analyze your market with precision and ease, 12 week year, plan and track your goals and actions for each week of the year.

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Profit And Loss

Track your company's financial performance with ease, action plan, streamline your project management with a comprehensive action plan, cost benefit analysis, analyze the cost and benefits of your projects with ease, products list, manage your product inventory with ease, organize your events, meetings, and activities with ease, cost analysis, analyze and manage your company's expenses effectively, project charter, streamline your project management with a comprehensive project charter, income statement, travel itinerary.

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Streamline your project management with a comprehensive workflow

Manage your project risks, assumptions, issues, and dependencies with ease, vendor list, manage your vendors efficiently and effectively, mutual action plan, streamline your business objectives and action plans with mutual action plan templates, daily schedule, organize your daily activities with a clear and concise schedule, track your expenses and savings with ease, go to market strategy, strategize your market entry with comprehensive planning, risk assessment, manage and mitigate risks effectively with a comprehensive overview, raci matrix, workback schedule, streamline your project management with a detailed workback schedule, action items, track and manage your team's action items effectively.

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Business Plan Temp

Craft a comprehensive business plan with ease.

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Proof Of Concept

Track and manage your innovative projects with ease, free business plan, streamline your business planning process with a comprehensive template, timeline template go, track your project's progress from start to finish, smart goals, track and achieve your goals with precision and clarity, process mapping, streamline your project process with a clear roadmap, gantt chart template goog, manage your project timelines and tasks efficiently, vacation planning, staff roster, manage your team's information and hours with ease.

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Sales Tracker

Track your sales, analyze trends, and maximize profits.

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Uat Sign Off

Track and manage your user acceptance testing (uat) with ease.

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Technical Debt Register

Track, manage, and resolve technical debts efficiently, marketing calendar, plan and track your marketing campaigns with ease, sample rollout plan, streamline your product rollout with a comprehensive plan, photo directory, create a comprehensive photo directory for your organization, process flow chart, visualize and streamline your sales process, investment agreement, track and manage your investment agreements with ease.

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College Schedule

Organize your college life with a comprehensive schedule, meeting tracker, track your meetings, attendees, and action items with ease, business travel itinerary, organize your business travel details in one place, plumbers invoice, manage your plumbing services invoices with ease.

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Employee Daily Activity Report

Track and manage your team's daily activities efficiently, work breakdown, streamline your project management with a comprehensive work breakdown.

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Html Report

Create comprehensive html reports with ease, plan and manage your events with ease, end of day report, track your team's daily progress with ease, cna report sheet, track and manage patient care with ease, rank tracker report, track your keywords and their performance across different search engines.

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Classroom Seating Chart Whiteboard

Organize your classroom seating with ease and efficiency, delegation of authority matrix, streamline your task delegation and authority levels with ease, executive project status report, track your projects' progress, budget, risks, and more in one place, decision log, track and manage your team's decisions with ease, simple payment agreement, manage your payment agreements with ease and precision, medical chart, manage your patient's medical records efficiently, level 10 meeting, streamline your team meetings with the level 10 meeting template, capability matrix, track and manage your team's skills and certifications, benchmark analysis, analyze your competitors' strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities, content plan, streamline your content planning and execution with ease, seo competitor analysis, analyze your competitors' seo strategies and improve your own.

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Campaign Brief

Streamline your marketing campaigns with a comprehensive brief.

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Streamline your deal management process with a comprehensive overview

24 hours schedule, organize your day efficiently with a 24-hour schedule, weekly planner, organize your tasks and deadlines with a weekly planner, software change log, track and manage software changes efficiently, construction gantt chart, track your construction project progress with a gantt chart, termination of contract letter, manage your contract terminations effectively and efficiently, manage your projects, tasks, and deadlines efficiently, daily to do list, organize your day efficiently with a comprehensive to-do list, seo project management, manage your seo tasks efficiently and effectively, project management decision log, track and manage your project decisions with ease, content management, manage your content effectively across different platforms, organize your legal memos with ease.

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Marriage Contract

Simplify your marriage contract creation process.

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Approval Matrix Whiteboard

Streamline your approval process with the approval matrix whiteboard template, company contact list, organize and manage your company's contacts with ease, data analysis report, analyze and present your data effectively.

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Shift Schedule

Manage your team's shifts efficiently and effectively, project roadmap, track your project's progress with a comprehensive roadmap, commission sheet, track and manage your sales team's performance with ease, report requirements, streamline your report creation process with this comprehensive template, weekly report, track your team's weekly progress with ease.

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Camp Schedule

Organize your camp activities with ease and precision, policy memo, streamline your policy memo creation and management, leader standard work, streamline your leadership tasks and priorities, employee schedule, streamline your employee scheduling process, it incident report, track, manage, and resolve it incidents effectively.

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User Acceptance Testing Checklist

Streamline your user acceptance testing (uat) process with this comprehensive checklist, 5050 partnership agreement, create fair and balanced partnership agreements, contractor invoice, manage your contractor invoices with ease and efficiency, plan of record, track your project tasks, deadlines, and progress with ease, governance plan, streamline your governance plan with a comprehensive overview of tasks, roles, and deadlines, meeting minutes, track your meetings, attendees, agendas, and action items with ease, urgent important matrix, prioritize your tasks effectively with the urgent important matrix template, customer success plan, track and manage your customer success journey, business development plan, strategize your business growth with a comprehensive plan, out of office coverage plan, manage your team's leaves and ensure smooth task delegation with our out of office coverage plan template, staffing matrix, manage your staffing needs efficiently and effectively, college pros and cons list, compare and contrast different colleges with ease.

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75 Hard Wellness Challenge

Track your daily wellness activities and progress with ease, social media posting schedule, schedule and manage your social media posts effectively, test report, track and manage your software testing process, scheduling matrix, streamline your tasks and manage your team efficiently, user story mapping, map your user stories, track progress, and manage tasks with ease.

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Monthly Planner

Organize your work and personal life with a monthly planner, investigation report, track and manage your investigations with ease, budget report, track your budget, income, expenses, and net profit/loss with ease, change of shift report, streamline your shift changes with a comprehensive report, request form, streamline your request management process with a comprehensive request form, workshop agenda, streamline your workshop planning with a comprehensive agenda.

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For Dummies Book

Streamline your book writing process with a structured approach, organizational chart, visualize your company's hierarchy with our organizational chart template, llc annual meeting minutes, streamline your annual meetings with our llc annual meeting minutes template, pto calendar, manage your team's time off with a comprehensive pto calendar, addendum to a contract, track and manage your contract amendments with ease, minutes of meeting mom, streamline your meetings and keep track of decisions with the minutes of meeting (mom) template.

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Identify the root cause of problems and devise effective solutions

Profit and loss statement, streamline your standard operating procedures with this comprehensive sop template, website migration project plan, streamline your website migration process with a comprehensive project plan, inventory report, action register, trip report, track your business trips, objectives, expenses, and insights, event brief, kinship diagram whiteboard, visualize and understand your family tree with ease, alignment chart, align your team's goals and strategies with clear execution steps, end of day cash register report, track your daily sales and cash register status with ease.

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Communication Matrix Report

Streamline your project communication with a comprehensive matrix, streamline your standard operating procedures with this sop template, meeting agenda, streamline your meetings with a comprehensive agenda.

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Organize your tasks efficiently with a clear view of priorities and deadlines

Project timeline, manage your project timeline efficiently and effectively.

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Hims & Hers Is Now Selling Semaglutide: Here's What You Should Know

Photo Illustration by Amelia Manley for Verywell Health; Hims & Hers

Key Takeaways

  • Telehealth prescription company Hims & Hers has a new semaglutide initiative.
  • The program will offer compounded semaglutide to customers starting from $199 a month.
  • The company also plans to sell branded Wegovy and Ozempic when it is available.

Semaglutide has become a breakout drug in the past year thanks to data that show it can help people lose a significant amount of weight. But high demand means that brand-name semaglutide medications, like Wegovy and Ozempic, have been in and out of shortage. They also tend to have high price tags, leaving them out of reach for many.

This week, telehealth prescription company Hims & Hers launched an initiative to offer glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) agonists, a class of medications that includes semaglutide, from a compounded pharmacy at a relatively affordable starting price of $199 a month. The company also stresses a personalized approach to weight loss for customers. Him & Hers isn’t the only company offering compounded semaglutide, but it is one of the bigger names providing this service.

What Is a Compounded Medication?

For the new initiative, Him & Hers—which also provides access to hair growth, erectile dysfunction, and acne solutions—has partnered with a compounded pharmacy to get GLP-1 medications.

Compounded drugs are made up of a combination of ingredients or altered ingredients in order to replicate a drug in a shortage or to create a tailored version of a drug for a specific patient (for instance, someone who may be allergic to an ingredient in a medication they need).

Compounded drugs are not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and do not require review for safety, effectiveness, or quality. However, a medication can be compounded if the approved version is in shortage—which some forms of semaglutide currently are .

In January, the FDA said that patients should not use a compounded semaglutide if an approved version of the drug, such as Wegovy, is available.

As part of the initiative, Hims & Hers is giving eligible customers access to compounded GLP-1 treatments starting at $199 a month. (By comparison, a month’s supply of Wegovy is often more than $1,300 without health insurance, and Ozempic is $937 and up.)

The company also plans to offer access to brand-name medications like Ozempic and Wegovy “as supply becomes more readily available,” according to its press release .

The company stresses “personalization” with its new initiative. “We believe there is no one-size-fits-all approach to health and wellness treatments, and studies show that no single treatment available works for everyone,” Craig Primack, MD , senior vice president of weight management with Hims & Hers, told Verywell.

While this doesn’t mean personalized doses or formulas, it means a holistic approach to weight management. “That means—in addition to sleep, movement, and nutrition tools—offering the option of oral medications, compounded GLP-1s, or branded GLP-1 medications as supply becomes more readily available so that customers can truly personalize their experience," Primack said.

What Lab Are They Using?

Hims & Hers will supply its GLP-1 medications from BPI Labs, which is registered with the FDA. That makes them subject to state and federal oversight, Primack noted. However, this does not mean that the medication is FDA-approved or tested by the FDA for safety and effectiveness.

What Active Ingredients Will Be Used?

Customers who are eligible for Hims & Hers’ GLP-1 medication will receive drugs with the same active ingredient—semaglutide—as Ozempic and Wegovy, Primack said.

Primack pointed out that the company’s compounding pharmacy partner uses ingredients listed with the drug master file with the FDA “to make the compounded version as close to the base product as possible.” (The base product, in this case, would be Wegovy, Ozempic or similar medications.)

Will Anyone Keep Track of Adverse Reactions and Side Effects?

Because this is not an FDA-approved medication, it’s unlikely that the FDA will track adverse reactions to the drug. However, Primack said the pharmacy “is subject to state and federal oversight.”

According to a spokesperson from Belcher Pharmaceuticals, the owner of BPI labs, adverse events will be tracked.

"BPI Labs ensures that all adverse events are properly documented, investigated, and reported to FDA within the stipulated regulatory requirements," Supriya Taneja, vice president/general counsel for Belcher Pharmaceuticals, told Verywell via email. "BPI Labs follows the FDA guideline on Adverse Event Reporting for Outsourcing Facilities under 503B of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. As part of this process, BPI Labs controls the surveillance, receipt, evaluation, reporting, and tracking of all adverse events."

Is It $199 a Month for Everyone?

Primack said the $199 price tag will be offered to all eligible customers. However, the GLP-1 medications will “start” at $199 a month—meaning, you could end up paying more. “That price varies by the cadence the customer chooses—i.e., choosing a 30-day supply vs. a full-year supply,” Primack said.

Is This Safe?

There are concerns with using any compounded medication, given that it’s not an FDA-approved drug. However, it’s not unheard of to go this route.

“Compounded indications are very common, especially in situations like this where it may be difficult to get a medication through pharmacies because of shortages,” Mir Ali, MD , bariatric surgeon and medical director of MemorialCare Surgical Weight Loss Center at Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, CA, told Verywell.

It’s important to note that the FDA said in January that people should not use a compounded GLP-1 medication if an approved drug is available.

While using a compounding pharmacy is nothing new, “I do recommend going to a doctor’s office, because they’re held to a higher standard than most companies trying to make a profit,” Ali said.

Will the Compounded Drugs Run Out, Too?

While brand-name versions of semaglutide have been in and out of shortage, there does not seem to be a concern with compounded versions running out at this point.

“There is a potential you can run out of the ingredients that make up the medication, but there are a number of pharmacies throughout the country that are able to produce it,” Ali said. “So far, we haven’t seen a shortage [of semaglutide] in compounded pharmacies.”

Is Anyone Else Selling Compounded Semaglutide?

Many online pharmacies are already selling compounded semaglutide. A popular example includes Ro , which also serves as a remote provider for hair loss, sexual health, hair, and skin solutions, and now has a compounded semaglutide medication program. Ro offers a Body Program for $145 a month to help people lose weight through medications and coaching, but it does not include the cost of the company’s compounded semaglutide medication. Another example is Henry , which offers compounded semaglutide for $297 a month.

What This Means For You

If you’re interested in trying a compounded semaglutide medication, Ali recommends talking to a healthcare professional first, if you’re able to access one. “They can make sure this is safe for you,” he said. “One they’ve established that, it’s reasonable to reach out to these types of places. Just make sure you’re going to someplace reputable.”

Food and Drug Administration. Drug compounding and drug shortages .

GoodRx. Ozempic .

GoodRx. Wegovy .

Food and Drug Administration. Medications containing semaglutide marketed for type 2 diabetes or weight loss .

By Korin Miller Miller is a health and lifestyle journalist with a master's degree in online journalism. Her work appears in The Washington Post, Prevention, SELF, Women's Health, and more.

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Jira Change Management Strategies For Seamless Workflow


Jira change management is a crucial aspect of project management that involves tracking, managing, and implementing changes to a project using Atlassian's Jira platform. With Jira change management, teams can easily plan, track, and collaborate on changes to their projects, ensuring that all stakeholders are informed and on the same page. By utilizing Jira's robust features and capabilities, teams can streamline their change management processes , reduce risks, and improve overall project efficiency.

Change Management

Tools And Features In Jira For Change Management

We will explore some of the key tools and features in Jira that can help streamline the change management process.

1. Issue Tracking:  Jira's issue tracking feature allows users to create, track, and manage issues related to change requests. Users can easily create an issue for each change request, assign it to the appropriate team members, and track its progress from start to finish.

2. Custom Workflows:  Jira allows users to create custom workflows tailored to their specific change management processes. This can include defining the different stages of the change management process, setting up approval processes, and establishing communication channels between team members.

3. Automated Notifications:  Jira's automated notification feature ensures that team members are kept informed of any updates or changes to their tasks. This helps to streamline communication and coordination among team members, ensuring that everyone is on the same page.

4. Integration With Other Tools:  Jira offers seamless integration with a variety of other tools commonly used in change management, such as Confluence and Bitbucket. This allows for easy collaboration and information sharing between different teams and departments.

5. Reporting And Analytics:  Jira provides powerful reporting and analytics tools that allow users to track and analyze key metrics related to change management, such as the number of change requests, the status of each request, and any bottlenecks in the process. This data can help identify areas for improvement and optimize the change management process.

6. Version Control:  Jira's version control feature allows users to keep track of changes made to project documents and files, ensuring that team members are always working with the most up-to-date information. This is crucial for ensuring that all changes are properly documented and tracked.

Best Practices For Implementing Change Management In Jira

Here are some best practices for implementing change management in Jira:

1. Define Clear Change Management Processes:  Before diving into using Jira for change management, it is essential to have a well-defined change management process in place. This includes clearly outlining how changes will be requested, reviewed, approved, and implemented.

2. Use Jira's Issue Tracking Capabilities:  Jira's robust issue-tracking capabilities can be leveraged for change management . Create a specific issue type for change requests and use custom fields to capture relevant information, such as the reason for the change, impact analysis, and implementation plan.

3. Implement A Staged Approach:  Rather than making changes all at once, consider implementing changes in stages. This helps minimize disruptions and allows for better tracking of the impact of each change.

4. Assign Responsibilities:  Clearly define roles and responsibilities for change management in Jira. Assign individuals or teams responsible for requesting changes, reviewing them, and approving or rejecting them.

5. Utilize Workflows And Automation:  Jira's customizable workflows can streamline the change management process by automating repetitive tasks and ensuring that changes go through the necessary approvals before implementation.

6. Monitor And Report On Changes:  Use Jira's reporting capabilities to track the status of change requests, identify bottlenecks in the process, and generate reports on the success rate of implemented changes.

7. Conduct Regular Reviews And Retrospectives:  Periodically review your change management processes in Jira to identify areas for improvement. Conduct retrospectives to gather feedback from stakeholders and team members on what is working well and what could be improved.

8. Provide Training And Support:  Ensure that your team members are trained on using Jira for change management effectively. Provide ongoing support and guidance to help them navigate the system and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

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Challenges And Solutions In Jira Change Management

1. Lack Of Clear Communication:  One of the biggest challenges in Jira change management is the lack of clear communication between team members. This can lead to confusion, delays, and ultimately project failure. To address this challenge, organizations should establish clear communication channels and protocols, ensure that all stakeholders are kept informed of changes, and encourage open dialogue among team members.

2. Overwhelming Amount Of Change Requests:  Another common challenge in Jira change management is the overwhelming amount of change requests that teams have to deal with. This can lead to bottlenecks, delays in project timelines, and a lack of prioritization. To address this challenge, organizations should implement a streamlined change request process, prioritize changes based on their impact and urgency, and ensure that resources are allocated effectively to address high-priority changes.

3. Lack Of Visibility Into Change Impact:  One of the key challenges in Jira change management is the lack of visibility into the impact of changes on different parts of the organization. Without a clear understanding of how changes will affect different teams, departments, and systems, organizations risk making changes that could have unintended consequences. To address this challenge, organizations should implement impact analysis tools, conduct thorough risk assessments before making changes, and involve key stakeholders in the change management process.

4. Resistance To Change:  Resistance to change is another significant challenge in Jira change management. Employees may be resistant to new processes, tools, or systems, which can hinder the success of change management initiatives. To address this challenge, organizations should involve employees in the change management process, provide training and support to help them adapt to changes, and communicate the benefits of the changes to gain buy-in from stakeholders.

5. Lack Of Documentation:  Finally, a common challenge in Jira change management is the lack of proper documentation of changes. Without thorough documentation, teams may struggle to track the history of changes, understand the rationale behind them, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. To address this challenge, organizations should establish clear documentation protocols, require comprehensive change logs for all changes, and conduct regular audits to ensure that documentation standards are being met.

In summary, implementing JIRA change management in your organization can greatly improve efficiency, communication, and project tracking. By utilizing JIRA's robust features for change control, documentation, and reporting, you can streamline the change management process and ensure that all stakeholders are aligned throughout the project lifecycle. Consider integrating JIRA change management into your workflow to enhance collaboration and drive better outcomes for your projects.

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How to Keep Track of Employee Performance?

Discover various methods for tracking employee performance together with their benefits and drawbacks. Get practical tips for tailoring performance assessments, balancing different metrics, and using productivity monitoring tools like Insightful to customize and enhance the evaluation process.

Vanja Savic Petrovic

Speak with a Productivity Expert

Give us 30 minutes and we’ll show you how we can help you achieve better results.

"The performance management design itself is not evolving as quickly as the objectives and the purpose that we have set out for what we want it to do."—Lesli Jennings, Senior Director in Willis Towers Watson's Talent Management & Organizational Alignment practice in Chicago.

Well then, how to keep track of employee performance? Do we even have the right answer to this question?

There will never be one all-encompassing answer, but there are strategies that you can adopt and adapt.

Upgrade Your Performance Reviews with Insightful

5 methods for tracking employee performance.

Most industry leaders agree on the value of the following performance assessment methods:

1. Traditional Review Style

This approach includes yearly or semiannual evaluations. A Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) article reports that according to a Workhuman’s study, 49% of companies still limit evaluations to these intervals.

This method provides structured assessments and rewards performance but can be biased and overlook minor wins.

The problem is that the review can easily be too subjective if the manager is not trained well. Also, workers often don’t get enough information to go on if they want to develop and improve.

Keep these deficiencies in mind and find a way to solve them that corresponds to your team's work style.

2. Continuous Feedback Sessions

A more modern approach to performance assessments emphasizes the need for an increased frequency of official appraisal sessions.

Some companies have abandoned annual reviews even a decade ago. They recognized that retrospective assessments were not seen as beneficial by employees. Managers deemed them too time-consuming. Instead, these companies opted for quarterly check-ins and removed its numerical rating system.

The lesson here is to prioritize meaningful, two-way feedback discussions between employees and managers. Choose several uniform questions for each quarterly session, including feedback about the manager. Other topics should vary depending on the individual employee and their role.

3. Comprehensive 360-Degree Approach

This holistic feedback method involves collecting input from managers, peers, subordinates, and even clients, coupled with self-evaluation.

If the employee's perception matches external feedback, it indicates aligned performance expectations.

Discrepancies highlight areas for growth, and managers provide improvement plans.

Despite promoting a feedback culture and offering varied perspectives, this approach may harbor biases and miss timely opportunities.

4. Measurable Performance Parameters

Most companies rely on OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). 

OKRs align employee efforts with company goals and ensure their progress is visible. For instance, an objective to "boost customer satisfaction" would include measurable key results like reducing response times.

KPIs translate key business activities into measurable values to gauge success. They could include metrics like revenue, customer loyalty, or new clients. KPIs are useful for establishing clarity, setting goals, and motivating improvement.

The numbers-based system’s upside is that it provides solid proof of a person’s work and supports objectivity in a manager’s evaluation. The downside is that it doesn't take into account elements like teamwork, etc.

5. Time Management & Productivity Monitoring

Time tracking software allows managers to measure the productivity of employees by analyzing how they spend their work hours.

Employees log project hours which provides insight into time allocation and productivity patterns. This approach helps managers plan and employees prioritize tasks.

Still, over-monitoring can harm creativity and privacy, and simply tracking time doesn't capture work quality. This is why the monitoring software needs to allow customization .

One of the most flexible and scalable tools is Insightful. This software allows:

how should you keep track of assignments

Automatic and manual clocking in and out

Time tracking for each task

Manual logging of time per project

Monitoring the level of productivity depending on the apps and websites that the employee uses minute after minute

Break time, productive apps and websites, etc. can be customized for each employee which makes this monitoring tool perfect for a wide variety of industries.

Additional Tips on How to Monitor Performance of Employees

When figuring out how to monitor performance of employees , remember the following expert tips:

💡 Customize the Metrics: Tailor assessments according to specific job functions and industry standards to refine individual and team development plans.

💡 Balance the Quantitative vs. Qualitative: Incorporate both quantitative (e.g., sales numbers, production targets) and qualitative (e.g., creativity, teamwork) measures to ensure a holistic evaluation of performance.

💡 Explore Market Benchmarks: Compare employee performance against market benchmarks. This can guide decisions around promotions, compensation, and training needs.

💡 Track Long-Term Results: Identify consistent high performers, potential leaders, and those needing development, to plan resources more effectively.

💡 Gather Feedback: Ask employees for feedback. This will boost morale, foster a culture of trust, enhance engagement and productivity, and give leadership valuable insight.

Explore and experiment. This is the only way to find the perfect formula for performance reviews that completely fit your organization. To help your efforts, rely on a flexible productivity monitoring tool such as Insightful.

Insightful helps teams improve productivity!

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How to Monitor Employees?

Discover proven strategies for effectively monitoring your employees. Find out how the Insightful software unlocks improved ways of tracking employee activities, providing real-time insights, and enhancing both self-evaluation and managerial oversight.

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How to Know if Remote Employees Are Working?

Learn about the most efficient ways to monitor remote employees' work hours and productivity. Explore proven strategies, such as setting KPIs, conducting team syncs, and utilizing robust employee monitoring software such as Insightful.

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Peachy Fours

Peachy Fours

Should You Spy on Your Kids? Tech Tools for Parents

Posted: May 28, 2024 | Last updated: May 28, 2024

<p><strong>In the digital age, technology gives parents superpowers to keep tabs on their kids. But just because you can, does it mean you should? Here’s a look at why using technology to track your kids might just make you feel like a superhero… or a super villain.</strong></p>

In the digital age, technology gives parents superpowers to keep tabs on their kids. But just because you can, does it mean you should? Here’s a look at why using technology to track your kids might just make you feel like a superhero… or a super villain.

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes <p><span>This may surprise the two-thirds of American retirees who say they’re happier now than before they retired.</span></p>

#1. Peace of Mind

Tracking technology lets you know where your kids are every second. Because knowing they’re safe can stop that heart from racing.

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Gecko Studio <p>In a pinch, GPS trackers can be lifesavers, literally. It’s like having a rescue team in your pocket.</p>

#2. Safety in Emergencies

In a pinch, GPS trackers can be lifesavers, literally. It’s like having a rescue team in your pocket.

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes <p>Keeping an eye on what they’re browsing protects them from the dark corners of the internet. Think of it as a shield against the world’s evils.</p>

#3. Monitoring Internet Use

Keeping an eye on what they’re browsing protects them from the dark corners of the internet. Think of it as a shield against the world’s evils.

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Irina Shatilova <p>Geo-fencing alerts you if they stray from set zones. It’s like drawing an invisible fence they can’t see but can’t cross.</p>

#4. Setting Boundaries

Geo-fencing alerts you if they stray from set zones. It’s like drawing an invisible fence they can’t see but can’t cross.

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sandu Herta <p>Using tech trackers teaches kids about limits and consequences. It’s a modern twist on the classic “be home by curfew.”</p>

#5. Encouraging Responsibility

Using tech trackers teaches kids about limits and consequences. It’s a modern twist on the classic “be home by curfew.”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / AimPix <p>Tech can tell you if they’re playing hooky. It’s like having eyes in the back of your head.</p>

#6. Checking on School Attendance

Tech can tell you if they’re playing hooky. It’s like having eyes in the back of your head.

Image Credit: Shutterstock / LightField Studios <p>Knowing who they’re with can steer them clear of trouble. You’re the invisible chaperone at the party.</p>

#7. Preventing Bad Influences

Knowing who they’re with can steer them clear of trouble. You’re the invisible chaperone at the party.

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Lesterman <p>Trackers monitor driving speed and habits. It’s like being the co-pilot from the comfort of your home.</p>

#8. Driving Safety

Trackers monitor driving speed and habits. It’s like being the co-pilot from the comfort of your home.

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Tatyana Vyc <p>You can give them space without losing peace of mind. It’s like letting them fly but keeping a string attached.</p>

#9. Balancing Freedom with Safety

You can give them space without losing peace of mind. It’s like letting them fly but keeping a string attached.

Image Credit: Shutterstock / BearFotos <p>Discussing why you’re tracking them can build mutual understanding. Or it’s like saying, “I trust you, but let’s verify.”</p>

#10. Building Trust

Discussing why you’re tracking them can build mutual understanding. Or it’s like saying, “I trust you, but let’s verify.”

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Olena Yakobchuk <p>Check-ins confirm their location. It’s almost like having a truth serum, but less invasive.</p>

#11. Ensuring They’re Where They Say

Check-ins confirm their location. It’s almost like having a truth serum, but less invasive.

Image Credit: Shutterstock / – Yuri A <p>Limiting device use protects them from digital eye strain and preserves sleep. Consider it a digital bedtime story.</p>

#12. Managing Screen Time

Limiting device use protects them from digital eye strain and preserves sleep. Consider it a digital bedtime story.

Image Credit: Shutterstock / <p>Monitoring communications can help catch bullying early. You’re like a guardian angel over their digital shoulder.</p>

#13. Preventing Cyberbullying

Monitoring communications can help catch bullying early. You’re like a guardian angel over their digital shoulder.

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Rohane Hamilton <p>Fitness trackers monitor physical activity and health. It’s like being their personal trainer and doctor rolled into one.</p>

#14. Keeping Up with Health Apps

Fitness trackers monitor physical activity and health. It’s like being their personal trainer and doctor rolled into one.

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Fabio Principe <p>Tech can help them manage schedules and homework. It’s a gentle nudge towards becoming a time wizard.</p>

#15. Learning Time Management

Tech can help them manage schedules and homework. It’s a gentle nudge towards becoming a time wizard.

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes <p>Positive reinforcement through tech can encourage good habits. It’s like giving a digital high-five.</p>

#16. Rewarding Good Behavior

Positive reinforcement through tech can encourage good habits. It’s like giving a digital high-five.

Image Credit: Shutterstock / – Yuri A <p>Seeing their digital footprint helps you understand their interests. It’s like having a map to their thoughts.</p>

#17. Understanding Their World

Seeing their digital footprint helps you understand their interests. It’s like having a map to their thoughts.

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Hadrian <p>Device trackers can locate lost or stolen phones or bags. It’s saving the day, one tech gadget at a time.</p>

#18. Preventing Theft or Loss

Device trackers can locate lost or stolen phones or bags. It’s saving the day, one tech gadget at a time.

Image Credit: Shutterstock / guteksk7 <p>Adjust settings as they grow to give appropriate freedoms. It’s like custom-fitting their digital world suit of armor.</p>

#19. Tailoring Parental Controls

Adjust settings as they grow to give appropriate freedoms. It’s like custom-fitting their digital world suit of armor.

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Ground Picture <p>Ultimately, using tech for tracking can soothe your worries. Because being a parent is tough enough without wondering where they are every minute.</p>

#20. Easing Parental Anxiety

Ultimately, using tech for tracking can soothe your worries. Because being a parent is tough enough without wondering where they are every minute.

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Dragana Gordic <p>Tracking your kids with technology can make you feel all-powerful, but with great power comes great responsibility. It’s about finding the right balance between keeping them safe and stifling them. Navigate wisely, superhero parents!</p>

Superpowers Need Super Responsibility

Tracking your kids with technology can make you feel all-powerful, but with great power comes great responsibility. It’s about finding the right balance between keeping them safe and stifling them. Navigate wisely, superhero parents!

The post  Should You Spy on Your Kids? Tech Tools for Parents first appeared on Peachy Fours .

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / H_Ko.

For transparency, this content was partly developed with AI assistance and carefully curated by an experienced editor to be informative and ensure accuracy.

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Here Comes Manhattanhenge 2024: When and Where to Watch

The annual event brings New Yorkers together to celebrate longer days, warmer weather and epic summer sunsets.

A crowd including people with hands raised holding smartphone cameras looks west toward the sunset over the East River and a small boat.

By Katrina Miller

Katrina Miller recently reported on the April total solar eclipse from Carbondale, Ill. , and the May geomagnetic storm from Chicago.

A low cap of clouds toyed with New Yorkers on Tuesday as they attempted to take in the first night of the solar spectacle known as Manhattanhenge.

Each year at the end of May, and again in mid-July, residents and tourists alike flood the streets of Manhattan for a spectacular view of the sun setting in the west, flanked by the city’s famous streetscapes. The event attracts more people each year, some gathering in dense crowds as they dart in and out of the streets, their necks tilted and their camera lenses raised to catch a view.

“I think of it as astronomy in your face,” said Jackie Faherty, an astronomer at the American Museum of Natural History who computes the dates for Manhattanhenge each year . “It’s like a huge science party that will occur in the city.”

The event’s popularity most likely goes beyond an interest in science, Dr. Faherty added: People love a good photo op, and Manhattanhenge delivers.

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When is Manhattanhenge?

This year, Manhattanhenge’s first night occurred on Tuesday, May 28. More opportunities to see it will occur Wednesday, May 29, then again on July 12 and 13.

According to the American Museum of Natural History, Manhattanhenge will next reach its fullest effect at 8:12 p.m. on Wednesday, local time. In July, the event will occur at 8:21 p.m. on the 12th and 8:20 p.m. on the 13th.

The sunset will appear different on consecutive days. On May 28, the top half of the sun aligned with the city grid, although clouds obscured the full effect. On Wednesday, the full sun will be visible. Later in the summer, this pattern reverses: Viewers will see a full sun on July 12, and the top half of the sun on July 13.

Will clouds get in the way?

A National Weather Service forecast issued Tuesday evening predicted that clouds would cover about three-quarters of the New York sky at 8 p.m. on Wednesday.

Why should I see it?

Like April’s solar eclipse and the sun’s dancing aurora , Manhattanhenge is another instance of our home star bringing people together.

Sunsets are one of the easiest ways to embrace “the wonder of the cosmos,” Dr. Faherty said, adding that each one is distinct. “You never know how the light is going to look or feel as it is setting, or what the atmosphere around you will be like.”

Longer days, warmer weather and the school year winding down in New York City make Manhattanhenge “just that extra notch up,” she said. “The whole thing is just a nice, relaxing summer party and celebration of astronomy.”

Why does Manhattanhenge happen?

The sun setting perfectly between New York’s urban canyons results from the geometry of the sun and Earth.

The sun sets in a different location every day because Earth is tilted on its axis as it orbits the sun, Dr. Faherty said. In the spring, she explained, if you watched the sun looking west from the same spot, you’d notice that the place where it sets moved a little north relative to the horizon each day.

After the summer solstice, which occurs on June 20 this year , the sun starts inching back south. “It pingpongs between solstices,” Dr. Faherty said. “And that’s because we’re going around the sun, like doing loops around a track.”

That’s also why there are two chances to see Manhattanhenge, in May and in July; the dates occur on either side of the summer solstice. Between these dates, viewers can still catch the sun emerge from behind the city’s skyscrapers as it sets, though it will appear at different heights in the sky.

It’s a season of “epic sunsets in New York City,” Dr. Faherty said.

How did Manhattanhenge start?

In the 1800s, city planners designed New York City as a grid: Its avenues run roughly north to south, and its cross streets are laid out at 90-degree angles, running approximately east to west.

As long as this grid has existed, people have likely noticed the phenomenon, Dr. Faherty said.

The earliest mention of this effect that Dr. Faherty has been able to track down is a 1997 comic strip published in Natural History magazine. Neil deGrasse Tyson, director of the Hayden Planetarium, coined the name “Manhattanhenge” in 2002, inspired by the ancient Stonehenge monument in England.

Since then, excitement surrounding the event has grown every year. “People caught on and it lit like wildfire,” Dr. Faherty said.

Where can I see Manhattanhenge?

Among the most popular places to watch this special sunset is the Tudor City overpass, a pedestrian walkway above 42nd Street. The vantage point offers a good view of the Chrysler Building.

Another favored location for photographers is the Park Avenue Viaduct a few avenues west, near Grand Central Station. But pedestrians aren’t allowed up there, and police will likely show up to clear any gathering crowds.

But any street running east to west in Manhattan with good visibility of New Jersey is fair game. For the best views (and photos), Dr. Faherty recommends finding a wide road framed by notable city structures.

On 34th Street, you’ll see the Empire State Building; elsewhere on 42nd Street, you might be able to position Times Square in your frame. Wide roads like 14th Street, 23rd Street and 57th Street are also popular. Uptown on 145th Street and Hunters Point in Queens offer unconventional views.

“You have to be in the middle of the street to fully appreciate it,” Dr. Faherty said, so keep safety in mind when picking a spot.

Does the effect ever occur at sunrise?

A similar effect occurs at sunrise in November and January, roughly six months after the Manhattanhenge sunset dates. Dr. Faherty call this Reverse Manhattanhenge.

But the dates for Reverse Manhattanhenge are more difficult to calculate, she said, because the sun rises to the east over the city’s other boroughs.

“The Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens — they’re big, they have a lot of topography to them,” Dr. Faherty said. “There’s a lot more things that get in the way.”

That adds challenges to determining when there will be a clear view of the rising sun. And because the weather isn’t as good, Reverse Manhattanhenge tends to draw a smaller crowd.

John Keefe contributed reporting.

Katrina Miller is a science reporter for The Times based in Chicago. She earned a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Chicago. More about Katrina Miller

What’s Up in Space and Astronomy

Keep track of things going on in our solar system and all around the universe..

Never miss an eclipse, a meteor shower, a rocket launch or any other 2024 event  that’s out of this world with  our space and astronomy calendar .

Euclid, a European Space Agency telescope launched into space last summer, finally showed off what it’s capable of with a batch of breathtaking images  and early science results.

A dramatic blast from the sun  set off the highest-level geomagnetic storm in Earth’s atmosphere, making the northern lights visible around the world .

With the help of Google Cloud, scientists who hunt killer asteroids churned through hundreds of thousands of images of the night sky to reveal 27,500 overlooked space rocks in the solar system .

A celestial image, an Impressionistic swirl of color in the center of the Milky Way, represents a first step toward understanding the role of magnetic fields  in the cycle of stellar death and rebirth.

Is Pluto a planet? And what is a planet, anyway? Test your knowledge here .


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    Requires iOS 8.0 or later. Cost: Free, $2.99 for in-app products. Chalkboard. The best time to write down your homework is right when it's assigned. That's why it's great that at the end of each class, Chalkboard displays a notification that lets you add your homework assignment quickly and easily.

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