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My Daily Routine Essay 100,150,200,300 Words And Class 2-10

In the tapestry of life, each thread represents a day, and how we weave these threads determines the richness of our existence. “My Daily Routine Essay” invites you on a journey through the meticulously structured days of students from class 2 to class 10, illuminating how routines shape our learning, growth, and personal development. As we transition from the simple, playful patterns of early education to the complex, disciplined structures of higher classes, discover the profound impact of daily routines on students’ academic success and overall well-being.

My Daily Routine Essay 100 Words

My Daily Routine Essay 100 Words

My day starts early at 6 AM with the chirping of birds acting as my natural alarm. Quickly, I freshen up and then spend some quiet time meditating, which helps me focus and prepare for the day ahead. Breakfast is usually something light and healthy, fueling my body for the activities to come. By 7:30 AM, I’m ready to dive into my studies, focusing on my schoolwork diligently. Afternoons are for hobbies and exercise, where I enjoy painting or playing outside, keeping my mind and body active. Evenings are dedicated to family time, helping with chores, and then winding down with a book before bed at 9 PM, ready to rest and rejuvenate for another day.

My Daily Routine Essay 150 Words

My day begins at 6:30 am with the soft chime of my alarm, welcoming a new day. I start with some stretching exercises to awaken my body, followed by a refreshing shower. Breakfast is my fuel, usually eggs and toast with a glass of milk, enjoyed in the quiet morning light. By 7:30 am, I’m ready, backpack in tow, heading out to school.

Classes fill my morning and early afternoon, each subject a step towards learning something new. After school, at around 3 pm, I indulge in my favorite hobby—painting. It’s a time when colors and creativity flow, offering a peaceful break from academic challenges. Dinner with my family around 7 pm is a cherished moment, where we share stories and laughter. The evening winds down with some reading, as I dive into adventure stories before bedtime at 9 pm. This daily routine, a blend of discipline and leisure, keeps me balanced and ready to embrace the adventures each new day brings.

My Daily Routine Essay 200 Words

My daily routine is a blend of discipline and relaxation, meticulously planned to balance my academic responsibilities and personal growth. My morning begins at 6 AM with the soothing melody of my alarm. I start my day with a refreshing jog in the nearby park, relishing the cool, crisp air, which energizes me for the day ahead. Returning home, I dedicate a few minutes to meditation, focusing my mind and setting positive intentions for the day.

By 7 AM, I engage in a quick shower, followed by a nutritious breakfast, usually oats or eggs, paired with a glass of milk. This meal fuels my body and brain, preparing me for the day’s tasks. Post breakfast, I delve into my studies from 8 to 11 AM, focusing on core subjects, ensuring that I take short breaks to maintain concentration and efficiency.

The afternoon is reserved for hobbies and relaxation. I usually spend an hour practicing the piano, allowing creativity to flow, followed by some light reading or sketching. Around 4 PM, I enjoy outdoor activities, such as cycling or playing basketball with friends, which keeps me physically active and socially engaged.

Dinner with my family around 7 PM is a cherished time, allowing us to bond and share our day’s experiences. Post dinner, I review my schoolwork, preparing for the next day. By 10 PM, I unwind, perhaps watching a bit of television or reading a novel, before heading to bed at 11 PM. This routine helps me stay organized, focused, and happy, balancing my academic pursuits with personal interests and well-being.

My Daily Routine Essay 300 Words

My daily routine is a finely tuned structure that balances productivity, self-care, and joy, carefully woven into the fabric of my everyday life. It starts in the quiet of the early morning at 5:30 AM, when the world around me is still asleep. This serene time is perfect for a bit of exercise – a refreshing jog that not only wakes my body but also revitalizes my mind. As the first light of dawn breaks, I return home to the warm welcome of my family and our energetic dog, eagerly waiting to play and start the day together.

After a quick shower, I sit down for breakfast at 7 AM, a wholesome meal that fuels my body for the challenges ahead. The morning hours from 8 to 12 are dedicated to academic pursuits. I dive into my studies, meticulously working through my tasks and subjects, ensuring to take brief, productive breaks to stretch and refuel, often joined by our dog, whose playful interruptions bring laughter and lightness.

Lunch at noon is a time for nourishment and a moment to relax. Post-lunch, I allocate time for personal projects or hobbies, such as painting or coding, activities that allow me to express my creativity and learn new skills. By 3 PM, it’s time for physical activity again, sometimes involving a game of fetch or a walk with our dog, blending exercise with the joy of companionship.

The late afternoon and evening are reserved for winding down and reflecting on the day. After dinner with my family around 7 PM, where we share stories and enjoy each other’s company, I revisit my studies or engage in reading, expanding my knowledge and satisfying my curiosity. Before bed, there’s always time for a little fun and relaxation with our dog, whether it’s playing in the backyard or simply cuddling on the couch, reminding me of the simple joys in life.

By 10 PM, I begin my bedtime routine, looking back on a day well-spent and looking forward to what tomorrow brings. This balance of discipline, learning, and moments of pure happiness with our pet shapes my daily life, ensuring I grow not just intellectually, but emotionally and spiritually as well.

My Daily Routine Essay 10 Lines

My Daily Routine Essay 10 Lines

  • I wake up early at 6:00 AM to the soft melody of my alarm, starting my day with a sense of calm.
  • After freshening up, I spend 15 minutes in meditation, focusing my mind on the tasks ahead.
  • Breakfast at 7:00 AM is nutritious, usually involving fruits and oatmeal, energizing me for the day.
  • I dedicate the morning hours to study and schoolwork, taking brief breaks to maintain focus.
  • At noon, I enjoy a healthy lunch, taking time to relax before jumping back into my afternoon activities.
  • Post-lunch, I engage in hobbies like reading or drawing, which help me unwind and express creativity.
  • In the afternoon, I play with our dog, enjoying the outdoors and the playful energy it brings.
  • Dinner with my family around 7:00 PM is a cherished time, allowing us to connect and share our day.
  • The evening is for leisure, perhaps watching a favorite show or continuing with my hobbies.
  • I end my day at 10:00 PM, reflecting on my achievements and planning for the next day, before heading to bed for a restful sleep.

My Daily Routine Essay In Simple Present Tense

My daily routine starts when I wake up at 6:00 AM every morning. I immediately brush my teeth and wash my face to feel fresh. Then, I go for a morning walk or do some exercises at home to keep myself fit and energetic. After exercising, I take a shower and have a healthy breakfast with my family. Breakfast usually includes milk, eggs, and fruits, which give me the energy I need for the day.

By 8:00 AM, I sit down to study and focus on my schoolwork. I spend a few hours on my studies, making sure to take short breaks in between to rest my mind. Around noon, I have lunch, which is a nice break in my day and a chance to recharge.

In the afternoon, I spend time on my hobbies, such as reading books, drawing, or playing an instrument. This is the part of the day I really enjoy because I get to do what I love. Later, I play with our dog in the garden, which is always fun and relaxing.

Dinner time is family time, and we all sit together to eat around 7:00 PM. After dinner, I sometimes play with my dog or cat. Before going to bed at 10:00 PM, I prepare my clothes and school bag for the next day. This routine helps me stay organized and make the most of my day.

My Daily Routine Essay For Class 2

My daily routine is simple and fun. I wake up every morning at 7 o’clock when my mom gently wakes me up. First, I brush my teeth and wash my face to feel fresh. Then, I eat my breakfast, which is usually a yummy bowl of cereal and a glass of milk. After breakfast, I put on my school uniform that my mom lays out for me.

I go to school at 8 o’clock. My school is a fun place where I learn many new things and play with my friends. My teacher is very kind and teaches us interesting stories and math. School ends at 2 o’clock, and then I go back home.

When I come home, I eat lunch with my family. After lunch, I do my homework with help from my mom or dad. Homework is easy, and I finish it quickly. Then, I have free time to play with my toys or go outside and play in the garden. Sometimes, I draw pictures or watch my favorite cartoons.

In the evening, I have dinner with my family. After dinner, I get ready for bed. My mom reads me a story before I go to sleep at 8 o’clock. I love my daily routine because it’s full of learning and play.

My Daily Routine Essay For Class 3

Every day, I wake up early at 6 in the morning. As soon as I wake up, I brush my teeth and wash my face to feel fresh. Then, I say my prayers and get ready for the day. After that, I have my breakfast, which is usually some milk and toast, because it’s tasty and gives me energy.

At 7 o’clock, I put on my school uniform and pack my school bag. My school starts at 8, and I learn many interesting things there. I especially enjoy reading stories and solving math problems. School finishes at 2 in the afternoon, and I come back home.

After coming home, I have lunch with my family. I like lunchtime because I get to eat my favorite foods. Once lunch is over, I take a short nap to rest. When I wake up, I do my homework. It doesn’t take too long, and my parents help me if I get stuck.

In the evening, I play with my friends outside. We ride bikes, play soccer, or just run around. Playing is my favorite part of the day. After playing, I go home, have dinner, and then I watch a little bit of TV or read books.

Before I go to bed at 8:30 pm, I brush my teeth again. I like my daily routine because it has a good mix of study, play, and rest.

My Daily Routine Essay For Class 4

Every morning, my day starts at 6:30 am when my alarm clock rings. I quickly jump out of bed, brush my teeth, and wash my face to wake myself up. After getting ready, I sit down for breakfast with my family at 7:00 am. We usually have eggs and toast, which gives me lots of energy for the day.

At 8:00 am, I grab my backpack and head to school. I love school because I get to learn new things every day. My favorite subjects are math and science because they are interesting and fun. During recess, I play soccer with my friends, which is the best part of my school day.

I return home from school at 3:00 pm, and after having a snack, I sit down to do my homework. I try to finish my homework quickly so I have time to play or read a book. Sometimes, I help my mom in the kitchen to prepare dinner, which is a fun way to spend time together.

Dinner is at 7:00 pm, and my family and I talk about our day while we eat. After dinner, I spend some time watching my favorite TV show or reading a book. I also practice playing the piano for half an hour because I love music.

Before I go to bed at 9:00 pm, I pack my school bag for the next day and lay out my clothes. My mom or dad reads a story to me before I go to sleep, which is a nice way to end the day. I really enjoy my daily routine because it’s a good mix of learning, fun, and spending time with my family.

My Daily Routine Essay For Class 5

Every day, I wake up early at 6 in the morning. The first thing I do is brush my teeth and wash my face to feel fresh. After that, I go for a short walk outside or do some stretching exercises at home. It makes me feel lively and ready for the day.

For breakfast, I usually have something healthy like fruits and cereal. It’s important to eat a good breakfast because it gives me energy for the whole day. Then, I get dressed in my school uniform and pack my school bag, making sure I have all my books and homework.

School starts at 8, and I enjoy learning new things and playing with my friends during breaks. My teachers are kind and help us a lot. School ends at 3 in the afternoon, and then I head back home.

Once I’m home, I have lunch with my family. After lunch, I take a little break and then do my homework. It’s good to finish homework early so I have time to play later. In the evening, I either read books, draw, or play games. Sometimes, I help my mom in the kitchen, which is fun.

Dinner is around 7, and it’s nice to eat together with my family and talk about our day. Before bed, I sometimes watch a little TV or read a storybook. I go to bed at 9 so I can get plenty of sleep and be ready for another exciting day. This is my daily routine, and I really like it because it keeps me busy and happy.

My Daily Routine Essay For Class 6

My daily routine is quite organized and helps me stay active and happy. My day starts early at 5:00 AM. The first thing I do after waking up is to spend some time in prayer. This morning ritual helps me feel peaceful and ready for the day ahead.

After praying, I quickly freshen up and then head outside to play with my friend. Playing in the early morning is exciting and refreshing. It’s a fun start to the day, and I enjoy the games and laughter we share.

When I return home, I help my parents with some small chores before having breakfast. Breakfast is important, and I make sure to eat well to have energy for school. By 7:00 AM, I am ready to leave for school, carrying with me the excitement of learning new things and meeting my classmates.

School is from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM, and during this time, I attend different classes, learn various subjects, and participate in school activities. I enjoy especially science and math classes because they are interesting and challenging.

After school, I return home and have lunch with my family. Post-lunch, I take a short rest and then do my homework. Completing my homework on time is important to me because it helps me stay on track with my studies.

In the evening, I spend more time playing with my friend or pursuing my hobbies like reading or cycling. This is my time to relax and enjoy after a busy day.

Dinner time is family time, and we all eat together, sharing stories of our day. Before going to bed at 9:00 PM, I prepare my school bag for the next day and spend some time reading a book.

This routine helps me balance my studies, play, and rest, making each day productive and enjoyable.

My Daily Routine Essay For Class 7

In my daily routine, I embrace the early hours, starting my day at 5:00 AM. This early start gives me a quiet time to focus and reflect, beginning with a moment of prayer. This time of contemplation sets a positive tone for my entire day, filling me with peace and gratitude.

After my morning prayers, I quickly freshen up, changing into comfortable clothes for my next activity. The morning air is refreshing as I step outside to meet my friend. Together, we engage in playful activities or a morning walk, enjoying the serene environment and the gentle rise of the sun. This not only energizes my body but also strengthens our friendship.

Returning home, I assist in some household tasks, contributing to my family’s morning routine. Breakfast follows, where I enjoy healthy and nourishing food, preparing me for the challenges of the day. By 7:00 AM, I’m ready for school, equipped with all my books and a keen mind eager to learn.

School hours, from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM, are filled with diverse learning experiences, from engaging classroom discussions to hands-on experiments that pique my curiosity. I particularly enjoy science and literature, finding joy in unraveling the mysteries of the world and the complexities of human expression.

After school, I dedicate time to homework and study, ensuring I grasp the day’s lessons and prepare for upcoming tests. This disciplined approach helps me stay ahead in my academics. Post-study, I revisit the outdoors, either playing sports with friends or indulging in a personal hobby like reading or sketching. This balance between work and play is crucial for my mental and physical well-being.

Evenings are for family dinners, where we share our day’s experiences and enjoy each other’s company. This time is invaluable, reinforcing our bonds and offering support and laughter. Before retiring to bed at 9:30 PM, I plan for the next day, organizing my tasks and setting goals. This not only aids in my productivity but also ensures I have a clear mind for a restful sleep.

My daily routine is a blend of discipline, learning, and joy. It teaches me the importance of balance, hard work, and the value of cherishing moments with loved ones.

My Daily Routine Essay For Class 8

Every morning, my day starts bright and early at 5:30. After waking up, I spend a little while in prayer, which fills me with peace and prepares me for the day ahead. Following my morning prayers, I eagerly head outside to enjoy some playtime with my friend. It’s a fun and energetic start to the day that I always look forward to.

One of the highlights of my day is going to school. I truly enjoy learning new things; each lesson is an adventure, unraveling new mysteries and knowledge. Equally important to me is the time I get to spend with my classmates. Sharing ideas, working on projects together, and simply enjoying each other’s company enrich my school experience.

After school, I follow a routine that balances homework, relaxation, and hobbies. This structure keeps me focused and ensures I have time for everything, including preparing for the next day. My evenings are spent with my family, enjoying dinner together and sharing our day’s experiences.

Going to bed, I feel fulfilled and excited for what the next day holds, ready to wake up at 5:30 AM and do it all over again. This routine helps me manage my time effectively, making every day both productive and enjoyable.

My Daily Routine Essay For Class 9

As a ninth grader, my day is packed with activities from dawn till dusk, starting at the early hour of 5:30 AM. This early start gives me a head start on the day, providing quiet moments for reflection and preparation. The first thing I do after leaving the comfort of my bed is to engage in a short prayer session. These moments of prayer are crucial for me; they offer a sense of peace and purpose, setting a positive tone for the day ahead.

After refreshing myself and getting dressed, I step outside to meet my friend. Our morning playtime is a cherished ritual. Whether it’s a quick game of basketball or just a brisk walk around the neighborhood, this time is invaluable. It energizes my body and mind, ensuring I’m awake and alert for the day’s challenges.

Breakfast follows playtime, which is an essential meal that I never skip. My family and I gather around the table to enjoy a nutritious breakfast, discussing our plans for the day. By 7:00 AM, I’m ready to tackle my academic responsibilities. I head off to school, my backpack loaded with books and assignments, eager to immerse myself in the day’s lessons.

School for me is not just about academics; it’s a place where I connect with my peers, engage in stimulating discussions, and participate in various co-curricular activities. I genuinely enjoy learning new things, and each day at school presents an opportunity to expand my knowledge and skills. The interaction with my classmates is equally rewarding. We share ideas, collaborate on projects, and support each other through challenges, enriching our learning experience.

After school, I return home by 4:00 PM, grab a light snack, and then dive into my homework. I believe in staying on top of my assignments, as it helps me manage my time effectively and keeps stress at bay. Post-study, I allocate time for hobbies and personal interests, which vary from reading books to experimenting with coding projects or simply unwinding with some music.

Evenings are reserved for family time. We dine together, sharing stories and laughter, reinforcing our bonds. After dinner, I may spend some time watching a documentary or engaging in light reading, focusing on topics outside my school curriculum to broaden my horizons.

Before heading to bed, I review my tasks for the next day, organizing my schoolwork and setting out my clothes. This nightly routine ensures I’m prepared for the morning, allowing me to enjoy a restful sleep without worries. By maintaining this disciplined yet flexible routine, I balance my academic duties with personal development and leisure, making the most of my days as a ninth grader.

My Daily Routine Essay For Class 10

As a tenth grader, my daily routine is structured yet flexible, allowing me to balance my academic responsibilities with personal interests and social time. My day begins at 5:30 AM, a time when the world outside is still quiet and peaceful. Waking up early gives me a head start, and I use this tranquility to engage in prayer. This morning ritual helps me center my thoughts, reflect on my gratitude, and set positive intentions for the day ahead.

After my morning prayers, I freshen up and prepare for a brief session of play and exercise with my friend. Whether it’s a brisk walk, a bike ride, or a game of catch, this early interaction is not just about physical activity; it’s a cherished moment of camaraderie and laughter that energizes me for the day.

Breakfast follows, which is a crucial part of my routine. Sitting with my family, I enjoy a nutritious meal that fuels my body and mind. We share plans for the day, and this family time is a source of strength and motivation for me.

School starts at 8:00 AM, and the journey to and from the institution is an extension of my social time, as I often commute with friends. The school day is packed with lessons across various subjects. As a class 10 student, I am keenly aware of the importance of this academic year, and I engage deeply in my studies, participating in discussions and eagerly absorbing new information. The subjects I study are diverse, challenging me to think critically and creatively.

After school, I dedicate time to homework and revision. This discipline is crucial, as it helps reinforce what I have learned during the day and prepares me for upcoming assessments. Despite the academic focus, I ensure there is a balance. I take short breaks to rest my mind, sometimes playing a quick game or sharing jokes with my friend over the phone.

Evenings are reserved for relaxation and family. After dinner, we might watch a show together or discuss our days. This downtime is essential for my well-being, allowing me to unwind and connect with my loved ones.

Before bed, I spend a few moments planning for the next day. This includes setting out my clothes, packing my school bag, and jotting down a to-do list. I aim to be in bed by 10:00 PM, ensuring I get enough rest to face another day with energy and enthusiasm.

This routine, with its blend of discipline, learning, and leisure, shapes my daily life as a class 10 student. It not only prepares me academically but also teaches me the value of balance, time management, and the importance of cherishing moments with friends and family.

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  • Essay on My Daily Routine | 200, 300, 400, 500 Words for Class 1-10

In our student life, we all need to follow a strict routine to get better output in the study and our health. We can manage time in a better way when we follow a daily routine. Here we have got some short and long essays on my daily routine for all class students. These essays are on every size, you can find a suitable one for yourself. 

In This Blog We Will Discuss

Essay on My Daily Routine in 200 Words

Everyone should follow a daily routine . As a student, I follow a very simple and easy routine for myself. I have made this routine with the help of my brother and one of my teachers. My day starts very early in the morning. 

I get up at 5 o’clock and go for a morning walk . I am very aware of my health. I try my best to keep myself fit and fine. After the morning walk, I bath with cold water and then take a rest for 10 minutes. 

After the rest, I eat my breakfast. And then I go to my reading room . I love to read science and English in the morning time. It’s the best time to concentrate on study. Then I prepare myself for school. 

Exactly at 9.30 o’clock, my father takes me to school. I come back from school at 3 PM in the afternoon. I eat my lunch in the school break time, I keep my food with me. Then I take a rest in my home and go out for playing cricket. 

Then I come back home before getting dark outside. I start reading at 6 PM and read till 9 PM. Then I eat my dinner. Before going to sleep, I watch television for 30 minutes. That’s all my daily routine. 

My Daily Routine Essay in 300 Words


If you are following a daily routine that could bring some serious changes in your life. First of all, it will let you live a life in a fixed schedule and you can manage things in a better way. For the students, it’s a mandatory thing to follow. 

Because it can improve your study style and get better results for yourself. I also follow a daily routine as a student, and I am going to share things about my routine here. 

My Daily Routine: 

My routine is very simple but I follow it very strictly. Take a look at my daily routine here. 

4.00 AM – I get up early in the morning. 

4.00-4.20 AM – I brush my teeth and wash my face. 

4.20-5.00 – I go for a small morning walk and some basic exercises. And I get back to home. 

5.00-5.20 – I take a shower with cold water. 

5.20-7.00 – I prepare all my school tasks and homework. 

7.00-7.30 – I eat my breakfast. 

7.30-9.00 – Again I study and prepare my school tasks. 

9.00-9.30 – I prepare myself for going to school and got to school. 

9.30-3.30 – I spend all these hours in the school. I eat my lunch there. I keep my food with me. I love eating lunch with all my friends. 

3.30-4.30 – I get back to home and take rest. 

4.30-6.00 – I play cricket outside and then get back to home. 

6.00-9.00 – I study a lot in that time.

10.00 – I go to sleep after eating my dinner and watching TV for 20 minutes. 

That’s all about my daily routine. 


I make some changes in the routine when I have free time or leisure time. Overall that’s a huge experience for me to follow this productive routine. 

My Daily Routine Essay in 400 Words


If you want to get the best result from your work, then you need to manage time properly. And time management becomes so easy when you are following a daily routine. As a student, I follow a very strict but simple routine and it helps me a lot to improve my study and other things. Today I will share everything about my routine. 

My Daily Routine:

My day starts very early in the morning. I wake up at 4 o’clock. I used to wake up very late, but when I heard about the health benefits of early rising , I started to get up early. Then I brush my teeth and go for a small morning walk . 

I enjoy the walk very much because it helps to feel good in the early morning. Sometimes I do some basic exercises too. Then I take a shower and eat my breakfast. Then I prepare my school tasks. I love to study math and science in the morning time. 

Because I can give better concentration on that period. I get ready for my school at 9 o’clock and my mom drops me there at 9.30 o’clock. I spend most of the time on my day at the school. I eat my lunch there in the school break time. 

I come back from the school at 3.30 PM and then I take a rest for 30 minutes. I love to play cricket in the afternoon. But every day I can’t play. 

My Evening and Night Routine:

When I get back home after the playing in the field, I feel very tired. And then I wash and take rest for 30 minutes. I eat some juice or something else that my mom prepares for me. I start to study at 6.30 PM in the evening. 

Most of the day, I keep reading till 9.30. That’s the most important part for my study. I prepare all my homework and do some extra studies too. And then I eat my dinner and watch Television before sleep. 


That’s all about my daily routine. I try to follow this routine always. But sometimes I need to bring some changes in the routine. And when I spend holiday and off day from school, I can’t follow this routine at all. I think this routine is helping me to use my time in the best work and complete my study tasks properly. 

Essay on My Daily Routine in 500 Words

Essay on My Daily Routine in 500 Words

To become successful, everybody should follow a strict schedule or routine. Especially in student life, we need to maintain our time properly. If we fail to maintain time then we can’t make a good result in the examination. 

Today I am going to share my daily routine and my experience here. I am a very regular guy who follows a routine. I made that routine almost six months ago with the help of my elder brother. 

I make some small edits and changes in the routine due to my own preference. 

I consider the morning is the most important part of the day. In the morning, you will find lots of peace and a calm environment. My class teacher suggested me to get up early morning. I followed here that suggestion very seriously and that made my day. 

Now I always get up at 5 o’clock in the morning. First of all, I go to the washroom and brush my teeth. I wash my face and wipe the water with a towel. Then I go for a small morning walk. I know the morning walk is very important for good health. 

Sometimes, I do exercise too. Most of the time I walk almost 30 minutes and the doctor said that’s enough for me. This little workout keeps me strong for the rest of the day. I come back to home after the walk and get fresh again. 

I eat my breakfast then. After eating breakfast, I study Math and Science in the morning time. I think morning is the best time to study. 

School Time: 

I go to school at 9.30 o’clock in the morning. My father drops me here with his car. I get a break at 1 o’clock after four classes in a row. And finally, I go home at 4 PM with my mom . 

She comes to pick me up from school every day. Because it takes almost 20 minutes to go home from school by car. I enjoy school time very much.

Eat and Sleep Routine: 

I eat my breakfast and then I eat my lunch in the school break time. I take my lunch with me. My mother is very aware of my food. She always cooks something interesting to me. I love eating Pizza and Burger, but she doesn’t buy me that kind of fast food. 

She prefers to cook them for me. I love her cooked Pizza very much. And finally, after reading and watching TV at night at 10 o’clock, I go for my sleep. When I go to bed, I think about my entire day. 

Holiday Routine: 

When my school is close and I have lots of spare time, my daily routine becomes a bit different. I add time for video games, playing in the field with friends, and spending more time with my cousins. 

That’s all about my daily routine. I love to follow this routine and I am very serious about it. I think It’s perfect for me. You can follow my routine too. 

10 Lines Essay on My Daily Routine

10 line essays are easy and short. Here is a 10 lines essay on my daily routine. I am sure you will be able to learn these 10 lines essay easily. 

1. A person who follows a good routine can handle his work and time properly. It’s easy to manage your time when you are on a routine. 

2. It’s a high priority for the students. And that’s why I follow a very simple routine to manage my time. 

3. My daily routine is very easy and simple. It helps me to study properly, eat on time, and take care of my health. 

4. I get up early in the morning and pray first. My mother always suggests me to pray in the early morning. 

5. And then I go for a morning walk. After a 30 minute walk, I come back home and go for a bath and then I eat my breakfast. 

6. I go to school at 9 o’clock and get back home at 3 o’clock. I eat my lunch in the school break time. I keep my food with me. 

7. I go outside to play cricket with my friends in the afternoon. I enjoy that time a lot. I think that’s the best part of my day. 

8. I read almost three hours at night. And then I eat my dinner. 

9. Before going to bed, I watch TV for 30 minutes. I love watching cartoon channels. 

10. That’s all about my daily routine. That is very simple and easy. 

How can I write my daily routine? 

If you want to write a daily routine, you can take suggestions from your teacher or someone elder from your family. When I wrote my first daily routine, I was very confused. But finally, I came with a very productive and successful schedule of my life. I suggest you look back on your day and think about how do you spend your time. You need to find where should you spend most of your time and where not. 

How important is a daily routine?

A daily routine is a very essential thing that will make your day easy. I hope you will be able to create a very useful and proper daily routine. 

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my daily life essay 10 lines for class 5

My Daily Routine Essay: Suitable for all class students

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  • Abdul Aouwal
  • May 21, 2024

Daily life means how we spend our lives every day. Our life is very transitory. If a man follows a routine in his everyday life and makes the best use of time, he is sure to prosper in life. Now I am a student of class X. So, I follow a routine to perform my daily duties regularly. I get up from bed early in the morning. For there is a wise saying -

"Early to bed and early to rise,

Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise."

My Daily Routine Essay - At first, I perform my morning duties. I wash my hands, face and brush my teeth well. Then I go out for a walk in the open air. My. mind and body are both refreshed. Returning home, I offer my morning prayer. Then I take my breakfast.

After my breakfast, I sit down to prepare my school tasks. I finish my studies at about 9 a.m. I take my bath at 9.30 a.m. Finishing my bath, I dress and sit down to my meal. After taking the meal, I take a little rest.

I start for school with my books at 10.00 a.m. Our school begins at 10.30 a.m. I sit on the first bench and listen to what my teachers say. After the fourth period, we get half an hour for recreation and Tiffin. Our school breaks-up at 4.30 p.m. I come back home quickly.

Returning home, I put my books on the table. Then I take off my school dress. After washing my hands and feet, I refresh myself. Then I go out to the field to play. I play football with my friends. Before sunset, I return home. On returning home, I wash my hands and feet. Then I sit down to prepare my lessons for the next day. Then I take my supper at about 10.30 p.m.Then I go to bed at 11.00 p.m.

There is a slight departure from this routine on Fridays and other holidays. As Friday is our weekly holiday, I enjoy this day meaningfully. Every Friday I wash my clothes and clean my shoes and other essential things in the morning. Sometimes, I visit my friends and relatives. Every minute of my life is enjoyable to me and I am proud of it.

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My Daily Life Essay 10 Lines In English

Check my daily life essay 10 lines in English for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. I usually wake up early in the morning at around 6:00 am. This gives me enough time to freshen up and get ready for the day ahead.

We’ll be discussing my daily life essay 10 lines in English. Also, we will have a look at the essay on my daily life essay in English (paragraph on my daily life essay in English). Let’s check them one by one.


  • Waking up: I usually wake up early in the morning at around 6:00 am. This gives me enough time to freshen up and get ready for the day ahead.
  • Exercise: I like to start my day with some light exercise like jogging or yoga. This helps me to stay fit and energized for the rest of the day.
  • Breakfast: After exercise, I have my breakfast which is usually a light and healthy meal. I prefer having cereals or eggs and toast.
  • Commuting: I then head to work or school by either taking the bus or driving my car. This is the time when I listen to music or read a book to keep myself occupied.
  • Work or School: I spend most of my day at work or school, where I engage in various activities and tasks. I try to be productive and focused during this time.
  • Lunch break: I take a break for lunch around noon, where I either have a quick meal at the office or go out to eat with friends or colleagues.
  • Leisure time: In the evening, I have some leisure time where I either watch TV, read a book, play video games, or spend time with my family and friends.
  • Dinner: I have dinner with my family, which is usually a hearty and nutritious meal. I like to sit and talk with my family over dinner.
  • Personal development: Before going to bed, I like to engage in some form of personal development, such as learning a new skill, reading, or journaling.
  • Sleep: I try to get to bed at a reasonable time, around 10:00 pm, to ensure I get enough sleep for the next day.

Essay On My Daily Life Essay In English (Paragraph on My Daily Life Essay In English)

My daily life can be described as a busy and productive routine. I am an early riser and I typically start my day by waking up at 6:00 am. After getting out of bed, I go for a morning jog or yoga to stay active and healthy. After exercising, I have a nutritious breakfast which usually consists of oatmeal, eggs, and fresh fruit. I then get ready for the day, which involves getting dressed, brushing my teeth, and grooming myself.

I commute to work or school, which is usually a 30-minute drive. I like to listen to music or an audiobook during my commute to make the most of my time. Once I arrive at work or school, I focus on my tasks and responsibilities. I try to be productive and efficient, and I make sure to take breaks when I need to recharge.

Lunchtime is a much-needed break in my day, and I usually have a quick and healthy meal either at work or at a nearby restaurant. In the evening, I have some leisure time where I can relax and recharge. I enjoy reading a book, watching a movie, or spending time with friends and family.

Dinner is a time for family bonding, and we sit down together to enjoy a meal and catch up on each other’s day. Before going to bed, I like to engage in some form of personal development, such as reading a self-help book or journaling. This helps me to reflect on my day and set goals for the future.

I try to get to bed at a reasonable time, around 10:00 pm, to ensure I get enough sleep for the next day. This helps me to be refreshed and ready for another busy day. Overall, my daily life is filled with a balance of work and leisure, and I make sure to prioritize self-care and personal development.

Hope you learned about my daily life essay 10 lines in English.

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Daily Routine Essay

500 words daily routine essay.

In our life, we should strictly follow a daily routine. Maintaining and following a daily routine benefits you healthwise and makes life more convenient. Parents can help their children by studying their daily routine and providing inputs to improve their quality of life. As a parent, keep your kids interested in following their daily activities, and teach them to follow the daily routine. It will make them more productive in their activities.

People who follow their daily routine achieve success in their life. So, maintain a daily routine to complete your work on time without pressure. Students should follow their daily routine to complete their homework on time and achieve great results.

My Daily Routine Essay

I prepared my daily routine with the help of my mother and father. I will share my daily activities and the experience I gain from them in this essay.

I am a morning person and consider it the most productive time of the entire day. In the morning, nature looks so calm and peaceful. Even my parents and teachers suggested waking up early in the morning. I respected their suggestion and followed it.

So, I get up at 6 a.m., brush my teeth, and wash my face with water. After that, I go for a quick stroll in the park. I consider a morning walk essential for a healthy lifestyle. I walk for almost half an hour and also do some exercise. After doing the morning walk, I come back home and freshen up. It keeps me strong and active for the entire day.

Then I eat my breakfast, and after that, I study Science and Maths in the morning. I consider morning the best time to study, and it helps you memorise the concepts and topics efficiently.

School Time

Around 9 a.m., I get ready to go to school. My father drives me to school, and at around 1 p.m., I get my lunch break after four continuous classes. My school gets over by 4 p.m., and my mother comes to pick me up. Every day, she comes because it takes 20 minutes to reach my home from my school by car. I love going to school and learning new things.

For me, school time is the best time. I get to spend time with my friends and play games during recess. My best friend’s name is Anne; she always stands beside me in good and bad times. I love her so much and will never break my friendship with her. To me, she’s more than just a friend, she’s my family.

Eat and Sleep Routine

When I go to school, I carry my lunch with me. I have my lunch during recess. My mother knows what I love and prepares lunch accordingly. My favourites are pizzas and burgers but my mom doesn’t let me eat from outside. So, she prepares it by herself and I love the food she cooks.

At night I watch TV with my family for some time, and around 10 p.m., I go to bed. When I go to bed, I think about my entire day, and sometimes I read novels or story books.

Holiday Routine

When it’s vacation time, my daily routine differs. I get a lot of spare time. I spend time playing video games, going out with friends and family, and visiting my grandparents. Sometimes I enroll myself in summer vacation camps.

Conclusion of Daily Life Essay

That’s all about my daily routine. I always try to follow this routine. But sometimes, I need to bring some changes to the routine. And when I spend holidays and off days from school, I can’t follow this routine. I think this routine is helping me to use my time efficiently and to complete my study tasks correctly.

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Essay on My Daily Life 1000+ Words

“My Daily Life” is a tapestry woven with the threads of routines, experiences, and moments that define who I am. While it may seem ordinary, my daily life is a reflection of my unique journey, filled with learning, growth, and the little things that bring me joy. In this essay, I will argue for the significance and beauty of my daily life, providing evidence, examples, and insights to support my thesis.

A Window into My World

My daily life is like a window through which I view the world. It’s a canvas upon which I paint my experiences and shape my identity. The routines, activities, and interactions that fill my day define the person I am becoming.

The Importance of Routine

Experts like psychologist Dr. Wendy Mogel emphasize the value of routines in a child’s life. Routines provide stability, predictability, and a sense of security, helping children thrive.

The Power of Learning

My daily life is filled with opportunities for learning. Whether it’s attending school, reading books, or exploring the world around me, each day is a chance to acquire new knowledge and skills.

The Joy of Family

Family plays a central role in my daily life. Sharing meals, conversations, and experiences with my family members strengthens our bonds and creates lasting memories.

Friendship and Social Connections

My daily life also includes interactions with friends and peers. These relationships provide support, laughter, and valuable lessons in empathy and cooperation.

Moments of Creativity

Creativity finds its place in my daily life, whether it’s through art, writing, or imaginative play. These creative moments are opportunities to express myself and explore my interests.

The Importance of Physical Activity

Physical activity is a vital part of my daily life. Whether it’s playing sports, going for a bike ride, or simply taking a walk, staying active keeps me healthy and energized.

The Role of Technology

Technology is another aspect of my daily life. It offers both opportunities and challenges, from educational apps that enhance learning to the need for responsible screen time management.

Time Management and Responsibility

Managing my time and responsibilities is a skill I’m developing in my daily life. Completing homework, chores, and other tasks teaches me accountability and discipline.

Conclusion of Essay on My Daily Life

In conclusion, my daily life is a tapestry of routines, experiences, and moments that shape who I am. It’s a canvas for learning, a stage for creativity, and a foundation for relationships. As I navigate the rhythms of each day, I find beauty in the ordinary and value in the routines that provide stability. My daily life is a journey of growth, a collection of memories, and a reflection of the person I am becoming. I am grateful for the opportunity to embrace the beauty of routine and savor the little joys that fill my day.

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Essay On Daily Routine – 10 Lines, Short And Long Essay For Children

Shraddha Mishra

Key Points To Remember When An Writing Essay On Daily Routine For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on daily routine in english for kids, a paragraph on ‘my daily routine’ for children, essay on ‘my daily routine’ in 150 words for kids, long essay on ‘daily routine’ for children, what will your child learn from this essay.

A daily routine for kids allows children to be happy, productive, and energetic during their childhood. Any routine is key to success, and it is important to plan things out well before getting to work. Readers are recommended to go through our essay on daily routine for classes 1, 2, and 3 for more ideas on this. It’s crucial to note that routines should be over the top and realistic enough for kids to follow. You don’t want to overwhelm your little ones with complex matters; make a simple schedule that keeps young minds clutter-free. This essay will cover all the points required to write a creative essay on a daily routine topic from a kid’s perspective.

Routines are about consistency, and an excellent daily routine should be easy to follow. Given here are some key points to remember when learning how to write an essay on daily routine:

  • The essay should have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.
  • It should talk about the timings of the schedule and see if it’s flexible for students
  • A paragraph should be covered on the importance of having a daily routine

A daily routine is essential for kids as it gives a planned direction to their daily activities. Here is what you want to include in your essay for classes 1 and 2:

  • I take notes every day in my diary and make sure I pay attention in the classroom.
  • I wake up at 6 am as part of my daily routine.
  • My routine keeps me motivated and allows me to complete homework faster.
  • Life is so stress-free when I follow a routine since I know what to do.
  • I have a very organised schedule and follow it with complete dedication.
  • I work out daily in the morning as a part of my routine.
  • My daily routine has intervals for nutritious meals in between.
  • I stay mentally sharp and feel relaxed thanks to my daily routine.
  • Bad days are significantly less, and most of the year is filled with good days thanks to this discipline.
  • My overall performance has increased as I follow my schedule with heart.

A routine helps children stay accountable, and on track, and they have something to look forward to every day. Here is a paragraph about daily routine for children:

You can know how well we perform as kids in school, home, and outdoor environments just by chalking out our daily routine. My parents have carved an amazing daily routine for me, which allows me to be free, healthy, and active in a disciplined way. Every day, I wake up at 5 am and brush my teeth. I answer nature’s call and go outside for a morning walk. After exercising in the fresh air, I come back and enjoy a healthy breakfast. I pack my bag and leave for school. My evening routine includes playtime with friends, study hours, dinner, and bedtime.

Understanding how to utilise one’s time effectively is an essential aspect of managing one’s daily routine. Below is an essay for classes 1, 2, and 3 on my daily routine for kids:

I understand the value of time, which is why I follow a daily routine. After a light exercise in the morning and enjoying a healthy meal, I pack my bag and prepare for school. My friends and teachers are people I look forward to meeting every day, and that is because they enrich my life. I follow a very well-made timetable, and I stay true to it. I return home from school in the evening and say my evening prayers. Then I change my uniform and take a rest for an hour. If I’m not sleepy, I might play a board game with my sibling or enjoy 30 minutes of video game time. I go for a stroll or play basketball with my friends in the evening. Then I do my revision and finish my school homework. We finish our dinner early at night, and I spend quality time with my parents. Before going to sleep, I say thanks for having such a lovely family and environment.

A routine isn’t something you think of at the last minute but is well-structured and organised. The purpose of a daily routine is to avoid cramming before tests and ensure you’re always prepared and at your best. Here is a long essay for class 3:

All people, including the ones who go to the office for work or school, should have a daily routine. A routine is a schedule that keeps one organised and energetic and gives you peace of mind. Without a good routine, there would be no law and order but complete chaos. We are living in strange times when kids think that a routine is a discipline when in reality, it is what grants them freedom. Entertainment is a part of every good daily routine, and I watch TV and play video games with my friends sometimes at home.

What I look forward to from my routine is proof of progress. It’s what makes all the hard work worth it. A person with a strict daily routine is under less stress because they know they are getting things done. I understand the importance of a daily routine and realise it will help me succeed.

Importance Of Daily Routine

Without a daily routine, I do not know where I would be. The importance of a daily routine as a student is that it is almost non-negotiable. We make great progress if we don’t take our routine for granted and stick to it. And it’s never too late to start! A sense of discipline is the key.

Morning Routine

A morning routine is essential to have an enthusiastic start to the day. One should wake up early, go for a walk or meditate to energise the body and soul and prepare for a challenging day. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. So, one should never skip it. Make a checklist of all the crucial tasks of the day in the morning and make time to complete it.

School Routine

My school routine is:

  • Attend morning prayer at 8:30 am
  • Work through classes
  • Lunch at 12:30 pm
  • Go to the school library
  • PE classes on Mondays and Wednesdays
  • Go home at 4 pm

Routine For Eating And Sleeping

Here is my routine for eating and sleeping:

  • I always go to bed by 9 pm and not any later.
  • I have oats, a banana, and a glass of orange juice for breakfast at 8 am.
  • Lunch should be pretty basic- dal, rice, meat, ground eggs, and coconut water.
  • Dinner should not go past 7.30 pm. For dinner, I take soup along with a hearty meal.
  • Including fruits and nuts in your diet is essential for a healthy body and mind.

Your child will learn a lot from the essay on daily routine. They will learn how to eat well and sleep on time. Additional soft skills such as spending time with friends, taking responsibility for your actions, etc., are also covered.

So, embrace a progressive routine and enjoy a stress-free, managed lifestyle. Feel free to comment on our daily routine essay below and let us know your thoughts.

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My Daily Life Paragraph: How I Spend My Days and Why It Matters

My daily life paragraph: Dive into the riveting simplicity of my daily routine, where ordinary moments reveal unexpected joys and challenges. From dawn’s first light to evening’s gentle close, discover how each day unfolds in its unique rhythm. Join me in exploring the subtle art of everyday living.

In this article, we have provided 100, 150, and 200-word my daily life topics.

My Daily Life Paragraph 100 Words

Every day is a new adventure in my life, beginning with the chirping of birds at sunrise. I wake up early, greeted by the sun’s warm rays peeking through my window. After freshening up, I enjoy a nutritious breakfast that fuels my energy for the day. School time is packed with learning new things, from complex math problems to fascinating science experiments. My classmates and I share laughs and knowledge, making every moment memorable. Post-school, I engage in soccer practice, where teamwork and tactics come into play. Evenings are for family dinners and discussing our day, followed by some reading before bed, enriching my mind and dreams.

Sample – 02

My daily journey starts when the alarm buzzes at 7 AM, signaling the beginning of an action-packed day. Quick morning routines pave the way to a hearty breakfast, essential for a bustling school day ahead. Classes are a blend of academic challenges and creative activities, ensuring learning is never dull. Afternoons are dedicated to art classes where colors and imagination run wild, painting my thoughts onto canvas. Homework follows, with assistance from my parents, enhancing my understanding and skills. Dinner is a family affair, filled with stories and laughter. The day concludes with some quiet time for reading and a peaceful end to a productive day.

Each morning, I embark on a day filled with curiosity and opportunities. As the clock strikes six, my day begins with a brisk jog around the neighborhood, awakening my senses. Breakfast consists of fruits and cereals, providing the perfect kick-start. School hours are an engaging mix of lectures, interactive sessions, and quizzes, keeping me intellectually stimulated. Post-lunch, it’s time for my chess club, where strategic thinking and patience are my best allies. Returning home, I dive into homework, with occasional help from my older sister. Evenings are for unwinding with a good book or practicing piano, and then it’s bedtime, recharging for another exciting day.

My Daily Life Paragraph 150 Words

The early morning sun heralds the beginning of my daily journey. I rise at 6 AM, eager to embrace the day. After tending to personal hygiene, a nourishing breakfast fuels my mind and body for the challenges ahead. By 7:30 AM, I’m fully prepared, with books and assignments packed, ready to catch the school bus. School hours are a vibrant blend of learning and interaction. My subjects range from mathematics to the arts, each providing a unique perspective on the world. Lunchtime is a chance to recharge and socialize, discussing everything from the latest science projects to favorite books. Post-school, I engage in soccer practice twice a week, which not only keeps me fit but also teaches teamwork and perseverance. On other days, I attend a coding club, where I unravel the complexities of computers. Evenings are dedicated to homework and some leisure reading. Dinner with my family around 8 PM provides a perfect end to my active day, as we share stories and plans for the next day.

As dawn breaks, I am already up, greeting the day with a quick jog around the neighborhood. This not only wakes me up but also kickstarts my metabolism. After a refreshing shower, I sit down to a breakfast usually consisting of oats and fruits, while reviewing my tasks for the day. My school day begins at 8:30 AM and is filled with an assortment of subjects, from the intriguing puzzles of mathematics to the expansive narratives of history. Each class sharpens my understanding and curiosity. During breaks, I prefer reading or sketching, which allows me to express myself creatively. After school, I volunteer at the local library twice a week, helping to organize books and guide younger readers. The other weekdays, I participate in a debate club, honing my argumentative skills and understanding of global issues. Evenings are reserved for studying and completing assignments. By 9 PM, I unwind by practicing the piano, letting music soothe the day’s rigor before I retire at a reasonable hour.

With the first light of the morning, I spring from my bed, filled with anticipation for the day. My routine begins with a series of yoga stretches, which calm my mind and flex my body. Afterward, a quick, healthy breakfast of yogurt and granola gives me the energy I need. By 8 AM, I am on my way to school, ready to soak up every lesson and interaction. My academic schedule is robust, featuring engaging classes like science, where we conduct exciting experiments, and literature, where we dive deep into the classics. I use lunchtime to catch up with friends and exchange ideas on everything from technology to sports. Post-school activities vary; I play on the basketball team, improving my agility and teamwork skills. On alternate days, I attend a robotics workshop, where I build and program robots. Evenings are a time for reflection and relaxation. I review my schoolwork and then spend time with my family, discussing our days and relaxing together. Each night, I go to bed fulfilled, ready to rise and shine again.

My Daily Life Paragraph 200 Words

Every morning, as the sun peeks over the horizon, my day begins with the sweet sound of birds chirping outside my window. This natural alarm clock is my signal to rise and start my day with energy and enthusiasm. After refreshing myself, I spend some quiet time stretching and practicing yoga, which helps me to focus and prepares my mind for the day ahead. Breakfast follows, consisting usually of oats or eggs, providing me with the necessary nutrients to tackle my schoolwork.

Once at school, my schedule is packed with various subjects, each offering its unique challenges and rewards. Mathematics, with its logical puzzles, sharpens my analytical skills, while history classes allow me to dive into the adventures of the past. Science experiments, on the other hand, feed my curiosity about the workings of the world around us. Lunchtime provides a well-deserved break, where I enjoy sharing stories and laughs with my classmates.

Returning home, I dedicate time to my homework, ensuring that I understand and absorb the day’s lessons. This discipline not only helps in my academic growth but also instills a sense of responsibility and time management. Evenings are reserved for family time, which we often spend playing games or discussing our days. Before bed, I indulge in my passion for reading, losing myself in stories or facts about the universe, which ensures that I end my day both relaxed and inspired.

At the first light of dawn, my routine commences with a brisk jog around the neighborhood park. This invigorating start not only wakes me up but also invigorates my spirits for the upcoming day. Following my run, I take a quick shower and then sit down to a nutritious breakfast, usually featuring fruits and whole grains, which are essential for maintaining my energy levels throughout the day.

School hours are a whirlwind of activity where I engage deeply with subjects like English, where we analyze classic literature and learn to express ourselves more effectively. The art class is another highlight of my day, allowing me to explore my creativity through paints and brushes. In science, particularly biology, I am fascinated by the intricate systems that keep our bodies functioning.

After school, I volunteer twice a week at the local library, assisting with organizing books and helping other students find resources for their studies. This not only enriches my knowledge but also enhances my social skills and community spirit. At home, while doing my homework, I listen to classical music, which I find both soothing and stimulating.

Evenings are a time for reflection and planning. I discuss my school projects and personal goals with my parents, receiving valuable advice and encouragement. As the day closes, I write a journal entry, a practice that helps me articulate my thoughts and feelings, ensuring that I end my day with a sense of accomplishment and clarity.

My day kicks off not with a jolt but with a gentle easing into consciousness, thanks to a set routine that cultivates both body and mind. After waking, I spend a few moments in meditation, setting intentions for the day ahead. This is followed by a wholesome breakfast, typically involving cereals and milk, which helps me start the day on a positive note.

At school, my timetable is filled with stimulating classes. Geography lessons, in particular, captivate me as they open windows to different cultures and environments across the globe. In physics, I am intrigued by the laws that govern our physical world, and in computer class, I learn the skills necessary for the digital age. Each subject offers its own set of fascinating facts and challenges.

Post-school hours are just as structured. I attend a chess club once a week, where strategic thinking and problem-solving skills are honed. On other days, I might practice the piano, working on pieces that challenge my musical abilities and enhance my appreciation for the arts.

Dinner time is family time, an opportunity to reconnect with my parents and share the experiences of our days. After dinner, I typically help with cleaning up, fostering a sense of responsibility and teamwork. Finally, my day concludes with some light reading or sketching, activities that relax my mind and stir my imagination, ensuring a restful night’s sleep and preparation for the adventures of the next day.

In sum, my daily routine is a blend of simplicity and steady productivity. This rhythm fosters both comfort and achievement. It ensures a balance, keeping me grounded yet eager for tomorrow’s prospects. Each day, indeed, offers a fresh canvas, ready for new experiences and insights.

Thus, through these regular patterns, I navigate life’s complexities. Engaging fully in each moment allows me to appreciate the journey. This structure does not confine but rather enhances my freedom to explore, learn, and grow.

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10 Lines Essays for Kids and Students (K3, K10, K12 and Competitive Exams)

February 9, 2023 by Veerendra

Writing Essays help in developing the mental ability of a kid and contributes to his overall development. Encourage young minds to write short and simple 10 Lines Essays from an early age. As kids engage themselves in writing 10 Lines Essay, they indulge themselves in a diverse chain of thoughts. Thus, use their imagination and weave their thoughts into words.

We bring you a variety of topics for 10 Lines Essays that kids would love to write about. 10 Lines Essay is considered one of the most enjoyable and fun-filled experiences to express thoughts, enhance spoken and written English Skills. Enhance your Vocabulary and Creativity by going through 10 Lines on diverse topics in English.

You can use these 10 Lines Topics to express your thoughts in Speeches, Paragraph Writing, etc. They give you key points to cover for a particular topic so that you don’t miss out any information.

Ten Lines in English

The Ten Lines Essay for various topics listed on this page with different sets will lay a strong foundation for writing. You can use these lines in speeches, writing and paragraph competitions. The various topics listed here will increase your knowledge and write few and short lines. For more articles on 10 Lines, you can check out the list below.

Based on the specific topic you will get a complete idea on what it is in short, it’s significance in simple and easy words. You will come to know the Important Ten Lines regarding the dynamic and trending topics from our page. The Points are composed in a way to remind you of the unique features of various topics.

10 Lines on Important Events – National & International

10 lines on famous personalities, 10 lines on sports persons, 10 lines on schemes, 10 lines on slogans, 10 lines on rivers, 10 lines on awards, 10 lines on battles, 10 lines on festivals, celebrations.

  • 10 Lines on Pollution
  • 10 Lines on Environmental Issues

10 Lines on Fitness and Health

10 lines on animals, birds, insects.

  • 10 Lines on Myself
  • 10 Lines on Relationships

10 Lines on National Events

10 lines on seasons, 10 lines on general topics, 10 lines on monuments.

  • 10 Lines on Social Issues

10 Lines on Visits, Trips

  • 10 Lines on Life

10 Lines on Stadiums

10 lines on economy, constitution, rights.

  • 10 Lines on Subhash Chandra Bose
  • 10 Lines on APJ Abdul Kalam
  • 10 Lines on Ashfaqulla Khan
  • 10 Lines on Ghanshyam Das Birla
  • 10 Lines on Dr S Radhakrishnan
  • 10 Lines on Verghese Kurien
  • 10 Lines On Batukeshwar Dutt
  • 10 Lines on Bipin Chandra Pal
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  • 10 Lines on Jnanpith Award
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  • 10 Lines on Plastic Pollution
  • 10 Lines on Environment
  • 10 Lines on Environment and Development
  • 10 Lines on Environmental Protection
  • 10 Lines on Save Environment
  • 10 Lines on Energy Conservation
  • 10 Lines on Fuel Conservation
  • 10 Lines on Natural Resources
  • 10 Lines on Biodiversity
  • 10 Lines on Value of Oxygen and Water in Life/Earth
  • 10 Lines on Environment and Human Health
  • 10 Lines on Importance of Trees
  • 10 Lines on Impact of Global Warming on Oceans
  • 10 Lines on Greenhouse Effect
  • 10 Lines on Nature
  • 10 Lines on Plastic Bag And Its Harmful Effects
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  • 10 Lines on Prevention of Global Warming
  • 10 Lines on Why Plastic Bags Should be Banned
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  • 10 Lines on Global Warming and Climate Change
  • 10 Lines on Benefits of Planting Trees
  • 10 Lines on History of Global Warming
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  • 10 Lines on Flood
  • 10 Lines on Waste Management
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  • 10 Lines on Climate Change
  • 10 Lines on Forest
  • 10 Lines on Gardening
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  • 10 Lines on Healthy Food
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  • 10 Lines on Unhealthy Food 
  • 10 Lines on Health and Hygiene
  • 10 Lines on Healthy Lifestyle
  • 10 Lines on Food Waste
  • 10 Lines on Obesity
  • 10 Lines on Health and Fitness
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  • 10 Lines on Deer
  • 10 Lines on Horse
  • 10 Lines on Birds
  • 10 Lines on Whale
  • 10 Lines On Goat
  • 10 Lines On Honey Bee
  • 10 Lines On Camel
  • 10 Lines on Giraffe
  • 10 Lines on Butterfly
  • 10 Lines on Peacock
  • 10 Lines on Cow
  • 10 Lines on Dog
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  • 10 Lines on My Pet Cat
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  • 10 Lines on My Pet Dog
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  • 10 Lines on My School Fete/School Carnival
  • 10 Lines on My Dreams
  • 10 Lines on GrandParents
  • 10 Lines on Friends
  • 10 Lines on Parents
  • 10 Lines on Best Friend
  • 10 Lines on Family
  • 10 Lines on Friendship
  • 10 Lines on A Good Friend
  • 10 Lines on Mother’s Love
  • 10 Lines on Importance of Family
  • 10 Lines on Importance of Friends in our Life
  • 10 Lines on National Integration
  • 10 Lines on National Song
  • 10 Lines on National Flag of India
  • 10 Lines on National Anthem
  • 10 Lines on Republic Day Parade
  • 10 Lines on National Flag
  • 10 Lines on Nationalism
  • 10 Lines on National Festivals of India
  • 10 Lines on Indian Army
  • 10 Lines on Indian Flag
  • 10 Lines on Indian Culture And Tradition
  • 10 Lines on Patriotism
  • 10 Lines on Rainy Season
  • 10 Lines on Winter Season
  • 10 Lines on Spring Season
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  • 10 Lines on Role of Class Teacher
  • 10 Lines on Importance of Election
  • 10 Lines on Advantages of Internet
  • 10 Lines on Safety of Women in India
  • 10 Lines on School
  • 10 Lines on Dowry System
  • 10 Lines on Indian Culture
  • 10 Lines on Role of Youth in Nation Building
  • 10 Lines on Wonder of Science
  • 10 Lines on Importance Of Teacher
  • 10 Lines on Moon
  • 10 Lines on Discipline
  • 10 Lines on Uses of Internet
  • 10 Lines on News Paper
  • 10 Lines on Social Media
  • 10 Lines on Good Habits
  • 10 Lines on Flower
  • 10 Lines on Ideal Student
  • 10 Lines on Rainbow
  • 10 Lines on Indian Cricket Team
  • 10 Lines On Indian Women’s National Cricket Team
  • 10 Lines on Malgudi Days
  • 10 Lines on Panchatantra
  • 10 Lines on Computer
  • 10 Lines on Foot Ball
  • 10 Lines on WhatsApp
  • 10 Lines on Internet Explorer
  • 10 Lines on Happiness
  • 10 Lines on Sun
  • 10 Lines on Solar System and Planets
  • 10 Lines on Moral Values
  • 10 Lines on Self-Discipline and its Importance
  • 10 Lines on Punctuality
  • 10 Lines on Education
  • 10 Lines on Who Am I
  • 10 Lines on Honesty
  • 10 Lines on Career
  • 10 Lines on Doctor
  • 10 Lines on Youth
  • 10 Lines on Unity
  • 10 Lines on Teamwork
  • 10 Lines on Ethics
  • 10 Lines on Kindness
  • 10 Lines on Importance of Good Manners in Life
  • 10 Lines on Mahatma Gandhi’s Educational Philosophy
  • 10 Lines on Start-up India Stand-up India
  • 10 Lines on Life of Soldiers
  • 10 Lines on AIDS
  • 10 Lines on Science and Technology
  • 10 Lines on Disadvantages of Internet
  • 10 Lines on Wonders of Science
  • 10 Lines on Corruption Free India
  • 10 Lines on Good Manners
  • 10 Lines on Time
  • 10 Lines on Books
  • 10 Lines on Population
  • 10 Lines on Science
  • 10 Lines on Hockey
  • 10 Lines on Importance of Newsreading
  • 10 Lines on Health
  • 10 Lines on Teacher
  • 10 Lines on Indian Farmer
  • 10 Lines on Farmer
  • 10 Lines on Motivation
  • 10 Lines on Google
  • 10 Lines on Bank
  • 10 Lines on Cancer
  • 10 Lines on Fair
  • 10 Lines on Technology
  • 10 Lines on Earthquake
  • 10 Lines on Rainy Day
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  • 10 Lines on Sports
  • 10 Lines on Generation Gap
  • 10 Lines on Statue of Unity
  • 10 Lines on Qutub Minar
  • 10 Lines on Red Fort
  • 10 Lines on India Gate
  • 10 Lines on Taj Mahal
  • 10 Lines on Road Rage
  • 10 Lines on Farmer Suicide in India
  • 10 Lines on Fit India Movement
  • 10 Lines on Road Safety Rules
  • 10 Lines on Girl Education
  • 10 Lines on Vocational Education
  • 10 Lines on Issues and Problems faced by Women in India
  • 10 Lines on Drug Abuse
  • 10 Lines on Role of Women in Society
  • 10 Lines on Impact of Cinema in Life
  • 10 Lines on Black Money
  • 10 Lines on Importance of Adult Education
  • 10 Lines on Terrorism in India
  • 10 Lines on Status of Women in India
  • 10 Lines on Man vs. Machine
  • 10 Lines on Addiction of Gadgets
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  • 10 Lines on Violence against Women in India
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  • 10 Lines on Population Growth
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  • 10 Lines on Intolerance
  • 10 Lines on Peace and Harmony
  • 10 Lines on Communal Harmony
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  • 10 Lines on Drug Addiction
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  • 10 Lines on Road Trip
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  • 10 Lines on Life in an Indian Village
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  • 10 Lines on Freedom of the Press
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  • 10 Lines on Constitution of India
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Important Days in December

1st December
2nd December
3rd December
4th December
5th December
6th December
7th December
8th December
9th December
8th to 14th December
10th December
18th December
14th December
22nd December
23rd December
25th December

Important Days in November

1st November
1 of November
5th November
9th to 14th November
9th November
14th November
14th to 20th November
16th November
17th November
19th November
19th to 25th of November
19th to 25th of November
19th November
20th November
20th to 30th November
25th November
26th November

Important Days in October

1st October
1st October
2nd October
2nd October
2nd to 8th October
2nd to 8th October
First Monday of the month of October
4th October
5th October
8th October
9th October
10th October
13th October
14th October
15th October
15th October
24th October
30th October
31st October

Important Days in September

Date of Celebration
1st September to 7th September
5th September
8th September
14th September
15th September
15th September
16th September
Last Sunday of the Month of September
27th September
29th September

Important Days in August

1st August to 7th August
9th August
13th August
15th August
19th August
20th August
21st August
25th August to 8th September
29th August

Important Days in July

1st July
11th July
22nd July
28th July

Important Days in June

1st June
1st June
3rd June
4th June
5th June
8th June
12th June
14th June
19th June
20th June
21st June
26th June

Important Days in May

1st May
3rd May
5th May
7th May
8th May
8th May
11th May
12th May
12th May
15th May
17th May
31st May

Important Days in April

2nd April
1st to 7th April
7th April
13th April
14th April
17th April
17th April
18th April
22nd April
23rd April
25th April
28th April

Important Days in March

1st March
3rd March
4th March
8th March
14th March
12th March
18th March
20th March
21st March
21st March
21st March
10 Lines on World Poetry Day21st March
21st March
22nd March
23 March and 30 January
23rd March
24th March

Important Days in February

2nd February
4th February
4th to 10th February
6th February
9th February to 14th February
10th February
11th February
13th February
14th February
19th February
20th February
21st February
24th February
28th February

Important Days in January

21st to 23rd January
4th to 10th January
12th January
15th January
15th to 21st January
23rd January
24th January
24th January
26th January
26th January
30th January
30th January

10 Lines

FAQs on Ten Lines Essay Topics

1. Where Can I find Ten Lines for various topics?

You can find Ten Lines for various trending topics from our page. All of them are written in easy and simple words.

2. Are the 10 Lines Short Essays useful in building your vocabulary and written skills?

Yes, 10 Lines Short Essays play a key role in building your vocabulary and written skills.

3. How long is a short essay prevailing over here?

Short Essay prevailing over here is 10 Lines Long and covers the important points.

4. What topics are covered in 10 Lines here?

Various trending topics are covered in this page. You can check out them and know the key points in short to use in your speeches.

Hope you have got enough ideas on Ten Lines in English with the information provided. If you feel any article is missing in our list and needs to be added feel free to suggest it to us. We will look into it and add to our compilation. Bookmark our site for more information on Essay Writing, Speech Ideas, Books, etc.

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  • English Speech
  • English Slogans
  • English Letter Writing
  • English Essay Writing
  • English Textbook Answers
  • Types of Certificates
  • ICSE Solutions
  • Selina ICSE Solutions
  • ML Aggarwal Solutions
  • HSSLive Plus One
  • HSSLive Plus Two
  • Kerala SSLC
  • Distance Education

Become a Writer Today

Essays About Daily Life: Top 5 Essay Examples and 7 Prompts

Writing about daily routines and events can be tricky, to help you get started discover our guide with essays about daily life examples and prompts. 

Talking about what we do every day can be mundane. However, it also has many physical and mental health benefits, and writing about our everyday lives helps us gain new perspectives. The records we have in personal journals let us read back on the events that already happened to relive a memory or increase our understanding of our current situation. 

If you prefer to avoid journaling, you can start by producing an essay. Creating an essay about our daily activities helps us appreciate life more and to stop taking things for granted. You can also check out these essays about life .

5 Essay Examples

  • 1. My Daily Life as a Student – Essay by Mili
  • 2. Write an Essay on Your Daily Life by Darshan Kadu

3. Essay on Daily Life in Ancient Egypt by Anonymous on PapersOwl.Com

  • 4. My Daily Life by Ken Subedi

1. How to Write About Your Daily Life

2. why write essays about everyday life, 3. my daily life before, during, and after the pandemic, 4. the daily life of a student, 5. daily life of different age groups, 6. social media and our daily lives, 7. daily life: work-life balance.


1. My Daily Life as a Student – Essay  by Mili

“I get refreshed with the morning walk or a little exercise and then prepare myself for the study with utmost sincerity. It is against my principle to put off today’s work for tomorrow or to have any private tutor.”

Mili shares her simple life in this essay by describing everyday activities every student does, such as brushing her teeth and exercising. She mentions her classes and recess at 2 PM, where she and her friends eat snacks, play games, and chat. As a student, Mili has a busy six-day schedule but visits theaters after washing her uniforms on Sundays. You might also be interested in these essays about reflection .

2. Write an Essay on Your Daily Life  by Darshan Kadu

“Life is too precious to be idled away in lethargic existence and in useless ventures. My daily routine is jam-packed with actions and activities and keeps me and my mind busy all the time. The adventures of daily life make it interesting and an exciting journey.”

On school days, Kadu’s daily routine includes jogging, getting ready for school, and having breakfast with the whole family. After school and attending meetings, he usually plays with friends in the field. Kadu also mentions how he spends his holidays. He believes that even though he has a daily routine, it’s exciting and full of adventure.

“Ancient Egyptian’s daily life revolves around the Nile and the rich soil around it… daily lives of people have changed a lot since then.”

This essay shows how religion helped the Ancient Egyptians run their daily lives. The author discusses changes in festivals and the treatment of gods and royalty. To make an effective comparison, they use three examples: the importance of family, the Nile, and slavery.

The writer mentions that the Nile was essential in Ancient Egypt because it provided food to the people. Modern Egyptians no longer depend on the Nile river and its rich soil. As for working, people used to be enslaved by the rich and were forced to farm. Now, while farming is a work option, slavery doesn’t happen anymore. Early marriage is also forgotten, but the importance of family is still the same for all Egyptians.

4. My Daily Life  by Ken Subedi

“Sometimes I feel that I am really becoming a machine to have a strict time table. But I also believe that if we do everything on time, success will kiss us and we can lead a qualitative life.”

Subedi believes that people spend the day depending on their roles. Because he’s a student, he talks about how a typical school day goes for him, noting how he follows a strict schedule to do his homework, play with friends, and prepare for the next day. 

Subedi mentions how Saturdays and holidays distract his daily routine and shares how he feels like a machine with the readers. However, he also says that he knows it’s necessary to have a successful life. You might also be interested in these essays about New Year .

5. Long Essay on Television In Our Daily Life by Prasanna

“There are channels that beam programs 24 hours a day. Whereas this may be a boon for the people who do not have much to do anyway, it becomes a source of great distraction for children for whom the priority should be their studies.”

Technology like television is essential today but can also be a distraction to many. Prasanna refers to television as the most common form of entertainment that provides information on what’s happening worldwide. However, some shows have mature or violent elements that have adverse effects, especially on children. Additionally, those who spend too much time watching television will miss the thrill and excitement of going out and meeting other people.

7 Prompts for Essays About Daily Life

Essays About Daily Life: How to write about your daily life?

Experts say that in writing about your everyday life, you have to live with it. In writing this instructional prompt, you must first introduce and define essays about daily life. Next, give a step-by-step process for writing this topic and explain each step to the readers. Then, discuss the dos and don’ts of writing this essay, especially the information the piece needs.

For example, creating a detailed essay is good, but sometimes including too much information is boring to read. In this case, you should only incorporate relevant and exciting experiences throughout your day. 

Besides clearing the mind, producing essays about daily life improves writing skills, boosts memory retention, and more. Discuss the other benefits of writing an essay about this topic and verify the importance of each. 

This prompt encourages readers to create essays about their daily activities. To help you, read our guide explaining persuasive writing .

The coronavirus pandemic greatly affected everyone’s daily routine. To effectively share your experience and how the virus impacted your everyday life, divide your essay into three parts: before, during, and after the pandemic. 

Recount how your day started and ended for each period. Add any surprising events that occurred, if there are any. Then, include your opinion on the drastic changes you endured during the pandemic. 

Essays About Daily Life: The daily life of a student

A student’s life consists of waking up early, preparing for school, doing homework, and studying for hours. This prompt is perfect for you, regardless of level, if you’re a student. For this prompt, introduce your program to the readers and discuss the daily activities that make your typical day. Include the time management techniques you use and how effective they are for you as a student.

Our schedule changes depending on what we try to accomplish. For example, children are free to play, teenagers are expected to attend school, and adults are supposed to work. For this prompt, focus on each age group’s varying timetable and objectives, then compare and contrast their lives. You can interview someone from each age group to have a reliable representative.

Social media significantly changed our perception of what our daily lives should look like if we want to thrive. Many try to follow an unrealistic schedule to be as prosperous as the ones we see on our feeds.

Gather factual data on the social media users and the frequency with which they visit their accounts on each platform. Analyze these statistics and identify the positive and negative effects of being on social media multiple times a day.

Many struggles with achieving an effective work-life balance. For this prompt, research the average person’s success rate in accomplishing a good routine that strengthens their work and personal relationships. After establishing the benefits of having a functional work-life balance, list how the readers can find balance and use these tips in their daily lives.  

If you are interested in learning more, check out our essay writing tips !


Write 10 Lines on My Daily Routine

Having a daily routine is important for everyone, especially for kids. It helps us manage our time and be more productive.

10 sentences on My Daily Routine for kids (set #1)

10 lines on my daily routine (set #2).

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So, this is 10 points on My Daily Routine in an easy-to-understand way.

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English Aspirants

10 Lines on Myself | My Self 10 Lines for Students and Kids

10 Lines on Myself in English: In this article, you are going to read 5 sets of 10 lines and 1 set of 20 lines on myself. We’ve written all the sets of 10 lines in an easy language. This article will be helpful for the students of all classes (from LKG, UKG to class 12). So, let’s get started.

Table of Contents

10 Lines on Myself: Set 1

1. My name is Siddharth Sharma.

2. I am 9 years old.

3. I read in Delhi Public School in 4th standard.

4. I live in Kolkata.

5. There are four members in my family.

6. My favorite subject is math.

7. I am very punctual and disciplined.

8. I want to be a doctor.

9. I love watching cartoons, Playing cricket, and reading storybooks.

10. I love my family very much.

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My self 10 lines: set 2.

1. I am Disha Roy and I am 10 years old.

2. I read in 5th standard at Don Bosco School, New Delhi.

3. I am the only child of my parents.

4. My father is a businessman and my mother is a housewife.

5. I am very punctual and regular in school.

6. I am a bright student in my class and my teachers love me so much.

7. My favorite subjects are English and Science.

8. I have many friends in school but Riya is my best friend .

9. My aim in life is to be a teacher.

10. I love drawing, dancing, and watching cartoons.

Also Read: 10 Lines on My Mother

My Self in English 10 Lines: Set 3

1. My name is Rohan Deshmukh and I am 11 years old.

2. I read in Lakshdham High School in class 6.

3. I live in Mumbai with my parents and elder brother.

4. I always obey my parents and teachers and listen to their advice.

5. I am an honest boy, I never tell a lie.

6. My favourite game is football.

7. My hobbies are reading, singing and drawing.

8. I am a strong and healthy boy.

9. I want to serve my nation by becoming a doctor.

10. I have a great bonding with my family .

my self in english 10 lines

Myself 10 lines: Set 4

1. I am Abhirup Chatterjee and I am 12 years old.

2. I live in Ballygunge, Kolkata with my family.

3. I read in class 6 at South Point School.

4. I am the brightest student in my class.

5. I am the second child of my parents and I have a little sister.

6. I get up everyday at 6 a.m. in the morning.

7. I am a punctual and disciplined student.

8. Singing and dancing are my hobbies.

9. I have many friends but Rohan is my best friend.

10. I want to be an engineer like my father.

Also Read: 10 Lines on My Best Friend

Myself Essay 10 lines: Set 5

1. My name is Ajay and I am 13 years old.

2. I study in class 7 at National Public School , Chennai.

3. I live in Chennai with my parents, brother, and grandparents.

4. My father is a Doctor and my mother is a school teacher.

5. My favourite subjects are Maths, English and Science.

6. I like to play cricket and football with my friends.

7. I spend my leisure time playing guitar, Singing, reading storybooks, and Drawing.

8. I like to hear and tell jokes and stories to my friends.

9. My aim in life is to be a doctor and serve the nation.

10. I am very responsible towards my family and my country.

My Self in English 20 Lines

1. My name is Rohan.

2. I am 10 years old.

3. I read in 5th standard.

4. My school name is Delhi Public School.

5. I live in Delhi.

6. There are four members in my family.

7. My father is a Teacher.

8. My mother is a homemaker.

9. I have a younger sister.

10. I am a bright student.

11. My favourite subject is Math.

12. I am very punctual and disciplined.

13. My hobbies are singing and drawing.

14. I respect my elders and teachers.

15. My favourite sport is cricket.

16. My best friend is Ajay.

17. My mother tongue is Hindi.

18. My favourite colour is Blue.

19. I want to become a doctor.

20. I will work hard to fulfil my dream.

Read More 10 Lines : 1. 10 Lines on My Father 2. 10 lines on My Favourite Teacher 3. 10 Lines on Holi Festival 4. 10 Lines on Our National Flag 5. 10 lines on Mahatma Gandhi 

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my daily life essay 10 lines for class 5

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Happiest Day of My Life Essay for Class 5

All of us have good days and bad days in life. There are days when we achieve everything that we wish for, and then there are days when life becomes tough for us. All these leave big marks on our memories. In my life of 10 years, there have been a lot of happy days, but one of them was the happiest day of my life.

We are providing students of class 5 with two sample essays on ‘Happiest Day of My Life’ topic for reference.

Short Essay on Happiest Day of My Life of 100 Swords In English

We all have enjoyable days and bad days in life. But the most important are the happiest days of our lives. I am a class five student and has not lived life for long. Yet, I have days which were the happiest among all.

So, last year during our annual school fest, I had the happiest day of my life. My friends forced me to participate in the slam poetry competition. I did not want to join at all.

But it was too late to cancel my name from the list so I submitter a poem. I didn’t expect anything but surprisingly gained the first position. This was the first time when my poetry was acknowledged.

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Long Essay on Happiest Day of My Life of 150 Words in English

I am a class five student, and a lot of important things have not happened to me. But there are days when I was happier out of the other days. One of those days can be called the happiest day of my life.

Our school hosts an annual fest every year. All kinds of events and competitions take place during that time. More than twenty other schools from all over the city join us in this fest. Dance, music, painting, poetry and many more competitions take place.

I write poetry since Class one, but no one knows about it except some close friends. They always listen to my poems and review them. So, when the day came of the annual fest, they forced me to participate.

I submitted my poem on the topic “Friends.” I was not expecting anything but surprisingly gained the first position. I was called on the stage, and my poetry was read out aloud. I got a Gold Medal, a certificate and a gift hamper.

My parents didn’t know that I write and they were shocked. That made the day happier. This was the first-time others appreciated my poem.

10 Lines on Happiest Day of My Life in English

  • Everyone has good days and bad days in life.
  • My happiest day was our annual fest day.
  • Every year my school hosts an annual fest.
  • Several events like dance, music, painting and poetry competitions, take place.
  • Last year my friends forced me to participate in the poetry competition.
  • I write poetry since class one, but no one except some friends knew about it.
  • I was shy to participate but still submitted on a poem.
  • I didn’t expect anything but surprisingly came first.
  • I got my first gold medal. I also got a certificate and a gift hamper.
  • My parents were delighted, and that was the happiest day of my life.

Frequently Asked Questions on Happiest Day Of My Life Essay

Question 1: Why was it your happiest day?

Answer:  It was my happiest day because I got a gold medal for the first time. My poetry got appreciated for the first time as well.

Question 2: Was that the only day you were happy?

Answer:  No, I have happy days often, but that was the happiest day of my life, no doubt.

Question 3 : Is this day special to you?

Answer:  Yes, this day will always remain special to me. No matter how many more happy days come across in my life, getting the first gold medal for my poetry will always be one of the bests.

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My Aim in Life Paragraph in English – Long and Short My Aim in Life Paragraph

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Table of Contents

My Aim in Life Paragraph

My Aim in Life Paragraph: As students, having an aim in life is like having a guiding light. It’s not just about picking a future career, but about finding what truly excites and motivates us. Whether it’s aspiring to be a doctor, an artist, or wanting to make a difference in the world, our aim is unique and deeply personal.

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A clear aim helps us stay focused and motivated, especially through tough times in school. It drives us to work hard, learn new skills, and lays the groundwork for our future. More than this, it teaches us valuable lessons in perseverance, discipline, and goal-setting.

Ultimately, our aim in life as students goes beyond just a job or title. It’s about exploring our passions, developing our strengths, and making a positive impact in our chosen paths. It’s a journey of self-discovery, helping us grow into the individuals we dream of becoming.

Why Should You Have an Aim in Life?

Having an aim in life is crucial because it gives you direction and purpose. Think of it as a roadmap guiding you to your desired destination. With a clear aim, you can focus your efforts and energies on achieving specific goals, whether they are related to your career, personal development, or contributions to society.

An aim in life essay provides motivation, especially during challenging times. It keeps you driven and helps you overcome obstacles because you have a clear understanding of what you are working towards. This sense of purpose can also lead to increased satisfaction and happiness, as you are actively pursuing goals that are meaningful to you.

Having an aim in life is really important. It’s like having a map that guides you to where you want to go. For example, if you’re in class 6 and writing “my aim in life paragraph for class 6,” you’re thinking about what you want to be and do when you grow up. This helps you stay focused and work hard towards your goals.

If you dream of becoming a doctor, writing a “my aim in life doctor paragraph essay” can inspire you to study science and help others. Even if you’re younger, like in class 5, a “my aim in life paragraph for class 5” can still be a fun way to explore your dreams.

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How to Choose the Right Aim for You?

Choosing the right aim in life can sometimes be confusing, but it’s an important decision that shapes our future. Here’s a simple guide to help you find your path:

  • Think About Your Interests : Start by asking yourself what you love doing. Do you enjoy helping others, solving problems, or being creative? For example, if you find joy in caring for people, you might write a paragraph on your aim in life to become a doctor.
  • Consider Your Skills : Look at what you’re good at. Are you great at science, communication, or maybe art? Your skills can guide your aim. For instance, if you excel in science and want to help people, your aim in life paragraph might focus on becoming a doctor.
  • Research Different Careers : Read about various professions to understand what they involve. A paragraph about your aim in life as a doctor would differ from one about being an engineer or a teacher.
  • Set Short and Long-term Goals : Break down your aim into smaller goals. Writing a short paragraph about your immediate goals can help clarify your long-term aim in life.
  • Seek Advice : Talk to people who are in the field you’re interested in. They can provide valuable insights and help you refine your aim in life paragraph.

Finding your aim in life involves understanding your interests, evaluating your strengths, researching, setting goals, seeking guidance, and being open to change. Whether it’s a short paragraph essay about a specific goal or a detailed my aim in life paragraph, what’s important is that it resonates with who you are and who you want to become.

How to Achieve Your Aim?

  • Set Clear Goals : Begin by defining what your aim is. Be specific about what you want to achieve. For example, if your aim is to become a teacher, set a goal like completing your education degree.
  • Make a Plan : Break down your aim into smaller, manageable steps. If you want to be a doctor, your plan might include finishing high school, getting into medical school, and completing your residency.
  • Stay Focused : Keep your aim in mind and don’t get sidetracked. It’s easy to get distracted, but remembering your goal will help you stay on track.
  • Work Hard : Achieving your aim requires effort and dedication. Be prepared to put in the time and work necessary to reach your goal.
  • Learn Continuously : Always be open to learning new things. This could mean reading, taking courses, or getting advice from others who have achieved similar aims.

Related Topics to My Aim in Life

Write a Paragraph on My Aim in Life

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My Aim in Life Paragraph 100 Words

My aim in life is to become a teacher. I have always been inspired by the role teachers play in shaping young minds. Teachers not only educate but also guide and motivate students to achieve their dreams. I love the idea of helping children learn new things and watching them grow intellectually. Being a teacher means being a lifelong learner, constantly updating knowledge and teaching methods. My goal is to create a positive and stimulating classroom environment where students feel encouraged to learn and explore. I believe that by becoming a teacher, I can make a significant difference in many lives and contribute positively to society.

My Aim in Life Short Paragraph

My aim in life paragraph 150 words.

In life, everyone has different goals and dreams that they wish to achieve. My aim in life is to become a teacher. I have always been inspired by the way teachers shape the lives of students and contribute to society. Being a teacher means not only imparting knowledge but also shaping the character and future of individuals. I believe that education is the key to a better world, and being a part of this noble profession would allow me to make a positive impact.

My journey towards this aim involves completing my education with dedication and excellence. I plan to specialize in a subject that I am passionate about, which will help me engage and inspire my future students. I also aspire to bring innovative teaching methods to make learning more interactive and enjoyable.

Moreover, I aim to be a teacher who is not just an educator but also a mentor and a guide. I want to encourage my students to dream big and help them achieve their goals. This aim keeps me motivated and focused, reminding me of the important role I aspire to play in shaping young minds and the future.

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My Aim in Life Paragraph 200 Words

I’d like to share my aim in life. My primary goal is to become a teacher, a profession that I believe is not just about a job but is a way of contributing positively to society. I have always been inspired by the way good teachers can shape the minds and futures of their students. They do not just teach academic subjects but also impart valuable life lessons.

From a young age, I found myself drawn to the idea of sharing knowledge and helping others learn. The satisfaction that comes from seeing someone understand a concept for the first time is unparalleled. This aim drives me to work hard in my studies, especially in subjects like Language and Science, which I hope to teach someday.

I understand that achieving this aim will require dedication, patience, and continuous learning. I am prepared to face the challenges that come with it, like managing different types of learners and keeping up with educational advancements. My goal is not only to educate but also to inspire and encourage students to pursue their dreams, just as I am pursuing mine.

In essence, my aim in life is to make a difference through teaching. I believe that by being a teacher, I can touch many lives and contribute to building a better future for the next generation. It’s a journey I am excited and ready to embark on.

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My Aim in Life Paragraph 10 Lines

Write a Paragraph on My Aim in Life 10 Lines:

  • My aim in life is to become a doctor, a profession that represents care and compassion.
  • This goal stems from my desire to help people and make a difference in their lives.
  • Being a doctor means not just treating illnesses, but also bringing hope and comfort.
  • To achieve this, I plan to work hard in my studies, especially in science subjects.
  • I understand that becoming a doctor requires dedication, patience, and years of learning.
  • I am ready to face the challenges of medical school and the demands of this profession.
  • Volunteering at local clinics and hospitals is a step I want to take to gain experience.
  • I believe in the importance of empathy and good communication in medical practice.
  • My dream is to specialize in pediatrics and work in a children’s hospital.
  • Ultimately, my aim is not just a career choice, but a commitment to serving others.

Write a Paragraph on My Aim in Life for Class 5 to 10

My aim in life paragraph for class 5.

My Aim in Life Paragraph Doctor

My aim in life is to become a doctor. I want to be a doctor because doctors help sick people get better. They work in hospitals or clinics and use their knowledge to find out what is wrong with patients. I think being a doctor is a very important job because they save lives and make people feel better. To become a doctor, I know I need to study hard, especially in subjects like science and biology. I also want to learn how to be kind and patient with people, because that is important for a doctor. I look forward to wearing a white coat and using a stethoscope to listen to people’s hearts. I dream of making my parents proud by becoming a good doctor who helps lots of people. Being a doctor is not just a job; it’s a way to care for others and make a difference in the world.

My Aim in Life Paragraph for Class 6

My Aim in Life Doctor Paragraph

Hello! I’m in class 6, and I want to share my dream with you. When I grow up, I aim to become a doctor. Why? Because I want to help people who are sick and need medical care.

Becoming a doctor means I will learn about the human body, how it works, and how to make people feel better when they are unwell. It’s like being a superhero, but with a stethoscope!

I know it won’t be easy. I’ll have to study a lot and be really good at science and math. But I’m ready for the challenge because I believe that helping others is the most important thing I can do in my life.

I also want to make my family proud and show them that hard work can make dreams come true. So, being a doctor is not just my aim; it’s my passion and my way of making the world a healthier and happier place.

My Aim in Life Paragraph for Class 7

Aim in My Life Essay Paragraph

In my life, I have a big aim that I want to achieve. My aim is to become a teacher. I have always admired my teachers for their knowledge and the way they help us learn. When I grow up, I want to be just like them.

To achieve my aim, I know I need to study hard and do well in school. I also need to be a good student and listen to my teachers. Learning is important, and I want to learn as much as I can so that one day I can share that knowledge with others.

Being a teacher is not just about teaching lessons; it’s also about being patient, kind, and understanding. I want to inspire my students and help them become better people. Teaching is a noble profession, and I am determined to make it my aim in life.

In conclusion, my aim in life is to become a teacher because I want to educate and inspire others. I will work hard to achieve this goal and make a positive impact on the lives of my future students.

My Aim in Life Paragraph for Class 8

My Aim in My Life Essay Paragraph

In my life, I have a special aim, and that is to become a teacher. I believe that teaching is a noble profession that can make a positive impact on young minds. My aim is to help students learn and grow, just like my own teachers have done for me.

To achieve this aim, I know I need to work hard in school and get a good education. I must pay attention to my studies, especially in subjects like math and English. I also want to develop good communication skills so that I can explain things clearly to my future students.

I understand that becoming a teacher is a journey that requires dedication and patience. It’s not just about teaching lessons but also about being a role model and mentor to students. I want to create a welcoming and inclusive classroom where every student feels valued and encouraged to learn.

As I move forward in my education, I will keep my aim in mind and work towards it with determination. I believe that by becoming a teacher, I can contribute to the betterment of society by shaping the future of our youth. That’s why my aim in life is to become a teacher, and I am excited about the path ahead.

My Aim in Life Paragraph for Class 9

My Aim in Life Paragraph Writing

In class 9, it’s natural to start thinking about our future and what we want to do in life. My aim in life is like a guiding star that helps me navigate this journey. I aspire to become a teacher because I believe in the power of education to shape lives. Teaching is a noble profession that allows me to impart knowledge and inspire young minds.

To achieve my aim, I am dedicated to my studies, especially in subjects related to education. I participate actively in school activities and volunteer as a tutor to gain experience. I understand that being a teacher is not just about teaching from books but also about being a mentor and a role model for students.

As a class 9 student, I know that the road ahead is long and filled with challenges. However, I am determined to work hard and overcome obstacles to reach my goal. I believe that by becoming a teacher, I can contribute positively to society and make a difference in the lives of future generations. My aim in life is not just a career choice; it’s a calling to educate, inspire, and shape the future.

My Aim in Life Paragraph for Class 10

My Aim in Life Paragraph 120 Words

In my life, I have a clear and resolute aim – to become an engineer. This aim has been nurtured by my fascination with machines and technology since childhood. I envision myself designing innovative solutions that can improve our daily lives.

To achieve this goal, I am diligently studying science and mathematics, as they are the foundation of engineering. I also participate in various science competitions and projects to enhance my knowledge and skills.

Moreover, I understand the importance of perseverance and hard work in this field. Engineering demands problem-solving abilities and a creative mindset, both of which I am actively developing.

In addition to academics, I engage in extracurricular activities related to engineering and technology. This includes participating in robotics clubs and attending workshops to gain practical experience.

My aim is not merely to earn a degree but to contribute to society by addressing real-world problems through engineering. I am determined to pursue this path with dedication and passion, knowing that it will lead me to a fulfilling and meaningful future.

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FAQs on My Aim in Life Paragraph

How do i start my aim in life.

To start your aim in life, think about what you're passionate about and what makes you happy. Then set clear goals and work towards them step by step.

What is your aim in your life paragraph?

My aim in life is to become a doctor. I want to help people and make a positive impact on their health and well-being. This is my goal in life.

How do I talk about my aim?

Talking about your aim is simple. Just share what you're passionate about and why it matters to you. Describe the steps you're taking to achieve it and the impact you hope to make.

How do I know my aim?

Knowing your aim comes from self-reflection. Consider your interests, skills, and what makes you happy. Your aim is usually something you're enthusiastic about and willing to work for.

What is an aim essay?

An aim essay is a written piece where you explain your life's goal or ambition. It describes what you want to achieve, why it's important, and how you plan to reach that aim.

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10 Lines on Technology

The modern age is the age of technology, and we all have become used too of it. Technology is completely dominating us, and it has become impossible for us to live without it. Reading about technology will exactly be like fun. So let’s have fun through the few sets of 10 lines below.

Ten Lines on Technology in English

You can find here some well written sets of 10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on Technology for children and students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 to get help in their school assignments.

1) Technology is the use of scientific knowledge for the welfare of all.

2) Technology has become an integral part of industry and livelihood.

3) Even a small pin and a big jetliner, all are the products of technology.

4) Initial technical tool developed by a human was a stone spear tied to a stick.

5) Egyptians were first to harness wind energy in sailing boats.

6) The invention of wheels had happened around 4000 BC in Mesopotamia.

7) 12th century was the age of simple tools like liver, screw and pulley to combine as complicated equipment like wheelbarrow, windmills and clocks.

8) 19th-century breakthrough brought the telegraph, the telephone, the radio and television.

9) The 20th century was a boom in technology in every field from production to space.

10) With the advent of Integrated Circuits (ICs), the equipment has become more compact and efficient.

10 Lines and Sentences on Technology

1) The knowledge with science implemented for practical use is technology.

2) Technology has completely changed the world and our daily life to a significant extent.

3) Things, which were not possible a few years ago, have become common now.

4) The invention of Wheel, Spears and stone tools were the most significant development in the Stone Age era.

5) From a Simple Watch to Super Computers, the technology has surrounded us in our daily life.

6) Video Conferencing, the preferred way of communication, is a gift by the technology.

7) With the help of technology, we have reached Moon and are planning to set up a human colony on Mars.

8) Technology is not always a boon, but it has also proved dangerous many times.

9) The development of Nuclear Bomb is can both positively and negatively affect the human being.

10) We should always remember that technology is a good servant but a bad master.

10 Lines on Technology

5 Lines on Technology

1) Technology is making our job easier.

2) Today technology is used in every field.

3) It also helps in the development of the country.

4) Technology turned many impossible things into possible.

5) Technology is giving the world a better future.

20 Lines on Technology

1) Technology has not only helped the growth of human being, but it has also simplified the way of life.

2) It has helped to solve big problems which were impossible a few days back.

3) Technology has helped to develop new inventions and made us achieve new milestones in every field.

4) Technological developments in the field of science have solved many complicated problems.

5) The technological development of Medical Science has brought the treatment of many deadly diseases.

6) The technological advancements in information technology have enhanced connectivity.

7) Internet is one of the most important inventions of the 20th century.

8) Technology has increased the speed of processing in Computers with the introduction of electronic data processing.

9) The latest mobile communication technology with the advent of 4G and 5G has given a great push to the mobile telephony.

10) The future of technology is bright, and it is improving day by day, simplifying the lives of the people.

11) Human beings are getting dependent on technology, and it has become an integral part of their life.

12) Every Technological invention brings a change in society.

13) It has made our lives simpler, leaving certain very serious side effects.

14) Vehicles help us in saving our precious time, but also add up to environmental pollution.

15) Though technology has simplified our lifestyle, it has also made people lazy.

16) Though industrialization and factories have added to our economic growth, it has also added to global warming.

17) Information technology and social media platforms have brought us closer, keeping us away from our family members.

18) Spending too much time on gadgets is giving rise to obesity, insomnia and weak eyesight issues in young children.

19) The radiation emitting from mobile phones highly affects the bodily function of a newborn, affecting his/her brain’s development.

20) The use of technology should be in a balanced way maintaining the equilibrium between nature and technology.

Technology has many advantages like-reduces human efforts, saves time, improves communication and creativity. It also has certain disadvantages like a distraction, making humans lazy, higher use and maintenance cost and risk of use. Use of technology is inevitable, but a balanced use of it can bring a positive change in society.

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