Courage To Grow Scholarship

C. taylor march 2024.

Since a young age, I've embodied the phrase "the courage to grow." Leaving my hometown in New Jersey for Arizona was a bold leap, demonstrating my willingness to seize new possibilities. I have ventured into various endeavors, from excelling academically, to learning different languages, engaging in various sports, Latin dancing, skateboarding, computer science, chess, and many more. Each endeavor has shown my willingness to step out of my comfort zone and I have consistently set higher standards of excellence to push the boundaries of what I can achieve.

This journey of self-discovery has led me to a profound realization: I have developed a deep-seated love for learning. Whether it's delving into the intricacies of computers, honing my skills on a skateboard, or mastering a new dance move, I approach each opportunity with enthusiasm and a thirst for knowledge.

I plan to become an accountant/financial advisor to utilize my expertise to help individuals and families make better financial decisions. With a passion for both mathematics and helping others, I am deeply motivated to excel academically and achieve my career objectives. My ultimate goal is to provide personalized guidance, develop comprehensive financial plans, and offer strategic advice tailored to each client's unique goals and circumstances.

I believe I'm deserving of this scholarship because of my lifelong commitment to personal growth, my adventurous spirit, and my passion for learning. I'm confident that I will continue to embody the courage to grow and make a positive impact in the world.

courage to grow picture

E. Fotta February 2024

Nurses have always been role models to me. A nurse is willing to take care of people in their worst state and can do it with compassion, care, and a smile on their face. So, when I was in ninth grade and my sister was admitted to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia for her cardiac condition, sitting at her bedside provided me an unusual opportunity for growth and learning, even though I didn’t know it at the time. The CHOP nurses knew that my sister is a special girl and inspired her to push through. The warmth that turned my girl from a sick patient back into the vibrant person she is inside is the reason that I, too, want to dedicate my life to nursing.

Since then, I have developed a strong passion for my career goal. This has called for a lot of change in my life. Science has overtaken my school schedule. My nights are spent alongside registered nurses, caring for children at a local daycare. Everything I do is in preparation for the day I can step into a healthcare facility, like the one my sister was in years ago, as a caring nurse myself. Now all I need is the degree and the financial support to get me there. I appreciate your consideration and would be honored to receive this scholarship.

O. Vargas January 2024

Being a student from Yakima Valley with a background in agriculture my passion for computer science comes from my desire to bridge the gap between farming methods and modern technology. Growing up in a community that values work and resilience I have come to understand the importance of innovation in overcoming challenges. My goal is to apply the principles of computer science to create efficient solutions for the sector ultimately improving productivity and sustainability in communities like mine. This scholarship holds significance for me as it not only provides financial support but also signifies belief in my ability to merge my cultural heritage with technological innovation. It will help alleviate the burden of pursuing education allowing me to focus on developing the necessary skills to bring about meaningful change in the agricultural industry through technology. By supporting my education in computer science this scholarship will enable me to contribute to an area that is often overlooked when it comes to advancements ensuring that farming communities are not left behind in this age. I am fully committed to making the most of this opportunity by utilizing my education for the benefit of both my field of study and my community.

O. Vargas

H.Carver December 2023

When I turned four, I began a challenging journey that tested my strength and courage. Being diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (JRA) taught me resilience and to look for the positives in adverse situations. From this experience, I learned to make sacrifices, overcome obstacles, and face fears. My diagnosis prepared me to confront challenges head-on, and that courage and hard work would always lead me through my biggest adversities. During my sophomore year, I encountered social and academic struggles, lost self-confidence, and feared my future. I was not only knocked off my academic pedestal, but I found myself distracted and submerged in an ocean of insecurities. I drew from the strength of my childhood, dealing with JRA to correct my mistakes, refocus, and work tirelessly to pursue my future goals. Service was the unexpected catalyst that helped me find the courage to grow and a path toward success. I found purpose through my high school Key Club, led with the most service hours, and was awarded Key Club President. Reflecting on my battle with JRA, I founded a chapter of “Letters-of-Love,” a club focused on creating handmade cards for children battling illnesses. My courage to grow is reflected in my academics, acts of service, leadership, and how I view myself. I realize that growth is not linear, it zig-zags, teaching us our biggest lessons. My experience helped me re-discover myself, find the courage to push forward, and reflect on my growth. I am honored to be considered for this scholarship.

K. Van Alfen November 2023

Throughout our lives we face risks. These opportunities with unknown endings come in many forms, and many of us are familiar with the risks involved in moving, attending college, changing jobs, and even letting new people into our lives. Though these changes may evoke fears, they also make room for growth. They test and stretch us in ways that help us become the people we need to be. Our journeys make us stronger and help us to empathize with those who go through similar experiences.

I've been through many challenges in my life. I grew up with a mother whose mental state continually changed at the drop off a hat, I've been bullied, abused, and recently dealt with health challenges. Nevertheless, I know these experiences have changed me for the better. They've helped me to become stronger, more patient, and caring. I understand the importance of kindness and love. I know there's always something brighter ahead. That no matter the depth of the darkness, it doesn't last forever. This is why I keep going. This is why I do not run from growth or life's challenges, because I know there's always something to learn.

With this scholarship, I will have the assistance needed to continue my college education and keep growing. It will expand my mind and my ability to persevere. I know I have the courage and willpower to keep working towards the life I desire for myself and my future family, and this will help me do it.

K. Van Alfen


S. Chaves October 2023

Because of my passion for higher education and my steadfast dedication to the pursuit of knowledge, I firmly think that I am a deserving candidate for this scholarship. In order to pursue my goal of becoming a lawyer, I plan to further my education at the college level with the financial support this scholarship will provide.

In my life, education has always been of utmost significance. I treasure it because it is a lifelong endeavor rather than merely a means to an end. The financial burden that frequently prevents students like myself from obtaining high-quality education would be lessened by this grant. I may access experiences, tools, and resources with the help of these funds, which will further my education and foster my personal development.

My ultimate goal is to become a lawyer, and I am aware that this requires a demanding college degree. It necessitates not only a solid grounding in legal ideas but also the ability to think critically, communicate clearly, and comprehend the intricacies of the legal system. With the help of this scholarship, I would be able to acquire the fundamental information and abilities that will enable me to use the legal profession to significantly improve society.

I will sum up by saying that I have a sincere commitment to both my studies and my future legal profession. My dreams will become a reality thanks in large part to this scholarship, for which I am thankful.

J.Mitri September 2023

The term "success" will never be defined by a dictionary. Every person has their interpretation and vision of success. However, all these interpretations meet through the pillars of success commonly found through courage and education.

Throughout my journey at Dana Farber Cancer Institute, my vision of my success story transformed. Battling cancer, moving into high school, and balancing academics was an uphill battle. Every day, I had to gather the courage to go to school, receive odd looks, and catch up on the work I had missed in the days prior. However, my Dad would constantly repeat, "If there is a will, there is a way," which helped me continue focusing on my dreams rather than my life-changing circumstances. Of course, I could not have gotten all A's that year if it wasn't for my friends, who would bring me the work assigned to us that I had missed and reteach me the lesson that day.

Immediately when my results came back from the biopsy, my version of success drastically converted from being rich to becoming wealthy. My understanding of wealth and success included helping people, particularly those enduring harsh circumstances like mine. Many can say they want to help, but only a fraction act upon their words, which is why I found the courage within myself to major in biology on a prehealth pathway at Boston University. Although the path to my interpretation of success is difficult, I will find my way through courage and education.


C. Levine August 2023

"Do. Or do not. For there is no try" (Yoda, The Empire Strikes Back). When I was eight years old I remember staring at the dazzling space battles and strange worlds found in the Star Wars universe. Finding interest only in the manner in which its originator spoke, I never considered the true meaning behind the phrase. Years later, I got to find out what this saying truly meant. Leaving middle school behind, I entered the crazy world of high school. I hardly knew who I was, let alone this new, strange world. The people were unknown, the teachers were unmet, and the building was unexplored. It was there that I began to struggle. A year later, once again going to a new school, I thought that I would have to repeat this painful process again. But this time, I would not do things with fear. I entered my new school with confidence, ready to take on new challenges. I was ready to find new friends, meet new teachers, and explore new buildings. I would not sit back afraid of the unknown. I would “do.” Maybe that's what the quote meant. To either act, or not, but certainly to avoid hesitation and fear. Whether it’s interstellar space battles, or just third period biology, we need to have confidence in ourselves. That's why I should be awarded this scholarship. I had the courage to not only grow into my environment, but to grow into who I am as a person.

D. Naziri July 2023

In the boundless skies of my dreams, I see myself in the airplane’s cockpit, savoring another flawless landing of the Boeing 777-9, the world’s largest commercial aircraft, as a testament to my skilled piloting. Beyond the thrill of flying, airplanes also symbolize unparalleled freedom and liberation for me, which I aim to share with others.

Similarly, I aspire to be a general surgeon, making a meaningful impact on people’s lives. Witnessing a surgeon delicately stitch a torn stomach on TV ignited a passion within me to be a guiding light for patients in their darkest movement. Another dream of mine is to contribute to finding a cure for cancer, and I’ve already started by contributing to cancer research during an internship.

I’m committed to reaching both of my career goals since these dreams drive my unwavering determination to overcome the stereotypes and doubts that hinder me. In the male-dominated society that I come from, women are discouraged from becoming surgeons, and until recently, were banned from becoming pilots.

The “Courage to Grow” scholarship will relieve the financial burden of obtaining a BS, MD, and commercial piloting certificate. This scholarship means more than financial aid; it signifies a community that believes in the potential of individuals to rise above societal limitations. With this scholarship, I hope to unlock my aspiration’s full potential and help other young girls find the courage to grow and follow their aspirations, contributing to a future where barriers are broken, and dreams know no bounds. D. Naziri


D.Villacorta June 2023

Courage can sometimes be mistaken for lack of fear. Courage is something we all strive to develop for one reason or another, we find ourselves in a situation that calls for extraordinary strength and resolve, most of the time being forced into it. Courage isn't the lack of fear but rather, the strength to face such fears and transform survival into tenacity to be able to find a solution to the problems facing you. I have the confidence to say that I have courage, developed through the discipline of education as my lifeline during difficult situations, and also finding strength within me to use the knowledge to my advantage to overcome those overwhelming odds. Competing in a large school to become the top 15% of my class in order to alleviate the burden of financing my college education for my parents in a household of 5 took courage. Supporting my teachers and my classmates emotionally through a health crisis while also struggling with my own mental health at home took courage. Being a first-generation college student, obtaining a full scholarship, working part-time while studying full time commuting an hour away took courage. Losing that scholarship because of the unreliability of the school and having to reinvent my life again took courage. And coming to terms with who I am, and continuing to find resilience through knowledge gives me courage. Applying again despite fearing being let down again takes courage. Knowledge still gave me courage. D. Villacorta

L. Wright May 2023

My name is Liam Wright and I am a member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. I will be graduating from Smoky Mountain High School in June 2023 and have a strong desire to achieve. I will achieve this by going to college and gaining an education for myself. I grew up on the Cherokee boundary which mirrors a Indian reservation, as the US government coins it. During my childhood I was exposed to the realities of poverty and substance abuse. I have made the decision to continue my education to prevent the cycle from repeating itself. I will be attending a two year technological degree at AB Tech in Asheville, NC. I will be working towards a degree in Automotive Technology and adjusting to life in the city. I have always dreamed of working in automotive technology and plan to one day own a car shop. I have been working in automotive since I was a young child and feel at home working with cars. The college I plan on attending is an hour drive from the Cherokee Boundary and I will use these funds with my transportation to and from class. I would like to thank you for this opportunity to express my excitement for college and desire to be accepted for this scholarship. This scholarship will help me in achieving the goals I have set for myself. It is not easy to share my life experiences, but I hope you will take my words into consideration.


G. Nogueira April 2023

It was 2011. I do not remember the date, exactly, nor the time, but I remember where I was. A white room, with black chairs organized by row, and that stage right in front of me– the one with the American flag on the right, and a black microphone stand on the left. Paintings of old men dressed in expensive suits stared down at me from the walls with their acrylic smiles. This day is one of my earliest memories: the day my mother was naturalized.

Courage and education go hand-in-hand when you are a first generation American. In America, many people expect you to be a criminal or drug addict or teen mother when you are Latina. To have the knowledge of what people think of you because of your ethnicity and still have the courage to subvert their expectations, become educated, and grow into the best version of yourself is the goal of every ambitious minority, especially if you are a Latin-American woman. In Brazil– where my parents are from– so many girls like me do not even have the chance to be sitting at a computer and submitting scholarships, much less even thinking of college. I sit here from a place of privilege, and sometimes I wonder what things would be like if my parents never boarded that plane in October 2000. To me, earning this scholarship is to tell that little girl in the all-American room to be unapologetically fearless and ambitious about her future. G. Nogueira

S. Sanford March 2023

The courage to grow is an attribute awarded to those bold enough to face their demons, and smile in the act of doing so. Be it ourselves, our life situations, or our surroundings, there always seems to be a weight pulling like an anchor on a powerful ship.

The anchor for me lies on the sandbar of chronic pain. For the last two years, there has been a constant worry about my spinal well-being. A beast that has not been tamed by expensive medical procedures, my injury pulled me out of numerous physical hobbies and eats away at me during simple pleasures like sitting down after a long day.

For a moment, my days were completely bleak.

Once I came to terms with my condition, though, I started to work harder than I ever had to before. “Not feeling like it” had to be cut from my life if I were to start seeing a real change in my abilities. I am proud of the personal therapy track I have devised for myself after the medical industry had given up on me, and am very hopeful for what this new adventure of college has in store.

Fostering the courage within us to grow means no excuses. It means accepting the responsibility for what life has thrown at us and recognizing we have the power to deal with it and deal with it gallantly. It is through this recognition I feel I have earned the courage to grow scholarship.


B. Webster February 2023

As a young person living with dissociative identity disorder, I know confusion all too well. My life is viewed through the lens of not one, but many. Science has barely navigated the maze that is the human brain, but mine complicates things even further. Naturally, I’ve become an expert in getting lost.

When I was officially diagnosed in 2020, I was certain it meant relief from my questions. But as time went on, I quickly realized that finding one answer did not mean the rest would magically unravel. Living with DID has taught me plenty, but still, the explanations I can provide are meager at best when compared to an ever-growing list of questions.

However, when neural pathways slam their doors, perspective opens its windows. My brain is still a mystery, but the answers I’ve gotten concerning life have far exceeded what I thought I’d have at my young age. This has given me the courage to move forward, seeking the promise of growth like a light in a tunnel. I’m slowly learning not to panic when I'm lost, but instead to rejoice in the idea of mapping something new. Through my secondary education, I mean to further examine with more resources my unanswered questions, as well as shine a light on the path for those who follow behind in my future career as an educator. With the Courage to Grow, I choose to bring the world a few more answers than it had when I was put in it.

E. Scott January 2023

As the child of a multi-faith family, I grew up a satellite state in a “war of the worldviews”. During seventeen years of enmity and intolerance, I developed severe insecurity about my worth and feared parental disapproval. Instead of engaging with the central paradox of my family, I ran away from Faith, and I was left with none.

Eventually, I found myself in a dark place where I didn’t want to be. I decided to change something. At that moment, I stopped running away, and I learned what courage is.

Courage is acceptance. Courage is saying, “my life is imperfect. I am imperfect. I am worth it, flaws and all.” Courage is taking a deep breath and allowing life to be paradoxical. I accepted that not everything in life was under my control, and in doing so, I gained control over myself, my choices, and my faith.

Here’s what I have faith in today:

Divergent worldviews can coexist. Radical kindness is the way out of intolerance. The world gets better.

I plan to study writing, philosophy, and communities in college so I can help others heal from their paradoxes. When I chose to allow for paradox, I gained control over my life. With the Courage to Grow Scholarship, I will gain control over my education. Just as I no longer relied on others for my worth, I will not rely on my family to pay for my education.

Together, we’ll make the world better.

Thank you for your consideration.


S. Strausberg December 2022

At nine, I had built my first program.

Inspired by my dad’s work as a software engineer, I began programming at a young age, but it wasn’t until much later that I began to see it as a tool for change. In 2020, my dad was diagnosed with aphasia after a stroke. I built my dad a picture-based communication app, similar to iMessage, that replaces the QWERTY keyboard with a picture-based one. Using my project, my dad was able to connect directly with my aunts in California for the first time since his diagnosis.

Text-to-speech, screen readers -- every day, I see how innovative software has the potential to make the world more accessible to people with disabilities. I strive to develop enabling technology that enhances standard of living within marginalized communities. From communication platforms to artificial sight, I want to be at the forefront of innovations in accessible technology.

As a computer science major joining Cornell’s class of 2027, I will explore the ways in which different areas of computing are utilized to create accessible technology. The one thing that stands in my way is the cost of college tuition. With two terminally ill parents who were forced into an early retirement, the cost of education is an overwhelming burden. The Courage To Grow Scholarship will give me the tools to build a more inclusive world and help me give back to people like my parents.

S. Strausberg

L. Diaz November 2022

I believe that I should be awarded this scholarship for not only my success in the classroom, but also for my eagerness to make a positive change in my community. I am from a small town in northwestern New Mexico named Gallup. Miyamura is my homeschool in which I participate in many extracurricular activities in, but I take classes in my school districts McKinley Academy program. Here, I take college courses at the University of New Mexico-Gallup campus. By the time I graduate high school, I will have not only straight A’s and a high school diploma, but two associates in business and liberal arts. Living in Gallup, I am part of the small amount of people who take their education seriously. Alcoholism, and drug abuse are problems prominent in people of all ages in Gallup. This has made homelessness a huge problem for people of a young age and on. With the funding from this scholarship, being one of the few people to leave the problematic small town of Gallup and seek a higher education will be even more possible. The funding will help me more now than ever as most of the money that was planned for my college fund has been used for my grandma’s hospital bill from having a liver transplant and as well as cancer. After college, I plan on returning to Gallup and other places like it to help with the fight against drugs and alcohol. Thank you for the consideration for this scholarship.


K. Little October 2022

Apartment clean? Check. Directions sent? Check. Hospitality attitude on? Check. I am an Airbnb host and this is how I started earning money to be able to attend college.

When I was 12 years old, my parents thought a part time job would help me save money for college. We had a bunkhouse studio apartment that was attached to our home. My Airbnb business consisted of managing online reservations, ordering supplies, cleaning the apartment between guests, hospitality and managing finances.

I was homeschooled but took dual credit courses in high school. I entered Oregon State University with a sophomore standing. Taking college classes during high school saved me thousands of dollars so I could keep saving for college.

College is expensive to attend. Aside from the money I’ve earned from my Airbnb business, I worked at other jobs. I rode horses and cleaned two Airbnb rental homes for people, listed items on Craigslist for local clients, and in September of 2021, I picked up another part time job at TJ Maxx. I am currently a freshman attending Oregon State University (Cascades) in Bend, Oregon. The academics are challenging, but I'm learning new knowledge and skills and enjoying my Calculus and Biology classes.

I deserve "The Courage to Grow Scholarship" because of my hard work the last 6 years to be able to attend college. Tuition, housing, and fees are expensive and any additional support is greatly appreciated. Thank you for considering me for your generous scholarship.

M. Barrientos September 2022

Academics play an important role for my family, it is a way out of the life that we have been a long part of. My family has lived in poverty for most of their lives; it was not until recently that my father got a better job to help us out negligibly. Being raised in a family of minorities does not make it easy to receive a higher education. Being successful is a dream, but between a dream, there stands an obstacle, and this obstacle of mine is financial assistance. I wish to be the first person in my family to not only go to college, but also to become a doctor. I wish to one day generate wealth and give back; helping others is my dream. I have always vowed to put my community before myself. I too, want to build a student scholarship fund one day for those that are in need such as myself. If students are not receiving a way to be educated, then there is no future. I am one of these students who are not financially fit to become a doctor, yet it is a task that I am determined to complete no matter the adversity I will face. Affordable education is difficult to obtain, nonetheless, receiving this honor pledges that the future is in safe hands, for it will be given to someone who will give back to those in need.

M. Barrientos

M. Barrientos

J. Irabor August 2022

I lost my Dad December 5th, 2021. It was my first semester in the University of Michigan-Dearborn and everything went downhill from there. I finished the semester with a 1.98 GPA and fell into depression.

I realized my Dad wouldn't want my life to go on like this. He would want me to chase my dreams and to succeed. So, I began to work, each day and night to get my life back in order. To get my grades up and help the campus community grow. I am currently in my sophomore year with a CGPA of 3.4. I did that. I built myself back up and I hope my dad is proud. I still lack the financial resources since my Dad passed away but I've been working and trying my best to find scholarships to sponsor my education.

When I get this scholarship, it will be a great addition to helping me make it through college. My goal is to start up a car manufacturing company, so that I can create jobs for people and better their lives while also contributing greatly to the technological development of our planet.

Y. Shah July 2022

Hope: a four letter word that carries the power of a thousand seas. When everything slips through my fingers, and I feel lost, hope is the single flame that can carry me out of the darkness. As a girl from a long line of traditional families, many of my preceding family members don’t support someone like me having a higher education. Instead, girls my age are conditioned to simply marry. My mother escaped this traditional life with divorce, and I hope to break this tradition with hope. I always hoped to help others using my passion for science, but never knew how. As I matured, I learned that just because we close our eyes, doesn’t mean that the underprivileged disappear. Despite discouragement to pursue a future in healthcare from one side of my family, I remained on my path with hope the other side of my family gave. Today, with the power of hope, my goal has become more direct: I want to use my passion for science and the education I attain to help the underprivileged through healthcare, and most importantly, hope. As a member of a low-income family, I cannot afford college tuition as easily as others. I hope to use this scholarship money towards my college funds, pursuing a future in medicine, so I will one day be able to help underprivileged individuals and communities have greater access to healthcare. My dream is to return the hope I was lucky enough to receive, back to the world.


R. Rubio June 2022

Growing up the color blue made me happy. I loved seeing the dazzling blue sky and sparkling oceans. When I furthered my studies of computer science in high school, I was hit by waves of discouragement no ocean could ever make. I had begun to constantly fail my coding exams, and was the “black sheep” of my classes. This made me feel inadequate as my male classmates always exceeded. The blue shining oceans no longer became something I would admire, but the sole reminder of where I stand as a woman in the IT world. I felt as though the degree of computer science was just as unreachable as the skies. My favorite color became something I disliked.

Volunteering to teach kids in computer science, I saw my students’ eyes shine with anticipation when they solved their programming problems, including the imperfections they committed in their codes. The satisfaction they feel as they enjoy the moment of trial and error outweighed my discouragement. It reminded me of the anticipation of putting my ideas in the wind. It reminded me of creating change with every line of code I create on my blue laptop.

Blue is me, I am blue. This scholarship would help me pursue my degree in data science at university. I want to increase female involvement in computer science and data science. Being the only female in my IT courses is not a definition of discouragement, but a message of courage and change for future generations to come.

L. Macias May 2022

Choices. All important choices require courage. Meeting new people, going to college, serving in the military, playing sports, even writing an essay. Without courage to grow the world would go nowhere, nobody would go to the moon, nobody would want to be better. Fortunately everyone has a degree of courage, but not everyone cultivates it and stays determined to achieve their dreams.

Death is around the corner for everyone, we must live our lives knowing this. But no great thing is created suddenly, so there is a fear that our hard work is for nothing. This is where courage comes in, sacrificing the present for a better future. There is no easy way from the earth to the stars.

I have the courage and determination to achieve my goals. I want to create the stairs to the stars for humanity in the form of advancing space technology. Occasionally I’m distracted from my dream, but I have reminders of my purpose to keep me on track. What is your purpose, why were you yourself created? There is no shame in making an honest effort, do so and you will come closer to achieving your dreams and goals.

I’m making an honest effort to fund my education, and I hope you are working towards your dreams as well.


J. Radandt April 2022

Growth isn’t an automatic process. It requires careful nourishment, adequate attention, and loving dedication. But even with all that, growth requires something that cannot be given: the willingness to improve. This will is something that I have had to search for within myself, and at times, I thought it might never be found. In my darkest moments, I thought that growth was impossible for me, or even more worryingly, that I had nothing to grow towards- that my life was a dead end. When I think of how powerful those thoughts were, to be here, now, seems nothing short of a miracle. I’ve found the will to grow, and now that I have it, I intend to grow beyond what ever could have seemed possible for me. I want to get an education in clinical psychology, to help others find that same will to grow even if they think it’s nowhere to be found. I have a unique insight as to how hard it can be to reach that, and as such, I believe it’s my responsibility to help others obtain what I have been fortunate enough to find. With this scholarship, that future that once seemed nonexistent is within reach. And really, what could be a more worthwhile way to use this scholarship than providing a way for others to find their own courage to grow?

H. Carlson March 2022

What does it mean to grow? The Hana two years ago would say “It means to always be the best at everything and always saying yes to anything. I should take on every project, assignment, activity, and hobby and perform it at 100%. Growing means that I am adding more things to my plate”. This way of thinking is misinformed and is rooted in capitalism.

I told myself that I could never make a mistake, and can only show the final product. I thought sharing the process of how I got there, would be a weakness. In dance- it is my art form- they say that it is not just about arriving in the position but the beauty comes from how you got there. This makes me reflect on what I want my journey to look like, and where do I want to go? The Hana two years ago would say “it is to push through no matter what and set my needs as a human aside”. In the present day, I would say that “my growth is not based on what I can produce for the world. I believe that growing includes rest. It includes listening to your body and what it needs and not comparing it to the needs of others”. To be able to acknowledge, reflect, and change my mindset about an issue that is deeply ingrained in our society is growth that I am personally proud of.


J. Estrellas FEBRUARY 2022

I felt cold–my hands blue; as if I had stuck them in the snow for hours, were shaking like crazy. My heart was beating out of my chest. My anxiety went through the roof. Hysterical, I rushed through the Emergency Room, wandering and desperately looking for anyone to help me. Finally, what felt like hours, a Registered Nurse took me in. I could not recall her name, however, I do remember her mother-like care. As she placed a nebulizer on me, I could almost hear the shakiness in her voice as she repeated, “Deep breaths”.

Nurses play an essential role in our society. They have to walk through tears and blood every day, treat any patient they encounter, give orders, and administer medications, all while having a smile on their face. We often underestimate nurses and their capabilities, but we do not really know what they go through on a daily basis. To me, they are heroes. The nurse that cared for me is a hero.

As a first-generation college student and honor student, I will continue to push myself toward success to pursue my career in Nursing. In that process, I hope to become an inspiration to my family, friends, and others along the way, just like how the registered nurse who treated me at the hospital inspired me.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

J. Estrellas

B. Thompson January 2022

Change. One word, six letters, but a million chances of opportunity. If you google the word four definitions will come up. “Make someone or something different. To alter or modify.” This simple definition turns an ordinary one syllable word into something to strive for. The world is constantly advancing with new technology being created, new ideologies being spread, and generations being evolved. I myself have never been one for change; the idea scares me. Yet it’s the fear that that simple word gives me, that encourages me to be the change I want to see. As a kid I always had the big dreams and life goals teachers instilled in our minds. Be a straight A student, be on time, strive for greatness, and when all else fails you try again. This simple mindset shaped me into the person I am today. The life altering events that have taken place over the past year are the reason that change is needed. Change in the system, change in society and most importantly change within ourselves. I would like to be that change. My goals are to become a criminal defense attorney and help those who have been wrongly convicted, or simply want to be heard. If awarded this scholarship I can assist those seeking help and mean something to the people and this world. The question: why do I believe I should be awarded this scholarship? The answer is a simple 6 letter word with a million chances.


D. Wydeven December 2021

The interpretations of what it means to grow courageously are endless. In my life, growth has meant becoming comfortable with the uncomfortable. This concept has changed my life. What I once was most uncomfortable with was being myself. I wandered middle and high school as a tall, skinny math nerd. I felt so irrelevant despite everyone, only literally, looking up to me. A defining moment occurred in 10th grade during my honors English class. I was selected to participate in our school’s Poetry Out Loud competition, a national competition on poetry annunciation. This meant I had to perform in front of a panel of judges and my classmates. Uncomfortable, sweaty, and nervous, I walked up to the auditorium stage with lights so bright I could barely see. I took a few deep breaths and performed as I practiced. I would go on to win third place in my school in that competition, but more importantly I found myself. I could accept myself, whether I liked poetry, math, or soccer. I would go on to lead my school’s National Honors Society, start on varsity soccer, and help 8th graders transition into high school through Link Crew. These experiences taught me that being uncomfortable is more valuable to me than being comfortable. Without uncomfort we will never grow, and without courage we will never face uncomfort. With this scholarship I will bravely face the uncomfortable transition into college, with the financial burden eased through Courage to Grow.

A. Hernandez November 2021

As the first generation in my family to go to college, my parents have high expectations for me. It is hard trying to be perfect when I am far from it. Another thing being, they don’t believe in mental health. If I’m struggling, then I am expected to simply brush it off, and for the longest time that is what I did. Keeping all my emotions bottled up was very hard all throughout middle school and even some of high school. When I learned that it was okay to not be okay, I broke.

For the first time in probably ever, I was vulnerable. Being honest with myself on how I truly felt was a weird feeling but remarkably relieving. A big part of why my mental health was so terrible was the fact that I was expected to be perfect. Keeping up with grades, work, family, sports, and everything in between was hard and being expected to do everything right was even harder. Realizing that I don’t need to have a million things on my plate was refreshing. Learning how to be honest with myself helped me become a better person and helped me be happy.

As the oldest sibling, I want to pass down to my brothers that it’s normal to have these emotions. I need to show them that life can be amazing and beautiful. Life doesn’t have to be stressful all day every day. Life can be happy.


A. Hernandez

I.Owczarzak OCTOBER 2021

Throughout middle school, I was a book judged by its cover. People jeered at my unconventional dust cover. I escaped into books so frequently, punishments included current reading escapades being hidden from my sight. Although I read often, my youth reading adventures were spent with ignorance. I used novels as my numbing agent, a portal from a dreadful reality. Happy, blissful books were the only ones near my repertoire. Bubbly, carefree plots transferred joyful emotion into my personal life, changing my views on classmates. Unable to escape the villains gawking at me as I crossed the lunchroom, I imagined the only solution was to redesign my cover. I adorned an identical jacket to any other. Slowly I transformed into a reader’s worst nightmare: a classic, appealing cover on a hollow, boring book.

My perspective shifted after I read Marie Lu’s, Champion; for a reading contest at school. Upon its completion, I was sprawled on the floor of my bedroom crying. The conclusion encapsulates Day and June, love interests, as they lose each other due to near death and memory loss. A closing scene for Marie Lu’s book opened a new chapter in my reading career. Soon after, I slowly shed my built-up facade from middle school and returned to dressing in a cover that I appreciated, realizing that content superseded aesthetics. If people couldn’t look past my cover and into my content they put down my book too early.


J.Ipock September 2021

I have killed a man. I killed a kind but ignorant man who chose not to work for what he believed in but rather put his trust in delusional faith.

I was this man a couple of years ago, struggling in school, struggling in soccer, and struggling at home. I believed I could achieve anything but faltered when asked how I would obtain said achievements, thus my goals often landed me knee-deep in the water of failures whose existence I refused to accept. It wasn't until I was bullied and harassed that reality was cast down upon me like an angelic light. The people that tore my dreams to pieces; they unveiled how much harder I needed to work to even approach my goals.

That day I buried my old self, adopting new beliefs and a much harsher view of life. Ultimately, to say I deserve the scholarship is wrong, as deserve is a deceiving word that instills false hope, however, this scholarship would provide a lot for me and I would use it well. Today I am 5th in my class, 4.0 GPA, President of Science NHS, and NHS, and play varsity and club soccer.

My story is true.


V.Lin August 2021

Problem, design, create, discover. Life in the suburbs: questions coupled with lengthy car rides. In what ways can we encourage an environmentally friendly environment? How has climate change impacted coral reefs? How much of our body do we have control? It seems the more neuroscientists decipher the inner workings of the brain, the less power we seem to have on our bodies.

Participating in Project SEED and conducting two research projects, my experiences sparked curiosity to answer my many puzzling questions. The beauty of research is that you can never stop discovering something new. It is just so alluring; there is just so much of the world we have yet to understand and numerous unconventional discoveries to be made.

Environmental studies have always been a passion of mine. As a nature advocate, one of my research projects was on acid precipitation on trichome production. I hope to expand my research and develop ways to protect wildlife and the ecosystem.

Climate change has brought detrimental effects around the globe, and scientists try to develop alternative energy sources to slow down global warming. I want to be at the center of this movement of promoting environmental sustainability. With the scholarship, I hope to further my education and research on ecotoxicology to create an environmentally safe place for future generations.

R.Sutton July 2021

Growing up with divorced parents, finding a sense of HOME was always difficult for me. For years I lived in an abusive household I felt I could never escape. Fortunately, my grandma’s house became a safe haven for me, a place where I could detach from all the drama. I was soon inspired to create my first film, “Home” where I assembled different clips of my grandmother’s house and put them against a piano track. It was from this very film I realized I could translate life’s experiences into my art.

As I faced more challenges, I began to cling to my art more than ever. Frequently moving around, my family suffered to obtain financial stability. What transpired was a general feeling of uneasiness and severe anxiety. I created my film, “A Rose Grows” an ode to my evolving self-identity in response to a life I felt was constantly changing.

While my cognitive learning difficulties also proved to be an existing challenge, I was eager to fight for my academic success. In high school, I pushed myself to take AP classes and extracurriculars, and after lots of hard work, got into my dream school, NYU. I soon created my dance film, “Seeing Purple” which was about my struggle to overcome my learning difficulties and turn them into my superpowers.

Art is my HOME. I will continue to make meaningful work in the hopes that it will resonate with the world around me.

Thank you for your time and thoughtful consideration.


O. Donney June 2021

One sentence.

I never thought that one sentence could cause such uncertainty and so many unpredictable variables in my life. I had my life planned out. The first step was to study abroad in college, graduate, and then do traveling work. Now things are different. That one sentence two months ago changed my life.

I...have metastatic breast cancer. She was in tears and kept repeating sorry over and over again. My world stopped. My mother. My role model. My best friend. My only parent is dying.

I asked the dreaded question, “How long?”

5 years. I couldn’t breathe. No. A million thoughts ran through my head. The big one being college. With added medical bills, could we even pay for them? Should I take a permanent leave to spend the remaining time with my mom? What does she want to do? What am I supposed to do? Is there a book on this somewhere? How can I go back to school which is halfway across the country as my mother gets treatment? What is the right decision?

There is no right decision.

My mother has always wanted me to graduate college, so I want her to see me graduate. I need to stay strong. Reach inside, grab that courage and hold on as tight as I can. I am going to graduate and make her proud. Sometimes things are not easy, but that means the rewards are even greater.

X. St. Hill May 2021

One of the most important aspects of leadership for me is the philosophy of “Think and Do” in which I actively work to serve the greater good. Last June, I got the opportunity to work for North Carolina News Daily, a local online newspaper.

George Floyd was murdered a few days before I began working. While this was not the first time a traumatizing event like this has happened, I couldn't help but feel shocked and scared during those 8 minutes and 46 seconds, and the days that followed. Soon after, the police killing of Rayshard Brooks was reported. As a young Black teen, my heart felt like it was sinking

Working for a newspaper, I didn’t feel right remaining silent about these atrocities. My boss felt the same. With her help, I was able to begin the most Meaningful project of my summer.

Businesses struggled during the COVID-19 pandemic, I wanted to do something to support our Black community. Thus, my project began: creating a series of 6 articles, highlighting the diverse array of Black-owned businesses throughout North Carolina

Although 2020 was filled with much despair, especially for the Black community, there were still positives, beacons of light in the darkness. I was one of those beacons of light. That fact alone was enough to lift my previously sunken heart, and my spirits.

As an aspiring engineer, I'm intent on creating solutions to solve global problems, including issues of inequality and racism. I'm going to make the world a better place, for everyone.

MIT ID 1 Copy

R. Guerra April 2021

Living in neighborhood full of gangs, drugs and poverty our chances at life didn’t seem to have the best outcomes. Most of our family was gang related and the lifestyle seemed normal at a young age. It was regular life and sooner than later it became normal to use alcohol/drugs, cause ruckus and have this mentality that was, what I now call, fogged and warped by fear. About 10 years later I found myself barely holding on to life.

As a mother, I was confused as to where, why or how did this happen. Something inside me sparked. I cannot describe what caused this shift in my life; it was peaceful, calm, and very accepting. It was an awareness of a presence of something bigger than this world. I started to look at my past life.

Looking for preconceived ideas that had formed in the life I lived for so long, I was seeing parts of my life that I had a chance to take action on and that time was right then and now. I was to either live with a fogged perception fueled by selfishness, fear and self-pity, or I could be selfless, brave, and confident. This change in perception gave me the ability to help others.

Today I mentor other women and show them what worked for me. I overcame my difficulties. I got accepted into the most competitive BSN program in my area and I’M GOING TO BE A NURSE!

T. Taylor March 2021

The first half of my childhood was spent in foster care due to domestic violence, extreme neglect, and sexual abuse. Fortunately, I was adopted at the age of nine. My adoptive family guided me through a very painful healing journey. Proudly, I can now say that I have come to dramatic levels of healing and can now use my painful past to help others. A deep determination has always been present, despite the fact that I easily could have become another statistic.

After healing from my trauma, I was determined to break misconceptions about those who have been in foster care. We are not broken, nor are we damaged. Early graduation from high school was my first step, followed by publishing my autobiography called “Shattered No More”; I have answered the call to share my story through public speaking to crowds of up to 2000 in order to provide hope.

My college journey has included a nearly perfect GPA of 3.96 and recognition through numerous awards. Unlike those adopted over the age of 12, I have no financial assistance for my education. Without financial assistance, achieving my goal of obtaining a Master’s in Counseling may be impossible. The name of this scholarship spoke to me as I believe I have exemplified the courage to grow and strive to help others do the same. Thank you for your consideration.


M. Haklidir February 2021

One of the most debated topics in America is how to provide affordable healthcare to the masses. While many focus on accessible health insurance, I believe the answer lies in accessible healthcare providers. With this scholarship, I could continue my training to become a nurse practitioner and provide attainable medical services to underserved communities. My grandparents relied on home remedies to treat any ailment my brother and I developed. This is when my passion for medicine first took form.

Minimal medical care was not a concern until my grandfather went to the hospital for severe stomach problems. These were the result of Colon Cancer. Because my grandfather had not been to the doctor in years, the flare-up was highly aggressive. When I decided to go to college, I knew I wanted to help people like my grandfather. I chose the path to become a nurse practitioner because I can practice medicine without charging a fortune for my services.

Nurse practitioners are particularly beneficial in rural communities where hospitals and doctors are limited or non-existent. Being an honor student and going above and beyond for my goals, regardless of my financial crisis. I am grateful to be considered for this scholarship opportunity, and should I be selected, I will use it to advance my medical education.

M. Haklidir

R. Doty January 2021

I was attracted to this scholarship because of its name and the meaning behind it. I know from experience; that a little bit of courage can go a long way! As a first-generation high school graduate, it has taken a lot of courage for me to use my education as a way break my family’s cycle of generational poverty.

My motivation is to not only provide a stable life for my own family, but to also follow my passion of helping at-risk youth break their negative family life cycles as well. My career and educational goals are extremely valuable to me. I’m aware that I can only accomplish these goals by earning a bachelor’s degree and pursuing a respectable career in my desired field of Human Services.

Being awarded the Courage to Grow Scholarship would be a true blessing to me. The financial assistance would help me fulfill my dream of becoming a college graduate, and get me one step closer to helping others find the courage to follow their own dreams.


R. Yousuf December 2020

“Who am I?”This question stuck with me through the years, as I contemplated just what made me a unique individual. This past summer I finally cracked a piece of the puzzle to answer the above question by utilizing the idea of the courage to grow.

The entire world was thrown into the chaos of our current Pandemic merely a year ago. I was simply lost, with a loss of what seemingly was my comfortable routine. There was suddenly so much time to reflect on the world; and might I say that I was horrified.

The death of George Floyd was a cold awakening to the reality that racism was largely existent. I was living in such an idealistic world prior to actually taking the time to reflect on the state of the country I lived in. I could not simply stand by, it was time to take a step forward and change the world.

Courage is the ability to take that initial step, regardless of what emotions are holding you back. I used such courage to join a group of students to look at the state of equity in education at our high school. The courage it took to put my voice and the voice of my peers out into our world, was the catalyst. Not only did I take a step forward for change, but also a step that allowed me to realize I am someone who wants to be the change I want to see in the world.

S. Evelyne November 2020

Daring greatly, I left my psychologically abusive husband of sixteen years. The outside world contained so much wonder that even when I succumbed to tears under the suffering of either my own family or the universe itself, I refused to stop believing that there was more to life than what experience had shown me.

Courage was a dimmer of a light inside of me, but hope kept whispering to my soul. Those echoes of hope breathed life to awaken me each day to push forward with tenacity. Ignorant, I had few ideas of what was beyond the brick walls of the home where I raised my children. I vowed to use every bit of energy to keep my children thriving.

I refused to walk away, but leaving with my children was not safe either. Divorce while recovering from a traumatic brain injury was audacious. Convinced that the abuse would someday stop, I stayed until it was undeniable that they too were being abused. But etched into my mind was the image of the gun he had purchased when I tried to leave ten years prior. Was leaving even possible?

Yes it was; in the middle of a brisk November night we escaped to my cousin’s house. I had forgotten what safety, or the semblance of it, had even felt like. My life continued to change; my voice grew stronger and louder. And then I took the most courageous step of all; I went back to college as a single mother.


O. Todd October 2020

Today, I am someone who strives to embody the Courage to Grow but I did not always have courage. I feared judgment and let doubt, comparison and flaws stifle me for a period of time. Freshman year, my family moved twenty miles from the only house I knew. I went from a public charter school with uniforms and 3 hallways for grades K-8 to being at a large public high school with almost two thousand students.

I had attended my old school since kindergarten and knew names of the younger primary hall students. I quickly realized in high school that how you look and behave affects the number of friends you have, hangouts you’re invited to, and followers on social media. Every year, I became increasingly self-conscious. I didn’t want to rub anyone the wrong way or look silly by what I said or did, so I often said nothing and missed opportunities that I wish I hadn’t.

This time of COVID restrictions gave me the distance I needed to hear my authentic voice. As evidence of my courage to grow, I followed my passion for politics and started a club where we strive to close the age, race, and gender gap in voting, by changing the culture around it. With a college degree in political science, I want to continue to advocate for issues such as mass incarceration and healthcare equity. Growth takes the courage to face judgment, make mistakes, look awkward and trust that it is worth it.

J. Jensen September 2020

“You’ll never make it through college". This statement, issued by my 11th-grade chemistry teacher, shook me to the core. I had always been the source of constant criticism due to my Attention Deficit Disorder, yet this denunciation was the catalyst for change in my life. Motivated by a newly discovered Me vs. The World mentality, I set out to quell the doubts placed in my mind by both teachers and acquaintances. I succeeded. My senior year was a milestone. I achieved high grades, made sports teams, participated in clubs, and improved my social life.

I should have been happy. I wasn’t.

It took me some time to understand why. I had for the past year, focused on ME. My doubts, my faults, my failings. I had been motivated to squash criticism about ME. This sole focus on myself had unknowingly made me miserable. I set out to change this. I volunteered at reading centers, I focused on my family, I made a goal to perform one charitable thing daily. I switched the focus from ME to OTHERS. I had the courage to grow. I want to help others grow as well. That is why I am attending college to become a licensed psychologist.

I am now happy. Yet, happiness doesn’t last. I still get sad. Worries plague my mind. The burdens of paying for my education haunt me. Yet through this new approach, I now have true joy. I’ve discovered that although happiness is fleeting, true joy lasts a lifetime.


D. Daniel August 2020

The Courage to Grow Scholarship provides an opportunity for me to reduce the cost of earning my education. I am determined not to allow financial burdens to prevent me from making an impact on the world. The economic support this scholarship will provide will not only fund my education, but in due time, it will be paid forward to increase the number of students who will be able to earn their education as I plan to create my own scholarship foundation when I become successful. Consequently, it is imperative that students like me, who are financially supported by a single-parent household, have the same educational opportunity as students who have the financial support of both parents.

Correspondingly, this has been a pivotal time in my life as an African American female, being a black woman, who moved from Florida to Atlanta, with my dad right when my high school journey was about to begin. Not only was I without my mom, but I lived with three other people in my Granny’s one-bedroom apartment (three people sleeping in the same bed). In the face of that admittedly challenging adversity, I showed no signs of drop-off in my academic performance. Quite the contrary, it actually provided me the foundation to be a better student who valued the importance of education as I saw it as my only way out of this hardship. I have been denied countless scholarships, but I still choose to persevere because giving up is not an option.

C. Brennan July 2020

At the age of 30 I decided to go back to school. The decision was not easy. I wasn’t sure I was capable of going to college. This was not due to any obvious self doubt; I told myself it was not the path for me and I worked and traveled instead. I grew into myself during the years away from school and what I know now is that I carried a sense of self lack and disempowerment around life and around academia. With systems of reward and success being male-centric; the seeds of doubt were planted in me as a young girl and I didn’t notice the brambles they grew into, blocking my path.

When I plunged into community college I was surprised to find that I excelled in my studies because I really wanted to learn and I began to find words and ideas for things I had thought about for years around social and ecological injustices. With growing confidence I found the courage to study art which I’ve done since I can remember. Art, I had been told, would never support me and was impractical. I have begun to see that pursuing art is my path toward contributing to a more just and loving world that I believe in, and this begins with completing my BFA. But I need help with this dream as the costs of going to school are solely my responsibility and so I ask to be considered for your generous scholarship.


T. Bullock June 2020

As a Jazz pianist, I have discovered the invaluable gift of my unique creative voice through music, which allows me to persevere through difficult times and express my perspective in society. One of the greatest attributes of music is that it gives a voice for people to tell their stories, especially those who may not otherwise have a platform. Through music, I hope to expose the deep-rooted systemic injustices in our nation’s history and raise our collective consciousness towards love and acceptance of one another.

Recently, I was honored to host a virtual “At Home” concert through the Nashville Jazz Workshop. Jazz music reflects the culture, strength, and ingenuity of the African-American people and I wanted to express that in my show. The set list included songs that speak to the history of injustice that plague our country.

The universality of music has given me the honor to serve a diverse group of people, including children in the inner city, people who have struggled with drug addiction, and most recently, the elderly at an assisted living facility. Through these experiences, I have seen, firsthand, the power of music to make a positive impact on a community.

This fall, I will audition for music conservatories. My goal is to be a professional jazz performer, composer, and educator. Your investment will enable me to gain the knowledge and skills to educate youth as well as create music that unifies, raises awareness, and inspires change for the social ills in our society.

J. Myers May 2020

I live in a small town. Most of the people here were born and raised here. Families stay for generations, they raise their kids and grandkids in the same place. They have childhood friends and ties to the community. All of these things give them a sense of belonging.

I, however, have not had that experience. I have grown up in three different states; Florida, Oklahoma, and Georgia. Each time I start to get settled somewhere I end up moving again.

This caused me to feel like an outsider and become very angry. I kept myself from getting invested in any place. I was so focused on what life could have been that I missed out on what it actually was. My own anger was my greatest obstacle.

One day, however, I made the deliberate decision to let go of my anger. I realized that I was holding myself back, and I would never grow if I continued this way. This was a difficult decision to make, but I am so glad I did. I now realize that new experiences should be embraced, not feared.

I believe that these experiences have shaped me into the person I am today. I now have a unique ability to not only adapt, but to thrive in new and challenging circumstances. It is for these reasons that I know I am well equipped for my next exciting journey, college. This scholarship would help me be able to enjoy that journey a little bit more.


N. Harling April 2020

I am unsure of everything. I am unsure of what to do today. I am unsure about what job I want to pursue. I am unsure of where I want to live. I am unsure if I can travel the world. I am unsure of everything. There is only one thing that I am sure of, I am sure that I need to go to college.

I value education. Without education the next generation of leaders would not be able to make necessary decisions. Whether those leaders are high school principals or the president of the United States, they need education. Education challenges our minds and pushes us to achieve what we are truly capable of. Without education society would have to start over and begin again.

I deserve this scholarship because I value the education college will offer me. I understand the impact that this scholarship could have on me and my life. I am ready to grow as a human and learn more about myself, the people around me, and the world. This scholarship will help me achieve my educational goals and set me on a path to becoming one of America’s future leaders.

J. Craig March 2020

Courage is standing up for what is right, even if what is right is not what you want. Courage is setting aside differences and helping your neighbor like she is your sister. Courage is being brutally honest with yourself when you need to be told the bitter truth.

I try to be courageous for the kid in my first-period English class who is closeted like I was and does not know whether to laugh or not when kids in our class are using the word “fag” or “gay” in place of “stupid” or “dumb”. I try to be courageous when I worked on a congressional campaign in 2018 facing a tidal wave of prejudice while I focused on ensuring the voice of everyone, democrats, independents, and republicans were heard by doing mass voting registration drives. I try to be courageous for my mother who works so hard to put my brother and me through school, giving up so much in her life for us.

I can remember when my mom came home from her second job one night years ago. I looked at her as she hid her eyes from the cruel world with her hands only for a moment. She then pulled her hair back and got to work on homework with me as I was extremely dyslexic as a child and could not do it alone. She gives me the courage to grow. This scholarship merely helps ensure I have the money to do so in college.


S. Beleau February 2020

Growth is a concept I feel quite emphatically about. In my eighteen years, I have met adversity, and have learned to fight through it. Throughout grade school and my adolescence, I faced numerous bullies; therefore it was a continual struggle to even know what self-esteem felt like.

My lack of self-worth and need for inclusion made me an easy target; verbal and physical fights were daily occurrences during my childhood. In middle and high school, I let other people just as insecure as myself assign a low value to me, inviting negative thoughts that pervaded my mind like a virus.

Finding my self-esteem was like the allegory of Plato’s Cave: I found light in a place I had not recognized as dark; I learned that my value was to be rightfully decided by myself. Seeing this light in the dark exhibited my most substantial growth within my high school career. I changed the things I said about myself to myself. Finally, my own future came into focus, no longer blurred by insecurities.

With self-esteem came maturity. Embodying the concept of self-esteem is what has made me the person I am today, one who is stronger than he once was. Not only did I grow out of weakness, but I have also learned along the way that growth is a necessity for those with ambitions such as myself; One who has degrees to earn, businesses to start, and places to see.

A. Stanger January 2020

I believe I am the epitome of the phrase, “Courage to Grow”. I don’t have a story like some, a story of loss or rejection or disease. My story is about how I had the courage to completely change my perspective.

My brother has autism and over the years, it has affected our family immensely. My parents dedicate a huge amount of time to him with doctor appointments, school meetings, medication research, counseling appointments and much more. Often, I used to find myself feeling like an afterthought to my parents. I felt like my family’s life revolved around my brother until one day I had the courage to grow by switching my perspective to the perspective of my brother. I had the courage to choose to see him as not a challenge in my life, but as an opportunity for growth. I had the courage to let go of the feeling that I was alone. I loved my brother before, but that day, I had the courage to love him unconditionally. Although this compassion and understanding may come easy to some, I consider it an amazing step of growth in my life.

Since then, I’ve been able to see not only my brother in a different light, but people all around me. Because I had the courage to grow, the courage to become a better person, I have found a happiness in which I couldn’t obtain any other way. My courage to face my hardships truly changed my life forever.


M. William December 2019

Life doesn't necessarily get easier as you get older. Things are constantly changing. Even when you are not expecting it or wanting it. It was never my plan to return to college in my fifties. However, life throws challenges our way and we must adjust. I was laid off from my job this past summer.

I never expected that I would be in this position at this age; and it was a turning point. I could continue down the same path that was comfortable and familiar or try something new. I decided to venture out of my comfort zone and took it as an opportunity to further myself and my career options.

I am now enrolled in college and excited about my future. It’s all new and quite daunting, but I am looking toward the future; not living in the past.

This is my one life and I choose to be proactive and not be discouraged. It will not be easy and I will have to challenge myself daily. Who knows what will come of my efforts, but I believe I will be better off with more knowledge and new skills.

You are never too old to learn!!

M. Her November 2019

Throughout my life, I was often alone and spent a lot of time observing the behaviors of the people around me. I analyzed closely what they thought and how they reacted to different situations. Oddly enough, I realized how alike we are, how basic life is, but also how dynamic. Humans have a large capacity for love, as well as cruelty; this could be the reason why our world appears corrupt. We constantly seek the superior, the artificial human, to guide us to the path of perfection. Unfortunately for some people, this desire is immeasurable to fill, yet others have nothing to fill.

During my adolescence years, I struggled a lot with my identity: I wore the labels others put on me. Little did I know, I dug my grave deeper by keeping my voice shut away, this had let others live vicariously through me. But after learning that no matter what I changed of myself, there will always be those who appreciate me and those who do not. I embraced my will to live and my will to succeed in life. I came to truths with my identity after forgiving myself and knew deep down that I desired wisdom. The taste of overcoming is rejuvenating to my purpose in life.

Going to college will give me the knowledge to help others overcome their own hardships through engineering and creating new ideas with technology to help the environment, to spread awareness about social issues and solve world problems.


C. Bush October 2019

Shrimp, Shorty, Short-Stack - just a few “nicknames” given to me by classmates. Nevertheless, I set my mind to achieving great heights in other ways - ways that can’t be measured by a yardstick.

In spite of being picked on in school for my short stature, I was determined that I wouldn’t let it get to me. I excelled academically and began growing in my community. Although I am a high school senior and only 5 feet tall, I have “Courage to Grow” on the inside showing others a person is not only made of the outward appearance but also the heart. I demonstrate this as a Jr. Captain for Young Men of Valor, a program that focuses on young boys’; mental, physical, and spiritual growth. Many of the boys are physically taller than I am; however, I encourage them to grow up to be respectful and responsible young men. I am also an owner of an eBay business and a pianist at a center for disabled adults.

Helping others is not my only passion; I am very fascinated by technology. I plan to go to college for computer science and start a computer freelancing business, allowing me to work both in Corporate America and in the homes of our communities.

This scholarship will help me be a model for those to whom the world says, “You don’t measure up”; - so they too will have the “Courage to Grow”.

P. Thomas September 2019

When imagining my strengths, talents and hobbies, I often see myself on a literal tree. A tall, gnarly tree sprawling in many different directions.

When I look up, I see that my tallest branches tower many feet above, filled with lush, green leaves and forming a canopy to shadow the space below. These branches of my academia, flourishing since childhood, are much stronger and harbor much greater potential to produce fruit: becoming a doctor, a lawyer, an engineer. I can almost see this fruit springing from the branches.

However, I still find myself lingering below them, in their shadow, on a low hanging branch “ My Branch of Cinema”. It is sturdy and healthy, yet small. I have only known this new academia for a few years. I think, “It would be silly to stay on this branch and wait for it to grow fruit. I must do what will surely make money”. Though I cannot bring myself to climb to the canopy branches.

Creating, innovating, presenting, entertaining. This branch, although new and young, harbors all of the things I love. The branches within my canopy, no matter how large they may grow, hold no passion. However, sticking to this path requires courage: courage to remain with this little branch, courage to help it and watch it grow and intertwine with the branches above until it bears the best fruit on my tree. I believe that this scholarship will help me to do just this.


E. Pan August 2019

As a child, I was constantly in awe of the interconnectedness of the universe. It was this feeling of childhood wonder that began my passion for physics and later motivated me to tutor others. I had never understood the appeal of teaching until I became a peer tutor. The shine in a student’s eyes when they finally understand a topic, the jumbled words as their brain moved faster than their mouth, the feeling of satisfaction when they tell me they notice a phenomenon in real life, all far outweighed the time and effort behind it.

Additionally, I hope to increase female participation in the sciences. I’ve only met a handful of female students who can say confidently that they want to pursue physics, or engineering, or math beyond high school. I promoted Women of Science in my school where we see more and more girls show the confidence and comfort to allow their excitement for science to truly show. I hope that I can spark change in the world by educating girls and prove traditional gender roles wrong.

It is important to give back what you have taken from the world, and I feel that it is my obligation to spread the insight that I have gained. In any case, to fulfill this goal, I must start by educating myself in order to educate others. I’d like to use this scholarship to experience a college education so that I can have the expertise to incite the same feeling in others.

C. Strahan July 2019

There comes a time in everyone’s life when they have a breakthrough. After years of trying and failing, I picked myself back up again and realized my true passion.

I am in love with space. The empty cosmos that lies just outside of our reach. The millions and millions of miles of unlimited beauty. The drive for science fiction, exploration, and the ability to touch the stars. I want to go to school to see that infinite layer of beauty. I often find myself looking upwards to the sky and wondering what else is up there. More planets? Stars? Galaxies? People? Anything could be in space and I want to see it. Through researching, watching videos, and doing my own stargazing at night I discovered that aerospace engineering is my true calling. I never wanted to do anything more than create technology (space shuttles, spacesuits, satellites, rovers) to see beyond what humans can grasp. Human beings have set foot on the moon before and it can and will happen again through the future generation of star gazers such as myself. I might be young and naive but everyone has been at some point. If the world didn’t have young people chasing their dreams then we wouldn’t have the luxuries that we live with today. Human knowledge now expands outside the realm of possibilities.

Nothing is truly impossible without dreams and courage. With one vision in mind, I can change the world. All it takes is a little courage to grow.


O. Wyles June 2019

The title of this scholarship, “Courage to Grow”, expresses the profound belief that growing is a choice, and a courageous one at that. Although rain falls from the sky and the seeds in the ground will undoubtedly grow, humans are different. Life hands us rain, but it is our own courageous decision to use it to grow.

In 2015 I developed an autoimmune disorder called Alopecia that caused all of the hair on my body to fall out. As a girl in high school, image is everything, and this personal loss left me broken and fearful of what life would look like going forward. As I navigated through this complex time in my life, I could have chosen to hide myself away and let this debilitate me, or I could choose to embrace who I was and whilst doing so encourage others to do the same. I am proud to say that I chose the latter.

Since that loss 3.5 years ago, I have had the opportunity to be courageous every time that I walk out of the house with a bare head proclaiming that image isn’t everything, and being bald is beautiful. Not fitting into societal standards is still beautiful.

I believe that I should be awarded this scholarship because I am committed to growth. Through a multitude of personal experiences I have learned that embracing growth within yourself is a way to encourage it in others, and we could all use a little encouragement in our lives.

V. Simeon May 2019

I believe I am the right applicant for this scholarship because I understand how much courage it takes to reach my goals no matter what comes my way.

Being a child of two immigrant parents, opportunity to go to college was all my parents dreamed for their children. Although I was the second born of two children, I am the only one who decided to go to college and pursue my dream of becoming a pediatric nurse. In my senior year of high school an unfortunate event occurred in my life. I lost my mother to diabetes which had been giving her health complications for years. I took a fall and failed my senior year due to depression and stress. Despite people around me saying my chances of getting into college were low, I fought the fight and went back to high school to get my diploma. From getting my diploma to being in my last year of college today, I have the “Courage To Grow” because I know how it feels to go through hard times and have very few people believe in you and yet still succeed.

I deserve this scholarship because I am prepared to make a difference in other people’s lives. I will give back to the community and encourage other people to have the courage to grow in any situation or circumstance .This scholarship will help me finish my last year of undergrad and be the first in my family to receive a bachelor’s degree.


J. Bosley April 2019

I believe I embody the spirit of this scholarship award which seeks to recognize young scholars who are courageously committed to obtaining a college degree and attaining their goals. I have always prided myself on maintaining high grades and appreciating the excellent educational opportunities which have been afforded to me.

One of my greatest personal strengths is determination and it has served to empower me with a good work ethic, ambition, positive focus, and the dedication necessary to successfully accomplish all my career and personal goals. My determined drive comes from my maternal grandfather, who was my substitute father and mentor. He passed away from cancer when I was 13, without the opportunity to share one last hug or meaningful talk. Accepting his loss was one of my biggest life challenges thus far, particularly because my mom and I lived with my grandparents following my parent’s divorce.

Receiving this scholarship would lessen the financial burden of receiving a higher education. My family makes many sacrifices in order to provide me with opportunities which enhance my life. However, like many other students, I still need to seek employment and student loans in order to afford college. If I were fortunate enough to be a recipient of this scholarship, it would offer me the ability to work less and focus more on studying, thus permitting me to fully appreciate the educational value offered at the collegiate level. Lessened financial burden equates to lessened stress.

Thank you for considering me for this scholarship.

G. Davis March 2019

In May of 2018 there was an ICE raid in Mount Pleasant, Iowa. This idyllic town where I grew up seemed to suddenly transform in to a hateful place before my eyes. This being exactly what I have been combatting throughout my years of classroom teaching and global-minded learning energized me to take action through work with the organization “IowaWINs”.

IowaWINs connects affected families with the resources and help they need to move through their family’s separation, loss and all-together trying times. Since June of 2018 I have been responsible for communicating with my assigned family to answer questions, connect them with local charitable events that can provide them with basic necessities, legal advice, job opportunities, and more.

As an ESL teacher, I do my best to use the afore-mentioned realizations and passion for action, acceptance and love in the classroom every day. After a day of teaching, I switch roles, as I am currently enrolled in the Masters in TESOL program at the University of Minnesota where I teach a TOEFL prep course and Research Writing to international students. Each of these positions allows me to demonstrate my leadership skills, work ethic and flexibility as I move from job to job, jumping from different populations and learning levels; sometimes all in one day!

Knowing that as a student and as a teacher attitude is everything, I do my best to arrive to my classes with an excitement for learning, a drive to succeed, and a heart full of empathy.


T. Walter February 2019

Courage is climbing Mount Everest, battling cancer, and skydiving. But courage is also those small steps. The ones that you might have never taken, like trying something new or taking a chance. Courage is sharing a part of yourself that is intrinsically vulnerable. Your heart, your personality, your soul. That part of you that is poured into everything you do.

Everything we do in life is based around courage. It determines whether we step outside, raise a hand in class, speak up against something, try for an internship, forgive someone, or apologize for a wrongdoing. Courage is stepping out of your comfort zone and being willing to experience what life has to offer. Being willing to do the things that scare us.

We grow into the people we were meant to be because courage gives us the opportunity. I often just go with the flow, do things only when I am pushed toward them, but lately there has been a spark of something else; a spark I am beginning to think of as courage. It is a yearning to get up and do something. To discover who I could be if I allowed courage to speak. Every day I am learning that the more I am led by that spark, the bigger it grows. It is becoming a flame that illuminates the path I can take. The path of courage.

A. Capel January 2019

Growing up I learned different nourishes courage, adversity is the ultimate test of determination, and hardship is life strengthening me. I am a different thinker with ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, CAPD and visual disturbances.

My life is like a glass of ice water. The rim of the glass represents overcoming to achieve my goals, the water, me with my differences, and the ice is my tenacity. Along my journey, as I keep adding ice, the water rises and cannot be held back. It continually spills over the rim. My differences cannot hold me back. With unending determination, I rise and overcome to achieve my goals.

I process information differently than most people. I think and problem solve out of the box. Frankly, I try to destroy the box. School is very much in the box. I have weathered an educational system not built for me, that focused more on my weaknesses than it ever cared about my strengths. On my fantastic journey I found me, my voice and my courage to grow. I learned to self-advocate, to actively communicate with my teachers and ask for the things I need. I know my trials, they haven’t defined me but how I have responded to them has shaped me into an empathetic, fierce, compassionate, driven, perseverant, resilient person. I have realized what I put after I am: defines me. When I say I am different it is a blessing because my different sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.


H. Lim December 2018

My cape flapping through the wind and my rosy cheeks stinging from the moisture in the clouds, I extended my arms with my small, grubby fists clenched as I flew over dozens of skyscrapers. Urgent to defeat the supervillain terrorizing my city, I activate my laser eyes until -

Rubbing my eyes, I snap back into reality and remove my cape - the plastic dry cleaning garment bag my parents use for their customers. I venture off in the store hearing the release of steam behind me. I see my father - sweat dripping down his cheeks - rapidly ironing in order to finish the large stack by the end of the day.

My parents sacrificed their livelihood in South Korea to grant happiness for their children - their sacrifice, a struggle hidden behind my father’s gentle smile every evening. Business was failing, yet my happiness was one thing my father strived to maintain. Years later, I found myself at the store more often - yet it became me rapidly ironing clothes and tagging garments.

Experiencing the hardships as an immigrant from a working-class background has grounded me as an individual - I have grown foundations, such as empathy, independence, and strength, which I carry into my everyday lifestyle.

Epitomizing the purpose of this scholarship, I can grow. Instead of fearing my future battles, I plan to embody them - striding toward them with my cape flapping through the wind, my fists clenched, and a new strength upon my shoulders.

A. Kazen November 2018

I can’t do it. I think to myself as I decide it’s easier to let what my professor said go, than to challenge her.

I can’t do it. I say as I know I should stand up to a classmate and tell them they shouldn’t be talking like that, but it’s easier to say nothing.

I can’t do it. I sigh, hearing of people who have changed history by standing for what they believe.

Courageous people don’t get enough credit. Do hard things? Stand up for what you believe? Contradict the majority because you are persuaded about what you know to be true? It’s great in theory, but it takes real strength of character to put it into practice. Courage is looking at your life, knowing you are where you are for a reason, and not being afraid to believe it. Courage is knowing that even when you don’t have the strength in yourself, you’re never alone. Courage, I have learned, takes practice, but it is worth the temporary discomfort.

Courage is deciding you can’t do something because it’s too hard, and then doing it anyway. Courage is taking a deep breath and saying, I can do it!!


B. Welch October 2018

I believe I’m the right applicant for this scholarship because it was intended to help people find the courage to pursue higher education.

The story of my success in college is still unfolding, but it started with my family losing everything in the great recession of the late 2000’s. I was forced to forgo college and get regular jobs to pay for my living expenses. I decided to volunteer in my available free time while I worked on my character and formulated a precise life plan. My volunteer activities included disaster relief, drug abuse counseling and community betterment events.

After seven years of volunteering and seven thousand hours in total, I was able to determine the one passion that had never wavered. I dream to become a mechanical engineer with a focus in sustainability. I dream of enabling our society to live with clean energy. Someday, I believe I will help bring global warming to a halt. Upon resolving to return to college, I discovered there were Federal and State programs to help me. I was lucky to receive financial aid. While financial aid doesn’t take care all the costs of becoming a mechanical engineer, it has shown me that it is possible to find a way to my dream. That’s why I’m applying to this scholarship. The Courage to Grow Scholarship, if I’m lucky enough to receive it, will mean so much to me in my journey.

J. McKeehan September 2018

I work with my hands, and create masterpieces out of cardboard and wood and spray paint. When I notice something others perceive as broken, replaceable, I see something that can be made into something new, beautiful, with purpose and life, not to be thrown into the massive overflowing wastes of buried garbage, but reused.

Last summer, I rode my bike to Ace Hardware, and came home with the top half of a fan, the rest broken off and the fan going to be thrown away. In a shower of sawdust, sappy wood glue and a shiny saw gifted by my grandpa, I transformed this rejected piece of plastic into a useful fan with a sturdy wooden windmill base. My new loyal helper kept me cool and content throughout the blasted hot days of other summer projects.

I have had the courage, time and time again, to challenge our community’s perception of object permanence and social stigma against touching an object labeled “trash”. We, as a whole, must continue to open our minds to see in a different light, more than a wasteful society.

If this scholarship were to be given to me, it would ensure my funds to go to a good college, because money for education is not something that I can always make out of scrap. When I grow up, I want to make a difference in this world.

J. McKeehan


B.McMillon August 2018

“Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair” is the opening line of a poem that my mother recited to me growing up. It speaks to the struggles I experienced growing up as a child of a single mother without my father’s involvement- physically, emotionally, or financially. She encouraged me to not let that hinder me from becoming a successful black male. Despite his absence, I am not, was, and will never be a statistic. I believe in myself. I have worked extra hard to maintain a high academic standard so that I can enroll in my college of choice. I have the “courage to grow” because I see where kids like me end up without an education.

I deserve this scholarship because I am prepared to make a difference in this world if I attain the proper education. I will give back to my community and inspire kids like me to grow. This scholarship will help me to realize my dream of becoming an engineer so that I can earn a decent living and not have to depend on anyone or the system for survival. I will be the recipient in which you will be most proud to share my success because of your support. I am the only male in my family to ever go to college. Therefore, you will help me start a generational tradition by helping me to reach my goal of attending college with this special scholarship. Obtaining a college degree is priceless for me.

B. McMillon

L.Guerra July 2018

When I was little I loved the tidepools. My friends and I ran along the beach, past people sprawled beneath vibrant umbrellas, as the fine sand turned to bulky rocks beneath our feet. The ocean was a place of mystery, a bottomless, uncertain expanse limited only by the depth of human ambition. It was ambiguous. The tidepools represented that same ambiguity, broken down into child sized portions. As I excitedly hunted through one pool for seashells and starfish, I would notice other pools, each with new creatures and potential. I would follow this meandering path for hours, alone but for the ocean and my innocence.

Such is the prevalent human attitude toward ambiguity. We start with one path, one idea, and inevitably unearth a veritable ocean of alternatives and extrapolations, so enamored are we with the notion of something left intentionally unclear, uncertain with the intent of discovery. We find by searching, and search by finding. Humanity improves as ideas and their subsequent paths are investigated. This is natural. We must encourage searching just to search, discovering just to discover. We must accept ambiguity, appreciate curiosity, looking no further than our own minds for justification to love, to invent, to discover, to destroy.

As an aspiring writer, I am this ambiguity personified. I deserve this scholarship because through language, storytelling, empathy, and persistence I demonstrate possibility. I mesh various disciplines and force consideration of their combined outcome. I hope to facilitate the advancement of human society as only curiosity can.


S.Larsen June 2018

Every horse I have met has taught me a new lesson, i.e., Calvin taught me that being different is okay, even if others want to reject you for it; Buddy, that if you focus too much on the past or the future, you will overlook the present (and end up running into a fence!); Rhett, that everyone has differing opinions, but it is how you approach an idea that matters, not the idea itself.

I cannot think of a time in my life when I wanted to be anything but a Veterinarian. The concept of helping animals captivated me from a young age, and although this remains my educational goal, over the years I have seen how horses can help people heal. Something I have, that others do not, is my barn, where I ride and volunteer with their equine-assisted therapy program. The nonjudgmental nature of horses and their ability to mirror the attitudes and behaviors of humans, helps individuals’ process their thoughts and emotions. When I ride anxious and tense, my horse becomes tense, obstinate, and moves much more slowly. To correct his behavior, I need to recognize and release my tension. I, too, want to empower others to understand and accept themselves as they are so they can build on their strengths and move beyond what holds them back. Working with animals has always been my passion, and your scholarship will help me in achieving my goals of healing animals and supporting the humans who love them.

L.Jackson May 2018

Amongst the bushes, dirt and trees of the world lies endless possibilities, different combinations of green. Lying somewhere beneath the dark soil of an orchard, grows an untamed sapling. A nascent stem straight from the earth’s bosom, its newness to the surface of the world gleans as it stares into the new light, the source of life the sun offers. Never before has this sapling ever sprung into a world so brand new, a world so fresh, like the familiar scent of the seeping morning dew. The rich patches of land are already taken. Although the orchard is frightening and uncharted, the sapling still courageously grows.

Like this sapling, I am venturing into unfamiliar territory, entering a whole new world, but I will not allow that to stunt my growth, as I wish to continue to grow in boldness and in confidence. With this scholarship, I’d be able to continue to focus on new ways to spark my own intellect and inspire those around me. I wish to one day grow to create my own ideas relative to the world and my story. Having a foundation, an opportunity as great as this one, would help me to continue to grow through and past the rough patches in my life, overcoming the mental, physical, and economic barriers of my environment. In order to grow, every seed, each sapling, an ordinary person like me, needs a sufficient beginning, a sufficient start. If I were awarded this scholarship, it’d be my courageous start.


L. Wikner April 2018

I am a dreamer. A dreamer terrified to think that I have the opportunity to make a life-altering choice. Terrified to follow a risky path. Whatever path I take will lead me down a different road. It kills me to not know where a road will take me. I need to know that I will succeed. I want to be proud of my life. I do not want to find myself in four years saddled with regret and debt. I need help. I need the courage to take the necessary leap. I can do it; I know I can, but I need help and faith.

I am so tired of fear; so tired of uncertainty. Do you know how desperately I have clawed my way to be in this position? Can you feel my hunger? I have so much to give, so much to lose. It is this incongruity that strikes fear inside of my soul. But, I know with support and love I can do what is right, good, and pure. I have six siblings living on one income in one of the most expensive areas in the country. They inspire me and encourage me to fight for what I was not born with, but what I can be. Please, help me dream. I have dedicated myself to academia. I will never stop learning or seeking knowledge and the means to put myself in the best position to help others.

S. Keller March 2018

My family lives rural and remote. During 8 months of “winter” we heat our home with wood my family gathers each summer from lands with dead-standing trees needing cut to reduce forest fires. My mom rolls and flips heavy logs out of the forests for my dad to saw and my brother to split. I load our truck and help stack 8 cords each year. On nights when clear stars mean temperatures will fall below zero, our home grows very cold overnight as the logs in our stove fade into ashes before we set a morning fire. Feeling that cold makes me appreciate the rigorous planning and all the teamwork that brought warmth to our lives when we need it most.

I know my friends in town enjoy homes where they set a thermostat and enjoy heat they didn’t have to work for. Their parents may completely pay for their schools, too.

My family lacks the resources to pay for 4 years of college or take on loans. I feel different from my friends, but I realize that having the courage to deal with life’s challenges makes me stronger. When I struggled with my academics, I had to develop strategies to help me learn. Financially; early and consistent savings and using our state’s Running Start program to earn a free AA degree while in high school has allowed me to dream I could possibly afford my Bachelor’s degree. Winning scholarships would secure that dream and make me warm all over.

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A. Appouh February 2018

Being born an African American in an impoverished neighborhood meant that my life was going to be tough from day one. When I was diagnosed and institutionalized with mental illness in my late teens, my life became unbearable. At a time when most young people are excitedly beginning their college careers; school, work, and my relationships with others all suffered. However, by learning to immerse myself in my studies and stay active in my community, I was able to find the courage to grow as a person and student. I seek to be a role model. Someone who helps students find the courage to grow so they can build the confidence and strength of character they need to overcome the obstacles and challenges they face.

While I have learned to manage my mental illness, I still struggle to pay for the ever‑rising cost of my education, as I intend to continue receiving advanced degrees. Receiving this scholarship will help alleviate some of my financial burdens so that I can pursue my goal of becoming a high school math teacher to transform the inner-city classroom. Through my education, I intend to make a lasting, positive impact on America’s youth as a teacher.

T. Andrews January 2018

I ruffled my brow in confusion as my mother’s sweet voice filled my four-year-old mind with a captivating tune. I mimicked the sounds I heard until my mindless babbling translated into the unfamiliar word “santoki”, which I later discovered to mean “mountain rabbit”, with the song telling of his journey up daunting mountain peaks.

That nursery rhyme was my first conscious encounter with my Korean culture and understanding my biracial identity. Being half Asian and half White, my childhood was filled with such diverse elements and values that my inquisitive, unprejudiced nature was always made present. I strived to educate myself on the topics, people, cultures, and ways of life with which I was unfamiliar. I listened intently to the stories of my diverse peers and keenly absorbed every lesson in the classroom. I discovered early on, that there’s so much I don’t know about this world, but my ignorance can so easily be dissolved through the pursuit of knowledge.

I perceive the world from such a unique viewpoint because it’s not just a single viewpoint; it’s a collection of all my experiences and perceptions. Akin to santoki’s fearlessness, my inquisitions and ambitions drive me to continue my trek against all barriers I encounter, as I find the answers to questions that are unknown to me, accomplish the feats I set out for myself, and find the actualities hidden under unfair stereotypes.

It is my diversity that strengthens me and allows me to find success in all of my endeavors.


C. Padron December 2017

My coping strategy is music, it is the one place that I can escape to fill my life with clarity. Lyrics I wrote, say “Her soul has become an abyss, her eyes are more dark every day, she has no more hope for the future, she’s wishing that her life would go away. And the pills are just a poison, they don’t seem to change her ways, and if anything I’ve noticed, she gets worse every day.” It’s ironic that writing such sad lyrics can heal our wounds, but it’s because of this pain, that I realize we need to experience sadness to truly be happy. When I write these lyrics I’m acknowledging the pain, which in turn is more healing than forcing a smile, and keeping my true emotions in the dark. Sadness, just like any other emotion deserves to be in the limelight.

Obstacles are moments of fear and sadness that we need to experience in order to become brave and grow as a person. Bravery wouldn’t exist without fear, just like success does not exist without failure. I learned to cope with the kaleidoscope of emotions by looking at obstacles as an opportunity to learn and live a fulfilling life. I am grateful for the challenges that God has put in my way to make the journey to success a kaleidoscope. After all, life is beautiful and kaleidoscope means beauty in Greek. The emotions sparked from failure make the path to success more intriguing and beautiful.

B. Lopez November 2017

My life has not always given me certain opportunities that I feel would place me in an advantageous position. Education has always been a paramount goal in my household, but a proper education can be expensive. While growing up, I watched my parents struggle to give for me and my siblings, but their love and hard work always placed food on the table and clothes on our backs. They taught me that pressure makes diamonds, and that out of struggle, we can find out who we really are and what we can achieve in life. Through their actions, they have shown me that roses can grow from concrete, and all it takes is dedication, an iron will, and a hunger to better myself and the world that surrounds me. Acquiring the proper materials needed for school has time and time again proved to be a burden, but that burden has turned to a success. I have learned to think outside of the box to achieve certain goals, and that unorthodox mentality has helped me be successful on several different endeavors. My parents have worked extremely hard for me to be successful in life, and I want to prove to them and myself that hard work was not in vain. Being chosen for this scholarship will mean that my parents do not have to worry about my future education. It will also give me a great opportunity to finally help them and pursue my goals without any hesitation and financial struggles.


S. Miller October 2017

Several months before my daughter’s first birthday I became a single father, during that time I had recently enrolled for my first term back in school. She is almost 3 now. I had no clue what I wanted to be in life but I knew taking initiative towards getting an education was the best thing I could do for us. It was terrifying at first, I felt like I was going in completely blind but remained stoic and determined.

I think one of my biggest struggles in life is just facing the fear of success straight in the eyes and tackling it head on. The doubts that we may have need to be set aside in order for success. I have had my struggles, but after this term I will have obtained my first degree and I will be moving forward to apply to nursing school this next fall. The struggles have been everything a person could imagine. Financial hardship, loss of jobs, stress of not getting good grades and the fears of being a subpar father have all been legitimate concerns of mine. I finally understand that in life when you attach your emotions to things you try to succeed at doing, it may hinder your ability to do your best. So I give it my all, keep going and remain neutral while understanding that through every tough circumstance everything will pass. Collateral beauty is all around. It is how you handle it that determines the outcome.

K. Kubit September 2017

It's always been difficult for me to be myself.

I am, by nature, a sensitive person, and the opinions of other people frequently defined my choices in the past. I would do almost anything for the assurance that I was “liked”, but the affirmation I received was dependent solely on how much I adjusted myself to fit the expectations of others. So, I crafted a unique persona for each “friend” of mine, using their preferences to create the version of me that I thought they would appreciate most. The differences were slight; sometimes it was the switch between “Positive Kayleigh” and “Negative Kayleigh”. But I was never just “Kayleigh”. Never simply me.

For a long time, all of my relationships functioned like this. I felt fake, I felt like a fraud, and most of all I believed that if I were to drop the act and be myself, I would be shunned. Then one day, for reasons I still don't know, I suddenly recognized the truth; that I have worth. It was a novel idea, and I held onto it tightly, not wanting to lose the joy it gave me.

Since then, I've started each day with the goal of being true to who I really am. It's frightening for me to be honest with people, but I finally feel free. I know that I'm sufficient even without the approval of others, so I can live my life to the fullest. Now, I am myself, and confident enough to grow.

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J. Sansone August 2017

In high school I cared for my community in a therapy office. I was saving up for my first car when my mother and my stepmother were both diagnosed with breast cancer. I dreamed of healing the women in my life. Caring for others near and far. Only my mother gracefully recovered. This overwhelmingly uncomfortable pain woke me up to life.

As the breadwinner, my mother inspired my college endeavors. I pushed myself to live away in uncertainty. I earned good marks, taught yoga to nuns, joined cross-country, volunteered on community farms, and taught beekeeping and medicinal herb classes to college students through a small business I founded. I discovered that most people do not have the resources to live nourishing lifestyles. By listening, educating and guiding people I am a witness of dynamic growth. Again, I moved across country to serve at a honeybee sanctuary and teaching farm in Virginia. Students of all ages visited from around the world. The teachings and careful attention on each plant, animal, and human process taught me courage.

Just as the nurtured seed unfurls into a vibrant flower under the sun, a human too, transforms day after day. This constant cycle “birth and death, blooming and shriveling” is necessary in order to rejuvenate and give others the goodness from our hearts. Befriending our fears and humbly embracing the small joys requires a balance of expanding/contracting, succeeding/failing, being alone/together. Now as a student nurse I embody and support courageous growth for my patients.

Jamie Sansone

R. Courtney July 2017

I am no different than anyone else on paper, perhaps. But in my mind, and looking at my life from the outside in, I am different. I became the man of my house at the age of six when my father suddenly passed away. As time went on, it became clear that growing up without a father would put many different stresses on my life, especially financial ones. It turns out that this loss and those challenges also made me appreciate every opportunity life offers. I have always tried to make things easier on my mother and sister, lessening any burdens before they overwhelm us. I worry about my sister the way I would imagine a father would worry. Helping my mom in even the simplest ways, has been a constant effort of mine. I have managed to balance family and school in a way that most kids my age would never understand due to the unique circumstances my family has had to face. I have worked several jobs to contribute as much as I can while maintaining a 3.69 GPA and extracurriculars. As college approaches, I want to do everything in my power to lessen any future financial burdens my education incurs. College has always been a must for me, and this Courage to Grow scholarship is the first step in the realization of my goals. I am proud of the kind of man I have become -- and I think my dad would be, too.

R. Courtney


M. Poquiz June 2017

I am obsessed with intricacy.

Compulsively, I attempt to tear apart the secrets of the natural world and understand them at their most basic level. This compulsion has expressed itself not only in my microbiology major but also in my art. My greatest pleasures- and frustrations- lie in attempting to capture details, both real and imagined. This delicate balance between my artistic flights of fantasy and my scientific search for the truth is a continuous exercise in discipline and decision making.

In microbiology, I have realized these organisms are forever shifting their infinite potentials into undiscovered frontiers. They reminded me so much of my own wild imaginings, yet were grounded in the realities of science. I could approach these limitless possibilities with the perspective of an artist and act upon them with the attitude of a scientist.

I deserve this scholarship because I can approach science from both a human and technical perspective. I have immersed myself in both sides and understand that the humanities and STEM fields must be altruistic towards one another in order for each to fully impact its respective field. Many science majors have been accused of forgetting the humanity that lies behind the hard facts of science when ironically; biology is the study of life. The finer points of our humanity are contained in the most infinitesimal of things, whether they be creatures or gestures, and I intend to catch every single one.

For I do not fear details.

I drown in them happily.

M. BonHomme May 2017

When I was younger I never believed that I would have made it past the age of 13 alive. I witnessed the youth waste their life away on drugs, gambling, and violence. I didn't think I would grow up to go to high school, or a homecoming dance. College was an unknown concept to not only me but my whole family. As a first generation college student, I am terrified to enroll in college this fall. However, as I begin to think more and more about my future I realize that life isn't all bad. When I was younger the worst things in life came free to us, but I shouldn't think only bad things come to us.

My college acceptance freed my mind to become more open to seeing life in technicolor. I used to see life in black and white, but I now I see life in a happier light. I want to grow up to become X, Y, & Z. I am now seeing myself in the future as someone great. I need to be courageous for myself since no one else will be for me. It took me many years to have courage to now believe in my abilities and talent. I may be scared to be the first in my family to go to college, but I know it is exactly where I belong. I want to grow my intellectual capacity. I am ready to gain new perspectives in college and grow as a person.

M. Bonhomme


S. Sieden April 2017

Life is scary, let’s face it! When I was little, it was the monster in the closet, the dark. When I was in Elementary school it was the mean kid in my class, being picked last in gym class, the mean lunch lady. As I grew up, the scary things got much worse and much more real. It was fear of failure, fear of me, and fear of my future. Am I going to succeed? Am I making the right choices? Will my life be all that I dream it to be? And that’s when I learned the most important lesson ever. Life takes courage. Mountains of it!

My Grandpa loved John Wayne! He always said, “Well, like the Duke always says, courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway!” I always giggled when he said that. But he was right. There will always be something scary in life, always, but you have to climb that mountain, face that fear, and do what others may tell you that you can’t. Every day we have a chance to grow and become more of the person we want to become. Becoming those people is what will change our world. Facing this next chapter in my life makes that monster from years ago seem pretty harmless and in the dark I can now see the stars, so as I enter this next phase of my life, I’m scared to death, but I’m off to “saddle up anyway!”

C. Reid March 2017

Growth is a concept that is unpredictable and difficult to measure. It is a force that is unavoidable. Sometimes, the word “growth” brings images of cancerous cells and weeds from a garden to my mind. To me, growth is both painful and amazing. We are eventually presented these two options: to be swept away by a metaphorical river that sweeps the land like a natural disaster allowing change to plague us, or to lay our foundations like an oak tree that offers shade on a hot day choosing to grow from the change that affects us.

There are times when both choices have been utilized in my life. Every day, I am presented with the choice of how to view change and what to do with it. That choice each day requires courage. I choose to have courage to recognize myself as someone that will make room for improvement. Courage to be brave and sink my roots, rather than be swept away by a river of self-doubt. If my life were an oak tree, then that tree will be grafted and pruned time and time again. The roots of the tree will tell of the way I chose change and began to perceive the world differently. Those choices will reflect my courage because I will have to admit that the power to grow is always mine.

Copyright Stephen Salazar Photography

R. Penaranda February 2017

Life is not easy for everyone, and opportunities are not equally distributed. Some have to work harder to achieve their goals. This is my case. Something I have learned from life is that challenges make one stronger. I have lived through many difficult situations and experienced many life challenges, but I overcame them all.

I learned from all the difficult moments; every part of my life taught me something, even my volunteer work or my fundraising labor. All of this taught me how to successfully work within a team. Working and striving to make positive changes in our society allowed me to be a positive role model. I want to continue to be an example for underrepresented communities. I am fully committed to community service and social justice. I work with Latin and African American youths as an advocate for higher academic achievement.

Living on my own without financial support has been challenging, this is why I want to get an exceptional college education. Education has always been my goal, I feel blessed to have the opportunity to attend Seattle University, a school that is dedicated to social service and to empower leaders for a just and humane world. Education is a rewarding experience that lasts a lifetime. I want to show underrepresented communities that we can work for change and with an education we can grow through adversity and succeed in life.

R. Penaranda

S. Luehr January 2017

Courage comes from the willingness to stand apart. It is the embodiment of accepting your true self for who you are, regardless of what the world says. It is standing strong in your convictions, though the principles of this world urge you to bend; this is courage. Courage is striving for those dreams hoped for, even those dreams you still cannot see. Courage is having faith, though your goals and dreams seem temporarily out of reach. It compels you to disregard the sideways looks, the questioning glances, and the vengeful hatred that flashes in the eyes of many, as you continue to push forward toward the goal; this is courage. Courage is confronting your fear of the unknown, fear of failure, and fear of inadequacy. It is waking up each morning and daring fear to confront you. It is laughing in the face of fear and boldly stepping into a new world; this is courage. Courage is found in the person willing to defy normal existence in order to strive for more in life. It is defining who you are in our culture today, without feeling the need to apologize for your originality. While others waste away into oblivion, you press on, dedicated to the task of accomplishing wonders; this is courage. To live freely and to love passionately, this is courage. In all that I do and all that I am, I strive to be courageous.

IMG_0434 order

Courage to Grow Scholarship

About the scholarship.

The Courage to Grow Scholarship is available to high school juniors and seniors and students currently enrolled in college. The program awards one scholarship each month throughout the year and the deadline is the last day of each month.

  • Essay Required : Yes
  • Need-Based : No
  • Merit-Based : No
  • Minimum 2.5 GPA
  • High school junior or senior, or current college student
  • U.S. citizen
  • Country : US

Past Winning Essays

2024 winning essay by ruby mcintee, 2023 winning essay by jeremy haynes, 2022 winning essay by theodora mcgee, 2021 winning essay by anna dougherty, 2020 winning essay by noah durham, 2019 winning essay by elazar cramer, 2018 winning essay by jeffrey seaman, 2017 winning essay by daud shad, 2016 winning essay by zhen tu, 2015 winning essay by matthew waltman, 2014 winning essay by ben wolman, 2013 winning essay by jamie baer, 2012 winning essay by patrick reilly, 2011 winning essay by kevin kay, 2010 winning essay by michael reed, 2009 winning essay by margo balboni, 2008 winning essay by laura schapiro, 2007 winning essay by maia gottlieb, 2006 winning essay by ben loffredo, 2005 winning essay by allie comet, 2005 winning essay by kevin zhou, 2004 winning essay by avram sand, 2004 winning essay by will schmidley, 2003 winning essay by michael sloyer, 2002 winning essay by emily ullman, 2001 winning essay by tyler boersen, 2001 winning essay by stephanie dziczek, 2000 winning essay by peter buttigieg.

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The Scholarships360 Research Team reviews all scholarships individually and strives to exclude any scholarship where any of the below applies:

  • The scholarship requires a fee to apply
  • The scholarship provider’s privacy policy allows for the misuse of student data
  • The scholarship requires paid membership in an organization (with certain exceptions for reputable trade organizations and others)
  • Student are required to sign up for a site or service to apply*
  • The scholarship seems primarily used for lead generation** or idea harvesting purposes***
  • The scholarship website has many grammatical errors and/or advertisements
  • The scholarship or scholarship providing organization seem untrustworthy
  • There is no evidence the scholarship was previously awarded
  • The scholarship has not been awarded in the past 12 months
  • There is no available contact information

If you believe a scholarship has been published in error, please reach out to [email protected] and we’ll take a look!

* There are certain exceptions to this, for example if the sponsoring organization is a major corporation or nonprofit with its own scholarship application system. ** Lead generation scholarships will require students to sign up for an app or website and require minimal (if any) application requirements. ***Idea harvesting scholarships will require students to submit blog posts or other materials that companies may use for marketing purposes.

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Our reviews and recommendations are based on extensive research, testing, and feedback. We may receive commission from links on our website, but that doesn’t affect our editors’ opinions. Our marketing partners don’t review, approve or endorse our editorial content. It’s accurate to the best of our knowledge when posted. You can find a complete list of our partners here .

Courage to Grow Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by Courage to Grow Scholarship

courage to grow scholarship essay winners

1 award worth

Grade level.

HS Upperclassmen & College Students

Expected deadline: This scholarship might not currently be accepting applications. Most scholarship programs only accept applications a few months ahead of their annual deadline. We’ve estimated this deadline based on last year’s deadline in order to help you plan out your scholarship applications.

Scholarship overview.

Are you a U.S. citizen and a high school upperclassman or a current college student? If so, consider applying for the Courage to Grow Scholarship! Each month, the scholarship awards $500 to a student who submits the most thoughtful essay (maximum of 250 words) about why they should be awarded the scholarship. As the scholarship is monthly, the deadlines are the last day of each month. Thus, if you don’t win once, you can always try again! The scholarship was created to help students realize their college dreams by taking away some of the financial concerns surrounding college. 

If you’re a college-bound high school upperclassman or a current college student in need of financial help, we encourage you to apply!

Eligibility information

This scholarship is open to students meeting the below eligibility criteria.

U.S. Citizens

Apply to these scholarships due soon

$10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship

$10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship

$2,000 Sallie Mae Scholarship

$2,000 Sallie Mae Scholarship

$40,000 Build a College List Scholarship

$40,000 Build a College List Scholarship

$10,000 CollegeXpress Scholarship

$10,000 CollegeXpress Scholarship

Niche $10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship

Niche $10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship

$25k “Be Bold” No-Essay Scholarship

$25k “Be Bold” No-Essay Scholarship

$1,000 Appily Easy College Money Scholarship

$1,000 Appily Easy College Money Scholarship

$5,000 Christian Connector Scholarship

$5,000 Christian Connector Scholarship

$2,000 No Essay CollegeVine Scholarship

$2,000 No Essay CollegeVine Scholarship

Application information.

To apply for this scholarship, students must submit an online application in addition to the below application materials.

250-word essay


courage to grow scholarship essay winners

Danielle Emretane

Winner of the Scholarships360 $10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship

courage to grow scholarship essay winners

Fiorella Ruiz

Winner of the "Commencing at Community College" Scholarship

courage to grow scholarship essay winners

Jack Furman

Winner of the “Tuition Solution” STEM Scholarship

courage to grow scholarship essay winners

Morgan Breitschuh

Winner of the “Follow Your Own Path” Scholarship

courage to grow scholarship essay winners

Connor Godoy

Winner of the “Commencing at Community College Scholarship”

courage to grow scholarship essay winners

Kyamani Atterbury

Winner of the “Outstanding Undergraduate” Scholarship

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Scholarship FAQ

Is this scholarship open to international students, who should i contact with any questions about this scholarship, is this scholarship renewable, where can i find help writing my scholarship essay.

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The Orange Grove

Courage to Grow Scholarship: Key Insights and Opportunities

The Courage to Grow Scholarship is a notable financial assistance program that aims to help high school juniors and seniors, as well as college students, in pursuing their dreams and overcoming the burden of mounting academic expenses. Recognizing the importance of education, this scholarship helps students achieve their goals while reinforcing the value of hard work, determination, and perseverance. Eligible US citizens who maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5 are invited to apply for this opportunity, which can alleviate some financial constraints and empower them to focus on their studies.

Administered on a monthly basis, the Courage to Grow Scholarship awards $500 to one lucky applicant. The selection process involves submitting an application form and an essay of 250 words or less. The essay topic, specified on the application form, allows students to demonstrate their creativity, critical thinking skills, and commitment to personal development. As a result, the Courage to Grow scholarship not only supports students financially, but also encourages self-reflection and growth, embodying the very ethos of the award itself.


Eligibility Criteria

High school students.

High school juniors and seniors are eligible to apply for the Courage to Grow Scholarship . To be considered, they must meet the following criteria:

  • Be United States citizens
  • Have a minimum GPA of 2.5 or above

Furthermore, high school juniors must have plans to complete a two or four-year college program to qualify for the scholarship.

College Students

Current college students who meet the eligibility requirements can also apply for the Courage to Grow Scholarship . They must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Be legal US citizens
  • Be enrolled in any two or four-year college program
  • Maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5 or better

Overall, the Courage to Grow Scholarship aims to support high-achieving high school and college students by easing the financial burden of pursuing higher education.

Scholarship Details

Award amount.

The Courage to Grow Scholarship offers a financial award of $500 to the winning applicant. This scholarship aims to help students reduce their financial burden and pursue their educational goals.

The special deadline for this scholarship is on the last day of each month, which allows students to have multiple chances to apply if they don’t succeed on their first attempt.

Number of Awards

As the scholarship follows a monthly schedule , one winner is chosen per month, providing multiple opportunities for students throughout the year.

The Courage to Grow Scholarship is designed for high school juniors, seniors, or college students who have a GPA of 2.5 or higher. Applicants must submit a thoughtful essay in 250 words or less on the topic provided, which is assessed during each monthly cycle. By offering a variety of chances to win throughout the year, the Courage to Grow Scholarship strives to accommodate and support students in their pursuit of higher education.

Application Process

Essay requirements.

The Courage to Grow Scholarship requires applicants to submit an essay as part of the application process. The essay should be 250 words or fewer and must address why they believe they should be awarded the scholarship. It is important for applicants to present a clear, concise, and compelling argument for their eligibility, demonstrating their potential and dedication to their education.

Application Form

In order to apply for the Courage to Grow Scholarship, students must complete an online application form . This form requires applicants to provide their personal details, including name, email address, and information about their current educational institution.

Applicants will also need to report their Grade Point Average (GPA), which must be a 2.5 or higher, to demonstrate their academic achievement. As the scholarship program is only open to U.S. citizens, applicants will need to verify their citizenship status during the application process.

While filling out the application form, students should ensure that they have provided accurate and up-to-date information, as well as a well-thought-out essay that meets the specified requirements.

The deadline for the Courage to Grow Scholarship application is April 30, 2023. Those who are selected for the scholarship will receive an award of $500 to help ease the financial burden of their education. It is a great opportunity for high school juniors and seniors, as well as college students, to receive financial support for their academic dreams.

Selection and Renewability

Winner selection.

The Courage to Grow Scholarship selects its winners based on a merit-based system. Applicants must be high school seniors with a minimum GPA of 2.5 to be considered for the scholarship. Each month, one student is awarded the $500 scholarship based on the most thoughtful essay submission, which should not exceed 250 words. The essay should demonstrate why the applicant believes they should receive the scholarship. Each month’s deadline is the last day of the month, allowing for multiple opportunities to apply and win the scholarship 1 .

Renewable Scholarship

The Courage to Grow Scholarship is renewable for up to four years 2 . This means that the recipients have the opportunity to continue receiving financial support throughout their college journey. To maintain eligibility, students must continue maintaining a strong academic performance and meet any other criteria specified by the scholarship committee.

In summary, the Courage to Grow Scholarship selects its winners based on merit and essay submissions. It offers multiple chances to apply and win as it is a monthly scholarship. Moreover, the scholarship is renewable for up to four years, providing ongoing financial support for its recipients throughout their academic journey.

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Using the Award

Paying for college.

The Courage to Grow Scholarship is designed to help students who face financial challenges in pursuing their educational goals. This merit-based scholarship provides $500 to high school seniors with a GPA of 2.5 or higher. Students can utilize the award in various ways:

  • Tuition fees: The scholarship can be applied directly to cover a portion of the recipient’s tuition fees, reducing their out-of-pocket expenses.
  • Books and supplies: Award funds can be used to purchase textbooks and essential course materials, thus easing the financial burden.
  • Living expenses: Students may also allocate the money for housing, groceries, or transportation costs, leading to a more comfortable academic experience.

Financial Aid

Applying for the Courage to Grow Scholarship is an excellent way to supplement financial aid packages that may not cover all of a student’s expenses. Additionally, students should consider other financial assistance options, such as:

  • Federal grants: Apply for federal grants like the Pell Grant or the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) to receive need-based aid that does not need to be repaid.
  • State-sponsored grants: Many states provide financial assistance to eligible students, so researching and applying for state-sponsored grants can result in further financial support.
  • Work-study programs: Participate in the Federal Work-Study Program or similar programs offered by colleges and universities to earn money for education-related expenses.
  • Scholarships: Along with the Courage to Grow Scholarship, students should explore other scholarship opportunities to maximize their financial assistance.

By using the Courage to Grow Scholarship and leveraging other financial aid resources, students can effectively reduce their financial burden and focus on achieving their educational goals.

Overcoming Obstacles

The Courage to Grow Scholarship is specifically designed for students who have faced obstacles in their lives but are determined to overcome them in order to achieve their educational goals. Financial difficulties, personal challenges, and other barriers can all prevent students from reaching their full potential. This scholarship aims to remove some of these barriers by providing financial assistance to deserving students, allowing them to pursue their dreams without being burdened by financial stress.

One of the key criteria for this scholarship is demonstrating determination in overcoming adversity. Applicants must have shown resilience and persistence in pursuing their goals despite the challenges they have faced. This can include a variety of situations, such as excelling academically despite personal or family difficulties, maintaining a strong work ethic in the face of financial struggles, or overcoming a disability to achieve success in school or extracurricular activities.

Eligibility for the Courage to Grow Scholarship includes:

  • Being a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
  • Having a minimum GPA of 2.5
  • Being a high school junior, senior, or a college student

In addition to these requirements, applicants must submit a thoughtful essay explaining how they exemplify the qualities of courage, determination, and commitment to overcoming personal obstacles. This scholarship offers a monthly award of $500 to one winner, providing financial support for students as they work towards accomplishing their educational objectives.

In summary, the Courage to Grow Scholarship recognizes students who have faced adversity and obstacles but continue to push forward with determination and resilience. This financial assistance can help alleviate some of the financial burden students face, allowing them to focus on achieving their ultimate dreams and aspirations.

Additional Information

Privacy policy.

The Courage to Grow Scholarship, a merit-based scholarship for high school seniors with a GPA of 2.5 or higher, values the privacy of its applicants. The foundation ensures the protection of the personal data submitted during the application process. Applicants can be assured that their privacy is a top priority and all information provided will be handled responsibly.

Contact Information

To apply for the Courage to Grow Scholarship, candidates must visit the official website . For any inquiries, concerns, or additional information, it is essential to reach out to the foundation directly. While the website does not provide a specific address or phone number, applicants may use the online contact form to ask their questions, clarify doubts, or request further guidance.

The Courage to Grow Scholarship is accessible to both undergraduate and graduate students who are U.S. citizens . As high school juniors, seniors, or current college students, they must be enrolled in an accredited American institution to be eligible. This award is offered monthly, with a non-renewable amount of $500, aiming to alleviate the financial burden and help students realize their academic dreams. To join the list of potential recipients, interested students across the USA should apply now .

Related Scholarships

The Courage to Grow Scholarship is a great opportunity for students, but there are other scholarships available for those who meet specific criteria.

One scholarship option for students interested in a two or four-year college program is the ACT Student Champions Scholarship . This scholarship awards students who have overcome challenges and demonstrated outstanding academic achievement. Applicants must have a minimum ACT score of 22 and submit an essay describing their accomplishments.

For students who excel in writing essays, the OCD Foundation Scholarship offers awards based on creativity and original thinking. To apply, students must submit an essay relating to their experience with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) or a related mental health condition. This scholarship is open to all U.S. citizens, and the foundation encourages applicants to share their stories and be an advocate for those dealing with mental health challenges.

Another scholarship opportunity is available specifically for U.S. citizens planning to attend a two or four-year college program. The All-USA College Academic Team is a prestigious academic award that recognizes students who have made significant contributions to their schools and communities. To apply, students must submit an essay detailing their achievements, as well as a letter of recommendation from a faculty member or administrator.

In summary, there are various scholarships available for students who are pursuing higher education. From the Courage to Grow Scholarship to opportunities for ACT achievers or students with exceptional essays, several scholarships cater to different interests and qualifications. By researching and applying, students can find the right scholarship that fits their needs and goals.

Helpful Resources

Navigating the scholarship landscape can often be overwhelming, but there's no need to go through it alone. Scholarship Owl offers a supportive platform that can help simplify your search by matching you with scholarships suited to your unique situation. By consolidating numerous scholarship opportunities into one place, it provides a significant time-saving benefit, allowing you to focus more on your studies and less on the search. If you're looking to streamline the scholarship application process, Scholarship Owl may be a valuable tool in your educational journey.


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Courage To Grow Scholarship

Essay required

The Courage to Grow Scholarship provides $500 to help a junior or senior in high school or a college student pay for college. To qualify, you need a minimum GPA of 2.5 or better and be a U.S. citizen. To apply, you should write an essay. Sound like a good fit for you? Chat with a Mos advisor, or visit the scholarship website today.

🗓 January 31, 2023

🏫 Your school

What you'll need

Capture your unique story and ambitions, while writing about the required subject matter.

Each scholarship has a set of requirements: specific factors that determine whether or not you're eligible to apply. You can visit the scholarship site to find this information, or fill out the Mos quiz to be automatically matched with scholarships you qualify for! FYI: the more information you share with Mos, the better scholarship matches Mos will make!

To increase your chances of getting a scholarship, apply early, follow all application instructions, and write a great scholarship essay (if applicable)! For more help, ask a Mos advisor!

If you haven't heard back within a few weeks, reach out to the scholarship organization! Some scholarship organizations email all the applicants to let them know if they were selected or not, while others only contact the winners—it usually depends on the number of applicants. It never hurts to follow up.

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What students are saying

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Courage to Grow Scholarship 2023 Requirements, Winners, Legit

The high cost of tuition can be a deterrent for many students. That’s where scholarships come in. The Courage to Grow Scholarship is a great option for students who are looking for financial assistance. It offers multiple chances to win, and the application is quick and easy.

Plus, you can use this Scholarship for any college expenses, from tuition to books to room and board.

So if you want to offset the cost of your college education, the Scholarship is worth considering. Please read about it below!

courage to grow scholarship

Eligibility Criteria For Courage to Grow Scholarship

The scholarship program has a simple procedure and eligibility criteria compared to the other scholarship programs. To avail this scholarship program, you must meet these requirements like live mas scholarship :

  • Applicants and candidates should be legal US citizens.
  • Applicant should be enrolled in any two or four-year college program. All high school juniors should have the plan to complete a two or four-year college program.
  • All candidates should have a GPA of 2.5 or higher.
  • Applicants must submit a valid reason for joining this scholarship program.
  • All candidates should write and submit 250 words essay.

What is the deadline for Courage to grow Scholarship?

The last date to apply for this scholarship program is March 31, 2023.

How many Scholarships will be awarded ?

The total number of awards for this scholarship program is one per month.

What is the  Courage to grow scholarship Award amount?

The award amount for this scholarship program is $500.00.

What is Meant by essay requirement?

To get Courage to Grow Scholarship, you need to submit 250 words essay stating why you need this Scholarship. You can write and submit the essay online, or you can write in word and paste it when you are done.

How Scholarship winners are announced?

The personal essay is often the most daunting part of the scholarship application process. But it doesn’t have to be!

Just remember that the people reading your essay are looking for reasons to award you the money – so all you need to do is convince them that you deserve it. Here are a few free tips to help you write a great essay:

First, ensure you understand the scholarship prompt and what the scholarship committee wants. The jury’s main focus is primarily on your essay and why you need this Scholarship.

Additionally, keep these tips in mind when submitting the Courage to grow scholarship applicant:

Next, make your essay unique. Remember, this is your chance to stand out from the rest of the applicants.

Finally, remember to proofread your essay before you submit it. A few typos can break your application.

Following these tips should help you write a strong essay that will increase your chances of winning a Courage to Grow Scholarship! Good luck! If you don’t try your luck in family empowerment scholarship .

Is Courage to Grow Scholarship legit?

courage to grow scholarship essay winners

The Courage to Grow Scholarship comes under a merit-based Scholarship. This Scholarship is awarded to high school seniors with a GPA of 2.5 or higher. The application process is quick and easy, and the Scholarship is renewable for up to four years.

Key Details:

  • Official Website:
  • Official Email: [email protected]
  • Address: 144 E Johnson# 2507 Chelan WA 98816
  • Contact: (509) 293-1978
  • Awards per month: 1
  • Award Amount: $500

courage to grow scholarship essay winners

Hello everyone! It's Jamel Tanner here. I'm a content writer at, and I love to write about education and help students. I have a strong knowledge of scholarships, admissions, test preparation, and study applications. I've been connected with the field of education for the past six years and writing about that. I also advise students on applications for different scholarships and university admissions.

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  • High School Junior

Courage to Grow Scholarship

Courage To Grow created the Courage To Grow Scholarship to help high school and college students achieve their dreams. The organization recognizes the financial difficulties that force many students not to work on their dreams. All U.S. citizens are eligible.

Every month, the organization awards $500 to one student. Annually, Courage To Grow offers 12 scholarships worth $6,000 to students all over the country. It evaluates students on their academics. Applicants also need to justify why they deserve the scholarship.

Courage To Grow helps students accomplish their higher education goals. The organization wants to shoulder some of the financial burdens that students and their families face so that they can concentrate on their future.

Scholarship Summary

Eligibility requirements.

  • Eligible Grade: High School Junior – Undergraduate
  • Maximum Age: Any
  • Required GPA : 2.5
  • Geographic Eligibility: United States
  • Gender: Any
  • Race/Ethnicity: Any

Key Information of Courage to Grow Scholarship

Study details, area of study, country of study, specific schools, application requirements.

Here’s what you need to submit besides your application.

Courage to Grow Scholarship Timeline

January – December

Application Opening Date

Applicants can submit their applications each month as the award is given to one student every month.

Application Deadline

Applicants have till the end of each month to submit their applications

One Courage To Grow Scholarship winner is announced

The final candidate is selected two weeks after the application deadline.

How to ace the Courage to Grow Scholarship

Review application requirements

Complete all the steps in the application process. The length of your essay needs to be 250 words or less. Further, submit your application at least two days before the deadline.

Apply early

Submit your application at least two days before the monthly deadline. Procrastination could lead to your application failing.

Show authenticity

The 250-word essay is a chance for you to tell your story, struggles, and experiences. Make sure to include what motivated you to grow in your life.

Proofread your application

Ask a parent, teacher, or friend to read your application before submission. Applications get disqualified because of grammar or spelling errors, typos, and missing details.

How the Courage to Grow Scholarship is Judged

Courage To Grow evaluates students on their academics. Applicants are also required to write a 250-word essay summarizing the reasons that make them the best candidate to win the award.

Why We Love the Courage to Grow Scholarship

Everyone gets a chance to win

The Courage To Grow Scholarship Program has a scholarship available every month to reach as many students as possible.

Minimal requirements

The scholarship has minimal and attainable requirements to give everyone a chance to win.

The application process is simple

The application form is easy to understand, short, and straightforward. Applicants can also write their essays directly on the website.

5 Facts About the Courage To Grow Scholarship

Previous winners of the scholarship can reapply

Although the scholarship is not renewable, previous recipients are eligible to apply again.

Unsuccessful students can continue to apply

Students can revisit the application throughout the year and keep applying until they win.

The scholarship has a below-average GPA requirement

The scholarship program has a minimum GPA requirement of 2.5. This is below average compared to the national average of 3.0.

The scholarship reward is not given directly to the winner

The scholarship money is sent directly to the student’s college or university account.

The OCD Foundation funds the scholarship program

Courage To Grow is funded by the OCD Foundation to help students get a post-secondary education.

Additional Scholarships

National merit scholarship program.

Ace the PSAT/NMSQT and beat out 1.3 million other high school students to win up to $2,500 in scholarship awards.

National Honor Society Scholarship

The NHS Scholarship awards between $3,200 and $25,000 to NHS member students. The award can be used for college tuition as well as other school expenses.

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Courage to Grow Scholarship

Courage to Grow Scholarship Image

What is the Courage to Grow Scholarship?

The Courage to Grow Scholarship is available for U.S. High School Juniors, Seniors, and current College Students with a 2.5 GPA or higher. The scholarship amount is a maximum of $500.

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The  Courage to Grow Scholarship picture

What is the application deadline for the Courage to Grow Scholarship?

The application deadline for the Courage to Grow Scholarship is the last day of every month. Students can apply for this Scholarship each month until they either win it or are no longer eligible to apply for it.

Courage to Grow Scholarship Blog

How Do I Apply for the Courage to Grow Scholarship?

The main component of the Courage to Grow Scholarship application is the essay that cannot be more than 250 words. Learning to write about yourself in a candid, condensed manner requires practice.

Pro Tip #1:  Have at least two people proofread your essay. Ask them to provide constructive feedback. You can also create a Grammarly account which will help improve your grammar, clarify your tone and guard against plagiarism. 

Pro Tip #2:  Submit the essay one week before the deadline. This approach will provide a buffer in case something occurs where you have an issue with your internet or technology.

Pro Tip #3:  Read the scholarships from prior winners as inspiration. Model a few of the essays with your own experience to help get your creative juices flowing and strengthen your storytelling abilities. Journaling is an insightful way to reflect on your college-bound journey.

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What does it mean to be Courageous to Grow?

Courageous implies that the student can do something that requires going outside their comfort zone. This risk tolerance is different for every person, and courage builds character . Students can demonstrate bravery in their homes, school, and community. Read testimonials from students who have earned scholarships from CBV resources.

Courage to Grow Scholarship Blog

Need the inspiration to start applying for scholarships?

Take our College Bound Village (CBV) 7-Day “Money 4 College” Challenge. Join our  College Bound Village (C.B.V.) Facebook Group , where we share motivational posts with moms and dads to encourage them during the college application process. Sign up for our weekly  Sunday newsletter  to obtain timely scholarships and college resources and follow us on other  C.B.V. Social Media platforms . If you found value in this blog, share it on your social media page or email it to a high school or college student.

Scholarship World

The Courage to Grow Scholarship: Empowering Students to Pursue Their Dreams

Table of Contents

The Courage to Grow Scholarship is an acclaimed opportunity that awards financial aid to students who display resilience and determination in the face of hardship. In this article, we’ll investigate its legitimacy and application process and share examples of inspiring scholarship essays that showcase its true spirit.

What Is the Courage to Grow Scholarship

The Courage to Grow Scholarship: Empowering Students to Pursue Their Dreams

Dr. Chan established the Scholarship to assist high school seniors and college students pursue their educational goals. It supports individuals who have overcome significant challenges and demonstrate a deep commitment to personal growth.

Validity of Scholarship

Courage to Grow Scholarship Legit Imacy: The Scholarship is a legitimate program supporting students since its establishment. Awarded annually, its legitimacy can be confirmed via its official website or educational platforms promoting scholarship opportunities.

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Apply for the Courage to Grow Scholarship

Students interested in applying must fill out an online application form, providing personal data, academic achievements, and an essay highlighting how the applicant has shown courage while facing obstacles. Selection processes are competitive; recipients will be chosen based on resilience, academic potential, and the impact of their essays.


Courage to Grow Scholarship Essay Examples

The Courage to Grow Scholarship essays highlight the incredible stories of triumph and resilience applicants share. Applicants often discuss personal difficulties like poverty, illness, or loss that have strengthened their resolve to succeed academically. Furthermore, these essays showcase applicants’ commitment to personal growth aspirations for the future and appreciation for being given financial assistance through this scholarship program.

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Impact and Benefits The Courage to Grow Scholarship has an indelible mark on its recipients. Beyond providing financial assistance, this Scholarship builds confidence, encourages personal development, and inspires students to reach their full potential. By recognizing and supporting individuals who have overcome hardship, this Scholarship fosters an atmosphere of resilience and determination amongst its recipients and creates an engaged and capable student body.

The Courage to Grow Scholarship offers legitimate and impactful assistance for students seeking financial aid to pursue their academic dreams. With its stringent application process and inspiring essay examples, this Scholarship encourages students to embrace challenges as opportunities and turn them into sources of strength – providing financial aid and helping them overcome obstacles to achieve their full potential.

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courage to grow scholarship essay winners

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Why the Courage to Grow Scholarship Will Change Your Life

Courage to Grow Scholarship : Have you ever come across an opportunity that seemed too good to be true? You know the feeling – that little voice in your head says this is too easy, there must be a catch. But sometimes, an opportunity is simply life-changing in the most straightforward way. The Courage to Grow Scholarship is one of those opportunities.

Table of Contents

In 100 words or less, this scholarship gives you the chance to change your life for the better. You’ll get cold hard cash to fund your education and follow your dreams. You’ll gain confidence in yourself by proving you have what it takes to earn this scholarship. And you’ll be inspired by the stories of past recipients, ordinary people who found the courage within to grow into their extraordinary potential.

So don’t listen to that little voice of self-doubt. This is your chance to silence your fears and have the courage to grow. Apply today and who knows – maybe this opportunity of a lifetime is exactly what it seems. The chance to change your life in the most amazing way.

Is the Courage to Grow Scholarship Legitimate?

Courage to Grow Scholarship

Absolutely. The Courage to Grow Scholarship is 100% legitimate and could be life-changing. This scholarship program has been awarding $1,000 scholarships each year since its founding in 2012.

To apply, you’ll need to share your story of overcoming adversity or challenging circumstances in your life in a short essay. The goal is to determine your courage, perseverance and personal growth. Winners are selected based on their ability to inspire others through their stories.

While a $1,000 scholarship may seem small, it can go a long way toward funding your college education or other life goals. And winning this scholarship, which receives thousands of applications each year, would be an incredible honor and validation of your perseverance against the odds.

The application process is straightforward and judgment focuses on your character and spirit rather than grades or test scores alone. Past winners have overcome homelessness, poverty, medical issues and loss of loved ones. If you have a story of inner strength to share, this could be the perfect opportunity.

The Courage to Grow Scholarship organization is transparent about where funding comes from (private donors) and past winners and their stories are featured on the website. While relatively new, this scholarship has quickly gained a reputation for being a legitimate program that can make a meaningful difference in recipients’ lives.

If the idea of competing with thousands of other applicants is intimidating, don’t let that stop you. You have a story to share and this could be the platform to spread your message of hope and empower others. Take the courage to grow beyond your circumstances – and apply. The life you change could be your own.

How Will Receiving This Scholarship Help You Grow?

Receiving the Courage to Grow scholarship will open up so many opportunities for you to develop personally and professionally.

Gain Valuable Life Skills

The funding from this scholarship will allow you to focus on your education without the stress of working long hours to pay for expenses. You’ll have more time to get involved in extracurricular activities that build critical life skills, like leadership, teamwork, and time management.

Pursue Your Passions

With less financial burden, you’ll have the freedom to take additional courses in subjects you’re passionate about, even if they’re outside your major. You might discover new interests and talents you never knew you had! The courage to grow means following your curiosity.

Build Your Network

College is all about making connections. Without the distraction of a job, you’ll have more chances to bond with professors and mentors, join clubs, and network. The people you meet can lead to internships, study abroad trips, job opportunities, and lifelong friendships.

Gain Confidence in Your Abilities

Earning this scholarship is a huge vote of confidence in your potential. It will fuel your motivation and self-belief, empowering you to take on new challenges and push beyond your comfort zone. With hard work and perseverance, you can achieve great things.

The Courage to Grow scholarship will give you the financial freedom and support system to thrive in college and develop into your best self. Years from now, you’ll look back on this opportunity as one that shaped your character and set the course for your bright future. Congratulations! You absolutely deserve this.

Why You Believe You Should Be Awarded This Scholarship

Courage to Grow Scholarship

This scholarship would be life-changing for you for several reasons:

Gain Valuable Experience

Winning this scholarship would give you the opportunity to gain valuable experience in your field of study. The funds would allow you to pursue an internship, study abroad program, or other experiential learning that would build your skills and resume. There’s no substitute for real-world experience. This scholarship can open the door to opportunities that will shape your future career.

Focus on Your Studies

With your tuition and expenses covered, you’ll be able to focus on your coursework without the stress of working long hours at a job to pay for school. You can dedicate more time to studying, participating in campus activities, and networking. Your grades and learning will benefit from the chance to concentrate on your education.

Graduate Debt-Free

Student loan debt is at an all-time high, with the average graduate owing over $30,000. Winning this generous scholarship would allow you to earn your degree without taking on debt that can take years to pay off. You’ll be able to start your career on solid financial footing without the burden of monthly loan payments. The freedom of graduating debt-free is truly life-changing.

In summary, this scholarship represents an unparalleled opportunity to gain experience, focus on your studies, and graduate debt-free. You have so much potential, and this scholarship would give you the means to pursue your dreams and start your career off right. You absolutely deserve to be awarded this life-changing scholarship. Make your case, share your vision, and show the selection committee why you should win this award. Your future is waiting!

How Will You Use the Scholarship Funds to Further Your Growth?

Courage to Grow Scholarship

The Courage to Grow Scholarship will allow you to pursue opportunities that you never dreamed possible. With the funds from this scholarship, you’ll be able to further your education and personal growth in life-changing ways.

Expand Your Mind

Use part of the scholarship money to take additional courses in subjects that fascinate you. Always wanted to learn a new language or instrument? Now you’ll have the means to pay for lessons. Ever been curious about philosophy, art history, or astronomy? Take an online course to expand your knowledge. Continuous learning is key to growth.

Travel and Gain New Perspectives

One of the best ways to foster personal growth is through travel. Use some of the scholarship funds to take a trip to a place you’ve never been before. Immerse yourself in a new culture, sample different foods, meet interesting people, and gain a broader view of the world. Seeing how others live can help you appreciate what you have and inspire you to achieve more.

What excites or motivates you? Now is the time to dive into your interests and passions. If you have a hobby you love, use part of the money to advance your skills or buy upgraded equipment. Always wanted to start a side business or charity? The scholarship provides seed money to get your venture off the ground. Your passions fuel your personal growth, so pursue them wholeheartedly.

The Courage to Grow Scholarship provides the financial means and motivation to become your best self. Use the funds wisely to expand your mind through learning, gain new perspectives through travel, and pursue your deepest interests and passions. This opportunity will change your life in amazing ways if you have the courage to grow.

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The Life-Changing Impact of the Courage to Grow Scholarship

The Courage to Grow Scholarship is life-changing because it provides the means for you to pursue your dreams.

With this scholarship, doors will open that were previously closed or seemed out of reach. You’ll have the opportunity to focus on your studies without worrying as much about finances. This can help reduce stress and allow you to thrive in your program.

The scholarship also shows you that others believe in you and your potential. Knowing there are people cheering you on can give you the motivation and determination to succeed. Their support can inspire you to work hard and never give up.

Additionally, the Courage to Grow Scholarship will allow you to gain valuable experience that shapes your future. You might participate in an internship, study abroad program, or other activity that enriches your education. These experiences often lead to clarity about your goals and interests. They can strengthen your resume and set you up for career success after you graduate.

Ultimately, this scholarship gives you the freedom to step out of your comfort zone and pursue new challenges without fear of failure. You can explore your passions, discover hidden talents, and reach your full potential. Though the road ahead may not always be easy, the Courage to Grow Scholarship will provide you firm footing to navigate it.

This generous scholarship can unlock opportunities you never imagined were possible. It gives you the chance to thrive during your studies and the courage to keep growing into your best self. Your future is bright, and the Courage to Grow Scholarship will light your way.

You now have a glimpse into what the Courage to Grow Scholarship could mean for your future. Apply today and who knows, this opportunity could be life-changing. In a few years, you might be looking back at this moment, grateful you took a chance and went for it. The only thing holding you back from achieving your dreams is your own self-doubt and fear of failure.

Have the courage to grow beyond your comfort zone. Believe in yourself and go after what you want in life. You have so much amazing potential – now is the time to tap into that. This scholarship was created for students just like you. Take that first brave step and apply. The future is yours to shape, so get out there and start building the life you want. You’ve got this! Now go make it happen.

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The Courage to Grow Scholarship: Empowering Students for a Brighter Future

This essay about the Courage to Grow Scholarship outlines its role in supporting students facing financial hardships to continue their education. It emphasizes the scholarship’s aim to recognize and aid individuals demonstrating resilience and a commitment to personal and academic growth despite challenges. Highlighting the unique application process, the essay reflects on how candidates are encouraged to share their stories of overcoming obstacles, showcasing the scholarship’s focus on personal determination over mere academic achievement. The piece concludes by underscoring the scholarship as more than financial support; it’s seen as an acknowledgment of students’ potential and a means to inspire ongoing growth and success in their academic and future professional lives.

How it works

In the realm of academic funding, few opportunities resonate as deeply with the ethos of personal development and educational progression as the Courage to Grow Scholarship. This initiative stands out as a beacon of hope for students across the nation, embodying the principle that financial constraints should not hinder one’s educational journey. Designed to alleviate the burden of educational expenses, the scholarship provides a unique platform for students to demonstrate their willingness to grow, both academically and personally.

The Courage to Grow Scholarship, true to its name, seeks to identify and support individuals who have shown an unwavering commitment to self-improvement and academic achievement despite the challenges that may have come their way.

It is predicated on the belief that courage is not the absence of fear, but the determination to persevere in spite of it. This scholarship is more than just financial aid; it’s a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the relentless pursuit of growth.

At the heart of this scholarship is the understanding that every student’s journey is unique, marked by a diverse set of experiences, challenges, and triumphs. Applicants are encouraged to share their stories of courage – how they have faced adversities, overcome obstacles, and continued to pursue their educational goals with tenacity and determination. These narratives are not just stories; they are powerful testimonies of the strength and resilience inherent in each candidate. Through this lens, the scholarship committee seeks to identify students who not only aspire to excel academically but also possess a deep-seated desire to make a positive impact in their communities and beyond.

The application process itself is reflective of the scholarship’s ethos, emphasizing simplicity and accessibility to ensure that every student, regardless of their background, has a fair shot at securing the support they need. With a modest essay requirement that prompts introspection and self-expression, applicants are given the opportunity to convey their aspirations, challenges, and vision for the future in their own words. This personalized approach allows the selection committee to gain insights into the character and potential of each applicant beyond their academic achievements.

For recipients, the Courage to Grow Scholarship represents more than just financial assistance; it is an affirmation of their resilience, a nod to their potential, and a stepping stone towards achieving their educational and career aspirations. It serves as a reminder that with courage, determination, and the right support, growth is not just possible; it is inevitable. As these individuals advance in their academic and professional journeys, they carry with them the lessons of perseverance and the spirit of growth that the scholarship seeks to instill.

In conclusion, the Courage to Grow Scholarship exemplifies a profound commitment to fostering the personal and academic growth of students nationwide. By recognizing and supporting those who have demonstrated courage in the face of adversity, this initiative not only alleviates the financial barriers to education but also inspires a culture of resilience, determination, and continual growth. For aspiring scholars, the Courage to Grow Scholarship is not merely a financial resource; it is a beacon of hope, a source of empowerment, and a catalyst for transformation, paving the way for a brighter, more promising future.


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The Courage to Grow Scholarship: Empowering Students for a Brighter Future. (2024, Mar 25). Retrieved from

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Courage To Grow Scholarship 2022 (Requirement and Guide)

There is a new scholarship available to deserving high school seniors who have the “courage to grow.” So many young people have big ambitions for college, and we don’t want their hopes dashed due to a lack of funds.

Pushing on even when giving up seems like the easy option requires a lot of willpower and guts.

To help future college students actualize their educational goals and aspirations, the courage to grow Scholarship was out in place, realizing that obtaining a college or diploma education may take a lot of courage and determination. 

Students give up achieving their educational goals because of different constraints and financial and fiscal constraints make it more appealing to forgo furthering their education. 

If you are in this kind of situation or you are already contemplating giving up on your educational goals, the sponsors of the Courage to Grow Scholarship is ready to help you out. 

This article contains all you need to understand about the courage to grow a scholarship and how you can apply for it. 


The Courage to Grow Scholarship was created to help students realize their school drama and achieve their higher education goals. 

This scholarship is aimed at helping to ease the financial burdens of households who are interested in education so that they have access to college or diploma education without hassle. 

The scholarship is available for high school seniors or high school juniors who defeat all challenges or obstacles and conquered battles with illiteracy regarding their background, and also the desire to attend college. 

Number of Scholarship available

Only one scholarship is awarded each month. 

Courage To Grow Scholarship Worth

Monthly, an award amount of $500.00 will be awarded to the winner of the Courage to Grow Scholarship, being one of the most valuable Scholarships in the United States of America. 

  Courage to Grow field of study

The courage to grow scholarship is opened for College Students in the United States of America who are pursuing their college diploma program.

Host Nationality

The Courage to Grow Scholarship is hosted in the United States of America and it is available in all the accredited colleges across the USA.

Eligible Nationality

The Courage to Grow Scholarship is designed for College  Students in the United States of America pursuing their college degrees. 

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for the Courage to Grow Scholarship, applicants must;

  • Be a  United States citizens
  • Be a high school senior, junior or college student
  • Have a minimum GPA of 2.5 or above.

Application process

Simply fill out the application form and you’ll be on your way. In order to be considered for a scholarship, all high school and college students must submit an essay of no more than 250 words outlining why they deserve one. Directly on their website, if you’d want.

  • Within seven days following the application deadline, students who have completed their essays and shown verification of a GPA of 2.5 or above will be notified of their placement.
  • To get a scholarship, you must be enrolled in a college or university.

Application for the Courage to Grow Scholarship is to be completed and submitted online. 

Application requirements

Applicants are expected to:

  • Fill out the application form correctly.
  • Give the answer in 250 words or fewer why you believe that you should be awarded this scholarship

How to Apply

After the application deadline, the final applicants will be chosen two weeks later.

The following conditions must be met before a student’s college or university account is credited with a scholarship:

  • Proof of college enrollment may be obtained by contacting the institution’s administrative office.
  • Proof of a 2.5 GPA or greater was received, as stated.
  • The maximum amount of a scholarship grant is $500.00.

To apply for the Courage to Grow Scholarship, eligible applicants should visit The Courage to Grow Application portal. 

Application deadline

The deadline for submission of the application is March 31, 2022. 

All application processes and requirements are expected to be completed and submitted by then as late applications will not be reviewed. 


Testimony has started pouring in from the Scholarship. There will be stories published on this platform that will inspire you to go out of your comfort zone and try something new. You may get $500 by writing a heartfelt essay of just 250 words.

J. McKeehan September 2018

I work with my hands and create masterpieces out of cardboard and wood and spray paint. When I notice something others perceive as broken, replaceable, I see something that can be made into something new, beautiful, with purpose and life, not to be thrown into the massive overflowing wastes of buried garbage, but reused.  

B.McMillon August 2018

“Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair” is the opening line of a poem that my mother recited to me growing up. It speaks to the struggles I experienced growing up as a child of a single mother without my father’s involvement- physically, emotionally, or financially. She encouraged me to not let that hinder me from becoming a successful black male. Despite his absence, I am not, was, and will never be a statistic. I believe in myself. I have worked extra hard to maintain a high academic standard so that I can enroll in my college of choice. I have the “courage to grow” because I see where kids like me end up without an education.  

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Every horse I have met has taught me a new lesson, i.e., Calvin taught me that being different is okay, even if others want to reject you for it; Buddy, that if you focus too much on the past or the future, you will overlook the present (and end up running into a fence!); Rhett, that everyone has differing opinions, but it is how you approach an idea that matters, not the idea itself.

The Courage to Grow Scholarship is aimed at supporting high senior or junior or college students who wish to attain their educational goals but are faced with financial incapability. 

Monthly, an award amount of $500.00 is awarded to one winner. 

To apply for the Courage to Grow Scholarship, applicants must go to this website. Students fill out a very brief application form that asks them to enter their first and last name, their birth, a contact number, and e-mail address, and a brief essay.

Applicants are mandated to respond to the prompt asking why they need to receive the scholarship on scholarship . 

Applicants also must agree to the app’s privacy policy that may be read. 

 All applicants who would like to apply must submit a completed application prior to the March 31st deadline. 

A high school junior or senior who is a United  States citizen is eligible to apply for this award. 

Winners for this scholarship are chosen twelve times a year which means a winner is chosen each month. 

The scholarship amount will not be disbursed to the applicant’s institution until evidence of grade point average and proof of current registration in college are obtained.

For more information, you can send an email to [email protected]

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Courage Over Comfort No-Essay Scholarship

We can transform our relationship with fear by making fear our ally.

About the Scholarship

“All too often, the security of a mediocre present is more comfortable than the adventure of trying to be more in the future.” – Tony Robbins

Comfort is the enemy of progress. We often stay in comfortable, but unfulfilling paths because of fear.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. We can transform our relationship with fear by making fear our ally.

Instead of allowing our fear to paralyze us, we can build the habit of overcoming fear by choosing courage over comfort in the pursuit of leading a fulfilling life.

To encourage everyone to confront their fears and build more meaningful lives, this scholarship exists to support a courageous and ambitious person who wants to grow.

The scholarship is open to all students and non-students from any field of study. The only requirement is that you’re ready to learn, grow, and choose courage over comfort on your journey in life.

Scholarship Details

The scholarship will be awarded to one high school or university student.

noun_Calendar_321445 (2)

$500 Cash Award


Pay it Forward

If you know someone who might be a good fit, encourage them to apply. If you win the scholarship, pay it forward by helping others.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for this scholarship, you must meet the requirements below. Please read the requirements carefully to ensure you meet eligibility before applying.

  • All students and non-students from any field of study.
  • Must be interested in learning and growing.
  • All GPAs will be considered.
  • All majors are encouraged to apply.

Meet the previous scholarship winners

Jessica (2021)

Scholarship FAQ

When is the scholarship deadline.

The next application deadline is June 30, 2024.

What is the scholarship prize?  

The scholarship award is $500.

When will the winner be chosen and notified?   

Prior to the announcement date, we may contact finalists with additional questions about their application. We will work with donors to review all applications according to the scholarship criteria. Winners will be chosen based on the merit of their application.

How will the scholarship be paid?

We will send the $500 award check to the winner’s academic institution in their name, and in the name of their institution (depending on the school’s requirements).

How will my application be verified?

Before we award the scholarship, the winner will be required to verify their academic enrollment status by providing a copy of their most recent transcript.

How can I contact you with questions?  

If you have any questions about the scholarship, you can email [email protected] . You can also reach us by phone at 858-264-3028 and by mail at:

Calvin Rosser

2460 17th Avenue #1051

Santa Cruz, CA 95062

How will my application information be used? What are the scholarship terms and conditions?

We manage this scholarship with the support of the scholarship platform. takes student confidentiality and privacy incredibly seriously. Please refer to the application page on for full details.  See advertiser disclosure .

"A Courageous Spirit" No-Essay Scholarship

courage to grow scholarship essay winners

"All too often, the security of a mediocre present is more comfortable than the adventure of trying to be more in the future." - Tony Robbins

Comfort is the enemy of progress. We often stay in comfortable, but unfulfilling paths because of fear.

But it doesn't have to be this way. We can transform our relationship with fear by making fear our ally.

Instead of allowing our fear to paralyze us, we can build the habit of overcoming fear by choosing courage over comfort in the pursuit of leading a fulfilling life.

To encourage everyone to confront their fears and build more meaningful lives, this scholarship exists to support a courageous and ambitious person who wants to grow.

The scholarship is open to all students and non-students from any field of study. The only requirement is that you’re ready to learn, grow, and choose courage over comfort on your journey in life.

Winners and Finalists

November 2023.

courage to grow scholarship essay winners

November 2022

courage to grow scholarship essay winners

October 2021

courage to grow scholarship essay winners

Explore All Kinds of Scholarships for All Kinds of Students

The application deadline is Jun 30, 2024. Winners will be announced on Jul 1, 2024.

Your privacy is a top priority on the platform, and you can find our privacy policy in full here . You may opt out of communications from at any time, and unless we’ve first notified you and gotten your consent, you’ll never receive communication from any third parties related to personal information you give us.

Award amounts per winner are designated by the donor. Check the award amount for a detailed breakdown.

The winner will be publicly announced on Jul 1, 2024. Prior to the announcement date, we may contact finalists with additional questions about their application. We will work with donors to review all applications according to the scholarship criteria. Winners will be chosen based on the merit of their application.

Award checks will be sent to the financial aid office of the winner's academic institution or future academic institution in their name to be applied to their tuition, and in the name of their institution (depending on the school's requirements). If the award is for a qualified educational non-tuition expense, we will work with the winner directly to distribute the award and make sure it goes towards qualified expenses.

Before we award the scholarship, the winner will be required to confirm their academic enrollment status. Depending on the circumstances, verification of Student ID and/or their most recent transcript will be required.

If you have any questions about this scholarship or the platform, just email [email protected] and we’ll get back to you as quickly as we can.

Yes. The terms and conditions for this scholarship can be found here .

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10 Winning Scholarship Essay Examples From Real Students

Make your application shine.

Only at the ice rink could I be myself; the feeling of the cold rink breeze embracing me, the ripping sound of blades touching the ice, even the occasional ice burning my skin as I fell—these were my few constants.

Writing a scholarship essay can be intimidating. The competition is fierce and the stakes are high, so students are bound to feel the pressure. It may be helpful, therefore, to look at essays that were successful. What did those students do to impress the committee? These scholarship essay examples will give you a better idea of how to make an application shine! 

Tips for Writing a Scholarship Essay

We’ve put together a whole guide for how to write a scholarship essay , so if you haven’t read it already, definitely give it a look! In addition, here are some quick tips to help students get started. 

Carefully read the rules

The last thing you need is to be disqualified from winning a scholarship because you didn’t do the right thing. 

Start early

Don’t wait until the last minute to start researching and applying for scholarships. Give yourself plenty of time to work through the process. 

Get to know the provider

Think of the scholarship provider as your target audience. You want to tailor your essay to impress them, so do your research. What kinds of candidates are they looking for? What causes do they support? Dig deep for the information you need!

Think about who you are, what you want to say, and how to appeal to the scholarship committee. Write everything down and then choose the best ideas. 

The scholarship committee will be reviewing many applications. How can you make yours unforgettable? Highlight your strongest assets, share hard lessons if they showcase your growth as a person and/or student, and be honest. Never lie in a scholarship essay!

Be professional

Consider this the most important academic paper you’ve ever written. Don’t use slang or casual language. Submit a properly formatted essay that’s been well-edited and proofread by multiple people.

One last tip

Don’t reuse scholarship essays! Yes, it’s time-consuming, but students need to put the same effort into every application. Use the same process and it will get faster and easier every time!

Scholarship Essay Examples

Afc visionary scholarship essay by nicole kuznetsov.

Award Amount: $5,000

Essay prompt: Why do you want to go to college? Why is it important to you?

Why it was successful: The  beauty of this essay is that it’s well-organized and simple. Nicole Kuznetsov chose to outline her story by using chronology and provided a clean, concise story following a linear path.

As a child, my life had structure. Coloring books had lines, letters took on very specific shapes, and a system of rules governed everything from board games to the classroom.

North Coast Section Foundation Scholarship Essay by Christine Fung

Award Amount: $1,000

Why it was successful: Christine Fung masterfully shared how her upbringing instilled strong values, a love for education, and a passion for medicine .

The more involved I became, the more I learned as a leader and as a person.

The Bill Browning Scholarship Essay by Gabby DeMott

Award Amount: $10,000

Essay prompt: Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.

Why it was successful: Gabby DeMott shared her experiences with personal growth and overcoming fears in Germany. She also appealed to the very human feeling of wanting to belong in a way that was inspiring. 

Never have I felt so accepted while being an outsider, so proud of a country that isn’t even mine, so part of something I didn’t really belong to.

Life Happens Scholarship Essay by Emily Trader

Award Amount: $15,000

Essay prompt: How has the death of a parent or guardian impacted your life financially and emotionally? Be sure to describe how the loss of your parent/guardian impacted your college plans, and explain how the lack of adequate (or any) life insurance coverage has impacted your family’s financial situation.

Why it was successful: Emily Trader fully addressed the prompt in honest, beautiful detail. She knew her audience and tailored her essay to appeal to them while telling her compelling story. 

If this devastating experience has taught me anything, it is this: financial planning for these situations is absolutely invaluable.

Change a Life Foundation Scholarship Essay by Isabella Mendez-Figueroa

Essay prompt: Please explain how your experience volunteering and participating in community service has shaped your perspective on humanity. Elaborate on how these experiences have influenced your future ambitions and career choice.

Why it was successful: Isabella Mendez-Figueroa shared an empowering story about her parents overcoming financial adversity so that she and her sister could be the first in their family to go to college. 

As I’ve grown I’ve learned to fight my own monsters but I now also battle the ones that frighten my parents, the monsters of a world that they weren’t born into.

Giva Scholarship Essay by Joseph Lee

Essay prompt: Who is (or what makes) a good doctor?

Why it was successful: Joseph Lee offered a captivating , personal story that was essentially a list of things that make someone a good doctor without it feeling boring or calculated. 

I learned such lessons in the purest manner possible, by being a patient myself, and will use them to guide me in all future patient encounters, as I strive to be a

New York University College of Arts and Science Scholarship by Ana

Award amount: $39,500 

Essay prompt: Explain something that made a big impact in your life.

Why it was successful: Ana discussed how early experiences w ith learning difficult things has contributed to her passion for teaching and supporting students. 

Only at the ice rink could I be myself; the feeling of the cold rink breeze embracing me, the ripping sound of blades touching the ice, even the occasional ice burning my skin as I fell—these were my few constants.

The Fund for Education Abroad Rainbow Scholarship Essay  by Steven Fisher

Award amount: $7,500

Essay prompt: The Fund for Education Abroad is committed to diversifying education abroad by providing funding to students who are typically under-represented in study abroad. Please describe how you and/or your plans for study abroad could be viewed as under-represented.

Why it was successful: Steven Fisher’s powerful essay   connected his realizations about his own sexual identity with embracing the beautiful diversity found all around the world. 

My growth as a person was exponential. I rewrote so many areas of my life where I didn’t do things I wanted because of social conditioning.

Women’s World Banking Founder’s Scholarship Essay by Rosaisha Ozoria

Essay prompt: Write about your hopes for the future of women and girls worldwide.

Why it was successful: Rosaisha Ozoria   focused on a very specific topic , financial literacy for Hispanic women, and emphasized its importance and relevance to her own life. 

This is a tremendous goal, but for me, it is an opportunity to make a difference – in my neighborhood and for my Spanish community.

The Millennium Gates Last Dollar Scholarship Essay by Famyrah Lafortune

Award amount: $3,500

Essay prompt: Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” —Nelson Mandela Describe a change you would like to make in the world. Tell us about how you would plan to make that change, and what obstacles you might encounter along the way.

Why it was successful: Famyrah Lafortune starts with a strong statement about ending racial inequality and then details the steps she’ll take to make it happen. 

By raising awareness of racial disparities that occur everywhere, I might encourage a new wave of change in our country ...

Do you have any great scholarship essay examples? Share them below!

Plus, check out  the ultimate guide to college scholarships, want more suggestions be sure to subscribe to our newsletters ..

Need money for college? These scholarship essay examples will help your application stand out over the competition!

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    The title of this scholarship, "Courage to Grow", expresses the profound belief that growing is a choice, and a courageous one at that. Although rain falls from the sky and the seeds in the ground will undoubtedly grow, humans are different. Life hands us rain, but it is our own courageous decision to use it to grow.

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  3. Courage to Grow Scholarship : r/scholarships

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  4. Courage to Grow Scholarship

    About the Scholarship. Opens: 1/1/2024. Closes: 12/31/2024. The Courage to Grow Scholarship is available to high school juniors and seniors and students currently enrolled in college. The program awards one scholarship each month throughout the year and the deadline is the last day of each month. Apply Now. Win up to.

  5. Guide to the Courage to Grow Scholarship

    The Courage to Grow Scholarship is a smaller scholarship with a quick and easy application. It offers you multiple chances at winning a decent chunk of change that can help you overcome the financial burdens of getting a college education. This scholarship consists of a quick application and a short, 250-word essay.

  6. Past Winning Essays

    2020 Winning Essay By Noah Durham; 2019 Winning Essay By Elazar Cramer; 2018 Winning Essay By Jeffrey Seaman; 2017 Winning Essay By Daud Shad; 2016 Winning Essay By Zhen Tu; 2015 Winning Essay By Matthew Waltman; 2014 Winning Essay By Ben Wolman; 2013 Winning Essay By Jamie Baer; 2012 Winning Essay by Patrick Reilly; 2011 Winning Essay by Kevin Kay

  7. Courage to Grow Scholarship

    If so, consider applying for the Courage to Grow Scholarship! Each month, the scholarship awards $500 to a student who submits the most thoughtful essay (maximum of 250 words) about why they should be awarded the scholarship. As the scholarship is monthly, the deadlines are the last day of each month. Thus, if you don't win once, you can ...

  8. Courage to Grow Scholarship: Key Insights and Opportunities

    The Courage to Grow Scholarship selects its winners based on a merit-based system. Applicants must be high school seniors with a minimum GPA of 2.5 to be considered for the scholarship. Each month, one student is awarded the $500 scholarship based on the most thoughtful essay submission, which should not exceed 250 words.

  9. Courage To Grow Scholarship

    The Courage to Grow Scholarship provides $500 to help a junior or senior in high school or a college student pay for college. To qualify, you need a minimum GPA of 2.5 or better and be a U.S. citizen. To apply, you should write an essay. Sound like a good fit for you? Chat with a Mos advisor, or visit the scholarship website today.

  10. Courage to Grow Scholarship

    Call or Text us 1-866-313-6311 (9AM - 7PM EST Monday-Friday) 1025 Connecticut Avenue, NW • Suite 1000 • Washington, DC 20036 9275 W. Russell Rd • Suite 235 • Las Vegas, NV 89145

  11. Courage to Grow Scholarship 2023 Requirements, Winners, Legit

    Applicants and candidates should be legal US citizens. Applicant should be enrolled in any two or four-year college program. All high school juniors should have the plan to complete a two or four-year college program. All candidates should have a GPA of 2.5 or higher. Applicants must submit a valid reason for joining this scholarship program.

  12. Courage to Grow Scholarship

    Annually, Courage To Grow offers 12 scholarships worth $6,000 to students all over the country. It evaluates students on their academics. Applicants also need to justify why they deserve the scholarship. Courage To Grow helps students accomplish their higher education goals. The organization wants to shoulder some of the financial burdens that ...

  13. Courage to Grow Scholarship

    The Courage to Grow Scholarship is available for U.S. High School Juniors, Seniors, and current College Students with a 2.5 GPA or higher. The scholarship amount is a maximum of $500. Disclaimer: College Bound Village LLC is a participant in the Amazon Associates program. This blog post may include affiliate links, like an Amazon Prime 30-day ...

  14. The Courage to Grow Scholarship: Empowering Students to Pursue Their Dreams

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  15. Why the Courage to Grow Scholarship Will Change Your Life

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    Conclusion. The Courage to Grow Scholarship is aimed at supporting high senior or junior or college students who wish to attain their educational goals but are faced with financial incapability. Monthly, an award amount of $500.00 is awarded to one winner. To apply for the Courage to Grow Scholarship, applicants must go to this website.

  18. Courage Over Comfort No-Essay Scholarship

    If you have any questions about the scholarship, you can email [email protected]. You can also reach us by phone at 858-264-3028 and by mail at: Calvin Rosser. 2460 17th Avenue #1051. Santa Cruz, CA 95062.

  19. "A Courageous Spirit" No-Essay Scholarship

    The scholarship is open to all students and non-students from any field of study. The only requirement is that you're ready to learn, grow, and choose courage over comfort on your journey in life. Selection Criteria: Passion, Courage, Ambition. To encourage everyone to confront their fears and build more meaningful lives, this scholarship ...

  20. 10 Winning Scholarship Essay Examples From Real Students

    The Bill Browning Scholarship Essay by Gabby DeMott. Award Amount: $10,000. Essay prompt: Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others. Why it was successful: Gabby DeMott shared her experiences with personal growth and overcoming fears in Germany.

  21. Scholarship

    Description: The Scholarship is available for U.S. high school juniors, seniors or college students with a GPA of 2.5 or higher who submit an essay in 250 words or less about the topic located on the application form. Application requirements for the Scholarship are: Essay. Application form.