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Unit 35 Developing Individuals, Teams and Organisations

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The aim of this unit is to provide students with the opportunity to appreciate that developing knowledge and skills to achieve high performance is a cross-organisation activity. Students will recognise that their own professional development is just one route to improving the performance of those teams and organisations in which they work. They will also gain an awareness of the context in which learning takes place and how development needs are linked to learning interventions aimed at supporting an organisation’s strategy.On successful completion of this unit, students will have laid the foundations for their own continuing professional development which will support their future engagement in lifelong learning. They will also be able to contribute to the development of others and make a positive contribution to the sustainable growth of an organisation.

Learning outcomes

Lo1 analyse employee knowledge, skills and behaviours required by hr professionals, continuing professional development (cpd):.

  • What does this mean?
  • How do we engage in CPD?
  • How and why should CPD be recorded and evaluated?

Frameworks for CPD:

  • As a means to structure CPD activities and to provide opportunities for reflection and evaluation.

Reflective learning:

  • Consider this as a philosophy and a concept. Using reflective learning to gain a deeper and objective insight into levels of performance in comparison to levels of expectation.

Feedback for learning:

  • Using feedback as part of the learning cycle where feedback informs reflection which in turn informs action.

LO2 Analyse the factors to be considered when implementing and evaluating inclusive learning and development to drive sustainable business performance

Supporting organisational and individual learning:.

  • Learning should be focused on strategic and tactical goals and informed by, for example, GAP analysis or a skills evaluation.
  • Consider how learning is determined and implemented.

The learning organisation:

  • The use of formal and informal learning across an organisation to develop individual, team and organisational skill sets.

Training or development:

  • Training as a one-off event or series of activities is different to development which has a more protracted timescale and builds on the skills and knowledge gained during training. Should organisations focus on training, development or both?

The learning cycle:

  • Recognising that learning is continuous through the use of learning cycle theories developed by Kolb, Honey and Mumford and Lewin.

Barriers to learning:

  • Recognising the various environmental, physical, psychological and cognitive barriers and how to overcome them.

LO3 Apply knowledge and understanding to the ways in which high-performance working (HPW) contributes to employee engagement and competitive advantage

High-performance working (hpw):.

  • As a concept, philosophy and approach to developing and supporting strategy development, competitive advantage and improving employee relations.

HPW organisations:

  • What characterises a HPW organisation (HPWO)?
  • How is this beneficial to employees and the employer?
  • What barriers may exist to HPW?

High-performance HRM practice:

  • How are the two related?
  • Which informs which?
  • What impact does the desire to achieve HPW impact of HR practices?

HPW and external stakeholders:

  • How will HPW be perceived and viewed by internal and external stakeholders?

Partnerships in a HPWO:

  • Consider who will be able to support HPW in an organisation?
  • The use of HPW champions to act as catalysts.
  • How do you sell the concept of HPW to those who will be facilitating this?

LO4 Evaluate ways in which performance management, collaborative working and effective communication can support high-performance culture and commitment

Performance management (pm):.

  • As a concept and a process.
  • What constitutes effective PM?
  • How does effective PM inform learning and development at the organisational, team and individual level?
  • Differences in PM systems.

Organisational culture:

  • How this can be both a facilitator or barrier to effective PM.
  • The use of internal collaboration to deliver effective PM.

Transformation process:

  • Use PM to transform organisations. How this is achieved would depend on factors such as scale and size of the organisation, its geographic dispersal and competing challenges. The latter could be the requirement to remain strong in the market, to make a profit or to meet customer expectations during a period of transformation.

The developmental approach to PM:

  • Separating development from evaluation where the developmental approach considers stages in development and how these are achieved through the setting of criteria, the imposition of systems and an incremental approach to achieving developmental aims.
  • FRIEDMAN, A. L. (2012) Continuing Professional Development: Lifelong Learning of Millions. London: Routledge.
  • MEE-YAN, C-J. and HOLBECHE, L. (2015) Organizational Development: A Practitioner's Guide for OD and HR. London: Kogan Page.
  • STEWART, J. and ROGERS, P. (2012) Developing People and Organisations. London: CIPD.
  • European Journal of Training and Development
  • International Journal of Training and Development
  • Organisation Development Journal

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Unit 35 Developing Individuals, Teams, Organisations

developing individuals teams and organisations assignment

Developing Individuals, teams, organisation assignments will help students to learn different aspects of developing teamwork. In the business organization, the HR department selects the person who is capable of doing certain works. An employee has to show performance for the organization through their performance. By focusing on the development of the employee, an organization will also be able to get success in the business area. From this perspective, the main roles played by the HR of the organization. The team who are working for the organization needs to focus more on the business, and only through this, the organization will be able to attain the targeted goals. Developing Individuals, teams, organisations assignment is based on Dosa Plaza, which is a small chain restaurant in India, and it operates in four countries through its 72 outlets. As an HR assistant, different kinds of perspectives will be focused on and which will be described.

Table of Contents

LO1: Analyse employee knowledge, skills, and behaviors required by HR professionals

P1: determine appropriate and professional knowledge, skills, and behaviors that are required by hr professionals..

HR of an organization required different kinds of skills of an employee and also focused on the behaviour of the employee, and it satisfies then they required the person for the organization.

Curious: T he HR of an organization has to be more professional in different kinds of activities. HR has to think about the future, and only through these steps have to take for the organization. By focusing on the future, the goal of the organization will be able to achieve within time. There is a small and big organization whose goals are to maximize profit, and the HR of the organization can help from this perspective. An open-minded HR can indulge in different kinds of things in the organization, which is ultimately an advantage for the business organization. Dosa plaza needs to provide better service to the employee, and for this, they have to hire a manager who will be able to render services to the restaurant, and by satisfying customers, the organization will be able to attract more customers in the future (Chambers, 2012).

Decisive thinker: To run the business in an organization, decision making is one of the important things and which is needed to maintain by the employee of the organization. The HR of an organization can make decisions by focusing on different kinds of information. From the information, it is necessary to analyze the information, and through this taking, a step will be easy for HR. Dosa plaza runs its business in four countries, and to give services to this country; it is necessary that all the people related to the business should get the service and which is a must.

Skilled influencer: Influencing ability is a must for HR. Without having the influence ability, the organization will not be able to reach its destination, which they wanted to reach, and for this, the HR of the organization is responsible. They can influence the worker and employee, and through this, the output is increased and which adds value to the organization. In Dosa plaza, there are many employees are working and to influence them the HR need to have capabilities, and without this, the employee and the worker will not be able to show their performance at work.

Collaborative: HR works with different kinds of people, and their attribute is different from others and which is need to focus. They have to control the people, and the manager of the organization take suggestion from the HR, and for this, the work is needed to focus much. In an organization, there are many people who work together, and they take help from HR, and the people associated with the organization also take help from HR, and from this perspective, providing information and communicating with them is necessary. Dosa Plaza will be able to reach a good position if the HR team works more effectively, and through this, the targeted goal of the organization will be achieved easily.

Driven to deliver: The employee of the organization needs to deliver the best performance and which will create value for the organization. HR of the organization has to find out different criteria regularly by which delivering service to the organization will be easy. The HR of an organization has to believe that through better service, the organization will be able to reach a good position and which is a good side for the business organization (Sen, 2011).

Courage to challenge: In business, organization challenge is associated with other things, and without having the challenge, a business organization will not be able to reach a certain position. HR has to take the challenge and need to implement it in the business, and through this, the overall performance of the organization will change. In Dosa Plaza, there are many scopes where improvement can be made, and for this, HR can focus on this perspective.

P2: Analyses a completed personal skills audit to identify appropriate knowledge, skills, and behaviors and develop a professional development plan for a given job role.

To render performance in the business organization employees, need to perform in a proper way; otherwise, it will not be possible to render maximum service, and all the employees of an organization need to concentrate on this.

Communication skills: Communication is one of the important factors which is a must for every employee. If an employee does not have the skills, then they will not able to perform well in the business, and for his, they have to be conscious of their work so that they will be able to render better service. Dosa Plaza is a restaurant whose main task is to deliver the food to the customer at a price, and customers need to be satisfied with their food. Without satisfying the customer, the goals of the organization will not be able to achieve. The HR of the organization has to communicate with the customer to know the service the organization is providing is good, or they need to improve in a certain area. By taking the feedback from the customer, there will be an opportunity, and through this satisfaction, customers in the future will be easy for the customer. What needs to improve by knowing that the HR of the organization can notify the employee of the organization, and through this, the service can be improved more.

Leadership: Leading means showing the way from the front, and without having the leadership skills in an organization, the business cannot perform much better. To get the best performance from the employee, leadership is necessary for a business organization. Leaders play a vital from the front, and others by following can reach the desired position. The HR of an organization is also needed leadership skills and by which it is possible to help others in an organization to work efficiently in the organization. Only a leader can show the way and by which improvement can be made easily in an organization. In Dosa Plaza, many employees are working together, and their working criteria are different from one another because all the people of the organization do not work similarly and due to this there is a responsibility by which in work the task can be done more effectively (Isa Baud, 2018).

Problem-solving skill: In a business organization, different kinds of the problem arise from time to time, and which is needed to solve and without solving it, the business organization will not be able to success. HR of an organization faces the same situation while doing different works in an organization. The arising problem needs to solve within time; otherwise, it will affect the business in the long term. While Dosa Plaza is doing business in different countries, there are problems and which is need to be solved to run the business properly. The HR department has to work together for the benefit of the organization.

Technological skills: With the phase of time, technology is improving day by day, and business organization needs to take steps to develop the technology. By indulging in technology in an organization, the employee also needs to know how to deal with the technology; otherwise, customers will not able to get the services. The people working in an organization sometimes are not aware of the technology and which affects the business organization in the future, and on this perspective, HR needs to know the different issues of technology and also have to implement it in the business (Andrew Sumner, 2008).

M1 Provide a detailed professional skills audit and professional development plan that demonstrates evidence of personal reflection and evaluation.

For personal reflection and evaluation, a SWOT analysis can be done. Through the analysis, what is the strength and weaknesses can be known easily.

Strength: Every employee should have the strength to work more efficiently for the organization. Without having the strength, an employee of an organization will not be able to give more service and which is ultimately a loss for the business organization. The HR main strength is efficiency; they can work in the organization through the given task. The recruitment process of an organization is done with the help of HR. If they choose the wrong person for the position, then the person will not be able to give better service and which is not a positive side for any kind of business organization. HR needs to know how the service will render to the customer.

Weakness: An employee may have a weakness, but in the business organization they weakness need to turn into strength; otherwise rendering service will not be easy for the business organization. By hiding the weakness, an employee will not be able to show real performance in the business organization. Dosa Plazas manager needs to focus that the employee of the organization works properly in the business organization and to select the best employee, and HR will play a vital role. If the organization HR is unable to work effectively, then it will be a great loss for the business organization in a wide range (Kothari, 2016).

Opportunity: The opportunity in the business organization have to find out at first, and through this, the goal can be achieved easily and which is a must for the employee of an organization. Opportunity does not come always, and when it comes, it is necessary to attain it. In certain situations, there arise opportunities and which can be achieved efficiently by the employee. By working in Dosa Plaza, there need to introduce a different system so that customers will try to take the new services from the organization.

Threat: Threat can arrive any in the business and which is also affects the employee of that organization. From this perspective, the HR of an organization needs to take several steps; otherwise, the organization will be affected. The people in an organization will also be affected if the correct solution has not taken at the right time. Some competitors are competing with Dosa Plaza need on this perspective the HR have the priority to work on a team and also can solve the problem smoothly.

Producing a skills audit

There are four steps of a skills audit and which is given below:

Step 1: Communication, information and stakeholder engagement: Employees of an organisation take audit is a threat and due to this HR of the organisation need to convince employee, and through effective communication all the employees can be engaged.

Step 2: Develop assessment standards or competency profiles: On this stage, making a standard for analysis of the criteria. Through this quality of the outcome can be measured.

Step 3: Conduct the skills audit: The employees of the organisation anticipate in the audit process, and upper management will ensure it.

Step 4:  Reporting: After analysing the information, a report is provided through the evaluation.

Skills Audit

SkillDefinitionLevel of competency 1 (low) to 5 (high)
Written communicationThrough effective writing communication and sharing information.     
Presentation skillsInformation and ideas delivered through speech.     
TeamworkTo complete a task work with a group of people.     
Time managementTo complete the task work within the time and achieve the goal within the given period.     
Problem solvingIdentify the problem and according to this make solution of the problem.     
Critical thinkingEvaluating the information critically     
Assertiveness/self confidenceExpressing own ideas clearly while working with others.     
CreativityAble to create object or design by focusing originality     
Flexibility/adaptabilityIn any kinds of changing situation adapt with the circumstance.     
LeadershipCan do the work together to accomplish the goal.     
OrganisationTo accomplish the goals organize the task.     
Decision makingBetween the alternatives makes the decision.     
Psychological skillsTo achieve a better outcome able to assess a person or situation.     
PresentationIn front of audience presenting a topic.     
Proofreading ( Attention to detail)Checking the work to identify any kinds of mistake.     

Creating a personal development plan

Defining the goals: What will be the target at first need to define it, and according to this, the goals can be achieved.

Prioritise: In which area, an employee will give more focus that has to be identified.

Set a deadline: By having a deadline it will help to achieve the goals within time.

Understanding on strength: Especially focusing on what strength a person has and according to this need to go.

Recognising opportunities and threats: What opportunities and threats have to face that is needed to identify at first and according to this deal with the circumstance.

Develop new skills: Have to find out a way, and through this, new skills can be developed.

Leadership Development Plan

Start Date:                                                                                                       Revision Date:

Next Evaluation Date:

Personal Intent Statement 
Leadership Area, Skill and GoalSpecific MechanismAnticipated Outcome ( Connection to goal and personal Intent Statement)
Personal leadership Development Self-confidence. Motivate others to believe.By having self-confidence it is easy to convenience others in the organization and to take quick decision.Through this a leader will be able to manage others to the work. If a person is not confident about himself then it will not easy to manage others.
Interpersonal leadership Development Patience. Managing situation in different circumstance.Patience helps to become calm in an unexpected situation and leaders have to focus on it.Leaders cannot lose the patience when an unexpected situation arise. A leaders need to focus on the work and according to this have to wait a certain period.
Group and Organization leadership Development Strategic decision making Influencing the group to achieve the goal.Making decision in crucial time in an organization.In an organization leaders have to make decision in some certain time which is difficult for the leaders. But leaders have to take strategic decision.
Community leadership Development Assist people to develop skills. Helping people to develop their skills.Those who needs help to develop the skills needs to assist to become efficient.Community leadership help other to become more efficient like them. They take it as a responsibility.

LO2 Analyse the factors to be considered when implementing and evaluating inclusive learning and development to drive sustainable business performance

P3 analyse the differences between organizational and individual learning, training, and development..

From the various perspectives, there are differences and which turn into both the advantage and disadvantages in perspective view of the business.

Organizational and individual learning: In an organization, the operation of the organization is different from others, and different issues are also needed to focus widely. The culture of an organization also not the same as like as the other organization. By working in an organization, different issues like the culture and the function of the organization can be known easily and which will help the employee of the organization. An employee was also able to know how to perform the work in the business organization and to succeed performance need to show, and only through this, the real scenario of an employee can express in a wide range (Clark, 2006).

1. An individual can develop knowledge and personal thoughts.1. Everything in an organisation learning based on the goals of an organisation.
2. Through a different experiment, learning can be done.2. Learning cycle in an organisation is done through collective ways.
3. Individual learning mainly focused on developing individual skills.3. Organisational learning focused on achieving organisational goals.
4. In individual learning, a person can choose which area they want to focus,4. In an organisation learning organisation, select the program, and according to this, an employee has to work.

Training and development: Through training and development, one can be able to succeed in the position. To do the business organization, give different kinds of training facilities for the employees, and through this, the employee can succeed in the field of their area. The training is needed to be in the relevant area by which gathering knowledge will be easy for the employee, and from this perspective, concentration is needed to give more. For the long term process, training is necessary for every organization, and without this, an organization will not be able to reach the required stage. The employee of Dosa Plaza can take the training to improve themselves, and through this, it will be easy for them to render better service to the customer (Mishra, 2017).

1. Training is a short time process.1. Development is the process of a long time.
2. The objectives of the training are specific.2. The objectives is a broader concept.
3. Through training learning, new things can be possible.3. Development focuses on a learned thing and finding new for the development of an organisation.
4. Training is known as job oriented process.4. Development is a career-oriented process

P4 Analyse the need for continuous learning and professional development to drive sustainable business performance.

In a business organization, Continuing Professional Development is necessary to give better performance.

Through the CPD, one can able to understand what the capabilities he has are and to improve what is needed to do, and at the same people working in the field, the performance can also be analyzed. HR of an organization can gain knowledge through the CPD, and later it can implement in the business and which will create an advantage for the business organization. Through the CPD, the employee will be able to contribute to the business organization and also able to more effective in the business. It will assist in reaching a certain position and which is necessary for the professional area. The process, to a large extent, is valuable for the business organization because, through this, an employee can give the best (Robin N. Ghosh, 2008). The chain restaurant, like Dosa Plaza`s HR, by taking the opportunity can improve more and work more effectively, and through this, the goal can be achieved (Vandana Desai, 2008).

HR of an organisation always need to focus on the atmosphere of the organisation and to have a proper control CPD can play the vital. CPD helps HR of the organisation how to be turned into more professional, and through this handling, the situation will be comfortable. To get good performance in an organisation, every business needs to focus on CPD and only through this sustainable business performance can be achieved. In business to face the current situation, CPD helps to show the capabilities of an organisation. Working criteria in business are always changing and to keep up the trends  CPD can help for sustainable performance.

CPD helps the employee become more efficient in an organization and also helps the employee to innovate and introduce new ideas. CPD focuses on an employee what skills are needed and how they manage to achieve the target goals. In the professional area, an employee always needs to know new things and have to focus on skills to become successful. To render the service in the long term in the business organization, sustainability is also necessary for any organization. The organization also needs to invest money every year on the employee to get better service through the training.

M2 Apply learning cycle theories to critically analyze the importance of implementing continuous professional development.

The learning cycle theories is given below:

Concrete experience: Through this, the learner can know a new thing, and through this, an experience gets on this position. The experience can be gain also by observing others.

Reflective observation: Through the reflective observation, the new experience is discussed, and through this, the problem can be identified. It is understood properly, or not that is identified through the system (Pattanaik, 2019).

Abstract conceptualization: The method helps to know new ideas and, through this learner, able to know from the existing experience, which helps them in their work.

Active experimentation: Through this method, the implementation is done, and what is learned can be identified through the way. This is the process by which the implementation of work is done in the field of work.


The responsibility of HR in an organization is huge and cannot be denied. To work in an organization, we need to concentrate on various aspects, and only through this, an organization will be able to reach its destination. The HR team also have to more concern while recruiting employee and for that, they need to train properly. HR of Dosa Plaza, by following the thing, will be able to perform well (Vandana Desai, 2013).

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Unit 35 Developing Individuals, Teams and Organisations


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  • Pages: 17 / Words 4250
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P1 knowledge, skills and behaviours required by hr professionals, p2. analyse personal skill audit.

  • P4. Need of continuous learning and professional development
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Developing an individual or team is the responsibility of a human resource manager within an organisation. HR manager is accountable to perform various functions for determining the requirement of their team members and provide required training as well as sources to improve their performance. This report is based on Whirlpool's case study which is an American multinational organisation founded in year 1911. It manufacture and sell the home appliances through out the world (Agarwal and Brem, 2015). This project elaborates various skills, knowledge and behaviour that a HR manager must have for achieving higher success. It also contain analysis of personal skill audit along with difference between organisational and individual learning. Further, it also explain about importance of continuous learning and contribution of HPW toward employment engagement as well as approaches to improve performance.

An HR manager has to carry out various operation for managing its workforce. For performing these operations, an human resources manager of Whirlpool is required to have an array of skills and knowledges in order to deal with variety of situations ( Skills All HR Managers Must Have,  2018). This also help in resolving issues and conflicts which are faced by employees at the time of their production process. It further help in identifying various factors that may affect the performance of employees and in formulating strategies to eliminate them. Following are the skills, knowledge and behaviour that are required by HR manager of Whirlpool :-

  • Communication:- It refers to the way of conveying message or information from one person to another through mutual understanding. Communication is consider as an most essential skill of HR of Whirlpool which assist them in managing their operation and employees effectively. HR Professional have to communicate with higher management, over to managers and their current employees in written, oral etc.
  • Conflict management:- HR professional must have skill to resolves conflicts and disputes that may arises at work place. Human resource officer of Whirlpool have to solve variety of work conflicts in order to maintain the quality and efficiency at working environment. So that each task can be performed effectively and on timely manner.
  • Personnel management:- One of the major function of a HR manager is to manage the human resources of a company. So, it is very essential for a HR officer of Whirlpool that they must have skills and ability of managing their employees (Arbon, 2014). This will help company in retaining their skilled employees by making them satisfied about their job by developing a healthy and positive environment.  
  • Media and technologies:- HR manager must have a knowledge regarding the use of various technologies and software that can be used to improve the performance and simplify the operations of company. This help in managing the data and information regarding the employees as well as trends prevailing in market. HR officer of Whirlpool is required to have a deep knowledge about various sources of media which they can use to interact with their target audience.
  • Laws and regulations:- It is very essential for an HR Officer of Whirlpool to have a knowledge about the various laws and regulation for operating business legally. They must ensure that whether company is following all laws and regulations which are required to be compel for avoiding any legal compliances.
  • Decisive thinker:- HR professional always faces a situation where they have to weigh out the information and take a decision. So being decisive thinker help an HR officer of Whirlpool in performing their operations effectively and much more quickly.  The ability to evaluate tangible and intangible data converting it into useful information and act decisively is a very essential behaviour which contribute toward greater success.
  • Collaborative:- It refers to a behaviour through which a HR manager can work effectively with a number of people both inside and outside the organisation (Bolden and et al., 2015). This help Human resource officer of Whirlpool in developing a coordination among employees which further assists in increasing effectiveness and productivity of company.

Skill audit refers to the process of determining the skills and ability that an individual or group have as well as skills that they require for improving their efficiency. Personal skill audit refers to the evaluation of a person's strength and weaknesses for determining their skills and ability as well as various measures to improve their performance. There are some qualities that are required in a HR officer of Whirlpool such as decision making power, communication skill, time management and many more (Bridges and Fuller, 2015). As per the required skill, I have created a personal audit plan for determining my strength and weaknesses which are essential for HR position:

Time management skill




Conflict solving capability




Decisive skill




Presentation skill




Communication skills




Information Technology Skills




Team building




Above given table shows my personal audit in which describes about various skills and competencies that are scored by me and other staff member. In this table positive variance  shows my weak point and negative variances depict my strength.

Following are the strength and weakness as per my personal audit :

· I am excellent at managing time at workplace and performing my tasks on time.

· I am quite good at solving conflicts among team member and motivating them to bring coordination in their operations.

· My presentation skills are not good as required by the higher authority of Whirlpool.

· My information technology skill is average.


Personal development plan:   It refers to the process of formulating an action plan on the bases of reflection, goal setting and values for personal development either for career or self-improvement (Chang, Hung and Hsieh, 2014).


Information Technology

My information technology skill is moderated which influence my work.

To learn about various tools and software that help in performing my task much effectively and quickly.


For enhancing this skill I planned for taking training and guidance from IT department.

Team Members

4-5 months

Judgement of IT managers, Colleagues and Top management.


Presentation skill

My presentation skill is not good which affect my pe

spacial offer

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Developing Individuals, Teams and Organisations

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Unit 35: Developing Individuals, Teams, and Organisations assignment sample-BTEC-HND-Level 4 & 5

Course: Pearson BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals in Business

The aim of this unit is to provide students with the opportunity for self- reflection, where they will recognize their own professional development as just one route in improving performance. They’ll also gain awareness about context and how learning needs are linked back into interventions that support an organizations’ strategy – all while completing coursework based on what interests them most. Successful completion leads not only towards greater knowledge but also helps equip Campusizar’s future leaders so we can make a difference right here at home and abroad.

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Assignment Solution on Developing Individuals, Teams, and Organisations in the UK

The development of an individual’s, team’s, or organization’s skillsets is a long process that requires dedication and focus. It also relies on the right tools for the job to be successful. This article will explore how we can develop individuals, teams, and organizations in order to reach their goals and make them more productive.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this unit a student will be able to:

Analyze employee knowledge, skills, and behaviors required by HR professionals

The first step in an analysis of appropriate knowledge, skill, and behavior is recognizing what the company requires for success. A job description not only serves as a communication tool between employer and employee but also highlights expectations from personnel. It can also serve to clarify the skills required to perform effectively in a certain position within the organization or business. Careful analysis of this document should yield clarity on knowledge, skill level, personal attributes, and behavioral traits that are requisite for successful performance at all levels of employment both during and after recruitment.

Segmented career paths exist that may determine how people progress through regular succession planning processes which emphasize compatibility with senior managers’ own range of skills (so there will be more employees who share them) than among lower-down levels of management. To be successful in the hiring process, job applicants must possess certain skills and abilities listed by the employer in an advertisement or a job description. It is similar to other marketing tasks such as feature and benefits advertising.

Analyze the factors to be considered when implementing and evaluating inclusive learning and development to drive sustainable business performance

Inclusive workplaces are not just about creating diversity and inclusion, but also about building an environment where all employees feel they belong.

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The benefits of inclusive work environments can be seen in the increase in productivity, improved team cohesion, and better employee engagement. However, it is important to note that organizations need to assess what is driving their need for inclusion and take a holistic approach when implementing effective strategies that will ultimately lead to sustainable business performance.

Apply knowledge and understanding to the ways in which high-performance working (HPW) contributes to employee engagement and competitive advantage

High performer management or HPM is a people-centered approach that focuses on three key areas of employee engagement, productivity, and retention.

Paying attention to not only the quantitative but also the qualitative aspects of benchmarks which, when properly used contribute to a high-performance organization. The philosophy is based on building performance capability through HR programs that motivate employees, build skills and equip them with analytical tools needed for strategic decision-making. It is an extension of the Leadership Development or LD process and covers in its scope areas beyond leadership roles such as Human Resource Management, Organizational Performance/Evaluation, Objectives Setting Systems for self-direction at work so that individuals become accountable for their actions.

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Evaluate ways in which performance management, collaborative working, and effective communication can support high-performance culture and commitment

Performance management, collaborative working, and effecting change are three things that will help you create a high-performance culture in your organization. The way we communicate with one another can have an influence on the level of performance within our team and how committed employees feel to their company’s goals. If there is a disconnect between what people need from their manager or supervisor, then it may be difficult for them to stay motivated or perform at their best levels.  Communication skills are key when trying to build a strong relationship with your team members so they know that they are valued not only as individuals but also as part of the whole. When this happens, everyone wins!

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Defining What Your Team Does

  • First Online: 06 August 2024

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developing individuals teams and organisations assignment

  • Deandra Cassone 2  

Part of the book series: Synthesis Lectures on Engineering, Science, and Technology ((SLEST))

Developing task profiles and assigning team responsibilities provides a clear picture of what your organization does and who is responsible for the work. The summary of a study developed for a large government agency is discussed and a simple method for developing task profiles and work responsibilities is provided. Task profiles of your organization are beneficial in developing organizational assignments, identifying “single points of failure,” providing a team building activity to assist your employees in understanding the team members’ responsibilities, and providing quantifiable information that can be communicated to upper management and assist with restructuring and workforce reduction activities. Knowledge, skills and workstyles identified in the first chapter addressed in this chapter include the following:

Personnel and Human Resources


Expansion of core engineering characteristics at a broader organizational level:

Critical Thinking


System Evaluation

Management of Personnel Resources


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Tillman, Frank A., Cassone, Deandra T., Manpower Requirements for Management and Professional Personnel , Financial Times Press/Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River, NJ, Web. May 18, 2012

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Cassone, D. (2025). Defining What Your Team Does. In: Leadership Concepts for the Engineering Mindset. Synthesis Lectures on Engineering, Science, and Technology. Springer, Cham.

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Published : 06 August 2024

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

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Introduction Of Developing Individuals, Teams and Organizations

Review how hpw contributes to employee engagement and improved sustainable business performance for a specific organisation, evaluate the ways in which performance management can support high-performance culture and commitment, review the factors to be considered when planning training and development activities in an organisation, design a personal and professional development career plan.

High-performance working (HPW) and culture play a big part in today's fast-paced corporate environment in enabling sustainable business performance (Rehman et al ., 2022). To achieve HPW, human resources must be used in a way that meets the strategic and operational needs of the organisation. This results in the development of a high-performance culture that encourages employee engagement and dedication. As a consequence, the organisation experiences an improvement in production, efficiency, and competitive advantage (Alnamrouti, Rjoub and Ozgit, 2022). Similarly to this, engaging in training and development activities is crucial for keeping a competitive edge and raising staff productivity (Jaipong, Nyen Vui and Siripipatthanakul, 2022). The UK-based enterprise Josita Farm cultivates and delivers fresh food items directly to clients using an online ordering system. The Covid epidemic caused the firm to develop quickly, which necessitated the hiring of more workers to handle the surge in demand. However, soon after hiring, the business ran into several problems, including a decline in production, late or faulty orders, and client complaints. Many workers wanted to quit the firm once they found alternative employment because they were overworked.

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These issues highlight the shortcomings of Josita Farm's HPW practices, culture, and training and development initiatives. If the company hopes to keep workers, boost productivity, and maintain its competitive advantage, it must address these issues. Therefore, the goal of this essay is to investigate how HPW may assist Josita Farm in achieving long-term business performance and employee engagement. Based on reflection and assessment, a personal and professional growth plan will be developed for a specific work function (COTTRELL, 2015). Additionally, the paper will assess different performance management strategies, go through considerations to make when putting training and development plans into action, and examine the advantages of utilising HPW to promote effective, long-term corporate performance.

Definition and Explanation of High-Performance Working (HPW)

A combination of practices, strategies, and policies referred to as high-performance working (HPW) is intended to maximise an organisation's human capital to achieve long-term business performance (Anwar and Abdullah, 2021). HPW places a strong emphasis on how well employees' talents, knowledge, and skills match up with an organisation's strategic goals and objectives. Creating a supportive and enjoyable workplace, giving employees the tools and assistance they need to flourish in their professions, and offering chances for professional development are all common components of HPW practices. The overarching objective of HPW is to foster an atmosphere of high performance and dedication among staff members, which will boost output, effectiveness, and competitiveness.

Explanation of how HPW can Contribute to Employee Engagement and Sustainable Business Performance for Josita Farm

Implementing HPW practises effectively can help Josita Farm boost employee engagement and achieve long-term commercial success. Matching human resources to the organisation's strategic and operational needs helps guarantee that people are deployed efficiently and effectively, leading to increased productivity and customer satisfaction (Moustaghfir, El Fatihi and Benouarrek, 2020). Employees at Josita Farm can be taught new skills and talents, allowing them to meet the changing demands of their jobs and enhancing job satisfaction. According to Tannoury (2022), creating a high-performance culture that promotes cooperation, collaboration, and creativity may increase employee motivation and commitment to the company's vision and goals. This can result in increased job satisfaction, reduced absenteeism, and lower worker turnover.

Josita Farm can also monitor and assess employee performance against the company's objectives by developing effective performance management tools and giving feedback and assistance as needed. This can assist employees in better understanding their responsibilities, setting goals, and identifying chances for personal and professional improvement (Purcell, Gwyther and Rice, 2019). Continuous development options, such as coaching, mentoring, and training programmes, may assist employees in developing their knowledge, skills, and competencies, leading to increased job satisfaction and engagement.

Analysis of the Benefits of Applying HPW for Josita Farm with Justifications

Using HPW at Josita Farm may result in several advantages, including increased staff engagement, dedication, productivity, and long-term company performance. HPW can enable maximum utilisation of personnel talents and competencies by aligning human resources with organisational strategy and operational objectives, resulting in increased productivity and efficiency (Abdeldayem and Aldulaimi, 2020). Furthermore, by fostering employee engagement and commitment via a high-performance culture, employees are more likely to stay with the organisation, lowering turnover costs and preserving institutional knowledge (Isimoya, Bakare and Olaniyan, 2020). These elements can result in long-term company performance, such as increased financial performance, customer happiness, and reputation. Furthermore, by investing in employee training and development, employees may improve their skills and knowledge, leading to higher job satisfaction and prospects for advancement (Saban et al ., 2020).

Assessing the Possible Disadvantages and Constraints of High-Performance Working (HPW) is Necessary for Josita Farm

While HPW can provide numerous benefits to Josita Farm, it is important to consider the potential drawbacks and limitations that may come with it. An example of a potential disadvantage is that the implementation of HPW practices may incur significant expenses and require a substantial amount of time. Allocating resources for training, technology, and infrastructure may be necessary for Josita Farm to implement the new working methods(Abulibdeh, 2020). Furthermore, employees may want additional assistance and resources to adjust to the changes, which can drive up costs even higher. According to Miko?ajczyk (2022), employee fatigue and stress are other possible constraint. Employees may feel pressured to work longer hours and compromise work-life balance if HPW practises are not handled successfully, resulting in worse morale, motivation, and productivity (Adnan Bataineh, 2019). Furthermore, if performance standards are overly stringent or unreasonable, employees may become discouraged or overwhelmed, resulting in higher turnover rates. Additionally, before making any adjustments, Josita Farm needs to carefully consider the potential downsides and limits of HPW. The organisation must guarantee that the advantages of HPW outweigh the costs and dangers and that a plan is in place to deal with any negative outcomes (Bandari, 2022). As a result, Josita Farm will be able to successfully harness HPW practices to boost staff engagement and long-term company performance.

Definition and Explanation of Performance Management

The process of identifying, assessing, and developing employee performance to achieve an organisation's objectives is referred to as performance management. Setting objectives and expectations, evaluating progress, providing feedback, and providing support and growth opportunities are all part of it. Performance management seeks to enhance individual and organisational performance, boost productivity, and matching employee goals with those of the organisation (Al-Baidhani and Alsaqqaf, 2022). Furthermore, performance management may help to foster a culture of continuous improvement by encouraging people to seek feedback and learn from their experiences, resulting in continued growth and development (Ghani et al ., 2022). Overall, performance management is an important tool for fostering a high-performance culture and dedication, as well as ensuring that people are encouraged, motivated, and aligned with organisational goals (Helaly and El-Sayed, 2022).

Evaluation of Different Approaches to Performance Management and How They Support High-Performance Culture and Commitment with Specific Examples

Different techniques for performance management can promote a high-performance culture and dedication, and the efficacy of each strategy is dependent on the goals, culture, and resources of the organisation.

  • Traditional Performance Approach: Traditional performance assessment is one way, which involves creating goals and objectives for employees and evaluating their performance against those goals (Yu et al ., 2023). This method can assist to discover areas for growth and fostering responsibility, but it can also demotivate staff if the emphasis is solely on faults rather than positives.
  • 360-degree Feedback Method: The 360-degree feedback strategy, entails receiving input from a variety of sources, including bosses, coworkers, subordinates, and even consumers (Fleenor, Taylor and Chappelow, 2020). This method can give a more thorough picture of an employee's performance and capabilities, allowing for more nuanced performance management. This strategy, however, can be time-consuming and resource-intensive.
  • Continuous Performance Management Approach: The approach to continuous performance management, entails regular check-ins between managers and employees to review progress, offer feedback, and alter goals as required (Atiku, 2022). This strategy encourages continuous communication and cooperation, as well as an emphasis on growth and development, resulting in a more engaged and dedicated team (Azizi et al ., 2021). However, to be effective, this strategy necessitates a large investment of time and money .

Critical Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Different Approaches to Performance Management for Josita Farm

Josita Farm might explore employing a variety of performance management measures. The efficacy of any technique, however, will be determined by the company's goals, culture, and overall strategy (Krizanova et al ., 2019). A critical examination of several approaches to performance management can assist Josita Farm in determining the most effective strategy for achieving a high-performance culture and commitment.

  • Continuous Feedback and Coaching: Continuous feedback and coaching are a more current approach to performance management (Aguinis, 2019). Throughout the year, this strategy entails offering regular feedback and coaching to staff. It enables managers to handle performance concerns in real-time and provides for more regular contact between managers and employees (Aguinis and Burgi-Tian, 2021). This method has the potential to increase employee engagement and commitment.
  • Traditional Annual Performance Review: The typical yearly performance review is one way to perform performance management (Urtel, 2020). Setting objectives, offering feedback, and reviewing employee performance every year are all part of this method (Azizi et al ., 2021). While this strategy allows for discussion of performance and identification of areas for improvement, it is time-consuming and may not fully reflect an employee's overall performance.

Recommendations for the Most Effective Approach to Performance Management for Josita Farm

Based on the study of several performance management techniques, as suggested by Taouab and Issor (2019), Josita Farm can use a continuous performance management strategy. This method emphasises providing regular feedback, coaching, and growth opportunities to employees to assist them in consistently improving their performance. This can boost staff engagement, productivity, and dedication, resulting in long-term corporate performance (Zhang, Wu and Zhang, 2022.). Because of the company's continuously changing and dynamic business environment, this strategy also corresponds with the requirement for regular and continuing contact with employees.

Explanation of the Importance of Training and Development for Maintaining a Competitive Advantage

In today's fast-paced corporate climate, training and development activities are critical for preserving a competitive advantage. They assist employees in gaining new information, skills, and talents that are necessary for doing their tasks successfully and efficiently (Tanjung, 2020). Furthermore, they boost employee morale, motivation, and work satisfaction, leading to better job performance and lower staff turnover (Ohunakin et al ., 2019). When designing training and development activities, various variables must be considered, including the organisation's strategic objectives, workers' present skill levels, and an evaluation of training and development requirements (Arslan et al ., 2022). Other considerations include the availability of resources such as time, money, and staff, the training methods and techniques to be employed, and the efficacy of the training programme. Furthermore, it is critical to consider the employees' learning styles, interests, and preferences while designing training and development programmes. Training and development efforts should also be compatible with the broader company plan and linked with the organisation's culture and values.

Evaluation of the Factors to be Considered when Implementing Training and Development for Josita Farm to Maintain a Competitive Advantage

To retain a competitive edge, Josita Farm should consider the following elements while performing training and development initiatives.

  • Need Assessment: Before defining training requirements, it is critical to do a complete assessment of employee abilities, knowledge, and performance (Elisa, Nabella and Sari, 2022). This technique will aid in identifying areas where training may increase staff performance and the overall productivity of the organisation.
  • Training Content: Training content should be designed to match the unique demands of the organisation and be relevant to the employee's job position (Aljohani et al ., 2022). Employees should be able to readily use what they have learned in their work duties if the training is interesting, interactive, and practical.
  • Trainer Expertise: The competence and experience of the trainer have a big impact on the training's quality (Abdullah et al ., 2022). It is critical to verify that the trainer is informed about the topic area and has experience teaching adult learners as this can help Josita Farm to maintain its competitive advantages.
  • Training Delivery Method: Choosing the best training delivery technique is critical to ensuring that staff learn properly (Alshboul et al ., 2022). Online training, for example, may be appropriate for distant employees, whilst in-person training may be preferable for hands-on learning.
  • Training Evaluation: It is critical to assess the success of the training to ensure that it achieves its goals (Sultonmurodovna, 2022). This may be accomplished by pre- and post-training tests, participant feedback, and measuring performance changes after the training.
  • Training Budget: Sufficient funding should be set out for training and development initiatives. According to Elsafty and Oraby (2022), investing in training and development may result in a considerable return on investment through increased productivity and personnel retention.

Recommendations for Improving the Training and Development Activities at Josita Farm

Various recommendations may be made to improve the present training and development activities at Josita Farm based on the evaluation of these activities.

To begin, as suggested by Bin Othayman et al . (2022), a complete training requirements analysis should be performed to identify the precise areas where training might increase employee performance and overall organisational productivity. This analysis should be performed regularly to ensure that training and development efforts are following the organisation's current demands. Second, as suggested by Gajek et al . (2022), a comprehensive training and development plan should be prepared based on the findings of the requirements analysis. This plan should detail the precise training requirements, objectives, delivery methods, and timetables. It will aid in the development of structured, goal-oriented, and meaningful training activities.

Third, as recommended by Suryawanshi et al . (2023), to guarantee that employees can learn successfully, a range of training delivery techniques should be used. Online training, in-person training, on-the-job training, and coaching are examples of these. The mode of delivery chosen should be in line with the specific training requirement and should be based on the most effective technique to convey knowledge to employees.

Fourth, as suggested by Mohammadi, Mohibbi and Hedayati (2021), the trainers should be knowledgeable about the subject and have prior experience offering training to adult learners. They should also have strong communication and facilitation abilities to guarantee that the training is given properly. Fifth, a mechanism for assessing the efficacy of the instruction should be devised. This might include pre- and post-training tests, participant comments, and tracking performance changes after the training. This assessment will assist in determining whether the training is accomplishing its objectives and whether any changes are required. Sixth, a sufficient budget should be set out for training and development initiatives. Investing in training and development may result in a considerable return on investment through increased productivity and personnel retention (Arias, Evans, and Santos, 2019). Finally, in addition to as suggested by Elfert (2019), formal training, personnel should be given chances for continual learning and growth. Access to online learning tools, coaching, and work rotation are all examples of this. It will assist to guarantee that personnel are always updating their abilities and staying current with industry trends and practices.


Self-reflection is a necessary stage in developing a personal and professional growth plan for Josita Farm's HR function. Conducting a personal skills audit to discover individual strengths and areas for growth is required (Crane et al ., 2019). This self-evaluation will assist in identifying areas where extra training or experience may be required to succeed in the position (Parisod et al ., 2022). First, I will determine the knowledge, abilities, and behaviours necessary for the HR position at Josita Farm. This will entail reviewing the company's HR rules and procedures, and job descriptions, and interviewing current HR professionals to acquire an understanding of the role's daily duties. I aim to obtain a better grasp of my strengths and opportunities for improvement as a result of this approach. I feel that by creating a clear image of the knowledge, abilities, and behaviours necessary for the HR job at Josita Farm, I will be able to construct a complete strategy that will help me reach my personal and professional objectives while effectively carrying out my obligations as an HR professional.

Setting SMART Objective for Personal and Professional Development

Take an HR policy development course. Complete all course exams with an 80% or above. Finish the course in the following six months. Relevant to my HR position and will increase my policy development knowledge and abilities October 31, 2023
Attend an interviewing methods workshop. Implement freshly learnt interviewing skills successfully in the next cycle of hiring. Attend the workshop within three months. Relevant to the HR position and will help me enhance my recruiting and selection abilities January 31, 2024
Seek the advice of senior human resources management. Get positive feedback and advice from your mentor. Plan to meet with the mentor regularly over the following six months. Relevant to my HR work and will help me strengthen my leadership abilities April 30, 2024

Development Activities to Achieve Goals and Improve Knowledge

Several development initiatives have been identified to increase my knowledge, abilities, and attitudes necessary for the HR function at Josita Farm. These activities will assist me in meeting my objectives and ensuring my ongoing growth. Attending HR-related training courses, seminars, and workshops, seeking mentoring and coaching from HR experts, and reading industry magazines to remain up to speed on HR trends and best practices are some of the development activities I've noticed (Morethe, Swarts and Schultz, 2020). Training classes will give me a systematic and all-encompassing learning experience. Seminars will provide opportunities for HR professionals to network and learn about new HR themes. Seeking mentoring from HR experts would allow me to learn from seasoned professionals while also receiving personalised feedback on my progress (David-West and Nmecha, 2019). Reading industry publications such as HR periodicals and newsletters will keep me up to date on the most recent HR trends and best practices.

Implementation of Development Plan

Following the identification of the necessary development activities, the following stage is to take action to put the development plan into action. As an HR specialist at Josita Farm, I will attend appropriate training courses, workshops, and seminars. This will assist me in gaining information and skills necessary for optimal performance. To benefit from their experiences, I will also seek mentoring and coaching from seasoned HR experts in the field. In addition, I will study industry magazines to stay current on the newest HR trends, best practices, and regulations. By continuously updating my knowledge and skills through professional development activities, I will remain up-to-date with the latest and most effective approaches in my field, enabling me to stay ahead of the competition. Consequently, I will apply my enhanced knowledge and abilities in my HR role at Josita Farm to ensure that I provide exceptional service to the organisation and further improve my skills.

Evaluation and Reflection

To create a comprehensive personal and professional development plan, it is important to critically evaluate the results of my skills audit. This involves analyzing feedback from colleagues, assessing my own performance, and identifying areas that require improvement (Chien et al ., 2020). My development plan should include specific and measurable goals, relevant development activities, timelines, and performance indicators based on my evaluation. To ensure its effectiveness, it is crucial to review and update the plan regularly. A well-designed development plan can help me identify growth opportunities and enhance job performance and satisfaction (Huang, 2019). By constantly reviewing and refining my plan, I can utilize it as a tool to achieve my long-term career objectives and monitor my professional advancement.

Conclusion and Recommendations

In summary, the study conducted on Josita Farm highlighted its commendable operational efficiency and productivity. However, certain aspects, such as culture, training and development, and high-performance working, require attention. As per TAYLOR and WOODHAM (2016), recommend that the organisation implements a high-performance working approach that involves empowering employees, promoting teamwork and partnerships, and providing opportunities for professional growth to maintain competitiveness. In addition, the organisation should foster a healthy organisational culture by encouraging open communication, employee involvement, and work-life balance.

Training and development are critical for sustaining a competitive edge, and a thorough strategy to identify employee training requirements, develop training programmes, and utilise a range of training delivery techniques should be followed. Furthermore, as suggested by TAYLOR, S. and WOODHAM, C. (2016), the trainers should be assured, and a mechanism for evaluating training efficacy should be devised. The significance of high-performance working environments, cultures, and training and development for long-term corporate performance cannot be emphasised (TROUGHT, 2017). These variables can contribute to higher levels of staff engagement, productivity, and retention, as well as higher levels of customer happiness and profitability (MEE-YAN, C-J. and HOLBECHE, 2015). Josita Farm may achieve sustained company success and retain a competitive advantage in the market by applying the advised measures.

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Developing Individuals, Teams and Organisations (DITO)

  • Introduction - Developing Individuals, Teams and Organisations

Knowledge And Skills That I Already Have, And the Activities Help in The Organisation

Understanding skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, linked to the knowledge and skills, individual learning, training and development differs from the learning, training and development of an organisation, my individual learning, training and development.

  • Organisation’s Learning, Training and Developing Skills

Learning cycle

Steps of learning cycle, high-performance working (hpw).

  • How HPW Helps the Tesco Plc to Enhance Employee Commitment and Engagement and Attain an Advantage Over the Organisation’s Competitors

Critically Evaluate Different Ways That HR Managers Can Instil a Culture of High-Performance Working in Organisations and Identify Which HPW Approach Would Work Best in Tesco Plc

Introduction - developing individuals, teams and organisations.

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Tesco is a publicly-traded corporation. It was started in 1919 by Jack Cohen in Hackney, London, England, United Kingdom. In terms of gross revenue, it is the third-largest retailer. In terms of revenue, it is the tenth-largest in the world. Tesco PLC is headquartered in Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire. It has been around for 103 years. There are 4673 shops in total. Tesco originally opened its doors in 1924. Tesco opened its first permanent indoor market stand in Tooting in the month of November in the year 1930, and its first shop in Maldon in 1956. Tesco Bank and Tesco Mobile are also part of Tesco PLC.

In this entire report, there will be a discussion on the value of the knowledge, skills, training, and also the development, and based on those facilities how to help my own and also help the organisation. After that discuss the learning cycle and its opportunity in the organisation. All are things are discus below in proper detail. There will be also a discussion on the High performance working of Tesco Plc and there will be various information regarding the High-Performance working.

This part discusses the knowledge and skills already I have.

Like I have some of the skills and knowledge that are helping organisations for achieving their business goals.

Understanding skills is the most important factor if the person manages the organisation’s structures. Because if the person clearly understands the organisational structure as well as understands the worker’s issues the people easily overcome the issues and maintain the organisational stability.

Problem-solving is one of the major points in organisations. Depending on these skills the organisation easily covers up its issues and also quickly solves the issues, I have already these skills.

Communication is another important part of any organisation because based on communication skills the organisation always communicates with other people and understands the value of the communication important part. I have also the skill of communication.

On the other hand, if I develop this part in detail it is getting more opportunities for me and also for the organisation of Tesco. Because any organisation always needs a properly skilled person. The reason is if the organisation recruits skilful person so that the organisation achieves more opportunity. As well as the company of Tesco always need the skilful person and they have basically focused the communication skills, understanding skill, problem-solving skills, etc. because the reason is the company stable in the United Kingdom and it is one of the world’s most developed country, that is why the company has more requirements on the other companies. Based on the requirements I have all of those things and knowledge. With the help of that knowledge and skills company of Tesco gets the opportunity and also the knowledge skills the company easily satisfied with its performance and achieve its goals. 

Learning Goals That Are Linked to The Knowledge and Skills I Will Need in Your Role as A Junior HR Manager

Learning Goals

The learning goals involve some of the basic points depending on the point selected for the learning goals (Holmes and Smith, 2019). Like

  • Communication developing skills.
  • Teamwork and social responsibilities.
  • Problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
  • Creativity thinking
  • Analytical thinking.

All together maintain the learning goals and their activities (Penuel et al ., 2020). It means all of those things are the key point in the learning goals. Because learning goals are the most vital point in any organisation and the organisation always focused on this area and measures the worker’s value. After that, they decided on their other requirements.

Based on the learning goals I have already some the skills and knowledge like communication skills, problem-solving knowledge, and creative thinking. On the other hand, some extra skills and knowledge are easily adopting my day-to-day operations. Because if I will need a junior HR manager role that those are the things are most important. If I adopt all of those skills and knowledge it is a better opportunity for me and also for the organisation.

 In my personal experiences, I have some learning and knowledge skills, like I already have communication skills, problem-solving skills, also have understanding skills. I would maintain all of those with help of my own training skills and also the developed skills with my own experiences.

But on the other, the company also maintains all of those things with other options. Like the company always follows the learning goals and depends on the learning goals the company easily maintains its performance and skills. It is the help of the company for developing the organisation’s day-to-day activities. Also, the company will train each and every worker for their daily basis activities. In this area, the company is more beneficial for their activities.

Organisation’s Learning, Training and Developing Skills

Stand by this portion the company has more updated facilities and opportunities. Because the company maintains its learning skills, training, and developing skills individually. As the company has trained extra skills like analytical skills, teamwork system social responsibilities, etc. all are the things are involved in the company of Tesco, that is the reason the company of Tesco is different from the own learning, developing and training skills.

The learning cycle is known the learning which is based on the different stages and activities. Depends on the different stages and activities manage the learning skills and development (Hrdli?ková, Feren?íková and Bardy, 2020). The learning cycle used some of the theories and based on the theory the learning cycle maintains its activities.

The learning cycle has four stages preparing, absorbing, capturing, and reviewing.

In the stage of preparing understand the hoe to prepare any content, after that the second stage is absorbing, this part help for how the absorbing a preparing content, the third stage is capturing, this point tries to understand how the capture preparing to absorb content, last and final stage is reviewing this part is one of the most important stages because stand by this stage gives some of the opportunities (Brooks et al .,2019). It means it is helpful in resolving the issues and activities.

Fig: Steps of the Learning Cycle

(Source: Made by Author)

Theory Of the Learning Cycle

The learning cycle involved some of the theories because with the help of the theory the learning skills maintain their activities. This concept discusses the theory of Kolb’s.

Kolb’s learning cycle theory

Kolb’s learning cycle has the four stages, depends in the four stages the learning cycle are dependable. Those stages help to understand the actual learning cycle and its possibilities (Chiu, 2019). The stages are. Concrete experience determines the feeling, then reflective observation indicates the watching, abstract conceptualization indicates the thinking function, last and final stage is active experimentation it includes doing something. All those are the things repeatedly circulating in any specific point of view.

Fig: Kolb’s Learning Cycle

(Made by Author)

Basically, all of those things are help of the learning cycle and also help of the continuously leaning facilities. Because all are the stages help of how the watching in the specific content then how they think differently about the specific content than the most important part is how to do this specific content and the last and final stage is feeling this one is an actual major point in the Kolb’s because, after completing any work or any type content always need to feel about the activities. It helps to understand the actual issues, feedback, and performances.

Reflect On the Learning Cycle Theory

The use of the learning cycle is the help of the learning structure. It means the learning cycle helps the learning cycle theory the involved in continuously learning and also helps for the continuously developing the skills (Butler et al .,2019). It means it is affected by the positive impact. All these are the things are most vital factors in any organisation. Because it depends on the learning cycle the organisation makes a proper infrastructure. That is why the learning cycle also helps the organisation for continued growth and easily achieve its goals.

High-performance working is all about the practices in the workplace, and it also can be called policies, and the processes that are required in a workplace, and the harmoniously working can bring the improvement in the performance of a company. The High-Performance Working mainly consists about three areas and the areas are,

  • High Employee Involvement
  • Human Resource Practices
  • Compensation and Reward

If the companies used these three methods of High-Performance Working, then it will be beneficial for the company but the organisations can select a method as per the choice of the organisation (Haile, 2021). The choice of the company can be based on the needs, strategies, and objectives of the company. The high-performance working practice improved the performance of a company by 20-40% as compared to the companies which do not use these practices. So, high-performance working is one of the major practices for organisations that can improve the performance of a company, and high-performance working also increases the productivity of a company.

The implementation of high-performance working in an organisation is correlated with the growth of the organisation positively. High-Performance Growth is also positively correlated with the innovation and creativity of the company as well as it also improves the job satisfaction of the employees and it minimizing employee turnover and helps the company to improve profitability. So that the High-performance Working will influence the overall development of the company and can boost the performance of the company (Haile, 2021). The process of empowering the employees of the organisation is one of the better practices for the organisation as it improves the job satisfaction of the company and that will result in the productivity of the company so which will be an advantage for a company. Transparency in the communication process will also improve the performance of the company as it also improves the efficiency of the employees.

High-performance working helps the companies to increase their profitability as well as it also ensures the security of the employees which improves job satisfaction. It also improves the hiring process of a company as well as enhances the decision-making process of the company so which helps to maintain a better growth of the company. That also improves the training and the compensation which is result based.

How HPW Helps the Tesco Plc to Enhance Employee Commitment and Engagement and Attain an Advantage Over the Organisation’s Competitors

High-Performance Working is one of the essential for the businesses as discussed in the above point. In the case of Tesco Plc, it is one of the largest retail businesses in the United Kingdom so in that company also the High-performance working practices helps to improve efficiency. The use of the High-Performance Working will be helpful for Tesco Plc (Hamadamin and Atan, 2019). The use of the High-performance work will give an advantage to the company as well as it will improve the performance of the company. As high-performance working focuses on the employees of the company so that will be better for Tesco Plc, as it will improve the productivity of the employees of Tesco Plc. The use of High-performance work also builds a bonding between the employees and the management of the company so which also helps to bring the employee’s engagement in the company and that will impact the employee’s productivity of Tesco Plc. The High-performance work will affect a positive impact on the performance of Tesco Plc. The business process of Tesco plc will be improved by using the High-performance work. As high-performance working includes high involvement of the employees it affects the engagement of the employees in the organisation so this practice in Tesco Plc, can improve employee engagement and commitment to the company so which will be better for the company if the company uses high-performance work practices.

The use of High-performance working will improve the performance of Tesco Plc and it brings the overall development for Tesco Plc. The use of high-performance work will influence the productivity of Tesco Plc and that will be an advantage for the company (Hamadamin and Atan, 2019). So, the use of High-performance Working will help the company to gain in terms of competitive advantage, and the growth of Tesco Plc will improve by 20-40% by using High-performance working practices. The growth of Tesco plc will be improved compared to the competitors of the company and that will create an image of the company. So, using High-performance working practices will be effective for the Tesco Plc and this practice will improve the growth rate of the company and it will be beneficial for the company.

The improvement of the culture with the help of HR, it can be done in the organisation. The HR of a company also can instil a culture of high performance by implementing the practices of the High-Performance working in the organisation. In terms of High-performance working, it will help to generate more profit by the business process of the company and it also reduces the cost of the company so the high-performance working practice is essential for any business which can improve the performance of the company (Ciobanu, Androniceanu and Lazaroiu, 2019). In terms of high-performance working, it can be implemented by the company to improve the overall performance of the company.

The human resource of the company can improve the culture of the organisation and for that, the Human Resource can use the different practices to turn the culture of the organisation into high-performance work. So that there are a few ways that the HR manager can implement and one of the beneficial ways to make a high-performance culture is that the company can improve the involvement of the employees so that the culture of the company will be high-performance working. Apart from this the company also can use Human Resource Practices and that also helps the company to make the organisation high-performance working. There is another practice that the company can implement to make a high-performance working culture and the practice is compensation and reward (Ciobanu, Androniceanu and Lazaroiu, 2019). The Human Resource of the company can implement these practices in the organisation to make a culture of high-performance working in the company.

In terms of Tesco Plc, the High involvement of the employees will be a beneficial practice for the company and that can help the company to improve its performance of the Tesco Plc. Implementing the practice of high involvement of the employees will be a better practice for the company Tesco Plc and this practice will influence the performance of Tesco Plc and also helps the company to improve its growth rate of the company compared to the competitors of the company.

In this entire study, there was a discussion on Tesco Plc, which is the largest retail company in the United Kingdom. There was also a discussion on the skills of the Junior HR manager as well as there was also a discussion on the difference between the Training, learning, and development of the Junior HR manager and the company. There was also a discussion on the learning goals of the HR manager needed in the organisation. There was also Kolb’s theory of the learning cycles in order to reflect the process of learning the knowledge and skills that are needed to achieve the individual objective and the organisation’s objective. Apart from these, there was also a discussion on the High-Performance of Working practices in the workplace. There is also a discussion on how High performance works in Tesco Plc and how it enhances the performance of the employees of the company. There was more information given in this study of High-performance working.

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Chiu, S.K., 2019. Innovative experiential learning experience: Pedagogical adopting Kolb’s learning cycle at higher education in Hong Kong.  Cogent Education ,  6 (1), p.1644720.

Ciobanu, A., Androniceanu, A. and Lazaroiu, G., 2019. An integrated psycho-sociological perspective on public employees’ motivation and performance.  Frontiers in psychology ,  10 , p.36.

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Hamadamin, H.H. and Atan, T., 2019. The impact of strategic human resource management practices on competitive advantage sustainability: The mediation of human capital development and employee commitment.  Sustainability ,  11 (20), p.5782.

Holmes, N.G. and Smith, E.M., 2019. Operationalizing the AAPT learning goals for the lab.  The Physics Teacher ,  57 (5), pp.296-299. 

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  7. UNIT 35 Developing Individuals, Teams and Organisations Assignment (Doc)

    Performing. organizations frequently develop the skills of their employees by training their employees, the offering of mentorship programs as well as critical assignments. The case in this. discussion will show how individuals and teams need development in an organization. Developing individuals and groups will lead to the development of the ...

  8. Unit 35 Developing Individuals, Teams and Organisations

    The aim of this unit is to provide students with the opportunity to appreciate that developing knowledge and skills to achieve high performance is a cross-organisation activity. Students will recognise that their own professional development is just one route to improving the performance of those teams and organisations in which they work.

  9. Developing Individuals, Teams and Organisations

    Partial preview of the text. Download Developing Individuals, Teams and Organisations and more Assignments Organizations and Society in PDF only on Docsity! Information Team or groups are a very important and a vital factor for today's corporate sector, team development refers to the process of efficiently working together towards a committed ...

  10. Unit 35 Developing Individuals, Teams, Organisations

    The team who are working for the organization needs to focus more on the business, and only through this, the organization will be able to attain the targeted goals. Developing Individuals, teams, organisations assignment is based on Dosa Plaza, which is a small chain restaurant in India, and it operates in four countries through its 72 outlets.

  11. Unit 35 Developing Individuals, Teams and Organisations

    INTRODUCTION. Developing an individual or team is the responsibility of a human resource manager within an organisation. HR manager is accountable to perform various functions for determining the requirement of their team members and provide required training as well as sources to improve their performance. This report is based on Whirlpool's case study which is an American multinational ...

  12. GBS Unit 35 developing individuals, teams, and organziations

    Unit 35 Developing Individuals, Teams, and Organisations. Student name: Student ID: Introduction The report focuses on developing individuals, teams, and organisations and finding the associated activities contributing to the business running process. The long-term success of the company depends on the activities of employment.

  13. Developing Individuals, Teams and Organisations

    1. Analyse employee knowledge, skills and behaviours required by HR professionals. 2. Analyse the factors to be considered when implementing and evaluating inclusive learning and development to drive sustainable business performance. 3. Apply knowledge and understanding to the ways in which high-performance working (HPW) contributes to employee ...

  14. PDF Unit 46: Developing Individuals, Teams and Organisations

    LO2 Evaluate the ways in which performance management, can support high-performance culture and commitment. LO1, LO2 and LO3. D1 Synthesise knowledge and information to make appropriate judgements on how HPW supports improved employee engagement, commitment and competitive advantage. P2 Evaluate different approaches to performance management ...

  15. Developing Individuals, Teams and Organisations

    Developing Individuals, Teams and Organisations. INTRODUCTION Development of particular person and group is mandatory i.e. it is the duty of Human Resource manager of a company. HR manger has to execute certain roles and functions to identify the basic needs of their members and issue them accurate sources which help in improving their ...

  16. Developing Individuals teams and organizations.docx

    Assignment: Developing Individuals, Teams and Organisations Unit code: A/508/0594 Unit Number and Title 35 Developing Individuals, Teams and Organisations Assignment Title Personal and Professional Development Submission Format The submission is in the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a concise, formal business style using 1.5 spacing and font size 12.

  17. Unit 35: Developing Individuals, Teams, and Organisations assignment

    Assignment Solution on Developing Individuals, Teams, and Organisations in the UK. The development of an individual's, team's, or organization's skillsets is a long process that requires dedication and focus. It also relies on the right tools for the job to be successful. This article will explore how we can develop individuals, teams ...

  18. Defining What Your Team Does

    The author was serving as a technical expert within a Fortune 100 company and then was put in charge of a team of fourteen individuals. Based on prior career responsibilities, the author preferred organizational assignments as a technical expert, but in an organization where layoffs occurred on more than a yearly basis, the author accepted the position to manage a primarily non-technical team.

  19. Developing Individuals, Teams, and Organizations: Assessment

    I NDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT D EVELOPING INDIVIDUALS, TEAMS AND ORGANIZATIONS examples, case studies and images. The Report should be written in a professional format, making use of appropriate headings, columns, bullet points, titles, subtitles and charts. Citations and a bibliography using the Harvard system should be given. Inaccurate use of referencing may lead to issues of plagiarism if not ...

  20. Developing Individuals, Teams and Organizations Assignment Sample

    Introduction Of Developing Individuals, Teams and Organizations. High-performance working (HPW) and culture play a big part in today's fast-paced corporate environment in enabling sustainable business performance (Rehman et al., 2022).To achieve HPW, human resources must be used in a way that meets the strategic and operational needs of the organisation.

  21. Assessment of Developing Individuals, Teams, and Organizations

    I NDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT D EVELOPING INDIVIDUALS, TEAMS AND ORGANIZATIONS Signature: Date Verified : Unit 46: Developing Individuals, Teams & Organisations Assignment Brief Student Name/ID Number Clarries Andrea Netto Unit Number and Title Unit 46- Developing Individuals, Teams & Organisations Academic Year 2023 Unit Tutor Ms.Ruklani Assignment ...

  22. Developing Individuals, Teams and Organisations (DITO) Assignment

    Explore an assignment on developing individuals, teams, and organizations (DITO), delving into strategies for personal and collective growth. +44 203 318 3300 +61 2 7908 3995 [email protected] My Account. ... Introduction - Developing Individuals, Teams and Organisations.