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  • NCERT Class 8

NCERT Solutions for Class 8

Ncert solutions for class 8 – download pdfs.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 is a very crucial study material as it is responsible for laying a strong foundation for your higher classes. However, there is no need to get too stressed or overwhelmed. The best study material any Class 8 student can use is NCERT Books . The textbook explains all the concepts that have to be learned by a Class 8 student neatly and efficiently.

Class 8 students should have a firm grip on the answers to the questions given in the NCERT textbook. The NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths and Science are given here for you to refer to. These solutions provided at BYJU’S are incredibly accurate and offer detailed solutions for every question present in each chapter of Maths and Science. These comprehensive explanations, along with the answers, are designed by expert subject teachers after extensive research to produce an authentic and appropriate source of NCERT Solutions for you. The solutions for Class 8 NCERT Science and Maths will help you clear your doubts instantly and understand the concepts quickly. These NCERT Solutions, if studied meticulously, can help you get rid of all your doubts.

Maths and science are subjects of extreme importance in the curriculum of a student. Hence, emphasizing practising the questions and solutions to understand any concepts in the given chapters is of utmost importance to secure good marks and advance in your desired career. For more practice, you can check out NCERT Books for Class 8 and practise the questions and answers based on the CBSE Syllabus for Class 8 .

NCERT Class 8 Solutions comprises chapter-wise solutions, providing you with the key to unlocking your problem-solving skills. Choosing the right learning strategy will make a profound impact on your academic career. These solutions will help you solve the questions as well as cross-verify your answers simultaneously. The prime motto of providing the perfect NCERT Solutions is to help you understand the topics and concepts comprehensively. This understanding helps you in building a strong foundation for higher grades.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths

BYJU’S provides NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapters 1 to 16, prepared by our expert faculty, to help you in your exam preparations. Download NCERT Class 8 Maths Solutions of all chapter-wise PDFs to find a better approach to solving the questions in the book. These solutions will also help you have a deeper understanding of concepts covered in NCERT Class 8 Maths Textbook . Practising the textbook questions will help you analyse your level of preparation and knowledge of concepts in the book.

The chapter-wise answers to all the questions present in the 16 chapters of NCERT Class 8 Maths, written in a precise and lucid manner, are provided here. You can refer to the PDFs of Class 8 Maths NCERT Solutions as your additional references and study materials to help you learn the essence faster. Practising textbook exercises will surely help you to prepare efficiently for your examination.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science

BYJU’S brings you Science NCERT Class 8 Solutions framed by our subject experts to facilitate a practical and smooth understanding of the concepts related to physics, chemistry and biology. These CBSE 8 Science NCERT Solutions can be accessed anytime and anywhere, at your convenience, to understand the concepts in a better way. These Class 8 Science NCERT Solutions are explained beautifully using a step-by-step approach for all the questions given in the textbooks. It acts as an essential tool for you in your exam preparation.

We have also provided NCERT Solutions Class 8 Science PDFs in an easily accessible format to help you prepare adequately. You can download and practise these NCERT Science Solutions for Class 8 to get a thorough knowledge of the concepts covered in the NCERT Books for Class 8 Science .

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science

BYJU’S brings you Social Science NCERT Class 8 Solutions framed by our subject experts to facilitate a practical and smooth understanding of the concepts related to History, Geography and Civics. These CBSE 8 Social Science NCERT Solutions can be accessed anytime and anywhere, at your convenience, to understand the concepts in a better way. These Class 8 Social Science NCERT Solutions are elaborately explained for all the questions given in the textbooks. It acts as an essential tool for you in your exam preparation. Also, access the NCERT Solutions of Class 8 History, Geography and Political Science (Civics) from the links provided below:

We have also provided NCERT Solutions Class 8 Social Science PDFs in an easily accessible format to help you prepare adequately. You can download and practise these NCERT Social Science Solutions for Class 8 to get a thorough knowledge of the concepts covered in the NCERT Books for Class 8 Social Science .

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English

BYJU’S brings you English NCERT Class 8 Solutions designed by our subject experts to facilitate a practical and smooth understanding of the concepts which help prepare you for the board exams. These CBSE 8 English NCERT Solutions can be accessed anytime and anywhere, at your convenience, to understand the concepts in a better way. These NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English are explained perfectly for all the questions given in the textbooks. It acts as an essential tool for you in your exam preparation. The solutions are prepared according to the latest syllabus and guidelines as it contains answers to all the questions present in the textbook, along with sample papers and practice papers.

How and When to Solve NCERT Solutions

It is often seen that the students directly jump to solving the questions present in the NCERT textbook. But is that the right way to learn? No, it is definitely not how you should learn. Here you go with the proper method of learning NCERT Solutions.

  • For theoretical subjects, like Science, the first thing you have to do is to read the NCERT textbooks thoroughly. However, just reading it without giving any attention to it will do no good to you. You should make it a habit to read the textbook by understanding the concepts. You should read the book at least three times before moving on to solving the questions present in the NCERT book.
  • In the case of numerical subjects, like Maths, you should give attention to the teachers in the class to understand the concepts. Once you get familiarised with the concept, the next thing you should do is understand the method of solving a question. To understand the problem-solving method, you should first try solving the solved examples given in the NCERT textbook. If you think that you are thorough with the examples, try solving them again without looking at the solutions given in the textbook. Compare your answers with the answers given in the textbook.
  • If you follow the steps mentioned above, by the time you are done with it, you would be having a strong knowledge of the concepts as well as the problem-solving method of the chapter you have just learnt. Now, you can go ahead and try solving all the questions in the textbook. Make sure that you try solving them yourself without referring to any solutions.
  • Once you are done with solving the questions in the exercises or at the end of the chapter, take out the NCERT Solutions provided at BYJU’S, and compare your answers with it.
  • Give yourself a pat when you find that you have answered the questions right. But, on the other hand, if you have given incorrect answers, note down the questions and understand the right way to solve them by referring to the solutions. Practise it again and again till you are thorough with the solutions, and once you feel you are proficient in them, try solving the questions again and check the answers. Repeat the step until you find yourself giving the right answers for all the questions given in the textbook.

Exam Preparation With NCERT Solutions

NCERT books & NCERT Solutions for Class 8 are more than enough to score high marks in the exam if you focus and read them with full concentration. The chances of out-of-syllabus questions being asked in the Class 8 exams are very less. Scoring high marks in the Class 8 examination is very easy. To score decent marks in the Class 8 examination, you don’t need to have an extraordinary brain. On the other hand, all you should have is a firm grip on the concepts, a logical approach and rational thinking. To score high in your Class 8 exam, a clear understanding of the basics, a command over formulae, and a sound practice regimen are all that you need. Here are some tips for using NCERT Solutions in your favour during exam preparation.

  • Early preparations: Starting your preparations early, right from the beginning of the academic year, is the best way to avoid any last-minute haste. Doing so will help you provide enough time for each subject as well as for solving the NCERT Solutions well in advance. Solving the solution well ahead of time can help you in clearing your doubts related to them at the earliest.
  • Review your syllabus: Going through your whole syllabus and highlighting the main topics to be studied is the first step towards studying right. Ensure to solve the Solutions of NCERT related to the topics you find important or difficult.
  • Know the exam pattern: It is important to understand the exam pattern approved by the Board concerned with the exam you are going to appear for. By doing so, you will get an idea of the chapter that has more weightage and can help you concentrate more on the solutions of that chapter.
  • Study regularly: Study the solutions regularly, along with the NCERT books, to be extremely familiar with the problem-solving method.
  • Revision: As the final step, revise all the NCERT Solutions as the exam date gets nearer to brush up on the concepts and keep them fresh in your mind.

Other NCERT Resources For Class 8

Ncert exemplars for class 8.

The solutions for all the questions present in the NCERT Exemplars books of Class 8 Maths and Science are given here. The NCERT Exemplars for Class 8 have been developed to help you in your academics. We at BYJU’S, are providing these NCERT Exemplar Solutions to facilitate easy learning for students. You can quickly go through the solutions and find out accurate answers. You can find the subject-wise links for Class 8 exemplar solutions in the table below.

NCERT Books For Class 8

The NCERT aims to provide qualitative education to school children in India by preparing and publishing textbooks, study materials, educational kits, etc. The core of the schooling system is NCERT Books. NCERT books for Class 8 Maths and Science are provided at BYJU’S, which can be downloaded from the links given below.

NCERT Syllabus For Class 8

The key to exam preparation is knowing the syllabus. Knowing the syllabus will help you understand the topics and concepts that will be covered in the academic session, in turn, helping you to make proper use of other NCERT resources.

NCERT Solutions and Competitive Exams

The National Talent Search Examination Syllabus consists of the topics covered in Mathematics and Science, along with other subjects of Class 8 as well. Hence, solving NCERT Solutions for Class 8 will help you understand at least a few of the concepts mentioned in the NTSE Syllabus . Similarly, in the case of Olympiads, the Class 8 NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths plays an important role in the Maths Olympiad while Class 8 NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science plays an important role in the Science Olympiad. Therefore, the more you solve the NCERT Solutions, the more familiar and thorough you get with the concepts, helping you excel in Competitive Exams like NTSE and Olympiads.

NCERT Solutions in IIT-JEE Preparation

Getting into a reputed institute to pursue engineering is a dream for many students. Yearly, lakhs and lakhs of people attempt the IIT-JEE , out of which only a few succeed in making it to the reputed institutions. This is one of the principal reasons that you are advised to start the preparation early. Starting your preparation for IIT-JEE soon will give you an edge over other students. The earlier you start, the more time you can provide JEE with. You can give yourself ample time to get your basics right and to balance between school and coaching classes. You can also dedicate your time to preparations for JEE during the weekends, still doing a great job in polishing yourself for the IIT-JEE. You can revise the subjects on a regular basis and recollect the concepts with ease, even at the time of examination.

Frequently Asked Questions on NCERT Solutions for Class 8

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CBSE NCERT Solutions

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Intro. to Information Technology Class 8 Computer Science Important Questions

Students can read the important questions given below for Intro. to Information Technology Science Class 8 Computer Science. All Intro. to Information Technology Science Class 8 Notes and questions with solutions have been prepared based on the latest syllabus and examination guidelines issued by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. You should read all notes provided by us and Class 8 Computer Science Important Questions provided for all chapters to get better marks in examinations. Computer Science Question Bank Class 8 is available on our website for free download in PDF.

Important Questions of Intro. to Information Technology Science Class 8

Short Answer Type Questions:

Question: What is Information Technology? Ans: Information Technology is also known as IT. It is a technology that is related with Computer Hardware and  Software. It is used to process, store and transfer information. Information Technology plays a big and important role in the progress of any country. It is changing the way of our life style, learning, playing and working.

Question: What do you mean by online and offline? Ans: Online and Offline are the technical terms used in the world of internet. Following description explain these terms:

Intro. to Information Technology Class 8 Computer Science Important Questions

Question: What is Website? Ans: A website is a collection of one or more web pages grouped under the same domain. Pages of website are linked together with the help of hyperlinks. Each web page has a unique address which is known as Uniform Resource Locater (URL). The very first page of a website is called its Home Page. To view the contents of web sites/pages, we have to use web browsers.

Question: What is searching? Ans: Searching means finding something. Searching on internet is performed when we do not know the URL of web pages that have information to be searched. Search Engines are used to search the information on the world wide web. GOOGLE and BING are the most popular search engines.

Long Answer Type Questions:

Question: What is Net Banking? Explain? Ans: Net Banking is also known as Online Banking. Net banking has completely changed the way of working of banks. We can do many banking activities from home with the help of internet. Following are some of the common activities that we can do from home using Net Banking: • We can get details of our bank accounts • We can do bill payments of Electricity etc. • We can transfer funds to other accounts from our own accounts Banks that provide the facility of net-banking are also known as Virtual Banks, Cyber Banks or Web Bank.

Question: Write the steps to view on line result. Ans: Following process can be followed to view the online result: 1. First of all, open any web browser. 2. Now, type the URL of website having result. 3. Select the session and class details for which we want to view the result. 4. Fill the details that are required to view the result-such as roll no, name of student etc.

Intro. to Information Technology Class 8 Computer Science Important Questions

5. Now Click on the Search Result Link/Button

Question: Explain the Need of Information Technology? Ans: Following uses in different areas shows the need of Information Technology: 1. IT in Business and Industry: Information Technology is required in Business and Industry to make the processing of work easier. 2. IT in Homes: Information Technology is required in homes for the purpose of education, communication and  entertainment. 3. IT in Training: Information Technology is required for the training purpose in the field of schools, colleges and in many other areas.

Question: Explain about on-line shopping? Ans: Online shopping is a form of doing Electronic Commerce. It allows us to purchase goods and services from home using the internet. We can do online shopping at any time from any corner of the world. The bill payments of online shopping can be paid with the help of Credit/Debit Cards or Net Banking etc. The purchased items will be delivered to our home by the merchant. AMAZON, FLIPKART etc. are the popular e-commerce sites for online shopping

Question: Write a note on Mobile Technology Ans: Mobile technology is a portable technology. This technology is a part of Information Technology. Mobile  technology makes it possible to communicate with the places of the world that are very far from us. It has completely changed the face of communication. Following are some important uses of mobile technology: 1. Education 2. Surveys and Polling 3. Banking 4. Data Analysis

Intro. to Information Technology Class 8 Computer Science Important Questions

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8 (Eight) Class ICT Assignment Solution 2021- 17th Week

ICT Assignment had to be submitted for Class 8 ICT Assignment Answer 17th weeks on august 2021. They has been published 8 class Ict assignment full question solution 17 week 2021. We also posted and you can get your 8 Ict assignment pictures and PDF files at chakrirkhobor.net. 8 ICT Assignment is also scheduled for 11th, 15th, 17th, 20th week assignments. Most of the Assignment finder many time fine Ict Assignment CLASS Eight pdf download. Like different classes, the position will uncover tenth week 8 Ict Assignment Answer.

CLASS 8 Ict Assignment Answer 2021 – 17th Week

In this 2021 year all Education Board start all subject Assignment and will end on maybe December 2021. CLASS 8 ICT assignments start in June and end in December 2021. Students can also check their CLASS 8 Ict 1st paper assignments question solve on these websites. You can get the first 8 Ict Assignment for CLASS 8 2021 all Board. This year newly start Assignment answer 2021 all board on their website.

How to do Class Eight Ict Assignment Answer 2021?

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Class 8 ICT Assignment Answer [Class 8 Information & Communication Technology Solution]

Class 8 ICT Assignment Answer [Class 8 Information and Communication Technology Solution] 4th Week ! The Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education (www.dshe.gov.bd) board official website publish Class 8 ICT Assignment Syllabus for 4 th Week as soon as possible. After publishing the Class Eight Assignment Syllabus and Question, the Class 8 students are searching for 100% correct answer for ICT Assignment Class 8 2020.

Class 8 ICT Assignment Answer

So, we hope this content is very much interested in our class 8 students. Because today we are going to write all the important information about the Class 8 ICT Assignment Answer 2020. So, staying with us and regally visit our website.

Quick Link:

Mirpur Thana Map

ICT Assignment for Class 8 Syllabus 4 th Week:

The authority of the Bangladesh education board not published yet, the “Week 4 ICT Assignment for Class 8 Syllabus”. When they published, we update here instantly.

4 th Week ICT Assignment Answer for Class 8:

This is very important for every class eight students to submit their fourth week class 8 ICT Assignment Answer 2020. So, they are looking for the best solution of 4 th week class 8 ICT Assignment.

What is the Official website for Class 8 Assignment Answer Download 2020?

The official website of the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education (www.dshe.gov.bd) officially published all Classes Answers like Class 6 Assignment Syllabus & Answer , Class 7 Assignment Syllabus & Answer , Class 8 Assignment Syllabus & Answer , and Class 9 Assignment Syllabus & Answer . In this content, we only write about Class Eight ICT Assignment Answers/Solutions. But, you want to know about the Class 6, 7, 9 Assignment Syllabus & Answers. Just click the above link. If you want to get subject wise Class Six Assignment Answer 2020, Just follow below.

How to Write Class 8 ICT Assignment Answer 2020?

Everybody has known that the Bangladesh Education Board close all Schools, colleges & universities for Corona Virus. So, there is no way to Verification sorting, which students is good and which students are medium and bad. So, the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education board wants to make their Class 6 to Class 9 Student next class roll by Assignment system. So, it is very important to write 100% correct Class 8 Assignment Answer and submit it properly.

Necessary Preparation

It is very important to the student of all classes including Class 8, have to make a mental preparation before starting to write down assignments answer. It is very important to make the assignment clean, clear, beautiful and attractive for good marks. Because it is said, ‘First philosophy then quality judgment’. So make an appropriate assignment you need to be focused on your work.

First, take some clean papers. Make a margin on them. Then start writing with a clear hand. Try to keep the words clean and easy to read. Don’t double write on it. And the most important thing for the assignment is the cover page. You have to take a page where your name, class, rolls, subject, assignment title will be written. And always give accurate answers in the assignment. Don’t make the answers very short or over lengthy, because it will make your teacher irritated and you won’t get a good mark.

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ICT Class 8 Book ,syllabus, Exercise solution and Important Notes

ICT Class 8 – Hello As we all know now a days knowledge of ICT is very important for students. Here we will provide everything of class 8 ICT subject according to new curriculum issued by scert delhi for students of DOE delhi .. You will get ICT book , Solution of exercise ,Important points to remember of every chapter and important notes. Stay tuned.

Chapter Wise Exercise solution and Important Notes of ICT Class 8

Chapter 1 :data representation and processing-04 (spreadsheet), important points to remember ch- 1, solution of exercise ch -1, software tools, important notes and videos, chapter 2 :learn to code-03, important points to remember ch- 2, solution of exercise ch -2, software tools – ch2, important notes and videos -ch2, chapter 3 : digital wellbeing, important points to remember ch- 3, solution of exercise ch -3, resources ch-3, important notes and videos -ch3, chapter 4 :being future ready-03, important points to remember ch- 4, solution of exercise ch -4, software tools/ resources -ch4, important notes and videos -ch4, data science explanation.

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ICT Books for Class 8

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Free Download of all ICT related material like ICT Books, Tutorials, Videos, Quiz, Worksheets is available here.

Download or view your desired chapter or complete book for Free!

ICT Class 8: Chapter 1: Data Representation & Processing- 05 (Spreadsheets)

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Class 8 Computer Science Chapter 3 MS Access a DBMS

ict assignment solution class 8

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Computer Science Chapter 3 MS Access- A DBMS updated for CBSE as well as State board students for session 2024-25. For the preparation of Grade 8 Computer book chapter 3, student can download worksheets and assignments.

  • Class 8 Computer Science Chapter 3 Study Material
  • Class 8 Computer Science all Chapters Notes
  • Class 8 all Subjects NCERT Solutions

MS Access is a DBMS package developed by Microsoft. It is a part of MS-Office package. MS-Access is basically a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). A RDBMS helps us to organise and process more than one Database at a time for any particular report. MS Access is widely used by small businesses, within departments of large corporations etc. for handling the creation and manipulation of data. For example, to generate the report card of the students in a school, both the student database and the marks database can be used. In another example, an address book can be a database where the name, address and telephone number of friends and business contacts are stored.

MS-Access can be used for creating everything from simple mailing list to a full featured school fee management system. In Microsoft Access, the data is arranged in form of tables. Every specific piece of information in a table is known as a value. Data Capturing The process of collecting data is called data capturing. Different methods are used to collect data from a source.

Data Processing After collecting data, there is need to process it to produce useful information. Data can be processed by classification, sorting and calculating. It is know as data manipulation. Information Management When data is processed, it gives useful information. It is also stored for future use. Therefore, management of information is most important.

Different methods are used for processing the data. Some of them are as follows: Batch Processing In this method, data is collected for a predetermined period of time, after which it is processed. Online Processing It is used when delay in data handling is not applicable. It is to be done with immediate effect. Time Sharing It allows many users to work at the same time and access the same computer. It is an interactive process.

Remote Job Entry When, computer operations require a special device to input data, it is known as remote job entry station. It allows transfer of data from a remote location to a distant computer system via various means such as telecommunication.

Database is a collection of related information. Database is a collection of data related to a particular topic or purpose. Phone directory is a simple example of database. Some advantages of database are mentioned below:

  • Retrieving desired information easily
  • Taking meaningful decision
  • Reorganising information easy
  • Processing information easy
  • Data security
  • Sharing of data easy.

Components of Database In database, data is stored in a database file. Data may be arranged in tables related to one another. To find and retrieve data, queries are made. Every database contains records and each record is a collection of different types of information about the same subscriber. Field : It is a single column or a unit in a table. Each field has a unique name. For example, the name of phone subscribers in phone directory can be stored in one field with a field name as ‘name’.

Record: A collection of related fields forms a record. It is a set of all data fields in a row. For example, name, address, telephone number together form the record of a particular subscriber. Table: It is a collection of row (records) and columns (fields). A collection of related records form a table. Table Structure: Before creating a table, we need to create a table structure. A table structure identifies the name, size and type of various fields. Text Field: It contains letters, numbers and symbols. It can contain up to 255 charaters. For example, Sumit, L10B, DLS 7387, etc. Numerical Field: It contains only numbers. It does not accept letters or other symbols. For example, 39, 40008, 48, etc. Currency Field: It contains symbols for currency, decimals and commas, where needed. For example, ` 100.95, $85, 250, etc. Date/Time Field: It contains date and time. For example (DD/MM/YY)28/08/2015, 08-09-2016, 06:05 am, etc. Memo Filed: It contains long text with all kinds of data. For example, Hi! My name is Himanshu. I am 13 years old. Logical Field: It contains character to represent ‘Yes’ or No’, ‘True’ or ‘False’, ‘right’ or ‘wrong’.

To create a Blank Database, follow the steps given below : Click on Office button and choose New option. A new file task pane appears. In the New File Task Pane, click Blank Database. A File New Database dialog box will appear. Type required name and click the Create button. Finally the Database window appears with a list of the objects (table, forms, reports and other items).

QUERIES Query is a question based on some condition on the tables. You can create any query, open a new query or modify any query using the buttons on the database Window. Queries allow you to extract information from the tables. New report, modify the report which is in use and open the report by using buttons on the database window.

PAGES It displays all the short-cuts to data access pages in the current database. Pages are used for adding editing or viewing data on the tables but are printed as web pages. MACROS Macros are used to speed up the way a database works, e.g., you could create a macro which automatically starts your database on a specific form. MODULES Modules have the same function as macros. They allow you to write small programs which can run within Access to speed up your work.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Computer Science Chapter 3

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Spreadsheet: Functions and Charts

Class 8 - apc understanding computer studies with bluej, choose the correct option.

In what way a cell is addressed in a worksheet?

Using column name followed by row number.

  • Using row number followed by column name.
  • By scrolling up and down.
  • By calculating the distance from reference cell.

Reason — The address of a cell consists of the column letter followed by the row number.

In which position, the sheet tab is located on the screen?

  • At the top left corner
  • At the top right corner
  • At the bottom right corner

At the bottom left corner

Reason — The sheet tab is located at the bottom left corner on the screen.

In what way a worksheet can be erased?

By right clicking the sheet name and selecting 'delete' option from the drop-down list.

  • By right clicking the sheet name and selecting 'erase' option from the drop-down list.
  • By right clicking the sheet name and selecting 'remove' option from the drop-down list.
  • None of the above.

Reason — A worksheet can be erased by right clicking the sheet name and selecting 'delete' option from the drop-down list.

Which of the following functions is used to add the values of consecutive cells?

  • None of the above

Reason — sum( ) function calculates the sum of all the values of the specified cells.

The max( ) function is used to find the maximum of:

  • three values
  • any number of values
  • none of them

Any number of values

Reason — Max( ) function returns the highest value among all the values of the specified cells or the range of cells.

Count( ) function is used to find the

  • number of elements in a range of cells.
  • frequency of an element in a range of cells.
  • number of elements starting with a specific digit.
  • number of elements ending with a specific digit.

Number of elements in a range of cells

Reason — The count function enables a user to count the number of cells in a range that contain numbers.

Which of the following is not a pictorial representation of data?

Range of cells

Reason — A range of cells is a group of cells that has been selected.

What is meant by customising a chart?

  • Sending a chart to the customer

Modifying a chart as per requirement

  • Receiving a chart through e-mail
  • Declaring a chart title

Reason — Customising a chart means modifying a chart as per requirement.

State True or False

A range of cells is a group of cells that has been selected. True

A spreadsheet can contain only numeric data. False

You can insert a chart but not a clipart in a worksheet. False

The cell in which the cell pointer is located in a worksheet, is referred to as the active cell. True

You can select a range of data as per your choice in a spreadsheet. True

Fill in the blanks

Charts are the pictorial representation of data values stored in the worksheet.

When the corresponding cell address changes with reference to a new cell address, it is known as relative reference.

By default, MS Excel provides three worksheets in a workbook.

The built-in formulae for specific numeric/non-numeric processing are called functions .

A range of cells is a rectangular block consisting of a few cells, an entire row, an entire column or the whole worksheet.

Write the format of the functions used in MS Excel to perform the following tasks

To calculate the average of 82, 67, 80, 74 and 95.


To find the highest value of the cell references from D3 to K3.


To calculate the sum of the first five multiples of 7.


To determine the lowest value of the cell references from A4 to A12.


To find the sum of all the prime numbers from 1 to 10.


To find the arithmetical mean of the cell references from E4 to K4.


Spot the error in each of the following

=SUM ('C9':C14)


=$B$3 * C$4

=COUNT(9, 12, 17, 26, A$)

=COUNT(9, 12, 17, 26)

This will give the output as 4 since there are 4 numeric values given as input to the count function.



where 'n' is the row number of the cell till where the average is required.

=MAX('19', 70, 101)




Case-Study Based Questions

Given below is a table containing 'Rate/gm' and 'Wt in gm' in columns A and B respectively. Cell D1 contains GST as 5% (i.e. 0.05). The cost (including GST) of each item is to be calculated and stored in the corresponding cells of column C as (Rate/gm) * Wt in gm * GST.

Based on the above case, answer the following questions:

(a) Which of the following represents cell D1 as absolute?

(b) What will happen when cell C1 is absolute and used in the formula to find cost in the cells from C4 to C7?

  • All cell values from C4 to C7 will become 0 (zero).
  • The cell value D1 will be shifted into the cell C1.
  • The cell value D1 will be copied into the cell C1.
  • All the cell values from C4 to C7 will occupy same non-zero values.

(c) What will be the formula to calculate the cost in column C4?

  • A4 * B4 * D1
  • A4 * B4 * $D$1
  • A4 * $B4$ * D1
  • $A4$ * $B4$ * $d4$

(d) What will be the formula to calculate the cost in column C7?

  • $A$7 * B7 * D1
  • A7 * B7 * $D$1
  • A$7$ * B$7$ * D1
  • A7 * B7 * $D1$

Reason — We add '$' sign before a column and row to make it absolute.

(b) All cell values from C4 to C7 will become 0 (zero).

Reason — The result is zero because cell C1 is empty and as a result its numeric value will be taken as 0.

(c) A4 * B4 * $D$1.

Reason — We add '$' sign before a column and row to make it absolute. Hence the value of GST % in cell D1 remains the same while the cost changes according to cell C4, C5...and so on.

Note — There is a misprint in the options. Cell D1 has been incorrectly referred to as C1. This error has been fixed in the question here.

(d) A7 * B7 * $D$1

Reason — A7 and B7, being relative references will change while $D$1 being absolute reference will remain the same.

Given below is a chart which shows the comparative study of the prices of TV sets of various companies:

On the basis of the above chart, answer the following questions:

(a) What is the type of the given chart?

(b) Name any two chart elements.

(c) Name the chart element to display the title.

(d) Which option will you select under chart element to display information along horizontal or vertical direction?

(a) The given chart is a 2D column chart.

(b) Two chart elements are Chart Title and Axis Title.

(c) Chart Title displays the title of the chart.

(d) One will select Axis Title to display information along horizontal or vertical direction.

Explain the following functions


This function calculates the sum of the cell references from C5 to H5.

=AVERAGE (K12:K50)

This function calculates the average of the cell references from K12 to K50.

=COUNT (B15:B35)

This function counts the number of cells which contain numeric values, in the range of cells from B15 to B35.

=MAX (A4:A14)

This function finds the highest value among the cell references from A4 to A14.

Explain the three types of referencing

  • Relative Referencing

In Relative Referencing, when the formula is copied to a new cell, the corresponding cell address changes with reference to the new cell address.

For example, consider the formula '=SUM(A1:A5)' in A6 for calculating the total from A1 to A5. Here the relative positions of the cells are specified. When this formula is copied to B6 or C6, it will automatically get adjusted as below:

For B6, it will become =SUM(B1:B5) For C6, it will become =SUM(C1:C5)

  • Absolute Referencing

In Absolute Referencing, the address of the cells is specified in a way that it remains constant when the formula is copied to a new cell. To keep the cell value absolute, apply the '$' sign before the column name, as well as the row number.

For example, let us consider that cell C6 has the formula =A6*B6*$F$3. The formula takes the relative cell values from A6 and B6, and the absolute value from the cell F3. When this formula is copied to C7 or C8, it will automatically get adjusted as below:

For C7, it will become =A7*B7*$F$3 For C8, it will become =A8*B8*$F$3

Notice that the relative reference changes but the absolute reference $F$3 remains the same.

  • Mixed Referencing

Mixed Referencing is a combination of relative and absolute referencing. In this reference, the data of one cell is kept absolute and other is made relative and finally they are operated together in a formula.

For example, let us consider that cell B5 has the formula =$B$3*B$4. When this formula is copied to C5 and D5, it will automatically get adjusted as below:

For C5, it will become =$B$3*C$4 For D5, it will become =$B$3*D$4

Define the functions

This function calculates the total of all the values of the specified cells and returns the result to the cell where the cell pointer is located.

Its syntax is: =SUM(number1, number2, .......) where argument type is Number and return type is Number.

To find the sum of the cell values ranging from A1, A2, A3, ........ to An, the function will be written as: =SUM(A1, A2, A3, ......., An)       OR =SUM(A1:An)


This function takes all the values of the specified cells and returns the average of the cell values in the active cell.

Its syntax is: =AVERAGE(number1, number2, .......) where argument type is Number and return type is Number.

To find the average of the cell values ranging from A1, A2, A3, ........ to An, the function will be written as: =AVERAGE(A1, A2, A3, ......., An)       OR =AVERAGE(A1:An)

This function returns the highest value among all the values of the specified cells or the range of cells.

Its syntax is: =MAX(number1, number2, .......) where argument type is Number and return type is Number.

To know the highest of the cell values ranging from A1, A2, A3, ........ to An, the function will be written as: =MAX(A1, A2, A3, ......., An)       OR =MAX(A1:An)

This function returns the lowest value among the values of the specified cells or the range of cells.

Its syntax is: =MIN(number1, number2, .......) where argument type is Number and return type is Number.

To know the lowest of the cell values ranging from A1, A2, A3, ........ to An, the function will be written as: =MIN(A1, A2, A3, ......., An)       OR =MIN(A1:An)

Short Answer Questions

What are the points to be taken care of while writing the format of a function in MS Excel?

The following points must be taken care of while writing the format of a function in MS Excel:

  • Each function must begin with an 'equal to' (=) sign.
  • Parenthesis is used to indicate the opening and closing of a function.
  • Arguments are written within the parenthesis.
  • Commas are used to separate the arguments.

What is meant by cell reference?

Every cell in a worksheet has a cell address, by which it is referred and when this address is used in a formula, it is known as cell referencing.

MS Excel provides three different ways to refer to a cell-

Define Sheet Tab.

In MS Excel, the tab which displays various worksheets in a workbook is called the 'Sheet Tab'. It is located at the bottom left corner of the excel window. By default, the system displays only one sheet named Sheet1.

Explain the term 'Range of Cells' in a spreadsheet.

When more than one cells are selected in a worksheet, the selected cells are known as range of cells. A range is specified by giving the addresses of the first cell and the last cell to be included in the range.

What do you understand by chart? Explain with reference to MS Excel.

A chart is a pictorial representation of data used to communicate information in a better way. It helps in better visualisation, comparison and relationship between data.

MS Excel provides different types of charts such as column chart, line chart, pie chart, bar chart, etc. from which the user can select as per his/her need.

Write all the steps to perform the following tasks in MS Excel

Naming a Worksheet

To name a worksheet, follow these steps:

Step 1 — Double-click the name of the worksheet on the sheet tab.

Step 2 — Enter the name and press 'Enter' key.

Renaming a Worksheet

To rename a worksheet, follow these steps:

Step 2 — Enter the new name and press 'Enter' key.

Deleting a worksheet

To delete a worksheet, follow these steps:

Step 1 — Right-click on the sheet name on the Sheet Tab that you want to delete.

Step 2 — Select the 'Delete' option from the pop-up list.

Selecting a partial range in a row

To select a partial range in a row, follow these steps:

Step 1 — Select the first cell.

Step 2 — Keeping the left mouse button pressed, drag the mouse to select the desired number of cells in a row.

Step 3 — Release the mouse button.

Selecting multiple columns in a worksheet

To select multiple columns in a worksheet, follow these steps:

Step 1 — Select or bring the mouse pointer to the column header of a column from where consecutive columns are to be selected.

Step 2 — Press the left mouse button to select required number of consecutive columns.

Preparing a chart by using a sample data table

To prepare a chart by using a sample data table, follow these steps:

Step 1 — Select the range of cells whose data is to be represented.

Step 2 — Click the 'Insert' tab on the ribbon.

Step 3 — Click and select the type of chart (say, Column chart) from the 'Charts' group. A drop-down list opens.

Step 4 — Select the desired chart (say, a 2-D Column). The data will be displayed in the form of the chart selected.

MS Excel Task

You have purchased some textbooks from a bookstore, as given below:

Write the steps involved to perform the following tasks in MS Excel on the table given above.

Find the average price of the books.

To find the average price of the books, follow these steps:

Step 1 — Select the cell where you want to display the average price of the books.

Step 2 — Type the formula =AVERAGE(C3:C9) in the cell.

Step 3 — Press 'Enter' key.

The average price of the books will be calculated.

If the bookseller offers 10% discount, then calculate the amount to be paid to the shopkeeper.

To calculate the amount to be paid to the shopkeeper, follow these steps:

Step 1 — Select cell D3.

Step 2 — Write the formula =C3-(C3*0.1) and press enter key.

Step 3 — Select cell D3 again and drag the cell handle from D3 till D9.

Step 4 — Select cell D10.

Step 5 — Write the formula =SUM(D3:D9) and press enter key.

Cell D10 shows the amount payable to the shopkeeper.

Find the price of the book which had the highest price among the books you bought.

To find the price of the book which had the highest price among the books you bought, follow these steps:

Step 1 — Select the cell where you want to display the result.

Step 2 — Type the formula =MAX(C3:C9) in the cell.

The price of the most expensive book will be displayed.

Calculate the total amount paid at the bookstore.

To calculate the total amount to be paid to the shopkeeper, follow these steps:

Step 1 — Select the cell C10.

Step 2 — Type the formula =SUM(C3:C9) in the cell.

C10 will display the total amount to be paid to the shopkeeper.

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August 8, 2022 allnewjob Assignment 9

class 8 assingment ict answer solution 2020

ICT Assingment for Class 8 (Eight) Answer and Solution for the www.dshe.gov.bd 2020 assignment is available now. The Information and Communication Technology class XIII students assignment answer has been given here. Any student can download their class 8 all subject assignments answer with syllabus and question from this website.

Therefore you are next to get the ICT assignment class 8 answer and download PDF of the link. Now click on the download link to get your class 8 Information and Communication Technology (tottho o jogajog projukti) answer and solution.

ICT Assignment Class 8

Our this post is about the Information and Communication Technology subject assignment for the Bangladeshi Class 8 students. In the DSHE 2nd week revised syllabus for the students, the authority has assigned the assignment for the ICT course. Now students are searching for their ICT assignment class 8 with solution from internet and other sources. We have also heard that a group of people are selling the class eight assignment answer.

But you must first try to complete the assignment for your class at home with the help if your NCTB ICT Book. If you read the assigned chapter as published in www.dshe.gov.bd 2020 syllabus , then I am sure you will be able to write down the answer for the assignment by you own merit. You can take the help of online such as from our website when you feel that you can want to add more points and information to your answer.

ICT Assignment Class 8 Syllabus

Before you start writing answer for your Class 8 ICT assignment, you have to collect the assignment syllabus from the official website. Except the official website, you can also get the ICT assignment 1st and 2nd week syllabus from our website www.allnewjobcircular.com also. As we have declared that you can download your class eight ICT assignment from this page, do now make wait anymore. Go for the direct link of downloading class 8 assignment now.

Generally, we uses two particular ways for publishing any assignment or examination result. The one is publishing the image of the assignment for the particular course. The another is uploading PDF file of the class 8 assignment. In the sphere of the class 8 ICT course, we have chosen the second way resulting uploading PDF syllabus of the assignments task. Click the PDF of the syllabus for your Class 8 assignment for all subject in the short form in 2020.

ICT Assignment Class 8 Answer

It is to give a note for the class 8 students that they have to write down the whole ICT assignment in Bangla language. Just a single part is doled out for the class 8 ICT task that has in any event seven exercises. In the allotted task, the directorate has additionally fixed how the understudies will compose their task. The fundamental concentration in the task will be the significance of data correspondence and innovation.

You have to write assignment on তথ্য ও যোগাযোগ প্রযুক্তি রচনা from your ICT book . একজন ব্যক্তি সরকারের গৃহীত তথ্য ও যোগাযোগ ভিত্তিক সেবা থেকে কিভাবে সহযোগিতা পেতে পারেন। So, get you answer for the specific class task PDF record. প্রথম অধ্যায় : পাঠ ১ ও ২, তথ্য ও যোগাযোগ প্রযুক্তির গুরুত্ব। ডিজিটাল বাংলাদেশ ও প্রযুক্তিভিত্তিক সেবা/ সেবার গুরুত্ব। All theses are you assignment topics selected for the class eight ICT course students. So, get the PDF link to get your most expected answer as you believe us for our utmost service to help you.

ICT Assignment Class Eight Solution PDF

In earlier paragraphs, we have told our students that we will give both PDF and picture of the ict class assignments for 8 students bd. As our team is very reliable and trustworthy to our visitor, we always try to provide the most accurate assignment answer and solution. Then, you can expect the most reasonable solution for your class 8 ICT assignment with exact link. At the existing moment, our eight graders are passing very busy time in writing their 8 class assingment.

ICT Assignment Class 8 answer

Click Here for Full ICT Answer PDF

We are to tell you that never buy your assingment from any store or from someone. Rather try for yourself writing what you can make. That will be very fruitful for the students who is going to admit in class 9. Moreover, copying another assignments will lessen your creativity for thinking something new. So, follow the complete guidlines of your teachers or the online notice of the dshe.gov.bd

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Class 8 Assignment Science Answer PDF

Bangla Assignment Class 8 Answer & Syllabus  

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