Edit a front page for project

Free Cover Page templates

Create impressive cover pages for your assignments and projects online in just a click. choose from hundreds of free templates and customize them with edit.org..

Create impressive cover pages in a few minutes with Edit.org, and give your projects and assignments a professional and unique touch. A well-designed title page or project front page can positively impact your professor's opinion of your homework, which can improve your final grade!

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Create a personalized report cover page

After writing the whole report, dissertation, or paper, which is the hardest part, you should now create a cover page that suits the rest of the project. Part of the grade for your work depends on the first impression of the teacher who corrects it.

We know not everyone is a professional designer, and that's why Edit.org wants to help you. Having a professional title page can give the impression you've put a great deal of time and effort into your assignment, as well as the impression you take the subject very seriously. Thanks to Edit.org, everyone can become a professional designer. This way, you'll only have to worry about doing a great job on your assignment.

On the editor, you will also find free resume templates  and other educational and professional designs.

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Customize an essay cover page with Edit.org

  • Go to formats on the home page and choose Cover pages.
  • Choose the template that best suits the project.
  • You can add your images or change the template background color.
  • Add your report information and change the font type and colors if needed.
  • Save and download it. The cover page is ready to make your work shine!

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Free editable templates for title pages

As you can see, it's simple to create cover pages for schoolwork and it won’t take much time. We recommend using the same colors on the cover as the ones you used for your essay titles to create a cohesive design. It’s also crucial to add the name and logo of the institution for which you are doing the essay. A visually attractive project is likely to be graded very well, so taking care of the small details will make your work look professional.

On Edit.org, you can also reuse all your designs and adapt them to different projects. Thanks to the users' internal memory, you can access and edit old templates anytime and anywhere.

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Take a look at other options we propose on the site. Edit.org helps design flyers, business cards, and other designs useful in the workplace. The platform was created so you don't need to have previous design knowledge to achieve a spectacular cover page! Start your cover page design now.

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You can enter our free graphic editor from your phone, tablet or computer. The process is 100% online, fun and intuitive. Just click on what you want to modify. Customize your cover page quickly and easily. You don't need any design skills. No Photoshop skills. Just choose a template from this article or from the final waterfall and customize it to your liking. Writing first and last names, numbers, additional information or texts will be as easy as writing in a Word document.

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Assignment Front Page Format, Design, and PDF File

Today we are sharing the assignment first page format for schools and college students. This format very useful for students for their assignment submission in school, college and university. You can also download this assignment front page design in word file format.

Note: There is a no specific and pre-defined format for assignment cover page. The front page of assignment define by school, college, university, etc. But there is general format for assignment submission which is use globally. You can change or modified this format according to you.

Assignment front cover

1. Assignment Front Page Format

2. assignment cover page design.

Assignment Front Page Format

3. Download Assignment Design PDF & Word File

Here you can download the assignment front page format in word download. You can easily download assignment design file and edit it as per your need. You can also find this files in your Microsoft Office. Choose you best assignment front page design and impress your teachers or professors.

Assignment Front Page Format Word File

Source File & Credit: Microsoft Office

Use Microsoft Word to edit this file. You can easily edit this file in Microsoft Office. Replace the file with your college name, logo, etc.

Assignment is a very crucial part in academic. Your project report front page or assignment first page design play an important role like first impression is last impression. If you impress your processor or teacher then you will score good mark.

See More: General Topics for Presentation

  • Current Students

Counting on Justice for Evan Gershkovich ’14

The plight of jailed Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich ’14 is never far from the thoughts of many on campus, and it’s now front and center for those who pass through Smith Union.

Evan Gershkovich counter in Smith Union

The monitor that hangs at the union’s hub—near the mail center, C-store, and entrance to Morrell Lounge—features a counter that ticks off the number of days Gershkovich has been detained in Russia.

Mason Daugherty ’25, who is part of the WBOR management team, first considered adding a counter to the station’s homepage but realized the unused monitor in Smith Union might be just the well-trafficked spot to put the quiet but important message.

“Over time, it’s easy to lose hope in situations like this,” Daugherty said. “Additionally, life moves on, making it inevitable that issues like these gradually fade from our collective consciousness. That’s a dangerous slope to go down, especially when the stakes are as high as they are." 

A computer science and digital and computational studies coordinate major from Dallas, Texas, Daugherty says he acquired the skillset necessary to pull together a counter like this himself after consultation with director of security Randy Nichols and Jason Pelletier, senior director of client services and technology.

Gershkovich was arrested on March 29, 2023, while on assignment for  The Wall Street Journal  in the Russian city of Yekaterinburg. Facing unsubstantiated charges of espionage, Gershkovich will likely remain in Moscow’s Lefortovo prison until at least June 30, while he awaits a trial date.

This page features regular updates on court proceedings. Click   here  to learn how you can support Evan Gershkovich.

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What is a one-pager? Examples, rules, template

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Communication is key to being a great product manager, and one of the most common questions we get is, “What are you working on next?”

What Is A One-Pager? Examples, Rules, Template

A one-pager is a great way to align the various departments in your business and ensure that your products have the support they need to be successful.

What is a one-pager?

A one-pager is a succinct and strategic document, typically restricted to a single page, designed to provide a comprehensive overview of a product, project, or idea to foster alignment and clarity among stakeholders.

Unlike lengthy traditional business documents, a one-pager distills the essence of the matter in a clear, concise manner, making it an essential tool for efficient communication and decision-making in fast-paced business environments.

Presenting key details, objectives, and the value proposition in a condensed format enables stakeholders from various departments to swiftly grasp the essence of the initiative and rally behind it.

How are one-pagers used in product management?

Put yourself in the shoes of a head of sales: a product manager comes up to you and says, “Oh, by the way, we’re launching this big new feature tomorrow. Just thought I’d let you know.”

Your first reaction would probably be to express frustration; only finding out about a new feature the day before release means that you’re now pressured to come up with all of the documentation and training for the team to support this new feature in one day. Have we got the right marketing materials? How do we sell this thing? What does it even do?

There are still so many unanswered questions that it’s unlikely this feature will get the support it needs to succeed. This is a surefire way to frustrate everyone involved in building your product.

As a product manager, there are many different departments that you have to interact with — engineering, sales, customer support, implementation, marketing, etc. — and you need a way to quickly get all of these disparate departments aligned on what you’re doing so they can support the product development process effectively.

A one-pager enables you to distribute a single, concise document that everyone can read and understand to know what’s being worked on. If anyone has a question about the new feature, they can just quickly and easily refer to this document to understand exactly what you’re delivering and why.

What a one-pager isn’t

To better understand what a one-pager is, it’s good to review what it isn’t.

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A one-pager is not a:

Project plan

Product requirements document (prd), business case.

Project plans are a relic of the old waterfall way of working — that is, having a specific project plan created by a project manager, with timelines and Gantt charts to show what specific deliverables will be completed and when. These tend to be very static documents and don’t mesh well with the modern way of product development.

Product requirements documents (PRDs) tend to follow a priority system, such as MoSCoW, detailing the specifics of both the feature and functionality. These can be many pages long and are generally used word-for-word as a guide for the engineering team to deliver a new solution.

PRDs are often fairly immutable. They are written upfront and then pushed into the delivery cycle. This is essentially a rebranded version of a project plan.

A business case generally is a larger, more formal document that outlines financial investment and returns for a product as well as target markets, competition, financial projections, and marketing strategies for a feature. Generally, this type of document is used to get buy-in from an executive team for a long-term project that’s delivered using waterfall.

All of these forms of documentation are outdated and don’t work well in conjunction with modern software development practices. They’re all too slow and cumbersome to be useful, and they tend to be extremely prescriptive with their descriptions. That’s where the idea of the one-pager comes in.

Popular one-pager models

There are a few different ways you can frame a one-pager. One traditional way is to create a succinct PRD, but as we discussed earlier, this type of documentation is outmoded. Even the mere mention of the word “requirements” can be enough to set a poor precedent for the business (think “customer requirements” for a contract deal).

So what are some alternative, more modern models we can turn to?

The Amazon press release

The shape up pitch document, the lean canvas.

According to Ian McAllister , a Director at Amazon , they use the idea of ‘working backwards’ and start with an internal press release announcing the product. This document gives a high-level view of what the new product will do and how it’s better than previous or alternative solutions. He also mentions that there should be no technical speak or specifications as this is a document that should be targeted at the customers who will use the product, and not just to engineers who might be building it.

Some of the benefits of the press release are that it’s easy to manipulate, understandable by a wide range of audiences, and forces the Product Manager to articulate the benefits and customer problems in a very narrow scope. The fact that this is designed to be a short document also means that it’s easily editable before any technical work gets completed, to make sure that the end result will actually deliver the right level of value to customers that the PM expects.

As with anything, there are also downsides to this approach, one of which is that the press release might corner the engineering team into trying to solve a problem that is technically extremely complex, I’ve seen this happen when someone comes up with a fantastic idea and everyone agrees that it would be a game-changer only to get to the engineering team and find out that you’d have to invent completely new technology to enable it – this could be either complex or even impossible depending on the situation.

The Shape Up methodology calls for using a pitch document  to present at the betting table for assessment. They describe the pitch as follows:

The purpose of the pitch is to present a good potential bet. It’s basically a presentation. The ingredients are all the things that we need to both capture the work done so far and present it in a form that will enable the people who schedule projects to make an informed bet.

Here is an example of what a pitch document looks like:

Basecamp Pitch Document Example

The key elements inside the pitch document are:

  • Problem — The raw idea, a use case, or something we’ve seen that motivates us to work on this
  • Appetite — How much time we want to spend and how that constrains the solution
  • Solution — The core elements we came up with, presented in a form that’s easy for people to immediately understand
  • Rabbit holes — Details about the solution worth calling out to avoid problems
  • No-go — Anything specifically excluded from the concept: functionality or use cases we intentionally aren’t covering to fit the appetite or make the problem tractable

Again, there are positives and negatives to this type of one-pager. It is a clear and succinct document that can be shared among the team to gain alignment quickly. It also helps you consider the potential pitfalls of the project and set limits on what you’re going to work on (using the “no-go” section).

The negatives are that this type of document might not have enough of the business side of the proposition to convince other departments of the relevance of the problem to the overall business objectives.

A Lean Canvas is a single, visual document that outlines all the critical aspects you need to consider when moving from a potential idea to a mature business:

Lean Canvas

The Lean Canvas has become quite synonymous with one-pagers. It sounds great on paper (pun intended), but it’s showing its age a bit when compared to the slightly more modern alternatives listed above.

There is also the obvious fact that a lean canvas tends to be landscape on an A3 page, which is stretching the whole concept of a one-pager in general.

There are also some superfluous sections in the Lean Canvas that can be removed to make it more streamlined, specifically the “unfair advantage,” “early adopters,” “cost structure,” and “revenue streams” information. Those are more business-specific and don’t need to be part of a product development one-pager.

4 rules for creating one-pagers

From the examples above, there are many different ways to approach the one-pager, but it’s important to follow a few key rules:

  • Keep it to one page! If you find yourself spilling onto page two, then you need to spend more time understanding the problem so you can articulate it more concisely
  • What is the customer’s problem?
  • How is this problem related to our business objectives?
  • What are our solution options?
  • How will we measure success?
  • The one-pager is a living document. Always be looking to make it more effective.
  • Share this document early and often within your business to make sure all departments get a chance to add their input, as well as to maintain strong alignment between all your teams

How to create a one-pager (3 steps)

So the question you’re probably asking is: ‘What’s the best one-pager for me?’

As with everything, it depends. Whichever model you decide to use as a template, it’s important to follow some simple rules when creating a one-pager for your business. It’s likely that the one-pager you developed for a business that you worked at previously can’t be used exactly the same way at the next business, which is where the idea of a living document comes into play.

Being able to use some core ideas and guiding principles means you can create a new one-pager that fits in wherever you end up working, no matter the structure. The steps below serve as a good starting point and template when creating your own one-pagers:

  • Answer key questions
  • Share early and often
  • Create a living document

1. Answer key questions

  • What is the customer problem we’re trying to solve?
  • What’s the current solution (if any)?
  • How does this relate to our business objectives (for the quarter/OKRs)?
  • What are our solution ideas? (do we need links to tech docs)?
  • How do we market this?

2. Share early and often

There’s no point in developing a streamlined one-pager that is still only siloed within the product management team. It’s important that as soon as there’s enough content in the document, it gets shared amongst all the different departments so that they can comment and add their feedback and knowledge before it gets to any prioritization meetings.

3. Create a living document

There’s nothing worse than putting something into practice with the idea that this is the final answer and never evolving it. This is the pitfall that companies have fallen into over the last 30 years with software development, so it’s important to not let that type of thinking seep into other areas of the business, such as when we document problems to be solved by our business.

One-pager template

Use the following template should help you get started building a one-pager:

  • Write a concise description of the problem that the customer is facing here.
  • Are customers using a workaround? Can you manually do this in the background for them? Are there any third party apps that they are using to get around this right now?
  • Why is solving this problem right now important for our business? What objective are we looking to hit by solving this problem?
  • Describe a basic solution idea, maybe a wireframe or fat marker sketch. If you need more detail you can link out to a technical document done by an engineer.
  • What marketing materials will we need to launch this? E.g. FAQ, how-to, pricing, marketing site updates, updated sales decks, etc.
  • What metrics will we use to measure whether or not we’ve successfully solved this problem for our customers?

You can access this one-pager template as a Google Doc here (to use the template, first select File > Make a copy from the main menu).

One-pager example

The following is an example of what a one-pager might look like for a new product feature:

  • Many users struggle with organizing their saved content, leading to inefficiency and frustration.
  • Users currently use third-party bookmarking tools or manual folder systems, which do not integrate well with our platform.
  • By addressing this problem, we aim to increase user engagement on our platform by 20 percent and reduce the churn rate by 5 percent within the next quarter.
  • Introduce a “Smart Organizer” feature that automatically categorizes saved content based on keywords, source, and user preferences. [Link to wireframe]
  • Launch a teaser campaign on social media highlighting the benefits of “Smart Organizer”
  • Host webinars to demonstrate the feature and gather initial feedback
  • Update our FAQ section, create how-to guides, and integrate the feature’s details into our marketing materials and sales decks
  • 25 percent increase in saved content within the first month
  • 15 percent reduction in third-party bookmarking tool mentions in our feedback system
  • 10 percent increase in user satisfaction regarding content organization

Key takeaways

For product managers, a one-pager is one of the most effective ways to achieve alignment between different areas of your business and rally teams around a singular customer problem that the business wants to solve. It is a modern form of internal communication that is much more concise and effective than old methods such as PRDs and project plans.

When coming up with your one-pager template, there are quite a few examples out there with different structures, from Amazon’s “press release” approach to the Shape Up “pitch document” method. But what’s more important than using a template is that the content works for your specific business situation.

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WSJ Marks Evan Gershkovich’s 1-Year Detention With Stunning Blank Front Page

“His story should be here,” the headline boldly reads over a gaping blank front page across Wall Street Journal newspapers distributed Friday.

The powerful print marks exactly one year since American journalist and WSJ correspondent Evan Gershkovich was arrested in Russia  on espionage charges. Gershkovich, The Wall Street Journal and the U.S. government have denied the alleged crimes, which a trial date has yet to be set for.

His actual crime is “journalism,” The Wall Street Journal asserts at the top of its newspaper recognizing his “one year stolen”: “A year of stolen stories, stolen joys, stolen memories.”

“It is well past time for this talented reporter and innocent man to come home,” the paper’s editor-in-chief, Emma Tucker, said in an open letter Friday that recognized not just Gershkovich’s capture, but the detention of hundreds of other journalists in global, targeted attacks on the free press.

“Evan has shown remarkable willpower, strength and even humor during his wrongful detention. We are amazed at his—and his family’s—steadfastness in the face of such a harrowing ordeal,” Tucker wrote. “But their fortitude doesn’t change the fact that Evan’s detention is a blatant attack on the rights of the free press at a time when evidence abounds around the globe of the vital role that quality journalism plays in our society’s understanding of world events and in bearing witness to history.”

“We know that he is innocent of what he’s being accused of. He’s a journalist,” Gershkovich’s father, Mikhail Gershkovich, told The Wall Street Journal in a sit-down interview with wife Ella Milman ahead of the anniversary of their son’s capture.

Milman said that she stays up late to follow overseas court hearings for updates and to potentially catch a glimpse of her son, who she said appears well, though she suspects he is putting on a front for his family’s well-being.

“He put the bar up high and we need to follow his example,” she said while acknowledging their anguish. “I miss my son.”

Evan Gershkovich was taken into custody while on assignment in Yekaterinburg on March 29, 2023. He was accredited by the Russian Foreign Ministry to work as a journalist when he was detained and thrown into a Moscow jail cell.

“Journalism is not a crime,” U.S. President Joe Biden said in his own  statement Friday recognizing Gershkovich’s one-year detention. Biden vowed to continue working to secure the journalist’s release and to continue denouncing and imposing costs upon Russia for its “appalling attempts to use Americans as bargaining chips.”

Other Americans deemed wrongfully detained by Russia include former U.S. Marine Paul Whelan, who was arrested in 2018 and accused of spying. Russia in late 2022 released WNBA player Brittney Griner , who was held on drug charges, in exchange for the release of Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, in an interview last month, said that he believes “an agreement can be reached” in Gershkovich’s capture too.

Foreign affairs experts say that Putin likely feels no urgency in brokering a deal, however, and that he will wait until it fully benefits him.

“If Putin thinks he can gain a better PR coup by waiting for a more favorable opportunity to negotiate under a Trump presidency, then he will be perfectly content to do this,” Precious Chatterje-Doody, a senior lecturer in politics and international studies at The Open University in England, recently told HuffPost while speculating on former President Donald Trump’s 2024 reelection campaign.

Fiona Hill, who served as a Russia specialist in the Trump White House, also told The Wall Street Journal  that Putin “will take more and more Americans.”

“He has figured out he can exploit our domestic preoccupations and anxieties,” she told the outlet.

  • Evan Gershkovich Has Been Jailed In Russia For A Full Year. What Will It Take To Free Him?
  • Tucker Carlson Asks Putin To Release Journalist Evan Gershkovich
  • Russia Extends Detention Of U.S. Reporter Evan Gershkovich
  • WSJ Reporter Evan Gershkovich's Parents Recall Visiting Their Son In Russian Jail

WSJ Marks Evan Gershkovich’s One-Year Detention With Stunning Blank Page (Photo: WSJ)


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  20. What is a one-pager? Examples, rules, template

    A one-pager is a succinct and strategic document, typically restricted to a single page, designed to provide a comprehensive overview of a product, project, or idea to foster alignment and clarity among stakeholders. Unlike lengthy traditional business documents, a one-pager distills the essence of the matter in a clear, concise manner, making ...

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    Evan Gershkovich was taken into custody while on assignment in Yekaterinburg on March 29, 2023. He was accredited by the Russian Foreign Ministry to work as a journalist when he was detained and ...