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Rethinking the Science Poster

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APA mod template of the Better Poster by Mike Morrison

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How to prepare an effective research poster

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  • Lucia Hartigan , registrar 1 ,
  • Fionnuala Mone , fellow in maternal fetal medicine 1 ,
  • Mary Higgins , consultant obstetrician 1 2
  • 1 National Maternity Hospital, Dublin
  • 2 Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Medicine and Medical Sciences, University College Dublin
  • mhiggins{at}nmh.ie

Being asked to give a poster presentation can be exciting, and you need not be daunted by the prospect of working out how to prepare one. As Lucia Hartigan and colleagues explain, many options are available

The long nights are over, the statistics have been run, the abstract has been written, and the email pops into your inbox: “Congratulations! You have been accepted for a poster presentation.”

All that work has been worthwhile. Your consultant congratulates you and your colleagues are envious of your having a legitimate excuse to go away for a couple of days, but now you have to work out how to prepare a poster. Do not despair, for you have many options.

Firstly, take this seriously. A poster is not a consolation prize for not being given an oral presentation. This is your chance to show your work, talk to others in the field, and, if you are lucky, to pick up pointers from experts. Given that just 45% of published abstracts end in a full paper, 1 this may be your only chance to get your work out there, so put some effort into it. If you don’t have access to the services of a graphic designer, then some work will be entailed as it normally takes us a full day to prepare the layout of a poster. If you are lucky enough to have help from a graphic designer, then you will need to check that the data are correct before it is sent to the printer. After all, it will be your name on the poster, not the graphic designer’s.

Secondly, check the details of the requirements. What size poster should you have? If it is too big, it may look arrogant. If it is too small, then it may seem too modest and self effacing. Should it be portrait or landscape? Different meetings have different requirements. Some may stay with traditional paper posters, so you need to factor in printing. Others present them electronically, but may have a deadline by which you need to have uploaded the poster. When planning a meeting the organisers work out how many poster boards there will be and then the numbers, so follow their requirements and read the small print.

Then make a template. It can be tempting to “borrow” a poster template from someone else, and this may buy you some time, but it is important to check what page set-up and size have been selected for the template. If it’s meant for an A2 size and you wish to print your poster on A0 paper, then the stretching may lead to pixillation, which would not look good.

Next, think about your layout. Use text boxes to cover the following areas: title (with authors, institution, and logo), background, methods, results, and conclusions. Check that the text boxes are aligned by using gridlines, and justify your text. Use different colours for titles, and make sure you can read the title from 3 metres away. Some people will put their abstract in a separate box in the top right hand corner underneath the title, and then expand a little in the other areas. That is fine, so long as you follow the golden rule of writing a poster: do not include too much text. One study showed that less than 5% of conference attendees visit posters at meetings and that few ask useful questions. 2 The same research found that, in addition to the scientific content of a poster, the factors that increase visual appeal include pictures, graphs, and a limited use of words. 2 The ideal number of words seems to be between 300 and 400 per square metre.

Now make it look pretty and eye catching, and use lots of graphics. Outline text boxes or fill them with a different colour. If you can present the data using a graph, image, or figures rather than text, then do so, as this will add visual appeal. If you want to put a picture in the background, and it is appropriate to do so, fade the image so that it does not distract from the content.

Fonts are important. Check whether the meeting has set criteria for fonts; if they have, then follow them. You do not want to stand out for the wrong reason. If there are no specified criteria, then the title should be in point size 72-84, depending on the size of the poster. The authors’ names should be either the same size, but in italics, or else a couple of sizes smaller.

If you are including the hospital logo, don’t take a picture that will not size up properly when enlarged. Instead, obtain a proper copy from the hospital administrators.

References can be in small writing. No one is likely to read them, and you are including them only to remind yourself what you learnt in the literature review. One intriguing possibility is the use of a trigger image to link the poster to online content. 3

Finally, there are also things you should not do. Don’t leave your figures unlabelled, include spelling errors, use abbreviations without an explanation, or go outside the boundaries of the poster. Don’t be ashamed that you “only” have a poster. At a good meeting you may find that the comments from passers by are an amazing peer review. We have presented at meetings where world experts have given feedback, and with that feedback we have written the paper on the flight home.

Competing interests: We have read and understood the BMJ Group policy on declaration of interests and have no relevant interests to declare.

  • ↵ Scherer RW, Langenberg P, von Elm E. Full publication of results initially presented in abstracts. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2007 ; 2 : MR000005 . OpenUrl PubMed
  • ↵ Goodhand JR, Giles CL, Wahed M, Irving PM, Langmead L, Rampton DS. Poster presentations at medical conferences: an effective way of disseminating research? Clin Med 2011 ; 1 : 138 -41. OpenUrl
  • ↵ Atherton S, Javed M, Webster S, Hemington-Gorse S. Use of a mobile device app: a potential new tool for poster presentations and surgical education. J Visual Comm Med 2013 ; 36 (1-2): 6 -10. OpenUrl

how to create a better research poster in less time

University Libraries

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Presentation Design

  • Design: Posters
  • General Principles
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Poster Presentation Workshop Slides

  • Poster Presentation Workshop 2023

Poster Presentations: Further Reading

Cover Art

  • Conference presentations: lead the poster parade Woolston, C. (2016). Conference presentations: lead the poster parade. Nature, 536(7614), 115-117.
  • Effective visual design and communication practices for research posters: Exemplars based on the theory and practice of multimedia learning and rhetoric Pedwell, R. K., Hardy, J. A., & Rowland, S. L. (2017). Effective visual design and communication practices for research posters: Exemplars based on the theory and practice of multimedia learning and rhetoric. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 45(3), 249-261.
  • How to make an academic poster Gundogan, B., Koshy, K., Kurar, L., & Whitehurst, K. (2016). How to make an academic poster. Annals of medicine and surgery, 11, 69-71.
  • How to Prepare a Scientific Poster Pain, E. (2022). How to Prepare a Scientific Poster. Science. DOI: 10.1126/science.caredit.ada0293
  • Strategies for creating a conspicuous, effective, and memorable poster presentation Zarnetske, J. P., & Zarnetske, P. L. (2015). Strategies for creating a conspicuous, effective, and memorable poster presentation. GSA Today, 25(5), 66-68.
  • Ten Simple Rules for a Good Poster Presentation Erren, T.C., Bourne P.E. (2007) Ten Simple Rules for a Good Poster Presentation. PLoS Comput Biol 3(5): e102.
  • Visual Design Tips to Develop an Inviting Poster for Poster Presentations Tomita, K. (2017). Visual Design Tips to Develop an Inviting Poster for Poster Presentations. TechTrends: Linking Research & Practice to Improve Learning, 61(4), 313–315

Poster Design Tips

General message:

  • Aim to tell a compelling story about why your research is important in a real-world context.
  • Remember that a poster is an interactive & visual medium, not a research paper. You will present alongside your poster, and the text serves as a compliment to your conversations with audience members. Design your content with that purpose in mind.
  • Write to your specific audience (language/detail will differ if you're presenting to other researchers in your discipline vs. a broad general audience)

Language & text:

  • Be concise with your words: focus text on the main points and big takeaways of your research. Bulleted or numbered lists help.
  • Use text size, style, and colors strategically to emphasize your message
  • Make a compelling title readable from 8+ feet away (to draw in an audience). Make the rest of the text readable from 3-5 feet away (24 point absolute minimum)
  • Use a template as a starting point (example links in right-hand column).
  • Leave blank/white space to enhance visual appeal and readability.
  • Provide a link, QR code, or handouts for audience members that would like more information.
  • Get feedback on your design & practice with an audience.

Online Design Guides

  • Academic Poster Resources: The Basics, Yale Library Thorough design guide with many specific design recommendations, including accessibility guidelines.
  • Better Posters Blog, by Zen Faulkes Long-running blog about poster design. The creator also published a great book, Better Posters, in 2021.
  • Designing Conference Posters, by Colin Purrington Extensive design advice for scientific posters, based on traditional design.
  • How to Create a Better Research Poster in Less Time (YouTube video), by Mike Morrison This video is the second iteration of what kickstarted the #BetterPoster design trend. A great way to understand the common shortcoming of traditional poster design and get ideas for simplifying and maximizing your message.
  • How to Create a Research Poster, by NYU Libraries Basic design guide for poster presentations.
  • How to Make Your Scientific Posters Stand Out, by Scientifica Basic design advice for creating research posters, including word count, use of illustrations, color palette, use of white space, etc.
  • Research Posters and Presentations, by Tufts University Libraries Relatively detailed guide for designing and presenting research posters.
  • Tips for Presenting Your Scientific Poster at a Conference, by Scientifica Discusses tips for interacting with your audience at a poster session.

Poster Presentations Design Programs

Use UNM's TechFinder  to locate software on campus

  • Presentation software such as: Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides
  • Visual Design software such as: Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, or Microsoft Publisher
  • LaTex templates

Poster Templates

  • Canva Poster Templates Range of aesthetic poster templates, including creative designs
  • Slidesgo Research Poster templates Range of aesthetic poster templates, including creative designs
  • PosterPresentations.com Free PowerPoint templates for research posters, with a searchable database and wide variety of designs.
  • "Better Poster" PowerPoint Templates Landscape and portrait PowerPoint templates based on a new poster trend that emphasizes key findings and simplistic design.
  • "Butter Poster" PowerPoint Templates Landscape and portrait PowerPoint templates that offer another take on the "better poster" initiative. The "butter poster" offers a creative design but more content that adheres more closely to a traditional poster.

Design tools

  • Color Safe color contrast checker
  • Material Palette color palette generator
  • Adobe Color Wheel
  • Canva Color Palette Generator

Example Posters

Get inspired by design ideas from example posters

  • #betterposter examples on Twitter
  • ePosters open access library
  • F1000Research open access poster repository
  • Poster Sessions Flickr Gallery
  • UC Davis Academic Posters
  • << Previous: Design: Slides
  • Next: Design: Data >>
  • Last Updated: Mar 19, 2024 10:56 AM
  • URL: https://libguides.unm.edu/presentations


Poster Making and Printing

Poster design.

how to create a better research poster in less time

Presentation Resources

Creating a poster is one thing, but creating an effective presentation is another. The links below can help you get started and talk about general design issues, both practical, and further on, theoretical. For more specific resources on software, check the library catalog for the subject Microsoft PowerPoint (Computer file).

  • Design Guide: Presentation Slides UNC Libraries' Design Lab guide to creating presentation slides
  • Presentation Zen blog
  • The cognitive style of PowerPoint
  • Beyond bullet points : using Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 to create presentations that inform, motivate, and inspire
  • FlowingData

how to create a better research poster in less time

Visual Display of Maps, Charts and Graphs

  • Color Brewer
  • Practical Rules for Using Color in Charts
  • Choosing Color for Data Visualization
  • Color Explorer
  • Adobe Color

Need to print your poster?

If you need to print your poster, the Print Shop on the ground floor of Swem can do it!

Poster Design Workshop Materials

  • 60 Second Poster Evaluation Link to poster evaluation criteria from NCSU
  • Presentation and example posters for exercise
  • Tips for Creating a Trifold Research Poster-Sum23-recording
  • Tips for Creating a Trifold Research Poster-Sum23-slides
  • Poster Exercise Materials Don't have a poster work on? Find a free PPT poster template and then use these materials to try making your own poster!
  • Other free poster templates at PosterPresentations.com

Designing Effective Posters

Planning Your Research Poster

Useful poster design resources

  • Tips for Presenting Your Undergraduate Research by Camille Andrews Last Updated May 29, 2024 113 views this year
  • Better Posters Useful poster critique and tips blog
  • Colin Purrington's Designing conference posters Great (and funny) guide to designing scientific posters. Also has useful poster templates
  • Cornell Center for Materials Research guide to poster design and printing This site has great step by step poster design tutorials and templates in the lefthand navigation bar.
  • UNC graduate school's poster and presentation resources Good roundup of links to poster making and presentation advice
  • Eposters.net Library of ePosters
  • How to make an effective e-poster Masters K, Gibbs T and Sandars J. MedEdPublish Year, issue: 1 http://dx.doi.org/10.15694/mep.2015.004.0001
  • How to design an award-winning conference poster Tips from Animate Your Science, a service that creates graphical and video abstracts
  • Designing Poster for Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Designing a Research Poster for the Humanities
  • Posters for Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Making an exciting poster in the arts and humanities
  • Design Tips for Creating an Arts and Humanities Poster
  • Poster Samples from U of Texas at Austin
  • Poster design tips from U of Toronto
  • Design an eye-catching poster (in Adobe InDesign)
  • Better science posters webinar by Biorender

Image Resources

Looking for images, audio, and video tools and resources you can freely use? Try these guides and resources.

  • Creative Commons Search Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that develops, supports, and stewards legal and technical infrastructure that maximizes digital creativity, sharing, and innovation. You can also find CC searches in Google Images (under the gear icon in Advanced Search) and other sites like Flickr
  • Google Images Advanced Search In Google Advanced Search you can choose a large image size, a particular image type or color, public domain images from .gov sites, or Creative Commons licensed images under usage rights.
  • Finding Public Domain and Creative Commons Media guide from Harvard A guide to freely usable image, audio, and video resources from Meg Kribble at the Harvard Law School Library.
  • Public Domain and Creative Commons: A Guide to Works You Can Use Freely Written and managed by Tammy Ravas, Visual and Performing Arts Librarian at the University of Montana, this guide provides definitions, sources, and tips for using copyrighted or non-copyrighted works.
  • The Noun Project Contains symbols and icons which you can download for a fee.

VIDEO: How to create a better research poster in less time (including templates)

Want to test a new way of making posters? Try the method (with templates) below!

  • Better Posters-Morrison research template
  • Examples on Twitter

VIDEO: Making an academic research poster-the how to

This useful 10 minute tutorial from Jerry Overmyer from the University of Northern Colorado's Mathematics and Science Teaching (MAST) Institute walks you through the basics of adding text and images to a PowerPoint poster template.

VIDEOS: Specific tips for formatting your poster in PowerPoint

  • How to Size a Poster in PowerPoint
  • Adding and Citing an Image in Your Poster
  • Transitioning a Poster from Google Slides to Powerpoint
  • Last Updated: Jul 18, 2023 6:39 PM
  • URL: https://guides.libraries.wm.edu/poster

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Academic Poster Resources: Poster Templates

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  • Watch: Visualizing Information

Yale Templates

Yale School of Medicine:

  • Traditional Wide  (Yale middle-grade blue - 48" wide by 24" high)
  • Wide with Left Side Title  (Yale middle-grade blue - 44" wide by 24" high)
  • Square with Highlighted 'Visuals' Area (Yale middle-grade blue - 44" wide by 44" high)
  • Square with Highlighted 'Visuals' Area (Yale blue - 44" wide by 44" high)
  • Square Billboard style 'Main Finding' header (Yale blue - 44" wide by 44" high)
  • Square with Large 'Main Finding' Circle (Yale middle-grade blue and Yale blue - 44" wide by 40" high) -- best for text-heavy posters without visual aids
  • Wide 'Better Poster' style with 'Main Finding' center (Yale blue - 56" wide by 28" high) - shared by the Yale Cardiovascular Research Group

Yale School of Public Health:

  • Templates and Downloads

Yale Child Study Center

  • Google Drive folder

General Templates

Billboard Style:

  • Landscape version  (.pptx)
  • Portrait version  (.pptx)

'Better' Scientific Poster

  • Landscape and Portrait

'Butter' Templates

  • Landscape version
  • Portrait version

Quick Response (QR) codes can be used to link to external resources such as an electronic version of your poster, supplemental materials, an academic paper, a personal or lab webpage, a survey, your contact information, etc.

Use your smartphone camera to scan it - a link should automatically open. QR codes should be at least 5" x 5" large on your poster

QR Code Generators:

  • GOQR.me  (Free)
  • Q R-code-generator.com  (Free)
  • QRcode-monkey.com  (Free)
  • How to Create a Better Research Poster in Less Time  (video by Mike Morrison)  
  • How to design an effective scientific poster  (article by Paul Byrne)  
  • Visual and UX design principles can improve the effectiveness of poster sessions  (article by Derek Crowe)
  • << Previous: The Basics
  • Next: Poster Gallery >>
  • Last Updated: May 17, 2024 9:05 AM
  • URL: https://guides.library.yale.edu/academic-poster-resources

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Research Help

Create a research poster.

A good research poster communicates your findings in a concise, attractive format that can be easily grasped in a short time. This helps your audience engage with your research, generates discussion, and publicizes your hard work!

  • Don’t be too wordy; keep text concise and clear. 
  • Organization is key. Think about what you want to say first and then carefully consider layout. 
  • Make sure your title, images and font sizes are large enough to be read from 5-8 feet away.
  • Use headings, bullets, and graphics to break up text. 
  • Include your contact information and, if you are comfortable, a photo for those who want more information. 
  • Arrange your content to be read from left to right just like a book page.
  • Save space by using a shortened URL or QR code for citations or links to supporting materials.     

Images and Graphics

Images and graphics should have enough contrast so they stand out on the page. Color-code and label clearly for effective communication. Make sure that you have permission to use all images that you did not create yourself and that they are properly attributed.

Many universities recommend using their brand colors, but this can make all of the posters in the room look very similar. UNE’s Brand Identify Manual lists 17 brand-approved colors. The Open Science Framework (OSF) provides a variety of templates that you can download and customize.  

Using the UNE Logo

See UNE’s Brand Guidelines for important information on using the UNE Logo in your publicaitons.

  • Download the official UNE logo ; choose CMYK for print, and RGB for web publications.
  • Download a UNE-branded poster template[PowerPoint]
  • Microsoft Powerpoint is an easy-to-use choice for creating a poster and is available through UNE OKTA in the Office 365 Portal.
  • Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign offer professional editing tools, but are available only through individual subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud.
  • GIMP is an open-source, free alternative to Photoshop for editing photos.
  • Canva is a free tool widely used to create graphics of all kinds.

Printing your poster

Your research advisor may be help you print your poster on campus, or if you have registered for a symposium you will receive instructions. Pay careful attention to paper size. Off-campus printing options include Staples , FedEx , or the UPS Store.

Consider your audience and venue; are you presenting in-person or virtually? A stand-alone poster may require more text to convey your research; one accompanied by supplemental materials can use less text and more graphics to prompt discussion. Prepare a 1-2 minute overview to explain your work.

Answer the following questions:

  • What is the critical background and why is this research important?
  • What is the research question and how did you address it?
  • What are the main findings?
  • What is next?

Practice what you plan to say about your research.  Be friendly and proud of your good work!

Video Presentations

UNE’s Center for Excellence in Collaborative Education(CECE) has tips on creating a video presentation of your research poster.

Example Posters

The Anatomy of an Ace Research Poster from the American Chemical Society

See past UNE Student Research Posters in DUNE: DigitalUNE . On the left hand side, you can browse by discipline.  After your presentation, upload your poster and link to it from your resume or your LinkedIn page!  Digital Access Librarian Bethany Kenyon can help you.

Questions & Help

If you have questions on this, or another, topic, contact a librarian for help!

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University Libraries

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Better Research Posters

  • Creating Posters
  • Introduction

Poster Size

Free resources, common poster sizes   .

OU Printing services also has information on poster size and pricing. 

Composition and layout are crucial in design as they determine how visual elements are arranged to create a harmonious and effective communication of information.

Rule of 3rds grid 

how to create a better research poster in less time

The rule of thirds is a design principle that involves dividing a visual space into a grid. In the context of designing a research poster, the rule of thirds is important for several reasons such as visual hierarchy, balance, organization, aesthetic appeal, and emphasis.

Font size  

When creating a large format posters, the minimum point size you should use depends on the size of the poster. 

18in x 24in: Title 35pt | Sub-heading 20pt | Body text 16pt 

36in x 48in: Title: 75pt | Sub-Heading 45pt | Body 35pt   

Information Overload   

Two research posters side by side: one packed with text, captioned "Yikes, that's a lot to read!" The other, a user-friendly design, with the caption

One of the most common mistakes with research posters is including too much text. Many researchers fall into the trap of presenting their entire research paper on the poster, making it dense and overwhelming for viewers. A successful poster should convey key information succinctly, using concise text and visual elements to engage the audience. There should only be a few bullet points of text;  

  • Introduction (3 sentences max).
  • Your question or why your question is worth asking.
  • Your methods.

Remember that you're presenting this so the text on your poster should only act as reference points for your pitch. 

Text Alignments 

Punchlines are great to use in the "better poster" design! If your punchline is more than 2 lines, don’t center it. Centered text is slower to read than left-aligned text.

how to create a better research poster in less time

  • Poster Nerd:  Offers free Powerpoint templates to get you started. All templates work within the limitations of PowerPoint and have customizable colors.
  • Bio Render:  A web-based tool designed for researchers to create professional scientific illustrations and figures. Free when you sign up. 
  • Unsplash:  A website that provides royalty-free images for free. Users can download and use the images from Unsplash for various purposes, including personal and commercial projects, without the need for attribution.
  • << Previous: Introduction
  • Next: QR Codes >>

Library Instruction

  • Library Orientation
  • NIH Public Access/My NCBI's My Bibliography
  • Creating Analysis-Ready Data with Excel
  • Designing Scientific Posters using PowerPoint
  • Other Class Options
  • UMass Chan IT External/Online Training This link opens in a new window

Share your posters online through eScholarship@UMassChan

Make it easier to share your poster with attendees at conferences and with other colleagues by publishing it online!

All UMass Chan Medical School students, faculty, and staff can publish their posters for free in eScholarship@UMassChan

Submit Your Poster

Designing Scientific Posters Using PowerPoint


This 60-minute class will focus upon using PowerPoint to design a scientific poster for presentation at a conference or similar event.


  • Attendees will be able to summarize the setting up of appropriate template options.
  • Attendees will be able to demonstrate effective design principles for the creation of a successful, full-sized poster.

How to Create a Research Poster with PowerPoint and Design Tips

  • Creating a Poster in PowerPoint Handout Written step-by-step instructions on how to create a poster in PowerPoint.

Going Virtual

Now that poster sessions have gone virtual, what does this mean for designing your poster? Here are a few tips and resources to help you make a better virtual scientific poster.

  • 5 Shifts from Presentation to Webinar Data visualization expert Stephanie Evergreen provides some excellent tips for virtual presentations in this blog post, including how to adjust font sizes.
  • How to create a better research poster in less time (including templates) Mike Morrison (@mikemorrison) has some wonderful ideas to improve and revolutionize scientific poster design. This 20-minute video is well worth watching.
  • Better Scientific Poster (#betterposter) Templates Download Mike Morrison's #betterposter PowerPoint templates

Scientific Poster Templates

how to create a better research poster in less time

Request a Designing Scientific Posters Using PowerPoint Class

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  • Last Updated: May 9, 2024 2:09 PM
  • URL: https://libraryguides.umassmed.edu/libclasses

Research in the Biological and Life Sciences: A Guide for Cornell Researchers: Poster Making and Printing

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  • Evidence Synthesis and Systematic Reviews
  • Writing an Honors Thesis
  • Poster Making and Printing
  • Research Help

Useful links and resources

  • Colin Purrington's Designing conference posters Great (and funny) guide to designing scientific posters. Also has useful poster templates
  • NCSU's tutorial on poster design Excellent tutorial on creating and presenting scientific posters
  • 60 Second Poster Evaluation Link to poster evaluation criteria from NCSU
  • Sample posters from exercise Some of the sample posters from NCSU used in our exercise
  • Cornell Center for Materials Research guide to poster design and printing This site has great Step by step poster design tutorials and templates in the lefthand navigation bar.
  • UNC graduate school's poster and presentation resources Good roundup of links to poster making and presentation advice
  • Developing Poster Presentations in the Social Sciences
  • Plotter printing at Mann
  • Finding Images at Cornell guide
  • Other free poster templates at PosterPresentations.com
  • Cornell logos from visual identity site Scroll down to Logo Assets to find logos
  • Creative Commons Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that develops, supports, and stewards legal and technical infrastructure that maximizes digital creativity, sharing, and innovation. You can also find CC searches in Google Images (under the gear icon in Advanced Search) and other sites like Flickr
  • Google Images Advanced Search In Google Advanced Search you can choose a large image size, a particular image type or color, public domain images from .gov sites, or Creative Commons licensed images under usage rights.

VIDEO: How to create a better research poster in less time (including templates)

This 20-minute video created by Mike Morrison of the Open Science Framework, proposes a better way to make research posters by avoiding the "wall of text" approach. Presentation templates to accompany the video are also available.

VIDEO: Making an academic research poster-the how to

This useful 10 minute tutorial from Jerry Overmyer of the University of Northern Colorado's Mathematics and Science Teaching (MAST) Institute walks you through the basics of adding text and images to a PowerPoint poster template.   

Poster Session PPT

  • Poster Printing at Mann Overview of the 3 plotters at Mann and how to use them to print out a poster

Presentation Resources

Creating a poster is one thing, but creating an effective presentation is another. The links below can help you get started and talk about general design issues, both practical, and further on, theoretical. For more specific resources on software, check the library catalog for the subject Microsoft PowerPoint (Computer file).

  • Presentation Zen blog
  • Presentation Zen Design
  • Designing Effective Presentations
  • The cognitive style of PowerPoint
  • Beyond bullet points : using Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 to create presentations that inform, motivate, and inspire
  • << Previous: Writing an Honors Thesis
  • Next: Cool Tools >>
  • Last Updated: Oct 25, 2023 11:28 AM
  • URL: https://guides.library.cornell.edu/bio
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Designing a research poster.

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New approach to making an academic poster

Video: how to create a better research poster in less time (with templates), basic poster template (but check out the other links before settling on this).

Posters are the standard format for science conferences and can be used to present research in any academic discipline.

Group posters are strongly encouraged for undergraduates working on the same or very closely related projects in a research group.

Poster details

Posters allow a maximal number of researchers to present their work. They are most often used to present work in progress or recently completed research. For students who are in the same lab group and working on the same or closely related projects, we encourage you to create one shared poster.

Role of the poster presenter

  • Provide a "guided tour" through the poster
  • Answer questions about the research

Poster Format

  • The required dimensions for the Wetterhahn Symposium are: 36" high by 48" wide
  • Software options: PowerPoint (easiest method), Adobe Illustrator, others

 Posters typically include

  • Title: project title
  • Authors: your name, faculty mentor's name, other collaborators & department
  • Purpose (or Objectives or Introduction)
  • Results or Findings
  • Summary/conclusions
  • Acknowledgments: include any sources of funding you received

Design Tips

Before starting, check out these links.

  • To Save the Science Poster, Researchers Want to Kill It and Start Over (NPR)
  • How to create a better research poster in less time (with templates)

Keep It Simple!

  • arrange your material in a logical progression
  • arrange materials in columns
  • don't try to cram too much onto the poster

Selecting Colors and Fonts

  • Use only two or three colors in the poster: too many colors can be distracting
  • Select font colors and background colors to maximize contrast: A dark font on a light background is more easily read than vice versa
  • Choose a font size and style that can be read easily from several feet away
  • Choose a sans serif font (i.e. Arial, Verdana, Calibri, as opposed to Times New Roman), as this is more accessible to readers.
  • To emphasize a point, use bold or italics rather than underlining as underlined words can be more difficult to read
  • To add text, click on "insert" on the menu bar and choose "text box." Then click where you want the text box to be, and start typing.
  • Text boxes can be resized by clicking on a corner and dragging.
  • Avoid large blocks of text and limit or eliminate jargon and technical terms
  • Organize and reduce text by using subheadings, keywords, bullet points
  • A figure or graph often convey information more efficiently than paragraphs of text

Pictures and Photos

  • To import: select Insert on the menu bar, then choose "Picture" or "Photo" (depending on your version of PowerPoint). Select the option that includes the phrase "from file" and then select the file from wherever it is stored on your computer.
  • Images should be at least 100dpi and the same size they will be on the poster.  A resolution of 150dpi is ideal (smaller resolution will result in a pixelated image, and larger resolution will result in excessive file size).
  • Save the image as a "JPG" as this format is easier to insert into PowerPoint.
  • Resizing: click on the corner of the picture/photo and slide the mouse to resize
  • Cropping: choose the crop tool and crop from any side
  • Framing: click on the picture to select it, then choose "colors and lines" or "border" (depending on which version of PowerPoint you are using).
  • Graphs can be added with copy and paste commands or by importing (same as pictures)
  • Avoid "chart junk": 3-d, shadowing, multiple grid lines, labeling every tick mark
  • With multiple graphs, combine information (e.g. share axis labels, titles, legends)

Creating a poster with powerpoint

Before getting started, check out the links in the green slider box to the left. There are three links -- click on the dots to move from one to the next.

  • Start PowerPoint and open "new presentation"
  • From the menu bar, select File > Page setup.
  • In the box that appears, the first section is "size."
  • Next to the heading "slides sized for," select "custom" from the pull-down menu
  • Required dimensions are 48" wide by 36" high . Click "OK."
  • You will see this prompt: "the current page size exceeds the printable area of the paper in the printer." It will offer three options: cancel, OK, and fix. Click "OK."
  • Set the slide layout to "blank." This is done differently in different versions of PowerPoint. If you are having difficulty, type "layout" in the PowerPoint help menu, and you will find instructions on how to create or change slide layouts.
  • You can look at the poster at different sizes. Using a smaller size (e.g. 25%) will allow you to see the whole poster at once. Using a larger size (e.g. 75%) will allow you to read your text more easily.
  • If you find it difficult to keep track of what you are doing, create a second PowerPoint file, with a regular sized PowerPoint slide presentation. You can make a series of slides and then copy the text boxes and pictures from those slides into the custom poster file

Creating a Poster with Canva

Canva is a graphic design platform that is used to create social media graphics, presentations, posters, documents and other visual content. The app includes a wide range of templates, many of which are free to users with a basic, free account. To use Canva, you will need to create an account, but you should not feel obligated to purchase a Canva Pro plan.

  • Open the Canva homepage.
  • Select ""Create New Design" in the upper right corner.
  • In the drop down, select the "Custom Size" button.
  • Make sure that you have selected inches and not pixels. Set the width to 48" and the height to 36". Hit the "Create Design" button.
  • In the lefthand margin, go to the "Templates" button. Here you will be able to search through hundreds of templates, many of which are free. A search for "research poster" will yield a number of selections that would be appropriate templates for your design. You can change the templates easily as you browse.
  • Start modifying your template using the tools in the lefthand column. To upload graphics, you will need to use the "Uploads" tool.
  • All changes will be saved automatically, so you can always log in and pick up where you left off!
  • When you are satisfied with your poster, select the "Download" button in the upper right corner. For file type, select "PDF Print."
  • Save the poster to your computer or shared drive.

Poster Making Tutorial Sessions

The Library's STEM Research and Learning Librarian Jentry Campbell and Lilly Linden have offered two Zoom tutorial sessions for making a poster on April 26 from  12:15-1:15PM and April 28th from 1:10-2:10PM . Zoom links to follow.

Additionally, they will offer hybrid drop-in hours for anyone with questions on May 3 from  12:15-1:15PM and May 6 from 1:10-2:10PM . More information to follow.


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Best Practices

Use images in your poster

  • Have a focused, succinct message
  • Determine size requirements (how big should the poster be), what layout (square, landscape rectangle, etc)
  • Use text sparingly with no large blocks of text
  • 85+ pt for Title
  • 56+ pt for Authors
  • 36+ pt for Subheadings
  • 24+ pt for Body text
  • 18+ pt for Captions
  • Group author names and affiliations
  • Use images/tables/graphs to tell the story and engage reader
  • Use images at least 150 dpi
  • Include your contact information
  • Have peers give you feedback prior to printing
  • Use dark or heavy backgrounds
  • Use more than 2-3 colors
  • Forget to leave white (blank) space to keep your poster readable and uncluttered
  • Use someone's else image without seeking permission or crediting your source
  • Mix and match content boxes...most people start reading from the top left
  • Have images that seem too small or blurry (will look worse once enlarged)
  • Order too late!
  • Rely only on the poster to tell your story, make sure you have 3-5 min verbal explanation ready
  • Presentation - Developing a Poster: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly One hour presentation by Duke Medical Librarian, Beverly Murphy.

how to create a better research poster in less time

  • PowerPoint ( free download for Duke affiliates )
  • Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign ( discounted download for Duke affiliates )
  • Inkscape ( free public download )
  • Gimp ( free public download )

Poster Design Tutorial   outlines a 5-step approach:  Plan - Design - Review - Print - Present

  • Duke IT: QR Code Security Guide
  • Generating QR Codes (Adobe Express)

Content adapted from:

  • NYU Poster Basics
  • Cornell's Scientific Poster Design
  • Hess, G.R., K. Tosney, and L. Liegel. 2014. Creating Effective Poster Presentations. http://www.ncsu.edu/project/posters .

Image credit:

create your narrative icon by Vicons Design from the Noun Project

how to create a better research poster in less time

  • Video: How to create a better research poster in less time (Posters 2.0)

poster template

  • PhD Poster Templates
  • Free PowerPoint Poster templates
  • Spoonflower [Fabric] $ Very Affordable! Create custom-printed fabric posters in a lightweight, wrinkle-free fabric. The posters look good with crisp images and vibrant colors. Need ~10 days to receive final product via mail.
  • MedMedia Solutions $$ Offers short turn around, free delivery to Duke locations, & weekend printing and pick up (if arranged ahead of time).
  • PhD Posters [Paper or Fabric] $$ Very affordable paper, moderate pricing on fabric option. Pick up on campus near the Medical Library.
  • Kinkos/FedEx [Paper] $$$ Most expensive option. Offers Duke discount. Same day options. Much less restrictive on size options. Order online or stop by 9th Street location.
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Guides & advice for research posters, tips for research posters in the humanities, guides & advice for scientific presentations, ur poster printing options and resources, accessibility - design tips.

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How to Present an Academic Research Poster . 

From what to expect to working the crowd, this video is designed to give you tips and tricks for effective poster presentation in an academic research poster setting. Credits: Syracuse University iSchool -  https://ischool.syr.edu/research

Traditional poster template. Credits: AS&E GEPA

  • Poster design template (Power Point)

How to create a better research poster in less time ( #betterposter  Generation 2) by Mike Morrison.

The traditional approach to research posters is ineffective. Watch this video to learn how to create new, evidence-based poster designs that get you more visitors and transmit your ideas to more people at the conference.

"Better poster" templates:  https://osf.io/6ua4k/  - License:  Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)

Additional resources.

  • Better Posters  http://betterposters.blogspot.com/
  • "Butter" Poster  https://derekcrowe.net/butterposter  with "butter" poster template   
  • How to Create a Research Poster - New York University  http://guides.nyu.edu/posters
  • Guide to Creating Research Posters - University of Texas  http://www.utexas.edu/ugs/our/poster

The main difference between posters in the Humanities and other disciplines is that Humanists have more freedom regarding the information they want to show and how it is arranged on the poster. The rules of keeping text to the bare minimum and using images and visualizations as much as possible still apply.

Here are some websites that make recommendations, one has examples:

  • http://curartsandhumanities.org/resources/posters-in-the-arts-and-humanities/
  • https://www.bgsu.edu/content/dam/BGSU/provost/center-undergraduate-research-scholarship/documents/Designing_a_Research_Poster_for_the_Humanitites_Social_Sciences.pdf
  • https://wp.nyu.edu/jose_sandbox/2014/05/13/poster-tips-for-humanities-conference-posters/

Here is an image of a vertically organized poster in the Humanities: https://www.torch.ox.ac.uk/article/humanities-poster-competition-winners-announced

Giving a Scientific Presentation - Hints and Tips

Some helpful hints on preparing and presenting scientific data. This is part of a series of tutorials designed to help research scientists in the use of certain software applications commonly used in scientific laboratory work. ©2013 James Clark, King's College London. All rights reserved.

You can find the entire set of tutorial videos here: http://ehealth.kcl.ac.uk/sites/physio...

To print your poster, you can use the Print Center at URMC. Location: Medical Center, G-7230A. Hours: Mon-Fri, 8:00am-5:00pm. https://www.rochester.edu/printcenter/index.html

Using Powerpoint to Create Posters (PDF) - URMC Graphics Center http://www.urmc.rochester.edu/MediaLibraries/URMCMedia/graphics-center/documents/poster-2.pdf

  • Color-blind people are your audience too!
  • Guidelines for Creating Accessible Printed Posters
  • PowerPoint Accessibility
  • Make your PowerPoint presentations accessible to people with disabilities
  • << Previous: Selecting a Journal Overview
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  • Last Updated: Mar 12, 2024 2:40 PM
  • URL: https://libguides.lib.rochester.edu/newscholar

Teaching poster design to enhance research presentation quality at academic conferences: a guide for educators


  • 1 Georgetown University School of Medicine, Washington, DC, USA.
  • 2 Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA.
  • 3 MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital, Washington, DC, USA.
  • PMID: 37117151
  • DOI: 10.1136/pmj-2022-141889

Poster sessions are one of the most common platforms for presenting research at academic conferences, yet posters are often inefficient at transferring knowledge to their readers due to suboptimal design and content selection. Physician trainees may not receive education on constructing posters as a traditional part of their residency curriculum. The purpose of this work is to propose a curriculum that will provide residents foundational knowledge and skills needed for designing high-quality research posters. The curriculum uses the flipped classroom model, a pedagogical approach that reverses the traditional learning environment by delivering instructional content outside of the classroom and moves activities into the classroom. Preparatory work includes watching an educational video on 'how to create a better research poster in less time' and preparing a poster to be presented at an upcoming conference. An 1-hour workshop is conducted during protected resident didactic time. It incorporates a 10-min slide show presentation on poster design and 50 min of active learning. During the active learning component, learners are asked to 'think-pair-share' to construct a research poster rubric using the information they just learnt. The learners work as a group to evaluate sample research posters. The class is then broken down into small groups of 2-3 learners to spend time working on their own posters and provide peer feedback. Following the workshop, residents continue to develop their research posters for conference presentation. This curriculum has the potential to enhance the quality of resident research posters presented at academic conferences, advance research education and ultimately improve dissemination of research within academic communities. The lesson plan outlined in this work can be used as a guide for teaching poster design to physician trainees in a number of specialties and may encourage programmes to consider integrating poster design as a formal part of the residency curriculum.

Keywords: education and training; medical education & training; rehabilitation medicine; statistics & research methods.

© The Author(s) 2022. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Postgraduate Medical Journal. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: [email protected].

BRET Career Development ASPIRE Program

A new way to format scientific posters for engagement and clarity.

Posted by hagansa2 on Monday, April 10, 2023 in Announcements .

(6) How to create a better research poster in less time (#betterposter Generation 1) – YouTube

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    how to create a better research poster in less time


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  3. How Can I Make a Research Poster in PowerPoint?

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  1. How to create a better research poster in less time

    Template here: https://osf.io/ef53g/ | Examples on Twitter: https://twitter.com/mikemorrisonEvery field in science uses the same, old, wall-of-text poster de...

  2. How to create a better research poster in less time

    TEMPLATES HERE: https://osf.io/6ua4k/The traditional approach to research posters is ineffective. Watch this video to learn how to create new, evidence-based...

  3. Fixing academic posters: the #BetterPoster approach

    Today's topic: How to create a better research poster in less time, by Mike Morrison Posters are a huge part of academic life. At a majority of conferences, there will be a room where attendees can hang up their posters, and specific parts of the conference where researchers are encouraged to read posters and discuss them with the author.

  4. Rethinking the Science Poster

    The discussion was kicked off by doctoral student Mike Morrison's video "How to create a better research poster in less time." In this video, he lays out a way to "improve the knowledge transfer efficiency" of posters by clearing the clutter and homing in on the critical point that needs to be relayed.

  5. A New and Improved Poster Design

    Examples of two posters (left = old format, right = new format) taken from the YouTube video, "How to create a better research poster in less time." At the ASHG conference, several people complimented me on the simplicity of the design, but others mentioned that they felt that the new format didn't convey as much information as it could have ...

  6. How to prepare an effective research poster

    One study showed that less than 5% of conference attendees visit posters at meetings and that few ask useful questions.2 The same research found that, in addition to the scientific content of a poster, the factors that increase visual appeal include pictures, graphs, and a limited use of words.2 The ideal number of words seems to be between 300 ...


    CREATE A #BETTERPOSTER. Create a better poster in less time that will more efficiently and effectively share your research with your colleagues at ACC.21! The #BetterPoster format allows attendees to quickly understand the essence of your poster — and engage with you if they want to learn more. Aia C Cai A. SILENT PRESENTER.

  8. PDF How to create a better research poster in less time any

    Creation of your e-poster We encourage you to view this YouTube video, How to create a better research poster in less time, which includes a lot of helpful tips for creating an effective poster. Please note, the video is 19 minutes in length, but for this purpose it will start at the 10:45 mark.

  9. Design: Posters

    Remember that a poster is an interactive & visual medium, not a research paper. You will present alongside your poster, and the text serves as a compliment to your conversations with audience members. Design your content with that purpose in mind. Be concise with your words: focus text on the main points and big takeaways of your research.

  10. Research Guides: Poster Making and Printing: Poster Design

    VIDEO: How to create a better research poster in less time (including templates) Want to test a new way of making posters? Try the method (with templates) below! Better Posters-Morrison research template. Examples on Twitter. VIDEO: Making an academic research poster-the how to.

  11. Academic Poster Resources: Poster Templates

    How to Create a Better Research Poster in Less Time (video by Mike Morrison); How to design an effective scientific poster (article by Paul Byrne); Visual and UX design principles can improve the effectiveness of poster sessions (article by Derek Crowe) << Previous: The Basics

  12. Create a Research Poster

    How to create a better research poster in less time Guidelines. Don't be too wordy; keep text concise and clear. Organization is key. Think about what you want to say first and then carefully consider layout. Make sure your title, images and font sizes are large enough to be read from 5-8 feet away. Use headings, bullets, and graphics to ...

  13. Poster Making and Printing : Home

    VIDEO: How to create a better research poster in less time (including templates) Want to test a new way of making posters? Try the method (with templates) below! Better Posters-Morrison research template. Examples on Twitter. VIDEO: Making an academic research poster-the how to.

  14. Library Guides: Better Research Posters: Creating Posters

    Many researchers fall into the trap of presenting their entire research paper on the poster, making it dense and overwhelming for viewers. A successful poster should convey key information succinctly, using concise text and visual elements to engage the audience. Introduction (3 sentences max). Your question or why your question is worth asking.

  15. How to Create a Research Poster with PowerPoint and Design Tips

    This 60-minute class will focus upon using PowerPoint to design a scientific poster for presentation at a conference or similar event. Objectives: Attendees will be able to summarize the setting up of appropriate template options. Attendees will be able to demonstrate effective design principles for the creation of a successful, full-sized poster.

  16. Poster Making and Printing

    VIDEO: How to create a better research poster in less time (including templates) This 20-minute video created by Mike Morrison of the Open Science Framework, proposes a better way to make research posters by avoiding the "wall of text" approach. ... Making an academic research poster-the how to.

  17. How to create a better research poster in less time (#betterposter

    Resource: How to create a better research poster in less time ( #betterposter Generation 2) Host: Mike Morrison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYk29tnxASs

  18. Designing a Research Poster

    How to create a better research poster in less time (with templates) Keep It Simple! arrange your material in a logical progression; arrange materials in columns; don't try to cram too much onto the poster; Selecting Colors and Fonts. Use only two or three colors in the poster: too many colors can be distracting

  19. Posters

    Rely only on the poster to tell your story, make sure you have 3-5 min verbal explanation ready; Presentation - Developing a Poster: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly ... Video: How to create a better research poster in less time (Posters 2.0) Better Scientific Poster (Posters 2.0) Templates. PhD Poster Templates. Free PowerPoint Poster templates.

  20. Conference Presentation or Poster Session Overview

    How to create a better research poster in less time (#betterposter Generation 2) by Mike Morrison. The traditional approach to research posters is ineffective. Watch this video to learn how to create new, evidence-based poster designs that get you more visitors and transmit your ideas to more people at the conference.

  21. Teaching poster design to enhance research presentation ...

    Preparatory work includes watching an educational video on 'how to create a better research poster in less time' and preparing a poster to be presented at an upcoming conference. An 1-hour workshop is conducted during protected resident didactic time. It incorporates a 10-min slide show presentation on poster design and 50 min of active learning.

  22. A new way to format scientific posters for engagement and clarity

    A new way to format scientific posters for engagement and clarity?. (6) How to create a better research poster in less time (#betterposter Generation 1) - YouTube (6) How to create a better research poster in less time (#betterposter Generation 1) - YouTube