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How to Avoid Homework Stress

Last Updated: March 28, 2019 References

This article was co-authored by Emily Listmann, MA . Emily Listmann is a private tutor in San Carlos, California. She has worked as a Social Studies Teacher, Curriculum Coordinator, and an SAT Prep Teacher. She received her MA in Education from the Stanford Graduate School of Education in 2014. There are 10 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 133,057 times.

Students of all kinds are often faced with what can seem like an overwhelming amount of homework. Although homework can be a source of stress, completing it can be a very rewarding and even relaxing experience if done in an organized and timely manner. Remember, homework is not intended as punishment, but is used to reinforce everything you’ve learned in class. Try to view it as a chance to sharpen your skills and understanding.

Managing Your Time

Step 1 Pick a time of day to do your homework.

  • Try to work earlier, rather than later, if possible. This way, you won’t be rushing to finish your work before bedtime.
  • Find a time of day during which you can concentrate well. Some people work best in the afternoon, while others can concentrate better on a full stomach after dinner.
  • Choose a time when you will have relatively few distractions. Mealtimes, times during which you have standing engagements, or periods usually used for socializing are not the best choices.
  • Allow enough time to complete your work. Making sure the total time you allow yourself for homework is sufficient for you to complete all your assignments is crucial. [1] X Research source [2] X Research source

Step 2 Start large projects as early as possible.

  • Save an appropriate amount of time for projects considering your normal homework load.
  • Estimate how much time you will need each day, week, and month depending on your usual workload. Allow yourself at least this much time in your schedule, and consider allotting a fair amount more to compensate for unexpected complications or additional assignments.
  • Reserve plenty of time for bigger projects, as they are more involved, and it is harder to estimate how much time you might need to complete them.

Step 3 Make yourself a homework schedule.

  • Get a day planner or a notebook to write down your homework assignments, and assign an estimated amount of time to each assignment. Make sure to always give yourself more time than you think you’ll need.
  • Plan to finish daily homework every day, then divide up weekly homework over the course of the entire week.
  • Rank assignments in due-date order. Begin on those assignments due first, and work your way though. Finishing assignments according to due-date will help you avoid having to hurry through homework the night before it must be handed in.
  • Allow more time for more difficult subjects and difficult assignments. Each individual person will have their strong subjects—and those that come a little harder. Make sure you take into account which subjects are harder for you, and allow more time for them during your scheduling.

Working Hard at School and in Class

Step 1 Ask questions.

  • If you’re too shy to ask questions, or don’t feel it’s appropriate to do so during class, write them down in your notebook and then ask the teacher or professor after class.
  • If you don't understand a concept, ask your teacher to explain it again, with specifics.
  • If you're having trouble with a math problem, ask the teacher to demonstrate it again using a different example.
  • Remember, when it comes to learning and education, there are no bad questions.

Step 2 Take good notes...

  • Pay attention to important terms and ideas. Make sure to note things your teacher stresses, key terms, and other important concepts.
  • Write clearly and legibly. If you can’t read your handwriting, it’ll take you longer to reference your notes at home.
  • Keep your notebook organized with dividers and labels. This way, you’ll be able to locate helpful information in a pinch and finish your homework quicker. [4] X Research source

Step 3 Record the class or lecture.

  • Get permission.
  • Sit up front and close to the instructor.
  • Make sure to label your recordings so you don't lose track of them.
  • Try to listen to them that same day while everything is fresh in your mind.

Step 4 Use any available time at school to begin your homework.

  • Work in class. If you finish a class assignment early, review your notes or start your homework.
  • Study at lunch. If you have time at lunch, consider working on homework. You can do this leisurely by just reviewing what you’ll need to do at home, or you can just jump right into your work.
  • Don't waste time. If you get to class early, use that time for homework. In addition, many schools let students go to the library during this unplanned time, and it's a great place to finish uncompleted assignments.

Doing Your Homework

Step 1 Sit down and do your homework.

  • Get some fresh air
  • Go for a short run
  • Do push-ups
  • Walk your dog
  • Listen to music
  • Have a snack

Step 5 Stay positive.

  • Study groups break up the monotony of daily homework and make for a less stressful experience than trying to cram on your own.
  • Note that each person should turn in individualized assignments rather than collaborating to find the answers.

Balancing Homework with Life

Step 1 Avoid over committing yourself.

  • AP or IB classes often have 2 or 3 times the amount of reading and homework as regular courses.
  • Honors classes may have up to double the amount of work required as regular courses.
  • College students need to consider whether they want to take the recommended course load (often 4 classes) or more. More classes might help you finish your degree sooner, but if you are juggling work and extracurricular activities, you might be overwhelmed. [8] X Research source [9] X Research source

Step 2 Decide your priorities.

  • Rank your classes and activities in order of importance.
  • Estimate (realistically) how long your academic and extracurricular activities will take.
  • Figure out how much time you have overall.
  • If you’ve over committed, you need to drop your lowest ranked class or activity.

Step 3 Reserve time for your family and friends.

  • Make sure to reserve mealtimes for family, rather than working.
  • Try to set aside the weekend for family, and work only if you need to catch up or get ahead.
  • Don’t plan on working on holidays, even if you try, your productivity likely won’t be high.

Step 4 Make sure you get enough rest.

  • Pick a reasonable hour to go to sleep every night.
  • Try to do your morning prep work like ironing clothes and making your lunch at night.
  • Take a nap after school or after classes if you need. You’ll probably be able to do better work in less time if you are rested. [10] X Research source [11] X Research source
  • If you’re in middle or high school, talk to your parents and your teachers about the issue and ask them to help you figure out a solution.
  • If you’re a college student, reach out to your professors and advisor for help.
  • If it takes you much longer to finish your homework than it takes other students, it may be due to a learning difference. Ask your parents to schedule a meeting with a learning specialist.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Ask for help when you need it. This is the biggest thing you should do. Don't worry if people think you're dumb, because chances are, you're making a higher grade than them. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 4
  • Actually pay attention to the teacher and ask if you don't know how to do the work. The stress can go away if you know exactly what to do. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 2
  • Recognize that some teachers get mad if you do separate homework assignments for different classes, so learn to be discreet about it. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 0

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  • ↑ http://www.webmd.com/parenting/features/coping-school-stress
  • ↑ http://www.kidzworld.com/article/24574-how-to-avoid-homework-stress
  • ↑ http://www.dartmouth.edu/~acskills/success/notes.html
  • ↑ https://stressfreekids.com/10038/homework-stress
  • ↑ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rebecca-jackson/5-ways-to-relieve-homework-stress-in-5-minutes_b_6572786.html
  • ↑ https://stressfreekids.com/11607/reduce-homework-stress
  • ↑ https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/education/how-students-can-survive-the-ap-course-workload/2012/03/01/gIQA8u28qR_story.html
  • ↑ http://www.usnews.com/education/high-schools/articles/2012/05/10/weigh-the-benefits-stress-of-ap-courses-for-your-student
  • ↑ http://www.nationwidechildrens.org/sleep-in-adolescents
  • ↑ https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=how+much+sleep+do+20+year+old+need

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Emily Listmann, MA

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August 16, 2021

Is it time to get rid of homework? Mental health experts weigh in

by Sara M Moniuszko


It's no secret that kids hate homework. And as students grapple with an ongoing pandemic that has had a wide-range of mental health impacts, is it time schools start listening to their pleas over workloads?

Some teachers are turning to social media to take a stand against homework .

Tiktok user @misguided.teacher says he doesn't assign it because the "whole premise of homework is flawed."

For starters, he says he can't grade work on "even playing fields" when students' home environments can be vastly different.

"Even students who go home to a peaceful house, do they really want to spend their time on busy work? Because typically that's what a lot of homework is, it's busy work," he says in the video that has garnered 1.6 million likes. "You only get one year to be 7, you only got one year to be 10, you only get one year to be 16, 18."

Mental health experts agree heavy work loads have the potential do more harm than good for students, especially when taking into account the impacts of the pandemic. But they also say the answer may not be to eliminate homework altogether.

Emmy Kang, mental health counselor at Humantold, says studies have shown heavy workloads can be "detrimental" for students and cause a "big impact on their mental, physical and emotional health."

"More than half of students say that homework is their primary source of stress, and we know what stress can do on our bodies," she says, adding that staying up late to finish assignments also leads to disrupted sleep and exhaustion.

Cynthia Catchings, a licensed clinical social worker and therapist at Talkspace, says heavy workloads can also cause serious mental health problems in the long run, like anxiety and depression.

And for all the distress homework causes, it's not as useful as many may think, says Dr. Nicholas Kardaras, a psychologist and CEO of Omega Recovery treatment center.

"The research shows that there's really limited benefit of homework for elementary age students, that really the school work should be contained in the classroom," he says.

For older students, Kang says homework benefits plateau at about two hours per night.

"Most students, especially at these high-achieving schools, they're doing a minimum of three hours, and it's taking away time from their friends from their families, their extracurricular activities. And these are all very important things for a person's mental and emotional health."

Catchings, who also taught third to 12th graders for 12 years, says she's seen the positive effects of a no homework policy while working with students abroad.

"Not having homework was something that I always admired from the French students (and) the French schools, because that was helping the students to really have the time off and really disconnect from school ," she says.

The answer may not be to eliminate homework completely, but to be more mindful of the type of work students go home with, suggests Kang, who was a high-school teacher for 10 years.

"I don't think (we) should scrap homework, I think we should scrap meaningless, purposeless busy work-type homework. That's something that needs to be scrapped entirely," she says, encouraging teachers to be thoughtful and consider the amount of time it would take for students to complete assignments.

The pandemic made the conversation around homework more crucial

Mindfulness surrounding homework is especially important in the context of the last two years. Many students will be struggling with mental health issues that were brought on or worsened by the pandemic, making heavy workloads even harder to balance.

"COVID was just a disaster in terms of the lack of structure. Everything just deteriorated," Kardaras says, pointing to an increase in cognitive issues and decrease in attention spans among students. "School acts as an anchor for a lot of children, as a stabilizing force, and that disappeared."

But even if students transition back to the structure of in-person classes, Kardaras suspects students may still struggle after two school years of shifted schedules and disrupted sleeping habits.

"We've seen adults struggling to go back to in-person work environments from remote work environments. That effect is amplified with children because children have less resources to be able to cope with those transitions than adults do," he explains.

'Get organized' ahead of back-to-school

In order to make the transition back to in-person school easier, Kang encourages students to "get good sleep, exercise regularly (and) eat a healthy diet."

To help manage workloads, she suggests students "get organized."

"There's so much mental clutter up there when you're disorganized... sitting down and planning out their study schedules can really help manage their time," she says.

Breaking assignments up can also make things easier to tackle.

"I know that heavy workloads can be stressful, but if you sit down and you break down that studying into smaller chunks, they're much more manageable."

If workloads are still too much, Kang encourages students to advocate for themselves.

"They should tell their teachers when a homework assignment just took too much time or if it was too difficult for them to do on their own," she says. "It's good to speak up and ask those questions. Respectfully, of course, because these are your teachers. But still, I think sometimes teachers themselves need this feedback from their students."

©2021 USA Today Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

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The Truth About Homework Stress: What Parents & Students Need to Know

  • Fact Checked

Written by:

published on:

  • December 21, 2023

Updated on:

  • January 9, 2024

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Homework is generally given out to ensure that students take time to review and remember the days lessons. It can help improve on a student’s general performance and enhance traits like self-discipline and independent problem solving.

Parents are able to see what their children are doing in school, while also helping teachers determine how well the lesson material is being learned. Homework is quite beneficial when used the right way and can improve student  performance.

This well intentioned practice can turn sour if it’s not handled the right way. Studies show that if a student is inundated with too much homework, not only do they get lower scores, but they are more likely to get stressed.

The age at which homework stress is affecting students is getting lower, some even as low as kindergarten. Makes you wonder what could a five year old possibly need to review as homework?

One of the speculated reasons for this stress is that the complexity of what a student is expected to learn is increasing, while the breaks for working out excess energy are reduced. Students are getting significantly more homework than recommended by the education leaders, some even nearly three times more.

To make matters worse, teachers may give homework that is both time consuming and will keep students busy while being totally non-productive.

Remedial work like telling students to copy notes word for word from their text books will  do nothing to improve their grades or help them progress. It just adds unnecessary stress.

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Effects of homework stress at home

Both parents and students tend to get stressed out at the beginning of a new school year due to the impending arrival of homework.

Nightly battles centered on finishing assignments are a household routine in houses with students.

Research has found that too much homework can negatively affect children. In creating a lack of balance between play time and time spent doing homework, a child can get headaches, sleep deprivation or even ulcers.

And homework stress doesn’t just impact grade schoolers. College students are also affected, and the stress is affecting their academic performance.

Even the parent’s confidence in their abilities to help their children with homework suffers due increasing stress levels in the household.

Fights and conflict over homework are more likely in families where parents do not have at least a college degree. When the child needs assistance, they have to turn to their older siblings who might already be bombarded with their own homework.

Parents who have a college degree feel more confident in approaching the school and discussing the appropriate amount of school work.

“It seems that homework being assigned discriminates against parents who don’t have college degree, parents who have English as their second language and against parents who are poor.” Said Stephanie Donaldson Pressman, the contributing editor of the study and clinical director of the New England Center for Pediatric Psychology.

With all the stress associated with homework, it’s not surprising that some parents have opted not to let their children do homework. Parents that have instituted a no-homework policy have stated that it has taken a lot of the stress out of their evenings.

The recommended amount homework

The standard endorsed by the National Education Association is called the “10 minute rule”; 10 minutes per grade level per night. This recommendation was made after a number of studies were done on the effects of too much homework on families.

The 10 minute rule basically means 10 minutes of homework in the first grade, 20 minute for the second grade all the way up to 120 minutes for senior year in high school. Note that no homework is endorsed in classes under the first grade.

Parents reported first graders were spending around half an hour on homework each night, and kindergarteners spent 25 minutes a night on assignments according to a study carried out by Brown University.

Making a five year old sit still for half an hour is very difficult as they are at the age where they just want to move around and play.

A child who is exposed to 4-5 hours of homework after school is less likely to find the time to go out and play with their friends, which leads to accumulation of stress energy in the body.

Their social life also suffers because between the time spent at school and doing homework, a child will hardly have the time to pursue hobbies. They may also develop a negative attitude towards learning.

The research highlighted that 56% of students consider homework a primary source of stress.

And if you’re curious how the U.S stacks up against other countries in regards to how much time children spend on homework, it’s pretty high on the list .

Signs to look out for on a student that has homework stress

Since not every student is affected by homework stress in the same way, it’s important to be aware of some of the signs your child might be mentally drained from too much homework.

Here are some common signs of homework stress:

  • Sleep disturbances
  • Frequent stomachaches and headaches
  • Decreased appetite or changed eating habits
  • New or recurring fears
  • Not able to relax
  • Regressing to behavior they had when younger
  • Bursts of anger crying or whining
  • Becoming withdrawn while others may become clingy
  • Drastic changes in academic performance
  • Having trouble concentrating or completing homework
  • Constantly complains about their ability to do homework

If you’re a parent and notice any of these signs in your child, step in to find out what’s going on and if homework is the source of their stress.

If you’re a student, pay attention if you start experiencing any of these symptoms as a result of your homework load. Don’t be afraid to ask your teacher or parents for help if the stress of homework becomes too much for you.

What parents do wrong when it comes to homework stress

Most parents push their children to do more and be more, without considering the damage being done by this kind of pressure.

Some think that homework brought home is always something the children can deal with on their own. If the child cannot handle their homework then these parents get angry and make the child feel stupid.

This may lead to more arguing and increased dislike of homework in the household. Ultimately the child develops an even worse attitude towards homework.

Another common mistake parents make is never questioning the amount of homework their children get, or how much time they spend on it. It’s easy to just assume whatever the teacher assigned is adequate, but as we mentioned earlier, that’s not always the case.

Be proactive and involved with your child’s homework. If you notice they’re spending hours every night on homework, ask them about it. Just because they don’t complain doesn’t mean there isn’t a problem.

How can parents help?

  • While every parent wants their child to become successful and achieve the very best, it’s important to pull back on the mounting pressure and remember that they’re still just kids. They need time out to release their stress and connect with other children.
  • Many children may be afraid to admit that they’re overwhelmed by homework because they might be misconstrued as failures. The best thing a parent can do is make home a safe place for children to express themselves freely. You can do this by lending a listening ear and not judging your kids.
  • Parents can also take the initiative to let the school know that they’re unhappy with the amount of homework being given. Even if you don’t feel comfortable complaining, you can approach the school through the parent-teacher association available and request your representative to plead your case.
  • It may not be all the subjects that are causing your child to get stressed. Parents should find out if there is a specific subject of homework that is causing stress. You could also consult with other parents to see what they can do to fix the situation. It may be the amount or the content that causes stress, so the first step is identifying the problem.
  • Work with your child to create a schedule for getting homework done on time. You can set a specific period of time for homework, and schedule time for other activities too. Strike a balance between work and play.
  • Understanding that your child is stressed about homework doesn’t mean you have to allow them not to try. Let them sit down and work on it as much as they’re able to, and recruit help from the older siblings or a neighbor if possible.
  • Check out these resources to help your child with their homework .

The main idea here is to not abolish homework completely, but to review the amount and quality of homework being given out. Stress, depression and lower grades are the last things parents want for their children.

The schools and parents need to work together to find a solution to this obvious problem.

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10 Effective Tips on How to Reduce Homework Stress

what to do when your stressed with homework

Wondering how to reduce homework stress? You're not alone, as students of all ages and grades often grapple with this issue. 

female student doing math homework

The pressure to get good grades, finish homework on time, and keep up with different tasks can make you lose sleep, feel anxious, and even make you sick. This blog post is here to help you handle all that stress. 

We're going to explore ways to reduce homework stress, why taking notes can help, and answer some common questions about dealing with homework stress. So, let's get started on making schoolwork less stressful!

10 Ways to Deal With Homework Stress

Understanding how to deal with homework stress is key. Here are ten tried-and-true methods to help you cope effectively.

The first line of defense against homework stress is a well-thought-out plan. A homework schedule serves as your blueprint for academic success. It helps ensure that you're not cramming at the last minute and makes it easier to study . 

Use digital tools like Google Calendar or traditional planners to map out your study plan. The act of planning itself can alleviate stress by giving you a sense of control over your tasks.

1. Prioritize Tasks

Not all assignments are created equal. Some carry more weight in your grades, while others are crucial for mastering the subject matter. As a result, it’s important to prioritize these tasks to focus your energy where it counts the most. 

Use the Eisenhower Box technique to categorize tasks into urgent-important, important-not urgent, urgent-not important, and neither. This will help you allocate your time and resources more efficiently.

2. Take Short Breaks

It's a common misconception that working for extended periods without a break is a sign of dedication. In reality, it's a recipe for burnout. Short breaks can rejuvenate your mind, improving focus and productivity. 

Techniques like the Pomodoro Technique , which involves 25-minute work intervals followed by five-minute breaks, can be particularly effective.

3. Exercise Regularly

Physical activity is not just good for your body; it's excellent for your mind too. Exercise releases endorphins, which are natural stress relievers. Even a brisk 15-minute walk can significantly reduce stress and improve your mood. Incorporate regular exercise into your routine to keep stress at bay.

female student stretching, wearing workout clothing

4. Reach Out for Help

There's no shame in seeking assistance when you're grappling with a tough issue. Whether it's from a teacher, a peer, or an online educational platform, outside viewpoints can offer invaluable guidance. Overall, there are a ton of advantages of tutoring . 

In fact, our tutoring services specialize in providing personalized, one-on-one support to help you overcome academic challenges. By turning to our team of experts, you not only save time but also alleviate the stress that comes with feeling stuck.

5. Use Technology Wisely

In this digital age, technology can be a double-edged sword. While it can be a source of distraction, it can also be a valuable ally in your academic journey. 

Educational platforms, both apps and websites, provide a wide array of resources to aid your learning journey. For instance, you can find apps that help you solve complex math equations or websites that assist you in refining your grammar. While these tools can be incredibly beneficial, it's important to strike a balance and not become too dependent on them. 

For example, you might use a math app to understand the steps of solving a quadratic equation but try to practice solving some on your own afterward. Similarly, a grammar checker can help you identify errors in your writing, but you should also make an effort to understand the rules behind those corrections.

female student looking at phone while on laptop

6. Create a Study Environment

Your study environment plays a pivotal role in your academic performance. A clutter-free, quiet space can significantly enhance your focus and efficiency. Invest time in creating a study sanctuary equipped with all the supplies you'll need. This preparation can go a long way in reducing stress.

7. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness techniques, such as meditation and deep-breathing exercises, can help you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings. This heightened awareness makes it easier to control your stress levels. Even a few minutes of mindfulness practice can make a world of difference.

female student meditating in forest

8. Stay Organized

Being organized goes beyond just maintaining a clean study area; it also involves systematically managing your study materials. Utilize physical folders and binders or opt for digital solutions like note-taking apps to keep your notes, assignments, and resources well-arranged. 

For example, apps like Evernote and Microsoft OneNote can be excellent tools for getting organized. They allow you to create different notebooks for various subjects, attach files, and even collaborate with others. Having a well-organized system helps you locate what you need effortlessly, saving you time and reducing stress.

9. Learn From Your Mistakes

Mistakes are a natural part of the learning process. They signal areas where you might need more practice or a different approach. Instead of getting frustrated, take a moment to understand why you made a mistake. Was it a lack of understanding, a misinterpretation, or simply a slip-up? 

Once you identify the root cause, you can work on strengthening that particular skill or concept. Over time, you'll notice that your homework becomes less stressful because you're not just completing it; you're also learning from it. So, don't fear mistakes – embrace them as your homework allies.

10. Reward Yourself

Positive reinforcement can be a powerful motivator. Treat yourself to small rewards after completing challenging tasks or reaching milestones. Whether it's a favorite snack, a short gaming session, or a walk in the park, these rewards can make the study process less daunting.

Why Are Note-Taking Techniques Important?

female student sitting in bed taking notes from computer

Note-taking is often misunderstood as a mere transcription activity where students jot down whatever the teacher is saying. However, this couldn't be further from the truth. Effective note-taking is an intricate skill that serves multiple functions, from aiding in comprehension to serving as a reliable study aid for future exams. 

It's not just about capturing information; it's about processing that information in a way that makes it easier to understand, remember, and apply.

The Science Behind Effective Note-Taking

When you engage in effective note-taking, you're actually participating in "active learning." This means you're not just passively absorbing information but actively processing it. This active engagement triggers cognitive functions that help in better retention and understanding. 

According to research , students who take notes perform better in exams compared to those who don't. The act of writing or typing out notes forces you to think critically about the material, thereby enhancing your understanding and ability to recall it later.

FAQs: How to Reduce Homework Stress

Discover practical tips and strategies to ease the burden of homework and make your academic journey less stressful.

1. How Can I Relieve Stress From Homework?

Stress relief comes in many forms. Techniques like deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and even short physical exercises can help. Consider incorporating these into your study routine.

2. What Causes Homework Stress?

Homework stress can arise from various factors, including tight deadlines, high academic expectations, and a lack of understanding of the subject matter. Identifying the root cause can help you address it more effectively.

3. How Can I Help My Child With Homework Anxiety?

Supporting your child emotionally is crucial. Create a conducive study environment, establish a regular study routine, and consider seeking professional help like tutors or counselors if the anxiety persists.

Final Thoughts

Homework stress may seem like a hurdle, but it's one you can clear. Learning how to reduce homework stress is essential. With the right approaches and a positive mindset, you can not only handle this stress but also excel in your studies. 

Keep in mind that achieving academic success is more of a long-term race than a quick dash. By arming yourself with these proven strategies, you can make your educational journey much less stressful.

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Feeling overwhelmed by your nightly homework grind? You’re not alone. Our Student Life in America survey results show that teens spend a third of their study time feeling worried, stressed, or stuck. If you’re spending close to four hours a night on your homework (the national average), that’s over an hour spent spent feeling panicky and still not getting your work done. Homework anxiety can become a self-fulfilling prophecy: If you’re already convinced that calculus is unconquerable, that anxiety can actually block your ability to learn the material.

Managing Homework Stress

Whether your anxiety is related to handling your workload (we know you’re getting more homework than ever!), mastering a particular subject like statistics, or getting great grades for your college application, stress doesn’t have to go hand-in-hand with studying .

In fact, a study by Stanford University School of Medicine and published in The Journal of Neuroscience shows that a student’s fear of math (and, yes, this fear is completely real and can be detectable in scans of the brain) can be eased by a one-on-one math tutoring program. At The Princeton Review this wasn’t news to us! Our online tutors are on-call 24/7 for students working on everything from AP Chemistry to Pre-Calc. Here’s a roundup of what our students have to say about managing homework stress by working one-one-one with our expert tutors .

1. Work the Best Way for YOU

From the way you decorate your room to the way you like to study, you have a style all your own:

"I cannot thank Christopher enough! I felt so anxious and stressed trying to work on my personal statement, and he made every effort to help me realize my strengths and focus on writing in a way that honored my personality. I wanted to give up, but he was patient with me and it made the difference."
"[My] tutor was 1000000000000% great . . . He made me feel important and fixed all of my mistakes and adapted to my learning style . . . I have so much confidence for my midterms that I was so stressed out about."
"I liked how the tutor asked me how was I starting the problem and allowed me to share what I was doing and what I had. The tutor was able to guide me from there and break down the steps and I got the answer all on my own and the tutor double checked it... saved me from tears and stress."

2. Study Smarter, Not Harder

If you’ve read the chapter in your history textbook twice and aren’t retaining the material, don’t assume the third time will be the charm. Our tutors will help you break the pattern, and learn ways to study more efficiently:

"[My] tutor has given me an easier, less stressful way of seeing math problems. It is like my eyes have opened up."
"I was so lost in this part of math but within minutes the tutor had me at ease and I get it now. I wasn't even with her maybe 30 minutes or so, and she helped me figure out what I have been stressing over for the past almost two days."
"I can not stress how helpful it is to have a live tutor available. Math was never and still isn't my favorite subject, but I know I need to take it. Being able to talk to someone and have them walk you through the steps on how to solve a problem is a huge weight lifted off of my shoulder."

3. Get Help in a Pinch

Because sometimes you need a hand RIGHT NOW:

"I was lost and stressed because I have a test tomorrow and did not understand the problems. I fully get it now!"
"My tutor was great. I was freaking out and stressed out about the entire assignment, but she really helped me to pull it together. I am excited to turn my paper in tomorrow."
"This was so helpful to have a live person to validate my understanding of the formulas I need to use before actually submitting my homework and getting it incorrect. My stress level reduced greatly with a project deadline due date."

4. Benefit from a Calming Presence

From PhDs and Ivy Leaguers to doctors and teachers, our tutors are experts in their fields, and they know how to keep your anxiety at bay:

"I really like that the tutors are real people and some of them help lighten the stress by making jokes or having quirky/witty things to say. That helps when you think you're messing up! Gives you a reprieve from your brain jumbling everything together!"
"He seemed understanding and empathetic to my situation. That means a lot to a new student who is under stress."
"She was very thorough in explaining her suggestions as well as asking questions and leaving the changes up to me, which I really appreciated. She was very encouraging and motivating which helped with keeping me positive about my paper and knowing that I am not alone in my struggles. She definitely eased my worries and stress. She was wonderful!"

5. Practice Makes Perfect

The Stanford study shows that repeated exposure to math problems through one-on-one tutoring helped students relieve their math anxiety (the authors’ analogy was how a fear of spiders can be treated with repeated exposure to spiders in a safe environment). Find a tutor you love, and come back to keep practicing:

"Love this site once again. It’s so helpful and this is the first time in years when I don’t stress about my frustration with HW because I know this site will always be here to help me."
"I've been using this service since I was in seventh grade and now I am a Freshman in High School. School has just started and I am already using this site again! :) This site is so dependable. I love it so much and it’s a lot easier than having an actual teacher sitting there hovering over you, waiting for you to finish the problem."
"I can always rely on this site to help me when I'm confused, and it always makes me feel more confident in the work I'm doing in school."

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August 23, 2022 , Filed Under: Uncategorized

How to Manage Homework-Related Stress

Ask students what causes them the most stress, and the conversation will likely turn to homework. Students have complained about homework for practically as long as it has existed. While some dismiss these complaints as students’ laziness or lack of organization, there’s more to it than that. Many students face a lot of pressure to succeed in school, sports, work, and other areas. Also, more teens and young adults are dealing with mental health problems, with up to 40% of college students reporting symptoms of depression and anxiety.  

Researchers and professionals debate over whether homework does more harm than good, but at least for now, homework is an integral part of education. How do students deal with heavy homework loads? It’s become common for overwhelmed students to use an essay service to help them complete their assigned tasks. Pulling all-nighters to finish assignments and study for tests is another strategy busy college students use, for better or worse. 

If you’re a student that’s struggling to get all your homework done, make sure to take care of your mental health. School is important, but your health is more important. Try the following tips to help you stay on top of your busy schedule.

Make a Schedule

Time management is an important skill, but you can’t learn it without effort. The first step to managing your time more effectively is to make a schedule and stick to it. Use a calendar, planner, or an app to write down everything you need to get done. Set reminders for due dates and set aside time each day for studying. Don’t leave assignments for the last minute. Plan to finish your work well ahead of the due date in case something unexpected happens and you need more time. Make sure your schedule is realistic. Give yourself a reasonable amount of time to complete each task. And schedule time for hobbies and social activities too. 

Find a Study Spot

Doing homework in a dedicated workspace can boost your productivity. Studying in bed could make you fall asleep, and doing homework in a crowded, noisy place can be distracting. You want to complete as much work as possible during your study sessions, so choose a place that’s free of distractions. Make sure you have everything you need within arm’s reach. Resist the temptation to check your notifications or social media feeds while you study. Put your phone in airplane mode if necessary so it doesn’t distract you. You don’t need a private office to study efficiently, but having a quiet, distraction-free place to do your homework can help you to get more done.

Get Enough Rest

An all-nighter every once in a while probably won’t do you any lasting harm. But a consistent lack of sleep is bad for your productivity and your health. Most young people need at least 7 hours of sleep every night, so make it your goal to go to bed on time. You’ll feel better throughout the day, have more energy, and improve your focus. Instead of dozing off while you’re doing homework, you’ll be more alert and productive if you get enough sleep. 

It’s also important to spend time relaxing and enjoying your favorite activities. Hang out with friends, take a walk, or watch a movie. You’ll feel less stressed if you take some time for yourself.

Don’t Shoot for Perfection

It’s tempting to try to get a perfect grade on every test or assignment. But perfectionism only causes unnecessary stress and anxiety. If you consider yourself a perfectionist, you might spend too much time on less important tasks. Prioritize your assignments and put more time and effort into the most important ones. 

Most people struggle with perfectionism because they’ve been taught they should do their best at everything. But you don’t have to go above and beyond for every assignment. That’s not to say you should turn in bad work. But putting in just enough effort to get by isn’t a bad thing. Don’t put pressure on yourself to be the best at everything. Focus on your most important assignments, and don’t spend too much time and effort perfecting the others. 

Almost all students deal with the burden of homework-related stress. No one enjoys the anxiety of having a lot of assignments due and not enough time to complete them. But take advantage of this opportunity to learn organization and self-discipline, which will help you throughout your life. Try making a schedule and don’t forget to set aside time to rest. When it’s time to study, choose a quiet place where you can concentrate. Don’t neglect your health; if you’re feeling anxious or depressed, talk to a counselor or your doctor. School stress is hard to avoid, but if you take these steps you can reduce homework anxiety and have better control of your time. 

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes —  Marcel Proust

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Everyone struggles with homework sometimes, but if getting your homework done has become a chronic issue for you, then you may need a little extra help. That’s why we’ve written this article all about how to do homework. Once you’re finished reading it, you’ll know how to do homework (and have tons of new ways to motivate yourself to do homework)!

We’ve broken this article down into a few major sections. You’ll find:

  • A diagnostic test to help you figure out why you’re struggling with homework
  • A discussion of the four major homework problems students face, along with expert tips for addressing them
  • A bonus section with tips for how to do homework fast

By the end of this article, you’ll be prepared to tackle whatever homework assignments your teachers throw at you .

So let’s get started!


How to Do Homework: Figure Out Your Struggles 

Sometimes it feels like everything is standing between you and getting your homework done. But the truth is, most people only have one or two major roadblocks that are keeping them from getting their homework done well and on time. 

The best way to figure out how to get motivated to do homework starts with pinpointing the issues that are affecting your ability to get your assignments done. That’s why we’ve developed a short quiz to help you identify the areas where you’re struggling. 

Take the quiz below and record your answers on your phone or on a scrap piece of paper. Keep in mind there are no wrong answers! 

1. You’ve just been assigned an essay in your English class that’s due at the end of the week. What’s the first thing you do?

A. Keep it in mind, even though you won’t start it until the day before it’s due  B. Open up your planner. You’ve got to figure out when you’ll write your paper since you have band practice, a speech tournament, and your little sister’s dance recital this week, too.  C. Groan out loud. Another essay? You could barely get yourself to write the last one!  D. Start thinking about your essay topic, which makes you think about your art project that’s due the same day, which reminds you that your favorite artist might have just posted to Instagram...so you better check your feed right now. 

2. Your mom asked you to pick up your room before she gets home from work. You’ve just gotten home from school. You decide you’ll tackle your chores: 

A. Five minutes before your mom walks through the front door. As long as it gets done, who cares when you start?  B. As soon as you get home from your shift at the local grocery store.  C. After you give yourself a 15-minute pep talk about how you need to get to work.  D. You won’t get it done. Between texts from your friends, trying to watch your favorite Netflix show, and playing with your dog, you just lost track of time! 

3. You’ve signed up to wash dogs at the Humane Society to help earn money for your senior class trip. You: 

A. Show up ten minutes late. You put off leaving your house until the last minute, then got stuck in unexpected traffic on the way to the shelter.  B. Have to call and cancel at the last minute. You forgot you’d already agreed to babysit your cousin and bake cupcakes for tomorrow’s bake sale.  C. Actually arrive fifteen minutes early with extra brushes and bandanas you picked up at the store. You’re passionate about animals, so you’re excited to help out! D. Show up on time, but only get three dogs washed. You couldn’t help it: you just kept getting distracted by how cute they were!

4. You have an hour of downtime, so you decide you’re going to watch an episode of The Great British Baking Show. You: 

A. Scroll through your social media feeds for twenty minutes before hitting play, which means you’re not able to finish the whole episode. Ugh! You really wanted to see who was sent home!  B. Watch fifteen minutes until you remember you’re supposed to pick up your sister from band practice before heading to your part-time job. No GBBO for you!  C. You finish one episode, then decide to watch another even though you’ve got SAT studying to do. It’s just more fun to watch people make scones.  D. Start the episode, but only catch bits and pieces of it because you’re reading Twitter, cleaning out your backpack, and eating a snack at the same time.

5. Your teacher asks you to stay after class because you’ve missed turning in two homework assignments in a row. When she asks you what’s wrong, you say: 

A. You planned to do your assignments during lunch, but you ran out of time. You decided it would be better to turn in nothing at all than submit unfinished work.  B. You really wanted to get the assignments done, but between your extracurriculars, family commitments, and your part-time job, your homework fell through the cracks.  C. You have a hard time psyching yourself to tackle the assignments. You just can’t seem to find the motivation to work on them once you get home.  D. You tried to do them, but you had a hard time focusing. By the time you realized you hadn’t gotten anything done, it was already time to turn them in. 

Like we said earlier, there are no right or wrong answers to this quiz (though your results will be better if you answered as honestly as possible). Here’s how your answers break down: 

  • If your answers were mostly As, then your biggest struggle with doing homework is procrastination. 
  • If your answers were mostly Bs, then your biggest struggle with doing homework is time management. 
  • If your answers were mostly Cs, then your biggest struggle with doing homework is motivation. 
  • If your answers were mostly Ds, then your biggest struggle with doing homework is getting distracted. 

Now that you’ve identified why you’re having a hard time getting your homework done, we can help you figure out how to fix it! Scroll down to find your core problem area to learn more about how you can start to address it. 

And one more thing: you’re really struggling with homework, it’s a good idea to read through every section below. You may find some additional tips that will help make homework less intimidating. 


How to Do Homework When You’re a Procrastinator  

Merriam Webster defines “procrastinate” as “to put off intentionally and habitually.” In other words, procrastination is when you choose to do something at the last minute on a regular basis. If you’ve ever found yourself pulling an all-nighter, trying to finish an assignment between periods, or sprinting to turn in a paper minutes before a deadline, you’ve experienced the effects of procrastination. 

If you’re a chronic procrastinator, you’re in good company. In fact, one study found that 70% to 95% of undergraduate students procrastinate when it comes to doing their homework. Unfortunately, procrastination can negatively impact your grades. Researchers have found that procrastination can lower your grade on an assignment by as much as five points ...which might not sound serious until you realize that can mean the difference between a B- and a C+. 

Procrastination can also negatively affect your health by increasing your stress levels , which can lead to other health conditions like insomnia, a weakened immune system, and even heart conditions. Getting a handle on procrastination can not only improve your grades, it can make you feel better, too! 

The big thing to understand about procrastination is that it’s not the result of laziness. Laziness is defined as being “disinclined to activity or exertion.” In other words, being lazy is all about doing nothing. But a s this Psychology Today article explains , procrastinators don’t put things off because they don’t want to work. Instead, procrastinators tend to postpone tasks they don’t want to do in favor of tasks that they perceive as either more important or more fun. Put another way, procrastinators want to do things...as long as it’s not their homework! 

3 Tips f or Conquering Procrastination 

Because putting off doing homework is a common problem, there are lots of good tactics for addressing procrastination. Keep reading for our three expert tips that will get your homework habits back on track in no time. 

#1: Create a Reward System

Like we mentioned earlier, procrastination happens when you prioritize other activities over getting your homework done. Many times, this happens because homework...well, just isn’t enjoyable. But you can add some fun back into the process by rewarding yourself for getting your work done. 

Here’s what we mean: let’s say you decide that every time you get your homework done before the day it’s due, you’ll give yourself a point. For every five points you earn, you’ll treat yourself to your favorite dessert: a chocolate cupcake! Now you have an extra (delicious!) incentive to motivate you to leave procrastination in the dust. 

If you’re not into cupcakes, don’t worry. Your reward can be anything that motivates you . Maybe it’s hanging out with your best friend or an extra ten minutes of video game time. As long as you’re choosing something that makes homework worth doing, you’ll be successful. 

#2: Have a Homework Accountability Partner 

If you’re having trouble getting yourself to start your homework ahead of time, it may be a good idea to call in reinforcements . Find a friend or classmate you can trust and explain to them that you’re trying to change your homework habits. Ask them if they’d be willing to text you to make sure you’re doing your homework and check in with you once a week to see if you’re meeting your anti-procrastination goals. 

Sharing your goals can make them feel more real, and an accountability partner can help hold you responsible for your decisions. For example, let’s say you’re tempted to put off your science lab write-up until the morning before it’s due. But you know that your accountability partner is going to text you about it tomorrow...and you don’t want to fess up that you haven’t started your assignment. A homework accountability partner can give you the extra support and incentive you need to keep your homework habits on track. 

#3: Create Your Own Due Dates 

If you’re a life-long procrastinator, you might find that changing the habit is harder than you expected. In that case, you might try using procrastination to your advantage! If you just can’t seem to stop doing your work at the last minute, try setting your own due dates for assignments that range from a day to a week before the assignment is actually due. 

Here’s what we mean. Let’s say you have a math worksheet that’s been assigned on Tuesday and is due on Friday. In your planner, you can write down the due date as Thursday instead. You may still put off your homework assignment until the last minute...but in this case, the “last minute” is a day before the assignment’s real due date . This little hack can trick your procrastination-addicted brain into planning ahead! 


If you feel like Kevin Hart in this meme, then our tips for doing homework when you're busy are for you. 

How to Do Homework When You’re too Busy

If you’re aiming to go to a top-tier college , you’re going to have a full plate. Because college admissions is getting more competitive, it’s important that you’re maintaining your grades , studying hard for your standardized tests , and participating in extracurriculars so your application stands out. A packed schedule can get even more hectic once you add family obligations or a part-time job to the mix. 

If you feel like you’re being pulled in a million directions at once, you’re not alone. Recent research has found that stress—and more severe stress-related conditions like anxiety and depression— are a major problem for high school students . In fact, one study from the American Psychological Association found that during the school year, students’ stress levels are higher than those of the adults around them. 

For students, homework is a major contributor to their overall stress levels . Many high schoolers have multiple hours of homework every night , and figuring out how to fit it into an already-packed schedule can seem impossible. 

3 Tips for Fitting Homework Into Your Busy Schedule

While it might feel like you have literally no time left in your schedule, there are still ways to make sure you’re able to get your homework done and meet your other commitments. Here are our expert homework tips for even the busiest of students. 

#1: Make a Prioritized To-Do List 

You probably already have a to-do list to keep yourself on track. The next step is to prioritize the items on your to-do list so you can see what items need your attention right away. 

Here’s how it works: at the beginning of each day, sit down and make a list of all the items you need to get done before you go to bed. This includes your homework, but it should also take into account any practices, chores, events, or job shifts you may have. Once you get everything listed out, it’s time to prioritize them using the labels A, B, and C. Here’s what those labels mean:

  • A Tasks : tasks that have to get done—like showing up at work or turning in an assignment—get an A. 
  • B Tasks : these are tasks that you would like to get done by the end of the day but aren’t as time sensitive. For example, studying for a test you have next week could be a B-level task. It’s still important, but it doesn’t have to be done right away.
  • C Tasks: these are tasks that aren’t very important and/or have no real consequences if you don’t get them done immediately. For instance, if you’re hoping to clean out your closet but it’s not an assigned chore from your parents, you could label that to-do item with a C.

Prioritizing your to-do list helps you visualize which items need your immediate attention, and which items you can leave for later. A prioritized to-do list ensures that you’re spending your time efficiently and effectively, which helps you make room in your schedule for homework. So even though you might really want to start making decorations for Homecoming (a B task), you’ll know that finishing your reading log (an A task) is more important. 

#2: Use a Planner With Time Labels

Your planner is probably packed with notes, events, and assignments already. (And if you’re not using a planner, it’s time to start!) But planners can do more for you than just remind you when an assignment is due. If you’re using a planner with time labels, it can help you visualize how you need to spend your day.

A planner with time labels breaks your day down into chunks, and you assign tasks to each chunk of time. For example, you can make a note of your class schedule with assignments, block out time to study, and make sure you know when you need to be at practice. Once you know which tasks take priority, you can add them to any empty spaces in your day. 

Planning out how you spend your time not only helps you use it wisely, it can help you feel less overwhelmed, too . We’re big fans of planners that include a task list ( like this one ) or have room for notes ( like this one ). 

#3: Set Reminders on Your Phone 

If you need a little extra nudge to make sure you’re getting your homework done on time, it’s a good idea to set some reminders on your phone. You don’t need a fancy app, either. You can use your alarm app to have it go off at specific times throughout the day to remind you to do your homework. This works especially well if you have a set homework time scheduled. So if you’ve decided you’re doing homework at 6:00 pm, you can set an alarm to remind you to bust out your books and get to work. 

If you use your phone as your planner, you may have the option to add alerts, emails, or notifications to scheduled events . Many calendar apps, including the one that comes with your phone, have built-in reminders that you can customize to meet your needs. So if you block off time to do your homework from 4:30 to 6:00 pm, you can set a reminder that will pop up on your phone when it’s time to get started. 


This dog isn't judging your lack of motivation...but your teacher might. Keep reading for tips to help you motivate yourself to do your homework.

How to Do Homework When You’re Unmotivated 

At first glance, it may seem like procrastination and being unmotivated are the same thing. After all, both of these issues usually result in you putting off your homework until the very last minute. 

But there’s one key difference: many procrastinators are working, they’re just prioritizing work differently. They know they’re going to start their homework...they’re just going to do it later. 

Conversely, people who are unmotivated to do homework just can’t find the willpower to tackle their assignments. Procrastinators know they’ll at least attempt the homework at the last minute, whereas people who are unmotivated struggle with convincing themselves to do it at a ll. For procrastinators, the stress comes from the inevitable time crunch. For unmotivated people, the stress comes from trying to convince themselves to do something they don’t want to do in the first place. 

Here are some common reasons students are unmotivated in doing homework : 

  • Assignments are too easy, too hard, or seemingly pointless 
  • Students aren’t interested in (or passionate about) the subject matter
  • Students are intimidated by the work and/or feels like they don’t understand the assignment 
  • Homework isn’t fun, and students would rather spend their time on things that they enjoy 

To sum it up: people who lack motivation to do their homework are more likely to not do it at all, or to spend more time worrying about doing their homework than...well, actually doing it.

3 Tips for How to Get Motivated to Do Homework

The key to getting homework done when you’re unmotivated is to figure out what does motivate you, then apply those things to homework. It sounds tricky...but it’s pretty simple once you get the hang of it! Here are our three expert tips for motivating yourself to do your homework. 

#1: Use Incremental Incentives

When you’re not motivated, it’s important to give yourself small rewards to stay focused on finishing the task at hand. The trick is to keep the incentives small and to reward yourself often. For example, maybe you’re reading a good book in your free time. For every ten minutes you spend on your homework, you get to read five pages of your book. Like we mentioned earlier, make sure you’re choosing a reward that works for you! 

So why does this technique work? Using small rewards more often allows you to experience small wins for getting your work done. Every time you make it to one of your tiny reward points, you get to celebrate your success, which gives your brain a boost of dopamine . Dopamine helps you stay motivated and also creates a feeling of satisfaction when you complete your homework !  

#2: Form a Homework Group 

If you’re having trouble motivating yourself, it’s okay to turn to others for support. Creating a homework group can help with this. Bring together a group of your friends or classmates, and pick one time a week where you meet and work on homework together. You don’t have to be in the same class, or even taking the same subjects— the goal is to encourage one another to start (and finish!) your assignments. 

Another added benefit of a homework group is that you can help one another if you’re struggling to understand the material covered in your classes. This is especially helpful if your lack of motivation comes from being intimidated by your assignments. Asking your friends for help may feel less scary than talking to your teacher...and once you get a handle on the material, your homework may become less frightening, too. 

#3: Change Up Your Environment 

If you find that you’re totally unmotivated, it may help if you find a new place to do your homework. For example, if you’ve been struggling to get your homework done at home, try spending an extra hour in the library after school instead. The change of scenery can limit your distractions and give you the energy you need to get your work done. 

If you’re stuck doing homework at home, you can still use this tip. For instance, maybe you’ve always done your homework sitting on your bed. Try relocating somewhere else, like your kitchen table, for a few weeks. You may find that setting up a new “homework spot” in your house gives you a motivational lift and helps you get your work done. 


Social media can be a huge problem when it comes to doing homework. We have advice for helping you unplug and regain focus.

How to Do Homework When You’re Easily Distracted

We live in an always-on world, and there are tons of things clamoring for our attention. From friends and family to pop culture and social media, it seems like there’s always something (or someone!) distracting us from the things we need to do.

The 24/7 world we live in has affected our ability to focus on tasks for prolonged periods of time. Research has shown that over the past decade, an average person’s attention span has gone from 12 seconds to eight seconds . And when we do lose focus, i t takes people a long time to get back on task . One study found that it can take as long as 23 minutes to get back to work once we’ve been distracte d. No wonder it can take hours to get your homework done! 

3 Tips to Improve Your Focus

If you have a hard time focusing when you’re doing your homework, it’s a good idea to try and eliminate as many distractions as possible. Here are three expert tips for blocking out the noise so you can focus on getting your homework done. 

#1: Create a Distraction-Free Environment

Pick a place where you’ll do your homework every day, and make it as distraction-free as possible. Try to find a location where there won’t be tons of noise, and limit your access to screens while you’re doing your homework. Put together a focus-oriented playlist (or choose one on your favorite streaming service), and put your headphones on while you work. 

You may find that other people, like your friends and family, are your biggest distraction. If that’s the case, try setting up some homework boundaries. Let them know when you’ll be working on homework every day, and ask them if they’ll help you keep a quiet environment. They’ll be happy to lend a hand! 

#2: Limit Your Access to Technology 

We know, we know...this tip isn’t fun, but it does work. For homework that doesn’t require a computer, like handouts or worksheets, it’s best to put all your technology away . Turn off your television, put your phone and laptop in your backpack, and silence notifications on any wearable tech you may be sporting. If you listen to music while you work, that’s fine...but make sure you have a playlist set up so you’re not shuffling through songs once you get started on your homework. 

If your homework requires your laptop or tablet, it can be harder to limit your access to distractions. But it’s not impossible! T here are apps you can download that will block certain websites while you’re working so that you’re not tempted to scroll through Twitter or check your Facebook feed. Silence notifications and text messages on your computer, and don’t open your email account unless you absolutely have to. And if you don’t need access to the internet to complete your assignments, turn off your WiFi. Cutting out the online chatter is a great way to make sure you’re getting your homework done. 

#3: Set a Timer (the Pomodoro Technique)

Have you ever heard of the Pomodoro technique ? It’s a productivity hack that uses a timer to help you focus!

Here’s how it works: first, set a timer for 25 minutes. This is going to be your work time. During this 25 minutes, all you can do is work on whatever homework assignment you have in front of you. No email, no text messaging, no phone calls—just homework. When that timer goes off, you get to take a 5 minute break. Every time you go through one of these cycles, it’s called a “pomodoro.” For every four pomodoros you complete, you can take a longer break of 15 to 30 minutes.

The pomodoro technique works through a combination of boundary setting and rewards. First, it gives you a finite amount of time to focus, so you know that you only have to work really hard for 25 minutes. Once you’ve done that, you’re rewarded with a short break where you can do whatever you want. Additionally, tracking how many pomodoros you complete can help you see how long you’re really working on your homework. (Once you start using our focus tips, you may find it doesn’t take as long as you thought!)


Two Bonus Tips for How to Do Homework Fast

Even if you’re doing everything right, there will be times when you just need to get your homework done as fast as possible. (Why do teachers always have projects due in the same week? The world may never know.)

The problem with speeding through homework is that it’s easy to make mistakes. While turning in an assignment is always better than not submitting anything at all, you want to make sure that you’re not compromising quality for speed. Simply put, the goal is to get your homework done quickly and still make a good grade on the assignment! 

Here are our two bonus tips for getting a decent grade on your homework assignments , even when you’re in a time crunch. 

#1: Do the Easy Parts First 

This is especially true if you’re working on a handout with multiple questions. Before you start working on the assignment, read through all the questions and problems. As you do, make a mark beside the questions you think are “easy” to answer . 

Once you’ve finished going through the whole assignment, you can answer these questions first. Getting the easy questions out of the way as quickly as possible lets you spend more time on the trickier portions of your homework, which will maximize your assignment grade. 

(Quick note: this is also a good strategy to use on timed assignments and tests, like the SAT and the ACT !) 

#2: Pay Attention in Class 

Homework gets a lot easier when you’re actively learning the material. Teachers aren’t giving you homework because they’re mean or trying to ruin your weekend... it’s because they want you to really understand the course material. Homework is designed to reinforce what you’re already learning in class so you’ll be ready to tackle harder concepts later.

When you pay attention in class, ask questions, and take good notes, you’re absorbing the information you’ll need to succeed on your homework assignments. (You’re stuck in class anyway, so you might as well make the most of it!) Not only will paying attention in class make your homework less confusing, it will also help it go much faster, too.


What’s Next?

If you’re looking to improve your productivity beyond homework, a good place to begin is with time management. After all, we only have so much time in a day...so it’s important to get the most out of it! To get you started, check out this list of the 12 best time management techniques that you can start using today.

You may have read this article because homework struggles have been affecting your GPA. Now that you’re on the path to homework success, it’s time to start being proactive about raising your grades. This article teaches you everything you need to know about raising your GPA so you can

Now you know how to get motivated to do homework...but what about your study habits? Studying is just as critical to getting good grades, and ultimately getting into a good college . We can teach you how to study bette r in high school. (We’ve also got tons of resources to help you study for your ACT and SAT exams , too!)

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Ashley Sufflé Robinson has a Ph.D. in 19th Century English Literature. As a content writer for PrepScholar, Ashley is passionate about giving college-bound students the in-depth information they need to get into the school of their dreams.

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11 Ways to Deal With Homework Overload

Last Updated: May 6, 2024 Fact Checked

Making a Plan

Staying motivated, starting good homework habits, expert q&a.

This article was co-authored by Jennifer Kaifesh . Jennifer Kaifesh is the Founder of Great Expectations College Prep, a tutoring and counseling service based in Southern California. Jennifer has over 15 years of experience managing and facilitating academic tutoring and standardized test prep as it relates to the college application process. She takes a personal approach to her tutoring, and focuses on working with students to find their specific mix of pursuits that they both enjoy and excel at. She is a graduate of Northwestern University. There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 253,473 times.

A pile of homework can seem daunting, but it’s doable if you make a plan. Make a list of everything you need to do, and work your way through, starting with the most difficult assignments. Focus on your homework and tune out distractions, and you’ll get through things more efficiently. Giving yourself breaks and other rewards will help you stay motivated along the way. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you get stuck! Hang in there, and you’ll knock the homework out before you know it.

Things You Should Know

  • Create a checklist of everything you have to do, making sure to include deadlines and which assignments are a top priority.
  • Take a 15-minute break for every 2 hours of studying. This can give your mind a break and help you feel more focused.
  • Make a schedule of when you plan on doing your homework and try to stick to it. This way, you won’t feel too overwhelmed as the assignments roll in.

Step 1 Create a checklist of the tasks you have.

  • Make a plan to go through your work bit by bit, saving the easiest tasks for last.

Step 3 Work in a comfortable but distraction-free place.

  • Put phones and any other distractions away. If you have to do your homework on a computer, avoid checking your email or social media while you are trying to work.
  • Consider letting your family (or at least your parents) know where and when you plan to do homework, so they'll know to be considerate and only interrupt if necessary.

Step 4 Ask for help if you get stuck.

  • If you have the option to do your homework in a study hall, library, or other place where there might be tutors, go for it. That way, there will be help around if you need it. You'll also likely wind up with more free time if you can get work done in school.

Step 1 Take a break now and then.

  • To take a break, get up and move away from your workspace. Walk around a bit, and get a drink or snack.
  • Moving around will recharge you mentally, physically, and spiritually, so you’re ready to tackle the next part of your homework.

Step 2 Remind yourself of the big picture.

  • For instance, you might write “I need to do this chemistry homework because I want a good average in the class. That will raise my GPA and help me stay eligible for the basketball team and get my diploma.”
  • Your goals might also look something like “I’m going to write this history paper because I want to get better as a writer. Knowing how to write well and make a good argument will help me when I’m trying to enter law school, and then down the road when I hope to become a successful attorney.”

Step 3 Bribe yourself.

  • Try doing your homework as soon as possible after it is assigned. Say you have one set of classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and another on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Do the Monday homework on Monday, instead of putting it off until Tuesday.
  • That way, the class will still be fresh in your mind, making the homework easier.
  • This also gives you time to ask for help if there’s something you don’t understand.

Step 3 Try a study group.

  • If you want to keep everyone accountable, write a pact for everyone in your study group to sign, like “I agree to spend 2 hours on Monday and Wednesday afternoons with my study group. I will use that time just for working, and won’t give in to distractions or playing around.”
  • Once everyone’s gotten through the homework, there’s no problem with hanging out.

Step 4 Let your teacher know if you’re having trouble keeping up.

  • Most teachers are willing to listen if you’re trying and legitimately have trouble keeping up. They might even adjust the homework assignments to make them more manageable.

Jennifer Kaifesh

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what to do when your stressed with homework

How to Reduce Homework Stress

If homework is a source of frustration and stress in your home, it doesn’t have to be that way! Read on to learn effective strategies to reduce your child’s homework stress.

Katie Wickliff headshot

Author Katie Wickliff

what to do when your stressed with homework

Published March 2024

what to do when your stressed with homework

 If homework is a source of frustration and stress in your home, it doesn’t have to be that way! Read on to learn effective strategies to reduce your child’s homework stress.

  • Key takeaways
  • Homework stress can be a significant problem for children and their families
  • An appropriate amount of quality homework can be beneficial for students
  • Parents can help reduce homework stress in several key ways

Table of contents

  • Homework stress effects
  • How to reduce homework stress

As a parent who has felt the frustration of watching my child be reduced to tears because of her homework each night, I’ve often wondered: do these math worksheets and reading trackers really make a difference to a child’s academic success? Or does homework cause stress without having a positive impact on learning? 

If your child experiences a significant amount of homework stress, you may feel at a loss to help. However, there are several things you can do at home to minimize the negative effects of this stress on your child–and you! We’ve put together a list of research-based practices that can help your child better handle their homework load.

The Effects of Homework Stress on Students

Does homework cause stress? Short answer: Yes. It’s been well documented that too much homework can cause stress and anxiety for students–and their parents. However, do the benefits of homework outweigh the costs? Is homework “worth” the frustration and exhaustion that our children experience? 

Findings on the benefits of homework at the elementary school level are mixed, with studies showing that homework appears to have more positive effects under certain conditions for certain groups of students.

After examining decades of studies on the relationship between homework and academic achievement, leading homework researcher Harris M. Cooper has proposed the “10-minute rule,” suggesting that homework be limited to 10 minutes per grade level. For example, children in 3rd grade should do no more than 30 minutes of homework daily, while a 1st grader should do no more than 10 minutes of homework. The National Parent Teacher Association and the National Education Association both endorse this guideline as a general rule of thumb. 

Because of these research findings, Doodle believes that an appropriate amount of quality homework can help students feel more positive about learning and can provide parents with a critical connection to their child’s school experience . But to keep learning positive, we need to reduce the amount of stress both students and parents feel about homework.

1. Routine, Routine, Routine

Creating an after-school routine and sticking to it helps children feel organized, but with sports, tutoring, or music lessons, many children have varying weekday schedules. As a former classroom teacher and private tutor, I suggest that families post a weekly schedule somewhere visible and communicate that schedule with their child. 

At our house, we have a dry-erase calendar posted on the wall. Every Sunday evening, I write both of my children’s schedules for the following week–including homework time. We go through the calendar together, and they reference it often throughout the week. I can tell both my son and daughter feel better when they know when they’ll get their homework done.

2. Create a Homework Space

Ideally, your child should have a dedicated homework space. It doesn’t matter if that space is a desk, a dining room table, or a kitchen countertop. What does matter is that the homework area is tidy, because an unorganized homework area is very distracting.

3. Start Homework Early

Encourage your child to start their homework as early as possible. Help them review their assignments, make a plan for what needs to be completed, and then dive in. Naturally, children are more tired later in the evening which can lead to more stress.

4. Encourage Breaks

If you can see your child becoming frustrated or overwhelmed by their homework, encourage them to take a breather and come back to it later. As a teacher and tutor, I called this a “brain break” and believe these breaks are essential. Taking a short break will give your child a chance to step away from a frustrating problem or assignment.

5. It’s Okay to Ask for Help

Sometimes, homework can become just too stressful and overwhelming. In that case, it really is okay to stop. Children can learn to advocate for themselves by making a list of questions for their teacher and asking for help the next day. Depending on their age, you might need to help role-play how to approach their teacher with their frustrations. 

Additionally, parents should never feel afraid to contact their child’s teacher to talk about homework issues. When I was teaching elementary school, I always wanted parents to feel comfortable reaching out about any issues, including homework stress.

6. Get Plenty of Rest

Sleep is critical to a child’s overall wellbeing , which includes their academic performance. Tired kids can’t concentrate as well, which can lead to feeling more overwhelmed about homework assignments. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, kids aged 6-12 should get at least 9 hours of sleep each night.

7. Consider a Homework Group

Organizing a homework group a few times a week is another way for your child to view homework more positively. Working as a group encourages collaboration, while discussions can solidify concepts learned in class.

8. Encourage Positivity

No matter what your school experience was like, it’s important to model a growth mindset for your child. A growth mindset is the belief that your abilities can develop and improve over time. So if your child says something like “ I can’t do this! ” first acknowledge their frustration. Then, encourage them to say, “ I may not understand this yet, but I will figure it out. ” Speaking positively about tough experiences takes practice, but it will go a long way in reducing homework stress for your child.

9. Develop Skills With Fun Games

Feeling stressed about homework is no fun. Completing worksheets and memorizing facts is necessary, but playing games is a great way to inject some excitement into learning. Doodle’s interactive math app is filled with interactive exercises, engaging math games, and unique rewards that help kids develop their skills while having fun.

Lower Math Anxiety with DoodleMath

Does your child struggle with math anxiety? DoodleMath is an award-winning math app f illed with fun, interactive math questions aligned to state standards. Doodle creates a unique work program tailored to each child’s skill level to boost confidence and reduce math anxiety. Try it free  today!

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FAQs About Homework Stress

what to do when your stressed with homework

Many studies have shown that homework and stress often go hand-in-hand, often because many children feel pressure to perform perfectly or they have trouble managing their emotions–they get overwhelmed or flooded easily.

You can help your child reduce homework stress in several ways, including by establishing a routine, creating a homework space, encouraging breaks, and making homework fun with online games or math apps.

what to do when your stressed with homework

Lesson credits

Katie Wickliff headshot

Katie Wickliff

Katie holds a master’s degree in Education from the University of Colorado and a bachelor’s degree in both Journalism and English from The University of Iowa. She has over 15 years of education experience as a K-12 classroom teacher and Orton-Gillingham certified tutor. Most importantly, Katie is the mother of two elementary students, ages 8 and 11. She is passionate about math education and firmly believes that the right tools and support will help every student reach their full potential.

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How To Manage Homework Stress And How To Get Rid Of It Now

More and more students fail to do their homework or submit them on time every semester all over the world. Teachers and parents are desperate to find out why this is happening. There are several causes of this problem. Many students are simply unwilling to learn much and are unable to do their homework as a consequence. However, many others are suffering from homework and stress.

manage homework stress

Table of Contents

What causes homework stress, are you stressing over homework, how to deal with homework stress.

This kind of stress started appearing relatively recently. So, let’s learn some homework stress facts like how to find out what causes this stress, learning how to discover if you are suffering from stress, and what some remedies are that can help you deal with it.

There are several widespread causes of stress from homework that we can identify. They are the major ones that are observable and that students sight as well. Here are some of the most prominent ones:

  • Teachers assign too much homework to their students. This causes stress with homework and students are starting to fail to deliver their assignments on time. Most teachers don’t realize that their assignments can be quite difficult to complete and can take students perhaps even days to finish them.
  • Pupils receive homework from several classes; assignments that must be delivered at the same time. When students need to work on several projects at the same time, they start to rush some of the projects. This quickly causes stress from homework and usually leads to serious performance issues.
  • Students are having trouble understanding the class material. This means that they are unable to complete their school assignments properly. It takes a lot of time to reread all the class notes and do some additional research. This causes stress with homework and makes students lose most of their good morale.
  • Students don’t know how to properly manage their time and their projects. The fact that young people don’t know how to manage their time is a serious problem. Because they are inefficient, doing their homework can lead to stress quite quickly.
  • Students are unable to get enough time to do their homework properly. This means that these people prefer to socialize with their friends and family and even play some video games, without thinking about homework. They then get too little time to complete their school assignments.
  • Many students get into a homework depression when they postpone working on their school chores until the last one or two days. In other words, students face an almost impossible situation. They know they can’t complete their projects on time, but they also know that they really have to. Being unable to do anything about a bad grade leads to students becoming depressed.

If you want to learn how to battle stress, you need to first learn how to spot stress and figure out the factors that are causing it. Homework and stress are usually related, but stress does not appear because you need to do homework. Instead, stress appears when you can’t complete your homework on time or are swamped with projects that are all due on almost the same date. Here are some of the things you will immediately notice if you are stressed by homework:

  • You don’t have any interest in doing your homework because you have given up on trying to finish everything on time.
  • You are constantly worried that you need to complete your homework and never seem to find enough time to work on your school projects.
  • You may be unable to sleep because you know you can’t complete your school assignments on time and this is weighing heavy on your mind.
  • You become unhappy and start to hide your school results from your friends and parents. The fact that you can’t do your homework is starting to have an impact on your social life.

While it may be difficult to avoid stressing over homework at times, especially when you have a lot of assignments to work on, you can definitely manage it if you know about a few best tips and tricks. These tips won’t do wonders, but will help you avoid a lot of the stress caused by doing homework.

Now that you may have identified that you have stress, you probably would like to deal with it. What to do when your stressed about homework? There are many ways to do so, including making substantial changes in your life and mindset. You might want to begin small, though, as a start. Here are some of the most useful remedies if you are looking to get rid of stress caused by homework:

  • Make sure you get the best sleep possible during the night. Sleep is very important for your state of mind, so a good night’s sleep is paramount to success in many cases when it comes to doing homework.
  • Start as early as possible on each school assignment. By starting early, you make sure you have enough time to complete the assignment before the deadline. This will decrease your stress over homework instantly.
  • Split large assignments into several smaller parts and work on only one part from start to finish. Organizing your projects and your time will make you more efficient and will help you complete your homework faster and easier.
  • Set goals and do your best to achieve them each and every day. Being unable to finish on time is a top reason to be stressed about homework. By setting goals and achieving them, you make sure you always complete your projects on time, which you can do with the help of online college homework help .
  • Pay attention in class. It is the best method of decreasing the amount of time you spend doing your homework. In many cases, you need to spend a lot of hours reading your notes and browsing the Web for additional information about the topic. If you pay attention in class, you won’t need to spend as much time learning what you should know already.
  • Spend time with your friends and family, but know when to stop and return to doing your homework. Remember, you sometimes stress over homework because you lack the necessary time to complete it properly.

These are the best tips and tricks you need to know to avoid the stress caused by homework. If you apply this advice and change your habits for a bit, you have only to gain. You will become better organized, more productive, and a lot more efficient. Doing homework will be a pleasure!

Too Much Homework? We Can Help

So, you have now read up on stress and found ways to implement ways to avoid it in your life. But, perhaps, you have tried this advice and these methods and you still feel stressed and stuck. Well, there is always a last option, which is getting outside help with your school assignments. You can ask a friend or classmate to help, but there is another option.

That option is getting online homework help using dedicated services. We, for example, provide a 24/7 hour buy homework online service for any types of students, so your homework can be completed at any time. Our writers are experts in their fields, and are very communicative. You can collaborate with our writers, and they will provide top tier homework assignments for you. Get in touch with us today, and you will get top grades in no time, and most importantly you will get rid of homework stress!

How To Become a Better Test Taker

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I love it when people come together and share opinions, great blog, keep it up.

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8 Tips to Handle Work From Home Stress

Elizabeth Scott, PhD is an author, workshop leader, educator, and award-winning blogger on stress management, positive psychology, relationships, and emotional wellbeing.

what to do when your stressed with homework

Amy Morin, LCSW, is a psychotherapist and international bestselling author. Her books, including "13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do," have been translated into more than 40 languages. Her TEDx talk,  "The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong," is one of the most viewed talks of all time.

what to do when your stressed with homework

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  • Working From Home Stressors

Challenges That Add to Stress

  • Tips for Managing the Stress

When to Seek Help

Working from home can definitely be appealing—no dress code, no in-person supervision, no commute time, and the freedom to decide where you work. However, working remotely can present some significant and unique challenges that can create considerable stress. Utilize helpful tips to reduce your work-associated stress and set yourself up to effectively work at home.

At a Glance

Working from home can have benefits, but it can also be a source of stress. Poor boundaries, lack of structure, distractions, and social isolation are just a few common sources of work from home stress. If you're feeling the strain of working from from, there are strategies that can help you manage your stress. Having a consistent routine, minimizing distractions, connecting with friends, and taking regular breaks are just a few ideas that can help.

What Is Stressful About Working at Home?

Research has found that remote work can actually decrease both psychological and physical stress responses. Yet some people are surprised by the stress they feel once the novelty of working from home wears off and challenges become more apparent.

While these stressors may not be the same as long commute times or the feeling of never being alone, they can still take a toll.

According to research, those who work from home tend to report high levels of stress.

  • 41% of employees who more often worked from home vs. on-site considered themselves highly stressed, compared to 25% of those who worked only on-site.
  • 42% of those who work from home report frequent night waking, while only 29% of office workers reported the same.
  • Employees who work from home may experience more of a blur when it comes to work and personal life boundaries, especially with the use of smart devices.
  • Work-from-home employees may struggle more with the concept of unplugging and ending their work day compared to those who work in an office setting.

Using different technologies needed to work from home can also be a source of stress for some people. Needing to set up a new workstation at home and the difficulty of disconnecting after the workday can create added stress.

There are a number of specific challenges you might face when working from home. Here are some of the common sources of stress that many work-at-homers face.

Lack of Structure

When working from home, you may feel a true lack of structure. You may struggle with getting your day going, officially ending your day, and taking time for yourself for breaks and lunch. This can throw off your work-life balance .

Too Many Distractions

When working from home, you may experience distractions and interruptions throughout your day. Some distractions may include:

  • Receiving deliveries
  • Getting non-work related calls and texts
  • Spending time on social media
  • Watching television
  • Caring for pets
  • Dealing with neighborhood sounds (gardeners, trash trucks, etc.)

At home, you have creature comforts that can be tempting to indulge in. For instance, if you have a discouraging interaction with a client or management, in an office setting you just have to roll with it and get on with your workday. If you work from home, you can actually withdraw and go play video games until you feel better.

Working From Home When You're a Parent

You may also experience challenges working from home if you have children. Depending on their age, you may need to deal with childcare, working around their school schedule, and generally balancing your work and family life.

Difficulty Setting Boundaries

When working from home, you may experience challenges setting boundaries with people who forget that working from home is still working. Family members, friends, and neighbors may ask you for help or to engage with them during your working hours. You may even experience some frustration on their end if you note that you are unavailable.

Social Isolation

Those who work at home may find that solitude can be a double-edged sword. Research suggests that working from home can increase social isolation , which can impact motivation in the workplace .

This means that it can be beneficial to have some level of social interaction during the workday, especially in high-intensity work situations where productivity trends downward the more isolated an individual is.

Less Physical Exertion

When working from home, you may find yourself getting less exercise than you would in an office setting. Lack of exercise can impact your sleep quality and overall mental health. If you're less active during the day, you might not be as tired at night. You may have trouble sleeping and your work may suffer the next day.

On May 19, 2022, Verywell Mind hosted a virtual Mental Health in the Workplace webinar, hosted by Amy Morin, LCSW. If you missed it, check out this recap to learn ways to foster supportive work environments and helpful strategies to improve your well-being on the job.

Tips for Managing the Stress of Working at Home

Know that if you are working from home and feel intense pressure, you are not alone. There are many tools available for managing the stress associated with working from home. Here are some strategies for reducing your overall stress .

Create a Routine

Whether you set your own schedule or have specific hours that you need to be working, creating a routine can help you manage your time and focus better on your work.

  • Create a ritual that marks the beginning of your day : Your morning routine might include taking a walk before you start working, taking a few moments to stretch, and/or enjoying a coffee or tea at the start of your day.
  • Mark the end of your work day : This may include putting your work material away and out of sight, taking an evening walk, and/or lighting a candle.
  • Set a morning alarm : Waking up at the same time everyday can give you enough time to prepare for your workday. What time you opt to wake up may depend on how much time you need to warm up in the morning.
  • Set a regular lunch time : Taking lunch at a similar time everyday can give you a much-needed break and offers you time to refuel before getting back to work. Be sure to fully unplug during your lunch time so you can enjoy your break.
  • Take time to move around : This may mean walking around your home, heading outside for a quick walk, or doing some stretches during your breaks.
  • Spend some time outside : If weather permits, try to get outside and enjoy the fresh air. This can re-energize you. You may also consider engaging in a breathing exercise while outside.
  • Prioritize challenging tasks : If you have the ability to decide which projects or tasks to complete, consider doing the most difficult ones first to reduce potentially feeling overwhelmed later on in the day.
  • Make use of technology : If you want a little extra boost when it comes to time tracking and organization, consider using time management apps .

Experiment when it comes to creating your work-from-home routine and know that it may take a few weeks to months to acclimate to your new schedule.

Create a Dedicated Workspace

Even though it may be tempting to curl up in bed and work, try to create a dedicated workspace where you can solely focus on your job. Creating specific work and home boundaries, even if you're just using a small corner of your home, can help you mentally shift from home life to work. It may also help you leave your work "at the office" once you're done with your day.

Reduce Distractions

When you are ready to begin working, be sure to silence your phone and turn off any computer notifications you may receive that aren't work-related. You may also consider listening to relaxing music while you work, or using noise cancelling headphones if it's safe to do so depending on your particular situation.

Connect With Friends

If you feel isolated working from home, it's important to make an effort to connect with supportive individuals in your life. Because everyone may have different schedules, set up a regular time to video chat or call each other, and add it to your calendar as a reminder. You can also create a group chat to stay in touch with each other throughout the week.

Reward Yourself

To keep your motivation up , break down tasks into smaller, more manageable steps, and reward yourself for completing them. Rewards may include:

  • Taking a well-deserved break
  • Reciting a positive affirmation to yourself
  • Physically checking the task off of your to-do list
  • Giving yourself a few minutes to check in with friends
  • Taking a few moments to stretch or engage in a relaxation exercise

What each individual finds rewarding will vary, so give a few options a try to figure out which ones work best for you.

Get Comfortable Saying No

During your work hours, you may receive many non-work-related requests. For some individuals, it may feel incredibly difficult saying no to others and placing your needs above theirs. Know that it is perfectly okay to turn down someone else's requests if it interferes with your ability to get your job done.

Setting appropriate boundaries may help prevent you from taking on too much and offers you the opportunity to decide what you'd like to do with your free time.

Protect Your Sleep

Getting quality sleep at night directly impacts your overall well-being, including your ability to work from home effectively. Even though it may be tempting to do so, using screens late at night can alter your sleep patterns and make it difficult to fall asleep. Be sure to prioritize unwinding at night and practice good sleep hygiene .

Press Play for Advice On Sleep Hygiene

Hosted by Editor-in-Chief and therapist Amy Morin, LCSW, this episode of The Verywell Mind Podcast , featuring neurologist and sleep expert Chris Winter, shares strategies for sleeping better at night. Click below to listen now.

Subscribe Now : Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Google Podcasts

Practice Self-Care

When you work from home, it's important to prioritize self-care. Doing so may help you stay connected to yourself and better understand what you need in terms of work-life balance. Take your time figuring out how you can best take care of yourself and meet your needs. Practicing self-care may include:

  • Regularly exercising
  • Practicing meditation
  • Reading during your downtime
  • Taking naps
  • Listening to music you enjoy
  • Spending time with friends

Chronic stress can take a serious toll on both your physical and mental health. It can increase your risk of getting sick, affect your cardiovascular health, and make you more susceptible to mental health issues.

If the stress you are experiencing is making it difficult to function in your work and home life, it is essential to talk to a doctor or therapist. If you are experiencing symptoms such as difficulty sleeping, excessive fatigue, feelings of sadness, anxiety, or a loss of interest in activities you used to enjoy, it might be a sign of a mental health condition such as anxiety or depression.

What This Means For You

While working from home may provide a sense of freedom, flexibility, and a no-cost commute, there are hidden stressors to be aware of. By focusing on what you can do to mitigate this stress , you can improve your overall work-life balance and general well-being. Take steps to set boundaries, reduce distractions, and practice healthy habits that will help you stay productive and stress-free.

Shimura A, Yokoi K, Ishibashi Y, Akatsuka Y, Inoue T. Remote work decreases psychological and physical stress responses, but full-remote work increases presenteeism . Front Psychol . 2021;12:730969. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.730969

Eurofound and the International Labour Office. Working anytime, anywhere: The effects on the world of work .

Gualano MR, Santoro PE, Borrelli I, et al. TElewoRk-relAted stress (TERRA), psychological and physical strain of working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review .  Workplace Health Saf . 2023;71(2):58-67. doi:10.1177/21650799221119155

Bodner A, Ruhl L, Barr E, Shridhar A, Skakoon-Sparling S, Card KG. The impact of working from home on mental health: A cross-sectional study of Canadian worker's mental health during the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic .  Int J Environ Res Public Health . 2022;19(18):11588. doi:10.3390/ijerph191811588

Hoornweg N, Peters P, van der Heijden B. Finding the optimal mix between telework and office hours to enhance employee productivity: A study into the relationship between telework intensity and individual productivity, with mediation of intrinsic motivation and moderation of office hours. In: Leede JD, ed.  Advanced Series in Management . Vol 16. Emerald Group Publishing Limited; 2016:1-28. doi:10.1108/S1877-636120160000016002

American Psychological Association.  Stress effects on the body .

By Elizabeth Scott, PhD Elizabeth Scott, PhD is an author, workshop leader, educator, and award-winning blogger on stress management, positive psychology, relationships, and emotional wellbeing.


10 Mental Health Tips for Coping With Work-From-Home Burnout

Working remotely can affect your mood, but there are steps you can take..

Updated June 26, 2023 | Reviewed by Michelle Quirk

  • What Is a Career
  • Find a career counselor near me
  • Working from home has multiple benefits but can also adversely impact your mental health.
  • If you are working remotely, it can help to monitor your mood by checking in with yourself.
  • Adding structure and behavioral activation are two key components that can shift your mood to a better place.

This post has been co-authored by Pamela Weinberg, career coach and workshop speaker.

Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, work-from-home (WFH) rates have soared. Even as the pandemic has improved, many continue to work remotely. In fact, a good portion of recent college grads have not yet experienced working in an office setting. Since so many internships and classes were remote throughout much of their college years, the idea of going into an office may be unappealing or even a bit intimidating.

In my private practice, I have noticed that when a workplace offers a choice, some people strongly prefer the work-from-home option, while others crave RTO (returning to the office). Many people are happiest when a hybrid option exists.

Anna Shvets/Pexels

Why is this the case? Happiness is correlated with how much control we have over how we spend our time.

Working from home brings great comfort and flexibility. Your commute is effectively eliminated. You can eat meals out of your kitchen and use your own restroom, and you can even possibly step out in the middle of the day to run an errand (or attend a therapy or counseling session in person or via telehealth ).

Yet, working from home also comes with drawbacks. First, it can be isolating. You miss out on the camaraderie of socializing with office mates (live, not via Zoom). Humans are social creatures and many of us gain energy via social interactions . Office culture may provide a sense of belonging that comes from being part of a group, which can be invigorating.

Second, some people find that they focus better in novel environments (e.g., in an office), especially if they are surrounded by distractions at home (e.g., family members). Leaving one’s house provides structure and creates boundaries between home and work life, which can be essential for mental health and mood management . It brings to mind the New Yorker cartoon that asks, “Do I work from home, or do I live at work?”

Third, others find that when they WFH, the days blend into each other and there may be a sense of monotony. After all, variety is the spice of life. Remote work also requires a person to be mostly sedentary, and a lack of exercise and movement can impact one’s mood. With unfettered access to our phones at home, social media use can increase and, along with it, a sense of FOMO. Everyone else’s life looks great, and your self-esteem may dip a little.

Tima Miroshinchenko/Pexels

What to do? Even if working remotely is working for you (no pun intended) the majority of the time, it is not uncommon to feel at least sporadically anxious or depressed due to the factors mentioned above. If working from home is your overwhelming preference or your workplace has mandated it, it is very important to be mindful of your mental health.

I teamed up with a fantastic career counselor, Pamela Weinberg, to offer some key guidelines for taking care of your mental health while working remotely. Pamela has 15 years of experience working with a range of individuals seeking help with their careers, from making a career change to finding a new job. I am a psychotherapist who specializes in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), an action-oriented and solution-focused approach. Together, we curated what we have found to be most helpful for our clients who work remotely.

If you feel that working from home has put you in a rut, consider the following:

Samson Katt/Pexels

  • Give yourself a sense of structure. In the absence of the external structure provided by the office, we have to artificially create it. Make a schedule for yourself and be realistic with your expectations and goals . Commit to ending each WFH day at a certain time—boundaries are crucial. Go above, but do not go beyond!
  • Make sure to take designated breaks. If it is possible to leave your home during your work day, do so as often as possible. Run out to do an errand or attend an exercise class. Purchase one item from the grocery store. Walk around the block. Behavioral activation is an approach to mental health that focuses on using behaviors to “activate” pleasant emotions, and it is one of the gold-standard treatments for depressed mood.
  • If you are feeling lonely and isolated, call or Facetime someone. Make time to socialize with friends or coworkers that you haven’t seen in a while. Go out to lunch with someone or schedule a happy hour. Generate another workplace bonding activity. Often, we can’t wait for others to take the initiative and we must do so ourselves.
  • Join affinity or employee resource groups at your company. This is a great way to meet people outside of your team and to expand your network while working from home. If the group meets in person, even better!
  • Look to cultivate a hobby so that you have interests outside of work that will help you decompress. Join a running club, volunteer to walk dogs at a shelter, or take a painting class. Getting out of your home, away from your computer will help to recharge your batteries. Further, having something to look forward to and “mixing it up” are two key elements to maintaining both a good mood and a generally positive outlook.
  • If you feel overwhelmed, this is a sign that a change needs to be made. It is an indicator that your work tasks should be broken into smaller pieces or that you need to be kind to yourself. Refrain from judging yourself and challenge negative self-talk .
  • Keep track of your mood. Check in with yourself and monitor your sense of well-being. If you notice your mood is tanking, do not ignore it or “white knuckle” through it. Take a mental health day. Consider speaking to a therapist , executive functioning coach, or career counselor.
  • Get dressed every day. We all had our “Covid” tops and pajama bottoms for our 2020 Zoom calls, but that is a thing of the past. Getting “dressed” (even if jeans and shirt) will help that transition from “home” to “work.”
  • Find a coffee shop or other spot where you can work that is out of your house. A change of scenery and human interaction can help pick up your mood.
  • Ask your workplace if a hybrid option exists or if they offer a coworking space. Consider dipping your toe in by trying out a day in the office. Doing a commute can be tiresome, but the benefits may outweigh the costs. Above all, do what works best for you.

As compelling and comfortable as remote work is, our advice is, if you have the opportunity to go into the office, even for a day or two, give it a try. We have found that spending time in the office with colleagues, managers, and peers helps young professionals truly acclimate to work life in a way that working from home just does not. There is no substitute for that in-person connection; research shows that socializing with others helps promote your brain’s release of the chemicals oxytocin , dopamine , serotonin, and endorphins.

what to do when your stressed with homework

In sum, it seems that hybrid and WFH jobs are here to stay. Enjoy the advantages, and when you are feeling lonely or burned out , refer to the above list and give one of our suggestions a try.

Portions of this post have been excerpted from my book, Goodbye, Anxiety: A Guided Journal for Overcoming Worry.

Pamela Weinberg career coaching: https://www.pamelaweinberg.com/


Terri Bacow, Ph.D., is an expert in cognitive behavioral therapy. A Brown and Boston University graduate, she sees clients in her private practice in New York City.

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5 quick ways to boost your mental health — even from the backseat of a Lyft ride

what to do when your stressed with homework

In 2017, when Clifton Berwise wasn’t working toward his Ph.D. in clinical psychology, he was driving with Lyft. It helped him bring in some extra money but also, he says, gave him “very hands-on experience using my clinical skills.” He would identify stressed passengers and offer a listening, sympathetic ear. 

Today, Berwise is a clinical psychologist for Modern Health . He may not drive with Lyft anymore, but you can still benefit from his in-ride expertise with this quick guide to DIY back-seat mental-health practices. 

Berwise’s quick tips for boosting your mood

1. set a timer .

Riders often came into the car in a rush. They’re on the go, and that makes sense. But once you’ve sat back, can you set a timer for five minutes for yourself? Listen to your favorite song. If you’ve just gotten off a stressful work shift, like an ER, it is OK to distract yourself — that will help reduce your stress. 

Or do something for your body. Stretching, neck rolls — anything that gets you in your body. Even a ten-minute nap is fine. 

2. Breathe deeply

When people are anxious, they’re in a heightened emotional state and tend to think about worst-case scenarios. If you’re relaxed, you’re able to tap into what I would call your rational mind or your wise mind. Even if you’ve just got a few minutes and you’re feeling anxious, you can always put one hand on your chest and one hand on your stomach and then take a deep breath, hold for three seconds, and then let it go. Do that for about ten repetitions. That’s a strategy you can do to ground and relax, especially in a quick ride. 

3. Get in touch with your senses

If you have a little more time, a grounding exercise is a great way of centering yourself in the moment. 

Ask yourself: What are five things that you can see right now? It could be inside the car or outside of the window. What are the colors that you see? 

Then, what are four things you can hear? If you need to, ask the driver to turn down or turn off the radio. Do you hear the wind against the window? Do you hear bees outside? 

What are three things you can feel physically on your body? Is it the fabric of your shirt? The armrest? 

Lastly, what are two things you can smell and one thing that you can taste? 

Putting so much focus on what is happening around you allows your nervous system to relax — now you’re not thinking about your concerns of the past or future. You’re just in the moment. 

4. Spark up a conversation — and listen

Some of my best conversations came while driving. And that social connection — having casual conversations, hearing other people’s points of view and thoughts — is vital for us as human beings. But for that connection to happen, work on your listening skills; it’s important to have a conversation with someone instead of talking at someone. 

5. Jot down some reflections

I encourage people to journal as a form of reflection. Not everyone walks around with a pen or a paper, but you can use your notes app on your phone to write down your thoughts. 

Bonus: Record a voice note

Once you get out of the car, take five minutes to record a voice note about how you’re feeling. Even if you don’t revisit it, you can get something off your chest and release some stress or concern or sadness. People underestimate the importance of a release.

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Why trigger points cause so much pain—and how you can relieve it

Knots in your muscles can arise from stress, anxiety, and even vitamin deficiencies. So how can they be treated?

A thermal image of the body from the neck to the waste. The area around the shoulder joint is red and orange, while the other parts of the body or blue.

You may not know the definition of a trigger point , but most people have experienced the ache or stab of pain that occurs when these locations on the body are touched or pressed.

Simply put, a trigger point is a discrete, hyperirritable nodule (like a “knot”) that is palpable in a taut band of muscle—and it can produce pain in a particular spot or in another part of the body. Recently, trigger points have been implicated in various conditions including myofascial pain syndrome (a chronic disorder involving the muscles and the surrounding connective tissue); tension-type headaches (particularly in women) ;   migraine headaches ; chronic neck pain ; and low back pain .

While the formal term “myofascial trigger point” was coined in the 1950s , research investigating the underlying causes and effective treatments is relatively new.

That’s a positive development because trigger points are common—“85 percent of people will have myofascial pain at some point in their lives and often it involves trigger points,” says Shana Margolis, a physical medicine and rehabilitation physician at Northwestern Medicine in the Chicago area.

“Myofascial pain syndrome is kind of a big black box of pain disorders,” says Kiran Rajneesh, a neurologist and pain medicine physician at The Ohio State University Medical Center in Columbus. “There may be more to it than just a muscle issue. There could be underlying joint inflammation.”

No diagnostic test or way to image trigger points

Sometimes trigger points occur as a result of an injury, trauma, or repetitive strain. In other instances, they can result from poor posture (like sitting hunched over a computer) or excessive exercise. In each instance, a muscle nodule (or “knot”) develops. Trigger points are “generally caused when a muscle gets overloaded and it gets stuck contracted, and the fibers stay [closely] banded together,” Margolis explains.

For Hungry Minds

A new hypothesis suggests that trigger points may occur due to a “failure of protective regulatory mechanisms … that prevent excessive muscle activity or that prevent a potentially injurious accumulation of [calcium ions] within muscle cells,” according to a paper published last year in the International Journal of Molecular Science .  

“We don’t know exactly how trigger points form but it is thought to be associated with chronic stretch or overload of the muscle,” says Jennifer Hankenson, a physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist at Yale Medicine. “This chronic stress leads to chemical changes within the muscle that likely cause an over-sensitization in pain receptors. Trigger point pain is often out of proportion to the underlying injury, due to the pain sensitization process.”

In some instances, the pain can be associated with muscle dysfunction, muscle tightness or weakness, decreased flexibility, and a limited range of motion.

Because trigger points aren’t a medical condition unto themselves, there isn’t a diagnostic blood test, imaging technique, or tool that can be used to definitively identify them. The most commonly used technique is palpation of a suspected trigger point. If a clinician presses on a trigger point and the person feels pain or experiences a jump sign (such as wincing or groaning) or a reflex-like twitch in response to the pain, that’s considered an affirmative indication of a trigger point’s presence.

Active and passive trigger points vs. tender points

Different types of trigger points can be associated with body aches. An active trigger point is painful even if it isn’t touched, whereas a latent (or passive) trigger point is only painful when direct pressure is applied to it, explains Kemly Philip, a physical medicine and rehabilitation physician with UTHealth Houston and TIRR Memorial Hermann. “Direct pressure of an active trigger point can even stimulate an autonomic response of sweating, redness, or a feeling of lightheadedness.” Both types can cause referred pain, which is pain that radiates out from the trigger point.

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In addition, satellite trigger points can occur when pain is spread over a considerable area—from the shoulder to the elbow, for example, or the back to the butt, Margolis adds. “Satellite trigger points typically go away when the primary trigger point resolves,” says Philip.

Research has also found that stress and anxiety may play a role in the development of muscle trigger points. And deficiencies in certain vitamins (such as B12) and minerals (such as zinc and magnesium) may contribute.

Distinguishing between trigger points and tender points, areas of tenderness in a muscle or around (but not in) joints, is also important. Tender points are typically a characteristic of fibromyalgia , a complex, chronic disorder that causes pain and tenderness throughout the body. Among the key differences : Trigger points often elicit a twitch response or jump sign when pressure is applied to them, whereas tender points don’t; trigger points can occur in any muscle while tender points occur in 18 specific locations that are symmetrical (on both sides of the body). Trigger points can cause referred pain, whereas tender points don’t.

“Making the distinction between trigger points and tender points is important because it guides us to what testing and treatments we want to do early on,” Rajneesh says. The presence of tender points warrants blood work to look for autoimmune conditions, which require different treatments than trigger points, he adds. Whether fibromyalgia is an autoimmune disease is a matter of ongoing debate.

Seeking relief

Various interventions may relieve trigger point-related pain but finding the right one is often a matter of trial and error. On the DIY end of the spectrum, the application of heat or ice (whichever feels better) or a topical analgesic cream, and use of over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (like ibuprofen and naproxen) can ease the pain, Philip notes. Self-massage—using a massage gun, a tennis ball, or a foam roller on the afflicted area—also can be helpful.

Correcting your posture, your biomechanics (while walking or lifting things, for example), and your ergonomic set-up at work are essential too, Margolis says. “We tend to live in a head-forward, shoulder-forward world,” she says. “Focusing on correcting that is important.”

It’s also wise to pay attention to lifestyle habits. “If you sleep well, stay hydrated, and eat micronutrients [such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, and copper] that are anti-inflammatory, you’re going to heal faster and decrease muscle spasm,” Rajneesh says.

If these measures don’t provide sufficient relief within a couple of weeks, see your health-care provider about more intensive interventions. These may include physical therapy, manual therapies (such as the “spray and stretch technique” in which a coolant spray is used to numb the area before the muscle is gently stretched to improve range of motion), and electrical stimulation. Ultrasound, which “provides deep heat to increase blood flow to the area to get the muscle to relax,” also can help, Margolis says.

Farther along the spectrum of therapies, “trigger point injections, using steroids and/or local anesthetics [such as lidocaine], can release the trigger points,” Rajneesh says.

In addition, recent studies have shown that various physical treatments such as massage , acupuncture , electroacupuncture , and dry needling , can help relieve various forms of pain related to trigger points.

The goal with each of these treatments is to somehow release the trigger point so the taut band of muscle relaxes and the pain dissipates.

A newer therapy, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections —in which a person’s own platelets are injected into the painful region to stimulate healing and remodeling of the tissue—can help manage trigger points, Rajneesh says. The downside: “It’s expensive and considered experimental by insurance payors,” he adds, which means you’ll probably have to pay out of pocket for this.

However they’re treated, trigger points can be relieved. Unfortunately, they can also come back. If they do, you can travel down the road of discovery for therapeutic interventions again. “A specialist such as a physiatrist or pain specialist can often help you find the right treatment options to alleviate your pain and prevent reoccurrence,” Hankenson says.

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Mental Health Experts Are Sharing Insights On The 5 Different "Stress Languages," And It's So Helpful

Understanding your stress language, and those of your loved ones, can help you both feel and communicate better.

Jillian Wilson

HuffPost Writer

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Have you ever been in an argument with someone and felt like the two of you were speaking different languages? Turns out that might not be too far off: Those difficulties in communicating could be due to differing stress languages, essentially a way of thinking about how you respond to challenging situations.

“When we are stressed, our blood goes to our body and leaves our frontal lobe area. So our frontal lobe kind of goes offline,” said  Chantal Donnelly , a physical therapist, stress researcher, and author of “ Settled: How to Find Calm in a Stress-Inducing World .”

The frontal lobe is responsible for functions like self-control, emotions and thinking, according to the Cleveland Clinic . “We also have these cranial nerves that start in the brainstem,” Donnelly said. “They’re associated with communication and connection, and those get compromised when we’re in a stress response.”

“So, when you’re in an argument, you are not speaking the same language ― you actually are having trouble communicating and hearing each other properly,” she explained.

This explains why you might have felt you just couldn’t get through to your partner, child, or friend during a conflict: You really weren’t understanding each other in the moment.

Donnelly came up with the concept of stress languages while working with her own clients. She found that stress management was the key missing element in their treatment. “Stress language” is not an official mental health term, but the concept can help you learn about yourself and your loved ones, much like the love languages  that have become widely known in recent years.

Below, experts share more on stress languages, how to determine yours, and why it’s important to manage your stress.

The 5 Different Stress Languages

Woman in casual attire rests chin on hands, looking contemplatively out a window from a cozy indoor setting

There are five categories of stress languages, according to Donnelly’s research, and many of us fall into one (or maybe a few) of them. They are:

  • The Imploder:  This is a “freeze” response to a stressful situation. The imploder may feel hopeless, helpless and paralyzed, Donnelly explained.
  • The Exploder:  This is a “fight or flight” response to a stressful situation. This person may have an inflated reaction to a stressful situation; they might get irritable, frustrated or angry, or even leave a situation that they can’t handle, Donnelly said.
  • The Fixer:  This “ tend and befriend ” reaction is typically how women express a stress response. This can look like appeasement, people pleasing, overstepping boundaries, and even “mothering” people who aren’t your kids, according to Donnelly.
  • The Number:  As in, a person who numbs themself to the outside world when things aren’t going well, Donnelly said. This person usually uses escapism ― such as drugs, alcohol, online gaming, overworking, or overexercising ― as a coping mechanism for stress.
  • The Denier:  This is someone who possesses toxic positivity in response to stress and can be overly optimistic to avoid reality, Donnelly explained.

“The first three ― the exploder, the imploder, and the fixer ― are based on biologically where people go when they become stressed,” Donnelly said. “And then the last two, the denier and the number, those are based on strategies that people try to use on a regular basis to overcome or manage stress.”

Which one are you? To figure that out, Donnelly said you should look for stress response patterns in yourself and in others when you’re having a rough day.

“I suggest that people ask their partners if they see a pattern, and realize that you may not agree, but to step back and be really curious about what your partner sees in you,” Donnelly said. “It’s really about catching yourself and your partner in these repetitive approaches to stress.”

Keep in mind that you may fall into multiple categories of stress language. Or certain people may bring out different stress responses in you: You might respond differently to your parents, for example, than you would to your partner or your boss.

The Importance Of Knowing Your Stress Language

Woman sitting on couch, hand on forehead, looking stressed or with a headache

Just like knowing your own love language and that of your partner, it’s beneficial to understand how you and those around you handle stress. This way, you’ll be able to anticipate how your friend, boss, or partner may react in an argument, which can help lead to a calmer interaction and make it easier to anticipate what they need in the moment.

“Understanding stress languages brings more understanding in your relationships,” Donnelly said.

“I think [stress languages are] useful in the sense that they’re fun and you can learn about a lot about yourself,” said Christopher Hansen , a licensed professional counselor with Thriveworks in San Antonio. While “stress language” isn’t an official clinical term, the idea does have its place in mental health, he said.

Hansen likened understanding your stress language to being sick and not knowing what’s wrong. Once you get a diagnosis, there’s some sense of relief, because you can finally put a name to what’s happening.

Donnelly said that identifying your stress language, or someone else’s, is not about pointing fingers, but simply a way to have better communication.

“Those terms can sound like labels, and my purpose is not to give people labels,” Donnelly said. “It’s really just to create a framework or a vernacular so that there is a way of understanding others in your life.”

Plus, it can be a good way to change problematic behaviors. It’s impossible to change a behavior if you don’t realize you’re doing it. Understanding how you respond to stress can be the first step in grasping how you act in an argument or other tough situations.

For example, if your stress language is that of an “exploder,” and you have outbursts during stressful moments, identifying your pattern of aggression makes it possible to stop yourself next time, Hansen noted. Or if you’re a “fixer” and you tend to overstep boundaries in stressful situations, you can acknowledge that and catch yourself before you do it again.

Other Ways To Handle Stress

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Stress can wreak havoc on your mental health and physical health alike. It can cause physical symptoms like headache, chest pain, trouble sleeping, and fatigue, in addition to emotional states like sadness, anger, overwhelm, and more, according to the Mayo Clinic .

“Cumulative stress is probably the most causal to the development of anxiety and depressive disorders,” Hansen said. Plus, chronic stress can lead to major issues like heart disease and high blood pressure. 

These risks make it clear why you should manage your stress as much as possible, whether through understanding your stress language or adopting lifestyle changes, like keeping a healthy routine, to help you keep your cool.

“Routine is the secret to good stress hormones,” Elizabeth Shirtcliff , a research professor at the Center for Translational Neuroscience at the University of Oregon,  previously told HuffPost . To help manage your stress, you can try eating at the same times every day and having a bedtime routine, an exercise regimen and regular hobbies that you lean on.

“Those are all going to be ways that help your body predict the day and therefore not have to overdo it,” Shirtcliff told HuffPost.

Beyond having a good baseline for stress management, in a stressful moment you can try a body-up response instead of a brain-down response, Donnelly suggested. This means focusing on your physical body instead of your mind. For example, try breathing exercises, rather than positive thinking, to get your body into a calm state.

“If you inhale for a count of three and exhale for a count of six, that’s going to settle your nervous system just a little bit,” Donnelly said.

What To Do If You’re Still Stressed Out

Man in a casual shirt sitting at a desk with a laptop, covering face with hands, showing signs of stress or fatigue

Stress can become unbearable past a certain point, and no matter how familiar you are with your stress language, you may need additional support to cope ― especially since chronic stress, which can lead to heart health issues, isn’t an easy thing to just turn off.

“The litmus test for whether something’s a problem or not is if it’s affecting your relationships, your ability to work, your ability to have fun, to enjoy life,” Hansen said. “If you’re withdrawing, those are all hardcore symptoms of either a depressive or an anxiety disorder.”

If this sounds familiar, it’s a good idea to seek out professional help, if possible. You can use databases like Psychology Today and Inclusive Therapists  to find a mental health provider near you.

“The biggest thing I always say [is]... it’s a sign of strength to admit that you need help and get the right help,” Hansen said. This article originally appeared on HuffPost.

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What Is Debt Settlement?

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Debt Settlement: Cheapest Way to Get Out of Debt?

You might save money and pay off debt faster, but there are some caveats

Amy Fontinelle has more than 15 years of experience covering personal finance, corporate finance and investing.

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Katie Miller is a consumer financial services expert. She worked for almost two decades as an executive, leading multi-billion dollar mortgage, credit card, and savings portfolios with operations worldwide and a unique focus on the consumer. Her mortgage expertise was honed post-2008 crisis as she implemented the significant changes resulting from Dodd-Frank required regulations.

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If you are in debt and can't pay your bills, is a debt settlement program the cheapest way out of debt? It can be—particularly if you have a lot of high-interest debt—but it will depend on the specifics of your situation.

Debt settlement companies work with your creditors to bargain your current debt down to a level that you can afford, but they charge fees to handle the negotiations on your behalf. While you may end up owing less to your creditors, those fees can eat into your relief.

Key Takeaways

  • Debt settlement involves offering a lump-sum payment to a creditor in exchange for a portion of your debt being forgiven.
  • You can attempt to settle debts on your own or hire a debt settlement company to assist you.
  • Typical debt settlement offers range from 10% to 50% of the amount you owe.
  • Creditors are under no obligation to accept an offer and reduce your debt, even if you are working with a reputable debt settlement company.

Investopedia / Mira Norian

Debt settlement , also called debt relief or debt adjustment, is the process of resolving outstanding debt for far less than the amount you owe by promising the lender a substantial lump-sum payment. In some cases, this is known as a discounted payoff (DPO) . Depending on the situation, debt settlement offers might range from 10% to 80% of what you owe. The creditor then has to decide whether to accept.

“Debt settlement can save consumers money by allowing them to resolve their debts for less than the full balance,” said Gerri Detweiler , co-author of the e-book Debt Collection Answers: How to Use Debt Collection Laws to Protect Your Rights. “It can be a way out of debt for some individuals who can’t afford to pay back the full amount they owe,” she added.

Consumers can try to settle their debts on their own or hire a debt settlement company to do it for them. In the latter case, you’ll pay the firm a fee that’s calculated as a percentage of your enrolled debt . Enrolled debt is the amount of debt you have when you enter the program. By law, the company can’t charge this fee until it has settled your debt. Fees average 15% to 25%.

Debt settlement may also entail tax costs . The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) generally considers forgiven debt to be taxable income. If, however, you can demonstrate to the IRS that you are insolvent , you won't have to pay tax on your discharged debt. The IRS will consider you to be insolvent if your total liabilities exceed your total assets.

Debt settlement most will likely have a severe, negative impact on your credit score.

Debt Settlement Strategies and Risks

Ironically, consumers who enroll in a debt settlement program because they can’t manage their debt burdens—but who have still been making payments, even sporadic ones—have less negotiating power than those who have made no payments. The first step that debt settlement companies recommend is often to stop making payments altogether.

Becoming delinquent on debt and settling the debt for less than you owe can have a severe impact on your credit score —likely sending it into the mid-500s, which is considered poor. The higher your score before you fall behind, the larger the drop. Late payments may remain on your credit report for up to seven years.

Making no payments also means accumulating late fees and interest , which add to your balance and will make it harder to pay off your debt if you can’t settle. Consumers can expect harassing debt collection phone calls once they become delinquent. Creditors also might decide to sue consumers for debts above $5,000—debts that are worth their trouble, in other words—which can result in wage garnishment .

“The more money you have available to settle, the sooner you can resolve the debt. The longer your debt goes unpaid, the greater the risk of being sued,” Detweiler said.

There are no guarantees that after you’ve incurred this damage the lender will agree to a settlement or settle the debt for as little as you had hoped. For example, Chase won't work with debt settlement firms. It will only work directly with consumers or nonprofit, licensed credit counseling agencies that help consumers. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) cautions that the accumulated penalties and fees on unsettled debts could cancel out any savings that the debt settlement company achieves for you, especially if it doesn’t settle all or most of your debts.

The length of time that a debt settlement stays on your report from its original delinquency date.

Debt settlement isn't the only option for those who find themselves overwhelmed with debt. Chapter 7 bankruptcy involves liquidating the debtor’s nonexempt assets and using the proceeds to repay creditors. Exempt assets vary by state but often include household and personal possessions, a certain amount of home equity, retirement accounts, and a vehicle.

Compared with debt settlement, Detweiler said, “If a consumer is eligible for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, it may be a faster option. It is a legal process that can stop collection calls and lawsuits. Debt settlement doesn’t offer those guarantees.”

Still, she adds, “There may be a variety of reasons why Chapter 7 may not be a good option. A consumer may have to surrender property they may feel they need to keep. Or they may not want their financial troubles to be a matter of public record.”

Individuals could also find their job options limited if they declare bankruptcy , as some employers check on applicants’ credit histories as part of the hiring process.

Another problem that many indebted consumers face is not being able to afford a bankruptcy attorney. And in some cases, the court may reject their filing.

Chapter 7 bankruptcy can be over and done with after three to six months, compared with what could be years for debt settlement. It can be less stressful and may allow your credit score to recover faster, though bankruptcy will remain on your credit reports for up to 10 years from the filing date.

Many debt settlement programs require you to deposit a certain amount of money into a specified savings account every month for 36 months or longer. Before you sign up for a program, be sure that you can afford to make those deposits for the entire length of the debt settlement program.

Debt Settlement vs. Minimum Monthly Payments

Making minimum monthly payments on high-interest debt isn't a good option for consumers who want to save money. It can take years—even decades—depending on how much debt you have and what the interest rate is. Interest typically compounds every day on your entire balance, and with minimum payments, you make little progress in paying your balance down each month.

Consistently making minimum monthly payments and forking over tons of interest might make you highly profitable to your creditors. A solid payment history is good for your credit score, but spending more than you have to on interest is a very expensive way to boost your credit score. A good credit score won’t pay for your retirement; money in the bank will.

Furthermore, if the amount of available credit you’ve used is high relative to your credit line, that will hurt your credit score and potentially negate the effect of your consistent, timely payments.

Consumers who consistently make just the minimum monthly payment on high-interest credit card debt can end up paying more in interest than the original principal .

Debt Settlement vs. Credit Counseling

Credit counseling is a free or inexpensive service provided by some nonprofits and government agencies. Interestingly, these services are often partly funded by credit card companies. By enrolling in a debt management plan with a credit counseling agency , you may receive an interest rate reduction on your balances and a waiver of penalty fees.

Those concessions may or may not be sufficient to help you pay down your debt considerably faster, and you may or may not be able to afford the new required monthly payments. In addition, you might not qualify for an interest rate reduction, even if you have a significant financial hardship.

However, because you won’t have to default on your debt, your credit score may suffer less . Also, credit counseling may offer additional financial assistance that can help you avoid similar problems in the future, such as budgeting advice and financial counseling, as well as referrals to other low-cost services and assistance programs. 

So, how do you know which option to choose if you don’t want to file for bankruptcy? It’s usually better to pursue credit counseling before you consider contracting a debt settlement company. Credit counselors can help you determine the best course of action. That may include debt settlement, but in a way that benefits you the most. On the other hand, a debt settlement company may be more interested in your fees than the health of your credit.

Credit counseling and debt consolidation loans are appropriate for consumers with more modest financial stress on the spectrum of financial hardship. At the same time, debt settlement and bankruptcy can help those who have more significant financial stress. It is very dependent on the individual situation. Debt consolidation offers the benefit of lower debt repayment costs without hurting one's credit. Debt settlement, however, significantly impairs credit because it involves cessation of payments to creditors while the debt settlement company begins to negotiate to reduce the customer's debt with their creditors to some level below what is owed.

The Federal Trade Commission website has helpful information about how to choose a credit counselor. The National Foundation for Credit Counseling is another good resource.

How Do You Negotiate a Credit Card Debt Settlement Yourself?

The best way to negotiate a credit card debt settlement yourself is to call your card issuers and ask them if you can be put on a plan to settle your debts. Some creditors will work with you, depending on your situation.

How Do You Find a Good Debt Settlement Company?

If you are looking for a good debt settlement company , you could:

  • Ask your friends and family if they have any recommendations.
  • Ask your financial advisor, if you have one.
  • Look for online reviews.

Investopedia publishes a periodically updated list of the best debt relief companies . Also, the FTC offers information about credit counseling and debt settlement companies.

What Is a Debt Settlement Scam?

Unfortunately, debt settlement scams aren't uncommon. These charlatans typically will ask you to pay a high amount for their services but do little or nothing on your behalf. They may say they have ways to “fix” or remove adverse information from your credit report, which isn't possible unless the information is erroneous. Worse, a debt settlement scam can put you even deeper in debt if the company claims to have contacted your creditors and leads you to believe your debt is paid off. Always look up debt settlement companies online via the Better Business Bureau or your state attorney general’s office before signing up with one.

How Do You Repair Your Credit After Debt Settlement?

Debt settlement stays on your credit report for seven years, starting on the first date of your delinquency. To repair your credit after a settlement, it is important to pay your bills on time, not exceed your credit limits, and make sure your credit utilization ratio stays relatively low. If you do all that, then your credit score will improve over time.

Debt settlement can sometimes be the least expensive way to get out of debt. It depends in part on how much you owe, and there are other factors to consider, such as how much time it takes and how stressful you might find it compared with the alternatives. It’s important to think through the pros and cons of debt settlement before you choose it—and to make sure that you’re dealing with a reputable company if you do.

The best approach is to research all options. “If you are struggling with debt, talk with a credit counseling agency, a debt settlement expert, and a bankruptcy attorney, so you understand your various options and make an informed decision,” Detweiler said.

Nolo. “ Negotiating with Collectors on Unsecured Debts .”

Gerri Detweiler. “ Debt Collection Answers .”

Federal Trade Commission: Consumer Advice. “ How To Get Out of Debt: Debt Settlement .”

Debt.org. " Debt Settlement Fees ."

Internal Revenue Service. “ Publication 4681: Canceled Debts, Foreclosures, Repossessions, and Abandonments (for Individuals) ,” Pages 3, 6, and 7.

Equifax. " How Long Does Information Stay on My Equifax Credit Report? "

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. “ What Are Debt Settlement/Debt Relief Services and Should I Use Them ?”

Federal Trade Commission: Consumer Advice. " Debt Collection FAQs ."

U.S. Courts. “ Chapter 7—Bankruptcy Basics .”

Capital One. " How Long Does Bankruptcy Stay on Your Credit Report ?"

Federal Trade Commission: Consumer Advice. “ Choosing a Credit Counselor .”

Federal Trade Commission: Consumer Advice. “ How To Get Out of Debt ,” select “Credit Counseling” and/or “Debt Settlement.”

Federal Trade Commission. “ Debt Relief and Credit Repair Scams .”

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What recourse do I have if my employer relocates my job? Ask HR

A job relocation can cause stress and uncertainty among you and your colleagues.

Johnny C. Taylor Jr. tackles your human resources questions as part of a series for USA TODAY. Taylor is president and CEO of the Society for Human Resource Management, the world's largest HR professional society and author of "Reset: A Leader’s Guide to Work in an Age of Upheaval.”

Have a question? Submit it here .

Question: Our office announced that it will be relocating 45 minutes away in eight weeks. This will significantly impact the employees' commutes and personal lives. Is it appropriate for a company to move such a distance with so little notice? – Wilma

Answer: While an eight-week notice period for an office relocation may feel short, it's not entirely uncommon, especially considering the evolving circumstances businesses have faced over the last few years. Your employer may have reasons for the swift change that necessitates such a timeline. However, I understand how this sudden announcement could cause stress and uncertainty among you and your colleagues.

Given the situation, it's worth exploring your options to determine the best course of action for your circumstances. If you prefer to stay with your employer, consider discussing the possibility of transitioning to full-time remote work. With the shift to partial and work-from-home positions, your employer may be open to accommodating full-time remote arrangements, especially considering the downsizing of the new location.

Alternatively, if relocation assistance is available and you're open to moving, it's worth inquiring about what support your employer can provide. However, if neither remote work nor relocation is feasible or desirable for you, exploring job opportunities closer to your location may be required.

You may find other viable career options available locally. While transitioning to a new job may not be your preferred choice, it's essential to consider your well-being and what aligns best with your personal and professional goals.

Remember that your employer likely understands the challenges associated with office relocations and may be willing to work with you on a transition plan if you pursue alternative opportunities. Open communication with your supervisor about your concerns and preferences can help facilitate a smooth transition, regardless of your chosen course.

I wish you luck in navigating this situation and finding the solution that best suits your needs and aspirations.

Job hunting: How do I update my resume to help land that job? Ask HR

I am working under an expiring contract and offered a full-time opportunity to work directly with the company. The position comes with less pay, but there is no guarantee my contract will be renewed. How should I approach responding to the offer? – Clay

It's not uncommon for employers to offer lower salaries when converting independent contractors to full-time employees, but there are several factors to weigh in this situation.

Firstly, take a comprehensive look at the total compensation package offered. While the salary may be lower, full-time employees often receive additional benefits and perks unavailable to contractors, such as health insurance, retirement plans, paid time off, and other valuable benefits. When considering the overall compensation package, the total value may exceed what you receive as a contractor.

Additionally, think about the long-term career benefits of transitioning to a full-time employee role. Consider how the position could contribute to your professional growth, skill development, and networking opportunities. As a permanent employee, you may have access to career advancement opportunities and job stability that may not be available to contractors.

Having an open and honest conversation with your employer about your concerns regarding the salary offer is important. Express your appreciation for the opportunity to transition to a full-time role and discuss your financial expectations for the position. Your employer may be willing to negotiate the salary or offer additional benefits to offset the difference.

During negotiations, focus not only on the monetary compensation but also on other aspects of the job that are important to you, such as flexible work arrangements, professional development opportunities, or additional perks.

Ultimately, human resources professionals are interested in finding candidates who align with the company's values, possess the necessary skills, and demonstrate professionalism and integrity. Approach the negotiation process with professionalism and confidence and be prepared to advocate for your needs while also considering the overall value of the opportunity.

I hope you find the best position for your short-term needs and long-term career goals.

Virtual hiring: How to navigate the landscape and land a job: Ask HR


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  5. Take Your Journal When Your Stressed Out and Write This When Stressed Out

  6. Free Your Stressed


  1. How to Avoid Homework Stress (with Pictures)

    Stay positive. Try to think about your homework as a good thing. Keeping this positive attitude will avoid creating more stress, and might even energize you to get it done. In fact, the more engaged and interested you are in your work, the quicker it will seem to pass. [7] 6.

  2. Homework anxiety: Why it happens and how to help

    Use a calm voice. When kids feel anxious about homework, they might get angry, yell, or cry. Avoid matching their tone of voice. Take a deep breath and keep your voice steady and calm. Let them know you're there for them. Sometimes kids just don't want to do homework. They complain, procrastinate, or rush through the work so they can do ...

  3. 10 Tips to Reduce Homework Stress

    Here are 10 tips to help your child learn how to make homework less stressful. 1. Stick to a Schedule. Help your child plan out his or her time, scheduling time for homework, chores, activities, and sleep. Keep this schedule handy so your child knows what he or she should be working on, and when. 2.

  4. Is it time to get rid of homework? Mental health experts weigh in

    "More than half of students say that homework is their primary source of stress, and we know what stress can do on our bodies," she says, adding that staying up late to finish assignments also ...

  5. The Truth About Homework Stress: What You Need to Know

    Effects of homework stress at home. Both parents and students tend to get stressed out at the beginning of a new school year due to the impending arrival of homework.. Nightly battles centered on finishing assignments are a household routine in houses with students. Research has found that too much homework can negatively affect children. In creating a lack of balance between play time and ...

  6. 10 Effective Tips on How to Reduce Homework Stress

    7. Practice Mindfulness. Mindfulness techniques, such as meditation and deep-breathing exercises, can help you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings. This heightened awareness makes it easier to control your stress levels. Even a few minutes of mindfulness practice can make a world of difference. 8.

  7. How to Manage Homework Stress

    5. Practice Makes Perfect. The Stanford study shows that repeated exposure to math problems through one-on-one tutoring helped students relieve their math anxiety (the authors' analogy was how a fear of spiders can be treated with repeated exposure to spiders in a safe environment). Find a tutor you love, and come back to keep practicing ...

  8. 16 Ways to Concentrate on Your Homework

    Get up and walk or stretch occasionally, or even do jumping jacks or run in place for a couple of minutes. Standing up while you work is also a great way to boost your focus. [1] Try sitting on an exercise ball or wobbly chair when you're doing your homework. The movement may help you stay focused.

  9. 10 Tips to Make Homework Time Less Painful

    Chewing gum can also work, as chewing or sucking can be organizing for the nervous system. Use a timer. For kids who have a hard time starting their work, try saying "okay, let's see how much you ...

  10. How to Manage Homework-Related Stress

    The first step to managing your time more effectively is to make a schedule and stick to it. Use a calendar, planner, or an app to write down everything you need to get done. Set reminders for due dates and set aside time each day for studying. Don't leave assignments for the last minute.

  11. Is it time to get rid of homework? Mental health experts weigh in

    For older students, Kang says, homework benefits plateau at about two hours per night. "Most students, especially at these high achieving schools, they're doing a minimum of three hours, and it's ...

  12. Homework challenges and strategies

    Most kids struggle with homework from time to time. But kids who learn and think differently may struggle more than others. Understanding the homework challenges your child faces can help you reduce stress and avoid battles. Here are some common homework challenges and tips to help. The challenge: Rushing through homework

  13. How to Do Homework: 15 Expert Tips and Tricks

    Here's how it works: first, set a timer for 25 minutes. This is going to be your work time. During this 25 minutes, all you can do is work on whatever homework assignment you have in front of you. No email, no text messaging, no phone calls—just homework. When that timer goes off, you get to take a 5 minute break.

  14. How to Deal With Tons of Homework: 11 Tips for Success

    Make a plan to go through your work bit by bit, saving the easiest tasks for last. 3. Work in a comfortable but distraction-free place. If you have a ton of homework to get through, giving it your whole attention will help you get through it as fast as possible.

  15. How to Reduce Homework Stress

    Encourage your child to start their homework as early as possible. Help them review their assignments, make a plan for what needs to be completed, and then dive in. Naturally, children are more tired later in the evening which can lead to more stress. 4. Encourage Breaks. If you can see your child becoming frustrated or overwhelmed by their ...

  16. 10 Things You Can Do When You're Stressed

    7. Exercise. One of the best ways to handle built-up stress is to physically release it. Lace up your sneakers and head outside for a run--your feet pounding against the pavement is sure to help you get some frustration out. 8. Write down 3 things you're grateful for.

  17. Managing Homework Stress

    Work for 20 minutes (or however long you can reasonably sustain focus) and take a break for 5 minutes. Have a snack, talk to a family member, or scroll through social media. Challenging yourself to focus for just 20 minutes at a time is much more manageable than staring down a huge assignment as a whole. Be mindful of your thoughts: Tune in to ...

  18. 10 Tips on How to Reduce the Stress of Homework

    Here are ten tips to help kids and parents reduce the stress of homework time. 1. Have a Set Homework Space. This first tip is probably one of the most important recommendations you'll get. Children need a set space to work that is away from the usual distractions of the house.

  19. 8 Strategies to Manage Overwhelming Feelings

    It's a mini moment of mindfulness to pull you out of the fray. 2. Clean up your immediate surroundings. The phrase "outer order, inner calm" is popular for a reason. When you're feeling ...

  20. Manage Homework Stress Like A Top Student

    1. More and more students fail to do their homework or submit them on time every semester all over the world. Teachers and parents are desperate to find out why this is happening. There are several causes of this problem. Many students are simply unwilling to learn much and are unable to do their homework as a consequence.

  21. 8 Ways to Deal With Stress From Working at Home

    Create a ritual that marks the beginning of your day: Your morning routine might include taking a walk before you start working, taking a few moments to stretch, and/or enjoying a coffee or tea at the start of your day.; Mark the end of your work day: This may include putting your work material away and out of sight, taking an evening walk, and/or lighting a candle.

  22. 10 Mental Health Tips for Coping With Work-From-Home Burnout

    Run out to do an errand or attend an exercise class. Purchase one item from the grocery store. Walk around the block. Behavioral activation is an approach to mental health that focuses on using ...

  23. 10 Strange Things Stress Can Do to Your Body

    Stress can do some strange things to your body, affecting it in various places. Here's how stress can affect your body: 1. Muscles and joints. Stress can cause pain, tightness or soreness in ...

  24. 5 stress-relief tips you can do anywhere

    When people are anxious, they're in a heightened emotional state and tend to think about worst-case scenarios. If you're relaxed, you're able to tap into what I would call your rational mind or your wise mind. Even if you've just got a few minutes and you're feeling anxious, you can always put one hand on your chest and one hand on your stomach and then take a deep breath, hold for ...

  25. Ivy League stress expert: People with high emotional intelligence do

    To gauge your emotional intelligence at work, pay close attention to how you cope with stress, says Kandi Wiens, a researcher at the University of Pennsylvania.

  26. Why trigger points cause so much pain—and how you can relieve it

    Research has also found that stress and anxiety may play a role in the development of muscle trigger points. And deficiencies in certain vitamins (such as B12) and minerals (such as zinc and ...

  27. What is adrenaline? Understand how it impacts your body, brain

    What does stress do to the body?It might be worse than what you realize. Because of this, he says it's best to manage one's stress levels by getting enough sleep, eating right, exercising, and ...

  28. What Is Your Stress Language?

    For example, if your stress language is that of an "exploder," and you have outbursts during stressful moments, identifying your pattern of aggression makes it possible to stop yourself next ...

  29. Debt Settlement: Cheapest Way to Get Out of Debt?

    Debt settlement involves offering a lump-sum payment to a creditor in exchange for a portion of your debt being forgiven. You can attempt to settle debts on your own or hire a debt settlement ...

  30. How to navigate a sudden job relocation

    Job hunting:How do I update my resume to help land that job?Ask HR. I am working under an expiring contract and offered a full-time opportunity to work directly with the company. The position ...