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Fce (b2 first) writing exam (essay) – video.

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In this lesson you can learn how to write an essay for the Cambridge FCE exam , step by step.

You’ll see exactly what to do at each stage in the fce writing essay section, and how to get the best possible fce score ., there are four steps to the writing process. you’ll see what to do at each step, then you’ll learn how the writing is assessed., 1. how to analyse your fce writing essay task.

FCE Writing Exam (Essay) - writing image

First, you need to read the FCE writing essay task and identify exactly what needs to be included.

Let’s look at a sample question:

You’ve recently had a discussion in English class about society. Now your teacher has asked you to write an essay. Write an essay using all the notes and give reasons for your point of view.

University should be free for everyone. Do you agree or disagree? Notes 1. Taxes 2. Opportunity 3. Your own idea

So, what do you need to do? Most importantly, you need to say if you agree or disagree that university should be free for everyone.

You also need to use all the notes and give reasons for your point of view. That means your essay needs to include three central ideas: taxes, opportunity, and one other.

It also means that you need to reach a clear, justified conclusion. You can’t just say, ‘I agree’, or ‘I disagree.’ Think of it like this: you need to convince the examiner that your conclusion is correct.

You might think at this point, ‘yeah, obvious, thanks for the help, Kasia!’ Trust me; it’s harder than it sounds. Many FCE essays that we see don’t get these basic things right. It’s very easy to leave something out, or to go in the wrong direction.

Next, you’re writing this answer for your teacher so what style do you think it will be in? Formal or informal?

An essay should be formal. What does that mean?

Formal writing doesn’t use contractions, like ‘I’d’, ‘you’re’ or ‘don’t’. Write the full forms. You should also avoid using slang, colloquial vocabulary, or anything which sounds very conversational.

Next, think: what do you need to include?

You need to talk about taxes, opportunity, and you also need to add your own idea.

Even the ideas which are given to you—taxes and opportunity—are quite vague. That means you need to decide exactly what to talk about.

You also need to think about how to connect your ideas.

For example, with taxes you could say that if you pay taxes, then this should go back into society to benefit everyone. You could add to this by pointing out that having equal opportunities also benefits society. And for your own idea, you could talk about how people with higher education are more likely to be economically productive.

This is just one example, of course! There are many paths you could take.

Let’s talk about that in more detail.

2. How to Plan Your FCE Writing

Person writing a checklist

Here’s what you need to do when you plan your writing for the FCE writing essay.

First, you need to decide what your conclusion is going to be. Are you going to agree or disagree that university should be free for everyone?

Decide your conclusion first, because everything else in your essay needs to lead to it.

Secondly, you need to plan how many paragraphs you’re going to have, and what you’ll put in each one.

Thirdly, you need to make sure your paragraphs are connected to your conclusion.

Let’s see an example:

  • Taxes – parents pay taxes so children should get education. Children will pay taxes in the future.
  • Opportunity – education creates more equal society. Higher standard of living for everyone.
  • Economy – educated workforce helps the economy grow.
  • Conc. – agree with statement

Pause the video if you want some more time to read the plan.

You can see that we use the key idea of ‘education’ in the notes for each paragraph. Doing this can help you to stay focused and on-topic, because you’re connecting each paragraph back to the main idea of the question.

When you plan, make sure that each paragraph has a clear focus.

Every good paragraph starts with a topic sentence, which summarises the main point of the paragraph.

The sentences which follow are called supporting sentences. These include reasons and examples to support your topic sentence.

A good exercise during planning is to take a paragraph and think to yourself: “What’s this paragraph about?”

If you can answer that question in one simple sentence, then that’s a good sign. Hopefully, your plan is clear. However, if you can’t answer that question, that shows that your plan isn’t totally clear in your head.

Once you’ve finished your plan, you’re ready to write your answer!

3. How to Write Your Answer

In your candidate answer book, you will now write your essay.

Let’s look at a model answer:

  • There are many factors to consider when deciding if the university should be free or not. Among these are taxes, equality of opportunity, and the economy.
  • Firstly, a proportion of taxes should go to education. Some might say if you can afford university, then you should pay for it. But, this doesn’t take into account the fact that higher earners pay higher income tax so they are already contributing more.
  • Secondly, by making university free for all, it creates more opportunitys for those from low-income backgrounds. Although they may still have difficulty meeting other costs such as accommodation it makes the playing field more level.
  • In addition, having an educated workforce is proven to help the economy grow. The more people with degrees there are, the higher the standard of living for everyone. So, more people will be able to pay taxes to fund the education of future generations.
  • In conclusion, free university ultimately benefits all members of society.

Pause the video to read, and start again when you’re ready.

First question: have we answered the question?

Yes: the conclusion states that ‘free university benefits all members of society.’ This shows that we agree that university should be free for everyone.

Next: have we used topic sentences?

Yes, we have. The first sentence of the essay tells you what the entire essay will be about.

Then, each paragraph’s topic sentence contains a key word from our plan. We have ‘taxes,’ ‘opportunities’ and ‘economy’.

Also, the topic sentences and paragraphs all reference the idea of ‘education’, either directly or indirectly. This shows that our points are relevant and connected to the task.

So, now you’re finished, right? No–there’s one more step. This answer is not bad, but it could be better.

4. How to Check and Improve Your Answer


The final step is to check your answer.

What type of things do you think you should look for?

Grammar, of course, but what else?

Check for spelling mistakes. Check for style—have you used any conversational language which doesn’t fit the tone of an essay like this?

Check your use of linking words and phrases. Many students overuse them; don’t use a linking word like nevertheless unless you’re sure it fits.

Check for repetition of vocabulary. Could you replace any simple vocabulary with something more advanced?

Look at our model answer again:

  • There are many factors to consider when deciding if the university should be free or not. Among these are taxes, equality of opportunity and the economy.
  • Secondly, by making university free for all, it creates more opportunitys for those from low-income backgrounds. Although they may still have difficulty meeting other costs such as accommodation * it makes the playing field more level.

The bold words are either mistakes, or they could be improved somehow.

How would you improve this? Pause the video while you read and decide.

The first problem is with grammar. Unless you’re talking about one specific university, you don’t use the.

Okay, what’s wrong with doesn’t? We’ve used a contraction! Don’t use contractions in your essay. So, it should be does not.

The next problem is a spelling mistake. When a word ends in ‘y’, it changes to ‘ies’ in the plural: opportunities .

Next is a punctuation mistake. There’s a comma missing. There are two clauses in this sentence and they need to be separated by a comma.

There’s nothing wrong with people with degrees but it’s quite basic. What else could you say?

You could say educated people, or even highly-educated people, either of which is slightly more elegant.

So is not a mistake, but we used so in the second paragraph already. You want to show the examiner your range of language, so here you could use something more precise like consequently.

Our conclusion is only one sentence, so let’s add an extra point. We’re still under the maximum word count. This could help us to state our opinion more clearly.

Let’s change it to:

  • In conclusion, free university should be free for everyone. It makes economic sense and ultimately benefits all members of society.

Here’s the final version of our essay:

  • There are many factors to consider when deciding if university should be free or not. Among these are taxes, equality of opportunity, and the economy.
  • Firstly, a proportion of taxes should go to education. Some might say if you can afford university, then you should pay for it. But, this does not take into account the fact that higher earners pay higher income tax so they are already contributing more.
  • Secondly, by making university free for all, it creates more opportunities for those from low-income backgrounds. Although they may still have difficulty meeting other costs such as accommodation, it makes the playing field more level.
  • In addition, having an educated workforce is proven to help the economy grow. The more highly-educated people there are, the higher the standard of living for everyone. Consequently, more people will be able to pay taxes to fund the education of future generations.

At this point, it’s looking good! Next, let’s focus on what you can do to produce a good FCE writing essay which will get a high score in your exam.

5. How to Improve Your Score

Your essay score is made up of four parts. For each part, you get a score from zero to five.

  • Content – how well the candidate has fulfilled the task
  • Communicative Achievement – how appropriate the writing is for the task
  • Organisation – how well the writing is put together
  • Language – focuses on vocabulary and grammar

First there’s Content . The mark scheme says this “focuses on how well you have fulfilled the task”. In other words, have you done everything you were asked to do?

This corresponds to step one of our writing process. Analyse the task carefully and make sure you do everything it asks you to. A good tip is to underline the key words in the task to help you identify what you need to do.

Next there’s Communicative Achievement . This “focuses on how appropriate your writing is for the task”.

Have you used the correct register? Have you used contractions? Basically: does your essay look and sound like an essay?

Then we have Organisation . This looks at “how the writing is put together”. Is it logical and organised? By planning your writing carefully, it will already be organised. Remember to plan your paragraphs carefully and write a clear topic sentence at the beginning of each paragraph.

You can also use linking words and phrases to make the connections between paragraphs even clearer.

In our essay, we used many linking words, including firstly, secondly, in addition, although, consequently and in conclusion. Look through the essay again, and note how the linking words and phrases are used. Can you find any more examples of linking words in the essay?

Finally, you have Language : vocabulary and grammar. The examiners will be looking for a range of language as well as how accurate it is. In step four, you saw how checking your essay can improve your language.

Are you worried that making mistakes will affect your mark? Of course, making a lot of mistakes will lower your mark, but remember this is only one part of your score.

For B2 level, the Cambridge mark scheme says, ‘Occasional errors may be present but do not impede communication.’ That means you can still score 5 from 5, even with some small mistakes.

But, hopefully, you’ll catch most of them when you’re on step four – checking and improving your answer.

You’ve seen how to write an essay for FCE, but you can use the same process for other Cambridge exams, including the CAE and CPE when you get that far.

Good luck with your exam preparation and let us know when you pass! Thanks for watching!

Keep practicing with more Free English Writing Lessons from Oxford Online English!

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The Ultimate Guide to Cambridge English: First (FCE)

Cambridge English First FCE

Welcome, language enthusiasts! Are you ready to take your English language skills to new heights and gain international recognition for your proficiency? The Cambridge English: First (FCE) exam is your ticket to showcasing your language abilities to the world. Whether you are an EFL/ESL learner preparing for the FCE or just curious about the exam, this ultimate guide will equip you with the tools and knowledge needed to succeed. Let’s embark on this exciting journey together ( find out other important exams here !).

Understanding the Cambridge English: First (FCE) Exam

Before we delve into the preparation, let’s understand what the FCE is all about. This globally renowned exam is designed to assess your communicative competence in English at an upper-intermediate level (B2 on the CEFR – Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). The exam has four main sections:

  • Reading and Use of English: This section evaluates your reading comprehension and language use skills through various tasks like multiple-choice, gap-fill, and sentence transformations.
  • Writing: Here, you’ll demonstrate your ability to compose different types of written texts, such as an essay, letter, report, or review.
  • Listening: You’ll be tested on your listening comprehension through a range of recordings, including interviews, discussions, and monologues.
  • Speaking: This part assesses your spoken English through interactive tasks, role plays, and discussions with an examiner and a fellow candidate.

Preparing for Success

Now that you know the structure of the FCE, it’s time to focus on preparation. Here are some tried-and-tested tips to ace each section:

  • Practice Makes Perfect: Regular practice is essential for improving your language skills. Engage in diverse reading materials, watch English movies or TV shows, and listen to podcasts or audiobooks to hone your listening skills.
  • Master Time Management: The FCE exam is time-bound, so develop time management strategies during your practice sessions. Familiarize yourself with each section’s time limits to avoid unnecessary stress during the actual test.
  • Vocabulary Matters: Enhance your vocabulary by learning new words and phrases. Keep a vocabulary journal and use flashcards to reinforce your memory.
  • Grammar and Structure: Solidify your understanding of grammar rules and sentence structures. This will greatly improve your performance in the Writing and Use of English sections.
  • Practice Past Papers: Familiarize yourself with the exam format by solving past papers. This will help you identify your weak areas and build confidence in tackling different question types.

Conquering Each Section

Let’s break down each section and explore some effective strategies for excelling:

  • Skim the text first to get a general idea of the content before attempting specific questions.
  • Pay attention to keywords and context clues to answer gap-fill and multiple-choice questions accurately.
  • Practice paraphrasing to excel in the sentence transformation tasks.
  • Plan your essay or report before you start writing. A clear structure will make your ideas more coherent.
  • Use a variety of vocabulary and sentence structures to showcase your language proficiency.
  • Proofread your work to correct any grammar or spelling errors.
  • Concentrate on the main ideas during the first listening, and take notes during the second.
  • Focus on understanding context and speakers’ attitudes to answer questions accurately.
  • Practice active listening by exposing yourself to different English accents.
  • Engage in regular English conversations with friends or language partners to build confidence in speaking.
  • Stay calm and composed during the speaking test, and make use of the preparation time wisely.
  • Express your opinions clearly and actively listen to your partner’s responses during the interactive tasks.

Cambridge English: First (FCE) – Scoring

Now that you know how to prepare for the Cambridge English: First (FCE) exam, let’s talk about how it’s scored. The FCE is a rigorous assessment, but don’t worry – the scoring system is fair and straightforward.

Each section of the FCE is weighted equally, and you will receive a separate score for each one. The maximum score for each section is 40, and the overall exam score is based on a scale of 0 to 200. Here’s how the scoring works:

  • Reading and Use of English: This section has 52 questions, and each correct answer is worth one point. There are no negative marks for incorrect answers.
  • Writing: Two examiners evaluate your writing tasks, awarding a total of 40 points based on language accuracy, content, and organization.
  • Listening: This section has 30 questions, with each correct answer earning one point. As with the Reading and Use of English section, there are no penalties for incorrect answers.
  • Speaking: The Speaking section is assessed by trained examiners using detailed performance descriptors. You can score up to 40 points, with 32 points being the minimum required to pass this section.

To achieve the Cambridge English: First (FCE) certificate, you need a minimum score of 160 out of 200. Scoring between 140 and 159 will earn you a grade B, while scoring between 120 and 139 will grant you a grade C.

Remember, your FCE score reflects your language proficiency at the B2 level. Don’t be disheartened if you don’t get the desired score on your first attempt – use it as a learning experience and keep improving! With dedication and practice, you’ll soon conquer the FCE and take your English skills to the next level. Best of luck!

Embrace Your Language Journey

Congratulations! You’ve now been equipped with the essential tools and tips to excel in the Cambridge English: First (FCE) exam. Remember, learning a language is a journey, and the FCE is just one milestone along the way. Embrace every opportunity to practice and immerse yourself in the English language. Stay positive, be persistent, and you’ll undoubtedly see progress.

So, go ahead and conquer the FCE with confidence. Let your language prowess shine on the global stage! Good luck on your English language journey!

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First (FCE) Essay Questions

The essay task at Cambridge B2 First (FCE) level might be one of the first times learners encounter a truly formal writing task. At the previous level, B1 Preliminary (PET), all the writing tasks are relatively casual and informal. This is where the First Certificate writing forces candidates to prove they really know how to organise and deliver a robust formal text. However, at the end of the day, the FCE essay is a reasonably approachable task with can be overcome with a clear plan and plenty of practice. Here, we’ve got three questions on different FCE essay topics that are all common at B2 level. If you’re not sure how to write a good essay, try our how to improve an essay post.

cambridge first fce essay questions

FCE Essay topics

There are quite a range of possible topics at FCE level. However, some of them lend themselves better to writing tasks than others. Remember, a writing task always needs to have elements that can be compared to each other, which can be either complimentary or contrasting.

These are some of the FCE essay topics which a most likely to come up:

  • The environment
  • Education and work
  • Culture and customs
  • Leisure activities
  • Health and fitness

It’s a good idea to look at all of these topics in depth. Study vocabulary related to the topic and consider where you stand on different issues. In a class, you can do a vocabulary lesson followed by a class debate. Then follow up the debate with an essay question on the same topic as homework.

Common mistakes when writing an essay

At B2 level, exam candidates are often still crossing the boundary into being efficient user of English. While they may have a range of grammar and lexis to draw on, they may not always use it to good effect. As a teacher, you may encounter adult learners who haven’t written anything academic in decades. Likewise, you’ll find younger teens who haven’t yet had to produce a cohesive text in their academic careers.

In my experience, these are the biggest mistakes B2 level students make when writing an essay for the FCE exam:

  • Not including your own idea – One of the requirements of every First essay question is to include your own idea. It says it right there in the task. However, some people understand this to mean they have to include their opinion. While you should include your opinion, that’s not why is say “your own idea”. Every essay should include three content points. Two of those are provided in the question and one more must be provided by the writer.
  • Paragraphs that are too long or too short – The word limit for the FCE essay question is quite short (140-190 words). This means writers have to be quite concise and get to the point quickly. Each paragraph will probably only contain 2-4 sentences. That said, 1 sentence paragraphs are never acceptable, especially when it’s one big long rambling sentence. Neither are 6 sentence paragraphs which leave you no words for other parts of your text.
  • Over-personalisation – Your FCE essay includes an element of opinion. In fact, the task explicitly asks you if you agree with a certain statement. However, that doesn’t mean you should fill the essay with 1st person pronouns and personal anecdotes. An essay is an academic text which should use objective evidence to support your point of view.
  • Lack of conclusion – Sometimes people write an essay that perfectly evaluates 3 different content points and then finishes with a statement that says all points are equal. This is a mistake. The question asks you whether you agree with a statement. Your conclusion should clearly express where you stand on the issue. Don’t be wishy-washy!
  • Trying too hard – The best First (FCE) essays are simple, to-the-point, well-structured and cohesive. Your essay isn’t going to change the world, so don’t go overboard. Once you’ve got a structure that works, rinse and repeat with different topics until you can consistently produce a well-polished text.

The materials

Here are three First (FCE) essay questions. They have been designed using typical FCE essay topics for B2 level. Use them to practise and improve in preparation for the Cambridge B2 First exam.

is it worth learning a foreign language essay fce

Student Essay: The Value of Foreign Languages

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Learning Foreign Languages: What Are the Benefits? Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

Have you ever wondered why some people have certain flexibility of mind? They can see problems from various standpoints, understand many views on a matter, and can find a suitable solution to a problem relatively easily. Good command of a foreign language is the major contributor to the person’s flexibility of mind, memory capacity, and ability to adapt to ever-changing circumstances.

While it is true that there are numerous study areas for a student to become proficient in, having a good command of a foreign language enhances the overall learning capacity and may even improve your health.

  • Studying any foreign language improves your memory and can even prevent a possible onset of Alzheimer’s disease (Jha par. 2).
  • Studying a foreign language improves your ability to understand complex concepts and ideas in other fields of study (Bialystok and Martin 1).
  • Studies have shown that learning foreign languages modifies the gray matter, responsible for processing the information in the brain (“Learning Languages ‘Boosts Brain’” par. 3).
  • People with a good command of a foreign language can manage their daily schedules more effectively and even make smarter financial decisions (Woodruff par. 1).

(Speaking a foreign language not only improves your overall learning capacity but is also an asset to your professional resume.)

Learning a foreign language enhances your career prospects, including potentially higher salary (“What Is a Foreign Language Worth?” par. 9).

  • Speaking at least one foreign language gives you a competitive edge in comparison with other candidates for the job position you choose.
  • Speaking a foreign language improves your decision-making process (Caldwell-Harris par. 2), thereby enhancing your ability to reach a compromise in difficult situations.
  • It can boost your confidence regarding your professional performance.
  • It can improve your teamwork skills, which is extremely useful in a work setting in your future career.
  • Being proficient in a foreign language may result in getting an internship position abroad, which will improve your professional competence.

(However, the advantages of learning a foreign language are not at all limited to the areas of your life involving work and studies. A foreign language opens up a whole new world of experience, the most exciting of which is traveling.)

Speaking a foreign language gives you an opportunity to discover foreign cultures while traveling.

  • Speaking the local language when traveling is a unique opportunity to learn about a particular foreign culture in a profound way.
  • By communicating with locals in their language, you can gain insights into their thinking patterns and mentality.
  • The local people will appreciate your efforts, whether you speak fluently, or not.
  • By befriending the locals, you will gain an opportunity to witness their culture on the inside, as they might invite you to spend some time in their home.
  • By learning about another nation’s mentality, you have an opportunity to find out new ways of looking at familiar things, shift your perspective, and broaden your horizon. (Speaking the local language has many practical advantages. It can come in handy when buying souvenirs and other products at the local market.)
  • By haggling in the local language, you gain the vendor’s respect and save money you would normally spend by paying the “sticker” price. (Finally, being proficient in a foreign language is an advantage in almost every area of your professional activities, studies, and leisure. This skill will enrich your life from many perspectives.)

Having a good command of a foreign language can enrich your personality and lead to many exciting and pleasant experiences.

  • Speaking a foreign language makes you a well-rounded person who can share interesting insights into the mentality and culture of another nation.
  • Thanks to this skill, you will be seen as a far more interesting and extraordinary person, which will, in turn, boost your confidence and self-esteem.
  • Learning about foreign traditions and customs allows you to make comparisons with your own cultural background.
  • These comparisons help better understand your culture.
  • Moreover, it helps you see the influence of other cultures on the one of your own and understand the underlying reasons for the particular beliefs and values.
  • By learning more about a foreign culture and the culture of your own, you will feel like a citizen of the world and a part of the global fabric of cross-cultural experience.
  • The ability to speak a foreign language will not only make you an attractive employee but also more appealing to the opposite sex.

As you can see, learning a foreign language has multiple advantages. It improves your learning capacity, preserves your health, enhances your career prospects, enriches your traveling experience, and makes you a well-rounded and interesting person to encounter. Overall, these innumerable benefits outweigh the difficulties that we might have while studying the language. Isn’t it truly worth the effort?

Works Cited

Bialystok, Ellen and Michelle M. Martin. “Attention and Inhibition in Bilingual Children: Evidence from the Dimensional Change Card Sort Task.” Developmental science 7.3 (2004): 325-339. Print.

Caldwell-Harris, Catherine. How Knowing a Foreign Language Can Improve Your Decisions . 2012. Web.

Jha, Alok. Being Bilingual May Delay Alzheimer’s and Boost Brain Power . 2011. Web.

Learning Languages ‘Boosts Brain’ 2004. Web.

What Is a Foreign Language Worth? 2014. Web.

Woodruff, Mandi. Here’s Why Bilingual People Make Better Financial Choices . 2012. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2021, April 8). Learning Foreign Languages: What Are the Benefits? https://ivypanda.com/essays/learning-foreign-languages-what-are-the-benefits/

"Learning Foreign Languages: What Are the Benefits?" IvyPanda , 8 Apr. 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/learning-foreign-languages-what-are-the-benefits/.

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Learning Foreign Languages: What Are the Benefits'. 8 April.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Learning Foreign Languages: What Are the Benefits?" April 8, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/learning-foreign-languages-what-are-the-benefits/.

1. IvyPanda . "Learning Foreign Languages: What Are the Benefits?" April 8, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/learning-foreign-languages-what-are-the-benefits/.


IvyPanda . "Learning Foreign Languages: What Are the Benefits?" April 8, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/learning-foreign-languages-what-are-the-benefits/.

Band 9 IELTS Preparation

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Essay 16 – Reason for learning a foreign language

Gt writing task 2 (essay writing) sample # 16.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people say that the only reason for learning a foreign language is in order to travel to or work in a foreign country. Others say that these are not the only reasons why someone should learn a foreign language.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer 1: Learning a foreign language has become increasingly important in our interconnected world. While some argue that the primary purpose of learning a foreign language is for travel or work opportunities in a foreign country, others contend that there are broader benefits beyond these practical considerations. This essay aims to discuss both perspectives and present the view that learning a foreign language extends beyond utilitarian purposes, encompassing cognitive, cultural, and personal growth.

Proponents of the travel and work argument assert that learning a foreign language is crucial for effective communication and integration in a foreign country. Being able to speak the local language facilitates cultural immersion, enhances travel experiences, and enables better job prospects in international settings. Fluency in a foreign language can create opportunities for individuals to explore new horizons and broaden their perspectives.

However, it is vital to recognize that the benefits of learning a foreign language extend far beyond practical considerations. One significant advantage is the cognitive benefits associated with language learning. Studies have shown that bilingualism enhances memory, problem-solving skills, and cognitive flexibility. Learning a foreign language challenges the brain, improving overall cognitive abilities and contributing to mental agility.

Moreover, mastering a foreign language provides insights into the culture, literature, and history of the target language community. Language and culture are intrinsically linked, and by learning a language, individuals gain a deeper understanding of diverse customs, traditions, and perspectives. Furthermore, learning a foreign language has personal benefits, such as increased self-confidence, improved communication skills, and heightened adaptability. Language acquisition builds interpersonal connections and encourages empathy, facilitating meaningful interactions with people from different backgrounds. Additionally, it expands personal and professional networks, opening doors to collaborative opportunities and fostering lifelong friendships.

To conclude, while the practical aspects of travel and work certainly hold value, it is essential to recognize the broader benefits of learning a foreign language. From cognitive development to cultural understanding and personal growth, language acquisition enriches our lives in diverse ways.

Model Answer 2: Travelling and migration are two primary reasons for many to learn a foreign language. However, the advantages of learning a second language are multifaceted and are not restrained by the need to communicate with people who use this language. I personally believe that the reason so many people are interested in a second language is diverse.

Adults often enrol in a language course or invest time to enhance their language skills as they understand how crucial it is to be able to communicate with native people when they travel to a different country. Communication skills often determine their professional success or enjoyable holidays in a country far away from home. Similarly, proficiency in a language is often a criterion for immigration. For instance, anyone seeking to migrate to Canada needs to prove his/her English, and sometimes French, proficiency. Thus many people learn the language solely for professional and immigration requirements.

Nevertheless, there are many other reasons for people around the world to learn a second language. For children, a foreign language is an academic subject and they need the skill, specifically in English, to be able to continue their education while tertiary-level education is dominated by the English language in many countries. Furthermore, skill in a foreign language is helpful for better cognitive development and it is backed by scientific research. Finally, people, in this age of technology, learn a different language to make friends beyond the border of their country and read books written in other languages. It also helps their ability to understand the diversity of cultures and traditions.

To conclude, travel and immigration might be the reasons for learning a new language to many, but the importance of learning a foreign language goes beyond these two objectives.

Model Answer 3: Learning a foreign language is a university-accepted trend and is utterly advantageous. However, a group of people opine that this skill is required only when someone needs to travel to or work in a different country. I, however, believe that skill in a non-native language is beneficial at every stage of life – beyond the travel and migration facilities.

To begin with, the main objective of learning a language is to communicate with people. From the pre-historic era, people mainly learned a language when they stayed in a foreign land for a long. Thus the skill primarily is required for travellers and immigration seekers. For instance, immigration authority gives extra points for migration seekers and this is a good example of how knowledge in a foreign language can help us migrate to a country we prefer.

However, in this modern era, learning a foreign language is not confined to travel and immigration requirements. Rather it is thought to be a necessity for developing someone’s cognitive power, communication skills and understanding of other cultures. For instance, most of the Asian countries have English as their second language and this is a primary requirement for higher studies. Without skills in English, someone can scarcely face an interview. Many books are written in English in those countries and children start learning it from the very beginning of their academic life. Travel or migration requirements are not the only reasons schools teach a foreign language to students. Moreover, it is scientifically proven that people who know a second language are better in academic and professional life. Millions of people who have never travelled or intend to work in a different country learn a foreign language and those people have many online friends who speak the language.

To conclude, travel and immigration are just two examples where people with foreign language skills avail benefits but they are not the only reasons to learn it. There are several other reasons for learning and mastering a foreign language.

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Learning a Foreign Language Essays

by Dhruvisha Shah (Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India)

is it worth learning a foreign language essay fce

good points and well organised
Feb 08, 2016

didn't like it
May 12, 2016

Your writing skill is very good, you have used many pinpoints in your essay, and I get very good tips from it. thank you good luck.
Jul 11, 2016

Good essay with strong vocabulary
Sep 19, 2016

thank you so much and nice essay well written (Y) appreciated.........
Nov 14, 2016

its written correct here.
the points are very good and in systematic way and pretty correct.
its easy and understandable essay.
keep it up
Jan 19, 2017

Nothing about languages
Mar 14, 2017

It's a gud n impressive statement
Apr 26, 2017

This essay has been taken from Cambridge Ielts book. The answer has been prepared by an examiner, therefore a perfect example of Ielts sample.
Jul 24, 2017

good essy but conclusion is too small. Otherwise it is excellent.
Feb 10, 2018

The last para does not provide any supporting reasons, and the conclusion is poor. Moreover, the paragraph supporting the argument also does not talk anything about how it is beneficial to learn language at an early age. It just talks about the grasping capabilities and the like but it has to talk specifically how it is going to be benefit like finding good jobs, taking a course in foreign language,etc.
Mar 26, 2018

Cohesion and Coherence issue
Nov 17, 2019

Hi, can you help me identifying the thesis statement? Many many thanks

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Learning a Language Abroad

by Phuc (Vietnam)

Please check my writing and give me feedback. Thank you very much. As a part of education, students should spend a period of time living in another country to learn its language and culture. Do you agree or disagree? It is said that living abroad would help improve your foreign language abilities and knowledge of another culture. According to my point of view, I partly agree with this opinion. Firstly, while we live among people who use the language, we will have a chance to practice it all the time. Rarely can we find a native speaker in our hometown. To almost all students, they usually find it difficult with speaking and listening skills. These cannot easily be improved if we use it uncommonly. Moreover, we may confront many situations which we have never faced up before. To deal with those difficulties after a few times, we will easily recognize the differences between the two cultures. Some factors are acceptable in our country but they are totally naughty in another one. For example, in many Asian nations, people usually ask about the others’ ages, work and also family; but to Western citizens, it is impolite to do so. These things are only taught while we stay in its culture. On the other side, each country has each education system. To study in another language is a challenge. To get used to their teaching manner, which is totally different from ours, is more challenging. People studying abroad often get ‘culture shock’ while they are not accustomed to the new lifestyle and the new way they have to study. Generally, living abroad is one of the best ways to learn the culture and language. But there are still some disadvantages. We have to overcome the shocks so that we can become proficient.

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Learning Languages at Primary School (2)

by Abrar khan (Sydney)

Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school? Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? The idea of whether children should be taught a foreign language at primary or secondary school is still debatable. Many people are of the opinion that it is more beneficial for a child to learn a second language at secondary school rather than primary. In this essay, I will attempt to explain the advantages and disadvantages of this view from my own personal perspective. To begin with, a child's mind cannot absorb too many contents at primary school and bombarding him with words from two languages (native and foreign) may lead his mind into a state of confusion. A student studying at Class one for instance, who just started to talk in his mother tongue will face great difficulty in learning a second language. Thus, it would be more appropriate to teach such a child a second language at secondary school where his mind will be ready to learn a new language. Secondly, in some situations, for instance in the case of an immigrant child, it would become very stressful for the child when he has to learn three languages (Native, Country Language, foreign language at school) simultaneously at primary school. In worse circumstances, as some researchers have shown from their studies, such children have difficulty in deciding which language to speak and may end up learning nothing. clearly, this child would face no difficulty if he is taught the third language at secondary school. Other commentators are of the view that foreign languages should be taught at primary school as it will spark the interest of learning new languages in the child's mind and as he grows up, by the time he enters secondary school he might be able to communicate in the foreign language. The argument here is that if such language is taught at secondary school, most of the children will not take interest in learning and may find it unnecessary. To recapitulate. children are mentally ready to learn a second language at secondary school and also suitable in circumstances where the child has to learn more languages. It is the responsibility of the child if he wants to continue learning this language after secondary school or not. In conclusion, I believe that teaching a foreign language would be more appropriate at secondary level as its advantages clearly outweigh its disadvantages. ***** Please give me comments for my learning a foreign language at primary school essay.

Learning Languages at Primary School (3)

by budi (indonesia)

Could anybody help me to assess my essay? Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? The right time for children to learn second languages has been a riddle since society started thinking about global citizenship and opportunity, especially in countries whose first language is not English. Most professional in the field believed that it is best to start learning second language at primary school while other practitioner suggested that start to learn that in secondary school is more efficient. I believe that the best time to start learning second language is at primary school. It is due to the fact that for biological reason, it is more beneficial and children can have an early exposure to the language. Medical research found out that the primordial part of the brain is responsible for emotional sensing, reflexive movement, and imitating ability. This imitating ability, which is developing significantly during primary school period, contributes significantly in language learning. On the other hand, logical thinking ability is developed later, that is during secondary school phase. This brain development knowledge is very fundamental information to support the idea that the best time to learn second language is during primary school. Many language researchers, educators, and experts believed that each individual needs different time to absorb every aspect of new language learned such as grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. This learning curve, which can not be accelerated, can only be balanced by starting it at early as possible. By doing so, children can get early exposure to the language. Thus, they also more get used to and are more confident in using it. For this reason, it is obvious that starting it early in primary school give children more benefits. After compiling that brain development phase information about imitating ability that contributes to language training as well as the fact that getting early exposure that can give more advantages, it is clear that the best time to begin learning foreign language is at primary school.

This essay has a high range of good vocabulary but there are some grammatical errors that you should improve. Also, you need to add two examples for each of the students responding to elementary school or secondary school. Thank you. I hope this helps you.

Learning Languages at Primary School (4)

by Md Abu Bakar Siddiq (Bangladesh)

Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? Learning a foreign language such as English is essential for our daily life, continued higher education, business, etc. But it’s a big controversy when to start it. Whether it should be initiated at primary level education or at secondary school level. I think it would be better to inaugurate learning another nation’s voice at primary level education. If we organize our children to be taught a foreign language at primary school, they can catch and follow instructions regarding this easily. Furthermore, it is easier for them to remember this early period learning for a long-time, since at this tender age the brain remains fresh and sharp to follow any instructions. Along with this, children’s foundation on that particular language becomes stronger that ultimately makes them more interested about that nation. Yet, some experts think differently. According to them, it is not wise making students’ interest about a second language before secondary level education. Firstly, it will put extra pressure on their brain. Secondly, this approach may make students reluctant about their mother language, which will hinder them to learn more about their culture, customs, and country as well. But, I do not agree with these cheap, awkward opinions. This is because I don’t believe beginning foreign language learning at primary school will put that much of an enormous stress on the kids’ mind and body. If adequate measures are taken during teaching they can enjoy it. On the other hand, side by side teaching institutes should be cautious about their attitude toward the mother language. So, it is crystal clear that learning another language along with the native one at primary level education has some added benefits over learning it at secondary school education. *** You can comment below on this learning a foreign language essay.

Learning Languages at Primary School (5)

by Rehmatullah Saeed (Pakistan, Karachi)

Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? Some school of thoughts argue that a foreign language should be learnt in the primary school while others argue that this strategy would put extra amount of pressure on the innocent children and subsequently considering the importance, necessity and obligation of learning a foreign language then I strongly believe the thoughts of the first party. Apparently the advantages of learning a foreign language in the primary level cross the minor number of disadvantages. Generally the age of childhood is very fresh and not any type of psychological pressure from their home and outside the home is on their shoulders and they are just free to play, enjoy and study, so the structure of the foreign language can easily be copied in their minds and finally they can become more mature when they get qualified to the secondary school due to the long term procedure. On the other hand some school teachers devise quiet complicated teaching methodologies for teaching students and in the result the children get bored and failed in clearing the examinations of the foreign language. Therefore students could get mentally confused and discouraged to follow up the other school subjects as well. For instance my cousin was trying hard to learn the English language but did not succeed to pass the very basic English language examinations and he also complained for the identical reason. To sum up all the observations then we can get a perception that teaching a foreign language to the students of the primary school is the best idea and beneficial for the future of the students but meanwhile a very slow and progressive, enjoyable and transparent teaching strategies should be planned in order to provide a very delightful environment to the lower aged students. Please comment on my essay about learning a foreign language at primary school.

Generally, the grammar in this essay does not have errors that would cause strain for the reader. Also, there is a wide range of vocabulary used and the structure and tone appropriate.

However, there are a couple of weaknesses that need to be addressed. Particularly in the introduction and in the first body paragraph, the sentence length is too long. This results in loss of coherence. It is best to have a variety of sentence lengths throughout your essay.

Also, the essay asks you to address learning a language in primary school rather than secondary. To my mind, this means that you should talk about language learning in secondary school as well.

Apart from that, there are some misused lexical items.
Jan 25, 2015

The essay is a nice one but needs to be more coherent.

There should also be some discussion on secondary school as we are comparing the learning with that of primary school.

Vocabulary range is very good.
Apr 19, 2015

The answer does not read smoothly because you didn't make use of cohesive devices. Most of the sentences are very long, and this will make the reader lose your trail of thoughts.

Your answer lacks insight as you didn't get deeper into highlighting the issue (learning languages at an early stage). You need to write with a good sense of audience.

The topic sentences of each paragraph (2 & 3) are not effective. We can hardly talk about any development of ideas.

You used a good range of vocabulary, but there are times when the meaning is spoilt. There are some grammar mistakes, and there is no variety in sentence structure.
Aug 17, 2015

It’s very good if one speak very well other languages. For that, experts discuss what is better for children. Is that learning foreign language in the primary or secondary level?

I notice that analysts giving some advantages and few disadvantage with explanation and include my knowledges what I get from my experiences.

First benefit is that children can speak very well another language, like their mother language's word and it became easy to have lot of words and sentence vocabulary. Because at age, the memory is empty, and able to receive more and fast.

Second benefit; is the improvement their intelligent. While, at secondary school, learn this new language, became difficult. And proposed one the big problem is pronunciation.

For disadvantages are:

At the primary school, children can easy speaking and learn a vocabulary. But they like playing and painting. So, they don’t accept to practice writing, reading and learn a grammar, however this materials become really worked at secondary school.

In conclusion, speaking, learn a vocabulary with alphabet are worked at primary school especially the pronunciation which is big hurdle, for who want learn new language because it’s my problem for a foreign language. I pronounce it like my mother language, because I studied it at secondary level not at the primary.

Nov 16, 2015

Some school of thoughts argue that a foreign language should be learnt in the primary school while others argue that this strategy would put extra amount of pressure on the innocent children and subsequently considering the importance, necessity and obligation of learning a foreign language then I strongly believe the thoughts of the first party.

Apparently the advantages of learning a foreign language in the primary level cross the minor number of disadvantages. Generally the age of childhood is very fresh and no any type of psychological pressure from their home and outside the home is on their shoulders and they are just free to play, enjoy and study, so the structure of the foreign language can easily be copied in their minds and finally they can become more mature when they get qualified to the secondary school due to the long term procedure.

On the other hand some school teachers devise quiet complicated teaching methodologies for teaching students and in the result the children get bored and failed in clearing the examinations of the foreign language. Therefore students could get mentally confused and discouraged to follow up the other school subjects as well. For instance my cousin was trying hard to learn the English language but not succeeded to pass the very basic English language examinations and he also complained the identical reason.

To sum up all the observations then we can get a perception that teaching a foreign language to the students of the primary school is the best idea and beneficial for the future of the students but meanwhile a very slow and progressive, enjoyable and transparent teaching strategies should be planned in order to provide a very delightful environment to the lower aged students.

May 10, 2017

learning a new language at a later stage stage of life can be a challenge , but children can learn a new language pretty well. In my opinion its better and easier to make children familiar with a new language than its to an grow up person . in my essay i will state some reasons for the same .

firstly , with the advance in science and technology , new facts about human brain are surfacing , one fact being that brain in its early years of development is more capable of learning new complex human behavior , language being such complex human behavior . thus introducing a foreign language at a primary level will yield better results .

secondly , introducing a foreign language in primary schools also means that children can communicate with different people from different cultures much more easily thus enlarging their circle of friendship which will prove beneficial for the overall growth and development pf children .

to conclude , i strongly suggest that foreign language should be introduced early in academic curriculum so that our children will grow up into much more responsible human beings .

Learning Languages at Primary School (6)

by Milan Jetha (Rajkot, Gujarat, India)

Hi guys, please give me suggestions on my essay: Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? Some schools of thoughts argue that children should start learning foreign languages from primary school while others argue that it would be more of burden on primary school pupils to start learning foreign languages at an early age. I strongly believe that students should learn foreign languages from primary school. Both the pros and cons of this argument will be discussed before reaching a reasonable conclusion. To begin, some people think that a student does not have any psychological burden in his/her childhood so this is the perfect age for learning a new language. Moreover, pupils will be more confident to speak a foreign language with anyone if they learn it in primary school. Also, children’s minds are ready to learn new things easily in their early age. As an example, some high secondary students are having difficulties in speaking English language, the reason being that they did not learn English language in their childhood. However, there are some plausible counters to this argument. Some plebeians believe that by learning English in primary school students would feel a burden on them. Also, there will be some chances to lose the importance of their native language if students concentrate on foreign languages from an early age. For instance, by giving priority to foreign languages some students are not properly able to speak their native language. In conclusion, according to these arguments it seems that there are strong benefits of learning English in primary school rather than secondary school. By giving knowledge of a foreign language from primary school children will grow smart. *** You can comment below on this learning a foreign language essay to help the student improve their score.

The article is well composed covering all the necessary points. But shall i ask a query of mine, i have recently started preparation for IELTS last week. And am just worried about writing as i want to score 7.5+. What sort of things should be included?
Nov 09, 2015

Hi Rockko,

Check out this lesson:

English as the Primary Language

by Rakez (hyderabad,india)

It is very clear now that English should be the primary foreign language taught in all schools around the world. Learning a different foreign language before English is, in today’s world, a waste of time. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? There is no deny that English is the top most widely spoken language in the world. The practice of speaking and writing in English came into existence since centuries. It continued to be popular and familiar to various nation, majorly because of the British influence. However most of the people, agree that learning a foreign than English is waste of time. First of all, the popularity of learning English is increasing day by day in countries like Middle east, South east asia and African countries. Teaching English in the schools helps the pupils to gain international language experience. For example, it broader employment and higher education opportunities in English speaking countries more than non- English speaking countries. Moreover, all the famous literatures from the ancient to modern are written in English. On the other hand, in a few countries like Japan, China and Korea the government and public only shows interest in their respective native languages. In the today’s present busy world, people learn foreign language like Spanish, French as a hobby which would not be a beneficial in their real life, except unless they visit the language spoken country. However, English has international reorganization and only primary foreign language to promote the business across the globe. Although, teaching a new foreign language in schools other than English will not be a success in practice, because hardly students find the person who speaks outside the school. In summary, English is the only ultimate foreign language that can be taught in schools without second the thought. However, I feel that learning a new language other than English is waste of time because it will be less in practice. Please could someone give me some feedback?

Good points and well developed essay.

Apart from few mistakes, except & unless, either one will do.

Use of the in some places is unnecessary

This is comment from my knowledge
Best way is to read and correct the essay yourself

But, write, leave for few hours, come back and read , mostly able to find the mistakes.

Hope that helps
Oct 27, 2014

You use repeated word maximum
Oct 27, 2014

here in India particularly in Kerala, this essay may get maximum 6.5.
Oct 27, 2014

Thank you, for the feedback. I will try to minimize the errors and try avoiding in the future.
Oct 28, 2014

you could be able to mention the points, however some grammar needs to be corrected.
Nov 12, 2014

I need improve my preposition
Dec 09, 2014

What do you have to change exactly?

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is it worth learning a foreign language essay fce

ESSAY - Learning Foreign Language is very useful for young people today

Learning Foreign Language is very useful for young people today Everyone knows that nowadays English is the most common language in the world. For that reason, it is extremely important for young people to improve their skills and to learn as much as they can of, this important language. To begin with, speaking English allows you to travel wherever you want without any problems. If you are visiting a place far away, it would probably be useful for you to know a little bit of English. For example, if you get lost in a strange country you could ask somebody for information without any problems. Furthermore, having a good knowledge of English could help you to find jobs. These days, it is always more common to find businesses which are looking for a good English speaker. In addition, it could be important for you to learn this language if you are interested in studying abroad. For instance, a good knowledge of English is required to attend American colleges. Another important point to take into consideration is that knowing foreign languages helps you make new friends and meet some interesting people. It is becoming really common to find fascinating social networks where you can interact among other people coming from different countries. Apart from this, if you love travelling, the only way to know other cultures and new people is by talking with them, and how could you do this without a good knowledge of English? To conclude, in my mind learning English is becoming more and more useful for teenagers and people who are interested in learning about other cultures. All things considered, I believe that it is very important to improve our English skills if we want to keep up with the times. What do you think about this little Essay? Please correct me if you find some mistakes :) Thank you ;)

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Ielts writing task 2 sample 890 - learning a foreign language offers an insight, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, learning a foreign language offers an insight into how people from other cultures think and see the world. the teaching of a foreign language should be compulsory at all primary schools..

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    Here's a useful structure for an opinion essay:Paragraph 1Intro. uce the topic using a general statement and give your. hether you agree or disagree with the statemen. .Paragraph 2Give the first reason to support your opinion. Provide specifi. s for your opinion, using examples if necessary.

  3. Writing Example (Type: Essay)

    Write your essay using all the notes. Student's Answer: "The education system plays an important role in the development of every country. In this way, it is always important to incorporate new skills for students as the learning of new languages. Firstly, when students know a foreign language it gives them more independence in their adult life.

  4. Writing Example (Type: Essay)

    An essay is an academic paper and must be written in formal language. Formal & Informal Style (video) avoid direct and personal language (I, You, We) avoid simple words and common vocabulary use words of a higher level (remarkable, achieve, significant) use more formal expressions (With reference to , Considering the….

  5. Writing Example (Type: Essay)

    Write your essay using all the notes. Student's Answer: "Importance of foreign languages. Many people say that their native language is enough for them and they don't need to learn anything else. I don't really agree with this because there are multiple benefits from learning foreign languages.

  6. How to write an essay?

    B2 First (FCE) Essay: Tips. Plan your essay before you write. Make sure you know how to comment on all the points that are asked. Invent information if you don't have any ideas. Divide the essay into paragraphs - put one answer in one paragraph. Use advanced vocabulary when you can and formal language.

  7. FCE (B2 First) Writing Exam (Essay)

    Look through the essay again, and note how the linking words and phrases are used. Can you find any more examples of linking words in the essay? Finally, you have Language: vocabulary and grammar. The examiners will be looking for a range of language as well as how accurate it is. In step four, you saw how checking your essay can improve your ...

  8. PDF B2 First (FCE) Essay Topic 1

    B2 First (FCE) Essay Topic 3 In your education class, you have listened to a lecture on the importance of teaching foreign languages in school. Your teacher has asked you to write an essay. Write an essay using all the notes and give reasons for your point of view. Learning a foreign language helps students develop a set of important skills.

  9. The Ultimate Guide to Cambridge English: First (FCE)

    Plan your essay or report before you start writing. ... Reading and Use of English: This section has 52 questions, and each correct answer is worth one point. There are no negative marks for incorrect answers. ... First (FCE) exam. Remember, learning a language is a journey, and the FCE is just one milestone along the way. Embrace every ...

  10. First (FCE) Essay Questions

    The question asks you whether you agree with a statement. Your conclusion should clearly express where you stand on the issue. Don't be wishy-washy! Trying too hard - The best First (FCE) essays are simple, to-the-point, well-structured and cohesive. Your essay isn't going to change the world, so don't go overboard.

  11. Student Essay: The Value of Foreign Languages

    The short answer: yes. The longer answer: learning a new language improves your problem-solving abilities, your patience, and your understanding of your own language. To illustrate, I will use the example of a native English speaker learning Latin (a dead language that they will never use for communication) to demonstrate some of the advantages ...

  12. Writing Example (Type: Essay)

    Adding an appropriate title is definitely an attractive addition. Schools around the world, are searching for multiple ways to increase the skills of their students in language learning. It is said that (passive forms) the more languages a child speaks, the more opportunities (repeated comparatives) for travel and employment will have. Due to this, (cohesive devices) , numerous governments ...

  13. Is it worth learning a foreign language

    In conclusion, I think it is worth learning foreign languages because if you speak foreign language you can communicate with foreigners and you can get a good job. (T.N. You repeat the introduction. Point out which is more important. At least 2 sentences.) Tags: communication , FCE , FCE 2015 , FCE Essay , foreign language , job , language ...

  14. Learning Foreign Languages: What Are the Benefits? Essay

    Studying any foreign language improves your memory and can even prevent a possible onset of Alzheimer's disease (Jha par. 2). Studying a foreign language improves your ability to understand complex concepts and ideas in other fields of study (Bialystok and Martin 1). Studies have shown that learning foreign languages modifies the gray matter ...

  15. IELTS Essay # 1111

    Write at least 250 words. Model Answer 1: Language acquisition has long been a subject of debate, with some asserting that its sole purpose lies in facilitating travel or employment abroad, while others argue that it serves broader intellectual and cultural purposes. This essay will explore both perspectives and present my stance on the matter ...

  16. Essay 16

    Model Answer 2: Travelling and migration are two primary reasons for many to learn a foreign language. However, the advantages of learning a second language are multifaceted and are not restrained by the need to communicate with people who use this language. I personally believe that the reason so many people are interested in a second language ...

  17. Learning a language: is it still worth it?

    Clearly there's still great benefit in achieving total fluency in a language. Even if you have an accent and make errors, you can understand everything and say precisely what you mean, rather ...

  18. 20 English Essay Topics/Questions

    Article navigation: B2 First (FCE) Essay: Example Topics / Questions B2 First (FCE) Essay: Download (PDF) An essay is a piece of writing in which you are asked to discuss a topic that might be controversial or relevant somehow. It usually follows a class discussion. The language of an English essay should be formal.Also, make sure that you justify all your ideas and that you use appropriate ...

  19. Learning a Foreign Language Essays

    essay comments - learning a foreign language at primary school Essay. by: Helen ESL. Generally, the grammar in this essay does not have errors that would cause strain for the reader. Also, there is a wide range of vocabulary used and the structure and tone appropriate.

  20. Part 1

    Test 2 / 25. Answer the question below. Write 140 - 190 words in an appropriate style. Your teacher has asked you to write an essay on the importance of learning foreign languages. Do you think everybody should learn a foreign language at school? Write your essay using all the notes. de faul tttt de faul tttt de faul tttt de faul tttt de faul ...

  21. italki

    ESSAY - Learning Foreign Language is very useful for young people today. Learning Foreign Language is very useful for young people today It is known by everyone that nowdays English is the most common language in the world. For that reason it is extremely important for young people to improve their skills and to learn as much they can this ...

  22. IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample 890

    Model Answer 1: To be very honest, being a bilingual has an enormous positive impact on individual personality & confidence. As it gives you more and more global view of different cultures, at the same time one can relate things better in various geographies. On contrary to this, learning multiple languages, may not provide the relevant ...

  23. Fce Opinion Essay

    Fce Opinion Essay - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document provides guidance on writing an article for an English language newspaper aimed at parents with young children on the topic of whether foreign languages should be taught at nursery school level. It outlines the structure of the article, including an introduction, arguments for and ...