writing persuasive essay about the benefits of having pets

Why Children Should Have Pets

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In our urban lifestyles, we have, in some ways, become constricted within our houses, while in the villages everything is open and free. We often feel lonely and alone. Pets would give children a perfect solution to this, since pets give good company, help make children responsible and improve the child’s health. They provide good company, especially to only children. Caring for and feeding pets makes children responsible. Kids with pets get more physical activity, and are healthier than ever.

Pets will never let us feel alone, or lonely, or sad. They will do their best to cheer you up. Children without siblings especially would enjoy having a pet with them. Caring for pets with a sibling helps make a stronger bond between them.Pets provide great company to children of all ages.

Caring for pets makes children more responsible as well. Usually, parents have to remind children to do chores continuously, but with no avail. In this case, the children themselves take responsibility to care for their pet because of their bond with it. ”Kids who take care of dogs learn what it feels like to have a living creature rely on them, and that teaches responsibility in a way little else can”, says Terry Kaye. For parents wishing for their children to be more responsible, this is the perfect option!

Kids with pets are also proven to be healthier than ones without pets.They are more active and go outside more to walk their pets and play with them. According to Dr. Dennis Ownby, having pets reduces chances of sickness or allergies. Some studies have also told us that children’s exposure to pets lower the chances of having asthma. Having a pet is not only fun to play with, but also has health benefits.

Having a pet is an amazing experience overall. If you have a pet, they will always be a part of your life. They teach you life skills like responsibility and care for the pet. On top of that, keeping a pet also benefits your health. Above all, they are always by your side and will be forever in your heart. If you don’t think you have time for a dog or a cat, you can always have hamsters, birds, fishes, or even turtles. If you love your pet and care for it well, it will love you and care for you as well. So get your kid a pet as soon as you can!

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Home Essay Samples Life Dog

Why Dogs are the Best Pets: Exploting Persuasive Arguments

Table of contents, unconditional love and loyalty, stress relief and emotional support, encouragement of physical activity, enhanced social interactions, protection and security.

  • Odendaal, J. S. (2000). Animal-assisted therapy—Magic or medicine? Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 49(4), 275-280.
  • Anderson, W. P., & Reid, C. M. (1992). The short-term effects of pet therapy on the elderly. Gerontology, 38(6), 307-310.
  • Wood, L., Martin, K., Christian, H., Nathan, A., Lauritsen, C., Houghton, S., ... & McCune, S. (2015). The pet factor—Companion animals as a conduit for getting to know people, friendship formation and social support. PLoS ONE, 10(4), e0122085.
  • Wells, D. L. (2009). The effects of animals on human health and well-being. Journal of Social Issues, 65(3), 523-543.
  • Nagasawa, M., Mogi, K., & Kikusui, T. (2009). Attachment between humans and dogs. Japanese Psychological Research, 51(3), 209-221.

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Benefits of Having a Pet

A pet is regarded as any animal kept by human beings to act as a source of pleasure and companionship. Generally, they are kept because of the pleasure they tend to give to the owners; often, especially with dogs, horses, and cats, the pleasure is mutual. Therefore, pet keeping is described as a symbiotic relationship, which typically means that both the pet and the humans possessing the animal enjoy the benefits. It has been practiced from the pre-historic era up to date that pets are always found in every culture and society as they play a vital role in satisfying human needs. In addition, the history of pets is often intertwined with the animal domestication process, and the dog was the first domesticated species hence making it the first pet. However, according to Enders-Slegers and Hediger, keeping some of these animals as pets is detrimental to human health if certain elements and qualifications are not achieved (260). Generally, domesticated animals are significant since they motivate their owners to play and exercise, which is effective in lowering the effects of depression and trauma; they also provide security and scare away rodents.

Pet keeping plays a vital role in improving human health as it carries positive things related to health. In the United States of America, dogs are the most kept and popular pets, with 78 million dogs apart from cats (While 334). In most scenarios, walking with a dog is interesting; hence, possessing it may influence an individual to have spare time to walk around, therefore, promoting physical fitness (Enders-Slegers and Hediger 260). For instance, if an individual gets 150 minutes of bodily exercise weekly, they will reduce the risks of getting diseases such as breast cancer, diabetes, colon cancer, and heart complications. Playing and running vigorously with a pet is one of the most effective ways of getting fit and healthy. Furthermore, therapy pets or animals also play a critical role in helping blind and diabetic individuals.

Pets also play a significant role in reducing disquiet and stress in children and adults as they feel good and happy around the animals. Interacting with them decreases cortisol levels, which is pressure and anxiety-related hormone that improves the overall wellbeing of human health (While 336). Cats are the most common type of creatures that have been identified as strain and worry relievers. Adopting a pussycat is similar to having a meowing, walking, sassy, and stress reliever. An illustration of this is when individuals come from work tired, they can spend time with the fuzzy feline pet, which makes their body produce stress-relieving hormones, thus facilitating good health.

The cats are also helpful in enabling their owners to keep other animals such as rodents and cockroaches away from the apartment. The security makes it easier for the families to have less worry and concern about the effects of the rats. They emit some toxic chemicals that deter mice from coming into the rooms. The substance is typically found in the cat’s saliva, and they trigger sensory organs found in a mouse hence causing terror. Even if the kitty is not active in killing them, it will passionately protect the house from the harmful intruders from destroying food and any other vital human belongings in the building (Schuurman and Dirke 11). The animals are nuisance pests to a man as they might destroy the stored grains and infrastructure.

Customarily, having rodents in the house is regarded as a definite form of a health risk as they can also spread germs and other bacteria through their contact with food materials. The microbes spread through their urine, droppings, or even their biting. In addition, their burrowing and gnawing behaviors make them destroy clothes and other structures hence making humans uncomfortable. Therefore, having a pet within the compound scares them away, thus enhancing the safety within the apartment. However, this is not an indication that the moggies chase the mice away forever, but when they realize that the cat is around, they will remain in the hidden place hence reducing the damages.

Furthermore, pets make individuals become more responsible and well organized since they require attention and care. Keeping these animals at times is associated with trouble, expenses, which make owning them inconvenient to most people as it requires them to invest time. However, according to Michie et al., this can also make them more accountable as caring for them makes children become aware and more empathetic to the needs and wants of others (25). When youngsters have pets around, they learn to take good care of them hence improving their moral development of loving animals and other creatures. Domesticated animals are regarded as a perfect technique of teaching children about their responsibilities. The daily feeding, exercising, affection, and grooming of cats and dogs helps the young ones know and understand the importance of consistency, obligation, and appreciation for the rewards emerging from owning and keeping pets. This clearly illustrates how pet keeping plays a vital role in teaching children and adults life lessons such as becoming responsible, which is an essential life skill.

In addition, the pets, at times, also act as a source of protection or security. They guard human beings together with everything that they possess. They are a variety of dogs that provide ideal protection to an individual’s home and protect their loved ones. If an individual develops a strong bond or connection with their pooch, it becomes a part of the family, and the doggy’s instinctive need to protect them is established. For example, if an intruder decides to threaten the owner, the dog will react and become more defensive (Wanser and Udell 90). For example, dogs such as German shepherd is effective in providing adequate security to families based on their skills abilities. In addition, guard, protection, and livestock guard dogs are other types of hounds trained to offer protection to the possessors.

In conclusion, it is clear that there are several benefits of pet keeping, and it is often associated with an increase in opportunities to exercise, hence improving human health. In a nutshell, having household animals plays a vital role in keeping rodents away and, most importantly, reducing anxiety and stress associated with their presence in the compound. They also decrease the lonely feeling an individual may encounter due to their interactive nature. In addition, pets also offer security and protection to human beings, especially dogs. They are generally trained to protect the owners and notify them when they see intruders. Furthermore, having these animals enables individuals to become more responsible by equipping them with the necessary leadership skills.

Works Cited

Enders-Slegers, Marie-José, and Karin Hediger. “Pet Ownership and Human–Animal Interaction in an Aging Population: Rewards and Challenges.” Anthrozoös, vol. 32, no. 2, 2019, pp. 255-265.

Michie, Craig, et al. “The Internet of Things Enhancing Animal Welfare and Farm Operational Efficiency.” Journal of Dairy Research vol. 87, no. S1, 2020, pp. 20-27.

Schuurman, Nora, and Karin Dirke. “From Pest to Pet. Liminality, Domestication and Animal Agency in the Killing of Rats and Cats.” TRACE∴ Journal for Human-Animal Studies, vol. 6, 2020, pp. 2-25.

Wanser, Shelby H., and Monique AR Udell. “Does Attachment Security to A Human Handler Influence the Behavior of Dogs Who Engage in Animal Assisted Activities?.” Applied Animal Behaviour Science, vol. 210, 2019, pp. 88-94.

While, Alison. “Pet Dogs as Promoters of Wellbeing.” British Journal of Community Nursing , vol. 22, no. 7, 2017, pp. 332-336.

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Overview of The Benefits of Having Pets

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Published: Oct 2, 2020

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Introduction, works cited, improving health, making new friend, being more responsibility, having security.

  • American Pet Products Association. (2016). Pet Industry Market Size & Ownership Statistics. Retrieved from https://www.americanpetproducts.org/press_industrytrends.asp
  • London, K. B. (2018). The Physical and Psychological Benefits of Dog Ownership. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 27(3), 187-191. doi:10.1177/0963721417748426
  • Kruk, J. (2018). How Does Exercise Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer? Current Oncology, 25(3), e325-e327. doi:10.3747/co.25.4034
  • Oaklander, M. (2017). Science Says Your Pet is Good for Your Mental Health. Time. Retrieved from https://time.com/4728315/science-says-pet-good-mental-health/
  • Vieira, M. (2018). Pets and Mental Health: Enhancing Well-Being and Building Resilience. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 514. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00514
  • Dumain, T. (2019). Stroke Prevention: What You Need to Know. Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic. Retrieved from https://health.clevelandclinic.org/stroke-prevention-what-you-need-to-know/
  • Thakur, A. (2021). 10 Benefits of Having a Pet at Home. The Times of India. Retrieved from https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/relationships/pets/10-benefits-of-having-a-pet-at-home/articleshow/82166879.cms
  • University of Western Australia. (2015). The Role of Pets in Human Societies: Implications for Human Health and Well-Being. Retrieved from https://www.perthnow.com.au/news/wa/pets-make-people-healthier-ng-864a670fd8740e063c71d9253e3d7751
  • Cowan, L. (2017). The Benefits of Pets for Children. Bright Horizons. Retrieved from https://www.brighthorizons.com/family-resources/e-family-news/2017-the-benefits-of-pets-for-children
  • Forma, A. (2020). Dog Saves Boy, 4, from Cougar Attack in Canada. National Geographic. Retrieved from https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/dog-saves-boy-cougar-attack

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  • 2 Works Cited

“I think I could turn and live with the animals. They are so placid and self-contained,'; writes American poet Walt Whitman (Schellenberg 1). Yes, pets have been part of human culture throughout history, and in American households, they are more common than children. It is reported that 58% of U.S. households have at least one pet, whereas only 35% have children (Whitaker; Witherell 76). Owners spend billions of dollars each year on pet food, accessories, and veterinary care, but apparently pets give back, too (Schellenberg 1). Medical studies show that pet companionship offers concrete health benefits (Simross 14). While only in the past few decades have scientists become interested in the benefits of pets on human health

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Owning a little fluffy companion at home has many advantages! Not only do you get an opportunity to share your place with the best friend ever, but there are some other extra advantages that are being revealed the very moment you own a pet.

No matter how optimistic the idea of getting a pet may look, a lot of people think that pets are too much of a responsibility, as they need food, to be walked on a regular basis, to be trained properly, and of course, they need lots of love and care. As it has been already said, any pet that lives outside a cage has to be trained properly so that it does not become spoiled. Without training, dogs can be very destructive and even dangerous. Pets are also very expensive, and their food, toys, and medical treatment cost a lot of money as well. Unfortunately, some pets are not looked after properly by their owners, and sometimes the owner even loses interest in a furry companion. According to the latest surveys, there were 40,879 destructions of dogs last year, 32,769 of cats, and 18,816 of other animals. These figures include 29,610 dogs and cats too sick to live. People are cruel to pets and hurt them in all sorts of ways. In 1985, the RSPCA had to put down 137,632 dogs, cats, and other pets. A lot of them were actually healthy, but large in number to find homes for. It is known that inspectors from the RSPCA were called out to investigate 64,678 complaints last year.

Regardless of all the potential downsides of having a pet, there are some indisputable arguments that prove having a pet is a blessing for your body, mind, and soul. First of all, pets are the most trusted friends on earth. Are you feeling lonely? These fluffy cuties will provide you with the desired feeling of comfort and affection. No matter what pet you decide to own – a dog, a hamster, or a snake – they all are attractive to look at. Pets love you no matter what. They don’t care about your career success, if you have a bad hair day, or fail to build a healthy relationship with your partner. Your bird, dog, or cat will love you unconditionally.

And what can be better than having a live-in health booster? According to the research done by the American Heart Association (AHA), pet ownership is associated with greater longevity and reduced heart disease risk factors. Whether it’s regular morning and evening walking or just playing boomerang with a puppy, keeping up with your little pal will guarantee some daily exercise to be there on your to-do list.

Just a wonderful thing about having a pet is that it also means saving one little life. The studies have shown that annually, approximately 2.7 million animals are euthanized. The reasons are mainly related to an excessive number of animals brought to shelters and not many wanting to take them home. When you adopt a pet, you add more room in shelters, and thus, you save one precious life.

If you’re thinking about boosting your social life, adopting a pet couple be an option. How many times have you seen that very person walking in the street with a dog and a stranger passing by, smiling, and willing to pet the little furry friend? Professors from the University of Western Australia’s School of Population Health proved with their research that owning a pet is a real ice-breaker when it comes to building social connections. Whether you feel lonely, or willing to make friends, getting a pet could become a real magic wand.

Pets are fun, and besides, they can teach children responsibilities in life. When you decide to add a cat or dog to your family, you teach your kids how to be responsible and take care of someone else. Of course, the ultimate responsibility will remain on mom and dad, but having a fluffy friend in the house will be a great way to help the little ones learn how to empathize with someone else and appreciate the work that is usually involved in caring for a pet.

As for popularity, pets in the UK are very popular. The top ten pets in England and Wales are the ones discussed below. In 1980, there were 5.6 million dogs in the UK. This number increased by 1.8 million in 1989. There were 2 million more cats in the UK in 1989 than in 1980. The number of Budgies also increased by 0.1 million in 1989.

The Royal Society for the prevention of cruelty to animals, more commonly known as the RSPCA, looks after animals that have been treated badly. Last year the RSPCA homed 105,079 animals, including dogs, cats, and many other animals.

If you don’t have a pet, I would seriously consider buying one. The truth is that it doesn’t matter which living creature you’re going to give your preference to, pets are a very good company, and almost any animal could become your new best friend. If you’re thinking about getting a pet snake or you believe that iguana is the one to be kept as a pet, go ahead and by one. However, you just have to keep in mind that unusual pets require special care. Besides, you will have to get to know more about how these exotic pets behave in the wild. Many pets need very little attention or space – there is room in the smallest home for a fish tank or a birdcage, that’s for sure.

Despite many rewards, keeping a pet at home is a real commitment. However, all the training, financial, housing, and caring responsibilities can’t beat that amazing feeling of having strong human-animal bonds.

An analysis of the presented essay

This pets essay starts with an obligatory component like introduction. It sets the emotional tone of the work perfectly. We only have to use the minimum of the key information here. The introduction is also definite thanks to a concrete thesis statement. The latter reflects the content of the body paragraphs. The body paragraphs complete each other thanks to transitional sentences. We understand the idea of the paragraph by reading the topic sentences in the beginning. Such a structure is crucial for an essay on pet animals . There are pros and cons which allow weighing the arguments against each other. The answer to the question why i should get a dog is already here. The reader can compare different reasons to have a pet or to refuse doing it. The essay informs their decision with multiple arguments without insisting on anything. Although the author has a concrete attitude to the topic, they don’t discriminate against others’ ideas. The essay has a conclusion which resumes the perspective of owning a pet.

writing persuasive essay about the benefits of having pets

Studies have shown that annually, approximately 2.7 million animals are euthanized. That is why writing essays about animals and their rights is an important instrument to improve the situation. Writing and speaking can become your way to make a difference in the world.

A list of pet-related topics for argumentative essays

  • Is it better to buy a pet with a breed or to take any from the shelter? Topics about animals like this can surprise you. The issue is a popular discussion matter because people do argue about it. Some believe that seeking a breed is inhumane. While all animals are important and precious, breeding can be harmful. On the other hand, some breeds like shepherds or retrievers have a high demand as service dogs. There are cat breeds which allow individuals with allergies to own one. Such topics about breeds have many questions to observe. 
  • Will owning a pet make you psychologically healthier? We’ve heard a lot about the therapeutic impact of owning a pet. But does it work for everyone? Why do we have so many abusers if there are numerous argumentative essay topics on animals ? Try picking research findings for and against this belief. You can compare the arguments which defend this idea and the contrary ones. It will have to contain more scientific information. Even though you can have a strong subjective argumentation here, it cannot replace competent research.
  • Is there anything wrong with the fashion of having a pet? The issue is that this trend harms and benefits animal rights. Some will buy a maltipoo only because it proves their financial status. They won’t have a genuine interest in owning a god and visiting training with a certificated dog handler. However, the others will react to the trend differently. They will see how owners adore their pets and will start treating animals better. To own a pet is the only way for many people to realize that animals have rights.
  • Having pets and children at the same time is risky . You’ve probably heard that pet owners spend all their money on pets. They love their little brothers and sisters even more than real ones! But what can we say here about parents then? Raising a child demands a lot of moral responsibility and financial resources either. Will families with children manage to care about everyone? Moreover, children need guidance on how to behave with pets. Who can ensure that parents will be able to teach them? Those who believe that everyone should have a pet can be disappointed here.
  • Sterilization is more important than breeding plans. This argumentative essay topic can be life-changing for thousands of readers. Even in the twenty-first century not all people are aware of the importance of sterilization. Some civilized communities still think that making an “unnecessary” surgery means to abuse the pet! Others will want to organize breeding for the pet. Either for financial enrichment or moral compensation. Not all people are ready to say goodbye to their favorite animal. Almost all of late Queen Elizabeth’s corgis are offsprings of her first dog! It’s also one of the rarest argumentative topics about animals .

And in case you are considering the topic of pros and cons of owning a pet, have a look at this table. It lists all for and against every pet owner considers prior to making the final decision.

1. is the key one of benefits of having a pet 1. Happiness can easily fade when t comes – not all people are morally ready for pet surgery or other veterinary treatment
2. Supporting your makes you physically easier 2. is morally challenging and can cost you your health either
3. Pet owners because they have to care about pets 3. which never become independent, so moving can become too much and exhausting one day
4. Having a pet is 4. But is more difficult than hiring a nanny. It’s okay to need some rest from your pet, but the options are limited
5. Pets diversify that you’re capable of feeling 5. Emotions are great, but not all people have even the minimum – to care about their pet
6. Pet owners learn about 6. But you’re the first one who – training your pets takes a huge amount of time
7. People become when they rescue a stray animal 7. Another side of heroism can be less romantic – for example, you’ll have to with protecting your pets from harmful insects, and some people are extremely afraid of them
8. People when they take them home 8. However, once you take a stray animal home, it means that when you have to tidy after it or to take it for a walk
9. even more than relatives and that’s hilarious 9. Except for the fact that, unfortunately, , which complicates a lot of family initiatives, including traveling 
10. Dog and cat owners thanks to the therapeutic impact of their pets 10. If your cat , asking for the breakfast, and your dog attacks at 6 am, demanding a walk – you’ll likely lack sleeping at all

How to write a consistent essay about having pets

Use reliable sources only. There are three golden rules for writing an essay about pets! The first tip is to proceed with trustworthy sources. There are so many pet owners around the world. But nor every person who claims to be a specialist is really one! Ensure that you pick the information from a blog but a reputable journal or magazine.

Back up your statement with citations. When using the information from the outside source, remember to cite or quote it. It will support the academic integrity standards while protecting your arguments. An essay about pets has to be full of evidence. And these are your citations and quotes from reliable scholarly sources. Not some subjective tales!

Avoid non-scientific psychological advice. You can’t accuse people of being too slow, lazy, emotional, or disorganized. All of these character features are normal. And all of them allow people to become the best pet owners. Even if it looks impossible for an “owl” to wake up in the morning for a walk with a dog. They do! And the most irritated person becomes the most gentle owner with purring cat on their hands .

  • Writing Help

Write an Introduction: The Benefits of Owning a Pet

Write an Introduction: The Benefits of Owning a Pet


What are the benefits of owning a pet?

I’m sure you could list a few benefits off the top of your head. Good. Keep those in mind as we learn about an essay’s introduction.

When you write an introduction, you’ll want to include a few key items:

1. An intriguing first sentence to capture your reader’s attention. It’s called a hook. 2. A clear idea of what the article or essay is about (its topic). 3. A sentence that is the main idea (thesis statement) that will guide the rest of the article.

Here’s an example of an introductory paragraph about the TV remote. Although it seems serious, this student is actually poking fun at the idea that the TV remote has affected society:

     The TV remote control seems to be an innocent device. We have grown very dependent on it and might not even want to watch TV without the ease of this automatic control box. The inventor of this infrared communications device is Robert Adler. He worked at Zenith for sixty years and invented the Zenith Space Command remote control in 1956. Many people have asked him if he feels guilty for inventing such a laziness-inducing product. His response is, “That is ridiculous. Every person should be able to change the channel from where he or she is sitting.” One wonders, however, how the remote control has affected our culture.

Let’s see how this writer did:

1. The first sentence is somewhat intriguing because it uses “seems” and “innocent,” which makes us wonder where he’s going with this. 2. We have a clear idea of the article’s topic: the TV remote, and he seems a little negative about it (“laziness-inducing product”). Therefore, we can guess that all the effects on our culture are going to be negative as well. 3. The last sentence in the introduction is the main idea. The writer could have gone in any direction with the remote, but he chose to tell us how the remote control has affected our culture.

MIDDLE SCHOOL PROMPT: This prompt is really a tutorial in disguise! Students learn what an intro needs, read a real one, and then write one.

To learn how to use personal stories in introductions, click here.

The paragraph on the TV remote control is taken from The Power in Your Hands: Writing Nonfiction in High School, 2nd Edition .

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Help your struggling writers—and you!—by identifying five hurdles to writing. Then learn practical actions you can take against those hurdles.

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Now everyone can be a mathematician with the new apple math notes app, how to write a dissertation proposal, how to write a book title in an essay, elon musk criticizes apple’s ai approach and threatens device ban, why people should not be allowed to keep exotic animals as pets essay sample, example.


Almost no one, except perhaps the richest people, can provide a wild animal with all its necessary conditions. Exotic animals have unique needs. For example, wild tigers need a large territory to roam around in. A venomous Monocled cobra, which can be legally bought in a number of states for a puny $100, will repeatedly strike when feeling in danger. A bobcat can hunt a prey eight times bigger than itself. Chimpanzees and other primates require a lot of space for climbing, and sea mammals need vast water basins to swim freely. The examples are numerous. These needs require specific living conditions—or at least housing structures. Can an average American citizen afford keeping an exotic pet? Not just for a year or two, but for 25 or 50 years? Just for an example, the annual cost of keeping a tiger (in a cage) approaches $6,000. Clearly, being a keeper of a wild animal is beyond the capabilities of an average citizen ( National Geographic ).

If the previous paragraph did not persuade you, consider the danger of biological contamination. According to different estimates, at least one in three reptiles (which are among the most popular exotic pets—iguanas, for example) is a host for salmonella and shigella bacteria; the overall percentage with salmonella is probably up to 90 percent. According to data provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 90 percent of imported green iguanas carry unfamiliar strains of intestinal bacteria. Other species are not safer. About 25 percent of both imported and domestically-bred macaques are reported to have had the herpes B virus. Among other diseases carried and transported by wild animals, one should mention such infections as chlamydia, yaba virus, giardia, tuberculosis, measles, marburg virus, hepatitis A, campylobacteriosis, rabies, streptothricosis, and a lot of other malicious microorganisms, including worms ( ASPCA ).

In addition, wild animals can pose a direct physical threat to their owners. During the last 10 years, there have been dozens of attacks committed by captive big cats, such as lions and tigers; in one of the saddest incidents, a tiger killed a three-year-old boy, who was its guardian’s grandson. In another case, a Bengal tiger has bitten off an arm of a four-year-old boy. Since the beginning of the century, four people were hunted down (and killed) by wolf hybrids. This is not to mention the cases when wild animals attacked other domesticated pets—cats, dogs, and so on ( PETA ).

Along with well-known ecological problems—such as the extinction of species, or the destruction of rainforests, there is also another significant issue: people tend to keep exotic wild animals as pets. This is a bad practice, since wild animals require unique conditions that an average American cannot afford; exotic animals carry and transmit exotic diseases, which can pose a threat to owners; and there were numerous incidents when a captivated wild animal attacked its owner, or members of their families. All this is solid proof in favor of the claim that wild exotic animals should not be kept as pets.

There are many examples of persuasive essays like this on the Internet. However, according to the best website for assignment help , the best samples can be found on the specific platforms with academic works. So, don’t limit yourself from checking those out.

“Wild at Home: Exotic Animals as Pets.” Nat Geo WILD. N.p., 03 Oct. 2012. Web. 11 Aug. 2015. <http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/wild/animal-intervention/articles/wild-at-home-exotic-animals-as-pets/>

“Exotic Animals as Pets.” ASPCA. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Aug. 2015. <https://www.aspca.org/adopt/adoption-tips/exotic-animals-pets>

“Exotic Animals as ‘Pets'” PETA. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Aug. 2015. <http://www.peta.org/issues/animals-in-entertainment/exotic-animals-pets/>

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Persuasive Essay: Why You Should Get A Pet?

writing persuasive essay about the benefits of having pets

Show More Why You Should Get a Pet? Have you ever thought of getting a pet? Maybe a dog, cat, bird, or even a guinea pig? Pets can actually help you have health benefits that can make a huge difference to your life. Just the presence of a cat can lead to lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels and reduce stress. Also, kids with reading difficulties can read to their pets to help them get better at reading. In my opinion, I think you should get a pet because it can help you have better health, reduce stress, and pets can also help you learn. First, in my opinion,I think you should have a pet because it can help your health. Also, research by the Journal Pediatrics showed that children who live in a home with a dog or cat during …show more content… Pets are a great way to reduce stress. “It is not easy to deal with our fears and stresses, however, spending time with animals can makes us feel better.” Says Stanley Popovich. Animals can help us to relax and help us to focus on the good things in our lives. This will help us to focus positively on any situation. Playing with animals is one of the best ways to reduce stress. One way to reduce stress is you could take your dog on a walk, sing to your dog, or read a book to your dog. Doing this will give you a fresh perspective on things, and make you not as …show more content… Kids who having reading difficulties can read to their pet to help their reading grade. It's scientifically proven that reading to a dog can help you be better at reading by more than 12%. When you read out loud to a dog you can practice fluency, grammar, and punctuation. Also, some people did a study in Aug. 2011 about if dogs can help you read. In the study they did the study on 18 second graders. They were divided into two groups, one group read aloud to an adult for 30 minutes once a week, and the other group read out loud to a dog. They called it the Reading Education Assistance Dogs project (R.E.A.D.) They found that the children who read to a dog saw a slight increase in their words-per-minute reading rate, where the children who read to a human experienced a slight decrease. Therefore, have you ever thought of getting a pet, because pets can actually help you have health benefits that can make a huge difference to your life. The presence of a cat can lead to lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels and reduce stress. Also kids with reading difficulties can read to their pets to help them get better at reading. This is why I think you should get a

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Persuade for a Pet

Students write a letter to their parents, or classroom teacher, to persuade them to get a new pet, supporting their opinion with reasons and examples..

Dog with toy

Most young students love animals and many even have a pet at home. To help students think about the care a pet needs to survive and thrive, have them choose a pet they want to add to their family or your classroom.

After students learn more about the pet, ask them to write a letter to convince you, or their parents, to get this new pet. Their letter should include reasons why the pet would make a great addition to their classroom or family, as well as demonstrate that they understand what needs to be done to take care of it.

While it isn’t very hard to get most young students interested in animals, especially puppies and kittens, kick off the project with an event. For example, if you know your students have pets at home, ask them to bring in pictures of their pet or have parents share videos with you. Then, have students show these images and videos to the class and share a story or more information about their pet.

To add a bit of math into the project, ask students to share the types of pets they have at home. Write these on the board and add a tally mark for each student who has this type. You might even have them create a bar graph or pictograph of the information.

If you have the time and resources, have a guest speaker come to your class from a local veterinary clinic or humane society, or better yet, schedule a field trip!

Once you talked about animals that students already have as pets, push students to think more deeply about pets with questions like:

  • What makes a good pet?
  • What would not be a good pet?
  • Are some breeds better than other?
  • Why doesn’t everybody have a pet?

Ask questions that push students to share an opinion about pets. To prepare them for the persuasive part of this lesson, prompt students to support their answers with reasons and examples by asking “Why?”

Pets are not wild animals that survive on their own. Pet owners need to provide water, food and shelter, making it a lot of work to own and care for a pet. This is a big reason many people do not own pets.

Read a story like I Wanna Iguana. to get students thinking about what it takes to care for a pet. Follow-up the story with an informational text or video, like the one below.

Spend time with students thinking and talking about their experiences and ideas for giving pets the care they need.

Next, let students know that they are going to have an opportunity to try to convince you, or their family, to get a new pet.

Have students choose a pet they would like to have at home or in the classroom. Provide leveled reading materials for them to find out more about their pet and provide time and support for them to learn more about it.

If several students choose the same pet, you can have them work as a team to learn more about the animal or share the information they find individually with other students interested in the same animal.

writing persuasive essay about the benefits of having pets

Try creating graphic organizers with your students in Wixie.

Have students document the facts they have learned and things they like about this pet using a cluster graphic organizer.

image of cluster organizer for persuade for a pet lesson

Ask your students what they think will happen if they say, “I want a puppy!” to their parents. Will their parents just get one for the family? Why? Why not? See if you can help your students connect the idea of wanting to the idea of convincing or arguing, using words like “reason” and “because.”

“I want a puppy” is a statement, and for some students, a fact. “Our family should get a pet” is an opinion. Let students know that if you want someone else to agree with your opinion, or act on it, you need to persuade them. Talk to your students about what it means to persuade someone?

Have students craft their opinion clearly. Use an O-R-E-O organizer to clearly craft the opinion they will share in their letters, as well as the reasons and examples they can use to persuade their parents to agree with their opinion.

If you have Wixie , you can assign a template like the OREO (opinion, reason, example, opinion) to the students in your class to help them organizer their writing.

image of oreo graphic organizer for persuade for a pet lesson

Once students have finished organizing their ideas, introduce the parts of a friendly letter: greeting, body, closing, and signature. Have students write a rough draft of their letter based on their O-R-E-O organizer.

If you want to utilize technology to motivate your writers, use a tool like Wixie to assign a template like the Friendly Letter or have students use a Stationery background.

Students can type their letter and then use paint tools and clip art to illustrate life with their new pet.

image of student-created letter trying to persuade their parents to get a cat

Consider having students write additional persuasive sentences to overcome the objection that pets are too much work. For example, students could describe how they will help care for the animal.

Print letters to hang in your classroom and/or send to parents. Have students read their letters to both practice fluency and give everyone additional ways to use reasons and samples to support opinions and ideas.

If students chose to persuade you to get a class pet, read all the letters together and then vote on which pet would be best for the classroom. If you aren't going to actually get a new classroom pet, let students know ahead of time.

You can evaluate prior knowledge about the needs of living things, as well as student's experiences with pet animals, during your initial discussions. Use the cluster and OREO graphic organizers and initial writing drafts for formative assessment purposes.

The Persuade for a Pet letter works great as a performance task you can use to evaluate students understanding. Create a rubric or checklist like this one from Wixie to help students remember and consider the elements their letter should include.

Persuasive letter checklist sample

Mercer Mayer. Just Me and My Puppy . ISBN: 0307119378

Marc Brown. Arthur's Pet Business . ISBN: 0316113166

Karen Kaufman Orloff. I Wanna Iguana . ISBN: 0399237178

Pet Care Basics

Common Core Standards for English Language Arts

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.K.1 Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose opinion pieces in which they tell a reader the topic or the name of the book they are writing about and state an opinion or preference about the topic or book (e.g., My favorite book is...).

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.1.1 Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or name the book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply a reason for the opinion, and provide some sense of closure.

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.2.1 Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply reasons that support the opinion, use linking words (e.g., because, and, also) to connect opinion and reasons, and provide a concluding statement or section.

Next Generation Science Standards

1-LS1-2 Read texts and use media to determine patterns in behavior of parents and offspring that help offspring survive. [Clarification Statement: Examples of patterns of behaviors could include the signals that offspring make (such as crying, cheeping, and other vocalizations) and the responses of the parents (such as feeding, comforting, and protecting the offspring).]

ISTE NETS for Students 2016:

3. Knowledge Constructor Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others. Students:

a. plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits.

b. evaluate the accuracy, perspective, credibility and relevance of information, media, data or other resources.

6. Creative Communicator Students communicate clearly and express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their goals. Students:

a. choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of their creation or communication.

b. create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.

d. publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their intended audiences.

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writing persuasive essay about the benefits of having pets

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To Learn Persuasive Writing, These Students Wrote “Why You Should Adopt Me” Essays for Shelter Pets

The real-world connection made this project so engaging.

Animal shelter persuasive writing project

Authentic, real-world applications in the classroom keep students engaged and excited! Coming across a lesson that can truly make a difference and tie into a great cause is a huge win. Teacher Amy McKinney from Pennsylvania partnered with a local animal shelter for a persuasive-writing assignment with her third graders. Each student wrote about an adoptable pet and even drew an adorable photo! The goal was to help pets find their forever homes while students practiced their writing skills (and have a little fun, of course). The shelter is displaying these awesome write-ups with the adoptable pets and also shared them on their social media.

Take a look at this partnership:

Animal shelter persuasive writing project

McKinney’s daughter works with a local animal shelter, making the partnership a no-brainer. For other teachers looking to start a project like this, McKinney said, “I recommend that they reach out to animal shelters in their area. I’m sure they would love the opportunity to work with elementary students to help find homes for their pets!”

Authentic experiences increase student engagement.

McKinney shared the project on her Instagram and noted, “My students’ engagement was tremendous! They knew the work they were doing would make a huge difference in a pet’s life, so what normally takes us a couple of weeks to do, we completed in just days.”

The project was a huge success and McKinney told us both she and the animal shelter hope to continue this as an ongoing project. It keeps students engaged in the lesson while benefiting animals in need of a home.

Would your students enjoy this persuasive-writing project? Let us know in the comments.

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Essay on Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats

Students are often asked to write an essay on Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats


Dogs and cats are the most popular pets. While both are great, many people believe dogs are better. Here, we will explore why dogs are often seen as the superior choice.

Dogs are known for their loyalty. They are always there for their owners, offering comfort and companionship. Their love is unconditional, and they show it every day. This loyalty makes dogs great friends.

Dogs are also great protectors. They are always alert and ready to protect their family from danger. This makes dogs not just pets, but also guardians, which can be very comforting.

Dogs love to play and exercise. They enjoy going for walks and runs, which can help their owners stay active too. This shared activity can lead to a healthier lifestyle.

In conclusion, dogs are loyal, protective, active, and trainable. These qualities make them wonderful pets and friends. While cats are also great pets, many people find dogs to be the better choice.

250 Words Essay on Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats

Dogs and cats are the most popular pets around the world. Both have their own unique qualities. But some people think dogs are better. Let’s find out why.


Dogs are known as “man’s best friend” for a reason. They love to be with their owners. Dogs are always happy to see you when you come home. Cats, on the other hand, are more independent. They like to do their own thing.

Dogs can also protect your home. They bark when they see someone they don’t know. This can help keep you safe. Cats are not as good at this.

Dogs need walks every day. This can help you get exercise too! Walking your dog can help you stay healthy. Cats don’t need walks, so they can’t help you get exercise in the same way.

In the end, whether dogs are better than cats can depend on what you want in a pet. But dogs can offer companionship, protection, help you get exercise, and be trained in ways that cats can’t. That’s why some people think dogs are better than cats.

500 Words Essay on Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats

Dogs and cats are the most popular pets around the world. Some people prefer cats, while others favor dogs. This essay will explain why dogs are better than cats.

Activity Levels

Dogs are more active than cats. They love to play, run, and go for walks. This can be a lot of fun for kids and can also help them stay active. Cats, on the other hand, spend most of their day sleeping and are not as playful.

Dogs can also provide protection. Many breeds are known for their guarding abilities. They can alert you to danger and even protect you if needed. Cats are not typically known for these qualities.

Health Benefits

Having a dog can also offer health benefits. Walking a dog can help you stay fit. Playing with a dog can reduce stress and improve your mood. Studies have shown that having a dog can lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. While cats can also provide some health benefits, dogs have a more significant impact.

In conclusion, dogs are better than cats for several reasons. They offer companionship, help us stay active, provide protection, can be trained, and offer health benefits. While cats also have their perks, dogs have qualities that make them stand out as the better pet. So, if you’re thinking about getting a pet, consider a dog. They have so much to offer and can bring a lot of joy and happiness into your life.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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writing persuasive essay about the benefits of having pets

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12. The advantages and disadvantages of having a pet

Please click on the toggles below to navigate through information on this assessment task and reveal the links for downloading task materials.

The advantages and disadvantages of having a pet
B2, B3, C2, C3, C4
Extended response
 To assess students’ ability to write an essay presenting arguments for and against a topic supported by ideas and information.
 Students write an essay about the advantages and disadvantages of having a pet, such as a cat or a dog.
The generic framework and tone of an argumentive essay or an essay in which arguments are described and ideas and opinions about having a domestic pet.  argumentative essay

The language of argumentation:


Linguistic structure of an argument:

4. English words relating to having a cat or a dog

 EAL Support
 Writing discursive essays to present both sides of an argument
one lesson, planned language use
limited to response to student request for clarification and encouragement  students may use their own personal dictionaries, classroom dictionaries and their own notes
independent  -

TEAL Writing Task 12 – unmarked criteria sheet [PDF]

TEAL Writing Task 12 – unmarked criteria sheet [Word]

An explanation of the purpose, nature and use of criteria sheets is available at 4. Using the assessment criteria.

Home language: Vietnamese

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Biographical information:

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English language centre (secondary)

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The purpose and nature of the task

The expressing of opinions and use of argument with supporting reasons or evidence is a prominent text type in public discourse in Australia, as well as in academic study in English and humanities subjects. This task involves formal argumentative discourse and linking of opinions to evidence in relation to a topic students may have experience of or know something about, owning a domestic pet such as a cat or a dog. The task provides teachers with assessment information about their EAL students' skills in expressing opinions and presenting support for a point of view in a piece of formal writing.

The task requires students pay some attention to presenting arguments to both support and contradict a point of view. It also expects students to express an opinion on the topic. There is scope for the students to do this within an essay that either strongly supports a particular opinion and therefore has a partisan quality in relation to the topic, or which has a more detached tone and is more descriptive of the arguments presented on the issue, and less on supporting particular opinions. There is a complex interrelationship between the ways arguments are presented and the ways they are used to support an opinion and downplay alternative opinions. The intention of this task is more to look at EAL students' skills in presenting points of view and supporting arguments, rather than the more sophisticated skills involved in a powerful texts intended to contribute to argument and change opinions.

The range of samples illustrate different levels of skill in presenting reasons to support arguments. They do this within different levels of argument, some present argument within a strong expression of a particular point of view, while others are more detached, providing description of arguments that may be used to support different opinions.

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The sample shows an understanding of the task and an ability to write a simple argument on the disadvantages and advantages of having a pet dog.

The text shows that the student is able to express simple opinions with supporting reasons and is able to organise them within a given text structure framework. The student uses simple, compound, complex sentences employing clauses of reason.

The student uses timeless present tense to express general statements.

The student is able to use full stops to mark sentences correctly but has variable use of appropriate upper and lower case.

The student is reliant on extensive use of text model/framework to accomplish the task.

The marked criteria sheet shows that the student meets most criteria at level 1 of performance and some at level 2.

The student’s language use in this task is consistent with the descriptions of students at Level C2, Victorian Curriculum F-10 EAL.

Using this assessment for further learning

(Select the points you think are currently of most importance to the student.)

The sample draws attention to the student’s need to develop persuasive language for comparing, contrasting and conceding opposing arguments to a thesis. It also highlights the student’s sensitivity to and ability to learn from modelled texts.

This language can be modelled and developed by having the student complete an elaborated cloze text based on the student’s own sample which targets contrastive argumentation words or phrases such as ‘although’, ‘however’, ‘on the other hand’. This process could then be repeated with reduced degrees of modelled support.

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The sample shows an understanding of the task and an ability to write a two-sided argument on the disadvantages and advantages of having a pet dog.

The text shows that the student is able to state and justify a simple thesis and is able to organise arguments within a given text structure framework. The student uses compound and complex sentences employing clauses of reason and condition.

The student is able to use standard spelling and punctuation.

The student employs the stimulus text to accomplish the task.

The sample shows a text that best fits the criteria in .

The marked criteria sheet shows that the student meets most criteria at level 2 of performance and some at level 3.

The sample shows the student’s ability to write a simple cohesive two-sided argument text but highlights their need to develop a wider repertoire of argumentation language and rhetorical/persuasive devices.

This language can be modelled and developed by getting the student to complete an elaborated cloze text based on the student’s own sample which targets a range of persuasive language functions and devices such as addition (‘moreover’), exemplification (‘for instance’), contrast  (‘however’, on the other hand’), and concession (‘although’). This process could then be repeated with reduced degrees of modelled support until students have mastered the language.

Biographical information

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The sample shows an understanding of the task and an ability to write a quite elaborate argument and to and justify a single point of view relating to the topic. However it is framed in terms of keeping wild animals as pets, rather than disadvantages and advantages of having a pet dog.

The text shows that the student can sustain a line of argument using a range of persuasive language functions and devices. While there are features of persuasive writing present in the text, the text itself is a single paragraph, which has an introductory sentence that is not completely satisfactory as a topic sentence.

The student uses compound and complex sentences and timeless present tense to express opinions. However, there are also some problems of sentence construction, and errors of subject-verb agreement.

The student uses standard spelling and variable punctuation.

The marked criteria sheet shows that the student meets some criteria at level 3 of performance, while some are also at level 2 and even level 1.

The sample shows the student’s ability to elaborate and justify a single point of view, employing a wide repertoire of argumentation language and rhetorical/persuasive devices. The sample also highlights their need to develop skills in organising the text into coherent paragraph units and an ability to consider two sides of an argument.

These skills can be developed by having the student complete text deconstruction and reconstruction exercises around persuasive texts which involve identifying paragraph units within a single run-on text, and sequencing and labelling paragraph texts to make a single coherent text. At the same time, these texts could also model two-sided argumentation.

Sample 4 annotation

While the sample shows an understanding of the communicative purpose of the task and of persuasive texts, and an ability to sustain and support a balanced two-sided discussion of an issue, the text has problems of cohesion and structure. The first paragraph, is not labelled, seems to be a set of arguments for keeping domestic animals, but the second paragraph headed 'DISADVANTAGES' presents opposing arguments.

The text shows that the student can sustain arguments using a repertoire of persuasive language functions and devices at sentence level. However, the organisation of the text is not so strong and it lacks cohesion as a sustained presentation of a point of view, despite effective use of a range of sentence-level ways of expressing ideas and giving supporting reasons.

The student uses compound and complex sentences and timeless present tense to communicate arguments.

The student uses standard spelling and punctuation.

The marked criteria sheet shows that the student meets many criteria at level 3 of performance, and some at level 4.

The student’s language use in this task is consistent with the descriptions of students at Level C3, Victorian Curriculum F-10 EAL.

The sample shows the student’s ability to write a balanced two-sided discussion of an issue in response to a stimulus text. The competence and sophistication of the student’s writing at sentence levels suggest that the student’s needs lie in the area of consolidating and extending skills in structuring a persuasive texts.

These skills could be developed by asking the student to clearly identify the argument they want to present and re-write it using the following structure:

Paragraph 1

Identification of the topic:

State point of view

Argument in support of point of view and supporting reasons.

Paragraph 2 Arguments against your point of view, and supporting.
Paragraph 3 Summary of how reasons for your point of view outweigh the reasons against your point of view.

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Benefits of Having a Dog Analysis Essay

Dogs are considered a man’s best friend. Owning a dog is beneficial as it provides balance, emotional well-being, and unconditional love. It is also a great pleasure to spend time in the company of these furry creatures. Dogs provide people with meaningful social support, improve physical and psychological state, increase the level of happiness and decrease stress.

The Benefits of Having a Dog are Numerous

  • Firstly, dogs promote health. They help people cope with anxiety and improve an overall mental health, not to mention a number of other health benefits. In addition, dogs are widely used to help people recover from very serious illnesses including cerebral palsy and insult.
  • Secondly, dogs provide social benefits as they influence their owner’s well-being. The pets make people happier, provide greater self-esteem and prevent depression. Dog owners are better socialized and are closer to important people in their lives than those who have no dogs.
  • Thirdly, dogs prevent stress and decrease it. These animals are considered masters at helping people feel calm and relieve stress. Dogs are the best listeners and they do not care about human actions and thoughts. When a person is upset or sad, a dog can give a stress outlet helping to cheer up.
  • Fourthly, dogs improve mood. Stroking a dog may reduce blood pressure and bring balance to our emotional state. The eyes of a favorite dog help people who are in a bad mood.
  • Fifthly, dogs ensure home security and safety. Dogs are extremely protective when a stranger comes to the door. In addition, a barking dog may put off many potential burglars and intruders.
  • Sixthly, dogs have a favorable influence on children. Children who own dogs perform better at school and are more successful. Moreover, bringing up, feeding and regular walks create a sense of responsibility.

Dogs have a positive influence on human health, emotional state. They add to the development of communication skills and the sense of responsibility as well as play an important role in child fostering and family relationships. In addition, dogs increase feelings of well being and devotion, ensure safety and even save people’s lives.

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Dogs are among the most popular pets. These animals are usually called a man’s best friends and there is a reason for it. Dogs’ intelligence, loyalty, affection and devotion are incredibly rewarding. Owning a dog may raise spirits. In addition, having a walk together, relaxing at home together or being greeted by a happily wagging tail engenders a sense of well-being. These are the main reasons why so many people own dogs. What is more important is the fact that pets can play an important social role in people’s lives. Lonely people can get a dog in order to overcome social isolation. In addition, dogs improve people’s health, help to communicate and break the ice. Hence, having a dog is beneficial as dogs provide people with emotional well-being, balance and unconditional acceptance of who we are.

Despite the fact that dogs provide meaningful social support, serving to improve owners’ happiness, well-being, and even their physical health there are not many studies on whether all people benefit from owning pets to the same degree or not and whether pets provide social support for people in general (McConnel et al., 2011). It has long been known that dogs bring a lot of pleasure to people who own them. However, there is little awareness of the advantages and disadvantages of having a dog, but it is worth knowing about. Our research is focused on investigation of the advantages of having a dog as a pet.

Health Promotion

To start with, it should be underlined that these furry friends help to cope with anxiety and dealing with them improves an overall mental health, not to mention a number of other health benefits. A research carried out for over 25 years has shown that a close contact with dogs can lower blood pressure and reduce anxiety. A dog, of course, is not the only way to solve problems, but it can help to monitor blood pressure. The study of 240 married couples showed that the owners of dogs had lower blood pressure and heart rate than people who did not own them. The similar study of children showed that there was a significant reduction of blood pressure in children suffering from high blood pressure when they stroked a dog (or any other pet) or played with it. Moreover, the children showed improvement in the general mental state, they became more obedient and easier to adapt socially.

In addition, people who own a pet, spend more time outdoors, and have a stronger immune system. Dogs can even help in social life helping people stay active and energetic. It has been investigated that keeping a dog may also reduce the levels of bold triglyceride and cholesterol. Dog ownership is considered to be one of the best predictors of survival from a heart attack. It is also believed that pet ownership, dog ownership in particular, reduces national health expenditures (Headey, 1999).

Dogs are widely used to help people recover from very serious illnesses. For example, doctors all over the world are amazed how pet dogs help children come out of a comma. There is a belief that animal assisted therapy is a great breakthrough in medicine. However, the practice of using dogs as a part of therapy dates back to the late 18th century, when these animals were introduced into mental institutions to help in communication with patients with mental disorders, people in a state of anxiety and those suffering from cardio-vascular dystopia. Such patients improved behavioral and psychological indicators of anxiety in the presence of dogs. In addition, people in wheelchairs have more positive emotions and easily communicate with strangers when they are accompanied by a dog.

Another benefit of communication with animals is immune stimulatory effects of microorganisms, which, in accordance with the hygiene hypothesis, may protect against allergies and autoimmune diseases. Studies have shown that when a dog lived permanently in the house children were less prone to develop an allergy to pets: only 19% of children with a dog in the house compared to 33% of the total statistics of children whose parents did not keep pets. This is not the only surprising fact. Much lower risk of eczema and other skin diseases and higher levels of certain chemicals in the immune system were observed among children who were in close contact with animals, dogs in particular. That allows health professionals to conclude that a stronger activation of the immune system is a result of communication with our pet friends (Headey, 1999).

It was also revealed that dogs helped people with cerebral palsy and after insult. Dogs positively influence the recovering of motor functions and mood. Children with Down syndrome are also treated with the help of dogs. For example, in a medical center in Panama, which is under the leadership of Mario Chang, doctors use specially trained dogs in a therapeutic practice that helps to cope with mental and physical disabilities including Down syndrome, cerebral palsy and autism (Dog Helps Boy Recover from Coma, 1992). Companion animals may provide unconditional love and comfort to families with children suffering from autism. Most families reported that their children have very close bonds with dogs and felt comfortable and relaxed with their pets. The admirers of dogs state that dogs make people move more and in that way improve their health. According to the study of 351 people aged 20 to 80 published a few years ago in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine on average dog owners spend a far greater amount of time performing moderate physical activity than those who do not have a dog (Your Pet and Your Health, 2011).

A study, which was attended by new owners of a Yorkshire terrier, showed a highly significant reduction in minor health problems during the first month after the purchase of the puppy, and this effect was maintained until the end of the study. Many Americans have even calculated the percentage of survival of patients with the coronary heart disease, and concluded that the owners of Yorkies were significantly less likely to die within a year of acute myocardial infarction as compared to those who did not have a pet. In addition, older people started to spend considerably more time in physical activity, and Yorkshire terriers were thus a necessary stimulus. These results suggest that the acquisition of an animal can have a positive impact on human health and behavior, and have a prolonged effect on the overall condition. It is a proven fact that cat and dog owners exhibit noteworthy improvements in their self-reported physical and psychological health, compared with those who don’t own a pet (Prokop & Tunnicliffe, 2010).

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Social Benefits

McConnel et al. (2011) worked out and held three experiments during which they examined how people benefit from communication with dogs every day. It turned out that the advantages of having a god are stronger when pets fulfill one’s social needs. As a result, scientists concluded that “pet owners often experience greater well-being (e.g., greater self-esteem), exhibit healthier personality characteristics (e.g., more conscientiousness), and show attachment styles that are less negative towards the self (i.e., less fearful, less preoccupied)” (McConnel et al., 2011). One more argument for keeping a dog as a pet is the fact that pets also influence their owner’s well-being. People, who have dogs, seldom suffer from depression, are less lonely, have greater self-esteem, and are happier. Dog owners are better socialized and are closer to other important people in their lives as well as receive more support from them. Scientists found that people and their animals have a strong connection and those who have “healthier personalities seem to extend their general social competencies to relationships with their pets, and that pets with healthier personalities fulfill their owners’ social needs better” (McConnel et al., 2011).

Dogs also provide their owners with social support. Dogs are good assistants for people with disabilities. In many countries, the degree of acceptance of dog guides at public facilities is rather high. Researchers find a number of benefits from this co-work. Not all people know that dogs have been used to assist people with a variety of physical and mental diagnoses since the 9th century. The first documented example of the therapeutic use of animals “occurred in the 9th century in Gheel, Belgium, where animals were part of the ‘therapie naturelle’ provided for the handicapped by members of the community” (Bustad & Hines, 1984, p.20).

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Owners and pets’ well-beings are closely related. It was studied that there is “a link between care for sick pets and owner health” (Your Pet and Your Health, 2011). When a person provides veterinary care for a pet he/she can improve his/her own health. It can be explained by the fact that when “patients like these report being more vigilant about their own condition because they think of their pet’s condition frequently” (Your Pet and Your Health, 2011). They become more interested in knowledge of the disease, focus more on treatment provided to their pets and to themselves and do the right things. A pet’s disease, that in most cases may be the same as their owners` disease, makes them think not just about their own health; as a result they become more concentrated and disciplined (Your Pet and Your Health, 2011).

From a social point of view, a walk with a dog allows not only enjoying fresh air, but also, for example, it is easier to start a conversation or strike up an acquaintance with someone. Walking with dogs or just pet care can provide moderate exercises and fellowship for those who are already at an advanced age.

Lower Stress

One of the benefits of owning a dog is that it is a master at helping people relieve stress and feel calm. It is well know that talking to a friend about a problem improve a person`s emotional state. A friend should be a good listener, so a dog is a good party. When a person is upset or sad, a dog can give a stress outlet helping to improve mood. It has been proven that people experience less stress caring out stressful tasks when their dogs are with them (Raina et al. 1999). In addition, people, who are with dogs while working, have lower levels of stress during their workday. It was found that having dogs in the workplace improved morale among all staff members.

Dogs are tactile creatures. When people are stressed, it is a good remedy to stroke a pet. A dog may lick you and it is emotional exchange. This is the interaction when people do not have to think about what someone else is thinking. When dog owners come home, they are sure that their favorite pet will wait for them. Feeding a dog and playing with it relieves routine stress and improves mood. Thus, having a furry friend can reduce stress and bring support when times get tough.

Improved Mood

For people who love animals, it is almost impossible to stay in a bad mood when they look into the eyes of their favorite dog. Researchers support the idea that animals, dogs in particular, provide their owners with mood-enhancing benefits (Allen et al., 1991; Raina et al., 1999). Animals are much easier to cope with as compared to people, as they will definitely love people without judging their words and actions.

A research has shown that a person needs to spend with a dog only approximately 30 minutes to feel more relaxed (Raina et al., 1999). In addition, playing with a dog raises the brain’s levels of serotonin and dopamine, which are neurotransmitters associated with tranquility and pleasure. Thus, simply stoking a dog it is possible to reduce blood pressure and bring balance to a person`s physical and emotional state (Charnetsky, Riggers & Brennan, 2004).

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Home Security and Safety

Many dog owners believe that their houses will not be robbed because of a vicious dog. Dogs are usually loving and sweet. However, they are extremely protective when a stranger comes to the door. Studies show that vicious and barking dogs put off many potential burglars. Using a dog as a home security system saves a lot of money, as security systems are expensive. Even a small dog may make a person safe at home, as it may be a reliable alarm. Barking is able to deter potential burglars and intruders. A loud barking makes neighbors look out a window and if necessary call police. Moreover, dogs do not need to learn how to use a weapon or learn safety rules. Their main weapon is jaws and claws.

Dogs and Children

Psychologists believe that children who have dogs perform better at school. Reinhold Bergler, a German psychologist, found that children whose families had dogs at home were of an exemplary behavior at school and were more successful. The professor and his colleagues interviewed 400 mothers about the behavior and learning abilities of their children aged 13-15 years. Half of the respondents had dogs. It was found that children with dogs, especially boys, usually got better grades at school than their peers without four-legged friends. It is believed that regular walks, feeding and bringing up create a sense of responsibility in children (Shubert, 2012).

Animals help children become more concentrated; they capture children’s attention and teach lessons about life, devotion, love, and affection. Many children see dogs as their peers and they learn a lot from animals’ body language. In addition, it is easier to teach children become sympathetic, as animals are straightforward in their behavior and when expressing their feelings. Children-animal bonds contribute to mood improvements, higher confidence and greater empathy (Serpell, 2008).

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Child psychologists unanimously recommend getting a dog for a child who suffers from a lack of communication, is reserved, suspicious etc. The appearance of a puppy is an important part of parenting; it can change the nature of a reserved child for the better. He/she will take care of someone, talk to someone he/she trusts and with who he/she can share his/her secrets without a fear that a friend will spill the beans to someone. In addition, experts are confident that having a puppy brings feelings of responsibility, compassion and concern in a child; it teaches him/her to have the routine of the day as the dog usually gets used to walking at certain hours. In addition, the child receives daily charge of joy while communicating with a shaggy friend.

Adopting a dog brings fun and friendship into one’s home and improves a person`s health and mental state. There is no doubt that owning a dog requires hard work especially at the beginning. However, if difficulties are put aside it becomes evident that good things prevail. Dogs can reduce stress, improve health, ease loneliness, promote social interaction and exercises as well as provide a person with affection, the sense of well-being and unconditional love. It should be emphasized that having a pet dog is very beneficial to those who are ready to take care of a pet.

The benefits of owning a dog are the following: a positive effect on human health; development of communication skills; an important role in family relationships; child fostering; and positive influence on behavior. Dogs are also able to decrease the level of despair and anxiety, increase feelings of well being and devotion, increase mental capabilities and increase social functioning. In other words, owning a dog really makes a difference in people’ daily life. In addition, there are many real stories glorifying dogs, which have saved people’s lives in different situations. It is known that dogs have a special sense of prediction and are able to quickly respond in case of emergency.

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Advantages and disadvantages of having pets at home

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