The 3 Rules of Addressing Your Cover Letter in 2023

person sitting at a table, typing on a laptop with a dog sitting on the table between their arms

You’ve finally sat down to write that cover letter (good for you!), but immediately you run into a roadblock: How do you even start the darn thing? Who do you address it to? Should you use Mr. or Ms.? Do you include a first name? And what if you’ve searched high and low, but can’t find the hiring manager’s name? 

Don’t fret! Follow these three rules for cover letter salutation salvation.

Rule #1: Address your cover letter to the hiring manager using a formal, full-name salutation (if possible).

For a cover letter, you should always default to addressing it to the hiring manager for the position you’re applying to. Unless you know for sure that the culture of the company is more casual, use the hiring manager’s first and last name. You can include a title, such as “Mr.” or “Ms.” (never Mrs. or Miss). But if you aren’t crystal clear on whether to use “Mr.” or “Ms.” and can’t find their pronouns with a little Google and social media searching (and you don’t have an easy way out with a “Dr.”), just drop the title. Omitting it is infinitely better than accidentally misgendering someone .

Most letters I see still use the “Dear” greeting, though I’ve seen a growing trend of people dropping it and starting with “Hello” or just the name. Any of these works. The most important part is having the actual name . Never use “ To Whom it May Concern ” or “Dear or Sir or Madam”—nothing could be more generic (not to mention archaic). Your cover letter could be the first opportunity you have to make an impression on the hiring manager, so make sure you show that you did your research .

For example, you can address your cover letter by saying:

  • Dear Ms. Jacklyn O’Connell,
  • Hello Mr. Kevin Chen,
  • Dear Niko Adamos,
  • Hello Jean Butler,
  • Tiana Richards,

Rule #2: If you don’t know the hiring manager, guess.

Sometimes, even after hours of online searching ( try these tips ), you still might not be able to definitively figure out who exactly the hiring manager for the position you’re applying for is—and that’s OK.

If you can only find a list of the company’s executive team, use the head of the department for the position you’re applying for. In the end, no one will fault you for addressing the letter higher up than necessary. This approach is definitely better than not using a name in your cover letter, because it still shows the time and effort you took to find out who the department head is.

Rule #3: Be as specific as possible.

So you’ve done your due diligence and after an exhaustive search—nothing. You just can’t find a single name to address your cover letter to. If that’s the case, don’t worry. The company is likely privately held with no reason to share who its employees are—and, more importantly, is aware of this.

If this is the case and you don’t have a name to use, try to still be as specific as possible in your greeting. Consider using “Senior Analyst Hiring Manager” or “Research Manager Search Committee”—something that shows that you’ve written this letter with a particular audience in mind and aren’t just sending the same generic letter for every job opening.

For example:

  • Dear Software Developer Search Committee,
  • Hello XYZ Co Marketing Team,
  • Dear Junior Accountant Hiring Manager,

Ultimately, you want your cover letter to convey your interest in the position. To start off on the right note, make your salutation as specific as possible—ideally with the name of the hiring manager. Of course, that can’t always happen, but as long as the effort is clearly made, you’ll be showing whoever reads your cover letter that you’ve put time into your application and are truly excited about the opportunity. 

Regina Borsellino contributed writing, reporting, and/or advice to this article.

how to address a cover letter to whom it may concern

how to address a cover letter to whom it may concern

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Should You Use “To Whom It May Concern” In Your Cover Letter

Recruiter-backed alternatives to 'To Whom It May Concern'. Learn how to personalize your cover letter with tailored greetings, and get tips on researching the hiring manager's name to make a strong, professional first impression.

5 months ago   •   6 min read

One of the hardest parts of writing a cover letter is getting the greeting right. After all, it’s a letter, so you have to address it to someone...

But who do you address it to? You may have heard that it’s not a good idea to use “to whom it may concern” in your cover letter. But if you can’t use that phrase, what should you use instead?

One easy answer is “Dear hiring manager.” It’s to-the-point and respectful without being as impersonal.

However, if you can find the person’s name, that’s even better— and these days, with all the information available on company websites and LinkedIn, people may expect that if you care about getting this job, you’ll do enough research to learn their name.

In this article, we’ll discuss when you might be able to get away with using “to whom it may concern,” why it’s usually a bad idea, alternatives to this phrase, and how to become an expert researcher to find the name of the person who will be hiring you.

Let’s get started!

Key advice from a recruiter to keep in mind when trying to decide if you should start your cover letter with ‘To whom it may concern’

When it’s ok to use a generic greeting like “to whom it may concern”

Although "To whom it may concern" is seen as as outdated or impersonal in modern job markets, there are specific situations where you may still want to use it:

Formal or traditional industries

In academia, where traditions are respected, using "To Whom It May Concern" demonstrates an understanding of and respect for established protocols.

Research the culture of the industry or organization. If their communication typically uses a formal tone, you’re good to go.

Large organizations with unknown recipients

When you’re applying to a multinational corporation where you’re not exactly sure who will be reviewing your letter, and the company's communication style is generic. In this case, you can also use “Dear Hiring Manager” or one of the other alternatives we suggest later in this article.

With large organizations, you can use “To Whom It May Concern” or “Dear Hiring Manager” as a safe option when the company structure is complex and you can’t identify a specific person. However, try to at least send your greeting to the department (e.g., "To Whom It May Concern in the Marketing Department").

When personalization is not possible

If the job listing provides no specific contact information and your research yields no results.

It's better to use a generic yet respectful greeting than to guess incorrectly. However, if you can find any information at all, drop the generic greeting like a hot potato.

In cultures where it’s the norm

In certain cultures or regions, formal greetings are still the norm, especially in conservative sectors.

Understand the larger cultural context of the company. In some global markets, "To Whom It May Concern" is still standard practice.

When not to use a generic greeting

Even though there are a few cases where you can get away with it, the majority of the time using "To Whom It May Concern" is not your best option. Here are some situations where you should avoid it at all costs:

In modern, informal industries

In tech startups or creative fields like advertising or design, where more casual and innovative cultures thrive.

Many modern industries value personality and creativity. Using a generic and formal tone in your cover letter can suggest a lack of effort or research in understanding the company's culture.

When information is available

If the job listing includes the name of the hiring manager or if you've found the hiring manager through research.

In these cases, not using the hiring manager’s name can come across as lazy or imply that you don’t pay attention to details.

Small to mid-sized companies

Smaller organizations where teams are closely-knit and the hiring process is personal.

Using a generic salutation in more personal settings can imply a lack of genuine interest in the company and its people— not a great look.

Companies that emphasize personal connection

Organizations that value individuality and personal connection, which is often highlighted in their job postings or company culture pages.

A generic greeting may raise red flags with these companies, who often look for candidates who live out their values of personalization and individuality.

To sum up: if you’re not 100% sure that you can use “To Whom It May Concern,” don’t use it.

The best alternatives for “to whom it may concern”

Even if you need to use a generic phrase, there are way better options for the beginning of your cover letter than “to whom it may concern” in most cases.

Your choice depends on the information you have about the job posting and how comfortable you are with using informal/personal language. Here are some alternatives worth considering:

“Dear Hiring Manager”

This is one of the best ways to address the reader of a cover letter when you don’t know the recipient’s name. It’s professional, maintains respect for their role, respects their privacy, and is widely accepted.

“Dear [Job Title]”

If you're applying for a specific role but don't have a name, addressing the cover letter to the job title (or the job title’s supervisor) can work.

While "Dear Hiring Manager" is a more widely accepted way to start, "Dear [Job Title]" is specific and directly addresses the role you’re applying for.

You can use this alternative when you're aware of the job title for which you're applying and the company’s org chart. For instance, "Dear Marketing Manager" when applying for a marketing position.

“Hello [Department Name]”

This one is a good choice when you know the department you're applying to but not the individual. It demonstrates that you've done some research to identify the relevant department.

Use this when you know the specific department you’re applying to but don’t know the name of the hiring manager. For example, "Hello Marketing Department" when applying for a marketing role.

“Dear [Company Name] [Department Name] Team”

When you want to address a group of people, such as the entire HR team or a department, this option works well. It shows that you recognize the collaborative nature of the workplace and hiring process.

Choose this when you believe your cover letter may be reviewed by a team or multiple individuals within the organization. For example, "Dear ABC Company HR Team."


This is a versatile and friendly alternative that maintains a polite tone (while avoiding assumptions).

Use "Greetings" when you have very limited information about the hiring manager or when you want to maintain a neutral and respectful tone.

“Hello Hiring Team”

If the company you’re applying for has a very casual company culture, and you know that a team will be reviewing applications, you can acknowledge their collective effort with this casual and friendly greeting.

Make sure that the company truly supports a casual approach. In some industries (like finance or law) or more formal companies, this is too informal and may be seen as disrespectful.

Strategies for finding the hiring manager's name

For many cover letters, your best bet is to find the name of the person who will actually be reviewing your application. You can often find the hiring manager’s name by following these steps:

Start with the job posting

Review the job posting or advertisement carefully. Sometimes, the name or contact information of the hiring manager is provided. Look for any details that indicate who you should address your application to.

Check the company website

Visit the company's official website and navigate to the "About Us" or "Contact Us" section. Look for executive profiles, department heads, or a directory that may list the hiring manager's name.

Social media

Check the company's social media profiles, especially LinkedIn and Twitter, for any mentions or posts by the hiring manager. They may share updates or insights that can help you identify them. On LinkedIn, search for the company's page and explore employee profiles to identify the hiring manager or relevant department head. Sometimes, LinkedIn profiles include details about their roles.

(Pro tip: before you reach out on LinkedIn, make sure you run your profile through LinkedIn Review so you’re ready to impress your potential future boss!)

Company directory

Some organizations maintain an online company directory with contact information for employees. Search for this directory on the company's website and see if you can find the hiring manager's name and title.

Contact the HR department

If all else fails, you can call or email the company's HR department and politely inquire about the name of the hiring manager or the appropriate contact person for the job application.

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how to address a cover letter to whom it may concern

To Whom it May Concern? How to Address and End a Cover Letter

We’ve put together a few tips to help you personalize your cover letter, whether you know the hiring manager’s name or not.

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In our modern age of personalization, To Whom It May Concern is both an antiquated and detached way to address a cover letter . It may also imply that you haven’t researched the company or that you assume the letter can be read by anyone. Below, we’ve put together a few tips to help you personalize your cover letter , whether you know the hiring manager’s name or not.

When it comes to addressing a cover letter, advice columns frequently spotlight these two pitfalls:

  • Mistake 1 : Failing to address your cover letter to a specific person
  • Mistake 2 : Addressing a cover letter to the wrong person

Most job postings don’t specify who will be reading your cover letter. This puts job seekers in a tricky situation. Fixing the first mistake could cause you to make the second. So what’s the best way to replace “To Whom It May Concern” on your cover letter?

Get instant feedback on your cover letter with Jobscan’s cover letter optimization tool. See it in action .

3 Key Tips for Addressing Your Cover Letter

1) don’t address your cover letter to the recruiter.

For many job openings, the first person you need to impress is a corporate recruiter. That doesn’t mean you should address your cover letter to them.

“Recruiters do not read cover letters,” a long-time healthcare recruiter told Jobscan . “Bottom line.”

That might be an overstatement — most don’t, some do — but many recruiters would admit that they aren’t the intended audience of a cover letter. “It’s mostly for the hiring manager,” said a recruiter in the non-profit industry. “For us [recruiters], it’s just an extra step in an already elongated process.”

The healthcare recruiter agreed: “If you’re sending it straight to a hiring manager who’s looking at a much lower number of applicants, they might actually read that.”

2) Search for the Hiring Manager’s Name

The best way to personalize your cover letter is to address the hiring manager by name. However, it can be difficult to identify the hiring manager, and your educated guess could cause you to address your cover letter to the wrong person. Here are some tips for finding the hiring manager.

Search the Company Website

Few job postings list the hiring manager by name but many will tell you the position to which you’d be reporting.

Addressing a cover letter: Use "reports to" to figure out who to address.

With this information, a little detective work can reveal the name of the hiring manager.

Start off by browsing the company’s website. Look for an about page, company directory, or contact page. These pages are frequently linked at the very bottom of the website. Companies that feature employees on their about page make it much easier to figure out who will be reading your cover letter.

Addressing a cover letter: Find the hiring manager on these types of pages.

You can also try searching the website. If the website doesn’t have a built-in search bar, use this syntax in Google:

“[position you’ll be reporting to]” site:company website

Addressing a cover letter: Use google to search for the hiring manager's name

This will reveal hard-to-find about pages or other mentions of the position in the company’s blog posts, press releases, and other pages.

Search LinkedIn

If a company doesn’t list the hiring manager on their website, LinkedIn is your next best resource.

Start off by searching for the company page on LinkedIn. Once you’re on the company’s LinkedIn page, click “See all X employees on LinkedIn” near the top.

Addressing a cover letter: Find the hiring manager on LinkedIn. See all employees on LinkedIn

Depending on the company size, you can either browse all positions or narrow your results by adding search terms to the search bar (e.g. “Marketing Manager”) and utilizing the “Current companies” filters on the right side of the screen.

Addressing a Cover Letter: Use LinkedIn filters to find the hiring manager's name

Search for the “reports to” position from the job listing. If it wasn’t provided in the listing, search for keywords related to your prospective department (e.g. “marketing”). If the company uses an intuitive corporate hierarchy  you should be able to determine who will be reading the cover letter.

Contact the Company Directly

There is nothing wrong with calling or emailing the company to ask for the name of the hiring manager. Be polite and honest with the administrative assistant or customer service representative. Explain that you’re about to apply for a job and you’d like to know who you should address in your cover letter.

If they aren’t able to provide an answer or transfer you to someone who knows, let it go. The last thing you need is word getting back to the hiring manager that you were pushy with one of their colleagues.

3) Use a More Personalized “To Whom it May Concern” Alternative

You can still personalize your cover letter, even when you don’t know the identity of the hiring manager. Instead of “To Whom It May Concern,” which casts a wide net and is specific to no one, try addressing your cover letter to one specific person.

The most generic version of this is:

Dear Hiring Manager,

But job seekers can often be more specific. Take a look at these examples:

Dear Customer Experience Manager, 

Dear Customer Experience Hiring Team Manager, 

Some other alternatives include addressing your cover letter to an entire department:

  • Dear Engineering Department,

Dear Engineering Team, 

OR addressing the entire team:

Hi Jobscan Team,

Dear Jobscan Team,

As with many aspects of the job application process, demonstrating that you put in some extra effort can make a difference. Doing some research before addressing a cover letter contributes to a positive first impression.

8 cover letter salutation examples

Here are eight standard cover letter openings you can choose from. Select the one that best suits the energy of the company you’re applying to and use either a specific name or department depending on the information you have available.

  • Hi Mr. Smith,
  • Hello Jobscan Team,
  • Dear Ms. Whittaker and Team,
  • Good morning, Mr. Kennedy
  • Good afternoon, Louise, 
  • To the Jobscan hiring manager, 

How to end a cover letter

Just as important as beginning your cover letter is ensuring you end it on a strong note. Your cover letter ending should not be underestimated in its ability to help you move forward in the hiring process. After making your case in the previous paragraphs, you need to end your cover letter with a strong call to action to entice the recruiter to invite you for a job interview.

Madeline Mann , an HR leader in the technology industry and creator of Self Made Millennial , says that while no conclusion will save a bad cover letter, it can distinguish you from another good candidate.

It’s all about enthusiasm, according to Madeline. “Companies want people who want them,” she says. If you can draw to the company’s values and show how interested in working with them you are, that’s a substantial advantage. You want to create a lasting impression by incorporating that enthusiasm in your cover letter ending.

“Companies want people who want them” – Madeline mann

A good conclusion, in fact, should reflect the rest of your cover letter.

Set up the end of your cover letter with a strategic middle section

If you want your cover letter ending to be effective, you first need to build momentum. Most recruiters and career coaches agree that by the time you get to the end of your cover letter, it needs to possess the following three elements:

  • It tells a story about yourself
  • It shows your value concretely
  • It calls the recruiter to action

Julia Reiter, a career coach based in Toronto, suggests that you lead up to your cover letter ending by showing that you understand the company’s current challenges and are equipped to solve them. This will make your cover letter call to action all the more effective.

Although the job description will give you information about what the company is looking to accomplish, it will not help you distinguish yourself from other applicants. Show the company you are willing to go the extra mile by researching the key industry challenges and the particular issues they might be facing (beyond the obvious ones).

For example, you can read articles from industry-related publications and get acquainted with the numbers and statistics about the particular business areas your company is engaged in. By being aware of the particular issues they are facing, you can more easily make your skillset and experiences relevant.

When you talk about your past experiences and accomplishments , make sure you mention the problems the company is facing. For example, if you are applying for a customer success manager position at a Software-as-a-Service company, a relevant issue might be high churn rates.

Instead of writing something like “my experience in customer success makes me confident I will be a great addition to your team,” write something like “When I worked at XYZ company, I was able to reduce the churn rate by 30%. With this experience and my deep knowledge of B2B consumer psychology, I am prepared to ensure we have one of the lowest churn rates in XYZ industry.”

End your letter with a call to action

You may be tempted to write that “I’m looking forward to hearing from you” for your cover letter ending. That isn’t a call to action. For Madeline, the end of a cover letter serves to give one last push and show interest and enthusiasm in a way that stands out.

Likewise, Julia says, “now that the company knows you are aware of their current challenges and are equipped to solve those challenges for them, don’t leave them hanging. Tell them how they can make your skills and experiences a reality on their team. What number can they reach you at for an interview?”

How do you conclude a cover letter? Here are 3 examples

  • “I’m excited to have the opportunity to talk about how I could join your team in its quest for XYZ value. I’m particularly thrilled about XYZ project and would love to know how I can contribute to it.
  • “I am keen on meeting with you to see what I can contribute to XYZ company as it moves on in its journey to XYZ goal. I am available at your convenience for a phone call or in-person meeting.”
  • “I would love to get your thoughts on what I mentioned. I am happy to hop on a phone call at your earliest convenience to discuss how I can help XYZ company with XYZ issue.”

Read more : Check out our cover letter examples page, which covers a wide range of jobs, industries, and situations.

Mistakes to avoid when ending a cover letter

The mistakes people make when they end their cover letter are often the same ones they made earlier in the piece. However, they can be particularly detrimental to your chances of landing an interview if they constitute the final impression a recruiter has of you.

When ending a cover letter, avoid:

Making it about yourself instead of the company: use sentence constructions that make the recruiter see how the company is going to benefit from hiring you. For example, try to use “you” or “we” instead of “I.”

Sounding generic or robotic: we’ve all seen these cover letters that end with the same plain paragraph. If you write one of those, the last impression you’re giving is not different from those given by all other applicants.

Selling yourself short: the conclusion is your last chance to show off the value you can bring to the company. Emphasize it and use it as a segue into your call to action.

How to end a cover letter with the appropriate salutations

Always remember that recruiters review hundreds of applications for each position. When you are competing with that many candidates, the slightest mistake will disqualify you immediately Although you may not think too much of the salutations, they can hurt your chance of landing an interview.

Make sure your salutations are formal and polite. You should be respectful not only by indicating your appreciation of the recruiter’s time but also by being concise. Do not overdo your salutations and do not employ informal greetings. “Sincerely,” “Thank you for your consideration,” “kind regards,” are all safe options.

When ending your cover letter, you want to balance confidence, respect, and appreciation.

17 cover letter ending examples

Depending on the energy of the business you are applying to, and your own personality, select one of the following 17 cover letter closing options.

  • Best wishes,
  • Sincere thanks,
  • Many thanks,
  • Thanks in advance,
  • Thank you for your consideration,
  • Thank you for your time,
  • Respectfully, 
  • Sincerely, 
  • Sincerely yours, 
  • Yours truly, 
  • Kind regards,
  • With best regards,
  • Looking forward to speaking with you, 
  • With gratitude,

One Final Important note: Cover letters aren’t what they say they are

Cover letters don’t introduce your resume, they supplement it.

In order to get your cover letter into the hands of a hiring manager who cares, your  resume has to get past the recruiter and, in many cases, the applicant tracking system they’re using.

Try analyzing your resume below to receive instant optimization tips and recruiter insights from Jobscan so that the time you spend crafting your cover letter isn’t a waste.

The keyword analysis also shows exactly what to focus on in your cover letter.

Jobscan Premium (one month free)  even has a cover letter scan feature.

Editor’s Note: A section of this article was originally written in a separate blog post by Léandre Larouche on June 9, 2020. It has been updated and combined with this article as of June 10, 2021.

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How to Address a Cover Letter When Applying for a Job

While addressing your cover letter may seem like a small part of your job application, your salutation may be the first thing an employer reads on your application. An appropriate opening can leave a good first impression and set the tone for a successful application that engages the interest of an employer. This article explains how to address a cover letter depending on the information available to you about the job you are applying for.

Who should you address a cover letter to?

While you may not be certain who will read your cover letter when applying for jobs, there are a few best practices for addressing a cover letter. Unless a job description includes information on a different person to send application materials to, you should address your cover letter to the hiring manager for the position. ‘Dear Hiring Manager’ is an appropriate greeting for situations when you don’t know the hiring manager’s name, but seeking out details about the team you would be working with shows that you have a strong interest in the company and pay attention to details.

Methods for finding the hiring manager’s name

The following methods can help you find the hiring manager’s name when applying for a new job:

Check the application materials

Sometimes a job posting or other application materials have the name and title of the person reviewing your application listed. Many companies include information about who to contact in order to streamline the job search process, so read the job listing carefully for any instruction on who to address your letter to. Look at email addresses or social media profiles linked to the posting and see if the hiring manager’s name is listed. If you previously communicated with someone at the company about your application, consider reaching out and asking who you should address your cover letter to.  

Look at the company website 

Some companies keep a list of key employees or even a full directory of their employees available on their website. They may have a separate careers page with information on a hiring manager, or you may be able to find the name of a human resources representative for your position. Look for who the managers are for the department are applying to work with and determine who would work most closely with your position. You can also search for the company online and find outside information on their hiring structure.

Call the business

You can call the front office of a company and ask for the name of the contact person for the position you are applying for.  Be sure to call during business hours and be as specific as possible so that you get the name of the correct person. If you are still not able to confirm the name of a contact, the company will likely expect applicants to use the name of their hiring manager’s position or even leave off the greeting entirely.

How to address a cover letter

Use these steps as a guide toward addressing your cover letter:

1. First, verify your information

Once you have the name or title of the person receiving your cover letter, make sure that all of your information is accurate. Do a quick search to see if they have any honorifics such as Dr. or Prof. that you can include in your greeting Avoid using gendered language such as ‘Mr.’ or ‘Ms.’ unless you have confirmed that they prefer to be addressed by that term.

2. Second, choose a salutation

Including a salutation is optional and based on personal preference. One option for beginning your cover letter is to simply list the name of the hiring manager followed by a comma. ‘Dear’ followed by their name and a comma is also a professional way to open your greeting. You should avoid less casual greetings such as ‘hey’ and ‘hello.’

3. Third, use a consistent format

When addressing your cover letter, use the same font and style as the rest of your application materials. Your greeting should be above the body of your letter and below a header that includes your name and contact information. Use consistent spacing before and after the greeting to make the letter easier to read for the hiring manager while devoting most of the page to the content of your letter.

4. Lastly, proofread

Every time you send out a cover letter, proofread every part of it including the address. Proofreading can help you avoid accidentally sending one company a cover letter with another company’s hiring manager listed in the greeting. Confirm the spelling of any names or titles and have another person check your work for typos. You should also make sure that you are using proper capitalization for their name and title.

Template for how to address a cover letter

Here is a brief template you can use when crafting a new cover letter or adding to an existing one:

[First name] [Last name] [Address] [City, State ZIP code] [Email] [Phone number]

Dear [Honorific]. [First name] [Last name],

Examples of how to address a cover letter

These are all examples of an acceptable greeting for a cover letter:

  • Dear Hiring Manager,
  • Dr. Alison Choudary,
  • Dear Human Resources Manager,
  • Dear Revolve Marketing Team,
  • Dear Prof. Rivera,
  • Dear Sierra, 
  • Ms. Cleo Thet,

Regardless of whether you can find the name of the hiring manager or not, you can still include a professional greeting when addressing your cover letter. While the way you address your cover letter will not likely convince someone to hire you, a greeting with dated or unprofessional language can easily discourage a hiring manager from taking your application seriously. You can use only a first name or add a salutation and honorific depending on your preference. 

Tips for addressing a cover letter

Use these tips to make sure your greeting is relevant and appropriate to the position:

  • Avoid phrases like ‘to whom it may concern’ or any other excessively formal language when possible.
  • Consider addressing the team you will be working with as a group if you do not have the name of your contact for the job.
  • If you have already communicated with the hiring manager, look at their email signature to see how they prefer to be addressed. For example, if the hiring manager signs their emails as ‘Mr. Dunlap,’ that is an indication that you should call him that as opposed to his full name.
  • When writing your cover letter or adapting it for a new position, make sure that every section including the greeting is professional and purposeful.
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When and How to Use "To Whom It May Concern"

how to address a cover letter to whom it may concern

Options for Starting a Letter

When to use “to whom it may concern”, how to use “to whom it may concern”, alternative greetings to use, when to leave off the salutation, frequently asked questions (faqs).

Miguel Co / The Balance

“To Whom It May Concern” is a salutation traditionally used in business letters when the sender doesn’t know the name of the person who will receive the message. Although it’s somewhat old-fashioned, this greeting is still an option when you’re sending cover letters, job inquiries, or other business correspondence. 

That said, you should make every effort to find a contact name to use in your letter. You also have other options. Find out more about alternatives and when it's appropriate to start your letter with this greeting.

Key Takeaways

  • Before you use “To Whom It May Concern,” consider alternative letter greetings, such as "Greetings" or "Dear Hiring Manager."
  • Do your best to find a contact person; doing so will increase the likelihood that your letter or email will be read and acknowledged. 
  • The first letter in each word is capitalized, and the phrase is followed by a colon.

"To Whom It May Concern" is an impersonal and somewhat outdated letter greeting. It is still sometimes used, but nowadays, there are better options for starting a letter. 

One simple approach is to not include any salutation. In that case, simply begin your email or letter with the first paragraph or with “Re: Topic You’re Writing About” in the subject line, followed by the rest of the letter or message in the body.

When other options don't work for your correspondence, it's acceptable to start a letter with "To Whom It May Concern."

If you do choose to use “To Whom It May Concern” when you're applying for jobs, it shouldn't impact your application. A Resume Companion survey reports that 83% of hiring managers said seeing it would have little or no impact on their hiring decisions.

Here is when and how to use “To Whom It May Concern,” as well as examples of alternative salutations to use when writing letters.

Here is when and how to use “To Whom It May Concern,” along with examples of alternative salutations to use when writing letters.

Look for a Contact Person

Ideally, you will try to ascertain the name of the specific person to whom you are writing. For example, if you are writing a cover letter for a job application and do not know the contact person, do your best to find out the name of the employer or hiring manager.

If you’re writing a business letter, it will more likely be read if you address it to a specific person at the company. You’ll also have a person to follow up with if you don’t get a response from your first inquiry. Taking a few minutes to try to locate a contact is worth the time. 

Check the Job Listing

There are several ways to discover the name of the person you are contacting. If you are applying for a job, the name of the employer or hiring manager may be on the job listing. However, that is not always the case.

Many employers don’t list a contact person because they may not want direct inquiries from job seekers.

Check the Company Website

You can look on the company website for the name of the person in the position you are trying to contact. You can often find this in the “About Us,” “Staff,” or “Contact Us” sections. If you cannot find the name on the website, try to find the right person on LinkedIn, or ask a friend or colleague if he or she knows the person’s name.

Ask the Employer

Another option is to call the office and ask the administrative assistant for advice. For example, you might explain you are applying for a job and would like to know the name of the hiring manager.

Be sure to ask the administrative assistant to spell the hiring manager’s name. Then double-check the spelling on the company website or LinkedIn. 

If you take all of these steps and still do not know the name of the person you are contacting, you can use “To Whom It May Concern” or an alternative generic greeting.

When should you use the term? It should be used at the beginning of a letter, email, or other form of communication when you are unsure of who will be reading it.

This might happen at many points in your job search. For example, you might be sending a cover letter, letter of recommendation, or other job search materials to someone whose name you do not know.

It is also appropriate to use “To Whom It May Concern” when you are sending an inquiry (also known as a prospecting letter or letter of interest ) but don’t have the details of a contact person.

Capitalization and Spacing

When addressing a letter with “To Whom It May Concern,” the first letter of each word is typically capitalized, and the phrase is followed by a colon:

To Whom It May Concern:

Skip the next line, and then start the first paragraph of the letter.

“To Whom It May Concern” is considered fairly outdated, especially when writing cover letters for jobs. “Dear Sir or Madam” is another salutation that was commonly used in the past, but it too may also come across as old-fashioned. It’s also non-inclusive.

There are better alternatives you can use for letter salutations when you are writing a letter and don’t have a named person to write to.

Here are some options:

  • Dear Hiring Committee
  • Dear Hiring Manager
  • Dear Hiring Team
  • Dear HR Manager
  • Dear Human Resources Representative
  • Dear Human Resources Team
  • Dear [Department] Name
  • Dear [Department] Manager
  • Dear [Department] Team
  • Dear Personnel Manager
  • Dear Search Committee
  • Dear Recruiter
  • Dear Recruiting Manager
  • Dear Recruiting Team
  • Dear Talent Acquisition Team
  • Dear Customer Service Manager
  • Re: (Topic of Letter)

You can also write a greeting that is still general but focuses on the group of people you are reaching out to. For example, if you are contacting people in your network for help with your job search , you might use the greeting “Dear Friends and Family.”

Another option for starting your letter is to leave off the salutation entirely. If you decide not to include a greeting, begin with the first paragraph of your letter or email message.

What is the best format for business letters?

Business letters are typically written in block format, meaning that the type is left-justified, with single-spaced text and a double space between paragraphs. Leave a few spaces after the closing to make room for your signature. 

What are the sections of a business letter?

The sections of a business letter are the address of the sender, the date, the address of the recipient, a salutation, the body of the letter, a closing, and a signature. 

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When you don't know who you're writing a cover letter for... who do you address? Try this!

Cover letters seem to be a big issue with a lot of people writing job search documents. One of the more challenging parts I used to struggle with is... who the heck do you address your cover letter to if you don't know who is reading it? Is it HR? Is it the hiring manager?

In my opinion, "To whom it may concern" is too informal and lacks a lot of personality, plus it's ridiculously boring to read. "Dear HR at Company X " or "Dear Hiring manager" seems like it's targeting too specific of an audience if you want them both to read it... so who do you address it to?

Dear Company you're applying to

If I'm applying to Google, " Dear Google ". If I'm applying to Jack's Country BBQ, "Dear Jack's".

Using this approach addresses everyone that is reading your cover letter and it isn't boring. Furthermore, this approach also conveys a "family" or all-inclusive audience as if you are trying to be apart of it. The truth is, most companies love to promote a sense of team effort and addressing them as if they have that makes you stand out as someone who recognizes that. The HR departments of companies are also the ones who typically promote this sense of togetherness.

If you know exactly who is going to be reading your cover letter and/or resume, then it's good to address them by their name. However, if you don't know for sure, it's far better to use "Dear Company " because it allows you to stand out.

Feel free to share your thoughts below. Hopefully this helps some of you struggling with the dreaded cover letter....

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To Whom It May Concern: How To Use It With Examples

  • Best Business Salutations
  • Letter of Introduction
  • Close a Business Letter
  • Job Application Letter
  • Business Letter Layout
  • To Whom It May Concern
  • Letter Of Interest
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  • How To Write A Letter

To Whom It May Concern has become a controversial phrase. Some people think it’s lazy to use this greeting since the recipient’s name is usually somewhere on the internet, while others say that you can’t always know who the recipient will be, so “To Whom It May Concern” is the best choice.

In this article, we’ll cover when and how to use “To Whom It May Concern,” as well as alternatives and examples to help you pull all our tips together.

Key Takeaways:

“To Whom It May Concern” is appropriate to use:

When lodging a formal complaint

A letter of recommendation

A letter of introduction

You should not use this phrase when writing a cover letter or a letter on your own behalf.

To find the recipient’s name you should check the job listing, check the company’s website, and use networking websites before using the phrase.

How To Write

When to use “to whom it may concern”

Example use of the phrase, when not to use “to whom it may concern”, how to find the recipient’s name, alternative ways to say “to whom it may concern”, example of alternatives ways to say “to whom it may concern”, what does “to whom it may concern” mean, to whom it may concern faq, final thoughts.

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Here are some examples of when it is appropriate to use “To Whom It May Concern:”

To lodge a formal complaint. When you aren’t satisfied with a situation, voicing a concern in a formal letter is an excellent way for you to do it. However, you might not know who you will need to address.

A letter of recommendation. Sometimes, a friend or coworker might need to list someone who knows them well as a reference , but they might be unsure who you will need to write the letter to.

A letter of introduction . In times where you need to introduce yourself or another individual to a large group via email, “To Whom It May Concern” can be an option to address a general audience.

A letter of interest . When you’re trying to find out about potential job positions that aren’t publically listed, you can send a letter of interest to sell yourself. However, you may not have a specific recipient in mind. Using “To Whom It May Concern” can be useful in these situations, but we still recommend using one of its alternatives instead.

A prospecting letter. People who work in sales and business development need to reach out to potential clients. Some companies are wary about giving away too many personal details to an outside salesperson.

In those cases, using a generic salutation like “To Whom It May Concern” may be appropriate — but it’s not exactly the most appealing first line of a sales pitch.

When using “To Whom It May Concern,” capitalize every word in the phrase. Then, follow it with a colon and double-space before you begin typing the body of your text.

To Whom It May Concern: I am writing this letter to bring to your attention how unsatisfied I am with your company’s customer service. On the morning of October 1, 2020, I made a call to your company’s customer service line and was treated rather rudely. It is appalling to me that a company with your standing would allow such unprofessionalism to take place. I have been a faithful client of your store, and feel completely devastated by this behavior. I expect your full cooperation and hope this issue can be resolved. Sincerely, Jane Smith

The phrase “To Whom It May Concern” sounds impersonal, and you never want your letter to sound too impersonal, even if it is formal. If possible, avoid using this phrase at all costs.

“To Whom It May Concern” is considered to be dated and too generic. Hiring managers want to make sure that the person they are bringing in is driven and will stop at nothing to get the job done.

In short, here are the times when not to use “To Whom It May Concern:”

You’re writing a cover letter . The point of a cover letter is to set yourself apart from the competition. When you begin your letter with an archaic phrase like “To Whom It May Concern,” you do stand out — just for all the wrong reasons.

You’re writing any letter on your own behalf. When you’re writing a recommendation letter for a friend or a letter of introduction for someone else, it’s fine to use “To Whom It May Concern.” That’s because you don’t know how the letter will be used or who it will be sent to; those decisions are up to whoever you gave the letter to.

You have literally any information about the recipient. Using “To Whom It May Concern” is basically admitting that you have no idea who this letter will concern — and that’s concerning for the recipient. If you’re sending a letter to an unknown entity in some department, for example, at least label it to “Dear [Department Name].”

Remember that rather than writing, “To Whom It May Concern,” including the recipient’s name in your letter or email shows that you are willing to put in the leg work and get the job done.

Read the job listing carefully . Go back to the original job posting and see if there is more information about the person you need to contact. Typically, companies and career websites will include the contact information at the bottom of the page .

Check the company’s website. Another way to verify a company’s personnel is to go directly to the source. Go to their official website and look through the “About Us” page– chances are you will find what you are looking for.

Use networking websites. You can also use a professional networking website such as LinkedIn. These pages are filled with business professionals. Search for the company’s profile. Usually, you will be able to find the appropriate person with a bit of research.

Call the company. As a last resort, reach out to the company’s main line or customer service number and ask for the hiring manager’s name.

If you are still unable to find the name of your prospective employer after taking all of these steps, you may then use the phrase “To Whom It May Concern” or one of the much more appealing alternatives below.

The good news is you are not stuck using this expression. When you are trying to greet someone, there are countless alternatives that can be used instead of saying, “To Whom It May Concern.” The great thing about the English language is that it allows us different ways to say the same something.

Here is a list of alternatives you can use in place of “To Whom It May Concern:”

Dear [Name of Potential Boss] – use a full name or a Mr./Ms./Dr. [Last Name]

Dear Recruiting Team

Dear [Job Title You’re Applying For] Hiring Team/Committee/Manager

Dear Hiring Manager

Dear Recruiter

Dear Recruiting Manager

Dear Recruiting Department

Dear Human Resources Manager

Dear [Name of the Department You’re Applying To]

Dear Personnel Manager

Try to avoid using the phrase “ Dear Sir or Madam ,” just like “To Whom It May Concern.” This, too, is considered to be an outdated way of addressing a recipient.

If you cannot find the recipient’s name and do not want to risk sounding too generic, you can always call them by their official titles, such as a hiring manager, a recruiter , or a human resources manager .

Dear Product Department, I hope this finds you well. I am writing to find out more about your company and if you have any openings. I saw your booth at the job fair last week, and from what I have learned, it could be a great place to work. Thank you again for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Joe Smith
Dear Hiring Manager, My name is Jane Smith, and I recently applied for the Project Manager opening at your company. I wanted to take this time to formally introduce myself to you and your staff. And I am excited about this opportunity. I am sure that my background and skills will make me an ideal candidate for this position and your company. Would it be possible for us to set up an appointment to meet this week? I would love to get to know you and discuss what I plan to bring to your organization. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to speaking with you. Best Regards, Jane Smith

“To Whom It May Concern” is typically used as a salutation at the beginning of a letter or email. It is generally used to speak to someone whose name you do not know but would like to address in the message.

“To Whom It May Concern” is now considered outdated. Back in the day, when a company posted a job, all you had access to was the company’s name and a brief description of the position you were applying to at the company.

It was highly uncommon for companies to list the hiring manager’s name. There was no easy way for you to gain access to this information — therefore, people would address the letters to whomever the message concerned, hence the phrase.

Now, however, having information about any company is as simple as clicking a button. Most businesses or corporations have an entire section dedicated to their staff. Here you will be able to find the names you need.

Though using the phrase may be considered standard practice, some hiring managers might view it as laziness on behalf of the applicant. However, there are certain instances where it is considered entirely appropriate to use this phrase.

What is the correct way to write “To Whom It May Concern?”

The correct way to write “To Whom It May Concern” is to capitalize the first letter of each word. Be sure to always use “whom” instead of “who” or “whomever.”

It’s also more appropriate to follow the phrase with a colon rather than a comma and add two spaces before beginning your message. Using this phrase suggests a formal letter and should only be used when you’re sending something to an unknown recipient.

Is “To Whom It May Concern” rude?

No, “To Whom It May Concern” is not rude. It is the proper address to use when you’re uncertain who it is you’re addressing.

However, if you know the person you are addressing, using the phrase to whom it may concern is inappropriate and may be considered rude.

Should I use “To Whom It May Concern”?

Yes, if you don’t know the name of the individual you are addressing, you should use “To Whom It May Concern.” However, before choosing to use this phrase, you should consider looking for a point of contact to receive your cover letter and resume .

You can do this in any number of ways, including checking the job posting, using the company website, asking another contact, or contacting customer service or human resources .

Do you write “To Whom It May Concern” in capital letters?

Yes, you should write “To Whom It May Concern” in capital letters. Although this may seem out of the norm, you would want to capitalize the name of the person you are addressing.

Since to whom it may concern is used in place of a person’s name, you should capitalize the entire phrase in place of the individual’s name.

How do you address a letter to an unknown person?

If the letter is formal, you should address a letter to an unknown person with the phrase “To Whom It May Concern.” Typically, this phrase is used in business correspondences when the other party is unknown.

Most commonly, this can be used when submitting a job application or cover letter when the job posting is unclear on who will review your application.

It might take you some time, but if you set your mind to it and put a little effort, chances are you will find the names you are looking for. However, it is essential to know that you really cannot go wrong with any of these alternatives.

Keep in mind that this isn’t about adding more pressure to your pursuit of finding a job. It’s about opening your eyes and showing you that every little detail is essential and speaks volumes to any future employer about the person they will be hiring.

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Melissa is an exceptionally hard-working, creative individual, with great organizational and time management skills. She has been writing and researching professionally for over seven years. She graduated with a BA in English from the University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez.

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how to address a cover letter to whom it may concern

“To Whom It May Concern Letters”: A Simple Guide With Examples

how to address a cover letter to whom it may concern

The letter salutation, ‘To whom it may concern,” is a generic, somewhat outdated greeting with a rep for being a tad bit standoffish. But it’s still a relevant option in business correspondence nonetheless — especially when the name or identity of the recipient is unknown. 

While it’s important to personalize or address the recipient of your business letters or emails by name, things happen, so that might not be possible all the time. 

In this article, we shall discuss in detail ten appropriate occasions to use this salutation and when not to use it. 

Let’s dive in!

10 “To whom it may concern” Letter Types with Examples

Many career experts have issues with whom it may concern letter salutation. Because of its bad reputation in many industries, you might think that using it in your correspondence would get you the side eye. 

Yes and No. 

According to this survey by Resume Companion , 83 percent of hiring managers are indifferent to using “to whom it may concern” salutations on cover letters. 

However, following the same survey, this striking figure differs by age and a few other statistics; Gen Zs (18-24) and Boomers (55-64) don’t take well to such greetings. 

Not sure when to use “to whom it may concern”? Here are the types of letters you can use it in:

1.  Scholarship/Academic Reference Letter 

You can use a to whom it may concern letter if you’re a college professor or an employer recommending your student or employee for a scholarship. This is appropriate because you might not know whom you’re addressing. 

Ideally, in a scholarship recommendation letter, the subject of the letter comes before the salutation and, afterward, the person you recommend in bold letters. This should capture the recipient’s attention, as they will likely scan through the letter rather than read it. 

See a sample scholarship recommendation letter below.

how to address a cover letter to whom it may concern

As you can see, the above letter follows best practices. It’s scannable with its use of bold font in the essential bits. This helps ensure the message gets across while maintaining formality. 

Another instance where you can use this greeting is for academic reference. 

2.  Employer Reference Letters

Suppose you’re an employer or a supervisor writing a recommendation for an employee. In that case, you might not find any information about the hiring manager, especially if the recommendation request was sent through an automated system.

Besides, these companies would rather have your thoughts about the candidate they’re about to hire than fuss over whether you know the hiring contact’s name or not. That’s why it’s acceptable to use the “To whom it may concern” letter. 

With this type of letter, the recommended can redistribute copies without doing a significant overhaul. After all, the letter is a general recommendation that is not addressed to a specific individual or entity but to anyone in an organization. 

Here’s an example of this below. 

how to address a cover letter to whom it may concern

Like the example we shared, your recommendation letters should generally include the person’s strengths with situational examples of what they can contribute to a company if they’re hired.

3.  Sending Out Invitation

When you think of invitation letters, your first thought is a party or an event. But a letter of invitation, in this case, can be used to invite your friend or family to visit if you’re abroad. 

For example, if you live, study, or work abroad and your loved one needs a visa to visit you, you can send a letter of invitation to the person. They can then show this letter when submitting their visa application to the embassy to increase their chances of visa approval. 

Here’s a sample letter below.

how to address a cover letter to whom it may concern

You can write a to whom it may concern letter confirming your responsibility for the family member who wants to visit. The generic salutation is suitable for formal invitations because you might not know the exact contact person but still want to sound respectful.

4.  Authorization Letter

Authorization letters allow you to delegate or grant authority to someone to perform a task on your behalf. Your authorization letter should state your name and position of authority, like a guardian or employer, while specifying the details of what you’re granting. 

The letter has many uses. You can use it to authorize someone to collect documents on your behalf or to grant a trusted person access to your bank account. 

The letter below authorizes an agent to do business with a U.S. government agency.  

how to address a cover letter to whom it may concern

The letter opens with a title before the to whom it may concern greeting. It also features the name and position of the person authorizing the agent. 

Bottom line, if you don’t know the person in charge who can grant the request in the letter, it’s okay not to include a specific salutation. The important thing is that the letter grants someone the authority to do business on your behalf.

5.  Introduction Letter

It’s okay to use a to whom it may concern letter when introducing yourself to someone you’ve never interacted with.

Here’s a scenario where you can use the to whom it may concern salutation.

If you’ve hired a SaaS consultant to improve your company’s performance, and they suggested you partner with another company for a marketing campaign, you’d have to craft a proposal to be sent to that company.

Looking for names of people you should send the proposal to might be time-consuming. Plus, you’d be prone to mistakes because the person you include in your letter might no longer be working in that company. Since you don’t want to miss the opportunity to boost sales , it’s best to settle for the to whom it may concern salutation.

Another scenario in this salutation applies when you want to buy an eCommerce business but aren’t sure who exactly runs things. You can also use this salutation when replying to a business inquiry from a generic company inbox or a quote request. 

Here’s a sample letter from a company addressing an unknown potential client:

how to address a cover letter to whom it may concern

However, to cover all grounds, ask for the recipient’s name in the body of the letter, as they might be your contact moving forward.

6.  Formal Complaints

Anyone could lodge a formal complaint. 

As an employee, you may find yourself in uncomfortable situations. Similarly, as a client, you can use a to whom it may concern letter to lodge formal complaints with a company:

how to address a cover letter to whom it may concern

It’s better to use the to whom it may concern salutation in these letters since you don’t know who exactly will read them. 

Besides, in a way, the “who” is not so relevant here. What’s important is that you get your complaint across and that someone – whoever that is — does something about your complaint.

7. Guardianship Letter

A guardianship letter recommends people who will care for a child if anything happens to their current guardians. As a guardian, you can use this letter to appoint someone you trust to take care of the children if circumstances don’t allow you.  

how to address a cover letter to whom it may concern

Because you can send this kind of letter to a courthouse or any legal body that handles guardian-related matters,  you can open with “to whom it may concern.” Anybody in the office could also read it when it’s time to execute the instructions in the letter.

8. Prospecting

You can use a to whom it may concern letter when prospecting for potential customers. Using this greeting in your letters is logical if you’re contacting them for the first time and don’t know their names. 

how to address a cover letter to whom it may concern

In the letter sample, a salesperson used the greeting when reaching out to a company that needs paper. It also highlights the benefits the potential client will get if they become a customer.

While prospecting letters is one of the few instances you can use this salutation, do not use it often. As a matter of fact, it’s expected that you do some research on your potential clients before reaching out to them to increase your chances of your letters getting read. 

Plus, you can use tools like Hunter to get more details on your prospects.

9.  Job Verification Letter

 A job verification letter is a confirmation by an employer stating that a person previously or currently works for the company. 

how to address a cover letter to whom it may concern

As an employer, you can use the to whom it may concern letter if the person asking for the letter doesn’t know the name of the recipient. Looking for the recipient’s name is unnecessary and time-consuming. 

Here’s what’s important: that the letter confirms (or doesn’t) that a person was or is indeed affiliated with your company. 

10.  Shipment Confirmation Letter

You can use a to whom it may concern salutation to verify the authenticity of a person, product, or service. 

For example, if you have an eCommerce or logistics business, and there’s a backlog of orders you need to distribute, you can use this salutation instead of names to be efficient, thereby solving common logistical issues and ensuring a streamlined distribution process.

The letter below confirms the contents of a shipment.

how to address a cover letter to whom it may concern

The shipment confirmation letter is also in the form of an invoice, so it works as an official document. It’s fine to use “To whom it may concern” since anybody in the concerned agency can receive your letter.

When To Avoid Using “To Whom It May Concern” Letters (Examples Included)

The thing is, you can’t use “To whom it may concern” in every letter you write because you don’t want to appear stoic and impersonal. Some formal letters need a touch of personality. 

Here are some types of letters in which you should avoid using this generic salutation;

Cover Letters: 

Cover letters are designed to set you apart from your competitors. The old-fashioned phrase “To Whom It May Concern” makes you stand out – except for all the wrong reasons. It’s stuffy and generally shows a lack of effort on your end.

Although you may not be able to find the hiring manager’s name all the time, there are better alternative greetings you can use — more on this below.

Plus, your cover letter may not get a warm reception if your hiring manager is a Boomer or a Gen Z. So, research the main hiring contact before applying for the job. 

Check the email address you’re sending the cover letter to, a name could be there. You can go to your prospective employer’s “About us” or “Our team” pages to find the professional bio of the head of the department you want to get into. You can also contact the company to find the recruiter’s name or position.  

Follow-up letters: 

When following up on a reply, it isn’t advisable to write a to whom it may concern letter. The reason is simple — you should have the contact’s name by then. Going for the generic “to whom it may concern” just shows you didn’t do your due diligence. 

Address your recipient with their proper name or title in your follow-up letters or opt for alternatives like the ones listed below. 

Alternatives to “To Whom It May Concern” Letters 

Specificity beats generic anytime, any day. In fact, many people would rather accept a salutation with the name of their current position than an impersonal greeting. 

That said, here are some alternative salutations to “To whom it may concern”:

  • Greetings, [Person’s Name]
  • Hello, [Recipient’s Name]
  • Dear [Name]

You may also use alternatives like “Season’s Greetings” to add work-appropriate holiday cheer to your emails to subscribers , companies, and others. Salutations that are actual greetings, such as “Good morning [Name], or “Good day [Name], can also serve in emails if you know the recipients will read them right away. 

Key Takeaways

Whether you’re looking for a scholarship, new customers, or are in a workplace, a “To whom it may concern” salutation is handy if you don’t know whom you’re addressing. It’s useful in different situations and a reliable option for showing respect. 

However, only use the to whom it may concern letters in necessary circumstances. The best thing is to always do your research to find the name of your letter recipient before sending formal correspondence. Once you figure out the recipient’s name, you can use alternative greetings like Dear, Hello, and Greetings. 

Follow this simple guide to get started on writing your letters. Good luck!

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WTO / Letters and Emails / How To Use “To Whom It May Concern” in Letters (Examples)

How To Use “To Whom It May Concern” in Letters (Examples)

“To Whom It May Concern” is a conventional formal generic salutation used in letters or correspondence where the name and title of the addressee or recipient are unknown.

It is acceptable in formal or professional correspondence. “To Whom” and “Concern” refer to whoever the recipient is; “It” refers to the correspondence; and “May” implies the probability that any party may receive it. 

It is a known traditional salutation , although it is slowly becoming obsolete. It allows you to write a letter that can be received and accepted by different recipients. Such a generic salutation allows you to write letters that have reusability, such as recommendation letters.

The five words are capitalized when included in any correspondence. This type of letter is used when you don’t know the name or appropriate title to refer to the recipient. With this salutation, you can avoid misspelling their name or mislabeling their gender.

However, despite the flexibility of a To Whom It May Concern letter, you should always aim to determine the name and appropriate title to use when addressing your recipients. Use this salutation in a letter only when it’s necessary. This article will show you when to use it and how to write it in a letter.

When to Use “To Whom It May Concern” Salutation

It is acceptable to use this type of letter in business letters, recommendation letters, and other situations where it is hard to determine the name and title of the recipient.

Below are common scenarios when you can utilize this type of salutation: 

If you are unable to find the hiring manager’s name

If you cannot find the hiring manager’s name despite extensive research, you can use a generic salutation. This is common with job application cover letters. Also, if you are not sure who will review your letter, you can use this type of letter. 

If the hiring managers are a group of people 

When sending your job application to a group of people, such as a recruiting committee or panel, you can use the letter. This is applicable since you cannot name all the group members in the salutation. Therefore, assigning a generic salutation ensures the letter does not appear to be addressed to a single person.  

In recommendation/reference letters for someone else

Such greetings are suitable for recommendation or reference letters for a former employee, student, or tenant. This is because, in most cases, you will not be certain of the recipient of the letter. 

To lodge a formal complaint

Occasionally, it can be challenging to determine who is responsible for what in an organization or company. This can be problematic, especially when you have to file a formal complaint. Therefore, in such cases, you can use this salutation. This prevents a situation where you address the letter to the wrong contact person. This allows you to write a letter that can be forwarded directly to the person responsible for the complaint.

In a letter of introduction

When introducing yourself or someone else to another person or a group of people whom you do not know, you can use a generic salutation. For example, once you receive a quote and want to respond, you can use a generic salutation. 

In a prospecting letter

Generic salutations can be used in prospecting letters when contacting potential clients. In such situations, the name of your prospect, the decision maker, and their position are often unknown. Thus, using this type of letter allows for seamless correspondence where there is no misunderstanding as to who should receive the letter.  

Company feedback or suggestions 

Feedback and suggestions are normally beneficial if they get to the right person. When sending your feedback or suggestions, you may not know who is responsible for the matter you are addressing. So, a generic salutation is a good way to ensure you reach the relevant department.

When Not to Make Use of “To Whom It May Concern”

A “To Whom It May Concern” greeting is not always appropriate. The following are situations when you should avoid using it:

When writing a cover letter

A cover letter for a job application is meant to distinguish you from other candidates by exhibiting professionalism and a genuine interest in the position. Using a generic salutation is not a good way of doing this. So, even if you do not know the name of the hiring manager, you should not use a generic greeting. 

Personal letters

If you are writing a personal letter to someone, it is best to address them by name, especially if you have an established relationship with them. Using “to whom it may concern” can make the letter seem impersonal and distant.

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Free Professional Customer To Whom It May Concern Letter Sample as Word Document

What is the Appropriate Way to Write “To Whom It May Concern”?

The salutation should be formatted in a specific way. The first letter of each word of the salutation should be capitalized. This is because this phrase is used as a substitute for the recipient’s name, which, if written, would have every first letter capitalized as it is a proper noun.

Always use “whom” and not “who” or “whoever.” This is because “whom” in this case is a preposition or object of a verb, thus the need to use it in that manner. 

The salutation should also be followed by a colon (:). You should then add a double space before typing the rest of the letter. However, if you are following a particular style guide, be sure to check the specific rules and follow them. Some guides require you to use a comma rather than a colon. 

Pros and Cons

The following are the advantages and disadvantages of using “To Whom It May Concern”:

Some advantages of this generic greeting are the following:

  • The letter allows you to send the same one to multiple recipients without changing the greeting. 
  • It eliminates the risk of misspelling a name, using the wrong gender title, or sending the letter to the wrong person. 
  • A generic salutation saves you time from researching the names of your recipients. 

The following are some disadvantages of using a generic greeting in a letter:

  • Most people will find a generic greeting impolite and rude in business correspondence since, these days, most contact information is easily accessible on company websites. This has made the salutation gradually obsolete. 
  • Recipients’ information can often be obtained through a simple phone call. So, using a To Whom It May Concern greeting may indicate a lack of interest. 

To Whom It May Concern Alternatives 

There are alternatives to To Whom It May Concern that can be used similarly. These alternatives are viable in different situations, depending on who you are writing to. Examples of such alternatives include the following:

  • Dear Hiring Manager
  • Dear Recruiting Department
  • Dear Recruiter
  • Dear Recruiting Manager
  • Dear Customer Service Manager
  • Dear [Team or Department]
  • Dear HR manager
  • Dear Sir/Madam
  • Dear Hiring Committee
  • Dear [Department] Manager
  • Dear Talent Acquisition Team
  • Dear Human Resources Team
  • Dear Personnel Manager
  • Dear [job title you are applying for] Manager/Committee/hiring Team 

Frequently Asked Questions

To correctly write the salutation, capitalize on the first letter of each word. Then, insert a colon after the salutation and two spaces before beginning the letter’s introduction.  

Using this format is not rude. It is a formally acceptable way of addressing recipients with whom you are not familiar. 

Using “To whom it may concern” in an email can come across as impersonal and may not be the best option. In an email, it is better to address the recipient by their name or use a more specific greeting. If you are unsure about who the recipient is, you can try to do some research to find their name or use a more general greeting such as “Dear Hiring Manager” or “Dear [company name] team.”

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