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Position Paper – Example, Format and Writing Guide

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Position Paper

Position Paper


Position paper is a written document that presents an argument or stance on a particular issue or topic. It outlines the author’s position on the issue and provides support for that position with evidence and reasoning. Position papers are commonly used in academic settings, such as in Model United Nations conferences or debates, but they can also be used in professional or political contexts.

Position papers typically begin with an introduction that presents the issue and the author’s position on it. The body of the paper then provides evidence and reasoning to support that position, often citing relevant sources and research. The conclusion of the paper summarizes the author’s argument and emphasizes its importance.

Types of Position Paper

There are several types of position papers, including:

  • Advocacy Position Paper : This type of position paper presents an argument in support of a particular issue, policy, or proposal. It seeks to persuade the reader to take a particular action or adopt a particular perspective.
  • Counter-Argument Position Paper: This type of position paper presents an argument against a particular issue, policy, or proposal. It seeks to convince the reader to reject a particular perspective or course of action.
  • Problem-Solution Position Paper : This type of position paper identifies a problem and presents a solution to it. It seeks to convince the reader that the proposed solution is the best course of action to address the identified problem.
  • Comparative Position Paper : This type of position paper compares and contrasts two or more options, policies, or proposals. It seeks to convince the reader that one option is better than the others.
  • Historical Position Paper : This type of position paper examines a historical event, policy, or perspective and presents an argument based on the analysis of the historical context.
  • Interpretive Position Paper : This type of position paper provides an interpretation or analysis of a particular issue, policy, or proposal. It seeks to persuade the reader to adopt a particular perspective or understanding of the topic.
  • Policy Position Paper: This type of position paper outlines a specific policy proposal and presents an argument in support of it. It may also address potential objections to the proposal and offer solutions to address those objections.
  • Value Position Paper: This type of position paper argues for or against a particular value or set of values. It seeks to convince the reader that a particular value or set of values is more important or better than others.
  • Predictive Position Paper : This type of position paper makes predictions about future events or trends and presents an argument for why those predictions are likely to come true. It may also offer suggestions for how to prepare for or respond to those events or trends.
  • Personal Position Paper : This type of position paper presents an individual’s personal perspective or opinion on a particular issue. It may draw on personal experiences or beliefs to support the argument.

Position Paper Format

Here is a format you can follow when writing a position paper:

  • Introduction: The introduction should provide a brief overview of the topic or issue being discussed. It should also provide some background information on the issue and state the purpose of the position paper.
  • Definition of the problem : This section should describe the problem or issue that the position paper addresses. It should explain the causes and effects of the problem and provide evidence to support the claims made.
  • Historical perspective : This section should provide a historical perspective on the issue or problem, outlining how it has evolved over time and what previous attempts have been made to address it.
  • The organization’s stance : This section should present the organization’s stance on the issue or problem. It should provide evidence to support the organization’s position and explain the rationale behind it. This section should also address any counterarguments or alternative perspectives.
  • Proposed solutions: This section should provide proposed solutions or recommendations to address the problem or issue. It should explain how the proposed solutions align with the organization’s stance and provide evidence to support their effectiveness.
  • Conclusion: The conclusion should summarize the organization’s position on the issue or problem and restate the proposed solutions or recommendations. It should also encourage further discussion and action on the issue.
  • References: Include a list of references used to support the claims made in the position paper.

How to Write Position Paper

Here are the steps to write a position paper:

  • Choose your topic: Select a topic that you are passionate about or have knowledge of. It could be related to social, economic, environmental, political, or any other issues.
  • Research: Conduct thorough research on the topic to gather relevant information and supporting evidence. This could include reading scholarly articles, reports, books, and news articles.
  • Define your position: Once you have gathered sufficient information, identify the main arguments and formulate your position. Consider both the pros and cons of the issue.
  • Write an introduction : Start your position paper with a brief introduction that provides some background information on the topic and highlights the key points that you will discuss in the paper.
  • Present your arguments: In the body of your paper, present your arguments in a logical and coherent manner. Each argument should be supported by evidence from your research.
  • Address opposing views : Acknowledge and address the opposing views on the issue. Provide counterarguments that refute these views and explain why your position is more valid.
  • Conclusion : In the conclusion, summarize your main points and reiterate your position on the topic. You can also suggest some solutions or actions that can be taken to address the issue.
  • Edit and proofread : Finally, edit and proofread your position paper to ensure that it is well-written, clear, and free of errors.

Position Paper Example

Position Paper Example structure is as follows:

  • Introduction:
  • A brief overview of the issue
  • A clear statement of the position the paper is taking
  • Background:
  • A detailed explanation of the issue
  • A discussion of the history of the issue
  • An analysis of any previous actions taken on the issue
  • A detailed explanation of the position taken by the paper
  • A discussion of the reasons for the position taken
  • Evidence supporting the position, such as statistics, research, and expert opinions
  • Counterarguments:
  • A discussion of opposing views and arguments
  • A rebuttal of those opposing views and arguments
  • A discussion of why the position taken is more valid than the opposing views
  • Conclusion:
  • A summary of the main points of the paper
  • A call to action or recommendation for action
  • A final statement reinforcing the position taken by the paper
  • References:
  • A list of sources used in the paper, cited in an appropriate citation style

Purpose of Position Paper

Here are some of the most common purposes of position papers:

  • Advocacy: Position papers are often used to promote a particular point of view or to advocate for a specific policy or action.
  • Debate : In a debate, participants are often required to write position papers outlining their argument. These papers help the debaters clarify their position and provide evidence to support their claims.
  • Negotiation : Position papers can be used as part of negotiations to establish each party’s position on a particular issue.
  • Education : Position papers can be used to educate the public, policymakers, and other stakeholders about complex issues by presenting a clear and concise argument supported by evidence.
  • Decision-making : Position papers can be used by decision-makers to make informed decisions about policies, programs, or initiatives based on a well-reasoned argument.
  • Research : Position papers can be used as a starting point for further research on a particular topic or issue.

When to Write Position Paper

Here are some common situations when you might need to write a position paper:

  • Advocacy or lobbying : If you are part of an organization that is advocating for a specific policy change or trying to influence decision-makers, a position paper can help you articulate your organization’s position and provide evidence to support your arguments.
  • Conferences or debates: In academic or professional settings, you may be asked to write a position paper to present your perspective on a particular topic or issue. This can be a useful exercise to help you clarify your thoughts and prepare for a debate or discussion.
  • Public relations: A position paper can also be used as a tool for public relations, to showcase your organization’s expertise and thought leadership on a particular issue.
  • Internal communications: Within an organization, a position paper can be used to communicate a particular stance or policy to employees or stakeholders.

Advantages of Position Paper

There are several advantages to writing a position paper, including:

  • Organizing thoughts : Writing a position paper requires careful consideration of the issue at hand, and the process of organizing thoughts and arguments can help you clarify your own position.
  • Demonstrating expertise: Position papers are often used in academic and professional settings to demonstrate expertise on a particular topic. Writing a well-researched and well-written position paper can help establish your credibility and expertise in a given field.
  • Advocacy: Position papers are often used as a tool for advocacy, whether it’s advocating for a particular policy or for a specific point of view. Position papers can help persuade others to adopt your position on an issue.
  • Facilitating discussion : Position papers can be used to facilitate discussion and debate on a particular issue. By presenting different perspectives on an issue, position papers can help foster dialogue and lead to a better understanding of the topic at hand.
  • Providing a framework for action: Position papers can also be used to provide a framework for action. By outlining specific steps that should be taken to address an issue, a position paper can help guide decision-making and policy development.

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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How to Write a Position Paper: Definition, Outline & Examples

position paper

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A position paper is a written statement that presents a particular perspective on any issue or topic. It typically argues a specific point of view and presents evidence to support that position. To write a position paper, you need to research and understand the topic, develop a supported argument, and address opposing viewpoints.

In this comprehensive guide, you will find all important information that will help you prepare this type of assignment. More specifically we will talk about:

  • What is a position paper?
  • How to write a position paper?
  • Position paper example you could use for inspiration.

As an experienced paper writer team, we always come to support fellow students by providing them with helpful information and tips. Our readers can find detailed definitions and high-quality supporting materials on this website – all of that available for free! 

What Is a Position Paper: Definition

First of all, let’s define it. Your position paper should clearly display and support your own view of a specific problem. Typically, position papers explore more or less controversial questions, which is why they must include argumentation supported by valid data. Providing evidence to the readers is the main distinctive feature of such an essay. Your work should demonstrate your ability to put up a strong case, not just describe your beliefs. Before you write a position paper, think it through and start with understanding your purpose. What do you try to tell your audience, and what is the best way to convey it? This helps with building good argumentation and structuring your essay.

Position Paper

Keep in mind that unlike a persuasive essay , convincing your readers to accept your point isn’t your primary task. Your piece should mainly focus on information that makes an argument strong. That’s why you should use supportive evidence that backs up your viewpoints. 

Purpose of a Position Paper

Why do you need a position paper? First of all, it serves as great supporting material when talking about your viewpoint in front of an audience. Writing a position paper beforehand helps to organize your thoughts on the topic and set your defenses properly. Besides, you can use it when speaking to ensure you haven’t forgotten to mention something important. You might also be required to submit your paper before or after your speech. If it is your college or university assignment, this document will be your main output, which is why its structure and format are so important.

Position Paper Outline

One of the main first steps is preparing an outline for a position paper. After you’ve done some research and gathered enough data on your topic, spend additional time and create a concise draft. It should display your paper’s entire structure, including the key arguments, without going into much details. Your writing should follow a basic 5 paragraph essay outline . Once done with your plan, you can review it and easily spot major gaps or inconsistencies. Checking your work at this stage is typically much more productive than after writing the full text. Here is an example of position paper outline:

  • Hook the reader with stats, numbers or facts
  • Introduce the issue
  • Include a thesis statement presenting your central idea and stand on the problem
  • Present counterclaims
  • Offer evidence that backs up counterarguments
  • Refute the counter arguments using examples
  • Strong opinion
  • Supporting examples
  • Restate your main claim
  • Offer a course of action

Hopefully, this position paper template will speed up your progress with your own work. Check the attachments below – complete sample papers along with outlines are available there.

Position Paper Outline Example.png

Position Paper Structure

What exactly does the structure of a position paper include? This is quite easy: similarly to any other scholarly essay, your position paper should contain three main parts:


  • Main body part
  • Conclusion.

You’ll write a good position paper if you make it readable and concise in addition to preparing string argumentation backed by valid evidence. Otherwise, your poorly structured text won’t impress your readers. We’ve prepared more helpful information on how you should compose each of these sections. You can find it below, so please read it attentively. Also, check out the sample position papers available on this page. You can find more tips and ideas below.

Good introduction for a position paper should make your reader well familiar with the problem you are arguing about. This typically involves explaining why it is important for everyone or why you’ve decided to discuss it. Besides, the introduction must engage your audience so that they would be interested in hearing more about your position and evaluating its validity. This is how to start writing a position paper:

  • Clearly state your position, giving the thesis statement.
  • Give enough context about the problem and its background, explaining why you stand this ground.
  • ‘Hook’ your readers by making it sound interesting.

The latter can be achieved by making some hints about upcoming evidence, using some kind of wordplay, or just making a suitable joke.

Body of a position paper is where its argumentation should be placed. When you make a position paper, be sure to divide it into logically interconnected paragraphs – each one for one of your major arguments expressed in the topic sentence . Make proper transitions between them. Leave at least one paragraph for the counter argumentation you may have faced and for its rebuttal. The evidence you’ve collected to support your claim should also be presented in the main body, together with quotes and references (if any). Remember to use solid and relevant data and avoid unnecessary facts, as they don’t bring value and may just make the text less readable. Pay attention to the consistency and readability of this section. Its structure and contents show how well you’ve built your argumentation. And that is what makes position papers persuasive.

This is how to write a conclusion for a position paper that adds real value to it:

  • Properly summarize your argumentation, showing how it supports your take.
  • Make it sound strong; ensure that it is logical and well-readable.
  • Keep it brief, don’t repeat anything from the main part.

Remember that your proposition paper conclusion will be the last thing your audience reads, so making a strong and persuasive ending would help with leaving a good impression on it. You’ll find a conclusion template in one of the sections below.

How to Write a Position Paper in 9 Steps

Let’s get to the point – you must write a good position paper, and now you’re looking for some helpful tips on that. We’ve got your back! First and foremost, the best beginning is to set up a strong position. Otherwise, your essay will simply be uninteresting. Now make sure you can actually prove what it states. But that’s just the beginning: think about captivating headings, add some clever techniques and diligent work to that, keeping focus on your goal – and you’ll get an excellent paper. What should be added? Just keep reading. We’ve prepared an elaborate guide on how to write a position paper step by step. Let’s go and check it!

1. Choose a Topic

Creating position papers requires some hard work, but choosing a proper subject may save a lot of time and effort. If it is uninteresting or too narrow, that might result in an issue. Better to choose a topic that:

  • Is relevant and controversial: this will draw your readers’ interest.
  • Is understandable for you, so it would be easier for you to discuss some points about it.
  • Has received some coverage in news, books, or other sources, making it simpler to find enough evidence about it.

Before commencing the writing process, search among good topics for position papers and select one most suitable for taking a point around it.

2. Do Research Before Writing a Position Paper

Conducting preliminary research for position papers is a key step before starting with actual writing. This is where you can collect evidence about your subject:

  • Google it This is easier but remember to filter out results with low credibility.
  • Media If this is a recent and big event, it should be mentioned in the news; make sure to pick the most credible resources.
  • Check the sources used by books or articles written on the subject This way, you might find some ‘hidden gems’ that are difficult to google.

Don’t know if you’ll write a winning position paper? Follow the next steps closely. And don’t forget to explore the free samples available on this page, check their structure and style.

3. Draft a Position Paper Thesis

Thesis of a position paper is basically its foundation. Make it strong, and you’ll ensure your success. Don’t be too wordy. One sentence is enough to deliver your thesis and summarize your position on the topic. You can put it closer to the start or put it at the end of your introduction so that it summarizes the explanations you would give about the problem. Examples of a position paper thesis:

• Online education is cost-effective, being more affordable for both students and educational institutions. • Schools should offer low-income pupils summertime educational resources.

4. Create an Outline

Once you have decided about the direction you’re taking with your essay, proceed with the position essay outline. This step is often overlooked, but it will be much easier to find and correct mistakes and gaps at this early stage. So, writing a position paper outline actually saves you time. This is how to write a position paper outline:

  • Keep it brief, just one sentence per idea. No need to always use full sentences, just make them readable.
  • Include your thesis, mention the context, then write one sentence per each argument.
  • Briefly summarize it, one sentence will suffice as well.

Don’t forget to review your outline carefully.

5. Begin Writing Your Position Paper

Once you’ve ensured the outline of an essay doesn’t have any gaps or logical flaws, go ahead and complete the full-text version. If you wonder how to start a position paper at this stage, begin with the introduction. You already have its shortened draft, so just add necessary details and list explanations if needed. But don’t give particular arguments or refute opposing opinions yet, those should come in the main body part. See how to write an introductory paragraph for a position paper in the next section.

Position Paper Introduction Example

Looking for introduction position paper examples? We’ve got one for you. Here’s how you can start your essay:

Traditional education is commonly regarded as a better alternative since live interaction with teachers often facilitates the learning process. However, given the ever-growing problem with student loans, the affordability of online education has become an important factor. Additionally, when studying online, people don’t have to commute, thus saving extra time and money. So, we can see that online education is more effective for common students.

Check our sample position paper for introduction examples. They are available for free download.

6. Include Evidence in Your Position Paper

As we’ve already explained, position papers must be backed by solid evidence. You have to prove your point, and that requires addressing it with data, not just stating it with confidence. When you write your position paper, there are two main requirements for backing your claim:

  • collect valid and relevant data;
  • present it in your text properly.

Here’s an example of evidence in a position paper:

As shown by many researchers (particularly by Kim and Norton in their work, 2018), more than 60% of students in the US attend online courses on a regular basis.

7. Provide Counterarguments and Refute Them

Still learning how to write position paper? If it is your first one, consider an important fact: ignoring evident contradictions to your claim doesn’t add credibility. Instead, you must work with counter arguments which is similar to writing an argumentative essay . You may be aware of the opposite opinions or think and assume which objections your opponents would make. Better mention them in your essay and show how you counter these claims.  Here are some examples of counterarguments for position papers:

Evidently, e-learning doesn’t allow face-to-face interaction with your tutor, which may make it harder to exchange experience. However, the affordability factor still makes it a better choice, especially for motivated students. The price difference between traditional and online education might not be that big. But if we add the price of commuting and time spent on that, this difference becomes much bigger.

8. Summarize Your Position

When writing your position paper, it is important that you make it sound impressive in the end. Your position paper conclusion should properly summarize all arguments and rebuttal of counterarguments . Keep it brief, without repeating much, just highlight how all your findings support the claim. You can also add some extra notes, e.g., making additional assumptions, different predictions about this problem’s impact in the future, or hints about extra evidence you haven’t mentioned before to keep your text brief. This may help to make a lasting impression on your audience. Finally, review your conclusion once again, ensuring that it is logical and doesn’t contradict any claims, arguments, or assumptions provided above. Check the next section for an example of how to write a position paper conclusion.

Example of a Position Paper Conclusion

Need an actual conclusion for a position essay example? It can be something like this:

According to the statistical data presented above, e-learning is already gaining increasing popularity among students below 25 ages all over the globe. Since it is better compatible with the part-time work schedule most students have to follow, this format has actually proven its efficiency in recent years. And it is quite safe to assume it will become a new dominant way of education within the next decade or two.

You can also find the conclusion of a position paper essay example if you check the free samples that are available on this page.

9. Proofread Your Position Paper

After your position essay is complete, you absolutely should spend some extra time and review it again. Try adopting a critical view, putting yourself in your potential opponent’s shoes. Are there any logical gaps or grammar mistakes left? Paper position is not clear enough? Wrong source mentioned? Nearly every text has some issues to correct. Sometimes even evident typos are left overlooked when writing. It is best to have someone else review a position paper since its writer may be biased toward their own text. Another way is reading it aloud to yourself prior to submission. Some flaws may be uncovered this way too.

Position Paper Format

Your position papers format is another element that shouldn’t be overlooked. Proper headline and paragraph styles make your text more readable. Also, there might be specific requirements for making citations. All your evidence must be presented correctly so that it doesn’t get mixed with your own opinions. Format depends on the discipline. You might need to use one of the popular styles: MLA, APA, or Chicago. If you don’t see which one of them is required, better ask your tutor. You can find some position paper format sample in our free attachments, available below.

Position Paper Examples

Need an example of a position paper so that you could learn how all these recommendations can be implemented? We’ve got some for you! Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and you’ll find sample of position papers available for free download. Each position paper example essay has been written by professional research writers and can be used for inspiration or as a reference. Just don’t copy any of those materials in your own text, as you should only submit 100% original works. Position paper example 1 


Position paper example 2

Position paper example 3

Position Paper Sample 4

Tips for Writing a Position Paper

Finally, some extra tips on writing a position paper that is really persuasive:

  • Choose topics that are interesting for you. This will motivate you to discuss them.
  • Plan ahead and consider your deadlines. Don’t spend too much time conducting the preliminary research or perfecting your argumentation if it is already valid.
  • Pay attention to your sources. Some books or research might be considered dubious by your opponents or might have some obvious gaps.
  • Review your position papers as many times as possible. Ideally, ask a person with an opposite side on this issue to read and refute it.
  • Keep it professional. Maintain a confident tone but stay logical and correct, avoid emotional or derogatory remarks.

More examples of position papers are available here – you can check them below.

Final Thoughts on How to Write a Position Paper

So, in order to write a position paper, you need to choose an appropriate topic and elaborate on your position regarding the specific problem. Then you should defend it using logic, facts, and confidence. Still not clear what are position papers and how one should write them? Check out this sample position paper for students available below, and you’ll find all our tips illustrated there. Follow its structure and style, just don’t copy anything to avoid plagiarizing.


If you are stuck in any stage of the writing process, don’t hesitate to use professional academic writing services. StudyCrumb is always here for you to solve any academic challenge you may have. Let us know your task, and we will match you with the most fitting expert who can write an excellent position paper for you. 

FAQ About a Position Paper

1. how long should a position paper be.

The length of a position paper is usually limited to one page and a half (up to 350 words). Don’t make it too long, stick to the facts and brief statements. When given with confidence, concise claims are more persuasive. At the same time better include all necessary evidence, not rely just on confidence. So don’t make it less than one page.

2. What are the kinds of support in a position paper?

You can use these support types in your position paper:

  • Factual knowledge: either well-known facts (e.g., historical or biological) or data retrieved from credible sources;
  • Statistical trends: always helpful for making assumptions but also need to be backed by sources;
  • Informed opinion: citations from renowned specialists in fields related to your topic.

3. What is forbidden in a position paper?

When writing a position paper, avoid the following:

  •  Taking opinions for facts.
  • Using threats or derogatory language as a means of persuasion.
  • Comparing unrelated situations and making some conclusions from that.
  • Copying other works without citing them.


Rachel R. Hill is a real educational devotee. She prides in writing exceptional general guides while listening to every need of students.

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5 Steps to Writing a Position Paper

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In a position paper assignment, your charge is to choose a side on a particular topic, sometimes controversial, and build up a case for your opinion or position. You will use facts, opinion, statistics, and other forms of evidence to convince your reader that your position is the best one. To do this, you'll collect research for your position paper and craft an outline in order to create a well-constructed argument.

Select a Topic for Your Paper

Your position paper centers around a topic that is supported by research. Your topic and position have to hold up when challenged, so it's helpful to research a few topics and pick the one you can best argue, even if it may not reflect your personal beliefs. In many cases, the subject matter and your topic are not as important as your ability to make a strong case. Your topic can be simple or complex, but your argument must be sound and logical.

Conduct Preliminary Research

Preliminary research is necessary to determine whether sufficient evidence is available to back up your stance. You don’t want to get too attached to a topic that falls apart under a challenge.

Search a few reputable sites, like education (.edu) sites and government (.gov) sites, to find professional studies and statistics. If you come up with nothing after an hour of searching, or if you find that your position doesn’t stand up to the findings on reputable sites, choose another topic. This could save you from a lot of frustration later.

Challenge Your Own Topic

You must know the opposite view as well as you know your own stance when you take a position. Take the time to determine all the possible challenges that you might face as you support your view. Your position paper must address the opposing view and chip away at it with counter-evidence. Consider having friends, colleagues, or family debate the topic with you to get alternative points of view that you might not have readily considered yourself. When you find arguments for the other side of your position, you can address them in a fair manner, and then state why they are not sound.

Another helpful exercise is to draw a line down the middle of a plain sheet of paper and list your points on one side and list opposing points on the other side. Which argument is really better? If it looks like your opposition might outnumber you with valid points, you should reconsider your topic or your stance on the topic.

Continue to Collect Supporting Evidence

Once you’ve determined that your position is supportable and the opposite position is (in your opinion) weaker than your own, you are ready to branch out with your research. Go to a library and conduct a search, or ask the reference librarian to help you find more sources. You can, of course, conduct online research as well, but it's important to know how to properly vet the validity of the sources you use. Ensure that your articles are written by reputable sources, and be wary of singular sources that differ from the norm, as these are often subjective rather than factual in nature.

Try to collect a variety of sources, and include both an expert’s opinion (doctor, lawyer, or professor, for example) and personal experience (from a friend or family member) that can add an emotional appeal to your topic. These statements should support your own position but should read differently than your own words. The point of these is to add depth to your argument or provide anecdotal support.

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When you think about writing in school or at work, several types pop up, right? Essays, reports, and even quick emails. But there’s this one type that doesn’t always get the spotlight, yet it’s super important— the position paper. This paper is your chance to take a stand on an issue and persuade others to see things your way. Imagine you’re trying to convince your friends to try out your favorite restaurant—that’s kind of what you’re doing here, but with more research and organization. Writing a position paper really boils down to three things: being clear, being persuasive, and keeping your arguments organized . Get these right, and you’ll not only present your ideas clearly but might just change some minds too. Whether it’s for a class debate or a proposal at work, understanding how to craft a solid position paper can really make a difference.

What Is a Position Paper?

So, you’ve been asked to write a position paper and you’re thinking, “What exactly is that?” No worries, let’s break it down. A position paper is like your chance to play the role of a lawyer in writing. It’s not about merely stating your opinion – it’s about convincing others that your stance on an issue is the sound choice. This involves digging up evidence, laying down arguments, and showing why your position makes the most sense.

These papers are a big deal in several areas. In academia, students write them to showcase their understanding of a topic and persuade their instructor or peers. If you’re involved in Model United Nations, you’ll definitely be writing position papers to represent your assigned country’s policies and propose solutions. And it doesn’t stop there—position papers are also a thing in the professional world, especially in advocacy, where influencing policy decisions or public perception is the game.

How to Write a Position Paper

The goal? To inform, persuade, and provide a solid foundation for debate . Whether you’re arguing for less homework, defending a country’s stance on climate change, or advocating for social reforms, your position paper is your voice, formalized in a powerful, structured way. It’s all about making your case as convincingly as possible, backed by facts and clear reasoning. So, when you sit down to write one, think about how you can get your reader to nod along with your points by the time they’re done reading.

Position Paper Format – Pages, Margins, Font

When you’re gearing up to write a position paper, getting the format right is key. Typically, these papers are brief – about 1-2 pages. You’ll want to use a standard font like Times New Roman, size 12, with 1-inch margins all around. This keeps your work readable and professional.

Why stick to these guidelines? Well, following the specific format requested by your instructor or the organization you’re writing for shows that you pay attention to detail and respect the rules of the game. It’s about playing by the rules so that your ideas get heard in the way you intend. It doesn’t matter if it’s for school, a conference, or a competition, because nailing the format can make or break the effectiveness of your argument. So, double-check those guidelines and format your paper to fit perfectly within the expected framework.

Crafting Your Position Paper Outline

Ready to put together your position paper? Let’s break down how to structure it so that your arguments hit just right. A solid position paper typically includes three main parts: an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Here’s what you should aim to include in each section:

Introduction : Kick off your paper with an introduction that grabs attention. Start with a hook—an interesting fact or question that piques interest. Next, provide some background on the issue you’re addressing, setting the stage for your arguments. Most crucially, end your introduction with a clear thesis statement. This is your main argument condensed into one or two sentences, stating your position clearly and decisively.

Body Paragraphs : Your body paragraphs are where you delve into the details. Each paragraph should focus on a single point that supports your thesis statement. Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the point. Follow up with evidence—facts, quotes, or data—that bolsters your argument. Make sure to explain how this evidence relates to your thesis. It’s not just about throwing in information; it’s about making a case that supports your stance.

Conclusion : Wrap up your position paper with a strong conclusion. Restate your thesis in a fresh way, summarizing how the points you made back it up. Then, go beyond by suggesting what could happen next or what actions readers might consider. The conclusion is your last chance to reinforce your position and leave a lasting impression, so make it count!

Remember that each part of your paper should work together seamlessly, creating a clear and persuasive argument that’s hard to refute. Keep your writing focused, back up your points with solid evidence, and you’ll be set for success!

Position Paper Template

Ready to write a position paper but not sure where to start? No stress, we’ve got you covered with a simple step-by-step template. Let’s say you’re writing about the impact of digital media on learning. If you wan’t a TLDR or a quick structure to refer to, we got you.

How to Write a Position Paper

And if you’re here for a full explanation, check out how you might structure your paper in more detail.


  • Hook : Start with a compelling statement or question to grab attention. For example, “Did you know that 95% of teens have access to a smartphone? Imagine the educational potential!”
  • Background Information : Provide some context about the topic. Mention how digital media has become intertwined with daily life, particularly in education.
  • Thesis Statement : Clearly state your position. For instance, “This paper argues that digital media enriches the learning environment by providing accessible and diverse educational resources.”

Body Paragraphs

  • Argument 1 with Evidence : Start with your first major point. Maybe you argue that digital media offers unprecedented access to information. Support this with statistics about internet usage for educational research or examples of educational apps.
  • Argument 2 with Evidence : Next, discuss how digital media promotes interactive learning. Cite studies that show improved engagement and learning outcomes when digital tools are used in the classroom.
  • Further Arguments as Necessary : If you have more points, continue to develop each one in its own paragraph. For example, you might address concerns about screen time but counter with research on controlled usage and its benefits.
  • Summary of Arguments : Briefly recap the points you made, reinforcing how digital media supports learning.
  • Restatement of the Thesis : Reinforce your thesis statement in a fresh way, tying back to the evidence discussed. You might conclude with, “Digital media, when integrated thoughtfully, not only complements traditional education but also opens new avenues for engagement and accessibility.”

And there you have it—a structured position paper that’s clear, compelling, and sure to impress. Just remember to tailor each section to support your thesis, keep your evidence credible, and your arguments clear. Writing a position paper might seem big, but with this template, you’re well on your way to arguing your point effectively.

Position Paper Example Full-Text

The Impact of Digital Media on Learning

In today’s digitalized world, it is hard to find a teenager without a smartphone or access to the internet, if not completely impossible. With technology at their fingertips, the educational potential is largely untapped. This position paper argues that digital media significantly improves the learning environment by providing accessible and diverse educational resources, enhancing interactive learning, and fostering personalized education.

Introduction . Have you ever stopped to consider the potential that the digital tools you use every day have for learning? About 95% of teens today have access to a smartphone, and the vast majority use it for more than just social media and games. This widespread availability of digital devices opens up a wealth of opportunities for educational improvement.

Argument 1: Unprecedented Access to Information

One of the most significant advantages of digital media is its ability to provide learners with instant access to a vast array of information. Educational platforms nowadays offer courses on everything from calculus to art history, many of which are free. For example, a study by the Pew Research Center shows that 84% of teens use the internet for assistance with homework or educational projects, demonstrating the crucial role digital media plays in education today.

Argument 2: Enhances Interactive Learning

Digital media also promotes a more interactive approach to learning, which has been shown to improve student engagement and comprehension. Interactive tools such as virtual labs, digital simulations, and educational games allow students to explore concepts in a hands-on manner. According to a report from the Martha Brown Looney Center, students using educational video games exhibited increased engagement and improved ability to recall factual information compared to traditional learning methods.

Argument 3: Personalization of Education

Furthermore, digital media facilitates personalized learning, which allows students to learn at their own pace and according to their own interests. Adaptive learning technologies provide real-time adjustments to the difficulty level and type of tasks assigned to students based on their performance, making learning highly individualized. This personalization helps to meet the unique needs of each student and accommodate different learning styles and paces, which is often not feasible in a traditional classroom setting.

Conclusion . In conclusion, the integration of digital media into education is not just beneficial but essential for the modern learning environment. It breaks down the walls of the traditional classroom, offering students personalized, interactive, and accessible learning opportunities. As this paper has shown, the use of digital media in education can transform the way information is accessed and absorbed, making learning a more engaging, efficient, and tailored experience. Digital media, when integrated thoughtfully into education, complements traditional methodologies and opens new avenues for teaching and learning. It is a powerful tool that, if used wisely, can prepare students for a digital future, making education more relevant, engaging, and accessible to all.

How to Write a Position Paper – Essential Tips

Writing a position paper can feel overwhelming ( how can you persuade people the way you want? ), but with the right approach, you can make a compelling argument that’s hard to ignore. Here are some tips to help you write a clear and to-the-point position paper:

  • Conduct thorough research . Before you start writing, gather as much information as possible. Use credible sources to back up your claims and provide a solid foundation for your arguments. The more evidence you have, the stronger your position will be.
  • Stay objective . While a position paper requires you to take a stance, staying objective is key. Acknowledge counterarguments and consider different perspectives. This not only shows that you’ve thought things through but also strengthens your position by addressing potential criticisms head-on.
  • Maintain a formal tone . Even if the topic is something you’re passionate about, keep your language formal and professional. This helps to convey seriousness and credibility, making your argument more convincing to the reader.
  • Use convincing language . Choose your words carefully. Using strong, assertive language can help persuade your audience. However, avoid being overly aggressive; your goal is to persuade, not alienate.
  • Be clear and concise . Clarity is a must in a position paper. Make sure your points are clear and your arguments are easy to follow. Avoid unnecessary jargon and complexities that could confuse the reader.
  • Plan your structure . A well-organized paper is easier to understand. Make sure each paragraph has a clear point that supports your overall argument, and that your paper flows logically from one point to the next.

You’ll be able to craft a position paper that not only presents your case effectively but also engages and persuades your audience by following these tips. Keep in mind, the strength of your position paper lies in how well you argue your point and back it up with solid evidence. Good luck!

What are the 3 parts of a position paper?

A position paper consists of three main parts: the introduction, where you introduce the topic and state your thesis; the body, where you present your arguments and support them with evidence; and the conclusion, where you summarize your arguments and restate your thesis.

How should I start my position paper?

Start your position paper with a strong hook that grabs the reader’s attention, followed by some background information on the topic to set the context. Conclude your introduction with a clear thesis statement that outlines your main argument or stance.

What is the format of position paper?

The format of a position paper typically includes a clear introduction with a thesis statement, several body paragraphs that argue different points supporting the thesis, and a concise conclusion that summarizes the arguments and reinforces the thesis. Proper citations and a formal tone are also necessary.

What are the five steps in writing a position paper?

  • Research your topic thoroughly to understand different perspectives.
  • Define your position clearly.
  • Outline your main arguments.
  • Write the paper, structuring it into an introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Review and revise the paper for clarity and coherence.

What is one thing to avoid in writing a position paper?

Avoid ambiguity in your thesis statement and arguments. A position paper should have a clear, assertive stance. Vague statements or unclear arguments can weaken your position and confuse the reader.

What are the characteristics of a good position paper?

A good position paper is clear, concise, and well-organized. It has a strong thesis statement, supported by logical, well-researched arguments. It maintains a formal tone, addresses counterarguments respectfully, and persuasively communicates the writer’s stance on the issue.

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How to Write a Position Paper

Last Updated: March 22, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Emily Listmann, MA and by wikiHow staff writer, Danielle Blinka, MA, MPA . Emily Listmann is a Private Tutor and Life Coach in Santa Cruz, California. In 2018, she founded Mindful & Well, a natural healing and wellness coaching service. She has worked as a Social Studies Teacher, Curriculum Coordinator, and an SAT Prep Teacher. She received her MA in Education from the Stanford Graduate School of Education in 2014. Emily also received her Wellness Coach Certificate from Cornell University and completed the Mindfulness Training by Mindful Schools. There are 8 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 251,303 times.

Just like an argument paper, a position paper supports one side of an issue, similar to in a debate. Your goal will be to provide convincing evidence to the reader that your position is the correct stance to take on an issue. You can write a great position paper by choosing your position carefully, developing your argument, drafting your paper, and revising and editing your work.

Position Paper Outline and Example

how to research for a position paper

Choosing Your Position

Step 1 Make sure your topic is arguable.

  • For example, you wouldn’t want to write a paper arguing that children need proper care, as no one would disagree with that stance.
  • A better topic may be taking a stance on what should be done if children are not receiving proper care.

Step 2 Research your topic and the alternative sides.

  • Visit your local library to find books, journals, and newspapers.
  • Access online databases, credible websites, and news sources.
  • To decide if a source is credible , look for peer-reviewed journals, check the credentials of the author, locate the information in two separate sources, and check the date to make sure the information is the most recent available. You should also avoid self-published sources.

Step 3 Make a pros and cons list for at least 2 positions on your topic.

  • Looking at both sides not only helps you pick the best position, it will also help you choose a good counterargument. [3] X Research source
  • For example, if you are writing a paper about whether or not your community should invest in new park equipment, your two sides would be either in favor of the new park equipment or against it. A pro of buying new equipment might be purchasing safer equipment, while a con would be the expense of the purchase.

Step 4 Think about your views on the issue.

  • In some cases, it’s easier to argue a position if you don’t have strong opinions either way. This is because you can focus on the evidence, not on your personal views.

Step 5 Consider your audience's views on the topic.

  • While you don’t have to change your position to fit your audience, you may want to adjust your reasons behind the position or the counter-argument you choose.

Building Your Argument

Step 1 Establish your claim.

  • If possible, look for supporting reasons that are shown through 2 or more different pieces of evidence, as this will make your argument stronger.
  • Use your assignment sheet or the parameters of your paper to determine how many supporting reasons you should include. For many academic papers, you will use 2 to 3 reasons.

Step 3 Compile your supporting evidence.

  • Use an organizing strategy that works for you.
  • Compiling your evidence now will help you more easily write your paper.
  • Keep in mind that it is important to cite your sources. If you use a direct quote from a source, then put it into quotation marks and identify the author when you use it. If you paraphrase or summarize something from a source, give credit to the author for the ideas.
  • Don’t go overboard on including evidence! Remember that most of the ideas in the paper should be your own. It’s good to quote sources, but avoid quoting entire paragraphs from other sources. Keep your quotes to a sentence or two and try to avoid including more than one quote per paragraph.

Step 4 Identify a counter-argument that you can easily dismiss.

  • For example, if you are writing a position paper arguing that your community should purchase new playground equipment, your counter-argument could be that the purchase will be too expensive. To strengthen your argument, you would cite this possible point against you but show why it's not a valid reason to dismiss your position. A good way to do that would be to show that the equipment is worth the expense or that there is outside funding to pay for it.
  • You will also want a piece of evidence that supports your counter-argument. This evidence, which should be easy to dismiss, will be included in your paper.

Drafting Your Paper

Step 1 Develop your thesis.

  • One easy way to set up your argument in your thesis is to include both your counter-argument and claim, preceded by the word “although.” For example, “Although installing new playground equipment in the park will be expensive, new playground equipment would provide a safe play area for children and offer options for special needs children.”
  • If you’re an expert writer, you may not need to include supporting reasons in your thesis. For example, “As parents learn the benefits and dangers of outside play, communities across the nation are turning their eyes toward their parks, making safe, accessible equipment a public necessity.” [11] X Trustworthy Source Purdue Online Writing Lab Trusted resource for writing and citation guidelines Go to source

Step 2 Write your introduction.

  • Start with a hook that introduces your topic. For example, you could provide a statistic of how many children are injured on old playground equipment every year.
  • Include a few sentences that provide more information on your topic, narrowing down toward your stance.
  • End your introduction with your thesis.

Step 3 Include at least 2 body paragraphs.

  • Follow the requirements for your paper, which may state how many paragraphs you should include.

Step 4 Use topic sentences that link back to your thesis.

  • For example, you could write: “Installing new playground equipment would make the park more inclusive for special needs children because updated designs are accessible to those who are disabled.”

Step 5 Provide evidence to support your position.

  • Documented stories

Step 6 Provide commentary to explain your evidence.

  • Without commentary, there is no link between your evidence and your position, leaving your argument weak.

Step 7 Conclude your essay by reasserting your position.

  • Restate your thesis. For example, "While new playground equipment is expensive, it's worth the investment because it serves the best interests of the community by providing children with a safe area to play and making the park more accessible for special needs children."
  • Sum up your argument.
  • End on a high note with a call to action. For example, "Children need a safe, accessible place to play, so the only choice is to install new park equipment in Quimby Park."

Step 8 Cite your sources...

  • If you don’t cite your sources, then you will be guilty of plagiarism. You could lose credit or face harsher penalties if you are caught stealing someone else’s words or ideas.

Revising and Editing Your Paper

Step 1 Use your spell check tool.

  • Before you change a word, re-read the sentence to make sure that the new suggestion fits. The spell checker may think that you mean one thing, while you really mean something else.

Step 2 Take a break from your paper.

  • Waiting at least a day is best. If you are short on time, wait at least 30 minutes before reviewing what you’ve written.

Step 3 Re-read your paper with fresh eyes.

  • If possible, have a friend or mentor read your paper and suggest edits or revisions.

Step 4 Revise your paper.

  • Combine short, choppy sentences, and break up long sentences.
  • Fix sentence fragments and run-ons.

Step 5 Proofread your paper to make final edits.

  • If possible, ask a friend or mentor to proofread your final draft. They may be able to spot errors that you don’t see.

Step 6 Prepare your works...

  • If you are presenting or turning in a printed paper, check to see if you should place it in a presentation folder.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Avoid using the words “I” and “you” in your thesis. Thanks Helpful 7 Not Helpful 0
  • Make sure that you stay focused on your claim throughout your paper and that all of the evidence you present in the paper is supporting your claim. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0

how to research for a position paper

  • Give credit when you use someone else's opinion, statistics, facts or quotations. Avoid plagiarism by referencing and citing your sources. Thanks Helpful 10 Not Helpful 3

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  • ↑ https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/how-to-write-a-position-paper
  • ↑ https://www.cs.rutgers.edu/~rmartin/teaching/fall15/Writing_a_Position_Paper.pdf
  • ↑ https://www.nmun.org/assets/documents/nmun-pp-guide.pdf
  • ↑ https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/general_writing/academic_writing/essay_writing/argumentative_essays.html
  • ↑ https://bowiestate.libguides.com/c.php?g=442189&p=3014828
  • ↑ https://opentextbc.ca/writingforsuccess/chapter/chapter-12-peer-review-and-final-revisions/
  • ↑ https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/general_writing/the_writing_process/proofreading/steps_for_revising.html
  • ↑ https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/writingcenter/writingprocess/proofreading

About This Article

Emily Listmann, MA

If you need to write a position paper, choose a topic that has at least 2 clear sides, then pick one of those sides as your position. Gather research from books, newspapers, academic journals, online databases, and other credible sources, making sure to cover your own position and at least one opposing side. Open your paper by stating your claim, or the position you have taken, then offer at least 2 pieces of evidence to support that stance. Identify and dismiss a counter-argument to your position as well. For tips on how to use topic sentences to link your paragraphs to your thesis, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Writing Effective Position Papers: A Comprehensive Guide

Ever find yourself caught in a debate where you just can't nail down a perfect, persuasive argument? Position papers give you the tools to do exactly that. They can help you with researching your topic, finding the perfect evidence, and presenting your case in a way that's clear and convincing.

This guide will break down the elements of an effective position paper, equipping you to communicate your stance with clarity and conviction.

Understanding Position Papers

Position papers are persuasive essays that advocate for a specific stance on a particular issue. They go beyond simply stating an opinion, as they aim to convince the reader of your position by presenting a well-researched and logically sound argument.

Academic Setting: In classrooms, position papers are used to hone critical thinking, research, and writing skills. Students delve into a topic, analyze evidence, and present a well-supported argument. This could be advocating for a change in school policy, analyzing the merits of a historical event, or defending a particular scientific theory.

Professional Setting: Businesses often utilize position papers to influence policies or secure funding. For example, a healthcare company might write a position paper advocating for the benefits of a new drug while a non-profit organization might use one to propose changes to environmental regulations.

Selecting a Stance

Choosing a topic for your position paper is the first step, but then comes the important task of defining your specific stance. Here are some pointers:

Pick a debatable issue: Your topic should have two or more valid viewpoints to allow for constructive argumentation. For instance, "Cats are better pets than dogs" wouldn't work well because it's a matter of personal preference, not a debatable issue.

Align with Evidence: A strong stance is backed by solid evidence. Research the issue thoroughly to gather data, statistics, and expert opinions that support your position.

Consider your Audience: Tailor your argument to resonate with your reader's values and interests. Are you writing for a teacher who values historical context or a government official concerned about economic impact? Understanding your audience helps frame your argument effectively.

Can any topic be suitable for a position paper?

While many topics hold potential for a well-written position paper, some are less suitable. Avoid subjects that lack a clear oppositional viewpoint or are based solely on personal opinion.

For example, "Chocolate is the best dessert" wouldn't work as a position paper because it's subjective. However, "Chocolate consumption offers more health benefits than drawbacks" could be a valid topic if you can build an argument using scientific research and nutritional data.

Remember, a well-chosen topic and a clear, defendable stance are the cornerstones of a compelling position paper. Now you're ready to delve into the process of building a persuasive argument!

The Structure of Position Papers

A powerful position paper isn't built haphazardly. Here, we'll break down the essential components and provide a step-by-step approach to organize your thoughts and evidence cohesively.

Can a position paper be effective without a clear structure?

Absolutely not! Without a well-organized structure, your arguments can become scattered, and your reader may struggle to follow your train of thought. Think of it like a roadmap – a clear structure ensures your reader embarks on a clear journey of understanding your position, appreciating your evidence, and ultimately being persuaded by your perspective.

Here's a breakdown of the essential elements that form the backbone of your position paper.

Crafting the Introduction

Hook 'Em In: Grab your reader's attention with a compelling opening. This could be a surprising statistic, a thought-provoking question, or a vivid scenario that highlights the issue at hand.

State Your Claim: This is the heart of your introduction. Clearly and concisely articulate the position you're advocating for. Make it a strong, declarative statement that leaves no room for ambiguity about your stance.

Outline the Roadmap: Briefly preview the key arguments you'll present to support your position. This gives the reader a sense of direction and builds anticipation for the evidence you'll unveil.

Is it crucial to state your position clearly in the introduction?

Absolutely! This initial declaration sets the tone and direction for your entire paper. A clear statement of your stance allows the reader to immediately understand what you're arguing for and prepares them to follow your line of reasoning.

Developing Arguments

Building Blocks of Persuasion: Here's where you present your supporting arguments. Each argument should be a strong pillar, backed by compelling evidence. This evidence can come from research studies, expert opinions, credible statistics, or even real-world examples.

Evidence Matters: Don't just list facts – analyze and explain their significance to your position. Show the reader how each piece of evidence strengthens your case.

Addressing the Opposition: No argument exists in a vacuum. Acknowledge potential counterarguments and explain why they are flawed or less persuasive than your own position. This demonstrates intellectual honesty and strengthens your overall credibility.

Concluding with Impact

Recap and Reinforce: Don't leave your reader hanging. Restate your main points and remind them of the strength of your evidence.

The Call to Action: A powerful conclusion doesn't just summarize, it inspires. End with a call to action, urging the reader to consider your stance and perhaps even propose a course of action – "Sign this petition" or "Contact your representative to demand change." This final push gives your argument weight and motivates the reader to engage with the issue.

Researching and Supporting Your Stance

A well-defined position is only as strong as the evidence that supports it. Thorough research is the cornerstone of any effective position paper. Here's why research is imperative and how to leverage it to build a compelling case:

Credibility and Authority: Research allows you to tap into the knowledge of experts, studies, and data that bolster your arguments. Evidence adds weight to your claims, making your stance more credible and persuasive.

Anticipating Counterarguments: A strong understanding of the issue, gained through research, allows you to anticipate potential counterarguments presented by the opposing side. This knowledge empowers you to address them proactively, strengthening your overall position.

Shaping Your Argument: Research can be a springboard for discovering new information and perspectives. It can even lead you to refine your initial position based on a deeper understanding of the issue.

Methods for Gathering Credible Evidence:

Academic Journals: Peer-reviewed academic journals offer reliable and in-depth research on a vast array of topics. University libraries often provide access to online databases that can help you search for relevant articles.

Government Reports: Government agencies research various social and economic issues. Their websites can be a treasure trove of credible data and statistics to support your position.

Credible News Sources: News articles from established and reputable sources can provide valuable current information and perspectives relevant to your topic. Be cautious of biased sources and ensure the information is well-researched and fact-checked.

Expert Opinions: Statements from recognized authorities in your field can add weight to your arguments. Look for interviews, articles, or published works by relevant experts.

Integrating Evidence

Now that you've gathered a wealth of evidence, how do you effectively weave it into your paper? Here are some key strategies:

Context is Key: Don't just drop quotes or statistics into your paper. Introduce each piece of evidence by explaining its relevance to your argument. Show the reader how it strengthens your position.

Accuracy Matters: Double-check all citations to ensure accuracy. Misquoted or misrepresented evidence can undermine your credibility.

Citation Styles: Follow the appropriate academic style guide (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.) for formatting in-text citations and your reference list. Proper citation practices showcase your research skills and ensure your sources are properly acknowledged.

Revising for Clarity and Persuasiveness

Crafting a compelling position paper isn't a one-shot deal. Just like any powerful piece of writing, revision is necessary to turn your work from good to great. Here, we'll explore a methodology for reviewing and revising your position paper.

Is the revision process critical to enhancing the clarity and persuasiveness of position papers?

Absolutely! Revision is an essential step that allows you to refine your arguments, improve the clarity of your writing, and ultimately make your paper more persuasive. Think of it as taking a sculptor's chisel to your initial draft, removing any rough edges and ensuring your position shines through with clarity.

The Art of Revision:

Step Away and Come Back: After you've finished your initial draft, give yourself some time away from it. This allows you to approach the revision process with fresh eyes and renewed focus.

Read for Clarity: When you revisit your paper, read it aloud as if you're presenting it to an audience. Does the flow feel natural? Are your arguments clear and easy to follow?

Strengthen Your Arguments: This is your chance to identify any areas where your arguments could be bolstered. Look for opportunities to add even more compelling evidence or address potential counterarguments in a more nuanced way.

Check for Coherence: Ensure your arguments transition smoothly from one point to the next. Do you need to add transitional words or phrases to create a logical flow of ideas?

Seek Feedback: Consider getting another set of eyes on your work. Ask a friend, classmate, or professor to review your paper and provide feedback on its clarity, persuasiveness, and overall effectiveness. This external perspective can be invaluable in identifying areas for improvement.

Capstone Project

Capstone projects are the culmination of your academic journey, a chance to showcase your knowledge, research skills, and critical thinking abilities. But how can you take your capstone project to the next level? Enter the position paper! It can be an integral part of your capstone project, advancing your research and overall presentation.

Here's how a thoughtfully crafted position paper can improve your capstone project:

Argumentative Expertise: Capstone projects often require a deep dive into a specific topic or issue. Developing a position paper within this framework allows you to hone your argumentative skills. You'll need to analyze the complexities of the issue, identify your stance, and construct a well-reasoned argument supported by credible evidence. 

Research Integration in Action: Research is the backbone of any strong position paper. As you tap into your capstone project topic, a position paper provides a platform to apply your research findings. You'll need to select relevant evidence, interpret data, and integrate these elements into your paper to support your argument.

Role of Position Papers in Capstone Projects

So, how exactly can you integrate a position paper into your capstone project? Here are a few possibilities:

Springboard for Further Research: Use your initial position paper as a springboard for your broader capstone project. The research and argument development for your paper can guide your investigation, leading you to a deeper exploration of specific aspects related to your chosen stance.

Focused Component Within a Larger Project: Your position paper might become a dedicated section within your capstone project, outlining your research-backed perspective on a specific issue or subtopic within the larger theme of your project.

Standalone Companion Piece: In some cases, your position paper could be a separate document that complements your main capstone project. This allows you to get deeper into your arguments and evidence without overwhelming the reader in the main project document.

Dissertations or Thesis

Dissertations and theses are the pinnacles of academic achievement, demanding rigorous research and insightful analysis. But within this framework, there's often a misconception – that dissertations and theses should be entirely neutral, devoid of any personal stance. However, the reality is quite different. Taking a well-defined position within your dissertation or thesis, particularly in your literature review and discussion sections, can strengthen your work.

Formulating Arguments in Dissertations

So, how do you go about formulating strong arguments within your dissertation or thesis, similar to crafting a position paper? Here's a roadmap to guide you:

Deep Dive into the Literature: A thorough literature review is essential. As you look into existing research related to your topic, identify key areas of agreement, disagreement, and unanswered questions.

Craft Your Thesis Statement: This cornerstone of your dissertation or thesis succinctly articulates your central argument. It's your position on the issue you're investigating, and it guides your entire analysis.

Evidence is King: Just like in a position paper, your arguments need to be supported by credible evidence. This could include data from your own research, findings from other studies, or insights from established scholars in your field.

Acknowledge Counterarguments: No argument exists in a vacuum. Anticipate potential counterarguments and address them head-on within your discussion section. This demonstrates intellectual honesty and strengthens the overall persuasiveness of your work.

Academic Papers

While academic papers are often associated with objective analysis and neutral presentation of facts, it's important to remember that at their core, they're about persuading your audience to consider your ideas and interpretations. This element of persuasion, similar to what drives position papers, extends across the wide spectrum of academic writing.

Persuasive Elements in Academic Writing

Here's why effective academic writing needs to have a persuasive edge, just like a well-crafted position paper:

Argument and Analysis: Whether you're analyzing a piece of literature, interpreting historical events, or evaluating scientific data, academic writing involves a central argument. You're not simply reporting information; you're making a case for a specific interpretation or perspective.

Evidence-Driven Argumentation: Any argument worth its salt requires credible evidence to support it. Presenting evidence persuasively means selecting the right source while explaining its significance and how it directly supports your claims.

Critical Thinking in Action: Persuasive writing demonstrates your ability to think beyond the surface level. You analyze, synthesize, and build a reasoned case for your point of view. This showcases your intellectual prowess and deep understanding of the subject matter.

Scholarly Contribution: Persuasive academic writing moves the conversation within your field forward. It invites readers to consider your perspective, even if they may not fully agree, and opens the door for further exploration.

Term Papers

While both term papers and position papers are staples of academic writing, their objectives and structures differ. Let's discuss these distinctions, focusing on how argument development and evidence play a major role in each.

Term Papers:

Objective: Explore a topic in-depth, presenting a comprehensive analysis and demonstrating a thorough understanding of the subject matter.

Structure: Typically follows a five-paragraph essay format (introduction, thesis statement, body paragraphs with supporting evidence, conclusion) or a variation depending on the discipline. Focuses on presenting balanced and objective analysis from various perspectives.

Arguments and Evidence: Arguments are often implicit, woven into the analysis of different viewpoints. Evidence comes from a variety of credible sources, presented to support the overall understanding of the topic.

Position Papers:

Objective: Advocate for a specific stance on an issue, persuading the reader to consider your point of view.

Structure: Introduces a clear position, presents arguments supported by strong evidence, addresses counterarguments, and concludes with a call to action.

Arguments and Evidence: Explicit and well-defined arguments are central to the paper. Evidence is carefully chosen to directly support your position and strengthen your persuasiveness.

Position Paper Strategies in Term Papers

While term papers emphasize balanced analysis, certain strategies from position papers can be valuable tools:

Developing Strong Arguments: Term papers can benefit from a well-defined central argument. This doesn't mean advocating for one extreme, but rather highlighting a specific perspective within your analysis.

Strategic Evidence Selection: Just like in position papers, choose evidence that directly supports your central argument or the specific point you're making within each body paragraph.

Addressing Counterarguments: Term papers can be strengthened by acknowledging and briefly discussing opposing viewpoints. This demonstrates your awareness of the complexity of the issue and adds depth to your analysis.

Remember: When applying position paper strategies to term papers, it's important to maintain objectivity and present a balanced perspective. Don't simply advocate for one extreme viewpoint.

Here's how you can integrate these strategies effectively:

Example: Imagine your term paper topic is "The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health." You could develop a central argument that social media use has both positive and negative consequences for mental health, then dedicate specific body paragraphs to analyzing each impact using relevant research and statistics.

Addressing Counterarguments: Briefly mention arguments that downplay the negative aspects of social media, and then use research to explain why the potential risks require consideration.

Conclusion: Mastering the Art of Position Papers

This guide has equipped you with the tools to navigate the world of position papers. Remember, these powerful tools are valuable in both academic and professional environments where advocating for your ideas is critical.

By honing your skills in argumentation, research, and evidence integration, you'll be well on your way to crafting persuasive position papers that take a stand and resonate with your audience. This guide serves as your springboard – use it as a reference as you tackle research projects, term papers, capstone projects, and even professional proposals.

So, the next time you have an opportunity to advocate for a cause, a belief, or a solution, remember – a well-crafted position paper can be your voice, amplifying your ideas and propelling them forward. Now go forth and write with conviction!

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How To Write the Perfect Position Paper

how to research for a position paper

Opinions are like cars. Lots of people have them, but very few know how they actually work. At some point in high school, or college, you will be required to have an opinion on something. That’s the easy part. The hard part is providing that your opinion has merit. That’s the basic premise behind writing a position paper, or a persuasive essay. This is the time-tested academic tradition where you are required to stake out a meaningful position on an important subject and, subsequently, to provide relevant and verifiable evidence that your position is grounded in solid fact.

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This is an important skill, not just in school or on social media, but in real life. So if you’re on the hunt for solid facts, check out our constantly growing library of The Most Controversial Topics For Your Position Paper .

We recognize, however, that knowing a lot of facts isn’t the same as being able to write about these facts in a convincing or authoritative way. Writing an excellent position paper is a multi-step process that requires you to integrate both fact and opinion into a coherent and compelling essay. Lucky for you, we’ve got a handy step-by-step guide on how to do this.

Read on to find how you can write the perfect position paper in 10 steps...

How To Write a Position Paper

1. choose a topic that interests you.

Start with something you actually care about. If given the freedom, choose a subject that has personal meaning for you. Having real passion for the subject matter can be energizing as you dive into the research and it can infuse your writing with authenticity.

Many students like to write about controversial topics. Our study starters cover the top 25 controversial topics today .

2. Develop a Thesis Statement

Once you’ve got a subject, it’s time to define exactly where you stand on the issue. What is the point you hope to prove in your position paper? And how do you plan to prove it? If you’re not sure exactly where you stand, this is the starting point in your research. Find out what some of the leading thinkers, journalists, and public figures are saying on the subject. Which viewpoint resonates most with you? You should come away from this process with a thesis statement that both indicates your viewpoint and lays out the supporting points that will ultimately shape your essay. For instance, if you’re writing about a policy issue, your thesis might say something like “The newly proposed policy to ______ would be beneficial to the general public because it would ______, _________, and ________.

3. Identify Credible Sources

As you begin your research, it is absolutely critical that you identify only credible sources including primary sources, scholarly journals, and articles from legitimate news outlets. Of course, every source has its own implicit biases. But as you identify and use these sources, it’s your job to identify and recognize those biases. You can use a source provided by a politically biased think tank as long as you explicitly identify that bias. The most important thing you can do, as you gather resources, is ensure that they come from valid outlets , that you recognize any affiliations that might shape their perspective, and that you eliminate any sources that peddle in disinformation.

For more tips on how to do this, check out our article on How Students Can Spot Fake News .

4. Build Your Reference List

Now that you’ve identified credible resources, create your reference list. Citation is a building block of both the research process and the broader concept of academic integrity. As a student, you are expected to draw on the findings of those who came before you. But you have to credit those scholars in order to do so. Make sure you adhere to the formatting style indicated by your academic institution, course, and instructor , whether you are required to write in MLA, APA, Chicago, or its exotic-sounding twin, Turabian. Purdue’s website provides one of the more reliable style guides for your formatting reference needs .

We have a database to help you find influential scholars in a variety of subjects. We also point out influencers related to nearly 30 of the most controversial topics

5. Do Your Research

This step is all about gathering information. Now that you’ve locked in your sources, it’s time to dive deeper. If you enjoy learning new things, this is the fun part. Get comfortable and start reading. Research is the process of discovery, so take your time. Allow yourself to become absorbed in the subject matter, to be immersed, to lose yourself in the information. But come up for air every once in a while so you can take notes. Gather the ideas, statistics, and direct quotes from your research that ultimately strengthen your argument. And don’t shy away from information that contradicts your argument either. This is meant to be a learning process, so allow your position on the subject to evolve as you are presented with new information. The thesis that you’ve written is a starting point, but it’s not set in stone. If your research leads you in a different direction, don’t be afraid to refine or even revise your thesis accordingly.

6. Outline Your Position Paper

Now that your thesis has been reinforced by research, create a basic outline for what you’ll be writing . If you do this part correctly, the rest should simply be a process of filling in the blanks. Below is a basic framework for how you might structure a position paper:

  • Introduction
  • Setting up the subject
  • Thesis Statement
  • Basic Argument
  • Identification of Supporting Evidence
  • Supporting Evidence 1
  • Explanation
  • Supporting Evidence 2
  • Supporting Evidence 3
  • Counterpoint
  • Identification of Opposing Viewpoint(s)
  • Refutation of Opposing Viewpoint(s)
  • Reiterate Thesis
  • Tie Together Supporting Arguments

7. Build Your Argument

The outline above is merely a framework. Now it’s up to you to infuse that framework with your personality, your perspective and your voice. Your thesis and supporting quotes are the bones of your essay, but you’ll be adding the flesh to those bones with your set ups and explanations. This is your chance to explain why the evidence located in your research makes you feel the way you do. Remember, you are writing a fact-based essay on something that should trigger emotions in both you and the reader. Do not be afraid to lean into these feelings for your writing, as long as you keep those feelings strongly grounded in the facts of the case.

8. Address the Counterpoint

No argument is complete without recognition of its counterpart. Your willingness to acknowledge opposing viewpoints is a show of faith in your own argument. This gives you a chance to provide an honest appraisal of an opposing viewpoint and to confront this appraisal with fact-based refutation.

9. Tie It All Together

Now that you’ve spent your time fully immersed in the argument, it’s time to pull the pieces together. Revisit your introduction. Your opening paragraph should be crisp, engaging, and straight to the point. Don’t bury the lead. The purpose of your essay should be stated early and clearly. Likewise, build a concluding section that offers a compelling way of restating the thesis while incorporating some of the new things we’ve learned from reading your essay. Tie your various supporting arguments together to illustrate that we have all learned enough to agree with your initial position. And revisit each of your supporting paragraphs to ensure that each idea logically flows into the next. Write natural segue sentences between paragraphs and ensure that the connection between each supporting argument and your thesis is clear .

10. Proof, Edit, Revise, Repeat

Now you’ve assembled an essay, but it needs work. That’s not an insult. Anything ever written always needs work. Start with proofing. Look for typos, grammatical errors and incomplete sentences. Give your essay a technical cleaning. But you should also read for style, tone and substance. Does your argument hang together? Is it compelling? Do you adequately prove your point? You may find that this is an opportunity to trim gratuitous information or to add supporting information that might strengthen your argument. And as you revise your essay, try reading your work out loud. Hearing your own words out loud can reveal areas where your point might not come across as clearly. Spend as much time as you need on this step. Don’t be afraid to make substantive changes during this process. Invariably, your final draft will be significantly stronger than your rough draft.

And I’ll leave you with just one more thought-one that has always helped me as a writer. This tip comes from author Henry Miller’s famous 11 Commandments of Writing . Among the numerous valuable tips you can draw from his list, my personal favorite says “Don’t be nervous. Work calmly, joyously, recklessly on whatever is in hand.”

This is great advice at any stage in your writing career. Dive in and write fearlessly.

And now that you’ve got a step-by-step roadmap for attacking your position paper, get more valuable tips, tricks, and hacks from our comprehensive collection of Study Guides and Study Starters .

And if you are struggling with how to take effective notes in class, check out our guide on note taking .

A Brief Guide to Writing a Position Paper

13 July, 2020

13 minutes read

Author:  Mathieu Johnson

Speaking your thoughts out loud happens to be easier than doing the same in writing. Why is that so? Every time you prepare a speech, you need to write it down first. And your writing needs to be precise because readers are about to know what you’ve put down on a paper. When it comes to a position paper, your mission is to express your opinion on a controversial topic. You will have to take a side on a specific topic and make up a case based on your opinion. To succeed in this writing task, you may need some guidelines.

Position Paper

What Is Position Paper?

A position paper is a kind of essay in which you express your opinion or position regarding a particular subject matter. It can be used for different purposes, from a discussion of international challenges to an analysis of business strategies. As a result, a position paper format is widely used in business and politics. Also, it can take a form of a report revealing your plans for the subject matter at hand. A position paper should contain a smooth flow of thoughts and ideas that provide a rock-solid evidence for your line of reasoning.

what is position paper

What Are The 3 Parts of a Position Paper?

A position paper consists of three main parts: introduction, body, and conclusion. Here is an explanation of what you can write in each part:


The introductory part aims to attract the reader’s attention to the covered subject matter. Ideally, you should begin with several opening sentences about the specific issue to hook the reader.

The body part involves background information, evidence to back up your opinion, and analysis of both sides of the subject matter. By conducting thorough research, you will collect enough data to support your claims. The main point is to address both aspects of the argument. That way, you will show the reader that you are objective in your statements.

In the conclusion part, you need to restate the key points of your essay without adding anything new. Depending on your topic, it  makes sense to suggest a solution to the problem.

How to Write a Position Paper?

To start writing a position paper , you should have a clearly stated topic that is debatable with logical details. While writing a paper, you should examine your vision of the problem through the prism of available arguments. Consider practicability, cost-effectiveness, and local environment when evaluating possible solutions and necessary actions. In other words, you should express, explain, and back up your opinion. And don’t forget to be specific in stating and supporting your arguments.

Select a Position Paper Topic

If you want to create a good position paper, you should focus on a subject matter that has enough findings to support it as well as some controversy to produce an argument. If you are dealing with a position paper assignment, you will want to skip your personal values and focus on something that can get you the highest grade. Here are some of the position paper topics to consider: 

  • Should reality TV shows be regulated?
  • What are the positive and negative sides of video gaming?
  • Are there any parallels between video gaming and addiction?
  • Can beauty contests have a positive impact on women?
  • Should children have a schedule for school and after-school activities or be given more free time for playing?
  • What affects the rapid increase in child obesity?
  • How to reduce the number of abortions without legislation?
  • How can pro-life and pro-choice groups cooperate?
  • Should the production of Barbie dolls be banned?
  • What is the meaning of true beauty?
  • Should young children be forced to compete at athletics?
  • What are the reasons for blood cancer?
  • How does COVID-19 pandemic affect the business sector?
  • Is COVID-19 a real problem or a huge fake?
  • How does COVID-19 affect our lives?
  • Should media coverage be taken under control?
  • Is private school tuition really worth it?
  • How can the country’s school system be amended?
  • What role should technology play in the business sector?
  • Should college athletes receive a salary?
  • Should college athletes be allowed to skip classes?
  • Technologies are changing the way people think.
  • How are online technologies affecting the way we live?
  • What laws should regulate the use of cell phones in cars?
  • Should parents limit teenagers’ use of social media?
  • Should scientists be allowed to experiment on human embryos?
  • What causes people to immigrate illegally?
  • Is there any way to reduce the immigration rate?
  • Can illegal immigration be justified?
  • How do people justify war?
  • How significant is race to American identity?
  • What is the world culture?
  • What is the value of knowing your cultural background?
  • Should schools teach multiculturalism?
  • Is global warming a problem?
  • Is racism the problem of the modern community?
  • How can clean water be provided to everyone?
  • Is the problem of air pollution exaggerated?
  • What needs to be done to reduce the level of air pollution?
  • Who should take responsibility for air pollution?
  • Will the worldwide population increase?
  • What needs to be done to stop poaching of endangered species?
  • Is hunting good for the environment?
  • Are citizens responsible for their local environment?
  • What can manufacturers do to reduce the air and water pollution across the world?
  • What is the real importance of clean water?
  • Is there any connection between health and pollution?
  • What can people do to stop global pollution?
  • How can people be encouraged to recycle more?
  • How does global warming increase?

Preliminary Research

How do you write a position paper? Where to start from? Preliminary research requires you to find sufficient evidence for the covered subject matter. At the same time, you don’t need to rely on a subject matter that falls apart under a challenge of hefty research. You will also need to specify the sources you are planning to use. Follow them in bibliography and make some notes about every particular book, journal, or document you take information from. Thus, you will save a lot of time in the writing process.

By searching a couple of education and social sites, you will be able to find professional research data. Our professional essay writer recommends to narrow your focus, you will develop a list of questions that you have to answer in your paper. If you find no valuable information after spending several hours on research, you should understand that your position cannot be supported by sufficient findings on trustworthy sites.

Challenge Your Topic and Collect Supporting Evidence

You will need to dispute the truth or validity of your topic by finding supporting evidence. If you have some doubts, you may need some time to identify all the possible challenges that you have to deal with. Your position paper will address the opposing view and address it with counterevidence. It will make sense to have some discussions with friends, colleagues, or family about the topic. That way, you will be able to learn some additional thoughts and ideas that can be used for further research. As soon as you find some counterarguments, you will need to analyze them. Once it is done, you will see whether they are sound or not.

Another useful approach to challenging the topic requires you to mention your arguments on one side and opposing arguments on the other one. In which part of the paper do you have more points collected? Which points are stronger? If counterarguments seem to outnumber your arguments, you will have to reconsider your subject matter or your opinion on it .

Position Paper Outline

Before taking action, you’ll need to develop a position paper outline to organize your thoughts and ideas. With an outline, you will find it easier to write a position paper. So how will you do that? It depends on your personal preferences. Some writers find it easier to apply pictures and diagrams, others just follow a template offered by the teacher. If you feel like writing an outline yourself from scratch, don’t hesitate to do so. You can create it on your computer or write it down in your notebook. After all, there is no right or wrong approach to developing an outline. The main point is that an outline contains all the key points that you have to add to your position paper. You may want to look at a position paper sample before starting the writing process. Here is the format to be followed:

Decide on your topic with some background details. Develop a thesis sentence that addresses your position. Some examples are as follows:

  • Smoking is a bad habit causing breathing problems.
  • Fast food packages should be marked with health warnings .
  • Air pollution requires certain actions from the national governments.

Decide on potential contradictions to your position. Here are some examples: :

  • A medical examination needs to be conducted on an annual basis to monitor the possible negative health conditions .
  • Health warnings  can affect the companies’ revenues.
  • The national program can be quite costly.

Cover the opposing points. Make sure that you aren’t contradicting your own thoughts and ideas. Sample points are as follows:

  • It can be hard to determine the monitoring process.
  • Citizens don’t want their government to abuse its power.
  • Program funding will fall on the shoulders of average taxpayers.

Explain your position through the prism of counterarguments. This is how you can contradict some of the counterarguments and back up your own one. Sample points are as follows:

  • The government has already tried to reduce smoking statistics in the country.
  • Restaurants will enhance the quality of food in case of using health warnings .
  • The government’s primary role is to protect citizens.

Sum up your arguments and express your opinion in different words. You should finish your paper by focusing on your arguments and responding to the counterarguments. You need your reader to understand and accept your opinion on the covered subject matter.

When you create a position paper, you should act with confidence. In the end, your mission is to reveal your position from the best side.

Tips on Writing a Position Paper from Our Experts

Even if you have a position paper example, you still may need some practical recommendations to make things easier for you. Here are some tips you need to follow during the writing process:

  • Decide on a topic. While choosing the topic for discussion, you should find the one you have a clear idea of. You can broaden your outlook by reading some literature on the desired subject matter. Ideally, you should embark on different  viewpoints to consider them for further analysis.
  • Express your position idea. Focus on one specific aspect of the topic in order to express it in a one-sentence opinion. Make sure you have found a really arguable idea. If the topic cannot be debated, then it can hardly be used for writing a good position paper.
  • Be precise in your statement. Try to express your opinion briefly and clearly.  A position paper is not meant to be vague.
  • Lead the narrative in the present tense. You are discussing the topic here and now, so the use of the past tense is quite inappropriate.
  • Minimize the use of superlatives . Avoid using superlatives such as biggest, major, extremely, and so on because they make the context sound exaggerated.
  • Use frequently used terms. To make the content look appealing and well-written , you should use the most common thematic terms such as world community, member states, recommendations, development, realization, regulations, international, and so on.
  • Use commonly used verbs . You should include some commonly used verbs such as comprehend, enable, recognize, acknowledge, believe, suggest, consider, addresse, highlight, and so on.
  • Proceed with final proofreading . You cannot consider your position paper as completed unless a successful spelling and grammar check is done. To achieve the maximum result, you should read your paper aloud a couple of times. That way, you will find it easier to indicate and fix mistakes.

While there is no universal formula for writing a perfect position paper, you can still follow some simple tips that’ll  make you closer to the desired result. Just think analytically and act logically throughout the writing process.

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Enago Academy

Top 10 Tips for Writing a Strong Position Paper

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As scientists and researchers, you might be familiar with objective research papers, which tend to consider both sides of an argument and present findings based on facts. But are you aware of another important piece of academic writing known as the position paper? In this article, we will discuss different aspects that make position paper share expert tips on writing a great position paper that clearly presents an argument or opinion.

Table of Contents

What Is a Position Paper?

A position paper discusses a controversial issue and focuses on one aspect of an argument, providing valuable insights on how to interpret issues where science is ambiguous. It can also act as a medium for scientists and researchers to put forth solutions to resolve problems. Similar to objective research papers, position papers are still rooted in facts, statistics, evidence, and data. Additionally, they further enable authors to take a position on what these facts and data are telling us.

The purpose of a position paper is to gather support for an opinion on an issue by explaining the author’s stance and providing factual evidence to back it up. It critically evaluates the position, acknowledging its strengths and weaknesses.

Types of Position Paper

There are several types of position papers, each serving a unique purpose.

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How to Write a Position Paper?

1. choosing a good topic.

Selecting a good topic for your position paper is just as important as having a well-structured paper that presents a strong argument. A well-written paper about an uninteresting or uncontroversial topic is simply a waste of time and effort. So how can you best  choose a topic for your argument ?

Like all types of research, you should begin with preliminary research. A good topic for a position paper  will answer yes to the following questions :

  • Does the topic represent a genuine controversy?
  • Are there two clear positions?
  • Do you care enough to argue for one of those positions?
  • Is the scope of the topic manageable?

Once you have found a topic that meets these criteria, you will need to conduct research to build a solid case in favor of your argument. This means finding supporting evidence (for both sides!) just as you would for an ordinary  research paper . By including supporting evidence for the opposing side, you will be able to more clearly refute the conflicting arguments. In other words, you can point out weaknesses in the evidence cited by the opposing side or highlight strengths of evidence that supports your stand in comparison.

2. Conducting a Preliminary Research

Conducting preliminary research is crucial before delving into any topic. Evaluate evidence quality from reputable sources institutional websites, white papers, policies, scholarly articles, research reports, etc. Stay objective, dedicating some time for research. Be adaptable; reconsider your topic if evidence is lacking or contradictory. Prioritize quality over quantity in source selection. This ensures a well-supported and credible argument.

3. Crafting and Testing Your Thesis Statement

Crafting a thesis statement is a pivotal step in developing a coherent paper. This statement depicts your stance on the topic. A clear and focused thesis statement serves as the backbone of your argument, guiding the reader and shaping the trajectory of your analysis. Once established, subject it to rigorous examination by challenging it.

While it may seem counterintuitive, actively challenging your own thesis statement is a vital exercise in academic integrity and intellectual rigor. By earnestly considering opposing viewpoints and potential counterarguments, you not only demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter but also fortify your position through logical reasoning and evidence-based support.

4. Collecting Supporting Evidence

When gathering evidence for your position paper, prioritize relevance and credibility. Use expert quotes sparingly, ensuring they directly support your argument. Prefer research-based evidence over anecdotes, focusing on quality rather than quantity. Verify the credibility of sources and regularly update evidence to reflect the latest research. Following these guidelines enhances the credibility and persuasiveness of your paper.

5. Drafting and Structuring the Position paper

The structure of a position paper is flexible, but it should generally follow a simple flow that clearly conveys the problem and the position of the author(s). A position paper should  begin by clearly stating the problem  and  its relevance  to the scientific community or even to the society as a whole. It should then address the main position of the author. For example:

a. Background: For decades, the WHO has urged the adoption of a tax on unhealthy foods to discourage the consumption of products that are harmful to our health.

b. Relevance: Sugar has been shown to have a negative impact on health, and play a major role in the rising obesity rates in America.

c. Position: The United States should adopt a tax on drinks with added sugar, to reduce the consumption of sugar, and promote healthier eating habits.

The author should then  clearly list the common arguments and possible objections  against this position. To continue with our example:

Argument 1: A sugary drink tax that focuses on soda may not impact other products that have an equally negative health impact such as fruit juice or candy.

Argument 2: A sugary drink tax is regressive and places a financial burden on the poorest consumers.

A strong position paper  acknowledges the validity of the counter-arguments  and then puts forth reasons why the author’s position is still the correct one. In our example paper, the author can address the counter-arguments in the next section like so:

Counter-argument 1: It is true that a sugary drink tax would not impact all sources of added sugar in the average American diet. However, it would still have a significant impact on a major source of added sugar to achieve its goal of reducing overall sugar consumption.

Counter-argument 2: All consumption taxes are regressive. A sugary drink tax would be most effective accompanied by subsidies for healthy foods such as fruit and vegetables.

Finally, summarize your main points and re-state your position in your conclusion. All arguments in the paper  should be backed up by facts, data, and evidence , with proper citation attributed to your sources. In this way, a position paper is no different from an ordinary research paper . If you wish, you can  include a brief literature review  in your discussion of the background of the issue. While such a  literature review  is not essential, it can make your paper stronger.

Ten Tips for Writing a Strong Position Paper

Now that we know what a position paper is, let us review some tips to write a great position paper.

  • Select a timely, relevant topic with two clear opposing sides.
  • Conduct thorough preliminary research,  collecting evidence supporting arguments for and against your position.
  • Identify your intended audience. You should tailor your tone depending on who the paper is written for (the public, other scientists, policymakers, etc.).
  • Clearly state your position on the topic.
  • List and refute the counter-arguments to your position.
  • Include supporting data and evidence to back up your argument.
  • Properly attribute your sources  using correct citation .
  • Keep it simple! Position papers  don’t need to go into excessive detail . Present your points clearly and briefly.
  • Each paragraph in the paper should discuss a single idea.
  • Have someone  proofread your paper to ensure it reads well and looks professional.

A position paper can be a great way to expand your horizons and write a new type of research paper. Use these ten tips to write an effective position paper!

Are you seeking advice on writing a position paper? Seek  professional assistance  to craft a compelling argument in your position paper that effectively communicates your perspective to the scientific community.

Frequently Asked Questions

The length of a position paper can vary depending on the requirements set by the institution or conference. However, typically, position papers are concise and focused documents, usually ranging from 1,000 to 2,000 words.

The purpose of a position paper is to articulate an author's stance on a particular issue or topic, backed by factual evidence and logical reasoning.

Characteristics of a position paper include: 1.Focus on a controversial issue or topic. 2.Clear statement of author's stance or position. 3.Incorporation of factual evidence, statistics, and data. 4.Acknowledgment of counterarguments and addressing them effectively. 5.Concise and well-structured presentation of arguments.

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how to research for a position paper

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  • Position Paper Writing

Helpful Tips on Writing the Best Position Paper

Helpful Tips on Writing the Best Position Paper

Similar to argument papers, a strong position paper supports one side of chosen issues, just like in any hot debate. Your basic goal is to give readers clear evidence to convince them that your positions or points are correct stances to take on a specific discussion.

How to write a position paper? Choose your point carefully, put your strong argument, include supported facts, and find important background information before drafting this paper. The committee policy and requirements may vary. Read this guide to save time and write a good position paper.

The main purpose of position essays

You need to explain why your opinion is defensible and carefully examine the ideas that you address while selecting a topic and taking other steps. Address all sides of your issue and support your stance. Take one side of a specific debate and persuade the audience that you know this subject and relevant questions well. Support every reason with strong evidence to guarantee the validity of your claims and refute possible counterclaims to show that you’re well informed about each side.

Basic issue criteria

How to take your side on a given subject? Establish if the subject that interests you is arguable and ensure that you offer a strong argument by asking these helpful questions:

  • Is it a real issue with genuine uncertainty and controversy?
  • Is its scope narrow enough to be manageable?
  • Can you see a few distinctive positions?

Effective writing strategies

To learn how to write a position paper, create a brief outline, take some time, and focus on these basic stages:

  • Choosing your stance;
  • Building your argument;
  • Drafting a position paper;
  • Editing and revising it.

How to choose your position

Ensure that your subject is arguable. If you’re free to make this choice, ensure that your topic is controversial and has multiple sides to end up with a great position paper. You shouldn’t write it to argue that kids need proper care because no one will disagree with your chosen stance. What should you do next? Remember to do the following:

  • Research your issue and its alternative sides;
  • Make a list of both pros and cons of each position;
  • Consider your views on this issue;
  • Consider your readers’ opinions.

Researching your topic and its sides

You need this research to fully understand a specific issue, select and defend your position. How to do that? Consider recent developments, background data, and reasons behind every side, examine it carefully and look for a credible source of information. What is the best place to search for evidence?

  • Access online databases, news sources, and reputable websites;
  • Go to your local or college libraries to find relevant newspapers, journals, and books.

To determine whether your sources are credible, use peer-reviewed journals, check authors’ credentials, and find data in other good places. Avoid using any self-published sources.

Making a list of pros and cons for each position

Use your research to make a list of reasons both against and for every position that you’re taking. This simple technique can help you pick a position that will be easy to defend in a position paper by using your evidence. Look at each side to choose the best position. Consider possible counterarguments to address them effectively.

Considering your views on this issue

You may have strong views on a given issue and they will help you guide your choice. If you have a personal opinion, make a list of obvious reasons behind it to see whether they can help you build a strong argument in your position paper. It can be easy to argue your stance without strong opinions. You need to focus on evidence, not personal views.

Thinking about readers’ opinions

It’s not necessary to change your stance to fit the audience, but you may need to adjust your reasoning behind it or counterarguments. How readers will receive your position paper depends on their opinions.

How to build your argument

To earn good grades, you need to build a strong argument, and these easy steps will help you:

  • Establish your claim;
  • Identify supporting reasons;
  • Compile your evidence;
  • Identify counterarguments.

Establishing your claim

It’s your view on a specific topic that you will defend in your position paper, and you need to base it on what your evidence can prove.

Identifying supporting reasons

How to identify your supporting reasons? Most position essays provide a few supporting reasons for claims, but a longer one may require more reasons to be strong. They come from your evidence. You should choose only the statements that you can prove, but search for supporting reasons in different places to make your argument stronger.

Compiling your evidence

Identify the evidence that you will use to support your stance and mark them in any convenient way. You can write citations on cards or use other tools. Choose the best organizing method that works for you to compile your evidence and make it easier to write a position paper. Don’t forget to cite all sources:

  • If you use direct quotes, put them in special quotation marks and identify authors;
  • If you summarize or paraphrase something, give credit to authors.

Avoid going overboard when including evidence. Most of the ideas should be yours.

Identifying counterarguments

Determine the counterarguments that you can easily dismiss to strengthen your argument and show the audience that you consider other options. This simple technique helps you prove that your position is correct. Good counter arguments are easy to dismiss and let you refute them. You need to include the evidence that supports them, but ensure that it’s easy to dismiss to make your argument stronger.

How to draft your position paper

Everything starts with making your thesis . It controls the entire paper and you should write it first. When you draft a position paper, it’s possible to vary how you state your thesis because you use counterarguments and have different supporting points based on academic requirements. Including both your claim and counter arguments is a good option.

Write the introduction

Use this paragraph to provide readers with background data on your subject, including its history and recent developments. Include relevant information to narrow everything that you’ll tell the audience. Start an opening paragraph with the hook that introduces your issue and write a few sentences to give more details and narrow it down toward your viewpoint. End it with a thesis.

Include a few body paragraphs

The number of body paragraphs depends on the length of your position paper (one of them is for counterarguments, and other are for supporting facts). Use separate topic sentences to link back to a thesis. They are mini-theses that control each paragraph and tell readers what you will discuss in it (either supporting reasons or counterarguments).

Why use strong evidence?

You need to do that to support your stance and strengthen a major argument in your position essay . Use your research and focus on:

Give your commentaries to explain evidence. They need to tell the audience why evidence supports your chosen stance and clearly explain links between a thesis and supporting reasons. Without them, there’s no link between your opinion and evidence.

Conclude your essay

Reassert your stance to do that. A strong concluding paragraph should restate your stance and supporting reasons why it’s a correct view, summarize your argument, and dismiss counterarguments briefly. End your position paper with a call to action.

How to edit and revise your position paper

There are many effective techniques that can help you revise your final draft successfully. Use spell check tools because they offer an easy to avoid misspellings, and they are available on any word processors. You still need to proofread your essay. That’s because spell check tools may not catch all mistakes.

The importance of taking breaks

Take a short break from your position paper to eat, go for a walk, sleep, or enjoy your favorite hobbies. Your brain needs some rest before editing it. Step away from your assignment to get a better insight into possible gaps in your argument and decide whether all sentences make sense.

Reread your paper with fresh eyes, identify your claim, its supporting reasons, and counterarguments, and search for the areas that require additional evidence. Ask other people to suggest their adjustments. Mark every sentence that you need to streamline or give more clarity.

Making important revisions

Start revising your essay by making different additions, such as more evidence to support your stance or extra commentaries. Your argument should be clear and strong. Go back to your final draft to rewrite all awkward sentences, fix strange text fragments, break up long parts, and combine short phrases.

Proofread your position paper to make final edits. Check it for any misspellings, typos, remaining grammar issues, punctuation errors, and other mistakes that will compromise your future grades.

Use the right format

Prepare your bibliography, works cited page, or reference list because your position paper must include all the sources you use to write it. Follow the right style manual according to your instructors. Format your essay to fit all of their requirements. Look at your assignment prompts and instructions to get a better idea of how to format it correctly and earn better grades. Adjust font sizes, margins, and spacing to match these requirements.

If all of these tips aren’t enough for you to write a strong position paper, don’t hesitate to get our professional help online . Contact our team of experienced and qualified experts who will help you succeed.

A Guide to Writing a Compelling Position Paper


Table of contents

  • 1 What is a Position Paper?
  • 2 An Effective Position Paper Format To Follow
  • 3 Position Paper Outline Example
  • 4.1 Articulate Your Central Thesis Clearly
  • 4.2 Examine a Topic and Gather Supporting Evidence
  • 4.3 Construct Supporting Claims For The Positioning Statement
  • 4.4 Anticipate and Study the Opposing Views
  • 4.5 Construct Supporting Claims For The Positioning Statement
  • 4.6 Ensure a Coherent Organisation and Structure Of your Paper
  • 5 Position Paper Example Topics
  • 6 Template For Writing a Position Essay
  • 7.1 “Should video games be used in education?”
  • 8.1 How long should a position paper be?
  • 8.2 How many paragraphs are in a position paper?
  • 8.3 What should a position paper include?
  • 8.4 What is the difference between a position paper and an argumentative essay?

Writing can be tough at times, especially when you have to express your opinion on a controversial issue, especially if such an opinion is an unconventional one. Such a piece of writing is called a position paper. It may seem that to speak your opinion out loud is a lot harder than to do the same, but in writing. The reality is that even when you prepare a speech for some debates, you have to write it down first.

Moreover, it gets easier as you speak, as no one requires you to say precisely what you’ve written down, but when it comes to writing, readers only get to know what you’ve put down and nothing more. Nothing can be changed as soon as you submit your work. So, let’s break down a universal position paper you could use for pretty much any topic.

Position essays serve as a tool to inform and educate the relevant audience and stakeholders. Here are some essay tips you can use to ensure that you are writing an effective position statement.

What is a Position Paper?

A position paper is an argument representing an organization or individual’s stand on an issue or problem in writing. This viewpoint is in opposition to another opinion. The content outlines beliefs, arguments, and evidence in support of their view. A position piece is to convince others to adopt a similar perspective or understand and recognize the reasoning behind an idea. Knowing how to write a good position statement and back your argument with statistics and evidence is important.

An Effective Position Paper Format To Follow

how to research for a position paper

Suppose you are wondering how to write a position paper. A good position article begins with a well-crafted title. Once you have decided on the position paper title, start with the position paper outline . A typical position paper structure starts to introduce your topic and your stance on a topic, it is then followed by the body of position paper that includes counterarguments and claims that reinforce your position. It is then followed by a conclusion that reinforces your claim.

There are different types of research papers . The notable difference in an opinion piece is that two opposing viewpoints are presented without any one opinion being endorsed. However, in a position article you need to give your belief which is in opposition to another idea.

Writing position papers is different compared to other formats, and you want to set up a strong position. Here are five key differences in the form you should note if you are wondering how to write a position paper.

The best research paper writers will use the following components:

  • The main goal while writing a position paper is to argue a specific view and convince the reader to adopt the same idea.
  • It requires the writer to take a clear stand and defend it with solid reasoning and evidence.
  • The text should incorporate research and sources to back what you are arguing throughout the parts of the position paper.
  • The tone of the content needs to be formal and persuasive, which is different from other types of documents, for example, descriptive and narrative.
  • The structure is also different, and a good system needs to be followed to set up a solid position.

Position Paper Outline Example

Every good position paper outline should start with writing a title for a research paper . Having done that, you can proceed with the outline. Notably, this kind of paper resembles an opinion essay, though, in the latter, you had to present two opposing opinions without necessarily sharing one of them. In the position paper, you need to counter an idea with that one of your own. So, a simple position paper outline example would look as follows:

Position Paper Outline Template

As you see, this position paper sample outline can be applied to pretty much any topic.

Tips For Creating an Effective Position Paper

If you want to write an effective and well-crafted position paper, make sure that your writing is clear and persuasive, supported by robust research and evidence. Here are some tips for creating a paper that conveys your viewpoint most effectively.

Articulate Your Central Thesis Clearly

When articulating your position and the central statement, make sure it is clear and precise. The thesis should be stated concisely and in the introduction of position paper. To ensure that it is clear what side you are taking on the issue under discussion. It serves as the foundation for the complete paper. Once you have effectively positioned yourself while writing the introduction, the rest can focus on the supporting facts.

Examine a Topic and Gather Supporting Evidence

The first step in building a cohesive argument is to examine the topic and gather evidence. Start by carefully analyzing the issue and understanding the counter-arguments surrounding the case. In this way, you can formulate a well-informed position. The second step is to collect and review all evidence and facts; these should be extracted from reputable sources such as case studies, research papers, expert opinions, and statistics.

All the data that you gather needs to be relevant. With a solid foundation of your evidence, you can make a foolproof position statement and build superior quality paper.

Construct Supporting Claims For The Positioning Statement

To enhance your claim, it is crucial to build proofs that are logical. Introduce evidence to make your claims credible. When you write an essay stating your position, make sure you present each argument clearly and link it to your stance on the topic. Additionally, construct evidence to back your claim and make sure that you are also considering the opposing points.


Anticipate and Study the Opposing Views

To ensure that your paper is sturdy, anticipate and study the opposing points. By considering all opposing views, you are more prepared for the objections to your supporting claims and can address them in the paper. This displays your commitment to your claim.

It also proves that you have gone through all the alternative perspectives before making a decision. It also strengthens your paper by showing that it is well-researched. So, whenever you start, research both sides. Then, make a list of all the counterclaims made by those who disagree with your position.

Your writing style can make or break the paper. With a clear and straightforward manner, you can let your research be the highlight. This will help you avoid anything that may need to be clarified for the reader. Even if you pay for an essay to be written , avoid complex language and use shorter sentences with simple vocabulary.

Also, remove any unnecessary words and details that are irrelevant. Stay focused on the main point to make your position unchallengeable. This will help the reader follow your line of reasoning without any distractions.

Ensure a Coherent Organisation and Structure Of your Paper

If you want to communicate your argument while also persuading the audience effectively, it’s important to focus on the structure of your writing. A well-structured paper helps present your idea clearly and cohesively. Usually, academic essay writers  start with the outline of the main points you would like to cover in the article.

From the beginning to the conclusion, ensure that the content flows seamlessly from one point to the next. The transition between sections also needs to be smooth. Also, use headings and subheadings to divide the text into paragraphs. These sections are then easy to navigate and comprehend.

Position Paper Example Topics

If you are wondering how to start a position paper, here are some example topics and titles you can take inspiration from:

  • The benefits and uses of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
  • Gig Economy and its benefits or drawbacks
  • What is the future of work, and how will it impact our society?
  • How is social media affecting our mental health?
  • Generally modified crops; are they ethical or not?
  • Does technology play a positive role in educating and education?
  • The impact of climate change on wildlife and biodiversity
  • The advantages and obstacles that we face due to urbanisation.
  • Government and its role in protecting privacy rights.
  • What will be the impact of automation and artificial intelligence on employees?
  • Cruelty-free products; a positive step or a hoax?
  • How does increasing income disparities result in an increased crime rate?
  • Is virtual reality a way to overcome distances?
  • Drones for military and civilian applications.
  • Is work-from-home the new way forward?

Writing a position paper requires a lot of research and analysis of the current literature on the given topic. It’s necessary to understand the opinions of different stakeholders and take into account all the facts before making a decision. To make the task easier, you can find services like PapersOwl who can write papers for you . With their help, you can get quality assistance with research, writing and editing your position paper. They will provide you with the necessary support and guidance to make your position paper stand out among others. -rewrite this paragraph as a human. First sentence can’t be about how the writing is challenging task. Do not write obvious sentences and act like a pro writer in this paper type

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Template For Writing a Position Essay

Here is a sample position essay outline you can use


  • Define the issue and why it’s worth discussing
  • Introduce your topic
  • Discuss the background and controversies
  • Choose a position
  • Present your thesis statement and opinion in one sentence
  • Present the counterclaims and the evidence supporting them.
  • Refute the opposing claims by stating your position. Ensure you reinforce your argument with data and statistics to set up a well-rooted claim.
  • Ensure that the counter-arguments are equal to the pro-arguments: for example, for four counter-arguments, give four statements that back your viewpoint.
  • Restate both viewpoints, and summarise the side you are arguing for.
  • Provide a plan of action with a suggested resolution.

Position Paper Example

“should video games be used in education”.

As a student at a medical university studying surgery, I strongly believe that video games have a valuable role to play in education. While they should not be the sole source of learning, they can provide valuable benefits.

Statistics show that video games increase engagement, develop critical thinking and problem-solving. Additionally, the interactive nature of video games can help students retain information better. This can be especially important in fields like medicine. Where it is important to remember complex procedures and concepts. For instance, in the field of surgery, video games can serve as a valuable tool for teaching anatomy and surgical procedures.

They allow students to practice and experiment in a safe, low-stakes environment. This can help to build their confidence and improve their understanding of complex concepts. Also, it can help to reduce the risk of mistakes during real-life surgeries.

In conclusion, video games can be a valuable addition to the educational toolkit. However, they should be used in conjunction with other methods to provide a well-rounded education for students. Using video games thoughtfully has the potential to enhance students’ learning and prepare them for success in their chosen fields.

How long should a position paper be?

How many paragraphs are in a position paper, what should a position paper include.

It typically includes the following:

  • Introduction with background info on the topic.
  • A clear thesis statement stating a position.
  • Evidence from facts, data, and statistics supports the argument.
  • Examination of opposing viewpoints and counter-arguments.
  • Conclusion reiterating position and its significance.

What is the difference between a position paper and an argumentative essay?

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VII. Researched Writing

7.3 Researched Position Paper

Terri Pantuso

Now that you have found a topic to research, it is time to begin the research process. Though you may have an idea of what you think your argument will be at this point, it’s important to start your research with an open mind. It’s often helpful to formulate your topic as a research question. Research questions are open-ended questions that you explore as you figure out the direction your topic will go and inform or shape your thesis statement. For example, if your topic is on first-generation students and financial aid, you might have a research question such as “What is the long-term impact of student loans on first-generation college students?” Using such a question as you begin your research leaves you a lot of flexibility to adjust your position, and therefore your thesis, as you uncover new information.

Using that research question as the foundation for your research, you can begin your proposal. This is oftentimes the first step in the process of writing a researched position paper. Basically, a researched position paper is one where you take a stance on a chosen topic and defend your position with qualitative and quantitative research found in scholarly or academic sources. While you might also include popular sources, you’ll want to make certain you incorporate evidence from a body of scholars whose work can be used to support the position you are taking. The difference between a descriptive or narrative research paper and a position paper is the argument – you are doing more than simply reporting facts. In a researched position paper, you are placing yourself in dialogue with a scholarly community and taking a stance on a topic about which you feel strongly. The first formal step is the proposal.

A proposal is quite simply a method for thinking out loud on paper. While all instructors have their own specifications, typically a proposal is less formal than the rough draft and can range in length from ½-1 full page in length. In the proposal, you state the topic about which you are researching and why you are interested in it. Since this is the preliminary stage, it’s okay to say that you do not know if you can defend your chosen position. The proposal is the place to begin exploration. It’s a good place to talk about your research question and, based on the information that you’ve found so far, where your thesis begins to grow. Some instructors may ask that you also state what you know about the topic, what potential sources you might use, and what you think you need to learn before fully developing your selected topic. In some courses, the proposal serves as a written dialogue between students and instructors and provides some foundational plans for the research process.

The next step is the annotated bibliography. Later in this section, we detail for you how to write an annotated bibliography which is basically the step where you locate sources to defend your position and then summarize those sources for their strengths and weaknesses as applied to your topic.

After the annotated bibliography, the formal writing process begins with a first rough draft. Typically, you will be given a page length or word count specification within the assignment parameters so that you’ll have an idea of how much is expected of you at this stage. In the first rough draft, your focus should be on developing your thesis and supporting it throughout the body of your paper. While many students get stuck on the introduction, this isn’t really the place to start your research. For this stage of the paper, you want to make sure the content surrounding your topic is strong with topic sentences connecting back to the thesis in every paragraph.

Sometimes, your instructor may ask for a second rough draft before final submission. If so, this is the place for you to take feedback from a peer reviewer or writing center tutor and fine tune your essay. Use the feedback you receive to check that your position is consistently supported throughout the essay and that you are using evidence correctly to support your position. Reading the draft out loud can also help you find missing elements or spaces for enrichment before the final draft submission, or the backwards/reverse outlining method discussed in section 2.4 might be helpful.

The final draft will be your best polished effort at defending your chosen topic and position after going through the rhetorical strategies defined by your instructor. Depending upon style format, you may or may not need an abstract in the final draft. An abstract is a brief summary of the topic you are discussing in the paper, but it does not give your conclusion. At the end of your final draft you’ll need to include your Works Cited/References page. This will be easily compiled from your annotated bibliography but remember – the annotations do NOT go into the final Works Cited/References page. Only the citations are included in the final draft. Keep in mind that nothing is ever perfect, but you want to strive to present a solid essay that utilizes scholarly, peer reviewed sources to defend and support the position you are taking on your chosen topic. For the rest of this section, we will provide information on how to find the best sources for your paper as well as how to develop the annotated bibliography.

A statement, usually one sentence, that summarizes an argument that will later be explained, expanded upon, and developed in a longer essay or research paper. In undergraduate writing, a thesis statement is often found in the introductory paragraph of an essay. The plural of thesis is theses .

Research that is based on the interpretation of open-ended, non-numeric data, such as writings, interviews, focus groups, and surveys.

Research that is based on numerical data and analyzing it using statistical or mathematical analyses.

When something is described as scholarly, that means that has been written by and for the academic community. The term scholarly is commonly used as shorthand to indicate that information that has been peer reviewed  or examined by other experts of the same academic field or discipline. Sometimes, the terms academic, scholarly, and peer reviewed are confused as synonyms; peer reviewed is a narrower term referring to an item that has been reviewed by experts in the field prior to publication, while academic is a broader term that also includes works that are written by and for academics, but that have not been peer reviewed.

The sentence that relays the main idea or the point of the paragraph in which it is contained; usually the first sentence of a body paragraph which gives the reader an idea of what ideas will be discussed in that paragraph.

7.3 Researched Position Paper Copyright © 2023 by Terri Pantuso is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

Want to create or adapt books like this? Learn more about how Pressbooks supports open publishing practices.

VII. Researched Writing

7.2 Researched Position Paper

Terri Pantuso

Now that you have found a topic to research, it is time to begin the research process. Though you may have an idea of what you think your argument will be at this point, it’s important to start your research with an open mind. It’s often helpful to formulate your topic as a research question. Research questions are open-ended questions that you explore as you figure out the direction your topic will go and inform or shape your thesis statement. For example, if your topic is on first-generation students and financial aid, you might have a research question such as “What is the long-term impact of student loans on first-generation college students?” Using such a question as you begin your research leaves you a lot of flexibility to adjust your position, and therefore your thesis, as you uncover new information.

Using that research question as the foundation for your research, you can begin your proposal. This is oftentimes the first step in the process of writing a researched position paper. Basically, a researched position paper is one where you take a stance on a chosen topic and defend your position with qualitative and quantitative research found in scholarly or academic sources. While you might also include popular sources, you’ll want to make certain you incorporate evidence from a body of scholars whose work can be used to support the position you are taking. The difference between a descriptive or narrative research paper and a position paper is the argument – you are doing more than simply reporting facts. In a researched position paper, you are placing yourself in dialogue with a scholarly community and taking a stance on a topic about which you feel strongly. The first formal step is the proposal.

A proposal is quite simply a method for thinking out loud on paper. While all instructors have their own specifications, typically a proposal is less formal than the rough draft and can range in length from ½-1 full page in length. In the proposal, you state the topic about which you are researching and why you are interested in it. Since this is the preliminary stage, it’s okay to say that you do not know if you can defend your chosen position. The proposal is the place to begin exploration. It’s a good place to talk about your research question and, based on the information that you’ve found so far, where your thesis begins to grow. Some instructors may ask that you also state what you know about the topic, what potential sources you might use, and what you think you need to learn before fully developing your selected topic. In some courses, the proposal serves as a written dialogue between students and instructors and provides some foundational plans for the research process.

The next step is the annotated bibliography. Later in this section, we detail for you how to write an annotated bibliography which is basically the step where you locate sources to defend your position and then summarize those sources for their strengths and weaknesses as applied to your topic.

After the annotated bibliography, the formal writing process begins with a first rough draft. Typically, you will be given a page length or word count specification within the assignment parameters so that you’ll have an idea of how much is expected of you at this stage. In the first rough draft, your focus should be on developing your thesis and supporting it throughout the body of your paper. While many students get stuck on the introduction, this isn’t really the place to start your research. For this stage of the paper, you want to make sure the content surrounding your topic is strong with topic sentences connecting back to the thesis in every paragraph.

Sometimes, your instructor may ask for a second rough draft before final submission. If so, this is the place for you to take feedback from a peer reviewer or writing center tutor and fine tune your essay. Use the feedback you receive to check that your position is consistently supported throughout the essay and that you are using evidence correctly to support your position. Reading the draft out loud can also help you find missing elements or spaces for enrichment before the final draft submission, or the backwards/reverse outlining method discussed in section 2.4 might be helpful.

The final draft will be your best polished effort at defending your chosen topic and position after going through the rhetorical strategies defined by your instructor. Depending upon style format, you may or may not need an abstract in the final draft. An abstract is a brief summary of the topic you are discussing in the paper, but it does not give your conclusion. At the end of your final draft you’ll need to include your Works Cited/References page. This will be easily compiled from your annotated bibliography but remember – the annotations do NOT go into the final Works Cited/References page. Only the citations are included in the final draft. Keep in mind that nothing is ever perfect, but you want to strive to present a solid essay that utilizes scholarly, peer reviewed sources to defend and support the position you are taking on your chosen topic. For the rest of this section, we will provide information on how to find the best sources for your paper as well as how to develop the annotated bibliography.

A statement, usually one sentence, that summarizes an argument that will later be explained, expanded upon, and developed in a longer essay or research paper. In undergraduate writing, a thesis statement is often found in the introductory paragraph of an essay. The plural of thesis is theses .

Research that is based on the interpretation of open-ended, non-numeric data, such as writings, interviews, focus groups, and surveys.

Research that is based on numerical data and analyzing it using statistical or mathematical analyses.

When something is described as scholarly, that means that has been written by and for the academic community. The term scholarly is commonly used as shorthand to indicate that information that has been peer reviewed  or examined by other experts of the same academic field or discipline. Sometimes, the terms academic, scholarly, and peer reviewed are confused as synonyms; peer reviewed is a narrower term referring to an item that has been reviewed by experts in the field prior to publication, while academic is a broader term that also includes works that are written by and for academics, but that have not been peer reviewed.

The sentence that relays the main idea or the point of the paragraph in which it is contained; usually the first sentence of a body paragraph which gives the reader an idea of what ideas will be discussed in that paragraph.

7.2 Researched Position Paper Copyright © 2022 by Terri Pantuso is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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How to Write a Position Paper: Step-By-Step Guide with Examples

Learn how to write a position paper with our step-by-step guide , including topic prompts and example papers.

A position essay or research paper is a paper that requires you to take a position on a controversial subject or question. Often, these papers cover argumentative essay topics that evoke emotion, like illegal immigrants, climate change, violent video game age rating or animal testing.

Your position on the topic because your topic sentence and the rest of the paper or essay back up your point with your research . A high-quality position essay will conclude with a final push toward getting your audience to believe your topic sentence based on the research you present.

You must have the right topic to write a position paper that will persuade an audience to your point of view . These position essay topics will get you started on your research . For help with your essays , check out our round-up of the best essay checkers .

How to Write a Position Paper?

A. is cloning humans to help with medical procedures ethical, b. should covid-19 vaccinations be mandatory, c. is cheerleading a sport, d. should the minimum wage be raised, step 2. conduct preliminary research, step 3. write your thesis, step 4. create an outline, step 5. write a draft , step 6. review and write, 1. the death penalty has no place in america by anthony langdon, 2. universal healthcare provides americans the security needed in uncertain times by jeremy c. kourvelas, 3. should sex education be taught in schools by peter dewitt, 4. we are the ones failing our teens, not social media by emma mccarthy, 5. communication is key to a successful roommate relationship, 6. the growing demand for limits on speech in academia.

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Step 1. Pick a Topic

Pick a Topic

The purpose of a position paper is to pick a side of a question and aim to convince the reader of the writer’s stance by using research data to back up their views. Choosing a topic is the first step to writing a position paper.

Sometimes, your high school teacher or college professor might have assigned you a topic . But if you’re choosing your own topic , you can begin the process by considering your academic interests or deciding on a specific industry.

You can brainstorm topic questions from here by narrowing in on one section of your chosen interest. For example, if you’re writing about sports, you might choose to write about cheerleading as a sport. Whether you believe that cheerleading is a sport or whether you believe it’s not – you can use the paper to prove your point. Check out these position paper prompts to help you:

The ability to cline humans still hasn’t made it to reality , but the question is there. Would it be ethical to clone humans for help with medical procedures, such as organ transplants? This question raises a few concerns, including the ethics of experimenting on a newly created clone and the general ethics of cloning a replica of another person.

Discuss this important question in your argumentative essay. Back your choice with facts found in your research . For this topic , you don’t have to research the science behind cloning, just its ethics, so you can do the piece even if you don’t fully understand its science. Check out our explainer on how to write a thank you letter .

 Should COVID-19 Vaccinations Be Mandatory?

As we near the end of the pandemic, many people wonder whether or not COVID-19 vaccinations should be required by law . Some claim that vaccination is for the greater good and is something everyone should do, while others state that it should be a personal choice.

If you argue for mandated vaccines, consider whether or not there should be exceptions to this rule. If you decide to argue against it, be prepared to show other measures society can take to slow or stop the spread of the virus.

Ask any cheerleader, and you will get an emphatic “yes” to this question. Cheerleading is physically demanding and often requires careful diets and exercise routines to find success.

Yet others will argue that cheerleading is not a sport because it is not a competition in the way that basketball or soccer are. You can argue either way based on your opinion after doing the research . You might also find our headings and subheadings examples helpful.

Federal labor laws have the minimum wage set at $12 an hour . Yet, this is not enough to live off a full-time income in many parts of the country. You could argue whether or not the minimum wage should increase to accommodate inflation.

Here’s the problem with that argument, which you should also consider. If you raise the minimum wage, you will have increased inflation to accommodate the higher labor costs. This can backfire, preventing you from enjoying the benefits of higher base pay.

Conduct Preliminary Research

Position papers use evidence to support the claims and to persuade the reader to join their stance on the chosen topic . It’s essential to use supporting evidence for your statements and to supply background information when writing your paper. 

Gather evidence from reliable and credible sources to support your point of view and make a compelling argument to convince the reader. Doing this before writing your arguments and counterarguments is a great way to make writing easier and complete a good position paper.

Remember to include citations in your paper. Failing to include citations can put you at risk of being penalized for plagiarism. Also, ensure you use the correct format, such as MLA or APA. If you’re unsure of the citation style to use, check with your teacher or professor. You might also find our guide on how to write a case study useful.

Once you’ve decided on your topic and stance and gathered your preliminary evidence, it’s time to write the thesis statement! The thesis statement is a summary sentence that states your position on the topic and includes your key supporting evidence. Place your thesis statement after your introductory paragraph to help readers understand the main parts of your argument. 

Create an outline

Use your thesis statement and notes to create a template and outline your argument. To do this, split your page into sections for the introduction, body, and conclusion. 

  • Introduction: Introduce the topic and your position on the topic chosen for the paper. Include background information on the chosen topic, and explain why the topic is important to you.
  • Body: This section should include your arguments and claims with supporting evidence. Split your content into body paragraphs for each point of your argument, and include supporting evidence and counter arguments to support your stance. The body is the most important part of your paper, so make sure to include as much information on the subject matter as possible and use all of your research. Short position papers usually include three body paragraphs, but longer papers may have multiple sections and several body paragraphs.
  • Conclusion: The conclusion of a position paper is used to highlight the key points of your argument, emphasize your stance, and summarize your paper in a way that is compelling to the reader. Use a conclusion as an opportunity to leave a lasting impact on the reader and finish strong. 

Write a draft 

Write the first draft of your position paper using the outline template and bulk up the content with your research and arguments. Creating a draft is a great way to get into the flow of your paper and not get hung up on the details of writing. Use this as an opportunity to get your ideas on paper. 

A great way to approach your draft is to add your evidence to each section of your outline template and build your content around the research . Once you’ve outlined the main points and counter arguments, you can work on bulking up the content.

Review your final draft and fill out your paper by adding emotive language, supporting your arguments with contextual information, and fully explaining your research data. Once you’ve completed your paper, it’s time to proofread and review your work. A great way to review your work is by using an AI assistant like Grammarly to tidy up the grammar, improve readability, and ensure your points resonate with the reader. Check out our Grammarly review !

Position Paper Examples

“Racial bias is obvious throughout our prisons and police departments, so it tracks that capital punishment is afflicted, as well. Katherine Beckett and Heather Evans studied the role of race in Washington state’s capital sentencing from 1981 to 2014 and found that, controlling for all other legal factors, Black defendants were four and a half times more likely to be sentenced to death as non-Black defendants.” Anthony Langdon

In this article, Langdon discusses his opinion that the death penalty should not be part of the American justice system. He cites problems with racial bias as a reason for this belief.

“Universal healthcare would free small business owners from having to provide coverage while simultaneously enhancing the freedom of the worker. Lifespans could be longer, people could be happier and healthier in systems that are simpler and more affordable.” Jeremy C. Kourvelas

In this piece, Kourvelas discusses the benefits of universal healthcare for Americans and the economy. He uses these benefits to show how, in his opinion, universal healthcare is the right choice for Americans.

“Thinking about sex education conjures up all of those uncomfortable moments as an adolescent when we had to sit at our desks and listen to our health teachers talk about things that we joked about with friends but never wanted to have a conversation about with adults. But things have changed a lot since then.” Peter DeWitt

As a former public school principal, DeWitt has a strong opinion on this topic . In this opinion piece, he looks at how middle school and high school students benefit from sex education in school and what people should consider when discussing this topic .

“It’s no secret that social media is taking a toll on teenagers, especially girls. Filters and photo editing create the facade of a seemingly perfect life and put an emphasis on unrealistic beauty standards and constant comparison. This often leads to decreased self-esteem and to body image concerns.” Emma McCarthy

There’s no denying that social media use by high school and college students is creating a mental health crisis. Still, in this article, McCarthy argues that the lack of parental and educator input into young people’s lives may have the most significant impact. She claims that a lack of education about how teens use social media among adults is the biggest problem.

“We respected each other by setting boundaries. We discussed when we typically went to bed during the week and then decided when to turn the lights out. We also always asked if it was okay to have a visitor, to borrow personal belongings or to call family. Our constant conversation allowed us to start off our college dorm experience seamlessly, as we both agreed to be honest with each other.” Maggi Abboud

Moving out of home is tough, but it becomes even tougher when you realize it’s time to navigate roommate relationships. In this position paper example, Maggi Abboud discusses the importance of creating a healthy relationship with her roommate through communication. She states that setting clear boundaries at the start of college helped them maintain respect and build a positive relationship with respect.

“The protection of free speech on campus should not be valued over the protection of students from the possible harm that the content of this speech may cause. In college, students are still learning who they are and how to love themselves and they should be free to grow into their identities without shame or embarrassment.” Sophia Eppley

Sophia Eppley believes that the protection of free speech should not be valued over the protection of students at University campuses.  Georgia House Bill 1 was passed in 2022, which removed any restriction of free speech by making every accessible, common area on a college campus a free speech zone. Although free speech is arguably a positive thing, it’s important to remember that free speech also allows the freedom of those with controversial ( and often offensive) opinions to speak freely. This position paper example gives great insight into the experiences of students who face challenging confrontations by free speech activists.

Looking for more? Check out our round-up of informative essay topics !


Academic Writing

  • Understanding Scholarly Text
  • Critical Analysis
  • Literature Review
  • Research Paper

Position Paper Diagram

Elements of the position paper, writing & tutoring help at bowie.

An author who writes a position paper is making an argument which has to be built upon evidence.  The structure used to do this is very similar to that used when writing a critical essay.

Image taken from James Cook University Study Skills Online.  "Essay Structure." 17 August, 2012.  Retrieved from http://www.jcu.edu.au/tldinfo/writingskills/essay/structure.html.

The purpose of a position paper is to generate support on an issue. It describes the author’s position on an issue and the rational for that position and, in the same way that a research paper incorporates supportive evidence, is based on facts that provide a solid foundation for the author’s argument.  It is a critical examination of a position using facts and inductive reasoning, which addresses both strengths and weaknesses of the author’s opinion.  

The classic position paper contains three main elements:

An Introduction , which identifies the issue that will be discussed and states the author’s position on that issue.

The Body of the paper, which contains the central argument and can be further broken up into three unique sections:

     Background information

     Evidence supporting the author’s position

     A discussion of both sides of the issue, which addresses and   refutes arguments that contradict the author’s position 

A Conclusion , restating the key points and, where applicable, suggesting resolutions to the issue.             

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how to research for a position paper


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How to Write a MUN Position Paper

A MUN Position Paper, also known as Policy Paper, is a strategic document that gives an overview of a delegates country position.

A good MUN Position Paper has three parts:

1) Country’s Position on the Topic 2) Country’s Relation to the Topic 3) Proposals of Policies to Pass in a Resolution

The following guide will show you how to write an excellent Position Paper, make the right impression to your chair and fellow delegates while achieving your overt, and covert, goals.

Table of Contents:

What is a Position Paper?

  • The Sections of a Position Paper
  • The PREP Formula

Types of Position Papers

The purpose of a position paper.

A Position Paper/Policy Paper, is a document, normally one page, which presents your country’s stance on the issue/topic your committee will be discussing. A solid position paper has three parts 1) Country’s position, 2) Country’s relation 3) Country’s Proposal

Great Position Papers require research and strategic analysis to effectively convey your countries position. Most MUN conferences require Policy Papers for a delegate to be eligible to win an award. Having an outstanding Position Paper could be the tiebreaker to win an award.

Why is the Position Paper important?

A MUN Position Paper is important for a wide variety of reasons beyond ensuring that delegates do a basic level of research before the conference. Understanding why a Position Paper is important lays the foundation to help you sort your thoughts as well as delivering your desired message to the chair.

The chairs oversee the committee from start to finish and as a delegate, you will want to show consistency with the principles and values present in your Position Paper.

Goals of a Position Paper

1. Show your country’s unique understanding of the issue being discussed . 2. Show your country’s previous relationship with the topic (preferably with relevant examples). 3. Show policies and ideas that your country would like to see in the resolution .

As most position papers are limited to one page, a minimum of one paragraph should be devoted to each of the aforementioned goals, and there should be clear transitions from paragraph to paragraph. The following position paper outline is universal, with options to expand in specific sections if you see it is needed.

The Sections of a Good Position Paper

A position paper is the result of proper preparation and research for your Model UN conference . Once you finish researching, follow the position paper guidelines (the conference should provide you with these). With the formatting instructions in mind, follow the instructions below to produce a high-quality position paper.

Model UN Position Paper Structure

1) How you / your country sees the situation/problem in general

2) Your country’s relation to the topic

3) What you want to pass in your MUN resolution

1) Your Position on the Topic Being Discussed

To answer the question “how to start a Position Paper’, keep in mind that you are not only sharing your position, but also introducing the reader to see the topic being discussed from your eyes.

To establish your position, start with a brief history of the situation / problem the committee will be discussing (How you see the situation / your position on the topic). Define what you see as the challenge to the global community (or at least what some of them face). Keep in mind that your goal is to meet this challenge by the end of the paper.

Frame the issue to be discussed as something that does not only pertain to your country but, ideally, also the other countries you would want to support your policy.

It helps to keep in mind that you will not get support for your clauses, or pass a resolution, alone. It is only if other countries see the topic the same way you do, that they will want to join you to implement your solution.

Example of Position Country: Angola Committee: The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Topic : Improving Access to Clean Water

The Republic of Angola believes consistent access to clean water is a basic human right. Some countries have an abundance of water, such as: Canada, Scotland and Switzerland. Others have next to no water, such as: Yemen, Libya and Djibouti, or low rainfall like Namibia and Sudan which creates water scarcity and desertification. The solution to all of these problems is the weather control that comes from cloud-seeding, with richer countries already reaping the benefits. The National Center of Meteorology and Seismology (NCMS) witnessed an increase in rainfall of 10%–15% in polluted air and 30%–35% in clean air. China uses cloud seeding over several increasingly arid regions including Beijing, the capital. In 2017, the United Arab Emirates launched 235 cloud-seeding operations by five cloud-seeding planes based in Al Ain. The use and success proves the technology works, but it is only accessible to those who can afford setting up the mechanisms to cloud seed, or pay for the chemicals from companies like Bayer and DowDuPont Inc, who control the patents and sales rights.

2) Your Country’s Relation To The Topic

presentation of the policies your country has used to deal with the issue in the past. You should also describe the successes or failures of those policies (Your country’s previous relation to the topic and the precedents it set).

Note: This is also the place to write previous actions your committee has with the topic ONLY IF it is relevant to how your country introduces itself. Otherwise, you are repeating factual information that is not related to you introducing your position. Writing facts that do not forward your case is a trap many fall into. In the cases where your country has a strong link to the issue, the examples in the 2nd paragraph should be about your country’s connection to the specific issue.

If your country has no direct relation, see if similar countries to yours, or countries with similar positions, have a relation to the topic. You can also conduct research to find out if your country has a relation to a similar topic, from where you can draw inspiration and a direction to justify your policies. (More on this in our article about ‘ How to effectively represent your country ’)

Example of Relation Country: Angola Committee: The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Topic : Improving Access to Clean Water

Angola’s history is scarred with conflicts arising from the abuse and mismanagement of natural resources, such as iron ore, petroleum, uranium, and diamonds. Angola is oil-rich while our people are dirt-poor. We stand at 149 out of 186 on the 2016 Human Development Index poverty scale. In rural areas, which contain 11.4 million people (38.5% of our total population), only 6% of households having access to electricity and 38% do not have access to safe water sources. Approximately 15 out of every 100 children do not survive beyond the age of five, leaving us with a child mortality rate is around 17%. These challenges are especially difficult for our president Joao Lourenco, who entered the office in September 2017. President Lourenco biggest challenge is reforming 38 years of cronyism and corruption under former President José Eduardo dos Santos. During his 38 years in power, infrastructure has not been developed while tens of billions of petrodollars disappeared. The 2014 oil slump made our situation worse reaffirming that we are unable to pull ourselves up on our own. Additionally, we do not get enough rain. We only get 32 days of rain with more than 0.1mm of rainfall meaning only 2.7 days of quality rain, sleet, and snow per month. Not enough to maintain adequate crop yields.

3) Extra Supporting Material

be hard data needed to support paragraph 2 or justify paragraph 3; this 4th paragraph still comes before the final section where you describe your desired policies.

what was originally read in the committee study guide.

Example of Extra Country: Angola Committee: The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Topic : Improving Access to Clean Water

The global system that depends on technologies provided by companies like Corteva is strongly entrenched in the Sub Saharan agriculture sector, as well as all over the world. The four biggest companies, Bayer-Monsanto, ChemChina, Corteva and Syngenta have 59 percent of the world’s patented seeds, 64 percent of all pesticides and held near-monopolies over other agrichemicals. The use of these crops and chemicals has become fundamental to grow corn in Tanzania, potatoes in Kenya and other crops in sub-Saharan Africa throughout their diverse range of crops and terrains. This position of power persists because the sub-Saharan farmers are similar in their lack of access to best practices, techniques, technologies, finances and markets. This lack of skills is combined with limited resources results in the agriculture sector that is as under-development in agriculture as it is dependent on companies like ChemChina.

4)Proposal – What You Want to Pass in a Resolution

Give an outline of possible / likely solutions that your country proposes and would advocate to see implemented during the Model UN simulation. Do this within the limits of what your particular committee can do (What you would want to pass a resolution about). If you want to do additional actions beyond the mandate of your committee, you can outsource them to other committees. If this is an integral part of your strategy they should also go here. In the Proposal section, you can either commit to one strong Call to Action, a few different policies or two extreme red lines, which you say you intend to work between. Remember, while you do not need to fully commit yourself to what you write in your Position Papers, it is important that you show the margins within which you will be operating at the conference. Doing this shows there is thought behind your actions and gives you more credit with the chairs for diplomatic progress. It is thus strongly advisable that you not write something that you will directly contradict through your actions in committee sessions.

What is a Policy? A policy is a course of action proposed, or adopted, by a government, party, business, or individual. Your policies are a Call to Action telling the UN officials, who get the resolution, what to do.

You want your MUN policy to be clear, concise, and SMART .

The SMART MUN Policy

SMART is an acronym to describe the criteria needed to set policy goals. S pecific – Target a specific area for improvement in your policy.

M easurable – Suggest an indicator of progress once the policy is in place.

A ctionable – Specify what action this policy will do.

R ealistic – Given available resources and committee mandate, ensure your proposed policy can realistically be attained.

Timely – Specify when the result(s) from your proposed policy can be achieved, or when to revisit.

Example of Proposal Country: Angola Committee: The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Topic : Improving Access to Clean Water

Angola advocates for a UN-sanctioned policy that gives permission to dry developing countries to make generic replicas of their patented chemicals at a fraction of the cost to achieve water independence. An example of these technologies belongs to German rainfall enhancement leader WeatherTec Services GmbH. WeatherTecs cutting edge technologies to improve water access are cheaper than many of their competitors but the operating costs start at 11 – 15 million Euros a year. Angola does not believe the United Nations should subsidize the cost of the chemicals, as the subsidy is a temporary solution and it would take funds from other important programs while leaving the corporations with the same level of control. Today, aside from South Africa, none of us can afford cloud seeding. We can cloud seed on our own if freed from the shackles of patent laws that benefit the rich. Dupot made net sales of $62.5B in 2017, by charging prices which the poorer dry countries could never afford. The UN should allow the relevant member states to locally produce WeatherTecs technologies so we can join the ranks of self-sufficient nations who can provide for themselves the basic water needs to survive.

The PReP Formula for Successful Position Papers

PReP stands for Position, Relation, extra & Proposal , which are the essential parts of every position paper . PReP will help you remember the formula.

Position – Your view / interpretation of the issue being discussed. (Paragraph 1)

Relation – Your connection to the topic being discussed. (Paragraph 2)

extra – The optional 4th paragraph which can contain extra information your feel is critical to your case, but doesn’t naturally fit into one of the other three paragraphs. This paragraph still comes before the one containing your policies.

Proposal – The practical policies you would want to see in the resolution. (Paragraph 3)

The PReP Strategy

With the Proposal ( paragraph 3), you solve the issue shown in your Position (paragraph 1) with the tools and relevance you set up in your Relation (paragraph 2). (The examples used in paragraph 2 should, preferably, also show the policy margins of your country).

The policy outlined in the final section of the Position Paper should show ideas that address the issues outlined in your position associated with the committee topic (as should have been specified in the first paragraph). This position should be justified by the country’s relation (or guesstimate relation) to the topic (the second paragraph). These should be used to justify the policy proposals you outline in the third paragraph. Each of these paragraphs should try to have as much unique information as possible that can’t be found in the committee study guide (because everyone in the committee should theoretically know that information). Obviously, your paper should have some connection to the main issues of the topic, but if you feel the paper should go in a different direction, that is completely your right.

Topic: Finding the cure for the Zika virus

Country: Greece

While this topic is one that is important, the delegate of Greece can decide that he doesn’t want his country to fund viruses they don’t have and only exists half a world away. In such a case, we would see:

Position (First paragraph) : How the global community spends collective money on local issues.

Relation (Second paragraph): How Greece doesn’t have the money to spend and how it has local diseases and problems at home.

Extra (Fourth Optional Paragraph): Optional paragraph could include data on regional diseases that broke out in neighboring countries and remain a viable threat for Greece.

Proposal (Third paragraph): Passing laws that would have localized diseases with body counts that don’t cross the tens of thousands, to be funded by local unions. There can also be a second idea that the World Health Organization divert extra funds instead of countries collectively forking out money.

There is no set amount of space each section needs to have. Some Position papers need a longer first section while others need double the space for the policy. What is certain is that no paper can miss any of the sections (except the extra part) and each one should be developed to at least 25% of the paper.

Practicum: The four-step plan to implement PReP

Writing a Position Paper should come after you finish your MUN research . Once you have completed that (and especially if you haven’t), follow this three-step plan and don’t over complicate things.

– Position Papers chairs read – Position Papers delegates read – Position Papers everyone will read – Position Papers no one will read

“Everyone has a story to tell or a product to sell. Know your audience before you open your mouth.” – April Sims

While not all Model United Nations conferences require Position Papers, many of them do. Whether it be your Chairs, other delegates, a mix or none of the above, knowing who will be your audience will help you craft the right paper and achieve your desired goal.

Position Papers Only The Chair Will Read

When the chair is required to send feedback, this usually means they will have read your Position Paper. This is an excellent opportunity to go all out, regarding the reasons for why your country has the position that it is taking and why you chose the policies that you did. (See our article on ‘Properly Represent Your Country?’) This is also the place to describe your Call to Action / the policies you want to implement in detail. The reason for such open and clear (but not too clear) writing is because no one but the Chair will read it, meaning you don’t need as much nuance as you would in a public Position Paper or opening speech. This is the place to give your ideas in a clear, unfiltered manner so that the Chair can understand it later when you give a more layered speech during the formal sessions.

‘For Chair eyes only’ Position Papers are also an excellent opportunity to bring facts and ideas that you want known to the chair, but don’t have time to fit into your first speech or two. While not bluntly giving away your country’s real motivation, you have a lot more liberty to flag things you’re afraid might be missed once the committee session starts.

Position Papers Only Delegates will Read (but not Chairs)

These are Position Papers where all the delegates are able to read each other’s work, research and position on the topic at hand. An example of where this can happen, is a large conference (e.g. 200 delegates), where the Position Paper deadline is the day before the conference.

For these papers, you still want to use the Position Paper platform to show why the discussion should focus on where you want it to go. For this reason, the Position Paper should be written more to frame the issue than give concrete detailed policies. Delegates who did not research to the same extent, or have no clear position, can be introduced to your interpretation of the topic. Some may completely adopt it, or at least be familiar with it when they hear it in a speech. (See our article on ‘ Writing the Killer Speech ’)

Position Papers Everyone Will Read (Chairs and Delegates)

The Chair + Delegate Position Papers are the most complex to write. In these cases, the ideal situation is for the chair to see what you would want them to see, as if it was written just for them, while at the same time, the other delegates would see a Position Paper customized for them. This is a hard balance to find, but if erring to one side, it is better to build a paper for the delegates and hope the chair has the experience to read between the lines.

One more variable to take into consideration is when Position Papers are written for a gigantic committee (100 or more delegates).

In gigantic rooms, the Position Paper should have at least the basics of the policy, because one might not speak in the first few hours and this might be the only way to get you onto the floor.

Position Papers No One Will Read

Yes, this actually exists in MUN. Some Position Papers will not be read by the Chairs  or anyone else at all. However, the conference requires submission to qualify for a diplomacy award. A few conferences will admit that no one will read the Position Papers, but most will not.

Here are a few things to look out for to know your Position Papers likely won’t be read:

-When Chairs are not required to send you feedback on the Position Paper

– The deadline is the day before the conference.

In these cases, the main benefit of writing a Position Paper is to organize your thoughts. However, in practice, a poor document can be just as easily submitted to qualify.

Pitfalls to Avoid

Potential issues you may run into:

  • You may run into a situation where your country does not have a clear policy towards a topic, or they have recently changed policy. For example, with the election in the US and the change from one ideology to another, their rhetoric towards the Iran Nuclear issue changed almost overnight. It would be tempting to follow the words of the leaders in a case like this, but pay attention to actual actions. Nothing has changed.
  • When faced with conflicting positions from your country, choose one and stick with it. Use the position that you can find the most research on.
  • Sometimes you will be stuck with a topic or committee that your country has little to no interest in. This will cause a lack of information to work with. For example, if you are in UNESCO and the topic is oil drilling in Ecuador’s rainforest, you may find that Malawi has not put out any statement on the issue. Don’t despair.
  • In a situation like this, when your country has no position on a topic, you have to get creative. Find similar issues that affect your country and extrapolate that to the current topic. For the Ecuador example, Malawi can use their position of environmental issues in their own country and throughout the continent as a guide as to how they would respond.
  • If you find yourself on a topic with indigenous people’s rights, but your country does not have a strong position, find out if there are indigenous groups in that country. Do they treat them well or poorly? Both will give you a direction to take with your Position Paper.
  • There shouldn’t be a single sentence that has no purpose.  Each fact or statement should support the identity you are constructing.
  • If you feel a fact or statement that doesn’t seem to have a place, must be in the PP, think about why. If it is so vital that it fits into the first, second, or sometimes the  third paragraph. If it does not, perhaps it can be replaced with one which does.
  • The information can be used later – this fact or statement can be important and be saved for a later speech. However, the position paper needs to be a self-supporting document and just because it is important doesn’t mean it has to go here.
  • You want to end every Position Paper on a strong note, but you do not want to have a conclusion that is overwhelming or concrete. Remember, you will not have many pages, usually, one to get your country’s position across. The Chair is not judging your Position Paper on how well you close, they are judging it based on your understanding of the issues and the solutions you bring to the table.
  • That being said, it helps to close the paper well. There is an old saying about writing an essay that can apply to a Position Paper as well:
  • “Your introduction tells them they will be intrigued. The body is the meat of the argument. The conclusion reminds them that they were impressed.”
  • How do we apply this to a Position Paper? In the beginning, you frame the problem, not wasting your time giving a detailed research paper. The bulk of the paper is letting the Chair know that you understand your country’s relationship to the topic and your proposed solutions. Your conclusion is going to close briefly with a strong, concluding remark. BRIEFLY is the key word here.

Position Paper Format

The format of each Positions Paper, or Position Paper template, varies from conference to conference. However, even if you have no format instructions you do not want to have a messy position paper.

An unorganized paper can:

  • Make you look less serious (to chairs and delegates)
  • Make your text harder to follow
  • Give your reader less incentive to pay attention

Messy Position Paper – Example

You can see here how the bunched lines, uneven spacing, random bullet points, different sizes, confused margins and everything else makes the paper unappealing to the eye before we even start reading.

Organized Position Paper – Example

Here you can see the Position Paper is more organized and easier to read.

Sometimes, the conference will give you an unfilled Position Paper template, with the logo and blank headings for you to fill in. Other times, the conference will send you a Model UN Position Paper sample. Other conferences will send you specific, or loose, Position Paper instructions about how they want the paper formatted.

Each Position Paper should be measured by its content and its ability to inform and influence the respective Chairs and delegate. However, the Position Paper will not reach that point if it is not accepted. It is a pity when your work is not be read or forwarded on because you got the font wrong, exceeded the margins or sent the paper in late. For this reason, whether strict or lax, read and follow the Model UN Position Paper formatting instructions so the hard work you put into the document will achieve its strategic objective.

Examples of Position Paper Instructions

Position Paper Instructions Example #1:

Write the Position Paper for ExampleMUN 2026 using the standards below:

  • Length must not exceed two pages.
  • Margins must be 2.54 cm or 1 inch for the entire paper.
  • Font must be Times New Roman, size 12.
  • Justify the paragraphs. The left and right margins must both have straight edges.
  • Country name / institution committee name must be clearly labeled on the top of the 1st page.
  • Agenda topics must be clearly labeled as the title.
  • National symbols, such as flags, logos, etc. are deemed inappropriate for ExampleMUN Position Papers.
  • Send your document in PDF format.

Position Paper Instructions Example #2:

We ask delegates of ExampleMUN to each produce a position paper before the conference. It must outline their country’s position, main objectives and issues they are seeking to address during the conference. Your Chairs will return the Position Papers to you with feedback a fortnight before the conference. This will give you time to ascertain which countries would be considered natural allies for you and for you to read which issues the other delegates may deem important.

A Position Paper the length of one side of A4 should be sufficient to state your position.

Example of Formatted Position Paper

Angola feels that in this day and age, hunger should be a thing of the past. However, in 2018, over 795 million people do not have enough food to lead a healthy, active life. This does not include the half of the world’s population, more than 3 billion people, who live on less than $2.50 a day. For better or worse, the road to more accessible and cheaper food is strongly related to water supply. Some countries have an abundance of water, such as: Canada, Scotland and Switzerland. Others have next to no water, such as: Yemen, Libya and Djibouti, or low rainfall like Namibia and Sudan which creates water scarcity and desertification. The solution to all of these problems is the weather control that comes from cloud-seeding, with richer countries already reaping the benefits. The National Center of Meteorology and Seismology (NCMS) witnessed an increase in rainfall of 10–15% in polluted air and 30–35% in clean air. China uses cloud seeding over several increasingly arid regions including Beijing, the capital. In 2017, the United Arab Emirates launched 235 cloud-seeding operations by five cloud-seeding planes based in Al Ain. The use and success proves the technology works, but it is only accessible to those who can afford setting up the mechanisms to cloud seed, or pay for the chemicals from companies like Bayer, Dupont and Dow Chemical Company, who control the patents and sales rights.

How to Win a Best Position Paper Award

T he difference between a good and a great Position Paper

Good Chairs will give credit to delegates who properly predict the room and are able to guide their policies from the Position Paper to the final resolution. This is because it means that the delegates accurately predicted which direction the discussion would go in, or better still, were able to direct the room in that direction.

This does not mean that the best delegate must have an excellent Position Paper, or perfectly stick to it. Aside from the ‘Best Position Paper’ award, the actions that take place in the committee are almost completely what Chairs will consider for awards. However, it is not uncommon that a Position Paper is used as a tiebreaker between two extremely close delegates.

In all these cases, you need to have an opinion. To win the ‘Best Position Paper’ award, your Position Paper needs to be full of new solutions, it must follow proper format and it has to be concise and ‘ fluff-free ’. Neutrality on an issue, or saying your country has no opinion, is admitting that you will let other delegates take the lead on the issue. It is better to find a policy of a country similar to yours, or your own policy on a similar issue, than saying nothing. More on how to deal with this can be found in our ‘ Research ’ and ‘ How to Represent Your Country ’ articles.

Top Position Paper Strategies

  • The Chair of your committee will be reading so many Position Papers about the same exact topic that they will be bored to death of seeing the same solutions over and over again. To stand out, come up with a viable, new strategy that other countries may not have thought of. We say viable because it cannot be so outlandish as to be impossible, but it should be something that makes the Chair stop and focus on your paper.
  • You can get a little off-the-wall with solutions, as long as they have a basis in reality.
  • Alexander Hamilton employed a similar strategy during the Constitutional Convention in the US. When debating an overhaul of the US government, there were two main plans (the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan). The New Jersey plan was closer to what was already in place, while the Virginia Plan was a change almost too much for people to handle (though most knew this was the only way to save the nation). In order to discredit the New Jersey Plan, Hamilton boldly proposed a plan so radical, that the Virginia Plan became moderate in comparison.
  • Hamilton’s plan opened the discussion and changed the conversation. It caught the attention of everyone present and moved them towards a solution.
  • You can do this with a position paper. Even if you do not ultimately get what you want, you have caught the Chair’s attention and have become a player in the game.

While this seems self-explanatory, you would be surprised how many people disregard the format rules given by the conference. Do not ignore this. As Chairs are reading the papers, they will come to expect certain formatting and anything not following the rules will stand out, and not in a good way. Do not get on the Chair’s bad side before the conference even begins. You can be sure that they will take points off for improper formatting and keep your name written down for conference time.

When you think about how to start a Position Paper, don’t go for an intense sound-bite. Flare is not good without substance. Try to be as clear as you comfortably can and reach your important points as quickly as possible.

What Chairs Look For

Similarly to how Position Paper format instructions are given to delegates, Chairs are also given instructions by the Model UN Conference Secretariat on how to evaluate Position Papers. Chairing, from when you write the study guide until the closure of debate, is a sacred responsibility.

Sometimes, the instructions given by the secretariat on how to evaluate Position Papers are clear and uniform. However, often, a Chair needs to fill in some gaps between the secretariat’s instructions and doing the job in real-time.  To better understand the considerations regarding Position Papers, read the following instructions, given by an Under-secretary General of Chairing to their staff.


Dear Chairs,  

As of this weekend, all the registered delegates should receive their study guides. While a few delegates will still be getting allocations over the next week, most of them will have received guidelines for how and when to send Position Papers. The delegates are required to send the Position Papers to the committee email from the 20th – 26th of February. Any Position Paper received by the 26th before midnight should receive feedback from one of the Chairs. You are not obligated to give feedback to papers received from the 27th onwards. Hopefully, you should get most or all of the papers before the deadline. Papers received after the 28th are not eligible for the best position paper award, as you may not have time to check them. Position Papers that are received after March 1st, or not at all, will make the delegate ineligible for an award.

In the Position Papers, we want to see that delegates show they understand (a) the topic (b) their countries positions and history and (c) the policies they propose to solve it / perpetuate it (if they are evil).

The Position Papers which arrive on time should get feedback. This does not need to be more than a few lines per topic. However, we do require you to tell the delegates if they did a good job or if they are lacking in one of the three sections mentioned above. You should also tell them what you want them to improve. In the feedback, where possible, please use examples from their text. To do this most effectively, divide the position papers amongst yourselves and return them when you can. You are not required to send feedback if the delegate sends you an improved position paper. Our main goal is for you to have prepared delegates in your committee, and a rewritten position paper generally indicates better preparation.

  If anyone would like more information on how to give feedback, or have any other questions relating to Position Papers, please let me know in a reply to this email.

  If your delegates write you asking how to write a policy paper, or any other questions, we expect you to be helpful, courteous and available.

  Good Luck

USG Chairing

Not every MUN conference secretariat will have this level of instruction for their Chairs. Some have more; a few give online workshops about Position Papers, while others give no instruction at all. However, in most cases, the final feedback is left to a Chair’s discretion.

If your secretariat left you alone, giving feedback on the basics according to the guidelines at the beginning of this article is a good start. You can also give topic-specific feedback, which uses examples of where more research or analyses can be used, based on what you wrote in your study guide .

11 Questions Chairs Ask When Reading Your Position Paper

Question chairs ask about a quality position paper.

  • Did the delegate reframe the topic to make the problem-specific and relevant to them?
  • Did they show their country’s relation to the topic?
  • Did they offer policies that can gain a majority in the committee?
  • Do these policies represent their countries stated interests?
  • Did the delegate use examples?
  • Do the examples go beyond the information in the study guide?
  • Did the writer bring something new, unique and interesting?

Questions You Hope Your Chair Never Asks

  • Was this position paper copied and pasted from Wikipedia or some other online source?
  • If I change the country name on this super vague paper will it be just as “valid”?
  • How inebriated was the delegate when they wrote this?
  • Has the writer even heard of Model UN?

Using these questions to measure the quality of your paper will let you review your work with a Chair’s eyes. If the answers to these questions aren’t good enough, then you now know what to work on. A few appropriate modifications can result in a complete makeover of a Position Paper, and possibly a much-improved delegate as well.

Closing thoughts on Position Papers

Position Papers are important. Knowing if the Position Paper will be read only by the Chair or by the delegates should be taken into account when choosing what to write and focus on. Position Paper format should also be taken into account, but not at the expense of quality.

A Position Paper should accomplish three goals: 1. Show a country’s position on the topic being discussed. 2. Show a country’s previous relationship to the topic (preferably with relevant examples). 3. Show policies and ideas that (1) represent the interests of your country and (2) you would ideally like to see in the resolution.

When you’re the Chair, give instructive feedback with specific examples. Your comments could be the difference between a lost delegate or an effective one, or between a good conference and a great one.

Lastly, don’t forget the PReP strategy:

In Policy (paragraph 3) you solve the issue in Position (paragraph 1) with the tools and relevance you set up in Relation (paragraph 2).

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Writing a Position Paper

A position paper is written to present one side of an argument and generate support for that side, using facts, inductive reasoning, and critical thinking. After deciding on your topic and position, conduct research in Education Databases .

  • To find academic articles, make sure to limit results to peer-reviewed articles for authoritative references.
  • To find current issues, limit to newspapers and/or magazines. 
  • See the  statistics  page on this libguide for appropriate stats.
  • See below for how to find published position papers. 

Common components of a good position paper:

  • Found in a peer-reviewed (scholarly) journal, and/or published by organizations related to the topic.
  • Introduction
  • References (Bibliography)

For more information on writing position papers, including structure, check out these websites:

  • Writing a Position Paper  (Courtesy of Simon Fraser University)
  • Argument Papers (Purdue OWL)
  • Position Paper Libguide (Bowie State University)
  • How to Write a Position Paper (Xavier University)

Find Position Papers

1. Start with Education Source, our primary education database.

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2. Click the Choose Database link near the top of the screen.

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3. Select ERIC, a free governmental database that you can also search through EBSCO simultaneously with Education Source. Select any other databases that may be relevant such as SPORTDiscus, PsycINFO, or Gender Studies.

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4. For your first search term, enter position paper

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5. Select Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals

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6. Enter more search terms as needed.

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Researched position paper.

Most students—even those who write very well—approach this task in an expository way.  Expository means that you are informing your audience and at the same time persuading him or her that you’ve done a good job and should be rewarded (e.g. with a grade).  This is the way that you’ve always written papers, but it won’t work this time because researched position papers are professional writing that includes some academic writing. 

Reorganizing Your Paper

I am imagining that you will think my suggestions will shorten up your paper—but that isn’t true if you allow yourself to think that the paper moves in levels.  The first level (the introductory paragraph) has the most general and most important information.  You summarize the entire paper here (which means you should write the position statement last).  The body of the paper, Level 2, explains what’s told in the introduction—so in one way, the information will repeat.  That’s what professional writing is all about:  you give the reader the option NOT to have to read the rest of it if he or she doesn’t want to.  Here are some steps for converting your paper from expository to professional writing:

  • the key findings, ideas, or conclusions of your research should not be more than about 3-7 in number  (I mean in general)
  • be able to state them in a brief sentence each (or fewer if you can)
  • pull them up to the position statement that comes before your intro
  • in the first sentence, tell the reader directly what to do or think with this information
  • in the rest of the paragraph, key ideas only—no explanations at all (that’s Level 2)
  • use headings throughout the rest of the paper that are tied to your key findings so that it’s easy for the reader to navigate
  • underneath each heading, summarize the information and then explain it

I want to emphasize that this kind of writing is totally unnatural—like ballet—no one naturally does this.  You have to have a clear sense (like a dancer does) of what is right and wrong and how to execute it.  No one can pirouette naturally like a trained dancer—that’s why you need to follow the above directions until you learn the form and then follow it on your own (and you will after enough practice). 

Example:  Public Financing of Sports Facilities

Researched Position Paper Audience:  Mayor of Marietta, Ohio

Sports Facilities Do Not Benefit Local Economies

Turning down the opportunity to have a sports facility built in Marietta, Ohio, would put local funds to better use.  Many studies completed by firms in service to the sports industry testify to sports facilities’ generation of income for local communities.  An economic analysis, however, shows three key points that refute these studies:

  • the money spent at the facilities is taken away from other leisure pursuits and therefore not ultimately giving more money to the local community
  • jobs are created, but not long term jobs with high pay
  • the money used to create the sports facility could have been invested in public works that might generate more income (e.g. schools, airports, roads).

This paper explores these three ideas in terms of their economic impact. 

Analyzing This Version

I told the mayor what to do in the first sentence; you could wait until the end of the paragraph too, but it would help you practice if you put the real bottom line up front.  I didn’t give a fact; I gave a researched opinion.  There are no questions.  It’s very terse because I want the person to grab my paper, get the most important point, and then choose to read the rest of my paper whenever. 

I’m imagining that the most difficult part for student writers—initially—will be shifting into command voice and telling the person the bottom line.  Using bullets to list your main ideas helps people read more quickly, but check with your professor first.  Notice there are no explanations.  That will come in the body of the paper—and in economic terminology. 

The Body of the Paper

You will feel more comfortable in the body of the paper where you explain ideas like you have in previous papers.  It’s important in upper-level courses to cite your sources frequently so that your professor (and future bosses) can look up references if he or she likes. 

Benefits of Writing a Researched Position Paper

Once you’ve done one of these, your writing at work will come much more easily.  This is an important form for you to know as economics majors.

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how to research for a position paper

Positionality Statements in Research

how to research for a position paper


What is positionality in qualitative research, what are examples of researcher positionality, how does my positionality affect the research process, how do you write a positionality statement for a research project, further reading.

In the qualitative research process, the researcher is the main instrument of data collection , making positionality an important aspect to acknowledge in research. When you conduct research in the social sciences, it is essential for you and your research team to account for researcher identities such as gender, social class, sexual orientation, and other factors, especially if they are relevant to the research topic .

In this article, we'll look at the importance of the researcher's identity in qualitative research, then we'll discuss how a researcher can write about their positionality for an international journal or conference.

how to research for a position paper

Quantitative research is typically straightforward; two plus two always equals four and the speed of light is always constant. The knowledge generated from this sort of research is seen as objective and universal.

Qualitative research , on the other hand, is more subjective in the interpretation of data . Every individual, whether they are the researcher or the participant, looks at the social world in entirely different ways.

When it comes to a researcher's own study, this degree of subjectivity can inform their research methods , research questions , and existing assumptions about the concept or phenomenon they are looking to study.

As a result, the researcher needs to acknowledge their own positionality to contextualize their data collection and data analysis .

Positionality refers to a number of self-identifications ranging from the researcher's background, personal experiences, gender identity, national origin, and other factors that the researcher brings to the research process.

It can also be an acknowledgment of their outsider status relative to the study participants, personal stories about interactions or power dynamics with the study population, or life experiences that bring the researcher to the research question they are addressing.

Positionality is also related to the concept of reflexivity . Both concepts rely on an acknowledgment of the researcher's own background and identity and how these may influence the researcher's interpretations.

While a positionality statement benefits the research audience, the act of reflexivity compels the researcher to become aware of their own influence on the field they are observing. This is an important principle not only for collecting rich data but also for conducting research in an ethical manner.

how to research for a position paper

Fields such as psychological research, sociological research, and education research employ a range of methods , including interviews , focus groups , observations , and ethnographies . When using these methods, the researcher is the most important instrument of data collection .

Take a research study that employs semi-structured interviews , for example. When follow-up questions are generated in the moment as the interviewer responds to answers given by participants, it's important to know a little about the interviewer.

How well does the interviewer know about the expertise and knowledge that their respondents have? Are they close colleagues or are they meeting for the first time? Does the interviewer belong to the same social groups as the interviewee? Answering such questions in a positionality statement helps the research audience understand how the data was generated.

Ethnographies benefit from a more complex statement of positionality. Sociocultural and critical research relies on, among other things, the concept of emic and etic positioning. This concept says that cultures and communities treat people differently depending on whether they are considered insiders or outsiders. Such judgments may be made based on age, race, gender, or cultural background.

As a result, an ethnographer's status as an insider or outsider has potentially significant implications in terms of gaining access to the context, interacting with participants, and analyzing data generated from the ethnography.

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Imagine you are an ethnographer who wants to examine any of the following groups:

  • indigenous peoples
  • people with religious beliefs
  • sex workers
  • refugees in war zones

Would these groups welcome you or treat you with suspicion? In turn, what kind of bias would you have when observing or interacting with these groups? How might the difference in perspectives affect your methodology and findings?

Positionality can also affect the more mechanical aspects of a study. Informed consent , for example, is critical to gathering data from participants, making the discussion of power dynamics in a positionality statement essential to explaining to the audience how consent was obtained for data collection.

In general, there is no specific form that positionality statements should take in a research paper or presentation. The main objective of expressing positionality is to provide the audience with the sufficient contextualization of your background and identity to allow them to understand how data was collected and analyzed.

That said, scholarly research has two main conventions for writing a positionality statement in a research paper. Positionality statements are often written as part of the research methodology , where the research context, data collection , and data analysis are discussed. Writing positionality statements make the research methodology more transparent .

In this sense, a positionality statement looks like a brief biography of the researcher(s). A few short sentences are usually sufficient, for example:

"The main researcher in this study has significant experience working with patients in hospice care. As a result, she has a familiarity with the issues facing teminally ill patients that informs her reflections of her observations while in the field."

Alternatively, positionality need not be a formal or separate statement. In fields such as anthropology and sociology, and particularly fields where ethnography is commonly employed, research papers tend to resist a clinical structure (i.e., a paper with a strict background section, methodology section, etc.) in favor of a more literary narrative form. This means that positionality often accompanies the narrative developments when there is a relevant connection, for example:

"I observed how the students in class separated into groups according to whom they considered friends outside of formal activities. As a former classroom practitioner, I found this to be quite a natural development. I felt sympathetic toward the teacher, who tried to assign groups to establish more connections among classmates, as I would have done the same during my teaching days."

In the example above, the researcher is explaining what they observed in the field. They are drawn to a particular development (i.e., the grouping of students), which they note because of their previous experience as a teacher.

In this case, their positionality informs how they collected the data, particularly in a dynamic social enviroment where countless developments can occur and the researcher can only document so much at a time. The description of positionality here points out what the researcher did focus on during their research.

Ultimately, the best way to write about positionality depends on the field of research you are in. It is important for you to conduct a literature review of studies relevant to your topic, not only to gain a sense of the current theoretical developments, but also to understand and emulate the writing practices of other researchers.

Keep in mind how positionality statements are written in studies that connect to your research so you can determine the writing style that journals and their peer reviewers find compelling.

how to research for a position paper

There are numerous articles engaging in meta-discussion of positionality and its role in the research process. Here are a few additional references:

  • Holmes, A. G. D. (2020). Researcher Positionality--A Consideration of Its Influence and Place in Qualitative Research--A New Researcher Guide. Shanlax International Journal of Education , 8 (4), 1-10.
  • Martin, J. P., Desing, R., & Borrego, M. (2022). Positionality statements are just the tip of the iceberg: Moving towards a reflexive process. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering , 28 (4).
  • Wilson, C., Janes, G., & Williams, J. (2022). Identity, positionality and reflexivity: Relevance and application to research paramedics. British Paramedic Journal , 7 (2), 43-49.

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Essentials of Psychology: How to Write a Position Paper

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Current Topics Databases

  • CQ Press Library This link opens in a new window Collection of reference works on American government, current affairs, politics and public policy. more... less... Contains resources on American government, current affairs, history, politics, public policy, and data analysis for the social sciences. Individual resources available in the Library include the following: CQ Almanac; CQ Researcher Plus Archives; CQ Weekly; Political Handbook of the World; Politics in America; and the Supreme Court Yearbook.
  • Opposing Viewpoints (Gale in Context) This link opens in a new window Cross-curricular research tool providing pro/con perspectives on current social issues.
  • Points of View Reference Source This link opens in a new window Contains core topics, each with an overview (objective background / description), point (argument) and counterpoint (opposing argument). more... less... Each topic features a Guide to Critical Analysis which helps the reader evaluate the controversy and enhances students’ ability to read critically, develop their own perspective on the issues, and write or debate an effective argument on the topic.
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How to Choose and Develop a Research Topic: Ideas and Examples

Discover strategies for choosing and developing a compelling research topic. Generate ideas, refine your topic, and conduct effective research.

How to Choose and Develop a Research Topic: Ideas and Examples

Kate Windsor

Jun 26, 2024

How to Choose and Develop a Research Topic: Ideas and Examples

Selecting the right research paper topic is a crucial step in the research process. A well-chosen topic can lay the foundation for a successful research project, while a poorly chosen one can lead to frustration and wasted effort. Choosing an interesting research topic can be challenging, especially for those new to the research field. 

This article aims to provide guidance and inspiration for researchers seeking to choose and develop a compelling research topic and/or topics to write. 

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Understanding the Characteristics of a Good Research Topic

A good research topic should possess several key characteristics:

  • Originality and novelty: The topic should contribute new knowledge or insights to the field, rather than simply rehashing existing research.
  • **Feasibility and relevance: **The topic should be feasible to research within the given timeframe and resources, and relevant to the researcher's field of study.
  • **Significance and impact: **The topic should have the potential to make a significant impact on the field and contribute to the advancement of knowledge.

Strategies for Generating Research Topic Ideas

Generating research topic ideas or thinking of topics to write a research on can be a daunting task, but there are several strategies that can help:

Brainstorming Techniques

  • Mind mapping: Create a visual representation of your ideas and how they connect to each other.
  • Freewriting: Write down your thoughts and ideas without censoring yourself, and then review what you've written to identify potential topics.
  • Questioning: Ask yourself questions about your field of study, such as "What are the current gaps in knowledge?" or "What are the most pressing issues facing the field?".

Exploring Personal Interests and Experiences

Your personal interests and experiences can be a rich source of inspiration for research topics. Consider what you are passionate about and how it intersects with your field of study for your research paper ideas. Choose a topic that interests you.

Keeping Up with Current Trends and Developments

  • Reading academic journals and publications: Stay up-to-date with the latest research in your field by regularly reading academic journals and publications.
  • Attending conferences and seminars: Attend conferences and seminars to learn about current trends and developments in your field, and to network with other researchers.

Seeking Inspiration from AI for Research

AI for research can be a valuable tool for generating research topic ideas. AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data and identify patterns and trends that may not be immediately apparent to human researchers.

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Narrowing Down and Refining Your Research Topic

Once you have generated some potential research topics, the next step is to narrow down and refine your topic:

  • Identifying a broad area of interest: Start by identifying a broad area of interest within your field of study.
  • Conducting preliminary research: Conduct preliminary research to gain a better understanding of the existing research in your area of interest.
  • Formulating a specific research question: Formulate a specific research question that addresses a gap in the existing research or explores a new angle on a familiar topic. This research question will serve as the basis for your thesis or thesis statement.
  • Considering the scope and feasibility of the topic: Consider the scope and feasibility of your topic, taking into account the timeframe and resources available to you.
  • Ensuring the topic aligns with the requirements of your research paper or scientific paper: Make sure your topic aligns with the requirements of your research paper or scientific paper, such as word count, formatting, and citation style.

Developing Your Research Topic

Once you have narrowed down and refined your research topic, the next step is to develop it further:

Conducting a Literature Review

  • Identifying key sources and references: Identify the key sources and references in your field of study that are relevant to your research topic.
  • Synthesizing and analyzing existing research: Synthesize and analyze the existing research to identify gaps in knowledge and potential areas for further exploration.

Formulating Hypotheses or Research Objectives

Formulate hypotheses or research objectives based on your analysis of the existing research and your own insights and observations.

Defining Key Concepts and Variables

Define the key concepts and variables that are central to your research topic, and operationalize them in a way that is measurable and testable.

Outlining the Research Methodology

Outline the research methodology you will use to investigate your research topic, including data collection methods, sampling strategies, and data analysis techniques.

Tips on How to Write Faster and Efficiently

Writing a research paper can be a time-consuming process, but there are several tips and strategies that can help you  write faster and more efficiently:

  • Break your writing into manageable chunks and set achievable goals for each writing session.
  • Use outlines and mind maps to organize your thoughts and ideas before you start writing.
  • Minimize distractions by finding a quiet workspace and turning off notifications on your devices.
  • Take regular breaks to recharge and avoid burnout.
  • Utilize writing tools and software, such as Grammarly or Scrivener , to streamline your writing process and improve the quality of your work.

Research Topic Ideas and Examples

Here are some examples of research topics in various fields of study:

Social Sciences

  • The impact of social media on interpersonal relationships
  • The role of education in reducing income inequality

Natural Sciences

  • Exploring the potential of renewable energy sources
  • Investigating the effects of climate change on biodiversity
  • Analyzing the influence of popular culture on literature
  • Examining the evolution of language in the digital age

Business and Economics

  • The impact of remote work on employee productivity and job satisfaction
  • Investigating the role of corporate social responsibility in consumer decision-making

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a Research Topic

When choosing a research topic, there are several common mistakes to avoid:

  • **Choosing a topic that is too broad or too narrow: **A topic that is too broad may lack focus and depth, while a topic that is too narrow may limit the potential impact and significance of the research.
  • Failing to consider the relevance and significance of the topic: A topic that is not relevant or significant to the field may not be worth researching, even if it is personally interesting to the researcher.
  • **Neglecting to conduct sufficient preliminary research: **Failing to conduct sufficient preliminary research can lead to a lack of understanding of the existing research in the field, and may result in a topic that has already been thoroughly explored by other researchers. This can lead to wasted time and effort, as well as a lack of originality in the research.
  • I**gnoring the importance of a well-crafted research paper title: **A well-crafted  research paper title can help to attract readers and convey the significance of the research. Ignoring the importance of the title can lead to a lack of engagement with the research.  A strong title should be concise, informative, and engaging, accurately reflecting the content and purpose of the research.

Choosing and developing a research topic is a crucial step in the research process, and one that requires careful consideration and planning. By understanding the characteristics of a good research topic, employing strategies for generating ideas, narrowing down and refining your topic, and developing it further through a literature review and research methodology, you can set yourself up for success in your research endeavors.

While the process of topic selection can be challenging, it is also an opportunity to explore your passions and interests, and to contribute new knowledge and insights to your field of study. By investing time and effort in selecting a compelling and feasible research topic, you can lay the foundation for a good research paper and a successful and impactful research project. 

Thesis Development

Literature Review

Academic Writing

Research Methodology

Research Idea Generation

Research Topic Selection

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Research Assistant I - Public Health/Health Sciences (Student/Work Study)

How to apply.

To be considered for this position, candidates must attach a cover letter as the first page of your resume. The cover letter should address your specific interest in the position and outline skills and experience that directly relates to the qualifications of this position.  A writing sample, such as a paper you wrote for a class, should be attached with the cover letter and resume.

The University of Michigan-Flint is seeking an undergraduate student as a Research Assistant I (Temporary).  This student will join the research team with a two professors, the undergraduate student and graduate students.  This study is sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) where you will conduct research to understand adolescents' perspectives on improving telehealth (remote care such as video and telephone healthcare visits).

This position is from July 2024 through April 31, 2025 for approximately 10 hours per week. 


Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Conduct literature reviews to develop expertise in the area of telehealth
  • Participate in mock interviews to prepare for the actual interviews
  • Schedule, conduct (with another researcher),and take notes during video interviews
  • Engage in writing summaries
  • Serve as a co-author of presentations
  • Be trained on, and assist in, analyzing qualitative and quantitative data
  • Attend workshops on qualitative research
  • Present research findings at local conference(s)
  • Potential to present at a National conference
  • Travel to/from pediatrician offices to invite them to participate, place flyers and recruit participants

Required Qualifications*

  • Current University of Michigan Flint undergraduate student in good standing 
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills
  • Interest in research, particularly pediatrics and telehealth
  • Ability to travel to/from pediatrician offices with reliable transportation
  • Available at least 10 hours per week

Desired Qualifications*

  • Prior research experience 
  • Familiarity with Qualtrics 
  • Experience with quantitative data analysis software such as SPSS and Microsoft Excel
  • Must have the ability to work independently on projects
  • Demonstrate the ability to respect confidentiality

Additional Information

University of Michigan-Flint - Plan for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The University of Michigan-Flint's DEI plan can be found at: https://www.umflint.edu/dei/?  

The University of Michigan-Flint exhibits its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion through enacting fair practices, policies, and procedures particularly in support of the equitable participation of the historically underserved. UM-Flint recognizes the value of diversity in our efforts to provide equitable access and opportunities to all regardless of individual identities in support of a climate where everyone feels a sense of belonging, community, and agency.

Diversity is a core value at University of Michigan-Flint. We are passionate about building and sustaining an inclusive and equitable working and learning environment for all students, staff, and faculty. The University of Michigan-Flint seeks to recruit and retain a diverse workforce as a reflection of our commitment to serve the diverse people of Michigan, to maintain the excellence of the University, and to offer our students richly varied disciplines, perspectives, and ways of knowing and learning for the purpose of becoming global citizens in a connected world.

Background Screening

The University of Michigan conducts background checks on all job candidates upon acceptance of a contingent offer and may use a third party administrator to conduct background checks.  Background checks are performed in compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

Application Deadline

Temporary job openings are posted for a minimum of three calendar days.  The review and selection process may begin as early as the fourth day after posting. This opening may be removed from posting boards and filled anytime after the minimum posting period has ended.

U-M EEO/AA Statement

The University of Michigan is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.

How to Start a Business in 8 Steps: A Comprehensive Guide from Concept to Launch

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Starting a business can be extremely exciting. But figuring out how to start a business can also feel overwhelming—particularly if you don’t have a clear sense of how to get from where you are now (an aspiring entrepreneur) to where you want to be (a successful, established one).

The good news is that there are clear steps to follow. Once you know these steps, you can create a road map that will take you from asking, “What do I need to begin a business?” to questions like “How did I get so successful?” or “Why was I ever worried?”

Here, we outline everything you need to know—whether it’s about how to start a business online, at home, with no money, or any other situation.

1. Finding your business idea

So, how do you start a business? The first step is coming up with an idea. You can’t start a business without a great one. You don’t want to throw spaghetti at the wall and see what sticks; instead, you should aim to take “a structured approach to ideation,” says business coach Yael Tamar .

What are your strengths? What kind of business do you want to build? What kind of customers do you want to work with, and which of their needs can you fulfill? It’s important to answer these questions because the key to a successful business idea is finding the intersection of what you want to do and what your ideal customers need .

“It's crucial to align your venture with both your passions and market demand,” says Jeff Mains, CEO of business growth consultancy Champion Leadership Group .

“Start by identifying problems you're passionate about solving,” Mains says. “This approach ensures that you have a genuine interest in your business, which is essential for long-term success.

“Also look for gaps in the market by analyzing current trends and customer needs,” he says. “Combining your passion with market opportunities increases the likelihood of finding a viable and fulfilling business idea.”

2. Conduct market research

Once you have a business idea you want to pursue, it’s time to do some research—more specifically, market research.

“It involves gathering data on customer demographics, conducting competitor analysis, and studying industry trends,” Tamar says. “This research helps validate business concepts and informs strategic decision-making.”

It can also help in the long-term, giving you the insights you need to lay the foundation for a successful business. “Effective market research also minimizes risks and ensures your business is well-positioned to meet market demands,” Mains says.

So, how do you perform the kind of market research you need to set your business up for success?

“Begin by identifying your target audience and understanding their pain points, preferences, and behaviors,” Mains says. “Use a mix of primary research, such as surveys and interviews, and secondary research, including industry reports and competitor analysis.”

In addition to audience research, you’ll also want to check out your competitors to see what they’re doing, what’s working (and what isn't), and how you can differentiate your company from others in the space—and grab your target audience’s attention in the process.

3. Create a business plan

Once you’ve come up with a business idea—and you’ve done the market research necessary to ensure it’s viable—it’s time to create your business plan.

There are a few different elements to a business plan. “Start with a clear executive summary that outlines your business idea, mission, and vision,” Mains says. “Follow this with a detailed market analysis, showcasing your understanding of the industry and target market.”

Plus, you’ll want to outline your business structure, product or service offerings, marketing strategies, and financial projections. Why? Because “a strong business plan not only guides your strategic decisions but also serves as a crucial tool when seeking funding from investors or financial institutions,” says Mains

Bottom line? “It integrates findings from market research into actionable steps aligned with long-term business objectives,” Tamar says—making it a must for starting, launching, and sustaining a successful business.

4. Take care of logistics

Next step on the list? Taking care of the logistical side of starting a business, which include:

  • Choosing a business structure
  • Registering your business
  • Obtaining necessary licenses/permits
  • Getting necessary insurance
  • Opening a business bank account

From a logistical perspective, there are no universal solutions when starting a business. Much will depend on the type of business you’re trying to start.

For example, if you’re focusing on how to start a small business at home and you’ll be the only employee, you may not need physical liability insurance (since there won’t be any other employees working in your home). But if you’re figuring out how to start an online business—and intend to operate from a commercial space with other employees—physical liability insurance is generally a must.

Same thing goes for business structure (for example, being a sole proprietor or registering an LLC), business registration, permitting…pretty much all of it. Make sure to do your research and ensure you take all of the logistical steps needed to legally establish your business.

5. Find your funding

Funding is often where budding entrepreneurs get stuck. If you're wondering how to start a business without money , in full transparency, the answer is…you can’t. Whatever kind of business you’re starting, you’re going to need some money to get things off the ground.

But how much money you need to start a business—and where you ultimately get that money from—can vary widely.

In general, there are a few different funding options for starting a business, including:

  • Self-funding . If you have money—and you’re willing to spend it on your entrepreneurial dreams—self-funding is a great option. (Particularly since you won’t have to pay any interest or give up equity in your company).
  • Business loans . Loans are another option for getting the capital you need to start a business. The process of how to get a loan to start a business can be challenging; often, traditional lenders are wary of lending to brand new businesses. But there are loan programs out there that cater to start-ups—so doing research to see if you qualify is definitely worth it.
  • Credit cards . If you can’t get a loan, credit cards (personal or business) can help to cover expenses as you build your business.
  • Business grants. There are also a variety of grants out there that provide capital to qualifying applicants. For example, there are grants for women-owned businesses and minority-owned businesses. Grant competitions can also be great if you have a particularly interesting or innovative business idea. So, if you fit into any relevant grant categories, you’ll definitely want to explore how to get a grant to start a business.
  • Friends and family . Asking friends and family to invest in your business is also an option. Just keep in mind that introducing money into personal relationships can be challenging—so if you do take money from loved ones, make sure the terms and expectations of the investment are extremely clear on both sides.
  • Outside investors. Depending on your business model and industry, you may also be able to pitch outside investors, like venture capital firms or angel investors—which is more common in certain industries, like tech.

Build your dream business with the help of a high-paying job—browse open jobs on The Muse »

6. Get your systems in place

You’ve got your funding. You’ve got your business plan. But before you move forward in bringing your business to life, it’s important to lay the foundation for success by putting the right systems and processes in place.

Establishing systems and processes from the get-go can help make your business launch and growth significantly more smooth—and also can save time, energy, hassle, and money.

For example, before you start selling products, you’ll want to set up a secure online payment system. Before you start billing clients, you’ll need an invoicing procedure—and the software to implement those procedures. Before you start marketing, you’ll want to have a strategy and system in place to ensure you reach the right customers at the right time.

Systems and processes help you get organized—and if you want your business to be successful, you’ll want to take the steps to get organized before you launch.

7. Build your brand

Once you’ve got the backend of your business in place, it’s time to start thinking about the front-facing elements—the elements that make up your brand.

In order to launch a business, you’ll want to have certain branding assets in place, including:

  • Brand color palette
  • Brand fonts
  • Brand voice
  • Social media profiles

Building a brand helps to create a consistent experience for your customers and tell the story of your business to your target audience. “This is important for gaining recognition,” says Keith Donovan, a startup advisor and Founder of Startup Stumbles .

8. Launch and market your business

You’ve figured out how to begin a business. You’ve got all the pieces in place. Now it’s time to actually launch your business—and market that business to connect with your ideal audience.

“Making sure people know about your company is crucial,” Donovan says.

How you market your business is up to you. For example, “actions like creating social media pages, running advertisements and cultivating helpful content introduce potential buyers to the business and what it offers,” he adds.

You could also market your business in other ways, like:

  • Local events
  • Influencer partnership
  • Print advertisements
  • Cross-marketing with other businesses
  • Email marketing

It’s not so much about how you market your business; it’s about how effectively you do so that will determine whether your company thrives or falters. Whatever methods you decide to go for, just make sure you’re invested in creating and implementing a marketing strategy that allows you to connect with your target audience and convert them into paying customers.

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Political Typology Quiz

Where do you fit in the political typology, are you a faith and flag conservative progressive left or somewhere in between.

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Take our quiz to find out which one of our nine political typology groups is your best match, compared with a nationally representative survey of more than 10,000 U.S. adults by Pew Research Center. You may find some of these questions are difficult to answer. That’s OK. In those cases, pick the answer that comes closest to your view, even if it isn’t exactly right.

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How to Improve the Hiring Process for Disabled Candidates

  • Mason Ameri
  • Terri R. Kurtzberg

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It takes more than lip service to convince disabled job applicants to apply to your company. These research-backed practices can demonstrate that you’re a truly equitable employer.

How can companies do a better job of attracting disabled people to apply for jobs and convincing them that they truly are an equitable employer? And how can job candidates feel more comfortable disclosing a need for accommodation? The authors’ research over the last five years offers a number of paths forward for both sides. First, employers can move away from legalistic boilerplates and use more heartfelt language about their commitment to DEI. But they also need to back up their words with concrete evidence, such as a personal message from the CEO; testimonials from disabled employees; statistics on the hiring, promotion, accommodation fulfillment, and retention of disabled employees; or awards recognizing the company’s accomplishments in the DEI space. Their research also suggests job candidates emphasize their hard skills during interviews and delay the conversation about accommodations until they’ve built up more of a rapport with the hiring team.

Despite recent record employment gains for disabled employees in the U.S., the hiring of disabled people continues to be a pain point for both candidates and companies.

  • Mason Ameri , PhD is an associate professor of professional practice at Rutgers Business School. He is an expert in disability employment and is a consultant and speaker on policy reform in this area to government and industry.
  • Terri R. Kurtzberg , PhD, is a professor of management and global business at Rutgers Business School. She is the author of five books and her research is frequently quoted in the media. Dr. Kurtzberg is the recipient of multiple teaching and research awards.

Partner Center

Research on the Influencing Factors of Knowledge Communication Effect of Instructional Danmaku Videos

25 Pages Posted: 29 Jun 2024

Central China Normal University

Xiaoxiong Zhao

The popularization of online instructional videos and the rise of danmaku video platforms have brought significant changes to knowledge communication. Online instructional videos provide an effective way for the wide communication of knowledge, while danmaku video platforms provide audiences with a platform for instant interaction and social sharing, alleviating their sense of isolation in the process of knowledge communication. However, the popularity of instructional videos does not mean that the ideal knowledge communication effect has been reached, but rather the beginning of iterative optimization of communication effect. Therefore, the article categorizes the knowledge communication effect into three aspects: knowledge communication breadth, knowledge communication recognition and knowledge communication participation, and combines theories such as the 5Ws and video evaluation text mining to explore the influencing factors of knowledge communication of instructional danmaku videos, and the study finds that explanation thoroughness, knowledge richness, knowledge adaptability, uploaders' attractiveness and social presence all have a significant positive impact on the effect of knowledge communication. Finally, the study proposes a discussion and recommendations based on the findings to promote the knowledge communication effect of instructional danmaku videos.

Keywords: Distance education and online learning, Media in education, social media

Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation

Dan Xia (Contact Author)

Central china normal university ( email ).

152 Luoyu Road Wuhan, 430079 China

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Cross-Border Threat Screening and Supply Chain Defense

Cross-Border Threat Screening and Supply Chain Defense

A Department of Homeland Security Center of Excellence

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Call for White Papers and Workshop Participation: Supply Chain Resilience Research Needs for Homeland Security 

The Center for Accelerating Operational Efficiency (CAOE) at Arizona State University, a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Center of Excellence, will host a Workshop entitled SCRIPS: Supply Chain Resilience Issues, Problems and Solutions for the Homeland Security Enterprise in Washington D.C. October 1-2, 2024. SCRIPS will bring together leaders from academia, government and industry to identify research needs to ensure the resiliency of critical supply chains. In particular, the workshop will focus on three areas: Ag/Food industry ; Semiconductor Manufacturing ; and Maritime/Port Operations . In preparation for that event, CAOE is soliciting the research community for white papers covering innovative supply chain resilience research ideas and solution methods as they relate to Homeland Security.   

Individuals and research groups with relevant interest and expertise are invited to provide white papers as described below. A limited number of respondents will be invited to attend the workshop to further develop prioritized research problem statements and solution approaches. The workshop’s results are anticipated to be used in the development of a Request For Research Proposals (RFP) to be distributed in Spring 2025. Travel expenses will be provided for a limited number of invited participants from accredited academic institutions in the United States.  

Submissions will be evaluated based on demonstrated expertise, importance of the problem addressed and the scientific merit and applicability of the solution methodology proposed. Research agendas should have a maximum three-year horizon. Selected contributors will be invited to participate in the October 1-2 workshop.  

White Paper Requirements and Acknowledgements: 

  • White Papers are limited to at most two (2) pages in at least 11 pt font; 
  • White Paper format should follow the Research Needs/Models/Tools/Solution Template; 
  • White Papers must be submitted by 11:59pm EDT July 12, 2024 here .
  • Submissions must be available for distribution to workshop attendees, publication on workshop website, use in final workshop report and summarization in subsequent RFP. Submission implies such consent. 
  • Workshop attendance will be by invitation only. Invited participants will be notified by July 31, 2024. 


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  1. How To Write a Position Paper in 7 Steps (With a Template)

    A position paper requires three basic parts: an introduction, a body and a conclusion. Follow these seven steps to help write a position paper on any topic: 1. Choose a topic. In some classes or jobs, you can choose the topic of a position paper. If you're choosing your topic, consider ones relevant to your industry or academic interests.

  2. Position Paper

    Position Paper. Definition: Position paper is a written document that presents an argument or stance on a particular issue or topic. It outlines the author's position on the issue and provides support for that position with evidence and reasoning. Position papers are commonly used in academic settings, such as in Model United Nations conferences or debates, but they can also be used in ...

  3. How to Write a Position Paper: Guide & Examples

    A position paper is a written statement that presents a particular perspective on any issue or topic. It typically argues a specific point of view and presents evidence to support that position. To write a position paper, you need to research and understand the topic, develop a supported argument, and address opposing viewpoints.

  4. 5 Steps to Write a Strong Position Paper

    5. Summarize your argument and restate your position. End your paper focusing on your argument and avoid the counter-arguments. You want your audience to walk away with your view on the topic being one that resonates with them. When you write a position paper, write with confidence and state your opinion with authority.

  5. How to Write a Position Paper: Format, Outline, Template

    When you're gearing up to write a position paper, getting the format right is key. Typically, these papers are brief - about 1-2 pages. You'll want to use a standard font like Times New Roman, size 12, with 1-inch margins all around. This keeps your work readable and professional.

  6. How to Write a Position Paper (with Pictures)

    End your introduction with your thesis. 3. Include at least 2 body paragraphs. A short position paper may only contain 2 body paragraphs - one for the counter-argument and one for the supportive points. However, most position papers will have 3 or 4 body paragraphs, with 2 dedicated to supportive evidence.

  7. Writing Effective Position Papers: A Comprehensive Guide

    Thorough research is the cornerstone of any effective position paper. Here's why research is imperative and how to leverage it to build a compelling case: Credibility and Authority: Research allows you to tap into the knowledge of experts, studies, and data that bolster your arguments. Evidence adds weight to your claims, making your stance ...

  8. How To Write the Perfect Position Paper

    6. Outline Your Position Paper. Now that your thesis has been reinforced by research, create a basic outline for what you'll be writing. If you do this part correctly, the rest should simply be a process of filling in the blanks. Below is a basic framework for how you might structure a position paper: Introduction; Setting up the subject ...

  9. How to Write a Position Paper

    Express your position idea. Focus on one specific aspect of the topic in order to express it in a one-sentence opinion. Make sure you have found a really arguable idea. If the topic cannot be debated, then it can hardly be used for writing a good position paper. Be precise in your statement.

  10. Top 10 Tips for Writing a Strong Position Paper

    2. Conducting a Preliminary Research. Conducting preliminary research is crucial before delving into any topic. Evaluate evidence quality from reputable sources institutional websites, white papers, policies, scholarly articles, research reports, etc. Stay objective, dedicating some time for research.

  11. Effective Strategies to Write a Position Paper that Really Stands Out

    How to write a position paper? There are different strategies to help simplify the entire writing process, but you should start with choosing an interesting topic. Research an arguable issue, follow the right format, and use reliable sources of information to support your personal stance. Consider your audience and professors' requirements too.

  12. How to Write a Position Paper

    Position Paper Outline Example. Every good position paper outline should start with writing a title for a research paper.Having done that, you can proceed with the outline. Notably, this kind of paper resembles an opinion essay, though, in the latter, you had to present two opposing opinions without necessarily sharing one of them.

  13. 7.3 Researched Position Paper

    In a researched position paper, you are placing yourself in dialogue with a scholarly community and taking a stance on a topic about which you feel strongly. The first formal step is the proposal. A proposal is quite simply a method for thinking out loud on paper. While all instructors have their own specifications, typically a proposal is less ...

  14. 7.2 Researched Position Paper

    In a researched position paper, you are placing yourself in dialogue with a scholarly community and taking a stance on a topic about which you feel strongly. The first formal step is the proposal. A proposal is quite simply a method for thinking out loud on paper. While all instructors have their own specifications, typically a proposal is less ...

  15. How To Write A Position Paper

    Step 1. Pick a Topic. You can brainstorm topic questions from here by narrowing in on one section of your chosen interest. The purpose of a position paper is to pick a side of a question and aim to convince the reader of the writer's stance by using research data to back up their views. Choosing a topic is the first step to writing a position ...

  16. Position Paper

    The purpose of a position paper is to generate support on an issue. It describes the author's position on an issue and the rational for that position and, in the same way that a research paper incorporates supportive evidence, is based on facts that provide a solid foundation for the author's argument. It is a critical examination of a ...

  17. Position Paper

    Research time. Assignment DUE: Read Position Paper assignment carefully. Make a list of at least 5 themes or topics that are covered in at least two of the readings. Thurs., March 4: Evaluating Sources. Collecting strategies. Assignment DUE: Bring a copy of an article relevant to the issue you wish to address in your paper.

  18. How to Write a Model UN Position Paper

    A MUN Position Paper, also known as Policy Paper, is a strategic document that gives an overview of a delegates country position. A good MUN Position Paper has three parts: 1) Country's Position on the Topic. 2) Country's Relation to the Topic. 3) Proposals of Policies to Pass in a Resolution. The following guide will show you how to write ...

  19. Position Papers

    A position paper is written to present one side of an argument and generate support for that side, using facts, inductive reasoning, and critical thinking. After deciding on your topic and position, conduct research in Education Databases. To find academic articles, make sure to limit results to peer-reviewed articles for authoritative references.

  20. Researched Position Paper

    Researched Position Paper. Most students—even those who write very well—approach this task in an expository way. Expository means that you are informing your audience and at the same time persuading him or her that you've done a good job and should be rewarded (e.g. with a grade). This is the way that you've always written papers, but ...

  21. Positionality Statements in Research

    Positionality statements are often written as part of the research methodology, where the research context, data collection, and data analysis are discussed. Writing positionality statements make the research methodology more transparent. In this sense, a positionality statement looks like a brief biography of the researcher (s).

  22. How to Write a Position Paper

    Cross-curricular research tool providing pro/con perspectives on current social issues. Points of View Reference Source This link opens in a new window Contains core topics, each with an overview (objective background / description), point (argument) and counterpoint (opposing argument).

  23. How to Choose and Develop a Research Topic: Ideas and Examples

    Selecting the right research paper topic is a crucial step in the research process. A well-chosen topic can lay the foundation for a successful research project, while a poorly chosen one can lead to frustration and wasted effort. Choosing an interesting research topic can be challenging, especially for those new to the research field.

  24. Research Assistant I

    The cover letter should address your specific interest in the position and outline skills and experience that directly relates to the qualifications of this position. A writing sample, such as a paper you wrote for a class, should be attached with the cover letter and resume.

  25. PDF ISO Position Paper

    Research Policy Handbook Section 1. 10 (section 3) states: "Research computing systems must be overseen by a full-time information technology (IT) professional. The level of care required for research computing systems depends solely on the highest designated risk classification of any of the project data." Dangers of external storage devices

  26. How to Start a Business in 8 Steps: From Concept to Launch

    "This research helps validate business concepts and informs strategic decision-making." It can also help in the long-term, giving you the insights you need to lay the foundation for a successful business. "Effective market research also minimizes risks and ensures your business is well-positioned to meet market demands," Mains says.

  27. Political Typology Quiz

    ABOUT PEW RESEARCH CENTER Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. Pew Research Center does not take policy positions.

  28. How to Improve the Hiring Process for Disabled Candidates

    The authors' research over the last five years offers a number of paths forward for both sides. First, employers can move away from legalistic boilerplates and use more heartfelt language about ...

  29. Research on the Influencing Factors of Knowledge Communication ...

    Abstract. The popularization of online instructional videos and the rise of danmaku video platforms have brought significant changes to knowledge communication.

  30. Call for White Papers and Workshop Participation: Supply Chain

    In preparation for that event, CAOE is soliciting the research community for white papers covering innovative supply chain resilience research ideas and solution methods as they relate to Homeland Security. Individuals and research groups with relevant interest and expertise are invited to provide white papers as described below. A limited ...