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Creative Writing Academy

Creative Writing Academy

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The Creative Writing Academy (CWA) is an educational institution that equips students with practical Welcome to the Creative Writing Academy

creative writing academy accra

The Creative Writing Academy offers career-oriented programs designed to develop your writing skills. They include: • CWA 101: Writers First-Aid Kit • CWA 102: Practical Writing • CWA 103: Writing for Television (M.O.W., Series, Sitcom) • CWA 104: Writing Newspapers and Magazines • CWA 105: Mastering Short Fiction • CWA 106: Essentials of Poetry • CWA 107: Business Writing (Memoranda, Letters, Proposals, Reports) • CWA 108: The Novel as a Narrative • CWA 109: Writing for Radio • CWA 110: Writing for the Big Screen • CWA 111: Poetry & Music Interpretation • CWA 112: Playwriting: Theatre & Society • CWA 113: Writing for Children • CWA 114: Writing Romance - CWA 115: Public Speaking - CWA 116: Leadership Skills - CWA 117: Speech Writing - CWA 118: Copy Writing • CWA 119: Mastering Dialogue • CWA 120: Critical Thinking & Reasoning • CWA 121: Identifying Market Niche • CWA 122: Pitch and Presentation of Story • CWA 123: How to Market and Sell Your Script • CWA 124: Publication • CWA 125: Legal Issues in Writing Our job is to build your skills and help you write professionally. Course duration: One year, six months, or three months. Course Mode: Classroom, Distance Learning, Saturday, 1 to 1, Mentorship. The choice is yours. We are waiting to hear from you. REGISTER NOW! Call: +233 (0)302784701 WhatsApp: +233 (0)502085274 Email: [email protected] Visit us at Creative Writing Academy Learn- Create- Inspire!

creative writing academy accra

THE POOR MILLER’S DAUGHTER The Appenteng 1001 Story Writing Project is an educational endeavor that unites imaginative concepts and inventive writing abilities from the most remote regions of Africa. The project aims to facilitate, create, develop, and gather 1001 empowering stories from children in Africa. The program, a collaboration of Edify Ghana, Seeds of Empowerment, and the Creative Writing Academy, aims to develop children’s writing skills in Ghana and other parts of Africa. Through the Appenteng 1001 Story Writing Project, children in Edify partner schools are empowered to develop their creative and literacy skills. Order your copy NOW! Paperback and Kindle Available worldwide at Amazon via or at the Larajah Bookshop in Accra, Ghana: WhatsApp: +233(0)548513652 Email: [email protected] Larajah Limited Passion & Excellence

creative writing academy accra

The Creative Mindset. Have a fabulous day!

creative writing academy accra

MANAGERIAL AND LEADERSHIP SKILLS Are you struggling in your position at work? Have you been promoted but been unable to do your job effectively and feel the world is crushing down on you? Are envious colleagues trying to undermine your confidence with negative remarks? We are here to help build your skills and make you shine in your role. Register NOW and learn skills that will boost your confidence and help you excel. We have discrete 1 to 1 programs, Saturday Lessons, Distance Learning, and Mentoring Sessions for our Management and Leadership Skills. We have short courses (3, 6, and 9 months) or longer courses. The choice is yours! Visit us at Email: [email protected] Call/WhatsApp: +233 (0)502085274 Yours in Professional Excellence, The Creative Writing Academy Learn - Create - Inspire!

creative writing academy accra

EFFECTIVE SPEECHWRITING SKILLS How to Write a Good Speech Solid speechwriting skills can help launch and sustain a successful career. What you need is forethought and methodical preparation. Know Your Audience Learn as much as possible about the audience and the event. It will help you target the insights, experience, or knowledge you have that this group needs: * Why has the audience been brought together? * What do they know, and what do they need to know? * What is the audience’s attitude and knowledge about the subject of your talk? * What is their attitude toward you as the speaker? * Why are they interested in your topic? Choose Your Core Message To write an effective speech, you should have significant knowledge about your topic, sincerely care about it, and be eager to talk about it. Focus on a message! First, consider your goal, then outline your speech and fill in the details: 1. Introduction – The early minutes of a talk are essential to establish credibility. Outline your main points. 2. Body – Get to the issues you are there to address, limiting them to five points at most. Be passionate: your conviction can be as persuasive as the appeal of your ideas. 3. Conclusion – End your speech with something that will inspire your listeners. You want to leave them exhilarated, not drained. We are here to build your skills and make you shine in your role. Register NOW and learn skills that will boost your confidence and help you excel. We have discrete 1 to 1 courses and 3-month Classroom or Distance Learning courses. Visit us at Email: [email protected] Call/WhatsApp: +233 (0)502085274 We are waiting to hear from you. Creative Writing Academy Learn- Create- Inspire!

Everyone has a story to tell. Everyone is a writer, some are written in the books and some are confined to hearts. If two points are destined to touch, the universe will always find a way to make the connection- even when all hope seems to be lost. ― Savi Sharma

creative writing academy accra

The Benefits of Public Speaking Skills Public Speaking Skills offer a multitude of benefits: a) Enhanced communication abilities, enabling individuals to express ideas clearly and precisely. b) Boosts self-confidence, empowering individuals to overcome fear and project themselves confidently in various situations. c) Impacts professional advancement, highly valued in the workplace for presentations, pitches, and leadership roles. Obtaining Public Speaking Skills helps to expand your networking opportunities and enable you to connect with like-minded people and industry professionals. It can foster personal development, influence, and the ability to positively and professionally impact people. We are here to help build your skills and make you shine in your role. Register NOW and boost your confidence! We have discrete 1 to 1 programs, Distance Learning, and Mentoring Sessions. We have short courses (3, 6, and 9 months) or longer courses. The choice is yours! Visit us at Email: [email protected] Call/WhatsApp: +233 (0)502085274 Yours in Professional Excellence, The Creative Writing Academy Learn - Create - Inspire!

creative writing academy accra

MANAGERIAL AND LEADERSHIP SKILLS Are you struggling in your position at work? Have you been promoted but are unable to do your job effectively and feel the world is crushing down on you? Are envious colleagues trying to undermine your confidence with negative remarks? We are here to help build your skills and make you shine in your role. Register NOW and learn skills that will boost your confidence and help you excel. We have Discrete 1 to 1 Programs, Saturday Lessons, Distance Learning, and Mentoring Sessions for our Management and Leadership Skills Programs. We have short courses (3, 6, and 9 months) or longer courses. The choice is yours! Visit us at Email: [email protected] Call/WhatsApp: +233 (0)502085274 Yours in Professional Excellence, The Creative Writing Academy Learn - Create - Inspire!

creative writing academy accra

“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.” — Dale Carnegie Creative Writing Academy Learn- Create- Inspire!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, FORTUNE! Born on Valentine’s Day and celebrating her birthday. Creative Writing Academy Learn - Create - Inspire!

creative writing academy accra

The Creative Writing Academy The Creative Writing Academy (CWA) is an educational institution that equips students with practical proficiency and competence in Screenwriting, Playwriting, Writing for Media, Corporate Writing, Effective Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Effective Business Communication, Copywriting, Fiction, Non-fiction, Boigraphypoetry, and speechwriting. In our Junior School (10 am on Saturdays), we train students (aged 8 to 14) to Think Critically, Speak Eloquently, improve their Reading, Comprehension, Grammar, and Spelling, and enhance their natural talent in Story Telling, Writing, and the Creative Arts. No more PROCRASTINATION! Our next class starts on Saturday. Let's get our children productive in 2024! Yours in Writing, The Creative Writing Academy Ghana's Premier School for Writers

creative writing academy accra

EFFECTIVE PRESENTATION SKILLS These skills are vital influencers in the world of business. Delivering presentations is an inevitable part of corporate life. An effective presentation gives you the upper hand over your internal and external competitors. Who Should Attend? This program is for those seeking to enhance their influence through Effective Communication and Presentations. These include marketing and sales executives, financial and business analysts, consultants, managers, supervisors at all levels, and technical staff. For more information or to register, send a WhatsApp message to +23350 208 5274 or email [email protected] We also have Speechwriting, Effective Communication, and Public Speaking Courses. Do not procrastinate! There is no time like the present. Creative Writing Academy Learn - Create - Inspire!

creative writing academy accra

PASSAGE OF LOVE When the Path to Happiness means by H L Daniel This Valentine, instead of chocolate or flowers, get something that will last forever! Zhara, an accomplished lady, revels in the social whirl of her professional life and learns about the precariousness of romance. It is only when a new crisis forces her to consult a psychologist that she gains the courage to confront her fears. Order your copy NOW! Paperback and Kindle are Available worldwide at Amazon via this link: and at Larajah Bookshop, Accra, Ghana. WhatsApp: 0548513652 Email: [email protected] Larajah Limited Passion & Excellence

creative writing academy accra

UNVEIL YOUR HEART’S NARRATIVE ❤️ You can’t afford to miss this. Get caught WRITING! 💔

Learn- Create- Inspire! Do you wish to write professionally but never found time due to work and family commitments? Our Distance Learning Program is just right for you. Distance Learning allows you to study flexibly in your own time, anywhere in the world—the perfect solution for a busy lifestyle. 1. Set your 2024 Writing Goals 2. Start writing the book you have been yearning to write. 3. Sign up for our Distance Learning Writing Program which includes Short Stories, Articles, Copy Writing, Novellas, Novels, Biography, Autobiography, Playwriting, Writing for Media (TV, Radio, Films) Business Writing (Proposals, Reports, Public Speaking, Presentation Skills, Time Keeping, Effective Customer Relations, Business Communication), Speech Writing, and Poetry. Our renowned lecturers will guide you every step of the way. We have short courses (3, 6, and 9 months) and longer courses.. The choice is yours! Visit us at Email: [email protected] WhatsApp: +233 (0)502085274 We are waiting to hear from you. Have a blessed Friday!

creative writing academy accra

WOMAN CRUSH WEDNESDAY: Let's take a moment to celebrate our very own incredible woman, a woman of massive substance, a great woman full of dignity and honor. Yes! That's our Professor, Mrs Daniel—boss, friend, author, lecturer, and life mentor. We appreciate you for everything you do. Thank you for always challenging us to improve and grow. Your leadership and mentorship mean a lot to all your staff. We appreciate your devotion and dedication to your work. We love how you support our personal and professional development. God bless you, Prof. From the staff at the Creative Writing Academy, Larajah Limited and Larajah Bookclub, and RIWC International. We love you! ❤️

creative writing academy accra

EFFECTIVE PRESENTATION SKILLS These skills are vital influencers in the world of business. Delivering presentations is an inevitable part of corporate life. The purpose of a compelling presentation is to have an upper hand over your internal or external competitors. Who Should Attend? This program is for those looking to enhance their influence through effective communication and presentation skills. These include company executives, marketing and sales executives, financial and business analysts, consultants, managers, supervisors, and technical staff. Our renowned lecturers and professors will guide you every step of the way. The choice is yours! We have short courses (3, 6, and 9 months) and longer courses. Our Distance Learning Program allows students to study flexibly in their own time, anywhere in the world—the perfect solution for a busy lifestyle. You can't afford to miss it. Register NOW! Email: [email protected] WhatsApp: +233 (0)502085274 The Creative Writing Academy Learn - Create - Inspire!

creative writing academy accra

DRABBLE: On the Tip of my Tongue. Unspoken words are usually better than words spoken in anger, and yet, they lie awake at night, weeping, wanting to be set free. They are like flowers that will never open, denied of their moment of glory in the morning sun. They are the dusty manuscripts that never get read, let alone published. They can be the key to unlock the revolution that is going on inside your head. They can be your path to Eldorado. They can be simply, No, or stop, or I don’t think that’s a great idea, lads. If let fly, they might save someone’s life.

Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less-than-perfect conditions. So what? Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident, and more and more successful. — Mark Victor Hansen,

creative writing academy accra

Write. Just do it. Then again. Then some more. And more. Do not wait for inspiration; if you do enough of it often enough, inspiration will eventually come. - Nancy Kress Set your 2024 Writing Goals We are here to help you write the biography, novel, collection of short stories, poems, plays, and scripts for television, radio, or films that you have been dying to write. Just send us a message and make that dream a reality! Email: [email protected] WhatsApp: +233 (0)502085274

creative writing academy accra

HAPPY NEW YEAR! While we have a whole year ahead of us, why don't we start making some plans? Here are three things you can do to kickstart your writing productivity in 2024. 1. Set your 2024 Writing Goals New Year's resolutions have a habit of disappearing before January is over. So, give yourself some specific and achievable targets. 2. Get out that book you have been dying to finish, make notes for the biography you have been dreaming of Writing, and dust off those poems and short stories you have been talking about publishing. No more procrastination; NOW is the time! 3. Sign up for a Writing Course With our courses - Writing Short Stories, Writing for the Screen, Writing a Novel, Writing a Biography, Writing Proposals, Writing Reports, Speech Writing, Copy Writing, Public Speaking, Presentation Skills, Effective Communication, and lots more, we will guide you every step of the way, and your first draft could be in completed in three months. You may study at your own pace and time (Distance Learning), on Saturdays, or in person (Classroom, One to One, Mentoring). We have short courses (3, 6, and 9 months) and longer courses. The choice is yours! Our next class starts on Tuesday, 23rd January. You can have a FREE ONE-DAY LESSON with us. Just send us a message at [email protected] to claim your spot NOW! Let's get productive in 2024! Yours in Writing, The Creative Writing Academy Ghana's Premier School for Writers

creative writing academy accra

We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year!

creative writing academy accra

Afehyia Pa!

creative writing academy accra

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world,and all there will ever be known and understood. ~Albert Einstein

creative writing academy accra

LEARN TO WRITE WELL AND COMMUNICATE EFFECTIVELY We have a structure that will support you as you learn. You can study in the Classroom or at a time that suits you with our Distance Learning Program. Our small class sizes ensure students get the necessary attention to express themselves and achieve their potential. Join the creative-minded students committed to Learning, Creating, and Inspiring!

creative writing academy accra

UNLEASH YOUR GOD-GIVEN TALENT! 2024 is the year to make that wish to be an author, playwright, excellent communicator, eloquent speaker, scriptwriter, copywriter, or news writer a reality. REGISTER NOW! WhatsApp: 00233502085274 Email: [email protected] No more procrastinating.

creative writing academy accra

REGISTRATION FOR THE JANUARY 2024 SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL INTAKE ENDS SOON Note that registration for the January 2024 intake of SHS Students ends this Friday. Register NOW to secure your place. If you wish to communicate effectively, speak eloquently, think critically, and turn your fantastic ideas into compelling stories, then Ghana’s Premier School for Writers, the Creative Writing Academy, is the right place for you. We have a structure that supports students to apply what they learn in their daily lives. Our small class sizes ensure students get the necessary attention to express themselves and achieve their potential. Join the creative-minded students who have committed to Learn, Create, and Inspire! Call: 0502085274 / 0302784701 Email: [email protected] WhatsApp: 233(0)502085274 Visit us at See you in the classroom!

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Everyone has a story to tell. Everyone is a writer, some are written in the books and some are confined to hearts. If tw...

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creative writing academy accra

Creative Writing Course in Accra

accredited by


  • Improve your skills with Creative Writing Course
  • Learn how to handle creative writing challenges
  • Understand the concepts of literary fiction and storymaking

Course information

  • Course syllabus
  • Who it’s for
  • What’s included
  • Why choose this course

Creative Writing Training Course Outline

Module 1: Introduction to Creative Writing

What is Creative Writing?

  • Main Elements of Creative Writing
  • Types of Creative Writing
  • Techniques Used in Creative Writing

Module 2: Challenges for Translation

  • Challenges to Writers
  • Challenges for Translation
  • Experiment Challenges
  • Design and Quality Challenges

Module 3: Composition and Creative Writing

  • Introduction to Composition Writing
  • Types of Composition Writing

Module 4: Seven Processes of Creative Writing

  • Planning or Prewriting
  • Drafting (or Writing the First Draft)
  • Sharing Your First Draft
  • Evaluating Your Draft
  • Revising Your Content
  • Publishing Your Final Product

Module 5: Writing Fiction

  • Literary Fiction
  • Form and Structure
  • Finding Characters
  • Basics of Story Making

Module 6: Creative Nonfiction

  • Meaning of Creative Nonfiction
  • Characteristics of Creative Nonfiction
  • Tips for Creative Nonfiction Writing
  • Common Literary Nonfiction Subgenres

Module 7: Basics of Writing Poetry

  • Listening to Language
  • Finding Language
  • Awakening and Shaping Language
  • Playing with Language

Module 8: Performing Writing

  • Introduction to Performing Writing

Module 9: Writing in the Academy and Community

  • Introduction

Module 10: Tips to Improve Creative Writing

  • Do Not Underestimate the Reader
  • Give Your Characters Life
  • Utilise Strong Words
  • Check Your Commas
  • Grab Attention from the Start
  • Give the Reader a Satisfactory Ending

Who should attend this Creative Writing Training Course?

The Creative Writing Training Course is designed for individuals eager to refine their creative writing skills. This course is ideal for aspiring writers, professionals in content creation, and anyone seeking to enhance their storytelling abilities. The following professionals can greatly benefit from attending this course:

  • Journalists
  • Content Creators
  • Copywriters
  • Teachers and Educators
  • Public Relations Professionals
  • Content Marketers

Prerequisites of the Creative Writing Training Course

There are no formal prerequisites for this Creative Writing Training Course.

Creative Writing Training Course Overview

Creative Writing is an art form that enables expression, storytelling, and communication in unique and imaginative ways. Among the Personal Development Courses, this course offers an introduction to the diverse world of creative writing, highlighting its importance in personal expression and professional communication. Understanding and developing creative writing skills can enhance one’s ability to engage and captivate audiences.

Professionals in fields such as marketing, advertising, journalism, and education will find this course particularly beneficial. It’s also ideal for aspiring writers and those in any role requiring narrative skills. Creative writing enhances one’s ability to convey messages compellingly and creatively, making it a valuable skill in many professions.

The Knowledge Academy’s 1-day Creative Writing Training Course is designed to unlock creativity and improve writing skills. The training covers various aspects of creative writing, from character development to plot structuring, providing delegates with the tools to express themselves more effectively through writing.

Course Objectives

  • To explore the fundamentals of Creative Writing
  • To develop skills in character creation and development
  • To learn the art of crafting engaging narratives and plots
  • To enhance descriptive and expressive writing abilities
  • To understand various genres and styles in creative writing
  • To practice writing with feedback and guidance

Upon completion, delegates will have honed their creative writing skills, enabling them to craft more engaging and imaginative works. They will leave with a deeper understanding of storytelling techniques and the confidence to apply these skills in both personal and professional contexts.

What’s included in this Creative Writing Training Course?

  • World-Class Training Sessions from Experienced Instructors
  • Creative Writing Certificate
  • Digital Delegate Pack

Why choose us

Our accra venue.

To make sure you’re always connected we offer completely free and easy to access wi-fi.

Air conditioned

To keep you comfortable during your course we offer a fully air conditioned environment.

Full IT support

IT support is on hand to sort out any unforseen issues that may arise.

Video equipment

This location has full video conferencing equipment.

Accra is the capital city of Ghana and is the biggest city in the country. It has an estimated population of 2.2 million people. The official language of Ghana is English. The unemployment rate in Ghana decreased between 2012 and 2013 form 5.9 percent to 5.2 percent. This is a record low for the country. The basic education programme in Accra goes up tot Junior high School. There were roughly 65,000 pupils enrolled in Accra as of 2001, which is only half of the school aged pupils in the city. In 2010 this had risen to 95% of the school age children. The University of Ghana is located just outside of the city. This is the oldest university in the country as well as being the largest with 40,000 pupils enrolled here. The original emphasis was on liberal arts and science but this has since been revised to include more technological subjects.

One Airport Square Accra Ghana Accra 23301

Ways to take this course

Online Instructor-led

Online Self-paced

Experience live, interactive learning from home with The Knowledge Academy's Online Instructor-led Creative Writing Course in Accra. Engage directly with expert instructors, mirroring the classroom schedule for a comprehensive learning journey. Enjoy the convenience of virtual learning without compromising on the quality of interaction.

  • See trainer’s screen
  • Recording & transcripts
  • Virtual whiteboard
  • Share documents
  • Works on all devices


Unlock your potential with The Knowledge Academy's Creative Writing Course in Accra, accessible anytime, anywhere on any device. Enjoy 90 days of online course access, extendable upon request, and benefit from the support of our expert trainers. Elevate your skills at your own pace with our Online Self-paced sessions.

  • Unlimited mock exam attempts --> Certificates provided online
  • Get immediate access on purchase


Experience the most sought-after learning style with The Knowledge Academy's Creative Writing Course in Accra. Available in 490+ locations across 190+ countries, our hand-picked Classroom venues offer an invaluable human touch. Immerse yourself in a comprehensive, interactive experience with our expert-led Creative Writing Course in Accra sessions.


Highly experienced trainers

Boost your skills with our expert trainers, boasting 10+ years of real-world experience, ensuring an engaging and informative training experience


State of the art training venues

We only use the highest standard of learning facilities to make sure your experience is as comfortable and distraction-free as possible


Small class sizes

Our Classroom courses with limited class sizes foster discussions and provide a personalised, interactive learning environment


Great value for money

Achieve certification without breaking the bank. Find a lower price elsewhere? We'll match it to guarantee you the best value

Streamline large-scale training requirements with The Knowledge Academy's In-house/Onsite at your business premises. Experience expert-led classroom learning from the comfort of your workplace and engage professional development.


Tailored learning experience

Leverage benefits offered from a certification that fits your unique business or project needs


Maximise your training budget

Cut unnecessary costs and focus your entire budget on what really matters, the training.


Team building opportunity

Our offers a unique chance for your team to bond and engage in discussions, enriching the learning experience beyond traditional classroom settings


Monitor employees progress

The course know-how will help you track and evaluate your employees' progression and performance with relative ease

Some of our worldclass trainers


Title, job roles, etc

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What our customers are saying

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Best price in the industry

You won't find better value in the marketplace. If you do find a lower price, we will beat it.


Many delivery methods

Flexible delivery methods are available depending on your learning style.


High quality resources

Resources are included for a comprehensive learning experience.

barclays Logo

"Really good course and well organised. Trainer was great with a sense of humour - his experience allowed a free flowing course, structured to help you gain as much information & relevant experience whilst helping prepare you for the exam"

Joshua Davies, Thames Water

bmw Logo

"...the trainer for this course was excellent. I would definitely recommend (and already have) this course to others."

Diane Gray, Shell

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  • Kojo Yankah School of Communication Studies
  • Sam E. Jonah School of Business
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  • Centre for Africana Studies

Ama Ata Aidoo Centre for Creative Writing

  • Sam Quaicoe Library
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Aucc Portal

The AAA Center for Creative Writing is a unit dedicated to furthering AUCC's role in the development of a national literature through programs, projects and activities that will both nurture literary writers and literary scholars in Ghana, and encourage their interaction with other writers and artists in West Africa and around the world.

  • Reading and Talks: The series Distinguished Visiting Writers, One Book One Community, In their Own Words, and Notable New Writers bring some of today's most recognized authors to Adabraka, Accra, for readings, talks, and other engagements with students and the community
  • Classes and Workshops: Writing Clinic and Writers Studio offer intimate and accessible Fiction, Poetry and Creative Nonfiction writing classes and workshops with acclaimed authors and faculty members in person and in online formats
  • Writers Conferences: An annual three-day Writers Conference (with new art/crafts and acoustic music) are held at Discovery House
  • Public/Street Recitals and Readings:   Tabon , a one-day street festival (Sunday during the Homowo) of kasahari (street poetry), comedy, street food, street art and Ga music in honor of the community's roots, is held at Discovery House and adjoining street corners. Event is in collaboration with local business, media, Hospitality, Banks, the traditional authority, the police and medical services
  • Adabraka: Stories from the Centre of the World
  • Larabanga: Short Stories from the Savannah

At home and abroad, the AAA Center for Creative Writing engages in numerous efforts to broaden perspectives, promote mutual understanding, and foster international literary exchange.

From 2020 onward, the Center hopes to present notable authors at select Literary Festivals on the continent, ensuring that Ghanaian voices continue to be part of an international literary conversation.

  • Ghana Association of Writers
  • PanAfrican Writers Association
  • Ghana Book Publishers Association
  • Ghana Book Trust
  • Writers Project of Ghana
  • George Padmore Library
  • W. E. Dubois Center for Pan African Culture

Quick Links

  • Student Handbook
  • Academic Calender
  • How to Register & Pay Fees

Discovery House,No.2 Jones Nelson Link,Off Kojo Thompson Road. Adabraka, Accra, Ghana .

[email protected]

+233 307 016 193  /  +233 50 601 9559

Accra International Book Festival

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6th Accra International Book Festival

The biggest public celebration.

of literature in Africa.

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2021 Creative Writing Courses

Kwame Nkrumah Creative Writing Workshop Courses

KNCWW 342: Writing in a pandemic world: how to conduct creative research as a creative writer

Instructor: Dr Raghunath Anna Kadakane

Delivery Method: Online

Date: October 28, 2021

Time: 9:30 am (WAT)

Course Description:   This multi-genre course will focus on research methods used by creative writers. Participants are expected to read the creative work of some published poets and writers that has resulted from such research. The class will also take advantage of local and international research resources, in order to give students the opportunity to practice these research skills in their own creative work. It is expected that class discussions will focus on research methods, writing craft, student work, and touch on topics such as docu-poetics, creative thinking and diary keeping. How much is enough information? Is there anything as too much information? And how does the culture, history and landscape of this imagined world affect the lives of the protagonists/antagonists in our works? This workshop will be helpful for participants who are interested in science fiction and/or fantasy literature. By the end of the workshop, each student will have completed a portfolio of creative work engaged with research.

creative writing academy accra

KNCWW 201: Intermediate Fiction Writing; Flowing with the water

Instructor: Stevie Nii Adu-Mensah

Date: October 29, 2021

Course Description:   This course will focus on the craft of fiction writing and the components, elements, process, and persistence required for drafting, revising and editing a successful short story. We will read the opening pages of selected best novels and explore how the authors parse out the information, and how that information propels the narrative forward. Also, as writers it is sometimes important to break the rules, but before you do that you need first need to know what those rules are. But what happens when we do break the rules? What makes rule-breaking fiction successful? The class is expected to read, discuss, and respond to a variety of published stories and craft-based essays, but the primary emphasis throughout the workshop will be to analyse and discuss works produced by participants. You will be expected to complete one substantial work of fiction in the end in addition to workshop responses and exercises. Participants will be responsible for carefully reading the work of their peers and responding both in classroom discussion (workshop) and with typed comments.

creative writing academy accra



creative writing academy accra


Creative Writing Academy

Paying Fees

creative writing academy accra


  1. Welcome to Creative Writing Academy

    The Creative Writing Academy (CWA) is an efficient and productive Writing Academy with a passionate appreciation for the creative arts and culture in Ghana. Menu ... Roman Ridge, Accra, Ghana. Tel: :(+233) 050 208 5274 WhatsApp/Tel:(+233) 050 208 5274 Email: [email protected]. Contact Details.

  2. About Creative Writing Academy

    The Creative Writing Academy (CWA) is an efficient and productive Writing Academy with a passionate appreciation for the creative arts and culture. ... Roman Ridge, Accra, Ghana. Tel: :(+233) 050 208 5274 WhatsApp/Tel:(+233) 050 208 5274 Email: [email protected]. Contact Details. Monday - Friday: 08:00AM - 06:00PM.

  3. Creative Writing Academy

    Creative Writing Academy, Accra, Ghana. 2,519 likes · 6 talking about this · 3 were here. The Creative Writing Academy (CWA) is an educational institution that equips students with practical

  4. Creative Writing Academy Short Courses

    The Creative Writing Academy provides Short Courses (1 to 3 days with lunch and refreshments), Masterclasses and Workshops (3/4 hours with lunch and/or refreshments). ... in-depth knowledge of the industry and guide them to develop their skills and expand their conceptual appreciation of Writing as an art form. ... Accra, Ghana. Tel: :(+233 ...

  5. Creative Writing Academy

    Creative Writing Academy, Accra, Ghana. 2,518 likes · 4 talking about this · 3 were here. The Creative Writing Academy (CWA) equips students with Professional Writing Skills.

  6. Creative Writing Academy, 16 Old Achimota Road, Roman Ridge, Accra (2024)

    03/04/2024 . The Creative Writing Academy offers career-oriented programs designed to develop your writing skills. They include: • CWA 101: Writers First-Aid Kit • CWA 102: Practical Writing • CWA 103: Writing for Television (M.O.W., Series, Sitcom) • CWA 104: Writing Newspapers and Magazines • CWA 105: Mastering Short Fiction • CWA 106: Essentials of Poetry • CWA 107: Business ...

  7. Creative Writing Academy

    Creative Writing Academy, Accra, Ghana. 2,516 likes · 3 talking about this · 3 were here. The Creative Writing Academy (CWA) is an educational institution that equips students with practical... Creative Writing Academy - Videos

  8. Creative Writing Academy (@creative_writing_academy)

    418 Followers, 45 Following, 575 Posts - Creative Writing Academy (@creative_writing_academy) on Instagram: "We are Ghana's Premier School for Writers. An Academy with a Passionate Appreciation for the Creative Arts." ... Want to dive in a little deeper? Then, visit our Bookshop 📚 Roman Ridge, Accra, for Quality and Affordable books. http ...

  9. Creative Writing Courses in Accra, Ghana

    GHS 409. GHS 6,088. Pay & enrol now Add to wishlist. read more. Load more courses. See all current Creative Writing jobs in Accra Creative Writing careers in Accra. Find and compare Creative Writing Certificate and Diploma short courses in Accra, Ghana, that will help you get started, or advance in your chosen career.

  10. Course Overview

    Applications are invited from candidates who wish to be considered for admission to the Creative Writing Academy (CWA) to pursue a Certificate in Creative Writing. Apply Now! Menu . HOME / ABOUT US / ABOUT US / ABOUT CWA; ... Accra, Ghana. Tel: :(+233) 050 208 5274 WhatsApp/Tel:(+233) 050 208 5274 Email: [email protected]. Contact Details. Monday ...

  11. Creative Writing Course in Accra

    Enhance your creativity with our Creative Writing Training Course in Accra. Explore the art of storytelling and develop your writing skills. Join now!. Airport Square Accra. March Madness SALE! Upto 40% off - 95 Vouchers left! See deals +44 1344 203 999 - Available 24/7. Courses . Resources;


    ACCRA WORLD BOOK CAPITAL 2023 Join us at the Opening Ceremony and Book Exhibition of the Accra World Book Capital. Date: Monday, 24th April 2023 Venue: Accra International Conference Centtre Time:...

  13. Working at Creative Writing Academy

    Creative Writing Academy. Share details of your experiences. Glassdoor gives you an inside look at what it's like to work at Glassdoor, including salaries, reviews, office photos, and more. This is the Glassdoor company profile. All content is posted anonymously by employees working at Glassdoor. See what employees say it's like to work at ...

  14. Ama Ata Aidoo Centre for Creative Writing

    Ama Ata Aidoo Centre for Creative Writing. The AAA Center for Creative Writing is a unit dedicated to furthering AUCC's role in the development of a national literature through programs, projects and activities. that will both nurture literary writers and literary scholars in Ghana, and encourage their interaction with other writers and artists ...

  15. 2021 Creative Writing Courses

    Date: October 28, 2021. Time: 9:30 am (WAT) Course Description: This multi-genre course will focus on research methods used by creative writers. Participants are expected to read the creative work of some published poets and writers that has resulted from such research. The class will also take advantage of local and international research ...

  16. Contact Us

    Useful Information. Street Address. (+233) 030 278 4701. (+233) 050 208 5274. [email protected]. Contact Details. Opening Hours. CWA's Partner Companies. We are here to equip students with practical proficiency and competence in Creative Writing.Reach out to us Today for any enquiries you may have.

  17. Creative Writing Academy

    View Creative Writing Academy ( location in Greater Accra, Ghana , revenue, industry and description. Find related and similar companies as well as employees by title and much more. ... 16 Old Achimota Rd, Accra, Greater Accra, Ghana. Phone Number +233 502085274. Website Revenue <$5 Million. Industry Colleges ...

  18. Donate to Support Us

    You may also donate by cash/cheque at the office or via mobile money. Please call 0302784701 for details. We also accept BOOKS or whatever you can to encourage reading and writing. Thank you for your help.

  19. Leadership

    Dr. Epifania Akosua Amoo-Adare is an independent scholar and development professional with post-disciplinary interests in diverse topics such as creative writing, critical pedagogy, decolonial thinking, epistemology, feminism (s), spirituality, spatial theories, and urbanization. She has a Ph.D. in Education from UCLA and is a RIBA part II ...

  20. Creative Writing (OCEAA)

    Creative Writing (OCEAA) Creative Writing; 1010 N Main St, Santa Ana, CA 92701, USA. Sep 10 2024. Apr 29 2025 . Creative Writing (El Sol) ... Please contact CSArts Academy if you have any questions. Phone: 714-560-0900 Ext. 4000 Email: [email protected] Registration closed. Register Now!

  21. Screenwriting Reading

    Screenwriting Reading, Friday, April 18, 2025 - 7:30 pm. Get a sneak peek of tomorrow's hit films and television shows as Interlochen Arts Academy's creative writing and film students read from their original screenplays. The program will feature both film and television works in a variety of genres.

  22. Paying Fees

    3) at the Accounts Office at Creative Writing Academy, WINIPAK House, 16 Old Achimota Road, Roman Ridge, Accra, Ghana Please call +233 (0) 302784701 / +233 (0) 502085274 or email [email protected] for further details.